JayAraeEssexArchive / 2016-05-29 - Us & More ICU Info (5-27-2016).txt
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(0:05 - 0:26)
Morning folks, it's... It was... it is Friday, May 27th, 9.03am. Three people coming together, zero completion, and nine is elder. And what I got out of that right away is the Elder Way. Those that know and remember.
(0:28 - 0:47)
That's a little bit about what waking up is about. I'm going to get some coffee. My joke about that is, Nectar of the Gods! And I don't like using the word Gods.
(0:48 - 1:00)
God, Goddess, all that stuff. People look for glory, glory is praise. Saying thank you for something is really cool.
(1:00 - 1:09)
But praise, whole other ball game. Whole different ballpark. Easy for me not to say.
(1:14 - 1:20)
Excuse me. I know that slurping makes noise. It's just hot coffee.
(1:21 - 1:28)
Anyway, anybody looking for perfection, go ahead and leave. You won't find it here. You won't find it anywhere.
(1:28 - 1:46)
Anyway, I want to talk about a simple word, Us. Before I do just some basic updates about some stuff. Some of your stuff I've sent off three days ago.
(1:46 - 1:57)
Some of the packages I'm behind on. Ange, Matan, and others. I have to just sit down and, you know, I got them all in a pile.
(1:57 - 2:07)
I got to get the receipts and send you out the tracking numbers. Others I'm about to get to right now. That's the little didding didding what that was about.
(2:11 - 2:18)
Anyway, that's the other side. Kind of giving me, not a hard time, but just saying, come on. We have a schedule, you got to go.
(2:18 - 2:34)
And I do, I got to get home. It's where we all live when we're not in the body. Anyway, also, when I had gone into people before to access this one part of your brain that actually helps everything flow.
(2:35 - 2:43)
I always wanted to do that. I did that in most all the crank ups until I realized I could put energy in there, but I couldn't really open it up. I couldn't do it yet.
(2:44 - 3:01)
You know, it's like, oh, it's a scam to make more money later. No, I don't think so. Especially since that is $200 and the crank up was only the crank up of the console with a free crank up in it is $400 when it was selling all over the world like crazy for 600.
(3:03 - 3:08)
No, I'm not about money. Do we need money? Yes. You know, I have a lot of things I have to pay for right now.
(3:08 - 3:23)
And it sure isn't my new overalls and, you know, eating at the finest places. Although I do go to Red Lobster once in a while for a wine biscuits, sometimes a meal. I had a day a couple days ago.
(3:23 - 3:33)
I went down there and some lady was just really complaining about the salad. The lettuce wasn't fresh enough. And I just looked at her and she was already looking at me.
(3:34 - 3:42)
She goes, you know, you know what I'm saying? You know, things used to just be right about everything used to be just fine, perfect. Now they're not. I'm like, I said, it's called life.
(3:43 - 3:59)
And I just went back to eat, sip my wine and have some of those biscuits that are so good with them over there. Garlic and cheese. Anyway, so I, she started asking about rocks and stuff that I do and everything.
(4:00 - 4:09)
So I told her I didn't make a big thing about it. I was there to relax, not, you know, go into anything with anybody, but I was answering questions. And then she said, I don't believe in that.
(4:09 - 4:12)
I believe in this. I said, honey, that's great. Love you.
(4:14 - 4:19)
And she just kept going. She goes, you don't want to hear when I listen to you. I said, you ask me questions.
(4:19 - 4:30)
I give you answers. It's like, you know, it's you're sitting three. There's like two, three stools between us.
(4:30 - 4:38)
You know, there should be 20. And then she just went nuts. So I hit her with a couple of comments.
(4:38 - 4:57)
Just this is this, this is that, you know, take care. When she started her preaching craft, so many religious zealots you'll find to their race, their voice. And it's like, they're trying to convince themselves as they say it, or maybe trying to look good to this homemade deity or God or goddess or something.
(4:57 - 5:04)
I'm like, these people have no idea what's really happening. They have no idea who they are. They have no idea what's going on around them.
