
mike dupont
;;; base.scm --- The R6RS base library
;; Copyright (C) 2010, 2011, 2019, 2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
(library (rnrs base (6))
(export boolean? symbol? char? vector? null? pair? number? string? procedure?
define define-syntax syntax-rules lambda let let* let-values
let*-values letrec letrec* begin
quote lambda if set! cond case else => _ ...
or and not
eqv? equal? eq?
+ - * / max min abs numerator denominator gcd lcm floor ceiling
truncate round rationalize real-part imag-part make-rectangular angle
div mod div-and-mod div0 mod0 div0-and-mod0
expt exact-integer-sqrt sqrt exp log sin cos tan asin acos atan
make-polar magnitude angle
complex? real? rational? integer? exact? inexact? real-valued?
rational-valued? integer-valued? zero? positive? negative? odd? even?
nan? finite? infinite?
exact inexact = < > <= >=
number->string string->number
cons car cdr caar cadr cdar cddr caaar caadr cadar cdaar caddr cdadr
cddar cdddr caaaar caaadr caadar cadaar cdaaar cddaar cdadar cdaadr
cadadr caaddr caddar cadddr cdaddr cddadr cdddar cddddr
list? list length append reverse list-tail list-ref map for-each
symbol->string string->symbol symbol=?
char->integer integer->char char=? char<? char>? char<=? char>=?
make-string string string-length string-ref string=? string<? string>?
string<=? string>=? substring string-append string->list list->string
string-for-each string-copy
vector? make-vector vector vector-length vector-ref vector-set!
vector->list list->vector vector-fill! vector-map vector-for-each
error assertion-violation assert
call-with-current-continuation call/cc call-with-values dynamic-wind
values apply
quasiquote unquote unquote-splicing
let-syntax letrec-syntax
syntax-rules identifier-syntax)
(import (rename (except (guile) error raise map string-for-each)
(log log-internal)
(euclidean-quotient div)
(euclidean-remainder mod)
(euclidean/ div-and-mod)
(centered-quotient div0)
(centered-remainder mod0)
(centered/ div0-and-mod0)
(inf? infinite?)
(exact->inexact inexact)
(inexact->exact exact))
(srfi srfi-11))
(define string-for-each
((proc string)
(let ((end (string-length string)))
(let loop ((i 0))
(unless (= i end)
(proc (string-ref string i))
(loop (+ i 1))))))
((proc string1 string2)
(let ((end1 (string-length string1))
(end2 (string-length string2)))
(unless (= end1 end2)
(assertion-violation 'string-for-each
"string arguments must all have the same length"
string1 string2))
(let loop ((i 0))
(unless (= i end1)
(proc (string-ref string1 i)
(string-ref string2 i))
(loop (+ i 1))))))
((proc string . strings)
(let ((end (string-length string))
(ends (map string-length strings)))
(for-each (lambda (x)
(unless (= end x)
(apply assertion-violation
"string arguments must all have the same length"
string strings)))
(let loop ((i 0))
(unless (= i end)
(apply proc
(string-ref string i)
(map (lambda (s) (string-ref s i)) strings))
(loop (+ i 1))))))))
(define map
((f l)
(let map1 ((hare l) (tortoise l) (move? #f) (out '()))
(if (pair? hare)
(if move?
(if (eq? tortoise hare)
(scm-error 'wrong-type-arg "map" "Circular list: ~S"
(list l) #f)
(map1 (cdr hare) (cdr tortoise) #f
(cons (f (car hare)) out)))
(map1 (cdr hare) tortoise #t
(cons (f (car hare)) out)))
(if (null? hare)
(reverse out)
(scm-error 'wrong-type-arg "map" "Not a list: ~S"
(list l) #f)))))
((f l1 l2)
(let map2 ((h1 l1) (h2 l2) (t1 l1) (t2 l2) (move? #f) (out '()))
((pair? h1)
((not (pair? h2))
(scm-error 'wrong-type-arg "map"
(if (list? h2)
"List of wrong length: ~S"
"Not a list: ~S")
(list l2) #f))
((not move?)
