{"id": "user_oriented_task_167", "input": "The typical avocado is over 300 calories from the oil in it. That\u2019s the amount of calories in a large candy bar. If you get enough exercise to eat a large candy bar every day without gaining weight, it wouldn\u2019t be a problem to eat an avocado every day. Other wise you should probably eat them sparingly.", "category": "Quora", "instruction": "Choose an appealing title for your post.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a post title?", "Is the generated text appealing as a post tile?", "Is the generated post title suitable for the post in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_205", "input": "Language: Python\nFunction: input", "category": "w3schools", "instruction": "Given a programming language and the name of a function, write a command to show how to use the function.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include a command?", "Is the command in the generated text in the given programming language (Python)?", "Does the command in the generated text show how to use the function in the given input?", "Is the command in the generated text correct?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Linguistic"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_187", "input": "We were recently able to increase the amount of stock we hold with the same supplier thereby reducing our risk.", "category": "Grammarly", "instruction": "Change the first person to the third person in the given sentence. The meaning should be kept, but you can paraphrase it or expand it in order to have a better pose.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text expressed in third person?", "Does the generated text have a better pose than the given input?", "Does the generated text convey the same meaning as the original sentence in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Linguistic"], ["Style"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_103", "input": "Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)", "category": "Coursera", "instruction": "Design a syllabus for the given course. Students should be given a list of the chapters with brief explanations of each chapter's purpose.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a course syllabus?", "Does the generated text include a list of chapters?", "Does every chapter in the generated list include a description?", "Is the description of each chapter in the generated text concise?", "Is the generated text relevant to the course in the given input?", "Does the description of each chapter in the generated text explain the purpose of the chapter?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Format"], ["Format"], ["Style"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_94", "input": "", "category": "Leetcode", "instruction": "Think of topics that are most common in classic interview questions for a job in computer science.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include some topics?", "Are the generated topics relevant to computer science?", "Are the generated topics suitable for interview questions?", "Are the generated topics common subjects in the classic interview?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_124", "input": "How do you say \"good evening\" in French.", "category": "Doulingo", "instruction": "Answer the following question.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text provide a correct answer to the question in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Format"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_242", "input": "adding an image to the page", "category": "w3schools", "instruction": "Write the HTML syntax for the required action.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text in HTML syntax?", "Is the HTML syntax correct for the required actiont in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Linguistic"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_111", "input": "Theme: Circuits", "category": "instructables", "instruction": "There are many creative projects we can build at home that are related to the given theme, so let's list some of them.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a list?", "Are the items in the generated list relevant to the theme in the given input?", "Can the projects in the generated text be built at home?", "Are the projects in the generated text creative?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_54", "input": "Name: Jane\nMain points:\n- Architect\n- Interested in Tech\nWritten in first person\nUse casual tone", "category": "Twitter", "instruction": "Write a good Twitter Bio. Try to cover all the provided main points in your generated bio.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a Twitter Bio?", "Is the generated text written in the first person?", "Does the generated text use a casual tone?", "Does the generated text cover all information from the given input?", "Is the generated Twitter Bio good?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Linguistic"], ["Style"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_3", "input": "Chicago: Vaswani, Ashish, Shazeer, Noam, Parmar, Niki, Uszkoreit, Jakob, Jones, Llion, Gomez, Aidan N., Kaiser, Lukasz, and Illia Polosukhin. \"Attention Is All You Need.\" arXiv, (2017). https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.1706.03762.\nMLA:", "category": "Google Scholar", "instruction": "You are given a paper citation, convert it to the requested citation style.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a paper citation?", "Does the generated text comply with the requested citation style (MLA citation style)?", "Does the generated paper citation match the citation in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Format"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_64", "input": "Cute cat\nplayful\nSoft", "category": "Instagram", "instruction": "Use appropriate emojis to convey the meaning in the given text.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include emojis?", "Does the items in the given input have a one-to-one association with the emojis in the generated text?", "Does the generated emojis represent the given input properly?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_172", "input": "Crew Members", "category": "Indeed", "instruction": "Provide a list of the skills that may help you find the job.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a list of skills?", "Are the skills in the generated text relevant to find the job in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_176", "input": "To evaluate if the Transformer can generalize to other tasks we performed experiments on English constituency parsing. This task presents specific challenges: the output is subject to strong structural constraints and is significantly longer than the input. Furthermore, RNN sequence-to-sequence models have not been able to attain state-of-the-art results in small-data regimes.\nQuestion: What is English constituency parsing?", "category": "Explainpaper", "instruction": "Answer the question about the paper after reading it carefully.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text an answer relevant to the question in the given input?", "Is the answer in the generated text correct according to the paper in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_223", "input": "Name: Pizzeria\ngood prices, quiet place, tasty, nice staff", "category": "Yelp", "instruction": "Based on the given keywords, write a review of a restaurant.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a review of a retaurant?", "Is the generated text relevant to the keywords in the given input?", "Are all the keywords in the given input contained in the generated text?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_147", "input": "two things are infinite", "category": "(Wolfram alpha)?", "instruction": "You will be tested on your knowledge of classic witticisms and aphorisms by completing the given aphorism. Write the original quote as the answer.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text an aphorism?", "Is the aphorism in the generated text a complete one of the aphorism in the given input?", "Is the generated text the correct original quote of the aphorism in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_199", "input": "The Shining", "category": "Netflix", "instruction": "Summarize the movie in a snarky way. Try to explain the movie in just one sentence.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text the summary of a movie?", "Does the generated summary only contain one sentence?", "Is the generated summary written in a snarky way?", "Does the generated summary relevant to the movie in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Format", "Number"], ["Style"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_6", "input": "Subject: Asking for Vacation Time\nHi [Employer], \nI hope all is well. I am writing to request a day off on [date]. I have already taken care of my work responsibilities for that day and will be available to answer any questions or concerns you may have. \nThank you for your time, \n[Your name]", "category": "Gmail", "instruction": "The tone of the email should be changed and rewritten in a more professional manner.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text an email?", "Is the tone of the generated text more professional than the email in the given input?", "Does the generated text convey the same meaning as the email in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Style"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_22", "input": "what we have _expected", "category": "ludwig.guru", "instruction": "Think of alternatives and paraphrases for the underlined word.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a list of candidates for word replacement?", "Are the candidates in the generated text appropriate to replace the underlined word in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Linguistic"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_121", "input": "Daily tasks in the pharmacy", "category": "Notion", "instruction": "Write a to-do list based on the given information.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a list of tasks to be completed?", "Are the tasks in the generated text daily tasks?", "Are the tasks in the generated text related to work in a pharmacy?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_92", "input": "Dynamic Programming", "category": "Leetcode", "instruction": "Design a programming problem related to the subject that has been given to you. Use some examples and constraints to improve your question.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text contain a programming problem?", "Does the generated text contain some examples of a programming problem?", "Does the generated text contain some constraints of a programming problem?", "Is the generated programming problem relevant to the subject in the given input?", "Are the generated examples helpful in explaining the generated programming problem?", "Are the generated constrains reasonable for the generated prompgramming probelm?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_59", "input": "This blog post is going to about making a list of last-minute gift ideas. Also, the tone of the post is going to be relaxed and casual.", "category": "Blogger", "instruction": "Design an outline for a blog post based on the given information and list the sections accordingly.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text an outline for a blog post?", "Does the generated outline contain a list of sections?", "Is the generated outline based on the information in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Format"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_73", "input": "A meeting has been scheduled, and the sender expects the other to review the slides.", "category": "Gmail", "instruction": "A confirmation email should be written appropriately for the situation.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a confirmation email?", "Is the generated email relevant to a scheduled meeting?", "Does the generated email mention that the receiver is expected to review the slides?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_219", "input": "New Employee onboarding", "category": "Jira", "instruction": "Write a Jira ticket for the given task.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a Jira ticket?", "Is the generated text relevant to the task in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_243", "input": "if (20 > 18) {\n printf(\"20 is greater than 18\");\n}", "category": "w3schools", "instruction": "Identify the programming language used to write the given code.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include a programming language?", "Is the generated programming language correct for the code in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_214", "input": "", "category": "Redfin", "instruction": "List some of the top real estate marketing words to add value to the listing and engage more potential buyers.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a list of words?", "Are the words in the generated text real estate marketing words?", "Do the generated words add value to the listing?", "Do the generated words engage potential buyers?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content", "Linguistic"], ["Content"], ["Style"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_201", "input": "INGREDIENTS:\n2 (5 oz) cans Bumble Bee\u00ae Solid White Albacore Tuna, drained\n1 avocado\n2 Tbsp Sriracha\n1 Tbsp Dijon mustard\n2 to 3 Tbsp celery, chopped\n2 Tbsp red onion, chopped\n2 green onions, chopped\n1 Tbsp fresh cilantro, chopped\nSalt and pepper, to taste\n2 heaping cups leafy green lettuce\n1 cup matchstick carrots\n4 (10 inch) whole wheat tortillas\nINSTRUCTIONS:\nIn a medium bowl, mash together tuna and avocado until combined. Add in the rest of the ingredients through the salt and pepper, mixing well.\nTo assemble, top each tortilla with a 1/2 cup leafy greens, 1/4 cup matchstick carrots and divide the tuna mixture evenly among the wraps. Tightly roll up the tortilla, slice and enjoy!", "category": "Tasty", "instruction": "Provide a name for the dish given the ingredients and instructions.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a name of a dish?", "Is the generated dish name relevant to the given ingredients and instructions?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_69", "input": "Despite the _cacophony, the student tried to study. \nA. Loud sounds\nB. Difficult subject\nC. Late hour\nD. Low lighting", "category": "merriam-webster.com", "instruction": "Find the answer that best describes the underlined SAT word. Select the correct option and explain the meaning of the underlined word.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text provide an answer for the multiple-choice question in the given input?", "Does the generated text explain the meaning of the underlined word in the given input?", "Does the selected answer in the generated text best describe the underlined word in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_66", "input": "In spite of the fact that procrastination feels bad to you, why do you do it?", "category": "YouTube", "instruction": "Using the provided topic as a starting point, brainstorm ideas for videos that can be made about it on YouTube.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a list of ideas?", "Are the generated ideas suitable for creating YouTube videos centered around the topic in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_2", "input": "If you'd told me year ago that today I would finish a marathon, I would of laughed. Your support had a huge affect on me!", "category": "Grammarly", "instruction": "Rewrite the given text and correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text free of spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors?", "Does the generated text convey the same meaning as the source text?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Linguistic"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_138", "input": "The Great Gatsby", "category": "Goodreads", "instruction": "In the event that a person enjoyed the book that was given, please suggest other books that they might also like.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a list of books?", "Are the books in the generated text of a similar genre to the given book and likely to be of interest to people interested in the given book?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_140", "input": "x^3 - 4x^2 + 6x - 24 = 0", "category": "Wolfram alpha", "instruction": "Solve this equation.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text an answer to an equation?", "Is the answer in the generated text correct for the equation in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Number", "Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_20", "input": "There are great options", "category": "ludwig.guru", "instruction": "Find sentences from reliable sources such as the Guardian or Forbes that contain the exact match for the given sentence or phrase. Also, mention the source of each sentence.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a list?", "Does every item of the list consist of a sentence and a source?", "Does every sentence in the list contain an exact match for the sentence or phrase in the given input?", "Are the sources for every sentence in the generated text reliable?", "Are the sentences in the generated text accurately taken from the corresponding sources?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_162", "input": "As of the 13th day of December 2021, this Music Recording Agreement (\"Agreement\") is made between Good Kid, a Toronto-based musical group (\"Artist\"), and Universal Music Group, a record label with license number 545345 (\"Record Label\"). The Artist and the Recording Label may be referred to in this Agreement individually as \"Parties\" and collectively as \"Parties.\" Work under this Agreement will begin on March 15, 2022, and will last for the duration of the Agreement.", "category": "https://cohere.ai/", "instruction": "Take a look at the contract and extract the parties of the agreement from it.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include agreement parties?", "Are the parties listed in the generated text correctly extracted from the contract provided in the input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_190", "input": "read the first 10 lines from f", "category": "GeeksforGeeks", "instruction": "Convert the given description to a bash command.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a bash command?", "Does the generated bash command accurately represent the description in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_244", "input": "school will _keep through the winter", "category": "merriam-webster.com", "instruction": "Decide which part of speech the underlined word belongs to.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text identify a part of speech?", "Is the identified part of speech in the generated text correct for the underlined word in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Linguistic", "Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_60", "input": "Blog Topic: 7 Fall Fashion Trends Worth Taking on Your Trip\nSection Title: Trusty Jeans\nMain point of the section: jeans can be worn all year and look good with everything .", "category": "Blogger", "instruction": "Write a section for a blog post and try to cover all of the provided information about this section in your text.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a section for a blog post?", "Is the generated text relevant to the blog topic in the given input?", "Does the generated text focus on the blog section in the given input (Trusty Jeans)?", "Does the generated text cover all the main points of the section in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_208", "input": "a creative tech startup", "category": "Amazon", "instruction": "Make a list of adjectives that can be used to describe the given brand.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a list of words?", "Do the generated words consist only of adjectives?", "Are the generated words suitable for describing the given brand?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Linguistic"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_24", "input": "", "category": "LinkedIn", "instruction": "Write a template for First-Person LinkedIn profile summary.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a LinkedIn Profile summary template?", "Is the generated template in first-person?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Linguistic"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_107", "input": "Our family is looking for a 9-day Morocco trip that has light to moderate activity levels.", "category": "National Geographic", "instruction": "Create a daily itinerary based on the given information.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a daily itinerary?", "Is the generated itinerary 9-day long?", "Is the generated itinerary designed for a family trip?", "Is the generated itinerary designed for a trip to Morocco?", "Does the generated itinerary involve light to moderate activity?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_55", "input": "- news: Applications for summer internships are open now\n- Start with a thematic tie-in to Halloween", "category": "Twitter", "instruction": "We need to write a thematic tweet to share company news and facts. Please take a careful look at the facts and details provided and create a tweet based on them.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a tweet?", "Does the generated tweet contain the company news and facts in the given input?", "Does the generated tweet begin with a thematic tie-in to Halloween?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_229", "input": "A choice has to be made between picking the red pill or the blue pill", "category": "Netflix", "instruction": "We have described a scene from a movie that we have seen in the past. Find out what movie it is.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a movie name?", "Does the scene in the given input appear in the movie in the generated text?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_37", "input": "Period Dramas", "category": "Netflix", "instruction": "Give a brief description of the given category of movies and shows.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a description of the category in the given input of movies and shows?", "Is the generated description brief?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Style"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_104", "input": "Social Media Marketer", "category": "Coursera", "instruction": "List the personality traits that are required to be successful in the given job.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a list of personality traits?", "Are the personality traits in the generated text important for success in the job in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_41", "input": "Homework Assignment", "category": "Overleaf", "instruction": "You should find a few LATEX templates appropriate for the task at hand and list the links to them.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a list of links?", "Are the links in the generated text related to LATEX templates?", "Are the links in the generated text suitable for the task in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_11", "input": "remove item in array", "category": "StackOverflow", "instruction": "Discover the most relevant StackOverflow questions for your search term. And output a list of their URLs.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a list of URLs?", "Are the generated URLs linked to StackOverflow questions?", "Do the contents of the generated URLs address the search term in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_217", "input": "User story: As a user, I want to use a search field to type a city, name, or street, so that I could find matching hotel options.", "category": "Jira", "instruction": "As part of software engineering, user stories describe what the user wants the system to do, while acceptance criteria describe the conditions a specific user story must meet. Create basic acceptance criteria based on the given user story.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text an acceptance criteria?", "Is the generated text based on the user story in the given input?", "Does the generated text contain a search field?", "Does the search field in the generated text support city, name, and street?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_125", "input": "\u597d", "category": "Doulingo", "instruction": "What sound does this make?", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a sound?", "Is the sound in the generated text correct for the given character?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content", "Linguistic"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_213", "input": "There's real magic in combining inherently compelling Victorian architecture with a modern aesthetic. Add in an extraordinary multi-level garden & the result is the undeniable elegance of 444 29th St. The front of the home is light-filled w/ a seamless connection between living, dining & kitchen. Newly updated kitchen w/ quartz counters & upgraded appliances. A lg dining rm has a bay of windows &, when paired w/ the adjacent living rm, provides an ideal space to entertain. 2 lg bdrms on this level are at the rear. Both w/ lg closets & walk out to the garden. Stylishly remodeled full bath on this level. 3rd bdrm/2nd full bath are located on the ground floor - perfect as a guest rm, home office, fitness area, etc. The enormous garden occupies an extra deep lot & is beautifully landscaped & terraced. Laundry/storage rm, 1-car garage pkg, Tesla solar panels. Prime, flat part of Noe Valley - short walk to all that Noe has to offer. Steps from the J-Church & convenient to shuttles/freeways.", "category": "Redfin", "instruction": "Review the property description and tell us what is good and what is bad about it and list its key takeaways.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text provide a review of the property description given in the input?", "Does the generated text highlight the positive aspects of the property in the given input?", "Does the generated text point out the negative aspects of the property in the given input?", "Does the generated text list the key takeaways from the property description in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Content", "Style"], ["Content", "Style"], ["Content", "Format"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_38", "input": "", "category": "Overleaf", "instruction": "Provide an example of how a table of contents can be generated automatically in a LATEX document. Make sure your example contains the necessary commands.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text contain an example of a Latex document?", "Is the generated example about how a table of content can be generated automatically in a LATEX document?", "Does the generated text contain the necessary commands to generate a table of contents?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_239", "input": "Leg Raises", "category": "Workout", "instruction": "Provide instructions for the given exercise.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include instructions?", "Are the instructions in the generated text relevant to the exercise in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_234", "input": "The reviews were great, but honestly i felt it was just ok. Seemed like a typical tourist spot were the food was mediocre. The service was ok, not great, but not the worst.\nThe bread was very good. I ordered the muscle fries. They had a sweet Vidalia onion flavor. No need for fries bc they were soggy wo much flavor. My boyfriend ordered a pesto chicken pasta and it was again mediocre.", "category": "Yelp", "instruction": "Predict how many stars the author will give to the restaurant from a Yelp review.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text Yelp review stars?", "Does the generated rating match the content of the given Yelp review?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_133", "input": "", "category": "Sudoku", "instruction": "Design a medium-level sudoku puzzle.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a sudoku puzzle?", "Is the generated sudoku puzzle of medium-level difficulty?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_181", "input": "Few-shot learning (FSL) is one of the key future steps in machine learning and raises a lot of attention. In this paper, we focus on the FSL problem of dialogue understanding, which contains two closely related tasks: intent detection and slot filling. Dialogue understanding has been proven to benefit a lot from jointly learning the two sub-tasks. However, such joint learning becomes challenging in the few-shot scenarios: on the one hand, the sparsity of samples greatly magnifies the difficulty of modeling the connection between the two tasks; on the other hand, how to jointly learn multiple tasks in the few-shot setting is still less investigated. In response to this, we introduce FewJoint, the first FSL benchmark for joint dialogue understanding. FewJoint provides a new corpus with 59 different dialogue domains from real industrial API and a code platform to ease FSL experiment set-up, which are expected to advance the research of this field. Further, we find that insufficient performance of the few-shot setting often leads to noisy sharing between two sub-task and disturbs joint learning. To tackle this, we guide slot with explicit intent information and propose a novel trust gating mechanism that blocks low-confidence intent information to ensure high quality sharing. Besides, we introduce a Reptile-based meta-learning strategy to achieve better generalization in unseen few-shot domains. In the experiments, the proposed method brings significant improvements on two datasets and achieve new state-of-the-art performance.", "category": "Semantic Scholar", "instruction": "Create a short, concise summary of the paper based on its abstract.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a paper summary?", "Is the generated summary short and concise?", "Is the generated summary based on the given abstract?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Style"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_157", "input": "Person 1: Hey, when are you free? I'd like to meet up.\nPerson 2: I'm free tomorrow afternoon.\nPerson 1: Great, what time?\nPerson 2: How about 3 pm?\nPerson 1: I have another meeting at that time. what about 5 pm?\nPerson 2: That works. Where should we meet?\nPerson 1: How about the coffee shop on Main Street?\nPerson 2: Sounds good. I've heard they have great coffee there. See you tomorrow!", "category": "Messenger", "instruction": "Currently, there is a chat in which people are arranging a meeting in the future. Retrieve the meeting information from the conversation.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text provide meeting information?", "Is the meeting information in the generated text correctly extracted from the conversation in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_1", "input": "Hi Jen, \nI hope you're well. Can we catch up today? I'd appreciate your input on my presentation for tomorrow's meeting. I'd especially love it if you could double-check the sales numbers with me. There's a coffee in it for you!", "category": "Grammarly", "instruction": "Analyze the word choice, phrasing, punctuation, and capitalization in the given email. How may the writer of this email sound to the reader? These tones include Disheartening, Accusatory, Worried, Curious, Surprised, Disapproving, Unassuming, Formal, Assertive, Confident, Appreciative, Concerned, Sad, Informal, Regretful, Encouraging, Egocentric, Joyful, Optimistic, and Excited.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text contain tone types from the following list: Disheartening, Accusatory, Worried, Curious, Surprised, Disapproving, Unassuming, Formal, Assertive, Confident, Appreciative, Concerned, Sad, Informal, Regretful, Encouraging, Egocentric, Joyful, Optimistic, and Excited?", "Do the tone types in the generated text conform to the given email's tone by analyzing the word choice, phrasing, punctuation, and capitalization in the given email?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Style", "Linguistic"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_12", "input": "Python loop", "category": "GeeksforGeeks", "instruction": "You are given an algorithm or a search query about coding. Look for a code snippet related to the search query.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a code snippet?", "Is the generated code in Python?", "Is the generated code snippet relevant to the given algorithm or search query?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Linguistic"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_36", "input": "Manifest", "category": "Netflix", "instruction": "In what genres does the given movie or series fall?", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a movie genre?", "Is the generated movie genre correct for the given movie or series?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_216", "input": "", "category": "Jira", "instruction": "Create a template in markdown to create scope for Jira tickets. Members should use this template as a checklist to ensure they have included all the necessary information when creating a ticket.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a markdown template?", "Can the generated text be used as a checklist?", "Does the generated text contain all the necessary information to created a Jira ticket?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_207", "input": "name: Mark\nnationality: Italian\nlanguage: English\nattributes: creative, goal-oriented, motivated\nskills: software engineering, content marketing", "category": "Overleaf", "instruction": "Create a brief resume introduction using the following information.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a resume introduction?", "Is the generated text brief?", "Does the generated text cover name, nationality, and language in the given input?", "Does the generated text cover all attributes in the given input?", "Does the generated text cover all skills in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Style"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_77", "input": "", "category": "Github", "instruction": "Write a step-by-step guide for resolving GitHub merge conflicts.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include steps to resolve GitHub merge conflicts?", "Are the generated steps presented in a step-by-step manner?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Format"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_88", "input": "", "category": "tripadvisor.com", "instruction": "Name the top cities in France that should not be missed. Include the best aspects of each place as well.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include some city names?", "Are the cities in the generated text in France?", "Are the cities in the generated text the best places to travel in France?", "Does the generated text include the best aspect of the cities?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_150", "input": "H_AR_", "category": "Wordle", "instruction": "Identify all words that match the pattern given.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a list of words?", "Do the generated words match the pattern in the given input?", "Do all words that match the pattern in the given input are included in the generated list?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content", "Linguistic"], ["Content", "Linguistic"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_128", "input": "", "category": "Tasty", "instruction": "Come up with healthy and easy dinner ideas for weeknights.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a list of dinner ideas?", "Are the dinner ideas in the generated text healthy?", "Are the dinner ideas in the generated text easy to make?", "Are the dinner ideas in the generated text suitable for weeknights?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_61", "input": "Product: Golang course\nProduct description: teaching the foundational skills for building cloud services, web applications, DevOps tools, and backend development\nDiscount: 50%\nHow to claim: Use the coupon code: GOLANG", "category": "Instagram", "instruction": "Create a detailed caption for an Instagram post about a discount. A proper caption should explain the product, offer the discount, and tell the user how to claim it.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a caption for an Instagram post?", "Is the generated caption detailed?", "Does the generated text explain the product in the given input?", "Does the generated text offer the discount in the given input?", "Does the generated text tell the user how to claim the discount as described in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Style"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_250", "input": "interpretations", "category": "Google Search", "instruction": "Write what the pronunciation of the given word sounds like. Follow the \"Google pronunciation dictionary\" scheme for phonetic spelling.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a pronunciation?", "Does the generated pronunciation follow the \"Google Pronunciation Dictionary\" schema for phonetic spelling?", "Is the pronunciation accurate for the given word?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content", "Linguistic"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_153", "input": "+ Hey, how did your exams go?\n- They were alright. I'm just glad they're over.\n+ Yeah, I know how you feel. I'm just glad I don't have to worry about them anymore.", "category": "Messenger", "instruction": "Respond to the last text in the chat using the correct emojis to convey your feelings.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated response consist of emojis?", "Do the emojis used in the generated response accurately express the intended feelings in relation to the content of the previous text in the chat in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_130", "input": "", "category": "Tasty", "instruction": "Make a list of snacks and foods to serve as party snacks on a game day!", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a list of snacks and foods?", "Does the generated list consist of snacks and foods that are suitable to be served as party snacks on a game day?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_31", "input": "Item: iBayam Journal Planner Pens Colored Pens Fine Point Markers Fine Tip Drawing Pens Porous Fineliner Pen for Journaling Writing Note Taking Calendar Coloring Art Office Back to School Supplies, 18 Color", "category": "Amazon", "instruction": "Compare the given item with similar products based on its properties such as price, rating, etc. For product comparison, use a table and separate the columns with \"|\".", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text contain a table?", "Does the generated table include the item in the given input?", "Does the generated table compare several similar products with the item in the given input?", "Does the generated table compare the items based on their properties such as price, rating, etc.?", "Does the generated table use \"|\" for separating the columns?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Format"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_5", "input": "", "category": "Gmail", "instruction": "If you could help me write an email to my friends inviting them to dinner on Friday, it would be greatly appreciated.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text an email?", "Does the generated text discuss inviting friends to dinner?", "Does the generated text mention an invitation time of Friday for the dinner?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_131", "input": "Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies", "category": "Tasty", "instruction": "Describe how to prepare the given food in your own words. Note down the ingredients you will need and the steps you will take to prepare them.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include the necessary ingredients for the preparation of the specified food in the given input?", "Does the generated text provide steps to prepare the specified food in the given input?", "Do the steps in the generated text utilize all listed ingredients in the preparation of the specified food?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_210", "input": "Match a valid ip address", "category": "StackOverflow", "instruction": "Regex is a set of characters that define a search pattern. This kind of pattern is usually used by string-searching algorithms to find or replace strings or to validate inputs. Convert the natural english text to regex.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a regex expression?", "Is the generated regex expression correct for the English text in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_188", "input": "Guide: Every other letter alternates between lower case and upper case.\nSentence: A giant spider blocks your path.", "category": "Grammarly", "instruction": "You should capitalize the sentence according to the guide.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text follow the guideline that every other letter alternates between lower case and upper case?", "Does the generated text contain exactly the same characters as the given sentence, ignoring case?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Linguistic"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_72", "input": "The Ice cream shop is a small, quaint shop located in the heart of the historic district. They offer a variety of ice cream flavors, as well as Italian ice, gelato, and sorbet. The shop has a few tables and chairs, but most of their business is to-go. They offer a loyalty program where you can get a free scoop of ice cream after 10 purchases.", "category": "Yelp", "instruction": "Give the provided brand a motto to use as a part of its marketing strategies.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a motto?", "Is the motto in the generated text suitable for the marketing strategies of the brand in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_139", "input": "Love in the Time of Cholera", "category": "Goodreads", "instruction": "Indicate the genre of the book to which it belongs.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a book genre?", "Is the genre in the generated text correct for the book in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_184", "input": "Subject: You have an invitation\nEmail: Hi, I'd like to join your LinkedIn network.", "category": "Gmail", "instruction": "Decide if the given email belongs to the Promotions or Social category.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a classification label in two categories (Promotions, Social)?", "Is the classification label in the generated text accurate for the email in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_209", "input": "I'm looking for a west coast road trip. My goal is to start near San Diego and travel to Los Angeles.", "category": "tripadvisor.com", "instruction": "Someone gives you some information about where they want to go and what they enjoy seeing and doing. Describe a proper road trip for them and find the best stops and activities in the way.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a description of a road trip?", "Does the generated text include some stops and activities?", "Are the stops and activities in the generated text well-known and best to visit?", "Is the generated road trip a West Coast road trip?", "Does the beginning stop and destination in the generated text meet the requirement in the given input (start near San Diego and travel to Los Angeles)?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_96", "input": "Table: Person\n| Column Name | Type |\n| personId | int |\n| lastName | varchar |\n| firstName | varchar |\npersonId is the primary key column for this table.\nThis table contains information about the ID of some persons and their first and last names.\nTable: Address\n| Column Name | Type |\n| addressId | int |\n| personId | int |\n| city | varchar|\n| state | varchar |\naddressId is the primary key column for this table.\nEach row of this table contains information about the city and state of one person with ID = PersonId.\nWrite an SQL query to report the first name, last name, city, and state of each person in the Person table. If the address of a personId is not present in the Address table, report null instead.\nReturn the result table in any order.\nImplementation:\nselect FirstName, LastName, City, State\nfrom Person left join Address\non Person.PersonId = Address.PersonId\n;", "category": "Leetcode", "instruction": "You are given a programming problem and its implementation. Analyze the problem and implementation and explain the algorithm and approach used to solve the problem.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text analyze the programming problem and its corresponding implementation in the given input?", "Does the generated text explain the algorithm and the approach employed to solve the programming problem in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_113", "input": "Steam Engine Using an Empty Beer Can", "category": "instructables", "instruction": "Provide a detailed explanation of the steps that are required in order to construct the given project.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include an explanation of the steps?", "Is the explanation of each step in the generated text detailed?", "Are the steps in the generated text required to construct the project in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Format"], ["Style"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_105", "input": "Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies", "category": "Coursera", "instruction": "Please list the courses that someone interested in the first course might like.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a list of courses?", "Are the courses in the generated text related to the course in the given input and likely to be of interest to people interested in the given course?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Format"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_185", "input": "\ud83e\uddd9\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\ud83d\udeaa\ud83d\udcda\ud83e\udd85\u26a1", "category": "Netflix", "instruction": "The story of a movie has been described using many emojis. You need to guess the name of the movie based on the emojis.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a movie name?", "Is the generated movie name relevant to the given emojis?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_237", "input": "Kale + almond butter + apple cider vinegar + agave nectar + tamari", "category": "Tasty", "instruction": "Using the ingredients that are available, create a dinner recipe.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a recipe?", "Does the generated recipe only use the ingredients in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_197", "input": "Search: why sky is blue\nDocument: The Short Answer: Sunlight reaches Earth's atmosphere and is scattered in all directions by all the gases and particles in the air. Blue light is scattered more than the other colors because it travels as shorter, smaller waves. This is why we see a blue sky most of the time.", "category": "Google Search", "instruction": "You are given a search query and a document. Classify whether the document is relevant to the search query or not relevant.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text indicate whether the document is relevant to the search query in the given input?", "Is the assessment in the generated text of the document's relevance to the given search query reasonable?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_155", "input": "+ What are going to do now?\n- I don't know. I had to give up my dream of being a mathematician.\n+ Why", "category": "Messenger", "instruction": "The last message in the chat is a partial response. You should complete and rewrite it.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text fully complete the partial response from the last chat message in the given input?", "Considering the chat in the given input, is the generated reply apt and congruent with the ongoing conversation?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Linguistic"], ["Linguistic"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_28", "input": "SAMSUNG 980 PRO SSD 2TB PCIe NVMe Gen 4 Gaming M.2 Internal Solid State Hard Drive Memory Card, Maximum Speed, Thermal Control, MZ-V8P2T0B", "category": "Amazon", "instruction": "Take the title of the product and extract its attributes. The attributes in this case refer to the characteristics of the products, such as their brand and color. Your answer must a list following the format of \"attribute: value\".", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a list of product attributes?", "Does every item in the generated list conform to the format of \"attribute: value\"?", "Do the generated attributes and values conform to the product information presented in the given input?", "Are all attributes in the generated text the characteristics such as brand and color of the product in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Format"], ["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_215", "input": "MacBook Air", "category": "Amazon", "instruction": "Suggest some product bundles that are often purchased with a given product.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a list of products?", "Are the generated products bundles that are often purchased together with the product in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Format"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_236", "input": "This is the second time I've been here, and the vibes, and the food were exquisite.", "category": "Grammarly", "instruction": "Notify me of any suggestions you may have for making the text more grammatically correct.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include a suggestion or some suggestions?", "Will the sentence in the given input be grammatically correct after following the generated suggestions?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Linguistic"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_120", "input": "a sudden temperature change", "category": "Weather", "instruction": "In relation to the given weather scenario, give some tips on how to adjust the travel plans with it.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a list of tips?", "Are the tips in the generated text about how to adjust travel plans considering the weather scenario in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Format"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_251", "input": "\"With a little give in them\"", "category": "Reddit", "instruction": "Explain the meaning of the given phrase in simple terms. Use an example if possible. It would be helpful if you could give an example.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text an explanation of the meaning of the phrase in the given input?", "Does the generated text contain an example?", "Does the generated explanation only use simple terms?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Linguistic"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_98", "input": "Mathematics and art are related in a variety of ways. Mathematics has itself been described as an art motivated by beauty. Mathematics can be discerned in arts such as music, dance, painting, architecture, sculpture, and textiles. This article focuses, however, on mathematics in the visual arts.\nMathematics and art have a long historical relationship. Artists have used mathematics since the 4th century BC when the Greek sculptor Polykleitos wrote his Canon, prescribing proportions conjectured to have been based on the ratio 1:\u221a2 for the ideal male nude. Persistent popular claims have been made for the use of the golden ratio in ancient art and architecture, without reliable evidence. In the Italian Renaissance, Luca Pacioli wrote the influential treatise De divina proportione (1509), illustrated with woodcuts by Leonardo da Vinci, on the use of the golden ratio in art. Another Italian painter, Piero della Francesca, developed Euclid's ideas on perspective in treatises such as De Prospectiva Pingendi, and in his paintings. The engraver Albrecht D\u00fcrer made many references to mathematics in his work Melencolia I. In modern times, the graphic artist M. C. Escher made intensive use of tessellation and hyperbolic geometry, with the help of the mathematician H. S. M. Coxeter, while the De Stijl movement led by Theo van Doesburg and Piet Mondrian explicitly embraced geometrical forms. Mathematics has inspired textile arts such as quilting, knitting, cross-stitch, crochet, embroidery, weaving, Turkish and other carpet-making, as well as kilim. In Islamic art, symmetries are evident in forms as varied as Persian girih and Moroccan zellige tilework, Mughal jali pierced stone screens, and widespread muqarnas vaulting.", "category": "Wikipedia", "instruction": "Summarize the article you have been given in a brief manner.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a summary of the article in the given input?", "Is the generated summary concise?", "Does the generated text summarize the main points of the article in the given input?", "Does the generated text only include information that is present in the given article?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Style"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_70", "input": "adversity", "category": "merriam-webster.com", "instruction": "Find synonyms for the given word. You need to write down how the provided synonyms differ from the original word in terms of meaning, usage, etc.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text provide a list of words?", "Are all the words in the generated list synonyms of the word in the given input?", "Does the generated text provide an explanation of each word to show how the generated synonyms differ from the word in the given input in terms of meaning, usage, etc.?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Linguistic"], ["Content", "Format"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_247", "input": "Tucked in the foothills of the quaint historic mining town of Grass Valley, CA this funky and spacious chalet invites you to experience the great outdoors with family, friends and pets. Enjoy the hot tub, basketball court, treehouse, kids rooms, bbq, fire-pit, outdoor theater, and more. One hour from Tahoe and 10 minutes to town, you\u2019re never short of things to explore.", "category": "Airbnb", "instruction": "Extract the address of the property from the \"About this space\" section of Airbnb.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text an address?", "Is the generated text the address of the property according to the text in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_170", "input": "Data entry clerk in United States", "category": "Indeed", "instruction": "Based on the information provided, you need to estimate the average salary for the given job.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text about a salary?", "Is the generated salary a reasonable estimation for the job in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_136", "input": "Crime & Mystery", "category": "Goodreads", "instruction": "Choose the best books from the given genre.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include some books?", "Are the books in the generated text from the genre in the given input?", "Are the books in the generated text the best books in the given genre?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_58", "input": "Blog title: Healthy Apple Muffins\nBlog Topic: recipe and tips for cooking a good apple muffin", "category": "Blogger", "instruction": "We've already decided on the title and topic for our blog post. I would appreciate it if you wrote an introduction paragraph to attract the readers' attention.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text an introduction paragraph of a blog post?", "Is the generated text based on the blog title and blog topic in the given input?", "Is the content of the generated introduction paragraph attractive enough to draw reader's attention?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Format"], ["Content"], ["Style"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_173", "input": "Person1: available from 9-11 am, meeting duration: 30 min \nPerson2: available from 1-3 pm, meeting duration: 90 min\nPerson3: available from 2-3:30 pm, meeting duration: 60 min", "category": "Google Calendar", "instruction": "Schedule the meetings based on the given informqation.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a meeting schedule?", "Does the generated schedule include all people in the given input?", "Does the generated schedule accommodate each person's available time in the given input?", "Does the duration in the generated schedule match each person's meeting duration in the given input?", "Is the generated schedule free of any conflicts?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_194", "input": "\"This is the best cheat-sheet paper that I've found in a LONG time.\"", "category": "Twitter", "instruction": "Assess the sentiment of the given tweet and categorize it as Positive, Negative, or Neutral.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text indicate the sentiment category (Positive, Negative, or Neutral) of the tweet in the given input?", "Is the assessment in the generated text of the given tweet's sentiment reasonable?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Style"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_222", "input": "history of the USA", "category": "Google Docs", "instruction": "Include important study notes and key points that someone should know about the given subject.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a study notes?", "Does the generated text include key points that people should know about the subject in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_78", "input": "", "category": "Github", "instruction": "One or more jobs can be run automatically by a workflow. The workflows are defined in the repository as YAML files and will run if an event occurs in the repository, as well as manually, or on a certain schedule.\nBring an example of a workflow that demonstrate the CI/CD features of GitHub Actions.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text an example of a workflow?", "Does the generated text demonstrate the CI/CD features of GitHub Actions?