[ { "id": "566c331d-ecd4-4774-aeb7-cfed0e76b8b0", "question": "Who is the parent of the child of the father of the second aunt of the female cousin of the aunt of the daughter of the daughter of the person whose date of birth is 0985-04-02?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Danilo Colin", "Melvin Kidd", "Nikki Kidd", "Ramona Colin" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "parent(Y_4, Y_2)", "child(Y_6, Y_4)", "father(Y_8, Y_6)", "second_aunt(Y_10, Y_8)", "female_cousin(Y_12, Y_10)", "aunt(Y_14, Y_12)", "daughter(Y_16, Y_14)", "daughter(Y_18, Y_16)", "dob(Y_18, \"0985-04-02\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "the person whose", "_19", "is", "_19", "?" ], "type": 0, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "e66144d1-b41a-4d26-ab50-cad6ca5b80f9", "question": "Who is the father of the sibling of the cousin of the grandson of the father of the grandchild of the mother-in-law of the great-grandchild of the person whose occupation is investment banker?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Lester Bivins" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "father(Y_4, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_6, Y_4)", "cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandson(Y_10, Y_8)", "father(Y_12, Y_10)", "grandchild(Y_14, Y_12)", "mother_in_law(Y_16, Y_14)", "great_grandchild(Y_18, Y_16)", "job(Y_18, \"investment banker\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "the person whose", "_19", "is", "_19", "?" ], "type": 0, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "02bd1c42-e726-4a7e-b447-99152e6a8307", "question": "Who is the father-in-law of the sibling of the great-aunt of the great-grandchild of the father-in-law of the granddaughter of the son-in-law of the friend of the person whose occupation is production designer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Mckinley Colin" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "father_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_aunt(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_grandchild(Y_10, Y_8)", "father_in_law(Y_12, Y_10)", "granddaughter(Y_14, Y_12)", "son_in_law(Y_16, Y_14)", "friend(Y_18, Y_16)", "job(Y_18, \"production designer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "the person whose", "_19", "is", "_19", "?" ], "type": 0, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "96fd6e84-dca8-4c28-849f-93661ab69809", "question": "Who is the wife of the great-grandson of the great-grandparent of the male cousin of the nephew of the great-aunt of the niece of the great-grandchild of the person whose hobby is pinball?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Antionette Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "wife(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_grandson(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandparent(Y_8, Y_6)", "male_cousin(Y_10, Y_8)", "nephew(Y_12, Y_10)", "great_aunt(Y_14, Y_12)", "niece(Y_16, Y_14)", "great_grandchild(Y_18, Y_16)", "hobby(Y_18, \"pinball\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "the person whose", "_19", "is", "_19", "?" ], "type": 0, "difficulty": 21 }, { "id": "a0e4bb32-d5e7-4fa2-8f19-fadb3af765cd", "question": "Who is the second aunt of the sibling of the great-aunt of the daughter of the grandchild of the friend of the friend of the sister of the person whose date of birth is 1018-11-12?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Ana Colin", "Lynda Colin", "Meghann Kidd" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "second_aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_aunt(Y_8, Y_6)", "daughter(Y_10, Y_8)", "grandchild(Y_12, Y_10)", "friend(Y_14, Y_12)", "friend(Y_16, Y_14)", "sister(Y_18, Y_16)", "dob(Y_18, \"1018-11-12\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "the person whose", "_19", "is", "_19", "?" ], "type": 0, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "312bb660-4f6a-4d55-a06b-cefa774ea798", "question": "Who is the niece of the child of the parent of the grandson of the grandfather of the daughter of the father-in-law of the daughter of the person whose occupation is applications developer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Yvette Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "niece(Y_4, Y_2)", "child(Y_6, Y_4)", "parent(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandson(Y_10, Y_8)", "grandfather(Y_12, Y_10)", "daughter(Y_14, Y_12)", "father_in_law(Y_16, Y_14)", "daughter(Y_18, Y_16)", "job(Y_18, \"applications developer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "the person whose", "_19", "is", "_19", "?" ], "type": 0, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "cd2d90ef-6431-4ddf-8fb7-8be178689312", "question": "Who is the sibling of the friend of the friend of the great-aunt of the brother-in-law of the daughter-in-law of the brother of the wife of the person whose occupation is electronics engineer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Ana Colin", "Damon Song", "Deirdre Bivins", "Gene Song", "Geneva Song", "Idell Kidd", "Jamal Song", "Jeana Song", "Madaline Song", "Maynard Song", "Mckinley Colin", "Romelia Song", "Seymour Song", "Sol Song", "Tawana Summerlin", "Tod Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sibling(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "friend(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_aunt(Y_10, Y_8)", "brother_in_law(Y_12, Y_10)", "daughter_in_law(Y_14, Y_12)", "brother(Y_16, Y_14)", "wife(Y_18, Y_16)", "job(Y_18, \"electronics engineer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "the person whose", "_19", "is", "_19", "?" ], "type": 0, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "363e59b1-938a-4ed3-8d4d-865c79e08c0a", "question": "Who is the sibling of the great-aunt of the nephew of the great-aunt of the great-grandchild of the great-grandfather of the grandchild of the child of the person whose occupation is geophysical data processor?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Ana Colin", "Genesis Colin", "Lynda Colin", "Mckinley Colin" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sibling(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_aunt(Y_6, Y_4)", "nephew(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_aunt(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_grandchild(Y_12, Y_10)", "great_grandfather(Y_14, Y_12)", "grandchild(Y_16, Y_14)", "child(Y_18, Y_16)", "job(Y_18, \"geophysical data processor\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "the person whose", "_19", "is", "_19", "?" ], "type": 0, "difficulty": 19 }, { "id": "34851613-a3cc-4b7e-8dce-d963af0a6e29", "question": "Who is the grandparent of the friend of the grandfather of the aunt of the brother-in-law of the parent of the great-grandchild of the friend of the person whose hobby is birdwatching?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Eddie Song", "Genesis Colin", "Jamal Song", "Jesse Kiel", "Lance Kiel", "Mckinley Colin", "Nina Song", "Stephan Kidd", "Thomasine Kidd", "Yvette Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandparent(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandfather(Y_8, Y_6)", "aunt(Y_10, Y_8)", "brother_in_law(Y_12, Y_10)", "parent(Y_14, Y_12)", "great_grandchild(Y_16, Y_14)", "friend(Y_18, Y_16)", "hobby(Y_18, \"birdwatching\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "the person whose", "_19", "is", "_19", "?" ], "type": 0, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "ba8ae466-a678-4842-926f-a0ecf2f1ee09", "question": "Who is the sister of the great-aunt of the great-grandson of the father of the sibling of the sister of the second aunt of the wife of the person whose hobby is seashell collecting?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Ana Colin", "Genesis Colin", "Lynda Colin" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sister(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_aunt(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandson(Y_8, Y_6)", "father(Y_10, Y_8)", "sibling(Y_12, Y_10)", "sister(Y_14, Y_12)", "second_aunt(Y_16, Y_14)", "wife(Y_18, Y_16)", "hobby(Y_18, \"seashell collecting\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "the person whose", "_19", "is", "_19", "?" ], "type": 0, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "b9e84a74-08b2-4fe4-bd71-bf43a083cda1", "question": "Who is the child of the grandparent of the second aunt of the sister-in-law of the daughter of the wife of the father of the child of Shelly Reece?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Isidro Kidd", "Melvin Kidd", "Nikki Kidd", "Ramona Colin", "Tawana Summerlin" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "child(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandparent(Y_6, Y_4)", "second_aunt(Y_8, Y_6)", "sister_in_law(Y_10, Y_8)", "daughter(Y_12, Y_10)", "wife(Y_14, Y_12)", "father(Y_16, Y_14)", "child(\"Shelly Reece\", Y_16)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "_18", "?" ], "type": 1, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "35fc22b5-0d53-4305-88e9-3f36b2ffa5e1", "question": "Who is the cousin of the grandson of the father of the grandchild of the mother-in-law of the daughter-in-law of the mother of the granddaughter of Byron Song?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Deirdre Bivins", "Twila Baptiste" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandson(Y_6, Y_4)", "father(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandchild(Y_10, Y_8)", "mother_in_law(Y_12, Y_10)", "daughter_in_law(Y_14, Y_12)", "mother(Y_16, Y_14)", "granddaughter(\"Byron Song\", Y_16)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "_18", "?" ], "type": 1, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "70cfdc9f-8c45-4aa2-ad88-e3433c76abf6", "question": "Who is the great-aunt of the cousin of the nephew of the great-grandparent of the male second cousin of the niece of the great-uncle of the daughter of Alexis Kingsley?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Ana Colin", "Lynda Colin", "Meghann Kidd" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "cousin(Y_6, Y_4)", "nephew(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_grandparent(Y_10, Y_8)", "male_second_cousin(Y_12, Y_10)", "niece(Y_14, Y_12)", "great_uncle(Y_16, Y_14)", "daughter(\"Alexis Kingsley\", Y_16)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "_18", "?" ], "type": 1, "difficulty": 22 }, { "id": "357a2694-3f8d-40b9-bec7-b25eaeb377bf", "question": "Who is the great-grandmother of the grandchild of the daughter of the friend of the friend of the great-aunt of the niece of the daughter of Matilda Summerlin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alethia Kidd", "Genesis Colin", "Hyun Song", "Jesse Kiel", "Matilda Summerlin", "Nikki Kidd", "Nina Song", "Ramona Colin" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandmother(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_6, Y_4)", "daughter(Y_8, Y_6)", "friend(Y_10, Y_8)", "friend(Y_12, Y_10)", "great_aunt(Y_14, Y_12)", "niece(Y_16, Y_14)", "daughter(\"Matilda Summerlin\", Y_16)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "_18", "?" ], "type": 1, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "cc918a58-e2ca-46b0-9acc-0ddb20d74fe2", "question": "Who is the friend of the friend of the child of the parent of the great-granddaughter of the mother of the friend of the sister-in-law of Melvin Kidd?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alexis Kingsley", "Ana Colin", "Byron Song", "Eddie Song", "Elisabeth Kingsley", "Freda Song", "Genesis Colin", "Gilbert Summerlin", "Idell Kidd", "Lance Kiel", "Matilda Summerlin", "Maynard Song", "Mckinley Colin", "Meghann Kidd", "Noreen Kingsley", "Romelia Song", "Seymour Song", "Stephan Kidd", "Tawana Summerlin", "Tod Song", "Twila Baptiste", "Yvette Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "friend(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "child(Y_8, Y_6)", "parent(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_granddaughter(Y_12, Y_10)", "mother(Y_14, Y_12)", "friend(Y_16, Y_14)", "sister_in_law(\"Melvin Kidd\", Y_16)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "_18", "?" ], "type": 1, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "cd71438b-4579-475b-ab52-4b6348a6534f", "question": "Who is the grandfather of the father of the great-aunt of the male cousin of the male cousin of the sibling of the aunt of the sibling of Geneva Song?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Stephan Kidd" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandfather(Y_4, Y_2)", "father(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_aunt(Y_8, Y_6)", "male_cousin(Y_10, Y_8)", "male_cousin(Y_12, Y_10)", "sibling(Y_14, Y_12)", "aunt(Y_16, Y_14)", "sibling(\"Geneva Song\", Y_16)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "_18", "?" ], "type": 1, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "cc93b94c-1df8-4330-9cf5-15fedcd65372", "question": "Who is the sister of the sister of the great-uncle of the great-grandchild of the child of the parent of the great-grandmother of the great-granddaughter of Eddie Song?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Jeana Song", "Madaline Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sister(Y_4, Y_2)", "sister(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_uncle(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_grandchild(Y_10, Y_8)", "child(Y_12, Y_10)", "parent(Y_14, Y_12)", "great_grandmother(Y_16, Y_14)", "great_granddaughter(\"Eddie Song\", Y_16)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "_18", "?" ], "type": 1, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "a4ba6aa9-5fbd-4aaf-a9d9-d90fbb309452", "question": "Who is the great-aunt of the nephew of the sibling of the friend of the great-grandson of the brother of the great-aunt of the great-grandchild of Byron Song?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Ana Colin", "Lynda Colin", "Meghann Kidd" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "nephew(Y_6, Y_4)", "sibling(Y_8, Y_6)", "friend(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_grandson(Y_12, Y_10)", "brother(Y_14, Y_12)", "great_aunt(Y_16, Y_14)", "great_grandchild(\"Byron Song\", Y_16)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "_18", "?" ], "type": 1, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "8a1ea6fd-7762-49c3-928b-c97a2293ca09", "question": "Who is the brother of the aunt of the male cousin of the nephew of the aunt of the great-granddaughter of the father-in-law of the mother-in-law of Freda Song?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Jamal Song", "Seymour Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "brother(Y_4, Y_2)", "aunt(Y_6, Y_4)", "male_cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "nephew(Y_10, Y_8)", "aunt(Y_12, Y_10)", "great_granddaughter(Y_14, Y_12)", "father_in_law(Y_16, Y_14)", "mother_in_law(\"Freda Song\", Y_16)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "_18", "?" ], "type": 1, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "5166bf82-16cb-4fe1-88c0-1045fd5f2ef9", "question": "Who is the cousin of the male cousin of the great-grandchild of the sibling of the sister-in-law of the parent of the daughter-in-law of the great-grandfather of Sol Song?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Hannah Bivins", "Sol Song", "Tod Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "male_cousin(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandchild(Y_8, Y_6)", "sibling(Y_10, Y_8)", "sister_in_law(Y_12, Y_10)", "parent(Y_14, Y_12)", "daughter_in_law(Y_16, Y_14)", "great_grandfather(\"Sol Song\", Y_16)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the", "_17", "of", "_18", "?" ], "type": 1, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "16e0be53-df19-43ae-b832-8c9d8b5e0207", "question": "Who is the child of the father of the second aunt of the female cousin of the aunt of the daughter of the daughter of the person whose date of birth is 0985-04-02?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Ana Colin", "Genesis Colin", "Lynda Colin", "Mckinley Colin", "Meghann Kidd" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "child(Y_4, Y_2)", "father(Y_6, Y_4)", "second_aunt(Y_8, Y_6)", "female_cousin(Y_10, Y_8)", "aunt(Y_12, Y_10)", "daughter(Y_14, Y_12)", "daughter(Y_16, Y_14)", "dob(Y_16, \"0985-04-02\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the person whose", "_17", "is", "_17", "?" ], "type": 2, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "5bb4748c-8877-4ae2-b6c5-a7364a4dc6c1", "question": "Who is the cousin of the grandson of the father of the grandchild of the mother-in-law of the daughter-in-law of the daughter-in-law of the person whose date of birth is 0908-09-14?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Deirdre Bivins", "Twila Baptiste" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandson(Y_6, Y_4)", "father(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandchild(Y_10, Y_8)", "mother_in_law(Y_12, Y_10)", "daughter_in_law(Y_14, Y_12)", "daughter_in_law(Y_16, Y_14)", "dob(Y_16, \"0908-09-14\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the person whose", "_17", "is", "_17", "?" ], "type": 2, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "4b4d746c-63e1-4d7b-a168-273cb552d706", "question": "Who is the cousin of the niece of the grandchild of the grandparent of the second aunt of the granddaughter of the mother-in-law of the person whose date of birth is 1041-10-02?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Damon Song", "Deirdre Bivins", "Gene Song", "Geneva Song", "Maynard Song", "Romelia Song", "Twila Baptiste" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "niece(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandchild(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandparent(Y_10, Y_8)", "second_aunt(Y_12, Y_10)", "granddaughter(Y_14, Y_12)", "mother_in_law(Y_16, Y_14)", "dob(Y_16, \"1041-10-02\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the person whose", "_17", "is", "_17", "?" ], "type": 2, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "a0dbc7da-3dc0-44f3-aca1-6c9f889540c2", "question": "Who is the grandparent of the sister of the grandchild of the grandparent of the second aunt of the male cousin of the friend of the person whose date of birth is 0874-08-12?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alethia Kidd", "Felton Kidd", "Gilbert Summerlin", "Jesse Kiel", "Lance Kiel", "Matilda Summerlin" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandparent(Y_4, Y_2)", "sister(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandchild(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandparent(Y_10, Y_8)", "second_aunt(Y_12, Y_10)", "male_cousin(Y_14, Y_12)", "friend(Y_16, Y_14)", "dob(Y_16, \"0874-08-12\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the person whose", "_17", "is", "_17", "?" ], "type": 2, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "5529a84f-5675-4368-b1a1-d559376d9bd4", "question": "Who is the friend of the friend of the child of the parent of the great-granddaughter of the wife of the great-grandson of the person whose hobby is stone collecting?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Elisabeth Kingsley", "Matilda Summerlin", "Noreen Kingsley" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "friend(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "child(Y_8, Y_6)", "parent(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_granddaughter(Y_12, Y_10)", "wife(Y_14, Y_12)", "great_grandson(Y_16, Y_14)", "hobby(Y_16, \"stone collecting\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the person whose", "_17", "is", "_17", "?" ], "type": 2, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "44c2d8d1-b26a-4005-99c4-462cec1438f6", "question": "Who is the grandfather of the father of the great-aunt of the male cousin of the male cousin of the sibling of the father of the person whose date of birth is 1017-08-26?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Stephan Kidd" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandfather(Y_4, Y_2)", "father(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_aunt(Y_8, Y_6)", "male_cousin(Y_10, Y_8)", "male_cousin(Y_12, Y_10)", "sibling(Y_14, Y_12)", "father(Y_16, Y_14)", "dob(Y_16, \"1017-08-26\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the person whose", "_17", "is", "_17", "?" ], "type": 2, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "16fb82c2-74f5-413d-be05-b1d70b8d443d", "question": "Who is the grandchild of the grandfather of the grandparent of the nephew of the sister of the parent of the grandson of the person whose hobby is aerospace?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Ana Colin", "Genesis Colin", "Lynda Colin", "Mckinley Colin", "Meghann Kidd" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandchild(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandfather(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandparent(Y_8, Y_6)", "nephew(Y_10, Y_8)", "sister(Y_12, Y_10)", "parent(Y_14, Y_12)", "grandson(Y_16, Y_14)", "hobby(Y_16, \"aerospace\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the person whose", "_17", "is", "_17", "?" ], "type": 2, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "f8147e07-30ee-45fe-bc83-7becb036a27c", "question": "Who is the great-aunt of the nephew of the sibling of the friend of the great-grandson of the grandparent of the great-grandchild of the person whose occupation is advertising account planner?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Ana Colin", "Lynda Colin", "Meghann Kidd" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "nephew(Y_6, Y_4)", "sibling(Y_8, Y_6)", "friend(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_grandson(Y_12, Y_10)", "grandparent(Y_14, Y_12)", "great_grandchild(Y_16, Y_14)", "job(Y_16, \"advertising account planner\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the person whose", "_17", "is", "_17", "?" ], "type": 2, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "e2965c12-840b-4814-993a-7aef56258454", "question": "Who is the uncle of the brother of the cousin of the cousin of the niece of the nephew of the sister-in-law of the person whose date of birth is 0961-03-14?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Tod Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "uncle(Y_4, Y_2)", "brother(Y_6, Y_4)", "cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "cousin(Y_10, Y_8)", "niece(Y_12, Y_10)", "nephew(Y_14, Y_12)", "sister_in_law(Y_16, Y_14)", "dob(Y_16, \"0961-03-14\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the person whose", "_17", "is", "_17", "?" ], "type": 2, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "551a6529-84db-4ccb-b97e-8f90a6a0fd86", "question": "Who is the nephew of the friend of the grandfather of the uncle of the daughter-in-law of the parent of the great-aunt of the person whose hobby is research?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Damon Song", "Gene Song", "Maynard Song", "Nathaniel Song", "Sol Song", "Tod Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "nephew(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandfather(Y_8, Y_6)", "uncle(Y_10, Y_8)", "daughter_in_law(Y_12, Y_10)", "parent(Y_14, Y_12)", "great_aunt(Y_16, Y_14)", "hobby(Y_16, \"research\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "the person whose", "_17", "is", "_17", "?" ], "type": 2, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "540b0964-8fd5-41de-9bd9-9678f7fff786", "question": "Who is the grandparent of the second aunt of the sister-in-law of the daughter of the wife of the father of the child of Shelly Reece?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alethia Kidd", "Felton Kidd", "Gilbert Summerlin", "Jesse Kiel", "Lance Kiel", "Matilda Summerlin" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandparent(Y_4, Y_2)", "second_aunt(Y_6, Y_4)", "sister_in_law(Y_8, Y_6)", "daughter(Y_10, Y_8)", "wife(Y_12, Y_10)", "father(Y_14, Y_12)", "child(\"Shelly Reece\", Y_14)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "_16", "?" ], "type": 3, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "8682fdb8-1da6-489f-b38d-bab54039beb7", "question": "Who is the sibling of the grandchild of the grandfather of the son-in-law of the brother of the sister of the sibling of Ana Colin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Jamal Song", "Jeana Song", "Madaline Song", "Seymour Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sibling(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandfather(Y_8, Y_6)", "son_in_law(Y_10, Y_8)", "brother(Y_12, Y_10)", "sister(Y_14, Y_12)", "sibling(\"Ana Colin\", Y_14)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "_16", "?" ], "type": 3, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "9a6da163-2ffc-4749-a98a-aec006cf9040", "question": "Who is the great-uncle of the friend of the mother of the aunt of the son of the parent of the brother-in-law of Nikki Kidd?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Damon Song", "Maynard Song", "Tod Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_uncle(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "mother(Y_8, Y_6)", "aunt(Y_10, Y_8)", "son(Y_12, Y_10)", "parent(Y_14, Y_12)", "brother_in_law(\"Nikki Kidd\", Y_14)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "_16", "?" ], "type": 3, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "326b46bb-8ffa-452d-a024-56aaa9e8ecf9", "question": "Who is the second aunt of the male cousin of the cousin of the aunt of the grandchild of the great-grandchild of the grandparent of Jamal Song?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Ana Colin", "Lynda Colin", "Meghann Kidd" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "second_aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "male_cousin(Y_6, Y_4)", "cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "aunt(Y_10, Y_8)", "grandchild(Y_12, Y_10)", "great_grandchild(Y_14, Y_12)", "grandparent(\"Jamal Song\", Y_14)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "_16", "?" ], "type": 3, "difficulty": 19 }, { "id": "ec2e90b5-0d5c-48f8-86e2-17ee5948bb55", "question": "Who is the great-aunt of the great-granddaughter of the great-grandfather of the female cousin of the granddaughter of the brother of the sister of Seymour Song?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Jeana Song", "Madaline Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_granddaughter(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandfather(Y_8, Y_6)", "female_cousin(Y_10, Y_8)", "granddaughter(Y_12, Y_10)", "brother(Y_14, Y_12)", "sister(\"Seymour Song\", Y_14)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "_16", "?" ], "type": 3, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "b7cc1a27-a836-4236-a247-55efc9b14bfa", "question": "Who is the aunt of the son of the mother of the friend of the friend of the sibling of the parent of Twila Baptiste?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Hannah Bivins", "Idell Kidd", "Jeana Song", "Madaline Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "son(Y_6, Y_4)", "mother(Y_8, Y_6)", "friend(Y_10, Y_8)", "friend(Y_12, Y_10)", "sibling(Y_14, Y_12)", "parent(\"Twila Baptiste\", Y_14)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "_16", "?" ], "type": 3, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "ea031bd3-81fd-43f6-9cc5-4f8757b69e6d", "question": "Who is the grandfather of the daughter of the husband of the wife of the father of the great-aunt of the friend of Ana Colin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Felton Kidd", "Gilbert Summerlin", "Lance Kiel" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandfather(Y_4, Y_2)", "daughter(Y_6, Y_4)", "husband(Y_8, Y_6)", "wife(Y_10, Y_8)", "father(Y_12, Y_10)", "great_aunt(Y_14, Y_12)", "friend(\"Ana Colin\", Y_14)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "_16", "?" ], "type": 3, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "0148df28-e14d-49d0-98c5-51f10ebd35a4", "question": "Who is the sibling of the aunt of the niece of the great-uncle of the great-granddaughter of the husband of the parent of Jolene Song?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Damon Song", "Gene Song", "Geneva Song", "Maynard Song", "Romelia Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sibling(Y_4, Y_2)", "aunt(Y_6, Y_4)", "niece(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_uncle(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_granddaughter(Y_12, Y_10)", "husband(Y_14, Y_12)", "parent(\"Jolene Song\", Y_14)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "_16", "?" ], "type": 3, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "88c85ec9-e69b-4781-bf06-3174311b32ae", "question": "Who is the great-aunt of the nephew of the sibling of the friend of the friend of the great-uncle of the great-grandchild of Mckinley Colin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Ana Colin", "Lynda Colin", "Meghann Kidd" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "nephew(Y_6, Y_4)", "sibling(Y_8, Y_6)", "friend(Y_10, Y_8)", "friend(Y_12, Y_10)", "great_uncle(Y_14, Y_12)", "great_grandchild(\"Mckinley Colin\", Y_14)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "_16", "?" ], "type": 3, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "cb75fe71-00ef-4153-a21a-92e727d266d8", "question": "Who is the aunt of the male cousin of the nephew of the aunt of the great-granddaughter of the father-in-law of the mother-in-law of Freda Song?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Jeana Song", "Madaline Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "male_cousin(Y_6, Y_4)", "nephew(Y_8, Y_6)", "aunt(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_granddaughter(Y_12, Y_10)", "father_in_law(Y_14, Y_12)", "mother_in_law(\"Freda Song\", Y_14)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the", "_15", "of", "_16", "?" ], "type": 3, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "5344b8c1-12bd-4005-8dd1-a7f74b97f356", "question": "Who is the father of the second aunt of the female cousin of the aunt of the daughter of the daughter of the person whose date of birth is 0985-04-02?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Danilo Colin", "Melvin Kidd" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "father(Y_4, Y_2)", "second_aunt(Y_6, Y_4)", "female_cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "aunt(Y_10, Y_8)", "daughter(Y_12, Y_10)", "daughter(Y_14, Y_12)", "dob(Y_14, \"0985-04-02\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the person whose", "_15", "is", "_15", "?" ], "type": 4, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "c335115e-3b53-46a2-abaf-3421a6656c90", "question": "Who is the sibling of the grandchild of the grandfather of the son-in-law of the brother of the sister of the person whose date of birth is 0935-04-16?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Jamal Song", "Jeana Song", "Madaline Song", "Seymour Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sibling(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandfather(Y_8, Y_6)", "son_in_law(Y_10, Y_8)", "brother(Y_12, Y_10)", "sister(Y_14, Y_12)", "dob(Y_14, \"0935-04-16\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the person whose", "_15", "is", "_15", "?" ], "type": 4, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "1967e4df-62d7-4e8e-a60e-17b0b2e8770f", "question": "Who is the father of the second aunt of the granddaughter of the grandchild of the daughter of the parent of the person whose hobby is mineral collecting?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Danilo Colin", "Eddie Song", "Melvin Kidd" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "father(Y_4, Y_2)", "second_aunt(Y_6, Y_4)", "granddaughter(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandchild(Y_10, Y_8)", "daughter(Y_12, Y_10)", "parent(Y_14, Y_12)", "hobby(Y_14, \"mineral collecting\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the person whose", "_15", "is", "_15", "?" ], "type": 4, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "99dc1eaf-61ac-4068-ab46-7496b274a6db", "question": "Who is the second aunt of the female cousin of the great-grandchild of the husband of the great-grandparent of the grandson of the person whose occupation is nutritional therapist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Ana Colin", "Lynda Colin", "Meghann Kidd" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "second_aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "female_cousin(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandchild(Y_8, Y_6)", "husband(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_grandparent(Y_12, Y_10)", "grandson(Y_14, Y_12)", "job(Y_14, \"nutritional therapist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the person whose", "_15", "is", "_15", "?" ], "type": 4, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "e9d2ac94-1d39-408f-b0d2-afaa34f37901", "question": "Who is the wife of the great-grandson of the great-grandparent of the male cousin of the nephew of the sister of the person whose date of birth is 0964-05-16?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Antionette Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "wife(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_grandson(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandparent(Y_8, Y_6)", "male_cousin(Y_10, Y_8)", "nephew(Y_12, Y_10)", "sister(Y_14, Y_12)", "dob(Y_14, \"0964-05-16\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the person whose", "_15", "is", "_15", "?" ], "type": 4, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "a3451d64-d4c1-4721-86a7-6a00867972e2", "question": "Who is the great-aunt of the daughter of the grandchild of the friend of the friend of the sister of the person whose date of birth is 1018-11-12?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Geneva Song", "Romelia Song", "Tawana Summerlin" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "daughter(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandchild(Y_8, Y_6)", "friend(Y_10, Y_8)", "friend(Y_12, Y_10)", "sister(Y_14, Y_12)", "dob(Y_14, \"1018-11-12\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the person whose", "_15", "is", "_15", "?" ], "type": 4, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "805e05a4-a13d-4692-8cf0-bd7faa8f9d17", "question": "Who is the grandfather of the daughter of the husband of the wife of the son-in-law of the grandparent of the person whose hobby is stamp collecting?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Lance Kiel" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandfather(Y_4, Y_2)", "daughter(Y_6, Y_4)", "husband(Y_8, Y_6)", "wife(Y_10, Y_8)", "son_in_law(Y_12, Y_10)", "grandparent(Y_14, Y_12)", "hobby(Y_14, \"stamp collecting\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the person whose", "_15", "is", "_15", "?" ], "type": 4, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "6e932ce8-033a-4a3e-bcd1-e085380d9edf", "question": "Who is the sibling of the sister of the sister of the brother-in-law of the great-grandmother of the daughter of the person whose date of birth is 1015-01-07?