## 数据集详情 ### 各数据集详细统计信息 #### amazon_reviews_multi 以下都是 train 训练集的信息 ```text 语种数量: ja: 199797 en: 199426 de: 199141 fr: 198272 es: 198264 zh-cn: 196260 ``` 样本示例: | 数据 | 语种 | 样本 | | :---: | :---: | :---: | | amazon_reviews_multi | de | Armband ist leider nach 1 Jahr kaputt gegangen | | amazon_reviews_multi | de | In der Lieferung war nur Ein Akku! | | amazon_reviews_multi | de | Ein Stern, weil gar keine geht nicht. Es handelt sich um gebraucht Waren, die Stein haben so ein Belag drauf, wo man sich dabei denken kann, dass jemand schon die benutzt und nicht Mal richtig gewaschen. Bei ein paar ist die Qualität Mangelhaft, siehe Bild. Ein habe ich ausprobiert, richtig gewaschen, dann verfärbt sich..... Wärme halt nicht lange. Deswegen wird es zurückgeschickt. | | amazon_reviews_multi | en | Arrived broken. Manufacturer defect. Two of the legs of the base were not completely formed, so there was no way to insert the casters. I unpackaged the entire chair and hardware before noticing this. So, I'll spend twice the amount of time boxing up the whole useless thing and send it back with a 1-star review of part of a chair I never got to sit in. I will go so far as to include a picture of what their injection molding and quality assurance process missed though. I will be hesitant to buy again. It makes me wonder if there aren't missing structures and supports that don't impede the assembly process. | | amazon_reviews_multi | en | the cabinet dot were all detached from backing... got me | | amazon_reviews_multi | en | I received my first order of this product and it was broke so I ordered it again. The second one was broke in more places than the first. I can't blame the shipping process as it's shrink wrapped and boxed. | | amazon_reviews_multi | es | Nada bueno se me fue ka pantalla en menos de 8 meses y no he recibido respuesta del fabricante | | amazon_reviews_multi | es | Horrible, nos tuvimos que comprar otro porque ni nosotros que sabemos inglés, ni un informático, después de una hora fue capaz de instalarlo | | amazon_reviews_multi | es | Te obligan a comprar dos unidades y te llega solo una y no hay forma de reclamar, una autentica estafa, no compreis!! | | amazon_reviews_multi | fr | A déconseiller - Article n'a fonctionné qu'une fois - Je ne recommande pas du tout ce produit - Je l'ai jeté ... | | amazon_reviews_multi | fr | Si vous voulez être déçu achetez le produit ! Au bout de 3 utilisation ne fonctionne plus.. Je ne recommande pas du tout sauf si vous voulez acheter un thermomètre quelques jours après avoir acheté celui ci ! | | amazon_reviews_multi | fr | Écran de mauvaise qualité, car il s'use en peu de temps et croche. Dommage j'aimais bien car peu de traces de doigts. | | amazon_reviews_multi | ja | 普段使いとバイクに乗るときのブーツ兼用として購入しました。見た目や履き心地は良いです。 しかし、2ヶ月履いたらゴム底が削れて無くなりました。また、バイクのシフトペダルとの摩擦で表皮が剥がれ、本革でないことが露呈しました。ちなみに防水とも書いていますが、雨の日は内部に水が染みます。 安くて見た目も良く、履きやすかったのですが、耐久性のなさ、本革でも防水でも無かったことが残念です。結局、本革の防水ブーツを買い直しました。 | | amazon_reviews_multi | ja | 十分な在庫を用意できない販売元も悪いですが、Amazonやら楽⚪︎が転売を認めちゃってるのが結果的に転売の後押しになっちゃってるんだよなぁ… Amazonもここぞとばかりに抱き合わせ販売しまくるし… それを恥ずかしいと思えなくなったら動物と同じですよ、最大手さん。 | | amazon_reviews_multi | ja | 見た目はかなりおしゃれで気に入りました。2、3回持ち歩いた後いつも通りゼンマイを巻いていたら突然空回り。 針の調整はできるけど、つまみをあげても下げてもゼンマイを巻くことができず。 時計屋に持って行って中を開けてもらったら、中のケースと外側の規格がそもそも合っていないため、固定されず、一度ズレると噛み合わなくなるんだそう。 返品して交換した方がいいと言われましたが、保証書付いてないし、 クーリングオフ期間もとっくに過ぎています。 アンティーク感覚で家で放置するならおススメですが、 本来の用途としては全く使えません。 ご注意を。 | | amazon_reviews_multi | zh-cn | 本人账号被盗,资金被江西(杨建)挪用,请亚马逊尽快查实,将本人的200元资金退回。本人已于2017年11月30日提交退货申请,为何到2018年了还是没解决?亚马逊是什么情况?请给本人一个合理解释。 | | amazon_reviews_multi | zh-cn | 这简直就是太差了!出版社怎么就能出版吗?我以为是百度摘录呢!这到底是哪个鱼目混珠的教授啊?!能给点干货吗?!总算应验了一句话,一本书哪怕只有一句花你感到有意义也算是本好书。哇为了找这本书哪怕一句不是废话的句子都费了我整整一天时间。。 | | amazon_reviews_multi | zh-cn | 购买页面显示1~2日发货,付款之后显示半个月后送达,实际收到商品距离下单日期已经一个多月。 无力吐槽,一星是给商品的。 |
10-20: 1369
20-30: 115334
30-40: 105600
40-50: 85175
50-60: 71594
60-70: 61376
70-80: 54223
80-90: 48242
90-100: 44592
100-110: 45839
110-120: 48721
120-130: 47604
130-140: 43195
140-150: 37601
150-160: 32483
160-170: 28876
170-180: 25260
180-190: 22971
190-200: 20743
200-210: 250362
文本长度统计图像: ![amazon_reviews_multi_text_length.jpg](docs/picture/amazon_reviews_multi_text_length.jpg) #### autshumato 以下都是 train 训练集的信息 ```text 语种数量: en: 292326 ts: 207845 tn: 125852 zu: 26801 ``` 样本示例: | 数据 | 语种 | 样本 | | :---: | :---: | :---: | | autshumato | en | Good progress has been made with the staff composition project in each of the 15 faculties at the NWU . | | autshumato | en | The rector , Prof Thanyani Mariba , congratulated the newcomers on their choice to further their studies at the campus and emphasised the importance of choice and responsibility - both in terms of academic commitments and social endeavours . | | autshumato | en | Complaints against Correctional Services staff , court officials and members of the South African National Defence Force . | | autshumato | tn | Lo tla lemoga gore Thulaganyo ya Setheo ya 2012-2014 e e dirwang mo mafapheng otlhe ka tsamaiso ya ditumalano tsa go dira tiro ke ya gore YBB e fitlhelele maikemisetso a yone kgato ka kgato . | | autshumato | tn | Moreketoro , Mop Thanyani Mariba , o ne a akgolela batlabošeng tlhopho e ba e dirileng ya go tla go tswelela dithuto tsa bone mo khamphaseng eno mme o ne a gatelela botlhokwa jwa tlhopho le maikarabelo - malebana le go ineela ga bone mo dithutong le mo botshelong jwa bone jwa go tsalana le ba bangwe . | | autshumato | tn | Dingongorego kgatlhanong le badiredi ba Tirelo ya Ditshiamiso batlhankedi ba kgotlatshekelo le ditokololo tsa Mophato wa Phemelo wa Bosetšhaba wa Aforikaborwa . | | autshumato | zu | inkululeko yokwakha izinto ngokusebenzisa ubuciko; | | autshumato | zu | Lezozakhiwo ezithathwa njengabantu ngumthetho zingabanamalungelo akuMqulu wamaLungelo kuphela ngendlela edingwa uhlobo lwelungelo kanye nolwaleso sakhiwo esithathwa njengomuntu ngumthetho. | | autshumato | zu | Thina, Bantu baseNingizimu Afrika, Siyakukhumbula ukucekelwa phansi kwamalungelo okwenzeka eminyakeni eyadlula; | | autshumato | ts | Mahungu ya nkoka ya pfhumba ra dyondzo ra ndyangu wa hina hi lama landzelaka : | | autshumato | ts | xikan'we na nhlamuselo ya ntirho na xiyimo laha u nga ta tirha kona na leswaku nkarhi a wu nge hundzi malembe mambirhi | | autshumato | ts | loko xi laveka . |
0-10: 20573
10-20: 47424
20-30: 58434
30-40: 61884
40-50: 73557
50-60: 70899
60-70: 57249
70-80: 42967
80-90: 33702
90-100: 26516
100-110: 21149
110-120: 18264
120-130: 16390
130-140: 14336
140-150: 12944
150-160: 11351
160-170: 9839
170-180: 8702
180-190: 7294
190-200: 6066
200-210: 33284
文本长度统计图像: ![autshumato_text_length.jpg](docs/picture/autshumato_text_length.jpg) #### bsd_ja_en 以下都是 train 训练集的信息 ```text 语种数量: ja: 18054 en: 17701 ``` 样本示例: | 数据 | 语种 | 样本 | | :---: | :---: | :---: | | bsd_ja_en | en | Hi this is the systems development department of Company K. | | bsd_ja_en | en | My name is Takaichi from Company H. | | bsd_ja_en | en | Thank you as always. | | bsd_ja_en | ja | はい、K社システム開発部です。 | | bsd_ja_en | ja | H社の高市と申します。 | | bsd_ja_en | ja | いつもお世話になっております。 |