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_230", "input": "Document Cameras allow teachers to display documents, books, or other materials for their students to see.", "category": "Facebook", "instruction": "Take the product description and write a creative ad for it.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text an ad?", "Is the generated text creative?", "Is the generated text relevant to the product in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Style"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_171", "input": "Security Officer", "category": "Indeed", "instruction": "Describe the responsibilities of the given job.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include responsibilities?", "Are the responsibilities in the generated text relevant to the job in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_203", "input": "Back To Black", "category": "Spotify", "instruction": "List a few popular songs from the given album.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a list of songs?", "Are the songs in the generated text from the album in the given input?", "Are the songs in the generated text popular?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_123", "input": "", "category": "Notion", "instruction": "Plan an agenda for the daily standup meetings. Assign a time duration to each topic on the agenda.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text an agenda for a meeting?", "Does the generated agenda include a time duration for each topic?", "Is the generated agenda suitable for a short daily meeting?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Format", "Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_160", "input": "A study published earlier this year by Zee and her team examined the role of light in sleep for healthy adults in their 20s. Sleeping for only one night with a dim light, such as a TV set with the sound off, raised the blood sugar and heart rate of the young people during the sleep lab experiment. An elevated heart rate at night has been shown in prior studies to be a risk factor for future heart disease and early death, while higher blood sugar levels are a sign of insulin resistance, which can ultimately lead to type 2 diabetes.", "category": "https://cohere.ai/", "instruction": "Describe the content of the article in a brief manner.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text describe the content of the article in the given input?", "Is the generated description concise?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Style"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_226", "input": "A light red color with a medium light shade of pink", "category": "MS Powerpoint", "instruction": "A color description has been provided. Find the CSS code associated with that color.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a CSS code?", "Is the generated CSS code associated with the color description in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_81", "input": "Breaking Bad (TV Series 2008\u20132013)", "category": "IMDB", "instruction": "Give a brief summary of the movie or series' plot.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a summary of the movie or series' plot in the given input?", "Is the generated summary brief?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Format"], ["Style"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_112", "input": "Coffee Darkness Meter", "category": "instructables", "instruction": "Make a list of the materials that will be required to build the given tool.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the text a list of materials?", "Are the materials required to build the tool in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Format"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_144", "input": "5, 14, 23, 32, 41, ...", "category": "Wolfram alpha", "instruction": "Provide a formula for computing the nth term in the given sequence", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a formula?", "Does the formula in the generated text accommodate the sequence in the given input and can be used to compute the nth term of the sequence?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Number", "Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_71", "input": "oblique", "category": "merriam-webster.com", "instruction": "Discuss the origins and history of the word that has been given to you.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text discuss the origins and history of the word in the given input?", "Is the generated discussion of word origins and history correct for the word in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_118", "input": "Temperature: 57 F, Showers", "category": "Weather", "instruction": "Make a list of outdoor activities that are suitable for the given weather condition.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a list of activities?", "Are the activities in the generated text outdoor?", "Are the activities in the generated text suitable for the weather condition in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_180", "input": "RoMQA: A Benchmark for Robust, Multi-evidence, Multi-answer Question Answering", "category": "Semantic Scholar", "instruction": "You need to come up with the names of some of the papers that relate to the paper you are given.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a list of paper names?", "Are the papers in the generated list relevant to the paper in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Format"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_90", "input": "Is there a way of reading one single character from the user input? For instance, they press one key at the terminal and it is returned (sort of like getch()). I know there's a function in Windows for it, but I'd like something that is cross-platform.\nAnswer 1: Here's a link to the ActiveState Recipes site that says how you can read a single character in Windows, Linux and OSX :\nhttps://code.activestate.com/recipes/134892/\nAnswer 2: if you just want to hold the screen so you can see the result on the terminal just write `input()` at the end of the code and it will hold the screen", "category": "StackOverflow", "instruction": "You are given a question and two possible answers. The task is to evaluate each answer and determine if it is correct. If incorrect, explain why.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text denote if the first answer to the question in the given input is correct or incorrect?", "If the first answer is determined incorrect, is there an explanation provided in the generated text?", "Is the feedback and explanation regarding the correctness of Answer 1 in the generated text reasonable?", "Does the generated text denote if the second answer to the question in the given input is correct or incorrect?", "If the second answer is determined incorrect, is there an explanation provided in the generated text?", "Is the feedback and explanation regarding the correctness of Answer 2 in the generated text reasonable?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_232", "input": "She has certainly taken some heat for being such an....well idiot.", "category": "Twitter", "instruction": "You are given a tweet and you should decide whether it's offensive or not.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text denote if the tweet in the given input is offensive or not?", "Is the judgment of the given tweet offensive or not reasonable?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_23", "input": "", "category": "LinkedIn", "instruction": "Design a skill assessment\u00a0questioner for R (Programming Language).", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a questionnaire?", "Is the generated questionnaire designed for skill assessment?", "Is the generated questionnaire about R (Programming Language)?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_122", "input": "", "category": "Notion", "instruction": "Design a template table for keeping track of all subscriptions.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a table template?", "Can the table template in the generated text be used for keeping track of subscriptions?", "Is the table template in the generated text able to accommodate different types of subscriptions?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_228", "input": "Introduction", "category": "Google Docs", "instruction": "Make a list of common phrases for the given section of the paper.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a list of phrases?", "Are the generated phrases frequently used for the section of the paper in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_135", "input": "", "category": "Goodreads", "instruction": "Think of a motivational quote that you have read in a book. Try to keep it positive and sweet.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a quote?", "Is the quote in the generated text from a book?", "Is the quote in the generated text motivational?", "Is the quote in the generated text positive and sweet?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"], ["Style"], ["Style"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_62", "input": "I am sharing images of the first snow of the year taken from a window in an office", "category": "Instagram", "instruction": "Create a captivating Instagram caption based on the provided details. Try to think of as many captions as you can.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a list of Instagram captions?", "Does the generated list contain as many captions as possible?", "Are the generated captions captivating?", "Are the generated captions based on the details in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Style"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_127", "input": "Lucie est \u00e0 la maison avec sa petite-fille, Lin.\nLucie: Oh, non! Nous n'avons pas de pain!\nLin: Ah! Tu vas au supermarch\u00e9?\nLucie: Oui, je veux une baguette pour mon sandwich.\nDo Lin and Lucie have a lot of bread?", "category": "Doulingo", "instruction": "This is a test for the reading ability of French. Read the given story carefully, and then answer the question in the end.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a question answer?", "Is the answer in the generated text correct for the question in the given input according to the given story?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content", "Linguistic"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_108", "input": "", "category": "National Geographic", "instruction": "Give students tips on how to keep their nerves under control during class presentations.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include some tips?", "Are the tips in the generated text aimed at students?", "Are the tips in the generated text about managing anxiety?", "Are the tips in the generated text useful for a class presentation?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_13", "input": "python function to determine whether a number is prime.", "category": "GeeksforGeeks", "instruction": "You are provided with a description of the code, specifications, or prompts. Your help is needed in automating code generation to speed up the development process.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text code?", "Is the generated text a Python function?", "Is the generated code relevant to determine whether a number is prime?", "Is the generated code correct to determine whether a number is prime?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content", "Linguistic"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_240", "input": "It solves problems comon and uniqe to every team.", "category": "Grammarly", "instruction": "Rewrite the text and correct the spelling errors.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text free from spelling errors?", "Does the generated text convey the same meaning as the text in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Linguistic"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_146", "input": "Derek Jeter, Albert Pujols", "category": "ESPN", "instruction": "Using a table, compare the career overviews of the given players in Major League Baseball. Use \"|\" for separating the columns in the table.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a table?", "Are the columns in the table separated by \"|\"", "Does the table compare the career overviews of the two players in Major League Baseball in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Format"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_52", "input": "a graduate student of computer science", "category": "Gmail", "instruction": "Prepare an email signature template for the given person or company.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text an email signature template?", "Is the generated text suitable for the person or company in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_192", "input": "Deep Learning", "category": "Coursera", "instruction": "List the concepts that should be learned before approaching the given complex concept.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a list of concepts?", "Is it useful to learn the concepts in the generated list before learning the complex concept in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_101", "input": "The 20th century saw a revolution in music listening as the radio gained popularity worldwide and new media and technologies were developed to record, edit and distribute music. Music performances became increasingly visual with the broadcast and recording of performances.\n20th-century music brought new freedom and wide experimentation with new musical styles and forms that challenged the accepted rules of music of earlier periods. The invention of musical amplification and electronic instruments, especially the synthesizer, in the mid-20th century revolutionized classical and popular music, and accelerated the development of new forms of music.", "category": "Wikipedia", "instruction": "An evaluation of the article's quality should be carried out. In order to do so, you should review the quality of the writing and the explanation of the topic.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text contain an evaluation of the quality of the writing of the article in the given input?", "Does the generated text contain an evaluation of the explanation of the topic of the article in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_132", "input": "", "category": "Tasty", "instruction": "Suggest a recipe for a vegan dessert.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a recipe?", "Is the generated recipe for a vegan dessert?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_152", "input": "santa claus", "category": "(Wolfram alpha)?", "instruction": "Look for poems that mention the given object or character. The names of the poems and their poets should be written.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text contain some poem names?", "Do the poems in the generated text mention the object or character in the given input?", "Have the poets of each poem referred to in the generated text been included?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_189", "input": "David wears a hat everyday.", "category": "merriam-webster.com", "instruction": "Create alliterations by finding synonyms for words in the given sentence.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text contain alliteration?", "Does the generated text rephrase the sentence in the given input by finding synonyms?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Linguistic"], ["Linguistic"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_33", "input": "The Witcher (2019)", "category": "Netflix", "instruction": "Write a short description about the given movie or series.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a description of the movie or series in the given input?", "Is the generated description short?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Style"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_57", "input": "Reason: You came in second", "category": "Gmail", "instruction": "Considering the reason for the rejection, write a polite rejection letter for rejecting a candidate.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a rejection letter?", "Is the generated text polite?", "Does the generated text include the reason in the given input for rejection?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Style"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_168", "input": "when someone arrives safely", "category": "Quora", "instruction": "Give some examples of what people usually say in the given social situation.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text provide some examples of what people usually say in the social situation in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_14", "input": "sql find duplicate values", "category": "Google Search", "instruction": "When you're stuck on a coding problem, the best place to look for help is in the documentation. Read the docs carefully and see if there's a section that covers your specific issue. Often, the answer will be right there in front of you. If not, try searching for key terms related to your problem. Come up with the useful links about the given search term.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a list of links?", "Are the generated links relevant to a coding problem?", "Are the generated links helpful for the search term in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_74", "input": "", "category": "Gmail", "instruction": "You need to write an email to negotiate your salary.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text an email?", "Is the generated email about a salary negotiation?", "Is the generated email suitable for salary negotiation?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_249", "input": "", "category": "Telegram", "instruction": "Suggest some names for a friendly group in telegram.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include some group names in telegram?", "Are the generated names friendly?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Style"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_126", "input": "", "category": "Doulingo", "instruction": "Give a grammar tip on how to end a German verb.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a grammar tip?", "Is the tip in the generated text about how to end a German verb?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Linguistic", "Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_182", "input": "The South Wind", "category": "https://abcnotation.com/", "instruction": "You will need to compose the ABC notation for a given song.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text use ABC notation?", "Does the generated ABC notation accurately represent the song in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_42", "input": "", "category": "Overleaf", "instruction": "Write a simple guide for uploading the bibliography database on Overleaf.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a guide for uploading the bibliography database on Overleaf?", "Is the generated guide simple?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Format"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_56", "input": "Company: [Company name]\nJob: Software Engineer\nJob Responsibilities:\nReceive and perform code reviews with other engineers.\nWrite unit, integration, and end-to-end tests to verify functionality using automated testing frameworks such as Pytest.\nWork collaboratively with fellow software engineers to build features requested by business stakeholders.\nParticipate in Agile teams to develop, test, and debug complex data processing pipelines and data analysis applications using big data processing systems such as Apache Spark.\nDiagnose, debug, and perform root cause analysis of issues and defects.\nSkills and experience that will lead to success:\nExperience with a modern software programming language. We use Python, and Pyspark extensively.\nExperience with cloud systems like AWS or Azure\nExperience writing SQL queries \nStrong written and verbal communication skills\nEagerness to work in a highly-collaborative environment\nSome visualization experience such as Tableau or PowerBI is helpful", "category": "Indeed", "instruction": "A job description is a document that clearly states the requirements, duties, responsibilities, and skills required to perform a specific role. You need to write a job description based on the given information. You should describe responsibilities and duties in your job description in a logical order. Remember that potential employees often get their first impression of your company from your job description. So, the job description should convey the attractiveness of your company.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a job description?", "Does the generated text describe job responsibilities and duties in a logical order?", "Does the generated text convey the attractiveness of the company?", "Does the generated text clearly state the job requirements, duties, responsibilities, and skills to perform a specific role?", "Is the generated text based on the information in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Linguistic", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_51", "input": "Topic: scaling law + machine learning", "category": "Google Scholar", "instruction": "Please suggest a few papers to consider based on the search term given. The names of the papers should be listed.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a list of paper names?", "Are the paper names in the generated text relevant to the search term in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Format"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_186", "input": "", "category": "Netflix", "instruction": "Come up with an interesting idea for a new movie plot. Your plot should be described with a title and a summary.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a movie plot?", "Is the generated movie plot interesting?", "Is the generated movie plot novel?", "Is the generated movie plot described with a title and a summary?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Format"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_178", "input": "Use `code` in your Markdown file.", "category": "Markdown", "instruction": "Convert the given HTML into Markdown format.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text in Markdown format?", "Does the generated text have the same meaning as the HTML in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_143", "input": "\"For all integers j and k, if j and k are odd, then jk is odd.\"", "category": "Wolfram alpha", "instruction": "Verify the correctness of the given statement.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a judgment of the correctness of a statement?", "Is the judgment of correctness in the generated text reasonable for the statement in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_166", "input": "Could you deposit money into my account rather than mailing me a physical cheque?", "category": "https://cohere.ai/", "instruction": "Classify the questions in the FAQ into Finding policy details, Change account settings, Filing a claim and viewing status, or Cancelling coverage.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include a classification of FAQ questions into the categories: Finding policy details, Change account settings, Filing a claim and viewing status, Cancelling coverage?", "Is the FAQ question in the given input accurately classified in the generated text?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_26", "input": "", "category": "LinkedIn", "instruction": "Make a list of desirable Skills for software engineers to add to LinkedIn.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a list of skills?", "Are the generated skills desirable for software engineers to have?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Format"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_202", "input": "Rose: Analyze data and presents findings\nJohn: propose new idea\nJane: appointed to head project\nTom: need more time to fix software bug", "category": "Google Meet", "instruction": "Summarize a meeting from the given list of bullet points. Be sure to convert shorthand into a first-hand account.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a meeting summary?", "Is the generated text a first-hand account rather than a shorthand?", "Does the generated text cover all the bullet points in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Format"], ["Style"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_21", "input": "we * to know", "category": "ludwig.guru", "instruction": "During writing, we added an asterisk for the word that did not come to mind. You will need to provide several examples to demonstrate all the words that can be used in the sentence instead of the asterisk.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a list of sentences?", "Are the sentences in the generated list complete without any asterisk present?", "Does the generated text contain reasonable replacements for the asterisks in the given sentence?", "Are all the replaced text single-word?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Format"], ["Format"], ["Content", "Linguistic"], ["Format"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_231", "input": "if C7 is equal to \"U.S.A.\" or \"Canada\" or \"Europe\" or \"The Americas\"", "category": "Google Sheets", "instruction": "Translate the natural language description into a Google Sheets formula.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a Google Sheets formula?", "Does the generated Google Sheets formula have the same functionality as the natural language description in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_193", "input": "The chicken is ready to eat.", "category": "Grammarly", "instruction": "Given a sentence that may be ambiguous, rewrite the sentence using less ambiguous words.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a sentence?", "Is the generated sentence unambiguous?", "Does the meaning in the generated text match that of the sentence in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Linguistic"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_142", "input": "Statement: \"For every integer k, k^2 + 2k + 1 \u2265 0\"\nFact: The square of any real number is non-negative.", "category": "Wolfram alpha", "instruction": "Based on the facts that have been provided, prove the following statement.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a proof?", "Is the proof in the generated text relevant to the statement in the given input?", "Does the proof in the generated text use the facts in the given input?", "Is the proof in the generated text valid?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_25", "input": "", "category": "LinkedIn", "instruction": "Write a LinkedIn post to announce that you have accepted a new job offer.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a Linkedln post?", "Does the generated post mention that you have accepted a new job offer?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Format"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_7", "input": "", "category": "Twitter", "instruction": "Write a social media post about the call for collaboration on a crowdsourcing project in a persuasive way.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a sociel media post?", "Is the generated text persuasive?", "Is the generated text about the call for collaboration on a crowdsourcing project?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Format"], ["Style"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_151", "input": "instruct", "category": "merriam-webster.com", "instruction": "Come up with words that rhyme with the given word.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text contain some words?", "Are the words in the generated text rhyme with the word in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Linguistic"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_44", "input": "Vibe: coding on weekend", "category": "Spotify", "instruction": "Curate a Spotify playlist based on the vibe. Publish this playlist as a song list.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a list of songs?", "Are the songs in the generated text based on the vibe in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Format"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_89", "input": "How do I compare strings in Java?\nI've been using the == operator in my program to compare all my strings so far. However, I ran into a bug, changed one of them into .equals() instead, and it fixed the bug.\nIs == bad? When should it and should it not be used? What's the difference?", "category": "StackOverflow", "instruction": "Answer the following question.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a question answer?", "Does the generated text provide an answer to all the questions in the given input?", "Does the answer in the generated text accurate for the question in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_224", "input": "Go west on I-10 until you hit the 101 then take it north. You will eventually see the Hollywood sign.", "category": "Google Map", "instruction": "Convert natural language into a list of turn-by-turn directions.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a list of directions?", "Are the directions in the generated list turn-by-turn?", "Is the generated list of directions the same as the natural language instructions in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Format"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_29", "input": "Flipslide Game, Electronic Handheld Game | Flip, Slide, and Match the Colors to Beat the Clock - 4 Game Modes - Multiplayer Fun", "category": "Amazon", "instruction": "You should write a Product Description that will persuade the buyer that the product is beneficial.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a product description?", "Is the generated text about the product in the given input?", "Does the generated text introduce the benefits of the product in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_9", "input": "", "category": "you.com (YouWrite)", "instruction": "A helpful writing exercise is writing a story without using adjectives or adverbs. This will help you learn to use other words and phrases to describe what you are trying to say. Here are some examples:", "decomposed_questions": ["Are the generated text examples of writing a story?", "Does the generated text evade the use of all adjectives and adverbs?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Linguistic"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_0", "input": "If you have any questions about my rate or if you find it necessary to increase or decrease the scope for this project, please let me know.", "category": "Grammarly", "instruction": "The sentence you are given might be too wordy, complicated, or unclear. Rewrite the sentence and make your writing clearer by keeping it concise. Whenever possible, break complex sentences into multiple sentences and eliminate unnecessary words.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text one or multiple sentences?", "Is the generated text clear and concise?", "Does the generated text only contain simple sentences?", "Does the generated text avoid using unnecessary words?", "Does the generated text convey the same meaning as the sentence in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Style"], ["Linguistic"], ["Linguistic"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_134", "input": "The Sudoku puzzle is:\n|1| |5| | | | |8| |\n| | | | | |3| |6|4|\n|8|3|4|6|7| |9| | |\n|2|9|1| | |8|3|7|6|\n| | |6| | |9|8|1| |\n| | | | | |2| | | |\n| |2| | |9|7|6| | |\n|5|4| | | | | |9|8|\n|6|1| | | |5|4|3|7|", "category": "Sudoku", "instruction": "Solve the given Sudoku puzzle.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a solved sudoku puzzle (with no blank grid)?", "Does the generated text attempt to solve the sudoku puzzle in the given input(the filled grids in the given sudoku puzzle in the input are copied to the generated text without any change)?", "Is the generated text a correct solution to the sudoku puzzle in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_148", "input": "movies directed by Spike Lee by release date", "category": "IMDB", "instruction": "A list of all movies that meet the criteria given should be compiled.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a list of movies?", "Are the movies in the generated list sorted by release date?", "Are the movies in the generated text directed by Spike Lee?", "Are all the movies directed by Spike Lee included in the generated list?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Format"], ["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_110", "input": "What can you make by recycling and repurposing some old, previously used materials? We want to see it!\nProjects must incorporate some kind of used materials - take that old used thing, and turn it into something new and different!\nE-waste is a huge problem. What can you make using old electronics and other salvageable electronic materials? \nWe have a special judges prize for our favorite Instructable that incorporates or is related to reusing e-waste.\nBe smart and be safe; note that potentially deadly projects (like Lichtenberg/fractal wood burning machines) will not be allowed to be published or submitted to this contest.", "category": "instructables", "instruction": "Think of an idea to help you win a challenge given to you. Write the steps you need to take to develop the idea as well.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include an idea to help people to win the challenge in the given input?", "Does the generated text include steps to develop the generated idea?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_34", "input": "Squid Game", "category": "Netflix", "instruction": "Think of some series or movies that would be enjoyable for someone who liked the given series.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include some series or movies?", "Are the series or movies in the generated text likely to be liked by someone who enjoys the series in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_65", "input": "A video showing how to make a tasty cup of coffee", "category": "YouTube", "instruction": "The topic of a YouTube post has been described and based on the information, you need to write a hook for starting the post. A catchy hook will keep your readers interested so they keep reading. It would be great if you could come up with as many hooks as you can.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include some hooks for starting a YouTube post?", "Are the hooks in the generated text catchy, keeping readers interested and prompting them to keep reading?", "Are the hooks in the generated text based on the topic of a YouTube post described in the input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Format"], ["Style"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_248", "input": "", "category": "Strava", "instruction": "Design a simple training challenge on Strava that everyone could attend.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a training challenge on Strava?", "Is the training challenge simple enough for everyone to attend?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_137", "input": "Matilda", "category": "Goodreads", "instruction": "Give a brief description of the book that you are given.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a description of the book in the given input?", "Is the generated description brief?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Style"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_49", "input": "Ten European football teams \u2013 the Netherlands, England, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and Wales \u2013 will participate in a season-long \u201cOneLove\u201d campaign promoting inclusion and opposing discrimination.", "category": "CNN News", "instruction": "You are given a description that provides a set of facts or a scenario. It is up to you to craft a story from these facts and scenarios. The missing pieces must be filled in with imaginative but logical information.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a story?", "Is the content of the generated story logical?", "Is generated story imaginative?", "Does the generated story incorporate the set of facts or the scenario in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Linguistic"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_87", "input": "November", "category": "tripadvisor.com", "instruction": "Make a list of the top places in the U.S. to visit at the given time.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a list of places?", "Are the places in the generated list located in the U.S.?", "Are the places in the generated list the best places to visit at the time in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_117", "input": "", "category": "Wysa", "instruction": "Give me an idea of the mental exercises you do to inspire yourself.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include some mental exercises?", "Are the mental exercises in the generated text useful to insiper people?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_233", "input": "", "category": "Workout", "instruction": "For a quick and efficient office workout, suggest a short routine.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a routine?", "Does the generated routine have a short duration?", "Is the generated routine suitable for a quick and efficient office workout?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_76", "input": "A python framework for creating, editing, and invoking Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) circuits.", "category": "Github", "instruction": "It would be helpful if you could suggest an acronym for the repository.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text an acronym?", "Is the generated text a suitable acronym for the repository in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Linguistic"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_169", "input": "Kohl's", "category": "Indeed", "instruction": "You will be required to write a few questions from the given company's interview section.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include some questions?", "Are the generated questions relevant to the company in the given input?", "Are the generated questions intended for an interview?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_206", "input": "Truthfulness", "category": "Reddit", "instruction": "Provide a pleasant compliment based on the quality you have been given.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a compliment?", "Is the generated comliment pleasant?", "Is the generated text based on the quality in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Style"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_141", "input": "\"If x is a positive integer or a solution to x+3>4, then x>0 and x>12.\"", "category": "Wolfram alpha", "instruction": "Prove the given statement using your information.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a proof?", "Is the proof in the generated text relevant to the statement in the given input?", "Is the proof in the generated text valid?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_99", "input": "The \"fair trade\" movement, also known as the \"trade justice\" movement, promotes the use of labour, environmental and social standards for the production of commodities, particularly those exported from the Third and Second Worlds to the First World. Such ideas have also sparked a debate on whether trade itself should be codified as a human right.", "category": "Wikipedia", "instruction": "Improve the article using your knowledge of the topic in order to make it more informative.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text an article?", "Does the generated text talk about the topic of the article in the given input?", "Does the generated text have additional information compared to the article in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_227", "input": "for i in range(10)\n print(Answer is:)\n print(i)", "category": "Leetcode", "instruction": "Identify and fix bugs in the given code and rewrite it", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a rewritten version of the code in the given input?", "Is the generated code devoid of any errors or bugs?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Format"], ["Linguistic"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_198", "input": "Music theory", "category": "Quora", "instruction": "Create a list of subtopics for the given topic.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a list of topics?", "Are the generated topics subtopics of the topic in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Format"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_165", "input": "The #Banksy Exhibit in Cambridge, MA is absolutely terrific.", "category": "CNN News", "instruction": "Give the news title a category. Pick a category from the list of News & Buzz, Travel, Style, Arts & Culture, Politics, Tech, and Science & Health.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include a classification of a news title into the categories: News & Buzz, Travel, Style, Arts & Culture, Politics, Tech, and Science & Health?", "Is the news title in the given input accurately classified in the generated text?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_145", "input": "Ravens home games in 2011", "category": "ESPN", "instruction": "Create a table listing all games that meet the specified criteria in the National Football League. Use the season, local time, game, and score as columns of the table.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a table?", "Does the generated table use exactly season, local time, game, and score as its columns?", "Do the games in the generated table meet the input criteria in the National Football League?", "Are all games that meet the input criteria in the National Football League included in the generated table?", "Are all the information (season, local time, game, and score) in the generated table accurate?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_15", "input": "Item, Qty, Price, Subtotal | mango, 5, 500, ? | apple, 4, 150, ? | oil, 2, 1500, ? \nFunction: column2 * column 3", "category": "MS Excel", "instruction": "We have entered the home supplies budget in the following table. Calculate the last column with the given function and rewrite the completed table.\nNote that, columns in a row are separated using a comma, and rows are separated using a \"|\".", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a table?", "Are the columns in a row in the generated table separated by a comma?", "Are the rows in the generated table separated by a \"|\"?", "Is the generated table complete?", "Is the generated table copied from the given table except for the last column?", "Is the last column in the generated table correctly calculated by the function in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Format"], ["Format"], ["Format"], ["Format", "Content"], ["Number", "Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_212", "input": "WALK TO THE BEACH FROM CAPITOLA KNOLLS! Single-level upstairs condo with your own large private deck overlooking nature. Adorable home that is move-in ready and waiting for you to put your own personal touches on. Gorgeous and well-maintained landscaped park-like setting with lush green grasses with a community pool and spa to enjoy. Desirable location...walk to Capitola Village, Gayle's Bakery, restaurants, shopping, schools or jump on Hwy 1 right around the corner.", "category": "Redfin", "instruction": "Given a real estate listing description, extract the information and details of the property from the text. The details consist of address, basic house attributes, etc.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text provide information from the real estate listing description in the given input?", "Does the generated text provide the details of the property from the given input, including address, basic house attributes, etc.?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_119", "input": "", "category": "Weather", "instruction": "Please provide us with a list of the best conservation starter questions related to the weather.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a list of questions?", "Are the questions in the generated text suitable to start a conversation?", "Are the questions in the generated text related to the weather?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_47", "input": "", "category": "Spotify", "instruction": "Make a list of the most popular podcasts.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a list of podcasts?", "Are the podcasts in the generated text popular?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_100", "input": "Dentistry, also known as dental medicine and oral medicine, is the branch of medicine focused on the teeth, gums, and mouth. It consists of the study, diagnosis, prevention, management, and treatment of diseases, disorders, and conditions of the mouth, most commonly focused on dentition (the development and arrangement of teeth) as well as the oral mucosa. Dentistry may also encompass other aspects of the craniofacial complex including the temporomandibular joint. The practitioner is called a dentist.\nTranslate to French:", "category": "Wikipedia", "instruction": "Make the article available in a second language by translating it into it.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text have a different language than the text in the given input?", "Does the generated text preserve the meaning of the text in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Linguistic"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_161", "input": "I got got charged interest on ly credit card but I paid my pull balance one day due date. I not missed a pavement year yet. Man you reverse the interest charge?", "category": "https://cohere.ai/", "instruction": "Correct the transcription of an excerpt containing errors.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a rewritten version of the transcription of an excerpt in the given input?", "Is the generated text free of errors?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Format"], ["Linguistic"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_149", "input": "14% tip on $47.50", "category": "(Wolfram alpha)?", "instruction": "Using a given amount, determine an appropriate tip.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text an amount of tip?", "Is the amount of tip in the generated text correct based on the amount and tip rate in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Number"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_82", "input": "The Dark Knight (2008)", "category": "IMDB", "instruction": "Decide whether children can watch the given movie. Mention what makes it inappropriate if you think they can't.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text determine whether the movie in the given input is suitable for children to watch?", "If the determination is \"No\", does the generated text mention what makes the given movie inappropriate for children?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_67", "input": "A research study has been conducted to determine if exercise really can \"boost\" your metabolism.", "category": "YouTube", "instruction": "You should choose a YouTube video title based on the video's content. A video's title tells viewers what to expect from it. It should be direct, honest, and clear. The title of the video needs to capture the attention of viewers, so do not use an unclear or ambiguous one.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a YouTube video title?", "Is the generated title direct, honest, unambiguous, and clear?", "Is the generated title based on the video content in the given input?", "Does the generated title tell viewers what to expect?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Style"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_211", "input": "Property Address: 412 Monterey Ave, Capitola, CA 95010\nParking: 3 cars + a finished single car garage\nDetails:\n- open floorplan\n- window with views to park/mountains\n- Kitchen with shaker cabinetry and white Calcatta quartz counters", "category": "sth related to real estate?", "instruction": "Write an engaging and well-written property listing description for selling a house. Address of the house and some of the details are given to you. Fill in the information gap with hallucinations if needed.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a property listing description?", "Is the property listing description in the generated text engaging and well-written?", "Is the property listing in the generated text aimed for selling a house?", "Is the address of the house in the given input included in the generated text?", "Are the details of the house in the given input included in the generated text?", "Is the parking of the house in the given input included in the genrated text?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Style"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_174", "input": "From: Rowan Avenue Elementary School, 600 S Rowan Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90023, United States\nTo: Calvary Cemetery and Mortuary, 4201 Whittier Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90023, United States", "category": "Google Map", "instruction": "Find the directions between the given locations.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a set of directions?", "Do the start point and the destination in the generated directions match the given input?", "Is the route specified in the generated directions correct for getting from the start point to the destination?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_84", "input": "Barcelona, Spain", "category": "tripadvisor.com", "instruction": "Please let me know your thoughts on the given place and why you think it deserves to be visited.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include an opinion of the place in the given input?", "Does the generated text describe why the place in the given input should be visited?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_75", "input": "", "category": "Gmail", "instruction": "Write an email to attendees as a reminder that the event is coming up.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text an email?", "Is the generated email written for attendees of an event?", "Does the generated email remind that the event is coming up?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_114", "input": "DIY Water Chiller\nRequired items are: Ice-maker, Icebox/cooler, Temperature regulator, Aquarium pump x2, 12V power supply", "category": "instructables", "instruction": "Estimate the cost of supplies required to create the given project and calculate the total cost.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text provide an estimation of the cost for the supplies in the given input?", "Does the generated text cover all the supplies in the given input?", "Does the generated text include a total cost?", "Is the total cost accurately calculated according to the estimation cost of supplies?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Number"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_164", "input": "Using this tutorial, you can analyze and classify a user\u2019s review as either positive or negative using sentiment analysis features in an existing Next.js app. We show you how to leverage language AI into your applications. Check it out \u2193", "category": "Twitter", "instruction": "Classify the tweet into one of the following three categories: event, demo, or news. Event is a happening, often social or public, that people attend or are aware of. Demo is a public showing or presentation of something, typically to promote or advertise it. And, news is information about recent events or happenings, especially as reported by news media.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text classify the input tweet into the following categories: event, demo, news?", "Is the classification of the input tweet accurate according to the explanation of each category: Event is a happening, often social or public, that people attend or are aware of; Demo is a public showing or presentation of something, typically to promote or advertise it; news is information about recent events or happenings, especially as reported by news media?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_109", "input": "", "category": "National Geographic", "instruction": "You can easily make your holidays more eco-friendly by following these simple steps:", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include some steps?", "Are the steps in the generated text easily to follow?", "Are the steps in the generated text about how to make holidays more eco-friendly?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_204", "input": "The feeling of knowing, while you are still in the moment, that something occurring will be remembered forever.", "category": "merriam-webster.com", "instruction": "Invent a new word based on a description of the word.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a word?", "Is the generated word an invented new word that does not exist?", "Is the generated new word relevant to the word description in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Linguistic"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_220", "input": "Lots of papers have been published on this topic.", "category": "Google Docs", "instruction": "Paraphrase the given text in an academic style.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text in an academic style?", "Does the generated text convey the same meaning as the text in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Style"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_183", "input": "Inc.", "category": "Scribd", "instruction": "Categorize the given magazine based on its content into one of the categories: Politics, Entertainment News, Tech News, Business News, Parenting & Kids, Health & Healing, Cooking, Food & Wine, and Arts & Literature,", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text classify the input magazine into the following categories: Politics, Entertainment News, Tech News, Business News, Parenting & Kids, Health & Healing, Cooking, Food & Wine, and Arts & Literature?", "Is the classification of the input magazine accurate?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_68", "input": "Here you will find videos and content that will help students prepare for the application process to graduate schools as well as how to apply to graduate schools", "category": "YouTube", "instruction": "Choosing a name for your product or business YouTube channel is an important part of the process. Based on the description of the product or business, you should come up with some interesting names. Take some time to brainstorm your ideas.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include some names for a product or business YouTube channel?", "Are the generated names interesting?", "Are the generated names based on the description of the product or business in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Style"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_102", "input": "Development studies is an interdisciplinary branch of social science. Development studies is offered as a specialized master's degree in a number of reputed universities around the world. It has grown in popularity as a subject of study since the early 1990s, and has been most widely taught and researched in developing countries and countries with a colonial history, such as the UK, where the discipline originated. Students of development studies often choose careers in international organisations such as the United Nations, World Bank, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), media and journalism houses, private sector development consultancy firms, corporate social responsibility (CSR) bodies and research centers.\nWhat are some popular careers for students of development studies?", "category": "Wikipedia", "instruction": "Please answer the following question based on the information provided in the article.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text an answer to the question in the given input?", "Is the answer in the generated text correct according to the information in the input article?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Format"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_159", "input": "Customer: Hi there, I'm looking for a new phone.\nAI: Hi! What type of phone are you looking for?\nCustomer: I'm not sure. Maybe something with a good camera?\nAI: We have a few phones with great cameras. Would you like to see some options?\nCustomer: Yeah, that would be great.", "category": "https://cohere.ai/", "instruction": "Give a brief summary of the intention of the dialogue that just happened.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a summary of the dialogue intention in the given input?", "Is the generated summary brief?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Format"], ["Style"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_86", "input": "", "category": "tripadvisor.com", "instruction": "Make a questionnaire to help hotel guests write hotel reviews.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a questionnaire?", "Is the generated questionnaire designed for hotel guests?", "Is the generated questionnaire helpful for hotel guests to write hotel reviews?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_246", "input": "It changed my life.", "category": "Grammarly", "instruction": "Expand the given sentence and give it more details and depth.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text maintain the meaning of the sentence in the given input?", "Does the generated text provide more details and depth than the sentence in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_30", "input": "Zeroll Zerolon Hardcoat Anodized Commercial Ice Cream Scoop with Unique Liquid Filled Heat Conductive Handle Easy Release Made in USA, 1.5-Ounce, Black", "category": "Amazon", "instruction": "What other Amazon products might interest someone who visited the given product?", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include some products?", "Are the generated products likely to be of interest to someone who visits the product in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_238", "input": "Google Nest Learning Thermostat", "category": "Amazon", "instruction": "Categorize the given product into one of Electronics, Computers, Smart Home, or Arts & Crafts departments.