(define-module (srfi srfi-37) |
#:use-module (srfi srfi-9) |
#:export (option option-names option-required-arg? |
option-optional-arg? option-processor |
args-fold)) |
(cond-expand-provide (current-module) '(srfi-37)) |
(define-record-type srfi-37:option |
(option names required-arg? optional-arg? processor) |
option? |
(names option-names) |
(required-arg? option-required-arg?) |
(optional-arg? option-optional-arg?) |
(processor option-processor)) |
(define (error-duplicate-option option-name) |
(scm-error 'program-error "args-fold" |
"Duplicate option name `~A~A'" |
(list (if (char? option-name) #\- "--") |
option-name) |
#f)) |
(define (build-options-lookup options) |
"Answer an `equal?' Guile hash-table that maps OPTIONS' names back |
to the containing options, signaling an error if a name is |
encountered more than once." |
(let ((lookup (make-hash-table (* 2 (length options))))) |
(for-each |
(lambda (opt) |
(for-each (lambda (name) |
(let ((assoc (hash-create-handle! |
lookup name #f))) |
(if (cdr assoc) |
(error-duplicate-option (car assoc)) |
(set-cdr! assoc opt)))) |
(option-names opt))) |
options) |
lookup)) |
(define (args-fold args options unrecognized-option-proc |
operand-proc . seeds) |
"Answer the results of folding SEEDS as multiple values against the |
program-arguments in ARGS, as decided by the OPTIONS' |
`option-processor's, UNRECOGNIZED-OPTION-PROC, and OPERAND-PROC." |
(let ((lookup (build-options-lookup options))) |
(define (error msg . args) |
(scm-error 'misc-error "args-fold" msg args #f)) |
(define (mutate-seeds! procedure . params) |
(set! seeds (call-with-values |
(lambda () |
(apply procedure (append params seeds))) |
list))) |
(define (rest-operands) |
(for-each (lambda (arg) (mutate-seeds! operand-proc arg)) |
args) |
(set! args '())) |
(define (invoke-option-processor |
opt name req-arg-proc opt-arg-proc no-arg-proc) |
(mutate-seeds! |
(option-processor opt) opt name |
(cond ((option-required-arg? opt) (req-arg-proc)) |
((option-optional-arg? opt) (opt-arg-proc)) |
(else (no-arg-proc) #f)))) |
(define (short-option-argument position) |
(cond ((< (1+ position) (string-length (car args))) |
(let ((result (substring (car args) (1+ position)))) |
(set! args (cdr args)) |
result)) |
((pair? (cdr args)) |
(let ((result (cadr args))) |
(set! args (cddr args)) |
result)) |
((pair? args) |
(set! args (cdr args)) |
#f) |
(else #f))) |
(define (short-option position) |
(if (>= position (string-length (car args))) |
(begin |
(set! args (cdr args)) |
(next-arg)) |
(let* ((opt-name (string-ref (car args) position)) |
(option-here (hash-ref lookup opt-name))) |
(cond ((not option-here) |
(mutate-seeds! unrecognized-option-proc |
(option (list opt-name) #f #f |
unrecognized-option-proc) |
opt-name #f) |
(short-option (1+ position))) |
(else |
(invoke-option-processor |
option-here opt-name |
(lambda () |
(or (short-option-argument position) |
(error "Missing required argument after `-~A'" opt-name))) |
(lambda () |
(short-option-argument position)) |
(lambda () #f)) |
(if (not (or (option-required-arg? option-here) |
(option-optional-arg? option-here))) |
(short-option (1+ position)))))))) |
(define (long-option) |
(let ((arg (car args))) |
(let place-=-after ((start-pos 2)) |
(let* ((index (string-index arg #\= start-pos)) |
(opt-name (substring arg 2 (or index (string-length arg)))) |
(option-here (hash-ref lookup opt-name))) |
(if (not option-here) |
(if index |
(place-=-after (1+ index)) |
(mutate-seeds! |
unrecognized-option-proc |
(option (list opt-name) #f #f unrecognized-option-proc) |
opt-name #f)) |
(invoke-option-processor |
option-here opt-name |
(lambda () |
(if index |
(substring arg (1+ index)) |
(error "Missing required argument after `--~A'" opt-name))) |
(lambda () (and index (substring arg (1+ index)))) |
(lambda () |
(if index |
(error "Extraneous argument after `--~A'" opt-name)))))))) |
(set! args (cdr args))) |
(define (next-arg) |
(if (null? args) |
(apply values seeds) |
(let ((arg (car args))) |
(cond ((or (string-null? arg) |
(not (char=? #\- (string-ref arg 0))) |
(= 1 (string-length arg))) |
(mutate-seeds! operand-proc arg) |
(set! args (cdr args))) |
((char=? #\- (string-ref arg 1)) |
(if (= 2 (string-length arg)) |
(begin (set! args (cdr args)) (rest-operands)) |
(long-option))) |
(else (short-option 1))) |
(next-arg)))) |
(next-arg))) |