740 Movies_TV POS 5 I be leery of the new series because the original be so terrific ; however , I be now completely win over ! it be amazing to I that the writer have infuse the flavor of the original series into the update story as well as they have . it just get better and better . I think Christopher Eccleston be the best doctor yet and then along come David Tennant ! I can not wait for series 3 . 859 Movies_TV POS 5 cute animated movie . however this be NOT the DISNEY version 933 Movies_TV POS 4 much like the gam 607 Movies_TV NEG 2 I find this series almost painful to watch at time . Dr who be always great `` cheesy '' fun , but this new version take itself far too seriously at time - make the cheese-factor something you laugh at , rather than laugh along with . there be far too many episode in London -lrb- it feel like a council promo at time ... -rrb- and some of the support character be hugely annoying - especially Mickey , who often have I cheer for the bad guy in the hope that the annoying little so-and-so would get kill in some hilarious -lrb- and preferably gory -rrb- fashion . on the plus side ; David Tennant be perfect as the Doctor , and Billie Piper be also fantastic as the down-to-earth and likable sidekick - they have a great chemistry . some of the visual be excellent , and occasionally it do actually hit the mark when try to be poignant . unfortunately , this show miss a whole lot more than hit for I . 443 Movies_TV POS 5 I order a new copy of Peter Pan . it have part that skip and stick . I contact customer service and they respond immediately . the product must have be defective . they issue a full refund right away . thanks for handle this so nicely and for a speedy refund . highly recommend this seller . 711 Movies_TV NEG 2 a simple question . all write should really be critique by modern script editor and writer , even producer , by five basic question - who ? where ? what ? how ? why ? sadly these very basic question be not bring into play when show like this be make . much of modern television writing be very sad , but the effort tend to survive via hungry , lethargic audience in need of escapism that find delight in sexual content , glossy effect , and kitschy but vapid symbolism\/content . all story base entertainment have to have strong story to be excellent , and this be really , really , really awful scripting . that be say , I do want to say that Tennant be probably the best doctor since Tom Baker , and if he can refine the character a little and cut out some of the hectoring speech and slobber he might be the television character of the decade . the production value of the new series -lrb- aside from write -rrb- be brilliant ! but many of the actor can not shine because the scripting be so limited and flabby to center on glitz rather then character - a shame since so many british actor be brilliant at make greater then life , enigmatic and memorable performance when give good script and direction . Davies seem to have a penchant for the hilarity that be put the ` doctor ' in HOSPITALS . har har , such a great joke , especially to kick off a new doctor . 90 % of the season deteriorate into logicless monster and motive . awful denouement tend to involve the Davies signature machina-ex-due with a super magic wand sonic screwdriver . cop out galore ! and if that isn ; t enough , you get a surprise oral sex gag for the kiddie , and a slew of black tie party , east ender , and sappy sexual situation that take the place of the base instinct of survival and greed that make the series able to continue through the decade . if write reflect a writer , then the writer -lrb- s -rrb- basically portray that they be all about sex , party , hook up , sappy sentimentality , and random political struggle within corporation . nice . the shine star of this season , stand head , shoulder , chest , abdomen , groin and thigh above the surround effort in ` Girl in the fireplace ' write by Steven Moffat -lrb- creator\/writer of the brilliant coupling sitcom -rrb- . while this be a story of twisted survival it be also about emotional love and devotion ; a unusual Doctor who aspect unexplored until now , especially swamp in lust the rest of the season . the doctor become a enigmatic and valiant ` prince ' that unexpectedly -lrb- but extremely well write -rrb- create devotion in a unusual ` princess ' . but then the logic of the story go to hell in the denouement as it become another silly ` doctor rant at lethal enemy that stand there and take it on the chin while stand still as a statue ' moment common in this season . that be vindicate by the final twist reveal the motive of the story . the `` New Adventures of Doctor who : EastEnders lose in space '' be a grab bag . if you be a kid who need a new shiny with some lust and casual love throw in - it be perfect . if you be a intelligent viewer who want great story , perhaps something to reaffirm life 's glory and myriad wonder ... walk on by , or sob like a little girl over the money waste on ephemeral garbage . personally i find this season , and almost all new who story , rather intellectually insulting and simplistic . if only the crew ask - why ? - from the start . they would have find they do it for the money and fame , and just write show about money and fame . and we would have at least have story that honestly express they soul , rather then a combo of fan pandering image and situation string together with screech , simplistic dialogue . 446 Movies_TV POS 5 one of my favorite Disney film . love the music & Tinkerbell be one of my favorite character . no extra on the disc though . Disney be famous for that . great picture quality & love the music . 840 Movies_TV POS 5 what can I say I grow up on Doctor who , to see it back in production be a thrill for I . David Tennet do a very good job as the doctor . 511 Movies_TV POS 5 I purchase Doctor who - the complete Second Series from Amazon.com on January 3 , 2010 . I quickly receive my video and I have be totally satisfy with it . I would purchase product from this seller in the future and would highly recommend they to other . 105 Movies_TV POS 5 to the second star on the right and you will reach Neverland ! where pirate rule the sea , the native Indians be the civilized , and meet Peter Pan and he lose boy . this be a true Disney classic that everyone must have ! and do not just get the VHS , get the dvd ! the picture quality be much better , stronger , and sharper , talk about dpi high resolution ! what be more interesting be that do not watch it on you tv for best resolution , watch it on you computer for the extreme ! the feature be great too , my favorite be the concept art archive , all these original sketch and painting just make I want to drool . you will not believe the ability of these artist back in the 1950 . one of the interesting feature be the history of making of Peter Pan . it show you how the musical be first start , and Disney transform Peter Pan into a boy ! unlike the musical that be play by a actress -lrb- though the musical be excellent too -rrb- . if you be a Disney fan I would not doubt you will miss this dvd . 662 Movies_TV POS 5 Service and product be great and timely . Came way before I expect and it be in the condition I have hope and pay for . 654 Movies_TV POS 4 excellent video quality a must have for the avid Disney collector 86 Movies_TV POS 4 bear in mind that this be a sequel and a kid 's movie , I think it be pretty good . one thing about the plot do bother I though . it seem like anyone who pick up the wand could use it . it be the wand that start the whole thing , so it seem to I like it should have be more important and not a way for just anybody to get out of thing . 399 Movies_TV POS 4 I buy this as part of a birthday gift for my 18 year old niece , SHE have always be a DISNEY PRINCESS FAN and SHE love it , SHE have watch it a couple of TIMES SINCE SHE get it , ESPECIALLY when SHE WAS SICK recently and then all the DISNEY PRINCESSES KEPT HER COMPANY , THEY be never too old for DISNEY . 231 Movies_TV POS 5 this be a amazing movie . I buy one hope for the best ... and I be glad I do . I will surely give these as gift to my friend and Family . 462 Movies_TV POS 5 a classic in every sense of the word . my kid both love it , and watch it at least twice a week . I love how well they do clean the film up and make it like new again . a must have for any Disney video collection . 106 Movies_TV POS 5 amazing movie ! and great dvd quality . no scratch , come wrap in plastic . good buy ... 10\/10 ! 948 Movies_TV POS 5 IM FROM BALTIMORE , MD. . and to watch will SMITH PLAY in MY HOME TOWN make worth BEEING FROM here . . the movie be INTRESTING and FUNNY . great as ALWAYS will . I love U 530 Movies_TV POS 5 Dr who series two continue nicely from the first one . the show keep get better and better . most show go down hill , but not this one . 201 Movies_TV POS 5 this be one of my favorite when I be young . I could remember after I come home that night wait for Peter Pan to come and take I away to Neverland . it be another must have movie if you into nostalgia . 469 Movies_TV POS 4 I be very excite when the original Cinderella movie come out on dvd and I immediately order my copy . this be my all-time favorite Disney movie . along with this dvd set come a preview for Cinderella III which be to be release in the future . I hesitate for a very long time before buy Cinderella III because I fear that it would not live up to the original movie and that it would end up really tarnish the magical movie that I grow up loving so much through my childhood . I think it would be best just to have the original movie as it be with no sequel . well , today I decide to buy the movie and I just finish watch it . I must say that I be pleasantly surprise . grant , this movie be not on the same level as the original , but it do have a certain magic and beauty of it be own . for this reason , I do recommend that Cinderella fan add this movie to they collection . the basic plotline of the movie be straightforward . Lady Tremaine , the wicked stepmother , get hold of the fairy godmother 's wand and use it to reverse the event lead up to Cinderella marry the prince . this leave Cinderella and she animal friend to fix this terrible situation . the movie be fill with suspense and action . as a 32 year old man , I find myself jump up out of my seat at time while watch this movie . it be like be take back to my childhood again . any Cinderela fan will thoroughly enjoy this movie . it have a very unexpected end that will surprise everyone . but I can assure you that everything turn out fine in the end . everyone , and I do mean `` everyone '' will get exactly what they deserve . although you probably will not want to get this one out to watch as much as the original movie , it really be a fitting sequel and you should have it in you collection . it do not destroy the magic of the original movie at all . 643 Movies_TV POS 5 I love most all the Disney movie because they be so great when I be a little girl go to the movie to see they . my 3 year old granddaughter have watch this movie 10 to 15 time since I receive it . the dvd be great and well receive 274 Movies_TV POS 5 oftentimes straight to dvd sequel be less than stellar accomplishment . but Cinderella III be a delight ! my 3-year-old daughter -lrb- almost four , as she like to point out ! -rrb- love this movie , and even she older brother enjoy it ! as a parent I also enjoy the movie - the song be great , and it really be a interesting story . it be a dvd worthy of the Cinderella legacy . 890 Movies_TV POS 4 `` Peter Pan '' be classic Disney animation at its finest ; heartfelt , humorous , lush and colorful . and it be never look better , in this digitally remaster release . as a adult collector , however , I find the extra on this `` platinum '' edition lack in interest . First of all , they be pretty much the same as those on the original dvd release of some year ago ; and they be hardly comprehensive in they detail the history of the film . give how extensive the Disney vault be , it be hard to believe there be nothing new to be find . and as I do not have kid , the game and sing-along be waste on I . I have most of the platinum edition and will continue to buy they for the film I love ; I just wish they be a little more gear to adult animation wank like I ! 941 Movies_TV POS 5 when word come down that Christopher Eccleston be be replace as Doctor who to say the least I be hard to convince . they say that the doctor that you start with forever become `` you '' doctor and I will second that motion . that be say David Tennant do grow on you take it from someone who find out first hand . you have to judge each individual season on its own merit . so as to the episode themselves new Earth be a good way to open up this show the doctor in a most traditional role solve problem that other have never consider the solution to . I consider it the best episode of the entire second season . that be say the second episode tooth and claw be good because we get to meet Queen Victoria and see how exactly the Torchwood Institute be found . for that same reason School Reunion be also good because it actually reintroduce a companion of the Doctor 's from the old day Sarah Jane Smith . a meeting of the mind between the old and the new its pretty awesome . the Girl in the Fireplace be also a good episode it tell with a historical aspect -lrb- the Madam -rrb- but also the consequence of the nature of travel and what it do to those we leave behind . I could see where you would like rise of the Cybermen and the age of steel but the trek fan in I be remind to much of the Borg although the idea of alternate reality be very cool . if the second season have a weak link it be probably the idiot 's Lantern Television suck the life out of people be not my idea of a good storyline sorry . I never blame the excellent actor and the chemistry between they for make the best of a bad script . I know I already say New Earth be my favorite and it still be but the Satan pit and the impossible planet be also very cool . I mean a space station orbit a black hole what be not to like about that storyline ? I know people go nut about Love & Monsters and how funny it be but I never much care for the episode . `` fear she '' be a nice spooky little episode Doomsday and Army of ghost be a nice farewell to Rose Tyler . its always a shame to see a companion go but if you have to go this be a nice way to go out . Overall-Good season with a few misfire but nice solid entertainment 682 Movies_TV POS 5 I guess I be extremely spoil by season 1 -lrb- see my review there -rrb- , wait all those year to find that once the show have return , it be back with a spine tingling , take you breath away with excitement , jump out of you seat in disbelief of such glorious script and performance , absolute freak vengeance . now , onto series 2 , I be in no doubt look and expect nearly the same , albeit with a different actor at the helm . this be nothing different for who fan , and with some slim exception , it all work out well . I know some of you say we can not compare this and series one , or this and that , but hey , it be what who fan have be do throughout time . I firmly believe that as a entire season , last season series 1 of the new show rank up there as possibly the best full run of episode in who be full run . have to follow that would be a true test indeed , and while I think season 2 be very enjoyable , it be not quite as strong as 1 . there be evidence even in the promising first episode , the Christmas Invasion , that there be some little je ne sais quoi that I could not quite put a finger on , that make be ever so slightly down a notch from the high impact of season 1 's show . there be further evidence when it come to season 2 's first real episode , New Earth , as it muddle along without a whole lot of excitement to take in . thankfully , after the very good reunion of the doctor , Sarah Jane , & K9 , the show seem to keep creep up and up in excitement quality , until the brilliant season finale two parter . in fact , this two part mind blow season finish , be probably the first time I have feel as ecstatic as I do watch the entire first series episode . I be displeased that the second season never feel as unique as series 1 , but nonetheless still have fun watch yet another strong run of episode in who be continue history . after think about it more and more , I come to the realization that it be less David Tennant vs. Eccleston that make the two series different , and more about the strong writing of series 1 compare to the medoicre script of season 2 . season 1 just have more snappy dialogue for the doctor , more impactful event tightly weave into the 50 minute episode , and overall better story . that be not to say this season do not have it be share of goody , include one of my favorite , idiot 's Lantern , deal with supernatural event in the 1950 's , and lead into the very spooky two parter , the impossible planet , and the Satan pit . it be just I could not help but think when I watch season 1 , that this be hand down the best show on tv , the best sci-fus episode on tv , and the best who in a long time . with season 2 , I can not safely say that I enjoy it better than say a season of the dead Zone , Stargate , or Stargate Atlantis , but I can say it be a very enjoyable piece of sci fi and another superb addition to the who Universe . I just wish the script be tighter and flow better . on to David Tennant . it take I a few episode , for I to take a liking to he , but quickly find that he be just as quirky a doc as any predecessor and deserve he worthy place among the rest . he can bring he serious side out just as quickly and believable as he distinct , flamboyant one . I think have he a second season will be a welcome event , after have Eccleston for one short one . hopefully , they will get the write a little more up to snuff , and the excitement level , so I can once again , safely say there be nothing better on tv than who . for right now , I can not , but it be still a excellent season of who , a smooth transition into a new doctor , and leave at a point where this new , yet old , franchise can continue to grow . here 's look toward season 3 ... 509 Movies_TV POS 5 one of the best I have ever see . the plot be pretty easy to follow . the situation be real life . best of all , the electronic eavesdropping be convincingly real . 347 Movies_TV POS 5 this be one of my favorite movie ever . a long movie by usual standard , but very compelling and very entertaining . the extend version run about 140 minute , 8 minute longer than the blu-ray version . 669 Movies_TV POS 4 most of the time , Disney 's direct to video sequel be just awful , but this be actually a nice sequel and better than the first Cinderella sequel . it feel a bit more realistic , with the wicked stepfamily steal Fairy Godmother 's wand and use it to they own advantage . Anastasia be give the chance to be a real Princess when Stepmother use the wand to make she look like Cinderella so she can fool Prince Charming . gee , I do not know that Godmother 's wand could actually manipulate time ! if Godmother 's wand have that much power , then she could have use it to ensure that she goddaughter do not lose either she real mother or she father , so I be bother with the Godmother 's role . however , the story be decent and Anastasia turn out to be a decent character . she already show this in the second Cinderella movie , so I be not surprise to see that in this film . though Anastasia enjoy be beautiful and have the affection of the Prince , she conscience nag at she , especially after spend time with she prospective father-in-law . Drizella and Stepmother remain as evil as ever , but it be nice to see that at least one stepsister do have a heart . if you be a die-hard Cinderella fan , you might enjoy this film , otherwise , just rent . 504 Movies_TV POS 4 I be very happy with the speed the dvd be ship and arrival time . but , the dvd skip and freeze up in place . 906 Movies_TV POS 5 a must have for any Dr. who or sci-fi fan ! and they be about half the price of what they be charge at the big chain store . still kinda expensive but well worth it . 305 Movies_TV NEG 2 when I buy the Peter Pan special edition I have forget the racist portrayal of the Indians in the movie . they do live in Neverland but will kid make the distinction that if they live in Neverland it be make believe ? will they understand that not all Indians say Ugg and how like the one in this movie ? I do not remember the `` what make the Red Man Red '' number from when I be kid but that be before video . now kid can watch it over and over again . also , my copy do not have the `` making of '' short even though it say it do on the case . this be very disappointing because I be hope it would address the racism issue . 262 Movies_TV POS 5 have see this film a dozen or so time . Terrific suspenseful movie . the blu-ray offer some nice behind the scene as well as some delete and cut scene as well . the look of the film on blu ray be magnificent . Gene Hackman and Will Smith play off of each other extremely well . movie be certainly ahead of its time . 812 Movies_TV POS 4 Will Smith and Gene Hackman do some great act in this movie . it be not overly do with a whole bunch of special effect but it will hold you interest and keep you at the edge of you seat . do not watch this movie expect it to be the best yet , and you 'll enjoy it . 652 Movies_TV POS 5 Peter Pan be all my grandson want for Christmas . I could not find it in any of the store , and be very grateful when I find it on Amazon ! he will be one happy little three year old on Christmas Day . 741 Movies_TV POS 5 PETER PAN remain one of Disney 's most fondly-remembered film . despite appear in the same decade as Mary Martin 's Broadway and television version , it be neither lessen nor ignore in comparison . Peter Pan -lrb- voice by Disney 's resident juvenile lead Bobby Driscoll -rrb- take young wendy -lrb- Kathryn Beaumont -rrb- along with Michael and John on a flight of fancy to Neverland , where you can never grow old . in they fantastic adventure , Peter and the lose boy battle the nefarious Captain Hook -lrb- Hans Conried -rrb- , the bumble Crocodile and the bloodthirsty Indians . the story deal with the abandon dream of childhood , a child 's wish to remain young and the resentment of have to grow up . James Barrie 's story speak to the child in all of we . this beautiful new dvd reissue coincide with Disney 's new sequel , RETURN to NEVERLAND , and include a fantastic audio commentary , still gallery , dvd storybook and featurette . 122 Movies_TV POS 4 this be a good suspense movie overburdened with flash and funk . check out Gene Hackman 's performance . he be reprise he role in the conversation as a electronic surveillance expert , and they even show clip from the conversation as reference to he past . 751 Movies_TV NEG 2 the filmmaker be unwise to make Hackman 's character so similar to he earlier role in `` the conversation '' , as that film be superior to this one in every way . this one 's a poor excuse for a thriller . the script 's half as clever as it want to be , and Will Smith 's one-liner do not help any . the surveillance technology throughout be more or less magic , do impossible thing with lot of gee-whiz sound effect . 275 Movies_TV POS 5 this movie be great ! especially after the horror of Cinderella II , which be so bad that it be traumatic ! this be the true sequel to the classic Cinderella story . the story be interesting and move . you really get wrap up in Cinderella 's plight as the Stepmother 's level of evil go through the roof . Prince charming finally get a personality , and he be such a wonderful character ! the animation and voice be so well do that I believe this could have make it in the theater ! even the song be very enjoyable , though Disney sequel song often leave a great deal to be desire . skip Cinderella II and go right to this movie ! 846 Movies_TV POS 5 i be a big fan of william smith , this movie absolutely a must for not only for will smith lover but also for a conspiracy seeker . Blu ray version be serve with full hd quality screen and also high def dolby sound . 477 Movies_TV POS 4 my three and four-year-old niece love this movie . it be never really be one of my favorite -lrb- mainly because Peter Pan annoy I to no end - like other reviewer I would like to see Captain Hook get a good one in -rrb- but that be just my opinion . -lrb- I do not like the original book for the same reason . -rrb- I like it more when I be a kid . I give it four star for that reason . this bring I to my question : as a kid , I have both a 33 1\/3 record with song from Disney movie and a tall book base on the movie . on the record , there be a song , `` do you believe in Fairies ? -lrb- then Clap you hand -rrb- '' which be play when Tinkerbell almost die . in the book , Peter get wendy and all the child to clap they hand to bring Tinkerbell back to life . I know I be not dream this up - I still have both the record and the book . both my sister -lrb- who be ten year older than i -rrb- and myself seem to remember that this be originally in the movie . can anyone shed some light on this for we ? 321 Movies_TV NEU 3 it be SAD that DISNEY have become the MULTIZILLION DOLLAR INSTITUTION that it have . if it be still under the WATCHFUL CARING EYES of WALT DISNEY HIMSELF , I do not THINK the dvd version of THIS movie I just purchase WOULD be the same . the movie of COURSE be as great as it always was - a wonder of ARTISTRY & FANTASY SEAMLESSLY blend together . the color be as beautiful as ever . the SOUND be O.K. , BUT I would THINK that DISNEY COULD DO SOMETHING in the way of restoration as far as the HISS that be very noticeable - especially in the louder passage . i ALSO AM no DUMMY when it come to GENERAL dvd knowledge , but I be totally confused look at the back of the dvd case as to WHETHER THIS MOVIE WAS A WIDESCREEN VERSION or FULL SCREEN . it clearly state in miniscule letter under the run time that PETER PAN be PRESENTED in ITS ORIGINAL THEATRICAL ASPECT RATIO , APPROX . 1.33:1 . I -lrb- and probably anyone else besides ROGER EBERT -rrb- WOULD GUESS that this mean it appear as it be originally show in THEATRES - WIDESCREEN ! I be more than tick to find LATER that it be in fact a pan and scan version , and after pay not a SMALL SUM of MONEY , I feel a little rooked . my suggestion be to keep watch that WORN OUT VHS COPY UNTIL DISNEY decide to invest a little more in one of their crown achievement . oh and do not WORRY TOO MUCH ABOUT that LIMITED ISSUE NONSENSE MEANING that THEY ONLY MANUFACTURE EACH MOVIE TITLE ON A LIMITED NUMBER RUN ONLY once per generation -lrb- with DISNEY , GENERATIONS be BORN QUITE OFTEN -rrb- . right now , THEY OBVIOUSLY be have a gigantic case of TIGHTWADITIS and YET be still pricing THEIR TITLES WELL above OTHER studio . sad , sad , sad ! i ONLY HOPE WE all can see this movie in ITS FULL WIDESCREEN GLORY and SOUND SOON ! PETER PAN in ITSELF be still magical ! 841 Movies_TV POS 5 I love this WORKOUT !!! I start do it at 259 pound and while tough , I have a lot of fun , now it be easier but still load of fun and a great way to get energise for the day ! 880 Movies_TV POS 5 `` enemy of the state '' have become a classic movie by now . a non-stop action movie and now with the spectacular clarity of blu ray , you just can not go wrong . I have watch this movie a thousand time and I never get bore of it . now in blu ray , the quality of this movie be astonishing . I would recommend it to anyone who love thrilled-action movie . 158 Movies_TV NEG 2 enemy of the state be boring , and have a uninresting story and dialoge . some good acting by Regina King . but the plot be over to long and there be no fun just watch the film , and plus the thrill be worthless , it be like go to a store and on to home . Thats what this movie show . and I have to admit it there be some good thing I like , like when Will Smith run off try to get to he home to tell he wife that someone be after he , that be a good scene . but overall the movie be not worth see , but that be my opinion . c - \*\* 218 Movies_TV POS 5 what can I say ? it be Peter Pan and my kid love it as much as we do when we be kid . must have . 811 Movies_TV POS 5 it be a classic and a timeless tale of adventure I have enjoy share with my little one . 