def x(self, loadbalancer, html): uri = '/loadbalancers/%s/errorpage' % utils.get_id(loadbalancer) req_body = {'errorpage': {'content': html}} resp, body = self.api.method_put(uri, body=req_body) return body
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, loadbalancer, html):\n uri = '/loadbalancers/%s/errorpage' % utils.get_id(loadbalancer)\n req_body = {'errorpage': {'content': html}}\n resp, body = self.api.method_put(uri, body=req_body)\n return body\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "set_error_page", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, loadbalancer=None, start=None, end=None): if start is end is None: period = None else: parts = [] startStr = utils.iso_time_string(start) if startStr: parts.append('startTime=%s' % startStr) endStr = utils.iso_time_string(end) if endStr: parts.append('endTime=%s' % endStr) period = '&'.join(parts).strip('&') if loadbalancer is None: uri = '/loadbalancers/usage' else: uri = '/loadbalancers/%s/usage' % utils.get_id(loadbalancer) if period: uri = '%s?%s' % (uri, period) resp, body = self.api.method_get(uri) return body
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, loadbalancer=None, start=None, end=None):\n if start is end is None:\n period = None\n else:\n parts = []\n startStr = utils.iso_time_string(start)\n if startStr:\n parts.append('startTime=%s' % startStr)\n endStr = utils.iso_time_string(end)\n if endStr:\n parts.append('endTime=%s' % endStr)\n period = '&'.join(parts).strip('&')\n if loadbalancer is None:\n uri = '/loadbalancers/usage'\n else:\n uri = '/loadbalancers/%s/usage' % utils.get_id(loadbalancer)\n if period:\n uri = '%s?%s' % (uri, period)\n resp, body = self.api.method_get(uri)\n return body\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "get_usage", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, loadbalancer): uri = '/loadbalancers/%s/sessionpersistence' % utils.get_id(loadbalancer) resp, body = self.api.method_get(uri) ret = body['sessionPersistence'].get('persistenceType', '') return ret
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, loadbalancer):\n uri = '/loadbalancers/%s/sessionpersistence' % utils.get_id(loadbalancer)\n resp, body = self.api.method_get(uri)\n ret = body['sessionPersistence'].get('persistenceType', '')\n return ret\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "get_session_persistence", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, loadbalancer, val): val = val.upper() uri = '/loadbalancers/%s/sessionpersistence' % utils.get_id(loadbalancer) req_body = {'sessionPersistence': {'persistenceType': val}} resp, body = self.api.method_put(uri, body=req_body) return body
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, loadbalancer, val):\n val = val.upper()\n uri = '/loadbalancers/%s/sessionpersistence' % utils.get_id(loadbalancer)\n req_body = {'sessionPersistence': {'persistenceType': val}}\n resp, body = self.api.method_put(uri, body=req_body)\n return body\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "set_session_persistence", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, loadbalancer): uri = '/loadbalancers/%s/connectionlogging' % utils.get_id(loadbalancer) resp, body = self.api.method_get(uri) ret = body.get('connectionLogging', {}).get('enabled', False) return ret
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, loadbalancer):\n uri = '/loadbalancers/%s/connectionlogging' % utils.get_id(loadbalancer)\n resp, body = self.api.method_get(uri)\n ret = body.get('connectionLogging', {}).get('enabled', False)\n return ret\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "get_connection_logging", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, loadbalancer, val): uri = '/loadbalancers/%s/connectionlogging' % utils.get_id(loadbalancer) val = str(val).lower() req_body = {'connectionLogging': {'enabled': val}} resp, body = self.api.method_put(uri, body=req_body) return body
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, loadbalancer, val):\n uri = '/loadbalancers/%s/connectionlogging' % utils.get_id(loadbalancer)\n val = str(val).lower()\n req_body = {'connectionLogging': {'enabled': val}}\n resp, body = self.api.method_put(uri, body=req_body)\n return body\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "set_connection_logging", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, lb_or_id): if isinstance(lb_or_id, CloudLoadBalancer): ret = lb_or_id else: ret = self.get(lb_or_id) return ret
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, lb_or_id):\n if isinstance(lb_or_id, CloudLoadBalancer):\n ret = lb_or_id\n else:\n ret = self.get(lb_or_id)\n return ret\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "get_lb", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self): return {'address': self.address, 'port': self.port, 'condition': self. condition, 'type': self.type, 'id':}
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self):\n return {'address': self.address, 'port': self.port, 'condition': self.\n condition, 'type': self.type, 'id':}\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "to_dict", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self): diff = self._diff() if not diff: return self.parent.update_node(self, diff)
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self):\n diff = self._diff()\n if not diff:\n return\n self.parent.update_node(self, diff)\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "update", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self): addr = self.address servers = [server for server in pyrax.cloudservers.list() if addr in server.networks.get('private', '')] try: return servers[0] except IndexError: return None
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self):\n addr = self.address\n servers = [server for server in pyrax.cloudservers.list() if addr in\n server.networks.get('private', '')]\n try:\n return servers[0]\n except IndexError:\n return None\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "get_device", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self): if return {'id':} return {'type': self.type, 'ipVersion': self.ip_version}
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self):\n if\n return {'id':}\n return {'type': self.type, 'ipVersion': self.ip_version}\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "to_dict", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self): self._manager = CloudLoadBalancerManager(self, resource_class= CloudLoadBalancer, response_key='loadBalancer', uri_base= 'loadbalancers')
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self):\n self._manager = CloudLoadBalancerManager(self, resource_class=\n CloudLoadBalancer, response_key='loadBalancer', uri_base=\n 'loadbalancers')\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "configure_manager", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, loadbalancer=None, start=None, end=None): return self._manager.get_usage(loadbalancer=loadbalancer, start=start, end=end)
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, loadbalancer=None, start=None, end=None):\n return self._manager.get_usage(loadbalancer=loadbalancer, start=start,\n end=end)\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "get_usage", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self): if self._allowed_domains is None: uri = '/loadbalancers/alloweddomains' resp, body = self.method_get(uri) dom_list = body['allowedDomains'] self._allowed_domains = [itm['allowedDomain']['name'] for itm in dom_list] return self._allowed_domains
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self):\n if self._allowed_domains is None:\n uri = '/loadbalancers/alloweddomains'\n resp, body = self.method_get(uri)\n dom_list = body['allowedDomains']\n self._allowed_domains = [itm['allowedDomain']['name'] for itm in\n dom_list]\n return self._allowed_domains\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "allowed_domains", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self): if self._algorithms is None: uri = '/loadbalancers/algorithms' resp, body = self.method_get(uri) self._algorithms = [alg['name'] for alg in body['algorithms']] return self._algorithms
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self):\n if self._algorithms is None:\n uri = '/loadbalancers/algorithms'\n resp, body = self.method_get(uri)\n self._algorithms = [alg['name'] for alg in body['algorithms']]\n return self._algorithms\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "algorithms", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self): if self._protocols is None: uri = '/loadbalancers/protocols' resp, body = self.method_get(uri) self._protocols = [proto['name'] for proto in body['protocols']] return self._protocols
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self):\n if self._protocols is None:\n uri = '/loadbalancers/protocols'\n resp, body = self.method_get(uri)\n self._protocols = [proto['name'] for proto in body['protocols']]\n return self._protocols\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "protocols", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, loadbalancer, name=None, algorithm=None, protocol=None, halfClosed=None, port=None, timeout=None, httpsRedirect=None): return self._manager.update(loadbalancer, name=name, algorithm= algorithm, protocol=protocol, halfClosed=halfClosed, port=port, timeout=timeout, httpsRedirect=httpsRedirect)
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, loadbalancer, name=None, algorithm=None, protocol=None,\n halfClosed=None, port=None, timeout=None, httpsRedirect=None):\n return self._manager.update(loadbalancer, name=name, algorithm=\n algorithm, protocol=protocol, halfClosed=halfClosed, port=port,\n timeout=timeout, httpsRedirect=httpsRedirect)\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "update", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, loadbalancer, maxConnectionRate=None, maxConnections=None, minConnections=None, rateInterval=None): return loadbalancer.add_connection_throttle(maxConnectionRate= maxConnectionRate, maxConnections=maxConnections, minConnections= minConnections, rateInterval=rateInterval)
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, loadbalancer, maxConnectionRate=None, maxConnections=None,\n minConnections=None, rateInterval=None):\n return loadbalancer.add_connection_throttle(maxConnectionRate=\n maxConnectionRate, maxConnections=maxConnections, minConnections=\n minConnections, rateInterval=rateInterval)\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "add_connection_throttle", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, loadbalancer, securePort=None, enabled=None, secureTrafficOnly=None ): return loadbalancer.update_ssl_termination(securePort=securePort, enabled=enabled, secureTrafficOnly=secureTrafficOnly)
