[ { "id": "dbd694d7-af31-4ad8-a9b9-ef276d1ae2c7", "question": "Who is the grandson of the mother-in-law of the father of the cousin of the great-grandchild of the father-in-law of the father of the aunt of the person whose date of birth is 1007-12-30?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Arnulfo Jankowski", "Doyle Nix", "Jackson Jankowski", "Jaime Peek", "Lyle Peek", "Moritz Nix", "Porfirio Gates", "Wes Peek" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandson(Y_4, Y_2)", "mother_in_law(Y_6, Y_4)", "father(Y_8, Y_6)", "cousin(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_grandchild(Y_12, Y_10)", "father_in_law(Y_14, Y_12)", "father(Y_16, Y_14)", "aunt(Y_18, Y_16)", "dob(Y_18, \"1007-12-30\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "the person whose", "_19", "is", "_19", "?" ], "type": 0, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "abc23912-436b-45c0-b295-e4895f6c774c", "question": "Who is the brother-in-law of the wife of the grandchild of the great-grandparent of the sibling of the female first cousin once removed of the husband of the friend of the person whose hobby is insect collecting?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Cecil Perea", "Doyle Nix", "Jackson Jankowski", "Jaime Peek", "Jerald Perea", "Nicholas Perea" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "brother_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "wife(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandchild(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_grandparent(Y_10, Y_8)", "sibling(Y_12, Y_10)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_14, Y_12)", "husband(Y_16, Y_14)", "friend(Y_18, Y_16)", "hobby(Y_18, \"insect collecting\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "the person whose", "_19", "is", "_19", "?" ], "type": 0, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "948d9012-192e-481a-8fc2-70ff78daaff2", "question": "Who is the great-aunt of the male first cousin once removed of the female cousin of the grandson of the grandfather of the cousin of the grandparent of the niece of the person whose occupation is rural practice surveyor?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Allyson Gorton", "Autumn Brashear", "Bess Dodge", "Rena Grigg", "Sue Mcbroom", "Tianna Brashear" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_6, Y_4)", "female_cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandson(Y_10, Y_8)", "grandfather(Y_12, Y_10)", "cousin(Y_14, Y_12)", "grandparent(Y_16, Y_14)", "niece(Y_18, Y_16)", "job(Y_18, \"rural practice surveyor\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "the person whose", "_19", "is", "_19", "?" ], "type": 0, "difficulty": 22 }, { "id": "966f81d5-e146-4a53-8c64-1d4da8714a10", "question": "Who is the child of the parent of the brother of the aunt of the brother-in-law of the friend of the friend of the friend of the person whose occupation is quarry manager?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Belia Luevano", "Bruce Goings", "Carmelita Dunbar", "Cedric Goings", "Chau Bridge", "Cherise Darling", "Claude Goings", "Damion Perea", "Dana Hereford", "Darrick Darling", "Devora Lew", "Eddie Darling", "Ernest Dias", "Gwenn Goings", "Hoa Gates", "James Goings", "Jordan Denham", "Kristie Peek", "Lacey Denham", "Lindsey Phillips", "Linwood Dias", "Madelyn Hereford", "Mariah Nix", "Mattie Strong", "Nicholle Majors", "Pearlie Lanham", "Quinton Peek", "Romelia Sawyers", "Rubye Perea", "Salley Puckett", "Shirleen Stites", "Timmy Peek", "Tony Lanham", "Vilma Jankowski" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "child(Y_4, Y_2)", "parent(Y_6, Y_4)", "brother(Y_8, Y_6)", "aunt(Y_10, Y_8)", "brother_in_law(Y_12, Y_10)", "friend(Y_14, Y_12)", "friend(Y_16, Y_14)", "friend(Y_18, Y_16)", "job(Y_18, \"quarry manager\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "the person whose", "_19", "is", "_19", "?" ], "type": 0, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "0954025d-e07b-44f4-8117-3bec6ea1f73b", "question": "Who is the grandson of the friend of the friend of the friend of the great-grandparent of the great-uncle of the grandchild of the mother-in-law of the person whose occupation is surveyor?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Abel Peek", "Adolph Barbee", "Andre Vansickle", "Andres Barbee", "Barry Huntley", "Brendon Gil", "Cedric Goings", "Chris Stites", "Claude Goings", "Cleveland Mcbroom", "Darrick Darling", "Devon Lalonde", "Eddie Darling", "Ethan Gould", "Felton Gil", "Harvey Mcbroom", "Howard Lanham", "James Goings", "Jordan Mcbroom", "Kirk Lo", "Konstantin Barbee", "Kyle Gil", "Linwood Thrower", "Lyndon Barbee", "Maxwell Deming", "Mervin Mcbroom", "Minh Breen", "Oren Gould", "Quinton Peek", "Raymond Lanham", "Ronnie Pence", "Roy Christy", "Rueben Puckett", "Stan Breen", "Timmy Peek", "Tommy Marchant", "Tommy Schultz", "Tony Lanham", "Tyrone Deming", "Zachary Guay" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandson(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "friend(Y_8, Y_6)", "friend(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_grandparent(Y_12, Y_10)", "great_uncle(Y_14, Y_12)", "grandchild(Y_16, Y_14)", "mother_in_law(Y_18, Y_16)", "job(Y_18, \"surveyor\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "the person whose", "_19", "is", "_19", "?" ], "type": 0, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "fc8e77c0-a7c3-42d5-851c-32a3bcfe5465", "question": "Who is the grandchild of the grandparent of the sibling of the great-aunt of the great-grandchild of the nephew of the grandson of the husband of the person whose hobby is role-playing games?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alfreda Denham", "Jorge Denham", "Rochelle Denham", "Shonna Pence" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandchild(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandparent(Y_6, Y_4)", "sibling(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_aunt(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_grandchild(Y_12, Y_10)", "nephew(Y_14, Y_12)", "grandson(Y_16, Y_14)", "husband(Y_18, Y_16)", "hobby(Y_18, \"role-playing games\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "the person whose", "_19", "is", "_19", "?" ], "type": 0, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "669a6185-4ac0-43cc-9fc4-85ae263606d1", "question": "Who is the great-grandparent of the grandson of the great-granddaughter of the father-in-law of the daughter-in-law of the grandmother of the great-grandchild of the son-in-law of the person whose date of birth is 0893-08-04?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Helena Denham", "Jorge Denham" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandparent(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandson(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_granddaughter(Y_8, Y_6)", "father_in_law(Y_10, Y_8)", "daughter_in_law(Y_12, Y_10)", "grandmother(Y_14, Y_12)", "great_grandchild(Y_16, Y_14)", "son_in_law(Y_18, Y_16)", "dob(Y_18, \"0893-08-04\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "the person whose", "_19", "is", "_19", "?" ], "type": 0, "difficulty": 20 }, { "id": "d801bcfb-c9c4-4cfa-92b6-f801c47fc0e8", "question": "Who is the brother of the uncle of the male cousin of the great-uncle of the male cousin of the great-grandchild of the nephew of the second aunt of the person whose occupation is special effects artist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Hal Stoddard", "Joshua Stoddard", "Kevin Stoddard", "Mose Stoddard" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "brother(Y_4, Y_2)", "uncle(Y_6, Y_4)", "male_cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_uncle(Y_10, Y_8)", "male_cousin(Y_12, Y_10)", "great_grandchild(Y_14, Y_12)", "nephew(Y_16, Y_14)", "second_aunt(Y_18, Y_16)", "job(Y_18, \"special effects artist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "the person whose", "_19", "is", "_19", "?" ], "type": 0, "difficulty": 22 }, { "id": "29e61e8a-9cf4-417b-a4d7-1e3138199aa1", "question": "Who is the cousin of the sister of the nephew of the great-aunt of the great-grandchild of the daughter of the great-grandmother of the nephew of the person whose hobby is compact discs?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Jewel Sawyers", "Jules Bridge", "Kendrick Bridge", "Marguerita Stromberg", "Mari Christy", "Michelle Stromberg", "Oren Gould", "Roy Christy", "Signe Vanderpool" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "sister(Y_6, Y_4)", "nephew(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_aunt(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_grandchild(Y_12, Y_10)", "daughter(Y_14, Y_12)", "great_grandmother(Y_16, Y_14)", "nephew(Y_18, Y_16)", "hobby(Y_18, \"compact discs\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "the person whose", "_19", "is", "_19", "?" ], "type": 0, "difficulty": 19 }, { "id": "7aa01d87-f37b-4ecc-a116-3b45783a1976", "question": "Who is the sibling of the niece of the sister of the son of the brother of the sibling of the great-uncle of the sister-in-law of the person whose occupation is waste management officer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Charissa Lundgren", "Gail Breen", "Isabell Doherty", "Nakisha Million" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sibling(Y_4, Y_2)", "niece(Y_6, Y_4)", "sister(Y_8, Y_6)", "son(Y_10, Y_8)", "brother(Y_12, Y_10)", "sibling(Y_14, Y_12)", "great_uncle(Y_16, Y_14)", "sister_in_law(Y_18, Y_16)", "job(Y_18, \"waste management officer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "the person whose", "_19", "is", "_19", "?" ], "type": 0, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "c6e2aa27-54a3-4d4e-921d-cd412cb8adf9", "question": "Who is the child of the daughter of the daughter-in-law of the great-grandparent of the grandchild of the father of the sister of the grandmother of Jackson Jankowski?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Armand Lew", "Hoa Gates", "Mariah Nix", "Monty Lew", "Quinton Peek", "Timmy Peek", "Vilma Jankowski" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "child(Y_4, Y_2)", "daughter(Y_6, Y_4)", "daughter_in_law(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_grandparent(Y_10, Y_8)", "grandchild(Y_12, Y_10)", "father(Y_14, Y_12)", "sister(Y_16, Y_14)", "grandmother(\"Jackson Jankowski\", Y_16)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "_18", "?" ], "type": 1, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "f4ad6595-85f4-48eb-8047-206ec428cac1", "question": "Who is the grandchild of the great-grandparent of the sibling of the great-grandchild of the sibling of the friend of the female second cousin of the female second cousin of Vincenza Dias?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Arnulfo Jankowski", "Doyle Nix", "Jackson Jankowski", "Jaime Peek", "Juanita Kirschner", "Lyle Peek", "Marguerita Stromberg", "Mari Christy", "Michelle Stromberg", "Moritz Nix", "Oren Gould", "Porfirio Gates", "Roy Christy", "Signe Vanderpool", "Wes Peek" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandchild(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_grandparent(Y_6, Y_4)", "sibling(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_grandchild(Y_10, Y_8)", "sibling(Y_12, Y_10)", "friend(Y_14, Y_12)", "female_second_cousin(Y_16, Y_14)", "female_second_cousin(\"Vincenza Dias\", Y_16)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "_18", "?" ], "type": 1, "difficulty": 21 }, { "id": "65460a6e-5ac4-48c1-b56d-870a3f8f6fad", "question": "Who is the great-grandparent of the great-grandparent of the great-grandson of the grandchild of the father of the nephew of the uncle of the brother-in-law of Adella Stites?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Minnie Darling", "Mitchell Darling" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandparent(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_grandparent(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandson(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandchild(Y_10, Y_8)", "father(Y_12, Y_10)", "nephew(Y_14, Y_12)", "uncle(Y_16, Y_14)", "brother_in_law(\"Adella Stites\", Y_16)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "_18", "?" ], "type": 1, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "935f0a67-3154-402a-99af-9dc3a730741e", "question": "Who is the nephew of the friend of the friend of the male first cousin once removed of the nephew of the uncle of the grandchild of the friend of Minh Breen?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Abel Peek", "Andre Vansickle", "Arnulfo Jankowski", "Barry Huntley", "Brooks George", "Cecil Perea", "Dee Stoddard", "Deon Nickels", "Desmond Nesbitt", "Doyle Nix", "Dwayne Perea", "Ethan Gould", "Grant Stites", "Harvey Stites", "Jackson Jankowski", "Jaime Peek", "Jerald Perea", "Jerrod Stoddard", "Kennith Phillips", "Lawerence Stites", "Lowell Gorton", "Mitchel George", "Moritz Nix", "Nicholas Perea", "Porfirio Gates", "Randell Denham", "Raphael Ervin", "Rod Nickels", "Rolf Toomey", "Salvatore Nix", "Sam Nickels", "Theodore Grigg", "Werner Strong", "Wes Peek", "Zachary Guay" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "nephew(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "friend(Y_8, Y_6)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_10, Y_8)", "nephew(Y_12, Y_10)", "uncle(Y_14, Y_12)", "grandchild(Y_16, Y_14)", "friend(\"Minh Breen\", Y_16)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "_18", "?" ], "type": 1, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "4992af61-ceee-4138-ab1c-d33e5a3a341a", "question": "Who is the great-grandchild of the mother-in-law of the mother-in-law of the husband of the sister of the child of the parent of the great-aunt of Randolph Grigg?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Adella Mcbroom", "Carmella Huntley", "Lowell Gorton", "Tamara Mcbroom", "Theodore Grigg" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandchild(Y_4, Y_2)", "mother_in_law(Y_6, Y_4)", "mother_in_law(Y_8, Y_6)", "husband(Y_10, Y_8)", "sister(Y_12, Y_10)", "child(Y_14, Y_12)", "parent(Y_16, Y_14)", "great_aunt(\"Randolph Grigg\", Y_16)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "_18", "?" ], "type": 1, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "9d34f6ca-13f9-4752-b4f2-f359be4ee3d3", "question": "Who is the great-uncle of the aunt of the female first cousin once removed of the friend of the mother of the friend of the female second cousin of the female second cousin of Salvatore Nix?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Orlando Brashear" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_uncle(Y_4, Y_2)", "aunt(Y_6, Y_4)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_8, Y_6)", "friend(Y_10, Y_8)", "mother(Y_12, Y_10)", "friend(Y_14, Y_12)", "female_second_cousin(Y_16, Y_14)", "female_second_cousin(\"Salvatore Nix\", Y_16)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "_18", "?" ], "type": 1, "difficulty": 22 }, { "id": "16acabc2-2bb1-4c67-8f67-8588e73d4f3f", "question": "Who is the great-aunt of the child of the friend of the sibling of the great-uncle of the sister of the cousin of the female cousin of Leesa Pence?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alice Lance", "Gloria Toomey", "Johanna Stoddard", "Kelley Barbee", "Lindsey Phillips", "Mattie Strong", "Rubye Perea", "Tracey Kean", "Twyla Parkinson" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "child(Y_6, Y_4)", "friend(Y_8, Y_6)", "sibling(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_uncle(Y_12, Y_10)", "sister(Y_14, Y_12)", "cousin(Y_16, Y_14)", "female_cousin(\"Leesa Pence\", Y_16)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "_18", "?" ], "type": 1, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "643f289f-24eb-4200-b431-dfc670885522", "question": "Who is the daughter-in-law of the great-grandparent of the cousin of the cousin of the male cousin of the nephew of the male cousin of the grandchild of Reyna Lew?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Kristie Peek" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "daughter_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_grandparent(Y_6, Y_4)", "cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "cousin(Y_10, Y_8)", "male_cousin(Y_12, Y_10)", "nephew(Y_14, Y_12)", "male_cousin(Y_16, Y_14)", "grandchild(\"Reyna Lew\", Y_16)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "_18", "?" ], "type": 1, "difficulty": 21 }, { "id": "cf83e62e-372e-45ec-85b8-3252fa5f6cea", "question": "Who is the niece of the great-aunt of the son of the great-granddaughter of the great-grandparent of the cousin of the female cousin of the cousin of Tad Dunbar?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Bobbie Biggs", "Briana Gil", "Carleen Dias", "Carmelita Dias", "Coretta Dunbar", "Georgine Pence", "Holley Dunbar" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "niece(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_aunt(Y_6, Y_4)", "son(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_granddaughter(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_grandparent(Y_12, Y_10)", "cousin(Y_14, Y_12)", "female_cousin(Y_16, Y_14)", "cousin(\"Tad Dunbar\", Y_16)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "_18", "?" ], "type": 1, "difficulty": 21 }, { "id": "f4c9592a-a223-4869-bfa0-dd4ab3fc8997", "question": "Who is the father-in-law of the mother of the grandchild of the mother of the sister-in-law of the sibling of the sister-in-law of the great-grandparent of Salvatore Nix?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Raleigh Lew" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "father_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "mother(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandchild(Y_8, Y_6)", "mother(Y_10, Y_8)", "sister_in_law(Y_12, Y_10)", "sibling(Y_14, Y_12)", "sister_in_law(Y_16, Y_14)", "great_grandparent(\"Salvatore Nix\", Y_16)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "_18", "?" ], "type": 1, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "826c6d43-2143-4ce5-9830-46b6d6f3554b", "question": "Who is the mother-in-law of the father of the cousin of the great-grandchild of the father-in-law of the father of the aunt of the person whose date of birth is 1007-12-30?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Kristie Peek" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "mother_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "father(Y_6, Y_4)", "cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_grandchild(Y_10, Y_8)", "father_in_law(Y_12, Y_10)", "father(Y_14, Y_12)", "aunt(Y_16, Y_14)", "dob(Y_16, \"1007-12-30\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the person whose", "_17", "is", "_17", "?" ], "type": 2, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "f35837c9-c9ef-4470-9896-35f41016a58a", "question": "Who is the aunt of the niece of the sibling of the second uncle of the grandchild of the friend of the female cousin of the person whose hobby is films?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Carmelita Dunbar", "Cristina Long", "Salley Puckett" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "niece(Y_6, Y_4)", "sibling(Y_8, Y_6)", "second_uncle(Y_10, Y_8)", "grandchild(Y_12, Y_10)", "friend(Y_14, Y_12)", "female_cousin(Y_16, Y_14)", "hobby(Y_16, \"films\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the person whose", "_17", "is", "_17", "?" ], "type": 2, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "d3cad23b-14b0-4551-8c29-058746b3293d", "question": "Who is the great-grandparent of the great-grandparent of the great-grandson of the grandchild of the grandfather of the nephew of the husband of the person whose occupation is catering manager?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Minnie Darling", "Mitchell Darling" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandparent(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_grandparent(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandson(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandchild(Y_10, Y_8)", "grandfather(Y_12, Y_10)", "nephew(Y_14, Y_12)", "husband(Y_16, Y_14)", "job(Y_16, \"catering manager\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the person whose", "_17", "is", "_17", "?" ], "type": 2, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "1f97c1ac-49b8-42a2-9cb0-7106d7e2e02f", "question": "Who is the second aunt of the female first cousin once removed of the friend of the friend of the sister-in-law of the father of the great-aunt of the person whose hobby is book collecting?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Cherise Darling", "Devora Lew", "Madelyn Hereford", "Nicholle Majors" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "second_aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_6, Y_4)", "friend(Y_8, Y_6)", "friend(Y_10, Y_8)", "sister_in_law(Y_12, Y_10)", "father(Y_14, Y_12)", "great_aunt(Y_16, Y_14)", "hobby(Y_16, \"book collecting\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the person whose", "_17", "is", "_17", "?" ], "type": 2, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "761c0897-7563-4746-88c7-8723f7872ea8", "question": "Who is the female cousin of the grandchild of the father-in-law of the sister of the sister of the aunt of the parent of the person whose occupation is geographical information systems officer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Adella Mcbroom", "Audie Dodge", "Carmella Huntley", "Maryann Mcbroom", "Oleta Mcbroom", "Tamara Mcbroom" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "female_cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_6, Y_4)", "father_in_law(Y_8, Y_6)", "sister(Y_10, Y_8)", "sister(Y_12, Y_10)", "aunt(Y_14, Y_12)", "parent(Y_16, Y_14)", "job(Y_16, \"geographical information systems officer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the person whose", "_17", "is", "_17", "?" ], "type": 2, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "27f1c31e-a1eb-4ae5-8825-12ec6610f916", "question": "Who is the grandparent of the grandchild of the friend of the friend of the grandparent of the friend of the female second cousin of the person whose hobby is billiards?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Albertine Thrower", "Alison Castaneda", "Allan Rooker", "Allie Barbee", "Allyson Brashear", "Amanda Perea", "Andres Barbee", "Autumn Denham", "Blondell Castaneda", "Booker Nix", "Brendon Gil", "Briana Gil", "Candice Bianchi", "Carly Corder", "Carmen Bianchi", "Casandra Gould", "Cesar Guay", "Charissa Lundgren", "Chau Bridge", "Christa Marchant", "Clair Kidder", "Courtney Hereford", "Dale Marchant", "Deane Hereford", "Deirdre Fries", "Delma Christy", "Deon Christy", "Dollie Barbee", "Dominick Bridge", "Donnell Peek", "Donnie Turgeon", "Dortha Nickels", "Duane Castaneda", "Dwight Luevano", "Edgar Bianchi", "Edwina Kasper", "Eldon Stites", "Elias Lanham", "Emilio Kasper", "Ethan Gould", "Eve Ervin", "Evelia Nelms", "Francesca Marchant", "Francisca Rooker", "Gaylord Perea", "Glen Peek", "Gloria Toomey", "Grant Bridge", "Hal Stoddard", "Hunter Darling", "Ione Stites", "Jacques Gil", "James Mcbroom", "Jeannine Million", "Joel Fries", "Jose Lundgren", "Julio Nelms", "Karolyn Lance", "Kenny Southerland", "Kieth Denham", "Kimiko Blankenship", "Konstantin Barbee", "Kris Luevano", "Kristie Peek", "Krystle Barbee", "Kurt Parkinson", "Ladawn Turgeon", "Landon Ervin", "Laurel Guay", "Lee Nix", "Leonard Corder", "Leonila Parkinson", "Linwood Dias", "Lissa Mcbroom", "Lola Marchant", "Lona Kidder", "Loraine Vansickle", "Loretta Denham", "Lucas Bianchi", "Lura Bianchi", "Mariah Nix", "Mark Nickels", "Matt Mcbroom", "Mauricio Vansickle", "Minnie Darling", "Mitchell Darling", "Myrtle Bridge", "Nakisha Lanham", "Nelson Blankenship", "Nicolle Dias", "Normand Hereford", "Oma Lanham", "Omar Grigg", "Pansy Southerland", "Patrice Peek", "Patsy Lanham", "Philip Thrower", "Pierre Gould", "Preston Million", "Pricilla Pennington", "Raleigh Lew", "Randell Denham", "Reginald Lanham", "Rena Grigg", "Reyna Lew", "Reynaldo Brashear", "Robby Pennington", "Roberto Toomey", "Robin Puckett", "Rocco Lance", "Ronald Castaneda", "Rory Nix", "Rosanne Gould", "Rudy Barbee", "Rueben Puckett", "Salley Puckett", "Sarita Bianchi", "Shirleen Stites", "Silas Stoddard", "Tammie Stoddard", "Tanya Darling", "Thomasena Gil", "Tommy Marchant", "Tonia Stoddard", "Tony Lanham", "Vincent Marchant", "Walter Hope", "Wanita Hope", "Wilmer Stites", "Windy Puckett", "Wm Hereford", "Zelma Mcbroom" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandparent(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_6, Y_4)", "friend(Y_8, Y_6)", "friend(Y_10, Y_8)", "grandparent(Y_12, Y_10)", "friend(Y_14, Y_12)", "female_second_cousin(Y_16, Y_14)", "hobby(Y_16, \"billiards\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the person whose", "_17", "is", "_17", "?" ], "type": 2, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "a4d2ddfb-22ef-4107-84c9-35175fcbe480", "question": "Who is the great-aunt of the child of the friend of the sibling of the great-uncle of the sister of the female cousin of the person whose hobby is microbiology?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alice Lance", "Gloria Toomey", "Johanna Stoddard", "Kelley Barbee", "Lindsey Phillips", "Mattie Strong", "Rubye Perea", "Tracey Kean", "Twyla Parkinson" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "child(Y_6, Y_4)", "friend(Y_8, Y_6)", "sibling(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_uncle(Y_12, Y_10)", "sister(Y_14, Y_12)", "female_cousin(Y_16, Y_14)", "hobby(Y_16, \"microbiology\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the person whose", "_17", "is", "_17", "?" ], "type": 2, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "085f64e8-7ec6-4abc-8263-08d8f3700709", "question": "Who is the aunt of the granddaughter of the grandparent of the female cousin of the cousin of the niece of the daughter-in-law of the person whose occupation is theatre stage manager?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Devora Lew", "Madelyn Hereford" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "granddaughter(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandparent(Y_8, Y_6)", "female_cousin(Y_10, Y_8)", "cousin(Y_12, Y_10)", "niece(Y_14, Y_12)", "daughter_in_law(Y_16, Y_14)", "job(Y_16, \"theatre stage manager\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the person whose", "_17", "is", "_17", "?" ], "type": 2, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "678c7f20-7961-4fb7-8791-a241e5b1a929", "question": "Who is the great-grandchild of the grandmother of the grandparent of the male first cousin once removed of the grandchild of the great-grandfather of the female first cousin once removed of the person whose occupation is intelligence analyst?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Bobbie Biggs", "Briana Gil", "Carleen Dias", "Carmelita Dias", "Coretta Dunbar", "Georgine Pence", "Holley Dunbar", "Kena Long", "Lucio Dias", "Tad Dunbar" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandchild(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandmother(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandparent(Y_8, Y_6)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_10, Y_8)", "grandchild(Y_12, Y_10)", "great_grandfather(Y_14, Y_12)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_16, Y_14)", "job(Y_16, \"intelligence analyst\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the person whose", "_17", "is", "_17", "?" ], "type": 2, "difficulty": 21 }, { "id": "cf8dc248-48b1-40fc-a3ac-7854dfbd6a4e", "question": "Who is the sister-in-law of the father of the cousin of the niece of the sister-in-law of the child of the great-grandfather of the person whose occupation is music tutor?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Hoa Gates", "Mariah Nix", "Vilma Jankowski" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sister_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "father(Y_6, Y_4)", "cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "niece(Y_10, Y_8)", "sister_in_law(Y_12, Y_10)", "child(Y_14, Y_12)", "great_grandfather(Y_16, Y_14)", "job(Y_16, \"music tutor\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the person whose", "_17", "is", "_17", "?" ], "type": 2, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "7afbaf9e-12a4-4e57-8b61-67358186ea1e", "question": "Who is the daughter of the daughter-in-law of the great-grandparent of the grandchild of the father of the sister of the grandmother of Jackson Jankowski?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Devora Lew", "Kristie Peek", "Madelyn Hereford" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "daughter(Y_4, Y_2)", "daughter_in_law(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandparent(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandchild(Y_10, Y_8)", "father(Y_12, Y_10)", "sister(Y_14, Y_12)", "grandmother(\"Jackson Jankowski\", Y_14)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "_16", "?" ], "type": 3, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "bae11207-a98d-458d-9675-92a2aa4632f2", "question": "Who is the sibling of the great-grandchild of the sibling of the friend of the niece of the sister-in-law of the brother-in-law of Desiree Mcbroom?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Elicia Barbee", "Lyndon Barbee", "Nettie Barbee" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sibling(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_grandchild(Y_6, Y_4)", "sibling(Y_8, Y_6)", "friend(Y_10, Y_8)", "niece(Y_12, Y_10)", "sister_in_law(Y_14, Y_12)", "brother_in_law(\"Desiree Mcbroom\", Y_14)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "_16", "?" ], "type": 3, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "a61f9969-96e0-4ad5-823e-4f2688445183", "question": "Who is the sibling of the uncle of the niece of the brother of the brother-in-law of the sibling of the wife of Jefferson Long?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Carmelita Dunbar", "Ernest Dias", "Linwood Dias", "Salley Puckett" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sibling(Y_4, Y_2)", "uncle(Y_6, Y_4)", "niece(Y_8, Y_6)", "brother(Y_10, Y_8)", "brother_in_law(Y_12, Y_10)", "sibling(Y_14, Y_12)", "wife(\"Jefferson Long\", Y_14)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "_16", "?" ], "type": 3, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "5fc87d30-5b50-4c08-8b1d-b0468273534b", "question": "Who is the friend of the grandparent of the grandson of the friend of the great-grandchild of the great-grandparent of the mother-in-law of Jacob Christy?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alejandrina Lanham", "Alice Lance", "Allan Rooker", "Allyson Gorton", "Anneliese Brashear", "Annmarie Stoddard", "Aurelio Kasper", "Carmelita Dunbar", "Casandra Gould", "Cecil Perea", "Coretta Dunbar", "Deane Hereford", "Deirdre Fries", "Dollie Barbee", "Dwight Luevano", "Emilio Goings", "Emilio Kasper", "Ernest Dias", "Esperanza Bianchi", "Floyd Ritter", "Garth Kean", "Glen Peek", "Horacio Lanham", "Jacquelyn Huntley", "Jerrod Stoddard", "Joanne Dow", "Jodi Biggs", "Jorge Denham", "Joslyn Schultz", "Kieth Dow", "Konstantin Barbee", "Laurel Bianchi", "Laurel Guay", "Lindsey Phillips", "Loraine Vansickle", "Louann Toomey", "Lucas Bianchi", "Lucretia Peek", "Maragret Bianchi", "Mauricio Vansickle", "Michele Marchant", "Minerva Pennington", "Mitchel George", "Moritz Nix", "Nicolle Dias", "Norris Sherrod", "Nydia Grigg", "Omar Grigg", "Pricilla Pennington", "Raleigh Lew", "Raymond Lanham", "Reginald Lanham", "Renea Thrower", "Robby Pennington", "Rosanne Gould", "Rosemary Lew", "Roy Christy", "Shamika Dow", "Shizuko Veilleux", "Shonna Pence", "Solomon Rahman", "Sueann Kasper", "Tammie Stoddard", "Tanya Darling", "Tonya Alvarez", "Vilma Jankowski", "Walter Hope", "Wes Peek" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "friend(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandparent(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandson(Y_8, Y_6)", "friend(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_grandchild(Y_12, Y_10)", "great_grandparent(Y_14, Y_12)", "mother_in_law(\"Jacob Christy\", Y_14)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "_16", "?" ], "type": 3, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "21aa130d-6eed-4c5b-823d-7cef6eccd15a", "question": "Who is the child of the child of the wife of the father of the sister-in-law of the great-grandson of the friend of Emilio Luevano?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Oren Gould", "Signe Vanderpool" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "child(Y_4, Y_2)", "child(Y_6, Y_4)", "wife(Y_8, Y_6)", "father(Y_10, Y_8)", "sister_in_law(Y_12, Y_10)", "great_grandson(Y_14, Y_12)", "friend(\"Emilio Luevano\", Y_14)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "_16", "?" ], "type": 3, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "f5cbbb90-4b18-40dd-8eea-7d441effd892", "question": "Who is the female second cousin of the female first cousin once removed of the friend of the brother-in-law of the daughter-in-law of the great-grandparent of the wife of Demarcus Huntley?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Joan Dias", "Jodi Biggs", "Leesa Pence", "Vincenza Dias" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "female_second_cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_6, Y_4)", "friend(Y_8, Y_6)", "brother_in_law(Y_10, Y_8)", "daughter_in_law(Y_12, Y_10)", "great_grandparent(Y_14, Y_12)", "wife(\"Demarcus Huntley\", Y_14)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "_16", "?" ], "type": 3, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "7ee110c3-69e0-4652-9fff-86bf18ac81a7", "question": "Who is the sister-in-law of the brother-in-law of the husband of the daughter of the friend of the great-grandchild of the father of Nicholas Perea?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Allyson Gorton", "Autumn Brashear", "Pricilla Pennington", "Rena Grigg", "Renea Thrower", "Roxy Guay", "Tianna Brashear" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sister_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "brother_in_law(Y_6, Y_4)", "husband(Y_8, Y_6)", "daughter(Y_10, Y_8)", "friend(Y_12, Y_10)", "great_grandchild(Y_14, Y_12)", "father(\"Nicholas Perea\", Y_14)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "_16", "?" ], "type": 3, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "81849c31-32ec-463f-a680-95b880dbd8c0", "question": "Who is the grandparent of the brother of the sibling of the friend of the mother of the great-uncle of the daughter of Walker Thurman?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Michelle Stoddard", "Ronald Stoddard" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandparent(Y_4, Y_2)", "brother(Y_6, Y_4)", "sibling(Y_8, Y_6)", "friend(Y_10, Y_8)", "mother(Y_12, Y_10)", "great_uncle(Y_14, Y_12)", "daughter(\"Walker Thurman\", Y_14)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "_16", "?" ], "type": 3, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "c6dd7ee3-7d2d-419c-b15a-e329ce398337", "question": "Who is the son-in-law of the great-grandparent of the niece of the great-uncle of the male second cousin of the grandchild of the son-in-law of Clayton Dias?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Clayton Dias" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "son_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_grandparent(Y_6, Y_4)", "niece(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_uncle(Y_10, Y_8)", "male_second_cousin(Y_12, Y_10)", "grandchild(Y_14, Y_12)", "son_in_law(\"Clayton Dias\", Y_14)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "_16", "?" ], "type": 3, "difficulty": 19 }, { "id": "1c132462-0ecb-4d35-8df3-c8c86617a0be", "question": "Who is the great-aunt of the son of the great-granddaughter of the great-grandparent of the cousin of the female cousin of the cousin of Tad Dunbar?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Carmelita Dunbar", "Cristina Long", "Salley Puckett" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "son(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_granddaughter(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_grandparent(Y_10, Y_8)", "cousin(Y_12, Y_10)", "female_cousin(Y_14, Y_12)", "cousin(\"Tad Dunbar\", Y_14)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "_16", "?" ], "type": 3, "difficulty": 19 }, { "id": "633417d3-d27e-47bd-a969-b8ab9680cf16", "question": "Who is the father of the cousin of the great-grandchild of the father-in-law of the father of the aunt of the person whose date of birth is 1007-12-30?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Elmer Jankowski", "Lester Gates", "Quinton Peek", "Rory Nix", "Timmy Peek" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "father(Y_4, Y_2)", "cousin(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandchild(Y_8, Y_6)", "father_in_law(Y_10, Y_8)", "father(Y_12, Y_10)", "aunt(Y_14, Y_12)", "dob(Y_14, \"1007-12-30\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the person whose", "_15", "is", "_15", "?" ], "type": 4, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "fee92d97-b407-4aed-af43-5b6e439d78f0", "question": "Who is the sibling of the female first cousin once removed of the wife of the friend of the niece of the sister-in-law of the person whose occupation is public relations account executive?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Abel Peek", "Delores Peek", "Ida Peek" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sibling(Y_4, Y_2)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_6, Y_4)", "wife(Y_8, Y_6)", "friend(Y_10, Y_8)", "niece(Y_12, Y_10)", "sister_in_law(Y_14, Y_12)", "job(Y_14, \"public relations account executive\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the person whose", "_15", "is", "_15", "?" ], "type": 4, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "b7f46826-8406-4029-aa80-1ddb1df5dd67", "question": "Who is the sibling of the granddaughter of the mother-in-law of the grandfather of the female cousin of the daughter of the person whose date of birth is 0970-01-15?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Carmelita Dunbar", "Ernest Dias", "Linwood Dias", "Salley Puckett" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sibling(Y_4, Y_2)", "granddaughter(Y_6, Y_4)", "mother_in_law(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandfather(Y_10, Y_8)", "female_cousin(Y_12, Y_10)", "daughter(Y_14, Y_12)", "dob(Y_14, \"0970-01-15\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the person whose", "_15", "is", "_15", "?" ], "type": 4, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "7d3d94a6-bd55-41e0-8033-6d58865e68a8", "question": "Who is the son-in-law of the grandchild of the son-in-law of the grandfather of the great-aunt of the sister-in-law of the person whose occupation is secretary?