[ { "id": "62f56e98-bc98-4f81-ac8e-75559de7f6c1", "question": "Who is the cousin of the cousin of the brother of the cousin of the male cousin of the granddaughter of the grandmother of the brother of the person whose date of birth is 0966-12-12?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Art Hersey", "Benjamin Hersey", "Claire Yoshida", "Clara Asher", "Dorthy Hersey", "Eldon Hersey", "Gaylord Rojo", "Leigh Lawton", "Mallie Rojo", "Margaret Asher", "Nelly Asher", "Romana Hersey", "Stuart Rojo", "Wyatt Hersey", "Xiomara Soria" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "cousin(Y_6, Y_4)", "brother(Y_8, Y_6)", "cousin(Y_10, Y_8)", "male_cousin(Y_12, Y_10)", "granddaughter(Y_14, Y_12)", "grandmother(Y_16, Y_14)", "brother(Y_18, Y_16)", "dob(Y_18, \"0966-12-12\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "the person whose", "_19", "is", "_19", "?" ], "type": 0, "difficulty": 19 }, { "id": "3ed1d8ec-b337-4f2f-b5b0-bfcfec6cc156", "question": "Who is the great-aunt of the brother of the grandchild of the great-grandparent of the sibling of the sister-in-law of the husband of the friend of the person whose hobby is research?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Brunilda Harms", "Mona Paez", "Nicholle Majors", "Patricia Metzler", "Sha Noland" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "brother(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandchild(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_grandparent(Y_10, Y_8)", "sibling(Y_12, Y_10)", "sister_in_law(Y_14, Y_12)", "husband(Y_16, Y_14)", "friend(Y_18, Y_16)", "hobby(Y_18, \"research\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "the person whose", "_19", "is", "_19", "?" ], "type": 0, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "2f2435a7-e839-4651-933e-26903f94f47d", "question": "Who is the great-aunt of the male first cousin once removed of the female cousin of the cousin of the grandson of the friend of the father of the grandmother of the person whose occupation is lawyer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Justine Lombardo" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_6, Y_4)", "female_cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "cousin(Y_10, Y_8)", "grandson(Y_12, Y_10)", "friend(Y_14, Y_12)", "father(Y_16, Y_14)", "grandmother(Y_18, Y_16)", "job(Y_18, \"lawyer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "the person whose", "_19", "is", "_19", "?" ], "type": 0, "difficulty": 20 }, { "id": "e06f8fe6-3a5f-4d07-9903-041df02ec590", "question": "Who is the daughter of the sibling of the son-in-law of the grandfather of the female second cousin of the friend of the friend of the friend of the person whose occupation is broadcast presenter?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Samantha Mclemore" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "daughter(Y_4, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_6, Y_4)", "son_in_law(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandfather(Y_10, Y_8)", "female_second_cousin(Y_12, Y_10)", "friend(Y_14, Y_12)", "friend(Y_16, Y_14)", "friend(Y_18, Y_16)", "job(Y_18, \"broadcast presenter\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "the person whose", "_19", "is", "_19", "?" ], "type": 0, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "875e0496-57a5-4742-9b87-64b5b771c572", "question": "Who is the granddaughter of the friend of the female cousin of the male first cousin once removed of the great-grandchild of the daughter-in-law of the mother-in-law of the niece of the person whose occupation is ranger?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Angelina Holmes", "Elfriede Kasten", "Eva Lund", "Hilde Gross", "Nelly Sallee" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "granddaughter(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "female_cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_grandchild(Y_12, Y_10)", "daughter_in_law(Y_14, Y_12)", "mother_in_law(Y_16, Y_14)", "niece(Y_18, Y_16)", "job(Y_18, \"ranger\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "the person whose", "_19", "is", "_19", "?" ], "type": 0, "difficulty": 20 }, { "id": "d8d56bf6-01f0-4bf8-a9a0-c8e57d522063", "question": "Who is the sister of the great-uncle of the son of the daughter-in-law of the great-grandchild of the grandparent of the granddaughter of the sibling of the person whose hobby is sociology?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Bernadine Gerard" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sister(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_uncle(Y_6, Y_4)", "son(Y_8, Y_6)", "daughter_in_law(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_grandchild(Y_12, Y_10)", "grandparent(Y_14, Y_12)", "granddaughter(Y_16, Y_14)", "sibling(Y_18, Y_16)", "hobby(Y_18, \"sociology\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "the person whose", "_19", "is", "_19", "?" ], "type": 0, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "c77b82e6-76c5-4645-8338-0ffce824eb84", "question": "Who is the great-aunt of the female cousin of the cousin of the great-grandchild of the great-grandparent of the cousin of the female first cousin once removed of the nephew of the person whose date of birth is 0935-06-26?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Deena Schuler", "Ella Hatfield" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "female_cousin(Y_6, Y_4)", "cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_grandchild(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_grandparent(Y_12, Y_10)", "cousin(Y_14, Y_12)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_16, Y_14)", "nephew(Y_18, Y_16)", "dob(Y_18, \"0935-06-26\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "the person whose", "_19", "is", "_19", "?" ], "type": 0, "difficulty": 25 }, { "id": "d8d9e6f1-2fa9-4bb0-9d01-f34dada4b885", "question": "Who is the nephew of the aunt of the great-grandson of the grandparent of the cousin of the female cousin of the cousin of the sister-in-law of the person whose occupation is occupational therapist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Murray Mccaffrey", "Neil Mccaffrey", "Nickolas Trejo", "Pasquale Hyman", "Victor Hyman" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "nephew(Y_4, Y_2)", "aunt(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandson(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandparent(Y_10, Y_8)", "cousin(Y_12, Y_10)", "female_cousin(Y_14, Y_12)", "cousin(Y_16, Y_14)", "sister_in_law(Y_18, Y_16)", "job(Y_18, \"occupational therapist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "the person whose", "_19", "is", "_19", "?" ], "type": 0, "difficulty": 21 }, { "id": "3358a1b9-321d-4b70-ad70-4e05802a8028", "question": "Who is the great-grandfather of the sibling of the niece of the great-uncle of the great-grandchild of the son of the mother-in-law of the daughter-in-law of the person whose hobby is shortwave listening?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Bret Gaddis", "Grady Halbert", "Hal Plourde", "Stan Kasten" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandfather(Y_4, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_6, Y_4)", "niece(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_uncle(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_grandchild(Y_12, Y_10)", "son(Y_14, Y_12)", "mother_in_law(Y_16, Y_14)", "daughter_in_law(Y_18, Y_16)", "hobby(Y_18, \"shortwave listening\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "the person whose", "_19", "is", "_19", "?" ], "type": 0, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "d3705caf-2c2e-4a43-97c7-c6e44e431884", "question": "Who is the sibling of the nephew of the sibling of the brother of the brother of the sibling of the granddaughter of the great-grandmother of the person whose occupation is chiropodist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Cherise Meneses", "Chrissy Rawlings", "Jennie Westmoreland", "Jeromy Stamper", "Jillian Halbert", "Jung Metzler", "Kyle Bueno", "Lyndon Stamper", "Mohammed Means", "Neil Bueno", "Orlando Means", "Sonny Bueno" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sibling(Y_4, Y_2)", "nephew(Y_6, Y_4)", "sibling(Y_8, Y_6)", "brother(Y_10, Y_8)", "brother(Y_12, Y_10)", "sibling(Y_14, Y_12)", "granddaughter(Y_16, Y_14)", "great_grandmother(Y_18, Y_16)", "job(Y_18, \"chiropodist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "the person whose", "_19", "is", "_19", "?" ], "type": 0, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "c23370d8-36d6-427e-b791-9f09ef18ef78", "question": "Who is the son of the sibling of the great-aunt of the female first cousin once removed of the cousin of the daughter of the daughter of the grandparent of Wyatt Hersey?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Art Hersey", "Benjamin Hersey", "Eldon Hersey", "Gaylord Rojo", "Stuart Rojo", "Wyatt Hersey" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "son(Y_4, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_aunt(Y_8, Y_6)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_10, Y_8)", "cousin(Y_12, Y_10)", "daughter(Y_14, Y_12)", "daughter(Y_16, Y_14)", "grandparent(\"Wyatt Hersey\", Y_16)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "_18", "?" ], "type": 1, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "c5526f04-482a-4c92-a94b-4365df658e4d", "question": "Who is the grandfather of the granddaughter of the child of the friend of the father of the friend of the friend of the son-in-law of Armand Buell?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alvin Haag", "Damion Perea", "Edgar Bianchi", "Emanuel Goings", "Ervin Mcnally", "Lonnie Grenier", "Philip Thrower", "Teddy Fusco", "Tony Blackstock" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandfather(Y_4, Y_2)", "granddaughter(Y_6, Y_4)", "child(Y_8, Y_6)", "friend(Y_10, Y_8)", "father(Y_12, Y_10)", "friend(Y_14, Y_12)", "friend(Y_16, Y_14)", "son_in_law(\"Armand Buell\", Y_16)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "_18", "?" ], "type": 1, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "b08d6948-31ed-4fbb-9bb2-5465e1f2a7d0", "question": "Who is the great-grandchild of the father-in-law of the grandfather of the sibling of the granddaughter of the father-in-law of the father of the great-grandchild of Austin Braden?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Grady Sears", "Lorenz Sears", "Margaret Santillan", "Robby Sears", "Rosaria Sears" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandchild(Y_4, Y_2)", "father_in_law(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandfather(Y_8, Y_6)", "sibling(Y_10, Y_8)", "granddaughter(Y_12, Y_10)", "father_in_law(Y_14, Y_12)", "father(Y_16, Y_14)", "great_grandchild(\"Austin Braden\", Y_16)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "_18", "?" ], "type": 1, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "5e719eb7-6af9-4ae3-bb7a-c4c44e20555b", "question": "Who is the great-grandfather of the friend of the friend of the friend of the second aunt of the grandchild of the grandfather of the female second cousin of Lewis Kyser?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alfonso Aycock", "Cliff Kobayashi", "Cordell Sloan", "Craig Hector", "Dean Mcbroom", "Ellis Diego", "Howard Chatman", "Maximo Rath", "Rick Gross", "Roy Leone" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandfather(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "friend(Y_8, Y_6)", "friend(Y_10, Y_8)", "second_aunt(Y_12, Y_10)", "grandchild(Y_14, Y_12)", "grandfather(Y_16, Y_14)", "female_second_cousin(\"Lewis Kyser\", Y_16)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "_18", "?" ], "type": 1, "difficulty": 19 }, { "id": "57ed46de-2ad4-41ca-9c48-c812bb7d8f55", "question": "Who is the brother-in-law of the daughter-in-law of the mother-in-law of the grandmother of the daughter of the brother of the sibling of the brother-in-law of Barbar Scholl?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Lorenzo Scholl" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "brother_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "daughter_in_law(Y_6, Y_4)", "mother_in_law(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandmother(Y_10, Y_8)", "daughter(Y_12, Y_10)", "brother(Y_14, Y_12)", "sibling(Y_16, Y_14)", "brother_in_law(\"Barbar Scholl\", Y_16)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "_18", "?" ], "type": 1, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "9b88973c-e34e-4dd6-9158-869657d6cdbf", "question": "Who is the grandchild of the grandson of the great-grandmother of the sister-in-law of the sister of the friend of the cousin of the friend of King Satterwhite?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Adella Mcbroom", "Audie Dodge", "Carmella Huntley", "Dudley Dodge", "Maryann Mcbroom", "Oleta Mcbroom", "Shelton Dodge", "Tamara Mcbroom" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandchild(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandson(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandmother(Y_8, Y_6)", "sister_in_law(Y_10, Y_8)", "sister(Y_12, Y_10)", "friend(Y_14, Y_12)", "cousin(Y_16, Y_14)", "friend(\"King Satterwhite\", Y_16)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "_18", "?" ], "type": 1, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "a73201b0-3f3b-47c9-a552-3ac7b9590440", "question": "Who is the uncle of the uncle of the male first cousin once removed of the sister of the niece of the daughter of the grandmother of the nephew of Jame Layne?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Adolph Layne", "Charlie Layne", "Franklin Layne", "Jame Layne" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "uncle(Y_4, Y_2)", "uncle(Y_6, Y_4)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_8, Y_6)", "sister(Y_10, Y_8)", "niece(Y_12, Y_10)", "daughter(Y_14, Y_12)", "grandmother(Y_16, Y_14)", "nephew(\"Jame Layne\", Y_16)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "_18", "?" ], "type": 1, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "c52a421b-27d6-4c1a-87a4-0b8deae84fe6", "question": "Who is the aunt of the niece of the sister-in-law of the daughter-in-law of the great-grandmother of the cousin of the niece of the grandson of Deanna Dietz?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Kena Dietz" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "niece(Y_6, Y_4)", "sister_in_law(Y_8, Y_6)", "daughter_in_law(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_grandmother(Y_12, Y_10)", "cousin(Y_14, Y_12)", "niece(Y_16, Y_14)", "grandson(\"Deanna Dietz\", Y_16)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "_18", "?" ], "type": 1, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "3e426eff-e60d-45ff-8497-276003b357a0", "question": "Who is the niece of the grandparent of the brother of the great-grandchild of the son-in-law of the great-grandfather of the great-granddaughter of the great-grandparent of Michelle Bryce?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Maegan Musick", "Michelle Bryce", "Teena Bryce", "Tuyet Martini" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "niece(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandparent(Y_6, Y_4)", "brother(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_grandchild(Y_10, Y_8)", "son_in_law(Y_12, Y_10)", "great_grandfather(Y_14, Y_12)", "great_granddaughter(Y_16, Y_14)", "great_grandparent(\"Michelle Bryce\", Y_16)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "_18", "?" ], "type": 1, "difficulty": 19 }, { "id": "17a9e736-d7ea-4ebe-8d28-087d2093ec26", "question": "Who is the great-aunt of the sibling of the niece of the great-uncle of the female cousin of the aunt of the grandson of the daughter-in-law of Leda Putnam?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Kena Dietz" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_6, Y_4)", "niece(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_uncle(Y_10, Y_8)", "female_cousin(Y_12, Y_10)", "aunt(Y_14, Y_12)", "grandson(Y_16, Y_14)", "daughter_in_law(\"Leda Putnam\", Y_16)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "_18", "?" ], "type": 1, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "1276f4d6-a968-4ba1-bf19-99cf1a6ccd4c", "question": "Who is the cousin of the brother of the cousin of the male cousin of the granddaughter of the grandmother of the brother of the person whose date of birth is 0966-12-12?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Art Hersey", "Benjamin Hersey", "Claire Yoshida", "Clara Asher", "Dorthy Hersey", "Eldon Hersey", "Gaylord Rojo", "Leigh Lawton", "Mallie Rojo", "Margaret Asher", "Nelly Asher", "Romana Hersey", "Stuart Rojo", "Wyatt Hersey", "Xiomara Soria" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "brother(Y_6, Y_4)", "cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "male_cousin(Y_10, Y_8)", "granddaughter(Y_12, Y_10)", "grandmother(Y_14, Y_12)", "brother(Y_16, Y_14)", "dob(Y_16, \"0966-12-12\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the person whose", "_17", "is", "_17", "?" ], "type": 2, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "99ec5bac-bbe0-4f6c-a482-a09cb9dbf856", "question": "Who is the grandchild of the great-grandparent of the child of the daughter-in-law of the sibling of the friend of the brother-in-law of the person whose hobby is geography?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Adolph Grenier", "Bart Grenier", "Benton Bryce", "Brock Neely", "Damon Grenier", "Dave Grenier", "Don Grenier", "Edythe Grenier", "Elicia Barbee", "Erwin Edison", "Geoffrey Grenier", "Gwendolyn Neely", "Iva Neely", "Jewel Grasso", "Joel Grenier", "Josette Neely", "Leeann Grenier", "Lyndon Barbee", "Marie Neely", "Mario Grenier", "Matt Fusco", "Michelle Neely", "Nettie Barbee", "Randall Fusco", "Ron Grenier", "Rosalinda Grenier", "Samual Grenier", "Thelma Grenier", "Thurman Neely", "Tod Grenier", "Xavier Grenier" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandchild(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_grandparent(Y_6, Y_4)", "child(Y_8, Y_6)", "daughter_in_law(Y_10, Y_8)", "sibling(Y_12, Y_10)", "friend(Y_14, Y_12)", "brother_in_law(Y_16, Y_14)", "hobby(Y_16, \"geography\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the person whose", "_17", "is", "_17", "?" ], "type": 2, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "07457f1a-3a65-4c06-8af7-e6ee03fa7ff7", "question": "Who is the great-grandchild of the father-in-law of the grandfather of the son of the granddaughter of the son-in-law of the father-in-law of the person whose occupation is print production planner?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Grady Sears", "Lorenz Sears", "Margaret Santillan", "Robby Sears", "Rosaria Sears" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandchild(Y_4, Y_2)", "father_in_law(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandfather(Y_8, Y_6)", "son(Y_10, Y_8)", "granddaughter(Y_12, Y_10)", "son_in_law(Y_14, Y_12)", "father_in_law(Y_16, Y_14)", "job(Y_16, \"print production planner\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the person whose", "_17", "is", "_17", "?" ], "type": 2, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "cc5e159a-2c37-4a80-8299-d3f46b9c3932", "question": "Who is the son-in-law of the nephew of the second aunt of the friend of the grandfather of the uncle of the cousin of the person whose hobby is tour skating?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Craig Lombardo" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "son_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "nephew(Y_6, Y_4)", "second_aunt(Y_8, Y_6)", "friend(Y_10, Y_8)", "grandfather(Y_12, Y_10)", "uncle(Y_14, Y_12)", "cousin(Y_16, Y_14)", "hobby(Y_16, \"tour skating\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the person whose", "_17", "is", "_17", "?" ], "type": 2, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "ba13febd-2dfa-47e5-9794-efe499fced37", "question": "Who is the mother-in-law of the son-in-law of the great-grandfather of the nephew of the grandchild of the grandmother of the child of the person whose occupation is neurosurgeon?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Delma Scholl", "Rhonda Kennedy" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "mother_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "son_in_law(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandfather(Y_8, Y_6)", "nephew(Y_10, Y_8)", "grandchild(Y_12, Y_10)", "grandmother(Y_14, Y_12)", "child(Y_16, Y_14)", "job(Y_16, \"neurosurgeon\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the person whose", "_17", "is", "_17", "?" ], "type": 2, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "b1895231-2949-4af9-8c08-2df29a099bce", "question": "Who is the mother-in-law of the grandparent of the cousin of the great-grandson of the father of the friend of the friend of the person whose hobby is vintage cars?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Adelina Bueno", "Alejandrina Thrower", "Alexa Goings", "Alexa Mcnally", "Bonnie Crowder", "Carolynn Satterwhite", "Cathy Olvera", "Clementine Jacoby", "Cora Goings", "Deanna Dietz", "Dianna Chester", "Georgette Gebhart", "Georgina Bean", "Georgina Halter", "Leda Putnam", "Leigh Schutt", "Lorraine Haag", "Margurite Britton", "Melina Wooldridge", "Minnie Hector", "Nana Sallee", "Nicolasa Dietz", "Odessa Ahmed", "Patsy Lanham", "Rana Asher", "Rheba Randazzo", "Rosaria Edison", "Sarita Bianchi", "Shanta Lester", "Sheila Wallen", "Sueann Temple", "Tammie Stoddard", "Vada Dickey", "Veronica Neely" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "mother_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandparent(Y_6, Y_4)", "cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_grandson(Y_10, Y_8)", "father(Y_12, Y_10)", "friend(Y_14, Y_12)", "friend(Y_16, Y_14)", "hobby(Y_16, \"vintage cars\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the person whose", "_17", "is", "_17", "?" ], "type": 2, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "90d86c53-3bc2-4362-bc8b-b5e208716123", "question": "Who is the niece of the aunt of the female cousin of the father of the niece of the sibling of the nephew of the person whose hobby is noodling?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Rosella Dillow", "Shenita Dillow" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "niece(Y_4, Y_2)", "aunt(Y_6, Y_4)", "female_cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "father(Y_10, Y_8)", "niece(Y_12, Y_10)", "sibling(Y_14, Y_12)", "nephew(Y_16, Y_14)", "hobby(Y_16, \"noodling\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the person whose", "_17", "is", "_17", "?" ], "type": 2, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "c9061144-deee-4b64-8ab7-f5f5efec27a1", "question": "Who is the aunt of the niece of the sister-in-law of the daughter-in-law of the great-grandmother of the cousin of the great-grandchild of the person whose occupation is equality and diversity officer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Kena Dietz" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "niece(Y_6, Y_4)", "sister_in_law(Y_8, Y_6)", "daughter_in_law(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_grandmother(Y_12, Y_10)", "cousin(Y_14, Y_12)", "great_grandchild(Y_16, Y_14)", "job(Y_16, \"equality and diversity officer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the person whose", "_17", "is", "_17", "?" ], "type": 2, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "86eefc57-f4bd-4148-96a5-8785efaab3c9", "question": "Who is the grandmother of the grandson of the wife of the grandfather of the great-uncle of the cousin of the male first cousin once removed of the person whose occupation is magazine journalist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Jodi Bryce", "Margo Lavalley", "Meghann Gaither" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandmother(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandson(Y_6, Y_4)", "wife(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandfather(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_uncle(Y_12, Y_10)", "cousin(Y_14, Y_12)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_16, Y_14)", "job(Y_16, \"magazine journalist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the person whose", "_17", "is", "_17", "?" ], "type": 2, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "88f1e2a4-6e20-4fe4-9530-ae31c2b44cf7", "question": "Who is the great-aunt of the sibling of the niece of the great-uncle of the female cousin of the aunt of the great-grandchild of the person whose occupation is catering manager?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Kena Dietz" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_6, Y_4)", "niece(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_uncle(Y_10, Y_8)", "female_cousin(Y_12, Y_10)", "aunt(Y_14, Y_12)", "great_grandchild(Y_16, Y_14)", "job(Y_16, \"catering manager\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the person whose", "_17", "is", "_17", "?" ], "type": 2, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "faf820fc-9cd5-40c7-9452-377a875b7ead", "question": "Who is the sibling of the great-aunt of the female first cousin once removed of the cousin of the daughter of the daughter of the grandparent of Wyatt Hersey?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Freeda Rojo", "Pat Hersey", "Rana Asher", "Ruben Hersey" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sibling(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_aunt(Y_6, Y_4)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_8, Y_6)", "cousin(Y_10, Y_8)", "daughter(Y_12, Y_10)", "daughter(Y_14, Y_12)", "grandparent(\"Wyatt Hersey\", Y_14)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "_16", "?" ], "type": 3, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "20e75295-a29f-4d1f-8b6c-1aee3a731fc0", "question": "Who is the sibling of the nephew of the aunt of the friend of the great-grandfather of the friend of the great-grandfather of Rosalinda Batten?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Antonio Layne", "Benito Holmes", "Cody Layne", "Darius Holmes", "Hubert Layne", "Iluminada Lutz", "Leah Mcnally", "Marcel Layne", "Murray Mccaffrey", "Neil Mccaffrey", "Pasquale Hyman", "Tyler Layne", "Victor Hyman" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sibling(Y_4, Y_2)", "nephew(Y_6, Y_4)", "aunt(Y_8, Y_6)", "friend(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_grandfather(Y_12, Y_10)", "friend(Y_14, Y_12)", "great_grandfather(\"Rosalinda Batten\", Y_14)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "_16", "?" ], "type": 3, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "3dbe5814-b1b1-4191-81cc-b71fede0977d", "question": "Who is the sister of the uncle of the cousin of the niece of the son-in-law of the father of the aunt of Tyrell Cody?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Liane Boutte", "Sueann Cody" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sister(Y_4, Y_2)", "uncle(Y_6, Y_4)", "cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "niece(Y_10, Y_8)", "son_in_law(Y_12, Y_10)", "father(Y_14, Y_12)", "aunt(\"Tyrell Cody\", Y_14)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "_16", "?" ], "type": 3, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "04076c92-6ad7-4779-8364-4af323996a73", "question": "Who is the niece of the brother of the mother-in-law of the friend of the nephew of the great-aunt of the great-uncle of Konstantin Sterner?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Claire Yoshida", "Clara Asher", "Dorthy Hersey", "Leigh Lawton", "Mallie Rojo", "Margaret Asher", "Nelly Asher", "Romana Hersey", "Xiomara Soria" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "niece(Y_4, Y_2)", "brother(Y_6, Y_4)", "mother_in_law(Y_8, Y_6)", "friend(Y_10, Y_8)", "nephew(Y_12, Y_10)", "great_aunt(Y_14, Y_12)", "great_uncle(\"Konstantin Sterner\", Y_14)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "_16", "?" ], "type": 3, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "cd0d1a16-1c80-4489-842d-548ea1553868", "question": "Who is the child of the child of the wife of the grandfather of the male cousin of the female first cousin once removed of the friend of Ollie Mcmillen?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Joan Dias", "Leesa Pence", "Ronnie Pence", "Vincenza Dias" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "child(Y_4, Y_2)", "child(Y_6, Y_4)", "wife(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandfather(Y_10, Y_8)", "male_cousin(Y_12, Y_10)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_14, Y_12)", "friend(\"Ollie Mcmillen\", Y_14)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "_16", "?" ], "type": 3, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "16343e43-e537-4266-ba64-85cd7fd039bd", "question": "Who is the sister-in-law of the friend of the female cousin of the male cousin of the granddaughter of the grandfather of the brother of Perry Dorris?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Chrissy Rawlings" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sister_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "female_cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "male_cousin(Y_10, Y_8)", "granddaughter(Y_12, Y_10)", "grandfather(Y_14, Y_12)", "brother(\"Perry Dorris\", Y_14)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "_16", "?" ], "type": 3, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "3f28dd63-7b20-4bf7-85d7-5c303d010da5", "question": "Who is the great-grandchild of the grandparent of the great-aunt of the brother of the male second cousin of the friend of the great-uncle of Samual Grenier?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Bridget Voyles", "Dwayne Graybill", "Gale Graybill", "Kristi Ashburn", "Nestor Graybill", "Santos Graybill" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandchild(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandparent(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_aunt(Y_8, Y_6)", "brother(Y_10, Y_8)", "male_second_cousin(Y_12, Y_10)", "friend(Y_14, Y_12)", "great_uncle(\"Samual Grenier\", Y_14)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "_16", "?" ], "type": 3, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "2bba7bed-83d6-47ed-b197-42656e7e4ad2", "question": "Who is the male first cousin once removed of the grandchild of the granddaughter of the great-grandfather of the child of the grandfather of the sibling of Ayanna Swenson?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Angelo Baum", "Michel Sigler", "Wilbert Whatley" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_6, Y_4)", "granddaughter(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_grandfather(Y_10, Y_8)", "child(Y_12, Y_10)", "grandfather(Y_14, Y_12)", "sibling(\"Ayanna Swenson\", Y_14)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "_16", "?" ], "type": 3, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "2f19d7be-5637-461e-8c7c-d196fa93cb06", "question": "Who is the nephew of the grandchild of the son-in-law of the mother-in-law of the nephew of the great-aunt of the great-grandchild of Benton Hake?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Earl Edelman", "Jerrold Edelman", "Lenny Blizzard" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "nephew(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_6, Y_4)", "son_in_law(Y_8, Y_6)", "mother_in_law(Y_10, Y_8)", "nephew(Y_12, Y_10)", "great_aunt(Y_14, Y_12)", "great_grandchild(\"Benton Hake\", Y_14)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "_16", "?" ], "type": 3, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "58127bda-e72a-48b7-bc4e-b16bf6dce5ca", "question": "Who is the grandparent of the brother of the great-grandchild of the son-in-law of the great-grandfather of the great-granddaughter of the great-grandparent of Michelle Bryce?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Gary Bryce", "Jona Bryce", "Lucille Bryce", "Noel Bryce" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandparent(Y_4, Y_2)", "brother(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandchild(Y_8, Y_6)", "son_in_law(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_grandfather(Y_12, Y_10)", "great_granddaughter(Y_14, Y_12)", "great_grandparent(\"Michelle Bryce\", Y_14)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "_16", "?" ], "type": 3, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "d8f4918d-09b5-41a4-90e5-3c2ec2e0d80e", "question": "Who is the brother of the cousin of the male cousin of the granddaughter of the grandmother of the brother of the person whose date of birth is 0966-12-12?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Art Hersey", "Benjamin Hersey", "Eldon Hersey", "Gaylord Rojo", "Stuart Rojo", "Wyatt Hersey" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "brother(Y_4, Y_2)", "cousin(Y_6, Y_4)", "male_cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "granddaughter(Y_10, Y_8)", "grandmother(Y_12, Y_10)", "brother(Y_14, Y_12)", "dob(Y_14, \"0966-12-12\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the person whose", "_15", "is", "_15", "?" ], "type": 4, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "371582c3-c1f0-4772-b003-ab6475653735", "question": "Who is the mother of the female second cousin of the child of the friend of the male first cousin once removed of the friend of the person whose occupation is oceanographer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Adrianna Loveless", "Bobbie Biggs", "Damaris Koss", "Elfriede Koss", "Ollie Mcmillen", "Page Koss", "Taneka Kasten", "Tina Faria" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "mother(Y_4, Y_2)", "female_second_cousin(Y_6, Y_4)", "child(Y_8, Y_6)", "friend(Y_10, Y_8)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_12, Y_10)", "friend(Y_14, Y_12)", "job(Y_14, \"oceanographer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the person whose", "_15", "is", "_15", "?" ], "type": 4, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "4b4c1e5c-a10b-451f-a334-e3618e17226e", "question": "Who is the sister of the uncle of the grandson of the grandparent of the cousin of the brother of the person whose date of birth is 0954-11-27?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Liane Boutte", "Sueann Cody" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sister(Y_4, Y_2)", "uncle(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandson(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandparent(Y_10, Y_8)", "cousin(Y_12, Y_10)", "brother(Y_14, Y_12)", "dob(Y_14, \"0954-11-27\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the person whose", "_15", "is", "_15", "?" ], "type": 4, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "95c89434-c01f-41c7-ada3-a13b3d6c2130", "question": "Who is the grandson of the aunt of the nephew of the brother-in-law of the great-uncle of the great-uncle of the person whose occupation is biomedical scientist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Adolph Prater", "Barton Prater", "Normand Prater", "Stacey Prater" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandson(Y_4, Y_2)", "aunt(Y_6, Y_4)", "nephew(Y_8, Y_6)", "brother_in_law(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_uncle(Y_12, Y_10)", "great_uncle(Y_14, Y_12)", "job(Y_14, \"biomedical scientist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the person whose", "_15", "is", "_15", "?" ], "type": 4, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "c6e4914a-13e4-4be7-a7d7-cc1fead3274b", "question": "Who is the sister of the sibling of the grandchild of the father of the second aunt of the female first cousin once removed of the person whose hobby is foraging?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Delsie Edison", "Lilia Edison", "Queenie Jasso", "Sherita Edison" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sister(Y_4, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandchild(Y_8, Y_6)", "father(Y_10, Y_8)", "second_aunt(Y_12, Y_10)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_14, Y_12)", "hobby(Y_14, \"foraging\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the person whose", "_15", "is", "_15", "?" ], "type": 4, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "c543d30d-64a1-4f9c-8d20-1e681a4aaa3d", "question": "Who is the female cousin of the male first cousin once removed of the great-grandchild of the daughter-in-law of the mother-in-law of the niece of the person whose occupation is ranger?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Shaunna Rousseau" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "female_cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandchild(Y_8, Y_6)", "daughter_in_law(Y_10, Y_8)", "mother_in_law(Y_12, Y_10)", "niece(Y_14, Y_12)", "job(Y_14, \"ranger\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the person whose", "_15", "is", "_15", "?" ], "type": 4, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "31c7f6c7-e623-4477-b9f3-945500c4c34f", "question": "Who is the grandparent of the great-uncle of the grandchild of the brother of the second uncle of the female first cousin once removed of the person whose date of birth is 0944-12-16?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Joanne Bryce", "Mose Cloutier", "Therese Cloutier", "Will Bryce" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandparent(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_uncle(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandchild(Y_8, Y_6)", "brother(Y_10, Y_8)", "second_uncle(Y_12, Y_10)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_14, Y_12)", "dob(Y_14, \"0944-12-16\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the person whose", "_15", "is", "_15", "?" ], "type": 4, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "5fbdd9f9-7b4b-4846-b3fe-bf2d770aa4ca", "question": "Who is the male first cousin once removed of the grandchild of the granddaughter of the great-grandfather of the child of the grandparent of the person whose date of birth is 0988-04-06?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Angelo Baum", "Michel Sigler", "Wilbert Whatley" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_6, Y_4)", "granddaughter(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_grandfather(Y_10, Y_8)", "child(Y_12, Y_10)", "grandparent(Y_14, Y_12)", "dob(Y_14, \"0988-04-06\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the person whose", "_15", "is", "_15", "?" ], "type": 4, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "6c921537-2b1b-48e6-a5e2-76c1761128f3", "question": "Who is the wife of the husband of the mother of the great-uncle of the great-grandson of the wife of the person whose hobby is hiking/backpacking?