,sex,amnt req,amnt grnt,ration,maturity,assets val,dec profit,xperience,educatn,age,collateral,locatn,guarantor,relatnshp,purpose,sector,savings,target,great,list,text,html,latex,json,LIFT 0,0,2500,2500,0,30.0,8500,700.0,26.0,2,55,5000,1,0,1,0,5,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 2500, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 8500, dec profit is 700.0, xperience is 26.0, educatn is 2, age is 55, collateral is 5000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 5, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 2500 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 8500 - dec profit : 700.0 - xperience : 26.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 55 - collateral : 5000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 5 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 2500. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 8500. The dec profit is 700.0. The xperience is 26.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 55. The collateral is 5000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 5. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 2500 30.0 8500 700.0 26.0 2 55 5000 1 0 1 0 5 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 2500 & 30.000000 & 8500 & 700.000000 & 26.000000 & 2 & 55 & 5000 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 5 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 55, 'amnt req': 2500, 'assets val': 8500, 'collateral': 5000, 'dec profit': 700.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 5, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 26.0}",A 55-year-old female is applying for a loan of 2500 cedis. The applicant works in service sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 8500 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 700.0 cedis. Her educational background is secondary and the number of years that she has been in business is 26.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 5000 cedis. 1,0,4000,2000,1,60.0,8000,200.0,5.0,2,32,7000,0,0,1,0,3,0,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 4000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 8000, dec profit is 200.0, xperience is 5.0, educatn is 2, age is 32, collateral is 7000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 3, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 4000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 8000 - dec profit : 200.0 - xperience : 5.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 32 - collateral : 7000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 3 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 4000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 8000. The dec profit is 200.0. The xperience is 5.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 32. The collateral is 7000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 3. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 4000 60.0 8000 200.0 5.0 2 32 7000 0 0 1 0 3 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 4000 & 60.000000 & 8000 & 200.000000 & 5.000000 & 2 & 32 & 7000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 3 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 32, 'amnt req': 4000, 'assets val': 8000, 'collateral': 7000, 'dec profit': 200.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 3, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 5.0}",A 32-year-old female is applying for a loan of 4000 cedis. The applicant works in manufacturing sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. Her assets value is 8000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 200.0 cedis. Her educational background is secondary and the number of years that she has been in business is 5.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 7000 cedis. 2,1,3000,3000,0,30.0,2130,327.0,6.0,1,32,1500,0,0,0,0,1,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 3000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 2130, dec profit is 327.0, xperience is 6.0, educatn is 1, age is 32, collateral is 1500, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 3000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 2130 - dec profit : 327.0 - xperience : 6.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 32 - collateral : 1500 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 3000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 2130. The dec profit is 327.0. The xperience is 6.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 32. The collateral is 1500. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 3000 30.0 2130 327.0 6.0 1 32 1500 0 0 0 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 3000 & 30.000000 & 2130 & 327.000000 & 6.000000 & 1 & 32 & 1500 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 32, 'amnt req': 3000, 'assets val': 2130, 'collateral': 1500, 'dec profit': 327.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 6.0}",A 32-year-old male is applying for a loan of 3000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 2130 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 327.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 6.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 1500 cedis. 3,0,9000,9000,0,,10000,900.0,3.0,3,35,9000,1,0,0,1,4,1,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 9000, maturity is None, assets val is 10000, dec profit is 900.0, xperience is 3.0, educatn is 3, age is 35, collateral is 9000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 1","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 9000 - maturity : None - assets val : 10000 - dec profit : 900.0 - xperience : 3.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 35 - collateral : 9000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 1",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 9000. The maturity is None. The assets val is 10000. The dec profit is 900.0. The xperience is 3.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 35. The collateral is 9000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 1,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 9000 None 10000 900.0 3.0 3 35 9000 1 0 0 1 4 1
","\begin{tabular}{lrrlrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 9000 & None & 10000 & 900.000000 & 3.000000 & 3 & 35 & 9000 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 4 & 1 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 35, 'amnt req': 9000, 'assets val': 10000, 'collateral': 9000, 'dec profit': 900.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': None, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 1, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 3.0}",A 35-year-old female is applying for a loan of 9000 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is None years. Her assets value is 10000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 900.0 cedis. Her educational background is primary and the number of years that she has been in business is 3.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She has non-mandatory savings with the bank. She resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 9000 cedis. 4,1,2000,2000,0,30.0,8000,500.0,6.0,1,45,500,1,0,0,0,1,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 2000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 8000, dec profit is 500.0, xperience is 6.0, educatn is 1, age is 45, collateral is 500, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 2000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 8000 - dec profit : 500.0 - xperience : 6.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 45 - collateral : 500 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 2000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 8000. The dec profit is 500.0. The xperience is 6.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 45. The collateral is 500. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 2000 30.0 8000 500.0 6.0 1 45 500 1 0 0 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 2000 & 30.000000 & 8000 & 500.000000 & 6.000000 & 1 & 45 & 500 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 45, 'amnt req': 2000, 'assets val': 8000, 'collateral': 500, 'dec profit': 500.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 6.0}",A 45-year-old male is applying for a loan of 2000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 8000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 500.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 6.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 500 cedis. 5,0,6000,6000,0,36.0,32000,10000.0,6.0,3,48,9000,0,1,1,0,1,1,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 6000, maturity is 36.0, assets val is 32000, dec profit is 10000.0, xperience is 6.0, educatn is 3, age is 48, collateral is 9000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 1","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 6000 - maturity : 36.0 - assets val : 32000 - dec profit : 10000.0 - xperience : 6.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 48 - collateral : 9000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 1",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 6000. The maturity is 36.0. The assets val is 32000. The dec profit is 10000.0. The xperience is 6.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 48. The collateral is 9000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 1,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 6000 36.0 32000 10000.0 6.0 3 48 9000 0 1 1 0 1 1
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 6000 & 36.000000 & 32000 & 10000.000000 & 6.000000 & 3 & 48 & 9000 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 1 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 48, 'amnt req': 6000, 'assets val': 32000, 'collateral': 9000, 'dec profit': 10000.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 36.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 1, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 6.0}",A 48-year-old female is applying for a loan of 6000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 36.0 years. Her assets value is 32000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 10000.0 cedis. Her educational background is primary and the number of years that she has been in business is 6.0. She provided a guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She has non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 9000 cedis. 6,0,400,400,0,30.0,1095,400.0,2.0,2,33,10000,0,0,0,0,1,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 400, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 1095, dec profit is 400.0, xperience is 2.0, educatn is 2, age is 33, collateral is 10000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 400 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 1095 - dec profit : 400.0 - xperience : 2.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 33 - collateral : 10000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 400. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 1095. The dec profit is 400.0. The xperience is 2.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 33. The collateral is 10000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 400 30.0 1095 400.0 2.0 2 33 10000 0 0 0 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 400 & 30.000000 & 1095 & 400.000000 & 2.000000 & 2 & 33 & 10000 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 33, 'amnt req': 400, 'assets val': 1095, 'collateral': 10000, 'dec profit': 400.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 2.0}",A 33-year-old female is applying for a loan of 400 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 1095 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 400.0 cedis. Her educational background is secondary and the number of years that she has been in business is 2.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 10000 cedis. 7,0,4000,3000,1,30.0,5000,300.0,6.0,2,40,5000,0,0,0,1,5,0,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 4000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 5000, dec profit is 300.0, xperience is 6.0, educatn is 2, age is 40, collateral is 5000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 1, sector is 5, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 4000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 5000 - dec profit : 300.0 - xperience : 6.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 40 - collateral : 5000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 1 - sector : 5 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 4000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 5000. The dec profit is 300.0. The xperience is 6.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 40. The collateral is 5000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 1. The sector is 5. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 4000 30.0 5000 300.0 6.0 2 40 5000 0 0 0 1 5 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 4000 & 30.000000 & 5000 & 300.000000 & 6.000000 & 2 & 40 & 5000 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 5 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 40, 'amnt req': 4000, 'assets val': 5000, 'collateral': 5000, 'dec profit': 300.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 5, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 6.0}",A 40-year-old female is applying for a loan of 4000 cedis. The applicant works in service sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 5000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 300.0 cedis. Her educational background is secondary and the number of years that she has been in business is 6.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 5000 cedis. 8,0,9000,9000,0,30.0,10000,900.0,3.0,3,35,9000,1,0,0,1,4,1,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 9000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 10000, dec profit is 900.0, xperience is 3.0, educatn is 3, age is 35, collateral is 9000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 1","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 9000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 10000 - dec profit : 900.0 - xperience : 3.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 35 - collateral : 9000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 1",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 9000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 10000. The dec profit is 900.0. The xperience is 3.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 35. The collateral is 9000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 1,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 9000 30.0 10000 900.0 3.0 3 35 9000 1 0 0 1 4 1
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 9000 & 30.000000 & 10000 & 900.000000 & 3.000000 & 3 & 35 & 9000 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 4 & 1 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 35, 'amnt req': 9000, 'assets val': 10000, 'collateral': 9000, 'dec profit': 900.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 1, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 3.0}",A 35-year-old female is applying for a loan of 9000 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 10000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 900.0 cedis. Her educational background is primary and the number of years that she has been in business is 3.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She has non-mandatory savings with the bank. She resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 9000 cedis. 9,1,12000,7000,1,60.0,1800,200.0,7.0,2,42,8000,0,1,1,1,2,0,No,"sex is 1, amnt req is 12000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 1800, dec profit is 200.0, xperience is 7.0, educatn is 2, age is 42, collateral is 8000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 2, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 12000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 1800 - dec profit : 200.0 - xperience : 7.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 42 - collateral : 8000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 2 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 12000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 1800. The dec profit is 200.0. The xperience is 7.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 42. The collateral is 8000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 2. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 12000 60.0 1800 200.0 7.0 2 42 8000 0 1 1 1 2 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 12000 & 60.000000 & 1800 & 200.000000 & 7.000000 & 2 & 42 & 8000 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 2 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 42, 'amnt req': 12000, 'assets val': 1800, 'collateral': 8000, 'dec profit': 200.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 2, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 7.0}",A 42-year-old male is applying for a loan of 12000 cedis. The applicant works in transport sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 1800 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 200.0 cedis. His educational background is secondary and the number of years that he has been in business is 7.0. He provided a guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 8000 cedis. 10,1,7000,7000,0,60.0,10000,120.0,4.0,2,34,20000,0,0,1,0,3,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 7000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 10000, dec profit is 120.0, xperience is 4.0, educatn is 2, age is 34, collateral is 20000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 3, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 7000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 10000 - dec profit : 120.0 - xperience : 4.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 34 - collateral : 20000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 3 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 7000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 10000. The dec profit is 120.0. The xperience is 4.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 34. The collateral is 20000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 3. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 7000 60.0 10000 120.0 4.0 2 34 20000 0 0 1 0 3 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 7000 & 60.000000 & 10000 & 120.000000 & 4.000000 & 2 & 34 & 20000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 3 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 34, 'amnt req': 7000, 'assets val': 10000, 'collateral': 20000, 'dec profit': 120.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 3, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 4.0}",A 34-year-old male is applying for a loan of 7000 cedis. The applicant works in manufacturing sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 10000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 120.0 cedis. His educational background is secondary and the number of years that he has been in business is 4.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 20000 cedis. 11,0,10000,3500,1,30.0,1200,120.0,2.5,2,27,5000,0,1,1,0,3,0,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 10000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 1200, dec profit is 120.0, xperience is 2.5, educatn is 2, age is 27, collateral is 5000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 3, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 10000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 1200 - dec profit : 120.0 - xperience : 2.5 - educatn : 2 - age : 27 - collateral : 5000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 3 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 10000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 1200. The dec profit is 120.0. The xperience is 2.5. The educatn is 2. The age is 27. The collateral is 5000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 3. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 10000 30.0 1200 120.0 2.5 2 27 5000 0 1 1 0 3 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 10000 & 30.000000 & 1200 & 120.000000 & 2.500000 & 2 & 27 & 5000 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 3 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 27, 'amnt req': 10000, 'assets val': 1200, 'collateral': 5000, 'dec profit': 120.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 3, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 2.5}",A 27-year-old female is applying for a loan of 10000 cedis. The applicant works in manufacturing sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 1200 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 120.0 cedis. Her educational background is secondary and the number of years that she has been in business is 2.5. She provided a guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 5000 cedis. 12,0,1000,700,1,30.0,10000,300.0,3.0,1,47,1500,0,1,1,1,5,1,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 1000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 10000, dec profit is 300.0, xperience is 3.0, educatn is 1, age is 47, collateral is 1500, locatn is 0, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 5, savings is 1","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 1000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 10000 - dec profit : 300.0 - xperience : 3.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 47 - collateral : 1500 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 5 - savings : 1",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 1000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 10000. The dec profit is 300.0. The xperience is 3.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 47. The collateral is 1500. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 5. The savings is 1,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 1000 30.0 10000 300.0 3.0 1 47 1500 0 1 1 1 5 1
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 1000 & 30.000000 & 10000 & 300.000000 & 3.000000 & 1 & 47 & 1500 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 5 & 1 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 47, 'amnt req': 1000, 'assets val': 10000, 'collateral': 1500, 'dec profit': 300.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 1, 'sector': 5, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 3.0}",A 47-year-old female is applying for a loan of 1000 cedis. The applicant works in service sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 10000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 300.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 3.0. She provided a guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She has non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 1500 cedis. 13,1,7000,7000,0,60.0,10000,120.0,4.0,2,34,20000,1,0,1,0,3,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 7000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 10000, dec profit is 120.0, xperience is 4.0, educatn is 2, age is 34, collateral is 20000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 3, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 7000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 10000 - dec profit : 120.0 - xperience : 4.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 34 - collateral : 20000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 3 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 7000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 10000. The dec profit is 120.0. The xperience is 4.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 34. The collateral is 20000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 3. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 7000 60.0 10000 120.0 4.0 2 34 20000 1 0 1 0 3 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 7000 & 60.000000 & 10000 & 120.000000 & 4.000000 & 2 & 34 & 20000 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 3 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 34, 'amnt req': 7000, 'assets val': 10000, 'collateral': 20000, 'dec profit': 120.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 3, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 4.0}",A 34-year-old male is applying for a loan of 7000 cedis. The applicant works in manufacturing sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 10000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 120.0 cedis. His educational background is secondary and the number of years that he has been in business is 4.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 20000 cedis. 14,1,1200,1200,0,36.0,3000,500.0,5.0,1,40,1000,1,0,1,1,4,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 1200, maturity is 36.0, assets val is 3000, dec profit is 500.0, xperience is 5.0, educatn is 1, age is 40, collateral is 1000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 1200 - maturity : 36.0 - assets val : 3000 - dec profit : 500.0 - xperience : 5.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 40 - collateral : 1000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 1200. The maturity is 36.0. The assets val is 3000. The dec profit is 500.0. The xperience is 5.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 40. The collateral is 1000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 1200 36.0 3000 500.0 5.0 1 40 1000 1 0 1 1 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 1200 & 36.000000 & 3000 & 500.000000 & 5.000000 & 1 & 40 & 1000 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 40, 'amnt req': 1200, 'assets val': 3000, 'collateral': 1000, 'dec profit': 500.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 36.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 5.0}",A 40-year-old male is applying for a loan of 1200 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 36.0 years. His assets value is 3000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 500.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 5.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 1000 cedis. 15,1,5000,4000,1,30.0,1500,500.0,3.0,1,47,4500,1,0,1,1,5,0,No,"sex is 1, amnt req is 5000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 1500, dec profit is 500.0, xperience is 3.0, educatn is 1, age is 47, collateral is 4500, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 5, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 5000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 1500 - dec profit : 500.0 - xperience : 3.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 47 - collateral : 4500 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 5 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 5000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 1500. The dec profit is 500.0. The xperience is 3.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 47. The collateral is 4500. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 5. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 5000 30.0 1500 500.0 3.0 1 47 4500 1 0 1 1 5 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 5000 & 30.000000 & 1500 & 500.000000 & 3.000000 & 1 & 47 & 4500 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 5 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 47, 'amnt req': 5000, 'assets val': 1500, 'collateral': 4500, 'dec profit': 500.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 5, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 3.0}",A 47-year-old male is applying for a loan of 5000 cedis. The applicant works in service sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 1500 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 500.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 3.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 4500 cedis. 16,0,9000,6000,1,30.0,8000,800.0,2.0,4,33,8000,0,0,1,0,4,1,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 9000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 8000, dec profit is 800.0, xperience is 2.0, educatn is 4, age is 33, collateral is 8000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 4, savings is 1","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 9000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 8000 - dec profit : 800.0 - xperience : 2.0 - educatn : 4 - age : 33 - collateral : 8000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 4 - savings : 1",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 9000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 8000. The dec profit is 800.0. The xperience is 2.0. The educatn is 4. The age is 33. The collateral is 8000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 4. The savings is 1,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 9000 30.0 8000 800.0 2.0 4 33 8000 0 0 1 0 4 1
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 9000 & 30.000000 & 8000 & 800.000000 & 2.000000 & 4 & 33 & 8000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 4 & 1 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 33, 'amnt req': 9000, 'assets val': 8000, 'collateral': 8000, 'dec profit': 800.0, 'educatn': 4, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 1, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 2.0}",A 33-year-old female is applying for a loan of 9000 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 8000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 800.0 cedis. Her educational background is illiterate and the number of years that she has been in business is 2.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She has non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 8000 cedis. 17,1,12000,7000,1,60.0,1800,200.0,7.0,2,42,8000,0,1,1,1,2,0,No,"sex is 1, amnt req is 12000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 1800, dec profit is 200.0, xperience is 7.0, educatn is 2, age is 42, collateral is 8000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 2, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 12000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 1800 - dec profit : 200.0 - xperience : 7.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 42 - collateral : 8000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 2 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 12000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 1800. The dec profit is 200.0. The xperience is 7.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 42. The collateral is 8000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 2. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 12000 60.0 1800 200.0 7.0 2 42 8000 0 1 1 1 2 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 12000 & 60.000000 & 1800 & 200.000000 & 7.000000 & 2 & 42 & 8000 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 2 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 42, 'amnt req': 12000, 'assets val': 1800, 'collateral': 8000, 'dec profit': 200.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 2, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 7.0}",A 42-year-old male is applying for a loan of 12000 cedis. The applicant works in transport sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 1800 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 200.0 cedis. His educational background is secondary and the number of years that he has been in business is 7.0. He provided a guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 8000 cedis. 18,0,3000,3000,0,30.0,10000,900.0,5.0,3,42,3000,1,0,0,0,5,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 3000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 10000, dec profit is 900.0, xperience is 5.0, educatn is 3, age is 42, collateral is 3000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 5, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 3000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 10000 - dec profit : 900.0 - xperience : 5.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 42 - collateral : 3000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 5 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 3000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 10000. The dec profit is 900.0. The xperience is 5.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 42. The collateral is 3000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 5. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 3000 30.0 10000 900.0 5.0 3 42 3000 1 0 0 0 5 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 3000 & 30.000000 & 10000 & 900.000000 & 5.000000 & 3 & 42 & 3000 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 5 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 42, 'amnt req': 3000, 'assets val': 10000, 'collateral': 3000, 'dec profit': 900.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 5, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 5.0}",A 42-year-old female is applying for a loan of 3000 cedis. The applicant works in service sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 10000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 900.0 cedis. Her educational background is primary and the number of years that she has been in business is 5.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 3000 cedis. 19,1,12000,7000,1,60.0,1800,200.0,7.0,2,42,8000,0,1,1,1,2,0,No,"sex is 1, amnt req is 12000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 1800, dec profit is 200.0, xperience is 7.0, educatn is 2, age is 42, collateral is 8000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 2, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 12000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 1800 - dec profit : 200.0 - xperience : 7.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 42 - collateral : 8000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 2 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 12000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 1800. The dec profit is 200.0. The xperience is 7.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 42. The collateral is 8000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 2. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 12000 60.0 1800 200.0 7.0 2 42 8000 0 1 1 1 2 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 12000 & 60.000000 & 1800 & 200.000000 & 7.000000 & 2 & 42 & 8000 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 2 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 42, 'amnt req': 12000, 'assets val': 1800, 'collateral': 8000, 'dec profit': 200.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 2, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 7.0}",A 42-year-old male is applying for a loan of 12000 cedis. The applicant works in transport sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 1800 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 200.0 cedis. His educational background is secondary and the number of years that he has been in business is 7.0. He provided a guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 8000 cedis. 20,1,8000,6000,1,30.0,5000,600.0,2.0,1,33,2000,0,1,0,0,3,0,No,"sex is 1, amnt req is 8000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 5000, dec profit is 600.0, xperience is 2.0, educatn is 1, age is 33, collateral is 2000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 3, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 8000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 5000 - dec profit : 600.0 - xperience : 2.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 33 - collateral : 2000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 3 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 8000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 5000. The dec profit is 600.0. The xperience is 2.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 33. The collateral is 2000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 3. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 8000 30.0 5000 600.0 2.0 1 33 2000 0 1 0 0 3 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 8000 & 30.000000 & 5000 & 600.000000 & 2.000000 & 1 & 33 & 2000 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 3 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 33, 'amnt req': 8000, 'assets val': 5000, 'collateral': 2000, 'dec profit': 600.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 3, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 2.0}",A 33-year-old male is applying for a loan of 8000 cedis. The applicant works in manufacturing sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 5000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 600.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 2.0. He provided a guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 2000 cedis. 21,1,3000,3000,0,60.0,3590,517.0,8.0,1,28,1500,0,0,1,0,1,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 3000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 3590, dec profit is 517.0, xperience is 8.0, educatn is 1, age is 28, collateral is 1500, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 3000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 3590 - dec profit : 517.0 - xperience : 8.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 28 - collateral : 1500 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 3000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 3590. The dec profit is 517.0. The xperience is 8.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 28. The collateral is 1500. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 3000 60.0 3590 517.0 8.0 1 28 1500 0 0 1 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 3000 & 60.000000 & 3590 & 517.000000 & 8.000000 & 1 & 28 & 1500 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 28, 'amnt req': 3000, 'assets val': 3590, 'collateral': 1500, 'dec profit': 517.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 8.0}",A 28-year-old male is applying for a loan of 3000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 3590 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 517.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 8.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 1500 cedis. 22,1,20000,20000,0,30.0,17000,8000.0,6.0,3,53,9000,1,1,0,0,3,1,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 20000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 17000, dec profit is 8000.0, xperience is 6.0, educatn is 3, age is 53, collateral is 9000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 3, savings is 1","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 20000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 17000 - dec profit : 8000.0 - xperience : 6.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 53 - collateral : 9000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 3 - savings : 1",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 20000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 17000. The dec profit is 8000.0. The xperience is 6.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 53. The collateral is 9000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 3. The savings is 1,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 20000 30.0 17000 8000.0 6.0 3 53 9000 1 1 0 0 3 1
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 20000 & 30.000000 & 17000 & 8000.000000 & 6.000000 & 3 & 53 & 9000 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 3 & 1 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 53, 'amnt req': 20000, 'assets val': 17000, 'collateral': 9000, 'dec profit': 8000.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 1, 'sector': 3, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 6.0}",A 53-year-old male is applying for a loan of 20000 cedis. The applicant works in manufacturing sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 17000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 8000.0 cedis. His educational background is primary and the number of years that he has been in business is 6.0. He provided a guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He has non-mandatory savings with the bank. He resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 9000 cedis. 23,0,1000,500,1,30.0,40000,400.0,1.0,1,34,2500,0,1,1,0,4,1,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 1000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 40000, dec profit is 400.0, xperience is 1.0, educatn is 1, age is 34, collateral is 2500, locatn is 0, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 4, savings is 1","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 1000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 40000 - dec profit : 400.0 - xperience : 1.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 34 - collateral : 2500 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 4 - savings : 1",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 1000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 40000. The dec profit is 400.0. The xperience is 1.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 34. The collateral is 2500. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 4. The savings is 1,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 1000 30.0 40000 400.0 1.0 1 34 2500 0 1 1 0 4 1
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 1000 & 30.000000 & 40000 & 400.000000 & 1.000000 & 1 & 34 & 2500 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 4 & 1 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 34, 'amnt req': 1000, 'assets val': 40000, 'collateral': 2500, 'dec profit': 400.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 1, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 1.0}",A 34-year-old female is applying for a loan of 1000 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 40000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 400.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 1.0. She provided a guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She has non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 2500 cedis. 24,1,4000,2000,1,36.0,5000,550.0,6.0,1,20,250,0,0,0,0,1,0,No,"sex is 1, amnt req is 4000, maturity is 36.0, assets val is 5000, dec profit is 550.0, xperience is 6.0, educatn is 1, age is 20, collateral is 250, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 4000 - maturity : 36.0 - assets val : 5000 - dec profit : 550.0 - xperience : 6.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 20 - collateral : 250 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 4000. The maturity is 36.0. The assets val is 5000. The dec profit is 550.0. The xperience is 6.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 20. The collateral is 250. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 4000 36.0 5000 550.0 6.0 1 20 250 0 0 0 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 4000 & 36.000000 & 5000 & 550.000000 & 6.000000 & 1 & 20 & 250 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 20, 'amnt req': 4000, 'assets val': 5000, 'collateral': 250, 'dec profit': 550.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 36.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 6.0}",A 20-year-old male is applying for a loan of 4000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 36.0 years. His assets value is 5000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 550.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 6.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 250 cedis. 25,1,1500,1500,0,30.0,3500,358.0,5.0,1,41,3000,0,0,1,0,1,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 1500, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 3500, dec profit is 358.0, xperience is 5.0, educatn is 1, age is 41, collateral is 3000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 1500 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 3500 - dec profit : 358.0 - xperience : 5.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 41 - collateral : 3000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 1500. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 3500. The dec profit is 358.0. The xperience is 5.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 41. The collateral is 3000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 1500 30.0 3500 358.0 5.0 1 41 3000 0 0 1 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 1500 & 30.000000 & 3500 & 358.000000 & 5.000000 & 1 & 41 & 3000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 41, 'amnt req': 1500, 'assets val': 3500, 'collateral': 3000, 'dec profit': 358.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 5.0}",A 41-year-old male is applying for a loan of 1500 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 3500 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 358.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 5.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 3000 cedis. 26,1,800,500,0,15.0,3200,530.0,7.0,2,35,3000,0,0,0,0,1,0,No,"sex is 1, amnt req is 800, maturity is 15.0, assets val is 3200, dec profit is 530.0, xperience is 7.0, educatn is 2, age is 35, collateral is 3000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 800 - maturity : 15.0 - assets val : 3200 - dec profit : 530.0 - xperience : 7.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 35 - collateral : 3000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 800. The maturity is 15.0. The assets val is 3200. The dec profit is 530.0. The xperience is 7.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 35. The collateral is 3000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 800 15.0 3200 530.0 7.0 2 35 3000 0 0 0 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 800 & 15.000000 & 3200 & 530.000000 & 7.000000 & 2 & 35 & 3000 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 35, 'amnt req': 800, 'assets val': 3200, 'collateral': 3000, 'dec profit': 530.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 15.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 7.0}",A 35-year-old male is applying for a loan of 800 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 15.0 years. His assets value is 3200 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 530.0 cedis. His educational background is secondary and the number of years that he has been in business is 7.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 3000 cedis. 27,0,1000,1000,0,30.0,2500,700.0,1.0,3,28,10000,0,0,0,0,1,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 1000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 2500, dec profit is 700.0, xperience is 1.0, educatn is 3, age is 28, collateral is 10000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 1000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 2500 - dec profit : 700.0 - xperience : 1.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 28 - collateral : 10000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 1000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 2500. The dec profit is 700.0. The xperience is 1.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 28. The collateral is 10000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 1000 30.0 2500 700.0 1.0 3 28 10000 0 0 0 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 1000 & 30.000000 & 2500 & 700.000000 & 1.000000 & 3 & 28 & 10000 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 28, 'amnt req': 1000, 'assets val': 2500, 'collateral': 10000, 'dec profit': 700.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 1.0}",A 28-year-old female is applying for a loan of 1000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 2500 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 700.0 cedis. Her educational background is primary and the number of years that she has been in business is 1.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 10000 cedis. 28,1,2000,2000,0,30.0,4000,300.0,4.0,1,36,5000,0,0,1,0,1,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 2000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 4000, dec profit is 300.0, xperience is 4.0, educatn is 1, age is 36, collateral is 5000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 2000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 4000 - dec profit : 300.0 - xperience : 4.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 36 - collateral : 5000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 2000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 4000. The dec profit is 300.0. The xperience is 4.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 36. The collateral is 5000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 2000 30.0 4000 300.0 4.0 1 36 5000 0 0 1 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 2000 & 30.000000 & 4000 & 300.000000 & 4.000000 & 1 & 36 & 5000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 36, 'amnt req': 2000, 'assets val': 4000, 'collateral': 5000, 'dec profit': 300.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 4.0}",A 36-year-old male is applying for a loan of 2000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 4000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 300.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 4.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 5000 cedis. 29,1,2000,2000,0,30.0,2280,612.0,5.0,1,40,1500,1,0,1,0,1,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 2000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 2280, dec profit is 612.0, xperience is 5.0, educatn is 1, age is 40, collateral is 1500, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 2000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 2280 - dec profit : 612.0 - xperience : 5.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 40 - collateral : 1500 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 2000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 2280. The dec profit is 612.0. The xperience is 5.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 40. The collateral is 1500. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 2000 30.0 2280 612.0 5.0 1 40 1500 1 0 1 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 2000 & 30.000000 & 2280 & 612.000000 & 5.000000 & 1 & 40 & 1500 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 40, 'amnt req': 2000, 'assets val': 2280, 'collateral': 1500, 'dec profit': 612.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 5.0}",A 40-year-old male is applying for a loan of 2000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 2280 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 612.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 5.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 1500 cedis. 30,0,1000,1000,0,15.0,3000,200.0,12.0,3,45,6000,1,1,1,1,5,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 1000, maturity is 15.0, assets val is 3000, dec profit is 200.0, xperience is 12.0, educatn is 3, age is 45, collateral is 6000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 5, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 1000 - maturity : 15.0 - assets val : 3000 - dec profit : 200.0 - xperience : 12.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 45 - collateral : 6000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 5 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 1000. The maturity is 15.0. The assets val is 3000. The dec profit is 200.0. The xperience is 12.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 45. The collateral is 6000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 5. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 1000 15.0 3000 200.0 12.0 3 45 6000 1 1 1 1 5 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 1000 & 15.000000 & 3000 & 200.000000 & 12.000000 & 3 & 45 & 6000 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 5 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 45, 'amnt req': 1000, 'assets val': 3000, 'collateral': 6000, 'dec profit': 200.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 15.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 5, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 12.0}",A 45-year-old female is applying for a loan of 1000 cedis. The applicant works in service sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 15.0 years. Her assets value is 3000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 200.0 cedis. Her educational background is primary and the number of years that she has been in business is 12.0. She provided a guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 6000 cedis. 31,1,600,600,0,30.0,5000,480.0,1.0,1,29,2000,0,1,0,0,5,1,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 600, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 5000, dec profit is 480.0, xperience is 1.0, educatn is 1, age is 29, collateral is 2000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 5, savings is 1","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 600 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 5000 - dec profit : 480.0 - xperience : 1.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 29 - collateral : 2000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 5 - savings : 1",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 600. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 5000. The dec profit is 480.0. The xperience is 1.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 29. The collateral is 2000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 5. The savings is 1,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 600 30.0 5000 480.0 1.0 1 29 2000 0 1 0 0 5 1
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 600 & 30.000000 & 5000 & 480.000000 & 1.000000 & 1 & 29 & 2000 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 5 & 1 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 29, 'amnt req': 600, 'assets val': 5000, 'collateral': 2000, 'dec profit': 480.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 1, 'sector': 5, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 1.0}",A 29-year-old male is applying for a loan of 600 cedis. The applicant works in service sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 5000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 480.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 1.0. He provided a guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He has non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 2000 cedis. 32,0,8000,5000,1,60.0,5000,400.0,1.0,2,30,7000,1,0,0,1,4,0,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 8000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 5000, dec profit is 400.0, xperience is 1.0, educatn is 2, age is 30, collateral is 7000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 8000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 5000 - dec profit : 400.0 - xperience : 1.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 30 - collateral : 7000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 8000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 5000. The dec profit is 400.0. The xperience is 1.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 30. The collateral is 7000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 8000 60.0 5000 400.0 1.0 2 30 7000 1 0 0 1 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 8000 & 60.000000 & 5000 & 400.000000 & 1.000000 & 2 & 30 & 7000 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 30, 'amnt req': 8000, 'assets val': 5000, 'collateral': 7000, 'dec profit': 400.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 1.0}",A 30-year-old female is applying for a loan of 8000 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. Her assets value is 5000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 400.0 cedis. Her educational background is secondary and the number of years that she has been in business is 1.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 7000 cedis. 33,1,7000,5000,1,,5000,650.0,3.0,3,47,6000,1,1,1,0,4,0,No,"sex is 1, amnt req is 7000, maturity is None, assets val is 5000, dec profit is 650.0, xperience is 3.0, educatn is 3, age is 47, collateral is 6000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 7000 - maturity : None - assets val : 5000 - dec profit : 650.0 - xperience : 3.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 47 - collateral : 6000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 7000. The maturity is None. The assets val is 5000. The dec profit is 650.0. The xperience is 3.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 47. The collateral is 6000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 7000 None 5000 650.0 3.0 3 47 6000 1 1 1 0 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrlrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 7000 & None & 5000 & 650.000000 & 3.000000 & 3 & 47 & 6000 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 47, 'amnt req': 7000, 'assets val': 5000, 'collateral': 6000, 'dec profit': 650.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': None, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 3.0}",A 47-year-old male is applying for a loan of 7000 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is None years. His assets value is 5000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 650.0 cedis. His educational background is primary and the number of years that he has been in business is 3.0. He provided a guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 6000 cedis. 34,0,1000,1000,0,30.0,2500,500.0,4.0,1,39,4500,0,0,1,1,2,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 1000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 2500, dec profit is 500.0, xperience is 4.0, educatn is 1, age is 39, collateral is 4500, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 2, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 1000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 2500 - dec profit : 500.0 - xperience : 4.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 39 - collateral : 4500 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 2 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 1000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 2500. The dec profit is 500.0. The xperience is 4.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 39. The collateral is 4500. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 2. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 1000 30.0 2500 500.0 4.0 1 39 4500 0 0 1 1 2 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 1000 & 30.000000 & 2500 & 500.000000 & 4.000000 & 1 & 39 & 4500 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 2 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 39, 'amnt req': 1000, 'assets val': 2500, 'collateral': 4500, 'dec profit': 500.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 2, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 4.0}",A 39-year-old female is applying for a loan of 1000 cedis. The applicant works in transport sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 2500 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 500.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 4.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 4500 cedis. 35,0,9000,9000,0,30.0,10000,900.0,3.0,3,35,9000,1,0,0,1,4,1,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 9000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 10000, dec profit is 900.0, xperience is 3.0, educatn is 3, age is 35, collateral is 9000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 1","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 9000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 10000 - dec profit : 900.0 - xperience : 3.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 35 - collateral : 9000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 1",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 9000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 10000. The dec profit is 900.0. The xperience is 3.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 35. The collateral is 9000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 1,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 9000 30.0 10000 900.0 3.0 3 35 9000 1 0 0 1 4 1
