[ { "id": "167bd7be-eb1d-4c53-9df0-c9c242955542", "question": "Who is the grandfather of the nephew of the friend of the grandmother of the child of the child of the friend of the great-grandchild of the person whose occupation is podiatrist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alfred Haines", "Allan Beebe", "Andy Kurtz", "Avery Witherspoon", "Bernardo Fitzpatrick", "Bryon Hatten", "Cecil Hatten", "Christian Rocco", "Clay Boylan", "Cory Ricketts", "Demetrius Keeling", "Domingo Dodge", "Douglass Robson", "Elliott Everson", "Elmer Callan", "Emerson Bowlin", "Eric Jasper", "Florian Strickler", "Gerard Loos", "Hiram Pederson", "Leopoldo Elston", "Lowell Dahl", "Malcolm Volz", "Martin More", "Mervin Farber", "Mickey Vela", "Nick Grimm", "Pablo Shaner", "Reed Abrams", "Reid Butters", "Rene Perrine", "Sergio Thibodeau", "Stacey Doolittle", "Stan Cosme", "Sterling Sipple", "Sung Barrow", "Williams Kimbrough", "Zachariah Dodge" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandfather(Y_4, Y_2)", "nephew(Y_6, Y_4)", "friend(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandmother(Y_10, Y_8)", "child(Y_12, Y_10)", "child(Y_14, Y_12)", "friend(Y_16, Y_14)", "great_grandchild(Y_18, Y_16)", "job(Y_18, \"podiatrist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "the person whose", "_19", "is", "_19", "?" ], "type": 0, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "adee25ac-c71f-4258-8b55-c4c45f324f9c", "question": "Who is the parent of the child of the daughter-in-law of the father-in-law of the great-grandparent of the daughter of the second uncle of the aunt of the person whose occupation is fast food restaurant manager?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Betsy Garrett", "Cecil Garrett" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "parent(Y_4, Y_2)", "child(Y_6, Y_4)", "daughter_in_law(Y_8, Y_6)", "father_in_law(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_grandparent(Y_12, Y_10)", "daughter(Y_14, Y_12)", "second_uncle(Y_16, Y_14)", "aunt(Y_18, Y_16)", "job(Y_18, \"fast food restaurant manager\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "the person whose", "_19", "is", "_19", "?" ], "type": 0, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "dbedd99f-aca3-414d-ad18-400f0d1ca1e4", "question": "Who is the brother of the grandchild of the great-grandparent of the great-aunt of the nephew of the female cousin of the nephew of the second uncle of the person whose hobby is story writing?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Aubrey Garrett", "Eloy Garrett", "Roland Garrett", "Sang Garrett" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "brother(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandparent(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_aunt(Y_10, Y_8)", "nephew(Y_12, Y_10)", "female_cousin(Y_14, Y_12)", "nephew(Y_16, Y_14)", "second_uncle(Y_18, Y_16)", "hobby(Y_18, \"story writing\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "the person whose", "_19", "is", "_19", "?" ], "type": 0, "difficulty": 21 }, { "id": "8b6bd2ca-c0a4-4c7e-b17a-1274f5e705b0", "question": "Who is the grandchild of the great-grandmother of the daughter of the son-in-law of the husband of the niece of the child of the friend of the person whose occupation is social researcher?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Candy Verduzco", "Danielle Crawford", "Derrick Arenas", "Emory Stacy", "Karen Mccallum", "Lona Manley", "Lucien Hackler", "Machelle Machado", "Wanda Wenzel", "Wilson Hackler" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandchild(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_grandmother(Y_6, Y_4)", "daughter(Y_8, Y_6)", "son_in_law(Y_10, Y_8)", "husband(Y_12, Y_10)", "niece(Y_14, Y_12)", "child(Y_16, Y_14)", "friend(Y_18, Y_16)", "job(Y_18, \"social researcher\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "the person whose", "_19", "is", "_19", "?" ], "type": 0, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "b9b83e2e-e3ae-4d32-8ac0-9abc291e163c", "question": "Who is the great-granddaughter of the friend of the friend of the child of the great-grandparent of the granddaughter of the grandchild of the parent of the person whose hobby is social studies?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Adella Schwarz", "Aletha Barela", "Angie Plummer", "Argentina Dempsey", "Audie Haskins", "Aurelia Fraser", "Aurelia Hicks", "Carlene Fraser", "Cheree Dodge", "Cortney Dodge", "Damaris Wilber", "Deena Engler", "Deidra East", "Deidre Huntington", "Domonique Delapaz", "Evangelina Engler", "Joline Wilkie", "Jona Delapaz", "Julee Lemus", "Kanesha Puryear", "Latasha Huntington", "Latasha Matias", "Leticia Stoker", "Lindsey Fort", "Malissa Cooks", "Margaret Thibeault", "Margarite Fraser", "Margie Duquette", "Marie Galindo", "Mayra Puryear", "Melina Dodge", "Nicolle Sprague", "Phyllis Woodford", "Rosie Fraser", "Shanta Ruble", "Tamara Macmillan", "Tuyet Winchester", "Velia Buss", "Virgina Fitzpatrick" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_granddaughter(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "friend(Y_8, Y_6)", "child(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_grandparent(Y_12, Y_10)", "granddaughter(Y_14, Y_12)", "grandchild(Y_16, Y_14)", "parent(Y_18, Y_16)", "hobby(Y_18, \"social studies\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "the person whose", "_19", "is", "_19", "?" ], "type": 0, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "6cb41be5-9571-400d-b3dd-58ee1e887bb7", "question": "Who is the sister-in-law of the wife of the uncle of the great-grandchild of the brother of the second aunt of the cousin of the husband of the person whose hobby is publishing?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Teressa Elder" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sister_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "wife(Y_6, Y_4)", "uncle(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_grandchild(Y_10, Y_8)", "brother(Y_12, Y_10)", "second_aunt(Y_14, Y_12)", "cousin(Y_16, Y_14)", "husband(Y_18, Y_16)", "hobby(Y_18, \"publishing\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "the person whose", "_19", "is", "_19", "?" ], "type": 0, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "cd728936-c103-4277-97b6-91b188767137", "question": "Who is the cousin of the cousin of the male cousin of the nephew of the male cousin of the daughter of the brother of the mother-in-law of the person whose occupation is technical brewer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Brady Watts", "Hazel Hildreth", "Jamaal Sotelo", "Jerrold Jasper", "Kimiko Watts", "Michele Jasper", "Rusty Watts", "Seymour Sotelo", "Steve Jasper" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "cousin(Y_6, Y_4)", "male_cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "nephew(Y_10, Y_8)", "male_cousin(Y_12, Y_10)", "daughter(Y_14, Y_12)", "brother(Y_16, Y_14)", "mother_in_law(Y_18, Y_16)", "job(Y_18, \"technical brewer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "the person whose", "_19", "is", "_19", "?" ], "type": 0, "difficulty": 19 }, { "id": "55a1508c-217f-42fc-8127-39a13116cffc", "question": "Who is the parent of the aunt of the second aunt of the female first cousin once removed of the cousin of the cousin of the sibling of the great-aunt of the person whose hobby is rock balancing?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alan Dufresne", "Joslyn Dufresne", "Maira Stroup", "Sergio Stroup" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "parent(Y_4, Y_2)", "aunt(Y_6, Y_4)", "second_aunt(Y_8, Y_6)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_10, Y_8)", "cousin(Y_12, Y_10)", "cousin(Y_14, Y_12)", "sibling(Y_16, Y_14)", "great_aunt(Y_18, Y_16)", "hobby(Y_18, \"rock balancing\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "the person whose", "_19", "is", "_19", "?" ], "type": 0, "difficulty": 22 }, { "id": "3e6f8da8-2fa4-4a6f-868a-bb0dc468f770", "question": "Who is the grandparent of the aunt of the sister of the second uncle of the friend of the husband of the female cousin of the female cousin of the person whose occupation is physiotherapist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Jamison Lashley", "Vanessa Lashley" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandparent(Y_4, Y_2)", "aunt(Y_6, Y_4)", "sister(Y_8, Y_6)", "second_uncle(Y_10, Y_8)", "friend(Y_12, Y_10)", "husband(Y_14, Y_12)", "female_cousin(Y_16, Y_14)", "female_cousin(Y_18, Y_16)", "job(Y_18, \"physiotherapist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "the person whose", "_19", "is", "_19", "?" ], "type": 0, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "9a78b549-e8ab-4ba7-97ba-cdc60916ba37", "question": "Who is the great-grandchild of the great-grandparent of the sibling of the sibling of the sister-in-law of the friend of the father-in-law of the great-grandmother of the person whose occupation is mechanical engineer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Caleb Mcclinton", "Carleen Neri", "Celestine Daughtry", "Christina Mcclinton", "Jasmine Mcclinton", "Joshua Wilber", "Will Mcclinton" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandchild(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_grandparent(Y_6, Y_4)", "sibling(Y_8, Y_6)", "sibling(Y_10, Y_8)", "sister_in_law(Y_12, Y_10)", "friend(Y_14, Y_12)", "father_in_law(Y_16, Y_14)", "great_grandmother(Y_18, Y_16)", "job(Y_18, \"mechanical engineer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "the person whose", "_19", "is", "_19", "?" ], "type": 0, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "d1956f8d-fd29-4de8-920c-a0b60e2315fa", "question": "Who is the brother of the great-grandson of the great-grandmother of the sister of the sibling of the friend of the cousin of the grandson of Damian Sherwin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Darin Puryear", "Ned Jaworski", "Oscar Jaworski", "Raymon Puryear" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "brother(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_grandson(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandmother(Y_8, Y_6)", "sister(Y_10, Y_8)", "sibling(Y_12, Y_10)", "friend(Y_14, Y_12)", "cousin(Y_16, Y_14)", "grandson(\"Damian Sherwin\", Y_16)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "_18", "?" ], "type": 1, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "b60180e3-0bc4-4a5c-b7de-f847ee4c6346", "question": "Who is the nephew of the nephew of the aunt of the uncle of the friend of the aunt of the grandchild of the great-grandfather of Cheree Dodge?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Benito Milne", "Guadalupe Weathersby" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "nephew(Y_4, Y_2)", "nephew(Y_6, Y_4)", "aunt(Y_8, Y_6)", "uncle(Y_10, Y_8)", "friend(Y_12, Y_10)", "aunt(Y_14, Y_12)", "grandchild(Y_16, Y_14)", "great_grandfather(\"Cheree Dodge\", Y_16)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "_18", "?" ], "type": 1, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "e923d66c-2782-4780-ab05-14ad37f02f95", "question": "Who is the granddaughter of the mother of the sister-in-law of the great-grandparent of the male first cousin once removed of the male second cousin of the friend of the child of Lindsey Hartwell?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Arline Woodard", "Leana Kiger" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "granddaughter(Y_4, Y_2)", "mother(Y_6, Y_4)", "sister_in_law(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_grandparent(Y_10, Y_8)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_12, Y_10)", "male_second_cousin(Y_14, Y_12)", "friend(Y_16, Y_14)", "child(\"Lindsey Hartwell\", Y_16)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "_18", "?" ], "type": 1, "difficulty": 19 }, { "id": "003810b2-1682-4ba7-91ac-4c429f9b4233", "question": "Who is the granddaughter of the grandmother of the sister of the friend of the great-aunt of the son of the grandparent of the child of Rusty Caputo?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Abbey Coffee", "Adella Duran", "Candy Landeros", "Elvie Coffee", "Racquel Eden", "Rita Condon", "Rosaria Argueta", "Yuk Eden" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "granddaughter(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandmother(Y_6, Y_4)", "sister(Y_8, Y_6)", "friend(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_aunt(Y_12, Y_10)", "son(Y_14, Y_12)", "grandparent(Y_16, Y_14)", "child(\"Rusty Caputo\", Y_16)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "_18", "?" ], "type": 1, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "c31d584f-ada1-4e22-a0b9-bcd95d3677a3", "question": "Who is the great-grandmother of the child of the parent of the great-grandchild of the parent of the nephew of the niece of the aunt of Eugene Valentine?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Bess Kelly" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandmother(Y_4, Y_2)", "child(Y_6, Y_4)", "parent(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_grandchild(Y_10, Y_8)", "parent(Y_12, Y_10)", "nephew(Y_14, Y_12)", "niece(Y_16, Y_14)", "aunt(\"Eugene Valentine\", Y_16)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "_18", "?" ], "type": 1, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "f44f6234-ab07-44bb-9c5e-0932f68d9e36", "question": "Who is the grandparent of the niece of the great-grandchild of the son of the friend of the great-grandparent of the friend of the sibling of Kareem Stevenson?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Adah Hudgens", "August Lanier", "Cecil Hatten", "Cheree Lanier", "Claire Hatten", "Consuelo Hardeman", "Damian Hardeman", "Damian Sherwin", "Erik Hudgens", "Goldie Sherwin", "Lewis Salem", "Mariann Salem", "Rodrigo Andino", "Roni Andino", "Ronnie Stacy", "Sylvia Hatten", "Tashina Stacy", "Theodore Hatten" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandparent(Y_4, Y_2)", "niece(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandchild(Y_8, Y_6)", "son(Y_10, Y_8)", "friend(Y_12, Y_10)", "great_grandparent(Y_14, Y_12)", "friend(Y_16, Y_14)", "sibling(\"Kareem Stevenson\", Y_16)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "_18", "?" ], "type": 1, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "422f465f-32d5-4beb-94ac-622e90ddae80", "question": "Who is the grandchild of the father-in-law of the grandmother of the friend of the grandchild of the father of the great-granddaughter of the grandparent of Kirsten Donner?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Barb Cao", "Barney Oxford", "Brady Newman", "Emanuel Jasper", "Fletcher Vandusen", "Jay Newman", "Jermaine Hildreth", "Katherine Mccann", "Lynetta Grady", "Millard Oxford", "Nita Newman", "Nydia Jasper", "Pedro Cao", "Stephen Vandusen", "Suzette Cao", "Tyrell Vandusen", "Tyson Oxford", "Vilma Newman", "Zachariah Cao", "Zelma Cao" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandchild(Y_4, Y_2)", "father_in_law(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandmother(Y_8, Y_6)", "friend(Y_10, Y_8)", "grandchild(Y_12, Y_10)", "father(Y_14, Y_12)", "great_granddaughter(Y_16, Y_14)", "grandparent(\"Kirsten Donner\", Y_16)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "_18", "?" ], "type": 1, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "2a1a622a-948b-4ed8-9451-471aca32afd2", "question": "Who is the grandfather of the second aunt of the male cousin of the nephew of the great-grandchild of the daughter-in-law of the great-grandparent of the brother-in-law of Madaline Lugo?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Chuck Prine", "Quintin Lugo" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandfather(Y_4, Y_2)", "second_aunt(Y_6, Y_4)", "male_cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "nephew(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_grandchild(Y_12, Y_10)", "daughter_in_law(Y_14, Y_12)", "great_grandparent(Y_16, Y_14)", "brother_in_law(\"Madaline Lugo\", Y_16)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "_18", "?" ], "type": 1, "difficulty": 21 }, { "id": "e2040441-fb46-4171-b456-b75ec7ddad51", "question": "Who is the great-uncle of the mother of the nephew of the cousin of the great-grandson of the great-grandparent of the sister-in-law of the parent of Nydia Jasper?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Emerson Landrum", "Horacio Landrum" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_uncle(Y_4, Y_2)", "mother(Y_6, Y_4)", "nephew(Y_8, Y_6)", "cousin(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_grandson(Y_12, Y_10)", "great_grandparent(Y_14, Y_12)", "sister_in_law(Y_16, Y_14)", "parent(\"Nydia Jasper\", Y_16)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "_18", "?" ], "type": 1, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "07e9c65a-da0a-4061-ad78-cd8d3efdebf6", "question": "Who is the great-granddaughter of the grandparent of the mother of the sister-in-law of the daughter-in-law of the grandparent of the male second cousin of the friend of Autumn Brundage?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Annita Godin", "Odette Sipple", "Ramona Doolittle", "Wanita Doolittle" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_granddaughter(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandparent(Y_6, Y_4)", "mother(Y_8, Y_6)", "sister_in_law(Y_10, Y_8)", "daughter_in_law(Y_12, Y_10)", "grandparent(Y_14, Y_12)", "male_second_cousin(Y_16, Y_14)", "friend(\"Autumn Brundage\", Y_16)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "_18", "?" ], "type": 1, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "c80a0ed5-4de6-41db-9d59-60394efc4b8a", "question": "Who is the nephew of the friend of the grandmother of the child of the child of the friend of the great-grandchild of the person whose occupation is podiatrist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Abe Keeling", "Alvaro Farber", "Andre Strickler", "Andrew Volz", "Arthur Elder", "Barry Volz", "Beau Vela", "Benito Shaner", "Cameron Callan", "Chris Poirier", "Cortez Shaner", "Demarcus Strain", "Dennis Ricketts", "Errol Vela", "Eugene Burkhart", "Federico Vela", "Franklin Brake", "Frederick Barrow", "Fredrick Rudy", "Gilbert Fitzpatrick", "Harrison Rocco", "Ian Burkhart", "Issac Butters", "Ivan Robson", "Jermaine Hildreth", "Joaquin Farber", "Johnathon Zelaya", "Jordon Barrow", "Kip Elder", "Konstantin More", "Kurt Hatten", "Lawrence More", "Louie Burkhart", "Marko Doolittle", "Mitchel Daily", "Olin Sipple", "Orville Witherspoon", "Patrick Dodge", "Philip Fitzpatrick", "Reggie Witherspoon", "Rocky Ricketts", "Rodolfo Vela", "Samual Doolittle", "Scott Rocco", "Taylor Volz", "Theodore Hatten", "Willie Strain", "Xavier Zelaya", "Zachariah Dodge" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "nephew(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandmother(Y_8, Y_6)", "child(Y_10, Y_8)", "child(Y_12, Y_10)", "friend(Y_14, Y_12)", "great_grandchild(Y_16, Y_14)", "job(Y_16, \"podiatrist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the person whose", "_17", "is", "_17", "?" ], "type": 2, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "dae529a4-935a-4f3a-8d7a-aaa02400f5ea", "question": "Who is the father-in-law of the daughter-in-law of the grandparent of the granddaughter of the great-grandmother of the aunt of the niece of the person whose hobby is flower collecting and pressing?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "August Lanier", "Cedric Irish", "Cory Ricketts", "Domingo Dodge", "Elijah Gaffney", "Erick Wilt", "Louie Cao", "Pedro Croft", "Rod Voyles", "Shane Leija" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "father_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "daughter_in_law(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandparent(Y_8, Y_6)", "granddaughter(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_grandmother(Y_12, Y_10)", "aunt(Y_14, Y_12)", "niece(Y_16, Y_14)", "hobby(Y_16, \"flower collecting and pressing\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the person whose", "_17", "is", "_17", "?" ], "type": 2, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "83799aa4-63aa-42f6-88dd-03b890ee8eb2", "question": "Who is the grandchild of the grandmother of the great-grandchild of the grandparent of the male second cousin of the granddaughter of the great-grandson of the person whose date of birth is 0809-05-10?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Aldo Albanese", "Alexandra Albanese", "Barbara Albanese", "Joyce Albanese" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandchild(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandmother(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandchild(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandparent(Y_10, Y_8)", "male_second_cousin(Y_12, Y_10)", "granddaughter(Y_14, Y_12)", "great_grandson(Y_16, Y_14)", "dob(Y_16, \"0809-05-10\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the person whose", "_17", "is", "_17", "?" ], "type": 2, "difficulty": 20 }, { "id": "b55f5d80-750f-454a-81cb-670043afcc0c", "question": "Who is the child of the brother of the aunt of the male cousin of the daughter of the husband of the grandparent of the person whose date of birth is 0980-10-20?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Demetria Pfeifer", "Laurette Caputo" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "child(Y_4, Y_2)", "brother(Y_6, Y_4)", "aunt(Y_8, Y_6)", "male_cousin(Y_10, Y_8)", "daughter(Y_12, Y_10)", "husband(Y_14, Y_12)", "grandparent(Y_16, Y_14)", "dob(Y_16, \"0980-10-20\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the person whose", "_17", "is", "_17", "?" ], "type": 2, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "fc90281b-be4a-4c52-a5d2-470d88276d49", "question": "Who is the niece of the uncle of the father of the male cousin of the parent of the daughter of the son-in-law of the person whose date of birth is 0963-02-20?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Kylee Kelly", "Robbie Sumpter" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "niece(Y_4, Y_2)", "uncle(Y_6, Y_4)", "father(Y_8, Y_6)", "male_cousin(Y_10, Y_8)", "parent(Y_12, Y_10)", "daughter(Y_14, Y_12)", "son_in_law(Y_16, Y_14)", "dob(Y_16, \"0963-02-20\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the person whose", "_17", "is", "_17", "?" ], "type": 2, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "a545b818-3710-4196-b167-3d3ca2fabb33", "question": "Who is the brother-in-law of the father of the nephew of the son of the friend of the grandmother of the second aunt of the person whose date of birth is 1005-09-15?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Troy Luckett" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "brother_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "father(Y_6, Y_4)", "nephew(Y_8, Y_6)", "son(Y_10, Y_8)", "friend(Y_12, Y_10)", "grandmother(Y_14, Y_12)", "second_aunt(Y_16, Y_14)", "dob(Y_16, \"1005-09-15\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the person whose", "_17", "is", "_17", "?" ], "type": 2, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "d7831b3d-4b31-43d3-9c46-1bf7c08d26a9", "question": "Who is the aunt of the nephew of the grandson of the friend of the uncle of the child of the female cousin of the person whose date of birth is 0983-10-31?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Ashton Avant" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "nephew(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandson(Y_8, Y_6)", "friend(Y_10, Y_8)", "uncle(Y_12, Y_10)", "child(Y_14, Y_12)", "female_cousin(Y_16, Y_14)", "dob(Y_16, \"0983-10-31\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the person whose", "_17", "is", "_17", "?" ], "type": 2, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "252c4048-d0da-46c5-9728-a823ef2df07e", "question": "Who is the great-grandson of the second uncle of the male cousin of the nephew of the great-grandchild of the grandparent of the brother-in-law of the person whose occupation is barista?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Louie Rupp" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandson(Y_4, Y_2)", "second_uncle(Y_6, Y_4)", "male_cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "nephew(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_grandchild(Y_12, Y_10)", "grandparent(Y_14, Y_12)", "brother_in_law(Y_16, Y_14)", "job(Y_16, \"barista\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the person whose", "_17", "is", "_17", "?" ], "type": 2, "difficulty": 20 }, { "id": "dcddf66c-8ecc-44f4-83d2-54fa3a4e85ba", "question": "Who is the wife of the sibling of the uncle of the great-uncle of the great-grandchild of the great-grandmother of the male cousin of the person whose date of birth is 1008-05-08?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Paula Landrum" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "wife(Y_4, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_6, Y_4)", "uncle(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_uncle(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_grandchild(Y_12, Y_10)", "great_grandmother(Y_14, Y_12)", "male_cousin(Y_16, Y_14)", "dob(Y_16, \"1008-05-08\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the person whose", "_17", "is", "_17", "?" ], "type": 2, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "06d44ebc-6819-428e-bc5c-4ab74d59c6eb", "question": "Who is the female first cousin once removed of the son of the grandparent of the great-granddaughter of the great-grandparent of the daughter of the friend of the person whose hobby is amateur astronomy?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Ai Kitts", "Alysia Sage", "Clara Dodge", "Dallas Polk", "Dani Hudspeth", "Delores Dasilva", "Demetria Sage", "Elfriede Barela", "Freeda Yoder", "Holley Chasse", "Joanna Chasse", "Jolene Swearingen", "Kari Bledsoe", "Leeanne Peach", "Linda Wisdom", "Lyndsey Benavides", "Lynetta Delapaz", "Margarite Buss", "Nellie Godin", "Pamala Whitmer", "Rena Forsythe", "Rita Nieto", "Sharee Malave", "Shirleen Kitts", "Vernice Lindsey", "Victoria Dodge" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_4, Y_2)", "son(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandparent(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_granddaughter(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_grandparent(Y_12, Y_10)", "daughter(Y_14, Y_12)", "friend(Y_16, Y_14)", "hobby(Y_16, \"amateur astronomy\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the person whose", "_17", "is", "_17", "?" ], "type": 2, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "92e6c011-8737-4338-aa3f-9c835bc11b38", "question": "Who is the great-grandson of the great-grandmother of the sister of the sibling of the friend of the cousin of the grandson of Damian Sherwin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Darin Puryear", "Ned Jaworski", "Oscar Jaworski", "Raymon Puryear" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandson(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_grandmother(Y_6, Y_4)", "sister(Y_8, Y_6)", "sibling(Y_10, Y_8)", "friend(Y_12, Y_10)", "cousin(Y_14, Y_12)", "grandson(\"Damian Sherwin\", Y_14)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "_16", "?" ], "type": 3, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "8ecb32d0-bfab-474e-bbd4-f0045b6207ea", "question": "Who is the grandparent of the grandparent of the great-grandchild of the grandparent of the grandchild of the great-grandchild of the father-in-law of Velia Grady?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Cruz Sun", "Davis Gerlach", "Jennie Gerlach", "Lynda Sun", "Mattie Grady", "Otto Grady" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandparent(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandparent(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandchild(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandparent(Y_10, Y_8)", "grandchild(Y_12, Y_10)", "great_grandchild(Y_14, Y_12)", "father_in_law(\"Velia Grady\", Y_14)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "_16", "?" ], "type": 3, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "f8157c2c-54b9-4436-b118-f9a4dc9e04e5", "question": "Who is the cousin of the male cousin of the great-grandson of the grandparent of the sibling of the sibling of the brother-in-law of Emilia Englert?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Aron Englert", "Bob Englert", "Clara Englert", "David Englert", "Dusty Englert", "Fern Lundy", "Janell Worthington", "Lashandra Legrand", "Lashandra Singer", "Leslie Englert", "Lowell Englert", "Nathaniel Englert", "Porter Legrand", "Tonia Lundy", "Williams Legrand" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "male_cousin(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandson(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandparent(Y_10, Y_8)", "sibling(Y_12, Y_10)", "sibling(Y_14, Y_12)", "brother_in_law(\"Emilia Englert\", Y_14)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "_16", "?" ], "type": 3, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "160aecdf-10c5-411f-86ae-a200595a4699", "question": "Who is the great-uncle of the sister of the aunt of the daughter of the son-in-law of the grandfather of the grandchild of Renaldo Koerner?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Duane Cate", "Harley Roll" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_uncle(Y_4, Y_2)", "sister(Y_6, Y_4)", "aunt(Y_8, Y_6)", "daughter(Y_10, Y_8)", "son_in_law(Y_12, Y_10)", "grandfather(Y_14, Y_12)", "grandchild(\"Renaldo Koerner\", Y_14)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "_16", "?" ], "type": 3, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "ec50e267-a3a0-4ccf-a16d-2c63a9b9b5cf", "question": "Who is the grandparent of the niece of the grandparent of the male second cousin of the daughter of the sister of the daughter of Lynelle Huynh?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Delbert Swearingen", "Latrina Swearingen" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandparent(Y_4, Y_2)", "niece(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandparent(Y_8, Y_6)", "male_second_cousin(Y_10, Y_8)", "daughter(Y_12, Y_10)", "sister(Y_14, Y_12)", "daughter(\"Lynelle Huynh\", Y_14)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "_16", "?" ], "type": 3, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "09f727de-0ef7-44bf-859d-52c2797d1089", "question": "Who is the friend of the sibling of the father-in-law of the grandmother of the aunt of the sibling of the nephew of Wilmer Hagerty?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Brendon Monte", "Dollie Red", "Elyse Cao", "Emanuel Jasper", "Kirk Tait", "Macie Stollings", "Teresita Lugo" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "friend(Y_4, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_6, Y_4)", "father_in_law(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandmother(Y_10, Y_8)", "aunt(Y_12, Y_10)", "sibling(Y_14, Y_12)", "nephew(\"Wilmer Hagerty\", Y_14)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "_16", "?" ], "type": 3, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "bd1a4de7-9193-4c29-a608-327e98a9228e", "question": "Who is the sister of the second aunt of the grandchild of the brother of the sister-in-law of the son of the friend of Tyrell Taylor?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Leena Norris" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sister(Y_4, Y_2)", "second_aunt(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandchild(Y_8, Y_6)", "brother(Y_10, Y_8)", "sister_in_law(Y_12, Y_10)", "son(Y_14, Y_12)", "friend(\"Tyrell Taylor\", Y_14)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "_16", "?" ], "type": 3, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "9da5deac-7f6a-4c2a-8f76-400a7345c695", "question": "Who is the child of the granddaughter of the husband of the mother-in-law of the friend of the brother of the sibling of Jarred Lanier?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Antwan Whitehouse", "Chet Mcginn", "Mallie Genovese", "Merrill Hudgens", "Selina Eubank" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "child(Y_4, Y_2)", "granddaughter(Y_6, Y_4)", "husband(Y_8, Y_6)", "mother_in_law(Y_10, Y_8)", "friend(Y_12, Y_10)", "brother(Y_14, Y_12)", "sibling(\"Jarred Lanier\", Y_14)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "_16", "?" ], "type": 3, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "5fede159-6259-47f8-b62e-2782b0961e2a", "question": "Who is the male first cousin once removed of the cousin of the great-uncle of the nephew of the great-granddaughter of the great-grandmother of the male cousin of Jamaal Sotelo?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Brady Watts", "Jamaal Sotelo", "Jerrold Jasper", "Rusty Watts", "Seymour Sotelo", "Steve Jasper" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_4, Y_2)", "cousin(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_uncle(Y_8, Y_6)", "nephew(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_granddaughter(Y_12, Y_10)", "great_grandmother(Y_14, Y_12)", "male_cousin(\"Jamaal Sotelo\", Y_14)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "_16", "?" ], "type": 3, "difficulty": 21 }, { "id": "cba30a2a-9506-4491-8d00-14c798fece7d", "question": "Who is the mother of the nephew of the cousin of the great-grandson of the great-grandparent of the sister-in-law of the parent of Nydia Jasper?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Hazel Hildreth", "Laurel Jasper" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "mother(Y_4, Y_2)", "nephew(Y_6, Y_4)", "cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_grandson(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_grandparent(Y_12, Y_10)", "sister_in_law(Y_14, Y_12)", "parent(\"Nydia Jasper\", Y_14)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "_16", "?" ], "type": 3, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "f591015b-f9ea-42c9-8c0d-dec69e3fff43", "question": "Who is the friend of the grandmother of the child of the child of the friend of the great-grandchild of the person whose occupation is podiatrist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Aaron Fine", "Adam Volz", "Alison Brand", "Alysa Barron", "Alysia Loos", "Amina Rocco", "Angel Joiner", "Antwan Whitehouse", "Armando Huss", "Aurelia Fine", "Austin Hatten", "Bethany Heffner", "Boyd Somerville", "Caitlin Germain", "Carol Doolittle", "Carrol Woodson", "Christoper Everson", "Claudine Oh", "Clay Boylan", "Clayton Matherne", "Concepcion Board", "Cora Ramsay", "Damaris Kurtz", "Damian Keeling", "Darwin Parrott", "Dawne Tompkins", "Deidra Ricketts", "Derek Tsai", "Diane Everson", "Dixie Andino", "Dollie Red", "Dusty Geer", "Edwina Grimm", "Elisabeth Duplessis", "Elisabeth Stern", "Ernest Styles", "Ernie Hendrick", "Eula Rodarte", "Evangelina Poirier", "Florentino Dacosta", "Frankie Boylan", "Frederick Elston", "German Hardwick", "Graciela Mullen", "Gregorio Pearson", "Henry Vela", "Herman Kuykendall", "Hiram Delatorre", "Holley Ripley", "Homer Sun", "Irish Schwarz", "Ivan Corbett", "Jack Hudspeth", "Jackqueline Roll", "James Grove", "Jarred Grant", "Jarrett Range", "Jeff Mallett", "Jenni Oxford", "Jeremy Kimbrough", "Jerrold Jasper", "Joanna Schwarz", "Joanne Milner", "Jon Volz", "Jonathon Gordon", "Julee Lemus", "Karol Davidson", "Kenny Escobedo", "Kiana Butters", "Kraig Leavitt", "Latrina Corbett", "Lauren Hildreth", "Leeann Nesbit", "Leeanne Shaner", "Lesley Bowlin", "Linda Cantu", "Lue Battles", "Madalene Cowen", "Maegan Cureton", "Marlyn Parrott", "Maurine Lupo", "Mervin Milner", "Noreen Groff", "Odette Schwarz", "Olin Sipple", "Ora Hardeman", "Orval Ricketts", "Pablo Attaway", "Perry Callender", "Phyllis Woodford", "Quentin Baran", "Ramon Englert", "Ramona Doolittle", "Reed Rendon", "Rochelle Perrine", "Roger Meister", "Rosalie Towle", "Ruben Ketcham", "Rubye Templeton", "Rufus Hixson", "Solomon Dodge", "Sylvester Jesse", "Tania Schwarz", "Tommy Starnes", "Toni Winston", "Tyrell Hyman", "Vicki Schramm", "Virgina Frechette", "Willie Jaworski", "Wilton Hatten", "Winston Board", "Zane Arrington" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "friend(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandmother(Y_6, Y_4)", "child(Y_8, Y_6)", "child(Y_10, Y_8)", "friend(Y_12, Y_10)", "great_grandchild(Y_14, Y_12)", "job(Y_14, \"podiatrist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the person whose", "_15", "is", "_15", "?" ], "type": 4, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "633566be-a3ac-4a3c-aaf1-163bac97935a", "question": "Who is the nephew of the granddaughter of the grandmother of the aunt of the grandson of the friend of the person whose date of birth is 0913-11-09?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Arthur Owings", "Leopoldo Elston", "Lesley Lugo", "Lincoln Lugo", "Luca Owings", "Major Lugo", "Manuel Elston", "Milford Lugo", "Octavio Lugo", "Randal Lugo", "Von Lugo" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "nephew(Y_4, Y_2)", "granddaughter(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandmother(Y_8, Y_6)", "aunt(Y_10, Y_8)", "grandson(Y_12, Y_10)", "friend(Y_14, Y_12)", "dob(Y_14, \"0913-11-09\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the person whose", "_15", "is", "_15", "?" ], "type": 4, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "69aa26eb-c433-4d9c-94cc-513f0b4aa7b5", "question": "Who is the cousin of the male cousin of the female cousin of the male cousin of the sibling of the son of the person whose occupation is glass blower?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Aron Englert", "Bob Englert", "Clara Englert", "David Englert", "Dusty Englert", "Essie Barrow", "Fern Lundy", "Frederick Barrow", "Janell Worthington", "John Winston", "Jordon Barrow", "Lashandra Legrand", "Lashandra Singer", "Leslie Englert", "Lowell Englert", "Mariana Rich", "Nathaniel Englert", "Porter Legrand", "Shane Winston", "Tonia Lundy", "Williams Legrand" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "male_cousin(Y_6, Y_4)", "female_cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "male_cousin(Y_10, Y_8)", "sibling(Y_12, Y_10)", "son(Y_14, Y_12)", "job(Y_14, \"glass blower\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the person whose", "_15", "is", "_15", "?" ], "type": 4, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "fad73bdf-3cbb-485c-a0ab-ea04fcfa6649", "question": "Who is the grandchild of the husband of the grandmother of the son of the great-grandparent of the father-in-law of the person whose date of birth is 0979-05-02?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Archie Roll", "Rusty Roll" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandchild(Y_4, Y_2)", "husband(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandmother(Y_8, Y_6)", "son(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_grandparent(Y_12, Y_10)", "father_in_law(Y_14, Y_12)", "dob(Y_14, \"0979-05-02\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the person whose", "_15", "is", "_15", "?" ], "type": 4, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "bdd97f14-555a-488f-bc84-5dcfecf4cbed", "question": "Who is the sibling of the great-aunt of the brother of the great-grandson of the great-grandparent of the grandchild of the person whose date of birth is 0948-02-09?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Cythia Swearingen", "Flora Swearingen", "Lesley Swearingen", "Phillip Swearingen", "Toshiko Reed" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sibling(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_aunt(Y_6, Y_4)", "brother(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_grandson(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_grandparent(Y_12, Y_10)", "grandchild(Y_14, Y_12)", "dob(Y_14, \"0948-02-09\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the person whose", "_15", "is", "_15", "?" ], "type": 4, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "d5dfdb42-420f-4b0b-9bdf-2247a7891289", "question": "Who is the friend of the child of the great-grandparent of the granddaughter of the grandchild of the parent of the person whose hobby is social studies?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Deanne Board", "Donnie Wisdom", "Dwayne Kitts", "Earlean Worthington", "Enoch James", "Fletcher Vandusen", "Harley Litchfield", "Jakob Marin", "Jocelyn Hurst", "Kristine Chance", "Landon Hetrick", "Laurette Mabry", "Logan Treadway", "Ofelia Perkins", "Quinton Peach", "Rayna Davidson", "Samuel Goetz", "Stacia Bayer", "Winnifred Schroeder" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "friend(Y_4, Y_2)", "child(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandparent(Y_8, Y_6)", "granddaughter(Y_10, Y_8)", "grandchild(Y_12, Y_10)", "parent(Y_14, Y_12)", "hobby(Y_14, \"social studies\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the person whose", "_15", "is", "_15", "?" ], "type": 4, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "0b0506aa-aeab-451a-af00-09693a853b24", "question": "Who is the grandfather of the male first cousin once removed of the niece of the aunt of the nephew of the sibling of the person whose hobby is whale watching?