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1 |
{"mention": "Jelena Hoffmann: Als Antragsteller treten in diesem Verfahren die Bundestagsabgeordneten { Jelena Hoffmann } (SPD) und Werner Schulz (Grüne) auf.", "example_id": "c8febd9563a730f778095f83336c49dc", "entity_id": "Q1686648"}
2 |
{"mention": "WDR: Der Gottesdienst aus dem Kölner RheinEnergieStadion wurden neben den 50.000 Pilgern auch von Zuschauern auf { WDR } und BR verfolgt.", "example_id": "93eab384b5dabf17982ab6bac9cfcf85", "entity_id": "Q203453"}
3 |
{"mention": "Xantener Stiftsbibliothek: Xanten (Deutschland), 18.08.2005 – Durch Schädlingsbefall und Schimmelpilze ist bei dem überwiegenden Teil der rund 20.000 Werke der { Xantener Stiftsbibliothek } bisweilen erheblicher Schaden entstanden.", "example_id": "dbeebc9db30945b74c36663fcc1b8fcc", "entity_id": "Q2348730"}
4 |
{"mention": "Ich-AGs: { Ich-AGs } sollen abgeschafft werden, der Kündigungsschutzes soll gelockert werden und die staatlich geförderte Frühverrentungen sollen abgeschafft werden und die betriebliche Mitbestimmung soll abgebaut werden.", "example_id": "7c9b40842f1a983fa746b1cd902a3977", "entity_id": "Q222368"}
5 |
{"mention": "Elektroschockpistolen: Dies könnten zum Beispiel { Elektroschockpistolen } sein.", "example_id": "132cb283ab6a17823dd8825c097784a9", "entity_id": "Q9137247"}
6 |
{"mention": "Deutsche Jugendinstitut: Berlin (Deutschland), 24.08.2005 – Nach Vorab-Informationen der Süddeutschen Zeitung fordert das { Deutsche Jugendinstitut } , das im Auftrag der Bundesregierung morgen den zwölften Kinder- und Jugendbericht vorlegen wird, grundlegende Reformen im deutschen Bildungswesen.", "example_id": "ed52a65368c20ca11960c1dc38db71eb", "entity_id": "Q1205755"}
7 |
{"mention": "Canon: Prämiert wurden unter Anderem auch die \"EOS 350D\" von { Canon } als beste Digitalkamera und T-Mobile als bester Mobilfunkanbieter.", "example_id": "9b32f37ad78fad37ec86490f84f28e77", "entity_id": "Q62621"}
8 |
{"mention": "Wiehltalbrücke: Gummersbach (Deutschland), 06.09.2005 – Zwei Gutachter sagten gestern vor dem Amtsgericht Gummersbach aus, der Unfall auf der { Wiehltalbrücke } letzten August sei durch einen Fahrfehler des Angeklagten Mustapha A. verursacht worden.", "example_id": "223a4d3c661b16bb7dfb3e6c5debe71f", "entity_id": "Q2568601"}
9 |
{"mention": "Die Republikaner: Die Partei kündigte zwischenzeitlich an, den Gründer der Partei „ { Die Republikaner } “, Franz Schönhuber, als Ersatzkandidaten nominieren zu wollen.", "example_id": "dea025993b475d9e8eb72bf96a0500d6", "entity_id": "Q269316"}
10 |
{"mention": "Westdeutschen Rundfunks: Auf Anfrage des { Westdeutschen Rundfunks } sagte ein Gerichtssprecher, die Trümmer, die in einem Baum hingen, seien vermutlich direkt nach dem Unfall übersehen worden.", "example_id": "38b2861f6ac44ab9e9992795ea16f6ec", "entity_id": "Q203453"}
11 |
{"mention": "Wahlkampf: Weil die SPD befürchten musste, dass auch traditionelle SPD-Wähler ihre Erststimme für Lafontaine abgeben, hatte die Partei den { Wahlkampf } mit großem Aufwand geführt und auch Jung- und Erstwähler anzusprechen versucht.", "example_id": "9996b38c93ca792655e82d6e5aeb0cc5", "entity_id": "Q11642595"}
12 |
{"mention": "Bodenstation: Die NASA- { Bodenstation } in Houston traf ebenfalls entsprechende Vorkehrungen und schloss die Basis.", "example_id": "0c1a4df68ba2c4691cee5952d5a86f71", "entity_id": "Q208371"}
13 |
{"mention": "Weltbank: Nachdem sich die { Weltbank } in der Vergangenheit häufig gerade auch von der US-Administration mit dem Vorwurf konfrontiert sah, zu ineffektiv und bürokratisch zu arbeiten, ließen sich die Ausführungen des neuen Weltbankpräsidenten vor den versammelten Geldgebern der Weltbank als Antwort auf diese Kritik lesen: „Und was die Ergebnisse anbelangt, lassen Sie mich deutlich sein.", "example_id": "0e27dbfc5473e703848e699e54c81ce4", "entity_id": "Q7164"}
14 |
{"mention": "Gastritis: Das australische Forscherduo erhält den mit umgerechnet 1,1 Millionen Euro (zehn Millionen Kronen) ausgezeichneten Preises „für die Entdeckung des Magenbakteriums Helicobacter pylori und seiner Rolle bei den Krankheiten { Gastritis } und Magengeschwüren“.", "example_id": "add46ed6a3a75ef3580c88f8297685b3", "entity_id": "Q183130"}
15 |
{"mention": "Jack Straw: Den ganzen Tag über hatte es Gespräche zwischen der österreichischen Außenministerin und dem britischen Außenminister { Jack Straw } gegeben.", "example_id": "e77f461746b1ad8c64579e5a16c35b34", "entity_id": "Q311278"}
16 |
{"mention": "Mierscheid-Gesetz: Seine Formel für die Berechnung von Wahlprognosen, das so genannte { Mierscheid-Gesetz } , ist über die Grenzen hinaus bekannt.", "example_id": "6d532f984e07c194d5ad7fc48e9385ac", "entity_id": "Q202571"}
17 |
{"mention": "Lehmann Brothers: München (Deutschland) / London (Vereinigtes Königreich), 19.10.2005 – Die Formel-1-Holding SLEC gehört zu 75 Prozent den drei Kirch-Gläubigerbanken { Lehmann Brothers } , JP Morgan und der Bayerischen Landesbank.", "example_id": "722fa5d95a6992d17e2bc2c257d1617d", "entity_id": "Q212900"}
18 |
{"mention": "Andreas Türck: Hamburg (Deutschland), 23.10.2005 – In Hamburg hat der ehemalige TV-Moderator { Andreas Türck } heute sein Comeback angekündigt.", "example_id": "467ce631138dbb3f65e8410cf5c3cd4b", "entity_id": "Q501009"}
19 |
{"mention": "indischen: Weitere Preisträger sind der argentinische Wissenschaftler und Umweltschützer Paul Montenegro, die russische Menschenrechtsorganisation Memorials und die beiden { indischen } Religionsforscher Swami Agnivesh und Asghar Ali Engineer.", "example_id": "5af0b999270c82874c8022dc1c81d71b", "entity_id": "Q668"}
20 |
{"mention": "ProSiebenHD: München (Deutschland), 26.10.2005 – Ministerpräsident Edmund Stoiber startete heute Mittag im Rahmen der Medientage München durch einem symbolischen Druck auf einem roten Knopf den HDTV-Simulcastbetrieb von { ProSiebenHD } und Sat.1HD wie es der Vizekanzler der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Willy Brandt anlässlich der Internationalen Funkausstellung (IFA) 25. August 1967 für das deutsche Farbfernsehen im PAL-Standard vorgemacht hatte.", "example_id": "6e1f0526631b101b6d70099a740d8e5f", "entity_id": "Q168717"}
21 |
{"mention": "Sebastian Hähnge: Allein { Sebastian Hähnge } hatte später drei Chancen ein Tor für Jena zu schießen, die er jedoch vergab.", "example_id": "0cda0aaa2c26c921136b0da4941cd777", "entity_id": "Q875090"}
22 |
{"mention": "Verkehrskontrolle: Er war nach einer { Verkehrskontrolle } auf der A 3 Richtung Regensburg geflüchtet.", "example_id": "4864ed7e8426683e8f799878c665ef6e", "entity_id": "Q2516332"}
23 |
{"mention": "Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf: In der Stichwahl hatte sich die ehemalige Finanzministerin { Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf } gegen den ehemaligen Fußballprofi George Weah durchgesetzt.", "example_id": "c5b0a369f15652bdaffa5923ff28f1d7", "entity_id": "Q43179"}
24 |
{"mention": "CIA: (USA), 29.11.2005 – Beim Antrittsbesuch des neuen deutschen Außenministers Frank-Walter Steinmeier (SPD) bei seiner US-amerikanischen Amtskollegin Condoleezza Rice sagte die amerikanische Außenministerin zu, die Öffentlichkeit über die angeblichen { CIA } -Geheimflüge aufzuklären.", "example_id": "637fc556e7da8407aaee2ecaefd05ab0", "entity_id": "Q37230"}
25 |
{"mention": "Susanne Osthoff: Bagdad (Irak) / Berlin (Deutschland), 18.12.2005 – Die entführte deutsche Archäologin { Susanne Osthoff } ist frei.", "example_id": "d80debef15fea78eb75d978201e22645", "entity_id": "Q96823"}
26 |
{"mention": "Rodrigo Rato: Es sei möglich, so { Rodrigo Rato } , Generaldirektor des IWF, dass weiteren Ländern die Schulden erlassen werden.", "example_id": "414bb0c45d956b8c4677ec5736a1b74b", "entity_id": "Q455748"}
27 |
{"mention": "Sven Hannawald: Oberstdorf (Deutschland), 29.12.2005 – Heute wurde { Sven Hannawald } bei der Vierschanzentournee vom aktiven Leistungssport verabschiedet.", "example_id": "eb487e393a69fb1e7a0b9e7c4f87c7d5", "entity_id": "Q57835"}
28 |
{"mention": "Loki Schmidt: Erste Preisträgerin des Lebenspreises war 2004 { Loki Schmidt } .", "example_id": "a4f1ea3ea74270d2b32c33de513344d7", "entity_id": "Q69314"}
29 |
{"mention": "chassidischen Juden: Im Jahr 1999 wurde auf die Chabad Bronnaja-Synagoge, das Gotteshaus der Lubawitscher { chassidischen Juden } ein Bombenanschlag verübt.", "example_id": "981ab8b8aa481cdd8227e570ade4670b", "entity_id": "Q171201"}
30 |
{"mention": "Washington Post: Am 11. Januar erschien darüber ein Bericht in der { Washington Post } , der sich auf eine Meldung von Reuters bezog, die die Meldung von Itar-Tass mit dem Hinweis ergänzte, dass der Zug auf dem Weg nach Russland sei.", "example_id": "696e735f8bf1b0064706c4438b6d0a42", "entity_id": "Q166032"}
31 |
{"mention": "Kay Nehm: Goslar (Deutschland), 27.01.2006 – Der Generalbundesanwalt { Kay Nehm } forderte in seiner Eröffnungsrede beim 44.", "example_id": "b8940cc417a61fb276874a88add40a1d", "entity_id": "Q107590"}
32 |
{"mention": "Horst Krumpen: Der Landesgeschäftsführer der FDP, { Horst Krumpen } , sagte dem Blatt, dass der Angreifer elektronische Spuren hinterließ, die nun verwendet würden zur Staatsanwaltschaft zu gehen.", "example_id": "4ba8ecefb0a530300ffe983e2eee541b", "entity_id": "Q1629600"}
33 |
{"mention": "Theo Zwanziger: Heute, sechs Wochen vor der WM, haben der DFB-Präsident { Theo Zwanziger } und Oliver Bierhoff den Vertrag in Berlin verlängert.", "example_id": "a8b7f282e9f5c04ff92a29ca53d587ac", "entity_id": "Q314915"}
34 |
{"mention": "Bernd Schneider: Schipkau (Deutschland), 01.05.2006 – Beim gestrigen Rennen der Deutschen Tourenwagenmeisterschaft 2006 auf dem EuroSpeedway Lausitz gewann der Sieger des ersten Rennens 2006, { Bernd Schneider } .", "example_id": "6141260ef17445b425bdd9df3d81f543", "entity_id": "Q61866"}
35 |
{"mention": "Frank-Walter Steinmeier: Die Information über die Freilassung der Geiseln hatte der deutsche Außenminister { Frank-Walter Steinmeier } (SPD) gestern während seiner Südamerika-Reise in Santiago de Chile bekannt gegeben.", "example_id": "41de76a21b6e1352efd955726484a0d8", "entity_id": "Q76658"}
36 |
{"mention": "Mehmet Scholl: München (Deutschland), 10.05.2006 – Der FC Bayern München verlängerte am 9. Mai in München den Vertrag mit { Mehmet Scholl } .", "example_id": "f4ffe7b6a3fc84cfeb27ed0470b66b38", "entity_id": "Q154156"}
37 |
{"mention": "Roten Kreuzes: Okon Umoh, ein Sprecher des nigerianischen { Roten Kreuzes } , sagte, dass ein großes Feuer entstanden sei und einige Menschen gestorben seien.", "example_id": "4819a7c2fee09a9392d6a7978941a69a", "entity_id": "Q7178"}
38 |
{"mention": "Guantanamo Bay: Genf (Schweiz), 20.05.2006 – Das Komitee der Vereinten Nationen gegen Folter hat den USA gestern mitgeteilt, dass die USA ihre Internierungseinrichtung in { Guantanamo Bay } auf Kuba schließen und die Existenz von geheimen Gefängnissen, die sie betreiben, offenlegen sollen.", "example_id": "b5ec4b0541722198a4af4d4cada86ae9", "entity_id": "Q762570"}
39 |
{"mention": "Ich-AG: 2002 und 2003 wurden die Begriffe „ { Ich-AG } “, sowie „Tätervolk“ zum Unwort des Jahres gewählt.", "example_id": "86d636a98ef90134173c86f70c794d16", "entity_id": "Q222368"}
40 |
{"mention": "Deutschen Lufthansa: Frankfurt am Main (Deutschland), 22.05.2006 – Die Ursache für den Zwischenfall mit einer Boeing 747 der { Deutschen Lufthansa } in Frankfurt am 15. Mai ist geklärt.", "example_id": "f94be4211814a37de07fae8182a0a3cd", "entity_id": "Q9325"}
41 |
{"mention": "Generalbundesanwalt: Die beiden Männer wurden schon seit längerem überwacht, wobei die daraus gewonnenen Erkenntnisse zur Einleitung eines Verfahrens durch den { Generalbundesanwalt } sowie zu entsprechenden Ermittlungen durch die Mainzer Polizei geführt haben.", "example_id": "b969b4b6abb449580e7e1df235dfb6b8", "entity_id": "Q449319"}
42 |
{"mention": "Generalbundesanwalt: Berlin (Deutschland), 28.05.2006 – { Generalbundesanwalt } Kay Nehm hat am 26. Mai die Ermittlungen im Falle des Überfalls auf einen Deutsch-Afrikaner in Potsdam an die Staatsanwaltschaft Potsdam abgegeben.", "example_id": "f66a669059f8377d6ea4a04465aa97e9", "entity_id": "Q449319"}
43 |
{"mention": "Infineon: Außer den Werken von AMD gibt es auch Niederlassungen von { Infineon } und das Zentrum für Mikroelektronik in Dresden.", "example_id": "52ef69a10a7b6de1c1f2993759c4b3b5", "entity_id": "Q311394"}
44 |
{"mention": "Georg Jarzembowski: „Damit müssen die Fluggäste nicht allein zahlen“, so { Georg Jarzembowski } (CDU), der verkehrspolitische Sprecher der Fraktion der Europäischen Volkspartei.", "example_id": "c434ae384603aacd3158aa3cd7e614c2", "entity_id": "Q88830"}
45 |
{"mention": "Eurostar: Die beiden Insassen der in Dänemark zugelassenen Maschine des Typs { Eurostar } waren zwei dänische Staatsangehörige, der 66-jährige Pilot und ein 56-jähriger Begleiter, welche bei dem Unglück ums Leben kamen.", "example_id": "3783e034a6d28eea97c9acbb16a55f4d", "entity_id": "Q549511"}
46 |
{"mention": "Monopol: Quasi ein staatliches { Monopol } hat dagegen der staatliche Deutsche Lotto- und Totoblock mit den Wettprodukten Toto und Oddset.", "example_id": "9238607bc1e0c325f569a2b1fea5f446", "entity_id": "Q43637"}
47 |
{"mention": "Real Madrid: Der 31-jährige Beckham, der sonst bei dem spanischen Erstligaverein { Real Madrid } spielt, machte sich die Entscheidung nicht einfach, aber er kam zu dem Schluss, es wäre richtig zurückzutreten.", "example_id": "e4e63fdb877c255232d1ae8403d14ee1", "entity_id": "Q8682"}
48 |
{"mention": "Al-Qaida: Einige { Al-Qaida } -Führer haben die äthiopischen Bürger zum Dschihad gegen die äthiopischen Soldaten aufgerufen.", "example_id": "ee290f183b4419a5a7db61835c46b612", "entity_id": "Q34490"}
49 |
{"mention": "Franco Costanzo: Basel (Schweiz), 09.08.2006 – Der FC Basel 1893 ersetzt seinen bisherigen Stammtorhüter Pascal Zuberbühler durch den argentinischen Hüter { Franco Costanzo } , der von CD Alavés zum FC Basel 1893 stößt.", "example_id": "1b2bbaafbaba5de25ef4097c2176c4fb", "entity_id": "Q471556"}
50 |
{"mention": "Asylsuchenden: Hargeysa (Somaliland), 16.08.2006 – Drei belgische Polizisten, die einen ausgewiesenen { Asylsuchenden } in sein Heimatland Somalia begleiten wollten, werden in Somaliland festgehalten, weil sie nach Angaben der dortigen Regierung keine Visa vorweisen konnten.", "example_id": "aa3f15cf1eba657225e889391c35d4f8", "entity_id": "Q26377"}
51 |
{"mention": "Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland: Auch der { Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland } vermutet eine PR-Aktion und kritisiert den Schriftsteller in scharfen Tönen.", "example_id": "d2f7b72ba0bcbcfc84545892aa2959cf", "entity_id": "Q190742"}
52 |
{"mention": "Judith Hörmann: Direkt für das Finale konnten sich die Kanuten in sechs Disziplinen qualifizieren: Katrin Wagner-Augustin vom KC Potsdam über 1.000 Meter, Gesine Ruge/ { Judith Hörmann } (Dresden/Karlsruhe), der Herren-Viererkajak und der Vierer-Kanadier als Gewinner des jeweiligen Vorlaufs sowie der Damen-Viererkajak nach Rang zwei und der Damen-Viererkajak über 500 Meter.", "example_id": "e50f9e941171e165aa6ba5b1c5eee5c2", "entity_id": "Q1711044"}
53 |
{"mention": "BKA: Zudem vermutet die Linksfraktion, dass deutsche { BKA } -Beamte Murat Kurnaz in Guantánamo verhört haben und so von der „rechtswidrigen Inhaftierung“ profitierten.", "example_id": "9f7b223af0eb4a025459125a8dcc53f7", "entity_id": "Q56030"}
54 |
{"mention": "Schnelleinsatzgruppe: Weiterhin der Rettungsdienst, die Leitende Notarztgruppe, eine { Schnelleinsatzgruppe } des Katastrophenschutzes, die Gasanstalt und die Technischen Werke.", "example_id": "10313dfb9c8af9baa35c2ad7669fc1ab", "entity_id": "Q1642827"}
55 |
{"mention": "Tessen von Heydebreck: An dem Treffen nahmen Personalvorstand { Tessen von Heydebreck } und Vorstandsmitglied Hermann-Josef Lamberti sowie die Spitzen der Betriebsräte teil.", "example_id": "66f314974f49af154e0a5bd8160ae061", "entity_id": "Q1720863"}
56 |
{"mention": "Yala: Yala (Thailand), 31.08.2006 – In der vorwiegend von Muslimen bewohnten thailändischen Südprovinz { Yala } wurden heute Morgen gegen 11:30 Uhr Ortszeit in einer offenbar koordinierten Aktion fast gleichzeitig Bombenanschläge auf 22 Banken verübt.", "example_id": "1561588edb78229a1f2513e97e540b47", "entity_id": "Q242977"}
57 |
{"mention": "Reinhold Robbe: Passau (Deutschland), 01.09.2006 – Der Wehrbeauftragte des Deutschen Bundestages, { Reinhold Robbe } , forderte die Bundesregierung auf, eine schnelle Entscheidung über die Beteiligung der Bundeswehr an einem Einsatz im Libanon zu treffen.", "example_id": "2d398c365cc4edf4fb5e65fb05c89800", "entity_id": "Q2141511"}
58 |
{"mention": "Solarfeld: Die aus 1408 Solarmodulen bestehende { Solarfeld } liefert eine Gesamtleistung von zwölf Megawatt und wird gemeinsam von dem Berliner Solarunternehmen Solon AG und dem Energieversorger E.ON betrieben.", "example_id": "d3425fd4ec77cbfcc8c3fe111a9d98d0", "entity_id": "Q882197"}
59 |
{"mention": "Wano Merabischwili: Tiflis (Georgien), 08.09.2006 – Nach Angaben des georgischen Innenministers { Wano Merabischwili } wurden bei einem landesweiten Polizeieinsatz, an dem 450 Polizisten beteiligt waren, vorgestern morgen 29 Oppositionspolitiker festgenommen.", "example_id": "71b79c8b03e5247fc5c26dfbf9948ed2", "entity_id": "Q380730"}
60 |
{"mention": "Swantje Hartmann: Erfolgreichste Kandidatin für ein Stadtratsmandat war die Sozialdemokratin { Swantje Hartmann } , die mit 3.957 Stimmen eines der besten Ergebnisse in der Geschichte der kreisfreien Stadt erzielen konnte.", "example_id": "706ef1d7ffe4426189182a36b240e351", "entity_id": "Q1804099"}
61 |
{"mention": "UP Aerospace: Farmington (Vereinigte Staaten), 28.09.2006 – Das noch junge Unternehmen { UP Aerospace } scheint den Absturz seiner ersten Rakete SpaceLoft XL am Montag nach dem Start vom Spaceport America in New Mexico geschäftlich überstehen zu können.", "example_id": "baec836e7bed9a32240c55cfe1455441", "entity_id": "Q964073"}
62 |
{"mention": "Paul Hunter: Huddersfield (Vereinigtes Königreich), 11.10.2006 – Im Alter von nur 27 Jahren ist der britische Snookerspieler { Paul Hunter } am Abend des 9. Oktober an Krebs gestorben.", "example_id": "96673d8b91251954008f707a08cf8c76", "entity_id": "Q178319"}
63 |
{"mention": "Jürgen Seidel: Die CDU bekommt die Ministerien für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Tourismus, das wahrscheinlich der CDU-Landesvorsitzende { Jürgen Seidel } übernehmen wird, außerdem die Ressorts Justiz, Inneres sowie die Bildung.", "example_id": "ff918cc625f448ddee515322f625b049", "entity_id": "Q121331"}
64 |
{"mention": "UP Aerospace: ZG Aerospace ist nach der Gründung in eine Geschäftsbeziehung zu { UP Aerospace } eingetreten.", "example_id": "760bcb1f25e2ecdf5058efbbf9ed5e60", "entity_id": "Q964073"}
65 |
{"mention": "Zwischenlager: Fulda / Oftersheim / Dannenberg (Elbe) / Gorleben (Deutschland), 12.11.2006 – Seit dem 11. November ist der zehnte Castortransport mit hochradioaktivem Atommüll unterwegs – von der Wiederaufbereitungsanlage La Hague zum { Zwischenlager } nach Gorleben im niedersächsischen Wendland.", "example_id": "b03a9f5998951d4d1abf99c00bdcbd23", "entity_id": "Q2449646"}
66 |
{"mention": "Martin Winterkorn: Wolfsburg (Deutschland), 17.11.2006 – Erwartungsgemäß hat der Aufsichtsrat des Automobilherstellers Volkswagen aus Wolfsburg heute den jetzigen Audi-Vorstandsvorsitzenden { Martin Winterkorn } zum Nachfolger des noch amtierenden VW-Konzernchefs Bernd Pischetsrieder bestimmt, dessen Ausscheiden zum Jahresende am 7. November bekannt gegeben worden war.", "example_id": "48a482bd64101a4575b9894ef572d77f", "entity_id": "Q68355"}
67 |
{"mention": "Reinhard Grätz: Wie der Vorsitzende des WDR-Rundfunkrates, { Reinhard Grätz } , mitteilte, erhielt Monika Piel 38 von insgesamt 42 Stimmen.", "example_id": "c77b520c55d0edd9b22a9f72da6ac6bb", "entity_id": "Q2140712"}
68 |
{"mention": "Roland Borer: Sie tritt mit ihrem bekanntesten Politiker, Nationalrat { Roland Borer } , an.", "example_id": "dbfd40f78afa77a74942e93cb9e0e83b", "entity_id": "Q120026"}
69 |
{"mention": "Evangelische Volkspartei: Die sich stark nach christlichen Werten ausrichtende { Evangelische Volkspartei } tritt erstmals seit zwölf Jahren wieder an, zudem noch zwei chancenlose Einzelmasken.", "example_id": "1d0ef02f9c4a492644a4989cb9e3910b", "entity_id": "Q667718"}
70 |
{"mention": "Stefan Kretzschmar: Bei dem deutsch-deutschen Duell konnten die Gäste aus Nordbaden die Partie lediglich die ersten 15 Minuten offen gestalten, dann zog der SCM, der auf den grippekranken { Stefan Kretzschmar } verzichten musste, Tor um Tor davon.", "example_id": "319d04b40d9e72b17b8d0543ef5fb03e", "entity_id": "Q563427"}
71 |
{"mention": "Christoph Theuerkauf: Für die Gäste trafen Joël Abati neun- und { Christoph Theuerkauf } achtmal.", "example_id": "ed43b5da7403ffc7a5f2c8a190927e1a", "entity_id": "Q1085989"}
72 |
{"mention": "Thomas Ganswindt: Gestern wurde der ehemalige Siemens-Vorstand { Thomas Ganswindt } verhaftet.", "example_id": "40297b867d3c2b0ea8bdb3acc298ddb4", "entity_id": "Q107136"}
73 |
{"mention": "Heinrich von Pierer: Der Siemens-Aufsichtsratsvorsitzende, { Heinrich von Pierer } , hat ebenfalls einen Rechtsanwalt aus dem Mannesmann-Prozess mit der Vertretung seiner Interessen beauftragt: den Anwalt Sven Thomas, der den ehemaligen Mannesmann-Chef Klaus Esser verteidigt hatte.", "example_id": "68074cc527a38c1b33b5dd9d23210119", "entity_id": "Q96770"}
74 |
{"mention": "Christoph Theuerkauf: Bester Werfer auf Seiten der Magdeburger war { Christoph Theuerkauf } mit sieben Treffern.", "example_id": "8e5e02ad2e2a0bd18e4b5feb9e933001", "entity_id": "Q1085989"}
75 |
{"mention": "Klaus-Jürgen Menzel: Dresden (Deutschland), 16.12.2006 – Gegen den 66-jährigen { Klaus-Jürgen Menzel } , Mitglied des sächsischen Landtags und ehemaliges Mitglied der Landtagsfraktion der als rechtsextrem eingestuften NPD wurde ein vorläufiges Hausverbot verhängt, nachdem bei einer Routinekontrolle am Dienstagabend gegen 20:30 Uhr ein mit Schreckschusspatronen geladener Revolver Kaliber .38 in der Tasche eines „Leibwächters“ Menzels gefunden wurde.", "example_id": "a614c2627b01ef5406f9ade58957b868", "entity_id": "Q1344699"}
76 |
{"mention": "Stefan Hentschel: Hamburg (Deutschland), 19.12.2006 – Die ehemalige Kiezgröße { Stefan Hentschel } ist am Montag, dem 18. Dezember, im Alter von 58 Jahren erhängt im Boxkeller der Kneipe „Zur Ritze“ aufgefunden worden.", "example_id": "85640327a8c4a33841d3ab8f6e3ed706", "entity_id": "Q1529022"}
77 |
{"mention": "dpa: Die Nachrichtenagentur { dpa } schreibt, die Behörden gingen davon aus, dass die Drogenmafia sie mit den Anschlägen vor weiteren Maßnahmen warnen wolle.", "example_id": "ca6160fbeb8c9a0a8e7a240a34b5e812", "entity_id": "Q312653"}
78 |
{"mention": "Juba: New York (Vereinigte Staaten), 05.01.2007 – Am Dienstag haben nach Angaben des Londoner „Daily Telegraph“ 20 junge Menschen in der Stadt { Juba } im Südsudan berichtet, sie seien Opfer eines sexuellen Missbrauchs durch UN-Personal geworden.", "example_id": "cb7f741f52815fc0b031155fb5352187", "entity_id": "Q1947"}
79 |
{"mention": "Malaysia: Der nächste „Große Preis“ findet vom 18. bis zum 20. März in { Malaysia } / Kuala Lumpur statt.", "example_id": "327aead174a7d1e33af08fb9cff875ca", "entity_id": "Q833"}
80 |
{"mention": "Volkswagen AG: Braunschweig (Deutschland), 27.01.2007 – Der frühere Personalvorstand der { Volkswagen AG } Peter Hartz ist vom Landgericht Braunschweig vorgestern zu zwei Jahren Haft auf Bewährung und der maximal möglichen Geldstrafe von 360 Tagessätzen – in diesem Fall 576.000 Euro – verurteilt worden.", "example_id": "315603cd553ba40f90630f5d663790ce", "entity_id": "Q156578"}
81 |
{"mention": "freigestellt: Ohne Vorwarnung erfuhren damals die Alt-Mitarbeiter am Ende eines Arbeitstages, dass sie ab sofort „ { freigestellt } “ seien.", "example_id": "434ba9a7fd3d7c51596e9fb727b39c87", "entity_id": "Q787457"}
82 |
{"mention": "María Teresa Fernández de la Vega: Im staatlichen spanischen Radio bestätigte die stellvertretende spanische Premierministerin { María Teresa Fernández de la Vega } , dass die Prozedur Zeit in Anspruch nehmen werde.", "example_id": "e1dde3bf33f9b66fa24044112748b602", "entity_id": "Q240104"}
83 |
{"mention": "Metastudie: In einer { Metastudie } – das ist eine vergleichende und zusammenfassende Auswertung anderer, bereits vorliegender Studien – haben Wissenschaftler von der Universität Oxford untersucht, ob Vareniclin wirklich das langersehnte Wundermittel ist.", "example_id": "f02f4bbaeca8ba2ed8b7228df4a65ace", "entity_id": "Q815382"}
84 |
{"mention": "Wikimedia Commons: Saint Petersburg (Vereinigte Staaten), 05.03.2007 – Anfang März wurde im Wikinews-Schwesterprojekt { Wikimedia Commons } die Wahl zum Bild des Jahres 2006 abgeschlossen.", "example_id": "888f54ee31c4669ab9cc0dd3c3ec582d", "entity_id": "Q565"}
85 |
{"mention": "João Carrascalão: Um das Amt des nächsten Präsidenten bewerben sich der derzeitige Premierminister und Friedensnobelpreisträger José Ramos-Horta, die drei Mitglieder des Parlamentes { João Carrascalão } (UDP), Fernando de Araújo (Demokratische Partei) und Manuel Tilman (KOTA) sowie die Anwältin Lúcia Lobato, Avelino Coelho da Silva von der Sozialistischen Partei Osttimor und Francisco Guterres, jetziger Parlamentspräsident und Mitglied der Regierungspartei FRETILIN.", "example_id": "9ee6de7a37ff5a9b30acb13c0baa2fe3", "entity_id": "Q562782"}
86 |
{"mention": "Gerd Niebaum: Dortmund (Deutschland), 12.03.2005 – Ende Februar erging eine Strafanzeige einer Münchener Anwaltskanzlei gegen den ehemaligen BVB-Präsidenten und Geschäftsführer Dr. { Gerd Niebaum } und Vereinsmanager Michael Meier wegen Kapitalanlagebetrugs und Kurspreismanipulation.", "example_id": "9dce26a871ccdde4aba7656136023954", "entity_id": "Q1510718"}
87 |
{"mention": "Ismail Hanija: Hamas-Ministerpräsident { Ismail Hanija } hatte noch kurz vor der gewaltsamen Auseinandersetzung davon gesprochen, dass die Einheitsregierung in der kommenden Woche ernannt werden solle.", "example_id": "fa0f74013c0df8e63d2327b4ed919577", "entity_id": "Q152378"}
88 |
{"mention": "Lutz Vogel: Der amtierende Oberbürgermeister { Lutz Vogel } (parteilos) sagte, dass die Stadtverwaltung den Gerichtsentscheid, der nicht mehr anfechtbar ist, akzeptieren und umsetzen wolle.", "example_id": "4669e6682734b376ae5cf291dc17f54a", "entity_id": "Q1878228"}
89 |
{"mention": "Ian Wilmut: Frankfurt am Main (Deutschland), 14.03.2005 – Der „geistige Vater“ von Klonschaf Dolly, Professor { Ian Wilmut } , bekam heute den Paul-Ehrlich-Preis verliehen.", "example_id": "d8c70af4fcde88bd27bed40b2abae0a3", "entity_id": "Q1353638"}
90 |
{"mention": "Ulf Böge: Der Präsident des deutschen Kartellamtes { Ulf Böge } lehnte einen Verzicht auf die bisherigen Planungen in der „Financial Times Deutschland“ dagegen ab, da er keinen Nachteil darin sehe, wenn andere Briefunternehmen der Deutschen Post Marktanteile abnähmen.", "example_id": "1d37ec227c2247de1431d5d1c552193e", "entity_id": "Q1427315"}
91 |
{"mention": "Berliner Erklärung: Mit Unterzeichnung der „ { Berliner Erklärung } “ am Sonntagnachmittag gingen die Feierlichkeiten in Berlin anlässlich des Jubiläums zu Ende.", "example_id": "a15039d4d17ede883efae84732a23c95", "entity_id": "Q549993"}
92 |
{"mention": "Hans Herbert von Arnim: Auf der Konferenz sprachen Politiker, Wissenschaftler, Journalisten und Aktivisten aus unterschiedlichen Lagern und verschiedenen europäischen Ländern, unter ihnen der konservative britische Parlamentsabgeordnete David Heathcoat-Amory, der Verfassungsrechtler { Hans Herbert von Arnim } , der Bundestagsabgeordnete Gerald Häfner (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen), Personen aus dem Attac-Umfeld und einige andere.", "example_id": "4924cf7d05916659fb5a50342f81c955", "entity_id": "Q1506977"}
93 |
{"mention": "Entsendegesetz: Sein Parteikollege Peter Struck, der eine Einführung von Mindestlöhnen über das { Entsendegesetz } anstrebt, zeigte sich optimistisch, dass dadurch Regelungen für viele Branchen gefunden werden können.", "example_id": "d9738ff7a6e9e6fb33ee453b21594987", "entity_id": "Q627280"}
94 |
{"mention": "Europäischen Union: MON 863-Genmais ist seit dem 1.1.2006 in der { Europäischen Union } als Lebens- und Futtermittel zugelassen.", "example_id": "dd29b6f2cece1f074df1fbff7faf5ec3", "entity_id": "Q458"}
95 |
{"mention": "The Sun: Der Druck sei zu groß geworden, zitierte das Boulevardblatt „ { The Sun } “ einen Bekannten der beiden.", "example_id": "7fcb6c100abfccbca32da28a6846e930", "entity_id": "Q208875"}
96 |
{"mention": "Lana Clarkson: Nach Ansicht der Staatsanwaltschaft, vertreten durch Alan Jackson, soll Spector die ehemalige Schauspielerin { Lana Clarkson } getötet haben.", "example_id": "af3fe37478ea50614f6797b9a9113d69", "entity_id": "Q257277"}
97 |
{"mention": "in der Wikipedia aufgelistet: Weitere 30 Fälle sind { in der Wikipedia aufgelistet } .", "example_id": "78374e95087333a295f65bec6759fc34", "entity_id": "Q314037"}
98 |
{"mention": "Heribert Bruchhagen: Auf der offiziellen Internetseite des Vereins wird der Manager des Traditionsvereins, { Heribert Bruchhagen } zur Verlängerung des Vertrages wie folgt zitiert: „Wir freuen uns, dass sich Markus Pröll, mit dessen Leistungen alle im Verein sehr zufrieden sind, für die Eintracht entschieden hat.“", "example_id": "c3bd94d961feae9de0dd0e2075bd4fd2", "entity_id": "Q895570"}
99 |
{"mention": "plusminus: Bereits vor einer Woche hatte das ARD-Magazin „ { plusminus } “ schwere Anschuldigungen präsentiert.", "example_id": "072a94f3c7245b25922f8325730498fd", "entity_id": "Q2099749"}
100 |
{"mention": "Team Gerolsteiner: Henn arbeitet seit 2001 als sportlicher Leiter beim deutschen { Team Gerolsteiner } , das ihn wegen der Verfehlungen in seiner aktiven Zeit nicht bestrafen will.", "example_id": "bd9640a9c24a6f7b0242d93c15355b4b", "entity_id": "Q313109"}
101 |
{"mention": "Mosche Katzav: Der bisherige Präsident { Mosche Katzav } lässt das höchste Staatsamt seit Ende Januar ruhen, weil ihm Vergewaltigung und sexuelle Nötigung vorgeworfen werden.", "example_id": "ac00ca072c63c73024f305f036406202", "entity_id": "Q181832"}
102 |
{"mention": "Section-Control: Wien (Österreich), 15.06.2007 – Das bei der sogenannten { Section-Control } angewandte System zur Messung der Durchschnittsgeschwindigkeit für eine bestimmte Wegstrecke wurde vom österreichischen Verfassungsgerichtshof (VfGH) für rechtswidrig erklärt.", "example_id": "8297243d9d22906ad00ab3f2876061df", "entity_id": "Q332131"}
103 |
{"mention": "Glasgow International Airport: Glasgow (Vereinigtes Königreich), 01.07.2007 – Ein schwarzer Jeep Cherokee fuhr um 15:11 Uhr Ortszeit brennend und mit hoher Geschwindigkeit, nachdem er eine Sicherheitssperre durchbrochen hatte, gegen die Außenwand des Terminalgebäudes des { Glasgow International Airport } .", "example_id": "917aefbf755b62d14a5ab9fa798b7c09", "entity_id": "Q8721"}
104 |
{"mention": "Wolfram König: Der Präsident des Bundesamts für Strahlenschutz (BfS), { Wolfram König } , forderte vom Unternehmen „vertrauensbildende Maßnahmen“.", "example_id": "21d736d2acb6ebf52aba7c9c1c016ced", "entity_id": "Q2592094"}
105 |
{"mention": "Katastrophenalarm: Erlangen (Deutschland), 22.07.2007 – In den fränkischen Landkreisen Erlangen und Forchheim ist infolge der schweren Unwetter in der vergangenen Nacht der { Katastrophenalarm } ausgelöst worden.", "example_id": "e9166cfd8fb4e975de57bc64e726c8c3", "entity_id": "Q1735636"}
106 |
{"mention": "DNS: Zwar können die Analysegeräte feststellen, ob sich auch organisches Material in der Probe befand, Proteine oder { DNS } -Material können sie jedoch nicht erkennen.", "example_id": "fb0f077957514b645fdd569827631a5c", "entity_id": "Q7430"}
107 |
{"mention": "Giancarlo Fisichella: Nick Heidfeld auf Williams-BMW wurde Vierter, { Giancarlo Fisichella } im zweiten Renault ist auf Platz fünf.", "example_id": "98ba686eee9b4d2c1289aa4351b05389", "entity_id": "Q172712"}
108 |
{"mention": "ora international: Ein Sprecher des afghanischen Innenministeriums erklärte, die Büroleiterin der Hilfsorganisation { ora international } sei bei einer Polizeiaktion im Westen der afghanischen Hauptstadt befreit worden.", "example_id": "f370efcdaa3cf6555eeab0c71d13b039", "entity_id": "Q2027897"}
109 |
{"mention": "Mexiko: Es wurde erwartet, dass der auf Stufe eins abgestufte Hurrikan nach bereits erfolgter Überquerung der Halbinsel Yucatan über den Golf von { Mexiko } mit wieder ansteigenden Geschwindigkeiten fegt, um schließlich im mexikanischen Bundesstaat Veracruz wieder auf Land zu treffen.", "example_id": "41f80a45111078246f68b13b17439871", "entity_id": "Q96"}
110 |
{"mention": "Evelyne Okonnek: Neben Friedhelm Schneidewind, Tolkien-Experte und Verfasser des großen Tolkien-Lexikons, referieren etwa mehrere preisgekrönte Autorinnen neuer deutscher Fantasy, Nina Blazon und { Evelyne Okonnek } , sowie Fantasy-Film Experte Robert Vogel, der von aktuellen Dreharbeiten an der Verfilmung von Otfried Preußlers „Krabat“ in Rumänien ebenso berichten wird wie von den parallel zu den Tübinger Tolkien Tagen stattfindenden Dreharbeiten zu einer neuen Verfilmung von Terry Pratchetts „Scheibenwelt“ in den Pinewood Studios in London.", "example_id": "938a132b7ca3203769d284a1f1d7ad55", "entity_id": "Q1381818"}
111 |
{"mention": "Gisela Splett: { Gisela Splett } , die umweltpolitische Sprecherin der Landtagsfraktion der Grünen, fordert in einer Pressemitteilung ein schnelleres Tempo bei der Erstellung und Umsetzung der Lärmaktionspläne.", "example_id": "369b8e0fdb39d9a41c0ef627e0671075", "entity_id": "Q106925"}
112 |
{"mention": "Datenkrake: Der Chaos Computer Club war in Anlehnung an den „Bundestrojaner“, einen scherzhaften Begriff, der im Zusammenhang mit der Online-Durchsuchung verbreitet ist, mit einem großen trojanischen Pferd und einer { Datenkrake } präsent.", "example_id": "5344b644c6533fc47178dffc7f5e3d80", "entity_id": "Q1112311"}
113 |
{"mention": "Gewerkschaft Deutscher Lokomotivführer: Frankfurt am Main (Deutschland), 02.10.2007 – Die Verhandlungen der Deutschen Bahn AG mit der { Gewerkschaft Deutscher Lokomotivführer } unter Mediation durch Heiner Geißler und Kurt Biedenkopf sind gescheitert.", "example_id": "d2fa0670d68cebd8dc1258b7cf38a77c", "entity_id": "Q553062"}
114 |
{"mention": "Dschawad al-Maliki: Auch der irakische Premierminister { Dschawad al-Maliki } hatte seinen türkischen Amtskollegen Recep Tayyip Erdoğan aufgefordert, ein militärisches Eingreifen auf irakischem Gebiet zu vermeiden und sicherte der türkischen Regierung zu, gegen die separatistischen Kräfte der PKK im Norden Iraks vorzugehen.", "example_id": "4ad57fb381cdcd429c38dd923f2acbf1", "entity_id": "Q57673"}
115 |
{"mention": "José Manuel Barroso: Unter Anspielung auf die Schwierigkeiten in der Zusammenarbeit mit der bisherigen Regierung im Rahmen der EU sagte EU-Kommissionspräsident { José Manuel Barroso } : „Ich bin sicher, dass es mit der nächsten polnischen Regierung eine fruchtbare Zusammenarbeit geben wird.“ Martin Schulz, Vorsitzender der sozialdemokratischen Fraktion im Europaparlament, machte aus seiner Freude über den Wahlausgang keinen Hehl: „Polen kann jetzt seinen richtigen Platz in der EU einnehmen, wo es guten Willen auf allen Seiten finden wird.“ Die polnischen Wähler hätten klar gemacht, dass Polens Zukunft nicht im Beharren von anti-europäischen Positionen liege.", "example_id": "869bac09f1c49580a1da33f7d3670a02", "entity_id": "Q15849"}
116 |
{"mention": "GEW: Der { GEW } -Landesvorsitzende Tilman Boehlkau kritisierte das vorgestellte Konzept zur neuen Schulstruktur als nicht weitgehend genug und nannte es ein „falsches Signal“, dass die „Realschule plus“ nun auch weiterhin den Hauptschulabschluss vergeben soll.", "example_id": "cbccdaa175c438979e0f47dc0844b86d", "entity_id": "Q325778"}
117 |
{"mention": "Bild-im-Bild: Im Gegensatz zu der HD-DVD gab es bei der Blu-ray-Disc noch keine verpflichtenden Eigenschaften wie beispielsweise die Möglichkeit, zwei getrennte Videoströme für eine { Bild-im-Bild } -Wiedergabe anzeigen zu können.", "example_id": "0a52d3c253787ee48f25d560bd8f84e8", "entity_id": "Q860624"}
118 |
{"mention": "Mijeegombyn Enchbold: Ulaanbaatar (Mongolei), 09.11.2007 – Das Parlament des asiatischen Landes Mongolei stimmte am Donnerstag dem Rücktrittgesuch des seit Januar dieses Jahres amtierenden Premierministers { Mijeegombyn Enchbold } zu, nachdem dieser schon zuvor seinen Posten als Vorsitzender der regierenden Ex-Kommunisten verloren hatte.", "example_id": "e3d928bdcee5a09db38ded62ce038363", "entity_id": "Q558683"}
119 |
{"mention": "Geo TV: Islamabad (Pakistan) / Dubai (Vereinigte Arabische Emirate), 17.11.2007 – Auf enormen Druck des pakistanischen Präsidenten, General Pervez Musharraf, wurde der aus dem Scheichtum Dubai sendende Fernsehkanal { Geo TV } am 16. November um null Uhr Dubai Zeit (GMT +04:00) abgeschaltet.", "example_id": "3df79cca16a51f0a5fd89f5d3714ed37", "entity_id": "Q1482581"}
120 |
{"mention": "Mattalatta: Danach besuchte Manfred Nowak Außenminister Wirajuda und den Justizminister { Mattalatta } , der auch für Menschenrechtsfragen verantwortlich ist, sowie andere wichtige Beamte, bevor er seine eigentliche Reise durch die Gefängnisse des Landes antrat.", "example_id": "2c60e93a4d842c1be4111581b46d5d3b", "entity_id": "Q12498756"}
121 |
{"mention": "Veltins: Gelsenkirchen / Meschede (Deutschland), 11.04.2005 - Nach Informationen des Westdeutschen Rundfunks hat der FC Schalke 04 die Namensrechte an seinem neuen Stadion, der Arena auf Schalke an seinen Sponsor, die Brauerei C.&.A. { Veltins } in Meschede-Grevenstein, verkauft.", "example_id": "a3ca351e64ec19583a36195d2b2bd77c", "entity_id": "Q608350"}
122 |
{"mention": "George D. Warrington: Morristown (Vereinigte Staaten), 27.12.2007 – Der frühere Präsident der amerikanischen Personeneisenbahngesellschaft Amtrak { George D. Warrington } verstarb am 24. Dezember 2007 im Alter von 55 Jahren im Morristown Memorial Hospital.", "example_id": "7173a1359a3dd4b13582803044ede55d", "entity_id": "Q1508515"}
123 |
{"mention": "SPD: In Niedersachsen hat die CDU mit ihrem Spitzenkandidaten Christian Wulff mit 42,5 Prozent deutlich über Herausforderer Wolfgang Jüttner von der { SPD } mit 30,3 Prozent gesiegt.", "example_id": "930719e68b67694bd4e18fc7d1f1f701", "entity_id": "Q49768"}
124 |
{"mention": "Wolfgang Mayrhuber: { Wolfgang Mayrhuber } , Vorstandsvorsitzender der Deutschen Lufthansa AG, hatte eine Übernahme von TUIfly vor kurzem noch abgelehnt.", "example_id": "e2ee5eae793ab888ecafd4714f35446d", "entity_id": "Q974228"}
125 |
{"mention": "Dänemark: Norwegen, 28.01.2008 – Zum ersten Mal hat { Dänemark } am gestrigen Sonntag eine Handball-Europameisterschaft der Männer gewonnen.", "example_id": "b6a8b5e1d535d915d581cd8a685a1177", "entity_id": "Q1574519"}
126 |
{"mention": "Juan José Ibarretxe: Die Baskische Nationalistische Partei (EAJ/PNV) von { Juan José Ibarretxe } , dem Ministerpräsidenten der Region, kam auf 29 Sitze und verpasste damit die absolute Mehrheit im Regionalparlament.", "example_id": "c9b6aacd3ae6607a2f3f11fd1b19fd0c", "entity_id": "Q351738"}
127 |
{"mention": "Lutz Vogel: Dresdens Oberbürgermeister { Lutz Vogel } (parteilos) hofft nun auf konstruktive Gespräche mit der UNESCO.", "example_id": "926e16a5b73b6b6d6c3fa59ab490f355", "entity_id": "Q1878228"}
128 |
{"mention": "Madame Tussauds: London (Vereinigtes Königreich), 07.02.2008 – Die deutsche Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel kann ab heute ihr Ebenbild im berühmten Londoner Wachsfigurenkabinett „ { Madame Tussauds } “ bewundern.", "example_id": "afad90d9110767134325277d321b34fd", "entity_id": "Q186309"}
129 |
{"mention": "Norbert Vornehm: Die Linke, im Stadtrat von Gera mit 18 Sitzen stärkste Fraktion, unterstütze die Pläne des SPD-Oberbürgermeisters, { Norbert Vornehm } nach erheblichen Personaleinsparungen in Gera.", "example_id": "a0466b718534d4883c3c650e61f872c5", "entity_id": "Q1320652"}
130 |
{"mention": "Impfstoffe: Das Paul-Ehrlich-Institut (PEI) in Langen bei Frankfurt am Main ist das deutsche Bundesamt für Sera und { Impfstoffe } und damit für die Zulassung neuer Impfstoffe zuständig.", "example_id": "76429aa994690cb8795766b714322664", "entity_id": "Q134808"}
131 |
{"mention": "Frank Stöhr: Auch der Vorsitzende der dbb-Tarifunion { Frank Stöhr } äußerte im Deutschlandradio Kultur seine Hoffnung, dass die Arbeitgeber ihr Angebot massiv verbessern würden. Anderenfalls würden sie den massiven Unmut der Beschäftigten in allen Bereichen des öffentlichen Dienstes, in den Nahverkehrsbetrieben und den Krankenhäusern zu spüren bekommen.", "example_id": "de57b29d1382d79212845d7135bd0915", "entity_id": "Q1444280"}
132 |
{"mention": "Ansbach: Am Freitag wurden vor allem Kliniken in Franken, so in den Kliniken in { Ansbach } , Fürth und Schwabach für etwa zwei Stunden bestreikt.", "example_id": "f36cec757849646d13ccb10c9b281553", "entity_id": "Q14859"}
133 |
{"mention": "Idar-Oberstein: In Rheinland-Pfalz waren Worms und { Idar-Oberstein } am Freitag, den 15. Februar 2008, die Schwerpunkte.", "example_id": "ed188ad61442a6fc57852f3201a7b9ce", "entity_id": "Q16119"}
134 |
{"mention": "SPD: Um dieses Urteil zu untermauern, drohte das Gericht dem Ministerium ein Ordnungsgeld von 250.000 Euro, ersatzweise sechs Monate Haft für Brigitte Zypries ( { SPD } ) höchstpersönlich, an.", "example_id": "5bf07594954f7be16aea6ba1f0492eed", "entity_id": "Q49768"}
135 |
{"mention": "Partito Radicale: Italien, 04.03.2008 – Laut dem Meinungs- und Marktforschungsinstitut SWG ist das von Walter Veltroni geführte Bündnis (unterstützt von der Partito Democratico, Italia dei Valori und der { Partito Radicale } ), wiedererstarkt.", "example_id": "4afca4f65acd856a7a8629aa95dec1c2", "entity_id": "Q2704736"}
136 |
{"mention": "Manfred Schell: GDL-Chef { Manfred Schell } kündigte an, den ausgehandelten Lokführer-Tarifvertrag zu unterschreiben und der Bahn zuzuleiten.", "example_id": "f52443d272e6f3e5e3ca7fbd03f6a138", "entity_id": "Q106202"}
137 |
{"mention": "Frank Stöhr: Die letzte Runde der Tarifverhandlungen hatten am Samstag mit einem Sondierungsgespräch der Verhandlungsführer begonnen, nämlich Bundesinnenminister Wolfgang Schäuble, VKA-Verhandlungsführer Thomas Böhle, dem ver.di Vorsitzenden Frank Bsirske und dem Vorsitzenden der dbb-tarifunion, { Frank Stöhr } .", "example_id": "fc641626ff24a9480b8f0feb6866d19a", "entity_id": "Q1444280"}
138 |
{"mention": "Dietrich Garlichs: Kurz nach Simonis hatte auch der hauptamtliche Geschäftsführer { Dietrich Garlichs } sein Amt zur Verfügung gestellt.", "example_id": "0ba37164e5f06c3d2d5539dd6e5f1046", "entity_id": "Q1223738"}
139 |
{"mention": "Peter Röhlinger: Auch Jenas Oberbürgermeister Dr. { Peter Röhlinger } versucht eigenen Angaben zufolge alles, um diese „Demonstration der Neonazis“ in Jenas „guter Stube“ zu verhindern.", "example_id": "806ee0a72b717a0355cdc49f19d4229f", "entity_id": "Q2077955"}
140 |
{"mention": "Detlev von Larcher: Diepholz (Deutschland), 10.04.2008 – Der ehemalige SPD-Bundesabgeordnete und Unterbezirksvorsitzende im niedersächsischen Landkreis Diepholz { Detlev von Larcher } wurde aus der SPD ausgeschlossen.", "example_id": "83e32f3fab977d53280457528791a1a6", "entity_id": "Q1201476"}
141 |
{"mention": "Martin Winterkorn: Dies sagte der VW-Vorstandsvorsitzende, { Martin Winterkorn } , am Sonntag auf der Automesse in Peking.", "example_id": "f58054fd322fb22f83ca0036efda75a7", "entity_id": "Q68355"}
142 |
{"mention": "Jens Lehmann: Tor: { Jens Lehmann } (FC Arsenal), Robert Enke (Hannover 96), René Adler (Bayer Leverkusen)", "example_id": "23375db2bf964ad7026f74003012c058", "entity_id": "Q57114"}
143 |
{"mention": "Goethe: Neben den Klassikern wie { Goethe } und Namenspatron Schiller – deren Lebensweg eng mit Jena und Thüringen verbunden ist –, Reformator Martin Luther und Johann Friedrich I. von Sachsen (unter dem Namen „Hanfried“ als Gründer der Universität bekannt) durften auch die drei Bürger, die den Ruf Jenas als Industrie und Wissenschaftsstadt begründeten, nicht fehlen.", "example_id": "fae3f2e56295b633e07339702d6f6d66", "entity_id": "Q5879"}
144 |
{"mention": "Fuad Siniora: An dem Treffen nahmen neben dem sunnitischen Ministerpräsidenten { Fuad Siniora } auch Drusenführer Walid Dschumblat, der frühere maronitische Armeegeneral Michel Aoun und der schiitische Parlamentssprecher Nabih Berri teil.", "example_id": "81331e557193cfbf981e515b2cd876a2", "entity_id": "Q314263"}
145 |
{"mention": "Médecins Sans Frontières – Ärzte ohne Grenzen e.V.: Berlin (Deutschland), 22.05.2008 – Dr. Frank Dörner, Geschäftsführer von { Médecins Sans Frontières – Ärzte ohne Grenzen e.V. } , gewährte Wikinews ein Interview zur Arbeit der Hilfsorganisation in Myanmar.", "example_id": "3facc11a4ace5c17c99c7ee324f29912", "entity_id": "Q49330"}
146 |
{"mention": "Discovery: Kennedy Space Center (Vereinigte Staaten), 31.05.2008 – Das Space Shuttle { Discovery } ist heute um 23:02 Uhr MESZ (21:02 UTC) vom Kennedy Space Center in Florida aus zur Internationalen Raumstation (ISS) gestartet.", "example_id": "3032c5edd12e1fa95698bbb58cc67911", "entity_id": "Q54384"}
147 |
{"mention": "Harmonymoduls: 04.06.2008 – Nach einem sechs Stunden und 45 Minuten dauernden Außenbordeinsatz der STS-124-Besatzungsmitglieder Michael Fossum und Ronald Garan, der um 1.45 Uhr MESZ (23.45 Uhr UTC) endete, ist das Kibō-Hauptmodul an der linken Seite des { Harmonymoduls } der ISS angebracht worden.", "example_id": "8f1bfcf6eb643165ca20d237cf2f49ac", "entity_id": "Q824359"}
148 |
{"mention": "Isabell Werth: Die Deutsche Meisterschaft der Dressurreiter konnten { Isabell Werth } auf „Warum nicht FRH“ und Matthias Alexander Rath auf „Sterntaler-Unicef“ für sich entscheiden.", "example_id": "32592faa9c0a933a85c25d276a291407", "entity_id": "Q238769"}
149 |
{"mention": "Estanislau da Silva: Der landwirtschaftliche Sprecher der FRETILIN, der ehemalige Premierminister { Estanislau da Silva } , sagte, der Plan könne sich zu einem Fluch für die Nahrungsmittelproduktion in dem durch die Landwirtschaft geprägten Land entwickeln.", "example_id": "383cc91ed906b6fea5fc34e29ee016ba", "entity_id": "Q727119"}
150 |
{"mention": "Symbolrate: Arte HD wird unverschlüsselt zu empfangen sein und folgende Parameter haben: ASTRA 19,2° Ost, Frequenz 11.362 MHz, horizontale Polarisation, { Symbolrate } : 22.000, FEC 2/3, Modulation: DVB-S2.", "example_id": "423c1a80d8514c63c4703656b44fe299", "entity_id": "Q428083"}
151 |
{"mention": "Marco Kutscher: Zum Quartett gehörten Christian Ahlmann auf Cöster, Ludger Beerbaum auf All Inclusive, Meredith Michaels-Beerbaum auf Shutterfly und { Marco Kutscher } auf Montender.", "example_id": "18e7bd35f558d9710367fbdf2aa2f7d9", "entity_id": "Q78028"}
152 |
{"mention": "Irak: Unter den gefährlichsten Bedingungen arbeiten die Journalisten im { Irak } .", "example_id": "988d286873c99ae4523af5035e60a80f", "entity_id": "Q796"}
153 |
{"mention": "Revolution in Nicaragua: Managua (Nicaragua), 02.08.2008 – In Managua begingen am 19. Juli 2008 etwa 450.000 Menschen die Feierlichkeiten zum 29. Jahrestag der { Revolution in Nicaragua } .", "example_id": "35f5da0fdf0576b634d69c7edc45cbd8", "entity_id": "Q1463516"}
154 |
{"mention": "Festspiele: Uische Bheata, Ri-Ra, Gillespie and Drost und Five Alive' O spielten in dem Balver Kulturtempel bei dem von Sean Reeves und dem technischen Leiter der { Festspiele } , Stephan Haarmann eröffneten märkischen Musikfestival und machten zusammen mit den Fans zur Freude des Geschäftsführers des veranstaltenden Vereins den Felsendom zu einem „Mekka für Folk-Fans“ (Zitatgeber: WP-Redakteur Stefan Scherer).\"", "example_id": "d8a5c66f866526739c80866caab241db", "entity_id": "Q1408807"}
155 |
{"mention": "Markus Hausweiler: Vor ihm wurden bereits { Markus Hausweiler } von Borussia Mönchengladbach und Razundara Tjikuzu, der zuletzt bei Hansa Rostock spielte, als Neuzugang vorgestellt.", "example_id": "ddce8e59a3cd12d5ed5c575e3b4c458b", "entity_id": "Q1901553"}
156 |
{"mention": "Felix Leinen: Schatzmeister ist weiterhin der Mainzer Mathematikprofessor { Felix Leinen } ; Schriftführer ist Claudius Moseler, der zeitgleich Generalsekretär der Bundespartei ist.", "example_id": "7557470b06854df3a48bee790402fd79", "entity_id": "Q1403608"}
157 |
{"mention": "politische Immunität: Zuvor hatte der Kongress die { politische Immunität } Obradors entzogen.", "example_id": "9dca0d833008a14d79d0067cde2bc8f3", "entity_id": "Q67189777"}
158 |
{"mention": "Atommeilers in Temelín: Dresden / München / Passau (Deutschland) / Linz (Österreich), 24.09.2008 – Die bayerische ödp hat eine Unterschriftenaktion gegen die Erweiterung des tschechischen { Atommeilers in Temelín } gestartet.", "example_id": "b6b40119314346cd7a8ab73a50fc0ead", "entity_id": "Q1502091"}
159 |
{"mention": "Malika Schüpbach: Die erst 14-jährige { Malika Schüpbach } wurde als 15. beste Schweizerin.", "example_id": "37efcd427979e8a1af5518450de513da", "entity_id": "Q1411979"}