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 9000 & 30.000000 & 10000 & 900.000000 & 3.000000 & 3 & 35 & 9000 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 4 & 1 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 35, 'amnt req': 9000, 'assets val': 10000, 'collateral': 9000, 'dec profit': 900.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 1, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 3.0}",A 35-year-old female is applying for a loan of 9000 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 10000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 900.0 cedis. Her educational background is primary and the number of years that she has been in business is 3.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She has non-mandatory savings with the bank. She resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 9000 cedis. 36,1,800,500,1,60.0,1500,250.0,25.0,1,50,1500,1,1,0,0,1,0,No,"sex is 1, amnt req is 800, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 1500, dec profit is 250.0, xperience is 25.0, educatn is 1, age is 50, collateral is 1500, locatn is 1, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 800 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 1500 - dec profit : 250.0 - xperience : 25.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 50 - collateral : 1500 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 800. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 1500. The dec profit is 250.0. The xperience is 25.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 50. The collateral is 1500. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 800 60.0 1500 250.0 25.0 1 50 1500 1 1 0 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 800 & 60.000000 & 1500 & 250.000000 & 25.000000 & 1 & 50 & 1500 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 50, 'amnt req': 800, 'assets val': 1500, 'collateral': 1500, 'dec profit': 250.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 25.0}",A 50-year-old male is applying for a loan of 800 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 1500 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 250.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 25.0. He provided a guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 1500 cedis. 37,0,2200,1500,1,30.0,2500,250.0,4.0,1,52,6000,0,0,0,1,1,0,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 2200, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 2500, dec profit is 250.0, xperience is 4.0, educatn is 1, age is 52, collateral is 6000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 1, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 2200 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 2500 - dec profit : 250.0 - xperience : 4.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 52 - collateral : 6000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 1 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 2200. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 2500. The dec profit is 250.0. The xperience is 4.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 52. The collateral is 6000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 1. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 2200 30.0 2500 250.0 4.0 1 52 6000 0 0 0 1 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 2200 & 30.000000 & 2500 & 250.000000 & 4.000000 & 1 & 52 & 6000 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 52, 'amnt req': 2200, 'assets val': 2500, 'collateral': 6000, 'dec profit': 250.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 4.0}",A 52-year-old female is applying for a loan of 2200 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 2500 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 250.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 4.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 6000 cedis. 38,1,5000,5000,0,30.0,3000,350.0,16.0,3,62,6000,0,0,0,0,4,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 5000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 3000, dec profit is 350.0, xperience is 16.0, educatn is 3, age is 62, collateral is 6000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 5000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 3000 - dec profit : 350.0 - xperience : 16.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 62 - collateral : 6000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 5000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 3000. The dec profit is 350.0. The xperience is 16.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 62. The collateral is 6000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 5000 30.0 3000 350.0 16.0 3 62 6000 0 0 0 0 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 5000 & 30.000000 & 3000 & 350.000000 & 16.000000 & 3 & 62 & 6000 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 62, 'amnt req': 5000, 'assets val': 3000, 'collateral': 6000, 'dec profit': 350.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 16.0}",A 62-year-old male is applying for a loan of 5000 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 3000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 350.0 cedis. His educational background is primary and the number of years that he has been in business is 16.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 6000 cedis. 39,0,3000,2500,1,60.0,3830,530.0,4.0,1,48,1500,0,0,1,0,1,0,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 3000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 3830, dec profit is 530.0, xperience is 4.0, educatn is 1, age is 48, collateral is 1500, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 3000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 3830 - dec profit : 530.0 - xperience : 4.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 48 - collateral : 1500 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 3000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 3830. The dec profit is 530.0. The xperience is 4.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 48. The collateral is 1500. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 3000 60.0 3830 530.0 4.0 1 48 1500 0 0 1 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 3000 & 60.000000 & 3830 & 530.000000 & 4.000000 & 1 & 48 & 1500 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 48, 'amnt req': 3000, 'assets val': 3830, 'collateral': 1500, 'dec profit': 530.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 4.0}",A 48-year-old female is applying for a loan of 3000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. Her assets value is 3830 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 530.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 4.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 1500 cedis. 40,0,8000,8000,0,60.0,6000,250.0,5.0,1,30,9000,0,1,1,0,2,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 8000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 6000, dec profit is 250.0, xperience is 5.0, educatn is 1, age is 30, collateral is 9000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 2, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 8000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 6000 - dec profit : 250.0 - xperience : 5.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 30 - collateral : 9000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 2 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 8000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 6000. The dec profit is 250.0. The xperience is 5.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 30. The collateral is 9000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 2. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 8000 60.0 6000 250.0 5.0 1 30 9000 0 1 1 0 2 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 8000 & 60.000000 & 6000 & 250.000000 & 5.000000 & 1 & 30 & 9000 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 2 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 30, 'amnt req': 8000, 'assets val': 6000, 'collateral': 9000, 'dec profit': 250.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 2, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 5.0}",A 30-year-old female is applying for a loan of 8000 cedis. The applicant works in transport sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. Her assets value is 6000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 250.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 5.0. She provided a guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 9000 cedis. 41,1,7000,5000,1,60.0,900,190.0,1.0,2,43,4000,0,1,0,0,4,0,No,"sex is 1, amnt req is 7000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 900, dec profit is 190.0, xperience is 1.0, educatn is 2, age is 43, collateral is 4000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 7000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 900 - dec profit : 190.0 - xperience : 1.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 43 - collateral : 4000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 7000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 900. The dec profit is 190.0. The xperience is 1.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 43. The collateral is 4000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 7000 60.0 900 190.0 1.0 2 43 4000 0 1 0 0 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 7000 & 60.000000 & 900 & 190.000000 & 1.000000 & 2 & 43 & 4000 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 43, 'amnt req': 7000, 'assets val': 900, 'collateral': 4000, 'dec profit': 190.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 1.0}",A 43-year-old male is applying for a loan of 7000 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 900 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 190.0 cedis. His educational background is secondary and the number of years that he has been in business is 1.0. He provided a guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 4000 cedis. 42,0,2500,2500,0,30.0,4000,375.0,2.0,2,34,4500,0,0,1,0,3,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 2500, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 4000, dec profit is 375.0, xperience is 2.0, educatn is 2, age is 34, collateral is 4500, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 3, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 2500 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 4000 - dec profit : 375.0 - xperience : 2.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 34 - collateral : 4500 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 3 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 2500. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 4000. The dec profit is 375.0. The xperience is 2.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 34. The collateral is 4500. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 3. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 2500 30.0 4000 375.0 2.0 2 34 4500 0 0 1 0 3 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 2500 & 30.000000 & 4000 & 375.000000 & 2.000000 & 2 & 34 & 4500 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 3 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 34, 'amnt req': 2500, 'assets val': 4000, 'collateral': 4500, 'dec profit': 375.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 3, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 2.0}",A 34-year-old female is applying for a loan of 2500 cedis. The applicant works in manufacturing sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 4000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 375.0 cedis. Her educational background is secondary and the number of years that she has been in business is 2.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 4500 cedis. 43,0,30000,30000,0,36.0,250000,25000.0,3.0,1,43,6000,0,1,1,1,3,1,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 30000, maturity is 36.0, assets val is 250000, dec profit is 25000.0, xperience is 3.0, educatn is 1, age is 43, collateral is 6000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 3, savings is 1","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 30000 - maturity : 36.0 - assets val : 250000 - dec profit : 25000.0 - xperience : 3.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 43 - collateral : 6000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 3 - savings : 1",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 30000. The maturity is 36.0. The assets val is 250000. The dec profit is 25000.0. The xperience is 3.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 43. The collateral is 6000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 3. The savings is 1,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 30000 36.0 250000 25000.0 3.0 1 43 6000 0 1 1 1 3 1
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 30000 & 36.000000 & 250000 & 25000.000000 & 3.000000 & 1 & 43 & 6000 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 3 & 1 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 43, 'amnt req': 30000, 'assets val': 250000, 'collateral': 6000, 'dec profit': 25000.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 36.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 1, 'sector': 3, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 3.0}",A 43-year-old female is applying for a loan of 30000 cedis. The applicant works in manufacturing sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 36.0 years. Her assets value is 250000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 25000.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 3.0. She provided a guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She has non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 6000 cedis. 44,0,3000,3000,0,40.0,3500,450.0,24.0,1,48,4000,0,0,0,0,5,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 3000, maturity is 40.0, assets val is 3500, dec profit is 450.0, xperience is 24.0, educatn is 1, age is 48, collateral is 4000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 5, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 3000 - maturity : 40.0 - assets val : 3500 - dec profit : 450.0 - xperience : 24.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 48 - collateral : 4000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 5 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 3000. The maturity is 40.0. The assets val is 3500. The dec profit is 450.0. The xperience is 24.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 48. The collateral is 4000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 5. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 3000 40.0 3500 450.0 24.0 1 48 4000 0 0 0 0 5 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 3000 & 40.000000 & 3500 & 450.000000 & 24.000000 & 1 & 48 & 4000 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 5 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 48, 'amnt req': 3000, 'assets val': 3500, 'collateral': 4000, 'dec profit': 450.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 40.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 5, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 24.0}",A 48-year-old female is applying for a loan of 3000 cedis. The applicant works in service sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 40.0 years. Her assets value is 3500 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 450.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 24.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 4000 cedis. 45,1,300,300,0,60.0,2580,650.0,3.0,1,41,5000,0,0,1,1,1,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 300, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 2580, dec profit is 650.0, xperience is 3.0, educatn is 1, age is 41, collateral is 5000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 300 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 2580 - dec profit : 650.0 - xperience : 3.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 41 - collateral : 5000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 300. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 2580. The dec profit is 650.0. The xperience is 3.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 41. The collateral is 5000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 300 60.0 2580 650.0 3.0 1 41 5000 0 0 1 1 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 300 & 60.000000 & 2580 & 650.000000 & 3.000000 & 1 & 41 & 5000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 41, 'amnt req': 300, 'assets val': 2580, 'collateral': 5000, 'dec profit': 650.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 3.0}",A 41-year-old male is applying for a loan of 300 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 2580 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 650.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 3.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 5000 cedis. 46,0,2000,2000,0,30.0,3500,356.0,4.0,3,40,3000,1,0,0,1,4,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 2000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 3500, dec profit is 356.0, xperience is 4.0, educatn is 3, age is 40, collateral is 3000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 2000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 3500 - dec profit : 356.0 - xperience : 4.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 40 - collateral : 3000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 2000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 3500. The dec profit is 356.0. The xperience is 4.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 40. The collateral is 3000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 2000 30.0 3500 356.0 4.0 3 40 3000 1 0 0 1 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 2000 & 30.000000 & 3500 & 356.000000 & 4.000000 & 3 & 40 & 3000 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 40, 'amnt req': 2000, 'assets val': 3500, 'collateral': 3000, 'dec profit': 356.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 4.0}",A 40-year-old female is applying for a loan of 2000 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 3500 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 356.0 cedis. Her educational background is primary and the number of years that she has been in business is 4.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 3000 cedis. 47,0,600,600,0,60.0,6300,500.0,5.0,3,46,2000,0,0,1,1,4,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 600, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 6300, dec profit is 500.0, xperience is 5.0, educatn is 3, age is 46, collateral is 2000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 600 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 6300 - dec profit : 500.0 - xperience : 5.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 46 - collateral : 2000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 600. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 6300. The dec profit is 500.0. The xperience is 5.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 46. The collateral is 2000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 600 60.0 6300 500.0 5.0 3 46 2000 0 0 1 1 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 600 & 60.000000 & 6300 & 500.000000 & 5.000000 & 3 & 46 & 2000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 46, 'amnt req': 600, 'assets val': 6300, 'collateral': 2000, 'dec profit': 500.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 5.0}",A 46-year-old female is applying for a loan of 600 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. Her assets value is 6300 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 500.0 cedis. Her educational background is primary and the number of years that she has been in business is 5.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 2000 cedis. 48,0,5000,5000,0,30.0,4000,200.0,3.0,3,30,5000,1,0,1,1,5,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 5000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 4000, dec profit is 200.0, xperience is 3.0, educatn is 3, age is 30, collateral is 5000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 5, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 5000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 4000 - dec profit : 200.0 - xperience : 3.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 30 - collateral : 5000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 5 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 5000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 4000. The dec profit is 200.0. The xperience is 3.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 30. The collateral is 5000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 5. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 5000 30.0 4000 200.0 3.0 3 30 5000 1 0 1 1 5 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 5000 & 30.000000 & 4000 & 200.000000 & 3.000000 & 3 & 30 & 5000 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 5 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 30, 'amnt req': 5000, 'assets val': 4000, 'collateral': 5000, 'dec profit': 200.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 5, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 3.0}",A 30-year-old female is applying for a loan of 5000 cedis. The applicant works in service sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 4000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 200.0 cedis. Her educational background is primary and the number of years that she has been in business is 3.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 5000 cedis. 49,1,10000,7000,1,,9000,600.0,4.0,4,49,9000,1,1,0,1,4,0,No,"sex is 1, amnt req is 10000, maturity is None, assets val is 9000, dec profit is 600.0, xperience is 4.0, educatn is 4, age is 49, collateral is 9000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 10000 - maturity : None - assets val : 9000 - dec profit : 600.0 - xperience : 4.0 - educatn : 4 - age : 49 - collateral : 9000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 10000. The maturity is None. The assets val is 9000. The dec profit is 600.0. The xperience is 4.0. The educatn is 4. The age is 49. The collateral is 9000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 10000 None 9000 600.0 4.0 4 49 9000 1 1 0 1 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrlrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 10000 & None & 9000 & 600.000000 & 4.000000 & 4 & 49 & 9000 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 49, 'amnt req': 10000, 'assets val': 9000, 'collateral': 9000, 'dec profit': 600.0, 'educatn': 4, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': None, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 4.0}",A 49-year-old male is applying for a loan of 10000 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is None years. His assets value is 9000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 600.0 cedis. His educational background is illiterate and the number of years that he has been in business is 4.0. He provided a guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 9000 cedis. 50,0,3000,2000,1,30.0,1000,200.0,6.0,3,35,4500,0,0,1,0,4,0,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 3000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 1000, dec profit is 200.0, xperience is 6.0, educatn is 3, age is 35, collateral is 4500, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 3000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 1000 - dec profit : 200.0 - xperience : 6.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 35 - collateral : 4500 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 3000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 1000. The dec profit is 200.0. The xperience is 6.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 35. The collateral is 4500. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 3000 30.0 1000 200.0 6.0 3 35 4500 0 0 1 0 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 3000 & 30.000000 & 1000 & 200.000000 & 6.000000 & 3 & 35 & 4500 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 35, 'amnt req': 3000, 'assets val': 1000, 'collateral': 4500, 'dec profit': 200.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 6.0}",A 35-year-old female is applying for a loan of 3000 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 1000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 200.0 cedis. Her educational background is primary and the number of years that she has been in business is 6.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 4500 cedis. 51,1,1000,1000,0,30.0,1000,300.0,1.0,1,34,5000,0,0,1,1,1,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 1000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 1000, dec profit is 300.0, xperience is 1.0, educatn is 1, age is 34, collateral is 5000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 1000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 1000 - dec profit : 300.0 - xperience : 1.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 34 - collateral : 5000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 1000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 1000. The dec profit is 300.0. The xperience is 1.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 34. The collateral is 5000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 1000 30.0 1000 300.0 1.0 1 34 5000 0 0 1 1 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 1000 & 30.000000 & 1000 & 300.000000 & 1.000000 & 1 & 34 & 5000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 34, 'amnt req': 1000, 'assets val': 1000, 'collateral': 5000, 'dec profit': 300.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 1.0}",A 34-year-old male is applying for a loan of 1000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 1000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 300.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 1.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 5000 cedis. 52,1,600,500,1,60.0,14000,1000.0,1.0,1,25,6000,1,1,0,0,1,0,No,"sex is 1, amnt req is 600, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 14000, dec profit is 1000.0, xperience is 1.0, educatn is 1, age is 25, collateral is 6000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 600 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 14000 - dec profit : 1000.0 - xperience : 1.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 25 - collateral : 6000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 600. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 14000. The dec profit is 1000.0. The xperience is 1.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 25. The collateral is 6000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 600 60.0 14000 1000.0 1.0 1 25 6000 1 1 0 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 600 & 60.000000 & 14000 & 1000.000000 & 1.000000 & 1 & 25 & 6000 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 25, 'amnt req': 600, 'assets val': 14000, 'collateral': 6000, 'dec profit': 1000.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 1.0}",A 25-year-old male is applying for a loan of 600 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 14000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 1000.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 1.0. He provided a guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 6000 cedis. 53,0,2000,2000,0,12.0,4000,450.0,7.0,1,42,6000,0,0,0,0,1,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 2000, maturity is 12.0, assets val is 4000, dec profit is 450.0, xperience is 7.0, educatn is 1, age is 42, collateral is 6000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 2000 - maturity : 12.0 - assets val : 4000 - dec profit : 450.0 - xperience : 7.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 42 - collateral : 6000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 2000. The maturity is 12.0. The assets val is 4000. The dec profit is 450.0. The xperience is 7.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 42. The collateral is 6000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 2000 12.0 4000 450.0 7.0 1 42 6000 0 0 0 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 2000 & 12.000000 & 4000 & 450.000000 & 7.000000 & 1 & 42 & 6000 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 42, 'amnt req': 2000, 'assets val': 4000, 'collateral': 6000, 'dec profit': 450.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 12.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 7.0}",A 42-year-old female is applying for a loan of 2000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 12.0 years. Her assets value is 4000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 450.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 7.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 6000 cedis. 54,0,3000,3000,0,30.0,4000,470.0,5.0,3,38,6000,1,0,1,1,5,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 3000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 4000, dec profit is 470.0, xperience is 5.0, educatn is 3, age is 38, collateral is 6000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 5, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 3000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 4000 - dec profit : 470.0 - xperience : 5.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 38 - collateral : 6000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 5 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 3000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 4000. The dec profit is 470.0. The xperience is 5.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 38. The collateral is 6000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 5. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 3000 30.0 4000 470.0 5.0 3 38 6000 1 0 1 1 5 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 3000 & 30.000000 & 4000 & 470.000000 & 5.000000 & 3 & 38 & 6000 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 5 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 38, 'amnt req': 3000, 'assets val': 4000, 'collateral': 6000, 'dec profit': 470.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 5, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 5.0}",A 38-year-old female is applying for a loan of 3000 cedis. The applicant works in service sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 4000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 470.0 cedis. Her educational background is primary and the number of years that she has been in business is 5.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 6000 cedis. 55,0,5000,2500,1,30.0,6000,350.0,6.0,1,31,1500,1,0,0,1,1,0,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 5000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 6000, dec profit is 350.0, xperience is 6.0, educatn is 1, age is 31, collateral is 1500, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 1, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 5000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 6000 - dec profit : 350.0 - xperience : 6.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 31 - collateral : 1500 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 1 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 5000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 6000. The dec profit is 350.0. The xperience is 6.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 31. The collateral is 1500. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 1. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 5000 30.0 6000 350.0 6.0 1 31 1500 1 0 0 1 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 5000 & 30.000000 & 6000 & 350.000000 & 6.000000 & 1 & 31 & 1500 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 31, 'amnt req': 5000, 'assets val': 6000, 'collateral': 1500, 'dec profit': 350.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 6.0}",A 31-year-old female is applying for a loan of 5000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 6000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 350.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 6.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 1500 cedis. 56,0,2000,2000,0,30.0,4000,800.0,2.0,1,36,10000,1,1,1,0,1,1,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 2000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 4000, dec profit is 800.0, xperience is 2.0, educatn is 1, age is 36, collateral is 10000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 1","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 2000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 4000 - dec profit : 800.0 - xperience : 2.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 36 - collateral : 10000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 1",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 2000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 4000. The dec profit is 800.0. The xperience is 2.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 36. The collateral is 10000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 1,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 2000 30.0 4000 800.0 2.0 1 36 10000 1 1 1 0 1 1
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 2000 & 30.000000 & 4000 & 800.000000 & 2.000000 & 1 & 36 & 10000 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 1 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 36, 'amnt req': 2000, 'assets val': 4000, 'collateral': 10000, 'dec profit': 800.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 1, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 2.0}",A 36-year-old female is applying for a loan of 2000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 4000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 800.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 2.0. She provided a guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She has non-mandatory savings with the bank. She resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 10000 cedis. 57,0,4300,4300,0,60.0,8000,450.0,5.0,1,58,6500,1,0,0,0,2,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 4300, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 8000, dec profit is 450.0, xperience is 5.0, educatn is 1, age is 58, collateral is 6500, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 2, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 4300 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 8000 - dec profit : 450.0 - xperience : 5.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 58 - collateral : 6500 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 2 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 4300. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 8000. The dec profit is 450.0. The xperience is 5.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 58. The collateral is 6500. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 2. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 4300 60.0 8000 450.0 5.0 1 58 6500 1 0 0 0 2 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 4300 & 60.000000 & 8000 & 450.000000 & 5.000000 & 1 & 58 & 6500 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 2 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 58, 'amnt req': 4300, 'assets val': 8000, 'collateral': 6500, 'dec profit': 450.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 2, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 5.0}",A 58-year-old female is applying for a loan of 4300 cedis. The applicant works in transport sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. Her assets value is 8000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 450.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 5.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 6500 cedis. 58,0,2000,2000,0,30.0,4000,200.0,3.0,1,40,4000,0,0,1,1,1,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 2000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 4000, dec profit is 200.0, xperience is 3.0, educatn is 1, age is 40, collateral is 4000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 2000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 4000 - dec profit : 200.0 - xperience : 3.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 40 - collateral : 4000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 2000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 4000. The dec profit is 200.0. The xperience is 3.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 40. The collateral is 4000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 2000 30.0 4000 200.0 3.0 1 40 4000 0 0 1 1 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 2000 & 30.000000 & 4000 & 200.000000 & 3.000000 & 1 & 40 & 4000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 40, 'amnt req': 2000, 'assets val': 4000, 'collateral': 4000, 'dec profit': 200.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 3.0}",A 40-year-old female is applying for a loan of 2000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 4000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 200.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 3.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 4000 cedis. 59,0,700,700,0,30.0,1500,350.0,4.0,2,40,1000,0,0,0,0,3,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 700, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 1500, dec profit is 350.0, xperience is 4.0, educatn is 2, age is 40, collateral is 1000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 3, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 700 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 1500 - dec profit : 350.0 - xperience : 4.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 40 - collateral : 1000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 3 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 700. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 1500. The dec profit is 350.0. The xperience is 4.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 40. The collateral is 1000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 3. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 700 30.0 1500 350.0 4.0 2 40 1000 0 0 0 0 3 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 700 & 30.000000 & 1500 & 350.000000 & 4.000000 & 2 & 40 & 1000 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 3 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 40, 'amnt req': 700, 'assets val': 1500, 'collateral': 1000, 'dec profit': 350.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 3, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 4.0}",A 40-year-old female is applying for a loan of 700 cedis. The applicant works in manufacturing sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 1500 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 350.0 cedis. Her educational background is secondary and the number of years that she has been in business is 4.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 1000 cedis. 60,1,800,800,0,30.0,1500,154.0,5.0,1,40,3000,1,0,0,0,1,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 800, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 1500, dec profit is 154.0, xperience is 5.0, educatn is 1, age is 40, collateral is 3000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 800 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 1500 - dec profit : 154.0 - xperience : 5.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 40 - collateral : 3000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 800. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 1500. The dec profit is 154.0. The xperience is 5.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 40. The collateral is 3000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 800 30.0 1500 154.0 5.0 1 40 3000 1 0 0 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 800 & 30.000000 & 1500 & 154.000000 & 5.000000 & 1 & 40 & 3000 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 40, 'amnt req': 800, 'assets val': 1500, 'collateral': 3000, 'dec profit': 154.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 5.0}",A 40-year-old male is applying for a loan of 800 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 1500 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 154.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 5.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 3000 cedis. 61,1,10000,7000,1,60.0,9000,600.0,4.0,4,49,9000,1,1,0,1,4,0,No,"sex is 1, amnt req is 10000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 9000, dec profit is 600.0, xperience is 4.0, educatn is 4, age is 49, collateral is 9000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 10000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 9000 - dec profit : 600.0 - xperience : 4.0 - educatn : 4 - age : 49 - collateral : 9000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 10000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 9000. The dec profit is 600.0. The xperience is 4.0. The educatn is 4. The age is 49. The collateral is 9000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 10000 60.0 9000 600.0 4.0 4 49 9000 1 1 0 1 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 10000 & 60.000000 & 9000 & 600.000000 & 4.000000 & 4 & 49 & 9000 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 49, 'amnt req': 10000, 'assets val': 9000, 'collateral': 9000, 'dec profit': 600.0, 'educatn': 4, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 4.0}",A 49-year-old male is applying for a loan of 10000 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 9000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 600.0 cedis. His educational background is illiterate and the number of years that he has been in business is 4.0. He provided a guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 9000 cedis. 62,0,1000,1000,0,60.0,30000,600.0,4.0,1,40,4000,0,1,1,1,5,1,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 1000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 30000, dec profit is 600.0, xperience is 4.0, educatn is 1, age is 40, collateral is 4000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 5, savings is 1","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 1000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 30000 - dec profit : 600.0 - xperience : 4.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 40 - collateral : 4000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 5 - savings : 1",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 1000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 30000. The dec profit is 600.0. The xperience is 4.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 40. The collateral is 4000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 5. The savings is 1,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 1000 60.0 30000 600.0 4.0 1 40 4000 0 1 1 1 5 1
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 1000 & 60.000000 & 30000 & 600.000000 & 4.000000 & 1 & 40 & 4000 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 5 & 1 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 40, 'amnt req': 1000, 'assets val': 30000, 'collateral': 4000, 'dec profit': 600.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 1, 'sector': 5, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 4.0}",A 40-year-old female is applying for a loan of 1000 cedis. The applicant works in service sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. Her assets value is 30000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 600.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 4.0. She provided a guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She has non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 4000 cedis. 63,0,3500,3500,0,30.0,8000,925.0,6.0,1,27,5000,1,0,0,1,1,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 3500, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 8000, dec profit is 925.0, xperience is 6.0, educatn is 1, age is 27, collateral is 5000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 1, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 3500 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 8000 - dec profit : 925.0 - xperience : 6.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 27 - collateral : 5000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 1 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 3500. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 8000. The dec profit is 925.0. The xperience is 6.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 27. The collateral is 5000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 1. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 3500 30.0 8000 925.0 6.0 1 27 5000 1 0 0 1 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 3500 & 30.000000 & 8000 & 925.000000 & 6.000000 & 1 & 27 & 5000 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 27, 'amnt req': 3500, 'assets val': 8000, 'collateral': 5000, 'dec profit': 925.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 6.0}",A 27-year-old female is applying for a loan of 3500 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 8000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 925.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 6.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 5000 cedis. 64,1,1000,1000,0,30.0,4700,400.0,2.0,2,28,6000,0,0,1,1,5,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 1000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 4700, dec profit is 400.0, xperience is 2.0, educatn is 2, age is 28, collateral is 6000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 5, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 1000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 4700 - dec profit : 400.0 - xperience : 2.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 28 - collateral : 6000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 5 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 1000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 4700. The dec profit is 400.0. The xperience is 2.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 28. The collateral is 6000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 5. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 1000 30.0 4700 400.0 2.0 2 28 6000 0 0 1 1 5 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 1000 & 30.000000 & 4700 & 400.000000 & 2.000000 & 2 & 28 & 6000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 5 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 28, 'amnt req': 1000, 'assets val': 4700, 'collateral': 6000, 'dec profit': 400.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 5, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 2.0}",A 28-year-old male is applying for a loan of 1000 cedis. The applicant works in service sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 4700 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 400.0 cedis. His educational background is secondary and the number of years that he has been in business is 2.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 6000 cedis. 65,0,5000,3000,1,60.0,4500,1700.0,4.0,2,37,5000,0,0,1,0,2,0,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 5000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 4500, dec profit is 1700.0, xperience is 4.0, educatn is 2, age is 37, collateral is 5000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 2, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 5000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 4500 - dec profit : 1700.0 - xperience : 4.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 37 - collateral : 5000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 2 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 5000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 4500. The dec profit is 1700.0. The xperience is 4.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 37. The collateral is 5000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 2. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 5000 60.0 4500 1700.0 4.0 2 37 5000 0 0 1 0 2 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 5000 & 60.000000 & 4500 & 1700.000000 & 4.000000 & 2 & 37 & 5000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 2 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 37, 'amnt req': 5000, 'assets val': 4500, 'collateral': 5000, 'dec profit': 1700.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 2, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 4.0}",A 37-year-old female is applying for a loan of 5000 cedis. The applicant works in transport sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. Her assets value is 4500 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 1700.0 cedis. Her educational background is secondary and the number of years that she has been in business is 4.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 5000 cedis. 66,1,1000,1000,0,30.0,5200,500.0,4.0,3,32,2000,0,0,1,1,5,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 1000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 5200, dec profit is 500.0, xperience is 4.0, educatn is 3, age is 32, collateral is 2000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 5, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 1000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 5200 - dec profit : 500.0 - xperience : 4.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 32 - collateral : 2000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 5 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 1000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 5200. The dec profit is 500.0. The xperience is 4.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 32. The collateral is 2000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 5. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 1000 30.0 5200 500.0 4.0 3 32 2000 0 0 1 1 5 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 1000 & 30.000000 & 5200 & 500.000000 & 4.000000 & 3 & 32 & 2000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 5 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 32, 'amnt req': 1000, 'assets val': 5200, 'collateral': 2000, 'dec profit': 500.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 5, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 4.0}",A 32-year-old male is applying for a loan of 1000 cedis. The applicant works in service sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 5200 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 500.0 cedis. His educational background is primary and the number of years that he has been in business is 4.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 2000 cedis. 67,1,4000,3000,1,60.0,6800,700.0,9.0,2,35,1800,0,0,0,1,4,0,No,"sex is 1, amnt req is 4000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 6800, dec profit is 700.0, xperience is 9.0, educatn is 2, age is 35, collateral is 1800, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 4000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 6800 - dec profit : 700.0 - xperience : 9.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 35 - collateral : 1800 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 4000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 6800. The dec profit is 700.0. The xperience is 9.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 35. The collateral is 1800. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 4000 60.0 6800 700.0 9.0 2 35 1800 0 0 0 1 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 4000 & 60.000000 & 6800 & 700.000000 & 9.000000 & 2 & 35 & 1800 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 35, 'amnt req': 4000, 'assets val': 6800, 'collateral': 1800, 'dec profit': 700.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 9.0}",A 35-year-old male is applying for a loan of 4000 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 6800 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 700.0 cedis. His educational background is secondary and the number of years that he has been in business is 9.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 1800 cedis. 68,0,9000,6000,1,30.0,20000,4900.0,2.0,3,45,8000,0,1,0,1,3,1,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 9000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 20000, dec profit is 4900.0, xperience is 2.0, educatn is 3, age is 45, collateral is 8000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 1, sector is 3, savings is 1","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 9000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 20000 - dec profit : 4900.0 - xperience : 2.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 45 - collateral : 8000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 1 - sector : 3 - savings : 1",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 9000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 20000. The dec profit is 4900.0. The xperience is 2.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 45. The collateral is 8000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 1. The sector is 3. The savings is 1,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 9000 30.0 20000 4900.0 2.0 3 45 8000 0 1 0 1 3 1