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Jamal Song", "Jeana Song", "Madaline Song", "Seymour Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sibling(Y_4, Y_2)", "sister(Y_6, Y_4)", "sister(Y_8, Y_6)", "brother_in_law(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_grandmother(Y_12, Y_10)", "daughter(Y_14, Y_12)", "dob(Y_14, \"1015-01-07\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the person whose", "_15", "is", "_15", "?" ], "type": 4, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "bccf1004-6ceb-47c5-baa8-1923cb880738", "question": "Who is the grandmother of the grandchild of the sibling of the friend of the friend of the father-in-law of the person whose occupation is geophysical data processor?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alethia Kidd", "Hannah Bivins", "Jolene Song", "Matilda Summerlin" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandmother(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_6, Y_4)", "sibling(Y_8, Y_6)", "friend(Y_10, Y_8)", "friend(Y_12, Y_10)", "father_in_law(Y_14, Y_12)", "job(Y_14, \"geophysical data processor\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the person whose", "_15", "is", "_15", "?" ], "type": 4, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "95370e41-077d-40a0-95b5-aebf32d7aaae", "question": "Who is the brother of the cousin of the cousin of the niece of the nephew of the sister-in-law of the person whose date of birth is 0961-03-14?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Damon Song", "Gene Song", "Maynard Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "brother(Y_4, Y_2)", "cousin(Y_6, Y_4)", "cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "niece(Y_10, Y_8)", "nephew(Y_12, Y_10)", "sister_in_law(Y_14, Y_12)", "dob(Y_14, \"0961-03-14\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "the person whose", "_15", "is", "_15", "?" ], "type": 4, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "c03ce9ab-3661-431e-a7b8-858e367b1a22", "question": "Who is the second aunt of the sister-in-law of the daughter of the wife of the father of the child of Shelly Reece?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Ana Colin", "Lynda Colin", "Meghann Kidd" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "second_aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "sister_in_law(Y_6, Y_4)", "daughter(Y_8, Y_6)", "wife(Y_10, Y_8)", "father(Y_12, Y_10)", "child(\"Shelly Reece\", Y_12)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "_14", "?" ], "type": 5, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "4e59afec-7fec-4d6e-89fd-036acb37097a", "question": "Who is the son-in-law of the mother-in-law of the husband of the sister of the sibling of the child of Matilda Summerlin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Melvin Kidd" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "son_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "mother_in_law(Y_6, Y_4)", "husband(Y_8, Y_6)", "sister(Y_10, Y_8)", "sibling(Y_12, Y_10)", "child(\"Matilda Summerlin\", Y_12)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "_14", "?" ], "type": 5, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "3016cab0-b8c7-472d-aea1-2e22ba49f092", "question": "Who is the grandmother of the sibling of the sibling of the great-grandchild of the great-grandfather of the sister of Gene Song?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Yvette Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandmother(Y_4, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_6, Y_4)", "sibling(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_grandchild(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_grandfather(Y_12, Y_10)", "sister(\"Gene Song\", Y_12)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "_14", "?" ], "type": 5, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "c2a3f4ad-8d88-429d-8dc3-088a3e029f82", "question": "Who is the sister-in-law of the great-grandfather of the nephew of the granddaughter of the niece of the friend of Idell Kidd?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Meghann Kidd" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sister_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_grandfather(Y_6, Y_4)", "nephew(Y_8, Y_6)", "granddaughter(Y_10, Y_8)", "niece(Y_12, Y_10)", "friend(\"Idell Kidd\", Y_12)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "_14", "?" ], "type": 5, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "37ef36d9-9e9c-47aa-a807-5bc7de5b00c8", "question": "Who is the sister of the grandchild of the grandparent of the friend of the cousin of the female cousin of Deirdre Bivins?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Ana Colin", "Deirdre Bivins", "Geneva Song", "Jeana Song", "Lynda Colin", "Madaline Song", "Romelia Song", "Twila Baptiste" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sister(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandparent(Y_8, Y_6)", "friend(Y_10, Y_8)", "cousin(Y_12, Y_10)", "female_cousin(\"Deirdre Bivins\", Y_12)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "_14", "?" ], "type": 5, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "a578de22-6b2d-4394-95ae-66371f522620", "question": "Who is the parent of the friend of the husband of the great-grandmother of the niece of the sister-in-law of Melvin Kidd?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Eddie Song", "Jamal Song", "Nina Song", "Yvette Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "parent(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "husband(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_grandmother(Y_10, Y_8)", "niece(Y_12, Y_10)", "sister_in_law(\"Melvin Kidd\", Y_12)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "_14", "?" ], "type": 5, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "83a3b6b5-ba7b-4f37-bc20-b1bcae74ece5", "question": "Who is the parent of the child of the son of the wife of the friend of the friend of Antionette Song?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alethia Kidd", "Felton Kidd" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "parent(Y_4, Y_2)", "child(Y_6, Y_4)", "son(Y_8, Y_6)", "wife(Y_10, Y_8)", "friend(Y_12, Y_10)", "friend(\"Antionette Song\", Y_12)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "_14", "?" ], "type": 5, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "c765cdc0-0d11-465d-ada6-c233612bda6a", "question": "Who is the mother-in-law of the uncle of the grandson of the father of the son-in-law of the great-grandchild of Thomasine Kidd?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Genesis Colin" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "mother_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "uncle(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandson(Y_8, Y_6)", "father(Y_10, Y_8)", "son_in_law(Y_12, Y_10)", "great_grandchild(\"Thomasine Kidd\", Y_12)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "_14", "?" ], "type": 5, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "39ad9540-43ba-485a-b921-83836b4883f7", "question": "Who is the aunt of the niece of the great-uncle of the great-granddaughter of the husband of the parent of Jolene Song?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Geneva Song", "Romelia Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "niece(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_uncle(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_granddaughter(Y_10, Y_8)", "husband(Y_12, Y_10)", "parent(\"Jolene Song\", Y_12)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "_14", "?" ], "type": 5, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "b9d956f6-2979-4e08-8db0-adf3a1ddc201", "question": "Who is the sibling of the friend of the great-grandson of the brother of the great-aunt of the great-grandchild of Byron Song?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Deirdre Bivins", "Jamal Song", "Jeana Song", "Madaline Song", "Meghann Kidd", "Melvin Kidd", "Nikki Kidd", "Seymour Song", "Twila Baptiste" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sibling(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandson(Y_8, Y_6)", "brother(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_aunt(Y_12, Y_10)", "great_grandchild(\"Byron Song\", Y_12)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the", "_13", "of", "_14", "?" ], "type": 5, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "f85a876c-4e83-4328-9594-4593ff0e8e21", "question": "Who is the second aunt of the female cousin of the aunt of the daughter of the daughter of the person whose date of birth is 0985-04-02?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Ana Colin", "Lynda Colin", "Meghann Kidd" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "second_aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "female_cousin(Y_6, Y_4)", "aunt(Y_8, Y_6)", "daughter(Y_10, Y_8)", "daughter(Y_12, Y_10)", "dob(Y_12, \"0985-04-02\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the person whose", "_13", "is", "_13", "?" ], "type": 6, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "7c6c0901-af8b-4454-a087-bcfada0b003e", "question": "Who is the son-in-law of the mother-in-law of the husband of the sister of the child of the person whose date of birth is 0874-08-12?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Melvin Kidd" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "son_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "mother_in_law(Y_6, Y_4)", "husband(Y_8, Y_6)", "sister(Y_10, Y_8)", "child(Y_12, Y_10)", "dob(Y_12, \"0874-08-12\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the person whose", "_13", "is", "_13", "?" ], "type": 6, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "d8cba892-9ba3-40b8-a396-e96d162defd2", "question": "Who is the grandmother of the sibling of the sibling of the great-grandchild of the great-grandmother of the person whose date of birth is 1016-07-28?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Yvette Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandmother(Y_4, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_6, Y_4)", "sibling(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_grandchild(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_grandmother(Y_12, Y_10)", "dob(Y_12, \"1016-07-28\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the person whose", "_13", "is", "_13", "?" ], "type": 6, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "0f7468e7-8ced-4bd4-91b6-1a1b8e597f9a", "question": "Who is the son-in-law of the great-grandchild of the mother of the aunt of the nephew of the person whose hobby is birdwatching?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Jamal Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "son_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_grandchild(Y_6, Y_4)", "mother(Y_8, Y_6)", "aunt(Y_10, Y_8)", "nephew(Y_12, Y_10)", "hobby(Y_12, \"birdwatching\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the person whose", "_13", "is", "_13", "?" ], "type": 6, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "6bf9e49a-c871-4c8f-b26b-8a2b8675b841", "question": "Who is the aunt of the grandchild of the friend of the friend of the male cousin of the person whose hobby is iceboat racing?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Ana Colin", "Deirdre Bivins", "Geneva Song", "Hannah Bivins", "Idell Kidd", "Lynda Colin", "Meghann Kidd", "Romelia Song", "Tawana Summerlin" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_6, Y_4)", "friend(Y_8, Y_6)", "friend(Y_10, Y_8)", "male_cousin(Y_12, Y_10)", "hobby(Y_12, \"iceboat racing\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the person whose", "_13", "is", "_13", "?" ], "type": 6, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "a7620b94-1432-41be-a84a-82ceb866a990", "question": "Who is the parent of the great-granddaughter of the mother of the friend of the sister-in-law of the person whose occupation is applications developer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alexis Kingsley", "Genesis Colin", "Mckinley Colin", "Melvin Kidd", "Nikki Kidd", "Noreen Kingsley" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "parent(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_granddaughter(Y_6, Y_4)", "mother(Y_8, Y_6)", "friend(Y_10, Y_8)", "sister_in_law(Y_12, Y_10)", "job(Y_12, \"applications developer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the person whose", "_13", "is", "_13", "?" ], "type": 6, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "104b718a-acce-4cab-8966-37b6b035c285", "question": "Who is the parent of the child of the son of the father of the friend of the person whose hobby is trainspotting?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alethia Kidd", "Felton Kidd", "Freda Song", "Jamal Song", "Seymour Song", "Yvette Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "parent(Y_4, Y_2)", "child(Y_6, Y_4)", "son(Y_8, Y_6)", "father(Y_10, Y_8)", "friend(Y_12, Y_10)", "hobby(Y_12, \"trainspotting\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the person whose", "_13", "is", "_13", "?" ], "type": 6, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "5fcbc37e-2301-4aef-860c-f00be73ba83b", "question": "Who is the grandfather of the daughter of the father-in-law of the grandchild of the daughter-in-law of the person whose occupation is senior tax professional?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Lance Kiel" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandfather(Y_4, Y_2)", "daughter(Y_6, Y_4)", "father_in_law(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandchild(Y_10, Y_8)", "daughter_in_law(Y_12, Y_10)", "job(Y_12, \"senior tax professional\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the person whose", "_13", "is", "_13", "?" ], "type": 6, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "8c275e5c-caa1-4c88-acfe-510ce71e367c", "question": "Who is the sister of the sister of the brother-in-law of the great-grandmother of the daughter of the person whose date of birth is 1015-01-07?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Jeana Song", "Madaline Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sister(Y_4, Y_2)", "sister(Y_6, Y_4)", "brother_in_law(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_grandmother(Y_10, Y_8)", "daughter(Y_12, Y_10)", "dob(Y_12, \"1015-01-07\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the person whose", "_13", "is", "_13", "?" ], "type": 6, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "a5a3109e-24d1-4f57-9c70-cdfb93b9b461", "question": "Who is the sibling of the friend of the great-grandson of the grandparent of the great-grandchild of the person whose occupation is advertising account planner?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Deirdre Bivins", "Jamal Song", "Jeana Song", "Madaline Song", "Meghann Kidd", "Melvin Kidd", "Nikki Kidd", "Seymour Song", "Twila Baptiste" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sibling(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandson(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandparent(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_grandchild(Y_12, Y_10)", "job(Y_12, \"advertising account planner\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "the person whose", "_13", "is", "_13", "?" ], "type": 6, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "7efe2d8b-5457-4e70-a6c0-de21d73a8252", "question": "Who is the sister-in-law of the daughter of the wife of the father of the child of Shelly Reece?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Geneva Song", "Romelia Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sister_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "daughter(Y_6, Y_4)", "wife(Y_8, Y_6)", "father(Y_10, Y_8)", "child(\"Shelly Reece\", Y_10)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "_12", "?" ], "type": 7, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "92317ea2-bcea-40c4-be31-1af59bc8c2bf", "question": "Who is the husband of the sister of the sibling of the parent of the niece of Tawana Summerlin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Melvin Kidd" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "husband(Y_4, Y_2)", "sister(Y_6, Y_4)", "sibling(Y_8, Y_6)", "parent(Y_10, Y_8)", "niece(\"Tawana Summerlin\", Y_10)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "_12", "?" ], "type": 7, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "d8f1caf1-31f4-408b-a10e-2af6d27f066e", "question": "Who is the great-grandchild of the great-grandfather of the sister of the daughter of the grandson of Mckinley Colin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Damon Song", "Deirdre Bivins", "Gene Song", "Geneva Song", "Maynard Song", "Romelia Song", "Twila Baptiste" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandchild(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_grandfather(Y_6, Y_4)", "sister(Y_8, Y_6)", "daughter(Y_10, Y_8)", "grandson(\"Mckinley Colin\", Y_10)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "_12", "?" ], "type": 7, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "429790d6-49ed-42e5-bccd-83021935d018", "question": "Who is the great-grandparent of the male second cousin of the niece of the great-uncle of the daughter of Alexis Kingsley?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Jamal Song", "Yvette Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandparent(Y_4, Y_2)", "male_second_cousin(Y_6, Y_4)", "niece(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_uncle(Y_10, Y_8)", "daughter(\"Alexis Kingsley\", Y_10)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "_12", "?" ], "type": 7, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "cbdc5342-f554-48cb-8158-002f69e098ac", "question": "Who is the cousin of the aunt of the grandchild of the great-grandchild of the grandparent of Jamal Song?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Damon Song", "Deirdre Bivins", "Gene Song", "Geneva Song", "Maynard Song", "Romelia Song", "Twila Baptiste" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "aunt(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandchild(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_grandchild(Y_10, Y_8)", "grandparent(\"Jamal Song\", Y_10)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "_12", "?" ], "type": 7, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "dcbb9b86-123f-485d-9ddf-b41a68a65cd4", "question": "Who is the son-in-law of the grandparent of the child of the great-grandmother of the great-grandson of Ramona Colin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Danilo Colin", "Melvin Kidd" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "son_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandparent(Y_6, Y_4)", "child(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_grandmother(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_grandson(\"Ramona Colin\", Y_10)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "_12", "?" ], "type": 7, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "e48fd9c1-d8fc-4136-9490-66a2153bc9eb", "question": "Who is the parent of the great-granddaughter of the mother of the friend of the sister-in-law of Melvin Kidd?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alexis Kingsley", "Genesis Colin", "Mckinley Colin", "Melvin Kidd", "Nikki Kidd", "Noreen Kingsley" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "parent(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_granddaughter(Y_6, Y_4)", "mother(Y_8, Y_6)", "friend(Y_10, Y_8)", "sister_in_law(\"Melvin Kidd\", Y_10)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "_12", "?" ], "type": 7, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "dde2964c-1313-4371-95bc-a9885d69d2be", "question": "Who is the child of the son of the wife of the friend of the friend of Antionette Song?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Isidro Kidd", "Melvin Kidd" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "child(Y_4, Y_2)", "son(Y_6, Y_4)", "wife(Y_8, Y_6)", "friend(Y_10, Y_8)", "friend(\"Antionette Song\", Y_10)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "_12", "?" ], "type": 7, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "51cdd4c2-7a0c-4350-b4e8-8d058cf511c3", "question": "Who is the husband of the wife of the father of the great-aunt of the friend of Ana Colin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Danilo Colin", "Gilbert Summerlin", "Melvin Kidd" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "husband(Y_4, Y_2)", "wife(Y_6, Y_4)", "father(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_aunt(Y_10, Y_8)", "friend(\"Ana Colin\", Y_10)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "_12", "?" ], "type": 7, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "297b3553-9d3a-4865-afdf-2edf015ff7b8", "question": "Who is the great-grandchild of the child of the parent of the great-grandmother of the great-granddaughter of Eddie Song?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Damon Song", "Deirdre Bivins", "Gene Song", "Geneva Song", "Maynard Song", "Romelia Song", "Twila Baptiste" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandchild(Y_4, Y_2)", "child(Y_6, Y_4)", "parent(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_grandmother(Y_10, Y_8)", "great_granddaughter(\"Eddie Song\", Y_10)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the", "_11", "of", "_12", "?" ], "type": 7, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "6c9566b6-9258-45ee-907a-90f2b7ad679b", "question": "Who is the female cousin of the aunt of the daughter of the daughter of the person whose date of birth is 0985-04-02?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Deirdre Bivins", "Twila Baptiste" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "female_cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "aunt(Y_6, Y_4)", "daughter(Y_8, Y_6)", "daughter(Y_10, Y_8)", "dob(Y_10, \"0985-04-02\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the person whose", "_11", "is", "_11", "?" ], "type": 8, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "8878da93-5a9f-4521-92b4-44e3837100a8", "question": "Who is the husband of the sister of the child of the parent of the person whose occupation is exercise physiologist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Melvin Kidd" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "husband(Y_4, Y_2)", "sister(Y_6, Y_4)", "child(Y_8, Y_6)", "parent(Y_10, Y_8)", "job(Y_10, \"exercise physiologist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the person whose", "_11", "is", "_11", "?" ], "type": 8, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "6d1d5b86-2f35-4d29-9f3c-6f974c08c558", "question": "Who is the great-granddaughter of the grandparent of the aunt of the child of the person whose occupation is geophysical data processor?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Yvette Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_granddaughter(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandparent(Y_6, Y_4)", "aunt(Y_8, Y_6)", "child(Y_10, Y_8)", "job(Y_10, \"geophysical data processor\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the person whose", "_11", "is", "_11", "?" ], "type": 8, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "06750d79-8395-4fa8-bf86-550a5b16a168", "question": "Who is the grandparent of the second aunt of the granddaughter of the mother-in-law of the person whose date of birth is 1041-10-02?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Eddie Song", "Genesis Colin", "Mckinley Colin", "Nina Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandparent(Y_4, Y_2)", "second_aunt(Y_6, Y_4)", "granddaughter(Y_8, Y_6)", "mother_in_law(Y_10, Y_8)", "dob(Y_10, \"1041-10-02\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the person whose", "_11", "is", "_11", "?" ], "type": 8, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "34267971-c6bb-46e8-87b7-3d9f2355a568", "question": "Who is the great-grandchild of the husband of the great-grandparent of the grandson of the person whose occupation is nutritional therapist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Damon Song", "Deirdre Bivins", "Gene Song", "Geneva Song", "Maynard Song", "Romelia Song", "Twila Baptiste" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandchild(Y_4, Y_2)", "husband(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandparent(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandson(Y_10, Y_8)", "job(Y_10, \"nutritional therapist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the person whose", "_11", "is", "_11", "?" ], "type": 8, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "7b7d6065-7f9a-47e3-a390-508439043364", "question": "Who is the nephew of the great-aunt of the niece of the great-grandchild of the person whose hobby is pinball?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Nathaniel Song", "Sol Song", "Tod Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "nephew(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_aunt(Y_6, Y_4)", "niece(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_grandchild(Y_10, Y_8)", "hobby(Y_10, \"pinball\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the person whose", "_11", "is", "_11", "?" ], "type": 8, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "92fef1cc-396c-4eb6-96fa-27c72f4839cc", "question": "Who is the parent of the great-granddaughter of the wife of the great-grandson of the person whose hobby is stone collecting?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alexis Kingsley", "Noreen Kingsley" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "parent(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_granddaughter(Y_6, Y_4)", "wife(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_grandson(Y_10, Y_8)", "hobby(Y_10, \"stone collecting\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the person whose", "_11", "is", "_11", "?" ], "type": 8, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "84df139e-d323-41a3-afa0-b16118581342", "question": "Who is the child of the son of the father of the friend of the person whose hobby is trainspotting?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Hannah Bivins", "Isidro Kidd", "Melvin Kidd", "Nathaniel Song", "Sol Song", "Tod Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "child(Y_4, Y_2)", "son(Y_6, Y_4)", "father(Y_8, Y_6)", "friend(Y_10, Y_8)", "hobby(Y_10, \"trainspotting\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the person whose", "_11", "is", "_11", "?" ], "type": 8, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "35991a38-c8fe-4c2b-90ed-5b0745ecfbb6", "question": "Who is the husband of the wife of the son-in-law of the grandparent of the person whose hobby is stamp collecting?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Danilo Colin" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "husband(Y_4, Y_2)", "wife(Y_6, Y_4)", "son_in_law(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandparent(Y_10, Y_8)", "hobby(Y_10, \"stamp collecting\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the person whose", "_11", "is", "_11", "?" ], "type": 8, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "31dc6b9b-8d1c-4517-9248-b778ac637697", "question": "Who is the nephew of the sister of the parent of the grandson of the person whose hobby is aerospace?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Nathaniel Song", "Sol Song", "Tod Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "nephew(Y_4, Y_2)", "sister(Y_6, Y_4)", "parent(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandson(Y_10, Y_8)", "hobby(Y_10, \"aerospace\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "the person whose", "_11", "is", "_11", "?" ], "type": 8, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "0899a1a5-b3d9-4c50-b8fb-abbb288a0e09", "question": "Who is the daughter of the wife of the father of the child of Shelly Reece?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Jolene Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "daughter(Y_4, Y_2)", "wife(Y_6, Y_4)", "father(Y_8, Y_6)", "child(\"Shelly Reece\", Y_8)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "_10", "?" ], "type": 9, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "c16022a1-45a1-47d7-bd27-8126b18c4669", "question": "Who is the sister of the sibling of the great-grandchild of the grandmother of Seymour Song?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Hannah Bivins" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sister(Y_4, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandchild(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandmother(\"Seymour Song\", Y_8)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "_10", "?" ], "type": 9, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "5c4399ec-58e7-4abd-827a-e61c8ba03141", "question": "Who is the wife of the father of the great-aunt of the granddaughter of Gilbert Summerlin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Thomasine Kidd" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "wife(Y_4, Y_2)", "father(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_aunt(Y_8, Y_6)", "granddaughter(\"Gilbert Summerlin\", Y_8)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "_10", "?" ], "type": 9, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "862c8130-2d14-4745-9224-d856a56fe0ca", "question": "Who is the father of the sibling of the cousin of the female cousin of Deirdre Bivins?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Lester Bivins" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "father(Y_4, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_6, Y_4)", "cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "female_cousin(\"Deirdre Bivins\", Y_8)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "_10", "?" ], "type": 9, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "be46d032-b992-404e-aae4-0b10e64ce06e", "question": "Who is the grandchild of the grandparent of the friend of the granddaughter of Jesse Kiel?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Ana Colin", "Damon Song", "Deirdre Bivins", "Gene Song", "Geneva Song", "Hannah Bivins", "Lynda Colin", "Maynard Song", "Mckinley Colin", "Nathaniel Song", "Romelia Song", "Sol Song", "Tod Song", "Twila Baptiste", "Yvette Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandchild(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandparent(Y_6, Y_4)", "friend(Y_8, Y_6)", "granddaughter(\"Jesse Kiel\", Y_8)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "_10", "?" ], "type": 9, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "f8542a45-5b78-4145-9237-08fa3eb172b0", "question": "Who is the great-grandchild of the husband of the great-grandparent of the grandson of Jamal Song?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Damon Song", "Deirdre Bivins", "Gene Song", "Geneva Song", "Maynard Song", "Romelia Song", "Twila Baptiste" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandchild(Y_4, Y_2)", "husband(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandparent(Y_8, Y_6)", "grandson(\"Jamal Song\", Y_8)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "_10", "?" ], "type": 9, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "2ca9038e-4cfc-4b51-ace7-310df1870c39", "question": "Who is the grandparent of the child of the great-grandmother of the great-grandson of Ramona Colin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alethia Kidd", "Felton Kidd", "Gilbert Summerlin", "Jesse Kiel", "Lance Kiel", "Matilda Summerlin" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandparent(Y_4, Y_2)", "child(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandmother(Y_8, Y_6)", "great_grandson(\"Ramona Colin\", Y_8)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "_10", "?" ], "type": 9, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "bfa3c28b-ca01-4fa6-a5e1-933d94adaea6", "question": "Who is the husband of the great-grandmother of the niece of the sister-in-law of Melvin Kidd?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Stephan Kidd" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "husband(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_grandmother(Y_6, Y_4)", "niece(Y_8, Y_6)", "sister_in_law(\"Melvin Kidd\", Y_8)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "_10", "?" ], "type": 9, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "80c0cbff-1eea-430d-8598-d32aabeec1b9", "question": "Who is the friend of the friend of the sibling of the parent of Twila Baptiste?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alexis Kingsley", "Ana Colin", "Byron Song", "Freda Song", "Genesis Colin", "Matilda Summerlin", "Maynard Song", "Mckinley Colin", "Melvin Kidd", "Romelia Song", "Sol Song", "Tod Song", "Yvette Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "friend(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "sibling(Y_8, Y_6)", "parent(\"Twila Baptiste\", Y_8)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "_10", "?" ], "type": 9, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "ff85a8e5-4b5c-4b38-af0f-561383dad971", "question": "Who is the male cousin of the sibling of the aunt of the sibling of Geneva Song?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Nathaniel Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "male_cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_6, Y_4)", "aunt(Y_8, Y_6)", "sibling(\"Geneva Song\", Y_8)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the", "_9", "of", "_10", "?" ], "type": 9, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "c065eab5-7a37-445c-858f-c3372671e8b4", "question": "Who is the aunt of the daughter of the daughter of the person whose date of birth is 0985-04-02?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Geneva Song", "Romelia Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "daughter(Y_6, Y_4)", "daughter(Y_8, Y_6)", "dob(Y_8, \"0985-04-02\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the person whose", "_9", "is", "_9", "?" ], "type": 10, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "5e1f8ce5-ad23-4b46-b0a8-db57d0b542b6", "question": "Who is the aunt of the child of the wife of the person whose hobby is research?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Hannah Bivins", "Jeana Song", "Madaline Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "child(Y_6, Y_4)", "wife(Y_8, Y_6)", "hobby(Y_8, \"research\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the person whose", "_9", "is", "_9", "?" ], "type": 10, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "76efbbb6-4d98-4ffb-806d-09f6edce21a3", "question": "Who is the grandchild of the mother-in-law of the great-grandchild of the person whose occupation is investment banker?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Hannah Bivins", "Nathaniel Song", "Sol Song", "Tod Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandchild(Y_4, Y_2)", "mother_in_law(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandchild(Y_8, Y_6)", "job(Y_8, \"investment banker\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the person whose", "_9", "is", "_9", "?" ], "type": 10, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "27a08d77-cc63-4910-b7d1-54ab02627938", "question": "Who is the sibling of the sibling of the female cousin of the person whose hobby is iceboat racing?