The full dataset viewer is not available (click to read why). Only showing a preview of the rows.
The dataset generation failed because of a cast error
Error code: DatasetGenerationCastError Exception: DatasetGenerationCastError Message: An error occurred while generating the dataset All the data files must have the same columns, but at some point there are 4 new columns ({'word', 'Unnamed: 0', 'urls', 'meaning'}) and 7 missing columns ({'englishExample', 'hindiMeaning', 'hindiExample', 'englishMeaning', 'headword', 'kashmiriExample', 'category'}). This happened while the csv dataset builder was generating data using hf://datasets/injilashah/Kashmiri-language-text-dataset/wordphonemes-meaning.csv (at revision 15fbe116194472a67a1053b6ac579ce477b96db3) Please either edit the data files to have matching columns, or separate them into different configurations (see docs at Traceback: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2011, in _prepare_split_single writer.write_table(table) File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 585, in write_table pa_table = table_cast(pa_table, self._schema) File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2302, in table_cast return cast_table_to_schema(table, schema) File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2256, in cast_table_to_schema raise CastError( datasets.table.CastError: Couldn't cast Unnamed: 0: int64 word: string meaning: string urls: string -- schema metadata -- pandas: '{"index_columns": [{"kind": "range", "name": null, "start": 0, "' + 709 to {'category': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'englishExample': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'englishMeaning': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'headword': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'hindiExample': Value(dtype='float64', id=None), 'hindiMeaning': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'kashmiriExample': Value(dtype='float64', id=None)} because column names don't match During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/config/", line 1577, in compute_config_parquet_and_info_response parquet_operations = convert_to_parquet(builder) File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/config/", line 1191, in convert_to_parquet builder.download_and_prepare( File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1027, in download_and_prepare self._download_and_prepare( File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1122, in _download_and_prepare self._prepare_split(split_generator, **prepare_split_kwargs) File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1882, in _prepare_split for job_id, done, content in self._prepare_split_single( File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2013, in _prepare_split_single raise DatasetGenerationCastError.from_cast_error( datasets.exceptions.DatasetGenerationCastError: An error occurred while generating the dataset All the data files must have the same columns, but at some point there are 4 new columns ({'word', 'Unnamed: 0', 'urls', 'meaning'}) and 7 missing columns ({'englishExample', 'hindiMeaning', 'hindiExample', 'englishMeaning', 'headword', 'kashmiriExample', 'category'}). This happened while the csv dataset builder was generating data using hf://datasets/injilashah/Kashmiri-language-text-dataset/wordphonemes-meaning.csv (at revision 15fbe116194472a67a1053b6ac579ce477b96db3) Please either edit the data files to have matching columns, or separate them into different configurations (see docs at
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string | englishExample
string | englishMeaning
string | headword
string | hindiExample
null | hindiMeaning
string | kashmiriExample
null |
Adj | This house has been abandoned for last ten years. | abandoned | ترٛومُت | null | छोड़ा_हुआ, | null |
V | Ram was abducted by two gunmen. | abduct | اغوا کَرُن | null | अपहरण_करना | null |
N | He has the ability to solve complex mathematical problems. | ability | قٲبلیت | null | योग्यता | null |
Adj | Ram was able to lift the suitcase. | able | لایقِہ کار ،قٲبِل | null | समर्थ | null |
Adj | Ram is the most able student in his class. | able | چالاک | null | चतुर | null |
Prep | We were already aboard when he arrived. | aboard | منٛز سَوار | null | पर सवार | null |
Prep | We were already aboard ship when they arrived. | aboard | منٛز سَوار | null | पर सवार | null |
Prep | We were aboard ship when he arrived. | aboard | منٛز سَوار | null | पर सवार | null |
Prep | Our six members were aboard on aircraft. | aboard | منٛز سَوار | null | पर सवार | null |
