; Copyright (c) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ; Copyright (c) 2005 Sebastian Egner and Jens Axel S{\o}gaard. ; ; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining ; a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the ; ``Software''), to deal in the Software without restriction, including ; without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, ; distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to ; permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to ; the following conditions: ; ; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be ; included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. ; ; THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, ; EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF ; MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND ; NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE ; LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION ; OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION ; WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ; ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Compare procedures SRFI (reference implementation) ; Sebastian.Egner@philips.com, Jensaxel@soegaard.net ; history of this file: ; SE, 14-Oct-2004: first version ; SE, 18-Oct-2004: 1st redesign: axioms for 'compare function' ; SE, 29-Oct-2004: 2nd redesign: higher order reverse/map/refine/unite ; SE, 2-Nov-2004: 3rd redesign: macros cond/refine-compare replace h.o.f's ; SE, 10-Nov-2004: (im,re) replaced by (re,im) in complex-compare ; SE, 11-Nov-2004: case-compare by case (not by cond); select-compare added ; SE, 12-Jan-2005: pair-compare-cdr ; SE, 15-Feb-2005: stricter typing for compare-; pairwise-not=? ; SE, 16-Feb-2005: case-compare -> if-compare -> if3; kth-largest modified; if are private. ; ; Hints for low-level implementation: ; * The basis of this SRFI are the atomic compare procedures, ; i.e. boolean-compare, char-compare, etc. and the conditionals ; if3, if=?, if? arg ...) (compare:if-rel? (1) (-1 0) arg ...)) (define-syntax-rule (if<=? arg ...) (compare:if-rel? (-1 0) (1) arg ...)) (define-syntax-rule (if>=? arg ...) (compare:if-rel? (0 1) (-1) arg ...)) (define-syntax-rule (if-not=? arg ...) (compare:if-rel? (-1 1) (0) arg ...)) ; predicates from compare procedures (define-syntax-rule (compare:define-rel? rel? if-rel?) (define rel? (case-lambda (() (lambda (x y) (if-rel? (default-compare x y) #t #f))) ((compare) (lambda (x y) (if-rel? (compare x y) #t #f))) ((x y) (if-rel? (default-compare x y) #t #f)) ((compare x y) (if (procedure? compare) (if-rel? (compare x y) #t #f) (error "not a procedure (Did you mean rel/rel??): " compare)))))) (compare:define-rel? =? if=?) (compare:define-rel? ? if>?) (compare:define-rel? <=? if<=?) (compare:define-rel? >=? if>=?) (compare:define-rel? not=? if-not=?) ; chains of length 3 (define-syntax-rule (compare:define-rel1/rel2? rel1/rel2? if-rel1? if-rel2?) (define rel1/rel2? (case-lambda (() (lambda (x y z) (if-rel1? (default-compare x y) (if-rel2? (default-compare y z) #t #f) (compare:checked #f default-compare z)))) ((compare) (lambda (x y z) (if-rel1? (compare x y) (if-rel2? (compare y z) #t #f) (compare:checked #f compare z)))) ((x y z) (if-rel1? (default-compare x y) (if-rel2? (default-compare y z) #t #f) (compare:checked #f default-compare z))) ((compare x y z) (if-rel1? (compare x y) (if-rel2? (compare y z) #t #f) (compare:checked #f compare z)))))) (compare:define-rel1/rel2? />? if>? if>?) (compare:define-rel1/rel2? >/>=? if>? if>=?) (compare:define-rel1/rel2? >=/>? if>=? if>?) (compare:define-rel1/rel2? >=/>=? if>=? if>=?) ; chains of arbitrary length (define-syntax-rule (compare:define-chain-rel? chain-rel? if-rel?) (define chain-rel? (case-lambda ((compare) #t) ((compare x1) (compare:checked #t compare x1)) ((compare x1 x2) (if-rel? (compare x1 x2) #t #f)) ((compare x1 x2 x3) (if-rel? (compare x1 x2) (if-rel? (compare x2 x3) #t #f) (compare:checked #f compare x3))) ((compare x1 x2 . x3+) (if-rel? (compare x1 x2) (let chain? ((head x2) (tail x3+)) (if (null? tail) #t (if-rel? (compare head (car tail)) (chain? (car tail) (cdr tail)) (apply compare:checked #f compare (cdr tail))))) (apply compare:checked #f compare x3+)))))) (compare:define-chain-rel? chain=? if=?) (compare:define-chain-rel? chain? if>?) (compare:define-chain-rel? chain<=? if<=?) (compare:define-chain-rel? chain>=? if>=?) ; pairwise inequality (define pairwise-not=? (let ((= =) (<= <=)) (case-lambda ((compare) #t) ((compare x1) (compare:checked #t compare x1)) ((compare x1 x2) (if-not=? (compare x1 x2) #t #f)) ((compare x1 x2 x3) (if-not=? (compare x1 x2) (if-not=? (compare x2 x3) (if-not=? (compare x1 x3) #t #f) #f) (compare:checked #f compare x3))) ((compare . x1+) (let unequal? ((x x1+) (n (length x1+)) (unchecked? #t)) (if (< n 2) (if (and unchecked? (= n 1)) (compare:checked #t compare (car x)) #t) (let* ((i-pivot (random-integer n)) (x-pivot (list-ref x i-pivot))) (let split ((i 0) (x x) (x< '()) (x> '())) (if (null? x) (and (unequal? x< (length x<) #f) (unequal? x> (length x>) #f)) (if (= i i-pivot) (split (+ i 1) (cdr x) x< x>) (if3 (compare (car x) x-pivot) (split (+ i 1) (cdr x) (cons (car x) x<) x>) (if unchecked? (apply compare:checked #f compare (cdr x)) #f) (split (+ i 1) (cdr x) x< (cons (car x) x>))))))))))))) ; min/max (define min-compare (case-lambda ((compare x1) (compare:checked x1 compare x1)) ((compare x1 x2) (if<=? (compare x1 x2) x1 x2)) ((compare x1 x2 x3) (if<=? (compare x1 x2) (if<=? (compare x1 x3) x1 x3) (if<=? (compare x2 x3) x2 x3))) ((compare x1 x2 x3 x4) (if<=? (compare x1 x2) (if<=? (compare x1 x3) (if<=? (compare x1 x4) x1 x4) (if<=? (compare x3 x4) x3 x4)) (if<=? (compare x2 x3) (if<=? (compare x2 x4) x2 x4) (if<=? (compare x3 x4) x3 x4)))) ((compare x1 x2 . x3+) (let min ((xmin (if<=? (compare x1 x2) x1 x2)) (xs x3+)) (if (null? xs) xmin (min (if<=? (compare xmin (car xs)) xmin (car xs)) (cdr xs))))))) (define max-compare (case-lambda ((compare x1) (compare:checked x1 compare x1)) ((compare x1 x2) (if>=? (compare x1 x2) x1 x2)) ((compare x1 x2 x3) (if>=? (compare x1 x2) (if>=? (compare x1 x3) x1 x3) (if>=? (compare x2 x3) x2 x3))) ((compare x1 x2 x3 x4) (if>=? (compare x1 x2) (if>=? (compare x1 x3) (if>=? (compare x1 x4) x1 x4) (if>=? (compare x3 x4) x3 x4)) (if>=? (compare x2 x3) (if>=? (compare x2 x4) x2 x4) (if>=? (compare x3 x4) x3 x4)))) ((compare