(5:05 - 5:15)
They're totally clueless. But instead of relaxing, trying to open up and find themselves. They're running around screaming all this other, you know, religious dogma crap.
(5:15 - 5:30)
And that's all it is. So anyway, when I first started going into people to crank them up, every time I've cranked you up, I've put energy into this part of your brain. Because I've literally put all of you inside the sphere of energy.
(5:30 - 5:37)
You feel it. Okay. Some of them, some, some of you, some of them, them being the people I've gone into.
(5:38 - 5:48)
But some of you, when I've gone into you, you feel like a very soft, warm glow. Folks, this is not hard. You're not supposed to, you know, it's not supposed to knock you out of the chair.
(5:48 - 5:57)
You're not supposed to bleed out of your nose. You feel it worse, worse, worse, blah. You feel, later, you feel it stronger than when I go into you.
(5:57 - 6:06)
There's a reason for that. Okay. When I put this energy into you and I go in there, what I do is very real.
(6:06 - 6:15)
Those of you I've gone into, you know that. Okay. When, the older we are, the harder it is for me to do as much for you.
(6:16 - 6:34)
The worse your nutrition is, the harder it is for me to do more for you. Now, we can't go back in age, but nutrition, you start feeding yourself and relaxing and using your abilities, that energy's there, it's going to kick in. I told you all a long time ago, the field that's hanging around everywhere, what they call the ether and everything, around here, it's me, folks.
(6:35 - 6:39)
Whatever. That's how strong this stuff is. It's shoved in his body.
(6:40 - 6:52)
Part of it, anyway. A little piece of it. Anyway, that is the kind, yeah.
(6:52 - 7:03)
I was going to say, how should I say this? I said, I made up my mind and then a little flash. This is a soft thing. This is something that happens and it just keeps going.
(7:04 - 7:09)
What I put in you is not spirit. It's not sentient. It's not a being.
(7:09 - 7:14)
It's energy. But around you is a part of what I am. It's called the field.
(7:15 - 7:23)
And when you're ready, it'll crank you up and make you stronger and start working on you. Your head might get a little dizzy. You feel sometimes, those of you that are solar plexus, you feel that feeling in your gut.
(7:24 - 7:36)
And then all of a sudden, when you need it, need all yourself, then I back off. And maybe it's time for you to drive down the highway, go a long ways. I'll be working on you.
(7:37 - 7:40)
I'll be working on you. You'll be feeling it. I'll literally be working on you.
(7:40 - 7:59)
I do most of everything when you're asleep. However, when you're flying in and out of stuff, going through the streets one way, traffic and all this nutty stuff, no, it's just stopped, pulled off you, and you're normal. And then you go back on the highway again, and then poof, it might come again.
(8:00 - 8:04)
And then it might not. Don't worry about it. It's a controlled thing from the other side.
(8:06 - 8:14)
And it's not me consciously knowing what I'm doing. It's part of Aura that's out there everywhere, folks. And there's parts of Lilly out there doing that with you all.
(8:16 - 8:25)
Us is about family. It's family time. Before I get into this too hard, I mean too deep, or deeper, excuse me.
(8:25 - 8:36)
No such thing as too deep with family. When I go in to you to do this work, I used to have to put a little pressure in there trying to get it to come alive. It wouldn't, so I'd stop, never hurting you.
(8:36 - 8:52)
Okay, never. Now, I first thought, when I first talked about this ICU, intensive crank-up, or ICU-U, intensive crank-up-upgrade, folks, I spent time in the military. We had abbreviations for everything.
(8:52 - 8:58)
I've always liked abbreviations anyway, because it's short, quick, to the point. You do it, you're done. It's like my name, J. It's one letter.
(8:58 - 9:07)
Boom. Okay? So anyway, I said that, you know, there might be kind of intense pressure in there. Folks, it's the exact opposite.
(9:08 - 9:16)
Bejew was the first one I went into doing that, after messing with my own head a little bit. And she'll tell you that it's so soft. She said, wow, that's so neat.
