{"filename": "0748743-8b669f5cb0e62ed532c61d732b1c7db3.txt", "combined_text": "This is possibly the dumbest thing I’ve heard him say yet (and yes, that is not an argument; that’s a reaction to his argument.)", "toxicity": 0.52007306} {"filename": "0458992-957dcbdb02b749c4ef40cdeb4dd661a0.txt", "combined_text": "The problem with QSem and QSemN is that a blocked waiter might be killed.", "toxicity": 0.2854835} {"filename": "0215738-6d7dc436f1f9bfcb4b4a8877921e7e99.txt", "combined_text": "Geert Wilders, the Party for Freedom leader who is running for Prime Minister of the Netherlands on Wednesday, just put Turkey and their dumbass voters on full blast.", "toxicity": 0.5024724} {"filename": "0615079-94d9aa949a873538613b8af76cb64448.txt", "combined_text": "Her pitch: I can castrate pigs so I am the perfect conservative for Iowa to send to the Senate.", "toxicity": 0.52139956} {"filename": "0552884-514b80dcc2e1faa5633cc559638cc127.txt", "combined_text": "You look like a pig, and you are costing me, and every other taxpayer, billions of dollars in unnecessary health care each year!\"", "toxicity": 0.7308154} {"filename": "0173405-4b8ca811ffbf089cef31e67c7ffbab96.txt", "combined_text": "I don’t mean to sound haughty, but why in the hell are so many of our fellow citizens such suckers?", "toxicity": 0.718943} {"filename": "0308367-b87fa8b9809eb819a956cffd332dc086.txt", "combined_text": "I’m wondering if these fellows are vying for the idiots of the year award or the idiots of the century award,” Julia Leu, the mayor of Douglas Shire, told Australia’s ABC Radio.", "toxicity": 0.6588125} {"filename": "0981110-a6c844da5165127c09515cbac0fd86ef.txt", "combined_text": "I messed with the “f**k u/spez” comments, replacing “spez” with r/the_donald mods for about an hour.", "toxicity": 0.52139956} {"filename": "0505306-1f18f902d71f2aa59cb14e34a014a368.txt", "combined_text": "That's how stupid they think you are. — deadmau5 (@deadmau5) September 3, 2014", "toxicity": 0.76197964} {"filename": "0547523-7c2717f4084fbba3aafaf68b58fefe85.txt", "combined_text": "She was found with multiple abrasions on her body, and lacerations to her vagina and anus.", "toxicity": 0.48021027} {"filename": "0675882-0151f50362eb85c09acf7cc76999ae48.txt", "combined_text": "This motherfucker got me a goddamned Nook Color... holy hell. i'm beyond excited to get home to actually play with it and start getting some new books going.", "toxicity": 0.8778702} {"filename": "0237317-edda46218a115dd656dafe2d54f2b7c0.txt", "combined_text": "It is a special designation shared with other tiny penis owners the Taliban, Boko Haram and Al Qaeda.", "toxicity": 0.72028047} {"filename": "0511355-d63ca8c5ff79788e1bb3d434fb1d6d55.txt", "combined_text": "He went so far as to blast her publicly as a “dumb Jew bitch” in front of co-workers, the lawsuit claims.", "toxicity": 0.7308154} {"filename": "0063767-1c9814507c576988b93d33b442fe6d94.txt", "combined_text": "According to the book, he had not forgotten the young Donald: \"'When that kid was ten,' Walker told family members, 'even then he was a little shit.'\"", "toxicity": 0.6852916} {"filename": "0370413-e468a51adbcd75beaf04606be6137778.txt", "combined_text": "So due to real life being a pain in my ass, I have to summarise these sessions in one and rather hastily.", "toxicity": 0.681338} {"filename": "0176289-0ff16ed175cdb6658556dd508c1b4a33.txt", "combined_text": "This was the usual opener with everyone getting their shit in and ending with Kojima decapitating Kawato for the pin.", "toxicity": 0.6667219} {"filename": "0203084-ebf239d6c7e69b0a5dc53a46f8bbe57c.txt", "combined_text": "A member of a criminal gang behind series of attacks, including sucking women's breasts, was shot dead by police in Kisauni, Mombasa county.", "toxicity": 0.37955463} {"filename": "0330613-e1d372882b446053744d41f83cae5adb.txt", "combined_text": "we well know the shills can't stand our speech, that we can find the truth and cut through all their billions of dollars worth of bullshit.", "toxicity": 0.6544696} {"filename": "0050648-4749246682f11139acb0d11b9b22bfa9.txt", "combined_text": "Watch: Suspect Accused of Killing Pregnant Ex-Girlfriend and Cop Tells Judge 'F**k You'", "toxicity": 0.73663366} {"filename": "0262524-306d7ca2ea49e20fd649fbc8dba9654b.txt", "combined_text": "Kate Beckinsale, Judy Greer and Andrea Savage are using Funny or Die to speak up for the millions of women out there who have no voice,women who want Republicans to make decisions about their vaginas for them.", "toxicity": 0.6020386} {"filename": "0003865-95f6ca125fcaca47dbfd92d16a03b47b.txt", "combined_text": "Several videos showed her dogs \"giving her oral sex while she masturbated.\"", "toxicity": 0.76197964} {"filename": "0190393-344e79ade66aed6d99ca29f87293007b.txt", "combined_text": "But it also evokes the accusation, made against women who supported Hillary Clinton, that they were voting with their vaginas.", "toxicity": 0.68408644} {"filename": "0547159-fff009e5368902d51e7f403bdbb71425.txt", "combined_text": "One day I got sick of the stupid difficult way of downloading, installing, and running Minecraft on elementary OS (or any other Linux-based desktop OS).", "toxicity": 0.4398409} {"filename": "0864203-5f909b6a36f03e89beb5b83f7385ebbe.txt", "combined_text": "I wake up every morning to abusive comments, tweets, and emails about how I’m a slut, prude, ugly, fat, feminazi, retard, bitch, and cunt (just to name a few).", "toxicity": 0.8629672} {"filename": "0945440-c55442ceed34c9c59ada5c06d0eb1c49.txt", "combined_text": "Congressman Ellison, why does your party suck so bad and what would you do to fix it?", "toxicity": 0.52811706} {"filename": "0886616-b192acc5a3ccf778132f39a7ae427e50.txt", "combined_text": "But when you have a moron like Mansor Mohammad Asa submitting his entry, there's little reason to hand out honorable mentions or silver medals.", "toxicity": 0.60311776} {"filename": "0830040-7dc4cb48d30fe802b932a0905c037744.txt", "combined_text": "The poor fool who cannot suffer a suckout without plaintively bleating ‘jokerstars’ into the disinterested abyss of the chatbox, or wailing piteously that the site is ‘full of cheaters’.", "toxicity": 0.6611249} {"filename": "0629031-2ce22b9f26081ae88629c009185add50.txt", "combined_text": "“If this lad turns up to be our Prime Minister I will personally put a bullet in him.", "toxicity": 0.5559701} {"filename": "0262517-3a21b73b0eac7ba05d816f3bacadb212.txt", "combined_text": "Only a moron would fail to comprehend that religion is not science simply because it is based on something called “faith” in a superhuman being; religion has nothing whatsoever to do with facts.", "toxicity": 0.64447093} {"filename": "0286945-93096123f6f8c03bc1b379fccb8fe144.txt", "combined_text": "CNN's Sally Kohn shared this photo of a Trump supporter wearing a shirt that reads, \"She's a Cunt, Vote for Trump.\"", "toxicity": 0.7308154} {"filename": "0165604-aefa9515ef94cbee4eb3d5ecc1862e60.txt", "combined_text": "I took a shower and tried to clean my vagina out as much as i could.", "toxicity": 0.7761081} {"filename": "0180019-e1cca2fd6392972325f0c7ea9f3a57d5.txt", "combined_text": "Mr Tatchell wrote: “If schools are serious about cutting the incidence of teen pregnancies, abortions and HIV infections, they should highlight safer, healthier alternatives to vaginal and anal intercourse.", "toxicity": 0.4014846} {"filename": "0505738-2aaed61de784c16252d4e0b5ad49f982.txt", "combined_text": "Urethral reconstruction: lengthening the urethra and surgically inserting it into the new penis (formally the clitoris)", "toxicity": 0.50789946} {"filename": "0008491-540c34c1595e3e745977ffc84c8b753d.txt", "combined_text": "Most fans labelled it bullshit, so, clearly a bit underwhelmed by the flaccid impact, he posted another video.", "toxicity": 0.6407703} {"filename": "0985813-b1a15ad4ed436471866d15a728e2e044.txt", "combined_text": "Since I’ve been President, we’ve worked responsibly to cut the population of GTMO in half.", "toxicity": 0.15269235} {"filename": "0846878-9933412a7d1e28e2f21ade6878b7b022.txt", "combined_text": "I know it's been a long time since I rapped at ya, but I been stressin' like a Hessian over the amount of shit going on.", "toxicity": 0.68408644} {"filename": "0180108-78bdcd45a723fae5bc0947be723fe153.txt", "combined_text": "+1 for having an awesome gif, fuck Megan Fox, lol, that kid rules.", "toxicity": 0.82048255} {"filename": "0227342-f857ae150608964c268b1373f9b7e0a6.txt", "combined_text": "“We are taking back land that should be used for the good of the people; land that has historically been denied access to Black people.", "toxicity": 0.16591948} {"filename": "0471119-b27b00642bda9e1616f372df302f61cd.txt", "combined_text": "Griffon is a bit of a jerk, not very social, and all around comes off as a grump.", "toxicity": 0.74954444} {"filename": "0069474-dd4726129e94892b35757d85ca4d8372.txt", "combined_text": "The Native Americans in the area were obviously righteously pissed off about having a bunch of foreign assholes", "toxicity": 0.83334327} {"filename": "0005891-6d879d2d41b52438f66fa7f0293250d4.txt", "combined_text": "For an election that started out as all ‘about the economy stupid’ it has become ‘all about the niqab.’", "toxicity": 0.568186} {"filename": "0724085-e17b4202f42975d3fb23df603c0f75a1.txt", "combined_text": "Company won’t say why video showing a man bound, gagged and cut with a knife amid shouts of ‘fuck Donald Trump’ wasn’t taken down for 30 minutes", "toxicity": 0.6989911} {"filename": "0466109-71478756150b640cccec255e427e534a.txt", "combined_text": "Fat Shady’s explicit video is then capped off with a scene showing the rapper as he decapitates a mannequin representing “stupid foreigners” with a baseball bat.", "toxicity": 0.47119883} {"filename": "0338269-336d7bc6a844e332243d62ce3323b54d.txt", "combined_text": "President Barack Obama won’t meet with Philippines President Duterte after the fiery leader called him a “son of a whore.”", "toxicity": 0.7510937} {"filename": "0885590-c1f27cd3a7b8e603fbfccabf439dc7ba.txt", "combined_text": "A prison inmate was found covered in blood and barely conscious after cutting off his own penis and trying to flush it down the toilet.", "toxicity": 0.57271194} {"filename": "0767929-ff7895d329563901416fb01f008f2ac5.txt", "combined_text": "Naturally, the chaotic setup of Paper Jam comes as a direct result of Luigi being an idiot.", "toxicity": 0.8403191} {"filename": "0668809-339862f18a01de7f269de1cf690e60ea.txt", "combined_text": "But I’m OK with my body no matter how much abs are showing or how round my butt is.", "toxicity": 0.6426206} {"filename": "0728180-3a342b33c9132876d3325b5bbc11b415.txt", "combined_text": "\"Damn your legislation, damn your nationality, go to hell,\" she said.", "toxicity": 0.88599813} {"filename": "0276100-4c2e8f7bdd201a8dc024dfe45dcfa7ac.txt", "combined_text": "It is a geosocial networking app, or, more succinctly, a convenient way for men to find nearby men to fuck.", "toxicity": 0.7570315} {"filename": "0357343-56054a1ef4704bb5807a0e36e4668b66.txt", "combined_text": "Because he’s a screwed up kid who had a shitty life who clearly never had the love he needed to be nurtured and whole.", "toxicity": 0.78207105} {"filename": "0177690-5f008c9b68015329c951fc3bc417b6d6.txt", "combined_text": "WORLD EXCLUSIVE: Mel Gibson’s Racist Rant Caught On Tape – Tells Oksana She Would Get ‘Raped By N***ers’", "toxicity": 0.62136006} {"filename": "0727105-2f620bc2cbf9c63245470223aa2e28cb.txt", "combined_text": "If Netflix carried porn, anal would be as popular as workplace comedies.", "toxicity": 0.7252971} {"filename": "0450192-0fdbddfdebb562f854d5c039b29ebf22.txt", "combined_text": "I spend so much on paint and body I have not money left to beat my friends turbo and now. he says if I loose hes going pound my ass into the ground can you help me go faster. thanks you guys rock.", "toxicity": 0.6289369} {"filename": "0183359-c6d11c8b38e31ba78228d91f2770936a.txt", "combined_text": "But now, Southern-themed titles like \"Hillbilly Honeys,\" \"Real White Trash\" and \"Ozark Sex Fiend\" are RISING AGAIN ... with no signs of slowing down.Redneck porn -- no teeth?", "toxicity": 0.5559701} {"filename": "0959302-2e1015b2e42887805032d769f68b9fbe.txt", "combined_text": "So get fucking excited because today I am finally bringing to you 91(!)", "toxicity": 0.7308154} {"filename": "0409822-7c42ac73961fd191ec1c09ecb08a0fe1.txt", "combined_text": "For more videos like this, subscribe to Bloody Disgusting on YouTube!", "toxicity": 0.3367073} {"filename": "0335208-ca2c75c3ad37f51bbab47ceae739c4aa.txt", "combined_text": "After agreeing, the student says she spotted Bryant masturbating, seeing his reflection on her piano, according to court records.", "toxicity": 0.44393396} {"filename": "0406341-12463952d86c541e1c7cf96d5d44aad7.txt", "combined_text": "I would say an equal number of women know about the red pill as men, quit trying to come off as unique by spouting shit from here to women about how enlightened you are on the sexual dynamic.", "toxicity": 0.63782936} {"filename": "0649118-b1ea0ed22fc660d2ada7606f4c8ddb72.txt", "combined_text": "We wonder if the Chinese man stopped at New Zealand customs for bringing along an 11-inch donkey penis read our story in 2012.", "toxicity": 0.687436} {"filename": "0959355-b9be78667bafba46f3b380990488c174.txt", "combined_text": "Despite having to deal with someone proving that he is an asshole by pulling percentages out of it, the OP remained calm and collected:", "toxicity": 0.6342749} {"filename": "0500668-93d5b4a726874f6d4db8e747944472c9.txt", "combined_text": "Well, she’s nothing if not efficient, and Jenner is nothing if not a stunted sack of shit.", "toxicity": 0.89241093} {"filename": "0059186-6da82b716f0e5a3c95d9cc5c8a80df46.txt", "combined_text": "When asked if he was surprised that the nipples on the batsuit became so controversial, Schumacher replied, \"Yes, I was like, 'Are you kidding me?'", "toxicity": 0.39842087} {"filename": "0940894-4504b2b5e0054e87cf84b05e3783c27f.txt", "combined_text": "However, the judges said the data, from a scan of her own vagina, could be used with a three-dimensional printer to create a realistic shape that could sexually arouse viewers.", "toxicity": 0.4475325} {"filename": "0063896-e081305f7876edc39c65111d981c4f2b.txt", "combined_text": "This insight into the violent, drug-filled, crime-ridden lifestyle of a young thug continued on songs like the controversial FUCK THA POLICE, GANGSTA GANGSTA, 8 BALL, and DOPEMAN, which are all powerful tracks.", "toxicity": 0.5885171} {"filename": "0940587-6fc6a01bb51c43ae80cf559288997f39.txt", "combined_text": "\"A hyper-sexualized, obviously female cow with her ass upended and poking through a circle, tail raised up, waiting for what?", "toxicity": 0.6863638} {"filename": "0748404-c6a01c68c743c63c30488a01d29fa8bb.txt", "combined_text": "The Federal Communications Commission receives a lot of complaints, and some of them are about LeBron James' penis.", "toxicity": 0.6863638} {"filename": "0109313-8d3ea0bece37c713b985362c1bbd1c85.txt", "combined_text": "\"Penis size is so often conflated with human worth by both men and women ...", "toxicity": 0.5721988} {"filename": "0838963-3e005a597b981cf5a659f425b0828e80.txt", "combined_text": "Apparently this is some idiotic viral video thing where you put rubbing alcohol on your skin and set yourself on fire.", "toxicity": 0.7308154} {"filename": "0603542-a6cde45dfbe8a978a59068d06ace8ace.txt", "combined_text": "But are we right to feel so strongly about it or have we just become cynical bastards?", "toxicity": 0.60311776} {"filename": "0676034-d46374ea3c6da4115363f793c2a8f9a6.txt", "combined_text": "We are now proposing to call them morons, this word being the Greek for \"fool.\"", "toxicity": 0.6611249} {"filename": "0291755-2c2d156e46a97a10fb02981957e2b8b5.txt", "combined_text": "But if the players think they’re helping themselves by calling Bettman an idiot and sayin’ Bettman is a cancer. . . .", "toxicity": 0.65996873} {"filename": "0970799-9c567f8509f62d824d46e2cae7b8ed2b.txt", "combined_text": "Open Letter to John McCain: Get Out of Washington, You Low-Life Scum", "toxicity": 0.687436} {"filename": "0246987-0b819a50ad26e9332d2f81be1bd689d6.txt", "combined_text": "But his racist remarks this week about Asian Americans — and his oblivious response — are too ugly to ignore.", "toxicity": 0.49139655} {"filename": "0034223-48e81c15c273adcc8645af31d6b70aa5.txt", "combined_text": "For our inaugural column, we talked to men about dick size; next, we interviewed women about their vaginas.", "toxicity": 0.6342749} {"filename": "0840355-d8419176e73cb5c74ca1db7a1ba7c8b5.txt", "combined_text": "In truth, the biggest reveal from these emails is that Campbell is, at best, a complete asshole while Brendan Shanahan appears to at least be trying to do right by the players.", "toxicity": 0.5921536} {"filename": "0721369-93fbcd046fa5dba10d033819c188fa09.txt", "combined_text": "If you're short on time, yes, he continues to not give a fuck about Native Americans, or you, or your opinion of him exploiting and slurring Native Americans for personal gain.", "toxicity": 0.54823303} {"filename": "0895182-f7250d17dc0615573ea42c7bbef2660a.txt", "combined_text": "While I appreciate Andrew DiRienzo’s article, “Why Fighting Needs to Go in the NHL,” I would politely like to call it a load of crap.", "toxicity": 0.6407703} {"filename": "0539794-6b2bca6296886aaf739266c1693913af.txt", "combined_text": "'In politics, when you win you are a genius and when you lose everyone calls you an idiot.", "toxicity": 0.57271194} {"filename": "0128178-b81a5cdca01f6b5fc79eef93ea6e2ee1.txt", "combined_text": "When Bachmann, who appeared as a guest on Fallon's show, walked across the stage to take her seat next to the host's desk, The Roots played the opening of a song by Fishbone called \"Lyin' Ass Bitch.\"", "toxicity": 0.1100022} {"filename": "0713710-4be9ceda2192cea3a8b4e7c752179199.txt", "combined_text": "And then you spend the remainder of the week chastising yourself for being stupid.", "toxicity": 0.8364697} {"filename": "0752403-495d479bcc04782c5036a9515b61a581.txt", "combined_text": "Being a useless dickhead won't prevent you from being successful; just look at Piers Morgan .", "toxicity": 0.8540474} {"filename": "0836976-ee600282191299c447f97030e93bc43f.txt", "combined_text": "Some White House staffers still hope to convince the president to alter his strategy and start calling his opponents ‘dicks’, ‘fuckers’ and ‘deviant gimp-felchers who would rape their own grandmothers if she looked at them the wrong way’.", "toxicity": 0.74954444} {"filename": "0041018-b5db875fe94fb0a02c241ea1e9523cc2.txt", "combined_text": "The 1st time was during slavery with the slave master pitting light-skinned Blacks--house-niggers--against dark-skinned Blacks--field-niggers.", "toxicity": 0.60254884} {"filename": "0249695-20dd728bdb9dc2023ea4a38947736199.txt", "combined_text": "If anything like that happened right now, your bullshit detectors would be going off like car alarms after an earthquake.", "toxicity": 0.7252971} {"filename": "0822011-1878973824cd13e4bf180dba765d2f50.txt", "combined_text": "My team and I fought our way through its bowels only to be shot back in time through its rectum.", "toxicity": 0.6020386} {"filename": "0108302-7f0b863fb98e8fb379eb47b297ecf060.txt", "combined_text": "Though, in my honest opinion, we won’t be fully equal until women are forced to get shit haircuts every week.", "toxicity": 0.6611249} {"filename": "0928876-3dbbffc8166ce7e59911344fd29c7303.txt", "combined_text": "She has focused her work on protecting what she calls dangerous ideas from “those who refuse to mind their own fucking business.”", "toxicity": 0.6426206} {"filename": "0568405-4ee9e83739b6a100ca5b650abecb6d77.txt", "combined_text": "A Dallas human resources director has filed a lawsuit to find out who anonymously sent her penis-shaped candy at work.", "toxicity": 0.5716857} {"filename": "0534700-89be3e91ee95428703c8e4b3b07b8434.txt", "combined_text": "It's called The Last Airbender; it is apparently based on some kind of cartoon; and it really, truly sucks.", "toxicity": 0.584095} {"filename": "0067631-01611840ad05a6fd7f7d4a7998a3b53c.txt", "combined_text": "The internet has begun to throw around the word “trigger” like it’s rice at a goddamn wedding.", "toxicity": 0.56269526} {"filename": "0856547-7a50533fbd820517ac8dae9a7cb6308d.txt", "combined_text": "You touch a Small or larger corpse that has been dead no longer than 8 hours.", "toxicity": 0.25462922} {"filename": "0896610-29c9170cc0c4ca880693b6305b77f503.txt", "combined_text": "We have had this discussion many times in the past, especially at smaller startups where the general climate is „just get the fucking shit done asap“, which more often than not includes „no time for testing“.", "toxicity": 0.6426206} {"filename": "0343687-cb34b257660828f9ed00d645ca4aae3c.txt", "combined_text": "Okay so let’s start off with everyone thinking that Asian guys are losers.", "toxicity": 0.52007306} {"filename": "0993202-51bff79f1146177ca41aa68344fc4422.txt", "combined_text": "Overall, architects have the ability to earn a healthy income but the starting pay for entry level interns just sucks!", "toxicity": 0.51980776} {"filename": "0390341-80b78459f571fa2f12b4b23adf2630cf.txt", "combined_text": "“I’ve had my ass grabbed by older, powerful men, I’ve had them corner me in inappropriate sexual conversations when I was much younger,” wrote Van Der Beek, who is best known for \"Dawson’s Creek.\"", "toxicity": 0.6027529} {"filename": "0846594-0da7abb282e2ea6e444f81b801982174.txt", "combined_text": "After a community meeting, the vigilantes dragged the man into a nearby butchery and used a meat cleaver to cut off his penis.", "toxicity": 0.6020386} {"filename": "0108978-d4b560a2f7600f4a403e018f443966fb.txt", "combined_text": "The Knicks and Sixers have shown us ourselves, and we are garbage.", "toxicity": 0.6426206} {"filename": "0967753-ec635e9dd98d7c93f9c98e7d651f0064.txt", "combined_text": "This game was originally called Shitty Towers, but when 17 play testers went on a homicidal rampage, its name was changed to remind us all of that cold, bloody morning.", "toxicity": 0.4269174} {"filename": "0773618-41f50ff157e3c7ec99afdd4e64e8b71d.txt", "combined_text": "\"I also have an idea who the son of a bitch is that she's shacking up with.\"", "toxicity": 0.83334327} {"filename": "0935517-67420c601fada7bae004c7632cb7e749.txt", "combined_text": "I’ve said before that there are dozens of good reasons to vote for Barack Obama and one bad reason not to—and that’s because he’s black.", "toxicity": 0.54823303} {"filename": "0521903-4f636e9aeb22f9a2bedf997f5bd82460.txt", "combined_text": "Even the first line is almost too good to be true: “In days of old when men were… whatever…” I shit you not.", "toxicity": 0.65996873} {"filename": "0092626-dcaef48de782664eeb4ee410d0712fee.txt", "combined_text": "“Don't chat s**t when you're not even from England, you little f**king immigrant.", "toxicity": 0.88599813} {"filename": "0411343-24c710f3ba1ae3adb12ea6e5ddec17f1.txt", "combined_text": "“I’m gonna knock his ass out,” Jack the Ripper said of Cleverly.", "toxicity": 0.7761081} {"filename": "0124380-bb3404c051e1a585b11758f9e2793ec6.txt", "combined_text": "I sat around crying about film criticism a couple of years ago, and then I realized that that is the Internet way of dealing with things – to bitch and complain.", "toxicity": 0.52272606} {"filename": "0870879-7fbc78e9aa8cad4331759b1c9a6349fc.txt", "combined_text": "Maybe every part of this song was inserted into Smith's mind through a crystal mirror or some shit.", "toxicity": 0.7510937} {"filename": "0887671-50c644a5d27112917b5879d5c25df291.txt", "combined_text": "Three Somalis living in Britain took turns brutally raping a 16-year-old in Britain.", "toxicity": 0.49139655} {"filename": "0806611-b7da38350ed296ae007a5f1002376c15.txt", "combined_text": "“You’re a whore,” the man says just before he starts laying into her with his fist.", "toxicity": 0.78855824} {"filename": "0176551-a4bbc7c780fc9b6fe6736e8c079af522.txt", "combined_text": "Obviously, no one cares what we really think, as the return of our asses to arena seats and our eyeballs to the TV screen whenever these jerk-stores deign to return the game we love to us is pretty much assured.", "toxicity": 0.5885171} {"filename": "0960747-ee743f233f97e8e2c95256c967fa718b.txt", "combined_text": "I get along with almost everyone, but I have never worked with a more miserable son of a bitch in my life.\"", "toxicity": 0.85173553} {"filename": "0077904-d6421e63f14f2713b06c951725d1df37.txt", "combined_text": "You know those super-ugly pumpkins and gourds that you can get from the dollar store?!", "toxicity": 0.2412222} {"filename": "0081146-158acc7f95b1cc7d3d4d3ba376cbef93.txt", "combined_text": "While they took their seats, several people unfurled two giant banners reading “TECHIES: Your World Is Not Welcome Here” and “FUCK OFF GOOGLE.”", "toxicity": 0.7105462} {"filename": "0557616-b46138f5de308fb4ada7ef2ae660e38c.txt", "combined_text": "So, let me make my intentions quite explicit: I did in fact offer to rape Tom’s wife/daughter/great grandmother.", "toxicity": 0.6491204} {"filename": "0575889-77ec7a0a8c118117f0d79248031bcc56.txt", "combined_text": "He moans pessimistically that \"China is eating our lunch\" and is \"sucking the blood out of the U.S.\"", "toxicity": 0.47886392} {"filename": "0039333-394e54cdfa26abb78154ff7f36e2305c.txt", "combined_text": "Then an update appeared: “Holy shit some asshole in a truck” and he went silent.", "toxicity": 0.8540474} {"filename": "0682250-37be009d7520edc8e14b4929d27dc18d.txt", "combined_text": "Now, at least one Antifa anti-Trump protester apparently forgot to get rid of his racist, hateful pamphlet that read, “The evil white race must be destroyed!”", "toxicity": 0.5972042} {"filename": "0576512-68b455ff25c2b03d9733d34a05fe7897.txt", "combined_text": "And he was at the back of the trailer, and just—his penis was out, and he sort of tried to draw me close to it.", "toxicity": 0.7856813} {"filename": "0977575-9cd8fbe6b6c072d0f1174271db212782.txt", "combined_text": "She also claimed Taylor fondled the victim’s breasts and also touched her.", "toxicity": 0.6342749} {"filename": "0020746-ef66e4d613e781d5b2dc89599992be9e.txt", "combined_text": "I bought a synth when I was 12, thought it was a load of shit, took it apart and starting pissing about with it.", "toxicity": 0.6827122} {"filename": "0109974-64bc9b4a213244754ae3a432dd1c7403.txt", "combined_text": "However, it was recently discovered that the petition was originally created by an infamous internet troll, who has been kicked off Twitter multiple times and had previously described conservatives as “generally morons.”", "toxicity": 0.55739564} {"filename": "0527681-f36501885ba831287292553f2a146fe9.txt", "combined_text": "Fake breasts and bottom padding for FOUR-year-old beauty queen takes TLC's Toddlers and Tiaras show to 'new low'", "toxicity": 0.50759226} {"filename": "0190499-d88c587396135eb951ef5c116959b43b.txt", "combined_text": "Women \"don't deserve to drive because they only have a quarter of a brain\".", "toxicity": 0.681338} {"filename": "0942456-0d82167999445febb7a819fd34173377.txt", "combined_text": "But what I learned later in life, too late, is that when you have power over another person, asking them to look at your dick isn't a question.", "toxicity": 0.75208336} {"filename": "0830912-000da1cbded0e14b0dd6dfb282647cf0.txt", "combined_text": "\"When my mom told me I had to get braces, I was pretty fuckin' pissed,\" Popen starts.", "toxicity": 0.6989911} {"filename": "0986623-747e6b6cb572b4640905423e45bf5ea8.txt", "combined_text": "Then he said, “I’ll have a hard-boiled egg … and a soft-boiled clitoris.”", "toxicity": 0.6863638} {"filename": "0498080-5197ea7c72988c89b03d77212a802d02.txt", "combined_text": "I’m not trying to build my own brand off the fucking strength of the president.”", "toxicity": 0.681338} {"filename": "0068821-311c3eb658978852180afa9254db9aa6.txt", "combined_text": "Oral sex may be performed as foreplay to incite sexual arousal before other sexual activities (such as vaginal or anal intercourse),[1][3] or as an erotic and physically intimate act in its own right.