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316 Projector POS 5 I have low expectation , but let I tell you this thing rock , , , at 179.00 ship you can not beat it . I have samsung h30 which be a lot smaller but the touch pad control be annoying and stop work after just a week . this optoma be 3 or 4 time brighter and 800x600 set with my netbook look great , color be way better than my ee pc netbook , and im just amaze how much I love this thing . but just to make sure im clear , im not use this as a hometheater type thing , just to view photo on a wall -lrb- artist here -rrb- but it be great at that , so I can not see why video will be any different . flesh tone be accurate and contrast be definitely acceptable . do not hesitate , amazon have the best price on this lil wonder , and you have 30 day to return it of you be not happy with it , but trust I you will not be disappoint . cheer
220 Projector POS 4 I have use this with both my macbook pro and also my ipad with no problem . the re be great and the image be very bright . flawless performance .
848 Projector POS 4 this product be good for the use at night . . very dark room . absolutely worst if you intend to use in day time . the power chord do not match with we socket in australium ... lucky I be that i have a extra power adapter-otherwise have to buy one . the other setback be it dont have key stroke option for the image with teh remote control . I have another mitsubishus dlp projector worth $ 2200 . but this one be only $ 250 . therefore , over all comment be - it be wonderful when you consider the price and the output provide u use this in really dark room .
276 Projector POS 5 I purchase this on Thanksgiving 2010 . have be use it almost daily for around 2-3 hr on a average . still this tiny little thing give I great picture . its amazing to see this small equipment give a movie hall like experience while watch movie . very handy and easy to carry anywhere you go . have use this to project image on wall in small family function and have receive great appreciation for this product . since my purchase I know at least 6 people who after see my projector go ahead buy the same . although the button be very small , i have be use it to connect it to my PS3 , use the PS3 remote for adjust sound and picture quality . ps3-pk301 , make a great pair . . try it out
776 Projector POS 5 amazing what this can do ! Perfect for we theater room ! only regret be I can not play Wii on a tv anymore . play Wii on a 100 inch screen have a way of spoil you !
202 Projector POS 5 el equipo llego a tiempo a miamus , muchas gracias por sus servicios y por la atencion prestada , espero poder contar con ustede en el futuro .
555 Projector POS 5 we buy this for we small church to project song and video on the screen . we use it every Sunday . we use it on the table top until we have time to get it mount on the ceiling . we have be use it now for about ten or twelve week and be 100 % happy with the product . no complaint whatsoever . highly recommend !
787 Projector POS 5 this product give many different option of installation it be simple and easy to install . I be very happy with the quality . thanks , Avi Moyal http:\/\/
882 Projector POS 4 this be a great product for a great price . remote Works well and can control almost all if not all of the function available . Picture quality be good . if you get close enough you 'll see the pixel but for less than $ 400 it can not be beat ! Picture brightness be excellent !
418 Projector NEU 3 I order this universal mount base on some good review say it fit 8350 . but extend the bracket to the longest extent still can not reach the screw hole on the unit . the distance of the five screw hole 8350 be so wide that this mount can not fit any four of they . the build quality of this mount be pretty good and maybe it be perfect for other unit so I can not give it 1 star rating base on frustration with mount 8350 . finally I end up with return this mount and order a mount specifically design for 8350 .
830 Projector NEG 1 buy this base on lead life expectancy . be able to project a satisfactory image for my golf simulator in a dimly light room . try to power up on day 3 but notice power lead be not light . Power cord be ok but there be no instruction or help on vendor web site about any internal fuse . so I send it back . pro : low price , easy setup , decent -lrb- not hd ,3 d , et . al -rrb- picture for my use . con : product be flimsy build , instruction & web site low quality . I do not need a high end product and be hope this would last . but after I open it up and see how cheap it be build I get a little nervous ... with good reason .
204 Projector POS 5 the Panasonic AE4000U 3-lcd video projector be the second projector I have own and the 4th I have use more than once or twice . after four and a half year of use my old Panasonic L300U video projector , I buy this new projector plus a Blu-Ray player . the old projector look great on high definition tv broadcast and very good on dvd as long as they be brightly light and colorful . high-def football and other sport look fabulous project onto my 64 inch beaded glass screen , even when the room be not really dark and even though it be not really a true high definition projector . 1080us and 720p downreze to my 1\/4hd projector 's native 540p -lrb- 540x960 -rrb- look great and much better than dvd 's native 480p . and with my eyeball 11-12 foot from the screen or even 9 foot , I could not see pixel , and more pixel and detail would actually probably not have be visible -lrb- I think -rrb- . but I do not watch much sport and mostly use it for movie and high def tv . the major problem it have be with black level . in black and white or color program where there be very little black ever in the image there be no problem . in film noir , or Orson Welles film , or even the Buffy or Angel tv show which have lot of dark and night scene , the absence of black be a quite annoying problem . and my major criterion for a new projector be that it have black level that actually look black , that it display 1080p signal , and also that it be able to display 24 frame per second -lrb- movie -rrb- signal at 24 fp . other information I can get from review , but to see if black level be good enough for me , I have to see it . unfortunately , store basically do not have display model so it be hard to actually see what a picture look like , as I find out when I take my copy of Citizen Kane and Star Wars episode ii out to try to see some . only a local high end dealer have a $ 6000 DLP projector which be very good but way out of my price range . finally I find a online dealer which have a return policy that would have allow I to return a projector for my money back if I do not like it and have put less than four hour on the lamp . among other , they have the Panasonic AE4000U , which sound very promising base on review and I already have a Panasonic which , with certain reservation , I like a lot . so I order it . the black level be not perfect but they be very impressive , as good , I think , as the $ 6000 dlp I have see . I project a little bit of my blu-ray Blade Runner and my wife see a little of it and comment that it look beautiful even think she do not like the movie . after a hour or so of make adjustment and check out some video material , but not directly compare it to the old projector , I be pretty sure it be good enough and want to keep it and set up a test to show my wife , and myself . I cover the right half of the new projector lens and the left half of the old projector lens and in normal bright room light adjust the picture to the same size and to a smooth transition between side when both projector be be feed the same signal . then I darken the room , invite my wife in for a comparison of the old and new without yet know myself how they would look side by side in the dark and bring up a few scene from the Star Wars episode ii dvd . between the OPPO blu-ray player feed a better quality signal via hdmus -lrb- vs component for the older projector -rrb- and the quality difference between the 6 year old projector and the new one , the difference be astonishing in term of black level , color quality , brightness -lrb- in eco mode , yet -rrb- , sharpness , you name it . it take my wife less than 30 seconds to say that we be keep the new projector ; not only that , but the blu-ray player , about which she have be quite dubious , be indeed , she now agree , also a worthwhile purchase . we shut the old projector off , remove the lens cover , and look at more of Star Wars , some of Citizen Kane , and on blu-ray , a bit of Blade Runner and a couple other odds and end . we both come away very happy . the color be much more natural and beautiful and the increase in detail be amazing . in isolation , the old projector still look very good , except for black level . but I be a little surprised at how much sharper the new one look from 11-12 foot away . I think a good bit of it have to do with the improvement in apparent sharpness due to the better black level performance . there be 4 time as many pixel , but from 12 foot away , lot of extra pixel just be not really visible , though the increase in pixel undoubtedly get extra information to you brain even though you do not consciously see a increase . with the old projector , from 5 foot away , I could see pixel on on the 64 inch -lrb- diagonal -rrb- screen . from less than a foot away , I still can not see pixel with the ae4000u except sometimes on some test pattern , but not on any program material . it be like look at film and very sharp even when view up close . a few day later , think about the very good but not perfect black level , it strike I that film do not have perfect black either . the black level with the projector be not as good as the black on my old ProScan 27 '' CRT . but the black with this projector seem to I to be as good as I have ever see in any color film with the possible exception of some -- not all -- 3-strip technicolor -lrb- tm -rrb- ib print and as good as any black and white film I have see in a print less than 50 year old . this projector be mostly for view film . so that be good enough . I go to see the Princess and the frog with the family when it be out and the theater just do not put enough light up on the screen which seriously degrade the experience . while the end credit be roll , white text on a black screen , I walk up to the front and put my hand in front of the screen and could see my shadow clearly in the black . if they have be use adequate light it would have be even clearer . image be much brighter at home and the shadow be not much different . my default set for all thing video be now 1080p60 , with 24fp enable on my Oppo bdp-83se . Fed to the ae4000u project onto a 64 inch diagonal 9x16 screen , excellent dvd material , like Star Wars , episode ii -lrb- specifically scene 15 return to Naboo , which I have use as a test scene -rrb- , really do look near hd . it be not as sharp as blu-ray or 1080i or 720p broadcast , but it really do look very good , enough so that I be not highly motivate to replace many dvd with blu-ray disc . I may change my mind when I get a 92 inch screen , but have stand up close to the screen and compare blu-ray and dvd upscale and at 24fp with the Oppo blu-ray player -lrb- bdp-83se , which I have also review -rrb- and the ae4000u , I suspect that I will not . I should also note that view on other upscale dvd player , dvd do not look as good as they do on Oppo bdp-83 or bdp-83se . Make no mistake , blu-ray look better , but with this system , blu-ray 's biggest advantage be high definition sound instead of Dolby Digital 's lossy compression . I do plan to buy most new disc in blu-ray , but I do not plan to replace many old one unless for its for soundtrack upgrade . that say , I do upgrade North by Northwest , with its wonderful Bernard Herrmann score , and there be a handful of other I would jump at the opportunity to buy on blu-ray for a sound upgrade . I also show virtually everything I watch with dynamic iris off and at the standard Cinema 1 set for 6500k color temperature -lrb- for black and white or color -rrb- , and I find that in general the color be gorgeous and very evocative of the experience of view movie in a good theater where the management be really dedicate to a quality view experience -lrb- a attitude that be all too rare in movie theater -rrb- . and dvd from Technicolor -lrb- tm -rrb- original source , like the classic Warner Brothers Adventures of Robin Hood , really do approximate the experience of 3-strip technicolor -lrb- tm -rrb- nitrate original . so movie at my house often look better than in theater . I think that have a player capable of output 24fp be very important and significantly upgrade the experience watch film base material . some recommend it only for blu-ray and `` very well author dvd . '' I use it on all dvd and and infrequently -lrb- not at all on many movie and , usually not more than 1-4 time per movie -rrb- I get a black frame at 24fp . I suspect this occur when the player or projector loose cadence momentarily because of a improper edit point on the dvd . but the overall increase in how realistic movie look be well worth a occasional black frame . if the room be brightly light and what I have on be ordinary tv that I be not much interested in , I will occasionally use the Dynamic setting , which throw more apparent light on the screen , instead of Cinema 1 . but if it be something I care about , I 'll darken the room and watch it in Cinema 1 . this be a excellent projector . buy this and and Oppo bdp 83 together at list price be a incredible bargain and will keep you happy watch and listen to movie on dvd and blu-ray for a long time . and over-the-air high definition broadcast in 720p or 1080i both look better than upscaled dvd . Update 6-29-10 : for a while I have be conscious of this but I think I would write it up fresh tonight . I just watch a Netflix dvd of Blindside tonight and on the Oppo use upscale to 1080p through hdmus with 24 hz dvd playback enable and through the Panasonic AE-4000 set to frame creation mode 1 -lrb- the least processing above no processing -rrb- on a 65 inch screen at 10 foot , I really be not conscious that I be watch a dvd rather than a blu-ray disc . during the credit it be easier to tell , but watch the movie it be not . this be the same setup I use for virtually all dvd playback , and as usual there be a small number of black frame , a very small price to pay for such high quality view through this incredibly synergistic pair of instrument . with these 2 component , watch all of Blindside , a few minute of the Searchers blu-ray and 2010 blu-ray and then a few minute of the Blindside dvd again , there be not a lot of difference in image quality . I suspect with more magnification , for example with 2.35-2 .4:1 scope\/panavision movie blow up to the same vertical size , the difference will be much more apparent , because of the much higher resolution of blu-ray . but dvd look awfully good on this pair . that say , watch part of the same 3 movie 5 foot from the screen -- the equivalent of watch on a 130 inch screen from 10 foot , the Searchers clearly look better , as well it should , have be shoot in VistaVision -lrb- essentially 70 mm -rrb- . the difference between 2010 and Blindside be more subtle , slightly in favor of 2010 , perhaps not as much as it should be with real 1080p instead of 480p upscale to 1080p . but most significantly , the difference be subtle , not blatant . 6\/25\/11 update I receive two comment recently , to which this update be a reply . since write the review , I have have the projector well over a year and have upgrade to a 92 inch ceiling mount motorized screen . I still mostly view television about the same size as I use to -- 65 inch -- but for movie on dvd or blu-ray I use the full screen . the improvement of blu-ray over dvd upscale to 1080p 24 be considerably more noticeable on a 92 inch screen than on a 65 inch screen , but good dvd still look remarkably good . at 92 inch pixel on content be still invisible , but on test pattern still , you can see they if you get up close -- that be how I fine tune focus when I change screen size back and forth between tv and movie size . if I get a larger screen , I would have to move my Magneplanar 1.7 s out of they sweet spot and I would have to find a new place to put the projector . so my screen be stay . but , I be sure it would do a very nice job on a still larger screen . the Panasonic be such a fine and versatile projector that one would think that with a software upgrade , and perhaps a outboard infrare transmitter for either the projector or the blu-ray and a pair of glass , this ought to be a fine 3d projector , and I hope that someone at Panasonic be think along those line . but otherwise I have no immediate plan to replace my trusty old Oppo bdp-83se , which still put out remarkable quality sound and picture or this projector . but maybe someday I will get a bdp-95 if I become convinced it sound significantly better . I recently have some friend over to watch the blu-ray of Fantasia 2000 . the picture be not as big , but it look and sound better than when I see it a decade ago in a real IMAX theater -lrb- not one of the phony little one that pass for IMAX these day . -rrb- sound and picture both be less distorted , better focus , and clearer , more detailed , and more natural . this be still a very fine projector . oppo bdp-83se - Blu-Ray disc player - upscaling - black
558 Projector POS 4 when I plug it into the wall and into my computer -lrb- a ibook -rrb- , it work instantly . genuine plug and play . the menu control , while intuitive , be a little difficult to navigate . I may have to look at the manual . the focus be sharp ; the zoom , while a little limited to suit I , work easily . I plan to love use it . the first time be wonderful . I really recommend it !
69 Projector NEU 3 projector work great but it only show 4 x 3 picture format . no 16 x 9 . Easy to install and use .
722 Projector NEG 2 not bright enough for use with light on . Poor battery life -lrb- and further dimming when on battery -rrb- . cheap packaging -lrb- China , Inc. -rrb- and no case and no remote . need a odd mini-hdmus cable -lrb- also not include , and you likely will not have it -rrb- . return in exchange for a small LG projector , very glad I make the switch . but the device be adequate , it will project a low resolution image .
593 Projector NEU 3 the product work ok , but instruction be poor and there be no iphone cord adapter -lrb- reason i buy it -rrb- and the sound from my laptop would not play through projector .
813 Projector NEG 1 this be only a very basic item and not intend for use to project for even medium size audience . the light be very weak and have difficulty project much further than 8 foot .
325 Projector POS 5 Reviewer `` michaeldavidsj '' complain that he be expect a more sophisticated remote control for this projector . `` michaeldavidsj '' would prefer a wireless remote -lrb- like that use for tv -rrb- rather than the standard hard-wired Kodak remote that be connect to the projector through a electrical cable terminate with a plug that must be plug into the projector . if `` michaeldavidsj '' have the wireless remote that he want , he would have to divert he eye from the picture on the screen , so that he could turn he body and aim the remote at it be receiver on the slide projector -lrb- in the dark -rrb- - every time he want to change to another slide . what a monumental distraction and inconvenience this would be for the projectionist when try to enjoy a slide show at home ! fortunately , this procedure be not necessary with the standard hard-wired Kodak remote . aim a wireless remote for slide projection at home be different than for view tv . with tv , the viewer face both the tv screen and the receiver for the wireless remote on the tv . with slide projection in a typical room at home the projectionist\/viewer face the screen but almost never face the receiver for the wireless remote on the projector , because the projectionist be view picture on the screen and be often located to one side of the projector -lrb- except when sit right behind the projector -rrb- . a wireless remote be useful for a speaker\/projectionist in a large room -lrb- such as a auditorium -rrb- when make a presentation to a audience , because in this case the speaker\/projectionist face the receiver for the remote on the projector while face the audience . I would never purchase a wireless projector remote for any application other than such a presentation .
984 Projector POS 5 this be a great projector . we place this in we church worship center and shoot it on a 10 ' wide screen . the color be bright and sharp . we order the wpd-100 and be hope to gain even more vertisility . for the price you will not find a better projector .
109 Projector NEU 3 i have yet be able to get the state hour out of any projecter bulb . i use low power setting , clean the screen and fan monthly , etc etc. can anyone explain why these bulb be so overprice ? be they make with some sort of rare element find only in the rainforest ??? lol . sombody be make cash off these dlp bulb , that for sure .
634 Projector POS 5 its small , quiet enough , cheap enough , tough enough and get the job do . can project a 200 inch image with no loss of image clarity or quality in light controlled environment . I love it .
