@echo off |
Title Applio-RVC-Fork - Installer |
setlocal |
cd %~dp0 |
::: |
::: _ _ |
::: /\ | (_) |
::: / \ _ __ _ __ | |_ ___ |
::: / /\ \ | '_ \| '_ \| | |/ _ \ |
::: / ____ \| |_) | |_) | | | (_) | |
::: /_/ \_\ .__/| .__/|_|_|\___/ |
::: | | | | |
::: |_| |_| |
::: |
::: |
set "repoUrl=https://github.com/IAHispano/Applio-RVC-Fork.git" |
set "repoFolder=Applio-RVC-Fork" |
set "principal=%cd%\%repoFolder%" |
set "runtime_scripts=%cd%\%repoFolder%\runtime\Scripts" |
set "URL_BASE=https://huggingface.co/lj1995/VoiceConversionWebUI/resolve/main" |
set "URL_EXTRA=https://huggingface.co/IAHispano/applio/resolve/main" |
set "CONDA_ROOT_PREFIX=%UserProfile%\Miniconda3" |
set "INSTALL_ENV_DIR=%principal%\env" |
set "MINICONDA_DOWNLOAD_URL=https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-py39_23.9.0-0-Windows-x86_64.exe" |
set "CONDA_EXECUTABLE=%CONDA_ROOT_PREFIX%\Scripts\conda.exe" |
:processArguments |
set "useManual=false" |
for %%i in (%*) do ( |
if /I "%%i"=="--manual" ( |
set "useManual=true" |
) else if /I "%%i"=="--condaNVDIA" ( |
set "choice=1" |
) else if /I "%%i"=="--condaDML" ( |
set "choice=2" |
) |
) |
:endProcessArguments |
if %useManual% == "false" ( |
cls |
echo INFO: It's recommended to disable antivirus or firewall, as errors might occur when downloading pretrained models. |
echo. |
pause |
cls |
) |
net session >nul 2>&1 |
if %errorLevel% == 0 ( |
echo You are executing the script with administrator privileges. Please run it without elevated permissions. |
echo Please, hit enter to exit. |
pause>nul |
exit |
) |
for /f "delims=: tokens=*" %%A in ('findstr /b ":::" "%~f0"') do @echo(%%A |
echo. |
git --version >nul 2>&1 |
if %errorlevel% equ 0 ( |
echo Cloning the repository... |
git clone %repoUrl% %repoFolder% |
echo Moving the mingit folder... |
cd %repoFolder% |
del install_Applio.bat |
del Makefile |
del Dockerfile |
del docker-compose.yaml |
del stftpitchshift |
del /q *.sh |
cls |
) else ( |
if not exist "%cd%\mingit.zip" ( |
echo Downloading MinGit from %URL_EXTRA%/mingit.zip |
curl -s -LJO %URL_EXTRA%/mingit.zip -o mingit.zip |
) |
if not exist "%cd%\mingit.zip" ( |
echo Download failed, trying with the powershell method |
powershell -Command "& {Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '%URL_EXTRA%/mingit.zip' -OutFile 'mingit.zip'}" |
) |
if not exist "%cd%\mingit" ( |
echo Extracting the file... |
powershell -command "& { Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem ; [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory('%cd%\mingit.zip', '%cd%') }" |
) |
if not exist "%cd%\mingit" ( |
echo Extracting failed trying with the tar method... |
tar -xf %cd%\mingit.zip |
) |
if exist "%cd%\mingit" ( |
del mingit.zip |
echo Cloning the repository... |
%cd%\mingit\cmd\git.exe clone %repoUrl% %repoFolder% |
echo Moving the mingit folder... |
robocopy "%cd%\mingit" "%principal%\lib\tools\mingit" /e /move /dcopy:t > NUL |
if errorlevel 8 echo Warnings or errors occurred during the move. |
cd %repoFolder% |
del install_Applio.bat |
del Makefile |
del Dockerfile |
del docker-compose.yaml |
del stftpitchshift |
del /q *.sh |
cls |
) else ( |
echo Theres a problem extracting the file please download the file and extract it manually |
echo https://huggingface.co/IAHispano/applio/resolve/main/mingit.zip |
pause |
exit |
) |
) |
if /I "%useManual%"=="true" goto :skipMenu |
:menu |
echo. |
echo You can install Applio-RVC-Fork in various ways. The first method is highly recommended for most users, as it sets up all the dependencies in a virtual environment, preventing compatibility issues. The remaining options may be in experimental stages or cater to more advanced users. |
echo. |
echo Recommended for Nvidia/AMD/Intel GPU and non-GPU users: |
echo [1] Download the dependencies using a Python virtual environment (Conda) |
echo. |
echo Recommended for AMD/Intel GPU users (Potentially buggy): |
echo [2] Download the DML dependencies using a Python virtual environment (Conda) |
echo. |
echo [3] Skip dependency installation |
echo. |