964 Movies_TV POS 5 5 Stars for the Collection . I have see all the 2nd season story already , and they be all quite good . you can read the other reviewer for the `` bit snippet '' of each story . quite frankly , David Tennant step into the role quite brilliantly and make it he own , while capture some of the trademark of all the earlier who actor . everyone tout the Daleks and Cybermen so much that they forget that many classic who story be `` different '' or `` non-monster drive '' . the current release of `` INFERNO '' be a prime example . while one or two story be `` weaker '' in monstermanium than other , let 's remember that not every episode of every television show ever make be wonderful either -lrb- season 4 of the Mary Tyler Moore Show even have a weak episode ! -rrb- . it be also unfair to compare this season to the previous `` Series one '' . happily , Series 2 build on Series 1 's new myth and pathos . I think that Christopher Eccleston bring back Doctor who to its original brilliance with a incredible roar , and I have to admit that I be very skeptical at first that anyone could take he place -lrb- probably not unlike the kid in 1966 when Patrick Troughton replace William Hartnell -rrb- . Billie Piper be also so much fun as Rose and I enjoy Noel Clarke be in more story as Mickey , but really , my heart go out to Camille Couri as Rose 's mum Jackie . happily , she be feature , even in a limited way , in more story this season . now , if only Amazon.com be offer the limited Cyberman Head Box Set , I would be happy . currently they be only available in the UK , and I be not go to pay for this set twice . 499 Movies_TV POS 4 Jason Lee -lrb- a Guy Thing -rrb- take shot of Jon Voight -lrb- Midnight Cowboy -rrb- kill Jason Robards -lrb- Magnolia -rrb- and Lee before he get run over by a bus make Will Smith -lrb- Bad Boys 1 and 2 -rrb- and then Voight and he crew ggo after he and he family . Smith get help from Gene Hackman -lrb- Scarcrow -rrb- . other actor in the mix ... Jack Black -lrb- Shallow Hal -rrb- , Jamie Kennedy -lrb- Scream trilogy -rrb- , Lisa Bonet -lrb- High Fidelity -rrb- , Scott Caan -lrb- Black and White -rrb- , Ian Hart -lrb- Harry Potter and the Chamber of secret -rrb- , Tom Sizemore -lrb- Dreamcatcher -rrb- , Loren Dean -lrb- Rosewood -rrb- , Jake Busey -lrb- Identity -rrb- , Barry Pepper -lrb- Battlefield Earth -rrb- , Gabriel Bryne -lrb- Stigmata -rrb- , Stuart Wilson -lrb- no escape -rrb- and a unbilled cameo by Seth Green -lrb- Party monster -rrb- . dont miss the ride . 51 Movies_TV POS 5 arrive quickly . great dvd a must for old and new doctor who fan . 464 Movies_TV POS 5 I be surprise that my wife buy this dvd for we kid , because Disney direct-to-dvd sequel be usually poorly animated , poorly write flop . I be surprise again when I happen to come into my kid ' room while they be watch it , and I find myself get pull into the film and watch the rest of it with they . I vaguely remember see part of Cinderella II , enough to recall that it be rather poor . it seem that some reviewer here will hate the film no matter what , because they be Disney purist and feel that no sequel could ever possibly do justice to the original . and then it seem that other reviewer want to love the film so much that they will rate it highly even if they movie be a stinker . I have neither of these mindset . I do not have any deep devotion to original Disney feature , and I do not really care about the sequel . what I can say be that this movie have very good animation . I have to keep remind myself that this be a direct-to-dvd production , because it look so good . as for picky detail like what Cinderella 's foot look like , I guess I have get too much of a life to keep replay the movie over and over to focus on thing like that . as allude to above , the story be good enough to pull I in when I have other thing to do . in fact , I agree with some other reviewer that Cindrella and the prince be both more engaging character in this movie than in the original . the only character in the original that be really entertaining be the stepmother\/stepsisters , the king and duke , and the animal . the star couple be rather boring to watch , but not so in this sequel . I give this 5 star not because it be worthy of any award , but rather because among other direct-to-dvd release -lrb- especially sequel -rrb- , it really stand out . 494 Movies_TV POS 5 this have be the best movie will Smith have ever do . this movie have a lot of action and suspense . Will Smith get 2 thumb up from I !!!! 877 Movies_TV POS 5 this movie actually give I the creep , that this might actually happen or have already happen . the scene on how evil the National Security Agency can be and how they track down will Smith 's character . they appear to be they own crime family as they end up kill each other in the end . i see this movie when it first come out in theater and it completely blow my mind . the thought that the government or the NSA , could not only be the NSA but its officer have the chance to take on not only they own idenity but the face of anything they want - in fact when the two NSA officer first come to Smith 's house , they introduce themselves as the dc police and even produce badge . even the way they try to scare the Senator and end up kill he when he tell the Deputy NSA Communications Director , Jon Voight , that he be not go to vote he way . and the dc Mafia make a scary add to the movie , as the NSA use Smith 's character as a lawyer for serious goof up mobster -lrb- as in the first scene when the mobster and Smith be talk -rrb- and Hackman 's character be give Smith the tape of Sizemore and he friend at a party , and Smith threatn to use it against he . the FBI be in the movie for laugh though as say `` Geez , he do not look italian '' as Smith make he way out of the Sizemore 's restaurant and the old man give the agent ' the finger and they take a picture of the shocked Smith . this have to be one of the best spy movie of all time ! and when you finish see it you 'll be check you smoke detector and carefully watch the reception on you tv for any bug . 650 Movies_TV POS 5 the product arrive very fast , and be in the condition that it be advertise . the movie be be not as good as the first , but it be way better than the second ! 336 Movies_TV POS 5 we get this dvd as promise in new condition . it be a gift for my 3 year old 's birthday . thanks ! we love we Disney Princesses and this sequel to Cinderella be a great story and better than the 2nd one . 112 Movies_TV POS 5 Walt Disney 's masterpiece `` Peter Pan '' fly onto for the first time , a two disc platinum edition with a treasure chest full of special feature . a must have Disney masterpiece , see you favorite character again again , Peter Pan , Wendy , John , Michael Darling , Tinkerbell , Mr. Smee & of course the notorious Captain Hook . 496 Movies_TV NEU 3 enemy of the state be my first film , wich I buy here . 186 Movies_TV POS 4 i read the review before i buy this movie , and i buy it because most people seem to like it . my daughter and i just watch it , and i have to say that i be impressed . i actually like it better than the original ! i like Cinderella 's more active role . that be my biggest complaint about the original -- i never do care for the whole wishy-washy , boo-hoo attitude she have ! i would recommend this movie to anyone who like disney princess movie . 804 Movies_TV NEG 1 I be a adult who usually enjoy Disney movie , but this be the worst one I have ever see . the author and\/or adaptor into cartoon , portray all female character except wendy as jealous and malicious . Tinkerbell be jealous of wendy and try to get other to hurt she . the mermaid be jealous of wendy and mistreat she . then even Wendy become jealous of the indian princess . the boy have all the fun , and Peter seem to relish the girl snipe at eachother over he attention . very shallow and disappointing cartoon . 575 Movies_TV POS 4 Ok , if you have be read these review , you can see that people either think the movie kick a \*\* or suck a \*\* . well , it be posible to go wither way . the movie have a incredible story line , that be relitivly original . but , if you hate action flick , this movie be not recommend . the story have great acting , and many star , include Will Smith and Gene Hackman , among other . if you dont like Will Smith and be sick of see he in this type of movie , this movie be again , not for you . this movie can stir many different emotion from you : you could be on the edge of you seat , jump at explosion , and believe that you be in the movie , or you could be asleep , as that one guy and he girlfriend be . for I , this be one of the best action movie I have ever see ! -lrb- but that be partly because Seth Green be in it -rrb- . I encourage people to buy this movie if you belong to the first category of the above mention group , or if you like Seth . it be well worth you time !!! 64 Movies_TV NEU 3 this item be a little disappointing since he have some `` glitch '' while watch it . it be a gift to my grandson in Ca. , so I take my son 's word for this . 17 Movies_TV NEU 3 I would forget that major plot point in Peter Pan revolve around mysoginistic pre-adolecent female attack on each other and racist stereotype of aboriginal people , so when my three year old pointed to the ` cheifum ' and ask what he be , I be at a loss . if I would say , ` oh , that be a native American , ' she would have think to associate that image with native folk forever , which be a bad thing . I end up tell she he be a ` stereotype ' , and she ask no more . she now refer to he as ` that big guy ' . I can not wait to explain why the mermaid be try to kill wendy . still , the movie have its merit and tinkerbell be pretty popular around here . I would choose many other movie over this one , but compare to such abomination as ` car ' or ` Madagascar ' , the quality of this production be unmistakeable . be aware though - if you child begin push other girl on the playground while chase a particular boy or shout ` how ! ' and pretend to scalp each other , you 'll have this movie to blame for it !! 630 Movies_TV NEU 3 the video be too slow for a dance workout . I highly recommend the other two if you want a good workout and dance move . 40 Movies_TV POS 5 with a great mix of action , comedy , style , and of course - conspiracy , enemy of the state be the movie that have it all . with he last `` hip '' style , Will Smith deliver a nonstop thrill ride as he and Gene Hackman fight to bring the government 's spy down on they own turf . if you like Will Smith or Gene Hackman , you 'll love this movie . be thrill and be cautious - they be watch you !! 311 Movies_TV POS 5 you can fly you can fly , you can fly !!!! where the imagination can take you into far away land you 'll never forget TinkerBell ! do not we all love she ! I be trouble by the depiction of native american though . what make the red man red ? I think this be the only set back to the film there be some prejudice there that I be not happy with . do not we all wanna stay as child ? we all miss we childhood . this film be by far one of the best film to relive you childhood . 378 Movies_TV POS 5 I be thrill to see the show come back to life after not see the show for many year . I feel like a kid again ! plus the add feature in this second season with the video diary be great ! 780 Movies_TV POS 5 in the interest of full disclosure , I should say that I take no conspiracy theory film or novel as truth . however , I learn many year ago that , if one be to enjoy that genre , one must accept whatever conspiracy the creator want we to believe in . whether Martians , former KGB agent , escape Nazi 's , president of the United States or Church leader , it be all the same to I , so long as they make it dramatically credible . dramatic sense be not empirical sense . this suspension of reality which mark my approach , enable I to find considerable pleasure in this decade old film . with a inventory of terrific technological tool , the bad guy be able to keep tab on the good guy as well as perform all sort of evil deed . Will Smith do a good job as the central good guy as do Jon Voight as the central bad guy . when Will Smith be team , by circumstance , with Gene Hackman , they become a dynamic duo , as do almost any team of which that veteran actor be a part . . support player , for the most part , perform ably and the action scene be exciting . if you like this type of film , you will like this one . 266 Movies_TV POS 5 I be introduce to DW not too long ago and I fall in love with it . I start with the original series very first 3 arc and have jump around the series ever since . the new series be just as enjoyable , if not more so , than the original , and now that i be up to season 4 , i have to say this have be my favorite so far . David Tennant and Billi Pipper play off each other so well , that what make this season so great . they have great chemistry together on screen . add to that some great story line from this series -lrb- the Christmas Invasion , School Reunion , rise of the Cyberman , Age of Steel , the impossible planet , Satan pit , Army of Ghosts , Doomsday -rrb- really add to just how great this series 2 really be . I highly recommend this to anyone who be a fan of the series or who be try to get into it , its great ! 269 Movies_TV POS 4 its great to see Hackman reprise he operative character from `` the conversation '' . the point of this film as to how far along we be towards `` 1984 '' and `` Big Brother '' be perhaps indicate by we lack of alarm about it . its interesting what the situational awareness the Feds can gain by have a emittor on the Will Smith character , its instructive conceptually as to how you could steer yourself and other unit to intercept or stay close without get too close . but this technology be show to collapse when the sensor be not `` cheating '' by the emittor and have to use line-of-sight collection mean to stay in contact with they prey in a cluttered urban environment . if you watch the film conceptually as a demonstration of military and possibly totalitarean technology its worth 4 star . if you watch it for entertainment and plausibility it lack realism since if the corrupt Feds want the Will Smith character 's tape they would have barge in , kill he and make it look like something else . of course there would be no film and chase then . we should reject violently these `` reality '' tv show where such totalitarean surveillance means be take in jest like its a mere popularity contest : if you become a `` enemy of the state '' you get vote to be `` banish '' might not be a laughing matter . 447 Movies_TV POS 5 if you think the return of the doctor be over with the regeneration of the Doctor , you have not see David Tennant -lrb- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire -rrb- as the tenth incarnation of the Timelord . just as load with emotion depth and darkness as Chris E 's Doc , but with a more traditional streak of classic quirky doctor trait . the doctor be suffer from post-regeneration stress on the x-ma special opener `` the CHRISTMAS INVASION . '' although the doctor be out-of-it for a major part of the special , Billie Piper and crew carry on superbly until the climax . the greatness of the season opener be no exception , nearly all of the season two episode be perfect ! the weakest episode be the New Earth -lrb- # 2 -rrb- which be the first to competely feature the new doctor . the cat-nurse hospital be true to the spirit of the series , but the best part be body swaping moment in which Rose become the posh Cassandra from season one , and so do the doctor -lrb- insanely funny , both performance -rrb- . the rest of the season feature some of the best work ever do in the show 30 + history , bar none ! other reason to buy this set : the doctor finally meet a werewolf the return of parallel universe the return of Peter Tyler The return of the Cyberman the return of K9 the return of Sarah Jane The return of mysterious reference thread -lrb- torchwood -rrb- the return of another long time villain -lrb- s -rrb- in a long overdue monster mash smackdown of epic proportion ! the School Reunion , which feature the Doctor 's reunion with fan-fav compainion Sarah Jane Smith & K9 , be a touching and tightly compose story that nicely set the tone forshadow thing to come , namely the amazing season finale . the writing be terrific in each episode , the reinvention of the Cybermen , set up more story that the fan themselve would have write . the Cybermen return for the finale along with some legendary uninvited party guest . just like last season , you 'll be ask yourself `` why have not someone do these story already , WOW ! '' bring on the 3 season ! Love & Monsters 4 ever ! 343 Movies_TV POS 5 see as how the story of Peter Pan be nearly a century old and assume that most people know the story , I be go to focus this review on the bonus feature that can be find on this amazing two-disc edition . first , I just wanna say Peter Pan be one of my all-time favorite Disney movie , and that this two-disc set be well worth the wait . the bonus disc contain a lot of special feature that will enhance you viewing experience and appreciation of Peter Pan , such as game , activity , and backstage feature . the game and activity include the `` Camp Neverland '' game and `` Peter Pan 's Virtual Flight '' . the latter take you on a journey through the sky with Peter through London , and be kinda fun . there be also mucis video and a dvd storybook . my favorite special feature on the disc would have to be the `` make of '' featurette , where Walt Disney himself explain to the viewer how the movie come into production . we then see how this great film be animated , orchestrate , and complete . it be just really cool to have Walt in you living room again . other backstage feature include a never-before-seen opening to the movie , delete song and scene , and the `` in Walt 's words-a New Discovery '' featurette . overall , this be a great collection . you get a great movie , fully restore and look better than ever , and great special feature . any fan of Disney animated film will surely love Peter Pan , despite some of the film 's racist depiction of native Americans , and everybody will surely enjoy the amazing inside look into production . 525 Movies_TV POS 4 the problem with BBC be that they tend to price everything into the realm of ridiculous . any fan of Rome - The complete First season it be still annoying . and while doctor who - the complete First Series First off , we have some solid episode to establish David Tenant . the Xmas Invasion be one of those `` Doctor who can not deal with he regeneration '' story that start with castravolva and the writer keep write . I suppose we can not ask for Tom Baker to jump up and start fight big robot and push Brigidier around , but I do miss the day when the doctor could just be the doctor . still , there be a joy when David Tennant finally wake up out of he coma and take on the alien . it be similar to the joy experience this season when the doctor shed he scared John Smith persona and the alien narrator explain that the whole flee thing be a way for the doctor to be kind . the first few episode do establish the doctor and David Tennant . he be both less dark and more earnest in this season . there be a strain of sorrow go through most of these storyline as you be almost weep for the evil `` last human '' in the hospital storyline and `` the Girl in the Fireplace '' be gear towards break you heart . the sad thing be that I know I 'll hate Tristan and Isolde -lrb- Widescreen Edition -rrb- however , tedium set in just after the Cybermen make they appearance as the alternate universe cyberman -lrb- so what happen to the original version ? are they all go ? never explain . -rrb- with a endless series of `` Rose be probably gonna die '' bit , and lackluster story -lrb- the demon planet one bore I . the `` fear she '' one be bad , probably not as bad as most people say but still pretty bad -rrb- the series roll into a really cool two-parter that do not make up for the second half be so dull up until then . if you can buy this for less than the $ 100 ask price -lrb- $ 50 should be the max you pay for a 12-part dvd set . you can get 22 episode of how I Met you mother - season 1 and that show be much more consistent -rrb- buy it . else wait . the third season be a definite improvement . and while you be at it , pick up a copy of Teddy Bear Cannibal Massacre 818 Movies_TV POS 4 the second series of the new Dr. who be a even better production than the first series . the scope , quality , and uniquenesss of the story have all improve . just one small problem , Chris Eccleston in the first series be a far more interesting doctor than this current one . the producer and writer have make the series accesible to non-fan , and have give serious who fanatic plenty of reference to enjoy . everyone win . the episode `` love and monster '' be a perfect example of how this be a great entertainment for those who have never watch Dr. who . 827 Movies_TV POS 5 my almost-3-year-old love this movie . he pretend that he be Peter Pan and I be wendy . we watch it just before go to Disneyland , and we be so glad ... much of the park refer to the movie . it be a great show that have be all but forget by the current generation . 817 Movies_TV POS 5 receive in excellent condition and before estimate delivery time - which I be extremely thankful for ! be extremely excite to have my very own copy , finally ! thanks ! 375 Movies_TV NEG 2 I do not like the net , nor do I like enemy of the state . both have you typical hard-workin ' , tax-payin ' , common-sense citizen hunt mercilessly by wealthy white folk with far , far too many resource at they disposal . plot hole be vast and plentiful here , such as `` if these guy be so good , why do not anyone check out the conspicuous camera box right across the launch dock ? '' and `` if these guy can do that much to one man already , do they really need a bill ? '' plus , you also get , `` with digital photography and editing , who need two people in the same place at the same time anyway ? '' what make this movie rise above the usual b-movie muck be ... well , not much . sheer budget size and star power manage to muscle this movie from the lowly one-star rating it deserve to the two-star rating that it do not . 853 Movies_TV NEG 1 I be a huge fan of the original book Peter Pan , and there be definite aspect of racism toward native american Indians in the book , but they be not nearly as overt or offensive as they be in the Disney edition . I have totally forget -lrb- since I see it when I be young -rrb- about the terribly racist treatment of the native Americans in this film . if you be commit to the fight for racial justice , do not buy this film . 327 Movies_TV POS 5 Will Smith be great in this role -lrb- when be not he -rrb- . please watch and listen carefully for a message that be go deaf in we ear but be part of troubling trend in we country . just judge for yourselve . 535 Movies_TV POS 4 my 3 year old love this movie . some fun new original song . plot and cinemetography be typical of straight to dvd title but still good like you expect from Disney . 603 Movies_TV POS 5 okay , so I be a fifteen-year-old boy . this movie have always be my favorite of all the Disney movie . I would -lrb- and still do -rrb- watch it over and over when I be little , and it be keep get better and better . Disney have better get this one back on the shelf soon , because I miss it the last time it come out ! when this movie come out again -lrb- which I feel sure should happen in at least 10 year -rrb- you can bet I will be one of the first people in line ! I do not care if I be in college , I 'll still get it . maybe even watch it in my dorm with the door open ! I do not care if people see I , Peter Pan be one of Disney 's classic . almost everyone love the classic , instead of the crap they put out now . this be one movie that you must have , whether you want to have a Disney collection , or because you like the classic . like I say , this be one of Disney 's best and I will not miss out on the chance of get it when it come out . and you should not either !! 988 Movies_TV POS 5 this movie rock !!! BRUCKHEIMER have always outdo HIMSELF & he prove it here ! will & GENE make the perfect good GUYS & JON-VOIGHT be the usual `` OMELETTE of a bad guy '' . anyway this pic rox !!!! 287 Movies_TV POS 5 my kid can not get enough of this story-they act it out and view the dvd nonstop since new year holiday . it be a wonderful product 649 Movies_TV POS 5 i be wait for this product to come in . i be sure that it will be a good purchase thank you 599 Movies_TV POS 5 I never get tire of watch Peter Pan , probably because the concept of fly child introduce I to never-ending possibility as a child . i highly recommend this movie to child , parent , people of all age . the first time I see this movie I be a child and the last time I see it be about a month ago at the age of 19 . 265 Movies_TV POS 4 unlike Chris E. David Tennent be not one to go pound moral down you skull -lrb- though I do like Escleston 's energy and dynamics -rrb- David Tennent 's `` Tenth '' , himself be not in foulable in he mishap . Tennent 's 10th who , -lrb- who -rrb- I also think do quite well in `` Cassanova '' be a silly eccentric with more on be a crazy imperfect himself and eccept that than be obligate to appologize afterwards as do Chris E. . Billy Piper odviously do not speek `` Pig Common '' though as she fake accent sometimes faulter in situation that Pig Common can not artiqulate as in the bazaar sci-fus word and reaction to alien . usually she come off fine in normal situation that call for the Pig Common charm . Might I suggest try to emulate Peter Woodthorpe who be the `` scum of theive '' in he speech . also he be Gollumn in the Baski Lord of the ring . the boyfreind be a backwheel and depict k-9 as such insulting both character as be as such when they could be more pivotal and take more seriously by the audience if thing be just leave to roll on . Doc # 9 hate everyone in Rose 's life except Rose herself and this alienate the audience -lrb- at least I -rrb- from he . Tennent do this but to a lesser degree . -lrb- and it be a good thing to a degree -rrb- the irreprotiable 9 and 10 be both much like Tom Baker and Chris E. be more on William Hartnel with the exception that Tom Baker do not leave people to die becasue of questionable `` character '' as do Escleston -lrb- even will Hartnel 's 1st be merciful to we moron . -rrb- . Tennent have move away from the mondane and moralistic modernizaton of Earth and it be reala t show feel and be more like the doctor -lrb- s -rrb- of old . though the feel be still the way escleston 's story and atmopshere be which I do not really like . it be still entertaining and fun with tenent and though I like Escleston 's early one -lrb- usually writen by Russel Davies himself -rrb- he later one be more like Stargate and the cheapness of sci-fus channel stuff and it be P.C. feel . Briton have a weird way of conveigh idea to the audiance and I prefer the tone down morality check of tenent and even Tom Baker and Jon Pertwee who be more into the entertainment area than the informative area . k-9 be not a second bannana to the companion ! Sarah Jane be not a `` Ender '' or a dead wash-out as `` she make I smile in the end '' as the song -lrb- from she heyday -rrb- go . 252 Movies_TV POS 5 this be one of the best movie I have see in the last week . it be base on something that can be true any moment and the fast action keep you glue to the tv . Higly recomend ! 570 Movies_TV POS 5 a terriffic film . the story be good . New star in early role blend with the long standing actor . very fun . 139 Movies_TV POS 4 when I be a little tyke of 3 , my mother take I to a drive-in theater in Los Angeles to see Disney 's Peter Pan . although I have a three-year old 's attention span , mom say I be fascinate by the music and visual . I debate buy one of Disney 's newer movie like Atlantis , or the Emperor 's New Groove , but when I see the special edition of Peter Pan , my decision be make easier . my 4-year old boy immediately try prying the shrink-wrap off of the dvd after it arrive at we home . he have see all of the trailer for return to Neverland , so he recognize Peter Pan right away ! my son be captivate by this wonderful classic . what be not to like about it ? great song -lrb- `` you can fly '' , and the mildly annoying `` follow the Leader '' -rrb- , character to whom he could relate -lrb- John and Michael , plus the lose boy -rrb- , magic , fairy , mermaid , and pirate -- what else could a boy ask for ? my son actually sit still for the entire movie . this be a all time first ! part of this movie would never have make it out of the editing room in today 's hyper-sensitive and politically correct environment . the segment with the Indians portray they with a classic stereotype that come across as mildly offensive and uncomfortable today . after all , I do not think native Americans use word like `` ugh '' and `` how . '' plus , the reference to they as `` red man '' would make many people cringe today . a earlier reviewer mention that he daughter do not like Peter Pan . that do not surprise I . woman be paint with broad stereotype in this movie , from jealousy and fickleness , to be helpless . this be a movie that will definitely appeal to boy , but may leave the little girl longing for mulan or the little mermaid . parent may want to consider this . in spite of these shortcoming , this dvd have launch itself to the top of we play list at home , along with Iron Giant and Titan AE . 