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, loadbalancer, securePort=None, enabled=None, secureTrafficOnly=None\n ):\n return loadbalancer.update_ssl_termination(securePort=securePort,\n enabled=enabled, secureTrafficOnly=secureTrafficOnly)\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "update_ssl_termination", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, loadbalancer, node, keys=None): return loadbalancer.delete_metadata_for_node(node, keys=keys)
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, loadbalancer, node, keys=None):\n return loadbalancer.delete_metadata_for_node(node, keys=keys)\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "delete_metadata_for_node", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(val, allow_zero=True): try: ret = int(val) except ValueError: print("Sorry, '%s' is not a valid integer." % val) return False if not allow_zero and ret == 0: print('Please enter a non-zero integer.') return False return ret
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(val, allow_zero=True):\n try:\n ret = int(val)\n except ValueError:\n print(\"Sorry, '%s' is not a valid integer.\" % val)\n return False\n if not allow_zero and ret == 0:\n print('Please enter a non-zero integer.')\n return False\n return ret\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "safe_int", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(response, body): if isinstance(response, dict): status = response.get('status_code') else: status = response.status_code cls = _code_map.get(int(status), ClientException) request_id = response.headers.get('x-compute-request-id') if body: message = 'n/a' details = 'n/a' if isinstance(body, dict): message = body.get('message') details = body.get('details') if message is details is None: error = body[next(iter(body))] if isinstance(error, dict): message = error.get('message', None) details = error.get('details', None) else: message = error details = None else: message = body return cls(code=status, message=message, details=details, request_id=request_id) else: return cls(code=status, request_id=request_id)
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(response, body):\n if isinstance(response, dict):\n status = response.get('status_code')\n else:\n status = response.status_code\n cls = _code_map.get(int(status), ClientException)\n request_id = response.headers.get('x-compute-request-id')\n if body:\n message = 'n/a'\n details = 'n/a'\n if isinstance(body, dict):\n message = body.get('message')\n details = body.get('details')\n if message is details is None:\n error = body[next(iter(body))]\n if isinstance(error, dict):\n message = error.get('message', None)\n details = error.get('details', None)\n else:\n message = error\n details = None\n else:\n message = body\n return cls(code=status, message=message, details=details,\n request_id=request_id)\n else:\n return cls(code=status, request_id=request_id)\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "from_response", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(fnc): @wraps(fnc) def x(self, img, *args, **kwargs): if not isinstance(img, Image): img = self._manager.get(img) return fnc(self, img, *args, **kwargs) return _wrapped
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(fnc):\n\n @wraps(fnc)\n def x(self, img, *args, **kwargs):\n if not isinstance(img, Image):\n img = self._manager.get(img)\n return fnc(self, img, *args, **kwargs)\n return _wrapped\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "assure_image", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, limit=None, marker=None, name=None, visibility=None, member_status=None, owner=None, tag=None, status=None, size_min=None, size_max=None, sort_key=None, sort_dir=None, return_raw=False): uri = '/%s' % self.uri_base qs = utils.dict_to_qs(dict(limit=limit, marker=marker, name=name, visibility=visibility, member_status=member_status, owner=owner, tag=tag, status=status, size_min=size_min, size_max=size_max, sort_key=sort_key, sort_dir=sort_dir)) if qs: uri = '%s?%s' % (uri, qs) return self._list(uri, return_raw=return_raw)
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, limit=None, marker=None, name=None, visibility=None,\n member_status=None, owner=None, tag=None, status=None, size_min=None,\n size_max=None, sort_key=None, sort_dir=None, return_raw=False):\n uri = '/%s' % self.uri_base\n qs = utils.dict_to_qs(dict(limit=limit, marker=marker, name=name,\n visibility=visibility, member_status=member_status, owner=owner,\n tag=tag, status=status, size_min=size_min, size_max=size_max,\n sort_key=sort_key, sort_dir=sort_dir))\n if qs:\n uri = '%s?%s' % (uri, qs)\n return self._list(uri, return_raw=return_raw)\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "list", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, name=None, visibility=None, member_status=None, owner=None, tag =None, status=None, size_min=None, size_max=None, sort_key=None, sort_dir=None): def x(uri): pos = uri.find('/images') return uri[pos:] obj_class = self.resource_class resp, resp_body = self.list(name=name, visibility=visibility, member_status=member_status, owner=owner, tag=tag, status=status, size_min=size_min, size_max=size_max, sort_key=sort_key, sort_dir= sort_dir, return_raw=True) data = resp_body.get(self.plural_response_key, resp_body) next_uri = strip_version(resp_body.get('next', '')) ret = [obj_class(manager=self, info=res) for res in data if res] while next_uri: resp, resp_body = self.api.method_get(next_uri) data = resp_body.get(self.plural_response_key, resp_body) next_uri = strip_version(resp_body.get('next', '')) ret.extend([obj_class(manager=self, info=res) for res in data if res]) return ret
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, name=None, visibility=None, member_status=None, owner=None, tag\n =None, status=None, size_min=None, size_max=None, sort_key=None,\n sort_dir=None):\n\n def x(uri):\n pos = uri.find('/images')\n return uri[pos:]\n obj_class = self.resource_class\n resp, resp_body = self.list(name=name, visibility=visibility,\n member_status=member_status, owner=owner, tag=tag, status=status,\n size_min=size_min, size_max=size_max, sort_key=sort_key, sort_dir=\n sort_dir, return_raw=True)\n data = resp_body.get(self.plural_response_key, resp_body)\n next_uri = strip_version(resp_body.get('next', ''))\n ret = [obj_class(manager=self, info=res) for res in data if res]\n while next_uri:\n resp, resp_body = self.api.method_get(next_uri)\n data = resp_body.get(self.plural_response_key, resp_body)\n next_uri = strip_version(resp_body.get('next', ''))\n ret.extend([obj_class(manager=self, info=res) for res in data if res])\n return ret\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "list_all", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, name, img_format=None, img_container_format=None, data=None, container=None, obj=None, metadata=None): if img_format is None: img_format = 'vhd' if img_container_format is None: img_container_format = 'bare' headers = {'X-Image-Meta-name': name, 'X-Image-Meta-disk_format': img_format, 'X-Image-Meta-container_format': img_container_format} if data: img_data = data else: ident = self.api.identity region = self.api.region_name clt = ident.get_client('object_store', region) if not isinstance(obj, StorageObject): obj = clt.get_object(container, obj) img_data = obj.fetch() uri = '%s/images' % self.uri_base resp, resp_body = self.api.method_post(uri, headers=headers, data=img_data)
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, name, img_format=None, img_container_format=None, data=None,\n container=None, obj=None, metadata=None):\n if img_format is None:\n img_format = 'vhd'\n if img_container_format is None:\n img_container_format = 'bare'\n headers = {'X-Image-Meta-name': name, 'X-Image-Meta-disk_format':\n img_format, 'X-Image-Meta-container_format': img_container_format}\n if data:\n img_data = data\n else:\n ident = self.api.identity\n region = self.api.region_name\n clt = ident.get_client('object_store', region)\n if not isinstance(obj, StorageObject):\n obj = clt.get_object(container, obj)\n img_data = obj.fetch()\n uri = '%s/images' % self.uri_base\n resp, resp_body = self.api.method_post(uri, headers=headers, data=img_data)\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "create", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, img, value_dict): img = self.get(img) uri = '/%s/%s' % (self.uri_base, utils.get_id(img)) body = [] for key, val in value_dict.items(): op = 'replace' if key in img.__dict__ else 'add' body.append({'op': op, 'path': '/%s' % key, 'value': val}) headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/openstack-images-v2.1-json-patch'} resp, resp_body = self.api.method_patch(uri, body=body, headers=headers)
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, img, value_dict):\n img = self.get(img)\n uri = '/%s/%s' % (self.uri_base, utils.get_id(img))\n body = []\n for key, val in value_dict.items():\n op = 'replace' if key in img.__dict__ else 'add'\n body.append({'op': op, 'path': '/%s' % key, 'value': val})\n headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/openstack-images-v2.1-json-patch'}\n resp, resp_body = self.api.method_patch(uri, body=body, headers=headers)\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "update", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, img_id, status): if status not in ('pending', 'accepted', 'rejected'): raise exc.InvalidImageMemberStatus( "The status value must be one of 'accepted', 'rejected', or 'pending'. Received: '%s'" % status) api = self.api project_id = api.identity.tenant_id uri = '/%s/%s/members/%s' % (self.uri_base, img_id, project_id) body = {'status': status} try: resp, resp_body = self.api.method_put(uri, body=body) except exc.NotFound as e: raise exc.InvalidImageMember( 'The update member request could not be completed. No member request for that image was found.' )
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, img_id, status):\n if status not in ('pending', 'accepted', 'rejected'):\n raise exc.InvalidImageMemberStatus(\n \"The status value must be one of 'accepted', 'rejected', or 'pending'. Received: '%s'\"\n % status)\n api = self.api\n project_id = api.identity.tenant_id\n uri = '/%s/%s/members/%s' % (self.uri_base, img_id, project_id)\n body = {'status': status}\n try:\n resp, resp_body = self.api.method_put(uri, body=body)\n except exc.NotFound as e:\n raise exc.InvalidImageMember(\n 'The update member request could not be completed. No member request for that image was found.'\n )\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "update_image_member", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, name, *args, **kwargs): try: return super(ImageMemberManager, self).create(name, *args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: if e.http_status == 403: raise exc.UnsharableImage('You cannot share a public image.') else: raise