160 |
{"mention": "Alfred Gusenbauer: Ähnliches ist im Frühjahr auch dem SPÖ-Parteiobmann { Alfred Gusenbauer } passiert.", "example_id": "24a46d10721dcd0810b0e1dab25c188d", "entity_id": "Q260037"}
161 |
{"mention": "Storch: Weil die Armeeeinheit, die im Irak eingesetzt war und im September nach 13 Monaten Heimaturlaub voraussichtlich dorthin zurückkehren wird, den Spitznamen „Old Ironsides“ (etwa: „erprobt und eisen-gepanzert, kugelfest“) trägt, ist der { Storch } , Symbol für Geburt, ein „Iron Stork“ („Eiserner Storch“).", "example_id": "a6b3902ad04dd14ff7d77015be116433", "entity_id": "Q25352"}
162 |
{"mention": "Kurt Beck: Franz Müntefering, der vor { Kurt Beck } – von März 2004 bis November 2005 – bereits einmal das Amt des Parteivorsitzenden ausgeübt hatte, wurde von den Delegierten mit großer Mehrheit zum neuen Parteivorsitzenden gewählt.", "example_id": "d0a4f18b48cdf5393c6d82dc72a6ca08", "entity_id": "Q65109"}
163 |
{"mention": "Deutschen Telekomstiftung: Dr. Klaus Kinkel, Vorsitzender der { Deutschen Telekomstiftung } , die die Entstehung der Ausstellung mit insgesamt 200.000 Euro maßgeblich unterstützt hat, sprach ein weiteres Grußwort.", "example_id": "79296770ad7f57f3ab13dbf5439c8467", "entity_id": "Q1204257"}
164 |
{"mention": "Bawag: Wien (Österreich), 14.11.2008 – Ruth Elsner, Ehefrau des in Untersuchungshaft befindlichen Ex- { Bawag } -Direktors Helmut Elsner, scheint von der Unschuld ihres Mannes überzeugt.", "example_id": "69708e078da6dd6d13ea580fa918aeb5", "entity_id": "Q795472"}
165 |
{"mention": "Mike Mullen: Der Vorsitzende der Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral { Mike Mullen } , äußerte auf einer Pressekonferenz seine Überraschung.", "example_id": "4fa2220371269ec96fe1297afe27bbe5", "entity_id": "Q503161"}
166 |
{"mention": "Ursula Plassnik: Auch die derzeitige Außenministerin { Ursula Plassnik } übte Kritik am EU-Kurs der ÖVP und steht daher einer neuen Regierung nicht mehr zur Verfügung.", "example_id": "596c9a50222b1d1d5e958b5417800ad4", "entity_id": "Q89396"}
167 |
{"mention": "Özcan Mutlu: { Özcan Mutlu } und Benedikt Lux prangerten an, dass neben der „Datenschnüffelei in den Schulen“ die Lehrer „als Hilfssheriffs der Sicherheitsbehörden“ dienten.", "example_id": "e85ab3da630ee0679a8699b7b7d3dd4b", "entity_id": "Q77685"}
168 |
{"mention": "Challenge Cup: Nachdem Möller am Vortag deutlich beim { Challenge Cup } triumphiert und sogar einen neuen Bahnrekord aufgestellt hatte, galt er als der Favorit.", "example_id": "714657fc77ba69a4a12fe97b383a7b7d", "entity_id": "Q1521865"}
169 |
{"mention": "Olivier Jean: Hier triumphierten zwei Kanadier, Charles Hamelin und { Olivier Jean } , sowie die Staffel der Vereinigten Staaten.", "example_id": "d4c7cc3035082244bf399877ca6f7ef6", "entity_id": "Q718375"}
170 |
{"mention": "Gießen-Land: Alsfeld (Deutschland), 13.12.2008 – Auf ihrem Landesparteitag in Alsfeld nominierte die hessische SPD den Landtagsabgeordneten Thorsten Schäfer-Gümbel aus dem Wahlkreis { Gießen-Land } mit 96,7 Prozent auf Platz 1 der SPD-Landesliste für die Landtagswahl im Januar 2009.", "example_id": "98a8e1d05927fbc276b9770c1cca92bb", "entity_id": "Q1747166"}
171 |
{"mention": "Anatole Nsengiyumva: Auch zwei Mitangeklagte, Oberstleutnant { Anatole Nsengiyumva } und Major Aloys Ntabakuze, erhielten lebenslange Haft.", "example_id": "257a99d85892e30886be3c4664f76671", "entity_id": "Q487542"}
172 |
{"mention": "Leichtathlethik WM 2009: So wird während der { Leichtathlethik WM 2009 } vom 15. bis 23. August, während der Internationalen Funkausstellung in Berlin vom 26. bis 31. August und wieder über Weihnachten vom 19. bis 28. Dezember, aber aber vier Tage kürzer als über diese Festtage, gesendet werden.", "example_id": "cf6b096554b3dec4ac941b88e326100a", "entity_id": "Q152772"}
173 |
{"mention": "Neuen Synagoge: Berlin (Deutschland), 14.01.2009 – Bei einem Angriff eines 35-jährigen Staatenlosen mit einer Eisenstange auf einen Wachmann auf dem Fußweg vor der { Neuen Synagoge } wurde dieser am Arm verletzt.", "example_id": "0e4f1922c94544c5ed81615efa96f7f8", "entity_id": "Q246474"}
174 |
{"mention": "färöischer Tracht: Traditionell werden die königlichen Damen in { färöischer Tracht } erwartet.", "example_id": "b15cca6980e96bdca6e0d426f7d31337", "entity_id": "Q1479086"}
175 |
{"mention": "Passauer Neuen Presse: Man habe es hier, so der Bischof in einem Interview mit der { Passauer Neuen Presse } , mit einer „zeitlichen Koinzidenz von zwei verschiedenen Vorgängen zu tun, die weder sachlich noch von der persönlichen Kenntnislage des Papstes etwas miteinander zu tun haben.", "example_id": "8d76d1f173748b37237b6a19958ae63c", "entity_id": "Q896978"}
176 |
{"mention": "Horst Meierhofer: Der Fraktionsvorsitzende der Grünen im Deutschen Bundestag, Fritz Kuhn, erklärte: „Jetzt wird der Umwelt- und Naturschutz dem parteipolitischen Hickhack geopfert.“ { Horst Meierhofer } , Vorsitzender des Bundesfachausschusses Umwelt der FDP, nannte das Ende des URG „im Sinne der Umwelt und der Wirtschaftlichkeit unverantwortlich“.", "example_id": "d840b10e69aefde0d3474cd77a126dc6", "entity_id": "Q1494896"}
177 |
{"mention": "Michaela Kirchgasser: Nach Kathrin Zettel fiel auch ihre zweite Hoffnung { Michaela Kirchgasser } aus, zuvor war wieder eine Schwedin, Therese Borssen, gescheitert.", "example_id": "de3ad30372a5c40b96e27ed6d4149604", "entity_id": "Q155438"}
178 |
{"mention": "Drogenbeauftragte: Berlin (Deutschland), 05.03.2009 – Die { Drogenbeauftragte } der Bundesregierung Sabine Bätzing (SPD) hat am 3. März 2009 den Drogenbericht 2008 vorgelegt.", "example_id": "09be6f655f9b8ffb16b8bffeb7fd6484", "entity_id": "Q1259948"}
179 |
{"mention": "Andry Rajoelina: Bereits seit Dezember lieferten sich auf der Tropeninsel Präsident Marc Ravalomanana und der Führer der Opposition, { Andry Rajoelina } , einen Machtkampf, bei dem mehr als hundert Menschen ihr Leben verloren.", "example_id": "125af332f370466b860b6c2201cc42e9", "entity_id": "Q57363"}
180 |
{"mention": "Indiens: Vertreter der Regierungen { Indiens } , Australiens und Neuseelands sollten am Sonntag ebenfalls zum ASEAN-Gipfel stoßen.", "example_id": "34b309484c3c16c69e36f3ce5b646260", "entity_id": "Q668"}
181 |
{"mention": "Kindergrundsicherung: Experten und Verbände weisen nun darauf hin, dass eine { Kindergrundsicherung } von 500 Euro pro Kind pro Monat bis zum 27. Lebensjahr finanzierbar wäre.", "example_id": "d4cd8a87c12b412d3b4aa471a917ea7e", "entity_id": "Q1421328"}
182 |
{"mention": "Oldenburger Landgericht: Oldenburg (Oldb) (Deutschland), 20.05.2009 – Das { Oldenburger Landgericht } verkündete heute das Urteil gegen den sogenannten Holzklotzwerfer von Oldenburg.", "example_id": "8fc8c9d656b693435ad684701ff5e78c", "entity_id": "Q1249346"}
183 |
{"mention": "Südsudans: Das Friedensabkommen von 2005 sieht nationale Wahlen im Februar 2010 und im Jahr darauf eine Volksabstimmung über die Unabhängigkeit des an Erdölvorkommen reichen { Südsudans } vor.", "example_id": "54e05401e0de05c3fb65a91eac514cf1", "entity_id": "Q958"}
184 |
{"mention": "Michael Macht: Nachfolger als Vorstandsvorsitzender ist { Michael Macht } .", "example_id": "eabb9328012bd9c1e513b8c0145f9e7c", "entity_id": "Q107863"}
185 |
{"mention": "Hans-Dieter Grabher: „Die Äußerung war nicht antisemitisch gemeint, Egger hat mit braunem Gedankengut nichts zu tun.“ Der Lustenauer Bürgermeister und ehemalige FPÖ-Landesparteichef { Hans-Dieter Grabher } spricht von einer „Bagatellsache“.", "example_id": "bf63897432d7a87e7cfe6048e5084521", "entity_id": "Q1576848"}
186 |
{"mention": "Wolfram König: Beim Lager Asse hätten Betreiber, Behörden und Wissenschaftler jahrelang über die Mängel geschwiegen, erklärte { Wolfram König } , der Präsident des Bundesamtes für Strahlenschutz (BfS), am Montag, dem 31. August 2009, bei der Eröffnung einer Ausstellung über Atommülllagerung in Stuttgart.", "example_id": "e9e6d50b6891fbe9fcf47f8ae5fd7f27", "entity_id": "Q2592094"}
187 |
{"mention": "Gorleben: Am Wochenende startete in { Gorleben } ein Anti-Atom-Treck nach Berlin, der am gestrigen Mittwoch beim Atommüllager Asse Zwischenstation machte.", "example_id": "6deabcf9569c7c2550fc36e3cb90b6a7", "entity_id": "Q572203"}
188 |
{"mention": "Aktion Deutschland Hilft: { Aktion Deutschland Hilft } stellt 100.000 Euro aus dem Katastrophenfonds zur Verfügung.", "example_id": "5472cc52776dd5d75d8ca43167ad0b34", "entity_id": "Q422349"}
189 |
{"mention": "Phoebe: Die Wissenschaftler vermuten, dass das Material, aus dem der Ring besteht, vom Saturnmond { Phoebe } stammt.", "example_id": "d3c3b7c297189f42340e35c06c8f31f6", "entity_id": "Q17975"}
190 |
{"mention": "René Ngongo: Für seinen Einsatz für die Erhaltung des Regenwaldes in seiner Heimat, dem Kongo, wurde { René Ngongo } ausgezeichnet.", "example_id": "496158bd2804dd5ee499c5484348fdac", "entity_id": "Q448055"}
191 |
{"mention": "Alyn Ware: { Alyn Ware } (47) stammt aus Neuseeland.", "example_id": "ad95dbbd0d0b428842c2ec8f59833d0d", "entity_id": "Q450295"}
192 |
{"mention": "Hölderlin: Seine Bücher über { Hölderlin } und die Rezeption Friedrich Nietzsches im deutschen und französischen Sprachraum wurden auf der diesjährigen Buchmesse in Frankfurt vorgestellt.", "example_id": "0295057f2ab5acd7c874133a6b571c8e", "entity_id": "Q75889"}
193 |
{"mention": "Tommy Franks: In Tora Bora habe sich bin Laden in Reichweite der US Army befunden, so der Bericht, der den damaligen Präsidenten George W. Bush, Verteidigungsminister Donald Rumsfeld und General { Tommy Franks } politisch verantwortlich macht.", "example_id": "8cfae939f78a9acffbbb14f493398367", "entity_id": "Q461823"}
194 |
{"mention": "Kunduz: Berlin (Deutschland), 16.12.2009 – Am Mittwoch konstituierte sich der Bundestagsuntersuchungsausschuss zur Aufklärung der Vorgänge im Zusammenhang mit dem Luftangriff auf zwei Tanklastwagen Anfang September bei { Kunduz } (Afghanistan).", "example_id": "9cb3bf97d720189b9783b8c9aa0e1576", "entity_id": "Q108155"}
195 |
{"mention": "komprimierten Videos: Die „Skype Certified HD“-Webcams müssen das Encoden und Bearbeiten der in H.264 { komprimierten Videos } bereits intern vornehmen können, um den PC zu entlasten.", "example_id": "d6b58e4788f4f61ef18e5f6c3f5f9fb3", "entity_id": "Q200352"}
196 |
{"mention": "Guantánamo-Bucht: (Vereinigte Staaten), 06.01.2010 – Wie US-Präsident Barack Obama nach einem Treffen mit Geheimdienstoffiziellen am Dienstag mitteilte, werden die USA keine weiteren Häftlinge des US-Gefangenenlagers in der { Guantánamo-Bucht } in den Jemen ausfliegen.", "example_id": "4bca04f1aee653d24e01b40709687926", "entity_id": "Q762570"}
197 |
{"mention": "Euro-Cities: Als weitere Beschwerdeführer traten auch die Microsoft-Tochter Ciao, ein Verbraucherportal, und der Kartendienst-Anbieter { Euro-Cities } ( in Erscheinung.", "example_id": "06817e14650e76f8c65cbef86207821c", "entity_id": "Q1374445"}
198 |
{"mention": "Carsten Eggers: Bildhauer { Carsten Eggers } (52) aus Nottensdorf (schuf die Rudi-Carrell-Büste) verewigt Deutschlands einzigen Profi-Box-Weltmeister aller Klassen in Bronze im Auftrag der Samtgemeinde Hollenstedt (Landkreis Harburg), der Wahlheimat Schmelings.", "example_id": "2769b2e86a5c5f4e730854abe0ce6903", "entity_id": "Q1045522"}
199 |
{"mention": "Sisters in Islam: Die Strafe dient als Vorschlag zur Lösung auch anderer sozialer Probleme.“ Frauenrechtsorganisationen wie „ { Sisters in Islam } “ protestierten gegen die Ausführung der Prügelstrafe.", "example_id": "7cf17cd6c0a753b577e6f6e4c0954f87", "entity_id": "Q1094248"}
200 |
{"mention": "Šárka Záhrobská: Auch ein Rückstand von fast einer Sekunde auf die beste Läuferin im Slalomdurchgang, die Tschechin { Šárka Záhrobská } , gefährdete sie nicht, da Mancuso sich nicht verbessern konnte.", "example_id": "747af5b873b265cf04fa6367ebf60c4b", "entity_id": "Q237507"}
201 |
{"mention": "Hans Herbert von Arnim: Der Verfassungsrechtler { Hans Herbert von Arnim } sagte gegenüber dem Kölner „Express“: „Wenn man den Zugang zu Regierungsmitgliedern kaufen kann, dann hat das nicht nur ein Geschmäckle.", "example_id": "0f20f3360ea9ae2f3ebd9953da339326", "entity_id": "Q1506977"}
202 |
{"mention": "Bottnische Meerbusen: Des Weiteren sind der { Bottnische Meerbusen } vollständig und der Finnische Meerbusen größtenteils sowie die Rigaer Bucht vollständig zugefroren.", "example_id": "7f35dd181976f9b37c7c291e0131884a", "entity_id": "Q122574"}
203 |
{"mention": "schlechteste Schauspielerin: Los Angeles (Vereinigte Staaten), 07.03.2010 – Die zweifelhafte Ehre einer Auszeichnung als { schlechteste Schauspielerin } des Jahres 2009 im Rahmen des Golden Raspberry Award wurde am Vorabend der Oscar-Verleihung der US-amerikanischen Schauspielerin Sandra Bullock zuteil.", "example_id": "685c7d35a26987885dc14cccdc270320", "entity_id": "Q602866"}
204 |
{"mention": "Vattenfall: Berlin (Deutschland), 16.03.2010 – Ein Gutachten, das im Auftrage von 150 Kommunen in Deutschland erstellt wurde, kommt zu dem Schluss, eine Laufzeitverlängerung für AKWs würde das Oligopol der vier größten Stromkonzerne (E.ON, RWE, { Vattenfall } und EnBW) verstärken.", "example_id": "176093eda92a975a0fd92339c20cb61d", "entity_id": "Q157675"}
205 |
{"mention": "Uatucarbau: Doch nur kurz darauf wurde von neuen Überfällen, nun in dem im Südosten liegenden { Uatucarbau } , berichtet.", "example_id": "c6940774859c525a7fb36ee2f90d8550", "entity_id": "Q18011642"}
206 |
{"mention": "Qinghai: Xining (China), 18.04.2010 – Die Zahl der Todesopfer durch ein Erdbeben in der chinesischen Provinz { Qinghai } ist nach offiziellen Angaben inzwischen weit höher als anfänglich berichtet.", "example_id": "1553db377a91933b713576fec2b5370b", "entity_id": "Q45833"}
207 |
{"mention": "Walter Mixa: den Augsburger Weihbischof { Walter Mixa } aus seinem Amt entlassen.", "example_id": "0f2dc9f51d70c29d4575eace8ec2b0c9", "entity_id": "Q66304"}
208 |
{"mention": "Sharif Sheikh Ahmed: Als sich der von der Afrikanischen Union gestützte somalische Präsident { Sharif Sheikh Ahmed } auf einem Besuch in der Türkei befand, hatten Al-Shabaab und mit ihr verbündete Islamisten am 21./22. Mai den Angriff auf Mogadischu begonnen.", "example_id": "cccb301ef82885a2b812a735b2c5e04a", "entity_id": "Q270783"}
209 |
{"mention": "SES Astra: Deutschland, 17.06.2010 – Über die Satellitenplattform HD+ der gleichnamigen GmbH, einer Tochtergesellschaft des Satellitenbetreibers { SES Astra } , strahlt die RTL-Gruppe ihren HDTV-Ableger zu RTL aus.", "example_id": "0436bb9f2f725556f7229318e047310e", "entity_id": "Q841288"}
210 |
{"mention": "Prince Tagoe: Jérôme Boateng war zweimal nicht aufmerksam, als { Prince Tagoe } in der 61. Minute zum Kopfstoß kam und Boateng nur mit Mühe noch zur Ecke klären konnte und in der 66. Minute, als Lahm den Schuss von Ayew gerade noch ins Toraus ablenkte.", "example_id": "0fb3d606f58c6273366bfeec2b00ccbd", "entity_id": "Q346626"}
211 |
{"mention": "Chris Wood: Die Chance, das Spiel noch zu gewinnen, hatten auch die Kiewis, als in der 83. Minute { Chris Wood } sehr knapp das italienische Tor nicht traf.", "example_id": "5c01e57367eddd95fcd8c9ebffb2ba4f", "entity_id": "Q74548"}
212 |
{"mention": "Georgie Welcome: Reynaldo Rueda, der Trainer der Honduraner, brachte nach der Halbzeitpause mit { Georgie Welcome } einen zweiten Stürmer, doch häufige Ballverluste machten die Bemühungen zunichte, zum spanischen Tor vorzudringen.", "example_id": "1c66d3f0f5743ca8527819a9500bf61d", "entity_id": "Q552847"}
213 |
{"mention": "Alexandros Tzorvas: Die erste argentinische Torchance hatte Sergio Agüero in der 18. Minute, doch sein Schuss wurde von Schlussmann { Alexandros Tzorvas } pariert.", "example_id": "6283c6a1a4f7f7dc82e7742b5b103af1", "entity_id": "Q264932"}
214 |
{"mention": "Werner Marnette: Das Treffen mit dem damaligen Staatssekretär und heutigen Wissenschaftsminister Jost de Jager sowie seinem damaligen Minister { Werner Marnette } kam nach dem Bericht auf Initiative des ehemaligen Damp-Chefs und UKSH-Sanierers Staatsekretär a.D.", "example_id": "92637a2faabd3449db6e87c31284d660", "entity_id": "Q2561987"}
215 |
{"mention": "Ziegelhausen: Insbesondere in Handschuhsheim, Neuenheim, Schlierbach und { Ziegelhausen } , aber auch südlich des Neckars in der Altstadt kam es zu zahlreichen Überschwemmungen.", "example_id": "4d6c636568a4824664267863b4bf7c3d", "entity_id": "Q198640"}
216 |
{"mention": "Ted Stevens: Wie gestern bekannt wurde, befindet sich unter den Opfern der ehemalige republikanische Politiker { Ted Stevens } , der über 40 Jahre für Alaska im Senat vertreten war.", "example_id": "d6ebb464a241eaf3942f476d828a7e90", "entity_id": "Q50599"}
217 |
{"mention": "Norman Paech: Wie { Norman Paech } , der als Begleitung des Rechtsanwaltes Eberhardt Schultz am 20. August 2007 zur Prozessbeobachtung bei der mündlichen Anhörung in Atlanta anwesend war, dazu feststellt, verlangt „der Tatbestand der Verschwörung zumindest das Mitwissen des geplanten Abschusses.", "example_id": "9c7ea3c1dab841750b6db7683aa9a7b9", "entity_id": "Q98511"}
218 |
{"mention": "Einstein@Home: Das BOINC-Projekt \" { Einstein@Home } \" hatte durch den Fund des Pulsars PSR J2007+2722 für Aufsehen gesorgt, weil durch freiwillig über das Internet zur Verfügung gestellte Rechenleistung von Privatpersonen dieser neue Pulsar aus den Messdaten nachgewiesen werden konnte.", "example_id": "250a1859ffecab2edc1a706d1593cf23", "entity_id": "Q1060565"}
219 |
{"mention": "Indien: Neben Deutschland und Portugal wurden Kolumbien, { Indien } und Südafrika gewählt.", "example_id": "d13c4a238b03249cae716be59d0de55b", "entity_id": "Q668"}
220 |
{"mention": "Tapet: Noch eine weitere revolutionär anmutende Idee bringen die Autoren der gefälschten WDR-Hauspostille aufs { Tapet } .", "example_id": "0fdbd3bf45eddc8a8895a8fc3fa68089", "entity_id": "Q2393590"}
221 |
{"mention": "Zwischenlager Gorleben: Beim aktuellen Castor-Transport werden elf Behälter mit hochradioaktiven Abfällen, die bei der Nutzung deutscher Kernkraftwerke angefallen waren, per Bahn von der französischen Wiederaufbereitungsanlage La Hague ins { Zwischenlager Gorleben } transportiert.", "example_id": "e4159273d72165ef8b8780e6f91152c0", "entity_id": "Q2449646"}
222 |
{"mention": "Horst Hinschberger: Saarbrücken (Deutschland), 11.11.2010 – Nachdem der saarländische FDP-Landtagsfraktionsvorsitzende { Horst Hinschberger } die Führung der parteinahen Stiftung „Villa Lessing“ finanzieller Unregelmäßigkeiten beschuldigt hatte, sind er sowie der Landesvorsitzende Christoph Hartmann von ihren Ämtern zurückgetreten.", "example_id": "c1cd7302094b712285cdb181d1cbabe6", "entity_id": "Q1629467"}
223 |
{"mention": "Igor de Camargo: Nun folgten noch die drei anderen Tore: In der 70. Minute schoss Michael Bradley das 0:2; zwölf Minuten später lochte { Igor de Camargo } den Ball zum 0:3 ein.", "example_id": "c66e4aa2fb0542138eef4d9ad8f96cfc", "entity_id": "Q117655"}
224 |
{"mention": "Sergio Pinto: Das Tor zum Sieg fiel kurz vor der Pause in der 44. Spielminute: Der Hannoveraner Spieler { Sergio Pinto } kam im Mittelfeld an den Ball und platzierte ihn mit einem weiten Schuss perfekt im Tor des Mainzer Torhüters Christian Wetklo.", "example_id": "91e69292925000a597d8b4ce4cff2d8b", "entity_id": "Q66294"}
225 |
{"mention": "Laufenburg: Betreiber des Wasserkraftwerks ist die Aktiengesellschaft Energiedienst Holding mit Sitz in { Laufenburg } (Schweiz).", "example_id": "9826a3dbc353449cb0b58641744a37e6", "entity_id": "Q69191"}
226 |
{"mention": "Sebastian Frankenberger: Passau (Deutschland), 17.11.2010 – Den Bayerischen Verdienstorden wünscht sich für den frisch gebackenen ÖDP-Bundesvorsitzenden { Sebastian Frankenberger } (29) seine Nichtraucher-Mitstreiterin Elisabeth Engelsberger-Hinke aus Bernau am Chiemsee, die seit drei Jahrzehnten Mitglied der CSU ist und deren Vater Matthias Engelsberger von 1969 bis 1990 im Bundestag saß.", "example_id": "d0d950988b156c2dd0ac0411ab072520", "entity_id": "Q1759825"}
227 |
{"mention": "Ingrid Hönlinger: MdB { Ingrid Hönlinger } aus Ludwigsburg nahm die WikiLeaks-Diskussion um ‚Cablegate‘ ironisch auf: „Wir kabeln jetzt ins Land.", "example_id": "58d994b28224787b38bc661477771def", "entity_id": "Q1663334"}
228 |
{"mention": "Walter Schwenninger: Den Abschluss des ersten Tages dieses Parteitags, mit dem Bündnis 90/Die Grünen sich programmatisch auf die Regierungsübernahme in Baden-Württemberg vorbereiten wollten, bildete eine Gedenkminute für den früheren Tübinger Grünen MdB { Walter Schwenninger } , schon äußerlich ein prägendes Mitglied der ersten grünen Fraktion im Bundestag, überzeugter Entwicklungspolitiker und bis zu seinem Tod in diesem September Sprecher der grünen Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft zur Internationalen Politik.", "example_id": "b30c6c027f90d4e88d1b3afe753f51a2", "entity_id": "Q2546267"}
229 |
{"mention": "Julian Assange: Paris (Frankreich), 27.12.2010 – Der WikiLeaks-Gründer { Julian Assange } wurde von der renommierten französischen Tageszeitung „Le Monde“ für sein Engagement und seine internationale Medienpräsenz zum „Mann des Jahres 2010“ gewählt.", "example_id": "70b5f0fe47e61991e8b882724e04ddd0", "entity_id": "Q360"}
230 |
{"mention": "Renault: Paris (Frankreich), 10.01.2011 – Der französische Automobilhersteller { Renault } hat am Wochenende erstmals bestätigt, dass es einen Fall von Wirtschaftsspionage gegeben habe (Wikinews berichtete).", "example_id": "b925f281d87016ea609aef5c61bf00d2", "entity_id": "Q6686"}
231 |
{"mention": "Jens Koeppen: Der Obmann der Schriftführer { Jens Koeppen } von der CDU hingegen sah es als zwingend an, dass die Schriftführer zur Wahrung der Würde des Hauses eine solche tragen.", "example_id": "a0ac2b024c8afbadd56365915641d202", "entity_id": "Q1687254"}
232 |
{"mention": "Alexander Süßmair: Der Abgeordnete { Alexander Süßmair } von der Partei Die Linke erschien als Schriftführer aus Solidarität ebenfalls ohne Krawatte und wurde daraufhin als Schriftführer abgelöst.", "example_id": "a32698e5d01bbde2579bd164e9cb3b67", "entity_id": "Q2643127"}
233 |
{"mention": "Ägyptische Museum: Kairo (Ägypten), 30.01.2011 – Wie die ägyptische Tageszeitung المصرى اليوم meldete, war auch das { Ägyptische Museum } in Kairo während der Unruhen in Ägypten Ende Januar 2011 in Mitleidenschaft gezogen worden.", "example_id": "628ada3cea5b8541b6a05b10f54a28e6", "entity_id": "Q201219"}
234 |
{"mention": "BDJ: 1950 rekrutierte Barbie im Auftrag der CIA Mitglieder des { BDJ } , der später als rechtsextrem verboten wurde.", "example_id": "c110ae492d0f225cbb3e3dd10b284aa7", "entity_id": "Q213255"}
235 |
{"mention": "Gerd Landsberg: Jeder Euro mehr verringert den Abstand zum Niedriglohn und führt noch mehr Menschen in das Leistungssystem“, sagte der Geschäftsführer des Deutschen Städte- und Gemeindebundes, { Gerd Landsberg } .", "example_id": "6346541f990301ba0c66c257f38f0910", "entity_id": "Q1510641"}
236 |
{"mention": "Ras Lanuf: Insbesondere konzentrieren sich die Kämpfe um die libyschen Ölhäfen Al Burayqah (auch: „Marsa al-Brega“), { Ras Lanuf } und az-Zawiyya.", "example_id": "27c12415170cb267be9860646a8a6be7", "entity_id": "Q58462"}
237 |
{"mention": "Richterskala: Die Stärke des Bebens wurde mit 7,2 bis 7,3 auf der { Richterskala } angegeben.", "example_id": "08eb86be5e802303e2889a8f352ef4f0", "entity_id": "Q38768"}
238 |
{"mention": "Nawa: In den Städten Dar'a und { Nawa } , beide im Südwesten des Landes an der Grenze zu Jordanien gelegen, sollen gestern laut Augenzeugenberichten hunderte Demonstranten unter der Parole „Freiheit, Freiheit.", "example_id": "1299fe12e29246ae0160e83ffd8372be", "entity_id": "Q1758024"}
239 |
{"mention": "Spyker: Vor etwas mehr als einem Jahr war der Sportwagenhersteller { Spyker } bei Saab eingestiegen, nachdem sich General Motors (GM) zurückgezogen hatte.", "example_id": "6b2ca5af51d55d258348af6b4368c385", "entity_id": "Q1128836"}
240 |
{"mention": "Solon: So fielen die Werte von Conergy und { Solon } jeweils kurzfristig um elf Prozent.", "example_id": "c094a1915f29697547ae0d0af4a18cfe", "entity_id": "Q544229"}
241 |
{"mention": "Deutsche Telekom Stiftung: Unterstützt werden die Projekte durch die Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung (DMV) und die { Deutsche Telekom Stiftung } .", "example_id": "cb3893aac5c414144cd38fc502c76552", "entity_id": "Q1204257"}
242 |
{"mention": "Kurt Beck: Der ehemalige Parteivorsitzende und rheinland-pfälzische Ministerpräsident { Kurt Beck } verteidigte die Entscheidung mit den Worten, Sarrazin habe sich einsichtig gezeigt.", "example_id": "951ff44183e6ec2a9054164e1bdf8190", "entity_id": "Q65109"}
243 |
{"mention": "Victoria: Warrnambool (Australien), 06.05.2011 – Beim Hindernisrennen in Warrnambool im Bundesstaat { Victoria } verlor das Rennpferd Banna Strand seinen Jockey und sprang über einen drei Meter hohen Zaun in eine Zuschauergruppe von etwa 50 Personen.", "example_id": "d4c40c37b69068a830a2592fd6e67211", "entity_id": "Q36687"}
244 |
{"mention": "Aqua: Die Nasa-Satelliten Terra und { Aqua } haben 300 Orte mit verstärkter Infrarotstrahlung im Fernen Osten und in Sibirien erfasst.", "example_id": "4fb7b3a62a006b50225fa730b8abc6d2", "entity_id": "Q17397"}
245 |
{"mention": "Tinganes: Begleitet von vielen Schaulustigen folgte die Königsfamilie zu einem Empfang bei der Landesregering auf der Halbinsel { Tinganes } , dem historischen Stadtkern.", "example_id": "50c5b87597fc00dd7560df83070b55e5", "entity_id": "Q513509"}
246 |
{"mention": "Zwischenfall N317: Berlin (Deutschland), 25.05.2011 – In einer Fragestunde im Deutschen Bundestag stellten die Abgeordneten Inge Höger und Heike Hänsel (Die Linke) und Hans Christian Ströbele (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen) Fragen zu den gewalttätigen Demonstrationen am 18. Mai 2011 vor einem Bundeswehrlager in Taloqan ( { Zwischenfall N317 } ).", "example_id": "9fc2f8ca4a3f7d649217f9e3618628ec", "entity_id": "Q244924"}
247 |
{"mention": "General Electric: Plainville / Franklin (Vereinigte Staaten), 06.06.2011 – Einweihung von Solarladestationen für Elektroautos in Plainville im US-Bundesstaat Connecticut durch { General Electric } , Bau von Solarzapfsäulen in Franklin im Bundesstaat Tennessee durch Nissan: Die Aufladung an diesen Anlagen ergibt eine positive Kohlenstoffdioxid-(CO)-Bilanz.", "example_id": "6fa75cea414891d7d90ab14ea7f5fd43", "entity_id": "Q54173"}
248 |
{"mention": "Bundesautobahn: Sie muss außerdem mindestens vier Kilometer Länge aufweisen und unmittelbar an eine { Bundesautobahn } angebunden sein.", "example_id": "89fcc2200d08bb3cda1037c47e926b7e", "entity_id": "Q313301"}
249 |
{"mention": "Radio Horeb: DAB+ startete am 1. August mit diesen 14 Programmen: Deutschlandfunk, Deutschlandradio Kultur, DRadio Wissen, LoungeFM, Kiss FM, Energy, ERF, Klassik Radio, 90elf – Dein Fußballradio, Absolut Radio, litera und { Radio Horeb } .", "example_id": "d78fd2e76935374dbecbac5d45928585", "entity_id": "Q2126129"}
250 |
{"mention": "Adrian Smith: Das von { Adrian Smith } entworfene Gebäude soll 786 Millionen Euro kosten.", "example_id": "4a1d05b05bb7bc8e97264c966f5ef9ce", "entity_id": "Q374276"}
251 |
{"mention": "Facebook: In einer Videobotschaft, welche sich rasend schnell im Internet verbreitete, teilte die Gruppierung mit, dass { Facebook } \"vernichtet\" werden sollte.", "example_id": "8d8e46593c2a7076c315ae1c55b4e1d8", "entity_id": "Q355"}
252 |
{"mention": "Bundesstraße: Mehrere Meter Schienenstrang müssen nach der Beseitigung der Überreste der Mure, welche auch die angrenzende { Bundesstraße } verschüttete, ausgetauscht werden.", "example_id": "3bdba4a136b619e059514eba243d323e", "entity_id": "Q561431"}
253 |
{"mention": "TAK: Die kurdische Terrororganisation { TAK } hat sich zu dem Anschlag bekannt.", "example_id": "77076bd20889e1330e9820eeb7931709", "entity_id": "Q1565220"}
254 |
{"mention": "Sinaloa-Kartells: Danach ist ein neues Kartell mit dem Namen „Gente Nueva“ verantwortlich für die Tat, es soll mit dem Chef des { Sinaloa-Kartells } in Verbindung stehen.", "example_id": "2ee0625375fda4cf2fe605b0352f7585", "entity_id": "Q1586503"}
255 |
{"mention": "elektronischen Buchfahrplan: Ein Bahnsprecher machte für das Nichthalten auf der Strecke am Samstag einen Fehler im { elektronischen Buchfahrplan } verantwortlich, wo vorgesehene Halte den Zugführern direkt im Führerstand angezeigt würden.", "example_id": "740a3e6b4b61c68cd020b7264f6d971e", "entity_id": "Q1274010"}
256 |
{"mention": "Neuilly-sur-Seine: Dieses ist zuständig für Fälle aus dem Wohnort der Milliardärin, { Neuilly-sur-Seine } (Département Hauts-de-Seine), einem westlichen Villenvorort von Paris, der als reichste Stadt Frankreichs unter anderem auch Heimat des Präsidenten Sarkozy ist.", "example_id": "5a101fbc535402a1f6278bed16fc8187", "entity_id": "Q48958"}
257 |
{"mention": "Marihuana: Die Mitglieder des Drogenrings sollen über einen längeren Zeitpunkt hinweg hunderte Kilogramm { Marihuana } nach Deutschland eingeführt und gehandelt haben.", "example_id": "b7572fbf819a832e68d54cccd3029c85", "entity_id": "Q2289565"}
258 |
{"mention": "Verbandes der Anbieter von Telekommunikations- und Mehrwertdiensten: Fünf Prozent mehr als im Jahr 2010, so eine Studie des { Verbandes der Anbieter von Telekommunikations- und Mehrwertdiensten } (VATM) und der Unternehmensberatung Dialog Consult.", "example_id": "cfa571c73cfc13f77493b2f2080532a4", "entity_id": "Q1685617"}
259 |
{"mention": "Leitzins: Frankfurt am Main (Deutschland), 04.11.2011 – Die Europäische Zentralbank (EZB) in Frankfurt hat den { Leitzins } von 1,5 auf 1,25 Prozent gesenkt.", "example_id": "18f4d9d46a465dfe2628e32320d50862", "entity_id": "Q1210392"}
260 |
{"mention": "Gorleben: Dort werden die Castorbehälter auf Lastwagen umgeladen, welche den Transport über eine Straße die letzten 19 Kilometer zum Zwischenlager { Gorleben } bringen sollen.", "example_id": "5f53db6ca52398b51d758e20383466cb", "entity_id": "Q2449646"}
261 |
{"mention": "Mord und dem Mordversuch in Heilbronn an den Polizisten: Zur Ceska-Mordserie, dem { Mord und dem Mordversuch in Heilbronn an den Polizisten } , sowie den Raubüberfällen reihen sich nun die Anschläge im Saarland.", "example_id": "3b17666f3faf8a061094232c56e53ca4", "entity_id": "Q2102044"}
262 |
{"mention": "Frank Mindermann: Hannover (Deutschland), 09.12.2011 – Der Abgeordnete der CDU { Frank Mindermann } aus Syke im Landkreis Diepholz will bei der nächsten Wahl zum niedersächsischen Landtag nicht mehr antreten.", "example_id": "f6f7dc3c78616765c4088db6b314265e", "entity_id": "Q1443794"}
263 |
{"mention": "Gudrun Pieper: Hannover (Deutschland), 09.12.2011 – Nachdem die CDU-Abgeordnete im niedersächsischen Landtag { Gudrun Pieper } mit einem Zwischenruf für Aufsehen gesorgt hatte, hat sie im Plenum um Entschuldigung gebeten.", "example_id": "d1794e0036d4f4aa60aa23824aecde66", "entity_id": "Q1553136"}
264 |
{"mention": "Ölsand: Gründe für die Steigerung des CO in Kanada sind neben dem Bevölkerungswachstum auch die wachsende Wirtschaft sowie die Förderung der { Ölsand } e.", "example_id": "28d90cc5c2f517f497451f49c05245b1", "entity_id": "Q297322"}
265 |
{"mention": "Patrick Döring: Als Nachfolger Lindners wurde { Patrick Döring } nominiert.", "example_id": "452fba8abf91a7b1404f374cb4d8a2d7", "entity_id": "Q99427"}
266 |
{"mention": "Melf Grantz: Der Bremerhavener Oberbürgermeister { Melf Grantz } und der Stadtverordnetenvorsteher Artur Beneken haben sich mit einem Hilfeersuchen an die Botschaft gewandt; von dort wurde Unterstützung zugesagt.", "example_id": "fbfa59a9296cc65463b4c93a73d91210", "entity_id": "Q1919281"}
267 |
{"mention": "Deutsche Gewerkschaftsbund: Der { Deutsche Gewerkschaftsbund } (DGB) erhebt schwere Vorwürfe.", "example_id": "8ff24262bedff3b4afe493cb01559101", "entity_id": "Q586581"}
268 |
{"mention": "Gläubigerschutz: Ende November 2011 hatte American Airlines { Gläubigerschutz } beantragt; der Flugbetrieb läuft weiter.", "example_id": "fea652cc03716dab1562621dd9f9569e", "entity_id": "Q1294399"}
269 |
{"mention": "Republican National Convention: Die Republikanische Partei des Bundesstaates entsendet 46 Delegierte zur { Republican National Convention } in Tampa.", "example_id": "4032c82a8e53d4b958922352ba59dddc", "entity_id": "Q361909"}
270 |
{"mention": "Occupy Frankfurt: Dem Bündnis gehören Attac, Die Linke, Interventionistische Linke, mehrere Gewerkschaften, { Occupy Frankfurt } und weitere Organisationen an.", "example_id": "3a7511fde9dff4e20215e2f7b88b0fa5", "entity_id": "Q828513"}
271 |
{"mention": "Japan: Tokio (Japan), 28.06.2012 – Ein 22-Jähriger Postbote hat in { Japan } mehrere Briefe und Postkarten in einen Fluss geworfen, um seinen Chef zu beeindrucken.", "example_id": "3c3a6d2ab7b181ff8b845a5a827c5a26", "entity_id": "Q17"}
272 |
{"mention": "Plateau: Ein Sprecher von Gouverneur Jonah Jang sagte am Montag, dass am Samstag mindestens 80 Menschen getötet worden seien, als Angehörige der Bevölkerungsgruppe der Fulani, welche sich als Polizisten verkleidet hatten, mehrere Dörfer im Bundesstaat { Plateau } überfielen.", "example_id": "5a55371927928d9392b8b89136fce6f2", "entity_id": "Q503928"}
273 |
{"mention": "Monika Retschy: Nationalkadermitglieder { Monika Retschy } und Stefan Danker hatten sich kreative Aufgaben an der Wand für die Teilnehmer ausgedacht und schraubten auch selbst an den Griffen.", "example_id": "f56a1f2268e93dac1181ba39c09b7834", "entity_id": "Q14912674"}
274 |
{"mention": "Bläulingsart: Die Folgen der Strahlung wurden nun an der { Bläulingsart } Zizeeria maha nachgewiesen.", "example_id": "c057387b9a383bde2c226d05b1cf7373", "entity_id": "Q158717"}
275 |
{"mention": "Gnome: Für die schnelle Erstellung grafischer Bedienoberflächen (GUI) bietet Lazarus derzeit Unterstützung für die Grafikbibliotheken GTK+ bzw. GTK2 (mit { Gnome } -Unterstützung), Qt, Carbon (Mac OS X), Windows CE und WinAPI (Win32 Forms) auf einem hohen Abstraktionsgrad, was den erzeugten Code in Verbindung mit Free Pascal in einem hohen Grad plattformunabhängig macht.", "example_id": "9861cb87cfa918adcdd56355cf8bb7cf", "entity_id": "Q44316"}
276 |
{"mention": "größten transportablen Riesenrad: Zu den Attraktionen gehören neben dem in Bremen hergestellten { größten transportablen Riesenrad } der Welt zahlreiche neuartige Karussells.", "example_id": "44759e743297eabca0efc36fc1cbcfd3", "entity_id": "Q2339269"}
277 |
{"mention": "Friedrich Hennemann: In dem von { Friedrich Hennemann } aufgebauten Werftenverbund waren rund 435 Millionen Euro staatliche Subventionen nicht für Unternehmen in den neuen Bundesländern verwendet worden, sondern flossen in das sogenannte Cash-Management des Konzerns, der 1996 in Konkurs ging.", "example_id": "fc6e482095d6a9df3356d129c29b0e44", "entity_id": "Q1311090"}
278 |
{"mention": "Michael Börgerding: Die Veranstaltung im vollbesetzten Saal des Foyers wurde von Intendant { Michael Börgerding } eröffnet.", "example_id": "dc111e35e1a28db4e9deb1168cdcc0dd", "entity_id": "Q1927104"}
279 |
{"mention": "Ismailia: Zunächst wurden die Gewaltakte nur verurteilt, doch am Sonntagabend verhängte Präsident Mursi für die Städte Port Said, { Ismailia } und Sues, eine nächtliche Ausgangssperre und für 30 Tage den Ausnahmezustand.", "example_id": "8a7147196f7d450fde8f90674ee7fea7", "entity_id": "Q217156"}
280 |
{"mention": "Oliver Gwilt: Die weiteren Sieger: Linda Zechiri im Dameneinzel, Joe Morgan und Nic Strange im Herrendoppel, Sarah Thomas und Carissa Turner im Damendoppel sowie { Oliver Gwilt } und Sarah Thomas im Mixed.", "example_id": "ff034ef3f51499877dbf5a31be978757", "entity_id": "Q15831074"}
281 |
{"mention": "WAB: Ronny Meyer, Geschäftsführer des Vereins { WAB } , einem Netzwerk der Windenergiebranche, erklärte: „Offshore-Windenergie ist nicht nur das Geschäft von großen Stromkonzernen, sondern auch von privaten Projektentwicklern wie der WPD und Stadtwerken.“ Im Energiekonzept der deutschen Bundesregierung war als Ziel die Errichtung einer Offshore-Windleistung von 10.000 MW bis 2020 festgelegt.", "example_id": "d9892cca6d9eff79e84e4f1bd36ccb98", "entity_id": "Q2536830"}
282 |
{"mention": "Bad Bank: In dieser „ { Bad Bank } “ verbleiben dann außer den Verbindlichkeiten auch alle Guthaben, die den Rahmen der gesetzlichen Einlagensicherung übersteigen.", "example_id": "16c1b2ca09aacddbbe26ad405690a42c", "entity_id": "Q798630"}
283 |
{"mention": "dpa: Houcine Abassi, der Generalsekretär des Gewerkschaftsverbandes Union Générale Tunisienne du Travail (UGIT) sagte gegenüber der Nachrichtenagentur { dpa } : „Wir werden nicht zurückkehren zu Unterdrückung und Diktatur.", "example_id": "e72684ff22cdec8f3629c685dea236ee", "entity_id": "Q312653"}
284 |
{"mention": "Shenzhou-6: Der russischen Delegation wurden laut Permminov auch das Kosmonauten-Trainingszentrum und das Raumschiff { Shenzhou-6 } gezeigt, mit dem China seinen zweiten bemannten Raumflug durchführen wird.", "example_id": "5b41cc02f41dd7331fbe32b3de120eea", "entity_id": "Q1138653"}
285 |
{"mention": "Roboter: Ein { Roboter } konnte wegen des weichen Bodens nicht herangeführt werden.", "example_id": "0b393e674539ad29c785ac0e421ec62c", "entity_id": "Q1406981"}
286 |
{"mention": "Piqan: Die Unruhen sind am Mittwochmorgen ausgebrochen, als ein mit Messern bewaffneter „Mob“ in der Großgemeinde Lukeqin im Kreis { Piqan } in der Nähe von Turpan im Westen von Xinjiang Polizeistationen, ein Regierungsgebäude und eine Baustelle angriff.", "example_id": "4ed24b7369f81fb70a42e3defd177ef8", "entity_id": "Q1023110"}
287 |
{"mention": "Roderich Egeler: Berlin (Deutschland), 06.07.2013 – Der Bundeswahlaussschuss unter der Leitung des Bundeswahlleiters { Roderich Egeler } hat die Zulassung von insgesamt 38 Parteien zur Bundestagswahl 2013 beschlossen.", "example_id": "0f44bd72c34fe583b9270f594673a688", "entity_id": "Q2161052"}
288 |
{"mention": "Thomas Wirth: Zum neuen Bundesvorsitzenden wurde { Thomas Wirth } gewählt.", "example_id": "c7fdfc610f92e2578e2969566d8337a4", "entity_id": "Q23566512"}
289 |
{"mention": "Hypothermie: Schumacher wurde sediert und er wurde einer { Hypothermie } mit Körpertemperatur von etwa 34 bis 35 Grad Celsius unterworfen, um den Druck im Gehirn und dessen Sauerstoffbedarf zu senken.", "example_id": "7dd9f0ad25f86becf491d4bea9b724ed", "entity_id": "Q1036696"}
290 |
{"mention": "Phoenix Solar AG: München (Deutschland), 17.01.2014 – In der Krise der Solarindustrie hat sich das deutsche Unternehmen { Phoenix Solar AG } profiliert.", "example_id": "d9c301908a65e3e37dd23456ab963810", "entity_id": "Q708349"}
291 |
{"mention": "Frank-Walter Steinmeier: In Berlin selbst sprachen sich hingegen wohl Thomas de Maiziere, { Frank-Walter Steinmeier } und Peter Altmaier ab, ehe am späten Donnerstagvormittag als Entscheidung der Bundesregierung bekannt gegeben wurde, dass eine öffentlich nicht näher genannte Person, die als Leiter des Geheimdienstes in der US-Bostschaft in Berlin arbeiten soll, Deutschland verlassen muss.", "example_id": "620c013bbab41f80c5c1ab701ecc18bb", "entity_id": "Q76658"}
292 |
{"mention": "Iron Dome: Die meisten dieser Raketen werden von dem Raketenabwehrsystem { Iron Dome } abgefangen.", "example_id": "b68cec21d36b5c3295268faeb4e6dd1e", "entity_id": "Q81231"}
293 |
{"mention": "David Cameron: Von Premierminister { David Cameron } wurden neue Regeln angekündigt, nach denen als mögliche islamistische Kämpfer eingestufte Personen an der Ausreise aus Großbritannien gehindert werden können.", "example_id": "89bae4cc93080ca7f32a91a8a51fa030", "entity_id": "Q192"}
294 |
{"mention": "Manuel Valls: Paris (Frankreich), 13.10.2014 – Der französische Premierminister { Manuel Valls } hat eine umfassende Reform des französischen Arbeitsmarktes und des Arbeitslosengeldes angekündigt.", "example_id": "b7b787bc6a59eba28d5fb7c2aff44763", "entity_id": "Q10287"}
295 |
{"mention": "Andreas Müller: Meppen (Deutschland), 15.10.2014 – { Andreas Müller } ist seit 1997 am Amtsgericht in Bernau (Bundesland Brandenburg) als Richter tätig, die meiste Zeit davon ausschließlich als Jugendrichter.", "example_id": "fd630a146bde63a7f4bd8de85ed1d77d", "entity_id": "Q499737"}
296 |
{"mention": "Karl Albrecht Schachtschneider: Weitere wichtige Argumente lieferte der deutsche Staatsrechtler { Karl Albrecht Schachtschneider } .", "example_id": "8e790ebddee12949281ce4e015d2bec9", "entity_id": "Q75719"}
297 |
{"mention": "Chérif: Die beiden Attentäter, die Brüder { Chérif } (32) und Saïd (34) Kouachi, die für den Anschlag auf die Satirezeitschrift „Charlie Hebdo“ verantwortlich sein sollen, verschantzten sich, nachdem sie am Donnerstagmorgen 9:30 Uhr 80 Kilometer nordöstlich von Paris eine Tankstelle überfallen hatten, um sich Geld und Essen zu beschaffen, am Freitag dem 9. Januar am Vormittag in einer Druckerei im Ort Dammartin-en-Goële, nordöstlich von Paris.", "example_id": "ff45cd20a700499063ca356aa3ce6e0b", "entity_id": "Q18744555"}
298 |
{"mention": "Hinzenbach/Oberösterreich: Hinzenbach (Österreich), 06.02.2015 – Am Wochenende fanden in Hinzenbach zwei Weltcupspringen der Damen auf der Normalschanze (HS94) in { Hinzenbach/Oberösterreich } statt.", "example_id": "5786422e01bb62515707af663b231b2b", "entity_id": "Q669312"}
299 |
{"mention": "Rat: Derzeit wird im { Rat } eine Richtlinie für ein Gemeinschaftspatent diskutiert.", "example_id": "9c0ca6d82cecb9e9b70ef796ad1a24e6", "entity_id": "Q8896"}
300 |
{"mention": "Marc Casal: { Marc Casal } schaffte das in nur 10:06:59 Stunden – gefolgt von Guillaume Beauxis mit 10:35:29 und Nicolas Cerisier in 11:57:04.", "example_id": "e04730a64e477f0b83062170ec88978b", "entity_id": "Q6755454"}
301 |
{"mention": "Mikel Landa: Cortals d'Encamp (Andorra), 04.09.2015 – Encamp (Andorra), am Dienstag gewann { Mikel Landa } die elfte Etappe der Spanienrundfahrt (Vuelta a España) in 04:34:54 Stunden.", "example_id": "65838488e76d3b5c8a36a01a1a7aaebe", "entity_id": "Q930658"}
302 |
{"mention": "Bernard Squarcini: Angeblich wurden ihm Fahndungslisten verdächtiger Terroristen angeboten, und er soll diese abgelehnt haben - das behauptet der Journalist Yves de Kerdrel nach einem Interview mit dem ehemaligen französischen Geheimdienstcheft { Bernard Squarcini } .", "example_id": "f4148b59c7b6ac86b54569a92f82b57c", "entity_id": "Q822718"}
303 |
{"mention": "Friedrich Hennemann: Oder wie ist es zu erklären, dass der fast 80jährige ehemalige Senatsdirektor { Friedrich Hennemann } für die Position des Landesvorsitzenden kandidieren will.", "example_id": "356080eda3a19c3be0535be74be37ae0", "entity_id": "Q1311090"}
304 |
{"mention": "Mossack Fonseca & Co.: München (Deutschland), 05.04.2016 – Das Dienstleistungsunternehmen { Mossack Fonseca & Co. } half bei der Gründung von rund 300.000 Briefkastenfirmen in 21 sogenannten Steueroasen.", "example_id": "463e50f28db2f33698576bf61b84d0b6", "entity_id": "Q9035311"}
305 |
{"mention": "Melf Grantz: Auch { Melf Grantz } , seit 2011 Oberbürgermeister von Bremerhaven, und die Stadtverordnetenvorsteherin Brigitte Lückert sind Mitglieder der SPD.", "example_id": "46c1c9fd312e5ee2a30c7d5f57a985f2", "entity_id": "Q1919281"}
306 |
{"mention": "Massimo Bottura: Das Unternehmen, überschüssiges, für das olympische Dorf vorgesehene Essen in neue schmackvolle Mahlzeiten für Hungrige zu verwandeln, wird von zwei Chefköchen angeführt: dem Italiener { Massimo Bottura } und dem Brasilianer David Hertz.", "example_id": "cb4adcb6f7211bb07201d8022a6ded11", "entity_id": "Q211290"}
307 |
{"mention": "Pancetta: „Zum Beispiel machte Chefkoch Massimo Bottura an einem Tag eine Pasta, eine Carbonara, die eigentlich mit { Pancetta } oder Speck zubereitet wird.", "example_id": "7567f1f3bef29131b611ddda7032d48f", "entity_id": "Q538296"}
308 |
{"mention": "Kraftwerks Studstrup: Am 10. Oktober wurde der Betrieb des { Kraftwerks Studstrup } , welches nördlich von Aarhus liegt, von Kohle auf Holzpellets umgestellt.", "example_id": "9e177197488b63c4725c499ecfb4c17d", "entity_id": "Q1355591"}
309 |
{"mention": "Pfändung: Nach deutschem Recht müssen dem allein lebenden Schuldner im Falle einer { Pfändung } rund 1.080 Euro pro Monat zum Leben bleiben.", "example_id": "37dc7065b4f2683b791cfa2531aa4460", "entity_id": "Q1755098"}
310 |
{"mention": "D. Langenegger: { D. Langenegger } (C. Eschbach) 1:0.", "example_id": "88bee3cdf93fa7617758559d88245ba2", "entity_id": "Q23062832"}
311 |
{"mention": "M. Schiess: { M. Schiess } (M. Sutter) 2:5.", "example_id": "e127dcfd16e33f66ecb80553aaef50cf", "entity_id": "Q28027388"}
312 |
{"mention": "Inka Gossmann-Reetz: „Ein derartiger Erlass ist einzigartig in Deutschland und ich bin stolz darauf, dass Brandenburg hier eine Vorreiterrolle einnimmt.“ sagte die SPD-Abgeordnete { Inka Gossmann-Reetz } gegenüber den \"Potsdamer Neuesten Nachrichten\".", "example_id": "eceec0087701b3df2613f265afde942c", "entity_id": "Q18222053"}
313 |
{"mention": "Museum des Zweiten Weltkriegs: Danzig (Polen), 10.04.2017 – Nach der Entscheidung durch das Oberste Verwaltungsgericht vom 5. April 2017 bekam der polnische Minister für Kultur und nationales Erbe freie Hand das „ { Museum des Zweiten Weltkriegs } “ in Danzig mit dem „Museum der Westerplatte und des Kriegs 1939“ zu vereinigen.", "example_id": "1bccfd67b29f2087d0dc81bf3c36a581", "entity_id": "Q11129717"}
314 |
{"mention": "DNS: Autoren und Leser können die verschiedenen Wikipedia-Sprachversionen nur noch mit speziellen Verfahren erreichen, zum Beispiel über eine VPN-Verbindung, durch die Benutzung eines { DNS } -Servers, der nicht von der Sperre betroffen ist oder durch Verwendung von IP-Adressen, anstelle von Domainnamen, in der Adressleiste ihres Internetbrowsers.", "example_id": "67967f1f8b56e20877836117f0f6f78c", "entity_id": "Q8767"}
315 |
{"mention": "Peter Pfälzner: Bassetki (Irak), 22.11.2017 – Ein Team von Archäologen der Universität Tübingen unter der Leitung des für die Ausgrabungen in Qatna (Syrien) bekannten Archäologieprofessors { Peter Pfälzner } hat in den nordirakischen Kurdengebieten ein 93 Tontafeln umfassendes Textarchiv gefunden.", "example_id": "2f876e6e54eaf0dd5f2f282645253a5e", "entity_id": "Q1553548"}
316 |
{"mention": "Haftbefehl: Es wurde { Haftbefehl } erlassen, wegen gefährlicher Körperverletzung mit Todesfolge.", "example_id": "91e217771c50bca7bb9067506a72733b", "entity_id": "Q584041"}
317 |
{"mention": "Benjamin Kessel: Zum Verhängnis wurde dem 1. FCK, dass Verteidiger { Benjamin Kessel } den Ball mit dem Arm von der Torlinie kratzte.", "example_id": "12e92a42f2982f1222de846007c1a54f", "entity_id": "Q817567"}
318 |
{"mention": "Villingen-Schwenningen: Das nun fehlende Verbindungsstück zwischen der A 98 ab Lauchringen an die A 81 im Raum { Villingen-Schwenningen } wird auf der deutschen Seite mit einer Umfahrung des Kanton Schaffhausen über die B 314 hergestellt.", "example_id": "b5c6eae9daa1d00172697c984689b7ac", "entity_id": "Q3865"}
319 |
{"mention": "Salbutamol: Bei einem Antidopingtest Anfang September 2017 waren bei ihm erhöhte Werte { Salbutamol } festgestellt worden.", "example_id": "305994637929588964b76a72d34406f5", "entity_id": "Q410358"}
320 |
{"mention": "Ulrike Höfken: Landesmweltministerin { Ulrike Höfken } und Landeswirtschaftsminister Volker Wissing sollen mit dem Bundesverkehrsministerium ein Gutachten erarbeiten, um die vom Kerison ausgehenden Gefahren für Menschen und Tierezu klären.", "example_id": "43c83369ef9ff8d5caabc4f222419fa5", "entity_id": "Q104434"}
321 |
{"mention": "Fützen: So darf zwischen Blumberg und { Fützen } gefahren werden, teilte das Regierungspräsidium mit.", "example_id": "2f494b3a491e7d1df9d0768014cd83c5", "entity_id": "Q47501713"}
322 |
{"mention": "DGB: Auch die { DGB } -Vize-Vorsitzende Ursula Engelen-Kefer nannte die vorgestellten Pläne den „massivsten Angriff auf Arbeitnehmerrechte“.", "example_id": "3f17cc9c0792d3bd25722cfa2c0e9570", "entity_id": "Q586581"}
323 |
{"mention": "mp3: Am 14. Juli 1995 erhielt das vom Fraunhofer Institut für Integrierte Schaltungen (IIS) entwickelte Datenformat für Musikdateien die offizielle Endung: { mp3 } , was eigentlich „MPEG Audio Layer 3“ bedeutet.", "example_id": "f91692f351f754e156f1617400a6452b", "entity_id": "Q42591"}
324 |
{"mention": "Duisburg: { Duisburg } /Oberhausen (Deutschland), 17.07.2005 - Bei den World Games 2005 belegten die Bad Homburger Geschwister Sascha und Natascha Karabey in den Standardtänzen den zweiten Platz und holten somit die Silbermedaille nach Deutschland.", "example_id": "b28884e769fcfe49c6b05929f7c35917", "entity_id": "Q2100"}
325 |
{"mention": "Irak: Amman (Jordanien), 19.07.2005 – In der Nähe des Toten Meeres in Jordanien treffen sich Repräsentanten von 60 Ländern zu einer zweitägigen Konferenz, um über die Fortschritte beim Wiederaufbau des { Irak } zu sprechen.", "example_id": "402c2926c630092a0159282b0a54d45b", "entity_id": "Q796"}
326 |
{"mention": "Jelena Hoffmann: Zwei Abgeordnete der Regierungskoalition, Werner Schulz (Grüne) und { Jelena Hoffmann } (SPD) wollen gegen die Entscheidung des Bundespräsidenten Klage beim Bundesverfassungsgericht einreichen.", "example_id": "5a2cbe0221094d91b554d13a843eb4a3", "entity_id": "Q1686648"}
The diff for this file is too large to render.