0-10: 1924
10-20: 7921
20-30: 7871
30-40: 5637
40-50: 3521
50-60: 2557
60-70: 1869
70-80: 1399
80-90: 944
90-100: 721
100-110: 496
110-120: 324
120-130: 224
130-140: 123
140-150: 85
150-160: 51
160-170: 33
170-180: 19
180-190: 18
190-200: 9
200-210: 9
文本长度统计图像: ![bsd_ja_en_text_length.jpg](docs/picture/bsd_ja_en_text_length.jpg) #### bucc2018 以下都是 train 训练集的信息 ```text 语种数量: en: 935829 ru: 459415 de: 412895 fr: 270768 zh: 94411 ``` 样本示例: | 数据 | 语种 | 样本 | | :---: | :---: | :---: | | bucc2018 | de | Einen weiteren Oscar erhielt er 2013 für seine Regiearbeit an "". | | bucc2018 | de | Seine Eltern, Emigranten aus China, lernten sich in Taiwan kennen, Lee ist ihr ältester Sohn. | | bucc2018 | de | Die Großeltern väterlicher- und mütterlicherseits sind im Zuge der kommunistischen Revolution in China ums Leben gekommen. | | bucc2018 | en | Other data that are used included Bragg diffraction data for crystalline materials, and EXAFS data. | | bucc2018 | en | The comparison with experiment is quantified using a function of the form | | bucc2018 | en | Moreover, the move may also be rejected if it breaks certain constraints, even if the agreement with data is improved. | | bucc2018 | fr | Il peut être divisé en trois zones en fonction du relief, du climat, du peuplement et de l'économie: | | bucc2018 | fr | En 1877, 55 communes n’avaient pour seul accès que des sentiers ou des chemins muletiers. | | bucc2018 | fr | Généralement, il ne cause pas de dommages à la flore, mais il peut introduire des parasites dans les poumons des moutons. | | bucc2018 | ru | На севере граничит с Латвией, на юго-востоке — с Белоруссией, на юго-западе — c Польшей и Калининградской областью России. | | bucc2018 | ru | Член ООН с 1991 года, ЕС и НАТО — с 2004 года. | | bucc2018 | ru | Поля и луга занимают 57 % территории, леса и кустарники — 30 %, болота — 3 %, внутренние воды — 4 %. | | bucc2018 | zh | 中國古代稱輿地,地理則是指風水學。 | | bucc2018 | zh | 1902年,光緒皇帝接受吏部尚書張百熙建議,頒佈〈欽定學堂章程〉,其中尋常小學課目中,有史學、輿地二項。 | | bucc2018 | zh | 張百熙派吳汝綸赴日本考察教育後,1903年,負責教育改革的張百熙、張之洞、榮慶向皇帝建議重訂學堂章程。 |
10-20: 9687
20-30: 25319
30-40: 25872
40-50: 20904
50-60: 33536
60-70: 94395
70-80: 193311
80-90: 263914
90-100: 295448
100-110: 301739
110-120: 280729
120-130: 233477
130-140: 168259
140-150: 105622
150-160: 61119
160-170: 32300
170-180: 15742
180-190: 7148
190-200: 2926
200-210: 1871
文本长度统计图像: ![bucc2018_text_length.jpg](docs/picture/bucc2018_text_length.jpg) #### cmu_hinglish_dog 以下都是 train 训练集的信息 ```text 语种数量: hi_en: 7180 en: 5966 ``` 样本示例: | 数据 | 语种 | 样本 | | :---: | :---: | :---: | | cmu_hinglish_dog | en | what moviie did you see | | cmu_hinglish_dog | en | hello how are you? Have you heard of Batman Begins? It is a great movie! | | cmu_hinglish_dog | en | no tell me more | | cmu_hinglish_dog | hi_en | tumne konsi movie dekhi | | cmu_hinglish_dog | hi_en | hello tum kaise ho? Kya tumne Batman Begins ke bare mein suna hai? Kya great movie hai! | | cmu_hinglish_dog | hi_en | nahi aur batao |
0-10: 474
10-20: 1228
20-30: 1800
30-40: 1801
40-50: 1501
50-60: 1207
60-70: 977
70-80: 773
80-90: 641
90-100: 516
100-110: 397
110-120: 348
120-130: 274
130-140: 206
140-150: 165
150-160: 161
160-170: 115
170-180: 98
180-190: 81
190-200: 64
200-210: 319
文本长度统计图像: ![cmu_hinglish_dog_text_length.jpg](docs/picture/cmu_hinglish_dog_text_length.jpg) #### europa_eac_tm 以下都是 train 训练集的信息 ```text 语种数量: bg: 2535 da: 2339 cs: 2273 pl: 2267 lt: 2235 sl: 2231 lv: 2213 en: 2102 de: 1968 fr: 1962 sk: 1958 es: 1898 pt: 1730 sv: 1643 hu: 1390 el: 1367 et: 1029 it: 1021 mt: 971 nl: 931 is: 626 ro: 543 fi: 501 no: 321 ``` 样本示例: | 数据 | 语种 | 样本 | | :---: | :---: | :---: | | europa_eac_tm | bg | Събития с широка публичност | | europa_eac_tm | bg | Кашмирски | | europa_eac_tm | bg | Специалисти, свързани с преподаването на предучилищното образование | | europa_eac_tm | da | Evenements A Haute Vuisibilite | | europa_eac_tm | da | Kashmiri | | europa_eac_tm | da | Medarbejdere i førskoleundervisning | | europa_eac_tm | sl | Močno prepoznavni dogodki | | europa_eac_tm | sl | kašmirščina | | europa_eac_tm | sl | Pomočniki vzgojiteljev predšolskih otrok | | europa_eac_tm | cs | kašmírština | | europa_eac_tm | cs | Techničtí pracovníci – učitelé předškolní výchovy | | europa_eac_tm | cs | Studium všeobecného typu bez zaměření na určitý předmět | | europa_eac_tm | el | Κασμίρ | | europa_eac_tm | el | Διαρθρωτικά Δίκτυα ERASMUS | | europa_eac_tm | el | Το σχέδιο αντανακλά μια κοινή ανησυχία για την Ευρωπαϊκή κοινωνία, όπως ο ρατσισμός, η ξενοφοβία και ο αντισημιτισμός, η χρήση εξαρτησιογόνων ουσιών... | | europa_eac_tm | es | Cachemir | | europa_eac_tm | es | Profesionales relacionados con la enseñanza pre-primaria | | europa_eac_tm | es | Programas generales sin énfasis en ninguna materia especial | | europa_eac_tm | fi | Kasmiri | | europa_eac_tm | fi | Hanke heijastelee eurooppalaisille yhteisiä huolenaiheita kuten rasismia, muukalaisvihaa, antisemitismiä tai huumausaineiden käyttöä. | | europa_eac_tm | fi | Heard ja McDonaldinsaaret | | europa_eac_tm | hu | HIDE | | europa_eac_tm | hu | ERASMUS Strukturális Hálózatok | | europa_eac_tm | hu | A projekt tükrözi az európai társadalom valamely közös problémáját, például a fajgyűlöletet, az idegengyűlöletet, az antiszemitizmust, a kábítószerekkel való visszaélést | | europa_eac_tm | lt | Kašmyrų | | europa_eac_tm | lt | Ikimokyklinio ugdymo jaunesnieji specialistai | | europa_eac_tm | lt | Bendrosios programos neišskiriant atskirų dalykų | | europa_eac_tm | lv | Kašmiriešu | | europa_eac_tm | lv | Pirmsskolas izglītības apmācību asociētie speciālisti | | europa_eac_tm | lv | Vispārizglītojošās programmas, neuzsverot nekādus īpašus mācību priekšmetus | | europa_eac_tm | mt | Kaxmiri | | europa_eac_tm | mt | Il-proġett jirrifletti tħassib komuni għas-soċjetà Ewropea, bħar-razziżmu, ksenofobija u anti-semitiżmu, abbuż tad-droga... | | europa_eac_tm | mt | Il-Gżejjer Heard u l-Gżejjer Mcdonald | | europa_eac_tm | nl | Kasjmiri | | europa_eac_tm | nl | Het project weerspiegelt een gemeenschappelijk belang in de Europese samenleving, zoals racisme, xenofobie en anti-semitisme, drugmisbruik... | | europa_eac_tm | nl | Heard- en McDonaldeilanden | | europa_eac_tm | pl | kaszmirski | | europa_eac_tm | pl | Asystenci nauczycieli wychowania przedszkolnego | | europa_eac_tm | pl | Programy ogólne bez nacisku na określony przedmiot | | europa_eac_tm | de | Lehrberufe der Vorschulstufe | | europa_eac_tm | de | Allgemeine Programme ohne Schwerpunkt auf speziellen Fächern | | europa_eac_tm | de | ERASMUS strukturelle Netzwerke | | europa_eac_tm | en | Pre-primary education teaching associate professionals | | europa_eac_tm | en | General programmes with no special subject emphasis | | europa_eac_tm | en | ERASMUS Structural Networks | | europa_eac_tm | fr | Professionnels associés à l'enseignement pré-primaire (maternelle en France) | | europa_eac_tm | fr | Programmes généraux sans thématique particulière | | europa_eac_tm | fr | ERASMUS