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, name, *args, **kwargs):\n try:\n return super(ImageMemberManager, self).create(name, *args, **kwargs)\n except Exception as e:\n if e.http_status == 403:\n raise exc.UnsharableImage('You cannot share a public image.')\n else:\n raise\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "create", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, name, img=None, cont=None, img_format=None, img_name=None): img = utils.get_id(img) cont = utils.get_name(cont) body = {'type': name} if name == 'export': body['input'] = {'image_uuid': img, 'receiving_swift_container': cont} else: nm = '%s/%s' % (cont, utils.get_name(img)) body['input'] = {'image_properties': {'name': img_name or img}, 'import_from': nm, 'import_from_format': img_format or DEFAULT_FORMAT} return body
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, name, img=None, cont=None, img_format=None, img_name=None):\n img = utils.get_id(img)\n cont = utils.get_name(cont)\n body = {'type': name}\n if name == 'export':\n body['input'] = {'image_uuid': img, 'receiving_swift_container': cont}\n else:\n nm = '%s/%s' % (cont, utils.get_name(img))\n body['input'] = {'image_properties': {'name': img_name or img},\n 'import_from': nm, 'import_from_format': img_format or\n DEFAULT_FORMAT}\n return body\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "create_body", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, name, *args, **kwargs): cont = kwargs.get('cont') if cont: api = self.api rgn = api.region_name cf = api.identity.object_store[rgn].client cf.get_container(cont) return super(ImageTasksManager, self).create(name, *args, **kwargs)
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, name, *args, **kwargs):\n cont = kwargs.get('cont')\n if cont:\n api = self.api\n rgn = api.region_name\n cf = api.identity.object_store[rgn].client\n cf.get_container(cont)\n return super(ImageTasksManager, self).create(name, *args, **kwargs)\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "create", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self): uri = '/%s/images' % self.uri_base resp, resp_body = self.api.method_get(uri) return resp_body
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self):\n uri = '/%s/images' % self.uri_base\n resp, resp_body = self.api.method_get(uri)\n return resp_body\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "images", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self): uri = '/%s/image' % self.uri_base resp, resp_body = self.api.method_get(uri) return resp_body
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self):\n uri = '/%s/image' % self.uri_base\n resp, resp_body = self.api.method_get(uri)\n return resp_body\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "image", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self): uri = '/%s/members' % self.uri_base resp, resp_body = self.api.method_get(uri) return resp_body
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self):\n uri = '/%s/members' % self.uri_base\n resp, resp_body = self.api.method_get(uri)\n return resp_body\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "image_members", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self): uri = '/%s/member' % self.uri_base resp, resp_body = self.api.method_get(uri) return resp_body
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self):\n uri = '/%s/member' % self.uri_base\n resp, resp_body = self.api.method_get(uri)\n return resp_body\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "image_member", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self): uri = '/%s/tasks' % self.uri_base resp, resp_body = self.api.method_get(uri) return resp_body
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self):\n uri = '/%s/tasks' % self.uri_base\n resp, resp_body = self.api.method_get(uri)\n return resp_body\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "image_tasks", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self): uri = '/%s/task' % self.uri_base resp, resp_body = self.api.method_get(uri) return resp_body
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self):\n uri = '/%s/task' % self.uri_base\n resp, resp_body = self.api.method_get(uri)\n return resp_body\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "image_task", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self): self._manager = ImageManager(self, resource_class=Image, response_key= '', plural_response_key='images', uri_base='images') self._tasks_manager = ImageTasksManager(self, resource_class=ImageTask, response_key='', plural_response_key='tasks', uri_base='tasks') self._schema_manager = JSONSchemaManager(self, resource_class=None, response_key='', plural_response_key='', uri_base='schemas')
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self):\n self._manager = ImageManager(self, resource_class=Image, response_key=\n '', plural_response_key='images', uri_base='images')\n self._tasks_manager = ImageTasksManager(self, resource_class=ImageTask,\n response_key='', plural_response_key='tasks', uri_base='tasks')\n self._schema_manager = JSONSchemaManager(self, resource_class=None,\n response_key='', plural_response_key='', uri_base='schemas')\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "configure_manager", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, limit=None, marker=None, name=None, visibility=None, member_status=None, owner=None, tag=None, status=None, size_min=None, size_max=None, sort_key=None, sort_dir=None): return self._manager.list(limit=limit, marker=marker, name=name, visibility=visibility, member_status=member_status, owner=owner, tag=tag, status=status, size_min=size_min, size_max=size_max, sort_key=sort_key, sort_dir=sort_dir)
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, limit=None, marker=None, name=None, visibility=None,\n member_status=None, owner=None, tag=None, status=None, size_min=None,\n size_max=None, sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):\n return self._manager.list(limit=limit, marker=marker, name=name,\n visibility=visibility, member_status=member_status, owner=owner,\n tag=tag, status=status, size_min=size_min, size_max=size_max,\n sort_key=sort_key, sort_dir=sort_dir)\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "list", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, name=None, visibility=None, member_status=None, owner=None, tag =None, status=None, size_min=None, size_max=None, sort_key=None, sort_dir=None): return self._manager.list_all(name=name, visibility=visibility, member_status=member_status, owner=owner, tag=tag, status=status, size_min=size_min, size_max=size_max, sort_key=sort_key, sort_dir= sort_dir)
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, name=None, visibility=None, member_status=None, owner=None, tag\n =None, status=None, size_min=None, size_max=None, sort_key=None,\n sort_dir=None):\n return self._manager.list_all(name=name, visibility=visibility,\n member_status=member_status, owner=owner, tag=tag, status=status,\n size_min=size_min, size_max=size_max, sort_key=sort_key, sort_dir=\n sort_dir)\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "list_all", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, name, img_format=None, data=None, container=None, obj=None, metadata=None): return self._manager.create(name, img_format, data=data, container= container, obj=obj)
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, name, img_format=None, data=None, container=None, obj=None,\n metadata=None):\n return self._manager.create(name, img_format, data=data, container=\n container, obj=obj)\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "create", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, img, cont): return self._tasks_manager.create('export', img=img, cont=cont)
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, img, cont):\n return self._tasks_manager.create('export', img=img, cont=cont)\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "export_task", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, img, cont, img_format=None, img_name=None): return self._tasks_manager.create('import', img=img, cont=cont, img_format=img_format, img_name=img_name)
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, img, cont, img_format=None, img_name=None):\n return self._tasks_manager.create('import', img=img, cont=cont,\n img_format=img_format, img_name=img_name)\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "import_task", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(key, val, env=None): return settings.set(key, val, env=env)
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(key, val, env=None):\n return settings.set(key, val, env=env)\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "set_setting", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(id_type=None, env=None, username=None, password=None, tenant_id=None, tenant_name=None, api_key=None, verify_ssl=None): if env: set_environment(env) return _create_identity(id_type=id_type, username=username, password= password, tenant_id=tenant_id, tenant_name=tenant_name, api_key= api_key, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, return_context=True)
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(id_type=None, env=None, username=None, password=None, tenant_id=None,\n tenant_name=None, api_key=None, verify_ssl=None):\n if env:\n set_environment(env)\n return _create_identity(id_type=id_type, username=username, password=\n password, tenant_id=tenant_id, tenant_name=tenant_name, api_key=\n api_key, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, return_context=True)\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "create_context", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(id_type=None, username=None, password=None, tenant_id=None, tenant_name=None, api_key=None, verify_ssl=None, return_context=False): if id_type: cls = _import_identity(id_type) else: cls = settings.get('identity_class') if not cls: raise exc.IdentityClassNotDefined( 'No identity class has been defined for the current environment.') if verify_ssl is None: verify_ssl = get_setting('verify_ssl') context = cls(username=username, password=password, tenant_id=tenant_id, tenant_name=tenant_name, api_key=api_key, verify_ssl=verify_ssl) if return_context: return context else: global identity identity = context
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(id_type=None, username=None, password=None, tenant_id=None,\n tenant_name=None, api_key=None, verify_ssl=None, return_context=False):\n if id_type:\n cls = _import_identity(id_type)\n else:\n cls = settings.get('identity_class')\n if not cls:\n raise exc.IdentityClassNotDefined(\n 'No identity class has been defined for the current environment.')\n if verify_ssl is None:\n verify_ssl = get_setting('verify_ssl')\n context = cls(username=username, password=password, tenant_id=tenant_id,\n tenant_name=tenant_name, api_key=api_key, verify_ssl=verify_ssl)\n if return_context:\n return context\n else:\n global identity\n identity = context\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "create_identity", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(fnc): def x(*args, **kwargs): if identity is None: _create_identity() return fnc(*args, **kwargs) return _wrapped
