stringlengths 40
| size
int64 5
| content
stringlengths 5
| avg_line_length
float64 4
| max_line_length
int64 5
| alphanum_fraction
float64 0.25
27f3010b64ee35cef241222cb67d27f05b1ac40b | 333 | local json
ok, dkjson = pcall require, "dkjson"
json = if ok then dkjson else require "cjson"
local yaml
lyaml = require "lyaml"
yaml =
encode: lyaml.dump
decode: lyaml.load
local toml
_toml = require "toml"
_toml.strict = false
toml =
encode: _toml.encode
decode: _toml.parse
return {:json, :yaml, :toml}
| 15.136364 | 46 | 0.693694 |
c2937ab3fbbe1037ee89a232a75a39023c5affec | 3,819 | -- Copyright 2012-2015 The Howl Developers
-- License: MIT (see LICENSE.md at the top-level directory of the distribution)
import interact from howl
import highlight from howl.ui
import Matcher from howl.util
append = table.insert
line_match_highlighter = (editor, explain) ->
local buffer
(selection, text, items) ->
if buffer
highlight.remove_all 'search', buffer
highlight.remove_all 'search_secondary', buffer
return unless selection
buffer = editor.buffer
line = buffer.lines[selection.line_nr]
local segments
if text and not text.is_empty
segments = explain text, line.text
if segments
start_pos = line.start_pos
ranges = [{start_pos + s[1] - 1, s[2]} for s in *segments]
highlight.apply 'search', buffer, ranges
highlight.apply 'search', buffer, line.start_pos, line.end_pos - line.start_pos
-- highlight nearby secondary matches
if #items > 0 and not text.is_empty
local idx
for i, item in ipairs items
continue unless item.buffer == buffer
if item.line_nr >= editor.line_at_top - 5
idx = i
if idx
ranges = {}
for i = idx, #items
continue unless items[i].buffer == buffer
nr = items[i].line_nr
if nr > editor.line_at_bottom + 5
if nr == selection.line_nr
line = buffer.lines[nr]
start_pos = line.start_pos
segments = explain text, line.text
if segments
for segment in *segments
ranges[#ranges + 1] = { start_pos + segment[1] - 1, segment[2] }
highlight.apply 'search_secondary', buffer, ranges
create_matcher = (line_items, find) ->
mt = {
__call: (query) =>
return moon.copy(line_items) unless query
return [item for item in *line_items when find query, item[2].text]
return setmetatable {explain: (query, text) -> find query, text}, mt
name: 'select_line'
description: 'Selection for buffer lines'
handler: (opts) ->
opts = moon.copy opts
lines = opts.lines
opts.lines = nil
unless lines
error '"lines" field required', 2
if opts.matcher or opts.items or opts.on_change
error '"matcher", "items" or "on_change" not allowed', 2
editor = opts.editor or howl.app.editor
line_items = {}
largest_nr = 0
for line in *lines
append line_items, {tostring(line.nr), line.chunk, buffer: line.buffer, line_nr: line.nr, :line}
largest_nr = math.max(largest_nr, line.nr)
selected_line = opts.selected_line
if selected_line
for item in *line_items
if item.line_nr == selected_line.nr and item.buffer == selected_line.buffer
opts.selection = item
opts.selected_line = nil
local matcher
if opts.find
matcher = create_matcher(line_items, opts.find)
matcher = Matcher line_items, preserve_order: true
opts.items = line_items
opts.on_change = line_match_highlighter(editor, matcher.explain)
opts.force_preview = true
opts.columns = {
{align: 'right', style: 'comment', min_width: tostring(largest_nr).ulen},
result = interact.select_location opts
if result
line = result.selection.line
column = 1
if result.text and not result.text.is_empty
segments = matcher.explain result.text, line.text
column = segments and segments[1][1] or 1
return {
text: result.text
highlight.remove_all 'search', editor.buffer
highlight.remove_all 'search_secondary', editor.buffer
-- howl.interact.select_line lines: howl.app.editor.buffer.lines
| 29.152672 | 102 | 0.641791 |
676d6f5a1bc2836987d68d99d2a2aaa8ac5c0155 | 626 | {
define_class: (base, meta = {}) ->
props = base.properties or {}
orig_index = meta.__index
meta.__index = (o, k) ->
m = base[k]
return m if m
p = props[k]
if p
p = p.get if type(p) == 'table'
p and p o
elseif orig_index
orig_index o, k
meta.__newindex = (o, k, ...) ->
p = props[k]
p = p.set if p
if p
p o, ...
rawset o, k, ...
setmetatable {}, {
__call: (t, ...) ->
o = setmetatable {}, meta
if base.new
base.new o, ...
__index: meta.__index
| 18.411765 | 39 | 0.434505 |
460b834952fff39566f078492f4d79a3cf4c4889 | 889 | describe "transform.branch", ->
run = require("shipwright.builder").run
branch = require("shipwright.transform.branch")
-- passing spies to run seems to break because it messes with the #len
-- value (sets it to 0)
t = {
double: spy.new(->)
square: spy.new(->)
square = (v) ->
v = v[1] * v[1]
return {v}
double = (v) ->
v = v[1] * 2
return {v}
it "branch once", ->
value = run({3},
{branch, double, square})
it "branch once", ->
s = spy.new(-> return {})
value = run({3},
{branch, square},
{branch, double},
(v) ->
return v)
| 22.225 | 72 | 0.559055 |
d280b5ba17534f45db993ac6c1f032ace28b2788 | 189 | import Model from require "lapis.db.model"
class ResourceAdmins extends Model
-- Has created_at and modified_at
@timestamp: true
@primary_key: { "resource", "user" }
| 27 | 43 | 0.677249 |
0f999ac94b106d15b836bc7ab8372ee43ac59574 | 79 | export class Wall extends Entity
new: (x, y) =>
super x, y, sprites.wall
| 19.75 | 32 | 0.64557 |
67b18365056547ae749e7798352b51db4a90e16e | 191 | -- ::Enum(table fieldNames) -> table
-- Makes a table of enumerable incremental keys
-- export
export Enum = (fieldNames) ->
return {fieldNames[index], index - 1 for index=1, #fieldNames} | 38.2 | 66 | 0.701571 |
91e0770cf6613a743a8c34829c4972e66c3a1b04 | 337 | lapis = require "lapis"
oleg = require "lib/oleg"
class CacheBro extends lapis.Application
[olegview: "/cache/:table/:key"]: =>
@value, @err = oleg.get @params.table, @params.key
@title = "Cache view: " .. @params.table .. " -> " .. @params.key
if @err ~= nil
return render: "error", status: 404
render: true
| 24.071429 | 69 | 0.608309 |
c08985d221eaeb3b587f9594dd8aa5dc629be42e | 237 | Dorothy!
AISettingView = require "View.Control.Unit.AISetting"
import Struct from require "Lib.Utils"
--MessageBox = require "Control.Basic.MessageBox"
Class AISettingView,
@instinctPanel.itemSource = Struct.Array!
| 26.333333 | 54 | 0.755274 |
7dd31fab11e308af5ce065dbd3020e0dd2409f8f | 779 | export modinfo = {
type: "function"
id: "GetPlayers"
func: (str) ->
Rtn = {}
plyr = PlayersService\GetPlayers!
if str == "all"
for _,v in pairs plyr
table.insert Rtn,v
elseif str == "others"
for _,v in pairs plyr
if v ~= LocalPlayer
table.insert Rtn,v
elseif str == "random"
table.insert Rtn,plyr[math.random(1,#plyr)]
elseif str == "me"
table.insert Rtn,LocalPlayer
elseif str == "vetrans"
for _,v in pairs plyr
if v.AccountAge > 365
table.insert Rtn,v
elseif str == "nonvetrans" or str == "notvetrans"
for _,v in pairs plyr
if v.AccountAge < 365
table.insert Rtn,v
for _,v in pairs plyr
if string.sub(string.lower(v.Name),1,#str) == string.lower(str)
table.insert Rtn,v
return Rtn
| 24.34375 | 67 | 0.630295 |
b22134ab6acb0e76e23847e6306afd68a2beaaba | 5,060 | get_env_switch = (name) ->
val = tostring os.getenv name
switch val\lower!
when '1', 'true', 't', 'yes', 'y'
return true
when '0', 'false', 'f', 'no', 'nil', 'n'
return false
error "Unknown value for environment variable #{name}: #{val}"
DEBUG = get_env_switch 'PRA_PDC_CLASS_DEBUG'
DO_MD = get_env_switch 'PRA_PDC_CLASS_DO_MD'
if FORMAT\match'markdown' or
FORMAT\match'gfm' and
not DO_MD
-- a minimal no-op filter
return {
{ Pandoc: -> nil }
_assert = (msg, val, lvl=0) ->
assert val, msg
elseif val
return val
error msg, lvl+2
pdc = _assert "Couldn't find pandoc library.
Are you running this as a Pandoc Lua filter?", pandoc
ptext = _assert "Couldn't find the pandoc.text library", pdc.text
stringy = => tostring @ or ""
reverse_array = =>
n = tonumber(@n) or #@
[@[i] for i=n,1,-1]
-- Syntactic sugar for HTML opening/closing tags
hopen = (tag) -> pdc.RawInline 'html', "<#{tag}>"
hclose = (tag) -> pdc.RawInline 'html', "</#{tag}>"
-- "Wrap" an inline element in a LaTeX command.
-- Arguments:
-- 1. The element
-- 2. The command 'begin', optionally just a string
-- of letters for the command name
-- 3. The 'close' of the command, by default '}'
-- Returns: a Span element containing the wrapped element
latex_command (elem, cmd, post='}') ->
cmd = stringy cmd
post = stringy post
if cmd\match '^%a+$'
cmd = "\\#{cmd}{"
pdc.Span {
pdc.RawInline('latex', post),
inline2span = =>
switch @tag
when 'Span', nil
return @
switch type @content
when 'table'
return pdc.Span @content
return pdc.Span {@}
-- Create a closure which "wraps" its argument
-- (an inline element) in a "canned" LaTeX command:
-- ltc(command, close='}')
ltc = (cmd, post) ->
=> latex_command inline2span(@), cmd, post
ncc = (pre,post=pre) ->
pre = "\\NoCaseChange{" .. stringy(pre)
post = stringy(post) .. '}'
return ltc pre, post
-- "Wrap" an inline element in one or two strings,
-- "removing" any "style" on the element
-- Arguments:
-- 1. The element
-- 2. The string before the element
-- 3. The string after the element, by default same as #2
string_wrap = (elem, pre, post=pre) ->
return pdc.Span {
pdc.Str(stringy pre),
pdc.Str(stringy post),
-- Returns a closure with a canned string_wrap
strw = (pre, post) ->
=> string_wrap inline2span(@), pre, post
-- Filter to turn all Str elements uppercase
uc_str = Str: =>
pdc.Str ptext.upper @text
-- Usage:
-- html_inline(elem, 'u')
-- > `<u>...</u>`
-- DWIM:
-- html_inline(elem, 'u class="double"')
-- Explicit closing tag:
-- html_inline(elem, 'u class="double"', 'u')
html_inline (elem, open, close) ->
if nil == close
close = open\match '^%a+'
return pdc.Span {
-- Filter to turn (sequences of) uppercase letters in Str elements into SmallCaps.
-- Limitation: only works on ASCII letters (use `.sc` otherwise).
-- For (Xe)LaTeX we use a command `textusc` which should be defined like this:
-- \newcommand{\textusc}[1]{%
-- {\addfontfeature{Letters=UppercaseSmallCaps}{#1}}
-- }
pdc_usc = {
Str: =>
rv = {}
for lc, uc in @text\gmatch '(%U*)(%u*)'
if #lc > 0
rv[#rv+1] = pdc.Str lc
if #uc > 0
uc = ptext.lower uc
rv[#rv+1] = pdc.SmallCaps pdc.Str uc
return rv
inline_class = {
sc: {
latex: ),
plain: (=> pdc.walk_inline inline2span(@), uc_str),
usc: {
latex: ltc'textusc',
plain: false,
other: (=> pdc.walk_inline @, pdc_usc),
pra: {
any: strw('⟪', '⟫'),
latex: ncc('⟪', '⟫'),
plain: strw('«', '»'),
gr: {
other: strw('⟨', '⟩'),
latex: ncc('⟨', '⟩'),
plain: strw(,'‹', '›')
ipt: {
any: strw('[', ']'),
latex: ncc('[', ']'),
ipm: {
any: strw'/'
latex: ncc'/'
inline_tag = {
Emph: {
latex: ltc'uline'
plain: strw'_'
Strong: {
latex: ltc'uuline'
plain: strw'__'
Strikeout: {
latex: ltc'textsc'
plain: => inline_class.sc.plain
for disps in *{inline_class, inline_tag}
for name, disp in pairs disps
if nil == disp.markdown
disp.markdown = disp.plain
inline_style = =>
rv = @
if @classes
classes = reverse_array @classes
for cls in *classes
if ic = inline_class[cls][FORMAT] or
rv = ic rv
elseif it = inline_tag[@tag][FORMAT] or
rv = it rv
return rv
-- replace a span with its content if it has no attributes
strip_bare_span = =>
for a in *{@identifier, @classes, @attributes}
unless a -- has no attrs?
return @
-- fortunately # works on both strings and arrays
if #a > 0 then return @
return @content
return {
{ Inline: inline_style }
{ Span: strip_bare_span }
| 23 | 82 | 0.587549 |
7c760feeaabbf6b50cedefc03caa6a24dbb0802e | 24,863 |
-- Copyright (C) 2017-2020 DBotThePony
-- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-- of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-- in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-- to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies
-- of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
-- subject to the following conditions:
-- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies
-- or substantial portions of the Software.
import PPM2 from _G
vector_one = Vector(1, 1, 1)
ENABLE_FLASHLIGHT_PASS = CreateConVar('ppm2_flashlight_pass', '1', {FCVAR_ARCHIVE}, 'Enable flashlight render pass. This kills FPS.')
ENABLE_LEGS = CreateConVar('ppm2_draw_legs', '1', {FCVAR_ARCHIVE}, 'Draw pony legs.')
USE_RENDER_OVERRIDE = CreateConVar('ppm2_legs_new', '1', {FCVAR_ARCHIVE}, 'Use RenderOverride function for legs drawing')
LEGS_RENDER_TYPE = CreateConVar('ppm2_render_legstype', '0', {FCVAR_ARCHIVE}, 'When render legs. 0 - Before Opaque renderables; 1 - after Translucent renderables')
ENABLE_STARE = CreateConVar('ppm2_render_stare', '1', {FCVAR_ARCHIVE}, 'Make eyes follow players and move when idling')
SLOW_STARE_UPDATE = CreateConVar('ppm2_render_stare_slow', '0', {FCVAR_ARCHIVE}, 'Lazy stare update to save a bit frames')
class PonyRenderController extends PPM2.ControllerChildren
@MODELS = {'models/ppm/player_default_base.mdl', 'models/ppm/player_default_base_nj.mdl', 'models/cppm/player_default_base.mdl', 'models/cppm/player_default_base_nj.mdl'}
CompileTextures: => @GetTextureController()\CompileTextures() if @GetTextureController and @GetTextureController()
new: (controller) =>
@hideModels = false
@modelCached = controller\GetModel()
@IGNORE_DRAW = false
@CompileTextures() if @GetEntity()\IsValid()
@CreateLegs() if @GetEntity() == LocalPlayer()
@socksModel = controller\GetSocksModel()
@socksModel\SetNoDraw(false) if IsValid(@socksModel)
@hornModel = controller\GetSocksModel()
@hornModel\SetNoDraw(false) if IsValid(@hornModel)
@newSocksModel = controller\GetNewSocksModel()
@newSocksModel\SetNoDraw(false) if IsValid(@newSocksModel)
@clothesModel = controller\GetClothesModel()
@clothesModel\SetNoDraw(false) if IsValid(@clothesModel)
@lastStareUpdate = 0
@staringAt = NULL
@staringAtDirectly = NULL
@staringAtDirectlyLast = 0
@staringAtDirectlyTr = false
@rotatedHeadTarget = false
@idleEyes = true
@idleEyesActive = false
@nextRollEyes = 0
@rollEyesDelta = CurTimeL()
if @GetEntity()\IsValid()
GetModel: => @controller\GetModel()
GetLegs: =>
return NULL if not @isValid
return NULL if @GetEntity() ~= LocalPlayer()
@CreateLegs() if not IsValid()
return @legsModel
CreateLegs: =>
return NULL if not @isValid
return NULL if @GetEntity() ~= LocalPlayer()
for _, ent in ipairs ents.GetAll()
if ent.isPonyLegsModel
with @legsModel = ClientsideModel(@modelCached)
.isPonyLegsModel = true
.lastRedrawFix = 0
.__PPM2_PonyData = @GetData()
@lastLegUpdate = CurTimeL()
@legClipPlanePos = Vector(0, 0, 0)
@legBGSetup = CurTimeL()
@legUpdateFrame = 0
@legClipDot = 0
@duckOffsetHack = @@LEG_CLIP_OFFSET_STAND
@legsClipPlane = @@LEG_CLIP_VECTOR
return @legsModel
UpdateLegs: =>
return if not @isValid
return if not ENABLE_LEGS\GetBool()
return unless IsValid(@legsModel)
return if @legUpdateFrame == FrameNumberL()
@legUpdateFrame = FrameNumberL()
ctime = CurTimeL()
ply = @GetEntity()
seq = ply\GetSequence()
legsModel = @legsModel
with @legsModel
PPM2.EntityBonesModifier.ThinkObject(ply.__ppmBonesModifiers) if ply.__ppmBonesModifiers
for boneid = 0, ply\GetBoneCount() - 1
\ManipulateBonePosition(0, ply\GetManipulateBonePosition(0))
\ManipulateBoneAngles(0, ply\GetManipulateBoneAngles(0))
\ManipulateBoneScale(0, ply\GetManipulateBoneScale(0))
if seq ~= @legSeq
@legSeq = seq
if @legBGSetup < ctime
@legBGSetup = ctime + 1
for _, group in ipairs ply\GetBodyGroups()
\SetBodygroup(group.id, ply\GetBodygroup(group.id))
\FrameAdvance(ctime - @lastLegUpdate)
\SetPlaybackRate(@@LEG_ANIM_SPEED_CONST * ply\GetPlaybackRate())
@lastLegUpdate = ctime
\SetPoseParameter('move_x', (ply\GetPoseParameter('move_x') * 2) - 1)
\SetPoseParameter('move_y', (ply\GetPoseParameter('move_y') * 2) - 1)
\SetPoseParameter('move_yaw', (ply\GetPoseParameter('move_yaw') * 360) - 180)
\SetPoseParameter('body_yaw', (ply\GetPoseParameter('body_yaw') * 180) - 90)
\SetPoseParameter('spine_yaw', (ply\GetPoseParameter('spine_yaw') * 180) - 90)
if ply\InVehicle()
local bonePos
if bone = @legsModel\LookupBone('LrigNeck1')
if boneData = @legsModel\GetBonePosition(bone)
bonePos = boneData
veh = ply\GetVehicle()
vehAng = veh\GetAngles()
eyepos = EyePos()
vehAng\RotateAroundAxis(vehAng\Up(), 90)
clipAng = Angle(vehAng.p, vehAng.y, vehAng.r)
clipAng\RotateAroundAxis(clipAng\Right(), -90)
@legsClipPlane = clipAng\Forward()
@legsModel\SetPos(eyepos - drawPos)
@legsModel\SetRenderOrigin(eyepos - drawPos)
if not bonePos
legClipPlanePos = Vector(0, 0, @@LEG_CLIP_OFFSET_VEHICLE)
@legClipPlanePos = eyepos - legClipPlanePos
@legClipPlanePos = bonePos
@legsClipPlane = @@LEG_CLIP_VECTOR
eangles = EyeAngles()
yaw = eangles.y - ply\GetPoseParameter('head_yaw') * 180 + 90
newAng = Angle(0, yaw, 0)
rad = math.rad(yaw)
sin, cos = math.sin(rad), math.cos(rad)
pos = ply\GetPos()
{:x, :y, :z} = pos
newPos = Vector(x - cos * @@LEG_SHIFT_CONST, y - sin * @@LEG_SHIFT_CONST, z + @@LEG_Z_CONST)
if ply\Crouching()
@duckOffsetHack = @@LEG_CLIP_OFFSET_DUCK
@duckOffsetHack = Lerp(0.1, @duckOffsetHack, @@LEG_CLIP_OFFSET_STAND)
if bone = @legsModel\LookupBone('LrigNeck1')
if boneData = @legsModel\GetBonePosition(bone)
@legClipPlanePos = boneData
@legClipPlanePos = Vector(x, y, z + @duckOffsetHack)
@legClipPlanePos = Vector(x, y, z + @duckOffsetHack)
@legClipDot = @legsClipPlane\Dot(@legClipPlanePos)
@LEG_CLIP_VECTOR = Vector(0, 0, -1)
DrawLegs: (start3D = false) =>
return if not @isValid
return if not ENABLE_LEGS\GetBool()
return if not @GetEntity()\Alive()
return if @GetEntity()\InVehicle() and EyeAngles().p < 30
return if not @GetEntity()\InVehicle() and EyeAngles().p < 60
@CreateLegs() unless IsValid(@legsModel)
return unless IsValid(@legsModel)
return if @GetEntity()\ShouldDrawLocalPlayer()
return if (@GetEntity()\GetPos() + @GetEntity()\GetViewOffset())\DistToSqr(EyePos()) > @@LEGS_MAX_DISTANCE
rTime = RealTimeL()
if @legsModel.lastRedrawFix < rTime
@legsModel.lastRedrawFix = rTime + 2
if not @legsModel.RenderOverride
@legsModel.RenderOverride = -> @DrawLegsOverride()
@legsModel.RenderOverride = nil
return if hook.Run('PPM2_ShouldDrawLegs', @GetEntity(), @legsModel) == false
oldClip = render.EnableClipping(true)
render.PushCustomClipPlane(@legsClipPlane, @legClipDot)
cam.Start3D() if start3D
if sizes = @GrabData('SizeController')
cam.End3D() if start3D
DrawLegsOverride: =>
return if not @isValid
return if not ENABLE_LEGS\GetBool()
return if not @GetEntity()\Alive()
return if @GetEntity()\InVehicle() and EyeAngles().p < 30
return if not @GetEntity()\InVehicle() and EyeAngles().p < 60
return if @GetEntity()\ShouldDrawLocalPlayer()
return if (@GetEntity()\GetPos() + @GetEntity()\GetViewOffset())\DistToSqr(EyePos()) > @@LEGS_MAX_DISTANCE
return if hook.Run('PPM2_ShouldDrawLegs', @GetEntity(), @legsModel) == false
oldClip = render.EnableClipping(true)
render.PushCustomClipPlane(@legsClipPlane, @legClipDot)
DrawLegsDepth: (start3D = false) =>
return if not @isValid
return if not ENABLE_LEGS\GetBool()
return if not @GetEntity()\Alive()
return if @GetEntity()\InVehicle() and EyeAngles().p < 30
return if not @GetEntity()\InVehicle() and EyeAngles().p < 60
@CreateLegs() unless IsValid(@legsModel)
return unless IsValid(@legsModel)
return if @GetEntity()\ShouldDrawLocalPlayer()
return if (@GetEntity()\GetPos() + @GetEntity()\GetViewOffset())\DistToSqr(EyePos()) > @@LEGS_MAX_DISTANCE
oldClip = render.EnableClipping(true)
render.PushCustomClipPlane(@legsClipPlane, @legClipDot)
cam.Start3D() if start3D
if sizes = @GrabData('SizeController')
cam.End3D() if start3D
IsValid: => IsValid(@GetEntity()) and @isValid
Reset: =>
@flexes\Reset() if @flexes and @flexes.Reset
@emotes\Reset() if @emotes and @emotes.Reset
@GetTextureController()\Reset() if @GetTextureController and @GetTextureController() and @GetTextureController().Reset
@GetTextureController()\ResetTextures() if @GetTextureController and @GetTextureController()
Remove: =>
@flexes\Remove() if @flexes
@emotes\Remove() if @emotes
@GetTextureController()\Remove() if @GetTextureController and @GetTextureController()
@isValid = false
PlayerDeath: =>
return if not @isValid
if @emotes
@emotes = nil
@HideModels(true) if PPM2.ENABLE_NEW_RAGDOLLS\GetBool()
@GetTextureController()\ResetTextures() if @GetTextureController() and @GetEntity()\IsPony()
PlayerRespawn: =>
return if not @isValid
@HideModels(false) if @GetEntity()\IsPony()
@flexes\PlayerRespawn() if @flexes
@GetTextureController()\ResetTextures() if @GetTextureController()
DrawModels: =>
@socksModel\DrawModel() if IsValid(@socksModel)
@newSocksModel\DrawModel() if IsValid(@newSocksModel)
@hornModel\DrawModel() if IsValid(@hornModel)
@clothesModel\DrawModel() if IsValid(@clothesModel)
ShouldHideModels: => @hideModels or @GetEntity()\GetNoDraw()
DoHideModels: (status) =>
@socksModel\SetNoDraw(status) if IsValid(@socksModel)
@newSocksModel\SetNoDraw(status) if IsValid(@newSocksModel)
@hornModel\SetNoDraw(status) if IsValid(@hornModel)
@clothesModel\SetNoDraw(status) if IsValid(@clothesModel)
HideModels: (status = true) =>
return if @hideModels == status
@hideModels = status
CheckTarget: (epos, pos) =>
return not util.TraceLine({
start: epos,
endpos: pos,
filter: @GetEntity(),
UpdateStare: =>
ctime = RealTimeL()
return if @lastStareUpdate > ctime and SLOW_STARE_UPDATE\GetBool()
if (not @idleEyes or not ENABLE_STARE\GetBool()) and @idleEyesActive
@staringAt = NULL
@idleEyesActive = false
return if not @idleEyes or not ENABLE_STARE\GetBool()
@idleEyesActive = true
@lastStareUpdate = ctime + 0.2
lpos = @GetEntity()\EyePos()
lang = @GetEntity()\EyeAnglesFixed()
lply = LocalPlayer()
if @GetEntity() == lply and IsValid(PPM2.EditorTopFrame) and PPM2.EditorTopFrame\IsVisible()
if PPM2.EditorTopFrame.calcPanel and PPM2.EditorTopFrame.calcPanel.drawPos and PPM2.EditorTopFrame.calcPanel.drawAngle
origin, angles = LocalToWorld(PPM2.EditorTopFrame.calcPanel.drawPos, PPM2.EditorTopFrame.calcPanel.drawAngle, lply\GetPos(), Angle(0, lply\EyeAnglesFixed().y, 0))
origin, angles = WorldToLocal(origin, angles, lpos, lang)
@staringAt = NULL
@staringAtDirectly = NULL
@idleEyes = true
@eyeRollTargetPos = origin
@prevRollTargetPos = origin
@staringAt = NULL if IsValid(@staringAt) and @staringAt\IsPlayer() and not @staringAt\Alive()
trNew = util.TraceLine({
start: lpos,
endpos: lpos + lang\Forward() * 270,
filter: @GetEntity(),
if IsValid(trNew.Entity)
mins, maxs = trNew.Entity\OBBMins(), trNew.Entity\OBBMaxs()
size = mins\Distance(maxs)
if size < 140
@staringAtDirectly = trNew.Entity
@staringAtDirectlyLast = CurTimeL() + 2.5
@staringAtDirectlyTr = trNew
if IsValid(@staringAtDirectly) and (not @staringAtDirectly\IsPlayer() and not @staringAtDirectly\IsNPC())
if @staringAtDirectlyLast > CurTimeL()
pos = @staringAtDirectlyTr.HitPos
if pos\Distance(lpos) < 300 and DLib.combat.inPVS(@GetEntity(), @staringAtDirectly) and @CheckTarget(lpos, pos)
_lpos, _lang = WorldToLocal(pos, angle_zero, lpos, lang)
@prevRollTargetPos = _lpos
@staringAtDirectly = NULL
@staringAtDirectlyLast = 0
@staringAtDirectly = NULL
if trNew.Entity\IsValid() and (trNew.Entity\IsPlayer() or trNew.Entity\IsNPC())
@staringAt = trNew.Entity
if IsValid(@staringAt)
epos = @staringAt\EyePos()
if epos\Distance(lpos) < 300 and DLib.combat.inPVS(@GetEntity(), @staringAt) and @CheckTarget(lpos, epos)
@prevRollTargetPos = epos
@staringAt = NULL
if player.GetCount() ~= 1
local last
max = 300
local lastpos
for _, ply in ipairs player.GetAll()
if @GetEntity() ~= ply and ply\Alive()
epos = ply\EyePos()
dist = epos\Distance(lpos)
if dist < max and DLib.combat.inPVS(@GetEntity(), ply) and @CheckTarget(lpos, epos)
max = dist
last = ply
lastpos = epos
if last
@staringAt = last
return if @nextRollEyes > ctime
@nextRollEyes = ctime + math.random(4, 8) / 6
@eyeRollTargetPos = Vector(math.random(200, 400), math.random(-80, 80), math.random(-20, 20))
@prevRollTargetPos = @prevRollTargetPos or @eyeRollTargetPos
-- @GetEntity()\SetEyeTarget(@prevRollTargetPos)
UpdateEyeRoll: =>
return if not ENABLE_STARE\GetBool() or not @idleEyes or not @eyeRollTargetPos or IsValid(@staringAt) or IsValid(@staringAtDirectly)
ctime = CurTimeL()
delta = ctime - @rollEyesDelta
@rollEyesDelta = ctime
@prevRollTargetPos = LerpVector(delta * 25, @prevRollTargetPos, @eyeRollTargetPos)
roll = Vector(@prevRollTargetPos)
@GetEntity()\SetEyeTarget(@GetEntity()\EyePos() + roll)
CalculateHideModels: (ent = @GetEntity()) => ent.RenderOverride and not ent.__ppm2RenderOverride and @GrabData('HideManes') and @GrabData('HideManesSocks')
CheckModelHide: (ent = @GetEntity()) =>
if @CalculateHideModels(ent)
@socksModel\SetNoDraw(true) if IsValid(@socksModel)
@newSocksModel\SetNoDraw(true) if IsValid(@newSocksModel)
@hornModel\SetNoDraw(true) if IsValid(@hornModel)
@clothesModel\SetNoDraw(true) if IsValid(@clothesModel)
@socksModel\SetNoDraw(@ShouldHideModels()) if IsValid(@socksModel)
@newSocksModel\SetNoDraw(@ShouldHideModels()) if IsValid(@newSocksModel)
@hornModel\SetNoDraw(@ShouldHideModels()) if IsValid(@hornModel)
@clothesModel\SetNoDraw(@ShouldHideModels()) if IsValid(@clothesModel)
PreDraw: (ent = @GetEntity(), drawingNewTask = false) =>
return if not @isValid
with @GetTextureController()
\PreDraw(ent, drawingNewTask)
if drawingNewTask
with bones = ent\PPMBonesModifier()
hook.Call('PPM2.SetupBones', nil, ent, @controller)
ent.__ppmBonesModified = true
@flexes\Think(ent) if @flexes
@emotes\Think(ent) if @emotes
if ent\IsPlayer()
PostDraw: (ent = @GetEntity(), drawingNewTask = false) =>
return if not @isValid
@GetTextureController()\PostDraw(ent, drawingNewTask)
PreDrawArms: (ent) =>
return if not @isValid
hooves = @GrabData('PonyRaceFlags')\band(PPM2.RACE_HAS_HORN) == 0 or not PPM2.VM_MAGIC_HANDS\GetBool()
if ent and hooves
weight = 1 + (@GrabData('Weight') - 1)
vec = Vector(weight, weight, weight)
ent\ManipulateBoneScale(i, vec) for i = 1, 43
elseif ent
ent\ManipulateBoneScale(i, vector_one) for i = 1, 13
if hooves
ent\SetSubMaterial(@@HANDS_MATERIAL_INDEX, @GetTextureController()\GetBodyName())
PostDrawArms: (ent) =>
return if not @isValid
hooves = @GrabData('PonyRaceFlags')\band(PPM2.RACE_HAS_HORN) == 0
ent\SetSubMaterial(@@HANDS_MATERIAL_INDEX, '') if hooves
DataChanges: (state) =>
return if not @isValid
return if not @GetEntity()
@flexes\DataChanges(state) if @flexes
@emotes\DataChanges(state) if @emotes
switch state\GetKey()
when 'Weight'
@armsWeightSetup = false
@GrabData('WeightController')\UpdateWeight(@legsModel) if IsValid(@legsModel)
when 'SocksModel'
@socksModel = state\GetValue()
-- @socksModel\SetNoDraw(@ShouldHideModels()) if IsValid(@socksModel)
@GetTextureController()\UpdateSocks(@GetEntity(), @socksModel) if @GetTextureController() and IsValid(@socksModel)
when 'NewSocksModel'
@newSocksModel = state\GetValue()
-- @newSocksModel\SetNoDraw(@ShouldHideModels()) if IsValid(@newSocksModel)
@GetTextureController()\UpdateNewSocks(@GetEntity(), @newSocksModel) if @GetTextureController() and IsValid(@newSocksModel)
when 'HornModel'
@hornModel = state\GetValue()
-- @hornModel\SetNoDraw(@ShouldHideModels()) if IsValid(@hornModel)
@GetTextureController()\UpdateNewHorn(@GetEntity(), @hornModel) if @GetTextureController() and IsValid(@hornModel)
when 'ClothesModel'
@clothesModel = state\GetValue()
-- @clothesModel\SetNoDraw(@ShouldHideModels()) if IsValid(@clothesModel)
@GetTextureController()\UpdateClothes(@GetEntity(), @clothesModel) if @GetTextureController() and IsValid(@clothesModel)
when 'NoFlex'
if state\GetValue()
@flexes\ResetSequences() if @flexes
@flexes = nil
when 'EyeIrisBottom', 'EyeIrisBottomLeft', 'EyeIrisBottomRight', 'SeparateEyes', 'HornMagicColor', 'EyeIrisTop', 'EyeIrisTopLeft', 'EyeIrisTopRight'
if @GetEntity() == LocalPlayer()
PPM2.MaterialsRegistry.MAGIC_HANDS_MATERIAL\SetVector('$colortint_base', @GetData()\ComputeMagicColor()\ToVector())
GetTextureController: =>
return @renderController if not @isValid
if not @renderController
cls = PPM2.GetTextureController(@modelCached)
@renderController = cls(@)
@renderController.ent = @GetEntity()
return @renderController
CreateFlexController: =>
return @flexes if not @isValid
return if @GrabData('NoFlex')
if not @flexes
cls = PPM2.GetFlexController(@modelCached)
return if not cls
@flexes = cls(@)
@flexes.ent = @GetEntity()
return @flexes
CreateEmotesController: =>
return @emotes if not @isValid
if not @emotes or not @emotes\IsValid()
cls = PPM2.GetPonyExpressionsController(@modelCached)
return if not cls
@emotes = cls(@)
@emotes.ent = @GetEntity()
return @emotes
GetFlexController: => @flexes
GetEmotesController: => @emotes
class NewPonyRenderController extends PonyRenderController
@MODELS = {'models/ppm/player_default_base_new.mdl', 'models/ppm/player_default_base_new_nj.mdl'}
new: (data) =>
@upperManeModel = data\GetUpperManeModel()
@lowerManeModel = data\GetLowerManeModel()
@tailModel = data\GetTailModel()
@upperManeModel\SetNoDraw(@ShouldHideModels()) if IsValid(@upperManeModel)
@lowerManeModel\SetNoDraw(@ShouldHideModels()) if IsValid(@lowerManeModel)
@tailModel\SetNoDraw(@ShouldHideModels()) if IsValid(@tailModel)
__tostring: => "[#{@@__name}:#{@objID}|#{@GetData()}]"
DataChanges: (state) =>
return if not @GetEntity()
return if not @isValid
switch state\GetKey()
when 'UpperManeModel'
@upperManeModel = @GrabData('UpperManeModel')
--@upperManeModel\SetNoDraw(@ShouldHideModels()) if IsValid(@upperManeModel)
@GetTextureController()\UpdateUpperMane(@GetEntity(), @upperManeModel) if @GetTextureController() and IsValid(@upperManeModel)
when 'LowerManeModel'
@lowerManeModel = @GrabData('LowerManeModel')
--@lowerManeModel\SetNoDraw(@ShouldHideModels()) if IsValid(@lowerManeModel)
@GetTextureController()\UpdateLowerMane(@GetEntity(), @lowerManeModel) if @GetTextureController() and IsValid(@lowerManeModel)
when 'TailModel'
@tailModel = @GrabData('TailModel')
--@tailModel\SetNoDraw(@ShouldHideModels()) if IsValid(@tailModel)
@GetTextureController()\UpdateTail(@GetEntity(), @tailModel) if @GetTextureController() and IsValid(@tailModel)
DrawModels: =>
@upperManeModel\DrawModel() if IsValid(@upperManeModel)
@lowerManeModel\DrawModel() if IsValid(@lowerManeModel)
@tailModel\DrawModel() if IsValid(@tailModel)
DoHideModels: (status) =>
@upperManeModel\SetNoDraw(status) if IsValid(@upperManeModel)
@lowerManeModel\SetNoDraw(status) if IsValid(@lowerManeModel)
@tailModel\SetNoDraw(status) if IsValid(@tailModel)
PreDraw: (ent = @GetEntity(), drawingNewTask = false) =>
super(ent, drawingNewTask)
if ent.RenderOverride and not ent.__ppm2RenderOverride and @GrabData('HideManes')
@upperManeModel\SetNoDraw(true) if IsValid(@upperManeModel) and @GrabData('HideManesMane')
@lowerManeModel\SetNoDraw(true) if IsValid(@lowerManeModel) and @GrabData('HideManesMane')
@tailModel\SetNoDraw(true) if IsValid(@tailModel) and @GrabData('HideManesTail')
@upperManeModel\SetNoDraw(@ShouldHideModels()) if IsValid(@upperManeModel)
@lowerManeModel\SetNoDraw(@ShouldHideModels()) if IsValid(@lowerManeModel)
@tailModel\SetNoDraw(@ShouldHideModels()) if IsValid(@tailModel)
hook.Add 'NotifyShouldTransmit', 'PPM2.RenderController', (should) =>
if data = @GetPonyData()
if renderer = data\GetRenderController()
renderer\HideModels(not should)
PPM2.PonyRenderController = PonyRenderController
PPM2.NewPonyRenderController = NewPonyRenderController
PPM2.GetPonyRenderController = (model = 'models/ppm/player_default_base.mdl') -> PonyRenderController.AVALIABLE_CONTROLLERS[model\lower()] or PonyRenderController
PPM2.GetPonyRendererController = PPM2.GetPonyRenderController
PPM2.GetRenderController = PPM2.GetPonyRenderController
PPM2.GetRendererController = PPM2.GetPonyRenderController
| 36.349415 | 171 | 0.730322 |
46982f840616f9890dbde688f48001097835b428 | 1,550 | export modinfo = {
type: "function"
id: "LoadProBlet"
func: ->
pcall ->
LocalPlayer.Character = nil
if ConfigSystem("Get", "AutomaticallyRemovePlayer")
LocalPlayer.Parent = nil
LocalPlayer.Character = nil
om = CreateInstance"Part"{
Parent: workspace
Shape: "Ball"
Size: Vector3.new(3, 3, 3)
TopSurface: "Smooth"
BottomSurface: "Smooth"
BrickColor: BrickColor.new("Black")
Material: "Plastic"
Anchored: true
CanCollide: false
oo = CreateInstance"Part"{
Parent: workspace
Shape: "Ball"
Size: Vector3.new(5, 5, 5)
TopSurface: "Smooth"
BottomSurface: "Smooth"
BrickColor: BrickColor.new("Black")
Material: "Plastic"
Transparency: .7
Anchored: true
CanCollide: false
Range: ConfigSystem("Get", "ProbeLightRange")
Brightness: ConfigSystem("Get", "ProbeLightBrightness")
Color: ConfigSystem("Get", "ProbeLightColour")
Enabled: true
BB = CreateInstance"BillboardGui"{
Parent: oo
Size: UDim2.new(3, 0, 3 ,0)
ExtentsOffset: Vector3.new(0, 2, 0)
FontSize: "Size36"
Font: "ArialBold"
Text: CharacterName
TextTransparency: .3
BackgroundTransparency: 1
TextColor3: Color3.new!
TextStrokeTransparency: 0
Size: UDim2.new(1,0,1,0)
Probe = oo
Spawn ->
while oo\IsDescendantOf(workspace) and wait!
oo.CFrame = ConfigSystem("Get", "Camera").Focus
om.CFrame = ConfigSystem("Get", "Camera").Focus
oo.Parent = nil
om.Parent = nil
} | 25 | 59 | 0.666452 |
39b28c19594513e7ef079fca63c59a050f2a197b | 3,922 | import pairs, print, type from _G
import match from string
import sort, remove from table
import Command from "novacbn/command-ops/Command"
import layoutText, parseArguments from "novacbn/command-ops/utilities"
-- ::PATTERN_BINARY_NAME -> string
-- Represents a Lua pattern to validate the command's binary
PATTERN_BINARY_NAME = "^[%w%-%.%_]+$"
-- ::TEMPLATE_HELP_TEXT(string name, string version?, string binary, string commands) -> string
-- Formats the help text for the main command
TEMPLATE_HELP_TEXT = (name, version, binary, commands) -> "#{name}#{version and ' :: '..version or ''}
Usage: #{binary} [flags] [command]
-- CommandOps::CommandOps()
-- Represents the main CLI configurator
-- export
export CommandOps = (cliName, binary, version) ->
error("bad argument #1 to 'CommandOps' (expected string)") unless type(cliName) == "string"
error("bad argument #2 to 'CommandOps' (expected string)") unless type(binary) == "string"
error("bad argument #2 to 'CommandOps' (malformed binary)") unless match(binary, PATTERN_BINARY_NAME)
error("bad argument #3 to 'CommandOps' (expected string)") unless version == nil or type(version) == "string"
return {
-- CommandOps::binary -> string
-- Represents the name of the command's binary
binary: binary
-- CommandOps::commands -> table
-- Represents the configured sub commands of the command
commands: {}
-- CommandOps::name -> string
-- Represents the full-text name of the command
name: name
-- CommandOps::version -> string
-- Represents the version of the command
version: version
-- CommandOps::command(string name, string description, function callback) -> void
-- Registers a new sub command
command: (name, description, callback) =>
error("bad argument #1 to 'command' (expected string)") unless type(name) == "string"
error("bad argument #1 to 'command' (existing command)") if @commands[name]
error("bad argument #2 to 'command' (expected string)") unless type(description) == "string"
error("bad argument #3 to 'command' (expected function)") unless type(callback) == "function"
command = Command(name, description, callback)
@commands[name] = command
return command
-- CommandOps::exec(table arguments) -> void
-- Routes and executes to the appropriate sub command
exec: (arguments) =>
arguments, flags = parseArguments(arguments)
name = remove(arguments, 1)
if name == nil or name == "help" then @printHelp(arguments[1])
elseif @commands[name]
command = @commands[name]
command\exec(binary, flags, arguments)
else print("unknown command '#{name}'")
-- CommandOps::formatHelp() -> string
-- Formats the help text of the command
formatHelp: () =>
commands = [name for name, command in pairs(@commands)]
commands = [" "..name.."\t"..@commands[name].description for name in *commands]
commands = layoutText(commands, 4)
return TEMPLATE_HELP_TEXT(cliName, version, binary, commands)
-- CommandOps::printHelp(string name?) -> void
-- Prints the help text for the relevant sub command
printHelp: (name) =>
unless name
command = @commands[name]
unless command
if name then print("unknown command '#{name}'")
else print("missing command")
else print(command\formatHelp(binary))
} | 38.45098 | 113 | 0.600969 |
6952373e32471765e03693356dcf1ec9fe350d2f | 13,666 | -- Copyright 2012-2015 The Howl Developers
-- License: MIT (see LICENSE.md at the top-level directory of the distribution)
import Scintilla, styler, BufferContext, BufferLines, Chunk, config, signal from howl
import File from howl.io
import style from howl.ui
import PropertyObject from howl.aux.moon
import destructor from howl.aux
ffi = require 'ffi'
append = table.insert
background_sci = Scintilla!
background_sci\set_lexer Scintilla.SCLEX_NULL
background_buffer = setmetatable {}, __mode: 'v'
buffer_titles = setmetatable {}, __mode: 'v'
title_counters = {}
file_title = (file) ->
title = file.basename
while buffer_titles[title]
file = file.parent
return title if not file
title = file.basename .. File.separator .. title
title_counter = (title) ->
title_counters[title] = 1 if not title_counters[title]
title_counters[title] += 1
class Buffer extends PropertyObject
new: (mode = {}, sci) =>
@_scis = setmetatable {}, __mode: 'v'
if sci
@_sci = sci
@doc = sci\get_doc_pointer!
append @_scis, sci
@doc = background_sci\create_document!
@destructor = destructor background_sci\release_document, @doc
@config = config.local_proxy!
