[ { "id": "33b35aeb-100a-4def-84b4-8ad0eb9073e0", "question": "Who is the sibling of the mother of the female cousin of the cousin of the second aunt of the child of the granddaughter of the grandparent of the person whose date of birth is 1031-07-10?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Hope Rudd", "Ramona Kuhns", "Rosanne Pinkney", "Terrence Rudd", "Zelma Rudd" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sibling(Y_4, Y_2)", "mother(Y_6, Y_4)", "female_cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "cousin(Y_10, Y_8)", "second_aunt(Y_12, Y_10)", "child(Y_14, Y_12)", "granddaughter(Y_16, Y_14)", "grandparent(Y_18, Y_16)", "dob(Y_18, \"1031-07-10\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "the person whose", "_19", "is", "_19", "?" ], "type": 0, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "06a56b20-9bad-46d1-9aea-36dc23faeb25", "question": "Who is the son of the parent of the son-in-law of the daughter-in-law of the sibling of the sister of the uncle of the sister-in-law of the person whose occupation is secretary?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Bryant Pierre" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "son(Y_4, Y_2)", "parent(Y_6, Y_4)", "son_in_law(Y_8, Y_6)", "daughter_in_law(Y_10, Y_8)", "sibling(Y_12, Y_10)", "sister(Y_14, Y_12)", "uncle(Y_16, Y_14)", "sister_in_law(Y_18, Y_16)", "job(Y_18, \"secretary\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "the person whose", "_19", "is", "_19", "?" ], "type": 0, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "e3bb7858-658c-4bc9-949c-910b57ef5dbf", "question": "Who is the friend of the sister of the great-grandparent of the male cousin of the nephew of the granddaughter of the grandparent of the great-granddaughter of the person whose occupation is arts administrator?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Antonia Moniz", "Cedric Pridgen", "Chase Warrick", "Damaris Benally", "Donald Starling", "Genny Basham", "Ida Silver", "Jayson Whitworth", "Lester Pigg", "Lois Lines", "Norbert Huneycutt", "Sal Melancon" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "friend(Y_4, Y_2)", "sister(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandparent(Y_8, Y_6)", "male_cousin(Y_10, Y_8)", "nephew(Y_12, Y_10)", "granddaughter(Y_14, Y_12)", "grandparent(Y_16, Y_14)", "great_granddaughter(Y_18, Y_16)", "job(Y_18, \"arts administrator\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "the person whose", "_19", "is", "_19", "?" ], "type": 0, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "b8759383-a97d-4d55-9306-71e316bf7c9d", "question": "Who is the grandmother of the great-granddaughter of the grandparent of the nephew of the brother-in-law of the husband of the grandchild of the great-grandfather of the person whose hobby is hiking/backpacking?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Caitlin Mancuso", "Demetra Gonzales", "Ilona Cortez", "Louella Torrence", "Marya Sturgeon", "Shamika Vanzant", "Sherita Dyer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandmother(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_granddaughter(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandparent(Y_8, Y_6)", "nephew(Y_10, Y_8)", "brother_in_law(Y_12, Y_10)", "husband(Y_14, Y_12)", "grandchild(Y_16, Y_14)", "great_grandfather(Y_18, Y_16)", "hobby(Y_18, \"hiking/backpacking\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "the person whose", "_19", "is", "_19", "?" ], "type": 0, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "0d2dcffa-a057-4a41-b110-c01522b47da4", "question": "Who is the great-grandparent of the sibling of the brother of the sibling of the brother-in-law of the friend of the friend of the daughter of the person whose date of birth is 0895-09-22?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Annabelle Bryant", "Donnie Crandall", "Genevie Crandall", "Giuseppe Bryant" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandparent(Y_4, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_6, Y_4)", "brother(Y_8, Y_6)", "sibling(Y_10, Y_8)", "brother_in_law(Y_12, Y_10)", "friend(Y_14, Y_12)", "friend(Y_16, Y_14)", "daughter(Y_18, Y_16)", "dob(Y_18, \"0895-09-22\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "the person whose", "_19", "is", "_19", "?" ], "type": 0, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "4fda7e3d-fd36-49b1-b602-9cf9c74b3f32", "question": "Who is the male cousin of the grandchild of the parent of the cousin of the cousin of the sister of the nephew of the grandchild of the person whose occupation is IT technical support officer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Abdul Rosario", "Art Sipes", "Chauncey Holton", "Jamal Sipes", "Myles Abram", "Orlando Sipes", "Randal Hail", "Rudolf Cortez", "Walker Sipes" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "male_cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_6, Y_4)", "parent(Y_8, Y_6)", "cousin(Y_10, Y_8)", "cousin(Y_12, Y_10)", "sister(Y_14, Y_12)", "nephew(Y_16, Y_14)", "grandchild(Y_18, Y_16)", "job(Y_18, \"IT technical support officer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "the person whose", "_19", "is", "_19", "?" ], "type": 0, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "1d65ccb1-7eef-4c19-8965-b21120e53426", "question": "Who is the brother of the second uncle of the great-granddaughter of the daughter-in-law of the great-grandfather of the great-grandchild of the parent of the grandmother of the person whose occupation is clinical molecular geneticist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Bobby Quimby", "Frank Quimby", "Landon Quimby", "Myles Quimby", "Stanford Velarde" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "brother(Y_4, Y_2)", "second_uncle(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_granddaughter(Y_8, Y_6)", "daughter_in_law(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_grandfather(Y_12, Y_10)", "great_grandchild(Y_14, Y_12)", "parent(Y_16, Y_14)", "grandmother(Y_18, Y_16)", "job(Y_18, \"clinical molecular geneticist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "the person whose", "_19", "is", "_19", "?" ], "type": 0, "difficulty": 20 }, { "id": "83be010f-cb7e-401d-8edf-307f1f9d54fe", "question": "Who is the sibling of the second aunt of the great-grandchild of the husband of the daughter-in-law of the grandparent of the sister of the great-uncle of the person whose occupation is data processing manager?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Victoria Wales" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sibling(Y_4, Y_2)", "second_aunt(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandchild(Y_8, Y_6)", "husband(Y_10, Y_8)", "daughter_in_law(Y_12, Y_10)", "grandparent(Y_14, Y_12)", "sister(Y_16, Y_14)", "great_uncle(Y_18, Y_16)", "job(Y_18, \"data processing manager\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "the person whose", "_19", "is", "_19", "?" ], "type": 0, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "a4dfb3bd-1842-4a3c-98c1-6195923da3f0", "question": "Who is the cousin of the female cousin of the second uncle of the grandchild of the daughter-in-law of the parent of the nephew of the second uncle of the person whose hobby is ant farming?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Curt Vega", "Dexter Vega", "Whitney Skaggs" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "female_cousin(Y_6, Y_4)", "second_uncle(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandchild(Y_10, Y_8)", "daughter_in_law(Y_12, Y_10)", "parent(Y_14, Y_12)", "nephew(Y_16, Y_14)", "second_uncle(Y_18, Y_16)", "hobby(Y_18, \"ant farming\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "the person whose", "_19", "is", "_19", "?" ], "type": 0, "difficulty": 22 }, { "id": "b2f01e86-cfa7-4fe2-9fcb-f1190bcb2575", "question": "Who is the grandchild of the female first cousin once removed of the female cousin of the nephew of the sibling of the granddaughter of the grandmother of the granddaughter of the person whose hobby is backpacking?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Noreen Raymond" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandchild(Y_4, Y_2)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_6, Y_4)", "female_cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "nephew(Y_10, Y_8)", "sibling(Y_12, Y_10)", "granddaughter(Y_14, Y_12)", "grandmother(Y_16, Y_14)", "granddaughter(Y_18, Y_16)", "hobby(Y_18, \"backpacking\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "the person whose", "_19", "is", "_19", "?" ], "type": 0, "difficulty": 19 }, { "id": "0e03f2d2-4fb3-4d2b-8973-7a52f236b925", "question": "Who is the sibling of the cousin of the female cousin of the sister-in-law of the father of the son of the sister of the aunt of Darrell Spinelli?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Celia Spinelli", "Dianna Anaya", "Rhea Pinkney", "Tiffany Baylor" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sibling(Y_4, Y_2)", "cousin(Y_6, Y_4)", "female_cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "sister_in_law(Y_10, Y_8)", "father(Y_12, Y_10)", "son(Y_14, Y_12)", "sister(Y_16, Y_14)", "aunt(\"Darrell Spinelli\", Y_16)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "_18", "?" ], "type": 1, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "2ee14c1d-2212-4c51-8067-56df48513789", "question": "Who is the sister-in-law of the husband of the sibling of the aunt of the child of the sister-in-law of the grandparent of the grandfather of Katy Pigg?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alina Slay", "Melina Seiber", "Sun Pigg" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sister_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "husband(Y_6, Y_4)", "sibling(Y_8, Y_6)", "aunt(Y_10, Y_8)", "child(Y_12, Y_10)", "sister_in_law(Y_14, Y_12)", "grandparent(Y_16, Y_14)", "grandfather(\"Katy Pigg\", Y_16)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "_18", "?" ], "type": 1, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "a2c88625-67bc-4acb-926e-cdab085a9035", "question": "Who is the great-grandparent of the daughter-in-law of the grandparent of the female cousin of the great-granddaughter of the sister of the great-uncle of the mother of Deena Munroe?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Katerine Mullins", "Pete Mullins" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandparent(Y_4, Y_2)", "daughter_in_law(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandparent(Y_8, Y_6)", "female_cousin(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_granddaughter(Y_12, Y_10)", "sister(Y_14, Y_12)", "great_uncle(Y_16, Y_14)", "mother(\"Deena Munroe\", Y_16)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "_18", "?" ], "type": 1, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "b945749f-6145-41f8-809b-af2c6c544af9", "question": "Who is the great-grandmother of the grandchild of the grandchild of the great-grandmother of the friend of the grandfather of the second uncle of the sister of Nelson Ruth?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Genny Easton", "Kisha Mcmillin", "Marguerite Nicholas", "Mercedes Mcbride", "Monique Burmeister", "Rosaria Batten" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandmother(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandchild(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_grandmother(Y_10, Y_8)", "friend(Y_12, Y_10)", "grandfather(Y_14, Y_12)", "second_uncle(Y_16, Y_14)", "sister(\"Nelson Ruth\", Y_16)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "_18", "?" ], "type": 1, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "18b57968-0fe6-4cf3-934f-6bff9035e1cb", "question": "Who is the friend of the friend of the son of the parent of the great-grandfather of the grandson of the great-grandfather of the friend of Andres Coe?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alana Battaglia", "Blaine Kenner", "Debi Cone", "Esteban Wilhelm", "Harlan Ayer", "Ismael Puga", "Lue Queen", "Mckinley Dawson", "Misti Watkins", "Monique Crites", "Thomasine Standifer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "friend(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "son(Y_8, Y_6)", "parent(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_grandfather(Y_12, Y_10)", "grandson(Y_14, Y_12)", "great_grandfather(Y_16, Y_14)", "friend(\"Andres Coe\", Y_16)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "_18", "?" ], "type": 1, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "f03c9ec4-4161-42c3-b568-cf5babc5677b", "question": "Who is the grandson of the mother of the cousin of the great-grandchild of the friend of the mother of the niece of the sibling of Reyna Schuman?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Columbus Pigg", "Erwin Pigg", "Julian Pigg", "Luciano Upton", "Nathanial Pigg" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandson(Y_4, Y_2)", "mother(Y_6, Y_4)", "cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_grandchild(Y_10, Y_8)", "friend(Y_12, Y_10)", "mother(Y_14, Y_12)", "niece(Y_16, Y_14)", "sibling(\"Reyna Schuman\", Y_16)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "_18", "?" ], "type": 1, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "5c545c63-04d8-460e-aa04-8ef7832e58f2", "question": "Who is the uncle of the grandchild of the great-grandparent of the great-grandchild of the wife of the parent of the great-uncle of the granddaughter of Arianna Pride?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "King Partin", "Xavier Partin" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "uncle(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandparent(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_grandchild(Y_10, Y_8)", "wife(Y_12, Y_10)", "parent(Y_14, Y_12)", "great_uncle(Y_16, Y_14)", "granddaughter(\"Arianna Pride\", Y_16)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "_18", "?" ], "type": 1, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "d7cd366e-bc3d-42e5-9da6-51de066fe695", "question": "Who is the nephew of the sister-in-law of the grandparent of the cousin of the great-grandson of the mother-in-law of the great-grandfather of the brother-in-law of Audra Pigg?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Basil Slay", "Ethan Pigg", "Saul Slay" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "nephew(Y_4, Y_2)", "sister_in_law(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandparent(Y_8, Y_6)", "cousin(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_grandson(Y_12, Y_10)", "mother_in_law(Y_14, Y_12)", "great_grandfather(Y_16, Y_14)", "brother_in_law(\"Audra Pigg\", Y_16)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "_18", "?" ], "type": 1, "difficulty": 19 }, { "id": "a216463b-9dd6-4bf8-a9d2-4770edc2a414", "question": "Who is the great-uncle of the niece of the great-grandchild of the great-grandparent of the great-aunt of the male cousin of the grandchild of the husband of Ozella Hartsfield?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Tommy Takahashi" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_uncle(Y_4, Y_2)", "niece(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandchild(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_grandparent(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_aunt(Y_12, Y_10)", "male_cousin(Y_14, Y_12)", "grandchild(Y_16, Y_14)", "husband(\"Ozella Hartsfield\", Y_16)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "_18", "?" ], "type": 1, "difficulty": 20 }, { "id": "cc9aedb7-9b81-42c0-aeae-910331e030de", "question": "Who is the niece of the nephew of the great-uncle of the father of the female cousin of the parent of the great-granddaughter of the grandfather of Bev Mabe?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Autumn Martell", "Brandy Woodhouse", "Keri Cleghorn", "Tanja Deckard" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "niece(Y_4, Y_2)", "nephew(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_uncle(Y_8, Y_6)", "father(Y_10, Y_8)", "female_cousin(Y_12, Y_10)", "parent(Y_14, Y_12)", "great_granddaughter(Y_16, Y_14)", "grandfather(\"Bev Mabe\", Y_16)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "_18", "?" ], "type": 1, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "f898a790-430e-4033-b9b8-49cb6fb0682a", "question": "Who is the mother of the female cousin of the cousin of the second aunt of the child of the granddaughter of the grandparent of the person whose date of birth is 1031-07-10?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Ramona Kuhns", "Rosanne Pinkney" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "mother(Y_4, Y_2)", "female_cousin(Y_6, Y_4)", "cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "second_aunt(Y_10, Y_8)", "child(Y_12, Y_10)", "granddaughter(Y_14, Y_12)", "grandparent(Y_16, Y_14)", "dob(Y_16, \"1031-07-10\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the person whose", "_17", "is", "_17", "?" ], "type": 2, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "b2b37679-2632-4b05-bf72-f0723bdb6d89", "question": "Who is the sister-in-law of the daughter-in-law of the sibling of the aunt of the niece of the great-aunt of the great-uncle of the person whose date of birth is 1063-08-25?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Isabell Mortensen" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sister_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "daughter_in_law(Y_6, Y_4)", "sibling(Y_8, Y_6)", "aunt(Y_10, Y_8)", "niece(Y_12, Y_10)", "great_aunt(Y_14, Y_12)", "great_uncle(Y_16, Y_14)", "dob(Y_16, \"1063-08-25\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the person whose", "_17", "is", "_17", "?" ], "type": 2, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "f91e17f2-cffb-41e6-b6d4-7f4061a0d205", "question": "Who is the great-grandparent of the grandchild of the sister of the uncle of the nephew of the uncle of the great-aunt of the person whose date of birth is 1015-03-04?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Katerine Mullins", "Pete Mullins" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandparent(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_6, Y_4)", "sister(Y_8, Y_6)", "uncle(Y_10, Y_8)", "nephew(Y_12, Y_10)", "uncle(Y_14, Y_12)", "great_aunt(Y_16, Y_14)", "dob(Y_16, \"1015-03-04\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the person whose", "_17", "is", "_17", "?" ], "type": 2, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "9c46f0c7-e126-413d-bf84-b7128335daa8", "question": "Who is the great-grandchild of the grandfather of the son of the great-grandchild of the friend of the son-in-law of the second aunt of the person whose date of birth is 1031-01-07?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Bradley Tunstall", "Deanne Burt", "Elbert Burt", "Frederic Burt" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandchild(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandfather(Y_6, Y_4)", "son(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_grandchild(Y_10, Y_8)", "friend(Y_12, Y_10)", "son_in_law(Y_14, Y_12)", "second_aunt(Y_16, Y_14)", "dob(Y_16, \"1031-01-07\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the person whose", "_17", "is", "_17", "?" ], "type": 2, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "df942a1c-0116-4855-ae93-fb9cfecb74d6", "question": "Who is the great-grandson of the friend of the sister of the parent of the great-grandson of the grandchild of the friend of the person whose hobby is reading?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Adalberto Sosa", "Adolfo Heaton", "Alden Littlefield", "Andre Jameson", "Anibal Horst", "Barney Kitts", "Bernie Endicott", "Bernie Heaton", "Bernie Jameson", "Bertram Vega", "Buddy Vega", "Carlo Straight", "Claud Endicott", "Columbus Pigg", "Daryl Straight", "Delbert Bonin", "Demarcus Ries", "Edwin Snapp", "Ellis Cargill", "Emery Bristol", "Emory Lay", "Erwin Pigg", "Florian Endicott", "Floyd Lucky", "Forrest Vargas", "Fred Littlefield", "Frederick Shrader", "Gaylord Littlefield", "Gerald Bastian", "Grant Bonin", "Hank Lucky", "Jacob Kirkland", "Jeremy Moen", "Jonathon Moen", "Josh Liles", "Josh Rozier", "Julian Pigg", "Kendrick Vargas", "Kory Madison", "Kristofer Constantine", "Larry Cargill", "Lazaro Fort", "Leopoldo Bastian", "Lincoln Hetrick", "Luciano Upton", "Mac Liles", "Maynard Vega", "Moises Diaz", "Monty Ness", "Morris Cargill", "Myron Ries", "Nathanial Pigg", "Nathaniel Halley", "Nico Preston", "Oren Kitts", "Quintin Rozier", "Reid Kitts", "Renaldo Dyer", "Roosevelt Bristol", "Roosevelt Dyer", "Roscoe Bastian", "Ruben Ahrens", "Sammie Littlefield", "Sid Bonin", "Sid Vega", "Son Vega", "Thaddeus Constantine", "Timothy Heaton", "Toney Vargas", "Van Littlefield", "Willard Snapp" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandson(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "sister(Y_8, Y_6)", "parent(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_grandson(Y_12, Y_10)", "grandchild(Y_14, Y_12)", "friend(Y_16, Y_14)", "hobby(Y_16, \"reading\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the person whose", "_17", "is", "_17", "?" ], "type": 2, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "9724c558-4780-4366-a958-3f1bd78e4a43", "question": "Who is the husband of the wife of the son-in-law of the grandparent of the second uncle of the sibling of the child of the person whose date of birth is 0958-10-31?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Vicente Casares" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "husband(Y_4, Y_2)", "wife(Y_6, Y_4)", "son_in_law(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandparent(Y_10, Y_8)", "second_uncle(Y_12, Y_10)", "sibling(Y_14, Y_12)", "child(Y_16, Y_14)", "dob(Y_16, \"0958-10-31\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the person whose", "_17", "is", "_17", "?" ], "type": 2, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "bc70b619-3f62-4106-9d31-2157bcf9fd99", "question": "Who is the uncle of the grandchild of the great-grandparent of the female second cousin of the grandchild of the parent of the child of the person whose hobby is sports science?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Cortez Mefford", "Frederick Quimby", "Javier Quimby", "Jeffery Quimby", "Kelvin Mefford", "King Partin", "Nicky Mefford", "Xavier Partin" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "uncle(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandparent(Y_8, Y_6)", "female_second_cousin(Y_10, Y_8)", "grandchild(Y_12, Y_10)", "parent(Y_14, Y_12)", "child(Y_16, Y_14)", "hobby(Y_16, \"sports science\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the person whose", "_17", "is", "_17", "?" ], "type": 2, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "03f99e5e-41f0-43e6-a653-81a0f5d179cc", "question": "Who is the mother of the brother-in-law of the sibling of the second aunt of the great-grandson of the great-grandparent of the brother-in-law of the person whose occupation is medical laboratory scientific officer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Tessie Pigg" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "mother(Y_4, Y_2)", "brother_in_law(Y_6, Y_4)", "sibling(Y_8, Y_6)", "second_aunt(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_grandson(Y_12, Y_10)", "great_grandparent(Y_14, Y_12)", "brother_in_law(Y_16, Y_14)", "job(Y_16, \"medical laboratory scientific officer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the person whose", "_17", "is", "_17", "?" ], "type": 2, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "cf527a73-33c4-4580-ac2e-12450ad68e82", "question": "Who is the great-uncle of the niece of the great-grandchild of the great-grandparent of the great-aunt of the male cousin of the granddaughter of the person whose date of birth is 0880-01-03?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Tommy Takahashi" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_uncle(Y_4, Y_2)", "niece(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandchild(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_grandparent(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_aunt(Y_12, Y_10)", "male_cousin(Y_14, Y_12)", "granddaughter(Y_16, Y_14)", "dob(Y_16, \"0880-01-03\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the person whose", "_17", "is", "_17", "?" ], "type": 2, "difficulty": 20 }, { "id": "b83dc957-d328-4322-9d36-1ac2ef417005", "question": "Who is the niece of the nephew of the great-uncle of the father of the female cousin of the parent of the nephew of the person whose hobby is scutelliphily?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Autumn Martell", "Brandy Woodhouse", "Keri Cleghorn", "Tanja Deckard" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "niece(Y_4, Y_2)", "nephew(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_uncle(Y_8, Y_6)", "father(Y_10, Y_8)", "female_cousin(Y_12, Y_10)", "parent(Y_14, Y_12)", "nephew(Y_16, Y_14)", "hobby(Y_16, \"scutelliphily\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the person whose", "_17", "is", "_17", "?" ], "type": 2, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "b5cca934-809b-4f2f-97da-c5bbf6be90f5", "question": "Who is the cousin of the female cousin of the sister-in-law of the father of the son of the sister of the aunt of Darrell Spinelli?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Celia Spinelli", "Cruz Pinkney", "Dianna Anaya", "Rhea Pinkney", "Tiffany Baylor" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "female_cousin(Y_6, Y_4)", "sister_in_law(Y_8, Y_6)", "father(Y_10, Y_8)", "son(Y_12, Y_10)", "sister(Y_14, Y_12)", "aunt(\"Darrell Spinelli\", Y_14)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "_16", "?" ], "type": 3, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "cc4a1e4f-5153-45ee-bdb2-8125b23958f3", "question": "Who is the sibling of the grandchild of the great-grandparent of the brother-in-law of the father-in-law of the grandparent of the child of Stacey Roldan?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Annabell Mccune", "Josie Langford", "Romana Bishop", "Ronald Mccune" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sibling(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandparent(Y_8, Y_6)", "brother_in_law(Y_10, Y_8)", "father_in_law(Y_12, Y_10)", "grandparent(Y_14, Y_12)", "child(\"Stacey Roldan\", Y_14)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "_16", "?" ], "type": 3, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "702f1643-fc52-4067-b9ac-f53e665e32ef", "question": "Who is the great-grandchild of the great-grandparent of the uncle of the great-aunt of the son of the parent of the great-grandchild of Cruz Wesson?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alexander Whiteley", "Jules Whiteley", "Loyd Whiteley", "Marc Whiteley" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandchild(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_grandparent(Y_6, Y_4)", "uncle(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_aunt(Y_10, Y_8)", "son(Y_12, Y_10)", "parent(Y_14, Y_12)", "great_grandchild(\"Cruz Wesson\", Y_14)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "_16", "?" ], "type": 3, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "874f7ed4-bee3-4975-811a-e586b6808896", "question": "Who is the male first cousin once removed of the great-granddaughter of the grandmother of the aunt of the nephew of the niece of the brother of Annabelle Karl?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Cruz Domingo", "Thomas Legg" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_granddaughter(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandmother(Y_8, Y_6)", "aunt(Y_10, Y_8)", "nephew(Y_12, Y_10)", "niece(Y_14, Y_12)", "brother(\"Annabelle Karl\", Y_14)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "_16", "?" ], "type": 3, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "38ffc1e1-8937-4488-ac43-d03aae908221", "question": "Who is the great-uncle of the female first cousin once removed of the granddaughter of the great-grandfather of the grandfather of the son of the father of Milton Hess?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Cortez Mefford", "Kelvin Mefford", "Nicky Mefford" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_uncle(Y_4, Y_2)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_6, Y_4)", "granddaughter(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_grandfather(Y_10, Y_8)", "grandfather(Y_12, Y_10)", "son(Y_14, Y_12)", "father(\"Milton Hess\", Y_14)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "_16", "?" ], "type": 3, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "898f87c6-8360-4024-843c-e7a99a8bd714", "question": "Who is the grandmother of the father of the father of the friend of the friend of the parent of the child of Ty Arenas?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Corinne Hendrix", "Joanne Wasserman" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandmother(Y_4, Y_2)", "father(Y_6, Y_4)", "father(Y_8, Y_6)", "friend(Y_10, Y_8)", "friend(Y_12, Y_10)", "parent(Y_14, Y_12)", "child(\"Ty Arenas\", Y_14)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "_16", "?" ], "type": 3, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "ae6b8f59-afca-4d13-9a5b-369dd74570f5", "question": "Who is the sister-in-law of the daughter of the father of the uncle of the female cousin of the great-granddaughter of the friend of Erik Damron?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Kylee Chacon" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sister_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "daughter(Y_6, Y_4)", "father(Y_8, Y_6)", "uncle(Y_10, Y_8)", "female_cousin(Y_12, Y_10)", "great_granddaughter(Y_14, Y_12)", "friend(\"Erik Damron\", Y_14)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "_16", "?" ], "type": 3, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "aa476b8f-d8aa-423b-9aff-d7f9b5ccdea0", "question": "Who is the parent of the aunt of the grandson of the grandfather of the great-grandparent of the father-in-law of the parent of Myrle Hirsch?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Charmain Rankin", "Roland Rankin" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "parent(Y_4, Y_2)", "aunt(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandson(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandfather(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_grandparent(Y_12, Y_10)", "father_in_law(Y_14, Y_12)", "parent(\"Myrle Hirsch\", Y_14)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "_16", "?" ], "type": 3, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "f7fdd98e-8ef8-4f4c-8066-08dc45742669", "question": "Who is the grandmother of the great-uncle of the uncle of the male second cousin of the great-granddaughter of the great-grandparent of the female cousin of Solomon Steed?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Lina Booth", "Victoria Wales" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandmother(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_uncle(Y_6, Y_4)", "uncle(Y_8, Y_6)", "male_second_cousin(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_granddaughter(Y_12, Y_10)", "great_grandparent(Y_14, Y_12)", "female_cousin(\"Solomon Steed\", Y_14)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "_16", "?" ], "type": 3, "difficulty": 21 }, { "id": "a179c70a-255f-4761-9f3a-db1018f2a424", "question": "Who is the niece of the great-grandchild of the great-grandparent of the great-aunt of the male cousin of the grandchild of the husband of Ozella Hartsfield?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alisha Brower" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "niece(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_grandchild(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandparent(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_aunt(Y_10, Y_8)", "male_cousin(Y_12, Y_10)", "grandchild(Y_14, Y_12)", "husband(\"Ozella Hartsfield\", Y_14)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "_16", "?" ], "type": 3, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "03529f48-bbbf-441e-aa9a-6f3a668d0555", "question": "Who is the female cousin of the cousin of the second aunt of the child of the granddaughter of the grandparent of the person whose date of birth is 1031-07-10?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Holley Pinkney", "Sharolyn Kuhns" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "female_cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "cousin(Y_6, Y_4)", "second_aunt(Y_8, Y_6)", "child(Y_10, Y_8)", "granddaughter(Y_12, Y_10)", "grandparent(Y_14, Y_12)", "dob(Y_14, \"1031-07-10\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the person whose", "_15", "is", "_15", "?" ], "type": 4, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "378016a2-7f6b-4cd7-95d7-8b82c5e1e923", "question": "Who is the aunt of the granddaughter of the great-grandparent of the sister-in-law of the grandfather of the daughter of the person whose date of birth is 1050-05-24?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Annabell Mccune", "Josie Langford", "Romana Bishop" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "granddaughter(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandparent(Y_8, Y_6)", "sister_in_law(Y_10, Y_8)", "grandfather(Y_12, Y_10)", "daughter(Y_14, Y_12)", "dob(Y_14, \"1050-05-24\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the person whose", "_15", "is", "_15", "?" ], "type": 4, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "e9098123-a584-4e91-b131-5a65e1586695", "question": "Who is the great-grandparent of the male cousin of the granddaughter of the grandfather of the child of the child of the person whose hobby is video gaming?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Arthur Fortune", "Clementine Maxey", "Dawn Zavala", "Erick Zavala", "Genevie Mather", "Glenn Mather", "Jame Whiteley", "Lloyd Maxey", "Pauline Martell", "Velia Whiteley", "Von Martell", "Whitney Fortune" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandparent(Y_4, Y_2)", "male_cousin(Y_6, Y_4)", "granddaughter(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandfather(Y_10, Y_8)", "child(Y_12, Y_10)", "child(Y_14, Y_12)", "hobby(Y_14, \"video gaming\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the person whose", "_15", "is", "_15", "?" ], "type": 4, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "c5e57128-cb5b-4058-b748-e71f22c6a017", "question": "Who is the male first cousin once removed of the great-granddaughter of the grandmother of the aunt of the nephew of the niece of the person whose occupation is armed forces logistics officer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Bart Anaya", "Cruz Domingo", "Darrell Spinelli", "Hugh Anaya", "Thomas Legg", "Zachariah Baylor" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_granddaughter(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandmother(Y_8, Y_6)", "aunt(Y_10, Y_8)", "nephew(Y_12, Y_10)", "niece(Y_14, Y_12)", "job(Y_14, \"armed forces logistics officer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the person whose", "_15", "is", "_15", "?" ], "type": 4, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "995cf4fa-998e-40ab-b48e-dd4d05c8b38c", "question": "Who is the mother of the friend of the mother-in-law of the son-in-law of the mother-in-law of the father of the person whose date of birth is 1089-03-31?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Kisha Nicholas", "Rosena Wasserman" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "mother(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "mother_in_law(Y_8, Y_6)", "son_in_law(Y_10, Y_8)", "mother_in_law(Y_12, Y_10)", "father(Y_14, Y_12)", "dob(Y_14, \"1089-03-31\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the person whose", "_15", "is", "_15", "?" ], "type": 4, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "35a69f63-790f-4495-a0ad-4789748b06bb", "question": "Who is the brother of the sibling of the brother-in-law of the friend of the friend of the daughter of the person whose date of birth is 0895-09-22?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alton Benally", "Bruno Benally", "Dwight Bryant", "Esteban Benally", "Gordon Benally", "Ismael Bryant", "Wendell Bryant" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "brother(Y_4, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_6, Y_4)", "brother_in_law(Y_8, Y_6)", "friend(Y_10, Y_8)", "friend(Y_12, Y_10)", "daughter(Y_14, Y_12)", "dob(Y_14, \"0895-09-22\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the person whose", "_15", "is", "_15", "?" ], "type": 4, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "779a6800-4e2b-43b0-85b7-eabd253b3daf", "question": "Who is the daughter-in-law of the husband of the grandmother of the aunt of the cousin of the brother-in-law of the person whose hobby is mathematics?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Rena Driggers" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "daughter_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "husband(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandmother(Y_8, Y_6)", "aunt(Y_10, Y_8)", "cousin(Y_12, Y_10)", "brother_in_law(Y_14, Y_12)", "hobby(Y_14, \"mathematics\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the person whose", "_15", "is", "_15", "?" ], "type": 4, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "03e0954b-51aa-403c-a314-d0e5547e63e6", "question": "Who is the sibling of the grandchild of the grandfather of the brother of the great-aunt of the aunt of the person whose date of birth is 1006-01-10?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Bernadine Hirsch", "Cristina Hirsch", "Ella Hirsch", "Marybeth Hirsch", "Mervin Schaub", "Noah Hirsch", "Nora Schaub" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sibling(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandfather(Y_8, Y_6)", "brother(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_aunt(Y_12, Y_10)", "aunt(Y_14, Y_12)", "dob(Y_14, \"1006-01-10\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the person whose", "_15", "is", "_15", "?" ], "type": 4, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "eef6b73c-19dd-432f-b57c-75954fc7c93f", "question": "Who is the grandmother of the great-uncle of the uncle of the male second cousin of the great-granddaughter of the great-grandfather of the person whose occupation is podiatrist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Irene Quimby", "Lina Booth", "Victoria Wales", "Zoraida Lawrence" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandmother(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_uncle(Y_6, Y_4)", "uncle(Y_8, Y_6)", "male_second_cousin(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_granddaughter(Y_12, Y_10)", "great_grandfather(Y_14, Y_12)", "job(Y_14, \"podiatrist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the person whose", "_15", "is", "_15", "?" ], "type": 4, "difficulty": 19 }, { "id": "8596be76-7c61-4e68-9802-52be9046b1a5", "question": "Who is the niece of the great-grandchild of the great-grandparent of the great-aunt of the male cousin of the granddaughter of the person whose date of birth is 0880-01-03?