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extends CharacterBody3D
class_name Player
const MOVE_SPEED = 12
const JUMP_FORCE = 30
const GRAVITY = 0.98
const MAX_FALL_SPEED = 30
const TURN_SENS = 2.0
@onready var cam = $Camera
var move_vec = Vector3()
var y_velo = 0
# RL related variables
@onready var ai_controller := $AIController3D
@onready var robot = $Robot
@onready var virtual_camera = $RGBCameraSensor3D
var next = 1
var just_reached_negative = false
var just_reached_positive = false
var just_fell_off = false
var best_goal_distance := 10000.0
var grounded := false
var move_action := 0.0
var turn_action := 0.0
var jump_action := false
func _ready():
func _physics_process(_delta):
move_vec = get_move_vec()
#move_vec = move_vec.normalized()
move_vec = move_vec.rotated(Vector3(0, 1, 0), rotation.y)
move_vec *= MOVE_SPEED
move_vec.y = y_velo
velocity = move_vec
# turning
var turn_vec = get_turn_vec()
rotation_degrees.y += turn_vec * TURN_SENS
grounded = is_on_floor()
y_velo -= GRAVITY
if grounded and y_velo <= 0:
y_velo = -0.1
if y_velo < -MAX_FALL_SPEED:
y_velo = -MAX_FALL_SPEED
if y_velo < 0 and !grounded:
var horizontal_speed = Vector2(move_vec.x, move_vec.z)
if horizontal_speed.length() < 0.1 and grounded:
elif horizontal_speed.length() >= 1.0 and grounded:
# elif horizontal_speed.length() >= 1.0 and grounded:
# robot.set_animation("run-cycle")
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("r_key"):
func get_move_vec() -> Vector3:
if ai_controller.done:
return Vector3.ZERO
if ai_controller.heuristic == "model":
return Vector3(0, 0, clamp(move_action, -1.0, 0.5))
return Vector3(
- Input.get_action_strength("move_forwards")
func get_turn_vec() -> float:
if ai_controller.heuristic == "model":
return turn_action
var rotation_amount = (
Input.get_action_strength("turn_left") - Input.get_action_strength("turn_right")
return rotation_amount
func reset():
next = 1
just_reached_negative = false
just_reached_positive = false
jump_action = false
set_position(Vector3(0, 1.5, 0))
rotation_degrees.y = randf_range(-180, 180)
y_velo = 0.1
func update_reward():
ai_controller.reward -= 0.01 # step penalty
func calculate_translation(other_pad_translation: Vector3) -> Vector3:
var new_translation := Vector3.ZERO
var distance = randf_range(12, 16)
var angle = randf_range(-180, 180)
new_translation.z = other_pad_translation.z + sin(deg_to_rad(angle)) * distance
new_translation.x = other_pad_translation.x + cos(deg_to_rad(angle)) * distance
return new_translation
func _on_NegativeGoal_body_entered(_body: Node) -> void:
ai_controller.reward -= 1.0
ai_controller.done = true
func _on_PositiveGoal_body_entered(_body: Node) -> void:
ai_controller.reward += 1.0
ai_controller.done = true