554 Movies_TV POS 5 with a great mix of action , comedy , style , and of course - conspiracy , enemy of the state be the movie that have it all . with he last `` hip '' style , Will Smith deliver a nonstop thrill ride as he and Gene Hackman fight to bring the government 's spy down on they own turf . if you like Will Smith or Gene Hackman , you 'll love this movie . be thrill and be cautious - they be watch you !! 395 Movies_TV POS 5 I love the scene where Peter Pan and Captain Hook be fight with sword , it be so cool , and when he rescue Tiger Lily and Wendy , kind of a 1800 's Superhero . 695 Movies_TV POS 5 great movie . a classic Disney movie that be finally available in platinum edition . 580 Movies_TV POS 4 easily overlook but be a very engaging movie . Will Smith be very good in this movie ! 301 Movies_TV NEG 1 this movie be HORRIBLE . it be another example of Hollywood 's distortion of fact . there be absoulutly no way the NSA or anyone else could do the thing that this movie profess that they can . no computer in the world , no matter how powerful , can `` rotate '' a fix image . not to mention the fact that there be no way that there be camera everywhere ! by the way , satellite be retask in a matter of hour , not seconds . there be not a single facet of this movie which I consider to be valid . I have to stop watch it because I be so disgusted . please ! do not encourage the production of more movie like this one by buy it ! 474 Movies_TV NEG 1 the racism make this movie inappropriate . I regret buy it for my three-year-old and will not be show it a second time . 21 Movies_TV POS 5 this be a great product . it get the blood pump . some of the step be difficult at first , but you get use to they . I be not in the best shape , so I only do about half of the workout . if you have bad knee , I would advise against this workout . otherwise , this be great . 602 Movies_TV POS 5 this movie touch basis on what tool the government have , and what it -lrb- can -rrb- do during the process . the movie be about a legislative man kill another legislative man over a disagreement over a bill . a man then have a piece of evidence of the murder . the crooked cop take every measure , then , to seize the tape , so the man would not be prosecute . it be a excellent movie !!!! get it ! 563 Movies_TV POS 5 Walt Disney 's 1953 animated version of `` Peter Pan '' hold a jeweled place amid version of Sir James M. Barrie 's story , read , view , and in young Walt Disney 's case , act in during its first 50 year . Disney give Tinker Bell , formerly a glow and offstage ring , the human face , emotion and shape to become a model for `` today 's woman , '' and Disney 's tv co-hostess for 30 year . -lrb- Disney prove Barrie 's wisdom in say , `` Temper be a weapon we hold by the blade . '' female jealousy thread throughout the film 's pirate and indian adventure . -rrb- Disney give off-stage tick the dart eye and hilarious snap of the crocodile , whose tooth Pan 's nemesis Captain Hook fear more than he opponent 's sword . through artistry from Disney 's `` Nine Old Men , '' Barrie 's stage direction become animated , other-worldly wonder . they draw the magic of fly over London and away from family care to every young boy 's heroic dream and adventure . best of all , Barrie 's story of a boy who would not grow up , charm mermaid , indian princess , fairy and child , and confound Hook , become Disney 's mission statement of sort . its entertainment would , like Barrie and he pan , aim to make child feel brave and grown-up feel young . this two-disc `` platinum edition '' dvd be welcome even amidst Disney 's constant stream of sequel and re-release . its restore picture be vibrant and 5.1 theater-style sound deeper and richer ; you hear the exhilarating wind-rush of the film 's signature song , Oliver Wallace 's `` you can fly . '' -lrb- also listen close for cameo by legendary voice actor June Foray and Thurl Ravenscroft . -rrb- `` Peter Pan 's '' generous bonus feature include two music video and a black-and-white promotional film make for the theatrical release , feature Disney 's artist and sound engineer in action . it also examine alternate song and opening -lrb- with storyboard -rrb- , and a touch re-recreation of Walt Disney 's personal rationale for make the film . dvd audio commentary feature Roy Disney , Kathryn Beaumont -lrb- voice of wendy -rrb- , legendary animator Ollie Johnston and `` Tink 's '' live model , Margaret Kerry . the dvd also demonstrate Tinker Bell 's different portrayal up to she own upcoming dvd . Barrie once say , `` I be not young enough to know everything . '' he yearning to consistently capture childhood 's sense of discovery influence the world for more than 100 year , from Mary Martin on early , vintage tv to Michael Jackson and he infamous `` Neverland Ranch '' to Johnny Depp in Barrie 's film biography . Walt Disney 's film profit greatly from that yearning but , to be fair , he and he best artist also intrinsically understand it . `` Peter Pan '' be essential to any Disney or animated library , and this set be its fullest mean yet to own it . 729 Movies_TV POS 5 not only be the movie fantastic ; so be the seller . I rate both with 5 star and recommend this seller to everyone . excellent , fast service . thanks ... will be buy more from you . 258 Movies_TV POS 5 my girl age 8 and 4 love the new version of the movie . 172 Movies_TV POS 5 the second Seasons be great , the music , the story , and well the Girl in the Fireplace be a masterpiece !!! I hope the 10th doctor never regenerate !!! 503 Movies_TV POS 5 fast-paced , non-stop action with Wil Smith and Gene Hackman . well , not really a lot of Gene Hackman , but he do well in he side part . a really cool movie about a man be chase for something he do not know he have . and that be just the beginning ... 516 Movies_TV NEG 1 I do not know how one can rate a dvd not release until March ?????? I have the lime issue of Peter Pan it be a awesome collectable copy . now all we have be remake of all we best Disney dvd . to make more money for disney . and they 30.0000 factory all over the world . 758 Movies_TV POS 4 enemy of the state be a prescient look at the critical balance between national security and personal freedom . release in 1998 , the plot could be take from today 's headline . in response to terrorist action and threat , legislation be introduce allow government extremely wide latitude in surveillance and curtail personal privacy . key member of the government itself , however , be sociopath -- totally amoral in the pursuit of they own ambition . sound familiar ? it be a tale we have hear all too often . Director Tony Scott play to the audience 's distrust of authority rather than they fear of terrorism -- perhaps if the movie be make today it would have a different slant . but government have seemingly get no purer , and official be keen to grab exactly those rights that this movie be concern with . as for the rest , Will Smith and Gene Hackman turn in terrific performance . the action be continuously thrilling , although excessive in the number and length of chase scene . although occasionally we have to suspend we disbelief , the climax of the movie provide a payoff so clever that we be happy to do so . the music , by former Yes guitarist Tevor Rabin and a collaborator , suit the action well but do not particularly stand out significantly . but it seem to I that all this be fairly moot ; what really count be the issue raise . they have become even timelier and more difficult . 574 Movies_TV POS 5 as a huge Doctor who fan , I could not wait to get my hand on this dvd set . I be not disappoint . aside from the great storyline and dramatic conclusion to this second season of the most recent installment of Doctor who , this dvd set have great extra with ton of behind-the-scenes look at the making of the show , as well as delete scene and blooper -lrb- always fun to watch -rrb- . I would recommend this to any fan of the show - it be absolutely brilliant . 230 Movies_TV POS 4 I think that this be another great season . Great act , great storyline , pure win . also interesting that the doctor become romantically attach to Rose , but the way they break it off be also good . I be wonder if other universe mean there be other doctor ? anyways , the reason I give this 4 star instead of 5 be because of how much time the doctor spend on Earth . in the older series ' it seem like they be always go to other planet and exotic setting , and even though they special effect be primitive back then it still make for a interesting story . I think that I would like to see more exotic setting in the new Dr. who series and less time spend on earth , and that be wht I give it 4 star instead of 5 . 913 Movies_TV POS 5 I be always look for way to make work out fun and this workout definitely do that . it be about 50 minute long but you be have so much fun , you do not even notice it . it just feel like you be dance in you living room with you girlfriend . I be not very familiar with bollywood but I have no trouble follow the move . a couple of they be a bit tricky at first but Hemalayaa be always reassure that you do not have to do exactly what they be do , and I like that feeling of freedom . if , after do the workout a few time , you do not feel like follow they move , it would be perfectly comfortable to just dance along with the music . I recommend this dvd to those who like different kind of workout , especially dance workout . this will provide great variety and definitely keep you from get bore . I have only one warning : you might want to make sure you can be alone to do this workout so you can really get into it and enjoy it without feel self-conscious . but that all depend on you ! I also recommend Elsa Leandro 's World Dance Workout , which also have a Bollywood segment , along with other dance form . 843 Movies_TV POS 5 who fan note : you must watch `` the Children in Need '' special feature on disk one before play any of the new episode . it be the real beginning , however short -lrb- 7 min -rrb- , of `` the Christmas Invasion , '' the first episode of season two . David Tennant discover he new fleshly abode in a bit more detail than be provide in Episode one . how wonderful that this doctor who watch the earlier series as a child , and in fact decide to become a actor partially base on he desire to play the doctor . a great lesson in talent and persistence pay off . the extent of the who oeuvre be supernatural . Russell T. Davies rescue the TARDIS and allow he star to fully flesh out the doctor ; they talent and quirk enrich the who tradition . Christopher Eccleston as the first new who be great , no doubt about it . David Tennant be superb , even more nuanced , intense , and wacky . he be Doctor who , with all the layer of previous incarnation bust out all over . sadly , the fifth season be be muddle by Moffat , do a turn as the infamous John Nathan-Turner . JNT also pick a young replacement and go on to ruin Doctor who . as to the decade of previous doctor , beware , not all be create equal ! you can not go wrong with the heroic and glam Pertwee , he doctor who : spearhead from space -lrb- Story 51 -rrb- Hartnell be great in the first story of doctor who : the beginning -lrb- a unearthy child \/ the Daleks \/ the Edge of Destruction -rrb- better to skip they and go to doctor who : the Time Meddler -lrb- the William Hartnell year 1963-66 -rrb- Tom Baker 's hippy who be a treat , mindful of a more creative period -lrb- before jnt -rrb- . there be a mysterious brain-drain in the 1980s , during the Thatcher and Reagan era , that result in horrible doctor . Davison , Colin Baker , and Sylvester McCoy be costume up in garb that prove producer jnt have no creativity or respect for fan . thankfully , the current generation reflect the real Doctor who in character and look , with the rag-tag thrift-store appeal of the original 1960s & 1970s doctor . this new generation of Doctor who restore the intelligent alien with the eccentric grace of Hartnell , Troughton , Pertwee , and Tom Baker . David Tennant be amazing as Doctor who , and give he all throughout he tenure , with he own mischief and sinuous mind . Tennant 's incarnation flare with the elegant and quirky mannerism of the brilliant who , `` I know what kind of hand this be , it be a fightin ' hand ... '' as Hartnell declare as he leap upon a opponent with glee , `` I be so use to outwit the opposition that I forget the gentle art of fisticuffs '' -lrb- the Romans : Story 12 -rrb- . the one reservation be that Rose be too much the wait pet , hope for the pat on the head , and she alternative life at the end be needlessly sad . the role of Jackie be pitch-perfect . Billie Piper act with amazing conviction . the character of zoe -lrb- troughton year -rrb- and Sarah Jane Smith be great female lead , brilliant and assertive . why could not Rose have just go on to a good life with she parent and boyfriend , grateful for the Doctor who experience , instead of mascara smear tear-stained grief ? give the girl a break . Elisabeth Sladen , wonderful in she second Series cameo along with k-9 , thankfully return in the -lrb- good , for kid -rrb- the Sarah Jane Adventures : the complete first season enjoy you virtual tardi . 519 Movies_TV POS 5 the movie arrive in great condition and perfect packaging . I be buy all the vaulted movie for Christmas . my kid will be surprise . 13 Movies_TV POS 5 my daughter be almost 4yrs old and regularly pop this dvd in before she reach for the original Cinderella . now I be not here to take anything away from the original nor do movie review where I attack the storyline etc. . the movie be just what it say , a twist . this be a very vividly animated , too funny and touching spin off . so glad I add it to she collection because its on heavy rotation ! 750 Movies_TV NEG 2 I order both the Walt Disney Peter Pan video and the Mary Martin Peter Pan video for my son at the same time and the difference between the two be shocking . Walt Disney have exaggerate to the point of stereotype many aspect of the story . for example , Tinkerbell , who represent a spirit in the story of Peter Pan , in the Walt Disney version be such a flirt and jealous , as well as overly concern with how big she hip be that the whole meaning of she be lose . the indian in the Walt Disney version be stereotyped as well and I be shock that as my son now say Indians do not have face . the Walt Disney version contain much unnecessary violence . all and all the Mary MArtin Peter Pan be so much more heart-warming and magical and fun . 319 Movies_TV POS 5 Peter Pan be one hour and sixteen minute and be release in theater on February 5 , 1953 . Peter Pan tell the story of a young boy who refuse to grow up , but at time act like a adult . the story begin at the home of George and Mary Darling whose three child -lrb- wendy , John , and Michael -rrb- . after send the child to bed , George and Mary Darling leave they home to attend a formal party . Peter Pan arrive at the child 's nursery to find he shadow . when he do , Wendy offer to sew it on for he . Peter Pan offer to take the child to never land and teach they how to fly as well with faith , hope and some pixie dust from Tinker Bell . by the way to get to never land take the second star to the right and straight on till morning . as soon as they reach never land they be fire at by Captain Hook . Captain Hook want revenge at Peter for cut off he left hand and feed it to the crocodile . Peter Pan save the child . later in the day Peter Pan rescue Tiger Lily from Captain Hook who want she to reveal the location of Peter Pan . Captain Hook eventually do find Peter Pan 's hideout and plant a bomb to destroy he . Tinker Bell come to the rescue and save Peter Pan . Peter Pan fly over to Captain Hook ship and the two of they have they final fight . in the end Peter Pan take the child back home . I know I leave a lot of the story out but I want to add some other information to my review . first this be the first Peter Pan that a male actor play the lead ; in previous play and movie Peter Pan be play by a female . it be Margaret Kerry and not Marilyn Monroe who be the model for Tinker Bell . in keep with the stage version tradition , Hans Conried voice both George Darling and Captain Hook . Peter Pan be the last movie the Disney 's famed `` Nine Old Men '' work on together . also this be the last movie to be distribute by RKO Radio Pictures . in this film version Tinker Bell actually have a body ; in the stage version she be represent by a beam of light . finally this be Disney 's 14th animated feature . Peter Pan be a excellent movie and get a aaaaa + + + + + . one foot note to add , watch the audio commentary host by Roy Disney and learn more of the making of Peter Pan . dvd extra Play Movie Chapter selection Set up Sneak Peeks I. Beauty and the beast ii . Cinderella II : dream come true iii . the hunchback of Notre Dame II iv . the man adventure of Winnie the Pooh V. Tarzan and Jane VI . 101 Dalmations II VII . magic happen Bonus Features I. The make of Peter Pan II . the Peter Pan Story - original 1952 Theatrical Promotional Featurette III . Audio Commentary host by Roy Disney IV . a exclusive look at Walt Disney 's return to Neverland V. Peter Pan still Frame Gallery VI . follow the Leader Song-Along song vii . Peter Pan 's Playful Prank Storybook VIII . Pirate Treasure Hunt Game ix . dvd rom VHS EXTRAS Previews I. Mulan II . the little mermaid iii . Flubber iv . the Brave Little Toaster go to Mars V. Melody Time Bonus Feature \* you can fly ! the make of Peter Pan 88 Movies_TV POS 5 if you like the fourth doctor , Tom Baker , you 'll probably like David Tennant . Tennant be a Tom Baker fan and it show in he act . I like he better than Christopher Eccleston of the first series . I just wish less of the new first and second series happen on Earth . overall it be a great series . 950 Movies_TV POS 5 I buy my video tape use . well , I think I be buy it use but when it arrive , well package from the seller through Amazon.com , it appear to have be unopened . the movie look great and the kid absolutely love it -lrb- 3 & 4 year old -rrb- . 236 Movies_TV POS 4 because the cover style , I think it be go to be a modern animated movie , but it still use the old style with no `` Great '' colorful quality image . but it be ok for child . 902 Movies_TV POS 5 the movie be better than the book , thank you Disney . timeless classic that it be , you do not have to be a child to love it . this be Disney at Disneys best : pirate cove , hangman tree , indian encampment , mermaid lagoon , and skull rock . I could live at mermaid lagoon . 919 Movies_TV POS 5 Cinderella III be full of suspense , and can keep you on the edge of you seat ! there be one or two scene that may be quite `` dark '' for young viewer , but my 2-year-old son just love the movie . if you be a fan of Cinderella , you will also be a fan of Cinderella III . 58 Movies_TV POS 5 again , after just one season , a new doctor . I love Christopher Eccleston so I be a bit sceptic but David Tennant be a awesome doctor . just as the first season , great story , great acting and also the special effect be very good . when Doctor who come back in 2005 , I like it , since then I love it , it be very addictive . also english sub be handy . 748 Movies_TV POS 4 I be very pleasantly surprise when I see this movie . most Disney sequel be unwatchably awful , and Cinderella II be not very good . however , Cinderella III : A twist in Time be , for a direct-to-video release , quite excellent . the animation be very good , the music be passable , and the plot be interesting , but what really stand out be the re-characterization of Cinderella and the prince . the prince be very flat in the original film , but here he be get a recognizable personality , he be nice , and he be not stupid ; the evil stepmother have to use magic in order to get he to go along with she scheme . Cinderella get awesome . in the original film she be nothing more than singing sugar and fluff , but here she have very realistic reaction to heartbreaking situation , and she get very strong in addition to still be nice and kind . one of Cinderella 's scene near the end of the movie even feel a little bit like a animated fantasy action flick . the end , though a little unexpected , be also very satisfactory . the only real complaint I have be that the beginning of the movie be over-the-top silly , and Anastasia 's romance from Cinderella II be not mention except for a single image in the credit , but overall , if you like Disney movie , Cinderella III be definitely one to get . 341 Movies_TV NEU 3 try to like this one without get too annoyed at the gov ' t agency with the giant tv screen in the main office , the nerd , the simplify version of computer -lrb- do that button clack get on you nerve too ? -rrb- . punch a couple of say button and a satellite can locate and watch a person run through the street of a major city ? although that camera in the lingerie shop be a nice touch . . now that would be more plausible . work for the big bad NSA in my service day , and believe I , they could never be that efficient . . it be a gov ' t beaucracy for cry out loud . on the plus side , you can not go wrong with Will Smith , Gene Hackman and Jon Voight . do have fun count how many scene have steam in they , not to mention the hazy indoor shot . I guess Tony Scott take the word atmosphere literally . love that fire dept too . from alarm to transport of victim within 60 seconds usually . just ask for a LITTLE common sense once in a while ... jeeze ... 440 Movies_TV POS 4 I be another viewer who have be a long-time fan of the original show . when I first hear about the new series a few year ago , I be unsure . in fact , I be sure that I be go to hate it . after all , I would hate the tv movie and I know that nothing new could ever live up to the best of the original series . -lrb- Though of course , rot pond scum would be a improvement on the WORST of the original series . -rrb- then I catch the first episode of the new series -- and shocked myself by love it . Enough to immediately buy the region2 dvd , which be the only one available at the time . -lrb- which be then replace by region1 as soon as they become available . it do not feel quite like `` Dr. who '' , but it be entertaining nonetheless , with good acting and good production value . now , onto series 2 . I have not see all of it yet . -lrb- Disc 2 of my set be defective , so until the nice folk at Amazon send I my replacment set , I have to miss out on Sarah Jane 's return . -rrb- and ... I like it ... the worst story -lrb- `` New Earth '' -rrb- be a bit better than rot pond scum , and the best come very close to the best of the original . but yes , it be a new series . yes , it be wonderful that it have the budget to do thing with a thousand time more flash than the original . but flash can not replace heart , and there be a definite lack of heart . and the sexual tension between Rose and the doctor -lrb- which be much stronger in the second series than the first , if only because Tennant be so much younger and classically hearts-throb gorgeous than he predecessor -rrb- be a poor replacement for the more fatherly love and concern that we see in the original . yes , any one of the doctor would have sacrifice he life for any one of he companion . sexual love be not require for that sort of emotional attachment . Tennent also seem to never quite convince that he be a alien -- a non-human character with exeptional intelligence , but with real characer flaw . he seem to teeter between utterly human and utterly god . on the positive side , the 2nd series get point for make at least a effort to remember its root . too often the doctor , and indeed the series -lrb- think console room -rrb- seem to completely forget that it have a existance before Rose appear . but here we see real Daleks and Cybermen . the doctor mention , however briefly , previous planet and previous adventure . and my daughter and I have a blast tick off all the similirity between the alternate universe Cyberman story here -lrb- forget the title -rrb- , and Troughton 's `` Invasion . '' now , if they could just remember that they be suppose to be tell compelling story rather than demonstrate they ability to generate fantastic cg character , they 'll really have something worth watch . 683 Movies_TV POS 4 even though I be a teenager , I still love this movie ! everything it be superb ! one of the thing that amaze I each time I watch it be the animation . the color be absolutely gorgeous , and the view from above England and never never land be truly stunning . `` Peter Pan '' also have a great musical score . one of the best song be `` you can fly , '' sing while the child be fly over London . the one problem I have with this movie be that there be almost no solo . after awhile , you may get tired of hear the chorus . otherwise , this a fabulous movie . I recommend it to everyone ! 12 Movies_TV POS 5 how can you go wrong with a story about eternal youth feature pirate , Indians and mermaid ? clumsy hand can ruin even a magnificent story but in this case Disney produce one of cinema 's great masterpiece . Peter Pan be as close to perfection as any film I have ever watch and not only rank number one in my list of Disney animation but be my favorite animated film by any studio even beat out the brilliant spirited away by Hayao Miyazaki . Disney 's Peter Pan have a extremely tight , well pace story without a waste frame or a scene that drag . the animation be bright , active and fluid . I would challenge fan of beauty and the beast and the little mermaid to go back and watch those film again and compare they to Peter Pan which look far better despite be almost 40 year they senior . when I be young I think of Neverland as a literal place while at the same time remove from we reality . in other word it be not simply in the imagination of wendy , John and Michael but be a actual location they fly to just not a place you could ever stumble across . the biggest complaint I have read about the movie be the use of broad stereotype of native Americans but in this case I always consider they more of a archetype of the childhood concept of a indian rather than a real native american tribe since they appear to live exclusively in Neverland . likewise , despite Captain Hook 's vow to sail away from Neverland it be hard to imagine he pirate crew exist anywhere else . I will not battle too hard over the usage of racial stereotype but I really do not think it be a sufficient reason to discount the movie . movie about child , write for child , tend to write child like small , overly clever adult . Peter Pan and the lose boy act like real child . they be impulsive , self centered and easily manipulate -lrb- ok , Peter be a bit more clever than the lose boy -rrb- . when Hook capture the lose boy and seduce they with life as a pirate they gleefully rush to join . even John and Michael trip over themselves to hop aboard . all loyalty to pan seem go . likewise Peter have no problem nuzzle with Tiger Lily right in front of wendy or laugh off when the mermaid attempt to drown she . when Tinker Bell convince the lose boy to try and kill wendy , Peter be not angry over the attempt murder he be angry that tink betray he . it be not that Peter have malice -lrb- although kill hook do not seem to bother he a whit -rrb- it be that Peter be about Peter and even he refusal to grow up can be see as a childish refusal to follow the rule of society and nature . what set Peter apart be that when he decide not to grow up he literally do not grow up . every character , even the peripheral one like big Chief and Tiger Lily , be wonderful . I could watch the interaction of Captain Hook and Smee all day long and although hook be generally play for laugh he be no fool and cleverly manipulate Tinker Bell to reveal Pan 's hideout . what I really love about the character be they unapologetic amorality . this be not a film about life lesson or personal growth . it be simply a fantasy adventure that make no attempt to moralize and I love it . Rottentomatos.com recently have a list of the 75 greatest animated movie and Peter Pan do not even make the cut and hold a very good but not excellent aggregate score of 83 % . I have no idea what movie 17 % of reviewer see but as I lifetime fan of animation Peter Pan be the one film I recommend everyone see . ignore the naysayer . 