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alisha Brower" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "niece(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_grandchild(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandparent(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_aunt(Y_10, Y_8)", "male_cousin(Y_12, Y_10)", "granddaughter(Y_14, Y_12)", "dob(Y_14, \"0880-01-03\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the person whose", "_15", "is", "_15", "?" ], "type": 4, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "06df7dca-d2f4-46a9-b22a-144bfb8b597d", "question": "Who is the female cousin of the sister-in-law of the father of the son of the sister of the aunt of Darrell Spinelli?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Jocelyn Pinkney" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "female_cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "sister_in_law(Y_6, Y_4)", "father(Y_8, Y_6)", "son(Y_10, Y_8)", "sister(Y_12, Y_10)", "aunt(\"Darrell Spinelli\", Y_12)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "_14", "?" ], "type": 5, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "d4d2525d-0336-474c-adda-57b80e06dcb9", "question": "Who is the grandparent of the great-grandparent of the uncle of the niece of the child of the parent of Elijah Ruth?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Albertine Stansbury", "Bill Bryant", "Houston Stansbury", "Jennifer Bryant" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandparent(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_grandparent(Y_6, Y_4)", "uncle(Y_8, Y_6)", "niece(Y_10, Y_8)", "child(Y_12, Y_10)", "parent(\"Elijah Ruth\", Y_12)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "_14", "?" ], "type": 5, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "b8c22ac9-bcf4-453a-b615-d76237d24674", "question": "Who is the father-in-law of the daughter of the parent of the great-grandmother of the grandson of the child of Krystle Rozier?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Leif Rozier", "Reinaldo Atencio" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "father_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "daughter(Y_6, Y_4)", "parent(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_grandmother(Y_10, Y_8)", "grandson(Y_12, Y_10)", "child(\"Krystle Rozier\", Y_12)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "_14", "?" ], "type": 5, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "3c9a065d-2527-4506-86f8-309110599704", "question": "Who is the son-in-law of the daughter-in-law of the cousin of the granddaughter of the great-grandmother of the female cousin of Francis Mccutcheon?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Horacio King" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "son_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "daughter_in_law(Y_6, Y_4)", "cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "granddaughter(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_grandmother(Y_12, Y_10)", "female_cousin(\"Francis Mccutcheon\", Y_12)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "_14", "?" ], "type": 5, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "bc7d3534-d5b7-477a-b9d4-931a19d68254", "question": "Who is the mother of the great-aunt of the female second cousin of the male first cousin once removed of the nephew of the second aunt of Emma Reyna?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Sasha Reyna" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "mother(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_aunt(Y_6, Y_4)", "female_second_cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_10, Y_8)", "nephew(Y_12, Y_10)", "second_aunt(\"Emma Reyna\", Y_12)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "_14", "?" ], "type": 5, "difficulty": 19 }, { "id": "3a0ee351-4f52-4a68-89f9-89fa91f4c782", "question": "Who is the parent of the friend of the grandfather of the friend of the brother-in-law of the brother-in-law of Sandy Ricker?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alfred Vega", "Andrea Goins", "Antony Weiss", "Brad Battles", "Brianne Puente", "Charles Cornelison", "Chloe Armitage", "Claudie Crabtree", "Concepcion Brooker", "Cyril Downes", "Deangelo Reber", "Edmund Mckay", "Ellis Lucky", "Elvis Solomon", "Emilia Thompkins", "Emmett Eiland", "Fabian Milne", "Fidel Spinks", "Frank Ruth", "Freda Irving", "Garth Stein", "Genevie Gottlieb", "Gloria Eiland", "Hattie Solomon", "Idell Colon", "Ila Lapp", "Ila Spinks", "Ilona Cortez", "Ilona Ennis", "Iluminada Marchese", "Jamel Goins", "Kendrick Thompkins", "Kieth Mackie", "Kristopher Brooker", "Kurtis Sosa", "Kyle Reyna", "Leena Lucky", "Leigh Lawrence", "Leroy Colon", "Liliana Weiss", "Lona Byars", "Lowell Lucky", "Lurline Sosa", "Mariana Vega", "Maurine Mckay", "Mckinley Bender", "Michell Shelley", "Ming Halley", "Morris Irving", "Mose Shelley", "Nanette Battles", "Nathaniel Halley", "Nicolasa Bender", "Noreen Stein", "Pablo Cortez", "Pauline Hoffer", "Pauline Montelongo", "Perry Byars", "Quinton Ennis", "Rhea Sacco", "Roberta Reber", "Rod Sacco", "Rory Lawrence", "Rosella Reyna", "Rufus Montelongo", "Sal Keister", "Selina Downes", "Selina Ruth", "Seth Gottlieb", "Simon Armitage", "Skye Vega", "Sol Lapp", "Son Vega", "Sterling Marchese", "Ta Mackie", "Tabetha Keister", "Ted Crabtree", "Tessie Cornelison", "Tiesha Milne", "Vicente Hoffer", "Winnie Lucky", "Zane Puente" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "parent(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandfather(Y_8, Y_6)", "friend(Y_10, Y_8)", "brother_in_law(Y_12, Y_10)", "brother_in_law(\"Sandy Ricker\", Y_12)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "_14", "?" ], "type": 5, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "1bbb4067-24fd-4f42-9d88-2d5c82bd5fae", "question": "Who is the parent of the aunt of the sister of the granddaughter of the friend of the friend of Mariana Benally?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Hank Burmeister", "Monique Burmeister" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "parent(Y_4, Y_2)", "aunt(Y_6, Y_4)", "sister(Y_8, Y_6)", "granddaughter(Y_10, Y_8)", "friend(Y_12, Y_10)", "friend(\"Mariana Benally\", Y_12)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "_14", "?" ], "type": 5, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "6d55a127-571f-4ebe-81c1-17bdd35ec3d3", "question": "Who is the sister-in-law of the sister of the great-aunt of the grandchild of the mother-in-law of the son-in-law of Edythe Mccaffrey?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Albertine Bonin" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sister_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "sister(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_aunt(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandchild(Y_10, Y_8)", "mother_in_law(Y_12, Y_10)", "son_in_law(\"Edythe Mccaffrey\", Y_12)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "_14", "?" ], "type": 5, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "f65fd363-de79-480e-b2ba-ac658d6f4d30", "question": "Who is the aunt of the grandson of the grandfather of the great-grandparent of the father-in-law of the parent of Myrle Hirsch?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Maira Rankin" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandson(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandfather(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_grandparent(Y_10, Y_8)", "father_in_law(Y_12, Y_10)", "parent(\"Myrle Hirsch\", Y_12)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "_14", "?" ], "type": 5, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "4070a974-df7a-405e-8e2f-f8cb9280c9a6", "question": "Who is the grandparent of the cousin of the great-grandson of the mother-in-law of the great-grandfather of the brother-in-law of Audra Pigg?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Loyd Mortensen", "Sha Mortensen", "Shane Pigg", "Sun Pigg" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandparent(Y_4, Y_2)", "cousin(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandson(Y_8, Y_6)", "mother_in_law(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_grandfather(Y_12, Y_10)", "brother_in_law(\"Audra Pigg\", Y_12)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "_14", "?" ], "type": 5, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "11a979e1-badc-474a-a8fe-570e5b1d41ba", "question": "Who is the cousin of the second aunt of the child of the granddaughter of the grandparent of the person whose date of birth is 1031-07-10?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Charlie Rudd", "Sharolyn Kuhns" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "second_aunt(Y_6, Y_4)", "child(Y_8, Y_6)", "granddaughter(Y_10, Y_8)", "grandparent(Y_12, Y_10)", "dob(Y_12, \"1031-07-10\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the person whose", "_13", "is", "_13", "?" ], "type": 6, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "51bbf32d-1f5b-4458-abd9-32d0f32f6755", "question": "Who is the grandparent of the great-grandparent of the uncle of the niece of the sibling of the person whose date of birth is 1029-11-29?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Albertine Stansbury", "Bill Bryant", "Houston Stansbury", "Jennifer Bryant" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandparent(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_grandparent(Y_6, Y_4)", "uncle(Y_8, Y_6)", "niece(Y_10, Y_8)", "sibling(Y_12, Y_10)", "dob(Y_12, \"1029-11-29\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the person whose", "_13", "is", "_13", "?" ], "type": 6, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "39b8af48-579a-40f4-9f5a-30c0986dde02", "question": "Who is the nephew of the sibling of the sibling of the brother-in-law of the son-in-law of the person whose date of birth is 0821-05-09?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Eldon Rozier", "Kelvin Rozier", "Kennith Rozier", "Sterling Bixby" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "nephew(Y_4, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_6, Y_4)", "sibling(Y_8, Y_6)", "brother_in_law(Y_10, Y_8)", "son_in_law(Y_12, Y_10)", "dob(Y_12, \"0821-05-09\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the person whose", "_13", "is", "_13", "?" ], "type": 6, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "d3669c83-40ac-41b5-8b85-15930c70322e", "question": "Who is the brother-in-law of the daughter-in-law of the son-in-law of the grandparent of the son-in-law of the person whose hobby is fishing?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Jack Constantine", "Joshua Constantine", "Porter King", "Rolf King" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "brother_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "daughter_in_law(Y_6, Y_4)", "son_in_law(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandparent(Y_10, Y_8)", "son_in_law(Y_12, Y_10)", "hobby(Y_12, \"fishing\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the person whose", "_13", "is", "_13", "?" ], "type": 6, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "3cb7b9f6-bde8-4b7a-bb4b-655b78324d87", "question": "Who is the niece of the granddaughter of the great-grandparent of the friend of the second aunt of the person whose hobby is vintage cars?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Adelaida Peters", "Autumn Cavazos", "Charissa Shine", "Chelsea Buckley", "Effie Rudolph", "Elsy Romeo", "Freda Cross", "Gayla Kirkwood", "Jeannine Fortune", "Kisha Buckley", "Laverne Standifer", "Mariah Buckley", "Monique Mcphail", "Rosena Wasserman" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "niece(Y_4, Y_2)", "granddaughter(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandparent(Y_8, Y_6)", "friend(Y_10, Y_8)", "second_aunt(Y_12, Y_10)", "hobby(Y_12, \"vintage cars\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the person whose", "_13", "is", "_13", "?" ], "type": 6, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "619de37a-b711-4f26-a393-6af4a1c1bc35", "question": "Who is the child of the grandmother of the grandson of the grandmother of the brother-in-law of the person whose occupation is aid worker?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Bernice Negron", "Debbie Horst", "Jorge Ricker", "Neal Horst", "Sharron Correll" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "child(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandmother(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandson(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandmother(Y_10, Y_8)", "brother_in_law(Y_12, Y_10)", "job(Y_12, \"aid worker\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the person whose", "_13", "is", "_13", "?" ], "type": 6, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "1fc1632d-1fd0-41a8-a0fc-e3607db35e79", "question": "Who is the sibling of the grandson of the father of the grandparent of the friend of the person whose hobby is skiing?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alix Burchfield", "Alix Madison", "Antionette Mabry", "Avery Buckley", "Cameron Whitworth", "Chelsie Constantine", "Cordell Mabry", "Deidra Desmond", "Emma Fogg", "Errol Rhoads", "Gerard Whitworth", "Hattie Whitmer", "Isaiah Till", "Jada Till", "Jeffry Whitworth", "Jeremiah Kitts", "Julian Brower", "Julian Ocampo", "Katherine Pearson", "Kendall Kitts", "Kristofer Batten", "Lance Reynoso", "Lenny Redmond", "Louis Batten", "Mammie Blume", "Marcel Till", "Mellissa Mills", "Merry Colon", "Michel Brower", "Monserrate Batten", "Monty Redmond", "Myrle Roy", "Nedra Browne", "Olin Mabry", "Oralia Nealy", "Orlando Mabry", "Oscar Ocampo", "Sadye Martino", "Scott Rhoads", "Staci Whitmer", "Sueann Whitworth", "Troy Reynoso", "Tyson Kitts", "Ward Whitworth", "Wendell Kitts", "Wilfredo Mabry", "Wilmer Buckley", "Xiomara Ocampo" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sibling(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandson(Y_6, Y_4)", "father(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandparent(Y_10, Y_8)", "friend(Y_12, Y_10)", "hobby(Y_12, \"skiing\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the person whose", "_13", "is", "_13", "?" ], "type": 6, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "7241fec5-4255-4209-be7e-0833147939c3", "question": "Who is the sister-in-law of the sister of the great-aunt of the son of the son-in-law of the person whose occupation is office manager?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Albertine Bonin" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sister_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "sister(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_aunt(Y_8, Y_6)", "son(Y_10, Y_8)", "son_in_law(Y_12, Y_10)", "job(Y_12, \"office manager\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the person whose", "_13", "is", "_13", "?" ], "type": 6, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "6efd249d-fc70-473f-827b-be252fabf08e", "question": "Who is the grandchild of the grandfather of the brother of the great-aunt of the aunt of the person whose date of birth is 1006-01-10?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Bernadine Hirsch", "Cristina Hirsch", "Ella Hirsch", "Marybeth Hirsch", "Mervin Schaub", "Noah Hirsch", "Nora Schaub" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandchild(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandfather(Y_6, Y_4)", "brother(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_aunt(Y_10, Y_8)", "aunt(Y_12, Y_10)", "dob(Y_12, \"1006-01-10\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the person whose", "_13", "is", "_13", "?" ], "type": 6, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "611ddc0f-00d9-49b2-bdf4-2d45d1e2e1ca", "question": "Who is the sibling of the second aunt of the great-grandson of the great-grandparent of the brother-in-law of the person whose occupation is medical laboratory scientific officer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alina Slay", "Craig Pigg", "Melina Seiber", "Shane Pigg", "Sun Pigg" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sibling(Y_4, Y_2)", "second_aunt(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandson(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_grandparent(Y_10, Y_8)", "brother_in_law(Y_12, Y_10)", "job(Y_12, \"medical laboratory scientific officer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the person whose", "_13", "is", "_13", "?" ], "type": 6, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "fb93ed58-eee6-4d11-9224-54aa3c32eaec", "question": "Who is the sister-in-law of the father of the son of the sister of the aunt of Darrell Spinelli?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Celia Spinelli", "Dianna Anaya", "Rhea Pinkney", "Tiffany Baylor" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sister_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "father(Y_6, Y_4)", "son(Y_8, Y_6)", "sister(Y_10, Y_8)", "aunt(\"Darrell Spinelli\", Y_10)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "_12", "?" ], "type": 7, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "657c29bb-c24c-4194-bc76-20a60dcf87ef", "question": "Who is the niece of the grandfather of the child of the sibling of the great-grandparent of Zona Mansour?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Joslyn Mansour", "Natalie Mansour", "Teressa Frame" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "niece(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandfather(Y_6, Y_4)", "child(Y_8, Y_6)", "sibling(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_grandparent(\"Zona Mansour\", Y_10)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "_12", "?" ], "type": 7, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "7f13a1d0-574f-4e8f-9e39-ee536072dd38", "question": "Who is the great-grandfather of the daughter-in-law of the son of the wife of the great-grandparent of Cedric Todd?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Federico Hamlin", "Jimmie Rhoads" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandfather(Y_4, Y_2)", "daughter_in_law(Y_6, Y_4)", "son(Y_8, Y_6)", "wife(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_grandparent(\"Cedric Todd\", Y_10)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "_12", "?" ], "type": 7, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "6f142d41-6700-46cc-b519-9ae44b8ebfb6", "question": "Who is the female cousin of the great-granddaughter of the sister of the great-uncle of the mother of Deena Munroe?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Demetria Decosta", "Lavonne Rounds", "Queenie Homan" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "female_cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_granddaughter(Y_6, Y_4)", "sister(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_uncle(Y_10, Y_8)", "mother(\"Deena Munroe\", Y_10)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "_12", "?" ], "type": 7, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "1883d2c2-f461-4968-bee7-8455bc50bb11", "question": "Who is the grandmother of the aunt of the nephew of the niece of the brother of Annabelle Karl?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Josette Legg", "Kate Isbell" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandmother(Y_4, Y_2)", "aunt(Y_6, Y_4)", "nephew(Y_8, Y_6)", "niece(Y_10, Y_8)", "brother(\"Annabelle Karl\", Y_10)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "_12", "?" ], "type": 7, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "9c17a3c3-ae69-4eb7-a55f-8dc3f66df3af", "question": "Who is the cousin of the niece of the aunt of the great-grandson of the friend of Major Gonzales?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Josh Leech", "Nathan Toole" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "niece(Y_6, Y_4)", "aunt(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_grandson(Y_10, Y_8)", "friend(\"Major Gonzales\", Y_10)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "_12", "?" ], "type": 7, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "d097ff77-c203-4a1c-985d-6419b02cd9e8", "question": "Who is the parent of the great-grandfather of the grandson of the great-grandfather of the friend of Andres Coe?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Carlos Ayer", "Jackqueline Ayer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "parent(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_grandfather(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandson(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_grandfather(Y_10, Y_8)", "friend(\"Andres Coe\", Y_10)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "_12", "?" ], "type": 7, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "11dc4bb1-a426-4695-9c24-21f27d6b04a4", "question": "Who is the aunt of the sister of the granddaughter of the friend of the friend of Mariana Benally?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Heidi Burmeister" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "sister(Y_6, Y_4)", "granddaughter(Y_8, Y_6)", "friend(Y_10, Y_8)", "friend(\"Mariana Benally\", Y_10)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "_12", "?" ], "type": 7, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "b5d8de1f-77b6-4c11-b7e1-7a4bd99500c6", "question": "Who is the father of the uncle of the female cousin of the great-granddaughter of the friend of Erik Damron?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Derick Vaca", "Jorge Ingram", "Sergio Atwell" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "father(Y_4, Y_2)", "uncle(Y_6, Y_4)", "female_cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_granddaughter(Y_10, Y_8)", "friend(\"Erik Damron\", Y_10)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "_12", "?" ], "type": 7, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "ea91b9cc-0090-47b9-bdcb-dffe39d87402", "question": "Who is the great-grandchild of the wife of the parent of the great-uncle of the granddaughter of Arianna Pride?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Everette Deluna", "Garrett Weddle", "Lanny Weddle", "Sha Deluna", "Shandi Brownlee" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandchild(Y_4, Y_2)", "wife(Y_6, Y_4)", "parent(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_uncle(Y_10, Y_8)", "granddaughter(\"Arianna Pride\", Y_10)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "_12", "?" ], "type": 7, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "e541c120-14e9-4367-96c8-26df03003d94", "question": "Who is the second aunt of the child of the granddaughter of the grandparent of the person whose date of birth is 1031-07-10?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Holley Pinkney" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "second_aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "child(Y_6, Y_4)", "granddaughter(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandparent(Y_10, Y_8)", "dob(Y_10, \"1031-07-10\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the person whose", "_11", "is", "_11", "?" ], "type": 8, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "b9c83274-fbdf-4c7f-aa39-f71cd989cd22", "question": "Who is the brother-in-law of the grandmother of the child of the parent of the person whose occupation is hydrologist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Devin Mansour", "Ernest Mansour", "Micah Mccourt", "Terrance Mccourt", "Truman Mccourt" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "brother_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandmother(Y_6, Y_4)", "child(Y_8, Y_6)", "parent(Y_10, Y_8)", "job(Y_10, \"hydrologist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the person whose", "_11", "is", "_11", "?" ], "type": 8, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "0976d63a-e8fb-4e00-b052-03bd5b9b0f98", "question": "Who is the great-grandfather of the daughter-in-law of the husband of the grandmother of the person whose occupation is adult guidance worker?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Federico Hamlin", "Jimmie Rhoads" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandfather(Y_4, Y_2)", "daughter_in_law(Y_6, Y_4)", "husband(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandmother(Y_10, Y_8)", "job(Y_10, \"adult guidance worker\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the person whose", "_11", "is", "_11", "?" ], "type": 8, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "f30632db-3b75-4918-84aa-278e1225d5e8", "question": "Who is the uncle of the nephew of the uncle of the great-aunt of the person whose date of birth is 1015-03-04?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Benjamin Mullins" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "uncle(Y_4, Y_2)", "nephew(Y_6, Y_4)", "uncle(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_aunt(Y_10, Y_8)", "dob(Y_10, \"1015-03-04\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the person whose", "_11", "is", "_11", "?" ], "type": 8, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "484f95bf-8054-44ad-b470-6a787d0919dd", "question": "Who is the grandmother of the aunt of the nephew of the niece of the person whose occupation is armed forces logistics officer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Josette Legg", "Kate Isbell", "Nell Rudd", "Nikki Pinkney" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandmother(Y_4, Y_2)", "aunt(Y_6, Y_4)", "nephew(Y_8, Y_6)", "niece(Y_10, Y_8)", "job(Y_10, \"armed forces logistics officer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the person whose", "_11", "is", "_11", "?" ], "type": 8, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "3dc2d4b3-c7ff-42c6-9176-a9342631c61c", "question": "Who is the brother-in-law of the husband of the grandchild of the great-grandfather of the person whose hobby is hiking/backpacking?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Beau Vaca", "Bryon Riggs", "Carlo Straight", "Darwin Pedigo", "Daryl Straight", "Dave Buller", "Ellis Lucky", "Emil Lucky", "Ethan Neary", "Gerard Richburg", "Jonathan Pedigo", "Lyman Pedigo", "Norbert Richburg", "Numbers Heflin", "Reginald Richburg", "Rolland Bishop", "Rory Heflin", "Shawn Pedigo" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "brother_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "husband(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandchild(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_grandfather(Y_10, Y_8)", "hobby(Y_10, \"hiking/backpacking\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the person whose", "_11", "is", "_11", "?" ], "type": 8, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "a157782b-3c0e-49e8-a5a2-e14e4fafe66a", "question": "Who is the parent of the great-grandson of the grandchild of the friend of the person whose hobby is reading?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Adalberto Sosa", "Alycia Marcano", "Arline Stein", "Babette Vega", "Bee Stein", "Belva Surface", "Bernadine Hirsch", "Booker Burt", "Booker Pedigo", "Brady Mercer", "Bryant Wasserman", "Bryon Baylor", "Caleb Fountain", "Carmela Fountain", "Carmela Segura", "Celia Spinelli", "Chante Burt", "Christoper Wesson", "Clair Darden", "Dale Zavala", "Davis Purdy", "Demetrius Korn", "Diane Sosa", "Dianna Anaya", "Effie Segura", "Faith Omalley", "Florence Phifer", "Fred Pearson", "Freddie Stein", "Genevieve Lay", "Gilbert Surface", "Ginger Zavala", "Gino Pfaff", "Grover Wasserman", "Iluminada Marchese", "Janis Sargent", "Jessie Spinelli", "Kelvin Dear", "Lenora Pedigo", "Lionel Mares", "Lucius Segura", "Maynard Vega", "Mohammed Lay", "Moises Stein", "Myrl Korn", "Nicolle Pfaff", "Noah Hirsch", "Norberto Marcano", "Norris Omalley", "Ora Wesson", "Paul Segura", "Pearl Dear", "Rocky Sargent", "Rosanne Thrasher", "Rosemarie Pedigo", "Rosena Wasserman", "Roxanne Pearson", "Shaunte Mercer", "Shelia Purdy", "Sherrie Darden", "Skye Vega", "Son Vega", "Sterling Marchese", "Sylvia Segura", "Tiffany Baylor", "Tony Phifer", "Tracie Mares", "Trevor Segura", "Valentin Thrasher", "Virgil Anaya", "Wayne Pedigo", "Whitney Wasserman" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "parent(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_grandson(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandchild(Y_8, Y_6)", "friend(Y_10, Y_8)", "hobby(Y_10, \"reading\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the person whose", "_11", "is", "_11", "?" ], "type": 8, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "3b0c962e-98e7-48b3-9963-cd204ce67b45", "question": "Who is the grandson of the father of the grandparent of the friend of the person whose hobby is skiing?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Avery Buckley", "Bill Constantine", "Cameron Whitworth", "Carlo Whitmer", "Cordell Mabry", "Errol Rhoads", "Gerard Whitworth", "Grant Constantine", "Isaiah Till", "Jeffry Whitworth", "Jeremiah Kitts", "Julian Brower", "Julian Ocampo", "Kendall Kitts", "Kristofer Batten", "Lance Reynoso", "Lenny Redmond", "Louis Batten", "Mack Bourque", "Marcel Till", "Marcus Rhoads", "Matt Takahashi", "Maximilian Bost", "Michel Brower", "Monty Redmond", "Olin Mabry", "Orlando Mabry", "Oscar Ocampo", "Phil Monday", "Reginald Fogg", "Scott Rhoads", "Troy Reynoso", "Tyson Kitts", "Ward Whitworth", "Wendell Kitts", "Wilfredo Mabry", "Wilmer Buckley" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandson(Y_4, Y_2)", "father(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandparent(Y_8, Y_6)", "friend(Y_10, Y_8)", "hobby(Y_10, \"skiing\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the person whose", "_11", "is", "_11", "?" ], "type": 8, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "f830a109-8182-4443-9047-32ba04b93644", "question": "Who is the grandmother of the aunt of the cousin of the brother-in-law of the person whose hobby is mathematics?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Reita Driggers" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandmother(Y_4, Y_2)", "aunt(Y_6, Y_4)", "cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "brother_in_law(Y_10, Y_8)", "hobby(Y_10, \"mathematics\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the person whose", "_11", "is", "_11", "?" ], "type": 8, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "5e133196-b095-4a6f-ab27-3b49c92abadf", "question": "Who is the female second cousin of the grandchild of the parent of the child of the person whose hobby is sports science?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alexandra Weisman", "Dominique Quimby", "Selena Weisman", "Sha Deluna", "Sharika Charette", "Shirleen Bevins", "Xiomara Quimby", "Yvette Quimby" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "female_second_cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_6, Y_4)", "parent(Y_8, Y_6)", "child(Y_10, Y_8)", "hobby(Y_10, \"sports science\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the person whose", "_11", "is", "_11", "?" ], "type": 8, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "62017b6b-6a89-4291-b351-b954b7922672", "question": "Who is the father of the son of the sister of the aunt of Darrell Spinelli?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Bryon Baylor", "Jessie Spinelli", "Virgil Anaya" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "father(Y_4, Y_2)", "son(Y_6, Y_4)", "sister(Y_8, Y_6)", "aunt(\"Darrell Spinelli\", Y_8)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "_10", "?" ], "type": 9, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "9b82130b-b295-424d-bba0-ea459368c32b", "question": "Who is the sibling of the sibling of the nephew of the female first cousin once removed of Cortez Mcdonough?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Darnell Hetrick", "Eric Lemmon", "Fatimah Llewellyn", "Fletcher Hetrick", "Hubert Hetrick", "Raleigh Lemmon", "Troy Crabtree", "Wanita Ashby" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sibling(Y_4, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_6, Y_4)", "nephew(Y_8, Y_6)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(\"Cortez Mcdonough\", Y_8)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "_10", "?" ], "type": 9, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "c91c36cb-115d-4a79-969e-1599d2709eed", "question": "Who is the aunt of the nephew of the niece of the brother-in-law of Carina Grigsby?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Ashlie Montelongo", "Pamela Davenport", "Sofia Montelongo" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "nephew(Y_6, Y_4)", "niece(Y_8, Y_6)", "brother_in_law(\"Carina Grigsby\", Y_8)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "_10", "?" ], "type": 9, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "93aa5c7c-7093-4644-8180-21d0f8ee107a", "question": "Who is the daughter of the parent of the cousin of the niece of Santos Kranz?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alana Tong", "Chelsie Constantine", "Deidra Desmond", "Enedina Kranz", "Oralia Nealy" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "daughter(Y_4, Y_2)", "parent(Y_6, Y_4)", "cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "niece(\"Santos Kranz\", Y_8)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "_10", "?" ], "type": 9, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "3735a921-371a-40d1-82fa-2f393cfb61cf", "question": "Who is the nephew of the great-aunt of the great-grandchild of the grandson of Damian Marlin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Gerardo Lapp", "Troy Peterman", "Winfred Lapp" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "nephew(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_aunt(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandchild(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandson(\"Damian Marlin\", Y_8)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "_10", "?" ], "type": 9, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "eec8820e-9655-4830-9da6-c8a5681e0a91", "question": "Who is the great-grandparent of the son of the nephew of the niece of Bryan Till?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Anderson Till", "Dusty Dowdell", "Maragret Dowdell", "Michelle Till", "Orlando Bott", "Randi Bott" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandparent(Y_4, Y_2)", "son(Y_6, Y_4)", "nephew(Y_8, Y_6)", "niece(\"Bryan Till\", Y_8)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "_10", "?" ], "type": 9, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "29b1cbbc-3bf2-4ea6-b0b1-0b1e886fffb9", "question": "Who is the niece of the aunt of the great-grandson of the friend of Major Gonzales?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alissa Gehring", "Violet Gamboa" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "niece(Y_4, Y_2)", "aunt(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandson(Y_8, Y_6)", "friend(\"Major Gonzales\", Y_8)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "_10", "?" ], "type": 9, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "0baec89f-db6d-409f-84db-e530ded41391", "question": "Who is the grandfather of the friend of the brother-in-law of the brother-in-law of Sandy Ricker?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Bill Bryant", "Deangelo Lett", "Gerry Weston", "Houston Stansbury", "Jamie Clifford", "Johnathan Nealy", "Lawerence Mefford", "Reyes Keister", "Ricardo Sayers", "Ron Legg", "Roscoe Wilkens", "Simon Flynn", "Tobias Schock", "Walter Isbell", "Wes Reynoso", "Zachariah Baggett" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandfather(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "brother_in_law(Y_8, Y_6)", "brother_in_law(\"Sandy Ricker\", Y_8)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "_10", "?" ], "type": 9, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "e66714da-1672-443e-bd12-48d0f572533b", "question": "Who is the friend of the friend of the parent of the child of Ty Arenas?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alix Madison", "Billy Hoffman", "Edgar Mansour", "Emile Omalley", "Isabel Arenas", "Keith Vanzant", "Kurtis Lheureux", "Leonila Monday", "Maira Wasserman", "Myrl Rush", "Romana Dyer", "Roseanna Mansour", "Tona Cornelison", "Ty Arenas", "Xiao Legg" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "friend(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "parent(Y_8, Y_6)", "child(\"Ty Arenas\", Y_8)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "_10", "?" ], "type": 9, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "2e425611-5e3c-4eb4-9e88-f381c6117ccf", "question": "Who is the friend of the mother of the niece of the sibling of Reyna Schuman?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Brad Nicholas", "Galen Batten", "Harold Prince", "Johnathan Mcdonough", "Leisa Marchese", "Rodrigo Seiber", "Tyler Bischoff" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "friend(Y_4, Y_2)", "mother(Y_6, Y_4)", "niece(Y_8, Y_6)", "sibling(\"Reyna Schuman\", Y_8)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "_10", "?" ], "type": 9, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "2a866cbb-fb08-4da9-863f-b91020e081c5", "question": "Who is the child of the granddaughter of the grandparent of the person whose date of birth is 1031-07-10?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Fidel Spinks", "Kelvin Spinks", "Thalia Spinks" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "child(Y_4, Y_2)", "granddaughter(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandparent(Y_8, Y_6)", "dob(Y_8, \"1031-07-10\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the person whose", "_9", "is", "_9", "?" ], "type": 10, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "203e289f-8852-48b3-8036-aa921d50bcd7", "question": "Who is the sister of the parent of the cousin of the person whose hobby is road biking?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Dorathy Basham", "Page Mcdonough", "Tory Flynn" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sister(Y_4, Y_2)", "parent(Y_6, Y_4)", "cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "hobby(Y_8, \"road biking\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the person whose", "_9", "is", "_9", "?" ], "type": 10, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "8b38b1ed-f78c-49ac-814e-1ac0ac2f4a95", "question": "Who is the sister of the uncle of the sister-in-law of the person whose occupation is secretary?