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Jacob Christy", "Terry Stromberg" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "son_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_6, Y_4)", "son_in_law(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandfather(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_aunt(Y_12, Y_10)", "sister_in_law(Y_14, Y_12)", "job(Y_14, \"secretary\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the person whose", "_15", "is", "_15", "?" ], "type": 4, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "7f72af63-52e0-45a9-b276-e823d10635c3", "question": "Who is the sibling of the child of the father of the aunt of the great-uncle of the second aunt of the person whose hobby is audiophile?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Damion Perea", "Lindsey Phillips", "Mattie Strong", "Rubye Perea" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sibling(Y_4, Y_2)", "child(Y_6, Y_4)", "father(Y_8, Y_6)", "aunt(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_uncle(Y_12, Y_10)", "second_aunt(Y_14, Y_12)", "hobby(Y_14, \"audiophile\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the person whose", "_15", "is", "_15", "?" ], "type": 4, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "bd8ccd70-afd0-4634-ae41-611c727f5c55", "question": "Who is the friend of the friend of the great-grandparent of the great-uncle of the grandchild of the mother-in-law of the person whose occupation is surveyor?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Abel Peek", "Alvin Lance", "Benny Guay", "Cesar Guay", "Craig Arriola", "Dominick Bridge", "Eldon Stites", "Esperanza Bianchi", "Francesca Marchant", "Francisca Perea", "Grant Stites", "Jacob Christy", "Jacques Goings", "James Mcbroom", "Jimmie Lanham", "Karolyn Lance", "Lee Nix", "Maxwell Deming", "Mayra Stites", "Michelle Stoddard", "Nakisha Lanham", "Omar Grigg", "Rod Nickels", "Shannon Grigg", "Signe Vanderpool", "Tara Lundgren", "Tonia Stack", "Zelma Mcbroom" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "friend(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandparent(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_uncle(Y_10, Y_8)", "grandchild(Y_12, Y_10)", "mother_in_law(Y_14, Y_12)", "job(Y_14, \"surveyor\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the person whose", "_15", "is", "_15", "?" ], "type": 4, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "4f0f619f-397a-45eb-8e3c-2d2cafa99e11", "question": "Who is the nephew of the sister-in-law of the husband of the grandmother of the male first cousin once removed of the male cousin of the person whose date of birth is 0952-04-23?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Cecil Perea", "Jerald Perea", "Kennith Phillips", "Nicholas Perea", "Werner Strong" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "nephew(Y_4, Y_2)", "sister_in_law(Y_6, Y_4)", "husband(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandmother(Y_10, Y_8)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_12, Y_10)", "male_cousin(Y_14, Y_12)", "dob(Y_14, \"0952-04-23\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the person whose", "_15", "is", "_15", "?" ], "type": 4, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "bb6b3091-e638-4835-9111-887c0ffc09e6", "question": "Who is the great-granddaughter of the grandmother of the aunt of the male second cousin of the sibling of the brother-in-law of the person whose date of birth is 0945-12-01?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Blair Goings", "Carina Thurman", "Charissa Lundgren", "Gail Breen", "Isabell Doherty", "Keri Goings", "Nakisha Million" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_granddaughter(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandmother(Y_6, Y_4)", "aunt(Y_8, Y_6)", "male_second_cousin(Y_10, Y_8)", "sibling(Y_12, Y_10)", "brother_in_law(Y_14, Y_12)", "dob(Y_14, \"0945-12-01\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the person whose", "_15", "is", "_15", "?" ], "type": 4, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "2cac232b-8a56-421d-a195-ab561a83da7e", "question": "Who is the son-in-law of the great-grandparent of the cousin of the cousin of the great-granddaughter of the father-in-law of the person whose hobby is sand art?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Clayton Dias" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "son_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_grandparent(Y_6, Y_4)", "cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "cousin(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_granddaughter(Y_12, Y_10)", "father_in_law(Y_14, Y_12)", "hobby(Y_14, \"sand art\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the person whose", "_15", "is", "_15", "?" ], "type": 4, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "88af8b1c-6c1e-4990-b040-a39e765e31fc", "question": "Who is the grandmother of the grandparent of the male first cousin once removed of the grandchild of the great-grandfather of the female first cousin once removed of the person whose occupation is intelligence analyst?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Carly Corder", "Windy Puckett" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandmother(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandparent(Y_6, Y_4)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandchild(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_grandfather(Y_12, Y_10)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_14, Y_12)", "job(Y_14, \"intelligence analyst\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the person whose", "_15", "is", "_15", "?" ], "type": 4, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "c3f8eab2-d0e5-4ebd-8796-806f426830c4", "question": "Who is the daughter-in-law of the great-grandparent of the grandchild of the father of the sister of the grandmother of Jackson Jankowski?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Deane Hereford" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "daughter_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_grandparent(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandchild(Y_8, Y_6)", "father(Y_10, Y_8)", "sister(Y_12, Y_10)", "grandmother(\"Jackson Jankowski\", Y_12)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "_14", "?" ], "type": 5, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "9a30ab26-8a43-4e52-8703-af5869660139", "question": "Who is the uncle of the friend of the cousin of the male cousin of the great-uncle of the aunt of Wanda Lo?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Arthur Stites", "Cecil Perea", "Cleveland Mcbroom", "Dana Hereford", "Harvey Mcbroom", "Jordan Denham", "Jordan Mcbroom", "Lucio Dias", "Mervin Mcbroom", "Nicholas Perea", "Rueben Puckett", "Tony Lanham" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "uncle(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "male_cousin(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_uncle(Y_12, Y_10)", "aunt(\"Wanda Lo\", Y_12)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "_14", "?" ], "type": 5, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "1d6cecfe-4100-4c98-9a5e-861514317579", "question": "Who is the granddaughter of the grandmother of the sister of the great-uncle of the nephew of the sibling of Quinton Peek?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Devora Lew", "Kristie Peek", "Madelyn Hereford" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "granddaughter(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandmother(Y_6, Y_4)", "sister(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_uncle(Y_10, Y_8)", "nephew(Y_12, Y_10)", "sibling(\"Quinton Peek\", Y_12)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "_14", "?" ], "type": 5, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "279ef6bd-879c-4413-96c4-a4fc17b9e6b1", "question": "Who is the female second cousin of the great-grandchild of the daughter-in-law of the grandparent of the sister of the grandfather of Jodi Biggs?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Joan Dias", "Leesa Pence", "Vincenza Dias" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "female_second_cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_grandchild(Y_6, Y_4)", "daughter_in_law(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandparent(Y_10, Y_8)", "sister(Y_12, Y_10)", "grandfather(\"Jodi Biggs\", Y_12)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "_14", "?" ], "type": 5, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "d6d059db-4809-4120-a653-94e17c2b694c", "question": "Who is the sister-in-law of the friend of the friend of the female second cousin of the grandchild of the father-in-law of Ila Phillips?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Christa Marchant", "Gail Gould", "Joslyn Schultz", "Kari Christy", "Leda Stromberg", "Leeann Gil", "Michele Marchant", "Rubye Nesbitt" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sister_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "friend(Y_8, Y_6)", "female_second_cousin(Y_10, Y_8)", "grandchild(Y_12, Y_10)", "father_in_law(\"Ila Phillips\", Y_12)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "_14", "?" ], "type": 5, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "ae54b44d-faed-462c-894a-49fb9ff791bf", "question": "Who is the mother of the aunt of the grandchild of the parent of the grandchild of the father-in-law of Raymond Majors?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Tanja Goings" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "mother(Y_4, Y_2)", "aunt(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandchild(Y_8, Y_6)", "parent(Y_10, Y_8)", "grandchild(Y_12, Y_10)", "father_in_law(\"Raymond Majors\", Y_12)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "_14", "?" ], "type": 5, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "ce739e57-6d9b-4de5-ae7c-eb4fa331dfc8", "question": "Who is the friend of the female first cousin once removed of the friend of the female first cousin once removed of the niece of the brother-in-law of Nicolle Dias?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Allan Rooker", "Allie Luevano", "Andre Vansickle", "Cesar Guay", "Dorris Majors", "Edmund Stack", "Eldon Stites", "Hugo Schultz", "Jimmie Lanham", "Leda Stromberg", "Leigh Goings", "Mari Christy", "Oralia Kress", "Pierre Gould", "Rochelle Denham", "Shirleen Stites", "Sueann Kasper", "Tianna Brashear", "Wayne Stites", "Yasmin Ragland" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "friend(Y_4, Y_2)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_6, Y_4)", "friend(Y_8, Y_6)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_10, Y_8)", "niece(Y_12, Y_10)", "brother_in_law(\"Nicolle Dias\", Y_12)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "_14", "?" ], "type": 5, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "d4b99dfe-22c0-4c3b-854d-f4fb460cd3b3", "question": "Who is the cousin of the granddaughter of the father-in-law of the grandfather of the male second cousin of the male second cousin of Barry Huntley?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Audie Dodge", "Dudley Dodge", "Lowell Gorton", "Maryann Mcbroom", "Oleta Mcbroom", "Shelton Dodge", "Theodore Grigg" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "granddaughter(Y_6, Y_4)", "father_in_law(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandfather(Y_10, Y_8)", "male_second_cousin(Y_12, Y_10)", "male_second_cousin(\"Barry Huntley\", Y_12)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "_14", "?" ], "type": 5, "difficulty": 19 }, { "id": "d97c48cd-05e8-4218-8f5b-4f51286870b2", "question": "Who is the brother of the sibling of the friend of the mother of the great-uncle of the daughter of Walker Thurman?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Hal Stoddard", "Joshua Stoddard", "Kevin Stoddard", "Mose Stoddard" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "brother(Y_4, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_6, Y_4)", "friend(Y_8, Y_6)", "mother(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_uncle(Y_12, Y_10)", "daughter(\"Walker Thurman\", Y_12)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "_14", "?" ], "type": 5, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "44094517-45b4-4c75-9cf8-398c9e177d65", "question": "Who is the cousin of the cousin of the male cousin of the nephew of the male cousin of the grandchild of Reyna Lew?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Arnulfo Jankowski", "Doyle Nix", "Jackson Jankowski", "Jaime Peek", "Juanita Kirschner", "Lyle Peek", "Moritz Nix", "Porfirio Gates", "Wes Peek" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "cousin(Y_6, Y_4)", "male_cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "nephew(Y_10, Y_8)", "male_cousin(Y_12, Y_10)", "grandchild(\"Reyna Lew\", Y_12)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "_14", "?" ], "type": 5, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "059952e5-0fcf-4c8a-acf7-a7111e511a0f", "question": "Who is the cousin of the great-grandchild of the father-in-law of the father of the aunt of the person whose date of birth is 1007-12-30?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Arnulfo Jankowski", "Doyle Nix", "Jackson Jankowski", "Jaime Peek", "Juanita Kirschner", "Lyle Peek", "Moritz Nix", "Porfirio Gates", "Wes Peek" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_grandchild(Y_6, Y_4)", "father_in_law(Y_8, Y_6)", "father(Y_10, Y_8)", "aunt(Y_12, Y_10)", "dob(Y_12, \"1007-12-30\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the person whose", "_13", "is", "_13", "?" ], "type": 6, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "8b882fcd-8023-4431-9594-f1bba0cee75c", "question": "Who is the husband of the friend of the great-grandchild of the great-grandmother of the great-aunt of the person whose occupation is physiological scientist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Booker Nix", "Donovan Stites", "Dwight Luevano", "Hunter Darling", "James Mcbroom", "Philip Thrower", "Robin Puckett", "Rocco Lance", "Tony Lanham" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "husband(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandchild(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_grandmother(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_aunt(Y_12, Y_10)", "job(Y_12, \"physiological scientist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the person whose", "_13", "is", "_13", "?" ], "type": 6, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "768bf623-a8fc-473a-a72a-85ee8dc49f6a", "question": "Who is the granddaughter of the grandmother of the child of the grandmother of the nephew of the person whose date of birth is 0977-03-13?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Hoa Gates", "Mariah Nix", "Vilma Jankowski" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "granddaughter(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandmother(Y_6, Y_4)", "child(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandmother(Y_10, Y_8)", "nephew(Y_12, Y_10)", "dob(Y_12, \"0977-03-13\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the person whose", "_13", "is", "_13", "?" ], "type": 6, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "971693ff-4378-47a9-a86f-2b73da9aa6f3", "question": "Who is the brother-in-law of the son-in-law of the grandparent of the female cousin of the mother of the person whose date of birth is 1021-06-24?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Ernest Dias", "Linwood Dias", "Rueben Puckett" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "brother_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "son_in_law(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandparent(Y_8, Y_6)", "female_cousin(Y_10, Y_8)", "mother(Y_12, Y_10)", "dob(Y_12, \"1021-06-24\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the person whose", "_13", "is", "_13", "?" ], "type": 6, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "cffd2dca-59a1-455a-943b-64735fdc91de", "question": "Who is the sister-in-law of the friend of the friend of the female second cousin of the son of the person whose occupation is chartered public finance accountant?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Christa Marchant", "Gail Gould", "Joslyn Schultz", "Kari Christy", "Leda Stromberg", "Leeann Gil", "Michele Marchant", "Rubye Nesbitt" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sister_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "friend(Y_8, Y_6)", "female_second_cousin(Y_10, Y_8)", "son(Y_12, Y_10)", "job(Y_12, \"chartered public finance accountant\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the person whose", "_13", "is", "_13", "?" ], "type": 6, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "ce5317fa-579c-4100-8fb1-6235e19835f2", "question": "Who is the cousin of the child of the grandchild of the parent of the father-in-law of the person whose occupation is early years teacher?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Cedric Goings", "Claude Goings", "Dorris Majors", "Gwenn Goings", "James Goings" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "child(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandchild(Y_8, Y_6)", "parent(Y_10, Y_8)", "father_in_law(Y_12, Y_10)", "job(Y_12, \"early years teacher\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the person whose", "_13", "is", "_13", "?" ], "type": 6, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "395e36d8-5e71-40c3-a822-f557bd44f92b", "question": "Who is the friend of the nephew of the second uncle of the great-grandchild of the sister-in-law of the person whose occupation is radio producer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Adella Mcbroom", "Deon Christy", "Esteban Nesbitt", "Gaylord Perea", "Gene Biggs", "Jackson Puckett", "Lacey Denham", "Laurel Bianchi", "Miranda Stoddard", "Mitchell Darling", "Pierre Gould", "Rueben Puckett" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "friend(Y_4, Y_2)", "nephew(Y_6, Y_4)", "second_uncle(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_grandchild(Y_10, Y_8)", "sister_in_law(Y_12, Y_10)", "job(Y_12, \"radio producer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the person whose", "_13", "is", "_13", "?" ], "type": 6, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "1fa6cef3-2fe5-43d7-ac6b-d60f1bdcc2be", "question": "Who is the cousin of the granddaughter of the father-in-law of the grandfather of the male second cousin of the person whose hobby is table football?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Audie Dodge", "Dudley Dodge", "Lowell Gorton", "Maryann Mcbroom", "Oleta Mcbroom", "Shelton Dodge", "Theodore Grigg" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "granddaughter(Y_6, Y_4)", "father_in_law(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandfather(Y_10, Y_8)", "male_second_cousin(Y_12, Y_10)", "hobby(Y_12, \"table football\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the person whose", "_13", "is", "_13", "?" ], "type": 6, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "c5f38d9e-eeee-459f-9d49-2a0fb426b665", "question": "Who is the grandmother of the aunt of the male second cousin of the sibling of the brother-in-law of the person whose date of birth is 0945-12-01?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Tanja Goings" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandmother(Y_4, Y_2)", "aunt(Y_6, Y_4)", "male_second_cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "sibling(Y_10, Y_8)", "brother_in_law(Y_12, Y_10)", "dob(Y_12, \"0945-12-01\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the person whose", "_13", "is", "_13", "?" ], "type": 6, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "031500e2-bcd8-485c-8d09-24c970b6917e", "question": "Who is the grandparent of the female cousin of the cousin of the niece of the daughter-in-law of the person whose occupation is theatre stage manager?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Deane Hereford", "Glen Peek", "Normand Hereford", "Patrice Peek" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandparent(Y_4, Y_2)", "female_cousin(Y_6, Y_4)", "cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "niece(Y_10, Y_8)", "daughter_in_law(Y_12, Y_10)", "job(Y_12, \"theatre stage manager\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the person whose", "_13", "is", "_13", "?" ], "type": 6, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "df1c0647-978d-4a5e-96da-59d6b26dca26", "question": "Who is the great-grandparent of the grandchild of the father of the sister of the grandmother of Jackson Jankowski?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Courtney Hereford", "Wm Hereford" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandparent(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_6, Y_4)", "father(Y_8, Y_6)", "sister(Y_10, Y_8)", "grandmother(\"Jackson Jankowski\", Y_10)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "_12", "?" ], "type": 7, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "dea820a9-4d9f-4dc9-806a-119492857e0a", "question": "Who is the great-grandparent of the second uncle of the female cousin of the nephew of the brother of Krystal Arriola?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Michelle Stoddard", "Ronald Stoddard" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandparent(Y_4, Y_2)", "second_uncle(Y_6, Y_4)", "female_cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "nephew(Y_10, Y_8)", "brother(\"Krystal Arriola\", Y_10)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "_12", "?" ], "type": 7, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "cda0ef99-2c44-4ed0-abaf-56c3ead1853d", "question": "Who is the uncle of the grandchild of the sibling of the second aunt of the uncle of Stella Pence?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Cecil Perea", "Jerald Perea", "Nicholas Perea" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "uncle(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_6, Y_4)", "sibling(Y_8, Y_6)", "second_aunt(Y_10, Y_8)", "uncle(\"Stella Pence\", Y_10)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "_12", "?" ], "type": 7, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "07aa10cf-61fc-43d0-9202-6eea01ab8772", "question": "Who is the grandchild of the father of the nephew of the uncle of the brother-in-law of Adella Stites?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Dwain Stites", "Giovanni Stites", "Jewell Stites", "Kisha Stites", "Leopoldo Stites", "Wayne Stites", "Wilmer Stites" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandchild(Y_4, Y_2)", "father(Y_6, Y_4)", "nephew(Y_8, Y_6)", "uncle(Y_10, Y_8)", "brother_in_law(\"Adella Stites\", Y_10)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "_12", "?" ], "type": 7, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "c55db488-b3a4-48dd-9481-6807e5360eb3", "question": "Who is the grandson of the friend of the great-grandchild of the great-grandparent of the mother-in-law of Jacob Christy?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alberto Phillips", "Andre Vansickle", "Arthur Stites", "Doyle Nix", "Horacio Lanham", "Jimmie Lanham", "Jorge Denham", "Jules Bridge", "Kendrick Bridge", "Minh Breen", "Moritz Nix", "Randolph Grigg", "Stan Breen" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandson(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandchild(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_grandparent(Y_10, Y_8)", "mother_in_law(\"Jacob Christy\", Y_10)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "_12", "?" ], "type": 7, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "5487d4ec-c18a-4ea3-868c-001ec857f69f", "question": "Who is the sister-in-law of the great-grandson of the friend of the friend of the son-in-law of Donnie Turgeon?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Allyson Gorton", "Autumn Brashear", "Holly Castaneda", "Rena Grigg", "Tianna Brashear" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sister_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_grandson(Y_6, Y_4)", "friend(Y_8, Y_6)", "friend(Y_10, Y_8)", "son_in_law(\"Donnie Turgeon\", Y_10)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "_12", "?" ], "type": 7, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "cfd120b3-9147-46b4-8e7e-f2da207e2b0f", "question": "Who is the husband of the sister of the child of the parent of the great-aunt of Randolph Grigg?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Cleveland Mcbroom", "Ezequiel Gorton", "Omar Grigg" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "husband(Y_4, Y_2)", "sister(Y_6, Y_4)", "child(Y_8, Y_6)", "parent(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_aunt(\"Randolph Grigg\", Y_10)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "_12", "?" ], "type": 7, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "fbe7d57b-b299-4b26-9a1c-164cf7be3e1d", "question": "Who is the female first cousin once removed of the friend of the female first cousin once removed of the niece of the brother-in-law of Nicolle Dias?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Gail Gould", "Kari Christy", "Leda Stromberg", "Marguerita Stromberg", "Mari Christy", "Michelle Stromberg", "Signe Vanderpool", "Twila Veilleux" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_8, Y_6)", "niece(Y_10, Y_8)", "brother_in_law(\"Nicolle Dias\", Y_10)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "_12", "?" ], "type": 7, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "0c8bbfa4-1031-44d4-bd3b-29eaad8f7f8f", "question": "Who is the husband of the daughter of the friend of the great-grandchild of the father of Nicholas Perea?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Cleveland Mcbroom", "Damion Perea", "Ezequiel Gorton", "Melvin Dodge", "Omar Grigg", "Roy Najera", "Wm Hereford" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "husband(Y_4, Y_2)", "daughter(Y_6, Y_4)", "friend(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_grandchild(Y_10, Y_8)", "father(\"Nicholas Perea\", Y_10)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "_12", "?" ], "type": 7, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "26d7adc5-839a-4808-8e56-552f150d34e1", "question": "Who is the sibling of the great-uncle of the sister of the cousin of the female cousin of Leesa Pence?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Carmelita Dunbar", "Linwood Dias", "Salley Puckett" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sibling(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_uncle(Y_6, Y_4)", "sister(Y_8, Y_6)", "cousin(Y_10, Y_8)", "female_cousin(\"Leesa Pence\", Y_10)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "_12", "?" ], "type": 7, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "3794a8df-13b3-4e63-b224-d504ce1744bb", "question": "Who is the great-grandchild of the father-in-law of the father of the aunt of the person whose date of birth is 1007-12-30?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Arnulfo Jankowski", "Doyle Nix", "Jackson Jankowski", "Jaime Peek", "Juanita Kirschner", "Lyle Peek", "Moritz Nix", "Porfirio Gates", "Wes Peek" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandchild(Y_4, Y_2)", "father_in_law(Y_6, Y_4)", "father(Y_8, Y_6)", "aunt(Y_10, Y_8)", "dob(Y_10, \"1007-12-30\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the person whose", "_11", "is", "_11", "?" ], "type": 8, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "b9579af7-1521-4cf8-bee0-0a0d771221da", "question": "Who is the great-grandparent of the second uncle of the female cousin of the nephew of the person whose date of birth is 1010-05-03?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Michelle Stoddard", "Ronald Stoddard" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandparent(Y_4, Y_2)", "second_uncle(Y_6, Y_4)", "female_cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "nephew(Y_10, Y_8)", "dob(Y_10, \"1010-05-03\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the person whose", "_11", "is", "_11", "?" ], "type": 8, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "e490a775-1986-4fba-964e-177606ed6ff4", "question": "Who is the great-aunt of the nephew of the sibling of the second uncle of the person whose date of birth is 1033-10-27?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Lindsey Phillips", "Mattie Strong", "Rubye Perea" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "nephew(Y_6, Y_4)", "sibling(Y_8, Y_6)", "second_uncle(Y_10, Y_8)", "dob(Y_10, \"1033-10-27\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the person whose", "_11", "is", "_11", "?" ], "type": 8, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "50ec0dfa-5e77-4cb5-ace2-57e60a0af7d8", "question": "Who is the grandchild of the grandfather of the nephew of the husband of the person whose occupation is catering manager?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Dwain Stites", "Giovanni Stites", "Jewell Stites", "Kisha Stites", "Leopoldo Stites", "Wayne Stites", "Wilmer Stites" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandchild(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandfather(Y_6, Y_4)", "nephew(Y_8, Y_6)", "husband(Y_10, Y_8)", "job(Y_10, \"catering manager\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the person whose", "_11", "is", "_11", "?" ], "type": 8, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "64819f64-c447-40fd-b9b2-b71740482eca", "question": "Who is the son-in-law of the grandfather of the great-aunt of the sister-in-law of the person whose occupation is secretary?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Emilio Kasper" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "son_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandfather(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_aunt(Y_8, Y_6)", "sister_in_law(Y_10, Y_8)", "job(Y_10, \"secretary\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the person whose", "_11", "is", "_11", "?" ], "type": 8, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "ee9dbd95-653c-4b7b-9a09-09e6c77b872f", "question": "Who is the brother-in-law of the friend of the friend of the friend of the person whose occupation is quarry manager?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alvin Lance", "Andrew Parkinson", "Aurelio Kasper", "Cecil Perea", "Claude Goings", "Delbert Goings", "Donovan Stites", "Doyle Nix", "Ernest Dias", "Ethan Gould", "Felton Gil", "Grant Stites", "Guadalupe Barbee", "Horacio Lanham", "Jacques Goings", "James Goings", "Jerald Perea", "Jimmie Lanham", "Jules Bridge", "Kyle Gil", "Lawerence Stites", "Linwood Dias", "Linwood Thrower", "Marvin Hope", "Nicholas Perea", "Quinton Peek", "Raphael Ervin", "Shayne Luevano", "Tad Dunbar", "Timmy Peek", "Tony Lanham" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "brother_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "friend(Y_8, Y_6)", "friend(Y_10, Y_8)", "job(Y_10, \"quarry manager\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the person whose", "_11", "is", "_11", "?" ], "type": 8, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "67620383-608f-4485-914c-0a2973860bb6", "question": "Who is the sister of the sister of the aunt of the parent of the person whose occupation is geographical information systems officer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Allyson Gorton", "Autumn Brashear", "Rena Grigg", "Sue Mcbroom", "Tianna Brashear" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sister(Y_4, Y_2)", "sister(Y_6, Y_4)", "aunt(Y_8, Y_6)", "parent(Y_10, Y_8)", "job(Y_10, \"geographical information systems officer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the person whose", "_11", "is", "_11", "?" ], "type": 8, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "3c24c920-eb6b-4917-b7dc-8cf2452a64bb", "question": "Who is the nephew of the second uncle of the great-grandchild of the sister-in-law of the person whose occupation is radio producer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Lucio Dias", "Tad Dunbar", "Tony Lanham" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "nephew(Y_4, Y_2)", "second_uncle(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandchild(Y_8, Y_6)", "sister_in_law(Y_10, Y_8)", "job(Y_10, \"radio producer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the person whose", "_11", "is", "_11", "?" ], "type": 8, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "3e2f35db-d20e-41ef-afae-a9a42e8c1e71", "question": "Who is the husband of the grandmother of the male first cousin once removed of the male cousin of the person whose date of birth is 0952-04-23?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Damion Perea", "Edison Phillips", "Ernest Strong" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "husband(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandmother(Y_6, Y_4)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_8, Y_6)", "male_cousin(Y_10, Y_8)", "dob(Y_10, \"0952-04-23\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the person whose", "_11", "is", "_11", "?" ], "type": 8, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "e2e49ca7-76d1-43b7-bb5c-14b35a6d1814", "question": "Who is the sibling of the great-uncle of the sister of the female cousin of the person whose hobby is microbiology?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Carmelita Dunbar", "Linwood Dias", "Salley Puckett" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sibling(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_uncle(Y_6, Y_4)", "sister(Y_8, Y_6)", "female_cousin(Y_10, Y_8)", "hobby(Y_10, \"microbiology\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the person whose", "_11", "is", "_11", "?" ], "type": 8, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "f6502815-40ea-4039-a0f2-f7e49fe1eb3e", "question": "Who is the grandchild of the father of the sister of the grandmother of Jackson Jankowski?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Armand Lew", "Hoa Gates", "Mariah Nix", "Monty Lew", "Quinton Peek", "Timmy Peek", "Vilma Jankowski" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandchild(Y_4, Y_2)", "father(Y_6, Y_4)", "sister(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandmother(\"Jackson Jankowski\", Y_8)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "_10", "?" ], "type": 9, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "d8beaced-c3a4-47f7-874b-88237374fb19", "question": "Who is the female cousin of the child of the daughter of the daughter-in-law of Courtney Hereford?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Hoa Gates", "Mariah Nix", "Vilma Jankowski" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "female_cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "child(Y_6, Y_4)", "daughter(Y_8, Y_6)", "daughter_in_law(\"Courtney Hereford\", Y_8)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "_10", "?" ], "type": 9, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "6acc06f2-2284-4aa6-ab3c-e935881ef7ea", "question": "Who is the friend of the father of the friend of the great-grandson of Courtney Hereford?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Adolph Barbee", "Brendon Gil", "Colette Omara", "Dale Marchant", "Dee Stoddard", "Hugo Schultz", "Jacinta Goings", "Kenny Barbee", "Korey Kean", "Leonila Parkinson", "Lucio Dias", "Miranda Stoddard", "Pansy Southerland", "Patrice Peek", "Rena Grigg", "Roy Christy", "Staci Deming", "Suzette Thurman", "Tona Doherty", "Valentina Breen" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "friend(Y_4, Y_2)", "father(Y_6, Y_4)", "friend(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_grandson(\"Courtney Hereford\", Y_8)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "_10", "?" ], "type": 9, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "9902d3f3-7eb0-455b-a257-446a196fea91", "question": "Who is the father-in-law of the sibling of the aunt of the grandson of Kurt Parkinson?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Kurt Parkinson", "Rocco Lance", "Rudy Barbee" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "father_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_6, Y_4)", "aunt(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandson(\"Kurt Parkinson\", Y_8)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "_10", "?" ], "type": 9, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "212d62a8-b485-4c3f-9071-7bdcc2a6660a", "question": "Who is the brother-in-law of the sibling of the sibling of the great-aunt of Alina Huntley?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Harvey Mcbroom", "Jordan Mcbroom", "Mervin Mcbroom" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "brother_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_6, Y_4)", "sibling(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_aunt(\"Alina Huntley\", Y_8)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "_10", "?" ], "type": 9, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "6a381aa8-428b-41a8-af4b-cc1345c0c5e7", "question": "Who is the grandmother of the friend of the sister-in-law of the grandmother of Jerrod Stoddard?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Deane Hereford", "Jacinta Goings", "Patrice Peek" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandmother(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "sister_in_law(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandmother(\"Jerrod Stoddard\", Y_8)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "_10", "?" ], "type": 9, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "a19ab9f7-de28-4e57-8ab4-1ad9034ef748", "question": "Who is the great-grandson of the friend of the friend of the son-in-law of Donnie Turgeon?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Adolph Barbee", "Andres Barbee", "Cedric Goings", "Chris Stites", "Claude Goings", "Cleveland Mcbroom", "Dalton Parkinson", "Dee Stoddard", "Dudley Dodge", "Ethan Gould", "Harvey Mcbroom", "James Goings", "Jerrod Stoddard", "Jordan Mcbroom", "Korey Kean", "Maxwell Deming", "Merrill Kean", "Mervin Mcbroom", "Oren Gould", "Rolf Toomey", "Roy Christy", "Shelton Dodge", "Tommy Schultz", "Tyrone Deming", "Tyrone Parkinson" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandson(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "friend(Y_8, Y_6)", "son_in_law(\"Donnie Turgeon\", Y_8)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "_10", "?" ], "type": 9, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "5c6c3906-90d5-4eaf-93e3-904b1ce08881", "question": "Who is the grandchild of the parent of the grandchild of the father-in-law of Raymond Majors?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Dortha Nickels", "Duncan Goings", "Emilio Goings", "Jacques Goings", "Jeannine Million" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandchild(Y_4, Y_2)", "parent(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandchild(Y_8, Y_6)", "father_in_law(\"Raymond Majors\", Y_8)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "_10", "?" ], "type": 9, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "245a055f-37d6-4916-be12-12620a39b2c2", "question": "Who is the brother-in-law of the daughter-in-law of the great-grandparent of the wife of Demarcus Huntley?