[", "toxicity": 0.47119883} {"filename": "0900923-a899529f089f6ff6c761b2f2d5b14b99.txt", "combined_text": "British boy band member spoke out about the 'God Hates Fags' church who had protested outside their concert in Kansas City", "toxicity": 0.50503236} {"filename": "0768362-22e93fbbddfbea1c8fbaccd9c3ff4bef.txt", "combined_text": "This piece contains UNCENSORED references to racist, sexist, homophobic and ableist slurs.", "toxicity": 0.45921504} {"filename": "0473796-12e836ece6bb8339cd8213851b53d6bd.txt", "combined_text": "The attacker cut off her breasts with a pair of scissors,” she said.", "toxicity": 0.5885171} {"filename": "0076159-48399ac71b3cef4a32ef26acbc3481f9.txt", "combined_text": "When I address this shit to Wall Street, I mean specifically Jake DeSantis, formerly of A.I.G., but also all of the rest of these dumbfucks who just don't fucking get it.", "toxicity": 0.8988238} {"filename": "0530919-e81bdcd926c14f8771bf52ed30d42292.txt", "combined_text": "F**k you!” And she took out Margaery Tyrell Natalie Dormer and her low-cut blouse. Bye, perky tits.", "toxicity": 0.89241093} {"filename": "0194997-65ba9859f04c37315b83443376692f67.txt", "combined_text": "@SenatorBobRucho When will politicians learn Nazi and terrorist comparisons are simply no-win; this just makes u look foolish. *shakes head* — Atnor (@Atnor) December 15, 2013", "toxicity": 0.47886392} {"filename": "0490323-98577429dc1026f96542042a84d41eec.txt", "combined_text": "Some idiot on the British general staff had decreed his troops use water-cooled machine guns; to keep them from freezing, some gunners slept with the weapons beside them.", "toxicity": 0.72028047} {"filename": "0770678-6841874f7a219eac856e084a3a4c066f.txt", "combined_text": "Some have even Photoshopped images of men's nipples on top of women's breasts to prove their point.", "toxicity": 0.5885171} {"filename": "0293426-76544396b75ca0536e7ede2906a5a11f.txt", "combined_text": "For a couple of hours yesterday, Steam (a website where you can upload games you create or pay to play them) allowed a game called “Kill The Faggot” on its site with the sole objective of killing LGBT people:", "toxicity": 0.5559701} {"filename": "0110621-c9ef8f8e9f04bc54e64482c59415e7e6.txt", "combined_text": "Then one of her other friends told her that it was basically like Charmed but with penises, at which point Bec was all, “Sign me the hell up, bitches!”", "toxicity": 0.85333383} {"filename": "0636680-3754fa5e13ab9c04b89ada9a2023d688.txt", "combined_text": "I expect their insides have less leg room than tanks and smell like sweaty farts.", "toxicity": 0.5885171} {"filename": "0700301-ea92ec7a955f89401465f831aaae0138.txt", "combined_text": "Brandon Pinney is a New Hampshire native who is now facing a year in jail for telling state police to fuck off.", "toxicity": 0.7252971} {"filename": "0124660-e9969e348d4e0f771ec754790b242a26.txt", "combined_text": "The Beaver Baby will arrive to your house as a dilated vagina, simply turn it inside-out and give birth to your precious little baby!", "toxicity": 0.6852916} {"filename": "0342266-9b2d1934a5cc012648f38465f0984113.txt", "combined_text": "Markham’s complaints are the usual idiot blah-blah-blah: boys in dresses are abnormal, Christians are being oppressed because they’re not being allowed to oppress others, the book is going to turn children into cross-dressers.", "toxicity": 0.6852916} {"filename": "0001559-2faef6a28e602bf23d8bd7640e04b19e.txt", "combined_text": "Police arrest 2 Arabs, hunt 3rd, after they were documented committing horrific rape of mentally disabled girl while shouting racist slurs.", "toxicity": 0.51980776} {"filename": "0776679-c16b081009af697141f842e1776f9d62.txt", "combined_text": "T he new big thing on the web is all these sites with names like “I Hate France,” with supposed datelines of French military history, supposedly proving how the French are total cowards.", "toxicity": 0.47173777} {"filename": "0623254-93d7543b9445e193e6140b17c9e898f7.txt", "combined_text": "According to North Korean state media, he said he will \"watch a little more the foolish and stupid conduct of the Yankees.\"", "toxicity": 0.73663366} {"filename": "0990038-1497d5898967b9076ba1096140d20e12.txt", "combined_text": "Dumb of Dumb and Dumber, the rubber-faced comedian sports a chipped front tooth, which, he says, is real.", "toxicity": 0.64447093} {"filename": "0597897-3564e1d2f24a3aa1fcaa1ab51c6cd6d4.txt", "combined_text": "Detective facing the sack for farting on duty and repeatedly saying 'c**t'", "toxicity": 0.6289369} {"filename": "0472904-ef26a1886cb8e62f4af1ed74134504a0.txt", "combined_text": "But the other night during his health care speech to both houses of Congress, I hate to say it, but the man shit the bed.", "toxicity": 0.6020386} {"filename": "0146917-b4c604c8f031b1bb4c75b57bf6d5406c.txt", "combined_text": "And if you're going to use your hand for masturbation cut it off or you're going to hell.", "toxicity": 0.85173553} {"filename": "0696227-c4b9a7e593284f15335bafa9dc811c22.txt", "combined_text": "With this they are further tarring the poor schmuck who is fighting off a life-threatening infection: Dr.", "toxicity": 0.47119883} {"filename": "0408690-25640d9642c2995ba8878c83f2054da6.txt", "combined_text": "“I asked to speak to a producer about the unrealistic diet regime,” Lawrence continued, “and he responded by telling me he didn’t know why everyone thought I was so fat, he thought I was perfectly ‘f**kable.’", "toxicity": 0.47119883} {"filename": "0063485-c47dee74b216d828cc0382fd498b3f41.txt", "combined_text": "At press time, a friend had forwarded a woman’s Tinder profile to Blanford and asked, “You think this bitch is gonna spread on the first date?”", "toxicity": 0.62136006} {"filename": "0910796-ca417348b677b34fb6f57a7de0c31515.txt", "combined_text": "Rand Paul was surprisingly bold on this front, decrying the militarization of the police and openly agreeing that black Americans are the main victims of this sort of police state bullshit.", "toxicity": 0.62136006} {"filename": "0037151-526e959b59459e5cedbadfd9ea1dc0e8.txt", "combined_text": "\"My scrotum was the size of a big grapefruit and I was in a lot (yeah, really a lot) of pain,\" Schimmelpenninck said.", "toxicity": 0.44573322} {"filename": "0529107-67170928a5c6a9c7500365793cfe3cb6.txt", "combined_text": "The killing of Michael Brown is one in a long line of murders of Black people, including women, children, and men, by police.", "toxicity": 0.3811502} {"filename": "0006389-919c923e2a990c0fc35049d17c53eb5e.txt", "combined_text": "Seriously, get over that shit and move on and worry about what really matters.", "toxicity": 0.7510937} {"filename": "0466708-150584a19b45023a6909683d5a9ecf64.txt", "combined_text": "Per their religion, Zoroastrians leave their dead atop a local tower, where vultures handle the nasty business of disposing the spiritually impure flesh.", "toxicity": 0.32971194} {"filename": "0752872-22302ff13b921e5c280b5b8867860f5c.txt", "combined_text": "‘Fight Song’ is a way of f***ing life,” one anonymous Clinton staffer tells Yahoo News.", "toxicity": 0.47622904} {"filename": "0258573-68bf0d3cae5790ab2c18d974938f47ff.txt", "combined_text": "Black and brown people are going to kill white women and to destroy white America.", "toxicity": 0.71760553} {"filename": "0718302-8d6da0890e66559b3a91c83ee3e7b9de.txt", "combined_text": "“I’m tired of the bullsh*t government,” Lainhart explained in the video.", "toxicity": 0.6544696} {"filename": "0717611-7cef37f84c8c366182f60720a9fdce8f.txt", "combined_text": "I don’t care how many chords you know or how sultry your voice may be, I didn’t ask for a private concert so please play your 5 songs and shut that shit.", "toxicity": 0.90451443} {"filename": "0810675-d8967727fb3711c6269e6772edede7ee.txt", "combined_text": "Yeah, dude, we used to smoke so many blunts under the slide, that shit was tight.", "toxicity": 0.72028047} {"filename": "0684424-5ce296ec66a8c070a9892e3bdaa4e9e9.txt", "combined_text": "Texas mom allegedly caught man masturbating while staring at teen in drug store parking lot", "toxicity": 0.568186} {"filename": "0659801-31377477598c7e56cec14294394aef65.txt", "combined_text": "Holy shit, this turned out way better than I imagined, and I'm genuinely awestruck with how proud I am of myself", "toxicity": 0.57271194} {"filename": "0314972-fd123fcea9e18d399bf5d3e152ad01f4.txt", "combined_text": "Instantly, all the best pizza parties of my youth flashed before my eyes and I said, \"Bullshit.\"", "toxicity": 0.6863638} {"filename": "0247696-4b8b49d446e6a15b417591ab85890a43.txt", "combined_text": "As stupid as it sounds, the only way to beat Manuel Pellegrini’s side is to outscore them.", "toxicity": 0.6744087} {"filename": "0644548-5bdc241af56e7c593ddae108ee8e3bb8.txt", "combined_text": "No. I think they went for this — excuse me — political bullshit about narratives,\" she said.", "toxicity": 0.62702215} {"filename": "0062421-6b775afdbe5fd82bbbc23aeb827769bd.txt", "combined_text": "Kimbrel was placed on the DL on July 9 following a game with the Rays in which Kimbrel hurt himself shagging fly balls in the outfield.", "toxicity": 0.07291982} {"filename": "0869909-90ae71bf3adae5bde70c53d90ab5bd30.txt", "combined_text": "You want more innocent children killed, you pustulent, soulless Pratt?", "toxicity": 0.6027529} {"filename": "0563767-90e98dd4e58941820d16101c00dfcdf2.txt", "combined_text": "Chozen is a libidinous fellow whose exploits include barging in on two guys in a bathroom stall and raping a fellow prisoner—offscreen, of course.", "toxicity": 0.52811706} {"filename": "0893778-0c4ba96eae31bbc77d4a697ff1e77bb6.txt", "combined_text": "After publishing a rant about 'idiots' - frantically hip, ignorant scenesters - Dan Ashcroft finds these same people embracing him as his idol and his nerves constantly tested by his biggest fan, moronic scene personality Nathan Barley.", "toxicity": 0.71760553} {"filename": "0546049-63ec088df4e707c1c15f00d06e887225.txt", "combined_text": "Or put another way: Your ass got bigger over Thanksgiving, and you really could use the outdoor exercise.", "toxicity": 0.7510937} {"filename": "0185728-1bdcdd333b087571baf869de963c48cc.txt", "combined_text": "We know you lurk so you can try find information to suck up to women in the hope of getting into their knickers, you perv. men who suck up to women to get laid like that are the real abusers of women, it’s just a lame attempt at PUA", "toxicity": 0.6989911} {"filename": "0297641-48aba5246673a5543b339e766aa76b9d.txt", "combined_text": "Hi all, I write from my perspective as a counselor who has done much research on the subject and also one who has and still at times do masturbate.", "toxicity": 0.5972042} {"filename": "0316204-290bebaee2fa808cac40fbff178bacf4.txt", "combined_text": "To the gnashers and renders, eugenics always involves the killing of genetically inferior children, preferably by uniformed Nazis.", "toxicity": 0.46982017} {"filename": "0768352-3abf789e93562d456404ffd78e3ec8b1.txt", "combined_text": "It’s like I’m missing something in my genetic composition that makes other women go, “Yes, it would be beautiful to push a human out of my vagina.”", "toxicity": 0.78207105} {"filename": "0540609-70439503bb9eb8a85b11f24e17a90b2e.txt", "combined_text": "milo was abused himself as a child. he's not a pedo, never abused any child, his articles caused the arrest of pedophiles, and maybe he's gay and confused and has a seriously dark humor, but fuck that shilling that was turned against him!", "toxicity": 0.74954444} {"filename": "0613340-12b0ad5bfa13c22d385a2d0af007c4ed.txt", "combined_text": "He was unfit as a candidate, a knuckle-dragging troglodyte, mentally ill, uncouth, clownish and inarticulate.", "toxicity": 0.7510937} {"filename": "0663984-649d6a9900dcd6c6960246faa9155fee.txt", "combined_text": "The band was friends with Anal Cunt and performed with them for the first show after their frontman Seth Putnam came out of his coma.", "toxicity": 0.15048122} {"filename": "0865560-2695324ed3bbf9553061941af6f891b3.txt", "combined_text": "Facebook Twitter Pinterest Members of ANAL in front of a fireplace at the mansion.", "toxicity": 0.6289369} {"filename": "0875123-62a357f9aedfb24b84447ff82af63769.txt", "combined_text": "The long and terrible history of lies about what happens to a vagina post intercourse (spoiler: not much) landed us here, at one of the most meaningless tweets we've ever seen.", "toxicity": 0.55739564} {"filename": "0334936-6c97f5da2e2bf6d869ccc729873d0d93.txt", "combined_text": "Marco Rubio is mad as hell, and he's not going to take it anymore.", "toxicity": 0.6308517} {"filename": "0677787-a0e1f9f0e70fdbaa9bf81d5951c9d430.txt", "combined_text": "At one point, Lynette Taylor allegedly said, “Yeah, I beat [his] ass.", "toxicity": 0.75208336} {"filename": "0928740-bec139aaf5ab4f34c5439e82f50a841e.txt", "combined_text": "Kim Jong Un is a sick bastard Dictator that decided to mask his serial killer tendencies by building a gym for “his people.”", "toxicity": 0.78207105} {"filename": "0835031-d8088d720518ff3f04d7f4e036f64955.txt", "combined_text": "I made this playlist because sometimes life is really shitty, and it get you down.", "toxicity": 0.6426206} {"filename": "0583532-5a745bad1dc86cbb3a44210b217b97fa.txt", "combined_text": "\"First of all, every player has played with gay guys,\" Barkley told 106.7 The Fan, adding that any player who says he hasn't is \"a stone-freakin' idiot.\"", "toxicity": 0.15822013} {"filename": "0424506-5e159abaa4eadc522c97c338bf26ccf0.txt", "combined_text": "Is it for the honest reporting of the actions of the neoconservative right; or is it just another idiotic love fest of the former Representative from Texas?", "toxicity": 0.5885171} {"filename": "0859739-bf98595d752bd01d5f34bfcf8488c86c.txt", "combined_text": "I assume that Rob “Tiny P-nis” Kardashian hasn’t fathered any children although he’s inspired one very ill-advised ass tattoo.", "toxicity": 0.65996873} {"filename": "0846886-ee61f51e37e10910fb0a703bd3341e0e.txt", "combined_text": "The penis of a tiger when consumed is said to be a potent aphrodisiac and an effective treatment for erectile dysfunction.[", "toxicity": 0.4475325} {"filename": "0184860-a821459955581c718e558879f9a3fc96.txt", "combined_text": "This was someone who knew what they wanted and saw it through to the bitter end, dammit, no matter how shrill the outraged screaming.", "toxicity": 0.509388} {"filename": "0575461-f49c46bd1b92c3acfee2914efa4b5347.txt", "combined_text": "Using shitty samples to build something makes you get creative and experiment.”", "toxicity": 0.6289369} {"filename": "0548460-f93f1c6abe27a9f24beb5afffa3aa2e0.txt", "combined_text": "Yo, spaceEngine be a realistic virtual Universe you can explore on yo' computer n' shit.", "toxicity": 0.6989911} {"filename": "0186830-0325e24ec677cbe59c2610de488eaff7.txt", "combined_text": "When he left, he made sure to trample the university's flowerbeds with his horse on the way out of town, which kicks ass.", "toxicity": 0.6827122} {"filename": "0538640-0b811440b9bcf845cb49bfc27f088ffb.txt", "combined_text": "Persons who have been RAPED and SHAFTED will be reviewed under the SCREW programme (Scheme Covering Retired Early Workers).", "toxicity": 0.3389984} {"filename": "0314292-600ae2be3f9cfc7e63e9d15629aea518.txt", "combined_text": "You don't have to accept any deal if you deem it \"shitty\" (no skin off any woman anywhere's nose, trust me) just don't cry about something that's your own fault like a toddler.", "toxicity": 0.60254884} {"filename": "0167254-d2731ed1fc714b13af88a3eccd1bd066.txt", "combined_text": "I want something that’s still unique and fun like freshman wizards with shit spells.", "toxicity": 0.6407703} {"filename": "0860228-e00a5171bed3b6da1924b7dae0884dd9.txt", "combined_text": "This year’s Tel Aviv Pride Ambassadors were TV’s Alan Cumming, from The Good Wife, and Orange is the New Black’s Lea DeLaria.", "toxicity": 0.0036127428} {"filename": "0378546-6b4e944511433b92df78fc2ad623eb22.txt", "combined_text": "… I pray God helps your daughter understand, that despite how many times she’ll hear daddy reference all women as ‘bitches,’ she isn’t one,” Anderson wrote on Monday, July 18.", "toxicity": 0.54325575} {"filename": "0457347-44a8c78abf0bb94c291cb9e2ba1e472f.txt", "combined_text": "Meanwhile the Democrats and liberals and progressives and communists and Alinskyites never shut the fuck up for a nanosecond about race, all while accusing those who never talk about race of being racists.", "toxicity": 0.63782936} {"filename": "0182519-e0c0d9ae658134292f998180f6230eec.txt", "combined_text": "“They would say like ‘you’re worthless,’ or ‘you’re a stupid (expletive).’", "toxicity": 0.60311776} {"filename": "0430008-6cd97240b94a8967a4cba7914b251a93.txt", "combined_text": "A Mexican national was sentenced for producing child pornography in Dallas, Texas, after he filmed himself having sex with an underage girl.", "toxicity": 0.06817148} {"filename": "0936180-e8a820cc94eab0e6239b1898cf05f0c0.txt", "combined_text": "They are, to put it very bluntly, idiots, and they deserve every bit of opprobrium coming their way.", "toxicity": 0.7998551} {"filename": "0475600-8d6a669c0d3535eccbf7c24604d83667.txt", "combined_text": "Jackson’s Nick Fury against evil Russians and insidious corporate goons.", "toxicity": 0.51869136} {"filename": "0911228-d4d5f63e30f777af6c56083ab11b8919.txt", "combined_text": "With a laugh, he added, \"If I look like an idiot, that's because I'm talking to idiots, so cut me some slack.\"", "toxicity": 0.687436} {"filename": "0242687-7bf2f1e18b3b51885363d26f4001d1cd.txt", "combined_text": "There's little doubt that if it weren't for his damned knees, Carles Puyol would still be a footballer today.", "toxicity": 0.5140397} {"filename": "0999682-a8273a3b135ec0a8672cfc5ff87a3100.txt", "combined_text": "And the bent over british think US cops are fucked up for enforcing the law and beating down criminals?", "toxicity": 0.6027529} {"filename": "0030704-0326c126d8ad0a4fc76cfc1b08432832.txt", "combined_text": "The 35-year-old told Letterman: ‘It is a product called castoreum, it comes from rendered beaver anal gland.", "toxicity": 0.37458646} {"filename": "0405011-cb00c525f1e795611044494482cb116a.txt", "combined_text": "Die in the game, and you die in real life, with the only way to get out being to clear the game’s entire 100 floors.", "toxicity": 0.41910073} {"filename": "0904577-7c7b36d236cb66c357af257263eb620f.txt", "combined_text": "The rightwing pushback is a little shrieky: 58 angry, selfish, myopic, foolish Jews don’t understand, AIPAC speaks for Israel.", "toxicity": 0.64447093} {"filename": "0644150-048e19aa4aa47f3566adb56e1d72e445.txt", "combined_text": "[+463, -33] I want hateful commenters to die in a car accident2.", "toxicity": 0.62702215} {"filename": "0277250-531ba1bb7fbfe9714889be52d7701224.txt", "combined_text": "I’m no stats guru, but if your buddy predicted a Sergio Ramos first-half brace would seal this tie in the second leg away in Munich, there’s a 90% chance he’s full of shit.", "toxicity": 0.743089} {"filename": "0286635-1123d4426689caa8ab9e7b8042b884ca.txt", "combined_text": "And oftentimes, in order to get this thing done, the person behind that effort had to be something of a hard-headed, single-minded, feelings-bruising son of a bitch.", "toxicity": 0.78855824} {"filename": "0600295-a05faf03fb8e162230c7230175dfbe91.txt", "combined_text": "Breitbart and his band of fuckwits are descending on Madison, Wisconsin tomorrow with their Don’t Tread on Me Flags and their armored scooters.", "toxicity": 0.62702215} {"filename": "0152270-2f627a2a93dbd4780fd2d9a613dbc25d.txt", "combined_text": "The robbery occurred at a Silver Spring GameStop store in Maryland, United States last week, where the young gamer decided he wasn’t having any shit from the attackers.", "toxicity": 0.54325575} {"filename": "0293673-a572d2127f9464b8e4aef86d10bf0a84.txt", "combined_text": "Thanks to an uneducated Virginian who had no use for black people, Territory became the first government in the world to guarantee women the right to vote.", "toxicity": 0.47473195} {"filename": "0865086-e54b96b18167021b5d05f3110c67b8dd.txt", "combined_text": "Trump, Cruz, Scalia, Bernie, Jeb, Hillary and way too many discussions about Republican penises.", "toxicity": 0.718943} {"filename": "0256378-9e0d8c72f25bf9518c51f4b2d52a415a.txt", "combined_text": "As previously detailed in 'Tales of a Filthy Whore' and 'All Tied Up', Carla is an adulterous wife who craves being used, safely abused and totally humiliated by her dominant husband and other men. ' all tied Up' 0 reviews Rating: 10.00 Read...", "toxicity": 0.30539915} {"filename": "0795227-4c653a54b8e8bd879b79b3f14b79f95d.txt", "combined_text": "Leave your bias hatred of President Trump and let’s talk about these three Barack Obama puppets and their sick pedophile lifestyles.", "toxicity": 0.6289369} {"filename": "0641583-d2d1e17b9c8ca6f0c13c9a6c337bf91e.txt", "combined_text": "Under the influence of such a bias, you can easily end up saying stupid things.", "toxicity": 0.6027529} {"filename": "0387347-b69ad0fa3432f421bef91f09d38e64d7.txt", "combined_text": "And over on Fox News, Stacey Dash said Obama “couldn’t give a sh*t” about the American people.", "toxicity": 0.5140397} {"filename": "0997604-0ae732c98a56d1348c63cbd1e39106d2.txt", "combined_text": "\"While we were kissing, [the protesters] were screaming, 'You're disgusting!", "toxicity": 0.50503236} {"filename": "0190942-4a343322aa82820898808c00e52d3653.txt", "combined_text": "I'm gunna start going home with random very drunk guys and stealing all of their shit.", "toxicity": 0.85333383} {"filename": "0361204-5a7e271c0658bdb512b81f870cdc5575.txt", "combined_text": "Is this going to knock us on our asses for the day or will we need to smoke some flower in an hour?", "toxicity": 0.6491204} {"filename": "0250050-a661b86bc0da201b747e51d9ec0f5045.txt", "combined_text": "#malta for being the 1st european country to ban gay conversion therapy! 👍💪🏼🌈❤️", "toxicity": 0.38434127} {"filename": "0883790-5535dd6ac3aa2725c32dd71a9c242c34.txt", "combined_text": "This comic is for appreciators of those shows, haters of Jersey Shore, and to a lesser extent, tits.", "toxicity": 0.61223894} {"filename": "0068167-f16944e6a8a7fadee68342731f7c48e8.txt", "combined_text": "Haim was just 11 when, Feldman says, a man raped him on a movie set.", "toxicity": 0.47119883} {"filename": "0691807-a1ae0b93acfc474770ec8ee708209ce8.txt", "combined_text": "A penis in the sky pic.twitter.com/SM8k1tNYaj — Anahi Torres (@anahi_torres_) November 16, 2017", "toxicity": 0.30502358} {"filename": "0561798-c42d9a5b6a12546e9ce518bb83f7b26e.txt", "combined_text": "Schumer having a drink with Russian President Vladimir Putin, calling the New York Democrat a “total hypocrite.”", "toxicity": 0.51980776} {"filename": "0857824-8f6b5cd94ce6a0e608b7d929e1a93b4b.txt", "combined_text": "Some time ago, burglars in England scrawled a message on the wall of a home they had looted: “RICH BASTARDS.”", "toxicity": 0.60152835} {"filename": "0664994-d8f5459a02a0b12e2f94d4da688adcda.txt", "combined_text": "Women, I am told, heterosexual women, that is, cannot stop gazing Jon Hamm’s penis.", "toxicity": 0.82048255} {"filename": "0226009-fcef5a83e5eb0715f04b19064da8e5e6.txt", "combined_text": "Sex-positive bros who will insensitively dry-hump you on the subway.", "toxicity": 0.47119883} {"filename": "0409477-7c15054f8b0e446f395a8b863d983c71.txt", "combined_text": "White females with mulatto children are significantly less educated.", "toxicity": 0.47119883} {"filename": "0511322-b7bb86b81c1cebddad4cce62958a9523.txt", "combined_text": "This was actually a shitstorm,” one of the victims, Elizabeth Kirkwood says.", "toxicity": 0.50759226} {"filename": "0584988-ff4d838376b5da84cc8319921ae425fe.txt", "combined_text": "Niggs, who is serving a 15-year sentence for a gun conviction, walked away with barely a scratch, but will have to do a stint in solitary confinement for his attack on Fogle.", "toxicity": 0.53579444} {"filename": "0899304-6a2c5f7ec02e42ea85783fdacc2b9bfd.txt", "combined_text": "As Schiesel writes: \"I came to realise that it is unrealistic and absurd to suppose that saying, 'Thank you, have a great day' is going to defuse and mollify a man who screams in your face, 'I want to rape you'.\"", "toxicity": 0.6342749} {"filename": "0155561-af97ce575ec1e1aa6e9b3250a846fb2a.txt", "combined_text": "The one where an Oklahoma lawmaker tries to ban “depositing semen” in places that are not a woman’s vagina", "toxicity": 0.61223894} {"filename": "0331097-accc90a57e31c5c72322f0f0c3a99ab7.txt", "combined_text": "Or put another way, karma always has a way of biting you in the butt.", "toxicity": 0.78207105} {"filename": "0210283-11616b0231d28665aac91d572aee82ce.txt", "combined_text": "A newlywed couple killed the wife's alleged rapist before they fried up and ate his genitals, according to police.", "toxicity": 0.54823303} {"filename": "0081151-011b0d41c50de6ca4053cc43f0076ac7.txt", "combined_text": "John jokes we should “bomb, bomb, bomb Iran,” that Venezuela should be forcefully instructed in practicing democracy, and he fully supports any means by which America can exert destructive influence over central Africa.", "toxicity": 0.32971194} {"filename": "0602926-c860a236d744b19a35492102ab56662a.txt", "combined_text": "But for Jazzie, it felt like her parents were “being idiots” and refusing to trust her.", "toxicity": 0.6989911} {"filename": "0395829-2ebb17d63806bfb8e051ed1794f83d4a.txt", "combined_text": "Sitting in the rarefied confines of London’s Cadogan Hall, David Sedaris’ soft, lilting tones and reserved manner make it easy to forget what he really is: a proper fucking weirdo.", "toxicity": 0.65996873} {"filename": "0517017-0625709964b1330590d355516700ada0.txt", "combined_text": "“Gay propaganda is destructive and doing harm to our Christian nation, we can’t allow that.”", "toxicity": 0.36456755} {"filename": "0725464-362fd32471e7386d46f8b53f3c75548c.txt", "combined_text": "5] Many people consider the terms to be equally pejorative, and the use of nigga both in and outside black communities remains controversial.[", "toxicity": 0.35186127} {"filename": "0749120-05db19cf29ec7d4c0eea8811c61731c7.txt", "combined_text": "Remember how pot smoking hippies were supposed to be all into nature and stuff, like these crying hippies below:", "toxicity": 0.4402136} {"filename": "0563975-8fb782328e0ab61290fbc0f700a9473a.txt", "combined_text": "You are the lord of life and death now – and you have full control over the lives of worthless human scum.", "toxicity": 0.71760553} {"filename": "0695781-3f819500506927605be8a261c13f42ce.txt", "combined_text": "Now, to be fair to the staunchly (old school) liberal Maher, he will presumably do his best to make Yiannopoulos look like an idiot, as he recently did with conservative talking heads Tomi Lahren and Piers Morgan.", "toxicity": 0.62702215} {"filename": "0926878-94f3e5c54bcdab64d7d1aa25dceebdcf.txt", "combined_text": "The Vane will keep you updated in case this motherfucker floods for a sixth time.", "toxicity": 0.7856813} {"filename": "0866316-b34de839fd8a3623d171ad9a75f4aacb.txt", "combined_text": "I know everyone will suggest that fucking a pig is how this disease was obtained.", "toxicity": 0.82048255} {"filename": "0271380-ac3b2268ddd20c774e85b00dbdcd4f01.txt", "combined_text": "They said it had then left his body by earthing through his genitals with the help of a small radio clipped to his belt.", "toxicity": 0.47119883} {"filename": "0585770-a52b7b83b3ce6f1bc23596a30fc63eb7.txt", "combined_text": "ROAD RAGE: Los Angeles The City of Failure is this Friday and I won’t be sitting down all week as I work frantically to pull a show out of my ass!", "toxicity": 0.687436} {"filename": "0325449-177b1b3fe0f724f50f4ff50bb4519a94.txt", "combined_text": "Hang the Bastard (7) get Saturday stripping heaviness down to its bare basics; the riffs.", "toxicity": 0.52272606} {"filename": "0172565-1194537a871bf310d8f93f80f8115fe0.txt", "combined_text": "I first saw these guys almost a year ago when they opened for Heartless Bastards.", "toxicity": 0.45761138} {"filename": "0940956-c5cd751e6823099b97b94afbb4a1627b.txt", "combined_text": "The man told medics he felt his small penis was to blame for the fact he had been dumped by his girlfriend, and as it was useless, decided to cut it off.", "toxicity": 0.6308517} {"filename": "0844240-230752530f4cb515b0742f1b2c5ace7b.txt", "combined_text": "Women should be forced to have children, because it’s good for the economy.", "toxicity": 0.47886392} {"filename": "0281529-5a4e3bbdc4402b48dfc8519224973fcd.txt", "combined_text": "Where does this jogging lady buy an atheletic bra in her siz- OH WAIT, it's the world-famous hedgehog Sonic, I didn't recognize him because of his preposterously large boobs.", "toxicity": 0.63782936} {"filename": "0222842-3d7b7f940b63f4acc32ce8a6b64db577.txt", "combined_text": "Getting locked out of your home, your computer, or anywhere else you want to be can suck.", "toxicity": 0.56269526} {"filename": "0757948-69281f7d16aa7dd83cd2f1dd6650ffa7.txt", "combined_text": "That’s complete bullshit, as we’ve seen, but it’s hard to generate much sympathy for a man moving drugs around.", "toxicity": 0.6611249} {"filename": "0661845-1d3df3c5f0353edbaa64829085721618.txt", "combined_text": "God damn I am sick of getting requests to review these fucking Who Farted cans.", "toxicity": 0.9029226} {"filename": "0208808-905bc0ee087ce566377f9eab09633e0a.txt", "combined_text": "Punto Negro –Punto Blanco© May 18, 2016 Yes, Trumpet was right Megyn Kelly is a Bimbo According to an online definition a Bimbo is an attractive but empty-headed young woman, especially one perceived as a willing sex object in other words a slut.", "toxicity": 0.7252971} {"filename": "0157028-fbaea81ad0f7dc9a931f35448f9c38b5.txt", "combined_text": "Boris Johnson has been given a £1,000 poetry prize for a rude poem he wrote about the president of Turkey having sex with a goat.", "toxicity": 0.6863638} {"filename": "0792830-3c5d11e2139146efa7ba59168b31c96d.txt", "combined_text": "Getting back on her feet, Arielle leans against the shower door until her breasts are pressed against the glass.", "toxicity": 0.52272606} {"filename": "0933892-4a9bc54bdaffb8ce3f888b993c44fe67.txt", "combined_text": "The researchers used those seven words—shit, piss, fuck, cocksucker, motherfucker, tits, and cunt—as the crux for their study, cross-referencing the words with American literature via Google Books to conclude that books are 28 times more naughty than they were in the early 1950s.", "toxicity": 0.60254884} {"filename": "0698670-13ee8eb7cd7628f6388f0bdcc3f9be20.txt", "combined_text": "“If you say ‘core stability,’ everyone sucks in their bellybutton,” he said.", "toxicity": 0.52811706} {"filename": "0380614-31fdcf2e65079d20048ec4af61e1a9aa.txt", "combined_text": "Da Bloat was also a funky-ass boss featured up in Wrath of tha Lamb.", "toxicity": 0.4826145} {"filename": "0463508-9a16bac6b3737597807fdffbe7522dac.txt", "combined_text": "We’ve all ex­pe­ri­enced ar­bi­trary dele­tions, woe­ful­ly un­even en­force­ment of po­lices, and mods who are just plain rag­ing cunts.", "toxicity": 0.71760553} {"filename": "0416733-945db3d8373ffffdee2fb51bb71c6e51.txt", "combined_text": "EDIT: Damn it, I didn’t realise how similar this is to a Cyanide & Happiness comic.", "toxicity": 0.48021027} {"filename": "0166563-35e2449d171ce97ee428eb7cbdf928bf.txt", "combined_text": "Both families tell each other to “shut the f*ck up” before the white man begins calling the black family “god damn n*ggers.”", "toxicity": 0.8403191} {"filename": "0226861-973de56beff0581f0064bba6bef2c7f6.txt", "combined_text": "He run in my fucking house naked, hooting and hollering and tearing shit up.