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Have <p>they</p> been practising?
And we would deserve to hear that djal tone, sir, but, uh, let's just step back and admire the problem as <p>it</p> were, um, because we want to make sure we're aligned,
I think <p>they</p> only know the one song, but I'll see what I can do.
The umbrella anchor made <p>it</p> sink, in sp<p>it</p>e of the buoyancy of the other materials.
and also to persuade the Allies not to blow up that particular church because there are Germans in <p>it</p>, because <p>it</p> does contain part of our culture.
So when two people don't live together anymore, <p>they</p>'re obviously a little less close, but we're no less close than that.
He reported <p>it</p> stolen this morning.
It will know and <p>it</p> won't spend <p>it</p>s life thinking...
Because <p>they</p> know that it's never going to replace oil heat.
We don't know what the artifact is, how <p>it</p> works, or why <p>it</p>'s doing what <p>it</p>'s doing.
Even in the Sahara, rain does sometimes fall and that is sufficient for plants to survive providing <p>they</p> have the right adaptations.
- 'Cause <p>it</p> proves that you're still
I can't imagine how <p>they</p>'ll get through this.
You think whatever you're threatening... can make my life any more fucked up than <p>it</p> is now?
This day had promised all my happiness... and now <p>it</p> shows me such a sight as this?
I kept Beth's cell phone active, hoping <p>it</p> might ring someday, but, can you clarify what's going on, here?
Doing whatever <p>it</p> takes!
It was all insiders, they took out billions of dollars out of this bank and bankrupted the thing shortly before <p>it</p> went bankrupt anyways.
Then the girls came back in and <p>they</p> had little pink gift bags that we didn't get.
That demon that was in you, <p>it</p> wants you.
They move slower than most animals, but <p>they</p> travel just as far.
If <p>it</p> spreads, I fear Humans will once again hunt and kill us.
Cities would be uniform only to the degree that <p>they</p> would require far less materials save time and energy and be flexible enough to allow for innovative changes while preserving the local ecology.
And when <p>they</p> don't find that, for enlightenment.
You know, life goes on, or <p>it</p> goes on for everyone else even if <p>it</p>'s not going on for you.
And then the next thing you know, <p>they</p> don't know who you are.
- I have this drawer, and <p>it</p>'s not really doing much, just kinda s<p>it</p>ting there in my dresser w<p>it</p>h these socks I bought for hiking.
You wish you could just go down the list, check him off, know what's coming next, but, uh, <p>they</p> don't really come in any particular order.
That's really, you know, where <p>it</p> started for me.
We'll continue to follow this story as <p>it</p> unfolds.
All of <p>it</p> post-mortem, <p>it</p> had been in the harbor for a while.
Do you have any idea what <p>it</p> might have said?
Look, I like my life the way <p>it</p> is.
Given where I found <p>it</p> today, I'm not really sure what <p>it</p> means any more.
Since the Turkey exploded, no one had to taste how bad <p>it</p> would have been.
Make sure <p>they</p> understand we're not the enemy.
I feel sure <p>they</p> would like to see them.
And <hon>he<hoff> made <p>it</p> clear my presence here is temporary.
'When the thought of a drink comes - and <p>it</p> WILL come... ' me.'
Through death I shall return your souls to where <p>they</p> belong.
Yes, well, how much shaking can <p>it</p> take?
The girls don't know what <p>they</p> are.
Did he see <p>it</p> uncovered?
The girls-- Did <p>they</p> suffer?
That helicopter -- <p>it</p>'s circling us.
Where could <p>it</p> be?
Well, until she opens that gift, <p>it</p> still belongs to you.
Hey... can we keep the "jacuzz" classified until I get <p>it</p> cleaned up and cooking?
We have a motorhome if <p>it</p> rains.
- So... What do celebrities do when <p>they</p>'ve gotten back together?
I took the last three pictures this morning, and <p>they</p>'re amazing.
Wait, wait, <p>they</p>'re not slutty.
We bring over a lot of young women here, detective, to make sure <p>they</p> have a chance at the American dream.
It looks like <p>it</p> went below his rib.
When relationships get more official, <p>they</p> get messy, and, and you give and you compromise and people change and then somebody goes away and you're left empty, and I, and I don't want that.
When <p>it</p> lifted, I could move again, but I stayed like this.
Because <hon>she<hoff> so desperately wants <p>it</p> to.
Tell them the only sources <p>they</p> can trust are you-- The FRG leaders in this room.
The streets -- <p>they</p>'ve always been my significant other.
Kids on their own, <p>they</p> don't have a chance.
Show me the cigar so I know <p>it</p>'s safe.
I think <p>it</p> belongs to one of my suspects, Dr. Cahill.
In fact after that, <p>they</p> got the hell out of Dodge.
Wasn't <p>it</p> exposed to the elements?
I have a problem, and <p>it</p>'s bigger than your problem and <p>it</p>'s scarier than your problem, and we aren't gonna solve <p>it</p>... not here, not tonight.
The three stooges look like <p>they</p>'re cooking up something to me.
Dude, the church doesn't give money; <p>it</p> takes <p>it</p>, all right?
Ignore the cocks - <p>they</p>'re just decorative. So, speaking of House 2.0, which could potentially be quite annoying,
But <p>it</p> should give you a pretty good idea of what we're looking at.
Occasionally, a Russian hooker comes through, but those girls are nasty and <p>they</p> cry a lot.
I have a plan and I see <p>it</p>'s working.
Mr. Rose, you will not see this material unless I decide <p>it</p> is relevant and must be disclosed.
It was just like a fish. If <p>it</p> stayed very still, no one could see <p>it</p>.