Réseaux structurels | | europa_eac_tm | pt | Profissionais similares do ensino pré primário | | europa_eac_tm | pt | Programas gerais sem ênfase em assuntos especiais | | europa_eac_tm | pt | Redes Estruturais ERASMUS | | europa_eac_tm | sk | Pomocní učitelia v predškolskej výchove | | europa_eac_tm | sk | Všeobecnovzdelávacie programy bez osobitného dôrazu na predmet | | europa_eac_tm | sk | ERASMUS Štrukturálne siete | | europa_eac_tm | sv | Yrkesverksamma knutna till sektorn förskoleutbildning | | europa_eac_tm | sv | Allmänna program utan särskild inriktning | | europa_eac_tm | sv | ERASMUS strukturella nätverk | | europa_eac_tm | et | Üldõppekavad ilma süvaõppeta | | europa_eac_tm | et | Projekt peegeldab selliseid Euroopa ühiskonna murekohti nagu rassism, ksenofoobia, antisemitism, narkootikumide tarbimine jne | | europa_eac_tm | et | Heard ja McDonald saared | | europa_eac_tm | ro | Programe generale fară accent pe o anumită disciplină | | europa_eac_tm | ro | ERASMUS Structural Network | | europa_eac_tm | ro | Proiectul reflectă un subiect de preocupare comun pentru societatea europeană, precum rasismul, xenofobia şi antisemitismul, consumul de droguri, etc | | europa_eac_tm | is | Verkefnið endurspeglar sameiginlegar áhyggjur fyrir íbúa Evrópu af málefnum svo sem mismunun eftir kynþætti, trú, ólíkri menningu, lyfjamisnotkun... | | europa_eac_tm | is | Farandsamfélög (t.d. Sígaunar) | | europa_eac_tm | is | Framleiðsla á hráefnum til lyfjaframleiðslu og lyfjaundirbúnings | | europa_eac_tm | it | Il progetto riflette una preoccupazione comune per i problemi della società europea, come il razzismo, la xenofobia e l'antisemitismo, l'abuso di droghe, ecc. | | europa_eac_tm | it | Isole Heard e Mcdonald | | europa_eac_tm | it | Comunità Rom | | europa_eac_tm | no | Prosjektet gjenspeiler et felles engasjement i europeiske samfunnsspørsmål, f.eks. rasisme, fremmedfrykt, antisemittisme eller narkotikamisbruk | | europa_eac_tm | no | Heard Island og Mcdonald Islands | | europa_eac_tm | no | Roma-samfunn |
0-10: 6273
10-20: 8092
20-30: 6645
30-40: 4941
40-50: 3155
50-60: 2100
60-70: 1453
70-80: 1131
80-90: 821
90-100: 612
100-110: 468
110-120: 359
120-130: 245
130-140: 217
140-150: 201
150-160: 173
160-170: 146
170-180: 131
180-190: 92
190-200: 90
200-210: 709
文本长度统计图像: ![europa_eac_tm_text_length.jpg](docs/picture/europa_eac_tm_text_length.jpg) #### europa_ecdc_tm 以下都是 train 训练集的信息 ```text 语种数量: en: 3071 fi: 2451 bg: 2449 cs: 2430 hu: 2411 et: 2403 mt: 2403 ro: 2398 es: 2393 lt: 2391 pl: 2383 fr: 2382 lv: 2382 el: 2378 da: 2365 de: 2359 sl: 2358 it: 2355 is: 2347 sk: 2332 nl: 2323 sv: 2312 pt: 2301 no: 2260 ga: 1331 ``` 样本示例: | 数据 | 语种 | 样本 | | :---: | :---: | :---: | | europa_ecdc_tm | bg | Засега няма ваксина срещу хепатит С. | | europa_ecdc_tm | bg | Инфекция с човешки имунодефицитен вирус (ХИВ) | | europa_ecdc_tm | bg | Човешкият имунодефицитен вирус (ХИВ) остава едно от най-значимите заразни заболявания в Европа. | | europa_ecdc_tm | cs | Očkování proti hepatitidě C zatím není k dispozici. | | europa_ecdc_tm | cs | Infekce HIV | | europa_ecdc_tm | cs | Virus lidské imunodeficience (human immunodeficiency virus, HIV) zůstává jedním z nejzávažnějších přenosných onemocnění v Evropě. | | europa_ecdc_tm | da | Der findes endnu ingen vaccination mod hepatitis C. | | europa_ecdc_tm | da | HIV-infektion | | europa_ecdc_tm | da | Hiv (humant immundefektvirus), er fortsat blandt de vigtigste overførbare sygdomme i Europa. | | europa_ecdc_tm | de | Es gibt derzeit noch keinen Impfstoff gegen Hepatitis C. | | europa_ecdc_tm | de | HIV-Infektion | | europa_ecdc_tm | de | Das humane Immundefizienz-Virus HIV gehört weiterhin zu den bedeutendsten Infektionserregern in Europa. | | europa_ecdc_tm | el | Επί του παρόντος δεν διατίθεται εμβόλιο έναντι της ηπατίτιδας C. | | europa_ecdc_tm | el | Λοίμωξη από τον ιό της ανοσολογικής ανεπάρκειας του ανθρώπου (HIV) | | europa_ecdc_tm | el | Ο ιός της ανοσολογικής ανεπάρκειας του ανθρώπου παραμένει μία από τις πιο σημαντικές μεταδοτικές νόσους στην Ευρώπη. | | europa_ecdc_tm | es | Todavía no hay ninguna vacuna contra la hepatitis C. | | europa_ecdc_tm | es | VIH, infección por el | | europa_ecdc_tm | es | La infección por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH) sigue siendo una de las enfermedades transmisibles más importantes en Europa. | | europa_ecdc_tm | en | Vaccination against hepatitis C is not yet available. | | europa_ecdc_tm | en | HIV infection | | europa_ecdc_tm | en | The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) remains one of the most important communicable diseases in Europe. | | europa_ecdc_tm | et | C-hepatiidi vastast vaktsiini veel ei ole. | | europa_ecdc_tm | et | HIV-nakkus | | europa_ecdc_tm | et | Inimese immuunpuudulikkuse viiruse (HIV) nakkus on endiselt Euroopas üks tähtsaimaid nakkushaigusi. | | europa_ecdc_tm | fi | Hepatiitti C:hen ei ole vielä rokotetta. | | europa_ecdc_tm | fi | HIV-infektio | | europa_ecdc_tm | fi | Ihmisen immuunikatovirus (HIV) kuuluu Euroopan merkittävimpiin tartuntatauteihin. | | europa_ecdc_tm | fr | Aucune vaccination contre l’hépatite C n’est encore disponible. | | europa_ecdc_tm | fr | Infection à VIH | | europa_ecdc_tm | fr | L’infection par le virus de l’immunodéficience humaine (VIH) reste l’une des principales maladies contagieuses en Europe. | | europa_ecdc_tm | ga | Níl vacsaíniú ar fáil fós i gcoinne heipitítis C. | | europa_ecdc_tm | ga | Ionfhabhtú VEID | | europa_ecdc_tm | ga | Tá an víreas easpa imdhíonachta daonna (VEID) fós ar cheann de na galair thógálacha is tábhachtaí san Eoraip. | | europa_ecdc_tm | hu | A hepatitisz C ellen nincs még védőoltás. | | europa_ecdc_tm | hu | HIV fertőzés | | europa_ecdc_tm | hu | A humán immunhiányos betegséget okozó vírusfertőzés (human immunodeficiency virus, HIV) továbbra is az egyik legmeghatározóbb fertőző betegség Európában. | | europa_ecdc_tm | is | Bólusetning gegn lifrarbólgu C er enn ekki til. | | europa_ecdc_tm | is | HIV smitun | | europa_ecdc_tm | is | Alnæmisveira í mönnum (HIV) er enn sem fyrr einn alvarlegasti smitsjúkdómurinn í Evrópu. | | europa_ecdc_tm | it | Non c'è ancora un vaccino per l'epatite C. | | europa_ecdc_tm | it | Infezione da HIV | | europa_ecdc_tm | it | Il virus dell'immunodeficienza umana (HIV) resta una delle più importanti malattie trasmissibili in Europa. | | europa_ecdc_tm | lt | Vakcinos nuo hepatito C dar nėra. | | europa_ecdc_tm | lt | ŽIV infekcija | | europa_ecdc_tm | lt | Žmogaus imunodeficito virusas (ŽIV) ir toliau lieka viena iš pagrindinių užkrečiamųjų ligų Europoje. | | europa_ecdc_tm | lv | Pagaidām pret hepatītu C nav iespējams vakcinēties. | | europa_ecdc_tm | lv | HIV infekcija | | europa_ecdc_tm | lv | Cilvēka imūndeficīta vīruss (HIV) joprojām ir viens no vissvarīgākajiem infekcijas slimību izraisītājiem Eiropā. | | europa_ecdc_tm | mt | It-tilqim kontra l-epatite Ċ għadu mhux disponibbli. | | europa_ecdc_tm | mt | Infezzjoni HIV | | europa_ecdc_tm | mt | Il-virus tal-immunodefiċenza