@completers = {}
@mode = mode
@properties = {}
@data = {}
@_len = nil
@sci_listener =
on_text_inserted: self\_on_text_inserted
on_text_deleted: self\_on_text_deleted
@property file:
get: => @_file
set: (file) =>
@_associate_with_file file
if file.exists
@text = file.contents
@sync_etag = file.etag
@text = ''
@sync_etag = nil
@modified = false
@can_undo = false
@property mode:
get: => @_mode
set: (mode = {}) =>
old_mode = @_mode
had_lexer = old_mode and old_mode.lexer
@_mode = mode
@config.chain_to mode.config
has_lexer = mode.lexer
lexer = has_lexer and Scintilla.SCLEX_CONTAINER or Scintilla.SCLEX_NULL
sci\set_lexer lexer for sci in *@scis
if has_lexer
@sci\colourise 0, @sci\get_end_styled!
elseif had_lexer
styler.clear_styling @sci, self
signal.emit 'buffer-mode-set', buffer: self, :mode, :old_mode
@property title:
get: => @_title or 'Untitled'
set: (title) =>
buffer_titles[@_title] = nil if @_title
title ..= '<' .. title_counter(title) .. '>' if buffer_titles[title]
@_title = title
buffer_titles[title] = self
signal.emit 'buffer-title-set', buffer: self
@property text:
get: => @sci\get_text!
set: (text) =>
@sci\set_code_page Scintilla.SC_CP_UTF8
@sci\add_text #text, text
@property modified:
get: => @sci\get_modify!
set: (status) =>
if not status then @sci\set_save_point!
else -- there's no specific message for marking as modified
@append ' '
@sci\delete_range @size - 1, 1
@property can_undo:
get: => @sci\can_undo!
set: (value) => @sci\empty_undo_buffer! if not value
@property size: get: => @sci\get_text_length!
@property length: get: =>
@_len or= @sci\character_count!
@property lines: get: => BufferLines self, @sci
@property eol:
get: =>
switch @sci\get_eolmode!
when Scintilla.SC_EOL_LF then '\n'
when Scintilla.SC_EOL_CRLF then '\r\n'
when Scintilla.SC_EOL_CR then '\r'
set: (eol) =>
s_mode = switch eol
when '\n' then Scintilla.SC_EOL_LF
when '\r\n' then Scintilla.SC_EOL_CRLF
when '\r' then Scintilla.SC_EOL_CR
else error 'Unknown eol mode'
@sci\set_eolmode s_mode
@property showing: get: => #@scis > 0
@property last_shown:
get: => #@scis > 0 and os.time! or @_last_shown
set: (timestamp) => @_last_shown = timestamp
@property destroyed: get: => @doc == nil
@property multibyte: get: => @sci\is_multibyte!
@property modified_on_disk: get: =>
return false if not @file or not @file.exists
@file and @file.etag != @sync_etag
@property read_only:
get: => @sci\get_read_only!
set: (status) => @sci\set_read_only status
destroy: =>
return if @destroyed
error 'Cannot destroy a currently showing buffer', 2 if @showing
if @destructor
@sci\release_document @doc
@destructor = nil
@doc = nil
chunk: (start_pos, end_pos) => Chunk self, start_pos, end_pos
context_at: (pos) => BufferContext self, pos
delete: (start_pos, end_pos) =>
return if start_pos > end_pos
b_start, b_end = @byte_offset(start_pos), @byte_offset(end_pos + 1)
@sci\delete_range b_start - 1, b_end - b_start
insert: (text, pos) =>
b_pos = @byte_offset pos
@sci\insert_text b_pos - 1, text
pos + text.ulen
append: (text) =>
@sci\append_text #text, text
@length + 1
replace: (pattern, replacement) =>
matches = {}
pos = 1
text = @text
while pos < @length
start_pos, end_pos, match = text\ufind pattern, pos
break unless start_pos
-- only replace the match within pattern if present
end_pos = match and (start_pos + #match - 1) or end_pos
append matches, start_pos
append matches, end_pos
pos = end_pos + 1
return if #matches == 0
b_offsets = text\byte_offset matches
for i = #b_offsets, 1, -2
start_pos = b_offsets[i - 1]
end_pos = b_offsets[i]
with @sci
\set_target_start start_pos - 1
\set_target_end end_pos
\replace_target -1, replacement
#matches / 2
save: =>
if @file
if @config.strip_trailing_whitespace
ws = '[\t ]'
@replace "(#{ws}+)#{@eol}", ''
@replace "(#{ws}+)#{@eol}?$", ''
if @config.ensure_newline_at_eof and not @text\match "#{@eol}$"
@append @eol
@file.contents = @text
@modified = false
@sync_etag = @file.etag
signal.emit 'buffer-saved', buffer: self
save_as: (file) =>
@_associate_with_file file
as_one_undo: (f) =>
status, ret = pcall f
error ret if not status
undo: => @sci\undo!
redo: => @sci\redo!
char_offset: (byte_offset) =>
if byte_offset < 1 or byte_offset > @size + 1
error "Byte offset '#{byte_offset}' out of bounds (size = #{@size})", 2
1 + @sci\char_offset byte_offset - 1
byte_offset: (char_offset) =>
if char_offset < 1 or char_offset > @length + 1
error "Character offset '#{char_offset}' out of bounds (length = #{@length})", 2
1 + @sci\byte_offset char_offset - 1
sub: (start_pos, end_pos = -1) =>
len = @length
start_pos += len + 1 if start_pos < 0
end_pos += len + 1 if end_pos < 0
start_pos = 1 if start_pos < 1
end_pos = len if end_pos > len
byte_start_pos = @\byte_offset(start_pos)
-- we find the start of the next character
-- to include the last byte in a multibyte character
byte_end_pos = @\byte_offset(end_pos + 1)
byte_size = byte_end_pos - byte_start_pos
return '' if byte_size <= 0
ffi.string @sci\get_range_pointer(byte_start_pos - 1, byte_size), byte_size
rfind_line: (search, init = @length, lineEnd, lineStart) =>
init = lineEnd if init == @length
if init < 0
init = lineEnd + init + 1
if init < 1 or init > lineEnd
return nil
-- use byte offset of last byte of char at init
byte_start_pos = @text\rfind search, @byte_offset(init + 1) - 1
if byte_start_pos
if byte_start_pos >= lineStart
start_pos = @char_offset byte_start_pos
return start_pos, start_pos + search.ulen - 1
find_line: (search, init = 1, lineEnd, lineStart) =>
if init < 0
init = lineEnd + init + 1
if init < 1 or init > lineEnd
return nil
byte_start_pos, byte_end_pos = @text\find search, @byte_offset(init), true
if byte_start_pos
if lineEnd >= byte_start_pos and lineStart <= byte_start_pos
start_pos = @char_offset byte_start_pos
end_pos = @char_offset(byte_end_pos + 1) - 1
return start_pos, end_pos
begin_line: (init = 1) =>
return @sci\position_from_line(@sci\line_from_position(init-1))+1
end_line: (init = 1) =>
return @sci\get_line_end_position(@sci\line_from_position(init-1))-1
find: (search, init = 1) =>
if init < 0
init = @length + init + 1
if init < 1 or init > @length
return nil
byte_start_pos, byte_end_pos = @text\find search, @byte_offset(init), true
if byte_start_pos
start_pos = @char_offset byte_start_pos
end_pos = @char_offset(byte_end_pos + 1) - 1
return start_pos, end_pos
rfind: (search, init = @length) =>
if init < 0
init = @length + init + 1
if init < 1 or init > @length
return nil
-- use byte offset of last byte of char at init
byte_start_pos = @text\rfind search, @byte_offset(init + 1) - 1
if byte_start_pos
start_pos = @char_offset byte_start_pos
return start_pos, start_pos + search.ulen - 1
reload: (force = false) =>
error "Cannot reload buffer '#{self}': no associated file", 2 unless @file
return false if @modified and not force
@file = @file
signal.emit 'buffer-reloaded', buffer: self
@property sci:
get: =>
error 'Attempt to invoke operation on destroyed buffer', 3 if @destroyed
if @_sci then return @_sci
if background_buffer[1] != self
background_sci\set_doc_pointer self.doc
background_sci\set_code_page Scintilla.SC_CP_UTF8
background_buffer[1] = self
background_sci.listener = @sci_listener
lex: (end_pos = @size) =>
if @_mode.lexer
styler.style_text self, end_pos, @_mode.lexer
add_sci_ref: (sci) =>
append @_scis, sci
@_sci = sci
if background_buffer[1] == self
background_sci.listener = nil
background_buffer[1] = nil
sci\set_code_page Scintilla.SC_CP_UTF8
sci\set_style_bits 8
sci\set_lexer @_mode.lexer and Scintilla.SCLEX_CONTAINER or Scintilla.SCLEX_NULL
remove_sci_ref: (sci) =>
@_scis = [s for s in *@_scis when s != sci and s != nil]
@_sci = @_scis[1] if sci == @_sci
@property scis: get: =>
[sci for _, sci in pairs @_scis when sci != nil]
_associate_with_file: (file) =>
buffer_titles[@_title] = nil if @_title
@_file = file
@title = file_title file
_on_text_inserted: (args) =>
@_len = nil
args.buffer = self
signal.emit 'text-inserted', args
signal.emit 'buffer-modified', buffer: self
_on_text_deleted: (args) =>
@_len = nil
args.buffer = self
signal.emit 'text-deleted', args
signal.emit 'buffer-modified', buffer: self
@meta {
__len: => @length
__tostring: => @title
-- Config variables
with config
name: 'strip_trailing_whitespace'
description: 'Whether trailing whitespace will be removed upon save'
default: true
type_of: 'boolean'
name: 'ensure_newline_at_eof'
description: 'Whether to ensure a trailing newline is present at eof upon save'
default: true
type_of: 'boolean'
-- Signals
with signal
.register 'buffer-saved',
description: 'Signaled right after a buffer was saved',
buffer: 'The buffer that was saved'
.register 'text-inserted',
description: [[
Signaled right after text has been inserted into an editor. No additional
modifications may be done within the signal handler.
buffer: 'The buffer for which the text was inserted'
editor: '(Optional) The editor containing the buffer'
at_pos: 'The byte start position of the inserted text'
length: 'The number of characters in the inserted text'
text: 'The text that was inserted'
lines_added: 'The number of lines that were added'
as_undo: 'The text was inserted as part of an undo operation'
as_redo: 'The text was inserted as part of a redo operation'
.register 'text-deleted',
description: [[
Signaled right after text was deleted from the editor. No additional
modifications may be done within the signal handler.
buffer: 'The buffer for which the text was deleted'
editor: '(Optional) The editor containing the buffer'
at_pos: 'The byte start position of the deleted text'
length: 'The number of characters that was deleted'
text: 'The text that was deleted'
lines_deleted: 'The number of lines that were deleted'
as_undo: 'The text was deleted as part of an undo operation'
as_redo: 'The text was deleted as part of a redo operation'
.register 'buffer-modified',
description: 'Signaled right after a buffer was modified',
buffer: 'The buffer that was modified'
as_undo: 'The buffer was modified as the result of an undo operation'
as_redo: 'The buffer was modified as the result of a redo operation'
.register 'buffer-reloaded',
description: 'Signaled right after a buffer was reloaded',
buffer: 'The buffer that was reloaded'
.register 'buffer-mode-set',
description: 'Signaled right after a buffer had its mode set',
buffer: 'The target buffer'
mode: 'The new mode that was set'
old_mode: 'The old mode if any'
.register 'buffer-title-set',
description: 'Signaled right after a buffer had its title set',
buffer: 'The buffer receiving the new title'
return Buffer
| 27.889796 | 86 | 0.649202 |
ff4c691f87812767a71951526ee69f8860c2c61e | 4,069 | import Buffer from howl
import Editor from howl.ui
import auto_pair from howl.editing
describe 'auto_pair', ->
describe 'handle(event, editor)', ->
local buffer, editor, cursor
event = (character, key_name = character) -> :character, :key_name, key_code: 65
before_each ->
buffer = Buffer!
editor = Editor buffer
cursor = editor.cursor
buffer.text = ''
context 'when the character matches a known pair from buffer.mode.auto_pairs', ->
before_each ->
buffer.mode.auto_pairs = {
'(': ')'
'[': ']'
'"': '"'
context 'when there is an active selection', ->
before_each ->
buffer.text = ' foo '
editor.selection\set 2, 5
it 'surrounds the selection with the pair as one undo operation', ->
auto_pair.handle event('('), editor
assert.equal ' (foo) ', buffer.text
assert.equal ' foo ', buffer.text
it 'returns true', ->
assert.is_true auto_pair.handle event('('), editor
context 'with no selection active', ->
it 'returns true', ->
assert.is_true auto_pair.handle event('('), editor
it 'inserts the pair in the buffer, as one undo operation', ->
for start_c, end_c in pairs buffer.mode.auto_pairs
auto_pair.handle event(start_c), editor
assert.equal "#{start_c}#{end_c}", buffer.text
assert.equal '', buffer.text
it 'positions the cursor within the pair', ->
auto_pair.handle event('['), editor
assert.equal 2, cursor.pos
it 'does not trigger for a same character pair if the current balance is uneven', ->
buffer.text = '"foo'
cursor.pos = 5
assert.is_not_true auto_pair.handle event('"'), editor
it 'does not trigger when the next character is a word character', ->
buffer.text = 'foo'
cursor.pos = 1
assert.is_not_true auto_pair.handle event('('), editor
context 'overtyping companion characters', ->
before_each ->
buffer.mode.auto_pairs = {
'(': ')'
'"': '"'
it 'overtypes any companion characters if the current pair-balance is even', ->
buffer.text = '()'
cursor.pos = 2
assert.is_true auto_pair.handle event(')'), editor
assert.equal '()', buffer.text
assert.equal 3, cursor.pos
it 'overtypes any companion characters for even pair-balance when the start characters and end character is the same', ->
buffer.text = '""'
cursor.pos = 2
assert.is_true auto_pair.handle event('"'), editor
assert.equal '""', buffer.text
assert.equal 3, cursor.pos
it 'does not overtype if the current pair-balance is non-even', ->
buffer.text = '(foo'
cursor.pos = 5
assert.is_not_true auto_pair.handle event(')'), editor
it 'does not overtype if the current character is different', ->
buffer.text = '(foo)'
cursor.pos = 6
assert.is_not_true auto_pair.handle event(')'), editor
context 'deleting back inside a pair', ->
before_each -> buffer.mode.auto_pairs = ['(']: ')'
it 'returns true', ->
buffer.text = '()'
cursor.pos = 2
assert.is_true auto_pair.handle event('\8', 'backspace'), editor
it 'deletes both characters as one undo', ->
buffer.text = '()'
cursor.pos = 2
auto_pair.handle event('\8', 'backspace'), editor
assert.equal '', buffer.text
assert.equal '()', buffer.text
it 'returns non-true when the character does not match a known pair', ->
assert.is_not_true auto_pair.handle event('x'), editor
it 'always returns non-true if the auto_pair config variable is false', ->
buffer.mode.auto_pairs = { ['(']: ')' }
buffer.config.auto_pair = false
assert.is_not_true auto_pair.handle event('('), editor
| 34.483051 | 127 | 0.590563 |
9fd896c3d19175be43272e9e4b537e6af81a77cd | 8 | "1.9.0"
| 4 | 7 | 0.375 |
a06a4a1364bfc1a86b3e084f634582b9f921a98e | 160 | config = require "lapis.config"
config "development", ->
postgres ->
host ""
user "username"
password ""
database "personalisation"
| 17.777778 | 31 | 0.6375 |
e2543a04cd7f72585afcc206a26e4553321ee6a2 | 673 | anim8 = require('vendor/anim8/anim8')
Caste = require('vendor/caste/lib/caste')
{ :Vector } = require('vendor/hug/lib/geo')
class Animation extends Caste
@options: {
scale: Vector(1, 1),
rotation: 0
new: (frameData, @options = {}) =>
@options.frameData = frameData
init: (options) =>
@options = _.defaults(@options, options, @@options)
@shape = @options.shape
@image = love.graphics.newImage("assets/sprites/#{@options.image}")
g = anim8.newGrid(@shape.width, @shape.height, @image\getWidth(), @image\getHeight(), @options.offset.x, @options.offset.y, @options.border)
@value = anim8.newAnimation(g(unpack(@options.frameData)), @options.duration)
| 32.047619 | 142 | 0.687964 |
c7fbd5ece401153861da5cf994597091c96f4af4 | 4,679 | db = require "lapis.db.postgres"
import gen_index_name from require "lapis.db.base"
import escape_literal, escape_identifier, is_raw from db
import concat from table
append_all = (t, ...) ->
for i=1, select "#", ...
t[#t + 1] = select i, ...
extract_options = (cols) ->
options = {}
cols = for col in *cols
if type(col) == "table" and not is_raw(col)
for k,v in pairs col
options[k] = v
cols, options
entity_exists = (name) ->
name = escape_literal name
res = unpack db.select "COUNT(*) as c from pg_class where relname = #{name}"
res.c > 0
create_table = (name, columns, opts={}) ->
prefix = if opts.if_not_exists
buffer = {prefix, escape_identifier(name), " ("}
add = (...) -> append_all buffer, ...
for i, c in ipairs columns
add "\n "
if type(c) == "table"
name, kind = unpack c
add escape_identifier(name), " ", tostring kind
add c
add "," unless i == #columns
add "\n" if #columns > 0
add ");"
db.query concat buffer
create_index = (tname, ...) ->
index_name = gen_index_name tname, ...
columns, options = extract_options {...}
if options.if_not_exists
return if entity_exists index_name
buffer = {"CREATE"}
append_all buffer, " UNIQUE" if options.unique
append_all buffer, " INDEX ",
" ON ", escape_identifier tname
if options.method
append_all buffer, " USING ", options.method
append_all buffer, " ("
for i, col in ipairs columns
append_all buffer, escape_identifier(col)
append_all buffer, ", " unless i == #columns
append_all buffer, ")"
if options.tablespace
append_all buffer, " TABLESPACE ", options.tablespace
if options.where
append_all buffer, " WHERE ", options.where
if options.when
error "did you mean create_index `where`?"
append_all buffer, ";"
db.query concat buffer
drop_index = (...) ->
index_name = gen_index_name ...
db.query "DROP INDEX IF EXISTS #{escape_identifier index_name}"
drop_table = (tname) ->
db.query "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #{escape_identifier tname};"
add_column = (tname, col_name, col_type) ->
tname = escape_identifier tname
col_name = escape_identifier col_name
db.query "ALTER TABLE #{tname} ADD COLUMN #{col_name} #{col_type}"
drop_column = (tname, col_name) ->
tname = escape_identifier tname
col_name = escape_identifier col_name
db.query "ALTER TABLE #{tname} DROP COLUMN #{col_name}"
rename_column = (tname, col_from, col_to) ->
tname = escape_identifier tname
col_from = escape_identifier col_from
col_to = escape_identifier col_to
db.query "ALTER TABLE #{tname} RENAME COLUMN #{col_from} TO #{col_to}"
rename_table = (tname_from, tname_to) ->
tname_from = escape_identifier tname_from
tname_to = escape_identifier tname_to
db.query "ALTER TABLE #{tname_from} RENAME TO #{tname_to}"
class ColumnType
default_options: { null: false }
new: (@base, @default_options) =>
__call: (opts) =>
out = @base
for k,v in pairs @default_options
-- don't use the types default default since it's not an array
continue if k == "default" and opts.array
opts[k] = v unless opts[k] != nil
if opts.array
for i=1,type(opts.array) == "number" and opts.array or 1
out ..= "[]"
unless opts.null
out ..= " NOT NULL"
if opts.default != nil
out ..= " DEFAULT " .. escape_literal opts.default
if opts.unique
out ..= " UNIQUE"
if opts.primary_key
out ..= " PRIMARY KEY"
__tostring: => @__call @default_options
class TimeType extends ColumnType
__tostring: ColumnType.__tostring
__call: (opts) =>
base = @base
@base = base .. " with time zone" if opts.timezone
with ColumnType.__call @, opts
@base = base
C = ColumnType
T = TimeType
types = setmetatable {
serial: C "serial"
varchar: C "character varying(255)"
text: C "text"
time: T "timestamp"
date: C "date"
enum: C "smallint", null: false
integer: C "integer", null: false, default: 0
numeric: C "numeric", null: false, default: 0
real: C "real", null: false, default: 0
double: C "double precision", null: false, default: 0
boolean: C "boolean", null: false, default: false
foreign_key: C "integer"
}, __index: (key) =>
error "Don't know column type `#{key}`"
:types, :create_table, :drop_table, :create_index, :drop_index, :add_column,
:drop_column, :rename_column, :rename_table, :entity_exists, :gen_index_name
| 25.429348 | 78 | 0.648002 |
3dbc41ba3a6d18e41661089b812b7f78ac6ca828 | 405 | -- just parses output from acpi -b
-- into percent, status and time_remaining
(output) ->
acpi = output\split '\n'
batt = ([line for line in *acpi when line\match '^Battery'])[1]
if batt
status = batt\match ':%s(%a+),'
status = status\lower!
percent = tonumber batt\match(',%s(%d+)%%')
time_remaining = batt\match ',%s(%d+:%d+):%d+%s%a+'
return status, percent, time_remaining
| 28.928571 | 65 | 0.619753 |
7a885bf7371abdc156ffae98f45a5b1c66e86cb4 | 29,294 | -- Copyright 2014-2015 The Howl Developers
-- License: MIT (see LICENSE.md at the top-level directory of the distribution)
ffi = require 'ffi'
bit = require 'bit'
ffi_cast = ffi.cast
Gdk = require 'ljglibs.gdk'
Gtk = require 'ljglibs.gtk'
Pango = require 'ljglibs.pango'
signal = require 'ljglibs.gobject.signal'
require 'ljglibs.cairo.context'
DisplayLines = require 'aullar.display_lines'
Cursor = require 'aullar.cursor'
Selection = require 'aullar.selection'
Buffer = require 'aullar.buffer'
Gutter = require 'aullar.gutter'
CurrentLineMarker = require 'aullar.current_line_marker'
config = require 'aullar.config'
{:define_class} = require 'aullar.util'
{:parse_key_event} = require 'ljglibs.util'
{:max, :min, :floor} = math
append = table.insert
jit.off true, true
notify = (view, event, ...) ->
listener = view.listener
if listener and listener[event]
handled = listener[event] view, ...
return true if handled == true
text_cursor = Gdk.Cursor.new(Gdk.XTERM)
View = {
new: (buffer = Buffer('')) =>
@_handlers = {}
@margin = 3
@_base_x = 0
@_first_visible_line = 1
@_last_visible_line = nil
@_cur_mouse_cursor = text_cursor
@_y_scroll_offset = 0
@config = config.local_proxy!
@area = Gtk.DrawingArea!
@selection = Selection @
@cursor = Cursor @, @selection
@cursor.show_when_inactive = @config.view_show_inactive_cursor
@cursor.blink_interval = @config.cursor_blink_interval
@gutter = Gutter @, config.gutter_styling
@current_line_marker = CurrentLineMarker @
@scroll_speed_y = config.scroll_speed_y
@scroll_speed_x = config.scroll_speed_x
@im_context = Gtk.ImContextSimple!
with @im_context
append @_handlers, \on_commit (ctx, s) ->
@insert s, allow_coalescing: true
append @_handlers, \on_preedit_start ->
@in_preedit = true
notify @, 'on_preedit_start'
append @_handlers, \on_preedit_changed (ctx) ->
str, attr_list, cursor_pos = ctx\get_preedit_string!
notify @, 'on_preedit_change', :str, :attr_list, :cursor_pos
append @_handlers, \on_preedit_end ->
@in_preedit = false
notify @, 'on_preedit_end'
with @area
.can_focus = true
font_desc = Pango.FontDescription {
family: @config.view_font_name,
size: @config.view_font_size * Pango.SCALE
\override_font font_desc
.style_context\add_class 'transparent_bg'
append @_handlers, \on_key_press_event self\_on_key_press
append @_handlers, \on_button_press_event self\_on_button_press
append @_handlers, \on_button_release_event self\_on_button_release
append @_handlers, \on_motion_notify_event self\_on_motion_event
append @_handlers, \on_scroll_event self\_on_scroll
append @_handlers, \on_draw self\_draw
append @_handlers, \on_screen_changed self\_on_screen_changed
append @_handlers, \on_focus_in_event self\_on_focus_in
append @_handlers, \on_focus_out_event self\_on_focus_out
@horizontal_scrollbar = Gtk.Scrollbar Gtk.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL
append @_handlers, @horizontal_scrollbar.adjustment\on_value_changed (adjustment) ->
return if @_updating_scrolling
@base_x = floor adjustment.value
@horizontal_scrollbar_alignment = Gtk.Alignment {
left_padding: @gutter_width,
@horizontal_scrollbar_alignment.no_show_all = not config.view_show_h_scrollbar
@vertical_scrollbar = Gtk.Scrollbar Gtk.ORIENTATION_VERTICAL
@vertical_scrollbar.no_show_all = not config.view_show_v_scrollbar
append @_handlers, @vertical_scrollbar.adjustment\on_value_changed (adjustment) ->
return if @_updating_scrolling
@_scrolling_vertically = true
line = floor adjustment.value + 0.5
@scroll_to line
@_scrolling_vertically = false
expand: true,
{ expand: true, @area },
append @_handlers, @bin\on_destroy self\_on_destroy
append @_handlers, @bin\on_size_allocate self\_on_size_allocate
@_buffer_listener = {
on_inserted: (_, b, args) -> self\_on_buffer_modified b, args, 'inserted'
on_deleted: (_, b, args) -> self\_on_buffer_modified b, args, 'deleted'
on_changed: (_, b, args) -> self\_on_buffer_modified b, args, 'changed'
on_styled: (_, b, args) -> self\_on_buffer_styled b, args
on_undo: (_, b, args) -> self\_on_buffer_undo b, args
on_redo: (_, b, args) -> self\_on_buffer_redo b, args
on_markers_changed: (_, b, args) -> self\_on_buffer_markers_changed b, args
last_viewable_line: (_, b) ->
last = @last_visible_line
if @height
last = max last, @height / @default_line_height
@buffer = buffer
@config\add_listener self\_on_config_changed
destroy: =>
properties: {
showing: => @height != nil
has_focus: => @area.is_focus
gutter_width: => @config.view_show_line_numbers and @gutter.width or 0
first_visible_line: {
get: => @_first_visible_line
set: (line) => @scroll_to line
middle_visible_line: {
get: =>
return 0 unless @height
y = @margin
middle = @height / 2
for line = @_first_visible_line, @_last_visible_line
d_line = @display_lines[line]
y += d_line.height
return line if y >= middle
set: (line) =>
return unless @height
y = @height / 2
for nr = line, 1, -1
d_line = @display_lines[nr]
y -= d_line.height
if y <= @margin or nr == 1
@first_visible_line = nr
last_visible_line: {
get: =>
unless @_last_visible_line
return 0 unless @height
@_last_visible_line = 1
y = @margin
for line in @_buffer\lines @_first_visible_line
d_line = @display_lines[line.nr]
break if y + d_line.height > @height
@_last_visible_line = line.nr
y += d_line.height
-- +1 for last visible, since next line might be partially shown
@display_lines\set_window @_first_visible_line, @_last_visible_line + 1
set: (line) =>
return unless @showing
last_line_height = @display_lines[line].height
available = @height - @margin - last_line_height
first_visible = line
while first_visible > 1
prev_d_line = @display_lines[first_visible - 1]
break if (available - prev_d_line.height) < 0
available -= prev_d_line.height
first_visible -= 1
@scroll_to first_visible
-- we don't actually set @_last_visible_line here as it
-- will be set by the actuall scrolling
y_scroll_offset: {
get: => @_y_scroll_offset
set: (offset) =>
@_y_scroll_offset = offset
if @_y_scroll_offset < -1 or @_y_scroll_offset > 1
@first_visible_line = max(@first_visible_line + floor(@_y_scroll_offset), 1)
@_y_scroll_offset = 0
lines_showing: =>
@last_visible_line - @first_visible_line + 1
base_x: {
get: => @_base_x
set: (x) =>
x = floor max(0, x)
return if x == @_base_x
@_base_x = x
@_sync_scrollbars horizontal: true
edit_area_x: => @gutter_width + @margin
edit_area_width: =>
return 0 unless @width
@width - @edit_area_x
buffer: {
get: => @_buffer
set: (buffer) =>
if @_buffer
@cursor.pos = 1
@_buffer = buffer
buffer\add_listener @_buffer_listener
@last_edit_pos = nil
@_first_visible_line = 1
@_base_x = 0
buffer\ensure_styled_to line: @last_visible_line + 1
grab_focus: => @area\grab_focus!
scroll_to: (line) =>
return if line < 1 or not @showing
line = max(1, line)
line = min(line, @buffer.nr_lines)
return if @first_visible_line == line
@_first_visible_line = line
@_last_visible_line = nil
@buffer\ensure_styled_to line: @last_visible_line + 1
if line != 1 and @last_visible_line == @buffer.nr_lines
-- make sure we don't accidentally scroll to much here,
-- leaving visual area unclaimed
@last_visible_line = @last_visible_line
_sync_scrollbars: (opts = { horizontal: true, vertical: true })=>
@_updating_scrolling = true
if opts.vertical
page_size = @lines_showing - 1
adjustment = @vertical_scrollbar.adjustment
if adjustment
adjustment\configure @first_visible_line, 1, @buffer.nr_lines, 1, page_size, page_size
if opts.horizontal
max_width = 0
for i = @first_visible_line, @last_visible_line
max_width = max max_width, @display_lines[i].width
max_width += @width_of_space if @config.view_show_cursor
if max_width <= @edit_area_width and @base_x == 0
adjustment = @horizontal_scrollbar.adjustment
if adjustment
width = @edit_area_width
upper = max_width - (@margin / 2)
if @_scrolling_vertically
-- we're scrolling vertically so maintain our x,
-- but ensure we expand the scrollbar if necessary
adjustment.upper = upper if upper > adjustment.upper
adjustment\configure @base_x, 1, upper, 10, width, width
@_updating_scrolling = false
notify @, 'on_scroll', opts
insert: (text, opts = {}) =>
if @selection.is_empty
@_buffer\insert @cursor.pos, text, #text, opts
start_pos = @selection\range!
@_buffer\replace start_pos, @selection.size, text, #text, opts
notify @, 'on_insert_at_cursor', :text
delete_back: (opts = {}) =>
if @selection.is_empty
cur_pos = @cursor.pos
prev_pos = @cursor.pos
size = cur_pos - prev_pos
@cursor.pos = cur_pos
if size > 0
text = @_buffer\sub prev_pos, cur_pos
@_buffer\delete prev_pos, size, opts
notify @, 'on_delete_back', :text, pos: prev_pos
start_pos = @selection\range!
@_buffer\delete start_pos, @selection.size, opts
to_gobject: => @bin
refresh_display: (opts = { from_line: 1 }) =>
return unless @width
d_lines = @display_lines
min_y, max_y = nil, nil
y = @margin
last_valid = 0
from_line = opts.from_line
to_line = opts.to_line
to_offset = opts.to_offset
unless from_line
from_offset = min @buffer.size + 1, opts.from_offset
from_line = @buffer\get_line_at_offset(from_offset).nr
if opts.invalidate -- invalidate any affected lines before first visible
for line_nr = from_line, @_first_visible_line - 1
d_lines[line_nr] = nil
for line_nr = @_first_visible_line, @last_visible_line + 1
line = @_buffer\get_line line_nr
break unless line
break if to_offset and line.start_offset > to_offset -- after
break if to_line and line.nr > to_line -- after
before = line.nr < from_line and line.has_eol
d_line = d_lines[line_nr]
if not before
if opts.invalidate
d_lines[line.nr] = nil
-- recreate the display line since subsequent modifications has to
-- know what the display properties was for the modified lines
elseif opts.update
min_y or= y
max_y = y + d_line.height
last_valid = max last_valid, line.nr
y += d_line.height
if opts.invalidate -- invalidate any lines after visibly affected block
local invalidate_to_line
if not to_line and not to_offset
invalidate_to_line = d_lines.max
max_y = @height
@_last_visible_line = nil
@display_lines.max = last_valid
invalidate_to_line = to_line
if to_offset
to_offset = min to_offset, @buffer.size + 1
invalidate_to_line = @buffer\get_line_at_offset(to_offset).nr
for line_nr = last_valid + 1, invalidate_to_line
d_lines[line_nr] = nil
if min_y
start_x = max 0, @edit_area_x - 1
start_x = 0 if opts.gutter or start_x == 1
width = @width - start_x
height = (max_y - min_y)
if width > 0 and height > 0
@area\queue_draw_area start_x, min_y, width, height
position_from_coordinates: (x, y, opts = {}) =>
return nil unless @showing
cur_y = @margin
return nil unless y >= cur_y
matched_line = nil
for line_nr = @_first_visible_line, @last_visible_line + 1
d_line = @display_lines[line_nr]
break unless d_line
end_y = cur_y + d_line.height
if (y >= cur_y and y <= end_y)
matched_line = d_line
elseif opts.fuzzy
matched_line = d_line
cur_y = end_y
if matched_line
line = @_buffer\get_line(matched_line.nr)
pango_x = (x - @edit_area_x + @base_x) * Pango.SCALE
line_y = max(0, min(y - cur_y, matched_line.text_height - 1)) * Pango.SCALE
inside, index = matched_line.layout\xy_to_index pango_x, line_y
if not inside
-- left of the area, point it to first char in line
return line.start_offset if x < @edit_area_x
-- right of the area, point to end
if matched_line.is_wrapped
v_line = matched_line.lines\at_pixel_y(y - cur_y)
return line.start_offset + v_line.line_end - 1
return line.start_offset + line.size
-- are we aiming for the next grapheme?
rect = matched_line.layout\index_to_pos index
if pango_x - rect.x > rect.width * 0.7
index = matched_line.layout\move_cursor_visually true, index, 0, 1
return line.start_offset + index
coordinates_from_position: (pos) =>
return nil unless @showing
line = @buffer\get_line_at_offset pos
return nil unless line
return nil if line.nr < @_first_visible_line
y = @margin
x = @edit_area_x
for line_nr = @_first_visible_line, @buffer.nr_lines
d_line = @display_lines[line_nr]
if d_line.nr == line.nr or (d_line.nr > line.nr and not line.has_eol)
-- it's somewhere within this line..
layout = d_line.layout
index = pos - line.start_offset -- <-- at this byte index
rect = layout\index_to_pos index
bottom = y + ((rect.y + rect.height) / Pango.SCALE) + @config.view_line_padding
return {
x: x + (rect.x / Pango.SCALE) - @base_x
x2: x + ((rect.x + rect.width) / Pango.SCALE) - @base_x
y: y + (rect.y / Pango.SCALE)
y2: bottom
y += d_line.height
text_dimensions: (text) =>
p_ctx = @area.pango_context
layout = Pango.Layout p_ctx
layout.text = text
width, height = layout\get_pixel_size!
:width, height: height + (@config.view_line_padding * 2)
block_dimensions: (start_line, end_line) =>
height, width = 0, 0
for nr = start_line, end_line
d_line = @display_lines[nr]
break unless d_line
width = max width, d_line.width
height += d_line.height
width, height
_invalidate_display: (from_offset, to_offset) =>
return unless @width
to_offset = min to_offset, @buffer.size + 1
from_line = @buffer\get_line_at_offset(from_offset).nr
to_line = max @display_lines.max, @buffer\get_line_at_offset(to_offset).nr - 1
for line_nr = from_line, to_line
@display_lines[line_nr] = nil
_draw: (_, cr) =>
p_ctx = @area.pango_context
clip = cr.clip_extents
conf = @config
line_draw_opts = config: conf, buffer: @_buffer
draw_gutter = conf.view_show_line_numbers and clip.x1 < @gutter_width
if draw_gutter
@gutter\start_draw cr, p_ctx, clip
edit_area_x, y = @edit_area_x, @margin
cr\move_to edit_area_x, y
cr\set_source_rgb 0, 0, 0
lines = {}
start_y = nil
for line in @_buffer\lines @_first_visible_line
d_line = @display_lines[line.nr]
if y + d_line.height > clip.y1
d_line.block -- force evaluation of any block
lines[#lines + 1] = :line, display_line: d_line
start_y or= y
y += d_line.height
break if y + 1 >= clip.y2
current_line = @cursor.line
y = start_y
cursor_col = @cursor.column
for line_info in *lines
{:display_line, :line} = line_info
line_draw_opts.line = line
if line.nr == current_line and conf.view_highlight_current_line
@current_line_marker\draw_before edit_area_x, y, display_line, cr, clip, cursor_col
if @selection\affects_line line
@selection\draw edit_area_x, y, cr, display_line, line
display_line\draw edit_area_x, y, cr, clip, line_draw_opts
if @selection\affects_line line
@selection\draw_overlay edit_area_x, y, cr, display_line, line
if draw_gutter
@gutter\draw_for_line line.nr, 0, y, display_line
if line.nr == current_line
if conf.view_highlight_current_line
@current_line_marker\draw_after edit_area_x, y, display_line, cr, clip, cursor_col
if conf.view_show_cursor
@cursor\draw edit_area_x, y, cr, display_line
y += display_line.height
cr\move_to edit_area_x, y
if draw_gutter
_reset_display: =>
@_last_visible_line = nil
p_ctx = @area.pango_context
tm = @text_dimensions(' ')
@width_of_space = tm.width
@default_line_height = tm.height + floor @config.view_line_padding
tab_size = @config.view_tab_size
@_tab_array = Pango.TabArray(1, true, @width_of_space * tab_size)
@display_lines = DisplayLines @, @_tab_array, @buffer, p_ctx
@horizontal_scrollbar_alignment.left_padding = @gutter_width
@gutter\sync_dimensions @buffer, force: true
_on_destroy: =>
@listener = nil
@selection = nil
@cursor = nil
@_buffer\remove_listener(@_buffer_listener) if @_buffer
-- disconnect signal handlers
for h in *@_handlers
signal.disconnect h
_on_buffer_styled: (buffer, args) =>
return unless @showing
last_line = buffer\get_line @last_visible_line
return if args.start_line > @display_lines.max + 1 and last_line.has_eol
start_line = args.start_line
start_dline = @display_lines[start_line]
prev_block = start_dline.block
prev_block_width = prev_block and prev_block.width
update_block = (rescan_width) ->
new_block = @display_lines[start_line].block
return unless (new_block or prev_block)
if new_block and prev_block
if new_block.width == prev_block_width
return unless rescan_width
width = 0
start_scan_line = max(new_block.start_line, @first_visible_line)
end_scan_line = min(new_block.end_line, @last_visible_line)
for nr = start_scan_line, end_scan_line
width = max width, @display_lines[nr].width
return if width == prev_block_width
new_block.width = width
start_refresh = @last_visible_line
end_refresh = @first_visible_line
if prev_block
start_refresh, end_refresh = prev_block.start_line, prev_block.end_line
if new_block
start_refresh = min start_refresh, new_block.start_line
end_refresh = max end_refresh, new_block.end_line
@refresh_display from_line: start_refresh, to_line: end_refresh
if not args.invalidated and args.start_line == args.end_line
-- refresh only the single line, but verify that the modification does not
-- have other significant percussions
@refresh_display from_line: start_line, to_line: start_line, invalidate: true
d_line = @display_lines[start_line]
if d_line.height == start_dline.height -- height remains the same
-- but we might still need to adjust for block changes
update_block(start_dline.width == prev_block_width)
@_sync_scrollbars horizontal: true
@refresh_display from_line: start_line, invalidate: true, gutter: true
-- we might still need to adjust more for block changes
update_block(start_dline.width == prev_block_width)
_on_buffer_modified: (buffer, args, type) =>
cur_pos = @cursor.pos
sel_anchor, sel_end = @selection.anchor, @selection.end_pos
lines_changed = args.lines_changed
if not @showing
if lines_changed
@_last_visible_line = nil
if args.styled
@_on_buffer_styled buffer, args.styled
refresh_all_below = lines_changed
unless refresh_all_below
-- refresh only the single line
buf_line = @buffer\get_line_at_offset args.offset
start_dline = @display_lines[buf_line.nr]
@refresh_display from_offset: args.offset, to_offset: args.offset + args.size, invalidate: true
-- but if the line now has a different height due to line wrapping,
-- we still want a major refresh
new_dline = @display_lines[buf_line.nr]
if new_dline.height != start_dline.height
refresh_all_below = true
@_sync_scrollbars horizontal: true
if refresh_all_below
@refresh_display from_offset: args.offset, invalidate: true, gutter: true
if args.offset > args.invalidate_offset
-- we have lines before the offset of the modification that are
-- invalid - they need to be invalidated but not visually refreshed
@_invalidate_display args.invalidate_offset, args.offset - 1
if lines_changed and not @gutter\sync_dimensions buffer
-- adjust cursor to correctly reflect the change
changes = { { :type, offset: args.offset, size: args.size } }
changes = args.changes if type == 'changed'
c_pos = cur_pos
for change in *changes
if change.type == 'inserted' and change.offset <= c_pos
c_pos += change.size
elseif change.type == 'deleted' and change.offset < c_pos
c_pos -= min(c_pos - change.offset, change.size)
@cursor\move_to pos: c_pos, force: true
if @has_focus and args.revision
with args.revision.meta
.cursor_before or= cur_pos
.cursor_after = @cursor.pos
.selection_anchor = sel_anchor
.selection_end_pos = sel_end
@last_edit_pos = @cursor.pos
-- check whether we should scroll up to fit the contents into the view
-- we ensure this if the line count was changed, we're showing the last
-- line, we have non-visible lines above and it was not an insert
if lines_changed and @_first_visible_line > 1 and type != 'inserted'
if not @buffer\get_line(@last_visible_line + 1)
@last_visible_line = @buffer.nr_lines
_on_buffer_markers_changed: (buffer, args) =>
@refresh_display {
from_offset: args.start_offset,
to_offset: args.end_offset,
update: true
_on_buffer_undo: (buffer, revision) =>
pos = revision.meta.cursor_before or revision.offset
@cursor.pos = pos
{:selection_anchor, :selection_end_pos} = revision.meta
if selection_anchor
@selection\set selection_anchor, selection_end_pos
_on_buffer_redo: (buffer, revision) =>
pos = revision.meta.cursor_after or revision.offset
@cursor.pos = pos
_on_focus_in: =>
@cursor.active = true
notify @, 'on_focus_in'
_on_focus_out: =>
@cursor.active = false
notify @, 'on_focus_out'
_on_screen_changed: =>
_on_key_press: (_, e) =>
if @in_preedit
return true
event = parse_key_event e
unless notify @, 'on_key_press', event
@im_context\filter_keypress e
_on_button_press: (_, event) =>
@area\grab_focus! unless @area.has_focus
event = ffi_cast('GdkEventButton *', event)
return false if event.x <= @gutter_width
return true if notify @, 'on_button_press', event
return false if event.button != 1 or event.type != Gdk.BUTTON_PRESS
extend = bit.band(event.state, Gdk.SHIFT_MASK) != 0
pos = @position_from_coordinates(event.x, event.y, fuzzy: true)
if pos
@selection.persistent = false
if pos != @cursor.pos
@cursor\move_to :pos, :extend
@_selection_active = true
_on_button_release: (_, event) =>
event = ffi_cast('GdkEventButton *', event)
return true if notify @, 'on_button_release', event
return if event.button != 1
@_selection_active = false
_on_motion_event: (_, event) =>
event = ffi_cast('GdkEventMotion *', event)
return true if notify @, 'on_motion_event', event
unless @_selection_active
if @_cur_mouse_cursor != text_cursor
if event.x > @gutter_width
@area.window.cursor = text_cursor
@_cur_mouse_cursor = text_cursor
elseif event.x <= @gutter_width
@area.window.cursor = nil
@_cur_mouse_cursor = nil
pos = @position_from_coordinates(event.x, event.y, fuzzy: true)
if pos
@cursor\move_to :pos, extend: true
elseif event.y < @margin
if @first_visible_line == 1
@cursor\move_to pos:1, extend: true
@cursor\up extend: true
if @last_visible_line == @buffer.nr_lines
@cursor\move_to pos:@buffer.size+1, extend: true
@cursor\down extend: true
_scroll_x: (value) =>
value = value * (@scroll_speed_x / 100)
if value > 0
-- Scroll right.
new_base_x = @base_x + 20 * value
adjustment = @horizontal_scrollbar.adjustment
if adjustment
new_base_x = min new_base_x, adjustment.upper - adjustment.page_size
@base_x = new_base_x
elseif value < 0
-- Scroll left.