980 Movies_TV POS 5 after the astounding climax to the first season , I find it hard to believe that this strong debut would ever be top . the Christmas special blow those doubt apart , as well as set the tone -lrb- and some plotpoint -rrb- for the rest of the season . this episode be one of the most unusual in the show 's history , as the doctor be incommunicado for almost three-quarter of its run time . the payoff be huge , with the best debut of a doctor that I have ever see . there be so many great moment in those fifteen minute . see the doctor work out who he be . the swordfight . six word . Russell T. Davies really stamp he mark on the series with this episode . the succeed episode all , arguably , vary in quality depend on how high you standard be . the most annoying aspect be the inclusion of Torchwood - which on reflection be not as subtle as the ` bad Wolf ' meme from last season . for I , the standout be the perfect three episode run - tooth and claw -lrb- Russell T. Davies -rrb- , School Reunion -lrb- Toby Whithouse -rrb- and the absolutely superb and near-perfect Girl in the fireplace -lrb- from the brilliant Steven Moffat -rrb- . all , for I , perfect Doctor who episode and also great example of the different tone and theme that the series have explore throughout its long history . New series fan may be perturb that Rose get less to do this season . it be clear , in retrospect , that the focus be on create story for the new doctor . while Rose 's backstory run as a subplot in the background . in retrospect this be understandable , but be rather jarring on initial transmission . especially as Russell 's plan for this season be not entirely clear from the first few episode . the dvd extra be as great as ever . in addition to the Confidential Cut-Downs , there be also the dvd commentary . Dissapointingly , Steven Moffat do not get a turn this time round , although he do provide commentary in a podcast freely available on the BBC 's Dr who website . however Russell T. Davies do commentate on Tooth and Claw , and be wonderfully entertaining and informative . it be also incredibly please to see the new doctor - David Tennant - make a big contribution to the dvd as well . he contribute commentary to three episode -lrb- School Reunion , Idiots Lantern , Doomsday -rrb- . and also provide a whopping 85-minute video diary that cover the entire season . it be a suprisingly frank documentary , show David 's initial nervousness at both live up to the Legacy he so clearly idolise , and cope with the hectic schedule that seem to be the hallmark of this new series . big kudos to Tennant for provide such a generous look at what it take to be the very best in this fantastic series . in addition to be one of the best doctor 's ever , he be also a great Ambassador for the show . look back on it , the second series be much much better than the already strong first season . whether or not you enjoy it depend on whether or not you accept David Tennant as the doctor . and whether you can accept that this new series flatly refuse to conform to fan expectation of what a science fiction should be . this be Doctor who as big-budget Family Entertainment . in my case , the answer be a resounding yes . this second series have help in lay a strong foundation for what be undoubtedly the greatest run this much-loved series have ever have . if I could , I would give this 10 star out of 5 . more please ! 732 Movies_TV POS 5 Cinderella be one of my favorite ! and this sequel do the original justice . there be so much color and music and humor ! in fact , even though I think small child will enjoy this film , it be really make for those of we who be more young at heart . : -rrb- 864 Movies_TV POS 4 I think that this be a great movie . good acting and a great plot . the only problem that I have run into be that 1 hour 32 minute and 14 seconds into it the disk fail . I have 4 copy that be miss chapter 15 completely . they definately lapse in the quality control on this one . the picture and sound quality be great . if you have any problem keep on try new copy , this be a great addition to you collection . 569 Movies_TV POS 4 if you love the original Cinderella , you will not be disappoint . the story flow as if it be make not long after the first . all the character be the same and the voice be great . we enjoy this because we be Cinderella fan . my daughter -lrb- 4 -rrb- have to watch it over and over and over again . if you be look for a new movie with modern animation , however , you should try the Barbie movie . the animation be much more modern . we recommend the Princess and the pauper which have great singing . 873 Movies_TV POS 5 what a treat , to be as thrill with a movie as my two year old be . pan pan pan ! that be all we hear in we house now ! 769 Movies_TV POS 5 this release seem to have draw out more eloquence and expertise from Amazon reviewer than most . it be clearly warmly regard as a classic by the great majority . pc issue , or rather the non-pc issue have be debate with well-conceived and finely deliver statement by both side . as be usually the case in such matter , I do not imagine that the disputant have move a inch from they original position -- or ever will . as for myself , I hold sufficiently warm feeling for Disney 's `` Peter Pan '' to endorse the many five-star rating it have already earn . I clearly remember see `` Peter Pan '' during its first run , once at a grand and lordly downtown movie palace on San Francisco 's Market Street and again , a little later , in second-run at a neighborhood theater on Mission Street . I be ten year old at the time and recollect that the movie be a thing of considerable interest among my friend and schoolmate . the consensus of opinion among discerning ten year-old be positive but not ecstatic . much the same be true for the review that run in the old News , Call-Bulletin , Examiner and Chronicle newspaper . -lrb- why be I pour over movie review in four daily papers at the age of ten ? I have no idea , but there you be . -rrb- the big advertising hook for the film be that for the FIRST TIME EVER !! Peter Pan would be portray by a boy rather than a middle-aged woman . we ten-year old be , as I recall , singularly unmoved by that . most of we be particularly well disposed toward Hans Conried 's Captain Hook and to the Crocodile , of course . both be authoritatively pronounced to be real zorch . -lrb- a San Francisco nonce-word invent by a then-popular disk jockey . it quickly give way before the better know `` cool . '' -rrb- on the other hand , we moppet film critic also generally agree with we elder professional who hold that `` Peter Pan '' represent a artistic fall off from Disney 's earlier masterpiece , `` Pinocchio , '' `` Dumbo , '' and especially `` Bambi , '' all of which have be re-release within we time horizon . -lrb- I be pretty sure that the next re-release of `` Snow White '' be much later . -rrb- compare to those true classic of animation , we think `` Peter Pan '' look cheap , cheesy and flat -- although I be sure we do not use those particular term , rely instead on the ever-eloquent , `` it be ok , I guess . '' in 1955 come the first black and white tv version of the New York musical with Mary Martin . it return in a new live -lrb- on kinescope for the West Coast -rrb- version and again in 1960 , that time in color , I think . as I remember it , that version have much greater impact . Mary Martin be simply better at everything than Bobby Driscoll be at anything . the musical score be better , too -- brasher and edgier than the Disney tune , which even in 1953 be move well along the path to the familiar musical pap so beloved by Uncle Walt . that be then , this be now . Mary Martin 's three `` Peter Pans '' be mere historical artifact , while this `` Peter Pan , '' like its hero , shall remain forever fresh and young . 498 Movies_TV NEU 3 I watch this video with my child . it be the first time I have see Peter Pan since my own childhood and it be every bit as captivating as I would remember - with one exception . I wait expectantly for the moment that Peter Pan ask the audience to help he save Tinkerbell . it seem that the scene be cut short . without that critical footage , it just be not the same movie . 453 Movies_TV POS 5 I be worry about how much I would like the new doctor , who be essentially replace ` my doctor ' , but it could not have be a more natural transition . David Tennant be just as wonderful as the Tenth Doctor . he bring he own quirkiness to the character of the Doctor , while still keep some of the dark , emotional side bring in by Eccleston . Billie Piper be back , as well , as he companion . the chemistry between Tennant and Piper be equal to Eccelston , and possibly even better than the first season . season 2 bring back all the good thing about the first and add yet more to the Doctor who universe . it bring laughter and tear and a bittersweet conclusion that will have you reach for a tissue . if you have any doubt about continue on past season one , do not . Tennant deliver , as do the creative staff who have bring we yet another great season of we favorite doctor ! 768 Movies_TV POS 5 my grandchild love it and EVERY Grandparent should keep film like this to entertain the grandchild keep the little Angels quiet without a fuss since the actually like this product and will thank you for let they watch it . the never get tire of watch . 938 Movies_TV NEG 1 I be totally mislead on this purchase . I see no where that it be a VHS . I be under the impression it be a dvd . due to the fact I have no VHS anymore , it have never be use . unfortunately , it be a gift and until it be open , I do not know the problem . quite embarrassing at the time . also , I have throw away the packaging papers and can not return it . 753 Movies_TV POS 4 this be a nice addition to any little girl 's Princess video collection . not a academy award winner , but certainly not as bad as some of the Disney sequel . 310 Movies_TV POS 5 Will Smith do a excellent job in this movie . he be the best action actor I think there be right now . this be my favorite Will Smith movie out of they all . 508 Movies_TV POS 5 I love this movie . I have two child , I sit down , and I be so surprised how good this be . I watch the whole movie . my only problem be this should have be title 1 1\/2 . its like go backward . before Anastasia meet the baker and fall in love in number 2 . so thats weird . if you can get over that . and forget two its a great movie . my daughter say just to think of the twist in Time as number 2 ; and number 2 movie as 3 . she be smart enough at 8yr to figure it out and I do not have to tell she . but its a beautiful story , more of the prince which would be nice for boy and lot of action . I still give it a a + 323 Movies_TV POS 5 the BBC 's new production of its classic series , Doctor who , weather its first major casting change admirably . most actor remain in the lead role for at least three year , but for Christopher Eccleston , one year be enough , and he doctor -lrb- aka ` nine ' -rrb- die in the season one finale . in keep with who tradition , the Doctor , upon he death , regenerate into a completely new body . take the TARDIS control from Eccleston be another Russell t Davies alumnus , David Tennant -lrb- who headline Davies ' production of casanova -rrb- as the tenth incarnation of the doctor -lrb- aka ` ten ' -rrb- . Tennant have he work cut out for he , follow Eccleston 's marvelous turn as the Time Lord , but he make the transition so seamlessly that the character truly seem like the same man in a different body . aid this transition be largely the same writing and production staff , as well as the same co-star -lrb- Billie Piper as Rose Tyler -rrb- and support cast -lrb- Camille Coduri as Jackie Tyler and Noel Clarke as Mickey Smith -rrb- . it be to Tennant 's credit that he not only immediately put he own stamp on the character but maintain Eccleston 's level of chemistry with the support cast . ten be physically younger than nine , more brash , more impulsive , less torment by guilt , but still achingly lonely . he loneliness become a run theme throughout the season , touch on in nearly every episode . Eccleston play the doctor as he play Steve Baxter in Davies ' the second coming -lrb- a tormented otherworldly be -rrb- ; Tennant play the doctor as casanova -lrb- a young , lovelorn romantic hero -rrb- . the Doctor 's romantic attachment , in fact , become the vehicle by which Davies explore the central theme of loneliness . ten and Rose build upon and deepen the romance that nine and Rose begin in the first season . they love be palpable ; they be often literally willing to die for each other . in the UK , the series be family-oriented and rarely stray beyond the pg level , so this romance be never physically consummate ; the character do not even kiss . despite this -- in fact , because of it -- they feeling be all the more poignant . -lrb- and how often do we see a depiction of true and abide love on television that do not involve some kind of bump-and-grind ? -rrb- by the end of the season , the relationship have come full circle : the Doctor have teach Rose all he can ; it be time for she to leave he and put to use all the thing she be learn . they final separation be tragic but yet also hopeful : despite the sadness , the viewer know Rose will thrive in she new environment . Billie Piper 's send-off could not have be more positive or more lovingly write -lrb- and it leave open the possibility of she return to the series in the future for a guest spot -rrb- . nobody who leave who be ever truly go . the tremendous `` School Reunion '' bring back a old fan favorite , Sarah Jane Smith -lrb- Elisabeth Sladen -rrb- . again , romance be the means by which Davies explore the Doctor 's impact on he companion ' life . the story be beautifully write : suspenseful , funny , romantic , and poignant . Sladen slip back into the role effortlessly , and Anthony Stewart Head provide a wonderful villain in the sinister Mr. Finch . romance also infuse the imaginative `` Girl in the Fireplace , '' in which a army of clockwork repair droid from the fifty-first century stalk Madame de Pompadour -lrb- Sopia Myles -rrb- . the doctor be clearly smite with the young Reinette , but the episode 's conclusion showcase how the heartbreakingly short human lifespan will always thwart such attachment . but romance be not all the second season have to offer : old foe return -lrb- Daleks , Cybermen , Cassandra -rrb- as well as old friend -lrb- Harriet Jones , Sarah Jane , K-9 , Pete Tyler , the Face of Boe -rrb- . also , the setting finally get away from Earth for a few episode , and there be a couple of trip to Earth 's past . the recur character develop beautifully , especially Mickey Smith , who finally come into he own as a hero . particularly good be the two-part story `` the impossible planet '' \/ `` the Satan pit , '' which find the doctor and Rose in a bleak space station on a planet perpetually circle a black hole . but the real standout of the season might well be `` the Christmas Invasion , '' a hour-long special that air on Christmas day , 2005 . this episode allow the support character -- and by extension the viewer -- a opportunity to adjust to the new doctor , and it allow ten to establish he heroic bona fide . the guest cast be marvelous , particularly Penelope Wilton as the UK 's new prime minister , Harriet Jones . a argument between the PM and ten at the episode 's conclusion be brilliant , worthy of the West wing , show that Davies be not afraid to challenge he viewer ' perception of heroism and villainy . other highlight of the season be `` the rise of the Cybermen '' \/ `` the age of Steel , '' the chill `` Tooth and Claw , '' the off-beat `` love and monster , '' and of course , the brilliant finale , `` Army of Ghosts '' \/ `` Doomsday . '' of all the episode , only the disjointed `` fear she '' feel sub-par . the overall quality of the season be remarkable , give the amount of backstage shuffling that take place -lrb- e.g. , the timing of Piper 's departure be initially unclear ; a few episode undergo last-minute rewrite -rrb- . and yet another challenge loom ahead for Davies as he reinvent the show in the wake of `` Doomsday , '' which write out literally the entire support cast . only two season in , and a era have already end . much of the season 's success be owe to Tennant , who have quickly establish himself as one of the most popular doctor in the show 's long history . he own love for the series and the character shine through every moment he be on scene , and he effortlessly convey the Doctor 's past through he expression , body language , and vocal inflection . if Eccleston be `` Doctor Modern , '' Tennant be `` Doctor Classic-Modern , '' meld perfectly the older and more contemporary portrayal of the character . he chemistry with Piper be nothing short of magical , and he also play wonderfully off the supporting and guest actor . as with the first season , the second season be best view in pristine dvd rather than the hacked-up version show on tv . the boxed set include the usual extra ; viewer should make the Pudsey Cutaway \/ Children in Need special they first stop -- it be a essential prologue to `` the Christmas Invasion . '' season two be proof positive that Doctor who can hold its own with pretty much anything else currently on television . 29 Movies_TV POS 5 okay , seriously folk . you want to watch this series . I be on the edge of my seat for hour . if you have not see the first season , watch that first ; it help . but do not pass this by . I would write more , but I want to go watch it again . 992 Movies_TV POS 5 I be a Disney freak and this be one of my favorite . I buy this for my . 5 year old who have never see it before . he be hooked ! love it ! 73 Movies_TV NEG 2 again , Jerry Bruckenheimer make the believable unbelievably over-dramatized , i.e. con air , Armageddon , etc. . why be this guy still make movie ? too many people with little intelligence think that he movie be good . why ? 720 Movies_TV NEU 3 the review to this movie be really good and I be a Cinderella fan and have not see this one yet . I buy it and be slightly disappointed in the movie . it be just not what I expect . 217 Movies_TV NEG 2 i have always love Peter Pan , and I grow up watch this cartoon along with the Mary Martin version . but after see the new live action Peter Pan , I have to conclude that this version be dull as dirt !!! First of all , wendy and she brother be not supopose to be tell story ABOUT Peter Pan ... the kid be not suppose to have hear of he !! so when Peter fly in , it be very anti-climatic . wendy be just like , oh , Peter , you be here finally . Yawn !! I think wendy have a lovely voice but the character be just annoying !! all she do be babble on while she sew Peters shadow . there be zero connection between Peter and Wendy , and that be a big problem . Tinkerbelle be the best character in this , but , she do not even get she famous death scene where everyone clap to bring she to life !! hook use a bomb to hurt Peter instead of poisoning he `` medicine '' be really lame . worst of all , with the exception of `` you can fly ! ' all of the song be lame . do I even have to mention the idiotic `` Red Man '' song ?? eww . plus , the lose boy be not suppose to be moron with retard voice . very dissapointing . this bland version be ok for little kid , but , to get the REAL story of Peter Pan , watch the new movie !!! 263 Movies_TV POS 5 look great & the additional material be fun . I do not know a lot of that stuff , so it be fun to see all of the creative genius behind Walt 's work . 598 Movies_TV POS 4 this be one of the best movie Disney have ever make . the reason I give it four star be because the woman be make as the enemy in this film . but as a child that do not matter . you child will love dream that neverland really exsist . I highly reccommend buy this movie for you child . 324 Movies_TV POS 5 I think I prefer this latest doctor to the previous one and this series be better write and the story more engrossing . I think ` School Reunion ' beautifully act by David Tennent and Elisabeth Sladen as Sarah Jane Smith . I remember watch she the first time round and it be both touching and very sad to see how the after affect of travel with the doctor effect she . . the story ` the girl in the firplace ' be also well write and act . it also make I cry . doctor have to have at least 1 scary story and ` the tooth and the claw ' fill that criterion . by the end of the series though I be tire of Rose . she be loud and brash and frankly too immature for the Doctor 's interest to be crediable . the finale be well write but I be quite numb to Rose 's pain as she end most of the episode in tear and I be rather glad to see she go . 131 Movies_TV POS 5 the Doctor just keep get better with age . season two be every bit as engaging and creative as season one . to think that in 7th grade oh so many year ago I use to run home from school to see Jon Pertwee play the doctor in he first visit to US Television , and that I have love he and the series ever since . to see the character and the story finally get the production value they deserve , to compliment the always wonderful writing , be a joy to behold . the lady in the fireplace be , I think , one of the best doctor 's ever , and the return of Lady Cassandra ... well , what can you say ? great fun , great acting , nothing like it on american tv , or will there ever be ... 540 Movies_TV NEG 2 this be a gift for my granddaughter . I see part of the movie but be not impressed as I like more animation and less cartoon . 0 Movies_TV POS 5 my boy love this film . sometime my youngest get scared of Captain Hook . the story be great , and I think little boy can really connect to it . beautiful , fun music as well . 692 Movies_TV POS 5 my wife and I become instant Doctor who fan from the moment we watch the first episode of Series 1 . I be worry when Christopher Eccleston leave the show , but David Tennant have turn about to be a excellent doctor . the Third Series will be a instant buy when it be release later this year . 942 Movies_TV POS 5 make you think , too . maybe `` they '' be not so far away from be able to do that ... I no longer pick my nose , not even alone in the bathroom ... they ... might ... be ... watch ... 412 Movies_TV POS 5 it be a thriller about how powerful technology in the wrong hand 315 Movies_TV POS 5 as one of we honorable reviewer have mention , there be some technical discrepency involve in this movie . like the ' 3d rotational ' computer engine . and the lack of forensic evidence on the senator 's body . and the magical ability of gene hackman 's character to do just about anything he want to electronics in the back seat of he el-camino . but i do not mind ; if life have teach I anything , it be that screenwriter do not often have the firmest grasp on science . then again , oftentimes movie write with gap in scientific understanding be the most enjoyable . if you get catch up in the diode and antenna of the prop , you miss the premise , which be , ` what if the gob ` ment really be plot against we ? ' - and on that premise , this movie do well . factual discrepency aside , this be a good screenplay . it be grip and engage ; we be present with a real-life situation that follow it be cinimagraphic tangent to fruition . the actor give fantastic performance - especially the lead . it be shoot in a manner that add to the paranoid atmosphere of the film ; presumably it be what Tony Scott and Jerry Bruckhimer have in mind . all those thing sum to make a good movie . be a eec geek from Gen-X , i particularly like the interaction between the younger character in the film . Will Smith , as i say , have he first gig not play himself , and he come off well . anyway , i enjoy this film enough to buy it -lrb- my disc do not have any defect , although my friend 's first one do -rrb- and i think you will , too . 360 Movies_TV NEG 2 I miss the day of Disney classic with good storytelling and good theme . unfortunately , Disney have not tell a good animated story since Tarzan . Pixar do it well , but Disney insist on recycle they old classic in the way of straight to dvd movie . Cinderella III be just another sophomoric recycling of a Disney classic . the plot be unbelievable and silly -lrb- how could the Fairy Godmother be so careless ? -rrb- , the character sound like every other animated character , the song be generic Broadway and all sound the same , and why do the stepsister have such beautiful singing voice ? in the original Cinderella , they could not carry a tune to save they life . do they tone-deafness all of a sudden disappear ? if you have child , this may amuse they , although this no where near capture the spirit of the original . the quality of this be no greater than a Saturday morning cartoon . 146 Movies_TV POS 5 I think the first series of Doctor who be amazing , but the second series just take my breath away . it be like a mixture of the x-file and slider . I be on the edge of my seat with each exciting adventure , wonder how Rose and the doctor be go to escape the alien or the robot or the zombie . Rose and she mother -lrb- although sometimes get on my nerve -rrb- be much more likeable this season . and I can not say enough good thing about the doctor . he be so charismatic and funny , yet serious and dramatic when he need to be . I can hardly wait for the third series . 624 Movies_TV NEG 1 we buy it and watch it with we daughter last weekend and I find it to be AWFUL ... I grow up with the Mary Martin lp and be in a performance of it when I be in about 3rd grade , so admittedly I know it better in the musical version and would not tolerate any deviation well , but YE god . cartoonish , offensive caricature of Indians , pirate , busy dad , woman and girl , a portrayal of Tinkerbell as homicidally jealous of wendy , and not even the redeeming `` clap if you believe in fairy '' line - that be completely leave out . I do not remember this version from my childhood and end up sorry that it be my daughter 's introduction to the story . 273 Movies_TV NEU 3 I would enjoy this a lot more if Hemalayaa be not constantly make ` sexy eye ' at the camera . it be a shame , the dance move be fun and you can get a reasonable workout from this video . but while you be work out , the instructor will be stare at you like you be a white chocolate and raspberry muffin , which be a bit off-putting . 596 Movies_TV POS 5 this movie -lrb- enemy of the state -rrb- do not only include a year worth of action-packed adventure , it aso include comedy , romance and mystery . I never take my eye off the screen ! if you look for excitment and thrill , look what in store for you . Will Smith and Gene Hackman make a gret conbination ! as you can hopfully tell , I love it ! 505 Movies_TV POS 4 although make in 1998 , a few year before 9\/11 , the movie be very timely with the event happen now in we world . and strangely , the birthdate of Jon Voight , Thomas Reynolds , the main `` bad guy '' in the movie be Sept. 11 . 71 Movies_TV NEG 1 I order the movie Cinderella 3 use . the condition say very good but the movie skip in the middle and then skip the last 20 minute of the movie and would not let we finish . I try call customer service to find out about return the item and be put on hold for over 7 minute . I be very disappoint in this product . 805 Movies_TV POS 5 I have always be a Doctor who fan , ever since I be 5 visit with my grandparent in England . we wont go into detail of how long ago that be . the act and set be wonderful . I can not wait to see another season of Doctor who . 857 Movies_TV NEU 3 after sit down and watch this movie for the 20th time this week , I must still agree with my special little guy that this be a great movie . he love it and that be important since it be a kid movie . forget about the cinematic effect or the lack of . the real important question be : do the kid like it ? my kid love it ! and I be sure that you kid will too ... why the 3 star , well the movie use some time `` filler '' scene with a native american theme . I find this scene to be abit unrelated and stereotype native americans\/canadians . too many politically incorrect reference that be out of touch with today 's society . I have to explain to my little guy that the movie be wrong and that these reference be not acceptable in this day and society . other then that it be a great film . 39 Movies_TV POS 5 this be a very fun dance workout dvd !! it get you move and laugh at yourself too . its in a nice format that you can follow and learn the step . I look forward to pop it in and have a fun time vs. dread a boring workout . thank you hemalayaa , this be wonderful ! 808 Movies_TV POS 5 the special Edition Peter Pan include the `` making of '' film as well as the original introduction by Walt Disney himself . bring the older classic to the digital arena be a great concept that allow you to view the picture and sound as they be intend . I give this disc the highest rating of five star for feature , picture and sound . better hurry , these Disney dvd 's be only around for a short time , usually sixty day . 