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@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
1 |
{"mention": "Dan Ellis: Chris Mason replaced { Dan Ellis } as Nashville's goaltender in the third period.", "example_id": "9a09a4e5d182517b64d740a31445baa4", "entity_id": "Q1159058"}
2 |
{"mention": "Portorož: Janez Janša, the Prime Minister of Slovenia, will again serve as the President of the Slovenian Democratic Party (SDS) after he was reelected in a party congress held in { Portorož } Saturday.", "example_id": "2371b2d757204f4dcf46636b6c4fe8ff", "entity_id": "Q564988"}
3 |
{"mention": "Stage6: American corporation DivX, Inc. announced on Monday that it will shut its \" { Stage6 } \" website that hosts videos made by users.", "example_id": "fd80ee7702f41f5429bbaa2bf5cb6742", "entity_id": "Q3241641"}
4 |
{"mention": "National Governors Association: George W. Bush has met today with the United States’ { National Governors Association } .", "example_id": "f4c0d7d88ad54a7d2d2f62c6068081ed", "entity_id": "Q494210"}
5 |
{"mention": "All Species Foundation: ARKive collects media of species, and the { All Species Foundation } was a failed early attempt at a web catalog.", "example_id": "a60107b2beb7df7b604dae19d74f42fe", "entity_id": "Q4729658"}
6 |
{"mention": "Rene Bourque: { Rene Bourque } scored his first of two short handed goals of the night for the Blackhawks, but Hagman would complete the hat trick moments later.", "example_id": "575dd06150d14f3f98db50028ceedf9f", "entity_id": "Q1266907"}
7 |
{"mention": "Srdjan Djekanovic: Canadian USL club Vancouver Whitecaps signed former Toronto FC goalkeeper { Srdjan Djekanovic } to a one year contract.", "example_id": "05e2f83b19c97c04abf3d941ce5e9938", "entity_id": "Q562366"}
8 |
{"mention": "Ryan Malone: In the opening minute of the first period, { Ryan Malone } scored his 23rd goal of the season to give the Penguins an early lead.", "example_id": "144da5994d0324d426c1f8f516e3a9df", "entity_id": "Q1276120"}
9 |
{"mention": "Jeff Foust: The move has caused aerospace analyst { Jeff Foust } to declare that \"a full-fledged space race\" has been gearing up between China and the United States.", "example_id": "b6b796453322c1ff89de51e91b284895", "entity_id": "Q6173832"}
10 |
{"mention": "Erik Christensen: { Erik Christensen } 's goal put Atlanta within two before the second period was over.", "example_id": "e86b8124dc6591b70dda22f91c951819", "entity_id": "Q1342263"}
11 |
{"mention": "Dextre: \"Endeavour\" will deliver the first pressurised section of the Japanese Experiment Module, and the Canadian-built { Dextre } component for the Space Station's robotic arm.", "example_id": "56fba21e461d034a47e327de9a1ae328", "entity_id": "Q904690"}
12 |
{"mention": "Craig Weller: { Craig Weller } and Peter Mueller each scored less than 2 minutes apart for Phoenix, giving them their first lead of the game.", "example_id": "522fd30811ae2360508dab293575c23f", "entity_id": "Q1138704"}
13 |
{"mention": "Ryan Miller: Pominville managed to tie the shootout at 1-1 in the third round, but Scott Gomez, who went second in round 3, scored on { Ryan Miller } .", "example_id": "ec3f4670d43dbd224bd03beff4206f9d", "entity_id": "Q250011"}
14 |
{"mention": "University of Arizona: Adam Showman at the { University of Arizona } said, \"We are thus now seeing but the opening salvo in a revolution that will extend humankind's view of planetary worlds far beyond the provincial boundaries of our Solar System.\"", "example_id": "5d97514bf30c85cb35c8ed171abacd77", "entity_id": "Q503419"}
15 |
{"mention": "Revolutionary Left Movement: The annual protests, organized by the { Revolutionary Left Movement } , were held on the eve of the Day of the Youth Combatant.", "example_id": "088e1cca0265562450f3c18247bfbea1", "entity_id": "Q1701173"}
16 |
{"mention": "Eric Staal: { Eric Staal } scored 42 seconds into the game to give Carolina an early lead.", "example_id": "2e646f3deb83523543bd5c2a7df0ee57", "entity_id": "Q446986"}
17 |
{"mention": "Viktor Kozlov: { Viktor Kozlov } broke a scoreless tie for the Capitals 2:48 into the second period.", "example_id": "194c1b29c268ace7c49c469ded52d469", "entity_id": "Q739732"}
18 |
{"mention": "MDT: Nar Moo was last seen alive at her home on Monday at around 2:00 PM { MDT } (UTC-6), and was reported missing at around 6:30 PM.", "example_id": "3a9edb3279bde25904546bb56da52d04", "entity_id": "Q3134980"}
19 |
{"mention": "Minister responsible for Democratic Renewal: She was immediately rewarded by being appointed to the cabinet as Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development and { Minister responsible for Democratic Renewal } .", "example_id": "48c2970bd8a832dec4c1b999d5420752", "entity_id": "Q6865789"}
20 |
{"mention": "Orbiter Processing Facility: Today at 11:07 GMT (07:07 local time), US Space Shuttle \"Discovery\" departed its hangar at the Kennedy Space Center { Orbiter Processing Facility } (OPF), and was towed into the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB), arriving at 12:05 GMT (08:05 local time).", "example_id": "154e1e67fab1194e5bc226d8d23dcec7", "entity_id": "Q1679729"}
21 |
{"mention": "cloture: Senate procedures require 60 votes for \" { cloture } \", a term for ending the debate and forcing a vote.", "example_id": "ace634ef0973c93027f934c660249650", "entity_id": "Q5135595"}
22 |
{"mention": "Carl Hewitt: The panel was to include { Carl Hewitt } an electrical and computer science engineer at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Godwin discussing \"Wikipedia\" with Pedro Hernández-Ramos, associate director for the Center for Science, Technology, and Society moderating the discussion.", "example_id": "99ab9c49b82c315e4f495f055bd53fdd", "entity_id": "Q93109"}
23 |
{"mention": "Abel Prize: Today, the King Harald V of Norway awarded the { Abel Prize } which, along with the Fields Medal is one of the two most important mathematical prizes, to John G. Thompson and Jacques Tits.", "example_id": "67939a897a48949a298a59b95ab4ab37", "entity_id": "Q188184"}
24 |
{"mention": "Pokušaj: Elvir Laković Laka sang \" { Pokušaj } \" to represent Bosnia and Herzegovina.", "example_id": "8d1880f1c4a66b3a887150a677deadcc", "entity_id": "Q2654980"}
25 |
{"mention": "Tootsie: He directed films such as \"The Way We Were\", \" { Tootsie } \", and \"Out of Africa\".", "example_id": "74ed5dc9cb2c5805aa9b4829eba0ecf2", "entity_id": "Q221249"}
26 |
{"mention": "University of California, Berkeley: The { University of California, Berkeley } announced that one of its graduate students, Michael Park, rediscovered on May 24 the Mount Diablo buckwheat, a plant not sighted since 1936 and believed to have been extinct.", "example_id": "5bf23384fc66f2a3279abc670c694010", "entity_id": "Q168756"}
27 |
{"mention": "Mountain Creek State High School: Grammar now play minor premiers { Mountain Creek State High School } in a rematch of their 2007 semi final, while Siena Catholic College will host Matthew Flinders Anglican College in the other semi.", "example_id": "32ddcebd5bb96f91cb97e2979e533da4", "entity_id": "Q6924916"}
28 |
{"mention": "Patras: The epicenter was recorded 20 miles away from the city of { Patras } , and 125 miles away from Athens, the Greek capital.", "example_id": "8c14c8e78ff46c4f94d975f9938614c9", "entity_id": "Q133123"}
29 |
{"mention": "Party of the Workers: It was opposed by the French Communist Party, as well as Trotskyite movements such as the Revolutionary Communist League, other far-left movements such as the { Party of the Workers } , parts of the Socialist party, parts of The Greens some members of UMP, and the nationalist National Front.", "example_id": "eaf2403854228117529cb0854dd8ce9d", "entity_id": "Q628594"}
30 |
{"mention": "Binali Yildirim: { Binali Yildirim } , Turkey's Minister of Transportation, made a speech via telephone, thanking Arianespace for the launch.", "example_id": "3233065a8b29335b32ba332182699476", "entity_id": "Q863496"}
31 |
{"mention": "Dominique de Villepin: President Jacques Chirac of France has accepted the resignation of prime minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin and has named { Dominique de Villepin } in his place.", "example_id": "d051ce01bdf1307b370b1e52c85b2db0", "entity_id": "Q131660"}
32 |
{"mention": "Sapporo: The 2008 G8 summit, a gathering of the leaders of France, United States, United Kingdom, Russia, Germany, Japan, Italy and Canada, began yesterday in { Sapporo } , Japan.", "example_id": "fef37992e57e51b3028384a957820278", "entity_id": "Q37951"}
33 |
{"mention": "Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe: Graham Watson, leader of the { Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe } group in the European Parliament, to which belonged Bronisław Geremek, published a statement on the official website of ALDE: \"With the tragic departure of Bronislaw Geremek Poland loses one of its heroes, a tireless architect of its independence but also of the national reconciliation.", "example_id": "8dc0a7784aadafae673d92b5803051b5", "entity_id": "Q1517887"}
34 |
{"mention": "AMC-14: The last DISH satellite to be launched, { AMC-14 } was lost in a launch failure involving the upper stage of its Proton carrier rocket, earlier this year.", "example_id": "68ad13874c684a9b5b315e85e377fd09", "entity_id": "Q294629"}
35 |
{"mention": "Alekos Tatsis: Former Olympiacos SFC player { Alekos Tatsis } , almost Anderlecht, Belgium's starlet, was released free by OSFC.", "example_id": "fc87a35faba73d6d8f67c9254aec1600", "entity_id": "Q4721065"}
36 |
{"mention": "DARC: A new study shows that a variation in a gene known as the Duffy antigen receptor for chemokines, or simply { DARC } , may introduce an unknown vulnerability that could lead to a 40% greater risk of contracting HIV, the precursor to AIDS.", "example_id": "5a4badc68cd290bbecbb45b1dcdb3c40", "entity_id": "Q14864361"}
37 |
{"mention": "Ninoy Aquino International Airport: A Boeing 747-438, Qantas airways flight number QF30 from London, England to Melbourne, Australia, had to make an emergency landing at { Ninoy Aquino International Airport } in Manila after a door panel popped open, creating a massive hole in the plane's fuselage.", "example_id": "06634b1b2a0f102aec5d340d1de53fde", "entity_id": "Q86446"}
38 |
{"mention": "Winnie Ewing: The SNP has a history of upset wins in by-elections in and around Glasgow, including { Winnie Ewing } in Hamilton in 1967, Margo MacDonald in Govan in 1974, and another in Govan in 1988 by Jim Sillars.", "example_id": "489dc405678bb1927fa446d1955c9e80", "entity_id": "Q334015"}
39 |
{"mention": "Bill Haslam: The Mayor of Knoxville, { Bill Haslam } stated that the city had \"suffered a tragedy,\" and that \"our thoughts and prayers are with the victims, their families, and the church community.\"", "example_id": "092ca253f16cee035858fa424a87ac46", "entity_id": "Q862186"}
40 |
{"mention": "TacSat-1: This launch was originally planned to occur in early 2004, with the { TacSat-1 } satellite and the \"Explorers\" payload.", "example_id": "52833fa406ff17f22b31acabdcde582b", "entity_id": "Q63676313"}
41 |
{"mention": "Matthew Rycroft: This new information comes in the wake of what is purported to be the leaked minutes of a 2002 meeting between top US and UK government officials, in which { Matthew Rycroft } reported \"\"Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD.", "example_id": "d3611f890ea1cbf06ffc0152f65e6ce7", "entity_id": "Q6791184"}
42 |
{"mention": "Marcin Mroczek: The Polish team of Edyta Herbuś and { Marcin Mroczek } have won the Eurovision Dance Contest 2008.", "example_id": "79d720f831227c5974715fe4969d052b", "entity_id": "Q9028635"}
43 |
{"mention": "Austria: They were given the maximum 12 points by { Austria } , Denmark, Ireland, Netherlands and the United Kingdom.", "example_id": "075bd6d74c08d96a2fbed2886344f05f", "entity_id": "Q40"}
44 |
{"mention": "trillion: According to a new report by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), total world military spending was $1.35 { trillion } in 2004.", "example_id": "fc98eaec2d539e636b91c71626904aaf", "entity_id": "Q41650357"}
45 |
{"mention": "helium: A large amount of { helium } , which is used to cool the magnets to 1.9 Kelvin (-271C; -456F) leaked into the collider tunnel.", "example_id": "05d5ff9e35dd59e3c3cc92fca4446814", "entity_id": "Q560"}
46 |
{"mention": "camper van: The bus continued on through a hedge line and hit an unoccupied { camper van } .", "example_id": "cb69ca1c5e72cf0f6edc244fd096c516", "entity_id": "Q5357662"}
47 |
{"mention": "Posse Comitatus Act: Critics claim that act of the Executive Branch violates the { Posse Comitatus Act } , which prohibits military participation in domestic matters.", "example_id": "deefda1ab5ef97539a48bfc2cc77ff6c", "entity_id": "Q931267"}
48 |
{"mention": "Sitel, Inc.: In Buffalo New York, a suspicious package was received by National Action Financial Services, a subsidiary of { Sitel, Inc. } .", "example_id": "595ec423ef4f70ae56f30546e591b5c6", "entity_id": "Q7531813"}
49 |
{"mention": "Hamlet: Tennant, 37, is currently portraying the lead in a production of \" { Hamlet } \" with the Royal Shakespeare Company, and accepted the award by videolink.", "example_id": "3df447f34e8de0ef04588d381e698a77", "entity_id": "Q41567"}
50 |
{"mention": "Franco Frattini: \"We do not like to negotiate with pirates, terrorists or hijackers,\" said Saud al Faisal in Rome, after speaking with { Franco Frattini } , the Foreign Minister of Italy.", "example_id": "be00478e8caf3cd50af02b3b34f6ee22", "entity_id": "Q333833"}
51 |
{"mention": "Tony Awards: The play, originally written for television, went on Broadway in 1960, where it later won three { Tony Awards } .", "example_id": "351578be6efecd6f09334e2b00142ed0", "entity_id": "Q191874"}
52 |
{"mention": "Minyama: Residents in { Minyama } , on Queensland, Australia's Sunshine Coast, have vowed to keep fighting the development of a 24-hour McDonald's on Nicklin Way.", "example_id": "6f4018a9a6187d631597f1505978123a", "entity_id": "Q6871238"}
53 |
{"mention": "Barney Frank: \"I'm convinced that by Sunday we will have an agreement that people can understand on this bill,\" said { Barney Frank } , a representative from the state of Massachusetts.", "example_id": "163519cf9d323f0a9f8c87c6083b328e", "entity_id": "Q537287"}
54 |
{"mention": "1982 Baltimore Colts: The { 1982 Baltimore Colts } were the most recent NFL team to not win a game in their respective season, failing to win in the strike-shortened 1982 season, posting an 0-8-1 record.", "example_id": "71fb11b363e3b60d68cd4a3862805990", "entity_id": "Q4580319"}
55 |
{"mention": "Thomas A. Daschle: He later met with several advisors to the president-elect, including { Thomas A. Daschle } of the US Department of Health and Human Services.", "example_id": "c9297a7606c4273f4a413594dcf762d5", "entity_id": "Q443640"}
56 |
{"mention": "Jack D. Franks: { Jack D. Franks } , a Democratic representative also on the committee, also spoke, saying that \"it’s our duty to clean up this mess and stop the freak show that has become government in Illinois.", "example_id": "34ab9d266a46ee928d71f432fe27fffb", "entity_id": "Q6111961"}
57 |
{"mention": "peanut butter: According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an outbreak of salmonella that has affected at least 399 people in 42 different U.S. states has been linked to King Nut, an American brand of { peanut butter } .", "example_id": "aa3cd0280dc8ef3772bc07c6293b496f", "entity_id": "Q147651"}
58 |
{"mention": "White House Transportation Agency: The new limousine is the responsibility of { White House Transportation Agency } .", "example_id": "4127fb00e3cdfca369ca18a5e37d3698", "entity_id": "Q7994913"}
59 |
{"mention": "Bagram: In 2006, investigators had to buy back USB flash drives — containing sensitive information — that had been stolen from a military base in { Bagram } .", "example_id": "2a3f0a462711525d108f4ed78d3a95dc", "entity_id": "Q814388"}
60 |
{"mention": "Varian Physics Building: In the vibration-proof basement lab of Stanford's { Varian Physics Building } , the physicists used a Scanning tunneling microscope in encoding the \"S\" and \"U\" within the patterns formed by the electron's activity, called wave function, arranging carbon monoxide molecules in a very specific pattern on a copper or silver sheet surface.", "example_id": "80a3f1ac66d882cd71665bca2e534b4c", "entity_id": "Q5836034"}
61 |
{"mention": "Pilar: The Philippines Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) said its has responded to the reported mass \"stranding\" of whales off { Pilar } coastal waters in the province of Bataan where the famous and historic Corregidor Island is located.", "example_id": "2fde2ef1c9297d66a24280faee2b273a", "entity_id": "Q54464"}
62 |
{"mention": "Pennsylvania: The only Republicans who voted for the bill were Senators Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe of Maine, and { Pennsylvania } 's Senator Arlen Specter.", "example_id": "41cc04ae09be461a684724d14528af3f", "entity_id": "Q1400"}
63 |
{"mention": "Joyce Kennard: \"Prop 8 opponents would have the court choose between the inalienable right to marry and the right of the people to change the constitution as they see fit, and what I'm picking up from the oral argument in this case is this court should willy-nilly disregard the will of the people,\" Justice { Joyce Kennard } said while addressing Shannon Minter, the lawyer representing the opponents of the ban.", "example_id": "ffa4e9f8a5391c91c5f8d8c0badeb366", "entity_id": "Q6297556"}
64 |
{"mention": "Family Dollar: Police in La Grange, North Carolina have arrested two women after they received a tip that the { Family Dollar } store was being used as part of a marijuana ring.", "example_id": "04437fbd25249ac28c16851c86ceb22c", "entity_id": "Q5433101"}
65 |
{"mention": "64th World Science Fiction Convention: Also in 2006, he controversially groped the breast of fellow author Connie Willis at the { 64th World Science Fiction Convention } in Los Angeles during the presentation of Willis's Hugo Award; Ellison later apologized for the incident.", "example_id": "2a2f70150e7221a79efbb3a974e4d526", "entity_id": "Q4642075"}
66 |
{"mention": "Daylight Saving for South East Queensland (DS4SEQ): \"Daylight saving is the elephant in the room,\" said { Daylight Saving for South East Queensland (DS4SEQ) } founder Jason Furze.", "example_id": "83fa2e2cc6072223fb260771b56b60ae", "entity_id": "Q5243200"}
67 |
{"mention": "New Jersey Department of Human Services Police: The state { New Jersey Department of Human Services Police } has been searching for the identity of Soccarras for years.", "example_id": "d5f418e5c07eebaa29e69ae3dc7ae836", "entity_id": "Q17109704"}
68 |
{"mention": "Premiere Radio Networks: { Premiere Radio Networks } will broadcast the concerts tailored to the three genres of urban, rock and roll and pop music.", "example_id": "6bb2da75f80a8e120f9ee8f8a6b10876", "entity_id": "Q7240379"}
69 |
{"mention": "Toke Talagi: { Toke Talagi } , the Pacific Islands Forum chairman and Premier of Niue, has condemned the Fijian president's decision to abrogate the constitution.", "example_id": "6ca56d0909d8bbfedb0411d2b0e432eb", "entity_id": "Q785548"}
70 |
{"mention": "Green Line: Two trolleys collided in Boston, Massachusetts on the { Green Line } on Friday, causing the line to be shut down.", "example_id": "c0162ce53e4557f6c90ed2e84e651a32", "entity_id": "Q152061"}
71 |
{"mention": "Ballymore Cup: The { Ballymore Cup } Quarter Finals were played Wednesday.", "example_id": "fc7773ec7afbba9200e04afd23a05821", "entity_id": "Q4852223"}
72 |
{"mention": "Kaja Ballo: Olav Gunnar Ballo, a Norwegian MP and medical doctor whose daughter Kaja suddenly killed herself after a negative experience with the Scientology test in France in March 2008, released a book about { Kaja Ballo } 's life in April 2009.", "example_id": "663ec03c60343b17e83ab25e9f1199a8", "entity_id": "Q5247470"}
73 |
{"mention": "Doug Hurley: Crew members listed to be part of the mission are Commander Mark Polansky, Pilot { Doug Hurley } , astronauts Wolf, Christopher Cassidy, Canadian Space Agency's mission specialist Julie Payette, and mission specialists Tom Marshburn and Tim Kopra.", "example_id": "ddac1f7fb097183fdba73a5ca638d4ad", "entity_id": "Q120793"}
74 |
{"mention": "swine flu: The first deaths from { swine flu } in Argentina have been reported.", "example_id": "5a05eb10737953be78bec7c38d602abe", "entity_id": "Q36855"}
75 |
{"mention": "Enceladus: A report published in the scientific journal \"Nature\" of results from the Cassini probe indicates the discovery of the existence of liquid water on Saturn's moon { Enceladus } , and with it the possibility of extraterrestrial life.", "example_id": "6ef3986e412ddd2882234c3b2517cd9b", "entity_id": "Q3303"}
76 |
{"mention": "EFF: Fred von Lohmann, senior staff attorney for the { EFF } , panned the court for not providing a clear test for what constitutes inducement, saying it would discourage innovators unsure of their project's legality.", "example_id": "7106deb0f9fa6af7121f2135fd2dba55", "entity_id": "Q624023"}
77 |
{"mention": "Landless Workers' Movement: São Paulo, Brazil — Representatives of the { Landless Workers' Movement } (MST) and other social movements linked to the Workers' Party (PT) had a meeting with the Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva on June 22.", "example_id": "2ad93f1bec0495e9b7cf4bf756a5406b", "entity_id": "Q852277"}
78 |
{"mention": "Tai Po District: Trials will initially begin in the { Tai Po District } .", "example_id": "420402bda1e3e06b2b8823cc26062a2f", "entity_id": "Q877813"}
79 |
{"mention": "Pul-i-Alam: Taliban militants have launched an audacious gun and rocket attack in { Pul-i-Alam } some 45 miles from Kabul, Afghanistan.", "example_id": "27f3a6e7efd11bbb2d199d94212dbd1f", "entity_id": "Q1006289"}
80 |
{"mention": "Wallace Spearmon: \"We call him 'Insane Bolt,'\" commented { Wallace Spearmon } of the US, the third-place finisher.", "example_id": "c07b69cb6d6a26b0c5bcb40b064c8709", "entity_id": "Q318516"}
81 |
{"mention": "team: After returning to São Paulo on Monday 3 August, he attributes his rapid recovery to the medical staff at the ÁEK Military Hospital in Budapest and at the track, to his personal doctor Dino Altmann, and to members of the { team } and his family, who flew from Brazil to be at his bedside.", "example_id": "f2e18c7d0a7aa26b85053458eb131efd", "entity_id": "Q169898"}
82 |
{"mention": "Leo Obstbaum: The director of design for the 2010 Winter Olympics being held in Vancouver, { Leo Obstbaum } , has passed away suddenly in his home.", "example_id": "d9a3f6e3fa253596671654085cb064c6", "entity_id": "Q3246812"}
83 |
{"mention": "Admiral Mike Mullen: At this time the 20-page report is being reviewed by Gen. McChrystal's superiors to include Gen. David Petraeus, Commander of U.S. Central Command, { Admiral Mike Mullen } , U.S. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Gen. Egon Ramms, the senior North Atlantic Treaty Organization Commander before going to U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and on to the President.", "example_id": "a073d954f863761f110f9cef40b917b8", "entity_id": "Q503161"}
84 |
{"mention": "Pan Am Flight 281: Soltren is charged with air piracy and kidnapping, for allegedly participating in the November 24, 1968 hijacking of { Pan Am Flight 281 } , which took off from JFK.", "example_id": "2c09e2461d7685ecd4e97e573cd2bbdb", "entity_id": "Q16254676"}
85 |
{"mention": "C-130 Hercules: All five on board the { C-130 Hercules } were killed.", "example_id": "4260879a8b9a775c05f367a965e19cdc", "entity_id": "Q182027"}
86 |
{"mention": "Ukhta: An explosion at a shopping center in the northern Russian city of { Ukhta } has resulted in several fatalities, a fire and dozens of injuries.", "example_id": "7b8e1535a9312ddedf83596ef5f9e004", "entity_id": "Q197018"}
87 |
{"mention": "Saeb Erakat: PA official Jibril Rajoub called it \"\"hurtful to our cause\"\" and chief negotiator { Saeb Erakat } said that \"\"those who carried out this attack want to sabotage the efforts being exerted to have a smooth and peaceful disengagement from Gaza and a revival of the peace process\"\".", "example_id": "c0d1d2eb40df15bba8ee2eda22cdd080", "entity_id": "Q970706"}
88 |
{"mention": "Bill Frist: Senate Majority Leader { Bill Frist } , R-Tenn., amended the amendment:", "example_id": "aed69081cf2f264978d30089f4dc3114", "entity_id": "Q31112"}
89 |
{"mention": "Guess Things Happen That Way: Louie Sulcer, of Woodstock in Georgia, downloaded \" { Guess Things Happen That Way } \" by American musician, Johnny Cash, which became the ten billionth song downloaded from iTunes.", "example_id": "01c23dabb7d9318bc21f486fe988fd5a", "entity_id": "Q5615075"}
90 |
{"mention": "Jack Straw: The Brazilian Government \"look forward to receiving the necessary explanation from the British authorities on the circumstances which led to this tragedy\" and have dispatched their foreign minister Celso Amorim to London in order to get an explanation from the British Foreign Secretary { Jack Straw } .", "example_id": "ed37d1b6a1642a36f67cd3ce45b6c2b0", "entity_id": "Q311278"}
91 |
{"mention": "Hreiðar Már Sigurðsson: { Hreiðar Már Sigurðsson } , CEO of Kaupthing bank, says the bank is performing well in all key market areas.", "example_id": "726ebf7d2fd3fc3b39f11c96f3d3fe25", "entity_id": "Q5923629"}
92 |
{"mention": "Medi-Cal: He wants to cut programs for the treatment of narcotics addiction for those using { Medi-Cal } and cut state mental heath services by 60%.", "example_id": "bbebef1cace6033e97039250d4b3e1e8", "entity_id": "Q1916118"}
93 |
{"mention": "Timothy E. Flanigan: President Bush nominated { Timothy E. Flanigan } for Comey's job.", "example_id": "1bff4ace31048cfe24f3877c1b365d24", "entity_id": "Q7807197"}
94 |
{"mention": "Grammatiko: A Helios airliner (Boeing 737, flight HCY 522) with 115 passengers and 6 crew onboard has crashed into a mountain at 09:04 UTC (12:04 p.m. EEST) near { Grammatiko } , 40 kilometres (25 miles) north of Athens, while approaching the capital's airport.", "example_id": "affcf88c582e3ea662f19e4b83e7944c", "entity_id": "Q2586549"}
95 |
{"mention": "Camden Yards: His first appearance at bat at the Sunday contest in { Camden Yards } against the Toronto Blue Jays before a crowd of 30, 954 - a 64% capacity - was met with mixed reaction.", "example_id": "6d3f8a7e695973b87f7cd8e88d62a53c", "entity_id": "Q1141174"}
96 |
{"mention": "swing music: Big band and { swing music } were considerable influences upon his style and musical development, and he said that, “Bands like Glenn Miller, Les Brown, Tommy Dorsey, Harry James and Artie Shaw were very popular when I was a kid.", "example_id": "51284561a46b18b090b9b74c95d852e3", "entity_id": "Q203775"}
97 |
{"mention": "Louisiana: The Shuttle Carrier Aircraft made pit-stops in Oklahoma and { Louisiana } before landing in Florida this morning.", "example_id": "bc9d9ed3e88f98c2f6b0465c16e175c5", "entity_id": "Q1588"}
98 |
{"mention": "Salt Lake City: About 90 law enforcement officers from multiple agencies broke up what they said was a rave party on public and private property in the Diamond Fork area of Spanish Fork canyon, an hour outside of { Salt Lake City } , Utah, at about 11:30 p.m. Saturday (5:30 Sunday UTC).", "example_id": "5f27a8fb847aa38f4f7f6d8f126de3f5", "entity_id": "Q23337"}
99 |
{"mention": "CodeCon: BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer (P2P) file distribution tool written by programmer Bram Cohen which was debuted at { CodeCon } 2002.", "example_id": "480afeee05817fa6a9ea14059e0fff44", "entity_id": "Q5139974"}
100 |
{"mention": "Bill Clinton: A former leader and key figure in the Democratic Leadership Council moderate movement in the Democratic party that brought { Bill Clinton } to the national stage, Bayh is known as a Democrat who won with landslide margins of victory during both terms as Indiana's governor and two U.S. Senate runs in the traditionally Republican-voting state.", "example_id": "ab16a860c1253872bc7524a818ccbc01", "entity_id": "Q1124"}
101 |
{"mention": "Tibiyo TakaNgwane: Mswati must look after all of these relatives with funds from the royal-owned company, { Tibiyo TakaNgwane } .", "example_id": "4bb3cc22e4ceb2c413cf37f3f37b564d", "entity_id": "Q7800466"}
102 |
{"mention": "Eric Holder: She called it a \"disrespectful, disgraceful act,\" while US Attorney General { Eric Holder } pitched in, calling the book burning \"idiotic and dangerous.\"", "example_id": "741be47697a9ea41b5839013ada5dd7b", "entity_id": "Q312644"}
103 |
{"mention": "Open Source Initiative: The { Open Source Initiative } had been discussing ways of reducing the quantity of Open Source licenses to make it easier for developers and companies to chose a license.", "example_id": "007c54930eda33b60cd25f8f7abcc306", "entity_id": "Q845918"}
104 |
{"mention": "London Mural Preservation Society: Plans to be put forward by the Fitzrovia Neighbourhood Association, and the { London Mural Preservation Society } , will present ways to fund not only the restoration work but also projects to raise awareness of conservation, heritage, and the residential and working community.", "example_id": "d87dd046ce586e4176a3e487b6f3180b", "entity_id": "Q6670607"}
105 |
{"mention": "U.S. Supreme Court: This is not the first case in which Sharman has had to defend itself: in a related case in the { U.S. Supreme Court } which concluded two months ago, the court ruled that file sharing networks could be held responsible for the actions of their users in some circumstances.", "example_id": "3410f2f862f0a8984d6a3012a7bad6db", "entity_id": "Q11201"}
106 |
{"mention": "Sandra Day O'Connor: Before this nomination Roberts was due to fill the Associate Justice slot left vacant by { Sandra Day O'Connor } 's retirement.", "example_id": "5c479a5a378b4244921b5811468a6f9c", "entity_id": "Q11132"}
107 |
{"mention": "GNOME Desktop: Version 2.12 of the { GNOME Desktop } has several new features including an updated look and feel, an improved file manager, a new \"About Me\" panel to keep a user's personal information and Evince, a new PDF and PostScript document viewer.", "example_id": "d79ae567652568ec8705dd98ec89205f", "entity_id": "Q44316"}
108 |
{"mention": "Scott Parkin: A US peace activist and history teacher, { Scott Parkin } , has been arrested in Melbourne after his visa was revoked on grounds of character.", "example_id": "6640ec2c75def2115e2f0e3daf7f229c", "entity_id": "Q7437007"}
109 |
{"mention": "Google Talk: TotalTalk is much like { Google Talk } due to its unification of verbal conversation and instant messenger into one client.", "example_id": "3068615719c47ac8681604e8cc3a4f88", "entity_id": "Q51713"}
110 |
{"mention": "Mark Everson: Former U.S. Commissioner of Internal Revenue { Mark Everson } took some time to talk with \"Wikinews\" about his campaign for the U.S. Republican Party's 2016 presidential nomination.", "example_id": "a0d253538dfc9d5fde27a5c94f941a41", "entity_id": "Q6770165"}
111 |
{"mention": "National Prosecuting Authority: It is a division of the { National Prosecuting Authority } in South Africa.", "example_id": "c948daed5489c6fb029cd3ab86429288", "entity_id": "Q6975097"}
112 |
{"mention": "Alstom: Nottingham City Council have selected Tramlink Nottingham as their preferred bidder to construct and operate the NET Phase Two lines to Chilwell and Clifton, and will now enter talks with the consortium, made up of { Alstom } , Keolis, Trent Barton, VINCI Construction UK, OFI Infravia and Meridiam Infrastructure, to finalise the exact details of the contract.", "example_id": "60359e9eceee4a2f04d847d8ad72b60f", "entity_id": "Q309084"}
113 |
{"mention": "Harvard University: This initial expansion comprises documents from the New York Public Library and the libraries of { Harvard University } , Stanford University, Oxford University, and the University of Michigan.", "example_id": "bb4badbe58717637609655aa96231e76", "entity_id": "Q13371"}
114 |
{"mention": "Randy Babbitt: { Randy Babbitt } , the administrator of the FAA, confirmed Krakowski had submitted his resignation, which had accepted.", "example_id": "6670c78280e8e26e583eb8ea9998bad1", "entity_id": "Q7292069"}
115 |
{"mention": "Kelvin Thomson: { Kelvin Thomson } asked the question because the contract was awarded to Salmat Ltd., who has been said to have donated $120,000 to the Australian Liberal Party, of which the Mr Howard is a member.", "example_id": "8fe1f90981d46d38a8aaa8371b7b11f2", "entity_id": "Q18907740"}
116 |
{"mention": "Cho Oyu: He scaled many other Himalayan peaks including Makalu, Nanda Devi and { Cho Oyu } , and is credited with discovering several new mountain routes.", "example_id": "51167fb643d463f0d67a8f024dcfba7a", "entity_id": "Q170089"}
117 |
{"mention": "Rita: A large part of the deficit is attributed to Hurricanes Katrina and { Rita } .", "example_id": "167d5934d920f8e5e8622c8e2f8a6030", "entity_id": "Q737890"}
118 |
{"mention": "Pakistan Military Academy: The news that bin Laden was hiding just a few hundred metres from { Pakistan Military Academy } , a similar institution to the U.S. West Point Academy or the UK Sandhurst, has been met with embarrassment on behalf of the Pakistani government, and scepticism from others.", "example_id": "b233b94ecd13f4b7fd29cd6cbf6d1ff5", "entity_id": "Q59321"}
119 |
{"mention": "National Abortion Federation: The { National Abortion Federation } says at least eight murders have been committed in the US against abortion providers since 1977.", "example_id": "8afc0197d31b040ba2abf004ce06b3e3", "entity_id": "Q6970097"}
120 |
{"mention": "Cynthia A. McKinney: The three House members who voted for the resolution's passage were Jose E. Serrano (D-NY), { Cynthia A. McKinney } (D-GA) and Robert Wexler (D-FL).", "example_id": "d68f346f8d5a66290623c14d03f44089", "entity_id": "Q242019"}
121 |
{"mention": "to be elected: Chaudhry, who traces his ancestry to the state of Haryana, in north India, became the first of his race { to be elected } Prime Minister in 1999.", "example_id": "34953e64e41e445606f1ccd5c829c2a3", "entity_id": "Q3587154"}
122 |
{"mention": "Washington Post: The \" { Washington Post } \" quoted a senior diplomat saying that Bush's remark as recounted by \"The Daily Mirror\" \"sounds like one of the president's one-liners that is meant as a joke\", adding that \"it was foolish for someone to write it down, and now it will be a story for days.\"", "example_id": "3a57bd5454df1de9c50449b2dedd8db0", "entity_id": "Q166032"}
123 |
{"mention": "Jonathan Shalit: Musical manager { Jonathan Shalit } claimed that Parke \"will be the most successful BGT winner ever, bigger than Bieber.", "example_id": "2a63573e78a9637f21c2a232645067aa", "entity_id": "Q20685502"}
124 |
{"mention": "Federal Bureau of Investigation: E-mails containing the \"Sober X\" worm are being sent around the Internet disguised as an e-mail from either the { Federal Bureau of Investigation } or the Central Intelligence Agency, both organizations of the United States government.", "example_id": "c0783fec94b7729ca33d3d24ddb03a26", "entity_id": "Q8333"}
125 |
{"mention": "Fox News: Hatch was speaking on { Fox News } .", "example_id": "220fcf66974f5ee233c26d300a762f5c", "entity_id": "Q186068"}
126 |
{"mention": "Paul Freud: He also had two children with Bernadine Coverly (Bella Freud, the fashion designer, and the writer Esther Freud), five children with Suzy Boyt, and four children with Katherine Margaret McAdam ( { Paul Freud } , an artist, Lucy Freud, David Freud and Jane McAdam Freud, also an artist).", "example_id": "43584c078f7c8bcb37b43e7606f4f6ac", "entity_id": "Q16193110"}
127 |
{"mention": "yellow cards: The match saw two { yellow cards } .", "example_id": "d41a20aa174003d34dd662e26cec3554", "entity_id": "Q265777"}
128 |
{"mention": "Ted Cruz: On the same day as the May 3 Indiana primary, Republican front-runner Donald Trump, who held a sizable delegate lead over his two remaining primary challengers, Senator { Ted Cruz } of Texas and Ohio Governor John Kasich, cited the \"National Enquirer\" to accuse Cruz's father of involvement in the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy.", "example_id": "b27cd6f59df1c1abe6f9d25c499196a2", "entity_id": "Q2036942"}
129 |
{"mention": "Alicia Reece: Clinton selected Ambassador Wendy Sherman; Neera Tanden, head of the Center for American Progress; Ohio Representative { Alicia Reece } ; Carol Browner, former administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); Congressman Luis Gutiérrez; and union leader Paul Booth.", "example_id": "fe8ca0e26bd0e7ad126499818bd190db", "entity_id": "Q4726298"}
130 |
{"mention": "intern: Before HRC, an LGBT lobbying group, McBride was employed by the Center for American Progress, a progressive advocacy organization, and was the first openly transgender woman to { intern } at the White House.", "example_id": "77cc6b676d61cefb31ed4a071bda99e7", "entity_id": "Q24966273"}
131 |
{"mention": "Jimmy Feigen: Yesterday, in Rio de Janeiro, Olympic swimmers Gunnar Bentz, Jack Conger, { Jimmy Feigen } , and Ryan Lochte were robbed at gunpoint by thieves posing as police officers, according to reports from the US Olympic Committee and the swimmers.", "example_id": "d8867cd4a8c29a683207b333214ab20d", "entity_id": "Q1092390"}
132 |
{"mention": "Fox News: A 22-member focus group hosted by { Fox News } pollster Frank Luntz scored the debate for Trump, 16 to 6, leading Luntz to conclude, \"Tonight was so significant that [Trump] is back in the race.\"", "example_id": "23bc815f4cde264bfcd3e0d6c26f04a1", "entity_id": "Q186068"}
133 |
{"mention": "Liberty Theater: Spangler plans to submit the film to Tyler's film festival in mid-May and the film is to screen at Tyler's historic { Liberty Theater } in late May or early June for cast members and their families.", "example_id": "0abb953c0a90e7904adfe4b84d48b53b", "entity_id": "Q6541748"}
134 |
{"mention": "Comicon: Held from March 16 to 18, Toronto { Comicon } 2018, in Ontario, Canada, featured dozens of retailers, a large artist's alley, celebrity guests, cosplayers, and community groups.", "example_id": "c45b939bcc4b77711bcc14c5f2d8fdc8", "entity_id": "Q7826318"}
135 |
{"mention": "Inter-Korean Peace House: Unlike the previous two summits which took place in North Korea, the upcoming summit was scheduled to be held at the { Inter-Korean Peace House } , controlled by South Korea.", "example_id": "439f474e2a783d8173e87738a00f0214", "entity_id": "Q50410298"}
136 |
{"mention": "Aspartame: Roger Williams, a UK Member of Parliament, has called for emergency action to ban the artificial sweetener { Aspartame } (aspartamine), questioning its safety.", "example_id": "953af73202e01248aad9d8d1706f7137", "entity_id": "Q182040"}
137 |
{"mention": "Pollara: The poll was conducted by { Pollara } , a Canadian public opinion and research company.", "example_id": "e091c43fa88bde11102d69b99d9aabdd", "entity_id": "Q7225568"}
138 |
{"mention": "Mental Illness Awareness Week: This special report examines the month's research into the illnesses in detail, with \"Wikinews\" obtaining comment from experts based in Australia, the United States, and the United Kingdom ahead of the U.S. { Mental Illness Awareness Week } , which starts tomorrow.", "example_id": "c5aa6181ec616d8870bd4331722aad92", "entity_id": "Q6817430"}
139 |
{"mention": "co-morbid: “Any new treatments for bipolar, which is a very complex and { co-morbid } illness, has to be a good thing.”", "example_id": "9ae415c62fbbd12e31fa8a5c13843ef1", "entity_id": "Q1414874"}
140 |
{"mention": "Melbourne Victory: Nearly 15,000 people turned up to Olympic Stadium Melbourne to see the home side { Melbourne Victory } being held to a draw by the visiting Perth Glory in their round 16 A-League match last night.", "example_id": "699165efa4bbc492864bbeea348522b9", "entity_id": "Q316789"}
141 |
{"mention": "Justice Department: The United States { Justice Department } has started an inquiry into leaks of secret information divulged to the \"New York Times\" regarding authorization by President Bush for the National Security Agency (NSA) to use wiretaps on suspected terrorist living in the United States.", "example_id": "1b78aac948a3f7262448659f379348bf", "entity_id": "Q17763739"}
142 |
{"mention": "Waverley Council: New South Wales Premier Morris Iemma has prompted controversy following recent race-riots, when he urged the { Waverley Council } to reconsider its decision not to fly the Australian flag over The Bondi (Beach) Pavilion Community Cultural Centre.", "example_id": "f531cb5b742d0bc9fe907ce1250790e9", "entity_id": "Q2918677"}
143 |
{"mention": "Fair Work Australia: The move prompted an emergency hearing into the dispute by { Fair Work Australia } in Melbourne which went on until the early hours of Sunday morning, adjourned until 2pm AEDT.", "example_id": "4eaca3f7608d56e71f0fceb678f507d3", "entity_id": "Q2656702"}
144 |
{"mention": "Ilfak Guilfanov: Other methods included { Ilfak Guilfanov } 's unofficial patch, which was not advised by Microsoft, but served as a measure to mitigate the immediate effects until an official patch was released.", "example_id": "242ef8c447a34e3a3e26f5a8f3c8fc95", "entity_id": "Q5997718"}
145 |
{"mention": "James River Correctional Center: Dandridge was released from { James River Correctional Center } November 2005 after serving a ten year prison sentence for robbery.", "example_id": "305a214f0470ed3faa5bab485afbe9e4", "entity_id": "Q6142148"}
146 |
{"mention": "Virgo super star cluster: Astronomers at Sloan Digital Sky Survey have announced the discovery of a huge star cluster, the { Virgo super star cluster } 10 kiloparsecs (32,600 light years) away from the solar system (roughly the same distance as the galactic centre), in the constellation of Virgo.", "example_id": "1fd9cef29e4218111333db53af5c9bfa", "entity_id": "Q32873"}
147 |
{"mention": "Alex Ferguson: Manchester United manager { Alex Ferguson } and striker Wayne Rooney will face an inquiry from the Football Association after they were witnessed by over 40 fans, including TV crews, swearing at referee Alan Bennett.", "example_id": "5822034ebbd68c5920eb9f8888c15158", "entity_id": "Q44980"}
148 |
{"mention": "FEC: ((WSS)) Have you or do you plan to file with the { FEC } ?", "example_id": "4133d1572103ee6a5b696daccce4ab78", "entity_id": "Q2705072"}
149 |
{"mention": "Mark Latham: Former Australian opposition leader and leader of the Australian Labor Party, { Mark Latham } has been accused of assaulting and stealing a camera belonging to a photographer for The Daily Telegraph in Sydney.", "example_id": "1fc8c9ec6d3b183cf2ea91980311f7eb", "entity_id": "Q982227"}
150 |
{"mention": "Ricardo Sanchez: Lieutenant General { Ricardo Sanchez } , the commanding officer in Iraq, authorized new interrogation techniques which according to Welshofer included the sleeping bag method.", "example_id": "f528aec79130792f6d786abbd3796976", "entity_id": "Q734523"}
151 |
{"mention": "Council of Europe: The { Council of Europe } is pressing member governments to provide information concerning CIA prisons operating secretly in Europe.", "example_id": "57fff46b230d3aa6373bafb61ea1f5cd", "entity_id": "Q8908"}
152 |
{"mention": "Salt Lake City: Former { Salt Lake City } mayor and human rights activist Rocky Anderson took some time to discuss his 2012 U.S. presidential campaign and the newly-created Justice Party with \"Wikinews\" reporter William S. Saturn.", "example_id": "86965e6101e1efe7ca2e5f5faff47388", "entity_id": "Q23337"}
153 |
{"mention": "cannabis: This includes a tougher stance on { cannabis } cultivation.", "example_id": "3ed31fff8b7a58751e2234610a7a20b9", "entity_id": "Q79817"}
154 |
{"mention": "Seattle: Northward in { Seattle } , Washington, members of the King County Sheriff's department realized that law enforcement had to deal supportively with the symptoms of human trafficking — rather than putting victims in jail.", "example_id": "cc5af1c889b6f75bf0bd349e9a6a4f01", "entity_id": "Q5083"}
155 |
{"mention": "Therapeutic Goods Administration: The Australian House of Representatives have considered the bill regarding whether the Australian Health Minister Tony Abbott, or the { Therapeutic Goods Administration } (TGA) regulate the abortifacient mifepristone (RU486), and has passed the bill unamended.", "example_id": "603134e541b04455606906fbd71e07a7", "entity_id": "Q4056087"}
156 |
{"mention": "Heartland Baptist Bible College: Claiming to have two college degrees, a theology diploma called a ThG, and four years of education, Mr. Edmondson only attended two semesters at a college known now as { Heartland Baptist Bible College } (formerly known as Pacific Coast Baptist College).", "example_id": "c8e6267b751639f8a75f9739dbc8635d", "entity_id": "Q14708434"}
157 |
{"mention": "Meg Lees: Senator Brown has outlasted 10 other party leaders: { Meg Lees } , Cheryl Kernot, Natasha Stott-Despoja, Brian Greig, Andrew Bartlett, all former Democrat leaders.", "example_id": "4731fe164f322a50db7fef1c588f5220", "entity_id": "Q6665972"}
158 |
{"mention": "Anglo American plc: Davos may also serve as a place to progress disputes out of the public eye; a high-profile dispute between Chile's state-owned copper mining business, Codelco, and { Anglo American plc } over the 5.39 billion USD sale of a near-quarter stake in their Chilean operations to Japan's Mitsubishi, prompted the \"Financial Times\" to speculate that, as the respective company chiefs — Diego Hernández and Cynthia Carroll — are expected to attend, they could privately discuss the spat during the Forum.", "example_id": "73aec6993178988fcd69e5adc50beac2", "entity_id": "Q541451"}
159 |
{"mention": "Helsinki: In { Helsinki } , the Finnish trade union for bus and truck drivers has gone on strike on Sunday evening, mainly over the use of part-time labor.", "example_id": "c79595350cc2d5c7f2b095e2cb785212", "entity_id": "Q1757"}
160 |
{"mention": "Martin Luther King Jr: A dynamic personality, the spiritual leader of the Greek Orthodox community in the United States from 1959 to 1996, Iakovos, constructed relations with all the American presidents, from Harry Truman to Bill Clinton, and with various personalities from the Americas, such as minority leaders, with most famous being his friendship with { Martin Luther King Jr } .", "example_id": "8230ac6c8b8a91b59d82d5ab2a03aece", "entity_id": "Q8027"}
161 |
{"mention": "Honda LPGA Thailand: She won the sixth staging of the { Honda LPGA Thailand } tournament, the LPGA Tour 2012's second event, which was hosted on the Siam Country Club Pattaya Old Course over four days from February 16.", "example_id": "263a5495d4d691c915b60b79735c3ee2", "entity_id": "Q3044450"}
162 |
{"mention": "Jian Seng: Criticism was targeted to Government efforts in the affair of the Jian Seng in the Australian Senate March 28 and 29 over the handling of the ghost ship, the tanker \" { Jian Seng } \", which was found abandoned and unlit in the Gulf of Carpentaria.", "example_id": "66838528927d70c072399828554862e8", "entity_id": "Q6191465"}
163 |
{"mention": "Americans Elect: \"Wikinews\" reporter Paul Budd recently interviewed Mike Ballantine, a 2012 US Presidential candidate seeking the nomination of { Americans Elect } .", "example_id": "fbd2d31089ccd633f1f3b9c89e2d6eed", "entity_id": "Q4745606"}
164 |
{"mention": "Fernando Amorebieta: The opener came on 23 minutes, with young Spaniard Fernando Llorente converting from { Fernando Amorebieta } 's lobbed through ball after completely fooling the United back four.", "example_id": "6d04fa4807e242568fff20f6a1f5a7d7", "entity_id": "Q314250"}
165 |
{"mention": "Elena Rosell: All riders except Scott Redding (7th), Randy Krummenacher (21st), Gino Rea (23rd), and { Elena Rosell } (33rd) ran their fastest times today.", "example_id": "fa0feaeb2acfd59ab7c3aca24184cfa3", "entity_id": "Q3050724"}
166 |
{"mention": "Eric Low Siak Meng: In the Hougang ward, the incumbent Low Thia Khiang of the WP took 13,987 (62.74%) of the votes, defeating { Eric Low Siak Meng } of the PAP who only managed 8,306 (37.26%) of the votes while the remaining 277 votes were voided.", "example_id": "18e4273e0b072c3e826c153d3d0d5bcb", "entity_id": "Q5386993"}
167 |
{"mention": "José Dirceu: On February 2, the Cuban minister was received by the Brazilian Senate President José Sarney, the President of the Chamber of Deputies João Paulo Cunha and by the Chief of Staff { José Dirceu } .", "example_id": "f4e479ab4041a3b425b8ab7373f98d7c", "entity_id": "Q1791320"}
168 |
{"mention": "Sustainable Development Commission: Senator Milne challenged advocates of nuclear power to explain what they will to do about nuclear waste, how large a public subsidy they are prepared to pay to prop up nuclear power, and why the { Sustainable Development Commission } was wrong when it recommended last month against expanding nuclear power in Britain.", "example_id": "19eefdca4767d06eb74b0ad09d3aa8fa", "entity_id": "Q17026816"}
169 |
{"mention": "James Logan High School: Cynthia O'Brien, who oversees testing at { James Logan High School } in Union City, expressed some exasperation over the on-again, off-again situation regarding the test.", "example_id": "61cee3a1dd35091a60e233f7618d4910", "entity_id": "Q6138180"}
170 |
{"mention": "Godolphin: Alpha is a female owned by { Godolphin } in Dubai.", "example_id": "983c67d96269d2a2e98568a328beb533", "entity_id": "Q3579086"}
171 |
{"mention": "Sir Reg Empey: However, Ulster Unionist Party leader { Sir Reg Empey } was more optimistic and welcomed the initiative, commenting that the committee would \"ensure adequate cross-community consensus\".", "example_id": "4be1630f3114c572bc2f78008015d84a", "entity_id": "Q336064"}
172 |
{"mention": "James Logan High School: About 70 seniors at { James Logan High School } in Union City, Ca., mostly minorities and those who are learning English, still need to pass the test.", "example_id": "7f570ecf8bad98ea6dc0d5e2780c78b3", "entity_id": "Q6138180"}
173 |
{"mention": "Fiona Gillies: The show stars Robert Bathurst, who played David in \"Cold Feet\", and { Fiona Gillies } , who appeared in \"Peak Practice\".", "example_id": "2d7bb8783b2d0c57cb17f92be02c2d54", "entity_id": "Q5451049"}
174 |
{"mention": "Ontario Labour Relations Board: TTC workers said they'd been locked out, but Toronto Mayor David Miller and the { Ontario Labour Relations Board } ruled yesterday afternoon that the walkout was illegal and ordered employees back to work.", "example_id": "05ab67861cf8a1d1346cd0b918d6fd93", "entity_id": "Q7094794"}
175 |
{"mention": "Atlantic Council: The UK’s Prince Harry of Wales is to be presented with a humanitarian award for Distinguished Humanitarian Leadership by the { Atlantic Council } , according to an announcement made by St James’s Palace today.", "example_id": "f13e645233bcb5e93c2a3aa120310e8a", "entity_id": "Q756373"}
176 |
{"mention": "Darcy Richardson: Historian { Darcy Richardson } of Florida tells \"Wikinews\" that he has suspended his campaign for the United States Democratic Party's 2012 presidential nomination and has shut down his campaign website.", "example_id": "3650483f8cc27ab4198f0ad8591989f5", "entity_id": "Q5222388"}
177 |
{"mention": "Tim Selwyn: Auckland, New Zealand — Freelance journalist { Tim Selwyn } has been found guilty of sedition.", "example_id": "72093bc86194691e7e60d4f37603ad71", "entity_id": "Q7804258"}
178 |
{"mention": "John Connolly: Since their last clash, { John Connolly } has been appointed the head coach of Australia, and the game against England will mark his debut.", "example_id": "220134e0385d9e47c6d96873d46dfc56", "entity_id": "Q3181263"}
179 |
{"mention": "UK Film Council: Traditionally, independent films are funded either through persuading wealthy individuals to invest, who sometimes are sometimes given 'Executive Producer' credits, or through organisations like the { UK Film Council } , who award funds from the National Lottery.", "example_id": "67b402774158a813c53fb7a0e067e6b8", "entity_id": "Q922857"}
180 |
{"mention": "military commission: The United States Supreme Court has ruled that the { military commission } s set up in the Guantanamo Bay detainment camps in Cuba, to try terrorist suspects are not authorized by the Congress’ Joint Resolution authorizing military action in Afghanistan, and that the President does not have the legal authority to establish military commissions without express authorization from Congress.", "example_id": "5818ada8ca9ce8fa286b108cc09fc699", "entity_id": "Q2986654"}
181 |
{"mention": "Google Adwords: This is tied in very closely with the { Google Adwords } service — adverts selling items can now display a small shopping cart icon — which indicates that the advertiser accepts Google Checkout as a method of payment.", "example_id": "03e5e99b01df4797efc53ef9c322d18c", "entity_id": "Q271982"}
182 |
{"mention": "Kapa O Pango: The All Blacks preformed a spirited rendition of their much talked of { Kapa O Pango } haka before the match, but it was Australia who opened up the scoring in the match, when Chris Lathem regathered the ball off a chip kick and handed it to Mat Rogers who sprinted down the left sidelined and passed to Lote Tuqiri who scored the try.", "example_id": "63014d4de16f867b203faef5320f89e9", "entity_id": "Q25210843"}
183 |
{"mention": "cash-for-peerages: Lord Levy was arrested by the Specialist Crime Directorate of London’s Metropolitan police as part of an on-going investigation into the { cash-for-peerages } row which has troubled the Labour government since the start of the year.", "example_id": "9bfdb1e3bc0257d16781a473f503d0f8", "entity_id": "Q5048689"}
184 |
{"mention": "Michigan Secretary of State: Though the submission listed 2,000 signatures, the { Michigan Secretary of State } deemed only 244 to be valid.", "example_id": "b2136693c7a8e4051dabe5ed4ff2c610", "entity_id": "Q16147324"}
185 |
{"mention": "Quinnipiac University: About two weeks after the announcement, \"Washington Post\" analyst Aaron Blake of Chris Cillizza's \"The Fix\" examined polls from { Quinnipiac University } and reported that though many voters in the swing states of Florida, Pennsylvania, and Ohio favored the new policy, those concerned about the issue were much more likely to oppose it.", "example_id": "fa6312006800da524cc1d52d0cc14a04", "entity_id": "Q1030044"}
186 |
{"mention": "Edward C. Noonan: The American Independent Party (AIP), a paleoconservative group formerly affiliated with the Constitution Party that has guaranteed ballot access in California, listed three presidential candidates on its ballot for June's California primary: the party's former chairman { Edward C. Noonan } ; radio talk show host Laurie Roth; and former United States Army Lieutenant Colonel \"Mad\" Max Riekse.", "example_id": "c5793b3760ebbb63d5a159bb79b58e55", "entity_id": "Q5342155"}
187 |
{"mention": "Iraq: A report is published by Human Rights Watch on treatment of prisoners in { Iraq } by US soldiers after the Abu Ghraib prison scandal.", "example_id": "5883c173e729260da8e39539c3f73811", "entity_id": "Q796"}
188 |
{"mention": "F: Baltimore, Washington D.C. and Philadelphia are all expecting highs to reach above 100º { F } (37.8ºC).", "example_id": "fd812f7e1e0eb967e765c947c35ea9a9", "entity_id": "Q42289"}
189 |
{"mention": "Percy Montgomery: The Springboks hit back in the second half, with tries to Jaque Fourie and { Percy Montgomery } .", "example_id": "c7454aca3dc25a3683ab4122d4f30082", "entity_id": "Q469706"}
190 |
{"mention": "Sky Kim: On the men's team side, with Taylor Worth, { Sky Kim } , and Ryan Tyack representing the country, Australia beat Turkey 214–204 in the 1/8th round, then beat Romania 216–203 to qualify for the semi-finals.", "example_id": "06d10de7ef83648c71c20fb7361751bc", "entity_id": "Q562528"}
191 |
{"mention": "Oscar Pereiro Sio: { Oscar Pereiro Sio } who finished second, 57 seconds adrift, now claims himself the true Tour de France champion after hearing about Landis' result.", "example_id": "3b6e8f6ce00e7fe131f08afae6a40429", "entity_id": "Q132049"}
192 |
{"mention": "Abdelhafid Benchebla: Eight Algerian boxers are making the trip to London, with { Abdelhafid Benchebla } leading his country's Olympic delegation.", "example_id": "f7e5f91141d35498c984f9feec7cae58", "entity_id": "Q1444868"}
193 |
{"mention": "DNA: There had been no signs that anyone had forceably entered the home, but police did find evidence of { DNA } , from a male, under the fingernails of Ramsey; however, investigators had never been able to match the DNA to anyone.", "example_id": "195df2a068082cdd3c3fd83ca945dc72", "entity_id": "Q7430"}
194 |
{"mention": "Piers Morgan: The series was hosted by Regis Philbin, and judged by former tabloid editor { Piers Morgan } , singer Brandy, and actor/singer David Hasselhoff.", "example_id": "c39a2285d91c7e074ebfd3e3a1cba8a4", "entity_id": "Q557758"}
195 |
{"mention": "Ellie Cole: Western Australia and the Australian Capital Territory are each sending two swimmers, with Katherine Downie of Quinns Rocks and Jeremy McClure of Mount Pleasant representing Western Australia and { Ellie Cole } of Bruce and Richard Eliason of Flynn representing the Australian Capital Territory.", "example_id": "032955a590507f2f1eb4609956c6e596", "entity_id": "Q5365333"}
196 |
{"mention": "United Left: Sheridan had intended to attempt to reclaim the leadership of the SSP but has instead decided to found a \"new party of the left\" leaving what he described as the \"colossal train wreck of the SSP\" which is divided between two factions, the pro-Sheridan \"SSP Majority\" and the anti-Sheridan \" { United Left } \".", "example_id": "3ad5d49138bcdcf8a3a4c2154d0b57ef", "entity_id": "Q7437984"}
197 |
{"mention": "Dame Silvia Cartwright: The Honourable Anand Satyanand succeeds { Dame Silvia Cartwright } as the personal representative of New Zealand's Head of State, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of New Zealand.", "example_id": "db396f0ee67d75d706432799e3cf83fe", "entity_id": "Q241638"}
198 |
{"mention": "Kas: Amid warnings another fire started in { Kas } during the weekend.", "example_id": "78c2a0a5a72fea8b87b209ad12a7d29d", "entity_id": "Q3322243"}
199 |
{"mention": "Bhumibol Adulyadej's: King { Bhumibol Adulyadej's } 80th birthday next year follows on from the 60th anniversary of his accession to the throne earlier this year.", "example_id": "3705c1314ad9dede20e6bfea42cbbea3", "entity_id": "Q855252"}
200 |
{"mention": "Chad Doucette: { Chad Doucette } of Chezzetcook, Nova Scotia was voted off.", "example_id": "394e0874073e1985c12238d7b1d6cc7f", "entity_id": "Q5066220"}
201 |
{"mention": "Iraqi: United States and { Iraqi } forces have captured the al-Qaeda in Iraq's second in command, Hamad Jama al-Saedi.", "example_id": "e8aa74a9c49775403861e9f47f139971", "entity_id": "Q796"}
202 |
{"mention": "South African Medical Research Council's: Dr. Karin Weyer, director of the { South African Medical Research Council's } Unit for TB Research, cautioned that \"In a country with such high prevalence of HIV, the emergence of XDR-TB is a nightmare.\"", "example_id": "2c457a82b82d8b7ab40b163d3bb72c6d", "entity_id": "Q7565733"}
203 |
{"mention": "National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey: According to an estimate based on the { National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey } (NHANES), 34 percent of American children were overweight in 2003-2004, compared to 28 percent in 1999-2000.", "example_id": "ee31471a515d29cbbcb58111ed979e0a", "entity_id": "Q1967281"}
204 |
{"mention": "Ari Vatanen: Paris, Helsinki – The former Finnish rally driver and current Member of the European Parliament for Grand Sud-Est France, { Ari Vatanen } , harshly criticised Finnish President Tarja Halonen and the current Foreign Minister Erkki Tuomioja for having an anti-American stance and maintaining old-fashioned ideologies about defence strategies that hark back to the 1970s, in an article in the Wall Street Journal Europe.", "example_id": "4317b9820c7d325bc33918eb4f1f7022", "entity_id": "Q313199"}
205 |
{"mention": "Toomas Hendrik Ilves: { Toomas Hendrik Ilves } , currently a member of the European Parliament, was elected today to be the fourth President of Estonia.", "example_id": "c8c25eb8cf5fefd7609a2d9b33b03df3", "entity_id": "Q57289"}
206 |
{"mention": "Soviet Union: The Commission emphasizes that the new members will have to do a better job fighting organized crime but also fight political corruption, which has plagued both since the fall of the { Soviet Union } .", "example_id": "8b610a52abd0070af833a7bc37558254", "entity_id": "Q15180"}
207 |
{"mention": "Guido Demoor: The event was spurred by a series of acts of \"pointless violence\" during the last year (the murder of Joe Van Holsbeeck, the case Hans Van Themsche and the events surrounding { Guido Demoor } .", "example_id": "e859c5cd96b32cb8ce044e1889b5f328", "entity_id": "Q2674055"}
208 |
{"mention": "Salvador Option: The comments come as the U.S. is taking heat for its alleged { Salvador Option } targeting the Sunni insurgency with death squads, which opponents believe contributed to the sectarian war.", "example_id": "ca070109c83a1339dac8d1cd0f9f708d", "entity_id": "Q7406442"}
209 |
{"mention": "Microsoft: { Microsoft } , Google, and Nokia are some of the supporters of .mobi.", "example_id": "5ed45f5e4230420f92d028618714feee", "entity_id": "Q2283"}
210 |
{"mention": "Lalit Suri: The Rajya Sabha was adjourned without transacting any business today as a mark of respect to { Lalit Suri } , a sitting member of Rajya Sabha who passed away on October 10, 2006.", "example_id": "592cd9f30a26bad791cd5eb0a7cff240", "entity_id": "Q1948403"}
211 |
{"mention": "Auckland Regional Council: It is now falls on the { Auckland Regional Council } to approve the stadium plans or propose something else, which is supposed to happen tomorrow, Friday.", "example_id": "4d6cdb88e256f43b85df1fd5a6c55df4", "entity_id": "Q4819548"}
212 |
{"mention": "Gianfranco Fini: Berlusconi's speech to parliament comes a day after his Foreign Minister, { Gianfranco Fini } made a similar speech to lawmakers, where he refuted Ms. Sgrena's claims that the shooting was the result of an ambush.", "example_id": "7e648aa1caaaaf2aacd9a5d1df8aed1c", "entity_id": "Q47583"}
213 |
{"mention": "Benoît Sauvageau: The by-elections were necessitated by the resignation of Liberal MP Joe Fontana who left parliament in a failed bid to become mayor of London, Ontario and by the death of BQ MP { Benoît Sauvageau } in a tragic car crash.", "example_id": "77ed94fd268f35436629310ab2313006", "entity_id": "Q818132"}
214 |
{"mention": "three wheeler: The attack took place in downtown Colombo, the Sri Lankan Capital at 10:30 a.m., as a convoy carrying the Defence Secretary and other officials was attacked by a suspected terrorist in a { three wheeler } .", "example_id": "c3360cc4e271845a96bee0b117f7817e", "entity_id": "Q739288"}
215 |
{"mention": "Syria: Among the issues to be discussed will be relations with Iran and { Syria } .", "example_id": "12cf4ff52a94fe298f258d7bf57a0aa5", "entity_id": "Q858"}
216 |
{"mention": "Flynt Leverett: A \"New York Times\" Op-Ed by former National Security Council senior director for Middle East affairs { Flynt Leverett } and his wife Hillary Mann regarding the United States' Iran policy by Flynt Leveret and Hillary Mann was redacted by the Publication Review Board of the CIA, at the behest of the White House the authors said.", "example_id": "a4c4fdc5cf95e441a45c4103ae74f19b", "entity_id": "Q5463656"}
217 |
{"mention": "Cindy Klassen: Speed skater { Cindy Klassen } was voted as the 2006 Bobbie Rosenfeld Award's female athlete of the year, on Wednesday.", "example_id": "1f0ab44cf817ec1a70789240dcf82f9c", "entity_id": "Q142672"}
218 |
{"mention": "Democrat: Californian { Democrat } Nancy Pelosi, 66-years-old, has been named the 60th United States Speaker of the House with the votes 233-202.", "example_id": "490cb473c37a66e5aede717ca9baa2a4", "entity_id": "Q29552"}
219 |
{"mention": "NEMMCO: Paul Price from the national electricity grid supervisor { NEMMCO } said that today set an all-time record for electricity demand.", "example_id": "6c23c9ff655cf9aa23247b41ef9fc05c", "entity_id": "Q4310622"}
220 |
{"mention": "Bennetts: Motorcycle insurance company { Bennetts } unilaterally terminated its deal with former Miss England Danielle Lloyd to front an advertisement campaign.", "example_id": "feb61e647a32e6a74695ba241a862e7f", "entity_id": "Q4889770"}
221 |
{"mention": "Barry McGuigan: Many in the UK will hope Hatton has ended the \"curse\" that has seen names such as Frank Bruno, Naseem Hamed, { Barry McGuigan } and others fall short while headlining fights on \"The Strip\".", "example_id": "7b9f417574a274763c3f4118c05b8558", "entity_id": "Q2394683"}
