(0:23 - 14:05) um war is coming out in space there's issues in the other side that need to be dealt with there's a few strong hitters still hanging around i'm trying to i'm looking at their intent they're not really uh they're just coming out it's like they were in hibernation just coming out some strong male source energy they were waiting for certain things to happen pardon me once a smile um stability stabilizing neutralizing um neutralizing negativity you notice it's not a crow making a sound now not a one it's because the message was delivered huh um that's neat stuff it's real strong serious energy i know who it is it's it's no need to talk about it but it just it's some as well some of our energy that was sitting back waiting for this moment to come up and now it came out but it was serious but i couldn't see any intention in it like wanting to do something but when something's that strong and serious on the other side whether it's a part of our i don't care um it gets my attention immediately once that happened but they're gonna um there's a war that's gonna um war is coming um war is literally coming here um stuff uh having to do with the uh our members from other planets the prisoners here um this being made to happen it's time to um and it's like neutralizing negativity it's time to get some stuff over with huh um i can't see anything uh i'm trying to see some of the current events so right now this whole part of my head this whole part of my head right here is just like want to come out of my forehead coming out of my head so it's a nice lapis and that holding the lapis makes makes it crank out even more um stones do help us okay um there's more there's we have plenty of people here from other planets on this um not just on our planet but in our country in usa usa and uh there's more coming and they're a little antsy they're worried hurry up and get your stuff out um not like an omega thing but it's like a cleansing is coming um yeah um there's folks here that found it beneficial and profitable they're business-like um and i'm they're from other planets and they were part of uh helping uh our government agencies work with dna and stuff like that they're all starting to pull out um there's some big ships coming it's uh it's time for some stuff to happen um i almost don't want to say that because i don't see things happening right now where you're going to see it physically except for more stuff in space uh more stuff in the atmosphere right at the top of the atmosphere it's like here's the earth here's the atmosphere it's like right here just just outside kind of touching some of it um everyone's closer in um miners are involved um oh the mining rights thing and the government that whole treaty thing fell apart and that's causing issues um something else too that uh bourgeois is going to do a video of i talked with her about it um because she was really busy getting worked on and uh her friend she has her name for you know for um she's a very nice female serpullian really cool beautiful heart she um uh but she was getting worked on hard so she came to me and talked with me a little bit but um she's a very nice uh the federation um they think they're god the space federation that central intelligence agency is what it is um the space federation central intelligence agency that's a long name the confederate control minis um they actually went into a privately owned company and started look they didn't start they just went in and at gunpoint took everyone out uh downloaded all the information and then took it with them didn't even leave it now the uh the ones that are calling themselves the blue avians really cool the antids um i feel bad saying that um using the word antids but the um they're they look different than what you perceive but they do that just so you don't freak out because they look so different they do that out of compassion and desire to help and nothing else um when something is willing to put a dent in its uh honor to do something beneficial for you i think that's something that you should be aware of anyway um they've done a lot of stuff with this uh federation i might have said confederation but whatever it's federation um but they've always remained independent and they're going to stick with the people in the federation but um they're literally becoming less and less involved with the cia group they're and where they know they need to they're pulling away from some of the federation thing there's like a new federation being um uh born also that was borderline whether to talk about that um i love you herky good boy buddy good man um yeah i know her i'm coming buddy anyway um it's time for some stuff to happen it's time for what needs to get free to be free that's right herky that's right you're the man yes you are i love you buddy oh i love you buddy okay i i got stuff i gotta do so uh he's been he's being cranked up to get my attention to get me going okay honey good boy oh good boy he was just grabbing a blanket and wanted to go play with it a little bit and you know herky's really old and he's really tired he's not feeling pretty good so it's wonderful to see him uh get that life thank you it's wonderful to see him get that life in him just for a minute um kind of reminding me that it's not quite time yet for him and i to go home but um i'm trying to hurry up and get everything done anyway um um i guess the whole idea of of um why on the other side they wanted me to say i'm looking at who even told me as part of my energy there's lily over there um let him know things are happening now well that's cool um you know i did now let's give give them something physical to look at physical world physical needs physical proof affirmations um tremors in the earth um you know there's already activity going on everywhere i'm coming hurt um um anyway uh there is a lot of stuff going on over there i need to get out um just now right now as you all heard herky says i need to go um so anyway uh i love you buddy i'm coming right now okay he just walked off he knows um there should be a whole lot more action going on uh out in space um i don't i don't know solar flare is increasing um those of you that you know look out there for that stuff physically um there'll be something going on there's there's going to be stuff out there for you to see there's going to be more and more stuff going on here um like i said in space just in the uh um uh the just touching the outer part of our atmosphere um they're going to be beaming people off the planet coming out they want to hurry and get out of there um there's expected to be soldiers in these uh tunnels where the uh transporters are because they want to start transporting some of these prisoners off planet uh send them down on the moon hide them where they can uh for the moment because they want to get them off the planet because they know they're not going to be able to keep them and they're trying to maintain a control over you know people from other planets and stuff like that um uh so that's what that's about there's going to be more flare-ups in space um um it just i'm right out the atmosphere something that the people will be seeing um not a ton of it but it's going to be increased um it'll be on the internet somewhere um and that's good because we need more evidence of the fact that there's life out there other than us uh people creation is huge um with our physical eyes and physical brains we just see a small creation around us it's our little world how we live but as you become more aware as you awaken become more yourself you become aware of a whole lot more that's everywhere you realize that we're just one little room in a huge castle you know uh well folks love you this is unexpected um uh see you a little bit