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 9000 & 30.000000 & 20000 & 4900.000000 & 2.000000 & 3 & 45 & 8000 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 3 & 1 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 45, 'amnt req': 9000, 'assets val': 20000, 'collateral': 8000, 'dec profit': 4900.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 1, 'sector': 3, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 2.0}",A 45-year-old female is applying for a loan of 9000 cedis. The applicant works in manufacturing sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 20000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 4900.0 cedis. Her educational background is primary and the number of years that she has been in business is 2.0. She provided a guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She has non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 8000 cedis. 69,0,10000,8000,1,60.0,10000,1000.0,10.0,3,40,8000,1,1,1,1,4,0,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 10000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 10000, dec profit is 1000.0, xperience is 10.0, educatn is 3, age is 40, collateral is 8000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 10000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 10000 - dec profit : 1000.0 - xperience : 10.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 40 - collateral : 8000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 10000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 10000. The dec profit is 1000.0. The xperience is 10.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 40. The collateral is 8000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 10000 60.0 10000 1000.0 10.0 3 40 8000 1 1 1 1 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 10000 & 60.000000 & 10000 & 1000.000000 & 10.000000 & 3 & 40 & 8000 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 40, 'amnt req': 10000, 'assets val': 10000, 'collateral': 8000, 'dec profit': 1000.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 10.0}",A 40-year-old female is applying for a loan of 10000 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. Her assets value is 10000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 1000.0 cedis. Her educational background is primary and the number of years that she has been in business is 10.0. She provided a guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 8000 cedis. 70,1,3000,1000,1,36.0,3000,880.0,4.5,1,38,2000,0,0,1,0,1,0,No,"sex is 1, amnt req is 3000, maturity is 36.0, assets val is 3000, dec profit is 880.0, xperience is 4.5, educatn is 1, age is 38, collateral is 2000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 3000 - maturity : 36.0 - assets val : 3000 - dec profit : 880.0 - xperience : 4.5 - educatn : 1 - age : 38 - collateral : 2000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 3000. The maturity is 36.0. The assets val is 3000. The dec profit is 880.0. The xperience is 4.5. The educatn is 1. The age is 38. The collateral is 2000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 3000 36.0 3000 880.0 4.5 1 38 2000 0 0 1 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 3000 & 36.000000 & 3000 & 880.000000 & 4.500000 & 1 & 38 & 2000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 38, 'amnt req': 3000, 'assets val': 3000, 'collateral': 2000, 'dec profit': 880.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 36.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 4.5}",A 38-year-old male is applying for a loan of 3000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 36.0 years. His assets value is 3000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 880.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 4.5. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 2000 cedis. 71,0,10000,3500,1,30.0,4000,290.0,4.0,2,30,2900,0,1,1,1,4,0,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 10000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 4000, dec profit is 290.0, xperience is 4.0, educatn is 2, age is 30, collateral is 2900, locatn is 0, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 10000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 4000 - dec profit : 290.0 - xperience : 4.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 30 - collateral : 2900 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 10000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 4000. The dec profit is 290.0. The xperience is 4.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 30. The collateral is 2900. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 10000 30.0 4000 290.0 4.0 2 30 2900 0 1 1 1 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 10000 & 30.000000 & 4000 & 290.000000 & 4.000000 & 2 & 30 & 2900 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 30, 'amnt req': 10000, 'assets val': 4000, 'collateral': 2900, 'dec profit': 290.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 4.0}",A 30-year-old female is applying for a loan of 10000 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 4000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 290.0 cedis. Her educational background is secondary and the number of years that she has been in business is 4.0. She provided a guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 2900 cedis. 72,1,300,300,0,60.0,4200,300.0,0.0,2,20,1000,0,0,1,0,1,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 300, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 4200, dec profit is 300.0, xperience is 0.0, educatn is 2, age is 20, collateral is 1000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 300 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 4200 - dec profit : 300.0 - xperience : 0.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 20 - collateral : 1000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 300. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 4200. The dec profit is 300.0. The xperience is 0.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 20. The collateral is 1000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 300 60.0 4200 300.0 0.0 2 20 1000 0 0 1 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 300 & 60.000000 & 4200 & 300.000000 & 0.000000 & 2 & 20 & 1000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 20, 'amnt req': 300, 'assets val': 4200, 'collateral': 1000, 'dec profit': 300.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 0.0}",A 20-year-old male is applying for a loan of 300 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 4200 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 300.0 cedis. His educational background is secondary and the number of years that he has been in business is 0.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 1000 cedis. 73,1,600,600,0,30.0,1000,230.0,1.0,1,29,4500,0,0,1,0,1,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 600, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 1000, dec profit is 230.0, xperience is 1.0, educatn is 1, age is 29, collateral is 4500, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 600 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 1000 - dec profit : 230.0 - xperience : 1.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 29 - collateral : 4500 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 600. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 1000. The dec profit is 230.0. The xperience is 1.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 29. The collateral is 4500. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 600 30.0 1000 230.0 1.0 1 29 4500 0 0 1 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 600 & 30.000000 & 1000 & 230.000000 & 1.000000 & 1 & 29 & 4500 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 29, 'amnt req': 600, 'assets val': 1000, 'collateral': 4500, 'dec profit': 230.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 1.0}",A 29-year-old male is applying for a loan of 600 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 1000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 230.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 1.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 4500 cedis. 74,1,500,500,0,60.0,3400,650.0,6.0,3,37,3200,0,0,1,1,1,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 500, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 3400, dec profit is 650.0, xperience is 6.0, educatn is 3, age is 37, collateral is 3200, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 500 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 3400 - dec profit : 650.0 - xperience : 6.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 37 - collateral : 3200 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 500. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 3400. The dec profit is 650.0. The xperience is 6.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 37. The collateral is 3200. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 500 60.0 3400 650.0 6.0 3 37 3200 0 0 1 1 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 500 & 60.000000 & 3400 & 650.000000 & 6.000000 & 3 & 37 & 3200 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 37, 'amnt req': 500, 'assets val': 3400, 'collateral': 3200, 'dec profit': 650.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 6.0}",A 37-year-old male is applying for a loan of 500 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 3400 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 650.0 cedis. His educational background is primary and the number of years that he has been in business is 6.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 3200 cedis. 75,0,5000,4600,1,60.0,60000,7000.0,3.0,1,49,8000,1,1,0,1,5,1,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 5000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 60000, dec profit is 7000.0, xperience is 3.0, educatn is 1, age is 49, collateral is 8000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 1, sector is 5, savings is 1","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 5000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 60000 - dec profit : 7000.0 - xperience : 3.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 49 - collateral : 8000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 1 - sector : 5 - savings : 1",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 5000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 60000. The dec profit is 7000.0. The xperience is 3.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 49. The collateral is 8000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 1. The sector is 5. The savings is 1,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 5000 60.0 60000 7000.0 3.0 1 49 8000 1 1 0 1 5 1
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 5000 & 60.000000 & 60000 & 7000.000000 & 3.000000 & 1 & 49 & 8000 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 5 & 1 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 49, 'amnt req': 5000, 'assets val': 60000, 'collateral': 8000, 'dec profit': 7000.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 1, 'sector': 5, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 3.0}",A 49-year-old female is applying for a loan of 5000 cedis. The applicant works in service sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. Her assets value is 60000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 7000.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 3.0. She provided a guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She has non-mandatory savings with the bank. She resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 8000 cedis. 76,0,800,800,0,30.0,3000,200.0,2.0,3,30,800,0,0,0,1,5,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 800, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 3000, dec profit is 200.0, xperience is 2.0, educatn is 3, age is 30, collateral is 800, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 1, sector is 5, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 800 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 3000 - dec profit : 200.0 - xperience : 2.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 30 - collateral : 800 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 1 - sector : 5 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 800. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 3000. The dec profit is 200.0. The xperience is 2.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 30. The collateral is 800. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 1. The sector is 5. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 800 30.0 3000 200.0 2.0 3 30 800 0 0 0 1 5 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 800 & 30.000000 & 3000 & 200.000000 & 2.000000 & 3 & 30 & 800 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 5 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 30, 'amnt req': 800, 'assets val': 3000, 'collateral': 800, 'dec profit': 200.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 5, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 2.0}",A 30-year-old female is applying for a loan of 800 cedis. The applicant works in service sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 3000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 200.0 cedis. Her educational background is primary and the number of years that she has been in business is 2.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 800 cedis. 77,0,2000,1800,1,60.0,1050,706.0,2.0,1,36,1500,0,0,1,1,1,0,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 2000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 1050, dec profit is 706.0, xperience is 2.0, educatn is 1, age is 36, collateral is 1500, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 2000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 1050 - dec profit : 706.0 - xperience : 2.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 36 - collateral : 1500 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 2000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 1050. The dec profit is 706.0. The xperience is 2.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 36. The collateral is 1500. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 2000 60.0 1050 706.0 2.0 1 36 1500 0 0 1 1 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 2000 & 60.000000 & 1050 & 706.000000 & 2.000000 & 1 & 36 & 1500 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 36, 'amnt req': 2000, 'assets val': 1050, 'collateral': 1500, 'dec profit': 706.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 2.0}",A 36-year-old female is applying for a loan of 2000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. Her assets value is 1050 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 706.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 2.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 1500 cedis. 78,1,700,600,1,60.0,3000,500.0,31.0,1,56,3000,1,1,0,0,1,0,No,"sex is 1, amnt req is 700, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 3000, dec profit is 500.0, xperience is 31.0, educatn is 1, age is 56, collateral is 3000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 700 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 3000 - dec profit : 500.0 - xperience : 31.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 56 - collateral : 3000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 700. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 3000. The dec profit is 500.0. The xperience is 31.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 56. The collateral is 3000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 700 60.0 3000 500.0 31.0 1 56 3000 1 1 0 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 700 & 60.000000 & 3000 & 500.000000 & 31.000000 & 1 & 56 & 3000 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 56, 'amnt req': 700, 'assets val': 3000, 'collateral': 3000, 'dec profit': 500.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 31.0}",A 56-year-old male is applying for a loan of 700 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 3000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 500.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 31.0. He provided a guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 3000 cedis. 79,0,5000,5000,0,30.0,8000,900.0,5.0,1,37,1200,1,0,1,0,2,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 5000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 8000, dec profit is 900.0, xperience is 5.0, educatn is 1, age is 37, collateral is 1200, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 2, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 5000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 8000 - dec profit : 900.0 - xperience : 5.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 37 - collateral : 1200 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 2 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 5000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 8000. The dec profit is 900.0. The xperience is 5.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 37. The collateral is 1200. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 2. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 5000 30.0 8000 900.0 5.0 1 37 1200 1 0 1 0 2 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 5000 & 30.000000 & 8000 & 900.000000 & 5.000000 & 1 & 37 & 1200 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 2 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 37, 'amnt req': 5000, 'assets val': 8000, 'collateral': 1200, 'dec profit': 900.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 2, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 5.0}",A 37-year-old female is applying for a loan of 5000 cedis. The applicant works in transport sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 8000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 900.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 5.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 1200 cedis. 80,1,300,300,0,30.0,1625,200.0,5.0,2,31,6000,0,0,1,0,1,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 300, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 1625, dec profit is 200.0, xperience is 5.0, educatn is 2, age is 31, collateral is 6000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 300 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 1625 - dec profit : 200.0 - xperience : 5.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 31 - collateral : 6000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 300. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 1625. The dec profit is 200.0. The xperience is 5.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 31. The collateral is 6000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 300 30.0 1625 200.0 5.0 2 31 6000 0 0 1 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 300 & 30.000000 & 1625 & 200.000000 & 5.000000 & 2 & 31 & 6000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 31, 'amnt req': 300, 'assets val': 1625, 'collateral': 6000, 'dec profit': 200.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 5.0}",A 31-year-old male is applying for a loan of 300 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 1625 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 200.0 cedis. His educational background is secondary and the number of years that he has been in business is 5.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 6000 cedis. 81,0,10000,8000,1,30.0,4000,400.0,8.0,4,60,6000,1,0,1,1,4,1,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 10000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 4000, dec profit is 400.0, xperience is 8.0, educatn is 4, age is 60, collateral is 6000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 1","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 10000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 4000 - dec profit : 400.0 - xperience : 8.0 - educatn : 4 - age : 60 - collateral : 6000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 1",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 10000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 4000. The dec profit is 400.0. The xperience is 8.0. The educatn is 4. The age is 60. The collateral is 6000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 1,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 10000 30.0 4000 400.0 8.0 4 60 6000 1 0 1 1 4 1
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 10000 & 30.000000 & 4000 & 400.000000 & 8.000000 & 4 & 60 & 6000 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 4 & 1 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 60, 'amnt req': 10000, 'assets val': 4000, 'collateral': 6000, 'dec profit': 400.0, 'educatn': 4, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 1, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 8.0}",A 60-year-old female is applying for a loan of 10000 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 4000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 400.0 cedis. Her educational background is illiterate and the number of years that she has been in business is 8.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She has non-mandatory savings with the bank. She resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 6000 cedis. 82,1,9000,6000,1,60.0,9000,1200.0,8.0,3,40,7000,1,1,0,1,4,0,No,"sex is 1, amnt req is 9000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 9000, dec profit is 1200.0, xperience is 8.0, educatn is 3, age is 40, collateral is 7000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 9000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 9000 - dec profit : 1200.0 - xperience : 8.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 40 - collateral : 7000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 9000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 9000. The dec profit is 1200.0. The xperience is 8.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 40. The collateral is 7000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 9000 60.0 9000 1200.0 8.0 3 40 7000 1 1 0 1 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 9000 & 60.000000 & 9000 & 1200.000000 & 8.000000 & 3 & 40 & 7000 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 40, 'amnt req': 9000, 'assets val': 9000, 'collateral': 7000, 'dec profit': 1200.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 8.0}",A 40-year-old male is applying for a loan of 9000 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 9000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 1200.0 cedis. His educational background is primary and the number of years that he has been in business is 8.0. He provided a guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 7000 cedis. 83,0,7000,6500,1,60.0,40000,3000.0,4.0,3,49,8000,0,1,1,0,1,1,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 7000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 40000, dec profit is 3000.0, xperience is 4.0, educatn is 3, age is 49, collateral is 8000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 1","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 7000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 40000 - dec profit : 3000.0 - xperience : 4.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 49 - collateral : 8000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 1",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 7000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 40000. The dec profit is 3000.0. The xperience is 4.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 49. The collateral is 8000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 1,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 7000 60.0 40000 3000.0 4.0 3 49 8000 0 1 1 0 1 1
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 7000 & 60.000000 & 40000 & 3000.000000 & 4.000000 & 3 & 49 & 8000 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 1 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 49, 'amnt req': 7000, 'assets val': 40000, 'collateral': 8000, 'dec profit': 3000.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 1, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 4.0}",A 49-year-old female is applying for a loan of 7000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. Her assets value is 40000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 3000.0 cedis. Her educational background is primary and the number of years that she has been in business is 4.0. She provided a guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She has non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 8000 cedis. 84,1,500,500,0,60.0,1000,200.0,15.0,1,40,1000,0,1,1,0,1,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 500, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 1000, dec profit is 200.0, xperience is 15.0, educatn is 1, age is 40, collateral is 1000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 500 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 1000 - dec profit : 200.0 - xperience : 15.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 40 - collateral : 1000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 500. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 1000. The dec profit is 200.0. The xperience is 15.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 40. The collateral is 1000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 500 60.0 1000 200.0 15.0 1 40 1000 0 1 1 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 500 & 60.000000 & 1000 & 200.000000 & 15.000000 & 1 & 40 & 1000 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 40, 'amnt req': 500, 'assets val': 1000, 'collateral': 1000, 'dec profit': 200.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 15.0}",A 40-year-old male is applying for a loan of 500 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 1000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 200.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 15.0. He provided a guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 1000 cedis. 85,0,1600,1600,0,60.0,5000,285.0,3.0,3,25,4000,0,0,1,1,4,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 1600, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 5000, dec profit is 285.0, xperience is 3.0, educatn is 3, age is 25, collateral is 4000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 1600 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 5000 - dec profit : 285.0 - xperience : 3.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 25 - collateral : 4000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 1600. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 5000. The dec profit is 285.0. The xperience is 3.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 25. The collateral is 4000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 1600 60.0 5000 285.0 3.0 3 25 4000 0 0 1 1 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 1600 & 60.000000 & 5000 & 285.000000 & 3.000000 & 3 & 25 & 4000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 25, 'amnt req': 1600, 'assets val': 5000, 'collateral': 4000, 'dec profit': 285.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 3.0}",A 25-year-old female is applying for a loan of 1600 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. Her assets value is 5000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 285.0 cedis. Her educational background is primary and the number of years that she has been in business is 3.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 4000 cedis. 86,1,800,800,0,30.0,1000,400.0,30.0,2,56,1000,0,0,1,1,1,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 800, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 1000, dec profit is 400.0, xperience is 30.0, educatn is 2, age is 56, collateral is 1000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 800 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 1000 - dec profit : 400.0 - xperience : 30.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 56 - collateral : 1000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 800. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 1000. The dec profit is 400.0. The xperience is 30.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 56. The collateral is 1000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 800 30.0 1000 400.0 30.0 2 56 1000 0 0 1 1 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 800 & 30.000000 & 1000 & 400.000000 & 30.000000 & 2 & 56 & 1000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 56, 'amnt req': 800, 'assets val': 1000, 'collateral': 1000, 'dec profit': 400.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 30.0}",A 56-year-old male is applying for a loan of 800 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 1000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 400.0 cedis. His educational background is secondary and the number of years that he has been in business is 30.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 1000 cedis. 87,1,4000,4000,0,,3250,400.0,9.0,2,44,5000,1,1,1,1,4,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 4000, maturity is None, assets val is 3250, dec profit is 400.0, xperience is 9.0, educatn is 2, age is 44, collateral is 5000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 4000 - maturity : None - assets val : 3250 - dec profit : 400.0 - xperience : 9.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 44 - collateral : 5000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 4000. The maturity is None. The assets val is 3250. The dec profit is 400.0. The xperience is 9.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 44. The collateral is 5000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 4000 None 3250 400.0 9.0 2 44 5000 1 1 1 1 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrlrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 4000 & None & 3250 & 400.000000 & 9.000000 & 2 & 44 & 5000 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 44, 'amnt req': 4000, 'assets val': 3250, 'collateral': 5000, 'dec profit': 400.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': None, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 9.0}",A 44-year-old male is applying for a loan of 4000 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is None years. His assets value is 3250 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 400.0 cedis. His educational background is secondary and the number of years that he has been in business is 9.0. He provided a guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 5000 cedis. 88,0,9000,8000,1,12.0,9000,700.0,3.0,3,55,9000,1,0,1,1,3,0,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 9000, maturity is 12.0, assets val is 9000, dec profit is 700.0, xperience is 3.0, educatn is 3, age is 55, collateral is 9000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 3, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 9000 - maturity : 12.0 - assets val : 9000 - dec profit : 700.0 - xperience : 3.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 55 - collateral : 9000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 3 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 9000. The maturity is 12.0. The assets val is 9000. The dec profit is 700.0. The xperience is 3.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 55. The collateral is 9000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 3. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 9000 12.0 9000 700.0 3.0 3 55 9000 1 0 1 1 3 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 9000 & 12.000000 & 9000 & 700.000000 & 3.000000 & 3 & 55 & 9000 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 3 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 55, 'amnt req': 9000, 'assets val': 9000, 'collateral': 9000, 'dec profit': 700.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 12.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 3, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 3.0}",A 55-year-old female is applying for a loan of 9000 cedis. The applicant works in manufacturing sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 12.0 years. Her assets value is 9000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 700.0 cedis. Her educational background is primary and the number of years that she has been in business is 3.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 9000 cedis. 89,1,15000,15000,0,30.0,3600,2000.0,1.0,2,40,20000,0,1,1,0,5,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 15000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 3600, dec profit is 2000.0, xperience is 1.0, educatn is 2, age is 40, collateral is 20000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 5, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 15000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 3600 - dec profit : 2000.0 - xperience : 1.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 40 - collateral : 20000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 5 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 15000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 3600. The dec profit is 2000.0. The xperience is 1.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 40. The collateral is 20000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 5. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 15000 30.0 3600 2000.0 1.0 2 40 20000 0 1 1 0 5 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 15000 & 30.000000 & 3600 & 2000.000000 & 1.000000 & 2 & 40 & 20000 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 5 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 40, 'amnt req': 15000, 'assets val': 3600, 'collateral': 20000, 'dec profit': 2000.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 5, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 1.0}",A 40-year-old male is applying for a loan of 15000 cedis. The applicant works in service sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 3600 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 2000.0 cedis. His educational background is secondary and the number of years that he has been in business is 1.0. He provided a guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 20000 cedis. 90,0,500,500,0,30.0,2300,500.0,4.0,1,39,2600,1,0,0,0,1,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 500, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 2300, dec profit is 500.0, xperience is 4.0, educatn is 1, age is 39, collateral is 2600, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 500 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 2300 - dec profit : 500.0 - xperience : 4.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 39 - collateral : 2600 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 500. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 2300. The dec profit is 500.0. The xperience is 4.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 39. The collateral is 2600. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 500 30.0 2300 500.0 4.0 1 39 2600 1 0 0 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 500 & 30.000000 & 2300 & 500.000000 & 4.000000 & 1 & 39 & 2600 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 39, 'amnt req': 500, 'assets val': 2300, 'collateral': 2600, 'dec profit': 500.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 4.0}",A 39-year-old female is applying for a loan of 500 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 2300 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 500.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 4.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 2600 cedis. 91,1,7000,5000,1,60.0,12000,3000.0,6.0,3,41,9000,0,1,0,0,3,1,No,"sex is 1, amnt req is 7000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 12000, dec profit is 3000.0, xperience is 6.0, educatn is 3, age is 41, collateral is 9000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 3, savings is 1","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 7000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 12000 - dec profit : 3000.0 - xperience : 6.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 41 - collateral : 9000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 3 - savings : 1",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 7000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 12000. The dec profit is 3000.0. The xperience is 6.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 41. The collateral is 9000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 3. The savings is 1,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 7000 60.0 12000 3000.0 6.0 3 41 9000 0 1 0 0 3 1
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 7000 & 60.000000 & 12000 & 3000.000000 & 6.000000 & 3 & 41 & 9000 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 3 & 1 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 41, 'amnt req': 7000, 'assets val': 12000, 'collateral': 9000, 'dec profit': 3000.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 1, 'sector': 3, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 6.0}",A 41-year-old male is applying for a loan of 7000 cedis. The applicant works in manufacturing sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 12000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 3000.0 cedis. His educational background is primary and the number of years that he has been in business is 6.0. He provided a guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He has non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 9000 cedis. 92,1,2000,2000,0,30.0,5000,429.0,6.0,1,22,3000,0,0,1,1,1,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 2000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 5000, dec profit is 429.0, xperience is 6.0, educatn is 1, age is 22, collateral is 3000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 2000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 5000 - dec profit : 429.0 - xperience : 6.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 22 - collateral : 3000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 2000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 5000. The dec profit is 429.0. The xperience is 6.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 22. The collateral is 3000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 2000 30.0 5000 429.0 6.0 1 22 3000 0 0 1 1 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 2000 & 30.000000 & 5000 & 429.000000 & 6.000000 & 1 & 22 & 3000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 22, 'amnt req': 2000, 'assets val': 5000, 'collateral': 3000, 'dec profit': 429.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 6.0}",A 22-year-old male is applying for a loan of 2000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 5000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 429.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 6.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 3000 cedis. 93,1,7000,7000,1,60.0,9000,356.0,6.0,1,57,8000,0,0,0,0,2,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 7000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 9000, dec profit is 356.0, xperience is 6.0, educatn is 1, age is 57, collateral is 8000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 2, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 7000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 9000 - dec profit : 356.0 - xperience : 6.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 57 - collateral : 8000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 2 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 7000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 9000. The dec profit is 356.0. The xperience is 6.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 57. The collateral is 8000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 2. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 7000 60.0 9000 356.0 6.0 1 57 8000 0 0 0 0 2 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 7000 & 60.000000 & 9000 & 356.000000 & 6.000000 & 1 & 57 & 8000 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 2 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 57, 'amnt req': 7000, 'assets val': 9000, 'collateral': 8000, 'dec profit': 356.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 2, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 6.0}",A 57-year-old male is applying for a loan of 7000 cedis. The applicant works in transport sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 9000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 356.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 6.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 8000 cedis. 94,0,1500,1400,1,30.0,3000,540.0,2.0,3,42,3000,1,1,0,1,1,1,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 1500, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 3000, dec profit is 540.0, xperience is 2.0, educatn is 3, age is 42, collateral is 3000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 1, sector is 1, savings is 1","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 1500 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 3000 - dec profit : 540.0 - xperience : 2.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 42 - collateral : 3000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 1 - sector : 1 - savings : 1",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 1500. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 3000. The dec profit is 540.0. The xperience is 2.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 42. The collateral is 3000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 1. The sector is 1. The savings is 1,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 1500 30.0 3000 540.0 2.0 3 42 3000 1 1 0 1 1 1
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 1500 & 30.000000 & 3000 & 540.000000 & 2.000000 & 3 & 42 & 3000 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 1 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 42, 'amnt req': 1500, 'assets val': 3000, 'collateral': 3000, 'dec profit': 540.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 1, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 2.0}",A 42-year-old female is applying for a loan of 1500 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 3000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 540.0 cedis. Her educational background is primary and the number of years that she has been in business is 2.0. She provided a guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She has non-mandatory savings with the bank. She resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 3000 cedis. 95,1,3000,1000,1,30.0,2000,600.0,5.0,1,32,1200,1,0,1,0,1,0,No,"sex is 1, amnt req is 3000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 2000, dec profit is 600.0, xperience is 5.0, educatn is 1, age is 32, collateral is 1200, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 3000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 2000 - dec profit : 600.0 - xperience : 5.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 32 - collateral : 1200 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 3000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 2000. The dec profit is 600.0. The xperience is 5.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 32. The collateral is 1200. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 3000 30.0 2000 600.0 5.0 1 32 1200 1 0 1 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 3000 & 30.000000 & 2000 & 600.000000 & 5.000000 & 1 & 32 & 1200 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 32, 'amnt req': 3000, 'assets val': 2000, 'collateral': 1200, 'dec profit': 600.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 5.0}",A 32-year-old male is applying for a loan of 3000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 2000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 600.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 5.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 1200 cedis. 96,0,10000,8000,1,60.0,10000,1000.0,10.0,3,40,8000,1,1,1,1,4,0,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 10000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 10000, dec profit is 1000.0, xperience is 10.0, educatn is 3, age is 40, collateral is 8000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 10000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 10000 - dec profit : 1000.0 - xperience : 10.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 40 - collateral : 8000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 10000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 10000. The dec profit is 1000.0. The xperience is 10.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 40. The collateral is 8000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 10000 60.0 10000 1000.0 10.0 3 40 8000 1 1 1 1 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 10000 & 60.000000 & 10000 & 1000.000000 & 10.000000 & 3 & 40 & 8000 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 40, 'amnt req': 10000, 'assets val': 10000, 'collateral': 8000, 'dec profit': 1000.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 10.0}",A 40-year-old female is applying for a loan of 10000 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. Her assets value is 10000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 1000.0 cedis. Her educational background is primary and the number of years that she has been in business is 10.0. She provided a guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 8000 cedis. 97,1,2000,2000,0,90.0,7000,730.0,6.0,2,47,4000,0,1,0,0,3,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 2000, maturity is 90.0, assets val is 7000, dec profit is 730.0, xperience is 6.0, educatn is 2, age is 47, collateral is 4000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 3, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 2000 - maturity : 90.0 - assets val : 7000 - dec profit : 730.0 - xperience : 6.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 47 - collateral : 4000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 3 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 2000. The maturity is 90.0. The assets val is 7000. The dec profit is 730.0. The xperience is 6.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 47. The collateral is 4000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 3. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 2000 90.0 7000 730.0 6.0 2 47 4000 0 1 0 0 3 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 2000 & 90.000000 & 7000 & 730.000000 & 6.000000 & 2 & 47 & 4000 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 3 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 47, 'amnt req': 2000, 'assets val': 7000, 'collateral': 4000, 'dec profit': 730.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 90.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 3, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 6.0}",A 47-year-old male is applying for a loan of 2000 cedis. The applicant works in manufacturing sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 90.0 years. His assets value is 7000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 730.0 cedis. His educational background is secondary and the number of years that he has been in business is 6.0. He provided a guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 4000 cedis. 98,1,2000,2000,0,30.0,3000,680.0,1.0,3,35,4000,0,0,1,1,4,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 2000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 3000, dec profit is 680.0, xperience is 1.0, educatn is 3, age is 35, collateral is 4000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 2000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 3000 - dec profit : 680.0 - xperience : 1.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 35 - collateral : 4000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 2000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 3000. The dec profit is 680.0. The xperience is 1.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 35. The collateral is 4000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 2000 30.0 3000 680.0 1.0 3 35 4000 0 0 1 1 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 2000 & 30.000000 & 3000 & 680.000000 & 1.000000 & 3 & 35 & 4000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 35, 'amnt req': 2000, 'assets val': 3000, 'collateral': 4000, 'dec profit': 680.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 1.0}",A 35-year-old male is applying for a loan of 2000 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 3000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 680.0 cedis. His educational background is primary and the number of years that he has been in business is 1.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 4000 cedis. 99,1,1000,1000,0,50.0,1000,500.0,2.0,3,27,1000,0,0,1,1,5,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 1000, maturity is 50.0, assets val is 1000, dec profit is 500.0, xperience is 2.0, educatn is 3, age is 27, collateral is 1000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 5, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 1000 - maturity : 50.0 - assets val : 1000 - dec profit : 500.0 - xperience : 2.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 27 - collateral : 1000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 5 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 1000. The maturity is 50.0. The assets val is 1000. The dec profit is 500.0. The xperience is 2.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 27. The collateral is 1000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 5. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 1000 50.0 1000 500.0 2.0 3 27 1000 0 0 1 1 5 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 1000 & 50.000000 & 1000 & 500.000000 & 2.000000 & 3 & 27 & 1000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 5 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 27, 'amnt req': 1000, 'assets val': 1000, 'collateral': 1000, 'dec profit': 500.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 50.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 5, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 2.0}",A 27-year-old male is applying for a loan of 1000 cedis. The applicant works in service sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 50.0 years. His assets value is 1000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 500.0 cedis. His educational background is primary and the number of years that he has been in business is 2.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 1000 cedis. 100,0,3000,3000,0,60.0,3830,600.0,5.0,1,33,5000,0,1,0,1,1,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 3000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 3830, dec profit is 600.0, xperience is 5.0, educatn is 1, age is 33, collateral is 5000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 1, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 3000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 3830 - dec profit : 600.0 - xperience : 5.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 33 - collateral : 5000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 1 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 3000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 3830. The dec profit is 600.0. The xperience is 5.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 33. The collateral is 5000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 1. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 3000 60.0 3830 600.0 5.0 1 33 5000 0 1 0 1 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 3000 & 60.000000 & 3830 & 600.000000 & 5.000000 & 1 & 33 & 5000 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 33, 'amnt req': 3000, 'assets val': 3830, 'collateral': 5000, 'dec profit': 600.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 5.0}",A 33-year-old female is applying for a loan of 3000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. Her assets value is 3830 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 600.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 5.0. She provided a guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 5000 cedis. 101,0,1000,1000,0,30.0,4000,330.0,13.0,1,41,1500,0,1,0,0,1,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 1000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 4000, dec profit is 330.0, xperience is 13.0, educatn is 1, age is 41, collateral is 1500, locatn is 0, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 1000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 4000 - dec profit : 330.0 - xperience : 13.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 41 - collateral : 1500 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 1000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 4000. The dec profit is 330.0. The xperience is 13.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 41. The collateral is 1500. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 1000 30.0 4000 330.0 13.0 1 41 1500 0 1 0 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 1000 & 30.000000 & 4000 & 330.000000 & 13.000000 & 1 & 41 & 1500 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 41, 'amnt req': 1000, 'assets val': 4000, 'collateral': 1500, 'dec profit': 330.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 13.0}",A 41-year-old female is applying for a loan of 1000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 4000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 330.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 13.0. She provided a guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 1500 cedis. 102,1,1200,1000,1,24.0,3500,512.0,6.0,1,35,20000,1,0,0,0,1,0,No,"sex is 1, amnt req is 1200, maturity is 24.0, assets val is 3500, dec profit is 512.0, xperience is 6.0, educatn is 1, age is 35, collateral is 20000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 1200 - maturity : 24.0 - assets val : 3500 - dec profit : 512.0 - xperience : 6.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 35 - collateral : 20000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 1200. The maturity is 24.0. The assets val is 3500. The dec profit is 512.0. The xperience is 6.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 35. The collateral is 20000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 1200 24.0 3500 512.0 6.0 1 35 20000 1 0 0 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 1200 & 24.000000 & 3500 & 512.000000 & 6.000000 & 1 & 35 & 20000 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 35, 'amnt req': 1200, 'assets val': 3500, 'collateral': 20000, 'dec profit': 512.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 24.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 6.0}",A 35-year-old male is applying for a loan of 1200 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 24.0 years. His assets value is 3500 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 512.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 6.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 20000 cedis. 103,0,10000,7000,1,30.0,9000,1000.0,2.0,1,25,1000,0,1,1,1,5,0,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 10000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 9000, dec profit is 1000.0, xperience is 2.0, educatn is 1, age is 25, collateral is 1000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 5, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 10000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 9000 - dec profit : 1000.0 - xperience : 2.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 25 - collateral : 1000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 5 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 10000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 9000. The dec profit is 1000.0. The xperience is 2.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 25. The collateral is 1000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 5. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 10000 30.0 9000 1000.0 2.0 1 25 1000 0 1 1 1 5 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 10000 & 30.000000 & 9000 & 1000.000000 & 2.000000 & 1 & 25 & 1000 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 5 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 25, 'amnt req': 10000, 'assets val': 9000, 'collateral': 1000, 'dec profit': 1000.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 5, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 2.0}",A 25-year-old female is applying for a loan of 10000 cedis. The applicant works in service sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 9000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 1000.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 2.0. She provided a guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 1000 cedis. 104,0,10000,7000,1,30.0,4000,400.0,8.0,4,60,9000,1,0,1,1,4,1,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 10000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 4000, dec profit is 400.0, xperience is 8.0, educatn is 4, age is 60, collateral is 9000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 1","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 10000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 4000 - dec profit : 400.0 - xperience : 8.0 - educatn : 4 - age : 60 - collateral : 9000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 1",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 10000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 4000. The dec profit is 400.0. The xperience is 8.0. The educatn is 4. The age is 60. The collateral is 9000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 1,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 10000 30.0 4000 400.0 8.0 4 60 9000 1 0 1 1 4 1