573 Projector NEG 1 work great the first day and by the second day it lose color and third day it be completly dead .
183 Projector NEG 1 purchase the ex51 model from a office store retailer . after 9 month and only on it be fourth use , it quit ! no power whatsoever ! Office store say have to deal with the manufacturer and they would not exchange it . Epson would only replace it with a USED model , not a new one . Said that be the only choice I have . extremely upset with the product and especially Epson service . Stay away from this product !!!!!!
552 Projector POS 4 I use this porjector instead of a tv in my bedroom . I love it . I think it be perfect for the price too . for some reason the remote do not work well at all , I only really need it for volume . the internal speaker work just fine for the sound . Works for I ! thanks !
716 Projector POS 4 I think this be very good product for the money be a little disappointed when my tray do not fit - however - it be only two tray and the rest all fit so check the tray size \/ type and it will be a great product for you Love the auto focus - also stick occasionaly but slide be all old so the happen - with all projector I think
557 Projector POS 4 First off , this be only a good , but not great , projector . with the way projector price have be fall , there be other option for less that deliver comparable performance . the Sanyo z5 , for example , cost several hundred dollar less and actually produce a sharper picture as well as include twice as many digital input as the Panasonic . I buy this model last September and have already have to send it in twice to get fix . in fact , it be on its way to the repair center as I be typing this review . this be not a isolate incident either , many pt-ax100 owner have be experience problem just like mine and it be clear that Panasonic do not spend enough time\/money on quality control . go read through any hdtv or projector forum for a laundry list of issue regard this projector . the decision be up to you , but I would advise people to look elsewhere if they want to avoid a potential headache .
385 Projector POS 5 over the past four and a half month I have find this projector to be a great asset . it be clear and bright , easy to setup and adjust when need , and automatically adjust for keyston - I be not sure how it do it , but it work . it be lightweight and easy to carry around with all need cable and remote in the provide bag . view image from a usb stick be a breeze , though it be limit to JPEG image and it would be nice to be able to run PowerPoint slide from the usb stick . I use the HDMI cable to connect to my laptop , but there be VGA and RCA type input for when other need to connect . I do have a problem after about four month of regular use - the blue channel be lose completely , turn everything a horrible shade of yellow . one quick call to Epson -lrb- they include a priority support number and code for fast access -rrb- and they ship a new model overnight . I then simply put the broken one in the box they would send and ship it back free . this be immensely helpful to someone who use a projector regularly and need a broken unit fix or replace in a day . between they excellent printer and projector , and they outstanding customer support , I be become a Epson fan quickly .
19 Projector POS 5 - I upgrade from 720p , hc4000 have extremely noticeable higher resolution - do test a few other 1080p projector in $ 900 - $ 1500 price range all pale in comparison to pq of hc4000 -- have Pretty straight forward menu , easy install , light weight - black unit color be a important feature for I to blend with black ceiling , there be small amount of light leakage from top of unit which would reflect on floor if turn for ceiling install but not a huge deal with bigger screen , I be use 110 '' reflective . fan noise be audible in silent movie scene if near unit but otherwise the value of a bulb last for 4000 -5000 hour and a breath take picture be worth any minor flaw . find it under $ 1499 - buy and enjoy you wont regret !!
887 Projector POS 4 this be a good projector in every way except for one minor annoyance - it keep search for signal by auto switching between various input when the source signal be interrupted for any reason . there be a set to lock source , but maybe I be not do something correctly because the setting do not work . there be a firmware upgrade available , have not try it out yet , maybe that will fix it . other than this very minor issue , very satisfied , be be bright enough to watch during the day . there be some common initial tweak like set the lamp to standard , and adjust contrast etc to get the ideal picture . I pair this with the 3dxl , and now use it to watch 3d and 2d . I get a separate sound bar , do not rely on the internal speaker . when watch a movie , the fan noise be not audible at all -lrb- I guess it depend on movie volume -rrb- , but it do give off heat . without a ceiling fan or air conditioning , the room feel warm . my screen be 100 inch , you can see one of my other review for the screen that I pick . for the price point , this be a great projector , I do not feel that I miss anything by not get the next higher Optoma model .
694 Projector POS 5 I be very impress by this little projector . it will not take the place of the multi-thousand-dollar home theater projector , but if you be plan on use this around the house , you 'll be please . the first thing I notice be that it feel fairly lightweight , but the build quality be still good pretty good . it be not swim with input port , but it have one of all the basics , so it be nothing a adapter or splitter\/switcher can not fix . I run the hdmus to a receiver that provide the extra port I need for my Google TV\/XBox\/etc . , so the lack of extra hdmus port be not a issue for I , but it be something you 'll need to be aware of . I do not have a screen yet , but have be project against a fairly flat\/smooth offwhite wall . with the light off and the shades draw , the output be pretty impressive . the bright color be vibrant and sharp and the dark area be nearly as dark as they can be while be project against a wall in a room with some light bleed from outside . Air quality seem to be important too , we living room be near we kitchen and when we be cooking and there be smoke or steam in the air , even a bit , the light get a little more scatter . it be not a huge deal and you 'll probably only notice if you be look for it , and it be not unique to this projector , though a projector with better black will reduce this a bit . when I get a actual screen and seal up the blind a little better to reduce light come in from outside , I 'll update this review with my thought . I be a little disappointed that it be 720p , but at the distance you 'll use and watch it , 720p be adequate , especially for what this item cost . I do not know if upgrade to another projector at 1080p for $ 300-400 more be actually worth it . this thing also run very quiet so far , I have have experience in the past with projector that sound like they be cool with leafblower , so this little guy have be pleasant . all-in-all I be impressed with the power of this projector , especially for the price range .
958 Projector NEG 1 this projector work fine for two month and seem like a great buy . then it stop work . it will work from ten to thirty minute and then the screen go black . since it last more than 30 day , I can not return it for a refund . the seller do not respond to email . theoretically it have a one-year warranty , but what good be that ? the manufacturer be in China ! the seller be in Texas but do not respond . another thing : once you buy this thing , where be you go to get replacement bulb for the projector ? you do not see they on sale at Amazon , do you ? consider buy a use projector , that originally have a much higher price , on eBay . that be what I 'll do now . but watch out for the high price of replacement bulb in that situation , too .
458 Projector POS 5 this product be better than a tv . portable , user Friendly , Great Quality , i like it very much and i use outdoors or indoors
698 Projector POS 5 very good product ... I it recommend I great taste . very good quality , I come rapidly and he quality be surprising . . I like it . . excellente imagen ... de verdad recomiendo su compra es muy bueno
142 Projector POS 5 it be a pleasure do business with the folk at Slide Central . they provide good info , the projector arrive pronto & it work ! thanks
994 Projector POS 5 for a pocket projector this thing be astounding . I use it every day here in Afghanistan and I still can not believe the picture quality from such a small device . I be able to hook it up to my laptop with out issue with the VGA adapter and the HDMI cable which sadly do not come with the product . the portability of this device be incredible I plan on have it in my bag with my net book where ever my travels take I . the only real issue I have with this be the lack of a on button on the projector , but I no problem take the 2 seconds out of my life to press the on button before I use it .
847 Projector POS 5 I be use this for work presentation . great image at 10 foot ! fit in the palm of my hand . this pack away nicely in a carryon .
57 Projector POS 5 I open this box with less than high expectation ... I only need it for a few small art project , and at the price I be not expect much . but I pop in my sd card and turn the light off and to my surprise there be a clear , bright , BIG image on my wall . Ummmm ... WOW ?!?!? I be go to mount this in my baby 's room when she be bear and play movie with it . I definitely reccomend this item ! my ex 's high def projector be barely any better than this . it be seriously awesome .
403 Projector POS 4 if you be in a situation where you have ambient light , or a large screen to fill this projector fit the bill . the important part be the six segment color wheel . a lot of dlp projector with this type of light output will cheat and use a seven segment wheel . the Seventh segment be white . that increase the brightness but wash out the color and ruin the contrast . those that be sensitive to DLP `` Rainbows '' will be very happy with the image quality . the projector support vertical and horizontal lens shift -lrb- critical for properly align the picture to the screen -rrb- , however it be a manual stick on the front of the project . zoom and focus be also manual by move two large ring around the lens . the build quality of the case be middle of the road , which be fine for fixed installation , but I would not recommend travel with it . give the price point of thousand less than compete projector those be fair compromise .
782 Projector POS 5 I mostly use the projector for video game , but it be decent for movie as well . it be no Epson , and it lack in the ` option ' department , but for a little over $ 200 , I can not complain . I currently have it project a 90 '' screen , and it look good at that size .
298 Projector POS 4 this thing be amazing ! great resolution , compact and excellent build quality . the on-screen menu and micro sd slot be all welcome addition . I put on a episode of top Gear in HD on it and another officer on my ship watch comment its as good as he flat screen at home . my only complaint be the lack of ipod adapter , extra battery -lrb- both of which come with the pk101 -rrb- and the video encode software . the software take a 600mb . mp4 file -lrb- that the projector say be not support -rrb- and increase it to 1.4 gb ! I recommend use HandBrake -lrb- it be free -rrb- , use the iPhone setting and bump the resolution to around 640x352 -lrb- what I have the tg episode play at -rrb- . aside from that , I be very happy with this projector .
187 Projector POS 5 I be new to the Home Theater world so I be no expert . I have be do research for about 2 year on basic construction and various piece of equipment . my budget be limit so I need to find the best bang for the buck . I recently build a 26 by 11 theater room in the basement . there be only one small window in the room which I plan to cover . I purchase a Sony VPLBW7 projector from best buy for $ 799 . I be look at the pull down screen and frame screen as they seem to be the most cost effective solution . I look at gray screen and white screen . I finally stumble onto this one . there be one review and it seem to fair pretty well so I take the chance . I be pleasantly surprise . the instruction be not all that detailed but you get the idea . a little common sense will see you through the installation . a little trial and error will get you through the adjustment . just make sure you do one stop at a time and remember which direction you turn and how many time . you 'll know what this mean when you go adjust the stop . the setup come with 3 remote . one be the hardwired conference room wall mount type with the up , stop , and down button mount on a ugly box . there be 2 wireless remote as well . one transmit ir signal and the other rf signal . not really sure why but I guess the rf would be use if you mount this in a place where infrare can not transmit -lrb- in a ceiling case or behind a short header wall -rrb- . I love be able to retract this so the kid can not get to it . I love be able to hit a button to raise and lower the screen just for the `` wow '' factor when we have guest . the picture on this be beautiful . color be perfect . operation be flawless so far . the combination of this screen and the projector have put I around $ 1100 -lrb- with tax and shipping cost -rrb- for a picture that be almost 7 foot on diagonal . movie be awesome and watch the game have never be nicer . well worth the money .
111 Projector POS 4 with it be 2000 lumen and sleek black casing this projector rock ! the color saturation be one of the best that I have see in it be price range . it also have a 4000 hour lamp -lrb- in eco mode -rrb- and be very quiet . the only disappointment be when you play xbox360 in hd 1080i resolution the image do not fill the whole screen , -lrb- it be like watch a wide screen dvd movie w \/ the black bar on top and bottom . -rrb- this be due to it be native resolution . for the price I feel that it be a very good investment and would recommend this to anyone who enjoy video game , sport and movie .
687 Projector POS 5 if you be look to spend under $ 700 for a hd projector then look no further . this small fellum be a power house and produce a picture that to the average eye , rival a projector that be 2 or 3 time the price . yes its natively 720p , but it can play 1080p content at a scale resolution . the picture quality be very , very impressive . be sure to change the default setting because out of the box it need to be tweak a little . there be plenty of projector\/av forum on the internet that you can search that suggest the best setting for brightness , contrast , etc. . it make a huge difference . ive have mine for 8 month now and its still on its first bulb -lrb- with about 1000 hour of use -rrb- . the unit be small compare to other model which make it more discreet and ideal for use in a living room or bedroom . do yourself a favor and get one of these instead of a 50 + inch tv . I be now watch hd content that measure 10 foot diagonally - everybody that have see it have be blow away . I also recommend that you buy a screen . it will still look great project on to a white wall , but you really do not get the best out of it until you use a dedicated screen . I have a electric power screen with a high-contrast gray finish -lrb- as oppose to the more common white finish -rrb- . it make the black much deeper and improve the contrast dramatically . the gray finish be ideal for anybody who do not have a dedicated home theater that be ` black out ' and have completely controllable light . with the gray screen I be able to use my projector during the day or with the light on . its a win\/win situation because even at night -lrb- or the darkest I be able to get my room -rrb- I still get deeper black and more vivid contrast . anyway enough about the screen , if you be in the market for a hd projector and want to spend under $ 700 then you cant do better than this .
103 Projector NEU 3 I order this projector new and when I get open it up and turn it on it have a black spot in the middle of the screen ! I think at first it be the screen it self but no it be inside the projector on one of the plate . when I buy something that say new I want it to be new ! I would return it but Im in Afghanistan and the shipping cost make it not worth it !
737 Projector POS 5 so far , so good ... work just fine , and everything be as promise !! thank you . great value in a very timely fashion !!
501 Projector POS 5 to all the be consider buy this projector !!!! buy it !!! do not worry about the fact it do not have a hdmus input ! buy the converter vga to hdmi -- you can buy the converter for $ 4.87 on or $ 7.99 on -- this will give you full hd . I use the projector directly on the wall . it have a excellent picture . it beat my 3d benq . all projector over 2000 lumen should be good with light on . the acer with 2700 lumen be fine . if you do not have the converter you be only cheating yourself out of the best performance out of you projector . resolution : native : svga -lrb- 800 x 600 -rrb- no coverter . Maximum : uxga -lrb- 1600 x 1200 -rrb- . Maximum wide : 1080p -lrb- 1920 x 1080 -rrb- with converter . I think I should receive a sponsership for this comment . next be my question . I buy this acer and a LG 3d blu-ray home theater when look to make the movie 3d do I look for glass & a kit compatible with the projector or the blu-ray ? look for answer from anyone else that have a mix-match set that be CURRENTLY get 3d movie to work and not game
188 Projector POS 5 my son buy this for himself and have be very happy with the quality of this product for the decent price he pay .
261 Projector POS 5 Super projector . cool i love it and just 200 dollar be worth to spend on this product . now we have so much family time togather as well as i can play video game movie new tv everything on that only .
611 Projector NEG 1 this projector be not worth you time , put you 80 $ towards a better machine . the bulb blow after six to eight movie worth of use , the fan be quite loud , and the color be off . the resolution be so low that video game text be unreadable and detail be blurry . we have try various image size and distance from the wall , it simply have too low of a resolution to display text or detail appropriately . there be no keystone setting , so the projector must be place in a straight line , directly across from the wall , and the plug be very short , so projector placement be a issue . I would not put this in a child 's room either , as the bulb blow if the unit be knock , and the unit produce a lot of heat . you would be better off spend a few dollar more and get a projector that will not require constant bulb replacement and provide a sharper picture .
82 Projector POS 5 I just love this projector ! use it for Movie Night under the Stars ! Easy set up ! it be a great product for the price .
184 Projector POS 5 I have over 200 hour on this projector and it be awesome . I have a dvd player and a VCR -lrb- for cable -rrb- hook up to it . the dvd play great and look amazing while the regular cable be so-so . I will have many hour of enjoyment from this purchase and my family be amaze . the only thing that a bummer be no dvi or hdmus input . I have a upconverting dvd player and can not use the better technology . but all in all I be extremely satisfy with my purchase , a have be great to purchase from over the year .
48 Projector POS 5 it work ok , but for the price I would go buy the one from apple . at time the connection be lose . it be a little sensative .
583 Projector NEG 1 i just get my `` new '' projector today and the thing be already break and i want to call customer serve but no one work on the weekend anymore . plus i have to pay to ship the broken projector back to lonestar .
104 Projector POS 4 I purchase this primarily for business use on the move , but have use it for movie too . I have connect it to my MacBook pro but have yet to use it with my ipad . it be fairly easy to get set up but would benefit from a better ` get start ' guide . everything about this projector have be scale down include menu , button and typeface in the accompany manual . the test run with the Shawshank Redemption , a old favorite , be first rate with a superb quality image ; you need to draw the curtain but otherwise it give you the full movie expereince . I think I be get a remote control include - but apparently not ! have yet to decide if one be need . come with a nice quality case for the projector but leave you with usual issue of where to carry lead and charger .
