(define-module (srfi srfi-27) |
#:export (random-integer |
random-real |
default-random-source |
make-random-source |
random-source? |
random-source-state-ref |
random-source-state-set! |
random-source-randomize! |
random-source-pseudo-randomize! |
random-source-make-integers |
random-source-make-reals) |
#:use-module (srfi srfi-9)) |
(cond-expand-provide (current-module) '(srfi-27)) |
(define-record-type :random-source |
(%make-random-source state) |
random-source? |
(state random-source-state set-random-source-state!)) |
(define (make-random-source) |
(%make-random-source (seed->random-state 0))) |
(define (random-source-state-ref s) |
(random-state->datum (random-source-state s))) |
(define (random-source-state-set! s state) |
(set-random-source-state! s (datum->random-state state))) |
(define (random-source-randomize! s) |
(let ((time (gettimeofday))) |
(set-random-source-state! s (seed->random-state |
(+ (* (car time) 1e6) (cdr time)))))) |
(define (random-source-pseudo-randomize! s i j) |
(set-random-source-state! s (seed->random-state (i+j->seed i j)))) |
(define (i+j->seed i j) |
(logior (ash (spread i 2) 1) |
(spread j 2))) |
(define (spread n amount) |
(let loop ((result 0) (n n) (shift 0)) |
(if (zero? n) |
result |
(loop (logior result |
(ash (logand n 1) shift)) |
(ash n -1) |
(+ shift amount))))) |
(define (random-source-make-integers s) |
(lambda (n) |
(random n (random-source-state s)))) |
(define random-source-make-reals |
(case-lambda |
((s) |
(lambda () |
(let loop () |
(let ((x (random:uniform (random-source-state s)))) |
(if (zero? x) |
(loop) |
x))))) |
((s unit) |
(or (and (real? unit) (< 0 unit 1)) |
(error "unit must be real between 0 and 1" unit)) |
(random-source-make-reals s)))) |
(define default-random-source (make-random-source)) |
(define random-integer (random-source-make-integers default-random-source)) |
(define random-real (random-source-make-reals default-random-source)) |