set /p choice=Select the most appropriate option in your case (Option 1 is generally recommended): |
set choice=%choice: =% |
:skipMenu |
cls |
if not exist "%cd%\env.zip" ( |
echo Downloading the fairseq build from %URL_EXTRA%/env.zip |
curl -s -LJO %URL_EXTRA%/env.zip -o env.zip |
) |
if not exist "%cd%\env.zip" ( |
echo Download failed, trying with the powershell method |
powershell -Command "& {Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '%URL_EXTRA%/env.zip' -OutFile 'mingit.zip'}" |
) |
if not exist "%cd%\env" ( |
echo Extracting the file... |
powershell -command "& { Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem ; [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory('%cd%\env.zip', '%cd%') }" |
) |
if not exist "%cd%\env" ( |
echo Extracting failed trying with the tar method... |
tar -xf %cd%\env.zip |
) |
if exist "%cd%\env" ( |
del env.zip |
) else ( |
echo Theres a problem extracting the file please download the file and extract it manually in the applio folder |
echo https://huggingface.co/IAHispano/applio/resolve/main/env.zip |
pause |
exit |
) |
if "%choice%"=="1" ( |
cls |
if not exist "%CONDA_EXECUTABLE%" ( |
echo Downloading Miniconda from %MINICONDA_DOWNLOAD_URL% |
curl %MINICONDA_DOWNLOAD_URL% -o miniconda.exe |
if not exist "%principal%\miniconda.exe" ( |
echo Download failed trying with the powershell method |
powershell -Command "& {Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '%MINICONDA_DOWNLOAD_URL%' -OutFile 'miniconda.exe'}" |
) |
echo Installing Miniconda to %CONDA_ROOT_PREFIX% |
start /wait "" miniconda.exe /InstallationType=JustMe /RegisterPython=0 /S /D=%CONDA_ROOT_PREFIX% |
del miniconda.exe |
) |
echo Packages to install: %PACKAGES_TO_INSTALL% |
call "%CONDA_ROOT_PREFIX%\_conda.exe" create --no-shortcuts -y -k --prefix "%INSTALL_ENV_DIR%" python=3.9 |
echo Conda env installed ! |
echo Installing the dependencies... |
call "%CONDA_ROOT_PREFIX%\condabin\conda.bat" activate "%INSTALL_ENV_DIR%" |
conda install -c anaconda git -y |
call "%CONDA_ROOT_PREFIX%\condabin\conda.bat" deactivate |
call "%CONDA_ROOT_PREFIX%\condabin\conda.bat" activate "%INSTALL_ENV_DIR%" |
pip install --upgrade setuptools |
pip install -r "%principal%\assets\requirements\requirements.txt" |
pip install future==0.18.2 |
pip uninstall torch torchvision torchaudio -y |
pip install torch==2.0.0 torchvision==0.15.1 torchaudio==2.0.1 --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu117 |
call "%CONDA_ROOT_PREFIX%\condabin\conda.bat" deactivate |
goto dependenciesFinished |
) |
if "%choice%"=="2" ( |
cls |
if not exist "%CONDA_EXECUTABLE%" ( |
echo Downloading Miniconda from %MINICONDA_DOWNLOAD_URL% |
curl %MINICONDA_DOWNLOAD_URL% -o miniconda.exe |
if not exist "%principal%\miniconda.exe" ( |
echo Download failed trying with the powershell method |
powershell -Command "& {Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '%MINICONDA_DOWNLOAD_URL%' -OutFile 'miniconda.exe'}" |
) |
echo Installing Miniconda to %CONDA_ROOT_PREFIX% |
start /wait "" miniconda.exe /InstallationType=JustMe /RegisterPython=0 /S /D=%CONDA_ROOT_PREFIX% |
del miniconda.exe |
) |
echo Packages to install: %PACKAGES_TO_INSTALL% |
call "%CONDA_ROOT_PREFIX%\_conda.exe" create --no-shortcuts -y -k --prefix "%INSTALL_ENV_DIR%" python=3.9 |
echo Conda env installed ! |
echo Installing the dependencies... |
call "%CONDA_ROOT_PREFIX%\condabin\conda.bat" activate "%INSTALL_ENV_DIR%" |
conda install -c anaconda git -y |
call "%CONDA_ROOT_PREFIX%\condabin\conda.bat" deactivate |
call "%CONDA_ROOT_PREFIX%\condabin\conda.bat" activate "%INSTALL_ENV_DIR%" |
pip uninstall onnxruntime onnxruntime-directml |
pip install -r "%principal%\assets\requirements\requirements-dml.txt" |
call "%CONDA_ROOT_PREFIX%\condabin\conda.bat" deactivate |
goto dependenciesFinished |
) |
if "%choice%"=="3" ( |
echo Dependencies successfully installed! |
echo. |
goto dependenciesFinished |
) |
:dependenciesFinished |
cls |
echo Applio has been successfully downloaded, run the file go-applio.bat to run the web interface! |
echo. |
pause |
exit |