@base_x -= 20 * -value
_scroll_y: (value) =>
@y_scroll_offset += value * (@scroll_speed_y / 100)
_on_scroll: (_, event) =>
event = ffi_cast('GdkEventScroll *', event)
if event.direction == Gdk.SCROLL_UP
@_scroll_y -1
elseif event.direction == Gdk.SCROLL_DOWN
@_scroll_y 1
elseif event.direction == Gdk.SCROLL_RIGHT
@_scroll_x 1
elseif event.direction == Gdk.SCROLL_LEFT
@_scroll_x -1
elseif event.direction == Gdk.SCROLL_SMOOTH
@_scroll_y event.delta_y
@_scroll_x event.delta_x
_on_size_allocate: (_, allocation) =>
allocation = ffi_cast('GdkRectangle *', allocation)
resized = (not @height or @height != allocation.height) or
(not @width or @width != allocation.width)
return unless resized
gdk_window = @area.window
@im_context.client_window = gdk_window
if gdk_window != nil
gdk_window.cursor = @_cur_mouse_cursor
getting_taller = @height and allocation.height > @height
@width = allocation.width
@height = allocation.height
if getting_taller and @last_visible_line == @buffer.nr_lines
-- since we're growing this could be wrong, and we might need
-- to re-calculate what the last visible line actually is
@last_visible_line = @last_visible_line
@buffer\ensure_styled_to line: @last_visible_line + 1
notify @, 'on_resized'
_on_config_changed: (option, val, old_val) =>
if option == 'view_font_name' or option == 'view_font_size'
@area\override_font Pango.FontDescription {
family: @config.view_font_name,
size: @config.view_font_size * Pango.SCALE
elseif option == 'view_show_inactive_cursor'
@cursor.show_when_inactive = val
elseif option == 'cursor_blink_interval'
@cursor.blink_interval = val
elseif option == 'scroll_speed_y' or option == 'scroll_speed_x'
@[option] = val
elseif option == 'gutter_styling'
@gutter\reconfigure val
elseif option == 'view_show_v_scrollbar'
@vertical_scrollbar.visible = val
@vertical_scrollbar.no_show_all = true
elseif option == 'view_show_h_scrollbar'
@horizontal_scrollbar_alignment.visible = val
@horizontal_scrollbar_alignment.no_show_all = true
@horizontal_scrollbar_alignment.left_padding = @gutter_width
elseif option\match('^view_')
define_class View
| 31.634989 | 159 | 0.658531 |
d97c2421241affc014e35cb7967562a59561da0c | 360 | _ = req(..., 'lib.lodash')
class Loader
new: (handler) =>
cache = {}
meta = getmetatable(@)
oldIndex = meta.__index
meta.__index = (key) =>
if value = cache[key]
return value
elseif value = handler(key)
cache[key] = value
return value
elseif _.isFunction(oldIndex)
return oldIndex(@, key)
return oldIndex[key]
| 17.142857 | 32 | 0.616667 |
be8db91951aaad13feedcdce092b1385a84f4a96 | 403 | html = require "lapis.html"
config = (require "lapis.config").get!
import to_json from require "lapis.util"
class Error extends html.Widget
content: =>
raw @m[@status].error_page or "<p>Dogodila se greška!</p>"
if config._name == 'development' or config._name == 'development-perftest'
p class: "debug",
pre class: "debug", @traceback
| 33.583333 | 82 | 0.615385 |
68e3775889c46618c39a31b9f019513345ec75e1 | 5,198 | -- Copyright (c) 2015 by Adam Hellberg.
-- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-- of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-- in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-- to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-- copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-- furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-- all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
NAME, T = ...
T.markov = {}
import random from math
import db, log, markov from T
-- Blacklist contains words that will not be added or processed
blacklist = {'^[%s%c%p]+$', '\124%w'}
parenpairs =
'(': ')'
'[': ']'
'{': '}'
isduplicate = (trigger, reply using nil) ->
trigger = trigger\lower!
reply = reply\lower!
words = {}
reply\gsub '[^%s]+', (w) -> words[#words + 1] = w
count = 0
start = 1
for word in *words
s, e = trigger\find word, start
if s and e
start = e
count += 1
return count == #words
markov.save = (str) =>
-- Make it lowercase for less duplicates
str = str\lower!
-- Strip links
str = str\gsub '\124%w.-\124r', ''
-- Phrases inside parens, brackets, and braces are extracted to be processed separately
--subphrases = {}
--for left, right in pairs parenpairs
-- str = str\gsub '%' .. left .. '(.-)%' .. right, (p) ->
-- subphrases[#subphrases + 1] = p
-- ''
-- For now, just strip all parens and puncuation, makes for a little more comedic phrases too
str = str\gsub '[%.,_!?<>()[%]{}"]', ' '
-- Begin by getting a table of all the words
words = {}
str\gsub '[^%s]+', (w) ->
for pattern in *blacklist
return if w\match pattern
words[#words + 1] = w
if #words < 3
log\debug 'Markov can\'t process lines shorter than 3 words, aborting.'
for i = 1, #words
break if #words - i < 2
key = '%s %s'\format words[i], words[i + 1]
value = words[i + 2]
db.main.words[key] = {} unless db.main.words[key]
found = false
for entry in *db.main.words[key]
if entry.word == value
entry.count += 1
found = true
db.main.words[key][#db.main.words[key] + 1] = {word: value, count: 1} unless found
--for phrase in *subphrases
-- @save phrase
markov.getseed = (str) =>
words = {}
str = str\lower!
str\gsub '[^%s]+', (w) -> words[#words + 1] = w
local seed
if #words < 2
candidates = {}
for key, _ in pairs db.main.words
word = words[1]
if key\match("^#{word}%s") or key\match "%s#{word}$"
candidates[#candidates + 1] = key
seed = candidates[random(1, #candidates)] unless #candidates < 1
index = random 1, #words - 1
--secondindex = random 1, #words
--while secondindex == index
-- secondindex = random 1, #words
seed = '%s %s'\format words[index], words[index + 1]
markov.create = (seed, maxwords = random(5, 50)) =>
-- We build the result string in a table for easier processing
result = {}
seed\gsub '[^%s]+', (w) -> result[#result + 1] = w
count = #result
lastword = nil
lastcount = 0
while count < maxwords and lastcount < 3
key = '%s %s'\format result[#result - 1], result[#result]
list = db.main.words[key]
unless list
log\debug 'No entries found for %s.', key
word = list[random(1, #list)].word
result[#result + 1] = word
count += 1
if word == lastword
lastcount += 1
lastcount = 0
lastword = word
table.concat result, ' '
markov.reply = (msg, channel, target, silent) =>
@save msg
if msg\len! < 1
chat\send channel, 'Not enough data to process.' unless silent
return false
local seed
if random(0, 1) == 1
seed = @getseed msg
words = {}
msg\gsub '[^%s]+', (w) -> words[#words + 1] = w
seed = @getseed words[random(1, #words)]
if not seed
T.chat\send 'Couldn\'t make a sentence based on that input :(', 'GUILD' unless silent
return false
reply = @create seed
return false if silent and isduplicate(msg, reply) --reply == msg\lower!
T.chat\send reply, channel, target
| 34.423841 | 97 | 0.582339 |
ba0ce8e8d5222c9e902f5e2fef582eca8f1d80ee | 3,002 | import app, breadcrumbs, interact, log, Project from howl
import File, Process from howl.io
import ProcessBuffer from howl.ui
find_and_set_manifest = (project) ->
relative_path = (path) -> tostring path\relative_to_parent project.root
manifests = project.root\find sort: true, filter: (file) ->
return file.basename[1] == '.' if file.is_directory
parts = file.basename\split '%.'
return true if #parts < 3
extension = table.remove parts, #parts
return true if extension != 'json' and extension != 'yaml' and extension != 'yml'
for part in *parts
return true if not part\match '^[%a-_][%w-_]*$'
if #manifests == 0
file = interact.select_file_in_project
title: 'Select a manifest to use'
project: project
return false if not choice
project.config.flatpak_manifest = relative_path file
manifest_choices = {}
for manifest in *manifests
continue if manifest.is_directory
table.insert manifest_choices, {manifest.short_path, :manifest}
if #manifest_choices == 1
project.config.flatpak_manifest = relative_path manifest_choices[1].manifest
choice = interact.select
title: 'Select a manifest to use'
items: manifest_choices
cancel_on_back: true
return false if not choice
project.config.flatpak_manifest = relative_path choice.selection.manifest
return true
get_config = (buffer, project, var) ->
if #buffer.config[var] > 0
return 'buffer', buffer.config[var]
elseif project and #project.config[var] > 0
return 'project', project.config[var]
build = (run=false) ->
return if not app.editor
{:buffer} = app.editor
file = buffer.file or buffer.directory
error 'No file associated with the current view' unless file
project = Project.for_file file
error "No project associated with #{file}" unless project
where, manifest = get_config buffer, project, 'flatpak_manifest'
if not manifest
return if not find_and_set_manifest project
where, manifest = get_config buffer, project, 'flatpak_manifest'
assert manifest, 'manifest is empty after find_and_set_manifest succeeded'
local directory
if where == 'buffer'
directory = file.parent
elseif where == 'project'
directory = project.root
manifest = File manifest, directory
default_stop = directory.basename
stop = get_config(buffer, project, 'flatpak_module') or default_stop
root = get_config(buffer, project, 'flatpak_builder_directory') or 'flatpak-app'
p = Process
cmd: {
tostring bundle_file 'run-local-build.sh'
tostring manifest
tostring root
project.config.flatpak_source and 'replace' or ''
run and 'run' or ''
read_stdout: true
read_stderr: true
working_directory: directory
buffer = ProcessBuffer p, title: "$ flatpak-builder #{manifest.basename}"
editor = app\add_buffer buffer
| 29.722772 | 85 | 0.702865 |
227917d3b5e227b27b62d52af8330de9222c2da4 | 883 | tArgs = { ... }
if #tArgs < 1
print "Usage: go <direction> <distance>"
tHandlers = {
"fd" = turtle.forward
"forward" = turtle.forward
"forwards" = turtle.forward
"bk" = turtle.back
"back" = turtle.back
"up" = turtle.up
"dn" = turtle.down
"down" = turtle.down
"lt" = turtle.turnLeft
"left" = turtle.turnLeft
"rt" = turtle.turnRight
"right" = turtle.turnRight
nArg = 1
while nArg <= #tArgs
sDirection = tArgs[nArg]
nDistance = 1
if nArg < #tArgs
num = tonumber tArgs[nArg + 1]
if num
nDistance = num
nArg +=1
nArg += 1
fnHandler = tHandlers[string.lower(sDirection)]
if fnHandler
while nDistance > 0
if fnHandler!
nDistance -= 1
elseif turtle.getFuelLevel! == 0
print "Out of fuel"
sleep 0.5
print "No such direction: "..sDirection
print "Try: forward, back, up, down"
| 16.660377 | 48 | 0.634202 |
ba6ab52c87980dbb7465bbe196e7eab515572830 | 7,286 | -- Copyright 2012-2015 The Howl Developers
-- License: MIT (see LICENSE.md at the top-level directory of the distribution)
_G = _G
import table, coroutine, pairs from _G
import pcall, callable, setmetatable, typeof, tostring from _G
import signal, command, sys from howl
append = table.insert
signal.register 'key-press',
description: [[Signaled right after a key is pressed.
If any handler returns true, the key press is considered to be handled, and any subsequent
processing is skipped.
event: 'The event for the key press'
translations: 'A list of readable translations for the key event'
source: 'The source of the key press (e.g. "editor")'
parameters: 'Other source specific parameters (e.g. an editor for source = "editor")'
_ENV = {}
setfenv(1, _ENV) if setfenv
capture_handler = nil
keymap_options = setmetatable {}, __mode: 'k'
export keymaps = {}
export is_capturing = false
alternate_names = {
kp_up: 'up'
kp_down: 'down'
kp_left: 'left'
kp_right: 'right'
kp_page_up: 'page_up'
kp_page_down: 'page_down'
kp_home: 'home'
kp_end: 'end'
kp_insert: 'insert'
kp_delete: 'delete'
kp_enter: { 'return', 'enter' }
iso_left_tab: 'tab'
return: 'enter'
enter: 'return'
altL: 'alt'
altR: 'alt'
shiftL: 'shift'
shiftR: 'shift'
ctrlL: 'ctrl'
ctrlR: 'ctrl'
metaL: 'meta'
metaR: 'meta'
superL: 'super'
superR: 'super'
hyperL: 'hyper'
hyperR: 'hyper'
substituted_names = {
meta_l: 'metaL'
meta_r: 'metaR'
alt_l: 'altL'
alt_r: 'altR'
shift_l: 'shiftL'
shift_r: 'shiftR'
control_l: 'ctrlL'
control_r: 'ctrlR'
super_l: 'superL'
super_r: 'superR'
kp_prior: 'kp_page_up'
kp_next: 'kp_page_down'
hyper_l: 'hyperL'
hyper_r: 'hyperR'
modifier_keys = {
substitute_keyname = (event) ->
key_name = substituted_names[event.key_name]
return event unless key_name
copy = {k,v for k,v in pairs event}
copy.key_name = key_name
export action_for = (tr, source='editor') ->
os = sys.info.os
empty = {}
for i = #keymaps, 1, -1
km = keymaps[i]
continue unless km
source_km = km[source] or empty
os_map = km.for_os and km.for_os[os] or empty
os_source_map = os_map[source] or empty
handler = os_source_map[tr] or os_map[tr] or source_km[tr] or km[tr]
return handler if handler
find_handlers = (event, source, translations, maps_to_search, ...) ->
handlers = {}
empty = {}
os = sys.info.os
for map in *maps_to_search
continue unless map
source_map = map[source] or empty
handler = nil
map_binding_for = map.binding_for
source_map_binding_for = source_map.binding_for
os_map = map.for_os and map.for_os[os] or empty
os_source_map = os_map[source] or empty
for t in *translations
handler = os_source_map[t] or source_map[t] or os_map[t] or map[t]
break if handler
if source_map_binding_for or map_binding_for
cmd = action_for t
if typeof(cmd) == 'string'
handler = source_map_binding_for and source_map_binding_for[cmd]
break if handler
handler = map_binding_for and map_binding_for[cmd]
break if handler
if not handler and callable map.on_unhandled
handler = map.on_unhandled event, source, translations, ...
append handlers, handler if handler
opts = keymap_options[map] or {}
return handlers, map, opts if opts.block or opts.pop
export cancel_capture = ->
capture_handler = nil
is_capturing = false
process_capture = (event, source, translations, ...) ->
if capture_handler
status, ret = pcall capture_handler, event, source, translations, ...
if not status or ret != false
_G.log.error ret unless status
return true
export push = (km, options = {}) ->
append keymaps, km
keymap_options[km] = options
export remove = (map) ->
error "No bindings in stack" unless #keymaps > 0
for i = 1, #keymaps
if keymaps[i] == map
keymap_options[map] = nil
table.remove keymaps, i
return true
export pop = ->
remove keymaps[#keymaps]
export translate_key = (event) ->
ctrl = (event.control and 'ctrl_') or ''
shift = (event.shift and 'shift_') or ''
alt = (event.alt and 'alt_') or ''
meta = (event.meta and 'meta_') or ''
event = substitute_keyname event
alternate = alternate_names[event.key_name]
translations = {}
character = event.character
if event.lock and character
if event.shift
character = character.uupper
character = character.ulower
append translations, ctrl .. meta .. alt .. character if character
modifiers = ctrl .. meta .. shift .. alt
if event.key_name and event.key_name != character
append translations, modifiers .. event.key_name
if typeof(alternate) == 'table'
for a in *alternate
append translations, modifiers .. a
elseif alternate
append translations, modifiers .. alternate
append translations, modifiers .. event.key_code
export is_modifier = (translations) ->
for translation in *translations
for modifier in *modifier_keys
if translation == modifier
return true
return false
export dispatch = (event, source, maps_to_search, ...) ->
event = substitute_keyname event
translations = translate_key event
handlers, halt_map, map_opts = find_handlers event, source, translations, maps_to_search, ...
remove halt_map if halt_map and map_opts.pop
for handler in *handlers
status, ret = true, true
htype = typeof handler
f = if htype == 'string'
-> command.run handler
elseif callable handler
(...) -> handler ...
if f
co = coroutine.create f
status, ret = coroutine.resume co, ...
elseif htype == 'table'
push handler, pop: true
_G.log.error "Illegal handler: type #{htype}"
_G.log.error ret unless status
return true if not status or (status and ret != false)
export can_dispatch = (event, source, maps_to_search) ->
event = substitute_keyname event
translations = translate_key event
handlers = find_handlers event, source, translations, maps_to_search
return #handlers > 0
export process = (event, source, extra_keymaps = {}, ...) ->
event = substitute_keyname event
translations = translate_key event
return true if process_capture event, source, translations, ...
emit_result = signal.emit 'key-press', :event, :source, :translations, parameters: {...}
return true if emit_result == signal.abort
maps = {}
append maps, map for map in *extra_keymaps
for i = #keymaps, 1, -1
append maps, keymaps[i]
dispatch event, source, maps, ...
export capture = (handler) ->
capture_handler = handler
is_capturing = true
export keystrokes_for = (handler, source = nil) ->
keystrokes = {}
for i = #keymaps, 1, -1
km = keymaps[i]
source_km = km[source]
if source_km
for keystroke, h in pairs source_km
if h == handler
append keystrokes, keystroke
for keystroke, h in pairs km
if h == handler
append keystrokes, keystroke
return _ENV
| 25.38676 | 95 | 0.676366 |
b3b31e8a9fbbcfa57dfd29df172880030b678016 | 7,889 | ----------------------------------------------------------------
-- A @{Block} for the main @{RomlDoc} compiled files.
-- @classmod MainBlock
-- @author Richard Voelker
-- @license MIT
local FunctionBlock
local DoBlock
local SpaceBlock
local DoubleBlock
local TableBlock
local MetatableBlock
local IfElseBlock
local IfBlock
local Line
local RequireLine
if game
pluginModel = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent
FunctionBlock = require(pluginModel.com.blacksheepherd.code.FunctionBlock)
DoBlock = require(pluginModel.com.blacksheepherd.code.DoBlock)
SpaceBlock = require(pluginModel.com.blacksheepherd.code.SpaceBlock)
DoubleBlock = require(pluginModel.com.blacksheepherd.code.DoubleBlock)
TableBlock = require(pluginModel.com.blacksheepherd.code.TableBlock)
MetatableBlock = require(pluginModel.com.blacksheepherd.code.MetatableBlock)
IfElseBlock = require(pluginModel.com.blacksheepherd.code.IfElseBlock)
IfBlock = require(pluginModel.com.blacksheepherd.code.IfBlock)
Line = require(pluginModel.com.blacksheepherd.code.Line)
RequireLine = require(pluginModel.com.blacksheepherd.code.RequireLine)
FunctionBlock = require "com.blacksheepherd.code.FunctionBlock"
DoBlock = require "com.blacksheepherd.code.DoBlock"
SpaceBlock = require "com.blacksheepherd.code.SpaceBlock"
DoubleBlock = require "com.blacksheepherd.code.DoubleBlock"
TableBlock = require "com.blacksheepherd.code.TableBlock"
MetatableBlock = require "com.blacksheepherd.code.MetatableBlock"
IfElseBlock = require "com.blacksheepherd.code.IfElseBlock"
IfBlock = require "com.blacksheepherd.code.IfBlock"
Line = require "com.blacksheepherd.code.Line"
RequireLine = require "com.blacksheepherd.code.RequireLine"
class MainBlock
-- Constant for adding children to the variable @{Block}.
-- @prop BLOCK_VARS
-- Constant for adding children to the update function @{Block}.
-- Constant for adding children to the object creation @{Block}.
-- Constant for adding children to the update function call
-- @{Block}.
-- Create the MainBlock.
-- @tparam MainBlock self
-- @tparam string name The name of the subclass for the
-- @{RomlDoc}
new: (name) =>
@_children = {}
table.insert @_children, RequireLine("com.blacksheepherd.roml", "RomlVar")
table.insert @_children, RequireLine("com.blacksheepherd.roml", "RomlDoc")
table.insert @_children, RequireLine("com.blacksheepherd.roml", "RomlObject")
@_extraRequiresBlock = SpaceBlock!
@_hasCustomObjectBuilderRequire = false
table.insert @_children, @_extraRequiresBlock
table.insert @_children, Line("local #{name}")
cBlock = DoBlock!
cBlock\AddChild Line("local _parent_0 = RomlDoc")
baseBlock = TableBlock("_base_0")
createFunctionBlock = FunctionBlock("_create", "self, parent, vars")
createFunctionBlock\AddChild Line("self._rootObject = RomlObject(self, parent)")
createFunctionBlock\AddChild Line("local objTemp")
@_varsBlock = SpaceBlock!
@_updateFunctionsBlock = SpaceBlock!
@_creationBlock = SpaceBlock!
@_functionCallsBlock = SpaceBlock!
createFunctionBlock\AddChild @_varsBlock
createFunctionBlock\AddChild @_updateFunctionsBlock
createFunctionBlock\AddChild @_creationBlock
createFunctionBlock\AddChild @_functionCallsBlock
baseBlock\AddChild createFunctionBlock
cBlock\AddChild baseBlock
cBlock\AddChild Line("_base_0.__index = _base_0")
cBlock\AddChild Line("setmetatable(_base_0, _parent_0.__base)")
metatableBlock = MetatableBlock("_class_0")
initFunctionBlock = FunctionBlock("__init", "self, parent, vars, ross")
initFunctionBlock\AddChild Line("return _parent_0.__init(self, parent, vars, ross)")
metatableBlock\AddChild DoubleBlock.TOP, initFunctionBlock
metatableBlock\AddChild DoubleBlock.TOP, Line("__base = _base_0")
metatableBlock\AddChild DoubleBlock.TOP, Line("__name = \"#{name}\"")
metatableBlock\AddChild DoubleBlock.TOP, Line("__parent = _parent_0")
indexFunctionBlock = FunctionBlock("__index", "cls, name")
indexFunctionBlock\AddChild Line("local val = rawget(_base_0, name)")
valueNilCheckBlock = IfElseBlock("val == nil")
valueNilCheckBlock\AddChild DoubleBlock.TOP, Line("return _parent_0[name]")
valueNilCheckBlock\AddChild DoubleBlock.BOTTOM, Line("return val")
indexFunctionBlock\AddChild valueNilCheckBlock
metatableBlock\AddChild DoubleBlock.BOTTOM, indexFunctionBlock
callFunctionBlock = FunctionBlock("__call", "cls, ...")
callFunctionBlock\AddChild Line("local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0)")
callFunctionBlock\AddChild Line("cls.__init(_self_0, ...)")
callFunctionBlock\AddChild Line("return _self_0")
metatableBlock\AddChild DoubleBlock.BOTTOM, callFunctionBlock
cBlock\AddChild metatableBlock
cBlock\AddChild Line("_base_0.__class = _class_0")
cBlock\AddChild Line("local self = _class_0")
newFunctionBlock = FunctionBlock("self.new", "parent, vars, ross")
newFunctionBlock\AddChild Line("return #{name}(parent, vars, ross)")
cBlock\AddChild newFunctionBlock
inheritanceIfBlock = IfBlock("_parent_0.__inherited")
inheritanceIfBlock\AddChild Line("_parent_0.__inherited(_parent_0, _class_0)")
cBlock\AddChild inheritanceIfBlock
cBlock\AddChild Line("#{name} = _class_0")
table.insert @_children, cBlock
table.insert @_children, Line("return #{name}")
-- Add a child to the create function of the subclass inside the
-- specified block.
-- @tparam MainBlock self
-- @tparam string block One of @{BLOCK_VARS},
-- @tparam Block/Line child The child to add.
AddChild: (block, child) =>
switch block
@_varsBlock\AddChild child
@_updateFunctionsBlock\AddChild child
@_creationBlock\AddChild child
@_functionCallsBlock\AddChild child
-- Adds the require for the @{CustomObjectBuilder} class to the
-- top of the @{RomlDoc} if it is not already there.
-- @tparam MainBlock self
AddCustomObjectBuilderRequire: =>
unless @_hasCustomObjectBuilderRequire
@_extraRequiresBlock\AddChild RequireLine("com.blacksheepherd.customobject", "CustomObjectBuilder")
-- Render the MainBlock and all children @{Block}s/@{Line}s.
-- @tparam MainBlock self
Render: =>
buffer = ""
for child in *@_children
buffer ..= child\Render!
if child.__class.__name != "SpaceBlock" or child.__class.__name == "SpaceBlock" and #child._children > 0
buffer ..= "\n"
return buffer
return MainBlock
| 39.054455 | 107 | 0.650906 |
9c462a20ab96a7df1600e9e5a5c682c525eef421 | 1,964 | --- Class that represents a part with some text displayed on it. It can also be clicked.
-- @classmod TextPart
MouseInputsManager = require script.Parent.Parent\WaitForChild "MouseInputsManager"
class TextPart
new: (size, location) =>
--- Roblox part corresponding to this tile
-- @field Part Instance
--- Roblox TextLabel displayed on the top of this tile
-- @field Label Instance
-- I like to define every fields at the beginning of the 'new' method, even when they're empty
-- because having doc comments in the middle of the scripts looks weird.
-- Kids, here's how you create a Roblox instance Moonscript style.
-- Introducing: the 'with' statement
@Part = with Instance.new "Part"
.Anchored = true
.TopSurface = "Smooth"
.BottomSurface = "Smooth"
.Size = size
.CFrame = location
.Parent = game.Workspace
-- You can name the instance you're working with if you need to
with surfaceGui = Instance.new("SurfaceGui")
.Face = Enum.NormalId.Top
.CanvasSize = 25*Vector2.new size.z, size.x
@Label = with Instance.new "TextLabel" -- You can even nest them!
.Size = UDim2.new 1, 0, 1, 0
.BackgroundTransparency = 1
.TextScaled = true
.Text = ""
.Parent = surfaceGui
.Parent = @Part
--- Set functions to be called when the part is left or right clicked
-- @tparam function leftClickCallback what to execute when left clicked
-- @tparam function rightClickCallback what to execute when right clicked
RegisterClick: (leftClickCallback, rightClickCallback) =>
MouseInputsManager.BindPartToClick @Part, leftClickCallback, rightClickCallback
--- Unbind clicks from the part
UnregisterClick: =>
MouseInputsManager.UnbindPartFromClick @Part
--- Clear this item
Destroy: =>
@UnregisterClick! -- This is important. Never forget about memory leaks, kids.
| 35.709091 | 98 | 0.686354 |
8633f522761ddfda2d262418e7468d1a8ba2bc51 | 1,888 | --- JSON Web Token implementation
-- @author RyanSquared <vandor2012@gmail.com>
-- @classmod JWTSerializer
import json from require "cereal"
import from_url64, to_url64 from require "basexx"
import Signer from require "bassoon"
import random_key from require "bassoon.util"
signers = {}
_get_signer = (key, algo)->
name = "#{algo}.#{key}"
if not signers[name]
signers[name] = Signer key, digest_method: algo, separator: "."
return signers[name]
_get_ossl_algorithm = (algo)->
switch algo
when "HS256"
when "HS512"
when "none"
error "Unknown JWT algorithm: #{algo}"
class JWTSerializer
--- Create a new JWTSerializer object
-- @tparam string algorithm JWT algorithm, can be any of:
-- `["HS256", "HS512"]`
-- @tparam string key HMAC encryption key
new: (algorithm = "HS512", key = random_key!)=>
@key = key
@algorithm = algorithm
@ossl_algorithm = _get_ossl_algorithm algorithm
@signer = _get_signer key, @ossl_algorithm
--- Encode data into a formatted JWT. Current supported formats are:
-- `["HS256", "HS512", "none"]`
-- @tparam table data JSON-serializable table
encode: (data, plain)=>
header = to_url64 json.encode alg: @algorithm
b64json = to_url64 json.encode data
text = "#{header}.#{b64json}"
if plain
return text
return @signer\sign text
_decode_json = (data)-> json.decode from_url64 data
--- Verify and decode formatted JWT
-- @tparam string b64data URL base64-formatted JWT
decode: (b64data, plain)=>
return _decode_json b64data\match "^.-%.(.+)$" if plain
header_string, pos = b64data\match "^(.-)%.()"
body_string = b64data\match "^(.-)%.", pos
header = _decode_json header_string
body = _decode_json body_string
algorithm = _get_ossl_algorithm header.alg
assert @signer\verify_text b64data\match "^(.+)%.(.-)$"
return body
return {:JWTSerializer}
| 26.591549 | 69 | 0.697564 |
c8529abf1132776030c9bf6048f777141567eb2b | 3,456 | path = require "lapis.cmd.path"
import get_free_port from require "lapis.cmd.util"
import AttachedServer from require "lapis.cmd.attached_server"
class NginxAttachedServer extends AttachedServer
new: (@runner) =>
start: (environment, env_overrides) =>
@existing_config = if path.exists @runner.compiled_config_path
path.read_file @runner.compiled_config_path
@port = get_free_port!
if type(environment) == "string"
environment = require("lapis.config").get environment
if env_overrides
assert not getmetatable(env_overrides), "env_overrides already has metatable, aborting"
environment = setmetatable env_overrides, __index: environment
env = require "lapis.environment"
env.push environment
@runner\write_config_for environment, @\process_config
pid = @runner\get_pid!
@fresh = not pid
if pid
assert @runner\start_nginx true
detach: =>
if @existing_config
path.write_file @runner.compiled_config_path, @existing_config
if @fresh
env = require "lapis.environment"
exec: (lua_code) =>
assert loadstring lua_code -- syntax check code
ltn12 = require "ltn12"
http = require "socket.http"
buffer = {}
_, status = http.request {
url: "{@port}/run_lua"
sink: ltn12.sink.table buffer
source: ltn12.source.string lua_code
headers: {
"content-length": #lua_code
unless status == 200
error "Failed to exec code on server, got: #{status}\n\n#{table.concat buffer}"
table.concat buffer
-- this inserts a special server block in the config that gives remote access
-- to it over a special port/location.
process_config: (cfg) =>
assert @port, "attached server doesn't have a port to bind rpc to"
run_code_action = [[
-- hijack print to write to buffer
local old_print = print
local buffer = {}
print = function(...)
local str = table.concat({...}, "\t")
io.stdout:write(str .. "\n")
table.insert(buffer, str)
local success, err = pcall(loadstring(ngx.var.request_body))
if not success then
ngx.status = 500
ngx.print(table.concat(buffer, "\n"))
print = old_print
-- escape for nginx config
run_code_action = run_code_action\gsub("\\", "\\\\")\gsub('"', '\\"')
test_server = [[
server {
deny all;
listen ]] .. @port .. [[;
location = /run_lua {
client_body_buffer_size 10m;
client_max_body_size 10m;
content_by_lua "
]] .. run_code_action .. [[
-- inject the lua path
if @runner.base_path != ""
default_path = os.getenv "LUA_PATH"
default_cpath = os.getenv "LUA_CPATH"
server_path = path.join @runner.base_path, "?.lua"
server_cpath = path.join @runner.base_path, "?.so"
test_server = "
lua_package_path '#{server_path};#{default_path}';
lua_package_cpath '#{server_cpath};#{default_cpath}';
" .. test_server
cfg\gsub "%f[%a]http%s-{", "http {\n" .. test_server
{ AttachedServer: NginxAttachedServer }
| 25.226277 | 93 | 0.623264 |
671e4db1f99c65a7c145ac0a0ffc81c1615b57ec | 174 | f => xs => ys =>
val => end =>
x => xs => c => (c x xs)
c => end
y => ys => x => xs => (val (f x y) (xs ys))
x => xs => end))
| 19.333333 | 51 | 0.281609 |
733495e04579485edf41bb04032123978eb2a3db | 2,352 | export JSON = require "rl_moon/external/json"
-- Gaus randomness
return_v = false
val_v = 0
gauss_random = ->
if return_v
return_v = false
return val_v
u = 2 * math.random! - 1
v = 2 * math.random! - 1
r = u^2 + v^2
return gaus_random if r == 0 or r > 1
c = math.sqrt -2 * (math.log r) / r
val_v = v * c
return_v = false
u * c
randf = (a, b) ->
math.random! * (b - a) + a
randi = (a, b) ->
math.floor math.random! * (b - a) + a
randn = (m, s) ->
m + gaus_random! * s
zeros = (n) ->
return {} unless n
res = {}
for i = 1, n
res[#res + 1] = 0
-- Matrix
class Matrix
new: (@n, @d) =>
@w = zeros n * d
@dw = zeros n * d
get: (r, c) =>
ix = (@d * r) + c
assert ix >= 0 and ix < #@w, "invalid index in matrix"
set: (r, c, v) =>
ix = (@d * r) + c
assert ix >= 0 and ix < #@w, "invalid index in matrix"
@w[ix] = v
set_from: (t) =>
for i = 1, n = #t
@w[i] = t[i]
set_col: (m, i) =>
for i = 1, #m.w
@w[@d * q + i] = m.w[i]
serialize: =>
t = {
"n": @n
"d": @d
"w": @w
deserialize: (t) =>
@n = t.n
@d = t.d
@w = zeros @n * @d
@dw = zeros @n * @d
for i = 1, @n * @d
@w[i] = t.w[i]
-- Network utilities
copy_mat = (b) ->
a = Mat b.n, b.d
a\set_from b.w
copy_net = (n) ->
new_n = {}
for k, v in pairs n
new_n[k] = copy_mat v
update_mat = (m, alpha) ->
for i = 1, m.n * m.d
if m.dw[i] != 0
m.w[i] += -alpha * m.dw[i]
m.dw[i] = 0
update_net = (n, alpha) ->
new_n = {}
for k, v in pairs n
update_mat v, alpha
serialize_net: (n) ->
j = {}
for k, v in pairs n
j[k] = v\serialize!
deserialize_net: (j) ->
n = {}
for k, v in pairs j
n[k] = Mat 1, 1
n[k]\deserialize v
| 16.109589 | 58 | 0.395408 |
d94be90409117f247d5fc000dec6d21ff710481b | 6,147 | -- Copyright 2016 Nils Nordman <nino@nordman.org>
-- License: MIT (see LICENSE.md at the top-level directory of the distribution)
config = require 'moonpick.config'
lfs = require 'lfs'
dir = require 'pl.dir'
describe 'config', ->
write_file = (path, contents) ->
f = assert io.open(path, 'wb')
f\write contents
assert f\close!
describe 'config_for(file)', ->
local base_dir
before_each ->
base_dir = os.tmpname!
assert(os.remove(base_dir)) if lfs.attributes(base_dir)
after_each -> dir.rmtree(base_dir)
it 'returns the first available lint_config by moving up the path', ->
ex_file = "#{base_dir}/sub/file.moon"
in_dir_cfg = "#{base_dir}/sub/lint_config.lua"
write_file in_dir_cfg, '{}'
assert.equal in_dir_cfg, config.config_for(ex_file)
parent_dir_cfg = "#{base_dir}/lint_config.lua"
write_file parent_dir_cfg, '{}'
assert.equal parent_dir_cfg, config.config_for(ex_file)
it 'supports and prefers moonscript config files if available', ->
ex_file = "#{base_dir}/sub/file.moon"
lua_cfg = "#{base_dir}/lint_config.lua"
moon_cfg = "#{base_dir}/lint_config.moon"
write_file lua_cfg, '{}'
write_file moon_cfg, '{}'
assert.equal moon_cfg, config.config_for(ex_file)
assert.equal lua_cfg, config.config_for(ex_file)
describe 'load_config_from(config, file)', ->
sorted = (t) ->
table.sort t
it 'loads the relevant settings for <file> from <config>', ->
cfg = {
report_loop_variables: true
report_params: false
whitelist_globals: {
['.']: { 'foo' },
test: { 'bar' }
other: { 'zed' }
whitelist_loop_variables: {
test: {'k'}
whitelist_params: {
['.']: {'pipe'}
whitelist_unused: {
['.']: {'general'}
whitelist_shadowing: {
['.']: {'table'}
loaded = config.load_config_from(cfg, '/test/foo.moon')
assert.same {
}, sorted loaded.whitelist_globals
assert.same { 'k' }, loaded.whitelist_loop_variables
assert.same { 'pipe' }, loaded.whitelist_params
assert.same { 'general' }, loaded.whitelist_unused
assert.same { 'table' }, loaded.whitelist_shadowing
assert.is_true loaded.report_loop_variables
assert.is_false loaded.report_params
it 'loads <config> as a file when passed as a string', ->
path = os.tmpname!
write_file path, [[
return {
whitelist_globals = {
test = {'bar'}
assert.same {
whitelist_globals: { 'bar' }
}, config.load_config_from(path, '/test/foo.moon')
describe 'evaluator(config)', ->
evaluator = config.evaluator
describe 'allow_unused_param(p)', ->
it 'generally returns true', ->
assert.is_true evaluator({}).allow_unused_param('foo')
it 'returns false if config.report_params is true', ->
assert.is_false evaluator(report_params: true).allow_unused_param('foo')
it 'returns true if config.whitelist_params contains <p>', ->
whitelist_params = {'foo'}
assert.is_true evaluator(:whitelist_params).allow_unused_param('foo')
it 'supports patterns', ->
whitelist_params = {'^a+'}
assert.is_true evaluator(:whitelist_params).allow_unused_param('aardwark')
it 'defaults to white listings params starting with an underscore', ->
for sym in *{'_', '_foo', '_bar2'}
assert.is_true evaluator().allow_unused_param(sym)
describe 'allow_unused_loop_variable(p)', ->
it 'generally returns false', ->
assert.is_false evaluator({}).allow_unused_loop_variable('foo')
it 'returns true if config.report_loop_variables is false', ->
assert.is_true evaluator(report_loop_variables: false).allow_unused_loop_variable('foo')
it 'returns true if config.whitelist_loop_variables contains <p>', ->
whitelist_loop_variables = {'foo'}
assert.is_true evaluator(:whitelist_loop_variables).allow_unused_loop_variable('foo')
it 'supports patterns', ->
whitelist_loop_variables = {'^a+'}
assert.is_true evaluator(:whitelist_loop_variables).allow_unused_loop_variable('aardwark')
it 'defaults to white listing params starting with an underscore', ->
for sym in *{'_', '_foo', '_bar2'}
assert.is_true evaluator().allow_unused_loop_variable(sym)
it 'defaults to white listing the common names "i" and "j"', ->
for sym in *{'i', 'j'}
assert.is_true evaluator().allow_unused_loop_variable(sym)
describe 'allow_global_access(p)', ->
it 'generally returns false', ->
assert.is_false evaluator({}).allow_global_access('foo')
it 'returns true if config.whitelist_globals contains <p>', ->
whitelist_globals = {'foo'}
assert.is_true evaluator(:whitelist_globals).allow_global_access('foo')
it 'supports patterns', ->
whitelist_globals = {'^a+'}
assert.is_true evaluator(:whitelist_globals).allow_global_access('aardwark')
it 'always includes whitelisting of builtins', ->
for sym in *{'require', '_G', 'tostring'}
assert.is_true evaluator().allow_global_access(sym)
whitelist_globals = {'foo'}
assert.is_true evaluator(:whitelist_globals).allow_global_access('table')
describe 'allow_unused(p)', ->
it 'generally returns false', ->
assert.is_false evaluator({}).allow_unused('foo')
it 'returns true if config.whitelist_unused contains <p>', ->
whitelist_unused = {'foo'}
assert.is_true evaluator(:whitelist_unused).allow_unused('foo')
it 'supports patterns', ->
whitelist_unused = {'^a+'}
assert.is_true evaluator(:whitelist_unused).allow_unused('aardwark')
| 33.961326 | 98 | 0.634619 |
33e913efaf8dca8a5b25b12d809bc2cc1ca66ab4 | 1,503 | class GradientStop extends Base
new: GradientStop = (arg0, arg1) ->
if arg0
color = nil
rampPoint = nil
if arg1 is nil and isArray(arg0)
-- [color, rampPoint]
color = arg0[0]
rampPoint = arg0[1]
else if arg0.color
-- stop
color = arg0.color
rampPoint = arg0.rampPoint
-- color, rampPoint
color = arg0
rampPoint = arg1
clone: =>
GradientStop(@_color\clone(), @_rampPoint)
_serialize: (options, dictionary) =>
Base\serialize [@_color, @_rampPoint], options, true, dictionary
_changed: =>
-- Loop through the gradients that use this stop and notify them about
-- the change, so they can notify their gradient colors, which in turn
-- will notify the items they are used in:
@_owner\_changed Change.STYLE if @_owner ----=
getRampPoint: =>
setRampPoint: (rampPoint) =>
@_defaultRamp = not rampPoint?
@_rampPoint = rampPoint or 0
getColor: =>
setColor: (color) =>
-- Make sure newly set colors are cloned, since they can only have
-- one owner.
@_color = Color\read(arg)
@_color = color\clone() if @_color is color
@_color._owner = @
equals: (stop) =>
stop is this or stop.__class is GradientStop and @_color\equals(stop._color) and @_rampPoint is stop._rampPoint or false
| 27.327273 | 124 | 0.616101 |
508d056450254aa4baadc85061420d288e43f9e3 | 5,908 |
import forms, console from _G
import unpackArrValues, dumpPrint, trim from require "utils"
export inputTbl = {}
export timestampTbl = {}
export clientConnector = nil
export cSocket = nil
export say = nil
class FormConnect
@_isClient = false
print "new"
print "close form"
if cSocket~=nil then
forms.setproperty(@_txtUdpPort, "ReadOnly", true)
forms.setproperty(@_txtConnect, "ReadOnly", true)
forms.setproperty(@_txtUdpPort, "ReadOnly", true)
forms.setproperty(@_txtConnectPort, "ReadOnly", true)
--forms.setproperty(@_txtUsername, "ReadOnly", true
forms.setproperty(@_btnInvertPort, "Enabled", false)
forms.setproperty(@_btnClientConnect, "Enabled", false)
forms.setproperty(@_txtChatMsg, "ReadOnly", false)
forms.setproperty(@_btnSendMsg, "Enabled", true)
tmp1 = forms.getproperty(@_txtConnectPort, "Text")..""
tmp2 = forms.getproperty(@_txtUdpPort, "Text")..""
forms.setproperty(@_txtConnectPort, "Text", tmp2)
forms.setproperty(@_txtUdpPort, "Text", tmp1)
@_isClient= not @_isClient
if(@_isClient) then
forms.setproperty(@_btnClientConnect, "Text", "Stop Connect")
if clientConnector==nil then
print "setup client connector"
client_udp= require("client_udp")
clientConnector = client_udp.ClientSpawn
cSocket = client_udp.clientSocket
bn = "*"
bp = forms.getproperty(@_txtUdpPort, "Text")
pn = forms.getproperty(@_txtConnect, "Text")
pp = forms.getproperty(@_txtConnectPort, "Text")
usr=forms.getproperty(@_txtUsername, "Text")
forms.setproperty(@_btnClientConnect, "Text", "Client Client")
addMsgQueue:(self, msg)->
if clientConnector ~= nil then
updateClient:(self, msg)->
fullMsg = forms.getproperty(@_txtChatBox, "Text")
fullMsg = fullMsg..msg.."\r\n"
forms.setproperty(@_txtChatMsg, "Text", "")
forms.setproperty(@_txtChatBox, "Text", fullMsg)
sendMsg:(self, msg)->
usrname = forms.getproperty(@_txtUsername, "Text")
txtMsg = usrname..": "..msg
updateStatus:(self, newStatus)->
forms.setproperty(@_txtStatus, "Text", newStatus)
msg=forms.getproperty(@_txtChatMsg, "Text")
@_frmConnect = forms.newform unpackArrValues({(w:320),(h:420),(title:"Chat Box"),(fnClose:@onClose)})
@_lblConnect = forms.label unpackArrValues({(frm:@_frmConnect), (cap:"Connect to:"), (x:10), (y:10), (w:140), (h:30), (fw:true)})
@_txtConnect = forms.textbox unpackArrValues({(frm:@_frmConnect), (cap:"localhost"), (w:140), (h:30), (bt:nil), (x:150), (y:10), (mlt:false), (fw:true), (scroll:"NONE")})
@_lblConnectPort = forms.label unpackArrValues({(frm:@_frmConnect), (cap:"Connect to UDP:"), (x:10), (y:40), (w:140), (h:30), (fw:true)})
@_txtConnectPort = forms.textbox unpackArrValues({(frm:@_frmConnect), (cap:"51425"), (w:140), (h:30), (bt:nil), (x:150), (y:40), (mlt:false), (fw:true), (scroll:"NONE")})
@_lblUdpPort = forms.label unpackArrValues({(frm:@_frmConnect), (cap:"UDP Port:"), (x:10), (y:70), (w:140), (h:30), (fw:true)})
@_txtUdpPort = forms.textbox unpackArrValues({(frm:@_frmConnect), (cap:"51424"), (w:140), (h:30), (bt:nil), (x:150), (y:70), (mlt:false), (fw:true), (scroll:"NONE")})
@_lblUsername = forms.label unpackArrValues({(frm:@_frmConnect), (cap:"Username:"), (x:10), (y:100), (w:140), (h:30), (fw:true)})
@_txtUsername = forms.textbox unpackArrValues({(frm:@_frmConnect), (cap:"MyUsername"), (w:140), (h:30), (bt:nil), (x:150), (y:100), (mlt:false), (fw:true), (scroll:"NONE")})
@_btnInvertPort = forms.button unpackArrValues({(frm:@_frmConnect), (cap:"Invert Port"), (fnClick:@onInvertPortClick), (x:10), (y:130), (w:140), (h:30)})
@_btnClientConnect = forms.button unpackArrValues({(frm:@_frmConnect), (cap:"Client Connect"), (fnClick:@onStartClientClick), (x:150), (y:130), (w:140), (h:30)})
@_lblStatus = forms.label unpackArrValues({(frm:@_frmConnect), (cap:"Status:"), (x:10), (y:170), (w:140), (h:30), (fw:true)})
@_txtStatus = forms.textbox unpackArrValues({(frm:@_frmConnect), (cap:"Unknown"), (w:140), (h:30), (bt:nil), (x:150), (y:170), (mlt:false), (fw:true), (scroll:"NONE")})
forms.setproperty(@_txtStatus, "ReadOnly", true)
@_txtChatBox = forms.textbox unpackArrValues({(frm:@_frmConnect), (cap:""), (w:280), (h:100), (bt:nil), (x:10), (y:200), (mlt:true), (fw:true), (scroll:"VERTICAL")})
forms.setproperty(@_txtChatBox, "ReadOnly", true)
@_lblChatMsg = forms.label unpackArrValues({(frm:@_frmConnect), (cap:"Chat:"), (x:10), (y:310), (w:50), (h:30), (fw:true)})
@_txtChatMsg = forms.textbox unpackArrValues({(frm:@_frmConnect), (cap:""), (w:230), (h:30), (bt:nil), (x:60), (y:310), (mlt:false), (fw:true), (scroll:"NONE")})
forms.setproperty(@_txtChatMsg, "ReadOnly", true)
@_btnSendMsg = forms.button unpackArrValues({(frm:@_frmConnect), (cap:"Send Msg"), (fnClick:@onSendMsgClick), (x:150), (y:340), (w:140), (h:30)})
forms.setproperty(@_btnSendMsg, "Enabled", false)
return {:FormConnect, :say}
| 44.089552 | 176 | 0.656229 |
7a6078eb87492925cd26e22aba0a9bbd2dde1618 | 2,272 | import concat from table
import char from string
--- utils
zsplit = (n = 1) => [c for c in @\gmatch "."\rep n]
string = string -- in THIS chunk, add `zsplit` to `string` module
string.zsplit = zsplit
map = (fn, xs) -> [fn x for x in *xs]
filter = (fn, xs) -> [x for x in *xs when fn x]
foldl = (fn, xr, xs) ->
for x in *xs
xr = fn xr, x
idcomp = (obj1, obj2) -> (tostring obj1) == (tostring obj2)
have = (t, e) -> (filter (=> (idcomp @, e) or @ == e), t)[1]
delete = (t, v) -> table.remove t, i for i = 1, #t when (idcomp t[i], v) or t[i] == v
last = => @[#@]
isk = (rk) -> rk < 0 and (rk % 256) != 0
cstid = (k) -> (math.abs k) % 256 + (k >= 0 and 1 or 0)
undecimal = do
hexdecode = (cnt = 1) -> ("%02X"\rep cnt)\format
-- `"ff"` -> `"11111111"`
hextobin = do
bintbl = {
[0]: "0000", "0001", "0010", "0011", "0100", "0101", "0110", "0111",
"1000", "1001", "1010", "1011", "1100", "1101", "1110", "1111"
(hex) -> concat map (=> bintbl[(tonumber "0x#{@}")]), hex\zsplit!