(9:17 - 9:28)
And then just floating, you know, coming out. And a lot of people feel the same thing. There's, I'm going to talk some more about that a little bit later.
(9:30 - 9:42)
But not now. I want to get something else done and get back to all this other work that I have. Anyway, if it wasn't for Deanna helping me out, taking over emails, there's no way I could get any of this done.
(9:43 - 9:55)
I have a lot of stuff I'm doing that you all don't know about that's preparing for leaving. Things have to be before I go. I've got something of a short bucket list, but there's little things that I have to do, too, that just have to be handled.
(9:56 - 10:19)
Certain people I need to do certain things for, so they'll be ready to do what they need to do before I get out of here. One of them I'm already taking care of now is a really cool family. And there's a husband and wife, three boys, three sons, a neighbor.
(10:20 - 10:28)
He has the same name as, we call him Jake. He has the same name as one of the sons. And three dogs and a cat.
(10:29 - 10:48)
They've all been cranked up, and they've all had the other intensive, the free energy work that comes with the ICU or ICUU. Also done to them. This one gentleman, I'll just give you a first name.
(10:49 - 10:54)
His name is Shane. You're going to find out about him soon. He talks with T.E.A.R. all the time.
(10:55 - 11:02)
T.E.A.R. is coming with him, and he's starting to talk, and everything has come right to him. He sees him as he is, and answers. He said, Jay, it's where, I said, just stop, look at this, look at that.
(11:02 - 11:09)
Look, see this, see this, that, that. I don't say, see a face that looks like this. I don't say, see, that has got six legs.
(11:09 - 11:20)
I said, just focus on this energy when it comes in, and just look at it, tell me what you get. He goes, well, it's an insect, but it's got this funny head. He said, it's the antids.
(11:20 - 11:34)
And I said, bingo. And he goes, I think it's T.E.A.R. I said, that's right, it's T.E.A.R. It's kind of funny. As we wake up, this is part of us, we talk back and forth with each other.
(11:36 - 11:49)
About, you say something, so the other person knows you see something, but you don't say everything. And then you let them tell you about that, and then add more to it. You're going to go back and forth, and then you have your physical affirmations that you're seeing the right thing.
(11:50 - 12:06)
That you're seeing the same thing. And if you see a little bit of a different image, when you see something like a cartoon image, and it looks a little different seeing it through the solar plexus than it does through the pineal, you're still seeing the same thing. But plus, if they're talking to you, they might show you a different image.
(12:07 - 12:20)
Or you might see, when we see something that's energy, it has no physical shape. We have to find some way to relate to it. So we're going to use images we have already in our brain to relate what it actually is to the conscious mind.
(12:21 - 12:30)
That's why sometimes we see things differently. Even though we're still seeing the same thing. Shane is going to be doing a lot of work with them.
(12:30 - 12:36)
It's just getting ready to start. Eventually, he'll be walking around the ship. He won't be the only one in his family either.
(12:36 - 12:48)
They'll be coming out in the open before long, but only when it's time. He'll introduce himself, and he'll have the backing of... He'll be backed. Heavily backed.
(12:51 - 13:00)
It's time for this stuff to happen, folks. Paul will be cruising around the Starships, just having a blast in no time. Vershu, same thing.
(13:00 - 13:18)
Okay. What would it be like to have an event and you actually show up in a Starship? I guess that's an impact, huh? Land in the middle of a stadium. So much stuff coming, folks.
(13:23 - 13:54)
I'm trying to help get all of you as strong as you can be before all this stuff happens. It makes it easier, but it's also paramount, more so, that you just become yourself. Okay? So what's us? Two letters.
Simple. Thought I'd just plop to my head two things that we have right now. Let me get out my Rune cards.
(13:56 - 14:09)
Folks, when it comes to waking up, Rune cards, these Rune cards I made, they have symbols for a reason. They mean something. They're to help you and your spirit guides.