x1 x2 . x3+) (let max ((xmax (if>=? (compare x1 x2) x1 x2)) (xs x3+)) (if (null? xs) xmax (max (if>=? (compare xmax (car xs)) xmax (car xs)) (cdr xs))))))) ; kth-largest (define kth-largest (let ((= =) (< <)) (case-lambda ((compare k x0) (case (modulo k 1) ((0) (compare:checked x0 compare x0)) (else (error "bad index" k)))) ((compare k x0 x1) (case (modulo k 2) ((0) (if<=? (compare x0 x1) x0 x1)) ((1) (if<=? (compare x0 x1) x1 x0)) (else (error "bad index" k)))) ((compare k x0 x1 x2) (case (modulo k 3) ((0) (if<=? (compare x0 x1) (if<=? (compare x0 x2) x0 x2) (if<=? (compare x1 x2) x1 x2))) ((1) (if3 (compare x0 x1) (if<=? (compare x1 x2) x1 (if<=? (compare x0 x2) x2 x0)) (if<=? (compare x0 x2) x1 x0) (if<=? (compare x0 x2) x0 (if<=? (compare x1 x2) x2 x1)))) ((2) (if<=? (compare x0 x1) (if<=? (compare x1 x2) x2 x1) (if<=? (compare x0 x2) x2 x0))) (else (error "bad index" k)))) ((compare k x0 . x1+) ; |x1+| >= 1 (if (not (and (integer? k) (exact? k))) (error "bad index" k)) (let ((n (+ 1 (length x1+)))) (let kth ((k (modulo k n)) (n n) ; = |x| (rev #t) ; are x<, x=, x> reversed? (x (cons x0 x1+))) (let ((pivot (list-ref x (random-integer n)))) (let split ((x x) (x< '()) (n< 0) (x= '()) (n= 0) (x> '()) (n> 0)) (if (null? x) (cond ((< k n<) (kth k n< (not rev) x<)) ((< k (+ n< n=)) (if rev (list-ref x= (- (- n= 1) (- k n<))) (list-ref x= (- k n<)))) (else (kth (- k (+ n< n=)) n> (not rev) x>))) (if3 (compare (car x) pivot) (split (cdr x) (cons (car x) x<) (+ n< 1) x= n= x> n>) (split (cdr x) x< n< (cons (car x) x=) (+ n= 1) x> n>) (split (cdr x) x< n< x= n= (cons (car x) x>) (+ n> 1)))))))))))) ; compare functions from predicates (define compare-by< (case-lambda ((lt) (lambda (x y) (if (lt x y) -1 (if (lt y x) 1 0)))) ((lt x y) (if (lt x y) -1 (if (lt y x) 1 0))))) (define compare-by> (case-lambda ((gt) (lambda (x y) (if (gt x y) 1 (if (gt y x) -1 0)))) ((gt x y) (if (gt x y) 1 (if (gt y x) -1 0))))) (define compare-by<= (case-lambda ((le) (lambda (x y) (if (le x y) (if (le y x) 0 -1) 1))) ((le x y) (if (le x y) (if (le y x) 0 -1) 1)))) (define compare-by>= (case-lambda ((ge) (lambda (x y) (if (ge x y) (if (ge y x) 0 1) -1))) ((ge x y) (if (ge x y) (if (ge y x) 0 1) -1)))) (define compare-by=/< (case-lambda ((eq lt) (lambda (x y) (if (eq x y) 0 (if (lt x y) -1 1)))) ((eq lt x y) (if (eq x y) 0 (if (lt x y) -1 1))))) (define compare-by=/> (case-lambda ((eq gt) (lambda (x y) (if (eq x y) 0 (if (gt x y) 1 -1)))) ((eq gt x y) (if (eq x y) 0 (if (gt x y) 1 -1))))) ; refine and extend construction (define-syntax refine-compare (syntax-rules () ((refine-compare) 0) ((refine-compare c1) c1) ((refine-compare c1 c2 cs ...) (if3 c1 -1 (refine-compare c2 cs ...) 1)))) (define-syntax select-compare (syntax-rules (else) ((select-compare x y clause ...) (let ((x-val x) (y-val y)) (select-compare (x-val y-val clause ...)))) ; used internally: (select-compare (x y clause ...)) ((select-compare (x y)) 0) ((select-compare (x y (else c ...))) (refine-compare c ...)) ((select-compare (x y (t? c ...) clause ...)) (let ((t?-val t?)) (let ((tx (t?-val x)) (ty (t?