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Brent Buller", "Bryan Weems", "Elliot Condon", "Elliott Everson", "Fabian Mallett", "Hiram Pederson", "Jamaal Coffee", "Jeromy Madera", "Jesus Branham", "Lamont James", "Landon Boatwright", "Laurence Hansel", "Malik Mabry", "Pedro Cao", "Refugio Everson", "Reid Butters" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandfather(Y_4, Y_2)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_6, Y_4)", "niece(Y_8, Y_6)", "aunt(Y_10, Y_8)", "nephew(Y_12, Y_10)", "sibling(Y_14, Y_12)", "hobby(Y_14, \"whale watching\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the person whose", "_15", "is", "_15", "?" ], "type": 4, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "2a2c85a8-18e7-42da-81db-bbfd9784c046", "question": "Who is the sister of the uncle of the granddaughter of the daughter-in-law of the friend of the brother of the person whose date of birth is 0915-01-11?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Suzanne Xiong" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sister(Y_4, Y_2)", "uncle(Y_6, Y_4)", "granddaughter(Y_8, Y_6)", "daughter_in_law(Y_10, Y_8)", "friend(Y_12, Y_10)", "brother(Y_14, Y_12)", "dob(Y_14, \"0915-01-11\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the person whose", "_15", "is", "_15", "?" ], "type": 4, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "267314a3-27c6-4b1e-ac3f-695b075e0dbc", "question": "Who is the second uncle of the great-granddaughter of the niece of the great-uncle of the male cousin of the cousin of the person whose occupation is oncologist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Gregg Sotelo", "Tyson Sotelo" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "second_uncle(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_granddaughter(Y_6, Y_4)", "niece(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_uncle(Y_10, Y_8)", "male_cousin(Y_12, Y_10)", "cousin(Y_14, Y_12)", "job(Y_14, \"oncologist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the person whose", "_15", "is", "_15", "?" ], "type": 4, "difficulty": 19 }, { "id": "9e9d0efb-f8ee-4b13-b541-df71fd3b5d54", "question": "Who is the sibling of the uncle of the great-uncle of the great-grandchild of the great-grandmother of the male cousin of the person whose date of birth is 1008-05-08?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Emerson Landrum", "Horacio Landrum", "Kate Sotelo" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sibling(Y_4, Y_2)", "uncle(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_uncle(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_grandchild(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_grandmother(Y_12, Y_10)", "male_cousin(Y_14, Y_12)", "dob(Y_14, \"1008-05-08\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the person whose", "_15", "is", "_15", "?" ], "type": 4, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "b582252b-f2ca-4f61-a3fa-e211e58e7fdb", "question": "Who is the great-grandmother of the sister of the sibling of the friend of the cousin of the grandson of Damian Sherwin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Cristal Musick", "Deidra Jaworski", "Kristen Frechette", "Mariana Hochstetler", "Shizuko Robson" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandmother(Y_4, Y_2)", "sister(Y_6, Y_4)", "sibling(Y_8, Y_6)", "friend(Y_10, Y_8)", "cousin(Y_12, Y_10)", "grandson(\"Damian Sherwin\", Y_12)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "_14", "?" ], "type": 5, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "5403b8a1-12c2-43bd-b694-0cd772f644df", "question": "Who is the brother-in-law of the mother of the grandchild of the great-grandson of the father of the sister of Staci Sand?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Florentino Pilkington", "Isaac Pilkington", "Mario Pilkington", "Tyrone Pilkington" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "brother_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "mother(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandchild(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_grandson(Y_10, Y_8)", "father(Y_12, Y_10)", "sister(\"Staci Sand\", Y_12)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "_14", "?" ], "type": 5, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "c1e87478-91e5-48a0-a15d-25e72f9a7048", "question": "Who is the great-granddaughter of the parent of the sibling of the great-aunt of the granddaughter of the grandfather of Michelle Mcinnis?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Janey Pellegrino", "Michelle Mcinnis" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_granddaughter(Y_4, Y_2)", "parent(Y_6, Y_4)", "sibling(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_aunt(Y_10, Y_8)", "granddaughter(Y_12, Y_10)", "grandfather(\"Michelle Mcinnis\", Y_12)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "_14", "?" ], "type": 5, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "999044c9-ad70-4421-8d00-4854aa736eaa", "question": "Who is the nephew of the brother-in-law of the great-grandmother of the great-granddaughter of the great-grandparent of the male first cousin once removed of Debbie Rosenberger?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Darrick Ripley", "Fidel Rael", "Rocky Ripley" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "nephew(Y_4, Y_2)", "brother_in_law(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandmother(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_granddaughter(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_grandparent(Y_12, Y_10)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(\"Debbie Rosenberger\", Y_12)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "_14", "?" ], "type": 5, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "b9c59f2b-13f3-4a82-b91c-a6c379b42e51", "question": "Who is the grandparent of the uncle of the great-grandson of the grandmother of the sibling of the child of Eusebio Aparicio?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Emerson Bowlin", "Isabell Bowlin" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandparent(Y_4, Y_2)", "uncle(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandson(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandmother(Y_10, Y_8)", "sibling(Y_12, Y_10)", "child(\"Eusebio Aparicio\", Y_12)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "_14", "?" ], "type": 5, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "1e0300b4-6ff2-404d-9e72-b8bab49c2af7", "question": "Who is the sister-in-law of the parent of the grandchild of the grandparent of the aunt of the friend of Erik Hudgens?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Barbar Cortes", "Beulah Keefe", "Enid Geer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sister_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "parent(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandchild(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandparent(Y_10, Y_8)", "aunt(Y_12, Y_10)", "friend(\"Erik Hudgens\", Y_12)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "_14", "?" ], "type": 5, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "95eed465-9338-4e2c-88dc-2880f66b0032", "question": "Who is the male cousin of the friend of the child of the mother-in-law of the great-grandparent of the niece of Chad Huss?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Antwan Tardiff", "Brian Kelly", "Cameron Valentine", "Carey Baer", "Cary Valentine", "Deandre Kelly", "Eugene Valentine", "Eusebio Valentine", "Foster Kelly", "Gregorio Jaworski", "Grover Keefe", "Jermaine Hildreth", "Jonathon Waller", "Konstantin Baer", "Lesley Lutz", "Mason Jaworski", "Maurice Jaworski" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "male_cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "child(Y_8, Y_6)", "mother_in_law(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_grandparent(Y_12, Y_10)", "niece(\"Chad Huss\", Y_12)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "_14", "?" ], "type": 5, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "ed526e88-7e88-4e25-addf-72539fa3b6ba", "question": "Who is the child of the friend of the father-in-law of the grandmother of the great-grandson of the husband of Deborah Bertram?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Cheree Grayson", "Cyril Butters", "Douglas Grayson", "Jon Volz", "Kiana Butters", "Neil Butters", "Numbers Volz", "Quintin Volz", "Teressa Elder" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "child(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "father_in_law(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandmother(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_grandson(Y_12, Y_10)", "husband(\"Deborah Bertram\", Y_12)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "_14", "?" ], "type": 5, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "b5aa24fb-47fd-4ce5-85b1-8591a6cfd16e", "question": "Who is the granddaughter of the husband of the mother-in-law of the friend of the brother of the sibling of Jarred Lanier?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Cara Whitehouse", "Janis Mcginn", "Kiana Argueta", "Rowena Hudgens", "Shanda Argueta", "Virgina Andino" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "granddaughter(Y_4, Y_2)", "husband(Y_6, Y_4)", "mother_in_law(Y_8, Y_6)", "friend(Y_10, Y_8)", "brother(Y_12, Y_10)", "sibling(\"Jarred Lanier\", Y_12)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "_14", "?" ], "type": 5, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "a8b1ea21-c022-486b-b9ce-7339de4435fe", "question": "Who is the male cousin of the nephew of the great-grandchild of the daughter-in-law of the great-grandparent of the brother-in-law of Madaline Lugo?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Kent Paniagua", "Reyes Lugo", "Samual Gordy" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "male_cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "nephew(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandchild(Y_8, Y_6)", "daughter_in_law(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_grandparent(Y_12, Y_10)", "brother_in_law(\"Madaline Lugo\", Y_12)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "_14", "?" ], "type": 5, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "29dce53d-67c9-4737-94ea-c9fb72c1c680", "question": "Who is the grandmother of the child of the child of the friend of the great-grandchild of the person whose occupation is podiatrist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Anita Perkins", "Aurelia Voyles", "Celestine Newcomb", "Cristina Kurtz", "Daisy Hoffmann", "Daisy Kitts", "Deborah Board", "Deidra Flanagan", "Delicia Waller", "Dominique Smock", "Emilie Pitre", "Hannah Condon", "Isabell Dodge", "Jean Howard", "Jeannine Eden", "Jenny Branham", "Joslyn Zinn", "Krystal Kitts", "Machelle Ketcham", "Magdalene Mullinax", "Marguerita Mcgregor", "Mechelle Cortes", "Miki Noland", "Nelly Mcgregor", "Nettie Castillo", "Nettie Peoples", "Queenie Newcomb", "Sandy Weathersby", "Shaunna Arrington", "Shenita Grove", "Shirleen Baltazar" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandmother(Y_4, Y_2)", "child(Y_6, Y_4)", "child(Y_8, Y_6)", "friend(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_grandchild(Y_12, Y_10)", "job(Y_12, \"podiatrist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the person whose", "_13", "is", "_13", "?" ], "type": 6, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "161301b7-0ec1-4e3c-ac46-ba84d7f08af2", "question": "Who is the female cousin of the brother of the cousin of the friend of the sister of the person whose date of birth is 0863-11-09?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Adella Omalley", "Magdalene Perkins", "Windy Wortham", "Zora Albanese" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "female_cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "brother(Y_6, Y_4)", "cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "friend(Y_10, Y_8)", "sister(Y_12, Y_10)", "dob(Y_12, \"0863-11-09\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the person whose", "_13", "is", "_13", "?" ], "type": 6, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "94d542c5-71e0-4866-be6b-c99183765540", "question": "Who is the grandparent of the parent of the sibling of the niece of the great-uncle of the person whose occupation is associate professor?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Ali Stollings", "Blondell Stollings", "Daren Mcinnis", "Davis Doherty", "Eva Doherty", "Ignacio Luong", "Joann Luong", "Kacey Mckeown", "Kirk Tait", "Pauletta Mcinnis", "Renate Tait", "Wilfredo Mckeown" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandparent(Y_4, Y_2)", "parent(Y_6, Y_4)", "sibling(Y_8, Y_6)", "niece(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_uncle(Y_12, Y_10)", "job(Y_12, \"associate professor\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the person whose", "_13", "is", "_13", "?" ], "type": 6, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "43350964-a03a-4957-b512-b0583c437bec", "question": "Who is the daughter-in-law of the cousin of the grandchild of the great-grandparent of the female cousin of the person whose hobby is ballroom dancing?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Gwenn Rosenberger", "Karrie Ripley", "Ladawn Shreve", "Lissa Coe", "Suzanne Ripley", "Virgie Ripley" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "daughter_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "cousin(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandchild(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_grandparent(Y_10, Y_8)", "female_cousin(Y_12, Y_10)", "hobby(Y_12, \"ballroom dancing\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the person whose", "_13", "is", "_13", "?" ], "type": 6, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "a2bec702-04ed-47a0-bd48-1e3c040c5a9a", "question": "Who is the child of the grandchild of the friend of the daughter-in-law of the mother of the person whose date of birth is 0954-02-11?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Adell Riedel", "Anthony Heaton", "Claudie Riedel", "Dale Faber", "Emil Heaton", "Jacques Heaton", "Lora Meister" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "child(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_6, Y_4)", "friend(Y_8, Y_6)", "daughter_in_law(Y_10, Y_8)", "mother(Y_12, Y_10)", "dob(Y_12, \"0954-02-11\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the person whose", "_13", "is", "_13", "?" ], "type": 6, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "9070bed3-418f-44f1-b66a-18c6a9a49ef0", "question": "Who is the great-grandchild of the parent of the uncle of the granddaughter of the wife of the person whose hobby is tennis?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Bryce Schoonmaker", "Christen Paschall", "Freddie Schoonmaker", "Hank Genovese", "Kris Fitzsimmons", "Lona Whitehouse", "Madelyn Gusman", "Nevin Monroy", "Nicky Fitzsimmons", "Rosella Rutledge", "Vito Sprouse" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandchild(Y_4, Y_2)", "parent(Y_6, Y_4)", "uncle(Y_8, Y_6)", "granddaughter(Y_10, Y_8)", "wife(Y_12, Y_10)", "hobby(Y_12, \"tennis\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the person whose", "_13", "is", "_13", "?" ], "type": 6, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "c87529c3-8998-4610-a617-5157840f7c85", "question": "Who is the nephew of the friend of the daughter of the nephew of the great-uncle of the person whose date of birth is 0953-08-06?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Cory Branham", "Elvis Buller", "Frederick Barrow", "Jacob Kiger", "Joey Branham", "John Winston", "Nicky Stuckey", "Philip Gillman", "Shane Winston", "William Kiger" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "nephew(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "daughter(Y_8, Y_6)", "nephew(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_uncle(Y_12, Y_10)", "dob(Y_12, \"0953-08-06\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the person whose", "_13", "is", "_13", "?" ], "type": 6, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "58adbe22-6443-4131-be03-a26e6ecb7615", "question": "Who is the grandparent of the male first cousin once removed of the niece of the grandmother of the friend of the person whose date of birth is 0846-07-17?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alycia Coe", "Christoper Coe", "Stacia Toombs", "Wilbert Toombs" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandparent(Y_4, Y_2)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_6, Y_4)", "niece(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandmother(Y_10, Y_8)", "friend(Y_12, Y_10)", "dob(Y_12, \"0846-07-17\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the person whose", "_13", "is", "_13", "?" ], "type": 6, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "4acc2136-9ef1-4afd-a7a2-fec1751ddec4", "question": "Who is the uncle of the granddaughter of the daughter-in-law of the friend of the brother of the person whose date of birth is 0915-01-11?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Bradford Comstock", "Elroy Mcgregor", "Monroe Comstock" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "uncle(Y_4, Y_2)", "granddaughter(Y_6, Y_4)", "daughter_in_law(Y_8, Y_6)", "friend(Y_10, Y_8)", "brother(Y_12, Y_10)", "dob(Y_12, \"0915-01-11\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the person whose", "_13", "is", "_13", "?" ], "type": 6, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "568a35c7-49a2-4505-ab49-9c709e9fb7df", "question": "Who is the male cousin of the nephew of the great-grandchild of the grandparent of the brother-in-law of the person whose occupation is barista?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Kent Paniagua", "Reyes Lugo", "Samual Gordy" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "male_cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "nephew(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandchild(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandparent(Y_10, Y_8)", "brother_in_law(Y_12, Y_10)", "job(Y_12, \"barista\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the person whose", "_13", "is", "_13", "?" ], "type": 6, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "eb010d46-8f59-4018-b895-bdddec535b92", "question": "Who is the sister of the sibling of the friend of the cousin of the grandson of Damian Sherwin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Deborah Bixby", "Kanesha Puryear", "Kimiko Duque", "Malissa Cooks", "Mayra Puryear", "Sandy Tardiff", "Tammy Jaworski" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sister(Y_4, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_6, Y_4)", "friend(Y_8, Y_6)", "cousin(Y_10, Y_8)", "grandson(\"Damian Sherwin\", Y_10)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "_12", "?" ], "type": 7, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "a73916f8-caa0-41d4-85dd-f37a854610a3", "question": "Who is the niece of the nephew of the uncle of the child of the second uncle of Ella Xiong?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Hannah Meeker", "Linda Meeker", "Odette Lawyer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "niece(Y_4, Y_2)", "nephew(Y_6, Y_4)", "uncle(Y_8, Y_6)", "child(Y_10, Y_8)", "second_uncle(\"Ella Xiong\", Y_10)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "_12", "?" ], "type": 7, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "dd230560-c413-4ec9-ad8e-435b9798bf7b", "question": "Who is the cousin of the cousin of the nephew of the aunt of the male cousin of Hector Henriquez?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Gino Sampson", "Hector Henriquez", "Isis Macpherson", "Livia Garrett", "Newton Tackett", "Sanford Sampson" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "cousin(Y_6, Y_4)", "nephew(Y_8, Y_6)", "aunt(Y_10, Y_8)", "male_cousin(\"Hector Henriquez\", Y_10)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "_12", "?" ], "type": 7, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "02eb1a62-5ed5-44ae-a1a7-c9e264b5d557", "question": "Who is the great-grandparent of the male first cousin once removed of the male second cousin of the friend of the child of Lindsey Hartwell?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Karl Kiger", "Selena Kiger" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandparent(Y_4, Y_2)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_6, Y_4)", "male_second_cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "friend(Y_10, Y_8)", "child(\"Lindsey Hartwell\", Y_10)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "_12", "?" ], "type": 7, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "16dd4cda-5d95-4a1e-89b4-0f92a952d0d6", "question": "Who is the aunt of the daughter of the son-in-law of the grandfather of the grandchild of Renaldo Koerner?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Eileen Koerner", "Larue Koerner" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "daughter(Y_6, Y_4)", "son_in_law(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandfather(Y_10, Y_8)", "grandchild(\"Renaldo Koerner\", Y_10)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "_12", "?" ], "type": 7, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "c0c33880-8557-412c-a3b7-55e77c47021c", "question": "Who is the grandparent of the great-uncle of the daughter of the friend of the great-aunt of Floyd Bowlin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Cordell Huss", "Cruz Stillwell", "Devora Stillwell", "Pauline Huss" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandparent(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_uncle(Y_6, Y_4)", "daughter(Y_8, Y_6)", "friend(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_aunt(\"Floyd Bowlin\", Y_10)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "_12", "?" ], "type": 7, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "a4edba82-0dd0-4d07-9fc1-a67246fbf663", "question": "Who is the great-grandchild of the parent of the nephew of the niece of the aunt of Eugene Valentine?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Elliott Rico", "Nicolle Kelly" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandchild(Y_4, Y_2)", "parent(Y_6, Y_4)", "nephew(Y_8, Y_6)", "niece(Y_10, Y_8)", "aunt(\"Eugene Valentine\", Y_10)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "_12", "?" ], "type": 7, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "6d9f2ebf-14bd-438b-ba8a-0307e0ee3263", "question": "Who is the friend of the child of the mother-in-law of the great-grandparent of the niece of Chad Huss?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Adolph Duque", "Barney Heffner", "Cordell Huss", "Dave Duplessis", "Elliott Rico", "Emanuel Jasper", "Erwin Vanegas", "Floyd Fraser", "Leonard Caron", "Leticia Stoker", "Murray Estrella", "Nevin Valentine", "Rogelio Fort", "Tristan Kelly", "Von Sinclair" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "friend(Y_4, Y_2)", "child(Y_6, Y_4)", "mother_in_law(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_grandparent(Y_10, Y_8)", "niece(\"Chad Huss\", Y_10)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "_12", "?" ], "type": 7, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "a29e2eb2-fd31-469f-9bee-ec81cb33093e", "question": "Who is the grandchild of the brother of the sister-in-law of the son of the friend of Tyrell Taylor?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Christa Dishman", "Demetra Burnett", "Linda Dishman", "Marc Norris", "Mica Norris", "Reginald Norris", "Sal Norris", "Ulysses Dishman" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandchild(Y_4, Y_2)", "brother(Y_6, Y_4)", "sister_in_law(Y_8, Y_6)", "son(Y_10, Y_8)", "friend(\"Tyrell Taylor\", Y_10)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "_12", "?" ], "type": 7, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "d7eb6a9f-2fb5-4f41-a562-0553c04e8ceb", "question": "Who is the friend of the grandchild of the father of the great-granddaughter of the grandparent of Kirsten Donner?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Bonnie Sage", "Cherry Jasper", "Claire Hatten", "Deanne Board", "Dirk Eicher", "Domonique Whittaker", "Elfriede Cao", "Forest Schoonmaker", "Katharine Avila", "Rupert Jude", "Shanta Braden" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "friend(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_6, Y_4)", "father(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_granddaughter(Y_10, Y_8)", "grandparent(\"Kirsten Donner\", Y_10)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "_12", "?" ], "type": 7, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "b1514dd7-e8f9-48e0-99cb-6b660a1decb0", "question": "Who is the child of the child of the friend of the great-grandchild of the person whose occupation is podiatrist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alden Burkholder", "Alysa Karnes", "Antonio Kitts", "Bradford Burkholder", "Burl Hoffmann", "Carmela Flanagan", "Charlie Newcomb", "Cicely Perkins", "Clara Dodge", "Coral Linker", "Cornelius Eden", "Cythia Smock", "David Reinhardt", "Demarcus Zinn", "Dirk Kitts", "Dixie Peach", "Earlean Weathersby", "Edmund Voyles", "Elissa Condon", "Ellen Lindsey", "Elroy Mcgregor", "Elvin Treat", "Eric Zinn", "Esperanza Karnes", "Eunice Zinn", "Federico Waller", "Foster Waller", "Freddie Newcomb", "Geri Baskin", "Germaine Moon", "Hattie Michaelson", "Hugo Treat", "Jame Mcgregor", "James Grove", "Janis Monge", "Jeremiah Burkholder", "Jim Newcomb", "Jonas Treat", "Jordan Kitts", "Jordan Reinhardt", "Kate Barela", "Katherine Meeker", "Kendall Mcgregor", "Lane Khoury", "Lazaro Flanagan", "Ligia Caron", "Lisha Garrett", "Lue Boatman", "Lynette Barela", "Marcelina Kittrell", "Matilda Dean", "Max Buss", "Miles Board", "Mitchell Noland", "Mohammad Kitts", "My Mcgregor", "Numbers Perkins", "Pearlie Baer", "Racquel Eden", "Raelene Underwood", "Rosalinda Otto", "Rosaria Caesar", "Shelli Beltran", "Shenita Board", "Stacia Toombs", "Stuart Newcomb", "Susanna Wilt", "Suzanne Xiong", "Tonia Goodall", "Tyson Zinn", "Vern Buss", "Veronica Voyles", "Vicki Schramm", "Willie Barela", "Yuk Eden", "Zachariah Dodge" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "child(Y_4, Y_2)", "child(Y_6, Y_4)", "friend(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_grandchild(Y_10, Y_8)", "job(Y_10, \"podiatrist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the person whose", "_11", "is", "_11", "?" ], "type": 8, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "572a0f2d-dd6b-4d5a-860b-d6ec1a525e64", "question": "Who is the grandson of the daughter-in-law of the grandparent of the uncle of the person whose hobby is mineral collecting?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Benny Heffner", "Brad Heffner", "Danny Hicks", "Dino Pruitt", "Eldon Oxford", "Elton Xiong", "Elvin Ellingson", "Homer Witherspoon", "Horacio Sun", "Jacob Kiger", "Jesus Hicks", "Lukas Hicks", "Marty Pruitt", "Moises Oxford", "Nathaniel Oxford", "Nicky Stuckey", "Nicky Witherspoon", "Phillip Cureton", "Roger Oxford", "Tod Witherspoon", "William Kiger" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandson(Y_4, Y_2)", "daughter_in_law(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandparent(Y_8, Y_6)", "uncle(Y_10, Y_8)", "hobby(Y_10, \"mineral collecting\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the person whose", "_11", "is", "_11", "?" ], "type": 8, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "3ff0c250-d638-45d3-a3b6-25caffee37f5", "question": "Who is the cousin of the cousin of the grandchild of the grandmother of the person whose hobby is rock balancing?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Abbey Coffee", "Adrian Heffner", "Al Langley", "Alyssa Mizell", "Antonia Lum", "Armando Albanese", "Aron Englert", "Art Templeton", "Ashton Avant", "Ashton Flores", "Audra Tanner", "Belva Boothe", "Ben Packard", "Blair Heffner", "Bob Englert", "Brandon Cowen", "Caleb Mcclinton", "Candy Landeros", "Cara Swan", "Carleen Neri", "Cecil Hatten", "Celestine Daughtry", "Chang Hatten", "Christina Mcclinton", "Clara Englert", "Cordelia Red", "Cory Branham", "Cyril Hatten", "Daryl Albanese", "David Englert", "Deidra Hetrick", "Derek Weems", "Dinah Limon", "Dusty Englert", "Edgar Archibald", "Elvie Coffee", "Elvis Buller", "Evan Albanese", "Felix Red", "Fern Lundy", "Flora Roll", "Florence Jesse", "Garth Albanese", "Genesis Baskin", "Gino Sampson", "Glenda Kiger", "Greg Condon", "Guy Albanese", "Harrison Rocco", "Harvey James", "Heather Davidson", "Hector Henriquez", "Ignacio Ratcliff", "Irish Reinhardt", "Isis Macpherson", "Issac Goodall", "Ivette Landin", "Jackqueline Roll", "Jacob Kiger", "Jamison Red", "Janell Worthington", "Jasmine Mcclinton", "Jeff Langley", "Jenni Moritz", "Joey Branham", "Joshua Wilber", "Kanesha Barone", "Karina James", "Karina Stumpf", "Karl Red", "Karol Mann", "Kathe Winter", "Kimiko More", "Kirsten Goodall", "Konstantin More", "Krystle Cowen", "Lannie Otto", "Lashandra Legrand", "Lashandra Singer", "Lawanda Christenson", "Lawrence More", "Leana Carillo", "Leisa Winter", "Leonila Jesse", "Leota Michaelson", "Leslie Englert", "Liliana More", "Livia Garrett", "Lottie Hatten", "Lowell Englert", "Luisa Thornton", "Lura Boothe", "Magdalene Tenney", "Marybeth Burkholder", "Matt Davidson", "Mattie Branham", "Maximilian Winter", "Michelle Donner", "Ming Daily", "Mitchel Daily", "Nanette Charley", "Naomi James", "Nathaniel Englert", "Neal Grayson", "Neil Reiter", "Newton Tackett", "Odessa Baskin", "Oscar Gil", "Pauletta Brewington", "Pedro Langley", "Phil Condon", "Porter Legrand", "Ramon Heffner", "Randal Albanese", "Rita Condon", "Roman Mann", "Roosevelt Battles", "Roosevelt Mcginn", "Rueben Condon", "Sanford Sampson", "Scott Rocco", "Shaina Red", "Sheila Thornton", "Shon Coffee", "Sidney Hatten", "Stephan Reiter", "Susanna Cowen", "Tessie Mann", "Tommie Weems", "Tonia Lundy", "Trent Marler", "Viva Lafontaine", "Whitney Whited", "Will Flores", "Will Mcclinton", "William Kiger", "Williams Legrand", "Xavier Cowen", "Zora Albanese" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "cousin(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandchild(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandmother(Y_10, Y_8)", "hobby(Y_10, \"rock balancing\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the person whose", "_11", "is", "_11", "?" ], "type": 8, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "f478d1e7-f727-45fa-870e-97811ba2eba7", "question": "Who is the grandparent of the male second cousin of the granddaughter of the great-grandson of the person whose date of birth is 0809-05-10?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Anton Albanese", "Megan Albanese", "Randi Eicher", "Rodrigo Eicher" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandparent(Y_4, Y_2)", "male_second_cousin(Y_6, Y_4)", "granddaughter(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_grandson(Y_10, Y_8)", "dob(Y_10, \"0809-05-10\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the person whose", "_11", "is", "_11", "?" ], "type": 8, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "702a7791-dc8e-4778-bd9c-e4c159daa830", "question": "Who is the grandmother of the son of the great-grandparent of the father-in-law of the person whose date of birth is 0979-05-02?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Brigette Hardman" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandmother(Y_4, Y_2)", "son(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandparent(Y_8, Y_6)", "father_in_law(Y_10, Y_8)", "dob(Y_10, \"0979-05-02\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the person whose", "_11", "is", "_11", "?" ], "type": 8, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "66c6ca06-06d2-463b-9576-08874d1c3f7e", "question": "Who is the husband of the niece of the child of the friend of the person whose occupation is social researcher?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Andrew Kistler", "Bertram Morley", "Darrel Mortimer", "Newton Arenas", "Ronnie Stacy" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "husband(Y_4, Y_2)", "niece(Y_6, Y_4)", "child(Y_8, Y_6)", "friend(Y_10, Y_8)", "job(Y_10, \"social researcher\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the person whose", "_11", "is", "_11", "?" ], "type": 8, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "36458320-6396-4d01-be58-e603a47593c3", "question": "Who is the male cousin of the parent of the daughter of the son-in-law of the person whose date of birth is 0963-02-20?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Cameron Valentine", "Morris Valentine", "Nevin Valentine" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "male_cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "parent(Y_6, Y_4)", "daughter(Y_8, Y_6)", "son_in_law(Y_10, Y_8)", "dob(Y_10, \"0963-02-20\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the person whose", "_11", "is", "_11", "?" ], "type": 8, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "e98bdf5e-b354-4856-8606-69841a934fa2", "question": "Who is the friend of the daughter of the nephew of the great-uncle of the person whose date of birth is 0953-08-06?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Cruz Snell", "Davis Gillman", "Deidra Vanegas", "Elliott Branham", "Galen Barrow", "Lane Abernathy", "Quentin Kiger", "Wendell Oxford", "Wilson Vann" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "friend(Y_4, Y_2)", "daughter(Y_6, Y_4)", "nephew(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_uncle(Y_10, Y_8)", "dob(Y_10, \"0953-08-06\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the person whose", "_11", "is", "_11", "?" ], "type": 8, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "0a7719d3-b835-4fea-9773-486c4d4c4ca8", "question": "Who is the niece of the aunt of the nephew of the sibling of the person whose hobby is whale watching?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Abbey Coffee", "Ashton Flores", "Betsy Nevels", "Beulah Kuhlman", "Bev Branson", "Blondell Cantu", "Blondell Lanier", "Candy Landeros", "Cleo Bentley", "Cristal Luu", "Diane Everson", "Elfriede Cao", "Ellen Nesbit", "Elvie Coffee", "Genevie Hendrick", "Herlinda Butters", "Irish Reinhardt", "Isis Leavitt", "Jackqueline Strain", "Jacqueline Jamerson", "Jann Ratcliff", "Jennette Strain", "Joslyn Nesbit", "Karina James", "Lannie Otto", "Leana Carillo", "Leeann Nesbit", "Lola Roll", "Marybeth Burkholder", "Mattie Branham", "Myrle Strain", "Naomi James", "Natacha Boatwright", "Patrice Leavitt", "Racquel Eden", "Rhea Newman", "Rita Condon", "Rita Rawls", "Selina Hendrick", "Shaunte Howard", "Shelli Kittrell", "Sofia Lanier", "Tamala Gerdes", "Tessie Branson", "Thalia Callan", "Tianna Brake", "Tresa Starkey", "Viva Lafontaine", "Whitney Deutsch", "Yuk Eden" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "niece(Y_4, Y_2)", "aunt(Y_6, Y_4)", "nephew(Y_8, Y_6)", "sibling(Y_10, Y_8)", "hobby(Y_10, \"whale watching\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the person whose", "_11", "is", "_11", "?" ], "type": 8, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "4559f5ff-2235-4b37-bbdc-8248f2a57163", "question": "Who is the friend of the uncle of the child of the female cousin of the person whose date of birth is 0983-10-31?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Laura Donner", "Pete Wilt" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "friend(Y_4, Y_2)", "uncle(Y_6, Y_4)", "child(Y_8, Y_6)", "female_cousin(Y_10, Y_8)", "dob(Y_10, \"0983-10-31\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the person whose", "_11", "is", "_11", "?" ], "type": 8, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "2a153f66-9a27-4b4f-8c0b-4cb5fd19fec9", "question": "Who is the sibling of the friend of the cousin of the grandson of Damian Sherwin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Darin Puryear", "Deborah Bixby", "Kanesha Puryear", "Kimiko Duque", "Malissa Cooks", "Mayra Puryear", "Oscar Jaworski", "Sam Bixby", "Sandy Tardiff", "Tammy Jaworski" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sibling(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandson(\"Damian Sherwin\", Y_8)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "_10", "?" ], "type": 9, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "887ecdf3-d0ed-404e-948d-9985075fede9", "question": "Who is the daughter of the granddaughter of the friend of the friend of Kari Keys?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Selena Arenas" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "daughter(Y_4, Y_2)", "granddaughter(Y_6, Y_4)", "friend(Y_8, Y_6)", "friend(\"Kari Keys\", Y_8)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "_10", "?" ], "type": 9, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "73ba4683-18a5-468f-b0fb-d779195e7858", "question": "Who is the aunt of the brother-in-law of the husband of the grandmother of Stevie Carr?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Sheena Mullinax" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "brother_in_law(Y_6, Y_4)", "husband(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandmother(\"Stevie Carr\", Y_8)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "_10", "?" ], "type": 9, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "43df6248-b64a-49ca-b9ff-dedab2d5bc3a", "question": "Who is the parent of the son of the grandmother of the female cousin of Vance Parrish?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Carrol Parrish", "Dixie Andino", "Jakob Andino", "Zelda Parrish" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "parent(Y_4, Y_2)", "son(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandmother(Y_8, Y_6)", "female_cousin(\"Vance Parrish\", Y_8)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "_10", "?" ], "type": 9, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "d1682fb1-e96f-4505-a2ff-1627cfc28b5c", "question": "Who is the great-grandchild of the daughter-in-law of the great-grandmother of the second aunt of Lindy Carr?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Clay Yang", "Jeanette Garrett", "Leon Yang", "Sheena Mullinax", "Stacey Garrett" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandchild(Y_4, Y_2)", "daughter_in_law(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandmother(Y_8, Y_6)", "second_aunt(\"Lindy Carr\", Y_8)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "_10", "?" ], "type": 9, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "100738cb-bb10-4b5b-b697-9d1ee425d258", "question": "Who is the daughter of the sibling of the female second cousin of the cousin of Tomasa Macon?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Johanna Roper", "Mavis Vaughan", "Therese Molnar" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "daughter(Y_4, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_6, Y_4)", "female_second_cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "cousin(\"Tomasa Macon\", Y_8)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "_10", "?" ], "type": 9, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "d49b2902-8f44-48ec-ab84-29b623437dc3", "question": "Who is the great-uncle of the daughter of the friend of the great-aunt of Floyd Bowlin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Clint Huss", "Howard Huss", "Lyndon Huss" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_uncle(Y_4, Y_2)", "daughter(Y_6, Y_4)", "friend(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_aunt(\"Floyd Bowlin\", Y_8)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "_10", "?" ], "type": 9, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "6f9f0208-fcb8-46a7-99e6-e44c00ac8a5a", "question": "Who is the grandchild of the grandparent of the aunt of the friend of Erik Hudgens?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Damaris Wilber", "Dirk Kitts", "Dusty Geer", "Elaine Dinh", "Ellen Lindsey", "Grover Keefe", "Haywood Roll", "Jim Stoker", "Jordan Kitts", "Leticia Stoker", "Ligia Nieto", "Mohammad Kitts", "Nathaniel Stoker", "Nicolle Sprague" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandchild(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandparent(Y_6, Y_4)", "aunt(Y_8, Y_6)", "friend(\"Erik Hudgens\", Y_8)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "_10", "?" ], "type": 9, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "8f1d8181-987f-4156-be9d-8f3e78d2f78e", "question": "Who is the grandmother of the aunt of the sibling of the nephew of Wilmer Hagerty?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Gail Culver" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandmother(Y_4, Y_2)", "aunt(Y_6, Y_4)", "sibling(Y_8, Y_6)", "nephew(\"Wilmer Hagerty\", Y_8)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "_10", "?" ], "type": 9, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "c3775da8-4a74-4b1f-90d7-7968a99f6d7b", "question": "Who is the friend of the great-grandparent of the friend of the sibling of Kareem Stevenson?