'text': 'STUDIES ON HYSTERIA (1893-1895) PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION In 1893 we published a Preliminary Communication! on a new method of examining and treating hysterical phenomena. To this we added as concisely as possible the theoretical conclusions at which we had arrived.', 'label': 0 'text': 'So far as I personally am concerned, I have since that time had no active dealings with the subject; I have had no part in its important development and I could add nothing fresh to what was written in 1895.', 'label': 0 'text': 'We are here reprinting this Preliminary Communication to serve as the thesis which it is our purpose to illustrate and prove. We have appended to it a series of case histories, the selection of which could not unfortunately be determined on purely scientific grounds.', 'label': 0 'text': 'So I have been able to do no more than express a wish that my two contributions to the volume should be reprinted without alteration. BREUER As regards my share of the book, too, the only possible decision has been that the text of the first edition shall be reprinted without alteration.', 'label': 0 'text': 'Our experience is derived from private practice in an educated and literate social class, and the subject matter with which we deal often touches upon our patients most intimate lives and histories.', 'label': 0 'text': 'The developments and changes in my views during the course of thirteen years of work have been too far-reaching for it to be possible to attach them to my earlier exposition without entirely destroying its essential character. Nor have I any reason for wishing to eliminate this evidence of my initial views.', 'label': 0 'text': 'It would be a grave breach of confidence to publish material of this kind, with the risk of the patients being recognized and their acquaintances becoming informed of facts which were confided only to the physician.', 'label': 0 'text': 'Even to-day I regard them not as errors but as valuable first approximations to knowledge which could only be fully acquired after long and continuous efforts.', 'label': 0 'text': 'It has therefore been impossible for us to make use of some of the most instructive and convincing of our observations. This of course applies especially to all those cases in which sexual and marital relations play an important aetiological part.', 'label': 0 'text': 'The attentive reader will be able to detect in the present book the germs of all that has since been added to the theory of catharsis: for instance, the part played by psychosexual factors and infantilism, the importance of dreams and of unconscious symbolism.', 'label': 0 'text': 'Thus it comes about that we are only able to produce very incomplete evidence in favour of our view that sexuality seems to play a principal part in the pathogenesis of hysteria as a source of psychical traumas and as a motive for defence that is, for repressing ideas from consciousness.', 'label': 0 'text': 'And I can give no better advice to any one interested in the development of catharsis into psycho-analysis than to begin with Studies on Hysteria and thus follow the path which I myself have trodden. FREUD VIENNA, July 1908', 'label': 0 'text': 'It is precisely observations of a markedly sexual nature that we have been obliged to leave unpublished.', 'label': 0 'text': 'PRELIMINARY COMMUNICATION (1893) (BREUER AND FREUD) I ON THE PSYCHICAL MECHANISM OF HYSTERICAL PHENOMENA: PRELIMINARY COMMUNICATION (1893) (BREUER AND FREUD) I A chance observation has led us, over a number of years,', 'label': 0 'text': 'The case histories are followed by a number of theoretical reflections, and in a final chapter on therapeutics the technique of the cathartic method is propounded, just as it has grown up under the hands of the neurologist.', 'label': 0 'text': 'to investigate a great variety of different forms and symptoms of hysteria, with a view to discovering their precipitating cause - the event which provoked the first occurrence, often many years earlier, of the phenomenon in question.', 'label': 0 'text': 'If at some points divergent and indeed contradictory opinions are expressed, this is not to be regarded as evidence of any fluctuation in our views.', 'label': 0 'text': 'In the great majority of cases it is not possible to establish the point of origin by a simple interrogation of the patient, however thoroughly it may be carried out.', 'label': 0 'text': 'It arises from the natural and justifiable differences between the opinions of two observers who are agreed upon the facts and their basic reading of them, but who are not invariably at one in their interpretations and conjectures.', 'label': 0 'text': 'This is in part because what is in question is often some experience which the patient dislikes discussing; but principally because he is genuinely unable to recollect it and often has no suspicion of the causal connection between the precipitating event and the pathological phenomenon.', 'label': 0 'text': 'J. BREUER, S. FREUD April 1895 On the Psychical Mechanism of Hysterical Phenomena, Neurologisches Centralblatt, 1893, Nos. and 2. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION', 'label': 0 'text': 'As a rule it is necessary to hypnotize the patient and to arouse his memories under hypnosis of the time at which the symptom made its first appearance; when this has been done, it becomes possible to demonstrate the connection in the clearest and most convincing fashion.', 'label': 0 'text': 'The interest which, to an ever-increasing degree, is being directed to psycho-analysis seems now to be extending to these Studies on Hysteria. The publisher desires to bring out a new edition of the book, which is at present out of print.', 'label': 0 'text': 'This method of examination has in a large number of cases produced results which seem to be of value alike from a theoretical and a practical point of view. They are valuable theoretically because they have taught us that external events determine the pathology of hysteria to an extent far greater than is known and recognized.', 'label': 0 'text': 'It appears now in a reprint, without any alterations, though the opinions and methods which were put forward in the first edition have since undergone far-reaching and profound developments.', 'label': 0 'text': 'It is of course obvious that in cases of traumatic hysteria what provokes the symptoms is the accident. The causal connection is equally evident in hysterical attacks when it is possible to gather from the patients utterances that in each attack he is hallucinating the same event which provoked the first one.', 'label': 0 'text': 'The situation is more obscure in the case of other phenomena. Our experiences have shown us, however, that the most various symptoms, which are ostensibly spontaneous and, as one might say, idiopathic products of hysteria, are just as', 'label': 0 'text': 'strictly related to the precipitating trauma as the phenomena to which we have just alluded and which exhibit the connection quite clearly. The symptoms which we have been able to trace back to precipitating factors of this sort include neuralgias and anaesthesias of very various kinds,', 'label': 0 'text': 'many of which had persisted for years, contractures and paralyses, hysterical attacks and epileptoid convulsions, which every observer regarded as true epilepsy, petit mal and disorders in the nature of tic,', 'label': 0 'text': 'chronic vomiting and anorexia, carried to the pitch of rejection of all nourishment, various forms of disturbance of vision, constantly recurrent visual hallucinations, etc.', 'label': 0 'text': 'The disproportion between the many years duration of the hysterical symptom and the single occurrence which provoked it is what we are accustomed invariably to find in traumatic neuroses.', 'label': 0