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Orlando Brashear" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "brother_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "daughter_in_law(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandparent(Y_8, Y_6)", "wife(\"Demarcus Huntley\", Y_8)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "_10", "?" ], "type": 9, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "187b915c-7d5c-429a-bd61-6d09f7e20d77", "question": "Who is the mother of the friend of the female second cousin of the female second cousin of Salvatore Nix?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alison Castaneda", "Georgine Pence", "Lela Perea", "Mariah Nix", "Shirleen Stites", "Signe Vanderpool" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "mother(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "female_second_cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "female_second_cousin(\"Salvatore Nix\", Y_8)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "_10", "?" ], "type": 9, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "8db57436-85c7-48f6-90ee-6d2cee963ba5", "question": "Who is the father-in-law of the father of the aunt of the person whose date of birth is 1007-12-30?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Normand Hereford" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "father_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "father(Y_6, Y_4)", "aunt(Y_8, Y_6)", "dob(Y_8, \"1007-12-30\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the person whose", "_9", "is", "_9", "?" ], "type": 10, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "c64c73d9-234f-4751-8176-8909353b95e4", "question": "Who is the son-in-law of the grandson of the father of the person whose occupation is hospital pharmacist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Donnell Peek", "Norbert Lew" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "son_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandson(Y_6, Y_4)", "father(Y_8, Y_6)", "job(Y_8, \"hospital pharmacist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the person whose", "_9", "is", "_9", "?" ], "type": 10, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "175af122-fb29-467f-8c92-488f248f427e", "question": "Who is the female first cousin once removed of the husband of the friend of the person whose hobby is insect collecting?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Delores Peek", "Ida Peek", "Lina Perea", "Meghann Kirschner", "Tonia Stack" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_4, Y_2)", "husband(Y_6, Y_4)", "friend(Y_8, Y_6)", "hobby(Y_8, \"insect collecting\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the person whose", "_9", "is", "_9", "?" ], "type": 10, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "45997be9-d8ce-4af7-8ac2-56fa4768401e", "question": "Who is the father of the daughter of the wife of the person whose occupation is public house manager?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Kurt Parkinson" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "father(Y_4, Y_2)", "daughter(Y_6, Y_4)", "wife(Y_8, Y_6)", "job(Y_8, \"public house manager\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the person whose", "_9", "is", "_9", "?" ], "type": 10, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "74717e91-6ac9-426a-ba43-527689a5298d", "question": "Who is the cousin of the grandparent of the niece of the person whose occupation is rural practice surveyor?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Audie Dodge", "Dudley Dodge", "Lowell Gorton", "Maryann Mcbroom", "Oleta Mcbroom", "Shelton Dodge", "Theodore Grigg" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandparent(Y_6, Y_4)", "niece(Y_8, Y_6)", "job(Y_8, \"rural practice surveyor\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the person whose", "_9", "is", "_9", "?" ], "type": 10, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "39f7e6de-efd1-4b94-a0d1-5e8cf813361d", "question": "Who is the nephew of the great-granddaughter of the grandmother of the person whose hobby is vintage clothing?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Horacio Lanham", "Jimmie Lanham", "Jordan Denham", "Jules Bridge", "Kendrick Bridge" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "nephew(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_granddaughter(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandmother(Y_8, Y_6)", "hobby(Y_8, \"vintage clothing\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the person whose", "_9", "is", "_9", "?" ], "type": 10, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "03d50935-a0b1-4e54-8cfb-3d5b9ea37455", "question": "Who is the friend of the friend of the friend of the person whose occupation is quarry manager?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Abdul Felker", "Abel Peek", "Adella Mcbroom", "Adella Stites", "Adolph Barbee", "Alejandrina Lanham", "Alison Castaneda", "Allan Rooker", "Amanda Perea", "Anastacia Grigg", "Andrew Parkinson", "Angel Kress", "Arthur Stites", "Aurelio Kasper", "Blair Goings", "Booker Grigg", "Booker Nix", "Brooks George", "Candice Bianchi", "Carleen Dias", "Carly Corder", "Casandra Gould", "Cesar Guay", "Cherlyn Perea", "Coretta Dunbar", "Corinne Kasper", "Courtney Parkinson", "Craig Arriola", "Dale Marchant", "Dana Hereford", "Deane Hereford", "Delbert Goings", "Delores Peek", "Deon Nickels", "Dominick Bridge", "Doyle Nix", "Duane Castaneda", "Dudley Dodge", "Dwain Stites", "Earle Breen", "Edgar Bianchi", "Esperanza Bianchi", "Esteban Nesbitt", "Eve Ervin", "Evette Peek", "Ezequiel Gorton", "Felix Biggs", "Francisca Perea", "Gail Breen", "Gene Biggs", "Grant Bridge", "Grant Stites", "Hal Stoddard", "Harvey Stites", "Holly Castaneda", "Howard Lanham", "Hunter Darling", "Ila Phillips", "Jacinta Goings", "Jack Bridge", "Jacob Christy", "Jacquelyn Huntley", "Jacques Gil", "Jacques Goings", "Jerrod Stoddard", "Jewel Abney", "Jewel Sawyers", "Jim Bianchi", "Joanne Dow", "Jodi Biggs", "Joel Fries", "Jose Goings", "Jose Lundgren", "Jules Bridge", "Karolyn Lance", "Kelley Barbee", "Kendrick Bridge", "Kenny Barbee", "Konstantin Barbee", "Korey Kean", "Kris Luevano", "Kurt Parkinson", "Kyle Gil", "Lacey Denham", "Ladawn Turgeon", "Laurette Bridge", "Lee Nix", "Leeann Gil", "Leonila Parkinson", "Lesley Barbee", "Linwood Dias", "Loretta Denham", "Lucio Dias", "Lucretia Nix", "Marcel Abney", "Marguerita Stromberg", "Mariah Nix", "Matt Mcbroom", "Mattie Strong", "Maxwell Deming", "Maxwell Marchant", "Mayra Stites", "Michelle Stoddard", "Minnie Darling", "Morgan Huntley", "Moritz Nix", "Myrtle Bridge", "Nakisha Lanham", "Nickolas Deming", "Nicolle Dias", "Norris Sherrod", "Nydia Grigg", "Oma Lanham", "Omar Grigg", "Pansy Southerland", "Patrice Peek", "Paula Peek", "Philip Thrower", "Preston Million", "Pricilla Pennington", "Quinton Peek", "Randolph Grigg", "Raphael Ervin", "Reginald Lanham", "Rena Grigg", "Renea Thrower", "Reyna Lew", "Reynaldo Brashear", "Robby Pennington", "Rocco Lance", "Rod Nickels", "Rory Nix", "Rosena Veilleux", "Rudy Barbee", "Rueben Puckett", "Sam Nickels", "Shannon Grigg", "Shizuko Veilleux", "Signe Vanderpool", "Solomon Rahman", "Staci Deming", "Suzette Thurman", "Sylvester Sherrod", "Tad Dunbar", "Tanja Goings", "Tara Lundgren", "Tawanda Toomey", "Tianna Brashear", "Tommy Schultz", "Tona Doherty", "Tonia Stoddard", "Tonya Alvarez", "Tyrone Deming", "Vilma Jankowski", "Vincent Marchant", "Walker Thurman", "Wanda Lo", "Windy Puckett", "Wm Hereford", "Yasmin Ragland", "Zachary Guay", "Zelma Mcbroom" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "friend(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "friend(Y_8, Y_6)", "job(Y_8, \"quarry manager\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the person whose", "_9", "is", "_9", "?" ], "type": 10, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "f997bd2e-08c9-4b9a-94ad-f454097ebdb2", "question": "Who is the grandchild of the parent of the father-in-law of the person whose occupation is early years teacher?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Bruce Goings", "Nicholle Majors" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandchild(Y_4, Y_2)", "parent(Y_6, Y_4)", "father_in_law(Y_8, Y_6)", "job(Y_8, \"early years teacher\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the person whose", "_9", "is", "_9", "?" ], "type": 10, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "a2b632f7-1a55-4c03-be9a-74e41e727a69", "question": "Who is the great-uncle of the grandchild of the mother-in-law of the person whose occupation is surveyor?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Harvey Mcbroom", "Jordan Mcbroom", "Mervin Mcbroom" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_uncle(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_6, Y_4)", "mother_in_law(Y_8, Y_6)", "job(Y_8, \"surveyor\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the person whose", "_9", "is", "_9", "?" ], "type": 10, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "78fa1d15-89d3-4df4-917c-a1c3ae39f567", "question": "Who is the grandparent of the friend of the female second cousin of the person whose hobby is billiards?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Amanda Perea", "Blondell Castaneda", "Booker Nix", "Donnell Peek", "Duane Castaneda", "Ethan Gould", "Gaylord Perea", "Kimiko Blankenship", "Kristie Peek", "Lee Nix", "Linwood Dias", "Minnie Darling", "Mitchell Darling", "Nelson Blankenship", "Nicolle Dias", "Rosanne Gould" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandparent(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "female_second_cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "hobby(Y_8, \"billiards\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the person whose", "_9", "is", "_9", "?" ], "type": 10, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "46638cdd-154e-486f-a3b5-e3d57be79ab3", "question": "Who is the father of the sister of the grandmother of Jackson Jankowski?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Normand Hereford" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "father(Y_4, Y_2)", "sister(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandmother(\"Jackson Jankowski\", Y_6)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "_8", "?" ], "type": 11, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "5a20dde4-af83-441e-8206-503caca92e0b", "question": "Who is the father of the father-in-law of the daughter-in-law of Dominick Bridge?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Grant Bridge" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "father(Y_4, Y_2)", "father_in_law(Y_6, Y_4)", "daughter_in_law(\"Dominick Bridge\", Y_6)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "_8", "?" ], "type": 11, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "025dcd58-d343-406c-8c01-d2a04ec29395", "question": "Who is the niece of the sister-in-law of the brother-in-law of Desiree Mcbroom?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Adella Mcbroom", "Carmella Huntley", "Tamara Mcbroom" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "niece(Y_4, Y_2)", "sister_in_law(Y_6, Y_4)", "brother_in_law(\"Desiree Mcbroom\", Y_6)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "_8", "?" ], "type": 11, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "e92d8187-34fe-4ade-987f-ffd273afa2a8", "question": "Who is the sibling of the second aunt of the uncle of Stella Pence?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Damion Perea", "Lindsey Phillips", "Mattie Strong", "Rubye Perea" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sibling(Y_4, Y_2)", "second_aunt(Y_6, Y_4)", "uncle(\"Stella Pence\", Y_6)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "_8", "?" ], "type": 11, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "0d0fed0d-28bc-4436-8245-559130828335", "question": "Who is the brother-in-law of the sibling of the wife of Jefferson Long?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Ernest Dias", "Linwood Dias" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "brother_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_6, Y_4)", "wife(\"Jefferson Long\", Y_6)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "_8", "?" ], "type": 11, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "968c70af-9f9b-4128-ba7a-109bf98dc398", "question": "Who is the sibling of the sibling of the great-aunt of Alina Huntley?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Allyson Gorton", "Autumn Brashear", "Bess Dodge", "Cleveland Mcbroom", "Harvey Mcbroom", "Jordan Mcbroom", "Mervin Mcbroom", "Rena Grigg", "Sue Mcbroom", "Tianna Brashear" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sibling(Y_4, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_aunt(\"Alina Huntley\", Y_6)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "_8", "?" ], "type": 11, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "879026be-5f60-4ee5-817f-262df2b9870a", "question": "Who is the great-grandchild of the great-grandparent of the mother-in-law of Jacob Christy?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Casandra Gould", "Floyd Ritter", "Joslyn Schultz", "Michele Marchant", "Sueann Kasper" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandchild(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_grandparent(Y_6, Y_4)", "mother_in_law(\"Jacob Christy\", Y_6)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "_8", "?" ], "type": 11, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "b5c13c08-7a8b-4e53-8f06-446d1238ffba", "question": "Who is the female second cousin of the grandchild of the father-in-law of Ila Phillips?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Lina Perea", "Tonia Stack" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "female_second_cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_6, Y_4)", "father_in_law(\"Ila Phillips\", Y_6)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "_8", "?" ], "type": 11, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "beaa66d5-323b-4cd6-a081-9ef5581fa794", "question": "Who is the sister-in-law of the great-grandson of the friend of Emilio Luevano?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Holly Castaneda" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sister_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_grandson(Y_6, Y_4)", "friend(\"Emilio Luevano\", Y_6)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "_8", "?" ], "type": 11, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "c1ab82db-8322-440f-b152-8702ed49276f", "question": "Who is the child of the parent of the great-aunt of Randolph Grigg?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Allyson Gorton", "Autumn Brashear", "Rena Grigg", "Sue Mcbroom", "Tianna Brashear" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "child(Y_4, Y_2)", "parent(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_aunt(\"Randolph Grigg\", Y_6)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "_8", "?" ], "type": 11, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "1a54c22c-9474-45b9-8ac7-2cf3c0861112", "question": "Who is the father of the aunt of the person whose date of birth is 1007-12-30?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Donnell Peek" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "father(Y_4, Y_2)", "aunt(Y_6, Y_4)", "dob(Y_6, \"1007-12-30\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the person whose", "_7", "is", "_7", "?" ], "type": 12, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "b171a7f5-ec6a-44ec-bfe9-0aebd31d6072", "question": "Who is the brother of the mother-in-law of the person whose hobby is ultimate frisbee?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Dee Stoddard", "Jerrod Stoddard" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "brother(Y_4, Y_2)", "mother_in_law(Y_6, Y_4)", "hobby(Y_6, \"ultimate frisbee\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the person whose", "_7", "is", "_7", "?" ], "type": 12, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "5c6b4bc5-0efd-43c5-b978-d8f1094eaf03", "question": "Who is the niece of the sister-in-law of the person whose occupation is public relations account executive?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Adella Mcbroom", "Carmella Huntley", "Maryann Mcbroom", "Oleta Mcbroom", "Tamara Mcbroom" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "niece(Y_4, Y_2)", "sister_in_law(Y_6, Y_4)", "job(Y_6, \"public relations account executive\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the person whose", "_7", "is", "_7", "?" ], "type": 12, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "1f897685-1165-4103-b4cb-ba55f1fc3982", "question": "Who is the sibling of the second uncle of the person whose date of birth is 1033-10-27?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Cecil Perea", "Christy Perea", "Jerald Perea", "Loretta Denham", "Nicholas Perea" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sibling(Y_4, Y_2)", "second_uncle(Y_6, Y_4)", "dob(Y_6, \"1033-10-27\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the person whose", "_7", "is", "_7", "?" ], "type": 12, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "754cb00e-855c-4327-82ad-261664d91c86", "question": "Who is the female cousin of the daughter of the person whose date of birth is 0970-01-15?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Bobbie Biggs" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "female_cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "daughter(Y_6, Y_4)", "dob(Y_6, \"0970-01-15\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the person whose", "_7", "is", "_7", "?" ], "type": 12, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "1f106487-6fa7-4bb0-bd1c-dd19ac60cae4", "question": "Who is the grandparent of the niece of the person whose occupation is rural practice surveyor?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Carmella Huntley", "Demarcus Huntley" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandparent(Y_4, Y_2)", "niece(Y_6, Y_4)", "job(Y_6, \"rural practice surveyor\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the person whose", "_7", "is", "_7", "?" ], "type": 12, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "614f8235-af90-46be-8309-1815777bd829", "question": "Who is the great-aunt of the sister-in-law of the person whose occupation is secretary?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Wanda Ritter" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "sister_in_law(Y_6, Y_4)", "job(Y_6, \"secretary\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the person whose", "_7", "is", "_7", "?" ], "type": 12, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "65bcdbd3-5e69-49f3-a2c2-5b759ed6f5e3", "question": "Who is the female second cousin of the son of the person whose occupation is chartered public finance accountant?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Lina Perea", "Tonia Stack" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "female_second_cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "son(Y_6, Y_4)", "job(Y_6, \"chartered public finance accountant\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the person whose", "_7", "is", "_7", "?" ], "type": 12, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "be262be6-e7cc-462c-82bd-ea00eb0de3e5", "question": "Who is the great-uncle of the second aunt of the person whose hobby is audiophile?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Cecil Perea", "Jerald Perea", "Nicholas Perea" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_uncle(Y_4, Y_2)", "second_aunt(Y_6, Y_4)", "hobby(Y_6, \"audiophile\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the person whose", "_7", "is", "_7", "?" ], "type": 12, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "31937ff5-14d3-4800-9486-9d9ecb05ae7b", "question": "Who is the aunt of the parent of the person whose occupation is geographical information systems officer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Allyson Gorton", "Autumn Brashear", "Sue Mcbroom", "Tianna Brashear" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "parent(Y_6, Y_4)", "job(Y_6, \"geographical information systems officer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the person whose", "_7", "is", "_7", "?" ], "type": 12, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "b332d473-6326-47d7-8bdc-bdff0b3b6db9", "question": "Who is the sister of the grandmother of Jackson Jankowski?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Devora Lew", "Madelyn Hereford" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sister(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandmother(\"Jackson Jankowski\", Y_4)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "_6", "?" ], "type": 13, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "95d10c1d-8fb2-4eb3-9d59-4fdcfc6b08b5", "question": "Who is the second uncle of the niece of Wayne Stites?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Darrick Darling", "Eddie Darling" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "second_uncle(Y_4, Y_2)", "niece(\"Wayne Stites\", Y_4)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "_6", "?" ], "type": 13, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "2363647c-8164-4967-a98a-4798795f43be", "question": "Who is the nephew of the brother of Krystal Arriola?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Howard Lanham", "Raymond Lanham" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "nephew(Y_4, Y_2)", "brother(\"Krystal Arriola\", Y_4)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "_6", "?" ], "type": 13, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "10bb7bd9-f661-4b4f-b056-0fe7155ecf31", "question": "Who is the female second cousin of the female second cousin of Vincenza Dias?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Joan Dias", "Leesa Pence", "Vincenza Dias" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "female_second_cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "female_second_cousin(\"Vincenza Dias\", Y_4)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "_6", "?" ], "type": 13, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "616a4f54-025b-4cc2-9101-d9b723c8f71b", "question": "Who is the second aunt of the uncle of Stella Pence?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Lindsey Phillips", "Mattie Strong", "Rubye Perea" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "second_aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "uncle(\"Stella Pence\", Y_4)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "_6", "?" ], "type": 13, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "e1a5c5c4-4b2e-41c9-9de4-9e0fc71140fd", "question": "Who is the aunt of the grandson of Kurt Parkinson?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alice Lance", "Kelley Barbee", "Tracey Kean", "Twyla Parkinson" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandson(\"Kurt Parkinson\", Y_4)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "_6", "?" ], "type": 13, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "78a6e47c-e97f-4f89-be27-3828c1408fb6", "question": "Who is the uncle of the brother-in-law of Adella Stites?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Darrick Darling", "Eddie Darling" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "uncle(Y_4, Y_2)", "brother_in_law(\"Adella Stites\", Y_4)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "_6", "?" ], "type": 13, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "915ea139-43d3-45eb-94ca-a00ede8c05a9", "question": "Who is the sister of the grandfather of Jodi Biggs?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Cristina Long" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sister(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandfather(\"Jodi Biggs\", Y_4)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "_6", "?" ], "type": 13, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "d5b7bd85-a439-4a37-982b-87323993f294", "question": "Who is the great-grandparent of the mother-in-law of Jacob Christy?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Colette Omara", "Maxwell Marchant", "Norris Omara", "Roni Marchant" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandparent(Y_4, Y_2)", "mother_in_law(\"Jacob Christy\", Y_4)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "_6", "?" ], "type": 13, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "59914a52-6207-40c5-a863-2fe123825662", "question": "Who is the grandchild of the friend of Minh Breen?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Armand Lew", "Monty Lew" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandchild(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(\"Minh Breen\", Y_4)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "_6", "?" ], "type": 13, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "a3071119-b2e1-4db3-a51d-9caaa421d530", "question": "Who is the aunt of the person whose date of birth is 1007-12-30?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Hoa Gates", "Mariah Nix" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "dob(Y_4, \"1007-12-30\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_5", "is", "_5", "?" ], "type": 14, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "181c7965-74fa-453b-9d00-a68891b0b297", "question": "Who is the cousin of the person whose occupation is brewing technologist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Bobbie Biggs", "Briana Gil", "Carmelita Dias", "Coretta Dunbar", "Holley Dunbar", "Kisha Stites", "Tad Dunbar", "Wilmer Stites" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "job(Y_4, \"brewing technologist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_5", "is", "_5", "?" ], "type": 14, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "228296dc-0e6b-4c78-9790-f24eb8f6c5a7", "question": "Who is the nephew of the person whose date of birth is 1010-05-03?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Howard Lanham", "Raymond Lanham" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "nephew(Y_4, Y_2)", "dob(Y_4, \"1010-05-03\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_5", "is", "_5", "?" ], "type": 14, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "997aafa3-94d6-4004-af09-ff506fc70e72", "question": "Who is the female cousin of the person whose hobby is films?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Leesa Pence" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "female_cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "hobby(Y_4, \"films\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_5", "is", "_5", "?" ], "type": 14, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "7dd5d053-b9e6-4f77-a36d-fe090795af23", "question": "Who is the second uncle of the person whose date of birth is 1033-10-27?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Cecil Perea", "Jerald Perea", "Nicholas Perea" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "second_uncle(Y_4, Y_2)", "dob(Y_4, \"1033-10-27\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_5", "is", "_5", "?" ], "type": 14, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "f3782ca1-44c5-4101-912d-c9234eec9e37", "question": "Who is the wife of the person whose occupation is public house manager?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Leonila Parkinson" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "wife(Y_4, Y_2)", "job(Y_4, \"public house manager\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_5", "is", "_5", "?" ], "type": 14, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "539ba1a6-e989-4be5-bceb-e6eaf18ce288", "question": "Who is the husband of the person whose occupation is catering manager?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Harvey Stites" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "husband(Y_4, Y_2)", "job(Y_4, \"catering manager\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_5", "is", "_5", "?" ], "type": 14, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "0d579174-4fae-431f-9e65-e2e3c7f2318e", "question": "Who is the mother of the person whose date of birth is 1021-06-24?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Bobbie Biggs" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "mother(Y_4, Y_2)", "dob(Y_4, \"1021-06-24\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_5", "is", "_5", "?" ], "type": 14, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "7843b898-374c-4e91-b175-6cf106e957ef", "question": "Who is the sister-in-law of the person whose occupation is secretary?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Gail Gould", "Leda Stromberg" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sister_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "job(Y_4, \"secretary\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_5", "is", "_5", "?" ], "type": 14, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "04beeb08-f61a-4743-9647-db2c677e01eb", "question": "Who is the great-aunt of the person whose hobby is book collecting?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Charissa Lundgren", "Isabell Doherty", "Nakisha Million" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "hobby(Y_4, \"book collecting\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_5", "is", "_5", "?" ], "type": 14, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "126c86f3-9a51-42eb-b44b-f194a341e817", "question": "Who is the grandmother of Jackson Jankowski?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Kristie Peek" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandmother(\"Jackson Jankowski\", Y_2)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "_4", "?" ], "type": 15, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "7ca450bd-916e-4d81-a7fd-8ff6e6d29dc8", "question": "Who is the wife of Benny Guay?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Roxy Guay" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "wife(\"Benny Guay\", Y_2)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "_4", "?" ], "type": 15, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "ebf3a052-75b7-4b3d-8b6a-750604570073", "question": "Who is the daughter-in-law of Dominick Bridge?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Laurette Bridge" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "daughter_in_law(\"Dominick Bridge\", Y_2)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "_4", "?" ], "type": 15, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "cf3e0db2-eeae-4745-9a54-4f6ea82fd52e", "question": "Who is the brother of Krystal Arriola?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Horacio Lanham", "Jimmie Lanham" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "brother(\"Krystal Arriola\", Y_2)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "_4", "?" ], "type": 15, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "266ce70d-98bb-48fc-a980-cdcc7ba0b644", "question": "Who is the brother-in-law of Desiree Mcbroom?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Cleveland Mcbroom", "Harvey Mcbroom", "Mervin Mcbroom" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "brother_in_law(\"Desiree Mcbroom\", Y_2)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "_4", "?" ], "type": 15, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "3b25fcfb-bc22-43bb-a495-5504fce563dc", "question": "Who is the great-grandson of Courtney Hereford?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Armand Lew", "Monty Lew", "Quinton Peek", "Timmy Peek" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandson(\"Courtney Hereford\", Y_2)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "_4", "?" ], "type": 15, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "c1ed91aa-e35b-4fc7-9787-3b1794d7a826", "question": "Who is the uncle of Stella Pence?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Jorge Denham" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "uncle(\"Stella Pence\", Y_2)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "_4", "?" ], "type": 15, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "5fc1fc00-eda9-4945-8695-8458ef6b0d25", "question": "Who is the sibling of Quinton Peek?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Hoa Gates", "Mariah Nix", "Timmy Peek", "Vilma Jankowski" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sibling(\"Quinton Peek\", Y_2)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "_4", "?" ], "type": 15, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "2d37856b-51d1-4d35-bbd2-65fe98eb89bf", "question": "Who is the wife of Jefferson Long?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Cristina Long" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "wife(\"Jefferson Long\", Y_2)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "_4", "?" ], "type": 15, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "b565eeae-4fec-4c50-90c1-847c67c798a7", "question": "Who is the brother-in-law of Adella Stites?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Grant Stites", "Lawerence Stites" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "brother_in_law(\"Adella Stites\", Y_2)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "_4", "?" ], "type": 15, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "bf2e3178-a1e6-43b8-bd7a-e8fdcefd0ad1", "question": "Who is the person whose date of birth is 1007-12-30?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Jackson Jankowski" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_2, \"1007-12-30\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the person whose", "_3", "is", "_3", "?" ], "type": 16, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "b16fc9ef-165c-4897-8d30-e99f11d2d15a", "question": "Who is the person whose date of birth is 0967-12-07?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Benny Guay" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_2, \"0967-12-07\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the person whose", "_3", "is", "_3", "?" ], "type": 16, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "bb041041-22c3-439c-9208-7d337493b3f5", "question": "Who is the person whose hobby is ultimate frisbee?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Denny Vanderpool", "Dominick Bridge", "Lacey Denham", "Silas Stoddard" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_2, \"ultimate frisbee\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the person whose", "_3", "is", "_3", "?" ], "type": 16, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "bd3133c0-4bce-4aa3-915c-ec928508cd79", "question": "Who is the person whose date of birth is 1010-05-03?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Krystal Arriola", "Tyrone Deming" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_2, \"1010-05-03\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the person whose", "_3", "is", "_3", "?" ], "type": 16, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "1f1544f7-662d-47d5-9e8e-5e15008e023d", "question": "Who is the person whose occupation is public relations account executive?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Blondell Castaneda", "Desiree Mcbroom" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_2, \"public relations account executive\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the person whose", "_3", "is", "_3", "?" ], "type": 16, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "5a671516-f72b-4c57-a450-60add781089d", "question": "Who is the person whose hobby is insect collecting?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alejandrina Lanham", "Alina Huntley", "Courtney Hereford", "Devon Lalonde", "Gene Biggs" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_2, \"insect collecting\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the person whose", "_3", "is", "_3", "?" ], "type": 16, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "4bb167a7-8bcb-4c76-8017-4a8e347322c2", "question": "Who is the person whose date of birth is 1033-10-27?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Stella Pence" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_2, \"1033-10-27\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the person whose", "_3", "is", "_3", "?" ], "type": 16, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "6f09086e-54f1-4933-89aa-c1b9174caadb", "question": "Who is the person whose date of birth is 0977-03-13?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Quinton Peek" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_2, \"0977-03-13\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the person whose", "_3", "is", "_3", "?" ], "type": 16, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "272ad78c-4ef4-4141-954d-42872f261cbc", "question": "Who is the person whose date of birth is 0970-01-15?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Jefferson Long" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_2, \"0970-01-15\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the person whose", "_3", "is", "_3", "?" ], "type": 16, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "374a7527-fb7c-41b8-a143-138dc48ca0f9", "question": "Who is the person whose occupation is catering manager?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Adella Stites" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_2, \"catering manager\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the person whose", "_3", "is", "_3", "?" ], "type": 16, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "783c8895-aad2-4120-99d1-1bbdb1a01660", "question": "What is the occupation of the child of the daughter of the daughter-in-law of the great-grandparent of the grandchild of the father of the sister of the grandmother of Jackson Jankowski?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "actor", "applications developer", "energy engineer", "geophysical data processor", "product designer", "professor emeritus", "structural engineer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "daughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "daughter_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandparent(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandchild(Y_13, Y_11)", "father(Y_15, Y_13)", "sister(Y_17, Y_15)", "grandmother(\"Jackson Jankowski\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "?" ], "type": 17, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "e0104673-d790-44cf-8f88-5db8bd8e639e", "question": "What is the occupation of the son of the grandparent of the granddaughter of the child of the friend of the father of the friend of the great-grandson of Courtney Hereford?