(14:10 - 14:20)
And Animal Spirit Guides? Incredibly intelligent. They're here to help you talk with each other. And it's about awakening.
(14:21 - 14:31)
Very simple. Do-do-do-do-do-do. I'm going to do a new Rune card video.
(14:31 - 14:42)
Okay, that's one of them I want right there. And there's the other one. And I said I'm going to have to go through the whole deck.
(14:42 - 14:50)
I don't know how many cards there are, 50-something, I don't know. Who knows? It says, uh, I should care about that. No, I don't.
(14:51 - 15:06)
I care that I made them and I finished. You know, you have them if you want them, because they're going to help you. Okay, now, part of us, as far as Rune cards, is this one right here.
(15:08 - 15:19)
It's called Harmony. What do you have here? You have two lines that are connected by a single thing. By a third one.
(15:21 - 15:35)
So that's two lines, two different things, coming together or joined by sharing something. A simple rod. This means Harmony.
(15:35 - 15:44)
It means coming together. It can also literally stand for happy. It can also stand at two.
(15:44 - 15:56)
It's relative to the number two. And two is also understanding. As two come together, the understanding between the two is naturally going to increase.
(15:59 - 16:11)
And then there's this card over here. Okay, what does that look like? Everything's all over the place. There's no particular function.
(16:11 - 16:17)
It's just random. Sporadic. The name of this card is Chaos.
(16:19 - 16:24)
Everything's all over the place. That's how your lives are being run right now. That's what the other side looks like.
(16:24 - 16:28)
Chaos. That's what is going on over here. Not just on this planet, but others.
(16:28 - 16:36)
But the earth, it's screwed up, big time. That's going to stop. That's going to start being fixed in a few months.
(16:36 - 16:55)
Whatever, let's just say that. Um... When Arrow and Lily... When Arrow's together on the other side, he's going to go over there and just... literally destroy the old... finish destroying the old way. And say, this is how it is.
(16:55 - 17:09)
And then things start coming together. And those of you that were aware of... We're sending out the other Rune cards. The Rune card that was missing, plus the two new Wild cards.
(17:14 - 17:21)
Awaz. This pretty much means like everything, all things in all ways. That's the basic thought process behind it.
(17:24 - 17:33)
Then... Two very old energies, before there was ever the first life. Dragon. Unicorn.
(17:34 - 17:38)
Dragon. I'm having a hard time holding stuff up. My rotator cuffs are gone.
(17:39 - 17:53)
Anyway... Uh... Dragon energy is incredibly powerful. Um, it's very strong heart energy. Uh, and it's got... almost limitless power.
(17:53 - 18:00)
It's crazy. Um, it's slow to act. It's... It's slow to act, unless it really has to act really quick.
(18:00 - 18:14)
It'll just be there and... Wham! Unicorns? Unicorn energy? That's more Lily than Arrow. That's incredibly fast. Can't stand negativity getting that... If it sees negativity, fine.
(18:15 - 18:40)
But when something actually fires up its negativity to be abusive, it attacks! It goes at it! It says, you know... B, star, star, star, star, star. I'm on your ass now. Um... That's powerful energy.
That comes from Lily. Lily's the new creator mother. Uh, she's still coming together.
(18:40 - 19:05)
Not done yet. This is all just barely starting. Um... The ingredients are in a bowl.
It's being stirred. It won't be that much longer before it's a beautiful cake. She's powerful, folks.
Don't think she's not. Okay? Um... I'm not afraid of anything. I guess that's obvious.
(19:06 - 19:23)
But, uh... I have a lot of respect for Lily's power, for her energy. Of course, you know, I have a lot of love, too. That's... Uh... That's incredible.
(19:24 - 19:37)
There's other parts of Lily you're gonna meet soon. Um... They're gonna start coming out. Uh, and... That I've... She and I have, uh... Met recently, you know, hooked up long distance, like... And I call her Annie.
(19:39 - 19:43)
Um... One of our lives we had together in the West. That was her name. I called her my little Annie.