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(fnc):\n\n def x(*args, **kwargs):\n if identity is None:\n _create_identity()\n return fnc(*args, **kwargs)\n return _wrapped\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "assure_identity", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(fnc): @wraps(fnc) @_assure_identity def x(*args, **kwargs): if not identity.authenticated: msg = "Authentication required before calling '%s'." % fnc.__name__ raise exc.NotAuthenticated(msg) return fnc(*args, **kwargs) return _wrapped
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(fnc):\n\n @wraps(fnc)\n @_assure_identity\n def x(*args, **kwargs):\n if not identity.authenticated:\n msg = \"Authentication required before calling '%s'.\" % fnc.__name__\n raise exc.NotAuthenticated(msg)\n return fnc(*args, **kwargs)\n return _wrapped\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "require_auth", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(region=None, context=None): ret = region or settings.get('region') context = context or identity if not ret: if not context: _create_identity() context = identity ret = context.get_default_region() if not ret: try: ret = regions[0] except IndexError: ret = '' return ret
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(region=None, context=None):\n ret = region or settings.get('region')\n context = context or identity\n if not ret:\n if not context:\n _create_identity()\n context = identity\n ret = context.get_default_region()\n if not ret:\n try:\n ret = regions[0]\n except IndexError:\n ret = ''\n return ret\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "safe_region", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(token, tenant_id=None, tenant_name=None, region=None): global regions, services identity.auth_with_token(token, tenant_id=tenant_id, tenant_name= tenant_name) regions = tuple(identity.regions) services = tuple( connect_to_services(region=region)
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(token, tenant_id=None, tenant_name=None, region=None):\n global regions, services\n identity.auth_with_token(token, tenant_id=tenant_id, tenant_name=\n tenant_name)\n regions = tuple(identity.regions)\n services = tuple(\n connect_to_services(region=region)\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "auth_with_token", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(username, api_key=None, password=None, region=None, tenant_id=None, authenticate=True): global regions, services pw_key = password or api_key region = _safe_region(region) tenant_id = tenant_id or settings.get('tenant_id') identity.set_credentials(username=username, password=pw_key, tenant_id= tenant_id, region=region, authenticate=authenticate) regions = tuple(identity.regions) services = tuple( connect_to_services(region=region)
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(username, api_key=None, password=None, region=None, tenant_id=None,\n authenticate=True):\n global regions, services\n pw_key = password or api_key\n region = _safe_region(region)\n tenant_id = tenant_id or settings.get('tenant_id')\n identity.set_credentials(username=username, password=pw_key, tenant_id=\n tenant_id, region=region, authenticate=authenticate)\n regions = tuple(identity.regions)\n services = tuple(\n connect_to_services(region=region)\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "set_credentials", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(cred_file, region=None, authenticate=True): global regions, services region = _safe_region(region) identity.set_credential_file(cred_file, region=region, authenticate= authenticate) regions = tuple(identity.regions) services = tuple( connect_to_services(region=region)
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(cred_file, region=None, authenticate=True):\n global regions, services\n region = _safe_region(region)\n identity.set_credential_file(cred_file, region=region, authenticate=\n authenticate)\n regions = tuple(identity.regions)\n services = tuple(\n connect_to_services(region=region)\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "set_credential_file", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(username=None, region=None, authenticate=True): if not keyring: raise exc.KeyringModuleNotInstalled( "The 'keyring' Python module is not installed on this system.") if username is None: username = settings.get('keyring_username') if not username: raise exc.KeyringUsernameMissing( 'No username specified for keyring authentication.') password = keyring.get_password('pyrax', username) if password is None: raise exc.KeyringPasswordNotFound( "No password was found for the username '%s'." % username) set_credentials(username, password, region=region, authenticate= authenticate)
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(username=None, region=None, authenticate=True):\n if not keyring:\n raise exc.KeyringModuleNotInstalled(\n \"The 'keyring' Python module is not installed on this system.\")\n if username is None:\n username = settings.get('keyring_username')\n if not username:\n raise exc.KeyringUsernameMissing(\n 'No username specified for keyring authentication.')\n password = keyring.get_password('pyrax', username)\n if password is None:\n raise exc.KeyringPasswordNotFound(\n \"No password was found for the username '%s'.\" % username)\n set_credentials(username, password, region=region, authenticate=\n authenticate)\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "keyring_auth", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(): global identity, regions, services, cloudservers, cloudfiles, cloud_cdn global cloud_loadbalancers, cloud_databases, cloud_blockstorage, cloud_dns global cloud_networks, cloud_monitoring, autoscale, images, queues identity = None regions = tuple() services = tuple() cloudservers = None cloudfiles = None cloud_cdn = None cloud_loadbalancers = None cloud_databases = None cloud_blockstorage = None cloud_dns = None cloud_networks = None cloud_monitoring = None autoscale = None images = None queues = None
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x():\n global identity, regions, services, cloudservers, cloudfiles, cloud_cdn\n global cloud_loadbalancers, cloud_databases, cloud_blockstorage, cloud_dns\n global cloud_networks, cloud_monitoring, autoscale, images, queues\n identity = None\n regions = tuple()\n services = tuple()\n cloudservers = None\n cloudfiles = None\n cloud_cdn = None\n cloud_loadbalancers = None\n cloud_databases = None\n cloud_blockstorage = None\n cloud_dns = None\n cloud_networks = None\n cloud_monitoring = None\n autoscale = None\n images = None\n queues = None\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "clear_credentials", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(region=None): global cloudservers, cloudfiles, cloud_loadbalancers, cloud_databases global cloud_blockstorage, cloud_dns, cloud_networks, cloud_monitoring global autoscale, images, queues, cloud_cdn cloudservers = connect_to_cloudservers(region=region) cloudfiles = connect_to_cloudfiles(region=region) cloud_cdn = connect_to_cloud_cdn(region=region) cloud_loadbalancers = connect_to_cloud_loadbalancers(region=region) cloud_databases = connect_to_cloud_databases(region=region) cloud_blockstorage = connect_to_cloud_blockstorage(region=region) cloud_dns = connect_to_cloud_dns(region=region) cloud_networks = connect_to_cloud_networks(region=region) cloud_monitoring = connect_to_cloud_monitoring(region=region) autoscale = connect_to_autoscale(region=region) images = connect_to_images(region=region) queues = connect_to_queues(region=region)
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(region=None):\n global cloudservers, cloudfiles, cloud_loadbalancers, cloud_databases\n global cloud_blockstorage, cloud_dns, cloud_networks, cloud_monitoring\n global autoscale, images, queues, cloud_cdn\n cloudservers = connect_to_cloudservers(region=region)\n cloudfiles = connect_to_cloudfiles(region=region)\n cloud_cdn = connect_to_cloud_cdn(region=region)\n cloud_loadbalancers = connect_to_cloud_loadbalancers(region=region)\n cloud_databases = connect_to_cloud_databases(region=region)\n cloud_blockstorage = connect_to_cloud_blockstorage(region=region)\n cloud_dns = connect_to_cloud_dns(region=region)\n cloud_networks = connect_to_cloud_networks(region=region)\n cloud_monitoring = connect_to_cloud_monitoring(region=region)\n autoscale = connect_to_autoscale(region=region)\n images = connect_to_images(region=region)\n queues = connect_to_queues(region=region)\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "connect_to_services", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(context, svc, region=None, public=True): region = _safe_region(region) context = context or identity url_type = {(True): 'public', (False): 'private'}[public] svc_obj = if not svc_obj: return None ep = svc_obj.endpoints.get(region, {}).get(url_type) if not ep: ep = svc_obj.endpoints.get('ALL', {}).get(url_type) return ep
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(context, svc, region=None, public=True):\n region = _safe_region(region)\n context = context or identity\n url_type = {(True): 'public', (False): 'private'}[public]\n svc_obj =\n if not svc_obj:\n return None\n ep = svc_obj.endpoints.get(region, {}).get(url_type)\n if not ep:\n ep = svc_obj.endpoints.get('ALL', {}).get(url_type)\n return ep\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "get_service_endpoint", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(region=None, context=None, verify_ssl=None, **kwargs): context = context or identity _cs_auth_plugin.discover_auth_systems() id_type = get_setting('identity_type') if id_type != 'keystone': auth_plugin = _cs_auth_plugin.load_plugin(id_type) else: auth_plugin = None region = _safe_region(region, context=context) mgt_url = _get_service_endpoint(context, 'compute', region) cloudservers = None if not mgt_url: return if verify_ssl is None: insecure = not get_setting('verify_ssl') else: insecure = not verify_ssl try: extensions = nc.discover_extensions(_cs_max_version) except AttributeError: extensions = None clt_class = _cs_client.get_client_class(_cs_max_version) cloudservers = clt_class(context.username, context.password, project_id =context.tenant_id, auth_url=context.auth_endpoint, auth_system= id_type, region_name=region, service_type='compute', auth_plugin= auth_plugin, insecure=insecure, extensions=extensions, http_log_debug=_http_debug, **kwargs) agt = cloudservers.client.USER_AGENT cloudservers.client.USER_AGENT = _make_agent_name(agt) cloudservers.client.management_url = mgt_url cloudservers.client.auth_token = context.token cloudservers.exceptions = _cs_exceptions cloudservers.list_images = cloudservers.images.list cloudservers.list_flavors = cloudservers.flavors.list cloudservers.list = cloudservers.servers.list def x(): return [image for image in cloudservers.images.list() if not hasattr(image, 'server')] def x(): return [image for image in cloudservers.images.list() if hasattr( image, 'server')] def x(expr): return [image for image in cloudservers.images.list() if expr,, re.I)] cloudservers.list_base_images = list_base_images cloudservers.list_snapshots = list_snapshots cloudservers.find_images_by_name = find_images_by_name cloudservers.identity = identity return cloudservers