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "actor", "airline pilot", "doctor", "energy engineer", "lighting technician", "physiotherapist", "secretary", "theatre director" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "son(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "granddaughter(Y_9, Y_7)", "child(Y_11, Y_9)", "friend(Y_13, Y_11)", "father(Y_15, Y_13)", "friend(Y_17, Y_15)", "great_grandson(\"Courtney Hereford\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "?" ], "type": 17, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "91102a54-fb9f-4280-a791-70bcff38f859", "question": "What is the occupation of the male first cousin once removed of the cousin of the female cousin of the child of the brother-in-law of the sibling of the sibling of the great-aunt of Alina Huntley?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "acupuncturist", "geographical information systems officer", "therapist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "female_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "child(Y_11, Y_9)", "brother_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "sibling(Y_15, Y_13)", "sibling(Y_17, Y_15)", "great_aunt(\"Alina Huntley\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "?" ], "type": 17, "difficulty": 19 }, { "id": "f536421e-794b-472b-b5c3-91580b7d9ab3", "question": "What is the date of birth of the child of the wife of the father of the sister-in-law of the great-grandson of the friend of the friend of the son-in-law of Donnie Turgeon?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0906-05-07", "0907-06-05", "0910-06-12", "0911-09-02", "0915-02-16", "0926-08-10", "0931-03-05" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "wife(Y_7, Y_5)", "father(Y_9, Y_7)", "sister_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_grandson(Y_13, Y_11)", "friend(Y_15, Y_13)", "friend(Y_17, Y_15)", "son_in_law(\"Donnie Turgeon\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "?" ], "type": 17, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "be174df4-ed30-4dcb-bd24-0889ece2912d", "question": "What is the date of birth of the friend of the female second cousin of the female first cousin once removed of the friend of the brother-in-law of the daughter-in-law of the great-grandparent of the wife of Demarcus Huntley?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0872-12-10", "0909-04-18", "0911-09-02", "0911-10-13", "0911-11-22", "0915-01-19", "0931-03-05", "0939-07-07", "0939-12-12", "0958-04-12", "0963-09-17", "0996-07-15", "1004-05-03", "1032-08-04", "1068-05-13" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "female_second_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(Y_11, Y_9)", "brother_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "daughter_in_law(Y_15, Y_13)", "great_grandparent(Y_17, Y_15)", "wife(\"Demarcus Huntley\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "?" ], "type": 17, "difficulty": 20 }, { "id": "76a25282-7cae-413c-a102-d850448841c6", "question": "What is the date of birth of the nephew of the sibling of the great-grandchild of the male cousin of the grandchild of the brother-in-law of the grandfather of the great-grandson of Amanda Perea?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1091-03-27" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "nephew(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "male_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandchild(Y_13, Y_11)", "brother_in_law(Y_15, Y_13)", "grandfather(Y_17, Y_15)", "great_grandson(\"Amanda Perea\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "?" ], "type": 17, "difficulty": 19 }, { "id": "3615254c-2707-43b8-a7cd-c05c78820d5a", "question": "What is the occupation of the great-grandfather of the great-granddaughter of the great-grandfather of the male cousin of the cousin of the great-grandson of the grandparent of the grandchild of Kimiko Blankenship?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "building surveyor", "lecturer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_grandfather(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_granddaughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandfather(Y_9, Y_7)", "male_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "cousin(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_grandson(Y_15, Y_13)", "grandparent(Y_17, Y_15)", "grandchild(\"Kimiko Blankenship\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "?" ], "type": 17, "difficulty": 23 }, { "id": "2fab6777-745e-40bd-b2eb-ccdb48980e5e", "question": "What is the occupation of the uncle of the male cousin of the great-uncle of the cousin of the male cousin of the granddaughter of the niece of the great-uncle of Louann Toomey?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "ergonomist", "print production planner", "ranger", "trading standards officer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "male_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_uncle(Y_9, Y_7)", "cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "male_cousin(Y_13, Y_11)", "granddaughter(Y_15, Y_13)", "niece(Y_17, Y_15)", "great_uncle(\"Louann Toomey\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "?" ], "type": 17, "difficulty": 22 }, { "id": "ce1a5265-4ea1-4a5f-acdc-1b5b261e05db", "question": "What is the hobby of the sibling of the brother-in-law of the father-in-law of the daughter-in-law of the son of the father-in-law of the cousin of the female cousin of Romelia Sawyers?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "compact discs", "lapel pins", "magnet fishing" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "brother_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "father_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "daughter_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "son(Y_13, Y_11)", "father_in_law(Y_15, Y_13)", "cousin(Y_17, Y_15)", "female_cousin(\"Romelia Sawyers\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "?" ], "type": 17, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "93bb5f63-1fa6-4d91-aeee-0c176a6380b7", "question": "What is the date of birth of the nephew of the son of the wife of the brother of the sibling of the grandparent of the second uncle of the grandson of Earle Breen?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0922-04-15", "0923-09-03", "0937-11-17" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "nephew(Y_5, Y_3)", "son(Y_7, Y_5)", "wife(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother(Y_11, Y_9)", "sibling(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandparent(Y_15, Y_13)", "second_uncle(Y_17, Y_15)", "grandson(\"Earle Breen\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "?" ], "type": 17, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "ea0b00d5-74fd-46b9-9de5-cfe657ea1948", "question": "What is the occupation of the mother-in-law of the father of the cousin of the great-grandchild of the father-in-law of the father of the aunt of the person whose date of birth is 1007-12-30?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "sales executive" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "mother_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "father(Y_7, Y_5)", "cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "father_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "father(Y_15, Y_13)", "aunt(Y_17, Y_15)", "dob(Y_17, \"1007-12-30\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "?" ], "type": 18, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "74ffa6c7-5fc5-4218-8bc0-b48672b3df44", "question": "What is the occupation of the wife of the grandchild of the great-grandparent of the sibling of the female first cousin once removed of the husband of the friend of the person whose hobby is insect collecting?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "chartered public finance accountant", "control and instrumentation engineer", "interior and spatial designer", "learning mentor", "legal secretary", "ship broker", "therapist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "wife(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "sibling(Y_11, Y_9)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_13, Y_11)", "husband(Y_15, Y_13)", "friend(Y_17, Y_15)", "hobby(Y_17, \"insect collecting\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "?" ], "type": 18, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "b0888684-8b6a-48f6-92db-be4ed256f98a", "question": "What is the occupation of the male first cousin once removed of the female cousin of the grandson of the grandfather of the cousin of the grandparent of the niece of the person whose occupation is rural practice surveyor?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "acupuncturist", "geographical information systems officer", "therapist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_5, Y_3)", "female_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandson(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandfather(Y_11, Y_9)", "cousin(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandparent(Y_15, Y_13)", "niece(Y_17, Y_15)", "job(Y_17, \"rural practice surveyor\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "?" ], "type": 18, "difficulty": 20 }, { "id": "1f94ba71-2b06-4cb5-bac2-867979af9ab7", "question": "What is the date of birth of the parent of the brother of the aunt of the brother-in-law of the friend of the friend of the friend of the person whose occupation is quarry manager?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0848-01-06", "0851-02-19", "0872-11-25", "0872-12-10", "0873-10-11", "0873-10-23", "0892-04-23", "0893-04-04", "0925-03-09", "0929-01-02", "0940-12-21", "0941-02-09", "0952-10-08", "0955-03-13", "0959-01-20", "0959-08-19", "1006-09-29", "1008-04-13" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "parent(Y_5, Y_3)", "brother(Y_7, Y_5)", "aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "friend(Y_13, Y_11)", "friend(Y_15, Y_13)", "friend(Y_17, Y_15)", "job(Y_17, \"quarry manager\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "?" ], "type": 18, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "b2f472b4-ec82-4a9a-91fc-746eac8b21c3", "question": "What is the date of birth of the friend of the friend of the friend of the great-grandparent of the great-uncle of the grandchild of the mother-in-law of the person whose occupation is surveyor?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0797-05-06", "0798-05-01", "0837-10-06", "0843-11-16", "0845-03-14", "0851-02-19", "0852-11-05", "0875-03-28", "0883-12-10", "0884-09-25", "0884-12-09", "0899-05-10", "0902-03-20", "0903-10-03", "0905-06-01", "0906-10-03", "0909-04-18", "0910-01-22", "0910-09-09", "0911-11-22", "0913-03-27", "0914-08-21", "0918-07-10", "0922-04-15", "0925-03-20", "0927-04-02", "0927-06-24", "0929-05-08", "0929-07-15", "0940-05-06", "0941-07-10", "0943-05-27", "0943-10-22", "0943-11-10", "0946-01-02", "0948-12-03", "0948-12-26", "0951-04-07", "0952-06-30", "0952-10-08", "0953-06-12", "0954-01-04", "0954-08-26", "0954-09-11", "0954-09-29", "0956-07-18", "0962-05-20", "0963-10-11", "0967-10-05", "0968-05-13", "0968-07-10", "0969-02-06", "0977-03-13", "0977-09-16", "0981-08-10", "0984-02-16", "0985-04-24", "0985-08-01", "0990-07-11", "0993-10-13", "0996-07-15", "1007-06-03", "1007-12-30", "1008-08-19", "1011-02-20", "1012-02-17", "1017-06-23", "1020-02-06", "1023-01-14", "1032-04-29", "1033-10-27", "1033-12-12", "1035-09-11", "1052-01-30", "1058-09-17", "1066-12-15", "1078-08-17", "1091-12-30" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandparent(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_uncle(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandchild(Y_15, Y_13)", "mother_in_law(Y_17, Y_15)", "job(Y_17, \"surveyor\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "?" ], "type": 18, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "bcc33186-e477-471a-92b2-daf4ed11021d", "question": "What is the date of birth of the grandparent of the sibling of the great-aunt of the great-grandchild of the nephew of the grandson of the husband of the person whose hobby is role-playing games?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0947-10-25", "0947-12-15" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "nephew(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandson(Y_15, Y_13)", "husband(Y_17, Y_15)", "hobby(Y_17, \"role-playing games\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "?" ], "type": 18, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "a4367276-6f3b-47f5-8d1b-5c1b369156d1", "question": "What is the occupation of the grandson of the great-granddaughter of the father-in-law of the daughter-in-law of the grandmother of the great-grandchild of the son-in-law of the person whose date of birth is 0893-08-04?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "fashion designer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandson(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_granddaughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "father_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "daughter_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandmother(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_grandchild(Y_15, Y_13)", "son_in_law(Y_17, Y_15)", "dob(Y_17, \"0893-08-04\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "?" ], "type": 18, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "db45ec6f-bf84-4a43-827f-71107bb9976f", "question": "What is the occupation of the uncle of the male cousin of the great-uncle of the male cousin of the great-grandchild of the nephew of the second aunt of the person whose occupation is special effects artist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "ergonomist", "print production planner", "ranger", "trading standards officer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "male_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_uncle(Y_9, Y_7)", "male_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_grandchild(Y_13, Y_11)", "nephew(Y_15, Y_13)", "second_aunt(Y_17, Y_15)", "job(Y_17, \"special effects artist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "?" ], "type": 18, "difficulty": 22 }, { "id": "08c05379-e88f-48f6-ac58-aaa31cb9613d", "question": "What is the hobby of the sister of the nephew of the great-aunt of the great-grandchild of the daughter of the great-grandmother of the nephew of the person whose hobby is compact discs?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "benchmarking", "hobby tunneling", "whale watching" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "sister(Y_5, Y_3)", "nephew(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "daughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_grandmother(Y_15, Y_13)", "nephew(Y_17, Y_15)", "hobby(Y_17, \"compact discs\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "?" ], "type": 18, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "5997696a-4ac9-4459-a532-26058122c691", "question": "What is the date of birth of the niece of the sister of the son of the brother of the sibling of the great-uncle of the sister-in-law of the person whose occupation is waste management officer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0964-03-16", "0966-07-03", "0968-07-10", "0969-07-28" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "niece(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister(Y_7, Y_5)", "son(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother(Y_11, Y_9)", "sibling(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_uncle(Y_15, Y_13)", "sister_in_law(Y_17, Y_15)", "job(Y_17, \"waste management officer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "?" ], "type": 18, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "5157b241-2fe5-46c9-8636-1acacbf153d2", "question": "What is the occupation of the daughter of the daughter-in-law of the great-grandparent of the grandchild of the father of the sister of the grandmother of Jackson Jankowski?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "advertising account planner", "sales executive", "tax inspector" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "daughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "daughter_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "father(Y_13, Y_11)", "sister(Y_15, Y_13)", "grandmother(\"Jackson Jankowski\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "?" ], "type": 19, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "a36bdaa5-9a73-4640-b1af-5ff63df075e0", "question": "What is the date of birth of the great-grandparent of the sibling of the great-grandchild of the sibling of the friend of the female second cousin of the female second cousin of Vincenza Dias?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0894-04-28", "0899-03-23", "0908-10-24", "0910-01-22", "0952-10-08", "0955-03-13" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "sibling(Y_11, Y_9)", "friend(Y_13, Y_11)", "female_second_cousin(Y_15, Y_13)", "female_second_cousin(\"Vincenza Dias\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "?" ], "type": 19, "difficulty": 20 }, { "id": "8098191e-46b8-4721-8ddf-e4acfc4891dd", "question": "What is the hobby of the great-grandparent of the great-grandson of the grandchild of the father of the nephew of the uncle of the brother-in-law of Adella Stites?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "antiquities", "microbiology" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandson(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "father(Y_11, Y_9)", "nephew(Y_13, Y_11)", "uncle(Y_15, Y_13)", "brother_in_law(\"Adella Stites\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "?" ], "type": 19, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "51a6dfac-3c0c-42f9-85f4-a26c460bc5fb", "question": "What is the hobby of the friend of the friend of the male first cousin once removed of the nephew of the uncle of the grandchild of the friend of Minh Breen?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "amateur astronomy", "ant farming", "archaeology", "architecture", "audiophile", "auto audiophilia", "axe throwing", "backgammon", "beekeeping", "breakdancing", "bus spotting", "cribbage", "curling", "disc golf", "dowsing", "driving", "exhibition drill", "fishkeeping", "flag football", "flower collecting and pressing", "fossil hunting", "fusilately", "geography", "golfing", "gongoozling", "herbalism", "herping", "horseshoes", "inline skating", "jujitsu", "kite flying", "leaves", "lotology", "magnet fishing", "mathematics", "meteorology", "microscopy", "mineral collecting", "neuroscience", "nordic skating", "powerboat racing", "powerlifting", "quidditch", "railway studies", "reading", "renaissance fair", "research", "satellite watching", "scouting", "scutelliphily", "sea glass collecting", "seashell collecting", "shortwave listening", "softball", "stone collecting", "trainspotting", "triathlon", "vacation", "vintage clothing", "whale watching" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_9, Y_7)", "nephew(Y_11, Y_9)", "uncle(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandchild(Y_15, Y_13)", "friend(\"Minh Breen\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "?" ], "type": 19, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "38e3a028-8642-4409-a5b0-483526d72f34", "question": "What is the hobby of the mother-in-law of the mother-in-law of the husband of the sister of the child of the parent of the great-aunt of Randolph Grigg?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "whale watching" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "mother_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "mother_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "husband(Y_9, Y_7)", "sister(Y_11, Y_9)", "child(Y_13, Y_11)", "parent(Y_15, Y_13)", "great_aunt(\"Randolph Grigg\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "?" ], "type": 19, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "cefe714c-e37a-4064-b7db-1acd38e244a6", "question": "What is the occupation of the aunt of the female first cousin once removed of the friend of the mother of the friend of the female second cousin of the female second cousin of Salvatore Nix?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "petroleum engineer", "proofreader" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "mother(Y_11, Y_9)", "friend(Y_13, Y_11)", "female_second_cousin(Y_15, Y_13)", "female_second_cousin(\"Salvatore Nix\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "?" ], "type": 19, "difficulty": 20 }, { "id": "d8ccef55-cf8e-4d9f-afd9-b5014fafead0", "question": "What is the occupation of the child of the friend of the sibling of the great-uncle of the sister of the cousin of the female cousin of Leesa Pence?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "academic librarian", "advertising copywriter", "armed forces operational officer", "customer service manager", "dance movement psychotherapist", "dietitian", "field trials officer", "hydrologist", "industrial buyer", "journalist", "physiotherapist", "plant breeder", "sales promotion account executive", "software engineer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "sibling(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_uncle(Y_11, Y_9)", "sister(Y_13, Y_11)", "cousin(Y_15, Y_13)", "female_cousin(\"Leesa Pence\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "?" ], "type": 19, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "3868a2c6-0cd8-45af-a7f2-ae41cd83cff5", "question": "What is the occupation of the great-grandparent of the cousin of the cousin of the male cousin of the nephew of the male cousin of the grandchild of Reyna Lew?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "biomedical scientist", "database administrator", "forensic psychologist", "personal assistant" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "male_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "nephew(Y_13, Y_11)", "male_cousin(Y_15, Y_13)", "grandchild(\"Reyna Lew\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "?" ], "type": 19, "difficulty": 20 }, { "id": "290060e1-cf6f-49a9-81eb-897fa2b6dd83", "question": "What is the occupation of the great-aunt of the son of the great-granddaughter of the great-grandparent of the cousin of the female cousin of the cousin of Tad Dunbar?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "hydrographic surveyor", "occupational hygienist", "social worker" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "son(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_granddaughter(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandparent(Y_11, Y_9)", "cousin(Y_13, Y_11)", "female_cousin(Y_15, Y_13)", "cousin(\"Tad Dunbar\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "?" ], "type": 19, "difficulty": 20 }, { "id": "15dbfc22-3f08-45c8-a6fd-dc49fe1184e2", "question": "What is the hobby of the mother of the grandchild of the mother of the sister-in-law of the sibling of the sister-in-law of the great-grandparent of Salvatore Nix?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "railway journeys" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "mother(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "mother(Y_9, Y_7)", "sister_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "sibling(Y_13, Y_11)", "sister_in_law(Y_15, Y_13)", "great_grandparent(\"Salvatore Nix\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "?" ], "type": 19, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "a54af5f4-fa06-4eec-aac0-4cea249c1f63", "question": "What is the occupation of the father of the cousin of the great-grandchild of the father-in-law of the father of the aunt of the person whose date of birth is 1007-12-30?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "actor", "advertising copywriter", "electronics engineer", "energy engineer", "glass blower" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "father(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "father_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "father(Y_13, Y_11)", "aunt(Y_15, Y_13)", "dob(Y_15, \"1007-12-30\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "?" ], "type": 20, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "93602a5a-a649-44cb-b9cd-6fea81510aeb", "question": "What is the date of birth of the niece of the sibling of the second uncle of the grandchild of the friend of the female cousin of the person whose hobby is films?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0990-07-11", "0992-06-09", "0993-04-02", "0994-07-18", "0994-08-15", "0995-06-01", "0996-01-08" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "niece(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "second_uncle(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "friend(Y_13, Y_11)", "female_cousin(Y_15, Y_13)", "hobby(Y_15, \"films\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "?" ], "type": 20, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "0291b599-5e20-4655-87c5-7ccfe30e5003", "question": "What is the hobby of the great-grandparent of the great-grandson of the grandchild of the grandfather of the nephew of the husband of the person whose occupation is catering manager?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "antiquities", "microbiology" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandson(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandfather(Y_11, Y_9)", "nephew(Y_13, Y_11)", "husband(Y_15, Y_13)", "job(Y_15, \"catering manager\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "?" ], "type": 20, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "6d34d272-bc5a-4dd9-a33f-2148099888fe", "question": "What is the hobby of the female first cousin once removed of the friend of the friend of the sister-in-law of the father of the great-aunt of the person whose hobby is book collecting?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "ant farming", "audiophile", "bus riding", "films", "flower collecting and pressing", "geography", "knowledge/word games", "magnet fishing", "microbiology", "sea glass collecting", "seashell collecting", "shortwave listening" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "sister_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "father(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_aunt(Y_15, Y_13)", "hobby(Y_15, \"book collecting\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "?" ], "type": 20, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "5de16b16-c51c-4e3d-8f44-104926098ef7", "question": "What is the hobby of the grandchild of the father-in-law of the sister of the sister of the aunt of the parent of the person whose occupation is geographical information systems officer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "association football", "deltiology", "fossil hunting", "jujitsu", "lacrosse", "lapel pins", "microscopy", "mineral collecting", "shoes" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "father_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "sister(Y_9, Y_7)", "sister(Y_11, Y_9)", "aunt(Y_13, Y_11)", "parent(Y_15, Y_13)", "job(Y_15, \"geographical information systems officer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "?" ], "type": 20, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "11658d16-fc08-44a5-809b-dd413bc03f37", "question": "What is the occupation of the grandchild of the friend of the friend of the grandparent of the friend of the female second cousin of the person whose hobby is billiards?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "TEFL teacher", "academic librarian", "accommodation manager", "actor", "administrator", "adult nurse", "advertising account executive", "advertising account planner", "agricultural consultant", "agricultural engineer", "air broker", "ambulance person", "applications developer", "armed forces operational officer", "armed forces technical officer", "artist", "arts development officer", "barrister", "barrister's clerk", "biomedical scientist", "bookseller", "brewing technologist", "call centre manager", "careers information officer", "charity fundraiser", "chartered accountant", "chartered loss adjuster", "chartered management accountant", "chief executive officer", "child psychotherapist", "clinical cytogeneticist", "clinical embryologist", "clinical research associate", "clinical scientist", "commercial art gallery manager", "community arts worker", "community education officer", "community pharmacist", "comptroller", "conservator", "contracting civil engineer", "corporate investment banker", "dance movement psychotherapist", "diplomatic services operational officer", "education administrator", "embryologist", "energy engineer", "environmental health practitioner", "equities trader", "exercise physiologist", "exhibition designer", "fashion designer", "field trials officer", "film editor", "geographical information systems officer", "geophysical data processor", "geophysicist", "health physicist", "herbalist", "herpetologist", "higher education careers adviser", "hydrogeologist", "hydrographic surveyor", "industrial buyer", "information systems manager", "insurance underwriter", "intelligence analyst", "jewellery designer", "journalist", "land", "landscape architect", "lawyer", "learning mentor", "lecturer", "leisure centre manager", "loss adjuster", "marine scientist", "mechanical engineer", "media buyer", "medical laboratory scientific officer", "merchandiser", "minerals surveyor", "multimedia specialist", "museum education officer", "music tutor", "musician", "neurosurgeon", "newspaper journalist", "occupational hygienist", "oncologist", "operations geologist", "ophthalmologist", "osteopath", "patent examiner", "pathologist", "petroleum engineer", "pharmacologist", "physicist", "physiological scientist", "plant breeder", "primary school teacher", "product designer", "production engineer", "professor emeritus", "programmer", "proofreader", "radio producer", "radiographer", "records manager", "retail merchandiser", "sales executive", "sales promotion account executive", "secondary school teacher", "seismic interpreter", "set designer", "social worker", "software engineer", "special effects artist", "sports development officer", "structural engineer", "surgeon", "surveyor", "tax inspector", "teacher", "teaching laboratory technician", "technical author", "technical brewer", "technical sales engineer", "telecommunications researcher", "textile designer", "theatre director", "tourist information centre manager", "trading standards officer", "transport planner", "water engineer", "wellsite geologist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandparent(Y_11, Y_9)", "friend(Y_13, Y_11)", "female_second_cousin(Y_15, Y_13)", "hobby(Y_15, \"billiards\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "?" ], "type": 20, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "2ebfbf27-3b39-44ea-8958-140a894b963a", "question": "What is the occupation of the child of the friend of the sibling of the great-uncle of the sister of the female cousin of the person whose hobby is microbiology?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "academic librarian", "advertising copywriter", "armed forces operational officer", "customer service manager", "dance movement psychotherapist", "dietitian", "field trials officer", "hydrologist", "industrial buyer", "journalist", "physiotherapist", "plant breeder", "sales promotion account executive", "software engineer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "sibling(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_uncle(Y_11, Y_9)", "sister(Y_13, Y_11)", "female_cousin(Y_15, Y_13)", "hobby(Y_15, \"microbiology\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "?" ], "type": 20, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "f843b806-53b2-4e02-acdb-d76180f4c11c", "question": "What is the occupation of the granddaughter of the grandparent of the female cousin of the cousin of the niece of the daughter-in-law of the person whose occupation is theatre stage manager?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "applications developer", "product designer", "professor emeritus" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "female_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "niece(Y_13, Y_11)", "daughter_in_law(Y_15, Y_13)", "job(Y_15, \"theatre stage manager\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "?" ], "type": 20, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "51603668-31cb-4e75-a6f5-f080dfd2dc7a", "question": "What is the occupation of the grandmother of the grandparent of the male first cousin once removed of the grandchild of the great-grandfather of the female first cousin once removed of the person whose occupation is intelligence analyst?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "chemical engineer", "electrical engineer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandmother(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_grandfather(Y_13, Y_11)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_15, Y_13)", "job(Y_15, \"intelligence analyst\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "?" ], "type": 20, "difficulty": 19 }, { "id": "07b5664d-e2cd-4e9d-98d2-ce751f058ade", "question": "What is the hobby of the father of the cousin of the niece of the sister-in-law of the child of the great-grandfather of the person whose occupation is music tutor?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "audiophile", "microbiology", "railway studies", "snowmobiling" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "father(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "niece(Y_9, Y_7)", "sister_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "child(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_grandfather(Y_15, Y_13)", "job(Y_15, \"music tutor\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "?" ], "type": 20, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "89833447-102e-472b-9a9c-cb83e6f73e71", "question": "What is the date of birth of the daughter-in-law of the great-grandparent of the grandchild of the father of the sister of the grandmother of Jackson Jankowski?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0925-03-09" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "daughter_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "father(Y_11, Y_9)", "sister(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandmother(\"Jackson Jankowski\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "?" ], "type": 21, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "207be3d8-f88c-4a5f-aebd-c6896eb24c75", "question": "What is the date of birth of the great-grandchild of the sibling of the friend of the niece of the sister-in-law of the brother-in-law of Desiree Mcbroom?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1032-05-15", "1036-01-09", "1040-03-27", "1078-05-30", "1081-03-23" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "niece(Y_11, Y_9)", "sister_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "brother_in_law(\"Desiree Mcbroom\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "?" ], "type": 21, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "465705a4-79cd-4ea8-9b51-017541b29e72", "question": "What is the date of birth of the uncle of the niece of the brother of the brother-in-law of the sibling of the wife of Jefferson Long?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0966-02-20", "0972-07-31" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "niece(Y_7, Y_5)", "brother(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "sibling(Y_13, Y_11)", "wife(\"Jefferson Long\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "?" ], "type": 21, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "bc842788-4ac4-4edf-8dd8-d371776f01c7", "question": "What is the occupation of the grandparent of the grandson of the friend of the great-grandchild of the great-grandparent of the mother-in-law of Jacob Christy?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "adult nurse", "advertising copywriter", "barrister's clerk", "catering manager", "chartered accountant", "computer games developer", "corporate investment banker", "counsellor", "editor", "heritage manager", "jewellery designer", "nurse", "nutritional therapist", "professor emeritus", "quarry manager", "risk analyst", "sales executive", "software engineer", "sports coach", "tour manager", "volunteer coordinator", "waste management officer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandson(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_grandparent(Y_13, Y_11)", "mother_in_law(\"Jacob Christy\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "?" ], "type": 21, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "525f9eb8-03bc-431e-8ca3-cb94d05a6d08", "question": "What is the date of birth of the child of the wife of the father of the sister-in-law of the great-grandson of the friend of Emilio Luevano?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0926-08-10", "0931-03-05" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "wife(Y_7, Y_5)", "father(Y_9, Y_7)", "sister_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_grandson(Y_13, Y_11)", "friend(\"Emilio Luevano\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "?" ], "type": 21, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "064520fd-3872-4fbf-aecd-126170753a8f", "question": "What is the hobby of the female first cousin once removed of the friend of the brother-in-law of the daughter-in-law of the great-grandparent of the wife of Demarcus Huntley?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "films", "geography", "microbiology", "shortwave listening" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "brother_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "daughter_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_grandparent(Y_13, Y_11)", "wife(\"Demarcus Huntley\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "?" ], "type": 21, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "8af011dd-fb94-4f93-a92c-1727c156ad92", "question": "What is the hobby of the brother-in-law of the husband of the daughter of the friend of the great-grandchild of the father of Nicholas Perea?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "ant-keeping", "butterfly watching", "publishing", "sociology" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "brother_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "husband(Y_7, Y_5)", "daughter(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_grandchild(Y_13, Y_11)", "father(\"Nicholas Perea\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "?" ], "type": 21, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "820a6094-3c48-4cd5-9629-498d601f03b8", "question": "What is the hobby of the brother of the sibling of the friend of the mother of the great-uncle of the daughter of Walker Thurman?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "cartophily", "cooking", "meteorology", "research" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "brother(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "mother(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_uncle(Y_13, Y_11)", "daughter(\"Walker Thurman\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "?" ], "type": 21, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "87c18625-9d32-410b-ab92-a5af27f2c3df", "question": "What is the occupation of the great-grandparent of the niece of the great-uncle of the male second cousin of the grandchild of the son-in-law of Clayton Dias?