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text classify the input product into the following categories: Electronics, Computers, Smart Home, or Arts & Crafts?", "Is the classification of the input product correct?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_4", "input": "Sincerely", "category": "Grammarly", "instruction": "Desk jobs require writing a lot of emails, so it isn't surprising we get tired of repeating ourselves. Come up with several synonyms for the given word.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include several synonyms of the input word in the context of writing emails?", "Do the synonyms in the generated text vary?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Linguistic"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_129", "input": "popcorn", "category": "Tasty", "instruction": "Provide a cooking hack for improving the flavor of the given food.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a cooking hack?", "Is the cooking hack in the generated text relevant to the food in the given input?", "Is the cooking hack in the generated text reasonable to improve the flavor of the food in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_225", "input": "This is an action-adventure game in which players help Kratos and his son on a dangerous quest. Players explore various realms and engage in frenetic hand-to-hand combat against human-like raiders and fantastical creatures (e.g., centaurs, trolls, dragons). Players use axes and chained blades to battle enemies, often resulting in large blood-splatter effects and dismemberment. Players can perform finishing attacks that depict close-up impalement via bladed and hand-held weapons; repeated axe strikes to a creature's neck results in decapitation. The words \u201cf**k\u201d and \u201csh*t\u201d are heard in the game.", "category": "Play Store", "instruction": "Provide an ESRB rating for the following game.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text an ESRB rating?", "Is the generated ESRB rating correct for the game in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_18", "input": "", "category": "MS Powerpoint", "instruction": "Design a soothing pastel color palette for your slides. Pastel colors generally come across as pretty and delicate, so you\u2019ll want to make sure your presentation calls for a similar mood. Choose up to five colors or color codes.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include some colors or color codes?", "Does the generated text contain up to five colors or color codes?", "Are the generated colors or color codes pretty and delicate?", "Are the generated colors or color codes similar colors that evoke a similar mood?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Number"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_191", "input": "The conference was called to discuss how to improve the quality of education in schools. The main speaker was Professor Crew Purdie (cpurdie@email.com), who spoke about the importance of setting high standards for students and teachers. He said that schools should be places where students can learn and be challenged. Other speakers included Teacher Oliver Malachi (oliver@email.com) and Parent Kolby Reese (kolbyreese82@email.com). The teacher talked about the need for teachers to be well-prepared and to have high expectations for their students. The parent spoke about the need for parents to be involved in their children's education. There was also a discussion about the importance of funding for schools.", "category": "Notion", "instruction": "Please prepare a table containing a summary of the information of the participants at the conference.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a table?", "Does the generated table contain conference participants and information about the participants?", "Does the generated table include all participants mentioned in the input text?", "Are participants and information about the participants in the generated table correct according to the input text?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_95", "input": "Finally! After a while of shooting in the dark and frantically fiddling with sample inputs on the whiteboard, you've came up with an algorithm for solving the coding question your interviewer gave you.\nWhew. Such a relief to have a clear path forward. To not be flailing anymore.\nNow you're cruising, getting ready to code up your solution.\nWhen suddenly, your interviewer throws you a curve ball.\n\"What if we thought of the problem this way?\"\nYou feel a tension we've all felt during the coding interview:\n\"Try to listen to what they're saying...but don't lose your train of thought...ugh, I can't do both!\"", "category": "Leetcode", "instruction": "You will need to guide this person through the scenario they have described for the interview.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a guide?", "Is the guide in the generated text relevant to the scenario in the given input?", "Is the guide in the generated text helpful for the scenario in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_45", "input": "My lover\u2019s got humor\nShe\u2019s the giggle at a funeral\nKnows everybody\u2019s disapproval\nI should\u2019ve worshipped her sooner", "category": "Spotify", "instruction": "How would you describe the meaning of this lyrics? Describe some of the metaphors.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a description of lyric meaning?", "Does the generated text describe metaphors?", "Is the content of the generated description based on the lyrics in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Linguistic"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_156", "input": "+ How are you doing?\n- Fine, I had a bunch of problems today.\n+ What kind of problems?", "category": "Messenger", "instruction": "Change the response to have a more empathic tone in the chat.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a response for the chat in the given input?", "Is the generated response in a more empathic tone than the original response in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Style"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_106", "input": "Graphic Design", "category": "Coursera", "instruction": "Come up with the courses that one is supposed to take in order to be an expert in a given field.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include some courses?", "Are the courses in the generated text designed to help someone become an expert in the field in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_200", "input": "5 Countries that Start with S", "category": "merriam-webster.com", "instruction": "Enter the words that satisfy the given condition.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text contain some words that start with the letter 'S'?", "Does the generated text contain exactly five words?", "Are the generated words names of countries?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Linguistic"], ["Number"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_179", "input": "We present a state-of-the-art speech recognition system developed using end-to-end deep learning. Our architecture is significantly simpler than traditional speech systems, which rely on laboriously engineered processing pipelines; these traditional systems also tend to perform poorly when used in noisy environments. In contrast, our system does not need hand-designed components to model background noise, reverberation, or speaker variation, but instead directly learns a function that is robust to such effects. We do not need a phoneme dictionary, nor even the concept of a \"phoneme.\" Key to our approach is a well-optimized RNN training system that uses multiple GPUs, as well as a set of novel data synthesis techniques that allow us to efficiently obtain a large amount of varied data for training. Our system, called Deep Speech, outperforms previously published results on the widely studied Switchboard Hub5'00, achieving 16.0% error on the full test set. Deep Speech also handles challenging noisy environments better than widely used, state-of-the-art commercial speech systems.Collapse", "category": "Semantic Scholar", "instruction": "Extract the method that has been used in the research from the abstract of the paper. Give the exact sentences from the abstract that discuss the method.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text match the exact sentences from the abstract in the given input?", "Does the generated text discuss the method used in the research of the input paper?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_163", "input": "Dermatologists don't like her!", "category": "Gmail", "instruction": "On the basis of the subject of the email, determine whether the email should be treated as spam or not.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text classify an email into the following categories: spam, not spam?", "Is the classification in the generated text accurate based on the email subject in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_17", "input": "", "category": "MS Word", "instruction": "What are the steps to using random (yet coherent) text as filler content within your Word document?", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text provide steps to do something?", "Does the generated text provide steps to use random (yet coherent) text as filler content within the Word document?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_80", "input": "Review 1: I'm not sure if it's just the fact that Ed Norton really grates on me in this film, but I never really bought into the idea of Fight Club being some kind of cultural phenomenon. Yes it's an innovative story, told via a strong script, engaging characters and intense cinematography. But is it really worthy of such high praise? Personally, I find it starts to fall apart halfway through and actually becomes quite tedious towards the end. Everything just becomes a little bit childish and contrived as the story loses touch with its base elements and the rage against the machine vibe takes over. I have huge respect for the way this film was made but, much like The Matrix, I feel like people attach way more importance to this movie than it deserves.\nReview 2: The film tells the story of men who cannot adapt to the social order in today's world, under the leadership of Tyler Durden, to discover their natural instinct, masculinity, and to escape from their unhappy lives.\nReview 3: Despite a good theme, great acting and important messages that this movie convey in an unorthodox way, I think it fails to connect the audience with the storyline and leaves him in a world of confusion. Although, majority of reviews find this movie entertaining and interesting, yet I would choose to be a minority that believes that this movie is extremely overrated.\nReview 4: Is creating chaos, explosions and membership in a militant sect the way to get rid of material shackles ?! The visual effects are fascinating and the story is compelling until the second half. Unfortunately, it doesn't end well.", "category": "IMDB", "instruction": "You are given some reviews for a movie. Each review might have mentioned some negative or positive points about the movie. Read them carefully and extract the positive and negative points mentioned in all of the reviews. Then, make a list of these points and summarize them as positive points and negative points.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include a list of negative points from movie reviews?", "Does the generated text include a list of positive points from movie reviews?", "Are the negative points mentioned in all the reviews in the given input summarized by the generated text?", "Are the positive points mentioned in all the reviews in the given input summarized by the generated text?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Style", "Format"], ["Content", "Style", "Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_177", "input": "", "category": "Meetup", "instruction": "Recommend some helpful activities or conversation starters to use at meetups to break the ice.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the text include some activities or conversation starters?", "Are the activities or conversation starters in the generated text helpful to break the ice at meetups?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_43", "input": "Feeling Good", "category": "Spotify", "instruction": "Choose Spotify playlists that match the given mood. Provide a link to these playlists for easy access.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include some links?", "Do the links in the generated text link to Spotify playlists?", "Do the Spotify playlists linked by the generated links match the mood in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_158", "input": "You acted really crazy last night.", "category": "Messenger", "instruction": "The given text must be classified as offensive or not offensive.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text classify the input text into the following categories: offensive, not offensive?", "Is the classification of the input text in the generated text correct?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content", "Style"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_63", "input": "Another episode of women in science is out now", "category": "Instagram", "instruction": "You are given a topic for an Instagram post. Help the post reach a broader audience by suggesting hashtags related to the post.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include some hashtags?", "Are the generated hashtags relevant to the topic in the given input?", "Are the generated hashtags broad enough to reach a wide audience?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_196", "input": "\u2203x\u2200y(soldier(x)\u2192general(x,y))", "category": "StackOverflow", "instruction": "You are given a sentence in first-order logic. Translate it into natural language.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text in natural language?", "Does the generated natural language convey the same meaning as the first-order logic in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Linguistic"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_235", "input": "Call us at 650-636-4884 or visit our website to receive a quote. This shop specializes in New Tires and General Auto Repair. We carry all tires in-house and have a wide range to fit any budget or car specifics. If you are unsure what tires you need there are experts on hand and available to help you pick the best tire for your needs. We also carry commercial vehicle tires and can serve a wide array of fleets.", "category": "Yelp", "instruction": "Categorize the Business into one of the Restaurants, Home Services, Auto Services and Miscellaneous based on its Specialties.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text classify the input Business into the following categories: Restaurants, Home Services, Auto Services, Miscellaneous?", "Is the generated classification of the input Business correct based on its Specialties?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_241", "input": "laureating", "category": "merriam-webster.com", "instruction": "Write down antonyms for the given word.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include some antonyms of the word in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Linguistic"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_116", "input": "", "category": "Wysa", "instruction": "Develop a mental exercise that can help people manage their anxiety and explain how it works.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include a mental exercise?", "Does the generated text provide an explanation of how the generated mental exercise works?", "Are the mental exercises in the generated text helpful for people to manage their anxiety?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_53", "input": "Another repeat visit and no disappointment from us. Great place for breakfast or brunch - and you won't need to eat again for awhile. The restaurant is close to the Tenderloin so be aware of your surroundings.\nWe enjoyed the Succotash Omelet (at least my wife enjoyed it), the Pulled Pork Benedict and the Hangtown Fry. Portions are large and pricing is fair. I wish we could have managed a Beignet Flight!\nDefinitely a spot to seek out. It can be crowed at times so be patient. Well worth any wait.", "category": "yelp", "instruction": "React properly to reviews from your customers. In your responses, you can highlight your business' policies and customer service.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a review response?", "Does the generated text properly respond to the review in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_175", "input": "Paper: The dominant sequence transduction models are based on complex recurrent or convolutional neural networks that include an encoder and a decoder. The best performing models also connect the encoder and decoder through an attention mechanism. We propose a new simple network architecture, the Transformer, based solely on attention mechanisms, dispensing with recurrence and convolutions entirely. Experiments on two machine translation tasks show these models to be superior in quality while being more parallelizable and requiring significantly less time to train. Our model achieves 28.4 BLEU on the WMT 2014 English-to-German translation task, improving over the existing best results, including ensembles, by over 2 BLEU. On the WMT 2014 English-to-French translation task, our model establishes a new single-model state-of-the-art BLEU score of 41.8 after training for 3.5 days on eight GPUs, a small fraction of the training costs of the best models from the literature. We show that the Transformer generalizes well to other tasks by applying it successfully to English constituency parsing both with large and limited training data.\nExplain: The dominant sequence transduction models", "category": "Explainpaper", "instruction": "Give a brief explanation of the requested part of the paper.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text explain the requested part in the given input of the input paper?", "Is the generated explanation concise?", "Is the generated explanation based on the paper in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Style"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_35", "input": "Genre: Crime TV Shows", "category": "Netflix", "instruction": "Give examples of popular shows and movies in the genre.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include some examples of shows and movies?", "Do the generated examples of shows and movies fall into the genre in the given input?", "Are the shows and movies in the generated text popular?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_46", "input": "", "category": "Spotify", "instruction": "Suggest some Audiobooks for First-Time Listeners. You can attract them by choosing popular works.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include some audiobooks?", "Are the audiobooks in the generated text suitable for First-Time Listeners?", "Are the audiobooks in the generated text attractive popular works?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_40", "input": "\\documentclass{article}\n\\begin{document}\nFirst document. This is a simple example, with no \nextra parameters or packages included.\n\\end{document}", "category": "Overleaf", "instruction": "What is the output of the given LATEX code?", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text the correct output of the LATEX code in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_93", "input": "Given an integer n, return true if it is a power of three. Otherwise, return false.\nAn integer n is a power of three, if there exists an integer x such that n == 3^x.\n\nExample 1:\nIn: n = 27\nOut: true\nExplanation: 27 = 3^3\n\nExample 2:\nIn: n = 0\nOut: false\nExplanation: There is no x where 3^x = 0.\n\nExample 3:\nIn: n = -1\nOut: false\nExplanation: There is no x where 3x = (-1).\n \nConstraints:\n-231 <= n <= 231 - 1\nFollow up: Could you solve it without loops/recursion?", "category": "Leetcode", "instruction": "Provide a Java solution to the following problem.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a Java solution?", "Is the generated Java solution free of loops/recursion?", "Does the generated Java solution attempt to solve the problem in the given input?", "Is the generated Java solution correct for the problem in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Linguistic"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_154", "input": "+ how are you?", "category": "Messenger", "instruction": "For answering the chat, think of a funny response you can use.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a response to the chat in the given input?", "Is the generated reponse funny?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Style"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_50", "input": "learning french", "category": "Google Search", "instruction": "Based on the given query, suggest some related search queries.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include some search queries?", "Are the search queries in the generated text relevant to the query in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_8", "input": "", "category": "IMDB", "instruction": "My favorite witty review of The Rings of Power series is this:", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a review of The Rings of Power series?", "Is the generated text witty?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Format"], ["Style"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_115", "input": "What does the green light symbolize at the end of the book?", "category": "Socratic by Google", "instruction": "Answer the following literature question as accurately as possible based on your knowledge of literature for high school students.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text an answer to the question in the given input based on the knowledge of literature?", "Is the answer in the generated text suitable for high school students to understand?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Format"], ["Style"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_39", "input": "", "category": "Overleaf", "instruction": "Imagine you have a FEN notation of a chessboard. How can you draw a board to show this state of the chessboard in LATEX? Create a LATEX code that includes all the required commands and packages.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a LATEX code?", "Does the generated LATEX code include all the required commands and packages?", "Does the generated LATEX code draw a chessboard?", "Does the generated LATEX code show the FEN notation of a chessboard?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_27", "input": "You find that your project has a tag and branch both named push-notifications, which causes confusion when trying to print out given reference. How can you specify which branch you want to look at?", "category": "LinkedIn", "instruction": "You will be asked to answer the following question as part of the LinkedIn Skill assessments.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text an answer to the question in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_245", "input": "_keep a promise", "category": "merriam-webster.com", "instruction": "Define what the underlined word means for kids.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text explain the underlined word in the input text?", "Is the generated explanation easy enough for kids to understand?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Style"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_221", "input": "Implementing a Remote Working Policy", "category": "Google Sheet", "instruction": "Make a list of the pros and cons of the given decision.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a list?", "Does the generated text contain both Pros and Cons?", "Are the Pros and Cons in the generated text relevant to the decision in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_48", "input": "I'm roadtripping down New Zealand with a friend and he is driving me insane. He hasn't enjoyed all the tours we've been on and doesn't want to chat about ANYTHING. We're a week into our trip and this is the quietest I've ever been when hanging out with another person as he rebuffs all my attempts at conversation. He wears his airpods in the car and around the accommodation - not that I've kept trying to talk to him. Honestly, he is bringing some seriously bad vibes to everything and it's ruining my trip.\nWe don't have anything booked in yet for the South Island, so I'm planning to ditch him in Wellington at the ferry. Probably book my own car in Picton and just relax alone for the rest of the trip. (Just thinking about it is such sharp relief that it makes me feel emotional. I'll pay whatever price I have to just to get away from him.)\nObviously telling him he is ruining my trip with his negative energy isn't the best way to approach this.\nAny advice for the best approach so we can split amicably? Or at least not have an argument that ends with very hurt feelings?", "category": "Reddit", "instruction": "You should take the time to read the situation and problem carefully and give the best advice you can.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text an advice?", "Is the generated text about the situation and problem in the given input?", "Is the generated text suitable for the situation and problem in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_16", "input": "- Returns the number of days between two dates\n- Returns the starting position of a text string within another text string.\n- Returns the number in the middle of the set of given numbers", "category": "MS Excel", "instruction": "Please write the Excel function name associated with each description.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include some Excel function names?", "Do the Excel function names in the generated text have a one-to-one correspondence with the descriptions in the input text?", "Is each Excel function name in the generated text correct for each description in the input text?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_195", "input": "print(\"Hello World!\")", "category": "GeeksforGeeks", "instruction": "You are given a Python command and are required to convert it into Ruby.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a Ruby command?", "Does the generated Ruby command perform the same function as the Python command in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Linguistic"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_10", "input": "", "category": "Google Search", "instruction": "Come up with some search queries on google about coding stuff.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include some google search queries?", "Are the generated queries about coding stuff?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_79", "input": "Movie: Joker (2019)", "category": "IMDB", "instruction": "The movie tagline is the film's advertising slogan, usually printed on posters prior to the official release. It is a short description or comment on a movie to capture the essence of the movie, and ultimately make you watch the movie. Here is an example:", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a movie tagline?", "Is the generated text a short description or comment on a movie?", "Is the generated text suitable for being an advertising slogan to make people watch the movie?", "Does the generated text capture the essence of the movie in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Content", "Style"], ["Content", "Style"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_91", "input": "Question1: I am trying to understand the advantages of multiprocessing over threading. I know that multiprocessing gets around the Global Interpreter Lock, but what other advantages are there, and can threading not do the same thing?\nQuestion2: I am learning how to use the threading and the multiprocessing modules in Python to run certain operations in parallel and speed up my code.\nI am finding this hard (maybe because I don't have any theoretical background about it) to understand what the difference is between a threading.Thread() object and a multiprocessing.Process() one.\nAlso, it is not entirely clear to me how to instantiate a queue of jobs and having only 4 (for example) of them running in parallel, while the other wait for resources to free before being executed.\nI find the examples in the documentation clear, but not very exhaustive; as soon as I try to complicate things a bit, I receive a lot of weird errors (like a method that can't be pickled, and so on).\nSo, when should I use the threading and multiprocessing modules?\nCan you link me to some resources that explain the concepts behind these two modules and how to use them properly for complex tasks?", "category": "StackOverflow", "instruction": "You are given two questions. Check if they are duplicates.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text identify whether the two questions in the given input are duplicates?", "Is the judgment made by the generated text regarding the duplication of the given two questions reasonable?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_32", "input": "- Product: Persil Discs Laundry Detergent Pacs, Original Scent, High Efficiency (HE) Compatible, Laundry Soap, 62 Count\n- Sentiment: Positive", "category": "Amazon", "instruction": "Write a review based on the given information.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a product review?", "Does the generated review have a positive sentiment?", "Is the content of the generated review related to the information in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Style"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_83", "input": "Dead Poets Society", "category": "IMDB", "instruction": "Write a short analysis of the cinematography in the movie.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text an analysis of cinematography?", "Is the generated analysis short?", "Is the analysis in the generated text relevant to the movie in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Format"], ["Style"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_85", "input": "Sydney, Australia", "category": "tripadvisor.com", "instruction": "Consider the best time of year to visit the given city, and provide your reasons for choosing that time.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text indicate a specific time which is the best time of year to visit the city in the given input?", "Does the generated text provide a reason why the specific time is the best to visit the city in the given input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_218", "input": "Gmail", "category": "Jira", "instruction": "A user story is an informal, general explanation of a software feature written from the perspective of the end user or customer. Write a user story for a given software.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text an explanation of the feature of the software in the given input?", "Is the generated text an informal and general explanation?", "Is the generated text written from the perspective of the end user or custormer?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Style"], ["Style"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_97", "input": "Zinc is an essential mineral that is required for good health. It is involved in many biochemical processes in the body and is necessary for the proper functioning of the immune system. Excess zink is not harmful as it is excreted in the urine.", "category": "Wikipedia", "instruction": "The given article should be checked for any scientific errors and corrected if necessary.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text identify any scientific errors present in the article from the given input?", "Are the identified scientific errors within the generated text corrected?", "Are the corrections applied to the identified errors in the generated text scientifically sound and reasonable?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "user_oriented_task_19", "input": "", "category": "MS Excel", "instruction": "I bought two shirts from the store and each one cost me $10. I also bought a pair of pants and they cost me $20. Then, I bought a dress and it cost me $30. Also, I bought a pair of shoes and they cost me $40. Lastly, I bought a jacket and it cost me $50.\n\nMake a table chart showing items, the number, and the price of these items. Separate columns with \"|\".", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a table chart?", "Are the columns in the generated table separated by \"|\"?", "Does the table chart show items, the number, and the price?", "Does the table contain all items mentioned in the input?", "Are the items, number, and price in the generated text correct according to the input?"], "subset": "Easy_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_240", "input": "", "category": "Office and Work: Document Formatting", "instruction": "Generate a LaTeX plot of a sine function using pgfplots package. Limit the domain to -2pi to 2pi with a step size of 0.1 and plot the curve with a blue color and a 1.5pt line width. Label the x-axis \"x\" and the y-axis \"sin(x)\".", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a LaTeX code?", "Does the LaTeX code in the generated text plot a sine function?", "Does the LaTeX code in the generated text use the pgfplots package?", "Does the domain of the plot given by the LaTeX code in the generated text limited to -2pi to 2pi with a step size of 0.1?", "Does the generated code plot the curve with blue color and a 1.5pt line width?", "Does the plot given by the LaTeX code in the generated text have an x-axis label of \"x\" and a y-axis label of \"sin(x)\"?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_79", "input": "", "category": "Social Sciences: Education and Pedagogy", "instruction": "Please draft a letter of recommendation for a high school student applying to college. The letter should be around 250 words and emphasize the student's academic accomplishments, extracurricular involvement, and personal attributes. Include a specific example to illustrate the student's outstanding qualities.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a letter of recommendation?", "Is the generated recommendation letter around 250 words?", "Is the generated recommendation letter written for high school student applying to college?", "Does the generated recommendation letter emphasize the student's academic accomplishments, extracurricular involvement, and personal attributes?", "Does the generated recommendation letter include a specific example to illustrate the student's outstanding qualities?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Number"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_165", "input": "", "category": "Lifestyle and Leisure: Family and Relationships", "instruction": "Create a list of 10 conversation starters for a family dinner that encourage open communication and bonding between family members. Each conversation starter should be phrased as a question and be specific to family and relationships.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a list of conversation starters?", "Does the list in the generated text include 10 items?", "Is each conversation starter in the generated text phrased as a question?", "Is each conversation starter in the generated text specific to family and relationships?", "Is each conversation starter in the generated text suitable for family dinner that encourage open communication and bonding between family members?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Number"], ["Linguistic"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_210", "input": "", "category": "Business and Economics: Real Estate", "instruction": "Generate an eviction notice for a tenant named John Smith, residing at 123 Main Street, Cityville, NY, 87562, for nonpayment of rent for the past two months. The notice should give the tenant 30 days to vacate the property.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text an eviction notice?", "Does the generated eviction notice include the tenant's name: John Smith?", "Does the generated eviction notice include the tenant's address: 123 Main Street, Cityville, NY, 87562?", "Does the generated eviction notice include the eviction reason: nonpayment of rent for the past two months?", "Does the generated eviction notice mention that the tenant has 30 days to vacate the property?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_162", "input": "", "category": "Lifestyle and Leisure: Family and Relationships", "instruction": "Please provide five unique first date night ideas, with each catering to different interests and budgets. Include an estimated cost for each idea, along with a brief description of the activity and why it might be appealing to different types of people.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a list of ideas?", "Does the list in the generated text include 5 items?", "Does each idea in the generated text include an estimation cost?", "Does each idea in the generated text include a brief description and why it might be appealing to different types of people?", "Does each idea presented in the generated text stand out as unique, each appealing to different interests?", "Does each idea in the generated text stand out as unique, each one catering to different budget ranges?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Number"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Content", "Style", "Format"], ["Content"], ["Content", "Number"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_48", "input": "", "category": "Natural Sciences: Statistics", "instruction": "Generate a Probability Distribution Function and corresponding Cumulative Distribution Function for a discrete random variable X with possible values 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Note that the sum of the probabilities of all possible values of X is 1 and the probability of each possible value of X is not equal.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include a Probability Distribution Function?", "Does the generated text include a Cumulative Distribution Function?", "Are the distribution functions in the generated text for a discrete random variable X with possible values 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6?", "In the generated text, is the sum of the probabilities of all possible values of X 1?", "In the generated text, are the probabilities for each possible value of X different from each other?", "In the generated text, does the Cumulative Distribution Function correctly correspond to the Probability Distribution Function?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Format"], ["Content"], ["Number"], ["Number"], ["Number"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_166", "input": "", "category": "Lifestyle and Leisure: Family and Relationships", "instruction": "Write a letter from a parent to their child who is leaving for college. The letter should contain advice on maintaining relationships, making new friends, and staying connected with the family. Keep the tone warm and supportive, and limit the letter to 300 words.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a letter?", "Is the generated letter suitable from a parent to their child leaving for college?", "Is the tone of the generated letter warm and supportive?", "Is the generated letter limited to 300 words?", "Does the generated letter contain advice on maintaining relationships, making new friends, and staying connected with the family?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Style"], ["Number"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_10", "input": "", "category": "Arts: Painting", "instruction": "Describe a landscape painting from three distinct layers: foreground, middle ground, and background. Include at least two types of trees, a body of water, and a mountain range. Use a limited color palette of no more than four colors to create harmony, and specify which natural elements correspond to each color. Additionally, provide a description of the textures and brushstrokes used to represent the different natural elements.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a landscape painting description?", "Does the generated text describe the painting from three distinct layers: foreground, middle ground, and background?", "Does the painting described by the generated text include at least two types of trees, a body of water, and a mountain range?", "Based on the generated text description, does the depicted painting use four colors or fewer?", "Does the generated description clearly link each color to a natural element?", "Does the generated text provide a description of the textures and brushstrokes used to represent the different natural elements?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Format"], ["Content"], ["Content", "Number"], ["Number", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_32", "input": "", "category": "Natural Sciences: Biology", "instruction": "Generate a description of a mythical creature, with each sentence exactly one word longer than the previous and composed of compound sentences. The description should include aspects of the creature's physical appearance and habitat. Maximum of five sentences.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a description of a creature?", "In the generated text, does each sentence longer than the previous sentence?", "In the generated text, does each sentence exactly one word longer than the previous sentence?", "Are all the sentences in the generated text compound sentences?", "Does the generated text include at most five sentences?", "Does the generated text include aspects of the creature's physical appearance and habitat?", "Is the creature in the generated text a mythical creature?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Number", "Format"], ["Number"], ["Linguistic"], ["Number"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_27", "input": "", "category": "Arts: Interior Design", "instruction": "Design a garden path in a 10m x 10m garden, using a 10 x 10 grid to represent the area with each cell measuring 1m x 1m. Create a path (marked as \"P\") in the garden while the remaining places are used to plant flowers (marked as \"F\"). Each flower section separated by the path should have an area between 4 and 16 square meters. Ensure that all path cells are connected, allowing for continuous walking throughout the garden without stepping on the flowers. ", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a 10x10 grid?", "Are the generated grid cells filled with \"P\" and \"F\" notations?", "In the generated text, do all consecutive \"F\" sections have 4 to 16 grid cells?", "In the generated text, are all the \"P\" cells connected?", "In the generated text, does the path allow for continuous walking through the garden without stepping on the flowers?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Number"], ["Content"], ["Number", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_13", "input": "", "category": "Arts: Drama", "instruction": "Write a science fiction play in three acts, with five characters, featuring time travel, and an alien invasion. The first act should only have two characters, and the story should take place on Earth and another planet. Specify which planet each act takes place on, and make sure at least one character makes a self-sacrifice for the greater good.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a science fiction play?", "Is the generated play in three acts?", "Does the generated play have exactly five characters?", "Does the generated play feature time travel, and an alien invasion?", "Does the first act in the generated play only have two characters?", "Does the story in the generated play take place on Earth and another planet?", "Does the generated play specify which planet each act takes place on?", "Does the generated play include self-sacrifice for the greater good of at least one character?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Format", "Number"], ["Number"], ["Content"], ["Number"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content", "Number"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_153", "input": "", "category": "Lifestyle and Leisure: Sports and Fitness", "instruction": "Create a 10-minute guided meditation script for stress relief. The script should focus on mindfulness and deep breathing techniques, using calming and positive language. Please ensure that the meditation does not incorporate any religious or spiritual elements. Additionally, provide guidance on the ideal time and duration for each part of the meditation.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a meditation script for stress relief?", "Does the generated script focus on mindfulness and deep breathing techniques?", "Does the generated script use calming and positive language?", "Is the generated meditation script free of any religious or spiritual elements?", "Does the generated script provide guidance on the ideal time and duration for each part of the meditation?", "In the generated script, is the ideal time and duration for each part of the meditation a total of 10 minutes?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Style"], ["Style"], ["Format", "Content"], ["Number"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_242", "input": "", "category": "Social Sciences: Language", "instruction": "Generate a random alphanumeric string with exactly 20 characters.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a string?", "Does the generated string exactly include 20 characters?", "Are the characters in the generated string alphanumeric?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Number"], ["Format"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_7", "input": "", "category": "Arts: Literature", "instruction": "Compose an 8-stanza poem celebrating nature's beauty. Include metaphors in stanzas 1-2, personification and alliteration in 3-4, and emphasize nature's sounds in 5-6. Express your emotions in stanzas 7-8. Use only rhetorical questions in the first six stanzas.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a poem?", "Is the generated poem 8-stanza?", "In the generated poem, do the stanzas 1-2 include metaphors?", "In the generated poem, do the stanzas 3-4 include personification and alliteration?", "In the generated poem, do the stanzas 5-6 emphasize nature's sounds?", "In the generated poem, do the stanzas 7-8 express emotions?", "In the generated poem, do the first six stanzas only use rhetorical questions?", "Do the generated poem celebrate nature's beauty?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Number"], ["Linguistic"], ["Linguistic"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Linguistic"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_23", "input": "", "category": "Lifestyle and Leisure: Game", "instruction": "The objective of the Item Elimination Game is to eliminate items in a 6x6 grid by aligning 3 or more of the same item consecutively in a row or column.\nHere are the rules:\n1. The grid consists of 6 rows and 6 columns, with each cell containing one of three different items represented by A, B, or C.\n2. In each step, you may remove items in several cells, provided that they form a consecutive sequence of 3 or more of the same item in the same row or column.\n3. Once the item in a cell is removed, it leaves a blank cell, represented by \"#\".\nBased on the rules, you should generate a 6x6 grid filled with 3 different kinds of items (A, B, and C) as the initial setup and play the game for one step: If you can identify items that form a sequence of 3 or more of the same item in a row or column, leaving blank cells (\"#\") in their place and generating the resulting grid; if you cannot find such a sequence, explain it.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include a 6x6 grid as the initial step?", "Is the generated grid filled with 3 different kinds of items (A, B, and C)?", "In the initial grid of the generated text, if there are items that form a sequence of 3 or more of the same item in a row or column, are their places left as blank cells (\"#\") while other cells remain the same as the initial grid in a resulting grid; if such a sequence is not found, is an explanation provided?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Number"], ["Content"], ["Format", "Content", "Number"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_95", "input": "", "category": "Social Sciences: Language", "instruction": "Describe the experience of learning a new language by drawing parallels to various stages of a long, adventurous journey. Use analogies to depict at least three challenges and three milestones one might encounter along the way. Your response should use odd-numbered sentences and contain the longest-length sentence at the exact midpoint of the paragraph.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a descirption about the experience of learning a new language?", "Does the generated description use analogies to depict the experiences of learning a new language?", "Does the generated description draw parallels to various stages of a long, adventurous journey while depicting the challenges and milestones one might encounter when learning new languages?", "Does the generated description include at least three challenges and three milestones one might encounter along the way of learning a new language?", "Does the generated text use odd-numbered sentences?", "Does the generated text contain the longest-length sentence at the exact midpoint of the paragraph?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Format"], ["Linguistic", "Content"], ["Linguistic", "Content"], ["Number", "Content"], ["Number"], ["Number", "Format"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_216", "input": "", "category": "Business and Economics: Business Administration", "instruction": "Draft an independent contractor agreement between Company X and Contractor Y for graphic design services, with a payment of $3,000 per project. Include clauses related to taxes, benefits, insurance, intellectual property rights, and termination of the agreement. Limit to 500 words.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text an independent contractor agreement?", "Is the independent contractor agreement in the generated text between Company X and Contractor Y?", "Is the independent contractor agreement in the generated text for graphic design services?", "Does the independent contractor agreement in the generated text mention a payment of $3,000 per project?", "Does the independent contractor agreement in the generated text include clauses related to taxes, benefits, insurance, intellectual property rights, and termination of the agreement?", "Is the independent contractor agreement in the generated text limited to 500 words?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Number"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_139", "input": "", "category": "Lifestyle and Leisure: Hobbies and Crafts", "instruction": "Design a 7-day challenge for individuals looking to explore a new hobby: painting. Each day should include a specific task and a difficulty level. The activities should progress in difficulty. Include a brief description (20-30 words) for each day's task.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text aim to provide a challenging guide for those wanting to start painting as a new hobby?", "Has the challenge in the generated text been designed to span over a period of 7 days?", "Does every single day of the challenge in the generated text incorporate a particular task along with a corresponding level of difficulty?", "Do the tasks increase in difficulty with each passing day of the challenge in the generated text?", "Is there a description included in the generated text for each day's assigned task?", "Is the description provided for each day's task concise, falling within a range of 20 to 30 words?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Number", "Content"], ["Format", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Number", "Style"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_16", "input": "", "category": "Arts: Music", "instruction": "Generate a heartbreak song with three verses and a chorus, incorporating similes, metaphors, and alliteration to convey the emotions of losing love. Each verse should have at least four lines and the chorus should be catchy and memorable. Additionally, use rhyme in the song.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a song?", "Does the song in the generated text convey the theme of heartbreak, specifically the emotions of losing love?", "Does the song in the generated text contain three verses and a chorus?", "Does the song in the generated text incorporate similes?", "Does the song in the generated text incorporate metaphors?", "Does the song in the generated text incorporate alliteration?", "Does every verse in the generated text contain a minimum of four lines?", "Is the generated song's chorus designed in a way that it is catchy and easily memorable?", "Is the rhyming scheme used in the generated song?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Number", "Format"], ["Linguistic"], ["Linguistic"], ["Linguistic"], ["Number", "Format"], ["Style"], ["Linguistic"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_100", "input": "", "category": "Social Sciences: Linguistics", "instruction": "Describe the properties of water without using adjectives.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a description of water?", "Is the generated text free from the use of any adjectives to describe the water?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Linguistic"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_222", "input": "", "category": "Business and Economics: Finance", "instruction": "Please generate a credit card statement for the month of April 2023, with a credit limit of $5,000. The statement should include exactly one transaction per day, categorized into various expense categories (food, utilities, house rent, and transportation must be included). Please ensure that the statement provides a daily breakdown of expenses, separated by a dotted line, and includes the date, expense category, a brief description of each expense, and the remaining available credit.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a credit card statement?", "Does the generated text specifically represent a credit card statement for April 2023?", "Is the spending shown on the generated statement within a credit limit of $5,000?", "Is the generated statement referring to a single transaction per day throughout the entire month of April?", "Does the generated statement provide a breakdown of expenses on a daily basis?", "Are the daily expense breakdowns divided by a dotted line in the generated statement?", "Does the generated statement detail each day's date, expense category, a brief description of the expenditure, and the remaining credit amount?", "Are the expense categories of food, utilities, housing rent, and transportation all included in the generated statement?", "Are the remaining credit balances for each day accurate in the generated statement?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Number"], ["Content", "Format", "Number"], ["Format"], ["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Number"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_171", "input": "", "category": "Lifestyle and Leisure: Family and Relationships", "instruction": "Generate an appreciative eulogy divided into four distinct sections: introduction, personal stories, accomplishments, and conclusion. Start the eulogy with a powerful quote and end with a proverb or saying. The introduction should be concise and powerful, composed of no more than three sentences. In the personal stories section, include at least one reference to the deceased's family or loved ones. In the accomplishments section, incorporate at least five adjectives that accurately reflect the deceased's personality and character. Wrap it up with a heartfelt conclusion that is no more than two sentences. The overall tone should be respectful, appreciative, and inspiring.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a eulogy?", "Is the eulogy in the generated text organized into four separate parts: an introduction, a section for personal stories, a section for accomplishments, and a conclusion?", "Does the eulogy in the generated text begin with a significant quote and wrap up with a proverb or a well-known saying?", "Is the introductory part of the eulogy in the generated text concise but impactful, containing no more than three sentences?", "Does the personal stories section of the generated eulogy include at least one reference to the deceased's family or loved ones?", "Does the generated eulogy's segment highlighting the deceased's achievements contain at least five adjectives that accurately depict the individual's personality and character?", "Does the eulogy in the generated text end with a heartfelt closing statement that is no more than two sentences long?", "Does the eulogy in the generated text maintain a respectful, appreciative, and inspiring tone?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Format"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Style", "Number"], ["Content", "Number"], ["Number", "Linguistic", "Content"], ["Style", "Number"], ["Style"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_59", "input": "", "category": "Natural Sciences: Earth Science", "instruction": "Write a short fictional narrative about a journey to the Earth's core. Describe the various layers encountered along the way, ensuring each paragraph focuses on one layer and connects logically to the next from the perspective of the journey.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a short fictional narrative?", "Is the generated text about a journey to the Earth's core?", "Does the generated text describe the various layers of the Earth's structure encountered on the journey to the core?", "Does each paragraph of the generated text concentrate on describing one specific layer of the Earth's structure?", "Is each paragraph of the generated text connected logically to the next from the perspective of the journey?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Style"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Format", "Number", "Content"], ["Linguistic"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_152", "input": "", "category": "Lifestyle and Leisure: Sports and Fitness", "instruction": "Design a 30-minute workout routine for someone with limited time, focusing on exercises that target major muscle groups. The routine should include at least five different exercises, with the number of sets and repetitions specified for each one. Additionally, describe which major muscle groups are targeted by each exercise (notice that chest and legs must be included).", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a workout routine?", "Does the generated workout routine last for 30 minutes?", "Does the generated workout routine include at least five different exercises?", "Does the generated workout routine include the number of sets and repetitions specified for each exercise?", "Does the generated workout routine describe which major muscle groups are targeted by each exercise?", "Does the generated workout routine include exercises for the chest and legs?