tal-bniedem (HIV) jibqa’ wieħed mill-mard li jinxtered l-aktar importanti fl-Ewropa. | | europa_ecdc_tm | nl | Er is nog geen vaccin tegen hepatitis C beschikbaar. | | europa_ecdc_tm | nl | Hiv-infectie | | europa_ecdc_tm | nl | Het humaan immunodeficiëntievirus (hiv) is nog altijd een van de belangrijkste overdraagbare ziekten in Europa. | | europa_ecdc_tm | no | Det finnes foreløpig ingen vaksine mot hepatitt C, og sykdomsbyrden er høy. | | europa_ecdc_tm | no | HIV-infeksjon | | europa_ecdc_tm | no | Humant immunsviktvirus (HIV) er fortsatt en av de viktigste smittsomme sykdommene i Europa. | | europa_ecdc_tm | pl | Niestety nadal nie jest dostępna szczepionka przeciwko wirusowemu zapaleniu wątroby typu C. | | europa_ecdc_tm | pl | Zakażenie wirusem HIV | | europa_ecdc_tm | pl | Ludzki wirus upośledzenia odporności (HIV) powoduje jedną z najważniejszych chorób zakaźnych w Europie. | | europa_ecdc_tm | pt | De momento, não existe qualquer vacina disponível contra o vírus da hepatite C. | | europa_ecdc_tm | pt | Infecção por VIH | | europa_ecdc_tm | pt | O vírus da imunodeficiência humana (VIH) continua a ser uma das doenças transmissíveis mais importantes na Europa. | | europa_ecdc_tm | ro | Nu există încă niciun vaccin disponibil împotriva hepatitei C. | | europa_ecdc_tm | ro | Infecţia cu HIV | | europa_ecdc_tm | ro | Infecţia cu virusul imunodeficienţei umane (HIV) rămâne una dintre cele mai importante boli transmisibile din Europa. | | europa_ecdc_tm | sk | Proti hepatitíde C nie je zatiaľ dostupné očkovanie. | | europa_ecdc_tm | sk | Infekcia HIV | | europa_ecdc_tm | sk | Vírus ľudskej imunitnej nedostatočnosti (HIV) naďalej predstavuje jedno z  najvýznamnejších nákazlivých ochorení v  Európe. | | europa_ecdc_tm | sl | Cepiva proti hepatitisu C še ni. | | europa_ecdc_tm | sl | Okužba s HIV | | europa_ecdc_tm | sl | Virus humane imunske pomanjkljivosti (HIV) ostaja ena najpomembnejših nalezljivih bolezni v Evropi. | | europa_ecdc_tm | sv | Det finns ännu inget vaccin mot hepatit C. | | europa_ecdc_tm | sv | Humant immunbristvirus (HIV) är fortfarande en av de dominerande smittsamma sjukdomarna i Europa. | | europa_ecdc_tm | sv | HIV-infektion är kopplad till allvarlig sjukdom, långvariga och höga kostnader för behandling och vård, ett betydande antal dödsfall samt kortare förväntad livslängd. |
0-10: 1375
10-20: 4146
20-30: 3820
30-40: 3390
40-50: 2955
50-60: 2864
60-70: 3009
70-80: 2837
80-90: 2779
90-100: 2839
100-110: 2817
110-120: 2589
120-130: 2545
130-140: 2390
140-150: 2174
150-160: 2058
160-170: 1710
170-180: 1574
180-190: 1399
190-200: 1290
200-210: 8408
文本长度统计图像: ![europa_ecdc_tm_text_length.jpg](docs/picture/europa_ecdc_tm_text_length.jpg) #### hind_encorp 以下都是 train 训练集的信息 ```text 语种数量: en: 229883 hi: 215188 ``` 样本示例: | 数据 | 语种 | 样本 | | :---: | :---: | :---: | | hind_encorp | en | Sharaabi | | hind_encorp | en | politicians do not have permission to do what needs to be done. | | hind_encorp | en | I'd like to tell you about one such child, | | hind_encorp | hi | शराबी | | hind_encorp | hi | राजनीतिज्ञों के पास जो कार्य करना चाहिए, वह करने कि अनुमति नहीं है . | | hind_encorp | hi | मई आपको ऐसे ही एक बच्चे के बारे में बताना चाहूंगी, |
0-10: 30653
10-20: 73226
20-30: 53635
30-40: 44904
40-50: 37282
50-60: 29459
60-70: 22956
70-80: 18088
80-90: 15361
90-100: 13614
100-110: 12327
110-120: 11161
120-130: 10286
130-140: 8782
140-150: 7767
150-160: 6571
160-170: 5752
170-180: 4803
180-190: 4165
190-200: 3510
200-210: 30769
文本长度统计图像: ![hind_encorp_text_length.jpg](docs/picture/hind_encorp_text_length.jpg) #### hrenwac_para 以下都是 train 训练集的信息 ```text 语种数量: en: 96102 hr: 95844 ``` 样本示例: | 数据 | 语种 | 样本 | | :---: | :---: | :---: | | hrenwac_para | en | There is probably no person in the world that the news about the medical operation on close someone does not feel sadness and helplessness. | | hrenwac_para | en | After news of the black on weekends in the traffic is often not see the sequel in which we participate - and maybe save someone's life. | | hrenwac_para | en | There is something that can't be bought, because they can't produce, but only to give. | | hrenwac_para | hr | Vjerojatno ne postoji osoba na svijetu koja na vijest o medicinskom zahvatu nekoga bliskoga ne osjeća tugu i bespomoćnost. | | hrenwac_para | hr | Iza vijesti o crnim vikendima u prometu često ne vidimo onaj nastavak u kojemu možemo sudjelovati – i možda spasiti nečiji život. | | hrenwac_para | hr | Postoji nešto što se ne može kupiti, jer se ne može proizvesti, nego samo darovati. |
0-10: 253
10-20: 1160
20-30: 2194
30-40: 4350
40-50: 5911
50-60: 7780
60-70: 9253
70-80: 10465
80-90: 11194
90-100: 11641
100-110: 11608
110-120: 11566
120-130: 10983
130-140: 10269
140-150: 9653
150-160: 8716
160-170: 7885
170-180: 6830
180-190: 6241
190-200: 5500
200-210: 38494
文本长度统计图像: ![hrenwac_para_text_length.jpg](docs/picture/hrenwac_para_text_length.jpg) #### id_panl_bppt 以下都是 train 训练集的信息 ```text 语种数量: en: 23976 id: 23940 ``` 样本示例: | 数据 | 语种 | 样本 | | :---: | :---: | :---: | | id_panl_bppt | en | Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati said that a sharp correction of the composite inde x by up to 4 pct in Wedenesday?s trading was a mere temporary effect of regional factors like decline in plantation commodity prices and the financial crisis in Thailand. | | id_panl_bppt | en | In a press briefing held at the ministry here on Wedenesday evening, Minister Sri Mulyani flanked by President Director of the Jakarta Stock Exchange JSX Erry Firmansyah said that some of the Indonesian economic factors had improved, instead the inflation factor of foodstuffs will soon dissappear which is confirmed by rice prices in all the provinces. | | id_panl_bppt | en | Sri Mulayani showed other factors, among others, the rupiah currency tended to strengthen, with a positive impact on the inflation. | | id_panl_bppt | id | Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani mengatakan koreksi tajam pada Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan IHSG hingga sekitar 4 persen dalam perdagangan Rabu 10/1 hanya efek sesaat dari faktor-faktor regional seperti penurunan harga komoditi perkebunan dan krisis finansial di Thailand. | | id_panl_bppt | id | Dalam jumpa pers bersama Dirut Bursa Efek Jakarta BEJ, Erry Firmansyah di gedung Depkeu Jakarta, Rabu malam, Menkeu menjelaskan beberapa faktor ekonomi Indonesia justru membaik. | | id_panl_bppt | id | Kita melihat faktor inflasi dari makanan akan segera hilang yang terkonfirmasi dari harga beras di semua propinsi, katanya. |
10-20: 42
20-30: 303
30-40: 711
40-50: 1137
50-60: 1563
60-70: 1973
70-80: 2285
80-90: 2478
90-100: 2856
100-110: 2847
110-120: 2932
120-130: 2777
130-140: 2792
140-150: 2689
150-160: 2560
160-170: 2492
170-180: 2322
180-190: 2198
190-200: 2022
200-210: 8937