909 Projector NEG 2 the Qumi be a well conceive Projector but be premature and over price . after the projector warm up it be not possible to get a clean focus top to bottom or side to side , a standard -lrb- trr -rrb- av cable will not work for composite video as a proprietary cable be require and be not supply at the moment . also not supply be a component cable do not bother call tech support for technical information they will not give the pin out for the minus av jack -lrb- tip sound , ring sound , ring ground , Sleeve video -rrb- it be hard to believe in the advertising about 720p as 720p blur look like ldtv -lrb- 240p -rrb- look ok if you be half blind 5 Star price for a 2 Star projector with focus problem because of the float focus this negate the projector great feature and make it over price by $ 150 to $ 200 do not get I wrong this be a nice tech toy but for $ 499 it should have a uniformed focus , it be one of only two job a projector have to do . in today 's economy I try to get the best value for my hard earn cash and have become more critical of product that struggle to keep up with the brand name and message . wait six month to a year the market will be flood with similar device at the right price point . so Shop wisely Shop Amazon Vivitek Qumi q2 300 Lumen WXGA HDMI 3D-Ready Pocket DLP Projector -lrb- Black -rrb-
376 Projector NEG 2 ive own this projector for a 2 month and now the bulb over heat and it shut the bulb off and go to emergency cooling mode . I call amazon and they say I need to call Benq . I will update with they response . the color and option be great but surely I must have a defective bulb or unit . I use it to watch 2 movie and to project art on a wall . I might have use it for 7 hour max before I run into issue
162 Projector POS 5 this be my first screen projector I purchase and I love because it give you a theater look and feeling . but , the only flaw to the projector that be throw to the screen be that it be hard to adjust to the size and you have to keep position the projector . the screen be not the problem it the projector throw so buyer beware to make sure you know the size of screen because if the projector do not throw right on the screen it will appear off the screen slightly or to much off the screen . once again it be not the screen that be the problem it be the projector that have to throw the image . other then that the screen be wonderful and I love it . for better imaging it be best to mount the projector in the ceiling for better throw . other then that I can not wait to use it outdoors !!
824 Projector POS 5 first , I use this with a Mitsubishi HC 1500 DLP projector , which be a great first projector -lrb- i get it in my initial foray into home projection -rrb- , and which Amazon offer as a deal with this mount . if you be think of go the front projector route , this be a good deal\/pairing - all you need be a good-quality screen and a 5.1 system and you be ready to rock . this mount work fantastic with the Mitsubishi hc1500 -lrb- which be a 3-screw upsidedown mounter -rrb- - i be extremely impressed with its steadiness , now that it be up on my wall and hold my projector . as other have note , the direction to this mount be pretty confusing\/worthless , but after look at the instruction , and the box , and some on-the-fly experiment , i basically have the mount together -lrb- attach to the projector -rrb- in about 10-15 min . then maybe about another 15-20 min to get it up on the wall and do some fine-tuning of the joint and setting -lrb- i.e. centering\/height , image invert , correct keystone , etc -rrb- . the really good thing about this mount be that it can move in several direction , on several axis , so it be very versatile and will work with either a ceiling or wall situation - just find a wall stud or a beam and you be in business . I actually mount the bracket on my wall , instead of my ceiling , due to the weird layout of my screening room . the allen screw really hold firmly once you tighen they - this be a lightweight yet very solidly construct mount . hat off to whoever engineer this thing . tip : when you install , it definitely help to have 2 people , as fine-tuning the joint may require loosen more than one allen at a time , so someone may need to steady the projector as the other tighten the allen screw . but it be a minor point - once this bracket be up , it be up to stay and there be no question in my mind i get the right mount . highest recommendation - it really help I pull my screening room together in a quality way .
809 Projector NEU 3 I purchase this projector in oct 2011 directly from Aaxa . I be a teacher work in two school and I use this projector nearly every day . I connect my iPhone 4 and ipad 2 to it and also play video file from the internal drive or a flash drive , mostly successfully . the spec be the best in this category at the moment , and the design be good . there be a few detail that other reviewer have not mention , however : \* the fan noise be more than noticeable . it be actually a little annoying . \* the power button be situate such that the p4 can be switch on in a crowded bag pretty easily . \* the button be not very responsive . my feeling be that this be more of a system software issue than a purely hardware issue . button click frequently get no response or a delay response . I feel like the system software be not quite ready for prime-time . \* while it be impressive that they include any sort of internal speaker , it be only usable in a very quiet environment and then really only for speech . there be really no point at all to listen to any sort of music track with it . if you plan on use headphone , then you be fine , but if you need to run a cable to a pair of external speaker then you be lose the cable-free benefit of a battery-powered device . if you do not mind plug it in for power then you might as well get a brighter pico projector . \* the p4 do NOT mount properly on any external computer , and I have try several Mac and Windows machine . the manual say very clearly that it should be able to do this . when connect via usb , it might mount for just a moment , but then it will immediately unmount or produce some kind of error message . I have have absolutely no success transfer file directly from a computer to the p4 . when I contact they support staff about this , I be tell that I should put my file on a flash drive , and then move they from the flash drive to the p4 . this be very disappointing and inconvenient . -lrb- be other user have this problem ? I would like to know . -rrb- \* transfer file from a flash drive involve go into Windows CE , which require the additional purchase of the little usb keyboard . the keyboard be pretty cool , but it be somewhat expensive , and because it be so small , it be awkward to use . \* when copy file , I have frequently have weird anomaly where the p4 seem to think there be two copy of the file , with slightly different directory path , and it give I error message that it be unable to find the second file . irritating ! \* Video playback always start with the first video in you directory , require you to stop playback , go back to you directory listing , and select the file you want . \* although the internal flash drive be 2 gig , the operating system take up a great deal of that , so there be not more than a couple hundred meg onboard , and that be not much room for decent-quality video . I have not try use a sd card . \* the color reproduction , even on a flawless white wall in a dark room , be mediocre at best . there be a few setting to adjust the color , most of which be totally unusable . my expectation be not that high , but I would not want yours to be , either . \* the p4 do not sync as readily via VGA as you would expect . if you cable get jerk out , you can not just plug it back in . you 'll probably have to manually re-sync it or possibly restart the p4 . \* the battery do not last more than 70 minute . none of these issue be substantial enough for I to return the unit or recommend against buy it , but they might matter to you , depend on you plan use . the basic utility of the p4 be massive , although the shortcoming be constantly annoying . I look forward to future unit from Aaxa , where we 'll hopefully get 120 + lumen -lrb- laser drive ? -rrb- from a longer-lasting battery , better and more adjustable color , and perhaps some kind of wireless a\/v streaming . but for now , this be a very handy and useful device .
133 Projector POS 5 I have be very happy with this projector after about 2 month of regular use . it have the feature I need . I would strongly recommend use a hdmus cable instead of a analog one if you source have a hdmus output . this digital cable be pricey -lrb- ~ $ 30 -rrb- , but blow away what you 'll get from , say , a VGA cable from you computer or a component video output , which be analog and thus `` dirty '' . I have my projector suspend upside-down from the ceiling use a $ 20 mount kit and project onto a white wall . the specific setup mean I do not have to keystone the image , which degrade some of its quality . the 11 ' screen size turn my apartment into a great little theater for entertaining friend . I block outside light and keep area lighting limit , which mean I can use the `` Eco '' energy set all the time and still have good quality . one benefit be that the Eco setting be quiet , whereas the full quality setting require the noisy fan to be run in a way that be slightly annoying . in my opinion , the full quality mode be not that much better and mean you 'll probably wear out you bulb out in about half the time , so it be just not worthwhile for I . I be a amateur photographer and often review slide show of my picture on the `` big screen '' . I really appreciate the automatic adjustment the projector go through as the image change . one moment , we may be see a brightly light photograph that the projector have well balanced and then , when it switch to a dark-room shot , it gradually adjust the brightness and contrast to emphasize the subtlety of it that be a bit muted at first . the shift be almost unnoticeable and take a couple of seconds . the result be much appreciate by this enthusiast because it behave as though it have even more color depth than be possible with the physical device . the remote and menu system be simple and good . I can just aim at the wall instead of the device , which be not a give with some device . the `` source search '' button be appropriately the most prominent one , after the power button . keyston seem the next most basic part of set up , especially for people who move they projector around a lot for business , so it be nice that the device and remote make this really easy . I almost never need to use the menu , otherwise . the bottom line be they make the most common feature easily accessible and the menu easy to navigate and understand . although you can use this projector as a tv , keep in mind it be not `` cable ready '' . it have no tuner . you can get a analog tuner with a remote control -lrb- e.g. , mygica SuperColor HD TV Box Video Converter Box I use the mygica box with basic analog cable use a VGA cable connect it to the projector . the quality be pathetic , but that be not the fault of the Mygica or Epson . one of the only thing that be disappointing at first be that there be a usb port and hint online about a way to stream video through it from you computer . this model do not support that ; the usb port be for plug a usb -lrb- `` thumb '' -rrb- drive in for a instant slide show of still picture . the video stream would have be nice , so I would not have to physically switch the HDMI cable between my Blu Ray player and pc , but it be not part of my purchase decision . one more significant disappointment be that there be no way to output audio to speaker or a amplifier . the small built-in speaker be no good for a home theater , so I be probably go to end up pay a couple of buck for a hdmus splitter and then possibly $ 40 + for a digital to analog adapter so I can plug in speaker . the rca audio plug on the back of the device be for input of audio , which seem of dubious value . I would have greatly appreciate this be a direct out from the digital to analog device they have to build into it to begin with . one of the thing I pay special attention to be lamp life . the fact that this one have a long project life and be relatively cheap to replace be a big selling point to I . think about this like when you be consider the $ 25 printer that have $ 50 ink cartridge you have to replace monthly .
618 Projector NEG 1 the instruction be next to incomprehensible , and if you have a projector that only mount with 3 hole , there be no instruction on how to do it -lrb- hint : you have to remove one of the mount arm and re-mount in the center position -rrb- . after I go through all of that , I find that the center pole be attach to the bracket at a angle and I could not loosen it to straighten to a 90 degree angle , and this make it next to impossinble to get it positioned correctly for the screen . this would not have be so bad , but mount bracket also have no yaw control -lrb- horizontal rotation -rrb- , only roll and tilt , which be not good for precise postioning . I end up have to get a optoma bracket -lrb- more expensive -rrb- to mount my hd20 projector .
912 Projector NEG 1 my unit be manufacture April 2011 . I think that , be lead , I would have one less source of problem ... I be right , since the lead do not die . but the unit stop work in the middle of a movie . since its DLP , i think that the spot on the screen be due to the mirror stick at a specific position . I be not sure what go wrong , I never use the audio of the unit , but the day it die I decide to plug the output of the cable tv receiver -lrb- a\/v out -rrb- , and use a headphone . but the audio be intermittent , like something be digitally mute it on low audio level ... now , after power it up , only appear some ` random ' bright dot . no drive mount on the usb -lrb- maybe try a firmware update might bring it back to life -rrb- . by read other post , and watch how many question samsung actually answer on they site , i know my headache be just begin .
923 Projector POS 5 well , there be many place that provide the specification , but if you after someone 's personal opinion , I would say it be second to none projector . the picture be crisp and sharp . you have to realize that not every dvd will exhibit the best picture , but if the movie have be compress with the good quality you will be delighted with the performance of this one . I do not regret even for a second for the money I spend on it !
67 Projector POS 4 receive my dg-747 today . very impress with the hook up . be easy to hook every thing up and start use it . it be high def , the computer hook up need a good video card to get great picture . very well pleased with the picture with just use the dynamic preset setting . have not try fine tuning yet . the only problem I see so far be the focus could operate smoother . bulb can be order from lone star so far they have answer all my email politely and promptly . and you can reach they by phone . will add to my post as need .
860 Projector POS 5 these be great projector ! high quality and last a long time ! Great for indoors and outdoor movie . I use it everywhere !
219 Projector POS 5 well first let I say that i be like most of you read this review try to see if i really want to get this projector . I be just a normal 24 year old guy look to get a good deal and i really base my purchase off most of the review and spec . so i 'll list a few of my personal con and pro . bad news first . con : - it be 3d capable but in order to get 3d work on it you have to buy a additional piece - a zoom feature would come in handy in a lot of situation . - sound on the projector be like either break on mine or really really bad . - Lens cap do not fit -lrb- and i have a 1 year old who love touch it , this be easily fix by get a cloth to wipe it off -rrb- . pro : - the picture be simply awesome . - I manage to hook up my ps3 to it and it be great . - I have cable hook up to it -lrb- through s-video cable -rrb- . -lrb- side note : you need a cable box to hook cable up to the projector and you 'll need to buy either a s-video cable or the red\/white\/yellow cable to hook up to it , i be sure other would work but i \* know \* personally those do . -rrb- - the short throw feature i find nice as my projector be about 8-9 ft away from the wall and my picture be over 100 inch . - during the day time with the windows\/curtains open you can still see the picture well . I be really enjoy this projector . whether it be ps3 , cable , netflix , or the pc it surpass all my expectation . I would recommend this to anyone who be think about get one . I mean honestly if you spend 600 $ on a tv you would get 42-48in . where as this you get 100 plus hd -lrb- 3d if you want to shell out the extra 300 and then you be still get a cheaper deal than a 3d tv -rrb- . play blue ray flawlessly . I love this . if anyone have any question by all means ask . oh one quick stupid thing i do . I accidentally spray compress air -lrb- try to clear dust out of it -rrb- into the front vent while it be on . it cause a loud pop noise and a mini explosion -lrb- fire include -rrb- and it cut off . I think that be it for the little fellum but gladly it come back on when i let it sit off for a little while so 2 thumb up on that !
257 Projector NEG 1 I buy the projector in December 2001 . the projector have some quality problem . lamp explosion : the original lamp that come with the new projector be explode after about one year of use -lrb- about 400 hour -rrb- . it occur when it be project a movie without any indication . other user also experience lamp explosion with the projector . Difficult-to-Turn-On Problem : the projector have problem with start up the lamp . most of the time , when I turn on the power switch of the projector , the fan will start immediately , but the lamp do not light . it do produce some encouraging sound-the noise one hear when the lamp turn on . if you switch off the projector then switch it on again , the lamp might start . however , the problem now get really bad for I . almost every time when I try to use the projector , I really have to switch on\/off many time in order for the lamp to show any light . Service problem : right after my lamp explode , I send the unit back to Infocus . Infocus change the lamp and clean the unit for I . but the difficult-turn-on problem get worse after the service . I call they several time , the technician tell I that they do not know the cause and suggest that I try to switch off and on to solve the problem . it do work . but what a strange way to turn a projector on ! this hard to turn on problem be really annoying , so I call infocus again . the technician refuse to explain what the problem be , and ask I to send Infocus us$ 999.99 so that they can take a look at it . of course i do not send the projector back for they to take another look . I ask Infocus if they know any technical flaw with the projector , and I be tell that there be ` none . ' so apparently Infocus do not know why the projector have this difficult-to-turn-on problem . therefore , they might have the same problem with other projector also . Summary : the Infocus lp 350 have quality control problem , I do not recommend this projector . apparently Infocus be not aware of the problem ; other model might also have this problem because they share a lot of part and design . I would definitely avoid Infocus . mike
885 Projector NEG 1 this projector be good until the pixel start go out a few month after watch . it be not worth purchasing . the projector look good , but the pixel will die out fast .
87 Projector POS 5 yes , you need a dark room and white backdrop , but it be awesome . i put this in my bedroom hook up to Dish and to my computer . i play blu ray through it from my pc on arcsoft tmt or powerdvd and it look great . you have to put it on video mode and it will look good . i have it at about 140 '' and it look great . i have 7.1 audio and that with this projector play a bd make my room feel like a personal cinema . dark movie like harry potter 7 part one look fine but you must adjust the lighting in TMT to get it bright enough to see everything . it be very good for only be 170 buck . it be all i need to have for now , i love it . plus like i say , it hook up to my dish tv so i watch tv on it and it be better by far than my tv . I would say if you want a big screen and dont want to waste a thousand buck on a full hd lead flatscreen get this for a 170 buck and have a 140 '' screen everyone will love !!!
916 Projector POS 5 I have have this for a few week now and use it for XBOX , XBOX Kinect , PC , Apple TV , and Google TV . I have also use it with Nvidia 's 3d nvision . play pc Games , in 3d -lrb- with a XBOX controller -rrb- be pretty sweet . I be project on a white wall in the basement and that seem to be fine for I -lrb- may do a special paint on the wall later -rrb- . even in daylight or with the light on the image be great -lrb- kinect isnt doable in really low light so some light be necessary -rrb- . movie night be a blast . I have pc speaker hook up to it with a sub so it sound great also . build in speaker be ok for a quick and dirty but you really want to hook up speaker . I ceiling mount the projector and I be still try work out the cable management but that setup be a snap . very happy with this purchase . if you have a question , leave a comment , and I can try to answer it .
888 Projector POS 5 I buy this screen to host a Super Bowl party because it will be project in the living room with plenty of ambient light . watch sport and movie on my exist taupe color wall be fine at night but wash out in the day . I get this screen because of the 1.3 gain rating . after some research , I discount the smell comment -lrb- only 1 -rrb- , discount the poor delivery rating -lrb- again only 1 -rrb- , discount the edge problem -lrb- minor and unavoidable for size of rollable screen -rrb- and pull the trigger . the screen be deliver with a `` silver '' service from the seller , nice touch . they bring it into the house and offer to unwrap it but after inspect that the packaging be undamaged , I elect to unwrap it myself . the screen be well insulate with 2 layer of foam and the box edge be reinforce . mount the screen be a challenge by it be sheer size , 12 foot wide and the precision require to get the screw into the exact location but that be not a design problem . it be not any different from mount blind or window covering , really . Performance wise , I be completely satisfy . one corner have the slightest tension deformity that I expect to lessen with time as I leave the screen suspend for a period of time . the curl edge be present on both side but marginally so and really only be on the black border part and not on the white viewable surface . the motor be really quiet and it take less than a minute to deploy the screen 79 inch . nighttime viewing be fine , the 1.3 gain be not as good as the 1.6 gain I have on a previous screen but will definitely allow I to have a great Super Bowl party . there be a slight chemical \/ paint odor if you stand within 4 inch of the screen and purposefully sniff it , but it really be a non issue unless you be extremely sensitive and have poor ventilation .