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Delinda Mccourt", "Nellie Clifford", "Rhea Sacco", "Teressa Rath" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sister(Y_4, Y_2)", "uncle(Y_6, Y_4)", "sister_in_law(Y_8, Y_6)", "job(Y_8, \"secretary\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the person whose", "_9", "is", "_9", "?" ], "type": 10, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "6a617653-b779-4a25-9e49-cbad9fdb21fd", "question": "Who is the sister of the sibling of the niece of the person whose hobby is research?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Adah Pigg", "Alberta Bryant", "Bettina Eiland", "Claudie Crabtree", "Cythia Eiland", "Deidra Desmond", "Deirdre Bivins", "Dollie Grubb", "Enedina Kranz", "Hannah Bivins", "Hattie Loera", "Isabell Mortensen", "Jewell Cruz", "Kristi Buckley", "Lawanda Horst", "Lottie Loera", "Lucile Stamper", "Luella Lambert", "Maranda Gallegos", "Mattie Hetrick", "Oralia Nealy", "Pamala Lemmon", "Reyna Pigg", "Rhonda Olszewski", "Robbie Bass", "Sha Bischoff", "Sheena Prince", "Sondra Cavazos", "Sue Charron", "Theda Callan", "Twila Baptiste" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sister(Y_4, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_6, Y_4)", "niece(Y_8, Y_6)", "hobby(Y_8, \"research\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the person whose", "_9", "is", "_9", "?" ], "type": 10, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "4ceaa38a-ab37-423e-ba56-933e23fe7611", "question": "Who is the granddaughter of the grandparent of the great-granddaughter of the person whose occupation is arts administrator?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alix King", "Ila Lapp", "Jo Domingo", "Leticia Sanchez", "Nakisha Beale", "Shenita Peterman", "Tiffanie Gendron", "Tina Gendron" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "granddaughter(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandparent(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_granddaughter(Y_8, Y_6)", "job(Y_8, \"arts administrator\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the person whose", "_9", "is", "_9", "?" ], "type": 10, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "67481779-9522-495e-9351-7b8dff29aa50", "question": "Who is the daughter-in-law of the mother of the niece of the person whose occupation is architect?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Lorine Quimby", "Patrice Quimby", "Rozella Till" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "daughter_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "mother(Y_6, Y_4)", "niece(Y_8, Y_6)", "job(Y_8, \"architect\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the person whose", "_9", "is", "_9", "?" ], "type": 10, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "87eb32ca-a92e-413e-a74b-f6a45c23e63c", "question": "Who is the husband of the grandchild of the great-grandfather of the person whose hobby is hiking/backpacking?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Brain Lance", "Cole Vanzant", "Conrad Woodley", "Derrick Pinkney", "Doug Medley", "Earl Gonzales", "Gerry Kuhns", "Jacob Torrence", "Kelvin Mancuso", "Luther Garnett", "Pablo Cortez", "Quincy Chalmers", "Richie Rozier", "Rocco Guillen", "Sanford Preciado", "Santiago Homan", "Stevie Dyer", "Tony Sturgeon", "Wade Cervantes", "Zackary Keene" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "husband(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandfather(Y_8, Y_6)", "hobby(Y_8, \"hiking/backpacking\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the person whose", "_9", "is", "_9", "?" ], "type": 10, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "2c9bd120-4955-49ef-b676-d322ed4747ca", "question": "Who is the grandson of the grandmother of the brother-in-law of the person whose occupation is aid worker?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Edwin Ricker", "Jan Negron", "Jim Horst", "Kraig Horst", "Lionel Ricker", "Malik Ricker", "Tanner Ricker" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandson(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandmother(Y_6, Y_4)", "brother_in_law(Y_8, Y_6)", "job(Y_8, \"aid worker\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the person whose", "_9", "is", "_9", "?" ], "type": 10, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "b5f2a6ab-5b42-417c-81d0-a525b00f8239", "question": "Who is the friend of the friend of the daughter of the person whose date of birth is 0895-09-22?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Kenny Gallegos", "Leslee Benally", "Rosanne Lines", "Zoila Battaglia" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "friend(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "daughter(Y_8, Y_6)", "dob(Y_8, \"0895-09-22\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the person whose", "_9", "is", "_9", "?" ], "type": 10, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "4a0d7103-7f99-4a56-9547-08512037b9c1", "question": "Who is the second uncle of the sibling of the child of the person whose date of birth is 0958-10-31?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Hilton Casares", "Monroe Casares" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "second_uncle(Y_4, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_6, Y_4)", "child(Y_8, Y_6)", "dob(Y_8, \"0958-10-31\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the person whose", "_9", "is", "_9", "?" ], "type": 10, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "1e6e8df1-fc9b-4d0d-91ce-c56fc9a789bb", "question": "Who is the son of the sister of the aunt of Darrell Spinelli?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Bart Anaya", "Darrell Spinelli", "Hugh Anaya", "Zachariah Baylor" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "son(Y_4, Y_2)", "sister(Y_6, Y_4)", "aunt(\"Darrell Spinelli\", Y_6)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "_8", "?" ], "type": 11, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "be7737d6-bd93-4c7b-801a-9dc888eb5655", "question": "Who is the cousin of the male second cousin of the male first cousin once removed of Alison Burt?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Deanne Burt", "Elbert Burt", "Frederic Burt" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "male_second_cousin(Y_6, Y_4)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(\"Alison Burt\", Y_6)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "_8", "?" ], "type": 11, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "df695056-d506-441c-92fc-38c50c3a8c08", "question": "Who is the father-in-law of the grandparent of the child of Stacey Roldan?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Doug Medley" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "father_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandparent(Y_6, Y_4)", "child(\"Stacey Roldan\", Y_6)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "_8", "?" ], "type": 11, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "c5005ee9-2c2b-4634-9700-7d2b947e1378", "question": "Who is the son of the wife of the great-grandparent of Cedric Todd?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Ernest Rhoads", "Ramon Todd", "Virgil Rhoads" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "son(Y_4, Y_2)", "wife(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandparent(\"Cedric Todd\", Y_6)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "_8", "?" ], "type": 11, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "e887b6c6-4e7e-4ea2-b2d6-fcedd766a0cb", "question": "Who is the son of the parent of the great-grandchild of Cruz Wesson?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Homer Wesson" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "son(Y_4, Y_2)", "parent(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandchild(\"Cruz Wesson\", Y_6)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "_8", "?" ], "type": 11, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "1b290ce0-e538-4118-8cc4-cc4efb2481b6", "question": "Who is the great-aunt of the great-grandchild of the grandson of Damian Marlin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Ila Lapp", "Tiffanie Gendron", "Tina Gendron" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_grandchild(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandson(\"Damian Marlin\", Y_6)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "_8", "?" ], "type": 11, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "b752b6f1-1dca-4eb9-aab1-2f72be5781a0", "question": "Who is the nephew of the niece of the brother of Annabelle Karl?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Duncan Legg", "Eldon Legg", "Emanuel Legg", "Erick Gall", "Gerard Gall", "Randal Tharpe" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "nephew(Y_4, Y_2)", "niece(Y_6, Y_4)", "brother(\"Annabelle Karl\", Y_6)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "_8", "?" ], "type": 11, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "4dd715f6-5e73-47a7-9dba-3dab21e18806", "question": "Who is the male first cousin once removed of the nephew of the second aunt of Emma Reyna?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Jordan Middleton", "Micheal Lozada", "Saul Reyna", "Sergio Lozada", "Wilfredo Reyna" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_4, Y_2)", "nephew(Y_6, Y_4)", "second_aunt(\"Emma Reyna\", Y_6)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "_8", "?" ], "type": 11, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "710e1ec3-4ab2-4d3a-8d85-cce9f0b619bf", "question": "Who is the grandfather of the son of the father of Milton Hess?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Orlando Ashford", "Stewart Hess" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandfather(Y_4, Y_2)", "son(Y_6, Y_4)", "father(\"Milton Hess\", Y_6)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "_8", "?" ], "type": 11, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "314becff-d677-4e93-9084-ede904ee5768", "question": "Who is the grandson of the great-grandfather of the friend of Andres Coe?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Brent Straight", "Horacio King", "Porter King", "Rolf King" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandson(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_grandfather(Y_6, Y_4)", "friend(\"Andres Coe\", Y_6)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "_8", "?" ], "type": 11, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "3f963e02-d02d-4749-b07f-f7547eb1e06c", "question": "Who is the granddaughter of the grandparent of the person whose date of birth is 1031-07-10?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Flora Spinks" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "granddaughter(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandparent(Y_6, Y_4)", "dob(Y_6, \"1031-07-10\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the person whose", "_7", "is", "_7", "?" ], "type": 12, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "2539c166-cd40-4749-b412-f2ab66b69948", "question": "Who is the son-in-law of the male first cousin once removed of the person whose hobby is nordic skating?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Kirk Blount", "Sean Southerland" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "son_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_6, Y_4)", "hobby(Y_6, \"nordic skating\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the person whose", "_7", "is", "_7", "?" ], "type": 12, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "012f06f3-a1a3-4f03-81ce-61c436bad21d", "question": "Who is the grandfather of the daughter of the person whose date of birth is 1050-05-24?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Deshawn Munroe" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandfather(Y_4, Y_2)", "daughter(Y_6, Y_4)", "dob(Y_6, \"1050-05-24\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the person whose", "_7", "is", "_7", "?" ], "type": 12, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "7fa8f6a0-1552-4eb7-9285-4b2bf5998991", "question": "Who is the husband of the grandmother of the person whose occupation is adult guidance worker?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Arnulfo Heflin", "Brad Shropshire", "Harry Cone", "Ramon Todd", "Rodger Rudd", "Sol Pagan", "Valentin Thrasher", "Virgil Rhoads" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "husband(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandmother(Y_6, Y_4)", "job(Y_6, \"adult guidance worker\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the person whose", "_7", "is", "_7", "?" ], "type": 12, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "3366d2fc-4052-47f8-bea0-dae25e5fff41", "question": "Who is the child of the child of the person whose hobby is video gaming?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Amos Cone", "Caitlin Whittington", "Carlene Shrader", "Christoper Wesson", "Dick Atencio", "Gerard Cone", "Ilona Wesson", "Jeannine Fortune", "Junior Wesson", "Lara Armitage", "Lester Cosgrove", "Marcelina Wesson", "Rosena Wasserman", "Tony Phifer", "Vilma Guyton" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "child(Y_4, Y_2)", "child(Y_6, Y_4)", "hobby(Y_6, \"video gaming\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the person whose", "_7", "is", "_7", "?" ], "type": 12, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "365ae8b2-ee79-4d31-9c48-4cb4fbc4e7af", "question": "Who is the grandparent of the great-granddaughter of the person whose occupation is arts administrator?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alethia Gendron", "Carol Gendron", "Darla Wick", "Ignacio Legg", "Leesa Legg", "Manual Troy", "Matthew Mccutcheon", "Nana Mccutcheon", "Rosemary Troy", "Sammy Wick" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandparent(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_granddaughter(Y_6, Y_4)", "job(Y_6, \"arts administrator\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the person whose", "_7", "is", "_7", "?" ], "type": 12, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "ef4bbf1a-e5e8-4720-9984-550eea0844fd", "question": "Who is the nephew of the niece of the person whose occupation is armed forces logistics officer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Cruz Pinkney", "Duncan Legg", "Eldon Legg", "Emanuel Legg", "Erick Gall", "Gerard Gall", "Randal Tharpe" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "nephew(Y_4, Y_2)", "niece(Y_6, Y_4)", "job(Y_6, \"armed forces logistics officer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the person whose", "_7", "is", "_7", "?" ], "type": 12, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "1d22b737-9e99-4537-9c2f-ba0faf325204", "question": "Who is the friend of the second aunt of the person whose hobby is vintage cars?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Beatriz Serra", "Bonnie Bost", "Colin Cruz", "Delbert Romeo", "Eunice Mccorkle", "Gerard Nason", "Jasmine Mccutcheon", "Jerry Standifer", "Jocelyn Irving", "Karina Sauls", "Loyd Whiteley", "Monique Mcphail", "Reyna Rucker", "Rosena Wasserman" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "friend(Y_4, Y_2)", "second_aunt(Y_6, Y_4)", "hobby(Y_6, \"vintage cars\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the person whose", "_7", "is", "_7", "?" ], "type": 12, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "606e6471-51b7-4c6b-9df0-87bc3697f4cf", "question": "Who is the mother-in-law of the father of the person whose date of birth is 1089-03-31?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Cordelia Ashford" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "mother_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "father(Y_6, Y_4)", "dob(Y_6, \"1089-03-31\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the person whose", "_7", "is", "_7", "?" ], "type": 12, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "2d7a1fe3-d96f-496b-94a0-0a8d14e148a6", "question": "Who is the grandchild of the friend of the person whose hobby is reading?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Abraham Shirey", "Adah Pigg", "Adell Vaca", "Adolfo Heaton", "Albertine Libby", "Alexander Whiteley", "Alfredo Gorham", "Alison Burt", "Allyson Toole", "Alvin Ricker", "Alycia Rey", "Amanda Coe", "Ambrose Corrigan", "Angelo Miele", "Anibal Fortune", "Annette Diaz", "Ariel Vanzant", "Armando Noland", "Arnold Clifford", "Art Sargent", "Ashleigh Ruth", "Aura Broadwater", "Aurelio Crites", "Austin Clifford", "Avery Burt", "Barabara Satterwhite", "Barney Kitts", "Bee Bledsoe", "Bernie Heaton", "Bertram Vaca", "Bess Burt", "Bettye Atwell", "Bonnie Zink", "Boris Clifford", "Boyd Vaca", "Brandy Ricker", "Brunilda Milne", "Burt Krause", "Celestine Lacombe", "Chance Pedigo", "Chang Shirey", "Chelsie Roldan", "Chloe Peter", "Christian Fortune", "Clarence Creighton", "Cortney Pineda", "Damien Sargent", "Darin Bott", "Deandre Gorham", "Delia Blount", "Delicia Fancher", "Dennis Pinkney", "Devin Creighton", "Devin Sargent", "Devora Pfaff", "Dominic Thurmond", "Donnie Tunstall", "Dorinda Liles", "Douglas Ricker", "Duncan Legg", "Dwain Mcbride", "Elaine Nagy", "Eldon Legg", "Elijah Ruth", "Eliza Jameson", "Elliott Ricker", "Ellis Cargill", "Elyse Corrigan", "Emanuel Legg", "Emelda Haag", "Emile Omalley", "Emma Gamboa", "Emma Libby", "Erick Gall", "Erwin Pigg", "Estell Luis", "Eva Thrasher", "Eve Kitts", "Foster Burt", "Francine Ennis", "Frankie Cauthen", "Franklin Sargent", "Fred Liles", "Freddie Stein", "Garrett Weston", "Garry Duran", "Garth Stein", "Gay Nagy", "Gena Corrigan", "Genesis Rey", "Geneva Cone", "Genny Basham", "Geoffrey Irvine", "Georgine Kenner", "Gerard Gall", "Gilbert Pearson", "Ginger Mann", "Glory Rhoads", "Guadalupe Heflin", "Haley Deluna", "Hallie Cone", "Harrison Clifford", "Heidi Battles", "Hope Rudd", "Houston Corrigan", "Iluminada Marchese", "Israel Duran", "Iva Mellon", "Ivan Battles", "Jack Gorham", "Jacob Skaggs", "Jacquelyn Heflin", "Jada Gordan", "James Corrigan", "Jan Negron", "Jared Milne", "Jean Ericson", "Jennette Burkey", "Jerald Vaca", "Jeremy Moen", "Jess Deluna", "Jess Ellsworth", "Jim Horst", "Jo Domingo", "Johnetta Hornsby", "Jonathon Moen", "Josette Kitts", "Josette Nagy", "Josh Liles", "Joshua Charron", "Julee Basham", "Jules Whiteley", "Katina Rochelle", "Keith Vanzant", "Kelley Burson", "Kerrie Eagan", "King Zavala", "Kip Corrigan", "Konstantin Battles", "Kraig Horst", "Kris Doe", "Kristi Basham", "Kristofer Sargent", "Krystle Leech", "Lara Armitage", "Larry Cargill", "Latosha Richey", "Laurel Skaggs", "Leeanne Eads", "Leena Pedigo", "Leesa Schulte", "Leo Luke", "Leon Clifford", "Leonora Rawlings", "Lera Stein", "Lester Nagy", "Leticia Sanchez", "Levi Burt", "Lindy Sherrill", "Lissa Bowens", "Lonny Vanzant", "Lorelei Burson", "Lorraine Rhoads", "Lou Chacon", "Loyd Whiteley", "Luciano Irvine", "Lucien Shockey", "Lucille Burt", "Lucio Bohn", "Lucius Coe", "Lurline Sosa", "Mac Liles", "Major Durbin", "Mammie Vega", "Marc Whiteley", "Marcelino Stein", "Marcus Zavala", "Mariana Vega", "Marlana Fleury", "Marlo Phifer", "Matthew Ricker", "Matthias Battles", "Maybelle Fancher", "Maybelle Nagy", "Maynard Corrigan", "Meghan Hobson", "Mellissa Alessi", "Melvin Rhoads", "Mia Vega", "Michaela Bohn", "Michele Scalise", "Moises Stein", "Monica Clifford", "Monique Burmeister", "Morris Cargill", "Morris Ennis", "Nakisha Beale", "Nanette Markley", "Natacha Nava", "Natasha Mcbride", "Nathanial Pigg", "Ned Vaca", "Nellie Romero", "Nelson Ruth", "Nestor Dominguez", "Nick Corrigan", "Nora Rowell", "Norbert Huneycutt", "Oren Kitts", "Pamula Shirey", "Phyllis Saville", "Porter Segura", "Quintin Vanzant", "Rafael Charron", "Rafael Logue", "Ramona Kuhns", "Randal Tharpe", "Reggie Vaca", "Reid Kitts", "Rex Tong", "Roland Stein", "Rosa Liles", "Rosalinda Wildman", "Rosanne Pinkney", "Rowena Ricker", "Rudolph Keene", "Rusty Mansour", "Salvador Sanders", "Sang Baskin", "Sara Cargill", "Selena Darden", "Sharika Lima", "Shawn Schaub", "Sheldon Clifford", "Sheldon Frey", "Shelia Southerland", "Sherita Spurlock", "Sidney Malloy", "Simon Rapp", "Sofia Peralta", "Stella Leboeuf", "Stella Louie", "Sterling Nava", "Tena Fort", "Terrance Cauthen", "Terrence Rudd", "Terrie Nagy", "Theodore Bastian", "Thomas Corrigan", "Thomas Legg", "Thurman Gehring", "Timothy Heaton", "Tona Cornelison", "Valentin Weston", "Vilma Guyton", "Vincenza Cargill", "Vita Charron", "Wiley Creighton", "Winford Corrigan", "Zachariah Shirey", "Zackary Rawlings", "Zelma Rudd", "Zenobia Till", "Zoila Board" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandchild(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "hobby(Y_6, \"reading\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the person whose", "_7", "is", "_7", "?" ], "type": 12, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "02710643-309a-46af-b8a9-1f2a86fdd2b4", "question": "Who is the sister of the aunt of Darrell Spinelli?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Celia Spinelli", "Dianna Anaya", "Rhea Pinkney", "Tiffany Baylor" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sister(Y_4, Y_2)", "aunt(\"Darrell Spinelli\", Y_4)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "_6", "?" ], "type": 13, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "0f57fb95-796a-4634-beb7-de2c83b735de", "question": "Who is the brother-in-law of the grandparent of Ozella Duran?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Cecil Lathrop", "Lowell Lathrop", "Lukas Lathrop" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "brother_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandparent(\"Ozella Duran\", Y_4)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "_6", "?" ], "type": 13, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "0768157b-2c49-4429-9ec9-df317920640d", "question": "Who is the sibling of the great-grandparent of Zona Mansour?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Andres Mansour" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sibling(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_grandparent(\"Zona Mansour\", Y_4)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "_6", "?" ], "type": 13, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "40e7915e-8479-4b42-8246-9a022d63e661", "question": "Who is the grandparent of the grandfather of Katy Pigg?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Shane Pigg", "Sun Pigg" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandparent(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandfather(\"Katy Pigg\", Y_4)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "_6", "?" ], "type": 13, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "ca7c4406-f4c7-484e-8214-5dfb7cc08b6d", "question": "Who is the wife of the great-grandparent of Cedric Todd?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Autumn Rhoads", "Carolyn Todd", "Ladawn Pitt" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "wife(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_grandparent(\"Cedric Todd\", Y_4)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "_6", "?" ], "type": 13, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "56de124e-9655-4a51-992f-99ea80775b65", "question": "Who is the cousin of the niece of Santos Kranz?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alana Tong", "Bill Constantine", "Chelsie Constantine", "Deidra Desmond", "Enedina Kranz", "Grant Constantine", "Grant Kranz", "Jerald Kranz", "Oralia Nealy" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "niece(\"Santos Kranz\", Y_4)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "_6", "?" ], "type": 13, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "dd163cc3-568c-4f71-b75a-ebe42147de6a", "question": "Who is the great-uncle of the mother of Deena Munroe?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Benjamin Mullins" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_uncle(Y_4, Y_2)", "mother(\"Deena Munroe\", Y_4)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "_6", "?" ], "type": 13, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "517ed5c4-ceb5-4476-b6cf-f7931695c0b4", "question": "Who is the great-grandmother of the female cousin of Francis Mccutcheon?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Page Gamez" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandmother(Y_4, Y_2)", "female_cousin(\"Francis Mccutcheon\", Y_4)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "_6", "?" ], "type": 13, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "1e869aa9-cb02-4717-ab5c-48315027226f", "question": "Who is the niece of the brother of Annabelle Karl?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Leda Tharpe", "Lorraine Beale", "Velia Gall" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "niece(Y_4, Y_2)", "brother(\"Annabelle Karl\", Y_4)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "_6", "?" ], "type": 13, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "0c14e6f0-cf4c-433f-80f3-0bf802231383", "question": "Who is the second uncle of the sister of Nelson Ruth?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Dwight Bryant", "Ismael Bryant" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "second_uncle(Y_4, Y_2)", "sister(\"Nelson Ruth\", Y_4)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "_6", "?" ], "type": 13, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "5de3a7d0-e0e1-4968-8cf1-2a35de0de856", "question": "Who is the grandparent of the person whose date of birth is 1031-07-10?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Gerry Pinkney", "Valeria Pinkney" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandparent(Y_4, Y_2)", "dob(Y_4, \"1031-07-10\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_5", "is", "_5", "?" ], "type": 14, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "39fb00a8-a3cc-4caf-baae-a75ba7dffdc6", "question": "Who is the female cousin of the person whose date of birth is 0985-04-15?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Marcelina Duran", "Mona Fleury" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "female_cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "dob(Y_4, \"0985-04-15\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_5", "is", "_5", "?" ], "type": 14, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "c1f0a038-70ea-42f9-b140-c52b98317bc6", "question": "Who is the parent of the person whose occupation is hydrologist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Augustine Kitts", "Cruz Wesson", "Garry Duran", "Ione Wesson", "Julee Stone", "Kris Doe", "Leena Hull", "Lottie Mansour", "Madaline Kitts", "Rick Hull", "Rusty Mansour", "Sal Stone", "Sang Doe", "Vicki Duran" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "parent(Y_4, Y_2)", "job(Y_4, \"hydrologist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_5", "is", "_5", "?" ], "type": 14, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "83d3efbb-0800-49ba-912d-436154d841c8", "question": "Who is the great-uncle of the person whose date of birth is 1063-08-25?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Gene Pigg", "Lester Pigg", "Nico Pigg", "Roland Bordelon" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_uncle(Y_4, Y_2)", "dob(Y_4, \"1063-08-25\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_5", "is", "_5", "?" ], "type": 14, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "910f66d4-b677-4309-8130-f303249454ee", "question": "Who is the grandmother of the person whose occupation is adult guidance worker?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Amy Todd", "Inez Rudd", "Janell Shropshire", "Johanna Rhoads", "Karin Cone", "Lurline Heflin", "Rosanne Thrasher", "Tanya Pagan" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandmother(Y_4, Y_2)", "job(Y_4, \"adult guidance worker\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_5", "is", "_5", "?" ], "type": 14, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "94c0a358-d3dd-4ea4-b0f7-8e1fac5aceda", "question": "Who is the niece of the person whose hobby is research?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Adah Pigg", "Alberta Bryant", "Antonia Moniz", "Bettina Eiland", "Carmelita Loera", "Claudie Crabtree", "Cythia Eiland", "Deidra Desmond", "Deirdre Bivins", "Dollie Grubb", "Elsy Schulte", "Emma Gamboa", "Enedina Kranz", "Gabriele Callan", "Hannah Bivins", "Hattie Loera", "Isabell Mortensen", "Jewell Cruz", "Kristi Buckley", "Lawanda Horst", "Lottie Loera", "Lucile Stamper", "Luella Lambert", "Maranda Gallegos", "Marlana Correll", "Mattie Hetrick", "Oralia Nealy", "Pamala Lemmon", "Reyna Pigg", "Rhonda Olszewski", "Robbie Bass", "Sha Bischoff", "Sheena Prince", "Sondra Cavazos", "Sue Charron", "Theda Callan", "Twila Baptiste" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "niece(Y_4, Y_2)", "hobby(Y_4, \"research\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_5", "is", "_5", "?" ], "type": 14, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "a3c423c7-fe13-4105-9314-09a5bb5bc57b", "question": "Who is the great-aunt of the person whose date of birth is 1015-03-04?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Annabell Mccune", "Josie Langford" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "dob(Y_4, \"1015-03-04\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_5", "is", "_5", "?" ], "type": 14, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "c3ce7ce1-6ca5-4569-a432-15b41ce89926", "question": "Who is the son-in-law of the person whose hobby is fishing?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Aldo Mapp", "Horacio King", "Jack Constantine", "Jacques Wesson", "Milo Zavala", "Reyes Keister" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "son_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "hobby(Y_4, \"fishing\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_5", "is", "_5", "?" ], "type": 14, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "5c80b751-37b5-45f0-a5c9-af817027f02a", "question": "Who is the niece of the person whose occupation is armed forces logistics officer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Holley Pinkney", "Ladawn Lathrop", "Leda Tharpe", "Lorraine Beale", "Maegan Lathrop", "Marlana Fleury", "Sharolyn Kuhns", "Velia Gall" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "niece(Y_4, Y_2)", "job(Y_4, \"armed forces logistics officer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_5", "is", "_5", "?" ], "type": 14, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "10d6d461-9175-4ebc-a993-78c49ba8d498", "question": "Who is the second aunt of the person whose date of birth is 1031-01-07?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alberta Bryant", "Mallory Griggs", "Maranda Gallegos" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "second_aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "dob(Y_4, \"1031-01-07\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_5", "is", "_5", "?" ], "type": 14, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "86084d78-a6ae-42b5-8cc1-f4a48e8cad13", "question": "Who is the aunt of Darrell Spinelli?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Dianna Anaya", "Rhea Pinkney", "Tiffany Baylor" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aunt(\"Darrell Spinelli\", Y_2)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "_4", "?" ], "type": 15, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "e55a9a63-01d4-43fd-afba-bb112a318395", "question": "Who is the grandchild of Theodor Reyna?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Dallas Middleton", "Hank Reyna", "Joel Reyna", "Kyle Reyna", "Shaina Santo" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandchild(\"Theodor Reyna\", Y_2)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "_4", "?" ], "type": 15, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "76d20846-9f37-421a-ba9a-c69ca2037a11", "question": "Who is the male first cousin once removed of Alison Burt?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Bradley Tunstall", "Elbert Burt", "Frederic Burt" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "male_first_cousin_once_removed(\"Alison Burt\", Y_2)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "_4", "?" ], "type": 15, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "596276a8-ffa6-4669-8947-9e5ccceb2ce0", "question": "Who is the great-grandparent of Zona Mansour?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Tanner Mansour", "Tomasa Mansour" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandparent(\"Zona Mansour\", Y_2)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "_4", "?" ], "type": 15, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "758c73b2-c179-41d4-abed-7a537c987ca7", "question": "Who is the child of Stacey Roldan?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Chelsie Roldan" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "child(\"Stacey Roldan\", Y_2)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "_4", "?" ], "type": 15, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "562ff216-fe72-4b78-8cdc-56c66c712e98", "question": "Who is the brother-in-law of Carina Grigsby?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alexis Grigsby", "Lucius Grigsby" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "brother_in_law(\"Carina Grigsby\", Y_2)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "_4", "?" ], "type": 15, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "39333280-d452-45b5-981d-219ed7e25470", "question": "Who is the great-grandparent of Cedric Todd?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Autumn Rhoads", "Carolyn Todd", "Errol Rhoads", "Hiram Pitt", "Ladawn Pitt", "Odis Todd" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandparent(\"Cedric Todd\", Y_2)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "_4", "?" ], "type": 15, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "7e6c2acf-19d1-4bcf-a8a7-62ee35a3fd37", "question": "Who is the child of Krystle Rozier?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Ashton Bixby", "Janey Rozier", "Josh Rozier", "Quintin Rozier" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "child(\"Krystle Rozier\", Y_2)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "_4", "?" ], "type": 15, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "699008ce-fe22-41cc-b2c2-a2a96b0f1ac6", "question": "Who is the great-grandchild of Cruz Wesson?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Homer Wesson", "Lois Wesson" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandchild(\"Cruz Wesson\", Y_2)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "_4", "?" ], "type": 15, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "2157bdc5-c0b7-4e75-8b17-8ecf7e890880", "question": "Who is the mother of Deena Munroe?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Deidre Medley" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "mother(\"Deena Munroe\", Y_2)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "_4", "?" ], "type": 15, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "5e80d727-1281-4645-98e6-24e8f4ac62c2", "question": "Who is the person whose date of birth is 1031-07-10?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Darrell Spinelli" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_2, \"1031-07-10\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the person whose", "_3", "is", "_3", "?" ], "type": 16, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "4662d6ce-56ca-4509-8e6a-6449f06c4dd8", "question": "Who is the person whose date of birth is 0849-04-05?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Theodor Reyna" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_2, \"0849-04-05\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the person whose", "_3", "is", "_3", "?" ], "type": 16, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "bfbcfb7b-d0b1-4365-8229-f86d4254c1ce", "question": "Who is the person whose hobby is nordic skating?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alison Burt", "Alix Straight", "Jacques Sayers", "Wanita Loera" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_2, \"nordic skating\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the person whose", "_3", "is", "_3", "?" ], "type": 16, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "0c7d682b-9ff6-4f16-9ae9-b807eca5a95b", "question": "Who is the person whose occupation is hydrologist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Dawn Mares", "Jacques Wesson", "Lowell Orta", "Nikki Nickels", "Oralia Doe", "Ozella Duran", "Sarita Hull", "Wendell Kitts", "Zona Mansour" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_2, \"hydrologist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the person whose", "_3", "is", "_3", "?" ], "type": 16, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "4c15a733-91bb-44a8-a242-9408fc6f8e96", "question": "Who is the person whose date of birth is 1050-05-24?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Stacey Roldan" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_2, \"1050-05-24\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the person whose", "_3", "is", "_3", "?" ], "type": 16, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "9d1b3a76-1c35-4e68-8f1d-c647f7fc6038", "question": "Who is the person whose occupation is secretary?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Bradley Demoss", "Carina Grigsby", "Frederick Quimby", "Krystle Ricker", "Laura Mckay", "Lyman Shea", "Nicky Krauss", "Robbie Correll", "Rosendo Sage", "Rowena Mccourt", "Russel Charron", "Sondra Battles", "Theron Cleghorn" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_2, \"secretary\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the person whose", "_3", "is", "_3", "?" ], "type": 16, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "99d10122-b918-478c-a11b-da44d17f0133", "question": "Who is the person whose occupation is adult guidance worker?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Bess Hoffman", "Cedric Todd", "Donnie Crandall", "Ethan Neary", "Jackie Hidalgo", "Milton Cortez", "Ming Halley", "Morris Irving", "My Shockey", "Romana Luker", "Rosanne Pinkney", "Son Derosier", "Sylvia Floyd", "Whitney Fortune" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_2, \"adult guidance worker\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the person whose", "_3", "is", "_3", "?" ], "type": 16, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "0558bf49-5994-4067-bbaa-1f46b39c9bce", "question": "Who is the person whose date of birth is 0821-05-09?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Krystle Rozier" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_2, \"0821-05-09\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the person whose", "_3", "is", "_3", "?" ], "type": 16, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "1ebce3c6-03f6-433f-8fad-848e46e9aa53", "question": "Who is the person whose hobby is video gaming?