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Abe Peoples", "Adella Board", "Alfredo Wang", "Alysa Braden", "Antwan Ives", "Bernardo Parrish", "Bernice Sprouse", "Bradford Comstock", "Calvin Harwood", "Christian Loya", "Damian Hardeman", "Dylan Locke", "Edmundo Newlin", "Edythe Derosa", "Eliza Lyman", "Elyse Stuckey", "Erwin Vanegas", "Gabriel Rankin", "Galen Thomason", "Garrett Wiener", "Georgine Zelaya", "Gina Freed", "Hope Schwarz", "Issac Butters", "Jayson Kruger", "Jeanette Minton", "Jennette Strain", "Jona Bowler", "Jung Grady", "Kathey Heffner", "Latisha Mckibben", "Lavonna Kitts", "Leisa Lutz", "Lyndsey Benavides", "Marc Norris", "Margaret Lesher", "Mark Starnes", "Melodie Shaner", "Micki Vanegas", "Morgan Marra", "Nora Abreu", "Norbert Strong", "Otis Beery", "Porter Burkhart", "Rhoda Humes", "Rod Voyles", "Rudolph Sherwin", "Rudolph Wortham", "Sandy Tardiff", "Sha Mayle", "Virgina Andino", "Ward Dexter" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "friend(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_grandparent(Y_6, Y_4)", "friend(Y_8, Y_6)", "sibling(\"Kareem Stevenson\", Y_8)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "_10", "?" ], "type": 9, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "03265ff9-9bda-43ec-afbe-034e3265aa29", "question": "Who is the child of the friend of the great-grandchild of the person whose occupation is podiatrist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Ahmad Newcomb", "Ai Kitts", "Al Zinn", "Aletha Barela", "Arturo Zinn", "Barbar Cortes", "Belia Witherspoon", "Bobbie Khoury", "Bradley Perkins", "Carmon Mitchum", "Cedric Mcgregor", "Cherise Eden", "Chris Brewington", "Dallas Polk", "Damaris Kurtz", "Dan Roger", "Derick Flanagan", "Dwayne Grove", "Elvin Newcomb", "Elyse Tomas", "Ernie Paredes", "Esteban Mcgregor", "Geoffrey Board", "German Newcomb", "Guadalupe Weathersby", "Hank Bryan", "Heidi Pfaff", "Hugh Zinn", "Hyman Noland", "Irish Reinhardt", "Jame Mcgregor", "Jeannette Rupp", "Jefferson Newcomb", "Jerrod Condon", "Joey Branham", "Keri Dodge", "Kimiko More", "Konstantin More", "Lannie Otto", "Lawrence More", "Leonila Harder", "Leroy Paredes", "Lester Perkins", "Liliana More", "Louie Rupp", "Lowell Kitts", "Magdalene Tenney", "Maranda Karnes", "Marcelino Paredes", "Marybeth Burkholder", "Mattie Branham", "Melodie Bowens", "Miki Weathersby", "Mose Waller", "My Mcgregor", "Newton Newcomb", "Niki Treat", "Phil Roger", "Ramon Paredes", "Randal Hoffmann", "Richard Noland", "Rod Voyles", "Royce Pfaff", "Shaunte Howard", "Shelli Kittrell", "Shirleen Kitts", "Tara Kitts", "Terrance Board", "Thurman Pfaff", "Velia Buss", "Von Howard", "Williams Smock", "Xavier Mcgregor" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "child(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandchild(Y_8, Y_6)", "job(Y_8, \"podiatrist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the person whose", "_9", "is", "_9", "?" ], "type": 10, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "3065c0a6-0652-40e9-a389-9b3be9e2191a", "question": "Who is the father of the sister of the friend of the person whose hobby is jukskei?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Anderson Chasse", "Brooks Ricketts", "Donnie Fitzsimmons", "Jamey Witherspoon", "Jesus Branham", "Kendall Mcgregor", "Martin Stricklin", "Nathanial Ruggles", "Nick Grimm", "Olin Bracy", "Pablo Mccomas", "Rueben Yocum", "Theodore Silverman", "Tomas Hendrick" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "father(Y_4, Y_2)", "sister(Y_6, Y_4)", "friend(Y_8, Y_6)", "hobby(Y_8, \"jukskei\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the person whose", "_9", "is", "_9", "?" ], "type": 10, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "a38f249c-11ca-4754-ba67-7c88fe98afe7", "question": "Who is the daughter of the second uncle of the aunt of the person whose occupation is fast food restaurant manager?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Jeanette Garrett" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "daughter(Y_4, Y_2)", "second_uncle(Y_6, Y_4)", "aunt(Y_8, Y_6)", "job(Y_8, \"fast food restaurant manager\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the person whose", "_9", "is", "_9", "?" ], "type": 10, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "30db4faf-df8f-4629-b73b-f68122e8472d", "question": "Who is the parent of the son of the cousin of the person whose occupation is clinical research associate?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alysa Parrish", "Carlos Blackmore", "Carmine Grady", "Dino Jesse", "Jackqueline Jesse", "Jess Monge", "Jung Grady", "Lonnie Parrish", "Marko Grady", "Marlene Monge", "Minnie Blackmore", "Rodrigo Andino", "Roni Andino", "Velia Grady" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "parent(Y_4, Y_2)", "son(Y_6, Y_4)", "cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "job(Y_8, \"clinical research associate\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the person whose", "_9", "is", "_9", "?" ], "type": 10, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "9d3d4b15-af22-417a-a433-e537205f2b23", "question": "Who is the female cousin of the nephew of the second uncle of the person whose hobby is story writing?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Adell Riedel", "Alysia Sage", "Claudie Riedel", "Jeanette Garrett", "Lora Meister", "Lynetta Delapaz", "Sheena Mullinax" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "female_cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "nephew(Y_6, Y_4)", "second_uncle(Y_8, Y_6)", "hobby(Y_8, \"story writing\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the person whose", "_9", "is", "_9", "?" ], "type": 10, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "ed13b86f-491a-45bd-a9af-822f8b65f57f", "question": "Who is the uncle of the sibling of the male cousin of the person whose occupation is maintenance engineer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Carrol Rudy", "Chase Macon", "Duane Vining", "Kenneth Rudy", "Zachery Wilber" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "uncle(Y_4, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_6, Y_4)", "male_cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "job(Y_8, \"maintenance engineer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the person whose", "_9", "is", "_9", "?" ], "type": 10, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "cf708eae-16ee-401f-b9d2-4c98e0eb0da5", "question": "Who is the niece of the child of the friend of the person whose occupation is social researcher?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Audie Haskins", "Bridget Humes", "Deena Engler", "Deirdre Wyatt", "Evangelina Engler", "Francesca Kistler", "Jackqueline Masterson", "Karin Humes", "Lyndsey Morley", "Rolanda Masterson", "Selena Arenas", "Tashina Stacy", "Thalia Mortimer", "Viva Templeton", "Zoila Humes" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "niece(Y_4, Y_2)", "child(Y_6, Y_4)", "friend(Y_8, Y_6)", "job(Y_8, \"social researcher\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the person whose", "_9", "is", "_9", "?" ], "type": 10, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "93fb6dee-2045-46d8-bd9c-828465dbf368", "question": "Who is the uncle of the granddaughter of the wife of the person whose hobby is tennis?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Amos Hudgens", "Aurelio Cosgrove", "Harry Andino", "Xavier Monroy" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "uncle(Y_4, Y_2)", "granddaughter(Y_6, Y_4)", "wife(Y_8, Y_6)", "hobby(Y_8, \"tennis\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the person whose", "_9", "is", "_9", "?" ], "type": 10, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "a81f872c-728c-4510-8d9a-8cc1259103bc", "question": "Who is the granddaughter of the grandchild of the parent of the person whose hobby is social studies?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Angie Plummer", "Carlene Fraser", "Celia Macmillan", "Deidre Huntington", "Dionne Stansberry", "Eliza Wiggs", "Kori Wiggs", "Nikki Stansberry" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "granddaughter(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_6, Y_4)", "parent(Y_8, Y_6)", "hobby(Y_8, \"social studies\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the person whose", "_9", "is", "_9", "?" ], "type": 10, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "a01870df-564d-462b-b034-6b6e23a74750", "question": "Who is the friend of the grandmother of the second aunt of the person whose date of birth is 1005-09-15?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Florentino Dacosta", "Van Luckett", "Virgie Pruitt" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "friend(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandmother(Y_6, Y_4)", "second_aunt(Y_8, Y_6)", "dob(Y_8, \"1005-09-15\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the person whose", "_9", "is", "_9", "?" ], "type": 10, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "933479d6-2d1e-4705-b038-a854f97ffc1b", "question": "Who is the friend of the cousin of the grandson of Damian Sherwin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Dawn Albanese", "Gayla Woodson", "Gregorio Rios", "Isaac Jaworski", "Matilda Pyles", "My Gaffney", "Ned Jaworski", "Raymon Puryear", "Trevor Bixby" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "friend(Y_4, Y_2)", "cousin(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandson(\"Damian Sherwin\", Y_6)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "_8", "?" ], "type": 11, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "1dc5ddea-f7da-425c-9a9d-3adbdccb595a", "question": "Who is the friend of the friend of the husband of Jeanette Byrd?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alysa Karnes", "Angelia Witherspoon", "Ardath Stern", "Daphne Volz", "Demarcus Barney", "Kenny Grady", "Lavern Page", "Marc Swearingen", "Maurice Jaworski", "Rodolfo Byrd", "Rosie Dennard", "Sterling Monte", "Tawana Gunther", "Thomasine Doolittle" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "friend(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "husband(\"Jeanette Byrd\", Y_6)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "_8", "?" ], "type": 11, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "f293123e-8b9e-470c-b9e4-efb3f368d6be", "question": "Who is the grandchild of the great-grandchild of the father-in-law of Velia Grady?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Delicia Sun", "Horacio Sun", "Tosha Thibeault", "Velia Sun", "Wonda Sun" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandchild(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_grandchild(Y_6, Y_4)", "father_in_law(\"Velia Grady\", Y_6)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "_8", "?" ], "type": 11, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "bf7ad867-b68c-41ca-8e87-e9c52d851a4d", "question": "Who is the nephew of the aunt of the male cousin of Hector Henriquez?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Gino Sampson", "Hector Henriquez", "Newton Tackett", "Sanford Sampson" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "nephew(Y_4, Y_2)", "aunt(Y_6, Y_4)", "male_cousin(\"Hector Henriquez\", Y_6)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "_8", "?" ], "type": 11, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "69dfc753-1625-4a0d-8bc5-f84adab0dbb2", "question": "Who is the sibling of the sibling of the brother-in-law of Emilia Englert?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Antionette Legrand", "Aubrey Englert", "Charmaine Lundy", "Emilio Englert", "Haywood Englert" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sibling(Y_4, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_6, Y_4)", "brother_in_law(\"Emilia Englert\", Y_6)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "_8", "?" ], "type": 11, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "34459fba-5181-426d-a7af-aca0c65bf268", "question": "Who is the daughter-in-law of the great-grandmother of the second aunt of Lindy Carr?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Betsy Garrett" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "daughter_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_grandmother(Y_6, Y_4)", "second_aunt(\"Lindy Carr\", Y_6)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "_8", "?" ], "type": 11, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "d1bee0bc-2d38-4d9a-b481-46eb6494e74a", "question": "Who is the son-in-law of the grandfather of the grandchild of Renaldo Koerner?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Louie Beason" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "son_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandfather(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandchild(\"Renaldo Koerner\", Y_6)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "_8", "?" ], "type": 11, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "6430b5a9-2d36-4ec2-949c-cd99c64c69a1", "question": "Who is the grandmother of the sibling of the child of Eusebio Aparicio?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Cora Aparicio", "Jo Forrester" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandmother(Y_4, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_6, Y_4)", "child(\"Eusebio Aparicio\", Y_6)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "_8", "?" ], "type": 11, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "6fa4a6d0-a2ae-440d-9385-1f720dd3a790", "question": "Who is the daughter of the sister of the daughter of Lynelle Huynh?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Delia Polk" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "daughter(Y_4, Y_2)", "sister(Y_6, Y_4)", "daughter(\"Lynelle Huynh\", Y_6)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "_8", "?" ], "type": 11, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "07fc6c71-cbb6-4cc0-b614-4bee4e2b078d", "question": "Who is the nephew of the niece of the aunt of Eugene Valentine?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Carmine Kelly" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "nephew(Y_4, Y_2)", "niece(Y_6, Y_4)", "aunt(\"Eugene Valentine\", Y_6)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "_8", "?" ], "type": 11, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "50562160-2ba9-471d-bf89-c3a74066d2a3", "question": "Who is the friend of the great-grandchild of the person whose occupation is podiatrist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Anibal Bryan", "Aurelia Voyles", "Bee Tenney", "Brittany Rupp", "Catina Pfaff", "Cedric Mcgregor", "Celestine Newcomb", "Chad Perkins", "Chante Lugo", "Conrad Baer", "Cristina Kurtz", "Daisy Hoffmann", "Daisy Kitts", "Debbie Rosenberger", "Deborah Board", "Dominique Smock", "Edmundo Paredes", "Elliot Noland", "Elroy Samuel", "Gena Brand", "Jean Howard", "Jesus Branham", "Joanna Chasse", "Jordon Newcomb", "Joslyn Zinn", "Kareem Mitchum", "Kenton Waller", "Kraig Baltazar", "Lane Pitre", "Laurel Mcgregor", "Leslie Cortes", "Lionel Weathersby", "Manuel Polk", "Marcel Mcgregor", "Marko Roger", "Michael Lajoie", "Michelle Mcinnis", "Miguel Tomas", "Miki Thomason", "Nathaniel Flanagan", "Nydia Jasper", "Pauletta Brewington", "Rocco Dorsett", "Rueben Condon", "Shenita Grove", "Silas More", "Stevie Carr", "Tanya Witherspoon", "Vita Sipple", "Willis Bowens", "Zane Arrington" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "friend(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_grandchild(Y_6, Y_4)", "job(Y_6, \"podiatrist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the person whose", "_7", "is", "_7", "?" ], "type": 12, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "afc37a62-e2b3-43f0-b40b-eec0873abf0d", "question": "Who is the friend of the friend of the person whose date of birth is 0976-08-12?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Adelina Spivey", "Eli Smock", "Hugo Treat", "Jamison Red", "Jeanette Byrd", "Jorge Yang", "Kori Masterson", "Linda Shreve", "Rosie Becnel", "Rupert Jude", "Seymour Sotelo", "Shenita Board", "Wonda Sun" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "friend(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "dob(Y_6, \"0976-08-12\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the person whose", "_7", "is", "_7", "?" ], "type": 12, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "d9d25494-db19-431e-a8ff-80685a080ad1", "question": "Who is the grandson of the friend of the person whose date of birth is 0913-11-09?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Arthur Owings", "Leopoldo Elston", "Lesley Lugo", "Lincoln Lugo", "Luca Owings", "Major Lugo", "Manuel Elston", "Milford Lugo", "Octavio Lugo", "Randal Lugo", "Von Lugo" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandson(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "dob(Y_6, \"0913-11-09\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the person whose", "_7", "is", "_7", "?" ], "type": 12, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "63d5e608-3963-4f45-9bbb-6e3b544d6dff", "question": "Who is the grandchild of the grandmother of the person whose hobby is rock balancing?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Abbey Coffee", "Adrian Heffner", "Al Langley", "Alec Doyle", "Alyssa Mizell", "Amie Bryan", "Anita Seely", "Antonia Lum", "Armando Albanese", "Arnulfo Pickard", "Arnulfo Red", "Aron Englert", "Art Templeton", "Ashton Avant", "Ashton Flores", "Audra Tanner", "Belva Boothe", "Ben Packard", "Blair Heffner", "Bob Englert", "Brandon Cowen", "Caleb Mcclinton", "Candy Landeros", "Cara Swan", "Carleen Neri", "Cecil Hatten", "Celestine Daughtry", "Chang Hatten", "Christina Mcclinton", "Clara Englert", "Cordelia Red", "Cory Branham", "Craig Kramer", "Cyril Hatten", "Daryl Albanese", "David Englert", "Deidra Hetrick", "Derek Weems", "Desiree Emory", "Dinah Limon", "Dixie Gil", "Dollie Duque", "Dusty Englert", "Edgar Archibald", "Elicia Gusman", "Elvie Coffee", "Elvis Buller", "Ernesto Volz", "Evan Albanese", "Felix Red", "Fern Lundy", "Flora Roll", "Florence Jesse", "Frank Parrott", "Garth Albanese", "Genesis Baskin", "Gino Sampson", "Glenda Kiger", "Greg Condon", "Gregorio Doyle", "Guy Albanese", "Harrison Rocco", "Harvey James", "Heather Davidson", "Hector Henriquez", "Ignacio Ratcliff", "Ignacio Yarbrough", "Irish Reinhardt", "Isis Macpherson", "Issac Goodall", "Ivette Landin", "Jackqueline Roll", "Jacob Kiger", "Jacqueline Mcginn", "Jamison Red", "Janell Worthington", "Jasmine Mcclinton", "Jeannine Pickard", "Jeff Langley", "Jenni Moritz", "Joey Branham", "Joshua Wilber", "Jude Jamerson", "Kanesha Barone", "Karina James", "Karina Stumpf", "Karl Red", "Karol Mann", "Kathe Winter", "Kiana Thornton", "Kimiko Duque", "Kimiko More", "King Mcinnis", "Kirby Mcinnis", "Kirsten Goodall", "Konstantin More", "Krystle Cowen", "Krystyna Escobedo", "Lamar Jamerson", "Lance Red", "Lannie Otto", "Lashandra Legrand", "Lashandra Singer", "Lawanda Christenson", "Lawrence More", "Leana Carillo", "Leisa Winter", "Lenora Goetz", "Leonila Jesse", "Leota Michaelson", "Leslie Englert", "Liliana More", "Livia Garrett", "Lottie Hatten", "Lowell Englert", "Luca Yarbrough", "Luisa Thornton", "Lura Boothe", "Magdalene Tenney", "Mai Storer", "Marybeth Burkholder", "Matt Davidson", "Mattie Branham", "Maximilian Winter", "Michelle Donner", "Ming Daily", "Mitchel Daily", "Nanette Charley", "Naomi James", "Nathaniel Englert", "Neal Grayson", "Ned Jaworski", "Neil Reiter", "Newton Tackett", "Odessa Baskin", "Oscar Gil", "Oscar Jaworski", "Pauletta Brewington", "Pedro Langley", "Phil Condon", "Porter Legrand", "Ramon Heffner", "Randal Albanese", "Rita Condon", "Roman Mann", "Roosevelt Battles", "Roosevelt Mcginn", "Rosie Hartman", "Rueben Condon", "Sandy Tardiff", "Sanford Sampson", "Scott Rocco", "Shaina Red", "Shaunna Dudley", "Sheila Thornton", "Shon Coffee", "Sidney Hatten", "Stephan Parrott", "Stephan Reiter", "Sung Yarbrough", "Susanna Cowen", "Tammy Jaworski", "Tessie Mann", "Thurman Pickard", "Tiffanie Doyle", "Tommie Weems", "Tonia Lundy", "Trent Marler", "Viva Lafontaine", "Vivienne Pellegrino", "Whitney Whited", "Will Flores", "Will Mcclinton", "William Kiger", "Williams Legrand", "Xavier Cowen", "Zora Albanese" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandchild(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandmother(Y_6, Y_4)", "hobby(Y_6, \"rock balancing\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the person whose", "_7", "is", "_7", "?" ], "type": 12, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "0107428a-5ef3-4134-b2e4-a2d063088a95", "question": "Who is the sibling of the son of the person whose occupation is glass blower?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Clara Englert", "David Englert", "Dewayne Cowles", "Essie Barrow", "Leslie Englert", "Nathaniel Englert", "Saul Cowles", "Viola Cowles" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sibling(Y_4, Y_2)", "son(Y_6, Y_4)", "job(Y_6, \"glass blower\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the person whose", "_7", "is", "_7", "?" ], "type": 12, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "0bd079f0-50e6-42a0-820e-bcf8cb49a0b9", "question": "Who is the nephew of the second uncle of the person whose hobby is story writing?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Anthony Heaton", "Clay Yang", "Dale Faber", "Dennis Ricketts", "Emil Heaton", "Jacques Heaton", "Kraig Sage", "Leon Yang", "Levi Mcglothlin", "Rocky Ricketts", "Stacey Garrett" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "nephew(Y_4, Y_2)", "second_uncle(Y_6, Y_4)", "hobby(Y_6, \"story writing\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the person whose", "_7", "is", "_7", "?" ], "type": 12, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "e552c982-c351-4b15-8204-5d8fc8051b52", "question": "Who is the great-grandparent of the father-in-law of the person whose date of birth is 0979-05-02?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Deja Roll", "Kennith Roll" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandparent(Y_4, Y_2)", "father_in_law(Y_6, Y_4)", "dob(Y_6, \"0979-05-02\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the person whose", "_7", "is", "_7", "?" ], "type": 12, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "1705d0d5-3ae2-412b-a4ac-2fb1a59c8389", "question": "Who is the daughter-in-law of the mother of the person whose date of birth is 0954-02-11?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Brigida Aparicio" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "daughter_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "mother(Y_6, Y_4)", "dob(Y_6, \"0954-02-11\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the person whose", "_7", "is", "_7", "?" ], "type": 12, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "d6b93949-60f1-4025-8bbd-38de5ebcfc96", "question": "Who is the great-grandparent of the grandchild of the person whose date of birth is 0948-02-09?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Delbert Swearingen", "Latrina Swearingen" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandparent(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_6, Y_4)", "dob(Y_6, \"0948-02-09\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the person whose", "_7", "is", "_7", "?" ], "type": 12, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "a0cac240-eadf-4ff7-bd2c-4d7582b53a0d", "question": "Who is the daughter of the son-in-law of the person whose date of birth is 0963-02-20?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Candice Landreth", "Eileen Landreth" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "daughter(Y_4, Y_2)", "son_in_law(Y_6, Y_4)", "dob(Y_6, \"0963-02-20\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the person whose", "_7", "is", "_7", "?" ], "type": 12, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "0238cf7a-ad1d-476b-9184-4ca1085861fb", "question": "Who is the cousin of the grandson of Damian Sherwin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Cara Swan", "Chang Hatten" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandson(\"Damian Sherwin\", Y_4)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "_6", "?" ], "type": 13, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "f87a6923-a598-436e-b0f3-9dad70ecbffb", "question": "Who is the brother of the parent of Barabara Tudor?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Austin Chavarria", "Cliff Chavarria", "Nevin Chavarria" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "brother(Y_4, Y_2)", "parent(\"Barabara Tudor\", Y_4)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "_6", "?" ], "type": 13, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "5d994384-6aea-4808-93cf-96504d00ef74", "question": "Who is the child of the second uncle of Ella Xiong?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Katherine Meeker", "Kendall Mcgregor", "Rosaria Caesar" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "child(Y_4, Y_2)", "second_uncle(\"Ella Xiong\", Y_4)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "_6", "?" ], "type": 13, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "ebd5dbd9-1b27-4d64-af09-9b5576b5543e", "question": "Who is the grandchild of the great-grandfather of Cheree Dodge?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Clara Dodge", "Gayla Dodge", "Sharee Malave", "Zachariah Dodge" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandchild(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_grandfather(\"Cheree Dodge\", Y_4)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "_6", "?" ], "type": 13, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "4cedcde9-329c-457e-9f83-0e93a89a5c3f", "question": "Who is the aunt of the male cousin of Hector Henriquez?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Leeann Tackett", "Mallory Henriquez" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "male_cousin(\"Hector Henriquez\", Y_4)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "_6", "?" ], "type": 13, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "322a8733-1128-4ebe-a840-e07c10263845", "question": "Who is the grandmother of the female cousin of Vance Parrish?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Dixie Andino", "Zelda Parrish" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandmother(Y_4, Y_2)", "female_cousin(\"Vance Parrish\", Y_4)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "_6", "?" ], "type": 13, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "17d2da33-e5ed-4223-a1da-0cf1bce7d5c7", "question": "Who is the friend of the child of Lindsey Hartwell?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Ayesha Bowler", "Collette Newman", "Deidre Huntington", "Gordon Quan", "Matilda Altamirano", "Nelly Askew", "Nora Doolittle", "Stefan Uhl", "Tania Woodard", "Tommie Weems" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "friend(Y_4, Y_2)", "child(\"Lindsey Hartwell\", Y_4)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "_6", "?" ], "type": 13, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "3aa09e02-8c5b-4d03-9a0a-86a3a3a355bc", "question": "Who is the great-grandparent of the male first cousin once removed of Debbie Rosenberger?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Adam Mcleod", "Archie Ripley", "Buffy Mcleod", "Twanna Ripley" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandparent(Y_4, Y_2)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(\"Debbie Rosenberger\", Y_4)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "_6", "?" ], "type": 13, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "1b761450-620b-4ca9-a4ce-bd2a405bcde3", "question": "Who is the grandfather of the grandchild of Renaldo Koerner?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Renaldo Koerner" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandfather(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandchild(\"Renaldo Koerner\", Y_4)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "_6", "?" ], "type": 13, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "43d93963-0d15-4f36-ad5c-b1417597fbad", "question": "Who is the grandparent of the child of Rusty Caputo?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Christina Beaudry", "Laurette Caputo", "Moses Beaudry", "Wyatt Caputo" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandparent(Y_4, Y_2)", "child(\"Rusty Caputo\", Y_4)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "_6", "?" ], "type": 13, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "3db7f7e1-ed95-4ae0-ace9-57b2b6330549", "question": "Who is the great-grandchild of the person whose occupation is podiatrist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alexander Pilkington", "Annita Godin", "Austin Hatten", "Bess Pilkington", "Carol Doolittle", "Elisabeth Stern", "Evangelina Poirier", "Henry Vela", "Ivan Corbett", "Jaime Pilkington", "Jeff Mallett", "Latrina Corbett", "Odette Sipple", "Ora Hardeman", "Ramona Doolittle", "Raphael Vela", "Theodor Vela", "Wanita Doolittle", "Wilfredo Corbett", "Zachery Hatten" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandchild(Y_4, Y_2)", "job(Y_4, \"podiatrist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_5", "is", "_5", "?" ], "type": 14, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "e608ef55-b728-4011-9da7-a6553fcbe05d", "question": "Who is the uncle of the person whose date of birth is 0999-08-04?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Austin Chavarria", "Cliff Chavarria", "Nevin Chavarria" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "uncle(Y_4, Y_2)", "dob(Y_4, \"0999-08-04\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_5", "is", "_5", "?" ], "type": 14, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "80f84a3e-c8f2-4e1f-9b12-efb1b8ceaa44", "question": "Who is the uncle of the person whose hobby is mineral collecting?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Anibal Witherspoon", "Buck Witherspoon", "Carey Nightingale", "Darrell Hicks", "Elroy Mcgregor", "Gilbert Hicks", "King Oxford", "Mario Hicks", "Ned Pruitt", "Norris Witherspoon", "Quentin Kiger", "Ramon Heffner", "Santos Sun" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "uncle(Y_4, Y_2)", "hobby(Y_4, \"mineral collecting\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_5", "is", "_5", "?" ], "type": 14, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "07fbca9b-e95f-4aff-bca1-f4137723ecfe", "question": "Who is the niece of the person whose hobby is flower collecting and pressing?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alysa Braden", "Bridget Solorio", "Cleo Bentley", "Colette Baird", "Colleen Baer", "Devora Mccallum", "Elfriede Cao", "Ester Mcneal", "Fatimah Favela", "Fern Chasse", "Hanh Braden", "Hilde Kruger", "Irish Reinhardt", "Jennifer Ricketts", "Joann Kruger", "Joslyn Cowles", "Kyong Ramsay", "Lannie Otto", "Latrina Volz", "Lurline Gordon", "Maranda Ricketts", "Marybeth Burkholder", "Mattie Branham", "Micki Huntington", "Rubye Dodge", "Tania Dodge", "Vada Shaner" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "niece(Y_4, Y_2)", "hobby(Y_4, \"flower collecting and pressing\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_5", "is", "_5", "?" ], "type": 14, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "eec75a64-7bd2-4b0f-ac9d-7ea63c5c64f4", "question": "Who is the grandmother of the person whose hobby is rock balancing?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Adrianna Karnes", "Anneliese Madera", "Bernice Sprouse", "Cicely Heffner", "Claire Hatten", "Colleen Grayson", "Cortney Rocco", "Florence Doyle", "Goldie Sherwin", "Heidi Red", "Hope Pilkington", "Jada Goetz", "Janell Heffner", "Janey Whittaker", "Jennie Henriquez", "Kimberely Roark", "Kimiko Duque", "Kylee Marler", "Lashanda Condon", "Leann Davenport", "Lindsey Langley", "Lorine Kirkland", "Machelle Boothe", "Madaline More", "Mai Englert", "Maira Sampson", "Margarite Cureton", "Maryann James", "Matilda Wilber", "Megan Albanese", "Odessa Volz", "Patsy Branham", "Pauletta Mcinnis", "Pearl Jaworski", "Rana Red", "Randi Eicher", "Rivka Templeton", "Robbie Davidson", "Roxanne Cureton", "Selena Kiger", "Shauna Mann", "Susie Duplessis", "Virgina Frechette", "Wanda Parrott", "Xiomara Board", "Zenobia Kuykendall" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandmother(Y_4, Y_2)", "hobby(Y_4, \"rock balancing\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_5", "is", "_5", "?" ], "type": 14, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "3f79ad04-8001-4790-8529-d30d657107b5", "question": "Who is the cousin of the person whose occupation is clinical research associate?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Aron Englert", "Bob Englert", "Brianne Andino", "Carmine Grady", "Dusty Englert", "Fern Lundy", "Francisco Perez", "Jackqueline Jesse", "Janell Worthington", "Kenny Grady", "Lashandra Legrand", "Lashandra Singer", "Lauren Andino", "Lonnie Parrish", "Lowell Englert", "Marko Grady", "Marlene Monge", "Minnie Blackmore", "Odette Mayle", "Porter Legrand", "Ramona Masterson", "Rodrigo Andino", "Roosevelt Battles", "Ruben Charley", "Tonia Lundy", "Victoria Perez", "Werner Doak", "Williams Legrand", "Zona Grady" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "job(Y_4, \"clinical research associate\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_5", "is", "_5", "?" ], "type": 14, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "dee85893-2807-4207-83bc-5190d1b6824f", "question": "Who is the great-grandson of the person whose date of birth is 0809-05-10?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Louis Eicher", "Rodrigo Eicher", "Stevie Eicher" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandson(Y_4, Y_2)", "dob(Y_4, \"0809-05-10\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_5", "is", "_5", "?" ], "type": 14, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "d26b2049-2d8d-4b29-8ede-897e1814f07b", "question": "Who is the female cousin of the person whose hobby is ballroom dancing?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alysia Ripley", "Cortney Parmer", "Edris Maya", "Julee Lemus", "Marianne Conklin", "Rosaria Argueta", "Salley Bunker", "Shaunna Johnson", "Veronica Huntington" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "female_cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "hobby(Y_4, \"ballroom dancing\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_5", "is", "_5", "?" ], "type": 14, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "d8cae8a7-1e3e-46df-ab3e-ca2b0157c6c5", "question": "Who is the father-in-law of the person whose date of birth is 0979-05-02?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Jonas Roll" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "father_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "dob(Y_4, \"0979-05-02\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_5", "is", "_5", "?" ], "type": 14, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "8e9f30b9-7422-4f37-8429-8fca5aaf727d", "question": "Who is the grandparent of the person whose date of birth is 0980-10-20?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Arnulfo Pickard", "Carmon Pickard" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandparent(Y_4, Y_2)", "dob(Y_4, \"0980-10-20\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_5", "is", "_5", "?" ], "type": 14, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "3db5ff03-2c46-4559-adb3-3ea0e527d7c2", "question": "Who is the grandson of Damian Sherwin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Cecil Hatten", "Cyril Hatten", "Sidney Hatten" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandson(\"Damian Sherwin\", Y_2)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "_4", "?" ], "type": 15, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "594f2750-6c4e-41da-8d02-05e16fa08e29", "question": "Who is the male first cousin once removed of Jonathan Rosenberger?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Ahmad Ripley", "Ali Conklin", "Asa Ripley", "Buck Conklin", "Cedrick Ripley", "Joseph Ripley", "Sol Conklin" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "male_first_cousin_once_removed(\"Jonathan Rosenberger\", Y_2)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "_4", "?" ], "type": 15, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "fde52842-0cca-44ba-abd1-aa5ad736caa3", "question": "Who is the husband of Jeanette Byrd?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Rodolfo Byrd" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "husband(\"Jeanette Byrd\", Y_2)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "_4", "?" ], "type": 15, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "39241f4e-a206-4480-94e3-e57df2d219ce", "question": "Who is the second uncle of Ella Xiong?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Esteban Mcgregor", "Xavier Mcgregor" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "second_uncle(\"Ella Xiong\", Y_2)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "_4", "?" ], "type": 15, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "9d96cb4e-4dc2-43ee-8d4c-afa3db36ed7a", "question": "Who is the father-in-law of Velia Grady?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Miguel Grady" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "father_in_law(\"Velia Grady\", Y_2)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "_4", "?" ], "type": 15, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "c19f4c63-2279-4107-925d-9768f1839b1a", "question": "Who is the grandmother of Stevie Carr?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Arianna Carr" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandmother(\"Stevie Carr\", Y_2)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "_4", "?" ], "type": 15, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "f8e055ae-301e-4aad-9d0d-7a9047c6e53a", "question": "Who is the male cousin of Hector Henriquez?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Gino Sampson", "Newton Tackett", "Sanford Sampson" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "male_cousin(\"Hector Henriquez\", Y_2)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "_4", "?" ], "type": 15, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "88f8884f-299f-499e-8c45-7edc23d55253", "question": "Who is the grandfather of Michelle Mcinnis?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "King Mcinnis", "Lance Flournoy" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandfather(\"Michelle Mcinnis\", Y_2)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "_4", "?" ], "type": 15, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "f014b030-9a07-4bfb-8acd-bd6e300f8a03", "question": "Who is the brother-in-law of Emilia Englert?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Emilio Englert", "Haywood Englert" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "brother_in_law(\"Emilia Englert\", Y_2)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "_4", "?" ], "type": 15, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "6f4a678b-4116-4443-8ab3-9dcbae6efab3", "question": "Who is the child of Lindsey Hartwell?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Torrie Carnahan", "Zachary Hartwell" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "child(\"Lindsey Hartwell\", Y_2)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "_4", "?" ], "type": 15, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "38f78351-c247-4c73-ad53-bec2a0dc151b", "question": "Who is the person whose occupation is podiatrist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Barbar Cortes", "Damian Sherwin", "Deja Hendrick", "Nancy Mallett", "Rueben Yocum", "Shari Townsend", "Tina Rumph", "Wilfredo Mckeown", "Zana Silvers" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_2, \"podiatrist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the person whose", "_3", "is", "_3", "?" ], "type": 16, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "79a9e8bb-b2bc-4570-b378-26a48d73e23f", "question": "Who is the person whose hobby is guerrilla gardening?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Jonathan Rosenberger", "Kerrie Merchant", "Marlana Langley", "Morgan Hackler", "Rowena Hudgens" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_2, \"guerrilla gardening\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the person whose", "_3", "is", "_3", "?" ], "type": 16, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "7437b17a-98b0-4579-a428-6d4dd0ea07d0", "question": "Who is the person whose date of birth is 0976-08-12?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Jeanette Byrd" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_2, \"0976-08-12\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the person whose", "_3", "is", "_3", "?" ], "type": 16, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "aa0e8e67-68b7-4424-91d6-fc781c3c466a", "question": "Who is the person whose hobby is mineral collecting?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Andy Kurtz", "Aron Forrester", "Benny Heffner", "Bonnie Heaton", "Clint Huss", "Danilo Seaman", "Davis Pinto", "Delpha Grayson", "Demetra Burnett", "Ella Xiong", "Eva Mcclintock", "Franklin Shaner", "Georgette Abernathy", "Gerard Clayton", "Giovanni Vela", "Giuseppe Newlin", "Gwendolyn Stricklin", "Hannah Ruggles", "Jacob Kiger", "Jada Gabel", "Jada Hazzard", "Kirsten Matias", "Kisha Barela", "Kristofer Acuna", "Kyra Flanagan", "Lewis Salem", "Lucio Elias", "Madalene Barbee", "Mariah Lanier", "Mariann Salem", "Mattie Grady", "Minerva Lupo", "Monserrate Molnar", "Nathaniel Oxford", "Phillip Cureton", "Phyllis Page", "Ronnie Brake", "Roxanne Brake", "Rusty Roll", "Velia Sun", "Virgie Pruitt", "Willis Askew", "Willis Bowens", "Yolanda Philpott", "Yolanda Spurgeon" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_2, \"mineral collecting\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the person whose", "_3", "is", "_3", "?" ], "type": 16, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "4743d066-3ac4-4a5e-99ea-ccc3c0e83279", "question": "Who is the person whose date of birth is 0913-11-09?