(0:08 - 46:52) Hey again folks, I just did a video talking about TIR, the ones that are calling themselves the Blue Avians right now and that's cold, it's a nice name and TIR is someone I've been talking to, James was aware of them a long time ago, James Rink There was this last video I just put out, oh it's a time stamp It's weird in here right now, there's a reason for that The energy in here is weird, the light is weird 749, January 19th, Tuesday 9 is old folks, which usually means spiritually elders, but here it means talking about TIR and his family The race he's part of, 4 is fortitude, and 7 is spiritual knowledge and they have been here a long time They are very intelligent beings, they are very spiritual and they are very old They have a good understanding of life and an appreciation for it Everything is the same as it was in the last video, this just seems to have I don't know, more infrared, I don't know, the tan, it seems more tan I don't quite understand what's going on, anyway All I see is energy, it's like scanning energy I know that's what it is I'm just more curious as to when I compare the two videos if I can see something I'm trying to think, did one of the lights get brighter? or something That's why I was taking a look at this when I first started The lights haven't been changed whatsoever You always want to look for the physical reason for things to happen, but it's more than that I just see it's the energy that's hitting here right now, it's like a neutral tan kind of energy There's energy in the room that's different, and there's a reason for that I was, Tyr was talking with me, he's one of the Blue Avians As they're called, I wish I had the actual name for the race, but he's like literally shaking his head Just, you know, let that go right now, and I'm like, yeah, okay, I'm not going to go there, don't worry about it I don't care so much about names as I care about what things are But he has some stuff he wanted to talk about, and he has a son Tyr is a scientist, he's an explorer, he's a compassionate, wonderful, benevolent person in a different body I want to say being, but you have to watch it because when something's different, a lot of people, oh, they want to follow They both need to start doing the praise thing again, no, they're us in different bodies, but that particular spirit inside him is really cool But it's his son, that one of his younger, it's not his oldest son is younger than that, but it's one of his older sons He says, you know, he's wanting me to tell you that he doesn't have that many That'll reproduce like insects do because they're not really insects His son is involved in, it's like a political government kind of group, it's not politics as we think of it here It's like a science governmental, you know, some kind of thing like that that they have on this planet We find that on a lot of the planets that become sentient, I mean that raise their awareness to the point that they need to quit this war and everything else Of course there's other things that affect that, that being said It's almost like it's got politics in it too, but it's not politics like politicians going at each other It's about the general welfare of the group, I don't want to say welfare because then people think it's, oh, okay, it's a welfare gig It's about, it's a group of people who are involved with the whole planet and more about people's general welfare, about their lives and everything I don't know what kind of name they have for that, we don't have a word for it and I'm not going there Big ol' crow Anyway, in just a minute we're going to talk with both of them, well we kind of are right now I don't do this going to trans, oh blah blah, no, no, this is not a weekly event, this is not like a popularity test This is just something that's going on Tyr wanted me to introduce his son and some basic thought concepts When I was talking with him, I was, you know, saying, I said, well what do you really want to say, I mean there's a lot going on And he said, you know, they're not ready for most of what we have to say He's talking about the human race, he's not really so much talking about the people that listen to me And he knows that and he understands that, that's why he and I had that discussion I felt urgency in his energy when he was wanting me to talk and I just stopped the other video, but there's more to it than that It's not like an attack or, you know, physical harm kind of thing, it was anxiety for something When, as you increase your telepathic abilities, you get basic feelings, image and stuff like that And you really need to understand you have like a basic feeling and it takes a little bit of time To get the rest of the full meaning behind it, especially when you're having all kinds of stuff going on Right now this is really being watched all over the place Excuse me, my ears The more people come in and start trying to watch and everything, it gets so crowded that actually the energy puts pressure on my ears Okay, that feels better Anyway, I want to do this real quick, say this real quick before we start, although we already are This gentleman that came to the event, I knew there was someone, and I told a few people there's someone coming from one of the ships He'll pop in and then pop out, and he did, but when he popped out, he took time, he wanted to try to meet some people I want to applaud the gentleman, applaud him, whatever, I want to thank him for having come in I was waiting for him, and he came in, I think on the 27th, yeah He had said that he was just driving down the road, and all of a