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Berneice Shorter", "Carmela Segura", "Christopher Briseno", "Cruz Wesson", "Deon Atwell", "Dollie Grubb", "Frederic Cone", "Haley Neary", "Lauren Atencio", "Lisa Rhoden", "Morgan Isaacs", "Russel Sweitzer", "Sterling Nava", "Xiao Fortune" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_2, \"video gaming\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the person whose", "_3", "is", "_3", "?" ], "type": 16, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "928dfd7c-3089-404e-9ee8-a1d1f1553b4c", "question": "Who is the person whose date of birth is 1015-03-04?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Deena Munroe" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_2, \"1015-03-04\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the person whose", "_3", "is", "_3", "?" ], "type": 16, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "25cad14b-df50-4433-ad60-957e9b91191a", "question": "What is the date of birth of the sibling of the cousin of the female cousin of the sister-in-law of the father of the son of the sister of the aunt of Darrell Spinelli?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1008-02-17", "1009-04-06", "1010-10-23" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "female_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "sister_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "father(Y_13, Y_11)", "son(Y_15, Y_13)", "sister(Y_17, Y_15)", "aunt(\"Darrell Spinelli\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "?" ], "type": 17, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "fb6cf3d0-59b5-4fc0-968b-266ef157b06b", "question": "What is the date of birth of the parent of the great-grandchild of the grandfather of the sister of the aunt of the nephew of the niece of the brother-in-law of Carina Grigsby?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0992-11-16", "0993-02-24", "0993-04-21", "0993-07-27", "0993-11-16", "0995-02-04", "0995-03-10", "0995-10-05" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "parent(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandfather(Y_9, Y_7)", "sister(Y_11, Y_9)", "aunt(Y_13, Y_11)", "nephew(Y_15, Y_13)", "niece(Y_17, Y_15)", "brother_in_law(\"Carina Grigsby\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "?" ], "type": 17, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "e20f81a4-5a33-43c2-bd8b-75f18e743adb", "question": "What is the hobby of the uncle of the nephew of the sister-in-law of the great-grandparent of the nephew of the great-aunt of the great-grandchild of the grandson of Damian Marlin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "insect collecting", "laser tag", "magnet fishing" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "nephew(Y_7, Y_5)", "sister_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandparent(Y_11, Y_9)", "nephew(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_aunt(Y_15, Y_13)", "great_grandchild(Y_17, Y_15)", "grandson(\"Damian Marlin\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "?" ], "type": 17, "difficulty": 20 }, { "id": "2dbadd9a-81d9-4242-a5f9-eacb8501f2ff", "question": "What is the date of birth of the second aunt of the cousin of the male cousin of the cousin of the niece of the aunt of the great-grandson of the friend of Major Gonzales?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0875-07-14", "0877-08-22", "0883-09-18" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "second_aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "male_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "niece(Y_13, Y_11)", "aunt(Y_15, Y_13)", "great_grandson(Y_17, Y_15)", "friend(\"Major Gonzales\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "?" ], "type": 17, "difficulty": 22 }, { "id": "8bacaa21-a92e-41fb-b4de-9d8d1a1df6a7", "question": "What is the hobby of the child of the grandmother of the father of the father of the friend of the friend of the parent of the child of Ty Arenas?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "fishkeeping", "safari" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandmother(Y_7, Y_5)", "father(Y_9, Y_7)", "father(Y_11, Y_9)", "friend(Y_13, Y_11)", "friend(Y_15, Y_13)", "parent(Y_17, Y_15)", "child(\"Ty Arenas\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "?" ], "type": 17, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "c2ab7a8e-c5a8-41b8-88d4-973c20920abf", "question": "What is the hobby of the grandchild of the parent of the cousin of the cousin of the child of the niece of the grandfather of the great-grandchild of Frederic Heflin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "digital hoarding", "herping", "mini golf", "rock balancing", "slacklining", "sociology" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "parent(Y_7, Y_5)", "cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "child(Y_13, Y_11)", "niece(Y_15, Y_13)", "grandfather(Y_17, Y_15)", "great_grandchild(\"Frederic Heflin\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "?" ], "type": 17, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "9b306fe6-a014-46d6-8860-19b2cfab3577", "question": "What is the date of birth of the male first cousin once removed of the great-grandson of the great-grandfather of the cousin of the nephew of the sibling of the wife of the great-uncle of Winnifred Mccann?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0924-08-13", "0935-11-15" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandson(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandfather(Y_9, Y_7)", "cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "nephew(Y_13, Y_11)", "sibling(Y_15, Y_13)", "wife(Y_17, Y_15)", "great_uncle(\"Winnifred Mccann\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "?" ], "type": 17, "difficulty": 21 }, { "id": "b5fcc601-6389-4c96-b3e8-a968b5c90258", "question": "What is the date of birth of the second aunt of the granddaughter of the grandchild of the great-grandparent of the niece of the son of the sister of the second aunt of Rosalyn Wales?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0918-09-06" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "second_aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "granddaughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandparent(Y_11, Y_9)", "niece(Y_13, Y_11)", "son(Y_15, Y_13)", "sister(Y_17, Y_15)", "second_aunt(\"Rosalyn Wales\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "?" ], "type": 17, "difficulty": 20 }, { "id": "c9627c95-658c-42b1-975d-a848139f52f5", "question": "What is the occupation of the male second cousin of the female first cousin once removed of the grandchild of the daughter-in-law of the parent of the great-grandchild of the great-grandfather of the second uncle of Sid Bolen?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "copywriter", "production designer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "male_second_cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "daughter_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "parent(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_grandchild(Y_15, Y_13)", "great_grandfather(Y_17, Y_15)", "second_uncle(\"Sid Bolen\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "?" ], "type": 17, "difficulty": 25 }, { "id": "6fd27db6-416b-451a-96e2-4ca11e3d9f42", "question": "What is the occupation of the great-grandmother of the female first cousin once removed of the grandchild of the sibling of the great-aunt of the male first cousin once removed of the cousin of the great-granddaughter of Miranda Welsh?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "barrister" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_grandmother(Y_5, Y_3)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "sibling(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_aunt(Y_13, Y_11)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_15, Y_13)", "cousin(Y_17, Y_15)", "great_granddaughter(\"Miranda Welsh\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "?" ], "type": 17, "difficulty": 24 }, { "id": "5799d107-d105-4899-9c71-9b90b74da23a", "question": "What is the date of birth of the mother of the female cousin of the cousin of the second aunt of the child of the granddaughter of the grandparent of the person whose date of birth is 1031-07-10?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0953-08-21", "0956-12-20" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "mother(Y_5, Y_3)", "female_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "second_aunt(Y_11, Y_9)", "child(Y_13, Y_11)", "granddaughter(Y_15, Y_13)", "grandparent(Y_17, Y_15)", "dob(Y_17, \"1031-07-10\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "?" ], "type": 18, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "29c1eb97-418e-4b6f-a4e5-c965906cc1ae", "question": "What is the date of birth of the parent of the son-in-law of the daughter-in-law of the sibling of the sister of the uncle of the sister-in-law of the person whose occupation is secretary?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0967-06-10", "0969-07-08" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "parent(Y_5, Y_3)", "son_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "daughter_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "sibling(Y_11, Y_9)", "sister(Y_13, Y_11)", "uncle(Y_15, Y_13)", "sister_in_law(Y_17, Y_15)", "job(Y_17, \"secretary\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "?" ], "type": 18, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "99e4259a-1f57-4530-a757-796de25dd942", "question": "What is the hobby of the sister of the great-grandparent of the male cousin of the nephew of the granddaughter of the grandparent of the great-granddaughter of the person whose occupation is arts administrator?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "benchmarking", "digital hoarding" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "sister(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "male_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "nephew(Y_11, Y_9)", "granddaughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandparent(Y_15, Y_13)", "great_granddaughter(Y_17, Y_15)", "job(Y_17, \"arts administrator\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "?" ], "type": 18, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "8c6c5523-4140-4816-b2e0-cf02c21b5125", "question": "What is the date of birth of the great-granddaughter of the grandparent of the nephew of the brother-in-law of the husband of the grandchild of the great-grandfather of the person whose hobby is hiking/backpacking?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0980-11-07", "0980-12-10", "0982-07-06", "0983-05-21", "0986-04-04", "1015-12-22", "1017-06-24", "1017-09-02", "1029-02-22", "1030-08-13", "1031-01-01", "1031-07-15", "1034-06-27", "1037-11-07", "1040-05-11", "1042-08-31", "1044-01-12", "1046-11-22" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "nephew(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "husband(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandchild(Y_15, Y_13)", "great_grandfather(Y_17, Y_15)", "hobby(Y_17, \"hiking/backpacking\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "?" ], "type": 18, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "dbad3a76-a7e9-44ad-b59e-28c944437ec6", "question": "What is the hobby of the sibling of the brother of the sibling of the brother-in-law of the friend of the friend of the daughter of the person whose date of birth is 0895-09-22?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "antiquities", "book folding", "equestrianism", "hiking/backpacking", "medical science", "orienteering", "reading", "sea glass collecting" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "brother(Y_7, Y_5)", "sibling(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "friend(Y_13, Y_11)", "friend(Y_15, Y_13)", "daughter(Y_17, Y_15)", "dob(Y_17, \"0895-09-22\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "?" ], "type": 18, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "98e42851-0b91-4520-8347-68391a70bb96", "question": "What is the hobby of the grandchild of the parent of the cousin of the cousin of the sister of the nephew of the grandchild of the person whose occupation is IT technical support officer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "action figure", "digital hoarding", "geocaching", "herping", "learning", "mini golf", "notaphily", "publishing", "rock balancing", "satellite watching", "sea glass collecting", "slacklining", "sociology", "speedcubing", "table tennis" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "parent(Y_7, Y_5)", "cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "sister(Y_13, Y_11)", "nephew(Y_15, Y_13)", "grandchild(Y_17, Y_15)", "job(Y_17, \"IT technical support officer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "?" ], "type": 18, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "58633e58-d013-4956-9049-67d8cdea8035", "question": "What is the date of birth of the second uncle of the great-granddaughter of the daughter-in-law of the great-grandfather of the great-grandchild of the parent of the grandmother of the person whose occupation is clinical molecular geneticist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0873-01-22", "0932-06-15", "0936-10-29", "0938-08-06", "0944-11-01" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "second_uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_granddaughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "daughter_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandfather(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_grandchild(Y_13, Y_11)", "parent(Y_15, Y_13)", "grandmother(Y_17, Y_15)", "job(Y_17, \"clinical molecular geneticist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "?" ], "type": 18, "difficulty": 20 }, { "id": "efc7371e-c5e5-4d23-8073-4c3757481849", "question": "What is the date of birth of the second aunt of the great-grandchild of the husband of the daughter-in-law of the grandparent of the sister of the great-uncle of the person whose occupation is data processing manager?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0918-09-06" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "second_aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "husband(Y_9, Y_7)", "daughter_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandparent(Y_13, Y_11)", "sister(Y_15, Y_13)", "great_uncle(Y_17, Y_15)", "job(Y_17, \"data processing manager\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "?" ], "type": 18, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "5ac2140a-a785-40a5-ab50-32e50fda4458", "question": "What is the occupation of the female cousin of the second uncle of the grandchild of the daughter-in-law of the parent of the nephew of the second uncle of the person whose hobby is ant farming?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "retail buyer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "female_cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "second_uncle(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "daughter_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "parent(Y_13, Y_11)", "nephew(Y_15, Y_13)", "second_uncle(Y_17, Y_15)", "hobby(Y_17, \"ant farming\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "?" ], "type": 18, "difficulty": 20 }, { "id": "a07eba9b-bf50-45f0-bf13-d484a7e15ccb", "question": "What is the occupation of the female first cousin once removed of the female cousin of the nephew of the sibling of the granddaughter of the grandmother of the granddaughter of the person whose hobby is backpacking?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "charity officer", "glass blower" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_5, Y_3)", "female_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "nephew(Y_9, Y_7)", "sibling(Y_11, Y_9)", "granddaughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandmother(Y_15, Y_13)", "granddaughter(Y_17, Y_15)", "hobby(Y_17, \"backpacking\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "?" ], "type": 18, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "96cc43d9-a754-4e9b-9f3e-1b6d323e1e39", "question": "What is the date of birth of the cousin of the female cousin of the sister-in-law of the father of the son of the sister of the aunt of Darrell Spinelli?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1008-02-17", "1009-04-06", "1010-10-23", "1013-09-19" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "female_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "sister_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "father(Y_11, Y_9)", "son(Y_13, Y_11)", "sister(Y_15, Y_13)", "aunt(\"Darrell Spinelli\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "?" ], "type": 19, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "fb815226-f752-4401-a779-2c88ae7b9e6f", "question": "What is the hobby of the husband of the sibling of the aunt of the child of the sister-in-law of the grandparent of the grandfather of Katy Pigg?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "aerospace", "insect collecting" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "husband(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "child(Y_11, Y_9)", "sister_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandparent(Y_15, Y_13)", "grandfather(\"Katy Pigg\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "?" ], "type": 19, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "a0f31faa-54c3-4e5c-ba82-7c8ac9544bcc", "question": "What is the occupation of the daughter-in-law of the grandparent of the female cousin of the great-granddaughter of the sister of the great-uncle of the mother of Deena Munroe?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "customer service manager" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "daughter_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "female_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_granddaughter(Y_11, Y_9)", "sister(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_uncle(Y_15, Y_13)", "mother(\"Deena Munroe\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "?" ], "type": 19, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "a61392b1-5006-4d3b-a306-89f9910b5010", "question": "What is the occupation of the grandchild of the grandchild of the great-grandmother of the friend of the grandfather of the second uncle of the sister of Nelson Ruth?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "broadcast journalist", "chartered legal executive", "editor", "geophysical data processor", "immunologist", "information systems manager", "location manager", "maintenance engineer", "musician", "newspaper journalist", "radio producer", "soil scientist", "telecommunications researcher", "tourism officer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandmother(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandfather(Y_13, Y_11)", "second_uncle(Y_15, Y_13)", "sister(\"Nelson Ruth\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "?" ], "type": 19, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "6fdb4a31-8b28-49d7-bb27-726aa8070fac", "question": "What is the hobby of the friend of the son of the parent of the great-grandfather of the grandson of the great-grandfather of the friend of Andres Coe?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "audiophile", "darts", "gongoozling", "knife throwing", "mathematics", "rock balancing", "volleyball" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "son(Y_7, Y_5)", "parent(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandfather(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandson(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_grandfather(Y_15, Y_13)", "friend(\"Andres Coe\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "?" ], "type": 19, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "2ab776e6-8e44-4016-8370-59c7e637601c", "question": "What is the occupation of the mother of the cousin of the great-grandchild of the friend of the mother of the niece of the sibling of Reyna Schuman?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "financial risk analyst", "lecturer", "marketing executive", "runner", "secondary school teacher" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "mother(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(Y_11, Y_9)", "mother(Y_13, Y_11)", "niece(Y_15, Y_13)", "sibling(\"Reyna Schuman\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "?" ], "type": 19, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "17dbf419-0647-4be4-b5bb-8daf61e2ff4f", "question": "What is the date of birth of the grandchild of the great-grandparent of the great-grandchild of the wife of the parent of the great-uncle of the granddaughter of Arianna Pride?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0927-09-02", "0931-11-29", "0933-10-22", "0934-04-30" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "wife(Y_11, Y_9)", "parent(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_uncle(Y_15, Y_13)", "granddaughter(\"Arianna Pride\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "?" ], "type": 19, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "e488ff9e-4bbe-4d5d-9ec2-0a78b5f52c0e", "question": "What is the occupation of the sister-in-law of the grandparent of the cousin of the great-grandson of the mother-in-law of the great-grandfather of the brother-in-law of Audra Pigg?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "cabin crew", "professor emeritus", "warden" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "sister_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandson(Y_11, Y_9)", "mother_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_grandfather(Y_15, Y_13)", "brother_in_law(\"Audra Pigg\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "?" ], "type": 19, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "b0311397-8afe-45be-a327-e5f7f050e58c", "question": "What is the occupation of the niece of the great-grandchild of the great-grandparent of the great-aunt of the male cousin of the grandchild of the husband of Ozella Hartsfield?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "horticulturist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "niece(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_aunt(Y_11, Y_9)", "male_cousin(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandchild(Y_15, Y_13)", "husband(\"Ozella Hartsfield\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "?" ], "type": 19, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "2cff3aa1-c0be-4f4d-9437-bdcf765f4bfe", "question": "What is the occupation of the nephew of the great-uncle of the father of the female cousin of the parent of the great-granddaughter of the grandfather of Bev Mabe?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "airline pilot", "speech and language therapist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "nephew(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_uncle(Y_7, Y_5)", "father(Y_9, Y_7)", "female_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "parent(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_granddaughter(Y_15, Y_13)", "grandfather(\"Bev Mabe\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "?" ], "type": 19, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "27cffa81-c58a-491f-b7e1-c1ee2593ebc6", "question": "What is the date of birth of the female cousin of the cousin of the second aunt of the child of the granddaughter of the grandparent of the person whose date of birth is 1031-07-10?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0976-05-11", "0984-06-27" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "female_cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "second_aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "child(Y_11, Y_9)", "granddaughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandparent(Y_15, Y_13)", "dob(Y_15, \"1031-07-10\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "?" ], "type": 20, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "a3c0dc75-ca6a-45c7-9850-5550b89e0263", "question": "What is the hobby of the daughter-in-law of the sibling of the aunt of the niece of the great-aunt of the great-uncle of the person whose date of birth is 1063-08-25?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "field hockey" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "daughter_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "niece(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_aunt(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_uncle(Y_15, Y_13)", "dob(Y_15, \"1063-08-25\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "?" ], "type": 20, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "17859ea6-7d9e-473b-939f-6b90650acb5a", "question": "What is the occupation of the grandchild of the sister of the uncle of the nephew of the uncle of the great-aunt of the person whose date of birth is 1015-03-04?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "brewing technologist", "customer service manager", "energy manager", "lecturer", "toxicologist", "trade union research officer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister(Y_7, Y_5)", "uncle(Y_9, Y_7)", "nephew(Y_11, Y_9)", "uncle(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_aunt(Y_15, Y_13)", "dob(Y_15, \"1015-03-04\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "?" ], "type": 20, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "a1b02a18-04d2-4608-9175-f9699274144f", "question": "What is the occupation of the grandfather of the son of the great-grandchild of the friend of the son-in-law of the second aunt of the person whose date of birth is 1031-01-07?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "conservator", "tour manager" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandfather(Y_5, Y_3)", "son(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(Y_11, Y_9)", "son_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "second_aunt(Y_15, Y_13)", "dob(Y_15, \"1031-01-07\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "?" ], "type": 20, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "820d44dd-47f7-4094-9b80-7ee434546ddf", "question": "What is the hobby of the friend of the sister of the parent of the great-grandson of the grandchild of the friend of the person whose hobby is reading?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "aerospace", "aircraft spotting", "amateur astronomy", "animal fancy", "ant farming", "antiquing", "antiquities", "architecture", "art collecting", "astronomy", "audiophile", "australian rules football", "axe throwing", "backgammon", "backpacking", "badminton", "benchmarking", "billiards", "birdwatching", "botany", "breakdancing", "bus riding", "carrier pigeons", "cartophily", "chemistry", "climbing", "color guard", "cooking", "cribbage", "cricket", "croquet", "die-cast toy", "digital hoarding", "dominoes", "entrepreneurship", "finance", "fishkeeping", "flower collecting and pressing", "footbag", "frisbee", "geocaching", "herping", "high-power rocketry", "judo", "jukskei", "jurisprudential", "kart racing", "lapel pins", "learning", "life science", "linguistics", "literature", "lotology", "metal detecting", "microscopy", "myrmecology", "neuroscience", "orienteering", "perfume", "photography", "pinball", "rafting", "railway studies", "reading", "research", "rock balancing", "rock tumbling", "rowing", "science and technology studies", "scouting", "sea glass collecting", "seashell collecting", "shortwave listening", "shuffleboard", "skiing", "slot car racing", "social studies", "softball", "speed skating", "sport stacking", "sports science", "squash", "stamp collecting", "stone collecting", "surfing", "tennis", "tether car", "trainspotting", "trapshooting", "triathlon", "unicycling", "vinyl records", "volleyball", "water polo", "whale watching", "wrestling" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister(Y_7, Y_5)", "parent(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandson(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandchild(Y_13, Y_11)", "friend(Y_15, Y_13)", "hobby(Y_15, \"reading\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "?" ], "type": 20, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "5dc149d9-dd2b-495b-ae68-6b58d9c76bc2", "question": "What is the occupation of the wife of the son-in-law of the grandparent of the second uncle of the sibling of the child of the person whose date of birth is 0958-10-31?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "claims inspector" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "wife(Y_5, Y_3)", "son_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "second_uncle(Y_11, Y_9)", "sibling(Y_13, Y_11)", "child(Y_15, Y_13)", "dob(Y_15, \"0958-10-31\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "?" ], "type": 20, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "dcac49c5-8b6b-4569-b797-94521ae3fa42", "question": "What is the date of birth of the grandchild of the great-grandparent of the female second cousin of the grandchild of the parent of the child of the person whose hobby is sports science?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0927-09-02", "0931-11-29", "0933-10-22", "0934-04-30", "0977-08-06", "0978-07-16", "0981-07-29", "0984-09-21", "0986-02-21", "0986-09-01", "0988-05-17", "0990-04-18", "0990-10-24", "0991-04-26", "0993-02-02", "0993-02-05", "0996-09-12", "0997-05-05", "0998-08-07", "1009-11-01", "1012-08-17", "1013-11-14", "1015-02-15", "1024-04-28" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "female_second_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "parent(Y_13, Y_11)", "child(Y_15, Y_13)", "hobby(Y_15, \"sports science\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "?" ], "type": 20, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "dcef15a5-aa0e-448a-9411-26d443bc281d", "question": "What is the occupation of the brother-in-law of the sibling of the second aunt of the great-grandson of the great-grandparent of the brother-in-law of the person whose occupation is medical laboratory scientific officer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "further education lecturer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "brother_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "second_aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandson(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_grandparent(Y_13, Y_11)", "brother_in_law(Y_15, Y_13)", "job(Y_15, \"medical laboratory scientific officer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "?" ], "type": 20, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "08c7a57e-82b6-4bca-a88e-a7d526f6e7f0", "question": "What is the occupation of the niece of the great-grandchild of the great-grandparent of the great-aunt of the male cousin of the granddaughter of the person whose date of birth is 0880-01-03?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "horticulturist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "niece(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_aunt(Y_11, Y_9)", "male_cousin(Y_13, Y_11)", "granddaughter(Y_15, Y_13)", "dob(Y_15, \"0880-01-03\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "?" ], "type": 20, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "f9f53600-0355-48bc-b6e0-c846b0e2f340", "question": "What is the occupation of the nephew of the great-uncle of the father of the female cousin of the parent of the nephew of the person whose hobby is scutelliphily?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "airline pilot", "speech and language therapist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "nephew(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_uncle(Y_7, Y_5)", "father(Y_9, Y_7)", "female_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "parent(Y_13, Y_11)", "nephew(Y_15, Y_13)", "hobby(Y_15, \"scutelliphily\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "?" ], "type": 20, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "862c0b77-4dce-46db-a377-0834b9866ca5", "question": "What is the occupation of the female cousin of the sister-in-law of the father of the son of the sister of the aunt of Darrell Spinelli?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "interior and spatial designer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "female_cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "father(Y_9, Y_7)", "son(Y_11, Y_9)", "sister(Y_13, Y_11)", "aunt(\"Darrell Spinelli\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "?" ], "type": 21, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "845ff80a-eba8-4761-9611-7efc971b825f", "question": "What is the date of birth of the grandchild of the great-grandparent of the brother-in-law of the father-in-law of the grandparent of the child of Stacey Roldan?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0962-12-19", "0965-07-05", "0969-03-07", "0970-01-22" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "brother_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "father_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandparent(Y_13, Y_11)", "child(\"Stacey Roldan\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "?" ], "type": 21, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "02fd3f8f-1782-436d-99ae-e1d0c10a0e03", "question": "What is the occupation of the great-grandparent of the uncle of the great-aunt of the son of the parent of the great-grandchild of Cruz Wesson?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "commercial surveyor", "equality and diversity officer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "uncle(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "son(Y_11, Y_9)", "parent(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_grandchild(\"Cruz Wesson\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "?" ], "type": 21, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "abb45f61-2129-4057-9ec5-1d82c559f7e7", "question": "What is the hobby of the great-granddaughter of the grandmother of the aunt of the nephew of the niece of the brother of Annabelle Karl?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "geocaching", "research", "tether car" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandmother(Y_7, Y_5)", "aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "nephew(Y_11, Y_9)", "niece(Y_13, Y_11)", "brother(\"Annabelle Karl\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "?" ], "type": 21, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "1b02f657-fa2d-4e16-addd-8d4064ab487d", "question": "What is the date of birth of the female first cousin once removed of the granddaughter of the great-grandfather of the grandfather of the son of the father of Milton Hess?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1040-09-28", "1052-03-27" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_5, Y_3)", "granddaughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandfather(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandfather(Y_11, Y_9)", "son(Y_13, Y_11)", "father(\"Milton Hess\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "?" ], "type": 21, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "1d8c8b00-669a-4865-b1e9-c379d46f0386", "question": "What is the date of birth of the father of the father of the friend of the friend of the parent of the child of Ty Arenas?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0884-04-16", "0940-03-10", "0941-12-07", "0952-10-15", "0958-08-10" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "father(Y_5, Y_3)", "father(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(Y_11, Y_9)", "parent(Y_13, Y_11)", "child(\"Ty Arenas\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "?" ], "type": 21, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "c380745b-7edd-43f3-836e-4ce6d08fd5e3", "question": "What is the hobby of the daughter of the father of the uncle of the female cousin of the great-granddaughter of the friend of Erik Damron?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "audiophile", "cricket", "rail transport modelling", "surfing" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "daughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "father(Y_7, Y_5)", "uncle(Y_9, Y_7)", "female_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_granddaughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "friend(\"Erik Damron\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "?" ], "type": 21, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "d3e1983e-78ab-4414-b85e-e3406825bd95", "question": "What is the date of birth of the aunt of the grandson of the grandfather of the great-grandparent of the father-in-law of the parent of Myrle Hirsch?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0837-10-05" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandson(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandfather(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandparent(Y_11, Y_9)", "father_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "parent(\"Myrle Hirsch\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "?" ], "type": 21, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "04b82624-6de4-4829-85a7-c28a31af225f", "question": "What is the occupation of the great-uncle of the uncle of the male second cousin of the great-granddaughter of the great-grandparent of the female cousin of Solomon Steed?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "patent attorney", "ship broker" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "uncle(Y_7, Y_5)", "male_second_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_granddaughter(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_grandparent(Y_13, Y_11)", "female_cousin(\"Solomon Steed\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "?" ], "type": 21, "difficulty": 20 }, { "id": "5b7742d8-fd76-4849-8c33-7b8d1755c9f9", "question": "What is the date of birth of the great-grandchild of the great-grandparent of the great-aunt of the male cousin of the grandchild of the husband of Ozella Hartsfield?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0886-01-10", "0887-01-03", "0888-12-04", "0891-07-28", "0893-08-05", "0894-03-06", "0895-07-30" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "male_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandchild(Y_13, Y_11)", "husband(\"Ozella Hartsfield\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "?" ], "type": 21, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "d84d40e9-515d-4214-a74d-783ee0774494", "question": "What is the occupation of the cousin of the second aunt of the child of the granddaughter of the grandparent of the person whose date of birth is 1031-07-10?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "hospital doctor", "learning mentor" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "second_aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "child(Y_9, Y_7)", "granddaughter(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandparent(Y_13, Y_11)", "dob(Y_13, \"1031-07-10\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "?" ], "type": 22, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "bdccb2a9-482d-406a-8925-1e02080b9a3f", "question": "What is the date of birth of the granddaughter of the great-grandparent of the sister-in-law of the grandfather of the daughter of the person whose date of birth is 1050-05-24?