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Velia Grady" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_2, \"0913-11-09\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the person whose", "_3", "is", "_3", "?" ], "type": 16, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "798aa4e4-a205-4891-9028-8b662edbb683", "question": "Who is the person whose occupation is fast food restaurant manager?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Cecil Gupta", "Danny Hicks", "Lauren Bolen", "Lewis Salem", "Matilda Luker", "Matt Davidson", "Natacha Benoit", "Stevie Carr", "Vita Sipple" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_2, \"fast food restaurant manager\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the person whose", "_3", "is", "_3", "?" ], "type": 16, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "e7f06e90-28f4-4461-abeb-24cc2af9c93a", "question": "Who is the person whose hobby is rock balancing?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Allyson Starnes", "Alton Dial", "Alvaro Gorski", "Belva Boothe", "Carleen Neri", "Carlo Tackett", "Carroll Provost", "Cecil Hatten", "Concepcion Cosme", "Cornelius Stoltzfus", "Craig Kramer", "Desiree Emory", "Dollie Duque", "Donald Dean", "Dustin Red", "Edwina Berrios", "Emerson Landrum", "Erick Volz", "Ernesto Volz", "Estella Cofer", "Felix Red", "Gregg Brand", "Gregorio Doyle", "Guy Albanese", "Hector Henriquez", "Ignacio Ratcliff", "Ignacio Yarbrough", "Jacqueline Mcginn", "Jeannine Pickard", "Jude Jamerson", "Kanesha Barone", "Kimberely Menchaca", "Konstantin More", "Lashanda Bowlin", "Leana Carillo", "Lenora Goetz", "Leota Michaelson", "Lindsey Stricklin", "Lonny Breland", "Lowell Englert", "Luisa Thornton", "Mai Storer", "Margie Wilt", "Michelle Donner", "Mike Friend", "Monique Delatorre", "Neal Grayson", "Ned Jaworski", "Pedro Langley", "Pedro Omalley", "Peter Verduzco", "Ramon Heffner", "Roland Lum", "Rosie Hartman", "Shaunna Dudley", "Stephan Parrott", "Tessie Mann", "Tommie Weems", "Viva Lafontaine", "Whitney Whited", "Wilson Vann" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_2, \"rock balancing\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the person whose", "_3", "is", "_3", "?" ], "type": 16, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "6f639453-9c15-4328-a039-6a83e2265ef5", "question": "Who is the person whose occupation is associate professor?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Ai Kitts", "Ayesha Weed", "Barabara Beltran", "Carter Templeton", "Emilie Horner", "Ike Marra", "Joetta Caskey", "Magdalene Tenney", "Margarite Bolin", "Michelle Mcinnis", "Monique Condon", "Olin Sipple", "Shelli Wooden", "Stanley Rankin", "Zoila Rawls" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_2, \"associate professor\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the person whose", "_3", "is", "_3", "?" ], "type": 16, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "9efcbe73-4168-4fdf-91f9-68991c8fdbdc", "question": "Who is the person whose occupation is glass blower?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alvaro Gorski", "Asa Ripley", "Bradford Burkholder", "Chad Huss", "Emilia Englert", "Galen Barrow", "Hector Mendes", "Lyndsey Morley", "Sharon Frechette", "Taneka Cowles" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_2, \"glass blower\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the person whose", "_3", "is", "_3", "?" ], "type": 16, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "ccf50796-4ec7-4a7c-8f62-3ddbca6ba44c", "question": "Who is the person whose date of birth is 0809-05-10?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Lindsey Hartwell" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_2, \"0809-05-10\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the person whose", "_3", "is", "_3", "?" ], "type": 16, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "87ff8d2e-fc63-4eaf-9f95-82589c58b7de", "question": "What is the date of birth of the brother of the great-grandson of the great-grandmother of the sister of the sibling of the friend of the cousin of the grandson of Damian Sherwin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0958-07-31", "0960-02-19", "0979-10-06", "0984-12-10" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "brother(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandson(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandmother(Y_9, Y_7)", "sister(Y_11, Y_9)", "sibling(Y_13, Y_11)", "friend(Y_15, Y_13)", "cousin(Y_17, Y_15)", "grandson(\"Damian Sherwin\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "?" ], "type": 17, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "c7f2a9f5-11fa-4bd0-8e2d-ac885bdfe087", "question": "What is the date of birth of the sibling of the nephew of the brother-in-law of the grandmother of the aunt of the brother-in-law of the husband of the grandmother of Stevie Carr?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0939-05-13", "0942-06-03", "0945-11-01" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "nephew(Y_7, Y_5)", "brother_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandmother(Y_11, Y_9)", "aunt(Y_13, Y_11)", "brother_in_law(Y_15, Y_13)", "husband(Y_17, Y_15)", "grandmother(\"Stevie Carr\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "?" ], "type": 17, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "b37422af-545b-4955-bca0-2f92f707cce5", "question": "What is the date of birth of the grandchild of the great-grandmother of the nephew of the great-uncle of the great-grandchild of the daughter-in-law of the great-grandmother of the second aunt of Lindy Carr?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0906-02-19", "0908-05-21", "0910-03-05", "0912-05-31", "0914-07-04" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandmother(Y_7, Y_5)", "nephew(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_uncle(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_grandchild(Y_13, Y_11)", "daughter_in_law(Y_15, Y_13)", "great_grandmother(Y_17, Y_15)", "second_aunt(\"Lindy Carr\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "?" ], "type": 17, "difficulty": 23 }, { "id": "c8c9ef9b-76d4-4c55-87b0-3565b52c2659", "question": "What is the date of birth of the father of the uncle of the friend of the grandparent of the great-uncle of the daughter of the friend of the great-aunt of Floyd Bowlin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0864-04-13", "0874-09-02", "0959-12-05", "0962-12-27" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "father(Y_5, Y_3)", "uncle(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandparent(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_uncle(Y_13, Y_11)", "daughter(Y_15, Y_13)", "friend(Y_17, Y_15)", "great_aunt(\"Floyd Bowlin\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "?" ], "type": 17, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "d72a2c73-ae0f-46f7-bada-b733699b26d1", "question": "What is the hobby of the daughter-in-law of the friend of the sibling of the father-in-law of the grandmother of the aunt of the sibling of the nephew of Wilmer Hagerty?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "lapel pins", "religious studies" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "daughter_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "sibling(Y_9, Y_7)", "father_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandmother(Y_13, Y_11)", "aunt(Y_15, Y_13)", "sibling(Y_17, Y_15)", "nephew(\"Wilmer Hagerty\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "?" ], "type": 17, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "d753b09d-be95-45ae-a723-61fc066e12fc", "question": "What is the hobby of the grandchild of the grandparent of the great-grandchild of the grandparent of the male cousin of the niece of the cousin of the friend of Daphne Volz?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "antiquities", "hiking", "learning", "meteorology", "slot car" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandparent(Y_11, Y_9)", "male_cousin(Y_13, Y_11)", "niece(Y_15, Y_13)", "cousin(Y_17, Y_15)", "friend(\"Daphne Volz\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "?" ], "type": 17, "difficulty": 19 }, { "id": "ab75c8c8-9f26-431b-b018-849c20451a96", "question": "What is the occupation of the nephew of the great-granddaughter of the great-grandmother of the great-grandchild of the great-grandparent of the brother of the son of the sister-in-law of Carina Sotelo?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "commercial surveyor", "dispensing optician" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "nephew(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_granddaughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandmother(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_grandparent(Y_13, Y_11)", "brother(Y_15, Y_13)", "son(Y_17, Y_15)", "sister_in_law(\"Carina Sotelo\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "?" ], "type": 17, "difficulty": 19 }, { "id": "8ac7cc2e-51d1-4eb4-ae32-04864bd06524", "question": "What is the date of birth of the aunt of the second aunt of the female first cousin once removed of the cousin of the cousin of the sibling of the niece of the second aunt of Ignacio Ratcliff?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0944-09-13" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "second_aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_9, Y_7)", "cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "cousin(Y_13, Y_11)", "sibling(Y_15, Y_13)", "niece(Y_17, Y_15)", "second_aunt(\"Ignacio Ratcliff\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "?" ], "type": 17, "difficulty": 24 }, { "id": "1f7ab39a-700e-49fe-b1f2-1b47f637a807", "question": "What is the hobby of the uncle of the uncle of the great-grandson of the father-in-law of the husband of the female first cousin once removed of the cousin of the cousin of Myles Friend?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "jurisprudential", "notaphily", "orienteering" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "uncle(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandson(Y_9, Y_7)", "father_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "husband(Y_13, Y_11)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_15, Y_13)", "cousin(Y_17, Y_15)", "cousin(\"Myles Friend\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "?" ], "type": 17, "difficulty": 21 }, { "id": "a27f1644-17a8-48e3-a409-06ea3cc76359", "question": "What is the hobby of the brother-in-law of the father of the sibling of the female cousin of the friend of the grandparent of the niece of the great-uncle of Florence Doyle?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "auto audiophilia", "rugby league football" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "brother_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "father(Y_7, Y_5)", "sibling(Y_9, Y_7)", "female_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "friend(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandparent(Y_15, Y_13)", "niece(Y_17, Y_15)", "great_uncle(\"Florence Doyle\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "?" ], "type": 17, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "33ae3936-3ece-4a16-b7e1-1de19e5d480d", "question": "What is the date of birth of the nephew of the friend of the grandmother of the child of the child of the friend of the great-grandchild of the person whose occupation is podiatrist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0873-11-26", "0917-07-15", "0919-01-23", "0921-06-04", "0922-09-26", "0923-06-06", "0923-07-06", "0935-12-10", "0941-09-21", "0947-04-04", "0953-03-24", "0953-06-05", "0955-10-16", "0956-04-19", "0956-07-08", "0957-01-20", "0960-08-10", "0961-09-11", "0962-02-06", "0966-12-19", "0975-05-01", "0977-04-08", "0978-11-08", "0981-05-10", "0981-09-02", "0984-03-28", "0985-07-08", "0987-08-27", "0987-11-25", "0988-07-12", "0989-01-31", "0989-06-13", "0992-03-09", "0993-06-10", "0994-01-24", "0994-12-29", "0995-03-07", "0995-04-21", "0995-10-04", "0998-01-21", "0999-12-03", "1001-11-12", "1005-11-21", "1016-07-24", "1019-10-06", "1022-02-14", "1022-07-19", "1030-03-30" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "nephew(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandmother(Y_9, Y_7)", "child(Y_11, Y_9)", "child(Y_13, Y_11)", "friend(Y_15, Y_13)", "great_grandchild(Y_17, Y_15)", "job(Y_17, \"podiatrist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "?" ], "type": 18, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "9421611e-f5a7-460b-9d1f-045b5e57bdcf", "question": "What is the date of birth of the child of the daughter-in-law of the father-in-law of the great-grandparent of the daughter of the second uncle of the aunt of the person whose occupation is fast food restaurant manager?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0906-02-19", "0908-05-21", "0910-03-05", "0912-05-31", "0914-07-04" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "daughter_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "father_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandparent(Y_11, Y_9)", "daughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "second_uncle(Y_15, Y_13)", "aunt(Y_17, Y_15)", "job(Y_17, \"fast food restaurant manager\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "?" ], "type": 18, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "c14f1399-bc9c-40ee-89d8-be0afb3f2d8d", "question": "What is the date of birth of the grandchild of the great-grandparent of the great-aunt of the nephew of the female cousin of the nephew of the second uncle of the person whose hobby is story writing?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0906-02-19", "0908-05-21", "0910-03-05", "0912-05-31", "0914-07-04" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "nephew(Y_11, Y_9)", "female_cousin(Y_13, Y_11)", "nephew(Y_15, Y_13)", "second_uncle(Y_17, Y_15)", "hobby(Y_17, \"story writing\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "?" ], "type": 18, "difficulty": 21 }, { "id": "2201e0c1-a3fb-4412-bb45-5d18ce0c7776", "question": "What is the date of birth of the great-grandmother of the daughter of the son-in-law of the husband of the niece of the child of the friend of the person whose occupation is social researcher?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0913-11-11", "0924-01-18", "0958-06-06", "1009-05-18" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_grandmother(Y_5, Y_3)", "daughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "son_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "husband(Y_11, Y_9)", "niece(Y_13, Y_11)", "child(Y_15, Y_13)", "friend(Y_17, Y_15)", "job(Y_17, \"social researcher\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "?" ], "type": 18, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "f08ca543-d051-4bf8-bb9e-c6d253786710", "question": "What is the hobby of the friend of the friend of the child of the great-grandparent of the granddaughter of the grandchild of the parent of the person whose hobby is social studies?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "aircraft spotting", "animation", "archaeology", "association football", "audiophile", "badminton", "beauty pageants", "beekeeping", "benchmarking", "boxing", "car tuning", "cartophily", "cheerleading", "croquet", "deltiology", "element collecting", "farming", "fishkeeping", "flower collecting and pressing", "geocaching", "gongoozling", "jumping rope", "kart racing", "lapel pins", "learning", "leaves", "life science", "magic", "magnet fishing", "meditation", "meteorology", "mineral collecting", "mini golf", "people-watching", "photography", "religious studies", "rowing", "rugby league football", "science and technology studies", "scutelliphily", "sea glass collecting", "seashell collecting", "shogi", "shortwave listening", "snowboarding", "snowmobiling", "story writing", "survivalism", "trapshooting", "vintage cars", "vr gaming", "whale watching" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "child(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandparent(Y_11, Y_9)", "granddaughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandchild(Y_15, Y_13)", "parent(Y_17, Y_15)", "hobby(Y_17, \"social studies\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "?" ], "type": 18, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "add2d460-a079-492c-8941-db9e013af962", "question": "What is the hobby of the wife of the uncle of the great-grandchild of the brother of the second aunt of the cousin of the husband of the person whose hobby is publishing?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "insect collecting", "photography" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "wife(Y_5, Y_3)", "uncle(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother(Y_11, Y_9)", "second_aunt(Y_13, Y_11)", "cousin(Y_15, Y_13)", "husband(Y_17, Y_15)", "hobby(Y_17, \"publishing\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "?" ], "type": 18, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "0a0d21a5-3f85-4b8f-8144-efd7652a8041", "question": "What is the occupation of the cousin of the male cousin of the nephew of the male cousin of the daughter of the brother of the mother-in-law of the person whose occupation is technical brewer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "arboriculturist", "clinical cytogeneticist", "clinical psychologist", "games developer", "insurance underwriter", "minerals surveyor", "oncologist", "research officer", "technical sales engineer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "male_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "nephew(Y_9, Y_7)", "male_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "daughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "brother(Y_15, Y_13)", "mother_in_law(Y_17, Y_15)", "job(Y_17, \"technical brewer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "?" ], "type": 18, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "22e1ca9c-833b-4f21-aea8-2a8070f19ed9", "question": "What is the date of birth of the aunt of the second aunt of the female first cousin once removed of the cousin of the cousin of the sibling of the great-aunt of the person whose hobby is rock balancing?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0926-09-23", "0944-09-13" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "second_aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_9, Y_7)", "cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "cousin(Y_13, Y_11)", "sibling(Y_15, Y_13)", "great_aunt(Y_17, Y_15)", "hobby(Y_17, \"rock balancing\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "?" ], "type": 18, "difficulty": 22 }, { "id": "fe8f6e12-7461-4d8c-9ea3-401078395db7", "question": "What is the hobby of the aunt of the sister of the second uncle of the friend of the husband of the female cousin of the female cousin of the person whose occupation is physiotherapist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "table football" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister(Y_7, Y_5)", "second_uncle(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(Y_11, Y_9)", "husband(Y_13, Y_11)", "female_cousin(Y_15, Y_13)", "female_cousin(Y_17, Y_15)", "job(Y_17, \"physiotherapist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "?" ], "type": 18, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "d336ca27-7d7b-4bd6-9182-c96a78023c47", "question": "What is the hobby of the great-grandparent of the sibling of the sibling of the sister-in-law of the friend of the father-in-law of the great-grandmother of the person whose occupation is mechanical engineer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "knowledge/word games", "metal detecting" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "sibling(Y_9, Y_7)", "sister_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "friend(Y_13, Y_11)", "father_in_law(Y_15, Y_13)", "great_grandmother(Y_17, Y_15)", "job(Y_17, \"mechanical engineer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "?" ], "type": 18, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "a987e7f9-b286-4fd5-bb24-685786d1637c", "question": "What is the date of birth of the great-grandson of the great-grandmother of the sister of the sibling of the friend of the cousin of the grandson of Damian Sherwin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0958-07-31", "0960-02-19", "0979-10-06", "0984-12-10" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_grandson(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandmother(Y_7, Y_5)", "sister(Y_9, Y_7)", "sibling(Y_11, Y_9)", "friend(Y_13, Y_11)", "cousin(Y_15, Y_13)", "grandson(\"Damian Sherwin\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "?" ], "type": 19, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "b25a8412-7694-49cb-bdcb-40947ded1cf3", "question": "What is the occupation of the nephew of the aunt of the uncle of the friend of the aunt of the grandchild of the great-grandfather of Cheree Dodge?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "IT consultant", "government social research officer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "nephew(Y_5, Y_3)", "aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "uncle(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(Y_11, Y_9)", "aunt(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandchild(Y_15, Y_13)", "great_grandfather(\"Cheree Dodge\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "?" ], "type": 19, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "08d36ac3-f616-440b-add1-cb14b4890e55", "question": "What is the occupation of the mother of the sister-in-law of the great-grandparent of the male first cousin once removed of the male second cousin of the friend of the child of Lindsey Hartwell?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "historic buildings inspector" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "mother(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_11, Y_9)", "male_second_cousin(Y_13, Y_11)", "friend(Y_15, Y_13)", "child(\"Lindsey Hartwell\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "?" ], "type": 19, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "cebf0eb8-9355-4651-9ab0-8615b7cd9ffd", "question": "What is the occupation of the grandmother of the sister of the friend of the great-aunt of the son of the grandparent of the child of Rusty Caputo?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "architectural technologist", "illustrator", "neurosurgeon", "operations geologist", "theatre director" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandmother(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_aunt(Y_11, Y_9)", "son(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandparent(Y_15, Y_13)", "child(\"Rusty Caputo\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "?" ], "type": 19, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "32794142-92d4-492a-b9fe-1ba284ce0013", "question": "What is the occupation of the child of the parent of the great-grandchild of the parent of the nephew of the niece of the aunt of Eugene Valentine?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "clinical embryologist", "occupational hygienist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "parent(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "parent(Y_11, Y_9)", "nephew(Y_13, Y_11)", "niece(Y_15, Y_13)", "aunt(\"Eugene Valentine\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "?" ], "type": 19, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "17531591-5013-4263-88b8-3dc50a509e02", "question": "What is the occupation of the niece of the great-grandchild of the son of the friend of the great-grandparent of the friend of the sibling of Kareem Stevenson?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "architectural technologist", "armed forces technical officer", "chemical engineer", "farm manager", "fashion designer", "investment analyst", "pharmacist", "retail buyer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "niece(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "son(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_grandparent(Y_13, Y_11)", "friend(Y_15, Y_13)", "sibling(\"Kareem Stevenson\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "?" ], "type": 19, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "45b14ab1-081c-4cbe-a69e-e07615ef1282", "question": "What is the date of birth of the father-in-law of the grandmother of the friend of the grandchild of the father of the great-granddaughter of the grandparent of Kirsten Donner?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0912-09-08", "0912-12-14", "0932-12-15", "0958-04-13" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "father_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandmother(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "father(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_granddaughter(Y_15, Y_13)", "grandparent(\"Kirsten Donner\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "?" ], "type": 19, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "1fc3b614-9fec-4a09-8669-8c55f6408d5a", "question": "What is the hobby of the second aunt of the male cousin of the nephew of the great-grandchild of the daughter-in-law of the great-grandparent of the brother-in-law of Madaline Lugo?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "badminton", "baton twirling" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "second_aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "male_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "nephew(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "daughter_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_grandparent(Y_15, Y_13)", "brother_in_law(\"Madaline Lugo\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "?" ], "type": 19, "difficulty": 20 }, { "id": "ea610e86-d354-42a5-af7f-69207da528c8", "question": "What is the occupation of the mother of the nephew of the cousin of the great-grandson of the great-grandparent of the sister-in-law of the parent of Nydia Jasper?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "clinical cytogeneticist", "early years teacher" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "mother(Y_5, Y_3)", "nephew(Y_7, Y_5)", "cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandson(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_grandparent(Y_13, Y_11)", "sister_in_law(Y_15, Y_13)", "parent(\"Nydia Jasper\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "?" ], "type": 19, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "a83ea03b-01be-42fd-a103-80c3c12f29fc", "question": "What is the hobby of the grandparent of the mother of the sister-in-law of the daughter-in-law of the grandparent of the male second cousin of the friend of Autumn Brundage?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "butterfly watching", "entrepreneurship" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "mother(Y_7, Y_5)", "sister_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "daughter_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandparent(Y_13, Y_11)", "male_second_cousin(Y_15, Y_13)", "friend(\"Autumn Brundage\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "?" ], "type": 19, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "e0d51aae-12a4-455e-87c2-559258574145", "question": "What is the date of birth of the friend of the grandmother of the child of the child of the friend of the great-grandchild of the person whose occupation is podiatrist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0823-06-25", "0825-11-23", "0831-02-27", "0843-08-25", "0847-03-08", "0850-03-03", "0860-06-11", "0867-05-08", "0868-01-13", "0872-08-04", "0872-12-19", "0874-08-11", "0874-09-02", "0887-06-02", "0887-12-06", "0891-08-04", "0892-11-03", "0893-01-20", "0896-11-27", "0898-08-24", "0900-08-08", "0903-09-20", "0904-12-24", "0906-05-15", "0906-08-02", "0908-05-18", "0909-01-08", "0910-08-06", "0912-03-06", "0913-02-05", "0916-12-08", "0917-07-12", "0918-07-19", "0923-08-11", "0925-06-28", "0927-09-09", "0929-04-20", "0931-01-03", "0934-12-08", "0935-11-21", "0936-03-27", "0938-08-05", "0945-09-08", "0945-12-01", "0946-02-25", "0949-12-19", "0950-06-22", "0950-11-04", "0950-11-26", "0951-09-25", "0953-07-20", "0954-03-05", "0955-02-08", "0957-09-03", "0957-09-19", "0957-11-23", "0958-04-16", "0959-06-06", "0959-10-24", "0960-02-12", "0960-10-21", "0961-07-09", "0961-08-14", "0962-04-16", "0963-02-03", "0963-04-13", "0965-05-13", "0965-07-28", "0967-09-23", "0970-06-10", "0970-06-27", "0970-07-14", "0972-06-02", "0972-06-12", "0974-10-24", "0979-04-28", "0979-05-02", "0979-06-05", "0980-05-07", "0980-07-04", "0981-10-06", "0982-07-19", "0985-03-28", "0987-03-24", "0989-06-13", "0989-11-28", "0993-02-11", "0995-07-02", "0997-10-08", "0999-01-12", "1001-06-27", "1001-07-30", "1003-02-13", "1005-05-28", "1006-05-03", "1007-09-05", "1007-10-06", "1009-09-25", "1012-03-03", "1014-10-13", "1016-09-24", "1017-07-22", "1028-07-18", "1031-02-27", "1033-07-02", "1037-08-10", "1060-04-19", "1064-02-15", "1068-05-20", "1070-04-22", "1071-01-03", "1126-07-08" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandmother(Y_7, Y_5)", "child(Y_9, Y_7)", "child(Y_11, Y_9)", "friend(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_grandchild(Y_15, Y_13)", "job(Y_15, \"podiatrist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "?" ], "type": 20, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "9aa468ea-6f82-4ce5-b778-7c72997264e8", "question": "What is the occupation of the daughter-in-law of the grandparent of the granddaughter of the great-grandmother of the aunt of the niece of the person whose hobby is flower collecting and pressing?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "dance movement psychotherapist", "designer", "editor", "gaffer", "housing manager", "illustrator", "lexicographer", "press photographer", "programme researcher", "sports administrator", "television floor manager" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "daughter_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "granddaughter(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandmother(Y_11, Y_9)", "aunt(Y_13, Y_11)", "niece(Y_15, Y_13)", "hobby(Y_15, \"flower collecting and pressing\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "?" ], "type": 20, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "3194ea22-c5fb-49e9-b576-f14f542438a4", "question": "What is the occupation of the grandmother of the great-grandchild of the grandparent of the male second cousin of the granddaughter of the great-grandson of the person whose date of birth is 0809-05-10?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "advertising account executive", "hospital doctor" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandmother(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "male_second_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "granddaughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_grandson(Y_15, Y_13)", "dob(Y_15, \"0809-05-10\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "?" ], "type": 20, "difficulty": 19 }, { "id": "b74f72ad-d2b4-4087-af58-f98e5206c7e3", "question": "What is the occupation of the brother of the aunt of the male cousin of the daughter of the husband of the grandparent of the person whose date of birth is 0980-10-20?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "civil service administrator", "music therapist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "brother(Y_5, Y_3)", "aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "male_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "daughter(Y_11, Y_9)", "husband(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandparent(Y_15, Y_13)", "dob(Y_15, \"0980-10-20\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "?" ], "type": 20, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "7738b578-00fd-407d-83da-d17311adfe13", "question": "What is the occupation of the uncle of the father of the male cousin of the parent of the daughter of the son-in-law of the person whose date of birth is 0963-02-20?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "film editor", "radio broadcast assistant" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "father(Y_7, Y_5)", "male_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "parent(Y_11, Y_9)", "daughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "son_in_law(Y_15, Y_13)", "dob(Y_15, \"0963-02-20\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "?" ], "type": 20, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "ce3edff5-1926-4df8-8148-a8a7ecd99cdc", "question": "What is the occupation of the father of the nephew of the son of the friend of the grandmother of the second aunt of the person whose date of birth is 1005-09-15?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "sports administrator" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "father(Y_5, Y_3)", "nephew(Y_7, Y_5)", "son(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandmother(Y_13, Y_11)", "second_aunt(Y_15, Y_13)", "dob(Y_15, \"1005-09-15\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "?" ], "type": 20, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "9e9cd1c1-022c-4931-a0fd-d10691f67ec5", "question": "What is the date of birth of the nephew of the grandson of the friend of the uncle of the child of the female cousin of the person whose date of birth is 0983-10-31?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0955-03-12" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "nephew(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandson(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "uncle(Y_11, Y_9)", "child(Y_13, Y_11)", "female_cousin(Y_15, Y_13)", "dob(Y_15, \"0983-10-31\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "?" ], "type": 20, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "66b5fab4-b9b9-4ece-9995-de17f7a091d5", "question": "What is the hobby of the second uncle of the male cousin of the nephew of the great-grandchild of the grandparent of the brother-in-law of the person whose occupation is barista?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "book folding", "geocaching" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "second_uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "male_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "nephew(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandparent(Y_13, Y_11)", "brother_in_law(Y_15, Y_13)", "job(Y_15, \"barista\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "?" ], "type": 20, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "2bc14ab0-98ef-4d8b-901f-fde07717fbbd", "question": "What is the occupation of the sibling of the uncle of the great-uncle of the great-grandchild of the great-grandmother of the male cousin of the person whose date of birth is 1008-05-08?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "editor", "information systems manager", "lexicographer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "uncle(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_uncle(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_grandmother(Y_13, Y_11)", "male_cousin(Y_15, Y_13)", "dob(Y_15, \"1008-05-08\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "?" ], "type": 20, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "9f90128f-8c12-40e1-8f9e-bfc32f40e32d", "question": "What is the hobby of the son of the grandparent of the great-granddaughter of the great-grandparent of the daughter of the friend of the person whose hobby is amateur astronomy?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "air sports", "animal fancy", "ant farming", "ant-keeping", "archery", "astronomy", "auto audiophilia", "axe throwing", "beekeeping", "birdwatching", "bodybuilding", "book collecting", "botany", "bus spotting", "butterfly watching", "chess", "coin collecting", "color guard", "compact discs", "dancing", "dandyism", "darts", "dolls", "element collecting", "fencing", "finance", "fishkeeping", "flower collecting and pressing", "geography", "gold prospecting", "gongoozling", "gymnastics", "herping", "history", "iceboat racing", "leaves", "medical science", "meditation", "meteorology", "microscopy", "mycology", "people-watching", "philately", "phillumeny", "photography", "physics", "rail transport modelling", "reading", "religious studies", "renovating", "research", "roller derby", "running", "satellite watching", "seashell collecting", "shogi", "shortwave listening", "slot car", "snowmobiling", "social studies", "stone collecting", "swimming", "table tennis", "transit map collecting", "ultimate frisbee", "vintage cars", "volleyball", "water polo" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "son(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_granddaughter(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandparent(Y_11, Y_9)", "daughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "friend(Y_15, Y_13)", "hobby(Y_15, \"amateur astronomy\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "?" ], "type": 20, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "d9d5ee38-cde4-459b-9843-33f048e69af7", "question": "What is the hobby of the great-grandmother of the sister of the sibling of the friend of the cousin of the grandson of Damian Sherwin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "fishkeeping", "flower collecting and pressing", "meteorology", "squash", "stone collecting" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_grandmother(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister(Y_7, Y_5)", "sibling(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(Y_11, Y_9)", "cousin(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandson(\"Damian Sherwin\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "?" ], "type": 21, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "59fcbf76-0a07-4b70-824c-7cc740b0a02b", "question": "What is the occupation of the grandparent of the great-grandchild of the grandparent of the grandchild of the great-grandchild of the father-in-law of Velia Grady?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "advertising account planner", "chief executive officer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_grandchild(Y_13, Y_11)", "father_in_law(\"Velia Grady\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "?" ], "type": 21, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "c4654624-2117-45ee-a3c9-7e52b9e5dd06", "question": "What is the occupation of the male cousin of the great-grandson of the grandparent of the sibling of the sibling of the brother-in-law of Emilia Englert?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "bookseller", "clinical cytogeneticist", "development worker", "doctor", "electrical engineer", "health visitor", "licensed conveyancer", "soil scientist", "sports administrator" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "male_cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandson(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "sibling(Y_11, Y_9)", "sibling(Y_13, Y_11)", "brother_in_law(\"Emilia Englert\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "?" ], "type": 21, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "942453b2-d5b7-46f3-98d3-02e181cad3e8", "question": "What is the occupation of the sister of the aunt of the daughter of the son-in-law of the grandfather of the grandchild of Renaldo Koerner?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "brewing technologist", "copywriter", "marine scientist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "sister(Y_5, Y_3)", "aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "daughter(Y_9, Y_7)", "son_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandfather(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandchild(\"Renaldo Koerner\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "?" ], "type": 21, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "32172037-8867-4ea2-839a-4d6c69cae0f2", "question": "What is the date of birth of the niece of the grandparent of the male second cousin of the daughter of the sister of the daughter of Lynelle Huynh?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0980-02-07", "0982-05-02" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "niece(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "male_second_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "daughter(Y_11, Y_9)", "sister(Y_13, Y_11)", "daughter(\"Lynelle Huynh\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "?" ], "type": 21, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "ba69eb3a-9f4c-4a12-a4b9-9cb1db15f6c6", "question": "What is the hobby of the sibling of the father-in-law of the grandmother of the aunt of the sibling of the nephew of Wilmer Hagerty?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "reading" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "father_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandmother(Y_9, Y_7)", "aunt(Y_11, Y_9)", "sibling(Y_13, Y_11)", "nephew(\"Wilmer Hagerty\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "?" ], "type": 21, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "6a4598fb-bdd3-4725-899a-b6f420951380", "question": "What is the date of birth of the second aunt of the grandchild of the brother of the sister-in-law of the son of the friend of Tyrell Taylor?