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(region=None, context=None, verify_ssl=None, **kwargs):\n context = context or identity\n _cs_auth_plugin.discover_auth_systems()\n id_type = get_setting('identity_type')\n if id_type != 'keystone':\n auth_plugin = _cs_auth_plugin.load_plugin(id_type)\n else:\n auth_plugin = None\n region = _safe_region(region, context=context)\n mgt_url = _get_service_endpoint(context, 'compute', region)\n cloudservers = None\n if not mgt_url:\n return\n if verify_ssl is None:\n insecure = not get_setting('verify_ssl')\n else:\n insecure = not verify_ssl\n try:\n extensions = nc.discover_extensions(_cs_max_version)\n except AttributeError:\n extensions = None\n clt_class = _cs_client.get_client_class(_cs_max_version)\n cloudservers = clt_class(context.username, context.password, project_id\n =context.tenant_id, auth_url=context.auth_endpoint, auth_system=\n id_type, region_name=region, service_type='compute', auth_plugin=\n auth_plugin, insecure=insecure, extensions=extensions,\n http_log_debug=_http_debug, **kwargs)\n agt = cloudservers.client.USER_AGENT\n cloudservers.client.USER_AGENT = _make_agent_name(agt)\n cloudservers.client.management_url = mgt_url\n cloudservers.client.auth_token = context.token\n cloudservers.exceptions = _cs_exceptions\n cloudservers.list_images = cloudservers.images.list\n cloudservers.list_flavors = cloudservers.flavors.list\n cloudservers.list = cloudservers.servers.list\n\n def x():\n return [image for image in cloudservers.images.list() if not\n hasattr(image, 'server')]\n\n def x():\n return [image for image in cloudservers.images.list() if hasattr(\n image, 'server')]\n\n def x(expr):\n return [image for image in cloudservers.images.list() if\n expr,, re.I)]\n cloudservers.list_base_images = list_base_images\n cloudservers.list_snapshots = list_snapshots\n cloudservers.find_images_by_name = find_images_by_name\n cloudservers.identity = identity\n return cloudservers\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "connect_to_cloudservers", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(region=None, public=None): if public is None: is_public = not bool(get_setting('use_servicenet')) else: is_public = public ret = _create_client(ep_name='object_store', region=region, public= is_public) if ret: region = _safe_region(region) ret.cdn_management_url = _get_service_endpoint(None, 'object_cdn', region, public=is_public) return ret
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(region=None, public=None):\n if public is None:\n is_public = not bool(get_setting('use_servicenet'))\n else:\n is_public = public\n ret = _create_client(ep_name='object_store', region=region, public=\n is_public)\n if ret:\n region = _safe_region(region)\n ret.cdn_management_url = _get_service_endpoint(None, 'object_cdn',\n region, public=is_public)\n return ret\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "connect_to_cloudfiles", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(region=None): global default_region if region in ['DFW', 'IAD', 'ORD', 'SYD', 'HKG']: return _create_client(ep_name='cdn', region='DFW') elif region in ['LON']: return _create_client(ep_name='cdn', region='LON') elif default_region in ['DFW', 'IAD', 'ORD', 'SYD', 'HKG']: return _create_client(ep_name='cdn', region='DFW') elif default_region in ['LON']: return _create_client(ep_name='cdn', region='LON') else: return _create_client(ep_name='cdn', region=region)
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(region=None):\n global default_region\n if region in ['DFW', 'IAD', 'ORD', 'SYD', 'HKG']:\n return _create_client(ep_name='cdn', region='DFW')\n elif region in ['LON']:\n return _create_client(ep_name='cdn', region='LON')\n elif default_region in ['DFW', 'IAD', 'ORD', 'SYD', 'HKG']:\n return _create_client(ep_name='cdn', region='DFW')\n elif default_region in ['LON']:\n return _create_client(ep_name='cdn', region='LON')\n else:\n return _create_client(ep_name='cdn', region=region)\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "connect_to_cloud_cdn", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(region=None, public=True): return _create_client(ep_name='image', region=region, public=public)
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(region=None, public=True):\n return _create_client(ep_name='image', region=region, public=public)\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "connect_to_images", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(region=None, public=True): return _create_client(ep_name='queues', region=region, public=public)
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(region=None, public=True):\n return _create_client(ep_name='queues', region=region, public=public)\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "connect_to_queues", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, key, env=None): if env is None: env = self.environment try: ret = self._settings[env][key] except KeyError: ret = None if ret is None: if key == 'identity_class': env_var = self.env_dct.get('identity_type') ityp = os.environ.get(env_var) if ityp: return _import_identity(ityp) else: env_var = self.env_dct.get(key) if env_var is not None: ret = os.environ.get(env_var) return ret
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, key, env=None):\n if env is None:\n env = self.environment\n try:\n ret = self._settings[env][key]\n except KeyError:\n ret = None\n if ret is None:\n if key == 'identity_class':\n env_var = self.env_dct.get('identity_type')\n ityp = os.environ.get(env_var)\n if ityp:\n return _import_identity(ityp)\n else:\n env_var = self.env_dct.get(key)\n if env_var is not None:\n ret = os.environ.get(env_var)\n return ret\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "get", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, key, val, env=None): if env is None: env = self.environment elif env not in self._settings: raise exc.EnvironmentNotFound("There is no environment named '%s'." % env) dct = self._settings[env] if key not in dct: raise exc.InvalidSetting("The setting '%s' is not defined." % key) dct[key] = val if key == 'identity_type': dct['identity_class'] = _import_identity(val) elif key == 'region': if not identity: return current = identity.region if current == val: return if 'LON' in (current, val): identity.region = val elif key == 'verify_ssl': if not identity: return identity.verify_ssl = val
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, key, val, env=None):\n if env is None:\n env = self.environment\n elif env not in self._settings:\n raise exc.EnvironmentNotFound(\"There is no environment named '%s'.\" %\n env)\n dct = self._settings[env]\n if key not in dct:\n raise exc.InvalidSetting(\"The setting '%s' is not defined.\" % key)\n dct[key] = val\n if key == 'identity_type':\n dct['identity_class'] = _import_identity(val)\n elif key == 'region':\n if not identity:\n return\n current = identity.region\n if current == val:\n return\n if 'LON' in (current, val):\n identity.region = val\n elif key == 'verify_ssl':\n if not identity:\n return\n identity.verify_ssl = val\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "set", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, config_file): cfg = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() try: except ConfigParser.MissingSectionHeaderError as e: raise exc.InvalidConfigurationFile(e) def x(section, option, default=None): try: return cfg.get(section, option) except (ConfigParser.NoSectionError, ConfigParser.NoOptionError): return default creds_found = False for section in cfg.sections(): if section == 'settings': section_name = 'default' self._default_set = True else: section_name = section for key in ('username', 'password', 'api_key'): if creds_found: break if safe_get(section, key): creds_found = True dct = self._settings[section_name] = {} dct['region'] = safe_get(section, 'region', default_region) ityp = safe_get(section, 'identity_type') if ityp: dct['identity_type'] = _id_type(ityp) dct['identity_class'] = _import_identity(ityp) debug = safe_get(section, 'debug') if debug is None: debug = safe_get(section, 'http_debug', 'False') dct['http_debug'] = debug == 'True' verify_ssl = safe_get(section, 'verify_ssl', 'True') dct['verify_ssl'] = verify_ssl == 'True' dct['keyring_username'] = safe_get(section, 'keyring_username') dct['encoding'] = safe_get(section, 'encoding', default_encoding) dct['auth_endpoint'] = safe_get(section, 'auth_endpoint') dct['tenant_name'] = safe_get(section, 'tenant_name') dct['tenant_id'] = safe_get(section, 'tenant_id') use_servicenet = safe_get(section, 'use_servicenet', 'False') dct['use_servicenet'] = use_servicenet == 'True' app_agent = safe_get(section, 'custom_user_agent') if app_agent: dct['user_agent'] = '%s %s' % (app_agent, USER_AGENT) else: dct['user_agent'] = USER_AGENT if not self._default_set: self._settings['default'] = self._settings[section] self._default_set = True if creds_found: warnings.warn( "Login credentials were detected in your .pyrax.cfg file. These have been ignored, but you should remove them and either place them in a credential file, or consider using another means of authentication. More information on the use of credential files can be found in the 'docs/' document." )