222 |
{"mention": "by-election: Frank de Jong, 51, leader of the Green Party of Ontario is running in the Ontario { by-election } for Burlington, Ontario.", "example_id": "f00f5f1f2ab723104488543f1b4eeb93", "entity_id": "Q16960514"}
223 |
{"mention": "Ontario 2006 municipal elections: But, he resigned to run for mayor of Burlington in the { Ontario 2006 municipal elections } .", "example_id": "c2be31ab823147ad7a672477435fa9f3", "entity_id": "Q7094991"}
224 |
{"mention": "Cory Judson: De Jong is up against Progressive Conservative Joyce Savoline, Ontario Liberal Party and former Burlington city counciler Joan Lougheed, and New Democrat { Cory Judson } .", "example_id": "ae3a4a7e6d9df6dc336e5a4e0e79afe8", "entity_id": "Q7094854"}
225 |
{"mention": "Sean McCormack: \"Whether that cooperation has extended into other areas, I don't have any information for you,\" said { Sean McCormack } , a spokesman for the U.S. Department of State.", "example_id": "5ed322c478fe095f80f25ff514bc16a8", "entity_id": "Q3476754"}
226 |
{"mention": "Luol Deng: Kirk Hinrich was the game's leading scorer with 26 points, and { Luol Deng } contributed 23.", "example_id": "b9ec4432f7d3fdbc903b85441329a05c", "entity_id": "Q275183"}
227 |
{"mention": "University of Maine: Belcher, from the { University of Maine } , went undrafted in 2009, but was signed as a free agent after the draft.", "example_id": "c4fa0267f1d4ba8b51ea7cfec7b3acc7", "entity_id": "Q1307345"}
228 |
{"mention": "operation Sinbad: Over the last weeks, the British have conducted ' { operation Sinbad } ' against Shiite militias in Basra.", "example_id": "62fad1e11f3363bf7eb29ad40ea680c9", "entity_id": "Q7097557"}
229 |
{"mention": "Gary Parsons: Sirius CEO Mel Karmazin will retain his CEO title in the new company, and XM chairman { Gary Parsons } will retain his.", "example_id": "0ecb2fd734beff5540996707f3c0c38c", "entity_id": "Q5525720"}
230 |
{"mention": "Littleton, Colorado: Reports say that an evacuation has taken place at Columbine High School in { Littleton, Colorado } after a bomb threat was phoned into the school.", "example_id": "0d1e60dc155c4b1a2b8e7da6472c1ed5", "entity_id": "Q953583"}
231 |
{"mention": "Sheila Jackson Lee: House Representative { Sheila Jackson Lee } (D-Texas) asked about diversity, wondering how the new company would create opportunites for minority ownership and minority involvement in the company's broadcasting?", "example_id": "39e4f4a6e4897f85a3e4209d69a1c88c", "entity_id": "Q461734"}
232 |
{"mention": "cash-for-honours: The UK Attorney General Lord Goldsmith obtained an injunction from the Royal Courts of Justice in London stopping the BBC from broadcasting a report on the ongoing { cash-for-honours } probe involving Prime Minister Tony Blair's government.", "example_id": "9c4ae27a409d6f27be294d153ab32adf", "entity_id": "Q5048689"}
233 |
{"mention": "Eric Bickerton: Sunday, Wikinews sat down with Australian blind Paralympic skier Jessica Gallagher and her guide { Eric Bickerton } who are participating in a national team training camp in Vail, Colorado.", "example_id": "d18d4f19e27204fc1a007063e39f98f6", "entity_id": "Q5386135"}
234 |
{"mention": "Dalton, Georgia: The other ticket was sold at what is called the Favorite Market, located in { Dalton, Georgia } .", "example_id": "644fb353c0223b02bcbda81dd082806b", "entity_id": "Q996830"}
235 |
{"mention": "Sabina Park: West Indies beat Zimbabwe by 6 wickets (with 13 balls remaining) in Group D of the 2007 Cricket World Cup at { Sabina Park } , Kingston, Jamaica.", "example_id": "39da0ed83b25cbf3bfc8811cbd0288d6", "entity_id": "Q1370745"}
236 |
{"mention": "M B S Jonkman: Netherlands: B Zuiderent, D J Reekers, R N ten Doeschate, D L S van Bunge, T B M de Leede, { M B S Jonkman } , W F Stelling, P W Borren, J Smits (capt; wkt), E S Szwarczynski, Mohammad Kashif", "example_id": "d722c3430b18680653f2949fd31b8c94", "entity_id": "Q6768291"}
237 |
{"mention": "Kari Lehtonen: Michel Ouellet, assisted by Gary Roberts and Evgeni Malkin, gave the Penguins a 1-0 lead at 7:55 when he beat Thrashers goalie { Kari Lehtonen } to score his 17th goal of the season.", "example_id": "6749383aefcdc69a2f8d8d3e5ddda184", "entity_id": "Q585152"}
238 |
{"mention": "Ryan Malone: Evgeni Malkin, Gary Roberts, and { Ryan Malone } also scored for the Penguins.", "example_id": "243f415d5894233d99bf9fa8f66230a6", "entity_id": "Q1276120"}
239 |
{"mention": "Billy Talent: Other winners included Dixie Chicks, { Billy Talent } , Tomi Swick, Mobile, and Gordie Sampson.", "example_id": "aa0a0501b917e2c1d60ae8c9e5619bc6", "entity_id": "Q154815"}
240 |
{"mention": "BBC: According to Israeli media reports, a Palestinian group, purportedly linked to al-Qaeda has announced they have killed Alan Johnston, a { BBC } journalist who went missing in Gaza five weeks ago.", "example_id": "8e362523d6cb4003c4474dcbdd582ed6", "entity_id": "Q9531"}
241 |
{"mention": "Yonhap: Satellite images released by the \"Dong-a Ilbo\" newspaper and \" { Yonhap } \" news agency seem to indicate unusual activity at the Yongbyon facility, housing North Korea's main reactor.", "example_id": "6c1bf271ab422757526d09e1d3060171", "entity_id": "Q333206"}
242 |
{"mention": "Samantha Norwood: She went off, replaced by { Samantha Norwood } , but would soon return to the court.", "example_id": "33db421a928e6cc3d35821bf5f346835", "entity_id": "Q7408708"}
243 |
{"mention": "Tehran: Later, Iran relayed a reply to the U.S. via the Swiss embassy in { Tehran } which acts as a go-between since there are no diplomatic relations between the two countries.", "example_id": "e535a76e3df3e08d7f93f6675d9ad426", "entity_id": "Q3616"}
244 |
{"mention": "repeal: Michael Heath, executive director of the group, told the Associated Press that the League has a goal of 70 thousand valid signatures and hopes to raise $2 million to fund a campaign, called a \"people's Veto,\" to { repeal } the new law.", "example_id": "b42a3eb37008482962b69fe3f6b94d0f", "entity_id": "Q4590027"}
245 |
{"mention": "South Florida: Hedberg started his career in { South Florida } , and later worked in Seattle.", "example_id": "e35c9ede2749d381181beea7f6be6269", "entity_id": "Q7567226"}
246 |
{"mention": "Darrell L. Clarke: The resolution was introduced unexpectedly by Councilman { Darrell L. Clarke } and passed, 16-1, with no debate, with only Council Minority Leader Brian J. O'Neill voting against the resolution.", "example_id": "832f890a07757d08b5e215c500ed6d37", "entity_id": "Q5224664"}
247 |
{"mention": "Airport Movement Area Safety System: After the SkyWest airliner touched down, the { Airport Movement Area Safety System } (AMASS) alerted and the air traffic controller transmitted \"Hold, Hold, Hold\" to the SkyWest flight crew in an attempt to stop the aircraft short of runway 1L.", "example_id": "87dc6953196295eebf5a7f1bc7d7fc8f", "entity_id": "Q4698925"}
248 |
{"mention": "2007 Future Cup: In the { 2007 Future Cup } , South Africa beat India in the first One-Day International (ODI) held at the Civil Service Cricket Club Ground, Belfast, Ireland.", "example_id": "f502f4f44bf2d8cacceff3863f016777", "entity_id": "Q4608520"}
249 |
{"mention": "Vladimír Špidla: According to { Vladimír Špidla } , the European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs & Equal Opportunities, a too protective employment policy may paralyze the labour-market.", "example_id": "9b23aed9104a4e9a33d188a8794d0352", "entity_id": "Q32777"}
250 |
{"mention": "dissolve Parliament: The United Kingdom Prime Minister, the Right Honourable Tony Blair PC MP, at 09:00 UTC today formally requested the Queen to { dissolve Parliament } on April 11, thereby confirming May 5 to be the date for the next General Election.", "example_id": "5c20b8afde152aa1aba10ca986101386", "entity_id": "Q741182"}
251 |
{"mention": "Alex Jimenez: { Alex Jimenez } , who was due to be deported has been granted a Green Card by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.", "example_id": "ede58b7bfb974c5b5efe25e570d609ba", "entity_id": "Q16203331"}
252 |
{"mention": "Princess Leia: { Princess Leia } hairstyles were also popular amongst the crowd.", "example_id": "b7ca3006a7b70cb95e44319566fa68cc", "entity_id": "Q51797"}
253 |
{"mention": "Peter Greenough: She married in 1956 to journalist and \"Cleveland Plain Dealer\" publishing heir { Peter Greenough } , and had two children with him.", "example_id": "95c05dc59840909382da66a71932b04c", "entity_id": "Q7174366"}
254 |
{"mention": "Earth: HD 189733b is located 63 light-years away from { Earth } in the constellation Vulpecula.", "example_id": "0f98d5a906eaa698849084a69f3c7b13", "entity_id": "Q2"}
255 |
{"mention": "Jenson Button: Within several laps the track quickly became flooded, and on lap three { Jenson Button } , Lewis Hamilton, Adrian Sutil, Nico Rosberg, Scott Speed, Anthony Davidson, and Antonio Liuzzi all aquaplaned off into the gravel trap at the same place - Liuzzi making contact with the tractor attempting to recover the other cars.", "example_id": "70887097fdb370182e2cc020cc3742db", "entity_id": "Q10510"}
256 |
{"mention": "Ternate: According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS) a strong magnitude 6.9 earthquake has struck Indonesia in the Molucca Sea approximately 220 kilometers (135 miles) north of { Ternate } , Maluku Islands, Indonesia at a depth of 44.6 kilometers (27.7 miles).", "example_id": "18c82b2bd81c0ccc5eca57bbe67116ca", "entity_id": "Q19151"}
257 |
{"mention": "Kern County: According to Tony Diffenbaugh of the { Kern County } Fire Department, two of the victims died immediately in the blast, while the third succumbed to his injuries at the hospital.", "example_id": "a702bc000710bc3045d90960b21197d4", "entity_id": "Q108047"}
258 |
{"mention": "Tendulkar: There could have been centuries had it not been for two horrible umpiring decisions which left { Tendulkar } on 91 after being wrongly adjudged lbw and Sourav Ganguly was left on 79 after missing a ball going down the leg-side but which the umpire thought he nicked.", "example_id": "c7c006321eaa9a7958ccc0653ab2247d", "entity_id": "Q9488"}
259 |
{"mention": "I L Howell: Umpires: I J Gould (England) and { I L Howell } (South Africa) Match referee: R S Madugalle (Sri Lanka)", "example_id": "4fbb26914cf4504351e4ae3a0f1fed80", "entity_id": "Q5981846"}
260 |
{"mention": "\"Mary Sears\": A US navy vessel, the { \"Mary Sears\" } , sent to the scene of the plane's disappearance had located the black boxes within weeks of the disaster, along with the rest of the wreckage, but recovery was significantly delayed because of a dispute over who would foot the bill for their recovery.", "example_id": "1459a1552745b8636d713600d8b705a3", "entity_id": "Q7866607"}
261 |
{"mention": "Gerry Hunsicker: Purpura joined the organization in 1994 and directed player development and the Astros' six minor league affiliates before taking over from { Gerry Hunsicker } as GM before the 2005 season.", "example_id": "5c655c2456d7daa064b9b977e57fd6b3", "entity_id": "Q5552806"}
262 |
{"mention": " The controversial Russian music site, { } , is expected to reopen after a Moscow court ruled that Denis Kvasov, owner of the site, did not break Russian copyright laws and that the site was fully legal.", "example_id": "957e8e3e3f02882a48d319d73854006f", "entity_id": "Q1936015"}
263 |
{"mention": "\"Associated Press\": Anna Ayala, the Las Vegas woman who claims to have found the notorious \"chili finger\" at a Wendy's outlet in San Jose, California, has filed lawsuits against other businesses, according to researchers at the { \"Associated Press\" } .", "example_id": "acf440e76bfaa8929d63dd196a342cde", "entity_id": "Q40469"}
264 |
{"mention": "Jeff Foxworthy: The American series is hosted by { Jeff Foxworthy } .", "example_id": "ed1bb59de5ee67c6cea04d3050d9c9d6", "entity_id": "Q2449557"}
265 |
{"mention": "Bokarina: The Grand Final is scheduled to be held at Sunshine Coast Stadium in { Bokarina } , Queensland.", "example_id": "d3ae33beaac5fe56d1f12c4a96f42ad4", "entity_id": "Q4938724"}
266 |
{"mention": "iPad mini: On Thursday Hawaiian Airlines announced all their Boeing 767-300 aircraft would be fitted with { iPad mini } tablets made by Apple for in-flight entertainment from September 1.", "example_id": "438f1e2abd1bc13eed7b865e08ed6741", "entity_id": "Q145761"}
267 |
{"mention": "North India: Very young females still die at very high rates in India, especially in { North India } , because of gender preferences for male children.", "example_id": "384cdfe89e7504f2094724e82284c1dc", "entity_id": "Q1058785"}
268 |
{"mention": "Piyush Chawla: India: S R Tendulkar, S C Ganguly, G Gambhir, Yuvraj Singh, R Dravid (capt), K D Karthik, M S Dhoni (wkt), R R Powar, { Piyush Chawla } , Z Khan, A B Agarkar", "example_id": "bfc43021b06e5e8e834294dce92f44a5", "entity_id": "Q3521395"}
269 |
{"mention": "Victoria: Police in Oak Bay, British Columbia, a suburb of the provincial capital { Victoria } , report that five bodies were found in a home after having been summoned there on a 911 emergency call.", "example_id": "77cdae9e32c5c263a4cd4b74ccb56bb7", "entity_id": "Q2132"}
270 |
{"mention": "G Gambhir: India: S C Ganguly, S R Tendulkar, R V Uthappa, { G Gambhir } , R Dravid (capt), Yuvraj Singh, M S Dhoni (wkt), A B Agarkar, R R Powar, Piyush Chawla, Z Khan", "example_id": "fe5450d580aeb2778d97935be490d1cc", "entity_id": "Q2721515"}
271 |
{"mention": "M N Samuels: West Indies: C H Gayle, D S Smith, S Chanderpaul, { M N Samuels } , R R Sarwan (capt), D J Bravo, D Ramdin (wkt), D R Smith, D B L Powell, R Rampaul, F H Edwards", "example_id": "45031a20462207f340e19111e3fe0e4b", "entity_id": "Q3351437"}
272 |
{"mention": "Felipe Contepomi: Argentina struggled to break through the Georgian defence, with { Felipe Contepomi } scoring just two penalties in the first half taking Argentina to a 6-3 lead at half time.", "example_id": "0694a839448c1caa5a011df32f36f515", "entity_id": "Q588193"}
273 |
{"mention": "L J Wright: England: D L Maddy, M J Prior (wkt), { L J Wright } , K P Pietersen, P D Collingwood (capt), A Flintoff, O A Shah, A D Mascarenhas, C P Schofield, S C J Broad, J M Anderson", "example_id": "523fdc369472c4a665f3978300a30bb4", "entity_id": "Q3529926"}
274 |
{"mention": "Carlos Vallejos: We do not want people to panic, what we have to do is be more careful, strengthen our care,\" said { Carlos Vallejos } , the Health Minister of Peru.", "example_id": "e2714bcc681f767737d82c55a50eb0ff", "entity_id": "Q5042741"}
275 |
{"mention": "Pool A: South Africa comprehensively defeated defending world champions England in { Pool A } of the 2007 Rugby World Cup.", "example_id": "3720f2054252a7336144cd35bb3e0c75", "entity_id": "Q2174868"}
276 |
{"mention": "L Vincent: New Zealand: { L Vincent } , B B McCullum (wkt), P G Fulton, R L Taylor, S B Styris, J D P Oram, C D McMillan, D L Vettori (capt), S E Bond, M R Gillespie, C S Martin", "example_id": "edc811e1f90499aafe2a41020c4aeeb3", "entity_id": "Q12072220"}
277 |
{"mention": "S E Bond: New Zealand: L Vincent, B B McCullum (wkt), P G Fulton, R L Taylor, S B Styris, J D P Oram, C D McMillan, D L Vettori (capt), { S E Bond } , M R Gillespie, C S Martin", "example_id": "15435eb2b99db69885e1049e1219fc34", "entity_id": "Q7487985"}
278 |
{"mention": "Namibia: Meanwhile, France comprehensively defeated { Namibia } 87-10 in Pool D. Having made 12 changes to the team that lost to Argentina, the French scored 13 tries in their largest ever win.", "example_id": "07e89f5ca4cf15e0089bfbea000154cd", "entity_id": "Q1248558"}
279 |
{"mention": "Manningtree Station: Yesterday the body of Joanne Coombs, 40, was found in the same location as her daughter Natasha Coombs, 17, who was found dead on a railway line near { Manningtree Station } in Essex, England on August 10.", "example_id": "fea0e990be3fad805fdc0ff811503eea", "entity_id": "Q1938819"}
280 |
{"mention": "Marial Bai: A highlight of the festival was recent Heinz Family Foundation award recipient Dave Eggers discussing with Nigerian poet Chris Abani a slide show of Eggers's trip to { Marial Bai } , Sudan.", "example_id": "70672cb14418485540096c4cfebb900f", "entity_id": "Q3291187"}
281 |
{"mention": "Nadif Chowdhury: Bangladesh:Tamim Iqbal, Junaid Siddique, Aftab Ahmed, Mohammad Ashraful (capt), Shakib Al Hasan, { Nadif Chowdhury } , Mahmudullah, Mushfiqur Rahim (wkt), Mashrafe Mortaza, Syed Rasel, Abdur Razzak", "example_id": "106a71bd47a3df5d1d454a79f2b01500", "entity_id": "Q6957738"}
282 |
{"mention": "Perrier Comedy Award: Other than the British Comedy Awards, British comedy is also awarded in the BAFTAs, the if.comedy award (formally the { Perrier Comedy Award } ), the Chortle Student Comedy Awards and the British Sitcom Guide Awards.", "example_id": "89acafae0e49f5c5b545ba368bd7856b", "entity_id": "Q1284722"}
283 |
{"mention": "AIDS Vaccine Advocacy Coalition: The { AIDS Vaccine Advocacy Coalition } says that while Merck's unsuccessful test is a disappointment, they will continue researching possible vaccines.", "example_id": "f5e1f62c2528ab2bf28014ebbde71433", "entity_id": "Q4651887"}
284 |
{"mention": "The Music of the Primes: He is not only a researcher; he had great success with the popular book \" { The Music of the Primes } \".", "example_id": "71399cea8df703c5f8d51eb27581fc1c", "entity_id": "Q3213006"}
285 |
{"mention": "Adam Ashley-Cooper: Tries from { Adam Ashley-Cooper } and Stephen Hoiles, two from Matt Giteau and a hat trick from D Mitchell won the match for Australia.", "example_id": "7d0edc0a721339d575e8cb7a3469e17a", "entity_id": "Q1409027"}
286 |
{"mention": "Mount Sinai School of Medicine: He is Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the { Mount Sinai School of Medicine } and Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at New York Medical College, where he is also Supervising and Training Analyst.", "example_id": "e6d224f0a9eebc50b705ca495e43df9a", "entity_id": "Q1950740"}
287 |
{"mention": "papyri: The ink on many of these { papyri } had faded to the point that no text at all was visible to the naked eye, yet using state of the art techniques borrowed from satellite imaging, researchers were able to use infra-red light to see the faded ink.", "example_id": "74fcbdca46d4c168c950fdae9f946c64", "entity_id": "Q125576"}
288 |
{"mention": "Northern Hemisphere: Currently, only people living in the { Northern Hemisphere } are able to get a glimpse of the show.", "example_id": "eb5ae8a3b688edc2156666dddd33f6d2", "entity_id": "Q39061"}
289 |
{"mention": "McGill University: Two scientists working at { McGill University } in Canada, reporting on their research and the research of other scientists, state in Scientific American that Vitamin D may have many uses in the human body besides building strong bones.", "example_id": "c79ac97cde602d9118529bdd6c29f9e4", "entity_id": "Q201492"}
290 |
{"mention": "Craig Unger: According to \"Vanity Fair\" contributing editor { Craig Unger } , it is not that Americans do not have these deep-seeded conflicts; it is that they do not remember them and thus have no context in which to see them as they resurface in our political culture.", "example_id": "90020e30008cd4966ba6c4593c8166f9", "entity_id": "Q1138693"}
291 |
{"mention": "News Limited: \"I am deeply, deeply mourning for the victims and for the Australians,\" Mr Komar told \" { News Limited } \".", "example_id": "54a6a06cc47e7efca58da681a6c06d50", "entity_id": "Q3339152"}
292 |
{"mention": "Dulles Airport: After receiving the pardons, the turkeys got a special ride in a three-car motorcade to { Dulles Airport } , which included an array of lights, sirens and police motorcycles.", "example_id": "88ed5c9ba572289de49c7a621856090d", "entity_id": "Q466835"}
293 |
{"mention": "2007 Trophée Eric Bompard: On November 17, 2007, at the { 2007 Trophée Eric Bompard } competition in Paris, France, American pair skaters Tiffany Vise and Derek Trent, a mirror pair team, became the first pair skaters in the world to land a throw quadruple salchow jump.", "example_id": "ade87d4e5ee17090430bf8ed11a1beb5", "entity_id": "Q2037980"}
294 |
{"mention": "Clarence Page: { Clarence Page } , who is one of your critics within the African-American community, wrote a column about it.", "example_id": "5635865246751e48feb87eb7031a12e4", "entity_id": "Q5126691"}
295 |
{"mention": "Lani Guinier: DS: I think it was { Lani Guinier } who used to talk about the problem is the races too afraid to talk to each other about race.", "example_id": "4723725ed66adf1435b9b16fbe4334be", "entity_id": "Q6487034"}
296 |
{"mention": "Heaven's on Fire: And \"Studs and Leather\" is basically \" { Heaven's on Fire } \" (KISS song) meets \"Balls To The Wall\" (Accept song).", "example_id": "978613dded2d599a825a1398adcd3a94", "entity_id": "Q2561526"}
297 |
{"mention": "Darren McFadden: Second in the voting was University of Arkansas running back { Darren McFadden } , who was also the runner-up in the Heisman voting last year.", "example_id": "ed49bd67c8468d0af8a319b52e706332", "entity_id": "Q2555412"}
298 |
{"mention": "Natalia Deeva: Rajeev Bagga and { Natalia Deeva } were named by the jury as \"Deaf Sportsman and Sportswoman of the Year\".", "example_id": "abff697975399e5035c826b615c1fe6d", "entity_id": "Q47164587"}
299 |
{"mention": "Recep Tayyip Erdogan: According to the prime minister of Turkey, { Recep Tayyip Erdogan } , at least 4 people have died in the attack and 52 others have been injured.", "example_id": "33d0bbb6b82eb266f8bf4a61920c832d", "entity_id": "Q39259"}
300 |
{"mention": "Chinese Taipei Cycling Association: The 20th Tour de Taiwan, sponsored by Atunas, organized by { Chinese Taipei Cycling Association } , will be raced on March 9 to 16 from Kaohsiung City through Pingtung, Changhua, Taiching, Hsinchu, and Taipei County, to Taipei City.", "example_id": "7466619f29cb34351440707862bd8f33", "entity_id": "Q5100632"}
301 |
{"mention": "Taipei World Trade Center Nangang Exhibition Hall: For the joint promotion of Taipei Cycle at { Taipei World Trade Center Nangang Exhibition Hall } and TaiSPO at TWTC Hall 1, the 2008 Tour de Taiwan will successively include elimination races around roads of TWTC Nangang and Taipei City Hall.", "example_id": "02056f614d68ec0e3791a4133e1fb1f1", "entity_id": "Q7676326"}
302 |
{"mention": "Kubuntu: KDE 4.0 packages are available for Debian, Fedora, Gentoo, { Kubuntu } , Mandriva and openSUSE.", "example_id": "1f7fc5653853f8bae13aae1bb9b6c7e6", "entity_id": "Q11250"}
303 |
{"mention": "Mickey Mouse Club: Martin had worked at Disneyland as a teenager, and Aguilera was part of the { Mickey Mouse Club } in the 1980s.", "example_id": "0a661f2dcd4061bc5049000ed3b871e4", "entity_id": "Q1070749"}
304 |
{"mention": "Ali Naimi: When asked about the president's call for increased OPEC production, Saudi Oil minister { Ali Naimi } was non-committal.", "example_id": "c4e4378b2f59824a3409d0f21ef86d0b", "entity_id": "Q2067470"}
305 |
{"mention": "The Patriot: He also starred in the 2000 movie \" { The Patriot } \" with Mel Gibson.", "example_id": "143a6800ad8f968738099b6781b9d568", "entity_id": "Q646633"}
306 |
{"mention": "Conservative Party: The opposition Social Democratic Party (PSD) made 350 TV appearances in the past month, followed by the governing Justice and Truth Alliance, with 270 appearances, the Great Romania People's Party, with 59 appearances, the { Conservative Party } with 36 appearances and the Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania, with 24 appearances.", "example_id": "2156ca2708858a34f86111763e0fc984", "entity_id": "Q783621"}
307 |
{"mention": "Taipei World Trade Center: During the fourth day of the 2008 Taipei Game Show, held at the { Taipei World Trade Center } , visitors voted for their favourite participating companies and games at the \"Popular Game Voting\" competition.", "example_id": "e46d2512c73e8d4389ac1f9d2e40164e", "entity_id": "Q700387"}
308 |
{"mention": "Paris: The Pakistani leader has held talks in Brussels, { Paris } , at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland and now in London in an effort which has been seen as an attempt to shore up European support for his government.", "example_id": "1f2cb8b50b96f7bf723900a9642722a7", "entity_id": "Q90"}
309 |
{"mention": "University and College Union: Sally Hunt, general secretary of the { University and College Union } , said, \"We are unsure whether those institutions would be clamoring to accept people with McQualifications,\" using a derogatory term for the program.", "example_id": "32c03ce2ddc9a5d681e22db482b84377", "entity_id": "Q7894986"}
310 |
{"mention": "presidential election: Since 2008 is a { presidential election } year and he has already served the Constitutional maximum of two four year terms, he may not run again.", "example_id": "5e7d580c407ceca179154923fb77eb46", "entity_id": "Q47566"}
311 |
{"mention": "cannabis: In what an officer described as \"one of the largest [seizures] in the force’s 39 year history\", West Midlands Police reported recovering six big cellophane-wrapped cardboard boxes containing { cannabis } , cocaine, and MDMA (\"ecstasy\") in a police raid operation on the Maybrook Industrial Estate in the town on Wednesday.", "example_id": "e568aa9d08c4d2c8680d53d40910b980", "entity_id": "Q2845"}
312 |
{"mention": "Shubenacadie Sam: Nova Scotia's { Shubenacadie Sam } also predicted an early spring.", "example_id": "2cae2a4f6031520ead427d2183c06032", "entity_id": "Q17033916"}
313 |
{"mention": "Massachusetts: Senator John McCain is in Nashville today before he heads to opponent Mitt Romney's home state of { Massachusetts } tomorrow.", "example_id": "6df68d128382a5b617ee7812c007d0c5", "entity_id": "Q771"}
314 |
{"mention": "Andreas Heldal-Lund: To me CoS [Church of Scientology] was then, and still is, a fascistic organization and a real threat to our democratic principles,\" said { Andreas Heldal-Lund } , the creator of \"Operation Clambake\".", "example_id": "68b671fcac48a4a619568833f6fb5c29", "entity_id": "Q4755451"}
315 |
{"mention": "gait score: The study reported that \"27.6 per cent of birds represented by this survey had a { gait score } of three or above.\"", "example_id": "333e996228ceb2c6a3627ac44c744d1f", "entity_id": "Q5517366"}
316 |
{"mention": "Eric Staal: Horton would score his second goal, his 7th goal in the past 7 games, on a penalty shot to put the Panthers up by two goals in the third period, but Carolina scored the lead with three consecutive goals: { Eric Staal } at 5:35, Trevor Letowski two minutes later, and Ray Whitney, the game winner, at 15:39.", "example_id": "7b220101b5af96e197993196a169bd42", "entity_id": "Q446986"}
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1 |
{"mention": "رجب طیب اردوغان: \"نیکولا سارکوزی\" رئیسجمهور فرانسه، \"باراک اوباما\" رئیسجمهور آمریکا، \" { رجب طیب اردوغان } \" نخستوزیر ترکیه، \"دمیتری مدودف\" رئیسجمهور روسیه و \"حامد کرزای\" رئیسجمهور افغانستان به ترتیب در ردههای بعدی قرار گرفتند.", "example_id": "5d5a7fa3343c2c50978ef347793741e0", "entity_id": "Q39259"}
2 |
{"mention": "جولیان آسانژ: در پی انتشار اسناد محرمانه تخلفات آمریکا در جنگ عراق، { جولیان آسانژ } موسس ویکیلیکس با بیان اینکه وزارت دفاع آمریکا (پنتاگون) فعالان این پایگاه را تهدید کرده و به این پایگاه دستور دادهاست، این اطلاعات را از بین ببرد، تاکید کرد: این تهدید و درخواستی غیرعادی است.", "example_id": "7e6a55254109180ecff285b66d21c54d", "entity_id": "Q360"}
3 |
{"mention": "القاعده: ژنرال ریچارد رئیس نیروهای مسلح بریتانیا در مصاحبهای با هفتهنامه ساندی تلگراف اعلام نمود که شبکه { القاعده } شکستناپذیر است.", "example_id": "674dfaacb706371fbe03f74e0b217570", "entity_id": "Q34490"}
4 |
{"mention": "شانگهای: آتشسوزی مهیبی یک آسمانخراش را در شهر { شانگهای } چین نابود کرد.", "example_id": "cbbca858a795194386daf9d9cf8377f6", "entity_id": "Q8686"}
5 |
{"mention": "کلیسای بگرتی: این کمیته چهار منطقه شامل صومعه گلاتی و { کلیسای بگرتی } در گرجستان را به فهرست مناطق تحت خطر این میراث افزود و جزایر گلاپوگوس از این فهرست بیرون آمد.", "example_id": "e270f454aa3c68e501000615ff9c3c89", "entity_id": "Q37222"}
6 |
{"mention": "گرجستان: این کمیته چهار منطقه شامل صومعه گلاتی و کلیسای بگرتی در { گرجستان } را به فهرست مناطق تحت خطر این میراث افزود و جزایر گلاپوگوس از این فهرست بیرون آمد.", "example_id": "facb0af19328f3fa2781ce02474abc0a", "entity_id": "Q230"}
7 |
{"mention": "سکینه محمدی آشتیانی: او با اشاره به بازداشت جاوید هوتن کیان وکیل مدافع { سکینه محمدی آشتیانی } و همچنین ادامه بازداشت نسیرین ستوده گفت که ممکن از دستگیریهای بیشتری در پیش باشد.", "example_id": "67db88c0706a016a02827ada065acbf9", "entity_id": "Q238524"}
8 |
{"mention": "بنگلادش: بهاین ترتیب، { بنگلادش } توانست مدال طلا و افغانستان مدال نقره را برای بازی کریکت مردان آسیا بهدست آورند.", "example_id": "7a77c35e3ea2f0674e0475278bdd77b5", "entity_id": "Q902"}
9 |
{"mention": "فرناز قاضی زاده: مجری ۲ ( { فرناز قاضی زاده } )- همه اینطورن.", "example_id": "92933c9265d33c57265f113378d5f186", "entity_id": "Q462282"}
10 |
{"mention": "رئال مادرید: باشگاه فوتبال بارسلونا در شامگاه ۸ آذر در دیدار ال کلاسیکو مقابل { رئال مادرید } به پیروزی پر گل دست یافت.", "example_id": "48a91246f4063d7586422adbf0e1458f", "entity_id": "Q8682"}
11 |
{"mention": "سرآغاز: به گزارش خبرآنلاین، حضور ستاره « { سرآغاز } » در صدر فهرست پولسازترین بازیگران سال ۲۰۱۰ باعث تعجب نیست؛ نکته عجیب حضور یک بازیگر کمتر شناخته شده در رده دوم این فهرست است.", "example_id": "7601bf9a5f6f3f567d911c550f773b23", "entity_id": "Q25188"}
12 |
{"mention": "خلیج فارس: سیدمسعود میرکاظمی وزیر نفت ایران و رئیس کنونی اوپک در یک نشست خبری، ضمن اعلام خبر کشف میدان گازی خیام در شرق عسلویه و در سواحل { خلیج فارس } ، گفت: «این میدان جدید گازی ۲۶۰ میلیارد مترمکعب ذخیره گاز درجا و ۲۲۰ میلیون بشکه میعانات گازی دارد که بیش از ۸۰ درصد گاز آن قابل برداشت است.»", "example_id": "6d18007aefa00f5f262085b88557ece0", "entity_id": "Q34675"}
13 |
{"mention": "شورای عالی امنیت ملی ایران: سعید جلیلی، دبیر { شورای عالی امنیت ملی ایران } در گفتوگو با هفتهنامه آلمانی اشپيگل با اشاره به مذاکرات آتی ایران با کشورهای گروه ۱+۵ در استانبول گفت: «ما میخواهیم در استانبول به مشکلات بنیادین سیاست جهانی بپردازیم؛ چنان که در گفتوگوهای ژنو ۳، یک توافق مهم داشتیم، یعنی 'مذاکره در استانبول در ماه ژانویه برای همکاری حول نقاط مشترک' و اگر رویکرد آنها مثبت باشد، ظرفیتها و فرصتهای زیادی برای همکاری وجود دارد.»", "example_id": "cdf6fb8090d6a654c568d4b57a6c831e", "entity_id": "Q1551972"}
14 |
{"mention": "جوبا: این نتایج از سوی شماری از مراکز اخذ رای در { جوبا } پایتخت جنوب سودان و پس از بررسی ۸۰۰۰ برگه رای اعلام شدهاست.", "example_id": "797c52e996b24132c0514a4978dd3dd1", "entity_id": "Q1947"}
15 |
{"mention": "اتحاديه اروپا: همچنین كاترين آشتون، رئیس سیاست خارجه { اتحاديه اروپا } نیز با استقبال از روند همهپرسی اظهار داشت: «از طرفهای سودانی میخواهیم با حفظ آرامش خود مسائل را از طریق مذاکرات حل و فصل کنند.»", "example_id": "676e2da080da3b8f705e330a04bf9566", "entity_id": "Q458"}
16 |
{"mention": "مصری: بر پایهٔ گزارشها انقلاب مردم تونس، باعث تاثیرپذیری مردم منطقه شده و کشورهای عربی را با خطرات مشابه مواجه کردهاست، تا جایی که یک جوان { مصری } روز دوشنبه خود را در برابر ساختمان مجلس خلق این کشور در مرکز قاهره در حالی که علیه پلیس شعار میداد، به آتش کشید.", "example_id": "0d6c39fcf5a3b85dcc278c07934e60ea", "entity_id": "Q79"}
17 |
{"mention": "عربی: زبان اکثر مردم تونس، { عربی } و فرانسوی و دین بیشتر آنان اسلام است.", "example_id": "6039a66a03d6dc43301ccb060a824907", "entity_id": "Q13955"}
18 |
{"mention": "خبرگزاری آلمان: به گزارش { خبرگزاری آلمان } ، علت اصلی ظن به جاسوسی دیپلماتهای آمریکا، انتشار اخبار جاسوسی آمریکا در سایت ویکیلیکس بودهاست.", "example_id": "ef751537233259ed9e65ac8a063af4bd", "entity_id": "Q312653"}
19 |
{"mention": "دانمارک: در همین حال در اواخر سال ۲۰۱۰ میلادی گزارشهایی از اقدام آمریکا برای اجرای چنین برنامههایی در نروژ، سوئد و دانمارک منتشر شد، که در پی آن دولتهای { دانمارک } و نروژ خواهان توضیح کامل آمریکا دربارهٔ اینگونه فعالیتهای مخفی و غیرقانونی شدند.", "example_id": "03efbb7530d37eead8dbf5e84690012c", "entity_id": "Q35"}
20 |
{"mention": "هند: زلزلهای به قدرت ۷.۲ ریشتر در یک منطقهٔ دورافتاده در جنوب غربی پاکستان در ایالت بلوچستان، بخش بزرگی از این کشور را لرزانده و به قدری عظیم بوده که در دهلی نو پایخت { هند } و دبی در امارات متحده عربی نیز احساس شدهاست.", "example_id": "c4634859e06eac4bb49b7be11e277526", "entity_id": "Q668"}
21 |
{"mention": "سمیر الرفاعی: به گزارش بیبیسی فارسی، مردم اردن در اعتراض به شرایط بد اقتصادی و فضای بستهٔ سیاسی، به خیابانها آمده و خواستار استعفای { سمیر الرفاعی } ، نخستوزیر و دیگر اعضای حکومت شدهاند.", "example_id": "120fd3d547be8fd57277fdfc0ce9ab9a", "entity_id": "Q467852"}
22 |
{"mention": "اخوانالمسلمین: { اخوانالمسلمین } میگوید ارتش مصر در پی انتشار خبر کنارهگیری حسنی مبارک از قدرت، دست به یک کودتای نظامی زدهاست.", "example_id": "127c05e01e4c1a09a1b7288d29776984", "entity_id": "Q133207"}
23 |
{"mention": "کودتای نظامی: پیش از این نیز، یکی از اعضای ارشد اخوانالمسلمین، نسبت به وقوع { کودتای نظامی } توسط ارتش ابراز نگرانی کرده بود.", "example_id": "21462e5b600f2177aec9414a32603002", "entity_id": "Q45382"}
24 |
{"mention": "عمر سلیمان: این در حالیست که روز گذشته (چهارشنبه) نیز { عمر سلیمان } ، معاون حسنی مبارک در مصاحبهای به طور تلویحی تهدید کرد که در صورت شکست مذاکره با مخالفان، ارتش وارد صحنه خواهد شد و نسبت به وقوع یک کودتای نظامی تهدید کرد.", "example_id": "444c7460986d2797242561ed89cb83f7", "entity_id": "Q223568"}
25 |
{"mention": "شرم الشیخ: حسنی مبارک رهبر ۸۲ سالهٔ مصر، شهر قاهره را به قصد { شرم الشیخ } ، شهری توریستی در کنار دریا�� سرخ، ترک کردهاست.", "example_id": "6faac6a222d7e363d9d39bfd4a5a9ee4", "entity_id": "Q644"}
26 |
{"mention": "حسام بدراوی: در همین حال، { حسام بدراوی } ، دبیرکل حزب دموکراتیک ملی، حزب حاکم مصر گفتهاست که پیش از نطق تلویزیونی آقای مبارک در شامگاه پنجشنبه از این مقام استعفا داده بود.", "example_id": "908566fef0128c56b018f6605a3c287e", "entity_id": "Q981887"}
27 |
{"mention": "مصر: در این بیانیه همچنین آمده که به دنبال تغییرات لازم در قانون اساسی { مصر } ، ارتش تضمین میکند که انتخابات آزاد و عادلانه برگزار کند تا مصر بتواند جامعهای آزاد و دموکراتیک شود.", "example_id": "76741dbcdb084174665c9ed4e87cb2d3", "entity_id": "Q79"}
28 |
{"mention": "شرمالشیخ: او هماکنون در منزل شخصیش در شهر { شرمالشیخ } در سواحل دریای سرخ تحت مراقبت است.", "example_id": "9329e57f40636b7889338a1eb148bf44", "entity_id": "Q644"}
29 |
{"mention": "بازی رایانهای: نخستین { بازی رایانهای } ملی با نام میرمهنا، با حضور وزیر فرهنگ و ارشاد اسلامی، رونمایی شد.", "example_id": "3110431d59e8bbf958ca8b696a37f92e", "entity_id": "Q4485157"}
30 |
{"mention": "تهران: اگرچه سنگال یک ماه پیش اعلام کرده بود که با میانجیگری ترکیه سفیر خود را به { تهران } باز خواهد گرداند، ولی اکنون منابع سنگالی اعلام کردهاند که به روابط دیپلماتیک خود با ایران پایان دادهاند.", "example_id": "0dbe73c8d026f9750c743d36e5910235", "entity_id": "Q3616"}
31 |
{"mention": "مصر: معترضان لیبیایی کنترل شهر طبرق در شرق کشور ۱۴۰ کیلومتری مرز { مصر } را هم به دست آوردند.", "example_id": "1e6f3519ca13b7b7b366b06bd2e9916c", "entity_id": "Q79"}
32 |
{"mention": "فرانکو فراتینی: دیروز ۲۳ ژانویه { فرانکو فراتینی } وزیر امور خارجهٔ ایتالیا گفته بود که بر اساس گزارشهای موثق دستکم هزار نفر از زمان آغاز اعتراضات کشته شدهاند.", "example_id": "eeed54c7a624c5e49a80da3fb2543145", "entity_id": "Q333833"}
33 |
{"mention": "لبنان: بیروت پس از این واقعه نظام لیبی را به ربودن موسی صدر همراهانش متهم کرد و دستگاه قضایی { لبنان } حکم بازداشت قذافی و شش نفر دیگر از مسئولین لیبی را صادر نمود.", "example_id": "9791ad7c97a1b6885323b84ee7d274e8", "entity_id": "Q822"}
34 |
{"mention": "عراق: نخستین آیین جشن جهانی نوروز نیز هفتم فروردین ماه سال ۱۳۸۹ با حضور محمود احمدی نژاد و روسای کشورهای افغانستان، تاجیکستان، { عراق } و ترکمنستان در تهران برگزارشد و علاوه بر این مقامات، معاون نخست وزیر ترکیه، وزیر امورخارجه جمهوری آذربایجان و شماری از سفرای کشورهای خارجی نیز در این جشن حضور داشتند.", "example_id": "121b02cebc21b3a5d688478cc6396339", "entity_id": "Q796"}
35 |
{"mention": "تهران: نخستین آیین جشن جهانی نوروز نیز هفتم فروردین ماه سال ۱۳۸۹ با حضور محمود احمدی نژاد و روسای کشورهای افغانستان، تاجیکستان، عراق و ترکمنستان در { تهران } برگزارشد و علاوه بر این مقامات، معاون نخست وزیر ترکیه، وزیر امورخارجه جمهوری آذربایجان و شماری از سفرای کشورهای خارجی نیز در این جشن حضور داشتند.", "example_id": "5de2fb776d7b9c9e389e8aa360ea1a70", "entity_id": "Q3616"}
36 |
{"mention": "کشتی پشتیبانی و سوختگیری ۳۳ هزار تنی خارک: این ناوگروه که متشکل از { کشتی پشتیبانی و سوختگیری ۳۳ هزار تنی خارک } (ساخت ۱۹۷۶ بریتانیا) و ناوچه ۱۱۰۰ تنی الوند (ساخت ۱۹۷۱ بریتانیا) است با مأموریت آموزشی و آشنایی دانشجویان و کارکنان نیروی دریایی ارتش جمهوری اسلامی ایران می باشد که به سوی بندر لاذقیه در کشور سوریه حرکت می کند.", "example_id": "f068dde6b740038e9e539bda544d879d", "entity_id": "Q6067508"}
37 |
{"mention": "سازمان صنایع هوایی: منوچهر منطقی، مدیرعامل { سازمان صنایع هوایی } درجمع برخی خبرگزاریها در رابطه با هواپیمای ایران ۱۴۰ بیان د��شت که: پرواز آزمایشی هواپیماهای ایران ۱۴۰ با دو پرواز در مسیر تهران-اصفهان آغاز شده و هم اکنون به چهار پرواز رسیدهاست.", "example_id": "ad62c261349c4c3960aba27923c2068f", "entity_id": "Q4203070"}
38 |
{"mention": "احمد توکلی: زیباکلام با اشاره به طیفهای مختلف اصولگرایان و قرار دادن افرادی چون آیت الله جوادی آملی، { احمد توکلی } ،علی مطهری،عباس شیبانی، حبیب الله عسگر اولادی و حسین الله کرم در این طیفها، در تقسیم اصولگرایان به طیف رادیکال و سنتی، مشایی را متعلق به هیچیک از اینها ندانست.", "example_id": "2aad82daf24ad0943a8be2ccc26d36cf", "entity_id": "Q4164150"}
39 |
{"mention": "مصر: بهگفتهٔ بان کی مون در جریان رخدادهای اخیر لیبی، بیش از ۱۰۰۰ نفر از مردم لیبی کشته شدهاند، ۲۲هزار نفر به تونس پناه بردهاند و ۱۵هزار نفر دیگر به { مصر } گریختهاند.", "example_id": "76d63202ad43ff72312d7cb03b4e08dd", "entity_id": "Q79"}
40 |
{"mention": "علیمحمد دستغیب: روز یکشنبه یوسف صانعی، { علیمحمد دستغیب } و اسدالله بیات زنجانی، از مراجع تقلید منتقد حکومت ایران، در بیانیههای جداگانهای به بازداشت موسوی، کروبی و همسرانشان اعتراض کرده بودند و خواستار خروج بدون قید و شرط آنها از حصر شدهبودند.", "example_id": "488aa09bdd6738e977e61aaec131dfec", "entity_id": "Q4725034"}
41 |
{"mention": "اسدالله بیات زنجانی: روز یکشنبه یوسف صانعی، علیمحمد دستغیب و { اسدالله بیات زنجانی } ، از مراجع تقلید منتقد حکومت ایران، در بیانیههای جداگانهای به بازداشت موسوی، کروبی و همسرانشان اعتراض کرده بودند و خواستار خروج بدون قید و شرط آنها از حصر شدهبودند.", "example_id": "bea306c7fe54de9046fd76eead26032c", "entity_id": "Q4803279"}
42 |
{"mention": "زاگرس: بررسی تصاویر ماهوارهای نشان میدهد؛ وسعت جنگلهای { زاگرس } مرکزی از حدود ۳۶۰ هزار هکتار در سال ۱۹۷۵ به ۲۶۳ هزار هکتار در سال ۲۰۰۷ کاهش یافته است.", "example_id": "d8e20b7285b856265abaa6e644d4b768", "entity_id": "Q167021"}
43 |
{"mention": "سرتیپ علی فضلی: { سرتیپ علی فضلی } ، جانشین فرمانده سازمان بسیج مستضعفین، حوادث ۱۴ خرداد ۸۹ را «حادثه تلخ و غیرالهی» خواند.", "example_id": "130ed712bccf49fe95f02231400c838a", "entity_id": "Q5945419"}
44 |
{"mention": "جایزه صلح نوبل: شیرین عبادی، فعال ایرانی حقوق بشر و برنده { جایزه صلح نوبل } ، ابراز اطمینان کردهاست که به دلیل سرکوب شدید معترضان و نیز وضعیت اقتصادی «وخیم» در ایران، به زودی موج قیامهای مردمی که چند کشور عربی را فراگرفتهاست، ایران را نیز در برخواهد گرفت.", "example_id": "f1d91320c1f19d6ad551ac5899b4ce24", "entity_id": "Q35637"}
45 |
{"mention": "ریشتری: زلزلهای ۸٫۹ { ریشتری } شرق ژاپن را در ۱۴:۴۶ بعد از ظهر لرزاند.", "example_id": "4481c0400ae7a600757ea289de81b2d6", "entity_id": "Q38768"}
46 |
{"mention": "ژاپن: زلزلهای ۸٫۹ ریشتری شرق { ژاپن } را در ۱۴:۴۶ بعد از ظهر لرزاند.", "example_id": "76c3a6727575da15c5ad3d866418aca4", "entity_id": "Q17"}
47 |
{"mention": "چهارشنبهسوری: واکنش منفی و هشدار چند مقام قضایی و انتظامی در شهرهای مختلف ایران با هشدار نسبت به برگزاری تجمعات روز سهشنبه آخر سال و تهدید به «برخورد شدید» با این تجمعات در ایران در حالی صورت میگیرد که مخالفان دولت در ایران، خود را برای برگزاری تظاهراتی دیگر در روز سهشنبه ۲۴ اسفند، همزمان با مراسم « { چهارشنبهسوری } »، آماده میکنند.", "example_id": "a7e64310686497914db8f9ee768323b6", "entity_id": "Q2372493"}
48 |
{"mention": "داریوش آشوری: گزارش الحاقی به این نامه توسط شیرین عبادی، برنده جایزه صلح نوبل و عبدالکریم لاهیجی، نایب رئیس فدراسیون بینالمللی حقوق بشر آماده شده و هاله افشار، { داریوش آشوری } ، یرواند ��براهامیان، مهرداد درویشپور، علی میرسپاسی، حسن شریعتمداری و چند تن از استادان خارجی دانشگاههای دنیا، از امضاکنندگان این نامه، هستند.", "example_id": "fd409ca4c6de6b6edba55b606d188ac5", "entity_id": "Q3016686"}
49 |
{"mention": "بنیاد موزیلا: نسخهٔ آزمایشی جدیدترین ویرایش (نسخهٔ چهارم) مرورگر مویلا فایرفاکس، ۱۸ مارس ۲۰۱۱ در وبگاه { بنیاد موزیلا } برای بارگیری رایگان ارائه شد.", "example_id": "dd1a411221edd9a32b09536c24e32f0e", "entity_id": "Q55672"}
50 |
{"mention": "موشک کروز: حملات هوایی نیروهای ائتلافی پس از جلسه روز شنبه در پاریس آغاز شد ابتدا جتهای فرانسوی وارد لیبی شدند و سپس ایالات متحده آمریکا با ۱۱۰ { موشک کروز } ۲۰ مقر دفاعی لیبی را بمباران کرد.", "example_id": "66d3217ff7a69591cbc6914ad78e3aaf", "entity_id": "Q181860"}
51 |
{"mention": "فدراسیون روسیه: رقابت های جام جهانی کشتی آزاد ۲۰۱۱ در سالن علی علیاف کاپیسک در ۱۴ کیلومتری شهر ماخاچ قلعه پایتخت جمهوری داغستان در { فدراسیون روسیه } و با حضور ده تیم برتر دنیا برگزار میشود.", "example_id": "27653babf1f41cb191173b686fbd85ad", "entity_id": "Q159"}
52 |
{"mention": "فدراسیون روسیه: رقابتهای جام جهانی کشتی آزاد ۲۰۱۱ در سالن علی علیاف کاپیسک در ۱۴ کیلومتری شهر ماخاچ قلعه پایتخت جمهوری داغستان در { فدراسیون روسیه } و با حضور ده تیم برتر دنیا برگزار میشود.", "example_id": "16c83a040a36b2b46b25d73c3029cbc9", "entity_id": "Q159"}
53 |
{"mention": "سرطان پانکراس: گفته میشود علت فوت وی عدم رسیدگی پزشکی نسبت به بیماری { سرطان پانکراس } بوده است.", "example_id": "acdca2ca9ca1ee87d7cdf45adf9b540d", "entity_id": "Q212961"}
54 |
{"mention": "قاضی صلواتی: قاضی پرونده وی { قاضی صلواتی } بوده است.", "example_id": "67764efd2ff058d253071bb479fcab6b", "entity_id": "Q5963260"}
55 |
{"mention": "دیوید کامرون: باراک اوباما، { دیوید کامرون } و نیکولا سارکوزی گفتهاند که باقیماندن معمر قذافی در آینده سیاسی لیبی، خیانتی بزرگ به مردم این کشور خواهد بود.", "example_id": "0827bb6505929427cdbdb30938639362", "entity_id": "Q192"}
56 |
{"mention": "بریتانیا: رهبران ایالات متحده آمریکا، { بریتانیا } و فرانسه این موضع را با چاپ مقالهای در صفحه ستون آزاد روزنامههای اینترنشنال هرالد تریبیون، فاینانشیال تایمز و فیگارو اعلام کردهاند.", "example_id": "7b01fb0338e45310eb706c1033929c3a", "entity_id": "Q145"}
57 |
{"mention": "اینترنشنال هرالد تریبیون: رهبران ایالات متحده آمریکا، بریتانیا و فرانسه این موضع را با چاپ مقالهای در صفحه ستون آزاد روزنامههای { اینترنشنال هرالد تریبیون } ، فاینانشیال تایمز و فیگارو اعلام کردهاند.", "example_id": "2c054a3b1d197179a3bb60a9b11a0084", "entity_id": "Q678086"}
58 |
{"mention": "تهران: بیژن پاکزاد که با نام تجاری بیژن بیشتر شناخته میشود، متولد سال ۱۳۲۳ در { تهران } بود و از سال ۱۳۵۲ به آمریکا مهاجرت کرده بود.", "example_id": "505f15f01a68b60e04052b734e91d650", "entity_id": "Q3616"}
59 |
{"mention": "آرنولد شوارزنگر: افرادی چون باراک اوباما، جورج دبلیو بوش، { آرنولد شوارزنگر } ، رضا پهلوی، رونالد ریگان، ولادیمیر پوتین و بسیاری دیگر از شخصیتهای سیاسی و هنری جهان از مشتریان بوتیک وی بودند.", "example_id": "3da3a6b5b9f25b35a407b444a7d002af", "entity_id": "Q2685"}
60 |
{"mention": "جانباز: به گفته برخی رسانه ها وی { جانباز } بوده و در اعتراض به بیکاری و عدم تمایل نمایندگان تهران خودسوزی کرده است.", "example_id": "0903eb0839b62405c78ca310692766b1", "entity_id": "Q22947771"}
61 |
{"mention": "اتحادیهٔ اروپا: { اتحادیهٔ اروپا } سه تن از اعضای ارشد سپاه پاسداران جمهوری اسلامی ایران را بهاتهام کمک به رژیم سوریه در سرکوب مردم معترض سوریه در جریانات اعتراضات اخیر مردم سوریه تحریم کرد.", "example_id": "62886c452b603ec079d78f08559c64a6", "entity_id": "Q458"}
62 |
{"mention": "مصر: علاوه بر اینها یک ماه قبل مقامهای بانک جهانی گفته بودند که برای کمک به پیشرفت اقتصادی و سرعتگرفتن روند تغییر در کشورهای { مصر } و تونس میخواهند ۶ میلیارد دلار وقف کمک به این کشورها کنند.", "example_id": "61b484d85291b15927f6049f910e481a", "entity_id": "Q79"}
63 |
{"mention": "بانک جهانی: سمیر ردوان، وزیر امور دارایی مصر طی سخنرانیای گفت که مصر دیگر در جستجوی دریافت وام و کمک از صندوق بینالمللی پول و { بانک جهانی } نیست، این تصمیم در حالی صورت میگیرد که کمتر از یک ماه قبل، مقامهای رسمی مصری با صندوق بینالمللی پول برای گرفتن ۳ میلیارد دلار کمک پولی و مالی به توافق رسیده بودند.", "example_id": "181cadfb060b1ad9a882dc92c217fdf8", "entity_id": "Q7164"}
64 |
{"mention": "مصر: حسنی مبارک رئیس جمهور سابق { مصر } با برانکارد به دادگاه منتقل شد و در محل استقرار متهمان که به یک قفس شباهت دارد حضور یافت.", "example_id": "d7feb6992aed691692fc632bc8336533", "entity_id": "Q79"}
65 |
{"mention": "شرمالشیخ: مبارک ۸۲ ساله از زمان ترک قدرت به همراه خانوادهاش در ویلایی شخصی در { شرمالشیخ } زندگی میکنند.", "example_id": "a47703b13fe2bdc86bcb6505e588e35c", "entity_id": "Q644"}
66 |
{"mention": "اتحادیهٔ اروپا: سرگی لاوروف، وزیر امور خارجهٔ فدراسیون روسیه، تحریمهای نفتی { اتحادیهٔ اروپا } بر ضد سوریه را محکوم کردهاست.", "example_id": "ce9dfb6039a3783fc5d6f7a75cf0fdab", "entity_id": "Q458"}
67 |
{"mention": "فیسبوک: ظاهرا این هکرها با این شگرد، سرور و کامپیوترهای کاربرانی را فریب میدادند که به سایتهای قابل اعتماد و شناخته شدهای همانند گوگل، یاهو، { فیسبوک } و اسکایپ مراجعه کردهاند.", "example_id": "b7004fdd3b746d1c0b2894f1f490a953", "entity_id": "Q355"}
68 |
{"mention": "اندونزی: پس از پیروزی ۳-۰ ایران مقابل { اندونزی } در تهران، تیم ملی در دومین بازی خود در ورزشگاه السد دوحه مقابل قطر به تساوی ۱-۱ دست یافت.", "example_id": "bafbd274498b0139b75aea0cb351094b", "entity_id": "Q657451"}
69 |
{"mention": "تهران: پس از پیروزی ۳-۰ ایران مقابل اندونزی در { تهران } ، تیم ملی در دومین بازی خود در ورزشگاه السد دوحه مقابل قطر به تساوی ۱-۱ دست یافت.", "example_id": "fb3106c67e90e0f320a0f8d8327994cb", "entity_id": "Q3616"}
70 |
{"mention": "ورزشگاه السد دوحه: پس از پیروزی ۳-۰ ایران مقابل اندونزی در تهران، تیم ملی در دومین بازی خود در { ورزشگاه السد دوحه } مقابل قطر به تساوی ۱-۱ دست یافت.", "example_id": "3e8799beebee2a3560d4cf45411090dc", "entity_id": "Q1073161"}
71 |
{"mention": "اینترپل: { اینترپل } ، حکم جلب معمر قذافی، فرزندش سیفالاسلام و همچنین عبدالله السنوسی، وزیر اطلاعات سابق لیبی را صادر کرد.", "example_id": "b2673a6cb33cf55ddb756dff8b842985", "entity_id": "Q8475"}
72 |
{"mention": "رئال مادرید: در این بازی پویول و آبیدال در دقایق ۴۹ و ۷۷ برای بارسلونا گل زدند و تنها گل { رئال مادرید } را رونالدو در دقیقه ۱۱ به ثمر رساند.", "example_id": "7d5bb386e901f23c96e3575cd24a55ed", "entity_id": "Q8682"}
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The diff for this file is too large to render.
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The diff for this file is too large to render.
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1 |
{"mention": "Ludwigshafen: Siedzibą przedsiębiorstwa także po zmianie formy prawnej ma pozostać { Ludwigshafen } .", "example_id": "7ede5537cd5cc657e2680ab8e7b209ce", "entity_id": "Q2910"}
2 |
{"mention": "traktatów rzymskich: W pięćdziesiątą rocznicę podpisania { traktatów rzymskich } przywódcy Unii Europejskiej przyjęli Deklarację Berlińską, która wyznaczyła nowe zadanie na przyszłość, oraz podkreśliła wartości łączące wspólnotę krajów członkowskich.", "example_id": "60bd52d347795e24ca12e453e25e3065", "entity_id": "Q167457"}
3 |
{"mention": "Konrad Kornatowski: Nad grobami Bartłomieja Kuleszy i Wiktora Będkowskiego przemawiał komendant { Konrad Kornatowski } . - Wasze rodziny i wasze kochane dzieci zostaną otoczone opieką przez polską policję – obiecał.", "example_id": "7d3bb1f1f0961792cdfb19ee28ffbc3b", "entity_id": "Q6429734"}
4 |
{"mention": "oświadczenia lustracyjne: Osoby powoływane na stanowiska przez prezydenta muszą złożyć { oświadczenia lustracyjne } .", "example_id": "34267d3a156160c89c0a03dd1b243725", "entity_id": "Q14614313"}
5 |
{"mention": "DHL-Author: Drugi na metę wpadł Jarosław Zarębski (Action-Uniqa), trzeci Marcin Gębka z { DHL-Author } .", "example_id": "fd96515ab1e8c3e73038b6f6e0b53c92", "entity_id": "Q638989"}
6 |
{"mention": "Darłowo: W środę, 2 maja na przejeździe kolejowym w pobliżu stacji kolejowej { Darłowo } doszło do kolejnego w ostatnich tygodniach wypadku.", "example_id": "8acaf04e0489258e2a99e71be6f3c898", "entity_id": "Q497138"}
7 |
{"mention": "Marek Wesoły: Zieloną koszulkę najlepszego górala podczas dzisiejszego etapu wywalczył Marek Rutkiewicz, a najaktywniejszym kolarzem został { Marek Wesoły } .", "example_id": "087a675e7ca5d993ddaa837ba454ca1f", "entity_id": "Q239621"}
8 |
{"mention": "Goniwilk: Na początku marca 2007 roku burmistrz Żelechowa Leonard Gula wystąpił z propozycją utworzenia w gminie Żelechów trzech zespołów szkół we wsiach: { Goniwilk } , Kębłów i Stefanów.", "example_id": "40258f197f46de6647ef551ec8b61b2a", "entity_id": "Q9079645"}
9 |
{"mention": "Adam Jamróz: Poinformował, że Marian Grzybowski i { Adam Jamróz } , sędziowie Trybunału Konstytucyjnego, zostali zarejestrowani przez SB jako kontakty operacyjne I departamentu MSW.", "example_id": "bfbe8bcf4b35a8636b2d0fb525aad162", "entity_id": "Q9139689"}
10 |
{"mention": "Parada Schumana: 12 maja, ulicami Warszawy przeszła { Parada Schumana } .", "example_id": "82374adb1131868a4cccf6950b394a7d", "entity_id": "Q11802969"}
11 |
{"mention": "Kamiennej: Po intensywnych opadach wezbrała woda w rzeczce Modła i w { Kamiennej } .", "example_id": "6ab019c3407ee32a00159ffd9a625c8e", "entity_id": "Q1477204"}
12 |
{"mention": "Marek Wesoły: Na tej też podstawie wyłoniono najaktywniejszych kolarzy a są to: Kazimierz Stafiej z grupy DHL-Author, { Marek Wesoły } CCC Polsat Polkowice i Marcin Gębka Dynatek.", "example_id": "ead703ea56d5a4ca6c722c5e21795f3a", "entity_id": "Q239621"}
13 |
{"mention": "GNOME: W dystrubucji zastosowany jest lekki, mało popularny (w stosunku do najpopularniejszych, KDE i { GNOME } ) menedżer okien IceWM, dzięki któremu może działać wydajniej na starszych komputerach.", "example_id": "1af6a19c27abef9139a3f9153f38810c", "entity_id": "Q44316"}
14 |
{"mention": "Szymon Ziółkowski: Po raz 10. mistrzem Polski w rzucie młotem został { Szymon Ziółkowski } , natomiast Krystyna Zabawska po raz 15. została mistrzynią Polski w pchnięciu kulą.", "example_id": "57685ba9ece355bc6b74e0779fe9e8fd", "entity_id": "Q434933"}
15 |
{"mention": "Zbigniewem Ziobro: Łapiński zapytany o to dlaczego ujawnił nazwisko zatrzymanego powiedział, że rozmawiał w tej sprawie ze { Zbigniewem Ziobro } i nazwisko może podać ponieważ nie postawiono Piłce jeszcze zarzutów.", "example_id": "1a8cf94dfa9a5034ae035ec3d51e5b52", "entity_id": "Q159472"}
16 |
{"mention": "Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz: Prezydent Warszawy, { Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz } powiedziała, że nie widzi przesłanek do przerwania protestu pielęgniarek.", "example_id": "d684a79a675b2a5abf4c00f78c904064", "entity_id": "Q271902"}
17 |
{"mention": "Ryszard Czarnecki: \"Część posłów Samoobrony na pewno nie wyjdzie z koalicji\" - stwierdził { Ryszard Czarnecki } , dodając, że nawet niektórzy z tych, którzy odejdą w niedługim czasie i tak wrócą do Samoobrony. .", "example_id": "23e1c476a2f872e2c5652bd84163df43", "entity_id": "Q253793"}
18 |
{"mention": "Skrzydlów: Jarosław Kaczyński wydał polecenie uruchomienia dla mieszkańców wsi takich jak: Huby, Adamów i { Skrzydlów } (gmina Kłomnice) oraz w czterech okolicznych gminach w powiecie częstochowskim, gdzie trąba powietrzna wyrządziła mniejsze szkody, rezerwy celowej na doraźna pomoc dla mieszkańców.", "example_id": "e8dc7c9ec5fb06ced4393dc5633f7ca3", "entity_id": "Q7536730"}
19 |
{"mention": "Konrada Kornatowskiego: Kontrola została przeprowadzona na zlecenie { Konrada Kornatowskiego } , Komendanta Głównego Policji po tym jak rodzina Małgorzaty oskarżyła policję o opieszałość w poszukiwaniach.", "example_id": "12c5a74388627e0570405f95d930c008", "entity_id": "Q6429734"}
20 |
{"mention": "Tomasz Dudziński: Informację o nominacji Mojzesowicza potwierdził { Tomasz Dudziński } z PiS na specjalnej konferencji prasowej.", "example_id": "6f3e37bbdd653deeb77765164ca57407", "entity_id": "Q382657"}
21 |
{"mention": "Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz: Podczas uroczystego złożenia wieńców pod pomnikiem Polskiego Państwa Podziemnego i Armii Krajowej prezydent Warszawy { Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz } powiedziała, że miejsce to symbolizuje trud cywilnej walki, \"krew dramatycznej przegranej i radość zwycięstwa.", "example_id": "0610933c0219da35f8fdf493a7fad421", "entity_id": "Q271902"}
22 |
{"mention": "Barbara Morgan: Kelly'ego, wśród których jest 56 letnia nauczycielka { Barbara Morgan } , która była dublerką czyli rezerwową kandydatką na członka załogi wahadłowca Challenger i trenowała razem z koleżanką, Christą McAuliffe.", "example_id": "2931b2325cec801dc39254a4b64ec61d", "entity_id": "Q235047"}
23 |
{"mention": "Płociczno-Osiedle: Propozycja ministerstwa środowiska dotyczyła kilku wsi ( { Płociczno-Osiedle } , Płociczno, Gawrych Ruda i Sobolewo).", "example_id": "8a387da90ee49ba0a5d5df91ad70ddf9", "entity_id": "Q5617159"}
24 |
{"mention": "Andrzej Błasik: { Andrzej Błasik } , jako jedyny zaproponowany do stopnia generała broni, natomiast na stopień generała dywizji p.o. szef Biura Bezpieczeństwa Narodowego gen. bryg.", "example_id": "085e2a17d1aa90b036c6300633ae2911", "entity_id": "Q514800"}
25 |
{"mention": "Liga Polskich Rodzin: { Liga Polskich Rodzin } i Samoobrona zaapelowały, aby rząd podjął decyzję o wycofaniu polskich wojsk z Afganistanu i Iraku.", "example_id": "92cad3ab1438c5eaaa682abf26cedade", "entity_id": "Q687574"}
26 |
{"mention": "Mateusz Piskorski: Rzecznik Samoobrony { Mateusz Piskorski } stwierdził, że \"żaden kolejny kontyngent nie może wyjechać ani do Afganistanu, ani do Iraku\".", "example_id": "f9596a718c6130edaa3276a07b6010bb", "entity_id": "Q3298486"}
27 |
{"mention": "Zbigniewa Ziobry: Zapewnia też, że po powrocie z urlopu we Włoszech ujawni rolę { Zbigniewa Ziobry } w śledztwie w sprawie seksafery.", "example_id": "40899013c4228b9dc2cb3f773ca15bca", "entity_id": "Q159472"}
28 |
{"mention": "TVN: Było to 23. czerwca w szatni klubu piłkarskiego Legii przed meczem gwiazdy { TVN } kontra Sejm.", "example_id": "c5538fd3dd90e91745d676aa1f2b51e3", "entity_id": "Q476608"}
29 |
{"mention": "PESEL: Posłowie odrzucili zmianę, zobowiązującą lekarzy do wypisywania na recepcie numeru { PESEL } pacjenta.", "example_id": "f2a28d0086958f02e9600b89fb7f900d", "entity_id": "Q3848361"}
30 |
{"mention": "Ceramica Flaminia: W wyścigu wezmą udział wszystkie ekipy Pro Tour oraz polska grupa Action-Uniqa, a także włoska { Ceramica Flaminia } .", "example_id": "0a2d6fdc667433d9a53be4b10cc4481b", "entity_id": "Q970784"}
31 |
{"mention": "Władimirze Gusiewie: Największe oparcie \"Popo\" będzie miał w Rosjaninie { Władimirze Gusiewie } .", "example_id": "ace6d634876de3272873bf8d675138bf", "entity_id": "Q445289"}
32 |
{"mention": "Zbigniewa Ziobro: Większość sejmowej opozycji żąda odwołania ze stanowiska ministra sprawiedliwości { Zbigniewa Ziobro } .", "example_id": "a83c96f8e6532d3c19ba8e12f95a4c4f", "entity_id": "Q159472"}
33 |
{"mention": "ISOC Polska:: Piotr Waglowski, prawnik zajmujący się problemami społeczeństwa informacyjnego, napisał wczoraj na liście dyskusyjnej { ISOC Polska: }", "example_id": "a81fb854572a9332f6fa78c9bffa1f6c", "entity_id": "Q11713437"}
34 |
{"mention": "Konrada Kornatowskiego: Zgromadzeni chcą zademonstrować przeciw, jak mówią, \"bezprawnemu zatrzymaniu\" Janusza Kaczmarka, { Konrada Kornatowskiego } i Jaromira Netzela.", "example_id": "043b571a492770dc7e18ae50aec57a64", "entity_id": "Q6429734"}
35 |
{"mention": "Getafe CF: Wśród potencjalnych rywali Groclinu były zespoły RC Lens, Tottenham Hotspur, Dynama Bukareszt, { Getafe CF } oraz Crveny Zvezdy Belgrad.", "example_id": "5f027565448807a2fabeda4cad4824a7", "entity_id": "Q8806"}
36 |
{"mention": "Stowarzyszenie Wikimedia Polska: { Stowarzyszenie Wikimedia Polska } na organizację spotkania w Krakowie przeznaczyło 200 złotych oraz zapowiedziało możliwe wsparcie finansowe dalszych imprez urodzinowych.", "example_id": "62b04f97a3bdaf5e029b9470cc1be49b", "entity_id": "Q9346299"}
37 |
{"mention": "Kornatowskiego: Spektakularne zatrzymanie Kaczmarka, { Kornatowskiego } i Netzla oraz zarzuty wobec Ryszada Krazuego - to temat, który zdominował wydarzenia minionych dni.", "example_id": "a2fe582da15f46a872194073b0013f3c", "entity_id": "Q6429734"}
38 |
{"mention": "BRE Bank: Jako przykład Radio Zet podaje, że 18 stycznia KNB zgodziła się na przejęcie przez { BRE Bank } Banku Częstochowa, a trzy dni później BRE Bank wpłacił na CASE ponad 40 tysięcy złotych.", "example_id": "d44e94f2b846a7039e20e4da6e5cfd31", "entity_id": "Q1160928"}
39 |
{"mention": "Konrad Kornatowski: Senator Maciej Płażyński, przewodniczący Rady Fundacji PZU twierdzi, że o pieniądze wnioskował { Konrad Kornatowski } , szef KGP, a wniosek - ze względu na wysokość sumy - poparł Jaromir Netzel, prezes PZU.", "example_id": "f344c79c4c466fc0876095da69861af9", "entity_id": "Q6429734"}
40 |
{"mention": "Łukasz Bodnar: Ciekawe czy któryś z kolarzy odważy się zaryzykować jak { Łukasz Bodnar } podczas poniedziałkowego etapu i będzie przez dużą część trasy witał kibiców przed peletonem, a może w końcu uda się uciekinierowi wygrać cały etap?", "example_id": "bd05291b407e457ea21c4ecdeac29d49", "entity_id": "Q345550"}
41 |
{"mention": "Barbara Tatara: { Barbara Tatara } zdobyła w sobotę tytuł Miss Polonia 2007. 23-letnia zwyciężczyni pochodzi z Łodzi.", "example_id": "1a2708beee847878601b5c3b3e7e57b8", "entity_id": "Q9165622"}
42 |
{"mention": "Bartosz Huzarski: W grupce tej jechał Polak { Bartosz Huzarski } (Action-Uniqa).", "example_id": "a4423580e1b12213a6b204650a7b42db", "entity_id": "Q809568"}
43 |
{"mention": "Kornatowskim: Właściciel firmy Prokom Software SA był, czwartą po Netzelu, Kaczmarku i { Kornatowskim } osobą, którą chciała przesłuchać prokuratura.", "example_id": "1432c41ce8238a490b0074f43edff0e9", "entity_id": "Q6429734"}
44 |
{"mention": "Wojciech Wierzejski: Jak podaje \"Wprost\" Roman Giertych i { Wojciech Wierzejski } mogą niebawem usłyszeć zarzuty w sprawie Wielkopolskiego Banku Rolniczego.", "example_id": "889aa9dcd51d020387dea9e42de753b0", "entity_id": "Q714082"}
45 |
{"mention": "Wojciech Popiela: Zniesienie podatku PIT sprawi, że szanse przedsiębiorców staną się podobne do szans, jakie mają firmy najlepiej rozwijających się państw Europy\"\" - stwierdził Prezes UPR { Wojciech Popiela } .", "example_id": "06509984e0c9cc77f942f95743bd13b8", "entity_id": "Q9376779"}
46 |
{"mention": "\"Trybunę\": Firma odpowiedzialna za kampanię LiD zaproponowała, by { \"Trybunę\" } i \"Przegląd\" zamknąć, a na ich bazie stworzyć nowy lewicowy tygodnik - napisano w \"Dzienniku\".", "example_id": "9e37ae497c967cc34b1cec0e3e1e87e0", "entity_id": "Q1428213"}
47 |
{"mention": "Michał Tober: Jedyną szansą dla \"Trybuny\" byłby chyba cud” - powiedział „Dziennikowi” poseł SLD { Michał Tober } .", "example_id": "a79cbe8f2f9bd13afb1bf7eda766be61", "entity_id": "Q6836071"}
48 |
{"mention": "Barbary Blidy: Wojciech Olejniczak oskarżył bowiem Leppera o śmierć { Barbary Blidy } : „Blida zginęła dlatego, że Andrzej Lepper był w rządzie i na to wszystko pozwalał”.", "example_id": "da15faa7cb6b0c0a6ca62fd344e1c731", "entity_id": "Q462233"}
49 |
{"mention": "Óscara Pereiro Sio: Po zawieszeniu Floyda Landisa (19 września 2007) na dwa lata i odebraniu mu zwycięstwa w Tour de France z 2006 roku, UCI ogłosiło nowego zwycięzcę { Óscara Pereiro Sio } , który na mecie w Paryżu był drugi.", "example_id": "4b90048e39d9532e251314e5dc31a49e", "entity_id": "Q132049"}
50 |
{"mention": "33 Bazie Lotniczej: Manewry zaplanowano na okres 17 - 28 września, a uczestniczące w nich samoloty stacjonują w { 33 Bazie Lotniczej } w Powidzu.", "example_id": "c8afe83b54f055d36b055c2d41fdfc13", "entity_id": "Q16483621"}
51 |
{"mention": "Aung San Suu Kyi: Zdementowane zostały również informacje o uwięzieniu w Insein { Aung San Suu Kyi } , laureatki Pokojowej Nagrody Nobla (1991).", "example_id": "b3dc6a2c25812c799a3478715e003191", "entity_id": "Q36740"}
52 |
{"mention": "Hanny Gronkiewicz-Waltz: Według { Hanny Gronkiewicz-Waltz } , prezydent stolicy, śledztwo w sprawie kodeksu etyki dla urzędników warszawskiego ratusza to typowe szykanowanie.", "example_id": "3e908cd1d0d17336d77aded5858cc8cd", "entity_id": "Q271902"}
53 |
{"mention": "Tomasz Dudziński: \"To będzie spór, czy dalej budujemy IV RP, czy też Polacy chcą sobie zafundować powrót do III RP, gdzie dominuje prywata i korupcja\" - powiedział { Tomasz Dudziński } (PiS).", "example_id": "78afa0337815a32621214d919a7e4908", "entity_id": "Q382657"}
54 |
{"mention": "Bolesław Piecha: W negocjacjach brał udział wiceminister zdrowia { Bolesław Piecha } .", "example_id": "a7449fb412a7d00d9496a6cc70a7a24b", "entity_id": "Q4939261"}
55 |
{"mention": "Krajewo-Korytki: Zdarzenie miało miejsce niedaleko miejscowości { Krajewo-Korytki } koło Zambrowa w województwie podlaskim.", "example_id": "3a02db158810466345f750f9743ab3c7", "entity_id": "Q6435870"}
56 |
{"mention": "Wojciech Popiela: Składka ZUS dla osoby samozatrudniającej się w Anglii wynosi w przeliczeniu na złotówki 40 zł W skali roku jest to 500 zł, czyli dużo mniej niż w Polsce, gdzie miesięczna składka ZUS, to wydatek 800 zł\" – przekonywał na konferencji prasowej w Sejmie prezes UPR { Wojciech Popiela } .", "example_id": "48d1232f72cc41f6f9f96b8a7dc9c49b", "entity_id": "Q9376779"}
57 |
{"mention": "Gopher: Istniało kilka systemów hipertekstu: Microcosm, Hyper-G, { Gopher } a nawet Xanadu.", "example_id": "e7295acc20bc1282245d5d067f98a71f", "entity_id": "Q322654"}
58 |
{"mention": "nawozów sztucznych: Efekty tych badań już zostały wykorzystane w przemyśle chemicznym przy produkcji ogniw paliwowych, { nawozów sztucznych } czy też katalizatorów do samochodów.", "example_id": "094a1302d28efa06cc9999948bf01914", "entity_id": "Q3054313"}
59 |
{"mention": "Waldemar Dubaniowski: Na pewno nie zrezygnujemy z wykorzystywania prezydenta Kwaśniewskiego w kampanii\" – powiedział { Waldemar Dubaniowski } .", "example_id": "8006f039e5c39fcaaad2f94ba16882db", "entity_id": "Q7961402"}
60 |
{"mention": "Teheranie: Wobec informacji prasowanych, według których prezydentowi Rosji groził zamach terrorystyczny w { Teheranie } , wszystko wskazuje na to, że Władimir Putin szczęśliwie wylądował w stolicy Iranu.", "example_id": "cc2362860450948bdeccb47cb8e3dbb1", "entity_id": "Q3616"}
61 |
{"mention": "Agencja Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego: { Agencja Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego } pod koniec sierpnia, na wniosek warszawskiej prokuratury, zatrzymała Kaczmarka, b. szefa policji Konrada Kornatowskiego i ówczesnego szefa PZU Jaromira Netzela.", "example_id": "edbeb74ca87d56fff19c9cf0330e7b9d", "entity_id": "Q392540"}
62 |
{"mention": "Konrada Kornatowskiego: Agencja Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego pod koniec sierpnia, na wniosek warszawskiej prokuratury, zatrzymała Kaczmarka, b. szefa policji { Konrada Kornatowskiego } i ówczesnego szefa PZU Jaromira Netzela.", "example_id": "19f1f6b9077eedcbc1af90b7fa089993", "entity_id": "Q6429734"}
63 |
{"mention": "Donald Tusk: Polskę stać na cud gospodarczy\" - powtórzył raz jeszcze hasło wyborcze PO { Donald Tusk } .", "example_id": "cba93d8ba7d62613895000c78355d2a7", "entity_id": "Q946"}
64 |
{"mention": "Unii Europejskiej: Wczoraj przed świtem przywódcy 27 państw { Unii Europejskiej } ogłosili przyjęcie traktatu reformującego UE.", "example_id": "37ca12b3811d99262a53b10cc6d97712", "entity_id": "Q458"}
65 |
{"mention": "Platforma Obywatelska: Opierając sie na wstępnych sondażach wybory wygrała { Platforma Obywatelska } , na którą głosowało ponad 43% obywateli biorących w nich udział.", "example_id": "d2a4300c6e1df89e6f4c81f9a806da3b", "entity_id": "Q156868"}
66 |
{"mention": "Stanisław Dziwisz: Jubileuszową inaugurację rozpoczęła msza św., podczas której homilię wygłosił Jego Eminencja, kardynał { Stanisław Dziwisz } , Metropolita Krakowski.", "example_id": "3c4da8caf47358f1f141eb3dc83cd0dd", "entity_id": "Q354306"}
67 |
{"mention": "Partia Kobiet: Poza parlamentem znalazłyby się Samoobrona Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej (1,53%), Liga Polskich Rodzin (1,30%), Polska Partia Pracy (0,99%), { Partia Kobiet } (0,28%) i Samoobrona Patriotyczna, na którą głosowało zaledwie 2531 osób (0,02%).", "example_id": "8cf683a4cc434c19f5c01cdc5074bd00", "entity_id": "Q1422526"}
68 |
{"mention": "II wojny światowej: W Koluszkach w województwie łódzkim w czasie prac remontowych obok dworca PKP, znaleziono ładunek wybuchowy prawdopodobnie z czasów { II wojny światowej } .", "example_id": "e1448823fc13ee1fef6168ff677928f7", "entity_id": "Q362"}
69 |
{"mention": "TV Biznes: Polsat24 będzie trzecim kanałem o charakterze informacyjnym, po { TV Biznes } i Superstacji, związanym z telewizją Polsat.", "example_id": "fa305874023e9b71962ba84ee73b1c6d", "entity_id": "Q1026967"}
70 |
{"mention": "TVN: Decyzja sądu wiąże się z faktem, iż wymienieni dziennikarze nie stawili się we wtorek na rozprawie, w toczącym się przeciwko nim procesie z powództwa { TVN } .", "example_id": "fff1ceb01ad3ae36929467000cae2bc7", "entity_id": "Q476608"}