sudden, so hey look, Jay's here, and he's right here And I happen to be driving right down the side of the road, and watched a quick video and stuff Yeah, no, he was sent here, he'd been waiting for the event to happen, since I started talking about it Anyway, as soon as he walked in, and I was in the middle of a long discussion, as soon as he walked in, bingo, I looked right at him And I just kind of, I didn't smile or anything, I just kept going, and sure enough, he looked right at me with a very stern look And he was kind of focusing his frontal brain part, and his pineal was firing up He was trying to talk to me, but I, you know, I could go into his head and get anything I needed as far as talking, but I wasn't really My energy's different, I'm just not really open to conversation and stuff I'm doing other stuff, and I'm fighting all the time, and dealing with stuff, it's just, whatever But anyway, I saw he was doing that, and then he went walking around, just found a place to come in and sit down Some friends, some very important people to all of you, Luke and, okay, I'm going to talk about them in a minute But they were trying to send, they actually took a phone, took some pictures of this gentleman And he's a representative, he's a representative of both the Federation, but he has, he's also very much tied in with the Central Intelligence Agency It's kind of like he does stuff for both of them He's not a diplomat, but he's more like one than anything else But anyway, he was there at an event, and they took a picture of him, and then that got, they went with a camera, a little video, and they went to send it to me It wouldn't download onto the internet, and they tried it a second time, and the folks, the Central Intelligence Agency, they went into their phone And literally wiped out all the images, everything, on the phone, so they couldn't send it We had cameras there, but he was very careful to pretty much, you know, stay out of the camera view, which is fine I want to thank him for being there, especially as the years go by He did something really important, and I want everyone that cares to know that Thank you Okay, and so then after the event, I took off with Karen She's Lily's driver, and because we had just physically met, and the energy there was, is incredibly strong The bodies can go through hell and life and deal with stuff, but what's inside is who we really are, not these bodies We have different bodies all the time So anyway, that's what I cared about, is being with her again, after such a long time And then he was out there, and he wanted to talk, and I apologized to him I wasn't, you know, trying to be a loon for anything, I was just preoccupied, okay Then later on, they sent this other lady that actually works for the Intelligence Agency She has another part of Lily inside her The lady, one of the ladies in the red dress from Costco The other lady was wearing black, I'm thinking of it Anyway, they're out there, everyone's out there running around, their strategies are being played It's like chess, I'm not too big on chess, I'm more like the Thor thing Take a big hammer and smack the board game to fix it It's like the insanity has to stop Anyway, so these folks are real, he asked me to talk more about the blue spheres and stuff I just, you know, I have a hard time with anything trying to tell me what to do I understood he was very nice about it, and he was kind of concerned He wants people to know that the blue spheres are not a problem, people are afraid And you know what? I mean, he's exactly right It's just because I saw that he had a partial involvement with the Central Intelligence Agency that I got pissed And it's not like he's doing things for them, he just deals with them And these folks piss me off The Anunnaki here on the planet, they got some problems, the ruling class, they got some big issues They're going down, they're in the process of getting their butts waxed hard right now But the Central Intelligence Agency, that thing needs to be ripped apart, it will be So anyway, my apologies out to him, but I just, you know, I wasn't ignoring him I just, you know, very involved with something that meant everything to me Not that this doesn't, this is very important Anyway, enough babbling back and forth That's all stuff that needs to be heard Remember right now, I'm not just talking with you all on YouTube Okay, this is going out everywhere It's just important for everyone to communicate together That's what needs to happen That space station, it's usually closer to Jupiter than Saturn It kind of floats around in space, imagine that Between those planets and that general area They have this room where they have a huge screen And literally, they attach satellites and stuff, they literally get a feed into the house Actually into the house, I can see them in a field right here watching But right now it's kind of calm over there in that room It's like the monitor is there, but it's not on It will be shown to them later So things are getting ready to happen here between us and the other races Things are happening different than they ever could have been thought of to happen Because there's nothing on the other side really controlling it There's a little guidance and that's about it The animals are more involved now, animal essence And source animals And guiding what happens with some of the larger races and stuff As far as soft manipulation in and out Okay That Central Intelligence Agency, they're getting ready to make some stupid moves Y'all about ready to get stupid, in a big way I mentioned in the other