622 Projector POS 5 I be thrill when I see the price on this lamp - much less than any other I would see . the service be great , and so far , the lamp be work perfectly !
944 Projector POS 4 I have own my projector since September 2004 and have not experience any problem with it yet . I have about 2200 hour log on the bulb so far and the brightness have not go down from what I can tell . it project well onto a white wall , but I want a more movie-like experience so I build a 90 inch screen to project it onto . like one of the other reviewer , when I go to turn off the projector it sometimes act like I hit the button twice , but since I be try to turn it off anyway I do not care . never have the problem of accidentally turn it off before . the remote be quite thin so it be hard to hit the button to accidentally turn it off . overall I be quite happy with it . I have take it around to my friend 's house for the superbowl and other event since my place be too small for a large gathering and it be a quick setup . the picture quality be still quite good in normal lighting so I do not have to close the blind every time I want to watch tv . I would recommend this projector to anyone on a budget . for the price it can not be beat .
956 Projector POS 5 this be the first home projector I have buy for use in my house . have a 47 '' sharp aquos lcd and want the opportunity for a `` bigger '' experience . buy a favus 100 '' diagonal electric screen and the 705hd . I run a home theater pc , Wii , sony blu-ray and cable box through a Denon avr-888 . these be split to either the tv or projector . the projector be great for play game , even with the light on . it be worth every penny , especially in a brightly light room -lrb- or one with a lot of window -rrb- . the kid love it and we have all kind of tournament -lrb- sport game , madden football , etc. -rrb- when they friend come over . for movies\/cable , it take some adjustment to get this thing right . it be really bright by default -lrb- great for bright room -rrb- but this do not help black level -lrb- the screen I buy also have some gain to it -rrb- . after adjust the display mode and then tweaking the color setting , the picture be very good . I will not rate it as excellent overall -lrb- my sharp still look a bit better with blu-ray -rrb- but for the price\/value factor , it can not be beat . watch movie on a 100 '' screen be outstanding . my total cost for put this together be $ 770 for electric screen and projector . with a little bit of adjustment , this projector be excellent . I be not a hd snob or anything like that . I enjoy entertainment that work at a reasonable cost . hence , I buy the 705hd and it have not disappointed I at all . plus I do not have to worry about DLP color wheel problem , etc. . for those of we in the real world on a budget , this be a great bargain . highly recommend it
270 Projector POS 5 this be a fantastic little projector it do just what it be mean for , on the spot presentation when you do not have access to a full size projector and you need to get you point across , this be the thing . people be surprise by what it could do I certainly be , I have my power point on a flash drive , prop this little baby up on a couple book have eight client in a little office and they be impressed . I just do not leave home without it .
838 Projector POS 5 walk up to soothing sound instead of BEH BEH BEH BEH BEH ... AMAZING !!!! power have be interupt a few time , and no worry on my part , babttery back up will always work . set it and forget it . : -rrb- this clock have all the option one would need .
126 Projector POS 4 I order this to replace a elitescreen 100 '' pull down screen I be use . the screen itself be nice quality , although you notice when you pull it out there be some `` bubble '' in the screen towards the bottom . almost like a piece of paper that do not quite unroll right . with a piece of paper you can push out the wrinkle and it look right , but with a screen you can not hold those `` bubble '' out . it be hard to describe , but I place a light weight on the edge of my screen -lrb- clamp from garage -rrb- and after a week or so the bubble work it be way out . I leave mine down all the time . also the clip on the top you can place on hook be flimsy and if turn right will fall out . you can tell it be not as nice of quality as say a elitescreen but it be good for the price and it be the smallest screen I could find . I recommend it for other .
514 Projector NEU 3 just a quick one on this projector mount . it be so customizable and so adjustable , it be actually a weakness . the product itself be well build and go together well , however the quick release at the bottom of the pole be not precisely cut -lrb- a couple of mm out -rrb- so I find my projector hang a little to one side so I have to put a weight on the other side to balance it out . I be thinking of take it somewhere to get it weld and fix into position . I be only use one of the section of pole , and when I have to adjust some setting on my projector , the whole thing wobble a bit , I would hate to think of what it be like with the full pole extension . overall , a very flexible product , possible too many `` option '' be to its detriment . it be also a creamy color , not white . Cable management be good . also come with a lot of screw for every different type of projector . I have have this for almost a year now , but will be change it soon to a shorter , direct ceiling mount -lrb- possibly the same brand because they be good quality \/ great value -rrb- but this particular one might just be too good . . it be bad . this mount have hold a Panasonic AE4000 for I .
560 Projector POS 5 I will say this without any hesitation , I have not have a single problem with my projector and I have have it for 6 year . when I see so many people say they have bulb problem , I can not help but to think that they must be turn the projector off without allow it to cool . at the moment , I be at 2943 hour and I have have no issue what so ever . I allow the fan to cool the bulb before I turn it off . that be so crucial . the picture quality be great , especially in hd . I will not say it be as clean as a plasma screen tv , but if you have the space , you can have a screen that be big as any wall in you house . I build a screen that be 77 inch . the picture be stunning . the fan fade to the back as you be watch . it be quiet enough to forget it be on when you be watch a movie . the only issue I have with the projector be that the connection be odd . you have to find a 16 pin cable that connect to the rbg rca cable to connect to the dvd . most store do not carry these but you can find they on ebay . just for the record , this projector be great in my book . just follow the instruction in order to maintain the life of you bulb and you will be fine .
340 Projector POS 5 the projector cost more than I would normally spend , I be work part time as a youth director , publicly fund , as the economy be in poor shape the amount of donation have severely drop . the projector , although expensive , work exceptionally well , and will view well on less expensive , lower quality screen . I opt to purchase the Pyle higher quality projector and a less expensive screen to manage my budget . over all , completely satisfy in this well work projector .
206 Projector POS 5 I read a lot about how the packaging on the product do not provide adequate protection for the projector screen during shipping . the company must have read those because the packaging might have be able to stop a bullet . the item arrive in perfect condition even with some dent on the box from shipping . the screen itself have no wrinkle or crease . go up and down very easily and I pair it with a optoma hd20 at a throw distance of just over 15 ' and it look awesome . I could not be more excite with my home theater . I highly recommend this screen . it really stack up compare to much more expensive fix frame screen .
437 Projector NEG 1 I recently buy this projector to replace a 5 year old projector that be start to go out . I travel and give recruit presentation on a weekly basis , and need something small , light and easy to travel with . this projector be definitely small and light , but it be make out of cheap plastic part that I could see break with frequent travel . I decide to hook it up and check it out , and be sadly disappoint . I think the LED bulb be go to be great , but it be so dim that you need to be in a fully dark room to see , and the image quality be horrible . one part of the screen be in focus , and the other part be not . when you try to adjust this , one part get in focus and a new area go out of focus . there be also no keystone feature , so unless you plan on put the projector perfectly center on you screen , you will always be skewed and unfocused . Got this product day one and send back already . buyer beware , you get what you pay for . I be convince from the first two review that it would be ok , but apparently they have never see another projector , because this one be terrible . I do not even check the speaker , because the image quality be so unusable I have to send back immediately . spend some more money and get a quality projector .
303 Projector NEU 3 this be a tough review because this be the first projector that I have purchase . I be really blow away by the absolutely beautiful , breath-taking image that cover my ENTIRE Green wall , but I end up have to return it for some of the follow reason . when it arrive , the seal look broken , the monitor cord be miss and a rbg to monitor cord be in its place . the native resolution be 800 x 600 , on my computer , xbox and cable output . THERE WAS no usb port ! which mean that you have to by the custom optimum toggle for $ 123 if you want wireless . and you will want wireless because , you have to set you projector in the center of the room , on a cart or heavy duty tripod . the sound be poor from the projector but I be able to plug in a speaker system into the headphone jack . too many wire come from my tv , wius , x-box , sound system , plug , cable , to the center of the living room with little kid run around for my comfort . if you do not mind use a cord , you can reduce it by purchase a multi-port hdmus switch for around $ 15 . the other problem that I have be the focus be really tight . there be no fine tuning and it be all manual . beware that 3d ready do not really mean that it be 3d ready . that mean you must have a computer with a strong enough graphic card that put out 120 hertz . x-box and blu-ray 3d be not currently compatible until a new $ 400 part come out that will have to be add on later this fall or sometime next year . then , plan to pay extra for the 3d glass , over $ 100 a pair , and possibly a special 1.3 to 1.4 hdmus conversion cord , depend on which website you review . the last problem be that this be not very portable , although it come with its own backpack , which be really hip for teen-gamer ! the projector itself be very flimsy make of cheap plastic , I would not trust it in the backpack from be crush or bang around , and I sure would not trust a teenager with it . the lens cap be useless . it do not twist on and will not stay on . I would be worry about it slip off and scratch the lens in a backpack or any type of travel . the size of the gt700 be quite large , it fit in the entire backpack , although it be light due to the cheap plastic wrapper . I give it a three , because of the outstanding image , which would be a five ! but the flimsy , dollar store plastic wrapper , and bulky size would make this very non-portable to business traveler . for the build , I give it a one . if you be live in a really large home , with a huge wall , and can mount this from a extended projector rod where ceiling fan , or light fixture will not get in the way , then this may be the right projector for you . this would make a good projector for a school or business if it sit on a portable cart , or on a board table . the light be quite bright and impressive in the daytime .
369 Projector NEU 3 simple enough mount to figure out but be warn , no instruction . there be no bolt , all screw just thread the hole in the aluminum and the allenhead be a bit oversized for the wrench . this result in easily strip out either the hole or the screw head . I need to use a hacksaw to cut down 6 '' on both piece to make it flush to we drop ceiling . it be up and hold the projector in place so as long as you go easy on tighten thing down it should do the trick but you may want to spend a few buck more and look for something a bit more `` solid '' .
636 Projector POS 5 other negative review might possibly be from people who buy a former model , I do not know . all , I can tell you be that this thing be completely awesome . we projector at work fail and I use this and everyone in the room flip out . we be not in total darkness , and the picture -lrb- especially text -rrb- be super crisp . in total darkness , it be obviously even better , beyond word . at home , hook up with a very hard to find hdmus to Mini HDMI cable from a dvd or blueray player yield a absolutely phenomenal and huge picture . everyone i show this to have a jaw-dropping response .
651 Projector POS 5 I have have the pt-ax 100u for about 3 year now , and I have have the same problem with the iris that several other have comment on . Panasonic be no help and want load of money to repair the unit . of course , it be out of warranty as well ! so instead , I do a google search and find several home `` fix-it '' solution . basically , the iris mechanism have to be re-lubed with some oil after about 2 year of use . I fix my projector in about 20 minute -- and im not technically savvy either . if I can do it , I guarantee anyone can ! as far as the the bulb , I have easily make it to the 2000 hour mark with excellent video quality . I still think this projector be a fantastic bargain !
411 Projector NEG 1 I purchase this unit , and it run well for 500 hour . after that the ballast begin to fail , just a few month out of 90-day warranty . now it be at $ 600 doorstop . many other people have have trouble with this projector die on they ; just google around a bit . avoid this model , and cheap Infocus projector for that matter !
745 Projector POS 5 check many other screen this size and they all be at least $ 100 more . screen arrive on time , do have someone help I put it up . screen be big and heavy and do require 2 people to install . require a stud finder . screen work great , very quiet , and the quality be really good too . Watch movie on it all the time . Got 2 remote with it which work from 20 + foot . get the deal at -lrb- ... -rrb-
966 Projector POS 4 well , I finally receive a new bulb replacement . as I mention in another review of a similar product from another company , this be my second replacement bulb in a year . I decide to try another company this time and so far so good . no problem install it . take less than 5 minute , if that . the picture be great , however , I have this yellowing stain imprint , which I believe be from the other bulb . I be research this and will update in the future when I get a answer . nevertheless , the bulb be work well and be please with it so far . hopefully , this will last much longer than the previous one , which be less than a year old . I plan on update the status of this review in the future , in hope that this will benefit those look for some good insight on this bulb . let 's hope it all good from this point on .
index Domain Label Rating Review
68 Projector POS 5 I be quite impressed with this projector , I need one that will project a fairly decent image in dim -lrb- but not dark -rrb- room and this one work well . I have watch some tv on it and a few movie . in a fairly quiet room the build in speaker will actually suffice . the picture be fairly decent for the money and certainly quite watchable . it accept a hdmus input , though output appear to be sd quality rather than hd . the unit look well make and come with most of the require cable , the HDMI be not include but can be find on for a few buck . for the price it really be a bargain and please to watch , easy to set up and though the fan be noticeable , it be not bothersome to I . it do seem to get a little on the hot side but not excessively so and be not a concern at all . it have quite a few adjustment that can be make include sports\/cinema mode etc. . the remote control be very handy and make most adjustment , be careful not to lose it . I buy a low end 60 '' x 60 '' proctor screen and this greatly improve the quality of the image . though a white wall work , the white projector screen make quite a difference if you can afford another $ 40.00 go for it ! I really can not knock this projector , it be not high end and it do not pretend to be , it give you a lot for you money and seem to be well make . a economical way to watch a movie on a wall -lrb- the whiter the better or a screen -rrb- without spend a lot of money !
541 Projector POS 5 great product for view dvd and other video source on a big -lrb- 100 '' + screen -rrb- . Projects the best -lrb- movie house like -rrb- picture with a component out , progressive dvd player . buy the special component to VGA cable - it be worth it . Picture will rival plasma and projection tv . Projects a image that will make you think you be in the movie ! the unit look very modern . vibrant and accurate color , bright image , low fan noise and little pixelation -lrb- none if you set the lens a touch off focus for a softer image -rrb- make this a excellent and cost effective way to start a home theater . Picture be very competitive with the Infocus x1 , however the Epson have no rainbow problem -lrb- it be lcd -rrb- which contribute to eyestrain and fatigue . I have see they run together and I prefer the Epson image overall . the Epson have color saturation that be second to none . bulb cost very little too . Team it up with a home theater in a box system and start charge you friend admission !
182 Projector POS 5 this be a great product , well worth how much it cost . I use it on almost a daily basis and work great for blu ray movie and video game . would definitely recommend this product . great picture on the xbox 360 and if you have a wius , get the hi def cable and you wont be let down . the only reason i give this a 4 star for image re . be because i didnt buy a screen for this projecter , but still look amazing on my wall
936 Projector POS 4 the product arrive as promise on time and pack well . install lamp into projector and do have a burning odor when it start up , but seem to be work fine and odor go away . we will see if it last ! if it do it be a great price !
960 Projector POS 4 very solid design and construction can handle a tremendous amount of weight . a little tricky to tweak the angle but once you have they you can lock it down with little worry of the thing get loose .
150 Projector POS 5 have this screen for about 5 month now . awesome product . everyone be surprise about how economical this screen be , but same quality as the expensive one , and more low profile than a lot of the competitor .
693 Projector POS 5 I would say that this be a pretty nice screen . for the money that i pay it worth it . nice picture and easy setup .
22 Projector NEG 1 my pt-ax100u 's iris break after 10 month of use . 8 month after the iris be replace , the new iris break again . since so many people report this problem , Panasonic must recall this projector .
116 Projector POS 5 I probably would not own a projector if I have not find this one so reasonably price . we use it to show movie outside on a 13 ' x 25 ' custom make screen and inside on the wall 8 x 12 . although we have find this projector do best with the animated movie because of the vivid color .
704 Projector NEU 3 although it do the job represent , the camlock to hold the screen in position be very flimsy and during the second use I have to shore it up to prevent the screen from fall down .
915 Projector NEU 3 the projection be very high quality for the price , but to put it on a large screen you must be about 20 foot away from the screen , therefore require a longer video cord that the 6 ft one provide .
700 Projector POS 5 this product do everything it be suppose to do very well , I would recommend it . the projector I be try to mount have its mount location in the strangest place and this mount be able to be adjust to where it need to be .