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Leda Hake", "Rheba Holmes", "Rivka Juan", "Tammie Stoddard", "Tanja Goings" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "wife(Y_4, Y_2)", "husband(Y_6, Y_4)", "mother(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_uncle(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_grandson(Y_12, Y_10)", "wife(Y_14, Y_12)", "hobby(Y_14, \"hiking/backpacking\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the person whose", "_15", "is", "_15", "?" ], "type": 4, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "ae89eed6-22e3-4160-8052-b4786bb289eb", "question": "Who is the grandson of the wife of the grandfather of the great-uncle of the cousin of the male first cousin once removed of the person whose occupation is magazine journalist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Danilo Bryce", "Eddie Bryce", "Gary Bryce", "Maxwell Dickman", "Noel Bryce", "Ron Dickman" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandson(Y_4, Y_2)", "wife(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandfather(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_uncle(Y_10, Y_8)", "cousin(Y_12, Y_10)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_14, Y_12)", "job(Y_14, \"magazine journalist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the person whose", "_15", "is", "_15", "?" ], "type": 4, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "1a3fcbbf-48ba-4760-b8a4-9ec8cb44f701", "question": "Who is the great-aunt of the female first cousin once removed of the cousin of the daughter of the daughter of the grandparent of Wyatt Hersey?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Freeda Rojo", "Rana Asher" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_6, Y_4)", "cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "daughter(Y_10, Y_8)", "daughter(Y_12, Y_10)", "grandparent(\"Wyatt Hersey\", Y_12)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "_14", "?" ], "type": 5, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "5d317f42-c8be-4d54-9682-6f5581360336", "question": "Who is the sibling of the friend of the nephew of the nephew of the aunt of the grandchild of Michelle Stoddard?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Arthur Lieberman", "Deshawn Singleton", "Elmer Batten", "Errol Everette", "Jasper Everette", "Nelly Graybill", "Omar Lieberman", "Sofia Everette", "Thaddeus Lieberman", "Vincenza Dias" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sibling(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "nephew(Y_8, Y_6)", "nephew(Y_10, Y_8)", "aunt(Y_12, Y_10)", "grandchild(\"Michelle Stoddard\", Y_12)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "_14", "?" ], "type": 5, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "fcec80f2-0bc4-483c-a0c5-62644401157e", "question": "Who is the grandchild of the father-in-law of the wife of the grandfather of the grandchild of the sibling of Anneliese Boatman?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Jay Putnam", "Katherine Beason", "Lynette Putnam", "Otis Putnam", "Quinton Putnam" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandchild(Y_4, Y_2)", "father_in_law(Y_6, Y_4)", "wife(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandfather(Y_10, Y_8)", "grandchild(Y_12, Y_10)", "sibling(\"Anneliese Boatman\", Y_12)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "_14", "?" ], "type": 5, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "83673962-b0fe-44d7-ae7d-65114a21db84", "question": "Who is the grandparent of the nephew of the uncle of the nephew of the sibling of the brother of Charlie Layne?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Colby Layne", "Dionne Layne", "Francisco Cosby", "Selena Cosby" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandparent(Y_4, Y_2)", "nephew(Y_6, Y_4)", "uncle(Y_8, Y_6)", "nephew(Y_10, Y_8)", "sibling(Y_12, Y_10)", "brother(\"Charlie Layne\", Y_12)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "_14", "?" ], "type": 5, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "62f611ac-db01-4fef-bf47-c4f2064f670e", "question": "Who is the great-grandfather of the friend of the friend of the great-aunt of the brother of the sister-in-law of Diane Meadows?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alan Donato", "Aron Galvin", "Brady Abel", "Darwin David", "Dean Mcbroom", "Felipe Brashear", "Frank Rousseau", "Fred Gross", "Jessie Link", "Pasquale Varney", "Russell Gross", "Solomon Rahman", "Son Sells", "Terrell Tallent", "Vicente Hanrahan" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandfather(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "friend(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_aunt(Y_10, Y_8)", "brother(Y_12, Y_10)", "sister_in_law(\"Diane Meadows\", Y_12)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "_14", "?" ], "type": 5, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "be743237-afe1-418d-9365-e5bf44aeeb37", "question": "Who is the father-in-law of the wife of the father of the sibling of the niece of the grandson of Delinda Ahmed?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Landon Schutt" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "father_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "wife(Y_6, Y_4)", "father(Y_8, Y_6)", "sibling(Y_10, Y_8)", "niece(Y_12, Y_10)", "grandson(\"Delinda Ahmed\", Y_12)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "_14", "?" ], "type": 5, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "73252497-3356-4ec3-aee8-1155b74dc794", "question": "Who is the friend of the second uncle of the male second cousin of the male second cousin of the cousin of the mother-in-law of Amberly Hochstetler?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Glen Haag", "Joslyn Schultz", "Kathey Buell", "Mariah Graybill", "Marlana Hyman", "Nathanial Jeter" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "friend(Y_4, Y_2)", "second_uncle(Y_6, Y_4)", "male_second_cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "male_second_cousin(Y_10, Y_8)", "cousin(Y_12, Y_10)", "mother_in_law(\"Amberly Hochstetler\", Y_12)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "_14", "?" ], "type": 5, "difficulty": 20 }, { "id": "00ef0ff7-f1ba-4a27-a332-b30692a390c8", "question": "Who is the mother-in-law of the female cousin of the grandchild of the grandparent of the male cousin of the second aunt of Ta Everette?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Arline Fuchs" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "mother_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "female_cousin(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandchild(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandparent(Y_10, Y_8)", "male_cousin(Y_12, Y_10)", "second_aunt(\"Ta Everette\", Y_12)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "_14", "?" ], "type": 5, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "ec8be54f-eb61-4cea-9027-cc84b0edc547", "question": "Who is the grandchild of the granddaughter of the great-grandfather of the child of the grandfather of the sibling of Ayanna Swenson?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Ayanna Swenson", "Carlo Swenson", "Carol Swenson", "Cleo Whatley", "Leeann Baum", "Leena Whatley", "Lionel Whatley", "Louella Whatley", "Rosaria Sigler", "Sophie Whatley", "Vilma Whatley" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandchild(Y_4, Y_2)", "granddaughter(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandfather(Y_8, Y_6)", "child(Y_10, Y_8)", "grandfather(Y_12, Y_10)", "sibling(\"Ayanna Swenson\", Y_12)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "_14", "?" ], "type": 5, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "23699393-5596-4c10-b343-020542e793c8", "question": "Who is the sister-in-law of the daughter-in-law of the great-grandmother of the cousin of the niece of the grandson of Deanna Dietz?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Kena Dietz" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sister_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "daughter_in_law(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandmother(Y_8, Y_6)", "cousin(Y_10, Y_8)", "niece(Y_12, Y_10)", "grandson(\"Deanna Dietz\", Y_12)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "_14", "?" ], "type": 5, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "2f18304b-a744-4703-b939-58cf25ac35e9", "question": "Who is the cousin of the male cousin of the granddaughter of the grandmother of the brother of the person whose date of birth is 0966-12-12?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Art Hersey", "Benjamin Hersey", "Claire Yoshida", "Clara Asher", "Dorthy Hersey", "Eldon Hersey", "Gaylord Rojo", "Leigh Lawton", "Mallie Rojo", "Margaret Asher", "Nelly Asher", "Romana Hersey", "Stuart Rojo", "Wyatt Hersey", "Xiomara Soria" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "male_cousin(Y_6, Y_4)", "granddaughter(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandmother(Y_10, Y_8)", "brother(Y_12, Y_10)", "dob(Y_12, \"0966-12-12\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the person whose", "_13", "is", "_13", "?" ], "type": 6, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "e1b7dcaa-cf56-4d78-b02a-47b49e9f9a14", "question": "Who is the husband of the friend of the female second cousin of the great-grandchild of the daughter-in-law of the person whose occupation is advertising copywriter?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Aaron Whatley", "Keith Wilfong", "Mario Scholl", "Mike Grigg", "Walker Thurman" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "husband(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "female_second_cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_grandchild(Y_10, Y_8)", "daughter_in_law(Y_12, Y_10)", "job(Y_12, \"advertising copywriter\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the person whose", "_13", "is", "_13", "?" ], "type": 6, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "aa8befd7-9519-4b65-9d5d-3cc2c966c734", "question": "Who is the aunt of the sister-in-law of the father-in-law of the wife of the nephew of the person whose date of birth is 0957-04-18?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Karol Dietz", "Nakisha Bellows" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "sister_in_law(Y_6, Y_4)", "father_in_law(Y_8, Y_6)", "wife(Y_10, Y_8)", "nephew(Y_12, Y_10)", "dob(Y_12, \"0957-04-18\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the person whose", "_13", "is", "_13", "?" ], "type": 6, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "cca566b2-b893-4be3-8b75-2c1c082d1757", "question": "Who is the grandparent of the nephew of the grandchild of the grandparent of the sibling of the person whose date of birth is 0932-12-11?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Colby Layne", "Dionne Layne", "Francisco Cosby", "Selena Cosby" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandparent(Y_4, Y_2)", "nephew(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandchild(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandparent(Y_10, Y_8)", "sibling(Y_12, Y_10)", "dob(Y_12, \"0932-12-11\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the person whose", "_13", "is", "_13", "?" ], "type": 6, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "2f87f4d5-90f6-4c97-b825-04efa451f8ec", "question": "Who is the second aunt of the friend of the great-grandson of the mother-in-law of the father-in-law of the person whose occupation is mechanical engineer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Antonia Mercado", "Dannielle Ridge", "Marybeth Natividad" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "second_aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandson(Y_8, Y_6)", "mother_in_law(Y_10, Y_8)", "father_in_law(Y_12, Y_10)", "job(Y_12, \"mechanical engineer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the person whose", "_13", "is", "_13", "?" ], "type": 6, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "c98f068f-d820-48ac-8457-5ffb179051f0", "question": "Who is the nephew of the aunt of the brother of the sibling of the grandson of the person whose occupation is operational investment banker?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Avery Schutt", "Burt Schutt", "Jasper Schutt", "Vincent Schutt" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "nephew(Y_4, Y_2)", "aunt(Y_6, Y_4)", "brother(Y_8, Y_6)", "sibling(Y_10, Y_8)", "grandson(Y_12, Y_10)", "job(Y_12, \"operational investment banker\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the person whose", "_13", "is", "_13", "?" ], "type": 6, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "a5bd977b-1a10-4877-9bc1-661019ab48c4", "question": "Who is the friend of the friend of the great-grandparent of the second uncle of the brother-in-law of the person whose occupation is public relations officer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alina Macon", "Arden Bryce", "Bridget Voyles", "Cordell Gerard", "Dudley Mackie", "Eddie Darling", "Iva Toner", "Kari Mackie", "Leann Hammonds", "Linwood Thrower", "Meghan Wilfong", "Merrill Keefer", "Mia Layne", "Nicolasa Dietz", "Reita Bryce", "Shari Donato", "Sofia Paez", "Steve Scholl", "Tod Minnick", "Vicente Marrero" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "friend(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandparent(Y_8, Y_6)", "second_uncle(Y_10, Y_8)", "brother_in_law(Y_12, Y_10)", "job(Y_12, \"public relations officer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the person whose", "_13", "is", "_13", "?" ], "type": 6, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "c1f68e61-6c50-4dcf-9b41-415970045563", "question": "Who is the great-grandparent of the cousin of the grandchild of the sister of the second aunt of the person whose hobby is car tuning?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Arline Fuchs", "Glen Toner", "Joesph Fuchs", "Leonora Toner" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandparent(Y_4, Y_2)", "cousin(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandchild(Y_8, Y_6)", "sister(Y_10, Y_8)", "second_aunt(Y_12, Y_10)", "hobby(Y_12, \"car tuning\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the person whose", "_13", "is", "_13", "?" ], "type": 6, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "fc48988f-7fe8-4318-bbc4-9ab68de9eb92", "question": "Who is the grandchild of the granddaughter of the great-grandfather of the child of the grandparent of the person whose date of birth is 0988-04-06?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Ayanna Swenson", "Carlo Swenson", "Carol Swenson", "Cleo Whatley", "Leeann Baum", "Leena Whatley", "Lionel Whatley", "Louella Whatley", "Rosaria Sigler", "Sophie Whatley", "Vilma Whatley" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandchild(Y_4, Y_2)", "granddaughter(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandfather(Y_8, Y_6)", "child(Y_10, Y_8)", "grandparent(Y_12, Y_10)", "dob(Y_12, \"0988-04-06\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the person whose", "_13", "is", "_13", "?" ], "type": 6, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "6364b6e7-101e-43b8-91c6-0e948057ff65", "question": "Who is the sister-in-law of the daughter-in-law of the great-grandmother of the cousin of the great-grandchild of the person whose occupation is equality and diversity officer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Kena Dietz" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sister_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "daughter_in_law(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandmother(Y_8, Y_6)", "cousin(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_grandchild(Y_12, Y_10)", "job(Y_12, \"equality and diversity officer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the person whose", "_13", "is", "_13", "?" ], "type": 6, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "2ea27656-1172-4eef-8c62-0239919f0b8e", "question": "Who is the female first cousin once removed of the cousin of the daughter of the daughter of the grandparent of Wyatt Hersey?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Antionette Hersey", "Cristina Soria", "Kimberely Hersey", "Leann Eaves", "Lou Lawton", "Luella Langford", "Tessie Kiefer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_4, Y_2)", "cousin(Y_6, Y_4)", "daughter(Y_8, Y_6)", "daughter(Y_10, Y_8)", "grandparent(\"Wyatt Hersey\", Y_10)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "_12", "?" ], "type": 7, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "46619071-4773-4e0c-9f5d-f159e15b23f7", "question": "Who is the male cousin of the great-grandchild of the great-grandmother of the nephew of the sibling of Marlana Hyman?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Murray Mccaffrey", "Neil Mccaffrey", "Nickolas Trejo", "Pasquale Hyman", "Victor Hyman" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "male_cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_grandchild(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandmother(Y_8, Y_6)", "nephew(Y_10, Y_8)", "sibling(\"Marlana Hyman\", Y_10)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "_12", "?" ], "type": 7, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "e859e26e-31af-4f04-ae97-dfa219101215", "question": "Who is the sister of the great-uncle of the child of the daughter-in-law of the mother of Reginald Voyles?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Francisca Slaton", "Nelly Graybill" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sister(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_uncle(Y_6, Y_4)", "child(Y_8, Y_6)", "daughter_in_law(Y_10, Y_8)", "mother(\"Reginald Voyles\", Y_10)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "_12", "?" ], "type": 7, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "6aec1882-0c98-461c-8dfa-157d99ba812f", "question": "Who is the sibling of the granddaughter of the father-in-law of the father of the great-grandchild of Austin Braden?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Grady Sears", "Lorenz Sears", "Margaret Santillan", "Robby Sears", "Rosaria Sears" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sibling(Y_4, Y_2)", "granddaughter(Y_6, Y_4)", "father_in_law(Y_8, Y_6)", "father(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_grandchild(\"Austin Braden\", Y_10)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "_12", "?" ], "type": 7, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "e294ba60-8bbb-49a3-8f02-160e3c1c9ef2", "question": "Who is the mother-in-law of the friend of the nephew of the great-aunt of the great-uncle of Konstantin Sterner?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Freeda Rojo", "Manuela Trejo", "Randi Rousseau", "Reyna Jameson" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "mother_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "nephew(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_aunt(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_uncle(\"Konstantin Sterner\", Y_10)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "_12", "?" ], "type": 7, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "df48cb25-f88a-45f3-b66d-035e8ad9ecde", "question": "Who is the friend of the daughter-in-law of the friend of the brother-in-law of the daughter-in-law of Arnold Linton?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Angelina Bernhardt", "Colette David", "Jared Edison", "Kathey Buell", "Otis Putnam", "Rebecka Gross", "Selina Solberg", "Wyatt Holmes" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "friend(Y_4, Y_2)", "daughter_in_law(Y_6, Y_4)", "friend(Y_8, Y_6)", "brother_in_law(Y_10, Y_8)", "daughter_in_law(\"Arnold Linton\", Y_10)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "_12", "?" ], "type": 7, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "96001cc4-f474-4ac6-a1f5-ca62521c8fe2", "question": "Who is the grandmother of the daughter of the brother of the sibling of the brother-in-law of Barbar Scholl?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Delma Scholl", "Rhonda Kennedy" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandmother(Y_4, Y_2)", "daughter(Y_6, Y_4)", "brother(Y_8, Y_6)", "sibling(Y_10, Y_8)", "brother_in_law(\"Barbar Scholl\", Y_10)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "_12", "?" ], "type": 7, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "0083caaa-cb7e-4822-91b6-498df7f7a8a2", "question": "Who is the second uncle of the male second cousin of the male second cousin of the cousin of the mother-in-law of Amberly Hochstetler?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Jess Lavalley", "Kareem Lavalley" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "second_uncle(Y_4, Y_2)", "male_second_cousin(Y_6, Y_4)", "male_second_cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "cousin(Y_10, Y_8)", "mother_in_law(\"Amberly Hochstetler\", Y_10)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "_12", "?" ], "type": 7, "difficulty": 19 }, { "id": "662f5821-c6ef-490d-9209-53ca867500a4", "question": "Who is the great-aunt of the brother of the male second cousin of the friend of the great-uncle of Samual Grenier?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Nelly Graybill" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "brother(Y_6, Y_4)", "male_second_cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "friend(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_uncle(\"Samual Grenier\", Y_10)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "_12", "?" ], "type": 7, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "cf1a2cb8-d599-4c17-940f-8f0eecfb7214", "question": "Who is the sister of the niece of the daughter of the grandmother of the nephew of Jame Layne?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Rosella Dillow", "Shenita Dillow" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sister(Y_4, Y_2)", "niece(Y_6, Y_4)", "daughter(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandmother(Y_10, Y_8)", "nephew(\"Jame Layne\", Y_10)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "_12", "?" ], "type": 7, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "c6760ad1-14d2-4bcf-82f1-8184419c1325", "question": "Who is the male cousin of the granddaughter of the grandmother of the brother of the person whose date of birth is 0966-12-12?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Art Hersey", "Benjamin Hersey", "Eldon Hersey", "Gaylord Rojo", "Stuart Rojo", "Wyatt Hersey" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "male_cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "granddaughter(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandmother(Y_8, Y_6)", "brother(Y_10, Y_8)", "dob(Y_10, \"0966-12-12\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the person whose", "_11", "is", "_11", "?" ], "type": 8, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "3f3bb7dd-780e-4e2c-b123-68db18d3be0a", "question": "Who is the female cousin of the female cousin of the niece of the aunt of the person whose date of birth is 0936-10-15?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Bess Mccaffrey", "Carmela Blunt", "Coral Ramsay", "Doreen Chester", "Hyun Lester", "Isabel Lester", "Manuela Trejo", "Marlana Chester", "Marlana Hyman", "Shawnta Ramsay" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "female_cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "female_cousin(Y_6, Y_4)", "niece(Y_8, Y_6)", "aunt(Y_10, Y_8)", "dob(Y_10, \"0936-10-15\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the person whose", "_11", "is", "_11", "?" ], "type": 8, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "3be92d07-744d-487e-b148-ff7c0c557fc2", "question": "Who is the daughter of the niece of the sibling of the mother-in-law of the person whose date of birth is 0975-09-21?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alina Ashburn", "Shauna Linder", "Zona Voyles" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "daughter(Y_4, Y_2)", "niece(Y_6, Y_4)", "sibling(Y_8, Y_6)", "mother_in_law(Y_10, Y_8)", "dob(Y_10, \"0975-09-21\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the person whose", "_11", "is", "_11", "?" ], "type": 8, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "ccda0105-c3ef-4777-9da8-e7b9e18afc1c", "question": "Who is the son of the granddaughter of the son-in-law of the father-in-law of the person whose occupation is print production planner?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Grady Sears", "Lorenz Sears", "Robby Sears" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "son(Y_4, Y_2)", "granddaughter(Y_6, Y_4)", "son_in_law(Y_8, Y_6)", "father_in_law(Y_10, Y_8)", "job(Y_10, \"print production planner\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the person whose", "_11", "is", "_11", "?" ], "type": 8, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "e0f85d97-067b-4669-abb9-c355a88dea2c", "question": "Who is the nephew of the brother-in-law of the great-uncle of the great-uncle of the person whose occupation is biomedical scientist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Cortez Mcnally", "Theron Mcnally" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "nephew(Y_4, Y_2)", "brother_in_law(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_uncle(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_uncle(Y_10, Y_8)", "job(Y_10, \"biomedical scientist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the person whose", "_11", "is", "_11", "?" ], "type": 8, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "6c3d8fa4-e8e3-4e3e-810c-d860a428a66a", "question": "Who is the female second cousin of the friend of the friend of the friend of the person whose occupation is broadcast presenter?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Adelaida Mcnally", "Aletha Schuler", "Alfreda Denham", "Antionette Hersey", "Beulah Bayless", "Candy Manuel", "Carla Heflin", "Cristina Soria", "Dinah Lundgren", "Dortha Bryce", "Edwina Ferrer", "Elfriede Kasten", "Ellen Gulick", "Essie Koss", "Eva Lund", "Francisca Hochstetler", "Geneva Lavender", "Jodi Biggs", "Julie Pomeroy", "Kathe Edmunds", "Kimberely Hersey", "Lara Olds", "Lou Lawton", "Louann Toomey", "Luella Langford", "Mammie Bridge", "Margo Echols", "Meghann Kirschner", "Noelia Matta", "Pansy Southerland", "Patti Koss", "Pearlie Bryce", "Piper Snow", "Racquel Wilfong", "Rochelle Denham", "Romelia Jankowski", "Samantha Mclemore", "Shonna Pence", "Staci Deming", "Wanita Bosley" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "female_second_cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "friend(Y_8, Y_6)", "friend(Y_10, Y_8)", "job(Y_10, \"broadcast presenter\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the person whose", "_11", "is", "_11", "?" ], "type": 8, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "856b953d-316a-49ae-b592-89f07179f3d5", "question": "Who is the nephew of the grandchild of the grandmother of the child of the person whose occupation is neurosurgeon?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Emmett Hammonds", "Lucius Sanders", "Rocky Scholl" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "nephew(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandmother(Y_8, Y_6)", "child(Y_10, Y_8)", "job(Y_10, \"neurosurgeon\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the person whose", "_11", "is", "_11", "?" ], "type": 8, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "2f5bd85e-30ce-4501-9ed1-720a44f3778a", "question": "Who is the friend of the great-grandparent of the second uncle of the brother-in-law of the person whose occupation is public relations officer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Angela Falls", "Carter Temple", "Christy Perea", "Jacques Gil", "Jamika Jessen", "Kerry Wacker", "Lynn Gerard", "Truman Hector" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "friend(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_grandparent(Y_6, Y_4)", "second_uncle(Y_8, Y_6)", "brother_in_law(Y_10, Y_8)", "job(Y_10, \"public relations officer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the person whose", "_11", "is", "_11", "?" ], "type": 8, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "22df1f9b-1902-4df7-8273-b688e53fd759", "question": "Who is the grandchild of the brother of the second uncle of the female first cousin once removed of the person whose date of birth is 0944-12-16?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Adolph Grenier", "Damon Grenier", "Joel Grenier", "Leeann Grenier", "Ron Grenier", "Samual Grenier", "Thelma Grenier", "Xavier Grenier" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandchild(Y_4, Y_2)", "brother(Y_6, Y_4)", "second_uncle(Y_8, Y_6)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_10, Y_8)", "dob(Y_10, \"0944-12-16\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the person whose", "_11", "is", "_11", "?" ], "type": 8, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "02e2b468-24ae-43d4-8825-d5ba679addab", "question": "Who is the father of the niece of the sibling of the nephew of the person whose hobby is noodling?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Marcel Layne" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "father(Y_4, Y_2)", "niece(Y_6, Y_4)", "sibling(Y_8, Y_6)", "nephew(Y_10, Y_8)", "hobby(Y_10, \"noodling\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the person whose", "_11", "is", "_11", "?" ], "type": 8, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "805968e4-8000-4909-a52d-d569d9d41df6", "question": "Who is the cousin of the daughter of the daughter of the grandparent of Wyatt Hersey?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Art Hersey", "Benjamin Hersey", "Claire Yoshida", "Clara Asher", "Dorthy Hersey", "Eldon Hersey", "Gaylord Rojo", "Leigh Lawton", "Mallie Rojo", "Margaret Asher", "Nelly Asher", "Romana Hersey", "Stuart Rojo", "Wyatt Hersey", "Xiomara Soria" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "daughter(Y_6, Y_4)", "daughter(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandparent(\"Wyatt Hersey\", Y_8)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "_10", "?" ], "type": 9, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "e24c7560-54e8-4eeb-b7d7-73f36e7a0a2e", "question": "Who is the cousin of the nephew of the sibling of the great-grandchild of Raul Butterfield?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Adolfo Breen", "Lawerence Breen" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "nephew(Y_6, Y_4)", "sibling(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_grandchild(\"Raul Butterfield\", Y_8)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "_10", "?" ], "type": 9, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "241b509a-54bf-4d06-b2fd-e155119bbb68", "question": "Who is the sister-in-law of the son of the friend of the sister-in-law of Mohammed Hickerson?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Sueann Cody" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sister_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "son(Y_6, Y_4)", "friend(Y_8, Y_6)", "sister_in_law(\"Mohammed Hickerson\", Y_8)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "_10", "?" ], "type": 9, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "559fe68e-53b9-479b-9830-ca8a8ead00a8", "question": "Who is the mother-in-law of the father of the grandchild of the grandmother of Mayra Stites?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Oralia Kress" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "mother_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "father(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandchild(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandmother(\"Mayra Stites\", Y_8)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "_10", "?" ], "type": 9, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "d3b626bf-ee05-4793-b547-37caa37a9af3", "question": "Who is the sister-in-law of the daughter of the husband of the great-grandparent of Eloy Kranz?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Rubye Everette", "Sofia Everette" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sister_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "daughter(Y_6, Y_4)", "husband(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_grandparent(\"Eloy Kranz\", Y_8)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "_10", "?" ], "type": 9, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "8098e5e9-227e-419a-afcf-8381faba8f4f", "question": "Who is the great-uncle of the male first cousin once removed of the nephew of the second uncle of Noelia Matta?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Bert Wilfong", "Bryan Wilfong", "Chase Wilfong", "Keith Wilfong" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_uncle(Y_4, Y_2)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_6, Y_4)", "nephew(Y_8, Y_6)", "second_uncle(\"Noelia Matta\", Y_8)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "_10", "?" ], "type": 9, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "0c9b73d0-f185-4d08-86ff-63f7eb1d11fa", "question": "Who is the daughter-in-law of the friend of the brother-in-law of the daughter-in-law of Arnold Linton?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Anjanette Jameson", "Domonique Boutte", "Michele Strong" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "daughter_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "brother_in_law(Y_8, Y_6)", "daughter_in_law(\"Arnold Linton\", Y_8)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "_10", "?" ], "type": 9, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "78448fdb-ca0a-46f0-a65d-4e4fd64b1c81", "question": "Who is the father of the sibling of the niece of the grandson of Delinda Ahmed?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Jasper Schutt" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "father(Y_4, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_6, Y_4)", "niece(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandson(\"Delinda Ahmed\", Y_8)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "_10", "?" ], "type": 9, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "313b4330-e407-4e95-98f0-ec06da267345", "question": "Who is the male cousin of the granddaughter of the grandfather of the brother of Perry Dorris?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Jules Dorris", "Odis Dorris", "Perry Dorris", "Sonny Dorris" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "male_cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "granddaughter(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandfather(Y_8, Y_6)", "brother(\"Perry Dorris\", Y_8)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "_10", "?" ], "type": 9, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "884aed6b-ae5f-4bc6-82a8-97b15f39f046", "question": "Who is the sister of the friend of the cousin of the friend of King Satterwhite?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Allyson Gorton", "Carleen Dias", "Clara Asher", "Concepcion Najera", "Edythe Russo", "Elyse Wilfong", "Georgine Pence", "Josette Neely", "Kena Matta", "Kristi Ashburn", "Margaret Asher", "Monika Galvin", "Nelly Asher", "Rena Grigg", "Selina Solberg", "Staci Rose", "Sue Mcbroom", "Sun Koss", "Tianna Brashear", "Tonia Stack" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sister(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "friend(\"King Satterwhite\", Y_8)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "_10", "?" ], "type": 9, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "f55f3308-7875-45b7-b65b-2e4250faebe0", "question": "Who is the granddaughter of the grandmother of the brother of the person whose date of birth is 0966-12-12?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Claire Yoshida", "Clara Asher", "Dorthy Hersey", "Leigh Lawton", "Mallie Rojo", "Margaret Asher", "Nelly Asher", "Romana Hersey", "Xiomara Soria" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "granddaughter(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandmother(Y_6, Y_4)", "brother(Y_8, Y_6)", "dob(Y_8, \"0966-12-12\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the person whose", "_9", "is", "_9", "?" ], "type": 10, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "e671d619-6c9e-4baa-904c-257276895e5d", "question": "Who is the great-uncle of the grandson of the son of the person whose occupation is building control surveyor?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Adam Gross", "Arthur Lieberman", "Irwin Gross", "Omar Lieberman", "Pasquale Gross", "Thaddeus Lieberman" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_uncle(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandson(Y_6, Y_4)", "son(Y_8, Y_6)", "job(Y_8, \"building control surveyor\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the person whose", "_9", "is", "_9", "?" ], "type": 10, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "3224ac4c-5a63-455a-bb0b-5c1af9fe411f", "question": "Who is the sister-in-law of the husband of the friend of the person whose hobby is research?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Carmon Nieman", "Daniele Juan", "Dannielle Stahl", "Debra Christian", "Gail Breen", "Heather Wilkie", "Isabell Doherty", "Kathe Olvera", "Leigh Schutt", "Nakisha Million", "Olivia Wilkie", "Rhoda Loveless", "Sueann Cody", "Suzette Wendt", "Vilma Stratton" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sister_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "husband(Y_6, Y_4)", "friend(Y_8, Y_6)", "hobby(Y_8, \"research\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the person whose", "_9", "is", "_9", "?" ], "type": 10, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "02fcdd08-1186-4eae-9e6e-ee387e4061aa", "question": "Who is the cousin of the grandparent of the child of the person whose occupation is IT technical support officer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Casandra Fuchs", "Dwain Stites", "Giovanni Stites", "Isis Enriquez", "Jewell Stites", "Kisha Stites", "Leopoldo Stites", "Wayne Stites" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandparent(Y_6, Y_4)", "child(Y_8, Y_6)", "job(Y_8, \"IT technical support officer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the person whose", "_9", "is", "_9", "?" ], "type": 10, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "c4ac1e61-4bb3-455a-b39d-a968452ab236", "question": "Who is the friend of the father of the grandmother of the person whose occupation is lawyer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Allie Haag", "Delma Scholl", "Jacquelyn Prater", "Jacques Goings", "Jose Santillan", "Karin Keeler", "Laurel Bianchi", "Lyndon Stamper", "Mattie Jaffe", "Pearl Tyson", "Rodney Edison" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "friend(Y_4, Y_2)", "father(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandmother(Y_8, Y_6)", "job(Y_8, \"lawyer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the person whose", "_9", "is", "_9", "?" ], "type": 10, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "ff940923-7249-4129-9068-0ce40cc014e4", "question": "Who is the great-aunt of the friend of the second uncle of the person whose hobby is stone collecting?