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 10000 & 30.000000 & 4000 & 400.000000 & 8.000000 & 4 & 60 & 9000 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 4 & 1 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 60, 'amnt req': 10000, 'assets val': 4000, 'collateral': 9000, 'dec profit': 400.0, 'educatn': 4, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 1, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 8.0}",A 60-year-old female is applying for a loan of 10000 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 4000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 400.0 cedis. Her educational background is illiterate and the number of years that she has been in business is 8.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She has non-mandatory savings with the bank. She resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 9000 cedis. 105,0,2500,2500,0,30.0,1500,160.0,3.0,1,39,3000,1,0,0,1,1,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 2500, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 1500, dec profit is 160.0, xperience is 3.0, educatn is 1, age is 39, collateral is 3000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 1, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 2500 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 1500 - dec profit : 160.0 - xperience : 3.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 39 - collateral : 3000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 1 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 2500. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 1500. The dec profit is 160.0. The xperience is 3.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 39. The collateral is 3000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 1. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 2500 30.0 1500 160.0 3.0 1 39 3000 1 0 0 1 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 2500 & 30.000000 & 1500 & 160.000000 & 3.000000 & 1 & 39 & 3000 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 39, 'amnt req': 2500, 'assets val': 1500, 'collateral': 3000, 'dec profit': 160.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 3.0}",A 39-year-old female is applying for a loan of 2500 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 1500 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 160.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 3.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 3000 cedis. 106,0,1500,1200,1,50.0,3500,255.0,12.0,2,32,4100,0,0,0,0,3,0,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 1500, maturity is 50.0, assets val is 3500, dec profit is 255.0, xperience is 12.0, educatn is 2, age is 32, collateral is 4100, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 3, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 1500 - maturity : 50.0 - assets val : 3500 - dec profit : 255.0 - xperience : 12.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 32 - collateral : 4100 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 3 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 1500. The maturity is 50.0. The assets val is 3500. The dec profit is 255.0. The xperience is 12.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 32. The collateral is 4100. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 3. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 1500 50.0 3500 255.0 12.0 2 32 4100 0 0 0 0 3 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 1500 & 50.000000 & 3500 & 255.000000 & 12.000000 & 2 & 32 & 4100 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 3 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 32, 'amnt req': 1500, 'assets val': 3500, 'collateral': 4100, 'dec profit': 255.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 50.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 3, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 12.0}",A 32-year-old female is applying for a loan of 1500 cedis. The applicant works in manufacturing sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 50.0 years. Her assets value is 3500 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 255.0 cedis. Her educational background is secondary and the number of years that she has been in business is 12.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 4100 cedis. 107,0,3000,3000,1,60.0,10000,256.0,2.0,1,48,5000,1,0,0,0,2,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 3000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 10000, dec profit is 256.0, xperience is 2.0, educatn is 1, age is 48, collateral is 5000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 2, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 3000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 10000 - dec profit : 256.0 - xperience : 2.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 48 - collateral : 5000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 2 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 3000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 10000. The dec profit is 256.0. The xperience is 2.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 48. The collateral is 5000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 2. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 3000 60.0 10000 256.0 2.0 1 48 5000 1 0 0 0 2 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 3000 & 60.000000 & 10000 & 256.000000 & 2.000000 & 1 & 48 & 5000 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 2 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 48, 'amnt req': 3000, 'assets val': 10000, 'collateral': 5000, 'dec profit': 256.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 2, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 2.0}",A 48-year-old female is applying for a loan of 3000 cedis. The applicant works in transport sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. Her assets value is 10000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 256.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 2.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 5000 cedis. 108,1,5000,5000,0,30.0,8000,2300.0,3.0,1,30,4000,1,0,0,1,5,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 5000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 8000, dec profit is 2300.0, xperience is 3.0, educatn is 1, age is 30, collateral is 4000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 1, sector is 5, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 5000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 8000 - dec profit : 2300.0 - xperience : 3.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 30 - collateral : 4000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 1 - sector : 5 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 5000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 8000. The dec profit is 2300.0. The xperience is 3.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 30. The collateral is 4000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 1. The sector is 5. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 5000 30.0 8000 2300.0 3.0 1 30 4000 1 0 0 1 5 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 5000 & 30.000000 & 8000 & 2300.000000 & 3.000000 & 1 & 30 & 4000 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 5 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 30, 'amnt req': 5000, 'assets val': 8000, 'collateral': 4000, 'dec profit': 2300.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 5, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 3.0}",A 30-year-old male is applying for a loan of 5000 cedis. The applicant works in service sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 8000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 2300.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 3.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 4000 cedis. 109,1,3000,1000,1,60.0,2000,720.0,4.0,2,34,2000,0,0,1,1,4,0,No,"sex is 1, amnt req is 3000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 2000, dec profit is 720.0, xperience is 4.0, educatn is 2, age is 34, collateral is 2000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 3000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 2000 - dec profit : 720.0 - xperience : 4.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 34 - collateral : 2000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 3000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 2000. The dec profit is 720.0. The xperience is 4.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 34. The collateral is 2000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 3000 60.0 2000 720.0 4.0 2 34 2000 0 0 1 1 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 3000 & 60.000000 & 2000 & 720.000000 & 4.000000 & 2 & 34 & 2000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 34, 'amnt req': 3000, 'assets val': 2000, 'collateral': 2000, 'dec profit': 720.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 4.0}",A 34-year-old male is applying for a loan of 3000 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 2000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 720.0 cedis. His educational background is secondary and the number of years that he has been in business is 4.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 2000 cedis. 110,0,7500,7500,0,60.0,14000,165.0,5.0,3,45,10000,0,0,1,1,4,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 7500, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 14000, dec profit is 165.0, xperience is 5.0, educatn is 3, age is 45, collateral is 10000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 7500 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 14000 - dec profit : 165.0 - xperience : 5.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 45 - collateral : 10000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 7500. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 14000. The dec profit is 165.0. The xperience is 5.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 45. The collateral is 10000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 7500 60.0 14000 165.0 5.0 3 45 10000 0 0 1 1 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 7500 & 60.000000 & 14000 & 165.000000 & 5.000000 & 3 & 45 & 10000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 45, 'amnt req': 7500, 'assets val': 14000, 'collateral': 10000, 'dec profit': 165.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 5.0}",A 45-year-old female is applying for a loan of 7500 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. Her assets value is 14000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 165.0 cedis. Her educational background is primary and the number of years that she has been in business is 5.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 10000 cedis. 111,0,5000,4000,1,30.0,8000,400.0,6.0,2,43,7000,0,0,0,1,3,0,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 5000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 8000, dec profit is 400.0, xperience is 6.0, educatn is 2, age is 43, collateral is 7000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 1, sector is 3, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 5000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 8000 - dec profit : 400.0 - xperience : 6.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 43 - collateral : 7000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 1 - sector : 3 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 5000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 8000. The dec profit is 400.0. The xperience is 6.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 43. The collateral is 7000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 1. The sector is 3. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 5000 30.0 8000 400.0 6.0 2 43 7000 0 0 0 1 3 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 5000 & 30.000000 & 8000 & 400.000000 & 6.000000 & 2 & 43 & 7000 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 3 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 43, 'amnt req': 5000, 'assets val': 8000, 'collateral': 7000, 'dec profit': 400.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 3, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 6.0}",A 43-year-old female is applying for a loan of 5000 cedis. The applicant works in manufacturing sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 8000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 400.0 cedis. Her educational background is secondary and the number of years that she has been in business is 6.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 7000 cedis. 112,1,4000,4000,0,60.0,10000,200.0,6.0,1,34,10000,0,0,1,1,1,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 4000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 10000, dec profit is 200.0, xperience is 6.0, educatn is 1, age is 34, collateral is 10000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 4000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 10000 - dec profit : 200.0 - xperience : 6.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 34 - collateral : 10000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 4000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 10000. The dec profit is 200.0. The xperience is 6.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 34. The collateral is 10000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 4000 60.0 10000 200.0 6.0 1 34 10000 0 0 1 1 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 4000 & 60.000000 & 10000 & 200.000000 & 6.000000 & 1 & 34 & 10000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 34, 'amnt req': 4000, 'assets val': 10000, 'collateral': 10000, 'dec profit': 200.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 6.0}",A 34-year-old male is applying for a loan of 4000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 10000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 200.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 6.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 10000 cedis. 113,1,1200,1200,0,36.0,7000,700.0,5.0,1,27,5000,1,0,0,0,2,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 1200, maturity is 36.0, assets val is 7000, dec profit is 700.0, xperience is 5.0, educatn is 1, age is 27, collateral is 5000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 2, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 1200 - maturity : 36.0 - assets val : 7000 - dec profit : 700.0 - xperience : 5.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 27 - collateral : 5000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 2 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 1200. The maturity is 36.0. The assets val is 7000. The dec profit is 700.0. The xperience is 5.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 27. The collateral is 5000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 2. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 1200 36.0 7000 700.0 5.0 1 27 5000 1 0 0 0 2 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 1200 & 36.000000 & 7000 & 700.000000 & 5.000000 & 1 & 27 & 5000 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 2 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 27, 'amnt req': 1200, 'assets val': 7000, 'collateral': 5000, 'dec profit': 700.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 36.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 2, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 5.0}",A 27-year-old male is applying for a loan of 1200 cedis. The applicant works in transport sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 36.0 years. His assets value is 7000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 700.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 5.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 5000 cedis. 114,0,8000,5000,1,30.0,12000,500.0,20.0,2,52,7000,0,0,0,0,3,0,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 8000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 12000, dec profit is 500.0, xperience is 20.0, educatn is 2, age is 52, collateral is 7000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 3, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 8000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 12000 - dec profit : 500.0 - xperience : 20.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 52 - collateral : 7000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 3 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 8000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 12000. The dec profit is 500.0. The xperience is 20.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 52. The collateral is 7000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 3. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 8000 30.0 12000 500.0 20.0 2 52 7000 0 0 0 0 3 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 8000 & 30.000000 & 12000 & 500.000000 & 20.000000 & 2 & 52 & 7000 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 3 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 52, 'amnt req': 8000, 'assets val': 12000, 'collateral': 7000, 'dec profit': 500.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 3, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 20.0}",A 52-year-old female is applying for a loan of 8000 cedis. The applicant works in manufacturing sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 12000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 500.0 cedis. Her educational background is secondary and the number of years that she has been in business is 20.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 7000 cedis. 115,0,1500,1500,0,60.0,2900,650.0,3.0,3,40,2000,1,0,0,1,4,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 1500, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 2900, dec profit is 650.0, xperience is 3.0, educatn is 3, age is 40, collateral is 2000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 1500 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 2900 - dec profit : 650.0 - xperience : 3.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 40 - collateral : 2000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 1500. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 2900. The dec profit is 650.0. The xperience is 3.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 40. The collateral is 2000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 1500 60.0 2900 650.0 3.0 3 40 2000 1 0 0 1 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 1500 & 60.000000 & 2900 & 650.000000 & 3.000000 & 3 & 40 & 2000 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 40, 'amnt req': 1500, 'assets val': 2900, 'collateral': 2000, 'dec profit': 650.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 3.0}",A 40-year-old female is applying for a loan of 1500 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. Her assets value is 2900 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 650.0 cedis. Her educational background is primary and the number of years that she has been in business is 3.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 2000 cedis. 116,1,10000,1500,1,36.0,8000,3000.0,12.0,3,51,3000,0,0,1,1,5,1,No,"sex is 1, amnt req is 10000, maturity is 36.0, assets val is 8000, dec profit is 3000.0, xperience is 12.0, educatn is 3, age is 51, collateral is 3000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 5, savings is 1","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 10000 - maturity : 36.0 - assets val : 8000 - dec profit : 3000.0 - xperience : 12.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 51 - collateral : 3000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 5 - savings : 1",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 10000. The maturity is 36.0. The assets val is 8000. The dec profit is 3000.0. The xperience is 12.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 51. The collateral is 3000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 5. The savings is 1,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 10000 36.0 8000 3000.0 12.0 3 51 3000 0 0 1 1 5 1
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 10000 & 36.000000 & 8000 & 3000.000000 & 12.000000 & 3 & 51 & 3000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 5 & 1 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 51, 'amnt req': 10000, 'assets val': 8000, 'collateral': 3000, 'dec profit': 3000.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 36.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 1, 'sector': 5, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 12.0}",A 51-year-old male is applying for a loan of 10000 cedis. The applicant works in service sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 36.0 years. His assets value is 8000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 3000.0 cedis. His educational background is primary and the number of years that he has been in business is 12.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He has non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 3000 cedis. 117,1,2000,2000,0,50.0,3000,200.0,4.0,2,29,3000,0,0,0,0,1,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 2000, maturity is 50.0, assets val is 3000, dec profit is 200.0, xperience is 4.0, educatn is 2, age is 29, collateral is 3000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 2000 - maturity : 50.0 - assets val : 3000 - dec profit : 200.0 - xperience : 4.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 29 - collateral : 3000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 2000. The maturity is 50.0. The assets val is 3000. The dec profit is 200.0. The xperience is 4.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 29. The collateral is 3000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 2000 50.0 3000 200.0 4.0 2 29 3000 0 0 0 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 2000 & 50.000000 & 3000 & 200.000000 & 4.000000 & 2 & 29 & 3000 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 29, 'amnt req': 2000, 'assets val': 3000, 'collateral': 3000, 'dec profit': 200.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 50.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 4.0}",A 29-year-old male is applying for a loan of 2000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 50.0 years. His assets value is 3000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 200.0 cedis. His educational background is secondary and the number of years that he has been in business is 4.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 3000 cedis. 118,1,1200,1200,0,30.0,7000,700.0,5.0,1,29,5000,1,0,1,1,5,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 1200, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 7000, dec profit is 700.0, xperience is 5.0, educatn is 1, age is 29, collateral is 5000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 5, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 1200 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 7000 - dec profit : 700.0 - xperience : 5.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 29 - collateral : 5000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 5 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 1200. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 7000. The dec profit is 700.0. The xperience is 5.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 29. The collateral is 5000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 5. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 1200 30.0 7000 700.0 5.0 1 29 5000 1 0 1 1 5 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 1200 & 30.000000 & 7000 & 700.000000 & 5.000000 & 1 & 29 & 5000 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 5 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 29, 'amnt req': 1200, 'assets val': 7000, 'collateral': 5000, 'dec profit': 700.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 5, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 5.0}",A 29-year-old male is applying for a loan of 1200 cedis. The applicant works in service sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 7000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 700.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 5.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 5000 cedis. 119,1,6000,6000,0,60.0,9500,900.0,7.0,2,28,9000,1,1,1,1,3,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 6000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 9500, dec profit is 900.0, xperience is 7.0, educatn is 2, age is 28, collateral is 9000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 3, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 6000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 9500 - dec profit : 900.0 - xperience : 7.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 28 - collateral : 9000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 3 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 6000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 9500. The dec profit is 900.0. The xperience is 7.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 28. The collateral is 9000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 3. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 6000 60.0 9500 900.0 7.0 2 28 9000 1 1 1 1 3 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 6000 & 60.000000 & 9500 & 900.000000 & 7.000000 & 2 & 28 & 9000 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 3 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 28, 'amnt req': 6000, 'assets val': 9500, 'collateral': 9000, 'dec profit': 900.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 3, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 7.0}",A 28-year-old male is applying for a loan of 6000 cedis. The applicant works in manufacturing sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 9500 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 900.0 cedis. His educational background is secondary and the number of years that he has been in business is 7.0. He provided a guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 9000 cedis. 120,1,12000,7000,1,60.0,1800,200.0,7.0,2,42,8000,0,1,1,1,2,0,No,"sex is 1, amnt req is 12000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 1800, dec profit is 200.0, xperience is 7.0, educatn is 2, age is 42, collateral is 8000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 2, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 12000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 1800 - dec profit : 200.0 - xperience : 7.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 42 - collateral : 8000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 2 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 12000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 1800. The dec profit is 200.0. The xperience is 7.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 42. The collateral is 8000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 2. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 12000 60.0 1800 200.0 7.0 2 42 8000 0 1 1 1 2 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 12000 & 60.000000 & 1800 & 200.000000 & 7.000000 & 2 & 42 & 8000 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 2 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 42, 'amnt req': 12000, 'assets val': 1800, 'collateral': 8000, 'dec profit': 200.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 2, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 7.0}",A 42-year-old male is applying for a loan of 12000 cedis. The applicant works in transport sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 1800 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 200.0 cedis. His educational background is secondary and the number of years that he has been in business is 7.0. He provided a guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 8000 cedis. 121,1,2000,2000,0,60.0,2500,730.0,1.0,3,34,5000,1,0,0,0,1,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 2000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 2500, dec profit is 730.0, xperience is 1.0, educatn is 3, age is 34, collateral is 5000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 2000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 2500 - dec profit : 730.0 - xperience : 1.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 34 - collateral : 5000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 2000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 2500. The dec profit is 730.0. The xperience is 1.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 34. The collateral is 5000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 2000 60.0 2500 730.0 1.0 3 34 5000 1 0 0 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 2000 & 60.000000 & 2500 & 730.000000 & 1.000000 & 3 & 34 & 5000 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 34, 'amnt req': 2000, 'assets val': 2500, 'collateral': 5000, 'dec profit': 730.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 1.0}",A 34-year-old male is applying for a loan of 2000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 2500 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 730.0 cedis. His educational background is primary and the number of years that he has been in business is 1.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 5000 cedis. 122,1,2000,1500,1,36.0,3700,400.0,28.0,2,48,2000,1,0,0,0,1,0,No,"sex is 1, amnt req is 2000, maturity is 36.0, assets val is 3700, dec profit is 400.0, xperience is 28.0, educatn is 2, age is 48, collateral is 2000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 2000 - maturity : 36.0 - assets val : 3700 - dec profit : 400.0 - xperience : 28.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 48 - collateral : 2000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 2000. The maturity is 36.0. The assets val is 3700. The dec profit is 400.0. The xperience is 28.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 48. The collateral is 2000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 2000 36.0 3700 400.0 28.0 2 48 2000 1 0 0 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 2000 & 36.000000 & 3700 & 400.000000 & 28.000000 & 2 & 48 & 2000 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 48, 'amnt req': 2000, 'assets val': 3700, 'collateral': 2000, 'dec profit': 400.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 36.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 28.0}",A 48-year-old male is applying for a loan of 2000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 36.0 years. His assets value is 3700 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 400.0 cedis. His educational background is secondary and the number of years that he has been in business is 28.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 2000 cedis. 123,0,3000,3000,0,30.0,4000,200.0,3.0,3,30,15000,0,0,1,1,5,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 3000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 4000, dec profit is 200.0, xperience is 3.0, educatn is 3, age is 30, collateral is 15000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 5, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 3000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 4000 - dec profit : 200.0 - xperience : 3.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 30 - collateral : 15000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 5 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 3000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 4000. The dec profit is 200.0. The xperience is 3.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 30. The collateral is 15000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 5. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 3000 30.0 4000 200.0 3.0 3 30 15000 0 0 1 1 5 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 3000 & 30.000000 & 4000 & 200.000000 & 3.000000 & 3 & 30 & 15000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 5 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 30, 'amnt req': 3000, 'assets val': 4000, 'collateral': 15000, 'dec profit': 200.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 5, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 3.0}",A 30-year-old female is applying for a loan of 3000 cedis. The applicant works in service sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 4000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 200.0 cedis. Her educational background is primary and the number of years that she has been in business is 3.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 15000 cedis. 124,0,700,700,0,30.0,850,150.0,10.0,2,33,850,0,0,1,0,1,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 700, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 850, dec profit is 150.0, xperience is 10.0, educatn is 2, age is 33, collateral is 850, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 700 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 850 - dec profit : 150.0 - xperience : 10.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 33 - collateral : 850 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 700. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 850. The dec profit is 150.0. The xperience is 10.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 33. The collateral is 850. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 700 30.0 850 150.0 10.0 2 33 850 0 0 1 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 700 & 30.000000 & 850 & 150.000000 & 10.000000 & 2 & 33 & 850 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 33, 'amnt req': 700, 'assets val': 850, 'collateral': 850, 'dec profit': 150.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 10.0}",A 33-year-old female is applying for a loan of 700 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 850 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 150.0 cedis. Her educational background is secondary and the number of years that she has been in business is 10.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 850 cedis. 125,0,9000,9000,0,30.0,3000,320.0,9.0,4,38,10000,1,1,1,1,1,1,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 9000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 3000, dec profit is 320.0, xperience is 9.0, educatn is 4, age is 38, collateral is 10000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 1, savings is 1","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 9000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 3000 - dec profit : 320.0 - xperience : 9.0 - educatn : 4 - age : 38 - collateral : 10000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 1 - savings : 1",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 9000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 3000. The dec profit is 320.0. The xperience is 9.0. The educatn is 4. The age is 38. The collateral is 10000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 1. The savings is 1,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 9000 30.0 3000 320.0 9.0 4 38 10000 1 1 1 1 1 1
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 9000 & 30.000000 & 3000 & 320.000000 & 9.000000 & 4 & 38 & 10000 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 38, 'amnt req': 9000, 'assets val': 3000, 'collateral': 10000, 'dec profit': 320.0, 'educatn': 4, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 1, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 9.0}",A 38-year-old female is applying for a loan of 9000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 3000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 320.0 cedis. Her educational background is illiterate and the number of years that she has been in business is 9.0. She provided a guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She has non-mandatory savings with the bank. She resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 10000 cedis. 126,1,400,400,0,60.0,6800,700.0,2.0,3,43,2000,1,0,1,1,4,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 400, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 6800, dec profit is 700.0, xperience is 2.0, educatn is 3, age is 43, collateral is 2000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 400 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 6800 - dec profit : 700.0 - xperience : 2.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 43 - collateral : 2000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 400. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 6800. The dec profit is 700.0. The xperience is 2.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 43. The collateral is 2000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 400 60.0 6800 700.0 2.0 3 43 2000 1 0 1 1 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 400 & 60.000000 & 6800 & 700.000000 & 2.000000 & 3 & 43 & 2000 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 43, 'amnt req': 400, 'assets val': 6800, 'collateral': 2000, 'dec profit': 700.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 2.0}",A 43-year-old male is applying for a loan of 400 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 6800 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 700.0 cedis. His educational background is primary and the number of years that he has been in business is 2.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 2000 cedis. 127,1,9000,7000,1,45.0,7800,430.0,2.0,2,51,7000,1,0,1,0,4,0,No,"sex is 1, amnt req is 9000, maturity is 45.0, assets val is 7800, dec profit is 430.0, xperience is 2.0, educatn is 2, age is 51, collateral is 7000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 9000 - maturity : 45.0 - assets val : 7800 - dec profit : 430.0 - xperience : 2.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 51 - collateral : 7000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 9000. The maturity is 45.0. The assets val is 7800. The dec profit is 430.0. The xperience is 2.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 51. The collateral is 7000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 9000 45.0 7800 430.0 2.0 2 51 7000 1 0 1 0 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 9000 & 45.000000 & 7800 & 430.000000 & 2.000000 & 2 & 51 & 7000 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 51, 'amnt req': 9000, 'assets val': 7800, 'collateral': 7000, 'dec profit': 430.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 45.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 2.0}",A 51-year-old male is applying for a loan of 9000 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 45.0 years. His assets value is 7800 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 430.0 cedis. His educational background is secondary and the number of years that he has been in business is 2.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 7000 cedis. 128,1,5000,2000,1,60.0,4500,1400.0,4.0,1,38,3000,1,0,1,1,5,0,No,"sex is 1, amnt req is 5000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 4500, dec profit is 1400.0, xperience is 4.0, educatn is 1, age is 38, collateral is 3000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 5, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 5000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 4500 - dec profit : 1400.0 - xperience : 4.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 38 - collateral : 3000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 5 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 5000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 4500. The dec profit is 1400.0. The xperience is 4.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 38. The collateral is 3000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 5. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 5000 60.0 4500 1400.0 4.0 1 38 3000 1 0 1 1 5 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 5000 & 60.000000 & 4500 & 1400.000000 & 4.000000 & 1 & 38 & 3000 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 5 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 38, 'amnt req': 5000, 'assets val': 4500, 'collateral': 3000, 'dec profit': 1400.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 5, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 4.0}",A 38-year-old male is applying for a loan of 5000 cedis. The applicant works in service sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 4500 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 1400.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 4.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 3000 cedis. 129,0,8000,4000,1,30.0,8000,900.0,4.0,1,42,2900,0,1,1,0,1,0,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 8000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 8000, dec profit is 900.0, xperience is 4.0, educatn is 1, age is 42, collateral is 2900, locatn is 0, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 8000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 8000 - dec profit : 900.0 - xperience : 4.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 42 - collateral : 2900 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 8000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 8000. The dec profit is 900.0. The xperience is 4.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 42. The collateral is 2900. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 8000 30.0 8000 900.0 4.0 1 42 2900 0 1 1 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 8000 & 30.000000 & 8000 & 900.000000 & 4.000000 & 1 & 42 & 2900 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 42, 'amnt req': 8000, 'assets val': 8000, 'collateral': 2900, 'dec profit': 900.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 4.0}",A 42-year-old female is applying for a loan of 8000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 8000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 900.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 4.0. She provided a guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 2900 cedis. 130,0,2000,2000,0,36.0,6000,125.0,3.0,1,30,3000,1,0,1,0,1,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 2000, maturity is 36.0, assets val is 6000, dec profit is 125.0, xperience is 3.0, educatn is 1, age is 30, collateral is 3000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 2000 - maturity : 36.0 - assets val : 6000 - dec profit : 125.0 - xperience : 3.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 30 - collateral : 3000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 2000. The maturity is 36.0. The assets val is 6000. The dec profit is 125.0. The xperience is 3.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 30. The collateral is 3000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 2000 36.0 6000 125.0 3.0 1 30 3000 1 0 1 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 2000 & 36.000000 & 6000 & 125.000000 & 3.000000 & 1 & 30 & 3000 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 30, 'amnt req': 2000, 'assets val': 6000, 'collateral': 3000, 'dec profit': 125.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 36.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 3.0}",A 30-year-old female is applying for a loan of 2000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 36.0 years. Her assets value is 6000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 125.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 3.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 3000 cedis. 131,0,20000,10000,1,30.0,7000,2800.0,5.0,2,44,2800,0,1,1,0,1,0,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 20000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 7000, dec profit is 2800.0, xperience is 5.0, educatn is 2, age is 44, collateral is 2800, locatn is 0, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 20000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 7000 - dec profit : 2800.0 - xperience : 5.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 44 - collateral : 2800 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 20000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 7000. The dec profit is 2800.0. The xperience is 5.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 44. The collateral is 2800. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 20000 30.0 7000 2800.0 5.0 2 44 2800 0 1 1 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 20000 & 30.000000 & 7000 & 2800.000000 & 5.000000 & 2 & 44 & 2800 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 44, 'amnt req': 20000, 'assets val': 7000, 'collateral': 2800, 'dec profit': 2800.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 5.0}",A 44-year-old female is applying for a loan of 20000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 7000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 2800.0 cedis. Her educational background is secondary and the number of years that she has been in business is 5.0. She provided a guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 2800 cedis. 132,0,500,500,0,30.0,1000,66.0,2.0,1,26,10000,0,0,1,0,1,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 500, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 1000, dec profit is 66.0, xperience is 2.0, educatn is 1, age is 26, collateral is 10000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 500 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 1000 - dec profit : 66.0 - xperience : 2.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 26 - collateral : 10000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 500. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 1000. The dec profit is 66.0. The xperience is 2.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 26. The collateral is 10000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 500 30.0 1000 66.0 2.0 1 26 10000 0 0 1 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 500 & 30.000000 & 1000 & 66.000000 & 2.000000 & 1 & 26 & 10000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 26, 'amnt req': 500, 'assets val': 1000, 'collateral': 10000, 'dec profit': 66.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 2.0}",A 26-year-old female is applying for a loan of 500 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 1000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 66.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 2.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 10000 cedis. 133,0,3000,3000,0,15.0,3900,500.0,5.0,2,40,2000,1,0,1,0,1,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 3000, maturity is 15.0, assets val is 3900, dec profit is 500.0, xperience is 5.0, educatn is 2, age is 40, collateral is 2000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 3000 - maturity : 15.0 - assets val : 3900 - dec profit : 500.0 - xperience : 5.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 40 - collateral : 2000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 3000. The maturity is 15.0. The assets val is 3900. The dec profit is 500.0. The xperience is 5.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 40. The collateral is 2000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 3000 15.0 3900 500.0 5.0 2 40 2000 1 0 1 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 3000 & 15.000000 & 3900 & 500.000000 & 5.000000 & 2 & 40 & 2000 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 40, 'amnt req': 3000, 'assets val': 3900, 'collateral': 2000, 'dec profit': 500.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 15.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 5.0}",A 40-year-old female is applying for a loan of 3000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 15.0 years. Her assets value is 3900 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 500.0 cedis. Her educational background is secondary and the number of years that she has been in business is 5.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 2000 cedis. 134,1,2000,2000,0,60.0,4100,530.0,4.0,1,40,1500,0,1,1,1,1,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 2000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 4100, dec profit is 530.0, xperience is 4.0, educatn is 1, age is 40, collateral is 1500, locatn is 0, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 2000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 4100 - dec profit : 530.0 - xperience : 4.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 40 - collateral : 1500 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 2000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 4100. The dec profit is 530.0. The xperience is 4.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 40. The collateral is 1500. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 2000 60.0 4100 530.0 4.0 1 40 1500 0 1 1 1 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 2000 & 60.000000 & 4100 & 530.000000 & 4.000000 & 1 & 40 & 1500 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 40, 'amnt req': 2000, 'assets val': 4100, 'collateral': 1500, 'dec profit': 530.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 4.0}",A 40-year-old male is applying for a loan of 2000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 4100 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 530.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 4.0. He provided a guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 1500 cedis. 135,0,3000,2000,1,30.0,3800,725.0,2.0,1,26,15000,0,0,0,0,1,0,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 3000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 3800, dec profit is 725.0, xperience is 2.0, educatn is 1, age is 26, collateral is 15000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 3000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 3800 - dec profit : 725.0 - xperience : 2.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 26 - collateral : 15000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 3000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 3800. The dec profit is 725.0. The xperience is 2.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 26. The collateral is 15000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 3000 30.0 3800 725.0 2.0 1 26 15000 0 0 0 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 3000 & 30.000000 & 3800 & 725.000000 & 2.000000 & 1 & 26 & 15000 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 26, 'amnt req': 3000, 'assets val': 3800, 'collateral': 15000, 'dec profit': 725.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 2.0}",A 26-year-old female is applying for a loan of 3000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 3800 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 725.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 2.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 15000 cedis. 136,1,1000,1000,0,50.0,2000,800.0,4.0,1,35,10000,0,0,0,0,1,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 1000, maturity is 50.0, assets val is 2000, dec profit is 800.0, xperience is 4.0, educatn is 1, age is 35, collateral is 10000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 1000 - maturity : 50.0 - assets val : 2000 - dec profit : 800.0 - xperience : 4.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 35 - collateral : 10000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 1000. The maturity is 50.0. The assets val is 2000. The dec profit is 800.0. The xperience is 4.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 35. The collateral is 10000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 1000 50.0 2000 800.0 4.0 1 35 10000 0 0 0 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 1000 & 50.000000 & 2000 & 800.000000 & 4.000000 & 1 & 35 & 10000 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 35, 'amnt req': 1000, 'assets val': 2000, 'collateral': 10000, 'dec profit': 800.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 50.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 4.0}",A 35-year-old male is applying for a loan of 1000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 50.0 years. His assets value is 2000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 800.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 4.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 10000 cedis. 137,0,5000,5000,0,30.0,800,500.0,5.0,3,39,5000,1,0,1,0,3,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 5000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 800, dec profit is 500.0, xperience is 5.0, educatn is 3, age is 39, collateral is 5000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 3, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 5000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 800 - dec profit : 500.0 - xperience : 5.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 39 - collateral : 5000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 3 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 5000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 800. The dec profit is 500.0. The xperience is 5.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 39. The collateral is 5000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 3. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 5000 30.0 800 500.0 5.0 3 39 5000 1 0 1 0 3 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 5000 & 30.000000 & 800 & 500.000000 & 5.000000 & 3 & 39 & 5000 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 3 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 39, 'amnt req': 5000, 'assets val': 800, 'collateral': 5000, 'dec profit': 500.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 3, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 5.0}",A 39-year-old female is applying for a loan of 5000 cedis. The applicant works in manufacturing sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 800 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 500.0 cedis. Her educational background is primary and the number of years that she has been in business is 5.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 5000 cedis. 138,1,2500,2500,0,60.0,4000,560.0,3.0,1,32,8500,0,0,0,1,1,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 2500, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 4000, dec profit is 560.0, xperience is 3.0, educatn is 1, age is 32, collateral is 8500, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 1, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 2500 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 4000 - dec profit : 560.0 - xperience : 3.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 32 - collateral : 8500 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 1 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 2500. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 4000. The dec profit is 560.0. The xperience is 3.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 32. The collateral is 8500. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 1. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 2500 60.0 4000 560.0 3.0 1 32 8500 0 0 0 1 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 2500 & 60.000000 & 4000 & 560.000000 & 3.000000 & 1 & 32 & 8500 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 32, 'amnt req': 2500, 'assets val': 4000, 'collateral': 8500, 'dec profit': 560.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 3.0}",A 32-year-old male is applying for a loan of 2500 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 4000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 560.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 3.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 8500 cedis. 139,0,8000,5000,1,60.0,5000,300.0,1.0,1,39,5000,0,0,1,0,2,0,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 8000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 5000, dec profit is 300.0, xperience is 1.0, educatn is 1, age is 39, collateral is 5000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 2, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 8000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 5000 - dec profit : 300.0 - xperience : 1.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 39 - collateral : 5000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 2 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 8000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 5000. The dec profit is 300.0. The xperience is 1.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 39. The collateral is 5000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 2. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 8000 60.0 5000 300.0 1.0 1 39 5000 0 0 1 0 2 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 8000 & 60.000000 & 5000 & 300.000000 & 1.000000 & 1 & 39 & 5000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 2 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 39, 'amnt req': 8000, 'assets val': 5000, 'collateral': 5000, 'dec profit': 300.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 2, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 1.0}",A 39-year-old female is applying for a loan of 8000 cedis. The applicant works in transport sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. Her assets value is 5000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 300.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 1.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 5000 cedis. 140,0,10000,5000,1,30.0,7000,540.0,1.5,3,30,5000,1,0,0,0,4,0,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 10000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 7000, dec profit is 540.0, xperience is 1.5, educatn is 3, age is 30, collateral is 5000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 10000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 7000 - dec profit : 540.0 - xperience : 1.5 - educatn : 3 - age : 30 - collateral : 5000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 10000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 7000. The dec profit is 540.0. The xperience is 1.5. The educatn is 3. The age is 30. The collateral is 5000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 10000 30.0 7000 540.0 1.5 3 30 5000 1 0 0 0 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 10000 & 30.000000 & 7000 & 540.000000 & 1.500000 & 3 & 30 & 5000 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 30, 'amnt req': 10000, 'assets val': 7000, 'collateral': 5000, 'dec profit': 540.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 1.5}",A 30-year-old female is applying for a loan of 10000 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 7000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 540.0 cedis. Her educational background is primary and the number of years that she has been in business is 1.5. She did not provide any guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 5000 cedis. 141,1,6000,6000,0,15.0,6100,400.0,7.0,2,42,4000,0,0,1,1,4,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 6000, maturity is 15.0, assets val is 6100, dec profit is 400.0, xperience is 7.0, educatn is 2, age is 42, collateral is 4000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 6000 - maturity : 15.0 - assets val : 6100 - dec profit : 400.0 - xperience : 7.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 42 - collateral : 4000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 6000. The maturity is 15.0. The assets val is 6100. The dec profit is 400.0. The xperience is 7.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 42. The collateral is 4000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 6000 15.0 6100 400.0 7.0 2 42 4000 0 0 1 1 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 6000 & 15.000000 & 6100 & 400.000000 & 7.000000 & 2 & 42 & 4000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 42, 'amnt req': 6000, 'assets val': 6100, 'collateral': 4000, 'dec profit': 400.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 15.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 7.0}",A 42-year-old male is applying for a loan of 6000 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 15.0 years. His assets value is 6100 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 400.0 cedis. His educational background is secondary and the number of years that he has been in business is 7.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 4000 cedis. 142,0,3000,2000,1,35.0,3000,700.0,4.0,2,28,3000,0,0,1,1,5,0,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 3000, maturity is 35.0, assets val is 3000, dec profit is 700.0, xperience is 4.0, educatn is 2, age is 28, collateral is 3000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 5, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 3000 - maturity : 35.0 - assets val : 3000 - dec profit : 700.0 - xperience : 4.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 28 - collateral : 3000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 5 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 3000. The maturity is 35.0. The assets val is 3000. The dec profit is 700.0. The xperience is 4.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 28. The collateral is 3000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 5. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 3000 35.0 3000 700.0 4.0 2 28 3000 0 0 1 1 5 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 3000 & 35.000000 & 3000 & 700.000000 & 4.000000 & 2 & 28 & 3000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 5 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 28, 'amnt req': 3000, 'assets val': 3000, 'collateral': 3000, 'dec profit': 700.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 35.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 5, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 4.0}",A 28-year-old female is applying for a loan of 3000 cedis. The applicant works in service sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 35.0 years. Her assets value is 3000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 700.0 cedis. Her educational background is secondary and the number of years that she has been in business is 4.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 3000 cedis. 143,1,12000,7000,1,60.0,1800,200.0,7.0,2,42,8000,0,1,1,1,2,0,No,"sex is 1, amnt req is 12000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 1800, dec profit is 200.0, xperience is 7.0, educatn is 2, age is 42, collateral is 8000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 2, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 12000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 1800 - dec profit : 200.0 - xperience : 7.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 42 - collateral : 8000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 2 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 12000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 1800. The dec profit is 200.0. The xperience is 7.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 42. The collateral is 8000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 2. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 12000 60.0 1800 200.0 7.0 2 42 8000 0 1 1 1 2 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 12000 & 60.000000 & 1800 & 200.000000 & 7.000000 & 2 & 42 & 8000 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 2 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 42, 'amnt req': 12000, 'assets val': 1800, 'collateral': 8000, 'dec profit': 200.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 2, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 7.0}",A 42-year-old male is applying for a loan of 12000 cedis. The applicant works in transport sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 1800 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 200.0 cedis. His educational background is secondary and the number of years that he has been in business is 7.0. He provided a guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 8000 cedis. 144,0,300,300,0,60.0,2600,200.0,19.0,2,56,1700,0,0,1,1,4,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 300, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 2600, dec profit is 200.0, xperience is 19.0, educatn is 2, age is 56, collateral is 1700, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 300 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 2600 - dec profit : 200.0 - xperience : 19.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 56 - collateral : 1700 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 300. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 2600. The dec profit is 200.0. The xperience is 19.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 56. The collateral is 1700. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 300 60.0 2600 200.0 19.0 2 56 1700 0 0 1 1 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 300 & 60.000000 & 2600 & 200.000000 & 19.000000 & 2 & 56 & 1700 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 56, 'amnt req': 300, 'assets val': 2600, 'collateral': 1700, 'dec profit': 200.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 19.0}",A 56-year-old female is applying for a loan of 300 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. Her assets value is 2600 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 200.0 cedis. Her educational background is secondary and the number of years that she has been in business is 19.