(0:00 - 0:14) Hey there folks, it's uh... I know, Herky, it's 9.33. Monday, May 23rd, 9.33 a.m. Herky's bugging the heck out of me. I'm coming, Herky, right now, I'm coming. Go ahead. (0:14 - 0:26) Arrgh! Arrgh! Arrgh! He's over there looking at me like this. I love you, buddy. Anyway, look, this is quick. (0:27 - 0:35) I want to talk a little bit about the ICU thing. It's funny, when I was in the middle... I know, I love you, Herky. I'm trying to hurry. (0:35 - 0:47) Please let me just finish, okay? I know, I know, I know. Ha ha ha ha ha ha! The ICU, the intensive crank-up upgrade. Folks, this is like a 15-minute deal. (0:48 - 1:00) That's all it is. The most it's going to slide into is maybe 20 minutes, and not but another minute or more, because I'm doing them back to back. I've cranked up people... I've cranked up over 2,000 people in my life. (1:00 - 1:12) There's people all over the planet that some of them are calling for the upgrade. I mean, this is happening really quick. It's the last thing I'm going to be able to do. (1:12 - 1:43) Some of you, when I went to crank you up, I actually went in and touched on this, and I could put energy into it, but I literally could not open it up like I can now, okay? Last video I did, I was... See, my head, okay? My skull keeps changing, okay? And getting bigger and growing all over the place. The brain keeps getting bigger. I've grown almost another inch in the last, I don't know, since December of last year, 2015. (1:45 - 2:03) I get real dizzy. I get work done so hard, it's crazy and incredibly painful. That's why sometimes, while my head's still going on, that's why sometimes I'll actually have two of my little... It's not even... Well, it's a three-ounce, you know, my little three-ounce glass of wine. (2:04 - 2:20) I'll have two of those, maybe just one, sometimes three. But after I have one or one, maybe two of those, then I can start talking normal because I get hammered that hard. A little bit of wine relaxes you, and it helps the energy move through your body. (2:20 - 2:40) This is not an excuse to get drunk, okay? I'm just saying that, remember, I'm not normal. When it comes to some of these... I probably shouldn't be saying this. When it comes to some of these amino acids, where it's, say, take one or two, sometimes I've taken over 40 in a day, okay? I'm not normal. (2:40 - 3:03) I'm here for something else, and I run an incredible amount of power through my body, okay? How do you think I go into people all over the world and do this stuff, okay? I can crank up a thousand people at a time, no problem. I have to be what I am to do what I need to do and then leave. And folks, this is the last thing I got, and I'm sorry. (3:03 - 3:13) That's all I can do when I'm stuck here in this damn flesh prison, and I'm not insinuating anybody get out of their body. Please, honor your being there. My time's up. (3:15 - 3:27) Just about. So, it's going to be quick. I've had 30-minute consults, 40-minute consults, and talked for an hour and a half. (3:27 - 3:34) You all know that. I can't do that. Don't be upset when I can't do it, because I've got to do this, bam, bam, bam, bam. (3:34 - 3:39) It only takes a few moments. I go right in there. I took care of Brazou the other day. (3:39 - 3:48) I'm going to start going out and taking care of other people. I've got to hurry and get off the video right now. I've got to get back to getting these pack finished, getting the packages out. (3:50 - 4:00) Oh, Matan out in Israel, my buddy. My brother, do me a favor. Just send me a hi on the Internet. (4:01 - 4:11) I've got your stuff loaded up, and I'm about to ship it off. I just want to ask you something about it if I can. Matan, by the way, folks, he's ARA inside. (4:11 - 4:17) He's actually a focal point of ARA. And Raj, he's the focal point of ARA. He's out in New Zealand. (4:22 - 4:31) Folks, there's a lot of powerful stuff here. And a lot of the folks that are literally in ARA inside, there's powerhouses. I don't talk about Paul as much as I do Brazou. (4:32 - 4:36) Paul's incredibly active. Paul's different. We're all different. (4:37 - 5:00) But he's got a job he'll do, he'll be doing, like Brazou and Deanna, everybody, Raj, Matan. So anyway, I couldn't do this before. I went in and opened up a few people, and I touched it, and I could see it glow and get stronger, but I wasn't able to open it up and unlock it. (5:01 - 5:11) And then as I power it up and start to release it, it starts flowing. It'll start coming out. But honestly, it's not until I finish getting out of here that you're really going to feel the full effect of it. (5:11 - 5:33) And it will increase. What's the proper word for this? It will increase the flow of your energy, like the speed of the flow, 400-plus percent. It'll increase your power level well over 100 percent. (5:34 - 5:45) You'll move more. It's like getting a bigger wire. It's what activates your brain to make you really strong, metaphysically. (5:45 - 5:54) And that doesn't mean you're going to be telekinetically lifting a car or something stupid, or even becoming telekinetic. Don't go there. Be happy for what you get, but it will make you stronger. (5:55 - 6:01) Don't expect the unreal stuff. I'm going to fly like Superman through the air. No, no you're not. (6:02 - 6:10) But you're going to get really strong. You're going to be seeing stuff, talking to stuff. I talk to stuff all over the universe all the time. (6:10 - 6:16) You can do it too. A lot of people say, Jay should be in a straight jacket. No. (6:17 - 6:24) Jay should be giving lectures to hundreds of people at a time to help them become themselves. That's not my job. It's y'all's job. (6:25 - 6:33) And I'm going to make sure you get there. I just got to finish what I'm doing here. But that's why this was never offered. (6:36 - 6:48) I wasn't able to do it completely. And that's one of the reasons I've gone through this head growth and everything. It's the brain growing, but the skull has to grow with it. (6:50 - 6:59) It's also to help me get out of here when it's time. Anyway, so they're going to be short. 