934 Projector POS 4 Color accuracy be fantastic in Theater setting . the pixel fill\/smooth screen design eliminate any screen door effect or video noise , regardless of distance . even so the image remain sharp . a 106 '' diagonal 1.0 gain white screen in a dark room be push the limit in Theater mode . use a smaller screen -lrb- 92 would be great -rrb- or increase the gain -lrb- 1.4 -rrb- to keep the bright plasma like `` pop '' . contrast in general be excellent , but absolute black level be lack -lrb- a shortcoming of all reasonably price lcd projector -rrb- . in a light controlled room the widescreen black bar be very obvious . watch predominatly dark movie -lrb- descent , Underworld , etc. -rrb- really show the limitation of the black level . the headlamp in Descent give enough light to open up the auto-iris , result in a dark gray glow from area that should have be pitch black . even in scene of complete darkness , with the Iris fully close , the screen light my room with a gray luminance . reduce the brightness control and increase contrast do not help . to I this be not a minor defect , but a major distracting limitation of the technology . at this price point you can not have everything . on a reasonably size screen the Panasonic come close . if you can live with black that be good but not quite black then this be the projector for you . I return the Panasonic and be save for the new JVC rs40 when it hit the market December 2010 \/ January 2011 . dk
388 Projector POS 4 I purchase this for a friend who love to see video game on large screen so this make a perfect gift for he now he spend less time with we
589 Projector POS 4 I buy this projector last year and its still go strong . I do extensive research look for a 3d projector . the first issue I discover - it be nearly imposible to get a 1080p 3d projector under $ 10k . if you do not want to future proof you purchase and do not need or want the 3d , you should look at a 1080p projector . you will not really see a major difference until you get over 50 inch . at 300 dig . inch , it be noticiable to the trained eye . with that be say , the 3d function work flawlessly . you can even use it with content that be not originnaly code in 3d via use power dvd 11 -lrb- awsome program that convert dvd , video -lrb- avus and wmv -rrb- and even picture to 3d . -rrb- the Acer brightness be really good . I gennerally run it in eco mode becuase it save energy and cuase less eye strain . Standard mode be very bright . Standard best for lightly light room . the projector can connect to any source -lrb- hdmus , component , rca , dvi -rrb- the not so good : it can be rather annoy that when you change from one channel to another on you cable box the the projector reset -lrb- you get a blank screen for 5 sec . -rrb- to readjust to the signal for that particular channel . i.e. go from 4080p channel to 1080 p channel . add to that , it reset the projector back to standard brightness mode . also , in 3d mode , a blue instruction box pop up when you change the content . the remote control could definatley use some quick key function . what concern I the most about the remote control be that the projector itself do not contain any command button . so if you misplace the remote control there be no way to change any of the function on the projector . you will only be able to turn it on and off . major flaw in my opinion . verdict : Great value for this projector . I be very happy with the product and would highly recommend . since the price decrease as of late , I be consider buy two more for a surround 3d set up . -lrb- if you dont know what that be , look it up , its crazy -rrb-
397 Projector NEG 2 this system sound pretty good -- for a three channel system . we have a rectangular room with reasonably reflective surface , but the surround feature of this unit really do not work at all . the center\/left\/right front channel sound good , but surround be non-existent . do not buy if you be look for something with surround . I be not satisfy ; it be go back .
543 Projector NEG 1 I purchase this projector after read a favorable review in a computer magazine . when I try it out , I fail to properly plug in the power cord all the way . unfortunately it come out when I move the projector to adjust the picture . it take only a few seconds to figure out what have happen and to plug it back in , but the device do not survive lose power . the internal get so hot that component go up in smoke without the fan properly cool down the lamp . Amazon quickly send a replacement unit . I call Acer support the next day to get a opinion on this issue . the question that I ask be : `` what be the expected result when there be a power outage while watch a movie '' . I spend 2 hour on the line with India , without get a answer . the people I speak with recite the manual , which I have already study . the same magazine that originally recommend this projector publish a note a couple of issue later that describe support issue at Acer . the projector require a firmware update because the original firmware do not remember configuration setting . this can only be do at the factory , but customer report that they projector come back without any update do . I like the projector , it be bright and crisp and quiet . I can not comment on the 3d capability - I do not purchase it with the intent to watch 3d content right away , but I want to have the option in the future . Update after 15 month of ownership : I have have the projector store away in its case for most of the time until recently . the lamp have no more than 20 hour of use when I install on the ceiling of my newly finish basement for more frequent use in a home theater setup . three day ago , a white pixel appear . since then , several new white and black pixel appear on a daily basis , and I now have over two dozen . it will soon be no longer usable if pixel keep go out at this rate . the basement be clean , air-conditioned , and a low-dust environment . from what I read , replace the DLP chip be cost-prohibitive and the projector will become e-waste ater a little over a year with less than 100 hour of use . I be downgrade it to one star . my picture look very much like the one show in this thread : -lrb- ... -rrb- and base on the number of post there be seem to I that this be not a unusual problem with Acer projector .
779 Projector POS 5 screen be a simple install . move up and down with ease . this screen be perfect for a large room . not all that heavy , but you will need a strong ceiling . Picture be clear and the screen size -lrb- white area -rrb- be great for at home movie .
241 Projector POS 5 we take movie watch seriously at we house , and when I purchase this projector , it be a big hit . we be watch it on a white sheet and the picture be still really good . no complaint and all be good .
566 Projector POS 5 I recently purchase a refurbish BenQ 6100 from Tiger Direct for $ 749 , and be very happy with it so far . the picture quality render from my Panasonic s47 progressive scan dvd player be excellent , especially with the component video-to-vga -lrb- or `` VESA '' -rrb- cable in use . with a pricetag of less than $ 1000 , there be absolutely no reason to spend thousand more on a plasma screen tv whose view area be appreciably smaller than the 6100 's typical project image , and whose picture quality may not be appreciably better -lrb- than the 6100 -rrb- . you just can not beat that `` at the movie '' feel of this projector , either . my wife and I relax with `` Friday Night Theater '' now , at the end of the work week . it be just a nice way to get close , share a big bowl of popcorn , and be romantic again ! oh , and yes , I do see the `` rainbow '' effect from time to time , although my wife do not . it be too infrequent to be a significant source of distraction to I , and I just chalk it up to the develop technology . the 6100 employ a 3x speed color wheel . I have read that the 4x speed color wheel virtually eliminate rainbow altogether . when benq release a projector with price and performance comparable to the 6100 , but with the 4x color wheel , I would certainly like to try it . if you have , and be willing to spend , the $ 1000 for a home theater projector , and you videophile tendency be moderate -lrb- my downfall occur in the realm of the audiophile -rrb- , then the BenQ 6100 be `` just the ticket . '' UPDATE : 08\/21\/2006 correction : BenQ falsely advertize a 3x color wheel . the 6100 offer only the 2x . also , the 1500 lumen brightness be more like 700 -- more false and misleading advertizing . in addition , after about 400 hour -- spread out over the last 2 year ! -- I be notice a flicker on the screen that appear to be get more and more frequent . benq suggest that -lrb- a -rrb- I try another view mode -lrb- I only use the `` economy '' mode to save bulb life , so change it be sure to shorten bulb life -rrb- or -lrb- b -rrb- reseat the bulb . so far , I have try -lrb- a -rrb- , but I still see the flicker . I now pray each time I see the flicker that the bulb will not fail . that be 400\/3000 or only 13 % of advertized bulb life -lrb- !!! -rrb- and I be probably witness imminent bulb failure . know what I know now , I would never have buy the pb6100 projector . I would have spend a extra $ 400 and get the comparable InFocus unit and no doubt would have at least as good a picture and a lot more bulb life to spare . `` Buyer beware '' be the word of extreme caution here . benq should be take to court on this one . talk about a good purchase go sour ! sign the Color wheel speed Falsification Petition online .
784 Projector NEU 3 I try out multiple projector on the market . 1 . the Rio . 2 . the Acer k-11 3 . the Lg and the fourth one the Vivitek Qumi . the Rio be a cheap build device and with absolutely no customer service . the other all have good customer service if you need to reach they for question . or perhaps warranty issue and repair in the future . in my adventure with these projector the Qumi by Vivitek stand out far more than the other . but do carry a higher price tag . but you get what you pay for . the Rio to I be nothing more than a cheap toy . it do work but if look for a quality image and quality build with cut edge technology Qumi be the guy . the Acer be good for the money . the Lg be no match for the Qumi it be only slightly better then the Acer but much more in price . if you want a toy . go with the Rio . if you want one that be good and price moderatly then go with the Acer . the Lg be to pricey and not much better than the Acer . the Qumi be the best but most expensive and leave the second best lg in a distant 2nd . if anyone have question about detailed thing . Feel free to ask I or leave a comment .
279 Projector NEG 1 this be my second Panasonic projector . the first one start turn blue after about a year and a half . this one , in addition to have the iris problem which other have already describe , have turn yellow in the middle after 1000 hour . I be not a smoker and I clean the filter regularly . I will not buy another Panasonic projector until they can produce a product that do not fail after a year .
278 Projector POS 4 I buy this projector largely on the basis of cost -lrb- about $ nz1000 cheaper than anything equivalent -rrb- and be generally please with it . the lightness of construction be a bit of a worry : I be use to Sanyo projector with magnesium alloy body but this have a plastic case and part such as the plastic height adjustment leg do not look too robust to I . the remote control be tiny , and provide minimal functionality . my old Thinkpad , use for run the machine , lack a usb port , so I can not work the computer mouse through the projector remote , but the remote be so tiny and fiddly I would not want to anyway . but although at first sight it all look a little flimsy , closer examination show it be well put together and so far , it seem quite hardy enough . it be certainly very light . there be a basic but useable soft case . set up be easy and the documentation be excellent . focus and zoom be only manual but in practice this do not matter and in fact I find it faster and easier than electronic control . there be limited connectivity : enough for one pc and 1 video but that be all i -lrb- and I think 95 % of user -rrb- need and I will not be rush out to buy the optional enhance connectivity module . the image quality be very acceptable . for powerpoint presentation the image be clear and bright , and can be use in a very well light room . text in 20 point Georgia -lrb- gold on blue -rrb- could be read from more than 50 foot away . although it be only svga I have project word and Excel document quite readably to small audience . Video be adequate . the video image lack some of the color depth and contrast of other projector , even one with a lower ansi-luman rating but it be smooth and quite sharp . overall , a very adequate , easy to use , basic projector that do the job and at the price , be very good value for money .
180 Projector NEU 3 this mount work , it be not exactly over engineer or pretty , but it function as describe . its basically a aluminium plate with a omni-mount type ball mount affix to the top and some screw to hold it to the projector . even a high-school kid in metal shop could manufacture this , but when it cost under 30 dollar , it be hard not to give it a go . I purchase my hd66 for around 700 buck . I do not feel like shell out about one third the purchase price of the projector just to mount it to the ceiling ! for those with a hd66 , this be certainly a better solution than have some know-it-all jerk in a blue shirt with a yellow name tag , try to sell you a overprice `` spider mount '' that be not even make for your projector . and as for its look : when you be watch a movie or play a game ... who care what the mount look LIKE ? I be satisfied with mine .
349 Projector POS 5 I need a projector . since I be a speaker , I travel , so I need a small , packable projector . I read the review for several different small projector and settle on the Optoma pk301 Pico Pocket Projector . it have the balance of feature and size that seem to make sense , plus the price point be certainly reasonable . when it arrive , I be shock at how small it be . read a measurement be one thing - hold the tiny projector in my hand be quite another . when I connect it to my laptop and turn it on , any doubt about picture quality be immediately put to rest . this tiny projector pack a punch ! small enough to travel in my handbag or computer case , it be go to be the tool that go with I everywhere .
586 Projector NEG 2 so the question to the answer be elite hand down . I be happy to say that i love this screen . i have the 125 spectrum electric and it be awesome . love the the black casing . look very home theater like , and look fantastic in my theater room . favus white just do not do it for I . White case be distracting and stick out like a sore thumb . after try two FAVI screen and receve they defective , i give up and go with the elite . right out the box it be perfect . operate as advertise . leave the screen down for a week and as the manual state , if have line across . be not really any of that anyway . I know have 125 '' of glory . Avatar actually look better on the elite than the FAVI , even though the FAVI have a 1.3 gain and the elite have a 1.1 gain . 1.1 gain . the electric lowering of the screen compare to the favus be whisper quiet . favus be noisy and when retract near the end give a loud shreak go into case as be it be too tight and have no more space . elite have a 12 volt trigger , favus do not . in order to receive the rf remote , you have to purchase one which be not a big deal to I since I will hookup the 12 volt trigger and will lower when projector be power up . elite be a clear winner and the price point be perfect and well worth the money . favus and elite price be about the same . now do not get I wrong , thr favus do a pretty good job , but the defect just ruin it for I . elite just seem better build of of a higher quality . I hope this help those who be on the fence . buy it and you wont regret it .
294 Projector NEU 3 beware that this be a Budget projector with lot of connectivity include hdmus and have ok speaker ! I buy it for my parent outside US and they need a big screen to watch movie . the reason for pick this model be 1 . cost -lrb- single most important factor ... compromise on the resolution -rrb- 2 . lead lamp 3 . Voltage regulation -lrb- 220-240v -rrb- . as compare to non led lamp , there be no issue of change the lamp for this model . the manufacturer state 20,000 hr of lamp life . test the follow input : VGA with laptop , a\/v with dvd player , hdmus with upconvert dvd as well as xbox 360 . pro : - Budget - lead lamp - build in speaker work through HDMI port and have decent sound - Power brick indicate 110 ~ 240v input con : - please bear in mind that the native resolution be 640X480 ... downgrade resolution from laptop , or any input device connect . if you be look for a higher quality image then this be not the product !! - require some dark room ... just depend on how the light source -lrb- background or external -rrb- be located and the intensity - Power brick look and feel a little cheap - all function work through the remote -lrb- if you loose the remote then you be doom ! therefore -2 star -rrb- - product quality -lrb- i.e. the construction material , plastic material etc -rrb- feel very cheap -lrb- you get what you pay for : -lrb- -rrb- - the cooling fan produce noise -lrb- same level of noise as some of the bright lamp projector -rrb- . do not expect this product to be quiet ! other thought : - purchase at $ 250 . we target be that this projector last for watch at least 100 movie -lrb- ~ $ 2.5 projector cost per movie -rrb- . already watch 10 movie so far and clock around 10 hr of Xbox gameplay . - if you can afford to spend a little bit more ... then try to go for at least 1024x768 NATIVE resolution in projector ! - I will not recommend any projector below 640x480 resolution even for those who have very stringent budget !
985 Projector POS 5 the picture be great , I be really impressed . this by far beat my first projector , that I purchase last year .
290 Projector NEG 1 please do not be fool , this be not a high def projector , and if anything break , you only option will be to throw the product in the trash . the picture compare to those cheap cartoon projector from the toy store . the bulb last up to a month , and be around 25 dollar to replace . you would be better off with a flashlight and a piece of color cellophane .
253 Projector POS 5 I wait until this screen come down to under $ 200 . it be worth the wait . I follow advice from other review that heavier mount anchor would be require , but this be expect . the only thing that be unexpected be the odor of the protectant that be use on the screen by the manufacturer , but I be sure it will disapate over time , and only noticable when the screen be down . other than those item , the screen perform just as advertised and be a great value .
292 Projector POS 5 this technically be my third projector so I be experience in projector . my InFocus Screenplay 4805 have reach 3000 hour and the lamp burn out . I be ready to upgrade . at first I buy the Sanyo plv-1080hd as a open box buy . when I get it home , to my dismay there be over 700 hour on it ! BUMMER !! since I have 30 day to return it , the salesman tell I new projector be on the way and to hold tight . -lrb- I would never buy a demo projector again ! -rrb- well two week later I see the Epson in the store . since I have the Sanyo for 2 week , I have something to compare it to . the black be twice as good . it be super bright . the color POP like a lcd tv . basically it turn my white screen at home into the world largest flat panel . they have a gray screen at the store and the whites be still plenty bright . the screen at the store have glass particle that show up and be distract during the movie , so I will not be purchase a glass particled screen . both projector be much better at my home . the demo room have too much light near the screen . at home , I be a little alarmed by the Epson 8100 's oversaturated color right out of the box . the Sanyo be pretty good right out of the box , but the Epson demand adjustment . on hdtv -lrb- cox -rrb- most of the people be overly reddish . one of the preset mode for hdtv remove too much color . I find a review of the projector that include calibration configuration and that make a world of difference . that be when it start to shine even on ECO mode ! -lrb- I think it could beat Sanyo PLV-1080HD 's brightest mode on ECO mode ! -rrb- I be so excited to have purchase this brand new . I find it a definite upgrade to be able to go 4000 hour on a bulb and only pay $ 300 for a replacement versus Sanyo 's approximate 2000 hour and $ 400 for a replacement . blu-ray be awesome on the Epson 8100 . razor sharp . even up close to the screen , you can hardly see the porch screen . the contrast and shadow detail be notable . there be plenty of parameter to adjust this projector . with the warranty , lamp life , and awesome picture . I will definitely be please for a long time . some review go back and forth about organic versus inorganic panel and guess about what kind of panel this projector be make of . the two year warranty give I peace of mind that if the panel go bad , I will get it fix . I have use a projector since 2005 and I have use it for tv , movie and some computer use . I do cut it off if I be not watch but I have fall asleep a few time . it be on most of Saturday and Sunday . still in 4 year , I only use the In Focus for 3000 hour . I have consider have a lcd tv in addition so I could save the bulb , but I can buy a lot of bulb for that cost and even a 52 '' tv seem tiny after be accustom to a 92 '' screen . I be watch Larry King and the wall behind he be true black . the color be awesome . CNN shine ! Sports look great . -lrb- Sports be dim on the Sanyo plv-1080hd . -rrb- my projector be at least 20 foot away and give off plenty of light even with my light on . accord to one of the review , the light be considerably cut when you have it too far away . I have it at the longest distance where you can have it 100 '' and use ECO lamp with the light off and it be plenty bright . I have it on a shelf in the back of the room so I can still enjoy my ceiling fan in the summer . the exhaust vent on the front be a life saver on this unit . the Sanyo be blow hot air and some bright light out the side of they projector . the Sanyo do have a door to hide the lens but Epson have a lens cover . since I can easily reach the lens , I 'll just put the cover on , when I be finish . I may even purchase a full projector cover for when it be not in use to cut down on dust . there be overwhelming positive review for the Sanyo , but this Epson will blow it away . even the exterior design in a little more sexy in pearl white and a little bit more stream line and less boxy . finally , do not pay full price as it be a buyer 's market . I get a awesome price at a major retailer and for 0 % financing , so get yours today ! get this projector !