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, config_file):\n cfg = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()\n try:\n\n except ConfigParser.MissingSectionHeaderError as e:\n raise exc.InvalidConfigurationFile(e)\n\n def x(section, option, default=None):\n try:\n return cfg.get(section, option)\n except (ConfigParser.NoSectionError, ConfigParser.NoOptionError):\n return default\n creds_found = False\n for section in cfg.sections():\n if section == 'settings':\n section_name = 'default'\n self._default_set = True\n else:\n section_name = section\n for key in ('username', 'password', 'api_key'):\n if creds_found:\n break\n if safe_get(section, key):\n creds_found = True\n dct = self._settings[section_name] = {}\n dct['region'] = safe_get(section, 'region', default_region)\n ityp = safe_get(section, 'identity_type')\n if ityp:\n dct['identity_type'] = _id_type(ityp)\n dct['identity_class'] = _import_identity(ityp)\n debug = safe_get(section, 'debug')\n if debug is None:\n debug = safe_get(section, 'http_debug', 'False')\n dct['http_debug'] = debug == 'True'\n verify_ssl = safe_get(section, 'verify_ssl', 'True')\n dct['verify_ssl'] = verify_ssl == 'True'\n dct['keyring_username'] = safe_get(section, 'keyring_username')\n dct['encoding'] = safe_get(section, 'encoding', default_encoding)\n dct['auth_endpoint'] = safe_get(section, 'auth_endpoint')\n dct['tenant_name'] = safe_get(section, 'tenant_name')\n dct['tenant_id'] = safe_get(section, 'tenant_id')\n use_servicenet = safe_get(section, 'use_servicenet', 'False')\n dct['use_servicenet'] = use_servicenet == 'True'\n app_agent = safe_get(section, 'custom_user_agent')\n if app_agent:\n dct['user_agent'] = '%s %s' % (app_agent, USER_AGENT)\n else:\n dct['user_agent'] = USER_AGENT\n if not self._default_set:\n self._settings['default'] = self._settings[section]\n self._default_set = True\n if creds_found:\n warnings.warn(\n \"Login credentials were detected in your .pyrax.cfg file. These have been ignored, but you should remove them and either place them in a credential file, or consider using another means of authentication. More information on the use of credential files can be found in the 'docs/' document.\"\n )\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "read_config", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, data=None, priority=None, ttl=None, comment=None): return self.manager.update_record(self.domain_id, self, data=data, priority=priority, ttl=ttl, comment=comment)
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, data=None, priority=None, ttl=None, comment=None):\n return self.manager.update_record(self.domain_id, self, data=data,\n priority=priority, ttl=ttl, comment=comment)\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "update", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, delete_subdomains=False): self.manager.delete(self, delete_subdomains=delete_subdomains)
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, delete_subdomains=False):\n self.manager.delete(self, delete_subdomains=delete_subdomains)\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "delete", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, emailAddress=None, ttl=None, comment=None): return self.manager.update_domain(self, emailAddress=emailAddress, ttl= ttl, comment=comment)
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, emailAddress=None, ttl=None, comment=None):\n return self.manager.update_domain(self, emailAddress=emailAddress, ttl=\n ttl, comment=comment)\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "update", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, limit=None, offset=None): return self.manager.list_subdomains(self, limit=limit, offset=offset)
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, limit=None, offset=None):\n return self.manager.list_subdomains(self, limit=limit, offset=offset)\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "list_subdomains", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, limit=None, offset=None): return self.manager.list_records(self, limit=limit, offset=offset)
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, limit=None, offset=None):\n return self.manager.list_records(self, limit=limit, offset=offset)\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "list_records", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, record_type, name=None, data=None): return self.manager.search_records(self, record_type=record_type, name= name, data=data)
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, record_type, name=None, data=None):\n return self.manager.search_records(self, record_type=record_type, name=\n name, data=data)\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "search_records", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, record_type, name=None, data=None): matches = self.manager.search_records(self, record_type=record_type, name=name, data=data) if not matches: raise exc.DomainRecordNotFound elif len(matches) > 1: raise exc.DomainRecordNotUnique return matches[0]
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, record_type, name=None, data=None):\n matches = self.manager.search_records(self, record_type=record_type,\n name=name, data=data)\n if not matches:\n raise exc.DomainRecordNotFound\n elif len(matches) > 1:\n raise exc.DomainRecordNotUnique\n return matches[0]\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "find_record", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, record, data=None, priority=None, ttl=None, comment=None): return self.manager.update_record(self, record, data=data, priority= priority, ttl=ttl, comment=comment)
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, record, data=None, priority=None, ttl=None, comment=None):\n return self.manager.update_record(self, record, data=data, priority=\n priority, ttl=ttl, comment=comment)\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "update_record", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, name, emailAddress, ttl=3600, comment=None, subdomains=None, records=None): if subdomains is None: subdomains = [] if records is None: records = [] body = {'domains': [{'name': name, 'emailAddress': emailAddress, 'ttl': ttl, 'comment': comment, 'subdomains': {'domains': subdomains}, 'recordsList': {'records': records}}]} return body
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, name, emailAddress, ttl=3600, comment=None, subdomains=None,\n records=None):\n if subdomains is None:\n subdomains = []\n if records is None:\n records = []\n body = {'domains': [{'name': name, 'emailAddress': emailAddress, 'ttl':\n ttl, 'comment': comment, 'subdomains': {'domains': subdomains},\n 'recordsList': {'records': records}}]}\n return body\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "create_body", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, service, body=None): if service == 'all': for svc in self._paging.keys(): svc_dct = self._paging[svc] svc_dct['next_uri'] = svc_dct['prev_uri'] = None svc_dct['total_entries'] = None return svc_dct = self._paging[service] svc_dct['next_uri'] = svc_dct['prev_uri'] = None svc_dct['total_entries'] = None if not body: return svc_dct['total_entries'] = body.get('totalEntries') links = body.get('links') uri_base = self.uri_base if links: for link in links: href = link['href'] pos = href.index(uri_base) page_uri = href[pos - 1:] if link['rel'] == 'next': svc_dct['next_uri'] = page_uri elif link['rel'] == 'previous': svc_dct['prev_uri'] = page_uri
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, service, body=None):\n if service == 'all':\n for svc in self._paging.keys():\n svc_dct = self._paging[svc]\n svc_dct['next_uri'] = svc_dct['prev_uri'] = None\n svc_dct['total_entries'] = None\n return\n svc_dct = self._paging[service]\n svc_dct['next_uri'] = svc_dct['prev_uri'] = None\n svc_dct['total_entries'] = None\n if not body:\n return\n svc_dct['total_entries'] = body.get('totalEntries')\n links = body.get('links')\n uri_base = self.uri_base\n if links:\n for link in links:\n href = link['href']\n pos = href.index(uri_base)\n page_uri = href[pos - 1:]\n if link['rel'] == 'next':\n svc_dct['next_uri'] = page_uri\n elif link['rel'] == 'previous':\n svc_dct['prev_uri'] = page_uri\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "reset_paging", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, limit=None, offset=None): uri = '/%s%s' % (self.uri_base, self._get_pagination_qs(limit, offset)) return self._list(uri)
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, limit=None, offset=None):\n uri = '/%s%s' % (self.uri_base, self._get_pagination_qs(limit, offset))\n return self._list(uri)\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "list", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, uri, obj_class=None, list_all=False): resp, resp_body = self._retry_get(uri) if obj_class is None: obj_class = self.resource_class data = resp_body[self.plural_response_key] ret = [obj_class(self, res, loaded=False) for res in data if res] self._reset_paging('domain', resp_body) if list_all: dom_paging = self._paging.get('domain', {}) while dom_paging.get('next_uri'): next_uri = dom_paging.get('next_uri') ret.extend(self._list(uri=next_uri, obj_class=obj_class, list_all=False)) return ret
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, uri, obj_class=None, list_all=False):\n resp, resp_body = self._retry_get(uri)\n if obj_class is None:\n obj_class = self.resource_class\n data = resp_body[self.plural_response_key]\n ret = [obj_class(self, res, loaded=False) for res in data if res]\n self._reset_paging('domain', resp_body)\n if list_all:\n dom_paging = self._paging.get('domain', {})\n while dom_paging.get('next_uri'):\n next_uri = dom_paging.get('next_uri')\n ret.extend(self._list(uri=next_uri, obj_class=obj_class,\n list_all=False))\n return ret\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "list", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self): uri = self._paging.get('domain', {}).get('prev_uri') if uri is None: raise exc.NoMoreResults( 'There are no previous pages of domains to list.') return self._list(uri)
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self):\n uri = self._paging.get('domain', {}).get('prev_uri')\n if uri is None:\n raise exc.NoMoreResults(\n 'There are no previous pages of domains to list.')\n return self._list(uri)\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "list_previous_page", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self): uri = self._paging.get('domain', {}).get('next_uri') if uri is None: raise exc.NoMoreResults('There are no more pages of domains to list.') return self._list(uri)
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self):\n uri = self._paging.get('domain', {}).get('next_uri')\n if uri is None:\n raise exc.NoMoreResults('There are no more pages of domains to list.')\n return self._list(uri)\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "list_next_page", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, uri): uri = '%s?showRecords=false&showSubdomains=false' % uri resp, body = self._retry_get(uri) body['records'] = [] return self.resource_class(self, body, loaded=True)
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, uri):\n uri = '%s?showRecords=false&showSubdomains=false' % uri\n resp, body = self._retry_get(uri)\n body['records'] = []\n return self.resource_class(self, body, loaded=True)\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "get", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, uri): for i in six.moves.range(DEFAULT_RETRY): resp, body = self.api.method_get(uri) if body: return resp, body raise exc.ServiceResponseFailure( 'The Cloud DNS service failed to respond to the request.')