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Antonia Mercado", "Chau Bridge", "Christy Perea", "Colette Mcclurg", "Daniele Mcclurg", "Dannielle Ridge", "Delia Gipson", "Elizebeth Kasten", "Joslyn Schultz", "Justine Lombardo", "Loretta Denham", "Maryam Jessen", "Marybeth Natividad", "Meghann Dutra", "Michele Marchant", "Nelly Sallee", "Pearlie Lanham", "Rhonda Oconner", "Romelia Sawyers", "Roxanne Steffens", "Tanja Patel" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "second_uncle(Y_8, Y_6)", "hobby(Y_8, \"stone collecting\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the person whose", "_9", "is", "_9", "?" ], "type": 10, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "62ac6be1-3afa-44a9-8508-34969f273bc1", "question": "Who is the friend of the friend of the friend of the person whose occupation is broadcast presenter?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Adell Coble", "Adella Doughty", "Adolph Layne", "Ahmad Vansickle", "Albert Edelman", "Alec Rousseau", "Alejandrina Beck", "Alvin Haag", "Amina Seabolt", "Anastacia Clemmer", "Anastasia Hake", "Andres Barbee", "Angelo Baum", "Anita Embree", "Anneliese Faria", "Annita Dorris", "Antonio Layne", "Bradly Olds", "Brock Gerard", "Brooks Huntley", "Carmela Blunt", "Carter Putnam", "Casandra Gould", "Cathy Chatman", "Chad Natividad", "Cherise Kobayashi", "Cherise Shine", "Claude Goings", "Clay Heflin", "Cliff Shine", "Columbus Mcmillen", "Coretta Dunbar", "Corinne Kasper", "Dallas Goings", "Darnell Elwood", "Darwin Scholl", "Dawn Hargett", "Dean Schutt", "Debora Petit", "Dee Stoddard", "Denny Koss", "Deshawn Prater", "Dion Koss", "Dominick Elrod", "Donovan Stites", "Doreen Chester", "Earl Edelman", "Eddy Olvera", "Edwina Paez", "Edythe Coates", "Ellis Diego", "Elyse Barbee", "Emanuel Bryce", "Emery Hake", "Emil Batten", "Emmanuel Musick", "Erin Almanza", "Erin Huddleston", "Errol Everette", "Ervin Matta", "Esperanza Bianchi", "Florence Link", "Francine Varney", "Francis Braden", "Francisca Perea", "Freda Rankins", "Frederic Lawton", "Garrett Pearce", "Gary Schutt", "Genny Cothran", "Gerardo Jessen", "Golda Sandler", "Heather Wilkie", "Henry Lawton", "Hubert Milne", "Ida Peek", "Iluminada Blackstock", "Isabella Griggs", "Isis Enriquez", "Jacob Kirschner", "Jared Faria", "Jeana Pearman", "Jefferson Long", "Jenny Mora", "Jerrod Stoddard", "Jillian Halbert", "Jo Bybee", "Joelle Mccartney", "Jona Snow", "Jordan Mcbroom", "Joslyn Schultz", "Joslyn Sloan", "Jude Paez", "Julian Pulver", "Katerine Cody", "Katerine Cothran", "Katherine Beason", "Kimberely Leone", "Kristopher Leiva", "Ladawn Turgeon", "Lara Olds", "Larue Pulver", "Lawerence Breen", "Leah Mcnally", "Leda Hake", "Lenny Blizzard", "Leonila Parkinson", "Leslie Stratton", "Lessie Dutra", "Lessie Weller", "Lester Gerard", "Levi Olds", "Logan Edison", "Lois Rawlings", "Lura Bianchi", "Lyndon Jasso", "Lynette Putnam", "Madelyn Hereford", "Mallie Leone", "Marilyn Dickman", "Marlana Mora", "Maryam Kendrick", "Max Bueno", "Maxwell Lambert", "Melvin Vanderpool", "Mervin Snow", "Mireya Schutt", "Morgan Haag", "Murray Bing", "My Goings", "Nelson Trejo", "Nick Massey", "Nickolas Deming", "Normand Baum", "Normand Prater", "Oleta Mcbroom", "Pamula Kruse", "Pansy Southerland", "Patrice Peek", "Patti Koss", "Pearlie Kruse", "Pearlie Lanham", "Pete Sigler", "Pierre Gould", "Pricilla Pennington", "Randi Rousseau", "Rayna Scholl", "Ronnie Pence", "Rory England", "Rosanne Gould", "Rosemary Lew", "Russell Gross", "Ryan Pinkney", "Salley Puckett", "Sammy Halbert", "Sara Hay", "Scott Talbott", "Sebastian Butterfield", "Shamika Schuler", "Shane Bean", "Shauna Dickman", "Shizuko Veilleux", "Signe Vanderpool", "Simone Little", "Stan Breen", "Stanford Linder", "Stephen Coates", "Steven Mora", "Tanner Nolte", "Teresita Stack", "Tessie Kiefer", "Thalia Mclemore", "Thelma Jessen", "Tiesha Whatley", "Tiffany Reardon", "Timothy Edison", "Tony Lanham", "Trent Wilmoth", "Trudy Grenier", "Tyrell Cody", "Tyrell Sallee", "Vilma Stratton", "Vincent Meadows", "Virgil Bueno", "Virgil Hardaway", "Wes Peek", "Wiley Falls", "William Layne", "Williams Cothran", "Wilmer Rodarte", "Winnifred Arriola", "Xiao Hersey", "Zelma Hersey" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "friend(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "friend(Y_8, Y_6)", "job(Y_8, \"broadcast presenter\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the person whose", "_9", "is", "_9", "?" ], "type": 10, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "ea9a2a06-bef2-4c57-8471-07953da40720", "question": "Who is the brother of the sibling of the grandson of the person whose occupation is operational investment banker?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Avery Schutt", "Burt Schutt", "Jasper Schutt", "Rick Gross", "Vincent Schutt" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "brother(Y_4, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandson(Y_8, Y_6)", "job(Y_8, \"operational investment banker\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the person whose", "_9", "is", "_9", "?" ], "type": 10, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "4b52edbf-fa82-44f8-b929-70b6de089850", "question": "Who is the daughter-in-law of the mother-in-law of the niece of the person whose occupation is ranger?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Thelma Heck" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "daughter_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "mother_in_law(Y_6, Y_4)", "niece(Y_8, Y_6)", "job(Y_8, \"ranger\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the person whose", "_9", "is", "_9", "?" ], "type": 10, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "06eaeb46-5626-4bfa-b65e-7f0113bd6842", "question": "Who is the father of the friend of the friend of the person whose hobby is vintage cars?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alexander Dietz", "Ambrose Olvera", "Anibal Edison", "Armando Dorris", "Barry Stamper", "Benton Hake", "Boris Ashburn", "Brendon Gil", "Brent Wilkie", "Buddy Edelman", "Clark Putnam", "Claude Goings", "Clay Castaneda", "Clifford Mcglynn", "Colin Gross", "Daniel Satterwhite", "Danilo Bryce", "Dion Reardon", "Earl Newby", "Eddie Cothran", "Edison Ley", "Emanuel Goings", "Emilio Goings", "Ernest Strong", "Esteban Nesbitt", "Fabian Albritton", "Felix Biggs", "Forest Grenier", "Gale Jean", "Geoffrey Grenier", "Guadalupe Buell", "Hal Stoddard", "Harlan Haag", "Harvey Stites", "Hunter Darling", "Hyman Means", "Jamaal Hyman", "Jame Rojo", "Jamel Botello", "Jefferson Long", "Jeremy Crowder", "Joaquin Lund", "Joesph Griggs", "Landon Schutt", "Linwood Dias", "Linwood Neely", "Lloyd Ahmed", "Lon Olvera", "Luca Warner", "Lyndon Dickey", "Lyndon Jasso", "Mark Nieman", "Martin Haven", "Melvin Dodge", "Moritz David", "Pasquale Garretson", "Pasquale Varney", "Pedro Hardaway", "Raleigh Koss", "Ray Shupe", "Rigoberto Mackie", "Roberto Toomey", "Rocco Lance", "Roland Chester", "Rolland Halter", "Rupert Wooldridge", "Russel Wallen", "Sammy Halbert", "Samual Clemmer", "Shane Bean", "Shon Guay", "Steve Scholl", "Vaughn Asher", "Wm Bueno", "Wyatt Kranz" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "father(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "friend(Y_8, Y_6)", "hobby(Y_8, \"vintage cars\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the person whose", "_9", "is", "_9", "?" ], "type": 10, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "03fa323a-638d-4b37-be64-7be3e10f99cc", "question": "Who is the daughter of the daughter of the grandparent of Wyatt Hersey?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Claire Yoshida", "Clara Asher", "Leigh Lawton", "Mallie Rojo", "Margaret Asher", "Nelly Asher", "Xiomara Soria" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "daughter(Y_4, Y_2)", "daughter(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandparent(\"Wyatt Hersey\", Y_6)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "_8", "?" ], "type": 11, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "4dc0612c-1459-40fa-b466-bcdcc6e6e358", "question": "Who is the sibling of the brother-in-law of the friend of Ronnie Gaddis?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Carleen Dias", "Colin Gross", "Erin Gross", "Georgine Pence", "Jorge Heck", "Manual Gross", "Pete Gross", "Tommie Gross" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sibling(Y_4, Y_2)", "brother_in_law(Y_6, Y_4)", "friend(\"Ronnie Gaddis\", Y_6)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "_8", "?" ], "type": 11, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "45ea1bda-8cf6-475a-a924-fb5c0896bb0f", "question": "Who is the great-grandfather of the friend of the great-grandfather of Rosalinda Batten?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Elias Lanham", "Grant Bridge", "Lloyd Ahmed", "Solomon Randazzo" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandfather(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandfather(\"Rosalinda Batten\", Y_6)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "_8", "?" ], "type": 11, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "78a6fa04-3af1-47e0-89af-b0206d398a37", "question": "Who is the child of the daughter-in-law of the mother of Reginald Voyles?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alphonso Voyles", "Antony Voyles", "Harris Voyles", "Zona Voyles" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "child(Y_4, Y_2)", "daughter_in_law(Y_6, Y_4)", "mother(\"Reginald Voyles\", Y_6)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "_8", "?" ], "type": 11, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "7be642ca-3eae-47b5-82e5-b423e1cc4997", "question": "Who is the son-in-law of the father of the aunt of Tyrell Cody?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Nico Cody", "Roger Boutte" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "son_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "father(Y_6, Y_4)", "aunt(\"Tyrell Cody\", Y_6)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "_8", "?" ], "type": 11, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "4f2a3cf8-8c54-4785-832c-b9f2906fbbf7", "question": "Who is the daughter of the husband of the great-grandparent of Eloy Kranz?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Pauline Everette", "Rubye Everette", "Sofia Everette" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "daughter(Y_4, Y_2)", "husband(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandparent(\"Eloy Kranz\", Y_6)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "_8", "?" ], "type": 11, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "57616984-2f3f-4153-a09b-de617b16c7ad", "question": "Who is the nephew of the great-aunt of the great-uncle of Konstantin Sterner?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Cortez Mcnally", "Deshawn Prater", "Theron Mcnally" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "nephew(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_aunt(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_uncle(\"Konstantin Sterner\", Y_6)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "_8", "?" ], "type": 11, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "09b2797f-e85e-42e6-bfa4-34baa78e5cdf", "question": "Who is the great-aunt of the brother of the sister-in-law of Diane Meadows?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Deena Schuler", "Ella Hatfield" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "brother(Y_6, Y_4)", "sister_in_law(\"Diane Meadows\", Y_6)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "_8", "?" ], "type": 11, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "4c3f09aa-9120-4d65-841d-425bad851ad9", "question": "Who is the male cousin of the female first cousin once removed of the friend of Ollie Mcmillen?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Ronnie Pence" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "male_cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_6, Y_4)", "friend(\"Ollie 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"template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the person whose", "_7", "is", "_7", "?" ], "type": 12, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "d04a63b2-b415-459b-aa0e-06fb5fbbf901", "question": "Who is the sibling of the great-granddaughter of the person whose hobby is reading?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Albert Edelman", "Barry Huntley", "Bonnie Cothran", "Brooks Martini", "Buddy Edelman", "Chante Treece", "Courtney Avina", "Deja Holmes", "Donnie Edelman", "Dortha Bryce", "Dortha Nickels", "Elizebeth Kasten", "Emanuel Bryce", "Jacques Goings", "Jayson Bryce", "Jeannine Million", "Jeff Salvatore", "Kathe Olvera", "Kraig Olvera", "Pat Holmes", "Pearlie Bryce", "Rosalie Jameson", "Roxanne Steffens", "Skye Mcculloch", "Ward Kasten", "Wyatt Holmes" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sibling(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_granddaughter(Y_6, Y_4)", "hobby(Y_6, \"reading\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the person whose", "_7", "is", "_7", "?" ], "type": 12, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "b08549aa-57c9-4477-b696-d14dff10d0c7", "question": "Who is the male first cousin once removed of the friend of the person whose occupation is oceanographer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Aurelio Schroder", "Derek Hochstetler", "Deshawn Jessen", "Desmond Hochstetler", "Elmer Batten", "Emmett Hammonds", "Erik Keeler", "Evan Batten", "Felipe Ashburn", "Gerardo Jessen", "German Breen", "Glenn Buell", "Johnny Keeler", "Keith Dickman", "Landon Lundgren", "Lucius Sanders", "Lyle Keeler", "Moshe Buell", "Nestor Linder", "Rocky Scholl", "Wilbert Jessen" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "job(Y_6, \"oceanographer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the person whose", "_7", "is", "_7", "?" ], "type": 12, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "cc039444-7ebd-49f6-afc5-a492e6b44977", "question": "Who is the sibling of the mother-in-law of the person whose date of birth is 0975-09-21?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Arthur Lieberman", "Nelly Graybill", "Omar Lieberman", "Thaddeus Lieberman" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sibling(Y_4, Y_2)", "mother_in_law(Y_6, Y_4)", "dob(Y_6, \"0975-09-21\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the person whose", "_7", "is", "_7", "?" ], "type": 12, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "078d0b8b-1d92-4b62-bb79-85728ab9b145", "question": "Who is the cousin of the brother of the person whose date of birth is 0954-11-27?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Dante Boutte", "Emil Boutte", "Gary Boutte", "Oliver Damico", "Robin Boutte" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "brother(Y_6, Y_4)", "dob(Y_6, \"0954-11-27\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the person whose", "_7", "is", "_7", "?" ], "type": 12, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "ee10a35e-c6a1-45ca-8110-b45c7f9fff4e", "question": "Who is the father of the grandmother of the person whose occupation is lawyer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Cleveland Mcbroom", "Normand Hereford", "Quinn Massey" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "father(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandmother(Y_6, Y_4)", "job(Y_6, \"lawyer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the person whose", "_7", "is", "_7", "?" ], "type": 12, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "f70370da-89bf-4ebf-b751-d04a60b75858", "question": "Who is the great-uncle of the great-uncle of the person whose occupation is biomedical scientist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Lincoln Mcnally" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_uncle(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_uncle(Y_6, Y_4)", "job(Y_6, \"biomedical scientist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the person whose", "_7", "is", "_7", "?" ], "type": 12, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "a642a1e7-d3ac-4d89-8318-c93ab5bb995c", "question": "Who is the mother-in-law of the father-in-law of the person whose occupation is mechanical engineer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Lissa Cassidy" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "mother_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "father_in_law(Y_6, Y_4)", "job(Y_6, \"mechanical engineer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the person whose", "_7", "is", "_7", "?" ], "type": 12, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "06128325-933f-4879-a47b-e81547eb1b56", "question": "Who is the second aunt of the female first cousin once removed of the person whose hobby is foraging?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Delia Gipson" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "second_aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_6, Y_4)", "hobby(Y_6, \"foraging\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the person whose", "_7", "is", "_7", "?" ], "type": 12, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "7c78e404-bac9-4c28-8626-ac3795b65782", "question": "Who is the grandmother of the child of the person whose occupation is neurosurgeon?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Delma Scholl", "Serena Asher", "Xiao Hersey" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandmother(Y_4, Y_2)", "child(Y_6, Y_4)", "job(Y_6, \"neurosurgeon\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the person whose", "_7", "is", "_7", "?" ], "type": 12, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "c32b144c-ca89-4509-b95f-12a87f3a3835", "question": "Who is the daughter of the grandparent of Wyatt Hersey?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Freeda Rojo", "Rana Asher" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "daughter(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandparent(\"Wyatt Hersey\", Y_4)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "_6", "?" ], "type": 13, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "89c6b16c-3532-4f6c-a5e3-693439ded6d5", "question": "Who is the female first cousin once removed of the cousin of Terri Bosley?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Essie Koss", "Lara Olds", "Patti Koss", "Wanita Bosley" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_4, Y_2)", "cousin(\"Terri Bosley\", Y_4)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "_6", "?" ], "type": 13, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "7e9b06f9-83ea-4b43-97f5-ac8681ad0ea5", "question": "Who is the nephew of the sibling of Marlana Hyman?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Murray Mccaffrey", "Neil Mccaffrey", "Pasquale Hyman", "Victor Hyman" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "nephew(Y_4, Y_2)", "sibling(\"Marlana Hyman\", Y_4)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "_6", "?" ], "type": 13, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "5a747f1b-ef3e-439d-9576-f740807e318d", "question": "Who is the friend of the son-in-law of Armand Buell?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Connie Koss", "Martin Haven", "Sarah Damico", "Shauna Linder", "Tessie Mcglynn" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "friend(Y_4, Y_2)", "son_in_law(\"Armand Buell\", Y_4)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "_6", "?" ], "type": 13, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "e13ead24-7489-4530-8582-864447935973", "question": "Who is the daughter-in-law of the mother of Reginald Voyles?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Bridget Voyles" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "daughter_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "mother(\"Reginald Voyles\", Y_4)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "_6", "?" ], "type": 13, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "b0cc75cc-aaa0-4e6b-acbc-a9cb33e3c5f2", "question": "Who is the grandchild of the grandmother of Mayra Stites?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Mayra Stites" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandchild(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandmother(\"Mayra Stites\", Y_4)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "_6", "?" ], "type": 13, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "7d7433d0-5fb1-4129-9fe6-faf78f129b3a", "question": "Who is the father of the great-grandchild of Austin Braden?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Fred Sears" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "father(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_grandchild(\"Austin Braden\", Y_4)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "_6", "?" ], "type": 13, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "e3f261e9-4555-4b99-ba67-20294a98fe00", "question": "Who is the sibling of the brother of Charlie Layne?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Adolph Layne", "Charlie Layne", "Deon Layne", "Franklin Layne", "Jame Layne" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sibling(Y_4, Y_2)", "brother(\"Charlie Layne\", Y_4)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "_6", "?" ], "type": 13, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "5f4cd3a7-d071-46d6-8d32-5dc69dc142c3", "question": "Who is the great-aunt of the great-uncle of Konstantin Sterner?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Ester Arriola", "Jacquelyn Prater", "Minnie Prater" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_uncle(\"Konstantin Sterner\", Y_4)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "_6", "?" ], "type": 13, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "678ec4bb-0601-4e61-bef6-6295e9679db3", "question": "Who is the grandfather of the female second cousin of Lewis Kyser?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Elias Rangel", "Perry Dutra" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandfather(Y_4, Y_2)", "female_second_cousin(\"Lewis Kyser\", Y_4)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "_6", "?" ], "type": 13, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "5a91f933-f626-46e9-88e8-06d61f03c36e", "question": "Who is the brother of the person whose date of birth is 0966-12-12?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Art Hersey" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "brother(Y_4, Y_2)", "dob(Y_4, \"0966-12-12\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_5", "is", "_5", "?" ], "type": 14, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "29186378-d1c1-48f0-a6f8-8ff86dc6d629", "question": "Who is the male cousin of the person whose occupation is accountant?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Brock Neely", "Denny Koss", "Dion Koss", "Elias Koss", "Gale Koss", "Leslie Koss", "Thurman Neely" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "male_cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "job(Y_4, \"accountant\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_5", "is", "_5", "?" ], "type": 14, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "7a9819a4-ee37-4244-94f4-3a2ee177a4f4", "question": "Who is the aunt of the person whose date of birth is 0936-10-15?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Michelle Ramsay", "Ressie Chester" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "dob(Y_4, \"0936-10-15\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_5", "is", "_5", "?" ], "type": 14, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "7c035729-2d2c-45b8-a253-5955737dda2b", "question": "Who is the brother-in-law of the person whose hobby is geography?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Bryant Edison", "Federico Edison", "Jared Edison", "Maxwell Dickman", "Roland Temple", "Ron Dickman" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "brother_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "hobby(Y_4, \"geography\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_5", "is", "_5", "?" ], "type": 14, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "ab78b4c7-3b33-4257-ab36-15146f9a01d3", "question": "Who is the mother-in-law of the person whose date of birth is 0975-09-21?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Francisca Slaton" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "mother_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "dob(Y_4, \"0975-09-21\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_5", "is", "_5", "?" ], "type": 14, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "8dd93510-b8ea-4af8-8d10-5d8e40842ec8", "question": "Who is the child of the person whose occupation is IT technical support officer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Beulah Bayless", "Chris Stites", "Eloy Kranz", "Ervin Layne", "Garrett Seabolt", "Gilberto Layne", "Gino Wacker", "Tad Wacker" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "child(Y_4, Y_2)", "job(Y_4, \"IT technical support officer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_5", "is", "_5", "?" ], "type": 14, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "3ca7e4d1-589a-46f5-93e7-0e5f7dbeafa7", "question": "Who is the father-in-law of the person whose occupation is print production planner?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Freddie Macon" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "father_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "job(Y_4, \"print production planner\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_5", "is", "_5", "?" ], "type": 14, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "25ae9636-010f-4ce5-af59-cb9abb4a38f8", "question": "Who is the sibling of the person whose date of birth is 0932-12-11?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Adolph Layne", "Deon Layne", "Franklin Layne", "Jame Layne" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sibling(Y_4, Y_2)", "dob(Y_4, \"0932-12-11\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_5", "is", "_5", "?" ], "type": 14, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "c8371ecc-398a-40e2-9e4f-50f74e908708", "question": "Who is the great-uncle of the person whose occupation is biomedical scientist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Adolph Prater", "Barton Prater", "Blaine Purnell", "Damion Ahmed", "Doug Purnell", "Kurtis Ahmed", "Lorenzo Scholl", "Normand Prater", "Odis Dorris", "Perry Dorris", "Sonny Dorris", "Stacey Prater" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_uncle(Y_4, Y_2)", "job(Y_4, \"biomedical scientist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_5", "is", "_5", "?" ], "type": 14, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "1e0d0849-78e1-4fab-a75e-f43cf3ea5482", "question": "Who is the cousin of the person whose hobby is tour skating?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Esperanza Clemmer", "Gabriel Clemmer", "Herlinda Vu", "Kimberely Rodarte", "Myles Clemmer", "Newton Clemmer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "hobby(Y_4, \"tour skating\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_5", "is", "_5", "?" ], "type": 14, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "f792fe62-7777-4f7a-8588-080e3f42acde", "question": "Who is the grandparent of Wyatt Hersey?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Morris Hersey", "Xiao Hersey" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandparent(\"Wyatt Hersey\", Y_2)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "_4", "?" ], "type": 15, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "f787826f-ee02-443a-a3bb-0ee0c0838d8d", "question": "Who is the aunt of Georgine Pence?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Carmelita Dunbar", "Salley Puckett" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aunt(\"Georgine Pence\", Y_2)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "_4", "?" ], "type": 15, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "d33e4f09-17f3-4413-a6c3-6bdf43123566", "question": "Who is the friend of Ronnie Gaddis?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Audie Curiel", "Connie Gross", "Jacque Boss", "Jayson Clemmer", "John Scheffler", "Jonas Hagerman", "Santos Jessen", "Sterling Pence", "Thelma Heck" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "friend(\"Ronnie Gaddis\", Y_2)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "_4", "?" ], "type": 15, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "ca6bb86a-0e07-40f4-a31d-766a5c8d7eb0", "question": "Who is the sibling of Marlana Hyman?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Bess Mccaffrey", "Carmela Blunt", "Doreen Chester", "Marlana Chester" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sibling(\"Marlana Hyman\", Y_2)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "_4", "?" ], "type": 15, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "eb649e0c-0e8f-42d5-941d-91232e5e7361", "question": "Who is the great-grandfather of Rosalinda Batten?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Aldo Judd", "Emil Batten" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandfather(\"Rosalinda Batten\", Y_2)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "_4", "?" ], "type": 15, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "6b0a42e3-243a-426b-a8ad-827981f3cc9c", "question": "Who is the sister-in-law of Mohammed Hickerson?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Angelina Bernhardt", "Samantha Gross" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sister_in_law(\"Mohammed Hickerson\", Y_2)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "_4", "?" ], "type": 15, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "ae6345dc-e6cb-4054-8b64-88fd669fb93e", "question": "Who is the mother of Reginald Voyles?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Gail Voyles" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "mother(\"Reginald Voyles\", Y_2)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "_4", "?" ], "type": 15, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "82b11dcf-ce94-4074-9f27-a55fcb690bac", "question": "Who is the sibling of Anneliese Boatman?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Errol Dietz", "Gillian Dietz", "Nancy Putnam", "Sara Dietz" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sibling(\"Anneliese Boatman\", Y_2)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "_4", "?" ], "type": 15, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "aeaece3a-685c-4709-adf4-66a62518bbab", "question": "Who is the aunt of Tyrell Cody?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Liane Boutte" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aunt(\"Tyrell Cody\", Y_2)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "_4", "?" ], "type": 15, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "bf0cf13d-a296-46c7-ad72-cabd174732db", "question": "Who is the great-grandchild of Austin Braden?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Grady Sears", "Lorenz Sears", "Margaret Santillan", "Robby Sears", "Rosaria Sears" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandchild(\"Austin Braden\", Y_2)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "_4", "?" ], "type": 15, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "cb27b897-7d15-4d70-858a-c6c386ef950f", "question": "Who is the person whose date of birth is 0966-12-12?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Wyatt Hersey" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_2, \"0966-12-12\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the person whose", "_3", "is", "_3", "?" ], "type": 16, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "d90dc740-9662-4e35-868b-0c70001719aa", "question": "Who is the person whose date of birth is 0993-04-02?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Georgine Pence" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_2, \"0993-04-02\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the person whose", "_3", "is", "_3", "?" ], "type": 16, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "f09e7100-1a1c-4567-8b4e-a74a242e851c", "question": "Who is the person whose hobby is reading?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Allan Rooker", "Allyson Brashear", "Autumn Brashear", "Cathy Olvera", "Cherise Shine", "Claudette Sallee", "Dani Fidler", "Darrel Linton", "Darrick Goings", "Duane Chatman", "Freeda England", "Geneva Lavender", "Jim Jameson", "Jordan Toner", "Kelley Mcglynn", "Kirsten Lattimore", "Lashanda Grenier", "Lashawnda Eskew", "Marlene Abel", "Max Hochstetler", "Monty Lew", "Noreen Bryce", "Phil Doe", "Reita Bryce", "Rhonda Lombardo", "Rhonda Rousseau", "Ronnie Gaddis", "Rubye Perea", "Samual Clemmer", "Staci Rose", "Sung Temple", "Tammy Dias", "Tiffany Reardon", "Timothy Edison", "Twanna Vanderpool" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_2, \"reading\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the person whose", "_3", "is", "_3", "?" ], "type": 16, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "f12aa953-56e4-401f-ba65-757f29332d7b", "question": "Who is the person whose date of birth is 0936-10-15?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Bess Mccaffrey", "Marlana Hyman" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_2, \"0936-10-15\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the person whose", "_3", "is", "_3", "?" ], "type": 16, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "8c7cd186-b237-4ffc-ab9a-f8f95ddba0e0", "question": "Who is the person whose occupation is oceanographer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Clay Castaneda", "Cleo Koss", "Inez Grasso", "Joshua Ervin", "Rosalinda Batten", "Stephan Pulver", "Sylvester Seabolt" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_2, \"oceanographer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the person whose", "_3", "is", "_3", "?" ], "type": 16, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "f1945b86-80fa-4f3f-a310-22987beff963", "question": "Who is the person whose hobby is research?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alice Lance", "Christy Perea", "Clara Asher", "Corey Jacoby", "Delma Christy", "Deon Layne", "Donnell Peek", "Duane Castaneda", "Earle Breen", "Eddie Darling", "Edythe Coates", "Georgine Pence", "Glory Metzler", "Gwendolyn Neely", "Hal Stoddard", "Irvin Grasso", "Isis Enriquez", "Jacob Christy", "Jeannine Macon", "Joelle Mccartney", "Jude Lester", "Kayla Olinger", "Leda Grier", "Leopoldo Stites", "Liliana Grier", "Lola Elrod", "Lou Lawton", "Lucas Bianchi", "Luella Langford", "Lyndon Barbee", "Lyndon Stamper", "Marie Neely", "Matt Mcbroom", "Merrill Kean", "Michel Sigler", "Mohammed Hickerson", "Nicholle Majors", "Pete Gross", "Rod Nickels", "Rosanna Damico", "Rosemary Lew", "Royce Lo", "Samual Olvera", "Shenita Dillow", "Sonny Dorris", "Sung Rees", "Tad Dunbar", "Timmy Peek", "Toni Rangel", "Van Russo", "Zenobia Albritton" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_2, \"research\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the person whose", "_3", "is", "_3", "?" ], "type": 16, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "d11bad37-3554-4606-bc38-d17b3f7392af", "question": "Who is the person whose date of birth is 0975-09-21?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Reginald Voyles" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_2, \"0975-09-21\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the person whose", "_3", "is", "_3", "?" ], "type": 16, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "dd5cd8eb-8012-4077-a4f1-c65b0154cf8e", "question": "Who is the person whose date of birth is 0957-04-18?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Anneliese Boatman" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_2, \"0957-04-18\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the person whose", "_3", "is", "_3", "?" ], "type": 16, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "b4e43981-c743-46e1-8f97-68dac6e177f5", "question": "Who is the person whose date of birth is 0954-11-27?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Tyrell Cody" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_2, \"0954-11-27\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the person whose", "_3", "is", "_3", "?" ], "type": 16, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "4e933ba5-0661-4aaa-a889-444b56443f62", "question": "Who is the person whose occupation is print production planner?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Angel Kress", "Austin Braden", "Elna Dickman", "Horacio England", "Kevin Stoddard", "Michel Sigler", "Myles Clemmer", "Quintin Mclemore" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_2, \"print production planner\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the person whose", "_3", "is", "_3", "?" ], "type": 16, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "b851349c-647c-45de-8897-28260359eace", "question": "What is the occupation of the son of the sibling of the great-aunt of the female first cousin once removed of the cousin of the daughter of the daughter of the grandparent of Wyatt Hersey?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "clinical cytogeneticist", "contractor", "dietitian", "facilities manager", "geophysicist", "public relations officer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "son(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_11, Y_9)", "cousin(Y_13, Y_11)", "daughter(Y_15, Y_13)", "daughter(Y_17, Y_15)", "grandparent(\"Wyatt Hersey\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "?" ], "type": 17, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "6a1caa05-174c-4c92-b036-7ccda8e0aa88", "question": "What is the occupation of the brother of the uncle of the nephew of the sibling of the sister-in-law of the son of the friend of the sister-in-law of Mohammed Hickerson?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "arboriculturist", "industrial buyer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "brother(Y_5, Y_3)", "uncle(Y_7, Y_5)", "nephew(Y_9, Y_7)", "sibling(Y_11, Y_9)", "sister_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "son(Y_15, Y_13)", "friend(Y_17, Y_15)", "sister_in_law(\"Mohammed Hickerson\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "?" ], "type": 17, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "5d7623d8-df70-4b9d-b1a1-3c6e8e46115a", "question": "What is the occupation of the friend of the brother-in-law of the grandfather of the niece of the sister-in-law of the daughter of the husband of the great-grandparent of Eloy Kranz?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "animator", "editorial assistant", "risk analyst", "teacher" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "brother_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandfather(Y_9, Y_7)", "niece(Y_11, Y_9)", "sister_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "daughter(Y_15, Y_13)", "husband(Y_17, Y_15)", "great_grandparent(\"Eloy Kranz\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "?" ], "type": 17, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "ee0aed90-b240-4e70-abeb-51423e561cda", "question": "What is the date of birth of the parent of the cousin of the grandson of the friend of the daughter-in-law of the friend of the brother-in-law of the daughter-in-law of Arnold Linton?