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "chemical engineer", "control and instrumentation engineer", "electrical engineer", "sales executive" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "niece(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_uncle(Y_9, Y_7)", "male_second_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandchild(Y_13, Y_11)", "son_in_law(\"Clayton Dias\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "?" ], "type": 21, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "921213af-707a-4bba-819d-0f7fd685b64d", "question": "What is the occupation of the son of the great-granddaughter of the great-grandparent of the cousin of the female cousin of the cousin of Tad Dunbar?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "diplomatic services operational officer", "embryologist", "journalist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "son(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_granddaughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "female_cousin(Y_13, Y_11)", "cousin(\"Tad Dunbar\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "?" ], "type": 21, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "f0e8d0a8-dd60-44e0-9661-4de9f2a54b34", "question": "What is the date of birth of the cousin of the great-grandchild of the father-in-law of the father of the aunt of the person whose date of birth is 1007-12-30?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1002-12-27", "1007-04-12", "1007-06-07", "1007-12-30", "1010-07-17", "1010-08-17", "1010-12-21", "1012-05-27" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "father_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "father(Y_11, Y_9)", "aunt(Y_13, Y_11)", "dob(Y_13, \"1007-12-30\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "?" ], "type": 22, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "e54d0488-a41a-4a8f-b867-48b5a9e481f5", "question": "What is the date of birth of the female first cousin once removed of the wife of the friend of the niece of the sister-in-law of the person whose occupation is public relations account executive?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1030-02-16", "1032-08-04", "1035-09-11" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_5, Y_3)", "wife(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "niece(Y_11, Y_9)", "sister_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "job(Y_13, \"public relations account executive\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "?" ], "type": 22, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "a767dd80-dabc-4985-a705-eef886fd269d", "question": "What is the date of birth of the granddaughter of the mother-in-law of the grandfather of the female cousin of the daughter of the person whose date of birth is 0970-01-15?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0967-04-20", "0968-10-01" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "mother_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandfather(Y_9, Y_7)", "female_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "daughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "dob(Y_13, \"0970-01-15\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "?" ], "type": 22, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "8197c696-f24a-4c31-a0d5-3ec7d3dbd77a", "question": "What is the occupation of the grandchild of the son-in-law of the grandfather of the great-aunt of the sister-in-law of the person whose occupation is secretary?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "armed forces technical officer", "information systems manager", "landscape architect", "lecturer", "records manager" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "son_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandfather(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_aunt(Y_11, Y_9)", "sister_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "job(Y_13, \"secretary\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "?" ], "type": 22, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "c7e61a2c-f3a6-4cb2-882e-7d6f9388117a", "question": "What is the date of birth of the child of the father of the aunt of the great-uncle of the second aunt of the person whose hobby is audiophile?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0916-10-26", "0918-08-31", "0921-01-13", "0924-06-16" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "father(Y_7, Y_5)", "aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_uncle(Y_11, Y_9)", "second_aunt(Y_13, Y_11)", "hobby(Y_13, \"audiophile\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "?" ], "type": 22, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "514c9c81-9a92-4427-850b-75cf39eeb563", "question": "What is the hobby of the friend of the great-grandparent of the great-uncle of the grandchild of the mother-in-law of the person whose occupation is surveyor?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "antiquities", "audiophile", "croquet", "fusilately", "kite flying", "meteorology", "mineral collecting", "radio-controlled model playing", "table football" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_uncle(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "mother_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "job(Y_13, \"surveyor\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "?" ], "type": 22, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "2ca89eac-21fa-4309-ba1c-e48affc32333", "question": "What is the hobby of the sister-in-law of the husband of the grandmother of the male first cousin once removed of the male cousin of the person whose date of birth is 0952-04-23?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "airsoft", "figure skating", "reading" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "sister_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "husband(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandmother(Y_9, Y_7)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_11, Y_9)", "male_cousin(Y_13, Y_11)", "dob(Y_13, \"0952-04-23\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "?" ], "type": 22, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "4a01db5e-e94f-4ecc-bff8-8b6912e50eaf", "question": "What is the hobby of the grandmother of the aunt of the male second cousin of the sibling of the brother-in-law of the person whose date of birth is 0945-12-01?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "digital hoarding" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandmother(Y_5, Y_3)", "aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "male_second_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "sibling(Y_11, Y_9)", "brother_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "dob(Y_13, \"0945-12-01\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "?" ], "type": 22, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "054f6929-bf8a-40bc-a92a-a8346639393c", "question": "What is the occupation of the great-grandparent of the cousin of the cousin of the great-granddaughter of the father-in-law of the person whose hobby is sand art?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "chemical engineer", "control and instrumentation engineer", "electrical engineer", "sales executive" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_granddaughter(Y_11, Y_9)", "father_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "hobby(Y_13, \"sand art\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "?" ], "type": 22, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "850c6345-8757-4af6-ae0e-1d7cbf1b88d2", "question": "What is the occupation of the grandparent of the male first cousin once removed of the grandchild of the great-grandfather of the female first cousin once removed of the person whose occupation is intelligence analyst?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "clinical scientist", "health physicist", "hydrographic surveyor", "radio producer", "ranger", "social worker" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandfather(Y_11, Y_9)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_13, Y_11)", "job(Y_13, \"intelligence analyst\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "?" ], "type": 22, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "0c1a70dd-6087-4146-8c33-588e3a945d46", "question": "What is the occupation of the great-grandparent of the grandchild of the father of the sister of the grandmother of Jackson Jankowski?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "health physicist", "hospital pharmacist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "father(Y_9, Y_7)", "sister(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandmother(\"Jackson Jankowski\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "?" ], "type": 23, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "965814b3-adf4-452e-a2e2-2fdc7a3514f6", "question": "What is the date of birth of the friend of the cousin of the male cousin of the great-uncle of the aunt of Wanda Lo?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0797-05-06", "0805-11-09", "0843-11-16", "0853-01-05", "0869-06-06", "0884-12-09", "0893-11-22", "0899-05-11", "0908-07-08", "0922-07-27", "0924-02-03", "0925-03-09", "0937-11-27", "0938-07-06", "0941-08-21", "0944-01-05", "0945-11-17", "0967-10-05", "0968-10-01", "0973-11-30", "0980-04-11", "0981-11-03", "0984-12-07", "0991-10-01", "0995-07-31", "0999-10-13", "1013-09-13", "1017-06-23", "1019-12-13", "1020-02-06", "1021-04-07", "1054-08-13", "1058-09-17" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "male_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_uncle(Y_11, Y_9)", "aunt(\"Wanda Lo\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "?" ], "type": 23, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "4e25d1aa-8c3e-4cf9-957d-c9e53a4475c6", "question": "What is the date of birth of the grandmother of the sister of the great-uncle of the nephew of the sibling of Quinton Peek?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0902-12-06" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandmother(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_uncle(Y_9, Y_7)", "nephew(Y_11, Y_9)", "sibling(\"Quinton Peek\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "?" ], "type": 23, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "f22d211c-ece5-4f7c-8cb4-70d28e0ab6f2", "question": "What is the hobby of the great-grandchild of the daughter-in-law of the grandparent of the sister of the grandfather of Jodi Biggs?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "geography", "insect collecting" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "daughter_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "sister(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandfather(\"Jodi Biggs\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "?" ], "type": 23, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "847470b6-4b42-4c6b-95e6-19bdb3d24b4e", "question": "What is the hobby of the friend of the friend of the female second cousin of the grandchild of the father-in-law of Ila Phillips?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "aircraft spotting", "ant-keeping", "association football", "beekeeping", "butterfly watching", "driving", "fencing", "fishkeeping", "geocaching", "geography", "herping", "hiking/backpacking", "learning", "linguistics", "meditation", "mineral collecting", "movie memorabilia collecting", "notaphily", "research", "science and technology studies", "seashell collecting", "shooting sports", "shortwave listening", "vintage clothing", "vinyl records", "whale watching" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "female_second_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "father_in_law(\"Ila Phillips\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "?" ], "type": 23, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "2d5007bf-d8d6-4963-ac24-3361be37ae0b", "question": "What is the occupation of the aunt of the grandchild of the parent of the grandchild of the father-in-law of Raymond Majors?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "operational researcher" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "parent(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "father_in_law(\"Raymond Majors\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "?" ], "type": 23, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "6ccddb43-11d7-4605-a568-04c9fec29ca6", "question": "What is the hobby of the female first cousin once removed of the friend of the female first cousin once removed of the niece of the brother-in-law of Nicolle Dias?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "action figure", "ant farming", "beekeeping", "benchmarking", "compact discs", "hobby tunneling", "shoes", "shooting sports" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_9, Y_7)", "niece(Y_11, Y_9)", "brother_in_law(\"Nicolle Dias\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "?" ], "type": 23, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "fa041126-d4bb-4848-a70c-041a11877ff7", "question": "What is the hobby of the granddaughter of the father-in-law of the grandfather of the male second cousin of the male second cousin of Barry Huntley?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "fossil hunting", "jujitsu", "microscopy" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "father_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandfather(Y_9, Y_7)", "male_second_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "male_second_cousin(\"Barry Huntley\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "?" ], "type": 23, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "7c924a9d-79f3-450a-ad44-260beed4cd91", "question": "What is the occupation of the sibling of the friend of the mother of the great-uncle of the daughter of Walker Thurman?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "ergonomist", "print production planner", "ranger", "trading standards officer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "mother(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_uncle(Y_11, Y_9)", "daughter(\"Walker Thurman\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "?" ], "type": 23, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "38c8ab96-3c75-43e9-bbec-27bc299b58af", "question": "What is the occupation of the cousin of the male cousin of the nephew of the male cousin of the grandchild of Reyna Lew?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "armed forces operational officer", "arts development officer", "charity fundraiser", "lawyer", "newspaper journalist", "social worker", "teacher", "teaching laboratory technician", "transport planner" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "male_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "nephew(Y_9, Y_7)", "male_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandchild(\"Reyna Lew\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "?" ], "type": 23, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "8002ea4b-3cbc-41c7-b62e-099d639f0ab1", "question": "What is the occupation of the great-grandchild of the father-in-law of the father of the aunt of the person whose date of birth is 1007-12-30?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "armed forces operational officer", "arts development officer", "charity fundraiser", "lawyer", "newspaper journalist", "social worker", "teacher", "teaching laboratory technician", "transport planner" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "father_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "father(Y_9, Y_7)", "aunt(Y_11, Y_9)", "dob(Y_11, \"1007-12-30\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "?" ], "type": 24, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "e0b6a614-2cd4-4156-8301-302f85b25ddc", "question": "What is the date of birth of the friend of the great-grandchild of the great-grandmother of the great-aunt of the person whose occupation is physiological scientist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0823-09-13", "0843-11-16", "0912-06-10", "0924-11-06", "0929-03-14", "0937-11-27", "0939-07-07", "0945-01-31", "0948-08-13", "0949-12-03", "0967-04-26", "0985-04-24", "0987-11-25", "1008-02-03", "1066-10-19" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandmother(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_aunt(Y_11, Y_9)", "job(Y_11, \"physiological scientist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "?" ], "type": 24, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "8b151812-27dc-4628-8e5c-61174a6ff6ac", "question": "What is the date of birth of the grandmother of the child of the grandmother of the nephew of the person whose date of birth is 0977-03-13?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0925-03-09", "0928-04-07" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandmother(Y_5, Y_3)", "child(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandmother(Y_9, Y_7)", "nephew(Y_11, Y_9)", "dob(Y_11, \"0977-03-13\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "?" ], "type": 24, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "a43d8b0a-ecf9-47c4-bd94-f5f0aa913bee", "question": "What is the hobby of the son-in-law of the grandparent of the female cousin of the mother of the person whose date of birth is 1021-06-24?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "boxing", "dowsing", "esports" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "son_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "female_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "mother(Y_11, Y_9)", "dob(Y_11, \"1021-06-24\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "?" ], "type": 24, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "7cc6b0e1-00e8-41bc-add5-83cbc13adc54", "question": "What is the hobby of the friend of the friend of the female second cousin of the son of the person whose occupation is chartered public finance accountant?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "aircraft spotting", "ant-keeping", "association football", "beekeeping", "butterfly watching", "driving", "fencing", "fishkeeping", "geocaching", "geography", "herping", "hiking/backpacking", "learning", "linguistics", "meditation", "mineral collecting", "movie memorabilia collecting", "notaphily", "research", "science and technology studies", "seashell collecting", "shooting sports", "shortwave listening", "vintage clothing", "vinyl records", "whale watching" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "female_second_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "son(Y_11, Y_9)", "job(Y_11, \"chartered public finance accountant\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "?" ], "type": 24, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "352ccc6d-d220-486d-92ca-48864eff14fa", "question": "What is the occupation of the child of the grandchild of the parent of the father-in-law of the person whose occupation is early years teacher?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "acupuncturist", "animal nutritionist", "nutritional therapist", "operational researcher", "presenter" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "parent(Y_9, Y_7)", "father_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "job(Y_11, \"early years teacher\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "?" ], "type": 24, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "1ccb368e-5770-4492-8a7b-ffe8df013bd5", "question": "What is the hobby of the nephew of the second uncle of the great-grandchild of the sister-in-law of the person whose occupation is radio producer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "astronomy", "croquet", "research" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "nephew(Y_5, Y_3)", "second_uncle(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "sister_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "job(Y_11, \"radio producer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "?" ], "type": 24, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "8bc50cd8-8f13-4d67-8fc1-4fe88e5e39d4", "question": "What is the hobby of the granddaughter of the father-in-law of the grandfather of the male second cousin of the person whose hobby is table football?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "fossil hunting", "jujitsu", "microscopy" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "father_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandfather(Y_9, Y_7)", "male_second_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "hobby(Y_11, \"table football\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "?" ], "type": 24, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "1a402477-bb4f-423e-adb7-8c8c23b9b3d0", "question": "What is the occupation of the aunt of the male second cousin of the sibling of the brother-in-law of the person whose date of birth is 0945-12-01?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "trade union research officer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "male_second_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "sibling(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "dob(Y_11, \"0945-12-01\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "?" ], "type": 24, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "9269ef0d-8965-402b-8032-c27edaa58af8", "question": "What is the occupation of the female cousin of the cousin of the niece of the daughter-in-law of the person whose occupation is theatre stage manager?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "applications developer", "product designer", "professor emeritus" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "female_cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "niece(Y_9, Y_7)", "daughter_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "job(Y_11, \"theatre stage manager\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "?" ], "type": 24, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "64229abf-4a26-4902-b6f0-64758ad53c4f", "question": "What is the hobby of the grandchild of the father of the sister of the grandmother of Jackson Jankowski?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "audiophile", "figure skating", "herping", "reading", "research", "roller derby", "vinyl records" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "father(Y_7, Y_5)", "sister(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandmother(\"Jackson Jankowski\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "?" ], "type": 25, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "64891bec-58f5-41a6-b006-4ce2d221c620", "question": "What is the hobby of the second uncle of the female cousin of the nephew of the brother of Krystal Arriola?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "skydiving", "vintage clothing" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "second_uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "female_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "nephew(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother(\"Krystal Arriola\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "?" ], "type": 25, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "b7b82002-63d0-4f03-9075-0ab4ddfa3be8", "question": "What is the date of birth of the grandchild of the sibling of the second aunt of the uncle of Stella Pence?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0971-01-03", "0973-06-19", "0973-11-30", "0979-11-05", "0980-07-25", "0981-07-10" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "second_aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "uncle(\"Stella Pence\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "?" ], "type": 25, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "616130ba-1f4d-436e-a02d-b43a02b610a4", "question": "What is the date of birth of the father of the nephew of the uncle of the brother-in-law of Adella Stites?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0896-03-26" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "father(Y_5, Y_3)", "nephew(Y_7, Y_5)", "uncle(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother_in_law(\"Adella Stites\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "?" ], "type": 25, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "b497b0d7-0f73-44f5-8f8c-b1d15ad4268c", "question": "What is the occupation of the friend of the great-grandchild of the great-grandparent of the mother-in-law of Jacob Christy?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "adult nurse", "ambulance person", "barrister's clerk", "bookseller", "catering manager", "chief executive officer", "emergency planning officer", "exercise physiologist", "heritage manager", "herpetologist", "nurse", "nutritional therapist", "oncologist", "operational investment banker", "risk analyst", "secondary school teacher", "sports coach", "sports development officer", "volunteer coordinator" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "mother_in_law(\"Jacob Christy\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "?" ], "type": 25, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "4ac68393-c478-45c8-a5e4-cc4118c18408", "question": "What is the hobby of the great-grandson of the friend of the friend of the son-in-law of Donnie Turgeon?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "ant farming", "ant-keeping", "association football", "butterfly watching", "croquet", "cycling", "deltiology", "disc golf", "fitness", "geography", "history", "marbles", "meditation", "pool", "publishing", "research", "seashell collecting", "shortwave listening", "skydiving", "softball", "trade fair visiting", "vintage clothing", "whale watching" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_grandson(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "son_in_law(\"Donnie Turgeon\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "?" ], "type": 25, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "90f143a2-b121-4f6e-8650-e8a71bdfcf30", "question": "What is the occupation of the sister of the child of the parent of the great-aunt of Randolph Grigg?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "arts administrator", "chemist", "computer games developer", "legal secretary", "maintenance engineer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "sister(Y_5, Y_3)", "child(Y_7, Y_5)", "parent(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_aunt(\"Randolph Grigg\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "?" ], "type": 25, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "463bd991-d72a-4692-8dce-6678c1d00e61", "question": "What is the hobby of the friend of the female first cousin once removed of the niece of the brother-in-law of Nicolle Dias?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "audiophile", "beach volleyball", "fishkeeping", "fitness", "fossil hunting", "geography", "magnet fishing", "meditation", "microscopy", "pinball", "railway journeys", "rock balancing", "satellite watching", "shortwave listening", "stamp collecting" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_7, Y_5)", "niece(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother_in_law(\"Nicolle Dias\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "?" ], "type": 25, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "dd694750-9fd0-4e2e-9b72-fc06abdc6c03", "question": "What is the occupation of the daughter of the friend of the great-grandchild of the father of Nicholas Perea?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "TEFL teacher", "arts administrator", "charity fundraiser", "chemist", "computer games developer", "hospital pharmacist", "legal secretary", "maintenance engineer", "medical technical officer", "minerals surveyor", "surveyor" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "daughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "father(\"Nicholas Perea\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "?" ], "type": 25, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "6af3d670-8cc8-4e74-9072-93a53d8e809e", "question": "What is the date of birth of the great-uncle of the sister of the cousin of the female cousin of Leesa Pence?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0972-07-31" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister(Y_7, Y_5)", "cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "female_cousin(\"Leesa Pence\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "?" ], "type": 25, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "3d560388-5952-4a5f-97c5-b92ae75da2e3", "question": "What is the hobby of the father-in-law of the father of the aunt of the person whose date of birth is 1007-12-30?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "scouting" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "father_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "father(Y_7, Y_5)", "aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "dob(Y_9, \"1007-12-30\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "?" ], "type": 26, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "599d32ee-b3bb-44bd-a886-bf750ac3fa1b", "question": "What is the hobby of the second uncle of the female cousin of the nephew of the person whose date of birth is 1010-05-03?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "skydiving", "vintage clothing" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "second_uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "female_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "nephew(Y_9, Y_7)", "dob(Y_9, \"1010-05-03\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "?" ], "type": 26, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "0acb3dd4-578a-4ccc-bbf1-3abde04d129a", "question": "What is the date of birth of the nephew of the sibling of the second uncle of the person whose date of birth is 1033-10-27?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0973-11-30", "0979-11-05" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "nephew(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "second_uncle(Y_9, Y_7)", "dob(Y_9, \"1033-10-27\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "?" ], "type": 26, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "96b3c883-f8e8-4c42-9adb-b92a42db9c95", "question": "What is the date of birth of the grandfather of the nephew of the husband of the person whose occupation is catering manager?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0896-03-26", "0899-05-11" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandfather(Y_5, Y_3)", "nephew(Y_7, Y_5)", "husband(Y_9, Y_7)", "job(Y_9, \"catering manager\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "?" ], "type": 26, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "0b49438d-4296-449d-97cd-cb98bd78f209", "question": "What is the occupation of the grandfather of the great-aunt of the sister-in-law of the person whose occupation is secretary?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "optician" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandfather(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "sister_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "job(Y_9, \"secretary\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "?" ], "type": 26, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "58f75f01-1de6-4752-ab8a-49e040f365f8", "question": "What is the hobby of the friend of the friend of the friend of the person whose occupation is quarry manager?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "action figure", "aircraft spotting", "airsoft", "amateur astronomy", "ant farming", "ant-keeping", "antiquities", "archaeology", "archery", "astronomy", "audiophile", "auto audiophilia", "badminton", "beauty pageants", "beekeeping", "biology", "birdwatching", "book folding", "bus spotting", "car riding", "car tuning", "climbing", "coin collecting", "comic book collecting", "crystals", "curling", "cycling", "dairy farming", "dancing", "deltiology", "digital hoarding", "disc golf", "dowsing", "element collecting", "engineering", "fishing", "fishkeeping", "fitness", "flag football", "flying", "foraging", "fossil hunting", "fruit picking", "fusilately", "geocaching", "geography", "herbalism", "herping", "hiking/backpacking", "hobby tunneling", "horseshoes", "inline skating", "insect collecting", "lapel pins", "larping", "learning", "leaves", "linguistics", "lotology", "magnet fishing", "mathematics", "meditation", "metal detecting", "meteorology", "microbiology", "microscopy", "mineral collecting", "mini golf", "people-watching", "photography", "pickleball", "pinball", "polo", "powerboat racing", "powerlifting", "publishing", "radio-controlled model playing", "railway studies", "reading", "religious studies", "research", "rock balancing", "role-playing games", "roller derby", "satellite watching", "sea glass collecting", "seashell collecting", "shoes", "shortwave listening", "skateboarding", "sociology", "squash", "stamp collecting", "stone collecting", "tour skating", "trade fair visiting", "trainspotting", "transit map collecting", "travel", "triathlon", "ultimate frisbee", "vintage clothing", "volleyball", "whale watching" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "job(Y_9, \"quarry manager\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "?" ], "type": 26, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "3ea44481-34cb-49cf-9cfd-80142f133732", "question": "What is the occupation of the sister of the aunt of the parent of the person whose occupation is geographical information systems officer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "arts administrator", "chemist", "computer games developer", "legal secretary", "maintenance engineer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "sister(Y_5, Y_3)", "aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "parent(Y_9, Y_7)", "job(Y_9, \"geographical information systems officer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "?" ], "type": 26, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "b898977e-ab08-49b5-ac9f-2babdface882", "question": "What is the hobby of the second uncle of the great-grandchild of the sister-in-law of the person whose occupation is radio producer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "element collecting", "microscopy", "skydiving", "vintage clothing" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "second_uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "sister_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "job(Y_9, \"radio producer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "?" ], "type": 26, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "00ceab4f-a744-4a90-83b1-51355be383ed", "question": "What is the occupation of the grandmother of the male first cousin once removed of the male cousin of the person whose date of birth is 0952-04-23?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "editor", "medical technical officer", "pharmacologist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandmother(Y_5, Y_3)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_7, Y_5)", "male_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "dob(Y_9, \"0952-04-23\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "?" ], "type": 26, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "b10c26a1-1e5d-4cc7-b977-5849f69855db", "question": "What is the date of birth of the great-uncle of the sister of the female cousin of the person whose hobby is microbiology?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0972-07-31" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister(Y_7, Y_5)", "female_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "hobby(Y_9, \"microbiology\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "?" ], "type": 26, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "8e72442a-5367-407d-8d8a-eb18ed038969", "question": "What is the occupation of the father of the sister of the grandmother of Jackson Jankowski?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "biomedical scientist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "father(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandmother(\"Jackson Jankowski\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "?" ], "type": 27, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "874c8d55-da92-4a15-b269-b01c7fc20310", "question": "What is the occupation of the child of the daughter of the daughter-in-law of Courtney Hereford?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "actor", "applications developer", "energy engineer", "geophysical data processor", "product designer", "professor emeritus", "structural engineer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "daughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "daughter_in_law(\"Courtney Hereford\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "?" ], "type": 27, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "75cee740-c829-456c-afb7-eee3f065c33f", "question": "What is the hobby of the father of the friend of the great-grandson of Courtney Hereford?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "axe throwing", "fishkeeping", "history", "magnet fishing", "movie memorabilia collecting", "railway studies" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "father(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandson(\"Courtney Hereford\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "?" ], "type": 27, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "a557f3d6-bd8a-46c4-8508-99535a8d993f", "question": "What is the occupation of the sibling of the aunt of the grandson of Kurt Parkinson?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "animal technologist", "firefighter", "herbalist", "hydrologist", "speech and language therapist", "teaching laboratory technician", "tourist information centre manager" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandson(\"Kurt Parkinson\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "?" ], "type": 27, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "1cc45ca5-158d-405a-906d-443e3576f106", "question": "What is the hobby of the sibling of the sibling of the great-aunt of Alina Huntley?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "ant-keeping", "beach volleyball", "butterfly watching", "equestrianism", "horseback riding", "pinball", "publishing", "reading", "transit map collecting" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_aunt(\"Alina Huntley\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "?" ], "type": 27, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "d6ae2e72-12bd-40ba-9e28-a2efaed1d622", "question": "What is the occupation of the friend of the sister-in-law of the grandmother of Jerrod Stoddard?