video right before this That there were different groups forming, not to fight each other But just to do different things This group feels this way, this group feels that way, this group feels that way But they're all about feeling a certain way to do something To stop what's going on here on this planet To get their people free that have been imprisoned here Totally illegally This has to come to an end The Central Intelligence Agency, they want to control how it happens They want to be in control of stuff, actually they want to make money Off of industries and stuff that are going to start here on this planet Man, y'all suck New technologies, big businesses, they want to control it To receive, not just the benefit of finance through it But the controlling of people is what they want Control the masses on a planet, you can control its money flow And manipulate them into the place on your little chess board where you want them That's relative to my earlier thoughts about being Thor and just Taking my hammer and smacking the crap out of the table Out of the board game, break it, or Stratego, something like that Bam! Anyway, that's not going to be allowed to happen That's why the Federation, all these other groups are coming together And doing their own thing, they're making their own groups It's like, screw this, you know, the Federation, the Space Federation Central Intelligence Group, you know, they can They need to be gone around They're a big agency though Anyway, what I'm trying to get back to is Tyr And one of his older, his second oldest son Or first youngest son Man, you know how bad I am with names It's like, uh Oh, hell Help me out, Tyr, just put the, okay, thanks The name would be, it'd be like R.H.,A.G Second oldest son, second wife Okay Yeah, he's a strong seer too He's got the light green energy coming from him And some good blue for Blue that's deep enough for strong seeing But at the same time, it's got some hope mixed in with him And that's why he's involved with this group This large, very large council of beings from his planet But other planets, where they actually are involved In helping people, helping the races become aware Both to become sentient, more sentient of their abilities Aware of their abilities, they use the word sentient for that I use it for when energy becomes sentient It becomes aware of itself So that's the word they're giving me That's the way I can understand We're communicating back and forth, they're saying sentient I'm just going to call it becoming fully aware More fully, closer to fully aware Becoming more aware of who they actually are, their abilities Because once you can see that, you can see things that are multidimensional Especially those that are pineal based core energy And become aware of what's going on around them And he, okay, he's, um, Rog, the H is silent It's R-H apostrophe A-G, um, Rog He's, um, he's got, this guy's smart Um, he's, it's just basic words right now He's, what he's saying is, he's trying to, um Him and his group, he's like the representative of his group Just like Tyr is of his, um, which is huge Both of them, but especially Tyr, um, he's, he's famous Um, and his son's making a name for himself Not that he wanted to be famous, it's just he's well known for everything he's doing That's what I'm trying to tell you about, he's really doing important, strong stuff Um, it's about benevolence, about people becoming more aware Um, okay, he says, I want to tell you a story Um, okay, um, he said in the very beginning There was a war between the Drak and the Entids That the Entids wanted no part of And the Drak didn't really understand It was a territorial dispute And they quickly realized everyone was coming out losing And it was all for nothing There was no reason for the war Uh, the Drak are more on top of the earth than underneath Um, it was due to some of the, the ruling class That was there, the Drak right away, they were aggressive And that was, this is in the early days This is when life was first happening And this happened on Gera And then those with heart came to, um Compose a new song of compassion For, uh, those who would live, uh, together Um, wow, okay, um, uh So, eventually people got in there that, uh, people took over Uh, that was a big change in the Drak Um, it was about 150 million, um, lives, years? 150 million years After Essence Human and Fae Essence started having lives on Gera About 150 million years after that Uh, the way we see time on this planet It was a lot less on Gera because she was so huge, the way they measure time there Um, uh, intelligence with compassion is what prevailed And that happens on a lot of planets But not here because the Anunnaki issue children, uh, you know, the problem children Um, Anunnaki are not bad, do not ever think that Most, most all of you have been Anunnaki, okay? Um, it's like this skin color thing, you know When you're a bigot, well, you're hating yourself On more than one level, but whatever, let's not go there Um, but just that they figured out it was stupid Um, and that was a long time ago, that was in the beginning And I'll tell you, these races, the Drak and the Antids Uh, big friends, big allies, a lot of respect for each other They consider themselves brothers, okay? Um, you mess with the Antids? Bad idea, bad idea Uh, you'll find a fleet of ships in your face so quick And there's nothing as strong and destructive and necessary as the Drak Nothing They were the first race, the only thing that's even close to them is the Antids That's why at first there were issues Anyway, um, okay, so Rog, um So he