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0878-06-15", "0880-03-14", "0882-05-21", "0884-09-11" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "parent(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandson(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(Y_11, Y_9)", "daughter_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "friend(Y_15, Y_13)", "brother_in_law(Y_17, Y_15)", "daughter_in_law(\"Arnold Linton\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "?" ], "type": 17, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "5b085095-e3c5-486f-ae71-95cb57acb759", "question": "What is the date of birth of the friend of the sister-in-law of the friend of the female cousin of the male cousin of the granddaughter of the grandfather of the brother of Perry Dorris?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0966-12-27", "1007-03-19" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "female_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "male_cousin(Y_13, Y_11)", "granddaughter(Y_15, Y_13)", "grandfather(Y_17, Y_15)", "brother(\"Perry Dorris\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "?" ], "type": 17, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "40c8d6c6-4979-42cd-8637-76024421fce1", "question": "What is the date of birth of the great-uncle of the aunt of the male first cousin once removed of the grandson of the female cousin of the grandson of the husband of the friend of Elijah Sloan?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0953-11-16" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandson(Y_11, Y_9)", "female_cousin(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandson(Y_15, Y_13)", "husband(Y_17, Y_15)", "friend(\"Elijah Sloan\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "?" ], "type": 17, "difficulty": 19 }, { "id": "03063897-820f-4dce-bc5e-5e6349491314", "question": "What is the occupation of the female cousin of the female cousin of the brother-in-law of the son-in-law of the cousin of the male cousin of the niece of the brother of Tyesha Meadows?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "drilling engineer", "health service manager" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "female_cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "female_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "brother_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "son_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "cousin(Y_13, Y_11)", "male_cousin(Y_15, Y_13)", "niece(Y_17, Y_15)", "brother(\"Tyesha Meadows\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "?" ], "type": 17, "difficulty": 20 }, { "id": "8d3e5c58-b20b-4fb9-9e87-c0a01e978ff8", "question": "What is the occupation of the sister of the male cousin of the cousin of the cousin of the great-granddaughter of the great-grandparent of the cousin of the brother-in-law of Nelson Trejo?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "chiropodist", "financial manager", "office manager", "scientific laboratory technician", "volunteer coordinator" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "sister(Y_5, Y_3)", "male_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_granddaughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_grandparent(Y_15, Y_13)", "cousin(Y_17, Y_15)", "brother_in_law(\"Nelson Trejo\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "?" ], "type": 17, "difficulty": 22 }, { "id": "b6066eeb-9687-4a31-9413-34c96542ce53", "question": "What is the hobby of the mother of the granddaughter of the father-in-law of the mother-in-law of the son of the great-grandfather of the grandchild of the friend of Grady Halbert?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "sport stacking" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "mother(Y_5, Y_3)", "granddaughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "father_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "mother_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "son(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_grandfather(Y_15, Y_13)", "grandchild(Y_17, Y_15)", "friend(\"Grady Halbert\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "?" ], "type": 17, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "66842d42-c5f0-4d10-81a4-790322e4968e", "question": "What is the date of birth of the nephew of the sibling of the brother of the brother of the sibling of the cousin of the cousin of the uncle of Orlando Means?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0973-12-01", "0974-11-10", "0975-05-01", "0978-05-12", "0978-11-12" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "nephew(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "brother(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother(Y_11, Y_9)", "sibling(Y_13, Y_11)", "cousin(Y_15, Y_13)", "cousin(Y_17, Y_15)", "uncle(\"Orlando Means\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "?" ], "type": 17, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "c97fbc14-5a75-4fd9-a67b-beb2e4f0b472", "question": "What is the occupation of the cousin of the brother of the cousin of the male cousin of the granddaughter of the grandmother of the brother of the person whose date of birth is 0966-12-12?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "building control surveyor", "careers information officer", "clinical cytogeneticist", "computer games developer", "contractor", "dietitian", "dispensing optician", "facilities manager", "geophysicist", "information systems manager", "land surveyor", "legal executive", "loss adjuster", "public relations officer", "television production assistant" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "brother(Y_7, Y_5)", "cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "male_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "granddaughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandmother(Y_15, Y_13)", "brother(Y_17, Y_15)", "dob(Y_17, \"0966-12-12\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "?" ], "type": 18, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "2faad715-efd7-42d2-bcef-3d96e719f4af", "question": "What is the occupation of the brother of the grandchild of the great-grandparent of the sibling of the sister-in-law of the husband of the friend of the person whose hobby is research?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "advertising account planner", "artist", "building surveyor", "communications engineer", "embryologist", "further education lecturer", "intelligence analyst", "land surveyor", "occupational therapist", "planning and development surveyor", "quantity surveyor", "solicitor", "tax inspector", "tourism officer", "volunteer coordinator" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "brother(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "sibling(Y_11, Y_9)", "sister_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "husband(Y_15, Y_13)", "friend(Y_17, Y_15)", "hobby(Y_17, \"research\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "?" ], "type": 18, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "4ec7f5b4-45a5-4fff-930a-9856551c2285", "question": "What is the occupation of the male first cousin once removed of the female cousin of the cousin of the grandson of the friend of the father of the grandmother of the person whose occupation is lawyer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "electrical engineer", "exercise physiologist", "international aid worker" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_5, Y_3)", "female_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandson(Y_11, Y_9)", "friend(Y_13, Y_11)", "father(Y_15, Y_13)", "grandmother(Y_17, Y_15)", "job(Y_17, \"lawyer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "?" ], "type": 18, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "34944664-20d3-4243-be10-449587943c9d", "question": "What is the date of birth of the sibling of the son-in-law of the grandfather of the female second cousin of the friend of the friend of the friend of the person whose occupation is broadcast presenter?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0954-05-07" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "son_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandfather(Y_9, Y_7)", "female_second_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "friend(Y_13, Y_11)", "friend(Y_15, Y_13)", "friend(Y_17, Y_15)", "job(Y_17, \"broadcast presenter\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "?" ], "type": 18, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "c7f2710f-918e-4670-9629-8d919e850b9c", "question": "What is the date of birth of the friend of the female cousin of the male first cousin once removed of the great-grandchild of the daughter-in-law of the mother-in-law of the niece of the person whose occupation is ranger?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0897-05-28", "0927-12-23", "0969-06-26", "0974-08-08", "1180-12-31" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "female_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "daughter_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "mother_in_law(Y_15, Y_13)", "niece(Y_17, Y_15)", "job(Y_17, \"ranger\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "?" ], "type": 18, "difficulty": 19 }, { "id": "25b8d6ce-8297-45dd-92ae-a2c02b230d2f", "question": "What is the date of birth of the great-uncle of the son of the daughter-in-law of the great-grandchild of the grandparent of the granddaughter of the sibling of the person whose hobby is sociology?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1005-03-12", "1009-01-31" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "son(Y_7, Y_5)", "daughter_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandparent(Y_13, Y_11)", "granddaughter(Y_15, Y_13)", "sibling(Y_17, Y_15)", "hobby(Y_17, \"sociology\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "?" ], "type": 18, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "c62e2211-3bfa-497b-9db2-872534005e6c", "question": "What is the occupation of the female cousin of the cousin of the great-grandchild of the great-grandparent of the cousin of the female first cousin once removed of the nephew of the person whose date of birth is 0935-06-26?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "barista", "drilling engineer", "health service manager" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "female_cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandparent(Y_11, Y_9)", "cousin(Y_13, Y_11)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_15, Y_13)", "nephew(Y_17, Y_15)", "dob(Y_17, \"0935-06-26\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "?" ], "type": 18, "difficulty": 23 }, { "id": "b62b927f-8d60-4798-a1d6-c4a908e15dbb", "question": "What is the occupation of the aunt of the great-grandson of the grandparent of the cousin of the female cousin of the cousin of the sister-in-law of the person whose occupation is occupational therapist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "chiropodist", "geneticist", "lexicographer", "office manager", "restaurant manager", "solicitor", "travel agency manager" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandson(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "female_cousin(Y_13, Y_11)", "cousin(Y_15, Y_13)", "sister_in_law(Y_17, Y_15)", "job(Y_17, \"occupational therapist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "?" ], "type": 18, "difficulty": 20 }, { "id": "c13eb3b4-cc4c-460a-a785-629e3d99ad85", "question": "What is the hobby of the sibling of the niece of the great-uncle of the great-grandchild of the son of the mother-in-law of the daughter-in-law of the person whose hobby is shortwave listening?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "audiophile", "kabaddi", "philately", "sailing", "scutelliphily", "tea bag collecting" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "niece(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_uncle(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "son(Y_13, Y_11)", "mother_in_law(Y_15, Y_13)", "daughter_in_law(Y_17, Y_15)", "hobby(Y_17, \"shortwave listening\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "?" ], "type": 18, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "b5edd8b6-c5a9-4800-b8a2-c92fc5910ca2", "question": "What is the date of birth of the nephew of the sibling of the brother of the brother of the sibling of the granddaughter of the great-grandmother of the person whose occupation is chiropodist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0973-12-01", "0974-11-10", "0975-05-01", "0978-05-12", "0978-11-12", "1003-07-16", "1003-07-25", "1012-01-27", "1019-01-07" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "nephew(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "brother(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother(Y_11, Y_9)", "sibling(Y_13, Y_11)", "granddaughter(Y_15, Y_13)", "great_grandmother(Y_17, Y_15)", "job(Y_17, \"chiropodist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "?" ], "type": 18, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "f322ee5e-b10a-4d9f-9bfb-f7593af09d8c", "question": "What is the occupation of the sibling of the great-aunt of the female first cousin once removed of the cousin of the daughter of the daughter of the grandparent of Wyatt Hersey?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "bonds trader", "clinical scientist", "immigration officer", "plant breeder" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_9, Y_7)", "cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "daughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "daughter(Y_15, Y_13)", "grandparent(\"Wyatt Hersey\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "?" ], "type": 19, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "a50de9e7-2be8-4d65-a9e2-9f4aa3940d95", "question": "What is the date of birth of the granddaughter of the child of the friend of the father of the friend of the friend of the son-in-law of Armand Buell?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0921-08-23", "0942-10-18", "0953-02-07", "0980-07-25", "0981-07-10", "0992-06-19", "0996-09-22", "0997-04-20", "1000-02-09", "1004-03-20", "1005-08-13" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "child(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "father(Y_11, Y_9)", "friend(Y_13, Y_11)", "friend(Y_15, Y_13)", "son_in_law(\"Armand Buell\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "?" ], "type": 19, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "d8a5927e-4797-49bb-a2e4-cd63a0c01392", "question": "What is the hobby of the father-in-law of the grandfather of the sibling of the granddaughter of the father-in-law of the father of the great-grandchild of Austin Braden?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "microscopy" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "father_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandfather(Y_7, Y_5)", "sibling(Y_9, Y_7)", "granddaughter(Y_11, Y_9)", "father_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "father(Y_15, Y_13)", "great_grandchild(\"Austin Braden\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "?" ], "type": 19, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "ec0a01dc-c03f-4d75-874c-c2a8f881aa9e", "question": "What is the hobby of the friend of the friend of the friend of the second aunt of the grandchild of the grandfather of the female second cousin of Lewis Kyser?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "audiophile", "crystals", "debate", "deltiology", "element collecting", "fishkeeping", "fusilately", "hobby horsing", "knife throwing", "life science", "meditation", "poker", "publishing", "speed skating" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "second_aunt(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandchild(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandfather(Y_15, Y_13)", "female_second_cousin(\"Lewis Kyser\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "?" ], "type": 19, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "bf526761-8b94-4794-9486-22c12b86655b", "question": "What is the hobby of the daughter-in-law of the mother-in-law of the grandmother of the daughter of the brother of the sibling of the brother-in-law of Barbar Scholl?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "cartophily" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "daughter_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "mother_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandmother(Y_9, Y_7)", "daughter(Y_11, Y_9)", "brother(Y_13, Y_11)", "sibling(Y_15, Y_13)", "brother_in_law(\"Barbar Scholl\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "?" ], "type": 19, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "27c6eb80-e4a7-4025-8257-d2066d15dbb8", "question": "What is the occupation of the grandson of the great-grandmother of the sister-in-law of the sister of the friend of the cousin of the friend of King Satterwhite?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "fashion designer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandson(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandmother(Y_7, Y_5)", "sister_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "sister(Y_11, Y_9)", "friend(Y_13, Y_11)", "cousin(Y_15, Y_13)", "friend(\"King Satterwhite\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "?" ], "type": 19, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "9990c831-ccd3-4661-b820-c19bc3afa3d6", "question": "What is the occupation of the uncle of the male first cousin once removed of the sister of the niece of the daughter of the grandmother of the nephew of Jame Layne?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "IT technical support officer", "accommodation manager", "chemist", "geochemist", "herbalist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_7, Y_5)", "sister(Y_9, Y_7)", "niece(Y_11, Y_9)", "daughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandmother(Y_15, Y_13)", "nephew(\"Jame Layne\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "?" ], "type": 19, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "1e58f37a-9471-44ab-b1f7-4b6be52056c8", "question": "What is the occupation of the niece of the sister-in-law of the daughter-in-law of the great-grandmother of the cousin of the niece of the grandson of Deanna Dietz?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "microbiologist", "public relations officer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "niece(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "daughter_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandmother(Y_11, Y_9)", "cousin(Y_13, Y_11)", "niece(Y_15, Y_13)", "grandson(\"Deanna Dietz\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "?" ], "type": 19, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "2b64cefb-4c92-46cd-bb13-d928f6aee364", "question": "What is the occupation of the grandparent of the brother of the great-grandchild of the son-in-law of the great-grandfather of the great-granddaughter of the great-grandparent of Michelle Bryce?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "advertising art director", "advertising copywriter", "best boy", "furniture designer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "brother(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "son_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_grandfather(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_granddaughter(Y_15, Y_13)", "great_grandparent(\"Michelle Bryce\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "?" ], "type": 19, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "dd0835bb-8ba8-45c2-9b1d-5b89ceed2ff4", "question": "What is the hobby of the sibling of the niece of the great-uncle of the female cousin of the aunt of the grandson of the daughter-in-law of Leda Putnam?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "baseball", "fusilately", "learning", "long-distance running", "mahjong", "model united nations", "sociology" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "niece(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_uncle(Y_9, Y_7)", "female_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "aunt(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandson(Y_15, Y_13)", "daughter_in_law(\"Leda Putnam\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "?" ], "type": 19, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "0022bcc4-be65-4822-89cb-804addfcc57d", "question": "What is the occupation of the brother of the cousin of the male cousin of the granddaughter of the grandmother of the brother of the person whose date of birth is 0966-12-12?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "clinical cytogeneticist", "contractor", "dietitian", "facilities manager", "geophysicist", "public relations officer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "brother(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "male_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "granddaughter(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandmother(Y_13, Y_11)", "brother(Y_15, Y_13)", "dob(Y_15, \"0966-12-12\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "?" ], "type": 20, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "197beb10-986e-441b-a27a-81e91914f54d", "question": "What is the date of birth of the great-grandparent of the child of the daughter-in-law of the sibling of the friend of the brother-in-law of the person whose hobby is geography?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0861-03-09", "0863-08-10", "0868-06-24", "0869-01-04", "0871-12-10", "0872-01-08", "0888-09-17", "0888-10-18", "0895-07-17", "0896-01-28", "0943-06-04", "0944-08-13", "0947-02-16", "0947-08-05", "0975-03-08", "0977-09-16", "0977-12-27", "0980-04-11", "1008-09-15", "1009-05-17" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "child(Y_7, Y_5)", "daughter_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "sibling(Y_11, Y_9)", "friend(Y_13, Y_11)", "brother_in_law(Y_15, Y_13)", "hobby(Y_15, \"geography\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "?" ], "type": 20, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "ef57acc9-b50f-46f3-bb9a-96c6c41f9457", "question": "What is the hobby of the father-in-law of the grandfather of the son of the granddaughter of the son-in-law of the father-in-law of the person whose occupation is print production planner?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "microscopy" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "father_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandfather(Y_7, Y_5)", "son(Y_9, Y_7)", "granddaughter(Y_11, Y_9)", "son_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "father_in_law(Y_15, Y_13)", "job(Y_15, \"print production planner\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "?" ], "type": 20, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "9d454ded-0830-419f-91ac-5d01562999fe", "question": "What is the hobby of the nephew of the second aunt of the friend of the grandfather of the uncle of the cousin of the person whose hobby is tour skating?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "audiophile", "fingerprint collecting", "hooping", "research", "rock balancing" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "nephew(Y_5, Y_3)", "second_aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandfather(Y_11, Y_9)", "uncle(Y_13, Y_11)", "cousin(Y_15, Y_13)", "hobby(Y_15, \"tour skating\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "?" ], "type": 20, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "a270b089-3f6e-4f80-9520-e2b2dcb271f6", "question": "What is the hobby of the son-in-law of the great-grandfather of the nephew of the grandchild of the grandmother of the child of the person whose occupation is neurosurgeon?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "ant farming", "jujitsu" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "son_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandfather(Y_7, Y_5)", "nephew(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandmother(Y_13, Y_11)", "child(Y_15, Y_13)", "job(Y_15, \"neurosurgeon\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "?" ], "type": 20, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "b2392c65-35a3-412f-9ad7-90c35feea88a", "question": "What is the occupation of the grandparent of the cousin of the great-grandson of the father of the friend of the friend of the person whose hobby is vintage cars?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "TEFL teacher", "adult nurse", "air traffic controller", "armed forces training and education officer", "banker", "building control surveyor", "charity officer", "chartered accountant", "chief executive officer", "chief operating officer", "chief strategy officer", "child psychotherapist", "colour technologist", "community education officer", "company secretary", "computer games developer", "database administrator", "drilling engineer", "embryologist", "engineer", "engineering geologist", "exhibitions officer", "freight forwarder", "health and safety inspector", "heritage manager", "jewellery designer", "mechanical engineer", "meteorologist", "mining engineer", "museum conservator", "music therapist", "music tutor", "occupational hygienist", "oceanographer", "operational investment banker", "optometrist", "patent examiner", "pension scheme manager", "plant breeder", "politician's assistant", "press photographer", "programme researcher", "psychiatric nurse", "public relations account executive", "quantity surveyor", "regulatory affairs officer", "science writer", "set designer", "teacher", "theatre director", "therapeutic radiographer", "tour manager", "tourist information centre manager", "toxicologist", "trade union research officer", "transport planner", "veterinary surgeon", "warden", "web designer", "writer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandson(Y_9, Y_7)", "father(Y_11, Y_9)", "friend(Y_13, Y_11)", "friend(Y_15, Y_13)", "hobby(Y_15, \"vintage cars\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "?" ], "type": 20, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "37270494-e024-43a6-9ed5-23e55aeb1fcd", "question": "What is the occupation of the aunt of the female cousin of the father of the niece of the sibling of the nephew of the person whose hobby is noodling?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "media buyer", "ophthalmologist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "female_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "father(Y_9, Y_7)", "niece(Y_11, Y_9)", "sibling(Y_13, Y_11)", "nephew(Y_15, Y_13)", "hobby(Y_15, \"noodling\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "?" ], "type": 20, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "fe5e7127-6b6f-4f93-84ff-606417f62daf", "question": "What is the occupation of the niece of the sister-in-law of the daughter-in-law of the great-grandmother of the cousin of the great-grandchild of the person whose occupation is equality and diversity officer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "microbiologist", "public relations officer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "niece(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "daughter_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandmother(Y_11, Y_9)", "cousin(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_grandchild(Y_15, Y_13)", "job(Y_15, \"equality and diversity officer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "?" ], "type": 20, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "085cd17d-da02-4bc6-a678-3664e1b7f516", "question": "What is the occupation of the grandson of the wife of the grandfather of the great-uncle of the cousin of the male first cousin once removed of the person whose occupation is magazine journalist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "barrister's clerk", "best boy", "fast food restaurant manager", "furniture designer", "licensed conveyancer", "public relations officer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandson(Y_5, Y_3)", "wife(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandfather(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_uncle(Y_11, Y_9)", "cousin(Y_13, Y_11)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_15, Y_13)", "job(Y_15, \"magazine journalist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "?" ], "type": 20, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "c35f6b4e-52b6-4cb8-90c6-34cf235c6661", "question": "What is the hobby of the sibling of the niece of the great-uncle of the female cousin of the aunt of the great-grandchild of the person whose occupation is catering manager?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "baseball", "fusilately", "learning", "long-distance running", "mahjong", "model united nations", "sociology" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "niece(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_uncle(Y_9, Y_7)", "female_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "aunt(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_grandchild(Y_15, Y_13)", "job(Y_15, \"catering manager\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "?" ], "type": 20, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "5ec21a6d-e39b-49f9-9565-a6c035d1da20", "question": "What is the date of birth of the great-aunt of the female first cousin once removed of the cousin of the daughter of the daughter of the grandparent of Wyatt Hersey?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0946-06-27", "0947-05-30" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_7, Y_5)", "cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "daughter(Y_11, Y_9)", "daughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandparent(\"Wyatt Hersey\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "?" ], "type": 21, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "d79de9a7-2b28-4267-95b3-6b2a9f5e6f41", "question": "What is the date of birth of the nephew of the aunt of the friend of the great-grandfather of the friend of the great-grandfather of Rosalinda Batten?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0897-06-02", "0898-07-02", "0957-07-10", "0959-12-29", "0960-10-30", "0961-10-02", "0962-12-07", "0963-12-03", "0967-06-19", "0967-06-20", "0969-06-26", "0981-02-23", "0985-12-25" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "nephew(Y_5, Y_3)", "aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandfather(Y_11, Y_9)", "friend(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_grandfather(\"Rosalinda Batten\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "?" ], "type": 21, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "6ed0ba73-289c-4cb8-9fbc-90b21b213606", "question": "What is the date of birth of the uncle of the cousin of the niece of the son-in-law of the father of the aunt of Tyrell Cody?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0931-06-09", "0933-03-23" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "niece(Y_9, Y_7)", "son_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "father(Y_13, Y_11)", "aunt(\"Tyrell Cody\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "?" ], "type": 21, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "e9009b97-0504-4075-9d63-9167a22de7f4", "question": "What is the occupation of the brother of the mother-in-law of the friend of the nephew of the great-aunt of the great-uncle of Konstantin Sterner?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "bonds trader", "clinical scientist", "stage manager" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "brother(Y_5, Y_3)", "mother_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "nephew(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_aunt(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_uncle(\"Konstantin Sterner\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "?" ], "type": 21, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "80790f5a-7fa2-4020-936a-ee38ea1383d8", "question": "What is the date of birth of the child of the wife of the grandfather of the male cousin of the female first cousin once removed of the friend of Ollie Mcmillen?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0993-04-02", "0994-08-15", "0997-04-15" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "wife(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandfather(Y_9, Y_7)", "male_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_13, Y_11)", "friend(\"Ollie Mcmillen\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "?" ], "type": 21, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "339bac5f-b921-4118-9629-bc66acae701e", "question": "What is the hobby of the friend of the female cousin of the male cousin of the granddaughter of the grandfather of the brother of Perry Dorris?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "antiquities", "association football", "butterfly watching", "esports", "skateboarding" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "female_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "male_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "granddaughter(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandfather(Y_13, Y_11)", "brother(\"Perry Dorris\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "?" ], "type": 21, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "95cb4b96-035c-4a3c-9e7b-f810afb018e9", "question": "What is the hobby of the grandparent of the great-aunt of the brother of the male second cousin of the friend of the great-uncle of Samual Grenier?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "history", "longboarding" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "brother(Y_9, Y_7)", "male_second_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "friend(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_uncle(\"Samual Grenier\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "?" ], "type": 21, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "90c555f2-1f7f-4e5a-9ac2-6a58bd909950", "question": "What is the hobby of the grandchild of the granddaughter of the great-grandfather of the child of the grandfather of the sibling of Ayanna Swenson?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "biology", "blacksmithing", "dandyism", "laser tag", "mineral collecting", "phillumeny", "rock balancing", "seashell collecting", "sport stacking", "trainspotting", "ultimate frisbee" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "granddaughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandfather(Y_9, Y_7)", "child(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandfather(Y_13, Y_11)", "sibling(\"Ayanna Swenson\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "?" ], "type": 21, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "eaaf736e-d923-41e7-a21a-b96ac4a3294a", "question": "What is the occupation of the grandchild of the son-in-law of the mother-in-law of the nephew of the great-aunt of the great-grandchild of Benton Hake?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "market researcher", "neurosurgeon", "oncologist", "plant breeder", "radio producer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "son_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "mother_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "nephew(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_aunt(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_grandchild(\"Benton Hake\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "?" ], "type": 21, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "f6a7494c-1921-4a9a-bc1b-dc7a8074cb25", "question": "What is the occupation of the brother of the great-grandchild of the son-in-law of the great-grandfather of the great-granddaughter of the great-grandparent of Michelle Bryce?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "academic librarian", "biomedical engineer", "petroleum engineer", "quarry manager", "sports development officer", "technical author" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "brother(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "son_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandfather(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_granddaughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_grandparent(\"Michelle Bryce\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "?" ], "type": 21, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "8ec6fb16-5d5c-4c8e-a95a-a6e80cbf09c8", "question": "What is the date of birth of the cousin of the male cousin of the granddaughter of the grandmother of the brother of the person whose date of birth is 0966-12-12?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0964-02-06", "0966-02-17", "0966-12-12", "0969-07-27", "0971-03-21", "0972-01-06", "0972-08-13", "0973-06-28", "0973-08-12", "0975-04-15", "0975-12-28", "0976-09-07", "0978-03-25", "0980-10-24" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "male_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "granddaughter(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandmother(Y_11, Y_9)", "brother(Y_13, Y_11)", "dob(Y_13, \"0966-12-12\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "?" ], "type": 22, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "3dca6e8a-afe1-43eb-9d62-da7fb836ce45", "question": "What is the date of birth of the female second cousin of the child of the friend of the male first cousin once removed of the friend of the person whose occupation is oceanographer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0991-07-25", "0991-12-28", "0992-11-26", "1012-11-27", "1014-11-16", "1018-01-17", "1021-06-24", "1027-10-02", "1076-05-24" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "female_second_cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "child(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_11, Y_9)", "friend(Y_13, Y_11)", "job(Y_13, \"oceanographer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "?" ], "type": 22, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "39066dce-6705-44e2-888d-c7e042edad78", "question": "What is the date of birth of the uncle of the grandson of the grandparent of the cousin of the brother of the person whose date of birth is 0954-11-27?