(0:13 - 14:25) Hey there folks, how we doing? It's 1137 a.m. Sunday April 24th This is just some information on things that are about to happen on JR Essex calm the new website opening up the spiritual foundation calm And Paul, Indiana Excuse me They're gonna have their own business And they're gonna everything every product that I have you'll see on JR Essex calm or JS calm, but it's gonna go right to spiritual symposia the Spiritual the spiritual foundation calm And You'll be able to purchase it there through them Deanna has a time to handle all this and they need to you know, get ready to take it over anyway This gives them a little time to settle in before I go I There's all kinds of stones and stuff I've gotten from all over the place this will free me up to enough to where I can Put together some videos and some information and some videos and DVDs that'll be for sale Through the website Paul will be doing some consoles and building spheres and stuff later the Paul strong as heck The only thing you're gonna find stronger than Paul is me and I'm sorry, I'm that's no brag it's just what is Paul's energy is almost completely this the main focal point of Eric What's in me he's incredibly strong and he's being made stronger, okay, I keep making him stronger He's a powerhouse by himself Period but then you add more to it that yeah, that makes it pretty exciting So Indiana is incredible artist she's so much stronger than she realizes She's source from Lillian arrow, but she's more animal energy Animal essence part that her source energy has more animal essence in it than the other stuff I've talked to you before about animal essence how powerful it is. It's made a fortitude and compassion She's strong, you know, you'll find out more about that later And she will too, you know, she's she's she was she's where she needs to be right now for a good reason and she'll be Opening up like the Lotus very soon She's very awake and everything but she just hasn't She's not aware of her power potential yet. She hasn't fired up real hard and she will She can crank stems and stuff up. Don't get me wrong. She's strong, but not nothing like what she's about to be She's about to become herself And Paul just shoots it just the way it is boom he's got a good guy he's a good guy got good heart It'll tell you how it is I'm sorry Some stuff going on Anyway I can't offer any more autograph books Because I can write my name, but I can't sign it. I Can't do that anymore I've gotten to the point with my body being much weaker Excuse me in my energy Is more of it's coming out what I'm doing is those of you that I've gone to lately Cranking up you understand It's strong, but it's soft it's it's It's hard to describe it should be a very natural thing in the beginning Some people thought that If their nose didn't bleed or they didn't get a real bad headache or they couldn't they didn't get knocked over and some people You know did get affected harder than others, okay? They thought that nothing was happening until later You'll notice it too with Paul as he starts doing it more often He'll just he'll just he'll just keep getting stronger, and he's a he's a powerhouse now. He can actually kill spirit when it's a problem Let's see Deanna and Paul will have something set up in a websites where you can just you know pretty much click and buy it won't be The difficulty that you've had trying to get something from me I Folks I've bought stuff for y'all from all over the world Grade triple-a stick selenite from the Sahara Desert grade triple-a lapis lazuli from Afghanistan I've always found the best I can find and I have spent almost everything coming in Buying thousands of dollars worth of stone It's stuff that you'll be able to use and it's it's it's all cranked up. It's being cranked up right now Some that I crank up hard individually and We're starting to get Some of the spheres I wrap them in it's strong acrylic plastic, but I wrap it up in Some tinfoil on the bottom. I'll put your name on there and basically what it is and just my little J It's a weird little thing It's hard enough for me to just write that So That's what it it should be is the spiritual foundation That's why I bought that website a long time ago. I Knew about that. I don't know 2010 It was about 2013 14, I don't know when I finally bought it on the Internet the spiritual foundation calm Because this stuff it's not about me okay, my name need to be up there because I'm the one talking about this stuff and if you if you hear that someone says something And you want to find out what's going on with that then you look up the person, okay? The websites YouTube Facebook that I reopened up that stuff will be there for a while, but it's just gonna be a Something You know like a link a way you can get going where you need to you to get to get information I'll be talking with Paul, Indiana all the time Luke and Blair Katie and Aaron there's a whole lot of people so I'll be talking with just about everybody Not 24 7 but just about everybody have cranked up and a lot of other people you have spirit