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0886-02-05" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "second_aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "brother(Y_9, Y_7)", "sister_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "son(Y_13, Y_11)", "friend(\"Tyrell Taylor\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "?" ], "type": 21, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "6d61c9cc-0756-4b63-b7f8-edad3b8efa50", "question": "What is the date of birth of the granddaughter of the husband of the mother-in-law of the friend of the brother of the sibling of Jarred Lanier?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0981-05-25", "0984-07-21", "0988-09-19", "1000-12-03", "1013-06-26", "1013-07-07" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "husband(Y_7, Y_5)", "mother_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(Y_11, Y_9)", "brother(Y_13, Y_11)", "sibling(\"Jarred Lanier\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "?" ], "type": 21, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "8411b285-9dd9-47b5-9701-408cc7c4644e", "question": "What is the hobby of the cousin of the great-uncle of the nephew of the great-granddaughter of the great-grandmother of the male cousin of Jamaal Sotelo?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "audiophile", "cycling", "engineering" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_uncle(Y_7, Y_5)", "nephew(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_granddaughter(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_grandmother(Y_13, Y_11)", "male_cousin(\"Jamaal Sotelo\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "?" ], "type": 21, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "f5bbe613-5a8e-41b2-8371-4f5ff8dbc2ac", "question": "What is the date of birth of the nephew of the cousin of the great-grandson of the great-grandparent of the sister-in-law of the parent of Nydia Jasper?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1010-03-24", "1016-07-24" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "nephew(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandson(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandparent(Y_11, Y_9)", "sister_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "parent(\"Nydia Jasper\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "?" ], "type": 21, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "e9ebbd34-d2d3-4f6e-8302-adc65ad3caa4", "question": "What is the hobby of the grandmother of the child of the child of the friend of the great-grandchild of the person whose occupation is podiatrist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "amateur astronomy", "ant farming", "antiquities", "audiophile", "ballroom dancing", "boxing", "bridge", "bus spotting", "business", "butterfly watching", "car riding", "crystals", "finance", "flying disc", "fossil hunting", "handball", "inline skating", "long-distance running", "medical science", "metal detecting", "microbiology", "model united nations", "mycology", "photography", "race walking", "reading", "record collecting", "tourism", "vegetable farming", "whale watching" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandmother(Y_5, Y_3)", "child(Y_7, Y_5)", "child(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_grandchild(Y_13, Y_11)", "job(Y_13, \"podiatrist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "?" ], "type": 22, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "48414e73-ae20-4b2d-8bb0-bd288152aee6", "question": "What is the occupation of the granddaughter of the grandmother of the aunt of the grandson of the friend of the person whose date of birth is 0913-11-09?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "civil service administrator", "government social research officer", "solicitor", "television floor manager" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandmother(Y_7, Y_5)", "aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandson(Y_11, Y_9)", "friend(Y_13, Y_11)", "dob(Y_13, \"0913-11-09\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "?" ], "type": 22, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "095bf15d-ac7a-4ae2-ae6b-6fd365130b3d", "question": "What is the occupation of the male cousin of the female cousin of the male cousin of the sibling of the son of the person whose occupation is glass blower?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "bonds trader", "bookseller", "clinical cytogeneticist", "development worker", "doctor", "education administrator", "electrical engineer", "energy engineer", "health visitor", "investment banker", "licensed conveyancer", "soil scientist", "sports administrator" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "male_cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "female_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "male_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "sibling(Y_11, Y_9)", "son(Y_13, Y_11)", "job(Y_13, \"glass blower\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "?" ], "type": 22, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "9c6c4b64-947c-4f99-b53e-680de5460434", "question": "What is the occupation of the husband of the grandmother of the son of the great-grandparent of the father-in-law of the person whose date of birth is 0979-05-02?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "chief financial officer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "husband(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandmother(Y_7, Y_5)", "son(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandparent(Y_11, Y_9)", "father_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "dob(Y_13, \"0979-05-02\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "?" ], "type": 22, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "9b572def-e6d0-41e7-9bac-b8fdaad02adb", "question": "What is the date of birth of the great-aunt of the brother of the great-grandson of the great-grandparent of the grandchild of the person whose date of birth is 0948-02-09?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0951-09-27", "0953-12-10", "0957-02-03" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "brother(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandson(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandparent(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandchild(Y_13, Y_11)", "dob(Y_13, \"0948-02-09\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "?" ], "type": 22, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "8082d0bf-8a59-49bc-a426-194596abaa05", "question": "What is the hobby of the child of the great-grandparent of the granddaughter of the grandchild of the parent of the person whose hobby is social studies?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "audiophile", "benchmarking", "boxing", "croquet", "kart racing", "leaves", "people-watching" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "granddaughter(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "parent(Y_13, Y_11)", "hobby(Y_13, \"social studies\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "?" ], "type": 22, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "eacded50-c7c1-4d9c-a640-2667633c53ea", "question": "What is the date of birth of the male first cousin once removed of the niece of the aunt of the nephew of the sibling of the person whose hobby is whale watching?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0985-03-28", "0993-11-08", "0995-05-07", "0997-01-29", "0998-02-22", "0998-08-05", "1001-01-22", "1001-11-12", "1002-02-24", "1002-06-24", "1004-08-23", "1005-11-21", "1021-07-27", "1025-02-21", "1032-05-14", "1035-05-12", "1035-10-12", "1036-07-04", "1038-10-06", "1041-07-11", "1077-09-08" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_5, Y_3)", "niece(Y_7, Y_5)", "aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "nephew(Y_11, Y_9)", "sibling(Y_13, Y_11)", "hobby(Y_13, \"whale watching\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "?" ], "type": 22, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "33c9c260-d32d-4917-a95c-455e7053ffed", "question": "What is the date of birth of the uncle of the granddaughter of the daughter-in-law of the friend of the brother of the person whose date of birth is 0915-01-11?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0965-12-29", "1004-11-22", "1006-03-10" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "granddaughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "daughter_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(Y_11, Y_9)", "brother(Y_13, Y_11)", "dob(Y_13, \"0915-01-11\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "?" ], "type": 22, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "7617fc5c-6278-44dc-a92a-64cfa15b2ac0", "question": "What is the hobby of the great-granddaughter of the niece of the great-uncle of the male cousin of the cousin of the person whose occupation is oncologist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "birdwatching" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "niece(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_uncle(Y_9, Y_7)", "male_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "cousin(Y_13, Y_11)", "job(Y_13, \"oncologist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "?" ], "type": 22, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "26c1c4c7-d725-4e3a-8099-84a7c4a263e8", "question": "What is the date of birth of the uncle of the great-uncle of the great-grandchild of the great-grandmother of the male cousin of the person whose date of birth is 1008-05-08?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0927-11-07", "0934-05-26" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_uncle(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandmother(Y_11, Y_9)", "male_cousin(Y_13, Y_11)", "dob(Y_13, \"1008-05-08\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "?" ], "type": 22, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "bb3e25d5-3d1f-4668-a16e-2a6f79b8b925", "question": "What is the hobby of the sister of the sibling of the friend of the cousin of the grandson of Damian Sherwin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "ballroom dancing", "butterfly watching", "exhibition drill", "magnet fishing", "meditation", "metal detecting", "table football" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "sister(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandson(\"Damian Sherwin\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "?" ], "type": 23, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "dbdb582a-7999-43b5-b0cd-94d3e7483180", "question": "What is the hobby of the mother of the grandchild of the great-grandson of the father of the sister of Staci Sand?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "axe throwing", "baseball", "bus spotting", "learning", "religious studies" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "mother(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandson(Y_9, Y_7)", "father(Y_11, Y_9)", "sister(\"Staci Sand\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "?" ], "type": 23, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "78304280-29ef-4804-8e1d-5a12f6582ea9", "question": "What is the hobby of the parent of the sibling of the great-aunt of the granddaughter of the grandfather of Michelle Mcinnis?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "audiophile", "bus spotting" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "parent(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "granddaughter(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandfather(\"Michelle Mcinnis\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "?" ], "type": 23, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "9d41353f-3c10-477f-8378-26fccdba9fa3", "question": "What is the hobby of the brother-in-law of the great-grandmother of the great-granddaughter of the great-grandparent of the male first cousin once removed of Debbie Rosenberger?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "fusilately", "learning" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "brother_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandmother(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_granddaughter(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandparent(Y_11, Y_9)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(\"Debbie Rosenberger\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "?" ], "type": 23, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "4f826673-cb57-49b3-aa7f-4f46ed488ca8", "question": "What is the occupation of the uncle of the great-grandson of the grandmother of the sibling of the child of Eusebio Aparicio?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "sales executive", "social researcher", "wellsite geologist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandson(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandmother(Y_9, Y_7)", "sibling(Y_11, Y_9)", "child(\"Eusebio Aparicio\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "?" ], "type": 23, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "16cc3c01-b0fc-40b6-8aec-3c2a74daf5ff", "question": "What is the hobby of the parent of the grandchild of the grandparent of the aunt of the friend of Erik Hudgens?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "backgammon", "beauty pageants", "bowling", "car riding", "dolls", "gongoozling", "mineral collecting", "swimming", "volleyball" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "parent(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "aunt(Y_11, Y_9)", "friend(\"Erik Hudgens\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "?" ], "type": 23, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "84753090-3613-4875-ba08-de78bca39717", "question": "What is the hobby of the friend of the child of the mother-in-law of the great-grandparent of the niece of Chad Huss?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "australian rules football", "butterfly watching", "deltiology", "history", "learning", "leaves", "medical science", "motor sports", "photography", "research", "rowing", "scuba diving", "skimboarding", "survivalism" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "child(Y_7, Y_5)", "mother_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandparent(Y_11, Y_9)", "niece(\"Chad Huss\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "?" ], "type": 23, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "90bfb4e3-c101-4ff1-b1e8-616e29fb1b59", "question": "What is the date of birth of the friend of the father-in-law of the grandmother of the great-grandson of the husband of Deborah Bertram?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0850-09-01", "0941-11-13", "0969-10-28", "0972-03-19" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "father_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandmother(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandson(Y_11, Y_9)", "husband(\"Deborah Bertram\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "?" ], "type": 23, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "76e1903c-34f5-4804-a444-d8c4a58c8884", "question": "What is the date of birth of the husband of the mother-in-law of the friend of the brother of the sibling of Jarred Lanier?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0931-03-28", "0943-05-11", "0959-04-08" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "husband(Y_5, Y_3)", "mother_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother(Y_11, Y_9)", "sibling(\"Jarred Lanier\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "?" ], "type": 23, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "269c5d60-1696-4527-95e9-225d33f1b2db", "question": "What is the occupation of the nephew of the great-grandchild of the daughter-in-law of the great-grandparent of the brother-in-law of Madaline Lugo?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "English as a second language teacher", "chiropodist", "politician's assistant" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "nephew(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "daughter_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandparent(Y_11, Y_9)", "brother_in_law(\"Madaline Lugo\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "?" ], "type": 23, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "9636db1e-862e-4d6e-8c27-1173ab5bbfd8", "question": "What is the hobby of the child of the child of the friend of the great-grandchild of the person whose occupation is podiatrist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "aircraft spotting", "ant farming", "antiquities", "astronomy", "auto audiophilia", "auto detailing", "backgammon", "beauty pageants", "beekeeping", "biology", "birdwatching", "botany", "bus spotting", "butterfly watching", "canoeing", "color guard", "disc golf", "driving", "esports", "fishkeeping", "fitness", "footbag", "fossil hunting", "hooping", "horseshoes", "ice skating", "insect collecting", "jurisprudential", "learning", "life science", "magnet fishing", "martial arts", "medical science", "meditation", "metal detecting", "mini golf", "model racing", "netball", "neuroscience", "parkour", "phillumeny", "photography", "racquetball", "radio-controlled model collecting", "rail transport modelling", "reading", "record collecting", "research", "running", "satellite watching", "sea glass collecting", "shopping", "shortwave listening", "snowmobiling", "social studies", "stone collecting", "sun bathing", "table tennis playing", "trainspotting", "travel", "ultimate frisbee", "wikipedia editing", "wrestling" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "child(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "job(Y_11, \"podiatrist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "?" ], "type": 24, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "d063b696-99be-4c23-9492-45e3b289376f", "question": "What is the hobby of the brother of the cousin of the friend of the sister of the person whose date of birth is 0863-11-09?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "auto audiophilia", "chemistry", "element collecting", "films", "fossil hunting", "learning", "linguistics", "rock balancing", "skiing", "trainspotting", "web design" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "brother(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "sister(Y_11, Y_9)", "dob(Y_11, \"0863-11-09\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "?" ], "type": 24, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "72549de8-2e79-48ba-a6a0-1b695b98bf36", "question": "What is the hobby of the parent of the sibling of the niece of the great-uncle of the person whose occupation is associate professor?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "amateur geology", "beauty pageants", "book collecting", "botany", "bowling", "car riding", "darts", "field hockey", "flower collecting and pressing", "linguistics", "magnet fishing", "meditation", "myrmecology", "stuffed toy collecting", "teaching" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "parent(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "niece(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_uncle(Y_11, Y_9)", "job(Y_11, \"associate professor\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "?" ], "type": 24, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "b1e7fd6a-b880-4d95-bb52-144b9f90b9a7", "question": "What is the hobby of the cousin of the grandchild of the great-grandparent of the female cousin of the person whose hobby is ballroom dancing?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "architecture", "beekeeping", "climbing", "fishkeeping", "history", "jumping rope", "lotology", "meditation", "satellite watching", "science and technology studies", "sea glass collecting", "shogi", "shortwave listening", "tennis polo", "video gaming", "wikipedia editing" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "female_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "hobby(Y_11, \"ballroom dancing\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "?" ], "type": 24, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "9d140dac-01b1-46fc-bd63-ce82d710096d", "question": "What is the occupation of the grandchild of the friend of the daughter-in-law of the mother of the person whose date of birth is 0954-02-11?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "dietitian", "financial adviser", "housing manager", "radiation protection practitioner", "site engineer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "daughter_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "mother(Y_11, Y_9)", "dob(Y_11, \"0954-02-11\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "?" ], "type": 24, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "3c3a41d9-6957-4a13-91c0-f571f6557985", "question": "What is the hobby of the parent of the uncle of the granddaughter of the wife of the person whose hobby is tennis?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "audiophile", "compact discs", "fencing", "figure skating", "racquetball", "tennis", "vintage cars" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "parent(Y_5, Y_3)", "uncle(Y_7, Y_5)", "granddaughter(Y_9, Y_7)", "wife(Y_11, Y_9)", "hobby(Y_11, \"tennis\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "?" ], "type": 24, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "1838a01d-1ea5-4bc3-bf97-de61338986a8", "question": "What is the hobby of the friend of the daughter of the nephew of the great-uncle of the person whose date of birth is 0953-08-06?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "book collecting", "composting", "die-cast toy", "horseshoes", "medical science", "rock balancing", "roundnet", "stone skipping", "tea bag collecting" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "daughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "nephew(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_uncle(Y_11, Y_9)", "dob(Y_11, \"0953-08-06\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "?" ], "type": 24, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "8b18590b-7e67-4443-8b2e-2cc8cb16d179", "question": "What is the date of birth of the male first cousin once removed of the niece of the grandmother of the friend of the person whose date of birth is 0846-07-17?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1009-07-17" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_5, Y_3)", "niece(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandmother(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(Y_11, Y_9)", "dob(Y_11, \"0846-07-17\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "?" ], "type": 24, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "24d97ed1-3959-4575-a90e-d92011f77880", "question": "What is the date of birth of the granddaughter of the daughter-in-law of the friend of the brother of the person whose date of birth is 0915-01-11?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0998-10-10", "1035-12-12", "1076-09-15" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "daughter_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother(Y_11, Y_9)", "dob(Y_11, \"0915-01-11\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "?" ], "type": 24, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "0448885b-7f26-429b-a94f-e3ee2267fd33", "question": "What is the occupation of the nephew of the great-grandchild of the grandparent of the brother-in-law of the person whose occupation is barista?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "English as a second language teacher", "chiropodist", "politician's assistant" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "nephew(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "job(Y_11, \"barista\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "?" ], "type": 24, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "e02501bc-91d9-4e3a-ad2f-19b96192a846", "question": "What is the date of birth of the sibling of the friend of the cousin of the grandson of Damian Sherwin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0930-03-21", "0939-06-25", "0952-12-01", "0956-08-21", "0960-02-19", "0961-05-29", "0978-05-22", "0979-10-06", "0982-05-24", "0983-05-12" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandson(\"Damian Sherwin\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "?" ], "type": 25, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "8ca73365-501b-4248-984a-d9f24b64eb0f", "question": "What is the occupation of the nephew of the uncle of the child of the second uncle of Ella Xiong?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "energy manager", "race relations officer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "nephew(Y_5, Y_3)", "uncle(Y_7, Y_5)", "child(Y_9, Y_7)", "second_uncle(\"Ella Xiong\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "?" ], "type": 25, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "3b0cebb1-6bd5-4e98-9210-d8c99aba5758", "question": "What is the occupation of the cousin of the nephew of the aunt of the male cousin of Hector Henriquez?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "company secretary", "exercise physiologist", "geophysical data processor", "housing manager", "newspaper journalist", "private music teacher" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "nephew(Y_7, Y_5)", "aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "male_cousin(\"Hector Henriquez\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "?" ], "type": 25, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "587bea26-6564-4120-8f84-091531268021", "question": "What is the occupation of the male first cousin once removed of the male second cousin of the friend of the child of Lindsey Hartwell?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "community education officer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_5, Y_3)", "male_second_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "child(\"Lindsey Hartwell\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "?" ], "type": 25, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "a81e1df9-67bb-4d4f-a8dc-93bfdeca1f8b", "question": "What is the date of birth of the daughter of the son-in-law of the grandfather of the grandchild of Renaldo Koerner?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1036-02-18", "1039-07-18" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "daughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "son_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandfather(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandchild(\"Renaldo Koerner\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "?" ], "type": 25, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "b01cb30a-3b7f-4fb3-b62b-4d6c435dd9bf", "question": "What is the occupation of the great-uncle of the daughter of the friend of the great-aunt of Floyd Bowlin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "call centre manager", "firefighter", "office manager" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "daughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_aunt(\"Floyd Bowlin\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "?" ], "type": 25, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "0a9dd9b9-4a86-40c2-aae3-0ac9641a85ad", "question": "What is the hobby of the parent of the nephew of the niece of the aunt of Eugene Valentine?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "birdwatching", "debate" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "parent(Y_5, Y_3)", "nephew(Y_7, Y_5)", "niece(Y_9, Y_7)", "aunt(\"Eugene Valentine\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "?" ], "type": 25, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "3e273a53-7206-475c-9405-56109a42af52", "question": "What is the hobby of the child of the mother-in-law of the great-grandparent of the niece of Chad Huss?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "fishkeeping", "mineral collecting", "radio-controlled model playing", "role-playing games", "snowshoeing" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "mother_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "niece(\"Chad Huss\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "?" ], "type": 25, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "e0ac3c49-f54e-44ac-b642-3a57b6072342", "question": "What is the occupation of the brother of the sister-in-law of the son of the friend of Tyrell Taylor?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "technical brewer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "brother(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "son(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(\"Tyrell Taylor\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "?" ], "type": 25, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "78607eaf-4e1d-423f-8854-f1a477dd7eda", "question": "What is the hobby of the grandchild of the father of the great-granddaughter of the grandparent of Kirsten Donner?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "compact discs", "fishkeeping", "survivalism", "transit map collecting" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "father(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_granddaughter(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandparent(\"Kirsten Donner\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "?" ], "type": 25, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "8910efcb-0b36-4e4b-a4cd-4288b8bef878", "question": "What is the date of birth of the child of the friend of the great-grandchild of the person whose occupation is podiatrist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0845-01-11", "0845-09-28", "0874-12-23", "0897-01-10", "0899-12-27", "0904-12-24", "0908-06-10", "0911-10-26", "0913-07-11", "0916-11-24", "0920-02-21", "0923-09-01", "0924-03-11", "0925-09-23", "0926-04-04", "0927-02-05", "0933-05-31", "0935-10-02", "0938-03-15", "0942-09-21", "0942-12-30", "0943-11-06", "0947-05-06", "0952-04-08", "0954-02-17", "0955-04-12", "0956-02-02", "0956-04-19", "0957-04-29", "0958-10-24", "0960-03-21", "0961-03-20", "0962-02-06", "0962-02-28", "0964-09-04", "0968-09-02", "0969-12-12", "0972-02-13", "0972-11-07", "0973-10-17", "0975-09-08", "0975-11-03", "0976-07-24", "0977-04-10", "0978-11-20", "0982-02-25", "0982-03-28", "0982-10-23", "0983-05-14", "0984-06-14", "0984-08-08", "0984-08-16", "0985-09-18", "0985-10-24", "0992-12-16", "1002-04-18", "1004-09-30", "1008-05-21", "1010-01-05", "1013-09-02", "1015-01-26", "1015-08-22", "1016-08-25", "1018-11-17", "1020-07-10", "1025-02-21", "1029-06-17", "1033-06-30", "1034-08-08", "1037-11-06", "1064-04-11", "1069-03-21", "1097-09-22" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "job(Y_9, \"podiatrist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "?" ], "type": 26, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "ae57be23-1a62-4b6c-b454-042e38903310", "question": "What is the occupation of the daughter-in-law of the grandparent of the uncle of the person whose hobby is mineral collecting?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "English as a second language teacher", "accountant", "commissioning editor", "film editor", "geneticist", "herbalist", "human resources officer", "outdoor activities manager", "pharmacologist", "pilot", "site engineer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "daughter_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "uncle(Y_9, Y_7)", "hobby(Y_9, \"mineral collecting\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "?" ], "type": 26, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "b633b999-e92d-45d4-934d-08b5ff6c1ab3", "question": "What is the occupation of the cousin of the grandchild of the grandmother of the person whose hobby is rock balancing?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "acupuncturist", "adult nurse", "advertising account planner", "agricultural engineer", "ambulance person", "architect", "architectural technologist", "archivist", "armed forces technical officer", "arts administrator", "associate professor", "biomedical engineer", "bookseller", "broadcast engineer", "broadcast journalist", "building surveyor", "buyer", "careers information officer", "cartographer", "charity officer", "chartered accountant", "chartered loss adjuster", "chief marketing officer", "child psychotherapist", "chiropractor", "claims inspector", "clinical cytogeneticist", "clinical molecular geneticist", "clinical research associate", "clothing technologist", "commissioning editor", "company secretary", "computer games developer", "contracting civil engineer", "copywriter", "counselling psychologist", "cytogeneticist", "dance movement psychotherapist", "development worker", "dietitian", "diplomatic services operational officer", "doctor", "electrical engineer", "ergonomist", "exercise physiologist", "fashion designer", "fast food restaurant manager", "field trials officer", "financial adviser", "financial planner", "forest manager", "freight forwarder", "geochemist", "geophysical data processor", "geophysicist", "health promotion specialist", "health service manager", "health visitor", "heritage manager", "housing manager", "illustrator", "immigration officer", "industrial buyer", "information systems manager", "international aid worker", "investment banker", "journalist", "lexicographer", "licensed conveyancer", "location manager", "loss adjuster", "magazine journalist", "maintenance engineer", "management consultant", "market researcher", "marketing executive", "medical laboratory scientific officer", "medical sales representative", "microbiologist", "music therapist", "neurosurgeon", "newspaper journalist", "nutritional therapist", "occupational hygienist", "operational investment banker", "optician", "pharmacologist", "physiological scientist", "physiotherapist", "press photographer", "primary school teacher", "printmaker", "private music teacher", "probation officer", "psychiatrist", "psychologist", "public house manager", "public relations officer", "publishing copy", "quantity surveyor", "regulatory affairs officer", "research scientist", "risk analyst", "sales executive", "science writer", "site engineer", "soil scientist", "sound technician", "special educational needs teacher", "sports administrator", "sports coach", "sports development officer", "structural engineer", "surgeon", "tax inspector", "telecommunications researcher", "television producer", "television production assistant", "textile designer", "theatre stage manager", "tour manager", "waste management officer", "youth worker" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandmother(Y_9, Y_7)", "hobby(Y_9, \"rock balancing\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "?" ], "type": 26, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "27313394-9a6d-42e1-bc44-424f9064dc79", "question": "What is the occupation of the male second cousin of the granddaughter of the great-grandson of the person whose date of birth is 0809-05-10?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "chartered accountant", "geochemist", "heritage manager", "risk analyst", "sports coach" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "male_second_cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "granddaughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandson(Y_9, Y_7)", "dob(Y_9, \"0809-05-10\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "?" ], "type": 26, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "524ed775-8499-4be3-bf64-0fe79c140228", "question": "What is the date of birth of the son of the great-grandparent of the father-in-law of the person whose date of birth is 0979-05-02?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0896-07-05", "0900-03-26" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "son(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "father_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "dob(Y_9, \"0979-05-02\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "?" ], "type": 26, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "a7d6680b-df20-4597-891b-acf7e165ac48", "question": "What is the occupation of the niece of the child of the friend of the person whose occupation is social researcher?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "administrator", "architectural technologist", "chief operating officer", "data processing manager", "dealer", "glass blower", "horticulturist", "insurance risk surveyor", "management consultant", "medical technical officer", "osteopath", "pharmacist", "pharmacologist", "toxicologist", "writer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "niece(Y_5, Y_3)", "child(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "job(Y_9, \"social researcher\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "?" ], "type": 26, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "fb0d6113-fc0a-4a52-b6be-b9eca6cf3a24", "question": "What is the hobby of the parent of the daughter of the son-in-law of the person whose date of birth is 0963-02-20?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "baking", "sea glass collecting" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "parent(Y_5, Y_3)", "daughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "son_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "dob(Y_9, \"0963-02-20\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "?" ], "type": 26, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "777fe57c-dadf-497a-bfa3-1723e6f17ff4", "question": "What is the hobby of the daughter of the nephew of the great-uncle of the person whose date of birth is 0953-08-06?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "audiophile" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "daughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "nephew(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_uncle(Y_9, Y_7)", "dob(Y_9, \"0953-08-06\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "?" ], "type": 26, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "ed9b7edc-c8bf-4ddd-9c3c-4e747132240d", "question": "What is the occupation of the aunt of the nephew of the sibling of the person whose hobby is whale watching?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "administrator", "advertising account executive", "animal technologist", "associate professor", "broadcast engineer", "buyer", "chartered management accountant", "chief executive officer", "chief of staff", "comptroller", "corporate investment banker", "farm manager", "further education lecturer", "geneticist", "geophysicist", "health promotion specialist", "heritage manager", "higher education lecturer", "homeopath", "illustrator", "investment banker", "land surveyor", "learning disability nurse", "magazine journalist", "media buyer", "minerals surveyor", "music tutor", "network engineer", "occupational hygienist", "petroleum engineer", "photographer", "psychiatrist", "purchasing manager", "race relations officer", "research scientist", "set designer", "structural engineer", "technical sales engineer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "nephew(Y_7, Y_5)", "sibling(Y_9, Y_7)", "hobby(Y_9, \"whale watching\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "?" ], "type": 26, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "6bf360d2-0880-4365-8f6c-04020a0be20a", "question": "What is the hobby of the uncle of the child of the female cousin of the person whose date of birth is 0983-10-31?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "poker" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "child(Y_7, Y_5)", "female_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "dob(Y_9, \"0983-10-31\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "?" ], "type": 26, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "e6ae7251-648a-4edc-b658-7a2443feb34f", "question": "What is the date of birth of the friend of the cousin of the grandson of Damian Sherwin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0930-08-21", "0932-11-28", "0933-12-06", "0935-05-25", "0958-07-31", "0960-02-21", "0984-12-10", "1015-01-27", "1035-10-24" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandson(\"Damian Sherwin\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "?" ], "type": 27, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "003d7632-aaaa-4603-a70e-b0db0fdde254", "question": "What is the date of birth of the granddaughter of the friend of the friend of Kari Keys?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0922-05-03", "0924-01-18", "0952-12-01", "0956-08-21", "0961-05-29", "0980-02-07", "0982-05-02", "0982-06-06", "0998-07-08" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(\"Kari Keys\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "?" ], "type": 27, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "49bbfe6d-c5b3-49ad-a9c0-2f42a13ec265", "question": "What is the date of birth of the brother-in-law of the husband of the grandmother of Stevie Carr?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1004-02-23" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "brother_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "husband(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandmother(\"Stevie Carr\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "?" ], "type": 27, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "11a1a854-e20f-469a-8e29-723768373008", "question": "What is the date of birth of the son of the grandmother of the female cousin of Vance Parrish?