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0987-07-03", "0988-10-12", "0990-04-20", "0993-06-29", "0998-07-18" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "sister_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandfather(Y_11, Y_9)", "daughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "dob(Y_13, \"1050-05-24\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "?" ], "type": 22, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "ffe9130e-3744-4610-8039-0763ca9f7362", "question": "What is the occupation of the male cousin of the granddaughter of the grandfather of the child of the child of the person whose hobby is video gaming?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "amenity horticulturist", "arboriculturist", "community arts worker", "corporate investment banker", "environmental education officer", "immigration officer", "logistics and distribution manager", "restaurant manager", "sound technician" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "male_cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "granddaughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandfather(Y_9, Y_7)", "child(Y_11, Y_9)", "child(Y_13, Y_11)", "hobby(Y_13, \"video gaming\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "?" ], "type": 22, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "779b6c4e-09a6-4c61-b23a-26ac22cfb850", "question": "What is the hobby of the great-granddaughter of the grandmother of the aunt of the nephew of the niece of the person whose occupation is armed forces logistics officer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "aerospace", "astronomy", "geocaching", "leaves", "mineral collecting", "research", "shortwave listening", "tether car" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandmother(Y_7, Y_5)", "aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "nephew(Y_11, Y_9)", "niece(Y_13, Y_11)", "job(Y_13, \"armed forces logistics officer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "?" ], "type": 22, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "d7e14aa0-fcaa-414b-8201-10bf51764b47", "question": "What is the date of birth of the friend of the mother-in-law of the son-in-law of the mother-in-law of the father of the person whose date of birth is 1089-03-31?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0928-11-22", "0958-08-08", "0992-12-06" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "mother_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "son_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "mother_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "father(Y_13, Y_11)", "dob(Y_13, \"1089-03-31\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "?" ], "type": 22, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "55dbb460-6550-4818-9165-c8f5a76e033d", "question": "What is the date of birth of the sibling of the brother-in-law of the friend of the friend of the daughter of the person whose date of birth is 0895-09-22?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0886-05-06", "0887-06-12", "0891-11-15", "0896-11-06", "0944-05-05", "0945-05-19", "0946-02-13", "0947-07-08", "0949-11-15" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "brother_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(Y_11, Y_9)", "daughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "dob(Y_13, \"0895-09-22\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "?" ], "type": 22, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "2f9388eb-23a9-48e7-855a-2d499cbdf25a", "question": "What is the hobby of the husband of the grandmother of the aunt of the cousin of the brother-in-law of the person whose hobby is mathematics?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "social studies" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "husband(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandmother(Y_7, Y_5)", "aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "brother_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "hobby(Y_13, \"mathematics\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "?" ], "type": 22, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "00ffbb3a-f183-48c1-96b2-fef14c7daa0a", "question": "What is the date of birth of the grandchild of the grandfather of the brother of the great-aunt of the aunt of the person whose date of birth is 1006-01-10?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0914-11-29", "0917-10-10", "0918-07-11", "0919-05-23", "0920-04-02", "0920-05-07", "0920-05-17" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandfather(Y_7, Y_5)", "brother(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_aunt(Y_11, Y_9)", "aunt(Y_13, Y_11)", "dob(Y_13, \"1006-01-10\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "?" ], "type": 22, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "a690a342-865f-44d8-abcf-809c8bc05841", "question": "What is the occupation of the great-uncle of the uncle of the male second cousin of the great-granddaughter of the great-grandfather of the person whose occupation is podiatrist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "architect", "meteorologist", "patent attorney", "ship broker", "television floor manager", "waste management officer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "uncle(Y_7, Y_5)", "male_second_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_granddaughter(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_grandfather(Y_13, Y_11)", "job(Y_13, \"podiatrist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "?" ], "type": 22, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "62c954d5-bf63-42b7-8115-a0255ef466b0", "question": "What is the date of birth of the great-grandchild of the great-grandparent of the great-aunt of the male cousin of the granddaughter of the person whose date of birth is 0880-01-03?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0886-01-10", "0887-01-03", "0888-12-04", "0891-07-28", "0893-08-05", "0894-03-06", "0895-07-30" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "male_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "granddaughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "dob(Y_13, \"0880-01-03\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "?" ], "type": 22, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "cacdf789-4558-4ad0-a7e5-0fadc2cf6518", "question": "What is the hobby of the sister-in-law of the father of the son of the sister of the aunt of Darrell Spinelli?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "aerospace", "leaves", "mineral collecting", "shortwave listening" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "sister_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "father(Y_7, Y_5)", "son(Y_9, Y_7)", "sister(Y_11, Y_9)", "aunt(\"Darrell Spinelli\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "?" ], "type": 23, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "fc405d40-835e-461c-b2a9-804a2f2899a8", "question": "What is the occupation of the great-grandparent of the uncle of the niece of the child of the parent of Elijah Ruth?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "astronomer", "press sub" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "uncle(Y_7, Y_5)", "niece(Y_9, Y_7)", "child(Y_11, Y_9)", "parent(\"Elijah Ruth\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "?" ], "type": 23, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "5b8aebbe-beb8-44c8-bc6f-21cd09abf0b9", "question": "What is the occupation of the daughter of the parent of the great-grandmother of the grandson of the child of Krystle Rozier?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "immigration officer", "industrial buyer", "microbiologist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "daughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "parent(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandmother(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandson(Y_11, Y_9)", "child(\"Krystle Rozier\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "?" ], "type": 23, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "5a16774e-ed29-4fc1-bad0-108c62915888", "question": "What is the occupation of the daughter-in-law of the cousin of the granddaughter of the great-grandmother of the female cousin of Francis Mccutcheon?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "theatre manager" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "daughter_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "granddaughter(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandmother(Y_11, Y_9)", "female_cousin(\"Francis Mccutcheon\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "?" ], "type": 23, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "e4fe14d2-d96e-4800-b33b-dc3b4fd75359", "question": "What is the date of birth of the great-aunt of the female second cousin of the male first cousin once removed of the nephew of the second aunt of Emma Reyna?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0901-06-29", "0904-02-19" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "female_second_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_9, Y_7)", "nephew(Y_11, Y_9)", "second_aunt(\"Emma Reyna\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "?" ], "type": 23, "difficulty": 19 }, { "id": "14ac9270-2618-410c-9773-014556555847", "question": "What is the date of birth of the friend of the grandfather of the friend of the brother-in-law of the brother-in-law of Sandy Ricker?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0789-10-12", "0818-06-22", "0854-06-06", "0864-10-24", "0893-02-17", "0899-12-17", "0906-03-24", "0911-07-16", "0919-12-23", "0921-06-16", "0923-12-06", "0925-05-26", "0928-07-24", "0932-07-19", "0933-08-06", "0933-12-25", "0936-06-02", "0936-11-13", "0939-12-12", "0940-06-13", "0941-02-12", "0950-05-03", "0954-02-10", "0956-04-14", "0956-05-14", "0958-03-22", "0963-02-03", "0963-07-17", "0964-01-27", "0965-02-26", "0965-07-20", "0966-04-25", "0967-08-03", "0971-02-09", "0972-04-21", "0974-08-23", "0984-08-12", "0985-10-31", "0998-03-10", "1000-03-17", "1000-12-27", "1003-10-27", "1009-11-26", "1011-06-23", "1014-11-11", "1018-09-17", "1025-09-16", "1027-10-02", "1038-03-07", "1040-03-26", "1043-08-18", "1045-04-13", "1070-04-07", "1072-07-27", "1095-06-28", "1097-04-03" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandfather(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "brother_in_law(\"Sandy Ricker\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "?" ], "type": 23, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "ec31eb59-6af0-4fa5-be16-171c4a11c002", "question": "What is the date of birth of the aunt of the sister of the granddaughter of the friend of the friend of Mariana Benally?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1052-03-15" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister(Y_7, Y_5)", "granddaughter(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(Y_11, Y_9)", "friend(\"Mariana Benally\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "?" ], "type": 23, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "92d4bea2-28ef-4ecc-80f4-079a99450112", "question": "What is the hobby of the sister of the great-aunt of the grandchild of the mother-in-law of the son-in-law of Edythe Mccaffrey?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "animation", "bus spotting", "seashell collecting" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "sister(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "mother_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "son_in_law(\"Edythe Mccaffrey\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "?" ], "type": 23, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "b1060146-ba22-4231-a0b1-89b9a3360d76", "question": "What is the date of birth of the grandson of the grandfather of the great-grandparent of the father-in-law of the parent of Myrle Hirsch?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0866-01-14" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandson(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandfather(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "father_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "parent(\"Myrle Hirsch\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "?" ], "type": 23, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "7f2b8f1d-7984-4dc6-b31f-e62a9a4bf981", "question": "What is the date of birth of the cousin of the great-grandson of the mother-in-law of the great-grandfather of the brother-in-law of Audra Pigg?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0996-12-24", "1005-02-23", "1006-07-27", "1008-01-30", "1010-12-14", "1012-07-26" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandson(Y_7, Y_5)", "mother_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandfather(Y_11, Y_9)", "brother_in_law(\"Audra Pigg\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "?" ], "type": 23, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "7e6f1dda-13a6-4702-a166-27407a334d30", "question": "What is the hobby of the second aunt of the child of the granddaughter of the grandparent of the person whose date of birth is 1031-07-10?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "canoeing" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "second_aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "child(Y_7, Y_5)", "granddaughter(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandparent(Y_11, Y_9)", "dob(Y_11, \"1031-07-10\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "?" ], "type": 24, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "0b17b29d-8f8b-4031-99c3-4ab959ab60c1", "question": "What is the occupation of the great-grandparent of the uncle of the niece of the sibling of the person whose date of birth is 1029-11-29?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "astronomer", "press sub" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "uncle(Y_7, Y_5)", "niece(Y_9, Y_7)", "sibling(Y_11, Y_9)", "dob(Y_11, \"1029-11-29\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "?" ], "type": 24, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "ad88156f-02fd-47d0-ab13-9c0709e999dd", "question": "What is the occupation of the sibling of the sibling of the brother-in-law of the son-in-law of the person whose date of birth is 0821-05-09?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "clinical psychologist", "data processing manager", "exercise physiologist", "magazine features editor" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "brother_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "son_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "dob(Y_11, \"0821-05-09\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "?" ], "type": 24, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "df3e92ae-ae4a-4e03-a611-13b5e787a795", "question": "What is the occupation of the daughter-in-law of the son-in-law of the grandparent of the son-in-law of the person whose hobby is fishing?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "English as a second language teacher", "dietitian", "interior and spatial designer", "music therapist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "daughter_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "son_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "son_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "hobby(Y_11, \"fishing\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "?" ], "type": 24, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "836daff5-88a6-41bf-a31f-6d46873da301", "question": "What is the date of birth of the granddaughter of the great-grandparent of the friend of the second aunt of the person whose hobby is vintage cars?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0938-05-16", "0953-07-30", "0954-02-25", "0955-05-30", "0956-06-13", "0957-11-04", "0963-05-13", "0963-05-22", "0965-03-10", "0966-06-28", "0971-10-07", "0974-06-09", "0975-08-22", "0976-07-14", "0979-05-04", "0984-07-23", "0993-05-10" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "second_aunt(Y_11, Y_9)", "hobby(Y_11, \"vintage cars\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "?" ], "type": 24, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "efdfe012-cce1-430b-ad5c-fc5798cdb706", "question": "What is the date of birth of the grandmother of the grandson of the grandmother of the brother-in-law of the person whose occupation is aid worker?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0853-09-08", "0911-06-04", "0920-12-12" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandmother(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandson(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandmother(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "job(Y_11, \"aid worker\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "?" ], "type": 24, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "13be63c3-1a1c-4ec0-8084-34198e87bcf8", "question": "What is the date of birth of the grandson of the father of the grandparent of the friend of the person whose hobby is skiing?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0886-01-10", "0887-01-03", "0888-12-04", "0891-07-28", "0893-08-05", "0895-07-30", "0907-09-04", "0908-06-04", "0908-07-27", "0929-07-11", "0929-12-13", "0930-12-03", "0931-06-03", "0932-07-15", "0933-01-02", "0934-01-23", "0934-02-16", "0936-02-17", "0936-08-16", "0937-10-20", "0940-09-17", "0940-09-28", "0942-08-04", "0966-06-20", "0969-07-16", "0970-06-11", "0973-07-29", "0980-06-11", "0988-09-18", "0989-12-08", "0990-01-09", "1008-11-19", "1009-09-26", "1045-09-27", "1049-04-26" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandson(Y_5, Y_3)", "father(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(Y_11, Y_9)", "hobby(Y_11, \"skiing\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "?" ], "type": 24, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "6defc7d7-d3a5-4f5f-a9d9-1a6f84150438", "question": "What is the hobby of the sister of the great-aunt of the son of the son-in-law of the person whose occupation is office manager?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "animation", "bus spotting", "seashell collecting" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "sister(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "son(Y_9, Y_7)", "son_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "job(Y_11, \"office manager\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "?" ], "type": 24, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "aab57b66-b117-4873-b033-2c138d18e855", "question": "What is the date of birth of the grandfather of the brother of the great-aunt of the aunt of the person whose date of birth is 1006-01-10?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0864-04-26", "0866-01-14", "0869-10-10" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandfather(Y_5, Y_3)", "brother(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "aunt(Y_11, Y_9)", "dob(Y_11, \"1006-01-10\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "?" ], "type": 24, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "713c3fef-de3c-4f58-9c63-15cec1f54a59", "question": "What is the date of birth of the second aunt of the great-grandson of the great-grandparent of the brother-in-law of the person whose occupation is medical laboratory scientific officer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0947-06-02", "0955-11-29" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "second_aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandson(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "job(Y_11, \"medical laboratory scientific officer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "?" ], "type": 24, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "de2e848b-4c9d-4e38-b700-8f6bdddc1c76", "question": "What is the hobby of the father of the son of the sister of the aunt of Darrell Spinelli?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "archaeology", "sports memorabilia", "tennis polo" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "father(Y_5, Y_3)", "son(Y_7, Y_5)", "sister(Y_9, Y_7)", "aunt(\"Darrell Spinelli\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "?" ], "type": 25, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "e77f6477-d5f0-4fa7-8ca1-86feef17599d", "question": "What is the occupation of the grandfather of the child of the sibling of the great-grandparent of Zona Mansour?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "advertising art director" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandfather(Y_5, Y_3)", "child(Y_7, Y_5)", "sibling(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandparent(\"Zona Mansour\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "?" ], "type": 25, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "f7acb6ef-fc57-4d7e-8b3d-941896c6e063", "question": "What is the hobby of the daughter-in-law of the son of the wife of the great-grandparent of Cedric Todd?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "knife throwing", "radio-controlled model playing" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "daughter_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "son(Y_7, Y_5)", "wife(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandparent(\"Cedric Todd\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "?" ], "type": 25, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "087fb605-1b0f-4285-9b8d-4ede580af72e", "question": "What is the occupation of the great-granddaughter of the sister of the great-uncle of the mother of Deena Munroe?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "bookseller", "copywriter", "development worker", "public house manager", "senior tax professional" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_uncle(Y_9, Y_7)", "mother(\"Deena Munroe\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "?" ], "type": 25, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "b7106d91-0004-4ebd-8133-fbace20336be", "question": "What is the hobby of the aunt of the nephew of the niece of the brother of Annabelle Karl?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "leaves", "meteorology", "swimming" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "nephew(Y_7, Y_5)", "niece(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother(\"Annabelle Karl\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "?" ], "type": 25, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "0acaf3f6-cc94-4897-93ef-409056419362", "question": "What is the occupation of the niece of the aunt of the great-grandson of the friend of Major Gonzales?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "charity fundraiser", "psychotherapist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "niece(Y_5, Y_3)", "aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandson(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(\"Major Gonzales\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "?" ], "type": 25, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "57899049-8973-41cf-aadb-a6024b697120", "question": "What is the date of birth of the great-grandfather of the grandson of the great-grandfather of the friend of Andres Coe?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0826-03-04" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_grandfather(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandson(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandfather(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(\"Andres Coe\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "?" ], "type": 25, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "e1c37cd1-7ae2-40e8-999f-1376449712cf", "question": "What is the date of birth of the sister of the granddaughter of the friend of the friend of Mariana Benally?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0903-04-25", "0904-07-08", "0905-12-21", "1074-08-14", "1075-09-17", "1079-01-07" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "sister(Y_5, Y_3)", "granddaughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(\"Mariana Benally\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "?" ], "type": 25, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "081ae82c-cbcc-48ab-ae70-63d783b523bb", "question": "What is the occupation of the uncle of the female cousin of the great-granddaughter of the friend of Erik Damron?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "catering manager", "hydrographic surveyor", "museum curator", "race relations officer", "software engineer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "female_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_granddaughter(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(\"Erik Damron\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "?" ], "type": 25, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "60aeb881-d544-4fb6-ae85-e5060b233146", "question": "What is the hobby of the wife of the parent of the great-uncle of the granddaughter of Arianna Pride?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "baton twirling" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "wife(Y_5, Y_3)", "parent(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_uncle(Y_9, Y_7)", "granddaughter(\"Arianna Pride\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "?" ], "type": 25, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "be5a7f9b-549c-4fda-98e1-3c30f53d3ee5", "question": "What is the hobby of the child of the granddaughter of the grandparent of the person whose date of birth is 1031-07-10?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "astronomy", "fishkeeping", "sports memorabilia" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "granddaughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "dob(Y_9, \"1031-07-10\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "?" ], "type": 26, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "395075ac-642c-4c0a-bf89-a0224b8cd690", "question": "What is the occupation of the grandmother of the child of the parent of the person whose occupation is hydrologist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "conservator", "lecturer", "physicist", "phytotherapist", "purchasing manager", "radiographer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandmother(Y_5, Y_3)", "child(Y_7, Y_5)", "parent(Y_9, Y_7)", "job(Y_9, \"hydrologist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "?" ], "type": 26, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "1a40550b-18f2-48ba-928d-f751c902f4c3", "question": "What is the hobby of the daughter-in-law of the husband of the grandmother of the person whose occupation is adult guidance worker?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "flower collecting and pressing", "horseback riding", "knife throwing", "literature", "mathematics", "meteorology", "radio-controlled model playing" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "daughter_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "husband(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandmother(Y_9, Y_7)", "job(Y_9, \"adult guidance worker\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "?" ], "type": 26, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "2babf688-7e93-4e41-88cb-64bf948855d9", "question": "What is the occupation of the nephew of the uncle of the great-aunt of the person whose date of birth is 1015-03-04?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "optometrist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "nephew(Y_5, Y_3)", "uncle(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "dob(Y_9, \"1015-03-04\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "?" ], "type": 26, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "b512685c-57d2-427b-a548-739075373fe7", "question": "What is the hobby of the aunt of the nephew of the niece of the person whose occupation is armed forces logistics officer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "canoeing", "leaves", "meteorology", "swimming" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "nephew(Y_7, Y_5)", "niece(Y_9, Y_7)", "job(Y_9, \"armed forces logistics officer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "?" ], "type": 26, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "290a7cc0-3af7-4624-bf53-5e3cd295f2aa", "question": "What is the occupation of the husband of the grandchild of the great-grandfather of the person whose hobby is hiking/backpacking?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "accountant", "advertising account planner", "advertising art director", "careers adviser", "chemical engineer", "civil engineer", "development worker", "education officer", "electronics engineer", "midwife", "newspaper journalist", "occupational hygienist", "personnel officer", "physiotherapist", "press photographer", "primary school teacher", "prison officer", "records manager", "tour manager" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "husband(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandfather(Y_9, Y_7)", "hobby(Y_9, \"hiking/backpacking\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "?" ], "type": 26, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "66bac43f-641b-4861-abba-71a57726e79a", "question": "What is the date of birth of the great-grandson of the grandchild of the friend of the person whose hobby is reading?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0948-03-30", "0950-10-07", "0971-11-25", "0973-02-22", "0976-04-22", "0977-12-08", "0983-06-15", "0984-06-02", "0986-04-02", "0986-09-15", "0992-12-06", "0994-10-05", "0997-01-13", "0997-04-01", "0998-03-10", "1000-07-13", "1003-08-24", "1006-07-18", "1007-11-21", "1011-01-15", "1011-12-22", "1015-06-28", "1019-01-27", "1020-03-01", "1020-04-07", "1023-03-09", "1023-11-28", "1024-10-28", "1025-06-07", "1028-01-17", "1028-02-14", "1029-10-24", "1031-07-10", "1038-01-20", "1039-08-05", "1039-12-09", "1040-01-24", "1040-01-29", "1041-05-27", "1054-07-17", "1056-03-28", "1057-11-17", "1060-02-17", "1064-02-16", "1097-01-09", "1097-09-21", "1098-12-20", "1100-01-01", "1108-09-27" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_grandson(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "hobby(Y_9, \"reading\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "?" ], "type": 26, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "373ba839-cc33-4824-86f1-c2e2b2c9bb1b", "question": "What is the date of birth of the father of the grandparent of the friend of the person whose hobby is skiing?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0835-02-13", "0855-07-01", "0872-10-28", "0873-11-27", "0879-01-26", "0880-11-23", "0882-11-14", "0884-04-16", "0884-11-14", "0915-11-28", "0917-12-15", "0928-04-28", "0949-08-22", "0953-02-25", "0993-03-13" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "father(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "hobby(Y_9, \"skiing\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "?" ], "type": 26, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "b73267b0-e7a3-49a9-8f48-fe35d17c31fd", "question": "What is the occupation of the aunt of the cousin of the brother-in-law of the person whose hobby is mathematics?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "aeronautical engineer", "chiropodist", "colour technologist", "farm manager", "forensic scientist", "optometrist", "warden" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "brother_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "hobby(Y_9, \"mathematics\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "?" ], "type": 26, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "5a38858c-9c71-439d-aa6d-f334f6ab0b4c", "question": "What is the hobby of the grandchild of the parent of the child of the person whose hobby is sports science?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "aircraft spotting", "business", "butterfly watching", "fishkeeping", "graffiti", "herping", "horsemanship", "learning", "lotology", "meditation", "meteorology", "notaphily", "people-watching", "perfume", "record collecting", "research", "road biking", "satellite watching", "social studies", "transit map collecting" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "parent(Y_7, Y_5)", "child(Y_9, Y_7)", "hobby(Y_9, \"sports science\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "?" ], "type": 26, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "5b77582f-3a2d-4e06-b04c-8eaf13d67406", "question": "What is the date of birth of the son of the sister of the aunt of Darrell Spinelli?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1031-07-10", "1038-01-20", "1039-12-09", "1040-01-29" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "son(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister(Y_7, Y_5)", "aunt(\"Darrell Spinelli\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "?" ], "type": 27, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "039b3418-825a-42fa-8040-f32565949d05", "question": "What is the date of birth of the sibling of the nephew of the female first cousin once removed of Cortez Mcdonough?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0998-07-10", "0999-03-31", "1002-06-29", "1003-09-01", "1003-09-14", "1008-02-26" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "nephew(Y_7, Y_5)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(\"Cortez Mcdonough\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "?" ], "type": 27, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "3b1017b3-27c5-4908-ad56-8a09ce5d54ef", "question": "What is the date of birth of the nephew of the niece of the brother-in-law of Carina Grigsby?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1017-12-02", "1019-02-09", "1019-10-13", "1024-08-20", "1024-09-17", "1025-09-16" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "nephew(Y_5, Y_3)", "niece(Y_7, Y_5)", "brother_in_law(\"Carina Grigsby\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "?" ], "type": 27, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "09a1e877-c0ec-44d1-97e0-e7967b728428", "question": "What is the date of birth of the parent of the cousin of the niece of Santos Kranz?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0933-01-19", "0933-02-02", "0937-05-08", "0939-02-04", "0939-06-20", "0941-05-09", "0946-09-27", "0947-10-08", "0948-02-23", "0948-04-17" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "parent(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "niece(\"Santos Kranz\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "?" ], "type": 27, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "03f8d8aa-de17-4cad-9839-cd5729db6afe", "question": "What is the occupation of the great-aunt of the great-grandchild of the grandson of Damian Marlin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "garment technologist", "product designer", "theatre director" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandson(\"Damian Marlin\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "?" ], "type": 27, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "be7ce3a5-b527-47f4-aa4f-5feaadc96c81", "question": "What is the hobby of the son of the nephew of the niece of Bryan Till?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "cricket", "metal detecting" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "son(Y_5, Y_3)", "nephew(Y_7, Y_5)", "niece(\"Bryan Till\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "?" ], "type": 27, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "6274a2f6-6a93-4434-a56b-a2e44e4c1416", "question": "What is the date of birth of the aunt of the great-grandson of the friend of Major Gonzales?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0928-11-25", "0934-07-23" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandson(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(\"Major Gonzales\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "?" ], "type": 27, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "24ca52a3-9a2a-45e6-b539-69c960c2bee8", "question": "What is the date of birth of the friend of the brother-in-law of the brother-in-law of Sandy Ricker?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0811-09-11", "0854-09-16", "0873-07-05", "0884-11-14", "0900-08-08", "0908-10-26", "0947-07-08", "0975-05-08", "0982-11-02", "0985-02-19", "0989-10-21", "0989-12-20", "0997-10-09", "1010-07-11", "1041-10-02", "1045-08-28", "1075-07-25" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "brother_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "brother_in_law(\"Sandy Ricker\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "?" ], "type": 27, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "8d948380-c936-4e2d-b7c3-b959d72d3ccb", "question": "What is the hobby of the friend of the parent of the child of Ty Arenas?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "antiquities", "axe throwing", "entrepreneurship", "roller skating" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "parent(Y_7, Y_5)", "child(\"Ty Arenas\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "?" ], "type": 27, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "e17b99d9-56a5-46b5-b46b-dea14d412688", "question": "What is the hobby of the mother of the niece of the sibling of Reyna Schuman?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "debate", "fusilately", "myrmecology" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "mother(Y_5, Y_3)", "niece(Y_7, Y_5)", "sibling(\"Reyna Schuman\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "?" ], "type": 27, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "68ef098c-6180-4f74-8454-6a8490730f88", "question": "What is the date of birth of the granddaughter of the grandparent of the person whose date of birth is 1031-07-10?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1036-10-22" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "dob(Y_7, \"1031-07-10\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "?" ], "type": 28, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "7375a971-8b50-42b5-b4c7-afeef761e6d3", "question": "What is the date of birth of the parent of the cousin of the person whose hobby is road biking?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0917-11-23", "0920-08-22", "0935-07-10", "0939-02-17", "0939-03-18", "0940-12-05" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "parent(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "hobby(Y_7, \"road biking\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "?" ], "type": 28, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "4e2fc2a5-f609-4cbb-b67e-445c75ba1bce", "question": "What is the date of birth of the uncle of the sister-in-law of the person whose occupation is secretary?