文本长度统计图像: ![id_panl_bppt_text_length.jpg](docs/picture/id_panl_bppt_text_length.jpg) #### iwslt2017 以下都是 train 训练集的信息 ```text 语种数量: en: 341146 it: 306152 nl: 272246 fr: 229787 ar: 229670 zh: 228987 ko: 227933 ro: 222609 ja: 220522 de: 203597 ``` 样本示例: | 数据 | 语种 | 样本 | | :---: | :---: | :---: | | iwslt2017 | en | Thank you so much, Chris. And it's truly a great honor to have the opportunity to come to this stage twice; I'm extremely grateful. | | iwslt2017 | en | I have been blown away by this conference, and I want to thank all of you for the many nice comments | | iwslt2017 | en | about what I had to say the other night. And I say that sincerely, | | iwslt2017 | it | Grazie mille, Chris. E’ veramente un grande onore venire su questo palco due volte. Vi sono estremamente grato. | | iwslt2017 | it | Sono impressionato da questa conferenza, e voglio ringraziare tutti voi per i tanti, lusinghieri commenti, anche perché... Ne ho bisogno!!! | | iwslt2017 | it | per i tanti, lusinghieri commenti, anche perché... Ne ho bisogno!!! | | iwslt2017 | nl | Hartelijk bedankt, Chris, het is werkelijk een eer de gelegenheid te hebben twee keer op dit podium te staan. Ik ben hiervoor erg dankbaar. | | iwslt2017 | nl | Ik ben zeer onder de indruk van deze conferentie, en ik wil jullie bedanken voor de vele aardige opmerkingen over wat ik eerder te zeggen had. | | iwslt2017 | nl | Ik meen dit, ook omdat – – ik het nodig heb! Bekijk het eens vanuit mijn perspectief! | | iwslt2017 | ro | Mulțumesc foarte mult, Chris. Și trebuie să spun că mă simt onorat să am ocazia de a veni pe scenă de două ori. Sunt foarte recunoscător. | | iwslt2017 | ro | Am fost bulversat de conferința aceasta și vreau să vă mulțumesc tuturor pentru multele comentarii frumoase la ce am avut de spus seara trecută. | | iwslt2017 | ro | Și o spun cu sinceritate, mai mult pentru că -- -- Am nevoie de asta! Puneți-vă în locul meu! | | iwslt2017 | ar | شكرا جزيلا كريس. انه فعلا شرف عظيم لي | | iwslt2017 | ar | ان أصعد المنصة للمرة الثانية. أنا في غاية الامتنان. لقد بهرت فعلا بهذا المؤتمر, وأريد أن أشكركم جميعا على | | iwslt2017 | ar | تعليقاتكم الطيبة على ما قلته تلك الليلة. وأقول ذلك بكل صراحة, الى حد ما---- لأنني أحتاج الى ذلك! ضعوا أنفسكم مكاني! | | iwslt2017 | de | Vielen Dank, Chris. | | iwslt2017 | de | Es ist mir wirklich eine Ehre, zweimal auf dieser Bühne stehen zu dürfen. Tausend Dank dafür. | | iwslt2017 | de | Ich bin wirklich begeistert von dieser Konferenz, und ich danke Ihnen allen für die vielen netten Kommentare zu meiner Rede vorgestern Abend. | | iwslt2017 | fr | Merci beaucoup, Chris. C'est vraiment un honneur de pouvoir venir sur cette scène une deuxième fois. Je suis très reconnaissant. | | iwslt2017 | fr | J'ai été très impressionné par cette conférence, et je tiens à vous remercier tous pour vos nombreux et sympathiques commentaires sur ce que j'ai dit l'autre soir. | | iwslt2017 | fr | Et je dis çà sincèrement, en autres parce que --Faux sanglot-- j'en ai besoin ! --Rires-- Mettez-vous à ma place! | | iwslt2017 | ja | どうもありがとう クリス このステージに立てる機会を 2度もいただけるというのは実に光栄なことで とてもうれしく思っています | | iwslt2017 | ja | このカンファレンスには圧倒されっぱなしです 皆さんから― 前回の講演に対していただいた温かいコメントにお礼を申し上げたい 心からそう思っています それというのも…ううっ…私には必要なものでしたから! どうか私の立場で考えてみてください! | | iwslt2017 | ja | 8年間私はエアフォースツーで飛んでいました | | iwslt2017 | ko | 감사합니다, 크리스. 이곳에 두 번이나 | | iwslt2017 | ko | 설 기회를 얻게된 것을 큰 영광으로 생각합니다. 진심으로 감사드립니다. | | iwslt2017 | ko | 저는 TED에 큰 감명을 받았습니다. 그리고 제가 지난 번에 한 이야기에 대해 많은 멋진 코멘트를 보내주신 여러분 모두에게 감사드립니다. | | iwslt2017 | zh | 非常谢谢,克里斯。的确非常荣幸 能有第二次站在这个台上的机会,我真是非常感激。 | | iwslt2017 | zh | 这个会议真是让我感到惊叹不已,我还要谢谢你们留下的 关于我上次演讲的精彩评论 | | iwslt2017 | zh | 我是非常真诚的,部分原因是因为----我的确非常需要! 你设身处地为我想想! |
0-10: 32067
10-20: 180482
20-30: 249106
30-40: 263257
40-50: 246436
50-60: 217665
60-70: 184999
70-80: 155933
80-90: 131188
90-100: 113735
100-110: 99306
110-120: 85471
120-130: 73569
130-140: 63311
140-150: 54193
150-160: 46823
160-170: 40171
170-180: 34468
180-190: 29076
190-200: 24783
200-210: 156610
文本长度统计图像: ![iwslt2017_text_length.jpg](docs/picture/iwslt2017_text_length.jpg) #### menyo20k_mt 以下都是 train 训练集的信息 ```text 语种数量: yo: 9970 en: 9929 ``` 样本示例: | 数据 | 语种 | 样本 | | :---: | :---: | :---: | | menyo20k_mt | en | Unit 1: What is Creative Commons? | | menyo20k_mt | en | This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. | | menyo20k_mt | en | Creative Commons is a set of legal tools, a nonprofit organization, as well as a global network and a movement — all inspired by people’s willingness to share their creativity and knowledge, and enabled by a set of open copyright licenses. | | menyo20k_mt | yo | Ìdá 1: Kín ni Creative Commons? | | menyo20k_mt | yo | Iṣẹ́ yìí wà lábẹ́ àṣẹ Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. | | menyo20k_mt | yo | Creative Commons jẹ́ àwọn ọ̀kan-ò-jọ̀kan ohun-èlò ajẹmófin, iléeṣẹ́ àìlérèlórí, àti àjọ àwọn ènìyàn eléròǹgbà kan náà kárí àgbáńlá ayé— tí í ṣe ìmísí àwọn ènìyànkan tí ó ní ìfẹ́ tinútinú láti pín àwọn iṣẹ́-àtinúdá àti ìmọ̀ wọn èyí tí ó ní àtìlẹ́yìn àwọn ọ̀kan-ò-jọ̀kan àṣẹ ìṣísílẹ̀-gbangba-wálíà fún àtúnlò. |
0-10: 98
10-20: 851
20-30: 1289
30-40: 1480
40-50: 1506
50-60: 1506
60-70: 1386
70-80: 1165
80-90: 1142
90-100: 1085
100-110: 923
110-120: 927
120-130: 825
130-140: 726
140-150: 690
150-160: 647
160-170: 620
170-180: 433
180-190: 423
190-200: 324
200-210: 1853
文本长度统计图像: ![menyo20k_mt_text_length.jpg](docs/picture/menyo20k_mt_text_length.jpg) #### mike0307 以下都是 train 训练集的信息 ```text 语种数量: es: 3436 pl: 3370 en: 3354 zh-tw: 3338 fr: 3325 pt: 3280 it: 3274 de: 3269 nl: 3233 ru: 3216 ``` 样本示例: | 数据 | 语种 | 样本 | | :---: | :---: | :---: | | mike0307 | pt | Fluoretos binários de metalóides e não-metais de bloco p são geralmente covalentes e voláteis, com reatividade variável, e não-metais de estágio 3 e mais pesados ​​podem formar fluoretos hipervalentes. | | mike0307 | pt | Ter sistemas de armas nucleares em alerta máximo aumenta o risco de utilização destas armas, inclusive inadvertidamente, com consequências catastróficas. | | mike0307 | pt | O castelo foi remodelado duas vezes: primeiro no século XV e novamente no século XIX, após ter sido parcialmente destruído. | | mike0307 | pl | Policja w Birmie postawiła Aung San Suu Kyi dwa kolejne zarzuty | | mike0307 | pl | Kobieta trzyma w ramionach małego kangura. | | mike0307 | pl | Do jakiego miasta należy Wudi? | | mike0307 | ru | Взрыв 74+19+16! Дюрэнт и Харден сошли с ума, оба установили рекорды, а «Нетс» обыграли «Мэджик» | | mike0307 | ru | 13. Каково настоящее имя известного писателя Лао Шэ? | | mike0307 | ru | [Выход на массовый рынок в Новом году] Во время Весеннего фестиваля кассовые сборы фильма в округе Гангу достигли 1 миллиона юаней. | | mike0307 | nl | Ze had slechts één voorwaarde: dat het boek pas na haar dood zou worden gepubliceerd. | | mike0307 | nl | Narendra Modi belooft een harde houding tegenover Pakistan | | mike0307 | nl | Leen het niet | | mike0307 | en | Kang Young-hoon (,), South Korean Army Lieutenant General, Ambassador to foreign countries, and Prime Minister of South Korea. He served from December 5, 1988 to December 27, 1990, and served as the interim Prime Minister of South Korea until December 16, 1988. He was born in Changseong County, North Pyongan Province