-- `"00011", 4` -> `"0011"`
adjustdigit = (r, a) ->
if #r > a
r\match("#{'.'\rep (#r - a)}(.*)")
"0"\rep(a - #r) .. r
-- `"11111111"` -> `256`
bintoint = (bin) ->
i = -1
with ret = 0
for c in bin\reverse!\gmatch"."
i += 1
ret += 2^i * math.tointeger c
-- `"0xff"` -> `256`
hextoint = (hex) -> tonumber hex, 16
-- `"41"` -> `"A"`
hextochar = (ahex) -> string.char tonumber "0x#{ahex}"
bintohex = do
b2htbl = {
["0000"]: "0", ["0001"]: "1", ["0010"]: "2", ["0011"]: "3",
["0100"]: "4", ["0101"]: "5", ["0110"]: "6", ["0111"]: "7",
["1000"]: "8", ["1001"]: "9", ["1010"]: "a", ["1011"]: "b",
["1100"]: "c", ["1101"]: "d", ["1110"]: "e", ["1111"]: "f"
(b) -> b2htbl[b]
inttobin = => (hextobin "%x"\format @)
{:hexdecode, :hextobin, :adjustdigit, :bintoint, :hextoint, :hextochar, :bintohex, :inttobin}
deepcpy = (t, list = {}) -> with ret = {}
for k, v in pairs t
if type(v) == "table"
kk = tostring v
unless list[kk]
list[kk] = v
ret[k] = deepcpy v, list
else ret[k] = list[kk]
else ret[k] = v
prerr = (ne, msg) -> not ne and io.stdout\write(msg , '\n')
{:zsplit, :map, :filter, :foldl, :idcomp, :have, :delete, :last, :isk, :cstid, :prerr, :undecimal, :deepcpy}
| 26.729412 | 108 | 0.5 |
59816a97c9cb73d5b54963347424babf16460d0a | 843 |
db = require "lapis.db"
logger = require "lapis.logging"
import Model from require "lapis.db.model"
class LapisMigrations extends Model
primary_key: "name"
@exists: (name) =>
@find tostring name
@create: (name) =>
Model.create @, { name: tostring name }
create_migrations_table = (table_name="lapis_migrations") ->
schema = require "lapis.db.schema"
import create_table, types from schema
create_table table_name, {
{ "name", types.varchar }
run_migrations = (migrations) ->
tuples = [{k,v} for k,v in pairs migrations]
table.sort tuples, (a, b) -> a[1] < b[1]
for _, {name, fn} in ipairs tuples
unless LapisMigrations\exists name
logger.migration name
fn name
LapisMigrations\create name
{ :create_migrations_table, :run_migrations, :LapisMigrations }
| 23.416667 | 63 | 0.68446 |
b6529f518673a9099c43f48d529b97b14f627e88 | 1,053 | -- Copyright 2012-2015 The Howl Developers
-- License: MIT (see LICENSE.md at the top-level directory of the distribution)
import app, clipboard, interact from howl
clip_completions = (max_columns) ->
completions = {}
for i, clip in ipairs clipboard.clips
text = clip.text\gsub '\n', '..↩'
if text.ulen > max_columns
text = text\usub(1, max_columns - 4) .. '[..]'
table.insert completions, { tostring(i), text.stripped, :clip }
return completions
name: 'select_clipboard_item'
description: 'Selection list for clipboard items'
handler: (opts={}) ->
opts = moon.copy opts
items = clip_completions app.window.command_line.width_cols - 9
if #items == 0
log.info '(Clipboard is empty)'
with opts
.title or= 'Clipboard items'
.items = items
.columns = {
{ header: 'Position', style: 'number' },
{ header: 'Content', style: 'string' }
selected = interact.select opts
if selected
return selected.selection.clip
| 25.682927 | 79 | 0.646724 |
b79917c935a2c1f14527eb1a69e0e9b02be95a35 | 6,948 | -- Copyright 2012-2016 The Howl Developers
-- License: MIT (see LICENSE.md at the top-level directory of the distribution)
import const_char_p from howl.cdefs
import g_string from howl.cdefs.glib
import string, type from _G
ffi = require 'ffi'
bit = require 'bit'
import C from ffi
append = table.insert
{:min} = math
transform_rets = (s, ...) ->
vals = {...}
ptr = const_char_p s
for i = 1, #vals
val = vals[i]
if type(val) == 'number'
pos_ptr = ptr + val - 1
-- position may be in the middle of a sequence here, so back up as needed
while pos_ptr != ptr and bit.band(pos_ptr[0], 0xc0) == 0x80
pos_ptr -= 1
char_offset = C.g_utf8_pointer_to_offset ptr, pos_ptr
vals[i] = tonumber char_offset + 1
table.unpack vals
ulen = (s) -> tonumber C.g_utf8_strlen const_char_p(s), #s
char_to_byte_offset = (s, i) ->
return nil if i == nil
len = ulen s
if i < 0
i = len + i
elseif i > len
i = len
i = 1 if i < 1
ptr = const_char_p(s)
(C.g_utf8_offset_to_pointer(ptr, i - 1) - ptr) + 1 -- convert to byte offset
byte_offset = (s, ...) ->
len = ulen s
ptr = const_char_p s
multibyte = s.multibyte
cur_c_offset = 1
cur_b_offset = 1
args = {...}
offsets = {}
is_table = false
if type(args[1]) == 'table'
args = args[1]
is_table = true
for offset in *args
o = offset - cur_c_offset
if o == 0 then append offsets, cur_b_offset
elseif o < 0 then error "Decreasing offset '#{offset}': must be >= than previous offset '#{cur_c_offset}'", 2
elseif o + cur_c_offset > len + 1 then error "Offset '#{offset}' out of bounds (length = #{len})", 2
elseif not multibyte then append offsets, offset
next_ptr = C.g_utf8_offset_to_pointer ptr, o
cur_b_offset += next_ptr - ptr
append offsets, cur_b_offset
ptr = next_ptr
cur_c_offset = offset
return if is_table
table.unpack offsets
char_offset = (s, ...) ->
size = #s
ptr = const_char_p s
multibyte = s.multibyte
cur_c_offset = 1
cur_b_offset = 1
args = {...}
offsets = {}
is_table = false
if type(args[1]) == 'table'
args = args[1]
is_table = true
for offset in *args
o = offset - cur_b_offset
if o == 0 then append offsets, cur_c_offset
elseif o < 0 then error "Decreasing offset '#{offset}': must be >= than previous offset '#{cur_b_offset}'", 2
elseif o + cur_b_offset > size + 1 then error "Offset '#{offset}' out of bounds (size = #{size})", 2
elseif not multibyte then append offsets, offset
next_ptr = ptr + o
cur_b_offset += next_ptr - ptr
cur_c_offset += tonumber C.g_utf8_pointer_to_offset ptr, next_ptr
append offsets, cur_c_offset
ptr = next_ptr
return if is_table
table.unpack offsets
usub = (i, j = -1) =>
len = ulen @
i += len + 1 if i < 0
j += len + 1 if j < 0
i = 1 if i < 1
j = len if j > len
return '' if j < i
g_string C.g_utf8_substring(const_char_p(@), i - 1, j)
umatch = (s, pattern, init = 1) ->
return nil if init and init > ulen s
return pattern\match s, init if r.is_instance pattern
init = char_to_byte_offset s, init
transform_rets s, string.match s, pattern, init
ugmatch = (s, pattern) ->
return pattern\gmatch(s)if r.is_instance pattern
gen = string.gmatch s, pattern
-> transform_rets s, gen!
ufind = (s, pattern, init = 1, plain = false) ->
return nil if init and init > ulen s
return pattern\find(s, init) if r.is_instance pattern
init = char_to_byte_offset s, init
transform_rets s, string.find s, pattern, init, plain
rfind = (s, text, init = #s) ->
init -= 1 -- 0-based indexing
text_len = #text
s_bytes = const_char_p(s)
text_bytes = const_char_p(text)
matched = false
for s_idx = init - text_len + 1, 0, -1
for text_idx = text_len - 1, 0, -1
text_byte = text_bytes[text_idx]
s_byte = s_bytes[s_idx + text_idx]
matched = text_byte == s_byte
if not matched
if matched
match_pos = s_idx + 1
return match_pos, match_pos + text_len - 1
urfind = (s, text, init = s.ulen) ->
if init < 0
init = s.ulen + init + 1
if text.is_empty
return init, init - 1
-- get offset of last byte of char at init
init = s\byte_offset(init) + #s\usub(init, init) - 1
start_pos, end_pos = rfind s, text, init
return transform_rets s, start_pos, end_pos
ucompare = (s1, s2) ->
C.g_utf8_collate const_char_p(s1), const_char_p(s2)
starts_with = (s1, s2) ->
s1\find(s2, 1, true) == 1
ends_with = (s1, s2) ->
start = (#s1 - #s2) + 1
return false if start < 1
s1\find(s2, start, true) == start
contains = (s1, s2) ->
s1\find(s2, 1, true) != nil
count = (s1, s2, is_pattern = false) ->
c = 0
pos = 1
while pos
_, pos = s1\ufind s2, pos, not is_pattern
if pos
c += 1
pos += 1
truncate = (s, len, opts = {}) ->
s_len = s.ulen
if s_len > len
if opts.omission_prefix
omission = opts.omission_prefix
o_ulen = omission.ulen
if o_ulen <= len
start = o_ulen + s.ulen - len + 1
s = omission .. s\usub(start, start + len)
start = s.ulen - len + 1
s = s\usub(start, start + len - 1)
omission = opts.omission_suffix or '..'
if omission.ulen <= len
msg_length = len - omission.ulen
s = s\usub(1, msg_length) .. omission
s = s\usub(1, len)
split = (s, pattern) ->
return {} if s == ""
parts = {}
s_pos = 1
p, e_pos = s\find pattern
while p
append parts, s\sub(s_pos, p - 1)
p = e_pos + 1
s_pos = p
p, e_pos = s\find pattern, p
append parts, s\sub(s_pos)
with string
.usub = usub
.umatch = umatch
.ugmatch = ugmatch
.ufind = ufind
.rfind = rfind
.urfind = urfind
.ucompare = ucompare
.byte_offset = byte_offset
.char_offset = char_offset
.starts_with = starts_with
.ends_with = ends_with
.contains = contains
.count = count
.truncate = truncate
.split = split
properties =
ulen: => ulen @
multibyte: => ulen(@) != #@
ulower: => g_string C.g_utf8_strdown(const_char_p(@), #@)
uupper: => g_string C.g_utf8_strup(const_char_p(@), #@)
ureverse: => g_string C.g_utf8_strreverse(const_char_p(@), #@)
is_empty: => #@ == 0
is_blank: => @find('%S') == nil
is_valid_utf8: => C.g_utf8_validate(ffi.cast('const char *', @), #@, nil) != 0
stripped: => @match '%s*(.-)%s*$'
is_likely_binary: =>
s = ffi.cast 'const unsigned char *', @
non_print = 0
check = min(#@, 150)
for i = 0, check - 1
c = s[i]
if c < 9 or (c >= 14 and c < 32)
non_print += 1
non_print / check >= 0.1
getmetatable('').__index = (k) =>
return usub(@, k, k) if type(k) == 'number'
return properties[k] self if properties[k]
rawget string, k
| 24.814286 | 115 | 0.607513 |
9f95d49a45978680aa49a08af613d49a67cf0ae0 | 1,655 | -- typekit.type.match
-- Pattern matching for typekit
-- By daelvn
import DEBUG from require "typekit.config"
import inspect, log,
processor from (require "typekit.debug") DEBUG
import typeof, kindof from require "typekit.type"
import typeError from require "typekit.type.error"
import metatype,
isLower from require "typekit.commons"
Unbound = (metatype "Unbound") {}
Variable = (s) -> (metatype "Variable") {variable: s}
_, V = Unbound, Variable
-- Function that takes in any value and defines it as a shape.
import Tag, TKType, S, Pt, T, L from require "typekit.tableshape"
shapeFor = (x) -> switch typeof x
when "Unbound" then return T"any"
when "Variable" then return (Tag T"any") x.variable
when "String", "Number", "Thread", "Boolean", "Userdata", "Nil"
return (Tag L x) "value"
when "Table"
return (Tag Pt x) "value"
when "Pair"
a, b = x[1], x[2]
return (Pt {(shapeFor a), (shapeFor b)})
-- if kindof x then return Pt [shapeFor v for v in *x]
-- else return E x
-- should match type *and* kind and also values inside
return (TKType x, shapeFor)
-- Takes a list of things to match and returns a shape
-- case V"x", (Just V"y"), _
case = (...) ->
shapel = {}
for arg in *{...}
table.insert shapel, shapeFor arg
return (metatype "Case") shapel
-- Matches a value to part of a case
match = (C, i, v) -> C[i] v
-- Advances an argument in the case
advance = (C) ->
if 0 == keysIn C then return nil
table.remove C, 1
return C
:case, :match, :advance
:Unbound, :Variable
} | 29.035088 | 65 | 0.62719 |
23d32e63777b11c918a65ad2b33ac854feea3349 | 95 | export modinfo = {
type: "command"
desc: "Troll"
alias: {"tr"}
func: ->
SetSky 23881644
} | 13.571429 | 18 | 0.610526 |
260773144ed2c6e525ab9dfe622763100424a2ee | 622 |
application = require "lapis.application"
import Application from application
app_cache = {}
setmetatable app_cache, __mode: "k"
local dispatcher
serve = (app_cls) ->
app = app_cache[app_cls]
unless app
name = app_cls
if type(name) == "string"
app_cls = require(name)
app = if app_cls.__base -- is a class
app_cache[name] = app
unless dispatcher
dispatcher = if __leda
require "lapis.leda"
require "lapis.nginx"
dispatcher.dispatch app
:serve, :application, :Application, :app_cache
| 15.948718 | 48 | 0.659164 |
253b6a21b879e7ee7b75eea76369a435d25dfd81 | 506 | cdef_BF_FRAME=[[
#pragma pack(1)
struct BF_FRAME {
char magic[4]; // unterminated "BFPX"
uint32_t x,y;
uint8_t r,g,b,a;
cdef_FF_IMAGE=[[ // all numbers in big endian
#pragma pack(1)
struct FF_IMAGE_header {
char magic[8]; // unterminated 'farbfeld'
uint32_t w;
uint32_t h;
struct FF_IMAGE_pixel {
uint16_t r,g,b,a;
struct FF_IMAGE {
struct FF_IMAGE_header header;
struct FF_IMAGE_pixel pixels[?];
{:cdef_BF_FRAME, :cdef_FF_IMAGE}
| 18.740741 | 45 | 0.640316 |
739728a9041ca07b748acc7ae5b7efbf4de7b005 | 928 | import Widget from require "lapis.html"
class register extends Widget
content: =>
h1 "Register account"
form action: @url_for("lazuli_modules_usermanagement_register_do"), method: "post", class: "pure-form pure-form-aligned", ->
input type: "hidden", name: "csrf_token", value: @modules.user_management.csrf_token
fieldset ->
div class: "pure-control-group", ->
label for: "username", "Username:"
input id: "username",name: "username"
div class: "pure-control-group", ->
label for: "password", "Password:"
input id: "password", type: "password", name: "password"
div class: "pure-control-group", ->
label for: "password_repeat", "Repeat:"
input id: "password_repeat", type: "password",name: "password_repeat"
div class: "pure-controls", ->
input type: "submit", class: "pure-button pure-button-primary"
| 46.4 | 128 | 0.632543 |
1f99f371d8a8bec1ab6d9d71445efb8a9255996b | 1,229 | export modinfo = {
type: "function"
id: "LoadProbe"
func: ->
pcall ->
LocalPlayer.Character = nil
if ConfigSystem "Get", "AutomaticallyRemovePlayer"
LocalPlayer.Parent = nil
f = CreateInstance"Part"{
_Init: (obj) ->
Spawn ->
while obj\IsDescendantOf(workspace) and wait!
obj.CFrame = ConfigSystem("Get", "Camera").Focus
obj.Parent = nil
Parent: workspace
Name: "Purobu"
Anchored: true
Shape: "Ball"
Size: Vector3.new 5,5,5
Transparency: .3
BrickColor: BrickColor.new "Black"
Material: "Plastic"
Reflectance: .3
CanCollide: false
TopSurface: 0
BottomSurface: 0
Size: UDim2.new 3, 0, 3, 0
ExtentsOffset: Vector3.new 0, 2, 0
FontSize: "Size36"
Font: "ArialBold"
Text: CharacterName
TextTransparency: .3
BackgroundTransparency: 1
TextColor3: Color3.new!
TextStrokeTransparency: 0
Size: UDim2.new 1,0,1,0
Range: ConfigSystem "Get", "ProbeLightRange"
Brightness: ConfigSystem "Get", "ProbeLightBrightness"
Color: ConfigSystem "Get", "ProbeLightColour"
Enabled: true
Probe = f
| 23.634615 | 58 | 0.657445 |
9058b9670394be0208aadcf317c70dc8acb4fff8 | 7,196 | -- typekit.parser.init
-- Main parser module for typekit signatures
-- By daelvn
import DEBUG from require "typekit.config"
import inspect, log from (require "typekit.debug") DEBUG
import parserError from require "typekit.parser.error"
import trim,
getlr from require "typekit.commons"
-- Signature format
-- f :: Cl a => a -> b -> c
-- f :: {a:b} -> {b:a}
-- f :: [a] -> [b]
-- f :: Eq a, Ord a => Maybe a -> Boolean
-- f :: s -> (s, a)
-- Returns and removes the name for a signature, if exists
nameFor = (sig) ->
log "parser.nameFor #got", inspect sig
local name
sig = sig\gsub "^%s*(.+)%s*::%s*", (s) ->
log "parser.nameFor", "#{s} ::"
name = s
return (trim name), sig
-- Merge constraints
-- Overrides current <- base
-- merge:
-- Eq a => a -> a
-- Ord a => a -> a -- clears Eq constraint
-- 'a' does not have Eq constraint anymore but has Ord constraint.
mergeConstraints = (target, base) ->
nt = {var, {const for const in *constl} for var, constl in pairs base}
for var, constl in pairs base
nt[var] = constl
-- Returns and removes the constraints in a signature
constraintsFor = (sig, pconstl={}) ->
constl = {}
sig = sig\gsub "^%s*(.-)%s*=>%s*", (s) ->
constl = [trim const for const in s\gmatch "[^,]+"]
constraints = {}
for const in *constl
parts = [part for part in const\gmatch "%S+"]
if #parts > 2 then parserError "More than two applications in constraint #{inspect parts} in '#{sig}'"
if constraints[parts[2]]
table.insert constraints[parts[2]], parts[1]
constraints[parts[2]] = {parts[1]}
constraints = mergeConstraints pconstl, constraints
return constraints, sig
-- Base for checkParenthesis, checkList and checkTable
checkX = (fname, ochar, cchar, charname) -> (sig) ->
log "parser.#{fname} #got", inspect sig
return false if "string" != type sig
i = 0
depth = 0
over0 = 0 -- 0 -> hasnt gone over 0, 1 -> has gone over 1, 2 -> has gone back to 0
canremove = true
for ch in sig\gmatch "."
i += 1
log "parser.#{fname} #status", "#{i}: #{ch} (#{depth}) OVERZERO=#{over0}"
switch ch
when ochar then depth += 1
when cchar then depth -= 1
parserError "Mismatching #{charname} for signature '#{sig}' at col #{i}" if depth < 0
switch over0
when 0 then over0 = 1 if depth > 0
when 1 then over0 = 2 if depth == 0
when 2 then canremove = false
log "parser.#{fname} #over", "over0 = 2" if over0 == 2
parserError "Mismatching #{charname} for signature '#{sig}' at col #{i}" if depth != 0
canremove = false if over0 == 0
log "parser.#{fname} #ret", "returning #{canremove}"
-- Removes top-most parens
-- instead of using a pattern, has to be done manually to ensure they are the same parens
-- for that we use checkParens
checkParenthesis = checkX "checkParenthesis", "(", ")", "parenthesis"
removeParenthesis = (sig) -> if x = sig\match "^%s*%((.+)%)%s*$" then x else sig
-- turns [a] -> {container: "List", value: "a"}
checkList = checkX "checkList", "[", "]", "square brackets"
toList = (sig) ->
return sig if "string" != type sig
if x = sig\match "^%[(.+)%]$" then {container: "List", value: x} else sig
-- turns {a:b} -> {container: "Table", key: "a", value: "b"}
checkTable = checkX "checkTable", "{", "}", "curly brackets"
toTable = (sig) ->
return sig if "string" != type sig
key, value = sig\match "^{(.+):(.+)}$"
if key and value
return {container: "Table", :key, :value}
return sig
-- turns 'Maybe a' -> {data: "Maybe a", "Maybe", "a"}
checkApplication = (sig) ->
return false if "string" != type sig
return false if sig\match "%->"
return false if not sig\match " "
return false if sig\match "^[%{%[]"
return true
toApplication = (sig) ->
parts = [part for part in sig\gmatch "%S+"]
parts.data = sig
return parts
-- Splits a signature in two by an arrow ->
-- returns tree
binarize = (sig, child=false, pname, pconstl) ->
log "parser.binarize #got", sig
sig = removeParenthesis sig if checkParenthesis sig
-- Get name and constraints
name, sig = nameFor sig
constl, sig = constraintsFor sig, pconstl
-- If we are inside another signature, check if we are scoped.
if child
constl = mergeConstraints constl, pconstl
if name != pname
log "parser.binarize #name", "name changed from #{pname} to #{name}"
-- Variables
log "parser.binarize #sig", sig
left, right = "", ""
side = false -- false -> left, true -> right
depth = 0
flag = {}
-- Functions
agglutinate = (ch) -> if side then right ..= ch else left ..= ch
for char in sig\gmatch "." do
log "parser.binarize #loop", inspect {
{:left, :right}
await: flag.await_arrow
switch char
when "("
agglutinate char
continue if side
depth += 1
flag.await_arrow = false
when ")"
agglutinate char
continue if side
depth -= 1
flag.await_arrow = false
when "-"
flag.await_arrow = true if depth == 0
agglutinate char if (depth > 0) or side
when ">"
if (depth > 0) or side
agglutinate char
elseif flag.await_arrow
flag.await_arrow = false
side = true
else agglutinate char
flag.await_arrow = false
agglutinate char
-- Fix arrowless functions
if right == ""
right = left
left = ""
log "parser.binarize #ret", "#{left} >> #{right}"
return {left: (trim left), right: (trim right), :name, :constl, signature: sig}
-- recursively binarize
rebinarize = (sig, child=false, pname, pconstl) ->
S = binarize sig, child, pname, pconstl
l, r = getlr S
oldl, oldr = l, r
S.left = toList S.left if checkList S.left
S.left = toTable S.left if checkTable S.left
S.left = toApplication S.left if checkApplication S.left
S.right = toList S.right if checkList S.right
S.right = toTable S.right if checkTable S.right
S.right = toApplication S.right if checkApplication S.right
S.left[#S.left] = toList S.left[#S.left] if (S.left[1]) and checkList S.left[#S.left]
S.right[#S.right] = toList S.right[#S.right] if (S.right[1]) and checkList S.right[#S.right]
S.left[#S.left] = toTable S.left[#S.left] if (S.left[1]) and checkTable S.left[#S.left]
S.right[#S.right] = toTable S.right[#S.right] if (S.right[1]) and checkTable S.right[#S.right]
S.left = rebinarize S.left, true, S.name, S.constl if (isString S.left) and S.left\match "%->"
log "parser.rebinarize #ch", "l: #{oldl} >> #{inspect l}" if S.left != oldl
S.right = rebinarize S.right, true, S.name, S.constl if (isString S.right) and S.right\match "%->"
log "parser.rebinarize #ch", "r: #{oldr} >> #{inspect r}" if S.right != oldr
:nameFor, :constraintsFor, :getlr
:binarize, :rebinarize
} | 33.16129 | 106 | 0.59547 |
7c6e1a74c88b32eadd71dcee6a344d37beaf2130 | 352 | -- Copyright 2016 Jake Russo
-- License: MIT
name: 'stanza'
extensions: {
-- shebangs: '[/ ]stanza.*$'
create: -> bundle_load 'stanza_mode'
unload = -> howl.mode.unregister 'stanza'
author: 'The Howl Developers'
description: 'A Stanza bundle',
license: 'MIT',
| 16 | 41 | 0.613636 |
430a48ab39d37bbf2afd3f426d0ca4ec0fc30f69 | 3,664 | -- This file defines some methods on Lua numbers, bools, actions, nil, and coroutines
require "text"
number_mt =
__type: "a Number"
as_lua: tostring
as_nomsu: tostring
as_text: tostring
as_a_number: => @
rounded: => math.floor(@ + .5)
rounded_down: math.floor
rounded_up: math.ceil
to_the_nearest: (rounder)=> rounder * math.floor(@/rounder + 0.5)
base16: => ("%X")\format(@)
number_mt.__index = number_mt
debug.setmetatable 0, number_mt
bool_mt =
__type: "a Boolean"
__len: => @ and 1 or 0
as_lua: tostring
as_nomsu: => @ and "yes" or "no"
as_text: => @ and "yes" or "no"
_and: (cond)=> @ and cond
_or: (cond)=> @ or cond
xor: (cond)=> @ == (not cond)
bool_mt.__index = bool_mt
debug.setmetatable true, bool_mt
fn_mt =
__type: "an Action"
as_text: => (tostring(@)\gsub("function", "Action"))
__add: (other)=>
if type(@) == 'function' and type(other) == 'function'
(...)-> (@(...) + other(...))
elseif type(@) == 'function' then (...)-> (@(...) + other)
else (...)-> (@ + other(...))
__sub: (other)=>
if type(@) == 'function' and type(other) == 'function'
(...)-> (@(...) - other(...))
elseif type(@) == 'function' then (...)-> (@(...) - other)
else (...)-> (@ - other(...))
__mul: (other)=>
if type(@) == 'function' and type(other) == 'function'
(...)-> (@(...) * other(...))
elseif type(@) == 'function' then (...)-> (@(...) * other)
else (...)-> (@ * other(...))
__div: (other)=>
if type(@) == 'function' and type(other) == 'function'
(...)-> (@(...) other(...))
elseif type(@) == 'function' then (...)-> (@(...) other)
else (...)-> (@ other(...))
__mod: (other)=>
if type(@) == 'function' and type(other) == 'function'
(...)-> (@(...) % other(...))
elseif type(@) == 'function' then (...)-> (@(...) % other)
else (...)-> (@ % other(...))
__band: (other)=>
if type(@) == 'function' and type(other) == 'function'
(...)-> (@(...) and other(...))
elseif type(@) == 'function' then (...)-> (@(...) and other)
else (...)-> (@ and other(...))
__bor: (other)=>
if type(@) == 'function' and type(other) == 'function'
(...)-> (@(...) or other(...))
elseif type(@) == 'function' then (...)-> (@(...) or other)
else (...)-> (@ or other(...))
__bxor: (other)=>
if type(@) == 'function' and type(other) == 'function'
(...)-> (@(...) != other(...))
elseif type(@) == 'function' then (...)-> (@(...) != other)
else (...)-> (@ != other(...))
fn_mt.__index = fn_mt
debug.setmetatable (->), fn_mt
_last_co_i = setmetatable({}, {__mode:'k'})
local co_mt
co_mt =
__type: "a Coroutine"
as_text: => (tostring(@)\gsub("thread", "Coroutine")).." ("..coroutine.status(@)..")"
__len: => math.huge
__call: coroutine.resume
__inext: (k)=>
ok, val = coroutine.resume(@)
return if coroutine.status(@) == 'dead'
if ok then return (k or 0) + 1, val
__index: (k)=>
if k == (_last_co_i[@] or 0) + 1
ret = {coroutine.resume(@, k)}
_last_co_i[@] = k
if ret[1]
return table.unpack(ret, 2)
return nil
return co_mt[k]
co_mt.__next = co_mt.__inext
debug.setmetatable(coroutine.create(->), co_mt)
nil_mt =
__type: "Nil"
as_lua: => "nil"
as_nomsu: => "nil"
as_text: => "nil"
nil_mt.__index = nil_mt
debug.setmetatable nil, nil_mt
| 34.566038 | 89 | 0.480349 |
88761e002177bfe195daac7df76f1600ab182256 | 167 | export modinfo = {
type: "function"
id: "GetPlayerGui"
func: (player) ->
for i, v in pairs player\GetChildren!
if v\IsA"PlayerGui"
return v
return nil
| 16.7 | 39 | 0.652695 |
dd3a0fbcd4ddef97622227559194f256a76e63d7 | 188 | Component = require "lib.concord.component"
Vector = require "src.Vector"
Mover = Component (entity, speed, velocity) ->
entity.speed = speed
entity.velocity = velocity or Vector!
Mover | 26.857143 | 46 | 0.75 |
6adf9497aaa0720af8f59e07c986ef11321134d8 | 1,222 | ----------------------------------------------------------------
-- A @{Block} that allows a variable in a @{TableBlock} or
-- @{AnonymousTableBlock} to be a Stack.
-- @classmod StackBlock
-- @author Richard Voelker
-- @license MIT
local Block
if game
pluginModel = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent
Block = require(pluginModel.com.blacksheepherd.code.Block)
Block = require "com.blacksheepherd.code.Block"
class StackBlock extends Block
-- Create the StackBlock.
-- @tparam MainBlock self
-- @tparam string name The name of the variable that the Stack
-- is assigned to.
new: (name) =>
@_name = name
Render: =>
buffer = ""
buffer ..= @\BeforeRender!
buffer ..= "\n"
for i, child in ipairs @_children
buffer ..= child\Render!
buffer ..= "," unless i == #@_children
buffer ..= "\n"
buffer .. @\AfterRender!
BeforeRender: => "#{@_indent}#{@_name} = Stack({"
AfterRender: => "#{@_indent}})"
return StackBlock
| 24.44 | 65 | 0.517185 |
e83d61302440c2b9c49ba1827657b1a74ac75b5a | 260 | export *
title = "Catch the Pizza"
author = "Rodrigo Cacilhas"
shortname = "pizza"
version = "1.0.4"
support_email = "batalema@cacilhas.info"
copyright_message = "Copyright © 2019, 2020 Rodrigo Cacilhas."
luavm = "luajit"
icon = "resources/pizza-128x128.png"
| 23.636364 | 62 | 0.730769 |
b32b8e35486c671c79779873fbd81537d73919b1 | 5,627 | require 'moon.all'
import _ from require 'luassert.match'
import merge, mtype from require 'ngx-oauth.util'
import Left, Right from require 'ngx-oauth.either'
HTTP_INST = '<fake-http-instance>'
http_stub = {}
url = 'https://example.org'
accept_json_header = { Accept: 'application/json' }
-- Trick Lua to require our fake table instead of resty.http module
-- into http_client.
setup ->
package.loaded['resty.http'] = http_stub
export client = require 'ngx-oauth.http_client'
-- Unload fake resty.http.
teardown ->
package.loaded['resty.http'] = nil
before_each ->
export response = {
status: 200,
headers: {}
body: '{ "msg": "hi!" }'
http_stub.new = mock -> HTTP_INST
http_stub.request_uri = mock (self, uri, params) ->
assert.same HTTP_INST, self
describe 'request', ->
context 'when http.new succeed', ->
params = {
method: 'POST'
body: '<body>'
headers: accept_json_header
ssl_verify: true
it 'calls http.request_uri with correct arguments', ->
http_stub.request_uri = (self, actual_uri, actual_params) ->
assert.same HTTP_INST, self
assert.same url, actual_uri
assert.same params, actual_params
client.request(params.method, params.headers, url, params.body)
context 'when http.request_uri succeed', ->
it 'returns Right with response', ->
resp = client.request(params.method, params.headers, url, params.body)
assert.equal Right(response), resp
context 'when http.request_uri failed', ->
before_each ->
http_stub.request_uri = (self, uri, params) ->
assert.same HTTP_INST, self
nil, 'request failed!'
it 'returns Left with error message', ->
resp = client.request('POST', {}, url, 'body')
assert.equal Left('request failed!'), resp
context 'when http.new failed', ->
resp = nil
before_each ->
http_stub.new = -> nil, 'new failed!'
resp = client.request('POST', {}, url, 'body')
it 'does not call http.request_uri', ->
it 'returns Left with error message', ->
assert.equal Left('new failed!'), resp
-- Shared contexts for request_json and derived functions.
contexts_json_response = (exec_request) ->
context 'when response status is 200 and body is valid JSON', ->
it 'returns Right with parsed JSON body', ->
body = exec_request!
assert.same { msg: 'hi!' }, body.value
assert.same 'Right', mtype(body)
context 'when response status is not 200', ->
it 'returns Left with error message', ->
response.status = 404
body = exec_request!
assert.equal Left('HTTP 404: { "msg": "hi!" }'), body
context 'when failed to parse JSON', ->
it 'returns Left with error message', ->
response.body = '{ 666 }'
body = exec_request!
assert.matches 'Expected object key string.*', body.value
assert.same 'Left', mtype(body)
describe 'request_json', ->
headers = { Cookie: 'foo=42;path=/' }
request_json = -> client.request_json('PUT', headers, url, '<body>')
setup -> spy.on(client, 'request')
teardown -> client.request\revert!
it 'calls request() with given method, url and body', ->
assert.spy(client.request).called_with('PUT', _, url, '<body>')
it 'calls request() with given headers plus Accept header', ->
expected_headers = merge(headers, accept_json_header)
assert.spy(client.request).called_with(_, expected_headers, _, _)
contexts_json_response -> request_json!
describe 'get_for_json', ->
setup -> spy.on(client, 'request')
teardown -> client.request\revert!
it 'calls request() with GET method, given url and no body', ->
assert.spy(client.request).called_with('GET', _, url, nil)
context 'without bearer_token', ->
it 'calls request() with Accept header application/json', ->
assert.spy(client.request).called_with(_, accept_json_header, _, _)
context 'with bearer_token', ->
it 'calls request() with Accept header and token in Authorization header', ->
token = '8e7e1f47-8992-42e8-a3bb-b7b6526bca71'
headers = merge(accept_json_header, { Authorization: 'Bearer '..token })
client.get_for_json(url, token)
assert.spy(client.request).called_with(_, headers, _, _)
contexts_json_response -> client.get_for_json(url)
describe 'post_form_for_json', ->
headers = { Cookie: 'foo=42;path=/' }
body = {colour: '#004b7e'}
post_form_for_json = -> client.post_form_for_json(headers, url, body)
setup ->
spy.on(client, 'request')
teardown ->
it 'calls request() with method "POST"', ->
assert.spy(client.request).called_with('POST', _, _, _)
it 'calls request() with given headers plus Accept and ContentType', ->
expected_headers = merge {
['Content-Type']: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
['Accept']: 'application/json'
}, headers
assert.spy(client.request).called_with(_, expected_headers, _, _)
it 'calls request() with given url', ->
assert.spy(client.request).called_with(_, _, url, _)
it 'calls request() with body encoded using ngx.encode_args', ->
assert.stub(_G.ngx.encode_args).called_with body
assert.spy(client.request).called_with(_, _, _, 'colour=%23004b7e')
contexts_json_response -> post_form_for_json!
| 29.307292 | 81 | 0.664119 |
c2bc183ba283ddabf003381641f4a4ed20823abd | 2,128 | lapis = require "lapis"
mock_shared = require "lapis.spec.shared"
import assert_request from require "lapis.spec.request"
cache = require "lapis.cache"
import cached from cache
describe "lapis.cache", ->
before_each -> mock_shared.setup!
after_each -> mock_shared.teardown!
it "should cache a page", ->
counter = 0
class App extends lapis.Application
"/hello": cached =>
counter += 1
"hello #{counter}"
_, first_body = assert_request App!, "/hello"
_, second_body = assert_request App!, "/hello"
assert.same first_body, second_body
it "should skip cache with when", ->
count = 0
class App extends lapis.Application
layout: false
"/hoi": cached {
when: => false
count += 1
"hello #{count}"
for i=1,3
_, body = assert_request App!, "/hoi"
assert.same "hello #{i}", body
it "should cache a page based on params", ->
counters = setmetatable {}, __index: => 0
class App extends lapis.Application
layout: false
"/sure": cached =>
counters.sure += 1
"howdy doody"
"/hello": cached =>
counters[@params.counter_key] += 1
"hello #{counters[@params.counter_key]}"
_, a_body = assert_request App!, "/hello?counter_key=one&yes=dog"
_, b_body = assert_request App!, "/hello?yes=dog&counter_key=one"
assert.same a_body, b_body
assert_request App!, "/hello?yes=dog&counter_key=two"
assert.same counters, { one: 1, two: 1 }
assert_request App!, "/sure"
assert_request App!, "/sure"
assert.same counters, { one: 1, two: 1, sure: 1}
cache.delete_path "/hello"
assert_request App!, "/hello?counter_key=one&yes=dog"
assert_request App!, "/hello?yes=dog&counter_key=two"
assert_request App!, "/sure"
assert.same counters, { one: 2, two: 2, sure: 1}
assert_request App!, "/hello?counter_key=one&yes=dog"
assert_request App!, "/hello?yes=dog&counter_key=two"
assert_request App!, "/sure"
assert.same counters, { one: 3, two: 3, sure: 2}
| 23.384615 | 69 | 0.62406 |
f9c90d1c4a811f703252a55badaf0ffa56a12083 | 741 | serpent = require 'serpent'
format = (p) ->
if type(p) == 'table'
return serpent.block p, comment: false, sortkeys: true
local logger, output
output = io.stdout
logger = (...) ->
output\write ...
output\write "\n"
log = (req_level, level, ...) ->
if req_level >= level
params = [format(v) for v in *{...}]
logger unpack params
ERR = 0
WARN = 1
INFO = 2
log_level = INFO
output: (f) ->
output = f
logger: (f) ->
logger = f
level: (l) ->
log_level = l
info: (...) ->
log(log_level, INFO, ...)
error: (...) ->
log(log_level, ERR, ...)
warn: (...) ->
log(log_level, WARN, ...)
debug: (...) ->
log(log_level, DEBUG, ...)
| 13.981132 | 58 | 0.524966 |
c3a81326031190b406377a50449b86653f38b66f | 482 | package.path = "./modules/?.lua;" .. package.path
file_util = require"file_util"
z85 = require"z85"
zlib = require"zlib"
fl = zlib.compress(file_util.readfile(arg[1]), 9, 8, -15, 9, 0)
rmdr = (#fl) % 4
if rmdr ~= 0
fl = fl .. string.rep("\0", 4 - rmdr)
assert((#fl) % 4 == 0)
lf = z85.to_z85(fl)
srcstub = file_util.readfile(arg[2])
srcmn = file_util.readfile(arg[3])
file_util.writefile(arg[4], srcstub .. "\n" .. string.format("local strings = inflate64(%q)", lf) .. srcmn)
| 25.368421 | 107 | 0.636929 |
64b9301814a1f957576d93822cab2a0dcb06fb1f | 40,437 |
Logger = require "l0.DependencyControl.Logger"
re = require "aegisub.re"
-- make sure tests can be loaded from the test directory
package.path ..= aegisub.decode_path("?user/automation/tests") .. "/?.lua;"
--- A class for all single unit tests.
-- Provides useful assertion and logging methods for a user-specified test function.
-- @classmod UnitTest
class UnitTest
@msgs = {
run: {
setup: "Performing setup... "
teardown: "Performing teardown... "
test: "Running test '%s'... "
ok: "OK."
failed: "FAILED!"
reason: "Reason: %s"
new: {
badTestName: "Test name must be of type %s, got a %s."
assert: {
true: "Expected true, actual value was %s."
false: "Expected false, actual value was %s."
nil: "Expected nil, actual value was %s."
notNil: "Got nil when a value was expected."
truthy: "Expected a truthy value, actual value was falsy (%s)."
falsy: "Expected a falsy value, actual value was truthy (%s)."
type: "Expected a value of type %s, actual value was of type %s."
sameType: "Type of expected value (%s) didn't match type of actual value (%s)."
inRange: "Expected value to be in range [%d .. %d], actual value %d was %s %d."
almostEquals: "Expected value to be almost equal %d ± %d, actual value was %d."
notAlmostEquals: "Expected numerical value to not be close to %d ± %d, actual value was %d."
checkArgTypes: "Expected argument #%d (%s) to be of type %s, got a %s."
zero: "Expected 0, actual value was a %s."
notZero: "Got a 0 when a number other than 0 was expected."
compare: "Expected value to be a number %s %d, actual value was %d."
integer: "Expected numerical value to be an integer, actual value was %d."
positiveNegative: "Expected a %s number (0 %s), actual value was %d."
equals: "Actual value didn't match expected value.\n%s actual: %s\n%s expected: %s"
notEquals: "Actual value equals expected value when it wasn't supposed to:\n%s actual: %s"
is: "Expected %s, actual value was %s."
isNot: "Actual value %s was identical to the expected value when it wasn't supposed to."
itemsEqual: "Actual item values of table weren't %s to the expected values (checked %s):\n Actual: %s\nExpected: %s"
itemsEqualNumericKeys: "only continuous numerical keys"
itemsEqualAllKeys: "all keys"
continuous: "Expected table to have continuous numerical keys, but value at index %d of %d was a nil."
matches: "String value '%s' didn't match expected %s pattern '%s'."
contains: "String value '%s' didn't contain expected substring '%s' (case-%s comparison)."
error: "Expected function to throw an error but it succesfully returned %d values: %s"
errorMsgMatches: "Error message '%s' didn't match expected %s pattern '%s'."
formatTemplate: {
type: "'%s' of type %s"
--- Creates a single unit test.
-- Instead of calling this constructor you'd usually provide test data
-- in a table structure to @{UnitTestSuite:new} as an argument.
-- @tparam string name a descriptive title for the test
-- @tparam function(UnitTest, ...) testFunc the function containing the test code
-- @tparam UnitTestClass testClass the test class this test belongs to
-- @treturn UnitTest the unit test
-- @see UnitTestSuite:new
new: (@name, @f = -> , @testClass) =>
@logger = @testClass.logger
error type(@logger) unless type(@logger) == "table"
@logger\assert type(@name) == "string", @@msgs.new.badTestName, type @name
--- Runs the unit test function.
-- In addition to the @{UnitTest} object itself, it also passes
-- the specified arguments into the function.