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "amenity horticulturist", "applications developer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandmother(\"Jerrod Stoddard\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "?" ], "type": 27, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "990c5b48-a03a-4ca5-9ea4-92267a93198e", "question": "What is the hobby of the friend of the friend of the son-in-law of Donnie Turgeon?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "birdwatching", "coin collecting", "dancing", "deltiology", "disc golf", "geocaching", "horseshoes", "larping", "leaves", "meteorology", "mini golf", "seashell collecting", "stamp collecting", "vintage clothing" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "son_in_law(\"Donnie Turgeon\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "?" ], "type": 27, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "14f9fefc-a304-45d3-a79a-4ae00a138c44", "question": "What is the date of birth of the parent of the grandchild of the father-in-law of Raymond Majors?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0873-10-11", "0873-10-23", "0880-07-11", "0880-07-15" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "parent(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "father_in_law(\"Raymond Majors\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "?" ], "type": 27, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "215c6fdd-d0cf-43fe-9d8f-1188ccadb026", "question": "What is the hobby of the daughter-in-law of the great-grandparent of the wife of Demarcus Huntley?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "myrmecology", "reading" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "daughter_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "wife(\"Demarcus Huntley\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "?" ], "type": 27, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "37882caf-84e9-423a-8e20-0fc257fee4e6", "question": "What is the date of birth of the friend of the female second cousin of the female second cousin of Salvatore Nix?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0798-05-01", "0817-01-25", "0904-01-13", "0909-07-23", "0922-06-03", "0922-07-27", "0931-03-05", "0952-04-23", "0979-10-08", "1007-02-13", "1010-12-21", "1022-01-08", "1054-01-13" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "female_second_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "female_second_cousin(\"Salvatore Nix\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "?" ], "type": 27, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "c53e6c0a-c266-4df5-a8c7-9387bafde7df", "question": "What is the occupation of the father of the aunt of the person whose date of birth is 1007-12-30?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "jewellery designer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "father(Y_5, Y_3)", "aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "dob(Y_7, \"1007-12-30\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "?" ], "type": 28, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "677da3e2-5bc1-4a30-b606-b8e79d80f414", "question": "What is the occupation of the grandson of the father of the person whose occupation is hospital pharmacist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "biomedical scientist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandson(Y_5, Y_3)", "father(Y_7, Y_5)", "job(Y_7, \"hospital pharmacist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "?" ], "type": 28, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "aff147c5-914c-4864-b8d3-fd60e6a6517a", "question": "What is the hobby of the husband of the friend of the person whose hobby is insect collecting?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "amateur astronomy", "fishkeeping", "jujitsu", "snowboarding" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "husband(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "hobby(Y_7, \"insect collecting\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "?" ], "type": 28, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "f165df61-9d91-48bf-9b82-aba703c823b9", "question": "What is the occupation of the daughter of the wife of the person whose occupation is public house manager?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "orthoptist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "daughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "wife(Y_7, Y_5)", "job(Y_7, \"public house manager\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "?" ], "type": 28, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "93dfe4ca-3fc3-45e6-83ea-dfda12ceb2d1", "question": "What is the hobby of the grandparent of the niece of the person whose occupation is rural practice surveyor?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "jujitsu", "social studies" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "niece(Y_7, Y_5)", "job(Y_7, \"rural practice surveyor\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "?" ], "type": 28, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "b4581b44-b3d6-4039-85f6-5c36e62ecb1a", "question": "What is the occupation of the great-granddaughter of the grandmother of the person whose hobby is vintage clothing?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "academic librarian", "adult nurse", "ambulance person", "armed forces operational officer", "clinical cytogeneticist", "contracting civil engineer", "horticultural therapist", "sales promotion account executive", "special effects artist", "transport planner" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandmother(Y_7, Y_5)", "hobby(Y_7, \"vintage clothing\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "?" ], "type": 28, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "6f19bef9-b640-4bb5-9048-4a5a04ec8793", "question": "What is the hobby of the friend of the friend of the person whose occupation is quarry manager?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "air hockey", "aircraft spotting", "ant farming", "ant-keeping", "antiquities", "archery", "audiophile", "auto racing", "baking", "beach volleyball", "birdwatching", "bus riding", "butterfly watching", "croquet", "curling", "cycling", "element collecting", "fencing", "fishing", "fishkeeping", "flower collecting and pressing", "geocaching", "geography", "herbalism", "herping", "hiking/backpacking", "horseshoes", "kabaddi", "knowledge/word games", "lapel pins", "leaves", "linguistics", "microbiology", "mineral collecting", "movie memorabilia collecting", "netball", "neuroscience", "radio-controlled model playing", "research", "rock balancing", "roller derby", "science and technology studies", "shortwave listening", "skydiving", "snowboarding", "sociology", "table football", "transit map collecting", "ultimate frisbee", "video game collecting", "vintage clothing", "whale watching" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "job(Y_7, \"quarry manager\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "?" ], "type": 28, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "0ecce3bf-b4ce-4c53-b1db-df434c2aaa9b", "question": "What is the date of birth of the parent of the father-in-law of the person whose occupation is early years teacher?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0817-01-25", "0824-05-03" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "parent(Y_5, Y_3)", "father_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "job(Y_7, \"early years teacher\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "?" ], "type": 28, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "d3e570c2-efa6-4dff-865e-a9f58f8ed13c", "question": "What is the hobby of the grandchild of the mother-in-law of the person whose occupation is surveyor?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "insect collecting", "table football" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "mother_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "job(Y_7, \"surveyor\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "?" ], "type": 28, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "34648422-10f4-4b32-9146-3cdc6f7038b6", "question": "What is the date of birth of the friend of the female second cousin of the person whose hobby is billiards?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0798-05-01", "0817-01-25", "0904-01-13", "0909-07-23", "0922-06-03", "0922-07-27", "0931-03-05", "0952-04-23", "0979-10-08", "1007-02-13", "1010-12-21", "1022-01-08", "1054-01-13" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "female_second_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "hobby(Y_7, \"billiards\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "?" ], "type": 28, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "b0d1c403-fde6-42fd-adb7-96702c033b32", "question": "What is the date of birth of the sister of the grandmother of Jackson Jankowski?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0958-04-12", "0963-09-17" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "sister(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandmother(\"Jackson Jankowski\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "?" ], "type": 29, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "c321fd2a-2276-4709-b1e1-4cbb9efa856b", "question": "What is the date of birth of the father-in-law of the daughter-in-law of Dominick Bridge?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0992-09-12" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "father_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "daughter_in_law(\"Dominick Bridge\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "?" ], "type": 29, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "ca5e1b38-90e6-4d00-83cf-2bfe80195073", "question": "What is the hobby of the sister-in-law of the brother-in-law of Desiree Mcbroom?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "beach volleyball", "pinball", "reading", "transit map collecting" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "sister_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "brother_in_law(\"Desiree Mcbroom\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "?" ], "type": 29, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "1925ee84-b794-4f40-b4d1-abbdf22f188c", "question": "What is the date of birth of the second aunt of the uncle of Stella Pence?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0916-10-26", "0918-08-31", "0924-06-16" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "second_aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "uncle(\"Stella Pence\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "?" ], "type": 29, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "150a51a4-28d9-4223-b313-f11bb5cc76f2", "question": "What is the occupation of the sibling of the wife of Jefferson Long?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "health physicist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "wife(\"Jefferson Long\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "?" ], "type": 29, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "6ae5cfe7-f0c6-46f4-85db-048236e89af6", "question": "What is the date of birth of the sibling of the great-aunt of Alina Huntley?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0904-08-21", "0905-08-20", "0906-05-07", "0907-06-05", "0910-06-12", "0910-11-20", "0911-09-02", "0913-04-25", "0915-02-16" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_aunt(\"Alina Huntley\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "?" ], "type": 29, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "90ea8454-ff58-4824-a52d-5593c06b6ae4", "question": "What is the hobby of the great-grandparent of the mother-in-law of Jacob Christy?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "archaeology", "gardening", "seashell collecting", "trainspotting" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "mother_in_law(\"Jacob Christy\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "?" ], "type": 29, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "f07baf5b-243a-476e-95f9-69322b55a232", "question": "What is the occupation of the grandchild of the father-in-law of Ila Phillips?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "amenity horticulturist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "father_in_law(\"Ila Phillips\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "?" ], "type": 29, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "69822dcb-5350-4a70-a05b-40a8d9d29ad1", "question": "What is the hobby of the great-grandson of the friend of Emilio Luevano?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "fitness", "shortwave listening" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_grandson(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(\"Emilio Luevano\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "?" ], "type": 29, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "f74a8ccf-e117-44f9-8759-fbda9a209d2a", "question": "What is the date of birth of the parent of the great-aunt of Randolph Grigg?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0880-07-14", "0881-10-03" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "parent(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_aunt(\"Randolph Grigg\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "?" ], "type": 29, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "2e9f2578-912d-4c8b-a5f3-98b70591f480", "question": "What is the date of birth of the aunt of the person whose date of birth is 1007-12-30?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0983-01-25", "0984-12-07" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "dob(Y_5, \"1007-12-30\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "?" ], "type": 30, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "0324c68e-1cba-421d-978c-3ae65aff9b5b", "question": "What is the date of birth of the mother-in-law of the person whose hobby is ultimate frisbee?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0926-08-10", "0959-01-20" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "mother_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "hobby(Y_5, \"ultimate frisbee\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "?" ], "type": 30, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "49f05732-933a-4bb3-a944-a6564a88c02c", "question": "What is the hobby of the sister-in-law of the person whose occupation is public relations account executive?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "equestrianism" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "sister_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "job(Y_5, \"public relations account executive\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "?" ], "type": 30, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "ec1a3808-b9d4-4f2c-a402-f35bb41b536a", "question": "What is the date of birth of the second uncle of the person whose date of birth is 1033-10-27?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0943-05-27", "0948-12-26", "0952-04-23" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "second_uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "dob(Y_5, \"1033-10-27\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "?" ], "type": 30, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "c53feb58-a8be-4bc9-84ae-b2c467b93241", "question": "What is the occupation of the daughter of the person whose date of birth is 0970-01-15?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "barrister" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "daughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "dob(Y_5, \"0970-01-15\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "?" ], "type": 30, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "ec8cf9b0-6395-4685-9ca1-13cb87099551", "question": "What is the date of birth of the niece of the person whose occupation is rural practice surveyor?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0995-07-31" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "niece(Y_5, Y_3)", "job(Y_5, \"rural practice surveyor\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "?" ], "type": 30, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "d207d2aa-5cd8-4907-96d8-90afb332aed6", "question": "What is the hobby of the sister-in-law of the person whose occupation is secretary?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "compact discs", "shoes" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "sister_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "job(Y_5, \"secretary\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "?" ], "type": 30, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "ee5d54d4-ec53-45da-ba4b-630b3d87e710", "question": "What is the occupation of the son of the person whose occupation is chartered public finance accountant?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "amenity horticulturist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "son(Y_5, Y_3)", "job(Y_5, \"chartered public finance accountant\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "?" ], "type": 30, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "224b7b5e-959d-430a-9e48-758f481c454b", "question": "What is the hobby of the second aunt of the person whose hobby is audiophile?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "microscopy", "model united nations", "railway journeys", "rughooking", "scutelliphily" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "second_aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "hobby(Y_5, \"audiophile\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "?" ], "type": 30, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "69057091-4e60-4c54-b096-d0fb351431ff", "question": "What is the date of birth of the parent of the person whose occupation is geographical information systems officer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0940-05-06", "0941-06-17" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "parent(Y_5, Y_3)", "job(Y_5, \"geographical information systems officer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "?" ], "type": 30, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "defca023-5d25-4c6a-a2e5-b06bc7433048", "question": "What is the date of birth of the grandmother of Jackson Jankowski?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0955-03-13" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandmother(\"Jackson Jankowski\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "?" ], "type": 31, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "8b7c3cbc-ed18-4a4c-a248-1da4e4c1068e", "question": "What is the hobby of the niece of Wayne Stites?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "ant farming" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "niece(\"Wayne Stites\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "?" ], "type": 31, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "4f56cb56-c8aa-4afc-84a9-5cbd0c85adee", "question": "What is the occupation of the brother of Krystal Arriola?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "adult nurse", "land" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "brother(\"Krystal Arriola\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "?" ], "type": 31, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "fce3f6f9-6b01-4557-8d09-95a205bae907", "question": "What is the hobby of the female second cousin of Vincenza Dias?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "geography" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "female_second_cousin(\"Vincenza Dias\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "?" ], "type": 31, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "dea8db0f-c20a-41fa-8b96-1e45c7241837", "question": "What is the hobby of the uncle of Stella Pence?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "satellite watching" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "uncle(\"Stella Pence\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "?" ], "type": 31, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "e7492e71-7913-407a-a192-6d90d5f2e7ea", "question": "What is the date of birth of the grandson of Kurt Parkinson?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0982-10-06", "0984-02-16" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandson(\"Kurt Parkinson\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "?" ], "type": 31, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "a88bea5b-91f5-4a27-a633-adf7d976ff21", "question": "What is the date of birth of the brother-in-law of Adella Stites?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0918-07-10", "0922-06-03" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "brother_in_law(\"Adella Stites\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "?" ], "type": 31, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "43a97675-f0dd-4194-a36a-d4eed191f305", "question": "What is the date of birth of the grandfather of Jodi Biggs?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0967-07-05" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandfather(\"Jodi Biggs\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "?" ], "type": 31, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "dc68a976-44c9-4f06-bb5f-eec89a40511e", "question": "What is the hobby of the mother-in-law of Jacob Christy?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "mineral collecting" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "mother_in_law(\"Jacob Christy\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "?" ], "type": 31, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "2293ffc0-3303-4bb8-87ca-43b2dbdb714b", "question": "What is the occupation of the friend of Minh Breen?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "exhibitions officer", "horticulturist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(\"Minh Breen\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "?" ], "type": 31, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "6532acbf-b2d7-47cc-9b49-57aaef01fb3b", "question": "What is the date of birth of the person whose date of birth is 1007-12-30?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1007-12-30" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "dob(Y_3, \"1007-12-30\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "?" ], "type": 32, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "e9bafa93-0650-4cc1-93a3-b437f566fba1", "question": "What is the hobby of the person whose occupation is brewing technologist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "meteorology", "research", "vintage cars" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "job(Y_3, \"brewing technologist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "?" ], "type": 32, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "953cc37e-7807-4d35-a580-20217080d3c9", "question": "What is the occupation of the person whose date of birth is 1010-05-03?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "ambulance person", "herbalist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "dob(Y_3, \"1010-05-03\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "?" ], "type": 32, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "c1aa0ed2-bc19-4ba8-940c-9144c8dd05b8", "question": "What is the hobby of the person whose hobby is films?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "films" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "hobby(Y_3, \"films\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "?" ], "type": 32, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "cf0624bb-727c-4ea3-844f-a5bbcf73f6e5", "question": "What is the hobby of the person whose date of birth is 1033-10-27?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "fishing" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "dob(Y_3, \"1033-10-27\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "?" ], "type": 32, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "db811702-03cf-49e8-91e5-8ffcab3d5305", "question": "What is the date of birth of the person whose occupation is public house manager?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0924-12-27", "1018-10-24" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "job(Y_3, \"public house manager\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "?" ], "type": 32, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "af188218-486e-422e-8b0c-c2966c5758eb", "question": "What is the date of birth of the person whose occupation is catering manager?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0929-11-14" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "job(Y_3, \"catering manager\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "?" ], "type": 32, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "599151d4-6ba8-4f51-836b-725573a8d810", "question": "What is the date of birth of the person whose date of birth is 1021-06-24?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1021-06-24" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "dob(Y_3, \"1021-06-24\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "?" ], "type": 32, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "ef5f5df8-165b-4ab0-b212-19d4c4c2ca47", "question": "What is the hobby of the person whose occupation is secretary?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "leaves", "research" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "job(Y_3, \"secretary\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "?" ], "type": 32, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "b93fefee-945a-43b4-a6d2-934bf54a84a5", "question": "What is the occupation of the person whose hobby is book collecting?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "pathologist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "hobby(Y_3, \"book collecting\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "?" ], "type": 32, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "4cc9906a-5486-4b10-93ee-ca52bef6fb43", "question": "How many female cousins does the child of the daughter of the daughter-in-law of the great-grandparent of the grandchild of the father of the sister of the grandmother of Jackson Jankowski have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(female_cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "daughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "daughter_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandparent(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandchild(Y_13, Y_11)", "father(Y_15, Y_13)", "sister(Y_17, Y_15)", "grandmother(\"Jackson Jankowski\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "have", "?" ], "type": 33, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "376c5daa-4af1-4e57-a64a-517d83c7c56d", "question": "How many mothers-in-law does the son of the grandparent of the granddaughter of the child of the friend of the father of the friend of the great-grandson of Courtney Hereford have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(mother_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "son(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "granddaughter(Y_9, Y_7)", "child(Y_11, Y_9)", "friend(Y_13, Y_11)", "father(Y_15, Y_13)", "friend(Y_17, Y_15)", "great_grandson(\"Courtney Hereford\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "have", "?" ], "type": 33, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "332c397e-0fdb-425c-b9c9-240670b523b3", "question": "How many great-aunts does the male first cousin once removed of the cousin of the female cousin of the child of the brother-in-law of the sibling of the sibling of the great-aunt of Alina Huntley have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "4", "5" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "female_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "child(Y_11, Y_9)", "brother_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "sibling(Y_15, Y_13)", "sibling(Y_17, Y_15)", "great_aunt(\"Alina Huntley\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "have", "?" ], "type": 33, "difficulty": 19 }, { "id": "d3d9053b-a6c9-4783-95e6-1c0b17adabf6", "question": "How many children does the child of the wife of the father of the sister-in-law of the great-grandson of the friend of the friend of the son-in-law of Donnie Turgeon have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(child(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "wife(Y_7, Y_5)", "father(Y_9, Y_7)", "sister_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_grandson(Y_13, Y_11)", "friend(Y_15, Y_13)", "friend(Y_17, Y_15)", "son_in_law(\"Donnie Turgeon\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "have", "?" ], "type": 33, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "e82df7aa-99be-4a87-ac1a-409d24e39e0f", "question": "How many grandchildren does the friend of the female second cousin of the female first cousin once removed of the friend of the brother-in-law of the daughter-in-law of the great-grandparent of the wife of Demarcus Huntley have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "6" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandchild(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "female_second_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(Y_11, Y_9)", "brother_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "daughter_in_law(Y_15, Y_13)", "great_grandparent(Y_17, Y_15)", "wife(\"Demarcus Huntley\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "have", "?" ], "type": 33, "difficulty": 20 }, { "id": "ae2bb669-7b61-4663-976c-0831e3f91a4f", "question": "How many fathers does the nephew of the sibling of the great-grandchild of the male cousin of the grandchild of the brother-in-law of the grandfather of the great-grandson of Amanda Perea have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(father(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "nephew(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "male_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandchild(Y_13, Y_11)", "brother_in_law(Y_15, Y_13)", "grandfather(Y_17, Y_15)", "great_grandson(\"Amanda Perea\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "have", "?" ], "type": 33, "difficulty": 19 }, { "id": "379793a7-2689-4e96-bfc6-1923c3d6da12", "question": "How many great-grandchildren does the great-grandfather of the great-granddaughter of the great-grandfather of the male cousin of the cousin of the great-grandson of the grandparent of the grandchild of Kimiko Blankenship have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "4", "6" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandchild(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_grandfather(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_granddaughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandfather(Y_9, Y_7)", "male_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "cousin(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_grandson(Y_15, Y_13)", "grandparent(Y_17, Y_15)", "grandchild(\"Kimiko Blankenship\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "have", "?" ], "type": 33, "difficulty": 23 }, { "id": "0639bc75-e11b-4820-b37f-976872d80973", "question": "How many brothers does the uncle of the male cousin of the great-uncle of the cousin of the male cousin of the granddaughter of the niece of the great-uncle of Louann Toomey have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(brother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "male_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_uncle(Y_9, Y_7)", "cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "male_cousin(Y_13, Y_11)", "granddaughter(Y_15, Y_13)", "niece(Y_17, Y_15)", "great_uncle(\"Louann Toomey\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "have", "?" ], "type": 33, "difficulty": 22 }, { "id": "62084a3d-32a8-44e4-9e7d-389034a9f347", "question": "How many great-aunts does the sibling of the brother-in-law of the father-in-law of the daughter-in-law of the son of the father-in-law of the cousin of the female cousin of Romelia Sawyers have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "brother_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "father_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "daughter_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "son(Y_13, Y_11)", "father_in_law(Y_15, Y_13)", "cousin(Y_17, Y_15)", "female_cousin(\"Romelia Sawyers\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "have", "?" ], "type": 33, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "1177875f-d4a9-432d-97bc-5245741ca1cd", "question": "How many siblings does the nephew of the son of the wife of the brother of the sibling of the grandparent of the second uncle of the grandson of Earle Breen have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "nephew(Y_5, Y_3)", "son(Y_7, Y_5)", "wife(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother(Y_11, Y_9)", "sibling(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandparent(Y_15, Y_13)", "second_uncle(Y_17, Y_15)", "grandson(\"Earle Breen\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "have", "?" ], "type": 33, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "183b1d6e-dee8-4f14-be2a-7161450e8f2b", "question": "How many grandsons does the mother-in-law of the father of the cousin of the great-grandchild of the father-in-law of the father of the aunt of the person whose date of birth is 1007-12-30 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "8" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandson(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "mother_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "father(Y_7, Y_5)", "cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "father_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "father(Y_15, Y_13)", "aunt(Y_17, Y_15)", "dob(Y_17, \"1007-12-30\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "have", "?" ], "type": 34, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "3041cc1e-b2b9-4947-ab82-a887e5b57876", "question": "How many brothers-in-law does the wife of the grandchild of the great-grandparent of the sibling of the female first cousin once removed of the husband of the friend of the person whose hobby is insect collecting have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(brother_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "wife(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "sibling(Y_11, Y_9)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_13, Y_11)", "husband(Y_15, Y_13)", "friend(Y_17, Y_15)", "hobby(Y_17, \"insect collecting\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "have", "?" ], "type": 34, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "57023fef-16df-4b7a-b940-4af401759526", "question": "How many great-aunts does the male first cousin once removed of the female cousin of the grandson of the grandfather of the cousin of the grandparent of the niece of the person whose occupation is rural practice surveyor have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "4", "5" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_5, Y_3)", "female_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandson(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandfather(Y_11, Y_9)", "cousin(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandparent(Y_15, Y_13)", "niece(Y_17, Y_15)", "job(Y_17, \"rural practice surveyor\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "have", "?" ], "type": 34, "difficulty": 20 }, { "id": "03491eac-4d1d-4638-b122-cb455d7e1bc5", "question": "How many children does the parent of the brother of the aunt of the brother-in-law of the friend of the friend of the friend of the person whose occupation is quarry manager have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2", "3", "4", "5" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(child(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "parent(Y_5, Y_3)", "brother(Y_7, Y_5)", "aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "friend(Y_13, Y_11)", "friend(Y_15, Y_13)", "friend(Y_17, Y_15)", "job(Y_17, \"quarry manager\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "have", "?" ], "type": 34, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "0913d9f6-9719-4995-93f4-5b0f25e1d452", "question": "How many grandsons does the friend of the friend of the friend of the great-grandparent of the great-uncle of the grandchild of the mother-in-law of the person whose occupation is surveyor have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2", "3", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandson(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandparent(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_uncle(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandchild(Y_15, Y_13)", "mother_in_law(Y_17, Y_15)", "job(Y_17, \"surveyor\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "have", "?" ], "type": 34, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "2eb71e14-36e5-4cc8-ad2c-f19af145b48b", "question": "How many grandchildren does the grandparent of the sibling of the great-aunt of the great-grandchild of the nephew of the grandson of the husband of the person whose hobby is role-playing games have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandchild(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "nephew(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandson(Y_15, Y_13)", "husband(Y_17, Y_15)", "hobby(Y_17, \"role-playing games\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "have", "?" ], "type": 34, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "602c6d7c-8bd5-4110-b0e4-62d7894f3a04", "question": "How many great-grandparents does the grandson of the great-granddaughter of the father-in-law of the daughter-in-law of the grandmother of the great-grandchild of the son-in-law of the person whose date of birth is 0893-08-04 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandparent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandson(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_granddaughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "father_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "daughter_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandmother(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_grandchild(Y_15, Y_13)", "son_in_law(Y_17, Y_15)", "dob(Y_17, \"0893-08-04\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "have", "?" ], "type": 34, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "377e12e8-aade-4169-8591-b22131faca96", "question": "How many brothers does the uncle of the male cousin of the great-uncle of the male cousin of the great-grandchild of the nephew of the second aunt of the person whose occupation is special effects artist have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(brother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "male_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_uncle(Y_9, Y_7)", "male_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_grandchild(Y_13, Y_11)", "nephew(Y_15, Y_13)", "second_aunt(Y_17, Y_15)", "job(Y_17, \"special effects artist\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "have", "?" ], "type": 34, "difficulty": 22 }, { "id": "559c74fa-c3d5-4dcf-84e7-9b8fc78160e6", "question": "How many