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Damon Song", "Gene Song", "Geneva Song", "Maynard Song", "Romelia Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sibling(Y_4, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_6, Y_4)", "female_cousin(Y_8, Y_6)", "hobby(Y_8, \"iceboat racing\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the person whose", "_9", "is", "_9", "?" ], "type": 10, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "52f2e370-998d-4341-8220-76588a077bfd", "question": "Who is the granddaughter of the son-in-law of the friend of the person whose occupation is production designer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Elisabeth Kingsley", "Yvette Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "granddaughter(Y_4, Y_2)", "son_in_law(Y_6, Y_4)", "friend(Y_8, Y_6)", "job(Y_8, \"production designer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the person whose", "_9", "is", "_9", "?" ], "type": 10, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "f0f1c2b6-2ca6-4c58-868e-a201b207a435", "question": "Who is the great-grandparent of the uncle of the grandchild of the person whose occupation is nutritional therapist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Byron Song", "Danilo Colin", "Hyun Song", "Melvin Kidd", "Nikki Kidd", "Ramona Colin" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandparent(Y_4, Y_2)", "uncle(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandchild(Y_8, Y_6)", "job(Y_8, \"nutritional therapist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the person whose", "_9", "is", "_9", "?" ], "type": 10, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "54dc3d99-bf20-4c31-9ab8-958fe6f40c06", "question": "Who is the great-aunt of the niece of the great-grandchild of the person whose hobby is pinball?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Jeana Song", "Madaline Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "niece(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_grandchild(Y_8, Y_6)", "hobby(Y_8, \"pinball\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the person whose", "_9", "is", "_9", "?" ], "type": 10, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "6668b01f-ae06-48ca-aee3-5a64bb25cac9", "question": "Who is the mother of the friend of the sister-in-law of the person whose occupation is applications developer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alethia Kidd", "Antionette Song", "Thomasine Kidd" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "mother(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "sister_in_law(Y_8, Y_6)", "job(Y_8, \"applications developer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the person whose", "_9", "is", "_9", "?" ], "type": 10, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "603c193a-b0b2-4523-974f-beeaaf3ec1ac", "question": "Who is the friend of the friend of the sister of the person whose date of birth is 1018-11-12?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Antionette Song", "Deirdre Bivins", "Gilbert Summerlin", "Isidro Kidd", "Jolene Song", "Lester Bivins", "Matilda Summerlin", "Tawana Summerlin", "Twila Baptiste" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "friend(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "sister(Y_8, Y_6)", "dob(Y_8, \"1018-11-12\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the person whose", "_9", "is", "_9", "?" ], "type": 10, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "19f28fe4-91d5-481d-9e63-1c7fc1fd5b31", "question": "Who is the male cousin of the sibling of the father of the person whose date of birth is 1017-08-26?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Nathaniel Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "male_cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_6, Y_4)", "father(Y_8, Y_6)", "dob(Y_8, \"1017-08-26\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "the person whose", "_9", "is", "_9", "?" ], "type": 10, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "b4ff926b-3395-4985-b73b-d1265fcc3936", "question": "Who is the wife of the father of the child of Shelly Reece?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Shelly Reece" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "wife(Y_4, Y_2)", "father(Y_6, Y_4)", "child(\"Shelly Reece\", Y_6)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "_8", "?" ], "type": 11, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "8bdaafef-7dab-463c-98c5-3cfc256fda75", "question": "Who is the grandparent of the second aunt of the great-granddaughter of Eddie Song?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alethia Kidd", "Felton Kidd", "Gilbert Summerlin", "Jesse Kiel", "Lance Kiel", "Matilda Summerlin" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandparent(Y_4, Y_2)", "second_aunt(Y_6, Y_4)", "great_granddaughter(\"Eddie Song\", Y_6)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "_8", "?" ], "type": 11, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "f98eaad8-5592-4c33-9405-962eea239942", "question": "Who is the brother of the sister of the sibling of Ana Colin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Mckinley Colin" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "brother(Y_4, Y_2)", "sister(Y_6, Y_4)", "sibling(\"Ana Colin\", Y_6)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "_8", "?" ], "type": 11, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "c4bc4516-a83a-4bdc-b4db-70e3e250cf01", "question": "Who is the sister of the daughter of the grandson of Mckinley Colin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Geneva Song", "Romelia Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sister(Y_4, Y_2)", "daughter(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandson(\"Mckinley Colin\", Y_6)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "_8", "?" ], "type": 11, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "d4e5a917-8547-4186-a5fe-9661228f72e9", "question": "Who is the son of the parent of the brother-in-law of Nikki Kidd?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Isidro Kidd", "Melvin Kidd" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "son(Y_4, Y_2)", "parent(Y_6, Y_4)", "brother_in_law(\"Nikki Kidd\", Y_6)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "_8", "?" ], "type": 11, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "878cc893-9d29-4e41-9f10-ae8350f41ec5", "question": "Who is the grandparent of the friend of the granddaughter of Jesse Kiel?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Danilo Colin", "Eddie Song", "Genesis Colin", "Jamal Song", "Jesse Kiel", "Lance Kiel", "Mckinley Colin", "Melvin Kidd", "Nikki Kidd", "Nina Song", "Ramona Colin", "Yvette Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandparent(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "granddaughter(\"Jesse Kiel\", Y_6)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "_8", "?" ], "type": 11, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "a0737ff7-53b3-40b3-a8b3-929b4942f31f", "question": "Who is the grandchild of the great-grandchild of the grandparent of Jamal Song?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Carlos Baptiste", "Noreen Kingsley" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandchild(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_grandchild(Y_6, Y_4)", "grandparent(\"Jamal Song\", Y_6)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "_8", "?" ], "type": 11, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "52f749d3-007f-43f9-b95c-8b041bf107a5", "question": "Who is the friend of the cousin of the female cousin of Deirdre Bivins?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Damon Song", "Felton Kidd", "Geneva Song", "Lynda Colin", "Madaline Song", "Matilda Summerlin", "Wyatt Reece" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "friend(Y_4, Y_2)", "cousin(Y_6, Y_4)", "female_cousin(\"Deirdre Bivins\", Y_6)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "_8", "?" ], "type": 11, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "82e267c0-a482-429c-8a08-ac136c51328f", "question": "Who is the granddaughter of the brother of the sister of Seymour Song?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Deirdre Bivins", "Geneva Song", "Romelia Song", "Twila Baptiste" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "granddaughter(Y_4, Y_2)", "brother(Y_6, Y_4)", "sister(\"Seymour Song\", Y_6)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "_8", "?" ], "type": 11, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "3fee0daf-69a6-4e75-b3fb-18024911bf55", "question": "Who is the mother of the friend of the sister-in-law of Melvin Kidd?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alethia Kidd", "Antionette Song", "Thomasine Kidd" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "mother(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "sister_in_law(\"Melvin Kidd\", Y_6)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the", "_7", "of", "_8", "?" ], "type": 11, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "05ceefa1-90d8-4359-ae8c-1fb4edcded06", "question": "Who is the daughter of the daughter of the person whose date of birth is 0985-04-02?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Noreen Kingsley" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "daughter(Y_4, Y_2)", "daughter(Y_6, Y_4)", "dob(Y_6, \"0985-04-02\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the person whose", "_7", "is", "_7", "?" ], "type": 12, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "015dbdf6-c8a1-46b2-a841-967c1200f2ae", "question": "Who is the great-grandparent of the great-grandson of the person whose hobby is aerospace?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Eddie Song", "Genesis Colin", "Mckinley Colin", "Nina Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandparent(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_grandson(Y_6, Y_4)", "hobby(Y_6, \"aerospace\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the person whose", "_7", "is", "_7", "?" ], "type": 12, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "c82095ec-aeab-4456-b383-0927beb28deb", "question": "Who is the brother of the sister of the person whose date of birth is 0935-04-16?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Mckinley Colin" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "brother(Y_4, Y_2)", "sister(Y_6, Y_4)", "dob(Y_6, \"0935-04-16\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the person whose", "_7", "is", "_7", "?" ], "type": 12, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "c28e8436-a1c1-494d-9ead-3eff0d5b2151", "question": "Who is the aunt of the child of the person whose occupation is geophysical data processor?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Ana Colin", "Lynda Colin", "Meghann Kidd" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aunt(Y_4, Y_2)", "child(Y_6, Y_4)", "job(Y_6, \"geophysical data processor\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the person whose", "_7", "is", "_7", "?" ], "type": 12, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "b18763e9-a993-43a7-82d4-7f688eac6dd2", "question": "Who is the daughter of the parent of the person whose hobby is mineral collecting?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Genesis Colin", "Meghann Kidd", "Nikki Kidd", "Tawana Summerlin" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "daughter(Y_4, Y_2)", "parent(Y_6, Y_4)", "hobby(Y_6, \"mineral collecting\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the person whose", "_7", "is", "_7", "?" ], "type": 12, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "3e6bb77d-108c-4591-ac78-c3238e74cddb", "question": "Who is the son-in-law of the friend of the person whose occupation is production designer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Danilo Colin", "Gene Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "son_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(Y_6, Y_4)", "job(Y_6, \"production designer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the person whose", "_7", "is", "_7", "?" ], "type": 12, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "8e00ffe2-5de8-4763-a9bb-79bb1caded11", "question": "Who is the great-grandparent of the grandson of the person whose occupation is nutritional therapist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Eddie Song", "Genesis Colin", "Mckinley Colin", "Nina Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandparent(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandson(Y_6, Y_4)", "job(Y_6, \"nutritional therapist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the person whose", "_7", "is", "_7", "?" ], "type": 12, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "1bb8028b-9165-416d-b291-63c9d33021f6", "question": "Who is the friend of the male cousin of the person whose hobby is iceboat racing?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Byron Song", "Danilo Colin", "Deirdre Bivins", "Eddie Song", "Genesis Colin", "Isidro Kidd", "Jolene Song", "Lance Kiel", "Madaline Song", "Matilda Summerlin", "Seymour Song", "Tawana Summerlin", "Twila Baptiste" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "friend(Y_4, Y_2)", "male_cousin(Y_6, Y_4)", "hobby(Y_6, \"iceboat racing\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the person whose", "_7", "is", "_7", "?" ], "type": 12, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "ed14d07e-c1be-4368-86d2-e8be18b11213", "question": "Who is the nephew of the sister of the person whose date of birth is 0964-05-16?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Nathaniel Song", "Sol Song", "Tod Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "nephew(Y_4, Y_2)", "sister(Y_6, Y_4)", "dob(Y_6, \"0964-05-16\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the person whose", "_7", "is", "_7", "?" ], "type": 12, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "4aef9042-39c9-4d8f-b95e-9aaa54b3f5f7", "question": "Who is the wife of the great-grandson of the person whose hobby is stone collecting?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Antionette Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "wife(Y_4, Y_2)", "great_grandson(Y_6, Y_4)", "hobby(Y_6, \"stone collecting\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "the person whose", "_7", "is", "_7", "?" ], "type": 12, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "f1bc5171-6954-43b6-b96b-91c91a19c038", "question": "Who is the father of the child of Shelly Reece?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Wyatt Reece" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "father(Y_4, Y_2)", "child(\"Shelly Reece\", Y_4)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "_6", "?" ], "type": 13, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "d9af24d2-28c2-4a7f-a566-bafa607b8eb6", "question": "Who is the grandparent of the husband of Freda Song?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Byron Song", "Hyun Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandparent(Y_4, Y_2)", "husband(\"Freda Song\", Y_4)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "_6", "?" ], "type": 13, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "b72fa883-3283-4694-8eb4-1b0f16681551", "question": "Who is the parent of the niece of Tawana Summerlin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Melvin Kidd", "Nikki Kidd" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "parent(Y_4, Y_2)", "niece(\"Tawana Summerlin\", Y_4)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "_6", "?" ], "type": 13, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "16782dbc-03f2-4c79-8b98-49b1a3014ae8", "question": "Who is the mother of the granddaughter of Byron Song?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Nina Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "mother(Y_4, Y_2)", "granddaughter(\"Byron Song\", Y_4)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "_6", "?" ], "type": 13, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "4f1d5c38-a465-4893-971a-d75dfed5c290", "question": "Who is the daughter of the grandson of Mckinley Colin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Geneva Song", "Romelia Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "daughter(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandson(\"Mckinley Colin\", Y_4)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "_6", "?" ], "type": 13, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "8735de79-aec0-4832-a16e-73b32e8c1aba", "question": "Who is the cousin of the female cousin of Deirdre Bivins?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Deirdre Bivins", "Twila Baptiste" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "female_cousin(\"Deirdre Bivins\", Y_4)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "_6", "?" ], "type": 13, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "346dbc4a-e663-484c-90f0-bec5fcb51929", "question": "Who is the great-uncle of the daughter of Alexis Kingsley?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Damon Song", "Maynard Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_uncle(Y_4, Y_2)", "daughter(\"Alexis Kingsley\", Y_4)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "_6", "?" ], "type": 13, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "b21055b7-204a-4559-94fc-30764c8e656e", "question": "Who is the niece of the friend of Idell Kidd?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Genesis Colin", "Meghann Kidd" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "niece(Y_4, Y_2)", "friend(\"Idell Kidd\", Y_4)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "_6", "?" ], "type": 13, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "bd5daa23-a474-472d-bf27-b7dfabfb4bc0", "question": "Who is the great-grandchild of the grandparent of Jamal Song?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Hannah Bivins", "Nathaniel Song", "Sol Song", "Tod Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_grandchild(Y_4, Y_2)", "grandparent(\"Jamal Song\", Y_4)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "_6", "?" ], "type": 13, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "b2d09bbf-5be9-4d9e-94f8-d97cc82205fc", "question": "Who is the niece of the daughter of Matilda Summerlin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Genesis Colin", "Meghann Kidd" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "niece(Y_4, Y_2)", "daughter(\"Matilda Summerlin\", Y_4)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_5", "of", "_6", "?" ], "type": 13, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "ef7dd830-a0a7-499f-bdc7-01c66e663bee", "question": "Who is the daughter of the person whose date of birth is 0985-04-02?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Jolene Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "daughter(Y_4, Y_2)", "dob(Y_4, \"0985-04-02\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_5", "is", "_5", "?" ], "type": 14, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "13046b32-b5bb-4ce8-869e-c1277b794424", "question": "Who is the friend of the person whose date of birth is 0961-03-14?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Eddie Song", "Genesis Colin", "Gilbert Summerlin", "Noreen Kingsley" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "friend(Y_4, Y_2)", "dob(Y_4, \"0961-03-14\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_5", "is", "_5", "?" ], "type": 14, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "d7b34b21-b2b0-4eb6-8df6-4025be29f7fa", "question": "Who is the parent of the person whose occupation is exercise physiologist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Gilbert Summerlin", "Matilda Summerlin" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "parent(Y_4, Y_2)", "job(Y_4, \"exercise physiologist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_5", "is", "_5", "?" ], "type": 14, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "564895b9-e5b1-48b7-9a4e-55a28e76330b", "question": "Who is the daughter-in-law of the person whose date of birth is 0908-09-14?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Nina Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "daughter_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "dob(Y_4, \"0908-09-14\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_5", "is", "_5", "?" ], "type": 14, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "bba69a64-e6d0-4f96-9a23-20efb5fe750b", "question": "Who is the child of the person whose occupation is geophysical data processor?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Yvette Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "child(Y_4, Y_2)", "job(Y_4, \"geophysical data processor\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_5", "is", "_5", "?" ], "type": 14, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "86fd2e4e-351d-4e6b-bbb6-dd72760cf7d5", "question": "Who is the female cousin of the person whose hobby is iceboat racing?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Geneva Song", "Romelia Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "female_cousin(Y_4, Y_2)", "hobby(Y_4, \"iceboat racing\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_5", "is", "_5", "?" ], "type": 14, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "323734df-3efb-4066-95fd-2d58e9d88ad6", "question": "Who is the mother-in-law of the person whose date of birth is 1041-10-02?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Jolene Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "mother_in_law(Y_4, Y_2)", "dob(Y_4, \"1041-10-02\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_5", "is", "_5", "?" ], "type": 14, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "944e9646-aa0b-4c15-be17-1052967a9866", "question": "Who is the nephew of the person whose hobby is birdwatching?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Isidro Kidd", "Melvin Kidd" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "nephew(Y_4, Y_2)", "hobby(Y_4, \"birdwatching\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_5", "is", "_5", "?" ], "type": 14, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "ef479e42-1a04-4cb4-9e5d-5907190f7174", "question": "Who is the grandson of the person whose occupation is nutritional therapist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Damon Song", "Gene Song", "Maynard Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandson(Y_4, Y_2)", "job(Y_4, \"nutritional therapist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_5", "is", "_5", "?" ], "type": 14, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "6484b14b-ef72-49e7-b4bc-0d618f0d193e", "question": "Who is the friend of the person whose date of birth is 0874-08-12?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alethia Kidd", "Alexis Kingsley", "Damon Song", "Gilbert Summerlin", "Madaline Song", "Thomasine Kidd", "Twila Baptiste" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "friend(Y_4, Y_2)", "dob(Y_4, \"0874-08-12\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_5", "is", "_5", "?" ], "type": 14, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "b3708901-c7c1-437d-a8e7-ae562293b2f6", "question": "Who is the child of Shelly Reece?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Jolene Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "child(\"Shelly Reece\", Y_2)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "_4", "?" ], "type": 15, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "c9afde17-dd6d-4e1f-b31f-438cea3d4813", "question": "Who is the daughter of Eddie Song?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Jeana Song", "Madaline Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "daughter(\"Eddie Song\", Y_2)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "_4", "?" ], "type": 15, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "e8d7752c-c24e-4fc7-905c-493e6550497a", "question": "Who is the great-granddaughter of Eddie Song?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Deirdre Bivins", "Geneva Song", "Romelia Song", "Twila Baptiste" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "great_granddaughter(\"Eddie Song\", Y_2)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "_4", "?" ], "type": 15, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "78e057d3-4a72-41b6-beda-e81db06019cc", "question": "Who is the niece of Tawana Summerlin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Genesis Colin", "Meghann Kidd" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "niece(\"Tawana Summerlin\", Y_2)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "_4", "?" ], "type": 15, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "0507b500-a158-4f3c-bb56-a0d8ce2763e1", "question": "Who is the sibling of Ana Colin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Lynda Colin", "Mckinley Colin" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sibling(\"Ana Colin\", Y_2)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "_4", "?" ], "type": 15, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "857a6c0e-1caf-4e4b-be63-bfa3456cb82b", "question": "Who is the granddaughter of Gilbert Summerlin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Genesis Colin", "Meghann Kidd" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "granddaughter(\"Gilbert Summerlin\", Y_2)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "_4", "?" ], "type": 15, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "80d770a3-b0f2-46e3-977c-35ce3e7e17c1", "question": "Who is the grandson of Mckinley Colin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Sol Song", "Tod Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "grandson(\"Mckinley Colin\", Y_2)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "_4", "?" ], "type": 15, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "5b1edc22-1988-4358-b274-f824c6d3c2e4", "question": "Who is the sister of Gene Song?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Geneva Song", "Romelia Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "sister(\"Gene Song\", Y_2)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "_4", "?" ], "type": 15, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "961a4e77-bd5a-4965-85e4-af14f5377b66", "question": "Who is the brother-in-law of Nikki Kidd?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Isidro Kidd" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "brother_in_law(\"Nikki Kidd\", Y_2)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "_4", "?" ], "type": 15, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "a07db855-0222-4121-a36e-06b2d996fb00", "question": "Who is the daughter of Alexis Kingsley?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Elisabeth Kingsley" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "daughter(\"Alexis Kingsley\", Y_2)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the", "_3", "of", "_4", "?" ], "type": 15, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "5060806c-e7d1-48b5-9835-cada35c332f0", "question": "Who is the person whose date of birth is 0985-04-02?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Shelly Reece" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_2, \"0985-04-02\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the person whose", "_3", "is", "_3", "?" ], "type": 16, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "cf5e65e2-99d4-43c0-959f-3483972eeaa7", "question": "Who is the person whose date of birth is 0935-01-05?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Eddie Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_2, \"0935-01-05\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the person whose", "_3", "is", "_3", "?" ], "type": 16, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "5afa90d3-f59d-489f-9a3a-ee3c9b20792e", "question": "Who is the person whose hobby is aerospace?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Eddie Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_2, \"aerospace\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the person whose", "_3", "is", "_3", "?" ], "type": 16, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "6400d73a-beab-4cf6-bad0-fd20c67cf0be", "question": "Who is the person whose occupation is exercise physiologist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Tawana Summerlin" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_2, \"exercise physiologist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the person whose", "_3", "is", "_3", "?" ], "type": 16, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "8d564f03-e757-427d-8be6-f2c3253c833a", "question": "Who is the person whose date of birth is 0935-04-16?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Ana Colin" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_2, \"0935-04-16\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the person whose", "_3", "is", "_3", "?" ], "type": 16, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "a9355b74-9c97-428d-bf2e-372364740107", "question": "Who is the person whose occupation is investment banker?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Gilbert Summerlin" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_2, \"investment banker\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the person whose", "_3", "is", "_3", "?" ], "type": 16, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "e0b3fd78-03cd-4f45-bf1e-d51b87617804", "question": "Who is the person whose occupation is geophysical data processor?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Mckinley Colin" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_2, \"geophysical data processor\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the person whose", "_3", "is", "_3", "?" ], "type": 16, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "195a4993-5829-4fec-bb2a-d60961c3a2b1", "question": "Who is the person whose date of birth is 1016-07-28?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Gene Song" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_2, \"1016-07-28\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the person whose", "_3", "is", "_3", "?" ], "type": 16, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "a199c121-6328-45ae-b712-21937accab46", "question": "Who is the person whose hobby is mineral collecting?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Meghann Kidd", "Nikki Kidd" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_2, \"mineral collecting\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the person whose", "_3", "is", "_3", "?" ], "type": 16, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "88e3c498-8cbb-4270-89c9-b39e7d0217f7", "question": "Who is the person whose date of birth is 1041-10-02?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "Alexis Kingsley" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_2, \"1041-10-02\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "Who is", "the person whose", "_3", "is", "_3", "?" ], "type": 16, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "3cfd0753-289e-430b-bcc4-08533c97d88c", "question": "What is the date of birth of the child of the grandparent of the second aunt of the sister-in-law of the daughter of the wife of the father of the child of Shelly Reece?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0900-05-25", "0903-01-28", "0904-08-01", "0905-06-22", "0909-09-08" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "second_aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "sister_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "daughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "wife(Y_15, Y_13)", "father(Y_17, Y_15)", "child(\"Shelly Reece\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "?" ], "type": 17, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "b9406439-bb16-4a79-8a46-e2a9b506b55d", "question": "What is the date of birth of the parent of the son-in-law of the nephew of the daughter of the wife of the father of the great-aunt of the granddaughter of Gilbert Summerlin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0909-08-09", "0909-09-08" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "parent(Y_5, Y_3)", "son_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "nephew(Y_9, Y_7)", "daughter(Y_11, Y_9)", "wife(Y_13, Y_11)", "father(Y_15, Y_13)", "great_aunt(Y_17, Y_15)", "granddaughter(\"Gilbert Summerlin\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "?" ], "type": 17, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "e6342ec3-03ed-473b-93c5-719f4d0d5db3", "question": "What is the hobby of the child of the great-grandparent of the cousin of the niece of the grandchild of the grandparent of the friend of the granddaughter of Jesse Kiel?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "audiophile", "fossicking", "lomography", "publishing", "research" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "niece(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandchild(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandparent(Y_15, Y_13)", "friend(Y_17, Y_15)", "granddaughter(\"Jesse Kiel\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "?" ], "type": 17, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "569c7962-3ab6-4437-8985-4b17bf562bbf", "question": "What is the date of birth of the great-grandson of the son-in-law of the mother-in-law of the son-in-law of the grandparent of the child of the great-grandmother of the great-grandson of Ramona Colin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0993-10-31" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_grandson(Y_5, Y_3)", "son_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "mother_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "son_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandparent(Y_13, Y_11)", "child(Y_15, Y_13)", "great_grandmother(Y_17, Y_15)", "great_grandson(\"Ramona Colin\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "?" ], "type": 17, "difficulty": 19 }, { "id": "c86a571f-a593-446d-8fa2-21ea4688f702", "question": "What is the hobby of the sibling of the aunt of the son of the mother of the friend of the friend of the sibling of the parent of Twila Baptiste?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "audiophile", "fossicking", "meteorology", "publishing", "research", "sport stacking" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "son(Y_9, Y_7)", "mother(Y_11, Y_9)", "friend(Y_13, Y_11)", "friend(Y_15, Y_13)", "sibling(Y_17, Y_15)", "parent(\"Twila Baptiste\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "?" ], "type": 17, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "53c2118c-a1ab-4281-a980-aa25ae8fade5", "question": "What is the hobby of the daughter of the parent of the great-aunt of the great-grandchild of the sister of the granddaughter of the wife of the father-in-law of Melvin Kidd?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "audiophile", "fossicking" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "daughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "parent(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "sister(Y_13, Y_11)", "granddaughter(Y_15, Y_13)", "wife(Y_17, Y_15)", "father_in_law(\"Melvin Kidd\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "?" ], "type": 17, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "91b86f9e-3bbf-4c9d-b749-a4e7cf638de6", "question": "What is the date of birth of the friend of the friend of the great-aunt of the brother-in-law of the daughter-in-law of the brother of the child of the father-in-law of Lester Bivins?