was just saying that, uh, common sense and compassion won out And it's been like that with them forever And never to think that the Drak are not compassionate It's just that they're so aggressive, they're aggressive about everything Including their compassion Um, they've been alive so long, they've seen so much They have respect for, uh, staying out of things as much as they can But also employing the proper forceful defenses when necessary Um, okay, what he means by that is protecting people Protecting others, whether they don't know them or not They're big about doing the right thing Yeah, I know where they got that, that's cool Um, um, typical, you know, it's like he's saying we want you to know that Oh, he wants you to know that they're there, that they're here, excuse me But they're having issues On whose side to be on What that's about is There's been something of a fragmentation, not violent Just a thought process type fragmentation Of how to go about dealing with things on this planet right now Uh, there's talk on the internet, I'm just, this is, there's talk on the internet, this is me There's talk on the internet about these, um, the blue spheres and the blue avians They have this shield, you know, we're in quarantine or something like that Folks, that's been going on forever It's not quarantine, it's they're protecting us They're quarantining our planet from just anybody coming in So, you know, they're actually keeping just other stuff out as protection, okay There's, you know, the internet's got so much crap on it Um, they're wanting to come alive in the mainstream media Um, they feel it's the right thing to do, they think it's time Uh, they don't want to upset all the other groups that have issues with that It's easy to access our media, as Jay knows Um, as Jay explained Um, that's talking about the email stuff, when I could type and then delete it and never send it And of course they heard it, I mean, you know, come on These people had ships flying around in space billions of years ago Hundreds of billions of years ago Um Okay, I'm being animalistic, it's time I gotta hurry up And I'm trying to talk with Rod Um Comedy meeting, is there having a comedy meeting, blah Um Um, he said he'll let me know something about that later Um What comedy, uh, comedy Sorry, it's hard enough for me to talk, but doing this too, it's, um Cause I'm in his thoughts And his language is a lot different, it's just thoughts going back and forth, but it's messing me up Uh, he feels positive, kind of happy, actually I'm starting to want to smile Um, because I'm in his head, he's very hopeful Um, that something will happen soon Um, now he's making personal jokes with me Um Uh, there's just, this is, wow, it's got a lot of It's got a lot of compassion in it, um He said, uh, damn, really? When you attach to someone and you're stuck in a body Um, especially when you're really strong, your ability is to grab ahold of stuff I feel it as he says it, but it somehow magnifies Um, he was just saying that he loves us and, uh, he wants us to know that Um That he loves us, wants us to know that, and, um Uh, that they'll be coming out soon Sooner than you think Um This stuff might not happen until 2019, I don't know Um, I've been saying for years that 2018, 2019 is when they're supposed to come out One time, the timeline actually had it until late 2017 Um When they do come out, it'll be soft, but it'll be done in such a way That, uh, you won't doubt it's true It won't be something that, uh, you'll see it on the internet But you won't think it's some of that internet garbage and crap that's being thrown out there By children that want to make a noise for themselves Or, um, by deliberate misinformation Um Ha ha ha, that's funny Excuse me a second It's those idiots with the, uh Space Federation CIA, Central Intelligence Agency Whatever That's handling Um Anyway, uh, um, okay, I gotta get running and, um Not yet, um I got so much stuff I gotta do Uh Laboratories Um Rog is saying that they're already in some of the laboratories They can go, they just go to people's brains and help them, you know, make stuff to help us To circumvent a go around the fact that the Anunnaki have all these cures and they won't release any of it Unless you have a lot of money, like Magic Johnson had AIDS and he's all cured somehow Oh, it was a special case, yeah, whatever, it took a lot of money Uh, and I'm happy for him, don't, please don't get me wrong on that Um They're trying to circumvent, uh, the grasp, the, the death lock hold on information here on, um, healing Um There's plants and herbs that, uh, we still have here Um That can do incredible things and that's one of the reasons why they've been coming here for a long time A hundred, no, a long, billions of years ago, let's just leave it there Um We have our own food chain that we're not accessing We have, uh, medicine that we're not even aware of yet And it's being kept from us and we're also destroying it As well as everything else every day Uh, okay, this is interesting, chemtrails You have no idea what you're doing to your own planet Um You're killing the sunlight, reflecting it out Um Poisonous fumes and stuff, there's other stuff that's being put into the atmosphere Not cool Um Search, destroy, subjugate They want to control everything on this planet And kill what they can't control Uh, folks, this is not the Anunnaki, this is your governments They think they know a way to actually control the Anunnaki that are on the planet As long as they're in their hidden bunkers And they have a way to keep the, uh, nanites, superfine