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0928-12-19", "0930-03-14", "0933-08-06", "0935-11-30", "0939-11-17", "0940-11-08", "0944-10-29", "0946-05-29", "0949-07-18", "0950-11-08" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "job(Y_7, \"secretary\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "?" ], "type": 28, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "9e83ba35-2e7e-48ed-a1c2-95bcf37ba53b", "question": "What is the date of birth of the sibling of the niece of the person whose hobby is research?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0929-02-08", "0930-02-05", "0930-06-17", "0931-04-24", "0931-09-19", "0933-10-03", "0935-08-09", "0944-05-05", "0945-05-19", "0946-02-13", "0947-07-08", "0949-11-15", "0957-11-04", "0962-10-28", "0963-05-13", "0963-12-04", "0965-01-28", "0965-03-10", "0966-06-20", "0966-06-28", "0971-02-16", "0971-12-15", "0972-12-30", "0975-11-30", "0977-04-21", "0980-08-23", "0993-10-31", "0996-03-01", "0998-08-19", "1003-09-05", "1005-02-15", "1006-10-08", "1010-08-01", "1012-03-26", "1012-03-30", "1013-12-08", "1015-08-06", "1018-11-12", "1021-07-27", "1021-12-21", "1025-08-08", "1034-01-25", "1037-03-03", "1038-04-16", "1039-03-19" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "niece(Y_7, Y_5)", "hobby(Y_7, \"research\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "?" ], "type": 28, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "93598d64-3a0b-449a-bdcb-c4db5a8e48ab", "question": "What is the occupation of the grandparent of the great-granddaughter of the person whose occupation is arts administrator?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "conservator", "furniture conservator", "glass blower", "higher education lecturer", "hospital pharmacist", "museum conservator", "museum curator", "public affairs consultant", "soil scientist", "tourism officer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_granddaughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "job(Y_7, \"arts administrator\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "?" ], "type": 28, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "500aaaf3-20b2-4454-9116-24d5465669e7", "question": "What is the hobby of the mother of the niece of the person whose occupation is architect?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "auto audiophilia", "leaves", "scutelliphily" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "mother(Y_5, Y_3)", "niece(Y_7, Y_5)", "job(Y_7, \"architect\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "?" ], "type": 28, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "b7ff01c2-dba5-47f3-80e8-5a413f3e1b21", "question": "What is the date of birth of the grandchild of the great-grandfather of the person whose hobby is hiking/backpacking?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0818-03-06", "0821-05-09", "0905-03-01", "0907-09-04", "0907-09-05", "0908-06-04", "0908-07-27", "0909-02-23", "0910-03-25", "0911-01-28", "0923-03-12", "0925-01-08", "0925-03-25", "0927-05-07", "0931-02-14", "0931-03-26", "0932-02-28", "0933-07-04", "0935-11-16", "0939-06-21", "0945-09-08", "0949-08-23", "0951-03-31", "0953-07-20", "0965-02-24", "0966-01-01", "0966-05-07", "0966-11-10", "0967-07-11", "0968-08-03", "0969-12-06", "0970-08-31", "0971-01-12", "0971-11-25", "0972-07-09", "0973-02-22", "0973-09-15", "0973-12-05", "0974-04-02", "0975-07-16", "0976-04-22", "0977-12-08", "0977-12-24", "0978-05-05", "0978-12-24", "0980-11-20", "0983-01-21", "0983-05-14", "0983-12-08", "0984-01-16", "0984-06-02", "0986-05-05", "0987-04-29", "0987-07-03", "0987-10-22", "0988-05-23", "0988-10-12", "0989-05-14", "0989-08-26", "0990-04-20", "0990-09-09", "0991-03-09", "0991-06-13", "0993-06-29", "0998-07-18", "1049-09-27", "1056-01-26", "1057-04-15" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandfather(Y_7, Y_5)", "hobby(Y_7, \"hiking/backpacking\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "?" ], "type": 28, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "d3d7cc61-848b-4ecd-8824-dfe9928008f8", "question": "What is the date of birth of the grandmother of the brother-in-law of the person whose occupation is aid worker?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0853-09-08", "0911-06-04", "0920-12-12" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandmother(Y_5, Y_3)", "brother_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "job(Y_7, \"aid worker\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "?" ], "type": 28, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "6e3400cd-bb98-4c82-83c6-ecda315434ec", "question": "What is the hobby of the friend of the daughter of the person whose date of birth is 0895-09-22?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "water polo" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "daughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "dob(Y_7, \"0895-09-22\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "?" ], "type": 28, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "a6236371-e0a7-4d9c-ab44-ae34579895e1", "question": "What is the hobby of the sibling of the child of the person whose date of birth is 0958-10-31?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "films", "stuffed toy collecting" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "child(Y_7, Y_5)", "dob(Y_7, \"0958-10-31\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "?" ], "type": 28, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "dd441703-fefa-419c-8423-64c1d409a289", "question": "What is the date of birth of the sister of the aunt of Darrell Spinelli?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1008-02-17", "1009-04-06", "1010-10-23" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "sister(Y_5, Y_3)", "aunt(\"Darrell Spinelli\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "?" ], "type": 29, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "78a07d80-e945-4d88-a151-5a0477625dce", "question": "What is the occupation of the male second cousin of the male first cousin once removed of Alison Burt?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "fast food restaurant manager", "furniture designer", "regulatory affairs officer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "male_second_cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(\"Alison Burt\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "?" ], "type": 29, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "f491c6ca-1b34-4de2-ad55-c6b90c2e0fd9", "question": "What is the occupation of the grandparent of the child of Stacey Roldan?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "copywriter", "educational psychologist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "child(\"Stacey Roldan\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "?" ], "type": 29, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "bcb32b61-3454-4f24-b71e-a332f80b86e8", "question": "What is the date of birth of the wife of the great-grandparent of Cedric Todd?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0900-02-14", "0902-10-17", "0906-02-22" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "wife(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandparent(\"Cedric Todd\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "?" ], "type": 29, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "3c35f2a3-8c98-4464-ba4c-78bce4a3d9e5", "question": "What is the date of birth of the parent of the great-grandchild of Cruz Wesson?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0993-06-20", "0994-02-01" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "parent(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandchild(\"Cruz Wesson\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "?" ], "type": 29, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "d48e2dce-fb53-4cbc-b45d-922525b8db7d", "question": "What is the occupation of the great-grandchild of the grandson of Damian Marlin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "housing manager" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandson(\"Damian Marlin\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "?" ], "type": 29, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "eeeb0c53-8510-4cad-b43f-3e008a763b36", "question": "What is the occupation of the niece of the brother of Annabelle Karl?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "patent attorney", "private music teacher", "radiographer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "niece(Y_5, Y_3)", "brother(\"Annabelle Karl\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "?" ], "type": 29, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "ef946a61-8920-4449-be1c-23fc293b1d19", "question": "What is the hobby of the nephew of the second aunt of Emma Reyna?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "aircraft spotting", "australian rules football", "bus spotting", "chess", "reading", "rock balancing", "shortwave listening", "stone skipping" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "nephew(Y_5, Y_3)", "second_aunt(\"Emma Reyna\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "?" ], "type": 29, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "151768a3-c46c-4bfc-a3d7-9717cd55b727", "question": "What is the occupation of the son of the father of Milton Hess?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "catering manager", "editorial assistant" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "son(Y_5, Y_3)", "father(\"Milton Hess\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "?" ], "type": 29, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "161c2c7a-1feb-44e6-9606-efd9d08a236d", "question": "What is the date of birth of the great-grandfather of the friend of Andres Coe?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0850-04-13", "0892-06-15", "0894-09-26", "0895-12-02", "0901-05-04" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_grandfather(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(\"Andres Coe\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "?" ], "type": 29, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "f2f5581d-f717-463c-a5cf-e7fca0c08829", "question": "What is the date of birth of the grandparent of the person whose date of birth is 1031-07-10?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0981-08-08", "0982-03-11" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "dob(Y_5, \"1031-07-10\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "?" ], "type": 30, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "6fcd65f6-d066-4c5e-9862-496313c8584d", "question": "What is the occupation of the male first cousin once removed of the person whose hobby is nordic skating?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "fast food restaurant manager", "furniture designer", "regulatory affairs officer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_5, Y_3)", "hobby(Y_5, \"nordic skating\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "?" ], "type": 30, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "64dacec3-19d5-4b0e-b988-ad2bdde48a6e", "question": "What is the occupation of the daughter of the person whose date of birth is 1050-05-24?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "embryologist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "daughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "dob(Y_5, \"1050-05-24\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "?" ], "type": 30, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "f2f9a3d2-6b84-44e4-928a-c8280947d439", "question": "What is the date of birth of the grandmother of the person whose occupation is adult guidance worker?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0853-10-01", "0889-12-01", "0919-09-13", "0924-12-01", "0926-06-25", "0930-02-08", "0952-08-21", "0961-11-10" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandmother(Y_5, Y_3)", "job(Y_5, \"adult guidance worker\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "?" ], "type": 30, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "7c52c9ad-3a52-4496-8ca3-dd280680bf15", "question": "What is the date of birth of the child of the person whose hobby is video gaming?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0813-09-16", "0925-12-09", "0938-05-16", "0942-01-15", "0953-12-10", "0957-12-30", "0963-07-03", "0967-12-09", "0982-01-02", "1019-03-02", "1023-08-21", "1023-11-28" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "hobby(Y_5, \"video gaming\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "?" ], "type": 30, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "9727c985-9569-4444-a006-c1632f37d83b", "question": "What is the occupation of the great-granddaughter of the person whose occupation is arts administrator?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "English as a second language teacher", "air cabin crew", "astronomer", "civil service administrator", "garment technologist", "journalist", "product designer", "theatre director" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "job(Y_5, \"arts administrator\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "?" ], "type": 30, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "b06c1066-f6a7-4fa2-b47b-39af728d1069", "question": "What is the occupation of the niece of the person whose occupation is armed forces logistics officer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "barrister's clerk", "fast food restaurant manager", "learning mentor", "nurse", "patent attorney", "private music teacher", "producer", "radiographer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "niece(Y_5, Y_3)", "job(Y_5, \"armed forces logistics officer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "?" ], "type": 30, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "8ce87dad-c3d4-401e-88ad-0f263e194128", "question": "What is the hobby of the second aunt of the person whose hobby is vintage cars?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "amateur astronomy", "hooping", "lacrosse", "mineral collecting", "roundnet", "satellite watching" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "second_aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "hobby(Y_5, \"vintage cars\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "?" ], "type": 30, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "67da5e4c-fb12-4bb3-a40a-5375e58a362b", "question": "What is the occupation of the father of the person whose date of birth is 1089-03-31?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "technical brewer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "father(Y_5, Y_3)", "dob(Y_5, \"1089-03-31\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "?" ], "type": 30, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "056de3b9-6882-40fc-8020-8ab87744222b", "question": "What is the date of birth of the friend of the person whose hobby is reading?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0811-01-13", "0811-08-17", "0818-03-06", "0846-05-26", "0849-12-18", "0855-02-01", "0855-03-17", "0856-03-26", "0856-12-18", "0858-01-10", "0872-10-04", "0873-06-15", "0873-07-05", "0876-08-05", "0879-11-03", "0879-12-27", "0881-03-12", "0885-02-20", "0886-05-20", "0887-02-26", "0887-04-25", "0887-10-15", "0891-10-20", "0892-06-22", "0893-07-11", "0898-02-10", "0900-04-09", "0900-07-27", "0904-12-27", "0908-09-03", "0910-02-15", "0910-11-11", "0911-04-02", "0912-06-06", "0913-12-09", "0914-11-29", "0914-12-08", "0918-12-14", "0920-03-12", "0920-07-18", "0921-01-28", "0921-05-22", "0921-12-11", "0921-12-20", "0924-04-22", "0926-11-19", "0928-01-25", "0928-05-23", "0929-10-11", "0931-03-01", "0931-03-26", "0931-06-09", "0933-12-05", "0934-04-02", "0934-04-30", "0934-06-12", "0935-06-13", "0935-07-10", "0937-05-03", "0938-09-21", "0941-08-16", "0941-11-08", "0943-10-16", "0944-12-24", "0947-10-08", "0948-11-14", "0949-07-16", "0949-08-23", "0950-06-10", "0950-07-09", "0951-04-27", "0951-05-20", "0951-07-28", "0952-07-09", "0952-11-03", "0953-12-10", "0954-07-12", "0955-05-30", "0955-06-19", "0955-08-03", "0955-08-24", "0956-01-22", "0956-06-13", "0957-09-04", "0958-08-10", "0959-01-14", "0960-04-11", "0961-03-31", "0961-07-05", "0962-03-01", "0962-09-25", "0962-11-04", "0964-04-22", "0964-05-16", "0965-09-28", "0965-11-23", "0967-09-01", "0967-10-18", "0969-03-07", "0969-06-16", "0971-03-09", "0971-04-27", "0971-08-04", "0972-07-09", "0973-04-08", "0974-03-28", "0975-05-08", "0977-04-28", "0979-05-07", "0980-10-03", "0982-10-22", "0983-07-08", "0984-01-22", "0984-06-17", "0984-11-19", "0984-12-19", "0986-01-01", "0986-03-11", "0986-04-02", "0986-09-15", "0986-10-02", "0989-08-06", "0989-08-26", "0990-01-02", "0990-02-03", "0990-04-03", "0990-11-09", "0990-11-10", "0991-01-23", "0991-02-27", "0991-02-28", "0993-02-14", "0994-05-10", "0995-08-08", "0995-11-14", "0995-12-30", "0996-01-22", "0997-04-01", "0997-07-03", "0998-01-01", "0998-04-02", "0998-08-06", "0998-09-02", "0999-06-17", "1000-07-18", "1001-01-31", "1002-02-28", "1002-10-08", "1003-08-09", "1006-01-21", "1006-02-10", "1006-07-12", "1006-12-16", "1007-10-13", "1008-02-21", "1009-09-20", "1009-09-28", "1010-01-12", "1010-06-30", "1011-01-15", "1011-11-21", "1011-12-03", "1012-03-30", "1013-02-18", "1013-10-09", "1015-07-27", "1016-08-15", "1017-11-15", "1018-02-08", "1019-10-10", "1020-07-26", "1020-08-07", "1021-02-22", "1021-12-09", "1024-06-10", "1024-06-16", "1025-04-13", "1030-08-13", "1031-03-07", "1035-03-18", "1036-04-08", "1039-02-23", "1040-01-28", "1040-02-04", "1040-05-11", "1040-06-26", "1040-07-31", "1042-07-05", "1059-08-09", "1063-06-05", "1067-01-17", "1071-12-16", "1073-10-07", "1079-01-26", "1080-05-03", "1100-01-01", "1138-05-29", "1153-10-18", "1179-09-27" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "hobby(Y_5, \"reading\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "?" ], "type": 30, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "7e495104-86ae-47e9-9063-647d1424e03b", "question": "What is the date of birth of the aunt of Darrell Spinelli?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1009-04-06", "1010-10-23" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "aunt(\"Darrell Spinelli\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "?" ], "type": 31, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "c0ccef83-cb0e-4b25-b232-90951ad0af54", "question": "What is the hobby of the grandparent of Ozella Duran?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "disc golf", "video game collecting" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandparent(\"Ozella Duran\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "?" ], "type": 31, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "40669a01-fb7e-4676-bae4-8efc8e9e794e", "question": "What is the date of birth of the great-grandparent of Zona Mansour?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1002-02-28", "1004-08-17" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_grandparent(\"Zona Mansour\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "?" ], "type": 31, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "95203f82-ea27-4b55-899f-b2cf63c17a04", "question": "What is the occupation of the grandfather of Katy Pigg?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "farm manager" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandfather(\"Katy Pigg\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "?" ], "type": 31, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "4f3c815d-c474-4648-af0a-969e204ac3ec", "question": "What is the date of birth of the great-grandparent of Cedric Todd?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0900-02-14", "0902-10-17", "0903-02-26", "0905-08-23", "0906-02-22", "0908-07-27" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_grandparent(\"Cedric Todd\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "?" ], "type": 31, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "8263fbcc-66e6-478f-9176-ee1fc4d884e1", "question": "What is the hobby of the niece of Santos Kranz?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "antiquities", "swimming", "travel" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "niece(\"Santos Kranz\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "?" ], "type": 31, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "5e32be14-95d6-41d6-90b5-64edfc60d112", "question": "What is the occupation of the mother of Deena Munroe?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "lecturer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "mother(\"Deena Munroe\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "?" ], "type": 31, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "6506bade-5787-4d6d-872f-bcf24439db06", "question": "What is the occupation of the female cousin of Francis Mccutcheon?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "airline pilot" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "female_cousin(\"Francis Mccutcheon\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "?" ], "type": 31, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "adb8dc80-2a1e-4bb5-9a98-91b7128f6593", "question": "What is the occupation of the brother of Annabelle Karl?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "energy manager", "farm manager" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "brother(\"Annabelle Karl\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "?" ], "type": 31, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "dffa2307-0686-45e7-9c09-2faaaa9be59f", "question": "What is the hobby of the sister of Nelson Ruth?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "deltiology" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "sister(\"Nelson Ruth\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "?" ], "type": 31, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "aab37676-ae35-4688-a421-55af3c0d5b17", "question": "What is the date of birth of the person whose date of birth is 1031-07-10?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1031-07-10" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "dob(Y_3, \"1031-07-10\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "?" ], "type": 32, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "086777f8-0ce7-4286-ab9b-ced6064e38d3", "question": "What is the hobby of the person whose date of birth is 0985-04-15?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "architecture" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "dob(Y_3, \"0985-04-15\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "?" ], "type": 32, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "40686113-79f7-4953-a4de-643576bd0279", "question": "What is the date of birth of the person whose occupation is hydrologist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0876-08-05", "0929-12-13", "0938-05-25", "0946-12-04", "0967-12-09", "0979-11-22", "0985-04-15", "1007-09-18", "1079-12-09" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "job(Y_3, \"hydrologist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "?" ], "type": 32, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "fa3dc184-704a-404a-88ed-67d1ef7e1250", "question": "What is the occupation of the person whose date of birth is 1063-08-25?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "firefighter" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "dob(Y_3, \"1063-08-25\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "?" ], "type": 32, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "5b820007-2672-45fd-8389-bd9ec91257bc", "question": "What is the date of birth of the person whose occupation is adult guidance worker?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0829-11-04", "0861-04-12", "0861-11-25", "0888-02-09", "0907-04-14", "0926-08-12", "0927-01-21", "0952-11-12", "0956-12-20", "0968-08-03", "0981-07-24", "0986-07-31", "1006-08-15", "1026-12-02" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "job(Y_3, \"adult guidance worker\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "?" ], "type": 32, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "dc524b32-509e-4c6b-b3ef-603810b640d8", "question": "What is the hobby of the person whose hobby is research?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "research" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "hobby(Y_3, \"research\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "?" ], "type": 32, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "2909bb99-9542-4861-84dc-81f3f417346a", "question": "What is the occupation of the person whose date of birth is 1015-03-04?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "copywriter" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "dob(Y_3, \"1015-03-04\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "?" ], "type": 32, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "58164e1a-7ee3-4584-96eb-866029d0bc7d", "question": "What is the occupation of the person whose hobby is fishing?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "armed forces operational officer", "financial adviser", "musician", "osteopath", "photographer", "public librarian", "soil scientist", "sound technician", "surgeon", "therapist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "hobby(Y_3, \"fishing\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "?" ], "type": 32, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "fd30178a-4357-4da8-a007-518cf8a57ccb", "question": "What is the occupation of the person whose occupation is armed forces logistics officer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "armed forces logistics officer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "job(Y_3, \"armed forces logistics officer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "?" ], "type": 32, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "a6acfa88-19d8-460f-8963-42faf13aeb77", "question": "What is the hobby of the person whose date of birth is 1031-01-07?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "life science" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "dob(Y_3, \"1031-01-07\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "?" ], "type": 32, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "dc725797-a996-45c7-8bb4-3090952a1c9b", "question": "How many siblings does the sibling of the cousin of the female cousin of the sister-in-law of the father of the son of the sister of the aunt of Darrell Spinelli have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "female_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "sister_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "father(Y_13, Y_11)", "son(Y_15, Y_13)", "sister(Y_17, Y_15)", "aunt(\"Darrell Spinelli\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "have", "?" ], "type": 33, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "b0260d22-477d-47ff-ac96-e02d5d8d0b8d", "question": "How many aunts does the parent of the great-grandchild of the grandfather of the sister of the aunt of the nephew of the niece of the brother-in-law of Carina Grigsby have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "2", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "parent(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandfather(Y_9, Y_7)", "sister(Y_11, Y_9)", "aunt(Y_13, Y_11)", "nephew(Y_15, Y_13)", "niece(Y_17, Y_15)", "brother_in_law(\"Carina Grigsby\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "have", "?" ], "type": 33, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "74d1f5b2-c456-430f-b28c-61ba349f8963", "question": "How many mothers-in-law does the uncle of the nephew of the sister-in-law of the great-grandparent of the nephew of the great-aunt of the great-grandchild of the grandson of Damian Marlin have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(mother_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "nephew(Y_7, Y_5)", "sister_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandparent(Y_11, Y_9)", "nephew(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_aunt(Y_15, Y_13)", "great_grandchild(Y_17, Y_15)", "grandson(\"Damian Marlin\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "have", "?" ], "type": 33, "difficulty": 20 }, { "id": "45b934f7-ee38-43e5-ba31-502ea66c5f1b", "question": "How many mothers does the second aunt of the cousin of the male cousin of the cousin of the niece of the aunt of the great-grandson of the friend of Major Gonzales have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(mother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "second_aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "male_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "niece(Y_13, Y_11)", "aunt(Y_15, Y_13)", "great_grandson(Y_17, Y_15)", "friend(\"Major Gonzales\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "have", "?" ], "type": 33, "difficulty": 22 }, { "id": "c5416f36-7416-45c0-ad26-12fae14e995d", "question": "How many great-grandsons does the child of the grandmother of the father of the father of the friend of the friend of the parent of the child of Ty Arenas have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandson(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandmother(Y_7, Y_5)", "father(Y_9, Y_7)", "father(Y_11, Y_9)", "friend(Y_13, Y_11)", "friend(Y_15, Y_13)", "parent(Y_17, Y_15)", "child(\"Ty Arenas\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "have", "?" ], "type": 33, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "b5253a65-25a3-4a90-8ded-7a06a3291c68", "question": "How many male cousins does the grandchild of the parent of the cousin of the cousin of the child of the niece of the grandfather of the great-grandchild of Frederic Heflin have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(male_cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "parent(Y_7, Y_5)", "cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "child(Y_13, Y_11)", "niece(Y_15, Y_13)", "grandfather(Y_17, Y_15)", "great_grandchild(\"Frederic Heflin\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "have", "?" ], "type": 33, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "54be42c7-4c1f-47bb-b0a7-c7682f43d842", "question": "How many uncles does the male first cousin once removed of the great-grandson of the great-grandfather of the cousin of the nephew of the sibling of the wife of the great-uncle of Winnifred Mccann have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(uncle(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandson(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandfather(Y_9, Y_7)", "cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "nephew(Y_13, Y_11)", "sibling(Y_15, Y_13)", "wife(Y_17, Y_15)", "great_uncle(\"Winnifred Mccann\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "have", "?" ], "type": 33, "difficulty": 21 }, { "id": "38ccaf08-7ec6-47dc-ac28-d6bc2c004f06", "question": "How many siblings does the second aunt of the granddaughter of the grandchild of the great-grandparent of the niece of the son of the sister of the second aunt of Rosalyn Wales have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "second_aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "granddaughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandparent(Y_11, Y_9)", "niece(Y_13, Y_11)", "son(Y_15, Y_13)", "sister(Y_17, Y_15)", "second_aunt(\"Rosalyn Wales\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "have", "?" ], "type": 33, "difficulty": 20 }, { "id": "44c4b63d-4bfb-4c1d-a715-77cdfa839cc9", "question": "How many great-uncles does the male second cousin of the female first cousin once removed of the grandchild of the daughter-in-law of the parent of the great-grandchild of the great-grandfather of the second uncle of Sid Bolen have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_uncle(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "male_second_cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "daughter_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "parent(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_grandchild(Y_15, Y_13)", "great_grandfather(Y_17, Y_15)", "second_uncle(\"Sid Bolen\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "have", "?" ], "type": 33, "difficulty": 25 }, { "id": "986f30c2-7c38-4973-a9dc-5abe78d7c22d", "question": "How many husbands does the great-grandmother of the female first cousin once removed of the grandchild of the sibling of the great-aunt of the male first cousin once removed of the cousin of the great-granddaughter of Miranda Welsh have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(husband(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_grandmother(Y_5, Y_3)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "sibling(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_aunt(Y_13, Y_11)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_15, Y_13)", "cousin(Y_17, Y_15)", "great_granddaughter(\"Miranda Welsh\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "have", "?" ], "type": 33, "difficulty": 24 }, { "id": "6ca6709c-5756-4f9d-9913-45e789a4c1eb", "question": "How many siblings does the mother of the female cousin of the cousin of the second aunt of the child of the granddaughter of the grandparent of the person whose date of birth is 1031-07-10 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "mother(Y_5, Y_3)", "female_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "second_aunt(Y_11, Y_9)", "child(Y_13, Y_11)", "granddaughter(Y_15, Y_13)", "grandparent(Y_17, Y_15)", "dob(Y_17, \"1031-07-10\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "have", "?" ], "type": 34, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "7a7a15df-a685-4f7d-8d0f-f4ebc0aa7bda", "question": "How many sons does the parent of the son-in-law of the daughter-in-law of the sibling of the sister of the uncle of the sister-in-law of the person whose occupation is secretary have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(son(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "parent(Y_5, Y_3)", "son_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "daughter_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "sibling(Y_11, Y_9)", "sister(Y_13, Y_11)", "uncle(Y_15, Y_13)", "sister_in_law(Y_17, Y_15)", "job(Y_17, \"secretary\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "have", "?" ], "type": 34, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "ce5b0a05-5862-443e-915e-61c172ec3edd", "question": "How many friends does the sister of the great-grandparent of the male cousin of the nephew of the granddaughter of the grandparent of the great-granddaughter of the person whose occupation is arts administrator have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "5", "7" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(friend(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sister(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "male_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "nephew(Y_11, Y_9)", "granddaughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandparent(Y_15, Y_13)", "great_granddaughter(Y_17, Y_15)", "job(Y_17, \"arts administrator\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "have", "?" ], "type": 34, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "a1c87f6c-b458-455e-85cb-0c322426762c", "question": "How many grandmothers does the great-granddaughter of the grandparent of the nephew of the brother-in-law of the husband of the grandchild of the great-grandfather of the person whose hobby is hiking/backpacking have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandmother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "nephew(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "husband(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandchild(Y_15, Y_13)", "great_grandfather(Y_17, Y_15)", "hobby(Y_17, \"hiking/backpacking\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "have", "?" ], "type": 34, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "e81051bc-ed4d-4276-8413-0776f2e4314d", "question": "How many great-grandparents does the sibling of the brother of the sibling of the brother-in-law of the friend of the friend of the daughter of the person whose date of birth is 0895-09-22 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandparent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "brother(Y_7, Y_5)", "sibling(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "friend(Y_13, Y_11)", "friend(Y_15, Y_13)", "daughter(Y_17, Y_15)", "dob(Y_17, \"0895-09-22\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "have", "?" ], "type": 34, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "5a7786a0-1246-46ff-a165-88ff1062df0a", "question": "How many male cousins does the grandchild of the parent of the cousin of the cousin of the sister of the nephew of the grandchild of the person whose occupation is IT technical support officer have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(male_cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "parent(Y_7, Y_5)", "cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "sister(Y_13, Y_11)", "nephew(Y_15, Y_13)", "grandchild(Y_17, Y_15)", "job(Y_17, \"IT technical support officer\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "have", "?" ], "type": 34, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "bbbfa384-8781-4594-bc75-fb079db439ac", "question": "How many brothers does the second uncle of the great-granddaughter of the daughter-in-law of the great-grandfather of the great-grandchild of the parent of the grandmother of the person whose occupation is clinical molecular geneticist have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(brother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "second_uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_granddaughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "daughter_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandfather(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_grandchild(Y_13, Y_11)", "parent(Y_15, Y_13)", "grandmother(Y_17, Y_15)", "job(Y_17, \"clinical molecular geneticist\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "have", "?" ], "type": 34, "difficulty": 20 }, { "id": "59a6c777-d1ae-4a98-91cf-cb73980170b4", "question": "How many siblings does the second aunt of the great-grandchild of the husband of the daughter-in-law of the grandparent of the sister of the great-uncle of the person whose occupation is data processing manager have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "second_aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "husband(Y_9, Y_7)", "daughter_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandparent(Y_13, Y_11)", "sister(Y_15, Y_13)", "great_uncle(Y_17, Y_15)", "job(Y_17, \"data processing manager\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "have", "?" ], "type": 34, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "ea6ee946-5c88-4dac-8752-e9813cc5dee9", "question": "How many cousins does the female cousin of the second uncle of the grandchild of the daughter-in-law of the parent of the nephew