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0854-04-15", "0873-07-19", "0874-01-26", "0874-08-12", "0875-11-11", "0878-11-05", "0903-01-28", "0909-08-09", "0935-01-05", "0941-08-16", "0959-12-18", "0961-07-23", "0964-05-16", "0965-11-11", "0983-05-04", "0985-04-02", "0991-10-05", "1014-09-07", "1017-08-26", "1018-11-12", "1021-10-02", "1023-05-28", "1041-10-02" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "daughter_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "brother(Y_15, Y_13)", "child(Y_17, Y_15)", "father_in_law(\"Lester Bivins\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "?" ], "type": 17, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "e847a159-8b86-41fe-92f7-d8c3dbac6d2d", "question": "What is the date of birth of the male cousin of the nephew of the aunt of the great-granddaughter of the father-in-law of the wife of the father of the son-in-law of Mckinley Colin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0985-07-27", "0993-10-31" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "male_cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "nephew(Y_7, Y_5)", "aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_granddaughter(Y_11, Y_9)", "father_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "wife(Y_15, Y_13)", "father(Y_17, Y_15)", "son_in_law(\"Mckinley Colin\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "?" ], "type": 17, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "8d0bb5bc-9578-4b79-ad74-389f783ddb60", "question": "What is the occupation of the male cousin of the great-grandchild of the sibling of the sister-in-law of the parent of the great-grandmother of the great-granddaughter of the friend of Idell Kidd?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "IT consultant", "architectural technologist", "education administrator", "learning disability nurse" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "male_cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "sibling(Y_9, Y_7)", "sister_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "parent(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_grandmother(Y_15, Y_13)", "great_granddaughter(Y_17, Y_15)", "friend(\"Idell Kidd\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "?" ], "type": 17, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "381c3eaf-29c4-4212-9f94-df9f6eb5fb4e", "question": "What is the occupation of the male cousin of the cousin of the nephew of the sibling of the grandson of the grandfather of the great-aunt of the sister-in-law of Winfred Baptiste?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "architectural technologist", "environmental consultant", "telecommunications researcher" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "male_cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "nephew(Y_9, Y_7)", "sibling(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandson(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandfather(Y_15, Y_13)", "great_aunt(Y_17, Y_15)", "sister_in_law(\"Winfred Baptiste\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "?" ], "type": 17, "difficulty": 19 }, { "id": "0eabdb44-1205-4322-bfc3-85a67fa40fd4", "question": "What is the date of birth of the child of the father of the second aunt of the female cousin of the aunt of the daughter of the daughter of the person whose date of birth is 0985-04-02?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0929-12-23", "0935-04-16", "0935-10-02", "0936-10-18", "0941-08-16" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "father(Y_7, Y_5)", "second_aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "female_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "aunt(Y_13, Y_11)", "daughter(Y_15, Y_13)", "daughter(Y_17, Y_15)", "dob(Y_17, \"0985-04-02\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "?" ], "type": 18, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "3d7d9b74-f395-4829-b3e3-1e40d996d414", "question": "What is the date of birth of the sibling of the cousin of the grandson of the father of the grandchild of the mother-in-law of the great-grandchild of the person whose occupation is investment banker?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1018-11-12", "1021-12-21" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandson(Y_9, Y_7)", "father(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandchild(Y_13, Y_11)", "mother_in_law(Y_15, Y_13)", "great_grandchild(Y_17, Y_15)", "job(Y_17, \"investment banker\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "?" ], "type": 18, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "6feb2da5-a3a5-4c16-be67-95f83e9b06d6", "question": "What is the hobby of the sibling of the great-aunt of the great-grandchild of the father-in-law of the granddaughter of the son-in-law of the friend of the person whose occupation is production designer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "audiophile", "fossicking", "publishing", "research" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "father_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "granddaughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "son_in_law(Y_15, Y_13)", "friend(Y_17, Y_15)", "job(Y_17, \"production designer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "?" ], "type": 18, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "cea67e13-4b21-421e-b249-f66991fa5392", "question": "What is the date of birth of the great-grandson of the great-grandparent of the male cousin of the nephew of the great-aunt of the niece of the great-grandchild of the person whose hobby is pinball?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0985-07-27", "0993-10-31" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_grandson(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "male_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "nephew(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_aunt(Y_13, Y_11)", "niece(Y_15, Y_13)", "great_grandchild(Y_17, Y_15)", "hobby(Y_17, \"pinball\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "?" ], "type": 18, "difficulty": 21 }, { "id": "d7d92462-1938-4cfc-9f1b-7abd866d3c5a", "question": "What is the hobby of the sibling of the great-aunt of the daughter of the grandchild of the friend of the friend of the sister of the person whose date of birth is 1018-11-12?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "dog sport", "insect collecting", "magnet fishing", "meteorology", "mineral collecting", "trapshooting" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "daughter(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "friend(Y_13, Y_11)", "friend(Y_15, Y_13)", "sister(Y_17, Y_15)", "dob(Y_17, \"1018-11-12\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "?" ], "type": 18, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "c497c4ec-5fdf-4014-bf59-ab97c3f0f5ee", "question": "What is the hobby of the child of the parent of the grandson of the grandfather of the daughter of the father-in-law of the daughter of the person whose occupation is applications developer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "baking", "slot car", "stamp collecting" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "parent(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandson(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandfather(Y_11, Y_9)", "daughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "father_in_law(Y_15, Y_13)", "daughter(Y_17, Y_15)", "job(Y_17, \"applications developer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "?" ], "type": 18, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "fbec2b34-8780-4d56-8bfd-4abaee110dd5", "question": "What is the date of birth of the friend of the friend of the great-aunt of the brother-in-law of the daughter-in-law of the brother of the wife of the person whose occupation is electronics engineer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0854-04-15", "0873-07-19", "0874-01-26", "0874-08-12", "0875-11-11", "0878-11-05", "0903-01-28", "0909-08-09", "0935-01-05", "0941-08-16", "0959-12-18", "0961-07-23", "0964-05-16", "0965-11-11", "0983-05-04", "0985-04-02", "0991-10-05", "1014-09-07", "1017-08-26", "1018-11-12", "1021-10-02", "1023-05-28", "1041-10-02" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "daughter_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "brother(Y_15, Y_13)", "wife(Y_17, Y_15)", "job(Y_17, \"electronics engineer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "?" ], "type": 18, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "4e3df14b-aeea-4ad1-a18d-28c855882dcb", "question": "What is the date of birth of the great-aunt of the nephew of the great-aunt of the great-grandchild of the great-grandfather of the grandchild of the child of the person whose occupation is geophysical data processor?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0929-12-23", "0935-04-16", "0941-08-16" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "nephew(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_grandfather(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandchild(Y_15, Y_13)", "child(Y_17, Y_15)", "job(Y_17, \"geophysical data processor\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "?" ], "type": 18, "difficulty": 19 }, { "id": "3b56c7b5-a201-47ed-ac4d-7cf5d603e720", "question": "What is the occupation of the friend of the grandfather of the aunt of the brother-in-law of the parent of the great-grandchild of the friend of the person whose hobby is birdwatching?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "IT consultant", "applications developer", "clinical research associate", "community development worker", "investment banker", "marketing executive", "museum curator", "social researcher", "telecommunications researcher" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandfather(Y_7, Y_5)", "aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "parent(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_grandchild(Y_15, Y_13)", "friend(Y_17, Y_15)", "hobby(Y_17, \"birdwatching\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "?" ], "type": 18, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "2afed187-10d1-4754-aae5-a0ed661fcafc", "question": "What is the occupation of the great-aunt of the great-grandson of the father of the sibling of the sister of the second aunt of the wife of the person whose hobby is seashell collecting?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "careers information officer", "contracting civil engineer", "museum curator" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandson(Y_7, Y_5)", "father(Y_9, Y_7)", "sibling(Y_11, Y_9)", "sister(Y_13, Y_11)", "second_aunt(Y_15, Y_13)", "wife(Y_17, Y_15)", "hobby(Y_17, \"seashell collecting\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "?" ], "type": 18, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "3da30569-b550-4ef4-82db-13207af919c7", "question": "What is the date of birth of the grandparent of the second aunt of the sister-in-law of the daughter of the wife of the father of the child of Shelly Reece?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0873-07-19", "0874-01-26", "0874-08-12", "0875-11-11", "0878-11-05", "0879-03-08" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "second_aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "sister_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "daughter(Y_11, Y_9)", "wife(Y_13, Y_11)", "father(Y_15, Y_13)", "child(\"Shelly Reece\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "?" ], "type": 19, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "5f4146a3-7569-4198-8404-c90675fb9a8d", "question": "What is the hobby of the grandson of the father of the grandchild of the mother-in-law of the daughter-in-law of the mother of the granddaughter of Byron Song?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "insect collecting", "magnet fishing", "trapshooting" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandson(Y_5, Y_3)", "father(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "mother_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "daughter_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "mother(Y_15, Y_13)", "granddaughter(\"Byron Song\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "?" ], "type": 19, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "32c611a2-b230-46e1-a482-fbaadc184460", "question": "What is the occupation of the cousin of the nephew of the great-grandparent of the male second cousin of the niece of the great-uncle of the daughter of Alexis Kingsley?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "biomedical engineer", "environmental consultant", "telecommunications researcher" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "nephew(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "male_second_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "niece(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_uncle(Y_15, Y_13)", "daughter(\"Alexis Kingsley\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "?" ], "type": 19, "difficulty": 20 }, { "id": "9a390e57-8808-43b7-84cd-fd40d342246e", "question": "What is the occupation of the grandchild of the daughter of the friend of the friend of the great-aunt of the niece of the daughter of Matilda Summerlin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "IT consultant", "archivist", "biomedical engineer", "community development worker", "education administrator", "environmental consultant", "learning disability nurse", "pharmacologist", "regulatory affairs officer", "soil scientist", "telecommunications researcher" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "daughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_aunt(Y_13, Y_11)", "niece(Y_15, Y_13)", "daughter(\"Matilda Summerlin\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "?" ], "type": 19, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "453997fc-be6e-4bc5-a1d4-828d3ec16e53", "question": "What is the hobby of the friend of the child of the parent of the great-granddaughter of the mother of the friend of the sister-in-law of Melvin Kidd?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "crystals", "dog sport", "insect collecting", "learning", "lomography", "meteorology", "rowing", "shoes", "sport stacking", "stamp collecting" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "child(Y_7, Y_5)", "parent(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_granddaughter(Y_11, Y_9)", "mother(Y_13, Y_11)", "friend(Y_15, Y_13)", "sister_in_law(\"Melvin Kidd\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "?" ], "type": 19, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "555fed30-6a0d-4506-b21c-fe470d4d02d3", "question": "What is the occupation of the father of the great-aunt of the male cousin of the male cousin of the sibling of the aunt of the sibling of Geneva Song?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "applications developer", "colour technologist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "father(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "male_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "male_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "sibling(Y_13, Y_11)", "aunt(Y_15, Y_13)", "sibling(\"Geneva Song\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "?" ], "type": 19, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "2b95a9d1-b882-4356-a74c-9c8bde808304", "question": "What is the date of birth of the sister of the great-uncle of the great-grandchild of the child of the parent of the great-grandmother of the great-granddaughter of Eddie Song?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0959-12-18", "0965-11-11" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "sister(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_uncle(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "child(Y_11, Y_9)", "parent(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_grandmother(Y_15, Y_13)", "great_granddaughter(\"Eddie Song\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "?" ], "type": 19, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "59a44c3a-031c-4760-8080-4f4d5a9489cc", "question": "What is the occupation of the nephew of the sibling of the friend of the great-grandson of the brother of the great-aunt of the great-grandchild of Byron Song?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "architectural technologist", "environmental consultant", "telecommunications researcher", "toxicologist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "nephew(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandson(Y_11, Y_9)", "brother(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_aunt(Y_15, Y_13)", "great_grandchild(\"Byron Song\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "?" ], "type": 19, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "771ffbd6-4ca0-4229-a673-75a3bd28b084", "question": "What is the occupation of the aunt of the male cousin of the nephew of the aunt of the great-granddaughter of the father-in-law of the mother-in-law of Freda Song?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "air traffic controller", "psychotherapist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "male_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "nephew(Y_9, Y_7)", "aunt(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_granddaughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "father_in_law(Y_15, Y_13)", "mother_in_law(\"Freda Song\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "?" ], "type": 19, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "706589cc-335d-465d-94f1-6f9adf4253ab", "question": "What is the occupation of the male cousin of the great-grandchild of the sibling of the sister-in-law of the parent of the daughter-in-law of the great-grandfather of Sol Song?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "architectural technologist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "male_cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "sibling(Y_9, Y_7)", "sister_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "parent(Y_13, Y_11)", "daughter_in_law(Y_15, Y_13)", "great_grandfather(\"Sol Song\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "?" ], "type": 19, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "53516243-34da-423f-ab00-d1d6f30af177", "question": "What is the date of birth of the father of the second aunt of the female cousin of the aunt of the daughter of the daughter of the person whose date of birth is 0985-04-02?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0905-06-22", "0909-08-09" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "father(Y_5, Y_3)", "second_aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "female_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "aunt(Y_11, Y_9)", "daughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "daughter(Y_15, Y_13)", "dob(Y_15, \"0985-04-02\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "?" ], "type": 20, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "267c286b-4e25-478b-8e5b-92f9f91d3208", "question": "What is the hobby of the grandson of the father of the grandchild of the mother-in-law of the daughter-in-law of the daughter-in-law of the person whose date of birth is 0908-09-14?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "insect collecting", "magnet fishing", "trapshooting" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandson(Y_5, Y_3)", "father(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "mother_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "daughter_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "daughter_in_law(Y_15, Y_13)", "dob(Y_15, \"0908-09-14\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "?" ], "type": 20, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "17e53c96-60a7-4f4e-92f2-c5f4d3c26e53", "question": "What is the occupation of the niece of the grandchild of the grandparent of the second aunt of the granddaughter of the mother-in-law of the person whose date of birth is 1041-10-02?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "community development worker", "pharmacologist", "regulatory affairs officer", "soil scientist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "niece(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "second_aunt(Y_11, Y_9)", "granddaughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "mother_in_law(Y_15, Y_13)", "dob(Y_15, \"1041-10-02\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "?" ], "type": 20, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "08200430-4950-493e-a3ca-36da67815be7", "question": "What is the occupation of the sister of the grandchild of the grandparent of the second aunt of the male cousin of the friend of the person whose date of birth is 0874-08-12?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "careers information officer", "contracting civil engineer", "interior and spatial designer", "museum curator" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "sister(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "second_aunt(Y_11, Y_9)", "male_cousin(Y_13, Y_11)", "friend(Y_15, Y_13)", "dob(Y_15, \"0874-08-12\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "?" ], "type": 20, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "b5320068-d909-4bba-8282-e9d1ef40e7ed", "question": "What is the hobby of the friend of the child of the parent of the great-granddaughter of the wife of the great-grandson of the person whose hobby is stone collecting?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "rowing" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "child(Y_7, Y_5)", "parent(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_granddaughter(Y_11, Y_9)", "wife(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_grandson(Y_15, Y_13)", "hobby(Y_15, \"stone collecting\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "?" ], "type": 20, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "fef00c54-9838-4705-b0a0-738a72ae8339", "question": "What is the occupation of the father of the great-aunt of the male cousin of the male cousin of the sibling of the father of the person whose date of birth is 1017-08-26?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "applications developer", "colour technologist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "father(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "male_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "male_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "sibling(Y_13, Y_11)", "father(Y_15, Y_13)", "dob(Y_15, \"1017-08-26\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "?" ], "type": 20, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "6c5aabc5-687e-4497-ad36-db9892b15380", "question": "What is the date of birth of the grandfather of the grandparent of the nephew of the sister of the parent of the grandson of the person whose hobby is aerospace?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0874-01-26", "0875-11-11", "0879-03-08" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandfather(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "nephew(Y_9, Y_7)", "sister(Y_11, Y_9)", "parent(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandson(Y_15, Y_13)", "hobby(Y_15, \"aerospace\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "?" ], "type": 20, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "7b03f781-2b34-4d05-ab76-51a1d6b4868a", "question": "What is the occupation of the nephew of the sibling of the friend of the great-grandson of the grandparent of the great-grandchild of the person whose occupation is advertising account planner?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "architectural technologist", "environmental consultant", "telecommunications researcher", "toxicologist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "nephew(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandson(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandparent(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_grandchild(Y_15, Y_13)", "job(Y_15, \"advertising account planner\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "?" ], "type": 20, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "ed9743b1-8e8f-40bc-8042-b8635d3aebeb", "question": "What is the occupation of the brother of the cousin of the cousin of the niece of the nephew of the sister-in-law of the person whose date of birth is 0961-03-14?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "IT consultant", "education administrator", "learning disability nurse" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "brother(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "niece(Y_11, Y_9)", "nephew(Y_13, Y_11)", "sister_in_law(Y_15, Y_13)", "dob(Y_15, \"0961-03-14\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "?" ], "type": 20, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "776b2d9a-4687-4670-9f2e-64a314faffbd", "question": "What is the occupation of the friend of the grandfather of the uncle of the daughter-in-law of the parent of the great-aunt of the person whose hobby is research?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "biomedical engineer", "clinical research associate", "investment banker", "psychotherapist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandfather(Y_7, Y_5)", "uncle(Y_9, Y_7)", "daughter_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "parent(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_aunt(Y_15, Y_13)", "hobby(Y_15, \"research\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "?" ], "type": 20, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "6dc3e3cd-c4ae-4710-afa4-7439f5956b14", "question": "What is the occupation of the second aunt of the sister-in-law of the daughter of the wife of the father of the child of Shelly Reece?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "careers information officer", "contracting civil engineer", "museum curator" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "second_aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "daughter(Y_9, Y_7)", "wife(Y_11, Y_9)", "father(Y_13, Y_11)", "child(\"Shelly Reece\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "?" ], "type": 21, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "0c674998-50d6-4113-84fc-0dc06522abd5", "question": "What is the date of birth of the grandchild of the grandfather of the son-in-law of the brother of the sister of the sibling of Ana Colin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0959-12-18", "0961-07-23", "0964-05-16", "0965-11-11" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandfather(Y_7, Y_5)", "son_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother(Y_11, Y_9)", "sister(Y_13, Y_11)", "sibling(\"Ana Colin\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "?" ], "type": 21, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "2ba1e497-12b4-4929-9baa-db8336687725", "question": "What is the occupation of the friend of the mother of the aunt of the son of the parent of the brother-in-law of Nikki Kidd?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "airline pilot", "animal nutritionist", "producer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "mother(Y_7, Y_5)", "aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "son(Y_11, Y_9)", "parent(Y_13, Y_11)", "brother_in_law(\"Nikki Kidd\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "?" ], "type": 21, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "82d821b3-4548-4f19-a951-ab1148ce40d1", "question": "What is the hobby of the male cousin of the cousin of the aunt of the grandchild of the great-grandchild of the grandparent of Jamal Song?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "insect collecting", "magnet fishing", "trapshooting" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "male_cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_grandchild(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandparent(\"Jamal Song\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "?" ], "type": 21, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "b9bade68-3799-4530-b8cc-04779df53db3", "question": "What is the date of birth of the great-granddaughter of the great-grandfather of the female cousin of the granddaughter of the brother of the sister of Seymour Song?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1017-08-26", "1018-11-12", "1020-12-02", "1021-12-21" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandfather(Y_7, Y_5)", "female_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "granddaughter(Y_11, Y_9)", "brother(Y_13, Y_11)", "sister(\"Seymour Song\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "?" ], "type": 21, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "a7c5e45f-ddfc-4246-b1eb-c9b90ec2d125", "question": "What is the date of birth of the son of the mother of the friend of the friend of the sibling of the parent of Twila Baptiste?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0900-05-25", "0905-06-22", "0936-10-18", "0993-10-31", "1016-07-28", "1021-10-02", "1023-05-28" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "son(Y_5, Y_3)", "mother(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(Y_11, Y_9)", "sibling(Y_13, Y_11)", "parent(\"Twila Baptiste\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "?" ], "type": 21, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "dc09db6e-afc5-43d3-9784-f35638f3caae", "question": "What is the hobby of the daughter of the husband of the wife of the father of the great-aunt of the friend of Ana Colin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "jogging", "mineral collecting", "shoes", "slot car", "stamp collecting" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "daughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "husband(Y_7, Y_5)", "wife(Y_9, Y_7)", "father(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_aunt(Y_13, Y_11)", "friend(\"Ana Colin\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "?" ], "type": 21, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "2c15fb09-760e-4654-9752-b8c12f3f9dcb", "question": "What is the date of birth of the aunt of the niece of the great-uncle of the great-granddaughter of the husband of the parent of Jolene Song?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1017-08-26", "1020-12-02" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "niece(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_uncle(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_granddaughter(Y_11, Y_9)", "husband(Y_13, Y_11)", "parent(\"Jolene Song\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "?" ], "type": 21, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "dff42dcd-69c9-4bc8-8f77-ee1162ac4068", "question": "What is the occupation of the nephew of the sibling of the friend of the friend of the great-uncle of the great-grandchild of Mckinley Colin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "architectural technologist", "environmental consultant", "telecommunications researcher" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "nephew(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_uncle(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_grandchild(\"Mckinley Colin\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "?" ], "type": 21, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "66bf759b-667f-4f4e-b96b-6e28068cf799", "question": "What is the date of birth of the male cousin of the nephew of the aunt of the great-granddaughter of the father-in-law of the mother-in-law of Freda Song?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0985-07-27", "0993-10-31" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "male_cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "nephew(Y_7, Y_5)", "aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_granddaughter(Y_11, Y_9)", "father_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "mother_in_law(\"Freda Song\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "?" ], "type": 21, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "24ff82ea-4cba-4aa9-88e1-05a1d4160b3a", "question": "What is the occupation of the second aunt of the female cousin of the aunt of the daughter of the daughter of the person whose date of birth is 0985-04-02?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "careers information officer", "contracting civil engineer", "museum curator" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "second_aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "female_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "daughter(Y_11, Y_9)", "daughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "dob(Y_13, \"0985-04-02\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "?" ], "type": 22, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "3d85b76d-9baf-4c74-9c6f-b6d729d2ad0f", "question": "What is the date of birth of the grandchild of the grandfather of the son-in-law of the brother of the sister of the person whose date of birth is 0935-04-16?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0959-12-18", "0961-07-23", "0964-05-16", "0965-11-11" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandfather(Y_7, Y_5)", "son_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother(Y_11, Y_9)", "sister(Y_13, Y_11)", "dob(Y_13, \"0935-04-16\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "?" ], "type": 22, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "5a5440c5-d82c-472e-9f60-f561789be0b5", "question": "What is the occupation of the second aunt of the granddaughter of the grandchild of the daughter of the parent of the person whose hobby is mineral collecting?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "air traffic controller", "careers information officer", "contracting civil engineer", "museum curator", "psychotherapist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "second_aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "granddaughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "daughter(Y_11, Y_9)", "parent(Y_13, Y_11)", "hobby(Y_13, \"mineral collecting\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "?" ], "type": 22, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "a5b6a04b-4798-4fdd-84cc-f19129bba1c7", "question": "What is the hobby of the female cousin of the great-grandchild of the husband of the great-grandparent of the grandson of the person whose occupation is nutritional therapist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "audiophile", "dog sport", "iceboat racing", "meteorology" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "female_cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "husband(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandparent(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandson(Y_13, Y_11)", "job(Y_13, \"nutritional therapist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "?" ], "type": 22, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "6835112f-07e9-49e9-b20c-ef33af37f100", "question": "What is the date of birth of the great-grandson of the great-grandparent of the male cousin of the nephew of the sister of the person whose date of birth is 0964-05-16?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0985-07-27", "0993-10-31" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_grandson(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "male_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "nephew(Y_11, Y_9)", "sister(Y_13, Y_11)", "dob(Y_13, \"0964-05-16\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "?" ], "type": 22, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "c072c5d9-934e-43ad-ab6d-e8c3ae6e2770", "question": "What is the date of birth of the daughter of the grandchild of the friend of the friend of the sister of the person whose date of birth is 1018-11-12?