during the Japanese colonial period. Originally from Jinzhou (), his name was Qingnong (). Graduated from Yongbyon Agricultural High School in 1936 and Hiroshima Higher Normal University in 1940. Later, he studied in Manzhou and was admitted to the Department of Economics of Jianguo University. On May 1, 1946, he became the first batch of students of the Military English School and participated in the Korean War. In 1951, he served as the manager and director of the Ministry of Defense of South Korea. In 1952, he served as the military attache of the Korean Embassy in the United States. In 1954, he served as the chief of the Joint Staff Headquarters with the rank of major general. In 1955, he served as the assistant undersecretary for mobilization of the Ministry of National Defense. In 1956, he served as the manager of the Army Headquarters. Deputy Chief of Staff, from 1958 to further training, appointed in 1959. He served as the principal of the Army Military Academy in 1960, but because he opposed the participation of military academy students in demonstrations in support of the May 16th coup, he was imprisoned in Seodaemun Prison as the "number one counterrevolutionary general" (). He was released from prison in 1961 and retired with the rank of Army Lieutenant General. In 1970, he went to the University of Southern California to study abroad and received a doctorate in political science. In early 1978, he joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as the Dean of Diplomatic and Security Research Fellows. On January 13, 1981, he was concurrently appointed as Ambassador of Ireland (until 1984) and Ambassador to the Vatican (1985 to 1987). On April 26, 1988, he was elected to the 13th General Election. He was elected as a member of the National Assembly (May to December 1988). He was appointed as the 21st Prime Minister on December 16 of the same year and resigned in 1990. Died on May 10, 2016. | | mike0307 | en | The S&P 500 index .SPX closed down 11.91 points, or 1.19%, at 986.60 points; | | mike0307 | en | Tony Estanguet (Tony Estanguet,) is a French male canoe slalom athlete who won the gold medal in the single event at the 2000 Summer Olympics, 2004 Summer Olympics and 2012 Summer Olympics. Tony is the son of kayaker Henri Estrangay, who won a world championship medal in the 1970s. His older brother, Patrice Estangay [1996 Summer Olympics | 1996 Atlanta Olympics]] won a bronze medal. Tony Estangay won a total of 3 gold medals in the C-1 event at the Olympic Games, in 2000, 2004 and 2012. The 2004 gold medal was very controversial. The referee gave Michal Martykan a 2-second penalty, making him the runner-up. His final time was only 0.12 seconds behind Estangay. Estangay was France's flag bearer at the opening ceremony of the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing. He finished 9th in the C-1 semi-finals and was eliminated as a result. At the 2012 London Olympics, he became the first French athlete to win three gold medals in the same event. He won a total of 12 medals at the Canoe World Championships, including 5 gold medals (C-1: 2006, 2009, 2010; C-1 Team: 2005, 2007) and 6 silver medals (C-1 : 2003, 2005, 2007; C-1 Group: 1997, 2003, 2009), a bronze medal (C-1 Group: 1999). In 2012, he was elected to the International Olympic Committee Athletes Commission. He will serve as a member of the International Olympic Committee for a term of eight years. On October 30, 2012, he announced his retirement. | | mike0307 | es | ¿Por qué la deducción no tiene éxito? El saldo es suficiente | | mike0307 | es | ¿Cómo quitar la pintura de la ropa? | | mike0307 | es | Peter conocía a Brewster, que era amigo del padre de Peter. | | mike0307 | fr | Il a désormais été remplacé par Bing. | | mike0307 | fr | Manifestations cliniques du pied diabétique | | mike0307 | fr | Veuillez fournir votre numéro de téléphone portable. Merci pour votre travail acharné. | | mike0307 | de | Schwarzflossenbarrakuda (wissenschaftlicher Name:), auch Schwarzflossenbarrakuda genannt, allgemein bekannt als Nadelschiffchen, Bambusschiffchen und Barrakuda, ist einer der Rochenfische in der Ordnung Perciformes, der Unterordnung Mackerelidae und der Familie Barracuda. Dieser Fisch ist in der indopazifischen Region verbreitet, einschließlich Südafrika, Ostafrika, dem Roten Meer, den Seychellen, den Malediven, Taiwan, Japan, Malaysia, Indonesien, Kambodscha, Australien, Samoa, Guam, Tonga und den Marshallinseln und Mikronesien. Rumänien, Hawaii-Inseln, Neukaledonien, Französisch-Polynesien, Mexiko und andere Gewässer. Die Typuslokalität dieser Art ist Nagasaki, Japan. Die Wassertiefe beträgt 40 bis 70 Meter. Der Körper dieses Fisches ist länglich und torpedoförmig, mit einem fast zylindrischen Querschnitt. Die Anzahl der Seitenschuppen beträgt mehr als 100, und es gibt keine verlängerten Kiemenräumer. Der Ansatzpunkt der Bauchflosse liegt vor der Vertikalen Linie des Ausgangspunkts der Rückenflosse. Die Augen sind gleich groß und der Kopf ist etwa sechsmal länger. , Die Brustflosse hat keinen großen schwarzen Fleck und der ㄍ-förmige Streifen erstreckt sich von der Rückseite des Körpers bis etwas unterhalb des Seitenlinienfetts. Die Bauchflosse ist schwarz und der Oberkiefer reicht nicht bis zum Augenrand. Die Rückenflosse hat 6 harte Stacheln; die Rückenflosse hat 9 weiche Strahlen; die Afterflosse hat 2 harte Stacheln; die Afterflosse hat 7 bis 9 weiche Strahlen und die Körperlänge kann 170 cm erreichen. Dieser Fisch bewohnt Lagunen und Küstenriffgebiete. Sie bewegen sich in Gruppen, sind tagsüber aktiv und schwimmen schnell. Sie sind wandernde, fleischfressende Fische, die sich von Fischen, Kopffüßern usw. ernähren. Es ist ein Speisefisch mit köstlichem Fleisch, der sich zum Schmoren, Braten oder Zubereiten von Suppen eignet. | | mike0307 | de | Ein Mann hackt Pfeffer. | | mike0307 | de | Colombres ist eine der drei Diözesen (Verwaltungsbezirke) von Asturien, einer Stadt in der Autonomen Gemeinschaft Ribadedeva in der Provinz Nordspanien. | | mike0307 | zh-tw | 您那個是哪家的銀行卡? | | mike0307 | zh-tw | 女性幾乎總是女性 - 男性護士並不常見,特別是在高級職位上。 | | mike0307 | zh-tw | 使氣體液化有哪些方法? | | mike0307 | it | Che marca di giacca di pelle è buona? | | mike0307 | it | La Russia ha ratificato la versione rivista del trattato. | | mike0307 | it | Un uomo sta sciando in montagna con un cane. |
0-10: 591
10-20: 1700
20-30: 2526
30-40: 3559
40-50: 3495
50-60: 3038
60-70: 2324
70-80: 1927
80-90: 1576
90-100: 1383
100-110: 1271
110-120: 1099
120-130: 985
130-140: 903
140-150: 719
150-160: 625
160-170: 496
170-180: 326
180-190: 249
190-200: 164
200-210: 4139