cousins does the sister of the nephew of the great-aunt of the great-grandchild of the daughter of the great-grandmother of the nephew of the person whose hobby is compact discs have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sister(Y_5, Y_3)", "nephew(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "daughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_grandmother(Y_15, Y_13)", "nephew(Y_17, Y_15)", "hobby(Y_17, \"compact discs\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "have", "?" ], "type": 34, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "068f71cd-a301-4bda-8e4f-8bc91a937444", "question": "How many siblings does the niece of the sister of the son of the brother of the sibling of the great-uncle of the sister-in-law of the person whose occupation is waste management officer have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "niece(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister(Y_7, Y_5)", "son(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother(Y_11, Y_9)", "sibling(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_uncle(Y_15, Y_13)", "sister_in_law(Y_17, Y_15)", "job(Y_17, \"waste management officer\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "have", "?" ], "type": 34, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "fcc4fcf4-ea34-4816-9ac2-2638ea3fbd28", "question": "How many children does the daughter of the daughter-in-law of the great-grandparent of the grandchild of the father of the sister of the grandmother of Jackson Jankowski have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "2", "5" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(child(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "daughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "daughter_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "father(Y_13, Y_11)", "sister(Y_15, Y_13)", "grandmother(\"Jackson Jankowski\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "have", "?" ], "type": 35, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "b50c834d-629e-46f1-a206-d4cd39224889", "question": "How many grandchildren does the great-grandparent of the sibling of the great-grandchild of the sibling of the friend of the female second cousin of the female second cousin of Vincenza Dias have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2", "6", "9" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandchild(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "sibling(Y_11, Y_9)", "friend(Y_13, Y_11)", "female_second_cousin(Y_15, Y_13)", "female_second_cousin(\"Vincenza Dias\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "have", "?" ], "type": 35, "difficulty": 20 }, { "id": "af9770d3-3370-470c-830c-f1ad4e576e7d", "question": "How many great-grandparents does the great-grandparent of the great-grandson of the grandchild of the father of the nephew of the uncle of the brother-in-law of Adella Stites have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandparent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandson(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "father(Y_11, Y_9)", "nephew(Y_13, Y_11)", "uncle(Y_15, Y_13)", "brother_in_law(\"Adella Stites\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "have", "?" ], "type": 35, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "8f22207c-7202-40e5-a14e-d063929f4246", "question": "How many nephews does the friend of the friend of the male first cousin once removed of the nephew of the uncle of the grandchild of the friend of Minh Breen have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2", "3", "5", "7" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(nephew(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_9, Y_7)", "nephew(Y_11, Y_9)", "uncle(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandchild(Y_15, Y_13)", "friend(\"Minh Breen\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "have", "?" ], "type": 35, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "00f2c67d-6a4a-40f7-9750-5aa61ca38a18", "question": "How many great-grandchildren does the mother-in-law of the mother-in-law of the husband of the sister of the child of the parent of the great-aunt of Randolph Grigg have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "5" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandchild(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "mother_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "mother_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "husband(Y_9, Y_7)", "sister(Y_11, Y_9)", "child(Y_13, Y_11)", "parent(Y_15, Y_13)", "great_aunt(\"Randolph Grigg\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "have", "?" ], "type": 35, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "745e47c1-5180-4018-9b5e-115be11d0aee", "question": "How many great-uncles does the aunt of the female first cousin once removed of the friend of the mother of the friend of the female second cousin of the female second cousin of Salvatore Nix have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_uncle(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "mother(Y_11, Y_9)", "friend(Y_13, Y_11)", "female_second_cousin(Y_15, Y_13)", "female_second_cousin(\"Salvatore Nix\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "have", "?" ], "type": 35, "difficulty": 20 }, { "id": "f9ee2da9-3c04-4843-8d52-b5a7febe6efc", "question": "How many great-aunts does the child of the friend of the sibling of the great-uncle of the sister of the cousin of the female cousin of Leesa Pence have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "3", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "sibling(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_uncle(Y_11, Y_9)", "sister(Y_13, Y_11)", "cousin(Y_15, Y_13)", "female_cousin(\"Leesa Pence\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "have", "?" ], "type": 35, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "30ba11ff-0775-46e1-85f6-b1c9eb161f98", "question": "How many daughters-in-law does the great-grandparent of the cousin of the cousin of the male cousin of the nephew of the male cousin of the grandchild of Reyna Lew have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(daughter_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "male_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "nephew(Y_13, Y_11)", "male_cousin(Y_15, Y_13)", "grandchild(\"Reyna Lew\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "have", "?" ], "type": 35, "difficulty": 20 }, { "id": "2297bbcf-3d16-4073-9027-61d3794952de", "question": "How many nieces does the great-aunt of the son of the great-granddaughter of the great-grandparent of the cousin of the female cousin of the cousin of Tad Dunbar have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "4", "6" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(niece(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "son(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_granddaughter(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandparent(Y_11, Y_9)", "cousin(Y_13, Y_11)", "female_cousin(Y_15, Y_13)", "cousin(\"Tad Dunbar\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "have", "?" ], "type": 35, "difficulty": 20 }, { "id": "706077d6-9128-478d-a0fb-821f6c0e3f62", "question": "How many fathers-in-law does the mother of the grandchild of the mother of the sister-in-law of the sibling of the sister-in-law of the great-grandparent of Salvatore Nix have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(father_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "mother(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "mother(Y_9, Y_7)", "sister_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "sibling(Y_13, Y_11)", "sister_in_law(Y_15, Y_13)", "great_grandparent(\"Salvatore Nix\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "have", "?" ], "type": 35, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "fb784a10-1cfd-4fa6-b098-70ec78fc328b", "question": "How many mothers-in-law does the father of the cousin of the great-grandchild of the father-in-law of the father of the aunt of the person whose date of birth is 1007-12-30 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(mother_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "father(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "father_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "father(Y_13, Y_11)", "aunt(Y_15, Y_13)", "dob(Y_15, \"1007-12-30\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "have", "?" ], "type": 36, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "ae5c467d-0540-4ec9-9206-b7b964f1fc6f", "question": "How many aunts does the niece of the sibling of the second uncle of the grandchild of the friend of the female cousin of the person whose hobby is films have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "niece(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "second_uncle(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "friend(Y_13, Y_11)", "female_cousin(Y_15, Y_13)", "hobby(Y_15, \"films\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "have", "?" ], "type": 36, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "c4224510-d407-4fae-8503-79698e85db29", "question": "How many great-grandparents does the great-grandparent of the great-grandson of the grandchild of the grandfather of the nephew of the husband of the person whose occupation is catering manager have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandparent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandson(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandfather(Y_11, Y_9)", "nephew(Y_13, Y_11)", "husband(Y_15, Y_13)", "job(Y_15, \"catering manager\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "have", "?" ], "type": 36, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "0e476371-70a3-4285-be65-077e03cd576f", "question": "How many second aunts does the female first cousin once removed of the friend of the friend of the sister-in-law of the father of the great-aunt of the person whose hobby is book collecting have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(second_aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "sister_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "father(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_aunt(Y_15, Y_13)", "hobby(Y_15, \"book collecting\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "have", "?" ], "type": 36, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "40723e0a-cd80-428e-a07d-fe9c59c774c2", "question": "How many female cousins does the grandchild of the father-in-law of the sister of the sister of the aunt of the parent of the person whose occupation is geographical information systems officer have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3", "5" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(female_cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "father_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "sister(Y_9, Y_7)", "sister(Y_11, Y_9)", "aunt(Y_13, Y_11)", "parent(Y_15, Y_13)", "job(Y_15, \"geographical information systems officer\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "have", "?" ], "type": 36, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "e87c6259-0751-418d-ba4a-eca92b7e57b6", "question": "How many grandparents does the grandchild of the friend of the friend of the grandparent of the friend of the female second cousin of the person whose hobby is billiards have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandparent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandparent(Y_11, Y_9)", "friend(Y_13, Y_11)", "female_second_cousin(Y_15, Y_13)", "hobby(Y_15, \"billiards\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "have", "?" ], "type": 36, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "27d2a6ca-b324-4375-8636-a2a471b19c15", "question": "How many great-aunts does the child of the friend of the sibling of the great-uncle of the sister of the female cousin of the person whose hobby is microbiology have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "3", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "sibling(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_uncle(Y_11, Y_9)", "sister(Y_13, Y_11)", "female_cousin(Y_15, Y_13)", "hobby(Y_15, \"microbiology\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "have", "?" ], "type": 36, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "1d44fe1c-1f82-4876-8518-1fbd05dba813", "question": "How many aunts does the granddaughter of the grandparent of the female cousin of the cousin of the niece of the daughter-in-law of the person whose occupation is theatre stage manager have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "female_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "niece(Y_13, Y_11)", "daughter_in_law(Y_15, Y_13)", "job(Y_15, \"theatre stage manager\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "have", "?" ], "type": 36, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "415ae30d-86f0-4e4c-9a5e-c1aca6702c1f", "question": "How many great-grandchildren does the grandmother of the grandparent of the male first cousin once removed of the grandchild of the great-grandfather of the female first cousin once removed of the person whose occupation is intelligence analyst have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2", "9" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandchild(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandmother(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_grandfather(Y_13, Y_11)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_15, Y_13)", "job(Y_15, \"intelligence analyst\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "have", "?" ], "type": 36, "difficulty": 19 }, { "id": "4d67b2b0-e3ae-4075-b552-f0151dfa2075", "question": "How many sisters-in-law does the father of the cousin of the niece of the sister-in-law of the child of the great-grandfather of the person whose occupation is music tutor have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "father(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "niece(Y_9, Y_7)", "sister_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "child(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_grandfather(Y_15, Y_13)", "job(Y_15, \"music tutor\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "have", "?" ], "type": 36, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "20184b11-0781-4634-8374-fedefeeaa209", "question": "How many daughters does the daughter-in-law of the great-grandparent of the grandchild of the father of the sister of the grandmother of Jackson Jankowski have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(daughter(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "daughter_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "father(Y_11, Y_9)", "sister(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandmother(\"Jackson Jankowski\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "have", "?" ], "type": 37, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "b270d7eb-0d6f-4be4-b4be-a1080e170401", "question": "How many siblings does the great-grandchild of the sibling of the friend of the niece of the sister-in-law of the brother-in-law of Desiree Mcbroom have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "niece(Y_11, Y_9)", "sister_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "brother_in_law(\"Desiree Mcbroom\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "have", "?" ], "type": 37, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "2bc94fcc-6732-4394-a448-61f480b55333", "question": "How many siblings does the uncle of the niece of the brother of the brother-in-law of the sibling of the wife of Jefferson Long have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "niece(Y_7, Y_5)", "brother(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "sibling(Y_13, Y_11)", "wife(\"Jefferson Long\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "have", "?" ], "type": 37, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "c263efbc-7370-4405-a94d-90ef340308b0", "question": "How many friends does the grandparent of the grandson of the friend of the great-grandchild of the great-grandparent of the mother-in-law of Jacob Christy have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(friend(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandson(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_grandparent(Y_13, Y_11)", "mother_in_law(\"Jacob Christy\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "have", "?" ], "type": 37, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "28d4b983-78a1-41e9-b56e-9f5874f3ede1", "question": "How many children does the child of the wife of the father of the sister-in-law of the great-grandson of the friend of Emilio Luevano have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(child(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "wife(Y_7, Y_5)", "father(Y_9, Y_7)", "sister_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_grandson(Y_13, Y_11)", "friend(\"Emilio Luevano\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "have", "?" ], "type": 37, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "2b3950ec-3019-4363-8913-c902d5361570", "question": "How many female second cousins does the female first cousin once removed of the friend of the brother-in-law of the daughter-in-law of the great-grandparent of the wife of Demarcus Huntley have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(female_second_cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "brother_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "daughter_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_grandparent(Y_13, Y_11)", "wife(\"Demarcus Huntley\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "have", "?" ], "type": 37, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "93669e73-c5be-425e-8ec9-2b7b1db1019e", "question": "How many sisters-in-law does the brother-in-law of the husband of the daughter of the friend of the great-grandchild of the father of Nicholas Perea have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "3", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "brother_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "husband(Y_7, Y_5)", "daughter(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_grandchild(Y_13, Y_11)", "father(\"Nicholas Perea\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "have", "?" ], "type": 37, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "bcb8b949-e8f4-4f57-bbfe-b0136d045eff", "question": "How many grandparents does the brother of the sibling of the friend of the mother of the great-uncle of the daughter of Walker Thurman have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandparent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "brother(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "mother(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_uncle(Y_13, Y_11)", "daughter(\"Walker Thurman\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "have", "?" ], "type": 37, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "f931c737-6f2e-4870-8d47-00104c9d1208", "question": "How many sons-in-law does the great-grandparent of the niece of the great-uncle of the male second cousin of the grandchild of the son-in-law of Clayton Dias have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(son_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "niece(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_uncle(Y_9, Y_7)", "male_second_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandchild(Y_13, Y_11)", "son_in_law(\"Clayton Dias\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "have", "?" ], "type": 37, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "e0de7ca2-489d-4ae6-b3f3-a911d9d557f0", "question": "How many great-aunts does the son of the great-granddaughter of the great-grandparent of the cousin of the female cousin of the cousin of Tad Dunbar have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "son(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_granddaughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "female_cousin(Y_13, Y_11)", "cousin(\"Tad Dunbar\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "have", "?" ], "type": 37, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "fd2cbee8-f8b5-49c1-a7f3-c199185f0498", "question": "How many fathers does the cousin of the great-grandchild of the father-in-law of the father of the aunt of the person whose date of birth is 1007-12-30 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(father(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "father_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "father(Y_11, Y_9)", "aunt(Y_13, Y_11)", "dob(Y_13, \"1007-12-30\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "have", "?" ], "type": 38, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "7056f697-0efa-46ea-9267-be88c5313c27", "question": "How many siblings does the female first cousin once removed of the wife of the friend of the niece of the sister-in-law of the person whose occupation is public relations account executive have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_5, Y_3)", "wife(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "niece(Y_11, Y_9)", "sister_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "job(Y_13, \"public relations account executive\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "have", "?" ], "type": 38, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "7591c0a8-92f5-4333-9fa8-327cc9cac82e", "question": "How many siblings does the granddaughter of the mother-in-law of the grandfather of the female cousin of the daughter of the person whose date of birth is 0970-01-15 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "mother_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandfather(Y_9, Y_7)", "female_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "daughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "dob(Y_13, \"0970-01-15\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "have", "?" ], "type": 38, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "64edd14f-fd13-4273-8c5e-ec176853b7a9", "question": "How many sons-in-law does the grandchild of the son-in-law of the grandfather of the great-aunt of the sister-in-law of the person whose occupation is secretary have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(son_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "son_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandfather(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_aunt(Y_11, Y_9)", "sister_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "job(Y_13, \"secretary\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "have", "?" ], "type": 38, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "fd15d76b-9e6f-4850-90ef-36e98a42ee03", "question": "How many siblings does the child of the father of the aunt of the great-uncle of the second aunt of the person whose hobby is audiophile have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "father(Y_7, Y_5)", "aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_uncle(Y_11, Y_9)", "second_aunt(Y_13, Y_11)", "hobby(Y_13, \"audiophile\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "have", "?" ], "type": 38, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "2c5e48a6-7a49-4335-962b-69be4ec47f33", "question": "How many friends does the friend of the great-grandparent of the great-uncle of the grandchild of the mother-in-law of the person whose occupation is surveyor have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3", "4", "5", "6" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(friend(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_uncle(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "mother_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "job(Y_13, \"surveyor\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "have", "?" ], "type": 38, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "7e8eecd3-ad4b-4b5f-8680-5f6a26fc962b", "question": "How many nephews does the sister-in-law of the husband of the grandmother of the male first cousin once removed of the male cousin of the person whose date of birth is 0952-04-23 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "4", "5" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(nephew(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sister_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "husband(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandmother(Y_9, Y_7)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_11, Y_9)", "male_cousin(Y_13, Y_11)", "dob(Y_13, \"0952-04-23\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "have", "?" ], "type": 38, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "8832c63c-4edb-4416-9168-457c1fd9998a", "question": "How many great-granddaughters does the grandmother of the aunt of the male second cousin of the sibling of the brother-in-law of the person whose date of birth is 0945-12-01 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "7" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_granddaughter(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandmother(Y_5, Y_3)", "aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "male_second_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "sibling(Y_11, Y_9)", "brother_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "dob(Y_13, \"0945-12-01\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "have", "?" ], "type": 38, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "56f2d43c-a8c7-4cf1-978d-5e89ea06ed5e", "question": "How many sons-in-law does the great-grandparent of the cousin of the cousin of the great-granddaughter of the father-in-law of the person whose hobby is sand art have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(son_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_granddaughter(Y_11, Y_9)", "father_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "hobby(Y_13, \"sand art\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "have", "?" ], "type": 38, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "36dd75d2-9a4e-4cec-8a74-b50c48b38802", "question": "How many grandmothers does the grandparent of the male first cousin once removed of the grandchild of the great-grandfather of the female first cousin once removed of the person whose occupation is intelligence analyst have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandmother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandfather(Y_11, Y_9)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_13, Y_11)", "job(Y_13, \"intelligence analyst\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "have", "?" ], "type": 38, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "07ec7df8-adf1-47c3-90cc-738372ed6a47", "question": "How many daughters-in-law does the great-grandparent of the grandchild of the father of the sister of the grandmother of Jackson Jankowski have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(daughter_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "father(Y_9, Y_7)", "sister(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandmother(\"Jackson Jankowski\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "have", "?" ], "type": 39, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "054c42a3-a988-425f-9315-b38583c0e5e0", "question": "How many uncles does the friend of the cousin of the male cousin of the great-uncle of the aunt of Wanda Lo have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(uncle(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "male_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_uncle(Y_11, Y_9)", "aunt(\"Wanda Lo\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "have", "?" ], "type": 39, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "09b45175-9a64-462d-af99-fbe7d0bbcf74", "question": "How many granddaughters does the grandmother of the sister of the great-uncle of the nephew of the sibling of Quinton Peek have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(granddaughter(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandmother(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_uncle(Y_9, Y_7)", "nephew(Y_11, Y_9)", "sibling(\"Quinton Peek\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "have", "?" ], "type": 39, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "c18cdac2-b05f-4827-b7d6-5cadc24b8b4e", "question": "How many female second cousins does the great-grandchild of the daughter-in-law of the grandparent of the sister of the grandfather of Jodi Biggs have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(female_second_cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "daughter_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "sister(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandfather(\"Jodi Biggs\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "have", "?" ], "type": 39, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "cc8b2340-3194-49fb-91f3-154b03ddf627", "question": "How many sisters-in-law does the friend of the friend of the female second cousin of the grandchild of the father-in-law of Ila Phillips have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "female_second_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "father_in_law(\"Ila Phillips\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "have", "?" ], "type": 39, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "dbf423e9-c58e-4c8f-aad9-9f1d54119b80", "question": "How many mothers does the aunt of the grandchild of the parent of the grandchild of the father-in-law of Raymond Majors have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(mother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "parent(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "father_in_law(\"Raymond Majors\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "have", "?" ], "type": 39, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "8241127a-a2bc-4a53-8b7a-df3f87d1e87e", "question": "How many friends does the female first cousin once removed of the friend of the female first cousin once removed of the niece of the brother-in-law of Nicolle Dias have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2", "3", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(friend(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_9, Y_7)", "niece(Y_11, Y_9)", "brother_in_law(\"Nicolle Dias\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "have", "?" ], "type": 39, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "8414be36-9dcc-4cae-a285-6df69ff3e9f6", "question": "How many cousins does the granddaughter of the father-in-law of the grandfather of the male second cousin of the male second cousin of Barry Huntley have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "7" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "father_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandfather(Y_9, Y_7)", "male_second_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "male_second_cousin(\"Barry Huntley\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "have", "?" ], "type": 39, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "0e025783-ef81-4fc8-8ee1-dbc4b00da6bf", "question": "How many brothers does the sibling of the friend of the mother of the great-uncle of the daughter of Walker Thurman have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(brother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "mother(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_uncle(Y_11, Y_9)", "daughter(\"Walker Thurman\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "have", "?" ], "type": 39, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "32ca63fc-7a6f-4bb8-9282-d35060119f41", "question": "How many cousins does the cousin of the male cousin of the nephew of the male cousin of the grandchild of Reyna Lew have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "7", "8" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "male_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "nephew(Y_9, Y_7)", "male_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandchild(\"Reyna Lew\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "have", "?" ], "type": 39, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "d08b870e-c604-48fd-adfa-d21d363adc65", "question": "How many cousins does the great-grandchild of the father-in-law of the father of the aunt of the person whose date of birth is 1007-12-30 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "7", "8" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "father_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "father(Y_9, Y_7)", "aunt(Y_11, Y_9)", "dob(Y_11, \"1007-12-30\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "have", "?" ], "type": 40, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "0d8f1717-f8da-4c52-9fa0-990577ca835d", "question": "How many husbands does the friend of the great-grandchild of the great-grandmother of the great-aunt of the person whose occupation is physiological scientist have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(husband(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandmother(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_aunt(Y_11, Y_9)", "job(Y_11, \"physiological scientist\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "have", "?" ], "type": 40, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "34bd5aea-030d-47aa-82d3-7aeb2ab87af7", "question": "How many granddaughters does the grandmother of the child of the grandmother of the nephew of the person whose date of birth is 0977-03-13 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(granddaughter(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandmother(Y_5, Y_3)", "child(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandmother(Y_9, Y_7)", "nephew(Y_11, Y_9)", "dob(Y_11, \"0977-03-13\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "have", "?" ], "type": 40, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "e5295a8d-bccf-4bc8-8706-de8d055ae04c", "question": "How many brothers-in-law does the son-in-law of the grandparent of the female cousin of the mother of the person whose date of birth is 1021-06-24 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(brother_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "son_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "female_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "mother(Y_11, Y_9)", "dob(Y_11, \"1021-06-24\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "have", "?" ], "type": 40, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "65ccc3e6-9c1a-4b4f-ae8e-24547462ad85", "question": "How many sisters-in-law does the friend of the friend of the female second cousin of the son of the person whose occupation is chartered public finance accountant have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "female_second_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "son(Y_11, Y_9)", "job(Y_11, \"chartered public finance accountant\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "have", "?" ], "type": 40, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "ce37fef8-e880-414e-a73d-6d37f7cea422", "question": "How many cousins does the child of the grandchild of the parent of the father-in-law of the person whose occupation is early years teacher have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "parent(Y_9, Y_7)", "father_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "job(Y_11, \"early years teacher\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "have", "?" ], "type": 40, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "8fe41670-0f74-4ad0-b7cd-cefece143680", "question": "How many friends does the nephew of the second uncle of the great-grandchild of the sister-in-law of the person whose occupation is radio producer have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(friend(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "nephew(Y_5, Y_3)", "second_uncle(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "sister_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "job(Y_11, \"radio producer\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "have", "?" ], "type": 40, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "0599e7bf-dffb-4743-b351-e86de50a84e5", "question": "How many cousins does the granddaughter of the father-in-law of the grandfather of the male second cousin of the person whose hobby is table football have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "7" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "father_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandfather(Y_9, Y_7)", "male_second_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "hobby(Y_11, \"table football\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "have", "?" ], "type": 40, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "6a9a27d3-4ce3-4de7-af7b-0a92ee0448f1", "question": "How many grandmothers does the aunt of the male second cousin of the sibling of the brother-in-law of the person whose date of birth is 0945-12-01 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandmother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "male_second_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "sibling(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "dob(Y_11, \"0945-12-01\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "have", "?" ], "type": 40, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "b3f632b9-4754-4a89-9d7b-6e4346b405da", "question": "How many grandparents does the female cousin of the cousin of the niece of the daughter-in-law of the person whose occupation is theatre stage manager have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandparent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "female_cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "niece(Y_9, Y_7)", "daughter_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "job(Y_11, \"theatre stage manager\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "have", "?" ], "type": 40, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "522f5c96-1293-46f3-a260-804c327a7706", "question": "How many great-grandparents does the grandchild of the father of the sister of the grandmother of Jackson Jankowski have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandparent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "father(Y_7, Y_5)", "sister(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandmother(\"Jackson Jankowski\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "have", "?" ], "type": 41, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "03e76f8f-5e60-4b9b-a406-9d697147c17a", "question": "How many great-grandparents does the second uncle of the female cousin of the nephew of the brother of Krystal Arriola have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandparent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "second_uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "female_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "nephew(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother(\"Krystal