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0962-11-01", "1073-05-19" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "daughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(Y_11, Y_9)", "sister(Y_13, Y_11)", "dob(Y_13, \"1018-11-12\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "?" ], "type": 22, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "4baa8224-03a1-4a43-891e-e4dbf042337b", "question": "What is the hobby of the daughter of the husband of the wife of the son-in-law of the grandparent of the person whose hobby is stamp collecting?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "slot car", "stamp collecting" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "daughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "husband(Y_7, Y_5)", "wife(Y_9, Y_7)", "son_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandparent(Y_13, Y_11)", "hobby(Y_13, \"stamp collecting\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "?" ], "type": 22, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "2adf904e-e25b-43ea-9197-07c57af51e38", "question": "What is the date of birth of the sister of the sister of the brother-in-law of the great-grandmother of the daughter of the person whose date of birth is 1015-01-07?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0959-12-18", "0965-11-11" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "sister(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister(Y_7, Y_5)", "brother_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandmother(Y_11, Y_9)", "daughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "dob(Y_13, \"1015-01-07\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "?" ], "type": 22, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "ced5fcb6-81da-44cd-849a-49c3d90e9cdb", "question": "What is the occupation of the grandchild of the sibling of the friend of the friend of the father-in-law of the person whose occupation is geophysical data processor?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "careers information officer", "interior and spatial designer", "producer", "toxicologist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(Y_11, Y_9)", "father_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "job(Y_13, \"geophysical data processor\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "?" ], "type": 22, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "8668f287-e8f6-4fb0-9cdd-c419a85502b7", "question": "What is the date of birth of the cousin of the cousin of the niece of the nephew of the sister-in-law of the person whose date of birth is 0961-03-14?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1016-07-28", "1017-08-26", "1018-11-12", "1020-12-02", "1021-10-02", "1021-12-21", "1023-05-28" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "niece(Y_9, Y_7)", "nephew(Y_11, Y_9)", "sister_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "dob(Y_13, \"0961-03-14\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "?" ], "type": 22, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "822fa075-a731-4ea2-a173-6cfd2b8df36e", "question": "What is the hobby of the sister-in-law of the daughter of the wife of the father of the child of Shelly Reece?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "dog sport", "meteorology" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "sister_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "daughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "wife(Y_9, Y_7)", "father(Y_11, Y_9)", "child(\"Shelly Reece\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "?" ], "type": 23, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "321ae5c6-be82-4db6-bd21-a594e26d461f", "question": "What is the occupation of the mother-in-law of the husband of the sister of the sibling of the child of Matilda Summerlin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "airline pilot" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "mother_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "husband(Y_7, Y_5)", "sister(Y_9, Y_7)", "sibling(Y_11, Y_9)", "child(\"Matilda Summerlin\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "?" ], "type": 23, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "04f22d00-877a-431d-8fce-dcfc78231e4b", "question": "What is the occupation of the sibling of the sibling of the great-grandchild of the great-grandfather of the sister of Gene Song?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "IT consultant", "community development worker", "education administrator", "learning disability nurse", "pharmacologist", "regulatory affairs officer", "soil scientist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandfather(Y_11, Y_9)", "sister(\"Gene Song\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "?" ], "type": 23, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "90a45054-dea9-4906-a03f-844f866702cb", "question": "What is the occupation of the great-grandfather of the nephew of the granddaughter of the niece of the friend of Idell Kidd?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "gaffer", "geophysical data processor" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_grandfather(Y_5, Y_3)", "nephew(Y_7, Y_5)", "granddaughter(Y_9, Y_7)", "niece(Y_11, Y_9)", "friend(\"Idell Kidd\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "?" ], "type": 23, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "ec8efd37-d073-49ac-a2b3-95f8fc08d394", "question": "What is the date of birth of the grandchild of the grandparent of the friend of the cousin of the female cousin of Deirdre Bivins?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0935-04-16", "0936-10-18", "0941-08-16", "0959-12-18", "0961-07-23", "0964-05-16", "0965-11-11", "1016-07-28", "1017-08-26", "1018-11-12", "1020-12-02", "1021-10-02", "1021-12-21", "1023-05-28" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "female_cousin(\"Deirdre Bivins\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "?" ], "type": 23, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "3ecdf226-8988-4217-9006-923de046e461", "question": "What is the date of birth of the friend of the husband of the great-grandmother of the niece of the sister-in-law of Melvin Kidd?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0875-11-11", "0965-11-11", "0991-10-05", "1041-10-02" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "husband(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandmother(Y_9, Y_7)", "niece(Y_11, Y_9)", "sister_in_law(\"Melvin Kidd\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "?" ], "type": 23, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "c433c492-f5e3-46f5-96e9-027139a17fc8", "question": "What is the date of birth of the child of the son of the wife of the friend of the friend of Antionette Song?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0900-05-25", "0905-06-22" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "son(Y_7, Y_5)", "wife(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(Y_11, Y_9)", "friend(\"Antionette Song\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "?" ], "type": 23, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "82133b2d-d2f0-418f-9b05-5657a7e94821", "question": "What is the hobby of the uncle of the grandson of the father of the son-in-law of the great-grandchild of Thomasine Kidd?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "publishing", "research" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandson(Y_7, Y_5)", "father(Y_9, Y_7)", "son_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_grandchild(\"Thomasine Kidd\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "?" ], "type": 23, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "b6f58ec9-e235-451d-8fa6-3b905f74b911", "question": "What is the date of birth of the niece of the great-uncle of the great-granddaughter of the husband of the parent of Jolene Song?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1042-12-18" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "niece(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_uncle(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_granddaughter(Y_9, Y_7)", "husband(Y_11, Y_9)", "parent(\"Jolene Song\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "?" ], "type": 23, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "783726a9-8715-4888-985e-93014cd2e9cc", "question": "What is the date of birth of the friend of the great-grandson of the brother of the great-aunt of the great-grandchild of Byron Song?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0874-08-12", "0879-03-08", "0900-05-25", "0904-08-01", "0908-09-14", "0909-08-09", "0935-01-05", "0935-10-02", "0959-12-18", "0964-05-16", "1015-01-07", "1018-11-12", "1021-12-21" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandson(Y_7, Y_5)", "brother(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_aunt(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_grandchild(\"Byron Song\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "?" ], "type": 23, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "31f526d6-18a9-4d49-b870-07f1e34118bc", "question": "What is the hobby of the female cousin of the aunt of the daughter of the daughter of the person whose date of birth is 0985-04-02?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "audiophile", "iceboat racing" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "female_cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "daughter(Y_9, Y_7)", "daughter(Y_11, Y_9)", "dob(Y_11, \"0985-04-02\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "?" ], "type": 24, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "c323dd24-63f3-4b50-96e2-8bdd93d860a7", "question": "What is the occupation of the mother-in-law of the husband of the sister of the child of the person whose date of birth is 0874-08-12?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "airline pilot" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "mother_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "husband(Y_7, Y_5)", "sister(Y_9, Y_7)", "child(Y_11, Y_9)", "dob(Y_11, \"0874-08-12\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "?" ], "type": 24, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "61e96d35-66fe-4fe5-8421-d7af1ca92449", "question": "What is the occupation of the sibling of the sibling of the great-grandchild of the great-grandmother of the person whose date of birth is 1016-07-28?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "IT consultant", "community development worker", "education administrator", "learning disability nurse", "pharmacologist", "regulatory affairs officer", "soil scientist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandmother(Y_11, Y_9)", "dob(Y_11, \"1016-07-28\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "?" ], "type": 24, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "302c14bd-e7d2-468e-bff4-6a97e469b23c", "question": "What is the occupation of the great-grandchild of the mother of the aunt of the nephew of the person whose hobby is birdwatching?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "careers information officer", "interior and spatial designer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "mother(Y_7, Y_5)", "aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "nephew(Y_11, Y_9)", "hobby(Y_11, \"birdwatching\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "?" ], "type": 24, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "9d7ef8a0-a5f1-430d-bc01-576da55dbe7f", "question": "What is the date of birth of the grandchild of the friend of the friend of the male cousin of the person whose hobby is iceboat racing?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0900-05-25", "0905-06-22", "0929-12-23", "0935-04-16", "0935-10-02", "0936-10-18", "0941-08-16", "0959-12-18", "0961-07-23", "0962-11-01", "0964-05-16", "0965-11-11", "1016-07-28", "1017-08-26", "1018-11-12", "1020-12-02", "1021-10-02", "1021-12-21", "1023-05-28", "1042-12-18", "1044-12-31", "1073-05-19" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "male_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "hobby(Y_11, \"iceboat racing\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "?" ], "type": 24, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "f38ccf80-b314-461e-be13-f79fce7ea279", "question": "What is the date of birth of the great-granddaughter of the mother of the friend of the sister-in-law of the person whose occupation is applications developer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0929-12-23", "0935-10-02", "0962-11-01", "1073-05-19" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "mother(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "sister_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "job(Y_11, \"applications developer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "?" ], "type": 24, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "cce7ee85-0aaf-4b66-8348-cf5d5bdc3bf3", "question": "What is the date of birth of the child of the son of the father of the friend of the person whose hobby is trainspotting?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0900-05-25", "0905-06-22", "0985-07-27", "0991-10-05", "0993-10-31" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "son(Y_7, Y_5)", "father(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(Y_11, Y_9)", "hobby(Y_11, \"trainspotting\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "?" ], "type": 24, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "b9c8dd7b-fdad-4775-a33b-e07129a08373", "question": "What is the hobby of the daughter of the father-in-law of the grandchild of the daughter-in-law of the person whose occupation is senior tax professional?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "slot car", "stamp collecting" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "daughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "father_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "daughter_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "job(Y_11, \"senior tax professional\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "?" ], "type": 24, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "12b0f0c5-d8d7-427a-addb-3c3f7e1b71a8", "question": "What is the date of birth of the sister of the brother-in-law of the great-grandmother of the daughter of the person whose date of birth is 1015-01-07?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0959-12-18", "0965-11-11" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "sister(Y_5, Y_3)", "brother_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandmother(Y_9, Y_7)", "daughter(Y_11, Y_9)", "dob(Y_11, \"1015-01-07\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "?" ], "type": 24, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "e376e8b2-f81a-4860-a79c-5ec6f3a6d271", "question": "What is the date of birth of the friend of the great-grandson of the grandparent of the great-grandchild of the person whose occupation is advertising account planner?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0874-08-12", "0879-03-08", "0900-05-25", "0904-08-01", "0908-09-14", "0909-08-09", "0935-01-05", "0935-10-02", "0959-12-18", "0964-05-16", "1015-01-07", "1018-11-12", "1021-12-21" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandson(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "job(Y_11, \"advertising account planner\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "?" ], "type": 24, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "fd422460-a314-4e00-a24c-8a5c510097ec", "question": "What is the hobby of the daughter of the wife of the father of the child of Shelly Reece?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "web design" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "daughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "wife(Y_7, Y_5)", "father(Y_9, Y_7)", "child(\"Shelly Reece\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "?" ], "type": 25, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "07c0b5bf-c0d6-49c3-bc9b-f4ef0bfc0c0d", "question": "What is the occupation of the sister of the sibling of the parent of the niece of Tawana Summerlin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "horticultural therapist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "sister(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "parent(Y_9, Y_7)", "niece(\"Tawana Summerlin\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "?" ], "type": 25, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "b6de69d8-1044-4b6b-b954-5c707ea15d05", "question": "What is the hobby of the great-grandfather of the sister of the daughter of the grandson of Mckinley Colin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "aerospace", "baking" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_grandfather(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister(Y_7, Y_5)", "daughter(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandson(\"Mckinley Colin\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "?" ], "type": 25, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "17993e09-44da-423c-8e83-317959a82a69", "question": "What is the occupation of the male second cousin of the niece of the great-uncle of the daughter of Alexis Kingsley?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "toxicologist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "male_second_cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "niece(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_uncle(Y_9, Y_7)", "daughter(\"Alexis Kingsley\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "?" ], "type": 25, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "3f7498ad-5f8c-4b03-b605-c3891147eaca", "question": "What is the hobby of the aunt of the grandchild of the great-grandchild of the grandparent of Jamal Song?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "dog sport", "iceboat racing", "meteorology" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandparent(\"Jamal Song\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "?" ], "type": 25, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "9dd4acbf-5b53-4fc9-9ba1-bb393645f102", "question": "What is the occupation of the grandparent of the child of the great-grandmother of the great-grandson of Ramona Colin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "academic librarian", "airline pilot", "investment banker", "newspaper journalist", "production designer", "training and development officer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "child(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandmother(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandson(\"Ramona Colin\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "?" ], "type": 25, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "4837f7f1-5b21-4c4a-8293-0394b4ea61f6", "question": "What is the date of birth of the great-granddaughter of the mother of the friend of the sister-in-law of Melvin Kidd?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0929-12-23", "0935-10-02", "0962-11-01", "1073-05-19" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "mother(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "sister_in_law(\"Melvin Kidd\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "?" ], "type": 25, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "7dd36cdb-c879-4b61-b725-efbf6ae48828", "question": "What is the date of birth of the son of the wife of the friend of the friend of Antionette Song?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0874-01-26" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "son(Y_5, Y_3)", "wife(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(\"Antionette Song\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "?" ], "type": 25, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "b7dc80b9-0d5b-4ba2-91bb-9dafb3cf7db6", "question": "What is the occupation of the wife of the father of the great-aunt of the friend of Ana Colin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "airline pilot", "education administrator", "horticultural therapist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "wife(Y_5, Y_3)", "father(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(\"Ana Colin\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "?" ], "type": 25, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "c7ee7e51-0562-41e8-be28-109600fc55ac", "question": "What is the hobby of the child of the parent of the great-grandmother of the great-granddaughter of Eddie Song?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "mineral collecting", "shoes" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "parent(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandmother(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_granddaughter(\"Eddie Song\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "?" ], "type": 25, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "f04feb89-7aca-46ba-ab27-24a92d5cbccb", "question": "What is the hobby of the aunt of the daughter of the daughter of the person whose date of birth is 0985-04-02?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "dog sport", "meteorology" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "daughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "daughter(Y_9, Y_7)", "dob(Y_9, \"0985-04-02\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "?" ], "type": 26, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "e4310996-6366-45c7-9926-38892a1ffff2", "question": "What is the occupation of the sister of the child of the parent of the person whose occupation is exercise physiologist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "exercise physiologist", "horticultural therapist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "sister(Y_5, Y_3)", "child(Y_7, Y_5)", "parent(Y_9, Y_7)", "job(Y_9, \"exercise physiologist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "?" ], "type": 26, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "65ee6213-64c4-4b71-91e3-631e690251f4", "question": "What is the hobby of the grandparent of the aunt of the child of the person whose occupation is geophysical data processor?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "amateur astronomy", "birdwatching", "dolls", "meteorology", "model united nations", "tourism" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "child(Y_9, Y_7)", "job(Y_9, \"geophysical data processor\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "?" ], "type": 26, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "87ab5c74-f91b-40cb-8723-9d49e416e229", "question": "What is the occupation of the second aunt of the granddaughter of the mother-in-law of the person whose date of birth is 1041-10-02?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "biomedical engineer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "second_aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "granddaughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "mother_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "dob(Y_9, \"1041-10-02\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "?" ], "type": 26, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "99065495-1657-4486-826b-706d17daac5b", "question": "What is the hobby of the husband of the great-grandparent of the grandson of the person whose occupation is nutritional therapist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "aerospace", "baking" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "husband(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandson(Y_9, Y_7)", "job(Y_9, \"nutritional therapist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "?" ], "type": 26, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "d23a0659-0487-43ce-9b04-feb8889be9ea", "question": "What is the occupation of the great-aunt of the niece of the great-grandchild of the person whose hobby is pinball?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "air traffic controller", "psychotherapist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "niece(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "hobby(Y_9, \"pinball\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "?" ], "type": 26, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "fb48c38f-f818-4074-8a56-dc33e6898d80", "question": "What is the date of birth of the great-granddaughter of the wife of the great-grandson of the person whose hobby is stone collecting?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1073-05-19" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "wife(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandson(Y_9, Y_7)", "hobby(Y_9, \"stone collecting\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "?" ], "type": 26, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "d403c298-b383-4819-ac6d-5856ab19fb90", "question": "What is the date of birth of the son of the father of the friend of the person whose hobby is trainspotting?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0874-01-26", "0961-07-23", "0964-05-16" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "son(Y_5, Y_3)", "father(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "hobby(Y_9, \"trainspotting\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "?" ], "type": 26, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "97c6511a-6ac6-44f7-bd68-0bb738410872", "question": "What is the occupation of the wife of the son-in-law of the grandparent of the person whose hobby is stamp collecting?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "education administrator" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "wife(Y_5, Y_3)", "son_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "hobby(Y_9, \"stamp collecting\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "?" ], "type": 26, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "43996657-9380-4e9c-8414-443a74246f66", "question": "What is the hobby of the sister of the parent of the grandson of the person whose hobby is aerospace?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "audiophile", "fossicking" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "sister(Y_5, Y_3)", "parent(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandson(Y_9, Y_7)", "hobby(Y_9, \"aerospace\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "?" ], "type": 26, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "24bf68fb-7172-41d4-962d-22a7bf6d7ee5", "question": "What is the date of birth of the wife of the father of the child of Shelly Reece?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0985-04-02" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "wife(Y_5, Y_3)", "father(Y_7, Y_5)", "child(\"Shelly Reece\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "?" ], "type": 27, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "a0f2e022-0271-4c47-964e-1d4930620ee6", "question": "What is the date of birth of the sibling of the great-grandchild of the grandmother of Seymour Song?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0991-10-05", "0993-10-31" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandmother(\"Seymour Song\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "?" ], "type": 27, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "47d6e91d-6acd-4fe3-a71e-05c3d1c69c96", "question": "What is the date of birth of the father of the great-aunt of the granddaughter of Gilbert Summerlin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0852-06-22" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "father(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "granddaughter(\"Gilbert Summerlin\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "?" ], "type": 27, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "de1b02da-74de-409c-b494-21f48f93894d", "question": "What is the date of birth of the sibling of the cousin of the female cousin of Deirdre Bivins?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1018-11-12", "1021-12-21" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "female_cousin(\"Deirdre Bivins\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "?" ], "type": 27, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "86ea3057-aaff-4434-bcc0-3496919fc147", "question": "What is the occupation of the grandparent of the friend of the granddaughter of Jesse Kiel?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "applications developer", "archivist", "colour technologist", "education administrator", "gaffer", "geophysical data processor", "horticultural therapist", "interior and spatial designer", "nutritional therapist", "production designer", "theme park manager", "training and development officer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "granddaughter(\"Jesse Kiel\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "?" ], "type": 27, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "975d43f6-6243-400e-afa1-8c9f9d696ce6", "question": "What is the hobby of the husband of the great-grandparent of the grandson of Jamal Song?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "aerospace", "baking" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "husband(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandson(\"Jamal Song\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "?" ], "type": 27, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "a675bf83-b60b-4c2d-bace-e5bdb1724a04", "question": "What is the date of birth of the child of the great-grandmother of the great-grandson of Ramona Colin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0929-12-23", "0935-01-05", "0935-04-16", "0935-10-02", "0936-10-18", "0941-08-16" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandmother(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandson(\"Ramona Colin\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "?" ], "type": 27, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "d0285fc3-37a2-42c7-82d5-311e9efded74", "question": "What is the date of birth of the great-grandmother of the niece of the sister-in-law of Melvin Kidd?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0854-04-15" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_grandmother(Y_5, Y_3)", "niece(Y_7, Y_5)", "sister_in_law(\"Melvin Kidd\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "?" ], "type": 27, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "db7bb979-63c4-48fc-85d5-eb25eca3a1d9", "question": "What is the hobby of the friend of the sibling of the parent of Twila Baptiste?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "amateur astronomy", "baking", "dog sport", "shoes", "stamp collecting" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "parent(\"Twila Baptiste\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "?" ], "type": 27, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "110cb479-f84d-4cf4-81b4-0a7617683cb7", "question": "What is the hobby of the sibling of the aunt of the sibling of Geneva Song?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "research", "sport stacking" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "sibling(\"Geneva Song\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "?" ], "type": 27, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "81614c02-b797-41cc-bf4a-e9912c20c867", "question": "What is the date of birth of the daughter of the daughter of the person whose date of birth is 0985-04-02?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1042-12-18" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "daughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "daughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "dob(Y_7, \"0985-04-02\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "?" ], "type": 28, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "9d1c0717-1cf8-4beb-9fa1-422e9fc4d862", "question": "What is the date of birth of the child of the wife of the person whose hobby is research?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0985-07-27", "1016-07-28", "1017-08-26", "1020-12-02", "1021-10-02", "1023-05-28" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "wife(Y_7, Y_5)", "hobby(Y_7, \"research\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "?" ], "type": 28, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "c49d089c-81ce-4494-9327-aa36a1872a57", "question": "What is the date of birth of the mother-in-law of the great-grandchild of the person whose occupation is investment banker?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0936-08-07" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "mother_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "job(Y_7, \"investment banker\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "?" ], "type": 28, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "11b1a22a-3ea6-4946-ac05-e3cc73b0090a", "question": "What is the date of birth of the sibling of the female cousin of the person whose hobby is iceboat racing?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1016-07-28", "1017-08-26", "1020-12-02", "1021-10-02", "1023-05-28" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "female_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "hobby(Y_7, \"iceboat racing\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "?" ], "type": 28, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "f1c07478-7cad-47f6-861f-c0b45c642bc5", "question": "What is the occupation of the son-in-law of the friend of the person whose occupation is production designer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "colour technologist", "learning disability nurse" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "son_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "job(Y_7, \"production designer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "?" ], "type": 28, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "f78b7e32-84f0-4e23-831e-7c39fba909ad", "question": "What is the hobby of the uncle of the grandchild of the person whose occupation is nutritional therapist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "research", "sport stacking" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "job(Y_7, \"nutritional therapist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "?" ], "type": 28, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "a113481f-a0fa-4a09-b48a-52cbb790efea", "question": "What is the date of birth of the niece of the great-grandchild of the person whose hobby is pinball?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1017-08-26", "1018-11-12", "1020-12-02", "1021-12-21" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "niece(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "hobby(Y_7, \"pinball\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "?" ], "type": 28, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "da5fba72-51f6-42fe-a97a-bbda6341df13", "question": "What is the date of birth of the friend of the sister-in-law of the person whose occupation is applications developer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0882-10-19", "0905-06-22", "1017-08-26", "1021-10-02" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "job(Y_7, \"applications developer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "?" ], "type": 28, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "2b87d354-bd9b-4848-9f57-0ceb4f2d67af", "question": "What is the hobby of the friend of the sister of the person whose date of birth is 1018-11-12?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "magnet fishing", "meteorology" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister(Y_7, Y_5)", "dob(Y_7, \"1018-11-12\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "?" ], "type": 28, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "3672694a-4043-490b-a082-414d907cbf1b", "question": "What is the hobby of the sibling of the father of the person whose date of birth is 1017-08-26?