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0928-09-17", "0931-03-28", "0934-11-14" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "son(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandmother(Y_7, Y_5)", "female_cousin(\"Vance Parrish\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "?" ], "type": 27, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "b76f0626-beb8-4df8-b000-fddd00635693", "question": "What is the hobby of the daughter-in-law of the great-grandmother of the second aunt of Lindy Carr?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "fossil hunting" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "daughter_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandmother(Y_7, Y_5)", "second_aunt(\"Lindy Carr\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "?" ], "type": 27, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "c7edd873-3cf0-44b8-9497-ecd63482feef", "question": "What is the date of birth of the sibling of the female second cousin of the cousin of Tomasa Macon?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0959-10-09", "0963-01-12", "0963-05-15", "0964-05-14", "0966-12-06" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "female_second_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "cousin(\"Tomasa Macon\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "?" ], "type": 27, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "33701b19-3e10-47c4-a3f2-ba1bc13c7744", "question": "What is the occupation of the daughter of the friend of the great-aunt of Floyd Bowlin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "investment analyst", "neurosurgeon", "sound technician" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "daughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_aunt(\"Floyd Bowlin\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "?" ], "type": 27, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "a76b4081-c2dc-49f6-95a3-0d6c75ef0114", "question": "What is the date of birth of the grandparent of the aunt of the friend of Erik Hudgens?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0872-05-19", "0872-11-02", "0873-11-05", "0874-12-25", "0875-06-19", "0897-01-26", "0898-06-08", "0899-01-02", "0900-11-02" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(\"Erik Hudgens\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "?" ], "type": 27, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "de622290-1d12-4ad7-9fb7-f36a2a1b4edc", "question": "What is the occupation of the aunt of the sibling of the nephew of Wilmer Hagerty?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "accommodation manager" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "nephew(\"Wilmer Hagerty\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "?" ], "type": 27, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "ec27f60c-908c-444b-94af-31fc93c135fe", "question": "What is the hobby of the great-grandparent of the friend of the sibling of Kareem Stevenson?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "aircraft spotting", "baseball", "baton twirling", "benchmarking", "botany", "butterfly watching", "figure skating", "fishkeeping", "fossil hunting", "jurisprudential", "knife collecting", "magnet fishing", "metal detecting", "photography", "railway studies", "vegetable farming", "volleyball" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "sibling(\"Kareem Stevenson\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "?" ], "type": 27, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "0474f56b-0d73-484d-92ae-22dbe0c5e709", "question": "What is the date of birth of the friend of the great-grandchild of the person whose occupation is podiatrist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0815-02-18", "0823-06-25", "0848-03-15", "0864-05-27", "0870-01-11", "0874-01-02", "0885-07-28", "0891-10-19", "0894-07-26", "0897-09-08", "0898-06-08", "0899-06-15", "0900-04-08", "0911-10-26", "0912-03-17", "0916-07-12", "0923-03-21", "0928-04-08", "0929-11-24", "0931-04-21", "0932-01-26", "0934-05-26", "0943-01-04", "0943-10-15", "0948-01-22", "0953-12-12", "0954-05-09", "0959-03-16", "0961-01-04", "0974-10-22", "0979-07-22", "0980-11-30", "0983-01-18", "0985-09-08", "0988-10-04", "0988-10-22", "0991-02-10", "0992-09-28", "1002-02-20", "1004-01-07", "1004-10-18", "1007-05-30", "1008-05-08", "1008-05-28", "1031-06-21", "1037-04-02", "1037-12-01", "1038-07-14", "1062-02-23", "1069-09-08", "1110-07-21" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "job(Y_7, \"podiatrist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "?" ], "type": 28, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "4aded8ea-2ea5-4263-9956-33eb3af1cb20", "question": "What is the date of birth of the sister of the friend of the person whose hobby is jukskei?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0927-12-01", "0940-03-13", "0947-05-04", "0953-02-26", "0954-06-01", "0956-12-30", "0957-12-18", "0964-07-11", "0967-08-10", "0972-11-07", "0973-10-17", "0976-07-24", "0980-11-30", "0985-07-05", "0989-04-06", "0997-04-18", "1007-12-18", "1011-08-18", "1013-02-22", "1016-01-14", "1031-06-21" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "sister(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "hobby(Y_7, \"jukskei\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "?" ], "type": 28, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "8ef17bbc-1c91-431b-bebc-20f8e66e1232", "question": "What is the date of birth of the second uncle of the aunt of the person whose occupation is fast food restaurant manager?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0942-06-03", "0951-10-14", "0956-10-01", "0956-10-05" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "second_uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "job(Y_7, \"fast food restaurant manager\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "?" ], "type": 28, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "2023392d-973f-4213-a237-1f36db25def9", "question": "What is the date of birth of the son of the cousin of the person whose occupation is clinical research associate?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0944-05-01", "0945-09-08", "0948-12-04", "0953-01-08", "0990-12-12", "0992-07-03", "1026-07-25", "1036-06-19" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "son(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "job(Y_7, \"clinical research associate\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "?" ], "type": 28, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "3057c6b3-af4d-41b6-8340-1ab0293bb6d0", "question": "What is the hobby of the nephew of the second uncle of the person whose hobby is story writing?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "antiquities", "badminton", "compact discs", "element collecting", "gymnastics", "herping", "high-power rocketry", "ice skating", "meditation", "surfing" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "nephew(Y_5, Y_3)", "second_uncle(Y_7, Y_5)", "hobby(Y_7, \"story writing\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "?" ], "type": 28, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "7e9e2976-bec4-415b-a47d-8db47e800949", "question": "What is the date of birth of the sibling of the male cousin of the person whose occupation is maintenance engineer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0952-04-30", "0957-09-16", "0985-07-26", "0987-09-07", "1002-01-02", "1003-05-21", "1011-09-22" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "male_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "job(Y_7, \"maintenance engineer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "?" ], "type": 28, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "236bca8f-d853-436c-a2b3-3a24ae5871df", "question": "What is the occupation of the child of the friend of the person whose occupation is social researcher?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "amenity horticulturist", "art gallery manager", "charity fundraiser", "chiropractor", "clinical molecular geneticist", "clinical psychologist", "clinical research associate", "communications engineer", "conservation officer", "dance movement psychotherapist", "data processing manager", "economist", "engineer", "environmental consultant", "financial risk analyst", "gaffer", "higher education careers adviser", "holiday representative", "hydrographic surveyor", "insurance broker", "intelligence analyst", "interior and spatial designer", "learning mentor", "legal secretary", "manufacturing engineer", "merchandiser", "metallurgist", "orthoptist", "osteopath", "patent attorney", "patent examiner", "purchasing manager", "rural practice surveyor", "science writer", "social worker", "statistician", "therapist", "town planner", "toxicologist", "translator", "wellsite geologist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "job(Y_7, \"social researcher\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "?" ], "type": 28, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "d2ce890a-8de6-484d-a7b5-a966bcb3cf8c", "question": "What is the date of birth of the granddaughter of the wife of the person whose hobby is tennis?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0976-01-15", "0980-06-01", "0984-01-28", "1011-09-30" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "wife(Y_7, Y_5)", "hobby(Y_7, \"tennis\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "?" ], "type": 28, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "738a3d1a-77c8-431b-933e-0eab48e10f02", "question": "What is the occupation of the grandchild of the parent of the person whose hobby is social studies?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "armed forces logistics officer", "banker", "chiropodist", "fashion designer", "human resources officer", "immigration officer", "lighting technician", "marine scientist", "music therapist", "press photographer", "public affairs consultant", "recycling officer", "research officer", "trading standards officer", "waste management officer", "wellsite geologist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "parent(Y_7, Y_5)", "hobby(Y_7, \"social studies\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "?" ], "type": 28, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "32687ba8-6a88-429d-b997-d7270109a745", "question": "What is the hobby of the grandmother of the second aunt of the person whose date of birth is 1005-09-15?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "learning" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandmother(Y_5, Y_3)", "second_aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "dob(Y_7, \"1005-09-15\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "?" ], "type": 28, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "f1f64500-d18c-4ace-b6c8-aec1e0037cb2", "question": "What is the hobby of the cousin of the grandson of Damian Sherwin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "comic book collecting", "fingerprint collecting" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandson(\"Damian Sherwin\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "?" ], "type": 29, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "25571242-f4d7-4a71-a3d7-2e7765364859", "question": "What is the hobby of the friend of the husband of Jeanette Byrd?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "coin collecting", "freestyle football", "people-watching", "scouting" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "husband(\"Jeanette Byrd\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "?" ], "type": 29, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "b9a2b4b2-5f3a-4f46-8c37-602f213a6dc6", "question": "What is the occupation of the great-grandchild of the father-in-law of Velia Grady?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "English as a second language teacher", "barrister", "chiropodist", "health visitor" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "father_in_law(\"Velia Grady\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "?" ], "type": 29, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "c9fe9d43-9840-4019-98e8-32acd11b8f83", "question": "What is the occupation of the aunt of the male cousin of Hector Henriquez?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "banker", "education officer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "male_cousin(\"Hector Henriquez\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "?" ], "type": 29, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "a253553e-99c6-40f2-a825-c3221a6d3fdd", "question": "What is the date of birth of the sibling of the brother-in-law of Emilia Englert?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0899-04-22", "0901-08-04", "0906-08-18", "0911-01-11" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "brother_in_law(\"Emilia Englert\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "?" ], "type": 29, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "341e2277-45e3-4542-b25d-aa1526ad9ee5", "question": "What is the occupation of the great-grandmother of the second aunt of Lindy Carr?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "cabin crew", "plant breeder" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_grandmother(Y_5, Y_3)", "second_aunt(\"Lindy Carr\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "?" ], "type": 29, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "ac72ab03-7e74-45da-8082-867d52993317", "question": "What is the hobby of the grandfather of the grandchild of Renaldo Koerner?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "aircraft spotting" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandfather(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandchild(\"Renaldo Koerner\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "?" ], "type": 29, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "8744a97c-002b-4d76-bf6d-33863c5c9e50", "question": "What is the occupation of the sibling of the child of Eusebio Aparicio?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "automotive engineer", "insurance claims handler" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "child(\"Eusebio Aparicio\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "?" ], "type": 29, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "5fe08437-2146-4e6f-88c6-82e026b947a4", "question": "What is the occupation of the sister of the daughter of Lynelle Huynh?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "English as a second language teacher", "geoscientist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "sister(Y_5, Y_3)", "daughter(\"Lynelle Huynh\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "?" ], "type": 29, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "d0948190-c572-4462-895e-07559d56ddbe", "question": "What is the date of birth of the niece of the aunt of Eugene Valentine?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0957-05-16", "0959-05-16" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "niece(Y_5, Y_3)", "aunt(\"Eugene Valentine\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "?" ], "type": 29, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "8cde3b48-ce2c-4a70-9906-971b4b1765c1", "question": "What is the hobby of the great-grandchild of the person whose occupation is podiatrist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "aircraft spotting", "auto detailing", "axe throwing", "benchmarking", "botany", "compact discs", "flower collecting and pressing", "geocaching", "hiking", "jujitsu", "learning", "metal detecting", "mountain biking", "perfume", "reading", "record collecting", "slot car", "sports memorabilia", "squash", "wikipedia editing" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "job(Y_5, \"podiatrist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "?" ], "type": 30, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "492cfc51-0f3f-4973-938c-2c8dafa4b5a3", "question": "What is the hobby of the friend of the person whose date of birth is 0976-08-12?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "cricket", "meditation", "publishing", "sled dog racing", "vacation" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "dob(Y_5, \"0976-08-12\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "?" ], "type": 30, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "00b1b8ed-dbb4-42a1-930a-bc54aa1f88a1", "question": "What is the occupation of the friend of the person whose date of birth is 0913-11-09?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "art therapist", "chartered loss adjuster", "health visitor", "lecturer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "dob(Y_5, \"0913-11-09\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "?" ], "type": 30, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "20a7cbbc-0d3c-4966-9ee0-be67b9cb06fc", "question": "What is the occupation of the grandmother of the person whose hobby is rock balancing?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "analytical chemist", "animal nutritionist", "architectural technologist", "art therapist", "biomedical scientist", "ceramics designer", "charity officer", "chartered public finance accountant", "commissioning editor", "community pharmacist", "computer games developer", "educational psychologist", "exhibition designer", "film editor", "financial trader", "furniture conservator", "health and safety adviser", "health visitor", "information officer", "information systems manager", "jewellery designer", "location manager", "loss adjuster", "marketing executive", "mechanical engineer", "oncologist", "optician", "pension scheme manager", "plant breeder", "press photographer", "press sub", "printmaker", "professor emeritus", "public librarian", "ranger", "retail buyer", "retail manager", "secretary", "sub", "theatre stage manager", "tour manager", "volunteer coordinator", "writer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandmother(Y_5, Y_3)", "hobby(Y_5, \"rock balancing\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "?" ], "type": 30, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "0c2ec9d9-bf14-4075-8c9d-3435bae556de", "question": "What is the date of birth of the son of the person whose occupation is glass blower?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0932-04-27", "0934-03-14", "0934-10-12", "0954-01-10", "0956-02-24", "0988-07-12" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "son(Y_5, Y_3)", "job(Y_5, \"glass blower\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "?" ], "type": 30, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "2d088752-e82e-44e5-adf5-48a8eecf708d", "question": "What is the occupation of the second uncle of the person whose hobby is story writing?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "dietitian", "ecologist", "midwife", "planning and development surveyor", "therapeutic radiographer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "second_uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "hobby(Y_5, \"story writing\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "?" ], "type": 30, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "791f1616-ae47-4ee8-b86d-1da77b5729bc", "question": "What is the hobby of the father-in-law of the person whose date of birth is 0979-05-02?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "jukskei" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "father_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "dob(Y_5, \"0979-05-02\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "?" ], "type": 30, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "cf51ebac-7809-4beb-a9ae-5271d6fcf282", "question": "What is the occupation of the mother of the person whose date of birth is 0954-02-11?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "industrial buyer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "mother(Y_5, Y_3)", "dob(Y_5, \"0954-02-11\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "?" ], "type": 30, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "4d7325ab-f312-4c34-97d7-074cff231df9", "question": "What is the occupation of the grandchild of the person whose date of birth is 0948-02-09?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "community development worker", "patent examiner" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "dob(Y_5, \"0948-02-09\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "?" ], "type": 30, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "cae4a28c-57af-40e8-b408-c2f545657346", "question": "What is the date of birth of the son-in-law of the person whose date of birth is 0963-02-20?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0982-03-03" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "son_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "dob(Y_5, \"0963-02-20\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "?" ], "type": 30, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "f6086ef3-5770-4e26-a5b3-31b8676f1bb7", "question": "What is the hobby of the grandson of Damian Sherwin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "hiking/backpacking", "rock balancing", "walking" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandson(\"Damian Sherwin\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "?" ], "type": 31, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "eed7fb2d-3ee8-4a3c-98b9-12ef738936cc", "question": "What is the date of birth of the parent of Barabara Tudor?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0968-10-07", "0971-06-17" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "parent(\"Barabara Tudor\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "?" ], "type": 31, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "0e3fa1b1-11e8-41fb-bb59-0d2f27719c39", "question": "What is the date of birth of the second uncle of Ella Xiong?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0913-07-11", "0916-11-24" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "second_uncle(\"Ella Xiong\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "?" ], "type": 31, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "0a4be739-9248-4fd6-84f1-f1c942c35789", "question": "What is the occupation of the great-grandfather of Cheree Dodge?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "optician", "police officer", "product manager" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_grandfather(\"Cheree Dodge\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "?" ], "type": 31, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "862d6edd-5a8e-4ca6-bc09-d79bd64ddd16", "question": "What is the date of birth of the male cousin of Hector Henriquez?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1000-02-02", "1004-09-12", "1011-04-15" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "male_cousin(\"Hector Henriquez\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "?" ], "type": 31, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "fc37828d-4a84-4ec5-82a3-fd84ef78d4f3", "question": "What is the occupation of the female cousin of Vance Parrish?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "manufacturing systems engineer", "structural engineer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "female_cousin(\"Vance Parrish\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "?" ], "type": 31, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "1817bfe2-6ef9-488d-a70b-79d79b1fce90", "question": "What is the hobby of the child of Lindsey Hartwell?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "coin collecting", "tourism" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "child(\"Lindsey Hartwell\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "?" ], "type": 31, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "64b4bc8c-bd32-4a71-a845-f1c31b249ab4", "question": "What is the occupation of the male first cousin once removed of Debbie Rosenberger?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "data scientist", "environmental consultant", "environmental health practitioner", "glass blower", "magazine journalist", "pilot", "plant breeder" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(\"Debbie Rosenberger\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "?" ], "type": 31, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "746b62b6-a6f8-4e12-b365-a0cde27579e7", "question": "What is the occupation of the grandchild of Renaldo Koerner?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "quality manager", "set designer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandchild(\"Renaldo Koerner\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "?" ], "type": 31, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "00a65dd2-b34b-4cce-9557-3d88bfff8020", "question": "What is the date of birth of the child of Rusty Caputo?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1011-12-13" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "child(\"Rusty Caputo\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "?" ], "type": 31, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "277f4a85-15fc-45c9-83b0-14d37d39f3f6", "question": "What is the hobby of the person whose occupation is podiatrist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "butterfly watching", "cycling", "fishkeeping", "knife collecting", "learning", "paintball", "people-watching", "pinball", "poker" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "job(Y_3, \"podiatrist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "?" ], "type": 32, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "b1166de0-56e3-4bcf-83b8-6da318fce84f", "question": "What is the date of birth of the person whose date of birth is 0999-08-04?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0999-08-04" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "dob(Y_3, \"0999-08-04\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "?" ], "type": 32, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "f1fd406d-16b2-4d70-b751-f4b34421d80e", "question": "What is the date of birth of the person whose hobby is mineral collecting?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0842-08-09", "0849-03-18", "0858-09-07", "0872-06-17", "0874-07-13", "0876-11-09", "0879-12-12", "0880-07-01", "0896-02-07", "0900-03-26", "0901-02-25", "0902-04-03", "0909-09-03", "0910-10-24", "0914-06-14", "0918-11-17", "0919-01-17", "0927-09-09", "0928-10-09", "0935-10-10", "0940-02-02", "0944-12-13", "0947-04-16", "0949-05-10", "0949-07-04", "0956-04-08", "0958-12-15", "0961-12-24", "0971-03-04", "0974-02-04", "0981-09-18", "0983-09-24", "0987-05-27", "0998-10-10", "1002-10-08", "1004-02-18", "1006-01-29", "1008-05-28", "1009-01-07", "1015-09-27", "1024-04-22", "1026-04-15", "1028-01-29", "1037-11-18", "1046-03-09" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "hobby(Y_3, \"mineral collecting\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "?" ], "type": 32, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "2d30709c-5189-4ba6-8090-c5c36300080e", "question": "What is the occupation of the person whose hobby is flower collecting and pressing?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "advertising art director", "airline pilot", "amenity horticulturist", "armed forces training and education officer", "best boy", "biomedical engineer", "careers information officer", "child psychotherapist", "corporate investment banker", "education administrator", "facilities manager", "financial planner", "freight forwarder", "geneticist", "geographical information systems officer", "glass blower", "horticultural therapist", "human resources officer", "immunologist", "industrial buyer", "interior and spatial designer", "investment analyst", "legal executive", "lexicographer", "minerals surveyor", "multimedia specialist", "patent examiner", "product manager", "production engineer", "professor emeritus", "public relations officer", "ranger", "regulatory affairs officer", "research scientist", "seismic interpreter", "tourist information centre manager", "warden" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "hobby(Y_3, \"flower collecting and pressing\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "?" ], "type": 32, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "d996a826-3ea1-4e7b-9c7d-8e7ef22f8489", "question": "What is the date of birth of the person whose hobby is rock balancing?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0842-03-21", "0868-11-13", "0869-11-04", "0876-02-06", "0880-03-19", "0886-01-10", "0892-01-10", "0892-06-19", "0897-06-20", "0904-06-22", "0912-07-22", "0914-12-03", "0919-05-17", "0922-01-06", "0927-06-24", "0931-04-03", "0932-03-03", "0934-05-26", "0938-06-01", "0949-09-11", "0953-02-17", "0954-09-19", "0956-04-19", "0957-01-21", "0957-12-06", "0958-07-31", "0959-06-08", "0960-01-25", "0960-05-25", "0960-08-25", "0968-10-11", "0970-06-27", "0972-05-02", "0973-02-22", "0975-08-08", "0975-09-08", "0977-09-08", "0987-10-04", "1004-07-16", "1005-10-16", "1006-12-09", "1007-06-21", "1008-08-11", "1010-06-13", "1011-07-17", "1011-09-22", "1019-03-29", "1028-10-03", "1031-04-11", "1032-04-24", "1035-05-25", "1037-09-01", "1041-07-11", "1041-10-03", "1045-01-24", "1049-01-25", "1052-03-03", "1055-01-18", "1056-10-28", "1061-12-10", "1075-03-04" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "hobby(Y_3, \"rock balancing\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "?" ], "type": 32, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "3645173a-5e03-461b-bce1-df4aed63ccc1", "question": "What is the occupation of the person whose occupation is clinical research associate?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "clinical research associate" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "job(Y_3, \"clinical research associate\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "?" ], "type": 32, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "937040a1-db48-4760-a195-0e95970e6a46", "question": "What is the hobby of the person whose date of birth is 0809-05-10?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "inline skating" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "dob(Y_3, \"0809-05-10\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "?" ], "type": 32, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "07d6534c-fe14-41f9-a915-7d28bde95ce0", "question": "What is the occupation of the person whose hobby is ballroom dancing?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "best boy", "clothing technologist", "industrial designer", "investment banker", "museum conservator", "oceanographer", "phytotherapist", "research officer", "ship broker", "theatre stage manager" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "hobby(Y_3, \"ballroom dancing\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "?" ], "type": 32, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "d584a177-29b4-416d-adbe-5214d5720788", "question": "What is the occupation of the person whose date of birth is 0979-05-02?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "ophthalmologist", "sales professional" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "dob(Y_3, \"0979-05-02\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "?" ], "type": 32, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "1bed8025-c5da-4b9f-a075-9a4f4fbd9cda", "question": "What is the date of birth of the person whose date of birth is 0980-10-20?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0980-10-20" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "dob(Y_3, \"0980-10-20\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "?" ], "type": 32, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "64b3b81f-5822-43e6-8c7e-d9e8689012f8", "question": "How many sons does the brother of the great-grandson of the great-grandmother of the sister of the sibling of the friend of the cousin of the grandson of Damian Sherwin have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(son(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "brother(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandson(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandmother(Y_9, Y_7)", "sister(Y_11, Y_9)", "sibling(Y_13, Y_11)", "friend(Y_15, Y_13)", "cousin(Y_17, Y_15)", "grandson(\"Damian Sherwin\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "have", "?" ], "type": 33, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "823475c4-059b-41c3-aa37-4fffbf968de2", "question": "How many parents does the sibling of the nephew of the brother-in-law of the grandmother of the aunt of the brother-in-law of the husband of the grandmother of Stevie Carr have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(parent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "nephew(Y_7, Y_5)", "brother_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandmother(Y_11, Y_9)", "aunt(Y_13, Y_11)", "brother_in_law(Y_15, Y_13)", "husband(Y_17, Y_15)", "grandmother(\"Stevie Carr\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "have", "?" ], "type": 33, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "abd4df3e-d0b6-43b3-aeda-d85757e42004", "question": "How many brothers does the grandchild of the great-grandmother of the nephew of the great-uncle of the great-grandchild of the daughter-in-law of the great-grandmother of the second aunt of Lindy Carr have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(brother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandmother(Y_7, Y_5)", "nephew(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_uncle(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_grandchild(Y_13, Y_11)", "daughter_in_law(Y_15, Y_13)", "great_grandmother(Y_17, Y_15)", "second_aunt(\"Lindy Carr\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "have", "?" ], "type": 33, "difficulty": 23 }, { "id": "ebd9ab5d-c078-40ea-9830-028829057674", "question": "How many grandchildren does the father of the uncle of the friend of the grandparent of the great-uncle of the daughter of the friend of the great-aunt of Floyd Bowlin have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "15", "3", "4", "9" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandchild(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "father(Y_5, Y_3)", "uncle(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandparent(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_uncle(Y_13, Y_11)", "daughter(Y_15, Y_13)", "friend(Y_17, Y_15)", "great_aunt(\"Floyd Bowlin\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "have", "?" ], "type": 33, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "d1065187-fd4f-4a00-b523-7f701081859b", "question": "How many daughters-in-law does the daughter-in-law of the friend of the sibling of the father-in-law of the grandmother of the aunt of the sibling of the nephew of Wilmer Hagerty have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(daughter_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "daughter_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "sibling(Y_9, Y_7)", "father_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandmother(Y_13, Y_11)", "aunt(Y_15, Y_13)", "sibling(Y_17, Y_15)", "nephew(\"Wilmer Hagerty\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "have", "?" ], "type": 33, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "c34078d1-b4af-4152-b39c-86900ee5cd97", "question": "How many friends does the grandchild of the grandparent of the great-grandchild of the grandparent of the male cousin of the niece of the cousin of the friend of Daphne Volz have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2", "3", "4", "7" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(friend(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandparent(Y_11, Y_9)", "male_cousin(Y_13, Y_11)", "niece(Y_15, Y_13)", "cousin(Y_17, Y_15)", "friend(\"Daphne Volz\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "have", "?" ], "type": 33, "difficulty": 19 }, { "id": "10652d11-df8f-4515-ad84-cbac67758a5f", "question": "How many great-uncles does the nephew of the great-granddaughter of the great-grandmother of the great-grandchild of the great-grandparent of the brother of the son of the sister-in-law of Carina Sotelo have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_uncle(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "nephew(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_granddaughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandmother(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_grandparent(Y_13, Y_11)", "brother(Y_15, Y_13)", "son(Y_17, Y_15)", "sister_in_law(\"Carina Sotelo\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "have", "?" ], "type": 33, "difficulty": 19 }, { "id": "9ecf5293-5d7a-4720-a453-e9d768c0e6f7", "question": "How many parents does the aunt of the second aunt of the female first cousin once removed of the cousin of the cousin of the sibling of the niece of the second aunt of Ignacio Ratcliff have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(parent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "second_aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_9, Y_7)", "cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "cousin(Y_13, Y_11)", "sibling(Y_15, Y_13)", "niece(Y_17, Y_15)", "second_aunt(\"Ignacio Ratcliff\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "have", "?" ], "type": 33, "difficulty": 24 }, { "id": "acd3432b-d450-409f-8222-732c18c68674", "question": "How many grandmothers does the uncle of the uncle of the great-grandson of the father-in-law of the husband of the female first cousin once removed of the cousin of the cousin of Myles Friend have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandmother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "uncle(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandson(Y_9, Y_7)", "father_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "husband(Y_13, Y_11)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_15, Y_13)", "cousin(Y_17, Y_15)", "cousin(\"Myles Friend\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "have", "?" ], "type": 33, "difficulty": 21 }, { "id": "3b7053db-858c-4789-b1d5-e29ad0b2c4ba", "question": "How many female cousins does the brother-in-law of the father of the sibling of the female cousin of the friend of the grandparent of the niece of the great-uncle of Florence Doyle have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(female_cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "brother_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "father(Y_7, Y_5)", "sibling(Y_9, Y_7)", "female_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "friend(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandparent(Y_15, Y_13)", "niece(Y_17, Y_15)", "great_uncle(\"Florence Doyle\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "have", "?" ], "type": 33, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "0f5dd226-742f-43a4-98f2-000384b561c5", "question": "How many grandfathers does the nephew of the friend of the grandmother of the child of the child of the friend of the great-grandchild of the person whose occupation is podiatrist have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandfather(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "nephew(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandmother(Y_9, Y_7)", "child(Y_11, Y_9)", "child(Y_13, Y_11)", "friend(Y_15, Y_13)", "great_grandchild(Y_17, Y_15)", "job(Y_17, \"podiatrist\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "have", "?" ], "type": 34, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "ce601bd4-a53f-4cbd-8aeb-da33b6e89062", "question": "How many parents does the child of the daughter-in-law of the father-in-law of the great-grandparent of the daughter of the second uncle of the aunt of the person whose occupation is fast food restaurant manager have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(parent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "daughter_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "father_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandparent(Y_11, Y_9)", "daughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "second_uncle(Y_15, Y_13)", "aunt(Y_17, Y_15)", "job(Y_17, \"fast food restaurant manager\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "have", "?" ], "type": 34, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "b57ccf3a-3d22-49b2-964f-db3a9a5740a1", "question": "How many brothers does the grandchild of the great-grandparent of the great-aunt of the nephew of the female cousin of the nephew of the second uncle of the person whose hobby is story writing have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(brother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "nephew(Y_11, Y_9)", "female_cousin(Y_13, Y_11)", "nephew(Y_15, Y_13)", "second_uncle(Y_17, Y_15)", "hobby(Y_17, \"story writing\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "have", "?" ], "type": 34, "difficulty": 21 }, { "id": "c1b5a2ef-3409-4a5a-bf68-d4bc30febdac", "question": "How many grandchildren does the great-grandmother of the daughter of the son-in-law of the husband of the niece of the child of the friend of the person whose occupation is social researcher have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2", "6" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandchild(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_grandmother(Y_5, Y_3)", "daughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "son_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "husband(Y_11, Y_9)", "niece(Y_13, Y_11)", "child(Y_15, Y_13)", "friend(Y_17, Y_15)", "job(Y_17, \"social