71 |
{"mention": "Jarosław Kalinowski: Nowymi wicemarszałkami sejmu zostali Stefan Niesiołowski z Platformy, Krzysztof Putra (PiS), Jerzy Szmajdziński (LiD) oraz { Jarosław Kalinowski } (PSL).", "example_id": "bda4ab283b83b699c533b0575054a1b5", "entity_id": "Q3672035"}
72 |
{"mention": "Waldemarem Pawlakiem: Następne w kolejności było spotkanie z Panem { Waldemarem Pawlakiem } .", "example_id": "1f355e3a9b72dff8a98b51e2e2b6b74a", "entity_id": "Q55928"}
73 |
{"mention": "Barbary Blidy: Podkreślił też, że teraz najważniejsza jest praca w klubie parlamentarnym LiD, przeprowadzenie projektu ustaw dotyczących podwyżek dla nauczycieli, powołanie komisji śledczej ds. śmierci { Barbary Blidy } , akcji CBA w Ministerstwie Rolnictwa i w sprawie Beaty Sawickiej.", "example_id": "6e86d3f25f6331ec47466ece15331b3b", "entity_id": "Q462233"}
74 |
{"mention": "Donaldowi Tuskowi: Pytany o radę, jaką dałby { Donaldowi Tuskowi } , powiedział: \"Radzę Donaldowi Tuskowi, żeby uczciwie przyjrzał się temu, co się wydarzyło w Polsce przez ostatnie dwa lata.", "example_id": "0a4c5e6229ac45b36f8df57d1dc9b455", "entity_id": "Q946"}
75 |
{"mention": "DHL-Author: Po dwóch latach ścigania się pod czujnym okiem Zbigniewa Piątka, dyrektora sportowego drużyny Action-Uniqa, aktualny szosowy mistrz Polski w jeździe indywidualnej na czas, Łukasz Bodnar, od nowego sezonu będzie reprezentował barwy polskiej ekipy { DHL-Author } , z którą w piątek kolarz podpisał roczny kontrakt.", "example_id": "1f04311b26989e74740ac3c81221772f", "entity_id": "Q638989"}
76 |
{"mention": "Elżbieta Jakubiak: A jeśli chciałby podjąć się wielkiej pracy przeprowadzenia Euro 2012 i poświęcić cały swój czas na taką pracę, to ja temu przyklaskuję\" - powiedziała { Elżbieta Jakubiak } .", "example_id": "28498488f9666041d6503f1782a8c493", "entity_id": "Q251883"}
77 |
{"mention": "Katina Schubert: Wiceprzewodnicząca niemieckiej Partii Lewicy (\"Die Linke\"), { Katina Schubert } złożyła doniesienie o podejrzeniu popełnienia przestępstwa przeciwko stowarzyszeniu Wikimedia Deutschland z powodu prezentowania na Wikipedii niezgodnych z prawem symboli nazistowskich.", "example_id": "185d3bab4d7065d8582f3abc0ba4175d", "entity_id": "Q68458"}
78 |
{"mention": "Vojislav Koštunica: Premier Serbii { Vojislav Koštunica } uznał „za wyjątkowo obraźliwą” propozycję Unii Europejskiej.", "example_id": "1ea06eb82bee425b33e73427275747b8", "entity_id": "Q33031"}
79 |
{"mention": "Barbary Blidy: Były minister sprawiedliwości Zbigniew Ziobro (PiS), prawdopodobnie jeden z pierwszych świadków komisji śledczej ds. okoliczności śmierci { Barbary Blidy } , będzie domagał się jej jawności.", "example_id": "2c57e00d3d1cf60ba0aad840d6906f12", "entity_id": "Q462233"}
80 |
{"mention": "Sue Gardner: Dzięki temu będzie możliwe użycie i zmiana zawartości wiki na wiele sposobów, w krajach rozwiniętych i rozwijających się, na terenach z siecią i bez niej\" - powiedziała { Sue Gardner } , dyrektor wykonawczy Fundacji Wikimedia", "example_id": "9dc758c9e0df7be3ea43169bdee78309", "entity_id": "Q7524"}
81 |
{"mention": "Mariusza Kamińskiego: Zbigniew Chlebowski zdradził, że z raportu Julii Pitery o CBA wynikają poważne zarzuty wobec { Mariusza Kamińskiego } .", "example_id": "334aedd29d5154e24c3013ad485a8cac", "entity_id": "Q1899500"}
82 |
{"mention": "bp Piotr Libera: Ordynariusz diecezji { bp Piotr Libera } podczas pasterki celebrowanej w nowym kościele pw.", "example_id": "36167d5c10de32c58b605f0483fa9b48", "entity_id": "Q1344614"}
83 |
{"mention": "Bajm: Podczas koncertu usłyszeć będzie można popularne piosenki ostatnich kilku dekad w wykonaniu takich gwiazd, jak: Shakin' Stevens, Boney M, Lou Bega, Budka Suflera, Justyna Steczkowska, Urszula, Czerwone Gitary, Golec uOrkiestra, Edyta Górniak (zaśpiewa piosenki z nowego krążka) oraz Szymon Wydra & Carpe Diem i Beata Kozidrak z zespołem { Bajm } .", "example_id": "7e68526357006b8ba342e277875cae17", "entity_id": "Q492122"}
84 |
{"mention": "The Jet Set: Wykonali je: Kasia Kowalska, Irena Santor, Majka Jeżowska, Krzysztof Zalewski i Maciej Silski oraz Sasha z { The Jet Set } .", "example_id": "8e766236f13a53541a24bb4ac0ea6fff", "entity_id": "Q2091617"}
85 |
{"mention": "kodeksu karnego skarbowego: W piątek 11 stycznia 2007 usłyszeli zarzut naruszenia art. 65 { kodeksu karnego skarbowego } , mówiący o nielegalnym posiadaniu i rozprowadzaniu towarów bez akcyzy.", "example_id": "56ca74e3b7fac701ff89a2e8988e07be", "entity_id": "Q11740811"}
86 |
{"mention": "Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz: Według sondażu przeprowadzonego przez GfK Polonia na zlecenie \"Rzeczpospolitej\", { Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz } (PO) jest najbardziej cenionym politykiem, który jest jednocześnie kobietą.", "example_id": "9779ec6e03711a5395032c6f2e29d95c", "entity_id": "Q271902"}
87 |
{"mention": "Ceramica Flaminia: Już od pewneg czacu było wiadomo że, po odwołaniu się do UCI, licencje zostały również przyznane ekipie { Ceramica Flaminia } z Tomaszem Marczyńskim i Hubertem Krysiem oraz Cycle-Collstrop z Michałem Gołasiem.", "example_id": "f22ef8730d1ed60c70e373fdb70b379d", "entity_id": "Q970784"}
88 |
{"mention": "Chodorki: Pierwszy wariant - to dotychczasowa lokalizacja wybrana przed GDDKiA przez Dolinę Rospudy, skrytykowany przez ekologów, drugi - z obwodnicą przez miejscowość Raczki, trzeci - przez miejscowość { Chodorki } .", "example_id": "2f5240ef782fae7a249454a25fbe05b8", "entity_id": "Q9190149"}
89 |
{"mention": "Cenega Poland: Organizatorami imprezy są firmy: Ubisoft oraz { Cenega Poland } .", "example_id": "bf9d227075c476cf87fb75ae9ffe51be", "entity_id": "Q11689554"}
90 |
{"mention": "OPZZ: 22 stycznia 2008 roku w pałacu prezydenckim prezydent Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej Lech Kaczyński spotkał się z przedstawicielami { OPZZ } :", "example_id": "f4085028c32a1f03a793ce98f1b5cd96", "entity_id": "Q490099"}
91 |
{"mention": "TVN: Dodał także, że Telewizja Polska według PO stanie się taka jak { TVN } , Polsat, RMF, Radio Zet, TOK FM czy Gazeta Wyborcza.", "example_id": "5c0ed0fbdd6b48f6a3faacf726cfcef1", "entity_id": "Q476608"}
92 |
{"mention": "Microsoftu: Działa już na Linuksie ( na telefonie OpenMoko), a od 2006 roku trwają prace nad portem na architekturę { Microsoftu } (Windows CE iWindows Mobile).", "example_id": "230a3e7164b6fae38e05d858a4cefc40", "entity_id": "Q2283"}
93 |
{"mention": "Hashim Thaci: { Hashim Thaci } , premier Kosowa, zapowiedział 16 lutego, że niepodległość jego kraju zostanie proklamowana w niedzielę, 17 lutego.", "example_id": "d2a063ffb28da418b0776765033095f1", "entity_id": "Q57634"}
94 |
{"mention": "Microsoft: Patenty na oprogramowanie to broń obosieczna, czego interesującym przykładem jest { Microsoft } .", "example_id": "79b5bacf11d48a5ac2198dcc9b764b22", "entity_id": "Q2283"}
95 |
{"mention": "paliwo: Będą to tlen, woda, { paliwo } rakietowe, urządzenia do badań laboratoryjnych, ale też prowiant dla astronautów i listy od rodzin.", "example_id": "45121b12097f3ec0fc4df561f935a584", "entity_id": "Q42501"}
96 |
{"mention": "platformy startowej 39A: Kennedy'ego (Kennedy Space Center) z { platformy startowej 39A } .", "example_id": "c8151bfab2a23021dfe8f7fb3e7478db", "entity_id": "Q845774"}
97 |
{"mention": "Ryszard Czarnecki: Europoseł { Ryszard Czarnecki } zapowiedział na swoim blogu, że nie pojedzie na początku czerwca (wraz z grupą eurodeputowanych) wizytować obiektów olimpijskich.", "example_id": "51c10a55d1efabc677666316dccbfa10", "entity_id": "Q253793"}
98 |
{"mention": "Muktadę as-Sadra: Najtrudniejsza sytuacja jest jednak w Basrze i Bagdadzie, gdzie irackie siły zbrojne prowadzą ciężkie walki z rebeliantami z Armii Mahdiego, dowodzonej przez szyickiego duchownego { Muktadę as-Sadra } .", "example_id": "cda88830a986760ab26d300e420b1b5a", "entity_id": "Q216826"}
99 |
{"mention": "Marka Borowskiego: Według lidera SdPl, { Marka Borowskiego } , sobotnia decyzja Rady Krajowej SLD o rozstaniu z Partią Demokratyczną została podjęta w sposób żenujący.", "example_id": "df3ecf6b3b67c044a0a306f895d77168", "entity_id": "Q245792"}
100 |
{"mention": "MTB Halls Team: Małgorzata Jasińska wraz z Mają Włoszczowską ( { MTB Halls Team } ) rozegrały pomiędzy sobą wyścig.", "example_id": "8a5e08f1fc78f7799765b4d9fe7d244e", "entity_id": "Q11765130"}
101 |
{"mention": "Mega Club: 20 kwietnia w katowickim { Mega Club } ie odbył się koncert grupy El Dupa poprzedzony suportem zespołu Plagiat 199.", "example_id": "d118adae48d2145cfaf231daef23f7ff", "entity_id": "Q11776924"}
102 |
{"mention": "Rosji: W { Rosji } odbędą się dwa zloty w podobnym terminie, organizowane przez dwa różne związki skautowe.", "example_id": "10615b3da169959c1eec8cc9bd8252e7", "entity_id": "Q159"}
103 |
{"mention": "wrocławskie kamienice: Tematem konkursu są { wrocławskie kamienice } .", "example_id": "481c2d80c953cbc510700831c1679335", "entity_id": "Q11686632"}
104 |
{"mention": "Wrocławskim Muzeum Etnograficznym: Dzisiaj o godzinie 17, we { Wrocławskim Muzeum Etnograficznym } przy ulicy Traugutta 111/113 odbędzie się wykład pt.", "example_id": "f9a09ea372912261a3de7f4e6f67db51", "entity_id": "Q28675652"}
105 |
{"mention": "Frances Oldham Kelsey: { Frances Oldham Kelsey } , pracowniczka amerykańskiej Agencji Żywności i Leków, zbadała działanie tego leku i dowiodła, że kobiety ciężarne biorące leki oparte na mutagenie rodzą dzieci z bardzo rzadko spotykanymi deformacjami ciała.", "example_id": "c9de535994faa61793b59cc58f80adac", "entity_id": "Q433352"}
106 |
{"mention": "kustosz: Sebastian Skolik: Muzeum Polskie w Rapperswilu, w którym pełni Pani funkcję { kustosz } a nie jest tak znanym obiektem jak polskie muzea narodowe, choć znajdują się na nim niewątpliwie cenne zbiory.", "example_id": "63ca665fcb7da5a0393f84d0e344382a", "entity_id": "Q48868698"}
107 |
{"mention": "Wojciech Popiela: \"Gratulując nowemu prezesowi UPR wyboru, do którego jako członek Konwentyklu dołożyłem swój głos, mam nadzieję, że zadania, które postawi przed okręgami i oddziałami, znajdą gorliwych wykonawców, a świeżość pomysłów którą wnosi, przyczyni się do wyzwolenia poczucia obowiązkowości, odpowiedzialności i dumy u wszystkich, którzy w UPR i dla UPR działają, poświęcając swój czas i pieniądze\" - stwierdził { Wojciech Popiela } , były już prezes Unii Polityki Realnej.", "example_id": "0ef0d9994ae7b7e307eee6bd327e18a3", "entity_id": "Q9376779"}
108 |
{"mention": "Forticom: Wg informacji podanych przez dziennik \"Rzeczpospolita\" 70% udziałów portalu Nasza-klasa sprzedana została estońskiej firmie { Forticom } .", "example_id": "663c235fbe3b535848084196dc07ed06", "entity_id": "Q6113154"}
109 |
{"mention": "Javier Solana: Propozycję wprowadzenia zmian do programu nuklearnego przedstawił w Teheranie szef unijnej dyplomacji { Javier Solana } .", "example_id": "e7b6cc654bf6384f7fc203c4972d7a34", "entity_id": "Q154855"}
110 |
{"mention": "Klaasa Jana Huntelaara: \"Pomarańczowi\" pokonali w ostatnim spotkaniu Rumunię 2:0 (0:0) po bramkach { Klaasa Jana Huntelaara } i Robina Van Persiego.", "example_id": "f174d57286944708154e79dfd846acfc", "entity_id": "Q26069"}
111 |
{"mention": "placu Miarki: Marsz rozpoczął się o godzinie 12:00 na placu Wolności, następnie przebiegał w okolicy dworca kolejowego, przechodził przez rynek, następnie w okolicy { placu Miarki } a zakończył się przy gmachu Sejmu Śląskiego.", "example_id": "d6a922adb8d871fd9e6ee49ae29f8d73", "entity_id": "Q11819086"}
112 |
{"mention": "Zbigniew Chlebowski: Prac komisji różowo nie widzi też szef klubu PO { Zbigniew Chlebowski } : \"Efekty prac komisji kierowanej przez Janusza są niezadowalające.", "example_id": "b95c4477d10e586dd9c23c59f43b6683", "entity_id": "Q168024"}
113 |
{"mention": "Kontakty: Rozpoczęły się V Paralotniowe Mistrzostwa Europy PPG organizowane przez tygodnik \" { Kontakty } \" w Łomży pod patronatem marszałka województwa podlaskiego, prezydenta Łomży oraz starosty powiatu łomżyńskiego.", "example_id": "0c839740fb2988e0094ad045cb75a060", "entity_id": "Q11743111"}
114 |
{"mention": "Żydów: Każdy z nich, będąc zarazem dedykacją, jest krótką opowieścią reprezentującą ofiary nazizmu - { Żydów } , Cyganów i homoseksualistów, którzy byli dyskryminowani i zginęli przez swoją odmienność etniczną lub orientację seksualną.", "example_id": "d39012af98fc4e7428095f6ea4a77c59", "entity_id": "Q7325"}
115 |
{"mention": "Andrzej Krzywy: W składzie tegorocznego jury znaleźli się: Małgorzata Walewska, Wojciech Fułek, { Andrzej Krzywy } , Piotr Metz i Robert Kozyra.", "example_id": "e381d0a067fa29bc4f02aa6e6a7a80b5", "entity_id": "Q9152675"}
116 |
{"mention": "JavaScript: Tuż po pojawieniu się Chrome, reklamowanej przez Google jako najszybszej przeglądarki na świecie, ekipa Firefoksa opublikowała wyniki testu, według którego nowy silnik { JavaScript } TraceMonkey jest szybszy od googlowego V8.", "example_id": "b5a5d2f1f0236d0d9a2b137caeabe164", "entity_id": "Q2005"}
117 |
{"mention": "Katarzyna Cichopek: W zeszłym roku nasz kraj reprezentowali { Katarzyna Cichopek } oraz Marcin Hakiel.", "example_id": "39eea282aede26e2667c5843dc2e7ccc", "entity_id": "Q448465"}
118 |
{"mention": "Motorola 68882: Warto dodać, że 20 lat temu firma NeXT zaprezentowała komputer NeXT Cube, z procesorem Motorola 68040 taktowanym zegarem 25 MHz i koprocesorem matematycznym { Motorola 68882 } 25 MHz oraz z układem dźwięku DSP Motorola 56001, o pamięci RAM 8 MB rozszerzalnej do 64 MB, zaopatrzony w napędy magnetooptyczne o pojemności dysku 256 MB oraz systemy operacyjne MACH 4.3 i NeXTStep, o wymiarach 31,8 x 30,5 x 30,5 cm, który kosztował 6500 USD.", "example_id": "404e9db9fc4715001a6a040760525329", "entity_id": "Q10589692"}
119 |
{"mention": "Przysieka: W uroczystości wzięlo udział ponad 300 osób, głównie dzieci i młodzieży z Torunia, Górska i { Przysieka } .", "example_id": "d786e34556eddd2cbd3f20d5b6e0e93a", "entity_id": "Q7253697"}
120 |
{"mention": "Waldemar Pawlak: Obecny prezes PSL { Waldemar Pawlak } cieszy się w partii ogromnym zaufaniem i dlatego to zapewne on ponownie wygra wybory.", "example_id": "0ef2daaa93c801069c94e427a411b6a3", "entity_id": "Q55928"}
121 |
{"mention": "związkowcy: Wczoraj { związkowcy } protestujący w centrali Telekomunikacji Polskiej S.A. w Warszawie i we wrocławiskim oddziale zakończyli strajk głodowy.", "example_id": "8b087aa41fe18e2b6e46ca5427667175", "entity_id": "Q178790"}
122 |
{"mention": "Kroton: Niektórzy eksperci są zdania, iż Polska mogłaby sprzedawać Indiom między innymi także samobieżną haubicę Krab oraz pojazd do automatycznego minowania - { Kroton } .", "example_id": "ab0a9c7b58f8f823a591b2299fe067e2", "entity_id": "Q11748372"}
123 |
{"mention": "Ōsace: Poza prelekcjami w programie przewidziano zwiedzanie pawilonu herbacianego UW, projekcję filmowej adaptacji filmu w reżyserii Horikawy Tankō, koncert \"Sześć pieśni dziecięcych\", ceremonię herbaty prowadzoną przez honorowego konsula generalnego RP w { Ōsace } , sztukę \"Jesienne klony\" (fragment \"Genji monogatari\") w wykonaniu studentów UW oraz pokaz tradycyjnych japońskich strojów dworskich, sprowadzonych do Polski specjalnie na tę okazję z Japonii.", "example_id": "ede2ca5c23463fce8389d2e4c51f37e4", "entity_id": "Q35765"}
124 |
{"mention": "Zdzisław Kręcina: Pozostali kandydaci do fotela prezesa PZPN – { Zdzisław Kręcina } i Tomasz Jagodziński – cieszą się niewielkim, bo odpowiednio dwu- i trzyprocentowym, poparciem kibiców.", "example_id": "87edc5f7e5f7c50d6f60a1be9e75e821", "entity_id": "Q9389719"}
125 |
{"mention": "Syria: { Syria } oskarżyła Stany Zjednoczone o popełnienie \"oburzającej zbrodni\".", "example_id": "bc799692819a9dfa120ef0be4c1068ee", "entity_id": "Q858"}
126 |
{"mention": "Phoenix Mars Lander: Począwszy od dzisiaj, obsługa lądownika { Phoenix Mars Lander } będzie stopniowo wyłączała instrumenty i grzejniki statku, aby jego misja trwała jak najdłużej.", "example_id": "854ef0c35140344a703aa343e4f3602e", "entity_id": "Q129091"}
127 |
{"mention": "Amerykańska Centralna Agencja Wywiadowcza: { Amerykańska Centralna Agencja Wywiadowcza } przekonuje, że w obecnej chwili najbardziej poszukiwany terrorysta świata nie myśli już o tym jak zniszczyć kraje Zachodu.", "example_id": "f22f3bd8dbc1711464979c63836c5b9a", "entity_id": "Q37230"}
128 |
{"mention": "AIG Banku Polska: Jak donosi \"Rzeczpospolita\", rozpoczęła się procedura sprzedaży polskiego banku amerykańskiej grupy AIG – { AIG Banku Polska } .", "example_id": "0d34b7366a17934f3499bb33388ddf6c", "entity_id": "Q9137110"}
129 |
{"mention": "STS-126: Celem obecnej misji { STS-126 } jest dostarczenie na stację orbitalną nowego wyposażenia.", "example_id": "36407d7338e742fee245dad1a02851ac", "entity_id": "Q752787"}
130 |
{"mention": "Massachusetts: Oprócz byłej pierwszej damy, jako potencjalnych kandydatów na stanowisko szefa amerykańskiej dyplomacji wymieniano także senatora z { Massachusetts } – Johna Kerry'ego, republikańskiego senatora Chucka Hagela oraz demokratów: gubernatora stanu Nowy Meksyk – Billa Richardsona i byłego przewodniczącego senackiej Komisji Sił Zbrojnych – Sama Nunna.", "example_id": "8832fb15b7f7ae5f71fa89f3111b2a5e", "entity_id": "Q771"}
131 |
{"mention": "Tom Daschle: { Tom Daschle } obejmie stanowisko Sekretarza Zdrowia i Opieki Społecznych w przyszłym gabinecie Baracka Obamy.", "example_id": "52e9f667261f02a716317c97e64afd52", "entity_id": "Q443640"}
132 |
{"mention": "Izabela Jaruga-Nowacka: Przewodnicząca Unii Pracy, { Izabela Jaruga-Nowacka } , ogłosiła, że odchodzi z partii.", "example_id": "253269f42101b5659eb4d1525db5ac4d", "entity_id": "Q260996"}
133 |
{"mention": "Unii Lewicy: Była przewodnicząca zapowiedziała stworzenie \"lewicowej alternatywy\", skupionej wokół tworzonej od początku tego roku { Unii Lewicy } .", "example_id": "4e5a435c985dfdf24c8d74d58f338e24", "entity_id": "Q1409821"}
134 |
{"mention": " – \"Zmarł Maciej Kuroń\" – { } , 25 grudnia 2008", "example_id": "429af5ac39d45d98900905e193bee2e0", "entity_id": "Q9248470"}
135 |
{"mention": "Artur Fińkiewicz: { Artur Fińkiewicz } , były więzień polityczny reżimu Aleksandra Łukaszenki, został porwany w centrum Mińska przez nieznanych sprawców, pobity i wywieziony do lasu.", "example_id": "5cd31bc1203d9fdc34cc1be2a74a2f89", "entity_id": "Q3599500"}
136 |
{"mention": "Unia Lewicy: Poza sejmową burtą znalazły się: Socjaldemokracja Polska - 3% (-1%), Centrum z takim samym poparciem co SDPL (przy czym partia Religi poparcie wzrosło o 1%), a także { Unia Lewicy } , która ma 1% poparcia (bez zmian), do której wycofuje się znaczna część dotychczasowej młodzieżówki Unii Pracy, by, jak mówią, \"stworzyć lewicową alternatywę dla SLD i SDPL\".", "example_id": "43c4780faeec3ebe685ad7ae04d1ad1b", "entity_id": "Q1409821"}
137 |
{"mention": "Wojciech Filemonowicz: W sobotę (10 I) { Wojciech Filemonowicz } został wybrany nowym przewodniczącym Socjaldemokracji.", "example_id": "d3fe9acdc30145f648e5e6d975435f16", "entity_id": "Q2588292"}
138 |
{"mention": "parafialnym: Ceremonie pogrzebowe planowane są na czwartek, 15 stycznia i odbędą się w kościele seminaryjnym i { parafialnym } w Ołtarzewie.", "example_id": "13227cf81920ee902e55e8ee6f6bfa7b", "entity_id": "Q11803595"}
139 |
{"mention": "Bolesława Piechy: Natomiast współpracownik prezesa Jarosława Kaczyńskiego powiedział Gazecie Wyborczej, że: „Klub nie powinien wstrzymywać zakazującej in vitro inicjatywy { Bolesława Piechy } .", "example_id": "500a121594db211c61d3516cea10cc43", "entity_id": "Q4939261"}
140 |
{"mention": "Helsinkach: XX wieku w { Helsinkach } (Finlandia).", "example_id": "756433241469a85094464339f3ac0d7d", "entity_id": "Q1757"}
141 |
{"mention": "Wiktory: Podczas uroczystej gali rozdania nagród \" { Wiktory } \" dla największych osobowości występujących w telewizji w 2004 roku, statuetki w następujących kategoriach otrzymali:", "example_id": "807601560e279ed4c5b83f861fa37667", "entity_id": "Q9374241"}
142 |
{"mention": "Polskie Towarzystwo Kreacjonistyczne: Mariusz Agnosiewicz: W Polsce ruch antyewolucyjny istotnie nie jest silny, choć warto pamiętać, że od 1993 r. istnieje { Polskie Towarzystwo Kreacjonistyczne } skupiające ponoć kilkaset osób, którego czołowymi postaciami są profesorowie Maciej Giertych oraz Piotr Lenartowicz.", "example_id": "2725379539100b7355ab2081f6ba9b39", "entity_id": "Q11822775"}
143 |
{"mention": "Bogdan Miś: { Bogdan Miś } (u. 1936 w Warszawie) jest dziennikarzem i popularyzatorem nauki, w latach 90. był redaktorem naczelnym \"Informatyki\", a nastepnie szefem działu matematyki i informatyki w \"Wiedzy i Życiu\".", "example_id": "c421720554742a365b7a25a076c14a60", "entity_id": "Q9175266"}
144 |
{"mention": "Stalowa Wola: Premier Donald Tusk poinformował, że rząd przygotował pakiet rozwiązań mający pomóc zarówno Hucie { Stalowa Wola } , jak i samemu miastu w przezwyciężeniu kryzysu.", "example_id": "d841119c4318550bfce02a733e18b720", "entity_id": "Q751140"}
145 |
{"mention": "roots: Z kolei nowozelandzki septet Fat Freddy's Drop to mieszanka takich gatunków muzycznych jak reggae, { roots } , dub, jazz i soul.", "example_id": "f8ba0da354db6e020f0e97f8461bac00", "entity_id": "Q1299260"}
146 |
{"mention": "Tamizie: Osada Oxfordu, w skład której wchodził Polak Michał Płotkowiak, zwyciężyła tradycyjne regaty wioślarskie na { Tamizie } .", "example_id": "41b337b0638fc0f267611e70bc1e51b8", "entity_id": "Q19686"}
147 |
{"mention": "Salt Lake City: Srebrny medalista z { Salt Lake City } zapowiedział, że jego głównym celem jest zdobycie złotego medalu na Zimowych Igrzysk Olimpijskich w Vancouver.", "example_id": "c88d1ad7c71812e2c6a594160bcba37d", "entity_id": "Q23337"}
148 |
{"mention": "Marian Kałuski: { Marian Kałuski } jest dziennikarzem, pisarzem, historykiem, członkiem Światowej Rady Badań nad Polonią, autorem 16 książek, o Polakach w Australii, Chinach i Nowej Zelandii.", "example_id": "4326951dad4bf3efc1025207cea12576", "entity_id": "Q11769480"}
149 |
{"mention": "\"Bow Asir\": Chemikaliowiec { \"Bow Asir\" } pływający pod banderą Bahamów został porwany 26 marca.", "example_id": "3479b53b7a3d5810b2b91c48a5b184e2", "entity_id": "Q11825007"}
150 |
{"mention": "Grażyna Tomaszewska-Sobko: Kierownikiem artystycznym projektu jest { Grażyna Tomaszewska-Sobko } a patronat honorowy pełni Prezydent Gdańska Paweł Adamowicz", "example_id": "1c0eeec77cbf69a8988c9c646fe1b027", "entity_id": "Q11701369"}
151 |
{"mention": "skali Richtera: Dziś w nocy na wschodzie Afganistanu wystąpiły dwa trzęsienia ziemi o sile 5,5 oraz 5,1 stopnia w { skali Richtera } .", "example_id": "9d41b40506e76377f99642f1f9fd45e0", "entity_id": "Q38768"}
152 |
{"mention": "Holocaust: Uczestnicy marszu oddadzą hołd ofiarom { Holocaust } u.", "example_id": "4c827eb1d69d98a350d47ad8f6d695aa", "entity_id": "Q2763"}
153 |
{"mention": "Rosji: O znacznym stopniu niebezpieczeństwa, jakie czyha na statki na tym obszarze świadczy fakt, że marynarki wojenne kilku krajów, w tym USA, Wielkiej Brytanii i { Rosji } wysłały w ten rejon okręty wojenne.", "example_id": "3ef0856ab6a5ca3806d25e8605773b4f", "entity_id": "Q159"}
154 |
{"mention": "konstytucji Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej: Powołując się na artykuł 162, ustęp drugi i czwarty w { konstytucji Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej } , prezydent nie zgodził się na przyjęcie dymisji.", "example_id": "5b76ccb041d4dd58d93f7e4042531bf3", "entity_id": "Q961507"}
155 |
{"mention": "Ehud Barak: Minister Obrony { Ehud Barak } zdecydowanie przeciwstawia się zmniejszeniu budżetu jego resortu.", "example_id": "50fa157ec24868d7674ed3e5923250d9", "entity_id": "Q125731"}
156 |
{"mention": "kodu kreskowego: Sprawdzane są potem według { kodu kreskowego } .", "example_id": "7018037b722f76c7f1c2f0f9908749c6", "entity_id": "Q856"}
157 |
{"mention": "Krzysztof Hołowczyc: Najlepszy z Polaków { Krzysztof Hołowczyc } (Ford Focus) zameldował się na 12 pozycji z stratą 4,3 sekundy do lidera.", "example_id": "9013a9811563125293d515bb806d4483", "entity_id": "Q717224"}
158 |
{"mention": "Skinny Patrini: Po raz kolejny na Open'erze działa namiot Alter Space, który w tym roku zgromadzi publiczność na występach takich zespołów, wykonawców i projektów, jak: { Skinny Patrini } , Grabek, Szelest Spadających Papierków, Lady Aarp, czy Mass Kotki.", "example_id": "aeba7db9aad89b307ea6788e72257c0c", "entity_id": "Q9337872"}
159 |
{"mention": "dance-punku: Słowem – esencja { dance-punku } i indie-rocka.", "example_id": "a3bc6d54447b94fa8641adfe258a2132", "entity_id": "Q1643549"}
160 |
{"mention": "FlyKKiller: Równolegle rozpoczęły się koncerty na Tent Stage (ParisTetris z utworami łączącymi elektronikę z awangardą i miejskim folkiem, a następnie Pati Yang wraz z projektem { FlyKKiller } ).", "example_id": "b1baa1276b235eafdefb592174e7469e", "entity_id": "Q9261077"}
161 |
{"mention": "Pawlaka: Jak donosi serwis jeden z najlepszych współpracowników premiera { Pawlaka } został skazany prawomocnym wyrokiem za poświadczenie nieprawdy.", "example_id": "c45592854a5f685247f3268ac0e0255a", "entity_id": "Q55928"}
162 |
{"mention": "Galerii Rynek: Wystawę można zwiedzać w { Galerii Rynek } , Miejskiego Ośrodka Kultury w Olsztynie (\"ul.", "example_id": "638792196cf7df1c67a9c399e9042e9c", "entity_id": "Q11699299"}
163 |
{"mention": "Sharifa Ahmeda: Gdy rebelianci ugrupowania Al-Shabaab zbliżyło się na kilometr od pałacu prezydenckiego { Sharifa Ahmeda } , doszło do potężnej wymiany ognia.", "example_id": "72931a613909133a77b0a6a2388e0fcb", "entity_id": "Q270783"}
164 |
{"mention": "Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono: Prezydent Indonezji { Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono } w oficjalnym wystąpieniu oświadczył, że \"zarówno wykonawcy jak i ci, którzy planowali ataki, zostaną aresztowani i osądzeni zgodnie z prawem\".", "example_id": "fefc79f0009bcab61d0ce0fbce8a398e", "entity_id": "Q57405"}
165 |
{"mention": "ambasadora Danii: Podczas powitania wręczone zostaną: na ręce { ambasadora Danii } Hansa Michaela Kofoed-Hansena apelu skierowanego do premiera Królestwa Danii o przyczynienie się do sukcesu negocjacji porozumienia klimatycznego w Kopenhadze; na ręce przedstawiciela Ministra Środowiska RP manifestu organizacji pozarządowych skierowanego do rządu RP nawołującego do podjęcia skutecznych działań na rzecz ochrony klimatu w Polsce.", "example_id": "da66f8a5c324bcba64133f6afc0e0601", "entity_id": "Q11819270"}
166 |
{"mention": "Obwodnicą Wyszkowa: Nowy odcinek ekspresowej \"ósemki\", który był budowany od początku 2007 roku połączył obwodnicę Radzymina z { Obwodnicą Wyszkowa } .", "example_id": "2875f892e0b6fffe4c6912811df4893e", "entity_id": "Q11795351"}
167 |
{"mention": "Róża Thun: Europosłanka Platformy Obywatelskiej { Róża Thun } została wczoraj jednogłośnie wybrana do pełnienia obowiązków przewodniczącej krakowskich struktur partii.", "example_id": "d5b6b3c4d82efa101d2fd9880233c3e7", "entity_id": "Q274125"}
168 |
{"mention": "lekkoatletycznych mistrzostw świata: Szymon Ziółkowski zdobył srebrny medal podczas { lekkoatletycznych mistrzostw świata } , które odbywają się w Berlinie.", "example_id": "53e46e461f4a96957db178c210fca148", "entity_id": "Q152772"}
169 |
{"mention": "Siemianowicach Śląskich: Poparzeni górnicy zostali przetransportowani do Centrum Leczenia Oparzeń w { Siemianowicach Śląskich } .", "example_id": "dc3454afeebf1f81038bc1b00914a380", "entity_id": "Q158485"}
170 |
{"mention": "Chorzowie: Barbary w Sosnowcu i Górnośląskiego Centrum Medycznego w Katowicach-Ochojcu, a także do szpitali w Rudzie Śląskiej, Bytomiu, Tychach i { Chorzowie } .", "example_id": "db9d0be44021841ecd7027ace119f918", "entity_id": "Q104302"}
171 |
{"mention": "usług finansowych: Wartość marki największego, pod względem kapitalizacji rynkowej, dostawcy { usług finansowych } na świecie – Citigroup obniżyła się niewiele mniej – o 49% (spadek z 19. na 36 m-ce).", "example_id": "8e84e0d78db4fdffb691e982d3741eb3", "entity_id": "Q43015"}
172 |
{"mention": "Bloomberg: Poza wynikami z badania BrandZ, w rankingu uwzględnione są dane finansowe z { Bloomberg } oraz dane rynkowe i produktowe z DataMonitor”\".", "example_id": "6b5c5e3785502cf0b35610805188fcb0", "entity_id": "Q13977"}
173 |
{"mention": "w:gmina Sejny: W Krasnogrudzie ( { w:gmina Sejny } ) w ciągu dwóch lat, dzięki staraniom Fundacji Pogranicze, odrestaurowany zostać ma dworek wraz z parkiem, który należał do rodziny Czesława Miłosza.", "example_id": "57e58d694d38e02187364f10994f2aa7", "entity_id": "Q2285882"}
174 |
{"mention": "Szwajcarii: W Gwinei Równikowej i Urugwaju trwają wybory prezydenckie, w Hondurasie wybory generalne, czyli prezydenckie i parlamentarne jednocześnie, natomiast w { Szwajcarii } - referendum.", "example_id": "e79a99271df7351a5455666b53c1754f", "entity_id": "Q3290163"}
175 |
{"mention": "Zbigniew Dychto: Sam zainteresowany, prezydent { Zbigniew Dychto } od początku odmawiał komentarza na temat referendum.", "example_id": "53fa07594bf7d05d591b8bf5a533e1b4", "entity_id": "Q9387854"}
176 |
{"mention": "Sulmierzyce: Wstrząsy, o sile 4,42 stopnia w skali Richtera, były odczuwalne na terenach gminy Bełchatów, Kleszczów i Działoszyn oraz słabiej na terenach gminy Pajęczno i { Sulmierzyce } .", "example_id": "96ba7697fbd60cfce3046440a7d61def", "entity_id": "Q2458884"}
177 |
{"mention": "Marie Dorin: Srebro przypadło Niemce Magdalenie Neuner, a brąz - Francuzce { Marie Dorin } .", "example_id": "dcaad65ef038b81a20b704721e7dd21f", "entity_id": "Q254252"}
178 |
{"mention": "Ukraińska Wikipedia: { Ukraińska Wikipedia } 7 kwietnia przekroczyła liczbę 200 tysięcy haseł.", "example_id": "f00af76db6fd7871819dbe39f0df29a2", "entity_id": "Q199698"}
179 |
{"mention": "Otałęży: Gawłuszowice oraz Mielec – Szczucin od { Otałęży } .", "example_id": "cc0ec405906f73be9836ebcefc3934ca", "entity_id": "Q596048"}
180 |
{"mention": "Wola Mielecka: Nieprzejezdne były drogi powiatowe: Gliny Małe – Borowa – w międzywalu Brnia Starego na dł. ok. 500 m, Czermin – Ziempniów – rozlewisko w okolicy przerwanego wału, Wampierzów – Zabrnie, { Wola Mielecka } – Przecław – w miejscowości Książnice, Padew Narodowa – Kębłów – krótki odcinek ok. 150 m. w m.", "example_id": "25680283a8a54561c140f5ba3426de19", "entity_id": "Q2691984"}
181 |
{"mention": "Mirosław Czyżykiewicz: W minionych edycjach \"Przeglądu\" uczestniczyli Grażyna Łobaszewska, Barbara Dziekan, Magda Umer, { Mirosław Czyżykiewicz } , Elżbieta Zapendowska, Katarzyna Groniec oraz współtwórca \"Przeglądu\" Jerzy Satanowski.", "example_id": "00c9293d43c17615c36191aab336aa35", "entity_id": "Q11781764"}
182 |
{"mention": "Tęczowego Lauru: W 2001 uhonorowana nagrodą { Tęczowego Lauru } „za odwagę w głoszonych poglądach i wsparcie udzielane inicjatywom służącym przełamywaniu nietolerancji i ograniczoności społeczeństwa”.", "example_id": "d6bfb6237bc4309e6fa35fd687ba7dac", "entity_id": "Q9363844"}
183 |
{"mention": "Zielonymi 2004: Podobne rozmowy socjaldemokraci mają, według rzecznika SDPL, Arkadiusza Kaszni, prowadzić także z { Zielonymi 2004 } - odpowiedni układ ma być podpisany we wtorek.", "example_id": "da3df4934ae231c6af2bcff5bbd2930a", "entity_id": "Q199007"}
184 |
{"mention": "Rafał Grupiński: – \"Jestem zadowolony z sukcesu Komorowskiego\" – zaznacza { Rafał Grupiński } , przewodniczący wielkopolskiej Platformy Obywatelskiej – \"z tego, że wygrał i z tego, że wygrał zdecydowaną przewagą głosów, że jest faworytem drugiej tury.", "example_id": "d0e3b35323887089aff39e5b5d6bb110", "entity_id": "Q602861"}
185 |
{"mention": "„Standing On The Shore”: Nie brakowało hitów – \"„Walking On A Dream”\", \"„We Are The People”\" i \" { „Standing On The Shore” } \".", "example_id": "64652b5d825fd065b4eb09f3ac22bca4", "entity_id": "Q3496612"}
186 |
{"mention": "Nick Herbert: Wzięli w niej udział burmistrz Boris Johnson oraz { Nick Herbert } , homoseksualny minister stanu ds.", "example_id": "af4759c2ac1f96c8be7a7fd0068cd65a", "entity_id": "Q333283"}
187 |
{"mention": "Amigę 1000: Premiera odbyła się dokładnie 23 lipca 1985 w nowojorskim Lincoln Center gdzie pokazano { Amigę 1000 } .", "example_id": "279613e6625312a7f3a6658f42ae053f", "entity_id": "Q471089"}
188 |
{"mention": "Burn: Do tego dj-skie kolektywy rozgrzewały { Burn } Beat Stage przez cały wieczór i ostatnią open'erową noc.", "example_id": "adb0072bb2faa6dc4869d908fb2e7712", "entity_id": "Q284148"}
189 |
{"mention": "Parcon: W dniach 26-29 sierpnia w Cieszynie i zarazem w Czeskim Cieszynie odbędzie się konwent fantastyki pod nazwą \"Tricon\", będący połączeniem europejskiego zlotu fanów fantastyki - Euroconu, polskiego Polconu i czeskiego { Parcon } u.", "example_id": "1bc03e8cdbbd4d6e635d788624a81e23", "entity_id": "Q11811249"}
190 |
{"mention": "manewru orbitalnego Hohmanna: Jako najważniejsze osiągnięcie naukowe wskazał propozycję trójimpulsowego manewru zbliżenia do ciała centralnego, alternatywnego i w niektórych przypadkach ekonomiczniejszego, do { manewru orbitalnego Hohmanna } .", "example_id": "6a42aa9f9824b30ebd86c81385e09894", "entity_id": "Q723861"}
191 |
{"mention": "Dagadana: W dniach 1-22 października 2010 odbędzie się trasa koncertowa zespołu { Dagadana } , podczas której grupa zaprezentuje utwory ze swojego debiutanckiego albumu Maleńka oraz przedstawi fragmenty materiału z nowej płyty, której nagranie rozpocznie się w listopadzie tego roku.", "example_id": "452084d3c21ccb14c80432724fdf4fd1", "entity_id": "Q11692618"}
192 |
{"mention": "Rea: Oba księżyce, Dione i { Rea } (czwarty i drugi księżyc Saturna pod względem wielkości), zostały uwiecznione z największą do tej pory rozdzielczością.", "example_id": "21888a61956ef00130158a053deb77d2", "entity_id": "Q15050"}
193 |
{"mention": "Platformie Obywatelskiej: Najnowsze badania opinii publicznej nie przynoszą większych zaskoczeń – wczorajszy sondaż OBOP-u daje { Platformie Obywatelskiej } wzrost poparcia o 2% do 26%, 151 miejsc w Sejmie (jedyny klub mający ponad 100 mandatów) i możliwość spokojnego współrządzenia z Prawem i Sprawiedliwością, które 2% straciło i obecnie może liczyć na 18% i 95 posłów.", "example_id": "44c35af750bd819ddab3b552ad03f84a", "entity_id": "Q156868"}
194 |
{"mention": "Bob: Drugie miejsce zajęli { Bob } i Mike Bryanowie, którzy w półfinale zagrają ze zwycięzcami grupy A - Danielem Nestorem i Nenadem Zimonjiciem.", "example_id": "d2ca52b8d2b82a5510241cd74e45d6bf", "entity_id": "Q53340"}
195 |
{"mention": "Wojciech Wierzejski: W czasie wiecu przed Sejmem przemówili politycy Ligi Polskich Rodzin, eurodeputowany { Wojciech Wierzejski } i przewodniczący partii Roman Giertych, który ostro skrytykował Tomasza Nałęcza, idącego na czele Parady Równości, oskarżając go o promowanie komunizmu.", "example_id": "0a8a1e724487396f80bcde2fa7ecfb33", "entity_id": "Q714082"}
196 |
{"mention": "astronomiczną zimę: W nocy z wtorku na środę, o godzinie 00:38 (CET) Słońce znalazło się na tle konstelacji koziorożca rozpoczynając { astronomiczną zimę } .", "example_id": "6a905dcaa624baf3c5d3db3c0af9aed1", "entity_id": "Q9391194"}
197 |
{"mention": "Festiwal Designu w Łodzi: Partnerami są Europejskie Centrum Solidarności w Gdańsku, { Festiwal Designu w Łodzi } , Fundacja Fenomen i Fundacja art!", "example_id": "33b3a8eb4261865a4c5bf7137302548d", "entity_id": "Q384319"}
198 |
{"mention": "promieniowania jonizującego: W budynku przez pół godziny przebywali pracownicy operatora elektrowni, Tokyo Electric Power Company, którzy pod nadzorem pracowników agencji bezpieczeństwa jądrowego i przemysłowego (NISA), wykonywali pomiary { promieniowania jonizującego } .", "example_id": "0d3b179dd99b729c3f643551a1a2ef03", "entity_id": "Q186161"}
199 |
{"mention": "\"Miasta dla Rowerów\": Do Łodzi zawitają (z rowerami) przedstawiciele organizacji z Warszawy, Krakowa, Poznania, Wrocławia, Torunia, Bydgoszczy, Olsztyna, Białegostoku, Brzegu, Wejherowa, Radomia oraz Lublina - wszyscy skupieni w sieci organizacji { \"Miasta dla Rowerów\" } .", "example_id": "ffc20f2bd0a74ecddc80995f68ba8808", "entity_id": "Q11778252"}
200 |
{"mention": "Bytom Karb: Na stacjach { Bytom Karb } i Bytom Bobrek wycieczka nie \"trafiła\" w stację, przejeżdżając obok niej, przez co oczekujący tam na uczestnictwo musieli przechodzić po kilkaset metrów, aby wejść do pociągu.", "example_id": "0f4b8cf5afb59a1fcc22135e5e8a0d47", "entity_id": "Q2194489"}
201 |
{"mention": "Bytom Bobrek: Na stacjach Bytom Karb i { Bytom Bobrek } wycieczka nie \"trafiła\" w stację, przejeżdżając obok niej, przez co oczekujący tam na uczestnictwo musieli przechodzić po kilkaset metrów, aby wejść do pociągu.", "example_id": "44a3d324dbfd92bd3c02f14f5e23f74f", "entity_id": "Q2445470"}
202 |
{"mention": "krwi: CodeRaiders zaprojektowali i stworzyli aplikację dedykowaną honorowym dawcom { krwi } !", "example_id": "5074cf8650cba94acb0177c4a4c92932", "entity_id": "Q7873"}
203 |
{"mention": "kluchy połom bite: W tym roku w regionie śląskim nominacje do Perły 2011 otrzymały: śląskie \"szkloki\" (cukierki) oraz zupa zalewajka i { kluchy połom bite } .", "example_id": "62ad79b0e23cb373dc7729df1221ec25", "entity_id": "Q11740317"}
204 |
{"mention": "Stanisława Sikory: Kazimierza Bieńkowskiego, Wojciecha Czerwosza, Piotra Gawrona, Józefa Gosławskiego, Magdaleny Gross, Adama Romana, Karola Tchorka czy { Stanisława Sikory } .", "example_id": "576b03b9c18e9bb814180812d726afb8", "entity_id": "Q9343026"}
205 |
{"mention": "Karol Rajmund Eisert: Wacław Konopka, Leon Niemczyk), fabrykantów Ludwik Geyer, { Karol Rajmund Eisert } ) oraz strażaków (", "example_id": "78a9a26af18e24e59da7d903a42ee822", "entity_id": "Q11736269"}
206 |
{"mention": "Adam Fudali: W organizację koncertu zaangażowany jest, jak deklaruje, prezydent Rybnika, { Adam Fudali } .", "example_id": "db6c5329f0e410171255a853176fd33a", "entity_id": "Q9139568"}
207 |
{"mention": "Symcha Keller: O święcie Chanuka opowiedzą rabin { Symcha Keller } (przewodniczący Gminy Wyznaniowej Żydowskiej w Łodzi), Baruch Ciesielski (Klub Fundacji Laudera) oraz Chana Haraszkiewicz (portal Żydzi w Łodzi).", "example_id": "f300c008b996f7c4ddb348ec5e3d1027", "entity_id": "Q9348892"}
208 |
{"mention": "Unia Lewicy: Poniżej progu 5% znalazły się partia Centrum - 3%, - 2%, Unia Polityki Realnej - 1%, { Unia Lewicy } i Ruch Patriotyczny – ex aequo 0%.", "example_id": "e96611e09916da381533feae32d244ae", "entity_id": "Q1409821"}
209 |
{"mention": "Bożena Łopacka: Marek Pol w Koninie, z kolei SDPL, obok zawodowych polityków, jak Jolanta Banach w Gdańsku, Izabella Sierakowska w Lublinie, Andrzej Celiński w Katowicach, Tomasz Nałęcz w Płocku czy Arkadiusz Kasznia w Opolu (jego kandydatura doprowadziła do odejścia części opolskich działaczy partii), także walcząca z siecią \"Biedronka\" { Bożena Łopacka } (Elbląg) i prokurator Małgorzata Wilkosz-Śliwa (Kraków).", "example_id": "32b9fbb3e7a2836dfa0fa404ca9bf951", "entity_id": "Q9178453"}
210 |
{"mention": "Wojciech Wierzejski: Potencjalnym źródłem konfliktów mogłybybyć też listy wyborcze, o miejsca na nich trwa bój, z którego nie wszyscy są zadowoleni, pojawiają się oskarżenia o nieprawidłowości finansowe w Brukseli, gdzie odpowiadają za nie Maciej Giertych, kandydat Ligi na prezydenta, a także { Wojciech Wierzejski } .", "example_id": "880abf10205d1e3274a4b2d18515d64e", "entity_id": "Q714082"}
211 |
{"mention": "arb.: Samolot ATR-72 należący do komercyjnej linii lotniczej Tuninter leciał z położonego w południowo-wschodniej części Włoch miasta Bari do ośrodka turystycznego na wyspie Dżerba ( { arb. }", "example_id": "b5899c580a3bf53d74c204a615d33323", "entity_id": "Q13955"}
212 |
{"mention": "Siemianowic Śląskich: Policja z { Siemianowic Śląskich } zatrzymała dwóch nastolatków, którzy mieli przy sobie ponad 70 dekagramów amfetaminy.", "example_id": "4313bac49a8eb79be03acd784b6826c6", "entity_id": "Q158485"}
213 |
{"mention": "Marek Borowski: { Marek Borowski } uzyskałby 5% poparcia, a Maciej Giertych i Jarosław Kalinowski - odpowiednio 3 i 2 procenty głosów.", "example_id": "f329045a0587779d870b59bf8df10372", "entity_id": "Q245792"}
214 |
{"mention": "Al-Kaidy: Katarska telewizja Al-Dżazira opublikowała taśmę z nagraniem { Al-Kaidy } .", "example_id": "0cf0d8907bc0281001119c445e615b87", "entity_id": "Q34490"}
215 |
{"mention": "Dżem: W tej chwili na scenie występuje Ewelina Flinta, wcześniej zespół { Dżem } .", "example_id": "99ddfa02a8c2320309327f8655cfcc94", "entity_id": "Q1272778"}
216 |
{"mention": "Liga Polskich Rodzin: Na kolejnych miejscach plasują się: Prawo i Sprawiedliwość (27%, wzrost o 5%), Samoobrona (12%, wzrost o 3%), { Liga Polskich Rodzin } (10%, bez zmian) i Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej (7%, spadek o 3%).", "example_id": "68f3d30a62f8596b8aa8c703a83f66a6", "entity_id": "Q687574"}
217 |
{"mention": "Dorota Świeniewicz: Najlepszą siatkarką Mistrzostw okazała się { Dorota Świeniewicz } .", "example_id": "f8814929d5d4fb5cd3920c42059fe931", "entity_id": "Q461781"}
218 |
{"mention": "Znaku Polski Walczącej: W środę Stefan Niesiołowski w Radiu Zet stwierdził, że \"ACTA jest bardzo dobre\" i potępił używanie przez protestujących symboli nawiązujących do { Znaku Polski Walczącej } , mówiąc, że jeśli ktoś tak postępuje, to jest \"jest idiotą i nie należy z nim w ogóle dyskutować\".", "example_id": "0fea0f04b2e7b6493beaadb9dfd77892", "entity_id": "Q656741"}
219 |
{"mention": "Wojciech Kilar: Układ do poloneza znanego z flmu \"Pan Tadeusz\" (muzyka { Wojciech Kilar } ) ułożył znany łódzki wodzirej, instruktor tańca towarzyskiego, Janusz Wielgosz.", "example_id": "4678a0993c9adb81ef1de92459ef1223", "entity_id": "Q319777"}
220 |
{"mention": "Piotra Koja: 2 lutego inicjator referendum Janusz Wójcicki i kilka innych osób, w związku z niechęcią do obecnej władzy zaczęli zbierać podpisy wśród bytomian, aby odwołać prezydenta { Piotra Koja } i Radę Miasta.", "example_id": "f8e2ef0600ffee8150b8ea7c140c98a4", "entity_id": "Q11817645"}
221 |
{"mention": "Eljahu Chaima Majzla: 6 maja 2012 odbędą się uroczystości z okazji setnej rocznicy śmierci Naczelnego Rabina Łodzi { Eljahu Chaima Majzla } .", "example_id": "9a2608fea8bb2ee2edf2b1ce791efb4e", "entity_id": "Q6042124"}
222 |
{"mention": "komunistyczną propagandę: Co ciekawsze, żadnej informacji na temat referendum nie znajdziemy na oficjalnej stronie miasta - Marcin Hałaś, wypowiadający się w felietonie nr 23/2012 Życia Bytomskiego, uważa takie działanie za { komunistyczną propagandę } .", "example_id": "bc93443e8de92f10848a69e1adaac00f", "entity_id": "Q11827797"}
223 |
{"mention": "Jarosław Kalinowski: Gośćmi w programie \"Wybory Prezydenta RP\" będą: Henryka Bochniarz, { Jarosław Kalinowski } , Maciej Giertych, Marek Borowski i Andrzej Lepper.", "example_id": "7cf268efac515937f52a6824cce1f961", "entity_id": "Q3672035"}
224 |
{"mention": "Scorpius X-1: Cygnus X-1 oraz inne radioźródła np: Gwiazdę Krzemińskiego, { Scorpius X-1 } czy też Hercules X-1, którego odkrył satelita Uhuru w 1971 roku i zapoczątkował badania kosmiczne w zakresie astronomii rentgenowskiej.", "example_id": "8bef74a272c54e64ea47bfc08de1ed91", "entity_id": "Q1319794"}
225 |
{"mention": "Kabardyno-Bałkarii: W Nalczyku, stolicy { Kabardyno-Bałkarii } , kaukaskiej republiki w Federacji Rosyjskiej, trwają walki sił bezpieczeństwa z bojownikami muzułmańskimi.", "example_id": "d60cb1521ed054bddbf6f0d985a331e3", "entity_id": "Q5267"}
226 |
{"mention": "Ryszarda Bonisławskiego: Spodziewano się również wicemarszałka Cezarego Grabarczyka i senatora { Ryszarda Bonisławskiego } , jednak inne obowiązki nie pozwoliły im na pojawienie się w Bogdance.", "example_id": "748d659b60351baa7d0a1ea1e7932270", "entity_id": "Q9324605"}
227 |
{"mention": "Uniszki Zawadzkie: W sobotę 1. września na Polu Bitwy pod Mławą w { Uniszki Zawadzkie } o godzinie 15:00 rozpoczęła się rekonstrukcja bitwy.", "example_id": "3cb5f9ee9c577d5bde7e13285ff2feb5", "entity_id": "Q3661697"}
228 |
{"mention": "Christopher Zanella: { Christopher Zanella } wygrał finałowy wyścig Formuły 2 na torze Monza.", "example_id": "a181c6cab5612d3f552026380b7c9dcf", "entity_id": "Q115963"}
229 |
{"mention": "Platformy Obywatelskiej: Kandydat { Platformy Obywatelskiej } na prezydenta Donald Tusk powiedział we wczorajszym programie TVP \"Prezydent dla Polski\", że \"jeśli jego niewiedza, że jego dziadek był w Wermachcie, jest jego winą, to bierze ją na siebie\".", "example_id": "c1900cf07ebcabd1d7dcd210117e5415", "entity_id": "Q156868"}
230 |
{"mention": "Wizz Air: Chopina w Warszawie do 29 stycznia, a to oznacza, że na lotnisku w Modlinie może pojawić się najwcześniej 30 stycznia 2013 roku, natomiast węgierski przewoźnik { Wizz Air } zapowiedział, że przedłuża swoją działalność operacyjną w stołecznym porcie do północy 31 stycznia 2013 roku.", "example_id": "1c5448eaa5c575023546655a8c814775", "entity_id": "Q335147"}
231 |
{"mention": "Politechniki Warszawskiej: Piotra Bogorodzkiego ( - z { Politechniki Warszawskiej } .", "example_id": "adc15c6d3a9405e1d33a63fd49db87cf", "entity_id": "Q1718656"}
232 |
{"mention": "mikrosamochód: SpinCar to mały, czterokołowy { mikrosamochód } miejski o zmodyfikowanym, opatentowanym układzie kół, pozwalającym mu na obracanie się w miejscu.", "example_id": "745b3ad992995a037af30ca099a85ae5", "entity_id": "Q360369"}
233 |
{"mention": "nadajnika Wisła/Skrzyczne: Nastąpi wyłączenie sygnału analogowego z { nadajnika Wisła/Skrzyczne } , który obsługuje południową część województwa śląskiego.", "example_id": "d6a7b4428fb8f22d86e0afe037366ddb", "entity_id": "Q11833136"}
234 |
{"mention": "Tygodnia Bibliotek: Wydarzenie to organizowane w ramach Światowego Dnia Książki (23 kwietnia), a także wstępem do majowego { Tygodnia Bibliotek } .", "example_id": "1f6b25fe21c364634dd7159b1ba8c3f6", "entity_id": "Q9363467"}
235 |
{"mention": "Venio Loserta: To, w połączeniu z lepszą postawą w defensywie, udanymi interwencjami { Venio Loserta } i błędami konkurentów, dało Vive prowadzenie 19-12 po pierwszych trzydziestu minutach.", "example_id": "6f2b301012fc35eba65be063f55540e9", "entity_id": "Q705214"}
236 |
{"mention": "Les Petits Chanteurs de Passy: Paryski chór dziecięco-młodzieżowy { Les Petits Chanteurs de Passy } przyjeżdża w lipcu 2013 roku na tournée do Polski.", "example_id": "c5e931c909ad004c257d0d805a0dd87a", "entity_id": "Q3234588"}
237 |
{"mention": "Anna Komorowska: Honorowym Patronem Festiwalu była Małżonka Prezydenta RP pani { Anna Komorowska } .", "example_id": "5b09a7014dfd77f43c3a3dcd8324cd6b", "entity_id": "Q2626121"}
238 |
{"mention": "oscylacji: Po raz pierwszy zaobserwowano bezpośrednio zmianę stanu zapachowego neutrin w wyniku { oscylacji } - w wiązce neutrin mionowych pojawiły się neutrina elektronowe.", "example_id": "7a0b71dc31de7f6418fda63318bbfba9", "entity_id": "Q509021"}
239 |
{"mention": "rosyjskich: Wcześniej premier Mołdawii, Vasile Tarlev, oświadczył, że żołnierze z { rosyjskich } baz w Naddniestrzu sprzedają broń do \"wszystkich gorących punktów świata\", w tym rebeliantom czeczeńskim.", "example_id": "e4dcd844ea47becca5f9b3fe05ea5d43", "entity_id": "Q159"}
240 |
{"mention": "Dariusz Kubicki: { Dariusz Kubicki } nie jest już trenerem piłkarzy Warszawskiej Polonii.", "example_id": "d591575c5492a8e2fdeb26f73c544e55", "entity_id": "Q1166047"}
241 |
{"mention": "Muzeum Miasta Łodzi: Fraszki Jana Sztaudyngera piękne, krótkie i celne, znane są bodaj wszystkim, dlatego otwarcie 28 kwietnia 2014 r. wystawy biograficznej w { Muzeum Miasta Łodzi } zgromadziło bardzo liczne grono nie tylko łodzian, miłośników jego twórczości, ale i przedstawicieli kilku innych miejscowości Polski", "example_id": "7eb11528056509b56ab00a46253ee950", "entity_id": "Q11787070"}
242 |
{"mention": "pałeczki okrężnicy: Biolodzy z Instytutu Badawczego Ellen Scripps stworzyli półsyntetyczny organizm poprzez wprowadzenie kodu kwasu XNA do { pałeczki okrężnicy } (Escherichia coli) z dwoma nowymi zasadami azotowymi, gdzie poza dwiema znanymi wcześniej parami A-T i C-G występuje też trzecia, całkiem nowa syntetyczna para d5SICS i dNaM, skrótowo oznaczona jako X i Y.", "example_id": "9e1b8cd7eee7e358aa9227509e422f04", "entity_id": "Q25419"}
243 |
{"mention": "Liga Polskich Rodzin: { Liga Polskich Rodzin } nie wie jeszcze czy poprze Prawo i Sprawiedliwość w głosowaniu nad wotum zaufania dla rządu Kazimierz Marcinkiewicza.", "example_id": "4a91f13feedb7a14058cd53046e96bc4", "entity_id": "Q687574"}
244 |
{"mention": "Stowarzyszenie Wikimedia Polska: { Stowarzyszenie Wikimedia Polska } w partnerstwie z Fundacją Grupy PKP zrealizowało drugą edycję Wikiekspedycji kolejowej.", "example_id": "3953d9f2989d4acb0fab6c23bfdd83b9", "entity_id": "Q9346299"}
245 |
{"mention": "Andrzej Bycka: W uroczystości odsłonięcia udział wzięli pomysłodawca dr Krzysztof Wojciechowski, projektant Mihran Hakobyan, Garfield Byrd z Wikimedia Foundation, burmistrz Słubic Tomasz Ciszewicz, były burmistrz Słubic dr Ryszard Bodziacki oraz starosta słubicki { Andrzej Bycka } .", "example_id": "aee276c4bf68e8aa55014a1bb269fed8", "entity_id": "Q9151724"}
246 |
{"mention": "Realu Madryt: Klasyk ligi hiszpańskiej, starcie gigantów, Gran Derby – takimi mianami określa się każdy pojedynek { Realu Madryt } z FC Barcelona.", "example_id": "2f76b73b0a9e867552c8421138e2a422", "entity_id": "Q8682"}
247 |
{"mention": "pałacu Juliusza Heinzla: Piotrkowską do dawnego { pałacu Juliusza Heinzla } , siedziby Urzędu Miasta Łodzi i tam na elewacji budynku magistratu przy Piotrkowskiej 104 odsłonił stosowną tablicę pamiątkową.", "example_id": "351f38a041cfcf21cbff7b66529ab2e5", "entity_id": "Q4574151"}
248 |
{"mention": "serwomechanizmów: Wewnątrz urządzenia można znaleźć mikrokontroler STM32F4 z rdzeniem ARM Cortex™-M4 taktowany zegarem 168 MHz, miniaturowy komputer Intel Edison z Wi-Fi i Bluetooth 4.0, porty dla silników DC z enkoderami, porty dla czujników, moduły rozszerzeń (np. dla { serwomechanizmów } ), slot na karty micro-SD i wejście micro-USB.", "example_id": "7d8efcfa1a1c368fba3fbe7d7d6fe1a0", "entity_id": "Q640815"}
249 |
{"mention": "Microsoft: Bill Gates i Paul Allen, dwaj przyjaciele z Albuquerque w stanie Nowy Meksyk, założyli firmę { Microsoft } - jedną z największych obecnie firm z branży informatycznych, która znana jest z systemu operacyjnego Microsoft Windows, pakietu oprogramowania biurowego Microsoft Office, a także z konsoli do gier Xbox.", "example_id": "6f889f1d36026fbedd179593a6ccad53", "entity_id": "Q2283"}
250 |
{"mention": "Agnieszka Radwańska: Najwyżej rozstawiona Polka { Agnieszka Radwańska } znajduje się tradycyjnie na samym szczycie drabinki.", "example_id": "21f340a901be3bdeb9b9fc88502fe50d", "entity_id": "Q207352"}
251 |
{"mention": "Anna Schmiedlová: Ostatnią ćwiartkę otwiera rozstawiona z ósemką { Anna Schmiedlová } , której rywalką będzie zawodniczka z dziką kartą, Francuzka Océane Dodin.", "example_id": "1100e4b55bc109f9885761997707b014", "entity_id": "Q138094"}
252 |
{"mention": "Tereza Smitková: Po zakończeniu spotkaniu grać będą { Tereza Smitková } i Carina Witthöft, zaś po nich María-Teresa Torró-Flor i Kateřina Siniaková.", "example_id": "c3f90cf8f476efec71aa1c64251f0e8e", "entity_id": "Q13377560"}
253 |
{"mention": "Wikimedia Polska: Konferencja { Wikimedia Polska } 2015", "example_id": "d26dcdc1789a9b08385a83ef4dc24d6a", "entity_id": "Q9346299"}
254 |
{"mention": "Jewhen Konoplanka: Dla Sevilli FC gole zdobywali Éver Banega, José Antonio Reyes, z rzutu karnego Kévin Gameiro i { Jewhen Konoplanka } .", "example_id": "d14f69f930c075c09f2a177075bd417f", "entity_id": "Q284078"}
255 |
{"mention": "Partii Pracujących Kurdystanu: Zamach przypisywany jest { Partii Pracujących Kurdystanu } .", "example_id": "f3358552fccf7ab540e22bf07122d958", "entity_id": "Q152220"}
256 |
{"mention": "Platforma Obywatelska: Drugie miejsce zajęła { Platforma Obywatelska } osiągając wynik 23,4%, a trzecie Kukiz’15 - 9,0%.", "example_id": "36808f01f45971fd8987118e8dfca6a3", "entity_id": "Q156868"}
257 |
{"mention": "zamachu terrorystycznego: Nie jest znana przyczyna katastrofy, choć nie wyklucza się { zamachu terrorystycznego } .", "example_id": "c4772d4a5fafc9c69405f79483eafef3", "entity_id": "Q3882219"}
258 |
{"mention": "„Warzywniak”: 22 stycznia 2016 w galerii { „Warzywniak” } w Gdańsku Oliwie o godz. 18:00 otwarta zostanie polsko-norweska wystawa rysunku, malarstwa i rzeźby pt.", "example_id": "17e18ce1712f2b6e9a49de8c38227744", "entity_id": "Q24945829"}
259 |
{"mention": "Ferrari: Sebastiana Vettela (obaj { Ferrari } ).", "example_id": "02e799e23ef578dea42d07dc13f5d2c8", "entity_id": "Q169898"}
260 |
{"mention": "Komorowem: Na początku czerwca jeden z najnowszych składów został zaprezentowany pasażerom kolejki łączącej Warszawę z { Komorowem } , Podkową Leśną, Milanówkiem i Grodziskiem Mazowieckim.", "example_id": "3416eb9df0d29dd4306c1afb00357caf", "entity_id": "Q4294586"}
261 |
{"mention": "You Want It Darker: Wydał 14 albumów studyjnych, 8 albumów koncertowych oraz dwa wideo relacjonujące występy na żywo - jego ostatnią płytą zamykającą cały artystyczny dorobek jest { You Want It Darker } , która ukazała się 21 października 2016 roku.", "example_id": "a08089786c1498dff40920874f75e0fd", "entity_id": "Q26271668"}
262 |
{"mention": "Uniwersytecie Wisconsin-Madison: Tydzień przed publikacją wyników w \"Nature\" Alta Charo, profesor prawa i bioetyki na { Uniwersytecie Wisconsin-Madison } działająca w komisji badawczej National Academy of Sciences wyrażała obawy z wdrażaniem takich metod.", "example_id": "6e3940df0f5f19267f399b23f59bfdfd", "entity_id": "Q838330"}
263 |
{"mention": "Henryka Jerzego Chmielewskiego: Tytus, Romek i A’Tomek autorstwa { Henryka Jerzego Chmielewskiego } .", "example_id": "6790fc04bf5d888f2a42597f2f524b1f", "entity_id": "Q55708"}
264 |
{"mention": "Uniwersytetu w Perugii: Naukowcy z włoskiego Istituto Nazionale Geofisica e Vulcanologia oraz { Uniwersytetu w Perugii } , badając przyczyny trzęsienia ziemi w masywie Matese (Apeniny Południowe) z końca 2013 roku, odkryli, że jego przyczyną było przemieszczanie się magmy na dużych głębokościach, czemu towarzyszyło wytrącanie dwutlenku węgla z intruzji, a w efekcie podgrzewanie źródeł wody w warstwach wodonośnych, co prowadziło do wystąpienia trzęsienia ziemi o magnitudzie 5.", "example_id": "70b20e6f45fd405c390f5ca48ee34fb9", "entity_id": "Q748085"}
265 |
{"mention": "drugiego etapu: Trasa { drugiego etapu } kolarskiego wyścigu Tour de Pologne uległa nieoczekiwanej zmianie.", "example_id": "daa66a5c3437c356e11498a91e233502", "entity_id": "Q55426023"}
266 |
{"mention": "Ligi Polskich Rodzin: Za nowelizacją głosowali senatorowie Prawa i Sprawiedliwości, { Ligi Polskich Rodzin } i Samoobrony, czyli tych ugrupowań które w Sejmie stworzyły kontrowersyjną nowelizację ustawy o RTV.", "example_id": "118a0bc0dce300ea6895a3f74af41a5d", "entity_id": "Q687574"}
267 |
{"mention": "Teheran: Haluc zapytany, jak dużo czasu { Teheran } potrzebuje na wyprodukowanie broni nuklearnej, odparł, że to może potrwać dwa do trzech lat.", "example_id": "e4dd5e05e2ae73d79657dcbe8ba39f8c", "entity_id": "Q3616"}
268 |
{"mention": "Platformy Obywatelskiej: Politycy { Platformy Obywatelskiej } zasugerowali prezydentowi konieczność pośrednictwa w zawiązywaniu koalicji rządowej.", "example_id": "be900930371838e8a5bde3d94c00a38c", "entity_id": "Q156868"}
269 |
{"mention": "Grzegorza Żemka: Oskarżony w procesie, { Grzegorza Żemka } , dostał karę 8 lat pozbawienia wolności (zamiast wcześniejszych 9 lat).", "example_id": "1da7ff8c4c3eb12e9079ff525ad8fa17", "entity_id": "Q11702818"}
270 |
{"mention": "Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz: Według gazety największym konkurentem Borowskiego może być { Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz } , którą deklarowała wystawić Platforma Obywatelska.", "example_id": "c3009ac117699aa439d1296fc9915485", "entity_id": "Q271902"}
271 |
{"mention": "Platformy Obywatelskiej: Grupa posłów { Platformy Obywatelskiej } ocenia, że Prawo i Sprawiedliwość prowadzi \"werbunek polityczny i korupcję polityczną\" wobec posłów PO, a także posłów z innych klubów parlamentarnych.", "example_id": "f90e8620b221d1ccce27cc61e62a6391", "entity_id": "Q156868"}
272 |
{"mention": "Platformy Obywatelskiej: Według sekretarza generalnego { Platformy Obywatelskiej } , Grzegorza Schetyny, Prawo i Sprawiedliwość ostatecznie zdecydowało się na przedterminowe wybory.", "example_id": "680741c2861f74a15d4528a9ea01545c", "entity_id": "Q156868"}
273 |
{"mention": "Ligą Polskich Rodzin: Wiceprzewodniczący Platformy Obywatelskiej Jan Rokita, odnosząc się do zapowiedzi podpisania umowy stabilizacyjnej między Prawem i Sprawiedliwością, Samoobroną i { Ligą Polskich Rodzin } , ocenił, że \"\"mała stabilizacja\" jest lepsza od totalnego chaosu, z którym wcześniej mieliśmy do czynienia\".", "example_id": "0f36bbb3084f6181e1b33d6801db5729", "entity_id": "Q687574"}
274 |
{"mention": "Paktu Stabilizacyjnego: \"Pentor\" na zlecenie tygodnika \"Wprost\" zapytał również ankietowanych o ocenę { Paktu Stabilizacyjnego } . 40% uznało, że może on przetrwać tylko kilka miesięcy, przy czym 1/3 badanych uznała, że pierwsza zerwie go Samoobrona. 15% wierzy w roczne przetrwanie paktu, zaś 12,7% sądzi, że jest to układ, który przetrwa całą obecną kadencję Sejmu.", "example_id": "67d4fbeaafb7b243019b89866a679f76", "entity_id": "Q11802271"}
275 |
{"mention": "Jakub Janda: Zawiedli faworyci: Janne Ahonen ukończył konkurs na 6. miejscu, słabiej wypadł { Jakub Janda } , który był ostatecznie 13.", "example_id": "9397c448ff83bfad26e5a0e0f53fb7fd", "entity_id": "Q434833"}
276 |
{"mention": "paktu stabilizacyjnego: Kaczyński zdecydował się nie rozwiązywać sejmu z powodu zawiązanego przez PiS, LPR oraz Samoobronę { paktu stabilizacyjnego } .", "example_id": "be0cc2cacb127c9b40832470b9c72275", "entity_id": "Q11802271"}
277 |
{"mention": "Noriaki Kasai: Eliminacje wygrał Japończyk { Noriaki Kasai } , ustępując tylko ośmiu zawodnikom z czołowej piętnastki.", "example_id": "2db0577e9188d1d7001025ea03dd7849", "entity_id": "Q343346"}
278 |
{"mention": "Platformy Obywatelskiej: Przeciwko głosowali posłowie { Platformy Obywatelskiej } , Ligi Polskich Rodzin, Polskiego Stronnictwa Ludowego oraz Samoobrony.", "example_id": "a00c886cb09c274f16c2ba90587d7518", "entity_id": "Q156868"}
279 |
{"mention": "Mistrzostwa świata: { Mistrzostwa świata } (Embassy World Championship) odbywają się tu od 1977 roku.", "example_id": "2dbb5ae6af229b8071b440677999794c", "entity_id": "Q25416958"}
280 |
{"mention": "Skoda Auto Grand Prix MTB: W trzecim etapie tegorocznego cyklu { Skoda Auto Grand Prix MTB } rozgranym 6 maja w Książu wystartowali najlepsi polscy zawodnicy MTB.", "example_id": "2e491fdeb113f2ae812f2d08e955a111", "entity_id": "Q11752806"}
281 |
{"mention": "Dariusz Baranowski: Podczas dzisiejszego etapu wycofał się { Dariusz Baranowski } z Liberty Seguros.", "example_id": "1b24c40017387dacea30f2018570d2c6", "entity_id": "Q1166027"}
282 |
{"mention": "Ivanowi Basso: Pierwszy z nich, sobotni etap z Alessandri do La Thuile pokaże nam, czy Cunego i Simoni są w stanie spełnić oczekiwania kibiców i jeszcze zagrozić { Ivanowi Basso } .", "example_id": "9cb2ec3f9d1dde55983c08cf4eb45e90", "entity_id": "Q309938"}
283 |
{"mention": "powiecie mławskim: Wiceprzewodniczący Trybunału Stanu Stanisław Owczarek zginął 19 maja 2006 w wypadku samochodowym na drodze krajowej nr 7 w { powiecie mławskim } w województwie mazowieckim.", "example_id": "539e0a43a9cc0b1cff8da63c5aee1c86", "entity_id": "Q947468"}
284 |
{"mention": "Stanisława Dziwisza: Krakowski biskup pomocniczy Jan Szkodoń nie chciał komentować tej decyzji, podkreślając, że jest to prywatna korespondencja metropolity krakowskiego { Stanisława Dziwisza } z księdzem Isakowiczem-Zaleskim.", "example_id": "85bd0f449629c105e92fbfc1d836207b", "entity_id": "Q354306"}
285 |
{"mention": "Khamis al-Obeidi: { Khamis al-Obeidi } , obrońca Saddama Hussajna w jego procesie został porwany, a następnie znaleziony martwym w okolicach Bagdadu - powiedział amerykański minister spraw wewnętrznych.", "example_id": "21b9556db322a58123c4fd060e78947e", "entity_id": "Q2854319"}
286 |
{"mention": "Marcin Sapa: Jednak nie może czuć się on bezpiecznie, ponieważ po piętach depcze mu { Marcin Sapa } (Knauf Team), który na wczorajszym etapie przyjechał w ucieczce razem z Radoszem.", "example_id": "948b3af107d5b0beb69a9c389fd8e615", "entity_id": "Q1340758"}
287 |
{"mention": "DHL - Author: Liderem pozostał Robert Radosz \"( { DHL - Author } )\".", "example_id": "92a2dd9a75cc68ed289f040357b752e1", "entity_id": "Q638989"}
288 |
{"mention": "Magdalena Sadłecka: Wśród kobiet jednak na ostatnim etapie najlepsza okazała się { Magdalena Sadłecka } , która wyprzedziła swoje drużynowe koleżanki (Maję Włoszczowską i Annę Szafraniec) o 40 sekund.", "example_id": "fa80827fece59c9922c8bb759ca05131", "entity_id": "Q9465020"}
289 |
{"mention": "Sebastian Lang: Kolejne miejsca zajęli Amerykanin Floyd Landis (Phonak Hearing Systems), który stracił 1'01\" oraz Niemiec { Sebastian Lang } z Gerolsteiner, który był spóźniony w stosunku do Honchara o 1'04\".", "example_id": "079dd9efb5712510ac1e3bb6cd2ea2c9", "entity_id": "Q503041"}
290 |
{"mention": "Manufakturze: W łódzkiej { Manufakturze } otwarto długą na 180 metrów fontannę.", "example_id": "115f6c8b160499d9c7a201a51f31013a", "entity_id": "Q26658"}
291 |
{"mention": "Kirchen: { Kirchen } powiedział, że przyjeżdża (do Polski) we wrześniu, by bronić zwycięstwa.", "example_id": "9726739848bbc5a385855777bd936159", "entity_id": "Q318575"}
292 |
{"mention": "Dariusz Baranowski: Pojawiają się też spekulacje, że w wyścigu miałby pojechać jeszcze jeden kolarz z licencją ProTour: { Dariusz Baranowski } , który nie jest wpisany na liscie zawodników na tegoroczną Vueltę.", "example_id": "30d5e10715073b5e6403edd9704f3b46", "entity_id": "Q1166027"}
293 |
{"mention": "Dell Inc.: Tydzień temu firma { Dell Inc. } podała, że z tego samego powodu ma zamiar wymienić 4,1 milionów baterii.", "example_id": "dbfd1ebe8ed0f9e52f7188b3dced266a", "entity_id": "Q30873"}
294 |
{"mention": "Indiach: Tybetańczycy prawdopodobnie próbowali przekroczyć granicę chińsko-nepalską, aby dołączyć do Tybetańczyków, którzy osiedlili się razem z Dalajlamą w { Indiach } .", "example_id": "f3dd4bf4ce23f6ab7cbaca19239768d0", "entity_id": "Q668"}
295 |
{"mention": "Neoplan: Przedmiotem sporu jest model luksusowego autobusu o nazwie \"Starliner\" produkowany przez spółkę-córkę MAN { Neoplan } , który miał swoją publiczną premierę na salonie samochodowym w Hanowerze w 2004 roku.", "example_id": "29199f3eabd19fb0895e3a2999aecc95", "entity_id": "Q326013"}
296 |
{"mention": "Wojciechem Słodkowskim: Kwesta, którą zapoczątkowała grupa łódzkich entuzjastów, na czele z Stanisławem Łukawskim (\"nestor łódzkich przewodników\") i { Wojciechem Słodkowskim } (\"dziennikarz łódzkiej telewizji\"), odbywa sie cyklicznie na Starym Cmentarzu od 1995 roku.", "example_id": "cebb1566ef8707b428c4b892eea85528", "entity_id": "Q9376918"}
297 |
{"mention": "Tadeusz Prucnal: Dalsze miejsca w wyścigu zajęli: - Stanisław Szatkowski (Lewica i Demokraci) - 6,2%, Janusz Lorenz (Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe) - 2,4%, Bogusław Owoc (Liga Polskich Rodzin) - 0,9%, { Tadeusz Prucnal } (Olsztyn Nasz Dom) - 0,7%.", "example_id": "3d0906b42ce6258349bd3368a85d59ea", "entity_id": "Q51789940"}
298 |
{"mention": "Mirosław Mikietyński: W Koszalinie wygrał obecny prezydent miasta, { Mirosław Mikietyński } zgłoszony przez KWW \"Nasz Prezydent\" zdobywając 20.066 głosów, co stanowi 61,23%.", "example_id": "e240a5ad6c6e73e95c7e42cbc0561097", "entity_id": "Q11781869"}
299 |
{"mention": "Wielka Brytania: Trzecie miejsce zajmuje { Wielka Brytania } , a następne - Kanada (3%) i Francja (2,5%).", "example_id": "eabcc884dd76cf9dbf58341806646231", "entity_id": "Q145"}
300 |
{"mention": "Alei Gwiazd: Na ulicy Piotrkowskiej w Łodzi na słynnej { Alei Gwiazd } przy gwieździe Pana Leona zapłonęły znicze, leżą kwiaty, przechodnie przystają aby się pomodlić.", "example_id": "669c641d645dd0ec4c9b8be162141401", "entity_id": "Q890667"}
301 |
{"mention": "Stanisław Łyżwiński: Wicepremier podkreślił, że PiS nie zmieni swego stanowiska w sprawie wyborów nawet jeśli okaże się, że poseł { Stanisław Łyżwiński } jest ojcem dziecka Anety Krawczyk.", "example_id": "df738e0d5815daa87d4d96260a36e575", "entity_id": "Q932054"}
302 |
{"mention": "Andrzej Strejlau: Jego miejsce miałby zająć były selekcjoner { Andrzej Strejlau } .", "example_id": "d20df195d7b9e697baa29dff54cfbc5f", "entity_id": "Q515640"}
303 |
{"mention": "Barbarze Sadowskiej: Popiełuszki zamordowanego przez SB, pośmiertnie poetce { Barbarze Sadowskiej } - działaczce opozycji, której syn Grzegorz Przemyk został zakatowany przez milicję w Warszawie, także Aleksandrowi Hallowi (działacz podziemnej \"Solidarności\") i zmarłej po zwolnieniu z internowania żonie Jacka Kuronia \"Gajce\" - Grażynie Boruckiej-Kuroń.", "example_id": "158fcc1031e1174b7140095fe380f312", "entity_id": "Q9165571"}
304 |
{"mention": "Donald Tusk: Lider Platformy Obywatelskiej { Donald Tusk } powiedział, że w najbliższym czasie dojdzie do połączenia PO z Partią Centrum.", "example_id": "3c34bc670f3350907049f65310622a9d", "entity_id": "Q946"}
The diff for this file is too large to render.