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 1700 cedis. 145,1,1000,1000,0,30.0,2000,630.0,1.0,3,33,2000,0,0,1,1,4,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 1000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 2000, dec profit is 630.0, xperience is 1.0, educatn is 3, age is 33, collateral is 2000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 1000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 2000 - dec profit : 630.0 - xperience : 1.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 33 - collateral : 2000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 1000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 2000. The dec profit is 630.0. The xperience is 1.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 33. The collateral is 2000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 1000 30.0 2000 630.0 1.0 3 33 2000 0 0 1 1 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 1000 & 30.000000 & 2000 & 630.000000 & 1.000000 & 3 & 33 & 2000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 33, 'amnt req': 1000, 'assets val': 2000, 'collateral': 2000, 'dec profit': 630.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 1.0}",A 33-year-old male is applying for a loan of 1000 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 2000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 630.0 cedis. His educational background is primary and the number of years that he has been in business is 1.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 2000 cedis. 146,1,4000,1000,1,12.0,7000,800.0,1.0,3,45,3000,0,0,0,1,4,0,No,"sex is 1, amnt req is 4000, maturity is 12.0, assets val is 7000, dec profit is 800.0, xperience is 1.0, educatn is 3, age is 45, collateral is 3000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 4000 - maturity : 12.0 - assets val : 7000 - dec profit : 800.0 - xperience : 1.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 45 - collateral : 3000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 4000. The maturity is 12.0. The assets val is 7000. The dec profit is 800.0. The xperience is 1.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 45. The collateral is 3000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 4000 12.0 7000 800.0 1.0 3 45 3000 0 0 0 1 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 4000 & 12.000000 & 7000 & 800.000000 & 1.000000 & 3 & 45 & 3000 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 45, 'amnt req': 4000, 'assets val': 7000, 'collateral': 3000, 'dec profit': 800.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 12.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 1.0}",A 45-year-old male is applying for a loan of 4000 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 12.0 years. His assets value is 7000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 800.0 cedis. His educational background is primary and the number of years that he has been in business is 1.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 3000 cedis. 147,0,8000,5000,1,60.0,5000,4000.0,1.0,2,30,8000,1,0,0,1,4,0,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 8000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 5000, dec profit is 4000.0, xperience is 1.0, educatn is 2, age is 30, collateral is 8000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 8000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 5000 - dec profit : 4000.0 - xperience : 1.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 30 - collateral : 8000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 8000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 5000. The dec profit is 4000.0. The xperience is 1.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 30. The collateral is 8000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 8000 60.0 5000 4000.0 1.0 2 30 8000 1 0 0 1 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 8000 & 60.000000 & 5000 & 4000.000000 & 1.000000 & 2 & 30 & 8000 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 30, 'amnt req': 8000, 'assets val': 5000, 'collateral': 8000, 'dec profit': 4000.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 1.0}",A 30-year-old female is applying for a loan of 8000 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. Her assets value is 5000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 4000.0 cedis. Her educational background is secondary and the number of years that she has been in business is 1.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 8000 cedis. 148,1,7000,5000,1,60.0,5000,650.0,3.0,3,47,6000,1,1,1,0,4,0,No,"sex is 1, amnt req is 7000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 5000, dec profit is 650.0, xperience is 3.0, educatn is 3, age is 47, collateral is 6000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 7000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 5000 - dec profit : 650.0 - xperience : 3.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 47 - collateral : 6000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 7000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 5000. The dec profit is 650.0. The xperience is 3.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 47. The collateral is 6000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 7000 60.0 5000 650.0 3.0 3 47 6000 1 1 1 0 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 7000 & 60.000000 & 5000 & 650.000000 & 3.000000 & 3 & 47 & 6000 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 47, 'amnt req': 7000, 'assets val': 5000, 'collateral': 6000, 'dec profit': 650.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 3.0}",A 47-year-old male is applying for a loan of 7000 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 5000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 650.0 cedis. His educational background is primary and the number of years that he has been in business is 3.0. He provided a guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 6000 cedis. 149,1,1200,1200,0,60.0,7000,700.0,5.0,1,34,5000,1,0,1,1,5,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 1200, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 7000, dec profit is 700.0, xperience is 5.0, educatn is 1, age is 34, collateral is 5000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 5, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 1200 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 7000 - dec profit : 700.0 - xperience : 5.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 34 - collateral : 5000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 5 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 1200. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 7000. The dec profit is 700.0. The xperience is 5.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 34. The collateral is 5000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 5. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 1200 60.0 7000 700.0 5.0 1 34 5000 1 0 1 1 5 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 1200 & 60.000000 & 7000 & 700.000000 & 5.000000 & 1 & 34 & 5000 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 5 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 34, 'amnt req': 1200, 'assets val': 7000, 'collateral': 5000, 'dec profit': 700.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 5, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 5.0}",A 34-year-old male is applying for a loan of 1200 cedis. The applicant works in service sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 7000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 700.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 5.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 5000 cedis. 150,1,1600,1600,1,60.0,5000,150.0,5.0,3,25,4000,0,0,0,1,4,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 1600, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 5000, dec profit is 150.0, xperience is 5.0, educatn is 3, age is 25, collateral is 4000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 1600 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 5000 - dec profit : 150.0 - xperience : 5.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 25 - collateral : 4000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 1600. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 5000. The dec profit is 150.0. The xperience is 5.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 25. The collateral is 4000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 1600 60.0 5000 150.0 5.0 3 25 4000 0 0 0 1 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 1600 & 60.000000 & 5000 & 150.000000 & 5.000000 & 3 & 25 & 4000 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 25, 'amnt req': 1600, 'assets val': 5000, 'collateral': 4000, 'dec profit': 150.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 5.0}",A 25-year-old male is applying for a loan of 1600 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 5000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 150.0 cedis. His educational background is primary and the number of years that he has been in business is 5.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 4000 cedis. 151,0,10000,8000,1,60.0,10000,1000.0,10.0,3,40,8000,1,1,1,1,4,0,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 10000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 10000, dec profit is 1000.0, xperience is 10.0, educatn is 3, age is 40, collateral is 8000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 10000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 10000 - dec profit : 1000.0 - xperience : 10.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 40 - collateral : 8000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 10000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 10000. The dec profit is 1000.0. The xperience is 10.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 40. The collateral is 8000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 10000 60.0 10000 1000.0 10.0 3 40 8000 1 1 1 1 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 10000 & 60.000000 & 10000 & 1000.000000 & 10.000000 & 3 & 40 & 8000 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 40, 'amnt req': 10000, 'assets val': 10000, 'collateral': 8000, 'dec profit': 1000.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 10.0}",A 40-year-old female is applying for a loan of 10000 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. Her assets value is 10000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 1000.0 cedis. Her educational background is primary and the number of years that she has been in business is 10.0. She provided a guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 8000 cedis. 152,0,20000,15000,1,36.0,5000,500.0,25.0,3,50,5000,1,0,0,0,4,0,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 20000, maturity is 36.0, assets val is 5000, dec profit is 500.0, xperience is 25.0, educatn is 3, age is 50, collateral is 5000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 20000 - maturity : 36.0 - assets val : 5000 - dec profit : 500.0 - xperience : 25.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 50 - collateral : 5000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 20000. The maturity is 36.0. The assets val is 5000. The dec profit is 500.0. The xperience is 25.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 50. The collateral is 5000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 20000 36.0 5000 500.0 25.0 3 50 5000 1 0 0 0 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 20000 & 36.000000 & 5000 & 500.000000 & 25.000000 & 3 & 50 & 5000 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 50, 'amnt req': 20000, 'assets val': 5000, 'collateral': 5000, 'dec profit': 500.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 36.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 25.0}",A 50-year-old female is applying for a loan of 20000 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 36.0 years. Her assets value is 5000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 500.0 cedis. Her educational background is primary and the number of years that she has been in business is 25.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 5000 cedis. 153,1,2000,2000,0,30.0,2000,820.0,1.0,3,30,5000,0,0,1,1,4,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 2000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 2000, dec profit is 820.0, xperience is 1.0, educatn is 3, age is 30, collateral is 5000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 2000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 2000 - dec profit : 820.0 - xperience : 1.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 30 - collateral : 5000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 2000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 2000. The dec profit is 820.0. The xperience is 1.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 30. The collateral is 5000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 2000 30.0 2000 820.0 1.0 3 30 5000 0 0 1 1 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 2000 & 30.000000 & 2000 & 820.000000 & 1.000000 & 3 & 30 & 5000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 30, 'amnt req': 2000, 'assets val': 2000, 'collateral': 5000, 'dec profit': 820.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 1.0}",A 30-year-old male is applying for a loan of 2000 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 2000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 820.0 cedis. His educational background is primary and the number of years that he has been in business is 1.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 5000 cedis. 154,1,7000,5000,1,60.0,7000,2100.0,3.5,1,46,9000,0,0,0,1,5,0,No,"sex is 1, amnt req is 7000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 7000, dec profit is 2100.0, xperience is 3.5, educatn is 1, age is 46, collateral is 9000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 1, sector is 5, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 7000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 7000 - dec profit : 2100.0 - xperience : 3.5 - educatn : 1 - age : 46 - collateral : 9000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 1 - sector : 5 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 7000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 7000. The dec profit is 2100.0. The xperience is 3.5. The educatn is 1. The age is 46. The collateral is 9000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 1. The sector is 5. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 7000 60.0 7000 2100.0 3.5 1 46 9000 0 0 0 1 5 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 7000 & 60.000000 & 7000 & 2100.000000 & 3.500000 & 1 & 46 & 9000 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 5 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 46, 'amnt req': 7000, 'assets val': 7000, 'collateral': 9000, 'dec profit': 2100.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 5, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 3.5}",A 46-year-old male is applying for a loan of 7000 cedis. The applicant works in service sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 7000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 2100.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 3.5. He did not provide any guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 9000 cedis. 155,1,1000,1000,0,36.0,8000,800.0,5.0,1,43,3000,1,0,0,1,5,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 1000, maturity is 36.0, assets val is 8000, dec profit is 800.0, xperience is 5.0, educatn is 1, age is 43, collateral is 3000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 1, sector is 5, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 1000 - maturity : 36.0 - assets val : 8000 - dec profit : 800.0 - xperience : 5.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 43 - collateral : 3000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 1 - sector : 5 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 1000. The maturity is 36.0. The assets val is 8000. The dec profit is 800.0. The xperience is 5.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 43. The collateral is 3000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 1. The sector is 5. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 1000 36.0 8000 800.0 5.0 1 43 3000 1 0 0 1 5 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 1000 & 36.000000 & 8000 & 800.000000 & 5.000000 & 1 & 43 & 3000 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 5 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 43, 'amnt req': 1000, 'assets val': 8000, 'collateral': 3000, 'dec profit': 800.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 36.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 5, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 5.0}",A 43-year-old male is applying for a loan of 1000 cedis. The applicant works in service sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 36.0 years. His assets value is 8000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 800.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 5.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 3000 cedis. 156,1,600,600,0,30.0,650,108.0,5.0,1,34,1500,0,0,0,1,1,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 600, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 650, dec profit is 108.0, xperience is 5.0, educatn is 1, age is 34, collateral is 1500, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 1, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 600 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 650 - dec profit : 108.0 - xperience : 5.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 34 - collateral : 1500 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 1 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 600. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 650. The dec profit is 108.0. The xperience is 5.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 34. The collateral is 1500. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 1. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 600 30.0 650 108.0 5.0 1 34 1500 0 0 0 1 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 600 & 30.000000 & 650 & 108.000000 & 5.000000 & 1 & 34 & 1500 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 34, 'amnt req': 600, 'assets val': 650, 'collateral': 1500, 'dec profit': 108.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 5.0}",A 34-year-old male is applying for a loan of 600 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 650 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 108.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 5.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 1500 cedis. 157,0,7000,6500,1,60.0,20000,4600.0,2.0,1,41,7000,0,1,1,0,1,1,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 7000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 20000, dec profit is 4600.0, xperience is 2.0, educatn is 1, age is 41, collateral is 7000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 1","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 7000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 20000 - dec profit : 4600.0 - xperience : 2.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 41 - collateral : 7000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 1",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 7000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 20000. The dec profit is 4600.0. The xperience is 2.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 41. The collateral is 7000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 1,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 7000 60.0 20000 4600.0 2.0 1 41 7000 0 1 1 0 1 1
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 7000 & 60.000000 & 20000 & 4600.000000 & 2.000000 & 1 & 41 & 7000 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 1 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 41, 'amnt req': 7000, 'assets val': 20000, 'collateral': 7000, 'dec profit': 4600.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 1, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 2.0}",A 41-year-old female is applying for a loan of 7000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. Her assets value is 20000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 4600.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 2.0. She provided a guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She has non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 7000 cedis. 158,0,4300,4300,0,60.0,8000,450.0,5.0,1,58,6500,1,0,0,0,2,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 4300, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 8000, dec profit is 450.0, xperience is 5.0, educatn is 1, age is 58, collateral is 6500, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 2, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 4300 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 8000 - dec profit : 450.0 - xperience : 5.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 58 - collateral : 6500 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 2 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 4300. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 8000. The dec profit is 450.0. The xperience is 5.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 58. The collateral is 6500. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 2. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 4300 60.0 8000 450.0 5.0 1 58 6500 1 0 0 0 2 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 4300 & 60.000000 & 8000 & 450.000000 & 5.000000 & 1 & 58 & 6500 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 2 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 58, 'amnt req': 4300, 'assets val': 8000, 'collateral': 6500, 'dec profit': 450.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 2, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 5.0}",A 58-year-old female is applying for a loan of 4300 cedis. The applicant works in transport sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. Her assets value is 8000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 450.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 5.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 6500 cedis. 159,0,1200,1200,0,30.0,2000,600.0,3.0,1,40,2000,0,0,0,1,5,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 1200, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 2000, dec profit is 600.0, xperience is 3.0, educatn is 1, age is 40, collateral is 2000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 1, sector is 5, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 1200 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 2000 - dec profit : 600.0 - xperience : 3.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 40 - collateral : 2000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 1 - sector : 5 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 1200. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 2000. The dec profit is 600.0. The xperience is 3.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 40. The collateral is 2000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 1. The sector is 5. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 1200 30.0 2000 600.0 3.0 1 40 2000 0 0 0 1 5 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 1200 & 30.000000 & 2000 & 600.000000 & 3.000000 & 1 & 40 & 2000 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 5 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 40, 'amnt req': 1200, 'assets val': 2000, 'collateral': 2000, 'dec profit': 600.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 5, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 3.0}",A 40-year-old female is applying for a loan of 1200 cedis. The applicant works in service sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 2000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 600.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 3.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 2000 cedis. 160,1,8000,8000,0,,2800,300.0,11.0,2,49,9000,1,0,1,0,2,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 8000, maturity is None, assets val is 2800, dec profit is 300.0, xperience is 11.0, educatn is 2, age is 49, collateral is 9000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 2, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 8000 - maturity : None - assets val : 2800 - dec profit : 300.0 - xperience : 11.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 49 - collateral : 9000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 2 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 8000. The maturity is None. The assets val is 2800. The dec profit is 300.0. The xperience is 11.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 49. The collateral is 9000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 2. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 8000 None 2800 300.0 11.0 2 49 9000 1 0 1 0 2 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrlrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 8000 & None & 2800 & 300.000000 & 11.000000 & 2 & 49 & 9000 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 2 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 49, 'amnt req': 8000, 'assets val': 2800, 'collateral': 9000, 'dec profit': 300.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': None, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 2, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 11.0}",A 49-year-old male is applying for a loan of 8000 cedis. The applicant works in transport sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is None years. His assets value is 2800 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 300.0 cedis. His educational background is secondary and the number of years that he has been in business is 11.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 9000 cedis. 161,1,800,800,0,15.0,1500,500.0,2.0,1,32,4500,0,0,1,1,1,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 800, maturity is 15.0, assets val is 1500, dec profit is 500.0, xperience is 2.0, educatn is 1, age is 32, collateral is 4500, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 800 - maturity : 15.0 - assets val : 1500 - dec profit : 500.0 - xperience : 2.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 32 - collateral : 4500 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 800. The maturity is 15.0. The assets val is 1500. The dec profit is 500.0. The xperience is 2.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 32. The collateral is 4500. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 800 15.0 1500 500.0 2.0 1 32 4500 0 0 1 1 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 800 & 15.000000 & 1500 & 500.000000 & 2.000000 & 1 & 32 & 4500 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 32, 'amnt req': 800, 'assets val': 1500, 'collateral': 4500, 'dec profit': 500.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 15.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 2.0}",A 32-year-old male is applying for a loan of 800 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 15.0 years. His assets value is 1500 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 500.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 2.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 4500 cedis. 162,1,20000,12000,1,30.0,11000,117.0,1.5,3,39,8000,1,1,1,1,4,0,No,"sex is 1, amnt req is 20000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 11000, dec profit is 117.0, xperience is 1.5, educatn is 3, age is 39, collateral is 8000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 20000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 11000 - dec profit : 117.0 - xperience : 1.5 - educatn : 3 - age : 39 - collateral : 8000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 20000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 11000. The dec profit is 117.0. The xperience is 1.5. The educatn is 3. The age is 39. The collateral is 8000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 20000 30.0 11000 117.0 1.5 3 39 8000 1 1 1 1 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 20000 & 30.000000 & 11000 & 117.000000 & 1.500000 & 3 & 39 & 8000 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 39, 'amnt req': 20000, 'assets val': 11000, 'collateral': 8000, 'dec profit': 117.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 1.5}",A 39-year-old male is applying for a loan of 20000 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 11000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 117.0 cedis. His educational background is primary and the number of years that he has been in business is 1.5. He provided a guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 8000 cedis. 163,0,3000,3000,0,60.0,5000,245.0,3.0,1,42,5000,1,0,0,0,2,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 3000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 5000, dec profit is 245.0, xperience is 3.0, educatn is 1, age is 42, collateral is 5000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 2, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 3000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 5000 - dec profit : 245.0 - xperience : 3.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 42 - collateral : 5000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 2 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 3000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 5000. The dec profit is 245.0. The xperience is 3.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 42. The collateral is 5000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 2. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 3000 60.0 5000 245.0 3.0 1 42 5000 1 0 0 0 2 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 3000 & 60.000000 & 5000 & 245.000000 & 3.000000 & 1 & 42 & 5000 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 2 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 42, 'amnt req': 3000, 'assets val': 5000, 'collateral': 5000, 'dec profit': 245.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 2, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 3.0}",A 42-year-old female is applying for a loan of 3000 cedis. The applicant works in transport sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. Her assets value is 5000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 245.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 3.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 5000 cedis. 164,0,10000,7000,1,30.0,4000,400.0,8.0,4,60,9000,0,0,1,1,4,1,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 10000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 4000, dec profit is 400.0, xperience is 8.0, educatn is 4, age is 60, collateral is 9000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 1","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 10000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 4000 - dec profit : 400.0 - xperience : 8.0 - educatn : 4 - age : 60 - collateral : 9000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 1",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 10000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 4000. The dec profit is 400.0. The xperience is 8.0. The educatn is 4. The age is 60. The collateral is 9000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 1,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 10000 30.0 4000 400.0 8.0 4 60 9000 0 0 1 1 4 1
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 10000 & 30.000000 & 4000 & 400.000000 & 8.000000 & 4 & 60 & 9000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 4 & 1 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 60, 'amnt req': 10000, 'assets val': 4000, 'collateral': 9000, 'dec profit': 400.0, 'educatn': 4, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 1, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 8.0}",A 60-year-old female is applying for a loan of 10000 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 4000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 400.0 cedis. Her educational background is illiterate and the number of years that she has been in business is 8.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She has non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 9000 cedis. 165,0,1200,1000,1,30.0,3500,568.0,10.0,1,43,4000,0,0,1,0,1,0,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 1200, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 3500, dec profit is 568.0, xperience is 10.0, educatn is 1, age is 43, collateral is 4000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 1200 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 3500 - dec profit : 568.0 - xperience : 10.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 43 - collateral : 4000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 1200. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 3500. The dec profit is 568.0. The xperience is 10.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 43. The collateral is 4000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 1200 30.0 3500 568.0 10.0 1 43 4000 0 0 1 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 1200 & 30.000000 & 3500 & 568.000000 & 10.000000 & 1 & 43 & 4000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 43, 'amnt req': 1200, 'assets val': 3500, 'collateral': 4000, 'dec profit': 568.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 10.0}",A 43-year-old female is applying for a loan of 1200 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 3500 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 568.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 10.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 4000 cedis. 166,0,500,400,1,30.0,4000,480.0,5.0,1,57,6000,0,0,1,1,1,0,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 500, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 4000, dec profit is 480.0, xperience is 5.0, educatn is 1, age is 57, collateral is 6000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 500 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 4000 - dec profit : 480.0 - xperience : 5.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 57 - collateral : 6000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 500. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 4000. The dec profit is 480.0. The xperience is 5.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 57. The collateral is 6000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 500 30.0 4000 480.0 5.0 1 57 6000 0 0 1 1 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 500 & 30.000000 & 4000 & 480.000000 & 5.000000 & 1 & 57 & 6000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 57, 'amnt req': 500, 'assets val': 4000, 'collateral': 6000, 'dec profit': 480.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 5.0}",A 57-year-old female is applying for a loan of 500 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 4000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 480.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 5.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 6000 cedis. 167,1,5000,5000,0,30.0,9000,700.0,7.0,1,27,1000,0,0,0,0,3,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 5000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 9000, dec profit is 700.0, xperience is 7.0, educatn is 1, age is 27, collateral is 1000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 3, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 5000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 9000 - dec profit : 700.0 - xperience : 7.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 27 - collateral : 1000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 3 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 5000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 9000. The dec profit is 700.0. The xperience is 7.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 27. The collateral is 1000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 3. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 5000 30.0 9000 700.0 7.0 1 27 1000 0 0 0 0 3 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 5000 & 30.000000 & 9000 & 700.000000 & 7.000000 & 1 & 27 & 1000 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 3 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 27, 'amnt req': 5000, 'assets val': 9000, 'collateral': 1000, 'dec profit': 700.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 3, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 7.0}",A 27-year-old male is applying for a loan of 5000 cedis. The applicant works in manufacturing sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 9000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 700.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 7.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 1000 cedis. 168,1,600,600,0,24.0,1500,310.0,5.0,1,28,10000,0,0,0,1,4,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 600, maturity is 24.0, assets val is 1500, dec profit is 310.0, xperience is 5.0, educatn is 1, age is 28, collateral is 10000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 600 - maturity : 24.0 - assets val : 1500 - dec profit : 310.0 - xperience : 5.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 28 - collateral : 10000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 600. The maturity is 24.0. The assets val is 1500. The dec profit is 310.0. The xperience is 5.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 28. The collateral is 10000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 600 24.0 1500 310.0 5.0 1 28 10000 0 0 0 1 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 600 & 24.000000 & 1500 & 310.000000 & 5.000000 & 1 & 28 & 10000 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 28, 'amnt req': 600, 'assets val': 1500, 'collateral': 10000, 'dec profit': 310.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 24.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 5.0}",A 28-year-old male is applying for a loan of 600 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 24.0 years. His assets value is 1500 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 310.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 5.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 10000 cedis. 169,0,3000,1000,1,30.0,3500,350.0,4.0,2,38,3500,0,1,1,0,3,0,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 3000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 3500, dec profit is 350.0, xperience is 4.0, educatn is 2, age is 38, collateral is 3500, locatn is 0, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 3, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 3000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 3500 - dec profit : 350.0 - xperience : 4.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 38 - collateral : 3500 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 3 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 3000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 3500. The dec profit is 350.0. The xperience is 4.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 38. The collateral is 3500. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 3. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 3000 30.0 3500 350.0 4.0 2 38 3500 0 1 1 0 3 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 3000 & 30.000000 & 3500 & 350.000000 & 4.000000 & 2 & 38 & 3500 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 3 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 38, 'amnt req': 3000, 'assets val': 3500, 'collateral': 3500, 'dec profit': 350.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 3, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 4.0}",A 38-year-old female is applying for a loan of 3000 cedis. The applicant works in manufacturing sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 3500 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 350.0 cedis. Her educational background is secondary and the number of years that she has been in business is 4.0. She provided a guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 3500 cedis. 170,1,5000,2000,1,60.0,4000,1200.0,5.0,1,40,3000,0,0,1,0,1,0,No,"sex is 1, amnt req is 5000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 4000, dec profit is 1200.0, xperience is 5.0, educatn is 1, age is 40, collateral is 3000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 5000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 4000 - dec profit : 1200.0 - xperience : 5.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 40 - collateral : 3000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 5000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 4000. The dec profit is 1200.0. The xperience is 5.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 40. The collateral is 3000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 5000 60.0 4000 1200.0 5.0 1 40 3000 0 0 1 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 5000 & 60.000000 & 4000 & 1200.000000 & 5.000000 & 1 & 40 & 3000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 40, 'amnt req': 5000, 'assets val': 4000, 'collateral': 3000, 'dec profit': 1200.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 5.0}",A 40-year-old male is applying for a loan of 5000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 4000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 1200.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 5.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 3000 cedis. 171,0,900,900,0,30.0,2000,135.0,5.0,2,31,4000,0,0,1,0,3,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 900, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 2000, dec profit is 135.0, xperience is 5.0, educatn is 2, age is 31, collateral is 4000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 3, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 900 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 2000 - dec profit : 135.0 - xperience : 5.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 31 - collateral : 4000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 3 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 900. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 2000. The dec profit is 135.0. The xperience is 5.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 31. The collateral is 4000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 3. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 900 30.0 2000 135.0 5.0 2 31 4000 0 0 1 0 3 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 900 & 30.000000 & 2000 & 135.000000 & 5.000000 & 2 & 31 & 4000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 3 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 31, 'amnt req': 900, 'assets val': 2000, 'collateral': 4000, 'dec profit': 135.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 3, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 5.0}",A 31-year-old female is applying for a loan of 900 cedis. The applicant works in manufacturing sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 2000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 135.0 cedis. Her educational background is secondary and the number of years that she has been in business is 5.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 4000 cedis. 172,0,2000,2000,0,60.0,8000,1000.0,7.0,1,29,5000,0,0,1,1,1,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 2000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 8000, dec profit is 1000.0, xperience is 7.0, educatn is 1, age is 29, collateral is 5000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 2000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 8000 - dec profit : 1000.0 - xperience : 7.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 29 - collateral : 5000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 2000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 8000. The dec profit is 1000.0. The xperience is 7.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 29. The collateral is 5000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 2000 60.0 8000 1000.0 7.0 1 29 5000 0 0 1 1 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 2000 & 60.000000 & 8000 & 1000.000000 & 7.000000 & 1 & 29 & 5000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 29, 'amnt req': 2000, 'assets val': 8000, 'collateral': 5000, 'dec profit': 1000.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 7.0}",A 29-year-old female is applying for a loan of 2000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. Her assets value is 8000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 1000.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 7.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 5000 cedis. 173,1,1500,1500,1,60.0,3600,470.0,16.0,3,45,2000,0,0,1,1,5,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 1500, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 3600, dec profit is 470.0, xperience is 16.0, educatn is 3, age is 45, collateral is 2000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 5, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 1500 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 3600 - dec profit : 470.0 - xperience : 16.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 45 - collateral : 2000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 5 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 1500. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 3600. The dec profit is 470.0. The xperience is 16.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 45. The collateral is 2000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 5. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 1500 60.0 3600 470.0 16.0 3 45 2000 0 0 1 1 5 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 1500 & 60.000000 & 3600 & 470.000000 & 16.000000 & 3 & 45 & 2000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 5 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 45, 'amnt req': 1500, 'assets val': 3600, 'collateral': 2000, 'dec profit': 470.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 5, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 16.0}",A 45-year-old male is applying for a loan of 1500 cedis. The applicant works in service sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 3600 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 470.0 cedis. His educational background is primary and the number of years that he has been in business is 16.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 2000 cedis. 174,1,7000,5000,1,30.0,30000,500.0,3.0,3,31,7000,0,0,0,1,5,0,No,"sex is 1, amnt req is 7000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 30000, dec profit is 500.0, xperience is 3.0, educatn is 3, age is 31, collateral is 7000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 1, sector is 5, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 7000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 30000 - dec profit : 500.0 - xperience : 3.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 31 - collateral : 7000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 1 - sector : 5 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 7000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 30000. The dec profit is 500.0. The xperience is 3.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 31. The collateral is 7000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 1. The sector is 5. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 7000 30.0 30000 500.0 3.0 3 31 7000 0 0 0 1 5 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 7000 & 30.000000 & 30000 & 500.000000 & 3.000000 & 3 & 31 & 7000 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 5 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 31, 'amnt req': 7000, 'assets val': 30000, 'collateral': 7000, 'dec profit': 500.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 5, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 3.0}",A 31-year-old male is applying for a loan of 7000 cedis. The applicant works in service sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 30000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 500.0 cedis. His educational background is primary and the number of years that he has been in business is 3.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 7000 cedis. 175,1,500,450,1,30.0,5000,580.0,7.0,1,43,5000,0,0,0,1,1,0,No,"sex is 1, amnt req is 500, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 5000, dec profit is 580.0, xperience is 7.0, educatn is 1, age is 43, collateral is 5000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 1, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 500 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 5000 - dec profit : 580.0 - xperience : 7.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 43 - collateral : 5000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 1 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 500. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 5000. The dec profit is 580.0. The xperience is 7.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 43. The collateral is 5000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 1. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 500 30.0 5000 580.0 7.0 1 43 5000 0 0 0 1 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 500 & 30.000000 & 5000 & 580.000000 & 7.000000 & 1 & 43 & 5000 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 43, 'amnt req': 500, 'assets val': 5000, 'collateral': 5000, 'dec profit': 580.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 7.0}",A 43-year-old male is applying for a loan of 500 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 5000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 580.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 7.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 5000 cedis. 176,1,2000,1500,1,30.0,2500,585.0,5.0,1,27,20000,1,0,0,1,4,0,No,"sex is 1, amnt req is 2000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 2500, dec profit is 585.0, xperience is 5.0, educatn is 1, age is 27, collateral is 20000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 2000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 2500 - dec profit : 585.0 - xperience : 5.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 27 - collateral : 20000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 2000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 2500. The dec profit is 585.0. The xperience is 5.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 27. The collateral is 20000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 2000 30.0 2500 585.0 5.0 1 27 20000 1 0 0 1 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 2000 & 30.000000 & 2500 & 585.000000 & 5.000000 & 1 & 27 & 20000 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 27, 'amnt req': 2000, 'assets val': 2500, 'collateral': 20000, 'dec profit': 585.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 5.0}",A 27-year-old male is applying for a loan of 2000 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 2500 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 585.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 5.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 20000 cedis. 177,0,15000,15000,0,36.0,30000,5000.0,8.0,3,50,8000,0,1,1,1,3,1,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 15000, maturity is 36.0, assets val is 30000, dec profit is 5000.0, xperience is 8.0, educatn is 3, age is 50, collateral is 8000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 3, savings is 1","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 15000 - maturity : 36.0 - assets val : 30000 - dec profit : 5000.0 - xperience : 8.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 50 - collateral : 8000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 3 - savings : 1",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 15000. The maturity is 36.0. The assets val is 30000. The dec profit is 5000.0. The xperience is 8.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 50. The collateral is 8000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 3. The savings is 1,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 15000 36.0 30000 5000.0 8.0 3 50 8000 0 1 1 1 3 1
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 15000 & 36.000000 & 30000 & 5000.000000 & 8.000000 & 3 & 50 & 8000 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 3 & 1 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 50, 'amnt req': 15000, 'assets val': 30000, 'collateral': 8000, 'dec profit': 5000.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 36.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 1, 'sector': 3, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 8.0}",A 50-year-old female is applying for a loan of 15000 cedis. The applicant works in manufacturing sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 36.0 years. Her assets value is 30000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 5000.0 cedis. Her educational background is primary and the number of years that she has been in business is 8.0. She provided a guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She has non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 8000 cedis. 178,1,2000,2000,0,60.0,2000,700.0,1.0,3,37,3000,0,0,1,1,4,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 2000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 2000, dec profit is 700.0, xperience is 1.0, educatn is 3, age is 37, collateral is 3000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 2000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 2000 - dec profit : 700.0 - xperience : 1.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 37 - collateral : 3000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 2000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 2000. The dec profit is 700.0. The xperience is 1.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 37. The collateral is 3000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 2000 60.0 2000 700.0 1.0 3 37 3000 0 0 1 1 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 2000 & 60.000000 & 2000 & 700.000000 & 1.000000 & 3 & 37 & 3000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 37, 'amnt req': 2000, 'assets val': 2000, 'collateral': 3000, 'dec profit': 700.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 1.0}",A 37-year-old male is applying for a loan of 2000 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 2000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 700.0 cedis. His educational background is primary and the number of years that he has been in business is 1.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 3000 cedis. 179,1,200,200,0,30.0,1000,300.0,2.0,3,34,1300,0,0,0,1,1,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 200, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 1000, dec profit is 300.0, xperience is 2.0, educatn is 3, age is 34, collateral is 1300, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 1, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 200 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 1000 - dec profit : 300.0 - xperience : 2.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 34 - collateral : 1300 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 1 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 200. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 1000. The dec profit is 300.0. The xperience is 2.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 34. The collateral is 1300. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 1. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 200 30.0 1000 300.0 2.0 3 34 1300 0 0 0 1 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 200 & 30.000000 & 1000 & 300.000000 & 2.000000 & 3 & 34 & 1300 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 34, 'amnt req': 200, 'assets val': 1000, 'collateral': 1300, 'dec profit': 300.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 2.0}",A 34-year-old male is applying for a loan of 200 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 1000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 300.0 cedis. His educational background is primary and the number of years that he has been in business is 2.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 1300 cedis. 180,1,5000,5000,0,60.0,8400,1005.0,8.0,1,35,5000,1,0,0,0,1,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 5000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 8400, dec profit is 1005.0, xperience is 8.0, educatn is 1, age is 35, collateral is 5000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 5000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 8400 - dec profit : 1005.0 - xperience : 8.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 35 - collateral : 5000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 5000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 8400. The dec profit is 1005.0. The xperience is 8.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 35. The collateral is 5000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 5000 60.0 8400 1005.0 8.0 1 35 5000 1 0 0 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 5000 & 60.000000 & 8400 & 1005.000000 & 8.000000 & 1 & 35 & 5000 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 35, 'amnt req': 5000, 'assets val': 8400, 'collateral': 5000, 'dec profit': 1005.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 8.0}",A 35-year-old male is applying for a loan of 5000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 8400 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 1005.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 8.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 5000 cedis. 181,1,1000,1000,0,30.0,10000,540.0,3.0,1,39,4000,1,1,1,0,5,1,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 1000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 10000, dec profit is 540.0, xperience is 3.0, educatn is 1, age is 39, collateral is 4000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 5, savings is 1","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 1000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 10000 - dec profit : 540.0 - xperience : 3.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 39 - collateral : 4000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 5 - savings : 1",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 1000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 10000. The dec profit is 540.0. The xperience is 3.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 39. The collateral is 4000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 5. The savings is 1,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 1000 30.0 10000 540.0 3.0 1 39 4000 1 1 1 0 5 1