-- @param[opt] args any optional modules or other data the test function needs
-- @treturn[1] boolean true (test succeeded)
-- @treturn[2] boolean false (test failed)
-- @treturn[2] string the error message describing how the test failed
run: (...) =>
@assertFailed = false
@success, res = xpcall @f, debug.traceback, @, ...
@logResult res
return @success, @errMsg
--- Formats and writes a "running test x" message to the log.
-- @local
logStart: =>
@logger\logEx nil, @@msgs.run.test, false, nil, nil, @name
--- Formats and writes the test result to the log.
-- In case of failure the message contains details about either the test assertion that failed
-- or a stack trace if the test ran into a different exception.
-- @local
-- @tparam[opt=errMsg] the error message being logged; defaults to the error returned by the last run of this test
logResult: (errMsg = @errMsg) =>
if @success
@logger\logEx nil, @@msgs.run.ok, nil, nil, 0
if @assertFailed
-- scrub useless stack trace from asserts provided by this module
errMsg = errMsg\gsub "%[%w+ \".-\"%]:%d+:", ""
errMsg = errMsg\gsub "stack traceback:.*", ""
@errMsg = errMsg
@logger\logEx nil, @@msgs.run.failed, nil, nil, 0
@logger.indent += 1
@logger\log @@msgs.run.reason, @errMsg
@logger.indent -= 1
--- Formats a message with a specified predefined template.
-- Currently only supports the "type" template.
-- @local
-- @tparam string template the name of the template to use
-- @param[opt] args any arguments required for formatting the message
format: (tmpl, ...) =>
inArgs = table.pack ...
outArgs = switch tmpl
when "type" then {tostring(inArgs[1]), type(inArgs[1])}
@@msgs.formatTemplate[tmpl]\format unpack outArgs
-- static helper functions
--- Compares equality of two specified arguments
-- Requirements for values are considered equal:
-- [1] their types match
-- [2] their metatables are equal
-- [3] strings and numbers are compared by value
-- functions and cdata are compared by reference
-- tables must have equal values at identical indexes and are compared recursively
-- (i.e. two table copies of `{"a", {"b"}}` are considered equal)
-- @static
-- @param a the first value
-- @param b the second value
-- @tparam[opt] string aType if already known, specify the type of the first value
-- for a small performance benefit
-- @tparam[opt] string bType the type of the second value
-- @treturn boolean `true` if a and b are equal, otherwise `false`
equals: (a, b, aType, bType) ->
-- TODO: support equality comparison of tables used as keys
treeA, treeB, depth = {}, {}, 0
recurse = (a, b, aType = type a, bType) ->
-- identical values are equal
return true if a == b
-- only tables can be equal without also being identical
bType or= type b
return false if aType != bType or aType != "table"
-- perform table equality comparison
return false if #a != #b
aFieldCnt, bFieldCnt = 0, 0
local tablesSeenAtKeys
depth += 1
treeA[depth], treeB[depth] = a, b
for k, v in pairs a
vType = type v
if vType == "table"
-- comparing tables is expensive so we should keep a list
-- of keys we can skip checking when iterating table b
tablesSeenAtKeys or= {}
tablesSeenAtKeys[k] = true
-- detect synchronous circular references to prevent infinite recursion loops
for i = 1, depth
return true if v == treeA[i] and b[k] == treeB[i]
unless recurse v, b[k], vType
depth -= 1
return false
aFieldCnt += 1
for k, v in pairs b
continue if tablesSeenAtKeys and tablesSeenAtKeys[k]
if bFieldCnt == aFieldCnt or not recurse v, a[k]
-- no need to check further if the field count is not identical
depth -= 1
return false
bFieldCnt += 1
-- check metatables for equality
res = recurse getmetatable(a), getmetatable b
depth -= 1
return res
return recurse a, b, aType, bType
--- Compares equality of two specified tables ignoring table keys.
-- The table comparison works much in the same way as @{UnitTest:equals},
-- however this method doesn't require table keys to be equal between a and b
-- and considers two tables to be equal if an equal value is found in b for every value in a and vice versa.
-- By default this only looks at numerical indexes
-- as this kind of comparison doesn't usually make much sense for hashtables.
-- @static
-- @tparam table a the first table
-- @tparam table b the second table
-- @tparam[opt=true] bool onlyNumericalKeys Disable this option to also compare items with non-numerical keys
-- at the expense of a performance hit.
-- @tparam[opt=false] bool ignoreExtraAItems Enable this option to make the comparison one-sided,
-- ignoring additional items present in a but not in b.
-- @tparam[opt=false] bool requireIdenticalItems Enable this option if you require table items to be identical,
-- i.e. compared by reference, rather than by equality.
itemsEqual: (a, b, onlyNumKeys = true, ignoreExtraAItems, requireIdenticalItems) ->
seen, aTbls = {}, {}
aCnt, aTblCnt, bCnt = 0, 0, 0
findEqualTable = (bTbl) ->
for i, aTbl in ipairs aTbls
if UnitTest.equals aTbl, bTbl
table.remove aTbls, i
seen[aTbl] = nil
return true
return false
if onlyNumKeys
aCnt, bCnt = #a, #b
return false if not ignoreExtraAItems and aCnt != bCnt
for v in *a
seen[v] = true
if "table" == type v
aTblCnt += 1
aTbls[aTblCnt] = v
for v in *b
-- identical values
if seen[v]
seen[v] = nil
-- equal values
if type(v) != "table" or requireIdenticalItems or not findEqualTable v
return false
for _, v in pairs a
aCnt += 1
seen[v] = true
if "table" == type v
aTblCnt += 1
aTbls[aTblCnt] = v
for _, v in pairs b
bCnt += 1
-- identical values
if seen[v]
seen[v] = nil
-- equal values
if type(v) != "table" or requireIdenticalItems or not findEqualTable v
return false
return false if not ignoreExtraAItems and aCnt != bCnt
return true
--- Helper method to mark a test as failed by assertion and throw a specified error message.
-- @local
-- @param condition passing in a falsy value causes the assertion to fail
-- @tparam string message error message (may contain format string templates)
-- @param[opt] args any arguments required for formatting the message
assert: (condition, ...) =>
args = table.pack ...
msg = table.remove args, 1
unless condition
@assertFailed = true
@logger\logEx 1, msg, nil, nil, 0, unpack args
-- type assertions
--- Fails the assertion if the specified value didn't have the expected type.
-- @param value the value to be type-checked
-- @tparam string expectedType the expected type
assertType: (val, expected) =>
@checkArgTypes val: {val, "_any"}, expected: {expected, "string"}
actual = type val
@assert actual == expected, @@msgs.assert.type, expected, actual
--- Fails the assertion if the types of the actual and expected value didn't match
-- @param actual the actual value
-- @param expected the expected value
assertSameType: (actual, expected) =>
actualType, expectedType = type(actual), type expected
@assert actualType == expectedType, @@msgs.assert.sameType, expectedType, actualType
--- Fails the assertion if the specified value isn't a boolean
-- @param value the value expected to be a boolean
assertBoolean: (val) => @assertType val, "boolean"
--- Shorthand for @{UnitTest:assertBoolean}
assertBool: (val) => @assertType val, "boolean"
--- Fails the assertion if the specified value isn't a function
-- @param value the value expected to be a function
assertFunction: (val) => @assertType val, "function"
--- Fails the assertion if the specified value isn't a number
-- @param value the value expected to be a number
assertNumber: (val) => @assertType val, "number"
--- Fails the assertion if the specified value isn't a string
-- @param value the value expected to be a string
assertString: (val) => @assertType val, "string"
--- Fails the assertion if the specified value isn't a table
-- @param value the value expected to be a table
assertTable: (val) => @assertType val, "table"
--- Helper method to type-check arguments as a prerequisite to other asserts.
-- @local
-- @tparam {[string]={value, string}} args a hashtable of argument values and expected types
-- indexed by the respective argument names
checkArgTypes: (args) =>
i, expected, actual = 1
for name, types in pairs args
actual, expected = types[2], type types[1]
continue if expected == "_any"
@logger\assert actual == expected, @@msgs.assert.checkArgTypes, i, name,
expected, @format "type", types[1]
i += 1
-- boolean asserts
--- Fails the assertion if the specified value isn't the boolean `true`.
-- @param value the value expected to be `true`
assertTrue: (val) =>
@assert val == true, @@msgs.assert.true, @format "type", val
--- Fails the assertion if the specified value doesn't evaluate to boolean `true`.
-- In Lua this is only ever the case for `nil` and boolean `false`.
-- @param value the value expected to be truthy
assertTruthy: (val) =>
@assert val, @@msgs.assert.truthy, @format "type", val
--- Fails the assertion if the specified value isn't the boolean `false`.
-- @param value the value expected to be `false`
assertFalse: (val) =>
@assert val == false, @@msgs.assert.false, @format "type", val
--- Fails the assertion if the specified value doesn't evaluate to boolean `false`.
-- In Lua `nil` is the only other value that evaluates to `false`.
-- @param value the value expected to be falsy
assertFalsy: (val) =>
@assert not val, @@msgs.assert.falsy, @format "type", val
--- Fails the assertion if the specified value is not `nil`.
-- @param value the value expected to be `nil`
assertNil: (val) =>
@assert val == nil, @@msgs.assert.nil, @format "type", val
--- Fails the assertion if the specified value is `nil`.
-- @param value the value expected to not be `nil`
assertNotNil: (val) =>
@assert val != nil, @@msgs.assert.notNil, @format "type", val
-- numerical asserts
--- Fails the assertion if a number is out of the specified range.
-- @tparam number actual the number expected to be in range
-- @tparam number min the minimum (inclusive) value
-- @tparam number max the maximum (inclusive) value
assertInRange: (actual, min = -math.huge, max = math.huge) =>
@checkArgTypes actual: {actual, "number"}, min: {min, "number"}, max: {max, "number"}
@assert actual >= min, @@msgs.assert.inRange, min, max, actual, "<", min
@assert actual <= max, @@msgs.assert.inRange, min, max, actual, ">", max
--- Fails the assertion if a number is not lower than the specified value.
-- @tparam number actual the number to compare
-- @tparam number limit the lower limit (exclusive)
assertLessThan: (actual, limit) =>
@checkArgTypes actual: {actual, "number"}, limit: {limit, "number"}
@assert actual < limit, @@msgs.assert.compare, "<", limit, actual
--- Fails the assertion if a number is not lower than or equal to the specified value.
-- @tparam number actual the number to compare
-- @tparam number limit the lower limit (inclusive)
assertLessThanOrEquals: (actual, limit) =>
@checkArgTypes actual: {actual, "number"}, limit: {limit, "number"}
@assert actual <= limit, @@msgs.assert.compare, "<=", limit, actual
--- Fails the assertion if a number is not greater than the specified value.
-- @tparam number actual the number to compare
-- @tparam number limit the upper limit (exclusive)
assertGreaterThan: (actual, limit) =>
@checkArgTypes actual: {actual, "number"}, limit: {limit, "number"}
@assert actual > limit, @@msgs.assert.compare, ">", limit, actual
--- Fails the assertion if a number is not greater than or equal to the specified value.
-- @tparam number actual the number to compare
-- @tparam number limit the upper limit (inclusive)
assertGreaterThanOrEquals: (actual, limit) =>
@checkArgTypes actual: {actual, "number"}, limit: {limit, "number"}
@assert actual >= limit, @@msgs.assert.compare, ">=", limit, actual
--- Fails the assertion if a number is not in range of an expected value +/- a specified margin.
-- @tparam number actual the actual value
-- @tparam number expected the expected value
-- @tparam[opt=1e-8] number margin the maximum (inclusive) acceptable margin of error
assertAlmostEquals: (actual, expected, margin = 1e-8) =>
@checkArgTypes actual: {actual, "number"}, min: {expected, "number"}, max: {margin, "number"}
margin = math.abs margin
@assert math.abs(actual-expected) <= margin, @@msgs.assert.almostEquals,
expected, margin, actual
--- Fails the assertion if a number differs from another value at most by a specified margin.
-- Inverse of @{assertAlmostEquals}
-- @tparam number actual the actual value
-- @tparam number value the value being compared against
-- @tparam[opt=1e-8] number margin the maximum (inclusive) margin of error for the numbers to be considered equal
assertNotAlmostEquals: (actual, value, margin = 1e-8) =>
@checkArgTypes actual: {actual, "number"}, value: {value, "number"}, max: {margin, "number"}
margin = math.abs margin
@assert math.abs(actual-value) > margin, @@msgs.assert.almostEquals, value, margin, actual
--- Fails the assertion if a number is not equal to 0 (zero).
-- @tparam number actual the value
assertZero: (actual) =>
@checkArgTypes actual: {actual, "number"}
@assert actual == 0, @@msgs.assert.zero, actual
--- Fails the assertion if a number is equal to 0 (zero).
-- Inverse of @{assertZero}
-- @tparam number actual the value
assertNotZero: (actual) =>
@checkArgTypes actual: {actual, "number"}
@assert actual != 0, @@msgs.assert.notZero
--- Fails the assertion if a specified number has a fractional component.
-- All numbers in Lua share a common data type, which is usually a double,
-- which is the reason this is not a type check.
-- @tparam number actual the value
assertInteger: (actual) =>
@checkArgTypes actual: {actual, "number"}
@assert math.floor(actual) == actual, @@msgs.assert.integer, actual
--- Fails the assertion if a specified number is less than or equal 0.
-- @tparam number actual the value
-- @tparam[opt=false] boolean includeZero makes the assertion consider 0 to be positive
assertPositive: (actual, includeZero = false) =>
@checkArgTypes actual: {actual, "number"}, includeZero: {includeZero, "boolean"}
res = includeZero and actual >= 0 or actual > 0
@assert res, @@msgs.assert.positiveNegative, "positive",
includeZero and "included" or "excluded"
--- Fails the assertion if a specified number is greater than or equal 0.
-- @tparam number actual the value
-- @tparam[opt=false] boolean includeZero makes the assertion not fail when a 0 is encountered
assertNegative: (actual, includeZero = false) =>
@checkArgTypes actual: {actual, "number"}, includeZero: {includeZero, "boolean"}
res = includeZero and actual <= 0 or actual < 0
@assert res, @@msgs.assert.positiveNegative, "positive",
includeZero and "included" or "excluded"
-- generic asserts
--- Fails the assertion if a the actual value is not *equal* to the expected value.
-- On the requirements for equality see @{UnitTest:equals}
-- @param actual the actual value
-- @param expected the expected value
assertEquals: (actual, expected) =>
@assert self.equals(actual, expected), @@msgs.assert.equals, type(actual),
@logger\dumpToString(actual), type(expected), @logger\dumpToString expected
--- Fails the assertion if a the actual value is *equal* to the expected value.
-- Inverse of @{UnitTest:assertEquals}
-- @param actual the actual value
-- @param expected the expected value
assertNotEquals: (actual, expected) =>
@assert not self.equals(actual, expected), @@msgs.assert.notEquals,
type(actual), @logger\dumpToString expected
--- Fails the assertion if a the actual value is not *identical* to the expected value.
-- Uses the `==` operator, so in contrast to @{UnitTest:assertEquals},
-- this assertion compares tables by reference.
-- @param actual the actual value
-- @param expected the expected value
assertIs: (actual, expected) =>
@assert actual == expected, @@msgs.assert.is, @format("type", expected),
@format "type", actual
--- Fails the assertion if a the actual value is *identical* to the expected value.
-- Inverse of @{UnitTest:assertIs}
-- @param actual the actual value
-- @param expected the expected value
assertIsNot: (actual, expected) =>
@assert actual != expected, @@msgs.assert.isNot, @format "type", expected
-- table asserts
--- Fails the assertion if the items of one table aren't *equal* to the items of another.
-- Unlike @{UnitTest:assertEquals} this ignores table keys, so e.g. two numerically-keyed tables
-- with equal items in a different order would still be considered equal.
-- By default this assertion only compares values at numerical indexes (see @{UnitTest:itemsEqual} for details).
-- @tparam table actual the first table
-- @tparam table expected the second table
-- @tparam[opt=true] boolean onlyNumericalKeys Disable this option to also compare items with non-numerical keys at the expense of a performance hit.
assertItemsEqual: (actual, expected, onlyNumKeys = true) =>
@checkArgTypes { actual: {actual, "table"}, expected: {actual, "table"},
onlyNumKeys: {onlyNumKeys, "boolean"}
@assert self.itemsEqual(actual, expected, onlyNumKeys),
@@msgs.assert[onlyNumKeys and "itemsEqualNumericKeys" or "itemsEqualAllKeys"],
@logger\dumpToString(actual), @logger\dumpToString expected
--- Fails the assertion if the items of one table aren't *identical* to the items of another.
-- Like @{UnitTest:assertItemsEqual} this ignores table keys, however it compares table items by reference.
-- By default this assertion only compares values at numerical indexes (see @{UnitTest:itemsEqual} for details).
-- @tparam table actual the first table
-- @tparam table expected the second table
-- @tparam[opt=true] boolean onlyNumericalKeys Disable this option to also compare items with non-numerical keys
assertItemsAre: (actual, expected, onlyNumKeys = true) =>
@checkArgTypes { actual: {actual, "table"}, expected: {actual, "table"},
onlyNumKeys: {onlyNumKeys, "boolean"}
@assert self.itemsEqual(actual, expected, onlyNumKeys, nil, true),
@@msgs.assert[onlyNumKeys and "itemsEqualNumericKeys" or "itemsEqualAllKeys"],
@logger\dumpToString(actual), @logger\dumpToString expected
--- Fails the assertion if the numerically-keyed items of a table aren't continuous.
-- The rationale for this is that when iterating a table with ipairs or retrieving its length
-- with the # operator, Lua may stop processing the table once the item at index n is nil,
-- effectively hiding any subsequent values
-- @tparam table tbl the table to be checked
assertContinuous: (tbl) =>
@checkArgTypes { tbl: {tbl, "table"} }
realCnt, contCnt = 0, #tbl
for _, v in pairs tbl
if type(v) == "number" and math.floor(v) == v
realCnt += 1
@assert realCnt == contCnt, @@msgs.assert.continuous, contCnt+1, realCnt
-- string asserts
--- Fails the assertion if a string doesn't match the specified pattern.
-- Supports both Lua and Regex patterns.
-- @tparam string str the input string
-- @tparam string pattern the pattern to be matched against
-- @tparam[opt=false] boolean useRegex Enable this option to use Regex instead of Lua patterns
-- @tparam[optchain] re.Flags flags Any amount of regex flags as defined by the Aegisub re module
-- (see here for details: http://docs.aegisub.org/latest/Automation/Lua/Modules/re/#flags)
assertMatches: (str, pattern, useRegex = false, ...) =>
@checkArgTypes { str: {str, "string"}, pattern: {pattern, "string"},
useRegex: {useRegex, "boolean"}
match = useRegex and re.match(str, pattern, ...) or str\match pattern, ...
@assert match, @@msgs.assert.matches, str, useRegex and "regex" or "Lua", pattern
--- Fails the assertion if a string doesn't contain a specified substring.
-- Search is case-sensitive by default.
-- @tparam string str the input string
-- @tparam string needle the substring to be found
-- @tparam[opt=true] boolean caseSensitive Disable this option to use locale-dependent case-insensitive comparison.
-- @tparam[opt=1] number init the first byte to start the search at
assertContains: (str, needle, caseSensitive = true, init = 1) =>
@checkArgTypes { str: {str, "string"}, needle: {needle, "string"},
caseSensitive: {caseSensitive, "boolean"}, init: {init, "number"}
_str, _needle = if caseSensitive
str\lower!, needle\lower!
else str, needle
@assert str\find(needle, init, true), str, needle,
caseSensitive and "sensitive" or "insensitive"
-- function asserts
--- Fails the assertion if calling a function with the specified arguments doesn't cause it throw an error.
-- @tparam function func the function to be called
-- @param[opt] args any number of arguments to be passed into the function
assertError: (func, ...) =>
@checkArgTypes { func: {func, "function"} }
res = table.pack pcall func, ...
retCnt, success = res.n, table.remove res, 1
res.n = nil
@assert success == false, @@msgs.assert.error, retCnt, @logger\dumpToString res
return res[1]
--- Fails the assertion if a function call doesn't cause an error message that matches the specified pattern.
-- Supports both Lua and Regex patterns.
-- @tparam function func the function to be called
-- @tparam[opt={}] table args a table of any number of arguments to be passed into the function
-- @tparam string pattern the pattern to be matched against
-- @tparam[opt=false] boolean useRegex Enable this option to use Regex instead of Lua patterns
-- @tparam[optchain] re.Flags flags Any amount of regex flags as defined by the Aegisub re module
-- (see here for details: http://docs.aegisub.org/latest/Automation/Lua/Modules/re/#flags)
assertErrorMsgMatches: (func, params = {}, pattern, useRegex = false, ...) =>
@checkArgTypes { func: {func, "function"}, params: {params, "table"},
pattern: {pattern, "string"}, useRegex: {useRegex, "boolean"}
msg = @assertError func, unpack params
match = useRegex and re.match(msg, pattern, ...) or msg\match pattern, ...
@assert match, @@msgs.assert.errorMsgMatches, msg, useRegex and "regex" or "Lua", pattern
--- A special case of the UnitTest class for a setup routine
-- @classmod UnitTestSetup
class UnitTestSetup extends UnitTest
--- Runs the setup routine.
-- Only the @{UnitTestSetup} object is passed into the function.
-- Values returned by the setup routine are stored to be passed into the test functions later.
-- @treturn[1] boolean true (test succeeded)
-- @treturn[1] table retVals all values returned by the function packed into a table
-- @treturn[2] boolean false (test failed)
-- @treturn[2] string the error message describing how the test failed
run: =>
@logger\logEx nil, @@msgs.run.setup, false
res = table.pack pcall @f, @
@success = table.remove res, 1
@logResult res[1]
if @success
@retVals = res
return true, @retVals
return false, @errMsg
--- A special case of the UnitTest class for a teardown routine
-- @classmod UnitTestTeardown
class UnitTestTeardown extends UnitTest
--- Formats and writes a "running test x" message to the log.
-- @local
logStart: =>
@logger\logEx nil, @@msgs.run.teardown, false
--- Holds a unit test class, i.e. a group of unit tests with common setup and teardown routines
-- @classmod UnitTestClass
class UnitTestClass
msgs = {
run: {
runningTests: "Running test class '%s' (%d tests)..."
setupFailed: "Setup for test class '%s' FAILED, skipping tests."
abort: "Test class '%s' FAILED after %d tests, aborting."
testsFailed: "Done testing class '%s'. FAILED %d of %d tests."
success: "Test class '%s' completed successfully."
testNotFound: "Couldn't find requested test '%s'."
--- Creates a new unit test class complete with a number of unit test as well as optional setup and teardown.
-- Instead of calling this constructor directly, it is recommended to call @{UnitTestSuite:new} instead,
-- which takes a table of test functions and creates test classes automatically.
-- @tparam string name a descriptive name for the test class
-- @tparam[opt={}] {[string] = function|table, ...} args a table of test functions by name;
-- indexes starting with "_" have special meaning and are not added as regular tests:
-- * _setup: a @{UnitTestSetup} routine
-- * _teardown: a @{UnitTestTeardown} routine
-- * _order: alternative syntax to the order parameter (see below)
-- @tparam [opt=nil (unordered)] {string, ...} A list of test names in the desired execution order.
-- Only tests mentioned in this table will be performed when running the whole test class.
-- If unspecified, all tests will be run in random order.
new: (@name, args = {}, @order, @testSuite) =>
@logger = @testSuite.logger
@setup = UnitTestSetup "setup", args._setup, @
@teardown = UnitTestTeardown "teardown", args._teardown, @
@description = args._description
@order or= args._order
@tests = [UnitTest(name, f, @) for name, f in pairs args when "_" != name\sub 1,1]
--- Runs all tests in the unit test class in the specified order.
-- @param[opt=false] abortOnFail stops testing once a test fails
-- @param[opt=(default)] overrides the default test order
-- @treturn[1] boolean true (test class succeeded)
-- @treturn[2] boolean false (test class failed)
-- @treturn[2] {@{UnitTest}, ...} a list of unit test that failed
run: (abortOnFail, order = @order) =>
tests, failed = @tests, {}
if order
tests, mappings = {}, {test.name, test for test in *@tests}
for i, name in ipairs order
@logger\assert mappings[name], msgs.run.testNotFound, name
tests[i] = mappings[name]
testCnt, failedCnt = #tests, 0
@logger\log msgs.run.runningTests, @name, testCnt
@logger.indent += 1
success, res = @setup\run!
-- failing the setup always aborts
unless success
@logger.indent -= 1
@logger\warn msgs.run.setupFailed, @name
return false, -1
for i, test in pairs tests
unless test\run unpack res
failedCnt += 1
failed[#failed+1] = test
if abortOnFail
@logger.indent -= 1
@logger\warn msgs.run.abort, @name, i
return false, failed
@logger.indent -= 1
@success = failedCnt == 0
if @success
@logger\log msgs.run.success, @name
return true
@logger\log msgs.run.testsFailed, @name, failedCnt, testCnt
return false, failed
--- A DependencyControl unit test suite.
-- Your test file/module must return a UnitTestSuite object in order to be recognized as a test suite.
class UnitTestSuite
msgs = {
run: {
running: "Running %d test classes for %s... "
aborted: "Aborting after %d test classes... "
classesFailed: "FAILED %d of %d test classes."
success: "All tests completed successfully."
classNotFound: "Couldn't find requested test class '%s'."
registerMacros: {
allDesc: "Runs the whole test suite."
new: {
badClassesType: "Test classes must be passed in either as a table or an import function, got a %s"
import: {
noTableReturned: "The test import function must return a table of test classes, got a %s."
@UnitTest = UnitTest
@UnitTestClass = UnitTestClass
--- Creates a complete unit test suite for a module or automation script.
-- Using this constructor will create all test classes and tests automatically.
-- @tparam string namespace the namespace of the module or automation script to test.
-- @tparam {[string] = table, ...}|function(self, dependencies, args...) args To create a UnitTest suite,
-- you must supply a hashtable of @{UnitTestClass} constructor tables by name. You can either do so directly,
-- or wrap it in a function that takes a number of arguments depending on how the tests are registered:
-- * self: the module being testsed (skipped for automation scripts)
-- * dependencies: a numerically keyed table of all the modules required by the tested script/module (in order)
-- * args: any additional arguments passed into the @{DependencyControl\registerTests} function.
-- Doing so is required to test automation scripts as well as module functions not exposed by its API.
-- indexes starting with "_" have special meaning and are not added as regular tests:
-- * _order: alternative syntax to the order parameter (see below)
-- @tparam [opt=nil (unordered)] {string, ...} An list of test class names in the desired execution order.
-- Only test classes mentioned in this table will be performed when running the whole test suite.
-- If unspecified, all test classes will be run in random order.
new: (@namespace, classes, @order) =>
@logger = Logger defaultLevel: 3, fileBaseName: @namespace, fileSubName: "UnitTests", toFile: true
@classes = {}
switch type classes
when "table" then @addClasses classes
when "function" then @importFunc = classes
else @logger\error msgs.new.badClassesType, type classes
--- Constructs test classes and adds them to the suite.
-- Use this if you need to add additional test classes to an existing @{UnitTestSuite} object.
-- @tparam {[string] = table, ...} args a hashtable of @{UnitTestClass} constructor tables by name.
addClasses: (classes) =>
@classes[#@classes+1] = UnitTestClass(name, args, args._order, @) for name, args in pairs classes when "_" != name\sub 1,1
if classes._order
@order or= {}
@order[#@order+1] = clsName for clsName in *classes._order
--- Imports test classes from a function (passing in the specified arguments) and adds them to the suite.
-- Use this if you need to add additional test classes to an existing @{UnitTestSuite} object.
-- @tparam [opt] args a hashtable of @{UnitTestClass} constructor tables by name.
import: (...) =>
return false unless @importFunc
classes = self.importFunc ...
@logger\assert type(classes) == "table", msgs.import.noTableReturned, type classes
@addClasses classes
@importFunc = nil
--- Registers macros for running all or specific test classes of this suite.
-- If the test script is placed in the appropriate directory (according to module/automation script namespace),
-- this is automatically handled by DependencyControl.
registerMacros: =>
menuItem = {"DependencyControl", "Run Tests", @name or @namespace, "[All]"}
aegisub.register_macro table.concat(menuItem, "/"), msgs.registerMacros.allDesc, -> @run!
for cls in *@classes
menuItem[4] = cls.name
aegisub.register_macro table.concat(menuItem, "/"), cls.description, -> cls\run!
--- Runs all test classes of this suite in the specified order.
-- @param[opt=false] abortOnFail stops testing once a test fails
-- @param[opt=(default)] overrides the default test order
-- @treturn[1] boolean true (test class succeeded)
-- @treturn[2] boolean false (test class failed)
-- @treturn[2] {@{UnitTest}, ...} a list of unit test that failed
run: (abortOnFail, order = @order) =>
classes, allFailed = @classes, {}
if order
classes, mappings = {}, {cls.name, cls for cls in *@classes}
for i, name in ipairs order
@logger\assert mappings[name], msgs.run.classNotFound, name
classes[i] = mappings[name]
classCnt, failedCnt = #classes, 0
@logger\log msgs.run.running, classCnt, @namespace
@logger.indent += 1
for i, cls in pairs classes
success, failed = cls\run abortOnFail
unless success
failedCnt += 1
allFailed[#allFailed+1] = test for test in *failed
if abortOnFail
@logger.indent -= 1
@logger\warn msgs.run.abort, i
return false, allFailed
@logger.indent -= 1
@success = failedCnt == 0
if @success
@logger\log msgs.run.success
else @logger\log msgs.run.classesFailed, failedCnt, classCnt
return @success, failedCnt > 0 and allFailed or nil | 47.967972 | 185 | 0.62193 |
15e73b22bb2d1c042457821b8a2d59259a3275ba | 175 | export modinfo = {
type: "command"
desc: "Banish"
alias: {"ban"}
func: getDoPlayersFunction (v) ->
table.insert(ConfigSystem("Get", "BanList"),v.Name)
} | 21.875 | 53 | 0.668571 |
f783a8124f06b3b055b5939b74d51991047f1363 | 112 | padRight = zb2rheHukR7vy6kq68YNbc6n7bKVewpViREVvkcuuneAMoie3
length => bytes => (padRight length "0x00" bytes)
| 28 | 60 | 0.8125 |
d3648d0c37af16e0bf1f23fb59ac057c10d98188 | 314 | export modinfo = {
type: "command"
desc: "ForceField"
alias: {"ff"}
func: getDoPlayersFunction (v) ->
if v.Character
Parent: v.Character
Output4(string.format("Gave forcefield to %s",v.Name),{Colors.Green})
loggit(string.format("Gave forcefield to %s",v.Name))
} | 26.166667 | 72 | 0.681529 |
1cd330836a0c71012513785c324a3096bc6cf72c | 30,106 | Gtk = require 'ljglibs.gtk'
match = require 'luassert.match'
{:Buffer, :config, :clipboard, :sys} = howl
{:Editor} = howl.ui
describe 'Editor', ->
local buffer, lines
editor = Editor Buffer {}
cursor = editor.cursor
selection = editor.selection
window = Gtk.OffscreenWindow!
window\add editor\to_gobject!
before_each ->
buffer = Buffer howl.mode.by_name 'default'
buffer.config.indent = 2
lines = buffer.lines
editor.buffer = buffer
it '.current_line is a shortcut for the current buffer line', ->
buffer.text = 'hƏllo\nworld'
cursor.pos = 2
assert.equal editor.current_line, buffer.lines[1]
describe '.active_lines', ->
context 'with no selection active', ->
it 'is a table containing .current_line', ->
buffer.text = 'hƏllo\nworld'
lines = editor.active_lines
assert.equals 1, #lines
assert.equals editor.current_line, lines[1]
context 'with a selection active', ->
it 'is a table of lines involved in the selection', ->
buffer.text = 'hƏllo\nworld'
selection\set 3, 8
active_lines = editor.active_lines
assert.equals 2, #active_lines
assert.equals lines[1], active_lines[1]
assert.equals lines[2], active_lines[2]
describe '.active_chunk', ->
it 'is a chunk', ->
assert.equals 'Chunk', typeof editor.active_chunk
context 'with no selection active', ->
it 'is a chunk encompassing the entire buffer text', ->
buffer.text = 'hƏllo\nworld'
assert.equals 'hƏllo\nworld', editor.active_chunk.text
context 'with a selection active', ->
it 'is a chunk containing the current the selection', ->
buffer.text = 'hƏllo\nworld'
selection\set 3, 8
assert.equals 'llo\nw', editor.active_chunk.text
it '.current_context returns the buffer context at the current position', ->
buffer.text = 'hƏllo\nwʘrld'
cursor.pos = 2
context = editor.current_context
assert.equal 'Context', typeof context
assert.equal 2, context.pos
it '.newline() adds a newline at the current position', ->
buffer.text = 'hƏllo'
cursor.pos = 3
assert.equal buffer.text, 'hƏ\nllo'
for method in *{ 'indent', 'comment', 'uncomment', 'toggle_comment' }
describe "#{method}()", ->
context "when mode does not provide a #{method} method", ->
it 'does nothing', ->
text = buffer.text
editor[method] editor
assert.equal text, buffer.text
context "when mode provides a #{method} method", ->
it 'calls that passing itself a parameter', ->
buffer.mode = [method]: spy.new ->
editor[method] editor
assert.spy(buffer.mode[method]).was_called_with match.is_ref(buffer.mode), match.is_ref(editor)
if method == 'toggle_comment'
it 'uses the buffer mode when the one to use is ambiguous', ->
mode1 = comment_syntax: '//'
mode2 = comment_syntax: '#'
mode1_reg = name: 'toggle_comment_test1', create: -> mode1
mode2_reg = name: 'toggle_comment_test2', create: -> mode2
howl.mode.register mode1_reg
howl.mode.register mode2_reg
buffer.mode = howl.mode.by_name 'toggle_comment_test1'
buffer.text = 'ab\nc'
buffer._buffer.styling\apply 1, {
1, 'whitespace', 2,
2, { 1, 's1', 3 }, 'toggle_comment_test|s1',
selection\set 1, 5
editor[method] editor
assert.equal '// ab\n// c', buffer.text
selection\set 1, 11
editor[method] editor
assert.equal 'ab\nc', buffer.text
howl.mode.unregister 'toggle_comment_test1'
howl.mode.unregister 'toggle_comment_test2'
describe 'with_position_restored(f)', ->
before_each ->
buffer.text = ' yowser!\n yikes!'
cursor.line = 2
cursor.column = 4
it 'calls <f> passing itself a parameter', ->
f = spy.new -> nil
editor\with_position_restored f
assert.spy(f).was_called_with match.is_ref(editor)
it 'restores the cursor position afterwards', ->
editor\with_position_restored -> cursor.pos = 2
assert.equals 2, cursor.line
assert.equals 4, cursor.column
it 'adjusts the position should the indentation have changed', ->
editor\with_position_restored ->
lines[1].indentation = 0
lines[2].indentation = 0
assert.equals 2, cursor.line
assert.equals 2, cursor.column
editor\with_position_restored ->
lines[1].indentation = 3
lines[2].indentation = 3
assert.equals 2, cursor.line
assert.equals 5, cursor.column
context 'when <f> raises an error', ->
it 'propagates the error', ->
assert.raises 'ARGH!', -> editor\with_position_restored -> error 'ARGH!'
it 'still restores the position', ->
cursor.pos = 4
pcall editor.with_position_restored, editor, ->
cursor.pos = 2
error 'ARGH!'
assert.equals 4, cursor.pos
describe 'with_selection_preserved(f)', ->
before_each ->
buffer.text = '\nhello hello hello\n'
selection\set 10, 8
it 'calls <f> passing itself a parameter', ->
f = spy.new -> nil
editor\with_selection_preserved f
it 'restores the selected region', ->
editor\with_selection_preserved ->
selection\set 1, 2
assert.equals 10, selection.anchor
assert.equals 8, selection.cursor
context 'when buffer is modified outside the selection', ->
it 'preserves the selected text', ->
editor\with_selection_preserved ->
buffer\insert 'abc', 1
buffer\insert 'abc', 14
assert.equals 13, selection.anchor
assert.equals 11, selection.cursor
context 'when no selection present', ->
it 'preserves relative position of cursor', ->
selection\set 1, 0
editor.cursor.pos = 5
editor\with_selection_preserved ->
buffer\insert 'abc\n', 1
buffer\insert 'abc\n', 10
assert.equals 9, editor.cursor.pos
it 'insert(text) inserts the text at the cursor, and moves cursor after text', ->
buffer.text = 'hƏllo'
cursor.pos = 6
editor\insert ' world'
assert.equal 'hƏllo world', buffer.text
assert.equal 12, cursor.pos, 12
describe 'paste(opts = {})', ->
it 'pastes the current clip of the clipboard at the current position', ->
buffer.text = 'hƏllo'
clipboard.push ' wörld'
assert.equal 'hƏllo wörld', buffer.text
context 'when opts.clip is specified', ->
it 'pastes that clip at the current position', ->
clipboard.push 'hello'
clip = clipboard.current
clipboard.push 'wörld'
buffer.text = 'well '
editor\paste :clip
assert.equal 'well hello', buffer.text
context 'when opts.where is set to "after"', ->
it 'pastes the clip to the right of the current position', ->
buffer.text = 'hƏllo\n'
clipboard.push 'yo'
cursor\move_to line: 1, column: 6
editor\paste where: 'after'
assert.equal 'hƏllo yo\n', buffer.text
editor\paste where: 'after'
assert.equal 'hƏllo yo\n yo', buffer.text
context 'when the clip item has .whole_lines set', ->
it 'pastes the clip on a newly opened line above the current', ->
buffer.text = 'hƏllo\nworld'
clipboard.push text: 'cruel', whole_lines: true
cursor.line = 2
cursor.column = 3
assert.equal 'hƏllo\ncruel\nworld', buffer.text
it 'pastes the clip at the start of a line if ends with a newline separator', ->
buffer.text = 'hƏllo\nworld'
clipboard.push text: 'cruel\n', whole_lines: true
cursor.line = 2
cursor.column = 3
assert.equal 'hƏllo\ncruel\nworld', buffer.text
it 'positions the cursor at the start of the pasted clip', ->
buffer.text = 'paste'
clipboard.push text: 'much', whole_lines: true
cursor.column = 3
assert.equal 1, cursor.pos
context 'when opts.where is set to "after"', ->
it 'pastes the clip on a newly opened line below the current', ->
buffer.text = 'hƏllo\nworld'
clipboard.push text: 'cruel', whole_lines: true
cursor.line = 1
cursor.column = 3
editor\paste where: 'after'
assert.equal 'hƏllo\ncruel\nworld', buffer.text
it 'accounts for trailing newline separators', ->
buffer.text = 'hƏllo\nworld'
clipboard.push text: 'cruel\n', whole_lines: true
cursor.line = 1
cursor.column = 3
editor\paste where: 'after'
assert.equal 'hƏllo\ncruel\nworld', buffer.text
it 'handles pasting at the end of the buffer', ->
buffer.text = 'at'
clipboard.push text: 'last\n', whole_lines: true
cursor.line = 1
cursor.column = 3
editor\paste where: 'after'
assert.equal 'at\nlast\n', buffer.text
context 'when a selection is present', ->
it 'deletes the selection before pasting', ->
buffer.text = 'hƏllo\nwonderful\nworld'
clipboard.push text: 'cruel'
selection\select lines[2].start_pos, lines[2].end_pos - 1
assert.equal 'hƏllo\ncruel\nworld', buffer.text
assert.equal 'cruel', clipboard.current.text
it 'delete_line() deletes the current line', ->
buffer.text = 'hƏllo\nworld!'
cursor.pos = 3
assert.equal 'world!', buffer.text
it 'copy_line() copies the current line', ->
buffer.text = 'hƏllo\n'
cursor.pos = 3
cursor.pos = 1
assert.equal 'hƏllo\nhƏllo\n', buffer.text
describe 'delete_to_end_of_line(opts)', ->
it 'cuts text from cursor up to end of line', ->
buffer.text = 'hƏllo world!\nnext'
cursor.pos = 6
assert.equal buffer.text, 'hƏllo\nnext'
assert.equal buffer.text, 'hƏllo world!\nnext'
it 'handles lines without EOLs', ->
buffer.text = 'abc'
cursor.pos = 3
assert.equal 'ab', buffer.text
cursor.pos = 3
assert.equal 'ab', buffer.text
it 'deletes without copying if no_copy is specified', ->
buffer.text = 'hƏllo world!'
cursor.pos = 3
editor\delete_to_end_of_line no_copy: true
assert.equal buffer.text, 'hƏ'
assert.not_equal 'hƏllo world!', buffer.text
it 'join_lines joins the current line with the one after', ->
buffer.text = 'hƏllo\n world!\n'
cursor.pos = 1
assert.equal 'hƏllo world!\n', buffer.text
assert.equal 6, cursor.pos
it 'forward_to_match(string) moves the cursor to next occurence of <string>, if found in the line', ->
buffer.text = 'hƏll\to\n world!'
cursor.pos = 1
editor\forward_to_match 'l'
assert.equal 3, cursor.pos
editor\forward_to_match 'l'
assert.equal 4, cursor.pos
editor\forward_to_match 'o'
assert.equal 6, cursor.pos
editor\forward_to_match 'w'
assert.equal 6, cursor.pos
it 'backward_to_match(string) moves the cursor back to previous occurence of <string>, if found in the line', ->
buffer.text = 'h\tƏllo\n world!'
cursor.pos = 6
editor\backward_to_match 'l'
assert.equal 5, cursor.pos
editor\backward_to_match 'l'
assert.equal 4, cursor.pos
editor\backward_to_match 'h'
assert.equal 1, cursor.pos
editor\backward_to_match 'w'
assert.equal 1, cursor.pos
context 'buffer switching', ->
it 'remembers the position for different buffers', ->
buffer.text = 'hƏllo\n world!'
cursor.pos = 8
buffer2 = Buffer {}
buffer2.text = 'a whole different whale'
editor.buffer = buffer2
cursor.pos = 15
editor.buffer = buffer
assert.equal 8, cursor.pos
editor.buffer = buffer2
assert.equal 15, cursor.pos
it 'updates .last_shown for buffer switched out', ->
time = sys.time
now = time!
sys.time = -> now
pcall ->
editor.buffer = Buffer {}
sys.time = time
assert.same now, buffer.last_shown
context 'previewing', ->
it 'does not update last_shown for previewed buffer', ->
new_buffer = Buffer {}
new_buffer.last_shown = 2
editor\preview new_buffer
editor.buffer = Buffer {}
assert.same 2, new_buffer.last_shown
it 'updates .last_shown for original buffer switched out', ->
time = sys.time
now = time!
sys.time = -> now
pcall ->
editor\preview Buffer {}
sys.time= time
assert.same now, buffer.last_shown
context 'indentation, tabs, spaces and backspace', ->
it 'defines a "tab_width" config variable, defaulting to 4', ->
assert.equal config.tab_width, 4
it 'defines a "use_tabs" config variable, defaulting to false', ->
assert.equal config.use_tabs, false
it 'defines a "indent" config variable, defaulting to 2', ->
assert.equal config.indent, 2
it 'defines a "tab_indents" config variable, defaulting to true', ->
assert.equal config.tab_indents, true
it 'defines a "backspace_unindents" config variable, defaulting to true', ->
assert.equal config.backspace_unindents, true
describe 'smart_tab()', ->
it 'inserts a tab character if use_tabs is true', ->
config.use_tabs = true
buffer.text = 'hƏllo'
cursor.pos = 2
assert.equal buffer.text, 'h\tƏllo'
it 'inserts spaces to move to the next tab if use_tabs is false', ->
config.use_tabs = false
buffer.text = 'hƏllo'
cursor.pos = 1
assert.equal string.rep(' ', config.indent) .. 'hƏllo', buffer.text
it 'inserts a tab to move to the next tab stop if use_tabs is true', ->
config.use_tabs = true
config.tab_width = config.indent
buffer.text = 'hƏllo'
cursor.pos = 1
assert.equal '\thƏllo', buffer.text
context 'when in whitespace and tab_indents is true', ->
before_each ->
config.tab_indents = true
config.use_tabs = false
config.indent = 2
it 'indents the current line if in whitespace and tab_indents is true', ->
indent = string.rep ' ', config.indent
buffer.text = indent .. 'hƏllo'
cursor.pos = 2
assert.equal buffer.text, string.rep(indent, 2) .. 'hƏllo'
it 'moves the cursor to the beginning of the text', ->
buffer.text = ' hƏllo'
cursor.pos = 1
assert.equal 5, cursor.pos
it 'corrects any half-off indentation', ->
buffer.text = ' hƏllo'
cursor.pos = 1
assert.equal 5, cursor.pos
assert.equal ' hƏllo', buffer.text
context 'when a selection is active', ->
it 'right-shifts the lines included in a selection if any', ->
config.indent = 2
buffer.text = 'hƏllo\nselected\nworld!'