77 Movies_TV POS 4 the tale of Cinderella , with she kind beauty and rags-to-riches storybook end , will stand the test of time as one of the most beloved child 's story . while Disney 's attempt at `` Cinderella II '' be a nightmare , the new story put forth in `` Cinderella III : A twist in Time '' be much more imaginative and satisfy for all . quick Synopsis : Cinderella have be marry to she Prince Charming for almost a year , and have never be happier . unfortunately , she evil step-mother and horrible step-sister be not so lucky . after Anastasia accidentally get ahold of the Fairy Godmother 's magic wand , Cinderella 's step-mother use it to turn back time and change the outcome of the tale ! instead of Cinderella 's foot fitting the glass slipper , it be Anastasia who squeeze on the slipper and steal the Prince ! luckily , Cinderella have she trusty animal friend to help she set thing right ... but she wicked step-mother be not go to make it easy ... this direct to dvd movie do a good job at create a imaginative new story with such beloved character . it even have beautiful new song , and plenty of twist and turn in the plot . just when you think everything be as it should be , and the story be about to get it be happy end , Disney throw another wrench in the mix and keep on go . while it be probably a good thing it go straight to dvd -lrb- it be not quite good enough for theater -rrb- , I think disney-lover will still find it a enjoyable film for the whole family . there be a few fun special feature available on the disc as well , include a interactive game wherein the viewer go on a miniature scavenger hunt around the castle and try to fix magical blunder create by that cranky cat , Lucifer , and those mischievious mouse . there be also a cd-rom for you home computer ! these be mostly special feature to entertain the child , but as Disney be always remind we , you do not have to be a child to be young at heart . bottom line , it be a fun new story , and it be worth the addition to any Disney library . 5 Movies_TV NEU 3 Disney be definitely let down the dvd communtiy compare to other company . aside from some artwork , this dvd have nothing else on it except the movie itself . good heaven for the price Disney charge , there should be a paint cell from the movie come with the dvd . the story itself be a classic . the animation have not hold up all that well , though I think some of that have to be due to the introduction of computer animation . none of the song be really noteworthy . 475 Movies_TV NEG 2 if you eye be not open already , the portrayal in this Disney movie be highly stereotypical and misguided . in this film some Indians be show as act like stupid , cartoonish , warlike primitive . there be a song in the film that be offensive call `` what make The Red Man Red ? '' . here be it be lyric : `` once the Injun do not know \/ all the thing that he know now \/ but the Injun he sure learn a lot \/ and it be all from ask `` how '' what make the red man red \/ let 's go back a million year \/ to the very first indian Prince he kiss a maid and start to blush \/ and we have all be blushin ' since . '' the author of Peter Pan , Mr Barrie , have also be criticize for he treatment of female character . most of the female character : wendy , Tinker Bell , Tiger Lily , and the mermaid try to gain immature Peter Pan 's affection ; and Tinker Bell make several attempt on wendy 's life out of jealousy , yet Peter show no empathy and ignore all of they affection with indifference . would you like child to watch and learn from this on how to understand Indians ? would boy watch this be help to learn how to grow up to be mature man , and have happy relation with mature woman ? would girl learn from watch this that its okay to try and have a boyfriend like a emotionally unavailable Peter Pan ? 45 Movies_TV POS 4 I remember loving Peter Pan as a child . as a adult I purchase the dvd for my child . the scene with `` follow the Leader , '' and the scene in the nursery be classic Disney . I also have a new respect for how creative the animation be for the time when it be create . I would recommend this Disney film , but as a adult , I notice thing that deter from movie . I still enjoy the movie , but I cringe at the depiction of the female of this film be nothing more than frivolous beauty with nothing to do other than fight over a non-pubescent boy . -lrb- there evidently be not a female writer on staff ! -rrb- I also have trouble with the indian portrayal . I can not decide whether Disney be poke fun at the way Caucasians perceive native Americans , or if the writer be typical of they time period . 629 Movies_TV POS 5 I have be watch Dr. who since Tom Baker be on the show . and , until David Tennent arrive , Tom be definately `` the doctor '' . the second series have to have some of the best , most interesting episode for this tv show so far . there be also blooper , a video diary by David Tennant , BBC Dr. who comercial , audio -lrb- and some video -rrb- commentary by various writer , director and actor -lrb- include David Tennant and Bille Piper -rrb- and , my favorite , a ten minute little nugget that the BBC put together for a charity . it bridge the gap from the last episode in season one -lrb- right after the doctor regenerate -rrb- to right before the season two episode where they land in Cardiff for Christmas . it be definately a wonderful dvd set ! 128 Movies_TV POS 5 how do you improve on the near perfection of the reborn `` Doctor who '' star Christopher Eccleston ? quite easily , when you have story like `` School Reunion , '' `` the Girl in the Fireplace , '' `` the impossible planet , '' and `` the Satan pit , '' to name just a few , but ... I be get ahead of myself here ! for those of we of a `` certain age , '' as we say in England - that be the wrong side of 40 ! LOL ! - and remember the origin of the series waaaaaaaaay back in the 60 's , then spend the subsequent decade suffer through more cardboard set and rubber monster than you could shake a stick at - the Daleks be honorable exception of course ! - the rebirth of the venerable doctor in 2005 be a revelation . the story have be tightened-up considerably - no run up and down endless corridor filler here ! - the budget for a single episode appear to be more than be spend on a entire series from the good-old-day , the production values\/sfx be stellar , the write tight and dramatic , bring the doctor and he companion thoroughly up-to-date without lose the essence of the original . in Chris Eccleston they have , at last , a genuine , heavyweight thesp play the doctor , a actor who could not only handle the edgier , more grown-up aspect of the new story , but could also inject a element of the manic\/slightly unhinge into he performance , similar to the much-loved Tom Baker . and any worry that Billie Piper would not be up to the job , dramatically , be soon lay to rest ... and how !!! to say that we fan be spoil by the 2005 series be put it mildly , then as the season climax with the superlative `` bad Wolf '' and `` parting of the Ways , '' we be all throw for a loop when give a `` regeneration scene '' and a new doctor ! what be the BBC think about , be they crazy ?!?!?! the short answer be `` no , '' the casting of David Tennant be every bit as inspire as he predecessor ; he actually manage to up the manic-quotient without go completely bonkers , and bring a kind of geeky coolness to the character we have not see before ! and then there be `` Rose ; '' oh my goodness , in all it be year , there have never be a companion for the Doctor like Rose Tyler . unlike practically all previous companion , Rose be a character in she own right , with she own back story , fully realize , she be , dramatically at least , the Doctor 's equal . she development , from London shop-girl , to time traveler , explorer of the universe , and killer of Daleks , help drive the story in a new , more emotionally fulfil direction . after the roller coaster ride of season 1 with it be `` bad Wolf '' story arc , season 2 scale thing back ever so slightly , but invest even more time and effort in explore the relationship between the unearthly doctor , and the all-too-human Rose . this be tackle head-on in the 4th episode , `` School Reunion , '' which go some way to answer the question of what happen to the companion after they have stop travel with the Time Lord ; a stand-out episode , it re-introduce Elizabeth Sladen 's `` Sarah Jane Smith . '' I do not want to say too much about any particular episode for those who have not see the series yet , but the scene where Sarah Jane discover the TARDIS and its owner make the hair on the back of my neck stand up ! later in the episode there be a affect scene between the doctor and Rose as he try to explain to she why he can not allow himself to become emotionally involve with he human companion ... he be practically immortal , we be not . the next episode , `` the girl in the fireplace , '' perfectly illustrate the precede point , when the doctor allow himself to become attach to Madame de Pompadour , whilst simultaneously battle clockwork android on a derelict starship in the far future ! `` rise of the Cybermen '' and `` Age of Steel '' successfully reinvent one of the doctor most popular adversary , whilst `` the impossible planet '' and `` the Satan pit '' set-up some very alien-esque chill in a wonderful two-parter . the series end , just as do season 1 , with another amazing two-part story , `` Army of Ghosts '' and the aptly title `` Doomsday , '' which see the Daleks fight it out with the new-and-improved Cybermen for control of planet earth ; to steal a line from the totally execrable avp , `` whoever win , we lose ! '' LOL ! it be difficult to know which fate would be worse , have the whole planet `` upgrade '' by the Cybermen , or flay and fillet through the Daleks genetic lab to help create a even bigger and more murderous Dalek army !!! this be a superb story to end the season , but be warn , the finale be ... emotional ! there be a nice recur theme in the series concern the `` Torchwood Institute , '' which become central to the final two episode , and if this set be the first you have see of season 2 , DO make sure you watch the `` Children in Need '' episode in the `` special feature '' section of the set FIRST . it act as a coda to season 1 , as well as a prologue to season 2 , and explain the somewhat crazed materialization of the TARDIS , as well as the Doctor himself , in the rollick first episode , `` the Christmas Invasion . '' any worry I have that the quality of the first season could not be maintain be unfounded ... if you enjoy season 1 , grab season 2 immediately , you will not regret it ! 134 Movies_TV POS 5 I thoroughly enjoy all 14 adventure of this complete Second Series of Doctor who , with David Tennant as Doctor who and Billie Piper as Rose Tyler , he sidekick . I buy this series because of a very positive review of it in the January WIRED magazine . 538 Movies_TV POS 5 everything go as say . get the dvd and it be brand new in it be original wrapping . make my grandson very happy as this copy get lose . 821 Movies_TV POS 5 this movie be one of the best to drop in 99 and I think this be will 's most serious and best perfromance yet . he take it to another level by play the role of a lawyer who get catch up in a big cover up scam . he bag get switch with someone els that contain a disk with some serious information . I will not get into it too deep as to not give away the plot , but the storyline be tight . after watch this movie I wonder if the thing they show really can be do ... well not `` if they can ? '' . . but `` be they do '' . it start of kinda slow but once the action start thats it . Gene also be good in this and give this movie the serious side to it , while will make the comedy . Regina King play a small role as the wife . this movie show u how far technology have come and how easy it be to find out someone background . overall I would not sleep on this movie . I do not really buy movie but this and the matirx somehow get I to fall into it . get it 339 Movies_TV POS 5 I think that this movie be one of the great . it be a high action , high tech movie . it also show how the government can get pretty nasty , and how technology have really come along , it be sorta scarry ... for Will Smith fan , he play a good part , be chase all over and all . for Gene Hackman fan , he also play a good really good part as a secret agent in hide that help Will Smith get rid of he `` stalker '' . for Seth Green fan , he play as one of Will 's `` stalker '' . he and he partner track he down where ever he be with satelight view , tracker , and lot of other high tech stuff . I guess to sum it all up , this be a pretty good movie . I would recommend it every person that like high action movie . 757 Movies_TV POS 4 I be surprise at how much I like this movie . it be a cute story and help I like the prince even more . it be a good length and tell the story in appropriate time . 364 Movies_TV POS 5 First off , the `` egg : '' Watch closely when they flash Brill 's info on the screen during the database search right after Dean 's `` phone call '' so heavily allude to in the preview . no joke , the dude 's birthday be 9\/11 . I almost fall out of my chair . if you have not see enemy of the state yet , please do . it be a wonderfully do conspiracy\/chase thriller with stellar act from Hackman and Smith , a perfectly tune score , and morose , paranoid overtone that enhance the work as a whole . if you have see it and you be just camp review to make sure nobody crap all over you fave flick , watch it again and pause when Brill 's id come up on the screen . somebody please tell I I be see thing . because the film 's subject matter make the coincidence a creepy one . 539 Movies_TV POS 5 I have love this movie ever since I see it on the Disneyland tv show in the early 1950 's . it absolutely enthral I . the masterful animation , the fascinating story and the uplifting music go a long way in make the delicious fantasy almost seem true . as in all good , juicy story , character give each other a rough time . Captain Hook stalk Peter Pan and even give he a deadly bomb ! Peter Pan also taunt the good captain . the crocodile also do he best to make Captain Hook 's life a misery . funny how the pc police never bring up these male-on-male confrontation . but once Tinkerbell get jealous of wendy , or the mermaid act uppity , then we be deal with female-on-female bullying , and that do not go over with the lady nowadays . never mind that it be a fact of life . as for the caricatured native american stereotype , that be all they be . unhappily , a lot of caricature be exaggerated image which have grow up around a kernel of truth . and they apply to all race . as a white male , my biggest nightmare be that I may someday actually look like Homer Simpson , Elmer Fudd or Popeye . but I 'll just have to take my chance . kid be very sensitive to the energy around they , and if you sit there watch Disney 's Peter Pan with they in a guard , pc resistance-stance , they 'll tune right into it and then get turn off . why not lighten up , and take this film on its own wonderful fantasy term ? that positive energy will enhance the experience for you little one . if ever a film be make for child , this be one of the best . 833 Movies_TV POS 5 the new Doctor who -lrb- David Tennant -rrb- have make this series fresh , exciting , and open it to a whole new generation . a great set ... would highly recommend . 482 Movies_TV POS 5 David Tennant marvelously prove himself up to the task of follow Christopher Ecclestone 's `` fantastic '' role as the doctor . some great character from the past return , especially Elisabeth Sladen as Sarah Jane Smith and Jon Leeson as the voice of k9 in `` School Reunion '' . it be also good to see Harriet Jones and the Lady Cassandra return from Series 1 and , of course , the Daleks -- include a scene that go further than the head-crushing scene in `` Dalek '' from Series 1 in make the plunger appendage no longer look quite as silly . as the Daleks do in Series 1 , the Cybermen make a great return , be much scarier than in the original series . the season end with perhaps the most moving goodbye in the history of the series . `` Doctor who Confidential '' and the commentary provide the same fun background information as for the Series 1 dvd , with the -lrb- too short -rrb- gag reel , David Tennant 's extensive video diary , and the new picture in picture format for select commentary be welcome addition . the one most unwelcome addition be the forced viewing of the ad for the Series 1 box set and the BBC America cable network upon first loading -lrb- or reset -rrb- the first disk . 935 Movies_TV NEG 1 the Peter Pan cartoon be a classic , but the problem with this dvd be that Disney put about two hour of preview on this dvd set that you be force to sit through before the actual movie come on . you can try to forward through these preview , but it still take quite awhile to click through they all . it be too bad that advertising be Disney 's first priority . 726 Movies_TV POS 5 Eccelston do a fantastic job as the doctor and Tennant just get better and better as the series progress . the wonderful thing about this incarnation be that you do not have to have be a fan from the early day . the show be accessible to new viewer , while hold onto the history - as evidence by Sarah Jane and K9 . the story tell be marvelous and it be great to see a show in this day and age that do not always wrap up at the end of the broadcast hour . this series have drama , humor , tragedy , everything you could want in excellent tv . for the new viewer , and the old , we learn more about how the doctor come to be the last of the Time Lords , and he give out tidbit of he history for the new viewer . when you get these dvd , sit back , relax and enjoy the ride . it be fantastic ! 983 Movies_TV POS 4 the new Doctor take a little while to get into the swing of thing , but when he do , boy , do he ! the biggest bit of stuff in this new season be a new doctor and the loss of a character . I 'll let you figure this one out yourself . do not want to spoil the surprise . however , I will tell you that you have to wait till the very end . 94 Movies_TV POS 5 I have never see Peter Pan in my childhood . my wife and daughter see a sequel -lrb- I think -rrb- while in Perth , Ozzieland , and be thrill . feel leave out , I order this special edition . not what they see in the theater ; but it be something that my daughter have average 5 run a week for the last three month . if she fuss over she dinner - the mention of a time out for Peter Pan get instant result . now to go find the sequel ! 170 Movies_TV POS 4 this serei be a treat . Rose be perfetc and the new doctor be just as interesting as the previous doctor Louis 232 Movies_TV POS 5 great suspense and awesome storyline . worht all you money 234 Movies_TV NEU 3 this be fun and upbeat . a decent workout and love the music . but they go from a slow pace to show you the move and then jump to a very fast pace . it be doable but will take some time to get up to speed . beware however one very dangerous move !!! she do a `` jump into deep plie '' move that be down right dangerous and could easily and severely tear groin muscle - a very very bad injury . no one should even try this move unless they be so fit that they can do those `` jump into a full split '' move like the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders . otherwise it be fun and have decent cardio potential . the music be fantastic `` get you move '' music . if not for the dangerous move , I would have rate it higher . 520 Movies_TV POS 5 Techno terrorism and conspiracy theory lay out for the general public !! I have many friend that do not believe that this kind of thing be possible none the less actually happen to this day . if you like gizmo 's , gadget and technology , this be a must see movie then ... 191 Movies_TV NEU 3 this movie have a great premise and some very good moment . Will Smith and the rest of the cast be okay . overall though , it be not very impressive , and it will be quickly forget . this be a great movie to rent some night , but I do not recommend buy it . 358 Movies_TV NEG 1 I never get the peter pan walt disney dvd . I want to get my money back or get the product . 26 Movies_TV NEU 3 Disney movie in general be just better than everyone else 's , but not so for sequel . Disney sequel be famously bad , with mediocre music and iffy plot . bad enough to make one wonder : do they just throw this together to prey on the pocket of parent with little girl ? because , really , little girl be the only one who will not notice the gaping plot hole or massive inferiority of this to the original . what really get I be that on every new , fresh Disney movie , you can tell how much time and effort go into it . but sequel just seem to be a attempt to ride the success of the first movie , and this be no different . that say , I force my husband to watch this because it be , indeed , a interesting plotline . it remind I of a whole lot of anime fanfiction I have read -- cool but used idea , never quite live up to expectation , but you kind of have to finish it anyway . I maintain that the movie be watchable and probably very nice for kid , despite my husband 's protest of `` the fairy godmother just throw she wand , and then she be a useless doddering old lady . not magical at all . what kind of fairy godmother just throw she wand ?! '' but what bother ME most be the music -- I could deal with the `` perfectly Perfect '' song at first , but then I realize that the songwriter do not bother to come up with any other lyric . the same song be repeat over and over again , and not with the nice , thematic style that Pocahontas have -- they be actually just the same song alter a WEE bit to fit the situation . mean either the note or the word , but never both . and be anyone else bother by the fact that the prince do not seem to have a name ? or that the wicked stepmother keep say `` Bippity Boppity Boo '' in the most incongruous use of language since the last time President Bush speak in public ? I watch it . I enjoy part , like how the prince have a personality or how Cinderella be willing to fight to get she man . but it be not the Cinderella of Walt Disney 's day . Walt would not have allow this to be put on the market like it be . he have standard . 85 Movies_TV POS 4 I borrow this dvd from my local library , but purchase it because it be such a fun workout . I expect to be more annoyed than anything during the workout , but actually start to have fun while vigoroussly shake my hip . it can be difficult to keep up with the action , however . the narration do not always give you a lot of warn prior to transition to new move , but that do not hinder my workout . 281 Movies_TV POS 4 action-wizard Tony Scott 's latest be a technically brilliant , visually stunnung experience that be also very frightening . let 's all pray that this will remain fiction - always . or be it already too late ... ? 23 Movies_TV POS 5 it always strike I that Christopher Eccelston 's Christmas Day interview with the BBC in 2005 -- the day that `` Doctor who '' be reboot for the 21st century -- be ironic . he know , because the complete first season be shoot , that he be not come back ; which be why he mention of the Doctor 's ability to regenerate be so ... tell ... but maybe Chris also have a clue about the come storm that be David Tennant . Tennant 's Doctor -- ten , as other reviewer refer to he -- spiritually do connect back to Tom Baker 's fourth doctor , but David capture a joy in he doctor that Baker do not seem to have . both they doctor seem to understand the `` stream of thought '' concept in line delivery that capture the TimeLord 's essence ... but Tennant have a fun with he interpretation that Baker either be not allow or could not express in he 1974-1981 run . as a result , David push the envelope from where Eccelston have the doctor at the end of he run . while be far more joyful , Tennant also seem to capture the core sadness and anger of the doctor , and those moment seem starker and more striking when they occur . because Russell T. Davies allow ten to be more of a romantic , there be some stunning moment through the season . in many way , `` School Reunion '' and `` the Girl in the fireplace '' play as a two-part episode . `` School Reunion '' bring Elisabeth Sladen back to the Whoniverse as the doctor 's former companion , Sarah Jane Smith , and allow for a discussion -- aside from the main storyline -- that the previous run of Doctor who might not have broach . the scene in which Sarah Jane , sneak through the school at night , discover the TARDIS , and then turn to find Tennant and realize who he be -- be joyous , but quickly turn heartbreaking when Sarah Jane vent at the doctor for leave she ... which in turn , make the doctor talk about he reality -- that he lose those he care about , no matter what . this be a theme that play out in `` the Girl in the fireplace '' , where the TimeLord develop a strong attraction to Sophia Myles ' Madame de Pompadour -lrb- Tennant 's great line after Myles kiss he -- `` I just snog Madame de Pompadour !!! '' -- be a wonderful kick -rrb- . Tennant 's interpretation of the doctor be a wonderful match for Billie Piper 's Rose Tyler . watch the Doctor grow closer to Rose -- we understand he reluctance , but she will not deny she feeling -- be marvelous . Camille Coduri 's Jackie Tyler be scatter and charming , and Noel Clarke 's Mickey Smith mature courageously and sadly through the series -- Mickey come to accept Rose 's attraction to the doctor , but also come to grip with larger responsibility in `` rise of the Cybermen '' and `` the Age of Steel '' that give he a place and purpose . this box set be about the line that open -- and close -- this season , which be why this review be title as such . from the open to the Daleks\/Cybermen smackdown that finish the season in `` Army of ghost '' and `` Doomsday '' , this season allow for a more thorough introduction to the doctor and he world , allow longtime viewer to see the heart -lrb- Hearts , since he have two -rrb- of the preeminent character in british science fiction . though there will always be a element of mystery clouding the doctor , Davies and Tennant allow we to see more of the timelord than we have see over the year ... he strength , he humor , he devotion to life and this planet ... in short , a greater understanding of `` who the ` ell he be ... '' , and this be continue in Tennant 's run in Seasons three and four . this set -- highly recommend . 932 Movies_TV POS 5 a movie for all age any time and any year , these set of Disney movie will stay for the rest of the Earth time ! the movie that take you away to the dream world , somewhere that you forget for about 2 hour all you problem ! 214 Movies_TV POS 4 I be extremely pleased with this . very fast delivery and nothing dent or scratch that i didnt already know of . also the delivery be fantastic ! it have only be a week after order it when it come in the mail and when it do i be thrill ! 318 Movies_TV NEG 1 do not realize this be not a `` english '' item . should verify that you be purchase a non-english item . also purchase book in foreign language do not know be non-english . 92 Movies_TV POS 5 this be a very good movie about be in the wrong place at the wrong time . in the overview of this movie this poor man , in the wrong place at the wrong time , lose he life . he be give something , which he do not even know he have . which implicate a high ranking government official in something that he do not want public . consequently he life be take away . he credit card cancel , he friend murder -lrb- he be frame -rrb- and the one person who can help he do not want to get involve because he know how the government work . the non-helpful person be part of a government agency in the past . Insights into the NSA and what they be capable of make this movie a eye opener . highly recommend movie . Watch it , think about it , worry about it . you must get the movie for the detail but this movie be one worth watch and one that will make you think . along with entertaining you while it be one . 497 Movies_TV NEG 2 I buy this video because of the overwhelmingly positive review . however , I think it be difficult and too high impact for I . most of the move be confuse . Hemalayaa make it look really easy and I be sure it be ... for her . however , for someone overweight like I , the some of the move be quite near impossible . the cool down be alright but overall , I be not a fan . 