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 1000 & 30.000000 & 10000 & 540.000000 & 3.000000 & 1 & 39 & 4000 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 5 & 1 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 39, 'amnt req': 1000, 'assets val': 10000, 'collateral': 4000, 'dec profit': 540.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 1, 'sector': 5, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 3.0}",A 39-year-old male is applying for a loan of 1000 cedis. The applicant works in service sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 10000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 540.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 3.0. He provided a guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He has non-mandatory savings with the bank. He resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 4000 cedis. 182,0,3000,3000,0,36.0,4000,200.0,2.0,1,25,2230,1,1,1,1,4,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 3000, maturity is 36.0, assets val is 4000, dec profit is 200.0, xperience is 2.0, educatn is 1, age is 25, collateral is 2230, locatn is 1, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 3000 - maturity : 36.0 - assets val : 4000 - dec profit : 200.0 - xperience : 2.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 25 - collateral : 2230 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 3000. The maturity is 36.0. The assets val is 4000. The dec profit is 200.0. The xperience is 2.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 25. The collateral is 2230. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 3000 36.0 4000 200.0 2.0 1 25 2230 1 1 1 1 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 3000 & 36.000000 & 4000 & 200.000000 & 2.000000 & 1 & 25 & 2230 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 25, 'amnt req': 3000, 'assets val': 4000, 'collateral': 2230, 'dec profit': 200.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 36.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 2.0}",A 25-year-old female is applying for a loan of 3000 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 36.0 years. Her assets value is 4000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 200.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 2.0. She provided a guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 2230 cedis. 183,1,1000,1000,0,30.0,7000,800.0,5.0,1,34,3000,1,0,1,1,3,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 1000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 7000, dec profit is 800.0, xperience is 5.0, educatn is 1, age is 34, collateral is 3000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 3, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 1000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 7000 - dec profit : 800.0 - xperience : 5.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 34 - collateral : 3000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 3 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 1000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 7000. The dec profit is 800.0. The xperience is 5.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 34. The collateral is 3000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 3. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 1000 30.0 7000 800.0 5.0 1 34 3000 1 0 1 1 3 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 1000 & 30.000000 & 7000 & 800.000000 & 5.000000 & 1 & 34 & 3000 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 3 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 34, 'amnt req': 1000, 'assets val': 7000, 'collateral': 3000, 'dec profit': 800.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 3, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 5.0}",A 34-year-old male is applying for a loan of 1000 cedis. The applicant works in manufacturing sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 7000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 800.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 5.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 3000 cedis. 184,0,2500,2400,1,36.0,39000,2400.0,2.0,1,36,4000,1,1,1,1,5,1,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 2500, maturity is 36.0, assets val is 39000, dec profit is 2400.0, xperience is 2.0, educatn is 1, age is 36, collateral is 4000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 5, savings is 1","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 2500 - maturity : 36.0 - assets val : 39000 - dec profit : 2400.0 - xperience : 2.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 36 - collateral : 4000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 5 - savings : 1",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 2500. The maturity is 36.0. The assets val is 39000. The dec profit is 2400.0. The xperience is 2.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 36. The collateral is 4000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 5. The savings is 1,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 2500 36.0 39000 2400.0 2.0 1 36 4000 1 1 1 1 5 1
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 2500 & 36.000000 & 39000 & 2400.000000 & 2.000000 & 1 & 36 & 4000 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 5 & 1 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 36, 'amnt req': 2500, 'assets val': 39000, 'collateral': 4000, 'dec profit': 2400.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 36.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 1, 'sector': 5, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 2.0}",A 36-year-old female is applying for a loan of 2500 cedis. The applicant works in service sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 36.0 years. Her assets value is 39000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 2400.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 2.0. She provided a guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She has non-mandatory savings with the bank. She resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 4000 cedis. 185,1,2000,2000,0,30.0,3000,1100.0,3.0,1,40,1000,0,0,1,0,1,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 2000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 3000, dec profit is 1100.0, xperience is 3.0, educatn is 1, age is 40, collateral is 1000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 2000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 3000 - dec profit : 1100.0 - xperience : 3.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 40 - collateral : 1000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 2000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 3000. The dec profit is 1100.0. The xperience is 3.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 40. The collateral is 1000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 2000 30.0 3000 1100.0 3.0 1 40 1000 0 0 1 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 2000 & 30.000000 & 3000 & 1100.000000 & 3.000000 & 1 & 40 & 1000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 40, 'amnt req': 2000, 'assets val': 3000, 'collateral': 1000, 'dec profit': 1100.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 3.0}",A 40-year-old male is applying for a loan of 2000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 3000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 1100.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 3.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 1000 cedis. 186,1,8000,8000,0,60.0,2800,300.0,11.0,2,49,9000,1,0,0,0,2,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 8000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 2800, dec profit is 300.0, xperience is 11.0, educatn is 2, age is 49, collateral is 9000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 2, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 8000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 2800 - dec profit : 300.0 - xperience : 11.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 49 - collateral : 9000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 2 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 8000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 2800. The dec profit is 300.0. The xperience is 11.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 49. The collateral is 9000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 2. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 8000 60.0 2800 300.0 11.0 2 49 9000 1 0 0 0 2 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 8000 & 60.000000 & 2800 & 300.000000 & 11.000000 & 2 & 49 & 9000 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 2 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 49, 'amnt req': 8000, 'assets val': 2800, 'collateral': 9000, 'dec profit': 300.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 2, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 11.0}",A 49-year-old male is applying for a loan of 8000 cedis. The applicant works in transport sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 2800 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 300.0 cedis. His educational background is secondary and the number of years that he has been in business is 11.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 9000 cedis. 187,0,500,400,1,30.0,1000,200.0,3.0,1,35,4000,0,0,0,1,2,0,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 500, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 1000, dec profit is 200.0, xperience is 3.0, educatn is 1, age is 35, collateral is 4000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 1, sector is 2, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 500 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 1000 - dec profit : 200.0 - xperience : 3.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 35 - collateral : 4000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 1 - sector : 2 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 500. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 1000. The dec profit is 200.0. The xperience is 3.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 35. The collateral is 4000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 1. The sector is 2. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 500 30.0 1000 200.0 3.0 1 35 4000 0 0 0 1 2 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 500 & 30.000000 & 1000 & 200.000000 & 3.000000 & 1 & 35 & 4000 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 2 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 35, 'amnt req': 500, 'assets val': 1000, 'collateral': 4000, 'dec profit': 200.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 2, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 3.0}",A 35-year-old female is applying for a loan of 500 cedis. The applicant works in transport sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 1000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 200.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 3.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 4000 cedis. 188,1,1600,1600,0,60.0,2000,150.0,12.0,2,39,4000,1,0,1,0,3,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 1600, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 2000, dec profit is 150.0, xperience is 12.0, educatn is 2, age is 39, collateral is 4000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 3, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 1600 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 2000 - dec profit : 150.0 - xperience : 12.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 39 - collateral : 4000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 3 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 1600. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 2000. The dec profit is 150.0. The xperience is 12.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 39. The collateral is 4000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 3. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 1600 60.0 2000 150.0 12.0 2 39 4000 1 0 1 0 3 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 1600 & 60.000000 & 2000 & 150.000000 & 12.000000 & 2 & 39 & 4000 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 3 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 39, 'amnt req': 1600, 'assets val': 2000, 'collateral': 4000, 'dec profit': 150.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 3, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 12.0}",A 39-year-old male is applying for a loan of 1600 cedis. The applicant works in manufacturing sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 2000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 150.0 cedis. His educational background is secondary and the number of years that he has been in business is 12.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 4000 cedis. 189,1,1000,1000,0,30.0,3000,100.0,3.0,1,36,4000,0,0,0,1,5,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 1000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 3000, dec profit is 100.0, xperience is 3.0, educatn is 1, age is 36, collateral is 4000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 1, sector is 5, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 1000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 3000 - dec profit : 100.0 - xperience : 3.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 36 - collateral : 4000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 1 - sector : 5 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 1000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 3000. The dec profit is 100.0. The xperience is 3.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 36. The collateral is 4000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 1. The sector is 5. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 1000 30.0 3000 100.0 3.0 1 36 4000 0 0 0 1 5 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 1000 & 30.000000 & 3000 & 100.000000 & 3.000000 & 1 & 36 & 4000 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 5 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 36, 'amnt req': 1000, 'assets val': 3000, 'collateral': 4000, 'dec profit': 100.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 5, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 3.0}",A 36-year-old male is applying for a loan of 1000 cedis. The applicant works in service sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 3000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 100.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 3.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 4000 cedis. 190,1,1000,1000,0,30.0,5300,600.0,7.0,2,38,9000,1,0,1,1,5,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 1000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 5300, dec profit is 600.0, xperience is 7.0, educatn is 2, age is 38, collateral is 9000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 5, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 1000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 5300 - dec profit : 600.0 - xperience : 7.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 38 - collateral : 9000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 5 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 1000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 5300. The dec profit is 600.0. The xperience is 7.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 38. The collateral is 9000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 5. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 1000 30.0 5300 600.0 7.0 2 38 9000 1 0 1 1 5 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 1000 & 30.000000 & 5300 & 600.000000 & 7.000000 & 2 & 38 & 9000 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 5 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 38, 'amnt req': 1000, 'assets val': 5300, 'collateral': 9000, 'dec profit': 600.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 5, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 7.0}",A 38-year-old male is applying for a loan of 1000 cedis. The applicant works in service sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 5300 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 600.0 cedis. His educational background is secondary and the number of years that he has been in business is 7.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 9000 cedis. 191,1,2000,2000,0,30.0,4000,400.0,0.0,1,37,3000,1,0,1,0,1,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 2000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 4000, dec profit is 400.0, xperience is 0.0, educatn is 1, age is 37, collateral is 3000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 2000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 4000 - dec profit : 400.0 - xperience : 0.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 37 - collateral : 3000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 2000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 4000. The dec profit is 400.0. The xperience is 0.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 37. The collateral is 3000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 2000 30.0 4000 400.0 0.0 1 37 3000 1 0 1 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 2000 & 30.000000 & 4000 & 400.000000 & 0.000000 & 1 & 37 & 3000 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 37, 'amnt req': 2000, 'assets val': 4000, 'collateral': 3000, 'dec profit': 400.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 0.0}",A 37-year-old male is applying for a loan of 2000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 4000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 400.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 0.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 3000 cedis. 192,0,2000,1500,1,40.0,3250,555.0,2.0,1,33,1500,1,0,0,1,1,0,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 2000, maturity is 40.0, assets val is 3250, dec profit is 555.0, xperience is 2.0, educatn is 1, age is 33, collateral is 1500, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 1, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 2000 - maturity : 40.0 - assets val : 3250 - dec profit : 555.0 - xperience : 2.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 33 - collateral : 1500 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 1 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 2000. The maturity is 40.0. The assets val is 3250. The dec profit is 555.0. The xperience is 2.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 33. The collateral is 1500. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 1. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 2000 40.0 3250 555.0 2.0 1 33 1500 1 0 0 1 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 2000 & 40.000000 & 3250 & 555.000000 & 2.000000 & 1 & 33 & 1500 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 33, 'amnt req': 2000, 'assets val': 3250, 'collateral': 1500, 'dec profit': 555.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 40.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 2.0}",A 33-year-old female is applying for a loan of 2000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 40.0 years. Her assets value is 3250 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 555.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 2.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 1500 cedis. 193,1,2000,1800,1,60.0,2600,793.0,1.0,1,39,1500,0,0,1,0,1,0,No,"sex is 1, amnt req is 2000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 2600, dec profit is 793.0, xperience is 1.0, educatn is 1, age is 39, collateral is 1500, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 2000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 2600 - dec profit : 793.0 - xperience : 1.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 39 - collateral : 1500 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 2000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 2600. The dec profit is 793.0. The xperience is 1.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 39. The collateral is 1500. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 2000 60.0 2600 793.0 1.0 1 39 1500 0 0 1 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 2000 & 60.000000 & 2600 & 793.000000 & 1.000000 & 1 & 39 & 1500 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 39, 'amnt req': 2000, 'assets val': 2600, 'collateral': 1500, 'dec profit': 793.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 1.0}",A 39-year-old male is applying for a loan of 2000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 2600 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 793.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 1.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 1500 cedis. 194,1,1500,1500,0,30.0,3500,650.0,6.0,1,27,10000,0,0,1,1,4,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 1500, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 3500, dec profit is 650.0, xperience is 6.0, educatn is 1, age is 27, collateral is 10000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 1500 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 3500 - dec profit : 650.0 - xperience : 6.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 27 - collateral : 10000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 1500. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 3500. The dec profit is 650.0. The xperience is 6.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 27. The collateral is 10000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 1500 30.0 3500 650.0 6.0 1 27 10000 0 0 1 1 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 1500 & 30.000000 & 3500 & 650.000000 & 6.000000 & 1 & 27 & 10000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 27, 'amnt req': 1500, 'assets val': 3500, 'collateral': 10000, 'dec profit': 650.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 6.0}",A 27-year-old male is applying for a loan of 1500 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 3500 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 650.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 6.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 10000 cedis. 195,0,10000,8000,1,,9000,1000.0,10.0,3,40,8000,1,1,1,1,4,0,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 10000, maturity is None, assets val is 9000, dec profit is 1000.0, xperience is 10.0, educatn is 3, age is 40, collateral is 8000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 10000 - maturity : None - assets val : 9000 - dec profit : 1000.0 - xperience : 10.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 40 - collateral : 8000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 10000. The maturity is None. The assets val is 9000. The dec profit is 1000.0. The xperience is 10.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 40. The collateral is 8000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 10000 None 9000 1000.0 10.0 3 40 8000 1 1 1 1 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrlrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 10000 & None & 9000 & 1000.000000 & 10.000000 & 3 & 40 & 8000 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 40, 'amnt req': 10000, 'assets val': 9000, 'collateral': 8000, 'dec profit': 1000.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': None, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 10.0}",A 40-year-old female is applying for a loan of 10000 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is None years. Her assets value is 9000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 1000.0 cedis. Her educational background is primary and the number of years that she has been in business is 10.0. She provided a guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 8000 cedis. 196,0,1100,1000,1,36.0,9000,920.0,2.0,3,25,920,1,1,0,0,5,1,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 1100, maturity is 36.0, assets val is 9000, dec profit is 920.0, xperience is 2.0, educatn is 3, age is 25, collateral is 920, locatn is 1, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 5, savings is 1","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 1100 - maturity : 36.0 - assets val : 9000 - dec profit : 920.0 - xperience : 2.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 25 - collateral : 920 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 5 - savings : 1",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 1100. The maturity is 36.0. The assets val is 9000. The dec profit is 920.0. The xperience is 2.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 25. The collateral is 920. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 5. The savings is 1,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 1100 36.0 9000 920.0 2.0 3 25 920 1 1 0 0 5 1
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 1100 & 36.000000 & 9000 & 920.000000 & 2.000000 & 3 & 25 & 920 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 5 & 1 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 25, 'amnt req': 1100, 'assets val': 9000, 'collateral': 920, 'dec profit': 920.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 36.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 1, 'sector': 5, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 2.0}",A 25-year-old female is applying for a loan of 1100 cedis. The applicant works in service sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 36.0 years. Her assets value is 9000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 920.0 cedis. Her educational background is primary and the number of years that she has been in business is 2.0. She provided a guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She has non-mandatory savings with the bank. She resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 920 cedis. 197,0,3000,3000,0,36.0,70000,4900.0,3.0,1,52,6000,0,1,0,0,1,1,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 3000, maturity is 36.0, assets val is 70000, dec profit is 4900.0, xperience is 3.0, educatn is 1, age is 52, collateral is 6000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 1","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 3000 - maturity : 36.0 - assets val : 70000 - dec profit : 4900.0 - xperience : 3.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 52 - collateral : 6000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 1",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 3000. The maturity is 36.0. The assets val is 70000. The dec profit is 4900.0. The xperience is 3.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 52. The collateral is 6000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 1,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 3000 36.0 70000 4900.0 3.0 1 52 6000 0 1 0 0 1 1
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 3000 & 36.000000 & 70000 & 4900.000000 & 3.000000 & 1 & 52 & 6000 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 52, 'amnt req': 3000, 'assets val': 70000, 'collateral': 6000, 'dec profit': 4900.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 36.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 1, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 3.0}",A 52-year-old female is applying for a loan of 3000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 36.0 years. Her assets value is 70000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 4900.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 3.0. She provided a guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She has non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 6000 cedis. 198,1,3000,3000,0,36.0,900,255.0,3.0,1,24,20000,0,0,1,1,5,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 3000, maturity is 36.0, assets val is 900, dec profit is 255.0, xperience is 3.0, educatn is 1, age is 24, collateral is 20000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 5, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 3000 - maturity : 36.0 - assets val : 900 - dec profit : 255.0 - xperience : 3.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 24 - collateral : 20000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 5 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 3000. The maturity is 36.0. The assets val is 900. The dec profit is 255.0. The xperience is 3.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 24. The collateral is 20000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 5. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 3000 36.0 900 255.0 3.0 1 24 20000 0 0 1 1 5 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 3000 & 36.000000 & 900 & 255.000000 & 3.000000 & 1 & 24 & 20000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 5 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 24, 'amnt req': 3000, 'assets val': 900, 'collateral': 20000, 'dec profit': 255.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 36.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 5, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 3.0}",A 24-year-old male is applying for a loan of 3000 cedis. The applicant works in service sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 36.0 years. His assets value is 900 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 255.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 3.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 20000 cedis. 199,0,10000,7000,1,30.0,6000,250.0,3.0,2,35,9000,0,1,1,0,1,0,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 10000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 6000, dec profit is 250.0, xperience is 3.0, educatn is 2, age is 35, collateral is 9000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 10000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 6000 - dec profit : 250.0 - xperience : 3.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 35 - collateral : 9000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 10000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 6000. The dec profit is 250.0. The xperience is 3.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 35. The collateral is 9000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 10000 30.0 6000 250.0 3.0 2 35 9000 0 1 1 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 10000 & 30.000000 & 6000 & 250.000000 & 3.000000 & 2 & 35 & 9000 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 35, 'amnt req': 10000, 'assets val': 6000, 'collateral': 9000, 'dec profit': 250.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 3.0}",A 35-year-old female is applying for a loan of 10000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 6000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 250.0 cedis. Her educational background is secondary and the number of years that she has been in business is 3.0. She provided a guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 9000 cedis. 200,0,3000,3000,0,30.0,4500,150.0,20.0,2,52,5000,0,0,1,1,3,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 3000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 4500, dec profit is 150.0, xperience is 20.0, educatn is 2, age is 52, collateral is 5000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 3, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 3000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 4500 - dec profit : 150.0 - xperience : 20.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 52 - collateral : 5000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 3 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 3000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 4500. The dec profit is 150.0. The xperience is 20.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 52. The collateral is 5000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 3. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 3000 30.0 4500 150.0 20.0 2 52 5000 0 0 1 1 3 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 3000 & 30.000000 & 4500 & 150.000000 & 20.000000 & 2 & 52 & 5000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 3 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 52, 'amnt req': 3000, 'assets val': 4500, 'collateral': 5000, 'dec profit': 150.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 3, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 20.0}",A 52-year-old female is applying for a loan of 3000 cedis. The applicant works in manufacturing sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 4500 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 150.0 cedis. Her educational background is secondary and the number of years that she has been in business is 20.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 5000 cedis. 201,0,20000,10000,1,30.0,3600,280.0,5.0,2,30,12000,1,1,1,1,4,0,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 20000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 3600, dec profit is 280.0, xperience is 5.0, educatn is 2, age is 30, collateral is 12000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 20000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 3600 - dec profit : 280.0 - xperience : 5.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 30 - collateral : 12000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 20000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 3600. The dec profit is 280.0. The xperience is 5.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 30. The collateral is 12000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 20000 30.0 3600 280.0 5.0 2 30 12000 1 1 1 1 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 20000 & 30.000000 & 3600 & 280.000000 & 5.000000 & 2 & 30 & 12000 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 30, 'amnt req': 20000, 'assets val': 3600, 'collateral': 12000, 'dec profit': 280.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 5.0}",A 30-year-old female is applying for a loan of 20000 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 3600 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 280.0 cedis. Her educational background is secondary and the number of years that she has been in business is 5.0. She provided a guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 12000 cedis. 202,0,1200,1200,0,30.0,2000,250.0,4.0,1,38,6000,1,0,0,0,1,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 1200, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 2000, dec profit is 250.0, xperience is 4.0, educatn is 1, age is 38, collateral is 6000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 1200 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 2000 - dec profit : 250.0 - xperience : 4.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 38 - collateral : 6000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 1200. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 2000. The dec profit is 250.0. The xperience is 4.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 38. The collateral is 6000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 1200 30.0 2000 250.0 4.0 1 38 6000 1 0 0 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 1200 & 30.000000 & 2000 & 250.000000 & 4.000000 & 1 & 38 & 6000 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 38, 'amnt req': 1200, 'assets val': 2000, 'collateral': 6000, 'dec profit': 250.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 4.0}",A 38-year-old female is applying for a loan of 1200 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 2000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 250.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 4.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 6000 cedis. 203,1,1000,1000,0,15.0,2500,459.0,5.0,1,36,12000,0,0,0,1,1,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 1000, maturity is 15.0, assets val is 2500, dec profit is 459.0, xperience is 5.0, educatn is 1, age is 36, collateral is 12000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 1, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 1000 - maturity : 15.0 - assets val : 2500 - dec profit : 459.0 - xperience : 5.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 36 - collateral : 12000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 1 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 1000. The maturity is 15.0. The assets val is 2500. The dec profit is 459.0. The xperience is 5.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 36. The collateral is 12000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 1. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 1000 15.0 2500 459.0 5.0 1 36 12000 0 0 0 1 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 1000 & 15.000000 & 2500 & 459.000000 & 5.000000 & 1 & 36 & 12000 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 36, 'amnt req': 1000, 'assets val': 2500, 'collateral': 12000, 'dec profit': 459.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 15.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 5.0}",A 36-year-old male is applying for a loan of 1000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 15.0 years. His assets value is 2500 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 459.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 5.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 12000 cedis. 204,0,3000,3000,0,36.0,12000,5000.0,6.0,2,26,5000,0,1,1,0,1,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 3000, maturity is 36.0, assets val is 12000, dec profit is 5000.0, xperience is 6.0, educatn is 2, age is 26, collateral is 5000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 3000 - maturity : 36.0 - assets val : 12000 - dec profit : 5000.0 - xperience : 6.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 26 - collateral : 5000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 3000. The maturity is 36.0. The assets val is 12000. The dec profit is 5000.0. The xperience is 6.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 26. The collateral is 5000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 3000 36.0 12000 5000.0 6.0 2 26 5000 0 1 1 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 3000 & 36.000000 & 12000 & 5000.000000 & 6.000000 & 2 & 26 & 5000 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 26, 'amnt req': 3000, 'assets val': 12000, 'collateral': 5000, 'dec profit': 5000.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 36.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 6.0}",A 26-year-old female is applying for a loan of 3000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 36.0 years. Her assets value is 12000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 5000.0 cedis. Her educational background is secondary and the number of years that she has been in business is 6.0. She provided a guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 5000 cedis. 205,1,2000,2000,0,30.0,2000,700.0,3.0,3,35,3000,0,0,1,0,4,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 2000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 2000, dec profit is 700.0, xperience is 3.0, educatn is 3, age is 35, collateral is 3000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 2000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 2000 - dec profit : 700.0 - xperience : 3.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 35 - collateral : 3000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 2000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 2000. The dec profit is 700.0. The xperience is 3.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 35. The collateral is 3000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 2000 30.0 2000 700.0 3.0 3 35 3000 0 0 1 0 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 2000 & 30.000000 & 2000 & 700.000000 & 3.000000 & 3 & 35 & 3000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 35, 'amnt req': 2000, 'assets val': 2000, 'collateral': 3000, 'dec profit': 700.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 3.0}",A 35-year-old male is applying for a loan of 2000 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 2000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 700.0 cedis. His educational background is primary and the number of years that he has been in business is 3.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 3000 cedis. 206,1,1000,1000,0,30.0,3000,100.0,4.0,1,29,4000,0,0,1,0,1,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 1000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 3000, dec profit is 100.0, xperience is 4.0, educatn is 1, age is 29, collateral is 4000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 1000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 3000 - dec profit : 100.0 - xperience : 4.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 29 - collateral : 4000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 1000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 3000. The dec profit is 100.0. The xperience is 4.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 29. The collateral is 4000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 1000 30.0 3000 100.0 4.0 1 29 4000 0 0 1 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 1000 & 30.000000 & 3000 & 100.000000 & 4.000000 & 1 & 29 & 4000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 29, 'amnt req': 1000, 'assets val': 3000, 'collateral': 4000, 'dec profit': 100.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 4.0}",A 29-year-old male is applying for a loan of 1000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 3000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 100.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 4.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 4000 cedis. 207,1,3000,3000,0,30.0,6000,845.0,9.0,1,30,1500,0,0,1,0,1,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 3000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 6000, dec profit is 845.0, xperience is 9.0, educatn is 1, age is 30, collateral is 1500, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 3000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 6000 - dec profit : 845.0 - xperience : 9.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 30 - collateral : 1500 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 3000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 6000. The dec profit is 845.0. The xperience is 9.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 30. The collateral is 1500. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 3000 30.0 6000 845.0 9.0 1 30 1500 0 0 1 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 3000 & 30.000000 & 6000 & 845.000000 & 9.000000 & 1 & 30 & 1500 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 30, 'amnt req': 3000, 'assets val': 6000, 'collateral': 1500, 'dec profit': 845.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 9.0}",A 30-year-old male is applying for a loan of 3000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 6000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 845.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 9.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 1500 cedis. 208,0,2000,2000,0,30.0,7000,600.0,5.0,1,32,6000,0,1,0,1,1,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 2000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 7000, dec profit is 600.0, xperience is 5.0, educatn is 1, age is 32, collateral is 6000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 1, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 2000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 7000 - dec profit : 600.0 - xperience : 5.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 32 - collateral : 6000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 1 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 2000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 7000. The dec profit is 600.0. The xperience is 5.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 32. The collateral is 6000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 1. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 2000 30.0 7000 600.0 5.0 1 32 6000 0 1 0 1 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 2000 & 30.000000 & 7000 & 600.000000 & 5.000000 & 1 & 32 & 6000 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 32, 'amnt req': 2000, 'assets val': 7000, 'collateral': 6000, 'dec profit': 600.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 5.0}",A 32-year-old female is applying for a loan of 2000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 7000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 600.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 5.0. She provided a guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 6000 cedis. 209,1,6000,6000,0,60.0,8000,900.0,7.0,2,28,8500,1,1,1,1,3,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 6000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 8000, dec profit is 900.0, xperience is 7.0, educatn is 2, age is 28, collateral is 8500, locatn is 1, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 3, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 6000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 8000 - dec profit : 900.0 - xperience : 7.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 28 - collateral : 8500 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 3 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 6000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 8000. The dec profit is 900.0. The xperience is 7.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 28. The collateral is 8500. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 3. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 6000 60.0 8000 900.0 7.0 2 28 8500 1 1 1 1 3 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 6000 & 60.000000 & 8000 & 900.000000 & 7.000000 & 2 & 28 & 8500 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 3 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 28, 'amnt req': 6000, 'assets val': 8000, 'collateral': 8500, 'dec profit': 900.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 3, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 7.0}",A 28-year-old male is applying for a loan of 6000 cedis. The applicant works in manufacturing sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 8000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 900.0 cedis. His educational background is secondary and the number of years that he has been in business is 7.0. He provided a guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 8500 cedis. 210,1,1200,1000,1,30.0,5000,600.0,10.0,1,32,5000,0,0,0,0,5,0,No,"sex is 1, amnt req is 1200, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 5000, dec profit is 600.0, xperience is 10.0, educatn is 1, age is 32, collateral is 5000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 5, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 1200 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 5000 - dec profit : 600.0 - xperience : 10.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 32 - collateral : 5000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 5 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 1200. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 5000. The dec profit is 600.0. The xperience is 10.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 32. The collateral is 5000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 5. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 1200 30.0 5000 600.0 10.0 1 32 5000 0 0 0 0 5 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 1200 & 30.000000 & 5000 & 600.000000 & 10.000000 & 1 & 32 & 5000 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 5 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 32, 'amnt req': 1200, 'assets val': 5000, 'collateral': 5000, 'dec profit': 600.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 5, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 10.0}",A 32-year-old male is applying for a loan of 1200 cedis. The applicant works in service sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 5000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 600.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 10.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 5000 cedis. 211,1,7000,5000,1,60.0,900,190.0,1.0,2,43,4000,0,1,0,0,4,0,No,"sex is 1, amnt req is 7000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 900, dec profit is 190.0, xperience is 1.0, educatn is 2, age is 43, collateral is 4000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 7000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 900 - dec profit : 190.0 - xperience : 1.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 43 - collateral : 4000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 7000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 900. The dec profit is 190.0. The xperience is 1.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 43. The collateral is 4000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 7000 60.0 900 190.0 1.0 2 43 4000 0 1 0 0 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 7000 & 60.000000 & 900 & 190.000000 & 1.000000 & 2 & 43 & 4000 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 43, 'amnt req': 7000, 'assets val': 900, 'collateral': 4000, 'dec profit': 190.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 1.0}",A 43-year-old male is applying for a loan of 7000 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 900 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 190.0 cedis. His educational background is secondary and the number of years that he has been in business is 1.0. He provided a guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 4000 cedis. 212,0,3000,3000,0,60.0,10000,164.0,3.0,1,36,10000,0,0,0,0,1,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 3000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 10000, dec profit is 164.0, xperience is 3.0, educatn is 1, age is 36, collateral is 10000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 3000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 10000 - dec profit : 164.0 - xperience : 3.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 36 - collateral : 10000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 3000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 10000. The dec profit is 164.0. The xperience is 3.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 36. The collateral is 10000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 3000 60.0 10000 164.0 3.0 1 36 10000 0 0 0 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 3000 & 60.000000 & 10000 & 164.000000 & 3.000000 & 1 & 36 & 10000 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 36, 'amnt req': 3000, 'assets val': 10000, 'collateral': 10000, 'dec profit': 164.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 3.0}",A 36-year-old female is applying for a loan of 3000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. Her assets value is 10000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 164.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 3.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 10000 cedis. 213,1,1500,1000,1,30.0,2000,300.0,4.0,1,41,4000,1,0,0,1,4,0,No,"sex is 1, amnt req is 1500, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 2000, dec profit is 300.0, xperience is 4.0, educatn is 1, age is 41, collateral is 4000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 1500 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 2000 - dec profit : 300.0 - xperience : 4.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 41 - collateral : 4000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 1500. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 2000. The dec profit is 300.0. The xperience is 4.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 41. The collateral is 4000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 1500 30.0 2000 300.0 4.0 1 41 4000 1 0 0 1 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 1500 & 30.000000 & 2000 & 300.000000 & 4.000000 & 1 & 41 & 4000 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 41, 'amnt req': 1500, 'assets val': 2000, 'collateral': 4000, 'dec profit': 300.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 4.0}",A 41-year-old male is applying for a loan of 1500 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 2000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 300.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 4.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 4000 cedis. 214,0,2500,1800,0,60.0,2500,267.0,5.0,3,35,2000,1,0,0,0,5,0,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 2500, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 2500, dec profit is 267.0, xperience is 5.0, educatn is 3, age is 35, collateral is 2000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 5, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 2500 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 2500 - dec profit : 267.0 - xperience : 5.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 35 - collateral : 2000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 5 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 2500. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 2500. The dec profit is 267.0. The xperience is 5.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 35. The collateral is 2000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 5. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 2500 60.0 2500 267.0 5.0 3 35 2000 1 0 0 0 5 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 2500 & 60.000000 & 2500 & 267.000000 & 5.000000 & 3 & 35 & 2000 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 5 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 35, 'amnt req': 2500, 'assets val': 2500, 'collateral': 2000, 'dec profit': 267.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 5, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 5.0}",A 35-year-old female is applying for a loan of 2500 cedis. The applicant works in service sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. Her assets value is 2500 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 267.0 cedis. Her educational background is primary and the number of years that she has been in business is 5.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 2000 cedis. 215,1,600,600,0,36.0,1200,150.0,3.0,3,28,1000,0,0,1,0,1,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 600, maturity is 36.0, assets val is 1200, dec profit is 150.0, xperience is 3.0, educatn is 3, age is 28, collateral is 1000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 600 - maturity : 36.0 - assets val : 1200 - dec profit : 150.0 - xperience : 3.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 28 - collateral : 1000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 600. The maturity is 36.0. The assets val is 1200. The dec profit is 150.0. The xperience is 3.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 28. The collateral is 1000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 600 36.0 1200 150.0 3.0 3 28 1000 0 0 1 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 600 & 36.000000 & 1200 & 150.000000 & 3.000000 & 3 & 28 & 1000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 28, 'amnt req': 600, 'assets val': 1200, 'collateral': 1000, 'dec profit': 150.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 36.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 3.0}",A 28-year-old male is applying for a loan of 600 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 36.0 years. His assets value is 1200 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 150.0 cedis. His educational background is primary and the number of years that he has been in business is 3.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 1000 cedis. 216,1,2000,2000,0,30.0,6000,700.0,2.0,1,45,2000,0,0,1,0,1,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 2000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 6000, dec profit is 700.0, xperience is 2.0, educatn is 1, age is 45, collateral is 2000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 2000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 6000 - dec profit : 700.0 - xperience : 2.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 45 - collateral : 2000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 2000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 6000. The dec profit is 700.0. The xperience is 2.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 45. The collateral is 2000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 2000 30.0 6000 700.0 2.0 1 45 2000 0 0 1 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 2000 & 30.000000 & 6000 & 700.000000 & 2.000000 & 1 & 45 & 2000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 45, 'amnt req': 2000, 'assets val': 6000, 'collateral': 2000, 'dec profit': 700.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 2.0}",A 45-year-old male is applying for a loan of 2000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 6000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 700.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 2.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 2000 cedis. 217,1,600,600,0,15.0,1500,300.0,15.0,1,41,4000,0,0,1,1,5,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 600, maturity is 15.0, assets val is 1500, dec profit is 300.0, xperience is 15.0, educatn is 1, age is 41, collateral is 4000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 5, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 600 - maturity : 15.0 - assets val : 1500 - dec profit : 300.0 - xperience : 15.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 41 - collateral : 4000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 5 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 600. The maturity is 15.0. The assets val is 1500. The dec profit is 300.0. The xperience is 15.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 41. The collateral is 4000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 5. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 600 15.0 1500 300.0 15.0 1 41 4000 0 0 1 1 5 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 600 & 15.000000 & 1500 & 300.000000 & 15.000000 & 1 & 41 & 4000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 5 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 41, 'amnt req': 600, 'assets val': 1500, 'collateral': 4000, 'dec profit': 300.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 15.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 5, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 15.0}",A 41-year-old male is applying for a loan of 600 cedis. The applicant works in service sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 15.0 years. His assets value is 1500 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 300.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 15.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 4000 cedis. 218,1,1000,1000,0,30.0,8000,600.0,2.0,1,50,8000,0,0,0,0,1,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 1000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 8000, dec profit is 600.0, xperience is 2.0, educatn is 1, age is 50, collateral is 8000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 1000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 8000 - dec profit : 600.0 - xperience : 2.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 50 - collateral : 8000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 1000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 8000. The dec profit is 600.0. The xperience is 2.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 50. The collateral is 8000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 1000 30.0 8000 600.0 2.0 1 50 8000 0 0 0 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 1000 & 30.000000 & 8000 & 600.000000 & 2.000000 & 1 & 50 & 8000 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 50, 'amnt req': 1000, 'assets val': 8000, 'collateral': 8000, 'dec profit': 600.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 2.0}",A 50-year-old male is applying for a loan of 1000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 8000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 600.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 2.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 8000 cedis. 219,1,10000,7000,1,60.0,9000,600.0,4.0,4,49,9000,1,1,0,1,4,0,No,"sex is 1, amnt req is 10000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 9000, dec profit is 600.0, xperience is 4.0, educatn is 4, age is 49, collateral is 9000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 10000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 9000 - dec profit : 600.0 - xperience : 4.0 - educatn : 4 - age : 49 - collateral : 9000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 10000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 9000. The dec profit is 600.0. The xperience is 4.0. The educatn is 4. The age is 49. The collateral is 9000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 10000 60.0 9000 600.0 4.0 4 49 9000 1 1 0 1 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 10000 & 60.000000 & 9000 & 600.000000 & 4.000000 & 4 & 49 & 9000 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 49, 'amnt req': 10000, 'assets val': 9000, 'collateral': 9000, 'dec profit': 600.0, 'educatn': 4, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 4.0}",A 49-year-old male is applying for a loan of 10000 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 9000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 600.0 cedis. His educational background is illiterate and the number of years that he has been in business is 4.0. He provided a guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 9000 cedis. 220,0,6000,4000,1,30.0,6000,450.0,4.0,1,25,4050,0,1,1,0,1,0,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 6000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 6000, dec profit is 450.0, xperience is 4.0, educatn is 1, age is 25, collateral is 4050, locatn is 0, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 6000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 6000 - dec profit : 450.0 - xperience : 4.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 25 - collateral : 4050 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 6000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 6000. The dec profit is 450.0. The xperience is 4.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 25. The collateral is 4050. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 6000 30.0 6000 450.0 4.0 1 25 4050 0 1 1 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 6000 & 30.000000 & 6000 & 450.000000 & 4.000000 & 1 & 25 & 4050 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 25, 'amnt req': 6000, 'assets val': 6000, 'collateral': 4050, 'dec profit': 450.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 4.0}",A 25-year-old female is applying for a loan of 6000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 6000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 450.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 4.0. She provided a guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 4050 cedis. 221,0,6000,6000,0,15.0,2400,300.0,4.0,1,42,1000,0,0,0,0,4,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 6000, maturity is 15.0, assets val is 2400, dec profit is 300.0, xperience is 4.0, educatn is 1, age is 42, collateral is 1000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 6000 - maturity : 15.0 - assets val : 2400 - dec profit : 300.0 - xperience : 4.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 42 - collateral : 1000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 6000. The maturity is 15.0. The assets val is 2400. The dec profit is 300.0. The xperience is 4.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 42. The collateral is 1000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 6000 15.0 2400 300.0 4.0 1 42 1000 0 0 0 0 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 6000 & 15.000000 & 2400 & 300.000000 & 4.000000 & 1 & 42 & 1000 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 42, 'amnt req': 6000, 'assets val': 2400, 'collateral': 1000, 'dec profit': 300.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 15.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 4.0}",A 42-year-old female is applying for a loan of 6000 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 15.0 years. Her assets value is 2400 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 300.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 4.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 1000 cedis. 222,0,9000,9000,0,30.0,10000,900.0,3.0,3,35,7000,1,0,0,1,4,1,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 9000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 10000, dec profit is 900.0, xperience is 3.0, educatn is 3, age is 35, collateral is 7000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 1","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 9000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 10000 - dec profit : 900.0 - xperience : 3.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 35 - collateral : 7000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 1",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 9000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 10000. The dec profit is 900.0. The xperience is 3.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 35. The collateral is 7000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 1,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 9000 30.0 10000 900.0 3.0 3 35 7000 1 0 0 1 4 1