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "mahjong", "sport stacking" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "father(Y_7, Y_5)", "dob(Y_7, \"1017-08-26\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "?" ], "type": 28, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "452f75aa-9307-4f2e-85e9-25de08c67ea5", "question": "What is the date of birth of the father of the child of Shelly Reece?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0983-05-04" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "father(Y_5, Y_3)", "child(\"Shelly Reece\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "?" ], "type": 29, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "40e0db33-68a7-4c78-b68b-6aa5450a9a5b", "question": "What is the occupation of the second aunt of the great-granddaughter of Eddie Song?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "careers information officer", "contracting civil engineer", "museum curator" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "second_aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_granddaughter(\"Eddie Song\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "?" ], "type": 29, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "5dd8048d-c991-4f42-bb3e-e6371439389c", "question": "What is the occupation of the sister of the sibling of Ana Colin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "contracting civil engineer", "museum curator" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "sister(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(\"Ana Colin\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "?" ], "type": 29, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "ac65abe9-177a-49c6-b375-f32b5cbd147e", "question": "What is the date of birth of the daughter of the grandson of Mckinley Colin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1017-08-26", "1020-12-02" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "daughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandson(\"Mckinley Colin\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "?" ], "type": 29, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "0a48d8c6-9e92-48a5-aac4-090ac360dbbf", "question": "What is the date of birth of the parent of the brother-in-law of Nikki Kidd?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0873-07-19", "0874-01-26" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "parent(Y_5, Y_3)", "brother_in_law(\"Nikki Kidd\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "?" ], "type": 29, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "5ca9196e-500a-45b0-b39f-f8ed16f59804", "question": "What is the occupation of the friend of the granddaughter of Jesse Kiel?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "archivist", "clinical research associate", "environmental consultant", "geophysical data processor", "soil scientist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "granddaughter(\"Jesse Kiel\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "?" ], "type": 29, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "30bcae51-ff88-45a5-8bce-8c04b35582f1", "question": "What is the occupation of the great-grandchild of the grandparent of Jamal Song?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "architectural technologist", "biomedical engineer", "environmental consultant", "telecommunications researcher" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandparent(\"Jamal Song\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "?" ], "type": 29, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "7f3f7461-edf4-4743-8525-b553d181fdb4", "question": "What is the hobby of the cousin of the female cousin of Deirdre Bivins?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "audiophile", "iceboat racing" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "female_cousin(\"Deirdre Bivins\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "?" ], "type": 29, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "1a4246dd-6f9f-42f8-ad61-56deb453cc4d", "question": "What is the occupation of the brother of the sister of Seymour Song?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "nutritional therapist", "ophthalmologist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "brother(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister(\"Seymour Song\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "?" ], "type": 29, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "8f9e0f36-1d1e-4c14-bf77-3032c224a64d", "question": "What is the date of birth of the friend of the sister-in-law of Melvin Kidd?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0882-10-19", "0905-06-22", "1017-08-26", "1021-10-02" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister_in_law(\"Melvin Kidd\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "?" ], "type": 29, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "a1c7a54a-ae86-46ab-b915-63b3f759ff13", "question": "What is the date of birth of the daughter of the person whose date of birth is 0985-04-02?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1015-01-07" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "daughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "dob(Y_5, \"0985-04-02\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "?" ], "type": 30, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "098cd2c0-1585-47c2-8ab1-baf70bcce55f", "question": "What is the occupation of the great-grandson of the person whose hobby is aerospace?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "IT consultant", "education administrator", "learning disability nurse" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_grandson(Y_5, Y_3)", "hobby(Y_5, \"aerospace\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "?" ], "type": 30, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "3336cb6b-8549-418a-9110-bef88ccade3d", "question": "What is the occupation of the sister of the person whose date of birth is 0935-04-16?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "contracting civil engineer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "sister(Y_5, Y_3)", "dob(Y_5, \"0935-04-16\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "?" ], "type": 30, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "6967fb77-91d8-4def-b1d2-11410df12f84", "question": "What is the date of birth of the child of the person whose occupation is geophysical data processor?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0962-11-01" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "job(Y_5, \"geophysical data processor\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "?" ], "type": 30, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "72006860-af94-493e-96fe-c440fbff9169", "question": "What is the date of birth of the parent of the person whose hobby is mineral collecting?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0874-08-12", "0875-11-11", "0903-01-28", "0905-06-22" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "parent(Y_5, Y_3)", "hobby(Y_5, \"mineral collecting\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "?" ], "type": 30, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "13ae7a47-ef1e-483c-98b9-ee198cf22b85", "question": "What is the occupation of the friend of the person whose occupation is production designer?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "professor emeritus", "training and development officer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "job(Y_5, \"production designer\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "?" ], "type": 30, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "c639bfdb-f921-48e7-8c2d-e51c8fae8ff1", "question": "What is the occupation of the grandson of the person whose occupation is nutritional therapist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "IT consultant", "education administrator", "learning disability nurse" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandson(Y_5, Y_3)", "job(Y_5, \"nutritional therapist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "?" ], "type": 30, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "b05af6ee-85bd-4c3b-a170-ce5039b2c19e", "question": "What is the hobby of the male cousin of the person whose hobby is iceboat racing?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "insect collecting", "magnet fishing", "trapshooting" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "male_cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "hobby(Y_5, \"iceboat racing\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "?" ], "type": 30, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "ea91d790-baeb-49d9-a90d-9de04e24e1af", "question": "What is the occupation of the sister of the person whose date of birth is 0964-05-16?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "air traffic controller", "psychotherapist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "sister(Y_5, Y_3)", "dob(Y_5, \"0964-05-16\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "?" ], "type": 30, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "f03f0953-7205-4be4-a1cc-d56e32973079", "question": "What is the date of birth of the great-grandson of the person whose hobby is stone collecting?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0993-10-31" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "great_grandson(Y_5, Y_3)", "hobby(Y_5, \"stone collecting\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "?" ], "type": 30, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "f3221626-4188-497a-9dcf-2ac3efa3851a", "question": "What is the date of birth of the child of Shelly Reece?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1015-01-07" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "child(\"Shelly Reece\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "?" ], "type": 31, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "75748ac3-bde4-4b69-8488-8dae089a21cc", "question": "What is the hobby of the husband of Freda Song?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "research" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "husband(\"Freda Song\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "?" ], "type": 31, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "3e4d3cf9-d917-4074-a551-7608777a0c4b", "question": "What is the date of birth of the niece of Tawana Summerlin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0929-12-23", "0935-10-02" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "niece(\"Tawana Summerlin\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "?" ], "type": 31, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "23edb993-1429-4b7c-a9c5-6a728b52e475", "question": "What is the occupation of the granddaughter of Byron Song?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "air traffic controller", "psychotherapist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "granddaughter(\"Byron Song\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "?" ], "type": 31, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "a5d1902d-cdd5-455d-8e67-97446082f638", "question": "What is the date of birth of the grandson of Mckinley Colin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0993-10-31" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandson(\"Mckinley Colin\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "?" ], "type": 31, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "f2c6b6c2-fed2-401f-83d7-91599e073532", "question": "What is the hobby of the female cousin of Deirdre Bivins?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "dog sport", "meteorology" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "female_cousin(\"Deirdre Bivins\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "?" ], "type": 31, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "7afccfbd-328d-4ad6-ac9a-ac5e3268f29f", "question": "What is the occupation of the daughter of Alexis Kingsley?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "producer" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "daughter(\"Alexis Kingsley\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "?" ], "type": 31, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "55fb24fc-5f02-47b7-95f2-04e98703a67a", "question": "What is the occupation of the friend of Idell Kidd?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "clinical research associate", "exercise physiologist", "nutritional therapist", "theme park manager" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "friend(\"Idell Kidd\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "?" ], "type": 31, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "ea5513bc-be1d-42f4-8978-86c026f561d2", "question": "What is the occupation of the grandparent of Jamal Song?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "advertising account planner", "marketing executive" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "grandparent(\"Jamal Song\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "?" ], "type": 31, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "35183aec-29b4-4194-ac4b-d9bb88c3bc31", "question": "What is the hobby of the daughter of Matilda Summerlin?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "jogging", "mineral collecting" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "daughter(\"Matilda Summerlin\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "?" ], "type": 31, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "48c5e242-f6d3-433e-bcd6-0807f84ac52a", "question": "What is the date of birth of the person whose date of birth is 0985-04-02?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0985-04-02" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "dob(Y_3, \"0985-04-02\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "?" ], "type": 32, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "b71b9305-6add-4dfe-a434-8ce9380e69dd", "question": "What is the hobby of the person whose date of birth is 0961-03-14?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "learning" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "dob(Y_3, \"0961-03-14\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "?" ], "type": 32, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "9fdfd2e3-570f-41a2-853f-e11cd6c66b42", "question": "What is the date of birth of the person whose occupation is exercise physiologist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0904-08-01" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "job(Y_3, \"exercise physiologist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "?" ], "type": 32, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "37ef655e-a1b7-4ef7-ac5e-ae40c0553aa3", "question": "What is the occupation of the person whose date of birth is 0908-09-14?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "advertising account planner" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "dob(Y_3, \"0908-09-14\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "?" ], "type": 32, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "4691eafa-68c7-4d29-b753-4bd077fb51fa", "question": "What is the date of birth of the person whose occupation is geophysical data processor?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0936-10-18" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "dob(Y_3, Y_2)", "job(Y_3, \"geophysical data processor\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "?" ], "type": 32, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "176d8a94-9dad-403a-9453-503059382a1b", "question": "What is the hobby of the person whose hobby is iceboat racing?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "iceboat racing" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "hobby(Y_3, \"iceboat racing\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "?" ], "type": 32, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "4e74b5ea-5d05-4318-8ef5-b20e0c96763b", "question": "What is the occupation of the person whose date of birth is 1041-10-02?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "clinical research associate" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "dob(Y_3, \"1041-10-02\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "?" ], "type": 32, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "38b6b5f4-438b-4333-8993-449d9101fda3", "question": "What is the occupation of the person whose hobby is birdwatching?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "chartered legal executive", "investment banker" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "hobby(Y_3, \"birdwatching\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "?" ], "type": 32, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "922dc13d-b66b-4622-9e0c-1134043f0b07", "question": "What is the occupation of the person whose occupation is nutritional therapist?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "nutritional therapist" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "job(Y_3, Y_2)", "job(Y_3, \"nutritional therapist\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "?" ], "type": 32, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "e2a813a0-8ae9-4d67-9830-581ccc5865f1", "question": "What is the hobby of the person whose date of birth is 0874-08-12?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "model united nations" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "hobby(Y_3, Y_2)", "dob(Y_3, \"0874-08-12\")" ], "answer": "Y_2" }, "template": [ "What is", "the", "_3", "of", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "?" ], "type": 32, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "28437173-b5c7-4bf3-9d5d-41a8c6d02baa", "question": "How many siblings does the child of the grandparent of the second aunt of the sister-in-law of the daughter of the wife of the father of the child of Shelly Reece have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "second_aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "sister_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "daughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "wife(Y_15, Y_13)", "father(Y_17, Y_15)", "child(\"Shelly Reece\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "have", "?" ], "type": 33, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "00775ba2-2f5f-42e7-aac4-641425ae2078", "question": "How many mothers does the parent of the son-in-law of the nephew of the daughter of the wife of the father of the great-aunt of the granddaughter of Gilbert Summerlin have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(mother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "parent(Y_5, Y_3)", "son_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "nephew(Y_9, Y_7)", "daughter(Y_11, Y_9)", "wife(Y_13, Y_11)", "father(Y_15, Y_13)", "great_aunt(Y_17, Y_15)", "granddaughter(\"Gilbert Summerlin\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "have", "?" ], "type": 33, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "74dcee38-6734-4638-bbcf-0f7a8bf892ba", "question": "How many nephews does the child of the great-grandparent of the cousin of the niece of the grandchild of the grandparent of the friend of the granddaughter of Jesse Kiel have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(nephew(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "niece(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandchild(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandparent(Y_15, Y_13)", "friend(Y_17, Y_15)", "granddaughter(\"Jesse Kiel\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "have", "?" ], "type": 33, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "8e8f8459-8d1e-4446-a5e5-4b885592754e", "question": "How many wives does the great-grandson of the son-in-law of the mother-in-law of the son-in-law of the grandparent of the child of the great-grandmother of the great-grandson of Ramona Colin have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(wife(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_grandson(Y_5, Y_3)", "son_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "mother_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "son_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandparent(Y_13, Y_11)", "child(Y_15, Y_13)", "great_grandmother(Y_17, Y_15)", "great_grandson(\"Ramona Colin\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "have", "?" ], "type": 33, "difficulty": 19 }, { "id": "fbc3d0e2-2335-4b48-838a-2044643eb1f9", "question": "How many male cousins does the sibling of the aunt of the son of the mother of the friend of the friend of the sibling of the parent of Twila Baptiste have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(male_cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "son(Y_9, Y_7)", "mother(Y_11, Y_9)", "friend(Y_13, Y_11)", "friend(Y_15, Y_13)", "sibling(Y_17, Y_15)", "parent(\"Twila Baptiste\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "have", "?" ], "type": 33, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "1c362815-f594-477a-8f48-9e91f0251cd1", "question": "How many nephews does the daughter of the parent of the great-aunt of the great-grandchild of the sister of the granddaughter of the wife of the father-in-law of Melvin Kidd have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(nephew(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "daughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "parent(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "sister(Y_13, Y_11)", "granddaughter(Y_15, Y_13)", "wife(Y_17, Y_15)", "father_in_law(\"Melvin Kidd\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "have", "?" ], "type": 33, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "3e9a37e5-68df-48a1-a17a-1778cc04b2fe", "question": "How many siblings does the friend of the friend of the great-aunt of the brother-in-law of the daughter-in-law of the brother of the child of the father-in-law of Lester Bivins have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2", "3", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "daughter_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "brother(Y_15, Y_13)", "child(Y_17, Y_15)", "father_in_law(\"Lester Bivins\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "have", "?" ], "type": 33, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "e2766c5c-0338-4111-89d7-f84570ac22c6", "question": "How many aunts does the male cousin of the nephew of the aunt of the great-granddaughter of the father-in-law of the wife of the father of the son-in-law of Mckinley Colin have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "male_cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "nephew(Y_7, Y_5)", "aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_granddaughter(Y_11, Y_9)", "father_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "wife(Y_15, Y_13)", "father(Y_17, Y_15)", "son_in_law(\"Mckinley Colin\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "have", "?" ], "type": 33, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "6e30f57d-bb88-4240-8ca1-f83e5296ae2a", "question": "How many cousins does the male cousin of the great-grandchild of the sibling of the sister-in-law of the parent of the great-grandmother of the great-granddaughter of the friend of Idell Kidd have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "male_cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "sibling(Y_9, Y_7)", "sister_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "parent(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_grandmother(Y_15, Y_13)", "great_granddaughter(Y_17, Y_15)", "friend(\"Idell Kidd\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "have", "?" ], "type": 33, "difficulty": 18 }, { "id": "4bc8f8dc-9ef0-474a-bbe7-6bc2546c7317", "question": "How many nephews does the male cousin of the cousin of the nephew of the sibling of the grandson of the grandfather of the great-aunt of the sister-in-law of Winfred Baptiste have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(nephew(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "male_cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "nephew(Y_9, Y_7)", "sibling(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandson(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandfather(Y_15, Y_13)", "great_aunt(Y_17, Y_15)", "sister_in_law(\"Winfred Baptiste\", Y_17)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the", "_18", "of", "_19", "have", "?" ], "type": 33, "difficulty": 19 }, { "id": "99458577-9dde-4470-8eca-426694021eb3", "question": "How many parents does the child of the father of the second aunt of the female cousin of the aunt of the daughter of the daughter of the person whose date of birth is 0985-04-02 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(parent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "father(Y_7, Y_5)", "second_aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "female_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "aunt(Y_13, Y_11)", "daughter(Y_15, Y_13)", "daughter(Y_17, Y_15)", "dob(Y_17, \"0985-04-02\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "have", "?" ], "type": 34, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "c374f3d2-3dda-48e3-a01f-2ec513058ed0", "question": "How many fathers does the sibling of the cousin of the grandson of the father of the grandchild of the mother-in-law of the great-grandchild of the person whose occupation is investment banker have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(father(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandson(Y_9, Y_7)", "father(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandchild(Y_13, Y_11)", "mother_in_law(Y_15, Y_13)", "great_grandchild(Y_17, Y_15)", "job(Y_17, \"investment banker\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "have", "?" ], "type": 34, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "4390ee26-14f1-4315-ab34-a24ba3ab95a5", "question": "How many fathers-in-law does the sibling of the great-aunt of the great-grandchild of the father-in-law of the granddaughter of the son-in-law of the friend of the person whose occupation is production designer have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(father_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "father_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "granddaughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "son_in_law(Y_15, Y_13)", "friend(Y_17, Y_15)", "job(Y_17, \"production designer\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "have", "?" ], "type": 34, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "fc3f84b1-97ac-4a94-bc35-42bd1943fc02", "question": "How many wives does the great-grandson of the great-grandparent of the male cousin of the nephew of the great-aunt of the niece of the great-grandchild of the person whose hobby is pinball have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(wife(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_grandson(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "male_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "nephew(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_aunt(Y_13, Y_11)", "niece(Y_15, Y_13)", "great_grandchild(Y_17, Y_15)", "hobby(Y_17, \"pinball\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "have", "?" ], "type": 34, "difficulty": 21 }, { "id": "2cd3d6d9-ebb9-4dbe-b6c7-10b1f385daca", "question": "How many second aunts does the sibling of the great-aunt of the daughter of the grandchild of the friend of the friend of the sister of the person whose date of birth is 1018-11-12 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(second_aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "daughter(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "friend(Y_13, Y_11)", "friend(Y_15, Y_13)", "sister(Y_17, Y_15)", "dob(Y_17, \"1018-11-12\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "have", "?" ], "type": 34, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "6cde39c2-e171-42b4-9317-0a5aef8c3900", "question": "How many nieces does the child of the parent of the grandson of the grandfather of the daughter of the father-in-law of the daughter of the person whose occupation is applications developer have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(niece(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "parent(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandson(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandfather(Y_11, Y_9)", "daughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "father_in_law(Y_15, Y_13)", "daughter(Y_17, Y_15)", "job(Y_17, \"applications developer\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "have", "?" ], "type": 34, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "ef5178ba-a3ab-4299-ae14-21f6f2c0a191", "question": "How many siblings does the friend of the friend of the great-aunt of the brother-in-law of the daughter-in-law of the brother of the wife of the person whose occupation is electronics engineer have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2", "3", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "daughter_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "brother(Y_15, Y_13)", "wife(Y_17, Y_15)", "job(Y_17, \"electronics engineer\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "have", "?" ], "type": 34, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "1a8e0d25-b54a-44df-a3bd-399505a7714d", "question": "How many siblings does the great-aunt of the nephew of the great-aunt of the great-grandchild of the great-grandfather of the grandchild of the child of the person whose occupation is geophysical data processor have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "nephew(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_grandfather(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandchild(Y_15, Y_13)", "child(Y_17, Y_15)", "job(Y_17, \"geophysical data processor\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "have", "?" ], "type": 34, "difficulty": 19 }, { "id": "a714ded2-cc26-4995-b235-1daf88c6cf20", "question": "How many grandparents does the friend of the grandfather of the aunt of the brother-in-law of the parent of the great-grandchild of the friend of the person whose hobby is birdwatching have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "2", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandparent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandfather(Y_7, Y_5)", "aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "parent(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_grandchild(Y_15, Y_13)", "friend(Y_17, Y_15)", "hobby(Y_17, \"birdwatching\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "have", "?" ], "type": 34, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "ffb579a3-e02f-4a6d-926c-cc49233ab60f", "question": "How many sisters does the great-aunt of the great-grandson of the father of the sibling of the sister of the second aunt of the wife of the person whose hobby is seashell collecting have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandson(Y_7, Y_5)", "father(Y_9, Y_7)", "sibling(Y_11, Y_9)", "sister(Y_13, Y_11)", "second_aunt(Y_15, Y_13)", "wife(Y_17, Y_15)", "hobby(Y_17, \"seashell collecting\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "the person whose", "_18", "is", "_18", "have", "?" ], "type": 34, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "b672998c-ba59-49a8-94a1-c56a22e95fb3", "question": "How many children does the grandparent of the second aunt of the sister-in-law of the daughter of the wife of the father of the child of Shelly Reece have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(child(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "second_aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "sister_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "daughter(Y_11, Y_9)", "wife(Y_13, Y_11)", "father(Y_15, Y_13)", "child(\"Shelly Reece\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "have", "?" ], "type": 35, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "e4a95b61-e5e8-4a66-b845-1332e4873927", "question": "How many cousins does the grandson of the father of the grandchild of the mother-in-law of the daughter-in-law of the mother of the granddaughter of Byron Song have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandson(Y_5, Y_3)", "father(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "mother_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "daughter_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "mother(Y_15, Y_13)", "granddaughter(\"Byron Song\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "have", "?" ], "type": 35, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "89da3b9a-45e1-4f23-a1c6-7a2416ab7734", "question": "How many great-aunts does the cousin of the nephew of the great-grandparent of the male second cousin of the niece of the great-uncle of the daughter of Alexis Kingsley have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "nephew(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "male_second_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "niece(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_uncle(Y_15, Y_13)", "daughter(\"Alexis Kingsley\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "have", "?" ], "type": 35, "difficulty": 20 }, { "id": "78f2d015-60d5-498f-8d1b-5b2c6146c6d9", "question": "How many great-grandmothers does the grandchild of the daughter of the friend of the friend of the great-aunt of the niece of the daughter of Matilda Summerlin have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandmother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "daughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_aunt(Y_13, Y_11)", "niece(Y_15, Y_13)", "daughter(\"Matilda Summerlin\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "have", "?" ], "type": 35, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "4c396f85-3844-4ccc-8bdc-72f2544d4ab3", "question": "How many friends does the friend of the child of the parent of the great-granddaughter of the mother of the friend of the sister-in-law of Melvin Kidd have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2", "3", "4", "5", "6" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(friend(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "child(Y_7, Y_5)", "parent(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_granddaughter(Y_11, Y_9)", "mother(Y_13, Y_11)", "friend(Y_15, Y_13)", "sister_in_law(\"Melvin Kidd\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "have", "?" ], "type": 35, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "9650de02-a9dd-4162-8cde-9824d92c66ee", "question": "How many grandfathers does the father of the great-aunt of the male cousin of the male cousin of the sibling of the aunt of the sibling of Geneva Song have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandfather(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "father(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "male_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "male_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "sibling(Y_13, Y_11)", "aunt(Y_15, Y_13)", "sibling(\"Geneva Song\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "have", "?" ], "type": 35, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "d90c9730-8ced-4ba5-955c-27a80d1aefcf", "question": "How many sisters does the sister