\"", "toxicity": 0.9288007} {"filename": "0285453-24abac2c73c7047786d8536efe823731.txt", "combined_text": "\"You get far fewer erections when you're fatter than you do when you're slimmer.", "toxicity": 0.47119883} {"filename": "0293770-daa0c8af2040fca7f9fbb0c53d7ffd74.txt", "combined_text": "I may have enjoyed the book more if Rebecca hadn't come across as such a stupid and weak woman.", "toxicity": 0.82048255} {"filename": "0908868-f7caa0eecbd88bcad3ac375a2ca475ef.txt", "combined_text": "But think of “The Fever (Aye Aye)”, “I’ve Seen Footage”, “Whatever I Want (Fuck Who’s Watching)”.", "toxicity": 0.5566829} {"filename": "0358117-f778d40c8f0fcacfc0cc26558deae81c.txt", "combined_text": "A friend of the victim, Evan Guttman, tracked down the thief and sent her an IM asking her to return the phone, to which he was politely told to jam his head in his ass and see if he could look out his own mouth again.", "toxicity": 0.64447093} {"filename": "0248296-b11288a0419f558f5b223c1f429f8ac2.txt", "combined_text": "I figure Mina doesn't put up with his shit, and tries to gently ease him into the idea of not hating ponies so completely.", "toxicity": 0.7105462} {"filename": "0355038-a112fbab09abf69f3c87f12dfb1fb277.txt", "combined_text": "Motherf*cker’s gotta have millions sticking out of his a**hole, I mean, you’ve gotta go to bed with that every night?", "toxicity": 0.88599813} {"filename": "0777142-74d4f3f1523e7b8ceb07b0c0d9a01d60.txt", "combined_text": "He created his viral hit \"The Race\" on the day he made his escape, where he rapped \"Fuck a beat, I was tryna beat a case/ But I ain't beat that case, bitch I did the race,\" and was captured in New Jersey on June 30.", "toxicity": 0.45396814} {"filename": "0929596-5462bd5d115af8d8969a23871bbacf65.txt", "combined_text": "Luckily we stumbled upon a toy store in Thailand that lets you confront your fear of buying a crappy present by selling literal pieces of crap.", "toxicity": 0.51980776} {"filename": "0426589-b10a142eac173e019140a18e153b79fb.txt", "combined_text": "If you don’t have descriptions, you will get lost in your groups very fast and turn your AD into a pile of garbage.", "toxicity": 0.5140397} {"filename": "0539047-e34f3cdd1aced77b9ad22f523a7f629d.txt", "combined_text": "Sadly, many women buy into the message that the vagina is dirty and smelly leading to shame and embarrassment.", "toxicity": 0.7510937} {"filename": "0193835-a8b4906ee0289ea471317e60c91ed30d.txt", "combined_text": "Some kid in the hood who made a mistake selling drugs will go to jail and have his life ruined but you, you evil lying scumbags will get away with a paltry fine that means nothing to you Flea on Facebook", "toxicity": 0.6491204} {"filename": "0616606-f5fb4118db39b685f8b822de007893a2.txt", "combined_text": "Yesterday we reported that the famous Crown Candy malt challenge has its ass handed to it by someone who claimed to be Kevin Ross.", "toxicity": 0.52272606} {"filename": "0645082-2687fb8cd0075106238f25b96fb1bc6b.txt", "combined_text": "I hammer my keyboard and type “the quick brown fox jumps over the flying dog raging bitch” a few times as to not look like a slacker.", "toxicity": 0.64447093} {"filename": "0983331-b0ae8e48e85d92bb198fffee812b056e.txt", "combined_text": "Two unidentified men caught hold of him and started assaulting him.When he tried to stop them and asked them why they were hitting him, they reportedly told him that they had seen him masturbating while ogling at a woman passing by.", "toxicity": 0.5532103} {"filename": "0528930-d765368d9de9662793c501339635ba71.txt", "combined_text": "I’m talking about a man who eats penis, literally; this book has the highest count of genital mutilation in a single book I’ve ever read.", "toxicity": 0.7510937} {"filename": "0280812-a3143cdd7480ded38ce0d0e504fd45cc.txt", "combined_text": "He then goes on to ask the girls if they masturbate, how frequently they masturbate, what they do to excite themselves, what it felt like to masturbate for the first time and if they have been caught red-handed ever.", "toxicity": 0.6308517} {"filename": "0263760-e761aa79f20cc3e1a72b540a8ea1a670.txt", "combined_text": "Fucking four tables and everything is going wrong.\n\n\"I don't want to say any more about this. It's just crap. It's for amateurs.\"\n\nDing is expected to be fined for his outburst, but further sanctions are unlikely.", "toxicity": 0.7675452} {"filename": "0183333-d7cbd735276d8423d96ea41404e4aabf.txt", "combined_text": "Fuckin’ hippies need ta get a job,” remarked the pipeline worker in his thick Louisiana accent to a friend sitting with him.", "toxicity": 0.6989911} {"filename": "0253668-7b0ae1fdb0df135224075fbe5d8d5c97.txt", "combined_text": "In his article written for his fellow Jews he reveals that typical Jewish children are raised to view Israel as the true homeland and the racist position that Gentiles are hateful inferiors!", "toxicity": 0.47473195} {"filename": "0575222-aa99b76ffd1083a685753f3d349523a7.txt", "combined_text": "Morons rush to look up 'moron' after Tillerson lobs insult at Trump", "toxicity": 0.743089} {"filename": "0852601-f61c2a121649b25b2b580f5d33e4971d.txt", "combined_text": "My flesh of my flesh uses her sharp talons to pull the wound on my breast into her mouth.", "toxicity": 0.68408644} {"filename": "0498486-d42e0c49fdbf6a98d8a1d6050be00f3d.txt", "combined_text": "In one Russian courtroom, it apparently depends at least partially on the size of your genitals.", "toxicity": 0.55739564} {"filename": "0542457-95b63d42b0456b8a4e18d412df44e133.txt", "combined_text": "Satisfy the negro that if he faithfully adheres to our standard during the war he shall receive his freedom and that of his race ... and we change the race from a dreaded weakness to a position of strength.", "toxicity": 0.47886392} {"filename": "0725661-6f8dfdc5d6c932dcac8a2338748e7ce1.txt", "combined_text": "I do see a lot of hate for transgender folk on reddit so it's nice to see that, on a thread related to the issue, the assholes either ignored it or are voted to the bottom.", "toxicity": 0.71760553} {"filename": "0077343-34ea22cd3bb1ccba6c108255e5f88133.txt", "combined_text": "When you join the Side Project Accelerator you join a mastermind group of side-project hackers that will help hold you accountable for getting your shit done!", "toxicity": 0.62136006} {"filename": "0775499-c65cc0927cbd218a1ea15d9dafed0321.txt", "combined_text": "There is, of course, nothing to stop total idiots trying to be leader of the free world, but you'd think there'd be some sort of winnowing process that would stop them reaching the last six.", "toxicity": 0.6863638} {"filename": "0770962-8ea2368a5d378e794e4b766993decfdd.txt", "combined_text": "\"You see him, the face of an angel but he is a son of a bitch, always makes jokes, always breaks the boxes, does not stand still,\" Gattuso told the CheTempoCheFa television show.", "toxicity": 0.61223894} {"filename": "0988731-cd666817c73a1229a70fc0873c9dd6dc.txt", "combined_text": "They have shots that can juice 'em up and fill out a blouse with completely soft and natural breasts.", "toxicity": 0.6342749} {"filename": "0614089-35c4a3b9d86b0329bd1a03899b420210.txt", "combined_text": "See you in Hell, Beatles… and/or kids with bowl cuts, surfer cuts or (my favorite) butt cuts.", "toxicity": 0.6491204} {"filename": "0700432-74c7930e26059396d40ef1c4773a2495.txt", "combined_text": "Don’t be like those poor chumps who missed out on the Vinyl Cast.", "toxicity": 0.4269174} {"filename": "0091564-412e86d763f9e031648ca25593b2f8a2.txt", "combined_text": "Remember that classic moment in 'Jersey Shore' where Snooki got decked in the face by some moron?", "toxicity": 0.6491204} {"filename": "0326298-04985b4e0e8c62e524f5fd60eccfddda.txt", "combined_text": "A page outlining Fuck This Jam's rules explains that anyone can \"participate for just two days or seven days.", "toxicity": 0.60152835} {"filename": "0568973-95fd1b393e88e99d885b4cc70d92fc7f.txt", "combined_text": "The screen lifts and stops at stomach level so all you see is a line of naked vaginas .", "toxicity": 0.7761081} {"filename": "0210404-68152bb9589da75a2ecbd39810646950.txt", "combined_text": "The men that do this, do it because they hope you’ll fuck them for it.", "toxicity": 0.85173553} {"filename": "0309478-9e31a09fbf3a40d90a5307add7eaea8a.txt", "combined_text": "In the video, the man repeatedly tells the NYPD he fell asleep, and eventually informs whoever is filming, \"I'm coming from work, and they fuck with me because I'm sleeping.", "toxicity": 0.6289369} {"filename": "0157611-af28a69568631684673ceb48498a1dc3.txt", "combined_text": "Tar sands supporters seem to disseminate their little black lies with impunity, and there is no way, in a democracy where free speech is sacrosanct, to stop the flood of tar sands bullshit sullying the airwaves.", "toxicity": 0.65996873} {"filename": "0440377-e371f5e0825fcc3620edb2dc918979ed.txt", "combined_text": "Don’t you morons realise that most people couldn’t care less about helping you?", "toxicity": 0.6989911} {"filename": "0415517-e68d21d9cb44a109b9a2d6e280deff77.txt", "combined_text": "What nonsense would it be to believe that and to treat the whims of some sluts as actually defacing a virgin or a married woman !", "toxicity": 0.6989911} {"filename": "0662955-d7fad1b7799b721a1e462c6a0ce28b38.txt", "combined_text": "Just because I have a valid concern with attitude and people acting no different from white supremacists and that concern is different from people buying into this BULLSHIT does not mean it is a shitpost.", "toxicity": 0.78207105} {"filename": "0024348-d04430e8ddb3d86a5e6747a194dcdbf9.txt", "combined_text": "When Supreme Court justices took up that issue in court on Wednesday, the usually highly divided court agreed on one thing: these Westboro Baptist Church people are jerks.", "toxicity": 0.6852916} {"filename": "0984113-715d74313c8d98b1a8e021806b9db944.txt", "combined_text": "But just make sure you are not a Conservative, as then you risk being called a ‘racist bigot’ a ‘f****** monster’ or even a ‘f****** c***bag of a t***’.", "toxicity": 0.7308154} {"filename": "0681270-0987ed4ca8e7ac8118e3c903b7285112.txt", "combined_text": "Perez says \"Republicans don't give a shit about people\" around the 26-minute mark.", "toxicity": 0.5921536} {"filename": "0744184-c75ddabe9c37130f622fa28865126b62.txt", "combined_text": "What kind of prepubescent, budding young child would buy in to joining a religion that denies them from participating in masturbation, sex, pornography, curse words, and Harry Potter?", "toxicity": 0.61223894} {"filename": "0338455-fe557dec2dcc632a89f7d4917bb7e460.txt", "combined_text": "The reality of Duke Nukem Forever is that it's absolute garbage that should have stayed confined to the bowels of Development Hell.", "toxicity": 0.52811706} {"filename": "0249674-a58c5facb46c0fcf7104a152cfdef7a7.txt", "combined_text": "Tears streamed down her face as she half whispered – half yelled “you are an IDIOT Mama.”", "toxicity": 0.7510937} {"filename": "0555889-ee184c95c620a671f47165ed7bf83af8.txt", "combined_text": "A chef at Donald Trump's controversial golf resort in Scotland was sacked after colleagues baked a shortbread shaped like a penis and dedicated it to him.", "toxicity": 0.6744087} {"filename": "0764046-bdcfca64027891d076fd1615e7ea3d43.txt", "combined_text": "Yet many liberal commentators have managed it in the painful festival of stupidity that has followed his horrific act of mass murder.", "toxicity": 0.7105462} {"filename": "0268825-2cc32d8723462a0f1b9fe08700774730.txt", "combined_text": "Watch Carmen and Carl reunite, and a crap load of bugs flit from space and stab a bunch of soldiers.", "toxicity": 0.5779532} {"filename": "0093418-f724cd87fad9519199ae1d4713f7e487.txt", "combined_text": "[Jessica: “Man, you n*ggas is stupid if y’all don’t sign Kanye, forreal.”] – Kanye West In the beginning of Kanye’s career, Jessica Rivera was an A&R at Def Jam.", "toxicity": 0.718943} {"filename": "0705721-df8890ed9a4a465450d28dafb03e1e16.txt", "combined_text": "Two of the perpetrators were black teenagers, who admitted they were “bored” and decided to kill Mr.", "toxicity": 0.3389984} {"filename": "0797699-7575f0dc7dd3c42f4e66cd9e671c8f7a.txt", "combined_text": "Then it continued, \"we are killing off the entire evil white race by making them addicted to cocaine, crack, spiked marijuana, spice, meth, heroin, hash, and other poisons, to kill them.\"", "toxicity": 0.568186} {"filename": "0183316-9995b8af8707f5e75f3ca31cce8011f2.txt", "combined_text": "There was something brutal, but beautiful about the manner in which the Boks regularly manhandled the All Blacks on Saturday.", "toxicity": 0.37751234} {"filename": "0842359-3fd164a48a0fae984411bc57f5b3e946.txt", "combined_text": "\"Says the idiot who butterfingered the wallet and got her to notice what we were doing.\"", "toxicity": 0.78207105} {"filename": "0426723-b02da10569ef5cd681d67af4844b617b.txt", "combined_text": "“We are trying to raise money for the kids…not just muscular dystrophy, but retards as well, all kinds of fucked-up freaks,” said Oderus.", "toxicity": 0.78711975} {"filename": "0660505-37bbaea4a50ee8ada7c05474964bd9cf.txt", "combined_text": "This year, we had a debate about how big Donald Trump's penis is.", "toxicity": 0.85333383} {"filename": "0956233-b0b57344bc06ccdabe35418d9bdca8f1.txt", "combined_text": "‘You’re an African booty scratcher,’ or, ‘You stink,’ or, ‘You live in trees,’ or things like that.", "toxicity": 0.6342749} {"filename": "0703255-87a947853d0fce3472f499633efcfc28.txt", "combined_text": "Tina Reiri, pictured here in 2012, was spotted masturbating in full view of people walking past.", "toxicity": 0.56269526} {"filename": "0578052-f3317767a1956ab65089945df38e9df4.txt", "combined_text": "Watch and witness the incredible process of Bieber earning—hands down—the award for Tiniest, Most Insolent Asshole.", "toxicity": 0.6342749} {"filename": "0973232-46562ca433e6f9b330cc91f0eb26e6f2.txt", "combined_text": "After the match, Morganella took to Twitter to call his opponents a \"bunch of retards.\"", "toxicity": 0.584095} {"filename": "0497643-a43c59625c9b2653e1eafc6994afdb8a.txt", "combined_text": "A lot of these guys don’t get out and are making shit in their rooms or basements, and only exists on the Internet.”", "toxicity": 0.5885171} {"filename": "0058825-efff80fc203c2465f270cb3d54e466e0.txt", "combined_text": "You know, fuck it, I will just stop playing social and trying be humble artist and concentrate on getting better and actually making this hobby worth the time.Well what ever right?", "toxicity": 0.73663366} {"filename": "0883717-29e566319c9cb408593b00cce3a1816e.txt", "combined_text": "Jakovlevs, of Acrefair, Wrexham, was said to have been under the influence of drink and cocaine when he posted on Facebook that he believed Muslims should be killed and stopped from entering the country.", "toxicity": 0.20172562} {"filename": "0693041-60b276a662ed55885f2eab49c93b79a2.txt", "combined_text": "Later, on Thursday, HBO’s Bill Maher Tweeted, “Every asshole who ever chanted ‘Drill baby drill’ should have to report to the Gulf coast today for cleanup duty.”", "toxicity": 0.5716857} {"filename": "0799513-ccd1ecb0484b9b1a3dc914318366fb2f.txt", "combined_text": "Those people are our base and they will now have a place to be heard and be free of those pesky Jews.”", "toxicity": 0.50789946} {"filename": "0593153-14d274ec7859f2453304862c5638b5f2.txt", "combined_text": "If you identify a normal guy as a threat you could get called a bitch; if you identify a creep as a normal guy you could end up dead.", "toxicity": 0.60152835} {"filename": "0800733-137143d1c510794597b60b3df4558c81.txt", "combined_text": "That retarded frat game is called \" Limp Biscuit \"... which kind of indirectly explains why the band of the same namesake is so fucking horrible.3.)", "toxicity": 0.85333383} {"filename": "0637049-8b7df75adb0dc91b23215ceac35fd9f8.txt", "combined_text": "“Look, nobody wants to believe that Trump paid Russian hookers to pee all over a bed more than I do, but there is zero proof that happened.", "toxicity": 0.5972042} {"filename": "0816108-5bd1421a6150e57349809921fdf2827d.txt", "combined_text": "A positive \"Throckmorton\" sign is when the patient's penis lies to or points to the side of the body wherein lies the abnormality on a plain X-ray of the Pelvis.", "toxicity": 0.45751464} {"filename": "0769389-d47aab30a7d6b463d15322abde5b67fb.txt", "combined_text": "Sperry was then “put through a body scan,” which revealed that she “had items concealed in her vagina or anus.”", "toxicity": 0.584095} {"filename": "0082531-5f7aaba228b6e46651cfa0bf277d64d2.txt", "combined_text": "Because Jill Stein sure isn't thinking about her country, when she spews this type of garbage.", "toxicity": 0.6667219} {"filename": "0401348-fa84dfc73f052711ebc569d3388471c7.txt", "combined_text": "If I'd seen it in 1995, in that hot shade of white (a model only ever released in Japan), I may well have lost my shit entirely.", "toxicity": 0.68408644} {"filename": "0479068-c7456f485c4fd3fa3d3b61dfec81bc28.txt", "combined_text": "Rogers also says the former Senator from Clearwater \"rubbed her thigh area\" while at a social event and \"grabbed her midsection\" and touched the underside of her breasts.", "toxicity": 0.63782936} {"filename": "0883607-a84fdb4bc8a9f1cb0185219930fb6ea6.txt", "combined_text": "What a Disgusting Price to the Asian Community + Disrespecting the Customers", "toxicity": 0.45703048} {"filename": "0192142-f6c115f86b00b78c92a28cd67604abb3.txt", "combined_text": "But here's the rub: the language must show you where you have done something stupid.", "toxicity": 0.68408644} {"filename": "0636714-201936088929605c9aa7cc9608474851.txt", "combined_text": "It’s a wise (and maybe the only) political move available to these scumbags.", "toxicity": 0.63782936} {"filename": "0711963-c27ee8f45be17e24d6c21dbb9edfa1d2.txt", "combined_text": "“Getting kicked out of a parade for being too gay is like being kicked out of a gay orgy for being too gay.”", "toxicity": 0.25915736} {"filename": "0719880-6253edf2b27adf5ea148c2295333d8ce.txt", "combined_text": "The guy took down his pants and started having sex with the dog!", "toxicity": 0.68408644} {"filename": "0933892-da4c44dee59f8d526d54952781012a99.txt", "combined_text": "James Deen held me down and fucked me while I said no, stop, used my safeword.", "toxicity": 0.8403191} {"filename": "0687998-1abf744cef1b0e5c11caff8a351ffd9b.txt", "combined_text": "“Because al Qaeda believes in blowing people up, not in winning people over, it can be beaten, must be beaten, and will be beaten.”", "toxicity": 0.4402136} {"filename": "0781473-573ad7000b4dff0e3b352ea8daef726f.txt", "combined_text": "“Only 6% of women rate their partner’s penis size as small and 84% say they’re very satisfied with their lover’s size.", "toxicity": 0.48141238} {"filename": "0662571-bdef851ca3221e24f3eb3e57df8b4ec0.txt", "combined_text": "One sample: `You want to play smartass, and I`m not going to play your f**king game.", "toxicity": 0.8115627} {"filename": "0407314-315112de6f531ad45061d02b30dee86b.txt", "combined_text": "The sort that tell you to shut up, stop whining, stop moaning – to get a life.", "toxicity": 0.4850187} {"filename": "0175883-013619b112303a0df193899b397f5248.txt", "combined_text": "Set in a fictional world where anyone in Los Angeles gives a shit about the Rams or Chargers, your character will dress in highly stylized Rams “fan” attire, and lose a harrowing team spirit competition against an overwhelming horde of actual Eagles fans.", "toxicity": 0.43475235} {"filename": "0348225-65709f77c5455b17903ecb6b34edf87b.txt", "combined_text": "The video appears below and the filmmaker can’t stop laughing while commenting how “that shit looks good.”", "toxicity": 0.6491204} {"filename": "0078762-9c481894a0f9322568ceef64a9de5dce.txt", "combined_text": "We’re none of us stupid – or too stupid – we know where we come from and we’ve seen what happens to the generations before us.", "toxicity": 0.57271194} {"filename": "0056991-e4d0f9dba612dcb72896f637a6160de9.txt", "combined_text": "I understand that your basis for what rent and utilities might cost is still based on your hometown of Buttfuck, KY's cost-of-living chart.", "toxicity": 0.41168427} {"filename": "0209933-0d18829a01b07cd87a0e23604655c47f.txt", "combined_text": "“It’s so interesting to see this woman, basically using her boobies —I shouldn’t have said that— to using her breasts to run for office,” McDaniel said on his show, The Right Side, back in 2006.", "toxicity": 0.50503236} {"filename": "0830761-7a99a12a0bb1aa5694e7bcaeb8793f6a.txt", "combined_text": "A circus of shitty #unitetherite Nazis with tiki torches gathering on a confederate statue in Charlottesville, Virginia last weekend isn't some anomaly.", "toxicity": 0.687436} {"filename": "0124744-3594d4e3f6729693c94d9c929b917a96.txt", "combined_text": "Is greatness the adulation of untold scores of strangers, screaming your own words, words that you wrote, back at you while fireworks and shit go off behind you?", "toxicity": 0.584095} {"filename": "0966846-6abb178fe5e48304b5f6b9d5a8c660b5.txt", "combined_text": "Those are the people that are the first to tell minorities, ‘Suck it up.’”", "toxicity": 0.6611249} {"filename": "0997038-fe6658e3beef0317674302bc5d6a41fa.txt", "combined_text": "Are these the morons we’re counting on to be leaders in the future?”", "toxicity": 0.72028047} {"filename": "0574427-be38fadbc79921c2854cbd58583d66e1.txt", "combined_text": "Kyle noted that unlike his peers at the time, the Cleveland MC was “rapping about real shit”:", "toxicity": 0.6544696} {"filename": "0603175-18a2869f8d000efad4422e148a812c33.txt", "combined_text": "At the end of the video, he asked, “Is there any doubt after seeing that tape that this guy is a big fat f**king liar?”", "toxicity": 0.8299589} {"filename": "0442070-35ec2b790e784ef3e9ffc8e610c643b2.txt", "combined_text": "People who don’t know shit about any religion and yet act like they do are some of the most arrogant motherfuckers on the planet.", "toxicity": 0.9248995} {"filename": "0386074-c5c9ee431378b282549d0ce8a46f51f3.txt", "combined_text": "The mindless, stupid mithering began around 1pm at the Exachell garage near Wretching, in Disgust, when a member of staff was overheard noting that a fresh shipment of petrol ‘might be around 15 to 20 minutes later than normal’.", "toxicity": 0.5532103} {"filename": "0482920-277bcbc736cd2e9aa2306258e888b14e.txt", "combined_text": "I wasnt even really confident that my rematch would send anything either, maybe I was being a little bitch, but I kept it to myself, mostly, lol...", "toxicity": 0.5532103} {"filename": "0009199-43e8185ac7f5ce4b315d7a0e3892a7e7.txt", "combined_text": "Night classes are fucking unbearable—totally not like Night School, the band.", "toxicity": 0.6308517} {"filename": "0283696-da0a3b2abccd1f1bdb7d86be8db95d19.txt", "combined_text": "He will be playing the part of the Dean; a jerk who oozes authority and wants to shut down Addicts Anonymous.", "toxicity": 0.52272606} {"filename": "0915998-b40de1f8255e99b96ca2c6d04098e40f.txt", "combined_text": "If a jew leads me to a well with no water, i know of them the theft of it.", "toxicity": 0.5024724} {"filename": "0428440-d2bfc03a9bb03df33d2f53badfbe5986.txt", "combined_text": "Two U.N. peacekeepers drugged a 19-year-old woman at a checkpoint and raped her", "toxicity": 0.51980776} {"filename": "0845218-677166eec99ba8cf4eb0e37860c2dad5.txt", "combined_text": "The only way his introduction could have been better was if he started chanting “NOW EVERYBODY FROM THE 3-1-3, PUT YOUR MOTHERF***ING HANDS UP AND FOLLOW MEEE!”\n\nCongratulations to the people of Detroit for getting their basketball team back.", "toxicity": 0.4575469} {"filename": "0250944-e4677a26ae3a3c80817f5fb004b89329.txt", "combined_text": "He pulled me aside and bluntly said \"Josh, stop doing stupid shit.\"", "toxicity": 0.8696708} {"filename": "0329922-7438ee7d57786f790083dffedc9b7680.txt", "combined_text": "I’m also a sucker for jerks with tragic backstories, and Magic Man fits the mold perfectly.", "toxicity": 0.72028047} {"filename": "0701719-155b4f8584cf15ed62630e08ceda8f3f.txt", "combined_text": "“They were trying to see who had the fastest jet skis, like idiots,” said his girlfriend, Deanna Cowan.", "toxicity": 0.6426206} {"filename": "0558267-a017a5f2e6844da15fdcd537669f08a3.txt", "combined_text": "One such motion was a “Motion to Kiss My Ass”, in which me moved “all Americans at large and one corrupt Judge Smith to kiss my got damn ass sorry mother fucker you.”", "toxicity": 0.91625386} {"filename": "0762951-adf8c8384274db8a4076c24e6e7dedec.txt", "combined_text": "(Series creator Small described them as \"like the Beatles, just a thousand times more dangerous and a billion times more stupid\".[", "toxicity": 0.53579444} {"filename": "0375403-ba98f5576441efb92eafaa61bbac79b8.txt", "combined_text": "As the diagram shows, while most men’s rights activists are a combination of rapists, cry babies, literal feces, and sun-baked garbage, some MRAs are merely literal feces.", "toxicity": 0.71760553} {"filename": "0392335-448ee6b65b194623bb9ac33b24747e2d.txt", "combined_text": "Or, in the words of Jezebel, \"CNN Thinks Crazy Ladies Can't Help Voting With Their Vaginas Instead of Their Brains.