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 9000 & 30.000000 & 10000 & 900.000000 & 3.000000 & 3 & 35 & 7000 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 4 & 1 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 35, 'amnt req': 9000, 'assets val': 10000, 'collateral': 7000, 'dec profit': 900.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 1, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 3.0}",A 35-year-old female is applying for a loan of 9000 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 10000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 900.0 cedis. Her educational background is primary and the number of years that she has been in business is 3.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She has non-mandatory savings with the bank. She resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 7000 cedis. 223,1,8000,8000,0,24.0,2800,300.0,11.0,2,49,9000,1,0,1,0,2,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 8000, maturity is 24.0, assets val is 2800, dec profit is 300.0, xperience is 11.0, educatn is 2, age is 49, collateral is 9000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 2, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 8000 - maturity : 24.0 - assets val : 2800 - dec profit : 300.0 - xperience : 11.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 49 - collateral : 9000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 2 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 8000. The maturity is 24.0. The assets val is 2800. The dec profit is 300.0. The xperience is 11.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 49. The collateral is 9000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 2. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 8000 24.0 2800 300.0 11.0 2 49 9000 1 0 1 0 2 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 8000 & 24.000000 & 2800 & 300.000000 & 11.000000 & 2 & 49 & 9000 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 2 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 49, 'amnt req': 8000, 'assets val': 2800, 'collateral': 9000, 'dec profit': 300.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 24.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 2, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 11.0}",A 49-year-old male is applying for a loan of 8000 cedis. The applicant works in transport sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 24.0 years. His assets value is 2800 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 300.0 cedis. His educational background is secondary and the number of years that he has been in business is 11.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 9000 cedis. 224,1,20000,15000,1,30.0,10700,3000.0,4.0,2,38,13000,1,1,1,1,3,0,No,"sex is 1, amnt req is 20000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 10700, dec profit is 3000.0, xperience is 4.0, educatn is 2, age is 38, collateral is 13000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 3, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 20000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 10700 - dec profit : 3000.0 - xperience : 4.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 38 - collateral : 13000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 3 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 20000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 10700. The dec profit is 3000.0. The xperience is 4.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 38. The collateral is 13000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 3. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 20000 30.0 10700 3000.0 4.0 2 38 13000 1 1 1 1 3 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 20000 & 30.000000 & 10700 & 3000.000000 & 4.000000 & 2 & 38 & 13000 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 3 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 38, 'amnt req': 20000, 'assets val': 10700, 'collateral': 13000, 'dec profit': 3000.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 3, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 4.0}",A 38-year-old male is applying for a loan of 20000 cedis. The applicant works in manufacturing sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 10700 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 3000.0 cedis. His educational background is secondary and the number of years that he has been in business is 4.0. He provided a guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 13000 cedis. 225,0,1040,1040,0,30.0,1100,120.0,5.0,3,34,1800,0,0,1,1,5,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 1040, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 1100, dec profit is 120.0, xperience is 5.0, educatn is 3, age is 34, collateral is 1800, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 5, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 1040 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 1100 - dec profit : 120.0 - xperience : 5.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 34 - collateral : 1800 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 5 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 1040. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 1100. The dec profit is 120.0. The xperience is 5.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 34. The collateral is 1800. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 5. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 1040 30.0 1100 120.0 5.0 3 34 1800 0 0 1 1 5 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 1040 & 30.000000 & 1100 & 120.000000 & 5.000000 & 3 & 34 & 1800 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 5 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 34, 'amnt req': 1040, 'assets val': 1100, 'collateral': 1800, 'dec profit': 120.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 5, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 5.0}",A 34-year-old female is applying for a loan of 1040 cedis. The applicant works in service sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 1100 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 120.0 cedis. Her educational background is primary and the number of years that she has been in business is 5.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 1800 cedis. 226,0,3000,1500,1,30.0,3500,655.0,5.0,1,26,15000,1,0,1,0,1,0,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 3000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 3500, dec profit is 655.0, xperience is 5.0, educatn is 1, age is 26, collateral is 15000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 3000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 3500 - dec profit : 655.0 - xperience : 5.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 26 - collateral : 15000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 3000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 3500. The dec profit is 655.0. The xperience is 5.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 26. The collateral is 15000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 3000 30.0 3500 655.0 5.0 1 26 15000 1 0 1 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 3000 & 30.000000 & 3500 & 655.000000 & 5.000000 & 1 & 26 & 15000 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 26, 'amnt req': 3000, 'assets val': 3500, 'collateral': 15000, 'dec profit': 655.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 5.0}",A 26-year-old female is applying for a loan of 3000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 3500 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 655.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 5.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 15000 cedis. 227,1,500,500,0,15.0,2400,540.0,8.0,3,36,2700,0,0,1,1,4,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 500, maturity is 15.0, assets val is 2400, dec profit is 540.0, xperience is 8.0, educatn is 3, age is 36, collateral is 2700, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 500 - maturity : 15.0 - assets val : 2400 - dec profit : 540.0 - xperience : 8.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 36 - collateral : 2700 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 500. The maturity is 15.0. The assets val is 2400. The dec profit is 540.0. The xperience is 8.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 36. The collateral is 2700. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 500 15.0 2400 540.0 8.0 3 36 2700 0 0 1 1 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 500 & 15.000000 & 2400 & 540.000000 & 8.000000 & 3 & 36 & 2700 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 36, 'amnt req': 500, 'assets val': 2400, 'collateral': 2700, 'dec profit': 540.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 15.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 8.0}",A 36-year-old male is applying for a loan of 500 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 15.0 years. His assets value is 2400 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 540.0 cedis. His educational background is primary and the number of years that he has been in business is 8.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 2700 cedis. 228,1,15000,7500,1,30.0,9000,3250.0,3.0,1,50,3250,0,1,0,0,1,0,No,"sex is 1, amnt req is 15000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 9000, dec profit is 3250.0, xperience is 3.0, educatn is 1, age is 50, collateral is 3250, locatn is 0, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 15000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 9000 - dec profit : 3250.0 - xperience : 3.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 50 - collateral : 3250 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 15000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 9000. The dec profit is 3250.0. The xperience is 3.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 50. The collateral is 3250. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 15000 30.0 9000 3250.0 3.0 1 50 3250 0 1 0 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 15000 & 30.000000 & 9000 & 3250.000000 & 3.000000 & 1 & 50 & 3250 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 50, 'amnt req': 15000, 'assets val': 9000, 'collateral': 3250, 'dec profit': 3250.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 3.0}",A 50-year-old male is applying for a loan of 15000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 9000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 3250.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 3.0. He provided a guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 3250 cedis. 229,1,2500,2500,0,60.0,6500,660.0,5.0,3,58,3000,1,0,0,1,4,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 2500, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 6500, dec profit is 660.0, xperience is 5.0, educatn is 3, age is 58, collateral is 3000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 2500 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 6500 - dec profit : 660.0 - xperience : 5.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 58 - collateral : 3000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 2500. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 6500. The dec profit is 660.0. The xperience is 5.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 58. The collateral is 3000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 2500 60.0 6500 660.0 5.0 3 58 3000 1 0 0 1 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 2500 & 60.000000 & 6500 & 660.000000 & 5.000000 & 3 & 58 & 3000 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 58, 'amnt req': 2500, 'assets val': 6500, 'collateral': 3000, 'dec profit': 660.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 5.0}",A 58-year-old male is applying for a loan of 2500 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 6500 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 660.0 cedis. His educational background is primary and the number of years that he has been in business is 5.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 3000 cedis. 230,1,1200,1200,0,30.0,9000,980.0,6.0,1,38,3000,0,0,1,1,4,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 1200, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 9000, dec profit is 980.0, xperience is 6.0, educatn is 1, age is 38, collateral is 3000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 1200 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 9000 - dec profit : 980.0 - xperience : 6.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 38 - collateral : 3000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 1200. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 9000. The dec profit is 980.0. The xperience is 6.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 38. The collateral is 3000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 1200 30.0 9000 980.0 6.0 1 38 3000 0 0 1 1 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 1200 & 30.000000 & 9000 & 980.000000 & 6.000000 & 1 & 38 & 3000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 38, 'amnt req': 1200, 'assets val': 9000, 'collateral': 3000, 'dec profit': 980.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 6.0}",A 38-year-old male is applying for a loan of 1200 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 9000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 980.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 6.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 3000 cedis. 231,1,1200,1200,0,30.0,8000,1300.0,2.0,1,54,1300,0,1,1,0,1,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 1200, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 8000, dec profit is 1300.0, xperience is 2.0, educatn is 1, age is 54, collateral is 1300, locatn is 0, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 1200 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 8000 - dec profit : 1300.0 - xperience : 2.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 54 - collateral : 1300 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 1200. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 8000. The dec profit is 1300.0. The xperience is 2.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 54. The collateral is 1300. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 1200 30.0 8000 1300.0 2.0 1 54 1300 0 1 1 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 1200 & 30.000000 & 8000 & 1300.000000 & 2.000000 & 1 & 54 & 1300 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 54, 'amnt req': 1200, 'assets val': 8000, 'collateral': 1300, 'dec profit': 1300.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 2.0}",A 54-year-old male is applying for a loan of 1200 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 8000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 1300.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 2.0. He provided a guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 1300 cedis. 232,0,2000,2000,0,30.0,7000,100.0,6.0,2,36,4500,0,0,0,0,3,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 2000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 7000, dec profit is 100.0, xperience is 6.0, educatn is 2, age is 36, collateral is 4500, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 3, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 2000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 7000 - dec profit : 100.0 - xperience : 6.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 36 - collateral : 4500 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 3 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 2000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 7000. The dec profit is 100.0. The xperience is 6.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 36. The collateral is 4500. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 3. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 2000 30.0 7000 100.0 6.0 2 36 4500 0 0 0 0 3 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 2000 & 30.000000 & 7000 & 100.000000 & 6.000000 & 2 & 36 & 4500 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 3 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 36, 'amnt req': 2000, 'assets val': 7000, 'collateral': 4500, 'dec profit': 100.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 3, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 6.0}",A 36-year-old female is applying for a loan of 2000 cedis. The applicant works in manufacturing sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 7000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 100.0 cedis. Her educational background is secondary and the number of years that she has been in business is 6.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 4500 cedis. 233,1,2500,2500,0,30.0,9000,700.0,5.0,1,44,8000,1,0,0,0,1,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 2500, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 9000, dec profit is 700.0, xperience is 5.0, educatn is 1, age is 44, collateral is 8000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 2500 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 9000 - dec profit : 700.0 - xperience : 5.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 44 - collateral : 8000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 2500. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 9000. The dec profit is 700.0. The xperience is 5.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 44. The collateral is 8000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 2500 30.0 9000 700.0 5.0 1 44 8000 1 0 0 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 2500 & 30.000000 & 9000 & 700.000000 & 5.000000 & 1 & 44 & 8000 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 44, 'amnt req': 2500, 'assets val': 9000, 'collateral': 8000, 'dec profit': 700.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 5.0}",A 44-year-old male is applying for a loan of 2500 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 9000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 700.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 5.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 8000 cedis. 234,1,2000,2000,0,30.0,2500,700.0,2.0,3,31,2000,1,0,0,1,4,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 2000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 2500, dec profit is 700.0, xperience is 2.0, educatn is 3, age is 31, collateral is 2000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 2000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 2500 - dec profit : 700.0 - xperience : 2.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 31 - collateral : 2000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 2000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 2500. The dec profit is 700.0. The xperience is 2.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 31. The collateral is 2000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 2000 30.0 2500 700.0 2.0 3 31 2000 1 0 0 1 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 2000 & 30.000000 & 2500 & 700.000000 & 2.000000 & 3 & 31 & 2000 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 31, 'amnt req': 2000, 'assets val': 2500, 'collateral': 2000, 'dec profit': 700.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 2.0}",A 31-year-old male is applying for a loan of 2000 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 2500 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 700.0 cedis. His educational background is primary and the number of years that he has been in business is 2.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 2000 cedis. 235,1,5000,5000,0,30.0,3000,350.0,16.0,3,62,6000,0,0,0,0,4,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 5000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 3000, dec profit is 350.0, xperience is 16.0, educatn is 3, age is 62, collateral is 6000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 5000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 3000 - dec profit : 350.0 - xperience : 16.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 62 - collateral : 6000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 5000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 3000. The dec profit is 350.0. The xperience is 16.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 62. The collateral is 6000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 5000 30.0 3000 350.0 16.0 3 62 6000 0 0 0 0 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 5000 & 30.000000 & 3000 & 350.000000 & 16.000000 & 3 & 62 & 6000 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 62, 'amnt req': 5000, 'assets val': 3000, 'collateral': 6000, 'dec profit': 350.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 16.0}",A 62-year-old male is applying for a loan of 5000 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 3000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 350.0 cedis. His educational background is primary and the number of years that he has been in business is 16.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 6000 cedis. 236,0,10000,8000,1,30.0,30000,500.0,3.0,3,31,10000,0,0,0,1,2,0,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 10000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 30000, dec profit is 500.0, xperience is 3.0, educatn is 3, age is 31, collateral is 10000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 1, sector is 2, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 10000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 30000 - dec profit : 500.0 - xperience : 3.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 31 - collateral : 10000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 1 - sector : 2 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 10000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 30000. The dec profit is 500.0. The xperience is 3.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 31. The collateral is 10000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 1. The sector is 2. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 10000 30.0 30000 500.0 3.0 3 31 10000 0 0 0 1 2 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 10000 & 30.000000 & 30000 & 500.000000 & 3.000000 & 3 & 31 & 10000 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 2 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 31, 'amnt req': 10000, 'assets val': 30000, 'collateral': 10000, 'dec profit': 500.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 2, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 3.0}",A 31-year-old female is applying for a loan of 10000 cedis. The applicant works in transport sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 30000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 500.0 cedis. Her educational background is primary and the number of years that she has been in business is 3.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 10000 cedis. 237,1,12000,8000,1,30.0,7000,330.0,1.5,1,33,8000,0,1,0,0,4,0,No,"sex is 1, amnt req is 12000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 7000, dec profit is 330.0, xperience is 1.5, educatn is 1, age is 33, collateral is 8000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 12000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 7000 - dec profit : 330.0 - xperience : 1.5 - educatn : 1 - age : 33 - collateral : 8000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 12000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 7000. The dec profit is 330.0. The xperience is 1.5. The educatn is 1. The age is 33. The collateral is 8000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 12000 30.0 7000 330.0 1.5 1 33 8000 0 1 0 0 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 12000 & 30.000000 & 7000 & 330.000000 & 1.500000 & 1 & 33 & 8000 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 33, 'amnt req': 12000, 'assets val': 7000, 'collateral': 8000, 'dec profit': 330.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 1.5}",A 33-year-old male is applying for a loan of 12000 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 7000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 330.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 1.5. He provided a guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 8000 cedis. 238,1,3000,2000,1,60.0,4030,708.0,10.0,1,57,1500,1,0,1,0,1,0,No,"sex is 1, amnt req is 3000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 4030, dec profit is 708.0, xperience is 10.0, educatn is 1, age is 57, collateral is 1500, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 3000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 4030 - dec profit : 708.0 - xperience : 10.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 57 - collateral : 1500 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 3000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 4030. The dec profit is 708.0. The xperience is 10.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 57. The collateral is 1500. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 3000 60.0 4030 708.0 10.0 1 57 1500 1 0 1 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 3000 & 60.000000 & 4030 & 708.000000 & 10.000000 & 1 & 57 & 1500 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 57, 'amnt req': 3000, 'assets val': 4030, 'collateral': 1500, 'dec profit': 708.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 10.0}",A 57-year-old male is applying for a loan of 3000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 4030 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 708.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 10.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 1500 cedis. 239,1,1000,1000,0,30.0,2700,500.0,8.0,2,43,6200,1,0,1,1,4,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 1000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 2700, dec profit is 500.0, xperience is 8.0, educatn is 2, age is 43, collateral is 6200, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 1000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 2700 - dec profit : 500.0 - xperience : 8.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 43 - collateral : 6200 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 1000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 2700. The dec profit is 500.0. The xperience is 8.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 43. The collateral is 6200. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 1000 30.0 2700 500.0 8.0 2 43 6200 1 0 1 1 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 1000 & 30.000000 & 2700 & 500.000000 & 8.000000 & 2 & 43 & 6200 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 43, 'amnt req': 1000, 'assets val': 2700, 'collateral': 6200, 'dec profit': 500.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 8.0}",A 43-year-old male is applying for a loan of 1000 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 2700 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 500.0 cedis. His educational background is secondary and the number of years that he has been in business is 8.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 6200 cedis. 240,1,500,500,0,30.0,2600,370.0,5.0,2,28,2700,0,0,1,0,5,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 500, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 2600, dec profit is 370.0, xperience is 5.0, educatn is 2, age is 28, collateral is 2700, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 5, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 500 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 2600 - dec profit : 370.0 - xperience : 5.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 28 - collateral : 2700 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 5 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 500. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 2600. The dec profit is 370.0. The xperience is 5.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 28. The collateral is 2700. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 5. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 500 30.0 2600 370.0 5.0 2 28 2700 0 0 1 0 5 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 500 & 30.000000 & 2600 & 370.000000 & 5.000000 & 2 & 28 & 2700 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 5 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 28, 'amnt req': 500, 'assets val': 2600, 'collateral': 2700, 'dec profit': 370.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 5, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 5.0}",A 28-year-old male is applying for a loan of 500 cedis. The applicant works in service sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 2600 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 370.0 cedis. His educational background is secondary and the number of years that he has been in business is 5.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 2700 cedis. 241,1,7000,5000,1,60.0,900,190.0,1.0,2,43,4000,0,1,0,0,4,0,No,"sex is 1, amnt req is 7000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 900, dec profit is 190.0, xperience is 1.0, educatn is 2, age is 43, collateral is 4000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 7000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 900 - dec profit : 190.0 - xperience : 1.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 43 - collateral : 4000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 7000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 900. The dec profit is 190.0. The xperience is 1.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 43. The collateral is 4000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 7000 60.0 900 190.0 1.0 2 43 4000 0 1 0 0 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 7000 & 60.000000 & 900 & 190.000000 & 1.000000 & 2 & 43 & 4000 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 43, 'amnt req': 7000, 'assets val': 900, 'collateral': 4000, 'dec profit': 190.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 1.0}",A 43-year-old male is applying for a loan of 7000 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 900 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 190.0 cedis. His educational background is secondary and the number of years that he has been in business is 1.0. He provided a guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 4000 cedis. 242,0,5000,5000,0,60.0,12000,250.0,20.0,2,52,5000,0,0,1,1,3,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 5000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 12000, dec profit is 250.0, xperience is 20.0, educatn is 2, age is 52, collateral is 5000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 3, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 5000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 12000 - dec profit : 250.0 - xperience : 20.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 52 - collateral : 5000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 3 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 5000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 12000. The dec profit is 250.0. The xperience is 20.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 52. The collateral is 5000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 3. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 5000 60.0 12000 250.0 20.0 2 52 5000 0 0 1 1 3 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 5000 & 60.000000 & 12000 & 250.000000 & 20.000000 & 2 & 52 & 5000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 3 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 52, 'amnt req': 5000, 'assets val': 12000, 'collateral': 5000, 'dec profit': 250.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 3, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 20.0}",A 52-year-old female is applying for a loan of 5000 cedis. The applicant works in manufacturing sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. Her assets value is 12000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 250.0 cedis. Her educational background is secondary and the number of years that she has been in business is 20.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 5000 cedis. 243,0,1000,1000,0,30.0,2400,368.0,3.0,3,34,2000,0,0,1,1,5,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 1000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 2400, dec profit is 368.0, xperience is 3.0, educatn is 3, age is 34, collateral is 2000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 5, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 1000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 2400 - dec profit : 368.0 - xperience : 3.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 34 - collateral : 2000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 5 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 1000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 2400. The dec profit is 368.0. The xperience is 3.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 34. The collateral is 2000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 5. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 1000 30.0 2400 368.0 3.0 3 34 2000 0 0 1 1 5 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 1000 & 30.000000 & 2400 & 368.000000 & 3.000000 & 3 & 34 & 2000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 5 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 34, 'amnt req': 1000, 'assets val': 2400, 'collateral': 2000, 'dec profit': 368.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 5, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 3.0}",A 34-year-old female is applying for a loan of 1000 cedis. The applicant works in service sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 2400 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 368.0 cedis. Her educational background is primary and the number of years that she has been in business is 3.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 2000 cedis. 244,1,2500,2500,0,60.0,2000,0.0,0.0,3,30,5000,0,0,0,0,3,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 2500, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 2000, dec profit is 0.0, xperience is 0.0, educatn is 3, age is 30, collateral is 5000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 3, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 2500 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 2000 - dec profit : 0.0 - xperience : 0.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 30 - collateral : 5000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 3 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 2500. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 2000. The dec profit is 0.0. The xperience is 0.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 30. The collateral is 5000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 3. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 2500 60.0 2000 0.0 0.0 3 30 5000 0 0 0 0 3 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 2500 & 60.000000 & 2000 & 0.000000 & 0.000000 & 3 & 30 & 5000 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 3 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 30, 'amnt req': 2500, 'assets val': 2000, 'collateral': 5000, 'dec profit': 0.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 3, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 0.0}",A 30-year-old male is applying for a loan of 2500 cedis. The applicant works in manufacturing sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 2000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 0.0 cedis. His educational background is primary and the number of years that he has been in business is 0.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 5000 cedis. 245,0,1500,1300,1,60.0,2900,650.0,4.0,3,40,2000,1,0,0,1,4,0,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 1500, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 2900, dec profit is 650.0, xperience is 4.0, educatn is 3, age is 40, collateral is 2000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 1500 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 2900 - dec profit : 650.0 - xperience : 4.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 40 - collateral : 2000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 1500. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 2900. The dec profit is 650.0. The xperience is 4.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 40. The collateral is 2000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 1500 60.0 2900 650.0 4.0 3 40 2000 1 0 0 1 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 1500 & 60.000000 & 2900 & 650.000000 & 4.000000 & 3 & 40 & 2000 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 40, 'amnt req': 1500, 'assets val': 2900, 'collateral': 2000, 'dec profit': 650.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 4.0}",A 40-year-old female is applying for a loan of 1500 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. Her assets value is 2900 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 650.0 cedis. Her educational background is primary and the number of years that she has been in business is 4.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 2000 cedis. 246,1,1500,1500,0,30.0,3300,400.0,2.0,2,35,8000,0,0,0,0,1,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 1500, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 3300, dec profit is 400.0, xperience is 2.0, educatn is 2, age is 35, collateral is 8000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 1500 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 3300 - dec profit : 400.0 - xperience : 2.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 35 - collateral : 8000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 1500. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 3300. The dec profit is 400.0. The xperience is 2.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 35. The collateral is 8000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 1500 30.0 3300 400.0 2.0 2 35 8000 0 0 0 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 1500 & 30.000000 & 3300 & 400.000000 & 2.000000 & 2 & 35 & 8000 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 35, 'amnt req': 1500, 'assets val': 3300, 'collateral': 8000, 'dec profit': 400.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 2.0}",A 35-year-old male is applying for a loan of 1500 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 3300 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 400.0 cedis. His educational background is secondary and the number of years that he has been in business is 2.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 8000 cedis. 247,1,500,500,0,15.0,1000,240.0,21.0,1,45,5000,0,0,0,1,5,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 500, maturity is 15.0, assets val is 1000, dec profit is 240.0, xperience is 21.0, educatn is 1, age is 45, collateral is 5000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 1, sector is 5, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 500 - maturity : 15.0 - assets val : 1000 - dec profit : 240.0 - xperience : 21.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 45 - collateral : 5000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 1 - sector : 5 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 500. The maturity is 15.0. The assets val is 1000. The dec profit is 240.0. The xperience is 21.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 45. The collateral is 5000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 1. The sector is 5. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 500 15.0 1000 240.0 21.0 1 45 5000 0 0 0 1 5 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 500 & 15.000000 & 1000 & 240.000000 & 21.000000 & 1 & 45 & 5000 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 5 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 45, 'amnt req': 500, 'assets val': 1000, 'collateral': 5000, 'dec profit': 240.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 15.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 5, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 21.0}",A 45-year-old male is applying for a loan of 500 cedis. The applicant works in service sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 15.0 years. His assets value is 1000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 240.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 21.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 5000 cedis. 248,1,1500,1500,0,50.0,1000,125.0,6.0,3,54,2000,1,0,1,1,4,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 1500, maturity is 50.0, assets val is 1000, dec profit is 125.0, xperience is 6.0, educatn is 3, age is 54, collateral is 2000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 1500 - maturity : 50.0 - assets val : 1000 - dec profit : 125.0 - xperience : 6.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 54 - collateral : 2000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 1500. The maturity is 50.0. The assets val is 1000. The dec profit is 125.0. The xperience is 6.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 54. The collateral is 2000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 1500 50.0 1000 125.0 6.0 3 54 2000 1 0 1 1 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 1500 & 50.000000 & 1000 & 125.000000 & 6.000000 & 3 & 54 & 2000 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 54, 'amnt req': 1500, 'assets val': 1000, 'collateral': 2000, 'dec profit': 125.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 50.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 6.0}",A 54-year-old male is applying for a loan of 1500 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 50.0 years. His assets value is 1000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 125.0 cedis. His educational background is primary and the number of years that he has been in business is 6.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 2000 cedis. 249,0,2000,2000,0,30.0,7000,1200.0,1.0,1,41,9000,0,1,1,1,3,1,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 2000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 7000, dec profit is 1200.0, xperience is 1.0, educatn is 1, age is 41, collateral is 9000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 3, savings is 1","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 2000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 7000 - dec profit : 1200.0 - xperience : 1.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 41 - collateral : 9000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 3 - savings : 1",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 2000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 7000. The dec profit is 1200.0. The xperience is 1.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 41. The collateral is 9000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 3. The savings is 1,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 2000 30.0 7000 1200.0 1.0 1 41 9000 0 1 1 1 3 1
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 2000 & 30.000000 & 7000 & 1200.000000 & 1.000000 & 1 & 41 & 9000 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 3 & 1 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 41, 'amnt req': 2000, 'assets val': 7000, 'collateral': 9000, 'dec profit': 1200.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 1, 'sector': 3, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 1.0}",A 41-year-old female is applying for a loan of 2000 cedis. The applicant works in manufacturing sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 7000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 1200.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 1.0. She provided a guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She has non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 9000 cedis. 250,1,2000,2000,0,30.0,4000,810.0,4.0,1,28,10000,0,0,1,0,1,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 2000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 4000, dec profit is 810.0, xperience is 4.0, educatn is 1, age is 28, collateral is 10000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 2000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 4000 - dec profit : 810.0 - xperience : 4.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 28 - collateral : 10000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 2000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 4000. The dec profit is 810.0. The xperience is 4.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 28. The collateral is 10000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 2000 30.0 4000 810.0 4.0 1 28 10000 0 0 1 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 2000 & 30.000000 & 4000 & 810.000000 & 4.000000 & 1 & 28 & 10000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 28, 'amnt req': 2000, 'assets val': 4000, 'collateral': 10000, 'dec profit': 810.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 4.0}",A 28-year-old male is applying for a loan of 2000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 4000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 810.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 4.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 10000 cedis. 251,1,7000,5000,1,60.0,900,190.0,1.0,2,43,4000,0,1,0,0,4,0,No,"sex is 1, amnt req is 7000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 900, dec profit is 190.0, xperience is 1.0, educatn is 2, age is 43, collateral is 4000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 7000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 900 - dec profit : 190.0 - xperience : 1.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 43 - collateral : 4000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 7000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 900. The dec profit is 190.0. The xperience is 1.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 43. The collateral is 4000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 7000 60.0 900 190.0 1.0 2 43 4000 0 1 0 0 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 7000 & 60.000000 & 900 & 190.000000 & 1.000000 & 2 & 43 & 4000 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 43, 'amnt req': 7000, 'assets val': 900, 'collateral': 4000, 'dec profit': 190.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 1.0}",A 43-year-old male is applying for a loan of 7000 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 900 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 190.0 cedis. His educational background is secondary and the number of years that he has been in business is 1.0. He provided a guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 4000 cedis. 252,1,800,800,0,30.0,3400,600.0,6.0,2,30,5000,0,0,1,1,4,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 800, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 3400, dec profit is 600.0, xperience is 6.0, educatn is 2, age is 30, collateral is 5000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 800 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 3400 - dec profit : 600.0 - xperience : 6.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 30 - collateral : 5000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 800. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 3400. The dec profit is 600.0. The xperience is 6.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 30. The collateral is 5000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 800 30.0 3400 600.0 6.0 2 30 5000 0 0 1 1 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 800 & 30.000000 & 3400 & 600.000000 & 6.000000 & 2 & 30 & 5000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 30, 'amnt req': 800, 'assets val': 3400, 'collateral': 5000, 'dec profit': 600.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 6.0}",A 30-year-old male is applying for a loan of 800 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 3400 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 600.0 cedis. His educational background is secondary and the number of years that he has been in business is 6.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 5000 cedis. 253,0,1000,1000,0,30.0,1800,185.0,3.0,1,38,1800,1,0,0,1,1,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 1000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 1800, dec profit is 185.0, xperience is 3.0, educatn is 1, age is 38, collateral is 1800, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 1, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 1000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 1800 - dec profit : 185.0 - xperience : 3.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 38 - collateral : 1800 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 1 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 1000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 1800. The dec profit is 185.0. The xperience is 3.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 38. The collateral is 1800. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 1. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 1000 30.0 1800 185.0 3.0 1 38 1800 1 0 0 1 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 1000 & 30.000000 & 1800 & 185.000000 & 3.000000 & 1 & 38 & 1800 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 38, 'amnt req': 1000, 'assets val': 1800, 'collateral': 1800, 'dec profit': 185.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 3.0}",A 38-year-old female is applying for a loan of 1000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 1800 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 185.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 3.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 1800 cedis. 254,0,12000,10000,1,60.0,20000,100.0,1.0,3,40,15000,1,1,1,1,4,0,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 12000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 20000, dec profit is 100.0, xperience is 1.0, educatn is 3, age is 40, collateral is 15000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 12000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 20000 - dec profit : 100.0 - xperience : 1.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 40 - collateral : 15000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 12000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 20000. The dec profit is 100.0. The xperience is 1.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 40. The collateral is 15000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 12000 60.0 20000 100.0 1.0 3 40 15000 1 1 1 1 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 12000 & 60.000000 & 20000 & 100.000000 & 1.000000 & 3 & 40 & 15000 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 40, 'amnt req': 12000, 'assets val': 20000, 'collateral': 15000, 'dec profit': 100.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 1.0}",A 40-year-old female is applying for a loan of 12000 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. Her assets value is 20000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 100.0 cedis. Her educational background is primary and the number of years that she has been in business is 1.0. She provided a guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 15000 cedis. 255,1,2000,2000,0,30.0,4500,450.0,9.0,2,32,1200,0,0,1,1,5,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 2000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 4500, dec profit is 450.0, xperience is 9.0, educatn is 2, age is 32, collateral is 1200, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 5, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 2000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 4500 - dec profit : 450.0 - xperience : 9.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 32 - collateral : 1200 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 5 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 2000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 4500. The dec profit is 450.0. The xperience is 9.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 32. The collateral is 1200. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 5. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 2000 30.0 4500 450.0 9.0 2 32 1200 0 0 1 1 5 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 2000 & 30.000000 & 4500 & 450.000000 & 9.000000 & 2 & 32 & 1200 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 5 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 32, 'amnt req': 2000, 'assets val': 4500, 'collateral': 1200, 'dec profit': 450.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 5, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 9.0}",A 32-year-old male is applying for a loan of 2000 cedis. The applicant works in service sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 4500 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 450.0 cedis. His educational background is secondary and the number of years that he has been in business is 9.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 1200 cedis. 256,0,15000,10000,1,36.0,6000,700.0,8.0,3,33,6000,0,0,0,1,4,0,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 15000, maturity is 36.0, assets val is 6000, dec profit is 700.0, xperience is 8.0, educatn is 3, age is 33, collateral is 6000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 15000 - maturity : 36.0 - assets val : 6000 - dec profit : 700.0 - xperience : 8.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 33 - collateral : 6000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 15000. The maturity is 36.0. The assets val is 6000. The dec profit is 700.0. The xperience is 8.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 33. The collateral is 6000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 15000 36.0 6000 700.0 8.0 3 33 6000 0 0 0 1 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 15000 & 36.000000 & 6000 & 700.000000 & 8.000000 & 3 & 33 & 6000 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 33, 'amnt req': 15000, 'assets val': 6000, 'collateral': 6000, 'dec profit': 700.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 36.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 8.0}",A 33-year-old female is applying for a loan of 15000 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 36.0 years. Her assets value is 6000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 700.0 cedis. Her educational background is primary and the number of years that she has been in business is 8.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 6000 cedis. 257,0,5000,4000,1,30.0,8000,500.0,2.0,1,29,1000,0,0,0,0,1,0,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 5000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 8000, dec profit is 500.0, xperience is 2.0, educatn is 1, age is 29, collateral is 1000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 5000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 8000 - dec profit : 500.0 - xperience : 2.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 29 - collateral : 1000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 5000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 8000. The dec profit is 500.0. The xperience is 2.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 29. The collateral is 1000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 5000 30.0 8000 500.0 2.0 1 29 1000 0 0 0 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 5000 & 30.000000 & 8000 & 500.000000 & 2.000000 & 1 & 29 & 1000 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 29, 'amnt req': 5000, 'assets val': 8000, 'collateral': 1000, 'dec profit': 500.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 2.0}",A 29-year-old female is applying for a loan of 5000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 8000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 500.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 2.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 1000 cedis. 258,1,2000,1500,1,60.0,8000,1200.0,2.0,1,43,2500,0,1,1,0,5,1,No,"sex is 1, amnt req is 2000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 8000, dec profit is 1200.0, xperience is 2.0, educatn is 1, age is 43, collateral is 2500, locatn is 0, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 5, savings is 1","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 2000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 8000 - dec profit : 1200.0 - xperience : 2.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 43 - collateral : 2500 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 5 - savings : 1",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 2000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 8000. The dec profit is 1200.0. The xperience is 2.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 43. The collateral is 2500. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 5. The savings is 1,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 2000 60.0 8000 1200.0 2.0 1 43 2500 0 1 1 0 5 1
