
mike dupont
;; popen emulation, for non-stdio based ports.
;;;; Copyright (C) 1998-2001, 2003, 2006, 2010-2013, 2019
;;;; Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
;;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
;;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
(define-module (ice-9 popen)
#:use-module (ice-9 binary-ports)
#:use-module (ice-9 threads)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-9)
#:export (port/pid-table open-pipe* open-pipe close-pipe open-input-pipe
open-output-pipe open-input-output-pipe pipeline))
(eval-when (expand load eval)
(load-extension (string-append "libguile-" (effective-version))
(define-record-type <pipe-info>
(make-pipe-info pid)
(pid pipe-info-pid set-pipe-info-pid!))
(define (make-rw-port read-port write-port)
(define (read! bv start count)
(let ((result (get-bytevector-some! read-port bv start count)))
(if (eof-object? result)
(define (write! bv start count)
(put-bytevector write-port bv start count)
(define (close)
(close-port read-port)
(close-port write-port))
(define rw-port
(make-custom-binary-input/output-port "ice-9-popen-rw-port"
#f ;get-position
#f ;set-position!
;; Enable buffering on 'read-port' so that 'get-bytevector-some' will
;; return non-trivial blocks.
(setvbuf read-port 'block 16384)
;; Inherit the port-encoding from the read-port.
(set-port-encoding! rw-port (port-encoding read-port))
;; Reset the port encoding on the underlying ports to inhibit BOM
;; handling there. Instead, the BOM handling (if any) will be handled
;; in the rw-port. In the current implementation of Guile ports,
;; using binary I/O primitives alone is not enough to reliably inhibit
;; BOM handling, if the port encoding is set to UTF-{8,16,32}.
(set-port-encoding! read-port "ISO-8859-1")
(set-port-encoding! write-port "ISO-8859-1")
;; a guardian to ensure the cleanup is done correctly when
;; an open pipe is gc'd or a close-port is used.
(define pipe-guardian (make-guardian))
;; a weak hash-table to store the process ids.
;; XXX use of this table is deprecated. It is no longer used here, and
;; is populated for backward compatibility only (since it is exported).
(define port/pid-table (make-weak-key-hash-table))
(define port/pid-table-mutex (make-mutex))
(define (pipe->fdes)
(let ((p (pipe)))
(cons (port->fdes (car p))
(port->fdes (cdr p)))))
(define (open-process mode command . args)
"Backwards compatible implementation of the former procedure in
libguile/posix.c (scm_open_process) replaced by
scm_piped_process. Executes the program @var{command} with optional
arguments @var{args} (all strings) in a subprocess. A port to the
process (based on pipes) is created and returned. @var{mode} specifies
whether an input, an output or an input-output port to the process is
created: it should be the value of @code{OPEN_READ}, @code{OPEN_WRITE}
or @code{OPEN_BOTH}."
(define (unbuffered port)
(setvbuf port 'none)
(define (fdes-pair ports)
(and ports
(cons (port->fdes (car ports)) (port->fdes (cdr ports)))))
(let* ((from (and (or (string=? mode OPEN_READ)
(string=? mode OPEN_BOTH))
(to (and (or (string=? mode OPEN_WRITE)
(string=? mode OPEN_BOTH))
(pid (piped-process command args
(fdes-pair from)
(fdes-pair to))))
;; The original 'open-process' procedure would return unbuffered
;; ports; do the same here.
(values (and from (unbuffered (car from)))
(and to (unbuffered (cdr to)))
(define (open-pipe* mode command . args)
"Executes the program @var{command} with optional arguments
@var{args} (all strings) in a subprocess.
A port to the process (based on pipes) is created and returned.
@var{mode} specifies whether an input, an output or an input-output
port to the process is created: it should be the value of
@code{OPEN_READ}, @code{OPEN_WRITE} or @code{OPEN_BOTH}."
(call-with-values (lambda ()
(apply open-process mode command args))
(lambda (read-port write-port pid)
(let ((port (or (and read-port write-port
(make-rw-port read-port write-port))
(%make-void-port mode)))
(pipe-info (make-pipe-info pid)))
;; Guard the pipe-info instead of the port, so that we can still
;; call 'waitpid' even if 'close-port' is called (which clears
;; the port entry).
(pipe-guardian pipe-info)
(%set-port-property! port 'popen-pipe-info pipe-info)
;; XXX populate port/pid-table for backward compatibility.
(with-mutex port/pid-table-mutex
(hashq-set! port/pid-table port pid))
(define (open-pipe command mode)
"Executes the shell command @var{command} (a string) in a subprocess.
A port to the process (based on pipes) is created and returned.
@var{mode} specifies whether an input, an output or an input-output
port to the process is created: it should be the value of
@code{OPEN_READ}, @code{OPEN_WRITE} or @code{OPEN_BOTH}."
(open-pipe* mode "/bin/sh" "-c" command))
(define (fetch-pipe-info port)
(%port-property port 'popen-pipe-info))
(define (close-process port pid)
(close-port port)
(cdr (waitpid pid)))
(define (close-pipe p)
"Closes the pipe created by @code{open-pipe}, then waits for the process
to terminate and returns its status value, @xref{Processes, waitpid}, for
information on how to interpret this value."
(let ((pipe-info (fetch-pipe-info p)))
(unless pipe-info
(error "close-pipe: port not created by (ice-9 popen)"))
(let ((pid (pipe-info-pid pipe-info)))
(unless pid
(error "close-pipe: pid has already been cleared"))
;; clear the pid to avoid repeated calls to 'waitpid'.
(set-pipe-info-pid! pipe-info #f)
(close-process p pid))))
(define (reap-pipes)
(let loop ()
(let ((pipe-info (pipe-guardian)))
(when pipe-info
(let ((pid (pipe-info-pid pipe-info)))
;; maybe 'close-pipe' was already called.
(when pid
;; clean up without reporting errors. also avoids blocking
;; the process: if the child isn't ready to be collected,
;; puts it back into the guardian's live list so it can be
;; tried again the next time the cleanup runs.
(catch 'system-error
(lambda ()
(let ((pid/status (waitpid pid WNOHANG)))
(if (zero? (car pid/status))
(pipe-guardian pipe-info) ; not ready for collection
(set-pipe-info-pid! pipe-info #f))))
(lambda args #f))))
(add-hook! after-gc-hook reap-pipes)
(define (open-input-pipe command)
"Equivalent to @code{open-pipe} with mode @code{OPEN_READ}"
(open-pipe command OPEN_READ))
(define (open-output-pipe command)
"Equivalent to @code{open-pipe} with mode @code{OPEN_WRITE}"
(open-pipe command OPEN_WRITE))
(define (open-input-output-pipe command)
"Equivalent to @code{open-pipe} with mode @code{OPEN_BOTH}"
(open-pipe command OPEN_BOTH))
(define (pipeline commands)
"Execute a pipeline of @var{commands}, where each command is a list of a
program and its arguments as strings, returning an input port to the
end of the pipeline, an output port to the beginning of the pipeline and
a list of PIDs of the processes executing the @var{commands}."
(let* ((to (pipe->fdes))
(pipes (map (lambda _ (pipe->fdes)) commands))
(pipeline (fold (lambda (from proc prev)
(let* ((to (car prev))
(pids (cdr prev))
(pid (piped-process (car proc)
(cdr proc)
(cons from (cons pid pids))))
(from (car pipeline))
(pids (cdr pipeline)))
(values (fdes->inport (car from)) (fdes->outport (cdr to)) pids)))