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, uri):\n for i in six.moves.range(DEFAULT_RETRY):\n resp, body = self.api.method_get(uri)\n if body:\n return resp, body\n raise exc.ServiceResponseFailure(\n 'The Cloud DNS service failed to respond to the request.')\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "retry_get", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, uri, body=None, method='GET', error_class=None, has_response= True, *args, **kwargs): api_methods = {'GET': self._retry_get, 'POST': self.api.method_post, 'PUT': self.api.method_put, 'DELETE': self.api.method_delete} api_method = api_methods[method] try: if body is None: resp, resp_body = api_method(uri, *args, **kwargs) else: resp, resp_body = api_method(uri, *args, body=body, **kwargs) except Exception as e: if error_class: raise error_class(e) else: raise callbackURL = resp_body['callbackUrl'].split('/status/')[-1] massagedURL = '/status/%s?showDetails=true' % callbackURL start = time.time() timed_out = False while resp_body['status'] == 'RUNNING' and not timed_out: resp_body = None while resp_body is None and not timed_out: resp, resp_body = self._retry_get(massagedURL) if self._timeout: timed_out = time.time() - start > self._timeout time.sleep(self._delay) if timed_out: raise exc.DNSCallTimedOut( "The API call to '%s' did not complete after %s seconds." % ( uri, self._timeout)) if error_class and resp_body['status'] == 'ERROR': self._process_async_error(resp_body, error_class) if has_response: ret = resp, resp_body['response'] else: ret = resp, resp_body try: resp_body = json.loads(resp_body) except Exception: pass return ret
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, uri, body=None, method='GET', error_class=None, has_response=\n True, *args, **kwargs):\n api_methods = {'GET': self._retry_get, 'POST': self.api.method_post,\n 'PUT': self.api.method_put, 'DELETE': self.api.method_delete}\n api_method = api_methods[method]\n try:\n if body is None:\n resp, resp_body = api_method(uri, *args, **kwargs)\n else:\n resp, resp_body = api_method(uri, *args, body=body, **kwargs)\n except Exception as e:\n if error_class:\n raise error_class(e)\n else:\n raise\n callbackURL = resp_body['callbackUrl'].split('/status/')[-1]\n massagedURL = '/status/%s?showDetails=true' % callbackURL\n start = time.time()\n timed_out = False\n while resp_body['status'] == 'RUNNING' and not timed_out:\n resp_body = None\n while resp_body is None and not timed_out:\n resp, resp_body = self._retry_get(massagedURL)\n if self._timeout:\n timed_out = time.time() - start > self._timeout\n time.sleep(self._delay)\n if timed_out:\n raise exc.DNSCallTimedOut(\n \"The API call to '%s' did not complete after %s seconds.\" % (\n uri, self._timeout))\n if error_class and resp_body['status'] == 'ERROR':\n self._process_async_error(resp_body, error_class)\n if has_response:\n ret = resp, resp_body['response']\n else:\n ret = resp, resp_body\n try:\n resp_body = json.loads(resp_body)\n except Exception:\n pass\n return ret\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "async_call", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, resp_body, error_class): def x(err): details = err.get('details', '').replace('\n', ' ') if not details: details = err.get('message', '') return '%s (%s)' % (details, err.get('code', '')) error = resp_body.get('error', '') if 'failedItems' in error: faults = error.get('failedItems', {}).get('faults', []) msgs = [_fmt_error(fault) for fault in faults] msg = '\n'.join(msgs) else: msg = _fmt_error(error) raise error_class(msg)
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, resp_body, error_class):\n\n def x(err):\n details = err.get('details', '').replace('\\n', ' ')\n if not details:\n details = err.get('message', '')\n return '%s (%s)' % (details, err.get('code', ''))\n error = resp_body.get('error', '')\n if 'failedItems' in error:\n faults = error.get('failedItems', {}).get('faults', [])\n msgs = [_fmt_error(fault) for fault in faults]\n msg = '\\n'.join(msgs)\n else:\n msg = _fmt_error(error)\n raise error_class(msg)\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "process_async_error", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, uri, body, records=None, subdomains=None, return_none=False, return_raw=False, **kwargs): self.run_hooks('modify_body_for_create', body, **kwargs) resp, resp_body = self._async_call(uri, body=body, method='POST', error_class=exc.DomainCreationFailed) response_body = resp_body[self.response_key][0] return self.resource_class(self, response_body)
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, uri, body, records=None, subdomains=None, return_none=False,\n return_raw=False, **kwargs):\n self.run_hooks('modify_body_for_create', body, **kwargs)\n resp, resp_body = self._async_call(uri, body=body, method='POST',\n error_class=exc.DomainCreationFailed)\n response_body = resp_body[self.response_key][0]\n return self.resource_class(self, response_body)\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "create", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, domain, delete_subdomains=False): uri = '/%s/%s' % (self.uri_base, utils.get_id(domain)) if delete_subdomains: uri = '%s?deleteSubdomains=true' % uri resp, resp_body = self._async_call(uri, method='DELETE', error_class= exc.DomainDeletionFailed, has_response=False)
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, domain, delete_subdomains=False):\n uri = '/%s/%s' % (self.uri_base, utils.get_id(domain))\n if delete_subdomains:\n uri = '%s?deleteSubdomains=true' % uri\n resp, resp_body = self._async_call(uri, method='DELETE', error_class=\n exc.DomainDeletionFailed, has_response=False)\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "delete", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, **kwargs): if len(kwargs) == 1 and 'name' in kwargs: nm = kwargs['name'].lower() uri = '/%s?name=%s' % (self.uri_base, nm) matches = self._list(uri, list_all=True) return [match for match in matches if == nm] else: return super(CloudDNSManager, self).findall(**kwargs)
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, **kwargs):\n if len(kwargs) == 1 and 'name' in kwargs:\n nm = kwargs['name'].lower()\n uri = '/%s?name=%s' % (self.uri_base, nm)\n matches = self._list(uri, list_all=True)\n return [match for match in matches if == nm]\n else:\n return super(CloudDNSManager, self).findall(**kwargs)\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "findall", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, domain, date_or_datetime): domain_id = utils.get_id(domain) dt = utils.iso_time_string(date_or_datetime, show_tzinfo=True) uri = '/domains/%s/changes?since=%s' % (domain_id, dt) resp, body = self._retry_get(uri) return body.get('changes', [])
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, domain, date_or_datetime):\n domain_id = utils.get_id(domain)\n dt = utils.iso_time_string(date_or_datetime, show_tzinfo=True)\n uri = '/domains/%s/changes?since=%s' % (domain_id, dt)\n resp, body = self._retry_get(uri)\n return body.get('changes', [])\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "changes_since", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, domain): uri = '/domains/%s/export' % utils.get_id(domain) resp, resp_body = self._async_call(uri, method='GET', error_class=exc. NotFound) return resp_body.get('contents', '')
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, domain):\n uri = '/domains/%s/export' % utils.get_id(domain)\n resp, resp_body = self._async_call(uri, method='GET', error_class=exc.\n NotFound)\n return resp_body.get('contents', '')\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "export_domain", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, domain_data): uri = '/domains/import' body = {'domains': [{'contentType': 'BIND_9', 'contents': domain_data}]} resp, resp_body = self._async_call(uri, method='POST', body=body, error_class=exc.DomainCreationFailed) return resp_body
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, domain_data):\n uri = '/domains/import'\n body = {'domains': [{'contentType': 'BIND_9', 'contents': domain_data}]}\n resp, resp_body = self._async_call(uri, method='POST', body=body,\n error_class=exc.DomainCreationFailed)\n return resp_body\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "import_domain", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, domain, emailAddress=None, ttl=None, comment=None): if not any((emailAddress, ttl, comment)): raise exc.MissingDNSSettings('No settings provided to update_domain().' ) uri = '/domains/%s' % utils.get_id(domain) body = {'comment': comment, 'ttl': ttl, 'emailAddress': emailAddress} none_keys = [key for key, val in body.items() if val is None] for none_key in none_keys: body.pop(none_key) resp, resp_body = self._async_call(uri, method='PUT', body=body, error_class=exc.DomainUpdateFailed, has_response=False) return resp_body