N | I don`t know his place of abode. | abode | مُقام | null | आवास | null |
VI | To abort female foetus is a crime. | abort | اَڈلِیوٚک کَرُن | null | गर्भपात_करना | null |
VI | Peace talks had to be aborted. | abort | اَڈٕوَتِہ ترٛاوُن | null | छोड़_देना{अधूरा} | null |
N | Some communities are against abortion. | abortion | اََڈٕلیوٚک | null | गर्भपात | null |
Adj | Mission that proved abortive was reported in the newspaper. | abortive | بےمطلب،ناکام | null | निष्फल | null |
Prep | We will not talk about him. | about | مُتعلق | null | के~बारे~में | null |
Adv | Boys were sitting about in the park. | about | ہُپٲرۍ یَپٲرۍ | null | इधर_उधर | null |
Adv | She is about to finish her homework. | about | لَگ بَگ | null | लगभग | null |
Adv | Let us not go complaining about it any longer now. | about | واریاہ زیادٕ | null | बहुत_हो_गया | null |
Prep | I read a book about cricket. | about | مُتعلِق | null | के_बारे_में | null |
Prep | I dropped the pen somewhere about here. | about | ییٚتی اورٕ یور | null | आस_पास | null |
Prep | Please fix a mirror above the wash basin. | above | پٮ۪ٹھ | null | के~ऊपर | null |
Adv | Grades B and above are considered satisfactory. | above | ہیوٚر | null | ऊँचा | null |
Prep | The water rose above the danger mark. | above | پیٚٹھۍ،ہیوٚر | null | ऊपर | null |
Prep | The house has a thached roof above. | above | پٮ۪ٹھہٕ | null | के_ऊपर | null |
Prep | My brother lives in the flat above ours. | above | پٮ۪ٹھ | null | के_ऊपर_वाला | null |
Adj | Please reply at the above mentioned address. | above | پیٚٹِھۍ مِس | null | ऊपर_का | null |
Adj | I read the abridged edition of Dickens`s `Oliver Twist`. | abridged | لۄکُٹ،ژھوٚٹ | null | संक्षिप्त | null |
Adv | He has relatives both in India and abroad. | abroad | پردیسَس منٛز | null | विदेश_में | null |
Adv | There is a rumour abroad about your having a love affair? | abroad | ژۄپٲرۍ | null | प्रचलित | null |
Adj | The conversation was brought to an abrupt end. | abrupt | ہنٛگہٕ تہٕ منٛگہٕ | null | आकस्मक | null |
Adj | Everybody dislikes his abrupt manners. | abrupt | أجیب | null | रूखा | null |
Adj | It was an abrupt action. | abrupt | اَچانک | null | असम्बद्ध | null |
Adv | He ended his speech abruptly. | abruptly | جلد ی منٛز، دٔستی منٛز | null | आकस्मिक_रुप_से | null |
V | He is planning to abscond with his beloved. | abscond | ژَلُن،غٲب گَژُھن | null | फरार_होना | null |
N | We shall not leave in his absence. | absence | غیر موجوٗدگی،غٲرحٲضری | null | अनुपस्थिति | null |
Adj | He is always absent from the class. | absent | غیر حٲضر | null | अनुपस्थित | null |
VT | You cannot choose to absent yourself from the chemistry class. | absent | غیرحٲضرآسُن،غیرموجوٗد آسُن | null | अनुपस्थित_होना | null |
Adj | There is no absolute standard for beauty. | absolute | مُقرَر | null | पूर्णतया | null |
N | Their belief in God is absolute. | absolute | حَتمی،یٔقیٖنی | null | परम_सिद्धांत | null |
Adv | You are absolutely right. | absolutely | پوٗرٕپٲٹھۍ | null | पूर्णतः | null |
VT | Dry sand absorbs water. | absorb | شرٛپُن | null | सोखना | null |
VT | His business absorbs his time. | absorb | وَقٕت کھیوٚن | null | ग्रहण_करना | null |
Adj | I was totally absorbed in the novel. | absorbed | مَس | null | लीन/सोखा_हुआ | null |
N | You are requested to present the abstract of your paper. | abstract | خُلاصہٕ | null | सारांश | null |
N | He is an abstract painter. | abstract | خیال | null | भाव | null |
Adj | It is an abstract painting. | abstract | خیٲلی | null | अमूर्त{कला_संबन्धी} | null |
Adj | Beauty and love are abstract. | abstract | خیٲلی | null | निराकार | null |
Adj | He has an abstract notion to change the system. | abstract | خیٲلی | null | गूढ़ | null |
V | Two other points must be abstracted from the lecture. | abstract | ہٹاوُن،کڑُن | null | हटा_लेना | null |
V | Most novels are abstract. | abstract | تَصوُرٲتی،خیٲلی | null | संक्षिप्त_बनाना/संक्षेप_करना | null |
N | She always talks in abstractions. | abstraction | خیال | null | अमूर्तिकरण | null |
N | He was gazing at the lawn with an air of abstraction. | abstraction | خیال | null | अन्यमनस्कता | null |
Adj | I find his ideas absurd. | absurd | فضوٗل | null | निरर्थक/बेतुका | null |
Adj | That dress makes them look absurd. | absurd | چور | null | मूर्ख/बुद्धिरूद्ध | null |
N | Child abuse is rampant in the world. | abuse | زبردٔستی | null | दुर्व्यवहार | null |
N | The opposition party hurled abuses on the ruling party. | abuse | لٮ۪کہٕ | null | अपशब्द | null |
N | There is widespread abuse of energy resources. | abuse | پامٲلی | null | अधिक_दुरुपयोग | null |