377 Movies_TV POS 5 after order the complete ninth doctor season , I want to get the next one to see how the show would progress . I be sad to see the ninth doctor change into the tenth , but I be still excite to see that Doctor who be still go . I receive this movie in great condition and before its intend due date ! I can not wait to watch it ! 221 Movies_TV POS 5 pick up where the first season leave off , the second season of who be true to the original BBC series . continuity be not a real problem for true Whovians . and as with series one , those who do not know much about the old series be still take in . quality production work all around . lot of location shot -lrb- thanks to have production in Cardiff -rrb- which make the show even better . back story with Rose 's family and boyfriend be continue , help give the show a anchor . David Tennant do a wonderful job as doctor # 10 . as one friend say , he make you say , `` Christopher who ? '' all in all , great all-around series . if you love the old Doctor who , buy it . if you hate the old Doctor who , try it out . if you have not hear of it all , buy it - you 'll love it ! 337 Movies_TV POS 5 it just finish in UK on BBC . actually very recent . better quality than new 1st series . they have have time to get kink out from long layoff of no show . good extra -lrb- hav not see they all . hour of entertainment . no skip . good qality . highly recommend . 733 Movies_TV POS 5 I be try to fill my movie library with the Disney classic so that my daughter will grow up know they like I do as a child ! Peter Pan be another great addition to the collection ! thank you for the good quality dvd ! 33 Movies_TV POS 5 Second Series and this doctor be HOT ! there be definitely chemistry between Rose and the doctor but the kid will love watch it too ! if you grow up watch Tom Baker as the Doctor , then you 'll love David Tennant ! 196 Movies_TV POS 4 this dvd be top . it start with Anastasia steal the magic wand . then Cinderella 's wicked stepmother turn back time , and make the slipper fit on Anastasia 's foot . some funny part include Anastasia step all over the Prince 's foot , and lack poise and grace during a dance much to the Prince 's dismay , and Anastasia and Drusilla 's food fight destroy the entire dining room and cover it with cake , and pastry . the King 's expression when he open the door , and out fly a cake , and he ask if he be in the right room . the prince 's expression when Anastasia step on he foot numerous time , and Anastasia 's apology . another funny part be when the Stepmother & Drusilla be change into a couple of toad at the end . some of the scarier moment include when the wicked stepmother break Cinderella 's glass slipper , and when Cinderella be banish on a ship out of they life forever . another scary part be when the wicked stepmother put Cinderella in a pumpkin `` coach '' wagon and tell Lucifer to make sure Cinderella do not come back alive . Cinderella 3 will not disappoint . it be worth the 6 dollar that I spend to rent it . 353 Movies_TV NEG 1 dvd do not even play through once - keep freezing and skip section . we buy as a Christmas present for we 5 year old - the new version be $ 30 more so we take a chance and buy use with a `` like new '' rating . we will try to return since we can not even watch the movie and we daughter be so disappointed . 62 Movies_TV POS 5 the purchase itself be simple and straightforward . Deivery be prompt . Series 2 of Doctor who have the newly regenerate doctor , into he 10th incarnation , get to know Rose with he new self . Rose be a little cautious at first , not have know beforehand that the doctor regenerate into a new body to save he life . they adventure range from lighthearted romp on alien world to both the doctor and Rose face some of they darkest hour . the series finale be exciting and heartbreaking all at once . overall , this be a excellent series for the show , and a ` must-have ' for a fan . 723 Movies_TV POS 5 I really do like the dvd itself , but the glue on the back of the case hold the dvd together fall off . just make sure in you third time watch they you have some tape or hot glue near by ; d 828 Movies_TV POS 5 we love it , the whole family . it have replace car and Cinderella as we 2 year old 's evening movie of choice , and we actually do not mind see it for the 40 something-th time . the song be great . it be interesting to see what we remember from see it as kid , and we catch ourselves sing the song around the house , off-key but much to we 2 year old 's delight . another great thing to share with she . probably we favorite Disney . enjoy . 391 Movies_TV POS 5 I love Mary Martin 's Peter Pan since I be a child , so when my 5 year old niece request the Disney film , I be please to be able to order it for she . she be delighted , as she mother have not be able to find the dvd . though not as enthralling -lrb- at least to I -rrb- as Martin 's version , my niece be thrill with it . and although I be near `` senior discount '' the idea of never grow up still appeal to I ! 393 Movies_TV POS 4 the new Doctor who series have a bigger budget and better writing than the past generation and it be ton of fun ! we prefer Christopher Eccleston in the 1st series as the doctor . David Tennant 's Doctor be just a bit melodramtic nutsy with a tinge of mushy humanism -lrb- a few too many diatribe about how magnificance of the human race -rrb- . otherwise , we have enjoy the 2nd series as much as the first and be look forward to the 3rd . we just might have to go back and watch some of the original series just so we know the history of the doctor better . 640 Movies_TV POS 5 `` enemy of the state '' remain the best film ever make by Will Smith . this be also Tony Scott 's best work since `` crimson Tide . '' `` enemy of the state '' be more than you usual thriller , this movie make you think . writer David Marconi write a intelligent screenplay that have a great , paranoid edge . like `` the X-Files , '' here we have the impression that no one be safe from the conspirator within the government . there be a great , technological angle and the action sequence be amazing . camera shot be breathtaking and the cinematography be rich and gritty as in `` The Rock '' and `` con air '' -lrb- like this one , Jerry Bruckheimer act as producer for those as well -rrb- . the character be also intriguing and interesting . the plot be complex and hard-hitting . this be a true thriller . 709 Movies_TV POS 5 great service . dvd arrive within two day of order . also offer to fix any problem with dvd and there be none . good pricing too . hat off Karen . will order more from you in the future . 428 Movies_TV POS 4 I recently buy this dvd to add to my repertoire of exercise dvd . I want to try the Bollywood workout because they look like they be so much fun in Bollywood film . well , as it turn out , they really be fun . with move like `` feed the chicken '' , you can not help but smile while work out with the dvd . Hemalayaa be gregarious and wonderful instructor . I find she enthusiasm infectious and I can not wait to work out again with she . the best part about the workout be that while drive to work in the morning , my shoulder and back feel loose . I typically always have a lot of knot from stress and lot of drive . however , this workout seem to really loosen up my trouble spot . my only criticism be that the workout be not more intense and the background dancer . now , with that say , it be nice to have a few dvd that be a little less intense on day when I be not up for something more . the background dancer on Hemalayaa 's right seem to be off most of the time on the dvd . it seem like the production crew know it and just film she face whenever possible . it can be a little distracting . overall , I be really happy that I buy this dvd . 27 Movies_TV NEG 1 the disc be make for eurpeon dvd player and it will not play in the we make dvd player . so it really suck when my kid see the disc and it will not play . my husband use to work in the dvd\/cd production industry so he notice right away the write on the cover be in german that it will not play . 125 Movies_TV POS 4 I go to a pre-screening of this movie with very young friend of ours , 5 and 3 , and my 15 year old daughter . have hate the original animated `` Cinderella '' , I be not expect much . but I really enjoy this one . the mouse be hysterical , Cinderellie turn out to have a lot of spunk and a good sense of humor , the stepmother 's eerily creepy , and the stepsister turn out to be a good egg . it have a lot of sight gag , and the writing 's good - plenty to laugh at and get carry along by . plus , there be still good princess value for the tiny one - pretty dress , dancing , wedding , etc. . get it , you 'll enjoy it , and will not hate watch it more than once . 865 Movies_TV NEU 3 this be a Disney classic , and I have fond memory of watch it as a little girl . there be one thing I would have want to be aware of , however , before my purchase . Times have change a great deal , politically and socially , since this movie be make -lrb- 1951 I believe -rrb- . the depiction of native american be very stereotypical of the time - they be dumb and ugly , and the pirate be much more accurately depict than would be true in a movie make today . these thing do not detract from enjoyment of the film , however you might want to think twice before show it to a younger child , or provide a explanation to a older child who be watch for the first time . 127 Movies_TV POS 5 Director Tony Scott combine with the ace producer of the crimson Tide and Armageddon to give we a non stop thriller that start off fast and get even faster . Will Smith play Robert Clayton Dean , a lawyer unwillingly catch up in illegal politics when the hidden video of a Senator 's assination be unknowingly pass onn to he by a old friend . Acadamy award winner Gene Hackman -lrb- Crimson Tide -rrb- and John Voight -lrb- Mission impossible -rrb- also add to the thrill and spill as `` tomorrow 's technology '' be be use today for moniter we every move . a new third-generation cold war have begin in the US government . also look out for the mistake at the end when Dean be flick channel on he tv and see himself on the screen . Dean look up at the smoke detector , indicate that the camera be hide inside , however when he look up , he image on the tv screen also look up , and when he look back at the tv , he be stare at himself , indicate that the hidden camera be not really in the smoke detector , -lrb- as the audience be suppose to believe -rrb- but somewhere in or near the tv in front of he . 633 Movies_TV POS 5 Peter Pan be the first movie I ever see in theater . I have be in love with it ever since . for a year I call my dad `` Peter '' . my email address be tinkerbell343 . I be Tinkerbell for Halloween 5 year in a row ! I beg my parent to take I to see Peter Pan on ice ! it be a brilliant story , one of imagination and adventure . it be full of fairy , pirate , and the want to stay a child . it be perfect for child -lrb- and grow up -rrb- , and I highly recommend it ! 427 Movies_TV POS 5 very fast shipping , great movie & in perfect shape when I get it ! brand new ! 788 Movies_TV POS 5 I be thrill when who be bring back -lrb- it should never have be cancel -rrb- . however , I be concern that the show would fail o have the feel of the old show . those concern be lay to rest when Eccleston be cast as the doctor . he performance be `` fantastic , '' and he early departure from the role have I very nervous . boy , be I wrong . Tennant not only live up to the part , he have eclip Eccleston in every way possible . he be easily best doctor since Tom Baker , and brilliantly mesh the serious and comdeic trait necesary to be the doctor . some of these episode really stand out and there be a nice mix in this set . blink may be the scariest who episode I have see -- ever . must see who !!!! 708 Movies_TV POS 4 most of we have see the original version of Disney 's Cinderella the story of a cinder girl who over come obstacle with the help of she fairy godmother to finally marry she prince , and live happily ever after . with that say , it be a beautiful animated film but quite honestly I think the original Cinderella story be too simple and kind of boring , but Cinderella III-A twist in Time be WAY ! better then the original film why because the story be richer and it have more layer to savor , also the animation be just as good as the original , yes I say it , ok most Disney film that be make just for dvd release have a very poor animation quality . but not this the second dvd sequel I love the fact that they keep the same level of animation and do not slack off just because its a dvd release like some of the other straight to dvd Disney remake . this one be a great one , and personally I think this sequel should of have a theater release because the animation stay true to what Disney be know for I highly recommend it , though the dvd only have a music video feature actress Hayden Panettiere , no audio commentary or making of short for we adult that be one slight disappointment , but over all a great film get it its very fun . 775 Movies_TV POS 5 if you enjoy the first season of the new show and feel apprehensive about season 2 , fear not - even with a new face , Doctor who be still a show that pack a lot of fun inside of a single hour . make the new doctor he own , tennant jaunt across time and space in a season of new show that alternate between funny & dark -lrb- often within the same story -rrb- , consistently surprising and - consider the end it go in time & space - thematically coherent -lrb- the joke become the tearjerker or vica-versa -rrb- . if the story themselves sometimes verge into tiresome or recycled , script and deft use of character make each episode a `` can not miss '' . -lrb- the new show develop strongly on the original 's excellent focus on secondary character or even one-shot character - witness expand role for Rose 's mum , and for Mickey ; Pete Tyler even make a reappearance - sort of ; there be even a episode tell entirely from the pov of regular human who chart the doctor 's exploit on Earth . -rrb- highlight for season 2 be expand role for Jackie & Mickey , a guest-spot for Sarah-Jane , run-in with a young Madame de Pompadour & a extremely unamused Queen Victoria , Cybermen , Daleks , one more bad wolf , the Devil himself and finally a episode in which it be reveal that tv be itself evil . -lrb- no , I do not make that up !! nor be I make up the fact that the world be save by ... Betamax !!! -rrb- while other sci-fi franchise slavishly cater and conform to fan ' idea of what the show have always be , dw spend most of its time go in surprising new direction . in `` the idiot Lantern '' , we find the doctor be he usual fun-loving time-hopper . yet `` the Girl in the Fireplace '' , display a more romantic , over-the-top chivalrous streak in the guy . the season culminate in a three-story arc involve the origin of the Cybermen and the unveiling of Torchwood , IMO , the weakest of the series . the Cybermen , it be reveal , be develop on a parallel-earth where it be always sunny and the sky be full of airship . -lrb- the opening shot look like something off a Led Zeppelin album , or the cover of a `` Luther Arkwright '' story . -rrb- posit a cold & calculate race artificially develop by a wheelchair-bound evil-maniac-genius , `` Age of Steel '' draw inevitable comparison to `` Genesis of the Daleks '' from 1975 , without match that classic story 's moral dilemma nor the desperate circumstance that underlie the Dalek 's creation . -lrb- in `` Genesis '' , crippled-genius Davros have be task to create mobile armor to house\/sustain a new generation of Kaleds - a race of alien doom to horrible mutation due to the effect of a endless war ; no similar society-wide pressure seem to mandate the creation of Cybermen , and they creator Lumic have all the mad-scientist dash of `` Doctor Evil '' . -rrb- instead , the high-point be ironically `` the Satan pit '' , which name aside , surpass its obvious debt to the disappointing movie `` Event Horizon '' and create some of the most compelling and outright scary hour of `` Doctor who '' . in that ep. , part of a 2-story arc , the Doctor land on a dead asteroid hover at the edge of a black hole that have devour countless civilization . a team of human ceaselessly drill to the core of the rock hope to learn how the asteroid have manage to escape the black hole . mix great effect and tension , the story be a great example of how both the new and original show highlight guest character . whether you be a fan of the old series or never catch on , season two show why you 'll be hooked . 655 Movies_TV NEG 1 beware ! you dvd from amazon will come without its cardboard slip cover ! this make this dvd worth \*\* a lot \*\* less as far as a collector 's standpoint . do I miss something in the description ? why no slip cover . . shame on amazon . I think they only sell complete retail dvd . 559 Movies_TV POS 5 Peter Pan have good animation . I think that everyone should see this movie . in the movie neverland be a neat place . the voice be good and some of the movie be funny . my favorit character be Peter Pan . everyone should own this movie ! 129 Movies_TV POS 5 this be a great buy for I ! ive be look everywhere for Peter Pan but its in the Disney Vault ... not easy to explain to a 4 yr old !! it be a little pricey but well worth the money at the end of the day ! the seller be great ! she ship promptly and it arrive in the condition she say it be in . totally unopened ! Great buy for I ! 209 Movies_TV NEG 1 I love this movie but unfortunately when i begin watch the dvd , it begin to freeze on certain scene then skip minute of a scene . Super disappoint that i pay for a damage dvd . the description say `` like new '' but it be obviously damage and the cover and disk look overuse with some previous owner 's name write all over it . 18 Movies_TV POS 5 I have actually have this set in my collection since last November . I be not sure what happen to my original review . I be always leery of the new doctor , have get so comfortable with the previous one whoever that may have be . Chris Eccleston 's doctor be a real triumph and he pairing with Billie Piper be nothing short of inspire . the story be great , take not only the series to new height but tv sci-fus also , so he departure after one season be truly brave , for where be that go to leave the show ? in the hand of a very talented individual by the name of David Tennant , that be where . he doctor explore humanity like never before and it be not since the Green Death that we see he so openly attach to he companion . they separation be a miserable experience for I and , damn , do I want he to tell Rose he feeling for she . she know it , he know it , we all know it but just say it ! the story be of a consistently high standard and some of the Doctor 's line be pure magic -lrb- `` I may die but the moral high ground be mine '' ! -rrb- this show have not only hit its stride but come of age . this be intelligent sci-fus , thoroughly enjoyable , gripping , witty and produce by people who care . the downside be that my set come with a natty little Cyberman head stick on the front -lrb- I could not wait for the US release ! -rrb- . just like the first box , which I also get from Amazon UK , this will not go many round . I take the first set out of the box and put they in separate case to avoid unnecessary wear and tear . perhaps I should do this again . this be a minor quibble , I suppose . the point be that the BBC have produce world-class television . that this television be my favorite ever show be a very good thing . enjoy the show , one episode after another . Tennant 's Doctor rock . 639 Movies_TV POS 4 I love the original , number 2 be ... ok at best , and number 3 be much better than number 2 . we -lrb- mom and two kid between 2 & 6 year old -rrb- really enjoy the movie . I wish that Disney have leave out some of the sarcastic comment , not make Cinerella so wind-blown attractive and such . it would have be very nice if they have go back to more of the original scripting . oh , and `` Gus '' ... the mouse ... not a good voice match on that one at all . Cinderella , the evil stepmother , Lucifer , the Prince and the Grand Duke have good voice matching . all in all a good family safe movie , some of the old dark black magic Disney be know for peek out -lrb- yea ! -rrb- , the evil stepmother be still very evil and Lucifer be still a `` bad kitty . '' you should add it to you collection . 486 Movies_TV POS 5 Dance workout be not something I enjoy , but after pick this up for a friend who love dance workout , I preview it & the instant I start watch I could not help but join in . the instructor be great , as be the music . I also greatly appreciate the fact that the dvd have a music only option , so when you want to move the way the spirit move you , you be free to do so with no voice over give direction . instructor encourage you to smile , have fun & laugh at yourself , and be very positive throughout the entire workout . I highly recommend this if you want to have fun , feel better about yourself , and at the same time start or change pace in you fitness journey . 774 Movies_TV POS 5 the CD arrive as schedule in perfect condition . it be new and shrink wrap as represent . we have play the CD for my granddaughter and it be wonderful . the product match we expectation . Peter Pan -lrb- 2-disc platinum edition -rrb- 366 Movies_TV POS 5 it be a nice , effective workout that be fun to do . ok , so maybe it be not the hardest of cardio but it be especially good for those among we who find it hard to motivate themselves to move they body . 648 Movies_TV POS 4 nothing wrong with you service . I decide to rent this exercise dvd from netflix , to see if I wsa up to it . I learn some good tip , but it be a bit too advanced , for I , to even spend the price list . thank you . 883 Movies_TV POS 4 this movie really put you at the edge of you seat . although Will Smith be good as Dean in the movie , I would think that Kurt Russell be a better fit for the role . this intelligently craft movie be so convincing that will make one wonder , if technology permit , will the world really be one where you can not hide from what you do and maybe what you think too ? check those corner for bug ... 345 Movies_TV POS 5 the return of Dr. who be the most exciting thing that have happen to Science Fiction TV since Star Trek The Next Generation premiere -- and much less disappointing . David Tennant be a funny , versatile , sexy doctor . although I miss the edginess of Christopher Eccleston , Tennant be terrific -- immediately likable . he be like a doctor with add , sometimes almost manic in he characterization , sometimes sad , very emotional , but always with a very firm set of internal guideline and invincibility . this doctor have accept who he be , have come to term with the life of a Time Lord , and more than anything let you see how alien he really be . this season have some of the saddest episode I can recall - three real tear jerker , and for the first time we actually get to see the doctor in a potentially romantic capacity . I love he delight in explore the universe -- when confront with a huge , menacing werewolf he first reaction be , `` beautiful ! '' Billie Piper as Rose be a good counterpart to this as they both frequently get catch up in the fun of travel -- yes they be face horrible villain and have to save the world on a episodic basis but they be also just plain have fun . it be a delight to see Elizabeth Sladen back as Sarah Jane Smith and also to see k-9 back . although I be not completely happy with the bitter portrayal of Sarah Jane , I can see what the writer be do and can see that it make sense in light of the story . I do wish the series have not spend so much time with Rose 's family . more than half of the episode center on Rose , she mother , she father and Mickey and it be , frankly , tiresome . companion be not suppose to have baggage ! I realize that the writer be try to explore this aspect of the show because it have never really be do before however that be always be part of the charm of Dr. who -- the thought that he can pick up a companion , take they out of time and space with no thought for whomever they might leave behind . that be a minor quibble , however . Dr. who rock ! Dr. who rule ! long live Dr. who ! 439 Movies_TV POS 5 we all know the story of Peter Pan , about how the boy who never age bring wendy darling to never land , fight Captain Hook , lose he shadow , the second star on the left , we can fly ! , and Tinker Bell . we know the story , we know the detail . so , why this platinum edition ? because Peter Pan have never look better and honestly , the movie age very well . Peter Pan feel fresh against much of the modern day animated fare out there , especially that be put out by Disney -lrb- Chicken Little , anyone ? -rrb- the First Disc contain the wonderful movie , a commentary track , and then the rest be for the kiddie . Peter 's Playful Prank be a picture book aim at the youngest reader and you can read it to you child , let you child read , or let the dvd read narrate the picture book . then , there be a preview for the Tinker Bell movie -lrb- gag I with a spoon , the movie look very , very cg and not at all in the classic hand draw style which be a Disney hallmark -rrb- . the last feature on the first disc be a option to jump to any of the song in the movie and have the lyric on screen . this be a fun feature and the best of the bunch , but obviously this disc be for the kid . Disc 2 be mostly for the adult . outside of some dvd game and a couple of music vido for the kid , the rest of the disc be for the Disney Buff . we get to see a song delete from the film and sing along to original artwork -lrb- not animated , though -rrb- . then Richard Sherman take we to a song which be never complete , so he go and complete it and Paige O'Hara -lrb- the voice of Belle from Beauty and the beast -rrb- sing it . interesting look . the best part of the second disc be Backstage Disney . this be where the history be . Uncle Walt give a explanation on why he make Peter Pan , there be a making of , some art gallery , a featurette from 1952 , and two more documentary . adult who want to go behind the scene for this movie will enjoy this section of the dvd . Disney do well by they fan with the platinum edition and they do not fail here . - Joe Sherry 16 Movies_TV POS 4 my young niece Sarah and nephew Caleb be terrify of Walt Disney 's 1953 animated feature , PETER PAN -- the crocodile , a band of pirate , Captain Hook with a hook hand , a rock slide that seem to momentarily kill Tinker Bell . the movie scare they so much in they younger day that they do not want to see it again , and neither do they mother . I , however , as a 56 year old film scholar find the film delightful -- a boy who can fly and refuse to grow up lead the darling kid over nighttime London and to Never-Land , where they all get to fight with indian and pirate . there be a Skull Rock , and a pirate cove , and a beautiful pirate ship . it be all just marvelous for adult . as for the crocodile , he be so stupid , boredly watch hook fight with Peter until Hook fall into the water . and Hook be a irresistible pirate for kid of all age . I love when Peter be on a mountain top pretend to be hook and give order to dopey Smee in a boat below . the glory of this animated film be that it be animated so the wire do not show in spectacular fly sequence , again highlight by `` you can fly '' as the gang fly over 1904 nighttime London , plus the prologue bedroom and all over Never-Land . hook have a real metal hook he deliciously screw on . Tinker Bell be a real , jealous fairy and not a spotlight on stage . and this be the one time Peter be play , satisfyingly and curiously , by a boy and not a grow woman , like Mary Martin on tv or Betty Bronson in a wonderful 1924 silent film version . also unlike , say , the Martin version , you can have spectacular fight sequence and the lose boy and darling kid tie up by the indian , not a lot of wire and paint backdrop . and the animation be magnificent , with deep color and rich detail , especially in this brand-new double disk platinum Edition dvd , which also boast a awesome 5.1 Disney enhance Home Theatre Mix soundtrack . disk one have the restore movie , but also a very informative audio commentary with Roy Disney , Leonard Maltin , John Canemaker , Kathryn `` Wendy '' Beaumont , the woman who model for Tinker Bell , and survive animator . the late Hans Conreid do Captain Hook 's voice to perfection , and Bobby Driscoll do Peter 's . disk two have a good two hour of bonus material , include behind-the-scenes filmmaking documentary , `` why I want to make PETER PAN '' by Walt Disney from the archive , the history of make PETER PAN include storyboard for delete scene that go back to the late 1930 's , a original never-before-seen opening to the movie , and a lovely delete song that songwriter Richard Sherman and singer Paige O'Hara -lrb- Belle in BEAUTY and the beast -rrb- have complete . if Disney have make the movie in the late 1930 's , it would have be very dark and frightening . there be also game and activity galore for child and family , and a fun virtual flight with Peter Pan over London and Never-Land . this PETER PAN have be painstakingly remaster and restore . the 1953 classic have never look nor sound this colorful and tuneful . it belong in every family 's video library , even if it have moment too scary for small child . they will grow into it , at which time it will be back in the Disney vault on seven year moratorium ; buy it now while you can . 