(19:45 - 19:52)
Um... She and I always had a connection. She didn't understand, you know, why. It's because of the Lily insider.
(19:53 - 20:03)
There's a similar thing, um... When she and I meet our family members that come from Lily and Ara. She's a big part of Lily. I'm a big part of Ara.
(20:03 - 20:08)
We're not the complete thing. We're part of. But we're really big parts.
(20:11 - 20:19)
Um... I've told so many people forever. You know? It seems. Um... Getting real big is energy.
(20:19 - 20:26)
It's spirit. Sensing energy and being huge. And having all those... Especially having all those abuse frequencies within you.
(20:26 - 20:31)
It makes you start to shatter. It makes parts of you fall apart. You have to clean this stuff up all the time.
(20:31 - 20:37)
And getting so big anyway. Even when you clean... Other parts just tend to break off. That's how the energy is.
(20:37 - 20:49)
It's not a good thing. It's an extra thing to deal with. So... There's a lot of changes that are already happening.
(20:49 - 20:53)
On the other side. Taking out the trash. Getting rid of the bad stuff over there.
(20:53 - 21:00)
Already. For the vast majority of it already done. Um... Other than the big source energy that was taken out.
(21:01 - 21:06)
There's only about 3%. A little over 3% of the trouble. Problematic spirit.
(21:06 - 21:11)
Is left over there. So it's pretty quiet. There's a lot of... Good boy Herky.
(21:11 - 21:18)
I love you buddy. There's a lot of good... Spirit. Coming out now.
(21:18 - 21:23)
You know. Floating around. It's not worried about being in the middle of a war zone.
(21:24 - 21:30)
Things are very calm. Comparatively speaking. Very calm.
(21:31 - 21:42)
Anyway... The thing is. With everyone waking up. You need to be able to sit.
(21:42 - 21:47)
At the same table. That goes through many... I love you Herky. I'm trying to hurry.
(21:47 - 21:50)
I know I'm hurrying honey. I gotta go do other stuff. I know.
(21:51 - 21:54)
I love you buddy. Thank you. I heard your collar jingle.
(21:54 - 21:58)
Yes I did. I love you honey. I know.
(21:58 - 22:01)
Go ahead. Say something. Wanna talk? Okay.
(22:01 - 22:03)
I know. Okay. I love you honey.
(22:08 - 22:20)
I'll be right there. I love you sweetie. Anyway... The thing with the table and everything.
(22:20 - 22:28)
It's like a table that goes through all dimensions. Everyone needs to be aware of each other. That doesn't mean you're gonna be forced to sit down at a table.
(22:28 - 22:33)
And stare at everybody. This isn't like a mom and dad. That says you must come home for dinner.
(22:33 - 22:36)
Sit down. Or we're gonna beat you. Or you have to stay here.
(22:36 - 22:41)
And eat your plate. Or you know. It's not anything like that.
(22:41 - 22:45)
But there is a table. It's called creation. What exists.
(22:45 - 22:50)
It's the true reality. And it goes through all dimensions. And as you all wake up and get stronger.
(22:51 - 22:56)
That's right Herky. As you all wake up and get stronger. You're gonna be able to sit down.
(22:56 - 23:01)
And come to that table. And see each other. That's what that whole image is about.
(23:01 - 23:04)
That's right Herky. That's right. That's funny.
(23:04 - 23:07)
You're disagreeing with me. You're not. I know.
(23:08 - 23:10)
I love you buddy. Come here. Come here Herk.
(23:10 - 23:18)
Come on. He's saying. He's actually telling me to get a little more aggressive about it.
(23:18 - 23:22)
But anyway. Folks that's what it's about. It's not like you're gonna be forced to go to the table.
(23:22 - 23:26)
But you need to be able to see it. Okay. You need to be able to meet each other.
(23:26 - 23:40)
You need to have that ability. What is it buddy? What is it? I love you. Yes I do.
(23:43 - 23:45)
Now see. Good boy. Good sneezy honey.