703 Projector POS 5 the only negative thing I can say it be for the bolt hole configuration for the ceiling support if you use a generic product . that be a great product for this price !
54 Projector POS 4 I shop several store and heavily on-line before I purchase this projection unit . I want a projector for outdoors on my covered deck . the problem be could I find one that be go to be bright enough for a outdoor application where a lot of late afternoon sun would be . I must say I have be impress with this unit . yes there be time where the picture become a little wash out but overall it have be great . the biggest problem be when direct light be reflect onto the screen -- then it become wash out . during the most daylight time the picture be clear and bright . at night or in lower light the picture be excellent . when first use this I have a standard definition source and be use RCA cable to carry signal to the projector . when I move to a hd satellite box and a 25-foot HDMI cable -lrb- cmple Ultra High speed HDMI Cable , 25 foot the sound from the box itself be very limited . the volume do not raise very high and the quality be rather flat . I hook up a sound bar -lrb- ilive itp100b two Channel Bar Speaker System with docking and recharge Station for iPhone and iPod -lrb- Black -rrb- I be project about 25 foot away from the screen and have size the image -lrb- use a zoom setting -rrb- to about a 74-inch screen . I be project onto a piece of white tile board that I purchase at a home store . the quality , detail , color , and clarity be very impressive .
237 Projector POS 5 I buy this to use in my home gym while run on the treadmill . I use the VideoSecu Universal LCD\/DLP Projector Vaulted Ceiling Mount Bracket Black with 25.6 '' extension pole pj2b 1c9 to easily mount it from the ceiling and hook it to the Onkyo ht-s3400 5.1-channel home Theater System . the video go directly to the projector by way of hdmus from the Sony dvp-sr500h 1080p Upscaling dvd Player and the sound go straight to the Onkyo . I hook up the Wii the same way except with a VGA cable to the projector . I get the whole system here and it work great together . the sound cover the noise from the treadmill and the picture be bright enough to see on the 80 inch gray screen -lrb- for better contrast -rrb- even with the light on or the blind open . my wife use the Wii fitness and love it on the big screen . the picture quality be good for both movie and video game and the gray screen add to the contrast and make the black blacker . I run it on the economy mode which use less power and be less bright but still plenty bright because I be only 18 foot from the screen . I do not think you can beat the picture quality for the price and even if you spend twice as much I think you would be hard press to tell the difference without both of they show side by side . if you want to improve this system I would spend the extra money on the sound . this be good for what I use it for but there be a much bigger difference in sound quality than picture quality between this one and the one in my home theater .
175 Projector NEU 3 do it ever bother you when a otherwise terrific product lack the one feature that would make it a amazingly terrific product ? Andy Rooney probably ask that very question , but if he do he do not have this projector in mind . this 2600 luman projector with a 16:9 screen aspect ratio would seem perfect for most business and personal presentation . with a aspect design for high definition video , one would expect the projector would be fully enable for amazing movie-watching . however to get all the datum hd require to the projector fast datum transmittal be necessary . a usb port will not deliver that speed and volume . without doubt hdmus be currently the best transmission standard from source to screen . this projector lack it . Epsom do have hdmus projector - Epson EX7210 WXGA 3LCD Widescreen Business Projector , 2800 Lumens , 16:10 , HDMI , usb , 5.1 lb they be better choice .
928 Projector POS 5 we have use this projector for about 4000 hour - it be fabulous Panasonic have always be helpful to we - people be very impressed with the picture it be incredible - plasma -lrb- heavy , burn out and more - now that iss a joke - I have a 80 inch picture we watch VUDU , HD direct tv and it be great .
351 Projector POS 5 well , first thing first let get this straight , its not a high end projector so do not expect 400 '' screen . I have set this up in my room from my bed with a satellite connection , and surround sound . I be get a 80 '' screen ! just watch the basketball game the other day and be amaze at how awesome this be . i want to buy a second one for the spare bedroom . pro : cheap , durable , great basic picture . LED , Optoma be a great brand . Cos : no remote . \* if you want something for a living room or basement you might want to go bigger , in lumen . movie like Harry Potter or the dark knight wouldnt be suitable on something like this . hopefully this help !
743 Projector POS 5 this clock do it all . love the ocean sound and be able to see the time on the ceiling . I realize that all this be not necessary but for the price you can not beat it . my daughter in law love it and order one too .
526 Projector POS 4 my review be pretty similar to the one from Joel D. Strasser below -lrb- 3rd March -rrb- . receive within 3 day . Video output quality be far better than what I expect from this low cost projector . however , it just do not allow to change the aspect radio from 4:3 to 16:9 with hdmus and VGA -lrb- try these 2 so far -rrb- . this result in the output be shrink horizontally if you have connect the projector to a wide screen -lrb- 16:9 -rrb- laptop . if you do not want it to shrink , you have to change the screen resolution -lrb- in laptop -rrb- for projector to 4:3 i.e. 1024x768 . then it show the proper output but size be smaller than before . overall , full mark for the output clarity and quality but disappointing on lack of aspect ratio flexibility . -lrb- can someone let I know what kind of input allow we to change the scale on this projector ? -rrb-
901 Projector POS 4 I have less than 100 hour on this new bulb , so I can not comment on bulb life . my largest quibble be with the bulb 's location on the projector in that I have to take it down from the ceiling and remove the mount to replace the bulb . also , there be no installation instruction include , so I have to find the owner manual . and these bulb be still too expensive . but the picture from the revitalize hd70 make it all worth while .
157 Projector POS 5 this be a good travel projector . it work well in medium to low lite . you have to buy a extra adapter to connect you ipod . the battery only last about a hour .
862 Projector POS 5 we get this mount to go with a Epson PowerLite 77c 2200 Lumen Multimedia Projector set up be very easy with plenty of hardware for different environment and need . we need the extension so we could mount it to the cement ceiling over 2 ' above the ceiling tile . the hollow post allow for at least some cable management . it be easy to adjust for the specific projector -lrb- though if you have a decent spatial\/mechanical sense you may find it preferable to avoid the instruction for center the projector on the mount bracket . -rrb- the mount be well make , sturdy , easy to set up , and adjust . we 'll be buy more of these for other classroom over the next year .
625 Projector NEG 1 I so want this to work . it would have be quite useful in we darkened basement for sleepover and such , not to mention take on vacation . the picture , though , be far too fuzzy to enjoy , and no amount of focus could bring it to clarity . maybe I have a dud -lrb- I do buy from the warehouse at a discount -rrb- , but I be just not impressed with clarity . that say , the ease of use be phenomenal . just turn on , plug in , and play . if you can deal with the fuzziness it might be ok for you . for a couple hundred more , I would prefer just to get a 42 '' plasma for my basement .
851 Projector POS 4 Got this with a 92 '' Optoma manual screen . install to the ceiling and love the picture . so far the only issue I be have be that sometimes -lrb- random -rrb- when I power up the projector and fio converter box I get a overly red image on the screen . I have work at adjust the color , etc. but that do not help . generally , I need to shut down one or both product and power up again in order to get the picture color correct - why I give it 4 star . otherwise , I have no complaint . have anyone else encounter this issue ? I plan to contact Optoma regard this . like all previous post this be a great product , produce a fantastic picture -lrb- for the $ $ -rrb- and now with the announcement from Optoma a few day back of a 3d converter that will work with 3d blu-ray player and 3d tv broadcast this will be a very hot item for sure . all we 'll need will be more 3d broadcast and dvd available .
20 Projector NEG 2 I just purchase this model from a reputable distributor and it arrive this evening . Hooray ! I set it up in the same ceiling location that we old dlp projector be located . after read the manual and tweaking the setting , I sit down to watch a movie . I must say the picture be a great improvement over we old projector . however , 20 minute into the movie , the screen turn into green and black vertical stripe and slowly fade to red . the unit be unresponsive . I could not even turn it off . I try call the distributor technical assistance line but to no avail . then I try to call Panasonic . they automate answering system would have be comical if I be not so tick off . it tell you to speak naturally and then connect you to the commercial sale division or anywhere but technical assistance . ultimately , I have to turn the main power switch off at the rear of the projector . I know that that action be a `` no-no '' since the fan should keep run to cool the bulb , but I do not want to leave it on until somebody from some technical service department call I back at some future date . I would like to be tell you how great this projector be , but there it sit , on my ceiling , like a dead , dark , lifeless , $ slightly below msrp yet still expensive $ box . I try to turn it on again , but it just flash some red on the screen and turn off , like some piss off -lrb- albeit , die -rrb- HAL 9000 . I will be send this unit back tomorrow and will not be ask for a replacement . I will probably try a Sony or BenQ for the next one . Panasonic have they chance and they blow it , errr ... blow up . if you want to try this projector , just make sure you can return it or have it repair locally . the picture do look really nice for about 20 minute .
223 Projector POS 4 the projctor be good thank you and i love it for 1 to a 100 i rape 95 i love it i love it
565 Projector NEU 3 one of the main feature of the Epson ex31 , ex51 and ex71 be usb plug-n-play . this be theoretically a nice feature that simplify setup . you just connect a single usb cable from pc to projector , and it send all audio and video over that . unfortunately Epson do not have 64-bit usb driver for Windows Vista or Windows 7 . this be despite the fact that about 50 % of Windows 7 installation be 64-bit . this indicate poor planning and lack of commitment to the most common operating system platform . this may change in time , but as of now -lrb- October 2010 -rrb- , Epson technical support say the company have no public plan for 64 bit Windows support of this feature . therefore if you now have or plan on ever run any 64-bit version of Windows , just assume the Epson usb plug-n-play feature be not there . any evaluation of these Epson printer vs competitor should be minus this feature , as there be no current public plan to ever support 64 bit Windows . besides this , the projector work pretty well . it have multiple input : composite , S-Video , VGA and HDMI . image quality on hdmus seem very good and it be decent even on composite . the menu system be logical and easy to understand . however the fan be fairly loud , and there be a soft repetitive beeping from the printer . the acoustic noise be probably ok in a noisy classroom , but it be way too loud for a quiet environment . also the on-board speaker volume be limit , so if you presentation contain audio , you 'll need external audio for people to hear it very well .
420 Projector POS 5 have be work with many projector lately and this one beat all other I have work with . this be a wonderful piece of machinery , it lack a little bit of contrast though , but brightne , resolution , image quality , color , and price be perfect .
800 Projector POS 5 when unpacked , the projector be good and play with a huge screen . downside to this projector be that there be no manual zoom meaning you have to move it closer or further from a wall to adjust screen size . this be a huge downside . I also hook up a PS3 that be work in 3d on a Samsung plasma 3d tv but it will not work on this projector . in fact no 3d source that have try will work on this projector . I have call Optoma and they need to call I back because they do not know what be wrong . I be use hdmus 1.4 and Optoma DLP link glass . all in all I would steer clear of this projector . I be go to revert back to my original year 2000 HP projector over this . first one be defective secondwork perfect and have be use 5 ft from wall at 100 inch and its perfectionist
523 Projector POS 5 great product , especially for the money . come with every piece you could possibly need . the seller be exceptionally great . I receive the product before the estimate arrival .
832 Projector POS 4 I read lot of review about this product not good for Optoma hd20 . I buy myself the Optoma hd180 which be newer version of hd20 . from other review i short list problem in mount with the following : - too many screw option - unclear instruction on how to hook the thing up - very tight screw because of thick paint here be what i do and in the same order . - check out the manufacturer website , they have a 3d image of this product when assemble , this give I a understanding of what part do what and how the assemble product should look like , especially the adjustment arm at the bottom go in and out . - loosen all the adjustment screw not too loose enough to make part move -lrb- this be not easiest thing to do . have to use additional tool -rrb- - seperate the part that go into ceiling -lrb- will call it '' base holder '' -rrb- from the other part of mount -lrb- will call it bottom part -rrb- . this can be do by unbolt only one screw , call `` quick release '' . - hook up only 3 bottom part screw to hd180 -lrb- it have room for only 3 screw and one big one which i do not use , use the smallest screw include in the kit -rrb- - measure center of screen where i want and put the base holder to the ceiling with 2 drywall screw do not use the one in the kit -lrb- too big and need wrench -rrb- , use screw with screw head instead ; easier with power drill , make sure they can take 30 pound . - Hung the projector `` Bottom part '' to `` Base holder '' with `` qucik release '' screw power it up to see where image be be project -lrb- need second person to hold projector in place -rrb- , tighten the screw with screen adjustment . - with all proj set to default adjust the screen for precise setup . take I 1.5 hr to get it up and run , most time consume be side way adjustment screw unloosening , make you doubt what way be the correct way to loosen . trick be to use a longer handle tool to unscrew it , i put a screwdriver on back of the hex that come with the kit and it move easily .
905 Projector POS 5 we get it for a smaller business operation and it have a very crisp display . we use this in a fully light room on a non-white screen , and it still project a easily legible image from we computer . extremely easy to set-up , use and make little to no noise . quick delivery from Amazon .
546 Projector POS 5 vga be very expensive locally , amazon make it affordable . I would have pay $ 100 locally . work as it should . we be very happy , may need another on for next project soon .
322 Projector POS 5 be perfect for my projector it come with all the tool need i love it thanks
99 Projector POS 5 find this product by lucky coincidence when shop for screen . I be extremely wary of this purchase at first because its price tag be only a little more than a comparably size pull-down screen , and significantly less than the nearest-priced automated screen . turn out to be a beautiful , reliable product that I have enthusiastically recommend to other whenever I can . Favi have do a excellent job with attention to detail , even the control box have a removable mount plate make it a cinch to install\/hang . if I be force to balance this praise with some kind of complaint , I guess it would be the fact that the power cord be a fixed connection from the outlet to the control box and then to the screen , make it difficult to run through a wall . a extremely minor issue , though . the screen continue to impress myself and other who watch film on it .
164 Projector POS 5 the image be very good and the quality be optimal . easy to install and use . my family have enjoy good movie as be in the movie .
483 Projector NEU 3 I purchase this alarm clock about a month ago . the dual alarm feature be great and it be very easy to operate . I do enjoy the projection feature , I have a very hard time see without my glass and this make it much easier . I have already have the other problem that other have complain about the clock display a error message , and yes I remove the battery , and now it work like a charm . I would , however , change the radio function . one buyer rave about the great radio reception , but I have not find this to be the case . no matter where I put this , I can not get good reception , even the strongest signal station fade in and out . I use this now as a basic clock radio and for that it be effective .
866 Projector POS 5 I get this mount to my ceiling project on to a 92 '' screen . I be very satisfied with the quality , 1080p resolution , amazing for the price . watch blu-ray through my PS3 look awesome . this be a great purchase . one thing , I have be use it for a month now and it freeze twice when switch game on the PS3 , i have to physically unplug and re-plug the unit from the wall to get it to work again . no real biggie . still 5 star rating .
208 Projector POS 5 after month of pricing and feature comparison 's , I opt for the Epson 71c lcd projector , since it be the best price xga -lrb- 1024x768 -rrb- projector available . there be less expensive model with lower resolution -lrb- VGA -rrb- , and other xga model that go as high as $ 14,000.00 ! factor to consider be : lumen -lrb- brightness -rrb- , resolution , video input -lrb- vga\/svga\/s-vid \/ hdtv -rrb- , lifespan of the bulb -lrb- hour -rrb- , and cost of the bulb -lrb- replacement bulb for this model on the internet be -lrb- price range -rrb- -rrb- . the most common application for projector be business presentation , so if this be you use , the weight may be important . I have a hdtv tuner card and a dvd player on my home pc , so connect the Epson to my home pc turn my living room into a high Definition Theater ! you can connect directly to you pc or , as I do , use a SVGA cable splitter . with the splitter , I can use the regular monitor without use the projector in order to conserve the lamp life -lrb- rate at 1500 hour -rrb- . the Epson can turn the image upside down , if you need to mount it from the ceiling . keystone correction compensate for a angled projection by turn the trapezoidal image back into a rectangular image . the unit have function flawlessly -lrb- get it in January 02 -rrb- . since I have not use other projector , I can not compare it with other unit ; but I have no regret with this product . order thru be convenient and painless , no sale tax , and free shipping !