selection\set 2, 10
assert.equal ' hƏllo\n selected\nworld!', buffer.text
context 'when in whitespace and tab_indents is false', ->
it 'just inserts the corresponding tab or spaces', ->
config.tab_indents = false
config.indent = 2
buffer.text = ' hƏllo'
cursor.pos = 1
config.use_tabs = false
assert.equal ' hƏllo', buffer.text
assert.equal 3, cursor.pos
config.use_tabs = true
assert.equal ' \t hƏllo', buffer.text
assert.equal 4, cursor.pos
describe 'smart_back_tab()', ->
context 'when tab_indents is false', ->
it 'moves the cursor back to the previous tab position', ->
config.tab_indents = false
config.tab_width = 4
buffer.text = ' hƏ567890'
cursor.pos = 10
assert.equal 9, cursor.pos
assert.equal 5, cursor.pos
assert.equal 1, cursor.pos
assert.equal 1, cursor.pos
cursor.pos = 2
assert.equal 1, cursor.pos
context 'when tab_indents is true', ->
it 'unindents when in whitespace', ->
config.tab_indents = true
config.tab_width = 4
buffer.text = ' 567890'
cursor.pos = 10
assert.equal 9, cursor.pos
assert.equal 5, cursor.pos
assert.equal 3, cursor.pos
assert.equal ' 567890', buffer.text
assert.equal 1, cursor.pos
assert.equal '567890', buffer.text
context 'when a selection is active', ->
it 'left-shifts the lines included in a selection if any', ->
config.indent = 2
buffer.text = ' hƏllo\n selected\nworld!'
selection\set 4, 12
assert.equal 'hƏllo\nselected\nworld!', buffer.text
describe '.delete_back()', ->
it 'deletes back by one character', ->
buffer.text = 'hƏllo'
cursor.pos = 2
assert.equal buffer.text, 'Əllo'
it 'deletes previous newline when at start of line', ->
config.backspace_unindents = false
buffer.text = 'hƏllo\nworld'
cursor.pos = 7
assert.equal 'hƏlloworld', buffer.text
config.backspace_unindents = true
buffer.text = 'hƏllo\nworld'
cursor.pos = 7
assert.equal 'hƏlloworld', buffer.text
it 'unindents if in whitespace and backspace_unindents is true', ->
config.indent = 2
buffer.text = ' hƏllo'
cursor.pos = 3
config.backspace_unindents = true
assert.equal buffer.text, 'hƏllo'
assert.equal 1, cursor.pos
it 'deletes back if in whitespace and backspace_unindents is false', ->
config.indent = 2
buffer.text = ' hƏllo'
cursor.pos = 3
config.backspace_unindents = false
assert.equal buffer.text, ' hƏllo'
context 'with a selection', ->
it 'deletes the selection', ->
buffer.text = ' 2\n 5'
selection\set 1, 5
cursor.pos = 5
assert.equal buffer.text, '5'
describe '.delete_back_word()', ->
it 'deletes back by one word', ->
buffer.text = 'hello world'
cursor.pos = 12
assert.equal buffer.text, 'hello '
context 'with a selection', ->
it 'deletes the selection', ->
buffer.text = ' 2\n 5'
selection\set 1, 5
cursor.pos = 5
assert.equal buffer.text, '5'
describe '.delete_forward()', ->
it 'deletes the character at cursor', ->
buffer.text = 'hƏllo'
cursor.pos = 2
assert.equal 'hllo', buffer.text
context 'when a selection is active', ->
it 'deletes the selection', ->
buffer.text = 'hƏllo'
editor.selection\set 2, 5
assert.equal 'ho', buffer.text
assert.not_equal 'Əll', clipboard.current.text
context 'when at the end of a line', ->
it 'deletes the line break', ->
buffer.text = 'hƏllo\nworld'
cursor\move_to line: 1, column: 6
assert.equal 'hƏlloworld', buffer.text
context 'when at the end of the buffer', ->
it 'does nothing', ->
buffer.text = 'hƏllo'
assert.equal 'hƏllo', buffer.text
describe '.delete_forward_word()', ->
it 'deletes forward by one word', ->
buffer.text = 'hello world'
cursor.pos = 1
assert.equal buffer.text, 'world'
context 'when a selection is active', ->
it 'deletes the selection', ->
buffer.text = 'hƏllo'
editor.selection\set 2, 5
assert.equal 'ho', buffer.text
assert.not_equal 'Əll', clipboard.current.text
describe '.shift_right()', ->
before_each ->
config.use_tabs = false
config.indent = 2
context 'with a selection', ->
it 'right-shifts the lines included in the selection', ->
buffer.text = 'hƏllo\nselected\nworld!'
selection\set 2, 10
assert.equal ' hƏllo\n selected\nworld!', buffer.text
it 'adjusts and keeps the selection', ->
buffer.text = ' xx\nyy zz'
selection\set 3, 8 -- 'xx\nyy'
assert.equal 'xx\n yy', selection.text
assert.same { 5, 12 }, { selection\range! }
it 'right-shifts the current line when nothing is selected, remembering column', ->
buffer.text = 'hƏllo\nworld!'
cursor.pos = 3
assert.equal ' hƏllo\nworld!', buffer.text
assert.equal 5, cursor.pos
describe '.shift_left()', ->
context 'with a selection', ->
it 'left-shifts the lines included in the selection', ->
config.indent = 2
buffer.text = ' hƏllo\n selected\nworld!'
selection\set 4, 12
assert.equal 'hƏllo\nselected\nworld!', buffer.text
it 'adjusts and keeps the selection', ->
buffer.text = ' xx\n yy zz'
selection\set 3, 12 -- ' xx\nyy'
assert.equal ' xx\nyy', selection.text
assert.same { 1, 8 }, { selection\range! }
it 'left-shifts the current line when nothing is selected, remembering column', ->
config.indent = 2
buffer.text = ' hƏllo\nworld!'
cursor.pos = 4
assert.equal ' hƏllo\nworld!', buffer.text
assert.equal 2, cursor.pos
describe 'cycle_case()', ->
context 'with a selection active', ->
it 'changes all lowercase selection to all uppercase', ->
buffer.text = 'hello selectëd #world'
selection\set 7, 22
assert.equals 'hello SELECTËD #WORLD', buffer.text
it 'changes all uppercase selection to titlecase', ->
buffer.text = 'hello SELECTËD #WORLD HELLO'
selection\set 7, 28
-- #world is not capitalized because title case considers
-- words to be any contiguous non space chars
assert.equals 'hello Selectëd #world Hello', buffer.text
it 'changes mixed case selection to all lowercase', ->
buffer.text = 'hello SelectËD #WorLd'
selection\set 7, 22
assert.equals 'hello selectëd #world', buffer.text
it 'preserves selection', ->
buffer.text = 'select'
selection\set 3, 5
assert.equals 3, selection.anchor
assert.equals 5, selection.cursor
context 'with no selection active', ->
it 'changes all lowercase word to all uppercase', ->
buffer.text = 'hello wörld'
cursor.pos = 7
assert.equals 'hello WÖRLD', buffer.text
it 'changes all uppercase word to titlecase', ->
buffer.text = 'hello WÖRLD'
cursor.pos = 7
assert.equals 'hello Wörld', buffer.text
it 'changes mixed case word to all lowercase', ->
buffer.text = 'hello WörLd'
cursor.pos = 7
assert.equals 'hello wörld', buffer.text
describe 'duplicate_current', ->
context 'with an active selection', ->
it 'duplicates the selection', ->
buffer.text = 'hello\nwörld'
cursor.pos = 2
selection\set 2, 5 -- 'ell'
assert.equals 'hellello\nwörld', buffer.text
it 'keeps the cursor and current selection', ->
buffer.text = '123456'
selection\set 5, 2
assert.equals 2, cursor.pos
assert.equals 2, selection.cursor
assert.equals 5, selection.anchor
context 'with no active selection', ->
it 'duplicates the current line', ->
buffer.text = 'hello\nwörld'
cursor.pos = 3
assert.equals 'hello\nhello\nwörld', buffer.text
describe 'cut', ->
context 'with an active selection', ->
it 'cuts the selection', ->
buffer.text = 'hello\nwörld'
cursor.pos = 2
selection\set 2, 5 -- 'ell'
assert.equals 'ho\nwörld', buffer.text
cursor.pos = 1
assert.equal 'ellho\nwörld', buffer.text
context 'with no active selection', ->
it 'cuts the current line', ->
buffer.text = 'hello\nwörld'
cursor.pos = 3
assert.equals 'wörld', buffer.text
cursor.pos = 1
assert.equal 'hello\nwörld', buffer.text
it 'cuts the empty line', ->
buffer.text = '\nwörld'
cursor.pos = 1
assert.equals 'wörld', buffer.text
assert.equal '\nwörld', buffer.text
describe 'copy', ->
context 'with an active selection', ->
it 'copies the selection', ->
buffer.text = 'hello\nwörld'
cursor.pos = 2
selection\set 2, 5 -- 'ell'
cursor.pos = 1
assert.equals 'ellhello\nwörld', buffer.text
context 'with no active selection', ->
it 'copies the current line', ->
buffer.text = 'hello\nwörld'
cursor.pos = 3
cursor.pos = 1
assert.equals 'hello\nhello\nwörld', buffer.text
context 'resource management', ->
it 'editors are collected as they should', ->
e = Editor Buffer {}
editors = setmetatable {e}, __mode: 'v'
e = nil
assert.is_true editors[1] == nil
it 'releases resources after buffer switching', ->
b1 = Buffer {}
b2 = Buffer {}
e = Editor b1
buffers = setmetatable { b1, b2 }, __mode: 'v'
editors = setmetatable { e }, __mode: 'v'
e.buffer = b2
e.buffer = b1
e = nil
b1 = nil
b2 = nil
assert.is_nil editors[1]
assert.is_nil buffers[1]
assert.is_nil buffers[2]
context 'get_matching_brace', ->
it 'finds position of matching opending/closing brace', ->
editor.buffer.mode.auto_pairs = {'[': ']'}
editor.buffer.text = '[]'
assert.same 2, editor\get_matching_brace 1
assert.same 1, editor\get_matching_brace 2
assert.same nil, editor\get_matching_brace 3
editor.buffer.text = '[Ü]'
assert.same 3, editor\get_matching_brace 1
assert.same 1, editor\get_matching_brace 3
assert.same nil, editor\get_matching_brace 2
editor.buffer.text = '1ÜÜ4[6ÜÜ9]---'
assert.same 10, editor\get_matching_brace 5
assert.same 5, editor\get_matching_brace 10
assert.same nil, editor\get_matching_brace 1
assert.same nil, editor\get_matching_brace 4
assert.same nil, editor\get_matching_brace 6
assert.same nil, editor\get_matching_brace 11
it 'returns nil for unmatched/mismatched braces', ->
editor.buffer.mode.auto_pairs = {'[': ']'}
editor.buffer.text = ']['
assert.same nil, editor\get_matching_brace 1
assert.same nil, editor\get_matching_brace 2
editor.buffer.text = '([]]'
assert.same nil, editor\get_matching_brace 4
context 'config updates', ->
local editor2
before_each ->
editor2 = Editor Buffer {}
it 'buffer config updates affect containing editor only', ->
editor.buffer.config.line_numbers = true
editor2.buffer.config.line_numbers = true
assert.true editor.line_numbers
assert.true editor2.line_numbers
editor2.buffer.config.line_numbers = false
assert.true editor.line_numbers
assert.false editor2.line_numbers
it 'buffer mode change triggers config refresh for containing editor', ->
mode1 = {}
mode2 = {}
howl.mode.register name: 'test_mode1', create: -> mode1
howl.mode.register name: 'test_mode2', create: -> mode2
howl.mode.configure 'test_mode1',
line_numbers: false
howl.mode.configure 'test_mode2',
line_numbers: true
buffer.mode = howl.mode.by_name 'test_mode1'
assert.false editor.line_numbers
buffer.mode = howl.mode.by_name 'test_mode2'
assert.true editor.line_numbers
howl.mode.unregister 'test_mode1'
howl.mode.unregister 'test_mode2'
| 32.974808 | 114 | 0.609546 |
65b8024744948c961f1b2477dc3475cc9c35e5fe | 1,297 | describe "moor.opt module", ->
local opts, moor, bkenv, env
setup ->
opts = require'moor.opts'
moor = require'moor'
deepcpy = (t, list = {}) -> with ret = {}
for k, v in pairs t
if type(v) == "table"
kk = tostring v
unless list[kk]
list[kk] = v
ret[k] = deepcpy v, list
else ret[k] = list[kk]
else ret[k] = v
if _ENV then bkenv = deepcpy _ENV
else _G["_ENV"] = deepcpy _G
bkenv = deepcpy _ENV
env = {}
it "execute and exit test", ->
assert.falsy opts {}, {"-e", "nil"}
it "load library to global test", ->
with assert
.is_true opts env, {"-luakatsu", "-E", [[kii = Aikatsu\find_birthday "12/03"]]}
.is_not_nil env.kii
.is_not_nil Aikatsu --- yes, it's correct behavior
it "load library as LIB test", ->
with assert
.is_true opts env, {"-Linspect", "-E", [[foo = inspect {x: 3}, newline: ""]]}
.is_same env.foo, "{ x = 3}"
it "load moon file test", ->
opts env, {"-E", [[test = require"spec.test_for_require"]], "-E", [[ok = nil]]}
opts env, {[[-Lspec.test_for_require]]}
with assert
.is_same 0, env.MOOR_EXITCODE
.is_same "hello", env.test
.is_same "ok", env.ok_require
.is_not_nil ok_require
it "help and exit test", ->
opts env, {'-h'}
assert.is_same 1, env.MOOR_EXITCODE
| 24.471698 | 82 | 0.590594 |
27efb9e287695b80c3cbff7598bd6d8dd6a2e4bc | 3,884 | local *
mines = assert require "mines"
color = assert require "color"
import floor from math
app = {}
love.load = ->
with love.graphics
objects = .newImage "images/objects.png"
tiles = .newImage "images/tiles.png"
smileys = .newImage "images/smileys.png"
app.font = .newFont "resources/beech.ttf", 40
app.score = .newFont "resources/sans.ttf", 40
width, height = objects\getWidth!, objects\getHeight!
app.objects =
img: objects
quad: .newQuad 0, 0, 48, 48, width, height
img: objects
quad: .newQuad 48, 0, 48, 48, width, height
img: objects
quad: .newQuad 96, 0, 48, 48, width, height
width, height = tiles\getWidth!, tiles\getHeight!
app.tiles =
img: tiles
quad: .newQuad 0, 0, 48, 48, width, height
img: tiles
quad: .newQuad 48, 0, 48, 48, width, height
img: tiles
quad: .newQuad 96, 0, 48, 48, width, height
width, height = smileys\getWidth!, smileys\getHeight!
app.smileys =
img: smileys
quad: .newQuad 0, 0, 48, 48, width, height
img: smileys
quad: .newQuad 48, 0, 48, 48, width, height
img: smileys
quad: .newQuad 96, 0, 48, 48, width, height
app.fontcolors =
[1]: color 0x00, 0x00, 0xa0, 0xff
[2]: color 0x00, 0xa0, 0x00, 0xff
[3]: color 0xa0, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff
[4]: color 0xa0, 0xa0, 0x00, 0xff
[5]: color 0xa0, 0x00, 0xa0, 0xff
[6]: color 0xa0, 0xa0, 0x00, 0xff
[7]: color 0xa0, 0xa0, 0xa0, 0xff
[8]: color 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff
default: color 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff
setmetatable app.fontcolors, {
__call: (index) =>
return @[index] or @default
love.draw = ->
app.board\draw 0, 48, app.objects, app.tiles, app.font, app.fontcolors
with love.graphics
.setFont app.score
if app.gameover and app.win
.setColor 0x00, 0xff, 0x00
elseif app.gameover
.setColor 0xff, 0x00, 0x00
.setColor 0x00, 0x00, 0xff
.print app.board\gettime!, 10, 4
local smiley
if app.board.gameover and app.board.win
smiley = app.smileys.win
elseif app.board.gameover
smiley = app.smileys.lose
smiley = app.smileys.playing
.draw smiley.img, smiley.quad, 216, 0
love.mousereleased = (x, y, button) ->
lx = (floor x / 48) + 1
ly = (floor y / 48)
with love.keyboard
if button == 1 and not (.isDown"rgui" or .isDown"lgui")
app.board\open lx, ly
app.board\toggleflag lx, ly
love.keyreleased = (key) ->
reset! if key == "escape"
reset = -> app.board = mines.newboard 10, 10, 16
with g = love.graphics
with graphics_reset = g.reset
g.reset = (...) ->
graphics_reset ...
g.setBackgroundColor 0xc6, 0xc7, 0xc9
| 31.836066 | 80 | 0.448507 |
1acf2f1eb78a877fbcb78232ff352e603cdf0f52 | 7,858 | local Result, Option, Ok, Err
expect_class = (value, expected)->
assert value.__class == expected,
"expected type #{expected.__name}<#{expected}>, got " ..
class Result
Ok: 0
Err: 1
new: (variant, content)=>
@variant = variant
@content = content
is_ok: => @variant == Ok
is_err: => @variant == Err
--- Unwrap a result, returning the content or otherwise erroring
expect: (error_value)=>
@content if @is_ok! else error "#{error_value}: #{@content}"
--- Raise error if is_err!, otherwise return content
unwrap: =>
@content if @is_ok! else error content
--- Raises error if is_ok!, otherwise returns error value
unwrap_err: =>
@content if @is_err! else error content
--- Returns content if is_ok!, otherwise `fallback`
-- @param fallback
unwrap_or: (fallback)=>
@content if @is_ok! else fallback
--- Returns content if is_ok!, otherwise the called output of `fallback_fn`
-- @tparam fallback_fn
unwrap_or_else: (fallback_fn)=>
@content if @is_ok! else fallback_fn!
ok: => Option(@content) if @is_ok! else Option!
err: => Option(@content) if @is_err! else Option!
--- Map Result<T, E> to Result<U, E> - Error can be kept if is_err!
-- @tparam function fn Function to use for mapping content
map: (fn)=>
Ok fn @content if @is_ok else self
--- Map Result<T, E> to Result<T, F> - Content can be kept if is_ok!
-- @tparam function fn Function to use for mapping error
map_err: (fn)=>
if @is_err
return Err fn @content
--- Return `right` if the variant is `Ok`, otherwise return self's `Err`
-- @param right
and_also: (right)=>
self if @is_error! else right
--- Return evaluated output of `right_fn` if the variant is `Ok`, otherwise
-- return self's `Err`
-- @tparam function right_fn
and_then: (right_fn)=>
self if @is_error! else right_fn @content
--- Return `right` if the variant is `Err`, otherwise return self's `Ok`
-- @param right
or_other: (right)=>
self if @is_ok! else right
--- Return evaluated output of `right_fn` if the variant is `Err`,
-- otherwise return self's `Ok`
-- @tparam function right_fn
or_else: (right_fn)=>
self if @is_ok! else right_fn @content
--- Transpose a Result of an Option into an Option of a Result
transpose: =>
expect_class @content, Result
if @content\is_some!
return @variant @content.data -- Some
Option! -- None
import Ok, Err from Result
result_variant_mt = {
__call: (...)=> Result self, ...
debug.setmetatable Ok, result_variant_mt
debug.setmetatable Err, result_variant_mt
class Option
new: (some=nil)=>
if some
@data = some
is_some: => @data != nil
is_none: => @data == nil
--- Transform an Option<Option<T>> into an Option<T>
flatten: =>
expect_class @data, Option
Option @data\expect!
--- Unwrap an option, returning the content or otherwise erroring
-- @param error_value Value raised if variant is None
expect: (error_value)=>
@data if @is_some! else Err(error_value)\unwrap!
--- Moves a value `v` out of `Option<T>` if it is a `Some(v)` variant
unwrap: =>
@expect "called Option.unwrap() on a None variant"
--- Return the contained value if is_some! or a fallback value
-- @param fallback
unwrap_or: (fallback)=>
@data if @is_some! else fallback
--- Return the contained value if is_some!, otherwise the called output of
-- `fallback_fn`
-- @tparam function fallback_fn
unwrap_or_else: (fallback_fn)=>
@data if @is_some! else fallback_fn!
--- Applies a function to the contained value
-- @tparam function fn Function to use for mapping content
map: (fn)=>
Option fn @data if @is_some! else self
--- Applies a function to the contained value, or returns a fallback
-- @param fallback
-- @tparam function fn Function to use for mapping content
map_or: (fallback, fn)=>
Option fn @data if @is_some! else fallback
--- Applies a function to the contained value, or calls fallback function
-- @tparam function fallback_fn
-- @tparam function fn Function to use for mapping content
map_or_else: (fallback_fn, fn)=>
Option fn @data if @is_some! else fallback_fn!
--- Transform an `Option<T>` into a `Result<T, E>`, mapping `Some(v)` to
-- `Ok(v)` and `None` to `Err(error_value)`
-- @param error_value
ok_or: (error_value)=>
if @is_some!
Ok @data
else -- None
Err error_value
--- Transform an `Option<T>` into a `Result<T, E>`, mapping `Some(v)` to
-- `Ok(v)` and `None` to `Err(error_fn!)`
-- @tparam function error_fn
ok_or_else: (error_fn)=>
if @is_some!
Ok @data
else -- None
Err error_fn!
--- Return `None` if already `None`, otherwise call `predicate` function
-- and returns `Some(v)` if the predicate function returns true, otherwise
-- None if `predicate` returns false
-- @tparam function predicate
filter: (predicate)=>
if @is_some! and predicate @data
return @data
--- Return `right` if the variant is `Some`
-- @param right
and_also: (right)=>
self if @is_none! else right
--- Return evaluated output of `right_fn` if the variant is `Some`,
-- otherwise return None
-- @tparam function right_fn
and_then: (right_fn)=>
self if @is_none! else right_fn @data
--- Return `right` if the variant is `None`, else return self's `Some`
-- @param right
or_other: (right)=>
self if @is_some! else right
--- Returns evaluated output of `right_fn` if the variant is `None`,
-- otherwise returns self's `Some`
-- @tparam function right_fn
or_else: (right_fn)=>
self if @is_some! else right_fn!
--- Returns a `Some(value)` if either the self or the `right` have a
-- `Some(value)`, but not both
xor: (right)=>
if (@is_some! and right\is_none!) or (@is_none! and right\is_some!)
return @or_other right
Option! -- None
--- Transpose an Option of a Result into a Result of an Option
transpose: =>
if @is_none!
return Ok self -- Result(None)
@data.variant Option(@data.content)
class Entry
new: (source, key)=>
@source = source
@key = key
--- Determine whether or not a `key` exists currently in the table
exists: => @source[@key] != nil
--- Create a `default` value in the source if the key doesn't have an
-- associated value already
-- @param default
or_insert: (default)=>
source, key = @source, @key
source[key] = default unless source[key]
--- Create a default value from the result of `default_fn` in the source if
-- the key doesn't have an associated value already
-- @tparam function default_fn
or_insert_with: (default_fn)=>
source, key = @source, @key
source[key] = default_fn! unless source[key]
--- Apply a function `fn` to the entry, if it exists; should be called
-- before returning the value, and can be chained
-- @tparam function fn
and_modify: (fn)=>
source, key = @source, @key
if source[key]
source[key] = fn source[key]
class Map
new: (data={})=>
@data = data
--- Return an `Entry` to the potential value in the Map, which can be used
-- to add a default value. If a default value isn't available or desired,
-- instead use get()
-- @param name
entry: (key)=> Entry @data, key
--- Returns `true` if a key exists within the table, or otherwise `false`
contains_key: (key)=> @data[key] != nil
--- Return an `Option<T>` to the potential value in the Map, which can be
-- used to see if a value exists. If you want to insert a default value in
-- the case it doesn't exist, use entry()
get: (key)=> Option @data[key]
--- Return a value expected to exist in the Map
expect: (key)=> @get(key)\expect!
--- Set a `value` in the Map to an associated `key`
-- @param key
-- @param value
set: (key, value)=>
@data[key] = value
--- Remove a `key` from a Map
remove: (key)=> @data[key] = nil
--- Iterate over the Map
iter: => pairs @data
return :Result, :Ok, :Err, :Option, :Entry, :Map
| 28.783883 | 76 | 0.679817 |
521a0f465172e1ca71ecb2c3d097fa96de9f976b | 3,784 | build = () ->
contents = '[SlotBackground]
X=([WindowBackground:X] + 2)
Y=([WindowBackground:Y] + #TitleBarHeight#)
W=([WindowBackground:W] - 3)
H=([WindowBackground:H] - #TitleBarHeight# - #ButtonHeight#)
MouseScrollUpAction=[!CommandMeasure "Script" "ScrollSlots(-1)"]
MouseScrollDownAction=[!CommandMeasure "Script" "ScrollSlots(1)"]
-- Scrollbar
contents ..= '
X=([WindowBackground:X] + [WindowBackground:W] - #ScrollBarWidth#)
X=([ScrollBarBackground:X] + 1)
Y=([ScrollBarBackground:Y] + 1)
W=([ScrollBarBackground:W] - 1)
H=([ScrollBarBackground:H] - 2)
-- FolderPath
contents ..= '
for i = 1, STATE.NUM_SLOTS
contents ..= ('Command%d=[!CommandMeasure "Script" "EditFolderPath(%d, \'$UserInput$;\')"]\n')\format(i, i)
contents ..= '\n'
-- FolderPath
contents ..= '
for i = 1, STATE.NUM_SLOTS
contents ..= ('Command%d=[!CommandMeasure "Script" "EditFolderPathSpinner(%d, \'$UserInput$;\')"]\n')\format(i, i)
contents ..= '\n'
contents ..= '
for i = 1, STATE.NUM_SLOTS
contents ..= ('Command%d=[!CommandMeasure "Script" "EditInteger(%d, \'$UserInput$\')"]\n')\format(i, i)
contents ..= '\n'
Settings = require('settings.types')
args = {
title: ''
tooltip: ''
settings = [Setting(args) for key, Setting in pairs(Settings)]
for i = 1, STATE.NUM_SLOTS
contents ..= table.concat({
-- Bounding box
('Y=([SlotBackground:Y] + %d * [SlotBackground:H] / %d)')\format(i - 1, STATE.NUM_SLOTS)
'W=([SlotBackground:W] - #ScrollBarWidth# - 2)'
('H=([SlotBackground:H] / %d)')\format(STATE.NUM_SLOTS)
-- Tooltip
('X=([Slot%dBoundingBox:X] + 2)')\format(i)
('Y=([Slot%dBoundingBox:Y] + 8)')\format(i)
('ToolTipText=Slot %d')\format(i)
-- Title
('Text=Slot %d')\format(i)
('W=([Slot%dBoundingBox:W] - 24)')\format(i)
}, '\n')
-- Each type of setting
for setting in *settings
contents ..= setting\getInc(i)
i += 1
contents ..= table.concat({
-- Separator
'X=([WindowBackground:X] + 2)'
('Y=([Slot%dBoundingBox:Y] + [Slot%dBoundingBox:H] - 1)')\format(i - 1, i - 1)
('W=([Slot%dBoundingBox:W])')\format(i - 1)
}, '\n')
return contents
return build
| 23.214724 | 116 | 0.659091 |
90ccd34f2c46f183e69b1ba9fae112c1fc26c658 | 113 | Dorothy!
UIEditorView = require "View.Control.GUI.UIEditor"
Class UIEditorView,
| 16.142857 | 51 | 0.716814 |
11cc0876c2ba44d36490adb35dffa7e4a82cfd21 | 1,383 | parse = require'moonscript.parse'
compile = require'moonscript.compile'
inspect = require'inspect'
ms = require'moonscript.base'
import remove, concat from table
init_moonpath = ->
moonpath = package.moonpath
moonpath != nil
deinit_moonpath = (has_moonpath) ->
unless has_moonpath
package.moonpath = nil
printerr = (...) -> io.stderr\write "#{concat {...}, "\t"}\n"
to_lua = (code) ->
tree, err = parse.string code
return nil, err if err
lua_code, err, pos = compile.tree tree
unless lua_code
nil, compile.format_error err, pos, code
else lua_code
-- Lua evaluator & printer
fnwrap = (code) -> "return function(__newenv) local _ENV = setmetatable(__newenv, {__index = _ENV}) #{code} end"
evalprint = (env, lua_code, non_verbose) ->
has_moonpath = init_moonpath!
if nolocal = lua_code\match "^local%s+(.*)"
lua_code = nolocal
unless lua_code\match "^[^\n]*="
lua_code = lua_code\match"^.-\n(.*)"
luafn, err = load fnwrap(lua_code != nil and lua_code or ""), "tmp"
return printerr err if err
result = {pcall luafn!, env}
deinit_moonpath has_moonpath
ok = remove result, 1
ok, unless ok then result[1]
if #result > 0
print (inspect result)\match"^%s*{%s*(.*)%s*}%s*%n?%s*$" unless non_verbose
table.unpack result
{:printerr, :to_lua, :fnwrap, :evalprint, :init_moonpath, :deinit_moonpath}
| 23.440678 | 112 | 0.690528 |
92ea027768d6fd8fb89b3353864d22461648fa0f | 358 | import lib from require "magick.gmwand.lib"
lib.InitializeMagick nil
import Image from require "magick.gmwand.image"
import make_thumb from require "magick.thumb"
load_image = Image\load
VERSION: require "magick.version"
mode: "graphics_magick"
thumb: make_thumb load_image
load_image_from_blob: Image\load_from_blob
| 17.9 | 47 | 0.776536 |
25f2ed83dd2d5b95584ec862271083e7cb47312b | 1,241 | -- Copyright 2014-2015 The Howl Developers
-- License: MIT (see LICENSE.md at the top-level directory of the distribution)
ffi = require 'ffi'
bit = require 'bit'
Gdk = require 'ljglibs.gdk'
require 'ljglibs.cdefs.glib'
C, ffi_cast, ffi_string = ffi.C, ffi.cast, ffi.string
band = bit.band
gchar_arr = ffi.typeof 'gchar [?]'
explain_key_code = (code, event) ->
effective_code = code == 10 and Gdk.KEY_Return or code
key_name = C.gdk_keyval_name effective_code
if key_name != nil
event.key_name = ffi_string(key_name)\lower!
unicode_char = C.gdk_keyval_to_unicode code
if unicode_char != 0
utf8 = gchar_arr(6)
nr_utf8 = C.g_unichar_to_utf8 unicode_char, utf8
if nr_utf8 > 0
event.character = ffi.string utf8, nr_utf8
event.key_code = code
parse_key_event: (key_event) ->
key_event = ffi_cast('GdkEventKey *', key_event)
event = {
shift: band(key_event.state, C.GDK_SHIFT_MASK) != 0,
control: band(key_event.state, C.GDK_CONTROL_MASK) != 0,
alt: band(key_event.state, C.GDK_MOD1_MASK) != 0,
super: band(key_event.state, C.GDK_SUPER_MASK) != 0,
meta: band(key_event.state, C.GDK_META_MASK) != 0,
explain_key_code key_event.keyval, event
| 28.204545 | 79 | 0.693795 |
a4cb97a2ea2b0745c32dfa30ca1ef67603925e59 | 4,122 | sound_player = require "src/player/sound"
make = (x, y, z, settings) ->
plant = {
pos: {
[1]: x
[2]: y
[3]: z - 5
plant.tag = {}
plant.w = 4
plant.h = 5
plant.frcx = 18
plant.frcy = 1
plant.dx = 0
plant.dy = 0
plant.gravity = 30
plant.grounded = false
plant.seed = true
plant.dirx = nil
plant.life = 5
plant.touched = false
plant.update = (dt) =>
@pos[1], @pos[2], @collisions = world\move @, @pos[1] + @dx, @pos[2] + @dy, game.filter
if @seed and @touched
@life -= dt
if @life <= 0
game\remove @
world\remove @
for c in *@collisions
@touched = true
if c.normal.y ~= 0
if c.normal.y == -1
@grounded = true
@dy = 0
if c.normal.x ~= 0
@dx = 0
if @seed and (c.other.name == "dirt" or c.other.name == "grass")
if settings.condition
continue unless settings\condition c
if settings.adjustdir
@dirx = -c.normal.x
@settings.dirx = @dirx if @settings
@grow settings
if @settings
@settings\collide c if @settings.collide
game\tag_check c.other.tags, c.other, @ if c.other.tags
if c.other.settings
game\tag_check c.other.settings.tags, c.other, @ if c.other.settings.tags
if @grounded
@dx -= @dx * @frcx * dt unless 0.01 > math.abs @dx - @frcx
@dx -= @dx * @frcy * dt unless 0.01 > math.abs @dx - @frcy
@dy -= @dy * @frcy * dt unless 0.01 > math.abs @dy - @frcy
@dy += @gravity * dt
plant.draw = =>
if @settings
if @settings.draw
@settings\draw @, @real_draw
plant.real_draw = =>
if @settings
if @dirx == -1
@draw_pos = {
game.x + @pos[1] + (@settings.ox or 0) + sprites.plants[@settings.name]\getWidth! / 2
game.y + @pos[2] + (@settings.oy or 0)
elseif @dirx == 1
@draw_pos = {
game.x + @pos[1] + (@settings.ox or 0)
game.y + @pos[2] + (@settings.oy or 0)
@draw_pos = {
game.x + @pos[1] + (@settings.ox or 0) + sprites.plants[@settings.name]\getWidth! / 2
game.y + @pos[2] + (@settings.oy or 0)
@draw_pos = {
game.x + @pos[1]
game.y + @pos[2]
with projection.graphics
if @seed
love.graphics.setColor 100, 255, 100
.square3d fov, "fill", @draw_pos, @w, @h
sprite = sprites.plants[@settings.name]
love.graphics.setColor 255, 255, 255
.draw fov, sprite, @draw_pos, 0, (@dirx or 1) * 1.5, 1.5, sprite\getWidth! / 2
plant.grow = (settings) =>
@touchable = settings.touchable or true
world\update @, @pos[1] - (@dirx or 1) * (settings.w / 2), @pos[2] - settings.h - @h * 3, settings.w, settings.h
for tag in *settings.tags
@tag[#@tag + 1] = tag
@settings = settings
@gravity = 0 if @settings.flying
@w = @settings.w
@h = @settings.h
@dx = 0
@dy = 0
@seed = false
world\add plant, plant.pos[1], plant.pos[2], plant.w, plant.h
skunk = {
name: "skunk"
w: 24
h: 24
touchable: true
tags: {"pick"}
-- draw nice stuff
effect: shine.godsray!
draw: (plant_self, real_draw_function) =>
@effect\draw ->
real_draw_function plant_self
on_pick: (a) =>
a.dxmul = -1
world\remove @
game\remove @
shrub = {
name: "shrub"
w: 24
h: 24
touchable: true
tags: {"touch"}
on_touch: (c) =>
c.pos[2] -= 1
if c.dy > -6
c.dy = -6
c.dy = c.dy * 0.9
berry = {
name: "berry"
w: 4
h: 24
touchable: true
adjustdir: true
flying: true
tags: {"grab"}
dirx: 0
condition: (c) =>
c.normal.x ~= 0
on_grab: (a) =>
a.attatched = -@dirx
settings: {
} | 21.138462 | 116 | 0.510432 |
9892055a5defb3ecb4ac426eadfc45897fb17fbe | 3,251 | import Widget from require "lapis.html"
import Users, Resources, ResourcePackages, ResourceRatings from require "models"
import time_ago_in_words from require "lapis.util"
date = require "date"
i18n = require "i18n"
class MTAResourceLayout extends Widget
@include "widgets.utils"
content: =>
if @rights and not @rights.user_confirmed
div class: "alert alert-info", role: "alert", ->
strong i18n "resources.manage.author.moderation_invite"
raw " "
form class: "mta-inline-form", method: "POST", action: @url_for("resources.manage.invite_reply", resource_slug: @resource), ->
button type: "submit", class: "btn btn-secondary btn-sm", name: "accept_state", value: "true", ->
text i18n "resources.manage.author.accept_invite"
raw " "
button type: "submit", class: "btn btn-secondary btn-sm", name: "accept_state", value: "false", ->
text i18n "resources.manage.author.decline_invite"
div class: "row", ->
div class: "card", ->
div class: "card-header", ->
h2 ->
text "#{@resource.longname} (#{@resource.name}) "
span class: "label label-primary", Resources.types[@resource.type]
span class: "pull-xs-right", ->
if @rights and @rights.user_confirmed
a class: "btn btn-secondary", href: @url_for("resources.manage.dashboard", resource_slug: @resource), ->
i class: "fa fa-cogs"
raw " "
text i18n "resources.manage.title"
raw " "
if @route_name == "resources.view"
if @active_user
form method: "POST", action: @url_for("resources.cast_vote", resource_slug: @resource), class: "mta-inline-form", ->
rating = ResourceRatings\find resource: @resource.id, user: @active_user.id
rating = rating.rating if rating
span class: "btn-group", role: "group", ["aria-label"]: i18n("resources.cast_vote"), ->
button type: "submit", name: "vote", value: "down", class: {"btn btn-secondary", active: (rating == false)}, ->
i class: "fa fa-thumbs-down"
button type: "submit", name: "vote", value: "none", class: {"btn btn-secondary", active: (rating == nil)}, ->
i class: "fa fa-circle"
button type: "submit", name: "vote", value: "up", class: {"btn btn-secondary", active: (rating == true)}, ->
i class: "fa fa-thumbs-up"
raw " "
form method: "POST", action: @url_for("resources.report_resource", resource_slug: @resource), class: "mta-inline-form", ->
button type: "submit", class: "btn btn-secondary", -> i class: "fa fa-flag"
raw " "
a class: "btn btn-primary", href: @url_for("resources.get", resource_slug: @resource), ->
i class: "fa fa-download"
raw " "
text i18n "download"
raw " "
a class: "btn btn-secondary", href: @url_for("resources.view", resource_slug: @resource), ->
i class: "fa fa-arrow-left"
raw " "
text i18n "resources.view_resource"
viewWidget = require "views." .. @route_name
widget viewWidget
| 45.152778 | 132 | 0.602276 |
f6d2b734f8c01ba68095b4306e27cda9117e8921 | 11,660 | -- This script can be used to adjust the color so that subtitles made with matrix BT.601 can fit it a script made with matrix BT.709, or vice versa
-- In other words, it can convert the color matrix of the script
-- Users of Aegisub version 2.9 and 3.0 should use the lua version, and users of version 3.1 or later should use the moonscript version
-- If you want to convert the whole file (or several files), you should use the C# version as it's much faster and supports batch processing
export script_name = "Color Matrix Converter"
export script_description = "Adjusts the color so that subtitles made with matrix BT.601 can fit in scripts made with matrix BT.709, or vice versa"
export script_author = "dreamer2908"
export script_version = "0.1.4"
local *
-- util = require 'aegisub.util' -- slower, not gonna use
-- clipboard = require 'clipboard' -- for testing only
-- Defination: height = dimention 1 = number of rows, width = dimention 3 = number of columns
-- {{1, 3, 3}} is an 1x3 matrix, whose height = 1, width = 3
-- {{4}, {5}, {6}} is a 3x1 matrix, whose height = 3, width = 1
createMatrix = (n, m) ->
if n == 3 and m == 1 return {{0}, {0}, {0}} -- This should be faster as I only use 3x1 and 3x3 matrixes
if n == 3 and m == 3 return {{0,0,0},{0,0,0},{0,0,0}}
resultMatrix = {}
for i = 1, n
resultMatrix[i] = {}
for j = 1, m
resultMatrix[i][j] = 0.0
return resultMatrix
matrixMultiplication = (m1, m2) ->
resultMatrix = createMatrix(#m1, #m2[1])
for i = 1, #m1
for j = 1, #m2[1]
for k = 1, #m1[1]
resultMatrix[i][j] += m1[i][k] * m2[k][j]
return resultMatrix
matrixScalarMultiplication = (m1, scalar) ->
resultMatrix = createMatrix(#m1,#m1[1])
for i = 1, #m1
for j = 1, #m1[1]
resultMatrix[i][j] = m1[i][j] * scalar
return resultMatrix
matrixInverse3x3 = (m1) ->
if #m1 ~= 3 or #m1[1] ~= 3 return m1
resultMatrix = createMatrix(3, 3)
a = m1[1][1]
b = m1[1][2]
c = m1[1][3]
d = m1[2][1]
e = m1[2][2]
f = m1[2][3]
g = m1[3][1]
h = m1[3][2]
i = m1[3][3]
det_1 = 1.0 / (a * (e * i - f * h) - b * (d * i - f * g) + c * (d * h - e * g))
resultMatrix[1][1] = det_1 * (e * i - f * h)
resultMatrix[1][2] = det_1 * (c * h - b * i)
resultMatrix[1][3] = det_1 * (b * f - c * e)
resultMatrix[2][1] = det_1 * (f * g - d * i)
resultMatrix[2][2] = det_1 * (a * i - c * g)
resultMatrix[2][3] = det_1 * (c * d - a * f)
resultMatrix[3][1] = det_1 * (d * h - e * g)
resultMatrix[3][2] = det_1 * (b * g - a * h)
resultMatrix[3][3] = det_1 * (a * e - b * d)
return resultMatrix
printMatrix = (m) ->
for i = 1, #m
s = ""
for j = 1, #m[1]
s ..= " "..m[i][j]
print s
-- One time init
digital_8_bit_rgb_full_range_to_digital_ycbcr_using_bt601 = {{65.738, 129.057, 25.046}, {-37.945, -74.494, 112.439}, {112.439, -94.154, -18.285}}
digital_8_bit_rgb_full_range_to_digital_ycbcr_using_bt709 = {{46.742, 157.243, 15.874}, {-25.765, -86.674, 112.439}, {112.439, -102.129, -10.310}}
digital_8_bit_rgb_full_range_to_digital_ycbcr_using_bt2020 = {{57.757, 149.064, 13.038}, {-31.400, -81.039, 112.439}, {112.439, -103.396, -9.043}}
digital_ycbcr_to_digital_8_bit_rgb_full_range_using_bt601 = {{298.082, 0, 408.583}, {298.082, -100.291, -208.120}, {298.082, 516.411, 0}}
digital_ycbcr_to_digital_8_bit_rgb_full_range_using_bt709 = {{298.082, 0, 458.942}, {298.082, -54.592, -136.425}, {298.082, 540.775, 0}}
digital_ycbcr_to_digital_8_bit_rgb_full_range_using_bt2020 = {{298.082, 0, 429.741}, {298.082, -47.955, -166.509}, {298.082, 548.294, 0}}
-- Haven't tested if un-scaled matrixes still work
digital_8_bit_rgb_full_range_to_digital_ycbcr_using_bt601 = matrixScalarMultiplication(digital_8_bit_rgb_full_range_to_digital_ycbcr_using_bt601, 1/256.0)
digital_8_bit_rgb_full_range_to_digital_ycbcr_using_bt709 = matrixScalarMultiplication(digital_8_bit_rgb_full_range_to_digital_ycbcr_using_bt709, 1/256.0)
digital_8_bit_rgb_full_range_to_digital_ycbcr_using_bt2020 = matrixScalarMultiplication(digital_8_bit_rgb_full_range_to_digital_ycbcr_using_bt2020, 1/256.0)
digital_ycbcr_to_digital_8_bit_rgb_full_range_using_bt601 = matrixScalarMultiplication(digital_ycbcr_to_digital_8_bit_rgb_full_range_using_bt601, 1/256.0)
digital_ycbcr_to_digital_8_bit_rgb_full_range_using_bt709 = matrixScalarMultiplication(digital_ycbcr_to_digital_8_bit_rgb_full_range_using_bt709, 1/256.0)
digital_ycbcr_to_digital_8_bit_rgb_full_range_using_bt2020 = matrixScalarMultiplication(digital_ycbcr_to_digital_8_bit_rgb_full_range_using_bt2020, 1/256.0)
-- This takes advantage of matrix math to reduce two steps (RGB -> YCbCr, YCbCr -> RGB) to one etep (RGB(bt601) -> RGB(bt709))
-- Offseting is skipped because it's useless for this purpose
bt601_to_bt709 = matrixMultiplication(digital_ycbcr_to_digital_8_bit_rgb_full_range_using_bt709, digital_8_bit_rgb_full_range_to_digital_ycbcr_using_bt601)
bt709_to_bt601 = matrixMultiplication(digital_ycbcr_to_digital_8_bit_rgb_full_range_using_bt601, digital_8_bit_rgb_full_range_to_digital_ycbcr_using_bt709)
bt601_to_bt2020 = matrixMultiplication(digital_ycbcr_to_digital_8_bit_rgb_full_range_using_bt2020, digital_8_bit_rgb_full_range_to_digital_ycbcr_using_bt601)
bt709_to_bt2020 = matrixMultiplication(digital_ycbcr_to_digital_8_bit_rgb_full_range_using_bt2020, digital_8_bit_rgb_full_range_to_digital_ycbcr_using_bt709)
bt2020_to_bt601 = matrixMultiplication(digital_ycbcr_to_digital_8_bit_rgb_full_range_using_bt601, digital_8_bit_rgb_full_range_to_digital_ycbcr_using_bt2020)
bt2020_to_bt709 = matrixMultiplication(digital_ycbcr_to_digital_8_bit_rgb_full_range_using_bt709, digital_8_bit_rgb_full_range_to_digital_ycbcr_using_bt2020)
mode = 1
matrixTable = {bt601_to_bt709, bt709_to_bt601, bt601_to_bt2020, bt709_to_bt2020, bt2020_to_bt601, bt2020_to_bt709}
modeTable = { "BT.601 to BT.709", "BT.709 to BT.601", "BT.601 to BT.2020", "BT.709 to BT.2020", "BT.2020 to BT.601", "BT.2020 to BT.709"}
tableMode = { v,k for k,v in ipairs modeTable } -- autogen from modeTable
fieldTable = {"TV.709", "TV.601", "TV.2020", "TV.2020", "TV.601", "TV.709"}
convertAll = false
convertSelected = true
convertDialog = false
convertStyles = false
setYCyCrField = false
roundAndClip = (value) ->
if value < 0
return 0
if value > 255
return 255
return math.floor(value + 0.5)
-- colorString should be either &HAABBGGRR or &HBBGGRR
-- Invalid strings will be returned as is
convertColor = (colorString) ->
-- Here is the profiling result:
-- Sample: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1u2bqy1gvz1yu7c/big.7z
-- With Aegisub r8138 (and earlier versions), which uses lua5.1
-- -- TL;DR: Aegisub's lua interpreter seems to suck at creating nested tables: it accounts for 2/3 of computation cost.