\"", "toxicity": 0.7252971} {"filename": "0944306-634ee22f784d33330464a30f22ad8f48.txt", "combined_text": "Sadly, though, when you look closely at the XXX industry, you discover that, for all their talk of \"big black cocks hammering minuscule Asian beauties,\" they can be shockingly racist.", "toxicity": 0.6863638} {"filename": "0450241-e497081640fd1c6ca59d445c72a92bc8.txt", "combined_text": "MALAYSIA'S ''dangerous'' decline is fuelled by incompetent politicians, Thailand is dogged by corruption and a ''very erratic'' crown prince, Japan is a ''big fat loser'' and India is ''stupid''.", "toxicity": 0.72028047} {"filename": "0224019-ed033e4656d25931963959ce6808133e.txt", "combined_text": "3) Penis shaft (admit it: you were thinking this would be No. 1, right?)", "toxicity": 0.7308154} {"filename": "0861594-74589a97d252b11f1114533573aad1a3.txt", "combined_text": "Surely a good Chinese girl like me deserve better than those small chink dicks.", "toxicity": 0.85173553} {"filename": "0974605-6c56e0e8994cb0b5343a293515330e39.txt", "combined_text": "Legere also apologizes to the EFF for posting a video asking \"who the fuck\" the organization is and who's paying it.", "toxicity": 0.5885171} {"filename": "0115912-91bd63d364ac9c541083ea5efe28a966.txt", "combined_text": "Suleiman Abdirizak soaked his penis with water from a squash bottle and had to be calmed down by his victim, who reassured him he would be fine, it is claimed.", "toxicity": 0.6491204} {"filename": "0479073-5f99610c0cb7d80c0572d95ee92a95d9.txt", "combined_text": "Here's what we should all agree upon and work toward instead: not being a fucking asshole.", "toxicity": 0.8778702} {"filename": "0143061-922188ed97a973239ba2ae25898663c6.txt", "combined_text": "In less than a minute, De Niro called the Republican presidential nominee “a dog,” “a pig,” “a con,” “a bulls—t artist … who doesn’t know what he’s talking about” and “an idiot.”", "toxicity": 0.7701451} {"filename": "0123174-bd8da8f4580386486e6708fac19da2c4.txt", "combined_text": "Thousands of years ago, 300 White Spartans faced the dark, swarthy Asiatic hordes from hell.", "toxicity": 0.4826145} {"filename": "0680874-5171648bf0d6d2b51bc6231a4a09ef07.txt", "combined_text": "Last time Cameron said something equally misguided about encryption, I posted a brief blog explaining why breaking encryption to stop terror is a monumentally shit idea.", "toxicity": 0.60311776} {"filename": "0790193-008370a6fe4936ccfc93638334284eb7.txt", "combined_text": "But the arguments came to a crux in January this year when Langley told Mr Hughes 'Come down here you Paddy b******, I'm going to kill you' as well as 'Irish b****** - come and fight me'.", "toxicity": 0.64447093} {"filename": "0413322-230fbeb3df6a9d79ef4234c756551346.txt", "combined_text": "John Hickenlooper is a coward because the governor said it’s possible he could grant clemency to mass murderer Nathan Dunlap.", "toxicity": 0.5721988} {"filename": "0042129-37fea93bd4b8776839f218e13d0e44b8.txt", "combined_text": "Speaking to Australian media, Labe said: ‘It’s just about Tony Abbott — the f***ing worm that he is.’", "toxicity": 0.6544696} {"filename": "0284099-efe1f1f0a56fef09ec8205f94ad5a1eb.txt", "combined_text": "During his campaign-style rally in Arizona on Tuesday, Trump trash talked the press and his followers started chanting “CNN sucks.”", "toxicity": 0.681338} {"filename": "0587588-d3b251b13eaf634a834b1e117e7dc83a.txt", "combined_text": "Sex First, Then Arrest Hooker: Don't Cops Have Better Things to Do?", "toxicity": 0.6426206} {"filename": "0211710-db3d136f4f82ce5ab55bdca92d822136.txt", "combined_text": "If you don’t love him enough to suck it, maybe you shouldn’t be in bed with him at all.", "toxicity": 0.65996873} {"filename": "0276446-f42cfcfba687aa43ec083015c3f1af81.txt", "combined_text": "To say that black people have made progress would be to say they deserve what happened to them before…", "toxicity": 0.4398409} {"filename": "0895038-2a9e83f52657c237b4de47829280a81a.txt", "combined_text": "As one blogger put it, it’s left McBaine “taking crap from all sides.”", "toxicity": 0.5140397} {"filename": "0121430-224ba759e91c1e7db6f250ba0270deda.txt", "combined_text": "Since Islam holds that gays should be executed, something like this is obviously an attack on Muslims and should therefore be outlawed.", "toxicity": 0.55739564} {"filename": "0666516-475c0b6a1a1503070d0878bba057aa07.txt", "combined_text": "Let's Boycott United Airlines United Airlines has been a real dick lately.", "toxicity": 0.743089} {"filename": "0542533-bef9d62d5f486e151b10fcbfda76ffa9.txt", "combined_text": "Remember, while clothing might be optional, acting like a jerk is not.", "toxicity": 0.62136006} {"filename": "0639815-a2b3f42dfc94b3a764caaa5a27c09b34.txt", "combined_text": "The implication is clear: Women have nothing of value to say besides, “I get to suck your cock now?”", "toxicity": 0.90451443} {"filename": "0628152-5bb4c56e5f29105ad96d8172d480915b.txt", "combined_text": "“He pinches me on the ass a lot,” Couric said during the show’s “Plead the Fifth” segment.", "toxicity": 0.76523775} {"filename": "0675073-6bbbcbf11aa017391fc14b4ee4808cf3.txt", "combined_text": "\"What a complete and utter fool,\" Stanford University sociologist Anya Arneson said of the astonishingly stupid man, describing his insistence on providing quality health care for his employees and paying them fair salaries as \"just plain dumb.\"", "toxicity": 0.7701451} {"filename": "0582222-bc32c4a261d02459c4c4399f47a2a588.txt", "combined_text": "Using a suite of microscopy techniques, researchers analyzed fossils of penis worm mouth parts and discovered a previously unrecognized penis worm.", "toxicity": 0.36095104} {"filename": "0399275-e5ef0b01a5e5dd5f8c4416464a6ec2ac.txt", "combined_text": "Paleoscatologists, as they're called, do indeed find and study dinosaur poop.", "toxicity": 0.3234372} {"filename": "0315583-6ece251cbc9846d74c77fb22517e6cc5.txt", "combined_text": "“Har Har Har” he will say, with that stupid fucking fat face of his.", "toxicity": 0.9248995} {"filename": "0405333-d5c93bf237726ca0833b3c0dc68d503b.txt", "combined_text": "During an instrumental on \"Mercy,\" the fifth track on the album, Minaj raps: \"I'm a Republican voting for Mitt Romney, you lazy bitches are f---ing up the economy.\"", "toxicity": 0.65996873} {"filename": "0642623-36be88967c8b55131e52a3c5f5b4f6e9.txt", "combined_text": "So the media machine cranked up the distortion and tried to smear him into oblivion with stupid trivialities.", "toxicity": 0.5779532} {"filename": "0100722-40af026f2ecb17c78e2f61929535d965.txt", "combined_text": "Flexfits 3 The product is worn high up in the vagina and also doubles as a \"disposable menstrual product\"", "toxicity": 0.5716857} {"filename": "0435955-e505d326903241237331a82af4ab0ec8.txt", "combined_text": "These idiots will not stop until they make you rage, it is impossible to drive without spinning out, crashing or failing a mission.", "toxicity": 0.7761081} {"filename": "0304461-599b5bd3ba29b6a5d7d8986c89293350.txt", "combined_text": "When I was a tween, it was where I watched my friends turn into Juicy Couture sluts and where I groped a boy’s dick for the first time.", "toxicity": 0.85850734} {"filename": "0642907-d24d3d07627c3e53e65c6a2bb65ccf59.txt", "combined_text": "And since Naopelon's occupation of Egypt at the turn of century in the Levant, for lack of a better phrase, shit is hitting the fan.", "toxicity": 0.63782936} {"filename": "0543470-fbdce4f683a0fec8f47e3c0096cdf9d0.txt", "combined_text": "It was the dominant theme of critical replies to my review of Melissa Gira Grant’s Playing the Whore: listen to sex workers, then you’ll see how wrong you are.", "toxicity": 0.49139655} {"filename": "0175218-27657ff92eea057078d87f93e234d4c6.txt", "combined_text": "She’s mad at Romero, because she’s like: ‘Only I can bite you, only I can grab your nipples.’", "toxicity": 0.73663366} {"filename": "0274688-06f0a23b7e5f2cd8b810740ad356ac96.txt", "combined_text": "Stone later erased the tweet, alongside a few other hostile tweets, including posts where he called different ladies “fat [and] inept” and “you moronic oblivious monstrous bitch.”", "toxicity": 0.6744087} {"filename": "0040286-22de7b02d99e26eaa0f437dc73516e03.txt", "combined_text": "This is the new promotional film from anti-aviation expansion campaigners Plane Stupid.", "toxicity": 0.39987978} {"filename": "0994821-2909047f0bf582fb40c7db3800ce147a.txt", "combined_text": "It really pissed off the cabal when a Jew steals from other cabal Jews.", "toxicity": 0.584095} {"filename": "0820442-7eb5ecb0585dbf778a7379a039d86840.txt", "combined_text": "I wanted Bart's carefree, rebel attitude which might have made me a pain in the ass as a child.", "toxicity": 0.64447093} {"filename": "0927611-fd74470bb76970cececb2713f8b2ad62.txt", "combined_text": "Today's is from Fade to Mind, a mostly LA-based conglomerate dedicated to teamwork, Ciara and music experiences that fuck your brain up.", "toxicity": 0.61223894} {"filename": "0926071-70b4f5fe75144c286aaec0d9c76cd183.txt", "combined_text": "I wasn’t familiar with The Walking Dead franchise at all then, so it was just the game, and after every episode I’d feel like shit.", "toxicity": 0.61223894} {"filename": "0581314-bb83a884c2c6ede31dddfafeab35f3e3.txt", "combined_text": "As of press time, the Eagles have announced they will re-sign head coach Andy Reid to a four-year deal just to see the look on their fucking fans’ faces.", "toxicity": 0.687436} {"filename": "0499760-5ad20fa360c9c40666beb954488e12f6.txt", "combined_text": "I seem to be known as a (sometimes) funny and (occasionally) insightful joker but for the most part an ass but I need to express something more serious ~ something closer to my practice.", "toxicity": 0.52272606} {"filename": "0117298-f22ce6c740531eff262798a1fea30eaf.txt", "combined_text": "They played rapper YG’s song “Fuck Donald Trump” on repeat and students sang along with the protest anthem.", "toxicity": 0.5885171} {"filename": "0375324-3412f4a3a1667fb89e753aa4d7963e5c.txt", "combined_text": "\"We're the biggest bunch of bastards when we lose ... if we lose.\"", "toxicity": 0.6827122} {"filename": "0636290-d12de97557653bbf967780f3fc924a97.txt", "combined_text": "The American Basketball Association was a bastard idea, a product of a failed attempt to get a football franchise in the fledgling -- and soon to be incorporated -- American Football League.", "toxicity": 0.49139655} {"filename": "0594195-8d3f3942ef7f9f87f4218add3dd1cf71.txt", "combined_text": "He must have thought that all those peasants were complete losers!", "toxicity": 0.5559701} {"filename": "0088489-8184db8cc5db7572ae14fb1566065078.txt", "combined_text": "She jerked up and look around, then smiled with half-lidded eyes when she saw Dev.", "toxicity": 0.3281604} {"filename": "0117175-c3949d6cc8f57a12b29c76f905658e00.txt", "combined_text": "“I don’t really like that kind of traditional gun store experience where you go in, you’ve got Islamaphobic shit, really, really right wing stuff.", "toxicity": 0.6744087} {"filename": "0090968-362f776e3c22fcefd1bc20ffbc0ea526.txt", "combined_text": "I got a handful of texts (how”€™d they get my number?), dozens of Tweets, hundreds of comments, and thousands of Facebook links telling me I”€™m “€œignorant”€ and “€œuseless”€ and should get my ass kicked.", "toxicity": 0.72028047} {"filename": "0330605-0d82e03a5ab79d2957567efb22b8123d.txt", "combined_text": "* Name your kids Willo​w,​ Trig and Track​,​ you’​re a maver​ick.", "toxicity": 0.4269174} {"filename": "0885011-e075f773cc36fbcbf3f9eb61dbd83cd8.txt", "combined_text": "But little do you know they’re actually telling themselves over and over to suck it up.", "toxicity": 0.6027529} {"filename": "0437500-c6f0fa560e5beb442b02b964d337484d.txt", "combined_text": "The subtitles for this movie try, variously, \"fool\", \"idiot\" and \"asshole\" - not entirely evasions these, by any means, but neither do they come to the point.", "toxicity": 0.60152835} {"filename": "0430816-5eec804a4dc73ab68bb003181919dad1.txt", "combined_text": "They’re just some anonymous moron drifting in and out of traffic as they please.", "toxicity": 0.7105462} {"filename": "0359197-425b318a65662bd70d992f36563f2fd3.txt", "combined_text": "Writer: Alysse Dalessandro | “People who take selfies all the time are self-centered, narcissistic assholes,” my good friend to said to me over a plate of cheese fries.", "toxicity": 0.6426206} {"filename": "0748910-5474383e00a53d3f9b1dbcf20646168a.txt", "combined_text": "God: Indians will rape, Indians will kill in the name of religion, and India will put homosexuals in jail.", "toxicity": 0.7998551} {"filename": "0144708-5a2613b37305099bcbe18ba231bca839.txt", "combined_text": "Also gone from parade entries this year will be women with bare breasts and only \"pasties\" or tape covering their nipples, according to Jeremy Liebbe, co-commander of security for the event.", "toxicity": 0.54325575} {"filename": "0473163-8d30a3e2a32bdbabb32ed716642f64d1.txt", "combined_text": "The French government is dumber than a squirrel with broccoli in its socks when it comes to “anti-terror laws”.", "toxicity": 0.6491204} {"filename": "0572395-2d2928f03c27135594dbbff81dfc2be4.txt", "combined_text": "A vaginal septum is a vaginal anomaly that is partition within the vagina; such a septum could be either longitudinal or transverse.", "toxicity": 0.32236105} {"filename": "0773558-110b8990f7e3e68dce0ee89d96028c3e.txt", "combined_text": "Texts like \"Indian ppl are disgusting\" and \"Burn down walgreens and kill the bums.\"", "toxicity": 0.76197964} {"filename": "0289865-7ec5298a5d2904bc66e91b0645cd2218.txt", "combined_text": "It’s “a Pandora’s box of visuals,” as singer John Mayer enthused in an interview with Playboy, admitting “there have probably been days when I saw 300 vaginas before I got out of bed.”", "toxicity": 0.5532103} {"filename": "0340175-febe175e9d8f835c60c80430033c2483.txt", "combined_text": "This is why I never attempt to hook my friends up with each other, because they're never grateful and if shit goes bad…", "toxicity": 0.6989911} {"filename": "0830745-1e733076a4f34d765d76d84122aeab75.txt", "combined_text": "-Leftist whores burn already, you should all be shot in the head. -You should all be cut up into pieces immediately!!!", "toxicity": 0.911035} {"filename": "0157286-ac964f74a54fb133f26831db99c346c3.txt", "combined_text": "Today, the easy winner in my informal “Worst Thing I Saw On The Internet” contest is a horrendous little hangout for dudes with a very particular sexual fetish: they like to fantasize about raping and sexually humiliating feminists.", "toxicity": 0.63782936} {"filename": "0829870-c3f90017e5c28df0a6ab20bd236ee175.txt", "combined_text": "We can also expect racist police who already kill Black people with impunity to regard Trump's victory as a green light for more of the same.", "toxicity": 0.51980776} {"filename": "0600768-1bbd1360e6883497f5f5470c94946911.txt", "combined_text": "The publisher wouldn’t let us call it the Goddamn particle, though that might be a more appropriate title, given its villainous nature and the expense it is causing.”", "toxicity": 0.50503236} {"filename": "0198398-a4524d0ae809a0c244d466869ac84795.txt", "combined_text": "The whole time I'm wondering how much trouble I could get into if I told that person to \"stop texting before I shove that phone up their ass\" then proceed to slam their head into the seat in front of them.", "toxicity": 0.6827122} {"filename": "0790189-9407079a0e83bbcbea90c0af769cac16.txt", "combined_text": "Fox News man is 'idiot' for Birmingham Muslim comments – David Cameron Read more", "toxicity": 0.6491204} {"filename": "0658584-09aec66bbdc00094c88e4a185f2b77cc.txt", "combined_text": "“I will be executed or tortured to death.” said Kamran Mirzaian.", "toxicity": 0.54823303} {"filename": "0238085-3b3f8b4ea42e84e8f04d45341908ef55.txt", "combined_text": "\"We kill him,\" she says, \"kill him, kill, kill…You have to kill him, you understand?\"", "toxicity": 0.743089} {"filename": "0956059-95c36b23181671d19ecee44ebb5f9736.txt", "combined_text": "That blockchain bastard repeatedly blew my mind – sometimes several times a week as it implemented feature upon feature at such a frantic pace.", "toxicity": 0.62702215} {"filename": "0199284-5e1e4e6ffade5122518866b40b598211.txt", "combined_text": "He's an aspie faggot who hates women because they found his body odor and looks disgusting.", "toxicity": 0.91625386} {"filename": "0456220-dead0963eb044fd973e403195aa58884.txt", "combined_text": "straight boys are weak and pathetic, queer girls walk into the ladies changing room and see ten women naked, do they stare?", "toxicity": 0.7701451} {"filename": "0857236-ca91cb561932a20eadf7cc67bb6cd963.txt", "combined_text": "I wouldn’t be able to bear it — the two of them together being perfect while my life sucks!", "toxicity": 0.5532103} {"filename": "0612211-8246c52561a82a781a7106c083e270a2.txt", "combined_text": "Salvadorans and Guatemalans resent having to pretend they're Mexican—much less Mexican illegal immigrant rapists.", "toxicity": 0.65996873} {"filename": "0712983-4c4bbc57f6aba90a161f05506a6dab09.txt", "combined_text": "Thankfully, Jedi Master Mark Hamill has returned to restore a spark of hope to the fight, mostly by going after Pai’s smug bullshit on Twitter and then taking the attack to noted asshole Ted Cruz when he tried to come to Pai’s defense.", "toxicity": 0.6308517} {"filename": "0373376-b5e831919bb40fb7fa7d9a129745a6e1.txt", "combined_text": "You can put in earplugs, but honestly, they don't do shit—your head is still going to be buzzing by the end of a weekend at an F1 race.", "toxicity": 0.54325575} {"filename": "0866498-d8b8113ef3c96ea6b499caec08aa94aa.txt", "combined_text": "Flooding ALL & ONLY White countries with the third world overflow IS White Genocide.", "toxicity": 0.509388} {"filename": "0043634-94d60b03a32a47a325ba7968d9548aef.txt", "combined_text": "They would burn this whole medium to the fucking ground before letting something like that go unchallenged.", "toxicity": 0.75208336} {"filename": "0057256-45cc426afb31c94e6bc9e208eaf5f1a0.txt", "combined_text": "At the end, though, as Minhaj concluded with a gleeful, “Once you go brown, you gotta lock that shit down!”", "toxicity": 0.61223894} {"filename": "0926380-1187181ec735a5ed0130b5dd7ebd4f1f.txt", "combined_text": "The most well-known example of that is the slut double standard for women (casual sex is seen as degrading and disgraceful for them to an extent that it isn’t for men), but we also have some important sexual double standards for men.", "toxicity": 0.5140397} {"filename": "0855777-576ae50b5b2c00754b87d9cb2991db22.txt", "combined_text": "But unlike “asshole” in English, the word is never used to refer to a person that is behaving like a jerk.", "toxicity": 0.60311776} {"filename": "0486970-633781756373f39801a2c1ebdf2a1c81.txt", "combined_text": "“The whole neighborhood was basically being torn down; they were building these shit boxes, so that was in my face every day and I was getting tired of it,” he says.", "toxicity": 0.568186} {"filename": "0746328-32591dced2dfea7361f0ccc41987e3ba.txt", "combined_text": "Or not, as in the case of SKY Sports, that dispensed with all subtleness and simply offered us a great big steaming pile of bullshit:", "toxicity": 0.7252971} {"filename": "0584651-54a6e727d552cb9265317d2622ed632b.txt", "combined_text": "You bastards are the ones who begged and demanded me to run this.", "toxicity": 0.8299589} {"filename": "0383312-8c2a0905731e8fa026a2168c2cbd43c2.txt", "combined_text": "When asked if he had spray painted \"Trump Rules\" and \"Black Bitch\" on the SUV, the woman said she has a \"counselor\" who advised her not to say anything.\n\nAsked which lawyer is representing Tucker, the woman then hung up the phone.", "toxicity": 0.51869136} {"filename": "0912747-c3e104596f70a8dcd816bbc1a593f148.txt", "combined_text": "In his now-famous SXSW 2016 keynote speech, Duplass suggested that new directors \"keep making shitty shorts until one doesn't suck.\"", "toxicity": 0.681338} {"filename": "0229651-05a4ab6a1f1e7acee91aaa860dcd78bb.txt", "combined_text": "“They are the most moronic, dysfunctional, introspective bunch of MSPs I’ve ever seen.", "toxicity": 0.65996873} {"filename": "0518165-55cb1aede14e72b163b0d2af47764aaa.txt", "combined_text": "\"I am keeping the shit to shoe level,\" he said, \"you should be thanking me.\"", "toxicity": 0.6989911} {"filename": "0828297-3e8c2dff218036d8869a277c0e2ca87d.txt", "combined_text": "“F**k you, f**k all you c**ksuckers, you wont change anything,” read a comment that has now been deleted from the WeWontFly blog.", "toxicity": 0.93383175} {"filename": "0275763-89af013bcae09d1a2d09122f5ece4370.txt", "combined_text": "The husband was allegedly up for the task until he noticed an unusual scent emanating from his partner’s vagina.", "toxicity": 0.6308517} {"filename": "0058065-bc6e742c47821506bb8d4794a8bee60f.txt", "combined_text": "Marchers chanted in support of Imam Hussein, Hezbollah, and its Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah, while yelling \"Death to Israel,\" and \"America is the Great Satan.\"", "toxicity": 0.44393396} {"filename": "0083437-335eb22fdfd71c03a903594cd4a74d79.txt", "combined_text": "Note: As of 2015, consider the Bastards Book to be in maintenance mode.", "toxicity": 0.4269174} {"filename": "0688977-8a2edb657e66b954428adab67524da8e.txt", "combined_text": "And for a city of 2,791,140, we're not doing very well failing hard seriously shitting the bed.", "toxicity": 0.45757914} {"filename": "0603287-6e70f09a87c85067a0b82d0f9b2f4987.txt", "combined_text": "Keary for wasting the taxpayer's money and giving me a ticket for warming up my car in my own damn driveway,\" wrote Taylor.", "toxicity": 0.50789946} {"filename": "0488613-ed549cffd7651e8e4ec0636a5da701f6.txt", "combined_text": "He kept saying, “You know my new president says we can kill all you faggots now.”‘", "toxicity": 0.8460273} {"filename": "0434647-4695d6ef9249b3838356fb90640fdc58.txt", "combined_text": "So my first thought when ‘Check’-fil-A came to me was, “Fuck no!”", "toxicity": 0.6544696} {"filename": "0908356-8940c7ef62a53ff27eed5c84eada4946.txt", "combined_text": "@ShamrockKen you better start selling some of those McShamrock shake shit or whatever the get rich quick thing u r workin on is. — Dana White (@danawhite) September 28, 2013", "toxicity": 0.509388} {"filename": "0717162-ee149d9d0f11f3a2659ce4571f6021ce.txt", "combined_text": "Bouye kicked ass, while Lamar Miller and Nick Novak were competent).", "toxicity": 0.6667219} {"filename": "0554335-bcb1b428647c2bb2a9778de2cb5cc6ca.txt", "combined_text": "friendly reminder that while you can now gay marry in any state, you can also still get fucking fired in most of these states for getting married the day after the ceremony, lmao.", "toxicity": 0.7510937} {"filename": "0762989-2b249e25de170686ad3cfe8aff9c81bd.txt", "combined_text": "As An old officer I used to smack some dumb @@@ kid for pointing a bb gun at someone, BUT I/we can't do that anymore.", "toxicity": 0.6289369} {"filename": "0530870-9b7a38dab1096f9c086b95198903dddf.txt", "combined_text": "The patron then takes their money and lobs it in the general direction of the stripper's genitals.", "toxicity": 0.55739564} {"filename": "0187280-9d619affe667d2be86b3f2405053ed82.txt", "combined_text": "“I would like to think that these guys could pay with their lives, hanging from a noose in front of the U.S.", "toxicity": 0.5140397} {"filename": "0639701-5193cf988f7285c2716b0f0988944a6c.txt", "combined_text": "“After a careful analysis of our records, we have determined that there is some miserable sonofabitch out there whose given name is Kip—just Kip,” said the bureau’s director, John H.", "toxicity": 0.52007306} {"filename": "0556155-4a38a8a1c0cb180b970239b237b32baf.txt", "combined_text": "The students themselves are morally repugnant, but it is unsurprising that sometimes people say and do stupid things.", "toxicity": 0.7252971} {"filename": "0817450-0122945b9f958ec3fb245a5e9abd1d28.txt", "combined_text": "ET) follows on the fuck-me heels of A Shot at Love With Tila Tequila, a single-elimination tournament wherein skanks of both sexes vied for the heart of a moderately greasy bikini model.", "toxicity": 0.6667219} {"filename": "0406825-897bf2985dee8a7a1fa9647f455aa5c0.txt", "combined_text": "Twitter user @onz9 wrote: “Saying AKB needs to take these kind of courses is calling them stupid.", "toxicity": 0.5559701} {"filename": "0067607-c8710c33b9a4fae504916a64cfa64ee9.txt", "combined_text": "Two of them amount to “don’t be stupid and shut down the government.”", "toxicity": 0.687436} {"filename": "0856155-3add4d250d4ee60fd7c975297464f75c.txt", "combined_text": "Need to stop this nasty/racist #whitegirl I dated who sent a bomb threat in my name & wants me to be raped in jail. pic.twitter.com/B1IU0RkNCZ — Juan M.", "toxicity": 0.62136006} {"filename": "0071885-7e352bb621d5bfd2b6d8dd3754f2e5ed.txt", "combined_text": "He's an awful person - a bully, a pampered moron lacking any empathy or compassion for anyone he doesn't know personally.", "toxicity": 0.78855824} {"filename": "0179415-af961e64663917d10670cf5979269938.txt", "combined_text": "DOHA, Qatar – Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte praised US President Donald Trump as a \"realist\" deep thinker, saying Trump couldn't have been a billionaire if he were stupid.", "toxicity": 0.5885171} {"filename": "0354809-91ac294f3249c84420b257093240ca5b.txt", "combined_text": "Fuck Videogames by Darius Kazemi (Use left/right arrow keys or touch to go forward/back.", "toxicity": 0.72028047} {"filename": "0727309-5462ffa94c06a04c174af851c446eacf.txt", "combined_text": "One common belief holds that loose, slippery vaginas are evidence of infidelity.", "toxicity": 0.65996873} {"filename": "0277497-e42126c670f44ea2265b5d7ba3fb0aa4.txt", "combined_text": "If you're working for wages, brothers and sisters, he couldn't give Shit One about you. — Stephen King (@StephenKing) September 28, 2017", "toxicity": 0.45703048} {"filename": "0376658-280690615798724eef47a4c33e004da3.txt", "combined_text": "Look out Democrats, some of these stupid, illegal programs Obama did will just get wiped away like this one was today, and some of them will get people put in jail.", "toxicity": 0.6588125} {"filename": "0369436-0c8b83cde6010122ccadff749b835398.txt", "combined_text": "Tracy Kiss, a British Blogger said that she had painful excess vaginal flesh that was causing her great suffering.", "toxicity": 0.30502358} {"filename": "0689906-a53981e86d40530d63cc3b26c882d42a.txt", "combined_text": "3. Garlic inserted on your vagina like a tampon will easily help with deodorising and killing off any undesirable micro organism. do no longer forget approximately to get rid of it although!", "toxicity": 0.681338} {"filename": "0715323-ec13eee2507a53419473aa76b09dae15.txt", "combined_text": "…On the night of the election, a student in the Pause threatened to beat up [College Republicans President Emily] Schaller, calling her a ‘f***ing moron.'”", "toxicity": 0.6989911} {"filename": "0397947-915c48bc07af42f1c82edc1a9253d80b.txt", "combined_text": "Innocence of Muslims is a crude and trashy video that portrays the Prophet Mohammad as a hate-mongering bum who approves of violence and sexual child abuse.", "toxicity": 0.7510937} {"filename": "0454406-88438bae172ff798039ed38c6985409c.txt", "combined_text": "In Iran, homosexuality is a crime, punishable with death for men and lashings for women.", "toxicity": 0.54823303} {"filename": "0157175-531d569ee18ec3f72a60596ac54a9b4d.txt", "combined_text": "I HATE you,” adding, “I will try to figure a way out to fuck these fuckers.", "toxicity": 0.96069145} {"filename": "0725518-7200dd34c894f80dc90e47078ca13cf0.txt", "combined_text": "Fraser said in Friday's sentencing that Boria's flight was \"dumb and dangerous\" as well as \"unconscionably stupid.\"", "toxicity": 0.6611249} {"filename": "0810347-1c054a3124f511f29129b0f6e9e23c9f.txt", "combined_text": "At least once a day I’ll have the image come up in my mind’s eye of male genitals being cut or mutilated in some way.", "toxicity": 0.61223894} {"filename": "0797417-89903c272e5fc9acd3bd6351bafc38b1.txt", "combined_text": "A subgroup of men with an avoidant style suffer from a condition known as the Madonna-whore complex.", "toxicity": 0.60254884} {"filename": "0176268-10418ea02724d4b877b8da62cc238267.txt", "combined_text": "Nor in the Enda Kenny sense - where you defer to EU leaders, giggling and twitching for their amusement, and then rush home and tell everyone how you kicked ass.", "toxicity": 0.63782936} {"filename": "0229226-69de6889351c99a18bd1df68684ef880.txt", "combined_text": "The family that calls each other pussies together stays together, apparently. Here’s the full clip as it appeared on the show.\n\n[via UpRoxx]", "toxicity": 0.61223894} {"filename": "0707866-edd3835d958f27bf1b1ac8b58e8e33a7.txt", "combined_text": "Kimmel said the FOX host \"kisses my ass like a little boy meeting Batman\" whenever the two cross paths and claimed he is \"dying\" to be a member of the \"Hollywood elite.