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, domain, emailAddress=None, ttl=None, comment=None):\n if not any((emailAddress, ttl, comment)):\n raise exc.MissingDNSSettings('No settings provided to update_domain().'\n )\n uri = '/domains/%s' % utils.get_id(domain)\n body = {'comment': comment, 'ttl': ttl, 'emailAddress': emailAddress}\n none_keys = [key for key, val in body.items() if val is None]\n for none_key in none_keys:\n body.pop(none_key)\n resp, resp_body = self._async_call(uri, method='PUT', body=body,\n error_class=exc.DomainUpdateFailed, has_response=False)\n return resp_body\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "update_domain", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, domain, limit=None, offset=None): uri = '/domains?name=%s' % page_qs = self._get_pagination_qs(limit, offset) if page_qs: uri = '%s&%s' % (uri, page_qs[1:]) return self._list_subdomains(uri,
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, domain, limit=None, offset=None):\n uri = '/domains?name=%s' %\n page_qs = self._get_pagination_qs(limit, offset)\n if page_qs:\n uri = '%s&%s' % (uri, page_qs[1:])\n return self._list_subdomains(uri,\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "list_subdomains", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self): uri = self._paging.get('subdomain', {}).get('prev_uri') if uri is None: raise exc.NoMoreResults( 'There are no previous pages of subdomains to list.') return self._list_subdomains(uri)
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self):\n uri = self._paging.get('subdomain', {}).get('prev_uri')\n if uri is None:\n raise exc.NoMoreResults(\n 'There are no previous pages of subdomains to list.')\n return self._list_subdomains(uri)\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "list_subdomains_previous_page", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self): uri = self._paging.get('subdomain', {}).get('next_uri') if uri is None: raise exc.NoMoreResults( 'There are no more pages of subdomains to list.') return self._list_subdomains(uri)
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self):\n uri = self._paging.get('subdomain', {}).get('next_uri')\n if uri is None:\n raise exc.NoMoreResults(\n 'There are no more pages of subdomains to list.')\n return self._list_subdomains(uri)\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "list_subdomains_next_page", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, domain, limit=None, offset=None): uri = '/domains/%s/records%s' % (utils.get_id(domain), self. _get_pagination_qs(limit, offset)) return self._list_records(uri)
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, domain, limit=None, offset=None):\n uri = '/domains/%s/records%s' % (utils.get_id(domain), self.\n _get_pagination_qs(limit, offset))\n return self._list_records(uri)\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "list_records", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self): uri = self._paging.get('record', {}).get('prev_uri') if uri is None: raise exc.NoMoreResults( 'There are no previous pages of records to list.') return self._list_records(uri)
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self):\n uri = self._paging.get('record', {}).get('prev_uri')\n if uri is None:\n raise exc.NoMoreResults(\n 'There are no previous pages of records to list.')\n return self._list_records(uri)\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "list_records_previous_page", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self): uri = self._paging.get('record', {}).get('next_uri') if uri is None: raise exc.NoMoreResults('There are no more pages of records to list.') return self._list_records(uri)
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self):\n uri = self._paging.get('record', {}).get('next_uri')\n if uri is None:\n raise exc.NoMoreResults('There are no more pages of records to list.')\n return self._list_records(uri)\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "list_records_next_page", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, domain, record_type, name=None, data=None): search_params = [] if name: search_params.append('name=%s' % name) if data: search_params.append('data=%s' % data) query_string = '&'.join(search_params) dom_id = utils.get_id(domain) uri = '/domains/%s/records?type=%s' % (dom_id, record_type) if query_string: uri = '%s&%s' % (uri, query_string) resp, body = self._retry_get(uri) records = body.get('records', []) self._reset_paging('record', body) rec_paging = self._paging.get('record', {}) while rec_paging.get('next_uri'): resp, body = self._retry_get(rec_paging.get('next_uri')) self._reset_paging('record', body) records.extend(body.get('records', [])) for record in records: record['domain_id'] = dom_id return [CloudDNSRecord(self, record, loaded=False) for record in records if record]
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, domain, record_type, name=None, data=None):\n search_params = []\n if name:\n search_params.append('name=%s' % name)\n if data:\n search_params.append('data=%s' % data)\n query_string = '&'.join(search_params)\n dom_id = utils.get_id(domain)\n uri = '/domains/%s/records?type=%s' % (dom_id, record_type)\n if query_string:\n uri = '%s&%s' % (uri, query_string)\n resp, body = self._retry_get(uri)\n records = body.get('records', [])\n self._reset_paging('record', body)\n rec_paging = self._paging.get('record', {})\n while rec_paging.get('next_uri'):\n resp, body = self._retry_get(rec_paging.get('next_uri'))\n self._reset_paging('record', body)\n records.extend(body.get('records', []))\n for record in records:\n record['domain_id'] = dom_id\n return [CloudDNSRecord(self, record, loaded=False) for record in\n records if record]\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "search_records", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, domain, records): if isinstance(records, dict): records = [records] dom_id = utils.get_id(domain) uri = '/domains/%s/records' % dom_id body = {'records': records} resp, resp_body = self._async_call(uri, method='POST', body=body, error_class=exc.DomainRecordAdditionFailed, has_response=False) records = resp_body.get('response', {}).get('records', []) for record in records: record['domain_id'] = dom_id return [CloudDNSRecord(self, record, loaded=False) for record in records if record]
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, domain, records):\n if isinstance(records, dict):\n records = [records]\n dom_id = utils.get_id(domain)\n uri = '/domains/%s/records' % dom_id\n body = {'records': records}\n resp, resp_body = self._async_call(uri, method='POST', body=body,\n error_class=exc.DomainRecordAdditionFailed, has_response=False)\n records = resp_body.get('response', {}).get('records', [])\n for record in records:\n record['domain_id'] = dom_id\n return [CloudDNSRecord(self, record, loaded=False) for record in\n records if record]\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "add_records", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, domain, record): rec_id = utils.get_id(record) domain_id = utils.get_id(domain) uri = '/domains/%s/records/%s' % (domain_id, rec_id) resp, resp_body = self._retry_get(uri) resp_body['domain_id'] = domain_id return CloudDNSRecord(self, resp_body, loaded=False)
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, domain, record):\n rec_id = utils.get_id(record)\n domain_id = utils.get_id(domain)\n uri = '/domains/%s/records/%s' % (domain_id, rec_id)\n resp, resp_body = self._retry_get(uri)\n resp_body['domain_id'] = domain_id\n return CloudDNSRecord(self, resp_body, loaded=False)\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "get_record", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, domain, record, data=None, priority=None, ttl=None, comment=None): rdict = {'id':, 'name':} pdict = {'data': data, 'priority': priority, 'ttl': ttl, 'comment': comment } utils.params_to_dict(pdict, rdict) return self.update_records(domain, [rdict])
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, domain, record, data=None, priority=None, ttl=None, comment=None):\n rdict = {'id':, 'name':}\n pdict = {'data': data, 'priority': priority, 'ttl': ttl, 'comment': comment\n }\n utils.params_to_dict(pdict, rdict)\n return self.update_records(domain, [rdict])\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "update_record", "role": "assistant" } ]
def x(self, domain, records): if not isinstance(records, list): raise TypeError('Expected records of type list') uri = '/domains/%s/records' % utils.get_id(domain) resp, resp_body = self._async_call(uri, method='PUT', body={'records': records}, error_class=exc.DomainRecordUpdateFailed, has_response=False) return resp_body
[ { "content": "Given the source code of a python function, suggest a fitting name for the function.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "def x(self, domain, records):\n if not isinstance(records, list):\n raise TypeError('Expected records of type list')\n uri = '/domains/%s/records' % utils.get_id(domain)\n resp, resp_body = self._async_call(uri, method='PUT', body={'records':\n records}, error_class=exc.DomainRecordUpdateFailed, has_response=False)\n return resp_body\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "update_records", "role": "assistant" } ]