文本长度统计图像: ![mike0307_text_length.jpg](docs/picture/mike0307_text_length.jpg) #### nbnn 以下都是 train 训练集的信息 ```text 语种数量: no-n: 778247 no-b: 777965 ``` 样本示例: | 数据 | 语种 | 样本 | | :---: | :---: | :---: | | nbnn | no-b | – Det har vært en glede og en ære å representere Telemark på Stortinget, men jeg har varslet valgkomiteen om at jeg ikke stiller meg til disposisjon for neste periode. | | nbnn | no-b | To klassetrinn ved Hedrum barneskole er satt i ventekarantene | | nbnn | no-b | Planen er at jeg skal være der til neste år også. | | nbnn | no-n | Han seier til Adresseavisen | | nbnn | no-n | Kvotane i 2014 er reduserte med vel 200.000 tonn frå 2013 på grunn av framleis svak rekruttering og små årsklasser etter 2004. | | nbnn | no-n | Mistanken er basert på at det er oppdaga mange svake og døde fjørfe i besetninga |
0-10: 5556
10-20: 25148
20-30: 46278
30-40: 79125
40-50: 112309
50-60: 123719
60-70: 125569
70-80: 126520
80-90: 122251
90-100: 115816
100-110: 108365
110-120: 97733
120-130: 86840
130-140: 75411
140-150: 65692
150-160: 55824
160-170: 40693
170-180: 32009
180-190: 25787
190-200: 20289
200-210: 65278
文本长度统计图像: ![nbnn_text_length.jpg](docs/picture/nbnn_text_length.jpg) #### nordic_langid 以下都是 train 训练集的信息 ```text 语种数量: no-b: 44542 no-n: 43244 sv: 43074 da: 37544 is: 33948 fo: 23807 ``` 样本示例: | 数据 | 语种 | 样本 | | :---: | :---: | :---: | | nordic_langid | no-n | jackson er anerkjent som den mest suksessrike artisten gjennom tidene av guinness world records og er blitt betegnet som kongen av pop | | nordic_langid | no-n | selv om forjekslene ikke har den samme kompliserte bygningen som jekslene har de vanligvis flere spisser og kan ha doble røtter | | nordic_langid | no-n | yagua har fem distinksjoner i fortid og to i framtid fjern fortid ett år siden en måned siden ei uke siden i dag i går nå umiddelbar framtid framtid norsk har et tredelt system som skiller mellom presens nåtid preteritum fortid og futurum framtid | | nordic_langid | sv | gróa var den norrøne gro den gammaldanske og groa den gammalsvenske forma av namnet | | nordic_langid | sv | i klarte sjakkstormeister vladimir kramnik å slå kasparov i vm kamp i london med sigrar og remisar garri kasparov var rekna som den sterkaste sjakkspelaren i verda også etter at han miste vm tittelen | | nordic_langid | sv | gentrifisering sett søkelyset på prisen på husvære særleg husleiga når prisane gjer at folk med låge inntekter må flytta | | nordic_langid | fo | tváttarbjørn dugir væl at klintra í trøum og er kvik á føti | | nordic_langid | fo | smith er giftur við jada pinkett smith og er pápi willow smith og jaden smith | | nordic_langid | fo | hann var kendastur fyri sítt arbeiði í it s garry shandling s show og the larry sanders show ushuaia er tann syðsti býurin i heiminum | | nordic_langid | no-b | efter et par år at have været underofficer blev han fænrik ved | | nordic_langid | no-b | fortlages vigtigste skrifter er genetische geschichte der philosophie seit kant | | nordic_langid | no-b | hvis følgeanmodningen automatisk godkendes har din bruger nu fået følgestatus medlemstatus eller forbindelsesstatus vent på at nogen i gruppen eller på siden enten godkender eller ikke godkender anmodningen | | nordic_langid | da | edie talar inn á þættina look into their eyes og you see what the know eftir dauða hennar þáttaröðin fékk minnsta áhorf sem þættirnir hafa fengið | | nordic_langid | da | eyjarnar eru talsins og þar af byggðar | | nordic_langid | da | þessi bergtegund finnst ekki á íslandi gráspör fræðiheiti passer domesticus er fugl af spörvaætt | | nordic_langid | is | sjön har en area på kvadratkilometer och ligger meter över havet vietnamocalamus catbaensis är en gräsart som beskrevs av to quyen nguyen | | nordic_langid | is | den varmaste månaden är juli då medeltemperaturen är c och den kallaste är januari med c | | nordic_langid | is | ett tropiskt höglandsklimat råder i trakten |
0-10: 65
10-20: 6477
20-30: 9545
30-40: 9746
40-50: 11056
50-60: 12141
60-70: 14824
70-80: 16952
80-90: 15225
90-100: 14171
100-110: 12428
110-120: 11461
120-130: 10529
130-140: 9484
140-150: 8944
150-160: 7884
160-170: 7067
170-180: 6538
180-190: 5860
190-200: 5254
200-210: 30508
文本长度统计图像: ![nordic_langid_text_length.jpg](docs/picture/nordic_langid_text_length.jpg) #### scandi_langid 以下都是 train 训练集的信息 ```text 语种数量: sv: 79928 no: 79846 da: 79844 ``` 样本示例: | 数据 | 语种 | 样本 | | :---: | :---: | :---: | | scandi_langid | no | Det høres flott ut, men hvem sa at det skal være lett? | | scandi_langid | no | Malla, vil du gifte deg med meg? | | scandi_langid | no | Må jeg gå helt tilbake for å hente den? | | scandi_langid | da | -Jeg er ikke bøsse.

-Han kaldte os ikke ved navn... | | scandi_langid | da | Så længe det er en forretning, vil også Internettet blive brugt til det, fordi Internettet er en ekstra hjælp: Det dækker nemlig over, hvem der er forbruger, og det gør i højeste grad udbyderne anonyme. | | scandi_langid | da | Det er ikke noget nyt, det er ikke nye uoverensstemmelser, vi har nu. | | scandi_langid | sv | Irland och Storbritannien som har hävdat sin rätt att inte vilja vara med, vilket har medgetts i avtalen, utgör ett anmärkningsvärt undantag. | | scandi_langid | sv | Om vi även i fortsättningen dumpar produkter med hjälp av miljardbelopp, förstörs denna utveckling även i fortsättningen, och det kommer att inträffa många nedläggningar på grund av sociala och ekologiska skäl. | | scandi_langid | sv | En del av unionens medlemsländer, inklusive mitt eget land, har hela tiden haft diplomatiska förbindelser med Demokratiska folkrepubliken Korea, andra har nyligen bestämt sig för att upprätta förbindelser medan ytterligare en grupp väntar på att fatta ett beslut om att upprätta förbindelser. |
0-10: 27
10-20: 348
20-30: 14062
30-40: 40560
40-50: 29088
50-60: 23904
60-70: 18662
70-80: 12070
80-90: 9335
90-100: 8702
100-110: 7974
110-120: 7335
120-130: 6829
130-140: 6289
140-150: 5694
150-160: 5345
160-170: 4730
170-180: 4369
180-190: 3969
190-200: 3607
200-210: 26719
文本长度统计图像: ![scandi_langid_text_length.jpg](docs/picture/scandi_langid_text_length.jpg) #### stsb_multi_mt 以下都是 train 训练集的信息 ```text 语种数量: en: 10536 pt: 10462 it: 10454 es: 10437 nl: 10425 de: 10413 fr: 10380 zh-cn: 10358 pl: 10338 ru: 10314 ``` 样本示例: | 数据 | 语种 | 样本 | | :---: | :---: | :---: | | stsb_multi_mt | de | Ein Flugzeug hebt gerade ab. | | stsb_multi_mt | de | Ein Mann spielt eine große Flöte. | | stsb_multi_mt | de | Ein Mann spielt eine Flöte. | | stsb_multi_mt | en | A plane is taking off. | | stsb_multi_mt | en | An air plane is taking off. | | stsb_multi_mt | en | A man is playing a large flute. | | stsb_multi_mt | es | Un avión está despegando. | | stsb_multi_mt | es | Un hombre está tocando una gran flauta. | | stsb_multi_mt | es | Un hombre está tocando una flauta. | | stsb_multi_mt | fr | Un avion est en train de décoller. | | stsb_multi_mt | fr | Un homme joue d'une grande flûte. | | stsb_multi_mt | fr | Un homme joue de la flûte. | | stsb_multi_mt | it | Un aereo sta decollando. | | stsb_multi_mt | it | Un uomo sta suonando un grande flauto. | | stsb_multi_mt | it | Un uomo sta suonando un flauto. | | stsb_multi_mt | nl | Er gaat een vliegtuig opstijgen. | | stsb_multi_mt | nl | Een man speelt een grote fluit. | | stsb_multi_mt | nl | Een man speelt fluit. | | stsb_multi_mt | pl | Samolot wystartował. | | stsb_multi_mt | pl | Człowiek gra na dużym flecie. | | stsb_multi_mt | pl | Człowiek gra na flecie. | | stsb_multi_mt | pt | Um avião está a descolar. | | stsb_multi_mt | pt | Um avião aéreo está a descolar. | | stsb_multi_mt | pt | Um homem está a tocar uma grande flauta. | | stsb_multi_mt | ru | Самолет взлетает. | | stsb_multi_mt | ru | Взлетает самолет. | | stsb_multi_mt | ru | Человек играет на большой флейте. | | stsb_multi_mt | zh-cn | 一架飞机正在起飞。 | | stsb_multi_mt | zh-cn | 一个男人正在吹一支大笛子。 | | stsb_multi_mt | zh-cn | 一个人在吹笛子。 |