nanites And those little pieces of aluminum that they also release in the chemtrails It's, the idea is to attach nanites to that You won't, no one will even see them anyway Um And The rest of what he's saying I can't tell you about Um It's like I said earlier, they've been protecting us for a long You son of a There you go You all go clean up your mess Um That's, that's supposed US military slash intelligence Yeah, they need to get out the mob, clean up some blood Anyway, um Um Oh, this is nutty, I didn't expect this to be like this Um You have no idea what these governments are doing To all of us There was no global warming, they had to create it They have their It's insanity Their intention is to put nanites In the chemtrails while they're also creating a greenhouse effect They're tired of the Anunnaki group here running things So this is a get all, control all, or do all And the do all part is death Um That's funny We can't have it, if we can't have it we're gonna kill it That's why when it comes to military intelligence I'm sorry, it's just funny Oxymoron Governmental care? Ha ha ha ha That's even better Yeah, we're the government, we care No you're not, you screw the hell out of everyone and get what you want Um Alright, I'm leaving them hanging Um Um Rog said we'll just talk later, he's got stuff to do As he knows, he's saying I gotta get running anyway These folks, they see and talk and everything with the other side too, folks Um Um, and Tyr did say earlier When I was downstairs taking care of Herky that Um This planet, you know Um Y'all that listen You can stand to hear a whole lot more of information I'm gonna release a bunch of it too as it comes in Or as I see it But as long as it's relative But um It's like he said, you know, the mass populace is not ready Um To be made aware of everything super soon They're worried about maintaining peace He just immediately showed me my last life, Gandhi Um The idea is to maintain the calm When you all find out what your governments are doing to you Oh, you're gonna be pissed You're gonna be real pissed And it's gonna get proven to you, you'll have physical proof Why do you think the government and the military Threatens by death? Not just the view of your family If the pilots talk about If anyone that knows Talks about what's actually in the chemtrail, uh You know, material Right now it's just destroy the vegetation and everything else on the planet Nice and slowly, get the greenhouse effect on Give us this nice, really light blue and pink clouds that don't exist That's the crap that's in the air Um Wow They also want to control the evolution of the human body Now that's interesting Bigger, stronger, dumber Man, I've always said we live in an insane world, but uh Ideals, with so much stuff on the other side You know, that's my main concern, because that's what runs this one But there's no control There's very little control over there right now So things are just haywire over here, big time They have been for a while, a few years But especially now Well, especially up to now, now it's starting to calm down again It's getting a little control over there Um That's insane Anyway, um The government slash military The heads of military, I'm not talking about your soldiers and stuff Man, leave them alone Most of them are really cool doing You know, offering their lives to take care of us Um, in an insane world But uh And the blue, but anyway Um But there's stuff that has to be handled here Blue 8, just summary real quick Um Uh Um Tears group is working on something to deal with the The chemtrail issue Um And that's all I can say about that Um Remember these, the blue avians It's actually a newer Uh, type of evolution of the Antid species, really cool, very loving, very benevolent Um, no matter what species you have You're gonna have some butt heads, but um As a rule, they're incredible Uh, fear them not Okay Uh, big not Um The blue spheres, they've always been here Um, they're here to protect us and help us in many ways Um, not quite the way that we're told But that's being done for a certain reason Just do me a favor, try to let go of that Just realize they're here to protect you Um, if they wanted to take us out folks They could have done that a long time ago Okay Um The Earth is not a big planet And If it came to it in wartime, it could be blown up Okay Um So, it would have happened a long time ago If that's what they were here to do, is what I'm trying to say Um And when you see insectoids A lot of them are really cool You know, they're just, they're different But the antids And following generations of the same species They're incredibly benevolent Um And to show you a face To see them at, in the very beginning Uh, the blue avian That's cool Blue is hope, light blue is hope Okay Uh, birds Feathers, feathers, soft birds Flying around don't give us too much trouble Um, so That's an intelligent choice To try to get things started Um Because they're showing you that first Instead of their actual bodies Uh They and I both would really appreciate it If you didn't look at that as any form of dishonor Uh, they're willing to sacrifice Uh, some of their Honor Just to help us Um Wow That's a lot Anyway, um I gotta get out of here Uh, love you all, take care, have a good one Um There's more coming about that Um And again, I go right into the Pacific Um Anyway Uh It's time Uh, for the uh What, what, the wording I'm getting Is grand entrance Um That's Tyr and uh Rog Talking I'm coming Erk, I love you buddy That's the two of them talking I gotta go Uh, love you all, take care, have a good one