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 2000 & 60.000000 & 8000 & 1200.000000 & 2.000000 & 1 & 43 & 2500 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 5 & 1 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 43, 'amnt req': 2000, 'assets val': 8000, 'collateral': 2500, 'dec profit': 1200.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 1, 'sector': 5, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 2.0}",A 43-year-old male is applying for a loan of 2000 cedis. The applicant works in service sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 8000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 1200.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 2.0. He provided a guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He has non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 2500 cedis. 259,1,8000,5000,1,60.0,6000,300.0,2.0,3,30,8000,0,1,0,0,5,0,No,"sex is 1, amnt req is 8000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 6000, dec profit is 300.0, xperience is 2.0, educatn is 3, age is 30, collateral is 8000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 5, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 8000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 6000 - dec profit : 300.0 - xperience : 2.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 30 - collateral : 8000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 5 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 8000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 6000. The dec profit is 300.0. The xperience is 2.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 30. The collateral is 8000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 5. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 8000 60.0 6000 300.0 2.0 3 30 8000 0 1 0 0 5 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 8000 & 60.000000 & 6000 & 300.000000 & 2.000000 & 3 & 30 & 8000 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 5 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 30, 'amnt req': 8000, 'assets val': 6000, 'collateral': 8000, 'dec profit': 300.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 5, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 2.0}",A 30-year-old male is applying for a loan of 8000 cedis. The applicant works in service sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 6000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 300.0 cedis. His educational background is primary and the number of years that he has been in business is 2.0. He provided a guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 8000 cedis. 260,1,400,400,0,30.0,3000,200.0,4.0,2,33,3000,0,0,0,0,1,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 400, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 3000, dec profit is 200.0, xperience is 4.0, educatn is 2, age is 33, collateral is 3000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 400 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 3000 - dec profit : 200.0 - xperience : 4.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 33 - collateral : 3000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 400. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 3000. The dec profit is 200.0. The xperience is 4.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 33. The collateral is 3000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 400 30.0 3000 200.0 4.0 2 33 3000 0 0 0 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 400 & 30.000000 & 3000 & 200.000000 & 4.000000 & 2 & 33 & 3000 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 33, 'amnt req': 400, 'assets val': 3000, 'collateral': 3000, 'dec profit': 200.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 4.0}",A 33-year-old male is applying for a loan of 400 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 3000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 200.0 cedis. His educational background is secondary and the number of years that he has been in business is 4.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 3000 cedis. 261,1,2500,2500,0,60.0,10000,700.0,5.0,1,33,8000,0,0,1,1,5,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 2500, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 10000, dec profit is 700.0, xperience is 5.0, educatn is 1, age is 33, collateral is 8000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 5, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 2500 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 10000 - dec profit : 700.0 - xperience : 5.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 33 - collateral : 8000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 5 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 2500. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 10000. The dec profit is 700.0. The xperience is 5.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 33. The collateral is 8000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 5. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 2500 60.0 10000 700.0 5.0 1 33 8000 0 0 1 1 5 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 2500 & 60.000000 & 10000 & 700.000000 & 5.000000 & 1 & 33 & 8000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 5 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 33, 'amnt req': 2500, 'assets val': 10000, 'collateral': 8000, 'dec profit': 700.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 5, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 5.0}",A 33-year-old male is applying for a loan of 2500 cedis. The applicant works in service sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 10000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 700.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 5.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 8000 cedis. 262,1,7000,5000,1,60.0,9000,500.0,1.0,2,43,8000,0,1,0,0,4,0,No,"sex is 1, amnt req is 7000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 9000, dec profit is 500.0, xperience is 1.0, educatn is 2, age is 43, collateral is 8000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 7000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 9000 - dec profit : 500.0 - xperience : 1.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 43 - collateral : 8000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 7000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 9000. The dec profit is 500.0. The xperience is 1.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 43. The collateral is 8000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 7000 60.0 9000 500.0 1.0 2 43 8000 0 1 0 0 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 7000 & 60.000000 & 9000 & 500.000000 & 1.000000 & 2 & 43 & 8000 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 43, 'amnt req': 7000, 'assets val': 9000, 'collateral': 8000, 'dec profit': 500.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 1.0}",A 43-year-old male is applying for a loan of 7000 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 9000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 500.0 cedis. His educational background is secondary and the number of years that he has been in business is 1.0. He provided a guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 8000 cedis. 263,1,2000,1500,0,60.0,2240,397.0,20.0,1,52,3000,0,0,1,0,1,0,No,"sex is 1, amnt req is 2000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 2240, dec profit is 397.0, xperience is 20.0, educatn is 1, age is 52, collateral is 3000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 2000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 2240 - dec profit : 397.0 - xperience : 20.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 52 - collateral : 3000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 2000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 2240. The dec profit is 397.0. The xperience is 20.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 52. The collateral is 3000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 2000 60.0 2240 397.0 20.0 1 52 3000 0 0 1 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 2000 & 60.000000 & 2240 & 397.000000 & 20.000000 & 1 & 52 & 3000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 52, 'amnt req': 2000, 'assets val': 2240, 'collateral': 3000, 'dec profit': 397.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 20.0}",A 52-year-old male is applying for a loan of 2000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 2240 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 397.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 20.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 3000 cedis. 264,0,10000,8000,1,60.0,10000,1000.0,10.0,3,40,8000,1,1,1,1,4,0,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 10000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 10000, dec profit is 1000.0, xperience is 10.0, educatn is 3, age is 40, collateral is 8000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 10000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 10000 - dec profit : 1000.0 - xperience : 10.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 40 - collateral : 8000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 10000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 10000. The dec profit is 1000.0. The xperience is 10.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 40. The collateral is 8000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 10000 60.0 10000 1000.0 10.0 3 40 8000 1 1 1 1 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 10000 & 60.000000 & 10000 & 1000.000000 & 10.000000 & 3 & 40 & 8000 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 40, 'amnt req': 10000, 'assets val': 10000, 'collateral': 8000, 'dec profit': 1000.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 10.0}",A 40-year-old female is applying for a loan of 10000 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. Her assets value is 10000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 1000.0 cedis. Her educational background is primary and the number of years that she has been in business is 10.0. She provided a guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 8000 cedis. 265,1,30000,20000,1,36.0,9000,900.0,11.0,2,36,9000,0,0,1,0,1,0,No,"sex is 1, amnt req is 30000, maturity is 36.0, assets val is 9000, dec profit is 900.0, xperience is 11.0, educatn is 2, age is 36, collateral is 9000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 30000 - maturity : 36.0 - assets val : 9000 - dec profit : 900.0 - xperience : 11.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 36 - collateral : 9000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 30000. The maturity is 36.0. The assets val is 9000. The dec profit is 900.0. The xperience is 11.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 36. The collateral is 9000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 30000 36.0 9000 900.0 11.0 2 36 9000 0 0 1 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 30000 & 36.000000 & 9000 & 900.000000 & 11.000000 & 2 & 36 & 9000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 36, 'amnt req': 30000, 'assets val': 9000, 'collateral': 9000, 'dec profit': 900.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 36.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 11.0}",A 36-year-old male is applying for a loan of 30000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 36.0 years. His assets value is 9000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 900.0 cedis. His educational background is secondary and the number of years that he has been in business is 11.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 9000 cedis. 266,0,8000,5000,1,60.0,6000,300.0,2.0,3,30,7000,0,1,0,0,5,0,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 8000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 6000, dec profit is 300.0, xperience is 2.0, educatn is 3, age is 30, collateral is 7000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 5, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 8000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 6000 - dec profit : 300.0 - xperience : 2.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 30 - collateral : 7000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 5 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 8000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 6000. The dec profit is 300.0. The xperience is 2.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 30. The collateral is 7000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 5. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 8000 60.0 6000 300.0 2.0 3 30 7000 0 1 0 0 5 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 8000 & 60.000000 & 6000 & 300.000000 & 2.000000 & 3 & 30 & 7000 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 5 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 30, 'amnt req': 8000, 'assets val': 6000, 'collateral': 7000, 'dec profit': 300.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 5, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 2.0}",A 30-year-old female is applying for a loan of 8000 cedis. The applicant works in service sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. Her assets value is 6000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 300.0 cedis. Her educational background is primary and the number of years that she has been in business is 2.0. She provided a guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 7000 cedis. 267,0,1000,1000,0,30.0,2000,360.0,5.0,1,44,2000,1,0,0,0,1,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 1000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 2000, dec profit is 360.0, xperience is 5.0, educatn is 1, age is 44, collateral is 2000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 1000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 2000 - dec profit : 360.0 - xperience : 5.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 44 - collateral : 2000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 1000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 2000. The dec profit is 360.0. The xperience is 5.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 44. The collateral is 2000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 1000 30.0 2000 360.0 5.0 1 44 2000 1 0 0 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 1000 & 30.000000 & 2000 & 360.000000 & 5.000000 & 1 & 44 & 2000 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 44, 'amnt req': 1000, 'assets val': 2000, 'collateral': 2000, 'dec profit': 360.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 5.0}",A 44-year-old female is applying for a loan of 1000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 2000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 360.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 5.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 2000 cedis. 268,0,1000,1000,0,30.0,3000,500.0,6.0,1,38,4000,0,0,1,1,5,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 1000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 3000, dec profit is 500.0, xperience is 6.0, educatn is 1, age is 38, collateral is 4000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 5, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 1000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 3000 - dec profit : 500.0 - xperience : 6.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 38 - collateral : 4000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 5 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 1000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 3000. The dec profit is 500.0. The xperience is 6.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 38. The collateral is 4000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 5. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 1000 30.0 3000 500.0 6.0 1 38 4000 0 0 1 1 5 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 1000 & 30.000000 & 3000 & 500.000000 & 6.000000 & 1 & 38 & 4000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 5 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 38, 'amnt req': 1000, 'assets val': 3000, 'collateral': 4000, 'dec profit': 500.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 5, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 6.0}",A 38-year-old female is applying for a loan of 1000 cedis. The applicant works in service sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 3000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 500.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 6.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 4000 cedis. 269,1,1500,1500,0,30.0,3200,768.0,5.0,1,32,15000,0,0,1,1,4,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 1500, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 3200, dec profit is 768.0, xperience is 5.0, educatn is 1, age is 32, collateral is 15000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 1500 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 3200 - dec profit : 768.0 - xperience : 5.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 32 - collateral : 15000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 1500. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 3200. The dec profit is 768.0. The xperience is 5.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 32. The collateral is 15000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 1500 30.0 3200 768.0 5.0 1 32 15000 0 0 1 1 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 1500 & 30.000000 & 3200 & 768.000000 & 5.000000 & 1 & 32 & 15000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 32, 'amnt req': 1500, 'assets val': 3200, 'collateral': 15000, 'dec profit': 768.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 5.0}",A 32-year-old male is applying for a loan of 1500 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 3200 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 768.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 5.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 15000 cedis. 270,0,2500,2200,1,30.0,4800,600.0,3.0,3,40,8000,0,1,1,1,5,0,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 2500, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 4800, dec profit is 600.0, xperience is 3.0, educatn is 3, age is 40, collateral is 8000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 5, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 2500 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 4800 - dec profit : 600.0 - xperience : 3.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 40 - collateral : 8000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 5 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 2500. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 4800. The dec profit is 600.0. The xperience is 3.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 40. The collateral is 8000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 5. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 2500 30.0 4800 600.0 3.0 3 40 8000 0 1 1 1 5 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 2500 & 30.000000 & 4800 & 600.000000 & 3.000000 & 3 & 40 & 8000 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 5 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 40, 'amnt req': 2500, 'assets val': 4800, 'collateral': 8000, 'dec profit': 600.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 5, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 3.0}",A 40-year-old female is applying for a loan of 2500 cedis. The applicant works in service sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 4800 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 600.0 cedis. Her educational background is primary and the number of years that she has been in business is 3.0. She provided a guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 8000 cedis. 271,1,800,800,0,20.0,1600,240.0,2.0,2,49,600,1,0,1,1,4,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 800, maturity is 20.0, assets val is 1600, dec profit is 240.0, xperience is 2.0, educatn is 2, age is 49, collateral is 600, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 800 - maturity : 20.0 - assets val : 1600 - dec profit : 240.0 - xperience : 2.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 49 - collateral : 600 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 800. The maturity is 20.0. The assets val is 1600. The dec profit is 240.0. The xperience is 2.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 49. The collateral is 600. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 800 20.0 1600 240.0 2.0 2 49 600 1 0 1 1 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 800 & 20.000000 & 1600 & 240.000000 & 2.000000 & 2 & 49 & 600 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 49, 'amnt req': 800, 'assets val': 1600, 'collateral': 600, 'dec profit': 240.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 20.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 2.0}",A 49-year-old male is applying for a loan of 800 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 20.0 years. His assets value is 1600 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 240.0 cedis. His educational background is secondary and the number of years that he has been in business is 2.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 600 cedis. 272,0,1800,1800,0,30.0,40000,2400.0,4.0,1,41,5000,1,1,0,1,5,1,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 1800, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 40000, dec profit is 2400.0, xperience is 4.0, educatn is 1, age is 41, collateral is 5000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 1, sector is 5, savings is 1","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 1800 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 40000 - dec profit : 2400.0 - xperience : 4.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 41 - collateral : 5000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 1 - sector : 5 - savings : 1",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 1800. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 40000. The dec profit is 2400.0. The xperience is 4.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 41. The collateral is 5000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 1. The sector is 5. The savings is 1,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 1800 30.0 40000 2400.0 4.0 1 41 5000 1 1 0 1 5 1
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 1800 & 30.000000 & 40000 & 2400.000000 & 4.000000 & 1 & 41 & 5000 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 5 & 1 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 41, 'amnt req': 1800, 'assets val': 40000, 'collateral': 5000, 'dec profit': 2400.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 1, 'sector': 5, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 4.0}",A 41-year-old female is applying for a loan of 1800 cedis. The applicant works in service sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 40000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 2400.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 4.0. She provided a guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She has non-mandatory savings with the bank. She resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 5000 cedis. 273,0,1500,1000,1,30.0,9000,1000.0,1.5,1,23,1000,0,1,1,0,1,0,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 1500, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 9000, dec profit is 1000.0, xperience is 1.5, educatn is 1, age is 23, collateral is 1000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 1500 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 9000 - dec profit : 1000.0 - xperience : 1.5 - educatn : 1 - age : 23 - collateral : 1000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 1500. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 9000. The dec profit is 1000.0. The xperience is 1.5. The educatn is 1. The age is 23. The collateral is 1000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 1500 30.0 9000 1000.0 1.5 1 23 1000 0 1 1 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 1500 & 30.000000 & 9000 & 1000.000000 & 1.500000 & 1 & 23 & 1000 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 23, 'amnt req': 1500, 'assets val': 9000, 'collateral': 1000, 'dec profit': 1000.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 1.5}",A 23-year-old female is applying for a loan of 1500 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 9000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 1000.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 1.5. She provided a guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 1000 cedis. 274,0,1000,1000,0,30.0,2000,260.0,7.0,1,38,2000,0,0,1,0,1,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 1000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 2000, dec profit is 260.0, xperience is 7.0, educatn is 1, age is 38, collateral is 2000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 1000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 2000 - dec profit : 260.0 - xperience : 7.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 38 - collateral : 2000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 1000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 2000. The dec profit is 260.0. The xperience is 7.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 38. The collateral is 2000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 1000 30.0 2000 260.0 7.0 1 38 2000 0 0 1 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 1000 & 30.000000 & 2000 & 260.000000 & 7.000000 & 1 & 38 & 2000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 38, 'amnt req': 1000, 'assets val': 2000, 'collateral': 2000, 'dec profit': 260.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 7.0}",A 38-year-old female is applying for a loan of 1000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 2000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 260.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 7.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 2000 cedis. 275,0,5000,5000,0,60.0,20000,7000.0,4.0,1,44,7000,0,1,1,1,3,1,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 5000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 20000, dec profit is 7000.0, xperience is 4.0, educatn is 1, age is 44, collateral is 7000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 3, savings is 1","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 5000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 20000 - dec profit : 7000.0 - xperience : 4.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 44 - collateral : 7000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 3 - savings : 1",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 5000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 20000. The dec profit is 7000.0. The xperience is 4.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 44. The collateral is 7000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 3. The savings is 1,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 5000 60.0 20000 7000.0 4.0 1 44 7000 0 1 1 1 3 1
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 5000 & 60.000000 & 20000 & 7000.000000 & 4.000000 & 1 & 44 & 7000 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 3 & 1 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 44, 'amnt req': 5000, 'assets val': 20000, 'collateral': 7000, 'dec profit': 7000.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 1, 'sector': 3, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 4.0}",A 44-year-old female is applying for a loan of 5000 cedis. The applicant works in manufacturing sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. Her assets value is 20000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 7000.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 4.0. She provided a guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She has non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 7000 cedis. 276,1,7000,5000,1,60.0,900,190.0,1.0,2,43,4000,0,1,0,0,4,0,No,"sex is 1, amnt req is 7000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 900, dec profit is 190.0, xperience is 1.0, educatn is 2, age is 43, collateral is 4000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 7000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 900 - dec profit : 190.0 - xperience : 1.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 43 - collateral : 4000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 7000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 900. The dec profit is 190.0. The xperience is 1.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 43. The collateral is 4000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 7000 60.0 900 190.0 1.0 2 43 4000 0 1 0 0 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 7000 & 60.000000 & 900 & 190.000000 & 1.000000 & 2 & 43 & 4000 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 43, 'amnt req': 7000, 'assets val': 900, 'collateral': 4000, 'dec profit': 190.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 1.0}",A 43-year-old male is applying for a loan of 7000 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 900 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 190.0 cedis. His educational background is secondary and the number of years that he has been in business is 1.0. He provided a guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 4000 cedis. 277,1,4000,4000,0,60.0,8000,800.0,7.0,3,48,6000,0,0,0,0,5,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 4000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 8000, dec profit is 800.0, xperience is 7.0, educatn is 3, age is 48, collateral is 6000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 5, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 4000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 8000 - dec profit : 800.0 - xperience : 7.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 48 - collateral : 6000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 5 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 4000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 8000. The dec profit is 800.0. The xperience is 7.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 48. The collateral is 6000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 5. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 4000 60.0 8000 800.0 7.0 3 48 6000 0 0 0 0 5 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 4000 & 60.000000 & 8000 & 800.000000 & 7.000000 & 3 & 48 & 6000 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 5 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 48, 'amnt req': 4000, 'assets val': 8000, 'collateral': 6000, 'dec profit': 800.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 5, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 7.0}",A 48-year-old male is applying for a loan of 4000 cedis. The applicant works in service sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 8000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 800.0 cedis. His educational background is primary and the number of years that he has been in business is 7.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 6000 cedis. 278,0,9000,8000,1,,9000,700.0,3.0,3,55,9000,1,0,1,1,3,0,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 9000, maturity is None, assets val is 9000, dec profit is 700.0, xperience is 3.0, educatn is 3, age is 55, collateral is 9000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 3, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 9000 - maturity : None - assets val : 9000 - dec profit : 700.0 - xperience : 3.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 55 - collateral : 9000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 3 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 9000. The maturity is None. The assets val is 9000. The dec profit is 700.0. The xperience is 3.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 55. The collateral is 9000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 3. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 9000 None 9000 700.0 3.0 3 55 9000 1 0 1 1 3 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrlrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 9000 & None & 9000 & 700.000000 & 3.000000 & 3 & 55 & 9000 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 3 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 55, 'amnt req': 9000, 'assets val': 9000, 'collateral': 9000, 'dec profit': 700.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': None, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 3, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 3.0}",A 55-year-old female is applying for a loan of 9000 cedis. The applicant works in manufacturing sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is None years. Her assets value is 9000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 700.0 cedis. Her educational background is primary and the number of years that she has been in business is 3.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 9000 cedis. 279,0,8000,8000,0,15.0,600,4500.0,5.0,1,30,10000,0,1,1,0,2,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 8000, maturity is 15.0, assets val is 600, dec profit is 4500.0, xperience is 5.0, educatn is 1, age is 30, collateral is 10000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 2, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 8000 - maturity : 15.0 - assets val : 600 - dec profit : 4500.0 - xperience : 5.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 30 - collateral : 10000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 2 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 8000. The maturity is 15.0. The assets val is 600. The dec profit is 4500.0. The xperience is 5.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 30. The collateral is 10000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 2. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 8000 15.0 600 4500.0 5.0 1 30 10000 0 1 1 0 2 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 8000 & 15.000000 & 600 & 4500.000000 & 5.000000 & 1 & 30 & 10000 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 2 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 30, 'amnt req': 8000, 'assets val': 600, 'collateral': 10000, 'dec profit': 4500.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 15.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 2, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 5.0}",A 30-year-old female is applying for a loan of 8000 cedis. The applicant works in transport sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 15.0 years. Her assets value is 600 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 4500.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 5.0. She provided a guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 10000 cedis. 280,0,20000,20000,0,60.0,50000,2500.0,8.0,3,49,7000,1,1,0,0,3,1,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 20000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 50000, dec profit is 2500.0, xperience is 8.0, educatn is 3, age is 49, collateral is 7000, locatn is 1, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 0, sector is 3, savings is 1","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 20000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 50000 - dec profit : 2500.0 - xperience : 8.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 49 - collateral : 7000 - locatn : 1 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 0 - sector : 3 - savings : 1",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 20000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 50000. The dec profit is 2500.0. The xperience is 8.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 49. The collateral is 7000. The locatn is 1. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 0. The sector is 3. The savings is 1,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 20000 60.0 50000 2500.0 8.0 3 49 7000 1 1 0 0 3 1
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 20000 & 60.000000 & 50000 & 2500.000000 & 8.000000 & 3 & 49 & 7000 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 3 & 1 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 49, 'amnt req': 20000, 'assets val': 50000, 'collateral': 7000, 'dec profit': 2500.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 1, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 1, 'sector': 3, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 8.0}",A 49-year-old female is applying for a loan of 20000 cedis. The applicant works in manufacturing sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. Her assets value is 50000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 2500.0 cedis. Her educational background is primary and the number of years that she has been in business is 8.0. She provided a guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She has non-mandatory savings with the bank. She resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 7000 cedis. 281,0,2000,1000,1,15.0,7000,500.0,5.0,2,36,1500,0,1,1,1,5,0,No,"sex is 0, amnt req is 2000, maturity is 15.0, assets val is 7000, dec profit is 500.0, xperience is 5.0, educatn is 2, age is 36, collateral is 1500, locatn is 0, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 5, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 2000 - maturity : 15.0 - assets val : 7000 - dec profit : 500.0 - xperience : 5.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 36 - collateral : 1500 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 5 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 2000. The maturity is 15.0. The assets val is 7000. The dec profit is 500.0. The xperience is 5.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 36. The collateral is 1500. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 5. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 2000 15.0 7000 500.0 5.0 2 36 1500 0 1 1 1 5 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 2000 & 15.000000 & 7000 & 500.000000 & 5.000000 & 2 & 36 & 1500 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 5 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 36, 'amnt req': 2000, 'assets val': 7000, 'collateral': 1500, 'dec profit': 500.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 15.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 5, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 5.0}",A 36-year-old female is applying for a loan of 2000 cedis. The applicant works in service sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 15.0 years. Her assets value is 7000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 500.0 cedis. Her educational background is secondary and the number of years that she has been in business is 5.0. She provided a guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 1500 cedis. 282,1,1000,1000,0,15.0,4000,150.0,7.0,3,28,1500,0,1,1,0,1,1,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 1000, maturity is 15.0, assets val is 4000, dec profit is 150.0, xperience is 7.0, educatn is 3, age is 28, collateral is 1500, locatn is 0, guarantor is 1, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 1","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 1000 - maturity : 15.0 - assets val : 4000 - dec profit : 150.0 - xperience : 7.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 28 - collateral : 1500 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 1 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 1",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 1000. The maturity is 15.0. The assets val is 4000. The dec profit is 150.0. The xperience is 7.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 28. The collateral is 1500. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 1. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 1,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 1000 15.0 4000 150.0 7.0 3 28 1500 0 1 1 0 1 1
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 1000 & 15.000000 & 4000 & 150.000000 & 7.000000 & 3 & 28 & 1500 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 1 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 28, 'amnt req': 1000, 'assets val': 4000, 'collateral': 1500, 'dec profit': 150.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 1, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 15.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 1, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 7.0}",A 28-year-old male is applying for a loan of 1000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 15.0 years. His assets value is 4000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 150.0 cedis. His educational background is primary and the number of years that he has been in business is 7.0. He provided a guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He has non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 1500 cedis. 283,1,5000,2000,1,60.0,5000,2000.0,2.5,1,45,3000,0,0,0,1,1,0,No,"sex is 1, amnt req is 5000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 5000, dec profit is 2000.0, xperience is 2.5, educatn is 1, age is 45, collateral is 3000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 1, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 5000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 5000 - dec profit : 2000.0 - xperience : 2.5 - educatn : 1 - age : 45 - collateral : 3000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 1 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 5000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 5000. The dec profit is 2000.0. The xperience is 2.5. The educatn is 1. The age is 45. The collateral is 3000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 1. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 5000 60.0 5000 2000.0 2.5 1 45 3000 0 0 0 1 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 5000 & 60.000000 & 5000 & 2000.000000 & 2.500000 & 1 & 45 & 3000 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 45, 'amnt req': 5000, 'assets val': 5000, 'collateral': 3000, 'dec profit': 2000.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 2.5}",A 45-year-old male is applying for a loan of 5000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 5000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 2000.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 2.5. He did not provide any guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 3000 cedis. 284,0,1000,1000,0,20.0,2000,300.0,2.0,1,41,1200,0,0,1,0,1,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 1000, maturity is 20.0, assets val is 2000, dec profit is 300.0, xperience is 2.0, educatn is 1, age is 41, collateral is 1200, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 1000 - maturity : 20.0 - assets val : 2000 - dec profit : 300.0 - xperience : 2.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 41 - collateral : 1200 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 1000. The maturity is 20.0. The assets val is 2000. The dec profit is 300.0. The xperience is 2.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 41. The collateral is 1200. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 1000 20.0 2000 300.0 2.0 1 41 1200 0 0 1 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 1000 & 20.000000 & 2000 & 300.000000 & 2.000000 & 1 & 41 & 1200 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 41, 'amnt req': 1000, 'assets val': 2000, 'collateral': 1200, 'dec profit': 300.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 20.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 2.0}",A 41-year-old female is applying for a loan of 1000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 20.0 years. Her assets value is 2000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 300.0 cedis. Her educational background is tertiary and the number of years that she has been in business is 2.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 1200 cedis. 285,1,1000,1000,0,30.0,2300,500.0,8.0,2,36,6000,0,0,0,1,1,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 1000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 2300, dec profit is 500.0, xperience is 8.0, educatn is 2, age is 36, collateral is 6000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 1, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 1000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 2300 - dec profit : 500.0 - xperience : 8.0 - educatn : 2 - age : 36 - collateral : 6000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 1 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 1000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 2300. The dec profit is 500.0. The xperience is 8.0. The educatn is 2. The age is 36. The collateral is 6000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 1. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 1000 30.0 2300 500.0 8.0 2 36 6000 0 0 0 1 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 1000 & 30.000000 & 2300 & 500.000000 & 8.000000 & 2 & 36 & 6000 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 36, 'amnt req': 1000, 'assets val': 2300, 'collateral': 6000, 'dec profit': 500.0, 'educatn': 2, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 8.0}",A 36-year-old male is applying for a loan of 1000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 2300 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 500.0 cedis. His educational background is secondary and the number of years that he has been in business is 8.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is not his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 6000 cedis. 286,1,800,800,0,20.0,1600,300.0,4.0,1,34,8000,0,0,1,0,1,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 800, maturity is 20.0, assets val is 1600, dec profit is 300.0, xperience is 4.0, educatn is 1, age is 34, collateral is 8000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 800 - maturity : 20.0 - assets val : 1600 - dec profit : 300.0 - xperience : 4.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 34 - collateral : 8000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 800. The maturity is 20.0. The assets val is 1600. The dec profit is 300.0. The xperience is 4.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 34. The collateral is 8000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 800 20.0 1600 300.0 4.0 1 34 8000 0 0 1 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 800 & 20.000000 & 1600 & 300.000000 & 4.000000 & 1 & 34 & 8000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 34, 'amnt req': 800, 'assets val': 1600, 'collateral': 8000, 'dec profit': 300.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 20.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 4.0}",A 34-year-old male is applying for a loan of 800 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 20.0 years. His assets value is 1600 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 300.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 4.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 8000 cedis. 287,1,1000,800,1,36.0,1600,200.0,2.0,1,51,7000,0,0,1,0,1,0,No,"sex is 1, amnt req is 1000, maturity is 36.0, assets val is 1600, dec profit is 200.0, xperience is 2.0, educatn is 1, age is 51, collateral is 7000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 1000 - maturity : 36.0 - assets val : 1600 - dec profit : 200.0 - xperience : 2.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 51 - collateral : 7000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 1000. The maturity is 36.0. The assets val is 1600. The dec profit is 200.0. The xperience is 2.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 51. The collateral is 7000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 1000 36.0 1600 200.0 2.0 1 51 7000 0 0 1 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 1000 & 36.000000 & 1600 & 200.000000 & 2.000000 & 1 & 51 & 7000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 51, 'amnt req': 1000, 'assets val': 1600, 'collateral': 7000, 'dec profit': 200.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 36.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 2.0}",A 51-year-old male is applying for a loan of 1000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 36.0 years. His assets value is 1600 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 200.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 2.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 7000 cedis. 288,0,1000,1000,0,30.0,5000,500.0,1.0,3,23,4000,0,0,0,1,5,0,Yes,"sex is 0, amnt req is 1000, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 5000, dec profit is 500.0, xperience is 1.0, educatn is 3, age is 23, collateral is 4000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 0, purpose is 1, sector is 5, savings is 0","- sex : 0 - amnt req : 1000 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 5000 - dec profit : 500.0 - xperience : 1.0 - educatn : 3 - age : 23 - collateral : 4000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 0 - purpose : 1 - sector : 5 - savings : 0",The sex is 0. The amnt req is 1000. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 5000. The dec profit is 500.0. The xperience is 1.0. The educatn is 3. The age is 23. The collateral is 4000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 0. The purpose is 1. The sector is 5. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 0 1000 30.0 5000 500.0 1.0 3 23 4000 0 0 0 1 5 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 0 & 1000 & 30.000000 & 5000 & 500.000000 & 1.000000 & 3 & 23 & 4000 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 5 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 23, 'amnt req': 1000, 'assets val': 5000, 'collateral': 4000, 'dec profit': 500.0, 'educatn': 3, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 0, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 5, 'sex': 0, 'xperience': 1.0}",A 23-year-old female is applying for a loan of 1000 cedis. The applicant works in service sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to her business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. Her assets value is 5000 cedis and her declared profits (after tax) is 500.0 cedis. Her educational background is primary and the number of years that she has been in business is 1.0. She did not provide any guarantor and this is not her first time requesting for a loan at the bank. She does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. She does not resides or have her business close to the bank. The value of her collateral is 4000 cedis. 289,1,4000,4000,0,60.0,8000,1550.0,11.0,1,34,3000,0,0,1,0,1,0,Yes,"sex is 1, amnt req is 4000, maturity is 60.0, assets val is 8000, dec profit is 1550.0, xperience is 11.0, educatn is 1, age is 34, collateral is 3000, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 0, sector is 1, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 4000 - maturity : 60.0 - assets val : 8000 - dec profit : 1550.0 - xperience : 11.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 34 - collateral : 3000 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 0 - sector : 1 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 4000. The maturity is 60.0. The assets val is 8000. The dec profit is 1550.0. The xperience is 11.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 34. The collateral is 3000. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 0. The sector is 1. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 4000 60.0 8000 1550.0 11.0 1 34 3000 0 0 1 0 1 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 4000 & 60.000000 & 8000 & 1550.000000 & 11.000000 & 1 & 34 & 3000 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 34, 'amnt req': 4000, 'assets val': 8000, 'collateral': 3000, 'dec profit': 1550.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 60.0, 'purpose': 0, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 1, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 11.0}",A 34-year-old male is applying for a loan of 4000 cedis. The applicant works in commerce sector and the purpose of the loan is related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 60.0 years. His assets value is 8000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 1550.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 11.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 3000 cedis. 290,1,1500,1000,1,30.0,2000,300.0,1.0,1,53,1500,0,0,1,1,4,0,No,"sex is 1, amnt req is 1500, maturity is 30.0, assets val is 2000, dec profit is 300.0, xperience is 1.0, educatn is 1, age is 53, collateral is 1500, locatn is 0, guarantor is 0, relatnshp is 1, purpose is 1, sector is 4, savings is 0","- sex : 1 - amnt req : 1500 - maturity : 30.0 - assets val : 2000 - dec profit : 300.0 - xperience : 1.0 - educatn : 1 - age : 53 - collateral : 1500 - locatn : 0 - guarantor : 0 - relatnshp : 1 - purpose : 1 - sector : 4 - savings : 0",The sex is 1. The amnt req is 1500. The maturity is 30.0. The assets val is 2000. The dec profit is 300.0. The xperience is 1.0. The educatn is 1. The age is 53. The collateral is 1500. The locatn is 0. The guarantor is 0. The relatnshp is 1. The purpose is 1. The sector is 4. The savings is 0,"
sex amnt req maturity assets val dec profit xperience educatn age collateral locatn guarantor relatnshp purpose sector savings
0 1 1500 30.0 2000 300.0 1.0 1 53 1500 0 0 1 1 4 0
","\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} & sex & amnt req & maturity & assets val & dec profit & xperience & educatn & age & collateral & locatn & guarantor & relatnshp & purpose & sector & savings \\ 0 & 1 & 1500 & 30.000000 & 2000 & 300.000000 & 1.000000 & 1 & 53 & 1500 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 4 & 0 \\ \end{tabular} ","{'age': 53, 'amnt req': 1500, 'assets val': 2000, 'collateral': 1500, 'dec profit': 300.0, 'educatn': 1, 'guarantor': 0, 'locatn': 0, 'maturity': 30.0, 'purpose': 1, 'relatnshp': 1, 'savings': 0, 'sector': 4, 'sex': 1, 'xperience': 1.0}",A 53-year-old male is applying for a loan of 1500 cedis. The applicant works in agriculture sector and the purpose of the loan is not related to his business. The maturity period of the requested loan is 30.0 years. His assets value is 2000 cedis and his declared profits (after tax) is 300.0 cedis. His educational background is tertiary and the number of years that he has been in business is 1.0. He did not provide any guarantor and this is his first time requesting for a loan at the bank. He does not have non-mandatory savings with the bank. He does not resides or have his business close to the bank. The value of his collateral is 1500 cedis.