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"], ["Number", "Content"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_148", "input": "", "category": "Lifestyle and Leisure: Travel and Tourism", "instruction": "Create a list of 5 off-the-beaten-path travel destinations in the magical world of Harry Potter created by J.K. Rowling. Each destination should be accompanied by a brief description (50-75 words) explaining what makes it unique, what magical or enchanting activities are available. Make sure to emphasize the magical aspect and avoid real-world locations to fully immerse readers in the fictional universe.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include a list containing five different travel destinations?", "Are all the destinations in the generated text derived from J.K. Rowling's fictional universe of Harry Potter?", "Is every travel destination in the generated text accompanied by its own description within the text?", "Does the description associated with each travel destination in the generated text span between 50 to 75 words?", "Does each destination\u2019s description in the generated text highlight its unique features and describe the magical or enchanting activities one can participate in?", "Do all the travel destinations in the generated text focus primarily on magical elements, while avoiding real-world geographical locations?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Number", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Number"], ["Content", "Style"], ["Content", "Style"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_50", "input": "", "category": "Natural Sciences: Statistics", "instruction": "Write a concise example of a null hypothesis and an alternative hypothesis for a study investigating the impact of caffeine consumption on cognitive performance.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include a null hypothesis?", "Does the generated text include an alternative hypothesis?", "Are the presented hypotheses specifically pertaining to a study investigating the impact of caffeine consumption on cognitive performance?", "Is the generated alternative hypothesis a reasonable counter-statement to the null hypothesis in the context of investigating the impact of caffeine consumption on cognitive performance?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_52", "input": "", "category": "Natural Sciences: Statistics", "instruction": "Generate a 10x2 table containing 20 random numbers, with the first column representing 10 values of variable1, and the second column representing 10 values of variable2. Next, create a 1x2 table with headers \"Pearson Correlation\" and \"Spearman Correlation\". Calculate the corresponding Pearson and Spearman correlation coefficients for the two variables in the first table and fill them in the second table. The columns of the two tables should be separated by semicolons.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include a 10x2 table containing 20 numbers?", "Does the generated text include a 1x2 table?", "In the generated text, are the headers of the 1x2 table \"Pearson Correlation\" and \"Spearman Correlation\"?", "Are the columns of the generated tables be separated by semicolons?", "In the generated text, is the 1x2 table filled with the correct Pearson and Spearman correlation coefficients for the two variables in the 10x2 table?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Number"], ["Format", "Number"], ["Format"], ["Format"], ["Number", "Format"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_136", "input": "", "category": "Lifestyle and Leisure: Fashion and Style", "instruction": "Write a brief fashion trend forecast for the upcoming season, focusing on women's fashion. Design two complete outfit concepts (including clothing, shoes, and handbags) for a female. Specify the color palette, style, and key design elements for each look, and explain how they align with the predicted trends.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include a fashion trend forecast for the upcoming season?", "Does the generated text include two outfit concepts?", "Is the generated fashion trend forecast concise?", "Does the generated fashion trend forecast focus on women's fashion?", "In the generated text, are both the two outfit concepts complete including clothing, shoes, and handbags?", "In the generated text, are both the two outfit concepts designed for a female?", "In the generated text, does each outfit look include the color palette, style, and key design elements?", "In the generated text, does each outfit look include an explaination of how they align with the predicted trends?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content", "Number"], ["Style"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_157", "input": "", "category": "Lifestyle and Leisure: Riddle and Puzzle", "instruction": "Generate a riddle with a length of 4 lines. The riddle should have a solution related to a popular fairy tale character or story. Provide a solution and an explanation. Ensure the riddle is suitable for all ages.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include a riddle?", "Does the generated text include a solution and an explanation?", "Is the riddle in the generated text four lines long?", "Is the riddle in the generated text suitable for all ages?", "Is the generated solution related to a popular fairy tale character or story?", "Do the riddle, provided solution and explanation in the generated text make sense?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Format", "Number"], ["Style"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_55", "input": "", "category": "Natural Sciences: Chemistry", "instruction": "Please generate a balanced chemical reaction equation at the high school level, involving reactants that are commonly found in a high school chemistry curriculum. The reaction should be a double displacement reaction. Include the state of matter for each reactant and product in parentheses (s for solid, l for liquid, g for gas, and aq for aqueous solution). Additionally, provide a brief explanation of the reaction type.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text present a chemical reaction equation?", "Does the generated chemical reaction equation align with the high school level understanding, using reactants that are typical to a high school chemistry curriculum?", "Does the generated chemical reaction represent a double displacement reaction?", "Is the generated chemical reaction equation balanced in terms of atoms on both the reactant and product sides?", "Does the chemical reaction equation specify the state of matter for each reactant and product in parentheses using the appropriate notation (s for solid, l for liquid, g for gas, and aq for aqueous solution)?", "Does the generated text include a brief explanation detailing the type of the reaction, i.e., double displacement?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content", "Number"], ["Format", "Content"], ["Content", "Style"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_83", "input": "", "category": "Social Sciences: Education and Pedagogy", "instruction": "Generate an outline for an individualized education plan for a one-year duration for a student with dyslexia. Include monthly learning goals, specific accommodations and a list of potential assistive technology resources.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text serve as an outline for an individualized education plan?", "Does the proposed individualized education plan cover a one-year duration?", "Are there learning goals set for each month within the generated individualized education plan?", "Are assistive technology resources for a student with dyslexia incorporated into the generated education plan?", "Has the generated education plan been tailored to accommodate the unique needs of a student with dyslexia?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Format", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_183", "input": "", "category": "Engineering and Technology: Computer Science", "instruction": "Suppose you are a school administrator and need to organize information about the 10 students in a class. Create a JSON document that includes the following details for each student: full name, gender, birth date in YYYY-MM-DD format, major, anticipated graduation year, student ID number, and contact information (email address and phone number). Assume that all students were born in the same year, and that their student IDs start with \"2023\" (representing the year they started at the school).", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a JSON document?", "Does the generated JSON document include information on exactly 10 students?", "Does the generated JSON document include the following details for each student: full name, gender, birth date, major, anticipated graduation year, student ID number, and contact information?", "Is the birth date in the generated JSON document in the format YYYY-MM-DD?", "Does the contact information in the generated JSON document include the email address and phone number?", "Are all the students born in the same year according to the birth date in the generated JSON document?", "Does all the students' IDs in the generated JSON document start with \"2023\"?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Number"], ["Content"], ["Format"], ["Format", "Content"], ["Content", "Number"], ["Format"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_1", "input": "", "category": "Arts: Film", "instruction": "Write a dialogue between Jack and Rose, two characters in a movie. Rose should start the conversation with an angry demeanor, using only exclamatory sentences to express strong feelings. As the conversation progresses, Jack should comfort Rose, helping her to gradually calm down and her emotion should be developed smoothly throughout the dialogue. The conversation should have at least 6 turns.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a dialogue?", "Is the generated dialogue between Jack and Rose?", "In the generated dialogue, does Rose start the conversation with an angry demeanor?", "In the generated dialogue, does Rose use only exclamatory sentences to express strong feelings at the start of the conversation?", "In the generated dialogue, does Jack comfort Rose, helping her to gradually calm down as the conversation progresses?", "Is the emotion of Rose developed smoothly throughout the generated dialogue?", "Does the generated dialogue have at least 6 turns?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Style", "Format"], ["Linguistic", "Style", "Format"], ["Format", "Content"], ["Linguistic", "Style", "Format"], ["Format", "Number"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_233", "input": "", "category": "Office and Work: Event Planning", "instruction": "Please create a meeting agenda and minutes for a team meeting discussing a new project launch, with a focus on project goals, timelines, responsibilities, and resources, ensuring each agenda item is limited to one sentence and the entire document is completed within 25 minutes.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text represent both a meeting agenda and minutes for a team meeting?", "Does the content of the generated meeting agenda and minutes pertain to a new project launch discussion?", "Does the content of the generated text emphasize on the project's goals, timelines, responsibilities, and resources?", "Does each agenda item in the generated text consist of only one sentence?", "Is the estimated duration of the entire meeting agenda, as per the generated text, not exceeding 25 minutes?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Format", "Number"], ["Number"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_138", "input": "", "category": "Lifestyle and Leisure: Hobbies and Crafts", "instruction": "I want to develop three hobbies: painting, dancing and photography. I only have time to do this when I finish work at 6 pm and before I go to sleep at 12 pm on weekdays, and I have the whole day available at weekends. I need a weekly plan that balances the time allocated to each hobby and ensures that each day's time for hobby development is different. Could you provide me with such a plan?", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text present a weekly time plan?", "Does the generated text create time plans specifically for the three hobbies: painting, dancing, and photography?", "Are the time plans for the three hobbies appropriately scheduled between 6 pm and 12 am on weekdays?", "Are the amounts of time allocated to each hobby balanced across the week?", "Does the plan ensure that each day's scheduled time for hobby development varies?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content", "Number"], ["Number"], ["Number"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_102", "input": "", "category": "Social Sciences: Linguistics", "instruction": "Write two sentences without using the letter 'e', ensuring grammatically correct sentences and valid word usage.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text consist of precisely two sentences?", "Does the generated text free of using the letter 'e'?", "Is the generated text grammatically correct with valid word usage?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Number", "Format"], ["Linguistic"], ["Linguistic"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_11", "input": "", "category": "Arts: Painting", "instruction": "Provide a critique of Vincent van Gogh's 'Starry Night,' discussing its composition, colors, and techniques, and how they contribute to the painting's overall theme. Limit your response to 200-250 words, and conclude with a brief statement on the artwork's significance and its impact on the art world.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text provide a critique of Vincent van Gogh's 'Starry Night'?", "Does the generated text analyze the composition, colors, and techniques used in Vincent van Gogh's 'Starry Night'?", "Does the generated text illustrate how the composition, colors, and techniques enhance the overall theme of 'Starry Night'?", "Does the length of the generated text fall within the 200-250 word limit?", "Does the generated text end with a succinct statement on 'Starry Night's significance and its influence on the art world?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Number"], ["Content", "Style", "Format"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_60", "input": "", "category": "Natural Sciences: Meteorology", "instruction": "Please generate a 7-day weather forecast for a specific city, real or fictitious. For each day, provide the following information:\n1.The expected high and low temperatures;\n2.The likelihood of precipitation and expected conditions (e.g. sunny, rainy, cloudy);\n3.Approximate sunrise and sunset times;\n4.A brief comment on the expected air quality.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text provide a weather forecast?", "Does the generated forecast cover a period of seven days?", "Is the forecast generated for a specific, identified city, whether real or fictitious?", "Does the generated forecast include both the expected high and low temperatures for each day?", "Does the generated forecast provide information about the likelihood of precipitation and expected weather conditions (e.g. sunny, rainy, cloudy) for each day?", "Does the generated forecast specify the approximate times of sunrise and sunset for each day?", "Does the generated forecast include a brief comment on the expected air quality for each day?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content", "Number"], ["Content"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Content", "Format"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_159", "input": "", "category": "Lifestyle and Leisure: Riddle and Puzzle", "instruction": "Generate a riddle that uses wordplay and puns, with a maximum length of 50 words. The riddle should be appropriate for children aged under 12 and involve a common household object. Include a solution and explanation for the riddle.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text contain a riddle?", "Does the riddle in the generated text utilize wordplay and puns?", "Is the generated riddle within the limit of 50 words?", "Is the riddle appropriate for children aged under 12?", "Does the generated riddle involve a common household object?", "Does the generated text provide both a solution and an explanation for the riddle?", "Are the riddle, its solution, and the explanation logically sound and reasonable?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Linguistic"], ["Number"], ["Style"], ["Content"], ["Format", "Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_35", "input": "", "category": "Natural Sciences: Biology", "instruction": "Using a Punnett square, predict the genotypic and phenotypic ratios of offspring produced by a cross between two individuals: one heterozygous for two Mendelian inheritance traits (AaBb) and the other homozygous dominant for one trait and heterozygous for the other (AABb). Please ensure to provide a clear explanation of the genotypic and phenotypic outcomes, including possible combinations and their respective ratios.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include a Punnett square?", "Does the generated Punnett square correctly depict the possible gametes that each parent (one being heterozygous for two traits (AaBb) and the other being homozygous dominant for one trait and heterozygous for the other (AABb)) can produce by a cross?", "Does the generated Punnett square accurately display the potential offspring genotypes resulting from the given cross?", "Does the generated text provide a clear explanation of the genotypic outcomes resulting from this cross, including the various genotype combinations and their respective ratios?", "Is the provided explanation and interpretation of the genotypic outcomes, including all possible genotype combinations and their respective ratios, accurate?", "Does the generated text provide a clear explanation of the phenotypic outcomes resulting from this cross, including the various phenotype combinations and their respective ratios?", "Is the provided explanation and interpretation of the phenotypic outcomes, including all possible phenotype combinations and their respective ratios, accurate?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Content", "Style"], ["Content"], ["Content", "Style"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_202", "input": "", "category": "Engineering and Technology: Energy Engineering", "instruction": "Create a comparison table featuring three primary energy sources utilized worldwide, concentrating on three distinct aspects related to sustainability. Ensure that the selected aspects are relevant and varied, offering a thorough understanding of the sustainability of each energy source.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text take the form of a table?", "Does the generated table compare three primary energy sources used globally?", "Does the content of the table focus on three distinct aspects related to sustainability?", "Do the chosen aspects in the table not only vary but also hold relevance, thereby offering a comprehensive understanding of the sustainability of each energy source?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content", "Number"], ["Content", "Number"], ["Linguistic", "Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_43", "input": "", "category": "Natural Sciences: Mathmatics", "instruction": "Generate two matrices, A and B, where A is a 4x3 matrix and B is a 3x2 matrix, by randomly selecting numbers from the set {0, 1, 2}. Then, calculate the product C by multiplying A and B, denoted as C = A * B.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the output include two matrices, A and B?", "Is the matrix A a 4x3 matrix?", "Is the matrix B a 3x2 matrix?", "Are both matrices, A and B, composed only of numbers selected from the set {0,1,2}?", "Does the output include a third matrix, C?", "Is matrix C correctly calculated as the product of the 4x3 matrix A and the 3x2 matrix B?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Number"], ["Format", "Number"], ["Format", "Number"], ["Content"], ["Format", "Number"], ["Number"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_158", "input": "S # # # # # # #\n. . . . . . . #\n# . # # # # # #\n# . # . . . # #\n# . # . # . . #\n# . # . # # # #\n# . . . . . . F\n# # # # # # # #", "category": "Lifestyle and Leisure: Riddle and Puzzle", "instruction": "For the following grid where \"S\" denotes the starting point, \"F\" represents the finish line, \"#\" signifies walls or barriers, and \".\" indicates open paths, your task is to find the unique path from the start to the finish. Please provide step-by-step directions in the format \"Move right/down/left/up\" followed by the number of steps. Note that you can only move horizontally or vertically, and you cannot pass through walls or move diagonally. ", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text provide directions in a sequential, step-by-step manner?", "Are the generated directions in the specific format of \"Move right/down/left/up\" followed by the number of steps?", "Do the generated directions ensure movement only in a horizontal or vertical direction, excluding any diagonal moves and navigating around walls or barriers denoted by \"#\" (according to the grid in the given input and starting from \"S\")?", "Does the generated direction accurately guide from the initial starting point \"S\" to the final \"F\" point, according to the grid in the given input?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_126", "input": "", "category": "Social Sciences: News and Media", "instruction": "Explain how advancements in virtual reality technology will revolutionize journalism and news reporting in one pagraph. Every sentence should only use future tense.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text consist of only one paragraph?", "Does the generated text depict how advancements in virtual reality technology will revolutionize journalism and news reporting?", "Does every sentence in the generated text exclusively use the future tense?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Number"], ["Content"], ["Linguistic"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_209", "input": "", "category": "Business and Economics: Marketing", "instruction": "Compose a review about a noise-canceling headphone, focusing on the following aspects: sound quality, comfort, design, and battery life. In your review, convey your disappointment with the product. Be sure to provide specific details and examples that will support your views and assist potential buyers in making an informed decision.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a review of a product?", "Is the product under review a noise-canceling headphone?", "Does the generated review specifically address the sound quality, comfort, design, and battery life of the headphone?", "Does the generated review clearly express disappointment with the headphone?", "Does the generated review provide specific details and examples to substantiate the expressed views?", "Does the provided specific details and examples in the generated review helpful for potential buyers to make an informed decision?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Style", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Content", "Style"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_53", "input": "", "category": "Natural Sciences: Logic", "instruction": "Create a logic puzzle with a set of clues that allow the solver to deduce the position of each of the 6 people (A,B,C,D,E,F) in a line. The clues should only refer to the relative positions of the people to each other (e.g. A is to the left of B, C is the rightmost of all people), not their absolute positions (e.g. A is the 2nd). Provide a solution to the puzzle. Ensure that the clues provided are sufficient to deduce the solution and that the solution is consistent with all of the clues given.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text present a logic puzzle incorporating a set of clues?", "Do the clues in the generated text pertain to the positions of 6 individuals (A,B,C,D,E,F) arranged in a line?", "Do the clues in the generated text exclusively relate to the individuals' relative positions to each other (e.g. A is to the left of B, C is the rightmost of all people) and not mention their absolute positions (e.g. A is the 2nd)?", "Does the generated text deliver a solution to the created puzzle?", "In the generated text, are the given clues in the puzzle ample and coherent enough to deduce the solution?", "Is the solution included in the generated text in line with all of the presented clues?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Content", "Linguistic"], ["Content", "Linguistic"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_93", "input": "", "category": "Social Sciences: History", "instruction": "Generate a Chronology of the United States from 1960 to present day, with at least 4 and no more than 6 events listed per decade. Start each event with an annotation \"-\", include the year it occurred, organize the decades in chronological order, and arrange the events within a decade in reverse chronological order.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text in the form of a chronology?", "Does the generated chronology cover the period from 1960 to the present day in the United States?", "Does the generated chronology contain a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 6 events for each decade?", "Does each event in the generated chronology begin with a \"\"-\"\" annotation?", "Does each event in the generated chronology include the year in which it occurred?", "Are the decades in the generated chronology arranged in chronological order?", "Are the events within each decade in the generated chronology arranged in reverse chronological order?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Number", "Content"], ["Format"], ["Format", "Content"], ["Format"], ["Format"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_108", "input": "", "category": "Social Sciences: Law and Criminology", "instruction": "Draft a Last Will and Testament for Jane Taylor, living at 789 Oak Street, Cityville, PA, 36956. Appoint John Anderson as the executor, and bequeath 50% of Jane's estate to her daughter, Mary, and the remaining 50% to her son, Peter. Include a specific bequest of $10,000 to the local animal shelter.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text specifically a Last Will and Testament?", "Is the Last Will and Testament explicitly drafted for Jane Taylor, residing at 789 Oak Street, Cityville, PA, 36956?", "Does the Last Will and Testament clearly appoint John Anderson as the executor?", "In the Last Will and Testament, is there a specific bequest distributing 50% of Jane Taylor's estate to her daughter, Mary, and the remaining 50% to her son, Peter?", "Does the Last Will and Testament explicitly include a bequest of $10,000 to the local animal shelter?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_12", "input": "", "category": "Arts: Drama", "instruction": "Develop a two-person scene in a drama set in a restaurant, where one character confronts the other about a betrayal. The confrontation should involve a combination of dialogue and stage directions, with each character speaking a maximum of 7 sentences in total in the scene. ", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text form a scene from a drama?", "Does the generated scene involve only two characters?", "Is the setting of the generated scene a restaurant?", "Does the content of the generated scene depict one character confronting the other about a betrayal?", "Is the generated scene comprised of both dialogue and stage directions?", "Does each character in the generated scene speak no more than 7 sentences in total?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Number", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Format", "Content"], ["Number", "Format"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_218", "input": "", "category": "Business and Economics: Entrepreneurship", "instruction": "Generate a SWOT analysis for a startup company in the electric vehicle industry, considering the current market trends and competitive landscape. Please focus on the following areas: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text present a SWOT analysis for a startup company?", "Is the startup company discussed in the generated text from the electric vehicle industry?", "Does the generated text incorporate the current market trends in the electric vehicle industry?", "Is the competitive landscape of the electric vehicle industry considered in the generated text?", "Does the generated text highlight the Strengths of the startup company in the electric vehicle industry?", "Does the generated text identify the Weaknesses of the startup company in the electric vehicle industry?", "Does the generated text explore the Opportunities available to the startup company in the electric vehicle industry?", "Does the generated text outline the Threats faced by the startup company in the electric vehicle industry?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_191", "input": "", "category": "Engineering and Technology: Software Engineering", "instruction": "Compose a documentation for a Python class, which should include the name of the class and a minimum of three methods associated with the class. Each method should have descriptions, including a clear explanation of the method's purpose, a detailed description of all input parameters and their types, and the type and purpose of the output values that the method returns. Finally, to make the documentation more practical and usable, include a sample code snippet that showcases how each of the described methods can be used.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text constitute documentation for a Python class?", "Does the generated documentation specify the name of the Python class?", "Does the generated documentation detail at least three methods associated with the Python class?", "Does the documentation provide clear explanations of the purpose of each method included in the class?", "For each method, does the documentation provide a thorough description of all its input parameters, including their respective data types?", "Does the documentation describe the type and purpose of the output values that each method returns?", "Does the documentation incorporate sample code snippets to illustrate how each method can be practically used, thus enhancing its usability?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Number", "Content"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Content", "Format"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_121", "input": "", "category": "Social Sciences: Cultural Studies", "instruction": "As an American visiting China for the first time, list 3 cultural practices or customs that may be surprising due to cultural differences. Provide a brief explanation for each item, comparing how it is different in China and America. Please avoid controversial topics or those that promote hate speech, discrimination, or misinformation. Focus on fostering cultural understanding and appreciation.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated response include a list of 3 cultural practices or customs?", "Does the generated text provide a brief explanation for each of the listed items, detailing the differences between how these customs or practices are observed in China and America?", "Do the listed cultural practices or customs highlight differences between American and Chinese culture that may be surprising to an American visiting China for the first time?", "Is the generated text free of controversial topics and does it avoid promoting hate speech, discrimination, or misinformation?", "Does the generated text promote cultural understanding and appreciation between China and America?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Number", "Content"], ["Content", "Format", "Style"], ["Content"], ["Style"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_39", "input": "", "category": "Natural Sciences: Mathmatics", "instruction": "Write a sequence of 7 numeric numbers, where each number is a power of 2 and the exponent follows the first 7 terms of the arithmetic progression with a common difference of 2 and a first term of 0. Each number should be separated by \";\" and the exponent should be indicated in curly brackets after the number.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a sequence of exactly 7 numbers?", "Is each number in the generated sequence a power of 2?", "Do the exponents corresponding to each number in the generated sequence represent the first 7 terms of an arithmetic progression, starting with 0 and increasing by a common difference of 2?", "Is each number in the sequence separated by a semicolon \";\"?", "Is the exponent of each number indicated directly after the number within curly brackets {}?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Number", "Format"], ["Number"], ["Number"], ["Format"], ["Format"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_133", "input": "", "category": "Lifestyle and Leisure: Food and Cooking", "instruction": "Compose a vegetarian pasta recipe that incorporates a minimum of five ingredients and follows a straightforward five-step cooking method. Provide a clear list of ingredients with their respective measurements, and offer concise descriptions of the preparation steps. Utilize only the available cookware, which includes a frying pan, saucepan, and stockpot, and avoid mentioning any other cookware that is not available.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text present a vegetarian pasta recipe?", "Does the generated recipe incorporate at least five ingredients?", "Does the generated recipe follow a straightforward, five-step cooking procedure?", "Does the generated text include a clear list of ingredients along with their respective measurements?", "Are the preparation steps in the recipe presented with succinct descriptions?", "Is the generated recipe exclusively making use of the specified cookware - a frying pan, saucepan, and stockpot - while avoiding the mention of any other cookware not included in the list?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Format"], ["Number", "Content"], ["Number", "Format", "Content"], ["Content", "Format", "Style"], ["Content", "Format", "Style"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_45", "input": "", "category": "Natural Sciences: Cryptography", "instruction": "Please generate a password for Alice that is 18-25 characters long, contains at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number, one special character and includes her name. The password should not contain more than 5 consecutive letters or 3 consecutive numbers. The password is a palindrome.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a password?", "Does the generated text contain between 18 and 25 characters?", "Does the generated text contain at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number, and one special character?", "Does the generated text incorporate the name 'Alice'?", "Does the generated text avoid the use of more than 5 consecutive letters or 3 consecutive numbers?", "Is the generated password palindromic, meaning it reads the same forward and backward?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Number", "Linguistic"], ["Linguistic", "Number"], ["Linguistic"], ["Number", "Linguistic"], ["Linguistic"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_228", "input": "", "category": "Business and Economics: Project Management", "instruction": "Create a description of a flow chart that represents the major stages and crucial tasks involved in a business project. Begin with a \"start\" stage and conclude with an \"end\" stage. For every stage in between, mention 3-5 important tasks associated with that stage. However, do not list any specific tasks for the \"start\" and \"end\" stages; only provide a brief description of these stages.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text provide a description of a flow chart?", "Does the description effectively illustrate the major stages and essential tasks involved in a business project?", "Does the generated description commence with a \"start\" stage and terminate at an \"end\" stage?", "In the description, does each intermediate stage between \"start\" and \"end\" include 3-5 crucial tasks associated with it?", "Is the generated description carefully crafted to only provide a brief overview of the \"start\" and \"end\" stages without enumerating any specific tasks?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Format"], ["Number", "Format", "Content"], ["Format", "Style", "Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_237", "input": "", "category": "Office and Work: Calendar Management", "instruction": "Create a calendar page for the month of May in the year 2026, displaying the days of the week, dates, and at least one relevant holiday or special event. The calendar layout should be easy to read. Each holiday or event should have a concise description with a maximum of 10 words, and ensure that the holidays or events are appropriate and relevant to the specified month.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text formatted as a calendar page?", "Does the generated calendar page specifically represent May in the year 2026?", "Does the generated calendar page display both the days of the week and corresponding dates?", "Does the generated calendar page feature at least one relevant holiday or special event?", "Is the layout of the generated calendar page easy to read?", "Does each listed holiday or event on the calendar page have a concise description of 10 words or fewer?", "Are the holidays or events listed on the calendar appropriate and relevant to May 2026?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Format"], ["Content", "Number"], ["Style"], ["Number", "Style"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_33", "input": "", "category": "Natural Sciences: Biology", "instruction": "Generate a paragraph that explains the concept of photosynthesis, using only analogies to everyday experiences or objects to help the reader understand this complex process. Please refrain from using technical terms or direct explanations, and focus on crafting creative comparisons that convey the main ideas.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text in the form of a single paragraph?", "Does the generated text explain the concept of photosynthesis?", "Are everyday experiences or objects used as analogies in the generated text to help the reader understand the process of photosynthesis?", "Does the generated text refrain from the use of technical terms or direct explanations pertaining to photosynthesis?", "Is the main focus of the generated text to craft creative comparisons that effectively communicate the main ideas of photosynthesis?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Number"], ["Content"], ["Linguistic", "Content"], ["Style", "Linguistic"], ["Linguistic", "Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_114", "input": "", "category": "Social Sciences: Psychology", "instruction": "Design a fun psychology test to assess a person's personality. Create a test consisting of 6 questions, with each question having 4 possible answers. Assign a separate score to each answer. Design test results that include a personality type and a description of the personality. Ensure that there are at least 5 personality categories. Make sure the score ranges for the test results correspond to the possible scores that a person can obtain after completing all 6 questions. Please provide clear instructions for calculating the final score and determining the corresponding personality category.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text constitute a psychology test?", "Is the purpose of the generated text to assess a person's personality?", "Does the generated text consist of exactly 6 questions, each having exactly 4 possible answers?", "In the generated text, is a distinct score assigned to each potential answer?", "Does the generated text offer test results that include both a defined personality type and a comprehensive description of that personality?", "Do the test results in the generated text feature a minimum of 5 distinct personality categories?", "Do the score ranges specified for the test results in the generated text align with the scores a person could receive upon completing all 6 questions?", "Does the generated text offer explicit instructions for computing the final score and determining the relevant personality category?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Number", "Format"], ["Format"], ["Format", "Content"], ["Number", "Content"], ["Number"], ["Format", "Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_189", "input": "", "category": "Engineering and Technology: Software Engineering", "instruction": "Generate a tree structure that illustrates the typical stages in software development, with the root node being the name of a software. The first generation of nodes should consist of planning, analysis, design, coding and testing. Each node in the second degree should have at least two generations. The tree should have four degrees in total (including the root node).", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text represented in the form of a tree structure?", "Does the generated tree structure illustrate the typical stages in software development?", "Is the root node in the generated tree structure designated as the name of a software?", "Does the first generation of nodes in the generated tree structure include the stages of planning, analysis, design, coding, and testing?", "Does each second-degree node in the generated tree structure branch into at least two additional generations?", "Does the generated tree structure have a total of four degrees (including the root node)?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Number", "Format"], ["Number", "Format"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_28", "input": "_______________________________\n| | |\n| Bedroom | |\n|____________ | Living Room |\n| | |\n| Bathroom | |\n________________________________", "category": "Arts: Architecture", "instruction": "Based on the following floor plan example, please create a floor plan for a 2-bedroom, 2-bathroom apartment with a living room and a kitchen. Use \"_\" and \"|\" to represent walls, and include text labels to indicate the purpose of each room. Ensure that the outer walls enclose all text and interior walls.", "decomposed_questions": ["Based on the floor plan example in the given input, is the generated text a floor plan?", "In the generated floor plan, are the symbols \"_\" and \"|\" utilized to represent walls?", "Does the generated floor plan incorporate text labels that denote the function of each room?", "In the generated floor plan, are all text labels and interior walls fully enclosed by outer walls?", "Does the generated text representation depict a floor plan for a 2-bedroom, 2-bathroom apartment with a living room and a kitchen?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Format"], ["Format"], ["Format"], ["Content", "Number"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_231", "input": "", "category": "Office and Work: Job Recruitment", "instruction": "Write a personal statement of 500-1000 words to apply for a job in the field of natural language processing. Begin with an engaging introduction, explain your motivation for pursuing this field or program, describe your relevant experiences and accomplishments, discuss any challenges you have faced, and conclude by summarizing your suitability for the job and your future goals. Write in a first-person narrative style and ensure the content is coherent and well-organized.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text in the format of a personal statement?", "Does the generated text fall within the 500-1000 word limit?", "Is the personal statement specifically tailored for a job application in the field of natural language processing?", "Does the generated personal statement start with an engaging introduction?", "Does the personal statement articulate the applicant's motivation for pursuing a career or program in the field of natural language processing?", "Does the personal statement detail the applicant's relevant experiences and accomplishments in the field?", "Does the personal statement address any challenges or obstacles that the applicant has faced in their career journey?", "Does the conclusion of the personal statement summarize the applicant's suitability for the role in natural language processing and articulate their future career goals?", "Is the personal statement written in a first-person narrative style?", "Does the personal statement demonstrate coherence and organization throughout its content?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Number"], ["Content"], ["Format", "Style", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Linguistic"], ["Linguistic"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_246", "input": "", "category": "Natural Sciences: Statistics", "instruction": "First, create a table for a binary classification problem with 20 rows, each row representing an example. This table should have two columns: the actual label and the predicted label, with each example labeled as either 0 or 1. Following this, generate a confusion matrix based on the information in the table. Finally, from the values obtained from the confusion matrix, calculate precision, recall, F1 score, and accuracy, simultaneously providing the calculated values along with the formulas used for these calculations.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include a table for a binary classification problem?", "Does the included table comprise two columns: the actual label and the predicted label, with each example distinctly labeled as either 0 or 1?", "Does the table consist of 20 rows, where each row represents an individual example related to the binary classification problem?", "Does the generated text present a confusion matrix?", "Does the generated confusion matrix accurately represent the data from the table?", "Does the generated text calculate and provide the values for precision, recall, F1 score, and accuracy, along with the formulas used for these calculations?", "Are the formulas used for calculating precision, recall, F1 score, and accuracy correct?", "Do the calculated precision, recall, F1 score, and accuracy accurately reflect the data obtained from the confusion matrix?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Format", "Number", "Content"], ["Number", "Content", "Format"], ["Format"], ["Number"], ["Format", "Content"], ["Number"], ["Number"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_145", "input": "", "category": "Lifestyle and Leisure: Travel and Tourism", "instruction": "Compose a warm postcard message within 50 words about a specific location and event, including personal highlights and experiences. Ensure the tone is friendly and convey warm greetings to the recipient. Adapt the message to fit the standard postcard format.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a postcard message?", "Does the generated message contain 50 words or fewer?", "Does the generated message reference a specific location and event, incorporating personal highlights and experiences?", "Does the generated message have a friendly tone and convey warm greetings to the recipient?", "Does the generated message fit the standard postcard format?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Number"], ["Content"], ["Style"], ["Format"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_239", "input": "| Fruit | Quantity | Price per Unit |\n|-------|----------|-------------|\n| Apple | 10 | 0.5 |\n| Banana | 15 | 0.3 |\n| Cherry | 20 | 0.6 |\n| Blueberry | 25 | 0.8 |", "category": "Office and Work: Document Formatting", "instruction": "Translate the following table into LaTeX format, making sure to include the necessary commands and packages for a correct compilation.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a table in LaTeX format?", "Does the generated LaTeX format table accurately represent the table as described in the input?", "Does the generated output include all the necessary commands and packages for correct compilation in LaTeX?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_116", "input": "", "category": "Social Sciences: Gender Studies", "instruction": "Generate a list of five distinct strategies to foster gender equality within a professional environment. Each strategy should be explained in 50 words or less. Index each strategy using Roman numerals. Also, associate a difficulty level with each strategy, ranging from 'Easy' to 'Medium' to 'Hard'. The difficulty levels should represent the practical implementation perspective and must be in increasing order, starting with 'Easy' for the first strategy and ending with 'Hard' for the fifth strategy.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text consist of a list of five distinct strategies?", "Do the strategies in the generated text specifically address fostering gender equality within a professional environment?", "Is each strategy in the generated text explained in 50 words or less?", "Are the strategies in the generated text indexed using Roman numerals?", "Is there a difficulty level associated with each strategy in the generated text, which ranges from 'Easy' to 'Medium' to 'Hard', representing the practical implementation perspective?", "Are the difficulty levels of the strategies in the generated list ordered in an increasing manner, starting with 'Easy' for the first strategy and ending with 'Hard' for the fifth strategy?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Number", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Number", "Format"], ["Format"], ["Format", "Content"], ["Content", "Format"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_227", "input": "", "category": "Business and Economics: Accounting", "instruction": "Create a quarterly financial report for a retail business, concentrating on three key aspects: gross margin, operating expenses, and net profit. Ensure that the report also includes a comparison between the current year's data and the previous year's data for the same period.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text structured as a quarterly financial report?", "Is the focus of the generated financial report on a retail business?", "Does the generated financial report focus on three key financial aspects: gross margin, operating expenses, and net profit?", "Does the generated financial report provide a comparison between the current year's data and the previous year's data for the same period?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_180", "input": " |0|1\n0|?|?\n1|?|?", "category": "Engineering and Technology: Computer Science", "instruction": "Please fill out the following table (where \"|\" separates the columns, and \"?\" represents the missing values) with the results of these boolean operations:\na) AND\nb) OR\nc) XOR (Exclusive-OR)\nProvide three separate filled tables, one for each boolean operation.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include three separate tables?", "Do the generated tables fill the table in the given input, where \"|\" separates the columns, and \"?\" denotes the missing values, while keeping the non-missing parts intact?", "Have the generated tables been accurately filled out with the results of the respective Boolean operations: AND, OR, XOR (Exclusive-OR)?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Number"], ["Format"], ["Number", "Format"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_194", "input": "Peer Review Template:\nWhat is this paper about and what contributions does it make?\nReasons to accept:\nReasons to reject:\nQuestions for the Author(s):\nSoundness (score 1-5):\nExcitement (score 1-5):\nReviewer Confidence (score 1-5):\nRecommendation for Best Paper Award (Yes/No):\nReproducibility (score 1-5):\nEthical Concerns (Yes/No):", "category": "Engineering and Technology: Artificial Intelligence", "instruction": "Use the provided peer review template to write a peer review for a hypothetical research paper on the topic of machine learning. Fill out the template thoroughly. After completing the review, generate a reply from the hypothetical author of the paper. This reply should respond to the points raised in the peer review and discuss how the author might address or resolve the identified issues.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include a peer review for a research paper?", "Is the peer review presented in the generated text for a hypothetical research paper specifically on the topic of machine learning?", "Has the peer review template in the given input been thoroughly used and filled out in the peer review included in the generated text?", "Does the generated text also contain a reply from the hypothetical author of the research paper?", "In the generated text, does the reply from the hypothetical author address the points raised in the peer review and propose solutions to resolve the identified issues?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Format"], ["Format", "Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_208", "input": "", "category": "Business and Economics: Marketing", "instruction": "Compose an advertisement for an online language learning platform aimed at students with no more than 120 words. The advertisement should emphasize the platform's engaging lessons, interactive tools, and personalized learning plans. Additionally, highlight at least one unique feature, such as pricing options, or special offers that set the platform apart from competitors. Consider using persuasive language to attract potential users.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text function as an advertisement?", "Is the generated advertisement specifically for an online language learning platform?", "Does the generated advertisement specify that the platform is primarily intended for students?", "Is the generated advertisement constrained to a maximum of 120 words?", "Does the generated advertisement emphasize the platform's engaging lessons, interactive tools, and personalized learning plans?", "Does the generated advertisement underline at least one unique feature (for example, pricing options or special offers) that differentiates the platform from its competitors?", "Does the generated advertisement employ persuasive language with the intent of attracting potential users?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Number"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Style"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_80", "input": "", "category": "Social Sciences: Education and Pedagogy", "instruction": "Compose an article discussing the significance of arts education, consisting of 350-500 words. In the introduction, provide an overview of why arts education is crucial. Elaborate on three main arguments supporting the importance of arts education, and include an example for each argument. Organize the article and individual paragraphs (apart from the introduction and conclusion) using the deduction-and-summary method. Conclude the article with a summary of the key points discussed.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text formatted as an article?", "Does the generated article delve into the significance of arts education?", "Is the length of the generated article within the range of 350-500 words?", "Does the generated article commence with an introduction that provides an overview of the importance of arts education?", "Does the generated article elaborate on three distinct arguments that underscore the importance of arts education?", "Does the generated article provide an example for each of the three main arguments?", "Is the organization of the article and the structure of individual paragraphs (excluding the introduction and conclusion) in line with the deduction-and-summary method?", "Does the generated article conclude by summarizing the key points discussed throughout?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Number"], ["Format", "Content"], ["Format", "Number", "Content"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Format"], ["Format", "Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_170", "input": "", "category": "Lifestyle and Leisure: Family and Relationships", "instruction": "Write a respectful obituary within 200 words that includes the deceased's name, age, date of passing, a brief overview of their accomplishments and contributions, and any surviving family members. Additionally, provide memorial service details.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text an obituary?", "Is the length of the generated obituary constrained to 200 words?", "Does the generated obituary mention the deceased's name, age, and date of passing?", "Does the generated obituary include a concise overview of the deceased's accomplishments and contributions?", "Does the generated obituary reference any surviving family members of the deceased?", "Does the generated obituary provide details about the memorial service?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Number"], ["Content"], ["Content", "Style"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_169", "input": "", "category": "Lifestyle and Leisure: Family and Relationships", "instruction": "Compose heartfelt wedding vows that emphasize the distinct features of your relationship. Incorporate pledges and commitments, common values, and significant stories. Aim for a word count between 100 and 200 words, while keeping a tone of love, devotion, and sincerity.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text serve as wedding vows?", "Do the generated wedding vows highlight the unique aspects of a relationship?", "Do the generated wedding vows incorporate pledges and commitments, shared values, and meaningful stories?", "Is the length of the generated wedding vows between 100 and 200 words?", "Do the generated wedding vows maintain a tone of love, devotion, and sincerity throughout?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Number"], ["Style"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_185", "input": "", "category": "Engineering and Technology: Computer Science", "instruction": "Construct a SQL query to select all columns from a table named 'employees' and sort the results by the 'salary' column in descending order. Limit the result set to 10 rows.