VT | The rowdies abused the journalist for reporting about their anti-social activities. | abuse | لٮ۪کٕہ کڑنِہ،لانٕہ تانٕہ کرُن | null | दुर्व्यवहार_करना | null |
Adj | The academic standards differ in the institutions. | academic | تعلیٖمی | null | शैक्षक | null |
Adj | His knowledge is purely academic. | academic | تعلیٖمی | null | सैद्धांतक | null |
Adj | Mr.Anand is quite an academic person. | academic | تَھدِپایُک وۄستاد | null | उच्च_श्रेणी_का_शिक्षक | null |
N | The Royal Academy of drama sponsored them. | academy | اٮ۪کڑَمی، اِدارٕ | null | शिक्षा_या_शोध_संस्थान | null |
N | There seems to be no acceleration in their economic growth. | acceleration | وُژھ،تیٖزی | null | त्वरण | null |
VT | The machine only accepts 1 Re. coin. | accept | رَٹُن | null | स्वीकार_करना | null |
Adj | A cup of tea would be most acceptable. | acceptable | قٲبلہِ قبوٗل | null | स्वीकार्य | null |
N | We have their acceptance on this issue as well. | acceptance | منظوٗری | null | स्वीकृति | null |
N | He was refused an access to the hallway. | access | وَتھ | null | पहुँच | null |
V | I have an access to on-line Library. | access | پِِلَن پایہِ | null | पहुँचना | null |
N | He met a car accident. | accident | حٲدِثٕہ | null | दुर्घटना | null |
V | The hotel can accommodate upto 100 guests. | accommodate | وٲتِتھ،روٗزِتھ | null | रह[रख]_सकना | null |
V | These policies are designed to accomodate all classes. | accommodate | مُروَت کَرٕنۍ | null | समाविष्ट_करना[कराना] | null |
V | Dinosaurs couldn`t accomodate to the changing environment. | accommodate | ہَم آہنٛگ گَژُھن | null | समायोजित_करना | null |
V | The banks accomodate poor farmers with loan. | accommodate | مَدت کَرٕنۍ، مُروَت کَرٕنۍ | null | सहायता_करना | null |
N | We found accomodation near the railway station itself. | accommodation | جاے | null | आवास | null |
N | Polar bear are facing accomodation problem due to the global warming. | accommodation | روزنُک انتظام | null | समायोजन | null |
VT | I accompanied her to the station. | accompany | سۭتۍ آسُن،سۭتۍ گَژُھن | null | साथ_होना[जाना] | null |
VT | The singer was accompanied by his friend. | accompany | ساتھ دیُن | null | संगत_करना | null |
VT | We can collectively accomplish the task of nabbing the murderers. | accomplish | پوٗرٕ کَرُن | null | पूरा_करना | null |
Adj | She is an accomplished artist. | accomplished | زانَن واجِنۍ | null | निपुण | null |
N | Israel and Palestine signed a peace accord. | accord | مُہادٕ | null | समझौता | null |
V | His thoughts and actions do not accord. | accord | مِیُل،رَلُن | null | मिलना[मिलाना] | null |
V | Ram was accorded this priviledge. | accord | دیُن | null | देना | null |
N | The rules are in accordance with the custom. | accordance | ہِشَر، اِلحاد | null | अनुरूप | null |
Prep | The work was done according to his instructions. | according | مُطٲبِق | null | के_अनुसार | null |
Adv | You must work accordingly to the rules. | accordingly | تَمہِ مطٲبِق | null | तदनुसार | null |
N | I have an account in the Central bank. | account | کھاتٕہ | null | खाता | null |
N | He gave an account of his experience in trekking. | account | مُطالعہ | null | विवरण | null |
VT | We could never account for this miscalculation. | account | خیال کَرُن | null | कुछ_होने_की_आशंका | null |
VT | A person is accounted minor until 18 years. | account | مانٛنہٕ یُن | null | मानना | null |
VT | The Indian market accounted for 40% of the total sales. | account | حِساب بوزُن | null | निश्चित_मात्रा_में_होना | null |
N | The lawyer questioned the accuracy of my account. | accuracy | صداقت | null | शुद्धता | null |
N | We can no more predict the changes with much greater accuracy. | accuracy | دُرُستی | null | यथार्थता | null |
Adj | All his calculations are accurate. | accurate | صٔحیٖح،ٹھیٖک | null | सही | null |
Adv | The article accurately reflects popular opinion. | accurately | صٔحیٖح پٲٹھۍ | null | सही_ढंग_से | null |
VT | They will accuse us of incompetency. | accuse | تۄہمَتھ لاگٕنۍ،ہانٛژ لاگٕنۍ | null | दोष_लगाना | null |
N | The accused was acquitted of the charge. | accused | قوٚصوٗر وار،خَطاوار | null | अभियुक्त | null |
VT | He quickly accustomed himself to this new way of life. | accustom | عادت گژھن | null | अभ्यस्त_होना | null |
Adj | His accustomed thoroughness of work impressed me. | accustomed | عٲدی | null | अभ्यस्त | null |
N | I just need an ace of diamond to win the game. | ace | یَکہٕ | null | इक्का{ताश_का} | null |
N | V.Anand is an ace chess player of India. | ace | مٲہِر | null | कुशल | null |
End of preview.
Subsets and Splits