guides They'll be working with you. But some of you that are here to really do some serious work You'll get a strong soft message You'll feel the power behind it. But at the same time you're gonna just feel soft, you know It's not like being hit with a hammer. It's just like, you know a warm breeze big difference But I just wanted to tell you all about the website and that stuff what's going on I Just The closer I come to finally being able to go home. I Just keep changing more and more my head almost won't stop crackling inside that the brain is actually growing Sometimes I'll be talking with Paul or the shoe or something my head's crackling so much that I can't even It's loud. You can almost hear it over the phone. It's like look at my head. What do you see? Yeah, I do that for the heck of it So I'm gonna talk with the perjures, you know, we'll talk about something to say, you know It's like an exercise, but she she understands she likes it because that it helps her become herself Remember, you know, you can get cranked up. It doesn't mean you go super psychic and the word psychic is like a four-letter word. Okay It's metaphysical practitioner When you say psychic somebody has their own little right You just put yourself in that psychic box. And well if you're a psychic you can do this you can do that No, it's metaphysical abilities. Everyone has them gut intuition Your heart feeling things and people pinneal seeing things shadows moving around There's been people talking about that for years But this psychic thing, you know when you use the word psychic that puts you in like oh you're screwed We can say that you're supposed to be this and you're not when all you're trying to do is say one thing about yourself so Just some good advice Is stay away from the word psychic metaphysical practitioner Policeman soldier detective can kill something on the back of the neck So, where's the mathematical equation for that You know there is none I'll talk more a little bit later about being put in the box But I just want to tell you what's going on with the websites. Okay, and It'll be easier to get a hold of the stuff and Deanna can you know put out smaller items that you know A real nice she makes them is making some beautiful stuff, too And I'm waiting on this new shipment of They're called Capricons Of some very nice Dragonstone Jasper They're smooth and soft on one side and then unfinished on the other And then you can take them put them in your fingers, you know Hold them rub them put them in your pocket and they don't make a big bulge. They fit in there nice and soft So you can carry it with you and every one of those is going to be cranked up it's a little over 11 pounds that I have coming in from halfway across the world I am gonna put together some packages of different things. That'll crank you up like one of them busting through your crown real hard On stick selenite is really strong. Danbarite is another one. I'm starting to buy up some Danbarite for y'all Danbarite is very high Vibration you can take Danbarite and feel it you feel that very high vibration that can literally help move through your crown and everything open up your energy fields through your core energy Stick selenite do the same thing but Danbarite is just a higher frequency. It's a little more aggressive Put the two together and It softened it kind of softens and somewhat slows down the frequency of the Danbarite, but it's very strong now The next thing you can do on top of that is get some star essenite and put the star essenite on there and Those three stones right there will just work the heck out of your core energy straight up and down your core energy from your base chakra at the hip and the pelvic bone and the spine all the way through your upper chakra right here the excuse me the top crown energy field which is literally right here on your head and it kind of extends up to And that's that's a powerhouse You put the star essenite in there it slows it down. It softens of frequencies Stretches them out a little bit and that's not negative frequency whatsoever It's high vibration, but it's strong. It's so strong that it just softens it up Danbarite is more soft and delicate but very high vibration Selenite is high vibration But a little thicker a little stronger and not quite as high vibration the wavelength is spread out a little bit and then star Essenite again is spread out just barely a little bit more but it's really strong power Folks you took take those three stones and put them on you put them in your pocket put them a shirt pocket and go Go through your day You're gonna be vibrating. Okay for some of you it's gonna hurt your head so You know when someone a stone is a little too much Take it off you get smaller pieces And play around with it. Isn't that what we're supposed to do anyways learn? Remember every one of you is a bunch of different frequencies put together that makes something really cool and something very unique and something very important you Okay I will always do everything I can to help you. Okay. Love y'all man. Have a good