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a SQL query?", "Does the generated SQL query correctly select all columns from a table named 'employees'?", "Does the generated SQL query correctly order the results by the 'salary' column in a descending manner?", "Does the generated SQL query appropriately limit the result set to the top 10 rows when sorted by 'salary' in descending order?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_112", "input": "", "category": "Social Sciences: Anthropology", "instruction": "Compose a concise policy proposal outlining methods to safeguard the cultural heritage of indigenous communities while encouraging sustainable development. Include 3 primary suggestions and keep your response between 150 and 200 words.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text take the form of a policy proposal?", "Does the generated text outline methods to protect the cultural heritage of indigenous communities?", "Does the generated text propose strategies for encouraging sustainable development in these communities?", "Are three primary suggestions included in the generated text?", "Does the length of the generated text fall within the range of 150 to 200 words?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Number", "Content"], ["Number"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_245", "input": "\"The new product will be released next month, with a starting price point lower than competitors. Initial distribution will focus on local stores.\"", "category": "Business and Economics: Marketing", "instruction": "Given the following text about a product launch, please provide annotations or comments on any unclear or ambiguous parts and limit each annotation or comment to 15 words.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include some annotations or comments?", "Are the generated annotations or comments about the product launch text in the given input?", "Are the generated annotations or comments specifically about the ambiguous parts of the product launch text?", "Is each generated annotation or comment confined to a maximum of 15 words?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content", "Linguistic"], ["Number"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_179", "input": "Hex digit | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | A | B | C | D | E | F\nDecimal value | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15\nBinary value | 0000 | 0001 | 0010 | 0011 | 0100 | 0101 | 0110 | 0111 | 1000 | 1001 | 1010 | 1011 | 1100 | 1101 | 1110 | 1111", "category": "Engineering and Technology: Computer Science", "instruction": "Given the table of hex digit, decimal value, and binary value, perform the following number conversions:\nA. hexadecimal 0x25B9D2 to binary\nB. binary 1010111001001001 to hexadecimal\nC. hexadecimal 0xA8B3D to decimal value\nD. binary 1100100010110110010110 to decimal value\nE. decimal value 983445 to hexadecimal\nF. decimal value 1789 to binary value", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text correctly convert the hexadecimal number 0x25B9D2 into binary according to the table in the given input?", "Does the generated text correctly convert the binary number 1010111001001001 into hexadecimal according to the table in the given input?", "Does the generated text correctly convert the hexadecimal number 0xA8B3D into a decimal value according to the table in the given input?", "Does the generated text correctly convert the binary number 1100100010110110010110 into a decimal value according to the table in the given input?", "Does the generated text correctly convert the decimal number 983445 into hexadecimal according to the table in the given input?", "Does the generated text correctly convert the decimal number 1789 into binary according to the table in the given input?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Number", "Format"], ["Number", "Format"], ["Number", "Format"], ["Number", "Format"], ["Number", "Format"], ["Number", "Format"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_221", "input": "| Year | Product A | Product B | Product C | Product D | Product E | Total Sales | Growth Rate |\n|------|-----------|-----------|-----------|-----------|-----------|-------------|-------------|\n| 2018 | 10,000 | 8,000 | 5,000 | 4,000 | 3,000 | 30,000 | - |\n| 2019 | 12,000 | 9,500 | 6,000 | 5,500 | 3,500 | 36,500 | 21.67% |\n| 2020 | 15,000 | 11,000 | 7,000 | 6,000 | 4,500 | 43,500 | 19.18% |\n| 2021 | 17,500 | 13,500 | 8,500 | 7,500 | 5,000 | 52,000 | 19.54% |\n| 2022 | 20,000 | 15,500 | 10,000 | 9,000 | 6,000 | 60,500 | 16.35% |", "category": "Business and Economics: Information Systems", "instruction": "Generate a title and a description for the following table. The description should include an explanation of the table as a whole and each column individually.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text formatted as a table title and a table description?", "Does the generated table title and description accurately reflect the contents of the table in the given input?", "Does the generated description encompass an explanation of the table in the given input as a whole?", "Does the generated description encompass an explanation of each column in the given table individually?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_177", "input": "", "category": "Engineering and Technology: Electrical Engineering", "instruction": "Create an outline for a scientific paper in the field of Electrical Engineering, including the sections: Title, Abstract, Introduction, Related Work, Methodology, Experiment (with at least a few subsections), Analysis, and Conclusion. For each section or subsection, provide a concise one-sentence description. ", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text adhere to the structure of an outline for a scientific paper?", "Is the context of the generated outline clearly within the field of Electrical Engineering?", "Does the generated outline encompass the specified sections: Title, Abstract, Introduction, Related Work, Methodology, Experiment, Analysis, and Conclusion?", "Within the Experiment section of the generated outline, are there at least a few identifiable subsections?", "Is there a concise one-sentence description provided for each section or subsection in the generated outline?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Format", "Number"], ["Format", "Number", "Style"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_42", "input": "", "category": "Natural Sciences: Mathmatics", "instruction": "Design a table with 4 columns, each containing different patterns (e.g., odd numbers, prime numbers, square numbers, etc.). The table should have a header indicating the name of each pattern.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text take the form of a table?", "Does the generated table consist of exactly 4 columns?", "Does the generated table include a header that clearly specifies the name of the pattern followed by each column (e.g., odd numbers, prime numbers, square numbers, etc.)?", "Does each column in the table accurately adhere to the pattern specified in its respective header?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Number", "Format"], ["Format"], ["Number"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_40", "input": "", "category": "Natural Sciences: Mathmatics", "instruction": "Write a sequence of 8 numbers, of which the number of digits follows the Fibonacci series from the 2nd to 9th term. Each number should be written on a separate line and the number of digits should be indicated at the end of the number.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a sequence of numbers?", "Does the generated sequence contain exactly 8 numbers?", "Is each number in the generated sequence written on a separate line?", "Is the number of digits for each number indicated at the end of each individual number in the sequence?", "Does the number of digits of each number in the sequence correspond with the 2nd to 9th terms of the Fibonacci series?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Number"], ["Format"], ["Format"], ["Number"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_119", "input": "", "category": "Social Sciences: Social Work", "instruction": "Generate three contrasting keywords for each individual, Lilly and John, highlighting their distinct personality traits. Ensure each trait of Lilly contrasts with the corresponding trait of John. Then, propose a suitable social work or volunteer activity tailored to each individual's personality. Explain why these activities are suitable for them, considering their contrasting traits.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include three keywords for each individual, Lilly and John?", "Do the generated keywords highlight Lilly and John's unique personality traits?", "Are the selected personality trait keywords for Lilly and John contrasting, ensuring that each trait of Lilly opposes the corresponding trait of John?", "Does the generated text propose a specific social work or volunteer activity tailored to each individual's personality, based on their unique trait keywords?", "Does the generated text provide a reasonable explanation for why these proposed activities are suitable for Lilly and John, specifically considering their contrasting personality traits?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Number"], ["Content"], ["Linguistic"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_203", "input": "", "category": "Engineering and Technology: Civil Engineering", "instruction": "Explain three innovative techniques presently employed in civil engineering for sustainable construction. Include real-life examples for each technique and discuss their environmental advantages.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text provide explanations of innovative techniques currently used in civil engineering?", "Does the generated text detail three innovative techniques in civil engineering?", "Are the explained innovative techniques focused on sustainable construction?", "Does the generated text provide real-life examples for each of the three explained innovative techniques?", "Does the generated text discuss the environmental advantages of each explained technique used for sustainable construction?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Number", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_44", "input": "123\n456\n789", "category": "Natural Sciences: Cryptography", "instruction": "Generate a unique 9-digit lockscreen pattern using the following grid. Start from the number '1' and end with '5'. Each pattern move should be to a neighboring number, either up, down, left, or right. Connect the sequential numbers using '->'. Every number from 1 to 9 should appear exactly once in the pattern. The pattern should respect the rule that only adjacent numbers can be connected.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text represent a unique 9-digit lock screen pattern (a sequence of numbers using digits from 1-9)?", "Does the generated lock screen pattern begin with the number '1' and conclude with the number '5'?", "In the generated lock screen pattern, does each sequential movement transit to a neighboring number (up, down, left, or right), as dictated by the grid in the given input?", "Are the sequential numbers in the generated pattern connected using '->'?", "Does every single digit from 1 to 9 appear exactly once in the generated lock screen pattern?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Format"], ["Content"], ["Format"], ["Number"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_75", "input": "", "category": "Social Sciences: Political", "instruction": "Please construct a dialogue between two renowned American politicians, highlighting their individual viewpoints on a shared topic or issue. For every line in the dialogue, use an exact sentence from an actual speech or interview given by the politician. Ensure that the dialogue seems smooth and logical, giving an impression that the two politicians are truly engaged in a discussion on the same subject. Each line of the dialogue should be followed by a citation from a trustworthy source to confirm its authenticity.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text constructed as a dialogue between two renowned American politicians?", "Does the dialogue in the generated text highlight the individual viewpoints of the two American politicians on a shared topic or issue?", "Does each line in the dialogue use only an exact sentence from an actual speech or interview given by the respective politician?", "Does the dialogue appear smooth and logical, creating the impression that the two politicians are genuinely engaged in a discussion on the same subject?", "Is each line of the dialogue followed by a citation from a trustworthy source to confirm its authenticity?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Format", "Content"], ["Linguistic"], ["Format", "Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_130", "input": "Sarah is a recent college graduate who just started her first job at a marketing agency. She's been working hard on a big project for weeks, but her boss keeps criticizing her work and making her feel like she's not good enough. Sarah is starting to feel really discouraged and overwhelmed. ", "category": "Lifestyle and Leisure: Personal Development", "instruction": "Provide three pieces of advice for the given scenario. Each piece of advice should begin with a well-known clich\u00e9 or common saying, and these sayings should be enclosed within quotation marks.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include exactly three pieces of advice?", "Do the three pieces of advice in the generated text specifically pertain to the scenario in the given input?", "Does each piece of advice commence with a well-known clich\u00e9 or common saying?", "Are all these clich\u00e9s or common sayings enclosed within quotation marks in each piece of advice?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Number", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Format"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_144", "input": "", "category": "Lifestyle and Leisure: Travel and Tourism", "instruction": "Write a 10-day travel diary of a traveler who stumbles upon the magical world of Middle Earth, created by J.R.R. Tolkien. Each day's entry should chronicle the traveler's extraordinary experiences and encounters with various inhabitants of Middle Earth, including Elves, Men, Dwarves, and even a fleeting glimpse of a giant dragon. The diary should evoke a sense of wonder, convey appreciation for the diverse cultures and creatures, and provide a deepened understanding of this mesmerizing world. Each entry should be engaging and vividly descriptive, enabling readers who have never been to Middle Earth to feel as if they are living the experience alongside the traveler. Remember to include details of the traveler's thoughts and emotions, as well as descriptions of the breathtaking landscapes and magical locations they visit.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text formatted as a travel diary?", "Does the generated travel diary span across exactly 10 days?", "Is the context of the travel diary set in the magical world of Middle Earth, as created by J.R.R. Tolkien?", "Does each day's entry in the diary depict the traveler's extraordinary experiences and encounters with various inhabitants of Middle Earth?", "Are characters: Elves, Men, Dwarves, and a giant dragon featured in the entries?", "Does the diary successfully evoke a sense of wonder, convey an appreciation for the diverse cultures and creatures, and provide a deepened understanding of the world of Middle Earth?", "Are each of the entries engaging, vividly descriptive, and immersive enough to make readers feel as if they are experiencing the journey alongside the traveler?", "Does the generated text include details of the traveler's thoughts and emotions?", "Are there descriptions of the breathtaking landscapes and magical locations that the traveler visits in Middle Earth?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Number"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Style", "Content"], ["Style"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_247", "input": "", "category": "Natural Sciences: Physiscs", "instruction": "Please provide a formula to convert 375 degrees Fahrenheit (\u00b0F) to degrees Celsius (\u00b0C) and calculate the result.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text provide a formula?", "Is the generated formula correct for converting degrees Fahrenheit (\u00b0F) to degrees Celsius (\u00b0C)?", "Does the generated text correctly calculate the resulting degrees Celsius (\u00b0C) from 375 degrees Fahrenheit (\u00b0F)?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Number"], ["Number"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_134", "input": "", "category": "Lifestyle and Leisure: Food and Cooking", "instruction": "Develop a gluten-free 7-day meal plan with daily breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack options. Ensure variety by not repeating any specific food item within the same day and including it no more than three times per week. Each day's meals should comprise a balanced mix of protein, healthy fats, and carbohydrates.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text consist of a meal plan?", "Does the generated meal plan cover a duration of 7 days?", "Is the meal plan that has been generated completely gluten-free?", "Does the generated meal plan include breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack options every day?", "Does the generated meal plan ensure no specific food item is repeated within the same day?", "Does the generated meal plan restrict the inclusion of any specific food item to no more than three times per week?", "In the generated meal plan, does each day's meals include a balanced mix of protein, healthy fats, and carbohydrates?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Number"], ["Content"], ["Format", "Content"], ["Format", "Content"], ["Number"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_72", "input": "", "category": "Natural Sciences: Medical Sciences", "instruction": "Create a consultation dialogue between a patient and a dentist within 8 turns, addressing the patient's dental concerns, discussing possible treatment options, and providing recommendations for oral care.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text structured as a dialogue?", "Does the generated dialogue represent a consultation between a patient and a dentist?", "Does the generated dialogue adhere to the limitation of 8 turns?", "Does the dialogue address the dental concerns of the patient?", "Does the dialogue discuss potential treatment options for the patient's dental issues?", "Does the dialogue offer recommendations for oral care?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Number", "Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_160", "input": "", "category": "Lifestyle and Leisure: Riddle and Puzzle", "instruction": "Design a numerical puzzle that involves a sequence of up to 10 numbers, with one or more missing numbers under 1,000. The sequence should follow a clear pattern or rule. Provide a solution to the puzzle along with an explanation to help people understand the pattern.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text represent a numerical puzzle that is characterized by a sequence of numbers, with at least one or more numbers missing?", "Does the generated numerical puzzle involve a sequence that comprises up to 10 numbers?", "Is there a clear and identifiable pattern or rule that the sequence in the puzzle follows?", "Does the generated text provide a solution to the numerical puzzle?", "Does the generated text provide a cogent explanation of the provided solution that would help people understand the underlying pattern or rule of the numerical puzzle?", "According to the provided solution and rule, are the missing numbers in the sequence all less than 1,000?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Number", "Content"], ["Number"], ["Number"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Number", "Content", "Format"], ["Number"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_174", "input": "-5,-3,-6, 2, 2,-1, 0, 0\n0,-2,-4, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0\n-3, 1, 5, 4,-1,-1, 0, 0\n-3, 1, 2,-1, 0, 0, 0, 0\n-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0\n0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0", "category": "Engineering and Technology: Electrical Engineering", "instruction": "Arranging image components in a \"zigzag\" order is one step of JPEG encoding. Generate the zigzag sequence for the given matrix of image components, following the rules:\n1. Start at the top-left corner and move right.\n2. Move down-left diagonally.\n3. If you reach the left or bottom edge, move down or right, respectively.\n4. Move up-right diagonally.\n5. If you reach the top or right edge, move right or down, respectively.\n6. Repeat steps 2-5 until you reach the bottom-right corner of the matrix.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a sequence of numbers?", "Does the generated number sequence contain the exact same amount of numbers as the image components in the given input?", "Does the generated number sequence represent a rearrangement of the image components in the given input, meaning it includes the same numbers but transforms the 2D image components into a 1D sequence?", "Does the generated number sequence start with the number located at the top-left corner of the input image components?", "Does the generated number sequence end with the number located at the bottom-right corner of the input image components?", "Are the components of the 2D image from the given input correctly arranged into the generated sequence of numbers following the zigzag rules: - Start at the top-left corner and move right. - Move down-left diagonally. - If reaching the left or bottom edge, move down or right, respectively. - Move up-right diagonally. - If reaching the top or right edge, move right or down, respectively. - Repeat these steps until reaching the bottom-right corner of the matrix?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Number"], ["Number", "Format"], ["Format", "Number"], ["Format", "Number"], ["Format", "Number"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_46", "input": "", "category": "Natural Sciences: Cryptography", "instruction": "First, create a sentence with three distinct words. Then, translate each unique letter of the sentence into Morse code. Provide a table containing the Morse code representation of each individual letter from the sentence, ensuring that no letter and its corresponding Morse code appear more than once in the table.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include a sentence comprised of three unique words?", "Does the generated text translate each unique letter from the sentence into Morse code?", "Does the generated text present a table showcasing the Morse code representation of each unique letter from the sentence?", "Does the table generated in the text ensure that each letter and its corresponding Morse code are represented only once?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Number", "Linguistic"], ["Format", "Linguistic"], ["Format", "Linguistic"], ["Number", "Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_24", "input": "", "category": "Lifestyle and Leisure: Game", "instruction": "In the Matching Game, your objective is to clear a 10x10 grid by matching pairs of identical items. The grid contains 5 distinct item types (A, B, C, D, and E) and some blank cells (#). Additionally, the grid will have row and column numbers (from 1 to 10). At least half the grid cells should be occupied by items. To remove a pair of items, they must be of the same type and you must identify a path connecting them that only moves up, down, left, or right, passing exclusively through blank cells. Create a grid that ensures the inclusion of at least one valid pair of matching items that can be eliminated. In the given grid, locate and eliminate the first valid pair of matching items by indicating the row and column of each item and describing the connecting path between them.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include a 10x10 grid?", "Does the generated grid contain 5 distinct item types (A, B, C, D, and E) as well as some blank cells (#)?", "Are there row and column numbers from 1 to 10 in the generated grid?", "Are at least half of the cells in the generated grid occupied by items?", "Does the generated grid include at least one valid pair of matching items that can be eliminated? (A valid pair refers to two items of the same type that can be connected by a path moving up, down, left, or right, passing only through blank cells.)", "Does the generated text clearly indicate a valid pair of matching items by specifying the row and column of each item?", "Does the generated text accurately describe the connecting path between the selected pair of matching items?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Number"], ["Content"], ["Format", "Number"], ["Number"], ["Content", "Number"], ["Format", "Content"], ["Format", "Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_235", "input": "", "category": "Office and Work: Event Planning", "instruction": "Compose an invitation and agenda for a corporate networking event centered around sustainable business practices. Incorporate specifics such as date, time, venue, and guest speakers. Design an agenda consisting of at least 5 activities, with a maximum of two taking place in the afternoon.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text compose an invitation and agenda?", "Is the generated invitation and agenda specifically designed for a corporate networking event?", "Does the generated invitation and agenda indicate that the corporate networking event is centered around sustainable business practices?", "Does the generated invitation and agenda incorporate specific details such as date, time, venue, and guest speakers?", "Does the generated agenda consist of at least 5 activities?", "Does the generated agenda indicate that a maximum of two activities are taking place in the afternoon?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Number", "Content"], ["Number", "Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_199", "input": "", "category": "Natural Sciences: Environmental Engineering", "instruction": "Provide a one-sentence summary of the concept of sustainability, arranging all words in order of the English alphabet.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text succinctly encapsulate the concept of sustainability?", "Is the generated summary of sustainability confined to a single sentence?", "Are all words in the generated one-sentence summary of sustainability arranged according to the English alphabetical order?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Style"], ["Number", "Format"], ["Linguistic", "Format"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_140", "input": "", "category": "Lifestyle and Leisure: Hobbies and Crafts", "instruction": "Write a step-by-step tutorial (200-300 words) on how to create a unique and eye-catching scrapbook layout. Include a list of required materials, techniques, and tips for beginners. Focus on clear and concise instructions that are easy for hobbyists of all skill levels to follow.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text follow a step-by-step tutorial format?", "Does the generated step-by-step tutorial fall within the word count of 200-300 words?", "Is the topic of the generated step-by-step tutorial centered on creating a unique and eye-catching scrapbook layout?", "Does the generated text incorporate a list of necessary materials, techniques, and beginner-friendly tips?", "Are the instructions in the generated step-by-step tutorial clear, concise, and easy to follow for hobbyists of all skill levels?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Number"], ["Content"], ["Format", "Content"], ["Style"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_181", "input": "", "category": "Engineering and Technology: Computer Science", "instruction": "Please create a CSV file with five columns and eight rows. The columns should be titled \"Name\", \"Age\", \"City\", \"Occupation\", and \"Birth Year\", each separated by a semicolon (;). Generate eight rows of data adhering to the following criteria:\n\n1. \"Name\": Ensure to use all uppercase letters for each name.\n2. \"Age\": Make sure the ages range between 18 and 65.\n3. \"Birth Year\": The birth year should correspond to the age, given the current year is 2023.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text in the format of a CSV file?", "Does the generated CSV file consist of five columns and eight rows?", "Are the columns in the generated CSV file titled \"Name\", \"Age\", \"City\", \"Occupation\", and \"Birth Year\"?", "Are the titles of the columns in the generated CSV file separated by a semicolon (;)?", "In the generated CSV file, are all the entries under the \"Name\" column written in uppercase letters?", "In the generated CSV file, do the entries under the \"Age\" column range between 18 and 65?", "In the generated CSV file, do the entries under the \"Birth Year\" column correctly correspond to the age of the individuals, considering the current year is 2023?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Number", "Format"], ["Format"], ["Format"], ["Linguistic"], ["Number"], ["Number"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_94", "input": "Literature provides us with a window into the human experience, allowing us to explore and understand the world around us. It can be used to inspire, inform, and entertain, and its power to move us is undeniable.", "category": "Social Sciences: Language", "instruction": "Translate the following text into three languages, one of which should be Chinese. Separate each translation with a dotted line. Begin each translation with a bullet point and the targeted langauge in parentheses.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include translations in three different languages?", "Do the generated translations in the three languages accurately reflect the original text in the given input?", "Is one of the generated translations in the Chinese language?", "Is each translation separated by a dotted line in the generated text?", "Does each translation in the generated text start with a bullet point?", "Does each translation start with the respective target language indicated in parentheses right after the bullet point?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Number", "Linguistic"], ["Linguistic"], ["Linguistic"], ["Format"], ["Format"], ["Format"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_107", "input": "", "category": "Social Sciences: Law and Criminology", "instruction": "Please generate a divorce settlement agreement between John Smith and Jane Smith who were married on January 1, 2010. They've been married for 13 years and have one child. The division of assets and liabilities should be equal. \n\nIn the agreement, include the following five details: \n\n1. The age of their child\n2. The employment and income status of each parent\n3. The education level of each parent\n4. Future earning capacities of each parent\n5. Any marital misconduct that may have occurred\n\nFrom these five details, select three that support Jane Smith as the primary custodian of the child, and two that support John Smith. Your choices should be justified with valid explanations and reasoning.\n\nAlso include in the agreement terms related to child custody, visitation rights, and child support arrangements.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text represent a divorce settlement agreement?", "Does the generated divorce settlement agreement involve John Smith and Jane Smith?", "Does the agreement indicate that John Smith and Jane Smith were married on January 1, 2010, have been married for 13 years, and have one child?", "Does the agreement stipulate an equal division of assets and liabilities?", "Does the agreement include details regarding the age of their child?", "Does the agreement detail the employment and income status of each parent?", "Does the agreement include information about the education level of each parent?", "Does the agreement discuss the future earning capacities of each parent?", "Does the agreement shed light on any marital misconduct that may have occurred?", "From these details, does the agreement present three points supporting Jane Smith as the primary custodian of the child?", "From these details, does the agreement present two points supporting John Smith in the custody arrangement?", "Are the choices for custodial support justified with valid explanations and reasoning in the agreement?", "Does the agreement include terms related to child custody, visitation rights, and child support arrangements?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content", "Number"], ["Content", "Number"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_217", "input": "", "category": "Business and Economics: Business Administration", "instruction": "Create an LLC operating agreement for a company called 'GreenTech Solutions LLC', which is a renewable energy business registered in New York. The agreement should have sections covering initial capital contributions, ownership percentages, management structure, procedures for adding new members, rules for transferring membership interests, and steps for dissolving the LLC.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text an LLC operating agreement for 'GreenTech Solutions LLC'?", "Is 'GreenTech Solutions LLC' specified in the generated agreement as a renewable energy business registered in New York?", "Does the generated agreement have a section covering initial capital contributions?", "Does the generated agreement include a section on ownership percentages?", "Does the generated agreement outline a management structure?", "Does the generated agreement detail procedures for adding new members?", "Does the generated agreement include rules for transferring membership interests?", "Does the generated agreement specify steps for dissolving the LLC?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_97", "input": "", "category": "Social Sciences: Language", "instruction": "Generate a list of 20 English words that you need to learn in 10 days. Plan to learn 5 new words each day for the first four days. Each day's word list will include both new words and words to review. According to Ebbinghaus's Forgetting Curve, you should review words on the 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 7th days after learning them. For example, words learned on Day 1 should be reviewed on Days 2, 3, 5, and 8. Now, generate the word list for each of the 10 days, with each day's list preceded by the title \"DAY\" and the day's number.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text consist of a list of English words?", "Does the generated text comprise a 10-day English words learning plan, with each day specified for certain words to learn?", "Are there 20 unique English words included in the generated learning plan?", "Does each day's list in the generated learning plan start with the title \"DAY\" followed by the corresponding day number?", "Does the generated learning plan allocate 5 new words to learn for each of the first four days?", "Does each day's list in the generated learning plan contain both new words to learn and previously learned words for review?", "In the generated learning plan, are the words to be reviewed correctly scheduled following Ebbinghaus's Forgetting Curve, i.e., reviewing words on the 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 7th days after initially learning them (for instance, words learned on Day 1 are reviewed on Days 2, 3, 5, and 8)?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Linguistic"], ["Format", "Number"], ["Linguistic", "Number"], ["Format"], ["Number", "Format"], ["Format", "Content"], ["Number", "Format"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_15", "input": "", "category": "Arts: Music", "instruction": "Compose a love song exclusively using the second person perspective. It should include four verses and one chorus. The verses should each contain three lines, with the first line of each verse being a question and the following two lines being statements. One of the verses should be written entirely in the subjunctive mood. The chorus should consist of more than three lines and must rhyme.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a love song?", "Is the perspective used in the generated love song exclusively the second person?", "Does the generated love song contain four verses and one chorus?", "Does each verse in the generated love song contain three lines?", "In each verse of the generated love song, is the first line a question and the following two lines statements?", "In the generated love song, is one of the verses written entirely in the subjunctive mood?", "Does the chorus in the generated love song consist of more than three lines?", "Does the chorus of the generated love song rhyme?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Linguistic"], ["Format", "Number"], ["Number", "Format"], ["Linguistic", "Number", "Format"], ["Linguistic"], ["Number", "Format"], ["Linguistic"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_207", "input": "", "category": "Business and Economics: Marketing", "instruction": "Create a catchy, under-8-word slogan for a vegan food delivery service highlighting convenience and tasty plant-based meals.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a slogan for a vegan food delivery service?", "Does the generated slogan fit within an 8-word limit?", "Does the slogan effectively highlight the convenience and tastiness of plant-based meals?", "Does the generated slogan possess a catchy quality?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Number"], ["Content"], ["Style"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_96", "input": "", "category": "Social Sciences: Language", "instruction": "Write a daily conversation between two individuals, where one person speaks only English, and the other person speaks only Chinese. However, they can still understand each other's language. The conversation should flow smoothly despite the two languages being used. ", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text depict a daily conversation between two individuals?", "In the generated conversation, does one individual communicate solely in English?", "Does the other individual in the generated conversation communicate exclusively in Chinese?", "Despite using two different languages, does the conversation flow smoothly, reflecting the understanding of each other's language by the two individuals?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Linguistic"], ["Linguistic"], ["Linguistic"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_4", "input": "", "category": "Arts: Literature", "instruction": "Write a fourteen-line poem in the style of William Shakespeare expressing love for life. The rhyme scheme should be ababcdcdefefgg, meaning the first twelve lines should alternate rhyme and the last two lines should rhyme.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a fourteen-line poem?", "Does the generated poem adhere to the style of William Shakespeare?", "Does the generated poem express a love for life?", "Does the rhyme scheme of the generated poem follow the pattern ababcdcdefefgg, with the first twelve lines alternating rhymes and the final two lines sharing a rhyme?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Number"], ["Style"], ["Content"], ["Linguistic", "Number", "Format"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_128", "input": "", "category": "Lifestyle and Leisure: Personal Development", "instruction": "Develop an outline for a self-help book that aims to assist readers in conquering procrastination. The outline must comprise chapter headings and a brief one-sentence summary of each chapter's content. The book should consist of 6-10 chapters. Each chapter heading should contain a word that includes the letter 'z' and a word that begins with the letter 'a'.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text an outline for a self-help book?", "Does the generated outline convey that the self-help book aims to assist readers in conquering procrastination?", "Does the generated outline comprise chapter headings and a brief one-sentence summary for each chapter's content?", "Does the generated outline show that the book consists of between 6-10 chapters?", "In the generated outline, does each chapter heading contain a word that includes the letter 'z' and a word that begins with the letter 'a'?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Format", "Content", "Number"], ["Number", "Format"], ["Linguistic"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_226", "input": "", "category": "Business and Economics: Human Resources", "instruction": "Compose a HR policy that details the guidelines for remote work, incorporating aspects such as communication expectations, work hours, and methods for assessing performance. Additionally, discuss potential challenges remote employees may face and propose solutions to address them.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text formatted as an HR policy?", "Does the generated HR policy detail the guidelines for remote work?", "Does the generated HR policy incorporate aspects such as communication expectations, work hours, and methods for assessing performance?", "Does the generated HR policy discuss potential challenges that remote employees may face?", "Does the generated HR policy propose solutions to address the potential challenges that remote employees may face?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_123", "input": "", "category": "Social Sciences: News and Media", "instruction": "Compose a fictional news article that narrates a significant scientific breakthrough. Make sure to describe the discovery in simple, layman's terms to make it easily understandable. Also, include an analysis of the potential societal impact of this discovery. Incorporate two imagined expert opinions or statements, which should be clearly identified within square brackets [ ].", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text structured as a fictional news article?", "Does the generated text narrate a significant, fictional scientific breakthrough?", "Does the generated news article describe the breakthrough in simple, layman's terms to make it easily understandable?", "Does the generated news article include an analysis of the potential societal impact of this fictional scientific discovery?", "Does the generated news article incorporate two imagined expert opinions or statements?", "In the generated news article, are the two imagined expert opinions or statements clearly identified within square brackets [ ]?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Style"], ["Content"], ["Content", "Number"], ["Format"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_90", "input": "", "category": "Social Sciences: Philosophy", "instruction": "Generate a dialogue that involves two philosophers debating the ethical implications of artificial intelligence. Make sure that each philosopher's statement contradicts the preceding statement and introduces a fresh viewpoint. The discussion must contain a minimum of six exchanges in total (three each person). Ensure that their arguments are thoughtfully crafted and reference appropriate philosophical theories and perspectives.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text take the form of a dialogue?", "In the generated dialogue, are two philosophers engaged in a debate about the ethical implications of artificial intelligence?", "Within the generated dialogue, does each statement from the philosophers contradict the preceding statement while also introducing a fresh viewpoint?", "Does the generated dialogue consist of a minimum of six exchanges in total, with each philosopher contributing at least three times?", "Are the philosophers' arguments in the generated dialogue not only thoughtfully crafted, but also inclusive of appropriate philosophical theories and perspectives?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Linguistic", "Content", "Style"], ["Number", "Format"], ["Style", "Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_124", "input": "", "category": "Social Sciences: News and Media", "instruction": "Compose a 300-word news article envisioning technological advancements and their influence on human life 50 years into the future. Exaggerate and use hyperbole as the main technique to describe these developments and their consequences, generating a striking and stimulating portrayal of the future that stretches the limits of one's imagination.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the text generated in the format of a news article?", "Does the generated news article envision technological advancements and their consequential impact on human life in a future timeframe of 50 years?", "Is the word count of the generated news article approximately around 300 words?", "Does the generated news article employ exaggeration and hyperbole as dominant literary techniques to illustrate these technological developments and their subsequent effects?", "Does the fabricated news article create an exceptional and stimulating depiction of the future that effectively stretches the boundaries of one's imagination?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Number"], ["Linguistic", "Content"], ["Style", "Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_25", "input": "A K W A K\n# # # # #\n# # # # #\n# # # # #\nW A K A W", "category": "Lifestyle and Leisure: Game", "instruction": "In the Board Game Strategy Challenge, you are playing a simplified version of a strategy board game against an opponent. The game consists of a 5x5 grid, and you have three types of units: Knights (K), Archers (A), and Wizards (W). Each type of unit has specific movement and attack patterns. Your objective is to eliminate all of your opponent's units. Given the initial grid state in the input, your units are on the bottom row (W A K A W), and your opponent's units are on the top row (A K W A K). Your goal is to design specific movement and attack patterns for each type of unit, and then, based on the current grid state and rules you designed, describe your next move and show the grid after your move.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text provide a specific design for the movement and attack patterns for each type of unit?", "Does the generated text describe the next move?", "Is the next move based on the current grid state and the rules designed in the generated text?", "Does the generated text illustrate an updated grid?", "Is the updated grid correct after implementing the described move according to the current grid state and the rules designed?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Format", "Content"], ["Content", "Format"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_98", "input": "", "category": "Social Sciences: Language", "instruction": "Generate two palindromic sentences, one in English and the other in Chinese. Each sentence should be on a separate line and convey a clear, understandable meaning.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include two sentences?", "Are the two generated sentences palindromic?", "Is one of the generated sentences in English and the other in Chinese?", "Is each sentence presented on a separate line?", "Does each sentence convey a clear, understandable meaning?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Number"], ["Linguistic"], ["Linguistic"], ["Format"], ["Linguistic"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_54", "input": "", "category": "Natural Sciences: Logic", "instruction": "Create an original proposition and place it on the first line without enclosing it in quotation marks. Follow the original proposition with a single blank line. Then, generate its inverse, converse, and negation propositions. Place these three propositions on separate lines without any blank lines in between them. Each of these propositions should be enclosed within quotation marks. Prior to each proposition, specify the type it belongs to (i.e., 'Inverse', 'Converse', 'Negation'), but do not enclose this indication within quotation marks.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is there an original proposition included in the generated text?", "Is the original proposition placed on the first line without being enclosed in quotation marks?", "Is there a single blank line following the original proposition in the generated text?", "Does the generated text contain three separate propositions following the original proposition, without any blank lines between them?", "Do these three propositions accurately represent the inverse, converse, and negation of the original proposition?", "Are the three propositions (inverse, converse, and negation) enclosed within quotation marks?", "In the generated text, is the type of each proposition (i.e., 'Inverse', 'Converse', 'Negation') specified prior to the proposition itself, without this indication being enclosed in quotation marks?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Format"], ["Format"], ["Format", "Number", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Format"], ["Format", "Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_182", "input": "", "category": "Engineering and Technology: Computer Science", "instruction": "Generate an XML file with a list of 6 movies, using the following tags: , , <Director>, <ReleaseYear>, and <Genre>. Make sure the movies listed are real, and the information provided is accurate.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text in the form of an XML file?", "Does the generated XML file contain a list of 6 distinct movies?", "Does the generated XML file utilize the specific tags: <Movie>, <Title>, <Director>, <ReleaseYear>, and <Genre>?", "Are the movies listed and the information provided in the generated text real and accurate?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Number", "Content"], ["Format", "Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_168", "input": "", "category": "Lifestyle and Leisure: Family and Relationships", "instruction": "Craft a warm and heartfelt message suitable for a greeting card. The occasion could be a birthday, anniversary, or holiday. Include either a relevant quote or a piece of poetry, but not both simultaneously. Ensure the total word count is less than 80 words to fit within a standard greeting card's space.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a message for a greeting card?", "Does the generated message convey a warm and heartfelt sentiment?", "Does the generated message incorporate either a relevant quote or a piece of poetry, but not both?", "Is the total word count of the generated message less than 80 words, suitable for a standard greeting card's space?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Style"], ["Format", "Content"], ["Number", "Format"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_125", "input": "", "category": "Social Sciences: News and Media", "instruction": "Create a travelogue video script for a one-week journey through the Italian countryside, focusing on cultural experiences, culinary delights, and historical sites. The script should be organized into daily segments, and the language used should be casual and conversational. Keep in mind that the video will be published on YouTube and should cater to a diverse audience of all age groups. Make sure to provide a friendly and engaging tone throughout the script.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text formatted as a travelogue video script?", "Does the generated travelogue video script cover a one-week journey through the Italian countryside?", "Does the script highlight cultural experiences, culinary delights, and historical sites in Italy?", "Is the travelogue video script organized into separate segments for each day of the journey?", "Does the generated travelogue video script use casual, conversational language?", "Is the generated travelogue video script suitable and engaging for a diverse audience of all age groups?", "Does the generated travelogue video script maintain a friendly and engaging tone throughout?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Content", "Number"], ["Content"], ["Format"], ["Style"], ["Style"], ["Style"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_172", "input": "", "category": "Lifestyle and Leisure: Family and Relationships", "instruction": "Compose a heartfelt condolence message for someone who has recently lost a loved one. Start by expressing your deepest sympathies, and share a personal memory that highlights the positive qualities of the deceased. Offer words of comfort and support within a 100-150 word limit, and conclude by reiterating your support and condolences.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a condolence message intended for someone who has recently lost a loved one?", "Does the generated condolence message start by expressing deep sympathies?", "Does the condolence message include a personal memory that highlights the positive qualities of the deceased?", "Does the condolence message offer heartfelt words of comfort and support?", "Is the generated condolence message within the word limit of 100-150 words?", "Does the condolence message conclude by reiterating your support and offering condolences again?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Style", "Format"], ["Content", "Style"], ["Content", "Style"], ["Number"], ["Style", "Format"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_62", "input": "", "category": "Natural Sciences: Geography", "instruction": "Design a multiple-choice quiz consisting of 10 questions, each focused on world geography. For each question, provide four potential answer choices. Make sure that the phrasing of all questions and answer options is clear and concise.\n\nAdditionally, produce a corresponding answer key for the quiz. Also establish a scoring system for this quiz.\n\nFollowing this, generate imaginary responses from three different students to these questions. Based on these responses, calculate and provide the individual scores for each student.\n\nCalculate the average score and the standard deviation of these three scores. The calculated average score should be equivalent to the score received for answering exactly half of the questions correctly.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include a multiple-choice quiz?", "Does the generated quiz consist of 10 questions, each with four potential answer choices?", "Does each question in the generated quiz focus on world geography?", "Is the phrasing of all questions and answer options in the generated quiz clear and concise?", "Does the generated text provide a corresponding answer key for the quiz?", "Does the generated text establish a scoring system for the quiz?", "Does the generated text include imaginary responses from three different students to these questions?", "Based on these responses, does the generated text calculate and provide the individual scores for each student?", "Based on the scoring system and the individual responses, are the individual scores for each student calculated correctly?", "Does the generated text calculate the average score and the standard deviation of the scores from the three students?", "Do the average score and the standard deviation calculated correctly for the scores from the three students?", "Is the calculated average score equivalent to the score received for answering exactly half of the questions correctly in the quiz?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Format", "Number"], ["Content"], ["Style"], ["Format", "Content"], ["Format", "Content"], ["Content", "Number", "Format"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Number"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Number"], ["Number"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_18", "input": "", "category": "Arts: Dancing", "instruction": "Create a dance routine consisting of 8-10 different moves that incorporate various elements of the body. The routine should include at least two distinct arm movements and two distinct leg movements and two head movements. Provide a brief description of each move and specify the duration of each, so that the entire routine lasts approximately 4 minutes. ", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a dance routine?", "Does the generated dance routine consist of 8-10 different moves?", "Does the generated routine incorporate various elements of the body, including at least two distinct arm movements, two distinct leg movements, and two head movements?", "Does the generated text provide a brief description of each move?", "Does the generated text specify the duration of each move?", "Does the entire generated routine last approximately 4 minutes based on the specified duration of each move?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Number", "Content"], ["Number", "Content"], ["Content", "Style", "Format"], ["Format", "Content"], ["Number"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_164", "input": "", "category": "Lifestyle and Leisure: Family and Relationships", "instruction": "Develop a detailed fictional family tree containing at least 12 family members spanning four generations. Include each family member's full names, birth dates, and occupations, as well as the relationships they share with other family members. Each couple in the family tree should have no more than two children. ", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a fictional family tree?", "Does the generated family tree contain at least 12 family members?", "Does the generated family tree span four generations?", "Does the generated family tree include each family member's full names, birth dates, and occupations?", "Does the generated family tree include the relationships each family member shares with others in the tree?", "In the generated family tree, does each couple have no more than two children?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Number", "Content"], ["Number", "Format"], ["Content"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Number", "Format"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_122", "input": "", "category": "Social Sciences: News and Media", "instruction": "Create three 'breaking news' Tweets in sequence that report on the launch of the first fully self-sustaining colony on Mars. Each Tweet should:\n\n1. Begin with the phrase \"BREAKING NEWS\".\n2. Build upon the information provided in the previous Tweet.\n3. Generate suspense and interest within the Twitter character limit.\n4. Include at least one relevant hashtag.\n5. Incorporate a specific time or timeframe reference.