of the great-uncle of the great-grandchild of the child of the parent of the great-grandmother of the great-granddaughter of Eddie Song have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sister(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_uncle(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "child(Y_11, Y_9)", "parent(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_grandmother(Y_15, Y_13)", "great_granddaughter(\"Eddie Song\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "have", "?" ], "type": 35, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "208f3c24-2744-4454-9a7a-66e0ec09fc89", "question": "How many great-aunts does the nephew of the sibling of the friend of the great-grandson of the brother of the great-aunt of the great-grandchild of Byron Song have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "nephew(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandson(Y_11, Y_9)", "brother(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_aunt(Y_15, Y_13)", "great_grandchild(\"Byron Song\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "have", "?" ], "type": 35, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "d596d726-6b2d-45c2-b271-6bb04fa05cac", "question": "How many brothers does the aunt of the male cousin of the nephew of the aunt of the great-granddaughter of the father-in-law of the mother-in-law of Freda Song have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(brother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "male_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "nephew(Y_9, Y_7)", "aunt(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_granddaughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "father_in_law(Y_15, Y_13)", "mother_in_law(\"Freda Song\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "have", "?" ], "type": 35, "difficulty": 17 }, { "id": "de57488e-a634-4118-b1bf-ea8d89c12c9f", "question": "How many cousins does the male cousin of the great-grandchild of the sibling of the sister-in-law of the parent of the daughter-in-law of the great-grandfather of Sol Song have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "male_cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "sibling(Y_9, Y_7)", "sister_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "parent(Y_13, Y_11)", "daughter_in_law(Y_15, Y_13)", "great_grandfather(\"Sol Song\", Y_15)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the", "_16", "of", "_17", "have", "?" ], "type": 35, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "2f2b1b05-a0f7-4270-9ea1-5b6ebdb2e8db", "question": "How many children does the father of the second aunt of the female cousin of the aunt of the daughter of the daughter of the person whose date of birth is 0985-04-02 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(child(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "father(Y_5, Y_3)", "second_aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "female_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "aunt(Y_11, Y_9)", "daughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "daughter(Y_15, Y_13)", "dob(Y_15, \"0985-04-02\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "have", "?" ], "type": 36, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "7df64df4-0a2a-44a3-a0c3-064664f531bf", "question": "How many cousins does the grandson of the father of the grandchild of the mother-in-law of the daughter-in-law of the daughter-in-law of the person whose date of birth is 0908-09-14 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandson(Y_5, Y_3)", "father(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "mother_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "daughter_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "daughter_in_law(Y_15, Y_13)", "dob(Y_15, \"0908-09-14\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "have", "?" ], "type": 36, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "e7598018-b11a-44a0-8e73-311e27e1b8f5", "question": "How many cousins does the niece of the grandchild of the grandparent of the second aunt of the granddaughter of the mother-in-law of the person whose date of birth is 1041-10-02 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2", "5" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "niece(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "second_aunt(Y_11, Y_9)", "granddaughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "mother_in_law(Y_15, Y_13)", "dob(Y_15, \"1041-10-02\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "have", "?" ], "type": 36, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "7d82aaf8-b7f3-4770-ab7c-2d1518a64958", "question": "How many grandparents does the sister of the grandchild of the grandparent of the second aunt of the male cousin of the friend of the person whose date of birth is 0874-08-12 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandparent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sister(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "second_aunt(Y_11, Y_9)", "male_cousin(Y_13, Y_11)", "friend(Y_15, Y_13)", "dob(Y_15, \"0874-08-12\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "have", "?" ], "type": 36, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "6a4d5197-d1ed-4925-a02a-018ef28f5b41", "question": "How many friends does the friend of the child of the parent of the great-granddaughter of the wife of the great-grandson of the person whose hobby is stone collecting have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(friend(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "child(Y_7, Y_5)", "parent(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_granddaughter(Y_11, Y_9)", "wife(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_grandson(Y_15, Y_13)", "hobby(Y_15, \"stone collecting\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "have", "?" ], "type": 36, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "1c0dee6f-5c11-468f-92fa-599dcb02943c", "question": "How many grandfathers does the father of the great-aunt of the male cousin of the male cousin of the sibling of the father of the person whose date of birth is 1017-08-26 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandfather(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "father(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "male_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "male_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "sibling(Y_13, Y_11)", "father(Y_15, Y_13)", "dob(Y_15, \"1017-08-26\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "have", "?" ], "type": 36, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "90a85bb0-9620-4a82-a26b-d851a4fe04b5", "question": "How many grandchildren does the grandfather of the grandparent of the nephew of the sister of the parent of the grandson of the person whose hobby is aerospace have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandchild(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandfather(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "nephew(Y_9, Y_7)", "sister(Y_11, Y_9)", "parent(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandson(Y_15, Y_13)", "hobby(Y_15, \"aerospace\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "have", "?" ], "type": 36, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "ef147a4a-49b6-424a-be29-42e78b3601b2", "question": "How many great-aunts does the nephew of the sibling of the friend of the great-grandson of the grandparent of the great-grandchild of the person whose occupation is advertising account planner have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "nephew(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandson(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandparent(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_grandchild(Y_15, Y_13)", "job(Y_15, \"advertising account planner\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "have", "?" ], "type": 36, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "b4d2a9b0-faee-4b10-ad74-65a63887de61", "question": "How many uncles does the brother of the cousin of the cousin of the niece of the nephew of the sister-in-law of the person whose date of birth is 0961-03-14 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(uncle(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "brother(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "niece(Y_11, Y_9)", "nephew(Y_13, Y_11)", "sister_in_law(Y_15, Y_13)", "dob(Y_15, \"0961-03-14\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "have", "?" ], "type": 36, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "f55525de-9219-48a3-b5b6-1c931697d01f", "question": "How many nephews does the friend of the grandfather of the uncle of the daughter-in-law of the parent of the great-aunt of the person whose hobby is research have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(nephew(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandfather(Y_7, Y_5)", "uncle(Y_9, Y_7)", "daughter_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "parent(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_aunt(Y_15, Y_13)", "hobby(Y_15, \"research\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "the person whose", "_16", "is", "_16", "have", "?" ], "type": 36, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "dfc3798b-842d-4380-9a4c-6c272b576698", "question": "How many grandparents does the second aunt of the sister-in-law of the daughter of the wife of the father of the child of Shelly Reece have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandparent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "second_aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "daughter(Y_9, Y_7)", "wife(Y_11, Y_9)", "father(Y_13, Y_11)", "child(\"Shelly Reece\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "have", "?" ], "type": 37, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "30498501-8691-404f-bd2c-e3f712ef42ee", "question": "How many siblings does the grandchild of the grandfather of the son-in-law of the brother of the sister of the sibling of Ana Colin have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandfather(Y_7, Y_5)", "son_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother(Y_11, Y_9)", "sister(Y_13, Y_11)", "sibling(\"Ana Colin\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "have", "?" ], "type": 37, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "2114447f-760a-4a96-8a64-fb4ce0323cd3", "question": "How many great-uncles does the friend of the mother of the aunt of the son of the parent of the brother-in-law of Nikki Kidd have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_uncle(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "mother(Y_7, Y_5)", "aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "son(Y_11, Y_9)", "parent(Y_13, Y_11)", "brother_in_law(\"Nikki Kidd\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "have", "?" ], "type": 37, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "b247681f-09eb-4d9f-baae-438310a6c240", "question": "How many second aunts does the male cousin of the cousin of the aunt of the grandchild of the great-grandchild of the grandparent of Jamal Song have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(second_aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "male_cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_grandchild(Y_13, Y_11)", "grandparent(\"Jamal Song\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "have", "?" ], "type": 37, "difficulty": 16 }, { "id": "2d5c628a-2382-42ea-baa9-d1a6ce72c938", "question": "How many great-aunts does the great-granddaughter of the great-grandfather of the female cousin of the granddaughter of the brother of the sister of Seymour Song have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandfather(Y_7, Y_5)", "female_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "granddaughter(Y_11, Y_9)", "brother(Y_13, Y_11)", "sister(\"Seymour Song\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "have", "?" ], "type": 37, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "33bdb7f5-81cb-4245-b444-56107d6d47c2", "question": "How many aunts does the son of the mother of the friend of the friend of the sibling of the parent of Twila Baptiste have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "son(Y_5, Y_3)", "mother(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(Y_11, Y_9)", "sibling(Y_13, Y_11)", "parent(\"Twila Baptiste\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "have", "?" ], "type": 37, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "eec9144f-038f-4972-91ab-003008fb6a2c", "question": "How many grandfathers does the daughter of the husband of the wife of the father of the great-aunt of the friend of Ana Colin have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandfather(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "daughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "husband(Y_7, Y_5)", "wife(Y_9, Y_7)", "father(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_aunt(Y_13, Y_11)", "friend(\"Ana Colin\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "have", "?" ], "type": 37, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "1c5ea2c7-a13d-4931-af5f-60a1f3566ca0", "question": "How many siblings does the aunt of the niece of the great-uncle of the great-granddaughter of the husband of the parent of Jolene Song have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "niece(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_uncle(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_granddaughter(Y_11, Y_9)", "husband(Y_13, Y_11)", "parent(\"Jolene Song\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "have", "?" ], "type": 37, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "cca8812a-2f76-4daa-8cde-f32371479b88", "question": "How many great-aunts does the nephew of the sibling of the friend of the friend of the great-uncle of the great-grandchild of Mckinley Colin have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "nephew(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_uncle(Y_13, Y_11)", "great_grandchild(\"Mckinley Colin\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "have", "?" ], "type": 37, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "b70c1912-2425-4e86-a70f-c5acc931d6bf", "question": "How many aunts does the male cousin of the nephew of the aunt of the great-granddaughter of the father-in-law of the mother-in-law of Freda Song have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "male_cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "nephew(Y_7, Y_5)", "aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_granddaughter(Y_11, Y_9)", "father_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "mother_in_law(\"Freda Song\", Y_13)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the", "_14", "of", "_15", "have", "?" ], "type": 37, "difficulty": 15 }, { "id": "fb5d7c7c-8f53-44c3-bc25-7c95f792a978", "question": "How many fathers does the second aunt of the female cousin of the aunt of the daughter of the daughter of the person whose date of birth is 0985-04-02 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(father(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "second_aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "female_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "daughter(Y_11, Y_9)", "daughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "dob(Y_13, \"0985-04-02\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "have", "?" ], "type": 38, "difficulty": 13 }, { "id": "f8c19856-4768-4e39-80dc-89c9503ca968", "question": "How many siblings does the grandchild of the grandfather of the son-in-law of the brother of the sister of the person whose date of birth is 0935-04-16 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandfather(Y_7, Y_5)", "son_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "brother(Y_11, Y_9)", "sister(Y_13, Y_11)", "dob(Y_13, \"0935-04-16\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "have", "?" ], "type": 38, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "24673b3d-191e-47a7-bd0b-db6ce719776e", "question": "How many fathers does the second aunt of the granddaughter of the grandchild of the daughter of the parent of the person whose hobby is mineral collecting have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(father(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "second_aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "granddaughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "daughter(Y_11, Y_9)", "parent(Y_13, Y_11)", "hobby(Y_13, \"mineral collecting\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "have", "?" ], "type": 38, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "103b236b-e4c7-464f-8784-7309090e8ece", "question": "How many second aunts does the female cousin of the great-grandchild of the husband of the great-grandparent of the grandson of the person whose occupation is nutritional therapist have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(second_aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "female_cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "husband(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandparent(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandson(Y_13, Y_11)", "job(Y_13, \"nutritional therapist\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "have", "?" ], "type": 38, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "919e0fb4-60bb-4bf1-b2fe-203bc02898f9", "question": "How many wives does the great-grandson of the great-grandparent of the male cousin of the nephew of the sister of the person whose date of birth is 0964-05-16 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(wife(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_grandson(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "male_cousin(Y_9, Y_7)", "nephew(Y_11, Y_9)", "sister(Y_13, Y_11)", "dob(Y_13, \"0964-05-16\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "have", "?" ], "type": 38, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "1919e561-5180-4a75-af25-e5e1f4269e1a", "question": "How many great-aunts does the daughter of the grandchild of the friend of the friend of the sister of the person whose date of birth is 1018-11-12 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "daughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(Y_11, Y_9)", "sister(Y_13, Y_11)", "dob(Y_13, \"1018-11-12\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "have", "?" ], "type": 38, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "c997ad3b-63c8-4037-b8b5-e730efed7474", "question": "How many grandfathers does the daughter of the husband of the wife of the son-in-law of the grandparent of the person whose hobby is stamp collecting have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandfather(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "daughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "husband(Y_7, Y_5)", "wife(Y_9, Y_7)", "son_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "grandparent(Y_13, Y_11)", "hobby(Y_13, \"stamp collecting\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "have", "?" ], "type": 38, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "02579757-851b-4592-9297-7f4407f0862d", "question": "How many siblings does the sister of the sister of the brother-in-law of the great-grandmother of the daughter of the person whose date of birth is 1015-01-07 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sister(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister(Y_7, Y_5)", "brother_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandmother(Y_11, Y_9)", "daughter(Y_13, Y_11)", "dob(Y_13, \"1015-01-07\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "have", "?" ], "type": 38, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "50ef80f8-09a2-4be2-9961-8dd308c5ca4e", "question": "How many grandmothers does the grandchild of the sibling of the friend of the friend of the father-in-law of the person whose occupation is geophysical data processor have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandmother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(Y_11, Y_9)", "father_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "job(Y_13, \"geophysical data processor\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "have", "?" ], "type": 38, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "11d0d201-f1d8-4167-9b64-1e892588bc19", "question": "How many brothers does the cousin of the cousin of the niece of the nephew of the sister-in-law of the person whose date of birth is 0961-03-14 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "2", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(brother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "niece(Y_9, Y_7)", "nephew(Y_11, Y_9)", "sister_in_law(Y_13, Y_11)", "dob(Y_13, \"0961-03-14\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "the person whose", "_14", "is", "_14", "have", "?" ], "type": 38, "difficulty": 14 }, { "id": "35ca192d-b635-4f47-9e48-b62f25f07b1b", "question": "How many second aunts does the sister-in-law of the daughter of the wife of the father of the child of Shelly Reece have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(second_aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sister_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "daughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "wife(Y_9, Y_7)", "father(Y_11, Y_9)", "child(\"Shelly Reece\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "have", "?" ], "type": 39, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "b848c105-c6e4-4ec1-be99-7d23d8b4e850", "question": "How many sons-in-law does the mother-in-law of the husband of the sister of the sibling of the child of Matilda Summerlin have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(son_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "mother_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "husband(Y_7, Y_5)", "sister(Y_9, Y_7)", "sibling(Y_11, Y_9)", "child(\"Matilda Summerlin\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "have", "?" ], "type": 39, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "6bfe5a03-81d4-416d-8e5a-e2351503f258", "question": "How many grandmothers does the sibling of the sibling of the great-grandchild of the great-grandfather of the sister of Gene Song have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandmother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandfather(Y_11, Y_9)", "sister(\"Gene Song\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "have", "?" ], "type": 39, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "8a30f85a-bac2-4ef2-905a-8fcdb63a2697", "question": "How many sisters-in-law does the great-grandfather of the nephew of the granddaughter of the niece of the friend of Idell Kidd have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_grandfather(Y_5, Y_3)", "nephew(Y_7, Y_5)", "granddaughter(Y_9, Y_7)", "niece(Y_11, Y_9)", "friend(\"Idell Kidd\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "have", "?" ], "type": 39, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "11e8bf7e-b53d-4d34-b92b-86118681b79f", "question": "How many sisters does the grandchild of the grandparent of the friend of the cousin of the female cousin of Deirdre Bivins have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "female_cousin(\"Deirdre Bivins\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "have", "?" ], "type": 39, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "37835cdf-8957-495e-bdcc-bcb52ce0871b", "question": "How many parents does the friend of the husband of the great-grandmother of the niece of the sister-in-law of Melvin Kidd have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(parent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "husband(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandmother(Y_9, Y_7)", "niece(Y_11, Y_9)", "sister_in_law(\"Melvin Kidd\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "have", "?" ], "type": 39, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "0c20f8a4-d39f-4966-aa2a-e5b991d9cc20", "question": "How many parents does the child of the son of the wife of the friend of the friend of Antionette Song have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(parent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "son(Y_7, Y_5)", "wife(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(Y_11, Y_9)", "friend(\"Antionette Song\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "have", "?" ], "type": 39, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "a1aeb6ff-eb00-4dea-9923-d72d98c1d51c", "question": "How many mothers-in-law does the uncle of the grandson of the father of the son-in-law of the great-grandchild of Thomasine Kidd have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(mother_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandson(Y_7, Y_5)", "father(Y_9, Y_7)", "son_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_grandchild(\"Thomasine Kidd\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "have", "?" ], "type": 39, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "deac14ac-6c47-4366-8738-58a040d89c7e", "question": "How many aunts does the niece of the great-uncle of the great-granddaughter of the husband of the parent of Jolene Song have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "niece(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_uncle(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_granddaughter(Y_9, Y_7)", "husband(Y_11, Y_9)", "parent(\"Jolene Song\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "have", "?" ], "type": 39, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "21b5f743-08b6-40fc-89d9-d5e845b42914", "question": "How many siblings does the friend of the great-grandson of the brother of the great-aunt of the great-grandchild of Byron Song have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandson(Y_7, Y_5)", "brother(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_aunt(Y_11, Y_9)", "great_grandchild(\"Byron Song\", Y_11)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the", "_12", "of", "_13", "have", "?" ], "type": 39, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "1c0d1fb2-66c7-4a55-8eb7-fff08362885b", "question": "How many second aunts does the female cousin of the aunt of the daughter of the daughter of the person whose date of birth is 0985-04-02 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(second_aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "female_cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "daughter(Y_9, Y_7)", "daughter(Y_11, Y_9)", "dob(Y_11, \"0985-04-02\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "have", "?" ], "type": 40, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "1c59d5eb-e8a1-4290-9704-3b55f3917a9d", "question": "How many sons-in-law does the mother-in-law of the husband of the sister of the child of the person whose date of birth is 0874-08-12 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(son_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "mother_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "husband(Y_7, Y_5)", "sister(Y_9, Y_7)", "child(Y_11, Y_9)", "dob(Y_11, \"0874-08-12\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "have", "?" ], "type": 40, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "9e0dbe6a-57c7-4ea1-8e58-518a793eb57d", "question": "How many grandmothers does the sibling of the sibling of the great-grandchild of the great-grandmother of the person whose date of birth is 1016-07-28 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandmother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandmother(Y_11, Y_9)", "dob(Y_11, \"1016-07-28\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "have", "?" ], "type": 40, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "ea33f5a3-7eda-44b3-a42a-536ec33c589f", "question": "How many sons-in-law does the great-grandchild of the mother of the aunt of the nephew of the person whose hobby is birdwatching have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(son_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "mother(Y_7, Y_5)", "aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "nephew(Y_11, Y_9)", "hobby(Y_11, \"birdwatching\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "have", "?" ], "type": 40, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "68926557-587f-4765-bd49-e7715f80ee1e", "question": "How many aunts does the grandchild of the friend of the friend of the male cousin of the person whose hobby is iceboat racing have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "2", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "male_cousin(Y_11, Y_9)", "hobby(Y_11, \"iceboat racing\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "have", "?" ], "type": 40, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "f1abca87-3409-441d-ac18-1e537df1f65e", "question": "How many parents does the great-granddaughter of the mother of the friend of the sister-in-law of the person whose occupation is applications developer have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(parent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "mother(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "sister_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "job(Y_11, \"applications developer\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "have", "?" ], "type": 40, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "14668eee-fa09-4198-94f9-91800a7326b8", "question": "How many parents does the child of the son of the father of the friend of the person whose hobby is trainspotting have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(parent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "son(Y_7, Y_5)", "father(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(Y_11, Y_9)", "hobby(Y_11, \"trainspotting\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "have", "?" ], "type": 40, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "831f14a6-ab25-4eeb-a1c4-b4cb03862a97", "question": "How many grandfathers does the daughter of the father-in-law of the grandchild of the daughter-in-law of the person whose occupation is senior tax professional have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandfather(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "daughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "father_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "daughter_in_law(Y_11, Y_9)", "job(Y_11, \"senior tax professional\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "have", "?" ], "type": 40, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "7b6aa27a-64ea-443f-9b3b-e5e3cb49766f", "question": "How many sisters does the sister of the brother-in-law of the great-grandmother of the daughter of the person whose date of birth is 1015-01-07 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sister(Y_5, Y_3)", "brother_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandmother(Y_9, Y_7)", "daughter(Y_11, Y_9)", "dob(Y_11, \"1015-01-07\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "have", "?" ], "type": 40, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "60432d2d-4669-4f71-a380-1c109f76a0ec", "question": "How many siblings does the friend of the great-grandson of the grandparent of the great-grandchild of the person whose occupation is advertising account planner have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandson(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandchild(Y_11, Y_9)", "job(Y_11, \"advertising account planner\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "the person whose", "_12", "is", "_12", "have", "?" ], "type": 40, "difficulty": 11 }, { "id": "dfd8b586-c01a-4aeb-b303-b7b86f5935c2", "question": "How many sisters-in-law does the daughter of the wife of the father of the child of Shelly Reece have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "daughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "wife(Y_7, Y_5)", "father(Y_9, Y_7)", "child(\"Shelly Reece\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "have", "?" ], "type": 41, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "e035949f-aa94-47c3-acb0-d38308d5a4e0", "question": "How many husbands does the sister of the sibling of the parent of the niece of Tawana Summerlin have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(husband(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sister(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "parent(Y_9, Y_7)", "niece(\"Tawana Summerlin\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "have", "?" ], "type": 41, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "7ba45f45-80c6-4236-b8a5-5874ad3626fb", "question": "How many great-grandchildren does the great-grandfather of the sister of the daughter of the grandson of Mckinley Colin have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "7" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandchild(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_grandfather(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister(Y_7, Y_5)", "daughter(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandson(\"Mckinley Colin\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "have", "?" ], "type": 41, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "754d9428-794e-4e08-b130-8f8dcb38c751", "question": "How many great-grandparents does the male second cousin of the niece of the great-uncle of the daughter of Alexis Kingsley have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandparent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "male_second_cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "niece(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_uncle(Y_9, Y_7)", "daughter(\"Alexis Kingsley\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "have", "?" ], "type": 41, "difficulty": 12 }, { "id": "f71d4162-5a5e-42bd-825d-459965913213", "question": "How many cousins does the aunt of the grandchild of the great-grandchild of the grandparent of Jamal Song have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2", "5" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "grandparent(\"Jamal Song\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "have", "?" ], "type": 41, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "8ad7c828-de2d-48d4-b022-fb51e043436e", "question": "How many sons-in-law does the grandparent of the child of the great-grandmother of the great-grandson of Ramona Colin have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(son_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "child(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandmother(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_grandson(\"Ramona Colin\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "have", "?" ], "type": 41, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "9b7818fe-12e8-4b88-beec-c1d409e969e1", "question": "How many parents does the great-granddaughter of the mother of the friend of the sister-in-law of Melvin Kidd have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(parent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "mother(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "sister_in_law(\"Melvin Kidd\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "have", "?" ], "type": 41, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "b64a544a-d600-4c90-92a3-b6a3f0e1ffbc", "question": "How many children does the son of the wife of the friend of the