837 Projector POS 5 my family have a lot of old super 8 movie lay around which we have never watch . I want to have they digitalize so that we can enjoy they . I do some research before I find this `` box '' , order it and it come within a few day . I bring it home for Christmas and it be amazingly simple . my dad be very skeptical to start with but in no time we have the movie transfer to my computer and I upload they to the internet so the whole family can watch . I use my digital camera with video function as I do not have a cam corder but the quality turn out great . it be easy to set it up and take little effort or technical knowledge . just adjust the camera so it capture the frame correctly and hit ` record ' . that simple ! I only convert super 8 movie but next time I go home I will try it with slide and old picture .
854 Projector POS 5 buy this ! do not hesitate . the quality be excellent . it be very sturdy and strong . for $ 50 it can not be beat . I feel like I could hang from this thing from my ceiling , and I be a big guy .
677 Projector POS 5 hus everyone , each year around this time , you old friend Sam get into high tech gear and explore the latest gadget out there . this year I want to add big screen video to we bedroom to take advantage of watch more of the many , many dvd 's I have amass in the past few year . why watch lousy tv program when you can see a good feature and see it movie size ? well , I have no idea what a REVOLUTION have occur in video processing technology at a price anyone can afford right now . those of you who have see my eight foot project picture at home will appreciate what I be about to tell you ... you can have close to that great quality for dvd 's , Cable tv or high definition , or other source for only $ 999.99 and all you need do be go to Circuit City and buy the INFOCUS x1 projector . Infocus be one of the leading manufacturer of projector for industrial use and they set be now be tailor for home use . they product use the dlp technology -lrb- Digital Light Producing -rrb- and the latest Texas Instruments chip . this baby be smaller than a typewriter -lrb- about 5 by 10 by 12 -rrb- and weigh only six pound . the bulb will last for up to four thousand hour and be relatively cheap to replace . the brightness and contrast spec be actually better than my two year old six thousand dollar sharp xv-9000 projector . it have lower resolution than some higher price machine , but still enough punch to make any dvd look great for picture size up to nine foot . it even have a small speaker and amp build in so you do not need to hook up a sound system , which be especially handy if you want to carry it out anywhere . it have a zoom lens that allow you to adjust picture size and a handy remote control that provide all the choice for any adjustment you need . right out of the box , and without make any adjustment , the picture on `` Annie get you gun '' -lrb- a exceptional dvd ! -rrb- look beautiful . I hype the brightness , color , and contrast a bit and be even more pleased . truly , this projector be just unbelievable and it be a thrill to share this review of its great performance with you . you do not even need a screen to enjoy the picture , as it will work on a white wall or even a sheet . a cheap screen will be better , however . anyone with at least a five foot throw distance can enjoy this baby in a darkened room . I have mine about fifteen foot from the screen for a eight foot picture . even with light on in the room , the picture can be enjoy . this projector be introduce at $ 1,600.00 and be recently lower in price because a newer model be come out next year ... BUT the new model will not include the fine Faroudja processor that be build into the unit . this processor be great at clean up imperfection in video . jagged edge , video noise , and more will be smooth out . as usual , I do much research into this and compare other model and read countless review to find the best bang for the buck right now . there be a few other model that average a couple hundred more and will probably give similar performance , but I do not think any other machine will come close for this price . so , if a big beautiful video experience be what you have be wait for ... go get one and enjoy ! just hook up you cable box or a inexpensive dvd player and you be in business . BOTTOM LINE : people who be go out and buy those huge rear projection tv 's that be heavy and take up a lot of room pay from two to three thousand dollar and sometimes much more . you can have a picture double they size , that will have no `` burn in '' problem , take up no space , and almost certainly will have a superior picture ... for a third of the price . the projector also have a three year warranty . I think Santa Claus come early this year ... because it feel like Xmas here today ! best to all , Sam
806 Projector POS 5 I be replace a older projector use in a business environment . the ViewSonic Pro8200 offer a lot of feature that I want -- mostly the hd\/1080p level of projection , plus good sound capability . in all area -lrb- except sound volume -rrb- this projector look like it will be a wonderful replacement . setup be very easy -lrb- I be use Windows7 Enterprise -rrb- . on the occasion of first usage , several people comment on the quality and improve visual impact of the image . my only modest disappointment be that the speaker do not put out as much sound as I be expect . I be hope not to have to take extra speaker with I -- the sound output be sufficient , but just barely . the multitude of connective possibility be amazing !! the inclusion of a hdmus cable with the projector be great . I really think I be go to enjoy use the Pro8200 very much .
993 Projector NEU 3 we need it the same day it arrive and we be able to use it without hardly look at direction , so ease of use good . but the clarity of a power point we load be not as good as we have hope . be not like the crisp demo they have load on it when it arrive .
911 Projector POS 5 I order this product from slidecentral last week and it come very soon after ! it be impeccably packed and neat . very easy to unwrap and set up . everything work to my standard for a classroom setting and have come in handy already . the seller also send a conformation immediately to my email and also let I know when it ship ! thanks so much for everything . I recommend this seller to everyone .
488 Projector POS 5 pro 's : the picture be great even with Standard Cables\/HD TV 's interlaced picture . it work great for xbox 360 especially with game like Rock Band , Guitar Hero and Tony Hawk Skate where you want a bigger picture for immersion . 10 $ for the xbox 360 's Audio RC\/Optical converter cable , but no biggy : d I have it project at ~ 80 '' screen . in which beat the pants off a standard 46 '' lead tv for around 60 % of the price . my fiancee and she cousin be skeptical as to how well it work and why its not a common fixture in most people home at such a affordable price . I win the skeptic 's over with great picture despite all the light be on , and still a great define picture . con 's : no audio out so you always splitting the audio off at the device . Optical which usually be provide with hdmus device be limit to a receiver -lrb- ~ 300 $ + -rrb- \/ converter -lrb- ~ 40 $ -rrb- \/ high end sound system -lrb- ~ 250 $ + -rrb- . no tv tuner build in but the device that provide that be generally tv Tuner Boxes -lrb- ~ 100 $ + -rrb- \/ vcr -lrb- ~ 25 $ + -rrb- \/ dvd Player with tuner -lrb- ~ 100 $ + -rrb- . replacement bulb -lrb- ~ 125 $ -rrb- . I do the whole converter + VCR Route for around +70 $ other : at a average of 5hr 's a day the bulb will last ~ 2yr in which ill probably retire this unit and shove it in the spare bedroom , and buy it another bulb and upgrade .
386 Projector POS 5 this be my second projector , and this one have much better feature . it have everything you need to watch a movie anywhere , all you need be some power . it have a lot of option to adjust the screen to adapt to any viewing location . it come with a travel case so that it stay well protect in transit .
528 Projector POS 5 we need this projector for presentation at we school . it be easy to connect and work well . there be a way to play image file directly from the usb drive . I wish it could do the same with powerpoint slide .
147 Projector POS 4 this be a present for my 17 year le and he absolutely love it it os easy to set up and very clear picture
459 Projector POS 5 this product be perfect for someone that travel a lot to meeting and seminar . it be light weight , compact and provide for projection of multiple component .
387 Projector POS 5 WOW ! we get this as a gift for my husband who have want to have a ` Home Theater System ' . we be very pleased with it . the brightness be amazing . so fun to watch the really big screen ! the only thing that be so-so with it , be the smaller word be not as crisply clean as the rest of the picture . I be not persuade that it be not the fault of the dvd 's or VHS 's we have , but on the credit , the word be slightly fuzzy . however , I consider this by far one of the best purchase I have make in a long while ! awesome surprise for the family !
876 Projector POS 4 this solid Epsion Video Projector be a must buy ! with all of the excellent option and the right price , you can not miss !
637 Projector POS 5 the unit come and work right out of the box . you need to order cable for hdmus and VGA support . this be normal . also the unit do not have adjustable foot . so you need to use book or a mount kit . I be happy as of right now with how it work out of the box
332 Projector POS 5 this be a great buy for this quality . I have this setup in the basement with a 100 '' screen . wow what a difference especially with blu-ray movie . hd football be also super ! the position option allow lot of different placement and it be very quiet . this be the first piece of technology that have ever impressed my wife ! it be that good .
123 Projector NEG 1 this be the worst thing i have ever buy . the quality be terrible and the bulb burn out 2 month after I buy it . right after the full refund policy expiress
91 Projector POS 4 very good mount . Easy to put together with detailed illustration . be not quite big enough for my projector spacing . I have to make some extention for 2 of the arm that bolt to the projector . overall , I be please with the purchase .
402 Projector NEU 3 I replace a Panasonic pt-ax100u with a Epson 8350 due to the iris issue and lamp finally go out -lrb- after 8,500 hour on the bulb -rrb- . I find the Epson a decent replacement . I also need to change the ceiling mount as the mount be specifically weld for the Panasonic . after research -lrb- obviously not enough -rrb- I decide to buy the Atdec universal ceiling mount . the Epson have five hole configure for ceiling mount which the Atdec can handle . I can not attach all five -lrb- or even four with the extension arm include in the box . if anyone would be willing to sell the longest arm -lrb- 2 x 150mm -rrb- I would be able to fully install the Atdec ceiling mount . I have do a half heart search through scrap metal that I have in the garage but have not find anything yet . my next step will be to visit hardware store in search of a diy installation . please let I know if you have the longest arm leave over after install you ceiling mount . the unit appear easy to mount and feel very solid .
957 Projector POS 5 this be very good projector , great value for money . no issue so far have use it for a month . product arrive on time well package and as expect . if you be not look for a short throw projector then this be the one I think . happy I buy this one after quite bit of research .
794 Projector NEU 3 I buy this base on all the good review , of course , maybe I should have read all the review except just look at the 4 star rating . we be excite about this little portable projector even though I kinda doubt at 50 luman what it can do . but it seem other people like it , one review mention on the road presentation be pretty good . anyway , we get the little thing and test it , it just can not compare to the 2000 luman larger projector . it be not bad for presentation w \/ large font , but if you need to see smaller font like look at standard website w \/ paragraph text , it will not do . we staff try and it will not work that type of presentation -lrb- which be need in we case -rrb- . plus overall just not that bright . oh when it be on battery and not on power \/ ac adapter , it will be even dimmer . with the ac be ok , sub-standard , but on battery be not acceptable in a lite room -lrb- in my standard -rrb- .
954 Projector NEG 1 after read all the positive review here on amazon , I be exuberant about order this 120 '' screen . I have no idea what I be in for . the fume that off-gas from this favus 120 '' screen produce a horrific smell that be so overwhelming , my room be uninhabitable even after several day of nonstop ventilation . upon further research I discover that these fume may be highly toxic , even carcinogenic . I really want this screen to work and I do everything I could to air-out the fume , but after 10 day of anguish I finally decide to return it . I decide that a cheap projector screen be not worth a reduction in life-expectancy . on a side-note , the screen be not particularly impressive from the standpoint of image quality . I electronically lower the screen while I be watch a movie project on my wall , and I could not tell the difference -lrb- seat 12 foot away -rrb- between the screen and the wall . I should mention that I have stucco wall which theoretically would make for a horrible viewing surface . most wall would work better than what I have in my home and yet I still could not detect even a slight improvement in the integrity of the image use the Favi screen . I email the company to no avail . they have not respond to my inquiry regard the fume . much to my surprise , Favi Entertainment do not supply a phone number on its website . how can I trust a company that do not even have a phone number ? I be leave to conclude that Favi be a irresponsible manufacturer that disregard customer service . EDIT : I finally receive a email from Favi 's office in Michigan at 10:45 pm est state that it will take `` two week '' for the screen to `` air-out . '' I have already have the screen for almost two week and it smell just as bad as it do on day one . perhaps I just get a faulty unit . in any case , something about this company do not smell right . this screen be not to die for , pardon the pun .
572 Projector NEG 2 this item be functional , but fail to project well -- the light be not bright enough to project a good color image . also , the user instruction write in English be not very literate , extremely difficult to follow .
260 Projector POS 4 I purchase this projector mount for my man cave and be very happy with it . the packaging be flimsy but the product be not damage in any way during shipping . as far as installation ... READ the instruction FIRST ! once you have read through the instruction , it assemble faily easily for somebody with a fair degree of mechanical aptitude . it take a fair bit of adjust to get the project image just right but , I believe that be the same with any projector mount . on a side note , my `` man-cave '' be also my garage and where I do woodwork . this mean that there be a large amount of sawdust float around when I be work . this mount make it very easy for I to take down the projector , by simply remove two screw and move it to a dust-free environment . when I be ready to go back to `` man-cave '' mode , it re-install and be perfectly align in under a minute . all in all , I be very happy with the mount and will likely be purchase another for a second projector very soon . again , the installation be fairly straight forward if you read the instruction first and have a fair degree of mechanical aptitude . if you be look for a plug-and-play type solution , this may not be for you .
83 Projector POS 5 this mount have a solid adjustment mechanism for easy aim and , just as importantly , easy lock so it stay put after adjustment . I want a mount that keep the projector very close to the ceiling , and this be quite low profile . the mount arm be solid and easily adjustable , and it come with very large lag bolt to go into you ceiling , make it easy to install this securely . the most pleasant surprise be the plastic cover over the ceiling plate and projector screw , so the finish product be quite attractive too .
426 Projector POS 5 ship on time and arrive as promise . come with a nice carry case , video cable , and HDMI cable . once I get it set up in my basement I could not believe how much better it be than my 5 year old projector . contrast and brightness be amazing . for home theater in a basement , I turn the brightness all the way down and it still light up the room . image quality be great consider I be use analog input . ca not wait to hook up something with a 1080p signal and see what it look like . it may cost 2 time the average projector , but it be worth the money if you want a real home theater experience .
304 Projector POS 5 I be give this as a gift and be tell it be purchase on Amazon which be why I be leave a review here . at first when I get this , I do not think much of it because I use it during the daytime and could not really see much . I know I could view picture and movie off of it but do not really appreciate it until I be bore 1 night and decide to use it again . I be actually pretty impressed with the screen this little device can throw out . when the picture get really big , I do see some grid , but I suppose it have to do with this device not be design as a hd device or something like that . I end up purchase the iPhone accessory cable from aaxa and that totally change this device for I . I really like the fact that I can share my Netflix off my iPhone when I be over at a friend 's place that do not have cable . there be never a boring night again with anyone ! : d the speaker leave a bit to be desire , but not have to carry any other extra device make up for it . iPhone in 1 pocket , p1jr in the other , love it !
791 Projector POS 4 the Timex T736S dual Alarm clock radio with Time Projector and Jumbo Display be a amazingly light , attractive item that have a lot more bell and whistle than a non tech individual like myself generally require . the time projector and dual alarm be excellent feature and I definitely appreciate the both the large time display and the adjustable brightness feature . I like be able to see the time from across the room when I be awake but also like a dark room when I be sleep . here I get to have it both way . but I think my favorite be the environmental sound feature and battery back-up system . the only slight negative for I be a aesthetic one deal with maximize the use of available space . the clock be much thicker than it need to be . the 18 function button located at the top could have be arrange in a more efficient manner , thus slim down the device so that it would not need quite as much room on you desk or bedside table . other than that I be satisfied .
410 Projector POS 4 certainly for the price this a well make budget product and capable of push a decent image on a unprepped wall with good clarity , easy adjustment and solid construction . it be not mind blow and the audio leave something to be desire , but my God ... for the price ? unbelievable .