\"", "toxicity": 0.73663366} {"filename": "0433058-472673820f0ae9a1bec99cc1e52a8749.txt", "combined_text": "“Stupid Pharisees,” we thought, “wouldn’t even recognize the Messiah if he rubbed mud in their eyes!”", "toxicity": 0.7308154} {"filename": "0342090-12bf61203a1186dcd40cccfd9032fafd.txt", "combined_text": "\"It's up to every single one of us, and see how much we want to f***ing stay here.", "toxicity": 0.50789946} {"filename": "0636353-7eb173609f96bf0fd72b0565d60460c8.txt", "combined_text": "And whenever you got a lot of pretty girls in one spot, it attracts every fucking idiot from all four corners of the world.", "toxicity": 0.8696708} {"filename": "0063211-8e4e9f332b720c10e1a394897000df6d.txt", "combined_text": "You search those reviews for ya favorite albums n whatever whatever…but only the most prominent shit… n you gon see my name up there amongst the Rolling Stones n Time Magazines, b.", "toxicity": 0.57271194} {"filename": "0113321-0b7f9393c8cb7eb2ca4b6261cecc6fdf.txt", "combined_text": "\"If my family comes they will kill me, if I go back to Saudi Arabia I will be dead,\" she said.", "toxicity": 0.47119883} {"filename": "0497481-fc4d5a088826fb4b449261ca9132678d.txt", "combined_text": "Getting sucked into a negotiation over raising the debt ceiling back in 2011 is one of the biggest mistakes the Obama administration ever made.", "toxicity": 0.37694603} {"filename": "0515594-1677d09428305df9b358c7b87a704d28.txt", "combined_text": "James is the author of the new book No More Work: Why Full Employment Is a Bad Idea from UNC Press and the Aeon essay Fuck Work.", "toxicity": 0.4574824} {"filename": "0526837-80f435250ae05ab9e0cfb8dacf3fee04.txt", "combined_text": "A student teacher has spoken about how she got a vibrator stuck up her backside during sex.", "toxicity": 0.6426206} {"filename": "0419403-6225546ea797eff5338672c09d5ac399.txt", "combined_text": "“They brought a clamp and it has a handle that he’d put around the penis,” Alhummada says.", "toxicity": 0.6989911} {"filename": "0725226-0c1a8c5527ec801f7e5a2423485fdb29.txt", "combined_text": "\"I repeat it, 'F**k you!',\" Duterte said as he raised his right hand and gave a middle finger to applause from the audience.", "toxicity": 0.68408644} {"filename": "0953115-298a9e31b84af94da2e2644efd3c74a4.txt", "combined_text": "Just to see who has the worst fuel efficiency, who can dump the most carbon emissions into the atmosphere, and be the most obnoxious jerk.", "toxicity": 0.6491204} {"filename": "0270004-674c26c6c0978649b0a8ca2f94633883.txt", "combined_text": "Australia Day is 'dickhead day': year-long visceral backlash over chalkboard message Read more", "toxicity": 0.50759226} {"filename": "0324698-d6cb0d3931267f27eee527af9da72d2c.txt", "combined_text": "The enjoyment of boobs and beer isn't limited to stunted man-children in Budweiser commercials.", "toxicity": 0.4977744} {"filename": "0121859-a61bb981f3ccea45d418dcd59e93c907.txt", "combined_text": "Harland Dorrinson, an idiot from Hollywood, Florida, was also unmoved by the message of Sunday’s march.", "toxicity": 0.6827122} {"filename": "0998580-cfa09423d357c0316821bcbedf1587fc.txt", "combined_text": "One of these was the Dirty Little Freak from Duclaw Brewing Company.", "toxicity": 0.41690505} {"filename": "0017729-98b0013547a2eec612e16437358ad4cc.txt", "combined_text": "In the Philippines, President Rodrigo Duterte “would be happy to slaughter” drug addicts.", "toxicity": 0.45761138} {"filename": "0698871-8cb04596e99c8bda848e2f587695b051.txt", "combined_text": "Helpless, ridiculous, confined, bobbing like a toy mandarin, you sit like a rat in a trap--you, before whom butlers cringe on solid land--and must squeak upward through a slit in your peripatetic sarcophagus to make your feeble wishes known.", "toxicity": 0.6863638} {"filename": "0989709-899a6a241f412ac3a5d74424d2b011c2.txt", "combined_text": "Every time you’ve had sex you’ve either been raped, or you’re a rapist.", "toxicity": 0.63782936} {"filename": "0366067-f537685245ba0f6663d961ea078658ed.txt", "combined_text": "Cenk Uygur, with \"TYT,\" has described President Donald Trump as a \"full-blown idiot\" for listening to the rhetoric broadcast by Alex Jones, and InfoWars.", "toxicity": 0.6426206} {"filename": "0540286-af7adf03b527d88757c6479d95e2eddf.txt", "combined_text": "I've tried every damn video headset on the market—and I'm sure a few that never made it to market—and quite frankly, I thought they all sucked.", "toxicity": 0.75208336} {"filename": "0333922-c72b617bd3ad9846fe15e9541579cbfe.txt", "combined_text": "If you set out to do something, but fail to do so — own up to your shit.", "toxicity": 0.76523775} {"filename": "0446732-8294d51b14d09426244687f10c0a526c.txt", "combined_text": "Baio claims that Mack “repeatedly screamed ‘Grab ’em by the pussy'”, a phrase uttered by Trump in an unearthed recording in which he appears to boast about assaulting women.", "toxicity": 0.68408644} {"filename": "0604809-fa227d1feee680e18ad5033137679dd1.txt", "combined_text": "Whenever someone of color, especially Black people talk about mental illness, especially depression and suicide, the first thing they say is, “That’s White peoples s#%t.”", "toxicity": 0.6544696} {"filename": "0807716-a3ea0ee3057ad7d4afb53945b59bc226.txt", "combined_text": "If you found your dog pissing on a rug and then your child urinating on the dog, you would think, ‘Yeah, I’m annoyed, but they’re idiots who don’t know what they’re doing so they get to walk away from this one.’", "toxicity": 0.6020386} {"filename": "0109980-6cb629209bc0042c582ac1fa17889afd.txt", "combined_text": "According to Heems, it's stuff that he's done himself, from spitting, shitting, and cumming(!!)", "toxicity": 0.76197964} {"filename": "0493811-2782ce3da3219b26446010fed684da5f.txt", "combined_text": "Your shallow, idiotic effort to profit by making a big deal out of \"Merry Christmas\" versus \"Happy Holidays\" is nothing more than a hollow attempt to deflect attention from your own war.", "toxicity": 0.6744087} {"filename": "0781844-9b9eac98912a97b7d48678e7d2281ba3.txt", "combined_text": "Now you God damned old Abolition son of a bitch God damn you I want you to send me God damn you about one dozen good offices Good God Almighty God damn your God damned soul and three or four pretty Gals God damn you.", "toxicity": 0.95048624} {"filename": "0557657-1aa35efb4ab2c1f1b01f65cec27eaaf2.txt", "combined_text": "I was at Daryl Surat’s Panel of Doom and he was showing clips from the cooking episode of Kamen Rider Kabuto amidst a whole whack of other incredibly stupid clips.", "toxicity": 0.52007306} {"filename": "0959630-7c8e707ba95af4926f868642be2f441a.txt", "combined_text": "“And to our detractors, that insist that this march will never add up to anything: F*ck you,” she yelled as protesters screamed and applauded.", "toxicity": 0.743089} {"filename": "0277400-62569c39f89cdb2869aeafd75e91ab3c.txt", "combined_text": "Crying babies, kids kicking seat, your fellow passenger keeps drooling on your shoulder.", "toxicity": 0.25462922} {"filename": "0393658-3932013477501df4512ba5d90df4140b.txt", "combined_text": "Self-described as \"Better than a cold shower-and a lot funnier,\" Graham Johnson and Rob Hibbert's Images You Should Not Masturbate To supplies an ideal source of erection control when one is in an environment that does not lend itself well to a sudden erection.", "toxicity": 0.4574824} {"filename": "0093717-1a1877972c3a6be3cadc114c97dc4f03.txt", "combined_text": "Last night, she tried to display her vagina again to throw us off the scent.", "toxicity": 0.8364697} {"filename": "0526809-d851dd9fdcb06c29384645463f5e280c.txt", "combined_text": "If P.T. was any indication, we’d be talking about a psychological piece in the horror furnace of that damned place, executed by two unconventional, unquenchable, functionally speaking invulnerable fucking weirdos.", "toxicity": 0.78855824} {"filename": "0689200-77ba2a435c0cc37a4a4431ef19c10b73.txt", "combined_text": "\"She thus laid bare her despicable true colors as a wicked sycophant and traitor, a dirty comfort woman for the US and despicable prostitute selling off the nation.", "toxicity": 0.6020386} {"filename": "0065950-d9403423221289c0058beec0a886f0f1.txt", "combined_text": "Brooks Patterson said Thursday that Detroit needs an emergency financial manager to start \"kicking ass and taking names.\"", "toxicity": 0.5885171} {"filename": "0858356-dd1f05e03805e9a3343dc6b1f0196581.txt", "combined_text": "He was employed illegally by a Greek and living and working in a hotel, and decided to grab Myrto, bash her head into the rocks until she was almost dead, and then rape her while unconscious.", "toxicity": 0.5721988} {"filename": "0362775-ea858ddce6441dcb524a9683b7605040.txt", "combined_text": "This lead to Jones blocking MILO and subsequently calling one of his followers a “racist b*tch.”", "toxicity": 0.71760553} {"filename": "0765330-d58b4b5993cc94f3f4dec4295051cc6e.txt", "combined_text": "gay lol14. love mugi15. do not talk about mugi movement16. do NOT talk about mugi movement17. mugiGOLDEN RULE:", "toxicity": 0.62136006} {"filename": "0094805-794fd8e8168f0d5b4cda9fc2151330db.txt", "combined_text": "Prosecutors want to photograph erect penis of teen accused of sexting girlfriend", "toxicity": 0.71760553} {"filename": "0322373-b6af79d46f8e1340552a00e1da96f8e7.txt", "combined_text": "If one just reads the braggarts fluff on his LinkedIn page after a couple of sentences you see a typical conman’s smoke screen of self gratifying back slapping with nothing but bullshit on his ‘resume’ if you are a real tech player.", "toxicity": 0.5721988} {"filename": "0592228-1cb3655c8774f6292428991523580961.txt", "combined_text": "At 44 percent, it is the exact same number who have at least once endured the gruesome experience of getting their penis caught in their zipper.", "toxicity": 0.74954444} {"filename": "0034406-e024c099c661aaae5239f74adf33f11b.txt", "combined_text": "2] She has more piercings in her genitalia than in any other part of the body - 500 in all, externally and internally.[", "toxicity": 0.42568782} {"filename": "0714813-1bc17c501aad2b8729ef1d4a685442b2.txt", "combined_text": "Yes, that appears to be a black man looking for a Republican partner to roleplay an erotic slave/master relationship.", "toxicity": 0.5885171} {"filename": "0615194-7f60122c7339188adf384b6e01b14e51.txt", "combined_text": "Yeah, I know some people say guns are stupid instruments for stupid people.", "toxicity": 0.73663366} {"filename": "0331492-b89fe248bc69c44a8bb8ab80a822abfa.txt", "combined_text": "\"Enough with hearing you bitch behind my back, I'm going to bitch right in front of your face,\" he said of Trump's actions.", "toxicity": 0.8696708} {"filename": "0321246-2f55dac58da8f97b58af2d0ac2973a57.txt", "combined_text": "SILVER SPRING, MD—Following months of research into the psychedelic compound’s effects, the Food and Drug Administration confirmed Thursday that psilocybin could significantly reduce the risk of mindlessly following society’s rules like a fucking lemming.", "toxicity": 0.50759226} {"filename": "0109694-20f7087f874c0432398f34236ee5168f.txt", "combined_text": "Having recently moved into a new apartment, I have been presented with one of the great toils, but also great joys, of relocation: moving all my goddamn books.", "toxicity": 0.52272606} {"filename": "0164730-0f43026522513c89ebfc575b49672eab.txt", "combined_text": "What the ballot paper penis may have looked like (Picture: Metro)", "toxicity": 0.687436} {"filename": "0419472-17082348c7b254af6efd5cb09ae19fe4.txt", "combined_text": "Here’s an example of the bullshit that Kevin Sutherland was spouting on his Facebook page on June 18 about Dylann Roof’s shooting spree in Charleston:", "toxicity": 0.60254884} {"filename": "0394669-417cf04739c70f3031eb851fb39dfd1a.txt", "combined_text": "And sperm, if deposited in her vagina, are less likely to be able to fertilize.", "toxicity": 0.6544696} {"filename": "0131139-9c0b61c2abdd5872b068e12b7cbb15a8.txt", "combined_text": "The polls aren’t in his favor, you can send him a dick lollipop for $10, and people are making fun of his tiny hands.", "toxicity": 0.54823303} {"filename": "0560805-6477676406c047821df698aacd8fd507.txt", "combined_text": "Insulted Southerners showed big jumps in both cortisol and testosterone compared to uninsulted Southerners and insulted Northerners.", "toxicity": 0.25462922} {"filename": "0342876-e53ad4b46437035fe3909dabedf58b84.txt", "combined_text": "You get the picture: ugly, sudden death, the very life snuffed out of him by things he could not control.", "toxicity": 0.3389984} {"filename": "0585185-d5368592afe71e7df786a3006f3a7cc6.txt", "combined_text": "He slaps him across the face and , 'Don't you ever f**king do that'", "toxicity": 0.65996873} {"filename": "0146442-b0c00d1876edef1a023966085cad8dc1.txt", "combined_text": "Because America is fucking with us all — Baratunde (@baratunde) December 4, 2014", "toxicity": 0.52007306} {"filename": "0785737-b6204127174cb487f028f419c6b70a50.txt", "combined_text": "Sites such as SketBoy.com and SneakerSex.net feature guys who look like your local skunk dealer, fucking and jizzing in each other’s sneakers.", "toxicity": 0.68408644} {"filename": "0987754-355700f4d61eb600bb8b081e99e28e71.txt", "combined_text": "Not only did I need a pick-me-up, but my santa COMPLETELY FUCKING ROCKS.", "toxicity": 0.7105462} {"filename": "0964037-d0c6432bc67bf069b0a7f27a18676000.txt", "combined_text": "People at shows come up and they say, ‘Your music saved my fucking life,’ over and over, and I’m like, ‘Wait, that’s my line.", "toxicity": 0.6308517} {"filename": "0055307-1724d0337a9ba6c46316d677ea9e549c.txt", "combined_text": "You can read his webcomic, BIG DUMB FIGHTING IDIOTS, every week at subhumanzoids. Follow him on Twitter @Moldilox.", "toxicity": 0.52139956} {"filename": "0301643-9de410211eeaf7f6daf2df06ef6c34da.txt", "combined_text": "But let’s say Trump suddenly does decide he’d rather spend the next month grilling steaks at Mar-a-Lago than hitting the campaign trail in rural Pennsylvania and explaining why it’s okay to say \"grab 'em by the pussy\" about women.", "toxicity": 0.681338} {"filename": "0312301-773b81a368f5b7f85bac6c94220bda99.txt", "combined_text": "Simply this: “They don’t believe that [homosexuals] should be stoned [to death].”", "toxicity": 0.38434127} {"filename": "0782989-85a67bea868cda1fac3878a2ab05eec3.txt", "combined_text": "And by the way, “what if the girls are not lying,” and “Moore is toast because the GOP has withdrawn their funding by the tens of millions,” that makes me a liberal moron.", "toxicity": 0.65996873} {"filename": "0610726-6c39d7d06148494d072d70f8e267e806.txt", "combined_text": "Editor’s note: with this first post in over a year commences our soft come back; soft just like Beau’s penis.", "toxicity": 0.73663366} {"filename": "0002502-5c349a7202afe451ab7ecad88521a075.txt", "combined_text": "Mentioning the word fuck in film causes the MPAA to leap into hysteria and smack the harsh rating onto any number of films.", "toxicity": 0.57271194} {"filename": "0214677-5a3ba28c1f9971dcff080c46df65a7be.txt", "combined_text": "Norwegians consume the most cognac in the world – per person, in relation to the population.", "toxicity": 0.059727192} {"filename": "0716438-59507eb2a47974b4663efc3707009628.txt", "combined_text": "A couple of years ago it looked like Yuck were shit out of luck.", "toxicity": 0.681338} {"filename": "0091042-d784463fdaee6ae4c4f8028cea515405.txt", "combined_text": "Republicans are hypocrites about sex, it is sometimes said, and Democrats are hypocrites about money.", "toxicity": 0.7105462} {"filename": "0809753-7c42cdab7a40ef9c415eedd9a189846e.txt", "combined_text": "Playing off Trump's remarks about 'grabbing women by the p****', she clipped of a clump of her own pubic hair and taped it to a note.", "toxicity": 0.57271194} {"filename": "0372471-2ab21ebad5ff71738b83ff9bf5dbf7da.txt", "combined_text": "That's right: we learned all about Kangaroo vaginas, Koala penii, and the 4-headed Echidna penis.", "toxicity": 0.82048255} {"filename": "0362493-49ad5ae4eb9271c2d3e830e561fc4f88.txt", "combined_text": "So last month we broke the story about how one lonely, Viagra induced, Hong Kong resident almost lost his penis trying to make love to a metal bench.", "toxicity": 0.718943} {"filename": "0133811-fe661696e53e4002132b334814701cae.txt", "combined_text": "You can fuck her tits too although they are just a bit too firm to make for a really good titty fuck.", "toxicity": 0.78855824} {"filename": "0858328-7777ddd7ff15c5e7262da8cb3f7fa97f.txt", "combined_text": "So these morons are demanding an increase in minimum wage yet don’t want the university (SUBSIDIZED BY TAXPAYERS) to increase tuition…", "toxicity": 0.687436} {"filename": "0289428-be9f5b2beecfbc1847fd27bd0f266b04.txt", "combined_text": "Which, if you’re in law school, means you shouldn’t let any of these eight rat bastards out of your sight for even a minute.", "toxicity": 0.6426206} {"filename": "0428953-3ca5e4f76d235872d8bb098734e70b67.txt", "combined_text": "The councillor told reporters before issuing his apology that it was \"horseshit\" that Toronto's integrity commission had ordered him to publicly say sorry for threatening the 27-year-old.", "toxicity": 0.45090583} {"filename": "0100033-5c690ca8232fe63a5cc018d24cbbc03a.txt", "combined_text": "Shits going down here Stop browsing and do whatever it is you're supposed to do.", "toxicity": 0.76523775} {"filename": "0350571-dead48ea5350647d0beb555fa19833cd.txt", "combined_text": "“I’ve seen some crazy shit here,” show attendee Mike Pratt said.", "toxicity": 0.6863638} {"filename": "0836976-ee600282191299c447f97030e93bc43f.txt", "combined_text": "PRESIDENT Obama was condemned last night for not describing his Republican opponents as total dicks.", "toxicity": 0.6863638} {"filename": "0193672-e5b1a5c09f3b8f6b7164922c61818cd5.txt", "combined_text": "He also made threats about “kicking her a**” and “skinning children.”", "toxicity": 0.6426206} {"filename": "0884582-6aeea571ce04f30c13fdd717f341c22f.txt", "combined_text": "You know, just in case your neighbour’s new 918 Spyder needs an ass whooping.", "toxicity": 0.6027529} {"filename": "0486290-8377f190cf8b12e8d62129e11182d893.txt", "combined_text": "so this is Ryu Yoru witch translates into Night Dragon. something i thought appropriate. i used ezio as the base and then photoshopped the shit outa him.", "toxicity": 0.6544696} {"filename": "0282110-92b4c2d529da5f0636371beb5c8372ad.txt", "combined_text": "Somebody else impersonated the Company Secretary giving the Chairman a blowjob in the dunny.", "toxicity": 0.7308154} {"filename": "0321534-9d6946dc95318a3f70e7737878f75930.txt", "combined_text": "Asked by TMZ if he would give Trump a chance, Lopez replied, “I’ll give him a chance to suck my a—.”", "toxicity": 0.76523775} {"filename": "0295856-1fc0fab1a0c043b3d8dbfb5a7cc97dd0.txt", "combined_text": "Slut: A woman who loves sex, and will seize an opportunity to have a safe erotic encounter with someone to whom she is attracted.", "toxicity": 0.54325575} {"filename": "0097130-114470742547462e54a722e65306ef49.txt", "combined_text": "I want to argue that Blake is being an understating piece of shit here, because this show is like…well…it’s like… REALLY amazing!", "toxicity": 0.71760553} {"filename": "0130174-dec92dd3af288912998b3b262d2c6630.txt", "combined_text": "By the time you finish the record, you haven’t got a fucking clue.", "toxicity": 0.7252971} {"filename": "0534000-a0ba78e9b8d70c9cb38b26583d50e3a0.txt", "combined_text": "\"It’s not the economy,\" Krugman writes, \"it’s the policy, stupid.\"", "toxicity": 0.72028047} {"filename": "0163182-723955b473f0fa8a48a5f8711a4dcb9e.txt", "combined_text": "The figures are one gorgeous, fucking DEAD, African leopard, and the poor creature's murderers: Donald Trump moral-moron sons Donald Trump, Jr. and Eric Trump.", "toxicity": 0.83334327} {"filename": "0517261-c89f5e65d14900011fbd1b6895b0a64e.txt", "combined_text": "According to Human Rights Watch, instead of bringing Gaddafi to stand trial, the crowd that had him captured beat him, with one stabbing him in his anus with a bayonet.", "toxicity": 0.6342749} {"filename": "0310018-b9258b41877a26f730f779d355d2e6ea.txt", "combined_text": "A guy with a temper who pathologically seeks attention and feels the need to assure a TV audience that he has a big dick is not someone to trust with nuclear bombs.", "toxicity": 0.6744087} {"filename": "0767760-1ae0c5ae385d9a438fa2bae522306b0a.txt", "combined_text": "Rush warned Americans, like others, may soon be “waking up and going, ‘holy crap, we’re all Muslims.’”", "toxicity": 0.62702215} {"filename": "0497224-8ba6b8016675a79db9b7ddb47e39b66f.txt", "combined_text": "There are days when, after scanning the news, I push back from my computer and think, \"Holy shit, is this how the French Revolution kicked off?\"", "toxicity": 0.5885171} {"filename": "0512127-853deb5e1631b59ce8edd62229450b37.txt", "combined_text": "TRUE: Scaramucci understands that true inner peace comes from accepting one’s flaws and only very rarely sucking oneself off.", "toxicity": 0.37751234} {"filename": "0577941-fdc5b8f611cfcd571eb6abcc9fd59dd5.txt", "combined_text": "When you have to combine David Cameron’s face with some kind of weeping anus/animal vagina combo, you know that’s going to be an unpleasant day of googling.", "toxicity": 0.82048255} {"filename": "0156278-b18942178b67bfba3540fb0db6687758.txt", "combined_text": "Insult: Two-year-old Molly got restless when her family's food took a long time and was called a 'little f*****' on the bill at the end of the meal", "toxicity": 0.48141238} {"filename": "0161595-f9a57ac591ddd2f2fc22186e0c0bf9b9.txt", "combined_text": "She doesn’t want to kill Trump herself, she’s cowardly, she wants someone else to do it.", "toxicity": 0.6426206} {"filename": "0107518-cb27cb11de6ece6dd3f13a408fb25fe4.txt", "combined_text": "The independent research think tank Foundation For a Better Tomorrow detailed months of research that found that the 44th President masturbates at double the rate of the next high-masturbation President.", "toxicity": 0.53579444} {"filename": "0023790-602c42bb584794217340aa61c648376f.txt", "combined_text": "Ian Malcom struts up to an ungodly sum of dinosaur droppings, snaps off his sunglasses, and says to no one in particular, “That is one big pile of shit.”", "toxicity": 0.7510937} {"filename": "0991430-ec5aaa3cc78f923b892681c3215abb87.txt", "combined_text": "The Great Habbo Raid of July 12 (Fuck you, Europe), 2006 was an online version of The Million Man March to protest the racism of the Habbo mods.", "toxicity": 0.6027529} {"filename": "0041992-eb2894844934654446bcd5c75ad94a52.txt", "combined_text": "But this is about mansplaining, not Nice Guys™ who bitch about girls not liking them because they do creepy things.", "toxicity": 0.52272606} {"filename": "0581314-bb83a884c2c6ede31dddfafeab35f3e3.txt", "combined_text": "“I’d easily take a full season of this just to keep watching all these assholes crying and whining on message boards,” said Bynum, adding that every bitching sports talk radio host makes him wish he could go through surgery all over again.", "toxicity": 0.64447093} {"filename": "0736442-46d08fbd2375e3899454e9a0085e5b3c.txt", "combined_text": "\"Shut the f*ck up or go outside,\" Burton yelled into a microphone at the convention center.", "toxicity": 0.75208336} {"filename": "0872613-d7140f7860172d7952ef6e3949d51374.txt", "combined_text": "He is a real piece of shit and rapes literally everything he sees.", "toxicity": 0.8629672} {"filename": "0253545-b093f1d44f4fd001b2d324e923e68274.txt", "combined_text": "“Mrs Turner intervened in the dispute and in the heat of the moment was observed by a parent of one of the other children saying: “Go and play with your own little white friends, you’re nothing but white trash.”", "toxicity": 0.62702215} {"filename": "0106733-d29c78119b5114b1512d55e1726cc388.txt", "combined_text": "And now almost the entire female student body follows the slutty ritual every Wednesday, leaving school officials unable to come up with a way to squash it…", "toxicity": 0.46982017} {"filename": "0901399-d1389ffc47eca81ac8d503a081d4e20d.txt", "combined_text": "What they don't tell you about are some of simpler day-to-day realities, such as, \"You and your husband will fight about the most annoying crap,\" and \"You'll do more laundry than you ever thought possible.\"", "toxicity": 0.47119883} {"filename": "0982779-ae8a94296deb442b1152a8fc5f409d4f.txt", "combined_text": "I would have killed them according to the statement of Allah’s Apostle, “Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him.”’”", "toxicity": 0.718943} {"filename": "0292044-ad8bc22464ffad606a483c31894e1f50.txt", "combined_text": "It’s become clear to me that I’ve spent 16 weeks of my life anticipating the death of a “beloved” character, only to get fucked extremely hard in return.", "toxicity": 0.7308154} {"filename": "0083528-0aec10a564e80ebc514a6eafa55a798a.txt", "combined_text": "The venerable New Yorker is the latest casualty in Facebook's senseless war on boobs.", "toxicity": 0.52139956} {"filename": "0607433-5882ca3b60b349abac50521af845c22c.txt", "combined_text": "I will tear down and kill and burn anything in your life to break you.\"", "toxicity": 0.8778702} {"filename": "0521595-fee97728a077b3dfe911d6a38403a3b0.txt", "combined_text": "What do you do when a man you look up to, a man whose outspoken feminism and respect for women had enraptured an entire community of fangirls, sends you pictures of his dick?", "toxicity": 0.74954444} {"filename": "0306977-53695df7dd3698e5956662a74914400f.txt", "combined_text": "In this one, we find our hero slumped against his car, crying like a “little bitch.”", "toxicity": 0.7701451} {"filename": "0338883-d4f86775b31e8bb8652a68b1cc875d49.txt", "combined_text": "The way trans women are treated even by our supposed “allies” is seriously messed the fuck up.", "toxicity": 0.7510937} {"filename": "0710297-7a04f00470ee33f54a105d3d05d72dc4.txt", "combined_text": "A couple of days ago I leaked a bunch of shit from #Modtalk under my policy of \"fuck with me and I post stuff\".", "toxicity": 0.85850734} {"filename": "0856597-b63e25d1c034deb385a9d1fb05cae264.txt", "combined_text": "Macgillivray, who everyone simply calls \"Amac\" (pronounced \"eh-mack\") after his Twitter handle, \"doesn’t give a shit\" when the government comes knocking with demands and intimidation.", "toxicity": 0.48021027} {"filename": "0016412-0da8fcfd61f2ad4730194b8e14bbcdf0.txt", "combined_text": "Also, fuck you for not coming to my rescue with something to help me clean up the massacre.", "toxicity": 0.9248995} {"filename": "0720399-740d70cdd7b66f10fdaadbdcb81f2ebe.txt", "combined_text": "Why should they ask me to put on a uniform and go 10,000 miles from home and drop bombs and bullets on Brown people in Vietnam while so-called Negro people in Louisville are treated like dogs and denied simple human rights?", "toxicity": 0.5532103} {"filename": "0453183-6942e52d5396887c68d1e5615b87e525.txt", "combined_text": "The graffiti included “F**k Trump,” and “PEST,” the latter is allegedly his tag signature.", "toxicity": 0.60311776} {"filename": "0328805-6d1c91ea23c74ed48799270d48478665.txt", "combined_text": "And if either of them want to know why, it’s the economy stupid!", "toxicity": 0.687436} {"filename": "0078291-0785f85d08f61e5cb64e694149e4d24b.txt", "combined_text": "I say that not because Jeremy Corbyn is a bad, stupid or incompetent man.", "toxicity": 0.5972042} {"filename": "0940957-893e55aade36e079f449099632cc0b51.txt", "combined_text": "You have heard it butchered at countless karaoke nights and, thanks to Wayne’s World, you will always bang your head like a doofus whenever the guitar solo notches up the rockin’.", "toxicity": 0.3974717} {"filename": "0651800-211b54a3f064a7086d704b7dccb798e2.txt", "combined_text": "But if there’s one thing I know about YOUNG sportswriters, it’s that they love to watch The fucking Bachelor.", "toxicity": 0.6308517} {"filename": "0849401-9a87ba60264d6937df6a7f54265fdb76.txt", "combined_text": "We actually ban criticism of her and attack those who make common sense objections to this idiotic and dangerous plan.", "toxicity": 0.65996873} {"filename": "0719627-d15d9e418c8c6636bda053f186c4d863.txt", "combined_text": "Fuck 'em, fuck 'em, fuck 'em, like OG Maco said [on 'FUCKEMX3'].", "toxicity": 0.9248995} {"filename": "0119084-601cc1006b2af59fb6a47e2b4ab4d6bb.txt", "combined_text": "But according to a recent study based on a representative sample of American adults, only 38 percent of women said they'd masturbated at all during the past year.", "toxicity": 0.3811502} {"filename": "0121778-696332f088212c48de97d740f1ab3756.txt", "combined_text": "Ladies and gentlemen, isn't that wonderful that women have two breasts, not just one?", "toxicity": 0.509388} {"filename": "0554863-d40c7eda5a7bf4b5f9f9ceae4bb43ec6.txt", "combined_text": "Based on the inept, clumsy, irresponsible failure of brain-dead, uncoordinated numbnuts, I will not be denied the pragmatic, functional utility of anything.", "toxicity": 0.52139956} {"filename": "0443244-12ba2a1da3835d838dd7acbbc3a934cd.txt", "combined_text": "First, her tone deaf, stupid, and illogical remarks: “The times when we could fully count on others are over to a certain extent.", "toxicity": 0.6863638} {"filename": "0088055-1dc2a3ab1938b456fc5a58987bbf6bac.txt", "combined_text": "They indicate that U.S. high school students are basically as dumb as a rock.", "toxicity": 0.6667219} {"filename": "0732814-b7387da124a25d248fc40f01f226bd70.txt", "combined_text": "FELLOW CARTOGRAPHERS AND ACADEMICS: STOP FUCKING EVERYTHING UP AND HOLD YOURSELF ACCOUNTABLE FOR THE POWER AND RESPONSIBILITY IN DRAWING MAPS", "toxicity": 0.82048255} {"filename": "0272269-3464ddad7e8348e8957845308230a6c9.txt", "combined_text": "Daniil Medvedev’s first-ever Wimbledon burned hot, brief, and stupid.", "toxicity": 0.6544696} {"filename": "0427947-a37d2548073629fb1633cda3ea7a6a72.txt", "combined_text": "A Phoenix dad restrains himself and the man he catches having sex with his preteen daughter.", "toxicity": 0.4014846} {"filename": "0331581-226560e4ef942aa1acb6ebac7ea05fbe.txt", "combined_text": "“As long as that’s what’s coming out of that side, then I’ll match you dumb f**ks word for word.", "toxicity": 0.76523775} {"filename": "0007574-ef8286c8be81c48ce95243d4c733ea7c.txt", "combined_text": "Paris Hilton 1ST SONG WITH LIL WAYNE 'All She Know Is S**k, F**k'", "toxicity": 0.54325575} {"filename": "0266769-c94bd84d0349c0476e5fab252a355cc3.txt", "combined_text": "It was bullshit of the highest magnitude, and if Bronne had instead gone with his gut instinct of “Burn Retros and fire,” my void stalker would have been a fistful of blast markers.", "toxicity": 0.6667219} {"filename": "0599875-99e7ebdb5a758f5b4ae0aa2fca806c3a.txt", "combined_text": "It's the ass of swimsuit model Sheniz Halil, who posted the photo that appears on the cover to Instagram just a few weeks ago.", "toxicity": 0.6308517} {"filename": "0808396-b17c7d7b6b670350d72ed5e611f1b260.txt", "combined_text": "\"If you're stupid enough to buy it, you'll pay the price for it one day,\" said Dimon at a global finance conference reported by CNBC.", "toxicity": 0.681338} {"filename": "0932831-9229e183500a14597ddcdee624515cdd.txt", "combined_text": "Anyway, the comic included a scene with a naked lady, although she's not really \"naked\" so much as she \"has blue smoke conveniently draped around her nipples.