-val y))) (if tx (if ty (refine-compare c ...) -1) (if ty 1 (select-compare (x y clause ...))))))))) (define-syntax cond-compare (syntax-rules (else) ((cond-compare) 0) ((cond-compare (else cs ...)) (refine-compare cs ...)) ((cond-compare ((tx ty) cs ...) clause ...) (let ((tx-val tx) (ty-val ty)) (if tx-val (if ty-val (refine-compare cs ...) -1) (if ty-val 1 (cond-compare clause ...))))))) ; R5RS atomic types (define-syntax compare:type-check (syntax-rules () ((compare:type-check type? type-name x) (if (not (type? x)) (error (string-append "not " type-name ":") x))) ((compare:type-check type? type-name x y) (begin (compare:type-check type? type-name x) (compare:type-check type? type-name y))))) (define-syntax-rule (compare:define-by=/< compare = < type? type-name) (define compare (let ((= =) (< <)) (lambda (x y) (if (type? x) (if (eq? x y) 0 (if (type? y) (if (= x y) 0 (if (< x y) -1 1)) (error (string-append "not " type-name ":") y))) (error (string-append "not " type-name ":") x)))))) (define (boolean-compare x y) (compare:type-check boolean? "boolean" x y) (if x (if y 0 1) (if y -1 0))) (compare:define-by=/< char-compare char=? charstring x) (symbol->string y))) (compare:define-by=/< integer-compare = < integer? "integer") (compare:define-by=/< rational-compare = < rational? "rational") (compare:define-by=/< real-compare = < real? "real") (define (complex-compare x y) (compare:type-check complex? "complex" x y) (if (and (real? x) (real? y)) (real-compare x y) (refine-compare (real-compare (real-part x) (real-part y)) (real-compare (imag-part x) (imag-part y))))) (define (number-compare x y) (compare:type-check number? "number" x y) (complex-compare x y)) ; R5RS compound data structures: dotted pair, list, vector (define (pair-compare-car compare) (lambda (x y) (compare (car x) (car y)))) (define (pair-compare-cdr compare) (lambda (x y) (compare (cdr x) (cdr y)))) (define pair-compare (case-lambda ; dotted pair ((pair-compare-car pair-compare-cdr x y) (refine-compare (pair-compare-car (car x) (car y)) (pair-compare-cdr (cdr x) (cdr y)))) ; possibly improper lists ((compare x y) (cond-compare (((null? x) (null? y)) 0) (((pair? x) (pair? y)) (compare (car x) (car y)) (pair-compare compare (cdr x) (cdr y))) (else (compare x y)))) ; for convenience ((x y) (pair-compare default-compare x y)))) (define list-compare (case-lambda ((compare x y empty? head tail) (cond-compare (((empty? x) (empty? y)) 0) (else (compare (head x) (head y)) (list-compare compare (tail x) (tail y) empty? head tail)))) ; for convenience (( x y empty? head tail) (list-compare default-compare x y empty? head tail)) ((compare x y ) (list-compare compare x y null? car cdr)) (( x y ) (list-compare default-compare x y null? car cdr)))) (define list-compare-as-vector (case-lambda ((compare x y empty? head tail) (refine-compare (let compare-length ((x x) (y y)) (cond-compare (((empty? x) (empty? y)) 0) (else (compare-length (tail x) (tail y))))) (list-compare compare x y empty? head tail))) ; for convenience (( x y empty? head tail) (list-compare-as-vector default-compare x y empty? head tail)) ((compare x y ) (list-compare-as-vector compare x y null? car cdr)) (( x y ) (list-compare-as-vector default-compare x y null? car cdr)))) (define vector-compare (let ((= =)) (case-lambda ((compare x y size ref) (let ((n (size x)) (m (size y))) (refine-compare (integer-compare n m) (let compare-rest ((i 0)) ; compare x[i..n-1] y[i..n-1] (if (= i n) 0 (refine-compare (compare (ref x i) (ref y i)) (compare-rest (+ i 1)))))))) ; for convenience (( x y size ref) (vector-compare default-compare x y size ref)) ((compare x y ) (vector-compare compare x y vector-length vector-ref)) (( x y ) (vector-compare default-compare x y vector-length vector-ref))))) (define vector-compare-as-list (let ((= =)) (case-lambda ((compare x y size ref) (let ((nx (size x)) (ny (size y))) (let ((n (min nx ny))) (let compare-rest ((i 0)) ; compare x[i..n-1] y[i..n-1] (if (= i n) (integer-compare nx ny) (refine-compare (compare (ref x i) (ref y i)) (compare-rest (+ i 1)))))))) ; for convenience (( x y size ref) (vector-compare-as-list default-compare x y size ref)) ((compare x y ) (vector-compare-as-list compare x y vector-length vector-ref)) (( x y ) (vector-compare-as-list default-compare x y vector-length vector-ref))))) ; default compare (define (default-compare x y) (select-compare x y (null? 0) (pair? (default-compare (car x) (car y)) (default-compare (cdr x) (cdr y))) (boolean? (boolean-compare x y)) (char? (char-compare x y)) (string? (string-compare x y)) (symbol? (symbol-compare x y)) (number? (number-compare x y)) (vector? (vector-compare default-compare x y)) (else (error "unrecognized type in default-compare" x y)))) ; Note that we pass default-compare to compare-{pair,vector} explictly. ; This makes sure recursion proceeds with this default-compare, which ; need not be the one in the lexical scope of compare-{pair,vector}. ; debug compare (define (debug-compare c) (define (checked-value c x y) (let ((c-xy (c x y))) (if (or (eqv? c-xy -1) (eqv? c-xy 0) (eqv? c-xy 1)) c-xy (error "compare value not in {-1,0,1}" c-xy (list c x y))))) (define (random-boolean) (zero? (random-integer 2))) (define q ; (u v w) such that u <= v, v <= w, and not u <= w '#( ;x < y x = y x > y [x < z] 0 0 0 ; y < z 0 (z y x) (z y x) ; y = z 0 (z y x) (z y x) ; y > z ;x < y x = y x > y [x = z] (y z x) (z x y) 0 ; y < z (y z x) 0 (x z y) ; y = z 0 (y x z) (x z y) ; y > z ;x < y x = y x > y [x > z] (x y z) (x y z) 0 ; y < z (x y z) (x y z) 0 ; y = z 0 0 0 ; y > z )) (let ((z? #f) (z #f)) ; stored element from previous call (lambda (x y) (let ((c-xx (checked-value c x x)) (c-yy (checked-value c y y)) (c-xy (checked-value c x y)) (c-yx (checked-value c y x))) (if (not (zero? c-xx)) (error "compare error: not reflexive" c x)) (if (not (zero? c-yy)) (error "compare error: not reflexive" c y)) (if (not (zero? (+ c-xy c-yx))) (error "compare error: not anti-symmetric" c x y)) (if z? (let ((c-xz (checked-value c x z)) (c-zx (checked-value c z x)) (c-yz (checked-value c y z)) (c-zy (checked-value c z y))) (if (not (zero? (+ c-xz c-zx))) (error "compare error: not anti-symmetric" c x z)) (if (not (zero? (+ c-yz c-zy))) (error "compare error: not anti-symmetric" c y z)) (let ((ijk (vector-ref q (+ c-xy (* 3 c-yz) (* 9 c-xz) 13)))) (if (list? ijk) (apply error "compare error: not transitive" c (map (lambda (i) (case i ((x) x) ((y) y) ((z) z))) ijk))))) (set! z? #t)) (set! z (if (random-boolean) x y)) ; randomized testing c-xy))))