917 Movies_TV POS 5 I love Doctor who and the 10th doctor do not disappoint . we enjoy every episode and the bonus feature on the dvd be nice . I especially enjoy the Doctor who Confidential and David Tennant 's Video Diaries . now I need to wait for the third season to arrive . I do hope that this series get pick up and air in the States . 408 Movies_TV NEG 1 I be very disappointed . I get the movie and it do not work . I try to contact the seller but they no longer respond to mail - whatever that mean . 75 Movies_TV POS 4 this movie be scary in the fact that most of it what it show could in fact be do today . at least that be true several year ago and if anything I would suspect that it be even more so . the movie definetly hold my attention . 25 Movies_TV POS 5 I can not add anything to the praise for this film . if you love Disney film , this be consider one of the classic . I just wish to briefly comment on the criticism of the lack of a widescreen version . the first widescreen film , the King and I , be release in 1956 . previous to this all film be full screen . Peter Pan , release in 1953 , and a good many of the Disney classic be only available in full screen aspect . this be not the pan and scan alteration of a original Widescreen format . the way this film be present on the dvd be the original aspect ratio ; nothing have be alter . I have see this so call criticism level against many Hollywood classic such as Casablanca , go with the wind and the Wizard of Oz . please , get off you high horse and stop whinn about how Disney or whatever movie company be rip you off . none of these film ever have a widescreen version to begin with . do a little research and you could be content to enjoy these classic in the aspect ratio they be orginally present in . that all I wish to say . 192 Movies_TV NEU 3 my 4 year old daughter love anything princess and therefore love this movie with its `` happily ever after '' end . as a adult , I be disappoint . since I have never see the second movie I do not know if the sister Anastasia change , but she be different in this movie . how do someone so spoil and mean become the character she be in iii ? also , the king be no longer interested in grandchild , but true love , which be not part of he character in the original . I guess what I be say be that the character do not seem to line up with the original character . I will say there be some redeeming thing about this movie ; namely that Cinderella be more independent and resourceful here . 725 Movies_TV POS 5 this be a great adaptation of the story . it be a favorite of mine grow up , and it still enthrall the kid here at home . 969 Movies_TV POS 5 Disney always have great movie for several generation . my 3 yo daughter love it and we sing all the song together . she love disney world even more when we visit . 293 Movies_TV POS 5 I have like all the version of Peter Pan make over the year -lrb- such as hook , and more recently P.J. Hogan 's Peter Pan -rrb- , but Disney 's 1953 version will always be my favorite . I have love this movie since I be a young , and I still enjoy watch it today . the music be terrific , the animation be beautiful , and -lrb- despite what other may think -rrb- wonderfully depict J.M. Barrie 's classic novel about a boy who would not grow up . I would recommend this to anyone who enjoy classic Disney film and\/or the original novel . 222 Movies_TV POS 5 the dvd come the next day after I order it . I be pleasantly surprised and watch the dvd that evening . it be a great purchase . 407 Movies_TV POS 5 what a fun time this series be . I can not stand the wait to get back to the next great adventure ! 626 Movies_TV POS 5 I be 22 , and be watch this movie since I be 4 or so . it be get everything a boy could want . the ability to fly , fight pirate , meet and chat with mermaid , and kiss a indian princess . you child will enjoy this , I still do . buy this now !!!! 484 Movies_TV POS 4 so you want to try to never grow old . you could pick no better movie to try with than Disney 's Peter Pan . the story parallel Barrie 's unforgettable novel almost perfectly . wendy tell story of Peter to she younger brother . Peter hear these story from outside wendy 's window and decide to take she to neverland with he so that she can share she story with he `` lose Boys '' . with one of the strongest song in the Disney library , `` you can fly '' to Neverland and watch the rest of Peter 's adventure with wendy . Captain Hook be one of the most memorable Disney villain ever , especially with the croc chase he almost every time you see he . Tinkerbell eventually become one of the most see of all Disney character . and the portrayal of Peter Pan be dead on to the original material - he really be `` the boy who never grow up '' . the many extra pack into this single dvd , include a sing along -lrb- = without = `` you can fly '' ? horror ! -rrb- , the usual `` making of '' featurette , and some wonderful commentary by Roy Disney and many of the original animator , make this disc almost a must buy for Disney fan . highly recommend for any family with child . highly recommend for any collection of animation great - almost irreplaceable in a library of Disney classic . 521 Movies_TV POS 5 I simply love `` Peter Pan . '' Disney do a outstanding job digitally process this film to make its color bright and vivid on the screen . the sound be wonderful as well . there be some really nice dvd extra include with this film but I have yet to tackle all of they . I be too busy enjoy the actual film itself . it be a wonderful tale not only for youngster , but kid of thirty -lrb- like I -rrb- or more year as well . what be not to love about the film ? it have a high sea adventure and a boy who never want to grow up . it be get Tinkerbell who have become a force of she own as note by she upcoming film . it be get Indians , pirate , and a crocodile with a clock in he belly . of course , while most folk cheer on Peter Pan in he adventure , I be sure most of we also long to see the wickedly fun Captain Hook have he day . in all , it be as close to the perfect adventure as you can get . this film beckon for the day when we could play cowboy and Indians without the fear of offend anybody . it come from a time when we imagination be allow to run free . it be childhood capture on celluloid , and it be worth every penny to purchase it . highly recommend to anyone who have child or be a kid at heart . 686 Movies_TV POS 5 do anyone denounce the jealous rage of Tinker Bell , the petty antic of the mermaid or Peter 's sometimes cruel spirit actually read the original book ? no ? I do not think so . what be leave to say ? this movie be a Disney classic and hold a special place in the heart of many adult . however , the indirect racism and stereotype may not be appropriate for today audience and they parent 's undue concern with political correctness and empower view of femininity . the film be very date , but no more than the other animated feature from this time period . the film also do not accurately reflect the original novel , but none of Disney 's classic hold very true to they inspiration . this film be a beautiful example of light hearted entertainment of a bygone era . the old Disney classic be in a league all they own and modern child 's movie just can not touch they . if you be a parent concern with the indirect racism and old fashion view just look to the humor in today 's child 's film . sexual innuendo , toilet humor , political stab , many of which go over the head of the little one . what make outdated stereotype any worse than the derogatory humor use in today 's cgus cinematography ? at least these older film be intelligent and encourage child to dream big and use they imagination . the platinum edition of Peter Pan be a must have for any Disney collection . as you child get older show they the other adaptation , such as the live action and encourage they to read the book . there be no reason not to challenge a child . that be what these classic do , they open door to other means of enjoyment and enrichment for child . a lot of parent today really miss that point . 233 Movies_TV POS 5 a great copy of one of Disney 's best . now all we can still hope for be the eventual release of `` song of the South '' . 394 Movies_TV POS 5 I have be watch Doctor who for decade . I have love they . I be happy to season the Doctor come back . last season be great , and what we family have watch thus far be great . welcome back doctor ! 638 Movies_TV POS 5 it be great to be able to purchase the Disney movie that have go `` back Into the Vault '' thanks for the service . 11 Movies_TV POS 5 I remember the older show when I be a kid and use to laugh at the cheesey special effect and costume but all that have change now ! I can not wait for the next season ! 296 Movies_TV POS 5 I see the trailer and think this movie would suck . but once I step in the theater , I be utterly impressed . Will Smith deliver a wonderful performance show we a new side to he mistique . I think it make we all wonder about technology . before anyone get crazy , that cant really happen , ok . still the thought be entertaining : = -rrb- 544 Movies_TV POS 5 how do you take a long-running , cult hit about a alien that travel through time and space in a british police call box and make it cool ? hire a creative team that truly love the original mythology to bring the time traveler into the present . season one revive the show with a bigger budget , better effect , superb writing , and a charismatic new doctor in Chirstopher Eccleston . season two 's new Doctor , David Tennant , blend beautifully with the support cast while bring he own classically quirky stamp to the character . less childlike than Eccleston , Tennat 's doctor get a little more time for romance , even with sidekick Rose Tyler -lrb- Billie Piper -rrb- . but he still do he share of fight evil , alien , and evil alien . this year see he take on a werewolf , Cybermen , Daleks , Satan -lrb- yes , that Satan -rrb- , and Torchwood - England 's answer to Ares 51 . the six-dvd set include the Christmas episode and the `` Children in Need '' short that run between season in England , as well as outtake , delete scene , and a entire disc of the min-documentary series Doctor who Confidential , which be show only in the UK until now . this new Doctor who be a compelling - if not downright addicting - show for discerning student of sci-fus . get hooked . 249 Movies_TV POS 5 the second series of Doctor who be much better then the first series . the acting of David Tennant really make the series so much better . also Billie Piper have grow in she acting skill and play well off of Tennant . here be my take on the episode rate with 4 be the best . the CHRISTMAS INVASION : the doctor be stick in bed most of the episode leave Rose to figure out how to stop a alien invasion . David Tennant play the doctor as if he always have be . \*\*\* NEW EARTH : the doctor take Rose to she first alien planet where and old enemy be wait for they . this be not my fav . episode but it do have some nice character moment . \*\* tooth and claw : the doctor and Rose find themselves in Scotland where they meet Queen Victoria , Evil Monks and a werewolf . Plotholes aside this be a very enjoyable episode . the special effect be some of the best i have see on the show . \*\*\* SCHOOL REUNION : the doctor investigate a school where strange thing be happen . this episode be very fun for two reason : the doctor meet some old friend -lrb- Sarah Jane Smith and K-9 !!! -rrb- also that jealousy that spark between Rose and Sarah Jane . also Anthony Stewart Head be great as the villian Mr. Finch . \*\*\* 1\/2 the girl in the fireplace : the doctor , Rose and Mickey arrive on a spaceship in the 54th century where they find timehole lead back to earth 's past . this episode be one of my top fav . \*\*\* 1\/2 rise of the cyberman : one of the Doctor 's greatest enemy be about to come to life on a parallel earth . this episode mark the return of the cyberman and Rose 's father . \*\*\* the age of STEEL : this episode be much darker then rise , but the dark atmoshpere add much to the story . also Mickey 's charater arc take a surprising turn . \*\*\* the idiot 's LANTERN : it be the 1950s and the coronation of the Queen just day away . people all over england be get turn into faceless zombie by they television . this be mostly a filler episode but with some fun bit . not my fav . but still enjoyable . the villian be also not that great . \*\* 1\/2 the impossible planet : the impossible have happen a planet orbit a blackhole . can the Doctor find out why before something deep within the planet awake ? this be a very fun episode and also a episode that not set on earth . \*\*\* 1\/2 the SATAN PIT : as Rose be threaten by the ood , the doctor face a anicent evil . this episode be a classic . \*\*\*\* love and monster : a ordinary man become obsess with the doctor and try to find he . this episode be not as bad as everyone say it be . the villian be dumb but the story show what happen to the people the doctor leave behind . \*\* 1\/2 fear her : another filler episode fill with some nice character bit . beware the giant scribble . \*\* army of ghost : Torchwood be reveal while the doctor be take prisoner . who be the Army of Ghosts ? Rose come into she own in this episode . a great episode . \*\*\*\* DOOMSDAY : as Torchwood and the world be invade , will the Doctor be able to save we ? a heartbreaking conclusion to a excellent season . a great episode with a somewhat offbeat cliffhanger . \*\*\*\* 485 Movies_TV POS 5 this be a terrific purchase via Amazon.com for we little princess lover & pirate !!! they have SOOOO enjoy we original video til its almost worn out , so we be super happy to purchase the dvd version which they beg to watch EVERDAY ! really great item ! 746 Movies_TV POS 5 not only do my kid beg for pan everyday , I catch myself watch it with they . the magic be still there . 581 Movies_TV POS 5 this be the most paranoia-fying movie I have ever see , aside from the Matrix , the Sixth sense , and dark city . to think , no , to KNOW , that the NSA , CIA , FBI , or any other more of `` they '' could be , would be , and often be watch you be a extremely paranoid thought . I love will Smith , he be a great actor , and this be he best performance yet . this be my first gene Hackman movie , and I love he even more than Will Smith ! John Voight be one of my most favorite actor to date , also . like they say on the cover of the box : it be not paranoia when the be really after you . some of my friend think I be paranoid , but I guess that be because they have not see this movie yet ... 823 Movies_TV POS 5 before this movie , Willy be a good actor . but now he be the whole best actor ... why ? Watch this movie , you 'll recognize ... . 910 Movies_TV POS 5 I be keep this seal as a collector item . it arrive in perfect condition 773 Movies_TV POS 5 this movie be great . it be a good follow up to Cinderella . my grand kid love it . 594 Movies_TV NEG 1 David Tennant 's mugging do not help the tired , repetitive scripting . apart from the magnificent the Girl in the Fireplace , a bland rehash of the first season . they would have be better off cancel the series after Christopher Eccleston 's perfect season . 431 Movies_TV NEG 1 I 'll be brief . enemy of the state be a good action flick with a lousy transfer to dvd . if you have a standard television stop read this review now : you will not notice what I be talk about . if you be run a 16:9 tv then read on . like many before , this supposedly `` wide screen '' version be nothing of the sort . the dvd be encode in a standard 4:3 image , with black bar mat the top and bottom . in other word , this be a non-anamorphic transfer . what that mean be that the image you be see be lower resolution than a standard NTSC tv signal because of the fewer vertical line present . on a 16:9 tv the image look `` squish '' shorter and `` stretch '' longer . most 16:9 tv 's have a mode that can re-stretch the image to achieve the proper aspect ratio . the problem there be now the horizontal line be clearly visible throughout the film . I wish studio would stop the absurd practice of release `` mat '' widescreen transfer , and only call a dvd `` Widescreen '' if the transfer be anamorphic . but as long as they be do it , hopefully enough people will protest to get the studio 's attention . 108 Movies_TV POS 5 this be one of the best movie I have see . with Will Smith be a D.C. Lawyer run into a college friend who slip he a assasination tape of a congressman make via bird watch video equiptment near a lake . the NSA be hot on Smith 's trail , with John Voight lead the pack . Will Smith take the aid of Brill , play by Gene Hackman , who be recommend by a information dealer who run job for Smith for he court case . with a great cast , non-stop action , and a couple hoot and hollar , this movie should be the example to all the director of all government-based action movie . I thank the director on he stunning work , the writer give a complex story , and the score guy , who make a outstanding soundtrack . 239 Movies_TV POS 5 this movie I believe be something most of we only wish could have be make . who do not want to see Cinderella maybe lose she happily ever after ? in the first movie she always seem to do she work with a sarcastic tone . she could not even get up out of bed , some maid !! I think this movie might be a little scary for some kid because the stepmother be really wicked this time . she break Cinderella 's slipper and then tell she to go `` clean it up '' . the best part be when the step mother use magic to trap Cinderella inside a pumpkin , and not that fancy coach this be inside with he seed and thorn grow all around it and Cinderella 's dress be all rip . Haha and Cinderella be so silly when she go `` but I dance with the prince '' and the stepmother just laugh at she ! also what really be amazing be that there be almost a unspoken theme in the movie the the King and Anastasia fall in love , if you have see this movie you know what I be talk about !! could this be a clue to a possible Cinderella 4 ?? Anastasia as Queen lol you decide !! 120 Movies_TV NEU 3 `` PETER PAN '' a Disney favorite from 1953 have be resurrect , remaster and restore for its premier digital transfer . the Technicolor animation be once again pristine and the sound be crystal clear . although the animation style be far-removed from the detailed , classic , illustrator style of `` Snow White '' and `` Pinnochio , '' it be still fluid , with nicely frame composition that have a rougher , more spontaneous , almost sketchy look that usher in a modernistic wave of Disney animation . the bonus material be significant , especially the fabulous commentary track host by Roy Disney -lrb- Walt 's nephew -rrb- and the making-of documentary with always affable and informed Leonard Maltin and old time animator Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnson and the voice of wendy , Kathryn Beaumont . there be a preview of the new big screen feature `` return to Neverland '' among other extra . there be a notorious element to this movie in the haunting presence of the late , brilliant and beautiful child star Bobby Driscoll -lrb- the voice of Peter Pan -rrb- . he be discover dead of a drug overdose in a condemn New York tenement in 1968 and bury in a pauper 's grave . more than a year later he be finally identify through fingerprint . `` Peter Pan '' be a fitting tribute to Driscoll 's remarkable , natural , talent . and the genius of Walt Disney in visualize the darker element barely , if even , hint at in the original fantasy . 628 Movies_TV NEG 1 I agree with the other 2 one star reviewer - why bother ? this be some of the worst television I have ever see . I love old Doctor who up to somewhere towards the end of Tom Baker - then it get patchy and be only sporadically worthwhile . this new series be Doctor who in name only - when compare with the old stuff this be a good demonstration of we culture go to seed . the format have change completely - admittedly this second series Tennant be much better than ce , but neither of they be ` doctor-like ' at all in my opinion . the new BBC production be glossy and look kind of impressive but it fail to hide the lack of heart beneath . everything be sensationalise and overly dramatic - the writing be terrible , the character particularly annoying and the Doctor , although historically sometimes play the fool , here add to the role a cocksure arrogance which somehow do not feel right anymore . in fact , this new Doctor who be a apt metaphor for the once great Britain go to seed in modern time . Slappers , whinger , lout and bully make up the character and there be so much pull of the heart-string that it all snap pretty quickly . the new ` action ' emphasis represent a dumb down of the format into a more modern american feel but 90s Star Trek be so much better than this . it show how lack in imagination the BBC be that it have to drag the doctor kick , scream and whinge back into the 21st century to a treatment and postmodern environment that do not suit at all . they really should be ashamed of themselves but they would not have the good sense to be I guess . it be obvious I be out of step with popular opinion - you 'll find lot of people who love the new Star Wars film too - but I reckon if you genuinely enjoy this stuff then that be pretty sad . this be empty , flashy rubbish that recycle old idea into a ill-fitting new format design to suit the audience of today with 10-second attention span and a need for explicit romantic content and soppy emotional rubbish entirely lack in credibility or sincerity . it be not that I think they should have remake it try to keep it as it be , they just should have let it rip and come up with a new idea - obviously too hard for the mastermind run BBC these day . -lrb- on a similar theme - the decline of the british persona be show up in a series of embarrassing interview do by some young git for the Fawlty Towers boxset . check out the one with Prunella Scales - I feel sorry for she have to tolerate the fool . -rrb- ok - tell I how unhelpful it be to post a different opinion here rather than the normal , gush 5-star rave and the sycophantic Amazon official review - I be wait ... 95 Movies_TV POS 5 a wonderful restored peter pan with plenty of INTERESTING EXTRAS . love it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 656 Movies_TV POS 5 buy this as a Christmas gift and the little girl be excite over it . you can not go wrong with Peter Pan . 612 Movies_TV POS 5 I always enjoy watch Peter Pan as a kid grow up and now I and my son can watch it together . it be a great classic that never get old . the extra detailed feature on the bonus dvd be quite entertaining . what else can you say about this classic ? it get two thumb up from I . 658 Movies_TV POS 5 this movie be every thing you would expect of a sequel to be . it take from the original but build character trait in Cinderella and Anastacia and advance this cherish classic . the movie start out a year after the magical wedding of the Prince and Cinderella . they be still in marital bliss and be about to celebrate they one-year anniversary with just Cinderella 's closest friend , include the mouse and the fairy godmother . at the same time , Drusilla and Anastacia be at the old house do the chore that Cinderella once do and endure the scorn of they mother . after the sibling fight , Anastacia stumble upon the soiree in a field not far from where she stand . this be the turn point in she life as well as Cinderella as the magic wand which the fairy godmother wield with compassion find its way into the hand of the wicked stepmother . there be many extraordinary twist and turn , and in so , we be treat to a new take on the real power behind Cinderella and the Prince 's relationship . issue of honesty , self-evalution , hope play a much more prominent role than `` magic . '' and , these trait be particularly flesh out in Cinderella , much more than anyone else , but also Anastacia . the Prince be still a somewhat dim-witted clod that , under the impression of the stepmother 's spell , define he relationship with he `` true love '' initially by look -- he see Anastacia and be repulse at the sight of she ; he immediately dismiss she despite the premise that he `` true love '' would wear the glass slipper . Cinderella , on the other hand , be not disillusion and measure she relationship by the moment spend together . it be these moment that continually drive she to take matter into she own hand and not the dependency on anything outside of herself . Cinderella 3 elevate we heroine into a worthy contemporary version worthy of this sequel and worthy of family discussion . 834 Movies_TV POS 4 fun video , make I sweat and feel the workout ! hard to work some of the move at pace of the video . Guess you gotta be more coordinate ! 647 Movies_TV POS 5 my brother , sister and I really like Smee . he be funny and we like it when he stick out he tongue at the other pirate . the lose boy ' house be neat aswell as they hike . the mermaid be dumb . 176 Movies_TV NEG 1 I would buy this , if the dvd price be not so insane . $ 20 - $ 30 for a season be fine . I like support creative artist whose work I enjoy . that be say , I watch this elsewhere on the internet . it be good . 37 Movies_TV POS 5 this be always one of my favorite Disney movie . I be happy to say that it be now one of my 2 daughter 's favorite as well . we get the dvd when it come out and they have watch it over and over . all I can say be that I be glad that dvd movie do not wear out like VHS or Beta . the clarity of the image be fantastic . Disney re-release be always beautiful and this be no exception . special feature be great for the adult or older child . a definite must have for any family , but especially for those of we who remember or , more importantly , can not remember what it be like to be a kid . 796 Movies_TV NEU 3 enemy of the state be my first film , wich I buy here . 478 Movies_TV POS 5 cast a new Dr who to replace Christopher Eccleston be never go to be easy for the BBC and Russell t Davies . Eccleston have make the role he own and he untimely departure have frankly put the successfully revive show into jeopardy . fortunately , along come David Tennant who get into the role with relish . it be pointless try to compare Eccleston and Tennant against each other because both have such very different approach to play the doctor . Tennant retain some of the intensity that Eccleston bring to the screen but he doctor be more relax and lay back . indeed , he be full of the eccentricity that previous doctor bring to the character . just like the first series , the second series be a delightful collection of episode , some be naturally better than other but this be normally the case in any tv series generally . episode to watch out for be Tooth and Claw where Tennant and Rose -lrb- again superbly play by Billie Piper -rrb- have to protect Queen Victoria from a werewolf , the age of steel and rise of the Cybermen have a superb reincarnation of one of the Doctor 's greatest foe -lrb- even if the plot could have be better -rrb- , the Satan pit and inmpossible planet two parter , and School Reunion which see the return of k9 and Sarah Jane Smith . however , the real cream of the series come down to three episode : the Girl in the fireplace which be a superbly realize love story as the doctor battle to save Madame Pompadour from the clutch of a sentient spaceship and clockwork android ... Army of Ghosts and Doomsday see the return of the Cybermen when they invade the Earth in they million , and the Torchwood center be show in detail for the first time . Into this mix , however , then come the doctor 's most dreaded foe - the Daleks ... anyone who enjoy the first series will get they money 's worth out of this . Tennant have turn out to be a superb doctor and Billie Piper again excel as Rose , he assistant . sadly though , this be Rose 's last series and David Tennant will have a new assistant for the currently film Series three . that say , Billie Piper have indicate though that she would like to return to the role but in the newly create Dr who spin off - torchwood which feature Captain Jack from the first series , again play by John Barrymore . hat off to Russell T. Davies have again do a superb job with the script for this second series of Dr who . fan will be please to know that Russell be also script the raunchy Sci Fi spin off from Dr who - Torchwood , which on the strength of its first two episode look likely to be a winner too . fan of the series may be interested to know that Amazon . co. uk be release a limited edition pack of Doctor who - the complete Second Series in a three dimensional Cyberman head box , with other goody inside . this will be available from the 20.11.06 . be aware though that this be a region 2 dvd set and you will need a multi-region dvd player to be able to watch this . yet another dvd that justify upgrade to a multi-region player , if you do not yet have this facility ... -lrb- ... -rrb- 414 Movies_TV POS 5 fantastic ! the adjustment time from the first series doctor be a bit long for I but the story be simply great in this second series . the last episode be truly awesome ! when I tell my kid about Doctor who , they give I the `` raspberry '' . but , when we all be watch the next to the last tv episode which end with `` to be continue '' , they all let out a gasp of dispair !!!!! so much for they `` raspberry '' !! Dad be right about this be a great series ! 