friend of Antionette Song have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(child(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "son(Y_5, Y_3)", "wife(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(\"Antionette Song\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "have", "?" ], "type": 41, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "1164040d-b9d7-4663-82b8-32fbec32f65f", "question": "How many husbands does the wife of the father of the great-aunt of the friend of Ana Colin have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(husband(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "wife(Y_5, Y_3)", "father(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_aunt(Y_9, Y_7)", "friend(\"Ana Colin\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "have", "?" ], "type": 41, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "61355b45-9c56-4c21-8dc0-a5ce3bbc0aae", "question": "How many great-grandchildren does the child of the parent of the great-grandmother of the great-granddaughter of Eddie Song have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "7" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandchild(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "parent(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandmother(Y_9, Y_7)", "great_granddaughter(\"Eddie Song\", Y_9)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the", "_10", "of", "_11", "have", "?" ], "type": 41, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "beb016f6-6cc8-44b8-acb3-ea9b24f700be", "question": "How many female cousins does the aunt of the daughter of the daughter of the person whose date of birth is 0985-04-02 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(female_cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "daughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "daughter(Y_9, Y_7)", "dob(Y_9, \"0985-04-02\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "have", "?" ], "type": 42, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "d680e1b1-21aa-4ff6-aebc-24bddd3879ab", "question": "How many husbands does the sister of the child of the parent of the person whose occupation is exercise physiologist have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(husband(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sister(Y_5, Y_3)", "child(Y_7, Y_5)", "parent(Y_9, Y_7)", "job(Y_9, \"exercise physiologist\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "have", "?" ], "type": 42, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "20842a54-367c-47c2-8631-d92ff19720fa", "question": "How many great-granddaughters does the grandparent of the aunt of the child of the person whose occupation is geophysical data processor have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_granddaughter(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "child(Y_9, Y_7)", "job(Y_9, \"geophysical data processor\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "have", "?" ], "type": 42, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "df79288a-69c4-43d0-87a8-3ff5fa389961", "question": "How many grandparents does the second aunt of the granddaughter of the mother-in-law of the person whose date of birth is 1041-10-02 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandparent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "second_aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "granddaughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "mother_in_law(Y_9, Y_7)", "dob(Y_9, \"1041-10-02\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "have", "?" ], "type": 42, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "dff10ffe-4bde-415b-9171-c2348948dc61", "question": "How many great-grandchildren does the husband of the great-grandparent of the grandson of the person whose occupation is nutritional therapist have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "7" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandchild(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "husband(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandson(Y_9, Y_7)", "job(Y_9, \"nutritional therapist\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "have", "?" ], "type": 42, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "800a4aa6-033d-4af8-b696-95b7eb9cc2b9", "question": "How many nephews does the great-aunt of the niece of the great-grandchild of the person whose hobby is pinball have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(nephew(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "niece(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandchild(Y_9, Y_7)", "hobby(Y_9, \"pinball\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "have", "?" ], "type": 42, "difficulty": 10 }, { "id": "7510925c-93b1-47e7-86a6-fd6a69e92235", "question": "How many parents does the great-granddaughter of the wife of the great-grandson of the person whose hobby is stone collecting have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(parent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_granddaughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "wife(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandson(Y_9, Y_7)", "hobby(Y_9, \"stone collecting\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "have", "?" ], "type": 42, "difficulty": 9 }, { "id": "d8e4b93e-8d1c-4f2d-8c48-a2b1b1b3a233", "question": "How many children does the son of the father of the friend of the person whose hobby is trainspotting have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "2", "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(child(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "son(Y_5, Y_3)", "father(Y_7, Y_5)", "friend(Y_9, Y_7)", "hobby(Y_9, \"trainspotting\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "have", "?" ], "type": 42, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "6f8b73d0-916d-4dc0-ae4c-b55c174bbece", "question": "How many husbands does the wife of the son-in-law of the grandparent of the person whose hobby is stamp collecting have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(husband(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "wife(Y_5, Y_3)", "son_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandparent(Y_9, Y_7)", "hobby(Y_9, \"stamp collecting\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "have", "?" ], "type": 42, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "3ab75a8b-2486-464b-bf35-8a27b9899d4f", "question": "How many nephews does the sister of the parent of the grandson of the person whose hobby is aerospace have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(nephew(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sister(Y_5, Y_3)", "parent(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandson(Y_9, Y_7)", "hobby(Y_9, \"aerospace\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "the person whose", "_10", "is", "_10", "have", "?" ], "type": 42, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "0182e1d3-f936-42a4-9db9-b91ac2f0dfe9", "question": "How many daughters does the wife of the father of the child of Shelly Reece have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(daughter(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "wife(Y_5, Y_3)", "father(Y_7, Y_5)", "child(\"Shelly Reece\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "have", "?" ], "type": 43, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "1b9c9a84-a25f-40bc-b0de-e3cd82b496d5", "question": "How many sisters does the sibling of the great-grandchild of the grandmother of Seymour Song have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandmother(\"Seymour Song\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "have", "?" ], "type": 43, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "5fcb19a1-ae6a-45ae-a825-566ea5998fa6", "question": "How many wives does the father of the great-aunt of the granddaughter of Gilbert Summerlin have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(wife(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "father(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "granddaughter(\"Gilbert Summerlin\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "have", "?" ], "type": 43, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "d973d2bd-b65a-4b85-991c-366c3a0278ae", "question": "How many fathers does the sibling of the cousin of the female cousin of Deirdre Bivins have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(father(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "female_cousin(\"Deirdre Bivins\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "have", "?" ], "type": 43, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "fdfe0d7d-1736-4b51-9571-272d1072b9db", "question": "How many grandchildren does the grandparent of the friend of the granddaughter of Jesse Kiel have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "3", "4", "7" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandchild(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandparent(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "granddaughter(\"Jesse Kiel\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "have", "?" ], "type": 43, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "426ea7d7-cc28-4bb6-838a-77083078047f", "question": "How many great-grandchildren does the husband of the great-grandparent of the grandson of Jamal Song have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "7" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandchild(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "husband(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandparent(Y_7, Y_5)", "grandson(\"Jamal Song\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "have", "?" ], "type": 43, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "2898a8ca-9e89-4cbf-a1b7-988c12cfd49b", "question": "How many grandparents does the child of the great-grandmother of the great-grandson of Ramona Colin have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "2", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandparent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandmother(Y_7, Y_5)", "great_grandson(\"Ramona Colin\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "have", "?" ], "type": 43, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "11785251-caea-4602-9f06-3724511e194e", "question": "How many husbands does the great-grandmother of the niece of the sister-in-law of Melvin Kidd have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(husband(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_grandmother(Y_5, Y_3)", "niece(Y_7, Y_5)", "sister_in_law(\"Melvin Kidd\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "have", "?" ], "type": 43, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "2be69770-b331-4b06-aa18-30fbd9c9d5fd", "question": "How many friends does the friend of the sibling of the parent of Twila Baptiste have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3", "4", "5" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(friend(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(Y_7, Y_5)", "parent(\"Twila Baptiste\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "have", "?" ], "type": 43, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "05bb1410-7f5e-4970-bd26-01a5e35268cf", "question": "How many male cousins does the sibling of the aunt of the sibling of Geneva Song have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(male_cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "aunt(Y_7, Y_5)", "sibling(\"Geneva Song\", Y_7)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the", "_8", "of", "_9", "have", "?" ], "type": 43, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "0b12a927-81ad-4282-ba5f-bf20e1b033d0", "question": "How many aunts does the daughter of the daughter of the person whose date of birth is 0985-04-02 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "daughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "daughter(Y_7, Y_5)", "dob(Y_7, \"0985-04-02\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "have", "?" ], "type": 44, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "dc73ba7e-e7a0-452b-aa11-6370bd3390d4", "question": "How many aunts does the child of the wife of the person whose hobby is research have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "wife(Y_7, Y_5)", "hobby(Y_7, \"research\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "have", "?" ], "type": 44, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "58b8e76a-945c-4c5c-8920-c01a4e7f1df4", "question": "How many grandchildren does the mother-in-law of the great-grandchild of the person whose occupation is investment banker have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandchild(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "mother_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "job(Y_7, \"investment banker\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "have", "?" ], "type": 44, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "b00779eb-df6a-4692-8e12-b293a9e90ce6", "question": "How many siblings does the sibling of the female cousin of the person whose hobby is iceboat racing have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "female_cousin(Y_7, Y_5)", "hobby(Y_7, \"iceboat racing\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "have", "?" ], "type": 44, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "4c3a6529-4607-4424-8d17-1fdc68875fa9", "question": "How many granddaughters does the son-in-law of the friend of the person whose occupation is production designer have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(granddaughter(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "son_in_law(Y_5, Y_3)", "friend(Y_7, Y_5)", "job(Y_7, \"production designer\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "have", "?" ], "type": 44, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "e23374d2-282d-4276-9aa9-c49a9e387081", "question": "How many great-grandparents does the uncle of the grandchild of the person whose occupation is nutritional therapist have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "6" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandparent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "uncle(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "job(Y_7, \"nutritional therapist\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "have", "?" ], "type": 44, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "c64aa695-40d5-4247-91fa-2a642bb42516", "question": "How many great-aunts does the niece of the great-grandchild of the person whose hobby is pinball have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "niece(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_grandchild(Y_7, Y_5)", "hobby(Y_7, \"pinball\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "have", "?" ], "type": 44, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "cca2db73-661b-4ede-b595-9b3f72f33034", "question": "How many mothers does the friend of the sister-in-law of the person whose occupation is applications developer have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(mother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister_in_law(Y_7, Y_5)", "job(Y_7, \"applications developer\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "have", "?" ], "type": 44, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "8b4e12b1-5548-47c4-b71b-f2c5c7ef6b7e", "question": "How many friends does the friend of the sister of the person whose date of birth is 1018-11-12 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "4", "6" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(friend(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister(Y_7, Y_5)", "dob(Y_7, \"1018-11-12\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "have", "?" ], "type": 44, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "80b409aa-0954-48bc-b163-f29a15c7c518", "question": "How many male cousins does the sibling of the father of the person whose date of birth is 1017-08-26 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(male_cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sibling(Y_5, Y_3)", "father(Y_7, Y_5)", "dob(Y_7, \"1017-08-26\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "the person whose", "_8", "is", "_8", "have", "?" ], "type": 44, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "6a664541-98bb-46a0-8bd2-7b4e18316171", "question": "How many wives does the father of the child of Shelly Reece have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(wife(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "father(Y_5, Y_3)", "child(\"Shelly Reece\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "have", "?" ], "type": 45, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "9196859a-4d15-446c-acff-4a72b7667cca", "question": "How many grandparents does the second aunt of the great-granddaughter of Eddie Song have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandparent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "second_aunt(Y_5, Y_3)", "great_granddaughter(\"Eddie Song\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "have", "?" ], "type": 45, "difficulty": 8 }, { "id": "39a5b066-e1b5-4197-836a-137faa6acac0", "question": "How many brothers does the sister of the sibling of Ana Colin have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(brother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sister(Y_5, Y_3)", "sibling(\"Ana Colin\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "have", "?" ], "type": 45, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "8f8876ad-6454-4895-9c3f-aadda4d02ddf", "question": "How many sisters does the daughter of the grandson of Mckinley Colin have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "daughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandson(\"Mckinley Colin\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "have", "?" ], "type": 45, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "d88802f9-f15b-45f7-8811-450194001d00", "question": "How many sons does the parent of the brother-in-law of Nikki Kidd have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(son(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "parent(Y_5, Y_3)", "brother_in_law(\"Nikki Kidd\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "have", "?" ], "type": 45, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "12247568-c834-491f-beb3-9f96f50142ca", "question": "How many grandparents does the friend of the granddaughter of Jesse Kiel have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "2", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandparent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "granddaughter(\"Jesse Kiel\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "have", "?" ], "type": 45, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "55b37c9b-883c-41ae-8052-5507e79ca193", "question": "How many grandchildren does the great-grandchild of the grandparent of Jamal Song have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandchild(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_grandchild(Y_5, Y_3)", "grandparent(\"Jamal Song\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "have", "?" ], "type": 45, "difficulty": 6 }, { "id": "9bd5c668-f200-4f27-b8b1-d89d9539984a", "question": "How many friends does the cousin of the female cousin of Deirdre Bivins have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2", "6" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(friend(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "female_cousin(\"Deirdre Bivins\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "have", "?" ], "type": 45, "difficulty": 7 }, { "id": "0248d7ad-869f-4015-ae6c-b0699072b967", "question": "How many granddaughters does the brother of the sister of Seymour Song have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(granddaughter(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "brother(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister(\"Seymour Song\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "have", "?" ], "type": 45, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "00c17d93-c259-4062-abcd-0550acd786e7", "question": "How many mothers does the friend of the sister-in-law of Melvin Kidd have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(mother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "sister_in_law(\"Melvin Kidd\", Y_5)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the", "_6", "of", "_7", "have", "?" ], "type": 45, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "d954efd3-eff8-46eb-b798-6a83bffadd8b", "question": "How many daughters does the daughter of the person whose date of birth is 0985-04-02 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(daughter(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "daughter(Y_5, Y_3)", "dob(Y_5, \"0985-04-02\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "have", "?" ], "type": 46, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "b2ced5ed-de70-4bc6-b02c-b8ecf78f67c1", "question": "How many great-grandparents does the great-grandson of the person whose hobby is aerospace have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandparent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_grandson(Y_5, Y_3)", "hobby(Y_5, \"aerospace\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "have", "?" ], "type": 46, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "1a00c377-a93a-41c7-9773-5ab0932ac68f", "question": "How many brothers does the sister of the person whose date of birth is 0935-04-16 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(brother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sister(Y_5, Y_3)", "dob(Y_5, \"0935-04-16\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "have", "?" ], "type": 46, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "74da68f5-795b-450a-bd2e-8ac8d1816c81", "question": "How many aunts does the child of the person whose occupation is geophysical data processor have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(aunt(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "child(Y_5, Y_3)", "job(Y_5, \"geophysical data processor\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "have", "?" ], "type": 46, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "acec2e8a-edd9-4f6e-b99e-4fb3adb37bfc", "question": "How many daughters does the parent of the person whose hobby is mineral collecting have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(daughter(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "parent(Y_5, Y_3)", "hobby(Y_5, \"mineral collecting\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "have", "?" ], "type": 46, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "74aa2aab-08c2-432c-8cb2-4f825c17cd56", "question": "How many sons-in-law does the friend of the person whose occupation is production designer have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(son_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(Y_5, Y_3)", "job(Y_5, \"production designer\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "have", "?" ], "type": 46, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "bbdca75e-e2e7-433b-938b-d2c6e4cfd0ac", "question": "How many great-grandparents does the grandson of the person whose occupation is nutritional therapist have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandparent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandson(Y_5, Y_3)", "job(Y_5, \"nutritional therapist\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "have", "?" ], "type": 46, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "64ea8a2d-0a2d-4a5b-ab40-64883a9b9300", "question": "How many friends does the male cousin of the person whose hobby is iceboat racing have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2", "5", "6" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(friend(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "male_cousin(Y_5, Y_3)", "hobby(Y_5, \"iceboat racing\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "have", "?" ], "type": 46, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "c97cd99c-5abd-4699-81f7-6889c9b08ece", "question": "How many nephews does the sister of the person whose date of birth is 0964-05-16 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(nephew(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "sister(Y_5, Y_3)", "dob(Y_5, \"0964-05-16\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "have", "?" ], "type": 46, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "1e961c15-2652-4ec3-abf2-277d32e9b27e", "question": "How many wives does the great-grandson of the person whose hobby is stone collecting have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(wife(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "great_grandson(Y_5, Y_3)", "hobby(Y_5, \"stone collecting\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "the person whose", "_6", "is", "_6", "have", "?" ], "type": 46, "difficulty": 5 }, { "id": "0fe92a78-97aa-4f20-847f-f52d8609dc4c", "question": "How many fathers does the child of Shelly Reece have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(father(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "child(\"Shelly Reece\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "have", "?" ], "type": 47, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "eb339176-dd46-46b7-b250-e606a2e03c12", "question": "How many grandparents does the husband of Freda Song have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandparent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "husband(\"Freda Song\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "have", "?" ], "type": 47, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "9dfd3fc4-c8e4-486e-b4f6-d4ec6949156d", "question": "How many parents does the niece of Tawana Summerlin have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(parent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "niece(\"Tawana Summerlin\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "have", "?" ], "type": 47, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "c1c17e64-ff1c-4dff-9f65-2aa846d0fd04", "question": "How many mothers does the granddaughter of Byron Song have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(mother(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "granddaughter(\"Byron Song\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "have", "?" ], "type": 47, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "02a913c5-90ed-47a5-bc2f-c5719eccace9", "question": "How many daughters does the grandson of Mckinley Colin have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(daughter(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandson(\"Mckinley Colin\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "have", "?" ], "type": 47, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "3ce29fbd-1b82-4996-a234-43e35f6a58ae", "question": "How many cousins does the female cousin of Deirdre Bivins have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(cousin(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "female_cousin(\"Deirdre Bivins\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "have", "?" ], "type": 47, "difficulty": 4 }, { "id": "1ddf7b22-9eff-41b7-8d50-3fe111e9ae2f", "question": "How many great-uncles does the daughter of Alexis Kingsley have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_uncle(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "daughter(\"Alexis Kingsley\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "have", "?" ], "type": 47, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "489dd387-2882-43c0-b36f-f852d9448f27", "question": "How many nieces does the friend of Idell Kidd have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(niece(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "friend(\"Idell Kidd\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "have", "?" ], "type": 47, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "25fddf2d-a085-4228-a819-c5f7a5da7b77", "question": "How many great-grandchildren does the grandparent of Jamal Song have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_grandchild(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "grandparent(\"Jamal Song\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "have", "?" ], "type": 47, "difficulty": 3 }, { "id": "c6d3e870-2643-4c96-8c68-4cd9856c8fae", "question": "How many nieces does the daughter of Matilda Summerlin have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(niece(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "daughter(\"Matilda Summerlin\", Y_3)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the", "_4", "of", "_5", "have", "?" ], "type": 47, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "1b894f57-838f-44cc-9d2b-5c5b15be02d3", "question": "How many daughters does the person whose date of birth is 0985-04-02 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(daughter(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "dob(Y_3, \"0985-04-02\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "have", "?" ], "type": 48, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "1f848156-01eb-46c4-ac7c-96ffa04b0193", "question": "How many friends does the person whose date of birth is 0961-03-14 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(friend(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "dob(Y_3, \"0961-03-14\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "have", "?" ], "type": 48, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "f4f3ac64-d86c-446a-a847-720889600d79", "question": "How many parents does the person whose occupation is exercise physiologist have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(parent(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "job(Y_3, \"exercise physiologist\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "have", "?" ], "type": 48, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "a0579682-e543-47d1-9c74-79182075c1e6", "question": "How many daughters-in-law does the person whose date of birth is 0908-09-14 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(daughter_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "dob(Y_3, \"0908-09-14\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "have", "?" ], "type": 48, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "897addc2-784e-4984-b013-f74d200353c5", "question": "How many children 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"intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(mother_in_law(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "dob(Y_3, \"1041-10-02\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "have", "?" ], "type": 48, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "1f1f986b-e280-404a-8cbc-fb205ea843d6", "question": "How many nephews does the person whose hobby is birdwatching have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "0", "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(nephew(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "hobby(Y_3, \"birdwatching\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "have", "?" ], "type": 48, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "bc03c713-4f3b-44d8-bf7d-47309e180bec", "question": "How many grandsons does the person whose occupation is nutritional therapist have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "3" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandson(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "job(Y_3, \"nutritional therapist\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "have", "?" ], "type": 48, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "bda21fa9-8fad-4250-80f2-6d765420f148", "question": "How many friends does the person whose date of birth is 0874-08-12 have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "7" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(friend(Y_3, Y_1)), Count_1)", "dob(Y_3, \"0874-08-12\")" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "the person whose", "_4", "is", "_4", "have", "?" ], "type": 48, "difficulty": 2 }, { "id": "1c2668ec-4524-43b3-9e68-e24b10d3e273", "question": "How many children does Shelly Reece have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(child(\"Shelly Reece\", Y_1)), Count_1)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "_3", "have", "?" ], "type": 49, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "cbc96a05-b981-45ca-98d8-c534d737fc93", "question": "How many daughters does Eddie Song have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(daughter(\"Eddie Song\", Y_1)), Count_1)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "_3", "have", "?" ], "type": 49, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "5d17306d-01c2-468e-8213-a35a7a42c57f", "question": "How many great-granddaughters does Eddie Song have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "4" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(great_granddaughter(\"Eddie Song\", Y_1)), Count_1)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "_3", "have", "?" ], "type": 49, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "d4a4a098-8cd1-4afe-bc8e-96014da16bf6", "question": "How many nieces does Tawana Summerlin have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(niece(\"Tawana Summerlin\", Y_1)), Count_1)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "_3", "have", "?" ], "type": 49, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "3900d47c-bf01-43e0-8f6a-46911a3d4083", "question": "How many siblings does Ana Colin have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(\"Ana Colin\", Y_1)), Count_1)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "_3", "have", "?" ], "type": 49, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "06a3f818-87df-479b-b8c0-d6a607ca6cac", "question": "How many granddaughters does Gilbert Summerlin have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(granddaughter(\"Gilbert Summerlin\", Y_1)), Count_1)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "_3", "have", "?" ], "type": 49, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "0cbfb39e-d21c-40e7-ad40-81d8d92c4998", "question": "How many grandsons does Mckinley Colin have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(grandson(\"Mckinley Colin\", Y_1)), Count_1)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "_3", "have", "?" ], "type": 49, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "ca211a2c-bfab-495e-9df8-a5d9c012e081", "question": "How many sisters does Gene Song have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "2" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister(\"Gene Song\", Y_1)), Count_1)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "_3", "have", "?" ], "type": 49, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "9da76987-9770-46d9-adfc-8ffd48ccd210", "question": "How many brothers-in-law does Nikki Kidd have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(brother_in_law(\"Nikki Kidd\", Y_1)), Count_1)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "_3", "have", "?" ], "type": 49, "difficulty": 1 }, { "id": "45badf44-c1dc-4723-aa3c-0b7743786c29", "question": "How many daughters does Alexis Kingsley have?", "intermediate_answers": "[]", "answer": [ "1" ], "prolog": { "query": [ "aggregate_all(count, distinct(daughter(\"Alexis Kingsley\", Y_1)), Count_1)" ], "answer": "Count_1" }, "template": [ "How many", "_2", "does", "_3", "have", "?" ], "type": 49, "difficulty": 1 } ]