of the second uncle of the person whose hobby is ant farming have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "female_cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "second_uncle(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "daughter_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "parent(Y_13, Y_11)", "nephew(Y_15, Y_13)", "second_uncle(Y_17, Y_15)", "hobby(Y_17, \"ant farming\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "have", "?" ], "type": 34, "difficulty": 20 }, { "id": "5a4c43d2-324e-494a-8f19-5629c05d8c39", "question": "How many grandchildren does the female first cousin once removed of the female cousin of the nephew of the sibling of the granddaughter of the grandmother of the granddaughter of the person whose hobby is backpacking have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandchild(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_5, Y_3)", "female_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "nephew(Y_9, Y_7)", "sibling(Y_11, Y_9)", "granddaughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandmother(Y_15, Y_13)", "granddaughter(Y_17, Y_15)", "hobby(Y_17, \"backpacking\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "have", "?" ], "type": 34, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "9d9f0c4f-df7e-4c40-9d56-5eb0de86398e", "question": "How many siblings does the cousin of the female cousin of the sister-in-law of the father of the son of the sister of the aunt of Darrell Spinelli have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "female_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "sister_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "father(Y_11, Y_9)", "son(Y_13, Y_11)", "sister(Y_15, Y_13)", "aunt(\"Darrell Spinelli\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "have", "?" ], "type": 35, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "c21368b9-8358-47b8-a569-2cdfd68d7f45", "question": "How many sisters-in-law does the husband of the sibling of the aunt of the child of the sister-in-law of the grandparent of the grandfather of Katy Pigg have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "husband(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "child(Y_11, Y_9)", "sister_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandparent(Y_15, Y_13)", "grandfather(\"Katy Pigg\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "have", "?" ], "type": 35, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "7a01b5b0-8d11-4b57-8e7b-03b29987eed1", "question": "How many great-grandparents does the daughter-in-law of the grandparent of the female cousin of the great-granddaughter of the sister of the great-uncle of the mother of Deena Munroe have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandparent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "daughter_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "female_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_granddaughter(Y_11, Y_9)", "sister(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_uncle(Y_15, Y_13)", "mother(\"Deena Munroe\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "have", "?" ], "type": 35, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "7b522dcb-5d77-4e0e-b9a9-144a3f12d4d7", "question": "How many great-grandmothers does the grandchild of the grandchild of the great-grandmother of the friend of the grandfather of the second uncle of the sister of Nelson Ruth have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandmother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandmother(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandfather(Y_13, Y_11)", "second_uncle(Y_15, Y_13)", "sister(\"Nelson Ruth\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "have", "?" ], "type": 35, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "4462955b-b059-4f47-ba1c-9faed8f76bac", "question": "How many friends does the friend of the son of the parent of the great-grandfather of the grandson of the great-grandfather of the friend of Andres Coe have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(friend(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "son(Y_7, Y_5)", "parent(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandfather(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandson(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_grandfather(Y_15, Y_13)", "friend(\"Andres Coe\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "have", "?" ], "type": 35, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "117f9bf3-1819-4a5a-962b-846908288aef", "question": "How many grandsons does the mother of the cousin of the great-grandchild of the friend of the mother of the niece of the sibling of Reyna Schuman have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandson(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "mother(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(Y_11, Y_9)", "mother(Y_13, Y_11)", "niece(Y_15, Y_13)", "sibling(\"Reyna Schuman\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "have", "?" ], "type": 35, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "98d14134-7b5f-4858-9186-43f870a0e4c9", "question": "How many uncles does the grandchild of the great-grandparent of the great-grandchild of the wife of the parent of the great-uncle of the granddaughter of Arianna Pride have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(uncle(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "wife(Y_11, Y_9)", "parent(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_uncle(Y_15, Y_13)", "granddaughter(\"Arianna Pride\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "have", "?" ], "type": 35, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "fc59c3f3-aee7-4f9f-a912-f675f6fdbdc1", "question": "How many nephews does the sister-in-law of the grandparent of the cousin of the great-grandson of the mother-in-law of the great-grandfather of the brother-in-law of Audra Pigg have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(nephew(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sister_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandson(Y_11, Y_9)", "mother_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_grandfather(Y_15, Y_13)", "brother_in_law(\"Audra Pigg\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "have", "?" ], "type": 35, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "27dbca9a-1391-4fb4-80ed-2a09eac532a1", "question": "How many great-uncles does the niece of the great-grandchild of the great-grandparent of the great-aunt of the male cousin of the grandchild of the husband of Ozella Hartsfield have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_uncle(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "niece(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_aunt(Y_11, Y_9)", "male_cousin(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandchild(Y_15, Y_13)", "husband(\"Ozella Hartsfield\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "have", "?" ], "type": 35, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "1daf14a0-4c60-4bf3-9eb8-c1214dbdd0fe", "question": "How many nieces does the nephew of the great-uncle of the father of the female cousin of the parent of the great-granddaughter of the grandfather of Bev Mabe have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(niece(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "nephew(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_uncle(Y_7, Y_5)", "father(Y_9, Y_7)", "female_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "parent(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_granddaughter(Y_15, Y_13)", "grandfather(\"Bev Mabe\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "have", "?" ], "type": 35, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "315b8c34-867b-4ecc-bec3-9fefd2102491", "question": "How many mothers does the female cousin of the cousin of the second aunt of the child of the granddaughter of the grandparent of the person whose date of birth is 1031-07-10 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(mother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "female_cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "second_aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "child(Y_11, Y_9)", "granddaughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandparent(Y_15, Y_13)", "dob(Y_15, \"1031-07-10\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "have", "?" ], "type": 36, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "2fe36f1f-358f-4e7b-9442-e5a35d659781", "question": "How many sisters-in-law does the daughter-in-law of the sibling of the aunt of the niece of the great-aunt of the great-uncle of the person whose date of birth is 1063-08-25 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "daughter_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "niece(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_aunt(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_uncle(Y_15, Y_13)", "dob(Y_15, \"1063-08-25\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "have", "?" ], "type": 36, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "6c367ebe-8e94-4b43-bdb9-499c6e4df02c", "question": "How many great-grandparents does the grandchild of the sister of the uncle of the nephew of the uncle of the great-aunt of the person whose date of birth is 1015-03-04 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandparent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister(Y_7, Y_5)", "uncle(Y_9, Y_7)", "nephew(Y_11, Y_9)", "uncle(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_aunt(Y_15, Y_13)", "dob(Y_15, \"1015-03-04\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "have", "?" ], "type": 36, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "1810b25f-fb3e-414e-a1ba-5f1fb9db3336", "question": "How many great-grandchildren does the grandfather of the son of the great-grandchild of the friend of the son-in-law of the second aunt of the person whose date of birth is 1031-01-07 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandchild(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandfather(Y_5, Y_3)", "son(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(Y_11, Y_9)", "son_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "second_aunt(Y_15, Y_13)", "dob(Y_15, \"1031-01-07\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "have", "?" ], "type": 36, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "3c04b9c9-6431-4b28-873b-44d63abd0610", "question": "How many great-grandsons does the friend of the sister of the parent of the great-grandson of the grandchild of the friend of the person whose hobby is reading have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandson(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister(Y_7, Y_5)", "parent(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandson(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandchild(Y_13, Y_11)", "friend(Y_15, Y_13)", "hobby(Y_15, \"reading\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "have", "?" ], "type": 36, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "b5ad25fb-68fe-4059-8b17-6df5cb63a30a", "question": "How many husbands does the wife of the son-in-law of the grandparent of the second uncle of the sibling of the child of the person whose date of birth is 0958-10-31 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(husband(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "wife(Y_5, Y_3)", "son_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "second_uncle(Y_11, Y_9)", "sibling(Y_13, Y_11)", "child(Y_15, Y_13)", "dob(Y_15, \"0958-10-31\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "have", "?" ], "type": 36, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "b0458e08-2a24-472f-92e8-c9477796aec5", "question": "How many uncles does the grandchild of the great-grandparent of the female second cousin of the grandchild of the parent of the child of the person whose hobby is sports science have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(uncle(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "female_second_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "parent(Y_13, Y_11)", "child(Y_15, Y_13)", "hobby(Y_15, \"sports science\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "have", "?" ], "type": 36, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "c4f71ac4-0db7-488d-b8b7-4c3644e40d7f", "question": "How many mothers does the brother-in-law of the sibling of the second aunt of the great-grandson of the great-grandparent of the brother-in-law of the person whose occupation is medical laboratory scientific officer have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(mother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "brother_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "second_aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandson(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_grandparent(Y_13, Y_11)", "brother_in_law(Y_15, Y_13)", "job(Y_15, \"medical laboratory scientific officer\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "have", "?" ], "type": 36, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "335fdebc-a982-4b99-9046-baaac9b89589", "question": "How many great-uncles does the niece of the great-grandchild of the great-grandparent of the great-aunt of the male cousin of the granddaughter of the person whose date of birth is 0880-01-03 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_uncle(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "niece(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_aunt(Y_11, Y_9)", "male_cousin(Y_13, Y_11)", "granddaughter(Y_15, Y_13)", "dob(Y_15, \"0880-01-03\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "have", "?" ], "type": 36, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "d587f9b2-f56f-4b83-bef1-7daa6f21a77f", "question": "How many nieces does the nephew of the great-uncle of the father of the female cousin of the parent of the nephew of the person whose hobby is scutelliphily have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(niece(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "nephew(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_uncle(Y_7, Y_5)", "father(Y_9, Y_7)", "female_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "parent(Y_13, Y_11)", "nephew(Y_15, Y_13)", "hobby(Y_15, \"scutelliphily\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "have", "?" ], "type": 36, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "7eece3b7-50dc-4a92-bc10-339296ca3386", "question": "How many cousins does the female cousin of the sister-in-law of the father of the son of the sister of the aunt of Darrell Spinelli have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "5" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "female_cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "father(Y_9, Y_7)", "son(Y_11, Y_9)", "sister(Y_13, Y_11)", "aunt(\"Darrell Spinelli\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "have", "?" ], "type": 37, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "e49268c0-c3de-47dd-bf8d-ed70b472d877", "question": "How many siblings does the grandchild of the great-grandparent of the brother-in-law of the father-in-law of the grandparent of the child of Stacey Roldan have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "brother_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "father_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandparent(Y_13, Y_11)", "child(\"Stacey Roldan\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "have", "?" ], "type": 37, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "be74a733-a405-4b05-97d8-84956be1eab6", "question": "How many great-grandchildren does the great-grandparent of the uncle of the great-aunt of the son of the parent of the great-grandchild of Cruz Wesson have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandchild(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "uncle(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "son(Y_11, Y_9)", "parent(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_grandchild(\"Cruz Wesson\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "have", "?" ], "type": 37, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "7e5a78b6-ad63-4024-94fb-15802faeb5ae", "question": "How many male first cousins once removed does the great-granddaughter of the grandmother of the aunt of the nephew of the niece of the brother of Annabelle Karl have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandmother(Y_7, Y_5)", "aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "nephew(Y_11, Y_9)", "niece(Y_13, Y_11)", "brother(\"Annabelle Karl\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "have", "?" ], "type": 37, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "cc415afb-241c-4a9a-b54c-2884b855efd5", "question": "How many great-uncles does the female first cousin once removed of the granddaughter of the great-grandfather of the grandfather of the son of the father of Milton Hess have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_uncle(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_5, Y_3)", "granddaughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandfather(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandfather(Y_11, Y_9)", "son(Y_13, Y_11)", "father(\"Milton Hess\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "have", "?" ], "type": 37, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "effd616a-b230-4790-8aec-c389b5ad5f6c", "question": "How many grandmothers does the father of the father of the friend of the friend of the parent of the child of Ty Arenas have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandmother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "father(Y_5, Y_3)", "father(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(Y_11, Y_9)", "parent(Y_13, Y_11)", "child(\"Ty Arenas\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "have", "?" ], "type": 37, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "1a1e2106-50a4-4734-82b4-89b8ee2be784", "question": "How many sisters-in-law does the daughter of the father of the uncle of the female cousin of the great-granddaughter of the friend of Erik Damron have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "daughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "father(Y_7, Y_5)", "uncle(Y_9, Y_7)", "female_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_granddaughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "friend(\"Erik Damron\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "have", "?" ], "type": 37, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "9b8463d9-47d0-4497-91d5-a00d69fe9f25", "question": "How many parents does the aunt of the grandson of the grandfather of the great-grandparent of the father-in-law of the parent of Myrle Hirsch have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(parent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandson(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandfather(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandparent(Y_11, Y_9)", "father_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "parent(\"Myrle Hirsch\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "have", "?" ], "type": 37, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "2994ded0-dcd6-4aff-afa7-d07c0e17ecc0", "question": "How many grandmothers does the great-uncle of the uncle of the male second cousin of the great-granddaughter of the great-grandparent of the female cousin of Solomon Steed have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandmother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "uncle(Y_7, Y_5)", "male_second_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_granddaughter(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_grandparent(Y_13, Y_11)", "female_cousin(\"Solomon Steed\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "have", "?" ], "type": 37, "difficulty": 20 }, { "id": "74868e07-4961-4d53-a2da-5b50a48732ec", "question": "How many nieces does the great-grandchild of the great-grandparent of the great-aunt of the male cousin of the grandchild of the husband of Ozella Hartsfield have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(niece(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "male_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandchild(Y_13, Y_11)", "husband(\"Ozella Hartsfield\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "have", "?" ], "type": 37, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "53774fe9-f406-46a3-9ff3-0b3594f91464", "question": "How many female cousins does the cousin of the second aunt of the child of the granddaughter of the grandparent of the person whose date of birth is 1031-07-10 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(female_cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "second_aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "child(Y_9, Y_7)", "granddaughter(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandparent(Y_13, Y_11)", "dob(Y_13, \"1031-07-10\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "have", "?" ], "type": 38, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "54b627ae-9054-439a-a180-cbcbe2be79d8", "question": "How many aunts does the granddaughter of the great-grandparent of the sister-in-law of the grandfather of the daughter of the person whose date of birth is 1050-05-24 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "sister_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandfather(Y_11, Y_9)", "daughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "dob(Y_13, \"1050-05-24\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "have", "?" ], "type": 38, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "1b982779-c824-42c7-8cb7-39c40e00fd48", "question": "How many great-grandparents does the male cousin of the granddaughter of the grandfather of the child of the child of the person whose hobby is video gaming have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2", "4", "6" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandparent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "male_cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "granddaughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandfather(Y_9, Y_7)", "child(Y_11, Y_9)", "child(Y_13, Y_11)", "hobby(Y_13, \"video gaming\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "have", "?" ], "type": 38, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "37645dde-cfe5-4a1e-942b-005785c1fef3", "question": "How many male first cousins once removed does the great-granddaughter of the grandmother of the aunt of the nephew of the niece of the person whose occupation is armed forces logistics officer have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandmother(Y_7, Y_5)", "aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "nephew(Y_11, Y_9)", "niece(Y_13, Y_11)", "job(Y_13, \"armed forces logistics officer\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "have", "?" ], "type": 38, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "4d2f2e7d-6f94-4a39-a065-ae65235b3412", "question": "How many mothers does the friend of the mother-in-law of the son-in-law of the mother-in-law of the father of the person whose date of birth is 1089-03-31 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(mother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "mother_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "son_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "mother_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "father(Y_13, Y_11)", "dob(Y_13, \"1089-03-31\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "have", "?" ], "type": 38, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "29aae460-aa4b-4c8d-aabe-2cea81880510", "question": "How many brothers does the sibling of the brother-in-law of the friend of the friend of the daughter of the person whose date of birth is 0895-09-22 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(brother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "brother_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(Y_11, Y_9)", "daughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "dob(Y_13, \"0895-09-22\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "have", "?" ], "type": 38, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "edd1bd85-ac7c-4e77-9ded-81ea4593ee73", "question": "How many daughters-in-law does the husband of the grandmother of the aunt of the cousin of the brother-in-law of the person whose hobby is mathematics have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(daughter_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "husband(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandmother(Y_7, Y_5)", "aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "brother_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "hobby(Y_13, \"mathematics\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "have", "?" ], "type": 38, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "e6b9f6b2-d431-4513-a0cc-14659d60f335", "question": "How many siblings does the grandchild of the grandfather of the brother of the great-aunt of the aunt of the person whose date of birth is 1006-01-10 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandfather(Y_7, Y_5)", "brother(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_aunt(Y_11, Y_9)", "aunt(Y_13, Y_11)", "dob(Y_13, \"1006-01-10\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "have", "?" ], "type": 38, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "6785b633-4369-4c56-aaba-c77482abc550", "question": "How many grandmothers does the great-uncle of the uncle of the male second cousin of the great-granddaughter of the great-grandfather of the person whose occupation is podiatrist have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandmother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "uncle(Y_7, Y_5)", "male_second_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_granddaughter(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_grandfather(Y_13, Y_11)", "job(Y_13, \"podiatrist\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "have", "?" ], "type": 38, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "41856214-31a6-434b-98fe-e7299a638102", "question": "How many nieces does the great-grandchild of the great-grandparent of the great-aunt of the male cousin of the granddaughter of the person whose date of birth is 0880-01-03 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(niece(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "male_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "granddaughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "dob(Y_13, \"0880-01-03\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "have", "?" ], "type": 38, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "82a4e47b-a67e-41b7-802d-91eb35183921", "question": "How many female cousins does the sister-in-law of the father of the son of the sister of the aunt of Darrell Spinelli have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(female_cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sister_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "father(Y_7, Y_5)", "son(Y_9, Y_7)", "sister(Y_11, Y_9)", "aunt(\"Darrell Spinelli\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "have", "?" ], "type": 39, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "17a0a845-8921-4ac9-a145-7cd3052fa51a", "question": "How many grandparents does the great-grandparent of the uncle of the niece of the child of the parent of Elijah Ruth have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandparent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "uncle(Y_7, Y_5)", "niece(Y_9, Y_7)", "child(Y_11, Y_9)", "parent(\"Elijah Ruth\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "have", "?" ], "type": 39, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "43ddc6ce-8328-468f-8bd1-90160a794180", "question": "How many fathers-in-law does the daughter of the parent of the great-grandmother of the grandson of the child of Krystle Rozier have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(father_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "daughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "parent(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandmother(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandson(Y_11, Y_9)", "child(\"Krystle Rozier\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "have", "?" ], "type": 39, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "d8fd8468-f99f-40d5-9ca0-b8fb502f3902", "question": "How many sons-in-law does the daughter-in-law of the cousin of the granddaughter of the great-grandmother of the female cousin of Francis Mccutcheon have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(son_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "daughter_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "granddaughter(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandmother(Y_11, Y_9)", "female_cousin(\"Francis Mccutcheon\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "have", "?" ], "type": 39, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "958221ae-fcd2-4860-ad36-05272fec23bd", "question": "How many mothers does the great-aunt of the female second cousin of the male first cousin once removed of the nephew of the second aunt of Emma Reyna have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(mother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "female_second_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_9, Y_7)", "nephew(Y_11, Y_9)", "second_aunt(\"Emma Reyna\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "have", "?" ], "type": 39, "difficulty": 19 }, { "id": "a3300201-aa18-4d7c-b99b-d2cf8cbc53ca", "question": "How many parents does the friend of the grandfather of the friend of the brother-in-law of the brother-in-law of Sandy Ricker have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(parent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandfather(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "brother_in_law(\"Sandy Ricker\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "have", "?" ], "type": 39, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "dab20191-aa82-40d7-8b95-9a5882731204", "question": "How many parents does the aunt of the sister of the granddaughter of the friend of the friend of Mariana Benally have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(parent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister(Y_7, Y_5)", "granddaughter(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(Y_11, Y_9)", "friend(\"Mariana Benally\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "have", "?" ], "type": 39, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "65c681d5-e1b4-48ae-8e03-49cf9e833299", "question": "How many sisters-in-law does the sister of the great-aunt of the grandchild of the mother-in-law of the son-in-law of Edythe Mccaffrey have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sister(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "mother_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "son_in_law(\"Edythe Mccaffrey\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "have", "?" ], "type": 39, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "7160eff4-de23-4aea-ba77-6b9ddd99e412", "question": "How many aunts does the grandson of the grandfather of the great-grandparent of the father-in-law of the parent of Myrle Hirsch have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandson(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandfather(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "father_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "parent(\"Myrle Hirsch\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "have", "?" ], "type": 39, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "dffdf742-749b-4a7f-a734-c140f2a781b4", "question": "How many grandparents does the cousin of the great-grandson of the mother-in-law of the great-grandfather of the brother-in-law of Audra Pigg have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandparent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandson(Y_7, Y_5)", "mother_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandfather(Y_11, Y_9)", "brother_in_law(\"Audra Pigg\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "have", "?" ], "type": 39, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "644f8b48-74de-436a-81e4-a9742ab7a189", "question": "How many cousins does the second aunt of the child of the granddaughter of the grandparent of the person whose date of birth is 1031-07-10 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "second_aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "child(Y_7, Y_5)", "granddaughter(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandparent(Y_11, Y_9)", "dob(Y_11, \"1031-07-10\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "have", "?" ], "type": 40, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "319ac9e3-3dd8-4955-9a98-ebbd717996cd", "question": "How many grandparents does the great-grandparent of the uncle of the niece of the sibling of the person whose date of birth is 1029-11-29 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandparent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "uncle(Y_7, Y_5)", "niece(Y_9, Y_7)", "sibling(Y_11, Y_9)", "dob(Y_11, \"1029-11-29\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "have", "?" ], "type": 40, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "03e6ce3e-d1f1-46bc-94ab-4923bf36c6ee", "question": "How many nephews does the sibling of the sibling of the brother-in-law of the son-in-law of the person whose date of birth is 0821-05-09 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2", "3", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(nephew(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "brother_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "son_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "dob(Y_11, \"0821-05-09\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "have", "?" ], "type": 40, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "10b58163-734e-4e68-bf92-fec538791668", "question": "How many brothers-in-law does the daughter-in-law of the son-in-law of the grandparent of the son-in-law of the person whose hobby is fishing have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(brother_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "daughter_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "son_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "son_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "hobby(Y_11, \"fishing\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "have", "?" ], "type": 40, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "42ce994f-ccfa-4a2c-950a-b957ef4e5e5c", "question": "How many nieces does the granddaughter of the great-grandparent of the friend of the second aunt of the person whose hobby is vintage cars have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(niece(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "second_aunt(Y_11, Y_9)", "hobby(Y_11, \"vintage cars\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "have", "?" ], "type": 40, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "724d47d1-62bd-4874-a8e7-693d63e192bc", "question": "How many children does the grandmother of the grandson of the grandmother of the brother-in-law of the person whose occupation is aid worker have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(child(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandmother(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandson(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandmother(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "job(Y_11, \"aid worker\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "have", "?" ], "type": 40, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "67ab7721-b2f7-46e0-b1a3-6acb1bb6309c", "question": "How many siblings does the grandson of the father of the grandparent of the friend of the person whose hobby is skiing have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2", "3", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandson(Y_5, Y_3)", "father(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(Y_11, Y_9)", "hobby(Y_11, \"skiing\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "have", "?" ], "type": 40, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "851cef24-32ee-4916-9331-ec7065d7f7a7", "question": "How many sisters-in-law does the sister of the great-aunt of the son of the son-in-law of the person whose occupation is office manager have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sister(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "son(Y_9, Y_7)", "son_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "job(Y_11, \"office manager\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "have", "?" ], "type": 40, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "e1e0277f-373b-4fef-baa6-353877c7a73f", "question": "How many grandchildren does the grandfather of the brother of the great-aunt of the aunt of the person whose date of birth is 1006-01-10 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandchild(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandfather(Y_5, Y_3)", "brother(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "aunt(Y_11, Y_9)", "dob(Y_11, \"1006-01-10\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "have", "?" ], "type": 40, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "3bd990cc-5d4d-4359-b826-4550b290c5f8", "question": "How many siblings does the second aunt of the great-grandson of the great-grandparent of the brother-in-law of the person whose occupation is medical laboratory scientific officer have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "second_aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandson(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "job(Y_11, \"medical laboratory scientific officer\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "have", "?" ], "type": 40, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "3c10ab7e-8e35-4340-af97-b84770a3913f", "question": "How many sisters-in-law does the father of the son of the sister of the aunt of Darrell Spinelli have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "father(Y_5, Y_3)", "son(Y_7, Y_5)", "sister(Y_9, Y_7)", "aunt(\"Darrell Spinelli\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "have", "?" ], "type": 41, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "47bd58a1-9b3e-4fc1-917c-0abb563a804d", "question": "How many nieces does the grandfather of the child of the sibling of the great-grandparent of Zona Mansour have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(niece(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandfather(Y_5, Y_3)", "child(Y_7, Y_5)", "sibling(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandparent(\"Zona