See raw diff
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
1 |
import json
2 |
import os
3 |
4 |
import utils_mewslix
5 |
6 |
7 |
def load_jsonl(path):
8 |
data = list()
9 |
with open(path) as f:
10 |
for line in f:
11 |
obj = json.loads(line)
12 |
13 |
print('load', len(data), 'from', path)
14 |
return data
15 |
16 |
def dump_jsonl(path, data):
17 |
with open(path, 'w') as f:
18 |
for obj in data:
19 |
line = json.dumps(obj, ensure_ascii=False)
20 |
f.write(line + '\n')
21 |
print('dump', len(data), 'to', path)
22 |
return data
23 |
24 |
25 |
for split in ('dev', 'train'):
26 |
data = load_jsonl(f'raw/wikipedia_pairs-{split}.jsonl')
27 |
processed = list()
28 |
for example in data:
29 |
ins = utils_mewslix.MentionEntityPair.from_json(example)
30 |
mention = utils_mewslix.preprocess_mention(ins.contextual_mention)
31 |
entity = utils_mewslix.preprocess_entity_description(ins.entity)
32 |
processed.append({'mention': mention, 'entity': entity})
33 |
os.makedirs('wikipedia_pairs', exist_ok=True)
34 |
dump_jsonl(f'wikipedia_pairs/{split}.jsonl', processed)
35 |
36 |
37 |
38 |
from collections import defaultdict
39 |
40 |
for split in ('dev', 'test'):
41 |
data = load_jsonl(f'raw/wikinews_mentions-{split}.jsonl')
42 |
processed = defaultdict(list)
43 |
for example in data:
44 |
doc_mentions = utils_mewslix.ContextualMentions.from_json(example)
45 |
mentions = list(doc_mentions.unnest_to_single_mention_per_context())
46 |
assert len(mentions) == len(set(m.mention.example_id for m in mentions))
47 |
for m in mentions:
48 |
text = utils_mewslix.preprocess_mention(m)
49 |
50 |
'mention': text, 'example_id': m.mention.example_id, 'entity_id': m.mention.entity_id
51 |
52 |
for k, v in processed.items():
53 |
os.makedirs(k, exist_ok=True)
54 |
dump_jsonl(f'{k}/{split}.jsonl', v)
55 |
56 |
57 |
58 |
data = load_jsonl('raw/candidate_set_entities.jsonl')
59 |
processed = list()
60 |
for example in data:
61 |
entity = utils_mewslix.Entity.from_json(example)
62 |
description = utils_mewslix.preprocess_entity_description(entity)
63 |
processed.append({'entity_id': entity.entity_id, 'description': description})
64 |
dump_jsonl('candidate_entities.jsonl', processed)
65 |
66 |
67 |
68 |
load 14051 from raw/wikipedia_pairs-dev.jsonl
69 |
Applied marker escaping for example_id 65a219eb42f99cbf6366a7a2db2804e6: converges: Take a sequence of rational numbers (xₖ) with the property that (xₖ) { converges } , with respect to the Euclidean topology, towards x as k tends towards infinity.
70 |
Applied marker escaping for example_id 117d2387a75732dd886d4b87f7c8df3f: Punjabi Kabaddi: { Punjabi Kabaddi } , Cricket and Volleyball (Volleyball variations#Shooting volleyball) are the three most popular sports played in Nathumajra.
71 |
Applied marker escaping for example_id c9eebe82f772bc998164d800913fe9d1: Humboldt Prize: Andronov Prize of the Soviet Academy of Science, { Humboldt Prize } Docteur (honoris causa) of the University of Rouen in France, 1996.
72 |
dump 14051 to wikipedia_pairs/dev.jsonl
73 |
load 167719 from raw/wikipedia_pairs-train.jsonl
74 |
Applied marker escaping for example_id 085742b6c52b79cc1ec0f99abaec73b3: singleton: The rational sequence topology is given by defining both the whole set R and the empty set ∅ to be open, defining each rational number { singleton } to be open, and using as a basis for the irrational number x, the sets U_n(x) := \( x_k : n \le k < \infty \) \cup \(x\) .
75 |
Applied marker escaping for example_id e43ad636ff84f4df09e6a6db4b6b5934: natural number: For example, let G be the free group in two generators, x and y (which is clearly finitely generated, since G = ⟨(x,y)⟩), and let S be the subset consisting of all elements of G of the form yⁿxy⁻ⁿ for n a { natural number } .
76 |
Applied marker escaping for example_id e841dabaadf98df0c54886a3bc214e65: group of units: The { group of units } U(Z₉) is the group of all integers relatively prime to 9 under multiplication mod 9 (U₉ = (1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8)).
77 |
Applied marker escaping for example_id 95b9c80742ca084b130bf4d1ab1ed12d: subsumption architecture: Suppose the \mathbb(A) has a { subsumption architecture } ; each component of this architecture can be then represented as a formal grammar too and the final behavior of the agent is then described by this system of grammars.
78 |
Applied marker escaping for example_id c871de06fd88557a53605197ecc3b1ad: variables: The transformation transforms the equations of axisymmetric boundary layer with external velocity U in terms of original { variables } x,y,u,v into the equations of plane boundary layer with external velocity \bar(U) in terms of the new variables \bar(x),\bar(y),\bar(u),\bar(v).
79 |
Applied marker escaping for example_id 37901554006b02b435fe07f02a7d2f42: formal language: The set of possible behaviors of \mathbb(A) can then be described as { formal language } \mathbb(L_A)=\((f^mt^nf^r)^+:1\leq m\leq k; 1\leq n\leq \ell;1\leq r\leq k\), where ƒ can be done maximally k times and t can be done maximally ℓ times considering the dimensions of the table.
80 |
Applied marker escaping for example_id 1724238f8b345db438bc8f727b122499: integers: Similarly, while (1) is a group generator of the set of relative { integers } , (1) is not a monoid generator of the set of relative integers.
81 |
Applied marker escaping for example_id bc8093f8a1203a97620268135de3d9cd: basis: The rational sequence topology is given by defining both the whole set R and the empty set ∅ to be open, defining each rational number singleton to be open, and using as a { basis } for the irrational number x, the sets U_n(x) := \( x_k : n \le k < \infty \) \cup \(x\) .
82 |
Applied marker escaping for example_id 3ec38d65e84b1114ea9a0623373c1e48: Euclidean topology: Take a sequence of rational numbers (xₖ) with the property that (xₖ) converges, with respect to the { Euclidean topology } , towards x as k tends towards infinity.
83 |
Applied marker escaping for example_id b63ae14dd4d3eb15eaf76e10fbc9b8fd: Volleyball: Punjabi Kabaddi, Cricket and { Volleyball } (Volleyball variations#Shooting volleyball) are the three most popular sports played in Nathumajra.
84 |
Applied marker escaping for example_id ebce8204d39acbe44844cee5acd3e71c: gcd: For example, if p and q are integers with { gcd } (p, q) = 1, then (p, q) also generates the group of integers under addition by Bézout's identity.
85 |
Applied marker escaping for example_id ffb31062390d77cf8891fe9aa9727fbf: Bézout's identity: For example, if p and q are integers with gcd(p, q) = 1, then (p, q) also generates the group of integers under addition by { Bézout's identity } .
86 |
Applied marker escaping for example_id e92e38d3229a7d21cfdaeaeac8178e0e: relatively prime: The group of units U(Z₉) is the group of all integers { relatively prime } to 9 under multiplication mod 9 (U₉ = (1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8)).
87 |
Applied marker escaping for example_id ba03705f1c85e9d484936537de12a2bf: free group: For example, let G be the { free group } in two generators, x and y (which is clearly finitely generated, since G = ⟨(x,y)⟩), and let S be the subset consisting of all elements of G of the form yⁿxy⁻ⁿ for n a natural number.
88 |
Applied marker escaping for example_id b06d8979dde2a54ae575db9218ed32e6: dihedral group: The { dihedral group } of order n is generated by the set (r, s), where r represents rotation by π/n and s is any reflection about a line of symmetry.
89 |
Applied marker escaping for example_id b145017f6ad3921a18c52eacbe30e765: natural numbers: The set S is said to be a semigroup generating set of G if each element of G is a finite sum of elements of S. Similarly, a set S is said to be a monoid generating set of G if each non-zero element of G is a finite sum of elements of S. For example (1) is a monoid generator of the set of non-negative { natural numbers } .
90 |
Applied marker escaping for example_id 88a8f3a822dd6d73264ed45f5f86f467: coprime: The two-element subset (3, 5) is a generating set, since (−5) + 3 + 3 = 1 (in fact, any pair of { coprime } numbers is, as a consequence of Bézout's identity).
91 |
Applied marker escaping for example_id 756f9388cc9acffd4e22882c132da6f4: Coxeter group: This makes the tetrahedron-triangle duoprism prism, (3,3)×(3)×(), Seen in a configuration matrix, the element counts can be derived by mirror removal and ratios of { Coxeter group } orders.
92 |
Applied marker escaping for example_id f5ceb367eb87e2648a0e1fdd573b7740: sequence: Take a { sequence } of rational numbers (xₖ) with the property that (xₖ) converges, with respect to the Euclidean topology, towards x as k tends towards infinity.
93 |
Applied marker escaping for example_id f373938282a4d76ad3ca7566ca253c48: configuration matrix: This makes the tetrahedron-triangle duoprism prism, (3,3)×(3)×(), Seen in a { configuration matrix } , the element counts can be derived by mirror removal and ratios of Coxeter group orders.
94 |
Applied marker escaping for example_id 33431733fb6ea83a79a31d8fa2ea38a7: Bézout's identity: The two-element subset (3, 5) is a generating set, since (−5) + 3 + 3 = 1 (in fact, any pair of coprime numbers is, as a consequence of { Bézout's identity } ).
95 |
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@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
1 |
2 |
oid sha256:5b5641b5bc0bb0afab52d3db83c3929ff77e50bd131307d47aecc6aaed251485
3 |
size 315719534
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
1 |
{"mention": "Egipt: Bine ați venit la Wikiștiri { Egipt } .", "example_id": "342e06bf64c757f5a6190bd724e28632", "entity_id": "Q79"}
2 |
{"mention": "Europa de Est: 4 iulie 2013 \"București\", \"România\" — Între 5 și 7 iulie 2013, se va desfășura festivalul de muzică B'ESTFEST Summer Camp, unul dintre cele mai mari festivaluri de muzică din { Europa de Est } .", "example_id": "6d749b6adef512e8fbabc026322e176c", "entity_id": "Q27468"}
3 |
{"mention": "comuniști: 5 iulie 2013 \"Chișinău\", \"Republica Moldova\" — Deputații { comuniști } din Parlamentului Republicii Moldova au pornit sirena pentru a blocat ședința de zi în care se discuta un proiect de lege ce prevedea privatizarea unor întreprinderi publice.", "example_id": "26bb37730e1b368258b7273ae459aa00", "entity_id": "Q750116"}
4 |
{"mention": "Brazda lui Novac: Orchestra Filarmonicii, condusă de dirijorul Radu Popa, având ca invitat pe violonistul Gabriel Croitoru, va interpreta „Anotimpurile” lui Antonio Vivaldi în patru cartiere craiovene: Craiovița Nouă (zona Poștei), Valea Roșie (zona pieței), Rovine (Parc), { Brazda lui Novac } (zona Grădiniței „Căsuța cu povești”).", "example_id": "8361524d7b816322594f24df7f59cbaf", "entity_id": "Q12722933"}
5 |
{"mention": "Turneului de tenis de la Stuttgart: Tenismenul român Victor Hănescu (locul 51 ATP) l-a învins în sferturile de finală ale { Turneului de tenis de la Stuttgart } , Germania, pe francezul Benoît Paire (locul 27 ATP, cap de serie numărul 4) cu scorul de 7-5, 6-2.", "example_id": "bc8b7a9d81b8844a8a3c857656942b60", "entity_id": "Q130222"}
6 |
{"mention": "genocid: 19 septembrie 2013 \"București\", \"România\" — Institutul de Investigare a Crimelor Comunismului și Memoria Exilului Românesc a solicitat Parchetului de pe lângă Înalta Curte de Casație și Justiție să înceapă urmărirea penală pentru infracțiunea de { genocid } împotriva lui Ion Ficior, fost comandant al Coloniei de muncă Periprava între 1958 și 1963.", "example_id": "4c04b4565b6bfe40509952c2f01183fe", "entity_id": "Q41397"}
7 |
{"mention": "Alexandru Vișinescu: Este al doilea astfel de caz denunțat de IICCMER după ce, pe 30 iulie 2013, institutul a solicitat Parchetului de pe lângă Tribunalul Militar Teritorial București începerea urmării penale a fostului comandant al închisorii Râmnicu Sărat, { Alexandru Vișinescu } , pentru omor deosebit de grav.", "example_id": "3e4d81776b11a766cd2a8c8c9f7942b0", "entity_id": "Q18549194"}
8 |
{"mention": "Adrian Năstase: Fostul prim-ministru al României din perioada 2000-2004, { Adrian Năstase } , a fost condamnat la 4 ani de închisoare cu executare și cinci ani interzicerea unor drepturi, pentru luare de mita în forma continuată.", "example_id": "48587aca6d67153e0e6f39aa5479a631", "entity_id": "Q271966"}
9 |
{"mention": "Armata Roșie: Cu ocazia aniversării a 70 de ani de la eliberarea ultimilor deținuți din lagărul nazist Auschwitz de către { Armata Roșie } , a avut loc pe 27 ianuarie la Viena în Piața Eroilor (Heldenplatz) o adunare comemorativă.", "example_id": "634be1fd4af6336692655fdb6331a77d", "entity_id": "Q251395"}
10 |
{"mention": "Piața Eroilor: Cu ocazia aniversării a 70 de ani de la eliberarea ultimilor deținuți din lagărul nazist Auschwitz de către Armata Roșie, a avut loc pe 27 ianuarie la Viena în { Piața Eroilor } (Heldenplatz) o adunare comemorativă.", "example_id": "1acbdc939d709c45004b4056b8c71343", "entity_id": "Q700128"}
11 |
{"mention": "gheață de apă: Conform cercetătorilor, Cérès ar fi compusă dintr-o manta din { gheață de apă } și un miez stâncos.", "example_id": "9d874c3b994cbe3c080063f06e426dbb", "entity_id": "Q23392"}
12 |
{"mention": "Federația Rusă: În ultimele zile, tensiunea a crescut ca urmare a conflictului dintre Ucraina și { Federația Rusă } , care a condus la creșterea presiunii din partea Statelor Unite, Marii Britanii , și Franței asupra Rusiei pentru a retrage trupele din Crimeea.", "example_id": "673d5bffbed52c441aa68c92660b8fc8", "entity_id": "Q159"}
13 |
{"mention": "Comitetului pentru Siguranță Națională Transporturi: Datele acestea sunt rezulate din investigațiile { Comitetului pentru Siguranță Națională Transporturi } (NTSC).", "example_id": "9b815a7a6f3bb6e84955fdf503843d16", "entity_id": "Q185796"}
14 |
{"mention": "Bloomberg: \" { Bloomberg } \" susține echipajul de zbor a oprit calculatoarele concepute pentru a ajuta, după ce acestea au emis alerta.", "example_id": "0dbd43f5eb853eaa7f6a00d220aaff35", "entity_id": "Q13977"}
15 |
{"mention": "Agenția națională de căutare și salvare: { Agenția națională de căutare și salvare } (Indonezia) are peste 60 de scafandri activi pentru a prelua cadavre subacvatice.", "example_id": "4aedbad3dc2a1b500cab895c5fb391c2", "entity_id": "Q6978311"}
16 |
{"mention": "Irak: Bine ați venit la Wikiștiri { Irak } .", "example_id": "3bfaf9ca0e0bdc77e6e37317fbef693b", "entity_id": "Q796"}
17 |
{"mention": "Japonia: Bine ați venit la Wikiștiri { Japonia } .", "example_id": "4708f8effca63d4e35dd9e93314b991e", "entity_id": "Q17"}
18 |
{"mention": "Guernsey: Bine ați venit la Wikiștiri { Guernsey } .", "example_id": "ed6d4d9e60c835608a8e7e989ed0c9e7", "entity_id": "Q25230"}
19 |
{"mention": "Bruxelles: Actualizare (30 noiembrie 2015): Bruxelles: Starea de alertă maximă a scăzut cu un grad 24 noiembrie 2015 \"Bruxelles\", \"Belgia\" — Guvernul belgian a decretat stare de alertă maximă la { Bruxelles } în contextul recentelor incidente ce au avut loc la Paris și datorită riscului apariției unui nou atac terorist în mai multe puncte potențiale ale capitalei belgiene.", "example_id": "2d25a5b9e00acf158ff3ba2dc77d561d", "entity_id": "Q9005"}
20 |
{"mention": "Paris: Aceste măsuri au survenit după ce un al treilea suspect jihadist asociat cu atentatele din { Paris } a fost inculpat pe teritoriul belgian.", "example_id": "e15ee6693eb6d715897a337484f25754", "entity_id": "Q90"}
21 |
{"mention": "Paris: 30 noiembrie 2015 \" { Paris } \", \"Franța\" — Parisul jonglează în politica sa externă stârnind nedumeriri și întrebări.", "example_id": "869e3752465fc20515010ee535039a34", "entity_id": "Q90"}
22 |
{"mention": "India: Bine ați venit la Wikiștiri { India } .", "example_id": "2bf32691bd9d2236879fd5dd1b8fd337", "entity_id": "Q668"}
23 |
{"mention": "Siria: Bine ați venit la Wikiștiri { Siria } .", "example_id": "7ac0161d32bb316ac0b0aae68956f72d", "entity_id": "Q858"}
24 |
{"mention": "Rusiei: Opoziția încearcă să fructifice scandalul provocat de puterea de la Chișinău prin acuzarea { Rusiei } de implicare în alegerile din Republica Moldova.", "example_id": "11e9f050951dae0377b0826d74518d95", "entity_id": "Q159"}
25 |
{"mention": "Republica Moldova: Opoziția încearcă să fructifice scandalul provocat de puterea de la Chișinău prin acuzarea Rusiei de implicare în alegerile din { Republica Moldova } .", "example_id": "1e1ad204863babcdb6eb5866cfd4b6b5", "entity_id": "Q217"}
26 |
{"mention": "Henri Coandă: Aceste trei servicii vor zbura luni, joi și sâmbătă între București ( { Henri Coandă } ) și Londra (Gatwick).", "example_id": "f39d76edfb7be9af36deae98f892aefe", "entity_id": "Q257631"}
27 |
{"mention": "Japoniei: 16 aprilie 2005 \"Shanghai\", \"China\" — Nerespectând avertismentele guvernului împotriva unor noi demonstrații, peste două zeci și cinci de mii de chinezi au protestat pentru al doilea weekend împotriva { Japoniei } în Shanghai, Hangzhou, și Tianjin.", "example_id": "727691db42cbddd23fd416473e80c3fc", "entity_id": "Q17"}
28 |
{"mention": "Shanghai: 16 aprilie 2005 \"Shanghai\", \"China\" — Nerespectând avertismentele guvernului împotriva unor noi demonstrații, peste două zeci și cinci de mii de chinezi au protestat pentru al doilea weekend împotriva Japoniei în { Shanghai } , Hangzhou, și Tianjin.", "example_id": "d639f1c80118b99f67f02b9637e96581", "entity_id": "Q8686"}
29 |
{"mention": "Uniunii Europene: În același timp, Guvernul României a promis să reducă nivelurile de poluare, mai ales în orașe industriale ca Arad, ca să se alinieze la standardurile { Uniunii Europene } pentru protejarea mediului.", "example_id": "dcd484ab211d2518259ed2111b3b42f8", "entity_id": "Q458"}
30 |
{"mention": "Republica Moldova: După ce va părăsi România vineri dimineață, președintele Yushchenko se va îndrepta spre Chișinău, { Republica Moldova } , pentru a lua parte la întâlnirea GUUAM.", "example_id": "5a219e6ccc7f220fa22a4677c51c6570", "entity_id": "Q217"}
31 |
{"mention": "Regatul Unit: Patriciu a spus că una dintre posibilități este listarea pe bursa din Londra, { Regatul Unit } .", "example_id": "19f4329eafdd9c5cc1da103656dd33fb", "entity_id": "Q145"}
32 |
{"mention": "căi ferate: 22 aprilie 2005 \"București\", \"România\" — Negocierile între Ministerul de Transport și sindicatele munictorilor de { căi ferate } nu au ajuns la o rezoluție încă, și din cauza asta muncitorii feroviari au anuțat că întră astăzi în grevă.", "example_id": "0ca6acf96a1bb1473ffed2960416f367", "entity_id": "Q795231"}
33 |
{"mention": "Republica Moldova: Cei doi șefi de stat au discutat și probleme din Transnistria, fiind că { Republica Moldova } este situată între Ucraina și România, și din cauza asta ambele țări au un interes strategic în ea.", "example_id": "3a9bb2db21896a4c99c8db384f0ffb9b", "entity_id": "Q217"}
34 |
{"mention": "Uniunea Europeană: 23 aprilie 2005 \"București\", \"România\" — Schimburile comerciale dintre România și Ungaria s-au majorat cu 50% după iunie 2004, când Ungaria a aderat la { Uniunea Europeană } .", "example_id": "281cf64305d23963ede9f18115b3f575", "entity_id": "Q458"}
35 |
{"mention": "Hunedoara: Județele cu cel mai mare număr de locuri vacante sunt Constanța, cu 2.987 de locuri, Ilfov, cu 1.688, Călărași, cu 1.157 și { Hunedoara } , cu 1.017.", "example_id": "22273aa97c8339d8d0d7bbc294ba81b5", "entity_id": "Q191071"}
36 |
{"mention": "Paștelui: 24 aprilie 2005 \"Constanța\", \"România\" — Conform informațiilor care ne-au fost oferite de către Anișoara Dumitrescu, inspector în cadrul Oficiului Județean pentru Protecția Consumatorului Constanța (OJPC), acțiunile de control care vizează respectarea normelor prevăzute de lege la comercializarea produselor alimentare de sezon vor continua și în săptămâna următoare: „Verificările vor fi efectuate la nivelul întregului județ și vizează alimentele care sunt cel mai des cumpărate în perioada { Paștelui } .", "example_id": "df9232f136824098374bd6b9f5e717b5", "entity_id": "Q21196"}
37 |
{"mention": "Uniunii Europene: Obiectivul acestui forum național, în cadrul căruia experții români s-au întâlnit cu specialiști din cadrul { Uniunii Europene } , a fost elaborarea unui plan coerent și unitar de dezvoltare a serviciilor sociale din țara noastră.", "example_id": "753875ff8c066487267a27550e161cf3", "entity_id": "Q458"}
38 |
{"mention": "UE: 30 aprilie 2005 \"Constanța\", \"România\" — Prețul locuințelor ar putea crește în continuare, dacă România va urma evoluția pieței imobiliare din țările care au aderat anul trecut la { UE } , a declarat președintele companiei „Impact“, Dan Ioan Popp.", "example_id": "ddd3243cebcaee6e988992764cd73343", "entity_id": "Q458"}
39 |
{"mention": "indiană: 30 aprilie 2005 \"Constanța\", \"România\" — Compania { indiană } Gail are mari șanse să se alăture grupului care administrează proiectul gazoductului Nabucco, s-a concluzionat în urma discuțiilor avute de reprezentanții companiei cu oficiali ai Ministerului Economiei și Comerțului.", "example_id": "835f9ae05e4385297344ccdc56e1bba1", "entity_id": "Q668"}
40 |
{"mention": "Austria: Conducta Nabucco va străbate Turcia, Bulgaria, România, Ungaria și { Austria } , aceasta urmând a fi operațională la începutul lui 2011.", "example_id": "6bea64bb4b85dddf181a9e276aefbbd2", "entity_id": "Q40"}
41 |
{"mention": "kilometri: Gazoductul va avea 3.400 de { kilometri } , iar proiectul are o valoare de șase miliarde dolari.", "example_id": "3df9396d3eac57f5315c3595c734fb42", "entity_id": "Q828224"}
42 |
{"mention": "Paște: 30 aprilie 2005 \"Constanța\", \"România\" — Acordarea primelor de { Paște } în sectorul bugetar este reglementată prin lege și prin contractele colective de muncă.", "example_id": "0dac6b2d3b903fa1cc470e1e1e8cc139", "entity_id": "Q21196"}
43 |
{"mention": "Uniunea Europeană: 30 aprilie 2005 \"Constanța\", \"România\" — În perioada 25-27 aprilie, a avut loc la Plovdiv, în Bulgaria, o amplă manifestare organizată de către Biroul Balcanic al Clasei de Mijloc și Camera Meșteșugarilor Koblenz din Germania, cu prilejul semnării de către România și Bulgaria a Tratatului de Aderare la { Uniunea Europeană } .", "example_id": "0c7b5bb3960d2e20b2720596069d6337", "entity_id": "Q458"}
44 |
{"mention": "iulie: Astfel, conform informațiilor furnizate de INS, în perioada mai - { iulie } , în activitatea de construcții se va înregistra o creștere accentuată a volumului producției, cu 64%, corelată cu cea stocului de contracte și comenzi, unde creșterea va fi de 50%.", "example_id": "8230bb9ead2c4184e0502f4a8844413d", "entity_id": "Q121"}
45 |
{"mention": "turism: Conform spuselor acestora, prețurile vor avea o evoluție ascendentă, în special în sectorul hotelier și al restaurantelor, urmate de unitățile care au activități auxiliare și anexe de transport și pe piața agențiilor de { turism } .", "example_id": "92c1c2394f7c9f102ec4914de1eff8c4", "entity_id": "Q49389"}
46 |
{"mention": "Paști: 30 aprilie 2005 \"Constanța\", \"România\" — De { Paști } , în sprijinul leului, vine valuta trimisă sau adusă acasă de românii care muncesc în străinătate.", "example_id": "6f14149519a769def49a30734bf0475d", "entity_id": "Q21196"}
47 |
{"mention": "PNL: 30 aprilie 2005 \"Constanța\", \"România\" — În ultimele zile, trei „piese“ grele de la organizația județeană a Partidului Forța Democrată din România, motivând rezultatele modeste obținute de această formațiune politică la ultimele alegeri și lipsa de mesaj a conducerii centrale, au migrat spre { PNL } , unde speră să fie mult mai eficienți.", "example_id": "325f97d95a5b85bbd4e3d9fc209a4371", "entity_id": "Q686228"}
48 |
{"mention": "rromilor: 30 aprilie 2005 \"Constanța\", \"România\" — Prefectul Dănuț Culețu a avut o întâlnire de lucru cu reprezentanții organizațiilor { rromilor } din județul Constanța.", "example_id": "0c39a40fa60e82cecb8e70540422b7fa", "entity_id": "Q8060"}
49 |
{"mention": "UE: Acesta a subliniat că integrarea socială a rromilor este o prioritate în calendarul aderării României la { UE } , îndemnând autoritățile să depună toate eforturile pentru îmbunătățirea situației lor și a condițiilor de viață.", "example_id": "d1b40eeaf29f8f4fa4793dd4e7eb0324", "entity_id": "Q458"}
50 |
{"mention": "PNL: { PNL } a înființat deja un punct de colectare a produselor la sediul său din b-dul Ferdinand, iar membrii săi vor oferi sume importante de bani.", "example_id": "01164b38af4e85809d6eaf91586cb4ac", "entity_id": "Q686228"}
51 |
{"mention": "PUR: Importante donații vor porni și de la membrii { PUR } și FDR, toate acestea dovedind că politicienii constănțeni sunt solidari cu cei care au avut de suferit de pe urma stihiilor vremii.", "example_id": "bd18151c98c536c3776dba8510ada753", "entity_id": "Q783621"}
52 |
{"mention": "PNL: 30 aprilie 2005 \"Constanța\", \"România\" — Deși ar fi vrut să n-o facă, după propria mărturisire, pentru că ne aflam în Vinerea Mare, senatorul liberal Puiu Hașotti, vicepreședinte al { PNL } , nu s-a putut abține să nu critice PSD.", "example_id": "21d7e4a99bcd5d9d8350a0955fe58405", "entity_id": "Q686228"}
53 |
{"mention": "sărbătorile pascale: 30 aprilie 2005 \"Constanța\", \"România\" — Daniela Dura nu a reușit să fie alături de copiii ei de { sărbătorile pascale } .", "example_id": "39dfc661b97685cc449e2fec8f4a2d20", "entity_id": "Q21196"}
54 |
{"mention": "Cel De-al Doilea Război Mondial: Peste nouă zile se vor împlini de asemenea șaizeci de ani de la capitularea Germaniei în fața aliaților în { Cel De-al Doilea Război Mondial } .", "example_id": "f624a72974b8540b836ff5471dc12546", "entity_id": "Q362"}
55 |
{"mention": "Regatul Unit: În aceste eforturi, anchetatorii români sunt sprijiniți și de autoritățile din alte state, în special din SUA și { Regatul Unit } , ai căror cetățeni au fost direct prejudiciați prin faptele comise de rețeaua de învinuiți și inculpați specializați în infracțiuni informatice și fraude prin Internet.", "example_id": "b4e551b5aff22f62a93cdde3aedafe10", "entity_id": "Q145"}
56 |
{"mention": "Omar Hayssam: 5 mai 2005 \"București\", \"România\" — Instanța Tribunalului București a admis, miercuri, propunerea Parchetului de pe lângă Înalta Curte de Casație și Justiție privind prelungirea cu 30 de zile a mandatelor de arestare preventivă a omului de afaceri { Omar Hayssam } și a complicilor săi, acuzați în dosarul \"Foresta Nehoiu\" de bancrută frauduloasă, crimă organizată și spălare de bani.", "example_id": "8b266ccf5a4c2f7b5381d76741c9691c", "entity_id": "Q6270857"}
57 |
{"mention": "fotbal: 5 mai 2005 \"Liverpool\", \"Regatul Unit\" — FC Liverpool s-a calificat în finala Ligii Campionilor europeni la { fotbal } , la 20 de ani de la drama de pe \"Heysel\" (0-1 cu Juventus), după ce a învins în mansa a doua a semifinalelor noua campioană a Angliei, Chelsea Londra, cu scorul de 1-0 (1-0), prin golul inscris de Luis Garcia (4).", "example_id": "2c806bbe8407530843e25c8a33c00269", "entity_id": "Q2736"}
58 |
{"mention": "Uniunea Europeană: 5 mai 2005 \"București\", \"România\" — Președintele Traian Băsescu i-a trimis miercuri Parlamentului spre ratificare Tratatul de aderare a României la { Uniunea Europeană } .", "example_id": "a4f87777f070d4aa87623e0028742cf8", "entity_id": "Q458"}
59 |
{"mention": "Partidului Național Liberal: 5 mai 2005 \"București\", \"România\" — Conducerea { Partidului Național Liberal } a decis ca miniștrii săi să-și depună declarațiile de avere până cel târziu joi, 5 mai, iar parlamentarii PNL până vineri, 6 mai.", "example_id": "1b364db267ce9409e4de351f288a6f37", "entity_id": "Q686228"}
60 |
{"mention": "Partidul Umanist Român: 5 mai 2005 \"București\", \"România\" — { Partidul Umanist Român } nu va provoca o criză politică prin ieșirea de la guvernare, chiar dacă în urma unei eventuale remânieri vor fi afectate posturile de miniștri deținute de această formațiune, a declarat miercuri președintele PUR, Dan Voiculescu.", "example_id": "c8d5d96b192c441f64706196247ab6f2", "entity_id": "Q783621"}
61 |
{"mention": "Uniunea Europeană: 5 mai 2005 \"București\", \"România\" — Întreprinzătorii români vor să intre în { Uniunea Europeană } dar nu știu mai nimic despre legile după care își vor desfășura activitatea, se arată într-un studiu efectuat de Consiliul Național al Întreprinderilor Private Mici și Mijlocii din România.", "example_id": "3c2cd13bf1a128820b0780a2caef85b5", "entity_id": "Q458"}
62 |
{"mention": "UE: În ciuda unor blocaje așteptate din partea unităților de învățământ, noile schimbări compatibile cu normele europene le vor permite studenților să-și găsească mai ușor de lucru în { UE } , crede Mihailescu.", "example_id": "8e5f95405bd121ad227c4b2e1e5f03d2", "entity_id": "Q458"}
63 |
{"mention": "rusul: 5 mai 2005 \"Moscova\", \"Rusia\" — Unul dintre cei doi oameni care s-au aflat în ultima jumătate de an la bordul Stației Spațiale Internaționale, { rusul } Salijan Saripov, a declarat că astronauții sau cosmonauții aflați în misiune ar trebui să fie lăsați să mai ia din când în când câte o gura de alcool.", "example_id": "585ede728042719fce3d97e225f68d9e", "entity_id": "Q159"}
64 |
{"mention": "Terră: El s-a aflat pe SSI împreună cu americanul Leroy Chiao din octombrie 2004, revenind pe { Terră } în această săptămână, la bordul unei capsule Soiuz.", "example_id": "65560fd261a54effe10aa4d36bef7d78", "entity_id": "Q2"}
65 |
{"mention": "Uniunea Europeană: 5 mai 2005 \"București\", \"România\" — Guvernul a aprobat joi proiectul de lege privind aprobarea Tratatului de aderare a României și Bulgariei la { Uniunea Europeană } .", "example_id": "81f5a8d4556804608c0cf5dad318089b", "entity_id": "Q458"}
66 |
{"mention": "India: Lipeala a fost făcută de proprietarii animalelor, în { India } , ei intrând în contact pe un site special, destinat împerecherii patrupedelor de lux.", "example_id": "82ad25e2dc27225f733fd7e7de296741", "entity_id": "Q668"}
67 |
{"mention": "Hunedoara: Cele mai afectate județe au fost Timiș, Caraș-Severin, { Hunedoara } și Arad.", "example_id": "97d5f39bd6d56f30f0ba84895e250409", "entity_id": "Q191071"}
68 |
{"mention": "Irak: 5 mai 2005 \"București\", \"România\" — Autoritățile române au solicitat miercuri prelungirea termenului limită acordat de gruparea care îi ține în captitivitate pe cei trei jurnaliști români în { Irak } .", "example_id": "670a9890035cb0490eb268cdc08040f0", "entity_id": "Q796"}
69 |
{"mention": "Irak: Negocierile deschise intre Bucuresti si Bagdad in cazul ziaristilor romani sunt acum, dupa agravarea situatiei din { Irak } , ca mersul pe sarma pentru \"celula de criza\" de la Cotroceni.", "example_id": "73c2b5bd8ec7723752ba5a0a99a30c3c", "entity_id": "Q796"}
70 |
{"mention": "CFR: „Încercăm să sensibilizăm factorii de decizie din conducerea { CFR } și prin alte metode.", "example_id": "2fa1434a3b3295410846629694d9f058", "entity_id": "Q795231"}
71 |
{"mention": "Brooklyn: Născut pe 9 septembrie 1974 în { Brooklyn } , Jimmy și-a petrecut copilăria in Saugerties, lângă Woodstock.", "example_id": "013c6a4928c0e48cf0e8447a7b2a2a38", "entity_id": "Q18419"}
72 |
{"mention": "Consiliul Superior al Magistraturii: Între orele 11.30-14.00, 100 de cursanți yoga vor protesta, ca și săptămâna trecută, în față la { Consiliul Superior al Magistraturii } , str.", "example_id": "f3a69850df7f9056c1ad6df9cab08c48", "entity_id": "Q12725411"}
73 |
{"mention": "Piața Universității: 9 iunie 2005 \"București\", \"România\" — Școala de yoga M.I.S.A. va fi joi, 9 iunie, ora 13:00, în { Piața Universității } , în fața Teatrului Național.", "example_id": "6a99f27f5307e3dd5082f67c840ca736", "entity_id": "Q1850614"}
74 |
{"mention": "parcului Izvor: Miting în fața Parlamentului 10 iunie 2005 \"București\", \"România\" — Școala de yoga M.I.S.A. va fi vineri, 10 iunie, ora 9:30, în fața Parlamentului, în zona { parcului Izvor } .", "example_id": "7c1f6930a8fa29acb31e40c8f7034de7", "entity_id": "Q12737529"}
75 |
{"mention": "Consiliul Superior al Magistraturii: 23 iunie 2005 \"București\", \"România\" — Școala de yoga M.I.S.A. organizează și săptămâna aceasta (23 iunie 2005) un miting la Parchetul General și un altul la { Consiliul Superior al Magistraturii } , pentru a protesta împotriva abuzurilor procurorilor și judecătorilor în anchetele care îi vizează pe cursanții, membrii și simpatizanții M.I.S.A..", "example_id": "db0e24eaa2c80a547e4560b4bc07ecbf", "entity_id": "Q12725411"}
76 |
{"mention": "BBC: 1 iulie 2005 \"Bruxelles\", \"Uniunea Europeană\" — Un important oficial european, citat de reporterul { BBC } , Ana Maria Bota, a declarat că datele primite până acum la Bruxelles sugerează nevoia unei amânări, pentru că România și Bulgaria au nevoie de mai mult timp pentru a pune în aplicare reformele importante care le-au mai rămas.", "example_id": "924c3ada3fa10e5a51c9eb0867e9dd72", "entity_id": "Q9531"}
77 |
{"mention": "Bruxelles: 1 iulie 2005 \"Bruxelles\", \"Uniunea Europeană\" — Un important oficial european, citat de reporterul BBC, Ana Maria Bota, a declarat că datele primite până acum la { Bruxelles } sugerează nevoia unei amânări, pentru că România și Bulgaria au nevoie de mai mult timp pentru a pune în aplicare reformele importante care le-au mai rămas.", "example_id": "e7e7692ef6ffafbcdd35146cf6e0b6a3", "entity_id": "Q9005"}
78 |
{"mention": "Uniune: Comisarul european pentru extindere, Olli Rehn a subliniat de nenumărate ori că România și Bulgaria nu vor fi primite în { Uniune } dacă nu își vor îndeplini angajamentele asumate în domeniul justiției, lupta împotriva corupției și întărirea controlului la granițe.", "example_id": "db87f1f710eb485347cd3c9b15bb583a", "entity_id": "Q458"}
79 |
{"mention": "Comitetului Internațional Olimpic: 6 iulie 2005 \"Singapore\", \"Singapore\" — Londra a fost desemnată oficial gazdă a Jocurilor celei de-a XXX-a Olimpiade de vară din 2012, la sfârșitul întrunirii cu numărul 117 a { Comitetului Internațional Olimpic } , desfășurată în Singapore.", "example_id": "5f7720e4b03ccd42ed62952213996d88", "entity_id": "Q40970"}
80 |
{"mention": "Paris: Nu același lucru s-a întâmplat la { Paris } , unde autoritățile își făcuseră planuri până în cele mai mici detalii.", "example_id": "07b04bb295a7d815af010806ae28700c", "entity_id": "Q90"}
81 |
{"mention": "al-Qaeda: Experții consideră ca atacul a fost coordonat de organizația teroristă { al-Qaeda } .", "example_id": "fe9655a7f25a26f7635836f6d2f4951c", "entity_id": "Q34490"}
82 |
{"mention": "Mulhouse: 11 iulie 2005 \"Turul Franței 2005\", \"Franța\" — Ciclistul danez Mickael Rasmussen a câștigat detașat etapa a noua a Turului Franței, dintre Gerardmer și { Mulhouse } (171 de kilometri).", "example_id": "0ded9b499a86cfbc21eb6f0e105fa293", "entity_id": "Q79815"}
83 |
{"mention": "Credit Agricole: Pe urmele lui Rasmussen s-au aflat germanul Jens Voigt (Team CSC) și francezul Cristophe Moreau ( { Credit Agricole } ).", "example_id": "ec488030cea93c3f3b1c3a9971c8ae67", "entity_id": "Q590952"}
84 |
{"mention": "Zinaida Greceanîi: Dacă scrutinul ar fi fost validat, candidata comuniștilor, { Zinaida Greceanîi } ar fi câștigat alegerile din primul tur cu puțin peste 50% din voturi.", "example_id": "76cbaa4d89a327be97a4ea9344461176", "entity_id": "Q61299"}
85 |
{"mention": "Ilie Botoș: Yoghinii M.I.S.A. afirmă că vor continua seria de proteste până când { Ilie Botoș } va fi demis sau își va da demisia.", "example_id": "91e63cdc5650c93e50abfec8ae4d1777", "entity_id": "Q18538212"}
86 |
{"mention": "Federației Internaționale de Yoga: Federația Europeană de Yoga cuprinde școlile de yoga de pe continent, membre ale { Federației Internaționale de Yoga } , organizație care reunește peste 300 de milioane de practicanți din întreaga lume.", "example_id": "526ad252cc7acdc36daa43d38d4948d2", "entity_id": "Q4288252"}
87 |
{"mention": "Consiliul Superior al Magistraturii: Pe 4 noiembrie 2004 Simona Lungu depune o cerere către { Consiliul Superior al Magistraturii } în care cere să-i fie apărată reputația de magistrat.", "example_id": "184398b8b18d463b95250ca9bca2c6c5", "entity_id": "Q12725411"}
88 |
{"mention": "Ilie Botoș: Mitingul a avut loc în fața Ministerului Public în cea de-a 10-a săptămână consecutivă în care cursanții Școlii de yoga M.I.S.A. au cerut declanșarea unei anchete pentru cercetarea lui { Ilie Botoș } și a altor persoane, considerând ei că aceștia se fac răspunzători de acțiuni ilegale și abuzuri împotriva yoghinilor în perioada anilor 2004 - 2005.", "example_id": "3fcf2b676a070f42e81f0ba726565a8e", "entity_id": "Q18538212"}
89 |
{"mention": "CSM: Ministrul Justiției, Monica Macovei a cerut astăzi (16 decembrie 2005) Parchetului General și { CSM } să investigheze respectarea procedurilor legale în anchetarea liderului M.I.S.A..", "example_id": "1c84731504ec24d798f6bc80461c53fb", "entity_id": "Q12725411"}
90 |
{"mention": "Ilie Botoș: Acest miting, din cea de-a 13-a săptămână consecutivă de proteste vine imediat după solicitările trimise de ministrul Justiției, Monica Macovei către președintele CSM, Dan Lupascu și către { Ilie Botoș } , prin care cere verificarea de urgență a modului în care s-au realizat anchetele în cazul lui Gregorian Bivolaru.", "example_id": "be0042c333636e2df928f74878145c4d", "entity_id": "Q18538212"}
91 |
{"mention": "Consiliului Superior al Magistraturii: De data aceasta protestul a avut loc în fața sediului din Calea Plevnei al { Consiliului Superior al Magistraturii } .", "example_id": "cdfa9fb3b45f8153b7a69c50a08f0124", "entity_id": "Q12725411"}
92 |
{"mention": "Consiliului Suprem al Magistraturii: Timp de două ore, peste 100 de yoghini au pichetat sediul { Consiliului Suprem al Magistraturii } (CSM), pentru a cere din nou anchetarea procurorilor și magistraților pe care ei îi reclamă că au comis abuzuri în funcție în cadrul anchetelor ce îi vizează pe liderii și cursanții MISA.", "example_id": "b37b2b43f9030c176d9e5426c9ea76d1", "entity_id": "Q12725411"}
93 |
{"mention": "Ilie Botoș: De 14 săptămâni consecutiv, prin 16 mitinguri, cursanții MISA au cerut demisia sau demiterea procurorului general al României { Ilie Botoș } , considerat de ei responsabilul moral pentru violența perchezițiilor din 18 martie 2004 din locuințele yoghinilor.", "example_id": "8722dd4681851d63f15af0c2e8f6f673", "entity_id": "Q18538212"}
94 |
{"mention": "Consiliului Superior al Magistraturii: 17 ianuarie 2006 \"București\", \"România\" — Școala românească de yoga MISA va picheta zilnic, între orele 9 și 16, sediul { Consiliului Superior al Magistraturii } , începând de astăzi 17 decembrie 2006.", "example_id": "3782e8eba90027487a2e63de473692cf", "entity_id": "Q12725411"}
95 |
{"mention": "Ilie Botoș: Cursanții MISA îi acuză de abuzuri foarte grave pe procurorii și judecătorii: Marian Delcea, { Ilie Botoș } , Lia Savonea, Grigore Chaborsky, George Bălan, Virginia Chiriță, Nelu Ogarcă, Virgil Bratu, Alexandru Ionescu, Eusebiu Serbănoiu, Marian Gherman și Elena Sandu.", "example_id": "8a3af79012a818539c9c23e85bece5bd", "entity_id": "Q18538212"}
96 |
{"mention": "George Bălan: Cursanții MISA îi acuză de abuzuri foarte grave pe procurorii și judecătorii: Marian Delcea, Ilie Botoș, Lia Savonea, Grigore Chaborsky, { George Bălan } , Virginia Chiriță, Nelu Ogarcă, Virgil Bratu, Alexandru Ionescu, Eusebiu Serbănoiu, Marian Gherman și Elena Sandu.", "example_id": "6993c0ea772c46ebf9f1f68edb942471", "entity_id": "Q71823"}
97 |
{"mention": "Alexandru Ionescu: Cursanții MISA îi acuză de abuzuri foarte grave pe procurorii și judecătorii: Marian Delcea, Ilie Botoș, Lia Savonea, Grigore Chaborsky, George Bălan, Virginia Chiriță, Nelu Ogarcă, Virgil Bratu, { Alexandru Ionescu } , Eusebiu Serbănoiu, Marian Gherman și Elena Sandu.", "example_id": "35a30c0aa015031555c9668d26289f70", "entity_id": "Q12720342"}
98 |
{"mention": "Aeroportul Henri Coandă: 30 mai 2007 \"București\", \"România\" — Un avion a luat foc miercuri, 30 mai, în jurul orei 6:15 pe { Aeroportul Henri Coandă } din București.", "example_id": "d53813afd57193c3d2b60c84d279c02f", "entity_id": "Q257631"}
99 |
{"mention": "Microsoft Corporation: { Microsoft Corporation } a făcut la data de 1 februarie 2008 o ofertă nesolicitată în valoare de 44 miliarde de dolari pentru cumpărarea integrală a Yahoo!", "example_id": "0603398fc87f43949552ec5ffbef61f4", "entity_id": "Q2283"}
100 |
{"mention": "Microsoft Corporation: { Microsoft Corporation } a făcut ieri o ofertă nesolicitată în valoare de 44 miliarde de dolari pentru cumpărarea integrală a Yahoo!", "example_id": "fd388ff8acdecfe175920b22f6471cdf", "entity_id": "Q2283"}
101 |
{"mention": "Grupul pentru Dialog Social: Președintele Traian Băsescu a semnat un decret de promulgare a legii conform căreia { Grupul pentru Dialog Social } își poate păstra sediul din Calea Victoriei. din fostul patrimoniu al UTC.", "example_id": "875dd5657d1fed6845041fb6a5bc5f33", "entity_id": "Q5611233"}
102 |
{"mention": "tibetană: Protestele violente din capitala { tibetană } Lhasa s-au soldat conform declarațiilor oficiale chineze citate sâmbătă dimineața (ora locală) de agenția de știri Xinhua cu moartea a 18 civili și a unui polițist.", "example_id": "e69570ccfcd841f62cff9bca003ff01e", "entity_id": "Q17269"}
103 |
{"mention": "Partidului Democrat: Candidatul { Partidului Democrat } , Barack Obama, a devansat-o din nou pe concurenta sa Hillary Clinton.", "example_id": "31a861f7f66cacf40ccdc294d7a82378", "entity_id": "Q29552"}
104 |
{"mention": "Islamabad: Azi, pe data de 25 martie, a avut loc la { Islamabad } festivitatea de desemnare a noului premier, transmisă în direct de către televiziunea pakistaneză.", "example_id": "7842cddbdc0bb67ac47f38a57b9cb7b9", "entity_id": "Q1362"}
105 |
{"mention": "România literară: Începând cu anul 1972, el a scris articole și eseuri pentru diverse reviste literare, ca de exemplu \"Convorbiri literare\", \"Cronica\", \" { România literară } \", \"Contemporanul\".", "example_id": "155f1a910aa5d61d058ed4692f4bd37e", "entity_id": "Q2900802"}
106 |
{"mention": "Republica Moldova: În plus, la summit au participat președintele afgan Hamid Karzai, delegații din Macedonia și { Republica Moldova } , secretarul general al ONU, Ban Ki-moon, președintele CE, José Manuel Durão Barroso, și președintele rus Vladimir Putin.", "example_id": "aa7669ca29fed0c98a0ed3808d710cae", "entity_id": "Q217"}
107 |
{"mention": "José Manuel Durão Barroso: În plus, la summit au participat președintele afgan Hamid Karzai, delegații din Macedonia și Republica Moldova, secretarul general al ONU, Ban Ki-moon, președintele CE, { José Manuel Durão Barroso } , și președintele rus Vladimir Putin.", "example_id": "e8b7e422280197342f3c8e1710cd2711", "entity_id": "Q15849"}
108 |
{"mention": "Georgia: Bush de a primi într-un viitor apropiat Ucraina și { Georgia } ca noi membri ai alianței nu a fost acceptată de Franța și Germania.", "example_id": "f509557d2533879d038f5ad9ba31e1f6", "entity_id": "Q230"}
109 |
{"mention": "Rusia: Poziția franco-germană, susținută de șapte delegații vest-europene, este motivată de temeri privind înrăutățirea relațiilor cu { Rusia } .", "example_id": "acd26e2a48fae8ea503ec4a2bb0612de", "entity_id": "Q159"}
110 |
{"mention": "Rusia: Cordialitatea surprinde datorită tensiunilor dintre { Rusia } și NATO, care s-au accentuat în ultimul timp.", "example_id": "49ce7520466ed02f3c2573ae8daf0f66", "entity_id": "Q159"}
111 |
{"mention": "democraților: Soluția scutului antirachetă din estul Europei nu este nici în Statele Unite unanim acceptată, la o eventuală victorie a { democraților } la alegerile din noiembrie 2008 planul nu va mai fi probabil urmărit.", "example_id": "de01db3a3344d5879bd86f43c0d77cc8", "entity_id": "Q29552"}
112 |
{"mention": "Parisului: În pofida prezenței masive a poliției parcursul flăcării olimpice pe străzile { Parisului } a fost întrerupt de trei ori de demonstrații împotriva înăbușirii revoltei din Tibet de către China.", "example_id": "de873bfb61adf7437e3f1ab85a77e3d3", "entity_id": "Q90"}
113 |
{"mention": "Sorin Oprescu: Recursul lui { Sorin Oprescu } la o decizie a Tribunalului București de a menține hotărârea BEM care respingea candidatura sa la Primăria Capitalei a fost admis, vineri seară, de Curtea de Apel București.", "example_id": "d0f2772cfb223be14db8843bde6aebc4", "entity_id": "Q980828"}
114 |
{"mention": "Republica Moldova: 17 august 2009 \"Chișinău\", \" { Republica Moldova } \" — Partidul Comuniștilor din R.", "example_id": "1968066f55a41794c9752ca6cda30e24", "entity_id": "Q217"}
115 |
{"mention": "Republica Moldova: 24 octombrie 2009 \"Chișinău\", \" { Republica Moldova } \" — În Republica Moldova a avut loc primul deces din cauza gripei porcine.", "example_id": "924953ac604d8a7900f06a7e9019f41e", "entity_id": "Q217"}
116 |
{"mention": "Rusia: Moscova/localități din România, { Rusia } /România – Fenomenul care a avut loc acum două săptămâni pe cerul Moscovei a fost văzut și în mai multe localități din România, singura diferență fiind culoarea.", "example_id": "7c3a45e5628e74516c4a42e1bb882205", "entity_id": "Q159"}
117 |
{"mention": "Raliul Dakar 2010: 1 ianuarie 2010 \"Buenos Aires\", \"Argentina\" — În fața a 500.000 de mii de spectatori a început { Raliul Dakar 2010 } , la care participă 184 de motociclete și ATV-uri, 138 de mașini și 50 de camioane, în total 372 de echipaje.", "example_id": "e356d9e5137532b2dbfb80fd968012be", "entity_id": "Q732381"}
118 |
{"mention": "Uniunii Europene: 4 ianuarie 2010 \"Madrid\", \"Spania\" — La 1 ianuarie 2010, Spania a preluat președenția rotativă a { Uniunii Europene } de la Franța.", "example_id": "7e1ce8dbd9ddc0c799ba660da36f3faf", "entity_id": "Q458"}
119 |
{"mention": "Adrian Năstase: Toni Tecuceanu a facut parte din colectivul emisiunii Cronica Carcotașilor, peste trei ani, de-a lungul timpului imitand mai multe personaje cunoscute în șcenete umoristice, dar de obicei îi interpreta pe { Adrian Năstase } și Gigi Becali.", "example_id": "610ddd759cefe998ff4ff9a10d476746", "entity_id": "Q271966"}
120 |
{"mention": "Republica Moldova: 18 ianuarie 2010 \"Chișinău\", \" { Republica Moldova } \" — Strada Serghei Lazo din Chișinău ar putea fi numită „7 aprilie” în memoria victimelor evenimentelor din 7 aprilie 2009 din Republica Moldova.", "example_id": "52eeec7a14c08e43c98daef9b020f8da", "entity_id": "Q217"}
121 |
{"mention": "Marian Lupu: Este vorba de statalitatea Moldovei și de dorința unei părți a societății de a numi aceasta limbă «moldovenească»”, a declarat { Marian Lupu } .", "example_id": "ba687d4fef6afb16f07dcf46e835bef9", "entity_id": "Q312340"}
122 |
{"mention": "cutremurul din Haiti: 21 ianuarie 2010 \"Port-au-Prince\", \"Haiti\" — Potrivit președintelui venezuelan Hugo Chávez, { cutremurul din Haiti } care a avut loc săptămâna trecută a fost provocat de un test al marinei americane.", "example_id": "da617fcc245000137a7422956a81d498", "entity_id": "Q43777"}
123 |
{"mention": "Republica Moldova: Bine ați venit la Wikiștiri { Republica Moldova } .", "example_id": "6ca3d23a4873f9f2bbbe9c8bddff7d42", "entity_id": "Q217"}
124 |
{"mention": "Atena: În 1995, partidul de guvernământ a negociat de asemenea \"acordul interimar\" dintre guvernele de la { Atena } și Skopie.", "example_id": "5b8cee1cc594b7c4e5e064e8fe0620e7", "entity_id": "Q1524"}
125 |
{"mention": "Grigore Vieru: 14 februarie 2010 \"Chișinău\", \"Republica Moldova\" — Strada Bulevardul Renașterii a fost redenumită în Bulevardul „Grigore Vieru” pe 14 februarie, în cinstea regretatului poet basarabean, { Grigore Vieru } .", "example_id": "cec0a8c5c2289ca69635fa1dadcf4baa", "entity_id": "Q684808"}
126 |
{"mention": "Serbia: Bine ați venit la Wikiștiri { Serbia } .", "example_id": "444f05af0aed4238540890b333a0e9d5", "entity_id": "Q403"}
127 |
{"mention": "Rusia: Bine ați venit la Wikiștiri { Rusia } .", "example_id": "fe924287fda9e223ce3f9ae24511b59c", "entity_id": "Q159"}
128 |
{"mention": "Cultură: Bine ați venit la Wikiștiri { Cultură } .", "example_id": "36dd62dd3f2685e40d4026147309f0c2", "entity_id": "Q11042"}
129 |
{"mention": "America Centrală: Bine ați venit la Wikiștiri { America Centrală } .", "example_id": "867a0f6753270757aa0d5eb1bcc710ec", "entity_id": "Q27611"}
130 |
{"mention": "Thomas Müller: Scorul a fost deschis în minutul 19 de { Thomas Müller } , Uruguayenii au egalat în minutul 28 prin golul lui Edinson Cavani, în minutul 51 Diego Forlan a întors rezultatul la 2—1 pentru Uruguay, dar Marcell Jansen a egalat 5 minute mai târziu.", "example_id": "5276194701b16b74fdeb80996e0e1786", "entity_id": "Q43666"}
131 |
{"mention": "Venus București: Fosta legendă Stelei a început fotbalul la 14 ani și a jucat până în 1947, la Prahova Ploiești, { Venus București } și Corvinul Deva.", "example_id": "0c253af35f7453c6a8dca7e0e4726ba4", "entity_id": "Q1635116"}
132 |
{"mention": "Rusia: 16 noiembrie 2010 \"Moscova\", \"Rusia\" — Bulgaria și { Rusia } au semnat două acorduri cu privire la proiectul gazoductului South Stream și un al treilea cu privire la implementarea unui acord de asistență socială în timpul vizitei de lucru de o zi efectuată de prim-ministrul rus Vladimir Putin sâmbătă (13 noiembrie) la Sofia.", "example_id": "352c8f478e21551b33321b44998c5f39", "entity_id": "Q159"}
133 |
{"mention": "Republica Moldova: 16 noiembrie 2010 \"București\", \"România\" — România și { Republica Moldova } au semnat mult-așteptatul tratat privind frontiera luni (8 noiembrie), stabilind cadrul pentru o cooperare mai strânsă între cele două țări vecine.", "example_id": "032b2a64ba3b09a095d2e81eee6488e7", "entity_id": "Q217"}
134 |
{"mention": "Austriei: 18 noiembrie 2010 \"Washington\", \"Statele Unite ale Americii\" — A venit timpul ca Bosnia și Herțegovina (BiH) să depună un nou efort în vederea reformării constituției, au declarat înalții diplomați ai Statelor Unite și { Austriei } , în urma discuțiilor purtate marți (16 noiembrie) la Washington.", "example_id": "5aa48fb546665ea484f92e7c23ac96a8", "entity_id": "Q40"}
135 |
{"mention": "Austria: Bine ați venit la Wikiștiri { Austria } .", "example_id": "3065d3fe44dc2e58691ca4957f7fcc4c", "entity_id": "Q40"}
136 |
{"mention": "Danemarca: Bine ați venit la Wikiștiri { Danemarca } .", "example_id": "9e36fd41bea266f4ef21f9b270205bbb", "entity_id": "Q35"}
137 |
{"mention": "Georgia: Bine ați venit la Wikiștiri { Georgia } .", "example_id": "89031072f48d6e12b84409811c086927", "entity_id": "Q230"}
138 |
{"mention": "Letonia: Bine ați venit la Wikiștiri { Letonia } .", "example_id": "e0b94870e91da0c546443347ca471a3f", "entity_id": "Q211"}
139 |
{"mention": "Claudiu Crulic: Filmul de animație prezintă cazul cetățeanului român { Claudiu Crulic } , mort pe 18 ianuarie 2008 în închisoarea din Polonia, la vârsta de 33 de ani, după o lungă grevă a foamei față de arestarea sa de către autoritățile de la Varșovia.", "example_id": "69b840ecc005530fcc2175106fe17158", "entity_id": "Q12724181"}
140 |