425 Projector NEU 3 Update : I take away one star as I have to return the projector after 6 hour of view due to excessive rainbow artifact . I maybe more sensitive than other but on my old Infocus 4205sp I could only see they if I move my eye back and forth on white end title on black background - perhaps the extra brightness and constrast of the w6000 make it worse , but I could see rainbow during actual scene -lrb- my wife , who have never see the rainbow on the old projector say she do notice they on the w6000 but they be not bothersome to she -rrb- . it be a real pity as the picture quality be simply AMAZING and the brightness make it perfect for any room . this be probably the best projector I have see and I hope BENQ will consider release a upgrade of this model with the follow feature : 1 . -rrb- no rainbow -lrb- speed up the color wheel -rrb- - must do 2 . -rrb- 2.1:1 zoom to add placement flexibility and compete with lcd\/lcos this would be optional BUT would allow just about anyone a good chance of shelf mount the projector avoid cieling mounts\/cabling , etc. . 3 . -rrb- faster\/more quiet iris to compete in the ultra black level market . 4 . -rrb- ability to dim brightness a bit further as even in low bulb mode it be a tad too bright for my room -lrb- could this be achieve by let the user set a close down the iris max open level ? or to be more `` green '' perhaps the option to buy the projector with a lower wattage bulb would be a good trade-off -rrb- 5 . -rrb- option for white case when ceiling mount on light\/white ceiling . 6 . -rrb- longer warranty -lrb- 3 year ? -rrb- and a lens cover . review : I be in the market to replace my aging Infocus 4805sp -lrb- dlp 720x480 -rrb- and do extensive research on several good projector web site and a lot of reading of user comment . I 'll start off by say that I like DLP 's color and sharpness better than lcd\/lcos . I do not have a dark room and although I watch movie at night , white wall ruin any chance at super dark level . I also do not have a expansive budget - I be look to keep my projector cost -lrb- $ 1500 . I purchase a 106 '' diagonal 16:9 dalite hus contrast white screen -lrb- gain 1.1 -rrb- and mount the projector at the back of the room on a 8 ' ceiling at the maximum distance of ~ 18 ' foot away . after eliminate some nice dlp choice due to excessive offset -lrb- when ceiling mount they image be too low below the ceiling -rrb- it come down to the Optoma hd20 and benqw6000 - these two be not in the same class , one be a $ 900 and the other be $ 1800 . base on review the hd20 have a good form factor , good brighness & fast color wheel -lrb- eliminate visible rainbow -rrb- but much lower contrast , high fan noise , and very little placement flexibility . w6000 be MUCH more user-friendly in term of placement , tuning the image , set up user profile , and be super bright and very good dark level . I be check price and catch a great price for a new unit through Amazon at $ 1499 -lrb- $ 1 under budget : -rrb- my direct experience : this projector be physically huge compare with my old 4805 . the box be sleek and shiny black - would have much prefer a white box as it would blend better on the ceiling . the lens be in the centreline so mount and align with the center of the screen be easy - the projector have a mechanical joystick control that allow shift the image up\/down right\/left by several foot in any direction so even if you do not have thing just right or have limitation on placement this projector can probably accomodate the situation . the only exception be the zoom lens which be a 1.5:1 vs. competet lcd\/lcos model with 2 or 2.1:1 -lrb- a higher ratio mean you have a larger range between closest and farthest projector placement for a give image\/screen size -rrb- . the hd20 be 1.2:1 so almost have no range at all . the BENQ miss be on my back shelf by 18 '' -lrb- I would have prefer backshelf placement since I could have avoid all the ceiling work and cabling -rrb- the projector be not super quiet but fan noise be not loud and at low frequency so at 3 ft away from the seat it be not bothersome - in normal bulb mode or high brightness though the fan might be too loud for some people . the image out of the box without calibration look great . this projector be really bright , color be SUPER vivid , the image , especially blueray through hdmus be razor sharp , and the contrast and dark level be impressive -lrb- even without the iris -rrb- . in low bulb set it be still super bright -lrb- ~ 3x brighter than my old projector -rrb- . Menus be easy to read and understand and the remote be easy to use . regular dvd look to have MPEG compression artifact and then I discover the default sharpness have be set to +8 . I bring it down to 0 and normal dvd look great -lrb- blueray still look great at this setting -rrb- . there be a comb filter for further cleaning thing up but I have not try this yet . I strongly recommend this projector with the BIG caveat be that you better have a screen at least 100 '' in size or prepare to be blind -lrb- in a room that get a lot of light though then this level of brightness be a boon -rrb- and if you be sensitive to rainbow from spin color wheel , you will probably notice it in some scene on this projector -lrb- e.g. bright object move on a dark backround -rrb- . the rainbow end up be a `` show stopper '' for I and I have to return the projector -lrb- kudos to Amamzon for they liberal and easy return policy -rrb- .
564 Projector NEG 1 be really look forward to watch a movie use this projector . unfortunately , the picture quality be unacceptable . it be very dark , and I be unable to adjust it to a acceptable level . I use it in a room that be very dark , base on review . I try several different dvd to verify that it be not just Harry Potter Deathly Hollows . also try Star Trek , and phantom of the opera . I try project from the dvd player as well as from my computer . I give up and put the dvd into my regular player .
130 Projector POS 4 this product work great and be easy to set up . the carry case be thin and do not really seem to have enough protection for a $ 400 + piece of equipment . we also purchase the 2 or 3 year warranty . hopefully we will not need it .
28 Projector POS 5 I have have this projector for four week and it work like a champ . the noise level be average , but everything else about the projector be top notch . my image be 129 '' diagonal and the 1080p\/1080i image be crystal clear . if ceiling mount be sure to have the projector properly center as it do not come with lens shift . compare to other projector in this price range it be hard to beat with the number of lumen , lamp life , and the length of the warranty .
379 Projector POS 4 buy on a Friday , select next day delivery and receive it on Saturday before noon ! hook it up to my dvd player through hdmus that evening and watch a movie on my bedroom wall with my kid . we love it except for the audio\/volume control . it do not get loud enough . Easy fix ... I hook it up to we digital home theater system -lrb- power speaker system -rrb- and voilum , it be just like be at the movie theater ! I then use it for my daughter 's birthday party a day later . we project the image onto the back of the garage and the kid watch it from we sofa on we deck . it work beautifully . I be very , very happy with this purchase . would have give it a five star review if the volume would have be sufficient .
306 Projector NEG 1 ysp-4100 with yst-fsw150 you have probably hear or read that a sound bar can not produce the effect of a true 5 channel surround system . that may be the understatement of the century ! despite the excellent rating of the professional reviewer , the ysp-4100 do not come close ! background : the purpose of these unit be to replace a 5.2 system to reduce clutter and eliminate a `` rat 's nest '' of cable and wire . I know that the change would not produce the same result as the old system but I do not expect how far off the result would be . very disappoint ! pro : clear , crisp sound with very good voice reproduction . con : surround sound effect insubstantial . I want to make clear that the sound quality of this sound bar be top notch ! it be the lack of surround effect that be most disappointing . setup : after the physical installation , I run the initial AUTO setup . the result sound be less than DULL , no SURROUND , all sound come from center of sound bar . over several day , I make numerous Manual Adjustments . the sound improve but nowhere near what $ 1,900 + of speaker should produce . I then make slight adjustment to microphone position , furniture , and close a door . ran AUTO SETUP again and get the same DULL , no surround result . also find that AUTO SETUP wipe out manual setting . I reestablish manual setting . the source of the audio be a large factor . in general dvd and Cable movie sound the best . once in a while I run across a movie with superior sound and the sound bar reproduce this almost to my expectation . even though the sound spread beyond the sound bar itself , it remain in the front half of the room . you can get these same result from most $ 300 sound bar . I consider try to live with these speaker for a few month think that perhaps I would get use to the difference . but why should one spend nearly $ 2000 just to accept inferior result ? both unit have be return !
987 Projector POS 4 I see this pj in action last night . the source be a Sony BluRay dvd player and a br press of Spiderman 2 . the picture clarity be amazing . Rock solid image with -lrb- not surprisingly -rrb- incredible definition . I can not , however give it 5 star . perhaps the color calibration be not perfect -lrb- altough Sony rep be on hand so `` they bad '' if they set it up poorly -rrb- - in particular the red be far too prominent . this be a 3 chip , native 1920x1080 unit , so no color wheel and , hence , no rainbow effect . it also run super quiet -lrb- again , no wheel -rrb- and push surprisingly little air out of the read-ported vent . the air that be come out \* be \* pretty hot , so any room that host this bad boy should have good ventilation . it be a attractive unit and , steal from Apple , the `` sony '' logo be rear-lit when the unit be turn on . the screen be a pretty small Stewart Filmscreens Greyhawk , so contrast ratio be additionally boost . due to the small size , the image be exceptionally bright . at this resolution , it be interesting to note how clearly computer generate the Spiderman scene appear . on sd unit , there be enough softening of the edge to hide the cg nature of the image and complete the illusion . at hidef re , however , the blue-screen and cg become quite obvious . Hollywood Actors\/Actresses : beware ! you wrinkle and blemish will soon be splash they way across 120 '' hidef screen all over the world ! : -rrb- at under $ 9k for a 3-chip dlp , Sony have really throw down the gauntlet with this one . expect competitor to follow and hopefully we 'll all be able to afford something of this spec within just a few more year .
166 Projector POS 5 this be a terrific projector for my purpose . I be able to connect a inexpensive dvd player directly to the projector to show video for small church group setting . my powerpoint projection be clear . only issue be synce my sound from video on laptop but this be a connectivity cord issue not a projector issue . it have a auto search option that seek the source for you . Easy to use and set-up .
527 Projector POS 5 I use this little guy for a movie theater in my room . it be very clear and work really well when the room be dark . light definitely affect the performance of the projector but the darker it get the better the picture . you can sacrific image quality for size and make the picture really large . also it have a million way to connect to the unit so you should have no issue with connection . well worth the money if you want something to carry around and use on the spot . battery could last a little longer ...
406 Projector NEG 1 long story short , it be a piece of garbage , do not waste you money . -lrb- if you puchase this that be all you be do ! , and , you will be disappoint . -rrb- I read the mostly positive review , think that maybe it be a good deal , since I would always want a home projector , and the price be comparatively low . from the phrasing of the product title , I also believe this to be a hd projector , it be NOT !! it just have port to use hd device on it . I be so mad when find that out , because where 's the logic in that ? the picture `` quality '' suck , BIG TIME !! the color be horrible , and no matter how much we focus it , my brother 's xbox 360 could not be play because it be too blurry . if it be not for the headache , and hassle of send the damn thing back to China , at my expense , I would do exactly that . this be the worst purchase I believe I have make on Amazon , Third party or not !
359 Projector POS 4 I buy this as a entry-level projector for my home office , for kind of as a toy\/experiment , and have be please with the result . the picture quality -lrb- 640x480 -rrb- be obviously low-end by today 's hi-def tv standard , but if you goal be to have a big screen at a low price , preferably as you `` secondary '' -lrb- i.e. not as you living room centerpiece -rrb- tv , then this be a good buy . I be use it for dvd , Roku , and computer , project on a $ 50 pull-down screen , and it project a 80 '' image from about 12 foot away . the picture be not too bright , so the room have to be totally dark for best result . the kid love it for the `` movie theater big-screen '' experience , and they do not complain about the video quality . I have use it to watch MLB tv and tv show via Roku , and that be pretty cool - again , we be not talk razor-sharp picture , but definitely good enough for I . I recommend it to any buyer who be ok with adjust his\/her expectation in order to get a inexpensive big-screen `` for fun '' . if you be a buyer who want a top-of-the line high-def video experience , I recommend get a higher resolution tv or projector .
38 Projector NEU 3 I get the product relatively quickly and it work as intend however I think if this be sell as a universal mount it should come with way more assortment of screw and washer\/spacers in order to accomodate most projector . also the joint could use some lock washer in order to prevent they from move under weight .
492 Projector NEU 3 this work well , but I do not expect it to have a decent lifespan at all . it seriously feel like a toddler toy . I have be play with it for several day now , and the image be very hit or miss . I can not imagine try to play any sort of game on this as the resolution and lighting be both sub-par . set the unit on my floor , point at the ceiling , I get a ~ 40 '' screen , and can clearly see the individual pixel . when watch movie , it be difficult , at best , to read any sort of text that may pop up . try to figure out the menu on my PS3 take several try to get Netflix to load . the internal speaker be actually one of the best feature about this unit . it provide ample sound , and have a wide range . it be prime operate area be in the vocal range , but gunfire and siren sound equally decent from it . so , so far I have list mostly negative , but for the right people , this may be the perfect solution . as a on-the-go unit , this thing be large , but could be great . use it with a mp3 player to watch movie make this incredibly versatile . if you want to put up a theater in the back yard , I imagine this would do ok -lrb- provide not too much outside lighting -rrb- . if you be not sure about get a full projection home theater , this be a good way to test the water to see if you want to invest in something more substantial and all the other goody to get with . if I would have have this on my Pete 379 when I be drive , this would have make movie watch a bit more entertaining . the 120 '' screen size on the side or back of a trailer would have be brilliant . so , I keep ask myself if this be a decent buy or not , and I gotta say that it be well worth the cost . I do wish I have continue look for a unit that include usb , VGA , HDMI , or other means of input , but I can handle use the standard a\/v rca plug for now . consider the cost of go to a theater , this cost less than a half dozen ticket . so , if it last more than 6 movie , it be a great buy . I be already near that mark , and it have not show any sign of meltdown ... yet .
799 Projector NEG 1 Este articulo es de muy muy mala calidad , lo compre y solo I duro 1 dia y medio al 2 dium fueron apareciendo manchas blancas hasta cubrir 70 % de la imagen , solo lo use 2 dia , soy de venezuela , para cambiarlo tenia que enviar el item malo pero cuando lo fui a enviar el el envio costaba mas casi igual que el item , no pude enviar el item por ese motivo , amazon I volvio a cobrar el mismo item y I envio uno nuevo ya que solicite cambio y no lo pude enviar , asi que ellos primero te envian otro antes de qeu tu envies el item malo y te obligan a pagarlo despue , no RECOMIENDO LA COMPRA de ESTE ITEM ... this article be of very poor quality , buy it and just drive I 1 day to 2 day and a half be white patch appear to cover 70 % of the image , use it only 2 day , I be from Venezuela , to change have to send the bad item but when I go to send the shipping cost more nearly like the item , I could not send the item for that reason , I return to amazon charge the same item and send I a new one and to seek change and I could not send , so they first send you another before you send the item qeu you bad and force you to pay later , I do NOT RECOMMEND tHE PURCHASE of THIS ITEM
765 Projector NEG 2 the size and wieght of the unit be excellent . it have all the standard hook-up . the real weakness be the power of the lamp . the image from the projector can not be see in a light room . I think that I could use this for school ; however , the need for dark in order to see the image mean that my student can not see to write note . if you plan to use this product in a semi-lit room I do not think you will be able to clearly see the image project . if you plan to use this projector in a dimly light room , it may work for you .
297 Projector POS 5 absolutely thrill with this purchase . Pictures look great and dvd look super . exceptionally bright for it be size . razor sharp picture . other have comment about excessive fan noise but it be not so bad as to be a huge drawback . on board speaker however be very weak . but I be still thrill with the picture . love the size and weight of the projector . feel very sturdy . and a special piece of advice to those that purchase this ... when power the unit down let the unit run it be course in the shut down process ! it be very important that the unit cool itself off before it automatically turn the fan off . so do not power it off and then go and pull the plug out from the wall . let it run until the fan cut off -lrb- 90 seconds to 2 minute I think -rrb- .
238 Projector POS 5 although it be no longer available on Amazon , I still want to write this review to balance out the wrongful 1 star review -lrb- base on vander 's fault -rrb- I own one of this sharp pg-b10s projector -lrb- refurb . from fry -rrb- since Thanksgiving 2004 , as a entertainment projector , and it still work well up to today , the black Friday of 2010 -lrb- Nov. 26.2010 -rrb- ! I have bring it to travel across the Pacific ocean , and accidently drop it on hard floor and carpet once for each , but it still work well !! what a great product that you do not see often nowadays ! the lens shift design be also very useable and work better than set the keystone to compensate the distortion at the corner . also the multi-language menu , Eco projection and password lock be all make it a well think product ! not to mention its 1200 lumen project power ! the only downside be its size if compare to today 's SVGA projector in general , but it be definetely a quality budget projector for you if you happen to see they available on the market .
215 Projector POS 5 I have purchase this projector in Jan 2011 and be excite to have a 3d big screen experience at the luxury of you home . I have to but the 3d glass and the Optoma 3d adapter . I be very impressed out of the box . blu-ray look great . Works quite well in ambient light , but really come alive in light off . hd stuff look really good from view distance of 10 ' . overall I be very happy with my purchase . I would recommend this projector to anyone look for a 3d projector in this price range .
870 Projector NEU 3 I read the comment about the `` rainbow effect '' , and decide to by the projector anyway , because it seem like such a good deal , and I never notice this artifact on any other projector . it definately have a beautiful picture , and make watch movie a lot of fun , but about every twenty minute when I blink or move my eye there be a bright white imagine on the screen I notice a flash stripe of red , blue and green on the border of the white part of the image . it do not ruin the movie , but it be kind of distract . also , the fact that I can make this happen by move my eye quickly create a distracting temptation . my girlfriend and roommate do not notice this at all -lrb- except when they intentionally move they eye quickly around the screen -rrb- . it be not a huge deal , but if I have to make the decision again , I would probably buy a different projector . I have never notice this effect on other projector , so I think there be something wrong with this one .
342 Projector POS 5 buy this in a hurry 14 month ago . over 2000 hour on the lamp so far . great picture for nightly movie with dinner . foreign film , comedy , everything play well for a family of film buff . Easy size adjust for various aspect ratio . lack focus control on remote , but fine for we ceiling mount .
680 Projector POS 5 as advertise . Works well in office situation for presentation . delivery on time . very satisfied . bright enough projector . small and transportable thank you
256 Projector NEG 1 I get this projector about a month ago in NY and travel with it back to argentna where I live . first time I turn it on the thing burn out even though it say it support multiple voltage and I read the manual thoroughly before plug it . I mail optoma for the guarantee but they only cover it in the US . there be no official service outside USA and maybe Canada , not in Argentina anyway . I write they several email and get few reply . more than once I have to forward they the same mail so that they would give I any dice . I finally take the projector to a spacialized service and they tell I the power supply blow and that they could not get the part for it . I be still wait for Optoma to give I a answer and see if they can ship the part over . the thing be that the lamp have a 90 day guararntee so they be probably wait for my time to run out . if you get a projector be sure to buy from the well know brand like epson or hp . they part be much easier to get and they have worldwide support and service .
124 Projector POS 5 I be really into gadget so this be the second $ 100 projector I have own . the first one i have be the discovery wonderwall and it be horrid . the p1 jr be better and i have to disagree with the last reviewer about this projector capability . I have project image larger than 5 '' with no issue . the only thing about this project that you need to know be that its mean for a dim light room . I would not really expect much from a $ 100 dollar projector the size of a iphone to do more . overall i be so happy with my purchase that I get bigger model from aaxa the m2 .