Arriola\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "have", "?" ], "type": 41, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "8857a385-4dc3-4907-8c48-69b5c8e0fc8f", "question": "How many uncles does the grandchild of the sibling of the second aunt of the uncle of Stella Pence have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "2", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(uncle(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "second_aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "uncle(\"Stella Pence\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "have", "?" ], "type": 41, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "2370c9bc-acc6-4043-917e-16bd671c7edc", "question": "How many grandchildren does the father of the nephew of the uncle of the brother-in-law of Adella Stites have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "7" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandchild(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "father(Y_5, Y_3)", "nephew(Y_7, Y_5)", "uncle(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother_in_law(\"Adella Stites\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "have", "?" ], "type": 41, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "23f72794-a4c7-4ac9-bf62-1d5c54af5227", "question": "How many grandsons does the friend of the great-grandchild of the great-grandparent of the mother-in-law of Jacob Christy have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandson(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "mother_in_law(\"Jacob Christy\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "have", "?" ], "type": 41, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "8f8e6039-ae3a-490f-a359-1e19ab6a8365", "question": "How many sisters-in-law does the great-grandson of the friend of the friend of the son-in-law of Donnie Turgeon have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_grandson(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "son_in_law(\"Donnie Turgeon\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "have", "?" ], "type": 41, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "6cbb37f0-c4c4-4ce2-99bd-3d11476a4c38", "question": "How many husbands does the sister of the child of the parent of the great-aunt of Randolph Grigg have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(husband(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sister(Y_5, Y_3)", "child(Y_7, Y_5)", "parent(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_aunt(\"Randolph Grigg\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "have", "?" ], "type": 41, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "b56e7d9e-9581-4133-8ac1-7b30c54c2ed5", "question": "How many female first cousins once removed does the friend of the female first cousin once removed of the niece of the brother-in-law of Nicolle Dias have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "3", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_7, Y_5)", "niece(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother_in_law(\"Nicolle Dias\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "have", "?" ], "type": 41, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "14a0a1a5-8ddc-4ef2-b582-18db7a50f892", "question": "How many husbands does the daughter of the friend of the great-grandchild of the father of Nicholas Perea have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(husband(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "daughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "father(\"Nicholas Perea\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "have", "?" ], "type": 41, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "5279f402-3639-496a-b322-cd183fa459b9", "question": "How many siblings does the great-uncle of the sister of the cousin of the female cousin of Leesa Pence have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister(Y_7, Y_5)", "cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "female_cousin(\"Leesa Pence\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "have", "?" ], "type": 41, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "5b8640ef-2ab3-4f5b-ba08-804c0f84d0ef", "question": "How many great-grandchildren does the father-in-law of the father of the aunt of the person whose date of birth is 1007-12-30 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "9" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandchild(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "father_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "father(Y_7, Y_5)", "aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "dob(Y_9, \"1007-12-30\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "have", "?" ], "type": 42, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "8a5083f5-2385-415e-b02e-7fc8be24135a", "question": "How many great-grandparents does the second uncle of the female cousin of the nephew of the person whose date of birth is 1010-05-03 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandparent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "second_uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "female_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "nephew(Y_9, Y_7)", "dob(Y_9, \"1010-05-03\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "have", "?" ], "type": 42, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "51d214e2-7126-4fc2-a3fa-3c29b6b0379d", "question": "How many great-aunts does the nephew of the sibling of the second uncle of the person whose date of birth is 1033-10-27 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "nephew(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "second_uncle(Y_9, Y_7)", "dob(Y_9, \"1033-10-27\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "have", "?" ], "type": 42, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "9f048439-0941-4ed5-a48e-3e9ac0e6fccb", "question": "How many grandchildren does the grandfather of the nephew of the husband of the person whose occupation is catering manager have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "7" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandchild(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandfather(Y_5, Y_3)", "nephew(Y_7, Y_5)", "husband(Y_9, Y_7)", "job(Y_9, \"catering manager\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "have", "?" ], "type": 42, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "408972c8-6b31-4e6f-ba13-94afaf49a156", "question": "How many sons-in-law does the grandfather of the great-aunt of the sister-in-law of the person whose occupation is secretary have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(son_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandfather(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "sister_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "job(Y_9, \"secretary\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "have", "?" ], "type": 42, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "770e073e-f2a1-4071-9483-ebfb5b9428a0", "question": "How many brothers-in-law does the friend of the friend of the friend of the person whose occupation is quarry manager have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(brother_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "job(Y_9, \"quarry manager\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "have", "?" ], "type": 42, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "d8196343-9aff-4a19-b65d-d62e9f1f77ec", "question": "How many sisters does the sister of the aunt of the parent of the person whose occupation is geographical information systems officer have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sister(Y_5, Y_3)", "aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "parent(Y_9, Y_7)", "job(Y_9, \"geographical information systems officer\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "have", "?" ], "type": 42, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "0bf7756b-900a-411c-810f-eb3e34368995", "question": "How many nephews does the second uncle of the great-grandchild of the sister-in-law of the person whose occupation is radio producer have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(nephew(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "second_uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "sister_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "job(Y_9, \"radio producer\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "have", "?" ], "type": 42, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "f8bd3d22-968a-402a-b135-bba923f71975", "question": "How many husbands does the grandmother of the male first cousin once removed of the male cousin of the person whose date of birth is 0952-04-23 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(husband(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandmother(Y_5, Y_3)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_7, Y_5)", "male_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "dob(Y_9, \"0952-04-23\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "have", "?" ], "type": 42, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "8dc77bb0-ce77-4ad4-8d57-409e86a59f41", "question": "How many siblings does the great-uncle of the sister of the female cousin of the person whose hobby is microbiology have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister(Y_7, Y_5)", "female_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "hobby(Y_9, \"microbiology\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "have", "?" ], "type": 42, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "2b2d2f38-1b07-4498-b290-98277fc8569c", "question": "How many grandchildren does the father of the sister of the grandmother of Jackson Jankowski have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "7" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandchild(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "father(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandmother(\"Jackson Jankowski\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "have", "?" ], "type": 43, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "6683c40f-377d-4cdd-97cb-8c2aedf9e5f7", "question": "How many female cousins does the child of the daughter of the daughter-in-law of Courtney Hereford have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(female_cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "daughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "daughter_in_law(\"Courtney Hereford\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "have", "?" ], "type": 43, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "8f89479a-5282-4c16-91b8-beb21fd483c4", "question": "How many friends does the father of the friend of the great-grandson of Courtney Hereford have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "4", "6" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(friend(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "father(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandson(\"Courtney Hereford\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "have", "?" ], "type": 43, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "38cdf096-24b1-4021-89d5-05e18ac1c8cb", "question": "How many fathers-in-law does the sibling of the aunt of the grandson of Kurt Parkinson have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(father_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandson(\"Kurt Parkinson\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "have", "?" ], "type": 43, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "53985ce6-f4f7-47b3-bccd-dcfdd279994a", "question": "How many brothers-in-law does the sibling of the sibling of the great-aunt of Alina Huntley have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(brother_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_aunt(\"Alina Huntley\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "have", "?" ], "type": 43, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "3ead3d95-017f-4af2-b772-dc3a56a20221", "question": "How many grandmothers does the friend of the sister-in-law of the grandmother of Jerrod Stoddard have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandmother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandmother(\"Jerrod Stoddard\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "have", "?" ], "type": 43, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "ca89a01f-6c27-4e04-b605-d228bcfc49e7", "question": "How many great-grandsons does the friend of the friend of the son-in-law of Donnie Turgeon have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "2", "3", "4", "6" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandson(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "son_in_law(\"Donnie Turgeon\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "have", "?" ], "type": 43, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "102bea48-9461-4ccd-a0da-820eac6e9030", "question": "How many grandchildren does the parent of the grandchild of the father-in-law of Raymond Majors have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "5" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandchild(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "parent(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "father_in_law(\"Raymond Majors\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "have", "?" ], "type": 43, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "936b5262-078d-4591-96d0-d2bd29a91ddb", "question": "How many brothers-in-law does the daughter-in-law of the great-grandparent of the wife of Demarcus Huntley have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(brother_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "daughter_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "wife(\"Demarcus Huntley\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "have", "?" ], "type": 43, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "875fa49f-0ca8-4be7-9ae5-591c258947b2", "question": "How many mothers does the friend of the female second cousin of the female second cousin of Salvatore Nix have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(mother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "female_second_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "female_second_cousin(\"Salvatore Nix\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "have", "?" ], "type": 43, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "aceca47a-0611-47f6-a123-fc3784d003d4", "question": "How many fathers-in-law does the father of the aunt of the person whose date of birth is 1007-12-30 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(father_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "father(Y_5, Y_3)", "aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "dob(Y_7, \"1007-12-30\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "have", "?" ], "type": 44, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "984961db-dc7b-4204-ac41-f714f38f1e96", "question": "How many sons-in-law does the grandson of the father of the person whose occupation is hospital pharmacist have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(son_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandson(Y_5, Y_3)", "father(Y_7, Y_5)", "job(Y_7, \"hospital pharmacist\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "have", "?" ], "type": 44, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "ee75d3a6-d854-4c65-a61c-c0bd371c5d41", "question": "How many female first cousins once removed does the husband of the friend of the person whose hobby is insect collecting have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "2", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "husband(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "hobby(Y_7, \"insect collecting\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "have", "?" ], "type": 44, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "c3725809-0bfb-4a25-a42b-f4f225940014", "question": "How many fathers does the daughter of the wife of the person whose occupation is public house manager have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(father(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "daughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "wife(Y_7, Y_5)", "job(Y_7, \"public house manager\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "have", "?" ], "type": 44, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "abaa9121-d789-4484-814f-94d054b52340", "question": "How many cousins does the grandparent of the niece of the person whose occupation is rural practice surveyor have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "7" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "niece(Y_7, Y_5)", "job(Y_7, \"rural practice surveyor\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "have", "?" ], "type": 44, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "e4b5d85f-ea16-4e77-86c3-a5f74fce2b4a", "question": "How many nephews does the great-granddaughter of the grandmother of the person whose hobby is vintage clothing have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(nephew(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandmother(Y_7, Y_5)", "hobby(Y_7, \"vintage clothing\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "have", "?" ], "type": 44, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "cac2327c-75f5-4ebc-8204-539b72001a0f", "question": "How many friends does the friend of the friend of the person whose occupation is quarry manager have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "9" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(friend(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "job(Y_7, \"quarry manager\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "have", "?" ], "type": 44, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "7386ad69-9e7f-4157-9cb1-cf42586ffa57", "question": "How many grandchildren does the parent of the father-in-law of the person whose occupation is early years teacher have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandchild(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "parent(Y_5, Y_3)", "father_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "job(Y_7, \"early years teacher\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "have", "?" ], "type": 44, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "d178c929-ad6c-4cad-af0e-cd39512a0513", "question": "How many great-uncles does the grandchild of the mother-in-law of the person whose occupation is surveyor have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_uncle(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "mother_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "job(Y_7, \"surveyor\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "have", "?" ], "type": 44, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "4d3b8d48-eb4f-4da9-b81a-91dcec5a70cc", "question": "How many grandparents does the friend of the female second cousin of the person whose hobby is billiards have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "2", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandparent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "female_second_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "hobby(Y_7, \"billiards\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "have", "?" ], "type": 44, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "87b380fb-5f43-4490-9533-655d50e749ef", "question": "How many fathers does the sister of the grandmother of Jackson Jankowski have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(father(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sister(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandmother(\"Jackson Jankowski\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "have", "?" ], "type": 45, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "fe9509a9-4929-4b0e-97d3-97a9ce844e16", "question": "How many fathers does the father-in-law of the daughter-in-law of Dominick Bridge have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(father(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "father_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "daughter_in_law(\"Dominick Bridge\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "have", "?" ], "type": 45, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "94d58848-0e9d-4b8f-843a-ecb35fecb37f", "question": "How many nieces does the sister-in-law of the brother-in-law of Desiree Mcbroom have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(niece(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sister_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "brother_in_law(\"Desiree Mcbroom\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "have", "?" ], "type": 45, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "7c320ee9-d2d0-4a05-a08f-f514ccb8ea57", "question": "How many siblings does the second aunt of the uncle of Stella Pence have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "second_aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "uncle(\"Stella Pence\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "have", "?" ], "type": 45, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "bf6fa1fc-b2db-4cbe-960e-7826f30be86a", "question": "How many brothers-in-law does the sibling of the wife of Jefferson Long have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(brother_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "wife(\"Jefferson Long\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "have", "?" ], "type": 45, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "ef69dd48-18b9-43ee-aa3c-5a172508b955", "question": "How many siblings does the sibling of the great-aunt of Alina Huntley have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_aunt(\"Alina Huntley\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "have", "?" ], "type": 45, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "f53cb6ba-f3a6-4b6e-a6df-47eaa99eb365", "question": "How many great-grandchildren does the great-grandparent of the mother-in-law of Jacob Christy have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3", "5" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandchild(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "mother_in_law(\"Jacob Christy\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "have", "?" ], "type": 45, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "9b9e9d53-f935-47e5-9cf8-38e14f44a968", "question": "How many female second cousins does the grandchild of the father-in-law of Ila Phillips have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(female_second_cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "father_in_law(\"Ila Phillips\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "have", "?" ], "type": 45, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "5b97e015-7df9-4f47-ac09-99a3fc47b5f8", "question": "How many sisters-in-law does the great-grandson of the friend of Emilio Luevano have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_grandson(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(\"Emilio Luevano\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "have", "?" ], "type": 45, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "2efc0c50-b540-4b94-bf28-15a797d14b56", "question": "How many children does the parent of the great-aunt of Randolph Grigg have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "5" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(child(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "parent(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_aunt(\"Randolph Grigg\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "have", "?" ], "type": 45, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "ab2665ec-6fc6-47e6-8c35-335266be0fec", "question": "How many fathers does the aunt of the person whose date of birth is 1007-12-30 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(father(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "dob(Y_5, \"1007-12-30\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "have", "?" ], "type": 46, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "6f3e994a-89c7-4680-bb7b-1dfaccc32838", "question": "How many brothers does the mother-in-law of the person whose hobby is ultimate frisbee have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(brother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "mother_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "hobby(Y_5, \"ultimate frisbee\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "have", "?" ], "type": 46, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "686d1afd-6215-4cd8-a586-fb4fe8aa4b1a", "question": "How many nieces does the sister-in-law of the person whose occupation is public relations account executive have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "5" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(niece(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sister_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "job(Y_5, \"public relations account executive\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "have", "?" ], "type": 46, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "2f77f423-d300-4eb4-8260-9162d55f6758", "question": "How many siblings does the second uncle of the person whose date of birth is 1033-10-27 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "second_uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "dob(Y_5, \"1033-10-27\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "have", "?" ], "type": 46, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "941f3970-419c-4f4c-abc2-b9dc5cbedf2b", "question": "How many female cousins does the daughter of the person whose date of birth is 0970-01-15 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(female_cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "daughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "dob(Y_5, \"0970-01-15\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "have", "?" ], "type": 46, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "e2404199-81a2-4ca3-be53-d358f34bdeb7", "question": "How many grandparents does the niece of the person whose occupation is rural practice surveyor have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandparent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "niece(Y_5, Y_3)", "job(Y_5, \"rural practice surveyor\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "have", "?" ], "type": 46, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "d07c425a-6b30-45ae-85e1-4a414076fa33", "question": "How many great-aunts does the sister-in-law of the person whose occupation is secretary have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sister_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "job(Y_5, \"secretary\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "have", "?" ], "type": 46, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "ae9da5fe-c535-42e8-81ab-a74d17b1e69a", "question": "How many female second cousins does the son of the person whose occupation is chartered public finance accountant have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(female_second_cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "son(Y_5, Y_3)", "job(Y_5, \"chartered public finance accountant\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "have", "?" ], "type": 46, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "8e90f1d7-e5bd-4009-b4c1-f082b0bc5780", "question": "How many great-uncles does the second aunt of the person whose hobby is audiophile have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_uncle(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "second_aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "hobby(Y_5, \"audiophile\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "have", "?" ], "type": 46, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "c0dfaf09-daf0-489c-83d7-7799f2664833", "question": "How many aunts does the parent of the person whose occupation is geographical information systems officer have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "parent(Y_5, Y_3)", "job(Y_5, \"geographical information systems officer\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "have", "?" ], "type": 46, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "7cd6f985-9277-4762-921c-c5f258e329de", "question": "How many sisters does the grandmother of Jackson Jankowski have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandmother(\"Jackson Jankowski\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "have", "?" ], "type": 47, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "5e36782a-9906-4bc9-870b-e89c26e11b52", "question": "How many second uncles does the niece of Wayne Stites have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(second_uncle(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "niece(\"Wayne Stites\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "have", "?" ], "type": 47, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "907ab3a9-b26e-4c00-bc41-d24159faf28e", "question": "How many nephews does the brother of Krystal Arriola have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(nephew(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "brother(\"Krystal Arriola\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "have", "?" ], "type": 47, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "46fc55a3-b678-4d0f-9e56-9539d47b3110", "question": "How many female second cousins does the female second cousin of Vincenza Dias have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(female_second_cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "female_second_cousin(\"Vincenza Dias\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "have", "?" ], "type": 47, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "0078046d-ed90-40dc-87a8-90796345a318", "question": "How many second aunts does the uncle of Stella Pence have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(second_aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "uncle(\"Stella Pence\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "have", "?" ], "type": 47, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "1c2d78d7-8c40-40bb-a8b9-21650056b13a", "question": "How many aunts does the grandson of Kurt Parkinson have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandson(\"Kurt Parkinson\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "have", "?" ], "type": 47, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "aa99b200-9b94-4f37-827b-a35f2a6e623d", "question": "How many uncles does the brother-in-law of Adella Stites have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(uncle(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "brother_in_law(\"Adella Stites\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "have", "?" ], "type": 47, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "afa4477c-a522-4e12-829a-c6fdaea8b86a", "question": "How many sisters does the grandfather of Jodi Biggs have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandfather(\"Jodi Biggs\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "have", "?" ], "type": 47, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "c96897d3-bee1-4570-973c-947f6a5fec41", "question": "How many great-grandparents does the mother-in-law of Jacob Christy have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandparent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "mother_in_law(\"Jacob Christy\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "have", "?" ], "type": 47, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "cfa0a5a1-6c60-4889-9ad8-ea4b8cf8d07f", "question": "How many grandchildren does the friend of Minh Breen have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandchild(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(\"Minh Breen\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "have", "?" ], "type": 47, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "345c7b4a-cc17-40a8-b9e9-45fa0a8f4106", "question": "How many aunts does the person whose date of birth is 1007-12-30 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "dob(Y_3, \"1007-12-30\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "have", "?" ], "type": 48, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "64d83c76-723a-47a4-8afa-261141a5a842", "question": "How many cousins does the person whose occupation is brewing technologist have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "2", "6" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "job(Y_3, \"brewing technologist\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "have", "?" ], "type": 48, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "8a93ecf2-bbe6-48e5-a214-3ea055593fa8", "question": "How many nephews does the person whose date of birth is 1010-05-03 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(nephew(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "dob(Y_3, \"1010-05-03\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "have", "?" ], "type": 48, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "5f62c147-1bce-4fd0-9c6d-635249f91f4f", "question": "How many female cousins does the person whose hobby is films have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(female_cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "hobby(Y_3, \"films\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "have", "?" ], "type": 48, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "4a89b219-bb6b-4694-825a-ccc88adf00bf", "question": "How many second uncles does the person whose date of birth is 1033-10-27 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(second_uncle(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "dob(Y_3, \"1033-10-27\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "have", "?" ], "type": 48, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "a94a3a0b-3dd4-4ceb-8f36-ca7789bc3782", "question": "How many wives does the person whose occupation is public house manager have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(wife(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "job(Y_3, \"public house manager\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "have", "?" ], "type": 48, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "92e085c2-1415-438a-9346-a91deac22c29", "question": "How many husbands does the person whose occupation is catering manager have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(husband(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "job(Y_3, \"catering manager\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "have", "?" ], "type": 48, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "5dbc1f38-a58c-4bd4-822b-48dcd312c236", "question": "How many mothers does the person whose date of birth is 1021-06-24 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(mother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "dob(Y_3, \"1021-06-24\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "have", "?" ], "type": 48, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "75ffdcd1-7fe9-4a1d-85d6-5c4f267d4d7e", "question": "How many sisters-in-law does the person whose occupation is secretary have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "job(Y_3, \"secretary\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "have", "?" ], "type": 48, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "89946835-6d0f-4336-98c0-1cb4518f8266", "question": "How many great-aunts does the person whose hobby is book collecting have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "hobby(Y_3, \"book collecting\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "have", "?" ], "type": 48, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "487829e6-8ddc-4ef7-878c-dbd9694412ee", "question": "How many grandmothers does Jackson Jankowski have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandmother(\"Jackson Jankowski\", Y_1)), Count_1)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "_3", "have", "?" ], "type": 49, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "c5e6894f-c5dd-4174-9138-413341264d5c", "question": "How many wives does Benny Guay have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(wife(\"Benny Guay\", Y_1)), Count_1)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "_3", "have", "?" ], "type": 49, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "ba13b199-ac15-4a24-80f0-c0151f7d98cd", "question": "How many daughters-in-law does Dominick Bridge have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(daughter_in_law(\"Dominick Bridge\", Y_1)), Count_1)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "_3", "have", "?" ], "type": 49, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "b9c72a8b-e874-4be7-9229-93e93941d6e3", "question": "How many brothers does Krystal Arriola have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(brother(\"Krystal Arriola\", Y_1)), Count_1)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "_3", "have", "?" ], "type": 49, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "6a626ff1-ce0b-4183-b9b8-87530a8d49a7", "question": "How many brothers-in-law does Desiree Mcbroom have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(brother_in_law(\"Desiree Mcbroom\", Y_1)), Count_1)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "_3", "have", "?" ], "type": 49, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "212158b6-0d58-4097-a2e4-5c18ca37a271", "question": "How many great-grandsons does Courtney Hereford have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandson(\"Courtney Hereford\", Y_1)), Count_1)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "_3", "have", "?" ], "type": 49, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "c2834800-38c5-4877-a074-09babf8d5c5b", "question": "How many uncles does Stella Pence have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(uncle(\"Stella Pence\", Y_1)), Count_1)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "_3", "have", "?" ], "type": 49, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "30769ffd-594b-4350-9d9c-8ac8fe24794a", "question": "How many siblings does Quinton Peek have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(\"Quinton Peek\", Y_1)), Count_1)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "_3", "have", "?" ], "type": 49, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "46303f38-4c38-4a71-8c73-99075cdfdda9", "question": "How many wives does Jefferson Long have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(wife(\"Jefferson Long\", Y_1)), Count_1)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "_3", "have", "?" ], "type": 49, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "cacde5fe-e57a-41df-b0be-7645488246ba", "question": "How many brothers-in-law does Adella Stites have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(brother_in_law(\"Adella Stites\", Y_1)), Count_1)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "_3", "have", "?" ], "type": 49, "difficulty": 1 } ]