Mansour\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "have", "?" ], "type": 41, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "7419f33a-605c-484f-b725-bdb14038d23e", "question": "How many great-grandfathers does the daughter-in-law of the son of the wife of the great-grandparent of Cedric Todd have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandfather(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "daughter_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "son(Y_7, Y_5)", "wife(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandparent(\"Cedric Todd\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "have", "?" ], "type": 41, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "7c3db052-602c-4579-b628-5c62d1dc2f2c", "question": "How many female cousins does the great-granddaughter of the sister of the great-uncle of the mother of Deena Munroe have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(female_cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_uncle(Y_9, Y_7)", "mother(\"Deena Munroe\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "have", "?" ], "type": 41, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "66c08daa-d095-4da1-a819-23f031bd0e13", "question": "How many grandmothers does the aunt of the nephew of the niece of the brother of Annabelle Karl have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandmother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "nephew(Y_7, Y_5)", "niece(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother(\"Annabelle Karl\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "have", "?" ], "type": 41, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "d75099be-8fa3-4686-85fb-64b4b1d15679", "question": "How many cousins does the niece of the aunt of the great-grandson of the friend of Major Gonzales have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "niece(Y_5, Y_3)", "aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandson(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(\"Major Gonzales\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "have", "?" ], "type": 41, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "62f8449d-d0ae-4770-882c-34d73d2b7dfd", "question": "How many parents does the great-grandfather of the grandson of the great-grandfather of the friend of Andres Coe have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(parent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_grandfather(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandson(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandfather(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(\"Andres Coe\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "have", "?" ], "type": 41, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "0e3d500b-c439-48ab-978b-353404694512", "question": "How many aunts does the sister of the granddaughter of the friend of the friend of Mariana Benally have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sister(Y_5, Y_3)", "granddaughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(\"Mariana Benally\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "have", "?" ], "type": 41, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "6ac4f71b-ca08-4a09-89d4-c790612c4e1e", "question": "How many fathers does the uncle of the female cousin of the great-granddaughter of the friend of Erik Damron have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(father(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "female_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_granddaughter(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(\"Erik Damron\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "have", "?" ], "type": 41, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "5a9bc669-8036-45ee-a136-7c7b095f4100", "question": "How many great-grandchildren does the wife of the parent of the great-uncle of the granddaughter of Arianna Pride have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "5" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandchild(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "wife(Y_5, Y_3)", "parent(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_uncle(Y_9, Y_7)", "granddaughter(\"Arianna Pride\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "have", "?" ], "type": 41, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "4ccd1170-287a-40b2-8840-8f62cdab7bc4", "question": "How many second aunts does the child of the granddaughter of the grandparent of the person whose date of birth is 1031-07-10 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(second_aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "granddaughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "dob(Y_9, \"1031-07-10\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "have", "?" ], "type": 42, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "380a9679-65bc-4a9c-9f15-0ebba48828ff", "question": "How many brothers-in-law does the grandmother of the child of the parent of the person whose occupation is hydrologist have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "2", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(brother_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandmother(Y_5, Y_3)", "child(Y_7, Y_5)", "parent(Y_9, Y_7)", "job(Y_9, \"hydrologist\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "have", "?" ], "type": 42, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "e8e15d73-5071-432b-a437-2d22641e3092", "question": "How many great-grandfathers does the daughter-in-law of the husband of the grandmother of the person whose occupation is adult guidance worker have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandfather(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "daughter_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "husband(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandmother(Y_9, Y_7)", "job(Y_9, \"adult guidance worker\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "have", "?" ], "type": 42, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "549fa8a8-79c3-4a60-b7e6-034206879f70", "question": "How many uncles does the nephew of the uncle of the great-aunt of the person whose date of birth is 1015-03-04 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(uncle(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "nephew(Y_5, Y_3)", "uncle(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "dob(Y_9, \"1015-03-04\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "have", "?" ], "type": 42, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "2c5ed0d4-a493-420b-b541-0eaf6759d0ba", "question": "How many grandmothers does the aunt of the nephew of the niece of the person whose occupation is armed forces logistics officer have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandmother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "nephew(Y_7, Y_5)", "niece(Y_9, Y_7)", "job(Y_9, \"armed forces logistics officer\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "have", "?" ], "type": 42, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "b3d9448b-87a9-41f4-8a59-060d2903fe43", "question": "How many brothers-in-law does the husband of the grandchild of the great-grandfather of the person whose hobby is hiking/backpacking have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2", "3", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(brother_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "husband(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandfather(Y_9, Y_7)", "hobby(Y_9, \"hiking/backpacking\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "have", "?" ], "type": 42, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "09152a87-dd96-44cd-9b88-2bc724d959d7", "question": "How many parents does the great-grandson of the grandchild of the friend of the person whose hobby is reading have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(parent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_grandson(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "hobby(Y_9, \"reading\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "have", "?" ], "type": 42, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "52f211db-6df0-412c-bd9b-b83b662e6206", "question": "How many grandsons does the father of the grandparent of the friend of the person whose hobby is skiing have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "7" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandson(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "father(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "hobby(Y_9, \"skiing\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "have", "?" ], "type": 42, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "a8b44830-7e34-4006-a3ce-43ade61adbbd", "question": "How many grandmothers does the aunt of the cousin of the brother-in-law of the person whose hobby is mathematics have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandmother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "brother_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "hobby(Y_9, \"mathematics\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "have", "?" ], "type": 42, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "f09c4b2e-6302-42ec-8e7d-d75bfb81277c", "question": "How many female second cousins does the grandchild of the parent of the child of the person whose hobby is sports science have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(female_second_cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "parent(Y_7, Y_5)", "child(Y_9, Y_7)", "hobby(Y_9, \"sports science\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "have", "?" ], "type": 42, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "032d0f30-8013-42a6-9a1e-6bd2e8fc2992", "question": "How many fathers does the son of the sister of the aunt of Darrell Spinelli have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(father(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "son(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister(Y_7, Y_5)", "aunt(\"Darrell Spinelli\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "have", "?" ], "type": 43, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "8ad3797a-f64a-492e-978f-d3d5e7d186e3", "question": "How many siblings does the sibling of the nephew of the female first cousin once removed of Cortez Mcdonough have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "2", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "nephew(Y_7, Y_5)", "female_first_cousin_once_removed(\"Cortez Mcdonough\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "have", "?" ], "type": 43, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "afc36f02-3be5-421b-8b3b-8e4a48d74ff9", "question": "How many aunts does the nephew of the niece of the brother-in-law of Carina Grigsby have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "nephew(Y_5, Y_3)", "niece(Y_7, Y_5)", "brother_in_law(\"Carina Grigsby\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "have", "?" ], "type": 43, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "8868abae-2770-4a9c-ae6c-91bcab925c73", "question": "How many daughters does the parent of the cousin of the niece of Santos Kranz have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(daughter(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "parent(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "niece(\"Santos Kranz\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "have", "?" ], "type": 43, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "80a70748-460a-4206-8d50-61611c9bf4c0", "question": "How many nephews does the great-aunt of the great-grandchild of the grandson of Damian Marlin have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(nephew(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandson(\"Damian Marlin\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "have", "?" ], "type": 43, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "abd73e66-e2f6-47e7-8add-9203a1276ad7", "question": "How many great-grandparents does the son of the nephew of the niece of Bryan Till have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "6" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandparent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "son(Y_5, Y_3)", "nephew(Y_7, Y_5)", "niece(\"Bryan Till\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "have", "?" ], "type": 43, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "9a23086f-30d1-47de-9442-4cf33f799b89", "question": "How many nieces does the aunt of the great-grandson of the friend of Major Gonzales have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(niece(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandson(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(\"Major Gonzales\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "have", "?" ], "type": 43, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "e9f96ce6-cbb5-4eb1-a999-f4179245d17a", "question": "How many grandfathers does the friend of the brother-in-law of the brother-in-law of Sandy Ricker have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandfather(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "brother_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "brother_in_law(\"Sandy Ricker\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "have", "?" ], "type": 43, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "29aaf2ff-698e-4c57-801d-c69e404d6dd1", "question": "How many friends does the friend of the parent of the child of Ty Arenas have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3", "5", "6" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(friend(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "parent(Y_7, Y_5)", "child(\"Ty Arenas\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "have", "?" ], "type": 43, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "8943e065-0aac-4fa2-b816-95432fb244ae", "question": "How many friends does the mother of the niece of the sibling of Reyna Schuman have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "2", "5" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(friend(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "mother(Y_5, Y_3)", "niece(Y_7, Y_5)", "sibling(\"Reyna Schuman\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "have", "?" ], "type": 43, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "ec5c64cf-8723-44ba-8624-652c15ecb549", "question": "How many children does the granddaughter of the grandparent of the person whose date of birth is 1031-07-10 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(child(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "dob(Y_7, \"1031-07-10\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "have", "?" ], "type": 44, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "952e73ad-342d-4874-bdbf-97a3f294ff96", "question": "How many sisters does the parent of the cousin of the person whose hobby is road biking have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "parent(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "hobby(Y_7, \"road biking\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "have", "?" ], "type": 44, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "fb1cf719-cb65-4826-9118-25c030e03ea9", "question": "How many sisters does the uncle of the sister-in-law of the person whose occupation is secretary have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "job(Y_7, \"secretary\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "have", "?" ], "type": 44, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "5d30aafe-5b12-4f85-ac59-8a46bfb62c6c", "question": "How many sisters does the sibling of the niece of the person whose hobby is research have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "2", "3", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "niece(Y_7, Y_5)", "hobby(Y_7, \"research\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "have", "?" ], "type": 44, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "ba4f8c1a-a0a6-4daf-9b5a-7601d3b516ee", "question": "How many granddaughters does the grandparent of the great-granddaughter of the person whose occupation is arts administrator have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "3", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(granddaughter(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_granddaughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "job(Y_7, \"arts administrator\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "have", "?" ], "type": 44, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "685e7eae-5b6b-4223-b820-af19c3dc4d44", "question": "How many daughters-in-law does the mother of the niece of the person whose occupation is architect have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(daughter_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "mother(Y_5, Y_3)", "niece(Y_7, Y_5)", "job(Y_7, \"architect\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "have", "?" ], "type": 44, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "35625a5b-4e8c-4ed2-8e09-0a3ee646ccaa", "question": "How many husbands does the grandchild of the great-grandfather of the person whose hobby is hiking/backpacking have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(husband(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandfather(Y_7, Y_5)", "hobby(Y_7, \"hiking/backpacking\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "have", "?" ], "type": 44, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "5dd06145-072e-4b42-8007-0930a3303af2", "question": "How many grandsons does the grandmother of the brother-in-law of the person whose occupation is aid worker have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2", "3", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandson(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandmother(Y_5, Y_3)", "brother_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "job(Y_7, \"aid worker\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "have", "?" ], "type": 44, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "775414c6-1348-4699-9fd1-b8268a83a12f", "question": "How many friends does the friend of the daughter of the person whose date of birth is 0895-09-22 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(friend(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "daughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "dob(Y_7, \"0895-09-22\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "have", "?" ], "type": 44, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "ee74748e-391a-4993-85b7-a133f4ae0bfd", "question": "How many second uncles does the sibling of the child of the person whose date of birth is 0958-10-31 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(second_uncle(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "child(Y_7, Y_5)", "dob(Y_7, \"0958-10-31\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "have", "?" ], "type": 44, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "33f9812c-88b2-4708-817e-74bccf6fedcf", "question": "How many sons does the sister of the aunt of Darrell Spinelli have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(son(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sister(Y_5, Y_3)", "aunt(\"Darrell Spinelli\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "have", "?" ], "type": 45, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "458f6798-fdd6-4bdb-a575-64265083d12f", "question": "How many cousins does the male second cousin of the male first cousin once removed of Alison Burt have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "male_second_cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(\"Alison Burt\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "have", "?" ], "type": 45, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "e823e477-8217-483e-98cc-ef30d8d7dd42", "question": "How many fathers-in-law does the grandparent of the child of Stacey Roldan have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(father_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "child(\"Stacey Roldan\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "have", "?" ], "type": 45, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "f3a65033-26f2-478c-9127-e1387f0e1c2b", "question": "How many sons does the wife of the great-grandparent of Cedric Todd have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(son(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "wife(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandparent(\"Cedric Todd\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "have", "?" ], "type": 45, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "4bb07fe4-16eb-42db-8c02-9157ee2c36f2", "question": "How many sons does the parent of the great-grandchild of Cruz Wesson have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(son(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "parent(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandchild(\"Cruz Wesson\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "have", "?" ], "type": 45, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "57803dcb-108d-4a4d-bb9c-a08d82641f05", "question": "How many great-aunts does the great-grandchild of the grandson of Damian Marlin have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandson(\"Damian Marlin\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "have", "?" ], "type": 45, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "88560343-8677-4451-b62d-56ed1b2c7fd8", "question": "How many nephews does the niece of the brother of Annabelle Karl have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "4", "5", "6" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(nephew(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "niece(Y_5, Y_3)", "brother(\"Annabelle Karl\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "have", "?" ], "type": 45, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "6d3ed5f3-f62d-4aef-8822-fcaae0a6e98e", "question": "How many male first cousins once removed does the nephew of the second aunt of Emma Reyna have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2", "4", "5" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "nephew(Y_5, Y_3)", "second_aunt(\"Emma Reyna\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "have", "?" ], "type": 45, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "28ef2fa8-0ead-4182-8d7d-083c86805840", "question": "How many grandfathers does the son of the father of Milton Hess have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandfather(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "son(Y_5, Y_3)", "father(\"Milton Hess\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "have", "?" ], "type": 45, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "fa101bb7-e624-4a09-a4fe-005997a0cb5d", "question": "How many grandsons does the great-grandfather of the friend of Andres Coe have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandson(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_grandfather(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(\"Andres Coe\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "have", "?" ], "type": 45, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "fb836371-62fc-444c-8264-6ab4615653e6", "question": "How many granddaughters does the grandparent of the person whose date of birth is 1031-07-10 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(granddaughter(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "dob(Y_5, \"1031-07-10\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "have", "?" ], "type": 46, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "17d83a3d-623b-41a3-b89e-d46c3e554fc3", "question": "How many sons-in-law does the male first cousin once removed of the person whose hobby is nordic skating have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(son_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "male_first_cousin_once_removed(Y_5, Y_3)", "hobby(Y_5, \"nordic skating\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "have", "?" ], "type": 46, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "3e77f946-8395-4ac1-8210-47cd0772b755", "question": "How many grandfathers does the daughter of the person whose date of birth is 1050-05-24 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandfather(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "daughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "dob(Y_5, \"1050-05-24\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "have", "?" ], "type": 46, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "4cd113a0-c2e0-4c17-bbd1-cc7ebb49a6fc", "question": "How many husbands does the grandmother of the person whose occupation is adult guidance worker have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(husband(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandmother(Y_5, Y_3)", "job(Y_5, \"adult guidance worker\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "have", "?" ], "type": 46, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "478e866d-106d-4630-87bc-5f86739c60c1", "question": "How many children does the child of the person whose hobby is video gaming have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(child(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "hobby(Y_5, \"video gaming\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "have", "?" ], "type": 46, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "261c82fb-b2be-4661-8ba7-7cbc581cdcc5", "question": "How many grandparents does the great-granddaughter of the person whose occupation is arts administrator have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandparent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "job(Y_5, \"arts administrator\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "have", "?" ], "type": 46, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "bf3140d6-22d7-4a0d-9171-4550e1c77c60", "question": "How many nephews does the niece of the person whose occupation is armed forces logistics officer have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "4", "5", "6" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(nephew(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "niece(Y_5, Y_3)", "job(Y_5, \"armed forces logistics officer\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "have", "?" ], "type": 46, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "afd9c7ce-df9a-4f10-b96f-e4dad5cc55f0", "question": "How many friends does the second aunt of the person whose hobby is vintage cars have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "2", "3", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(friend(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "second_aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "hobby(Y_5, \"vintage cars\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "have", "?" ], "type": 46, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "38090bf1-de36-45b7-8f37-7152458d455b", "question": "How many mothers-in-law does the father of the person whose date of birth is 1089-03-31 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(mother_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "father(Y_5, Y_3)", "dob(Y_5, \"1089-03-31\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "have", "?" ], "type": 46, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "2115dc63-da7a-4ef7-b152-63aed3379844", "question": "How many grandchildren does the friend of the person whose hobby is reading have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandchild(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "hobby(Y_5, \"reading\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "have", "?" ], "type": 46, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "070813a9-0c82-4712-8758-038be54814f4", "question": "How many sisters does the aunt of Darrell Spinelli have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "aunt(\"Darrell Spinelli\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "have", "?" ], "type": 47, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "22fef43d-7d6d-4d62-ac7f-e96bf261b61d", "question": "How many brothers-in-law does the grandparent of Ozella Duran have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(brother_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandparent(\"Ozella Duran\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "have", "?" ], "type": 47, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "7166f53c-4c0c-43e0-8588-0e1bb18abcfc", "question": "How many siblings does the great-grandparent of Zona Mansour have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_grandparent(\"Zona Mansour\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "have", "?" ], "type": 47, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "d4181177-5d47-446d-bfc0-9803daa3426e", "question": "How many grandparents does the grandfather of Katy Pigg have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandparent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandfather(\"Katy Pigg\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "have", "?" ], "type": 47, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "e7ea9983-bb93-41c3-970b-bdbb2a4525b0", "question": "How many wives does the great-grandparent of Cedric Todd have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(wife(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_grandparent(\"Cedric Todd\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "have", "?" ], "type": 47, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "7eb40ea2-a40e-45d2-98f1-20d2a05da1d9", "question": "How many cousins does the niece of Santos Kranz have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "4", "6" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "niece(\"Santos Kranz\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "have", "?" ], "type": 47, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "ef104f5b-942f-4027-9e4d-173456f13d57", "question": "How many great-uncles does the mother of Deena Munroe have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_uncle(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "mother(\"Deena Munroe\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "have", "?" ], "type": 47, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "648c0014-1e06-4a88-b517-07a8bda355e4", "question": "How many great-grandmothers does the female cousin of Francis Mccutcheon have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandmother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "female_cousin(\"Francis Mccutcheon\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "have", "?" ], "type": 47, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "765ae652-7645-4b11-b0a1-2a13c04282c9", "question": "How many nieces does the brother of Annabelle Karl have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(niece(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "brother(\"Annabelle Karl\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "have", "?" ], "type": 47, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "5fd2037c-3876-4bcc-8f56-b86acaa2c4bf", "question": "How many second uncles does the sister of Nelson Ruth have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(second_uncle(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sister(\"Nelson Ruth\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "have", "?" ], "type": 47, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "bc1967b1-d24d-421c-8686-3bec186babdd", "question": "How many grandparents does the person whose date of birth is 1031-07-10 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandparent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "dob(Y_3, \"1031-07-10\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "have", "?" ], "type": 48, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "acb0b73a-aa96-4041-8aa3-92e4169863e1", "question": "How many female cousins does the person whose date of birth is 0985-04-15 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(female_cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "dob(Y_3, \"0985-04-15\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "have", "?" ], "type": 48, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "fcb8fa08-6881-4364-8825-f7298f86361a", "question": "How many parents does the person whose occupation is hydrologist have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(parent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "job(Y_3, \"hydrologist\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "have", "?" ], "type": 48, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "4f91261c-5caf-45c2-95da-694b831c79dc", "question": "How many great-uncles does the person whose date of birth is 1063-08-25 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_uncle(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "dob(Y_3, \"1063-08-25\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "have", "?" ], "type": 48, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "55351f63-545c-4139-9653-2765372a6aff", "question": "How many grandmothers does the person whose occupation is adult guidance worker have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandmother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "job(Y_3, \"adult guidance worker\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "have", "?" ], "type": 48, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "4c24dde8-2aeb-409f-94c1-8029e1ffe58a", "question": "How many nieces does the person whose hobby is research have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2", "3", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(niece(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "hobby(Y_3, \"research\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "have", "?" ], "type": 48, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "c0eed1fa-ff57-4fbf-88ea-f5e82c3ca4bb", "question": "How many great-aunts does the person whose date of birth is 1015-03-04 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "dob(Y_3, \"1015-03-04\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "have", "?" ], "type": 48, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "d1972f03-ea9d-46de-82b6-ceff6e10eb60", "question": "How many sons-in-law does the person whose hobby is fishing have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(son_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "hobby(Y_3, \"fishing\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "have", "?" ], "type": 48, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "a2ec4839-d2bb-4b7b-9acc-2dbca9b2da06", "question": "How many nieces does the person whose occupation is armed forces logistics officer have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "2", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(niece(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "job(Y_3, \"armed forces logistics officer\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "have", "?" ], "type": 48, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "c7a3023a-31a7-42dd-a29e-804f48e8dcad", "question": "How many second aunts does the person whose date of birth is 1031-01-07 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(second_aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "dob(Y_3, \"1031-01-07\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "have", "?" ], "type": 48, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "5d137b2f-808e-4336-9c2d-c276233d02c9", "question": "How many aunts does Darrell Spinelli have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(aunt(\"Darrell Spinelli\", Y_1)), Count_1)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "_3", "have", "?" ], "type": 49, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "f0049bdb-a1b9-48c7-a0a0-5d307523d3e6", "question": "How many grandchildren does Theodor Reyna have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "5" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandchild(\"Theodor Reyna\", Y_1)), Count_1)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "_3", "have", "?" ], "type": 49, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "6505d36f-8b80-4eb9-8d1d-1080142ef2a0", "question": "How many male first cousins once removed does Alison Burt have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(male_first_cousin_once_removed(\"Alison Burt\", Y_1)), Count_1)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "_3", "have", "?" ], "type": 49, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "3530a77e-1951-45b6-935c-e9828a123777", "question": "How many great-grandparents does Zona Mansour have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandparent(\"Zona Mansour\", Y_1)), Count_1)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "_3", "have", "?" ], "type": 49, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "4ab98e07-2e99-425b-9a54-62679c84c80d", "question": "How many children does Stacey Roldan have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(child(\"Stacey Roldan\", Y_1)), Count_1)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "_3", "have", "?" ], "type": 49, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "4861242c-f556-4587-865f-24756c2dd933", "question": "How many brothers-in-law does Carina Grigsby have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(brother_in_law(\"Carina Grigsby\", Y_1)), Count_1)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "_3", "have", "?" ], "type": 49, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "f782b715-f591-432e-af3b-35464b546db8", "question": "How many great-grandparents does Cedric Todd have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "6" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandparent(\"Cedric Todd\", Y_1)), Count_1)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "_3", "have", "?" ], "type": 49, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "55e12977-9d25-4316-a309-65f46f830717", "question": "How many children does Krystle Rozier have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(child(\"Krystle Rozier\", Y_1)), Count_1)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "_3", "have", "?" ], "type": 49, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "b4b1e934-b825-4e5e-854c-a3693e01a2ba", "question": "How many great-grandchildren does Cruz Wesson have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandchild(\"Cruz Wesson\", Y_1)), Count_1)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "_3", "have", "?" ], "type": 49, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "672b7248-5e04-4116-9129-d21585096327", "question": "How many mothers does Deena Munroe have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(mother(\"Deena Munroe\", Y_1)), Count_1)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "_3", "have", "?" ], "type": 49, "difficulty": 1 } ]