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0931-06-09", "0933-03-23" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandson(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "brother(Y_13, Y_11)", "dob(Y_13, \"0954-11-27\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "?" ], "type": 22, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "493f9e7a-d024-422a-b5d5-4f469e4e695a", "question": "What is the occupation of the aunt of the nephew of the brother-in-law of the great-uncle of the great-uncle of the person whose occupation is biomedical scientist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "engineering geologist", "ergonomist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "nephew(Y_7, Y_5)", "brother_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_uncle(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_uncle(Y_13, Y_11)", "job(Y_13, \"biomedical scientist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "?" ], "type": 22, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "84e82aac-583d-4fc2-a2a2-8f425a5d46c7", "question": "What is the date of birth of the sibling of the grandchild of the father of the second aunt of the female first cousin once removed of the person whose hobby is foraging?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1002-06-06", "1005-08-22", "1008-03-23", "1008-07-02", "1009-05-17", "1015-02-03", "1018-11-30" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "father(Y_9, Y_7)", "second_aunt(Y_11, Y_9)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_13, Y_11)", "hobby(Y_13, \"foraging\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "?" ], "type": 22, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "4bdc52f4-cd4b-4998-a23b-e5b090c2fabb", "question": "What is the hobby of the male first cousin once removed of the great-grandchild of the daughter-in-law of the mother-in-law of the niece of the person whose occupation is ranger?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "sport stacking" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "daughter_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "mother_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "niece(Y_13, Y_11)", "job(Y_13, \"ranger\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "?" ], "type": 22, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "90163399-9cbb-443b-bccf-32fd531c0671", "question": "What is the hobby of the great-uncle of the grandchild of the brother of the second uncle of the female first cousin once removed of the person whose date of birth is 0944-12-16?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "record collecting", "tea bag collecting", "teaching" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "brother(Y_9, Y_7)", "second_uncle(Y_11, Y_9)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_13, Y_11)", "dob(Y_13, \"0944-12-16\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "?" ], "type": 22, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "90f99d75-298b-4d77-bad3-699ee0d64a82", "question": "What is the hobby of the grandchild of the granddaughter of the great-grandfather of the child of the grandparent of the person whose date of birth is 0988-04-06?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "biology", "blacksmithing", "dandyism", "laser tag", "mineral collecting", "phillumeny", "rock balancing", "seashell collecting", "sport stacking", "trainspotting", "ultimate frisbee" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "granddaughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandfather(Y_9, Y_7)", "child(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandparent(Y_13, Y_11)", "dob(Y_13, \"0988-04-06\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "?" ], "type": 22, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "0fbe756e-b3a7-4c73-a670-6eb5d8f0627c", "question": "What is the occupation of the husband of the mother of the great-uncle of the great-grandson of the wife of the person whose hobby is hiking/backpacking?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "arboriculturist", "ranger", "research scientist", "retail banker", "youth worker" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "husband(Y_5, Y_3)", "mother(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_uncle(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandson(Y_11, Y_9)", "wife(Y_13, Y_11)", "hobby(Y_13, \"hiking/backpacking\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "?" ], "type": 22, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "20d28471-8d36-437c-93e8-6f179271fb59", "question": "What is the occupation of the wife of the grandfather of the great-uncle of the cousin of the male first cousin once removed of the person whose occupation is magazine journalist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "arts administrator", "horticulturist", "public librarian" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "wife(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandfather(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_uncle(Y_9, Y_7)", "cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_13, Y_11)", "job(Y_13, \"magazine journalist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "?" ], "type": 22, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "dd7d088b-a8ac-4d11-a39d-aea0448ca0dd", "question": "What is the occupation of the female first cousin once removed of the cousin of the daughter of the daughter of the grandparent of Wyatt Hersey?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "copywriter", "editor", "estate manager", "glass blower", "homeopath", "mining engineer", "sales executive" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "daughter(Y_9, Y_7)", "daughter(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandparent(\"Wyatt Hersey\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "?" ], "type": 23, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "ae68b666-b339-47f1-a205-71a56054143b", "question": "What is the date of birth of the friend of the nephew of the nephew of the aunt of the grandchild of Michelle Stoddard?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0896-07-18", "0909-07-02", "0932-12-09", "0944-03-06", "0945-03-24", "0958-11-07", "0976-02-11", "0979-03-05", "1025-11-30", "1132-11-22" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "nephew(Y_7, Y_5)", "nephew(Y_9, Y_7)", "aunt(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandchild(\"Michelle Stoddard\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "?" ], "type": 23, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "eb8f1aea-dfb6-45d0-b8f3-62ef40350d99", "question": "What is the date of birth of the father-in-law of the wife of the grandfather of the grandchild of the sibling of Anneliese Boatman?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0930-05-18" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "father_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "wife(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandfather(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "sibling(\"Anneliese Boatman\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "?" ], "type": 23, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "1c96f57d-2d7f-4f76-b47d-5105545b59f9", "question": "What is the hobby of the nephew of the uncle of the nephew of the sibling of the brother of Charlie Layne?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "backgammon", "flying", "mahjong", "philosophy", "scouting" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "nephew(Y_5, Y_3)", "uncle(Y_7, Y_5)", "nephew(Y_9, Y_7)", "sibling(Y_11, Y_9)", "brother(\"Charlie Layne\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "?" ], "type": 23, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "88b33e90-ad27-48cf-8d3a-4c3d34c6b8f6", "question": "What is the hobby of the friend of the friend of the great-aunt of the brother of the sister-in-law of Diane Meadows?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "airsoft", "ant-keeping", "archaeology", "ballroom dancing", "baseball", "curling", "debate", "fishkeeping", "jogging", "leaves", "meteorology", "microbiology", "microscopy", "mineral collecting", "people-watching", "reading", "record collecting", "research", "table tennis", "water sports", "wikipedia editing" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother(Y_11, Y_9)", "sister_in_law(\"Diane Meadows\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "?" ], "type": 23, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "f0955348-294b-4de1-8979-a70f7390c64f", "question": "What is the occupation of the wife of the father of the sibling of the niece of the grandson of Delinda Ahmed?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "child psychotherapist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "wife(Y_5, Y_3)", "father(Y_7, Y_5)", "sibling(Y_9, Y_7)", "niece(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandson(\"Delinda Ahmed\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "?" ], "type": 23, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "ca5e46e7-ab15-40cc-99e8-c806ec95c24c", "question": "What is the hobby of the second uncle of the male second cousin of the male second cousin of the cousin of the mother-in-law of Amberly Hochstetler?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "phillumeny", "sea glass collecting" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "second_uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "male_second_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "male_second_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "mother_in_law(\"Amberly Hochstetler\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "?" ], "type": 23, "difficulty": 20 }, { "id": "fb3e2cfc-19a1-4b95-879a-33e4d51d0569", "question": "What is the hobby of the female cousin of the grandchild of the grandparent of the male cousin of the second aunt of Ta Everette?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "cornhole", "photography" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "female_cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "male_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "second_aunt(\"Ta Everette\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "?" ], "type": 23, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "b2018204-9595-4d13-9278-1280f8f0d53e", "question": "What is the occupation of the granddaughter of the great-grandfather of the child of the grandfather of the sibling of Ayanna Swenson?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "telecommunications researcher" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandfather(Y_7, Y_5)", "child(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandfather(Y_11, Y_9)", "sibling(\"Ayanna Swenson\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "?" ], "type": 23, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "1a633c5c-1ab2-415a-a8df-bd131cc74ba4", "question": "What is the occupation of the daughter-in-law of the great-grandmother of the cousin of the niece of the grandson of Deanna Dietz?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "optometrist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "daughter_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandmother(Y_7, Y_5)", "cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "niece(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandson(\"Deanna Dietz\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "?" ], "type": 23, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "98ffd5cc-6449-4f69-8b86-d5e33ae60c9d", "question": "What is the occupation of the male cousin of the granddaughter of the grandmother of the brother of the person whose date of birth is 0966-12-12?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "clinical cytogeneticist", "contractor", "dietitian", "facilities manager", "geophysicist", "public relations officer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "male_cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "granddaughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandmother(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother(Y_11, Y_9)", "dob(Y_11, \"0966-12-12\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "?" ], "type": 24, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "cdc18649-9748-474f-914e-1f38822837d1", "question": "What is the date of birth of the friend of the female second cousin of the great-grandchild of the daughter-in-law of the person whose occupation is advertising copywriter?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0852-01-04", "0859-03-06", "0914-10-08", "0949-05-07", "0960-04-20", "0988-04-10", "0995-02-03", "1029-04-02" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "female_second_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "daughter_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "job(Y_11, \"advertising copywriter\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "?" ], "type": 24, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "17a562d9-f906-4fdb-af74-499c9b224a6c", "question": "What is the date of birth of the sister-in-law of the father-in-law of the wife of the nephew of the person whose date of birth is 0957-04-18?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0951-07-16", "0956-02-22", "0957-04-18" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "sister_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "father_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "wife(Y_9, Y_7)", "nephew(Y_11, Y_9)", "dob(Y_11, \"0957-04-18\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "?" ], "type": 24, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "629125e0-9ee2-45e3-9a62-585c8a96a0c2", "question": "What is the hobby of the nephew of the grandchild of the grandparent of the sibling of the person whose date of birth is 0932-12-11?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "backgammon", "flying", "mahjong", "philosophy", "scouting" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "nephew(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "sibling(Y_11, Y_9)", "dob(Y_11, \"0932-12-11\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "?" ], "type": 24, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "edeb1b9a-1213-43e8-b025-482320cc5890", "question": "What is the hobby of the friend of the great-grandson of the mother-in-law of the father-in-law of the person whose occupation is mechanical engineer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "ant farming", "ant-keeping", "fishkeeping", "golfing", "handball", "microbiology", "movie memorabilia collecting", "philately", "rock balancing" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandson(Y_7, Y_5)", "mother_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "father_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "job(Y_11, \"mechanical engineer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "?" ], "type": 24, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "5507d8cf-2b76-4c8d-b3a8-370e5754c3a0", "question": "What is the occupation of the aunt of the brother of the sibling of the grandson of the person whose occupation is operational investment banker?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "contracting civil engineer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "brother(Y_7, Y_5)", "sibling(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandson(Y_11, Y_9)", "job(Y_11, \"operational investment banker\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "?" ], "type": 24, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "50804586-c570-4102-bfe7-0fc4224b050d", "question": "What is the hobby of the friend of the great-grandparent of the second uncle of the brother-in-law of the person whose occupation is public relations officer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "auto audiophilia", "fishkeeping", "powerboat racing", "railway studies", "research", "skateboarding", "stone collecting", "triathlon" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "second_uncle(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "job(Y_11, \"public relations officer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "?" ], "type": 24, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "42c917ad-cad7-4894-9f25-99f38b8d581f", "question": "What is the hobby of the cousin of the grandchild of the sister of the second aunt of the person whose hobby is car tuning?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "flower collecting and pressing", "marbles", "orienteering", "rock tumbling", "trapshooting" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "sister(Y_9, Y_7)", "second_aunt(Y_11, Y_9)", "hobby(Y_11, \"car tuning\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "?" ], "type": 24, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "1ecab2ce-bfe9-4cde-a86c-350bc9c31e50", "question": "What is the occupation of the granddaughter of the great-grandfather of the child of the grandparent of the person whose date of birth is 0988-04-06?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "microbiologist", "public relations officer", "telecommunications researcher" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandfather(Y_7, Y_5)", "child(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandparent(Y_11, Y_9)", "dob(Y_11, \"0988-04-06\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "?" ], "type": 24, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "f9263421-09a6-48ca-8fa8-a6cf081eb6ed", "question": "What is the occupation of the daughter-in-law of the great-grandmother of the cousin of the great-grandchild of the person whose occupation is equality and diversity officer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "optometrist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "daughter_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandmother(Y_7, Y_5)", "cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "job(Y_11, \"equality and diversity officer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "?" ], "type": 24, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "09a3e25e-1f78-462f-a15d-0663c3a9543d", "question": "What is the hobby of the cousin of the daughter of the daughter of the grandparent of Wyatt Hersey?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "animation", "antiquities", "baseball", "curling", "frisbee", "insect collecting", "leaves", "medical science", "movie memorabilia collecting", "people-watching", "perfume", "research", "roller derby", "story writing", "whale watching" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "daughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "daughter(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandparent(\"Wyatt Hersey\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "?" ], "type": 25, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "fcd441a2-8bc5-430e-9755-05f99dd836d4", "question": "What is the hobby of the great-grandchild of the great-grandmother of the nephew of the sibling of Marlana Hyman?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "exhibition drill", "lapel pins", "meditation", "philately", "radio-controlled model playing", "sociology", "table tennis", "vintage clothing" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandmother(Y_7, Y_5)", "nephew(Y_9, Y_7)", "sibling(\"Marlana Hyman\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "?" ], "type": 25, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "b879f0bb-f3b1-498e-b501-1e59d905efd5", "question": "What is the date of birth of the great-uncle of the child of the daughter-in-law of the mother of Reginald Voyles?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0937-02-25", "0943-01-31", "0945-03-27" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "child(Y_7, Y_5)", "daughter_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "mother(\"Reginald Voyles\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "?" ], "type": 25, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "099bc341-c42e-4c96-aefc-77ba928e2c8e", "question": "What is the date of birth of the granddaughter of the father-in-law of the father of the great-grandchild of Austin Braden?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0898-02-22", "0900-09-27" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "father_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "father(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandchild(\"Austin Braden\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "?" ], "type": 25, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "4320ca06-6c78-412d-b213-b4e146644079", "question": "What is the occupation of the friend of the nephew of the great-aunt of the great-uncle of Konstantin Sterner?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "advertising account executive", "civil engineer", "clinical cytogeneticist", "education officer", "graphic designer", "public house manager", "quarry manager", "sports therapist", "transport planner", "travel agency manager" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "nephew(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_uncle(\"Konstantin Sterner\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "?" ], "type": 25, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "eceeb049-29a5-43ba-b0e4-c6925e604985", "question": "What is the hobby of the daughter-in-law of the friend of the brother-in-law of the daughter-in-law of Arnold Linton?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "kart racing", "mineral collecting", "water polo" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "daughter_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "brother_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "daughter_in_law(\"Arnold Linton\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "?" ], "type": 25, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "16c2b7e3-bae2-42ea-9de9-cc6f46c61329", "question": "What is the occupation of the daughter of the brother of the sibling of the brother-in-law of Barbar Scholl?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "architectural technologist", "biomedical scientist", "geochemist", "teacher" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "daughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "brother(Y_7, Y_5)", "sibling(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother_in_law(\"Barbar Scholl\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "?" ], "type": 25, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "fbdcde0f-d26d-4328-98b1-0feffd7c2f0d", "question": "What is the hobby of the male second cousin of the male second cousin of the cousin of the mother-in-law of Amberly Hochstetler?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "ant farming", "philately", "radio-controlled model collecting", "trapshooting" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "male_second_cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "male_second_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "mother_in_law(\"Amberly Hochstetler\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "?" ], "type": 25, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "0ff3698d-b534-4d41-a4b8-de5e34b76cf8", "question": "What is the occupation of the brother of the male second cousin of the friend of the great-uncle of Samual Grenier?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "copywriter", "diagnostic radiographer", "sports coach" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "brother(Y_5, Y_3)", "male_second_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_uncle(\"Samual Grenier\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "?" ], "type": 25, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "f1fa0b82-6225-49dd-9189-6576914799b0", "question": "What is the date of birth of the niece of the daughter of the grandmother of the nephew of Jame Layne?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0961-02-06", "0964-09-24" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "niece(Y_5, Y_3)", "daughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandmother(Y_9, Y_7)", "nephew(\"Jame Layne\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "?" ], "type": 25, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "79598937-3cdf-4e72-9fbf-6df7f4f3691a", "question": "What is the hobby of the granddaughter of the grandmother of the brother of the person whose date of birth is 0966-12-12?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "antiquities", "curling", "frisbee", "medical science", "movie memorabilia collecting", "perfume", "research", "roller derby", "whale watching" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandmother(Y_7, Y_5)", "brother(Y_9, Y_7)", "dob(Y_9, \"0966-12-12\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "?" ], "type": 26, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "5c2207e5-ad14-4601-b56a-ce06ffce75b8", "question": "What is the hobby of the female cousin of the niece of the aunt of the person whose date of birth is 0936-10-15?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "color guard", "digital hoarding", "flower collecting and pressing", "knife collecting", "meteorology", "microscopy", "publishing", "rock balancing", "safari", "seashell collecting" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "female_cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "niece(Y_7, Y_5)", "aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "dob(Y_9, \"0936-10-15\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "?" ], "type": 26, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "5bf87c98-a484-41fc-8e2e-f33ae076d915", "question": "What is the date of birth of the niece of the sibling of the mother-in-law of the person whose date of birth is 0975-09-21?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0965-12-13", "0974-09-07" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "niece(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "mother_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "dob(Y_9, \"0975-09-21\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "?" ], "type": 26, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "20b93496-6c14-48bb-8452-8bfe625d2797", "question": "What is the date of birth of the granddaughter of the son-in-law of the father-in-law of the person whose occupation is print production planner?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0871-12-28" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "son_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "father_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "job(Y_9, \"print production planner\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "?" ], "type": 26, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "c63adf48-51de-4ecd-b9b8-1e014ac3b269", "question": "What is the occupation of the brother-in-law of the great-uncle of the great-uncle of the person whose occupation is biomedical scientist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "photographer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "brother_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_uncle(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_uncle(Y_9, Y_7)", "job(Y_9, \"biomedical scientist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "?" ], "type": 26, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "03b14dfb-9506-44c6-b650-cec686674f2d", "question": "What is the hobby of the friend of the friend of the friend of the person whose occupation is broadcast presenter?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "airsoft", "ant farming", "antiquing", "antiquities", "architecture", "association football", "audiophile", "auto audiophilia", "axe throwing", "badminton", "ballet dancing", "benchmarking", "biology", "book folding", "botany", "boxing", "bridge", "business", "butterfly watching", "button collecting", "car tuning", "chemistry", "chess", "coin collecting", "color guard", "cooking", "cornhole", "croquet", "curling", "darts", "die-cast toy", "driving", "eating", "engineering", "esports", "fencing", "figure skating", "fingerprint collecting", "fishkeeping", "fitness", "flower collecting and pressing", "fossil hunting", "frisbee", "fruit picking", "geography", "golfing", "gongoozling", "groundhopping", "herbalism", "herping", "history", "hobby horsing", "hobby tunneling", "ice skating", "iceboat racing", "insect collecting", "judo", "kart racing", "kite flying", "knife throwing", "lacrosse", "learning", "leaves", "life science", "linguistics", "long-distance running", "lotology", "magnet fishing", "mahjong", "marbles", "meditation", "metal detecting", "microscopy", "mineral collecting", "model racing", "model united nations", "movie memorabilia collecting", "museum visiting", "netball", "neuroscience", "notaphily", "orienteering", "people-watching", "perfume", "philately", "philosophy", "photography", "publishing", "race walking", "radio-controlled car racing", "radio-controlled model collecting", "radio-controlled model playing", "railway journeys", "reading", "record collecting", "research", "rock balancing", "rowing", "rugby", "scouting", "sea glass collecting", "seashell collecting", "shortwave listening", "skydiving", "slot car", "snowshoeing", "softball", "sport stacking", "squash", "stone collecting", "sun bathing", "surfing", "swimming", "table tennis", "tennis", "ticket collecting", "trainspotting", "vegetable farming", "vintage cars", "vintage clothing", "web design", "whale watching" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "job(Y_9, \"broadcast presenter\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "?" ], "type": 26, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "ea0a35ed-9e2a-4f97-ab97-87a85d01aadb", "question": "What is the occupation of the grandchild of the grandmother of the child of the person whose occupation is neurosurgeon?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "architectural technologist", "biomedical scientist", "building control surveyor", "careers information officer", "clinical cytogeneticist", "computer games developer", "contractor", "dietitian", "dispensing optician", "environmental health practitioner", "facilities manager", "geochemist", "geologist", "geophysicist", "information systems manager", "land surveyor", "legal executive", "loss adjuster", "product development scientist", "public relations officer", "recruitment consultant", "teacher", "television production assistant", "warden" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandmother(Y_7, Y_5)", "child(Y_9, Y_7)", "job(Y_9, \"neurosurgeon\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "?" ], "type": 26, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "bf620cfe-6dd1-42ee-b569-5e7e08a41b2c", "question": "What is the hobby of the great-grandparent of the second uncle of the brother-in-law of the person whose occupation is public relations officer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "radio-controlled model playing", "reading" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "second_uncle(Y_7, Y_5)", "brother_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "job(Y_9, \"public relations officer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "?" ], "type": 26, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "e2e7c10b-c9df-47b3-a501-c02d9a8d3fd5", "question": "What is the occupation of the brother of the second uncle of the female first cousin once removed of the person whose date of birth is 0944-12-16?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "art therapist", "clinical cytogeneticist", "lecturer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "brother(Y_5, Y_3)", "second_uncle(Y_7, Y_5)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_9, Y_7)", "dob(Y_9, \"0944-12-16\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "?" ], "type": 26, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "45db4e6b-9f99-4399-b350-c6d7d734d891", "question": "What is the date of birth of the niece of the sibling of the nephew of the person whose hobby is noodling?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0996-04-29" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "niece(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "nephew(Y_9, Y_7)", "hobby(Y_9, \"noodling\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "?" ], "type": 26, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "497fe517-2813-4157-9981-199ac07c008b", "question": "What is the occupation of the daughter of the daughter of the grandparent of Wyatt Hersey?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "building control surveyor", "computer games developer", "information systems manager", "land surveyor", "legal executive", "loss adjuster", "television production assistant" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "daughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "daughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandparent(\"Wyatt Hersey\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "?" ], "type": 27, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "3cd3d1ba-0318-493d-a543-b242f4895b6e", "question": "What is the occupation of the nephew of the sibling of the great-grandchild of Raul Butterfield?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "call centre manager", "physiological scientist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "nephew(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandchild(\"Raul Butterfield\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "?" ], "type": 27, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "268d8fc7-fe10-44a5-a4f5-0ee2c64c9b2f", "question": "What is the hobby of the son of the friend of the sister-in-law of Mohammed Hickerson?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "association football", "book collecting", "compact discs", "deltiology", "stone collecting", "whale watching" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "son(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "sister_in_law(\"Mohammed Hickerson\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "?" ], "type": 27, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "11a06ca4-4ec6-4459-94c9-ef79fe7603a7", "question": "What is the occupation of the father of the grandchild of the grandmother of Mayra Stites?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "geochemist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "father(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandmother(\"Mayra Stites\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "?" ], "type": 27, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "edb83e74-2573-4dbb-bce9-703523623775", "question": "What is the hobby of the daughter of the husband of the great-grandparent of Eloy Kranz?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "book collecting", "marbles", "rock tumbling" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "daughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "husband(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandparent(\"Eloy Kranz\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "?" ], "type": 27, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "855152b9-9676-47c9-a175-bffc7697b7bb", "question": "What is the occupation of the male first cousin once removed of the nephew of the second uncle of Noelia Matta?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "exhibitions officer", "occupational hygienist", "physiotherapist", "retail merchandiser" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_5, Y_3)", "nephew(Y_7, Y_5)", "second_uncle(\"Noelia Matta\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "?" ], "type": 27, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "f1a5094f-5ba3-4540-afae-b39cca217308", "question": "What is the hobby of the friend of the brother-in-law of the daughter-in-law of Arnold Linton?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "air hockey", "audiophile", "geography", "learning", "meditation", "railway studies", "reading", "religious studies", "rowing", "vintage cars" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "brother_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "daughter_in_law(\"Arnold Linton\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "?" ], "type": 27, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "705f8ba4-4a1c-4f23-b20b-a34b64017f7b", "question": "What is the date of birth of the sibling of the niece of the grandson of Delinda Ahmed?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1021-11-13", "1025-07-06" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "niece(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandson(\"Delinda Ahmed\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "?" ], "type": 27, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "16822a9b-f14b-4ce6-b328-47a12b4d1977", "question": "What is the hobby of the granddaughter of the grandfather of the brother of Perry Dorris?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "sledding", "tennis" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandfather(Y_7, Y_5)", "brother(\"Perry Dorris\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "?" ], "type": 27, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "e262fb12-39c4-46e8-9889-678b19f9c718", "question": "What is the date of birth of the friend of the cousin of the friend of King Satterwhite?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0834-12-05", "0845-03-14", "0853-05-14", "0900-02-05", "0907-06-05", "0922-11-02", "0929-11-18", "0930-12-16", "0945-03-22", "0952-07-25", "0952-09-15", "0954-01-01", "0959-06-24", "0959-11-09", "0967-05-03", "0970-11-19", "0974-01-03", "0976-09-07", "0980-07-25", "0983-05-11", "0984-11-15", "0985-08-25", "0985-10-19", "0987-08-03", "0991-03-19", "0997-04-15", "1001-01-06", "1001-10-18", "1015-01-11", "1032-06-23", "1078-05-11" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(\"King Satterwhite\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "?" ], "type": 27, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "9441fa9c-4fad-4fee-b853-62eb7d2fe6f2", "question": "What is the occupation of the grandmother of the brother of the person whose date of birth is 0966-12-12?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "psychiatrist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandmother(Y_5, Y_3)", "brother(Y_7, Y_5)", "dob(Y_7, \"0966-12-12\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "?" ], "type": 28, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "46deda74-7845-4332-a676-3ece61cb6406", "question": "What is the occupation of the grandson of the son of the person whose occupation is building control surveyor?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "IT sales professional", "advertising account planner", "personal assistant", "water engineer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandson(Y_5, Y_3)", "son(Y_7, Y_5)", "job(Y_7, \"building control surveyor\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "?" ], "type": 28, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "bec6a66a-1f09-43fa-a6e8-375965133c21", "question": "What is the hobby of the husband of the friend of the person whose hobby is research?