(clears throat) No, not until you, uh, throw a beer bottle at my head, <p>it</p> shatters against the wall, and the neighbors call the police.
You know that gang of girls? They've got safety in numbers but <p>they</p>'re not really... They don't even know one another.
Two extraordinary females... <p>they</p> come into my life in one night.
The meds we switched you to, some people feel nauseous if <p>they</p> drink on them, especially at first.
But <p>they</p> were patriots just the same, just like my brother Tommy.
He really asked. I knew <p>it</p> would turn out like this.
Hopefully <p>it</p>'ll pass w<p>it</p>hout too much damage.
What I can't tell you is what kind of animal left Lisa Willoughby here or what direction <p>it</p> came from.
If <p>they</p> are not mine, Commander, I will know it.
When <p>they</p> do he thinks it's a game.
We haven't even had sex and <p>they</p>'re waving a pregnancy test at me.
So your cancer, <p>it</p> don't mean sh<p>it</p> to me, man.
And <p>it</p>'s flying.
But <p>they</p> kept coming and <p>they</p> kept coming.
You know how you shout at him because <p>it</p> always flies off into the crowd?
The force of the magnet twisted the light so that <p>it</p> could pass through the crystal.
I'm guessing <p>it</p> went to a shredder at Palmer industries.
Well, the building is structurally unsound. I imagine <p>it</p>'ll have to come down.
There's this app called Studscore where women can rate the sexual performance of the men <p>they</p>'ve slept with.
- [Sighs] - Mikado won't drink her cream unless <p>it</p>'s precisely 5.5 degrees celsius, she turned her nose up at Bruno's origami collection, and she won't use her l<p>it</p>ter box unless <p>it</p>'s facing London.
Frankly, even if <p>it</p> just said, "walk up a flight of stairs," I wouldn't let him do <p>it</p>.
You see, women...don't want what <p>they</p> say <p>they</p> want.
I mean, <p>they</p>'re all important, but what keeps you up at night?
What will <p>they</p> think of their daddy?
When women in Chatswin want to look their best, sometimes <p>they</p> have to play dirty.
Let's catch the next train and ride <p>it</p> till <p>it</p> catches up.
Uh, <p>it</p> was old.
He knew fire, knew how <p>it</p> spread.
I should think <p>they</p> need it.
Are <p>they</p> yours?
What do you think <p>they</p> wanted with her?
Well, if <p>it</p> hasn't already become a victim of the riot, <p>it</p> certainly won't at this point.
The fear that you could hurt women... and the fear that <p>they</p> could hurt you.
We didn't know who these women were. We didn't know how <p>they</p> learned about us.
- I think <p>they</p>'re a couple.
You know what <p>they</p> are doing?
♪ When I threw <p>it</p> back, <p>it</p> poisoned me ♪
Maybe <p>they</p>'re just scared of Pan.
An ally in the hope that your life might return to what <p>it</p> once was?
Then we wipe the mothers' memories, convince them <p>they</p>'ve re-offended out in the world...
I saw who took them and I know where <p>they</p> are.
Also, <p>they</p> put smooth rocks in their bathroom sink.
I don't know what <p>it</p> was, I know what <p>it</p> is.
It would have had to have been kiln-tempered at high heat for a lengthy period before <p>it</p> would even have a chance of being structurally sound enough to fire.
Her cond<p>it</p>ion continued to worsen, <p>it</p> has become almost totally blind.
I wonder where <p>it</p> goes.
The hotel... the revenue <p>it</p> will earn should be for our people.
Oh... <p>it</p> won't kill us?
I ran your fingerprints, and <p>they</p> tell an interesting story, Marcia.
If, for any reason, the library was to close, <p>it</p> and all <p>it</p>s contents would go to Darrow Univers<p>it</p>y.
That bullet ripped up his insides, <p>it</p>'s lodged against his spine.
Obviously <p>they</p>'re part of the problem.
I see this place and <p>it</p> puts things in your mind, <p>it</p> twists them around until you go crazy and you don't know what to believe.
They found out that <p>they</p> were mutual lovers of mine, <p>they</p> had had unprotected sex, and <p>they</p> got into a tizzy about whether there was possibility of sexually transmitted diseases.
Obviously, this information is still being verified, but if <p>it</p> is confirmed, <p>it</p> would perhaps clear up the mystery surrounding a man who, since he entered pol<p>it</p>ics, gave people a reason to smile...
You mean <p>they</p> had sex?
Things are not as <p>they</p> seem.
By that time, the women had already got too frustrated and too angry with Julian's refusals, and <p>they</p>'d gone to the police.
I'll be durned if <p>they</p> think <p>they</p>'re gonna sink their fangs into my blue ribbon apple.
Unless <p>it</p> doesn't.
Six other people could be the leak, and <p>they</p>'re all sitting here in this room.
For once <p>they</p> were reading the news instead of making it.
You know, even at the NOW conferences later on, I mean, women, <p>they</p> brought speculums and <p>they</p> examined each other's vaginas and stuff.
It's like <p>they</p>'re-- <p>they</p> hate you.
They used trickery to get what <p>they</p> wanted.
Is <p>it</p> very valuable to you?
- I'm afraid <p>it</p> was fatal for the driver.
'But <p>it</p> then accuses them of praying to beings other than God.
The cloth, <p>it</p> is of the qual<p>it</p>y most fine, and yet the fashion, <p>it</p> is of since 30 years.
Well, you know it's not for the potatoes, 'cause <p>they</p>'re not that good.
When Jafar tried to kill me, the staff... <p>it</p> fought back, like <p>it</p> was resisting him.