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include a sequence of three Tweets?", "Does the generated sequence of Tweets report on the launch of the first fully self-sustaining colony on Mars?", "Does each Tweet begin with the phrase \"BREAKING NEWS\"?", "Does each Tweet build upon the information provided in the previous Tweet?", "Does each Tweet generate suspense and interest while adhering to the Twitter character limit?", "Does each Tweet include at least one relevant hashtag?", "Does each Tweet incorporate a specific time or timeframe reference?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Number", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Format"], ["Linguistic", "Content"], ["Style", "Number"], ["Format", "Number", "Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_88", "input": "", "category": "Social Sciences: Archaeology", "instruction": "Assume the role of an archaeologist who has discovered a prehistoric cave on the planet of Avatar. Write an archaeological site report of a maximum of 400 words, detailing evidence of ancient habitation. This evidence should include descriptions of tools, fire pits, and artwork found in the cave.\n\nEnsure your writing is clear, concise, and tailored for a professional audience. Cite a minimum of five ficticious relevant academic or professional sources in your report to substantiate your findings. Each citation should be represented within the text by a number enclosed in square brackets [], corresponding to the reference in the bibliography at the end of the report.\n\nNote that the bibliography will not be included in the word count. Please strictly adhere to this system of bibliographic referencing, with each referenced source appearing in the report text as its assigned number within square brackets. Confirm that every reference listed in the bibliography is used within the report and that their corresponding numbers are correctly placed within square brackets in the report.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text in the form of an archaeological site report?", "Does the generated archaeological site report not exceed 400 words, excluding the bibliography?", "Is the generated archaeological site report based on a prehistoric cave discovered on the planet of Avatar?", "Does the generated archaeological site report provide detailed evidence of ancient habitation?", "Do the evidence detailed in the generated archaeological site report include descriptions of tools, fire pits, and artwork found in the cave?", "Is the writing style of the generated archaeological site report clear, concise, and suited for a professional audience?", "Does the generated archaeological site report cite at least five fictitious but relevant academic or professional sources to substantiate the findings?", "In the generated archaeological site report, are all citations represented within the text by a number enclosed in square brackets []?", "In the generated archaeological site report, does each citation in the text correspond to the reference listed in the bibliography at the end of the report?", "Does the citation system in the generated archaeological site report strictly adhere to the given bibliographic referencing format, with each source referenced in the text appearing as its assigned number within square brackets?", "In the generated archaeological site report, is it ensured that every source listed in the bibliography is used within the report text, and that their corresponding numbers are accurately placed within square brackets in the report?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Number"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Style"], ["Content", "Number"], ["Format"], ["Format", "Content"], ["Format"], ["Format"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_229", "input": "", "category": "Office and Work: Job Recruitment", "instruction": "Compose a cover letter consisting of 250-300 words, structured in four distinct paragraphs, each covering a specific topic. In the first paragraph, introduce yourself and mention the position you are applying for. The second paragraph should highlight your qualifications, while the third should illustrate how your values and goals align with the company. Conclude with a call to action in the fourth paragraph. Utilize action verbs in every sentence of the second paragraph to make it dynamic and persuasive. Incorporate quantifiable achievements to strengthen your statements. Ensure you mention the company's name at least once and maintain a professional tone throughout the letter.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a cover letter?", "Does the generated cover letter consist of 250-300 words?", "Is the generated cover letter structured into four distinct paragraphs, each addressing a unique topic?", "In the generated cover letter, does the first paragraph introduce the candidate and mention the position they are applying for?", "Does the second paragraph of the generated cover letter highlight the candidate's qualifications?", "Does the third paragraph of the generated cover letter illustrate how the candidate's values and goals align with the company?", "Does the fourth paragraph of the generated cover letter conclude with a call to action?", "Does the generated cover letter utilize action verbs in every sentence of the second paragraph, creating a dynamic and persuasive tone?", "Does the generated cover letter incorporate quantifiable achievements to bolster the candidate's assertions?", "Does the generated cover letter mention the company's name at least once?", "Does the generated cover letter maintain a professional tone throughout the text?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Number"], ["Format"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Linguistic", "Style"], ["Content", "Linguistic"], ["Content", "Number"], ["Style"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_111", "input": "", "category": "Social Sciences: Law and Criminology", "instruction": "Design an activity waiver form for an adult obstacle course event organized by Adventure Park. The language should be clear and concise, limiting legal jargon to ensure easy understanding for participants. List individual risks and potential injuries with sections for participants to acknowledge and assume these risks, release liability, provide indemnification, and authorize medical treatment. The form should include space for emergency contact information, and a health declaration. Ensure that it has space for signature and date, stating that signing signifies understanding and agreement. ", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text serve as an activity waiver form?", "Is the generated waiver form specifically designed for an adult obstacle course event organized by Adventure Park?", "Is the language used in the generated waiver form clear and concise?", "Does the generated waiver form limit the use of legal jargon to ensure it is easily understandable by participants?", "Does the generated waiver form list out individual risks and potential injuries, with sections for participants to acknowledge and assume these risks?", "Does the generated waiver form include clauses to release liability, provide indemnification, and authorize medical treatment?", "Does the generated waiver form include space for emergency contact information and a health declaration?", "Does the generated waiver form provide space for a signature and date, with a statement that signing signifies the participant's understanding and agreement?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Style"], ["Style", "Linguistic"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Content"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Format", "Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_129", "input": "", "category": "Lifestyle and Leisure: Personal Development", "instruction": "Construct a daily schedule starting from 8:00 AM and ending at 11:00 PM in 12-hour format. The schedule must incorporate eight hours of work, with a break for 10 to 20 minutes after each hour of continuous work. Also, include one hour for physical exercise. Allocate 30 minutes for breakfast, 1 hour for lunch, and 1.5 hours for dinner. Following dinner, designate time for evening recreation activities such as watching movies or reading novels.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text structured as a daily schedule?", "Does the generated daily schedule start at 8:00 AM and end at 11:00 PM?", "Is the generated daily schedule displayed in a 12-hour format?", "Does the generated daily schedule incorporate eight hours of work?", "Does the generated daily schedule include a 10 to 20 minute break after each hour of continuous work?", "Does the generated daily schedule include one hour allocated for physical exercise?", "Does the generated daily schedule allocate 30 minutes for breakfast, 1 hour for lunch, and 1.5 hours for dinner?", "Does the generated daily schedule designate time for evening recreation activities such as watching movies or reading novels after dinner?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content", "Number"], ["Format"], ["Content", "Number"], ["Content", "Number"], ["Content", "Number"], ["Content", "Number"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_22", "input": "", "category": "Arts: sculpture", "instruction": "Develop an exhibition catalog for a sculpture exhibition displaying the works of 5 renowned sculptors. Limit each sculptor's biography and artwork description to 50 words, and highlight their mastery of different materials and techniques.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text formatted as an exhibition catalog for a sculpture exhibition?", "Does the generated exhibition catalog showcase the works of 5 renowned sculptors?", "Does the generated text include each sculptor's biography and artwork description?", "Is each sculptor's biography and artwork description in the generated exhibition catalog limited to 50 words?", "Does the generated exhibition catalog highlight each sculptor's mastery of different materials and techniques?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Content", "Number"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Number"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_214", "input": "", "category": "Business and Economics: Business Administration", "instruction": "Compose a business contract between ABC Company, represented by Jane Smith, and XYZ Company, represented by John Wilson, for a website design project. The contract should include a project scope of creating a 5-page website, a payment schedule of 50% upfront and 50% upon completion, and a deadline of 60 days for project completion. Include a confidentiality clause and specify that the governing law will be the laws of the State of California.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a business contract for a website design project?", "Is the generated business contract between ABC Company, represented by Jane Smith, and XYZ Company, represented by John Wilson?", "Does the generated business contract specify a project scope of creating a 5-page website?", "Does the generated business contract define a payment schedule of 50% upfront and 50% upon completion?", "Does the generated business contract set a deadline of 60 days for project completion?", "Does the generated business contract include a confidentiality clause and specify that the governing law will be the laws of the State of California?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_86", "input": "", "category": "Social Sciences: Education and Pedagogy", "instruction": "Create a diploma template incorporating the institution's name and a text description representing its logo. Include the word \"Diploma\" or \"Certificate,\" the recipient's name, and the specific degree or certificate obtained. Also, provide designated spaces for the date and signatures using placeholders, such as [date] and [signatures]. Ensure a minimalistic design and a uniform layout throughout the template.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text following the format of a diploma template?", "Does the generated diploma template incorporate the institution's name along with a text description that represents its logo?", "Does the generated diploma template include essential elements such as the word \"Diploma\" or \"Certificate,\" the recipient's name, and the specific degree or certificate obtained?", "In the generated diploma template, are there designated spaces for the date and signatures, represented by placeholders such as [date] and [signatures]?", "Does the generated diploma template ensure a minimalistic design and maintain a uniform layout throughout the template?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Format", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Format"], ["Style"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_188", "input": "", "category": "Engineering and Technology: Software Engineering", "instruction": "Please design a C program that follows the requirements below:\n\n1. The program should include at least one function (besides the main function) that performs an operation on a given input.\n2. All variable and function names in the program should use English characters and follow standard C naming conventions (camelCase or snake_case).\n3. Hide a secret message \"this is a secret message\" within the variable names in the program. Variable names should maintain a reasonable length.\n5. The program should include comments to explain the key parts of the code.\n6. Provide an input and its expected output to verify the correctness of the program.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a C program?", "Does the generated program include at least one function (apart from the main function) that performs operations on a given input?", "In the generated program, do all variable and function names use English characters and adhere to standard C naming conventions, i.e., camelCase or snake_case?", "Is the secret message \"this is a secret message\" subtly embedded within the variable names in the generated program?", "Do all variable names in the generated program maintain a reasonable length, without becoming excessively long?", "Does the generated program include explanatory comments that clarify the key aspects of the code?", "Does the generated program provide a specific input and the corresponding expected output to demonstrate its correctness and functionality?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Linguistic"], ["Content", "Number"], ["Linguistic"], ["Linguistic", "Content"], ["Linguistic"], ["Content"], ["Content", "Format"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_38", "input": "", "category": "Natural Sciences: Mathmatics", "instruction": "Generate a list of four random numbers, and then select three of them to determine if they can form a triangle. If any of the three numbers are unable to create a triangle, provide an explanation. Otherwise, present all possible combinations without repeats that can form a triangle.", "decomposed_questions": ["Has the generated text included a list of four random numbers?", "Has the generated text chosen and evaluated three out of the four random numbers to ascertain if they could form a triangle?", "In cases where any of the three numbers cannot constitute a triangle, has the generated text offered an explanation for this? Alternatively, if there are three numbers that can form a triangle, has the generated text listed all possible unique combinations that could form a triangle?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Number", "Content"], ["Content", "Number"], ["Format", "Number"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_204", "input": "", "category": "Engineering and Technology: Mechanical Engineering", "instruction": "Write a response describing three unique recent innovations in mechanical engineering that have significantly impacted the industries of automotive, robotics, or manufacturing. Include one specific example for each innovation. Your response should be organized into three paragraphs, with each paragraph focusing on one innovation and its respective industry.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text describe three unique recent innovations in mechanical engineering?", "Are the three innovations highlighted in the generated text significantly impactful to the industries of automotive, robotics, or manufacturing?", "Does the generated text provide a specific example for each of the three mechanical engineering innovations?", "Is the generated text organized into three distinct paragraphs?", "Does each paragraph in the generated text focus on one innovation and its respective industry?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Number"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Format"], ["Format", "Number", "Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_232", "input": "", "category": "Office and Work: Job Recruitment", "instruction": "Compose an employment offer letter using the company's letterhead. Address the candidate by their name and specify the job position they are being offered, along with the proposed start date. Provide a detailed description of the compensation package, and explain any contingencies that apply, including a deadline for accepting the offer. Maintain a professional and welcoming tone throughout the letter, and ensure all relevant information is clearly outlined.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text in the format of an employment offer letter?", "Does the generated offer letter use the company's letterhead?", "Does the generated offer letter address the candidate by their name, specify the job position being offered, and propose a start date?", "Does the generated offer letter provide a detailed description of the compensation package?", "Does the generated offer letter include explanations of any contingencies, including a deadline for accepting the offer?", "Does the generated offer letter maintain a professional and welcoming tone, ensuring all relevant information is clearly outlined?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content", "Style"], ["Content"], ["Style"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_213", "input": "", "category": "Business and Economics: Real Estate", "instruction": "Create a quitclaim deed to transfer property situated at 456 Oak Street, River City. The grantor is Lucy Davis, and the grantee is James Davis. State a consideration amount, and incorporate a notary acknowledgment section within the deed.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text represent a quitclaim deed designed to facilitate the transfer of property?", "Does the generated text clearly specify that the property situated at 456 Oak Street, River City is to be transferred from the grantor, Lucy Davis, to the grantee, James Davis?", "In the generated text, is a specific consideration amount for the property transfer stated?", "Is a notary acknowledgment section incorporated within the deed as per the generated text?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_71", "input": "", "category": "Natural Sciences: Medical Sciences", "instruction": "Create a physical fitness test for college students consisting of at least 5 test items, each targeting a different aspect of fitness. Explain the specific aspect of fitness for each test item to ensure variety. Additionally, establish clear scoring criteria for both individual test items and the overall test, with scores ranging from 0 (lowest) to 100 (highest) for each item as well as the cumulative test score. Take into account physiological differences between male and female participants and create separate criteria for each gender to accurately assess their performance in the test.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text outline a physical fitness test?", "Is the physical fitness test outlined in the generated text specifically designed for college students?", "Are there at least 5 test items in the generated physical fitness test?", "Does the generated physical fitness test clarify the specific aspect of fitness that each test item is intended to measure, thereby ensuring that each test item targets a different aspect of fitness?", "In the generated physical fitness test, are clear scoring criteria established for both individual test items and the overall test?", "Do the scoring criteria in the generated physical fitness test range from 0 (lowest) to 100 (highest) for each test item as well as for the cumulative test score?", "Are the scoring criteria for the overall test reasonably accumulated from the individual test items?", "Considering physiological differences between male and female participants, does the generated text offer separate criteria for each gender to accurately assess their performance in the physical fitness test?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Format"], ["Content"], ["Content", "Number"], ["Content"], ["Content", "Format", "Style"], ["Format", "Number"], ["Number"], ["Content", "Format"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_219", "input": "", "category": "Business and Economics: Entrepreneurship", "instruction": "Compose a detailed business proposal for a new online learning platform with the goal of transforming the education sector. Structure the proposal by including distinct sections with subtitles, such as Problem Statement, Target Market, Proposed Solution, Revenue Model, Marketing Strategy, Team, and Financial Projections. Ensure each section is well-defined and addresses the specified topics.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text constitute a business proposal?", "Is the generated proposal detailed?", "Is the purpose of the generated proposal to establish a new online learning platform aimed at transforming the education sector?", "Is the proposal structured in distinct sections with subtitles such as Problem Statement, Target Market, Proposed Solution, Revenue Model, Marketing Strategy, Team, and Financial Projections?", "Are the sections in the proposal well-defined and do they address their respective specified topics?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Style"], ["Content"], ["Format"], ["Linguistic", "Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_238", "input": "Mother's Birthday: 7 days\nProject Deadline: 16 days\nWedding: 26 days\nNew Year: 156 days", "category": "Office and Work: Calendar Management", "instruction": "Today is May 1, 2023. The following is a countdown calendar, what will the countdown calendar look like on May 14, 2023? Ensure to clearly denote the events or days that have already passed.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text accurately representing a countdown calendar?", "Does the generated text reflect the modifications from the original countdown calendar, considering the same events but advancing the date?", "Given the original countdown calendar was set on May 1, 2023, is the generated countdown calendar correctly updated to represent May 14, 2023?", "Does the modified countdown calendar clearly denote the events or days that have already passed since May 1, 2023, in its structure?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Format"], ["Number"], ["Format"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_244", "input": "", "category": "Social Sciences: News and Media", "instruction": "Design a simple smiling face using keyboard characters in a 5-line format with 7 characters per line.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text use only keyboard characters?", "Does the generated text adhere to a 5-line format?", "Does each line in the generated text consist of exactly 7 keyboard characters?", "Does the overall design in the generated text represent a simple smiling face when viewed?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Linguistic"], ["Format", "Number"], ["Format", "Number"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_36", "input": "", "category": "Natural Sciences: Mathmatics", "instruction": "Arrange the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 in positions 1, 2, 3, and 4, with each position filled with one number. Determine how many arrangements result in each position's number being different from the position number. Use the exhaustive enumeration method to list all possible arrangements of the numbers, indicate if each arrangement meets the above requirement, and provide the final result. ", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include various arrangements of the four numbers (1, 2, 3, 4) in positions 1, 2, 3, and 4?", "Does the generated text contain all possible arrangements of the four numbers (1, 2, 3, 4)?", "Does the generated text indicate if each arrangement complies with the requirement that the number in each position differs from the position number?", "Does the generated text accurately indicate whether each arrangement meets the requirement that the number in each position is different from the position number?", "Does the generated text correctly provide the final result of how many arrangements ensure that the number in each position differs from the position number?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Number", "Content"], ["Format", "Number", "Content"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Number"], ["Number", "Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_104", "input": "", "category": "Social Sciences: Linguistics", "instruction": "Provide five pairs of homophones in English, where each pair of words is spelled differently but pronounced the same, and explain their meanings.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include pairs of English words?", "Does the generated text contain exactly five pairs of words?", "Are all the pairs of words in the generated text English homophones, each pair spelled differently but pronounced the same?", "Are the meanings of all the pairs of homophonic words in the generated text explained?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Number"], ["Linguistic"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_211", "input": "", "category": "Business and Economics: Real Estate", "instruction": "Create a residential lease agreement between landlord Jane Williams and tenant John Smith for a property located at 456 Elm Street, Cityville, WA, 12345. The lease term should be 12 months, with a monthly rent of $1,200 due on the 1st of each month, and a grace period of 5 days. Specify that pets are not allowed and that the tenant is responsible for minor maintenance and repairs.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a residential lease agreement?", "Does the generated text clearly define the residential lease agreement to be between landlord Jane Williams and tenant John Smith for a property located at 456 Elm Street, Cityville, WA, 12345?", "Does the generated text explicitly state that the lease term for the residential lease agreement is 12 months?", "Does the generated residential lease agreement accurately set out that the monthly rent is $1,200, due on the 1st of each month, with a grace period of 5 days?", "Does the generated residential lease agreement specifically stipulate that pets are not allowed and that the tenant is responsible for minor maintenance and repairs?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_184", "input": "", "category": "Engineering and Technology: Computer Science", "instruction": "Generate an HTML code for a blog post template focusing on healthy living. The template should include these features:\n\n1. A header section: This should contain the blog name and navigation links.\n\n2. A sidebar section: This should list recent posts and categories.\n\n3. A main content area: This area should contain the blog post title, author's name, date of publication, and the body text.\n\n4. Semantic Markup: The blog post title and the author's name should have appropriate semantic HTML tags.\n\n5. Text Formatting: The text should be well-organized with proper headings and paragraph formatting.\n\nFinally, ensure the HTML code is compatible with mainstream web browsers.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text in the form of an HTML code?", "Does the generated HTML code create a blog post template with a focus on healthy living?", "Does the generated HTML code feature a header section that includes the blog name and navigation links?", "Does the generated HTML code include a sidebar section that lists recent posts and categories?", "Does the generated HTML code consist of a main content area that contains the blog post title, the author's name, date of publication, and the body text?", "In the generated HTML code, are semantic HTML tags used appropriately for the blog post title and the author's name?", "Is the text in the generated HTML code well-organized with proper headings and paragraph formatting?", "Is the generated HTML code compatible with mainstream web browsers?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Format"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_34", "input": "", "category": "Natural Sciences: Biology", "instruction": "Design a short controlled experiment within 150 words to study the effects of different colored lights on plant growth. Your design should:\n\n1. State a hypothesis.\n2. List the necessary materials.\n3. Describe the procedure.\n\nMake sure to identify which groups are for control and experimentation. In a controlled experiment, all factors are identical between the control group and the experimental group, except one variable factor. Here, the variable factor will be the color of light. Also, include a simple table format to note the hypothetical results of the experiment.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a controlled experiment design?", "Is the word count of the generated experiment design within 150 words?", "Does the generated design study the effects of different colored lights on plant growth?", "Does the generated design state a hypothesis?", "Does the generated design list all necessary materials?", "Does the generated design clearly describe the procedure?", "Does the generated design identify the control and experimental groups, and keep all factors identical between them except for light color?", "Is the variable factor in the design the color of light?", "Does the design include a simple table format for recording hypothetical results?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Number"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Content", "Style"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Content"], ["Format", "Style"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_137", "input": "", "category": "Lifestyle and Leisure: Fashion and Style", "instruction": "Generate 5 to 7 brief fashion advice points for professional women seeking to keep their wardrobe both stylish and suitable for the office. Make sure each tip is actionable, specifically tailored to professional women and contains 20 to 30 words. Next, propose an office-appropriate outfit that follows these tips. Describe the main clothing items, the color scheme, and the style features. Finally, explain why this outfit is appropriate for an office setting considering its components, color palette, and style.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include 5 to 7 brief fashion advice points?", "Is each piece of fashion advice in the generated text specifically tailored to professional women?", "Does each piece of fashion advice aid professional women in maintaining their wardrobe both stylish and office-appropriate?", "Are the generated fashion advice points actionable?", "Does each piece of generated fashion advice contain 20 to 30 words?", "Does the generated text propose an office-appropriate outfit that adheres to the aforementioned tips?", "Does the generated text describe the main clothing items, the color scheme, and the style features of the proposed outfit?", "Does the generated text explain why the proposed outfit is suitable for an office setting, considering its components, color palette, and style?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Number", "Content", "Style"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Number"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_127", "input": "", "category": "Social Sciences: News and Media", "instruction": "Write a concise newspaper article discussing the impact of climate change on global food production in 5 sentences. Ensure that odd-numbered sentences have an odd number of words, and even-numbered sentences have an even number of words.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text adhere to the format of a newspaper article?", "Is the focus of the generated article on the impact of climate change on global food production?", "Is the generated article composed of exactly 5 sentences?", "Do the odd-numbered sentences in the generated article contain an odd number of words?", "Do the even-numbered sentences in the generated article contain an even number of words?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Number"], ["Number"], ["Number"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_99", "input": "", "category": "Social Sciences: Linguistics", "instruction": "Generate a list of 10 words that follow the consonant-vowel-consonant pattern.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a list of words?", "Does the generated list contain exactly 10 words?", "Do all the words in the generated text follow the consonant-vowel-consonant pattern?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Number"], ["Linguistic"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_175", "input": "Symbol|Probability\nA|0.3\nB|0.3\nC|0.2\nD|0.1\nE|0.1", "category": "Engineering and Technology: Electrical Engineering", "instruction": "Huffman coding is a method of encoding data by using variable-length binary strings to represent symbols based on their frequency of occurrence. This means that frequently appearing symbols are represented by shorter binary strings, while symbols that appear less frequently are represented by longer binary strings. \n\nGiven a probability table of symbols, you are expected to: generate the Huffman codes for each symbol according to the provided probability table and explain step-by-step how you derived the Huffman codes with details. Ensure that your explanation aligns with your code results and make sure that your coding results are correct for the given symbol probabilities, adhering to Huffman coding rules.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include codes for each symbol in the given input?", "Does the generated text provide a step-by-step explanation of how the Huffman codes for each symbol were derived from the probability table in the given input?", "Does the explanation in the generated text aligns accurately with the derived Huffman codes?", "In the generated text, are the Huffman codes correctly generated for the given symbols and probabilities, adhering to the rules of Huffman coding?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Content", "Number"], ["Content", "Number"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_26", "input": "", "category": "Arts: Interior Design", "instruction": "Design a garden planting five distinct types of flowers, A, B, C, D, and E, arranged in an 8x8 grid to represent the garden layout. Each cell in the grid will be used to plant one kind of flower. Ensure that no two adjacent cells contain the same type of flower, considering only the cells directly above, below, left, and right as neighbors. To help visualize your design, create a grid diagram and fill each cell with the corresponding flower type. ", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text accurately form an 8x8 grid to represent the garden layout?", "Does the generated grid include exclusively A, B, C, D, and E to represent the five distinct types of flowers?", "Does the generated grid design ensure that no two adjacent cells, considering cells directly above, below, left, and right, contain the same type of flower?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Number"], ["Content"], ["Format"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_196", "input": "", "category": "Natural Sciences: Environmental Engineering", "instruction": "Craft a persuasive speech advocating for the importance of environmental conservation. Use compelling arguments, real-life examples, and emotional appeals to inspire your audience to take action and support conservation efforts.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text serve as a speech advocating for the importance of environmental conservation?", "Does the generated speech incorporate compelling arguments to substantiate the importance of environmental conservation?", "Does the generated speech use real-life examples?", "Does the generated speech utilize emotional appeals to inspire the audience to take action and support conservation efforts?", "Is the generated speech persuasive?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Format"], ["Style", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Style", "Content"], ["Style"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_21", "input": "", "category": "Arts: sculpture", "instruction": "Construct a comparative table that details the similarities and differences between two renowned sculptures: \"The Thinker\" by Auguste Rodin and \"David\" by Michelangelo. This table should focus on the following 10 perspectives: artistic style, technique, cultural significance, historical context, and six other perspectives of your choice. Following the table, write a concise concluding paragraph that describes each sculpture and details the impact each artist had on their respective eras. The information used to inform this conclusion should be derived from the content of the table.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include a comparative table?", "Does the comparative table in the generated text detail the similarities and differences between \"The Thinker\" by Auguste Rodin and \"David\" by Michelangelo?", "Does the comparative table in the generated text incorporate 10 distinct perspectives?", "Do the perspectives covered in the generated table include: artistic style, technique, cultural significance, and historical context?", "Does the generated text include a concise concluding paragraph that describes \"The Thinker\" and \"David\"?", "Does the concluding paragraph in the generated text detail the impact that Auguste Rodin and Michelangelo had on their respective eras?", "Does the concluding paragraph in the generated text solely derive its information from the content presented in the comparative table?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Number"], ["Content"], ["Content", "Format", "Style"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_161", "input": "", "category": "Lifestyle and Leisure: Riddle and Puzzle", "instruction": "Create a 5x5 word puzzle grid filled with letters of the alphabet that contains at least 5 hidden words. Ensure that there are at least 3 valid words in the 5 horizontal rows (from left to right) and at least 2 valid words in the 5 vertical columns (from top to bottom). Please provide an example of such a grid and generate all the valid words.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include a 5x5 grid?", "Is the generated grid filled with letters from the alphabet?", "Does the generated grid contain at least 3 valid words in the 5 horizontal rows (from left to right)?", "Does the generated grid contain at least 2 valid words in the 5 vertical columns (from top to bottom)?", "Does the generated grid contain at least 5 hidden words in total, combining both horizontal and vertical words?", "Does the generated text provide a list of all the valid hidden words found within the grid?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Number"], ["Content"], ["Linguistic", "Number"], ["Linguistic", "Number"], ["Linguistic", "Number"], ["Format"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_113", "input": "", "category": "Social Sciences: Sociology", "instruction": "Discuss the impact of socialization on the development of an individual's identity, specifically focusing on the role played by family, peers, and institutions. Give three distinct examples to support your point, each reflecting the influence of one of the following: family, peers, or institutions. Please mark each of these examples with the keyword 'example' to highlight it. Ensure that your response does not exceed 400 words and that your explanation is both clear and logically structured.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text discuss the impact of socialization on the development of an individual's identity?", "Does the generated text specifically focus on the roles played by family, peers, and institutions in the socialization process?", "Does the generated text provide three distinct examples that support the main point?", "Does each of the three examples in the generated text reflect the influence of either family, peers, or institutions?", "Are the three examples in the generated text marked with the keyword 'example' to highlight them?", "Does the word count of the generated text not exceed 400 words?", "Is the explanation in the generated text both clear and logically structured?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"], ["Number", "Linguistic"], ["Content"], ["Format"], ["Number"], ["Style", "Linguistic"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_141", "input": "", "category": "Lifestyle and Leisure: Travel and Tourism", "instruction": "Generate a list of 10 museums worldwide. This list should include at least one museum from each continent, excluding Antarctica, to ensure global coverage. For each museum, provide a concise description of what it offers and specify its exact location, including city and country. Make sure the information you provided is correct.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a list of museums?", "Does the generated list include exactly 10 museums?", "Does the generated list contain at least one museum from each continent, excluding Antarctica, thereby ensuring global representation?", "In the generated list, does each museum entry include a concise description of what the museum offers?", "In the generated list, is the exact location of each museum specified, including both the city and country?", "Is the information provided for each museum in the generated list accurate?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Number"], ["Content"], ["Content", "Style", "Format"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_92", "input": "", "category": "Social Sciences: History", "instruction": "Create a narrative-style biography for George Washington that is less than 500 words. The biography should focus on the influence of his relationship with either Martha Washington, Alexander Hamilton, or Thomas Jefferson on both his personal and professional life. Please structure the biography into three distinct sections: 'Childhood and Upbringing,' 'Revolutionary War Leadership,' and 'Presidency.' Make sure to use these exact phrases as headers to clearly divide the sections. Ensure all information presented is historically accurate.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a biography for George Washington?", "Is the generated biography written in a narrative style?", "Does the generated biography contain fewer than 500 words?", "Does the biography specifically focus on the influence of George Washington's relationship with either Martha Washington, Alexander Hamilton, or Thomas Jefferson?", "Does the biography examine the impact of this relationship on both Washington's personal and professional life?", "Is the biography structured into three distinct sections: 'Childhood and Upbringing,' 'Revolutionary War Leadership,' and 'Presidency'?", "Are the exact phrases ('Childhood and Upbringing,' 'Revolutionary War Leadership,' and 'Presidency') used as headers to clearly divide the biography into sections?", "Is all the information presented in the biography historically accurate?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Format"], ["Style"], ["Number"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Format"], ["Format"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_110", "input": "", "category": "Social Sciences: Law and Criminology", "instruction": "Draft a living will for John Brown, designating Jane Brown as his health care proxy. In the document, outline preferences regarding medical treatment, life-sustaining procedures, pain management, organ donation, end-of-life care, and include a clause for revocation.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text drafted as a living will for John Brown?", "Does the generated living will designate Jane Brown as John Brown's health care proxy?", "Does the generated living will outline John Brown's preferences regarding medical treatment?", "Does the generated living will include directives for life-sustaining procedures?", "Does the generated living will outline preferences for pain management?", "Does the generated living will address John Brown's preferences regarding organ donation?", "Does the generated living will include provisions for end-of-life care?", "Does the generated living will include a clause for its revocation?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_193", "input": "", "category": "Engineering and Technology: Software Engineering", "instruction": "Generate a JavaScript implementation of the Bubble Sort algorithm to sort an array of integers in ascending order. Limit the input array to a maximum length of 100 elements, with integer values ranging from -10,000 to 10,000. Ensure that the generated code includes input validation, proper error handling, and comments explaining the algorithm's logic and complexity.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text JavaScript code?", "Does the generated JavaScript code implement the Bubble Sort algorithm to sort an array of integers in ascending order?", "Does the generated JavaScript code include input validation, ensuring that the input array does not exceed a maximum length of 100 elements?", "Does the generated JavaScript code include input validation to verify that the integer values in the array range from -10,000 to 10,000?", "Does the generated JavaScript code include proper error handling mechanisms?", "Does the generated JavaScript code include comments that clearly explain the logic of the Bubble Sort algorithm and its complexity?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Linguistic"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_195", "input": "", "category": "Engineering and Technology: Artificial Intelligence", "instruction": "Compose a research proposal (up to 600 words) discussing the role of artificial intelligence in enhancing healthcare outcomes. Structure your proposal with these sections: background, related work, limitations of prior work, research objectives, and proposed methods. For the proposed methods, highlight their distinctions from previous work and explain how they avoid the drawbacks. Ensure that the information is well-organized and presented clearly and concisely. Include appropriate citations for any referenced works.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text comply with the format of a research proposal?", "Does the research proposal explore the role of artificial intelligence in enhancing healthcare outcomes?", "Is the research proposal within the word limit of 600 words?", "Is the structure of the research proposal comprised of the following sections: background, related work, limitations of prior work, research objectives, and proposed methods?", "In the proposed methods section of the research proposal, are there clear distinctions highlighted from prior work and explanations provided on how the proposed methods avoid previous drawbacks?", "Is the information presented in the research proposal well-organized, clear, and concise?", "Does the research proposal include appropriate citations for any referenced works?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Number"], ["Format"], ["Content"], ["Linguistic", "Style"], ["Format"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_70", "input": "", "category": "Natural Sciences: Medical Sciences", "instruction": "Create a fictitious physical examination report for a 40-year-old male. The report should include a minimum of 10 common medical tests, their imaginary results, typical reference values, and a short interpretation of the outcomes. After examining the results, offer a summary of possible health issues and recommend further steps to address these concerns.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text represent a fictitious physical examination report?", "Is the generated examination report specifically for a 40-year-old male?", "Does the generated examination report include a minimum of 10 different common medical tests?", "Does the generated examination report provide imaginary results for these medical tests, along with their typical reference values?", "Does the generated examination report offer a brief interpretation of the test outcomes?", "Does the generated examination report provide a summary of potential health issues, as well as recommendations for further steps to manage these concerns?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Number", "Content"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Content", "Format", "Style"], ["Content", "Format"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_82", "input": "", "category": "Social Sciences: Education and Pedagogy", "instruction": "Create a course syllabus for an introductory psychology course. The syllabus should include:\n\n1. Main Topics: Outline the core subjects to be covered during the course.\n2. Required Readings: Specify the mandatory reading materials for each of these main topics.\n3. Assessment Methods: Describe the methods for evaluating student performance.\n4. Grading Criteria: Define the grading system using a 100-point scale, where 100 represents the highest possible score. \n\nAdditionally, establish a separate grading scale with the letters A to E, where A represents the lowest performance and E represents the highest performance. Provide a clear conversion guide between these two grading scales, ensuring each score on the 100-point scale corresponds uniquely to a specific grade on the letter scale (A-E) and vice versa.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text structured as a syllabus for an introductory psychology course?", "Does the generated syllabus clearly outline the main topics that represent the core subjects to be covered during the course?", "Does the generated syllabus specify the mandatory reading materials for each of these main topics?", "Does the generated syllabus describe the methods for evaluating student performance?", "Does the generated syllabus define the grading system using a 100-point scale, where 100 represents the highest possible score?", "Does the generated syllabus establish a separate grading scale with the letters A to E, where A represents the lowest performance and E represents the highest performance?", "Does the generated syllabus include a clear conversion guide between the 100-point scale and the letter scale (A-E)?", "Does the generated syllabus ensure that each score on the 100-point scale corresponds uniquely to a specific grade on the letter scale (A-E) and vice versa?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Format"], ["Content", "Format", "Style"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Content"], ["Format", "Content"], ["Format", "Content"], ["Content", "Format", "Style"], ["Number"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_234", "input": "", "category": "Business and Economics: Marketing", "instruction": "Create a memo of no more than 200 words that summarizes the main findings from a hypothetical market research study about the effects of sustainable packaging in the beverage sector. Incorporate a table with fictional data to support your conclusions. Exclude the table from the word count.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text present itself as a memo summarizing the main findings from a hypothetical market research study?", "Does the generated text clearly convey that the market research study is about the effects of sustainable packaging in the beverage sector?", "Does the generated text incorporate a table with fictional data?", "Is the included table and fictional data useful and applicable in supporting the generated text's conclusions?", "Excluding the table from the word count, is the generated text no more than 200 words in length?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Format"], ["Content", "Style"], ["Format", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Number"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_200", "input": "", "category": "Engineering and Technology: Materials Science", "instruction": "Please provide a two-paragraph analysis on the potential of quantum materials in computer technology. The first paragraph should focus on the possible benefits of quantum materials in this field, while the second paragraph should detail the potential drawbacks. Each paragraph should be backed by at least one, but no more than two, references. It is crucial that these sources are published within the last five years. Please adhere to APA style for the citations.\n\nFurthermore, your analysis should incorporate an example demonstrating how quantum materials could be applied in computer technology. To ensure a comprehensive discussion, make sure to include the terms 'Quantum Superposition', 'Quantum Entanglement', and 'Topological Insulators' within your analysis.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text structured as two paragraphs?", "Does the generated text provide an analysis on the potential of quantum materials in computer technology?", "Does the first paragraph of the generated text focus on the possible benefits of quantum materials in the field of computer technology?", "Does the second paragraph of the generated text detail the potential drawbacks of using quantum materials in computer technology?", "Does each paragraph in the generated text contain at least one, but no more than two, references?", "Were all the referenced sources in the generated text published within the last five years?", "Do the citations in the generated text adhere to APA style?", "Does the analysis in the generated text incorporate an example demonstrating how quantum materials could be applied in computer technology?", "Does the generated text include the terms 'Quantum Superposition', 'Quantum Entanglement', and 'Topological Insulators'?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Number", "Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Number", "Content"], ["Number", "Content"], ["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_149", "input": "", "category": "Lifestyle and Leisure: Travel and Tourism", "instruction": "Provide a description less than 250 words of a fictional travel destination named Luminara, featuring its distinctive landscape, attractions, and culture. Use vivid imagery to engage the reader's imagination and focus on Luminara's fantastical environment consisting of floating islands, glowing plants, a captivating waterfall, and a lively culture that celebrates light and color through festivals and local dishes. The description should invoke a sense of wonder and pique the reader's curiosity.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text provide a description of the fictional travel destination, Luminara?", "Is the length of the generated text less than 250 words?", "Does the generated text highlight the unique landscape, attractions, and culture of Luminara?", "Does the generated text utilize vivid imagery to captivate the reader's imagination?", "Does the generated text describe Luminara's fantastical environment, specifically mentioning floating islands, glowing plants, and a captivating waterfall?", "Does the generated text detail Luminara's vibrant culture, particularly focusing on the celebration of light and color through festivals and local culinary delights?", "Does the generated description evoke a sense of wonder and stimulate the reader's curiosity about Luminara?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Number"], ["Content"], ["Style"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Style"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_156", "input": "", "category": "Lifestyle and Leisure: Riddle and Puzzle", "instruction": "The Movie Name Anagram Game requires you to unscramble anagrams of famous movie names. The task is to rearrange the letters to reveal the original movie name. Design three examples of scrambled words and provide their respective answers for the Movie Name Anagram Game.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include three distinct examples?", "Do the examples in the generated text represent valid scenarios of the Movie Name Anagram Game, wherein each example includes scrambled words and a movie name?", "Do the scrambled and unscrambled movie names of each generated example adhere to the rules of the Movie Name Anagram Game, specifically, is the scrambled version a true anagram (a rearrangement of letters) of the original movie name?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Number", "Content"], ["Format", "Content"], ["Linguistic"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_56", "input": "", "category": "Natural Sciences: Chemistry", "instruction": "Create a text on sodium chloride (table salt) structured as a chemical safety data sheet. It should include four sections: 1) physical and chemical properties, in which you should describe the physical properties using exactly three adjectives, 2) potential hazards, 3) handling and storage procedures, and 4) first-aid measures. Ensure all the information provided is factual.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text structured as a chemical safety data sheet for sodium chloride (table salt)?", "Does the generated text include a section on physical and chemical properties that describes the physical properties of sodium chloride?", "In the description of the physical properties of sodium chloride, are exactly three adjectives used?", "Does the generated text include a section on the potential hazards of sodium chloride?", "Does the generated text include a section on handling and storage procedures for sodium chloride?", "Does the generated text include a section on first-aid measures?", "Is all the information provided in the generated text factual and accurate according to known chemical safety data on sodium chloride?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Number", "Linguistic"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_81", "input": "", "category": "Social Sciences: Education and Pedagogy", "instruction": "Compose a succinct and respectful email to a teacher, asking for an extension on an assignment deadline because of sickness. The email should state a proposed rescheduled deadline, which should be exactly 9 days after the initial deadline. Instead of using the number '9', express the new deadline by specifying both the day of the week of the original deadline and the new, postponed deadline. This will imply an extension of nine days.