(23:45 - 23:50)
Good boy. In his mind. He's saying.
(23:50 - 23:58)
He's just wanting my attention. Then he wants me to go downstairs and go outside. You want to go in the backyard? Okay.
(23:58 - 24:14)
You want to see the kittens? Okay, that's what he wants to do manually, but I'm being told something else too. The information coming in through the source animal. Okay, I'm coming.
Just a minute. Just a minute, honey. I love you, buddy.
(24:15 - 24:20)
Okay? Alright, alright. Go grab that blanket and shake it. Grab it.
(24:20 - 24:35)
Arrrr. Good boy. He's scared.
Anyway, he's looking at me like, what? Anyway, it's so nice to see the life in him. Herky, come here. Come here.
Come here, baby. Come on. Come on.
(24:35 - 24:43)
There he goes. I'll be right there, honey. Anyway, folks, it's about us.
(24:44 - 25:17)
I feel funny including myself in that, okay? It's about everybody. Family. I'm different.
I'm just something that's there to take care of. I'm a caretaker. That's all.
I'm not important. It's important I do my work. That I'm there to do it, and I do it.
That's all. The longer, as time goes by, after this body's gone, that'll be more and more evident. Good.
It's supposed to be. It makes me happy. Whatever.
(25:23 - 25:41)
Finding yourself, your true self, that's a big thing. That's not just the actual word of enlightenment, it's becoming enlightened to who you really are. There's no reaching another stage where you're all seen and all powerful.
(25:41 - 25:55)
No. It's you being yourself and finding out you have abilities, and then you take that and you keep growing and growing. When do you become fully enlightened? That's when the body dies and you get out of it, and you go home and you're your real self again.
(25:56 - 26:15)
Hopefully a little stronger, a little more developed. You don't gain much wisdom, folks. I'm sorry.
After 100 million lives, what are you going to learn in a life? Nothing you haven't basically learned before. And after a trillion? Folks, we have a lot of heavy hitters out there. You all are not kids.
(26:16 - 26:25)
You all have been around a long time. You don't need anyone running you. Somebody needs to take care of the building, make sure it stands up and nothing can get in and hit you.
(26:25 - 26:31)
But other than that, no. I'm the janitor. I take care of the building.
(26:31 - 26:39)
You all do whatever you want in it. As long as no one's fighting and everything, then there's no problems. We are family.
(26:39 - 26:51)
And those people that don't ever want to sit at the table and don't want to have anything to do with anyone, fine. They can literally be away from each other. They do have their own place on the other side.
(26:52 - 27:00)
But as long as they're not aggressive towards others, they're going to be left alone to be them. There's not a damn thing wrong with that. It's only when they go after other people, other beings.
(27:00 - 27:14)
When I say people, I'm thinking about beings all over the place. It's only when that happens that there's actually an issue. I've got to get running.
(27:14 - 27:22)
I just want you all to know a little more about this stuff. And you have some real power hitters that are going to come. You're going to see them.
(27:23 - 27:42)
If I hook up with some of these scientists and doctors, actually that can have equipment that can read energy, so I can prove my point of what can be done, fine. But if not, that's fine too. Whether it ever happens with me or not, it doesn't matter.
(27:42 - 27:50)
It's going to happen with Berjew and Paul. It'll happen with 30 people. It'll happen with 100.
(27:51 - 28:00)
It'll happen with 1,000. People, there's a lot of powerful Source here. After a while, it'll start creeping up.
(28:00 - 28:08)
And don't forget, we have family members that are floating around in space. Well, not floating around in space. I'm going to take that back.
(28:08 - 28:13)
I'm talking about starships and stuff. Of course, Spirit, that's different. I'm talking about what's in the body.
(28:17 - 28:22)
And remember, Source is no better than anything else. As a matter of fact, it has a job. It has higher demands upon it.
(28:26 - 28:35)
Source gets arrogant any more than ever. It's taken care of. On the other side, when you're around your body, it's not like when you're in a body.