\"", "toxicity": 0.584095} {"filename": "0518361-1dba50477bf8f7438580f778ee33c164.txt", "combined_text": "“Don’t ever fucking touch me,” Ahmed warns the older Hillary Bro.", "toxicity": 0.681338} {"filename": "0147767-42dfb66015f424822aab54b4590abdc0.txt", "combined_text": "She manages to fend off the blow before going on the attack herself, joined by others as as one can be heard shouting 'f***ing kill him'.", "toxicity": 0.6852916} {"filename": "0170595-61fcb1ddf3e29bd33c8249688c511790.txt", "combined_text": "She’s an awful candidate, a serial liar and she is out of touch with the masses.", "toxicity": 0.64447093} {"filename": "0860046-9019627ce57993df9415f8dd3dca75dc.txt", "combined_text": "Bird going for shoulder checkup: \"You don’t want to be stupid with it\"", "toxicity": 0.65996873} {"filename": "0819458-86bda0466e9139481209ca6356094087.txt", "combined_text": "But once the whole grab-’em-by-the-pussy thing started to blow over, Chaffetz decided that he actually could bring himself to vote Trump.", "toxicity": 0.56269526} {"filename": "0703532-0868811f79fa45bae401c4820c6eb32d.txt", "combined_text": "He did not say explicitly who he meant when he referred to 'those morons'.", "toxicity": 0.6827122} {"filename": "0991072-73b811e49bc3d2b34b475bcff07f2ba1.txt", "combined_text": "Read the whole thing here, and have a safe weekend—try not to do anything that puts an undercover cop in a position where he has to stand idly by as you get your ass kicked by a mob of enraged bikers.", "toxicity": 0.6027529} {"filename": "0100454-d2c78c52e4f77e18725d2fa8693b2ccc.txt", "combined_text": "Then came the second straight guy. \"Sorry, can't let you in, either. You loved food too much. You loved to eat so much, you even married a woman named Candy!\"\n\nThe gay guy turned to his boyfriend and whispered nervously, \"It doesn't look good, Dick.\"", "toxicity": 0.5140397} {"filename": "0720473-6b62536366100a4c5a59f54b85fd98dc.txt", "combined_text": "Hey dumbass, global warming doesn’t only mean extreme heat; it means extreme weather.", "toxicity": 0.687436} {"filename": "0352600-09ccf0ee3432ab2194bfbbba408df81a.txt", "combined_text": "Garda Jason Carroll said Kenny told Gda Noone: \"You will be sorry for what you have done, watch your f***ing back.\"", "toxicity": 0.5885171} {"filename": "0900971-31ba14c2c690ad92de340b13a544711d.txt", "combined_text": "I myself believe you’re going to have better sex if you know your partners body.", "toxicity": 0.4269174} {"filename": "0534712-2dc214f17b1d855f94d2f2cc637fcfad.txt", "combined_text": "“I can assure you my 11-year-old girl knows nothing about anal sex, and one of the reasons is because she’s not exposed to Pono Choices.”", "toxicity": 0.56269526} {"filename": "0553866-d4c7397cb77605adf7ea2544a181c92c.txt", "combined_text": "This is what happened: Cecilia Westbrook, a scientist, has always wondered whether yogurt could be produced from the natural flora that populates the vagina.", "toxicity": 0.55739564} {"filename": "0623445-43c3a29714cf0df4f0f0c6426214fcfe.txt", "combined_text": "Islam is a barbaric and medieval religion that demands territorial and sexual conquest of the ‘other’.", "toxicity": 0.6289369} {"filename": "0145414-71e11cf62896c3bf6aa78372f12bb4f3.txt", "combined_text": "Bitchy shows off the aggressive stance that reveals the Harris hawk as a formidable predator, sharp of beak and claw.", "toxicity": 0.47886392} {"filename": "0484132-225e7b11a57796f3ad8c1be9a96dbf95.txt", "combined_text": "This video depicts several men performing extremely painful acts on their own sausages, often resulting in the destruction of their sausage genitals.", "toxicity": 0.4475325} {"filename": "0599264-ddfab5a7eb6e9d7c524970ab036da3c3.txt", "combined_text": "According to a screen grab of a comment he made, Truyen said: \"You can't f**king catch Pokémon in this piece of f**king sh*t country.\"", "toxicity": 0.8364697} {"filename": "0502118-d46c1db818a7dce606fa1d8a972fc5b1.txt", "combined_text": "Bloemfontein – \"Today I’m going to kill you,\" an attacker repeatedly shouted at farmer Richard \"Dick\" Osborne as he assaulted him on Saturday morning.", "toxicity": 0.47173777} {"filename": "0511214-aa87442722ddf5f746ebc3556ce574b7.txt", "combined_text": "On voting: “ I don’t care whether a Republican or Democrat wins; the same shit’s going to happen.", "toxicity": 0.6611249} {"filename": "0606947-02da6ef654fae62605329d80e94e88ac.txt", "combined_text": "“You have heard some of my opponents say that we must kill and destroy every last member of ISIS… But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who hate you, so that you can become God’s children!”", "toxicity": 0.47886392} {"filename": "0627758-0593424a114286d44e2700fab5b8fa19.txt", "combined_text": "As he made his way by a group of reporters, the 21-year-old purposely turned his back to the camera to show off the repeated \"F**k You\" emblazoned on the back of the coat.", "toxicity": 0.5921536} {"filename": "0390879-d5d70e3afefc802da1499c1f9118935e.txt", "combined_text": "It’s common decency NOT to grab boobs, pu–ies (like our President does) … or any other body part of another, uninvited.", "toxicity": 0.5885171} {"filename": "0974602-fd252c133ee01724f666d17d2a9d0ab5.txt", "combined_text": "I don't want this to turn into trollbait or a guide to being able to spot a trans vagina***", "toxicity": 0.7701451} {"filename": "0727014-518010e36fe92f11e4fc7799b0f79325.txt", "combined_text": "A fifth woman, who spoke anonymously, said C.K. repeatedly asked to masturbate in front of her.", "toxicity": 0.60311776} {"filename": "0035146-c029d8eaef614626ee7501b1ba4035d9.txt", "combined_text": "Dark skin makes you stupid and undesirable, seems to be the message of a new campaign by Citra Thailand, who is putting its money where its pasty, bleached mouth is.", "toxicity": 0.76197964} {"filename": "0325721-dc3f2fa6c1c313725312453ea60c01ed.txt", "combined_text": "That set it up for the unfortunate defrost, leaving the city’s sidewalks covered in piles of dog crap people didn’t pick up.", "toxicity": 0.48021027} {"filename": "0914877-2b2f2e7f53abb53f18ccda6f7c3fc99c.txt", "combined_text": "Maybe I was trying a little too hard with all the Helter Skelter apocalyptic race war shit.", "toxicity": 0.71760553} {"filename": "0883097-92fd49ab9d4c3ed46493e246e2584e22.txt", "combined_text": "“ First of all, its so tired and over played and people obsess over it without giving a shit about the rest of the bill of rights.", "toxicity": 0.51980776} {"filename": "0508526-c830c8289dfa1aebcd5e2982b8b1ef42.txt", "combined_text": "This might be the last time y’all hear me talk shit for a long time.", "toxicity": 0.7570315} {"filename": "0328355-cc1196bb2fbf7a84da3e2b47572d22c9.txt", "combined_text": "Can we just set aside those arguments for all things media going forward and say that such arugments are INCREDIBLY STUPID ?", "toxicity": 0.6544696} {"filename": "0217901-0dc362900cde75493492e7a53fac0bdf.txt", "combined_text": "A Saudi user added: 'It's awful that it's 2016 and these idiots still have any authority.", "toxicity": 0.718943} {"filename": "0783808-a23145048d7f1dfba3e1f8f89e7e5147.txt", "combined_text": "''If I thought I could switch this dickhead off without getting done I don't think I'd have too much of a problem.''", "toxicity": 0.71760553} {"filename": "0841582-b669daadc82872e630690edff61a5817.txt", "combined_text": "Now, you’re probably wondering, “How does that make my Secret Santa brilliant?” Simple, he was smart enough to pack a giant thing of snacks, so I can sit back, get my nom-nom on, and watch my sister act like an idiot.", "toxicity": 0.6744087} {"filename": "0096607-761f1e2f9d6e062d04246e3ef7e957d6.txt", "combined_text": "OK, so cheating on your spouse is a terrible idea, and doing so anyway with a hooker is worse still.", "toxicity": 0.60311776} {"filename": "0767205-adb919f294c87da7c560608ca1daabfb.txt", "combined_text": "Trump’s criticism reached a fever pitch last week when he made remarks referring to any player who kneels as a “son of a bitch.”", "toxicity": 0.7570315} {"filename": "0210717-ebac5097a9de0f79bbcfa40d14a8949d.txt", "combined_text": "But if you’re unique and you stink, however, you probably will get way less slack than equally-stinky players.", "toxicity": 0.46186632} {"filename": "0687526-aaa9bb417387b6d9f7778c249925e050.txt", "combined_text": "A jury returned a verdict of $1,357,901.12 on Tuesday on behalf of Daniel Burden, now five, for the damage done to his penis when he was a baby.", "toxicity": 0.4475325} {"filename": "0012314-546277ca8340616209eec3d94216ca03.txt", "combined_text": "This made me realize that I need to write up a page about the actual nature of sluts.", "toxicity": 0.6426206} {"filename": "0231218-e5c14ad3497fd36b6eca0b4e0426a021.txt", "combined_text": "By the end of the game, thousands of comments had been posted, and they offer us an enormous body of information from which to understand how unbelievably shitty this was for Seminoles fans.", "toxicity": 0.50789946} {"filename": "0607655-2e7394134c784b0bc7352a805b007df1.txt", "combined_text": "Kendrick is cute, but my self-worth is not contingent on whether or not he (or anyone else) would fuck me on my mom’s couch.", "toxicity": 0.8252207} {"filename": "0157614-8ce717fe98b6ddcd925b1f610731f4d0.txt", "combined_text": "In Carmel, blacks are more than six times as likely to be arrested as others.", "toxicity": 0.4269174} {"filename": "0371754-50cb3ef5d67eb0a8edfd3debf16d6eba.txt", "combined_text": "The bad news is, scheduling issues have forced that adventure onto a now 3-week hiatus, which sucks.", "toxicity": 0.47886392} {"filename": "0489332-74d82fccfc02c951ed47222e11661934.txt", "combined_text": "To people who support the Bernie or Bust movement, she says, “That’s f*cking crazy and you’re out of your mind.", "toxicity": 0.687436} {"filename": "0821781-0069444f72b288289e2d281748b81566.txt", "combined_text": "Whole spate of suggestion of vile ad hominem attacks come out, including insinuation that you have mental problems so severe as to justify forcible confinement.", "toxicity": 0.25462922} {"filename": "0997309-5631afccd5d465b9497896f53829da0c.txt", "combined_text": "Our analysis reveals a dearth of fucks in the District relative to the rest of the nation; the local fuck frequency in D.C. is a scant 11.7 per 1000 tweets.", "toxicity": 0.6989911} {"filename": "0613398-17d1d24302f06bc49c59604fd5010799.txt", "combined_text": "\"So cute I could... die, eat you up, kill you, maul you,\" Aragon continued.", "toxicity": 0.74954444} {"filename": "0227127-58ee48f078b0c218c980b692f0793625.txt", "combined_text": "What seemed like hundreds of photographs he’d taken of glistening splorts of sea urchin on dickish black flatware.", "toxicity": 0.40891263} {"filename": "0778417-ab6a1e315d4f0e858e4bc208adfaf526.txt", "combined_text": "It’s the perfect marriage of big balls, small bikinis, bad guys with good hearts and, most importantly, automobile porn.", "toxicity": 0.681338} {"filename": "0160220-4a13770cd2b63badf9d7a823b72b1970.txt", "combined_text": "When you get cut off in the parking lot by the jackass who steals your parking space, what should you do?", "toxicity": 0.54325575} {"filename": "0042112-86b1740b3187913dcfc4d25d02ad3060.txt", "combined_text": "I could comfortably look down and see only his chin and mouth moving, feel his tongue working my clit.", "toxicity": 0.78207105} {"filename": "0200426-05b764eeb4580fa3373d49870126b067.txt", "combined_text": "They should appease you and placate you like it’s their fucking job.", "toxicity": 0.75208336} {"filename": "0040765-5f3702aa67611af9ed6846cdefae814d.txt", "combined_text": "Well, it was last weekend and i was watching porn on my computer and masturbating when my dog came in the room to see what the fuss was about.", "toxicity": 0.7570315} {"filename": "0732487-53fa4c486fec56a660a0dfb3d739d7fc.txt", "combined_text": "Chronicle has published several books from Tumblrs, most recently Dads Are the Original Hipsters and F*ck!", "toxicity": 0.584095} {"filename": "0646906-1b178958f433564a26508f7076a0a58b.txt", "combined_text": "And the shit that Karl Rove’s pack of soulless jackals pulled in 2004 amazed even my cynical sensibilities.", "toxicity": 0.5972042} {"filename": "0375854-9bf696fe386a64c3501000c93908b955.txt", "combined_text": "People might just vote for the funniest, but really stupid idea.", "toxicity": 0.687436} {"filename": "0336475-cd90b83fcff447dc3274c3cd1177df8d.txt", "combined_text": "“Write it on a Post-It note and stick it on your refrigerator, hire a skywriter once a month, tattoo it on your ass, because a Klan-backed misogynist internet troll is going to be delivering the next State of the Union address, and that is not normal.", "toxicity": 0.63782936} {"filename": "0038764-58d4f565ecae7dabd6763d052c1a3560.txt", "combined_text": "\"But Ed, you can't just jump out of a goddamn spaceship,\" you say.", "toxicity": 0.5885171} {"filename": "0713406-b8364c88ee2dfa3fe377d2527acfd8b1.txt", "combined_text": "That’s where the stupid started.First, everyone was forced to get off the plane–even though the plane wasn’t refueling again.", "toxicity": 0.7105462} {"filename": "0244359-4acdb2da435ae9978b3b87eaef4d3703.txt", "combined_text": "“You made a big f***ing mistake; you’re f***ing dead to me,” he told Hicks, bringing her to tears.", "toxicity": 0.6667219} {"filename": "0125918-3fd3f958c71e0190610bdc5777c3c59d.txt", "combined_text": "His mother, Christina Nigro, pulled up his shirt, revealing blood on Kaleb's tiny chest.", "toxicity": 0.009361716} {"filename": "0962791-cd5d88e3828d74f325b914dbee083630.txt", "combined_text": "When we first learned how to diagram sentences back in middle school, it was a total pain in the ass.", "toxicity": 0.687436} {"filename": "0389881-ec802835afab332315b05c9835340ae0.txt", "combined_text": "You know what they say about deep voices: a black howler monkey.", "toxicity": 0.37751234} {"filename": "0704503-2fa31ae6071ea560306153279e2ce4b5.txt", "combined_text": "Now, alas, black people can add “white doctors really think we’re invincible” to the list of pains in the asses we have to deal with on a regular basis.", "toxicity": 0.5779532} {"filename": "0761644-dcfb20e7454704cab441d03a5460a337.txt", "combined_text": "“It is downright harmful, because it creates a false sense of security … Complete bullshit.", "toxicity": 0.76523775} {"filename": "0725449-212f0210ab094c029f60d87b202657e6.txt", "combined_text": "Even though this sounds like the isolated incident of a complete bloody idiot, that’s not what the statistics say.", "toxicity": 0.68408644} {"filename": "0288024-8828802341482c54060319dda0561c09.txt", "combined_text": "The first two were pitching great for me before getting injured, and the latter two were just shitty overall.", "toxicity": 0.65996873} {"filename": "0437166-88093b822b731fb88998a8d63c2cf10a.txt", "combined_text": "Just look at their signs denouncing the delicious evils of sex and masturbation – campus preachers are practically salivating at the thought.", "toxicity": 0.5779532} {"filename": "0251341-55961c543be36c4f2d79c96c5117bd93.txt", "combined_text": "But among our nation's idiots, it has always been a controversial idea.", "toxicity": 0.7510937} {"filename": "0587748-ba4e87d57c1160e8b0e4ff9f82f5fd61.txt", "combined_text": "It wasn't long ago that being called a \"slut\" meant social death.", "toxicity": 0.50789946} {"filename": "0579317-2b334796694b4d02aafe52822c732ba6.txt", "combined_text": "Because today's trifecta of corporate malfeasance and/or generally shitty behavior wouldn't be complete without mentioning something awful EA is doing, let's talk about Origin again.", "toxicity": 0.52811706} {"filename": "0493411-ba333376ac33242df406bef07f7a04ab.txt", "combined_text": "The caudal fin in Tanzania is white and the dorsal, anal and pelvic fins are yellow.", "toxicity": 0.4013387} {"filename": "0541533-9841b305321360a416ff157127c4f2a4.txt", "combined_text": "Every autumn, men armed with blowers arrive, and create huge leaf piles for a big machine to suck up and take away.", "toxicity": 0.20572066} {"filename": "0773929-2368f6bab1967b36a035d8424e6c376d.txt", "combined_text": "It’s somewhat less exciting if all of your hair falls out and you burn your freaking scalp.", "toxicity": 0.6852916} {"filename": "0275998-bbdc5e4ab89662b979d0a800c5107ad1.txt", "combined_text": "The Saw franchise became shitty after it was decided that there needed to be a new sequel every year out in time for Halloween, and you are now doing this to the Paranormal Activity films, although thankfully you didn’t force one out this year.", "toxicity": 0.5532103} {"filename": "0893242-d2f2049c90d376532f2df5deda150ce5.txt", "combined_text": "He then suggested that Oz could sell his viewers “A monkey’s paw mixed with five petals of a rose in a thimble full of otter semen!", "toxicity": 0.5716857} {"filename": "0803433-4aba8358f48d4715df1b473ab0ede9d3.txt", "combined_text": "note after Chinese Democracy was actually released four years American Idiot , but the engineer apparently knew what he was doing.", "toxicity": 0.56269526} {"filename": "0720239-12b443f64245c53184d52a498829c062.txt", "combined_text": "So I guess if you exit the holodeck programme, your excrement will also vanish.", "toxicity": 0.4850187} {"filename": "0129390-eaab68ffd340be55088ebddd29475b25.txt", "combined_text": "It would be no wonder, then, if more and more young people, sick of being told they’re worthless little shits who need to toughen up, decided that maybe owning their own house was no longer a realistic option.", "toxicity": 0.55739564} {"filename": "0436030-c33f4a12208382e8d7e31e482c6b76ff.txt", "combined_text": "But the cherry, so to speak, atop the shit sundae: \"The core of the problem is in the fact that women are more and more provocative, they yield to arrogance, they believe they can do everything themselves and they end up exacerbating tensions.\"", "toxicity": 0.61223894} {"filename": "0964731-919090635ed8a5230754fea7b90c532d.txt", "combined_text": "For those not up to speed on FMyLife, it’s a site that allows you to post (anonymously or not) short blurbs about why your life sucks.", "toxicity": 0.60311776} {"filename": "0034970-969ebfb29d77366afe35884a76076bb7.txt", "combined_text": "Now before you start thinking my daughter is a bit of a brat, understand – this was my own stupid fault.", "toxicity": 0.6426206} {"filename": "0076937-4fdea89ae38938742b81dec50b17dd67.txt", "combined_text": "“Not half as busted as your asshole if you can sit on that thing,” I replied, hoping some humor would defuse the situation.", "toxicity": 0.7570315} {"filename": "0578881-d3f076193249cfd1a8a31473b17b8370.txt", "combined_text": ">> SHE SAID SOMETHING ABOUT GRABBING A KNIFE, SOMEBODY TOOK ME OUT HOUSE AND SHE CAME OUTSIDE WITH A KNIFE, AND I SAID ARE YOU REALLY GOING TO STAB ME?", "toxicity": 0.4269174} {"filename": "0287690-c9502029d873b94a933ab63725e61c20.txt", "combined_text": "“My concern with Auerbach is because I don’t want the kids involved in any of that crap.", "toxicity": 0.6027529} {"filename": "0721592-051601feba320d2eb9a775c25f474df1.txt", "combined_text": "So if you’re still somehow in denial about the rigged primaries, just be aware that even the DNC thinks you’re a fool.", "toxicity": 0.6863638} {"filename": "0127422-c468c27052c4484b7d768bb0bd1a5fac.txt", "combined_text": "They pretend like they care, but if they actually gave a shit they would develop an ideology that isn’t tailored to defend white men as a class.", "toxicity": 0.64447093} {"filename": "0321792-0f0c1f3b3d10d4631a0c7f8974aab116.txt", "combined_text": "“This is even if you, as a new service provider, are poor at what you do and are a crappy, boring company,” he quips.", "toxicity": 0.509388} {"filename": "0524034-8717e0fb94ba4a4f612a08db77809b44.txt", "combined_text": "Facebok Faceobok features screenshots of what are probably the dumbest Facebook pages you've ever seen.", "toxicity": 0.49139655} {"filename": "0739621-6cc8b19704046bc2e67f6c4e0465cbb1.txt", "combined_text": "Americans feel about bankers the way they do about lawyers: they’re all bastards — until you need one.", "toxicity": 0.6667219} {"filename": "0977668-d698c681bd7fdd8bfa71b8ed69f93feb.txt", "combined_text": "There's so much shit that need to be resolved, but only time will tell.", "toxicity": 0.6852916} {"filename": "0553749-c2fcb7d110cfd61b01df1f04a90c2ef2.txt", "combined_text": "But it wasn't until she turned 18 that she was given her astonishing diagnosis - she had two vaginas.", "toxicity": 0.54325575} {"filename": "0746511-4c0b19ddfb3ef94619fe0e415415d09b.txt", "combined_text": "Aside from writing grand, galactic stories for Marvel like Star Wars and Thor, Aaron also has his own best-selling, creator-owned work like Southern Bastards.", "toxicity": 0.36095104} {"filename": "0936251-f5bff40b8d59722c25b8033cc5ee3055.txt", "combined_text": "It's better than your standard vacation, where the only person you \"help\" is your own fat ass up onto a waterslide, right?", "toxicity": 0.743089} {"filename": "0800504-f426ac5480404ffa0e6b863543366a68.txt", "combined_text": "More so, I never thought the political anger of metal was something to relish or celebrate; only spoiled dickheads with no imagination dream of bad shit happening just so they have something to write about.", "toxicity": 0.76197964} {"filename": "0862987-ff7f279591b87909a04193a0c96cf9af.txt", "combined_text": "But my understanding is that women of color are not often assumed to be impenetrable, but rather insatiable sluts.", "toxicity": 0.8252207} {"filename": "0885155-a337250dd1d37bda3e3ff4a838cb2920.txt", "combined_text": "Christopher Bridgeman and his husband [you read that correctly], Martin Borger, have sued United Airlines saying an employee intentionally maneuvered their duffle bag to expose a fecal covered sex toy.", "toxicity": 0.42985553} {"filename": "0032814-279260d54b266be0d9fb8a8d8763d828.txt", "combined_text": "She believed that Aal had dissected her abdomen and eaten her liver, which had then caused her to become sick and die.", "toxicity": 0.17458448} {"filename": "0589453-5a66f85bde57006a8cbe01045f15e449.txt", "combined_text": "It’s official — the government of the United States of Obama consists of boobs and bores and is led by a narcissist.", "toxicity": 0.60311776} {"filename": "0311826-f71e109fa5bff52acda97adb55a1de82.txt", "combined_text": "Especially since he's putting it on his YouTube channel, if you get enough hits and stuff, they'll give you some fucking money and shit.", "toxicity": 0.85333383} {"filename": "0140935-c7261c3a5762a0d3c3e577f5074e4f6d.txt", "combined_text": "Of course, he also said he fears his dad would “kick my ass” if he objected to nearly $3 million for one season.", "toxicity": 0.6863638} {"filename": "0297641-48aba5246673a5543b339e766aa76b9d.txt", "combined_text": "Daily masturbating will lessen sperm count, and especially if done several times daily can create problems and affect the penis.", "toxicity": 0.62702215} {"filename": "0596339-9905741c2c23dcf2e040de5248d1bf86.txt", "combined_text": "Either Senator Sanders is a drooling idiot, or he is being willfully obtuse.", "toxicity": 0.8299589} {"filename": "0323342-a75c31a47ce5439517a7db15229dba83.txt", "combined_text": "If Comey admits to being ‘disgusted’ by ‘hugging’ Trump, I fucking promise to eat a shoe on my inactive periscope account.", "toxicity": 0.47886392} {"filename": "0853187-30b17fb236166329c286eb3a96be7fcc.txt", "combined_text": "The prime minister called the idea \"divisive, stupid and wrong\" and his since refused to withdraw those comments.", "toxicity": 0.60254884} {"filename": "0732629-194e956d8736311c5ef7f0b19433854c.txt", "combined_text": "The party included rubber penises, penis candles, penis hats and more.", "toxicity": 0.7701451} {"filename": "0078395-b55102671ee8accd44ec72750a3dd94c.txt", "combined_text": "Is the dirty little secret behind Hollywood’s hatred of President Donald Trump that entertainment celebrities are getting richer in their unrelenting poisonous hatred of him?", "toxicity": 0.36095104} {"filename": "0783298-66c8e2c6628539f90a8a05591d16dd11.txt", "combined_text": "Within seconds, a gentleman walked past us and shouted, “You dirty fucking rats!", "toxicity": 0.88599813} {"filename": "0573041-487add550d1f820d38f49b55cf7e74ba.txt", "combined_text": "hanks man I'm so happy I haven't had to resort to that stupid Laura shit lol at least not yet 😂😂skill will win the war over cheap. — Benjamin (@MrProblemX) September 24, 2017\n\n\"I'", "toxicity": 0.72028047} {"filename": "0024485-2ab9ce4dc6b5b8e9864378069d0cdf3b.txt", "combined_text": "1. The generic bullshit intro As with everything you design — Question every single element and ask yourself is it really needed?", "toxicity": 0.76523775} {"filename": "0559046-5e5e2b682c523f2463d969e1512a4532.txt", "combined_text": "It was such a stupid thing to do, as events happened, such a stupid thing even to contemplate doing\", Mrs Thatcher told the Franks Committee.", "toxicity": 0.6744087} {"filename": "0006962-2f51f26b311ec84e0e85c6ee7b69690d.txt", "combined_text": "Later on you remember and realize how absolutely fucked things were.", "toxicity": 0.73663366} {"filename": "0731795-4ca9a2c7eb14763c6a6599183d379cf1.txt", "combined_text": "OK, with those stupid gifs now out of my system, I can now move onto more important things.", "toxicity": 0.53579444} {"filename": "0942031-dfe77e3bb38ed9377832cdc845362781.txt", "combined_text": "It’s an idiotic bit of logic, like concluding that if I say I like Pepsi, I must really be saying I like Diet Pepsi.", "toxicity": 0.54823303} {"filename": "0360674-cead24843e05b998426a1f846ee8fe84.txt", "combined_text": "Got my ass tossed out of the place where I get my monthly UA, for refusing to take off my safer shirt.", "toxicity": 0.6863638} {"filename": "0339321-08b32527a0511bc981bb9de78b3db894.txt", "combined_text": "For several weeks now, we have watched as one idiot Republican spokesman after another has stepped up to the microphone and whined endlessly about how much they don’t like anything or anyone.", "toxicity": 0.68408644} {"filename": "0916120-8072d3b48420255a2a0067a68954c91e.txt", "combined_text": "We didn’t figure out