researcher\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "have", "?" ], "type": 34, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "e4590665-b1b7-45fb-b7f7-ac0cc00a1044", "question": "How many great-granddaughters does the friend of the friend of the child of the great-grandparent of the granddaughter of the grandchild of the parent of the person whose hobby is social studies have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_granddaughter(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "child(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandparent(Y_11, Y_9)", "granddaughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandchild(Y_15, Y_13)", "parent(Y_17, Y_15)", "hobby(Y_17, \"social studies\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "have", "?" ], "type": 34, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "8b3e3374-8619-4912-80ec-c9614d967c3b", "question": "How many sisters-in-law does the wife of the uncle of the great-grandchild of the brother of the second aunt of the cousin of the husband of the person whose hobby is publishing have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "wife(Y_5, Y_3)", "uncle(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother(Y_11, Y_9)", "second_aunt(Y_13, Y_11)", "cousin(Y_15, Y_13)", "husband(Y_17, Y_15)", "hobby(Y_17, \"publishing\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "have", "?" ], "type": 34, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "a4442e68-0de8-451d-98c6-32cb0a4d09c5", "question": "How many cousins does the cousin of the male cousin of the nephew of the male cousin of the daughter of the brother of the mother-in-law of the person whose occupation is technical brewer have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "5", "6", "8" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "male_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "nephew(Y_9, Y_7)", "male_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "daughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "brother(Y_15, Y_13)", "mother_in_law(Y_17, Y_15)", "job(Y_17, \"technical brewer\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "have", "?" ], "type": 34, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "7c98433d-9fa7-419b-b45d-b08a68c3099f", "question": "How many parents does the aunt of the second aunt of the female first cousin once removed of the cousin of the cousin of the sibling of the great-aunt of the person whose hobby is rock balancing have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(parent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "second_aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_9, Y_7)", "cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "cousin(Y_13, Y_11)", "sibling(Y_15, Y_13)", "great_aunt(Y_17, Y_15)", "hobby(Y_17, \"rock balancing\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "have", "?" ], "type": 34, "difficulty": 22 }, { "id": "73e490ac-f7f7-4ba4-bead-5872c1e38173", "question": "How many grandparents does the aunt of the sister of the second uncle of the friend of the husband of the female cousin of the female cousin of the person whose occupation is physiotherapist have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandparent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister(Y_7, Y_5)", "second_uncle(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(Y_11, Y_9)", "husband(Y_13, Y_11)", "female_cousin(Y_15, Y_13)", "female_cousin(Y_17, Y_15)", "job(Y_17, \"physiotherapist\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "have", "?" ], "type": 34, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "147b4904-12e0-44f6-8e69-570a31e48d9d", "question": "How many great-grandchildren does the great-grandparent of the sibling of the sibling of the sister-in-law of the friend of the father-in-law of the great-grandmother of the person whose occupation is mechanical engineer have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "7" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandchild(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "sibling(Y_9, Y_7)", "sister_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "friend(Y_13, Y_11)", "father_in_law(Y_15, Y_13)", "great_grandmother(Y_17, Y_15)", "job(Y_17, \"mechanical engineer\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "have", "?" ], "type": 34, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "12dfc219-4337-41b6-baf5-9455fd4ef958", "question": "How many brothers does the great-grandson of the great-grandmother of the sister of the sibling of the friend of the cousin of the grandson of Damian Sherwin have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(brother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_grandson(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandmother(Y_7, Y_5)", "sister(Y_9, Y_7)", "sibling(Y_11, Y_9)", "friend(Y_13, Y_11)", "cousin(Y_15, Y_13)", "grandson(\"Damian Sherwin\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "have", "?" ], "type": 35, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "e1af0567-20d8-44d2-be1b-2b75832b7c21", "question": "How many nephews does the nephew of the aunt of the uncle of the friend of the aunt of the grandchild of the great-grandfather of Cheree Dodge have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(nephew(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "nephew(Y_5, Y_3)", "aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "uncle(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(Y_11, Y_9)", "aunt(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandchild(Y_15, Y_13)", "great_grandfather(\"Cheree Dodge\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "have", "?" ], "type": 35, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "357bd1da-77ca-4cc1-b959-2ba7246bc929", "question": "How many granddaughters does the mother of the sister-in-law of the great-grandparent of the male first cousin once removed of the male second cousin of the friend of the child of Lindsey Hartwell have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(granddaughter(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "mother(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_11, Y_9)", "male_second_cousin(Y_13, Y_11)", "friend(Y_15, Y_13)", "child(\"Lindsey Hartwell\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "have", "?" ], "type": 35, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "3092ec90-16be-4f27-b69a-90a2e5b87212", "question": "How many granddaughters does the grandmother of the sister of the friend of the great-aunt of the son of the grandparent of the child of Rusty Caputo have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2", "3", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(granddaughter(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandmother(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_aunt(Y_11, Y_9)", "son(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandparent(Y_15, Y_13)", "child(\"Rusty Caputo\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "have", "?" ], "type": 35, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "1ef542e3-59c2-4607-b4a7-0270a55aae00", "question": "How many great-grandmothers does the child of the parent of the great-grandchild of the parent of the nephew of the niece of the aunt of Eugene Valentine have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandmother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "parent(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "parent(Y_11, Y_9)", "nephew(Y_13, Y_11)", "niece(Y_15, Y_13)", "aunt(\"Eugene Valentine\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "have", "?" ], "type": 35, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "7096933d-24b5-4243-bc9a-cd2a4cdd0393", "question": "How many grandparents does the niece of the great-grandchild of the son of the friend of the great-grandparent of the friend of the sibling of Kareem Stevenson have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandparent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "niece(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "son(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_grandparent(Y_13, Y_11)", "friend(Y_15, Y_13)", "sibling(\"Kareem Stevenson\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "have", "?" ], "type": 35, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "fc7bcf7b-6e30-42d8-9857-58f57db35b2e", "question": "How many grandchildren does the father-in-law of the grandmother of the friend of the grandchild of the father of the great-granddaughter of the grandparent of Kirsten Donner have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3", "4", "6", "7" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandchild(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "father_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandmother(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "father(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_granddaughter(Y_15, Y_13)", "grandparent(\"Kirsten Donner\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "have", "?" ], "type": 35, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "0e8cd1a6-cbfc-4f28-a48a-0f790ea71fc7", "question": "How many grandfathers does the second aunt of the male cousin of the nephew of the great-grandchild of the daughter-in-law of the great-grandparent of the brother-in-law of Madaline Lugo have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandfather(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "second_aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "male_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "nephew(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "daughter_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_grandparent(Y_15, Y_13)", "brother_in_law(\"Madaline Lugo\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "have", "?" ], "type": 35, "difficulty": 20 }, { "id": "3a56bdb7-5c69-4545-9710-296f7f8183a4", "question": "How many great-uncles does the mother of the nephew of the cousin of the great-grandson of the great-grandparent of the sister-in-law of the parent of Nydia Jasper have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_uncle(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "mother(Y_5, Y_3)", "nephew(Y_7, Y_5)", "cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandson(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_grandparent(Y_13, Y_11)", "sister_in_law(Y_15, Y_13)", "parent(\"Nydia Jasper\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "have", "?" ], "type": 35, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "52ef4dd7-422d-4159-83c2-8ee96d4e8b73", "question": "How many great-granddaughters does the grandparent of the mother of the sister-in-law of the daughter-in-law of the grandparent of the male second cousin of the friend of Autumn Brundage have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_granddaughter(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "mother(Y_7, Y_5)", "sister_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "daughter_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandparent(Y_13, Y_11)", "male_second_cousin(Y_15, Y_13)", "friend(\"Autumn Brundage\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "have", "?" ], "type": 35, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "289d7ddc-198b-4c41-a69b-9f297af99460", "question": "How many nephews does the friend of the grandmother of the child of the child of the friend of the great-grandchild of the person whose occupation is podiatrist have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(nephew(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandmother(Y_7, Y_5)", "child(Y_9, Y_7)", "child(Y_11, Y_9)", "friend(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_grandchild(Y_15, Y_13)", "job(Y_15, \"podiatrist\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "have", "?" ], "type": 36, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "8397760a-7df2-449e-ac3a-470d6536d61e", "question": "How many fathers-in-law does the daughter-in-law of the grandparent of the granddaughter of the great-grandmother of the aunt of the niece of the person whose hobby is flower collecting and pressing have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(father_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "daughter_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "granddaughter(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandmother(Y_11, Y_9)", "aunt(Y_13, Y_11)", "niece(Y_15, Y_13)", "hobby(Y_15, \"flower collecting and pressing\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "have", "?" ], "type": 36, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "5f5798e5-66da-4988-9d36-83ba252f39a7", "question": "How many grandchildren does the grandmother of the great-grandchild of the grandparent of the male second cousin of the granddaughter of the great-grandson of the person whose date of birth is 0809-05-10 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandchild(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandmother(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "male_second_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "granddaughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_grandson(Y_15, Y_13)", "dob(Y_15, \"0809-05-10\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "have", "?" ], "type": 36, "difficulty": 19 }, { "id": "3786648d-e32c-49dc-9bbf-5ba3c81b8071", "question": "How many children does the brother of the aunt of the male cousin of the daughter of the husband of the grandparent of the person whose date of birth is 0980-10-20 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(child(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "brother(Y_5, Y_3)", "aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "male_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "daughter(Y_11, Y_9)", "husband(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandparent(Y_15, Y_13)", "dob(Y_15, \"0980-10-20\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "have", "?" ], "type": 36, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "1bb6a179-0dde-48d9-8cc6-82463a6f694f", "question": "How many nieces does the uncle of the father of the male cousin of the parent of the daughter of the son-in-law of the person whose date of birth is 0963-02-20 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(niece(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "father(Y_7, Y_5)", "male_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "parent(Y_11, Y_9)", "daughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "son_in_law(Y_15, Y_13)", "dob(Y_15, \"0963-02-20\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "have", "?" ], "type": 36, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "2f266751-81e9-49a0-afec-e1aeb4cc39d3", "question": "How many brothers-in-law does the father of the nephew of the son of the friend of the grandmother of the second aunt of the person whose date of birth is 1005-09-15 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(brother_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "father(Y_5, Y_3)", "nephew(Y_7, Y_5)", "son(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandmother(Y_13, Y_11)", "second_aunt(Y_15, Y_13)", "dob(Y_15, \"1005-09-15\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "have", "?" ], "type": 36, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "03effc07-c130-4d66-af34-67f3bd9647bc", "question": "How many aunts does the nephew of the grandson of the friend of the uncle of the child of the female cousin of the person whose date of birth is 0983-10-31 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "nephew(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandson(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "uncle(Y_11, Y_9)", "child(Y_13, Y_11)", "female_cousin(Y_15, Y_13)", "dob(Y_15, \"0983-10-31\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "have", "?" ], "type": 36, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "36d71b3d-eac7-45e5-bc3a-a4e821142f66", "question": "How many great-grandsons does the second uncle of the male cousin of the nephew of the great-grandchild of the grandparent of the brother-in-law of the person whose occupation is barista have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandson(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "second_uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "male_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "nephew(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandparent(Y_13, Y_11)", "brother_in_law(Y_15, Y_13)", "job(Y_15, \"barista\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "have", "?" ], "type": 36, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "c76813ae-5247-4fa0-97de-f06a570314a8", "question": "How many wives does the sibling of the uncle of the great-uncle of the great-grandchild of the great-grandmother of the male cousin of the person whose date of birth is 1008-05-08 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(wife(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "uncle(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_uncle(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_grandmother(Y_13, Y_11)", "male_cousin(Y_15, Y_13)", "dob(Y_15, \"1008-05-08\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "have", "?" ], "type": 36, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "3ab96253-dd98-4451-9860-92b605868cbd", "question": "How many female first cousins once removed does the son of the grandparent of the great-granddaughter of the great-grandparent of the daughter of the friend of the person whose hobby is amateur astronomy have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2", "3", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "son(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_granddaughter(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandparent(Y_11, Y_9)", "daughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "friend(Y_15, Y_13)", "hobby(Y_15, \"amateur astronomy\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "have", "?" ], "type": 36, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "456a3f83-a7d4-48d4-a58b-7a1b13456578", "question": "How many great-grandsons does the great-grandmother of the sister of the sibling of the friend of the cousin of the grandson of Damian Sherwin have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandson(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_grandmother(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister(Y_7, Y_5)", "sibling(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(Y_11, Y_9)", "cousin(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandson(\"Damian Sherwin\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "have", "?" ], "type": 37, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "968d5c09-5013-45ab-bdf3-ecd148b19f2d", "question": "How many grandparents does the grandparent of the great-grandchild of the grandparent of the grandchild of the great-grandchild of the father-in-law of Velia Grady have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandparent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_grandchild(Y_13, Y_11)", "father_in_law(\"Velia Grady\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "have", "?" ], "type": 37, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "46a16e26-bfab-4af7-b6e9-22fee209fdfa", "question": "How many cousins does the male cousin of the great-grandson of the grandparent of the sibling of the sibling of the brother-in-law of Emilia Englert have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "11", "12", "13" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "male_cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandson(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "sibling(Y_11, Y_9)", "sibling(Y_13, Y_11)", "brother_in_law(\"Emilia Englert\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "have", "?" ], "type": 37, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "273e34b3-772d-4a3d-9dfe-8ce918f40de0", "question": "How many great-uncles does the sister of the aunt of the daughter of the son-in-law of the grandfather of the grandchild of Renaldo Koerner have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_uncle(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sister(Y_5, Y_3)", "aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "daughter(Y_9, Y_7)", "son_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandfather(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandchild(\"Renaldo Koerner\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "have", "?" ], "type": 37, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "198ef35d-58f9-4520-937d-4a573df5fd32", "question": "How many grandparents does the niece of the grandparent of the male second cousin of the daughter of the sister of the daughter of Lynelle Huynh have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandparent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "niece(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "male_second_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "daughter(Y_11, Y_9)", "sister(Y_13, Y_11)", "daughter(\"Lynelle Huynh\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "have", "?" ], "type": 37, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "e59b80c0-4710-4307-8c1c-d76ab97c35d3", "question": "How many friends does the sibling of the father-in-law of the grandmother of the aunt of the sibling of the nephew of Wilmer Hagerty have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "7" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(friend(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "father_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandmother(Y_9, Y_7)", "aunt(Y_11, Y_9)", "sibling(Y_13, Y_11)", "nephew(\"Wilmer Hagerty\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "have", "?" ], "type": 37, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "5fa9f69a-eb2f-42e2-853e-95f58017d418", "question": "How many sisters does the second aunt of the grandchild of the brother of the sister-in-law of the son of the friend of Tyrell Taylor have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "second_aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "brother(Y_9, Y_7)", "sister_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "son(Y_13, Y_11)", "friend(\"Tyrell Taylor\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "have", "?" ], "type": 37, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "6720519f-9675-4eb2-82ee-593faa543566", "question": "How many children does the granddaughter of the husband of the mother-in-law of the friend of the brother of the sibling of Jarred Lanier have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(child(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "husband(Y_7, Y_5)", "mother_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(Y_11, Y_9)", "brother(Y_13, Y_11)", "sibling(\"Jarred Lanier\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "have", "?" ], "type": 37, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "7e006a9d-6feb-4da6-bc75-15283e40ca8b", "question": "How many male first cousins once removed does the cousin of the great-uncle of the nephew of the great-granddaughter of the great-grandmother of the male cousin of Jamaal Sotelo have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "6" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_uncle(Y_7, Y_5)", "nephew(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_granddaughter(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_grandmother(Y_13, Y_11)", "male_cousin(\"Jamaal Sotelo\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "have", "?" ], "type": 37, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "5be7ab84-0655-4bb8-a222-20d8ad72c839", "question": "How many mothers does the nephew of the cousin of the great-grandson of the great-grandparent of the sister-in-law of the parent of Nydia Jasper have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(mother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "nephew(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandson(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandparent(Y_11, Y_9)", "sister_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "parent(\"Nydia Jasper\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "have", "?" ], "type": 37, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "be9d22bb-95de-4624-881c-c7a5822d8b92", "question": "How many friends does the grandmother of the child of the child of the friend of the great-grandchild of the person whose occupation is podiatrist have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(friend(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandmother(Y_5, Y_3)", "child(Y_7, Y_5)", "child(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_grandchild(Y_13, Y_11)", "job(Y_13, \"podiatrist\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "have", "?" ], "type": 38, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "d9102b60-cf73-4d67-b684-fe39390a1e30", "question": "How many nephews does the granddaughter of the grandmother of the aunt of the grandson of the friend of the person whose date of birth is 0913-11-09 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2", "7" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(nephew(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandmother(Y_7, Y_5)", "aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandson(Y_11, Y_9)", "friend(Y_13, Y_11)", "dob(Y_13, \"0913-11-09\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "have", "?" ], "type": 38, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "648ecfae-6ba4-4921-972d-632ad3d87ab6", "question": "How many cousins does the male cousin of the female cousin of the male cousin of the sibling of the son of the person whose occupation is glass blower have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "11", "12", "13", "4", "5" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "male_cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "female_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "male_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "sibling(Y_11, Y_9)", "son(Y_13, Y_11)", "job(Y_13, \"glass blower\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "have", "?" ], "type": 38, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "6bf151b7-a69c-4422-8e70-7aa2842cf0f9", "question": "How many grandchildren does the husband of the grandmother of the son of the great-grandparent of the father-in-law of the person whose date of birth is 0979-05-02 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandchild(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "husband(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandmother(Y_7, Y_5)", "son(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandparent(Y_11, Y_9)", "father_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "dob(Y_13, \"0979-05-02\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "have", "?" ], "type": 38, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "983c84db-fd23-4725-84b4-9607d6127c59", "question": "How many siblings does the great-aunt of the brother of the great-grandson of the great-grandparent of the grandchild of the person whose date of birth is 0948-02-09 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "brother(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandson(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandparent(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandchild(Y_13, Y_11)", "dob(Y_13, \"0948-02-09\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "have", "?" ], "type": 38, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "b8116352-5f8d-48e6-b6c9-8f50608b4f4e", "question": "How many friends does the child of the great-grandparent of the granddaughter of the grandchild of the parent of the person whose hobby is social studies have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "2", "3", "4", "5" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(friend(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "granddaughter(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "parent(Y_13, Y_11)", "hobby(Y_13, \"social studies\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "have", "?" ], "type": 38, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "811d0030-9148-43d4-9964-6fcaf7bdc2e4", "question": "How many grandfathers does the male first cousin once removed of the niece of the aunt of the nephew of the sibling of the person whose hobby is whale watching have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandfather(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_5, Y_3)", "niece(Y_7, Y_5)", "aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "nephew(Y_11, Y_9)", "sibling(Y_13, Y_11)", "hobby(Y_13, \"whale watching\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "have", "?" ], "type": 38, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "9d397f9b-2eaa-49e2-a671-862b18a27087", "question": "How many sisters does the uncle of the granddaughter of the daughter-in-law of the friend of the brother of the person whose date of birth is 0915-01-11 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "granddaughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "daughter_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(Y_11, Y_9)", "brother(Y_13, Y_11)", "dob(Y_13, \"0915-01-11\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "have", "?" ], "type": 38, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "cd78dffe-be61-4902-89b1-d7f48ef95868", "question": "How many second uncles does the great-granddaughter of the niece of the great-uncle of the male cousin of the cousin of the person whose occupation is oncologist have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(second_uncle(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "niece(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_uncle(Y_9, Y_7)", "male_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "cousin(Y_13, Y_11)", "job(Y_13, \"oncologist\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "have", "?" ], "type": 38, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "fcaaa470-1444-4b9d-ac07-c250b6d6a32b", "question": "How many siblings does the uncle of the great-uncle of the great-grandchild of the great-grandmother of the male cousin of the person whose date of birth is 1008-05-08 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_uncle(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandmother(Y_11, Y_9)", "male_cousin(Y_13, Y_11)", "dob(Y_13, \"1008-05-08\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "have", "?" ], "type": 38, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "d3dcb409-513a-43b9-8f80-e8f0cd261e44", "question": "How many great-grandmothers does the sister of the sibling of the friend of the cousin of the grandson of Damian Sherwin have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandmother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sister(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandson(\"Damian Sherwin\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "have", "?" ], "type": 39, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "87ee49f7-a2a6-4cbd-bd66-816ddcc82aa2", "question": "How many brothers-in-law does the mother of the grandchild of the great-grandson of the father of the sister of Staci Sand have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(brother_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "mother(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandson(Y_9, Y_7)", "father(Y_11, Y_9)", "sister(\"Staci Sand\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "have", "?" ], "type": 39, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "be518861-0545-49f0-aaff-777f4f8c69de", "question": "How many great-granddaughters does the parent of the sibling of the great-aunt of the granddaughter of the grandfather of Michelle Mcinnis have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_granddaughter(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "parent(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "granddaughter(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandfather(\"Michelle Mcinnis\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "have", "?" ], "type": 39, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "fb5f9807-cdcd-453d-8660-8377a02f0cb6", "question": "How many nephews does the brother-in-law of the great-grandmother of the great-granddaughter of the great-grandparent of the male first cousin once removed of Debbie Rosenberger have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(nephew(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "brother_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandmother(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_granddaughter(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandparent(Y_11, Y_9)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(\"Debbie Rosenberger\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "have", "?" ], "type": 39, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "3cbd5a2b-6319-401e-9542-5a5567c46571", "question": "How many grandparents does the uncle of the great-grandson of the grandmother of the sibling of the child of Eusebio Aparicio have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandparent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandson(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandmother(Y_9, Y_7)", "sibling(Y_11, Y_9)", "child(\"Eusebio Aparicio\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "have", "?" ], "type": 39, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "103108a3-4eb4-4517-96af-086d25127f75", "question": "How many sisters-in-law does the parent of the grandchild of the grandparent of the aunt of the friend of Erik Hudgens have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "parent(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "aunt(Y_11, Y_9)", "friend(\"Erik Hudgens\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "have", "?" ], "type": 39, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "a4acb74e-2fc2-4083-b258-1f95e7cf9b1d", "question": "How many male cousins does the friend of the child of the mother-in-law of the great-grandparent of the niece of Chad Huss have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "3", "4", "6" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(male_cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "child(Y_7, Y_5)", "mother_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandparent(Y_11, Y_9)", "niece(\"Chad Huss\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "have", "?" ], "type": 39, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "626987f0-9614-41fa-96a5-f82586ff8846", "question": "How many children does the friend of the father-in-law of the grandmother of the great-grandson of the husband of Deborah Bertram have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "2", "3", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(child(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "father_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandmother(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandson(Y_11, Y_9)", "husband(\"Deborah Bertram\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "have", "?" ], "type": 39, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "1fc54a4a-6e9a-4262-b5d3-42383f15c0a8", "question": "How many granddaughters does the husband of the mother-in-law of the friend of the brother of the sibling of Jarred Lanier have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "2", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(granddaughter(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "husband(Y_5, Y_3)", "mother_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother(Y_11, Y_9)", "sibling(\"Jarred Lanier\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "have", "?" ], "type": 39, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "10174787-00e8-4fa4-81b2-86e62ea36ced", "question": "How many male cousins does the nephew of the great-grandchild of the daughter-in-law of the great-grandparent of the brother-in-law of Madaline Lugo have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(male_cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "nephew(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "daughter_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandparent(Y_11, Y_9)", "brother_in_law(\"Madaline Lugo\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "have", "?" ], "type": 39, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "ea20f00c-44e8-42e3-a659-64078ff16818", "question": "How many grandmothers does the child of the child of the friend of the great-grandchild of the person whose occupation is podiatrist have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandmother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "child(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "job(Y_11, \"podiatrist\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "have", "?" ], "type": 40, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "954c823f-f300-4901-bebf-a4530123174b", "question": "How many female cousins does the brother of the cousin of the friend of the sister of the person whose date of birth is 0863-11-09 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(female_cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "brother(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "sister(Y_11, Y_9)", "dob(Y_11, \"0863-11-09\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "have", "?" ], "type": 40, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "86255cb8-5c58-478c-a8de-29ff73dc2469", "question": "How many grandparents does the parent of the sibling of the niece of the great-uncle of the person whose occupation is associate professor have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandparent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "parent(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "niece(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_uncle(Y_11, Y_9)", "job(Y_11, \"associate professor\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "have", "?" ], "type": 40, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "b09c4864-b4a1-4d60-b09d-0b32099cd607", "question": "How many daughters-in-law does the cousin of the grandchild of the great-grandparent of the female cousin of the person whose hobby is ballroom dancing have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(daughter_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "female_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "hobby(Y_11, \"ballroom dancing\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "have", "?" ], "type": 40, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "7bb65dfa-415c-48f4-a170-fc6796d51557", "question": "How many children does the grandchild of the friend of the daughter-in-law of the mother of the person whose date of birth is 0954-02-11 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "2", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(child(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "daughter_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "mother(Y_11, Y_9)", "dob(Y_11, \"0954-02-11\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "have", "?" ], "type": 40, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "e0345eed-8754-42d9-9bf1-8ff6f73527d1", "question": "How many great-grandchildren does the parent of the uncle of the granddaughter of the wife of the person whose hobby is tennis have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "3", "8" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandchild(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "parent(Y_5, Y_3)", "uncle(Y_7, Y_5)", "granddaughter(Y_9, Y_7)", "wife(Y_11, Y_9)", "hobby(Y_11, \"tennis\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "have", "?" ], "type": 40, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "8909b263-1caf-4bc8-bf54-f12c2b018a4b", "question": "How many nephews does the friend of the daughter of the nephew of the great-uncle of the person whose date of birth is 0953-08-06 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(nephew(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "daughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "nephew(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_uncle(Y_11, Y_9)", "dob(Y_11, \"0953-08-06\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "have", "?" ], "type": 40, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "4584dab5-5cdb-47e1-b7ee-f2974663dbd5", "question": "How many grandparents does the male first cousin once removed of the niece of the grandmother of the friend of the person whose date of birth is 0846-07-17 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandparent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_5, Y_3)", "niece(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandmother(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(Y_11, Y_9)", "dob(Y_11, \"0846-07-17\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "have", "?" ], "type": 40, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "1002be56-5a65-4b7b-9f99-a96c528fd21f", "question": "How many uncles does the granddaughter of the daughter-in-law of the friend of the brother of the person whose date of birth is 0915-01-11 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(uncle(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "daughter_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother(Y_11, Y_9)", "dob(Y_11, \"0915-01-11\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "have", "?" ], "type": 40, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "99f4bd2d-6dc1-4439-8048-6737bfc73c44", "question": "How many male cousins does the nephew of the great-grandchild of the grandparent of the brother-in-law of the person whose occupation is barista have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(male_cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "nephew(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "job(Y_11, \"barista\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "have", "?" ], "type": 40, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "1be27e39-1696-45ff-9fb6-f5de957fa273", "question": "How many sisters does the sibling of the friend of the cousin of the grandson of Damian Sherwin have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandson(\"Damian Sherwin\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "have", "?" ], "type": 41, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "bd07efe1-e5a8-479c-a997-2ebb2ae36145", "question": "How many nieces does the nephew of the uncle of the child of the second uncle of Ella Xiong have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(niece(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "nephew(Y_5, Y_3)", "uncle(Y_7, Y_5)", "child(Y_9, Y_7)", "second_uncle(\"Ella Xiong\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "have", "?" ], "type": 41, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "c23ac24e-23a9-40b4-adc8-c80a798a959b", "question": "How many cousins does the cousin of the nephew of the aunt of the male cousin of Hector Henriquez have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3", "5" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "nephew(Y_7, Y_5)", "aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "male_cousin(\"Hector Henriquez\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "have", "?" ], "type": 41, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "b0585ec0-f1e5-4fa5-847c-3a5ed242c192", "question": "How many great-grandparents does the male first cousin once removed of the male second cousin of the friend of the child of Lindsey Hartwell have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandparent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_5, Y_3)", "male_second_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "child(\"Lindsey Hartwell\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "have", "?" ], "type": 41, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "5f6f742b-084f-4c82-aeff-33f2b78a355b", "question": "How many aunts does the daughter of the son-in-law of the grandfather of the grandchild of Renaldo Koerner have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "daughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "son_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandfather(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandchild(\"Renaldo Koerner\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "have", "?" ], "type": 41, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "664b75a9-c8da-4b19-a9d7-b2b1d7e7b151", "question": "How many grandparents does the great-uncle of the daughter of the friend of the great-aunt of Floyd Bowlin have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandparent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "daughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_aunt(\"Floyd Bowlin\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "have", "?" ], "type": 41, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "9eb4bdc7-12c7-43e6-b188-fdd724b715b1", "question": "How many great-grandchildren does the parent of the nephew of the niece of the aunt of Eugene Valentine have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandchild(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "parent(Y_5, Y_3)", "nephew(Y_7, Y_5)", "niece(Y_9, Y_7)", "aunt(\"Eugene Valentine\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "have", "?" ], "type": 41, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "1a5e55be-4d8a-4b8c-9452-f8e62d5f1179", "question": "How many friends does the child of the mother-in-law of the great-grandparent of the niece of Chad Huss have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "2", "3", "4", "5" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(friend(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "mother_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "niece(\"Chad Huss\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "have", "?" ], "type": 41, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "eaecfa9a-382c-4d07-98ae-4ed5eb38527b", "question": "How many grandchildren does the brother of the sister-in-law of the son of the friend of Tyrell Taylor have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "8" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandchild(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "brother(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "son(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(\"Tyrell Taylor\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "have", "?" ], "type": 41, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "b67ec53a-9ca0-4cf7-bb9b-b60f36d00b1b", "question": "How many friends does the grandchild of the father of the great-granddaughter of the grandparent of Kirsten Donner have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2", "3", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(friend(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "father(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_granddaughter(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandparent(\"Kirsten Donner\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "have", "?" ], "type": 41, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "2302abcc-356a-49c7-8c69-ce4e206fd762", "question": "How many children does the child of the friend of the great-grandchild of the person whose occupation is podiatrist have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(child(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "job(Y_9, \"podiatrist\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "have", "?" ], "type": 42, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "26ddc627-f8df-4e8a-a327-af9d35e5df94", "question": "How many grandsons does the daughter-in-law of the grandparent of the uncle of the person whose hobby is mineral collecting have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2", "4", "5" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandson(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "daughter_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "uncle(Y_9, Y_7)", "hobby(Y_9, \"mineral collecting\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "have", "?" ], "type": 42, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "02e4514c-9bab-4eca-a877-bb53819e2f71", "question": "How many cousins does the cousin of the grandchild of the grandmother of the person whose hobby is rock balancing have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "10", "11", "12", "13", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandmother(Y_9, Y_7)", "hobby(Y_9, \"rock balancing\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "have", "?" ], "type": 42, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "7b74ea25-86ae-4eaf-9b49-f908533d47a7", "question": "How many grandparents does the male second cousin of the granddaughter of the great-grandson of the person whose date of birth is 0809-05-10 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandparent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "male_second_cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "granddaughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandson(Y_9, Y_7)", "dob(Y_9, \"0809-05-10\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "have", "?" ], "type": 42, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "8ab3792f-2a19-4fb9-91f6-e6743a896c4f", "question": "How many grandmothers does the son of the great-grandparent of the father-in-law of the person whose date of birth is 0979-05-02 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandmother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "son(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "father_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "dob(Y_9, \"0979-05-02\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "have", "?" ], "type": 42, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "b14defba-4263-4ebc-ac81-15e0bd86334e", "question": "How many husbands does the niece of the child of the friend of the person whose occupation is social researcher have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(husband(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "niece(Y_5, Y_3)", "child(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "job(Y_9, \"social researcher\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "have", "?" ], "type": 42, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "22cfacf6-da8f-42e3-bbd7-ec2fa3657cd8", "question": "How many male cousins does the parent of the daughter of the son-in-law of the person whose date of birth is 0963-02-20 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(male_cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "parent(Y_5, Y_3)", "daughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "son_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "dob(Y_9, \"0963-02-20\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "have", "?" ], "type": 42, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "8516b550-e6fa-4ec3-993c-d96d0933e463", "question": "How many friends does the daughter of the nephew of the great-uncle of the person whose date of birth is 0953-08-06 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "4", "5" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(friend(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "daughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "nephew(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_uncle(Y_9, Y_7)", "dob(Y_9, \"0953-08-06\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "have", "?" ], "type": 42, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "028b51f6-31ac-4ce2-8e0f-57050c979545", "question": "How many nieces does the aunt of the nephew of the sibling of the person whose hobby is whale watching have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(niece(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "nephew(Y_7, Y_5)", "sibling(Y_9, Y_7)", "hobby(Y_9, \"whale watching\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "have", "?" ], "type": 42, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "b002a818-f5af-4291-bb1c-40e006ed93d6", "question": "How many friends does the uncle of the child of the female cousin of the person whose date of birth is 0983-10-31 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(friend(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "child(Y_7, Y_5)", "female_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "dob(Y_9, \"0983-10-31\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "have", "?" ], "type": 42, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "17c09940-d39a-482c-81e0-aa14dd9731d1", "question": "How many siblings does the friend of the cousin of the grandson of Damian Sherwin have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "2", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandson(\"Damian Sherwin\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "have", "?" ], "type": 43, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "45b37019-0912-445f-9c0b-ad6a643f7238", "question": "How many daughters does the granddaughter of the friend of the friend of Kari Keys have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(daughter(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(\"Kari Keys\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "have", "?" ], "type": 43, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "315e4ab2-b3fa-40ae-8330-199f8e7f9c2f", "question": "How many aunts does the brother-in-law of the husband of the grandmother of Stevie Carr have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "brother_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "husband(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandmother(\"Stevie Carr\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "have", "?" ], "type": 43, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "39586725-e0ec-4893-9181-26c859230496", "question": "How many parents does the son of the grandmother of the female cousin of Vance Parrish have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(parent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "son(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandmother(Y_7, Y_5)", "female_cousin(\"Vance Parrish\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "have", "?" ], "type": 43, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "490e1697-fa90-47e9-8ad4-a3b5bd979e3e", "question": "How many great-grandchildren does the daughter-in-law of the great-grandmother of the second aunt of Lindy Carr have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "5" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandchild(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "daughter_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandmother(Y_7, Y_5)", "second_aunt(\"Lindy Carr\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "have", "?" ], "type": 43, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "44a21111-3296-4462-92d8-096a79c6e2fd", "question": "How many daughters does the sibling of the female second cousin of the cousin of Tomasa Macon have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(daughter(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "female_second_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "cousin(\"Tomasa Macon\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "have", "?" ], "type": 43, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "5d33ce7a-5deb-4a07-be18-642e39bdb12a", "question": "How many great-uncles does the daughter of the friend of the great-aunt of Floyd Bowlin have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_uncle(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "daughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_aunt(\"Floyd Bowlin\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "have", "?" ], "type": 43, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "3cfee540-c721-4a47-8d09-e3855445cdba", "question": "How many grandchildren does the grandparent of the aunt of the friend of Erik Hudgens have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2", "4", "5", "6" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandchild(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(\"Erik Hudgens\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "have", "?" ], "type": 43, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "fa7e1ebd-b046-40b2-9b79-cc4c01d6081e", "question": "How many grandmothers does the aunt of the sibling of the nephew of Wilmer Hagerty have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandmother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "nephew(\"Wilmer Hagerty\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "have", "?" ], "type": 43, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "894e330e-568c-454b-b9e6-9cfcfdd4ab01", "question": "How many friends does the great-grandparent of the friend of the sibling of Kareem Stevenson have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "2", "3", "5", "6" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(friend(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "sibling(\"Kareem Stevenson\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "have", "?" ], "type": 43, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "2b2df325-2f49-4935-94b5-b4d79016c9e8", "question": "How many children does the friend of the great-grandchild of the person whose occupation is podiatrist have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(child(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "job(Y_7, \"podiatrist\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "have", "?" ], "type": 44, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "0e1d4d12-51d9-47a7-80c3-74c3c278a443", "question": "How many fathers does the sister of the friend of the person whose hobby is jukskei have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(father(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sister(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "hobby(Y_7, \"jukskei\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "have", "?" ], "type": 44, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "f723b526-c994-4132-ae5f-a2a8e6113cb6", "question": "How many daughters does the second uncle of the aunt of the person whose occupation is fast food restaurant manager have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(daughter(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "second_uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "job(Y_7, \"fast food restaurant manager\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "have", "?" ], "type": 44, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "5c8ea988-8ff2-4399-9e41-0770675e83ff", "question": "How many parents does the son of the cousin of the person whose occupation is clinical research associate have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(parent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "son(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "job(Y_7, \"clinical research associate\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "have", "?" ], "type": 44, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "bf0f2b8c-0c95-4f4d-829a-07c09f517ad7", "question": "How many female cousins does the nephew of the second uncle of the person whose hobby is story writing have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(female_cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "nephew(Y_5, Y_3)", "second_uncle(Y_7, Y_5)", "hobby(Y_7, \"story writing\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "have", "?" ], "type": 44, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "ab0110c6-057f-4826-934e-6e3b8ba2afd9", "question": "How many uncles does the sibling of the male cousin of the person whose occupation is maintenance engineer have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(uncle(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "male_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "job(Y_7, \"maintenance engineer\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "have", "?" ], "type": 44, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "2bc6be49-cd4d-4e3c-a494-bc91d8831f11", "question": "How many nieces does the child of the friend of the person whose occupation is social researcher have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2", "3", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(niece(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "job(Y_7, \"social researcher\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "have", "?" ], "type": 44, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "a477a978-12d5-444e-ba34-63d0424d56df", "question": "How many uncles does the granddaughter of the wife of the person whose hobby is tennis have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(uncle(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "wife(Y_7, Y_5)", "hobby(Y_7, \"tennis\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "have", "?" ], "type": 44, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "459f6942-0175-414d-a8a7-9c3ea9a35ce3", "question": "How many granddaughters does the grandchild of the parent of the person whose hobby is social studies have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "3", "5" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(granddaughter(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "parent(Y_7, Y_5)", "hobby(Y_7, \"social studies\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "have", "?" ], "type": 44, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "cd26d958-2542-4ed0-8d43-52593b07740c", "question": "How many friends does the grandmother of the second aunt of the person whose date of birth is 1005-09-15 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(friend(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandmother(Y_5, Y_3)", "second_aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "dob(Y_7, \"1005-09-15\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "have", "?" ], "type": 44, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "7e47c979-0c9f-44ff-aafd-2686e553ecb2", "question": "How many friends does the cousin of the grandson of Damian Sherwin have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "4", "5" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(friend(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandson(\"Damian Sherwin\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "have", "?" ], "type": 45, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "9992df5f-8990-402f-9d3f-29d3a10874ec", "question": "How many friends does the friend of the husband of Jeanette Byrd have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(friend(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "husband(\"Jeanette Byrd\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "have", "?" ], "type": 45, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "fe263158-cb27-451a-862e-938619611579", "question": "How many grandchildren does the great-grandchild of the father-in-law of Velia Grady have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "5" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandchild(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "father_in_law(\"Velia Grady\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "have", "?" ], "type": 45, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "650d35dc-1d83-4431-8195-8bd6f9d116a3", "question": "How many nephews does the aunt of the male cousin of Hector Henriquez have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(nephew(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "male_cousin(\"Hector Henriquez\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "have", "?" ], "type": 45, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "f9787a3b-87d8-42d1-94c8-cbcef898a934", "question": "How many siblings does the sibling of the brother-in-law of Emilia Englert have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "brother_in_law(\"Emilia Englert\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "have", "?" ], "type": 45, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "367ddd77-5095-4acc-a81a-58fe99302f53", "question": "How many daughters-in-law does the great-grandmother of the second aunt of Lindy Carr have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(daughter_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_grandmother(Y_5, Y_3)", "second_aunt(\"Lindy Carr\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "have", "?" ], "type": 45, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "c9e131a6-b83d-4165-a36f-e69e31375188", "question": "How many sons-in-law does the grandfather of the grandchild of Renaldo Koerner have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(son_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandfather(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandchild(\"Renaldo Koerner\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "have", "?" ], "type": 45, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "f20a30bd-2574-44e8-a615-2822d523dbe2", "question": "How many grandmothers does the sibling of the child of Eusebio Aparicio have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandmother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "child(\"Eusebio Aparicio\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "have", "?" ], "type": 45, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "94023e51-2323-4d1c-887e-9e2de1171ec4", "question": "How many daughters does the sister of the daughter of Lynelle Huynh have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(daughter(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sister(Y_5, Y_3)", "daughter(\"Lynelle Huynh\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "have", "?" ], "type": 45, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "0ae394c4-2c34-4f3b-8b57-b45e043d89b1", "question": "How many nephews does the niece of the aunt of Eugene Valentine have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(nephew(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "niece(Y_5, Y_3)", "aunt(\"Eugene Valentine\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "have", "?" ], "type": 45, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "0da5ba6b-db6d-4e5b-9f0c-52e05b9f6fa9", "question": "How many friends does the great-grandchild of the person whose occupation is podiatrist have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(friend(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "job(Y_5, \"podiatrist\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "have", "?" ], "type": 46, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "7d398aa6-0633-4e93-9432-27e908395303", "question": "How many friends does the friend of the person whose date of birth is 0976-08-12 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2", "3", "4", "5" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(friend(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "dob(Y_5, \"0976-08-12\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "have", "?" ], "type": 46, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "190e98f1-dc04-4f8f-9db3-f9b8780d5901", "question": "How many grandsons does the friend of the person whose date of birth is 0913-11-09 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "4", "7" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandson(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "dob(Y_5, \"0913-11-09\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "have", "?" ], "type": 46, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "0d5ce91c-6575-4c58-bac4-25419ccb70b8", "question": "How many grandchildren does the grandmother of the person whose hobby is rock balancing have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "10", "13", "15", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandchild(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandmother(Y_5, Y_3)", "hobby(Y_5, \"rock balancing\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "have", "?" ], "type": 46, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "070f2d72-8fa0-4c7c-9bb3-7c29259c9dab", "question": "How many siblings does the son of the person whose occupation is glass blower have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "2", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "son(Y_5, Y_3)", "job(Y_5, \"glass blower\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "have", "?" ], "type": 46, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "b032b887-18d8-47e2-ae6a-738e4c9da554", "question": "How many nephews does the second uncle of the person whose hobby is story writing have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2", "3", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(nephew(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "second_uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "hobby(Y_5, \"story writing\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "have", "?" ], "type": 46, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "c7f85b51-6c62-4f03-849c-26153410850c", "question": "How many great-grandparents does the father-in-law of the person whose date of birth is 0979-05-02 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandparent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "father_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "dob(Y_5, \"0979-05-02\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "have", "?" ], "type": 46, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "a191ee25-a961-43ec-b7a6-57415c135eca", "question": "How many daughters-in-law does the mother of the person whose date of birth is 0954-02-11 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(daughter_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "mother(Y_5, Y_3)", "dob(Y_5, \"0954-02-11\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "have", "?" ], "type": 46, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "f50258e9-a8fa-424d-859c-3fc0b2bdf56a", "question": "How many great-grandparents does the grandchild of the person whose date of birth is 0948-02-09 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandparent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "dob(Y_5, \"0948-02-09\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "have", "?" ], "type": 46, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "fffe1e67-d420-42b2-a985-6ec48e4f9caf", "question": "How many daughters does the son-in-law of the person whose date of birth is 0963-02-20 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(daughter(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "son_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "dob(Y_5, \"0963-02-20\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "have", "?" ], "type": 46, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "6b4f6c07-edd1-4dae-a0b1-871f3fded3fe", "question": "How many cousins does the grandson of Damian Sherwin have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandson(\"Damian Sherwin\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "have", "?" ], "type": 47, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "c72982c9-0e48-449a-ad4b-da14b52a764e", "question": "How many brothers does the parent of Barabara Tudor have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(brother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "parent(\"Barabara Tudor\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "have", "?" ], "type": 47, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "7b1f5930-f28e-4e23-a471-50a303cc348b", "question": "How many children does the second uncle of Ella Xiong have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(child(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "second_uncle(\"Ella Xiong\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "have", "?" ], "type": 47, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "f951aa31-7b52-42e9-912a-863643076a81", "question": "How many grandchildren does the great-grandfather of Cheree Dodge have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "2", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandchild(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_grandfather(\"Cheree Dodge\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "have", "?" ], "type": 47, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "d9931dc4-3c9e-4911-aab8-60627fe8af75", "question": "How many aunts does the male cousin of Hector Henriquez have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "male_cousin(\"Hector Henriquez\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "have", "?" ], "type": 47, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "3a7e6aae-442e-42eb-8d41-33d0b15de2e7", "question": "How many grandmothers does the female cousin of Vance Parrish have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandmother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "female_cousin(\"Vance Parrish\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "have", "?" ], "type": 47, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "e4534859-da74-44ce-b4ce-e87116d624b4", "question": "How many friends does the child of Lindsey Hartwell have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "5" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(friend(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "child(\"Lindsey Hartwell\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "have", "?" ], "type": 47, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "dec0ba6b-ea62-40c0-bdde-099d4110dbd9", "question": "How many great-grandparents does the male first cousin once removed of Debbie Rosenberger have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandparent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(\"Debbie Rosenberger\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "have", "?" ], "type": 47, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "127f1344-c43b-49ad-83c1-8487a7010a48", "question": "How many grandfathers does the grandchild of Renaldo Koerner have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandfather(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandchild(\"Renaldo Koerner\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "have", "?" ], "type": 47, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "13a909cf-cc5d-4d64-8340-29d79e3be1fb", "question": "How many grandparents does the child of Rusty Caputo have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandparent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "child(\"Rusty Caputo\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "have", "?" ], "type": 47, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "ead1ded9-4b23-4984-bdfe-5ef207a996d4", "question": "How many great-grandchildren does the person whose occupation is podiatrist have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "3", "4", "5" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandchild(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "job(Y_3, \"podiatrist\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "have", "?" ], "type": 48, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "356cf970-c9dc-4ec8-87a0-7fe239a438ac", "question": "How many uncles does the person whose date of birth is 0999-08-04 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(uncle(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "dob(Y_3, \"0999-08-04\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "have", "?" ], "type": 48, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "f42c4e7a-4156-4296-a977-991016919ab3", "question": "How many uncles does the person whose hobby is mineral collecting have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(uncle(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "hobby(Y_3, \"mineral collecting\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "have", "?" ], "type": 48, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "85a757ee-f11e-467b-9829-8e6f7a7cf3af", "question": "How many nieces does the person whose hobby is flower collecting and pressing have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2", "3", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(niece(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "hobby(Y_3, \"flower collecting and pressing\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "have", "?" ], "type": 48, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "0c308e32-4a1d-43ed-906a-a3bc4de2d9bf", "question": "How many grandmothers does the person whose hobby is rock balancing have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandmother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "hobby(Y_3, \"rock balancing\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "have", "?" ], "type": 48, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "03e2744c-e63d-4f0e-a860-74cda2b7f6c9", "question": "How many cousins does the person whose occupation is clinical research associate have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "11", "2", "4", "5", "6" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "job(Y_3, \"clinical research associate\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "have", "?" ], "type": 48, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "28c1a406-1991-4371-81aa-7de3c402c018", "question": "How many great-grandsons does the person whose date of birth is 0809-05-10 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandson(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "dob(Y_3, \"0809-05-10\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "have", "?" ], "type": 48, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "7af1f7ff-1230-4554-8495-43399afe237e", "question": "How many female cousins does the person whose hobby is ballroom dancing have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(female_cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "hobby(Y_3, \"ballroom dancing\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "have", "?" ], "type": 48, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "db8d8da3-5dd1-4276-b82a-ef414818d6b2", "question": "How many fathers-in-law does the person whose date of birth is 0979-05-02 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(father_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "dob(Y_3, \"0979-05-02\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "have", "?" ], "type": 48, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "3c24e41d-11e2-4f7c-84b5-dcf97b2b0ce2", "question": "How many grandparents does the person whose date of birth is 0980-10-20 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandparent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "dob(Y_3, \"0980-10-20\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "have", "?" ], "type": 48, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "d024af6a-5451-4bba-af4b-d092c4a178d4", "question": "How many grandsons does Damian Sherwin have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandson(\"Damian Sherwin\", Y_1)), Count_1)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "_3", "have", "?" ], "type": 49, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "a86871c8-a340-48dc-8edf-2c788c1645ea", "question": "How many male first cousins once removed does Jonathan Rosenberger have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "7" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(male_first_cousin_once_removed(\"Jonathan Rosenberger\", Y_1)), Count_1)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "_3", "have", "?" ], "type": 49, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "85452734-3402-4e6f-a65d-d6de6a9dd255", "question": "How many husbands does Jeanette Byrd have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(husband(\"Jeanette Byrd\", Y_1)), Count_1)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "_3", "have", "?" ], "type": 49, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "ca198bb3-8bf7-42e5-9744-d930f497d7b2", "question": "How many second uncles does Ella Xiong have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(second_uncle(\"Ella Xiong\", Y_1)), Count_1)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "_3", "have", "?" ], "type": 49, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "96f34c31-6c75-4ef6-b831-b44fc66c0a93", "question": "How many fathers-in-law does Velia Grady have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(father_in_law(\"Velia Grady\", Y_1)), Count_1)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "_3", "have", "?" ], "type": 49, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "e1315795-38bb-4b78-b0d3-5f8856b964e0", "question": "How many grandmothers does Stevie Carr have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandmother(\"Stevie Carr\", Y_1)), Count_1)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "_3", "have", "?" ], "type": 49, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "76118442-2031-44eb-821e-168bff9425f7", "question": "How many male cousins does Hector Henriquez have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(male_cousin(\"Hector Henriquez\", Y_1)), Count_1)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "_3", "have", "?" ], "type": 49, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "d776e317-712f-4feb-8b6b-caffa9989a86", "question": "How many grandfathers does Michelle Mcinnis have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandfather(\"Michelle Mcinnis\", Y_1)), Count_1)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "_3", "have", "?" ], "type": 49, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "24615a1c-93b7-4961-b4f6-78bf7e186c5b", "question": "How many brothers-in-law does Emilia Englert have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(brother_in_law(\"Emilia Englert\", Y_1)), Count_1)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "_3", "have", "?" ], "type": 49, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "b2096cbd-fba1-4263-8631-5697f05e79c6", "question": "How many children does Lindsey Hartwell have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(child(\"Lindsey 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