15 minutes. (6:59 - 7:03) If 20 minutes comes up, we're still talking. I'm hanging up. Right in the middle of your sentence. (7:04 - 7:10) You want to be mad at me? Not my problem. I can't help it. I have to touch a lot of people. (7:10 - 7:14) I've got to do this quick. And there's only so much I can do. Folks that live alone. (7:15 - 7:21) I still have those stupid things like, oh yeah, trying to clean the house a little bit, which is a joke. Laundry. Cooking. (7:21 - 7:24) Taking care of her. Taking care of all the animals. Kitties. (7:24 - 7:27) Kittens. Yeah, I've got a lot to do. Okay. (7:29 - 7:33) So anyway, don't take that as mean and aggressive. It's not. It's just true. (7:34 - 7:38) You all know that. I love you all to death, man. You all are awesome. (7:39 - 7:48) I'm not here for myself. For those of you that have any heart energy, you know that anyway. I'm here for the job, man. (7:48 - 8:00) You all are my job. And it's cool. Folks, we are on the cusp of a flip-flop in creation. (8:01 - 8:14) A whole new way of living, of existence, for everything, everywhere. Folks, that is huge. That is huge. (8:14 - 8:24) When you finally wind up getting your energy body, 72-78% of all the abuse in your life is going to be gone. So anyway, I'm sorry. Here we go talking on other stuff here. (8:24 - 8:44) I need to make this just about the ICU. So anyway, the ICU crank-up, the 50-minute consult, which has the free ICU crank-up energy work, that's $650. And then it's $200 for the upgrade. (8:45 - 8:59) Okay? So... If you want it, great. If not, that's cool too. Oh, yeah. (9:00 - 9:10) There's something hanging in the air. Right now, June 7th, June 8th. It was June 7th and it's sliding now a little bit into June 8th. (9:11 - 9:30) As far as when I'm going to set up consults up to that point. Okay? These new ICUs. At this moment, I'm not setting anything up past that because there's other stuff happening. (9:31 - 9:40) I'm not in charge of everything that happens on the other side. I can directly affect it in a very big way, but I'm not in charge. I don't tell the other side what to do and they listen to me. (9:41 - 9:48) It doesn't work like that. I have a big enough issue, they disappear. But, you know, it's not the same thing. (9:50 - 10:04) What I am outside of my body doesn't tell me everything that's going on in my life and everything coming up. And honestly, maybe they shouldn't. Okay? I'm calmed down enough right now, believe it or not, where I handle more, I can see more, feel more. (10:04 - 10:17) But at the same time, this is still all being put together. There's still other things that are causing issues. So how can you say what day what happens when you're waiting for all these other things to come in, to go out. (10:17 - 10:26) Something decides, boom, I'm going to go ahead and attack now. Maybe there's a hundred different idiots who want to come at me, give me a hard time. And I've got to wind up dealing with that. (10:26 - 10:33) And then they make other things happen around me physically that I have to deal with. And that keeps me here longer. That happened, okay, last October. (10:37 - 10:53) So how can you have a day? You can't. So right now, June 7th and June 8th is going to be the end of all my consults that I'm aware of. It might change, whatever. (10:54 - 11:01) I'm not playing a con game. I don't believe in that. I'm doing the best I can, like I always do. (11:01 - 11:25) You know what's amazing for me today? I've done over 600 videos total. For the first time, I actually looked in the mirror to see if my straps were about equal. I was actually proud of myself. How sick is that, huh? I don't care about me. I don't matter. I just am. (11:25 - 11:33) But I need you all to wake up. I need you to become who you really are. And why wouldn't you want that? That's all. (11:34 - 11:44) The more awake you are, the stronger you are, the better you're going to deal with what's coming. Our friends in space are starting to walk around in the street. A hundred years from now, wait until you see what's going on over here. (11:44 - 12:02) And then if they're making bodies, physical, you see energy, it goes whoop. Hi, how you doing? See you later. Whoop. And it's gone. You know, what are you going to do? Oh, that doesn't exist. That doesn't exist. Yeah. Aliens don't exist. God wouldn't let it. That doesn't exist. God wouldn't let it. God's dead. Sorry, folks. Flash. The things that will control your life is God. (12:03 - 12:12) It's not about, there's no gods, there's no messiahs. There's you as a person. There's you as a complete unit called family. (12:12 - 12:17) That's what's real. Okay? Love you, old man. Have a good one.