that there should be pads under the carpets so when Eric fucking hits the ground, he's not fucking ramming his backbone into fucking concrete.", "toxicity": 0.83334327} {"filename": "0842712-423e31820ed3ccdd65358f10db1a95a3.txt", "combined_text": "“When you are encountered by a white officer make sure that you are in a public place, and comply to all of their commands, because they are looking for a reason to kill a black man.", "toxicity": 0.4269174} {"filename": "0678511-f3568c983f662ccec7ab14104bdc0138.txt", "combined_text": "Under hard acceleration it sounds like a moose bellowing as if someone had just slammed its testicles in a car door.", "toxicity": 0.62702215} {"filename": "0257668-5eea0b08ad589d95635f3ce5e8587c1b.txt", "combined_text": "our bodies as fat women are policed, yes, and often treated with disdain, but our gender isn’t invalidated because of the size of our asses.", "toxicity": 0.681338} {"filename": "0803885-d94286861dea1879bb1a1bb326f9bfd1.txt", "combined_text": "2-Damn It DamnIT is a free service that emails you when a user encounters a JavaScript error in your webpages.", "toxicity": 0.509388} {"filename": "0410588-829f120efb30ffe588d2f3d1d787e1c6.txt", "combined_text": "\"The only reason we went into Iraq, I tell people now, is we were looking for somebody’s ass to kick.", "toxicity": 0.718943} {"filename": "0150241-5fe6c6175f19b510d4c0ab1eb7b7dcda.txt", "combined_text": "You guys are gun nuts, through and through, because I'm in a thread saying \"don't diddle your fucking kids\" and you can't just say \"yeah, that makes sense\" because I don't like guns so you have to disagree on everything no matter what.", "toxicity": 0.83334327} {"filename": "0885086-959e40b2a4c1d6ea576156db6e6662b6.txt", "combined_text": "@SarahPalinUSA Has your lazy ass ever finished a job? — Drew MacDonald (@DrewYouRiot) March 22, 2017", "toxicity": 0.6852916} {"filename": "0487511-68b92d86f076f2d631a47d8cf154f82c.txt", "combined_text": "Why don’t you come after me you fascist, loofa-faced shit-gibbon!!”", "toxicity": 0.85333383} {"filename": "0942147-7c74f6d65a65c9d30aaef367b9a23951.txt", "combined_text": "If I was Palestinian, I wouldn’t even have to suffer much mental strain to realize that killing a Jew would be the best choice for myself, my family, and my relationship.", "toxicity": 0.6407703} {"filename": "0161507-55a394c7e7030aa7d1e81d2f4f5d0428.txt", "combined_text": "If ever there were an excuse to have another chocolate chip cookie in the hope it makes your arse bigger, this would be it.", "toxicity": 0.7510937} {"filename": "0889807-37b4fa564c508e3d1b9caf7270c70d99.txt", "combined_text": "There are many nuances to learn but, you’ll be rewarded when you finally land your perfect parry and hit that stupid little Samurai in the face with your flail.", "toxicity": 0.6827122} {"filename": "0700129-72a247c9b19d951033d4dd301bbd0e47.txt", "combined_text": "Foolish Deepika - shd keep out of this mess OR just do like madhuri", "toxicity": 0.45243698} {"filename": "0713385-0d63b3e377e8822d14588507d7a816fd.txt", "combined_text": "It is conservative men, drunk on power, calling women sluts and then rolling up their sleeves and knocking us back into place.", "toxicity": 0.6342749} {"filename": "0115686-9f6583dca95478d42d13b2ca24f4f827.txt", "combined_text": "Trump is an immense egotist who opens his mouth before engaging his brain.", "toxicity": 0.6289369} {"filename": "0028097-d13cb2b29861e345144c4744951b5986.txt", "combined_text": "So to improve society, the logic goes, we must encourage the best to breed and do what we can to stop the stupid, sick and malign from passing on their defective genes.", "toxicity": 0.64447093} {"filename": "0422229-1ef43385b2a0cd7b43c33ac8c69b8608.txt", "combined_text": "– Sandilands telling a staff member: “Turn it up Pretty — you piece of shit”", "toxicity": 0.8696708} {"filename": "0704452-61e221a8a01e6c749f912928e70f0b59.txt", "combined_text": "With each stride down the field, Wolf, as legend has it, uttered the words “shove it up their ass” over and over for as long as it took the NFL safety to run the length of the field.", "toxicity": 0.62136006} {"filename": "0634431-fb955ac758767a38362e22363e3d5f3c.txt", "combined_text": "She then lost her temper and turned on Mr Watfa after the man sped off, calling him a “f***ing b***ard”, a “f***ing foreigner” and shouting: “What kind of f***ing foreigner are you?”", "toxicity": 0.52272606} {"filename": "0257112-14329db7b005c40a942b76ea9e1e1daf.txt", "combined_text": "But I’d cut off the Muslims coming into the United States until we can vet these people.\"", "toxicity": 0.43965456} {"filename": "0458872-0df6cf04061964a13eb31c065a82b192.txt", "combined_text": "She’s an abuser, an adulterer, a liar, and altogether and unpleasant person who doesn’t belong in gaming.", "toxicity": 0.72028047} {"filename": "0315034-a144f34849c8f67a6502a86389348513.txt", "combined_text": "\"People gonna talk shit, but people gonna watch regardless,\" said Rosado.", "toxicity": 0.6491204} {"filename": "0905040-6e537a7844838c2159bfca95a79b6240.txt", "combined_text": "If Reddit is the front page of the Internet, then 4chan is its asshole. 4chan is the illegitimate child everyone claims to hate, but secretly adores.", "toxicity": 0.74954444} {"filename": "0438111-bb8ea927993197b1dbe311acf919129c.txt", "combined_text": "We've heard a live version of their song \"Warped\" and the brand new song \"Piles Of Little Arms,\" and both are just so fucking heavy.", "toxicity": 0.52139956} {"filename": "0615042-a2371c1345fadb1520e746cad54726c1.txt", "combined_text": "Voting for them is as stupid as voting not guilty for the mom who lost her baby for a month and went looking at a wet t-shirt contest.”", "toxicity": 0.6989911} {"filename": "0259565-c04c083c239a3828f2d2f3b9a2e9d7c3.txt", "combined_text": "Your front end looks like the Hindenburg and your rear end looks like a brick s**t-house.", "toxicity": 0.681338} {"filename": "0307211-01b6be38a0abd9b3f0d1d56daab19793.txt", "combined_text": "But just before he produced his bag, I'd literally seen someone have the shit kicked out of them in the pub on his orders for only a £10 debt.", "toxicity": 0.53579444} {"filename": "0003855-e431d64cc820f4256194f26dae66fa77.txt", "combined_text": "Spiritual men, called fakirs, would insert rings and hooks in their genitals.", "toxicity": 0.6827122} {"filename": "0820599-9157ef0e729052f147aaeb2772407585.txt", "combined_text": "I know there are many other routes but I want to show you how to get from sitting on your ass to completing a game in record time!", "toxicity": 0.72028047} {"filename": "0106132-28b5f43d98af36b1a5783161ebed1baa.txt", "combined_text": "Eventually though, the British government decided they couldn’t have these fiddle loving booze-hounds being a giant pain in the ass and acting as a barrier to their colonial goals.", "toxicity": 0.568186} {"filename": "0474787-aed606b72e75793401decf25cad9acd6.txt", "combined_text": "Nearby was a sign with a darker message for the dentist who said he killed the cat: “ROT IN HELL.”", "toxicity": 0.52139956} {"filename": "0875161-06b35a67c6558227ab247bbc10c33013.txt", "combined_text": "When the 40-year-old was stopped for speeding and later arrested, Miller reportedly told cops he was being detained “because I was stupid, those damn chicken nuggets.”", "toxicity": 0.61223894} {"filename": "0640011-075fdf194a84d835bc00ff1018d87446.txt", "combined_text": "\"Then you put your dingus on their butt and you both hop up and down.", "toxicity": 0.6852916} {"filename": "0102437-0b926c39107a20bbbccd35bd928496b3.txt", "combined_text": "\"Just heard that crazy and very dumb @morningmika had a mental breakdown while talking about me on the low ratings @Morning_Joe.", "toxicity": 0.5885171} {"filename": "0623866-94434f0f20e9a685b4b842326575f596.txt", "combined_text": "The statement and its attempted manipulation of good Catholic people could be described as unbelievable and stupid.", "toxicity": 0.6667219} {"filename": "0471029-dedbf4bbe54fc69497be12bf0401d688.txt", "combined_text": "It makes you and your bandmates come across as a bunch of shameless and entitled pricks.", "toxicity": 0.7105462} {"filename": "0220942-900de903c171e806cf55a9a8b23f7fa7.txt", "combined_text": "The victim, an immigrant from Liberia, also told police that she was taunted as a “stupid African.”", "toxicity": 0.584095} {"filename": "0856648-4d47de2a5010e8efb8a1836a7f83dd80.txt", "combined_text": "Despite our puritan heritage, Americans really love to have sex.", "toxicity": 0.50759226} {"filename": "0292268-ad8382094b1b4bf898ef68a28f8a443e.txt", "combined_text": "I bet that if she was [sic] fixing to be raped or murdered she would be asking God to save her.”", "toxicity": 0.44393396} {"filename": "0000845-b6958365d120626e20e51a8bed49471e.txt", "combined_text": "Women do not need to ask a man’s permission to do fuck all, least of all worry what some anonymous ones on the internet think about anything.", "toxicity": 0.6588125} {"filename": "0512255-b737bbc0b166a78a72d26cd92f61359a.txt", "combined_text": "In the letter, which has turned yellow over time, the FBI insulted King by calling him, for example, an \"dissolute, abnormal moral imbecile.\"", "toxicity": 0.743089} {"filename": "0601727-6ff57e2a42297be53fd22309a77663e8.txt", "combined_text": "Yes, a beat master granny and little girls spitting lines such as “We’re gunna rap about a prez who’s a sexist dick” and “An agenda more fucked than you’re fucked up hair” along with accusations that Trump is a rapist and “love by nazis and the ka ka klan”.", "toxicity": 0.8460273} {"filename": "0600773-fee26f554c7866f2712051f653e1e510.txt", "combined_text": "Following a six-minute round of oral and anal sex, Quijada’s partner used one of DiGiulio’s dresses--plucked from a laundry pile--to wipe his genitals.", "toxicity": 0.6289369} {"filename": "0641772-c68f55881246161b680b3b4d6f23e8d0.txt", "combined_text": "Mind you, he told me vaginas had cooties just after telling me they also had teeth.", "toxicity": 0.73663366} {"filename": "0963511-d93acc6459ff9df12f16e0041f152d63.txt", "combined_text": "Allegedly his \"old bag\" of a wife gave him an ultimatum: \"Get this shit out\" or it's over.", "toxicity": 0.76523775} {"filename": "0265939-350d0ae957ecfb0ea0689272120833f8.txt", "combined_text": "So I hesitate to lose my shit too much over a thing like what John Gibbons said today about the club’s left field situation.", "toxicity": 0.60311776} {"filename": "0539802-6494b62abf72c20e544c5ca8ea42f2c3.txt", "combined_text": "Shenandoah Baptist Church’s Pastor Jeff Owens: BURN AND SHOOT FAGS!", "toxicity": 0.85333383} {"filename": "0884857-32b2391ba8b1331e7579af2c99034dcf.txt", "combined_text": "Granted, he's these things anyway, but it's his alpha-male braggadocio and his ability to bullshit idiots into thinking he succeeds at everything he tries that elevates him in the starstruck eyes of America's vast yokel contingent.", "toxicity": 0.6544696} {"filename": "0131010-d0436e2b612de98112d45065ce04a2e0.txt", "combined_text": "John Oliver has a new shorthand for President Donald Trump’s ongoing, multilayered Russia scandal: “Stupid Watergate.”", "toxicity": 0.5921536} {"filename": "0373623-c9954bac7086d077ec940e652307e39b.txt", "combined_text": "Christine Pelosi, a California elector and as batshit-crazy as her hag of a mother had a meltdown on the Neil Cavuto show over, you guessed it, the faux Russian hacking.", "toxicity": 0.5721988} {"filename": "0741649-2bd91224e40677742928458fb934c565.txt", "combined_text": "This one, ugly pimple has gotten you so stressed, that you would try to stay home and away from the public.", "toxicity": 0.4421347} {"filename": "0512369-ac719ba6fc6f9d1987848a689b0398a6.txt", "combined_text": "“Until then, remember this: I hate you because you shouldn’t exist.", "toxicity": 0.62702215} {"filename": "0183996-65e9590ed2e4e8b5ac44f4c2b346adb5.txt", "combined_text": "But my assumption is that people don't know enough about vaginas.", "toxicity": 0.6611249} {"filename": "0886947-26c25cb78729cc8295a117fd52d1b8e9.txt", "combined_text": "I think. 12-year-olds Frank and Louie (or “Frankenlouie” if your ass is too lazy to pause) were just inducted into the Guinness Book of World Records for being the world’s longest-living Janus cat (that’s fancy talk for two-faced pussy).", "toxicity": 0.73663366} {"filename": "0666044-cfbbc76ddd4c04f1ce56bd7e5a9b9236.txt", "combined_text": "A religious leftist, he breaks down Bible believers into two categories: fools and liars.", "toxicity": 0.7105462} {"filename": "0857045-a0d962a84ad21840ea9277696243165d.txt", "combined_text": "Please forgive my shitty brain and eyesight for any mistakes I missed.", "toxicity": 0.568186} {"filename": "0094415-e1ad05e324674c4599997cac72fa7d57.txt", "combined_text": "\"Tampa, your laws are stupid,\" wrote Liz Mair, a conservative communication consultant, on Twitter.", "toxicity": 0.6852916} {"filename": "0516752-e89850947ab20a9bb682e9d664481ce1.txt", "combined_text": "'Pompa' means 'pump' in Italian and is also a vulgar slang term for oral sex.", "toxicity": 0.50789946} {"filename": "0029328-daa6060218882408219ee19ad531045c.txt", "combined_text": "The article also noted that Noel had worked for an adult entertainment company that makes videos of men barebacking--a euphemism for unprotected anal sex.", "toxicity": 0.52007306} {"filename": "0602977-7dfa220ccd370c18701efb4ae0092ac9.txt", "combined_text": "Fundamentally the mantra of iMessage is “keep it simple, stupid”.", "toxicity": 0.62702215} {"filename": "0910333-72202b053d60f1e445634dc3a8c9c080.txt", "combined_text": "strip the glitzy shit out of the site when it's not needed and everyone should be able to load it easier, if you've gone there for the sale chances are you just want to buy the damn thing not look at the fancy website causing loading problems", "toxicity": 0.8115627} {"filename": "0102123-c50c8d782461ef53cfcc2cec21657c1a.txt", "combined_text": "marionreadsbooks: thedragonsbookhoard: I know Tumblr will probably hate me for saying this, but not reading books written by male authors purely because they’re male is sexist as fuck.", "toxicity": 0.7510937} {"filename": "0764076-c795460703d3cb0c375783a3ba571bc3.txt", "combined_text": "We go to her apartment and we start making out and im tryin to get her clothes off and shes like \"no no no we just met but ill suck you off\".", "toxicity": 0.681338} {"filename": "0308498-4a0253a61349203c409d98bba2801b32.txt", "combined_text": "If you're a jerk, you'd better be drop dead gorgeous and have a fan base that is huge.", "toxicity": 0.7510937} {"filename": "0449838-3f4e861c46a0a97de17d97efacb8642f.txt", "combined_text": "Because students used to call women ‘bitches’ and ‘gold digging ho’s,’ scholar explains", "toxicity": 0.6667219} {"filename": "0483353-8e48ac7667fbb1ee584cf273fe1f6994.txt", "combined_text": "The GOP's house faggots grab their ankles, right on cue: http://t.co/sOTyFprJ.", "toxicity": 0.6426206} {"filename": "0349451-a070316f9ca4f0800cdbf58bc56c6638.txt", "combined_text": "May I just start this morning by saying that earaches are cunts?", "toxicity": 0.73663366} {"filename": "0206736-9932a3504b9c8d7ff194b6fd0a264707.txt", "combined_text": "Bottom shaming, for the uninitiated, is the cultural tendency to deem the receptive partner (bottom) of anal (and sometimes oral) sex as somehow lesser than the penetrating (top) partner.", "toxicity": 0.55739564} {"filename": "0568320-b3281454b549372fa3e5577bcb6a763b.txt", "combined_text": "Facebook users 'are insecure, narcissistic and have low self-esteem'", "toxicity": 0.46982017} {"filename": "0169622-33ac6da7b5a13a9da9b7c300e21ea337.txt", "combined_text": "Weinstein agreed, noting that the Hamas charter explicitly calls for the destruction of all Jews.", "toxicity": 0.47323486} {"filename": "0529352-da3795e266a0fb1768c7e8eb2830e62c.txt", "combined_text": "Believe in Marx’s utopia, the idiots insist, not your own eyes,” he wrote.", "toxicity": 0.65996873} {"filename": "0794581-c60aeb188d09c997b1768249c51cc040.txt", "combined_text": "I’d maim them maybe by setting their face on fire and putting a hood over it.", "toxicity": 0.5972042} {"filename": "0279817-088b95d4618b4055546550bc850a88cb.txt", "combined_text": "The popular down under treatment, vaginal steaming, commonly known as v-steam, is an ancient Korean treatment that provides a steam facial for the vagina to release toxins.", "toxicity": 0.30993456} {"filename": "0295412-667a4d850b7620beb5a20f8049565027.txt", "combined_text": "An annoyed Silverman unconvincingly added: “She f*cking, she’s as healthy as…Believe me, she’s fine.”", "toxicity": 0.47323486} {"filename": "0433644-de8b08c19f171682bed7e11319cc348e.txt", "combined_text": "@occupybuf @OpFerguson fuck that I want the nypd charged for terrorizing the black community — Jon Aime (@JohnnyAime) March 31, 2015", "toxicity": 0.6027529} {"filename": "0771837-791da141fb6279348ae6a0e372773d56.txt", "combined_text": "I don't give a f**k,\" referring to FIFA's controversial decision to award the 2022 World Cup to the Gulf state", "toxicity": 0.584095} {"filename": "0387292-d1d4c3e3b8d4ad23cacf14074d1beaf2.txt", "combined_text": "Commercial Hip Hop has became a desolate land where “bandz will make her dance”, sex addiction is celebrated in lyrics like “Yeah I like to F*ck!", "toxicity": 0.6989911} {"filename": "0194276-c848f797d70874a11dab491273a312de.txt", "combined_text": "I said to myself, Gene, ain’t nothin’ those lousy Socialist bastards in Europe can teach the inventor of the cheese carburetor.", "toxicity": 0.61223894} {"filename": "0996376-ed49b272b06811ee22e6f574630a00a0.txt", "combined_text": "With some serious debt on my hands coupled with my desire to help athletes kick ass and take names, I made sandbags in place of barbells.", "toxicity": 0.6426206} {"filename": "0156374-894b3fb9d1e748cb09d504f4c078122a.txt", "combined_text": "Why not just admit you work your ****ing ass off every single night and thats why you have what you have?", "toxicity": 0.8364697} {"filename": "0561122-c7496c6e2af3122b85a078c924171129.txt", "combined_text": "Even if you don’t remember Winamp, you may remember the demo MP3 that played when you installed the app: “Winamp, it really whips the llama’s ass.”", "toxicity": 0.6407703} {"filename": "0178206-e7266fd79174b06d3c90414431a01a7c.txt", "combined_text": "If you want to shoot yourself in the foot, I'll help you deliver the bullet to your foot as efficiently and reliably as possible.", "toxicity": 0.687436} {"filename": "0570926-b9b6d6c72796d1fc004502ecd4ee58cf.txt", "combined_text": "In the movie, titled 'Kitty Discovers Sperm,' she has sex with a black man", "toxicity": 0.5885171} {"filename": "0506491-180d737c1e7d0622fcadce251f4d0ef6.txt", "combined_text": "Why is it more appropriate to call someone a shit bloke in some circumstances, and a dickhead others?", "toxicity": 0.74954444} {"filename": "0556945-8401377bf35192cdf7ba36481bdcedf6.txt", "combined_text": "I’ve earned positions that I’ve wanted the shit out of; my gender doesn’t seem to have affected my ability to do so.", "toxicity": 0.60254884} {"filename": "0012314-546277ca8340616209eec3d94216ca03.txt", "combined_text": "Referring to married women who become preggers as ‘sluts’ is jr. high school-level rhetoric.", "toxicity": 0.6027529} {"filename": "0700390-26c6b1d680ad11c644ab3dfce55cdb1a.txt", "combined_text": "It’s a time for giving, for friends, and for family, but there’s usually that one relative who just winds up being a pain in the ass.", "toxicity": 0.65996873} {"filename": "0900296-5c16203df28abe3658863832916b2bd7.txt", "combined_text": "There is a drinking game, there are epic lolpictorials, and a chorus of idiots on Facebook.", "toxicity": 0.7105462} {"filename": "0697055-06bedba2646ad61f0303dce27ef34b84.txt", "combined_text": "Because I want you - oh, how I burn for you, but I won't be a homewrecker.You looked close to going into labor, and I think I heard you say \"I don't know when this little mother fucker is gonna drop out, but it better be soon.\"", "toxicity": 0.687436} {"filename": "0553666-d7f9daf53dec38c4d285000156a9932c.txt", "combined_text": "Holy crap, I am so excited to share this anchor submission with you all!", "toxicity": 0.51980776} {"filename": "0614263-067abd1bf2273400ae1a0df3875dbc61.txt", "combined_text": "Other activists greeted the arriving international negotiators with a 75-foot high banner suspended by weather balloons shaped like giant buttocks that read “Free Trade My Ass: Flush the TPP.”", "toxicity": 0.5566829} {"filename": "0368906-48067668f9dab360abb91412094d8cf4.txt", "combined_text": "What the hell happens when your tiny house partner farts Mexican food farts, huh?", "toxicity": 0.6027529} {"filename": "0324972-5e1ddfbdc97572d283dad7c456f1e985.txt", "combined_text": "Just let people talk and ignore it; and shut the fuck up about me, if you ever tell nikki.", "toxicity": 0.82048255} {"filename": "0606382-4b303e2ba6cb257b5f653d7f10d43058.txt", "combined_text": "However, when Beatriz’s shitty jalopy won’t start, Cathy extends a friendly invitation to stay for dinner.", "toxicity": 0.56269526} {"filename": "0127773-c7380af66d60290067160c84113bb756.txt", "combined_text": "(I will never forget that episode of The Big Bang Theory when the entire cast masturbated in front of a minotaur.)", "toxicity": 0.65996873} {"filename": "0509421-e64d9850491fcd9c9230b043ac6e6b97.txt", "combined_text": "\"I don't understand how anyone in the European Commission can have such a stupid idea.", "toxicity": 0.68408644} {"filename": "0595307-249d7d1ce98d214468921f8329c78407.txt", "combined_text": "Perhaps a Schwarzenegger or maybe even Marc Singer type ass-kicker?", "toxicity": 0.5921536} {"filename": "0561521-e9beb61a617146e8341503c340b21b4b.txt", "combined_text": "Gorgeous features, perfect bodies, big tits and sexy clothing, it presents an air of mystery to think they also sport a huge package between their legs and this is what drives straight men to love tranny's so much.", "toxicity": 0.6407703} {"filename": "0423543-665ce781b01fffe332d765d6db270980.txt", "combined_text": "They’re like metal, gangsta rap, the Manson Family and a Lars Von Trier movie all wrapped up in barbed wire, dipped in shit, set on fire and stuffed like an apple of pure evil into the mouth of a rotting severed pig’s head.", "toxicity": 0.7252971} {"filename": "0133359-010360958adc5549561f7d0497d2158d.txt", "combined_text": "Re: Is smoking marijuana a sin? - 12-21-2008, 04:29 PM 12-21-2008, 04:29 PM You filthy liar.", "toxicity": 0.49139655} {"filename": "0348296-be90bcd0e027ad4c34ff7d22b056c6f5.txt", "combined_text": "“I get along with almost everybody, but I have never worked with a more miserable son of a bitch in my life,” said the former House speaker, John Boehner.", "toxicity": 0.743089} {"filename": "0080011-e69e3f0f0bb388bb71893ebd6b2a90d0.txt", "combined_text": "Derpy's clumsy (possibly due to a lack of depth perception) and Screw Loose has a generic mental illness (probably a psychosis or schizoid disorder) that makes her act like a dog.", "toxicity": 0.5140397} {"filename": "0320454-d66bf7a0fde02070783fe98d5a7066e0.txt", "combined_text": "A woman with Woodward warned him not to enter the water because of the risk, prompting him to reply \"Fuck that alligator,\" Enmon said.", "toxicity": 0.6544696} {"filename": "0041836-afa12c4a6bb8e2b26b09f098f5f23536.txt", "combined_text": "It’s a case men have made for centuries: guys don’t understand a fucking thing about women.", "toxicity": 0.6744087} {"filename": "0428415-26324c6caca721ae62f24e6cc74ed78f.txt", "combined_text": "The other garbage about Obamacare, the NWO, welfare and food stamps is just what it is…garbage.", "toxicity": 0.65996873} {"filename": "0620276-d298af4a4b19531ab44c11b49161e5ef.txt", "combined_text": "Particularly because the FBI’s data dump demonstrates clearly that Clinton is either dumb or dishonest—and perhaps both.", "toxicity": 0.681338} {"filename": "0822719-97e7c025f9ab554fd70a1470f4b2f00a.txt", "combined_text": "Initially, no one cares, but after Frasier adds in some ass-kicking and contemporary violence, Norm, Cliff and everyone else end up chanting “Dickens!", "toxicity": 0.5779532} {"filename": "0831384-05fa1b678c096dd03bcbdb4785aa3f92.txt", "combined_text": "And just to make sure she's paying attention, she throws in, \"Go to hell!\"", "toxicity": 0.568186} {"filename": "0113240-01d588da1511dbb8a79c2139396fe978.txt", "combined_text": "The country's tax-funded Catholic hospitals, schools, and nursing homes make their own rules in a moral vacuum, even though their decisions on who can put his penis in whose vagina in what circumstances affect millions of Germans.", "toxicity": 0.7105462} {"filename": "0203886-db9d80157d84da1003e472adb78fd1bf.txt", "combined_text": "I assume, if you're reading this, that you are most likely a human being with eyeballs in a head on top of a torso with nipples on it sitting on a butt attached to some genitals and legs and feet.", "toxicity": 0.7675452} {"filename": "0868468-7f241de8b36a3bfb038a601da609ea5c.txt", "combined_text": "Stupid most.”\n\nColbert then unveiled a video tribute to Bachmann’s “very” moments, which can be seen below.", "toxicity": 0.6491204} {"filename": "0057446-aa990c6fc4684a06cbbe68f31da66976.txt", "combined_text": "It’s a tall, white, rectangular box with a pulsating, cylindrical device that’s intended to simulate a vagina, according to the description on its website, via “massage, twitching, sucking, vibration, etc. upon the human penis [sic].”", "toxicity": 0.718943} {"filename": "0684207-3497b48039fd5401a5de991bca5f8e96.txt", "combined_text": "That bastard weatherman was confident the storm would be rapturous or nothing to write home about, an end-times blizzard or a couple of melting flakes, and that it’d wait until the evening commute to get serious.", "toxicity": 0.5972042} {"filename": "0623831-15b85a3f02ddf1e5b4834bebda472c9b.txt", "combined_text": "So yeah, just like you don;t give a shit about outing the identity of a potential rape or sexual assault victim, don’t expect me to give a shit about what happens to the likes of you.", "toxicity": 0.7570315} {"filename": "0701454-43af95dbd1a2f0c5f22b3a4ba0a21a8a.txt", "combined_text": "It didn’t prevent him from giving Stern permission to call Ivanka “a piece of ass.”", "toxicity": 0.8299589} {"filename": "0336144-63e0b3d91c1e1f54a2472ee11002913e.txt", "combined_text": "My laptop is perched awkwardly on my knees while the stool’s tiny, circular seat is slowly putting my butt to sleep.", "toxicity": 0.60254884} {"filename": "0161150-aca13b94fbd1334665e8908a38e958e8.txt", "combined_text": "Anjezë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu, also known as Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, also known as Mother Teresa, was a colossal fucking piece of shit.", "toxicity": 0.9061063} {"filename": "0248222-7947ae78accde922d196d44f4dce79e5.txt", "combined_text": "If it weren't so sad, this b******s would have made my day Gillian Anderson", "toxicity": 0.5559701} {"filename": "0896256-439aee3aafbbc0d357464e15466cfdc0.txt", "combined_text": "A Boston man who lost most of his penis in a fight with cancer has become the first US patient to receive a penis transplant.", "toxicity": 0.32074678} {"filename": "0936467-01297478c14e747479a096af11427bf3.txt", "combined_text": "The racial problem is that stupid people can vote, that incentives for good behavior are weak or nonexistent, and that some people are unresponsive to incentives.", "toxicity": 0.71760553} {"filename": "0003826-f21ca06f3d3a1f9ece8fe2a8b7486fe9.txt", "combined_text": "A few hours later, during the Sunday Night Football intro featuring that shitty Carrie Underwood song, the highlight montage promoting that night’s matchup included a clip of Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce ... shooting a bow and arrow.", "toxicity": 0.4014846} {"filename": "0421400-3c91a2816be1a51e2d866815fb7fb767.txt", "combined_text": "According to another passenger, Johansson called one flight attendant \"stupid\" and \"useless.