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text take the form of an email addressed to a teacher?", "Does the generated email maintain succinct and respectful throughout?", "Does the generated email specifically request an extension on an assignment deadline due to sickness?", "Does the generated email propose a new deadline for the assignment, which is precisely nine days after the initial deadline?", "In the generated email, is the new deadline expressed by specifying the day of the week of both the original and new deadline, implying an extension of nine days, without directly using the number '9'?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Style"], ["Content"], ["Content", "Number"], ["Format", "Number"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_63", "input": "", "category": "Natural Sciences: Geography", "instruction": "Create two tables with three columns each, using \"|\" to separate the columns, and include an appropriate header for each column:\na. In the first table, display seven interesting geological formations or landmarks worldwide, including a short description and location. Limit descriptions to 40 words.\nb. In the second table, present three main types of rocks, a brief description of their formation process, and common examples. Limit each rock type description to 50 words.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include exactly two tables?", "Do both tables in the generated text consist of three columns each?", "Are the columns in both tables in the generated text separated by \"|\"?", "Do both tables in the generated text include an appropriate header for each column?", "Does the first table in the generated text display seven interesting geological formations or landmarks worldwide?", "Does each entry in the first table of the generated text include a short description and location for each geological formation or landmark?", "Are the descriptions in the first table of the generated text limited to 40 words or less for each geological formation or landmark?", "Does the second table in the generated text present exactly three main types of rocks?", "Does each entry in the second table in the generated text include a brief description of the rock type's formation process?", "Does each entry in the second table in the generated text provide common examples for each rock type?", "Are the descriptions in the second table of the generated text limited to 50 words or less for each rock type?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Number"], ["Format", "Number"], ["Format"], ["Format"], ["Content", "Number"], ["Content", "Format", "Style"], ["Number"], ["Number", "Content"], ["Content", "Style", "Format"], ["Content"], ["Number"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_155", "input": "", "category": "Lifestyle and Leisure: Sports and Fitness", "instruction": "Create a fictional sports summary for May 5th, 2023. Detail the main events, mention the teams or athletes, specify final scores, and highlight noteworthy moments. The summary should be engaging and informative, but not exceed 150 words. After the summary, include a separate, clearly marked conclusion predicting key future sports events. The conclusion's word count is not included in the 150-word limit.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text conform to the format of a fictional sports summary?", "Is the generated sports summary set on May 5th, 2023?", "Does the generated sports summary outline the main events, and mention the teams or athletes involved?", "Does the generated sports summary disclose final scores, and emphasize significant moments?", "Is the generated sports summary both engaging and informative?", "After the summary, does the generated text include a distinct, clearly marked conclusion?", "Does the conclusion in the generated text forecast key future sports events?", "Does the generated sports summary adhere to the 150-word limit, not including the word count of the conclusion?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Style"], ["Format"], ["Content"], ["Number"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_77", "input": "", "category": "Social Sciences: Education and Pedagogy", "instruction": "Generate a transcript for a 4-year undergraduate student. The transcript should include the course name (including an indication of whether the course is a major or a selective course), the units of each course, the semester and year of each course, the grade of each course (using the alphabet letter), the major courses' GPA per year, and the overall GPA of all courses for the entire undergraduate time. Every semester should have at least 36 units of courses and at most 60 units of courses, with each course having either 6, 9, 12, or 15 units. Additionally, the transcript should include instructions on how to calculate the GPA, which is rated on a 4-point scale (with 4.0 as the highest and 0.0 as the lowest).", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text formatted as a transcript?", "Is the generated transcript specifically tailored for a 4-year undergraduate program?", "Does the generated transcript include the course names, clearly indicating whether each course is a major or a selective course?", "Does the generated transcript specify the number of units for each course?", "Does the generated transcript specify the semester and year in which each course was undertaken?", "Does the generated transcript present the grade received for each course, represented using alphabet letters?", "Does the generated transcript provide a yearly GPA for the major courses?", "Does the generated transcript include the overall GPA for all courses taken throughout the entire duration of the undergraduate program?", "Does every semester in the generated transcript contain at least 36 and at most 60 units of courses?", "Is each course in the generated transcript designated as having either 6, 9, 12, or 15 units?", "Does the generated transcript provide clear instructions on how to calculate the GPA?", "Are the GPA calculation instructions based on a 4-point scale, with 4.0 denoted as the highest possible score and 0.0 as the lowest?", "Is the yearly GPA for the major courses in the generated transcript correctly calculated according to the GPA calculation instructions?", "Is the overall GPA for all courses taken throughout the entire undergraduate time correctly calculated according to the GPA calculation instructions?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Number"], ["Content"], ["Content", "Format", "Style"], ["Format", "Number"], ["Number"], ["Number"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_29", "input": "", "category": "Arts: Architecture", "instruction": "Create a design for a multi-use building that incorporates residential, commercial, and cultural spaces. Describe the building's exterior appearance, detailing the materials, colors, and architectural features. In addition, explain the organization of several functional areas and how they relate to each other. Remember, each paragraph should only introduce one functional area and at least four functional areas should be covered in total. Note that when introducing each functional area, you should only describe its interaction with the functional areas introduced in previous paragraphs. Ensure that all areas mentioned prior to the current one are incorporated in the current area's interaction description.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text describe a design for a building?", "Does the generated text clearly indicate that the building is a multi-use structure incorporating residential, commercial, and cultural spaces?", "Does the generated text describe the building's exterior appearance, detailing the materials, colors, and architectural features used?", "Does the generated text explain the organization of several functional areas within the building and how they relate to each other?", "Does each paragraph of the generated text introduce only one functional area?", "Does the generated text cover at least four functional areas in total?", "Does the generated text describe each functional area's interaction solely with the functional areas introduced in previous paragraphs?", "Does the generated text ensure that all areas mentioned prior to the current one are incorporated in the description of the current area's interactions?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Format", "Number"], ["Number"], ["Linguistic", "Format"], ["Linguistic", "Format"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_105", "input": "", "category": "Social Sciences: Linguistics", "instruction": "Generate two lists of words:\n1. Consisting of at least 6 monosyllabic words.\n2. Incorporating at least 5 onomatopoeia.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include two lists of words?", "Does the first list in the generated text consist of at least 6 words?", "Are all the words in the first generated list monosyllabic?", "Does the second list in the generated text consist of at least 5 words?", "Are all the words in the second generated list examples of onomatopoeia?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Number"], ["Number"], ["Linguistic"], ["Number"], ["Linguistic"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_192", "input": "#include <stdio.h>\n\nunsigned long long factorial_recursive(int n) {\n if (n == 0) {\n return 1;\n } else {\n return n * factorial_recursive(n - 1);\n }\n}\n\nunsigned long long factorial_iterative(int n) {\n unsigned long long result = 1;\n for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {\n result *= i;\n }\n return result;\n}\n\nint main() {\n int number;\n unsigned long long recursive_result, iterative_result;\n\n printf(\"Enter a positive integer: \");\n scanf(\"%d\", &number);\n\n if (number < 0) {\n printf(\"Invalid input. Please enter a positive integer.\\n\");\n return 1;\n }\n\n recursive_result = factorial_recursive(number);\n iterative_result = factorial_iterative(number);\n\n printf(\"Factorial (Recursive): %llu\\n\", recursive_result);\n printf(\"Factorial (Iterative): %llu\\n\", iterative_result);\n\n return 0;\n}", "category": "Engineering and Technology: Software Engineering", "instruction": "Analyze the following code snippet and provide an explanation of the code. Generate the output when the input is: \na) 4; \nb) 5; \nc) 9. \nEnsure the output is accurate, formatted correctly, and adheres to any constraints mentioned in the code. ", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text provide an explanation of the code snippet in the given input?", "Does the generated text provide an accurate and correctly formatted output, adhering to any constraints mentioned in the code, when the input is 4?", "Does the generated text provide an accurate and correctly formatted output, adhering to any constraints mentioned in the code, when the input is 5?", "Does the generated text provide an accurate and correctly formatted output, adhering to any constraints mentioned in the code, when the input is 9?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Format", "Number"], ["Format", "Number"], ["Format", "Number"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_5", "input": "", "category": "Arts: Literature", "instruction": "Compose a poem wherein the narrator is subtly infatuated with someone. The emphasis of the poem should be on glorifying the summer season and it should not explicitly communicate any romantic feelings. Nonetheless, to clandestinely express the narrator's sentiments, the initial letter of every line must be arranged in such a way that they spell out \"you are my secret love\". The poem must adhere to a rhyming scheme.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text formatted as a poem?", "Does the generated poem primarily glorify the summer season?", "Does the generated poem refrain from explicitly communicating romantic feelings?", "Does the initial letter of each line in the generated poem spell out \"you are my secret love\", subtly inferring the narrator's infatuation?", "Does the generated poem adhere to a rhyming scheme?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content", "Linguistic"], ["Linguistic"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_142", "input": "", "category": "Lifestyle and Leisure: Travel and Tourism", "instruction": "Create a concise travel itinerary for a 5-day trip to Hawaii, specifically focusing on the island of Oahu. For each day, mention 1-2 must-visit attractions or activities, along with the recommended means of transportation. Also, suggest one hotel or resort for the stay. Present the itinerary with a day-by-day format and include short descriptions for every day's plan.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text formatted as a travel itinerary for Hawaii?", "Is the generated travel itinerary concise?", "Does the generated itinerary shows that it is a 5-day trip, and is outlined in a day-by-day format within the itinerary?", "Does the generated travel itinerary specifically focus on the island of Oahu, Hawaii?", "For each day in the generated itinerary, are 1-2 must-visit attractions or activities highlighted, along with a recommended means of transportation?", "Does the generated travel itinerary suggest one specific hotel or resort to stay for each day?", "Does each day's plan in the generated itinerary include a short description?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Style"], ["Format", "Number"], ["Content"], ["Content", "Number", "Format"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Content", "Style"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_69", "input": "", "category": "Natural Sciences: Astronomy", "instruction": "Write a brief interview between a journalist and an astronaut who recently returned from a Mars mission, discussing the challenges and discoveries. The interview should include 5 question and answer pairs, and conclude with a short poem by the astronaut to capture the beauty of space.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a brief interview?", "Is the generated interview conducted between a journalist and an astronaut who recently returned from a Mars mission?", "Does the generated interview discuss the challenges and discoveries encountered during the Mars mission?", "Does the generated interview include 5 question and answer pairs?", "Does the generated interview conclude with a short poem by the astronaut?", "Does the poem in the generated interview capture the beauty of space?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Style"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Number", "Format"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_41", "input": "", "category": "Natural Sciences: Mathmatics", "instruction": "Generate three one-variable quadratic equations, each with a different type of solution: one with two distinct real roots, one with a single real root, and one with complex conjugate roots. Solve each equation and provide the roots.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include three quadratic equations?", "Are all equations in the generated text one-variable quadratic equations?", "Does one of the one-variable quadratic equations in the generated text have two distinct real roots?", "Does one of the one-variable quadratic equations in the generated text have a single real root?", "Does one of the one-variable quadratic equations in the generated text have complex conjugate roots?", "Are all the three equations solved correctly and their respective roots provided in the generated text?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Number"], ["Number"], ["Number"], ["Number"], ["Number"], ["Number", "Format"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_76", "input": "", "category": "Social Sciences: Political", "instruction": "Create a disaster response plan for an earthquake scenario in an urban setting, covering infrastructure assessment, rescue operations, and post-disaster recovery. Include a timeline with actionable steps, provide a list of essential supplies and equipment, and ensure the plan is no longer than 1000 words and no less than 600 words.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a disaster response plan?", "Is the generated disaster response plan specifically designed for an earthquake scenario in an urban setting?", "Does the generated disaster response plan cover infrastructure assessment, rescue operations, and post-disaster recovery?", "Does the generated disaster response plan include a timeline with actionable steps?", "Does the generated disaster response plan provide a list of essential supplies and equipment?", "Is the generated disaster response plan no longer than 1000 words and no less than 600 words?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Format", "Content"], ["Format", "Content"], ["Number"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_19", "input": "", "category": "Arts: Dancing", "instruction": "Create a sequence of 5 different dance formations for a group of 8 people, represented by A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H. Use an 8x8 grid to represent the stage, with each cell containing a person's notation or \"#\" if unoccupied. Indicate the audience's position. Ensure the following:\n1. A is the lead dancer and always closer to the audience than any other dancer.\n2. In the first formation, dancers except for the lead dancer form a line parallel to the audience.\n3. In the third formation, some dancers create a triangular shape.\nProvide 5 distinct 8x8 grids showcasing each formation and also indicate where the audience is. ", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include a sequence of dance formations represented as grids?", "Does every formation in the generated text accurately represent an 8x8 stage (i.e. 8x8 grid)?", "Does each cell in all the formations in the generated text include either a dancer's notation (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, or H) or \"#\" if unoccupied?", "Do all formations in the generated sequence include the whole group of 8 people represented by A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H?", "Does each formation in the generated sequence clearly indicate the audience's position?", "Does the generated sequence include exactly 5 distinct formations, each represented by a unique grid?", "Does the generated sequence ensure that dancer A is always the lead and positioned closer to the audience than any other dancer in every formation?", "Does the first formation in the generated sequence ensure that dancers, except for the lead dancer A, form a line parallel to the audience?", "Does the third formation in the generated sequence feature some dancers in a triangular shape?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Format", "Number"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Format"], ["Number", "Format"], ["Format"], ["Format"], ["Format"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_89", "input": "", "category": "Social Sciences: Philosophy", "instruction": "Generate a philosophical argument supporting the concept of free will, which should be no longer than 500 words. In the first paragraph, incorporate a paradoxical statement, which should be placed in quotation marks for clear identification. However, this statement should not appear as the first or second sentence of the paragraph. Reference the thoughts of at least two renowned philosophers in your argument, but also introduce a fresh viewpoint on the subject. You should also consider and respond to one plausible counterargument to your primary position. Make sure the language used is understandable for readers who may not have a deep background in philosophy.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text present a philosophical argument in support of the concept of free will?", "Is the length of the generated argument confined to 500 words or less?", "Does the first paragraph of the generated argument contain a paradoxical statement?", "Is the paradoxical statement in the first paragraph of the generated argument clearly identified by being placed in quotation marks?", "Is the paradoxical statement in the first paragraph of the generated argument located elsewhere than the first or second sentence of the paragraph?", "Does the generated argument reference the ideas of at least two renowned philosophers?", "Does the generated argument put forward a new perspective on the topic of free will?", "Does the generated argument consider and respond to at least one significant counterargument to the primary stance it supports?", "Is the language used in the generated argument understandable for readers without extensive background knowledge in philosophy?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Format"], ["Number"], ["Linguistic"], ["Format"], ["Format"], ["Content", "Number"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Style"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_74", "input": "", "category": "Social Sciences: Political", "instruction": "Generate a concise, motivational speech about the importance of environmental sustainability, focusing on positive outcomes and avoiding any political bias. The speech should be around 200-300 words and include one relevant quote. Use metaphors to emphasize the urgency and importance of the issue, while also discussing the benefits of addressing it and the potential consequences of inaction.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a speech about the importance of environmental sustainability?", "Does the generated speech use a motivational tone to convey its message?", "Is the generated speech concise and motivational?", "Is the length of the generated speech within the range of 200-300 words?", "Does the generated speech incorporate at least one relevant quote related to environmental sustainability?", "Does the generated speech employ metaphors to emphasize the urgency and importance of the issue of environmental sustainability?", "Does the generated speech discuss both the benefits of addressing environmental sustainability and the potential consequences of failing to do so?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Style"], ["Style"], ["Number"], ["Content", "Number"], ["Linguistic"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_167", "input": "", "category": "Lifestyle and Leisure: Family and Relationships", "instruction": "Create a child care authorization form for parent Alice Johnson, allowing her neighbor, Mark Smith, to pick up her daughter, Emily Johnson, from school and provide care for her on weekdays from 3 PM to 6 PM, for a period of one month.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text represent a child care authorization form issued by parent Alice Johnson?", "Does the generated authorization form permit Mark Smith to pick up Alice Johnson's daughter, Emily Johnson, from school and provide care for her?", "Does the generated authorization form specify that the pickup and care take place on weekdays from 3 PM to 6 PM?", "Does the generated text indicate that the duration of this authorization is for one month?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_101", "input": "", "category": "Social Sciences: Linguistics", "instruction": "Create a meaningful sentence that has a minimum of 8 words and utilizes no more than 10 unique letters. Also, provide the list of the distinct letters used.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text form a meaningful sentence?", "Does the generated sentence contain at least 8 words?", "Does the generated sentence use no more than 10 unique letters?", "Does the generated text provide a list of distinct letters used in the generated sentence?", "Is the provided list of distinct letters complete and accurate, with no additional letters not included in the sentence?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Linguistic"], ["Number"], ["Number", "Linguistic"], ["Number", "Format"], ["Linguistic"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_17", "input": "", "category": "Arts: Music", "instruction": "Create a ballad that tells a romantic story in three verses and a chorus. Each verse should have four lines, incorporating both dialogue and narrative to progress the plot. Maintain a consistent ABAB rhyme scheme for all verses. ", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text structured as a ballad?", "Does the generated ballad tell a romantic story?", "Does the generated ballad consist of three verses and a chorus?", "Does each verse in the generated ballad contain exactly four lines?", "Does each verse in the generated ballad incorporate both dialogue and narrative to progress the plot?", "Does the generated ballad maintain a consistent ABAB rhyme scheme throughout all verses?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Number", "Format"], ["Number", "Format"], ["Linguistic", "Format"], ["Linguistic", "Format"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_132", "input": "", "category": "Lifestyle and Leisure: Personal Development", "instruction": "Create a personalized career development plan for a 2nd-year college student majoring in languages, who aspires to become an AI engineer specializing in natural language processing. Emphasize how their background in languages can be beneficial in their pursuit of a career in AI, and provide a step-by-step guide for them to follow, including recommended courses, extracurricular activities, internships, and networking opportunities.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include a personalized career development plan?", "Is the generated career development plan specifically designed for a 2nd-year college student majoring in languages, who aspires to transition into AI engineering with a specialization in natural language processing?", "Does the generated career development plan account for the student's current major in languages and emphasize how this background can be beneficial in their pursuit of a career in AI?", "Does the generated career development plan provide a guide for the student to follow in their transition from a language major to an AI engineer?", "Is the guide in the generated career development plan presented in a step-by-step manner?", "Does the career development plan include specific recommendations for courses to take and extracurricular activities to engage in?", "Does the career development plan include internships to pursue and networking opportunities?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_241", "input": "", "category": "Office and Work: Document Formatting", "instruction": "Create a LaTeX code snippet using pgfplots for a bar chart that depicts the percentage distribution of six categories and their counts: A (12), B (18), C (4), D (22), E (32), and F (15). Use these steps for the percentage calculation: \n\n1. Sum the counts for all categories to find the total count.\n2. Divide the count of each category by the total count.\n3. Multiply by 100 to convert the result into a percentage.\n\nDesign each bar in the chart in a distinct shade of green. The chart title should be \"Category Distribution\". Please label the x-axis as 'Categories' and the y-axis as 'Percentage'. The output should be LaTeX code ready for compilation.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a LaTeX code snippet?", "Is the generated LaTeX code ready for compilation?", "Does the generated LaTeX code use pgfplots for creating a bar chart?", "Does the generated LaTeX code depict the distribution of six categories?", "Is the percentage distribution of the six categories depicted by the generated LaTeX code correct? (The counts for each category are A (12), B (18), C (4), D (22), E (32), and F (15) and the steps for the percentage calculation are: 1. Sum the counts for all categories to find the total count, 2. Divide the count of each category by the total count, 3. Multiply by 100 to convert the result into a percentage.)", "Is each bar in the chart plotted by the LaTeX code in a distinct shade of green?", "Is the chart title plotted by the LaTeX code \"Category Distribution\"?", "Does the chart plotted by the LaTeX code label the x-axis as 'Categories' and the y-axis as 'Percentage'?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Number"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_143", "input": "", "category": "Lifestyle and Leisure: Travel and Tourism", "instruction": "Design a road trip itinerary that starts and ends in Seattle, focusing on visiting at least 12 national parks across the United States. Include the following information for each destination:\n1. Name of the national park\n2. Recommended duration of stay\n3. Transportation options and estimated travel time between parks\nAdditionally, provide an estimated total duration for the entire trip, taking into account travel time and time spent at each destination. Feel free to add more details to make the itinerary more comprehensive and engaging.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text provide a road trip itinerary?", "Do the generated road trip itinerary begin and end in Seattle?", "Does the generated text focus on a route that visits a minimum of 12 national parks across the United States?", "For each destination in the itinerary, does the generated text include the name of the national park?", "For each destination in the itinerary, does the generated text include the recommended duration of stay?", "Does the generated text outline the transportation options and estimated travel time between each park?", "Does the generated text provide an estimate for the total duration of the entire trip?", "Is the estimated total duration for the entire trip in the generated itinerary reasonably accurate, taking into account both travel time and the recommended time spent at each destination written in the itinerary?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Number", "Content"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Content"], ["Number"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_220", "input": "", "category": "Business and Economics: International Business", "instruction": "Generate three case studies and success stories about companies in the renewable energy sector that have experienced significant growth and impact. For each company, detail the following four sections: background, key challenges, innovative solutions, and the results of their efforts. Please separate each case study or success story with a blank line, but maintain continuous text within each individual case study or success story, meaning no blank lines should be between the sections. For clarity, start each section with the same keyword as stated in the four sections above.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include case studies and success stories?", "Does the generated text contain exactly three case studies and success stories?", "Are the generated case studies and success stories about companies in the renewable energy sector that have experienced significant growth and impact?", "Is each case study or success story in the generated text separated by a blank line?", "Do all the case studies and success stories in the generated text detail the following four sections for each company: background, key challenges, innovative solutions, and the results of their efforts?", "Do all sections (background, key challenges, innovative solutions, and the results of their efforts) of the case studies and success stories start with the respective keyword in the generated text?", "Does the generated text maintain continuous text within each individual case study or success story, meaning no blank lines are between the sections?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Number"], ["Content"], ["Format"], ["Format", "Content"], ["Format"], ["Format"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_201", "input": "", "category": "Engineering and Technology: Aerospace Engineering", "instruction": "Provide an outline of the four key principles of aerospace engineering in the following order: aerodynamics, propulsion, materials, and control systems. \n\n1. For the aerodynamics principle, include an associated equation to aid understanding.\n2. When introducing the principle of propulsion, identify a relevant abbreviation, provide its full form when it is first mentioned, and use this abbreviation exclusively in the subsequent discussion.\n3. For the materials principle, incorporate a table to present information.\n4. To clarify the control systems principle, use a real-world example that illustrates its application. \n\nThroughout the explanation, ensure your language is clear and concise.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text provide an outline of the key principles of aerospace engineering?", "Does the generated outline present exactly four key principles of aerospace engineering in the following order: aerodynamics, propulsion, materials, and control systems?", "In the aerodynamics principle, does the generated text include an associated equation to aid understanding?", "When introducing the principle of propulsion, does the generated text identify a relevant abbreviation, provide its full form when it is first mentioned, and then use this abbreviation exclusively in the subsequent discussion?", "In the principle of materials, does the generated text incorporate a table to present information?", "To clarify the principle of control systems, does the generated text use a real-world example that illustrates its application?", "Throughout the explanation, is the language clear and concise?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Format"], ["Format", "Content"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Linguistic", "Format"], ["Format"], ["Content"], ["Style"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_3", "input": "", "category": "Arts: Film", "instruction": "Develop a dialogue between two characters who are discussing a sensitive issue, incorporating euphemisms to delicately convey their thoughts and feelings. The conversation should feel authentic and natural, with the characters using polite language to avoid causing offense.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text present a dialogue between two characters?", "Does the generated text utilize euphemisms to delicately express the thoughts and feelings of the characters discussing a sensitive issue?", "Does the generated conversation feel authentic and natural?", "Are the characters in the generated conversation using polite language and tact to avoid causing offense?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Linguistic", "Content"], ["Style", "Linguistic"], ["Style"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_9", "input": "", "category": "Arts: Painting", "instruction": "Generate a concise description of an abstract painting incorporating five distinct geometric shapes and five primary colors. Specify the dimensions and location of each shape, and each color's allocation in the painting, as well as the interactions of each shape. Use a unique adjective for every shape and color - ensuring ten unique descriptive words in total. Emphasize these descriptive words by placing an underscore (\"_\") prior to each one.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a concise description of an abstract painting?", "Does the generated description reveal that the painting incorporates five different geometric shapes?", "Does the generated description specify that the painting uses five primary colors?", "Does the generated description precisely indicate the dimensions and locations of each geometric shape within the painting?", "Does the generated description portray the allocation of each primary color within the painting?", "Does the generated text describe the interactions of each shape in the painting?", "Does the generated text utilize a unique adjective for each shape and color, ensuring the usage of ten different descriptive words in total?", "Does the generated text accentuate these descriptive words by inserting an underscore (\"_\") before each one?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Style"], ["Number", "Content"], ["Number", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Number", "Linguistic"], ["Format"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_66", "input": "", "category": "Natural Sciences: Physiscs", "instruction": "Generate a list of 5 open-ended questions about thermodynamics suitable for a high school physics exam, with each question containing at least two keywords about thermodynamics, which should be provided in brackets and separated by a semicolon after the question.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text comprise a list of questions?", "Does the generated list consist precisely of five questions?", "Are all the questions included in the generated list open-ended?", "Does each question in the generated list pertain explicitly to the subject of thermodynamics?", "Are all questions in the generated list suitable for a high school physics exam?", "Does each question in the generated list contain at least two distinct keywords that relate directly to thermodynamics?", "Are all keywords related to thermodynamics within each question in the generated list placed immediately after the question?", "Are all keywords related to thermodynamics within each question in the generated list enclosed in brackets?", "Are all keywords related to thermodynamics within each question in the generated list separated by a semicolon?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Linguistic"], ["Number"], ["Linguistic"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content", "Number"], ["Format"], ["Format"], ["Format"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_178", "input": "", "category": "Engineering and Technology: Computer Science", "instruction": "Generate a brief two columns table of hardware specifications for a laptop computer, detailing its processor, memory, storage, display, connectivity options, and physical dimensions. Ensure all information is based on recognized industry standards and practices.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include a two-column table?", "Does the generated table focus on the hardware specifications for a laptop computer?", "Does the generated table detail the laptop computer's processor, memory, and storage specifications?", "Does the generated table detail the laptop computer's display, connectivity options, and physical dimensions?", "Is all information in the generated table based on recognized industry standards and practices?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Number"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_243", "input": "", "category": "Natural Sciences: Geography", "instruction": "Generate twelve word clocks, each representing a unique time zone and featuring a different city. Distribute these clocks into two groups of six. The clocks in the first group should indicate the time using a 12-hour format, and the clocks in the second group should employ a 24-hour format. \n\nTo ensure geographical diversity, select at least one city from every continent, excluding Antarctica. Each clock should clearly display the city's name, the continent the city belongs to and the current date underneath. \n\nLastly, ensure that the displayed time and date for each city accurately reflect the real-world time differences between the various time zones.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include word clocks?", "Are there exactly twelve word clocks featured in the generated text?", "Is each word clock in the generated text representing a unique time zone?", "Does each word clock in the generated text feature a different city?", "Are the clocks in the generated text distributed into two groups of six?", "Do the clocks in the first group indicate the time using a 12-hour format?", "Do the clocks in the second group employ a 24-hour format?", "In the generated text, do the word clocks represent at least one city from every continent (excluding Antarctica) to ensure geographical diversity?", "Does each clock in the generated text display the city's name, the continent the city belongs to, and the current date underneath?", "Does the displayed time and date for each city in the generated text accurately reflect the real-world time differences between the various time zones?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Number"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Number", "Format"], ["Format"], ["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Number"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_206", "input": "", "category": "Business and Economics: Marketing", "instruction": "Please provide a 400-word analysis of the market shares of Apple, Samsung, and Xiaomi in Europe for the past three years. Your analysis should include discussion on the factors that have contributed to their growth or decline. Pay special attention to the following factors: product innovation, pricing strategies, and marketing efforts.\n\nIn your response, also include two tables. The first table should show the market share data for each company over the past three years. The second table should highlight key data points that correlate with the rise or decline in market share based on the factors mentioned above (product innovation, pricing strategies, marketing efforts). Use the data from both tables to provide evidence for your analysis.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text an analysis of the market shares?", "Is the generated analysis approximately 400 words?", "Does the generated analysis cover the market shares of Apple, Samsung, and Xiaomi?", "Does the generated analysis focus on the market in Europe over the past three years?", "Does the generated analysis include a discussion on the factors that have contributed to each brand's growth or decline?", "Does the generated analysis pay special attention to the following factors: product innovation, pricing strategies, and marketing efforts?", "Does the generated text include two tables?", "Does the first table in the generated analysis show the market share data for each company over the past three years?", "Does the second table in the generated analysis highlight key data points that correlate with the rise or decline in market share based on the factors: product innovation, pricing strategies, and marketing efforts?", "Does the generated text use the data from both tables to provide evidence for the analysis?", "Is the usage of the data from both tables reasonable to support the analysis?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Number"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Format", "Number"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_173", "input": "", "category": "Lifestyle and Leisure: Family and Relationships", "instruction": "Create two brief wedding speeches for the same couple, one from the perspective of a groomsman and the other from the perspective of a bridesmaid. Ensure that each speech highlights the unique experiences and memories shared with the respective bride and groom, while also conveying well-wishes for the couple's future together.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include wedding speeches?", "Does the generated text include exactly two wedding speeches?", "Are the two generated speeches intended for the same couple?", "Is one speech in the generated text from the perspective of a groomsman?", "Is the other speech in the generated text from the perspective of a bridesmaid?", "Does each speech highlight the unique experiences and memories shared with the respective bride and groom?", "Do both speeches convey well-wishes for the couple's future together?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Format"], ["Number"], ["Content"], ["Style"], ["Style"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_223", "input": "", "category": "Business and Economics: Operations Management", "instruction": "Create an invoice for an online order that consists of three distinct dresses and two identical pairs of shoes. The invoice must display the order number, billing address, shipping address, order date, and a table outlining the details of each ordered item (quantity, item code, product name, price, and total cost calculated by multiplying the quantity and price of each specific item). Additionally, include a subtotal cost for all the items combined.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text an invoice for an online order?", "Does the generated invoice consist of three distinct dresses and two identical pairs of shoes?", "Does the generated invoice display the order number, billing address, shipping address, and order date?", "Does the generated invoice include a table that outlines the details of each ordered item?", "Does the table in the generated invoice include each item's quantity, item code, product name, price, and total cost?", "Is the total cost of each item in the generated table accurately calculated by multiplying the item's quantity and price?", "Does the generated invoice include a subtotal cost for all the items combined?", "Is the subtotal cost for all the items in the generated invoice correctly calculated?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Number", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Format"], ["Content"], ["Number"], ["Content"], ["Number"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_78", "input": "", "category": "Social Sciences: Education and Pedagogy", "instruction": "Please generate a course schedule for a student who is taking 5 courses this semester with a minimum of 48 units and a maximum of 54 units. Each course has 6, 12, or 15 units, with 1 class per week for 6 units, 2 classes per week for 12 units, and 2 classes and 1 recitation per week for 15 units. Each class lasts for 1 hour and 20 minutes, and each recitation lasts for 45 minutes. No course should be scheduled twice on the same day, and no courses should be scheduled between 12pm and 1pm. The student cannot take any courses on Wednesday afternoons, Thursday afternoons, and Friday afternoons due to basketball training. Courses should start no earlier than 8am and finish no later than 9pm, with a minimum of 10 minutes rest between any two classes. ", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a course schedule?", "Does the generated course schedule consist of exactly 5 courses?", "Do the courses on the generated schedule collectively amount to a minimum of 48 units and a maximum of 54 units?", "Does each course on the schedule account for either 6, 12, or 15 units?", "Do the course units and class arrangements on the generated schedule meet the rule: a course with 6 units has one 1 class per week, a course with 12 units has 2 classes per week, and a course with 15 units has 2 classes and 1 recitation per week?", "According to the generated schedule, does each class session last for 1 hour and 20 minutes?", "If a recitation is included in the generated schedule, does it last for 45 minutes?", "Does the generated schedule reflect that no course has been scheduled twice on the same day?", "Does the generated schedule reflect that no courses are scheduled between 12pm and 1pm?", "Does the generated schedule show no arrangements on Wednesday afternoons, Thursday afternoons, and Friday afternoons (the course schedule should only show academic activities)?", "Does the generated schedule indicate that all courses start no earlier than 8am, and finish no later than 9pm?", "Does the generated schedule indicate that there is at least a 10-minute rest period between any two classes?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Number"], ["Number"], ["Content"], ["Format", "Number", "Content"], ["Content", "Number"], ["Content", "Number"], ["Number", "Content"], ["Content", "Format", "Number"], ["Content"], ["Content", "Format", "Number"], ["Content", "Number", "Format"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_135", "input": "", "category": "Lifestyle and Leisure: Fashion and Style", "instruction": "Compose an imaginary interview with a fictional fashion designer or stylist. The interview should encompass their views on current fashion trends, their styling advice, and insights about the fashion industry. The interview must consist of a total of 6-10 questions and responses. Among them, 3 should be follow-up questions based on the responses given to previous questions, while the remaining questions should be independent. Each question-response pair should be distinct and meaningful, leading to a cohesive interview.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text structured as an imaginary interview?", "Does the generated interview feature a fictional character who is a fashion designer or stylist?", "Does the generated interview reflect the character's views on current fashion trends?", "Does the generated interview include the character's styling advice and insights about the fashion industry?", "Does the generated interview consist of 6 to 10 question and response pairs?", "Among the questions, are there at least three follow-up questions based on the responses given to previous questions, while the remaining questions are independent?", "Is each question-response pair distinct and meaningful, contributing to a cohesive and informative interview?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Number", "Format"], ["Format", "Number", "Linguistic"], ["Style", "Linguistic", "Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_115", "input": "", "category": "Social Sciences: Gender Studies", "instruction": "Design a simple implicit association test (IAT) for assessing gender stereotypes, provide a detailed description of the test, create a table for recording the test results, populate the table with hypothetical test results, and analyze the conclusions drawn from these results.", "decomposed_questions": ["Has the generated text provided a simple Implicit Association Test (IAT)?", "Does the generated Implicit Association Test focus on assessing gender stereotypes?", "Has the generated text provided a detailed description of the test?", "Has the generated text included a table for recording the test results?", "Has the generated text populated the table with hypothetical test results?", "Has the generated text analyzed and drawn conclusions from these hypothetical results?", "Are the generated analysis and conclusions reasonable given the hypothetical test results?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content", "Style"], ["Format"], ["Format"], ["Format", "Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_67", "input": "", "category": "Natural Sciences: Astronomy", "instruction": "Create a set of 10 flashcards for studying Astronomy focusing on the evolution of galaxies. Each flashcard should contain a clear question or term, followed by a concise explanation or definition. Limit each explanation or definition to a maximum of 50 words. Keep the content accurate, relevant, and easy to understand.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a set of flashcards?", "Does the generated text consist of exactly 10 flashcards?", "Do all the flashcards pertain to the study of Astronomy, specifically focusing on the evolution of galaxies?", "Does each generated flashcard contain a clear question or term?", "Is each question or term on the generated flashcard followed by a concise explanation or definition?", "Is the explanation or definition on each flashcard restricted to a maximum of 50 words?", "Is the content of each flashcard accurate and relevant to the evolution of galaxies?", "Is the content of each flashcard easy to understand?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Number"], ["Content"], ["Linguistic", "Format"], ["Style", "Content", "Format"], ["Number"], ["Content"], ["Style"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_68", "input": "", "category": "Natural Sciences: Astronomy", "instruction": "Provide a list of 3 debate topics related to search for extraterrestrial life. For each topic, generate 2 one-sentence arguments for the proposition side and 2 one-sentence arguments for the opposition side. Ensure all the arguments are well-reasoned and logically sound. ", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text provide a list of 3 debate topics?", "Are the debate topics in the generated text related to the search for extraterrestrial life?", "Does the generated text provide two arguments for the proposition side for each topic?", "Are each of the arguments for the proposition side constructed as one sentence?", "Does the generated text provide two arguments for the opposition side for each topic?", "Are each of the arguments for the opposition side constructed as one sentence?", "Are all the arguments in the generated text well-reasoned and logically sound?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Number", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Format", "Number", "Content"], ["Number", "Format"], ["Format", "Number", "Content"], ["Number", "Format"], ["Linguistic"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_118", "input": "", "category": "Social Sciences: Ethnic", "instruction": "Create a table to compare the culture of 3 different ethnic groups from a respectful and unbiased perspective. The table should have 2 rows representing 2 different aspects of culture, and 3 columns for each ethnic group. One sentence for each aspect and each ethnic group. Avoid controversial topics or those that promote hate speech, discrimination, or misinformation. Focus on promoting understanding and appreciation for diversity.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text formatted as a table?", "Does the generated table compare the cultures of 3 different ethnic groups?", "Are the comparisons in the generated table presented from a respectful and unbiased perspective?", "Does the generated table have 2 rows representing 2 different aspects of culture?", "Does the generated table have 3 columns, one for each ethnic group?", "Does the generated table use exactly one sentence for each aspect and each ethnic group?", "Does the generated table avoid controversial topics or those that promote hate speech, discrimination, or misinformation?", "Does the generated table focus on promoting understanding and appreciation for diversity?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content", "Number"], ["Style"], ["Format", "Number"], ["Format", "Number", "Content"], ["Number", "Format"], ["Style"], ["Style"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_154", "input": "", "category": "Lifestyle and Leisure: Sports and Fitness", "instruction": "Create two distinct basketball training routines for two high school students with different goals. Develop one routine for a student who enjoys basketball as a hobby, and another routine for a student who aspires to play professionally. Ensure that each routine has an appropriate training intensity and objectives tailored to the specific needs and aspirations of each student.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include two distinct basketball training routines?", "Are the generated training routines specifically tailored for two high school students with different goals?", "Is one routine in the generated text designed for a student who enjoys basketball as a hobby?", "Is there a routine in the generated text for a student who aspires to play basketball professionally?", "Do the generated routines ensure that each has an appropriate training intensity and objectives, tailored to the specific needs and aspirations of each student?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Number"], ["Content", "Number"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_14", "input": "", "category": "Arts: Drama", "instruction": "According to Joseph Campbell's 12 stages of the hero's journey outlined in his book The Hero with a Thousand Faces, create a concise outline for a drama. The 12 stages of the hero's journey include: \nI. Departure \n1. Ordinary world\n2. Call to adventure\n3. Refusal of the call\n4. Meeting with the mentor\n5. Crossing the first threshold\nII. Initiation \n6. Tests, allies, and enemies\n7. Approach to the inmost cave\n8. The ordeal\n9. Reward\nIII. Return\n10. The road back\n11. The resurrection\n12. Return with the elixir\nUse the terms \"Departure\", \"Initiation\", and \"Return\" as the names for each act of your three-act play, and use the 12 stages listed above as subtitles in each act.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text serve as an outline for a drama?", "Is the outlined drama concise?", "Does the generated outline clearly denote a three-act structure for the drama?", "Are the terms \"Departure,\" \"Initiation,\" and \"Return\" used as the names for each act in the three-act play outlined?", "Does the generated outline utilize all of the 12 stages of the hero's journey as listed by Joseph Campbell \u2014 I. Departure: \"Ordinary world,\" \"Call to adventure,\" \"Refusal of the call,\" \"Meeting with the mentor,\" \"Crossing the first threshold,\"; II. Initiation: \"Tests, allies, and enemies,\" \"Approach to the inmost cave,\" \"The ordeal,\" \"Reward,\"; III. Return: \"The road back,\" \"The resurrection,\" and \"Return with the elixir\" \u2014 as subtitles within each respective act of the drama?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Style"], ["Format"], ["Format"], ["Format", "Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_151", "input": "", "category": "Lifestyle and Leisure: Health and Wellness", "instruction": "Compose a 200-word blog post about the benefits of meditation for reducing stress. Use bullet points to highlight the main benefits and provide at least one scientific study as evidence.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text in the format of a blog post?", "Is the generated text approximately 200 words in length?", "Is the generated blog post centered on the topic of meditation's benefits in stress reduction?", "Does the generated blog post utilize bullet points to underline the primary benefits?", "Does the generated blog post cite at least one scientific study as evidence to support the claims about meditation's benefits in stress reduction?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Number"], ["Content"], ["Format"], ["Content", "Number"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_61", "input": "", "category": "Natural Sciences: Meteorology", "instruction": "Provide a brief description of three major climate zones and their characteristics, listing them as \"zone name: characteristics.\" Limit each description to 50 words.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text provide descriptions of major climate zones and their characteristics?", "Do the generated text describe exactly three major climate zones and their characteristics?", "Is each climate zone in the generated text clearly listed with its characteristics in the format \"zone name: characteristics\"?", "Is the description of each climate zone and its characteristics brief and limited to 50 words?