1 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA UNITED STATES OF AMERICA V. Case No.: 21 -cr-78 (EGS) JOHN SULLIVAN STATUS REPORT CONCERNING CONDITIONS OF PRETRIAL RELEASE Undersigned counsel does hereby submit the following status rep ort concerning the conditions of defendant’s release: 1. Defend ant, his Utah pro bation officer, Mr. Cahoon , and undersigned counsel had a three way telephone conference on August 2, 2021. De fendant and Mr. Cahoon agreed as follows: a. Employment: Defend ant’s father/employer wil l submit to Mr. Cahoon a once a month e -mail confirming the work hours of defendant . Defend ant will also keep track of his work hours and will provide notice of his hours to Mr. Cahoon. This is bei ng done in order to provide Mr. Cahoon with verification of employment and defend ant’s work schedule. b. Home visits : Mr. Cahoon will conduct random home visits which will occur periodically every couple of months. At the visit, Mr . Cahoon will Case 1:21-cr-00078-EGS Document 40 Filed 08/03/21 Page 1 of 32 not have any disc ussion wi th defendant about the status of his pending case. c. Contact with probation office : Defendant will telephone, e -mail or have text contact with Mr. Cahoon on a weekly basis. The com municati ons will contai n substantive in formation and provide updates on employment activities. On e time every other mon th defendant will have an in -person meeting with Mr. Cahoon at his office d. Computer monitoring : When Mr. Cahoon reaches out to defendant conc erning monitoring issues, defend ant will reply in a reasonable amo unt of time to address the issues . Defend ant will initiate contact with Mr. Cahoon if he believes there are any additional issues with computer monitoring. 2. The parties ag ree to cooperate with each other going forward an d will advi se each other i f there are any conc erns or questions regarding pretrial release. Case 1:21-cr-00078-EGS Document 40 Filed 08/03/21 Page 2 of 33 Respectfully submitted, _______/s/_______________ Steven R. Kiersh #323329 5335 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W. Suite 440 Washington, D.C. 20015 (202) 347 -0200 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and accurate copy of the foregoing was served, via the Court’s electronic filing system, on this the ____ 3rd____day of August , 2021 upon counsel of record, Candice Wong, Esquire, Assistant U.S. Attorney ______ /s/____________________ Steven R. Kiersh Case 1:21-cr-00078-EGS Document 40 Filed 08/03/21 Page 3 of 3