(28:35 - 28:44)
On the other side, we play for keeps. It's serious. You're not running around with a heart and everything, just putting out that happy energy and everything everywhere.
(28:44 - 28:54)
It is serious. It doesn't mean you don't have any heart, but it does mean it's not like when you're in a body. Something really acts up, it's a problem, it's really bent on being some way, they just keep going.
(28:57 - 29:09)
We have a lot of problems over there that need to be fixed, but they're about to be. It's chaos right now, because there's no control mechanism. Something really big has to go over there and say, this is the way it is, not just stop.
(29:10 - 29:27)
But it's not until something's there out of a body, and is the biggest thing, that everything else will listen. Well, there's a lot that will listen, but I'm talking about the ones, the spirit over there that are being stupid. Most everything over there is waiting for this to happen.
(29:28 - 29:43)
The ear is ready, and he's in body. Yeah, I just got, that was actually telling me I got to go, I got someone I got to talk to out of body, as soon as I take care of Herky. He does want to go out and see the kittens in the backyard.
(29:45 - 29:58)
Folks, love you. Have a good one. This, the upgrade is, is much softer, than I thought it was going to be.
(30:04 - 30:14)
It's a weird feeling. Stuff's getting ready to break out, you're all going to love it. It doesn't mean today or tomorrow, but more and more is happening.
(30:14 - 30:20)
Ships are coming in, getting closer. Our friends in space, our family, they're coming closer all the time. They're popping in and out.
(30:22 - 30:32)
It's the neatest thing in the world. It's time for them to be a little more visible, before the big, Hi, how are you doing? Here we are. Okay, that's not for a while, 2018 maybe.
(30:32 - 30:46)
Maybe late 2018, who knows. That's up to them, and we'll see you in the future. Anyway, try to forget about finding shortcuts.
(30:47 - 31:02)
If you want, the only shortcut there is, is just sit in a chair, relax. Sit on the couch, go to the river, relax down there. My joints don't hardly even work anymore.
(31:02 - 31:11)
I can't sit and, you know, stuff like normal people. My body's real beat up. I've had a very active life.
(31:13 - 31:39)
But, that's the shortcut, is to just stop and relax. Relaxing and being calm and flowing inside yourself is not the easiest thing to do, but it's a hell of a lot easier than running around in circles all day long, day after day after day after day, day after day on the internet, and you keep looking at all this crap other people say, and then you're trying to put it together, and it just won't fit. You know, so many of you come up to me, Jay, but I said, don't even go there.
(31:40 - 31:46)
They send me stuff, Jay, go look at this, go look at this. I said, I don't have time for this. I don't have time to answer your email, let alone talk, look at other people.
(31:46 - 31:55)
I'm over there looking at everything. Why would I want to listen to what someone else says? I'm here to tell you what I know, what I see. What's real, and go.
(31:56 - 32:07)
So looking at something else is a waste of my time, and it makes me stay here longer. So, you know, when that happens, I just delete the email, whatever. I get enough of them, I just block the person.
(32:07 - 32:17)
Not being rude, I gotta go. And nothing's going to stop me. So, anyway, look, folks, a little aggressive, eh, maybe.
(32:18 - 32:24)
No big deal. It's wake-up time. It really is.
(32:24 - 32:34)
And you're going to find out, there's a really, really big us. We are a huge family. Meeting our friends in space would be really cool.
(32:34 - 32:42)
Meeting the Fae, that actually can make a body and dissolve it again. Energy. There's so much stuff coming, man, y'all.
(32:42 - 32:49)
I've told you all before, for a long time, you have no idea how cool you really are. I meant it, I said it for a reason. Well, let me tell you something else.
(32:50 - 33:04)
Yeah, I've said this before, too, but not as much. You have no idea what the next 100 years is going to bring you. You have everything that you think is normal, you know, makes sense, or quote-unquote understanding of physics, totally gone.
(33:05 - 33:12)
You know, totally gone. So, anyway, folks, love you. Take care and have a good one.