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "aerospace", "airsoft", "ant farming", "antiquities", "architecture", "astronomy", "auto audiophilia", "auto racing", "backgammon", "badminton", "beauty pageants", "benchmarking", "billiards", "blacksmithing", "bodybuilding", "bowling", "capoeira", "climbing", "compact discs", "cornhole", "croquet", "curling", "die-cast toy", "element collecting", "ephemera collecting", "esports", "fishkeeping", "flying", "frisbee", "geocaching", "golfing", "graffiti", "hobby horsing", "hunting", "inline skating", "insect collecting", "jujitsu", "mahjong", "marbles", "microscopy", "mineral collecting", "radio-controlled model playing", "religious studies", "satellite watching", "science and technology studies", "sea glass collecting", "seashell collecting", "slot car racing", "sports science", "table tennis", "teaching", "video game collecting", "volleyball" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "husband(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "hobby(Y_7, \"research\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "?" ], "type": 28, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "f894f766-3459-497b-9da9-c897a9ece283", "question": "What is the occupation of the grandparent of the child of the person whose occupation is IT technical support officer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "bonds trader", "building services engineer", "camera operator", "careers information officer", "commercial surveyor", "community arts worker", "geochemist", "geographical information systems officer", "health visitor", "hospital pharmacist", "market researcher", "mining engineer", "ophthalmologist", "public affairs consultant" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "child(Y_7, Y_5)", "job(Y_7, \"IT technical support officer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "?" ], "type": 28, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "88fb3aff-ee89-41a9-bda3-6a40c8a5b797", "question": "What is the hobby of the father of the grandmother of the person whose occupation is lawyer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "dancing", "publishing", "scouting" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "father(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandmother(Y_7, Y_5)", "job(Y_7, \"lawyer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "?" ], "type": 28, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "cb1c17a4-e1b7-42bd-a995-daccbf86dd3c", "question": "What is the occupation of the friend of the second uncle of the person whose hobby is stone collecting?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "academic librarian", "animal nutritionist", "chief strategy officer", "civil service administrator", "civil service fast streamer", "claims inspector", "colour technologist", "commercial art gallery manager", "computer games developer", "contracting civil engineer", "contractor", "cytogeneticist", "designer", "electrical engineer", "environmental consultant", "financial manager", "financial planner", "firefighter", "fitness centre manager", "forensic psychologist", "freight forwarder", "government social research officer", "heritage manager", "horticultural therapist", "hydrogeologist", "landscape architect", "mining engineer", "music tutor", "musician", "pharmacologist", "product designer", "public affairs consultant", "purchasing manager", "sales promotion account executive", "soil scientist", "stage manager", "structural engineer", "theatre director", "trade mark attorney", "wellsite geologist", "writer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "second_uncle(Y_7, Y_5)", "hobby(Y_7, \"stone collecting\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "?" ], "type": 28, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "d01f7027-0c34-418a-b7fe-bacf660f55a0", "question": "What is the hobby of the friend of the friend of the person whose occupation is broadcast presenter?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "action figure", "aircraft spotting", "amateur astronomy", "ant-keeping", "astronomy", "auto audiophilia", "badminton", "baking", "baseball", "book collecting", "botany", "color guard", "comic book collecting", "cycling", "die-cast toy", "esports", "figure skating", "films", "fishkeeping", "flower collecting and pressing", "gymnastics", "hiking/backpacking", "horseshoes", "insect collecting", "jogging", "jurisprudential", "lapel pins", "learning", "magnet fishing", "marbles", "medical science", "meditation", "meteorology", "microbiology", "mineral collecting", "model united nations", "philately", "photography", "pinball", "publishing", "radio-controlled car racing", "radio-controlled model playing", "railway studies", "rappelling", "reading", "research", "rock balancing", "rughooking", "running", "science and technology studies", "sledding", "social studies", "sports memorabilia", "stamp collecting", "stone collecting", "table tennis", "ticket collecting", "trainspotting", "transit map collecting", "trapshooting", "unicycling", "video game collecting", "web design", "weightlifting", "wikipedia editing" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "job(Y_7, \"broadcast presenter\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "?" ], "type": 28, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "a26752b2-cfc8-4a48-ac72-01b28c47ebaf", "question": "What is the date of birth of the sibling of the grandson of the person whose occupation is operational investment banker?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0873-05-14", "0876-02-04", "0881-07-17", "0989-06-03", "0993-12-02", "0996-10-31", "0998-04-15", "1000-10-13" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandson(Y_7, Y_5)", "job(Y_7, \"operational investment banker\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "?" ], "type": 28, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "0f833e09-56cc-4ab3-88df-3134f4706a82", "question": "What is the hobby of the mother-in-law of the niece of the person whose occupation is ranger?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "go" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "mother_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "niece(Y_7, Y_5)", "job(Y_7, \"ranger\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "?" ], "type": 28, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "9aa5ad01-66c6-4cb6-b3ed-ba4b079e0313", "question": "What is the date of birth of the friend of the friend of the person whose hobby is vintage cars?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0823-09-13", "0844-05-25", "0844-08-20", "0846-06-27", "0862-06-01", "0869-04-10", "0869-09-19", "0871-08-08", "0872-11-25", "0880-07-15", "0882-03-01", "0887-10-09", "0891-05-20", "0891-08-17", "0891-10-21", "0893-05-19", "0905-04-26", "0911-07-23", "0912-02-06", "0912-12-06", "0915-02-18", "0917-07-31", "0920-12-14", "0922-04-18", "0922-05-05", "0923-09-21", "0924-03-18", "0925-03-05", "0925-03-09", "0925-06-19", "0926-01-16", "0927-09-03", "0928-02-02", "0928-12-03", "0929-10-19", "0930-03-09", "0931-10-06", "0935-10-22", "0936-05-25", "0937-11-17", "0941-07-15", "0941-12-25", "0942-10-18", "0943-11-10", "0944-01-05", "0945-02-22", "0945-05-24", "0948-08-13", "0948-11-04", "0951-06-25", "0951-12-14", "0952-06-30", "0952-10-12", "0953-04-03", "0953-08-06", "0953-10-26", "0954-09-29", "0956-02-22", "0956-03-15", "0959-07-15", "0961-02-25", "0962-12-07", "0964-12-16", "0966-03-03", "0968-12-22", "0969-11-06", "0972-02-18", "0973-05-13", "0973-08-12", "0976-09-07", "0977-08-13", "0978-05-12", "0979-02-26", "0981-07-12", "0983-04-22", "0986-06-29", "0988-03-28", "0992-09-16", "0993-04-02", "0999-10-13", "1000-10-13", "1001-10-18", "1002-06-06", "1007-11-22", "1008-09-21", "1010-07-08", "1010-09-13", "1013-01-11", "1014-08-04", "1019-01-07", "1019-11-01", "1021-06-24", "1024-07-03", "1025-04-15", "1027-06-04", "1027-09-01", "1029-07-03", "1031-05-09", "1033-03-27", "1033-04-25", "1035-12-29", "1036-01-12", "1041-08-16", "1041-10-18", "1054-06-06", "1054-08-13", "1058-03-09", "1063-02-18", "1081-03-23", "1098-04-22" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "hobby(Y_7, \"vintage cars\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "?" ], "type": 28, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "82cf3c10-54eb-4c50-b7ae-704bf2ed3644", "question": "What is the date of birth of the daughter of the grandparent of Wyatt Hersey?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0946-06-27", "0947-05-30" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "daughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandparent(\"Wyatt Hersey\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "?" ], "type": 29, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "a04852d0-321a-431c-af97-016e18f90217", "question": "What is the date of birth of the brother-in-law of the friend of Ronnie Gaddis?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0898-09-06", "0901-10-26", "0906-03-11", "0991-08-24", "0997-04-15" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "brother_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(\"Ronnie Gaddis\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "?" ], "type": 29, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "9217ec93-97ce-4f10-b261-b46bc0449c62", "question": "What is the hobby of the friend of the great-grandfather of Rosalinda Batten?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "aircraft spotting", "ant-keeping", "jurisprudential", "pinball", "rail transport modelling", "table football" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandfather(\"Rosalinda Batten\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "?" ], "type": 29, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "ec1a15ff-7936-4f13-8338-29c1841ebb4d", "question": "What is the date of birth of the daughter-in-law of the mother of Reginald Voyles?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0974-09-07" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "daughter_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "mother(\"Reginald Voyles\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "?" ], "type": 29, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "33f036f7-393a-4c3c-965e-fc6ae4ef1c00", "question": "What is the occupation of the father of the aunt of Tyrell Cody?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "land surveyor" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "father(Y_5, Y_3)", "aunt(\"Tyrell Cody\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "?" ], "type": 29, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "f7eb9a03-6072-42a5-8345-1ba2d6d92750", "question": "What is the date of birth of the husband of the great-grandparent of Eloy Kranz?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0944-08-08", "0944-09-02" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "husband(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandparent(\"Eloy Kranz\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "?" ], "type": 29, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "e6a07772-28b9-4013-a50b-3ea756e75355", "question": "What is the hobby of the great-aunt of the great-uncle of Konstantin Sterner?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "insect collecting", "roller derby", "sled dog racing" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_uncle(\"Konstantin Sterner\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "?" ], "type": 29, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "ebd50c07-4b6d-48c9-80ec-d8555338fe23", "question": "What is the occupation of the brother of the sister-in-law of Diane Meadows?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "dealer", "television floor manager" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "brother(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister_in_law(\"Diane Meadows\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "?" ], "type": 29, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "c509e2ca-ac1f-47d6-81af-78d511a2243d", "question": "What is the hobby of the female first cousin once removed of the friend of Ollie Mcmillen?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "films", "geography", "microbiology", "shortwave listening" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(\"Ollie Mcmillen\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "?" ], "type": 29, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "c972373f-7dfb-4bed-b11c-53a56f13283d", "question": "What is the date of birth of the sibling of the brother-in-law of Barbar Scholl?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0983-11-06", "0987-08-03", "0988-06-29", "0990-04-04" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "brother_in_law(\"Barbar Scholl\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "?" ], "type": 29, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "20753533-131e-464e-bc2d-aa6e95a37f87", "question": "What is the date of birth of the brother of the person whose date of birth is 0966-12-12?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0972-08-13" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "brother(Y_5, Y_3)", "dob(Y_5, \"0966-12-12\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "?" ], "type": 30, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "92c09d7b-fa02-4990-ae72-80bb58bda869", "question": "What is the date of birth of the great-granddaughter of the person whose hobby is reading?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0937-11-17", "0939-01-28", "0964-03-21", "0969-05-31", "0970-08-05", "0977-03-31", "1001-07-19", "1003-11-03", "1005-03-11", "1006-12-15", "1010-09-23", "1012-06-02", "1012-10-26", "1012-12-31", "1013-02-13", "1013-04-26", "1013-05-02", "1014-11-07", "1016-05-02", "1019-11-01", "1064-01-27" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "hobby(Y_5, \"reading\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "?" ], "type": 30, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "346e3c9c-53be-4239-ab3e-dbe68be05f33", "question": "What is the hobby of the friend of the person whose occupation is oceanographer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "ant-keeping", "antiquities", "archaeology", "audiophile", "auto audiophilia", "baseball", "beekeeping", "benchmarking", "biology", "debate", "fencing", "geocaching", "hiking/backpacking", "lacrosse", "learning", "medical science", "meditation", "metal detecting", "photography", "radio-controlled model collecting", "rafting", "rock balancing", "shoes", "shortwave listening", "volleyball" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "job(Y_5, \"oceanographer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "?" ], "type": 30, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "60ceb46e-08ff-4b91-a05d-b590d9be4a1a", "question": "What is the date of birth of the mother-in-law of the person whose date of birth is 0975-09-21?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0944-03-06" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "mother_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "dob(Y_5, \"0975-09-21\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "?" ], "type": 30, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "8382c446-e117-47ae-bbba-a4d05796b491", "question": "What is the occupation of the brother of the person whose date of birth is 0954-11-27?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "animal technologist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "brother(Y_5, Y_3)", "dob(Y_5, \"0954-11-27\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "?" ], "type": 30, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "7606cb3e-f602-4dc5-bc11-53e6dace57c2", "question": "What is the date of birth of the grandmother of the person whose occupation is lawyer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0872-10-16", "0873-02-23", "0933-02-05", "0955-03-13", "0971-06-08" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandmother(Y_5, Y_3)", "job(Y_5, \"lawyer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "?" ], "type": 30, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "8ed015f5-70b6-4b3d-8537-766aeb86fae9", "question": "What is the hobby of the great-uncle of the person whose occupation is biomedical scientist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "audiophile", "biology", "dairy farming", "dancing", "footbag", "kite flying", "marbles", "meteorology", "picnicking", "research", "rock balancing", "table tennis" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "job(Y_5, \"biomedical scientist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "?" ], "type": 30, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "8a631697-097a-4e6a-b357-9667f75ab679", "question": "What is the occupation of the father-in-law of the person whose occupation is mechanical engineer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "museum conservator", "optometrist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "father_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "job(Y_5, \"mechanical engineer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "?" ], "type": 30, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "da4ca4fa-3ceb-4cda-a6cc-1b5053df9746", "question": "What is the hobby of the female first cousin once removed of the person whose hobby is foraging?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "fishkeeping" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_5, Y_3)", "hobby(Y_5, \"foraging\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "?" ], "type": 30, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "73cf727a-21fd-4d11-8c43-e9241c930a49", "question": "What is the date of birth of the child of the person whose occupation is neurosurgeon?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0972-01-06", "0973-06-28", "0976-09-07", "0978-03-25", "1018-12-16" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "job(Y_5, \"neurosurgeon\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "?" ], "type": 30, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "b2bfa9d4-f827-4a38-a4e6-8a600fbaff93", "question": "What is the date of birth of the grandparent of Wyatt Hersey?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0912-07-05", "0914-09-05" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandparent(\"Wyatt Hersey\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "?" ], "type": 31, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "124c1957-82af-4227-b5df-62b5334440da", "question": "What is the hobby of the cousin of Terri Bosley?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "biology", "entrepreneurship", "geography", "insect collecting", "philately", "shoes", "stone collecting", "tennis", "whale watching" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "cousin(\"Terri Bosley\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "?" ], "type": 31, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "f1b85aff-bb73-499d-b80e-e93bbd817dfd", "question": "What is the occupation of the sibling of Marlana Hyman?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "geneticist", "lexicographer", "restaurant manager", "solicitor" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "sibling(\"Marlana Hyman\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "?" ], "type": 31, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "a8d1a7b2-75f5-4d2d-a43a-e12bf68ba70a", "question": "What is the hobby of the son-in-law of Armand Buell?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "jumping rope" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "son_in_law(\"Armand Buell\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "?" ], "type": 31, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "d31fa24e-de67-4832-b5ff-7f2283873e61", "question": "What is the hobby of the mother of Reginald Voyles?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "learning" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "mother(\"Reginald Voyles\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "?" ], "type": 31, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "ee23d654-9d26-422f-bf6d-7182cbf2bc53", "question": "What is the date of birth of the grandmother of Mayra Stites?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0927-03-20" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandmother(\"Mayra Stites\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "?" ], "type": 31, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "0baca6fc-19e7-4884-8bd7-efbece944479", "question": "What is the date of birth of the great-grandchild of Austin Braden?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0895-03-05", "0898-02-22", "0899-07-19", "0899-10-24", "0900-09-27" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_grandchild(\"Austin Braden\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "?" ], "type": 31, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "917cf392-a894-460c-96a3-b09962ce8816", "question": "What is the date of birth of the brother of Charlie Layne?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0931-11-11", "0934-03-16", "0936-03-26" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "brother(\"Charlie Layne\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "?" ], "type": 31, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "b74816da-c0dc-4e81-826f-cb2ccb3834c3", "question": "What is the hobby of the great-uncle of Konstantin Sterner?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "audiophile", "biology", "dancing", "footbag" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_uncle(\"Konstantin Sterner\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "?" ], "type": 31, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "16988f0a-2eb8-4b09-8d34-dd4c2c016df2", "question": "What is the occupation of the female second cousin of Lewis Kyser?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "clinical molecular geneticist", "risk manager" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "female_second_cousin(\"Lewis Kyser\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "?" ], "type": 31, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "5cf9db44-9d31-4714-89ff-d66385e5c20f", "question": "What is the date of birth of the person whose date of birth is 0966-12-12?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0966-12-12" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "dob(Y_3, \"0966-12-12\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "?" ], "type": 32, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "e16c45e6-2638-4cbb-9a64-253ba42bd996", "question": "What is the hobby of the person whose occupation is accountant?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "birdwatching", "research" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "job(Y_3, \"accountant\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "?" ], "type": 32, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "c5deca42-fc2d-47f3-9394-8a25063365e3", "question": "What is the occupation of the person whose date of birth is 0936-10-15?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "solicitor", "travel agency manager" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "dob(Y_3, \"0936-10-15\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "?" ], "type": 32, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "17a351b6-304f-4941-a888-bf517f8156dd", "question": "What is the hobby of the person whose hobby is geography?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "geography" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "hobby(Y_3, \"geography\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "?" ], "type": 32, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "66c3d5f0-d2fd-4d5f-82f0-f17b98c9986e", "question": "What is the hobby of the person whose date of birth is 0975-09-21?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "judo" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "dob(Y_3, \"0975-09-21\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "?" ], "type": 32, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "11948989-d63f-4222-a140-00d7d57524a0", "question": "What is the date of birth of the person whose occupation is IT technical support officer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0905-09-29", "0963-12-03", "0987-11-25", "0995-07-27", "1001-07-15", "1010-04-07" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "job(Y_3, \"IT technical support officer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "?" ], "type": 32, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "3ec4d277-c539-4ab8-9822-3c19f459b0af", "question": "What is the date of birth of the person whose occupation is print production planner?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0810-07-28", "0931-04-27", "0932-06-01", "0975-10-15", "0979-01-13", "1011-01-07", "1016-11-12", "1088-11-29" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "job(Y_3, \"print production planner\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "?" ], "type": 32, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "e9db4d0a-0738-46e5-94a8-1c403be3e363", "question": "What is the date of birth of the person whose date of birth is 0932-12-11?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0932-12-11" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "dob(Y_3, \"0932-12-11\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "?" ], "type": 32, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "6c01d888-d4ba-4719-a156-3349ef357641", "question": "What is the hobby of the person whose occupation is biomedical scientist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "archaeology", "marbles", "motorcycling", "scouting", "slot car", "table tennis playing", "tourism", "trainspotting" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "job(Y_3, \"biomedical scientist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "?" ], "type": 32, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "c7465088-2ac9-4566-846b-ffd19b6159ad", "question": "What is the occupation of the person whose hobby is tour skating?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "leisure centre manager", "science writer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "hobby(Y_3, \"tour skating\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "?" ], "type": 32, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "f92cca3b-9985-4347-a4f8-10c485a0bde6", "question": "How many female cousins does the son of the sibling of the great-aunt of the female first cousin once removed of the cousin of the daughter of the daughter of the grandparent of Wyatt Hersey have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "6", "8" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(female_cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "son(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_11, Y_9)", "cousin(Y_13, Y_11)", "daughter(Y_15, Y_13)", "daughter(Y_17, Y_15)", "grandparent(\"Wyatt Hersey\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "have", "?" ], "type": 33, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "45873848-9732-4ea6-b94e-daa2e6e3e3b7", "question": "How many grandmothers does the brother of the uncle of the nephew of the sibling of the sister-in-law of the son of the friend of the sister-in-law of Mohammed Hickerson have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandmother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "brother(Y_5, Y_3)", "uncle(Y_7, Y_5)", "nephew(Y_9, Y_7)", "sibling(Y_11, Y_9)", "sister_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "son(Y_15, Y_13)", "friend(Y_17, Y_15)", "sister_in_law(\"Mohammed Hickerson\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "have", "?" ], "type": 33, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "e0cd2e66-1f3c-44be-9bd9-a335e106873f", "question": "How many great-grandchildren does the friend of the brother-in-law of the grandfather of the niece of the sister-in-law of the daughter of the husband of the great-grandparent of Eloy Kranz have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandchild(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "brother_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandfather(Y_9, Y_7)", "niece(Y_11, Y_9)", "sister_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "daughter(Y_15, Y_13)", "husband(Y_17, Y_15)", "great_grandparent(\"Eloy Kranz\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "have", "?" ], "type": 33, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "f693cb17-af4d-483b-9d34-06f56d77162e", "question": "How many children does the parent of the cousin of the grandson of the friend of the daughter-in-law of the friend of the brother-in-law of the daughter-in-law of Arnold Linton have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(child(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "parent(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandson(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(Y_11, Y_9)", "daughter_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "friend(Y_15, Y_13)", "brother_in_law(Y_17, Y_15)", "daughter_in_law(\"Arnold Linton\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "have", "?" ], "type": 33, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "584b8c84-e342-474a-93ad-cbc263bd5e0f", "question": "How many mothers-in-law does the friend of the sister-in-law of the friend of the female cousin of the male cousin of the granddaughter of the grandfather of the brother of Perry Dorris have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(mother_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "female_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "male_cousin(Y_13, Y_11)", "granddaughter(Y_15, Y_13)", "grandfather(Y_17, Y_15)", "brother(\"Perry Dorris\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "have", "?" ], "type": 33, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "946b1fcf-c662-4147-8b59-ad74f6f0aa84", "question": "How many siblings does the great-uncle of the aunt of the male first cousin once removed of the grandson of the female cousin of the grandson of the husband of the friend of Elijah Sloan have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandson(Y_11, Y_9)", "female_cousin(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandson(Y_15, Y_13)", "husband(Y_17, Y_15)", "friend(\"Elijah Sloan\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "have", "?" ], "type": 33, "difficulty": 19 }, { "id": "b394b4a6-a0c0-4dea-92c4-3cafd0c5d216", "question": "How many great-aunts does the female cousin of the female cousin of the brother-in-law of the son-in-law of the cousin of the male cousin of the niece of the brother of Tyesha Meadows have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "female_cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "female_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "brother_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "son_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "cousin(Y_13, Y_11)", "male_cousin(Y_15, Y_13)", "niece(Y_17, Y_15)", "brother(\"Tyesha Meadows\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "have", "?" ], "type": 33, "difficulty": 20 }, { "id": "3f18efd2-98ae-4b19-b7a4-e00120c8eedd", "question": "How many grandmothers does the sister of the male cousin of the cousin of the cousin of the great-granddaughter of the great-grandparent of the cousin of the brother-in-law of Nelson Trejo have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandmother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sister(Y_5, Y_3)", "male_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_granddaughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_grandparent(Y_15, Y_13)", "cousin(Y_17, Y_15)", "brother_in_law(\"Nelson Trejo\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "have", "?" ], "type": 33, "difficulty": 22 }, { "id": "4456f82f-efec-43d9-9218-7051ae23cca8", "question": "How many great-grandchildren does the mother of the granddaughter of the father-in-law of the mother-in-law of the son of the great-grandfather of the grandchild of the friend of Grady Halbert have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandchild(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "mother(Y_5, Y_3)", "granddaughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "father_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "mother_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "son(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_grandfather(Y_15, Y_13)", "grandchild(Y_17, Y_15)", "friend(\"Grady Halbert\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "have", "?" ], "type": 33, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "6e3df9f2-5887-47d9-884d-4fef74987161", "question": "How many siblings does the nephew of the sibling of the brother of the brother of the sibling of the cousin of the cousin of the uncle of Orlando Means have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "nephew(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "brother(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother(Y_11, Y_9)", "sibling(Y_13, Y_11)", "cousin(Y_15, Y_13)", "cousin(Y_17, Y_15)", "uncle(\"Orlando Means\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "have", "?" ], "type": 33, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "525413cf-b00c-465e-9ba3-d8f52bb7032f", "question": "How many cousins does the cousin of the brother of the cousin of the male cousin of the granddaughter of the grandmother of the brother of the person whose date of birth is 0966-12-12 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "10", "11", "12" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "brother(Y_7, Y_5)", "cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "male_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "granddaughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandmother(Y_15, Y_13)", "brother(Y_17, Y_15)", "dob(Y_17, \"0966-12-12\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "have", "?" ], "type": 34, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "a5e40488-5237-4184-acbf-45d20c35e61d", "question": "How many great-aunts does the brother of the grandchild of the great-grandparent of the sibling of the sister-in-law of the husband of the friend of the person whose hobby is research have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "brother(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "sibling(Y_11, Y_9)", "sister_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "husband(Y_15, Y_13)", "friend(Y_17, Y_15)", "hobby(Y_17, \"research\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "have", "?" ], "type": 34, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "50e5f8b3-09aa-4d08-b9d0-8564ecf7076c", "question": "How many great-aunts does the male first cousin once removed of the female cousin of the cousin of the grandson of the friend of the father of the grandmother of the person whose occupation is lawyer have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_5, Y_3)", "female_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandson(Y_11, Y_9)", "friend(Y_13, Y_11)", "father(Y_15, Y_13)", "grandmother(Y_17, Y_15)", "job(Y_17, \"lawyer\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "have", "?" ], "type": 34, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "4980cc98-ed25-46ed-a3dd-fcc5aa5afa29", "question": "How many daughters does the sibling of the son-in-law of the grandfather of the female second cousin of the friend of the friend of the friend of the person whose occupation is broadcast presenter have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(daughter(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "son_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandfather(Y_9, Y_7)", "female_second_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "friend(Y_13, Y_11)", "friend(Y_15, Y_13)", "friend(Y_17, Y_15)", "job(Y_17, \"broadcast presenter\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "have", "?" ], "type": 34, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "a9666334-3e78-4482-9dd9-574515a5d2bd", "question": "How many granddaughters does the friend of the female cousin of the male first cousin once removed of the great-grandchild of the daughter-in-law of the mother-in-law of the niece of the person whose occupation is ranger have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(granddaughter(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "female_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "daughter_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "mother_in_law(Y_15, Y_13)", "niece(Y_17, Y_15)", "job(Y_17, \"ranger\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "have", "?" ], "type": 34, "difficulty": 19 }, { "id": "d475f874-e48f-4d5f-828d-7238ef81208d", "question": "How many sisters does the great-uncle of the son of the daughter-in-law of the great-grandchild of the grandparent of the granddaughter of the sibling of the person whose hobby is sociology have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "son(Y_7, Y_5)", "daughter_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandparent(Y_13, Y_11)", "granddaughter(Y_15, Y_13)", "sibling(Y_17, Y_15)", "hobby(Y_17, \"sociology\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "have", "?" ], "type": 34, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "64907cdb-e1df-41be-bb1a-333eb54fef7b", "question": "How many great-aunts does the female cousin of the cousin of the great-grandchild of the great-grandparent of the cousin of the female first cousin once removed of the nephew of the person whose date of birth is 0935-06-26 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "female_cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandparent(Y_11, Y_9)", "cousin(Y_13, Y_11)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_15, Y_13)", "nephew(Y_17, Y_15)", "dob(Y_17, \"0935-06-26\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "have", "?" ], "type": 34, "difficulty": 23 }, { "id": "2ae01f8c-43ae-4ea2-9cdf-35f5c9d677a9", "question": "How many nephews does the aunt of the great-grandson of the grandparent of the cousin of the female cousin of the cousin of the sister-in-law of the person whose occupation is occupational therapist have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "2", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(nephew(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandson(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "female_cousin(Y_13, Y_11)", "cousin(Y_15, Y_13)", "sister_in_law(Y_17, Y_15)", "job(Y_17, \"occupational therapist\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "have", "?" ], "type": 34, "difficulty": 20 }, { "id": "a4d25592-af90-4572-a31c-6085eac5291a", "question": "How many great-grandfathers does the sibling of the niece of the great-uncle of the great-grandchild of the son of the mother-in-law of the daughter-in-law of the person whose hobby is shortwave listening have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandfather(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "niece(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_uncle(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "son(Y_13, Y_11)", "mother_in_law(Y_15, Y_13)", "daughter_in_law(Y_17, Y_15)", "hobby(Y_17, \"shortwave listening\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "have", "?" ], "type": 34, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "908ba5b0-de17-4f71-956d-dfa7c3a4fe74", "question": "How many siblings does the nephew of the sibling of the brother of the brother of the sibling of the granddaughter of the great-grandmother of the person whose occupation is chiropodist have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "2", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "nephew(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "brother(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother(Y_11, Y_9)", "sibling(Y_13, Y_11)", "granddaughter(Y_15, Y_13)", "great_grandmother(Y_17, Y_15)", "job(Y_17, \"chiropodist\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "have", "?" ], "type": 34, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "1ae78b5e-6f7f-4cc8-b8f4-3ae1d2715bc3", "question": "How many sons does the sibling of the great-aunt of the female first cousin once removed of the cousin of the daughter of the daughter of the grandparent of Wyatt Hersey have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(son(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_9, Y_7)", "cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "daughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "daughter(Y_15, Y_13)", "grandparent(\"Wyatt Hersey\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "have", "?" ], "type": 35, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "387386ee-2a4b-4497-b1fa-1c432cc11f95", "question": "How many grandfathers does the granddaughter of the child of the friend of the father of the friend of the friend of the son-in-law of Armand Buell have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandfather(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "child(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "father(Y_11, Y_9)", "friend(Y_13, Y_11)", "friend(Y_15, Y_13)", "son_in_law(\"Armand Buell\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "have", "?" ], "type": 35, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "c2afd2d8-9899-4997-8f7a-e4519d7a3df5", "question": "How many great-grandchildren does the father-in-law of the grandfather of the sibling of the granddaughter of the father-in-law of the father of the great-grandchild of Austin Braden have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "5" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandchild(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "father_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandfather(Y_7, Y_5)", "sibling(Y_9, Y_7)", "granddaughter(Y_11, Y_9)", "father_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "father(Y_15, Y_13)", "great_grandchild(\"Austin Braden\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "have", "?" ], "type": 35, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "94894f97-0007-4623-9a53-49d7c0764e62", "question": "How many great-grandfathers does the friend of the friend of the friend of the second aunt of the grandchild of the grandfather of the female second cousin of Lewis Kyser have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandfather(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "second_aunt(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandchild(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandfather(Y_15, Y_13)", "female_second_cousin(\"Lewis Kyser\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "have", "?" ], "type": 35, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "83d482d9-f6a7-43db-b957-6dd74c601003", "question": "How many brothers-in-law does the daughter-in-law of the mother-in-law of the grandmother of the daughter of the brother of the sibling of the brother-in-law of Barbar Scholl have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(brother_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "daughter_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "mother_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandmother(Y_9, Y_7)", "daughter(Y_11, Y_9)", "brother(Y_13, Y_11)", "sibling(Y_15, Y_13)", "brother_in_law(\"Barbar Scholl\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "have", "?" ], "type": 35, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "23a03f08-6987-476a-a7f5-7c3b7abd1e39", "question": "How many grandchildren does the grandson of the great-grandmother of the sister-in-law of the sister of the friend of the cousin of the friend of King Satterwhite have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "8" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandchild(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandson(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandmother(Y_7, Y_5)", "sister_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "sister(Y_11, Y_9)", "friend(Y_13, Y_11)", "cousin(Y_15, Y_13)", "friend(\"King Satterwhite\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "have", "?" ], "type": 35, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "59eb0952-3452-47a7-93c6-11238c1ba1de", "question": "How many uncles does the uncle of the male first cousin once removed of the sister of the niece of the daughter of the grandmother of the nephew of Jame Layne have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(uncle(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_7, Y_5)", "sister(Y_9, Y_7)", "niece(Y_11, Y_9)", "daughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandmother(Y_15, Y_13)", "nephew(\"Jame Layne\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "have", "?" ], "type": 35, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "726c4ab0-d3f0-484c-a7e6-f3bae3f1cff0", "question": "How many aunts does the niece of the sister-in-law of the daughter-in-law of the great-grandmother of the cousin of the niece of the grandson of Deanna Dietz have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "niece(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "daughter_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandmother(Y_11, Y_9)", "cousin(Y_13, Y_11)", "niece(Y_15, Y_13)", "grandson(\"Deanna Dietz\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "have", "?" ], "type": 35, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "098cfcc2-9ebf-49d1-bbce-858a74493969", "question": "How many nieces does the grandparent of the brother of the great-grandchild of the son-in-law of the great-grandfather of the great-granddaughter of the great-grandparent of Michelle Bryce have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(niece(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "brother(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "son_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_grandfather(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_granddaughter(Y_15, Y_13)", "great_grandparent(\"Michelle Bryce\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "have", "?" ], "type": 35, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "55331e5e-4a94-41ab-aa4c-2301fe0544e6", "question": "How many great-aunts does the sibling of the niece of the great-uncle of the female cousin of the aunt of the grandson of the daughter-in-law of Leda Putnam have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "niece(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_uncle(Y_9, Y_7)", "female_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "aunt(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandson(Y_15, Y_13)", "daughter_in_law(\"Leda Putnam\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "have", "?" ], "type": 35, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "c2517c47-e5e8-469e-8240-c37294638050", "question": "How many cousins does the brother of the cousin of the male cousin of the granddaughter of the grandmother of the brother of the person whose date of birth is 0966-12-12 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "10", "12" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "brother(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "male_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "granddaughter(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandmother(Y_13, Y_11)", "brother(Y_15, Y_13)", "dob(Y_15, \"0966-12-12\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "have", "?" ], "type": 36, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "0ab8c585-6d7d-4780-b47e-28b3155a30df", "question": "How many grandchildren does the great-grandparent of the child of the daughter-in-law of the sibling of the friend of the brother-in-law of the person whose hobby is geography have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "3", "4", "5", "7", "8" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandchild(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "child(Y_7, Y_5)", "daughter_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "sibling(Y_11, Y_9)", "friend(Y_13, Y_11)", "brother_in_law(Y_15, Y_13)", "hobby(Y_15, \"geography\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "have", "?" ], "type": 36, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "a2f5bc9e-db9e-4601-a12e-7d6a22edd4a1", "question": "How many great-grandchildren does the father-in-law of the grandfather of the son of the granddaughter of the son-in-law of the father-in-law of the person whose occupation is print production planner have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "5" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandchild(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "father_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandfather(Y_7, Y_5)", "son(Y_9, Y_7)", "granddaughter(Y_11, Y_9)", "son_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "father_in_law(Y_15, Y_13)", "job(Y_15, \"print production planner\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "have", "?" ], "type": 36, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "f449826e-c413-4966-9aac-845af7ff554b", "question": "How many sons-in-law does the nephew of the second aunt of the friend of the grandfather of the uncle of the cousin of the person whose hobby is tour skating have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(son_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "nephew(Y_5, Y_3)", "second_aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandfather(Y_11, Y_9)", "uncle(Y_13, Y_11)", "cousin(Y_15, Y_13)", "hobby(Y_15, \"tour skating\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "have", "?" ], "type": 36, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "414ec8bd-3dfa-407b-ae9b-0d2786499233", "question": "How many mothers-in-law does the son-in-law of the great-grandfather of the nephew of the grandchild of the grandmother of the child of the person whose occupation is neurosurgeon have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(mother_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "son_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandfather(Y_7, Y_5)", "nephew(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandmother(Y_13, Y_11)", "child(Y_15, Y_13)", "job(Y_15, \"neurosurgeon\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "have", "?" ], "type": 36, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "686f4d87-b8d5-4e87-aba5-eb44033e3bb3", "question": "How many mothers-in-law does the grandparent of the cousin of the great-grandson of the father of the friend of the friend of the person whose hobby is vintage cars have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(mother_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandson(Y_9, Y_7)", "father(Y_11, Y_9)", "friend(Y_13, Y_11)", "friend(Y_15, Y_13)", "hobby(Y_15, \"vintage cars\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "have", "?" ], "type": 36, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "ead2d657-04d7-44a1-8893-d3dfc66444fb", "question": "How many nieces does the aunt of the female cousin of the father of the niece of the sibling of the nephew of the person whose hobby is noodling have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(niece(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "female_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "father(Y_9, Y_7)", "niece(Y_11, Y_9)", "sibling(Y_13, Y_11)", "nephew(Y_15, Y_13)", "hobby(Y_15, \"noodling\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "have", "?" ], "type": 36, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "4ae905d1-72eb-4b1a-82bc-3a134f28d0a2", "question": "How many aunts does the niece of the sister-in-law of the daughter-in-law of the great-grandmother of the cousin of the great-grandchild of the person whose occupation is equality and diversity officer have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "niece(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "daughter_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandmother(Y_11, Y_9)", "cousin(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_grandchild(Y_15, Y_13)", "job(Y_15, \"equality and diversity officer\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "have", "?" ], "type": 36, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "bfc5b463-f9ee-4a42-b266-e493735f3a3b", "question": "How many grandmothers does the grandson of the wife of the grandfather of the great-uncle of the cousin of the male first cousin once removed of the person whose occupation is magazine journalist have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandmother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandson(Y_5, Y_3)", "wife(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandfather(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_uncle(Y_11, Y_9)", "cousin(Y_13, Y_11)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_15, Y_13)", "job(Y_15, \"magazine journalist\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "have", "?" ], "type": 36, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "21130eaa-7a78-48bf-9ccf-0bd2bf617aa2", "question": "How many great-aunts does the sibling of the niece of the great-uncle of the female cousin of the aunt of the great-grandchild of the person whose occupation is catering manager have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "niece(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_uncle(Y_9, Y_7)", "female_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "aunt(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_grandchild(Y_15, Y_13)", "job(Y_15, \"catering manager\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "have", "?" ], "type": 36, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "a4441e4f-aa53-4f83-93ed-924e865ad255", "question": "How many siblings does the great-aunt of the female first cousin once removed of the cousin of the daughter of the daughter of the grandparent of Wyatt Hersey have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_7, Y_5)", "cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "daughter(Y_11, Y_9)", "daughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandparent(\"Wyatt Hersey\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "have", "?" ], "type": 37, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "70576c45-f167-4b38-be95-c5b6112785c3", "question": "How many siblings does the nephew of the aunt of the friend of the great-grandfather of the friend of the great-grandfather of Rosalinda Batten have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "nephew(Y_5, Y_3)", "aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandfather(Y_11, Y_9)", "friend(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_grandfather(\"Rosalinda Batten\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "have", "?" ], "type": 37, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "9d07455f-80ec-4068-94fe-c5d1aca6bf84", "question": "How many sisters does the uncle of the cousin of the niece of the son-in-law of the father of the aunt of Tyrell Cody have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "niece(Y_9, Y_7)", "son_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "father(Y_13, Y_11)", "aunt(\"Tyrell Cody\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "have", "?" ], "type": 37, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "b370cb5c-3008-489a-be6c-d408b38f84f8", "question": "How many nieces does the brother of the mother-in-law of the friend of the nephew of the great-aunt of the great-uncle of Konstantin Sterner have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "8" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(niece(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "brother(Y_5, Y_3)", "mother_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "nephew(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_aunt(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_uncle(\"Konstantin Sterner\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "have", "?" ], "type": 37, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "5de1b96e-a416-46c1-b414-1f6d9bd1d281", "question": "How many children does the child of the wife of the grandfather of the male cousin of the female first cousin once removed of the friend of Ollie Mcmillen have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(child(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "wife(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandfather(Y_9, Y_7)", "male_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_13, Y_11)", "friend(\"Ollie Mcmillen\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "have", "?" ], "type": 37, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "e6489391-e8dd-4d42-b364-f4ddab1c58b1", "question": "How many sisters-in-law does the friend of the female cousin of the male cousin of the granddaughter of the grandfather of the brother of Perry Dorris have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "female_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "male_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "granddaughter(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandfather(Y_13, Y_11)", "brother(\"Perry Dorris\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "have", "?" ], "type": 37, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "d13ad78a-fbc2-4460-afc1-79f8bfcfbb1d", "question": "How many great-grandchildren does the grandparent of the great-aunt of the brother of the male second cousin of the friend of the great-uncle of Samual Grenier have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "6" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandchild(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "brother(Y_9, Y_7)", "male_second_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "friend(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_uncle(\"Samual Grenier\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "have", "?" ], "type": 37, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "c572cc5f-34bb-4fce-ac93-740ae4616caa", "question": "How many male first cousins once removed does the grandchild of the granddaughter of the great-grandfather of the child of the grandfather of the sibling of Ayanna Swenson have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "2", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "granddaughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandfather(Y_9, Y_7)", "child(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandfather(Y_13, Y_11)", "sibling(\"Ayanna Swenson\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "have", "?" ], "type": 37, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "3e3ea51e-e0cc-41a8-98e4-f30344fe6e39", "question": "How many nephews does the grandchild of the son-in-law of the mother-in-law of the nephew of the great-aunt of the great-grandchild of Benton Hake have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "2", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(nephew(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "son_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "mother_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "nephew(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_aunt(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_grandchild(\"Benton Hake\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "have", "?" ], "type": 37, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "4ca5e5c6-8bfc-4f0b-adf8-500b27d84f5b", "question": "How many grandparents does the brother of the great-grandchild of the son-in-law of the great-grandfather of the great-granddaughter of the great-grandparent of Michelle Bryce have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandparent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "brother(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "son_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandfather(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_granddaughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_grandparent(\"Michelle Bryce\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "have", "?" ], "type": 37, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "7f43f089-9888-4541-86e3-de651ca8de58", "question": "How many brothers does the cousin of the male cousin of the granddaughter of the grandmother of the brother of the person whose date of birth is 0966-12-12 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(brother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "male_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "granddaughter(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandmother(Y_11, Y_9)", "brother(Y_13, Y_11)", "dob(Y_13, \"0966-12-12\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "have", "?" ], "type": 38, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "a629c047-1572-448d-999e-9f7c94b2d5f7", "question": "How many mothers does the female second cousin of the child of the friend of the male first cousin once removed of the friend of the person whose occupation is oceanographer have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(mother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "female_second_cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "child(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_11, Y_9)", "friend(Y_13, Y_11)", "job(Y_13, \"oceanographer\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "have", "?" ], "type": 38, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "ec107aa7-9f8c-4e9c-a380-c0b3a5ab162e", "question": "How many sisters does the uncle of the grandson of the grandparent of the cousin of the brother of the person whose date of birth is 0954-11-27 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandson(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "brother(Y_13, Y_11)", "dob(Y_13, \"0954-11-27\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "have", "?" ], "type": 38, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "be1f2471-964f-48cf-879b-9d87a599e6b7", "question": "How many grandsons does the aunt of the nephew of the brother-in-law of the great-uncle of the great-uncle of the person whose occupation is biomedical scientist have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandson(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "nephew(Y_7, Y_5)", "brother_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_uncle(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_uncle(Y_13, Y_11)", "job(Y_13, \"biomedical scientist\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "have", "?" ], "type": 38, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "0863559c-d059-4528-845e-63044bc30752", "question": "How many sisters does the sibling of the grandchild of the father of the second aunt of the female first cousin once removed of the person whose hobby is foraging have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "father(Y_9, Y_7)", "second_aunt(Y_11, Y_9)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_13, Y_11)", "hobby(Y_13, \"foraging\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "have", "?" ], "type": 38, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "9174f6ef-9347-4070-b7e6-b64877106097", "question": "How many female cousins does the male first cousin once removed of the great-grandchild of the daughter-in-law of the mother-in-law of the niece of the person whose occupation is ranger have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(female_cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "daughter_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "mother_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "niece(Y_13, Y_11)", "job(Y_13, \"ranger\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "have", "?" ], "type": 38, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "33286356-f072-447b-9895-f9be2ef7f81b", "question": "How many grandparents does the great-uncle of the grandchild of the brother of the second uncle of the female first cousin once removed of the person whose date of birth is 0944-12-16 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandparent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "brother(Y_9, Y_7)", "second_uncle(Y_11, Y_9)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_13, Y_11)", "dob(Y_13, \"0944-12-16\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "have", "?" ], "type": 38, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "97ad828a-18ad-48ee-9326-ce262a604b01", "question": "How many male first cousins once removed does the grandchild of the granddaughter of the great-grandfather of the child of the grandparent of the person whose date of birth is 0988-04-06 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "2", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "granddaughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandfather(Y_9, Y_7)", "child(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandparent(Y_13, Y_11)", "dob(Y_13, \"0988-04-06\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "have", "?" ], "type": 38, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "6562f31c-938d-4046-aa98-94c29ffc12ed", "question": "How many wives does the husband of the mother of the great-uncle of the great-grandson of the wife of the person whose hobby is hiking/backpacking have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(wife(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "husband(Y_5, Y_3)", "mother(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_uncle(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandson(Y_11, Y_9)", "wife(Y_13, Y_11)", "hobby(Y_13, \"hiking/backpacking\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "have", "?" ], "type": 38, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "3a863500-2d8b-424e-a7a9-a333cfec714d", "question": "How many grandsons does the wife of the grandfather of the great-uncle of the cousin of the male first cousin once removed of the person whose occupation is magazine journalist have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandson(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "wife(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandfather(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_uncle(Y_9, Y_7)", "cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_13, Y_11)", "job(Y_13, \"magazine journalist\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "have", "?" ], "type": 38, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "25cebb89-12a9-465d-a370-5e1623923f94", "question": "How many great-aunts does the female first cousin once removed of the cousin of the daughter of the daughter of the grandparent of Wyatt Hersey have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "daughter(Y_9, Y_7)", "daughter(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandparent(\"Wyatt Hersey\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "have", "?" ], "type": 39, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "4a55f638-bb5c-45c2-9f63-41d67bdffd92", "question": "How many siblings does the friend of the nephew of the nephew of the aunt of the grandchild of Michelle Stoddard have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "3", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "nephew(Y_7, Y_5)", "nephew(Y_9, Y_7)", "aunt(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandchild(\"Michelle Stoddard\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "have", "?" ], "type": 39, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "67924d76-be33-4f0d-8a3d-5cf2cc6af882", "question": "How many grandchildren does the father-in-law of the wife of the grandfather of the grandchild of the sibling of Anneliese Boatman have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "5" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandchild(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "father_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "wife(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandfather(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "sibling(\"Anneliese Boatman\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "have", "?" ], "type": 39, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "60e42226-35b9-4d3d-90d4-25b80d86303a", "question": "How many grandparents does the nephew of the uncle of the nephew of the sibling of the brother of Charlie Layne have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandparent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "nephew(Y_5, Y_3)", "uncle(Y_7, Y_5)", "nephew(Y_9, Y_7)", "sibling(Y_11, Y_9)", "brother(\"Charlie Layne\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "have", "?" ], "type": 39, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "fb3314c2-c3b8-450e-a9b9-6c45a0a08841", "question": "How many great-grandfathers does the friend of the friend of the great-aunt of the brother of the sister-in-law of Diane Meadows have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandfather(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother(Y_11, Y_9)", "sister_in_law(\"Diane Meadows\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "have", "?" ], "type": 39, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "17f510e0-0e5e-4d60-9522-694ce093e8c8", "question": "How many fathers-in-law does the wife of the father of the sibling of the niece of the grandson of Delinda Ahmed have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(father_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "wife(Y_5, Y_3)", "father(Y_7, Y_5)", "sibling(Y_9, Y_7)", "niece(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandson(\"Delinda Ahmed\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "have", "?" ], "type": 39, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "352bc07f-a848-4fea-91d6-a150cf6bf479", "question": "How many friends does the second uncle of the male second cousin of the male second cousin of the cousin of the mother-in-law of Amberly Hochstetler have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(friend(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "second_uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "male_second_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "male_second_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "mother_in_law(\"Amberly Hochstetler\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "have", "?" ], "type": 39, "difficulty": 20 }, { "id": "410705c2-7e78-4cc1-bf5b-e668546f7cb3", "question": "How many mothers-in-law does the female cousin of the grandchild of the grandparent of the male cousin of the second aunt of Ta Everette have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(mother_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "female_cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "male_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "second_aunt(\"Ta Everette\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "have", "?" ], "type": 39, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "a4c2a092-474e-462d-854c-8684fc892a2f", "question": "How many grandchildren does the granddaughter of the great-grandfather of the child of the grandfather of the sibling of Ayanna Swenson have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "11" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandchild(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandfather(Y_7, Y_5)", "child(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandfather(Y_11, Y_9)", "sibling(\"Ayanna Swenson\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "have", "?" ], "type": 39, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "4fe77b7f-39b1-4d4a-9495-c99e65de7e77", "question": "How many sisters-in-law does the daughter-in-law of the great-grandmother of the cousin of the niece of the grandson of Deanna Dietz have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "daughter_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandmother(Y_7, Y_5)", "cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "niece(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandson(\"Deanna Dietz\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "have", "?" ], "type": 39, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "d4d9a245-23b2-4f11-bc5f-a1ced75dd80d", "question": "How many cousins does the male cousin of the granddaughter of the grandmother of the brother of the person whose date of birth is 0966-12-12 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "10", "12" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "male_cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "granddaughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandmother(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother(Y_11, Y_9)", "dob(Y_11, \"0966-12-12\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "have", "?" ], "type": 40, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "404f3538-28b8-4280-8731-39516dc9c91a", "question": "How many husbands does the friend of the female second cousin of the great-grandchild of the daughter-in-law of the person whose occupation is advertising copywriter have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(husband(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "female_second_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "daughter_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "job(Y_11, \"advertising copywriter\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "have", "?" ], "type": 40, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "37840a86-e01a-47ce-a654-c836931a8558", "question": "How many aunts does the sister-in-law of the father-in-law of the wife of the nephew of the person whose date of birth is 0957-04-18 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sister_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "father_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "wife(Y_9, Y_7)", "nephew(Y_11, Y_9)", "dob(Y_11, \"0957-04-18\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "have", "?" ], "type": 40, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "089dc87e-818a-48d2-b0e2-f8664e8f73c1", "question": "How many grandparents does the nephew of the grandchild of the grandparent of the sibling of the person whose date of birth is 0932-12-11 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandparent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "nephew(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "sibling(Y_11, Y_9)", "dob(Y_11, \"0932-12-11\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "have", "?" ], "type": 40, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "35682101-ea44-4ce1-a554-7509f8d8b8c4", "question": "How many second aunts does the friend of the great-grandson of the mother-in-law of the father-in-law of the person whose occupation is mechanical engineer have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(second_aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandson(Y_7, Y_5)", "mother_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "father_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "job(Y_11, \"mechanical engineer\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "have", "?" ], "type": 40, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "45f0e9da-59c6-41c0-ac2a-f4f813cad3fc", "question": "How many nephews does the aunt of the brother of the sibling of the grandson of the person whose occupation is operational investment banker have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(nephew(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "brother(Y_7, Y_5)", "sibling(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandson(Y_11, Y_9)", "job(Y_11, \"operational investment banker\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "have", "?" ], "type": 40, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "c698fb83-38a9-4c67-ab14-9d8e346aaaaf", "question": "How many friends does the friend of the great-grandparent of the second uncle of the brother-in-law of the person whose occupation is public relations officer have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2", "3", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(friend(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "second_uncle(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "job(Y_11, \"public relations officer\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "have", "?" ], "type": 40, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "2553239c-d9f3-456a-adc1-3cb9a63c8e81", "question": "How many great-grandparents does the cousin of the grandchild of the sister of the second aunt of the person whose hobby is car tuning have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandparent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "sister(Y_9, Y_7)", "second_aunt(Y_11, Y_9)", "hobby(Y_11, \"car tuning\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "have", "?" ], "type": 40, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "0843e2da-fc71-4649-8b08-b62849d0f323", "question": "How many grandchildren does the granddaughter of the great-grandfather of the child of the grandparent of the person whose date of birth is 0988-04-06 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "11" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandchild(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandfather(Y_7, Y_5)", "child(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandparent(Y_11, Y_9)", "dob(Y_11, \"0988-04-06\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "have", "?" ], "type": 40, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "bd3fe9a1-0dfd-49f1-b00f-185a53013926", "question": "How many sisters-in-law does the daughter-in-law of the great-grandmother of the cousin of the great-grandchild of the person whose occupation is equality and diversity officer have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "daughter_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandmother(Y_7, Y_5)", "cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "job(Y_11, \"equality and diversity officer\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "have", "?" ], "type": 40, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "551375db-be19-4a55-87e4-849a4505f0b3", "question": "How many female first cousins once removed does the cousin of the daughter of the daughter of the grandparent of Wyatt Hersey