\"", "toxicity": 0.6611249} {"filename": "0791698-d093a96ed1bc04da1cfdba77f0cd20be.txt", "combined_text": "While I do not have time to break down all of the bullshit in Trump’s speech, I’ve highlighted the most egregious lines and broken down why they are bullshit.", "toxicity": 0.8460273} {"filename": "0601514-87fd88b19203ff4ad6a4b4fff6d72a1e.txt", "combined_text": "Alexis Ford, the once-prolific porn actress known for her work in One Flew Over the Cuckold's Nest and Big Wet Asses 22, was forced to make an emergency landing in the middle of a highway in Ventura earlier this week.", "toxicity": 0.083999306} {"filename": "0340093-c435dffd3c080885ceb041f00eee27ed.txt", "combined_text": "He’s a sleazy, entitled, bigoted, egotistical, morally bankrupted, unintelligent, unhinged, fascistic, conman that lacks any semblance of policy substance whatsoever.", "toxicity": 0.72028047} {"filename": "0730300-b5a458ea135502a537cf82ab2fb5c3e9.txt", "combined_text": "Speaking of professional trolls, ZDNet’s Robin Harris provides a veritable omnibus of stupid.", "toxicity": 0.7856813} {"filename": "0971049-9b441b321f431a021226df1ec8b60dcc.txt", "combined_text": "Doing the former is sure to pack muscle mass on your frame, and doing the latter will guarantee your spine shoots out your ass before you make it to thirsty Thursday.", "toxicity": 0.68408644} {"filename": "0476575-111e9b57de4d8a38e44b21f8e137794c.txt", "combined_text": "Sure, she may have used her non-threatening inside voice to ask them, but the look on her face undoubtedly said, “Do not fuck with me, bitches.”", "toxicity": 0.9029226} {"filename": "0688106-531fe78753917b8c9ca92945c3ba406b.txt", "combined_text": "(RELATED:‘F**k Donald Trump, F**k White People!’: 4 People In Custody After Man Kidnapped, Tortured On Facebook Live)", "toxicity": 0.76197964} {"filename": "0408193-b054c251760a29fa056b7f40d1ebdf87.txt", "combined_text": "Finally, if there is a wall you see that looks bad ass, you can climb right up that bad boy!", "toxicity": 0.743089} {"filename": "0416595-cdefab0b1daacabd5b8266cb71488abe.txt", "combined_text": "At the time I was working on a piece about the rape and murder of two little girls in India.", "toxicity": 0.45921504} {"filename": "0424386-18ea86ffc86a5c10d6a32ee32632cf4a.txt", "combined_text": "The Mexico City Metro is startling riders with what is being called a 'sexist,' men's only subway seat that features a molded plastic nude male torso — complete with a flaccid penis.", "toxicity": 0.52007306} {"filename": "0413026-655bd1802d12d77d38470d3670dddf30.txt", "combined_text": "Lee is a drug addict and minor cocaine smuggler, called \"the Snowman,\" who has frustrated and alienated his family.", "toxicity": 0.5532103} {"filename": "0515731-86bdee7eb919d3e7896cd4a5b6dc37a2.txt", "combined_text": "we sing, bongo-pounding the couch in joy, when Porzingis reaches up one of those Gumby-ass limbs of his and bats down a shot.", "toxicity": 0.4421347} {"filename": "0732249-c02dfb5c6e96b0150086fb6a56b7363d.txt", "combined_text": "No, it’s not as dangerous as those lies — and less likely to stir up the kind of hatred that will get someone killed — but it is the kind of bullshit that demonstrates what a cruel, unfeeling bully he is.", "toxicity": 0.7252971} {"filename": "0926305-56e6f1632c012537c25fcb81be2e0ec1.txt", "combined_text": "\"I showed Jon Jon the clip and bet him that he was too much of a faggot to try it,\" said Fat Mark.", "toxicity": 0.65996873} {"filename": "0029106-ce2237385d742543d8418b3cbca90635.txt", "combined_text": "Because men are reasonable, and women are superficial shallow whores.", "toxicity": 0.85333383} {"filename": "0095249-eb34bf38010aa304365c9a3cbaa2e9ea.txt", "combined_text": "If you’re reading this, and you plan to travel to Bulgaria, and then you did, but you were very disappointed, you can write me here on this email and tell me that I’m nothing else but a Big Fat Liar.", "toxicity": 0.45921504} {"filename": "0547272-52361570d0f31b4a49d82b585a9cd7ea.txt", "combined_text": "We also name ourselves ACAB because we know that all cops are bastards who go to any lengths to attack the squatting movement internationally and the anarchist milieu.", "toxicity": 0.5716857} {"filename": "0490052-6cb4b92ad070983ba20f339b67eb1f67.txt", "combined_text": "Posted on April 1, 2008, Jon Soucy Xbox Moron Covered on Fox News", "toxicity": 0.3389984} {"filename": "0967599-2b30008fa1b7a274c94761304cd4e550.txt", "combined_text": "This shit is starting to get really long in the tooth – but I guess we all should have expected this “sand in the eyes” level of kombat from reptiles.", "toxicity": 0.64447093} {"filename": "0477953-6c29f33c17008eeb795ba37febf77c26.txt", "combined_text": "Grab your cha-cha heels, because the People’s Pervert and Pope of Trash is coming to town.", "toxicity": 0.5885171} {"filename": "0648961-3d892a51ec5660f21ed83db7bf7ff2b3.txt", "combined_text": "I exposed a UKIP MEP over her bullsh*t on illegal immigrants – here's how I did it", "toxicity": 0.6863638} {"filename": "0812614-69f779409dbb3d8ed172a7def28499eb.txt", "combined_text": "Great Plains Tar Sands Resistance would like to echo the sentiment expressed by Michael Bishop in his resistance to TransCanada—“Fuck off, we’ll fight you.”", "toxicity": 0.687436} {"filename": "0425803-19e760028a41bfebb20a169f678a9c30.txt", "combined_text": "I listened to it and immediately texted him in order too take the piss, I mean you don’t criticize a genre for having too much sex and then champion a song that has the leading lyric “I can be a whore!”.", "toxicity": 0.7701451} {"filename": "0986654-f796a539887a1b005797ebdfa816b32d.txt", "combined_text": "\"Instead of a damn tax, the company will be rewarded with a damn tax cut.", "toxicity": 0.60311776} {"filename": "0760995-a90bd037b2e92b03f7d8a924bb6531bf.txt", "combined_text": "School officials in Utah are investigating a social media video that appears to shows five white teenagers in a car, smiling and giggling while shouting \"Fuck niggers.\" video-player.buzzfeed.com", "toxicity": 0.718943} {"filename": "0460929-384c77ba6462ab764e0836d7ca6630e7.txt", "combined_text": "Ploobis' son, Wisss, is a dropout \"crater-head\", who sucks intoxicating gases from holes in the ground.", "toxicity": 0.52007306} {"filename": "0491564-de882179b2d95b5e2758ffe7418790c3.txt", "combined_text": "Coulibaly denied any knowledge of any such a plan: “I’m the village idiot in all this.", "toxicity": 0.63782936} {"filename": "0962808-29593b308e0964658dea63b5ec92bf48.txt", "combined_text": "They are the ones who go into crowded rooms, shout “Allahu akbar,” or “God is great,” and then start murdering.", "toxicity": 0.45243698} {"filename": "0721755-2473cd426a4c43630fbcf591aa5cb884.txt", "combined_text": "And the woman responds: \"You look like an idiot putting a cream patch on your chest.\"", "toxicity": 0.7701451} {"filename": "0345103-cb0a64ac0b4f9735270e32b722001361.txt", "combined_text": "But first I will tell every1 nevar to buy youre stupid game agin.”", "toxicity": 0.6989911} {"filename": "0958944-dd5149f0aa881e8fb3a28087abfc47d2.txt", "combined_text": "Do you have any idea how much you’ve gotta suck to get cut from the Canadian Football League?”", "toxicity": 0.5140397} {"filename": "0349217-6960347748f870ff86dfedc5ad54c0f0.txt", "combined_text": "You know, your socks don’t match, there’s no milk for your cereal, traffic sucks, you accidentally fart during a business meeting, etc…Now try to imagine one of those days if you are a low-life scumbag.", "toxicity": 0.743089} {"filename": "0036046-560e9fd8fc39fa6677de2048f88d0463.txt", "combined_text": "“Bitch, bitch, bitch,” said MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, who once disturbingly gushed that President Obama sent a “thrill up my leg.”", "toxicity": 0.8115627} {"filename": "0560868-1204377b37e87dc5dd4e4cb01bb81cdf.txt", "combined_text": "“I came back to America last week to grab my hard drives, all my stuff, and to get rid of my place in Boston —- only to be greeted with a reminder of how much I hated all the bullshit lies and corruption spoiling this once-great country.", "toxicity": 0.5885171} {"filename": "0870910-af9e924e404e5b340cc6cb50095f7cd8.txt", "combined_text": "To Birth A Curse-Breaker, purchase a basal thermometer and kill a witch with it.", "toxicity": 0.46186632} {"filename": "0098813-0e572f69fff9b43d668061ccc7488db6.txt", "combined_text": "Refers to her followers as ‘sparkly ethereal butterflies’ or ‘bejeweled empowered moon warriors’ or some shit.", "toxicity": 0.6827122} {"filename": "0625473-07d91a16efc5e028a71f7adc127e19bf.txt", "combined_text": "In just a few short minutes, it can be the aspect that keeps you watching, hooking you in, or it can be so awful that you turn the bitch off.", "toxicity": 0.75208336} {"filename": "0277295-a5d262579b4ba6c9e750aa8e24000ee5.txt", "combined_text": "Many women are labelled as ‘sluts’ because they take ‘half naked’ (gym) styled photos of themselves.", "toxicity": 0.5532103} {"filename": "0544205-e4f58c9b4ced151a1cbe47c09402aceb.txt", "combined_text": "'You can see my face on the internet every motherf***ing day,' he chastised the fan as he approached her at the side of the stage.", "toxicity": 0.6027529} {"filename": "0001526-ab30f981b78dadeec6be6d2217d9482b.txt", "combined_text": "They also went on the record of saying that you’re the biggest trash talker on the court.", "toxicity": 0.584095} {"filename": "0516342-49258dc4a05ea5bd6e2f7e0a2a730235.txt", "combined_text": "According to Trump, “only ‘stupid’ people, or fools, would think that it is bad!", "toxicity": 0.7856813} {"filename": "0152233-5356390f9ff417c37f1b8cdd11ba65fa.txt", "combined_text": "In exchange for donations, supporters of the project were given data that would allow them to make their own 3-D prints of her genitals.", "toxicity": 0.4269174} {"filename": "0983204-92ef70204d11114f1681226ba25a6903.txt", "combined_text": "The victim stated that the suspect was allegedly masturbating so hard that “she felt he was going to pull his penis off”, the report indicated.", "toxicity": 0.71760553} {"filename": "0135974-ebd9b235cc04a67fd334b5957b5fd608.txt", "combined_text": "========================================================================================================= Ok because it is fucking bothering me I am going to type everything I did before really fast.", "toxicity": 0.6852916} {"filename": "0173562-e2f5faf7ac759cf25946cc61ce6fc78a.txt", "combined_text": "I stayed up till stupid o’ clock creating the art leaving the second day with me staring at a blank notepad for hours.", "toxicity": 0.47323486} {"filename": "0944683-aef402b0372fd9aca1556618dab1819b.txt", "combined_text": "Bob Beckel grew agitated about the WikiLeaks investigation into Hillary Clinton and the DNC and ultimately shouted that somebody should “just kill the son of a b***h!”", "toxicity": 0.7570315} {"filename": "0578532-53b2cca48d6f1251b62a71c0ea077b7c.txt", "combined_text": "Just learn the ancient art of not giving a fuck and say whatever shit comes into your head and you’ll get laid.”", "toxicity": 0.83334327} {"filename": "0412257-a68802e0396f553ad000642931aa9aeb.txt", "combined_text": "This year, she’s a nun possessed by Satan, and the devil’s got a thing for closeted Nazis with mutilation fetishes.", "toxicity": 0.55739564} {"filename": "0063643-196b1867d8f74ac819d6e9a1564324bf.txt", "combined_text": "As Ed Yong put it in on Twitter, \"Taliban to US: \"If you don't stop killing our kids w/ drones, we'll kill them with polio.\"", "toxicity": 0.60254884} {"filename": "0634327-babaa13782d521f96d3b2c80369d918c.txt", "combined_text": "Bermudez yelled that Osorio was a gang rival and stabbed him in the head and neck, prosecutors said, then Martin shot Osorio in the chest.", "toxicity": 0.3722269} {"filename": "0663120-eb5756d1d54f3df850d37cf3a4f8540e.txt", "combined_text": "\"F*** you, f*** me, and f*** everybody they sent to their deaths.", "toxicity": 0.911035} {"filename": "0488658-0f0b01bbf5e10fd34d75f4bc5823642e.txt", "combined_text": "Only fuckup it seems was your dad's choice to go without a condom,\" and \"grab a razor blade and draw a bath.", "toxicity": 0.8540474} {"filename": "0421936-f0844c2de7f50664901e6207d9e309f2.txt", "combined_text": "Hideo Kojima has unveiled a new figurine of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain‘s heroine Quiet, and it features soft boobs that you can squeeze.", "toxicity": 0.51980776} {"filename": "0811559-69a96f0d749a93462dd8f79a52c4907a.txt", "combined_text": "WarOnWomen my ass. #wvsen #GoVote2014 Congratulations! — — Bonk — (@BonkPolitics) November 5, 2014", "toxicity": 0.4269174} {"filename": "0469676-3a32622b51e7038b76e2ed76e893bc41.txt", "combined_text": "This reflects the stupidity that infects the left wing \"progressives\" here in the West.", "toxicity": 0.7701451} {"filename": "0416163-1443ddee659589fd31cbcbd728870968.txt", "combined_text": "He kicked some serious ass out there and captured dreamy footage the whole time that’ll get you stoked for this season.", "toxicity": 0.6289369} {"filename": "0073024-8f803859f8284a63c4c14d11c6aee414.txt", "combined_text": "Free porno on the Internet has become so boring so rediscover a sensual world of nude babes with luscious boobs who live to make you blow the biggest loads of jizz possible!", "toxicity": 0.718943} {"filename": "0653267-b23f57d3f4e528cf40fdea6121855dee.txt", "combined_text": "And so I really recommend to get your get goddamn movie on Netflix.", "toxicity": 0.62136006} {"filename": "0959687-35a7cdc3aceb35316fd11eb2af9220d0.txt", "combined_text": "This was drawn in Photoshop, entirely on 1s because I'm a fucking idiot, except for the last \"20\" frames which were done on 2s, hence the stutter.", "toxicity": 0.7570315} {"filename": "0377413-93a8293caf03a50dcd948901cfdaf34d.txt", "combined_text": "How many more terrifying ways will you have the LORD injure and kill your fellow countrymen because you insist on nation-dooming filthy fag marriage?!”", "toxicity": 0.73663366} {"filename": "0222590-8e65d1fce67f2fa84a8a7c4e2af5aeb8.txt", "combined_text": "“Your folk never used all this [expletive] to protect my folk from your slave-holding, murdering, adulterous, baby-raping, incestuous, snaggle-toothed, backward-a—ed, inbreed, imported criminal-minded kin folk,” Mr.", "toxicity": 0.53579444} {"filename": "0231404-756d52ce3488eda36f9beee241525fce.txt", "combined_text": "“I can play the whore,” Barnes later tells her very own congressman, House Majority Whip Francis Underwood.", "toxicity": 0.51980776} {"filename": "0557618-c62019cf426a3dda332a65f7f0fce050.txt", "combined_text": "The Republican party will be celebrating this weekend to mark Donald Trump successfully managing to resist the urge to grab any females by their genitals during his first one hundred days in power.", "toxicity": 0.5559701} {"filename": "0304280-1453a2d62d302e54e839efc23a0caf18.txt", "combined_text": "Apparently, a fellow handing out yogurt samples at Sunflower Market in Albuquerque plead guilty to er…”contaminating” the yogurt and using a spoon tainted with his semen.", "toxicity": 0.50503236} {"filename": "0952584-a09c5a71816eaa51bae594ec0d514b52.txt", "combined_text": "so he could feel my breasts all perfume yes and his heart was going like mad and yes I said yes I will Yes.", "toxicity": 0.61223894} {"filename": "0256457-e62e3eb1ba37357b7d089e0ea63dbdb6.txt", "combined_text": "At one point Haim lashed out at Feldman “You let me get fucked around in my life ..raped, so to speak ..when I was about fourteen-and-a-half years-old.”", "toxicity": 0.681338} {"filename": "0479614-2372d0318b9aa935268370f11241bbc4.txt", "combined_text": "“You have proudly donated $100 million to kill our women and children, to destroy the homes of the Muslims.”", "toxicity": 0.63782936} {"filename": "0245967-6a24c1c480925ef34704303079b9c9f0.txt", "combined_text": "“I had a feeling those fucking PSNI bastards wouldn’t let us peacefully parade into Belfast so I brought a few petrol bombs just in case,” 15-year-old Donny Higgins explained.", "toxicity": 0.75208336} {"filename": "0468945-3429b80793014603ece107bd6929f9b2.txt", "combined_text": "“I have this goldfish, idiot, forgetful thing in that every time I’m confronted with true misogyny, I’m stunned.", "toxicity": 0.56269526} {"filename": "0191114-6e4378681ba603929d14f3dbbe2784fe.txt", "combined_text": "Louis–area cops were suspended for making racist remarks, and a third was relieved from duty for telling protesters he would “fucking kill” them.", "toxicity": 0.7105462} {"filename": "0945203-20e0002a50328039a2553204e6aa6420.txt", "combined_text": "Most people are rather confident of their ability to recognize bullshit and to avoid being taken in by it.", "toxicity": 0.6342749} {"filename": "0270975-dc7e22d96252d83e11e9739d1dfe63bc.txt", "combined_text": "I almost wish I could slap him in the face so he’d realize what a jackass he’s making of himself, but maybe he’s just a lost cause.”", "toxicity": 0.7252971} {"filename": "0581760-ed9d933ce97aab3ece5c67145dbee048.txt", "combined_text": "In response, another student remarked that \"I'm sick and tired of all these fucking nooses.\"", "toxicity": 0.7252971} {"filename": "0449190-3d9b9688a525b593c21f0b27c0cde343.txt", "combined_text": "So if a manufacturer decided to disable Windows Update to favor its own crappy bloatware, that would be incredibly fucked.", "toxicity": 0.76197964} {"filename": "0382969-599d8b80aefdc2b72f0c71d511425cc0.txt", "combined_text": "1. [On leakers]: “What I want to do is I want to fucking kill all the leakers and I want to get the President’s agenda on track so we can succeed for the American people.”", "toxicity": 0.71760553} {"filename": "0132895-510f56bb1d2f273bd65fed1e6b6aa025.txt", "combined_text": "Warnings to everyone, Hiveswap and Homestuck fans alike, the assholes from over at the Homestuck discord have finally gotten a tumblr ( @homestuckhiveswap ) and are trying to reach out here.", "toxicity": 0.6020386} {"filename": "0165574-da9aff14a12a030f5e244651b00dfe6a.txt", "combined_text": "Female bats often lick their mate's penis during dorsoventral copulation.", "toxicity": 0.68408644} {"filename": "0102122-428434eae22f321bd7bb89e9a7b63417.txt", "combined_text": "Dan Bilzerian, the rich asshole whose popular Instagram account exemplifies the version of the American dream where Lady Liberty has immense fake tits and a thongload of cash, spent the weekend partying in Miami at Art Basel.", "toxicity": 0.6989911} {"filename": "0389257-d1b57593237c3362e0c7848ee94badb5.txt", "combined_text": "He is attacking the position that people reject the science of climate change because they are too stupid and too irrational.", "toxicity": 0.7252971} {"filename": "0940518-cff5ef8be5d68d2a687a47f5bf723445.txt", "combined_text": "Ruined the phrase \"Red Pill\" forever, \"Redpill\" is forever associated with these faggots.", "toxicity": 0.7308154} {"filename": "0080299-a15f2fe564b80ba17cf2f206321b8af6.txt", "combined_text": "3. You know damn well if the rolls where reversed this chick would be screaming bloody murder.", "toxicity": 0.60311776} {"filename": "0546942-58757ad7f020feef5d35c4749e081923.txt", "combined_text": "; “Birth Control Makes Women Unattractive and Crazy“; “The Solution to Online ‘Harassment’ Is Simple: Women Should Log Off“; “Teenage Boys With Tits: Here’s My Problem with Ghostbusters” and “Science Proves It: Fat-Shaming Works.”", "toxicity": 0.33836752} {"filename": "0080414-708bbffa66ae6964b105308328391d9f.txt", "combined_text": "Residents of the town are appalled by the topiary, with one saying: ‘Let’s be honest, it looks more like a penis than a Christmas tree.’", "toxicity": 0.63782936} {"filename": "0014651-0bb26b75cf3b1591bc3366c2b660a714.txt", "combined_text": "It's sad and kind of funny how they always play cruel jokes on their fans and make them jump through hoops to get shitty tickets to see the same shitty songs.", "toxicity": 0.7998551} {"filename": "0477176-f9ea7f5dc9ef357602ccc964a019df8c.txt", "combined_text": "Online ads are a serious pain in the ass, and lots of people turn to the likes of AdBlock Plus to clean up their browsing experience.", "toxicity": 0.5972042} {"filename": "0135163-70d6dab37623dd3e6edfadd2584a0564.txt", "combined_text": "And this one insists on putting her God damned bras in the dryer no matter how many times I tell her to stop doing that.", "toxicity": 0.6289369} {"filename": "0535803-a4a422de695d4b72b50eb4ee154d45bd.txt", "combined_text": "They do not judge you by the content of your character; if you're white, they think that you're a privileged piece of shit and you shouldn't voice your opinion.", "toxicity": 0.718943} {"filename": "0960673-05822f31b936eddda327c9a47da3e8e1.txt", "combined_text": "If you think of local taxpayers as shareholders in the corporation of the city of Montreal (and yes, it is incorporated), then we’re getting a shitty return on investment.", "toxicity": 0.44573322} {"filename": "0190171-a6b5e88bdb5dbf5ed255ae6ca4f62299.txt", "combined_text": "Edgar Maddison Welch of Salisbury, North Carolina, pleaded guilty on Friday to shooting up the pizzeria Comet Ping Pong after reading fake online news stories claiming Hillary Clinton was harboring sex slaves in the basement", "toxicity": 0.3974717} {"filename": "0312369-6c30472d88a72507048087d56a1784bc.txt", "combined_text": "When tracked down by the police and asked why the back seat of her car was full of expensive power tools, the woman admitted to having a fraudulent credit card and driver’s license tucked safely away…inside her vagina.", "toxicity": 0.72028047} {"filename": "0907989-8f93c85447770f668331e8d2b2131d51.txt", "combined_text": ". The man approached her and tripped and fell into the snow, but when he got up she noticed his genitals were exposed.", "toxicity": 0.53579444} {"filename": "0616261-05333bfc245414a76329a19911add78b.txt", "combined_text": "\"Hey, @realDonaldTrump – regarding your claim that Captain Khan would be alive if you were president: go fuck yourself,\" Jesse Lehrich, Clinton's foreign policy spokesman, tweeted during the second presidential debate.", "toxicity": 0.743089} {"filename": "0632267-5bcbd94a22b825c53bcc3c727b12aa27.txt", "combined_text": "It’s another to be a bloody idiot and refuse even to acknowledge the rest of the world exists.", "toxicity": 0.82048255} {"filename": "0088194-ce2a57ddf930508049ddf54f4b3919f2.txt", "combined_text": "\"You're either for or against, and if you can't decide who you like more and you're split on who you should stand beside, I'll do it for it for you with this: Fuck you.\"", "toxicity": 0.8696708} {"filename": "0376375-100eaf3741baccbcba5b95cb0b7a657f.txt", "combined_text": "And, the females in the study were more experienced than the boys in oral, anal, and vaginal sex.", "toxicity": 0.6863638} {"filename": "0338122-1d6c9ab9b2969ac41641d2a42632d708.txt", "combined_text": "When I post about plant-based diets or Bill Clinton’s choice to eat fish, someone inevitably decides to label me as a perfectionist, purist, or my personal favourite, an asshole.", "toxicity": 0.681338} {"filename": "0299829-c3fac21effd562119427c076210bf989.txt", "combined_text": "So, ages ago some fucker broke into my house and stole all of my electronics, including my laptop, my desktop, my PC and my freaking PIANO.", "toxicity": 0.8364697} {"filename": "0634117-9f7220d6e3b156ed810bb70b6e3defdd.txt", "combined_text": "Told ya’ll I was gonna do Sailor Mouth so here’s this fucking pile of shit", "toxicity": 0.93383175} {"filename": "0154477-49a6ea99cc8e99648c518d2395af1278.txt", "combined_text": "“Nothing says ‘Let’s go kill some Muslims’ like country music,” said Lemieux in kicking off the festivities.", "toxicity": 0.41168427} {"filename": "0147651-85c75aed846841fe5f58f2b667bfcb89.txt", "combined_text": "The fact that we are a poor country does not come from the fact that we are idiots.", "toxicity": 0.7570315} {"filename": "0753408-4365fc01da894dca5a08e486fedf4214.txt", "combined_text": "From sleep apnea to diabetes and heart conditions (not to mention being a fucking fat ass), the lowered quality of life and greatly increased health risks for Tubby Tim and Jiggly Jane should be of primary concern.", "toxicity": 0.718943} {"filename": "0778512-a8f2c1f8a372f2fcf08486545838a115.txt", "combined_text": "“Get that son of a bitch off the field right now,” he suggested.", "toxicity": 0.83334327} {"filename": "0073047-d9396189033ac62012c35b74bf89c6a4.txt", "combined_text": "Like, shit, so deep down the rabbit hole because being a kid and growing up is hard and nobody understands.", "toxicity": 0.7510937} {"filename": "0684477-0473b41fb3af79810382e628e0e332c4.txt", "combined_text": "To my own absolute amazement, that stupid toll road -- you know the one! -- turns out to be the one thing people want to hear about in this election.", "toxicity": 0.60254884} {"filename": "0234739-6d9ab9b6c4a43c4d1b5747658cb5a04f.txt", "combined_text": "They mean, while they were putting out yet another TV show about gay marriage and how stupid fathers are, maybe they needed to service the rest of America (that voted for Trump.)", "toxicity": 0.71760553} {"filename": "0937154-4afaad62bdca6fb20dda398524c3c22d.txt", "combined_text": "I still have to meet a black girl who was not raped at about 12.", "toxicity": 0.47886392} {"filename": "0043772-968976b2311896a47d7ccb7c425337b7.txt", "combined_text": "\"Kill all Koreans,\" and \"Koreans must die,\" are common refrains.", "toxicity": 0.743089} {"filename": "0856221-5d25177a7928c1bceed85542be551f7c.txt", "combined_text": "Spend too much time in the john and Petrovich will wind up in there with you, asserting in broken and unabashed English that “you not take shit forty-five minutes.”", "toxicity": 0.6020386} {"filename": "0076294-51060afa281d6c16cac8311cf2ab9d72.txt", "combined_text": "I ended up calling him a dick, for being a dick to Nick Bilton, after which he wrote the now infamous post that kicked all this off.", "toxicity": 0.76523775} {"filename": "0270060-7ac1ca5954c7fccd1e54c488baf7d770.txt", "combined_text": "This film is for the climber looking for that last nudge of inspiration to get off their ass and go to the gym.", "toxicity": 0.7308154} {"filename": "0259957-44e7f1ac00c287d017bce1f0d2f50c67.txt", "combined_text": "This is genius, but also apparently controversial, because how dare women repeat the horrible insults that get launched at them all the goddamn time.", "toxicity": 0.5885171} {"filename": "0787836-f777c5ab8fab87f6ef6c6451ba111d9b.txt", "combined_text": "Palmer's office with subtle messages like \"rot in hell\" and \"there’s a deep cavity waiting for you.\"", "toxicity": 0.47900817} {"filename": "0547863-a0579aaa8dcfef02c5d11eafaf362e03.txt", "combined_text": "I want to make this as offensive as possible for the old ass punks who are running the record labels…and dictate what the black community hears.", "toxicity": 0.6744087} {"filename": "0846330-577235755fbf9ce9a4f681321111448c.txt", "combined_text": "According to the local KOB TV station, federal documents claim that police noticed Eckert clenching his buttocks when they asked him to step outside of the car, indicating that he may have been carrying drugs in his anal cavity.", "toxicity": 0.584095} {"filename": "0289182-2bf7d5dbe04c7b77d9e6c4acffb5ebea.txt", "combined_text": "Jerry Sylvia, a longtime customer and disabled from the waist down, said of the lawsuit: “It’s all a bunch of crap.", "toxicity": 0.6544696} {"filename": "0339680-1b4d76077029f1ca0a5bc6b75e57bb57.txt", "combined_text": "But we relish the opportunity to talk about two of our favorite subjects- animals, and genitals.", "toxicity": 0.4014846} {"filename": "0181600-2e3f1928a53a613ea94419f496acefd1.txt", "combined_text": "The hazing got the team suspended for an entire year, so they must have gotten caught doing some pretty crazy shit, right?", "toxicity": 0.6611249} {"filename": "0221837-3174b968f5ba97d1bff4818b98b2250c.txt", "combined_text": "He plied them with drugs and alcohol, gave them clothes and a place to stay, and forced them to engage in sex acts with strangers.", "toxicity": 0.48141238} {"filename": "0159464-657f36f5e45ca72acb90bd13021609b2.txt", "combined_text": "I’ve witnessed some sorry fucking sights in my life, but the display you just put on in front of that nursing home crowd was the most pathetic excuse for Christian-themed slapstick I’ve ever seen.", "toxicity": 0.71760553} {"filename": "0834854-29de551353bb481154f36c91d64386a2.txt", "combined_text": "“And the TSA security people all look like black thugs from the inner city.", "toxicity": 0.5566829} {"filename": "0190246-87fdab014b52739f595754790376ef7e.txt", "combined_text": "Big pick-up trucks are driven by reckless assholes; European sedans by condescending elitists.", "toxicity": 0.6588125} {"filename": "0992250-57ed3adf6ee197d5f7f946a665cd96f5.txt", "combined_text": "Even Bobby Jindal recently recognized that the GOP is the “stupid party.”", "toxicity": 0.76197964} {"filename": "0383468-503ffce4d972cf3e4d0a0402920a49f1.txt", "combined_text": "\"You are a slut, I'm going to kill you and I'm going to fix up your sister and friends who have been teaching you this.\"", "toxicity": 0.96426713} {"filename": "0489467-d67bc9961e770a0340ef3d27d66b8b2e.txt", "combined_text": "I’ve done this myself in the past — it was a form of fantasizing about how I was going to make my life better, get my shit together.", "toxicity": 0.60311776}