0-10: 1025
10-20: 6326
20-30: 8096
30-40: 14187
40-50: 16517
50-60: 15156
60-70: 11326
70-80: 7522
80-90: 4780
90-100: 3399
100-110: 2746
110-120: 2310
120-130: 1993
130-140: 1635
140-150: 1307
150-160: 1256
160-170: 1084
170-180: 860
180-190: 687
190-200: 521
200-210: 1384
文本长度统计图像: ![stsb_multi_mt_text_length.jpg](docs/picture/stsb_multi_mt_text_length.jpg) #### tatoeba 以下都是 train 训练集的信息 ```text 语种数量: ru: 169271 fr: 153806 eo: 84013 nl: 75947 pt: 64838 es: 64595 mr: 51807 en: 35522 gl: 3096 ``` 样本示例: | 数据 | 语种 | 样本 | | :---: | :---: | :---: | | tatoeba | en | Today is June 18th and it is Muiriel's birthday! | | tatoeba | en | Muiriel is 20 now. | | tatoeba | en | The password is "Muiriel". | | tatoeba | mr | आज १८ जून आहे व आज म्यूरिएलचा वाढदिवस आहे! | | tatoeba | mr | म्यूरिएल आता २० वर्षांची आहे. | | tatoeba | mr | पासवर्ड "Muiriel" आहे. | | tatoeba | eo | Ĉu vi dezirus havi tason da kafo? | | tatoeba | eo | Ĉu vi volas tason da kafo? | | tatoeba | eo | Ĉu vi deziras tason da kafo? | | tatoeba | nl | Wilt u een kopje koffie? | | tatoeba | nl | Hoe oud bent u? | | tatoeba | nl | We houden niet van regen. | | tatoeba | es | ¿Qué estás haciendo? | | tatoeba | es | ¡Feliz cumpleaños, Muiriel! | | tatoeba | es | La contraseña es "Muiriel". | | tatoeba | gl | Que andas a facer? | | tatoeba | gl | Feliz aniversario, Muiriel! | | tatoeba | gl | O contrasinal é "Muiriel". | | tatoeba | pt | Vamos tentar alguma coisa! | | tatoeba | pt | Vamos tentar algo! | | tatoeba | pt | Preciso ir dormir. | | tatoeba | fr | Pour une fois dans ma vie je fais un bon geste... Et ça ne sert à rien. | | tatoeba | fr | Lorsqu'il a demandé qui avait cassé la fenêtre, tous les garçons ont pris un air innocent. | | tatoeba | fr | Je ne supporte pas ce type. | | tatoeba | ru | Один раз в жизни я делаю хорошее дело... И оно бесполезно. | | tatoeba | ru | Когда он спросил, кто разбил окно, все мальчики приняли невинный вид. | | tatoeba | ru | Я не переношу этого типа. |
0-10: 5303
10-20: 111682
20-30: 239994
30-40: 182232
40-50: 89407
50-60: 37804
60-70: 16780
70-80: 8054
80-90: 4099
90-100: 2395
100-110: 1413
110-120: 911
120-130: 647
130-140: 477
140-150: 372
150-160: 255
160-170: 188
170-180: 133
180-190: 134
190-200: 116
200-210: 499
文本长度统计图像: ![tatoeba_text_length.jpg](docs/picture/tatoeba_text_length.jpg) #### xnli 以下都是 train 训练集的信息 ```text 语种数量: en: 518657 th: 517015 hi: 516809 de: 516390 es: 516072 vi: 515983 tr: 515740 bg: 515224 el: 515126 fr: 515074 sw: 514850 ru: 514849 ar: 514663 zh-cn: 514160 ur: 481443 ``` 样本示例: | 数据 | 语种 | 样本 | | :---: | :---: | :---: | | xnli | ar | المنتج والجغرافيا هو ما يجعل كريم القشط العمل . | | xnli | ar | - و قد ال كريم المفاهيمية اثنان اساسيين - المنتج والجغرافيا . | | xnli | ar | انت تفقد الاشياء الى المستوى التالي اذا كان الناس يتذكرون . | | xnli | bg | продукт и география са това , което прави крем краде работа . | | xnli | bg | концептуално крем краде има две основни измерения - продукт и география . | | xnli | bg | губиш нещата на следното ниво , ако хората си припомнят . | | xnli | de | Produkt und Geographie sind das , was creme abschöpfen Arbeit macht . | | xnli | de | Konzeptionell cream abschöpfen hat zwei grundlegende Dimensionen - Produkt und Geographie . | | xnli | de | Man verliert die Dinge auf die folgende Ebene , wenn sich die Leute erinnern . | | xnli | el | Το προϊόν και η γεωγραφία είναι αυτά που κάνουν την κρέμα να κλέβει . | | xnli | el | Η εννοιολογικά κρέμα κρέμα έχει δύο βασικές διαστάσεις - προϊόν και γεωγραφία . | | xnli | el | Χάνεις τα πράγματα στο επόμενο επίπεδο , αν οι άνθρωποι θυμούνται . | | xnli | en | Product and geography are what make cream skimming work . | | xnli | en | Conceptually cream skimming has two basic dimensions - product and geography . | | xnli | en | You lose the things to the following level if the people recall . | | xnli | es | El producto y la geografía son los que hacen que la crema funcione . | | xnli | es | Los robando de crema conceptualmente tienen dos dimensiones básicas : producto y geografía . | | xnli | es | Pierdes las cosas al siguiente nivel si la gente recuerda . | | xnli | fr | Le produit et la géographie sont ce qui fait travailler la crème de la crème . | | xnli | fr | L' écrémage conceptuel de la crème a deux dimensions fondamentales : le produit et la géographie . | | xnli | fr | Vous perdez les choses au niveau suivant si les gens se rappellent . | | xnli | hi | उत ् पाद और भूगोल क ् या क ् रीम एंजलिस काम बनाते हैं . | | xnli | hi | Conceptually क ् रीम एंजलिस में दो मूल आयाम हैं - उत ् पाद और भूगोल । | | xnli | hi | अगर लोग याद करते हैं तो आप निम ् न स ् तर पर चीज ़ ें खो देते हैं . | | xnli | ru | Продукт и география - это то , что делает крем для работы с кремом . | | xnli | ru | Концептуально крем крем имеет два основных измерения - продукт и география . | | xnli | ru | Вы теряете все до следующего уровня , если люди помнят . | | xnli | sw | Bidhaa na geography ndio hufanya kazi ya utoaji wa cream . | | xnli | sw | Sakata cream ya conceptually ina vipimo viwili vya msingi - bidhaa na geography . | | xnli | sw | Wewe mambo kwa kiwango kifuatacho kama watu alipo . | | xnli | th | สินค้า และ ภูมิศาสตร์ คือ สิ่ง ที่ ทำให้ ครีม ยักยอก งาน | | xnli | th | ท่า ครีม ยักยอก มี สอง มิติ พื้นฐาน - สินค้า และ ภูมิศาสตร์ | | xnli | th | คุณ สูญเสีย สิ่ง ต่างๆ ไป ใน ระดับ ต่อไปนี้ หาก ประชาชน จดจำ | | xnli | tr | Ürün ve coğrafya , krem kaymağını işi yapan şey . | | xnli | tr | Kavramsal krem kaymağını iki temel boyutu vardır - ürün ve coğrafya . | | xnli | tr | Eğer insanlar hani , aşağıdaki seviyeye . | | xnli | ur | مصنوعہ اور جغرافیہ | | xnli | ur | ارضیات کی ناپیدی اور جغرافیہ نے دو بنیادی فسل تصاویر اور جغرافیہ کا اشتراک کیا ہے ۔ | | xnli | ur | آپ کو مندرجہ ذیل معلومات میں سے کسی کو کھو دیا گیا ہے . | | xnli | vi | Sản phẩm và địa lý là những gì làm cho kem skimming làm việc . | | xnli | vi | Conceptually kem skimming có hai kích thước cơ bản - sản phẩm và địa lý . | | xnli | vi | Anh sẽ mất mọi thứ ở mức độ sau nếu người dân nhớ lại . | | xnli | zh-cn | 产品 和 地理 是 什么 使 奶油 抹 霜 工作 . | | xnli | zh-cn | 从 概念 上 看 , 奶油 收入 有 两 个 基本 方面 产品 和 地理 . | | xnli | zh-cn | 如果 人们 记得 的 话 , 你 就 会 把 事情 弄 丢 了 . |
0-10: 27403
10-20: 320061
20-30: 725257
30-40: 969299
40-50: 1057959
50-60: 1008843
60-70: 843605
70-80: 647293
80-90: 471139
90-100: 336650
100-110: 245307
110-120: 181959
120-130: 139761
130-140: 112214
140-150: 91378
150-160: 77845
160-170: 65331
170-180: 55759
180-190: 47623
190-200: 40554
200-210: 236815
文本长度统计图像: ![xnli_text_length.jpg](docs/picture/xnli_text_length.jpg)