have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "4", "5", "7" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "daughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "daughter(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandparent(\"Wyatt Hersey\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "have", "?" ], "type": 41, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "d390a225-c662-4f33-b661-247faa51cb94", "question": "How many male cousins does the great-grandchild of the great-grandmother of the nephew of the sibling of Marlana Hyman have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(male_cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandmother(Y_7, Y_5)", "nephew(Y_9, Y_7)", "sibling(\"Marlana Hyman\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "have", "?" ], "type": 41, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "15ae946e-fb39-4a18-ab26-90d2fdd3c31d", "question": "How many sisters does the great-uncle of the child of the daughter-in-law of the mother of Reginald Voyles have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "child(Y_7, Y_5)", "daughter_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "mother(\"Reginald Voyles\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "have", "?" ], "type": 41, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "fb038ec9-a6f6-493d-b9c2-89a32e6f6514", "question": "How many siblings does the granddaughter of the father-in-law of the father of the great-grandchild of Austin Braden have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "father_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "father(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandchild(\"Austin Braden\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "have", "?" ], "type": 41, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "116dbab1-8006-4e30-b0ed-ba2181ebcd45", "question": "How many mothers-in-law does the friend of the nephew of the great-aunt of the great-uncle of Konstantin Sterner have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(mother_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "nephew(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_uncle(\"Konstantin Sterner\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "have", "?" ], "type": 41, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "36df5998-4c5f-4ccc-8a72-168b713ee5a9", "question": "How many friends does the daughter-in-law of the friend of the brother-in-law of the daughter-in-law of Arnold Linton have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "3", "5" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(friend(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "daughter_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "brother_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "daughter_in_law(\"Arnold Linton\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "have", "?" ], "type": 41, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "a887dbbe-ca3f-4235-9182-a6618ec899ca", "question": "How many grandmothers does the daughter of the brother of the sibling of the brother-in-law of Barbar Scholl have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandmother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "daughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "brother(Y_7, Y_5)", "sibling(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother_in_law(\"Barbar Scholl\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "have", "?" ], "type": 41, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "be7753f5-2b9a-4241-a0c6-97af1f5541a9", "question": "How many second uncles does the male second cousin of the male second cousin of the cousin of the mother-in-law of Amberly Hochstetler have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(second_uncle(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "male_second_cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "male_second_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "mother_in_law(\"Amberly Hochstetler\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "have", "?" ], "type": 41, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "1fcd9eed-1e0d-4a79-b9e1-99677672daa4", "question": "How many great-aunts does the brother of the male second cousin of the friend of the great-uncle of Samual Grenier have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "brother(Y_5, Y_3)", "male_second_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_uncle(\"Samual Grenier\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "have", "?" ], "type": 41, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "fde9b7fe-83b1-464a-9bf3-54f7a87b9fd5", "question": "How many sisters does the niece of the daughter of the grandmother of the nephew of Jame Layne have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "niece(Y_5, Y_3)", "daughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandmother(Y_9, Y_7)", "nephew(\"Jame Layne\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "have", "?" ], "type": 41, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "e56bde28-9d02-4cbd-9274-35598bfee194", "question": "How many male cousins does the granddaughter of the grandmother of the brother of the person whose date of birth is 0966-12-12 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "4", "6" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(male_cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandmother(Y_7, Y_5)", "brother(Y_9, Y_7)", "dob(Y_9, \"0966-12-12\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "have", "?" ], "type": 42, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "79f3757c-434b-4358-9a11-88ffce7315e3", "question": "How many female cousins does the female cousin of the niece of the aunt of the person whose date of birth is 0936-10-15 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "5" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(female_cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "female_cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "niece(Y_7, Y_5)", "aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "dob(Y_9, \"0936-10-15\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "have", "?" ], "type": 42, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "5eb217a9-8da0-4823-a877-e8c1eb764981", "question": "How many daughters does the niece of the sibling of the mother-in-law of the person whose date of birth is 0975-09-21 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(daughter(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "niece(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "mother_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "dob(Y_9, \"0975-09-21\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "have", "?" ], "type": 42, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "c17d8804-0315-4816-ab27-c1dd90885056", "question": "How many sons does the granddaughter of the son-in-law of the father-in-law of the person whose occupation is print production planner have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(son(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "son_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "father_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "job(Y_9, \"print production planner\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "have", "?" ], "type": 42, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "3966e530-a9a1-4862-9496-55e1dd7b6b2f", "question": "How many nephews does the brother-in-law of the great-uncle of the great-uncle of the person whose occupation is biomedical scientist have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(nephew(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "brother_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_uncle(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_uncle(Y_9, Y_7)", "job(Y_9, \"biomedical scientist\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "have", "?" ], "type": 42, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "ceaf1888-2b80-4d2e-a72f-a4ecabd5fba5", "question": "How many female second cousins does the friend of the friend of the friend of the person whose occupation is broadcast presenter have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2", "3", "5" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(female_second_cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "job(Y_9, \"broadcast presenter\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "have", "?" ], "type": 42, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "ca87506c-2c85-4d1a-aaf4-39ea75f2c788", "question": "How many nephews does the grandchild of the grandmother of the child of the person whose occupation is neurosurgeon have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(nephew(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandmother(Y_7, Y_5)", "child(Y_9, Y_7)", "job(Y_9, \"neurosurgeon\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "have", "?" ], "type": 42, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "af172159-bdd2-44cd-a319-e5c8c1ddf683", "question": "How many friends does the great-grandparent of the second uncle of the brother-in-law of the person whose occupation is public relations officer have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3", "5" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(friend(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "second_uncle(Y_7, Y_5)", "brother_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "job(Y_9, \"public relations officer\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "have", "?" ], "type": 42, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "6f65de0a-989a-42d1-ad38-612a255f2f1f", "question": "How many grandchildren does the brother of the second uncle of the female first cousin once removed of the person whose date of birth is 0944-12-16 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "8" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandchild(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "brother(Y_5, Y_3)", "second_uncle(Y_7, Y_5)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_9, Y_7)", "dob(Y_9, \"0944-12-16\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "have", "?" ], "type": 42, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "e3b80d61-a28a-4ac3-84a4-4bae9bd3868b", "question": "How many fathers does the niece of the sibling of the nephew of the person whose hobby is noodling have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(father(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "niece(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "nephew(Y_9, Y_7)", "hobby(Y_9, \"noodling\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "have", "?" ], "type": 42, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "5841f731-78fa-4167-908c-5fa85c838591", "question": "How many cousins does the daughter of the daughter of the grandparent of Wyatt Hersey have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "10", "11" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "daughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "daughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandparent(\"Wyatt Hersey\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "have", "?" ], "type": 43, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "31a7fc9f-b547-4fcc-a5c8-242d3a969973", "question": "How many cousins does the nephew of the sibling of the great-grandchild of Raul Butterfield have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "nephew(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandchild(\"Raul Butterfield\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "have", "?" ], "type": 43, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "981bdaa8-cf43-444f-950e-8b7a212e4a82", "question": "How many sisters-in-law does the son of the friend of the sister-in-law of Mohammed Hickerson have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "son(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "sister_in_law(\"Mohammed Hickerson\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "have", "?" ], "type": 43, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "11dd48dc-d1c2-4036-a841-07c81e0632c8", "question": "How many mothers-in-law does the father of the grandchild of the grandmother of Mayra Stites have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(mother_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "father(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandmother(\"Mayra Stites\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "have", "?" ], "type": 43, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "d1c42e5e-bcba-43cf-bb5d-9a59aa9f2b45", "question": "How many sisters-in-law does the daughter of the husband of the great-grandparent of Eloy Kranz have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "daughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "husband(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandparent(\"Eloy Kranz\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "have", "?" ], "type": 43, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "3b61d3c5-bfab-4971-99e7-8341480f002f", "question": "How many great-uncles does the male first cousin once removed of the nephew of the second uncle of Noelia Matta have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_uncle(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_5, Y_3)", "nephew(Y_7, Y_5)", "second_uncle(\"Noelia Matta\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "have", "?" ], "type": 43, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "5ed90cd6-9b84-40fb-b3d1-de33339fb7b1", "question": "How many daughters-in-law does the friend of the brother-in-law of the daughter-in-law of Arnold Linton have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(daughter_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "brother_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "daughter_in_law(\"Arnold Linton\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "have", "?" ], "type": 43, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "df899390-1dd5-440a-98ce-a91be9395e25", "question": "How many fathers does the sibling of the niece of the grandson of Delinda Ahmed have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(father(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "niece(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandson(\"Delinda Ahmed\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "have", "?" ], "type": 43, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "300232d0-a48d-4b43-8494-1d94b31cc875", "question": "How many male cousins does the granddaughter of the grandfather of the brother of Perry Dorris have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(male_cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandfather(Y_7, Y_5)", "brother(\"Perry Dorris\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "have", "?" ], "type": 43, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "034059db-cb1d-4854-83f0-b6ba061d8d82", "question": "How many sisters does the friend of the cousin of the friend of King Satterwhite have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2", "3", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(\"King Satterwhite\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "have", "?" ], "type": 43, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "5065bf5a-8b4b-4c9e-9b5f-c00108ae2123", "question": "How many granddaughters does the grandmother of the brother of the person whose date of birth is 0966-12-12 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "9" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(granddaughter(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandmother(Y_5, Y_3)", "brother(Y_7, Y_5)", "dob(Y_7, \"0966-12-12\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "have", "?" ], "type": 44, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "78c7f64a-44e7-42f8-a940-1860f2ad7b8e", "question": "How many great-uncles does the grandson of the son of the person whose occupation is building control surveyor have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_uncle(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandson(Y_5, Y_3)", "son(Y_7, Y_5)", "job(Y_7, \"building control surveyor\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "have", "?" ], "type": 44, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "aeac80e8-9e06-46fe-bd32-95eed71b89b8", "question": "How many sisters-in-law does the husband of the friend of the person whose hobby is research have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2", "3", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "husband(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "hobby(Y_7, \"research\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "have", "?" ], "type": 44, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "04669b6a-a6a2-4209-bd45-bffc3ffe4361", "question": "How many cousins does the grandparent of the child of the person whose occupation is IT technical support officer have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "6" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "child(Y_7, Y_5)", "job(Y_7, \"IT technical support officer\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "have", "?" ], "type": 44, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "c3ddf033-deaa-4b69-af6a-313d224229d0", "question": "How many friends does the father of the grandmother of the person whose occupation is lawyer have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2", "7" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(friend(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "father(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandmother(Y_7, Y_5)", "job(Y_7, \"lawyer\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "have", "?" ], "type": 44, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "fbd43675-fcef-4935-9c7d-369d14b71146", "question": "How many great-aunts does the friend of the second uncle of the person whose hobby is stone collecting have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "second_uncle(Y_7, Y_5)", "hobby(Y_7, \"stone collecting\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "have", "?" ], "type": 44, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "bf39444e-053f-48a7-ba18-5903efc6c462", "question": "How many friends does the friend of the friend of the person whose occupation is broadcast presenter have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "10", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(friend(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "job(Y_7, \"broadcast presenter\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "have", "?" ], "type": 44, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "0fe23256-a50e-461f-a395-a937f317b693", "question": "How many brothers does the sibling of the grandson of the person whose occupation is operational investment banker have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "3", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(brother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandson(Y_7, Y_5)", "job(Y_7, \"operational investment banker\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "have", "?" ], "type": 44, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "84bf783f-0e6c-4799-96e7-9fac5f1b5a76", "question": "How many daughters-in-law does the mother-in-law of the niece of the person whose occupation is ranger have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(daughter_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "mother_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "niece(Y_7, Y_5)", "job(Y_7, \"ranger\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "have", "?" ], "type": 44, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "7320bded-229d-4069-8ea8-d7a32dfa9592", "question": "How many fathers does the friend of the friend of the person whose hobby is vintage cars have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(father(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "hobby(Y_7, \"vintage cars\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "have", "?" ], "type": 44, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "376d4734-3760-4cc4-862c-3046e55e0e47", "question": "How many daughters does the daughter of the grandparent of Wyatt Hersey have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(daughter(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "daughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandparent(\"Wyatt Hersey\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "have", "?" ], "type": 45, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "7d579f84-0d01-44b3-aa83-3e87bc84f0d6", "question": "How many siblings does the brother-in-law of the friend of Ronnie Gaddis have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "2", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "brother_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(\"Ronnie Gaddis\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "have", "?" ], "type": 45, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "0371c912-eb9c-4ab2-815a-f774dfda8492", "question": "How many great-grandfathers does the friend of the great-grandfather of Rosalinda Batten have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandfather(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandfather(\"Rosalinda Batten\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "have", "?" ], "type": 45, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "1fd5158f-955d-4d70-ab89-cd494837d0fc", "question": "How many children does the daughter-in-law of the mother of Reginald Voyles have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(child(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "daughter_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "mother(\"Reginald Voyles\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "have", "?" ], "type": 45, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "ff0342d1-78aa-4e47-be83-75877009b77c", "question": "How many sons-in-law does the father of the aunt of Tyrell Cody have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(son_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "father(Y_5, Y_3)", "aunt(\"Tyrell Cody\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "have", "?" ], "type": 45, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "933c7296-b656-4f5a-93b6-af0bfc665086", "question": "How many daughters does the husband of the great-grandparent of Eloy Kranz have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(daughter(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "husband(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandparent(\"Eloy Kranz\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "have", "?" ], "type": 45, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "97fd6211-4e3c-4e47-8f2d-76cce179ee96", "question": "How many nephews does the great-aunt of the great-uncle of Konstantin Sterner have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(nephew(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_uncle(\"Konstantin Sterner\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "have", "?" ], "type": 45, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "a82b6230-eb84-4ec7-8a72-8972f67b7a03", "question": "How many great-aunts does the brother of the sister-in-law of Diane Meadows have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "brother(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister_in_law(\"Diane Meadows\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "have", "?" ], "type": 45, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "d15b60d3-a43d-4108-8ec6-21f14b53b90f", "question": "How many male cousins does the female first cousin once removed of the friend of Ollie Mcmillen have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(male_cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(\"Ollie Mcmillen\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "have", "?" ], "type": 45, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "406f6db8-0df0-4a24-9d0b-c72f5c3fd271", "question": "How many brothers does the sibling of the brother-in-law of Barbar Scholl have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(brother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "brother_in_law(\"Barbar Scholl\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "have", "?" ], "type": 45, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "c6d8c22f-4dd9-4eb0-887f-9dc73740b2fc", "question": "How many grandmothers does the brother of the person whose date of birth is 0966-12-12 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandmother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "brother(Y_5, Y_3)", "dob(Y_5, \"0966-12-12\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "have", "?" ], "type": 46, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "a81eae90-cd73-454d-a5b6-ba2945feaae7", "question": "How many siblings does the great-granddaughter of the person whose hobby is reading have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "hobby(Y_5, \"reading\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "have", "?" ], "type": 46, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "44c33783-04e0-4f62-a872-d78805d40798", "question": "How many male first cousins once removed does the friend of the person whose occupation is oceanographer have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "2", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "job(Y_5, \"oceanographer\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "have", "?" ], "type": 46, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "28979855-9d3c-4402-89c4-a557d51fcf7f", "question": "How many siblings does the mother-in-law of the person whose date of birth is 0975-09-21 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "mother_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "dob(Y_5, \"0975-09-21\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "have", "?" ], "type": 46, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "b78e3456-84dd-47b1-9ac2-60fcd5bd439f", "question": "How many cousins does the brother of the person whose date of birth is 0954-11-27 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "5" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "brother(Y_5, Y_3)", "dob(Y_5, \"0954-11-27\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "have", "?" ], "type": 46, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "0ea38fde-90d3-41e3-a015-b3ad8ffa0acb", "question": "How many fathers does the grandmother of the person whose occupation is lawyer have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(father(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandmother(Y_5, Y_3)", "job(Y_5, \"lawyer\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "have", "?" ], "type": 46, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "07381517-3101-4398-a373-c8952e845787", "question": "How many great-uncles does the great-uncle of the person whose occupation is biomedical scientist have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_uncle(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "job(Y_5, \"biomedical scientist\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "have", "?" ], "type": 46, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "a2481d0b-9d5e-4695-b31d-494f50e1672e", "question": "How many mothers-in-law does the father-in-law of the person whose occupation is mechanical engineer have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(mother_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "father_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "job(Y_5, \"mechanical engineer\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "have", "?" ], "type": 46, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "d48d11dd-2970-40e0-bb28-43df1f5f14c8", "question": "How many second aunts does the female first cousin once removed of the person whose hobby is foraging have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(second_aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_5, Y_3)", "hobby(Y_5, \"foraging\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "have", "?" ], "type": 46, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "94f3f1a7-002c-4ee2-892a-1678a9276800", "question": "How many grandmothers does the child of the person whose occupation is neurosurgeon have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandmother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "job(Y_5, \"neurosurgeon\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "have", "?" ], "type": 46, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "5ee672cc-9963-43eb-b28c-4612ce5cd61e", "question": "How many daughters does the grandparent of Wyatt Hersey have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(daughter(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandparent(\"Wyatt Hersey\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "have", "?" ], "type": 47, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "20b9162a-ca5e-455a-a54e-074089ea0652", "question": "How many female first cousins once removed does the cousin of Terri Bosley have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2", "3", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "cousin(\"Terri Bosley\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "have", "?" ], "type": 47, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "19a1dfbe-3787-47d4-ae15-43b6e00a554b", "question": "How many nephews does the sibling of Marlana Hyman have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(nephew(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sibling(\"Marlana Hyman\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "have", "?" ], "type": 47, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "69ec2245-05ab-4ef0-a12f-e9f6c6a42960", "question": "How many friends does the son-in-law of Armand Buell have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "5" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(friend(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "son_in_law(\"Armand Buell\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "have", "?" ], "type": 47, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "45dfcb2f-77e5-4c28-9479-440868e9592c", "question": "How many daughters-in-law does the mother of Reginald Voyles have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(daughter_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "mother(\"Reginald Voyles\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "have", "?" ], "type": 47, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "fe3121fd-8211-407f-a01b-04f83701f638", "question": "How many grandchildren does the grandmother of Mayra Stites have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandchild(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandmother(\"Mayra Stites\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "have", "?" ], "type": 47, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "e119680e-a5ea-4328-885a-85982f9d40f6", "question": "How many fathers does the great-grandchild of Austin Braden have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(father(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_grandchild(\"Austin Braden\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "have", "?" ], "type": 47, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "407c55d6-7249-4859-8cd6-26a5a149a67a", "question": "How many siblings does the brother of Charlie Layne have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "brother(\"Charlie Layne\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "have", "?" ], "type": 47, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "1745a26c-91f0-42cb-a5ff-c900e577eb04", "question": "How many great-aunts does the great-uncle of Konstantin Sterner have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_uncle(\"Konstantin Sterner\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "have", "?" ], "type": 47, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "b57ff6c7-0bfc-4fc8-bb3b-7636fe7c92d0", "question": "How many grandfathers does the female second cousin of Lewis Kyser have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandfather(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "female_second_cousin(\"Lewis Kyser\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "have", "?" ], "type": 47, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "fde77df2-cc16-45bd-8507-2f603afb9d87", "question": "How many brothers does the person whose date of birth is 0966-12-12 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(brother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "dob(Y_3, \"0966-12-12\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "have", "?" ], "type": 48, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "277498b3-e0e3-4294-87d4-69c703128c7e", "question": "How many male cousins does the person whose occupation is accountant have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2", "5" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(male_cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "job(Y_3, \"accountant\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "have", "?" ], "type": 48, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "365f622e-6b16-4e58-a8fe-fdcc45c390be", "question": "How many aunts does the person whose date of birth is 0936-10-15 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "dob(Y_3, \"0936-10-15\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "have", "?" ], "type": 48, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "38cfea11-f162-4f33-bc57-b89d7ae50655", "question": "How many brothers-in-law does the person whose hobby is geography have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(brother_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "hobby(Y_3, \"geography\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "have", "?" ], "type": 48, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "91a790f6-0742-41b6-811d-3725276c8424", "question": "How many mothers-in-law does the person whose date of birth is 0975-09-21 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(mother_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "dob(Y_3, \"0975-09-21\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "have", "?" ], "type": 48, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "ea121fe8-5b74-47ab-a078-0d0b8bd56761", "question": "How many children does the person whose occupation is IT technical support officer have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(child(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "job(Y_3, \"IT technical support officer\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "have", "?" ], "type": 48, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "b39a4eab-785e-4b19-b3e8-e742dd25c9cb", "question": "How many fathers-in-law does the person whose occupation is print production planner have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(father_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "job(Y_3, \"print production planner\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "have", "?" ], "type": 48, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "67a69dbc-69c7-4f20-b7f2-4e83b7645df7", "question": "How many siblings does the person whose date of birth is 0932-12-11 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "dob(Y_3, \"0932-12-11\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "have", "?" ], "type": 48, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "7d27f7ff-d308-43b4-b307-d3abe76a9926", "question": "How many great-uncles does the person whose occupation is biomedical scientist have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2", "3", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_uncle(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "job(Y_3, \"biomedical scientist\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "have", "?" ], "type": 48, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "21eb0fa0-8fa0-4bae-878d-7120e54c405c", "question": "How many cousins does the person whose hobby is tour skating have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "6" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "hobby(Y_3, \"tour skating\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "have", "?" ], "type": 48, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "dfaf3220-0f42-4594-b437-241ed6e23a7f", "question": "How many grandparents does Wyatt Hersey have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandparent(\"Wyatt Hersey\", Y_1)), Count_1)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "_3", "have", "?" ], "type": 49, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "7fb4e490-26ee-4a5f-8745-104e46c402f1", "question": "How many aunts does Georgine Pence have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(aunt(\"Georgine Pence\", Y_1)), Count_1)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "_3", "have", "?" ], "type": 49, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "b2867da6-736b-4906-b7ed-193ccc951cc6", "question": "How many friends does Ronnie Gaddis have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "9" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(friend(\"Ronnie Gaddis\", Y_1)), Count_1)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "_3", "have", "?" ], "type": 49, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "46d2f240-f0fa-4d0d-a5b1-f1ebcd83f0c3", "question": "How many siblings does Marlana Hyman have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(\"Marlana Hyman\", Y_1)), Count_1)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "_3", "have", "?" ], "type": 49, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "9679b4f4-43f6-4deb-967e-4aa81a6851eb", "question": "How many great-grandfathers does Rosalinda Batten have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandfather(\"Rosalinda Batten\", Y_1)), Count_1)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "_3", "have", "?" ], "type": 49, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "58dd6df4-694e-41f0-9793-75bb6b6f723f", "question": "How many sisters-in-law does Mohammed Hickerson have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister_in_law(\"Mohammed Hickerson\", Y_1)), Count_1)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "_3", "have", "?" ], "type": 49, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "7fd8c71b-e2a7-4643-b8b6-27edf8f407ba", "question": "How 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"_3", "have", "?" ], "type": 49, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "3e9aa951-701b-4154-8f91-ef6f9d463a34", "question": "How many great-grandchildren does Austin Braden have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "5" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandchild(\"Austin Braden\", Y_1)), Count_1)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "_3", "have", "?" ], "type": 49, "difficulty": 1 } ]