(map2 (cdr h1) (cdr h2) t1 t2 #t
(cons (f (car h1) (car h2)) out)))
((eq? t1 h1)
(scm-error 'wrong-type-arg "map" "Circular list: ~S"
(list l1) #f))
((eq? t2 h2)
(scm-error 'wrong-type-arg "map" "Circular list: ~S"
(list l2) #f))
(map2 (cdr h1) (cdr h2) (cdr t1) (cdr t2) #f
(cons (f (car h1) (car h2)) out)))))
((and (null? h1) (null? h2))
(reverse out))
((null? h1)
(scm-error 'wrong-type-arg "map"
(if (list? h2)
"List of wrong length: ~S"
"Not a list: ~S")
(list l2) #f))
(scm-error 'wrong-type-arg "map"
"Not a list: ~S"
(list l1) #f)))))
((f l1 . rest)
(let ((len (length l1)))
(let mapn ((rest rest))
(or (null? rest)
(if (= (length (car rest)) len)
(mapn (cdr rest))
(scm-error 'wrong-type-arg "map" "List of wrong length: ~S"
(list (car rest)) #f)))))
(let mapn ((l1 l1) (rest rest) (out '()))
(if (null? l1)
(reverse out)
(mapn (cdr l1) (map cdr rest)
(cons (apply f (car l1) (map car rest)) out)))))))
(define log
(log-internal n))
((n base)
(/ (log n)
(log base)))))
(define (boolean=? . bools)
(define (boolean=?-internal lst last)
(or (null? lst)
(let ((bool (car lst)))
(and (eqv? bool last) (boolean=?-internal (cdr lst) bool)))))
(or (null? bools)
(let ((bool (car bools)))
(and (boolean? bool) (boolean=?-internal (cdr bools) bool)))))
(define (symbol=? . syms)
(define (symbol=?-internal lst last)
(or (null? lst)
(let ((sym (car lst)))
(and (eq? sym last) (symbol=?-internal (cdr lst) sym)))))
(or (null? syms)
(let ((sym (car syms)))
(and (symbol? sym) (symbol=?-internal (cdr syms) sym)))))
(define (real-valued? x)
(and (complex? x)
(zero? (imag-part x))))
(define (rational-valued? x)
(and (real-valued? x)
(rational? (real-part x))))
(define (integer-valued? x)
(and (rational-valued? x)
(= x (floor (real-part x)))))
;; Auxiliary procedure for vector-map and vector-for-each
(define (vector-lengths who vs)
(let ((lengths (map vector-length vs)))
(unless (apply = lengths)
(error (string-append (symbol->string who)
": Vectors of uneven length.")
(car lengths)))
(define vector-map
"(vector-map f vec2 vec2 ...) -> vector
Return a new vector of the size of the vector arguments, which must be
of equal length. Each element at index @var{i} of the new vector is
mapped from the old vectors by @code{(f (vector-ref vec1 i)
(vector-ref vec2 i) ...)}. The dynamic order of application of
@var{f} is unspecified."
((f v)
(let* ((len (vector-length v))
(result (make-vector len)))
(let loop ((i 0))
(unless (= i len)
(vector-set! result i (f (vector-ref v i)))
(loop (+ i 1))))
((f v1 v2)
(let* ((len (vector-lengths 'vector-map (list v1 v2)))
(result (make-vector len)))
(let loop ((i 0))
(unless (= i len)
(vector-set! result
(f (vector-ref v1 i) (vector-ref v2 i)))
(loop (+ i 1)))
((f v . vs)
(let* ((vs (cons v vs))
(len (vector-lengths 'vector-map vs))
(result (make-vector len)))
(let loop ((i 0))
(unless (= i len)
(vector-set! result
(apply f (map (lambda (v) (vector-ref v i)) vs)))
(loop (+ i 1))))
(define vector-for-each
"(vector-for-each f vec1 vec2 ...) -> unspecified
Call @code{(f (vector-ref vec1 i) (vector-ref vec2 i) ...)} for each index
in the provided vectors, which have to be of equal length. The iteration
is strictly left-to-right."
((f v)
(let ((len (vector-length v)))
(let loop ((i 0))
(unless (= i len)
(f (vector-ref v i))
(loop (+ i 1))))))
((f v1 v2)
(let ((len (vector-lengths 'vector-for-each (list v1 v2))))
(let loop ((i 0))
(unless (= i len)
(f (vector-ref v1 i) (vector-ref v2 i))
(loop (+ i 1))))))
((f v . vs)
(let* ((vs (cons v vs))
(len (vector-lengths 'vector-for-each vs)))
(let loop ((i 0))
(unless (= i len)
(apply f (map (lambda (v) (vector-ref v i)) vs))
(loop (+ i 1))))))))
(define-syntax define-proxy
(syntax-rules (@)
;; Define BINDING to point to (@ MODULE ORIGINAL). This hack is to
;; make sure MODULE is loaded lazily, at run-time, when BINDING is
;; encountered, rather than being loaded while compiling and
;; loading (rnrs base).
;; This avoids circular dependencies among modules and makes
;; (rnrs base) more lightweight.
((_ binding (@ module original))
(define-syntax binding
(module-ref (resolve-interface 'module) 'original))))))
(define-proxy raise
(@ (rnrs exceptions) raise))
(define-proxy condition
(@ (rnrs conditions) condition))
(define-proxy make-error
(@ (rnrs conditions) make-error))
(define-proxy make-assertion-violation
(@ (rnrs conditions) make-assertion-violation))
(define-proxy make-who-condition
(@ (rnrs conditions) make-who-condition))
(define-proxy make-message-condition
(@ (rnrs conditions) make-message-condition))
(define-proxy make-irritants-condition
(@ (rnrs conditions) make-irritants-condition))
(define (error who message . irritants)
(raise (apply condition
(append (list (make-error))
(if who (list (make-who-condition who)) '())
(list (make-message-condition message)
(make-irritants-condition irritants))))))
(define (assertion-violation who message . irritants)
(raise (apply condition
(append (list (make-assertion-violation))
(if who (list (make-who-condition who)) '())
(list (make-message-condition message)
(make-irritants-condition irritants))))))
(define-syntax assert
(syntax-rules ()
((_ expression)
(or expression
(raise (condition
(format #f "assertion failed: ~s" 'expression))))))))