-- -- Total time: 30s
-- -- Color extraction: 2.4s (util.extract_color is unsurprisingly slower: 3.1s)
-- -- The actual calculation: 25.8s
-- -- -- Matrix creation: 9s. Yes, it's damn 9s.
-- -- -- Multiplication: 14.3s (this uses one matrix creation)
-- -- -- Rounding and clipping: 2.5s
-- -- Generating result: 2.7s
-- With Aegisub r8330 (and later versions), which uses LuaJIT
-- -- Total time: 8.2s
-- -- Color extraction: 1.4s
-- -- The actual calculation: 3.1s
-- -- -- Matrix creation: 1.5s. (overwhelmingly faster than lua5.1)
-- -- -- Multiplication: 1.6s (this uses one matrix creation)
-- -- -- Rounding and clipping: 0.0s (Yup!)
-- -- Generating result: 3.7s <~~ What?!
-- if true return colorString -- test
sourceLen = string.len(colorString)
R = 0
G = 0
B = 0
A = ''
if sourceLen == 8
-- R, G, B, A = util.extract_color(colorString..'&') -- Slower, not gonna use.
B = tonumber(string.sub(colorString, 3, 4), 16)
G = tonumber(string.sub(colorString, 5, 6), 16)
R = tonumber(string.sub(colorString, 7, 8), 16)
else if sourceLen == 10
A = string.sub(colorString, 3, 4)
B = tonumber(string.sub(colorString, 5, 6), 16)
G = tonumber(string.sub(colorString, 7, 8), 16)
R = tonumber(string.sub(colorString, 9, 10), 16)
return colorString
storage = {{R}, {G}, {B}}
storage = matrixMultiplication(matrixTable[mode], storage)
R = roundAndClip(storage[1][1])
G = roundAndClip(storage[2][1])
B = roundAndClip(storage[3][1])
return string.format("&H%s%02X%02X%02X", A, B, G, R)
convertLine = (line) ->
result = string.gsub(line, "&H%x+", convertColor)
return result
-- Note: convertAll doesn't work in the same way as the C# version as Aegisub doesn't parse line.raw so all changes here are ignored
-- Just text and effect for now
convertSubtitle = (subtitle, selected, active) ->
num_lines = #subtitle
if convertDialog or convertAll
for i = 1, num_lines
line = subtitle[i]
if line.class == "dialogue"
line.text = convertLine(line.text)
line.effect = convertLine(line.effect)
subtitle[i] = line
elseif convertSelected
for si,li in ipairs(selected)
line = subtitle[li]
line.text = convertLine(line.text)
line.effect = convertLine(line.effect)
subtitle[li] = line
if convertStyles or convertAll
-- Search for style session
style = 0
for i = 1, num_lines
line = subtitle[i]
if line.class == "style"
style = 1
line.color1 = convertLine(line.color1)
line.color2 = convertLine(line.color2)
line.color3 = convertLine(line.color3)
line.color4 = convertLine(line.color4)
subtitle[i] = line
elseif style == 1 -- reached the end of style session
if setYCyCrField or convertAll
-- Search for YCbCr field in info session
info = 0
lastFieldIndex = 0
for i = 1, num_lines
line = subtitle[i]
if line.class == "info"
info = 1
lastFieldIndex = i
if line.key == "YCbCr Matrix"
line.value = fieldTable[mode]
subtitle[i] = line
elseif info == 1
-- reached the end of info session but didn't find that field. Insert a new one
line = subtitle[lastFieldIndex]
line.key = "YCbCr Matrix"
line.value = fieldTable[mode]
subtitle.insert(lastFieldIndex, line)
return selected
mainDialog = {
{class:"dropdown",x:1,y:0,width:2,height:1,name:"modeselect",items:modeTable,value:"BT.601 to BT.709"},
{class:"checkbox",x:0,y:1,width:2,height:1,name:"convertSelected",label:"Convert selected lines",value:false},
{class:"checkbox",x:0,y:2,width:2,height:1,name:"convertDialog",label:"Convert all lines",value:false},
{class:"checkbox",x:0,y:3,width:2,height:1,name:"convertStyles",label:"Convert styles",value:false},
{class:"checkbox",x:0,y:4,width:2,height:1,name:"setYCyCrField",label:"Set YCbCr Matrix field",value:false},
{class:"checkbox",x:0,y:5,width:2,height:1,name:"convertAll",label:"ALL of above",value:false},
macro_function = (subtitle, selected, active) ->
-- load settings from last time (or default)
mainDialog[2]["value"] = modeTable[mode]
mainDialog[3]["value"] = convertSelected
mainDialog[4]["value"] = convertDialog
mainDialog[5]["value"] = convertStyles
mainDialog[6]["value"] = setYCyCrField
mainDialog[7]["value"] = convertAll
pressed, results = aegisub.dialog.display(mainDialog, {"OK", "Cancel"}, {cancel: "Cancel"})
if pressed == "OK"
aegisub.progress.set math.random(100) -- professional progress bars. #basedtorque™
-- save settings
mode = tableMode[results.modeselect]
convertSelected = results.convertSelected
convertDialog = results.convertDialog
convertStyles = results.convertStyles
setYCyCrField = results.setYCyCrField
convertAll = results.convertAll
convertSubtitle(subtitle, selected, active)
else aegisub.cancel()
return selected
aegisub.register_macro(script_name, script_description, macro_function) | 43.834586 | 157 | 0.717067 |
69beb11b4eeabd46caab3b9d37e02dded9fd8288 | 264 | s.input = { "input" }
s.input.update = (i, input) ->
with love.keyboard
input.x, _ = controls\get "move"
input.up = controls\pressed "up"
input.down = controls
s.input_reset = { "input" }
s.input_reset.update = (i, input) ->
input.up = false
| 24 | 39 | 0.609848 |
42ca36603ff03df503edab0d42d95f2ea2721a02 | 2,940 | db = require "lapis.db.postgres"
import select, pairs, type, select from _G
unpack = unpack or table.unpack
import insert from table
import BaseModel, Enum, enum from require "lapis.db.base_model"
import preload from require "lapis.db.model.relations"
class Model extends BaseModel
@db: db
-- create from table of values, return loaded object
@create: (values, opts) =>
if @constraints
for key in pairs @constraints
if err = @_check_constraint key, values and values[key], values
return nil, err
if @timestamp
time = @db.format_date!
values.created_at or= time
values.updated_at or= time
local returning, return_all, nil_fields
if opts and opts.returning
if opts.returning == "*"
return_all = true
returning = { db.raw "*" }
returning = { @primary_keys! }
for field in *opts.returning
table.insert returning, field
for k, v in pairs values
if v == db.NULL
nil_fields or= {}
nil_fields[k] = true
elseif db.is_raw v
returning or= {@primary_keys!}
table.insert returning, k
res = if returning
db.insert @table_name!, values, unpack returning
db.insert @table_name!, values, @primary_keys!
if res
if returning and not return_all
for k in *returning
values[k] = res[1][k]
for k,v in pairs res[1]
values[k] = v
if nil_fields
for k in pairs nil_fields
values[k] = nil
@load values
nil, "Failed to create #{@__name}"
-- thing\update "col1", "col2", "col3"
-- thing\update {
-- "col1", "col2"
-- col3: "Hello"
-- }
update: (first, ...) =>
cond = @_primary_cond!
columns = if type(first) == "table"
for k,v in pairs first
if type(k) == "number"
@[k] = v
{first, ...}
return nil, "nothing to update" if next(columns) == nil
if @@constraints
for _, column in pairs columns
if err = @@_check_constraint column, @[column], @
return nil, err
values = { col, @[col] for col in *columns }
-- update options
nargs = select "#", ...
last = nargs > 0 and select nargs, ...
opts = if type(last) == "table" then last
if @@timestamp and not (opts and opts.timestamp == false)
time = @@db.format_date!
values.updated_at or= time
local returning
for k, v in pairs values
if v == db.NULL
@[k] = nil
elseif db.is_raw(v)
returning or= {}
table.insert returning, k
if returning
with res = db.update @@table_name!, values, cond, unpack returning
if update = unpack res
for k in *returning
@[k] = update[k]
db.update @@table_name!, values, cond
{ :Model, :Enum, :enum, :preload }
| 24.5 | 72 | 0.579932 |
8e2d5aa659cb0d9ccb38ff373c65c5ea822679b4 | 491 | -- concatenate many lists into one
M = {}
me = ...
split = (str, symbol="%s") -> [x for x in string.gmatch(str, "([^"..symbol.."]+)")]
root1 = (split me, ".")[1]
concat2 = require(root1..".".."._lists._concat2").concat2
tail = require(root1..".".."._lists._tail").tail
-- concatenate many lists
M.concat = (...) ->
args = {...}
aux = (input, accum) ->
return accum if #input == 0
return aux (tail input), (concat2 accum, input[1])
return aux args, {}
return M | 27.277778 | 83 | 0.562118 |
c6d13b3dddd19abcaf2eeea8763aacbbad2ad450 | 1,469 |
moonscript = require "moonscript.base"
class Template
new: (renderer) =>
-- Forcing it to ignore self.
-- Why is this even a class? Consistency? Coherence? Ease of documentation? =/
-- TODO: Decide if stuff will be downgraded to simple modules or not.
@render = (self, document) ->
renderer document
render: (document) =>
-- Templates would usually overwrite this method and do some
-- operations with the document. Like printing html around and
-- dumping its .body in the middle.
@fromMoon: (filePath) ->
template, reason = moonscript.loadfile filePath
unless template
return nil, "moonscript could not load template file", reason, filePath
{:render_html} = require "hestia.lapis.html"
@@ (document) ->
environment = {k, v for k, v in pairs _G}
environment.document = document
environment.project = document.project
-- Not exactly thread-safe. We’ll probably never care.
setfenv template, environment
render_html template
@fromEtlua: (filePath) ->
file, reason = io.open filePath, "r"
unless file
return nil, reason
content = file\read "*all"
template = require("etlua").compile content
@@ template
@fromFilePath: (filePath) ->
extension = filePath\match '^.*%.([^.]*)$'
if extension == "moon"
return @@.fromMoon filePath
elseif extension == "elua"
return @@.fromEtlua filePath
return nil, "unrecognized template format", extension
| 24.081967 | 80 | 0.692308 |
1aa152570decb8cb1edaaeae3498781bfa8ddb57 | 22 | request "lapis.router" | 22 | 22 | 0.818182 |
29f79b313958eecaa5ffa559505748a9a8f19e7d | 7,690 | --
-- adapted from json.lua by John Axel Eriksson https://github.com/johnae
-- Copyright (c) 2015 rxi
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-- under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.
json = { _version: "0.1.0" }
-- Encode
local encode
escape_char_map = {
"\\": "\\\\",
"\"": "\\\"",
"\b": "\\b",
"\f": "\\f",
"\n": "\\n",
"\r": "\\r",
"\t": "\\t",
escape_char_map_inv = { ["\\/"]: "/" }
for k, v in pairs escape_char_map
escape_char_map_inv[v] = k
escape_char = (c) -> escape_char_map[c] or string.format("\\u%04x", c\byte!)
encode_nil = (val) -> "null"
encode_table = (val, stack) ->
res = {}
stack = stack or {}
-- Circular reference?
if stack[val]
error "circular reference"
stack[val] = true
if val[1] != nil or next(val) == nil
-- Treat as array -- check keys are valid and it is not sparse
n = 0
for k,_ in pairs(val)
if type(k) != "number"
error("invalid table: mixed or invalid key types")
n = n + 1
if n != #val then
error("invalid table: sparse array")
-- Encode
for i, v in ipairs(val)
table.insert(res, encode(v, stack))
stack[val] = nil
"[#{table.concat(res, ',')}]"
-- Treat as an object
for k, v in pairs(val)
if type(k) != "string"
error("invalid table: mixed or invalid key types")
table.insert(res, encode(k, stack) .. ":" .. encode(v, stack))
stack[val] = nil
"{#{table.concat(res, ",")}}"
encode_string = (val) ->
'"' .. val\gsub('[%z\1-\31\\"]', escape_char) .. '"'
encode_number = (val) ->
-- Check for NaN, -inf and inf
if val != val or val <= -math.huge or val >= math.huge
error("unexpected number value '" .. tostring(val) .. "'")
string.format("%.14g", val)
type_func_map = {
nil: encode_nil,
table: encode_table,
string: encode_string,
number: encode_number,
boolean: tostring
encode = (val, stack) ->
t = type(val)
f = type_func_map[t]
if f
return f(val, stack)
error("unexpected type '" .. t .. "'")
json.encode = (val) -> encode(val)
-- Decode
local parse
create_set = (...) ->
res = {}
for i = 1, select("#", ...)
res[ select(i, ...) ] = true
space_chars = create_set(" ", "\t", "\r", "\n")
delim_chars = create_set(" ", "\t", "\r", "\n", "]", "}", ",")
escape_chars = create_set("\\", "/", '"', "b", "f", "n", "r", "t", "u")
literals = create_set("true", "false", "null")
literal_map = {
true: true,
false: false,
null: nil,
next_char = (str, idx, set, negate) ->
for i = idx, #str
if set[str\sub(i, i)] != negate
return i
#str + 1
decode_error = (str, idx, msg) ->
line_count = 1
col_count = 1
for i = 1, idx - 1
col_count = col_count + 1
if str\sub(i, i) == "\n"
line_count = line_count + 1
col_count = 1
error( string.format("%s at line %d col %d", msg, line_count, col_count) )
codepoint_to_utf8 = (n) ->
-- http://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.php?site_id=nrsi&id=iws-appendixa
f = math.floor
if n <= 0x7f
return string.char(n)
elseif n <= 0x7ff
return string.char(f(n / 64) + 192, n % 64 + 128)
elseif n <= 0xffff
return string.char(f(n / 4096) + 224, f(n % 4096 / 64) + 128, n % 64 + 128)
elseif n <= 0x10ffff
return string.char(f(n / 262144) + 240, f(n % 262144 / 4096) + 128, f(n % 4096 / 64) + 128, n % 64 + 128)
error( string.format("invalid unicode codepoint '%x'", n) )
parse_unicode_escape = (s) ->
n1 = tonumber s\sub(3, 6), 16
n2 = tonumber s\sub(9, 12), 16
-- Surrogate pair?
if n2
return codepoint_to_utf8((n1 - 0xd800) * 0x400 + (n2 - 0xdc00) + 0x10000)
return codepoint_to_utf8(n1)
parse_string = (str, i) ->
has_unicode_escape = false
has_surrogate_escape = false
has_escape = false
local last
for j = i + 1, #str
x = str\byte j
if x < 32
decode_error str, j, "control character in string"
if last == 92 -- "\\" (escape char)
if x == 117 -- "u" (unicode escape sequence)
hex = str\sub j + 1, j + 5
unless hex\find "%x%x%x%x"
decode_error str, j, "invalid unicode escape in string"
if hex\find "^[dD][89aAbB]"
has_surrogate_escape = true
has_unicode_escape = true
c = string.char x
unless escape_chars[c]
decode_error str, j, "invalid escape char '" .. c .. "' in string"
has_escape = true
last = nil
elseif x == 34 -- '"' (end of string)
s = str\sub i + 1, j - 1
if has_surrogate_escape
s = s\gsub "\\u[dD][89aAbB]..\\u....", parse_unicode_escape
if has_unicode_escape
s = s\gsub "\\u....", parse_unicode_escape
if has_escape
s = s\gsub "\\.", escape_char_map_inv
return s, j + 1
last = x
decode_error str, i, "expected closing quote for string"
parse_number = (str, i) ->
x = next_char str, i, delim_chars
s = str\sub i, x - 1
n = tonumber s
unless n
decode_error str, i, "invalid number '" .. s .. "'"
return n, x
parse_literal = (str, i) ->
x = next_char str, i, delim_chars
word = str\sub i, x - 1
unless literals[word]
decode_error str, i, "invalid literal '" .. word .. "'"
return literal_map[word], x
parse_array = (str, i) ->
res = {}
n = 1
i = i + 1
while true do
local x
i = next_char str, i, space_chars, true
-- Empty / end of array?
if str\sub(i, i) == "]"
i = i + 1
-- Read token
x, i = parse str, i
res[n] = x
n = n + 1
-- Next token
i = next_char str, i, space_chars, true
chr = str\sub i, i
i = i + 1
break if chr == "]"
decode_error(str, i, "expected ']' or ','") if chr !=','
return res, i
parse_object = (str, i) ->
res = {}
i = i + 1
while true do
local key, val
i = next_char str, i, space_chars, true
-- Empty / end of object?
if str\sub(i, i) == "}"
i = i + 1
-- Read key
if str\sub(i, i) != '"' then
decode_error str, i, "expected string for key"
key, i = parse str, i
-- Read ':' delimiter
i = next_char str, i, space_chars, true
if str\sub(i, i) != ":"
decode_error str, i, "expected ':' after key"
i = next_char str, i + 1, space_chars, true
-- Read value
val, i = parse str, i
-- Set
res[key] = val
-- Next token
i = next_char str, i, space_chars, true
chr = str\sub i, i
i = i + 1
break if chr == "}"
decode_error(str, i, "expected '}' or ','") if chr !=','
return res, i
char_func_map = {
'"': parse_string,
"0": parse_number,
"1": parse_number,
"2": parse_number,
"3": parse_number,
"4": parse_number,
"5": parse_number,
"6": parse_number,
"7": parse_number,
"8": parse_number,
"9": parse_number,
"-": parse_number,
"t": parse_literal,
"f": parse_literal,
"n": parse_literal,
"[": parse_array,
"{": parse_object,
parse = (str, idx) ->
chr = str\sub idx, idx
f = char_func_map[chr]
return f(str, idx) if f
decode_error str, idx, "unexpected character '" .. chr .. "'"
json.decode = (str) ->
if type(str) != "string"
error "expected argument of type string, got " .. type(str)
parse(str, next_char(str, 1, space_chars, true))
| 24.806452 | 109 | 0.537841 |
d474c0f157d8196a2bce1ceab285de4bea7c109b | 4,068 | --> # libllengua
--> Library for managing conlangs
-- By daelvn
-- 28.04.2019
import schemas, indexes from require "libllengua.db.initialize"
import Schema, create, insert, prepare from require "libllengua.db.schema"
import runOn, runSeveralOn from require "libllengua.db"
import unpackFn, fileExists from require "libllengua.util"
import LIBLLENGUA_DB_VERSION from require "libllengua.config"
clutch = require "clutch"
--> # Llengua
--> Llengua is a constructed language framework for the development and management of those. It is based upon the
--> functionality of [ConWorkShop](https://conworkshop.info), and seeks to expand on top of that. The general idea is to
--> build it as a library, so that it can be used in command-line applications (curses?), webapps (using
--> [Lapis](https://leafo.net/lapis)), apps (Java-Lua bridge, perhaps?) and many others. It uses
--> [Clutch](https://github.com/akojo/clutch) for managing SQLite databases.
--> ## Database structure
--> The database uses SQLite, and each language is stored as a single database, so these can be exported and read by
--> other libraries and programs. There are some tables destined to certain parts of the database, like the dictionary
--> or the phonetic inventory, these are prefixed with `ll_`, where as other user-modifiable content, such as
--> conjugation tables, are defined in other database tables prefixed with `conj_` or `user_`.
--> ### `ll_metadata`
--> Key-value storage for the language. Stores stuff like the language name, the schema version...
--> #### Common fields
--> - `schema_version`: Version of the schema.
--> - `language_name`: Name of the language.
--> - `language_code`: Code of the language (xx\_XX)
--> - `language_autonym`: Autonym for the language. An autonym is the name of the language in the language itself.
--> ### `ll_inventory`
--> This table contains the list of sounds and its associated graphemes, it is possible to assign qualities to the
--> sounds, custom uppercase versions, allophones and variants, and it supports blends natively.
--> ### `ll_categories`
--> Comma-separated sound categories for the tools provided by libllengua.
--> ### `ll_dictionary`
--> Word list for the language. Supports definitions, transliterations, etymology, notes, classes, pronounciation and
--> more.
--> ### `ll_namebase`
--> Keep track of proper names and other kinds of names in your language. With support for gender and notes.
--> ### `ll_translations`
--> Text or phrase translations for the language.
--> ### `ll_grammar_declinations`
--> Table that links a part of speech to its declinations, so later it can form conjugation tables.
--> # getSchemaVersion
--> Returns the schema version.
getSchemaVersion = (db) -> (db\queryone "SELECT value FROM ll_metadata WHERE key='schema_version'").value
--> # Language
--> Creates a new Language structure.
Language = unpackFn {"code", "name", "autonym"}, (code, name=(string.lower code), autonym=(string.lower code)) ->
db = clutch.open "#{code}.llengua.db"
unless fileExists "#{code}.llengua.db"
insertMeta = prepare insert schemas.ll_metadata_schema
initLanguage = runSeveralOn db
initLanguage [create schema for schema in *schemas]
initLanguage indexes
initLanguage {
insertMeta {key: "schema_version", value: LIBLLENGUA_DB_VERSION}
insertMeta {key: "language_name", value: name}
insertMeta {key: "language_code", value: code}
insertMeta {key: "language_autonym", value: autonym}
error "Schema version mismatch. Expected #{LIBLLENGUA_DB_VERSION}, got #{getSchemaVersion db}" unless (getSchemaVersion db) == LIBLLENGUA_DB_VERSION
{ :name, :autonym, :code, :db }
--> # queryLanguage
--> Performs a query on a language.
queryLanguage = (lang) ->
db = lang.db
(sql) -> (varl) -> db\queryall sql, varl
--> # finalizeLanguage
--> Finalize all edits to the language.
finalizeLanguage = (lang) ->
{ :Language, :queryLanguage, :finalizeLanguage, :getDatabaseVersion }
| 50.85 | 152 | 0.720747 |
6cdce2e0c22985b8423aa338bbffda33749e2cc5 | 822 | insulate 'effect', ->
import Effect from require 'mae.effect'
it 'creates a table with a name', ->
a = Effect 'test'
assert.equal 'table', type a
assert.equal 'test', a.name
it 'returns itself with arguments when called', ->
a = Effect 'test'
b, c = a 'val'
assert.equal b, a
assert.equal c, 'val'
b, c, d = a 'c', 'd'
assert.equal b, a
assert.equal c, 'c'
assert.equal d, 'd'
it 'can have a default implementation', ->
a = Effect 'test'
assert.equal a.defaultimp, nil
f = ->
a\default f
assert.equal a.defaultimp, f
insulate 'effect performing', ->
maeperform = require 'mae.perform'
stub maeperform, 'perform'
import Effect from require 'mae.effect'
it 'can be performed', ->
a = Effect 'test'
a\perform 'aza'
assert.stub(maeperform.perform).was.called_with a, 'aza'
| 22.216216 | 58 | 0.653285 |
ecf2f4df9aa676a01b3421098dc07f2a385a1cb9 | 456 | #!/usr/bin/env moon
-- vim: ts=2 sw=2 et :
package.moonpath = '../src/?.moon;' .. package.moonpath
import said,csv,cli,eg from require "fun"
import Cols,Data from require "data"
eg.cols = ->
x = Cols {"A?", "B","C-"}
assert #x.ys == 1
assert x.ys[1].w == -1
assert #x.xs == 1
assert #x.all == 3
eg.data = ->
[t\add x for x in csv "../etc/data/auto93.csv"]
[said c for c in *t.cols.ys]
assert 398 == #t.rows
cli eg
| 19.826087 | 55 | 0.567982 |
30587aaf43b771929729a2a778510f678c83c31c | 549 | describe "transforms run.lua", ->
setup ->
parse = require('lush.parser')
ast = parse -> {
A { gui: "italic", blend: 40 },
B { gui: "italic", blend: 40 }
package.loaded["theme"] = ast
_G.vim = {
inspect: ->
"inspect mock"
list_slice: (list, s, e) ->
[item for item in *list[s,e]]
teardown ->
package.loaded["theme"] = nil
it "returns lua code", ->
to_lua = require("shipwright.transform.lush.to_lua")
value = to_lua(require("theme"))
| 23.869565 | 56 | 0.546448 |
cf4346e8f0b6ddb893277357fc842d6e9553cd6a | 3,259 |
import insert from table
local *
config_cache = {} -- the final merged config by environment
configs = {} -- lists of fns/tables to build config by environment
default_config = {
server: "nginx"
port: "8080"
secret: "please-change-me"
session_name: "lapis_session"
code_cache: "off"
num_workers: "1"
-- optional:
-- max_request_args: nil
-- measure_performance: false
-- show_queries: false
-- mysql: {
-- backend: "" -- luasql, resty_mysql
-- host: ""
-- port: ""
-- path: "" -- unix domain socket
-- database: ""
-- user: ""
-- ssl: boolean -- for resty_mysql
-- ssl_verify: boolean -- for resty_mysql
-- timeout: ms -- for resty_mysql
-- max_idle_timeout: ms -- for resty_mysql
-- pool_size: integer -- for resty_mysql
-- }
-- postgres: {
-- backend: ""
-- host: ""
-- port: ""
-- database: ""
-- user: ""
-- }
logging: {
queries: true
requests: true
server: true
merge_set = (t, k, v) ->
existing = t[k]
if type(v) == "table"
if type(existing) != "table"
existing = {}
t[k] = existing
for sub_k, sub_v in pairs v
merge_set existing, sub_k, sub_v
t[k] = v
set = (conf, k, v) ->
if type(k) == "table"
for sub_k, sub_v in pairs k
merge_set conf, sub_k, sub_v
if type(v) == "function"
merge_set conf, k, run_with_scope v, {}
merge_set conf, k, v
scope_meta = {
__index: (name) =>
val = _G[name]
return val unless val == nil
with val = switch name
when "set"
(...) -> set @_conf, ...
when "unset"
(...) ->
for k in *{...}
@_conf[k] = nil
when "include"
(fn) -> run_with_scope fn, @_conf
(v) -> set @_conf, name, v
@[name] = val
config = (environment, fn) ->
if type(environment) == "table"
for env in *environment
config env, fn
configs[environment] or= {}
table.insert configs[environment], fn
reset = (env) ->
if env == true
for k in pairs configs
configs[k] = nil
for k in pairs config_cache
config_cache[k] = nil
configs[env] = nil
config_cache[env] = nil
run_with_scope = (fn, conf) ->
old_env = getfenv fn
env = setmetatable { _conf: conf }, scope_meta
setfenv fn, env
setfenv fn, old_env
get_env = ->
os.getenv"LAPIS_ENVIRONMENT" or require("lapis.cmd.util").default_environment!
get = do
loaded_config = false
(name=get_env!) ->
error "missing environment name" unless name
unless loaded_config
loaded_config = true
success, err = pcall -> require "config"
unless success or err\match "module 'config' not found"
error err
return config_cache[name] if config_cache[name]
conf = { k,v for k,v in pairs(default_config) }
conf._name = name
if fns = configs[name]
for fn in *fns
switch type(fn)
when "function"
run_with_scope fn, conf
when "table"
set conf, fn
config_cache[name] = conf
setmetatable {
:get, :config, :merge_set, :default_config, :reset
}, {
__call: (...) => config ...
| 21.162338 | 80 | 0.573796 |
141fc798897723b614d81b64d3aa9e29fb382b7a | 948 | export modinfo = {
type: "command"
desc: "Ping"
alias: {"ping"}
func: (Msg,Speaker) ->
rtn = {}
fty = {}
if #Msg == 0
table.insert(rtn,"Options: plog, log, atmp, ver, sn")
elseif Msg\sub(1,2) == "a;"
table.insert(rtn,tostring(loadstring(string.format("return %s",Msg\sub(3)))()))
elseif Msg == "plog"
for i,p in pairs(ConfigSystem("Get", "PlayerLog"))
elseif Msg == "log"
for _,v in pairs(ConfigSystem("Get", "Log"))
Output("Most Recent here",{Colors.Black})
elseif Msg == "atmp"
rtn = [v for _,v in pairs(ConfigSystem("Get", "AttemptedJoinList"))]
elseif Msg == "ver"
Output(string.format("Version of this script: %s",ConfigSystem("Get", "Version")),{Colors.Orange})
elseif Msg == "sn"
Output(string.format("The script's name is: %s",Name),{Colors.Orange})
for _,m in pairs(rtn)
} | 32.689655 | 101 | 0.624473 |
bf8b1091f0e1cc16867e8a4038d29b46b6ecd4f5 | 159 | ln = (x) ->
ret = 0
last = (x - 1) / (x + 1)
sq = last * last
for i = 1, 10000, 2
ret += (1 / i) * last
last *= sq
return 2 * ret
return ln
| 14.454545 | 26 | 0.433962 |
c85f088b3c921373ad87de1df85effbeadf5c5f1 | 4,847 | db = require "lapis.db.mysql"
import escape_literal, escape_identifier from db
import concat from table
import gen_index_name from require "lapis.db.base"
append_all = (t, ...) ->
for i=1, select "#", ...
t[#t + 1] = select i, ...
extract_options = (cols) ->
options = {}
cols = for col in *cols
if type(col) == "table" and col[1] != "raw"
for k,v in pairs col
options[k] = v
cols, options
entity_exists = (name) ->
config = require("lapis.config").get!
mysql_config = assert config.mysql, "missing mysql configuration"
database = escape_literal assert mysql_config.database
name = escape_literal name
res = unpack db.select "COUNT(*) as c from information_schema.tables where
table_schema = #{database} and table_name = #{name} LIMIT 1"
res.c > 0
create_table = (name, columns, opts={}) ->
prefix = if opts.if_not_exists
buffer = {prefix, escape_identifier(name), " ("}
add = (...) -> append_all buffer, ...
for i, c in ipairs columns
add "\n "
if type(c) == "table"
name, kind = unpack c
add escape_identifier(name), " ", tostring kind
add c
add "," unless i == #columns
add "\n" if #columns > 0
add ")"
add " ENGINE=", opts.engine if opts.engine
add " CHARSET=", opts.charset or "UTF8"
add ";"
db.query concat buffer
drop_table = (tname) ->
db.query "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #{escape_identifier tname};"
create_index = (tname, ...) ->
index_name = gen_index_name tname, ...
columns, options = extract_options {...}
buffer = {"CREATE"}
append_all buffer, " UNIQUE" if options.unique
append_all buffer, " INDEX ", escape_identifier index_name
if options.using
append_all buffer, " USING ", options.using
append_all buffer, " ON ", escape_identifier tname
append_all buffer, " ("
for i, col in ipairs columns
append_all buffer, escape_identifier(col)
append_all buffer, ", " unless i == #columns
append_all buffer, ")"
append_all buffer, ";"
db.query concat buffer
drop_index = (tname, ...) ->
index_name = gen_index_name tname, ...
tname = escape_identifier tname
db.query "DROP INDEX #{escape_identifier index_name} on #{tname};"
add_column = (tname, col_name, col_type) ->
tname = escape_identifier tname
col_name = escape_identifier col_name
db.query "ALTER TABLE #{tname} ADD COLUMN #{col_name} #{col_type}"
drop_column = (tname, col_name) ->
tname = escape_identifier tname
col_name = escape_identifier col_name
db.query "ALTER TABLE #{tname} DROP COLUMN #{col_name}"
rename_column = (tname, col_from, col_to, col_type)->
assert col_type, "A column type is required when renaming a column"
tname = escape_identifier tname
col_from = escape_identifier col_from
col_to = escape_identifier col_to
db.query "ALTER TABLE #{tname} CHANGE COLUMN #{col_from} #{col_to} #{col_type}"
rename_table = (tname_from, tname_to) ->
tname_from = escape_identifier tname_from
tname_to = escape_identifier tname_to
db.query "RENAME TABLE #{tname_from} TO #{tname_to}"
class ColumnType
default_options: { null: false }
new: (@base, @default_options) =>
__call: (length, opts={}) =>
out = @base
if type(length) == "table"
opts = length
length = nil
for k,v in pairs @default_options
opts[k] = v unless opts[k] != nil
if l = length or opts.length
out ..= "(#{l}"
if d = opts.decimals
out ..= ",#{d})"
out ..= ")"
-- type mods
if opts.unsigned
out ..= " UNSIGNED"
if opts.binary
out ..= " BINARY"
-- column mods
unless opts.null
out ..= " NOT NULL"
if opts.default != nil
out ..= " DEFAULT " .. escape_literal opts.default
if opts.auto_increment
if opts.unique
out ..= " UNIQUE"
if opts.primary_key
out ..= " PRIMARY KEY"
__tostring: => @__call {}
C = ColumnType
types = setmetatable {
id: C "INT", auto_increment: true, primary_key: true
varchar: C "VARCHAR", length: 255
char: C "CHAR"
text: C "TEXT"
blob: C "BLOB"
bit: C "BIT"
tinyint: C "TINYINT"
smallint: C "SMALLINT"
mediumint: C "MEDIUMINT"
integer: C "INT"
bigint: C "BIGINT"
float: C "FLOAT"
double: C "DOUBLE"
date: C "DATE"
time: C "TIME"
timestamp: C "TIMESTAMP"
datetime: C "DATETIME"
boolean: C "TINYINT", length: 1
}, __index: (key) =>
error "Don't know column type `#{key}`"
| 23.643902 | 81 | 0.629668 |
5e15132f2a0be1d530bbccd0236f01a2bcc33149 | 2,253 |
import Parser, Compiler from require "etlua"
import Widget, Buffer, CONTENT_FOR_PREFIX from require "lapis.html"
import locked_fn, release_fn from require "lapis.util.functions"
parser = Parser!
class BufferCompiler extends Compiler
header: =>
@push "local _tostring, _escape, _b = ...\n",
"local _b_buffer = _b.buffer\n",
"local _b_i\n"
increment: =>
@push "_b_i = _b.i + 1\n"
@push "_b.i = _b_i\n"
assign: (...) =>
@push "_b_buffer[_b_i] = ", ...
@push "\n" if ...
class EtluaWidget extends Widget
@load: (code) =>
lua_code, err = parser\compile_to_lua code, BufferCompiler
fn, err = unless err
parser\load lua_code
return nil, err if err
class TemplateWidget extends EtluaWidget
_tpl_fn: fn
_tpl_fn: nil -- set by superclass
content_for: (name, val) =>
if val
super name, val
if val = @[CONTENT_FOR_PREFIX .. name]
@_buffer\write val
_find_helper: (name) =>
switch name
when "render"
return @_buffer\render
when "widget"
return @_buffer\render_widget
if chain = @_get_helper_chain!
for h in *chain
helper_val = h[name]
if helper_val != nil
-- call functions in scope of helper
value = if type(helper_val) == "function"
(...) -> helper_val h, ...
return value
-- look on self
val = @[name]
if val != nil
real_value = if type(val) == "function"
(...) -> val @, ...
return real_value
render: (buffer) =>
@_buffer = if buffer.__class == Buffer
Buffer buffer
old_widget = @_buffer.widget
@_buffer.widget = @
seen_helpers = {}
scope = setmetatable { }, {
__index: (scope, key) ->
if not seen_helpers[key]
seen_helpers[key] = true
helper_value = @_find_helper key
if helper_value != nil
scope[key] = helper_value
return helper_value
clone = locked_fn @_tpl_fn
parser\run clone, scope, @_buffer
release_fn clone
@_buffer.widget = old_widget
{ :EtluaWidget, :BufferCompiler }
| 21.873786 | 67 | 0.582779 |
abc34b2a4329d446d1fb2aa2b968a0be6dedd240 | 1,825 | export script_name = 'JumpScroll'
export script_description = 'Save and load subtitle grid scrollbar positions'
export script_author = 'CoffeeFlux'
export script_version = '2.3.0'
export script_namespace = 'Flux.JumpScroll'
DependencyControl = require('l0.DependencyControl') {
url: 'https://github.com/TypesettingTools/CoffeeFlux-Aegisub-Scripts/blob/master/macros/Flux.TitleCase.moon'
feed: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TypesettingTools/CoffeeFlux-Aegisub-Scripts/master/DependencyControl.json'
{'Flux.ScrollHandler', version: '1.0.0', url: 'http://github.com/TypesettingTools/CoffeeFlux-Aegisub-Scripts'}
ScrollHandler = DependencyControl\requireModules!!
ConfigHandler = DependencyControl\getConfigHandler {
settings: {
macroLength: 3
-- adjust for change in coding conventions
if ConfigHandler.c.Settings
ConfigHandler.c.settings = {}
ConfigHandler.c.settings.macroLength = ConfigHandler.c.Settings.macroLength
ConfigHandler.c.Settings = nil
settings = ConfigHandler.c.settings
dialog = {
class: 'label'
label: 'Macro Length:'
x: 0
y: 0
class: 'intedit'
name: 'macroLength'
value: settings.macroLength
min: 1
max: 10 -- arbitrary value, but one has to exist to work
x: 2
y: 0
config = ->
button, results = aegisub.dialog.display dialog
unless button == false
settings.macroLength = results.macroLength
macroLength = settings.macroLength
macros = {
{ "Configure", "Launches the configuration dialog", config }
for i = 1, macroLength
macros[#macros + 1] = {'Save/' .. i, '', -> ScrollHandler\savePos i}
for i = 1, macroLength
macros[#macros + 1] = {'Load/' .. i, '', -> ScrollHandler\loadPos i}
DependencyControl\registerMacros macros | 28.076923 | 119 | 0.715068 |
a680eaa700434f91c958b8f816707bcd6d87c6f6 | 3,978 | -- assorted utilities for moonc command line tool
lfs = require "lfs"
import split from require "moonscript.util"
local *
dirsep = package.config\sub 1,1
dirsep_chars = if dirsep == "\\"
"\\/" -- windows
-- similar to mkdir -p
mkdir = (path) ->
chunks = split path, dirsep
local accum
for dir in *chunks
accum = accum and "#{accum}#{dirsep}#{dir}" or dir
lfs.mkdir accum
lfs.attributes path, "mode"
-- strips excess / and ensures path ends with /
normalize_dir = (path) ->
path\match("^(.-)[#{dirsep_chars}]*$") .. dirsep
-- parse the directory out of a path
parse_dir = (path) ->
(path\match "^(.-)[^#{dirsep_chars}]*$")
-- parse the filename out of a path
parse_file = (path) ->
(path\match "^.-([^#{dirsep_chars}]*)$")
-- converts .moon to a .lua path for calcuating compile target
convert_path = (path) ->
new_path = path\gsub "%.moon$", ".lua"
if new_path == path
new_path = path .. ".lua"
format_time = (time) ->
"%.3fms"\format time*1000
gettime = do
local socket
if socket == nil
pcall ->
socket = require "socket"
unless socket
socket = false
if socket
nil, "LuaSocket needed for benchmark"
-- compiles file to lua, returns lua code
-- returns nil, error on error
-- returns true if some option handled the output instead
compile_file_text = (text, opts={}) ->
parse = require "moonscript.parse"
compile = require "moonscript.compile"
parse_time = if opts.benchmark
assert gettime!
tree, err = parse.string text
return nil, err unless tree
if parse_time
parse_time = gettime! - parse_time
if opts.show_parse_tree
dump = require "moonscript.dump"
dump.tree tree
return true
compile_time = if opts.benchmark
code, posmap_or_err, err_pos = compile.tree tree
unless code
return nil, compile.format_error posmap_or_err, err_pos, text
if compile_time
compile_time = gettime() - compile_time
if opts.show_posmap
import debug_posmap from require "moonscript.util"
print "Pos", "Lua", ">>", "Moon"
print debug_posmap posmap_or_err, text, code
return true
if opts.benchmark
print table.concat {
opts.fname or "stdin",
"Parse time \t" .. format_time(parse_time),
"Compile time\t" .. format_time(compile_time),
}, "\n"
return nil
write_file = (fname, code) ->
mkdir parse_dir fname
f, err = io.open fname, "w"
unless f
return nil, err
assert f\write code
assert f\write "\n"
compile_and_write = (src, dest, opts={}) ->
f = io.open src
unless f
return nil, "Can't find file"
text = assert f\read("*a")
code, err = compile_file_text text, opts
if not code
return nil, err
if code == true
return true
if opts.print
print code
return true
write_file dest, code
is_abs_path = (path) ->
first = path\sub 1, 1
if dirsep == "\\"
first == "/" or first == "\\" or path\sub(2,1) == ":"
first == dirsep
-- calcuate where a path should be compiled to
-- target_dir: the directory to place the file (optional, from -t flag)
-- base_dir: the directory where the file came from when globbing recursively
path_to_target = (path, target_dir=nil, base_dir=nil) ->
target = convert_path path
if target_dir
target_dir = normalize_dir target_dir
if base_dir and target_dir
-- one directory back
head = base_dir\match("^(.-)[^#{dirsep_chars}]*[#{dirsep_chars}]?$")
if head
start, stop = target\find head, 1, true
if start == 1
target = target\sub(stop + 1)
if target_dir
if is_abs_path target
target = parse_file target
target = target_dir .. target
| 20.611399 | 77 | 0.649321 |
ad0caf29c6bc5645a7856b36b5989733ed504cff | 5,190 | -- generates lua file containing all the translations
compile = require "moonscript.compile"
lfs = require "lfs"
DIR = "locales/"
import types from require "tableshape"
argparse = require "argparse"
parser = argparse "build_translations.moon", "Build all translations into single file"
parser\option "--source-locale", "Which locale is the default", SOURCE_LOCALE
parser\option "--dir", "Directory to load translation files from", DIR, (str) -> if str\match "/$" then str else "#{str}/"
parser\option "--format", "Output format (lua, json, json_raw)", "lua", types.one_of({"lua", "json", "json_raw"})\transform
parser\flag "--nested", "Nest keys", false
args = parser\parse [v for _, v in ipairs arg]
json = require "cjson"
output = { }
flatten_nested = (t, prefix="", out={}) ->
for k,v in pairs t
if type(v) == "table"
flatten_nested v, "#{prefix}#{k}.", out
out["#{prefix}#{k}"] = v
empty_object = types.equivalent {}
merge_tables = (target, to_merge) ->
assert type(target) == "table", "target for merge is not table"
assert type(to_merge) == "table", "table to merge is not table"
for k, v in pairs to_merge
if target[k]
if type(target[k]) == "string"
error "can't merge into string: #{k}"
merge_tables target[k], v
target[k] = v
visit_directory = (dir) ->
for file in assert lfs.dir dir
continue if file\match "^%.+$"
path = "#{dir}#{file}"
switch lfs.attributes path, "mode"
when "directory"
visit_directory "#{path}/"
when "file"
name = file\match "^([%w_]+).json$"
continue unless name
handle = assert io.open path
contents = assert handle\read "*a"
object = json.decode contents
if empty_object object
unless args.nested
object = flatten_nested object
if output[name]
merge_tables output[name], object
output[name] = object
visit_directory args.dir
-- summarize completion
if args.format == "lua"
-- remove any plural suffixes
normalize_key = (key) -> (key\gsub("_%d+$", "")\gsub("_plural$", ""))
source_translations = assert output[args.source_locale], "missing source locale: #{args.source_locale}"
source_keys = {normalize_key(key), true for key in pairs source_translations}
source_keys = [key for key in pairs source_keys]
for locale, translations in pairs output
found = 0
translated_keys = {normalize_key(key), true for key in pairs output when type(key) == "string"}
for key in *source_keys
if translations[key]
found += 1
table.insert translations, {
completion_ratio: found / #source_keys
import parse_tags, chunk_to_syntax from require "helpers.compiler"
import types from require "tableshape"
simple_string = types.shape { types.string }
string_to_syntax = (str) ->
chunks = parse_tags\match str
unless chunks
error "failed to parse string: #{str}"
if simple_string chunks
return nil
lines = [chunk_to_syntax chunk for chunk in *chunks]
{"fndef", {{"text_fn"}, {"variables"}}, {}, "slim", lines}
encode_value = (v) ->
switch type(v)
when "number"
{"number", v}
when "table"
keys = [k for k in pairs v]
table.sort keys, (a, b) ->
if type(a) != type(b)
if type(a) == "number"
return true
if type(b) == "number"
return false
return a < b
{"table", for k in *keys
if type(k) == "number"
encode_value v[k]
k = tostring k
if k\match "%."
