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Dataset Card for "stable-diffusion-prompts-stats-full-uncensored"

Not SAFE for public - Definately Unfiltered with URL links being rendered

This dataset comes from prompts shared from images' metadata on Civitai. Not for the faint of heart. Thanks to for all the models, building a playground, allowing fine tuning of models, and generally being a good influence on model building and generation.

A reasonable attempt was made to tag unsafe prompts by adding a label column for 'NSFW' and 'SFW', with additional manual filtering, as well as adding a score column generated by a machine model.

The purpose of this dataset is to allow for analysis of prompts and feature analysis in prompts and negative prompts.

This could be for:

  • semantic evaluation (see stats column)
  • prompt quality
  • effective prompting
  • prompt alignment or misalignment
  • statistical research on prompts and categories
  • popularity of image generation approaches
  • mimimalism prompts with certain models
  • matching generated prompts to images for LLAVA purposes
  • mimimizing prompts for better context usage
  • social research on interest level and creative approaches
  • modeling based on prompts for automating prompt generation strategy
  • modeling of categorical interest and similarity
  • modeling of evolution of prompts based on model versioning

A seperate upload includes only prompts, negative prompts, and model name for brevity, squeamishness, and research purposes.

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