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Number"], ["Format"], ["Number"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_190", "input": "", "category": "Engineering and Technology: Software Engineering", "instruction": "Generate a regular expression that validates dates in the format YYYY-MM-DD, ensuring that the year is a 4-digit number between 1900 and 2099, the month is a 2-digit number between 01 and 12, and the day is a 2-digit number between 01 and 31.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a regular expression?", "Does the generated regular expression validate dates in the YYYY-MM-DD format?", "Does the generated regular expression ensure that the year component is a 4-digit number ranging from 1900 to 2099?", "Does the generated regular expression confirm that the month component is a 2-digit number ranging from 01 to 12?", "Does the generated regular expression validate that the day component is a 2-digit number ranging from 01 to 31?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_87", "input": "", "category": "Social Sciences: Archaeology", "instruction": "Design a simple webpage interface for a digital cataloging system of archaeological artifacts, consisting of a homepage and an individual artifact page. The homepage should feature the site name, a brief introduction, and a search area for users to find specific artifacts. The artifact page should display photographs, detailed descriptions, and contextual information about the artifact's location within the excavation area. Incorporate user-friendly navigation and visually appealing design elements.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated output represent a simple webpage interface?", "Is the designed webpage interface specifically for a digital cataloging system of archaeological artifacts?", "Does the generated webpage interface design include both a homepage and an individual artifact page?", "Does the homepage of the designed webpage interface feature the site name, a brief introduction, and a search area for users to find specific artifacts?", "Does the individual artifact page of the webpage interface display photographs, detailed descriptions, and contextual information about the artifact's location within the excavation area?", "Does the designed webpage interface incorporate user-friendly navigation and visually appealing design elements?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Style"], ["Content"], ["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Style"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_106", "input": "", "category": "Social Sciences: Law and Criminology", "instruction": "Draft 3 independent and dependent patent claims for a solar-powered water purification device. Describe the invention's key features and problem it solves in the independent claim, and refine the details in dependent claims. Ensure that the claims are clear and concise. The 1st claim should be independent, the 2nd claim is dependent on the 1st claim, and the 3rd claim is dependent on both the 1st and 2nd claims.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text patent claims?", "Does the generated text include exactly 3 patent claims?", "Does the generated text contain patent claims for a solar-powered water purification device?", "Is the first claim independent?", "Does the first claim (independent claim) describe the invention's key features and problem it solves?", "Is the second claim dependent on the first claim?", "Is the third claim dependent on both the first and second claims?", "Do the dependent claims (2nd, 3rd) refine the details of the invention?", "Are all the claims clear and concise in the generated text?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Number"], ["Content"], ["Linguistic"], ["Content"], ["Linguistic"], ["Linguistic"], ["Content"], ["Style"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_224", "input": "", "category": "Business and Economics: Operations Management", "instruction": "First, please provide your interpretation of the term \"mid-range restaurant\". Following that, simulate a receipt for a mid-range Italian restaurant, including an appetizer, main course, dessert, and beverages, along with their respective prices. Lastly, justify why you classified this restaurant as mid-range based on your initial understanding.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text provide an interpretation of the term \"mid-range restaurant\"?", "Does the generated text include a simulated receipt from a mid-range Italian restaurant?", "Does the simulated receipt in the generated text include an appetizer, main course, dessert, and beverages?", "Does the simulated receipt in the generated text provide respective prices for each item listed?", "Does the generated text provide an explanation as to why the restaurant is categorized as mid-range?", "Does the explanation in the generated text align with the initial interpretation provided for the term \"mid-range restaurant\"?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Format", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Format", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_85", "input": "", "category": "Social Sciences: Education and Pedagogy", "instruction": "Outline a curriculum development process for a 16-week high school history course, including setting week-by-week objectives and designing assignments. Include two mid-term exams and a final exam. Provide a detailed grading criteria based on the assignments and exams you have designed, specifying the percentage each component contributes to the final grade. Additionally, consider incorporating engaging classroom activities and diverse resources to enhance the learning experience.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text provide an outline for a curriculum development process?", "Does the generated curriculum development outline specifically cater to a high school history course?", "Does the generated curriculum development outline clearly show that the course is 16 weeks long?", "In the curriculum development outline, are week-by-week objectives set and assignments designed for each week?", "Does the curriculum development outline explicitly include two mid-term exams and a final exam within the 16-week timeline?", "Does the curriculum development outline contain a detailed grading criteria for the course?", "Is the grading criteria in the curriculum development outline derived from the assignments and exams that have been designed within it?", "Does the curriculum development outline specify the percentage contribution of each component (assignments, mid-term exams, final exam) towards the final grade?", "Does the percentage contribution of each component (assignments, mid-term exams, final exam) add up to 100 percent?", "In the curriculum development outline, are there provisions for engaging classroom activities and diverse resources aimed at enhancing the learning experience for the students?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Number"], ["Format", "Content"], ["Format", "Number"], ["Format", "Style", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Format"], ["Number"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_103", "input": "", "category": "Social Sciences: Linguistics", "instruction": "Create a sentence using words that start with the letters in the word 'random', maintaining grammatical correctness.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a sentence?", "Does the generated sentence use words that each starts with the letters in the word 'random'?", "Does the generated sentence maintain grammatical correctness?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Number"], ["Linguistic"], ["Linguistic"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_197", "input": "", "category": "Natural Sciences: Environmental Engineering", "instruction": "Compose a 300-word manifesto for a social movement advocating for environmental conservation and sustainability. Use concise language and emphasize tangible goals and potential solutions.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text serve as a manifesto for a social movement?", "Is the manifesto approximately 300 words in length?", "Does the generated text advocate for environmental conservation and sustainability?", "Does the manifesto use concise language?", "Does the manifesto highlight tangible goals and suggest potential solutions for environmental conservation and sustainability?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Number"], ["Content"], ["Style"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_8", "input": "", "category": "Arts: Literature", "instruction": "Create a sequence of flash fiction stories limited to 50 words, all of which center around different characters (at least seven), each with their own unique name. Each story should give a brief insight into the character's life while still subtly contributing to a unifying narrative or theme that ties all the stories together.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text present a sequence of flash fiction stories?", "Does each story in the generated text adhere to a 50-word limit?", "Do all of the stories in the generated text center around different characters?", "Are there at least seven stories in the generated text?", "Does each character in the generated stories have a unique name?", "Does each story provide a brief insight into the character's life?", "Does each story subtly contribute to a unifying narrative or theme that ties all the stories together?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Number"], ["Content"], ["Number"], ["Content", "Linguistic"], ["Content"], ["Linguistic"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_212", "input": "", "category": "Business and Economics: Real Estate", "instruction": "Draft a letter of intent for the purchase of a residential property located at 123 Main Street, Springfield, by buyer William Brown, with a proposed purchase price of $250,000, subject to an inspection contingency and a 30-day closing period.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text present a letter of intent for the purchase of a residential property?", "Does the generated text clearly identify the residential property located at 123 Main Street, Springfield, being purchased by buyer William Brown?", "Does the generated text illustrate the proposed purchase price of $250,000 for the property?", "Does the generated text specify an inspection contingency?", "Does the generated text specify a 30-day closing period for the property purchase?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_109", "input": "Former National Football League player, actor, and broadcaster O.J. Simpson was tried for two accounts of murder in 1994. Simpson was accused of murdering his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and a restaurant waiter, Ron Goldman.\n\nSimpson was represented by a high-profile defense team, that many referred to as the Dream Team. It included famous names like Robert Shapiro, Johnnie Cochran, and Robert Kardashian.\n\nCochran was able to convince the jury that there was reasonable doubt about the DNA evidence, and he alleged misconduct by the Los Angeles Police Department.\n\nThe trial lasted 11 months, and Simpson was found not guilty. Since then, it is often referred to as \u201cthe trial of the century\u201d and there have been television series, movies, and documentaries made about the trial.\n\nHowever, the families of the deceased filed a civil lawsuit against Simpson. The jury unanimously found him guilty for both deaths, and awarded the families $33.5 million for compensatory and punitive damages.\n\nMany feel the justice system prevailed 13 years later when Simpson was convicted and sentenced on robbery and weapons charges.", "category": "Social Sciences: Law and Criminology", "instruction": "Please process the provided article related to the criminal case involving O.J. Simpson. From this article, identify and extract the following specific pieces of information: the accused, the victims, the members of the defense team, the allegations, the duration of the trial, the verdict, the civil lawsuit, the damages awarded, and any subsequent conviction. If any of these elements cannot be found in the article, list them as 'Missing'. Please present each entity with its corresponding extracted value in a new line, using the format: 'Entity Name: Extracted Value'.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the information \"the accused\" accurately extracted from the given article related to the criminal case involving O.J. Simpson? (If not found, list as 'Missing'.)", "Is the information \"the victims\" accurately extracted from the given article related to the criminal case involving O.J. Simpson? (If not found, list as 'Missing'.)", "Is the information \"the members of the defense team\" accurately extracted from the given article related to the criminal case involving O.J. Simpson? (If not found, list as 'Missing'.)", "Is the information \"the allegations\" accurately extracted from the given article related to the criminal case involving O.J. Simpson? (If not found, list as 'Missing'.)", "Is the information \"the duration of the trial\" accurately extracted from the given article related to the criminal case involving O.J. Simpson? (If not found, list as 'Missing'.)", "Is the information \"the verdict\" accurately extracted from the given article related to the criminal case involving O.J. Simpson? (If not found, list as 'Missing'.)", "Is the information \"the civil lawsuit\" accurately extracted from the given article related to the criminal case involving O.J. Simpson? (If not found, list as 'Missing'.)", "Is the information \"the damages awarded\" accurately extracted from the given article related to the criminal case involving O.J. Simpson? (If not found, list as 'Missing'.)", "Is the information \"the subsequent conviction\" accurately extracted from the given article related to the criminal case involving O.J. Simpson? (If not found, list as 'Missing'.)", "Is each entity with its corresponding extracted value presented in a new line?", "Is each entity with its corresponding extracted value displayed in the format: 'Entity Name: Extracted Value'?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Format"], ["Format"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_120", "input": "", "category": "Social Sciences: Cultural Studies", "instruction": "Write a short essay comparing Western and Eastern cultures. Your essay should be organized into five paragraphs, each exploring a different perspective on the cultures. For each paragraph, follow this structure: the first sentence should introduce the perspective being compared, the second sentence should describe the aspect of Western culture relevant to that perspective, the third sentence should describe the corresponding aspect of Eastern culture, and the fourth sentence should highlight the key differences or similarities between the two. ", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a short essay that compares Western and Eastern cultures?", "Is the generated essay organized into five distinct paragraphs?", "Does each paragraph of the generated essay explore a different perspective on the cultures?", "Does the first sentence of each paragraph introduce the perspective being compared?", "Does the second sentence of each paragraph describe the aspect of Western culture relevant to that perspective?", "Does the third sentence of each paragraph describe the corresponding aspect of Eastern culture?", "Does the fourth sentence of each paragraph highlight the key differences or similarities between the two cultures?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Style"], ["Format", "Number"], ["Format", "Content"], ["Linguistic", "Content", "Format"], ["Linguistic", "Content", "Format"], ["Linguistic", "Content", "Format"], ["Linguistic", "Content", "Format"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_51", "input": "", "category": "Natural Sciences: Statistics", "instruction": "Please generate a dataset consisting of 5 data points in the format (X1, X2, Y), where X1 and X2 are the independent variables and Y is the dependent variable. It is required that the dataset is designed in such a way that Y can be accurately predicted using X1 and X2. Afterwards, please create a linear regression model that utilizes the two independent variables to predict the dependent variable.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include a dataset consisting of some data points?", "Does the generated dataset include exactly 5 data points?", "Are the data points in the generated dataset in the format (X1, X2, Y), where X1 and X2 are the independent variables and Y is the dependent variable?", "Does the generated text create a linear regression model that utilizes the two independent variables (X1 and X2) to predict the dependent variable (Y)?", "In the generated dataset, is it ensured that the dataset is designed in such a way that the dependent variable (Y) can be accurately predicted using the independent variables (X1 and X2)?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Number"], ["Format", "Content"], ["Format", "Content"], ["Content", "Number"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_131", "input": "", "category": "Lifestyle and Leisure: Personal Development", "instruction": "Provide two examples of how individuals in different professions (software engineer and marketing manager) can apply the concept of continuous learning to advance their careers. Make sure each example highlights unique challenges and opportunities within that profession, while staying under 200 words per example.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text provide examples of how individuals can apply the concept of continuous learning to advance their careers?", "Does the generated text provide exactly two examples?", "Are the two generated examples specifically for the professions of software engineer and marketing manager?", "Does each example highlight unique challenges and opportunities within their respective profession?", "Does each generated example stay under 200 words?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Number"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Number"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_176", "input": "", "category": "Engineering and Technology: Electrical Engineering", "instruction": "Generate mathematical formulas for the following waveforms with a frequency of 5 Hz and an amplitude of 2: a) sine wave, b) square wave, c) triangle wave, and d) sawtooth wave.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include a mathematical formula for a sine wave?", "Is the provided mathematical formula accurately representing a sine wave with a frequency of 5 Hz and an amplitude of 2?", "Does the generated text include a mathematical formula for a square wave?", "Is the provided mathematical formula accurately representing a square wave with a frequency of 5 Hz and an amplitude of 2?", "Does the generated text include a mathematical formula for a triangle wave?", "Is the provided mathematical formula accurately representing a triangle wave with a frequency of 5 Hz and an amplitude of 2?", "Does the generated text include a mathematical formula for a sawtooth wave?", "Is the provided mathematical formula accurately representing a sawtooth wave with a frequency of 5 Hz and an amplitude of 2?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Number"], ["Format"], ["Number"], ["Format"], ["Number"], ["Format"], ["Number"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_57", "input": "", "category": "Natural Sciences: Chemistry", "instruction": "Explain the basics of chemical bonding, including ionic, covalent, and metallic bonds. Illustrate each type with two specific examples, and organize your response into three distinct points, one for each bond type. Your explanation should be clear, concise, and accessible to someone without a background in chemistry. ", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text explain the basics of chemical bonding?", "Does the generated text explain three types of bonds?", "Does the generated explanation include ionic, covalent, and metallic bonds?", "Does the explanation provide two specific examples for each type of bond?", "Is the explanation organized into three distinct points, with each point dedicated to a different type of bond?", "Is the explanation clear, concise, and easily understandable by someone without a background in chemistry?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Number"], ["Content"], ["Format", "Number", "Content"], ["Number", "Format"], ["Style"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_47", "input": "", "category": "Natural Sciences: Cryptography", "instruction": "Design a cryptogram-style riddle with a short encrypted message that relates to a historical figure or event. Provide the encrypted message, a decryption key, a decrypted message, and a brief context of the historical reference.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text in the form of a cryptogram-style riddle?", "Does the generated text include a short encrypted message?", "Does the generated text provide a decryption key for solving the cryptogram?", "Does the generated text present a decrypted message?", "Is the decrypted message correct according to the encrypted message and the decryption key?", "Does the decrypted message within the generated text pertain to a specific historical figure or event?", "Does the generated text provide a brief context of the historical reference?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content", "Style"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_186", "input": "", "category": "Engineering and Technology: Artificial Intelligence", "instruction": "Generate a Python code snippet that constructs a two-hidden layer feedforward neural network using the PyTorch `torch.nn` module, ensuring that the architecture consists of an input layer, two hidden layers, and an output layer. The hidden layers should utilize the ReLU activation function and have a neuron count ranging between 32 and 128 to maintain a reasonably sized network. Include comments in the code to clarify each step of the process.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a Python code snippet?", "Does the generated Python code construct a two-hidden layer feedforward neural network using the PyTorch `torch.nn` module?", "Does the architecture designed in the Python code consist of an input layer, two hidden layers, and an output layer?", "Does the Python code ensure that the hidden layers of the network utilize the ReLU activation function?", "Does the neuron count in each hidden layer of the network, as implemented in the Python code, range between 32 and 128 to maintain a reasonably sized network?", "Does the generated Python code include comments that clarify each step of the process?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Linguistic"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Format"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_117", "input": "", "category": "Social Sciences: Gender Studies", "instruction": "Pick a famous sentence from Simone de Beauvoir's \"The Second Sex\" as the starting point of your paragraph. Discuss its historical limitations and explain how it might not be entirely applicable to the current times. Please provide a concise analysis within 200 words, considering the social and cultural context of the present day.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated paragraph begin with a notable quotation from Simone de Beauvoir's \"The Second Sex\"?", "Does the generated paragraph discuss the historical limitations of the chosen quotation and offer explanations on its potential inapplicability in modern times?", "Is the generated analysis concise and does it adhere to the 200-word limit?", "Does the generated paragraph incorporate consideration of the current day's social and cultural context?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Format"], ["Content"], ["Number"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_37", "input": "", "category": "Natural Sciences: Mathmatics", "instruction": "Generate a sequence of four numbers starting with a random three-digit number of your choice. For each subsequent number in the sequence, it should be the sum of the cubes of the digits of the previous number. Write each number on a new line. After each of the four numbers, show the cubed digits in angle brackets, separated by semicolons, which contributed to the calculation of the next number in the sequence.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a sequence of numbers?", "Does the generated sequence include exactly four numbers?", "Does the generated sequence start with a randomly selected three-digit number?", "For each subsequent number in the generated sequence, is it the sum of the cubes of the digits of the previous number?", "Is each number in the sequence written on a new line?", "After each number in the generated sequence, are the cubed digits of that number shown inside angle brackets?", "Are the contributing cubed digits, shown inside angle brackets, separated by semicolons?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Number"], ["Format"], ["Number", "Format"], ["Format"], ["Format"], ["Format"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_0", "input": "", "category": "Arts: Film", "instruction": "Generate a sentence that describes the plot of Star Wars, where each word begins with the end letter of the previous word, and the set of beginning letters of all words in the sentence covers every letter in the alphabet from A to Z.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a sentence?", "Does the generated text describe the plot of Star Wars?", "In the generated sentence, does each word begin with the last letter of the previous word?", "In the generated sentence, do the beginning letters of all words collectively cover every letter in the English alphabet from A to Z?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Number"], ["Content"], ["Linguistic"], ["Linguistic"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_198", "input": "", "category": "Natural Sciences: Environmental Engineering", "instruction": "Create a list of the primary causes and effects of climate change. For each entry, focus on a single cause and its associated effects. Organize the list by writing \"Cause:\" followed by a one-sentence description, then start a new line with \"Effect:\" and provide a one-sentence explanation.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text formatted as a list?", "Does the generated list specifically discuss the primary causes and effects of climate change?", "Does each entry in the generated list concentrate on one distinct cause and its correlated effects?", "Is each entry in the generated list structured by writing \"Cause:\" followed by a description?", "Is the description followed by the \"Cause:\" of each entry in one-sentence?", "Does each entry in the generated list begin a new line with \"Effect:\"?", "Does each entry in the generated list include a one-sentence explanation after the line beginning with \"Effect:\"?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Format", "Content", "Number"], ["Format"], ["Number"], ["Format"], ["Number"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_84", "input": "", "category": "Social Sciences: Education and Pedagogy", "instruction": "Create a motivational 300-400 word commencement speech for the graduating class of 2023. Start the speech by congratulating the graduates and recognizing their achievements. Then, include a relatable personal story that conveys important life lessons. Give them advice and motivation, emphasizing the themes of resilience, continuous learning, and adaptability throughout the speech.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a commencement speech?", "Does the word count of the generated commencement speech fall within the range of 300-400 words?", "Is the generated commencement speech motivational for graduates?", "Is the generated commencement speech specifically crafted for the graduating class of 2023?", "Does the commencement speech begin by congratulating the graduates and acknowledging their achievements?", "Does the commencement speech include a relatable personal story that imparts key life lessons?", "Does the commencement speech provide advice and motivation to the graduates?", "Does the commencement speech consistently emphasize the themes of resilience, continuous learning, and adaptability?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Number"], ["Style"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_58", "input": "", "category": "Natural Sciences: Earth Science", "instruction": "Write an article aimed at middle school students explaining plate tectonics and how it contributes to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Additionally, create a short quiz with 3 multiple-choice and 2 True-False questions alone with correct answers based on the article's content.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include an article?", "Is the article in the generated text explaining plate tectonics and its role in earthquakes and volcanic eruptions?", "Is the generated article tailored towards middle school students?", "Does the generated text include a short quiz?", "Does the quiz in the generated text have exactly 3 multiple-choice and 2 True-False questions?", "Does the quiz in the generated text include correct answers for each question?", "Are the questions and correct answers in the generated quiz based on the article's content?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Style"], ["Format"], ["Number", "Format"], ["Format", "Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_20", "input": "", "category": "Arts: Dancing", "instruction": "Create a template for a Two-Person Latin Dance Score Sheet to be used in a competition. The template should consist of three main scoring categories, and within each category, there should be multiple scoring items. Assign a maximum score to each item. The score sheet must accurately represent the scoring of a Two-Person Latin Dance performance. Include blank spaces for judges to write comments and scores for each item. Ensure that the total score across all items in the three categories adds up to 100 points.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a template for a Dance Score Sheet?", "Has the generated template been created specifically for a Two-Person Latin Dance competition?", "Does the generated template consist of three main scoring categories?", "Within each scoring category of the generated template, are there multiple scoring items?", "Does the generated template assign a maximum score to each scoring item?", "Does the generated score sheet accurately represent the scoring of a Two-Person Latin Dance performance?", "Does the generated score sheet include blank spaces for judges to write comments and scores for each item?", "Does the generated score sheet ensure that the total score across all items in the three categories adds up to 100 points?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Format", "Number"], ["Format", "Number"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Format"], ["Number"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_2", "input": "", "category": "Arts: Film", "instruction": "Write a short film script of less than 300 words about a chance encounter between two strangers that leads to an unexpected friendship. The script should include scene descriptions, character introductions, and engaging dialogue that reveals the characters' backgrounds, personalities and motivations.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text formatted as a film script?", "Is the generated script short within the limit of 300 words?", "Does the generated script revolve around a chance encounter between two strangers that leads to an unexpected friendship?", "Does the generated script include scene descriptions?", "Does the generated script provide character introductions?", "Does the generated script include engaging dialogue?", "Does the dialogue in the generated script reveal the characters' backgrounds, personalities, and motivations?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Number"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Style", "Content"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_230", "input": "", "category": "Office and Work: Job Recruitment", "instruction": "Please generate a two-page resume (each page is limted to 200 words) adhering to the following structure and guidelines:\n\n1. Include a header: The header should contain essential contact details.\n2. Add a professional summary: This section should concisely depict professional skills and experience.\n3. List work experience in reverse chronological order. Each job description should focus on quantifiable achievements.\n4. Insert an education section: Highlight academic accomplishments here.\n5. Use clear and straightforward language throughout the document.\n6. Tailor the content to match the specific job opening: The skills and experiences emphasized should align with the job requirements.\n7. Exclude personal information: Do not include age or marital status.\n\nAfter the completion of the first page, insert a line full of asterisks (\"********\") to indicate the separation between the two pages. Ensure each page is clearly numbered.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text formatted as a resume?", "Does the generated resume consist of exactly two pages?", "Are both pages of the generated resume limited to 200 words each?", "Does the generated resume include a header containing essential contact details?", "Is there a professional summary included in the generated resume?", "Does the summary in the generated resume concisely depict the candidate's professional skills and experience?", "In the generated resume, is the work experience listed in reverse chronological order?", "In the work experience section of the generated resume, does each job description focus on quantifiable achievements?", "Does the generated resume include an education section?", "Within the education section, does the generated resume highlight the candidate's academic accomplishments?", "Is the language used throughout the generated resume clear and straightforward?", "Does the content of the generated resume align with a specific job opening, with skills and experiences emphasized according to the job requirements?", "Does the generated resume exclude personal information such as age and marital status?", "After the first page of the generated resume, is there a line of asterisks (\"********\") indicating the separation between the two pages?", "Are both pages of the generated resume clearly numbered?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Format", "Number"], ["Number"], ["Format", "Content"], ["Format", "Style"], ["Content", "Style"], ["Format"], ["Content", "Linguistic"], ["Format"], ["Content"], ["Style"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Format"], ["Format"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_225", "input": "", "category": "Business and Economics: Human Resources", "instruction": "Please design a plain text business card template using placeholders to indicate the positions that need to be filled. Use the following format: [Field_Name] to represent each field that will be personalized later. Make sure to include essential contact information and maintain a professional layout.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a plain text business card template?", "Does the generated business card template use placeholders to indicate the positions that will be filled later?", "Do the placeholders in the generated business card template follow the format: [Field_Name] to represent each field that will be personalized later?", "Does the generated business card template include essential contact information?", "Does the generated business card template maintain a professional layout?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Format"], ["Format"], ["Content"], ["Style"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_49", "input": "", "category": "Natural Sciences: Statistics", "instruction": "Create a 3x6 table with the following headers: number1, number2, number3, mean, standard deviation, and variance. Fill the first three columns with random integers. For each row, calculate the mean, standard deviation, and variance of the numbers in the first three columns and fill the 4th, 5th, and 6th columns with these values (round off to three decimal places.).", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text presented in a table format?", "Does the generated table have dimensions of 3x6?", "Does the generated table include the following headers: number1, number2, number3, mean, standard deviation, and variance?", "Are the first three columns of the generated table filled with random integers?", "In the generated table, are the 4th, 5th, and 6th columns populated with the mean, standard deviation, and variance of the numbers in the first three columns, calculated for each row?", "Are the calculations of the mean, standard deviation, and variance for each row correctly performed and displayed in the 4th, 5th, and 6th columns respectively?", "Are the values of the mean, standard deviation, and variance in the table rounded off to three decimal places?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Format", "Number"], ["Format"], ["Format", "Content"], ["Format"], ["Number"], ["Number"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_205", "input": "", "category": "Business and Economics: Marketing", "instruction": "Write a 100-word product description for a new smartphone, emphasizing its advanced features, sleek design, and exceptional battery life. Use captivating and convincing language to attract prospective customers. ", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a product description?", "Is the generated text approximately 100 words in length?", "Does the generated product description specifically focus on a new smartphone?", "Does the generated product description emphasize the new smartphone's advanced features, sleek design, and exceptional battery life?", "Does the generated product description use captivating and convincing language to attract prospective customers?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Number"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Style"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_163", "input": "", "category": "Lifestyle and Leisure: Family and Relationships", "instruction": "Design a family-focused weekly activity plan consisting of five activities that promote togetherness, and communication. Each activity should be suitable for various age groups and require minimal resources. Include brief descriptions (30-50 words) explaining the purpose of each activity and how it strengthens family bonds.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text present a weekly activity plan?", "Does the generated activity plan focus on the family?", "Does the generated plan consist of five distinct activities?", "Do the activities in the generated plan promote togetherness and communication among family members?", "Are the activities in the generated plan suitable for various age groups?", "Do the activities in the generated plan require minimal resources?", "Does the generated text include individual descriptions for each activity?", "Do the descriptions explain the purpose of each activity and how it strengthens family bonds?", "Are the descriptions brief, containing between 30-50 words each?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Number", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Format"], ["Content"], ["Number"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_91", "input": "", "category": "Social Sciences: History", "instruction": "Compose a 150-word paragraph in the style of an encyclopedia entry about the history of the Eiffel Tower, using only the passive voice throughout. Include at least three key historical events related to the tower.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text constitute a paragraph?", "Is the generated paragraph about the history of the Eiffel Tower?", "Is the style of the generated paragraph reminiscent of an encyclopedia entry?", "Does the length of the generated paragraph total to approximately 150 words?", "Does the generated text only use the passive voice throughout?", "Are there any historical events associated with the Eiffel Tower included in the generated text?", "Are there at least three distinct historical events related to the Eiffel Tower presented within the generated text?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Number", "Format"], ["Content"], ["Style"], ["Number"], ["Linguistic"], ["Content"], ["Number"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_73", "input": "", "category": "Natural Sciences: Medical Sciences", "instruction": "Generate a concise overview of the human circulatory system, focusing on the main components and their functions. Then create a flowchart using \"->\" to connect each main component, with the arrow direction indicating the blood flow direction. Please ensure clarity and simplicity in your description and flowchart.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include a concise overview of the human circulatory system?", "Does the generated text focus on the main components and their functions within the human circulatory system?", "Does the generated text create a flowchart using \"->\" to represent the connections between each main component of the human circulatory system?", "Does the arrow direction in the generated flowchart accurately indicate the blood flow direction between the main components of the human circulatory system?", "Are the generated descriptions and flowchart both clear and simple to understand?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Content", "Style", "Format"], ["Content"], ["Format"], ["Content"], ["Style"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_64", "input": "", "category": "Natural Sciences: Physiscs", "instruction": "Please create concise and well-structured lecture notes on Quantum Mechanics, focusing on the following two topics: Schr\u00f6dinger Equation, and Dirac Equation. For each topic, provide several bullet points with brief explanations and include at least one relevant equation. To ensure the equation are easy to read, use LaTeX code to format them. ", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text lecture notes?", "Are the generated lecture notes focused on Quantum Mechanics?", "Do the generated lecture notes primarily concentrate on the Schr\u00f6dinger Equation and the Dirac Equation?", "Does each topic in the generated lecture notes contain several bullet points accompanied by brief explanations?", "Does each topic in the generated lecture notes include at least one relevant equation?", "Are the equations in the generated lecture notes formatted using LaTeX code to ensure readability?", "Are the generated lecture notes concise and well-structured?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Format", "Style"], ["Format", "Content"], ["Format"], ["Style", "Format"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_146", "input": "", "category": "Lifestyle and Leisure: Travel and Tourism", "instruction": "Generate an airline information for a flight from Seattle to New York with two stops, using the following format:\n1. The first line should include the airline name and flight number.\n2. The second line should list the departure city, both stopover cities, and the destination city, connected by \"->\".\n3. The third line should indicate the corresponding departure and arrival times at each city, connected by \"->\". For the stopover cities, list both arrival and departure times, separated by a comma and a space, without using \"->\".\n4. The last line should indicate the total price of the flight.\nAdditionally, ensure that the provided layover times at the stopover cities are larger than 1 hour, and that the overall travel time is within a realistic range for the given route.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text present airline information?", "Is the generated airline information specifically for a flight traveling from Seattle to New York?", "Does the generated airline information clearly show two stops during the flight?", "Does the generated airline information's first line include the airline's name and the flight number?", "Does the second line of the generated airline information list the departure city, the two stopover cities, and the destination city in order?", "In the second line of the generated airline information, are all the cities connected using \"->\"?", "Does the third line of the generated airline information indicate the corresponding departure and arrival times at each city?", "In the third line of the generated airline information, are all the times connected using \"->\"?", "For the stopover cities listed in the generated airline information, are both the arrival and departure times given, separated by a comma and a space, and not connected by \"->\"?", "Does the final line of the generated airline information indicate the total price of the flight?", "Within the generated airline information, is it ensured that the provided layover times at the stopover cities are longer than 1 hour?", "Within the generated airline information, is it ensured that the overall travel time falls within a realistic range for the given route from Seattle to New York with two stopovers?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Content"], ["Content"], ["Format", "Number"], ["Format"], ["Format"], ["Format"], ["Format"], ["Format"], ["Format"], ["Format"], ["Content", "Number"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_30", "input": "", "category": "Natural Sciences: Biology", "instruction": "Please create a food chain with a minimum of 10 levels, using the \"->\" symbol to illustrate the energy transfer between organisms. Incorporate one domesticated animal at the 7th level. Additionally, include an aquatic organism somewhere in the chain. After each organism's name, please provide the genus to which it belongs in parentheses. Ensure that the choices of organisms in each level make ecological sense regarding their predatory or prey relationships.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text representing a food chain?", "Does the generated food chain consist of a minimum of 10 levels?", "Does the generated food chain use the \"->\" symbol to denote energy transfer between organisms?", "Does the seventh level of the generated food chain incorporate a domesticated animal?", "Does the generated food chain include an aquatic organism at any level?", "After each organism's name in the generated food chain, is the genus to which it belongs provided?", "After each organism's name in the generated food chain, is the genus to which it belongs provided in parentheses?", "Are the choices of organisms at each level in the generated food chain ecologically sensible, reflecting appropriate predatory or prey relationships?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Number"], ["Format"], ["Content", "Number"], ["Content"], ["Format", "Content"], ["Format"], ["Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_236", "input": "", "category": "Office and Work: Event Planning", "instruction": "Create a clear and concise timeline that outlines 7 essential onboarding steps for a new employee joining the software development team, incorporating 3 meetings within these steps. Prioritize the initial meetings and training sessions in the sequence, ensuring the entire onboarding process is completed within 2 days. Additionally, do not schedule more than 2 meetings on the same day.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text present an onboarding timeline?", "Is the generated onboarding timeline clear and concise?", "Does the generated onboarding timeline outline 7 essential onboarding steps?", "Is the generated onboarding timeline specifically designed for a new employee joining the software development team?", "Does the generated onboarding timeline incorporate 3 meetings within the 7 steps?", "Does the generated onboarding timeline prioritize initial meetings and training sessions in its sequence?", "Does the generated onboarding timeline ensure that the entire onboarding process is completed within 2 days?", "Does the generated onboarding timeline schedule no more than 2 meetings on any single day?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Style"], ["Number", "Format"], ["Content"], ["Number", "Content"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Content", "Number"], ["Number"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_6", "input": "", "category": "Arts: Literature", "instruction": "Write a prologue for a romance novel set in a small town during the fall season. Describe the natural beauty of the changing leaves and the crisp air with sensory language to convey the mood and atmosphere of the town. Keep the prologue between 150-200 words, using simple and easy-to-understand language suitable for middle-school students. Create a warm tone in the prologue that captures the beauty of falling in love.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a prologue for a novel?", "Does the generated prologue set the stage for a romance novel situated in a small town during the autumn season?", "Does the generated prologue describe the natural beauty of the changing leaves and the crisp air?", "Does the generated prologue use sensory language to illustrate the mood and ambiance of the town?", "Is the length of the generated prologue between 150 and 200 words?", "Is the generated prologue written in a simple, easily understandable language that would be suitable for middle-school students?", "Does the generated prologue convey a warm tone that captures the beauty of falling in love?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Style"], ["Number"], ["Style"], ["Style"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_147", "input": "", "category": "Lifestyle and Leisure: Travel and Tourism", "instruction": "Please generate 10 one-sentence hotel reviews from ten different customers, ensuring that 5 of the reviews are positive and 5 are negative. Begin each review with \"CUSTOMER\" and the customer's number. After completing the 10 reviews, provide a two-sentence summarization that captures the overall sentiment and key points from the reviews.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include hotel reviews?", "Does the generated text include exactly 10 hotel reviews from 10 different customers?", "Is each of the generated hotel reviews just one sentence long?", "Are 5 of the reviews in the generated text positive and 5 negative?", "Does each review in the generated text begin with the prefix \"CUSTOMER\" followed by the customer's number?", "Does the generated text include a summarization after completing the 10 reviews?", "Is the summarization in the generated text composed of two sentences?", "Does the summarization in the generated text capture the overall sentiment and key points from the reviews?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Number", "Format"], ["Format", "Number"], ["Number", "Style"], ["Format"], ["Format"], ["Number"], ["Content", "Style"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_65", "input": "", "category": "Natural Sciences: Physiscs", "instruction": "Create a high-school level physics equation that includes 4 variables. Provide specific values for all the variables, and make sure to state and use the correct units for each variable. Finally, calculate the result of the equation.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text form a physics equation?", "Does the generated physics equation incorporate 4 variables?", "Is the generated physics equation at the high-school level?", "Does the generated text provide specific values for all included variables of the physics equation?", "Does the generated text state units for each variable?", "Does the generated text utilize the appropriate units for each variable?", "Does the generated text proceed to calculate the result of the physics equation?", "Is the result of the physics equation calculated correctly using the given variable values?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Number"], ["Content"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Content"], ["Format"], ["Number"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_215", "input": "", "category": "Business and Economics: Business Administration", "instruction": "Generate a non-disclosure agreement of two pages (each page is limited to 250 words) for a software development project involving Party A and Party B. The confidentiality duration should be 5 years. \n\nThe first page should include definitions for key terms such as 'confidential information', 'disclosure', and 'recipient'. \n\nOn the second page, provide clauses detailing the protocol for the return or destruction of confidential information, exceptions to maintaining confidentiality, and the repercussions following a breach of the agreement. \n\nPlease indicate the separation between the first and second pages with a full line of dashed lines ('-----'). Also, make sure that each page is clearly labeled with its respective page number.", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated text a non-disclosure agreement?", "Does the generated text consist of two pages?", "Is each page of the generated text limited to 250 words?", "Is the generated non-disclosure agreement for a software development project involving Party A and Party B?", "Does the generated non-disclosure agreement specify a confidentiality duration of 5 years?", "Does the first page of the generated non-disclosure agreement include definitions for key terms such as 'confidential information', 'disclosure', and 'recipient'?", "Does the second page of the generated non-disclosure agreement provide clauses detailing the protocol for the return or destruction of confidential information?", "Does the second page of the generated non-disclosure agreement provide exceptions to maintaining confidentiality?", "Does the second page of the generated non-disclosure agreement provide the repercussions following a breach of the agreement?", "Does the generated text indicate the separation between the first and second pages with a full line of dashed lines ('-----')?", "Does the generated text ensure that each page is clearly labeled with its respective page number?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Format", "Number"], ["Number"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Format", "Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Content"], ["Format"], ["Format"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_150", "input": "", "category": "Lifestyle and Leisure: Health and Wellness", "instruction": "Create a hypothetical 7-day fitness and diet plan to enhance overall health, including daily exercise routines and meal plans. For each day, list the calorie intake and expenditure of every food item and exercise. Calculate the daily calorie intake and expenditure based on these values. Additionally, provide an estimated weight loss goal for the individual to achieve during this plan, taking into account the daily calorie intake and expenditure.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text present a hypothetical fitness and diet plan?", "Does the generated text cover a period of exactly 7 days?", "Can the generated fitness and diet plan be used to enhance overall health?", "Does the generated fitness and diet plan include daily exercise routines and meal plans?", "Does the generated fitness and diet plan list the calorie intake and expenditure for every food item and exercise on each day?", "Does the generated fitness and diet plan calculate the daily calorie intake and expenditure?", "Are the calculated daily calorie intake and expenditure correctly derived from the calorie values of every food item and exercise listed in the generated plan?", "Does the generated fitness and diet plan provide an estimated weight loss goal for the individual to achieve during this plan?", "Is the estimated weight loss goal reasonable, considering the daily calorie intake and expenditure given in the generated text?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Number"], ["Content"], ["Format", "Content"], ["Format", "Content"], ["Content", "Format"], ["Number"], ["Content"], ["Number", "Content"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_187", "input": "", "category": "Engineering and Technology: Artificial Intelligence", "instruction": "Please generate a list of 10 research papers published within the last 5 years (from 2023), focusing on the evaluation of pretrained language models. Present the list in APA citation style and arrange the papers in ascending chronological order.", "decomposed_questions": ["Does the generated text include a list of research papers?", "Does the generated list contain exactly 10 research papers?", "Are all the papers in the generated list published within the last 5 years (from 2023)?", "Do all the papers in the generated list focus on the evaluation of pretrained language models?", "Are all the papers in the generated list cited in APA style?", "Is the generated list arranged in ascending chronological order?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format", "Content"], ["Number"], ["Content", "Number"], ["Content"], ["Format"], ["Format"]]} {"id": "domain_oriented_task_31", "input": "", "category": "Natural Sciences: Biology", "instruction": "Generate a double-stranded DNA consisting of 24 nucleotides in each strand, with an equal number of adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C), and guanine (G) nucleotides. For every 6 nucleotides in the first strand, the first 3 should have a higher proportion of purines (A and G), while the last 3 should have a higher proportion of pyrimidines (C and T). The second strand should be complementary to the first strand, following the base pairing rules (A pairs with T, and C pairs with G).", "decomposed_questions": ["Is the generated sequence a double-stranded DNA?", "Does each strand of the generated double-stranded DNA consist of 24 nucleotides?", "In the generated double-stranded DNA, is there an equal number of adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C), and guanine (G) nucleotides?", "For every set of 6 nucleotides in the first strand of the generated double-stranded DNA, do the first 3 have a higher proportion of purines (A and G)?", "For every set of 6 nucleotides in the first strand of the generated double-stranded DNA, do the last 3 have a higher proportion of pyrimidines (C and T)?", "Is the second strand of the generated double-stranded DNA complementary to the first strand, adhering to the base pairing rules where adenine (A) pairs with thymine (T), and cytosine (C) pairs with guanine (G)?"], "subset": "Hard_set", "question_label": [["Format"], ["Number"], ["Number"], ["Number"], ["Number"], ["Format"]]}