{"mention": "marijuanei: În timpul emisiunii, aceasta a insistat că nu este o glumă și că una dintre primele măsuri pe care le va lua dacă va câștiga alegerile va fi legalizarea { marijuanei } .", "example_id": "b2331c8da9f2522b9d207ab596ccaa9b", "entity_id": "Q2845"}
141 |
{"mention": "Companiei Naționale de Căi Ferate: Având dificultăți financiare și datorii la bugetul de stat de 998.344.074 lei și aflându-se în situația în care \"s-a inceput procedura de executare silită\", conducerea { Companiei Naționale de Căi Ferate } a decis majorarea tarifelor practicate pentru transportul de persoane cu 18% începând din 15 august 2011.", "example_id": "6abe1e3d593807a184cacfdabb5a2b80", "entity_id": "Q795231"}
142 |
{"mention": "Marian Crișan: În anul 2010, regizorul { Marian Crișan } a primit patru premii în cadrul aceluiași festival, pentru filmul „Morgen”, iar Ana Ularu a primit premiul pentru cea mai bună interpretare (pentru rolul Matilda din lungmetrajul „Periferic” de Bogdan Apetri).", "example_id": "4bcf3ec8ed831b7831a258c99ea0a662", "entity_id": "Q12734945"}
143 |
{"mention": "Red Hat: Nu vor lipsi de la eveniment reprezentanți ai celor mai cunoscute fundații sau organizații ce se ocupă de principalele distibuții de sisteme de operare bazate pe kernelul linux, precum Adam Williamson de la { Red Hat } Fedora Project (Fedora), Allison Randal de la Ubuntu, Sriram Ramkrishna de la GNOME Foundation, precum și cel care a dat startul celui mai popular sistem de operare liber, Linus Torvalds.", "example_id": "f5a8b30df576cffbd19182a6d6ea6318", "entity_id": "Q485593"}
144 |
{"mention": "Pompierii: { Pompierii } declară că incendiul va putea fi stins în următoarele ore dacă nu se va schimba direcția sau intensitatea vântului", "example_id": "53f50d730ab283854f41ef27680083f8", "entity_id": "Q7362549"}
145 |
{"mention": "Federației Române de Rugby: Președintele { Federației Române de Rugby } Alin Petrache a declarat că aripa echipei naționale, Cătălin Fercu, nu va face deplasarea în Noua Zeelandă deoarece acestuia îi este frică de călătoria cu avionul.", "example_id": "447a6691eeb60857a09706b8547449f9", "entity_id": "Q2279956"}
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1 |
{"mention": "Recep İvedik 2: 12 Şubat 2009 tarihinde vizyona giren { Recep İvedik 2 } filminden sonra yapımcısı Şahan Gökbakar filmin üçüncü serisinin geleceğini ve filmin (Recep İvedik 3 filminin) yılbaşından sonra 12 Şubat 2010 tarihinde vizyona gireceğini duyurdu.", "example_id": "5cf93d4b622617e2852b5a56573151d6", "entity_id": "Q934763"}
2 |
{"mention": "Demet Evgar: Seslendirme kadrosunda; Uğur Yücel, { Demet Evgar } , Okan Yalabık, Yekta Kopan, Güven Kıraç, Ahmet Mümtaz Taylan, Ayşen Gruda, Cezmi Baskın ve Gökçe Özyol gibi tanınmış isimleri bulunduran film için, ünlü ska ve punk rock grubu Athena da bir şarkı hazırladı.", "example_id": "5128d496789765789698868d856a33a1", "entity_id": "Q3296846"}
3 |
{"mention": "Ayşen Gruda: Seslendirme kadrosunda; Uğur Yücel, Demet Evgar, Okan Yalabık, Yekta Kopan, Güven Kıraç, Ahmet Mümtaz Taylan, { Ayşen Gruda } , Cezmi Baskın ve Gökçe Özyol gibi tanınmış isimleri bulunduran film için, ünlü ska ve punk rock grubu Athena da bir şarkı hazırladı.", "example_id": "cd50d2cf70a85287b2c05fda6a32406a", "entity_id": "Q4831964"}
4 |
{"mention": "Bozova: Hasan Akan, { Bozova } ilçesinde izine rastlanan bitkinin keşfinden mutluluk duyulduğunu, ancak türün kaybolma tehlikesine karşın tedbirler alınması gerektiğini belirtti.", "example_id": "28ad74edce685a6e6717002b1e15a85d", "entity_id": "Q896199"}
5 |
{"mention": "Demokrat: { Demokrat } cephedeyse, eski Dışişleri Bakanı Hillary Clinton ve New Hampshire önseçimlerinde büyük bir zafer kazanan Vermont Senatörü Bernie Sanders, Quinnipiac anketinde eşit oranda destek aldığı görülüyor.", "example_id": "1fedd2c2db31edc5f790bb16e1465737", "entity_id": "Q29552"}
6 |
{"mention": "Semih Kaya: Saat 19.00'da başlayan Eskişehirspor-Galatasaray maçında, Galatasaray'dan Bilal Kısa, Yasin Öztekin, { Semih Kaya } 'nın gollerine rağmen, Eskişehirspor, Jeremy Bokila, Nadir Çiftçi ve Anel Hadzic'in golleriyle 4-3 kazandı.", "example_id": "ed56b9c9b70f6eedaba85b98bb2ca237", "entity_id": "Q1366105"}
7 |
{"mention": "Jeremy Bokila: Saat 19.00'da başlayan Eskişehirspor-Galatasaray maçında, Galatasaray'dan Bilal Kısa, Yasin Öztekin, Semih Kaya'nın gollerine rağmen, Eskişehirspor, { Jeremy Bokila } , Nadir Çiftçi ve Anel Hadzic'in golleriyle 4-3 kazandı.", "example_id": "739d7e046b0f966773df9f5be6783264", "entity_id": "Q211363"}
8 |
{"mention": "Şengal: Öbür yandan, Peşmerge tarafından, ağustos 2014'den beri IŞİD'in elinde bulunan { Şengal } 'de 400,000'den fazla Yezidi'nin Kuzey Irak'a kaçmak zorunda kaldığı ve onlarca düzinedeki Yezidilerin Sincar dağında kıstırılarak öldürüldüğü, 3000'e yakın Yezidi kadının ise, IŞİD militanları tarafından tecavüze uğradığı da rapor edildi.", "example_id": "dbac40440805b03b70f7b961432f54bb", "entity_id": "Q955690"}
9 |
{"mention": "Volkan Bozkır: Konuyla ilgili soruları da yanıtlayan Dışişleri Bakanı Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu ve AB Bakanı { Volkan Bozkır } , yaptıkları açıklamada; 1 Haziran’dan itibaren pasaport üzerindeki çiplere parmak izleri ekleneceğini ve yeni pasaportların da verilmeye başlanacağını söylediler.", "example_id": "04788e5cb8a4aecf55c0edf518b1a6af", "entity_id": "Q7940222"}
10 |
{"mention": "Cumhurbaşkanlığı Seçimlerinden: Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan'ın, { Cumhurbaşkanlığı Seçimlerinden } ötürü bırakmak zorunda kaldığı, partideki görev ve yetkilerini devralan Ahmet Davutoğlu, kamuoyunda Erdoğan - Davutoğlu gerginliği olarak bilinen süreç sonunda, 5 Mayıs günü yapmış olduğu basın toplantısında görevini bırakacağını açıklamasından sonra, parti 2. kez Olağanüstü Kongreye gitti.", "example_id": "24068a529a363662116483e0c46c1c64", "entity_id": "Q7855396"}
11 |
{"mention": "Volkan Şen: Bu maç ile ilgili Ivan Bebek'e yoğun tepki vardı ve bu tepkilerden bir tanesi de Fenerbahçeli futbolcu { Volkan Şen } 'den saha içinde gelmişti.", "example_id": "08c0b034ed8c0d58b17c46f64296b9f8", "entity_id": "Q787409"}
12 |
{"mention": "Mete Kalkavan: { Mete Kalkavan } 'ın düdük çaldığı maçta Fenerbahçe'yi 1-0 mağlup eden Galatasaray, 54.", "example_id": "2fe92825ea4305bedb2751a32bf1dcf6", "entity_id": "Q6049150"}
13 |
{"mention": "Alman: Galatasaray, bu etkili futbol sonucu 31.dakikada { Alman } yıldız Lukas Podolski'nin golüyle 1-0 öne geçti.", "example_id": "75c6e349486bfef1bea8b2bb5d19aa04", "entity_id": "Q42884"}
14 |
{"mention": "Türkiye Basketbol Ligi: { Türkiye Basketbol Ligi } 'nde play-offlarda Fenerbahçe ile Galatasaray oynanan seriden Fenerbahçe 3-1 ile galip çıktı ve ezeli rakibini eleyerek finale kaldı.", "example_id": "0decac3e247ad183c824e66afc408def", "entity_id": "Q4001328"}
15 |
{"mention": "Erdoğan: Bu karar Cumhurbaşkanı { Erdoğan } ’a karşı alınmış bir karar değildir.", "example_id": "cce1610e5b7364d85a05e78ce087afc7", "entity_id": "Q39259"}
16 |
{"mention": "İsrail ekonomisi: Konuyla ilgili Roma'da açıklama yapan İsrail Başbakanı Benyamin Netanyahu \"Anlaşma { İsrail ekonomisi } üzerinde de muazzam etkiler bırakacak.", "example_id": "7019cd92fe248d9899daae795b6e86d1", "entity_id": "Q1379800"}
17 |
{"mention": "Binali Yıldırım: Bu açıklamanın yapıldığı zamanlarda Türkiye Başbakanı { Binali Yıldırım } Ankara'da düzenlediği basın toplantısında ise, \"Görüşmeler dün itibarıyle sonuçlandı.", "example_id": "9084c58908821b7f2c589c7aa51b12e8", "entity_id": "Q863496"}
18 |
{"mention": "TRT Müzik: \"Klip değil müzik kanalı\" sloganıyla yayın hayatına başlayacak \" { TRT Müzik } \"de, Türk halk ve sanat müziğinin yanısıra, pop, rock ve alternatif müzik türleri de yayınlanacak.", "example_id": "98525e084df016e558eb238dcaf54378", "entity_id": "Q4628590"}
19 |
{"mention": "Facebook: { Facebook } 'un dört katı olan büyüme yüzdesiyle dikkatleri kendi üzerine çeken Çevrimiçi sosyal ağ sitesi, şimdiden iş adamlarının dünyasında da gözde oldu.", "example_id": "1baa75f46df534acd874932cca6d5e80", "entity_id": "Q355"}
20 |
{"mention": "Çağdaş Yaşamı Destekleme Derneği: { Çağdaş Yaşamı Destekleme Derneği } Başkanı Türkan Saylan, tedavi gördüğü İstanbul Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi'nde bugün saat 04:30'da hayatını kaybetti.", "example_id": "54c34f6392471fab419ec179e2eb4c77", "entity_id": "Q6065140"}
21 |
{"mention": "Zincirlikuyu Mezarlığı'nda: Cenazesi yarın { Zincirlikuyu Mezarlığı'nda } toprağa verilecek.", "example_id": "2906646d9e6f4bba8aad07ebcf80d71f", "entity_id": "Q29635"}
22 |
{"mention": "DTP: Muhalefet partileri CHP %23, MHP %16, ve { DTP } %6 oy aldı. 2004 yerel seçimlerine göre AK Parti 2 büyükşehir belediyesi ve 11 il belediyesi kaybederken, CHP 1 büyükşehir belediyesi ve 4 il belediyesi, MHP ise 1 büyükşehir ve 5 il belediyesi kazandı.", "example_id": "f8354416e44d8160f76d9caa8061973a", "entity_id": "Q1138606"}
23 |
{"mention": "Aziz Kocaoğlu: İzmir'de ise CHP'li { Aziz Kocaoğlu } %55 oyla kazandı.", "example_id": "3fca5362c97035de2dda759a796ce965", "entity_id": "Q205121"}
24 |
{"mention": "grizu patlamasında: Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti'ne bağlı Henan eyaletinin Pingdingşan şehrindeki bir kömür ocağında Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti yerel saati ile dün meydana gelen { grizu patlamasında } 42 madenci hayatını kaybetti.", "example_id": "7999bf24e9029227adcdc60b9140a362", "entity_id": "Q1362483"}
25 |
{"mention": "19 Mayıs Atatürk'ü Anma Gençlik ve Spor Bayramı: Türkiye ve Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti'nde, { 19 Mayıs Atatürk'ü Anma Gençlik ve Spor Bayramı } kutlanıyor.", "example_id": "1dbb9a2014226f490b0cc10a6e6403ce", "entity_id": "Q5152297"}
26 |
{"mention": "Öğrenci Seçme ve Yerleştirme Merkezi: Türkiye, Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti'nde bazı dış temsilciliklerde { Öğrenci Seçme ve Yerleştirme Merkezi } (ÖSYM) tarafından gerçekleştirilen Öğrenci Seçme Sınavı (ÖSS) yapıldı.", "example_id": "1d2f4b591eb7b799ec4f865e4cbd0c69", "entity_id": "Q3593688"}
27 |
{"mention": "İzmir Atatürk Stadı'nda: Beşiktaş Profesyonel Futbol Takımı, rakibi Fenerbahçe Spor Kulübü'nü { İzmir Atatürk Stadı'nda } 4-2 mağlup ederek Türkiye Kupası'nı 8. kez müzesine götürdü.", "example_id": "c314ae909c835357cab6481f15723efc", "entity_id": "Q259830"}
28 |
{"mention": "Recep Tayyip Erdoğan: Suriye Devlet Başkanı Beşşar Esad Türkiye Başbakanı { Recep Tayyip Erdoğan } ile ikili temaslarda bulunmak üzere geldiği İstanbul'da yapılan ikili temaslardan sonra Türkiye Dışişleri Bakanı Ahmet Davutoğlu iki ülkenin karşılıklı anlaşmalar doğrultusunda vatandaşlarına uyguladıkları vize uygulamasını kaldırdığını açıkladı.", "example_id": "b2687637c4abde8fac4b0874967150eb", "entity_id": "Q39259"}
29 |
{"mention": "domuz gribi: Ukrayna Sağlık Bakanlığı, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nden dönen bir Ukrayna vatandaşında { domuz gribi } virüsü saptandığını açıkladı.", "example_id": "b01e4094f9502fad6f45a2df089df08e", "entity_id": "Q36855"}
30 |
{"mention": "Irak'ın: Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, { Irak'ın } Musul kentinden 30 Haziran'da çekilicek.", "example_id": "9b602a58d53eb55f69c1d1e89bcf98f5", "entity_id": "Q796"}
31 |
{"mention": "Uzay Mühendisliğindeki: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Uçak ve Uzay Bilimleri Fakültesine bağlı { Uzay Mühendisliğindeki } öğretim elemanları ve öğrenciler tarafından 3 yıl önce üretilmeye başlanmış olan İTÜpSAT1 adlı uydu bugün yörüngeye yerleştirilmek üzere Hindistan Uzay Araştırmaları Kurumu'na (ISRO) ait C-14 isimli roket vasıtasıyla uzaya fırlatılacak.", "example_id": "9b7c1ef3e70dceda633a6b4dc5934b8f", "entity_id": "Q3798668"}
32 |
{"mention": "Hristiyan Sosyal Birlik: Yeni kurulacak hükûmette Hristiyan Demokratik Birlik (CDU) ve { Hristiyan Sosyal Birlik } (CSU) yerini korurken, başbakan Angela Merkel'in yeni iktidar ortağının Hür Demokratik Parti (FDP) olması bekleniyor.", "example_id": "fcd390c81d233499a7a1248b6b3dad39", "entity_id": "Q49763"}
33 |
{"mention": "Frank-Walter Steinmeier: Seçim sonuçları SPD destekçilerinde moral bozukluğuna neden olurken, SPD genel başkanı Franz Müntefering ve başbakan adayı { Frank-Walter Steinmeier } bir basın toplantısı düzenledi.", "example_id": "a3c8cb1da495e660a8b2f81c118f9577", "entity_id": "Q76658"}
34 |
{"mention": "Richter ölçeğine: Endonezya'ya bağlı Sumatra adası yakınlarında meydana gelen { Richter ölçeğine } göre 7,6 büyüklüğündeki depremde ilk belirlemelere göre 75 kişi ölürken çok sayıda kişinin de enkaz altında kaldığı bildirildi.", "example_id": "4ac39e090323b139b55aee7ed5ccb243", "entity_id": "Q38768"}
35 |
{"mention": "H1N1: { H1N1 } virüsü şüphesiyle İspanya'nın başkenti Madrid'deki Gomez Ulla Askeri Hastanesi'ne 12 askerin sevk edildiği bildirildi.", "example_id": "a06b8b85e5ae4a067e5208ab46cec953", "entity_id": "Q36855"}
36 |
{"mention": "Rusya: İmza törenine Ermenistan Dışişleri Bakanı Edward Nalbandyan, Türkiye Dışişleri Bakanı Ahmet Davutoğlu, arabulucu sıfatıyla İsviçre Dışişleri Bakanı \"Micheline Calmy-Rey\", ABD Dışişleri Bakanı \"Hillary Clinton\", Avrupa Birliği Dış Politika Yüksek Temsilcisi \"Javier Solana\", Fransa Dışişleri Bakanı \"Bernard Kouchner\", { Rusya } Dışişleri Bakanı \"Sergey Lavrov\", Slovenya Dışişleri Bakanı \"Samuel Zbogar\" katıldı.", "example_id": "805efcc74e6e2cb0c8d38a3e98a5a434", "entity_id": "Q159"}
37 |
{"mention": "Servet Çetin'den: Türkiye'nin Bursa ilindeki Bursa Atatürk Stadı'nda oynanan maçta goller, 17. dakikada Halil Altıntop (Türkiye) ve 29. dakikada { Servet Çetin'den } (Türkiye) deldi.", "example_id": "a3dae524a078e0f74bb2c28fc6b05595", "entity_id": "Q347327"}
38 |
{"mention": "Mahmut Özgener: Türkiye Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül ve Ermenistan Cumhurbaşkanı Serj Sarkisyan, UEFA Başkanı Michel Platini, UEFA As Başkanı Şenes Erzik, Türkiye Futbol Federasyonu Başkanı { Mahmut Özgener } ve TFF Yönetim Kurulu üyeleri de maçı izledi.", "example_id": "5faa76b4aba99a6bae874eff9f97784a", "entity_id": "Q6734669"}
39 |
{"mention": "Muammer Güler: İstanbul Valisi { Muammer Güler } , 50'ye yakın okulda 102 öğrencide domuz gribi olarak da bilinen H1N1 virüsü tespit edildiğini, 2'si çocuk 5 kişinin hastanede tedavi edildiğini, çocukların durumunun kritik olduğunu söyledi.", "example_id": "da3313c0e17b144320f09435ab4c14b8", "entity_id": "Q6930701"}
40 |
{"mention": "Eduard Nalbandyan'ın: Yapılan görüşmeye Azerbaycan Dışişler Bakanı \"Elmar Memmedyarov\", Ermenistan Dışişleri Bakanı { Eduard Nalbandyan'ın } yanısıra AGİT Teşkilatı'nın Minsk Grubu eşbaşkanları \"Bernard Fassier\", \"Yuri Merzlyakov\", \"Robert Bradtke\" ve AGİT Başkanı temsilcisi \"Anjey Kaspşik\" katıldı.", "example_id": "1ef879ac79f8648c44f65555fad1d922", "entity_id": "Q58197"}
41 |
{"mention": "Melih Gökçek: Ayrıca ABD Başkanı Obama'nın babaannesi Sarah Obama ve Ankara Büyükşehir Belediye Başkanı { Melih Gökçek } de hacı olanların arasında bulundu.", "example_id": "7703576bcabcdc9741ffd2f9ba32119d", "entity_id": "Q366274"}
42 |
{"mention": "Rusya'nın: { Rusya'nın } başkenti Moskova'dan St.", "example_id": "8e12864bfbd50b0f5d9824bf552c8f99", "entity_id": "Q159"}
43 |
{"mention": "Sultanbeyli: İstanbul'un { Sultanbeyli } ilçesinde ise PKK sempatizanları bir otobüsü yaktı.", "example_id": "5a288c0bda6d6b5829429288e9a074e6", "entity_id": "Q673890"}
44 |
{"mention": "Elmar Memmedyarov'da: Kırkbeş dakika süren görüşmeye iki ülkenin dışişleri bakanları Ahmet Davutoğlu ve { Elmar Memmedyarov'da } katıldı.", "example_id": "9a9a1064b0790680bb69d8eeecee9374", "entity_id": "Q58083"}
45 |
{"mention": "Zekeriya Öz: Orgeneral Aytaç Yalman'ın ifadesinin Cumhuriyet Savcısı Ercan Şafak, Oramiral Özden Örnek'in ifadesinin İstanbul Cumhuriyet Başsavcıvekili Turan Çolakkadı, Cumhuriyet Savcıları { Zekeriya Öz } ve Fikret Seçen, emekli Orgeneral İbrahim Fırtına'nın ifadesinin Cumhuriyet Savcısı Murat Yönder tarafından alındığı öğrenildi.", "example_id": "5cf4d24aa2ad468d1b2e9445b1824a1c", "entity_id": "Q6093763"}
46 |
{"mention": "grizu patlaması: Türkiye'nin illerinden olan Bursa'nın Mustafakemalpaşa ilçesindeki bir maden ocağında meydana gelen { grizu patlaması } sonucu 19 kişi hayatını kaybetti.", "example_id": "fbedbdbe8f9237248e533de9ef9a6e76", "entity_id": "Q1362483"}
47 |
{"mention": "Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Anayasası: Partinin kapatılmasında \" { Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Anayasası } \" 68. ve 69. maddesi, 2820 sayılı \"Türkiye Siyasi Partiler Kanunu\"'nun 101. ve 103. maddesinin esas alındığı belirtildi.", "example_id": "da7c7f50154aff392d978dcb0194f7f4", "entity_id": "Q646519"}
48 |
{"mention": "Nakheel'in: Gönderilen paranın %42'sine denk gelen \"4,2 milyar $\" kısmın Dubai World'ün emlak şirketi { Nakheel'in } borç ödemesi için kullanılacağı öğrenildi.", "example_id": "711f95f01f3e02e0fe85df502d587b14", "entity_id": "Q1964041"}
49 |
{"mention": "Necefabad: İsfahan'daki { Necefabad } kentinde doğan Munteziri, Kum'daki evinde 87 yaşında ölmüştü.", "example_id": "d945252fdea90a3dfcaf32448880ea56", "entity_id": "Q721198"}
50 |
{"mention": "CIA'in: Ladin'in şimdi yaşadığına inanmadığını ifade eden Serdari, { CIA'in } 8 yıldır Ladin'den haber alamadığını belirtti.", "example_id": "524ba56b1dfa34691ec20cdc46f136fd", "entity_id": "Q37230"}
51 |
{"mention": "Hayfa: İsrail'deki { Hayfa } Üniversitesi, milattan önce 10. yüzyıla ait en eski İbranice yazıyı çözümlemeyi başardı.", "example_id": "21d36b9a4d260f5c91a6ae3d8a806975", "entity_id": "Q41621"}
52 |
{"mention": "Sali Berişa: Arnavutluk Başbakanı { Sali Berişa } ise, ülkede gerekirse \"olağanüstü hal\" ilan edileceğini belirtip, konuda Kuzey Atlantik Antlaşması Örgütü'nün \"(NATO)\" konuda bilgilendirildiğini, Kosova ve Makedonya'dan yardım gönderildiğini belirtti.", "example_id": "0fc968a208fa2a62b4ae193ee02da6c8", "entity_id": "Q57625"}
53 |
{"mention": "Recep Tayyip Erdoğan: Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Başbakanı { Recep Tayyip Erdoğan } ve Lübnan Başbakanı Saad Hariri Ankara'da bugün içinde karşılıklı vizeninde kaldırılmasının içinde bulunduğu 6 tane antlaşmayı imzaladılar.", "example_id": "bc3fcf0d3b4bd35f468b96f517d764e7", "entity_id": "Q39259"}
54 |
{"mention": "Demokratik Sol Halk Partisi: 5 Aralık 2009'dan beri { Demokratik Sol Halk Partisi } (DSHP) genel başkanlığını yürüten Hulki Cevizoğlu, yaptığı yazılı açıklamada DSHP'deki tüm üyelik ve görevlerinden istifa ettiğini açıkladı.", "example_id": "c6eb516e4cf079ad36ade8bfbbe0c917", "entity_id": "Q1186094"}
55 |
{"mention": "Rahşan Ecevit: \"Sayın { Rahşan Ecevit } 'e ve tüm çalışma arkadaşlarıma bundan sonraki çalışmalarında başarılar dilerim\" diyen Hulki Cevizoğlu'yla birlikte yönetim ekibinde bulunan DSHP genel başkan yardımcısı İsmail Dükel, genel sekreter Özkan Leblebici, genel sekreter yardımcıları Murat Ali Sakal ve Aytaç Tiryaki de istifa etti.", "example_id": "7c4ea9100a60338b60ffbb750d91427e", "entity_id": "Q7283651"}
56 |
{"mention": "Eduard Nalbandyan: Rusya Dışişleri Bakanı Sergey Lavrov ve Ermenistan Dışişleri Bakanı { Eduard Nalbandyan } , Ermenistan'ın başkenti Erivan'da bir araya geldi.", "example_id": "d4ac645cf035026b12bc5ba9628bda22", "entity_id": "Q58197"}
57 |
{"mention": "Recep Tayyip Erdoğan: Türkiye-İsrail ilişkileri 2009 yılında Davos kentinde { Recep Tayyip Erdoğan } 'ın oturumu terketmesi, iki ülke arasındaki çeşitli sorunları başlatmıştı.", "example_id": "b7baf4160aaec088cebcf5246d9d1ec0", "entity_id": "Q39259"}
58 |
{"mention": "Rusya: Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Başbakanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, { Rusya } ziyareti dönüşü uçakta açıklamalarda bulundu.", "example_id": "befb9be12778efd735db759cde15c3df", "entity_id": "Q159"}
59 |
{"mention": "Yalçın Küçük: Kıbrıs Savaşı sırasında 10 esir Rum askerini öldürdüğünü iddia eden ve bu sebepten ötürü hakkında savaş suçu işlediği gerekçesiyle soruşturma açılan tiyatro sanatçısı Atilla Olgaç'ın komutanının ismi Ergenekon Operasyonun'da gözaltına alınan { Yalçın Küçük } çıktı.", "example_id": "5bbb9fabac3a23fc573c6dfd1480d6fd", "entity_id": "Q462710"}
60 |
{"mention": "Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Kültür ve Turizm Bakanı: İstanbul 2010 Avrupa Kültür Başkenti Ajansı Yürütme Kurulu Başkanı Şekib Avdagiç, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Devlet Bakanı ve İstanbul 2010 Avrupa Kültür Başkenti Ajansı Koordinasyon Kurulu Başkanı Hayati Yazıcı, { Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Kültür ve Turizm Bakanı } Ertuğrul Günay, İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediye Başkanı Kadir Topbaş, İstanbul Valisi Muammer Güler de katılanlar arasındaydı.", "example_id": "e07fcc0513a1a0b22159722e43bed4b5", "entity_id": "Q3136957"}
61 |
{"mention": "Konya Şekerspor: Beşiktaş JK, gelecek hafta { Konya Şekerspor } ile karşılaşırken, İstanbul Büyükşehir Beldiye SK Kasımpaşa Spor Kulübü ile karşılaşacak.", "example_id": "61ab5ce0c9fff8b588e904ae6b3770bb", "entity_id": "Q483741"}
62 |
{"mention": "Mustafa Sarıgül: Türkiye Değişim Hareketi Genel Başkanı { Mustafa Sarıgül } , \"İktidar Yolunda İzmir Buluşması\" adlı mitingte konuştu.", "example_id": "60660ee59384e68fc24670cb52f0199b", "entity_id": "Q12810989"}
63 |
{"mention": "Ehud Barak: İsrail Savunma Bakanı { Ehud Barak } Ankara'ya geldi.", "example_id": "cc22e3e6aab580fed48f1619610971b8", "entity_id": "Q125731"}
64 |
{"mention": "Ankara'ya: İsrail Savunma Bakanı Ehud Barak { Ankara'ya } geldi.", "example_id": "bfc8a795f29eba5713901e262922581b", "entity_id": "Q3640"}
65 |
{"mention": "Ankara Sheraton Oteli'ne: Ağca daha sonra { Ankara Sheraton Oteli'ne } geldi.", "example_id": "93a9e6b54ddff8c628826cf8e90383f2", "entity_id": "Q3481901"}
66 |
{"mention": "Bedrettin Dalan'a: Bir ihbar üzerine { Bedrettin Dalan'a } ait İstek Vakfı'nın Poyrazköy'deki arazisinde Ergenekon soruşturması kapsamında kazı çalışması yapıldı.", "example_id": "6533ab8fbdec10217683eb0e3de1627f", "entity_id": "Q4879379"}
67 |
{"mention": "Ergenekon soruşturması: Bir ihbar üzerine Bedrettin Dalan'a ait İstek Vakfı'nın Poyrazköy'deki arazisinde { Ergenekon soruşturması } kapsamında kazı çalışması yapıldı.", "example_id": "5097b9a6ab9e33f694f4e562fe2a4a1d", "entity_id": "Q388577"}
68 |
{"mention": "Abdi İpekçi Arena: Final serisinin 6. ve son maçında { Abdi İpekçi Arena } 'da oynanan maçta Efes Pilsen, rakibi Fenerbahçe Ülker'i 79-76 yendi.", "example_id": "0a49e37420e71268b15195177514f57c", "entity_id": "Q308162"}
69 |
{"mention": "Rojin: { Rojin } , toplantıda başbakana polise taşa attığı için gözaltına alınan çocuklarla ilgili bir dosya verdiğini söyledi.", "example_id": "42302e40106a6c8423ddad602c872c24", "entity_id": "Q458758"}
70 |
{"mention": "kilometre: Ancak yapılan 2. açıklamada Santiago'nun 325 { kilometre } güneybatısı ve Concepcion kentine 115 kilometre uzaklıkta olduğunu belirterek, depremin yerin 35 kilometre altında meydana geldiğini bildirildi.", "example_id": "0506f8e738d6681db536388a27963aa9", "entity_id": "Q828224"}
71 |
{"mention": "Ayhan Kaymak: Bunlar UBP adayı Derviş Eroğlu ile bağımsız adaylar Mehmet Ali Talat, Tahsin Ertuğruloğlu, Zeki Beşiktepeli, Mustafa Kemal Tümkan, Arif Salih Kırdağ ve { Ayhan Kaymak } .", "example_id": "ec6b6bc4c1917e12c0d8df3949f4a2c5", "entity_id": "Q6038778"}
72 |
{"mention": "Gerard Piqué: Dün akşamki maçta Barcelona'nın tek golünü { Gerard Piqué } 84. dakikada atarken Inter'den Thiago Motta 28. dakikada kırmızı kart görerek oyun dışı kaldı.", "example_id": "1a4388ec730ada7e9d80a8e73c70b1ca", "entity_id": "Q17507"}
73 |
{"mention": "Mamadou Niang: Marsilya'nın maçtaki gollerini 5. dakikada Gabriel Heinze, 76. dakikada { Mamadou Niang } ve 77. dakikada Lucho Gonzalez attı.", "example_id": "d53929594f6c26db9dfaf26d4155e274", "entity_id": "Q342707"}
74 |
{"mention": "Muhafazakar Parti: Birleşik Krallık'ta yapılan genel seçimleri 7 Mayıs 2010 saat 15:50 (UTC) sonuçları ile { Muhafazakar Parti } kazandı.", "example_id": "e6d42227c1dff334f703385196e821fb", "entity_id": "Q9626"}
75 |
{"mention": "Mehmet Ali Bayar: Genel başkanlığa Süleyman Soylu, Hüsamettin Cindoruk, { Mehmet Ali Bayar } ve Ramazan Yazgan aday oldu.", "example_id": "91deb425191cefba886c7f7d9133f357", "entity_id": "Q6047756"}
76 |
{"mention": "Lhokseumawe: Ayrıca depremin merkezi Endonezya'daki { Lhokseumawe } kentinin 195 kilometre güneybatısında, Banda Açe kentinin 215 kilometre güney-güneydoğusunda ve Malezya'nın başkenti Kuala Lumpur'un 630 km batısındaydı.", "example_id": "0c11b4a0aa30bd918e85f537ebdf37ef", "entity_id": "Q5784"}
77 |
{"mention": "Uğur İnceman: Goller, 32. dakikada Pablo Batalla ve 44. dakikada İbrahim Toraman (kendi kalesine) ve 89. dakikada { Uğur İnceman } 'dan geldi.", "example_id": "3e1f248e737ce81f7a59697c90e8c4ec", "entity_id": "Q71403"}
78 |
{"mention": "Tahran: Anlaşma, İran Cumhurbaşkanı Mahmud Ahmedinejad, Türkiye Başbakanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan ile Brezilya Cumhurbaşkanı Luis İnacio Lula Da Silva tarafından { Tahran } 'da imzalandı.", "example_id": "dc345bb0579f1fce18c1814c97b6fe93", "entity_id": "Q3616"}
79 |
{"mention": "Rahşan Ecevit: Demokratik Sol Partinin kurucusu ve ilk Genel başkanı { Rahşan Ecevit } , partisinden ayrılma kararı aldı.", "example_id": "ba5e904481d0d5241ff8d822aed2b5a3", "entity_id": "Q7283651"}
80 |
{"mention": "İrsen Küçük: Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti'nde { İrsen Küçük } başbakanlığındaki yeni kabine açıklandı.", "example_id": "abe88c5d253b895c52612914ccd910c3", "entity_id": "Q57886"}
81 |
{"mention": "Atatürk'ü Anma, ve Gençlik ve Spor Bayramı: Her yıl, 19 Mayıs'ta kutlanan, { Atatürk'ü Anma, ve Gençlik ve Spor Bayramı } , Türkiye, KKTC'de ve iki ülkenin dış temsilciliklerinde törenlerle kutlandı.", "example_id": "098ed3ec62fe8898e93952720654a782", "entity_id": "Q5152297"}
82 |
{"mention": "Anayasa Mahkemesi: Anıtkabir'deki törene Abdullah Gül, TBMM Başkanvekili Nevzat Pakdil, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Başbakanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, { Anayasa Mahkemesi } Başkanı Haşim Kılıç, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Genelkurmay Başkanı Orgeneral İlker Başbuğ, CHP Genel Başkan Yardımcısı Onur Öymen, MHP Genel Başkanı Devlet Bahçeli, kuvvet komutanları, milletvekilleri ile diğer askeri ve mülki erkan katıldı.", "example_id": "180694a7321efa2fe17011d51575e574", "entity_id": "Q2037815"}
83 |
{"mention": "Çankırı: { Çankırı } ve Hakkari'de törenler sağanak yağış dolayısıyla 22 Mayıs'a ertelendi.", "example_id": "31e3f868c5b829ee21cf064ba7c46877", "entity_id": "Q209925"}
84 |
{"mention": "grizu patlamasında: Zonguldak’ta maden ocağında meydana gelen { grizu patlamasında } 30 işci toprak altında kaldı.", "example_id": "d9942ce089777e6e1e40c3cf48f18835", "entity_id": "Q1362483"}
85 |
{"mention": "Birleşik Krallık: { Birleşik Krallık } 'ın başkenti Londra'da Asanda Cele adında Manchester United taraftarı 14 yaşındaki çocuk, vuvuzela çaldığı için komşusu tarafından vuruldu.", "example_id": "bd855491b56d58775d424f271cafa4e0", "entity_id": "Q145"}
86 |
{"mention": "Recep Tayyip Erdoğan: Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Başbakanı { Recep Tayyip Erdoğan } , Meclis grup toplantısında 12 Eylül Darbesi döneminde idam edilen ülkücü Mustafa Pehlivanoğlu'na ait 7 Ekim 1980 tarihinde yazılan Mustafa Pehlivanoğlu ve Necdet Adalı adlı gençlerin mektuplarını okudu", "example_id": "d968ab74b57a8568c2c101ee0b132d29", "entity_id": "Q39259"}
87 |
{"mention": "Aşdod: İsrail, gemilere Gazze’ye denizden yanaşmamaları uyarısında bulunmuş ve yardım malzemesini karadan götürülmek üzere { Aşdod } limanına boşaltmalarını istemişti.", "example_id": "2e816cae5d44bff76d1c9e22b1237ebc", "entity_id": "Q171639"}
88 |
{"mention": "Yüksek Askerî Şûra: 1 Ağustos 2010 günü başlayan { Yüksek Askerî Şûra } (YAŞ) toplantıları dördüncü gününde sona erdi.", "example_id": "aba21281eb3a26c90115b65f0c1393ed", "entity_id": "Q7645067"}
89 |
{"mention": "Işık Koşaner: { Işık Koşaner } 'in nereye atanacağı da henüz kesinleşmedi.", "example_id": "7bdf1a9496bf01ae208b90a7d9fd0462", "entity_id": "Q970840"}
90 |
{"mention": "Saldıray Berk: Ergenekon davasının tutuksuz sanığı { Saldıray Berk } , 3.", "example_id": "692b6b2f2cc7d83092ee23efbe59e87a", "entity_id": "Q6077025"}
91 |
{"mention": "Irak'a: Turist ve annesinin aslında Türkiye'ye gelmediği Türkiye üzerinden { Irak'a } gideceği belirtildi.", "example_id": "6ab714e789c2e4bc6c8ca1112c96c318", "entity_id": "Q796"}
92 |
{"mention": "Mavi Marmara: İsrail’in, 31 Mayıs'ta Gazze’ye yardım götüren filoya saldırısı sırasında el koyduğu 3 Türk gemisinden biri olan \" { Mavi Marmara } \" Hatay’ın İskenderun limanına ulaştı.", "example_id": "94800fb4f8485b468e9b367f07370017", "entity_id": "Q1650043"}
93 |
{"mention": "Hayfa: Gemiler { Hayfa } ve Aşdod limanlarında tutuluyordu.", "example_id": "26d362e687d927e91c7a6c2ccc2a5384", "entity_id": "Q41621"}
94 |
{"mention": "Işık Koşaner: Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanı Orgeneral { Işık Koşaner } Genelkurmay Başkanlığı görevine getirildi.", "example_id": "bb8f80c7288618c1708a4c9337575f14", "entity_id": "Q970840"}
95 |
{"mention": "Ricardo Quaresma: Beşiktaş'ın gollerini 35. dakika Roberto Hilbert, 66. dakikada ise { Ricardo Quaresma } attı.", "example_id": "6481727d1e2a7c188c42cef5714af840", "entity_id": "Q188241"}
96 |
{"mention": "Ricardo Quaresma: Beşiktaş'ın gollerini 15. dakikada { Ricardo Quaresma } , 66. dakikada Guti Hernández, 77. dakikada Necip Uysal ve uzatmanın 3. dakikasında Filip Hološko attı.", "example_id": "5bb3bffb0cd456fac89e561f802284d4", "entity_id": "Q188241"}
97 |
{"mention": "FIBA: Kampanyada Birleşmiş Milletler’in kısaca UNECE adıyla bilinen BM Avrupa Ekonomik Komisyonu’yla Uluslararası Basketbol Federasyonu { FIBA } elele verdi.", "example_id": "c2b4efe7ffa588f4ab299d3573f96eca", "entity_id": "Q46199"}
98 |
{"mention": "Boğaz Köprüsü: Bono, Pazar günü Başbakan Recep Tayyip Erdoğan'la görüştü ve iki kıtayı birleştiren { Boğaz Köprüsü } 'nden geçerken çok heyecanlandığını söyledi.", "example_id": "f8cdabbbcef08788f28416c235b115c3", "entity_id": "Q4484"}
99 |
{"mention": "Yüksek Askeri Şura: Madde 11: ‘Yargı yolu’ başlığı altında Anayasa’nın 125. maddesinde öngörülen değişikliklerle { Yüksek Askeri Şura } (YAŞ) kararları yargı yoluna açılıyor.", "example_id": "4c0e097a9548321e766f888168745266", "entity_id": "Q7645067"}
100 |
{"mention": "Anayasa Mahkemesi: Pakette, { Anayasa Mahkemesi } ’yle Hakimler ve Savcılar Yüksek Kurulu’nun yapısının değişmesi, memur ve diğer kamu hizmetlilerine toplu sözleşme hakkı getirilmesi, TBMM başkanı ve Genelkurmay başkanıyla birlikte diğer komutanların Yüce Divan’da yargılanabilmesi, Yüksek Askeri Şura kararlarının sivil yargıya götürülebilmesi ve askeri personelin sivil mahkemelerde yargılanabilmesi gibi değişiklik önerileri yer alıyor.", "example_id": "c246374fdf9152bd3c91eea8449bfb91", "entity_id": "Q2037815"}
101 |
{"mention": "Yüksek Askeri Şura: Pakette, Anayasa Mahkemesi’yle Hakimler ve Savcılar Yüksek Kurulu’nun yapısının değişmesi, memur ve diğer kamu hizmetlilerine toplu sözleşme hakkı getirilmesi, TBMM başkanı ve Genelkurmay başkanıyla birlikte diğer komutanların Yüce Divan’da yargılanabilmesi, { Yüksek Askeri Şura } kararlarının sivil yargıya götürülebilmesi ve askeri personelin sivil mahkemelerde yargılanabilmesi gibi değişiklik önerileri yer alıyor.", "example_id": "857549c69f37ae0912729c0ae867015a", "entity_id": "Q7645067"}
102 |
{"mention": "Barış ve Demokrasi Partisi: Bazı kentlerde yer yer şiddet olayları baş gösterdiği bildirilirken, { Barış ve Demokrasi Partisi } , Kürt sorununa yer vermediği gerekçesiyle seçmenlerinden referandumu boykot etmesini istedi.", "example_id": "10536653500ad1501475cabfd0f75ba2", "entity_id": "Q809719"}
103 |
{"mention": "Mazlum-Der: Anayasa değişikliği paketinin kabulünün ardından İnsan Hakları Derneği ve { Mazlum-Der } , 12 Eylül 1980 darbesiyle ülke yönetimine el koyan dönemin Genelkurmay Başkanı Kenan Evren, kuvvet komutanları, 1982 anayasasını hazırlayan Danışma Meclisi üyeleri, eski başbakanlardan Bülent Ulusu, bakanlar, bürokratlar, valiler ve emniyet görevlileri hakkında suç duyurusunda bulundu.", "example_id": "77b5bc2d2c3e2765194f8af2f6894090", "entity_id": "Q2120376"}
104 |
{"mention": "İzmir Atatürk Stadı: Spor Toto Süper Lig'in 5. haftasında Bucaspor, { İzmir Atatürk Stadı } 'nda Galatasaray'ı konuk etti.", "example_id": "d4d574276119796a1203f9badafb9b3e", "entity_id": "Q259830"}
105 |
{"mention": "Mavi Marmara: Birleşmiş Milletler Genel Sekreteri Ban Ki Moon'un ayrı olarak kurduğu \" { Mavi Marmara } \" soruşturma komisyonunun da raporunu beklediklerini kaydeden Dışişleri Bakanı Ahmet Davutoğlu, iki komisyonun da çalışmalarına destek verdiğini belirtti.", "example_id": "94394f632b5da7d61783109d79ef3598", "entity_id": "Q1650043"}
106 |
{"mention": "Necmettin Şeyhoğlu Stadı: Spor Toto Süper Lig'in 7. haftasında Galatasaray, { Necmettin Şeyhoğlu Stadı } 'nda Karabükspor'a konuk oldu.", "example_id": "1f7ca4b5111dfb104886ee8f74977cd0", "entity_id": "Q1135276"}
107 |
{"mention": "Zekariya Öz: Ergenekon savcıları { Zekariya Öz } , Murat Yönder ve Ercan Şafak, mütaalalarında Albay Çiçek’in tahliye edilmesine karşı çıktı.", "example_id": "2d0dc9a9bf78ab83b109da5cee237e35", "entity_id": "Q6093763"}
108 |
{"mention": "İrsen Küçük: Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti'nde bugün yapılan iktidar partisi Ulusal Birlik Partisi'nin kurultayından { İrsen Küçük } ilk turda zaferle çıktı.", "example_id": "4ca611a8516a0a564cf8ca2feae857f0", "entity_id": "Q57886"}
109 |
{"mention": "Danimarka: Geçen yıl { Danimarka } ’nın başkenti Kopenhag’da yapılan toplantıda sera gazı salımına kısıtlama getirecek yasal olarak bağlayıcı bir anlaşmaya varılamaması, çevreciler arasında hayal kırıklığı yaratmıştı.", "example_id": "b95f1e6c7aa5907871e9f04188ca4ae9", "entity_id": "Q35"}
110 |
{"mention": "Hayfa: { Hayfa } yakınlarındaki Karmel dağlarında Perşembe günü çıkan yangında 41 kişi ölürken 5 bin hektarlık arazi kül oldu.", "example_id": "d90d26740cb4ae5311e0d711fbbbec48", "entity_id": "Q41621"}
111 |
{"mention": "Rusya: İran Cumhurbaşkanı Mahmud Ahmedinejad, aralarında ABD, Çin ve { Rusya } temsilcilerinin de bulunduğu heyetle gelecek hafta görüşmeye hazır olduğunu söyledi.", "example_id": "bd1b3159e73d49269b1f790151b563d7", "entity_id": "Q159"}
112 |
{"mention": "Haaretz: İsrail’de yayınlanan { Haaretz } gazetesi, Başbakan Benyamin Netanyahu’nun, Türkiye’nin orman yangınına yardım göndermesinin ardından Ankara ile diplomatik krizi sona erdirme girişimi başlattığını bildirmişti.", "example_id": "5b375bfbb1f2ccf3008ffc9eb9fedf31", "entity_id": "Q216393"}
113 |
{"mention": "Avrupa: Geçen yıl Kopenhag'daki zirvede öncülüğü üstlenen { Avrupa } , dünyanın en büyük karbon emisyonuna sebep olan ABD'yi ikna edememiş ve karbon piyasası, emisyon azaltma gibi somut hedeflere varılamamış, geleceğe yönelik öngörüleri kapsayan \"Kopenhag Mutabakatı\" imzalanmıştı.", "example_id": "c03c3480ab1005e0b176643166c73edd", "entity_id": "Q458"}
114 |
{"mention": "EXPO: { EXPO } 2020'de Türkiye'den kimin aday olacağı üzerine tartışmalar sürüyor.", "example_id": "039cb04dd44ddff9563a588185758e16", "entity_id": "Q172754"}
115 |
{"mention": "Melih Gökçek: Ankara Büyükşehir Belediye Başaknı { Melih Gökçek } , \"EXPO 2020 kesinlikle bizim hakkımız.", "example_id": "31a1272103628cc13495ca4779917900", "entity_id": "Q366274"}
116 |
{"mention": "Aziz Kocaoğlu: İzmir Büyükşehir Belediye Başkanı { Aziz Kocaoğlu } ise \"2020 EXPO'suna tekrar aday olmak istiyoruz.", "example_id": "f3bc3ee0c3dc94f58b266f24d1ce53ae", "entity_id": "Q205121"}
117 |
{"mention": "Adnan Polat: Erdoğan yerine oturduktan sonra Galatasaray başkanı { Adnan Polat } açılış konuşmasını gerçekleştirdi.", "example_id": "e27190ef3607ac7782a30b4a559176d0", "entity_id": "Q359780"}
118 |
{"mention": "Erdoğan Bayraktar: Polat'ın ardından TOKİ Başkanı { Erdoğan Bayraktar } ile konuşmalar devam etti.", "example_id": "fa33db8aae5ead334f48876bbad645ca", "entity_id": "Q5385308"}
119 |
{"mention": "Mahmut Özgener: Devlet Bakanı Egemen Bağış, Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanı Mehdi Eker ve TFF Başkanı { Mahmut Özgener } taraftarları eleştirdi.", "example_id": "f9c07f2a0c695a6e66d5487d8448beb7", "entity_id": "Q6734669"}
120 |
{"mention": "Sali Berişa: Başbakan { Sali Berişa } , \"bu ülkede kimse iktidarı zorla ele geçiremez\" dedi ve ülkede Tunus'ta gerçekleşen gibi bir ayaklanma yapılması senaryosunun gerçeklemediğini söyledi.", "example_id": "54056a92e55f3af4d5d2293d0b27e38b", "entity_id": "Q57625"}
121 |
{"mention": "Mavi Marmara: İsrail’de kurulan soruşturma komisyonu, uluslararası tepkilere rağmen ordu ve hükümetin { Mavi Marmara } olayında izlediği tutumu onayladı.", "example_id": "f3b2c1842408c474ac1f7fd6eb7802ec", "entity_id": "Q1650043"}
122 |
{"mention": "Mavi Marmara: Crowley, { Mavi Marmara } baskınını uluslararası toplum açısından inceleme konusunda önceliği, Birleşmiş Milletler Genel Sekreteri’nin atadığı özel komisyona verdiklerini söyledi.", "example_id": "1dd406f89539d4ae19bd54f006a23ed1", "entity_id": "Q1650043"}
123 |
{"mention": "Recep Tayyip Erdoğan: Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'nin Başbakanı { Recep Tayyip Erdoğan } , gerilen Azerbaycan-Türkiye ilişkilerini düzeltmek için Bakü'ye gidiyor.", "example_id": "50d444f9a311b056d4d9a3a1b5d12344", "entity_id": "Q39259"}
124 |
{"mention": "Eskişehir: DSP'nin { Eskişehir } belediye başkanı Yılmaz Büyükerşen'in istifasını istemesinin ardından, Ordu belediye başkanı Seyit Torun da istifa etti.", "example_id": "37e134d69f095d8e4cbf667370b047f5", "entity_id": "Q168866"}
125 |
{"mention": "Kenan Doğulu: Bu gösterilerin ardından şarkıcı { Kenan Doğulu } bir konser verdi.", "example_id": "46132df2333982c2f644c6b27bdd7be0", "entity_id": "Q446945"}
126 |
{"mention": "TRT: { TRT } ve Anadolu Ajansının arasındaki bağlar Anadolu Ajansı (A.A)'nın çekip yayınladığı bir fotoğraf sebebiyle kopma noktasına geldi.", "example_id": "fcf94b5c530dfcd04bdf5cc6747b5f7d", "entity_id": "Q83389"}
127 |
{"mention": "Erdal Tercan: AA'nın, 1 Şubat tarihinde Anayasa Mahkemesi üyeliğine seçilen { Erdal Tercan } 'ın and içme töreninde çektiği fotoğraf TRT ile arasının açılmasına neden oldu.", "example_id": "066ea0a631c2165443ae11e7ec5727a3", "entity_id": "Q6094429"}
128 |
{"mention": "Lee Ryan: Şarkı seyircilerle henüz buluşmamasına rağmen grup üyelerinden { Lee Ryan } onları daha önce destekleyenlerin yeni Eurovision teklilerini de destekleyeceğini umuyor.", "example_id": "91f532391125d95a4405f5fba8da7421", "entity_id": "Q252469"}
129 |
{"mention": "Erdoğan: Gazete yazarının, Erzurum’da Başbakan { Erdoğan } ’ı protesto eden öğrencilerin CHP’li Süheyl Batum tarafından finanse edildiğini iddia ettiği yazısı TGB tarafından tepki ile karşılandı.", "example_id": "aee45d84c29cda16f93e78aeef184ea1", "entity_id": "Q39259"}
130 |
{"mention": "Süheyl Batum: Gazete yazarının, Erzurum’da Başbakan Erdoğan’ı protesto eden öğrencilerin CHP’li { Süheyl Batum } tarafından finanse edildiğini iddia ettiği yazısı TGB tarafından tepki ile karşılandı.", "example_id": "b0af37a75548ea3651db764e5e52eba2", "entity_id": "Q7666704"}
131 |
{"mention": "Zekeriya Öz: 14 Şubat 2011 sabah saat 06.00’da özel yetkili Cumhuriyet savcısı { Zekeriya Öz } 'ün emriyle, İstanbul 9.", "example_id": "c29bb6c0ebf9f6e0db7eb69dcc073ee1", "entity_id": "Q6093763"}
132 |
{"mention": "Ergenekon: Aramalar, “ { Ergenekon } terör örgütü üyeliği” ve “halkı kin ve düşmanlığı tahrik etmek” suçlamaları ile yapıldı.", "example_id": "391d12568f3eece4fc25efa16a3124a6", "entity_id": "Q388577"}
133 |
{"mention": "Emin Çölaşan: Aynı zamanda gazeteci { Emin Çölaşan } 'da Soner Yalçın'a destek oldu.", "example_id": "cd315f38700b37ae61dc9d8e0f921a96", "entity_id": "Q3674393"}
134 |
{"mention": "Ruhat Mengi: Vatan gazetesi yazarı { Ruhat Mengi } olaya köşesinde yer verdi.", "example_id": "0619f0a59f12ce06d21737e98a47f0d4", "entity_id": "Q6083137"}
135 |
{"mention": "Nagehan Alçı: Akşam gazetesi yazarı { Nagehan Alçı } yazısında Odatv sitesinde tetikçilik, manüpilasyon ve hedef gösterme yapıldığını iddia etti.", "example_id": "4728bc3013a60815218d3579af362469", "entity_id": "Q6058441"}
136 |
{"mention": "Afşin: Kahramanmaraş ilindeki { Afşin } -Elbistan B Termik Santrali'ne kömür sağlayan Çölloları kömür sahasında 10 Şubat 2011 günü göçük meydana geldi.", "example_id": "c037262c0f501c99aad73adb0a0d4a18", "entity_id": "Q389650"}
137 |
{"mention": "kömür: Kahramanmaraş ilindeki Afşin-Elbistan B Termik Santrali'ne { kömür } sağlayan Çölloları kömür sahasında 10 Şubat 2011 günü göçük meydana geldi.", "example_id": "09c571cf8e30964d4845686e774c94a8", "entity_id": "Q24489"}
138 |
{"mention": "Mısır: { Mısır } 'daki Müslüman Kardeşler Örgütü ülkenin en iyi örgütlenmiş muhalefet grubu.", "example_id": "6a2a1038f22fb2d86d55b9e207d7339f", "entity_id": "Q79"}
139 |
{"mention": "TRT Müzik: Türkiye, 25 Şubat 2011, Cuma günü saat 19.30'da { TRT Müzik } kanalında 2011 Eurovision Şarkı Yarışması'nda Yüksek Sadakat'ın seslendireceği şarkıyı TRT Genel Müdürü İbrahim Şahin'in konuşmasının ardından ilk kez açıklayacak.", "example_id": "0981b26502d8ba7fcc19237124cdea83", "entity_id": "Q4628590"}
140 |
{"mention": "Yüksek Sadakat: Şarkıyı { Yüksek Sadakat } Grubu daha iyi performans için şarkıyı İngilizce olarak hazırladıklarını belirtti.", "example_id": "03728fcaa5cdc9a0c0adab443f05d37d", "entity_id": "Q831897"}
141 |
{"mention": "Melih Gökçek: Ölümü üzerine Fethullah Gülen, { Melih Gökçek } ve Recep Tayyip Erdoğan gibi isimler baş sağlığı mesajları yayınladılar.", "example_id": "2e4a32aff9f7be99812f0d211db4434b", "entity_id": "Q366274"}
142 |
{"mention": "Eminem: Amerikalı şarkıcı { Eminem } \"En İyi Hip-Hop Sanatçısı\" ödülüne layık görüldü.", "example_id": "9dd5354abb1f504449c76537bf9fe34e", "entity_id": "Q5608"}
143 |
{"mention": "Recep Tayyip Erdoğan: Türkiye Başbakanı { Recep Tayyip Erdoğan } , Marmara Denizi’ni Karadeniz’e bağlayacak yeni bir kanal inşa edileceğini açıkladı.", "example_id": "31f6e76b1d119b45c927ac2104e5a43b", "entity_id": "Q39259"}
144 |
{"mention": "Ankara: İstanbul, Taksim Meydan'ında ve { Ankara } 'da da eylemler düzenlendi.", "example_id": "0b3d5fb53ec51ab0206b4acd15e29696", "entity_id": "Q3640"}
145 |
{"mention": "Sunderland: İngiliz müzik grubu Take That'in sekizinci konser turnesi Progress Live, { Sunderland } 'deki Stadium of Light stadında başladı.", "example_id": "916f80f69a0ac022a988c8bd5b10a8a6", "entity_id": "Q188304"}
146 |
{"mention": "Belgrad: Aliyev ve Tadiç 8 Haziran günü de de { Belgrad } 'da Azerbaycan Büyükelçiliği’ni açtı.", "example_id": "333cce977c2473213bbc80a71195011e", "entity_id": "Q3711"}
147 |
{"mention": "Anonymous: { Anonymous } isimli uluslararası hacker grubunun Türkiye'deki \"\" uzantılı sitelere yaptığı saldırı sonrası İspanya'nın ardından Türkiye'de de hacker grubundan olduğu şüphenilen kişiler göz altına alındı.", "example_id": "061e51bf6181b42532f6ee83ffc5b1cc", "entity_id": "Q567632"}
148 |
{"mention": "Avrupa Birliği: Yeni oluşturacağı kabineyi parlementoda güvenoyuna sunacağını da açıklayan Papandreu Uluslararası Para Fonu (IMF) ve { Avrupa Birliği } (AB)'nin istediği kemer sıkma politikalarına destek bulmayı umuyor.", "example_id": "d51af38fe70b8b524f6ad580ba2e6810", "entity_id": "Q458"}
149 |
{"mention": "Suriye: Birleşmiş Milletler İyiniyet Elçisi Oscarlı ünlü oyuncu Angelina Jolie, Türkiye - { Suriye } sınırında mültecilerle konuşmak amacıyla dün Hatay'a gitti.", "example_id": "662afbd3546c9a3353256ad7e9957beb", "entity_id": "Q858"}
150 |
{"mention": "Mehmet Haberal: Türkiye'de önce Hatip Dicle'nin milletvekilliğinin düşürülmesi, ardından CHP'li Mustafa Balbay ve { Mehmet Haberal } , MHP'li Engin Alan ve BDP destekli beş bağımsız milletvekilinin tahliye taleplerinin reddedilmesi nedeniyle siyasi bir kriz yaşanıyor.", "example_id": "cd49fb20e38e5da702322fb3f408d92d", "entity_id": "Q1917336"}
151 |
{"mention": "BDP: Türkiye'de önce Hatip Dicle'nin milletvekilliğinin düşürülmesi, ardından CHP'li Mustafa Balbay ve Mehmet Haberal, MHP'li Engin Alan ve { BDP } destekli beş bağımsız milletvekilinin tahliye taleplerinin reddedilmesi nedeniyle siyasi bir kriz yaşanıyor.", "example_id": "f941ca39489e4f48d7f3966390eee1aa", "entity_id": "Q809719"}
152 |
{"mention": "Sırrı Süreyya Önder: Biber gazından milletvekili { Sırrı Süreyya Önder } de etkilendi.", "example_id": "e1e414c15fde380c84d0d6665f5d5cb3", "entity_id": "Q982389"}
153 |
{"mention": "Abdullah Öcalan: { Abdullah Öcalan } 'ın boykot kararını desteklediği bildirildi.", "example_id": "c0694bbc2cf82bd17cf1d29ef4970866", "entity_id": "Q191530"}
154 |
{"mention": "BDP: { BDP } , Hatip Dicle kararının değişmemesi halinde mecliste yemin etmeyeğini ve demokratik hakların çiğnendiğini belirtmişti.", "example_id": "308532b2770b84ba210fc5d462823ae2", "entity_id": "Q809719"}
155 |
{"mention": "Zekeriya Öz: Soruşturmayı Ergenekon davası'nın ünlü savcısı { Zekeriya Öz } başlatırken, Öz'ün İstanbul Cumhuriyet Başsavcılığı'na atanması üzerine yerine daha önce Balyoz darbe planı davası'nı yürüten Özel Yetkili Cumhuriyet savcısı Mehmet Berk'e getirildi.", "example_id": "8845af08ff31e41a6dfdf9d4d0916799", "entity_id": "Q6093763"}
156 |
{"mention": "BDP: Kılıçdaroğlu görüşmeden memnun ayrıldı, Çiçek ise \"Milleti daha fazla üzmeye hakkımız olmadığını düşünerek en fazla CHP olmak üzere { BDP } ’yi de kararlarını bir defa daha gözden geçirmeye ve suyun kendi mecrasında akması hususunda yeniden bir defa daha dönüp bir olumlu başlangıç yapmaya, vakit çok fazla da geçmeden yeni bir sayfa açmaya davet ediyorum\" diye bir açıklama yaptı.", "example_id": "d60c20d0f5ef2e61a6869b00c590773c", "entity_id": "Q809719"}
157 |
{"mention": "Mısır: Yeni devleti tanıyan diğer ülkeler arasında ABD, { Mısır } , Çin ve Türkiye de var.", "example_id": "2c658679606e63a376f55c6a4d5db29c", "entity_id": "Q79"}
158 |
{"mention": "Devlet Hava Meydanları İşletmesi: Rekorla ilgili bilgiyi { Devlet Hava Meydanları İşletmesi } başmüdürü Celal Özuğur verdi.", "example_id": "806eb9bafbb7d9e68c0800fe243f11a2", "entity_id": "Q1206947"}
159 |
{"mention": "Recep Tayyip Erdoğan: Boykot ve yemin krizini çözebilecek isim olarak görülen TBMM Başkanı Cemil Çiçek, Türkiye Başbakanı { Recep Tayyip Erdoğan } ’ın katkıları ve CHP Lideri Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu’nun takındığı olumlu tutum sonucunda, sorunun çözümü yolunda büyük bir ilerleme sağladı.", "example_id": "be35bb784643ebbf523f5fef023f8a87", "entity_id": "Q39259"}
160 |
{"mention": "Barış ve Demokrasi Partisi: { Barış ve Demokrasi Partisi } ’nin meclis boykotu konusunda da olumlu sinyaller geliyor.", "example_id": "1581b649e62ba1c278416666d3cc82e6", "entity_id": "Q809719"}
161 |
{"mention": "Büyükşehir belediyeleri: { Büyükşehir belediyeleri } konusunda köklü değişiklikler yapacaklarını vurgulayan Erdoğan, nüfusu 750 binden fazla olan illerde büyükşehir belediyesi kurarak, il bazında üst ölçekli plan ve hizmet bütünlüğü sağlamayı hedeflediklerini kaydetti.", "example_id": "2cb8f0eeadf2f392e4d80169b167fcd3", "entity_id": "Q6024226"}
162 |
{"mention": "finans: İstanbul’un { finans } merkezi haline getirilmesi için gayretler devam edecek.", "example_id": "8733fcfcc1ebb15ce15bd3339a020c15", "entity_id": "Q43015"}
163 |
{"mention": "Boğaziçi Köprüsü: Yıldırım'a destek amaçlı yürüyüş yapan ve { Boğaziçi Köprüsü } 'ne doğru giden Fenerbahçe taraftarları tutuklama haberi üzerine olay çıkardı.", "example_id": "18e391eec08d81b702e9fee3a1d36a36", "entity_id": "Q4484"}
164 |
{"mention": "Barış ve Demokrasi Partisi: 12 Haziran seçimleri sonrasında Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi (CHP) milletvekillerinin \"yemin etmemesi\", { Barış ve Demokrasi Partisi } (BDP) destekli milletvekillerinin de Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi'ni \"boykot etmesi\" ile tırmanan siyasi krizin \"yemin\" boyutu aşıldı.", "example_id": "6743d20fa5fb445f3ee288006c80f864", "entity_id": "Q809719"}
165 |
{"mention": "Baas Partisi: Öte yandan iktidardaki { Baas Partisi } 'yle muhalefet arasında yapılan iki günlük ulusal uzlaşma toplantısı devam ediyor.", "example_id": "6fcacdde91f26c952ef91dc6c2e1cfd0", "entity_id": "Q179933"}
166 |
{"mention": "Avrupa Birliği: Türkiye Dışişleri Bakanı Ahmet Davutoğlu, Kıbrıs'ta 2012 yılının temmuz ayına kadar bir çözüm olmaması halinde Türkiye- { Avrupa Birliği } ilişkilerinin donma noktasına geleceğini söyledi.", "example_id": "d6b1666ed1348f4dbe1ac80d16f1266a", "entity_id": "Q458"}
167 |
{"mention": "girdi: Libya'da isyancılar dün gece Brega kasabasına { girdi } .", "example_id": "6ca40401185ad352dd23595e2193ee9e", "entity_id": "Q989081"}
168 |
{"mention": "Suriye: { Suriye } birliklerinin Lübnan sınırında bir kasabaya saldırdığını, Irak yakınında bir başka kasabayı da kuşattığı haber veriliyor.", "example_id": "2798e8043b4177e770704792d0d38430", "entity_id": "Q858"}
169 |
{"mention": "Danimarka: İngiliz müzik grubu Take That, grup üyelerinden Robbie Williams'ın gıda zehirlenmesi ile hasta düşmesi üzerine Progress Live turnelerinin { Danimarka } ayağını iptal etti.", "example_id": "dc2ebc505aaac997ab18ef0532c35fe5", "entity_id": "Q35"}
170 |
{"mention": "Emine Ayna: Türkiye'de Demokratik Toplum Kongresi'nin geçen hafta ilan ettiği “demokratik özerklik”, Diyarbakır’daki saldırı ve BDP milletvekili { Emine Ayna } ’nın yaptığı son açıklama gerginliği artırdı.", "example_id": "5b86fc7284f72c7ffc093d5465026f22", "entity_id": "Q468106"}
171 |
{"mention": "Aşdod: İçinde 16 eylemcinin bulunduğu tekne savaş gemileri eşliğinde İsrail'in { Aşdod } limanına götürüldü.", "example_id": "5a91ccc2924810746e9f40ff80c9ac5b", "entity_id": "Q171639"}
172 |
{"mention": "İrsen Küçük: Ercan Havalimanı'nda uçaktan inen Erdoğan, başbakan { İrsen Küçük } , kabinenin tüm bakanları tarafından ve bir askeri törenle karşılandı.", "example_id": "7718a9708c0eef34892c6dce72de9c49", "entity_id": "Q57886"}
173 |
{"mention": "BRT: Bunun ardından { BRT } -TRT ortak yayını olan bir açık oturuma katıldı ve Lefkoşa Merit Otel'e geçti.", "example_id": "8d47cea46022f36178b0277b09ef199d", "entity_id": "Q812587"}
174 |
{"mention": "Lisans Yerleştirme Sınavı: { Lisans Yerleştirme Sınavı } (LYS) sonuçlarının 21 Temmuz 2011 saat 14.00'te (EEST) açıklanacağı ÖSYM tarafından açıklandı.", "example_id": "aed937b87c67d4284055063828514edc", "entity_id": "Q12810636"}
175 |
{"mention": "1 Ekim: Maguhdhuvaa Adası'na yapılan otel { 1 Ekim } 2011'de hizmete açılacak.", "example_id": "d065bd38112509cb9f480d7867228bc4", "entity_id": "Q2913"}