{"string", '"', k}
{"key_literal", k}
encode_value v[k]
str = tostring v
if fn = string_to_syntax str
return fn
delim = if str\match '"'
if str\match "'"
{"string", delim, v}
switch args.format
when "json_raw"
print json.encode output
when "json"
local convert_syntax
convert_syntax = types.one_of {
types.equivalent({""}) / nil
types.shape({ types.string }) / (t) -> t[1]
types.array_of types.one_of {
variable: types.string
}, open: true) / (v) -> {"v", v.variable}
tag: types.string
contents: types.nil + types.proxy -> convert_syntax
}, open: true) / (v) -> {"t", v.tag, v.contents}
import parse_tags from require "helpers.compiler"
local strings_level
strings_level = types.map_of types.string, types.one_of {
types.string / parse_tags\match * convert_syntax
if args.nested
types.proxy -> strings_level
document = types.map_of types.string, strings_level
print json.encode assert document\transform output
when "lua"
print (compile.tree {
{"return", encode_value output}
error "unknown format: #{args.format}"
| 25.441176 | 123 | 0.594605 |
9289c0e087e0ce07e30f382548f76ea7648ae881 | 920 | ffi = require "ffi"
requireffi = require "requireffi.requireffi"
ffi.cdef [[
BM, loadedLibraryPath = requireffi "BM.BadMutex.BadMutex"
BMVersion = 0x000100
libVer = BM.version!
if libVer < BMVersion or math.floor(libVer/65536%256) > math.floor(BMVersion/65536%256)
error "Library version mismatch. Wanted #{BMVersion}, got #{libVer}."
local BadMutex
BadMutex = {
lock: ->
tryLock: ->
return BM.try_lock!
unlock: ->
version: 0x000103
__depCtrlInit: ( DependencyControl ) ->
BadMutex.version = DependencyControl {
name: "BadMutex",
version: BadMutex.version,
description: "A global mutex.",
author: "torque",
url: "https://github.com/TypesettingTools/ffi-experiments",
moduleName: "BM.BadMutex",
feed: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TypesettingTools/ffi-experiments/master/DependencyControl.json",
return BadMutex
| 23.589744 | 108 | 0.727174 |
9c1e5912ae944a4172a3dc5dd4acdede89f46772 | 450 | -- Copyright 2014-2015 The Howl Developers
-- License: MIT (see LICENSE.md at the top-level directory of the distribution)
require 'ljglibs.gio.input_stream'
ffi = require 'ffi'
core = require 'ljglibs.core'
{:ref_ptr} = require 'ljglibs.gobject'
C = ffi.C
core.define 'GUnixInputStream < GInputStream', {
properties: {
fd: 'gint'
close_fd: 'gboolean'
}, (t, fd, close_fd = true) ->
ref_ptr C.g_unix_input_stream_new fd, close_fd
| 23.684211 | 79 | 0.706667 |
4dd5e8eaebd2cda78152b6a3c5b4d04b9b6c1c93 | 306 | import Widget from require "lapis.html"
class Estate extends Widget
content: =>
dl class: "details", ->
dt "build"
dd @e.build
dt "comment"
dd @e.comment
dl class: "address", ->
dt "street"
dd @a.street
dt "city"
dd @a.zipcode .. " " .. @a.city
| 18 | 39 | 0.53268 |
f10da7bc91f16765c605fb5c38de1648acb93721 | 139 | if ngx
require "lapis.nginx.http"
elseif pcall require, "http.compat.socket"
require "http.compat.socket"
require "socket.http"
| 19.857143 | 42 | 0.748201 |
64b5430ca636d2c866b7da5bf2161bcdd6e0fe2b | 17,796 | -- Copyright 2012-2015 The Howl Developers
-- License: MIT (see LICENSE.md at the top-level directory of the distribution)
import app, activities, breadcrumbs, Buffer, command, config, bindings, bundle, interact, signal, mode, Project from howl
import ActionBuffer, ProcessBuffer, BufferPopup, StyledText from howl.ui
import Process from howl.io
serpent = require 'serpent'
get_project_root = ->
buffer = app.editor and app.editor.buffer
file = buffer.file or buffer.directory
error "No file associated with the current view" unless file
project = Project.get_for_file file
error "No project associated with #{file}" unless project
return project.root
belongs_to_project = (buffer, project_root) ->
file = buffer.file or buffer.directory
return false unless file
project = Project.for_file file
return false unless project
return project.root == project_root
name: 'quit',
description: 'Quit the application'
handler: -> howl.app\quit!
command.alias 'quit', 'q'
name: 'save-and-quit',
description: 'Save modified buffers and quit the application'
handler: ->
with howl.app
\quit! if \save_all!
command.alias 'save-and-quit', 'wq'
name: 'quit-without-save',
description: 'Quit the application, disregarding any modified buffers'
handler: -> howl.app\quit true
command.alias 'quit-without-save', 'q!'
name: 'run'
description: 'Run a command'
handler: command.run
name: 'new-buffer',
description: 'Opens a new buffer'
handler: ->
app.editor.buffer = howl.app\new_buffer!
name: 'switch-buffer',
description: 'Switch to another buffer'
input: interact.select_buffer
handler: (buf) ->
app.editor.buffer = buf
name: 'project-switch-buffer',
description: 'Switch to another buffer in current project'
input: ->
project_root = get_project_root!
return unless project_root
get_buffers: -> [buf for buf in *app.buffers when belongs_to_project buf, project_root]
title: "Buffers under #{project_root}"
handler: (buf) ->
app.editor.buffer = buf
name: 'buffer-reload',
description: 'Reload the current buffer from file'
handler: ->
buffer = app.editor.buffer
if buffer.modified
unless interact.yes_or_no prompt: 'Buffer is modified, reload anyway? '
log.info "Not reloading; buffer is untouched"
buffer\reload true
log.info "Buffer reloaded from file"
name: 'switch-to-last-hidden-buffer',
description: 'Switch to the last active hidden buffer'
handler: ->
for buffer in *howl.app.buffers
if not buffer.showing
app.editor.buffer = buffer
_G.log.error 'No hidden buffer found'
name: 'set',
description: 'Set a configuration variable'
input: interact.get_variable_assignment
handler: (variable_assignment) ->
target = variable_assignment.target
target[variable_assignment.var] = variable_assignment.value
_G.log.info ('"%s" is now set to "%s" for %s')\format variable_assignment.var, variable_assignment.value, variable_assignment.scope_name
name: 'describe-key',
description: 'Show information for a key'
handler: ->
buffer = ActionBuffer!
buffer.title = 'Key watcher'
buffer\append 'Press any key to show information for it (press escape to quit)..\n\n', 'string'
editor = howl.app\add_buffer buffer
bindings.capture (event, source, translations) ->
buffer.lines\delete 3, #buffer.lines
buffer\append 'Key translations (usable from bindings):\n', 'comment'
buffer\append serpent.block translations, comment: false
buffer\append '\n\nKey event:\n', 'comment'
buffer\append serpent.block event, comment: false
bound_commands = {}
for t in *translations
cmd = bindings.action_for t
cmd = '<function>' if typeof(cmd) == 'function'
bound_commands[t] = cmd
buffer\append '\n\nBound command:\n', 'comment'
buffer\append serpent.block bound_commands, comment: false
if event.key_name == 'escape'
buffer.lines[1] = '(Snooping done, close this buffer at your leisure)'
buffer\style 1, #buffer, 'comment'
buffer.modified = false
return false
name: 'describe-signal',
description: 'Describe a given signal'
input: interact.select_signal
handler: (signal_name) ->
def = signal.all[signal_name]
error "Unknown signal '#{signal_name}'" unless def
buffer = with ActionBuffer!
.title = "Signal: #{signal_name}"
\append "#{def.description}\n\n"
\append "Parameters:"
params = def.parameters
if not params
buffer\append "None"
buffer\append '\n\n'
buffer\append StyledText.for_table [ { name, desc } for name, desc in pairs params ], {
{ header: 'Name', style: 'string'},
{ header: 'Description', style: 'comment' }
buffer.read_only = true
buffer.modified = false
howl.app\add_buffer buffer
name: 'bundle-unload'
description: 'Unload a specified bundle'
input: interact.select_loaded_bundle
handler: (name) ->
log.info "Unloading bundle '#{name}'.."
bundle.unload name
log.info "Unloaded bundle '#{name}'"
name: 'bundle-load'
description: 'Load a specified, currently unloaded, bundle'
input: interact.select_unloaded_bundle
handler: (name) ->
log.info "Loading bundle '#{name}'.."
bundle.load_by_name name
log.info "Loaded bundle '#{name}'"
name: 'bundle-reload'
description: 'Reload a specified bundle'
input: interact.select_loaded_bundle
handler: (name) ->
log.info "Reloading bundle '#{name}'.."
bundle.unload name if _G.bundles[name]
bundle.load_by_name name
log.info "Reloaded bundle '#{name}'"
name: 'bundle-reload-current'
description: 'Reload the last active bundle (with files open)'
handler: ->
for buffer in *app.buffers
bundle_name = buffer.file and bundle.from_file(buffer.file) or nil
if bundle_name
command.bundle_reload bundle_name
log.warn 'Could not find any currently active bundle to reload'
name: 'buffer-grep'
description: 'Show buffer lines containing boundary and exact matches in real time'
input: ->
command_line = app.window.command_line
binding_for: ['buffer-grep']: -> command_line\switch_to 'buffer-grep-regex'
key_for: 'buffer-grep'
action: 'Switch to regular expression search'
buffer = app.editor.buffer
return interact.select_line
title: "Buffer grep in #{buffer.title}"
editor: app.editor
lines: buffer.lines
handler: (selection) ->
app.editor.cursor\move_to line: selection.line.nr, column: selection.column
name: 'buffer-grep-exact'
description: 'Show buffer lines containing exact matches in real time'
input: ->
command_line = app.window.command_line
binding_for: ['buffer-grep']: -> command_line\switch_to 'buffer-grep'
key_for: 'buffer-grep'
action: 'Switch to default search'
buffer = app.editor.buffer
return interact.select_line
title: "Buffer grep exact in #{buffer.title}"
editor: app.editor
lines: buffer.lines
find: (query, text) ->
start_pos, end_pos = text\ufind query, 1, true
if start_pos
return {{start_pos, end_pos - start_pos + 1}}
handler: (selection) ->
app.editor.cursor\move_to line: selection.line.nr, column: selection.column
name: 'buffer-grep-regex'
description: 'Show buffer lines containing regular expression matches in real time'
input: ->
command_line = app.window.command_line
binding_for: ['buffer-grep']: -> command_line\switch_to 'buffer-grep-exact'
key_for: 'buffer-grep'
action: 'Switch to exact search'
buffer = app.editor.buffer
return interact.select_line
title: "Buffer grep regex in #{buffer.title}"
editor: app.editor
lines: buffer.lines
find: (query, text) ->
ok, rex = pcall -> r(query)
return unless ok
start_pos, end_pos = rex\find text
if start_pos
return {{start_pos, end_pos - start_pos + 1}}
handler: (selection) ->
app.editor.cursor\move_to line: selection.line.nr, column: selection.column
name: 'buffer-structure'
description: 'Show the structure for the current buffer'
input: ->
buffer = app.editor.buffer
lines = buffer.mode\structure app.editor
cursor_lnr = app.editor.cursor.line
local selected_line
for line in *lines
if line.nr <= cursor_lnr
selected_line = line
if line.nr >= cursor_lnr
return interact.select_line
title: "Structure for #{buffer.title}"
handler: (selection) ->
app.editor.cursor\move_to line: selection.line.nr, column: selection.column
name: 'navigate-back'
description: 'Goes back to the last location recorded'
handler: ->
if breadcrumbs.previous
log.info "navigate: now at #{breadcrumbs.location} of #{#breadcrumbs.trail}"
log.info "No previous location recorded"
name: 'navigate-forward'
description: 'Goes to the next location recorced'
handler: ->
if breadcrumbs.next
log.info "navigate: now at #{breadcrumbs.location} of #{#breadcrumbs.trail}"
log.info "No next location recorded"
-- Howl eval commands
do_howl_eval = (load_f, mode_name, transform_f) ->
editor = app.editor
text = editor.selection.empty and editor.current_line.text or editor.selection.text
text = transform_f and transform_f(text) or text
f = assert load_f text
ret = { pcall f }
if ret[1]
out = ''
for i = 2, #ret
out ..= "\n#{serpent.block ret[i], comment: false}"
if editor.popup
log.info "(Eval) => #{ret[2]}"
buf = Buffer mode.by_name mode_name
buf.text = "-- Howl eval (#{mode_name}) =>#{out}"
editor\show_popup BufferPopup buf, scrollable: true
howl.clipboard.push out
log.error "(ERROR) => #{ret[2]}"
name: 'howl-lua-eval'
description: 'Eval the current line or selection as Lua'
handler: ->
do_howl_eval load, 'lua', (text) ->
unless text\match 'return%s'
text = if text\find '\n'
text\gsub "\n([^\n]+)$", "\n return %1"
"return #{text}"
name: 'howl-moon-eval'
description: 'Eval the current line or selection as Moonscript'
handler: ->
moonscript = require('moonscript')
transform = (text) ->
initial_indent = text\match '^([ \t]*)%S'
if initial_indent -- remove the initial indent from all lines if any
lines = [l\gsub("^#{initial_indent}", '') for l in text\gmatch('[^\n]+')]
text = table.concat lines, '\n'
moonscript.loadstring text
do_howl_eval transform, 'moonscript'
name: 'howl-moon-print'
description: 'Compile and show the Lua for the current buffer or selection'
handler: ->
moonscript = require('moonscript.base')
editor = app.editor
buffer = editor.buffer
title = "#{buffer.title} (compiled to Lua)"
text = buffer.text
unless editor.selection.empty
title = "#{buffer.title} (Lua - from selection)"
text = editor.selection.text
lua, err = moonscript.to_lua text
local buf
if not lua
buf = ActionBuffer!
buf\append howl.ui.markup.howl "<error>#{err}</error>"
buf = Buffer mode.by_name 'lua'
buf.text = lua
buf.title = title
buf.modified = false
if #buf.lines > 20
editor.buffer = buf
buf\insert "-- #{title}\n", 1
editor\show_popup BufferPopup buf, scrollable: true
-- Launch commands
launch_cmd = (working_directory, cmd) ->
shell = howl.sys.env.SHELL or '/bin/sh'
p = Process {
read_stdout: true,
read_stderr: true,
working_directory: working_directory,
buffer = ProcessBuffer p
editor = app\add_buffer buffer
get_project = ->
buffer = app.editor and app.editor.buffer
file = buffer.file or buffer.directory
error "No file associated with the current view" unless file
project = Project.get_for_file file
error "No project associated with #{file}" unless project
return project
name: 'project-exec',
description: 'Run an external command from within the project directory'
input: -> interact.get_external_command path: get_project!.root
handler: launch_cmd
name: 'project-build'
description: 'Run the command in config.project_build_command from within the project directory'
handler: -> launch_cmd get_project!.root, (app.editor and app.editor.buffer.config or config).project_build_command
name: 'exec',
description: 'Run an external command'
input: (path=nil) -> interact.get_external_command :path
handler: launch_cmd
name: 'save-config'
description: 'Save the current configuration'
handler: ->
log.info 'Configuration saved'
name: 'project_build_command'
description: 'The command to execute when project-build is run'
default: 'make'
type_of: 'string'
-- File search commands
name: 'file_search_hit_display'
description: 'How to display file search hits in the list'
default: 'rich'
type_of: 'string'
options: -> {
{'plain', 'Display as plain unicolor strings'},
{'highlighted', 'Highlight search terms in hits'} ,
{'rich', 'Show syntax highlighted snippets with highlighted terms'},
file_search_hit_mt = {
__tostyled: (item) ->
text = item.text
m = mode.for_file(item.match.file)
if m and m.lexer
styles = m.lexer(text)
return StyledText text, styles
__tostring: (item) -> item.text
file_search_hit_to_location = (match, search, display_as) ->
hit_display = if display_as == 'rich'
setmetatable {text: match.message, :match}, file_search_hit_mt
path = match.path\truncate(50, omission_prefix: '..')
loc = {
howl.ui.markup.howl "<comment>#{path}</>:<number>#{match.line_nr}</>"
file: match.file,
line_nr: match.line_nr,
column: match.column
search = search.ulower
s, e = match.message.ulower\ufind(search, 1, true)
unless s
s, e = match.message\ufind((r(search)))
if loc.column
loc.highlights = {
{ byte_start_column: loc.column, byte_end_column: loc.column + #search }
elseif s
loc.highlights = {
{ start_column: s, end_column: e + 1 }
if s and display_as != 'plain'
loc.item_highlights = {
{byte_start_column: s, count: e - s + 1}
name: 'project-file-search',
description: 'Searches files in the the current project'
input: (...) ->
editor = app.editor
search = nil
whole_word = false
unless app.window.command_line.showing
if editor.selection.empty
search = app.editor.current_context.word.text
whole_word = true unless search.is_empty
search = editor.selection.text
if not search or search.is_empty
search = interact.read_text!
if not search or search.is_empty
log.warn "No search query specified"
project = get_project!
file_search = howl.file_search
matches, searcher = file_search.search project.root, search, :whole_word
unless #matches > 0
log.error "No matches found for '#{search}'"
matches = file_search.sort matches, project.root, search, editor.current_context
display_as = project.config.file_search_hit_display
status = "Loaded 0 out of #{#matches} locations.."
cancel = false
locations = activities.run {
title: "Loading #{#matches} locations..",
status: -> status
cancel: -> cancel = true
}, ->
return for i = 1, #matches
if i % 1000 == 0
break if cancel
status = "Loaded #{i} out of #{#matches}.."
m = matches[i]
file_search_hit_to_location(m, search, display_as)
selected = interact.select_location
title: "#{#matches} matches for '#{search}' in #{project.root.short_path} (using #{searcher.name} searcher)"
items: locations
selected and selected.selection
handler: (loc) ->
if loc
app\open loc
| 29.959596 | 140 | 0.660879 |
91649feae5768b65e6699eb63cfd09851974433d | 24,721 | config = require "lapis.config"
config.default_config.postgres = {backend: "pgmoon"}
config.reset true
db = require "lapis.db.postgres"
import Model from require "lapis.db.postgres.model"
import stub_queries, assert_queries from require "spec.helpers"
describe "lapis.db.model.relations", ->
get_queries, mock_query = stub_queries!
with old = assert_queries
assert_queries = (expected) ->
old expected, get_queries!
local models
before_each ->
models = {}
package.loaded.models = models
it "should make belongs_to getter", ->
mock_query "SELECT", { { id: 101 } }
models.Users = class extends Model
@primary_key: "id"
models.CoolUsers = class extends Model
@primary_key: "user_id"
class Posts extends Model
@relations: {
{"user", belongs_to: "Users"}
{"cool_user", belongs_to: "CoolUsers", key: "owner_id"}
post = Posts!
post.user_id = 123
post.owner_id = 99
assert post\get_user!
assert post\get_user!
assert_queries {
'SELECT * from "users" where "id" = 123 limit 1'
'SELECT * from "cool_users" where "user_id" = 99 limit 1'
it "should make belongs_to getter with inheritance", ->
mock_query "SELECT", { { id: 101 } }
models.Users = class extends Model
@primary_key: "id"
class Posts extends Model
@relations: {
{"user", belongs_to: "Users"}
get_user: =>
with user = super!
user.color = "green"
post = Posts!
post.user_id = 123
assert.same {
id: 101
color: "green"
}, post\get_user!
it "caches nil result from belongs_to_fetch", ->
mock_query "SELECT", {}
models.Users = class extends Model
@primary_key: "id"
class Posts extends Model
@relations: {
{"user", belongs_to: "Users"}
post = Posts!
post.user_id = 123
assert.same nil, post\get_user!
assert.same nil, post\get_user!
assert.same 1, #get_queries!
it "should make fetch getter", ->
called = 0
class Posts extends Model
@relations: {
{ "thing", fetch: =>
called += 1
post = Posts!
post.user_id = 123
assert.same "yes", post\get_thing!
assert.same "yes", post\get_thing!
assert.same 1, called
assert_queries {}
it "should make a fetch with preload", ->
called = 0
class Posts extends Model
@relations: {
{ "thing"
fetch: => "yes"
preload: (objects, opts) ->
for object in *objects
continue if object.skip_me
object.thing = called
called += 1
one = Posts!
two = Posts!
two.skip_me = true
three = Posts!
four = Posts!
Posts\preload_relations {one, two, three}, "thing"
assert.same 0, one\get_thing!
assert.same nil, two\get_thing!
assert.same 1, three\get_thing!
assert.same "yes", four\get_thing!
import LOADED_KEY from require "lapis.db.model.relations"
for item in *{one, two, three}
assert.true item[LOADED_KEY].thing
assert.true four[LOADED_KEY].thing
it "should make belongs_to getters for extend syntax", ->
mock_query "SELECT", { { id: 101 } }
models.Users = class extends Model
@primary_key: "id"
m = Model\extend "the_things", {
relations: {
{"user", belongs_to: "Users"}
obj = m!
obj.user_id = 101
assert obj\get_user! == obj\get_user!
assert_queries {
'SELECT * from "users" where "id" = 101 limit 1'
it "should make has_one getter", ->
mock_query "SELECT", { { id: 101 } }
models.Users = class Users extends Model
@relations: {
{"user_profile", has_one: "UserProfiles"}
models.UserProfiles = class UserProfiles extends Model
user = Users!
user.id = 123
assert_queries {
'SELECT * from "user_profiles" where "user_id" = 123 limit 1'
it "should make has_one getter with custom key", ->
mock_query "SELECT", { { id: 101 } }
models.UserData = class extends Model
models.Users = class Users extends Model
@relations: {
{"data", has_one: "UserData", key: "owner_id"}
user = Users!
user.id = 123
assert user\get_data!
assert_queries {
'SELECT * from "user_data" where "owner_id" = 123 limit 1'
it "makes has_one getter with composite key", ->
mock_query "SELECT", { { id: 101 } }
models.UserPageData = class extends Model
models.UserPage = class extends Model
@relations: {
{"data", has_one: "UserPageData", key: {
"user_id", "page_id"
up = models.UserPage!
up.user_id = 99
up.page_id = 234
assert up\get_data!
up2 = models.UserPage!
up2.user_id = nil
up2.page_id = 'hello'
assert up2\get_data!
assert_queries {
'SELECT * from "user_page_data" where "user_id" = 99 AND "page_id" = 234 limit 1'
'SELECT * from "user_page_data" where "page_id" = 234 AND "user_id" = 99 limit 1'
[[SELECT * from "user_page_data" where "user_id" IS NULL AND "page_id" = 'hello' limit 1]]
[[SELECT * from "user_page_data" where "page_id" = 'hello' AND "user_id" IS NULL limit 1]]
it "should make has_one getter key and local key", ->
mock_query "SELECT", { { id: 101, thing_email: "leafo@leafo" } }
models.Things = class extends Model
models.Users = class Users extends Model
@relations: {
{"data", has_one: "Things", local_key: "email", key: "thing_email"}
user = Users!
user.id = 123
user.email = "leafo@leafo"
assert user\get_data!
assert_queries {
[[SELECT * from "things" where "thing_email" = 'leafo@leafo' limit 1]]
it "should make has_one getter with where clause", ->
mock_query "SELECT", { { id: 101 } }
models.UserData = class extends Model
models.Users = class Users extends Model
@relations: {
{"data", has_one: "UserData", key: "owner_id", where: { state: "good"} }
user = Users!
user.id = 123
assert user\get_data!
assert_queries {
[[SELECT * from "user_data" where "owner_id" = 123 AND "state" = 'good' limit 1]]
[[SELECT * from "user_data" where "state" = 'good' AND "owner_id" = 123 limit 1]]
it "makes has_one getter with composite key with custom local names", ->
mock_query "SELECT", { { id: 101 } }
models.UserPageData = class extends Model
models.UserPage = class extends Model
@relations: {
{"data", has_one: "UserPageData", key: {
user_id: "alpha_id"
page_id: "beta_id"
up = models.UserPage!
up.alpha_id = 99
up.beta_id = 234
assert up\get_data!
assert_queries {
'SELECT * from "user_page_data" where "user_id" = 99 AND "page_id" = 234 limit 1'
'SELECT * from "user_page_data" where "page_id" = 234 AND "user_id" = 99 limit 1'
it "should make has_many paginated getter", ->
mock_query "SELECT", { { id: 101 } }
models.Posts = class extends Model
models.Users = class extends Model
@relations: {
{"posts", has_many: "Posts"}
{"more_posts", has_many: "Posts", where: {color: "blue"}}
user = models.Users!
user.id = 1234
user\get_posts_paginated!\get_page 1
user\get_posts_paginated!\get_page 2
user\get_more_posts_paginated!\get_page 2
user\get_posts_paginated(per_page: 44)\get_page 3
assert_queries {
'SELECT * from "posts" where "user_id" = 1234 LIMIT 10 OFFSET 0'
'SELECT * from "posts" where "user_id" = 1234 LIMIT 10 OFFSET 10'
[[SELECT * from "posts" where "user_id" = 1234 AND "color" = 'blue' LIMIT 10 OFFSET 10]]
[[SELECT * from "posts" where "color" = 'blue' AND "user_id" = 1234 LIMIT 10 OFFSET 10]]
'SELECT * from "posts" where "user_id" = 1234 LIMIT 44 OFFSET 88'
it "should make has_many getter", ->
models.Posts = class extends Model
models.Users = class extends Model
@relations: {
{"posts", has_many: "Posts"}
{"more_posts", has_many: "Posts", where: {color: "blue"}}
{"fresh_posts", has_many: "Posts", order: "id desc"}
user = models.Users!
user.id = 1234
assert_queries {
'SELECT * from "posts" where "user_id" = 1234'
[[SELECT * from "posts" where "user_id" = 1234 AND "color" = 'blue']]
[[SELECT * from "posts" where "color" = 'blue' AND "user_id" = 1234]]
'SELECT * from "posts" where "user_id" = 1234 order by id desc'
it "should make has_many getter with composite key", ->
mock_query "SELECT", {
{ id: 101, user_id: 99, page_id: 234 }
{ id: 102, user_id: 99, page_id: 234 }
models.UserPageData = class extends Model
models.UserPage = class extends Model
@relations: {
{"data", has_many: "UserPageData", key: {
"user_id", "page_id"
up = models.UserPage!
up.user_id = 99
up.page_id = 234
assert.same {
{ id: 101, user_id: 99, page_id: 234 }
{ id: 102, user_id: 99, page_id: 234 }
}, up\get_data!
up2 = models.UserPage!
up2.user_id = 99
up2.page_id = nil
assert up2\get_data!
assert_queries {
'SELECT * from "user_page_data" where "user_id" = 99 AND "page_id" = 234'
'SELECT * from "user_page_data" where "page_id" = 234 AND "user_id" = 99'
'SELECT * from "user_page_data" where "user_id" = 99 AND "page_id" IS NULL'
'SELECT * from "user_page_data" where "page_id" IS NULL AND "user_id" = 99'
it "should create relations for inheritance", ->
class Base extends Model
@relations: {
{"user", belongs_to: "Users"}
class Child extends Base
@relations: {
{"category", belongs_to: "Categories"}
assert Child.get_user, "expecting get_user"
assert Child.get_category, "expecting get_category"
assert.same nil, rawget Child, "get_user"
describe "polymorphic belongs to", ->
local Foos, Bars, Bazs, Items
before_each ->
models.Foos = class Foos extends Model
models.Bars = class Bars extends Model
models.Bazs = class Bazs extends Model
Items = class Items extends Model
@relations: {
{"object", polymorphic_belongs_to: {
[1]: {"foo", "Foos"}
[2]: {"bar", "Bars"}
[3]: {"baz", "Bazs"}
it "should model_for_object_type", ->
assert Foos == Items\model_for_object_type 1
assert Foos == Items\model_for_object_type "foo"
assert Bars == Items\model_for_object_type 2
assert Bars == Items\model_for_object_type "bar"
assert Bazs == Items\model_for_object_type 3
assert Bazs == Items\model_for_object_type "baz"
assert.has_error ->
Items\model_for_object_type 4
assert.has_error ->
Items\model_for_object_type "bun"
it "should object_type_for_model", ->
assert.same 1, Items\object_type_for_model Foos
assert.same 2, Items\object_type_for_model Bars
assert.same 3, Items\object_type_for_model Bazs
assert.has_error ->
Items\object_type_for_model Items
it "should object_type_for_object", ->
assert.same 1, Items\object_type_for_object Foos!
assert.same 2, Items\object_type_for_object Bars!
assert.same 3, Items\object_type_for_object Bazs
assert.has_error ->
Items\object_type_for_model {}
it "should call getter", ->
mock_query "SELECT", { { id: 101 } }
for i, {type_id, cls} in ipairs {{1, Foos}, {2, Bars}, {3, Bazs}}
item = Items\load {
object_type: type_id
object_id: i * 33
obj = item\get_object!
obj.__class == cls
obj2 = item\get_object!
assert.same obj, obj2
assert_queries {
'SELECT * from "foos" where "id" = 33 limit 1'
'SELECT * from "bars" where "id" = 66 limit 1'
'SELECT * from "bazs" where "id" = 99 limit 1'
it "should call preload with empty", ->
Items\preload_objects {}
assert_queries {
it "should call preload", ->
k = 0
n = ->
k += 1
items = {
Items\load {
object_type: 1
object_id: n!
Items\load {
object_type: 2
object_id: n!
Items\load {
object_type: 1
object_id: n!
Items\load {
object_type: 1
object_id: n!
Items\preload_objects items
assert_queries {
'SELECT * from "foos" where "id" in (1, 3, 4)'
'SELECT * from "bars" where "id" in (2)'
it "preloads with fields", ->
items = {
Items\load {
object_type: 1
object_id: 111
Items\load {
object_type: 2
object_id: 112
Items\load {
object_type: 3
object_id: 113
Items\preload_objects items, fields: {
bar: "a, b"
baz: "c, d"
assert_queries {
'SELECT * from "foos" where "id" in (111)'
'SELECT a, b from "bars" where "id" in (112)'
'SELECT c, d from "bazs" where "id" in (113)'
it "finds relation", ->
import find_relation from require "lapis.db.model.relations"
class Posts extends Model
@relations: {
{"user", belongs_to: "Users"}
{"cool_user", belongs_to: "CoolUsers", key: "owner_id"}
class BetterPosts extends Posts
@relations: {
{"tags", has_many: "Tags"}
assert.same {"user", belongs_to: "Users"}, (find_relation Posts, "user")
assert.same nil, (find_relation Posts, "not there")
assert.same {"cool_user", belongs_to: "CoolUsers", key: "owner_id"},
(find_relation BetterPosts, "cool_user")
describe "clear_loaded_relation", ->
it "clears loaded relation cached with value", ->
mock_query "SELECT", {
{id: 777, name: "hello"}
models.Users = class Users extends Model
class Posts extends Model
@relations: {
{"user", belongs_to: "Users"}
post = Posts\load {
id: 1
user_id: 1
assert.same 1, #get_queries!
assert.not.nil post.user
post\clear_loaded_relation "user"
assert.nil post.user
assert.same 2, #get_queries!
it "clears loaded relation cached with nil", ->
mock_query "SELECT", {}
models.Users = class Users extends Model
class Posts extends Model
@relations: {
{"user", belongs_to: "Users"}
post = Posts\load {
id: 1
user_id: 1
assert.same 1, #get_queries!
post\clear_loaded_relation "user"
assert.same 2, #get_queries!
describe "preload_relations", ->
it "preloads relations that return empty", ->
mock_query "SELECT", {}
models.Dates = class Dates extends Model
models.Users = class Users extends Model
models.Tags = class Tags extends Model
class Posts extends Model
@relations: {
{"user", belongs_to: "Users"}
{"date", has_one: "Dates"}
{"tags", has_many: "Tags"}
post = Posts\load {
id: 888
user_id: 234
Posts\preload_relations {post}, "user", "date", "tags"
assert_queries {
[[SELECT * from "users" where "id" in (234)]]
[[SELECT * from "dates" where "post_id" in (888)]]
[[SELECT * from "tags" where "post_id" in (888)]]
import LOADED_KEY from require "lapis.db.model.relations"
assert.same {
user: true
date: true
tags: true
}, post[LOADED_KEY]
before_count = #get_queries!
assert.same, before_count, #get_queries!
it "preloads has_many with order and fields", ->
models.Tags = class Tags extends Model
class Posts extends Model
@relations: {
{"tags", has_many: "Tags", order: "a desc"}
Posts\preload_relation {Posts\load id: 123}, "tags", {
fields: "a,b"
order: "b asc"
assert_queries {
[[SELECT a,b from "tags" where "post_id" in (123) order by b asc]]
it "preloads has_many with composite key", ->
mock_query "SELECT", {
{ id: 101, user_id: 99, page_id: 234 }
{ id: 102, user_id: 99, page_id: 234 }
{ id: 103, user_id: 100, page_id: 234 }
models.UserPageData = class extends Model
models.UserPage = class UserPage extends Model
@relations: {
{"data", has_many: "UserPageData", key: {
"user_id", "page_id"
user_pages = {
UserPage\load {
user_id: 99
page_id: 234
UserPage\load {
user_id: 100
page_id: 234
UserPage\load {
user_id: 100
page_id: 300
UserPage\preload_relation user_pages, "data"
assert_queries {
'SELECT * from "user_page_data" where ("user_id", "page_id") in ((99, 234), (100, 234), (100, 300))'
import LOADED_KEY from require "lapis.db.model.relations"
for user_page in *user_pages
assert.true user_page[LOADED_KEY].data
assert.same {
{ id: 101, user_id: 99, page_id: 234 }
{ id: 102, user_id: 99, page_id: 234 }
}, user_pages[1].data
assert.same {
{ id: 103, user_id: 100, page_id: 234 }
}, user_pages[2].data
assert.same {}, user_pages[3].data
it "preloads has_one with key and local_key", ->
mock_query "SELECT", {
{ id: 99, thing_email: "notleafo@leafo" }
{ id: 101, thing_email: "leafo@leafo" }
models.Things = class extends Model
models.Users = class Users extends Model
@relations: {
{"thing", has_one: "Things", local_key: "email", key: "thing_email"}
user = Users!
user.id = 123
user.email = "leafo@leafo"
Users\preload_relations {user}, "thing"
assert_queries {
[[SELECT * from "things" where "thing_email" in ('leafo@leafo')]]
assert.same {
id: 101
thing_email: "leafo@leafo"
}, user.thing
it "preloads has_one with where", ->
mock_query "SELECT", {
{ thing_id: 123, name: "whaz" }
models.Files = class Files extends Model
class Things extends Model
@relations: {
has_one: "Files"
where: { deleted: false }
thing = Things\load { id: 123 }
Things\preload_relations { thing }, "beta_file"
assert.same {
thing_id: 123
name: "whaz"
}, thing.beta_file
assert_queries {
[[SELECT * from "files" where "thing_id" in (123) and "deleted" = FALSE]]
it "preloads has_one with composite key", ->
import LOADED_KEY from require "lapis.db.model.relations"
mock_query "SELECT", {
{id: 1, user_id: 11, page_id: 101}
models.UserPageData = class extends Model
models.UserPage = class UserPage extends Model
@relations: {
{"data", has_one: "UserPageData", key: {
"user_id", "page_id"
user_pages = {
UserPage\load {
user_id: 10
page_id: 100
UserPage\load {
user_id: 11
page_id: 101
UserPage\preload_relation user_pages, "data"
assert_queries {
[[SELECT * from "user_page_data" where ("user_id", "page_id") in ((10, 100), (11, 101))]]
assert.same {
user_id: 10
page_id: 100
[LOADED_KEY]: { data: true }
user_id: 11
page_id: 101
data: {
id: 1, user_id: 11, page_id: 101
[LOADED_KEY]: { data: true }
}, user_pages
it "preloads has_many with order and name", ->
mock_query "SELECT", {
{ primary_thing_id: 123, name: "whaz" }
models.Tags = class Tags extends Model
class Things extends Model
@relations: {
has_many: "Tags"
order: "name asc"
where: { deleted: false }
key: "primary_thing_id"
thing = Things\load { id: 123 }
Things\preload_relations {thing}, "cool_tags"
assert.same {
{ primary_thing_id: 123, name: "whaz" }
}, thing.cool_tags
assert_queries {
[[SELECT * from "tags" where "primary_thing_id" in (123) and "deleted" = FALSE order by name asc]]
it "preloads belongs_to with correct name", ->
mock_query "SELECT", {
{ id: 1, name: "last" }
{ id: 2, name: "first" }
{ id: 3, name: "default" }
models.Topics = class Topics extends Model
class Categories extends Model
@relations: {
{"last_topic", belongs_to: "Topics"}
{"first_topic", belongs_to: "Topics"}
{"topic", belongs_to: "Topics"}
cat = Categories\load {
id: 1243
last_topic_id: 1
first_topic_id: 2
topic_id: 3
Categories\preload_relations {cat}, "last_topic", "first_topic", "topic"
assert.same 3, #get_queries!
assert.same {
id: 1
name: "last"
}, cat\get_last_topic!, cat.last_topic
assert.same {
id: 2
name: "first"
}, cat\get_first_topic!, cat.first_topic
assert.same {
id: 3
name: "default"
}, cat\get_topic!, cat.topic
assert.same 3, #get_queries!
it "preloads has_one with correct name", ->
mock_query "SELECT", {
{user_id: 1, name: "cool dude"}
models.UserData = class UserData extends Model
class Users extends Model
@relations: {
{"data", has_one: "UserData"}
user = Users\load id: 1
Users\preload_relations {user}, "data"
assert.same {user_id: 1, name: "cool dude"}, user.data, user\get_data!
it "finds inherited preloaders", ->
models.Users = class Users extends Model
class SimplePosts extends Model
@relations: {
{"user", belongs_to: "Users"}
class JointPosts extends SimplePosts
@relations: {
{"second_user", belongs_to: "Users"}
p = JointPosts\load {
id: 999
user_id: 1
second_user_id: 2
JointPosts\preload_relations {p}, "user", "second_user"
describe "has_one", ->
it "preloads when using custom keys", ->
mock_query "SELECT", {
{user_id: 100, name: "first"}
{user_id: 101, name: "second"}
models.UserItems = class UserItems extends Model
@primary_key: "user_id"
@relations: {
{"application", has_one: "ItemApplications", key: "user_id"}
new: (user_id) =>
@user_id = assert user_id, "missing user id"
models.ItemApplications = class ItemApplications extends Model
id = 1
new: (user_id) =>
@user_id = assert user_id, "missing user id"
@id = id
id += 1
ui = UserItems 100
a = assert ui\get_application!, "expected to get relation"
assert.same 100, a.user_id
ui2 = UserItems 101
UserItems\preload_relations {ui2}, "application"
a = assert ui2.application, "expected to get relation"
assert.same 101, a.user_id
assert_queries {
[[SELECT * from "item_applications" where "user_id" = 100 limit 1]]
[[SELECT * from "item_applications" where "user_id" in (101)]]
| 24.476238 | 108 | 0.565875 |
07eb66d198f0b5df0eef0030e46b447258f33e35 | 4,901 | db = require "lapis.db.postgres"
import gen_index_name from require "lapis.db.base"
import escape_literal, escape_identifier, is_raw from db
import concat from table
unpack = unpack or table.unpack
append_all = (t, ...) ->
for i=1, select "#", ...
t[#t + 1] = select i, ...
extract_options = (cols) ->
options = {}
cols = for col in *cols
if type(col) == "table" and not is_raw(col)
for k,v in pairs col
options[k] = v
cols, options
entity_exists = (name) ->
name = escape_literal name
res = unpack db.select "COUNT(*) as c from pg_class where relname = #{name}"
res.c > 0
create_table = (name, columns, opts={}) ->
prefix = if opts.if_not_exists
buffer = {prefix, escape_identifier(name), " ("}
add = (...) -> append_all buffer, ...
for i, c in ipairs columns
add "\n "
if type(c) == "table"
name, kind = unpack c
add escape_identifier(name), " ", tostring kind
add c
add "," unless i == #columns
add "\n" if #columns > 0
add ")"
db.query concat buffer
create_index = (tname, ...) ->
index_name = gen_index_name tname, ...
columns, options = extract_options {...}
prefix = if options.unique
buffer = {prefix}
append_all buffer, "CONCURRENTLY " if options.concurrently
append_all buffer, "IF NOT EXISTS " if options.if_not_exists
append_all buffer, escape_identifier(index_name),
" ON ", escape_identifier tname
if options.method
append_all buffer, " USING ", options.method
append_all buffer, " ("
for i, col in ipairs columns
append_all buffer, escape_identifier col
append_all buffer, ", " unless i == #columns
append_all buffer, ")"
if options.tablespace
append_all buffer, " TABLESPACE ", escape_identifier options.tablespace
if options.where
append_all buffer, " WHERE ", options.where
if options.when
error "did you mean create_index `where`?"
db.query concat buffer
drop_index = (...) ->
index_name = gen_index_name ...
_, options = extract_options {...}
buffer = { "DROP INDEX IF EXISTS #{escape_identifier index_name}" }
if options.cascade
append_all buffer, " CASCADE"
db.query concat buffer
drop_table = (tname) ->
db.query "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #{escape_identifier tname}"
add_column = (tname, col_name, col_type) ->
tname = escape_identifier tname
col_name = escape_identifier col_name
db.query "ALTER TABLE #{tname} ADD COLUMN #{col_name} #{col_type}"
drop_column = (tname, col_name) ->
tname = escape_identifier tname
col_name = escape_identifier col_name
db.query "ALTER TABLE #{tname} DROP COLUMN #{col_name}"
rename_column = (tname, col_from, col_to) ->
tname = escape_identifier tname
col_from = escape_identifier col_from
col_to = escape_identifier col_to
db.query "ALTER TABLE #{tname} RENAME COLUMN #{col_from} TO #{col_to}"
rename_table = (tname_from, tname_to) ->
tname_from = escape_identifier tname_from
tname_to = escape_identifier tname_to
db.query "ALTER TABLE #{tname_from} RENAME TO #{tname_to}"
class ColumnType
default_options: { null: false }
new: (@base, @default_options) =>
__call: (opts) =>
out = @base
for k,v in pairs @default_options
-- don't use the types default default since it's not an array
continue if k == "default" and opts.array
opts[k] = v unless opts[k] != nil
if opts.array
for i=1,type(opts.array) == "number" and opts.array or 1
out ..= "[]"
unless opts.null
out ..= " NOT NULL"
if opts.default != nil
out ..= " DEFAULT " .. escape_literal opts.default
if opts.unique
out ..= " UNIQUE"
if opts.primary_key
out ..= " PRIMARY KEY"
__tostring: => @__call @default_options
class TimeType extends ColumnType
__tostring: ColumnType.__tostring
__call: (opts) =>
base = @base
@base = base .. " with time zone" if opts.timezone
with ColumnType.__call @, opts
@base = base
C = ColumnType
T = TimeType
types = setmetatable {
serial: C "serial"
varchar: C "character varying(255)"
text: C "text"
time: T "timestamp"
date: C "date"
enum: C "smallint", null: false
integer: C "integer", null: false, default: 0
numeric: C "numeric", null: false, default: 0
real: C "real", null: false, default: 0
double: C "double precision", null: false, default: 0
boolean: C "boolean", null: false, default: false
foreign_key: C "integer"
}, __index: (key) =>
error "Don't know column type `#{key}`"
:types, :create_table, :drop_table, :create_index, :drop_index, :add_column,
:drop_column, :rename_column, :rename_table, :entity_exists, :gen_index_name
| 25.262887 | 78 | 0.651704 |
c669fadad3f7558a20cfc1cc832390d11c259de3 | 1,296 | Entity = require('lib/entities/entity')
{ :Vector } = require('vendor/hug/lib/geo')
Shape = require('lib/geo/shape')
Animation = require('lib/display/animation')
AnimationList = require('lib/display/animation-list')
Input = require('lib/input/input')
Queue = require('vendor/hug/lib/queue')
class Player extends Entity
new: (...) =>
maxSpeed = 100
runSpeed = maxSpeed * 2
commandQueue: Queue(),
left: { 'key:left', 'key:a', 'key:h', 'axis:leftx-', 'button:dpleft' },
right: { 'key:right', 'key:d', 'key:l', 'axis:leftx+', 'button:dpright' },
up: { 'key:up', 'key:w', 'key:k', 'axis:lefty-', 'button:dpup' },
down: { 'key:down', 'key:s', 'key:j', 'axis:lefty+', 'button:dpdown' },
run: { 'key:lshift', 'key:rshift', 'button:b' },
attack: { 'key:space', 'button:a' },
use: { 'key:return', 'button:x' }
AnimationList(@, {
default: Animation({ 1, 1 }, { duration: 2 }),
NORTH: Animation({ '5-6', 1 }),
SOUTH: Animation({ '1-2', 1 }),
WEST: Animation({ '3-4', 1 }),
EAST: Animation({ '7-8', 1 }, { offset: Vector(45, 4) }),
}, {
image: 'ff4-characters.png',
shape: Shape(16, 16),
offset: Vector(46, 4),
border: 1,
duration: 0.2
| 29.454545 | 78 | 0.56713 |