176 |
{"mention": "Birleşik Krallık: Uluslararası Ceza Mahkemesi, Libya lideri Muammer Kaddafi'nin iç savaş nedeniyle görevi bırakırsa ülkesinde kalmasına yönelik { Birleşik Krallık } ve Fransa'nın yaptığı önerileri reddetti.", "example_id": "a84395f8d72849d825b1b69c2678a2a6", "entity_id": "Q145"}
177 |
{"mention": "Carnage: Festivalde ilk kez gösterilecek bir başka film ise yönetmen Roman Polanski'nin yeni filmi { Carnage } .", "example_id": "bc1942bde1c1b69bc40e09cc71390874", "entity_id": "Q1753328"}
178 |
{"mention": "Fatma Şahin: Geçen hafta Aile ve Sosyal Politikalar Bakanı { Fatma Şahin } durumu düzeltmek için hem yasal alanda hem de uygulamada adımlar atılacağını açıkladı.", "example_id": "7a09e2af6ce66498ba33d49f938490bd", "entity_id": "Q524109"}
179 |
{"mention": "Işık Koşaner: Türkiye'de Genelkurmay Başkanı { Işık Koşaner } , Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanı Erdal Ceylanoğlu, Deniz Kuvvetleri Komutanı Eşref Uğur Yiğit ve Hava Kuvvetleri Komutanı Hasan Aksay emekliklerini istedi.", "example_id": "eb2d2ab364bf252ac5b93e17c08e16c4", "entity_id": "Q970840"}
180 |
{"mention": "Yüksek Askeri Şura: Kararın terfiye ilişkin kararların alınacağı { Yüksek Askeri Şura } (YAŞ) öncesi yoğun bir görüşme trafiğinin ardından alınması da dikkat çekti.", "example_id": "c88a2bb59f473d3476826cacd49b8f77", "entity_id": "Q7645067"}
181 |
{"mention": "PKK: Van'ın Başkale ilçesi Gedikpaşa köyü yakınlarında bulunan Jandarma kontrol noktasına { PKK } terör örgütü militanları tarafından saldırı düzenlendi.", "example_id": "7b83690d513bda93e68b45d36ffac32e", "entity_id": "Q152220"}
182 |
{"mention": "Şenol Güneş: Maç sonrası açıklama yapan Trabzonspor Teknik Direktörüü { Şenol Güneş } rakip takımın yaptığı taktik faullerden ve hakemin bu faulleri görmemesinden yakındı.", "example_id": "14dd65b4819b7c1beb7f821ba7cf5393", "entity_id": "Q388904"}
183 |
{"mention": "İkinci Dünya Savaşı: { İkinci Dünya Savaşı } 'ndan sonraki Soğuk Savaş döneminin en belirgin simgesi olan Berlin duvarı 1989 yılının Kasım ayında sökülmeye başlandı ve iki Almanya 3 Ekim 1990’da birleşti.", "example_id": "913eddedc71ee56fb4f3e3691d4c9dda", "entity_id": "Q362"}
184 |
{"mention": "Ankara: ABD { Ankara } Büyükelçisi Francis Ricciardone Hakkari'de PKK'nın düzenlediği saldırı ile ilgili açıklamada bulundu.", "example_id": "6802c0f6aa048532b8a1fd06bc8a8532", "entity_id": "Q3640"}
185 |
{"mention": "Avrupa Birliği: Obama’nın açıklamasından hemen sonra İngiltere, Fransa, Almanya ve { Avrupa Birliği } de Suriye devlet başkanını çekilmeye çağırdı.", "example_id": "d02b30e94b49ea4520002a844d789367", "entity_id": "Q458"}
186 |
{"mention": "Rusya: Ancak Türkiye ile { Rusya } , Esed'e istifa çağrısı için zamanın erken olduğu görüşünde.", "example_id": "3b75111c8d128bddcd0fa51b0d9b9c83", "entity_id": "Q159"}
187 |
{"mention": "Pensilvanya: { Pensilvanya } eyaletinde olağanüstü hal ilan edildi.", "example_id": "11af825f4d22c55a08663c218242b24c", "entity_id": "Q1400"}
188 |
{"mention": "Mehmed Uzun: Geçtiğimiz günlerde yayınlanan bir WikiLeaks belgesi, Kürt yazar { Mehmed Uzun } 'un ABD'nin Kürdistan Bölgesel Yönetimi'nin \"demokratik ilerlemesi\"ni sağlamak için Kuzey Irak'a askeri müdahalede bulunmasını ve Türkiye'nin \"demokratikleşmesi\" için baskı yapmasını istediğini ortaya koydu.", "example_id": "715e251c6b1b9a5adc60472ba3e184be", "entity_id": "Q741754"}
189 |
{"mention": "Ankara: { Ankara } ’nın Birleşmiş Milletler Genel Sekreterinin krizin sona erdirilmesi çağrılarına rağmen aldığı bu kararın Türk-İsrail ilişkilerini daha da gerginleştirmesi bekleniyor.", "example_id": "36f6548a32e9433e7e83438ea433646c", "entity_id": "Q3640"}
190 |
{"mention": "Mavi Marmara: Birleşmiş Milletler’in { Mavi Marmara } olayıyla ilgili hazırladığı raporun cuma günü açıklanmasının ardından Türkiye İsrail ile askeri anlaşmalarını askıya almış ve diplomatik ilişkilerini asgari düzeye indirmişti.", "example_id": "fd733e7886fb2f82346f63f5997f45dd", "entity_id": "Q1650043"}
191 |
{"mention": "Soli Özel: Kadir Has Üniversitesi öğretim üyelerinden { Soli Özel } , Türkiye ile İsrail arasında kıyasıya bir liderlik mücadelesi olduğu görüşünde.", "example_id": "87435fc4ae33b544febb6176a233843d", "entity_id": "Q6051810"}
192 |
{"mention": "1967 savaşı: Riyad el-Malik, dörtlünün girişimin ayrıca İsrail’e { 1967 savaşı } öncesi sınırlara çekilmesi çağrısı yapmadığı için de eksik olduğunu savundu.", "example_id": "cce4329f7caac48827743f2aa6aa10ab", "entity_id": "Q49077"}
193 |
{"mention": "Karacaahmet Mezarlığı: Başbakanlık basın merkezinden yapılan açıklamada, Tenzile Erdoğan'ın cenazesinin 8 Ekim 2011 günü öğle vakti İstanbul Fatih Cami'inde kılınacak öğle namazının ardından { Karacaahmet Mezarlığı } 'nda defnedileceği bildirildi.", "example_id": "575e7247f5069f3663b0e606d288897c", "entity_id": "Q578506"}
194 |
{"mention": "Suriye: { Suriye } devlet başkanı Beşşar Esed'de Başbakanı arayarak taziyelerini iletti.", "example_id": "6f62c23b14d4912fcaa957eddd09581f", "entity_id": "Q858"}
195 |
{"mention": "Japonya: Apple iPhone 4S Amerika, Avustralya, Kanada, Fransa, Almanya, { Japonya } ve İngiltere’de satışa sunuldu.", "example_id": "04db7330b63d3f73557021d496def29c", "entity_id": "Q17"}
196 |
{"mention": "KCK: Toplantıda İçişleri Bakanı İdris Naim Şahin, terörle mücadele başta olmak üzere güvenlik konuları ve { KCK } operasyonlarının detayları hakkında bilgiler verdi.", "example_id": "e7227061e63468546e47b9afd8b59fc6", "entity_id": "Q1779776"}
197 |
{"mention": "Mehmet Şimşek: Türkiye Maliye Bakanı { Mehmet Şimşek } , Eylül ve Ocak-Eylül dönemine ait bütçe uygulama sonuçlarını açıkladı.", "example_id": "5f9bbb611a42c913b6f17d6135933b89", "entity_id": "Q945364"}
198 |
{"mention": "Kızıl Haç: Serbest bırakılan 477 tutuklu { Kızıl Haç } 'a ait araçlar ile Şam'a gönderildi.", "example_id": "df0072c16c1f154855c7bae1875fab44", "entity_id": "Q7178"}
199 |
{"mention": "Gilad Şalit: İsrail askeri { Gilad Şalit } 2006 yılında İsrail tarafına tünel kazarak geçen Hamas militanları tarafından kaçırılmıştı.", "example_id": "c8eb95789ff9a4b942fc4c17f6ec7c0b", "entity_id": "Q61075056"}
200 |
{"mention": "Sirte: Devrik Libya lideri Muammer Kaddafi, Ulusal Geçiş Konseyi güçlerinin ele geçirdiği memleketi { Sirte } 'den kaçmaya çalışırken öldürüldü.", "example_id": "5d94f74b8d946de1c3e83e1d42ec1f92", "entity_id": "Q162413"}
201 |
{"mention": "Rusya: İngiltere, Çin, Fransa, { Rusya } ve ABD’nin oluşturduğu daimi üyelerin kararları veto hakları bulunuyor. 10 üye ise ikişer yıllık sürelerle bu göreve seçiliyorlar.", "example_id": "ab9ed6b05665c255790faf5afd84282d", "entity_id": "Q159"}
202 |
{"mention": "Taner Akçam: Türk Ceza Kanunu 301. maddesi ile ilgili olarak { Taner Akçam } 'ın Avrupa İnsan Hakları Mahkemesi'nde açtığı dava sonuçlandı ve Türkiye'nin Avrupa İnsan Hakları Sözleşmesi'nin 10. maddesini ihlal ettiğine karar verildi.", "example_id": "824db17e125c2ec32e4f890789bfde4b", "entity_id": "Q559228"}
203 |
{"mention": "Agos: Akçam, 6 Ekim 2006'da { Agos } 'ta \"Hrant Dink, 301 ve Bir Suç Duyurusu\" adlı bir makale yazmış ve bu nedenle hakkında 301. maddeden suç duyurusunda bulunulmuştu.", "example_id": "158497f4c53bcc8a57359e223e074d57", "entity_id": "Q395477"}
204 |
{"mention": "Bolivya: Arjantin Cumhurbaşkanı Cristina Kirchner, { Bolivya } Devlet Başkanı Evo Morales ve Venezuela Devlet Başkanı Hugo Chavez darbeyi kınadıklarını açıkladılar.", "example_id": "5804087ea9b4676c38ac2e3602595f2c", "entity_id": "Q750"}
205 |
{"mention": "Silivri Cezaevi: ODA TV soruşturması kapsamında tutukluluk hali devam eden Milli İstihbarat Teşkilatı'nın dış operasyonlar eski başkanı Kaşif Kozinoğlu, { Silivri Cezaevi } 'nde kalp krizi geçirerek hayatını kaybetti.", "example_id": "3540a10d3fd39da65def6d02c092d0f6", "entity_id": "Q4116402"}
206 |
{"mention": "Eyüp Belediyesi: { Eyüp Belediyesi } ve GSM operatörü Avea \"Akıllı Belediye\" projesini başlattı.", "example_id": "e9823e988029fa2fed7c1e02965bcb72", "entity_id": "Q673073"}
207 |
{"mention": "Avea: Eyüp Belediyesi ve GSM operatörü { Avea } \"Akıllı Belediye\" projesini başlattı.", "example_id": "94a12dfd9189312c82303ada4a849ba1", "entity_id": "Q790324"}
208 |
{"mention": "Suriye: Türkiye Dışişleri Bakanı Ahmet Davutoğlu ilk kez { Suriye } ’ye karşı askeri seçeneğin masada olduğunu açıkladı.", "example_id": "0a43d5907e2a0897a58439a0de062949", "entity_id": "Q858"}
209 |
{"mention": "Binali Yıldırım: Bu arada Ulaştırma Bakanı { Binali Yıldırım } , çatışmaların şiddetlenmesi halinde Suriye’yi transit ülke olmaktan çıkartacaklarını ve ticaret yollarını Irak’a kaydıracaklarını bildirdi.", "example_id": "82def2121bb1ff5cba1ddd8a5e4124aa", "entity_id": "Q863496"}
210 |
{"mention": "bedelli askerliği: Askerlik kanununda { bedelli askerliği } getirecek olan değişiklikleri içeren kanun tasarısı 31 Aralık itibariyle yasalaştı.", "example_id": "b4d0583cf2bf67923572acef7b4d978a", "entity_id": "Q6049132"}
211 |
{"mention": "Rojin: TRT genel müdürü İbrahim Şahin 21 Aralık 2011 günü akşamı gazeteci ve akademisyenler ile bir araya gelerek basına kapalı olarak gerçekleştirdiği toplantı esnasında, TRT 6 kanalında iki yıl önce program yapan sanatçı { Rojin } için \"aşüfte kadın\" diyerek hakaret ettiği belirtildi.", "example_id": "a5fd255e0292c273eba394ac90030aec", "entity_id": "Q458758"}
212 |
{"mention": "ÖSYM: Sınavları Ölçme, Seçme ve Yerleştirme Merkezi tarafından yapılan Uzman Jandarma okulu için { ÖSYM } 'nin her yıl planlanan sınav takviminde 2013 - 2014 eğitim yılı için yapılacak sınava 2012 yılı sınav takviminde yer verilmedi.", "example_id": "179024f511f7e86b7c1b1b8ed2aa5ba1", "entity_id": "Q3593688"}
213 |
{"mention": "Haberal: Türkiye medyasında halen cezaevinde tutuklu olarak bulunan ve Milletvekili seçilen { Haberal } yasa tasarısı olarak bilinen, tutuklu ve hükümlülerin ağır hasta yakınlarını ziyaret edebilmesine olanak sağlayan yasa tasarısı TBMM Adalet Komisyonunda kabul edildi.", "example_id": "51d3243d0e79948ac08f6232e0bea308", "entity_id": "Q1917336"}
214 |
{"mention": "Rauf Denktaş: Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti'nin kurucusu { Rauf Denktaş } tedavi gördüğü Yakındoğu Üniversitesi Hastanesinde 88 yaşında hayatını kaybetti.", "example_id": "5bca895e5c47f1222de3655309ae2430", "entity_id": "Q200436"}
215 |
{"mention": "Rauf Denktaş: Kurucu Cumhurbaşkanı { Rauf Denktaş } 'ın vefatının ardından cuma gününe kadar yas ilan edilen Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti, hem Denktaş'ın yasını tutuyor, hem de cenaze törenine hazırlanıyor.", "example_id": "87ce152b1992849fcfc46397e667f8b0", "entity_id": "Q200436"}
216 |
{"mention": "İrsen Küçük: Denktaş'ın kurucularından biri olduğu Türk Mukavemet Teşkilatı'na (TMT) adanan bir anıtın yer aldığı park, KKTC Başbakanı { İrsen Küçük } 'e göre \"milli mücadele tarihi, TMT ve cumhuriyeti\" temsil ediyor.", "example_id": "55c0bde2e8619f8e1a4e89d439c3413f", "entity_id": "Q57886"}
217 |
{"mention": "Rauf Denktaş: Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti Kurucu Cumhurbaşkanı { Rauf Denktaş } , binlerce kişinin katıldığı bir cenaze töreniyle Lefkoşa Cumhuriyet Parkı'na defnedildi.", "example_id": "31fe8e9e96a224a8bd825b57a0d5b16d", "entity_id": "Q200436"}
218 |
{"mention": "Cumhuriyet Parkı: Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti Kurucu Cumhurbaşkanı Rauf Denktaş, binlerce kişinin katıldığı bir cenaze töreniyle Lefkoşa { Cumhuriyet Parkı } 'na defnedildi.", "example_id": "8517dac499b5b2434e678c22cc8c1559", "entity_id": "Q12809104"}
219 |
{"mention": "İrsen Küçük: Cenazeye KKTC Cumhurbaşkanı Derviş Eroğlu ve Başbakan { İrsen Küçük } 'ün yanı sıra tören için ülkeye gelen Türkiye Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül, Türkiye Başbakanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Dışişleri Bakanı Ahmet Davutoğlu, Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi Genel Başkanı Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu ve partinin üç eski genel başkanı katıldı.", "example_id": "6282ce42da07a76b53ed0908ba304b6d", "entity_id": "Q57886"}
220 |
{"mention": "Rahşan Ecevit: Türkiye eski başbakanı Bülent Ecevit'in eşi { Rahşan Ecevit } de katılanların arasındaydı.", "example_id": "c19f835327ff8a991ab0ebe0b101ec1b", "entity_id": "Q7283651"}
221 |
{"mention": "Glafkos Klerides: Azerbaycan Cumhurbaşkanı Haydar Aliyev ve Denktaş'ın müzakerelerdeki eski Kıbrıslı Rum meslektaşı { Glafkos Klerides } de çelenk gönderdi.", "example_id": "fc28077f38a709a9b766fde25a2b2196", "entity_id": "Q317648"}
222 |
{"mention": "Yüksek Hızlı Tren: Türkiye'de, 13 Mart 2009 tarihinde seferlere başlayan { Yüksek Hızlı Tren } 'de o günden bu yana toplam 133 bin kişi yolculuk yaptı.", "example_id": "84c68d2446493b39ca9f54512e84bb9c", "entity_id": "Q17097982"}
223 |
{"mention": "Müslüman Kardeşler: Mısır'da İslamcı { Müslüman Kardeşler } partisinin çoğunlukta olduğu parlamento oy birliğiyle İsrail büyükelçisinin ülkeden sınırdışı edilmesini ve İsrail'e yapılan doğalgaz ihracatının durdurulmasını isteyen bir karara imza attı.", "example_id": "8d197df635d356345267a9395e773df3", "entity_id": "Q133207"}
224 |
{"mention": "Odatv: Türkiye'de { Odatv } davası kapsamında tutuklu yargılanan gazeteciler Ahmet Şık, Nedim Şener, Sait Çakır ve Coşkun Musluk tahliye edildi.", "example_id": "30e5bc6e619409cf25f201f3c6c92a17", "entity_id": "Q7004862"}
225 |
{"mention": "Nedim Şener: Türkiye'de Odatv davası kapsamında tutuklu yargılanan gazeteciler Ahmet Şık, { Nedim Şener } , Sait Çakır ve Coşkun Musluk tahliye edildi.", "example_id": "c43fecdd9a121e57452a91d7cf518a6d", "entity_id": "Q557623"}
226 |
{"mention": "Zaman Gazetesi: \"Tuaregler, stratejik bir kenti daha ele geçirdi\" \" { Zaman Gazetesi } \",", "example_id": "34461eea218a87b9ac6073aaa34fbd70", "entity_id": "Q145400"}
227 |
{"mention": "Suriye: { Suriye } 'de çatışmalar sürüyor.", "example_id": "ed41ee469aebb43546e1b3941d571d7e", "entity_id": "Q858"}
228 |
{"mention": "Azavad: Mali'de ülkenin kuzeyini ele geçiren Tuareg örgütü Azavad Ulusal Kurtuluş Hareketi, { Azavad } adını verdikleri bağımsız bir devlet ilan etti.", "example_id": "1964e434c96ff50393a5756491cbef09", "entity_id": "Q43937"}
229 |
{"mention": "Bahçelievler: Vikihaber olarak, İstanbul'un { Bahçelievler } ilçesinde bir markete giriyoruz.", "example_id": "deafec4c37cfc5dd26ba47b9571752ea", "entity_id": "Q788634"}
230 |
{"mention": "Hindistan: Pakistan Cumhurbaşkanı Asıf Ali Serdari Yeni Delhi'de { Hindistan } Başbakanı Manmohan Singh ile görüştü. 2005 yılından beri ilk kez bir Pakistan devlet başkanı Hindistan'ı ziyaret ediyor.", "example_id": "a940e7164b2895018771a0f33ae371a2", "entity_id": "Q668"}
231 |
{"mention": "Abdullah Öcalan: PKK'nın kurucusu { Abdullah Öcalan } 'ın İmralı'da olup olmadığı son zamanlarda sorgulanıyor.", "example_id": "c2cd4af55b58cca0dc0b93fb9d4ac211", "entity_id": "Q191530"}
232 |
{"mention": "Recep Tayyip Erdoğan: Buna rağmen { Recep Tayyip Erdoğan } , Öcalan'ın İmralı'da olup olmadığını soran Bahçeli'ye \"İsterse İmralı'ya götürelim, görsün\" demişti.", "example_id": "40d79ab12d75ac9f3e66f5b12f88d9c9", "entity_id": "Q39259"}
233 |
{"mention": "Müslüman Kardeşler: { Müslüman Kardeşler } 'in adayı olarak seçimi kazanan Cumhurbaşkanı Mursi, göreve başlar başlamaz, Askeri Konsey’le ters düşmüştü.", "example_id": "9344ac5a1c4ea10fdd0b0f5f69b523f2", "entity_id": "Q133207"}
234 |
{"mention": "DNA: NASA'lı bilim insanları, 2010 yılında GFAJ-1 adını verdikleri { DNA } 'sında arsenik bulunan bir bakteri keşfettiklerini duyurmuştu.", "example_id": "11c1612948487b6645572bad24841adb", "entity_id": "Q7430"}
235 |
{"mention": "Danimarka: Merkezi { Danimarka } 'nın Billund kentinde bulunan Lego'da yaklaşık 10 bin kişi çalışıyor.", "example_id": "91cca6ea77aa5fb66c8110e8a991e4b1", "entity_id": "Q35"}
236 |
{"mention": "PKK: Bugün Şırnak'ta bir askerin mayın patlaması sonucu hayatını kaybetmesinin ardından, Hakkari'ye bağlı Şemdinli ilçesinde { PKK } tarafından yapılan saldırı sonucunda iki Türk askeri ölürken yedi asker de yaralandı.", "example_id": "9afd4a756525677f58f6293bebda349b", "entity_id": "Q152220"}
237 |
{"mention": "Fatma Şahin: Aile ve Sosyal Politikalar Bakanı { Fatma Şahin } , Afyon'da yaşanan patlamada şehit olan askerlerin \"doğal afet şehidi\" sayıldığı yönündeki haberlere tepki gösterip \"Doğal afet şehitliği diye bir şehitlik yok\" açıklaması yaptı.", "example_id": "f3e1c2559c8917552644b1f9ec86e228", "entity_id": "Q524109"}
238 |
{"mention": "Mahmut Özgener'in: İzmir-Aydın yolu Selatin Tüneli'nde normal seyir halindeki Türkiye Futbol Federasyonu Başkanı { Mahmut Özgener'in } kullandığı otomobil, lastiğinin patlaması sonucu tünelin duvarına çarptı.", "example_id": "671626f46ff972fea87963cbffa606f4", "entity_id": "Q6734669"}
239 |
{"mention": "Suriye: { Suriye } 'de Esad'a bağlı güçler Hama'nın Halfaya kasabasında 93 kişiyi bomba ile öldürdü.", "example_id": "1313fffb2690164e6c6c5e5f98fc5f02", "entity_id": "Q858"}
240 |
{"mention": "Lübnan: Ancak { Lübnan } 'da görev yapmaya devam eden BM Barış Gücü UNFIL yetkilisi Andrea Tinanti yaptığı açıklamada; olayda yalnızca Lübnan'in hava sahasının ihlal edildiğini belirtti.", "example_id": "4b7450485bb12dcf4f080429173847d8", "entity_id": "Q822"}
241 |
{"mention": "Rusya: Suriye'ye destek vermesi ve yakınlığı ile bilinen { Rusya } tarafından ise sert tepkiyle karşılandı.", "example_id": "46c196dc2de8cbc4c5616ed55e4390a3", "entity_id": "Q159"}
242 |
{"mention": "borsa: 2012 yılı sezonunun başında İspanya'nın Atlético Madrid takımına transfer olan 1980 doğumlu futbolcu Emre Belözoğlu'nun Fenerbahçe Profesyonel Futbol Takımı ile 2,5 yıllık anlaşma sağlandığı ve { borsa } ya bildirildiği açıklandı.", "example_id": "7648b09338731ef7e3a0a5c3199d035c", "entity_id": "Q179076"}
243 |
{"mention": "Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Adalet Bakanlığı: Serbest kalan hükümlülere Denetimli Serbestlik büroları tarafından kalan ceza süreleri kadar; Valilikler ile { Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Adalet Bakanlığı } na bağlı Cumhuriyet Başsavcılıkları arasında yapılan protokollere bağlı olarak kamu yararına çalışma veya karakola giderek imza atma tedbirleri uygulanıyor.", "example_id": "1324191560212d284c0236eeb487d2a9", "entity_id": "Q4294877"}
244 |
{"mention": "Recep Tayyip Erdoğan: Bir değişiklikte, son günlerde Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Başbakanı { Recep Tayyip Erdoğan } 'ın sürekli bahsettiği, hükümlülere eşleri ile üç ayda bir defa görüşme hakkı da böylece verilmiş oldu.", "example_id": "ddd95590c4402cadf0a9882b189b38b0", "entity_id": "Q39259"}
245 |
{"mention": "Tahran: { Tahran } ’la masaya oturmaya hazır oldukları mesajını veren Biden, İran’ın nükleer silah sahibi olmasına seyirci kalmayacaklarını da söyledi.", "example_id": "ab4b59ec8e2170c86b99e28f0b2bcd57", "entity_id": "Q3616"}
246 |
{"mention": "Rusya: Salihi Kazakistan'da 25 Şubat 2013 tarihinde BM Güvenlik Konseyi'nin beş daimi üyesi olan ABD, { Rusya } , Fransa, İngiltere ve Çin ülkelerinin temsilcilikleriyle ve Almanya'nın da katılacağı yeni bir görüşme süreci başlatmak istediklerini belirtti.", "example_id": "37f481e183a064e4e308141e80085302", "entity_id": "Q159"}
247 |
{"mention": "Güney Afrika: Araştırma sonuçlarını Arap Baharı’na atfen \"Baharlardan Sonra Umutlar Kırık\" üst başlığıyla duyuran RSF, \"bölgesel modeller tatmin edici değil\" alt başlığı altında Rusya, Brezilya, Çin, Hindistan, { Güney Afrika } ’yla birlikte Türkiye’yle ilgili tespitlerini belirtti.", "example_id": "607566f23082888edde181dbf45616fb", "entity_id": "Q27394"}
248 |
{"mention": "Avrupa Birliği: Kürt sorununa çözüm arayışlarının \"\"İmralı süreciyle\"\" farklı bir boyut kazandığı bir ortamda, benimsediği tavır ve izlediği politikalar taraflarca sıkça eleştirilen { Avrupa Birliği } 'de konuyu gündemine aldı.", "example_id": "7cc87be48a42f1ffa0691f3056d574af", "entity_id": "Q458"}
249 |
{"mention": "Abdullah Öcalan: Kürt tarafı için { Abdullah Öcalan } ’ın sürece dahil edilmesi en önemli unsurlardan birini oluşturuyordu.", "example_id": "2135aed6c9db66177e0aa8b1fb92f9f2", "entity_id": "Q191530"}
250 |
{"mention": "Halkalı: Hastanede sağlık durumunun ciddi olmadığına dair rapor gelen Saygun 14 Mart 2012 tarihinde Silivri Cezaevi’ne konulmuş, burada tekrar sağlık sorunları yaşayan Saygun 17 Temmuz 2012 tarihinde İstanbul ili Küçükçekmece ilçesine bağlı { Halkalı } semtinde bulunan Mehmet Akif Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesine kaldırılmıştı.", "example_id": "dff54fbce66ff9f4699410f660d3e99e", "entity_id": "Q6072084"}
251 |
{"mention": "Mehmet Şimşek: Ayrıca Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Başbakanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan bugüne kadar mültecilere harcanan paranın 600 milyon dolar olduğunu, Ekonomiden Sorumlu Devlet Bakanı { Mehmet Şimşek } ise 610 milyon Türk Lirası olduğunu açıkladı.", "example_id": "259837a23798957eb601ebba2c223897", "entity_id": "Q945364"}
252 |
{"mention": "Ergenekon: Ayrıca { Ergenekon } savcısı Zekariya Öz, iddia edilen olayın gazetelere yansıması üzerine soruşturma başlattı.", "example_id": "d90b89a00362c9dbf71b721bcf1c6922", "entity_id": "Q388577"}
253 |
{"mention": "Zekariya Öz: Ayrıca Ergenekon savcısı { Zekariya Öz } , iddia edilen olayın gazetelere yansıması üzerine soruşturma başlattı.", "example_id": "916e93fcb839b8bf7535a8396c5b194c", "entity_id": "Q6093763"}
254 |
{"mention": "Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu: 25 Mart 2009 tarihinde Kahramanmaraş'ta yapılan Büyük Birlik Partisi mitinginden Yozgat mitingine giden { Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu } 'nun da bulunduğu helikopter Kahramanmaraş'ın Göksun ilçesinde düştü.", "example_id": "e17e20a31959f21808f36dac687e8f2c", "entity_id": "Q1397239"}
255 |
{"mention": "Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu: 25 Mart'taki helikopter kazasında hayatını kaybeden { Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu } toprağa verildi.", "example_id": "f9fe379561e6d2ef278a9e36cada21fe", "entity_id": "Q1397239"}
256 |
{"mention": "Prens William: Cambridge Dükü { Prens William } ile Düşesi Catherine'in ilk çocukları ve Birleşik Krallık tahtının üçüncü varisi 22 Temmuz 2013'te dünyaya geldi.", "example_id": "bfee512eefd981e34aac8aa7e6bdbdc6", "entity_id": "Q36812"}
257 |
{"mention": "Xbox 360: PES 2014 sürümü, PC, { Xbox 360 } ve PS3 için geliştirildi.", "example_id": "611499540d39342b8cf7e749ad7234f3", "entity_id": "Q48263"}
258 |
{"mention": "Kimyasal Silahların Yasaklanması Örgütü: Pazar günü { Kimyasal Silahların Yasaklanması Örgütü } (OPCW)’nün toplanıp, Suriye’nin kimyasal silahlarının geleceğiyle ilgili görüşmesi olduğuna karar verilmiş, ancak sonradan toplantı süresiz ertelenmişti.", "example_id": "c624fa7a64cb9a560ec827ea045a72c0", "entity_id": "Q842490"}
259 |
{"mention": "Peri Masalı: Yarışmanın galibi ise Norveç'li Alexander Rybak'ın { Peri Masalı } şarkısı oldu.", "example_id": "623e64a72991ab83b389230cacc55b6b", "entity_id": "Q215787"}
260 |
{"mention": "Kral TV'nin: { Kral TV'nin } satışı dolayısıyla gece Doğuş grubu'nca düzenlendi.", "example_id": "b6a2366ce3d2659d3277dc6023f325ae", "entity_id": "Q380399"}
261 |
{"mention": "Asuman Krause: Gecenin sunuculuğunu { Asuman Krause } ve Behsat Uygur üstlendi.", "example_id": "0331678ab8f91e3a79772427902261b1", "entity_id": "Q99294"}
262 |
{"mention": "Rusya: 2018 yılında { Rusya } 'da düzenlenecek 2018 Dünya Kupası'nın resmi logosu tanıtıldı.", "example_id": "2010d55f46da8de5ee54e795777e869c", "entity_id": "Q159"}
The diff for this file is too large to render.
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The diff for this file is too large to render.
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The diff for this file is too large to render.
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@@ -0,0 +1,770 @@
1 |
"""Utilities for handling Mewsli-X data and evaluation.
2 |
3 |
This module is adapted from the utilities distributed along with Mewsli-X, i.e.
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
from __future__ import annotations
8 |
9 |
import collections
10 |
import copy
11 |
import dataclasses
12 |
import json
13 |
import pathlib
14 |
import re
15 |
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, Iterator, List, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union
16 |
17 |
# Constants related to text preprocessing.
18 |
19 |
# Symbols for marking up a mention span in a text passage.
20 |
_MARKER_L = "{"
21 |
_MARKER_R = "}"
22 |
# Regular expressions for escaping pre-existing instances of the marker symbols.
23 |
_REGEX = re.compile(rf"{re.escape(_MARKER_L)}(.*?){re.escape(_MARKER_R)}")
24 |
_REPLACEMENT = r"(\1)"
25 |
26 |
# Constants related to task definition.
27 |
28 |
# Mewsli-X eval languages.
29 |
MENTION_LANGUAGES = ("ar", "de", "en", "es", "fa", "ja", "pl", "ro", "ta", "tr",
30 |
31 |
# The retrieval task for Mewsli-X in XTREME-R is capped at evaluating the top-K
32 |
# retrieved entities.
33 |
TOP_K = 20
34 |
35 |
JsonValue = Union[str, int, float, bool, None, Dict[str, Any], List[Any]]
36 |
JsonDict = Dict[str, JsonValue]
37 |
JsonList = List[JsonValue]
38 |
StrOrPurePath = Union[str, pathlib.PurePath]
39 |
40 |
41 |
def to_jsonl(obj: JsonDict) -> str:
42 |
return json.dumps(obj, ensure_ascii=False)
43 |
44 |
45 |
46 |
class Span:
47 |
"""A [start:end]-span in some external string."""
48 |
start: int
49 |
end: int
50 |
51 |
def __post_init__(self):
52 |
if self.start < 0:
53 |
raise ValueError(f"start offset is out of bounds {self}")
54 |
if self.end < 0:
55 |
raise ValueError(f"end offset is out of bounds {self}")
56 |
if self.start >= self.end:
57 |
raise ValueError(f"start and end offsets are non-monotonic {self}")
58 |
59 |
60 |
def from_json(json_dict: JsonDict) -> Span:
61 |
"""Creates a new Span instance from the given JSON-dictionary."""
62 |
return Span(start=json_dict["start"], end=json_dict["end"])
63 |
64 |
def to_json(self) -> JsonDict:
65 |
"""Returns instance as JSON-compatible nested dictionary."""
66 |
return dict(start=self.start, end=self.end)
67 |
68 |
def validate_offsets_relative_to_context(self, context: str) -> None:
69 |
"""Validates the span's offsets relative to a context string."""
70 |
if self.start >= len(context):
71 |
raise ValueError(
72 |
f"start offset in {self} is out of bounds w.r.t. '{context}'")
73 |
if self.end > len(context):
74 |
raise ValueError(
75 |
f"end offset in {self} is out of bounds w.r.t. '{context}'")
76 |
77 |
def locate_in(self, spans: Iterable[Span]) -> Optional[int]:
78 |
"""Returns the index of the first span that fully contains `self`.
79 |
80 |
81 |
spans: The spans to search.
82 |
83 |
84 |
First i such that spans[i].{start,end} covers `self.{start,end}`, or None
85 |
if there is no such span, indicating that `self` either is out of range
86 |
relative to spans or crosses span boundaries.
87 |
88 |
for i, span in enumerate(spans):
89 |
# The starts may coincide and the ends may coincide.
90 |
if (span.start <= self.start and self.start < span.end and
91 |
span.start < self.end and self.end <= span.end):
92 |
return i
93 |
return None
94 |
95 |
96 |
97 |
class TextSpan(Span):
98 |
"""A text span relative to an external string T, with text=T[start:end]."""
99 |
text: str
100 |
101 |
def validate_relative_to_context(self, context: str) -> None:
102 |
"""Validates that `self.text` matches the designated span in `context`."""
103 |
104 |
ref_text = context[self.start:self.end]
105 |
if self.text != ref_text:
106 |
raise ValueError(f"{self} does not match against context '{context}': "
107 |
f"'{self.text}' != '{ref_text}'")
108 |
109 |
110 |
def from_context(span: Span, context: str) -> TextSpan:
111 |
"""Creates a new TextSpan by extracting the given `span` from `context`."""
112 |
113 |
return TextSpan(span.start, span.end, text=context[span.start:span.end])
114 |
115 |
116 |
def from_elements(start: int, end: int, context: str) -> TextSpan:
117 |
"""Creates a new TextSpan by extracting [start:end] from `context`."""
118 |
return TextSpan.from_context(span=Span(start, end), context=context)
119 |
120 |
121 |
def from_json(json_dict: JsonDict) -> TextSpan:
122 |
"""Creates a new TextSpan from the given JSON-dictionary."""
123 |
return TextSpan(
124 |
start=json_dict["start"], end=json_dict["end"], text=json_dict["text"])
125 |
126 |
def to_json(self) -> JsonDict:
127 |
"""Returns instance as JSON-compatible nested dictionary."""
128 |
return dict(start=self.start, end=self.end, text=self.text)
129 |
130 |
131 |
132 |
class Entity:
133 |
"""An entity and its textual representation.
134 |
135 |
136 |
entity_id: Unique identifier of the entity, e.g. WikiData QID.
137 |
title: A title phrase that names the entity.
138 |
description: A definitional description of the entity that serves as its
139 |
unique textual representation, e.g. taken from the beginning of the
140 |
entity's Wikipedia page.
141 |
sentence_spans: Sentence break annotations for the description, as
142 |
character-level Span objects that index into `description`
143 |
sentences: Sentences extracted from `description` according to
144 |
`sentence_spans`. These TextSpan objects include the actual sentence text
145 |
for added convenience. E.g., the string of the description's first
146 |
sentence is `sentences[0].text`.
147 |
description_language: Primary language code of the description and title,
148 |
matching the Wikipedia language edition from which they were extracted.
149 |
description_url: URL of the page where the description was extracted from.
150 |
151 |
entity_id: str
152 |
title: str
153 |
description: str
154 |
sentence_spans: Tuple[Span, ...]
155 |
description_language: str
156 |
description_url: str
157 |
158 |
def __post_init__(self):
159 |
160 |
161 |
162 |
def sentences(self) -> Iterator[TextSpan]:
163 |
for span in self.sentence_spans:
164 |
yield TextSpan.from_context(span, self.description)
165 |
166 |
def validate(self):
167 |
for sentence_span in self.sentence_spans:
168 |
169 |
170 |
171 |
def from_json(json_dict: JsonDict) -> Entity:
172 |
"""Creates a new Entity from the given JSON-dictionary."""
173 |
return Entity(
174 |
175 |
176 |
177 |
178 |
179 |
180 |
Span.from_json(t) for t in json_dict["sentence_spans"]),
181 |
182 |
183 |
def to_json(self) -> JsonDict:
184 |
"""Returns instance as JSON-compatible nested dictionary."""
185 |
return dict(
186 |
187 |
188 |
189 |
190 |
191 |
sentence_spans=[t.to_json() for t in self.sentence_spans],
192 |
193 |
194 |
195 |
196 |
class Mention:
197 |
"""A single mention of an entity, referring to some external context.
198 |
199 |
200 |
example_id: Unique identifier for the mention instance.
201 |
mention_span: A TextSpan denoting one mention, relative to external context.
202 |
entity_id: ID of the mentioned entity.
203 |
metadata: Optional dictionary of additional information about the instance.
204 |
205 |
example_id: str
206 |
mention_span: TextSpan
207 |
entity_id: str
208 |
metadata: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None
209 |
210 |
211 |
def from_json(json_dict: JsonDict) -> Mention:
212 |
"""Creates a new Mention from the given JSON-dictionary."""
213 |
return Mention(
214 |
215 |
216 |
217 |
218 |
219 |
220 |
def to_json(self) -> JsonDict:
221 |
"""Returns instance as JSON-compatible nested dictionary."""
222 |
json_dict = dict(
223 |
224 |
225 |
226 |
227 |
if self.metadata is not None:
228 |
json_dict["metadata"] = self.metadata
229 |
return json_dict
230 |
231 |
232 |
233 |
class Context:
234 |
"""A document text fragment and metadata.
235 |
236 |
237 |
document_title: Title of the document.
238 |
document_url: URL of the document.
239 |
document_id: An identifier for the document. For a Wikipedia page, this may
240 |
be the associated WikiData QID.
241 |
language: Primary language code of the document.
242 |
text: Original text from the document.
243 |
sentence_spans: Sentence break annotations for the text, as character-level
244 |
Span objects that index into `text`.
245 |
sentences: Sentences extracted from `text` according to `sentence_spans`.
246 |
These TextSpan objects include the actual sentence text for added
247 |
convenience. E.g., the first sentence's string is `sentences[0].text`.
248 |
section_title: Optional title of the section under which `text` appeared.
249 |
250 |
document_title: str
251 |
document_url: str
252 |
document_id: str
253 |
language: str
254 |
text: str
255 |
sentence_spans: Tuple[Span, ...]
256 |
section_title: Optional[str] = None
257 |
258 |
def __post_init__(self):
259 |
260 |
261 |
262 |
def sentences(self) -> Iterator[TextSpan]:
263 |
for span in self.sentence_spans:
264 |
yield TextSpan.from_context(span, self.text)
265 |
266 |
def validate(self):
267 |
for sentence_span in self.sentence_spans:
268 |
269 |
270 |
271 |
def from_json(json_dict: JsonDict) -> Context:
272 |
"""Creates a new Context from the given JSON-dictionary."""
273 |
return Context(
274 |
275 |
276 |
277 |
278 |
279 |
280 |
281 |
Span.from_json(t) for t in json_dict["sentence_spans"]),
282 |
283 |
284 |
def to_json(self, keep_text: bool = True) -> JsonDict:
285 |
"""Returns instance as JSON-compatible nested dictionary."""
286 |
json_dict = dict(
287 |
288 |
289 |
290 |
291 |
text=self.text if keep_text else "",
292 |
sentence_spans=[t.to_json() for t in self.sentence_spans],
293 |
294 |
if self.section_title is not None:
295 |
json_dict["section_title"] = self.section_title
296 |
return json_dict
297 |
298 |
def truncate(self, focus: int, window_size: int) -> Tuple[int, Context]:
299 |
"""Truncates the Context to window_size sentences each side of focus.
300 |
301 |
This seeks to truncate the text and sentence_spans of `self` to
302 |
self.sentence_spans[focus - window_size:focus + window_size + 1].
303 |
304 |
When there are fewer than window_size sentences available before (after) the
305 |
focus, this attempts to retain additional context sentences after (before)
306 |
the focus.
307 |
308 |
309 |
focus: The index of the focus sentence in self.sentence_spans.
310 |
window_size: Number of sentences to retain on each side of the focus.
311 |
312 |
313 |
- c, the number of characters removed from the start of the text, which is
314 |
useful for updating any Mention defined in relation to this Context.
315 |
- new_context, a copy of the Context that is updated to contain the
316 |
truncated text and sentence_spans.
317 |
318 |
319 |
IndexError: if focus is not within the range of self.sentence_spans.
320 |
ValueError: if window_size is negative.
321 |
322 |
if focus < 0 or focus >= len(self.sentence_spans):
323 |
raise IndexError(f"Index {focus} invalid for {self.sentence_spans}")
324 |
if window_size < 0:
325 |
raise ValueError(f"Expected a positive window, but got {window_size}")
326 |
327 |
snt_window = self._get_sentence_window(focus, window_size)
328 |
relevant_sentences = self.sentence_spans[snt_window.start:snt_window.end]
329 |
330 |
char_offset = relevant_sentences[0].start
331 |
char_end = relevant_sentences[-1].end
332 |
new_text = self.text[char_offset:char_end]
333 |
334 |
new_sentences = [
335 |
Span(old_sentence.start - char_offset, old_sentence.end - char_offset)
336 |
for old_sentence in relevant_sentences
337 |
338 |
new_context = dataclasses.replace(
339 |
self, text=new_text, sentence_spans=tuple(new_sentences))
340 |
return char_offset, new_context
341 |
342 |
def _get_sentence_window(self, focus: int, window_size: int) -> Span:
343 |
"""Gets Span of sentence indices to cover window around the focus index."""
344 |
# Add window to the left of focus. If there are fewer sentences before the
345 |
# focus sentence, carry over the remainder.
346 |
left_index = max(focus - window_size, 0)
347 |
remainder_left = window_size - (focus - left_index)
348 |
assert remainder_left >= 0, remainder_left
349 |
350 |
# Add window to the right of focus, including carryover. (Note, right_index
351 |
# is an inclusive index.) If there are fewer sentences after the focus
352 |
# sentence, carry back the remainder.
353 |
right_index = min(focus + window_size + remainder_left,
354 |
len(self.sentence_spans) - 1)
355 |
remainder_right = window_size - (right_index - focus)
356 |
357 |
if remainder_right > 0:
358 |
# Extend further leftward.
359 |
left_index = max(left_index - remainder_right, 0)
360 |
361 |
return Span(left_index, right_index + 1)
362 |
363 |
364 |
365 |
class ContextualMentions:
366 |
"""Multiple entity mentions in a shared context."""
367 |
context: Context
368 |
mentions: List[Mention]
369 |
370 |
def __post_init__(self):
371 |
372 |
373 |
def validate(self):
374 |
375 |
for mention in self.mentions:
376 |
377 |
378 |
379 |
def from_json(json_dict: JsonDict) -> ContextualMentions:
380 |
"""Creates a new ContextualMentions from the given JSON-dictionary."""
381 |
return ContextualMentions(
382 |
383 |
mentions=[Mention.from_json(m) for m in json_dict["mentions"]],
384 |
385 |
386 |
def to_json(self, keep_text: bool = True) -> JsonDict:
387 |
"""Returns instance as JSON-compatible nested dictionary."""
388 |
json_dict = dict(
389 |
390 |
mentions=[m.to_json() for m in self.mentions],
391 |
392 |
return json_dict
393 |
394 |
def unnest_to_single_mention_per_context(self) -> Iterator[ContextualMention]:
395 |
for mention in self.mentions:
396 |
yield ContextualMention(
397 |
context=copy.deepcopy(self.context), mention=copy.deepcopy(mention))
398 |
399 |
400 |
def nest_mentions_by_shared_context(
401 |
contextual_mentions: Iterable[ContextualMention]
402 |
) -> Iterator[ContextualMentions]:
403 |
"""Inverse of unnest_to_single_mention_per_context."""
404 |
contexts = {}
405 |
groups = collections.defaultdict(list)
406 |
for cm in contextual_mentions:
407 |
context = cm.context
408 |
key = (context.document_id, context.section_title, context.text)
409 |
if key in contexts:
410 |
assert contexts[key] == context, key
411 |
412 |
contexts[key] = context
413 |
414 |
415 |
for key, mentions in groups.items():
416 |
yield ContextualMentions(contexts[key], mentions)
417 |
418 |
419 |
420 |
class ContextualMention:
421 |
"""A single entity mention in context."""
422 |
context: Context
423 |
mention: Mention
424 |
425 |
def __post_init__(self):
426 |
427 |
428 |
def validate(self):
429 |
430 |
431 |
432 |
433 |
def from_json(json_dict: JsonDict) -> ContextualMention:
434 |
"""Creates a new ContextualMention from the given JSON-dictionary."""
435 |
return ContextualMention(
436 |
437 |
438 |
439 |
440 |
def to_json(self, keep_text: bool = True) -> JsonDict:
441 |
"""Returns instance as JSON-compatible nested dictionary."""
442 |
json_dict = dict(
443 |
444 |
445 |
446 |
return json_dict
447 |
448 |
def truncate(self, window_size: int) -> Optional[ContextualMention]:
449 |
"""Truncates the context to window_size sentences each side of the mention.
450 |
451 |
452 |
window_size: Number of sentences to retain on each side of the sentence
453 |
containing the mention. See Context.truncate for more detail.
454 |
455 |
456 |
Returns None if no sentence spans were present or if the mention crosses
457 |
sentence boundaries. Otherwise, returns an update copy of the
458 |
ContextualMention where `.context` contains the truncated text and
459 |
sentences, and the character offsets in `.mention` updated accordingly.
460 |
461 |
focus_snt = self.mention.mention_span.locate_in(self.context.sentence_spans)
462 |
if focus_snt is None:
463 |
# The context has no sentences or the mention crosses sentence boundaries.
464 |
return None
465 |
466 |
offset, new_context = self.context.truncate(
467 |
focus=focus_snt, window_size=window_size)
468 |
469 |
# Internal consistency check.
470 |
max_valid = window_size * 2 + 1
471 |
assert len(new_context.sentence_spans) <= max_valid, (
472 |
f"Got {len(new_context.sentence_spans)}>{max_valid} sentences for "
473 |
f"window_size={window_size} in truncated Context: {new_context}")
474 |
475 |
new_mention = dataclasses.replace(
476 |
477 |
478 |
start=self.mention.mention_span.start - offset,
479 |
end=self.mention.mention_span.end - offset,
480 |
481 |
return ContextualMention(context=new_context, mention=new_mention)
482 |
483 |
484 |
485 |
class MentionEntityPair:
486 |
"""A ContextualMention paired with the Entity it refers to."""
487 |
contextual_mention: ContextualMention
488 |
entity: Entity
489 |
490 |
def __post_init__(self):
491 |
492 |
493 |
def validate(self):
494 |
495 |
496 |
497 |
498 |
def from_json(json_dict: JsonDict) -> MentionEntityPair:
499 |
"""Creates a new MentionEntityPair from the given JSON-dictionary."""
500 |
return MentionEntityPair(
501 |
502 |
503 |
504 |
505 |
506 |
def to_json(self) -> JsonDict:
507 |
"""Returns instance as JSON-compatible nested dictionary."""
508 |
json_dict = dict(
509 |
510 |
511 |
512 |
return json_dict
513 |
514 |
515 |
SchemaAnyT = TypeVar("SchemaAnyT", Entity, Context, ContextualMention,
516 |
ContextualMentions, MentionEntityPair)
517 |
SchemaAny = Union[ContextualMention, ContextualMentions, Entity,
518 |
519 |
520 |
521 |
def load_jsonl_as_dicts(path: StrOrPurePath) -> List[JsonDict]:
522 |
"""Returns dict-records from JSONL file (without parsing into dataclasses)."""
523 |
with open(path) as input_file:
524 |
return [json.loads(line) for line in input_file]
525 |
526 |
527 |
def load_jsonl(path: StrOrPurePath,
528 |
schema_cls: Type[SchemaAnyT]) -> List[SchemaAnyT]:
529 |
"""Loads the designated type of schema dataclass items from a JSONL file.
530 |
531 |
532 |
path: File path to load. Each line in the file is a JSON-serialized object.
533 |
schema_cls: The dataclass to parse into, e.g. `ContextualMention`, `Entity`,
534 |
535 |
536 |
537 |
A list of validated instances of `schema_cls`, one per input line.
538 |
539 |
result = []
540 |
for json_dict in load_jsonl_as_dicts(path):
541 |
542 |
return result
543 |
544 |
545 |
def write_jsonl(path: StrOrPurePath, items: Iterable[SchemaAny]) -> None:
546 |
"""Writes a list of any of the schema dataclass items to JSONL file.
547 |
548 |
549 |
path: Output file path that will store each item as a JSON-serialized line.
550 |
items: Items to output. Instances of a schema dataclass, e.g.
551 |
`ContextualMention`, `Entity`, etc.
552 |
553 |
with open(path, "wt") as output_file:
554 |
for item in items:
555 |
print(to_jsonl(item.to_json()), file=output_file)
556 |
557 |
558 |
# Baseline preprocessing functions. Users are free to create other more nuanced
559 |
# approaches.
560 |
561 |
562 |
def preprocess_mention(contextual_mention: ContextualMention) -> str:
563 |
"""A baseline method for preprocessing a ContextualMention to string.
564 |
565 |
566 |
contextual_mention: The ContextualMention to preprocess for passing to a
567 |
tokenizer or model.
568 |
569 |
570 |
A string representing the mention in context. This baseline implementation
571 |
uses one sentence of context, based on sentence annotations provided with
572 |
the Mewsli-X data. The mention span is accentuated by enclosing it in marker
573 |
symbols defined at the top of this module. As a simple scheme to prevent the
574 |
mention span from getting truncated due to a maximum model sequence length,
575 |
it is redundantly prepended. For example:
576 |
Smith: The verdict came back for { Smith }, who stepped down as AG of
577 |
Fictitious County in February, 2012.
578 |
579 |
580 |
# Take 1 sentence of context text.
581 |
cm = contextual_mention.truncate(window_size=0)
582 |
assert cm is not None, contextual_mention
583 |
left = cm.context.text[:cm.mention.mention_span.start]
584 |
right = cm.context.text[cm.mention.mention_span.end:]
585 |
586 |
# Create a context markup that highlights the mention span, while escaping
587 |
# any existing instances of the markers.
588 |
replacements = 0
589 |
left, n = _REGEX.subn(_REPLACEMENT, left)
590 |
replacements += n
591 |
right, n = _REGEX.subn(_REPLACEMENT, right)
592 |
replacements += n
593 |
594 |
context_markup = (
595 |
f"{left} {_MARKER_L} {cm.mention.mention_span.text} {_MARKER_R} {right}")
596 |
597 |
# Also prepend the mention span to prevent truncation due to limited model
598 |
# sequence lengths.
599 |
query_string = f"{cm.mention.mention_span.text}: {context_markup}"
600 |
601 |
# Normalize away newlines and extra spaces.
602 |
query_string = " ".join(query_string.splitlines()).replace(" ", " ").strip()
603 |
604 |
if replacements > 0:
605 |
# Escaping does not occur in the WikiNews portion of Mewlis-X, but does
606 |
# occur a handful of times in the Wikipedia data.
607 |
print(f"Applied marker escaping for example_id {cm.mention.example_id}: "
608 |
609 |
610 |
return query_string
611 |
612 |
613 |
def preprocess_entity_description(entity: Entity) -> str:
614 |
"""Returns a lightly normalized string from an Entity's description."""
615 |
sentences_text = " ".join(s.text for s in entity.sentences)
616 |
# Normalize away newlines and extra spaces.
617 |
return " ".join(sentences_text.splitlines()).replace(" ", " ").strip()
618 |
619 |
620 |
# Evaluation functions.
621 |
622 |
623 |
def mean_reciprocal_rank(golds: Sequence[str],
624 |
predictions: Sequence[str]) -> float:
625 |
"""Computes mean reciprocal rank.
626 |
627 |
628 |
golds: list of gold entity ids.
629 |
predictions: list of prediction lists
630 |
631 |
632 |
mean reciprocal rank
633 |
634 |
635 |
def _reciprocal_rank(labels):
636 |
for rank, label in enumerate(labels, start=1):
637 |
if label:
638 |
return 1.0 / rank
639 |
return 0.0
640 |
641 |
assert len(golds) == len(predictions)
642 |
643 |
reciprocal_ranks = []
644 |
for gold, prediction_list in zip(golds, predictions):
645 |
labels = [int(p == gold) for p in prediction_list]
646 |
647 |
if reciprocal_ranks:
648 |
return sum(reciprocal_ranks) / len(reciprocal_ranks)
649 |
return 0.0
650 |
651 |
652 |
def evaluate(
653 |
gold_data: Mapping[str, Sequence[str]],
654 |
predictions: Mapping[str, Sequence[str]],
655 |
k: int = TOP_K,
656 |
return_count_diff: bool = False) -> Union[float, Tuple[float, int, int]]:
657 |
"""Evaluates one set of entity linking predictions.
658 |
659 |
660 |
gold_data: dictionary that maps each unique example_id to a *singleton list*
661 |
containing its gold entity ID.
662 |
predictions: dictionary that maps each unique example_id to a list of
663 |
predicted entity IDs. Partial credit may be obtained even if some
664 |
instances are missing from this dictionary.
665 |
k: Number of top predictions to evaluate per evaluation instance.
666 |
return_count_diff: Whether to also return the number of missing and
667 |
unexpected example_ids in predictions.
668 |
669 |
670 |
mean reciprocal rank in the interval [0, 1] by default, otherwise if
671 |
return_count_diff is True, returns the tuple
672 |
(mean reciprocal rank, num missing example_ids, num extra example_ids).
673 |
674 |
# The dataset has a single gold label per instance, but the file provides
675 |
# it as a list.
676 |
gold_single_labels = {
677 |
ex_id: labels[0].strip() for ex_id, labels in gold_data.items()
678 |
679 |
680 |
# Convert to parallel lists, and truncate to top-k predictions.
681 |
gold_ids: List[str] = []
682 |
pred_ids: List[List[str]] = []
683 |
for example_id, gold in gold_single_labels.items():
684 |
top_k_preds = predictions.get(example_id, [])[:k]
685 |
686 |
687 |
assert len(gold_ids) == len(pred_ids), (len(gold_ids), len(pred_ids))
688 |
689 |
mrr = mean_reciprocal_rank(golds=gold_ids, predictions=pred_ids)
690 |
if return_count_diff:
691 |
unpredicted_count = len(set(gold_single_labels) - set(predictions))
692 |
unexpected_count = len(set(predictions) - set(gold_single_labels))
693 |
return mrr, unpredicted_count, unexpected_count
694 |
695 |
return mrr
696 |
697 |
698 |
def evaluate_all(gold_file_pattern: str,
699 |
pred_file_pattern: str,
700 |
output_path: Optional[str] = None,
701 |
k: int = TOP_K) -> float:
702 |
"""Evaluates entity linking predictions from per-language files.
703 |
704 |
705 |
gold_file_pattern: file pattern for per-language gold labels, specified as
706 |
an f-string with argument "lang" for language, e.g. "gold-{lang}.json",
707 |
containing a single dictionary that maps each unique example id to a
708 |
*singleton list* with its gold entity ID. Assumes that files exist for all
709 |
710 |
pred_file_pattern: file pattern for per-language predictions, specified as
711 |
an f-string with argument "lang" for language, e.g. "preds-{lang}.json",
712 |
containing a single dictionary that maps each unique example id to a list
713 |
of predicted entity IDs. Scoring proceeds even if some predictions are
714 |
missing, in which case an alert is printed.
715 |
output_path: Path to write results to. If None, results are printed to
716 |
standard output.
717 |
k: Number of top predictions to evaluate.
718 |
719 |
720 |
mean reciprocal rank in interval [0, 1], macro-averaged over languages.
721 |
722 |
outputs = []
723 |
columns = ["", f"MRR/MAP@{k}"]
724 |
725 |
726 |
unpredicted_count = 0
727 |
unexpected_count = 0
728 |
729 |
mrr_sum = 0.0
730 |
for language in sorted(MENTION_LANGUAGES):
731 |
# Read the data for the language into dictionaries keyed on example_id,
732 |
# which allows evaluating incomplete predictions.
733 |
with open(gold_file_pattern.format(lang=language)) as f:
734 |
gold_data: Dict[str, List[str]] = json.load(f)
735 |
736 |
predictions: Dict[str, List[str]] = {}
737 |
pred_path = pathlib.Path(pred_file_pattern.format(lang=language))
738 |
if pred_path.exists():
739 |
with open(pred_path) as f:
740 |
predictions = json.load(f)
741 |
742 |
mrr, unpredicted, unexpected = evaluate(
743 |
744 |
745 |
746 |
747 |
mrr_sum += mrr
748 |
columns = [language, f"{mrr * 100:.2f}"]
749 |
750 |
751 |
unpredicted_count += unpredicted
752 |
unexpected_count += unexpected
753 |
754 |
macro_avg = mrr_sum / len(MENTION_LANGUAGES)
755 |
columns = ["MACRO_AVG", f"{macro_avg * 100:.2f}"]
756 |
757 |
758 |
report_text = "\n".join(outputs)
759 |
if output_path is None:
760 |
761 |
762 |
with open(output_path, "w") as f:
763 |
f.write(report_text + "\n")
764 |
765 |
if unpredicted_count:
766 |
print(f"Gold examples without predictions: {unpredicted_count}")
767 |
if unexpected_count:
768 |
print(f"Predicted examples without gold: {unexpected_count}")
769 |
770 |
return macro_avg
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
1 |
2 |
oid sha256:76d57300eea0c646f3f802da3a25589946d09da733b81838f2cba491446cbc57
3 |
size 3120013
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
1 |
2 |
oid sha256:b7799e3601d4dbbeaa39e214370d08a10274f9557f75959c65f11e0e18dbb360
3 |
size 37660117