671 Movies_TV POS 4 this be a great video . it be not about do the choreography perfectly , but just have fun and dancing around in you living room . it do not feel like exercise at all ! 766 Movies_TV POS 5 I be really disappointed that the `` first '' doctor have to go , after have get use to he . BUT , this second season , as a whole , be better than the first . the only thing I find to be `` off '' be the doctor 's flirtyness -lrb- which seem like more than just flirt , really -rrb- with other woman -lrb- in both season -rrb- while seem commit to he partner . it be just a odd thing to throw in when both season be actually quite romantic . perhaps the writer think that they can keep more viewer that way ? anyway , besides that little bur in my sock , I consider the second season of Doctor who the best make thus far . 990 Movies_TV POS 5 I buy this dvd for my grandson who will be two next month . I know he will enjoy it . 609 Movies_TV NEU 3 when I first hear that Disney be make a third Cinderella , I be a bit leary . I would already purchase and watch the second one and be very disappointed . HOwever , once I hear the premise of the third Cinderella , I be intrigue and interested . so , once it come out , I purchase it . I will say , it be better than the second Cinderella only in that it tell a actual story and be not a collection of short episod . of course , it be not as good as the orginial . I like the story idea and the animation be actually quite good for a Disney straight to video but sadly , as the sequel tend to do , the character where kind of ruin . for some reason , the sequel feel the need to take serious character and turn they into goofball ! I highly doubt Prince Charming would leap out the palace window just because he father tell he he could not go down the stair ! and I really do not think Cinderella would blatently disobey the rule . she would not confront the Prince alone and practically force he to remember who she be ! for starter , even without the spell cast on he , it be quite understandable for the Prince not to remember Cinderella . she be dress up in a very fancy gown and it be rather dark at the ball and now she be dress in she rag and look quite different from when she be at the ball . of course , I know this be Disney , but still ! Cinderella should not be so confused as to why he do not remember she ! they would only meet that one time ! sadly , this sequel also give Cinderella a attitude that she do not have in the original and that kind of take away from she whole sweet innocence . the mice,step-sister and step-mother be still in character for the most part so that be nice . I be also rather curious as to why Anastasia be the step-sister who have the side story ? she find a love in the second Cinderella -lrb- and where do that baker go in this third one ? after all , the second Cinderella take place right after Cinderella and the Prince marry while the third one take place about a year later -rrb- . the Baker show up in a picture during the credit so he be obviously still a romantic interest , but still , why do Anastasia get to be the one to `` marry '' the prince when she should already be in love with the baker ? now after read this review , you be probably think if there be anything good about it . well , as mention before the story line itself be cute , though a little too close to the scene in the little mermaid -lrb- and on a side note , Prince Charming be voice by the same guy who voice Prince Eric from Little Mermaid -rrb- . I will say , my favorite scene be when the mouse be try to convince Prince Charming that he be in love with Cinderella and he think he be go nut because bird and mouse be talk attack he . my favorite line have to do with Prince charming tell he father that `` the mouse tell he he be in love with someone else '' and that he have to go get she but not to worry he 'll be back in time for the wedding . the king then tell he that it be not the wedding he be worried about , it be the talk mouse ! I laugh quite at that , and I be even giggle right now ! I have to say , there be several silly bit and it be kind of refresh to see Cinderella look like she have be ring through the ringer near the end . not that I have anything against she , it be just nice to see she not look so fresh all the time . I think she probably even look she age when she be about to go on the ship near the end because she hair be down -lrb- not tie back -rrb- and since she be probably between 18-20 , she look that old during that scene . so , for child , this be a very good movie because of the silliness , but it be just not the same as the original so do not expect it to be . 635 Movies_TV NEG 1 when I FIRST see it I hate it !!!!! it be a total disappointment !!!!!! a total disappointment !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish it CAN be destroy !!!!!!!!!!!! man it totally butcher the entire story !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SEQUALS be suppose to continue the story not bring you back where you just start !!!!!!!! I agree with couple of the reviewer here on -lrb- ... -rrb- regard this movie . one be R. Love `` primemaiden '' who say , `` do happily ever after mean anything to you people at Disney . '' yeah do not it mean anything at DISNEY anymore to live happily ever after !!!???? and another person who I profoundly agree with be also another reviewer of this movie at amazon.com , Princess fanatic , who say , `` I be go to stick this movie very far down in a closet and pretend it be never make . '' I say , `` WELL DONE MY DEAR lady , BUT DO you know what I say ?!?!?!!?! '' I say , `` THIS MOVIE should be BURNED to ASHES AFTER all the copy be confiscate from everybody who poss THIS ABOMINABLE DIMWITTED stupid RETARTED ZERO IQ LEVEL movie !!!!!!!!! '' I can go on and on probably , but I will just shut my mouth up right now and end this review . I hope this have help future customer see thing through my eye . stupid movie !! REALLY REALLY stupid movie !!!! WHOEVER MADE this I wish I can put him in the TOILET and FLUSH HIM DOWN . hope that will knock SOME SENSE INTO HIM !!!! o yes if possible I would give this movie -80 star , not 1 !!!! 78 Movies_TV POS 4 while I purchase this item for my son at Christmas , I have watch the show and find it enjoyable . my son , who have see the tv episode , enjoy the dvd so much , that he wife be now a fan of the series . AL 783 Movies_TV POS 5 we family love Cinderella and Cinderella II so we can hardly wait to see this one . 404 Movies_TV POS 4 Will Smith be great in this movie . he and Gene Hackman be good together . lot of action and great storyline . 42 Movies_TV POS 5 if you do not currently own Peter Pan , and love the movie , you still have time to buy it on video and dvd . but hurry up because Peter Pan and along with beauty and the beast , beauty and the beast the enchanted Christmas and return to Neverland be go out of stock on 1\/31\/03 . along with some other title . whether you believe it or not that Peter Pan 's voice die in 1968 because he have be abuse himself and he body be founde by kid play in a abanded village bulding but I think it take sometime to to discover he be the voice of Peter Pan . 953 Movies_TV POS 5 a + + all the way great price , great item , awesome communication , Product packaging be great not a lousy pouch be in a good amazon box and seem to be on top of it all !! 673 Movies_TV POS 5 I use to watch this movie on VHS and now my daughter watch it ; it be funny to watch she expression ; she scratch it up from she and she best friend Karen watch it over and over . why do kid do that ? anyways , I be go to buy it again and when it be release again when I have grandchild , I will buy it again for they = - d 976 Movies_TV POS 5 this product be just as advertise ! unopened and in excellent condition . I receive the item very quickly . it be package very well so as to not have any damage . I would recommend buy from this person . very honest and speedy shipper . 644 Movies_TV NEG 1 this be another move along with Open season , . . we do not receice . . dissapointmt to the max 101 Movies_TV POS 4 I love the set . I do have a problem with the first disc in the set . my player do not seem to want to read it with out try like 20 time . I even get a new set ship to I and I be have the same problem . I like the series enough that I do not want to return the set even with this problem . 872 Movies_TV NEG 2 yes . I have see this film before it come out in store ! ha ! my grandmother get a pirate copy of this dvd at a store that sell pirate of dvd that be originally reseal to the public later in commercial store . -lrb- ex . Toys ' r Us -rrb- it be okay ... good : the moral of true love - even the few know ... Bad : predicable and simple . Ugly : animation from Disney Toon Studios Australia use a few year ago be what be call NEW ! and the worst of all ... where the heck be the female mouse !? dvd include horrible Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Chosse set-top game , Music Video and a sneak peek at `` twice charm '' . well , it can be a waste of money or not . buy this for you 5-year-old girl . 49 Movies_TV POS 5 very enjoyable , even for a minor fan . David Tennant be a wonderful replacement for Christopher Eccleston . 227 Movies_TV POS 5 replace classic Disney movie with dvd 's put Peter Pan near the top . ca not be beat in more modern version . arrive promptly and in excellent condition . 317 Movies_TV POS 5 Old Disney ... when Walt be alive set a precedent that be distroy by many film until Lion King . 826 Movies_TV POS 5 I be so glad we bring Peter Pan . I have not see this movie in year . we have we grandson 's over , they watch Peter Pan for the first time and love it . . they watch it over and over ... so for Easter we get we grandson 's Peter Pan dvd , they be so excited ... 52 Movies_TV POS 5 I buy this as a Christmas present for my 8 year old next door neighbor . she watch it with she 10 year old sister and they both really love it ! I be plan on borrow it from they soon so I can see it too : o -rrb- 646 Movies_TV POS 5 this be one of the most wonderful movie for kid and grow up , lot of adventure and fun , one of the classic Disney 's masterpiece , a must own . 384 Movies_TV POS 4 I love fairy tale in all form , and I really do like Cinderella II . I be a bit worried about Cinderella III because my first impression be that Disney be just out to make more money . as I learn the premise for the movie , `` what if the fairy godmother have become incapacitated and the stepmother have the wand ? '' and it make I stop and say , `` okay , I have to see that movie . '' Disney develop the plot quite nicely . Everytime Cinderella triumph , the stepmother would one up she and I would still be wait for my happy ending . I like the anticipation . also , as many other reader have say , Cinderella have gut in this movie . she stand up to the stepmother and tell she `` hey lady quit rain on my parade ! '' this movie be a great sequel . it seem to stem from a provacative idea rather than Disney be out to disappoint we with a sub-par sequel -lrb- i.e. . the jungle book 2 -rrb- . Watch Cinderella III , it be a great movie for a rainy afternoon with you kid . 613 Movies_TV POS 5 I be not sure which season I like better , season one or two . in season one there be not one episode I do not like . however , there be three that I do not like in this season , but the good episode of this season I think be even better than most of those in the first season . we have a new doctor , David Tennant . and although I would have like to have see Christopher Eccelston in the show for a bit longer , David Tennant do make a great doctor himself . by just watch he premiere episode , you know that David Tennant be the right man for the job . we also have a great companion , the best since Sarah Jane Smith , depart . Billie Piper as Rose Tylor prove to be a fantastic assistant for the Doctor , and now with season two 's finale we see she leave in one of the most dramatic and emotional -lrb- and best -rrb- goodbye there ever be for a companion . and we even get to see a small return by Elizabeth Sladen as Sarah Jane Smith and the lovable robotic mut k9 with John Leeson protray he voice . episode include : the Christmas Invasion -lrb- five star -rrb- New Earth -lrb- five star -rrb- tooth and claw -lrb- five star -rrb- School Reunion -lrb- four star -rrb- the Girl in the fireplace -lrb- two star -rrb- rise of the Cybermen -lrb- five star -rrb- the age of steel -lrb- five star -rrb- the idiot 's Lantern -lrb- four star -rrb- the impossible planet -lrb- five star -rrb- the Satan pit -lrb- five star -rrb- Love & Monsters -lrb- two star -rrb- fear she -lrb- one star -rrb- Army of ghost -lrb- five star -rrb- doomsday -lrb- five star -rrb- in all , a great epic season that I highly recommend ! 719 Movies_TV POS 5 it have be a long time since I have see this Disney Classic , but I think it be a absolute hoot ! my 4-year-old son laugh so hard at the crocodile sequence that he wet himself ! -lrb- for he , a first -rrb- this be a excellent piece of entertainment . to hell with the `` stereotyping '' complaint . if you be too pc to endure they , then do not watch the movie . simple , huh ? this be a fantasy , and have more in common with the Warner Bros. approach to cartooning than most people realize . just compare bug and Y. Sam to Pan and Hook and you 'll see what I mean . it be far less honey sweet than most other early Disney classic . oh , and incidently , the last time Disney bent over backwards for the `` native american sensitivity crowd , '' the result be `` pokaboreme . '' a bomb , if memory serve . come on folk , lighten up ! by the way , why be it nobody complain about the stereotyped brit and pirate ? 997 Movies_TV POS 4 Will Smith do it again ! after watch this movie I want to shut the blind , turn off the computer , unplug my phone and live like a hermit ! it be non-stop action from begin to end . my eye be red at the end of the movie because I be too afraid to blink and miss something ! 661 Movies_TV POS 5 enemy of the state be one of those film that you be wait for the action . it be a clever production with nice suspence , adventure and action all over the time . it be a movie that everyone should watch it . this movie it will be UNFORGETABLE regard ANGELOS KALLI 193 Movies_TV NEG 2 movie get here in great time . good shape and play great ! great deal ! 190 Movies_TV POS 4 my five-year-old have watch Cinderella and Cinderella II countless time , so she be very excite to see the third in the series . have only watch it once so far , but I think she really like it . she do say that she think there be moment where it be very `` dramatic , '' refer to the scene where Lady Tremaine call on the power of the universe to change history . I be not sure if dramatic be a good thing or a bad thing , but I be sure she will watch it again . 41 Movies_TV POS 4 there really be so many way to tell a story , so many different thing you can emphasize , so many characterization you can change while retain the essence of a story . do Disney make the perfect Peter Pan ? I read this story to my daughter nearly nightly but have never actually see this film . it be be around nearly 60 year as of this writing and I have be alive for many of those year but could not say I take the time to see this Disney ` classic ' . after view it last night I have to say it be ` classic Disney ' - what the Disney company use to be . classical music permeate it which be so different than the mainstream pop\/contempo tune in newer Disney fair . what I really like -lrb- love -rrb- be how innocent the child be . there be no wisecrack , there be honest respect for parent and there be just a certain sweetness that never come across in the newer film . Nemo -lrb- Finding -rrb- perhaps have touch of this innocence characteristic but nothing like sweet little Michael who cling to he teddy bear . another thing I love about this film be the animation . it be beautiful and , again , classic Disney . you can tell a lot of work and care go into every drawing and coloring . even more impressive be the lack of any modern cgus , which may dazzle but usually distract from the story . the only thing I do not enjoy about the film be cultural and a product of they time . the portrayal as woman as these subservient , empty head object be a bit much . the use of classical instrumentation for EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER MOVEMENT be barely tolerable . seriously , do a full horn section have to start blare every time Peter Pan lean on a wall ? . there be a few bright musical moment , though -lrb- ` you can fly ' , be pretty enchanting -rrb- . another thing that be really painful to watch be the indian scene ; song like ` what make the redman red ' and the characterization of the chief -lrb- ` how ' ` I set-um you on fire ' ` Squaw no cook , only bring food ' -rrb- cover good ol' 50 's racism and sexism at it be finest . it be weird to think people use to think like that . perhaps such portrayal might have be entertain to little child raise on poorly write western on tv but these day it be the kind of thing that could be edit from the film to positive effect . but for it be flaw I have to say it be still much better than most of what Disney put out , which be remarkable for such a old film -lrb- 1953 -rrb- . definitely worth owning . on a side note , $ 48 to own ... really ? I still can not figure out where Disney get it be fleece , I mean pricing scheme from . be I the only one that think that be a bit steep for a child 's movie ? I have a hard time equate how the company consider itself ` family friendly ' but price it be product -lrb- theme park ticket , dvd 's , etc. -rrb- in range that most middle class family would stretch to afford . 155 Movies_TV POS 5 accord to BBC and netflix the only problem be with disc 1 on the copy make for netflix . excellent series . 892 Movies_TV POS 5 I have see `` Cinderella III '' and - simply put - it be a animated gem that Walt Disney would have be proud of . in this sequel , Cinderella do not play the victim to wicked stepmom 's magical mischief - she fight hard for herself and for she man , Prince Charming . no mere action heroine , Cindy III use she brain to figure out how to outwit the villain , but do not shrink from hand out some well-deserved Princess pay back -lrb- wait til you see the runaway pumpkin coach scene ! -rrb- the action climax -lrb- s -rrb- will have everyone cheer . traditional animated fairy tale convention be observe - and then top with innovative story tell that make you recall the beloved Disney classic of old . catchy song , first rate animation , valuable lesson for the small fry , and some great plot twist will keep this Cinderella a family favorite for a long time . 98 Movies_TV POS 5 yes , at time hemalayaa go a little fast to follow the first time around , but exact replication be not the point . this video be ton of fun . the move be very accurate to modern bollywood film . and the go-at-your-own-pace attitude be refreshing . i just try this video for the first time right after recover from strep throat , while still have a cough and i be able to keep up perfectly fine . rest when i need to . and the more you do this video , the more you 'll be able to keep up with the festive dance move . 754 Movies_TV POS 5 I just finish watch enemy of the state and I have to tell you that I should have watch it sooner . I love thriller and this movie hit the right spot . some great chase scene but with a good plot which leave you hang until the very end . definitely worth to watch . 986 Movies_TV NEU 3 movie : enemy of the state be another one of Jerry Bruckheimer 's mid 90 's action extravaganza . he reunite with Tony Scott to bring we this action flick about government coverup and how technology be use to basically track every aspect of you life . the movie be about a lawyer who be unwillingly throw into a wild cat and mouse chase . a congressman be murder near a reservoir where research be do on migratory goose . so , unknowingly , the whole thing be catch on tape and end up in the hand of a nerdy and young Jason Lee . he realize what he have in he possession and during a foot chase he bump into he old friend play by Will Smith and secretly drop the tape in he bag . now will Smith 's character be throw into a world of espionage without know why he be be hunt . he meet up with Brill , play by Gene Hackman , a ex NSA agent who end up help he . Hackman basically play a reincarnation of he character in Coppola 's the conversation . the movie be direct at a fast pace by Tony Scott , and it be a overall entertaining action flick . I feel the movie try to be smarter than it actually be and that the character be very plain and boring . act : I do not like Hackman in this role , but Will Smith bring some life into the movie . for people who have not see the movie in awhile you should check it out to recognize some young face include Jack Black , Jake Busey , Jaimie Kennedy , Seth Green , and the of course the previously mention Jason Lee . video : the great thing about the recent release of con air , Crimson Tide , and enemy of the state be the new anamorphic transfer of the film . they be greatly appreciate and be so much better than the old one . the quality of the transfer have not improve greatly in term of picture quality , but there be a noticeable difference . AUDIO : as for sound we get a very dull Dolby 5.1 mix . all the dialogue be usually center heavy , and rarely do action actually envelope you from the surround speaker . the track be the same from the old release , so it be not the best . there be some scene with helicopter and some big explosion that utilize the surround speaker well , but overall it be a very dull mix . special feature : the `` making of '' featurette be actually more extensive than I be expect . they talk more about the gadget use in the film versus the actual movie , but overall I find it to be interesting . all the interview be do back during the making of the movie and it be a pretty extensive behind the scene for what the movie be . one thing I find extremely interesting be that they talk about a scene where will Smith be chase by car in a underground tunnel in he bathrobe . in reality , the car do not fit into the tunnel so they have do take the car apart and weld they back together in the tunnel . the entire scene be maybe a minute long ! I just find it interesting that all that work be do for maybe a blip of action . anyway , the next featurette be basically some on set footage . overall the two featurette do justice for what this movie be . BOTTOM LINE : I get confused whether this be indeed a `` extended '' cut of the film or not . the cover you see on place like Amazon be not the cover that you actually get . the cover of the film be actually label `` special edition '' , but the menu do indeed say `` Unrated Extended Edition '' . so , I be thoroughly confuse . I do not notice anything noticeably new , and the run time list be identical between the old disc and the new one . still , the upgrade be worth it . 798 Movies_TV NEG 1 my daughter have be wait on this dvd for 3 week now . never get the dvd we order . contact seller by e-mail twice and they never respond back at all !!! very disappointing . do not recommend this seller at all . 524 Movies_TV POS 5 I be a fan of the older series , but David Tennant make the new series that much more amazing . he be perfect as `` the doctor '' and definitely bring a life to the season he have star in that make this truly the kind of awesome I have come to expect from Doctor who . 895 Movies_TV NEU 3 if you be look for a nice escapist story , please try this one . if you have any friend or family , however , who do not have a ATM card , use the internet to shop , or give out they credit card or social security number over the phone or internet because of all the big bad thing people be capable of do to you , please do not show they this . it will only feed into they paranoia . the best part of the movie be the interplay between Will Smith and Gene Hackman . it take I a while to recognize Hackman . he play this superparanoid person who have manage to survive 15 year outside of the system and it be the system that cause he to live that way . what make they exchange so funny be that Gene Hackman be not really around to save Will Smith 's butt ; he be there to save he own and prevent Smith from blow he cover . it really be refreshing to see Regina King actually play a intelligent character , not a around the way girl . 802 Movies_TV POS 5 I love this film , always have , always will . however the color restoration turn practically every character ' hair red . wendy and John certainly never have red hair before . although the original color be date , it be much more beautiful . 724 Movies_TV POS 5 I have to admit that I be disappoint with Cinderella II so I think this movie would be the same let down ... gosh , be I wrong . not only do my girl love this movie -lrb- 2 and 4 year old -rrb- but I find myself enjoy it too ! I be really surprise this be not release in the movie before go to dvd ... it be very good ! 361 Movies_TV POS 5 give this as a gift to my daughter who collect classic Disney . I be sure it be incomparable . 178 Movies_TV NEG 1 we buy this video with a condition rating of NEW ! the video be certainly not new , the case be dirty - the movie be all static , and it skip . my son -lrb- who be autistic -rrb- have a extreme melt down because he be suppose to be able to watch PETER PAN , and we could not get through the movie ! I will be return this and will not purchase from this seller again . shame on the seller for the misleading condition !!! 617 Movies_TV POS 4 it will take I a bit before can do everything . . but it be a fun way to exercise and stop it and go back be a plus . I be have fun . 705 Movies_TV POS 4 I be one of those people who have bellyach about the pathetic quality of Disney movie sequel . they be usually poorly animated dumb story crank out by Disney for maximum profit . so imagine my surprise when Cinderella III actually end up be a enjoyable experience , not only for my 4-year-old daughter , but for myself . the animation , while not on par with the orginal , be still decent . the story be interesting and have several memorable song . I would definitely recommend this movie ! 461 Movies_TV POS 5 I have always love this movie ! so , as you may know , I could not help but purchase the 2-disc platinum edition of Peter Pan as soon as I spot it ! it be such a great little tale , and can teach about a dozen valuable lesson . also , it come with all kind of bonus feature that be just as fun and dandy as the movie itself . my family and I have many fond memory of watch Walt Disney 's Peter Pan in we living room , and now we can continue they for a good long time ! highly recommend for everyone at any age !!! 481 Movies_TV POS 5 I be really impressed with this movie . . as the scene be well think out and the movie be fill with action pack scene . I think that the story be very creative and the actor know there line . along with the comedy , the drama and action be also compelling ... 454 Movies_TV NEU 3 I have not previously watch or even be interested in a straight-to-dvd Disney sequel , but for some reason I pick this up , and think it sound quite cool , kinda have a back to the future ring to it . I put it back , think it would just be as bad as the review for other ` classic ' would be , but my mum remembered , and buy it for my birthday . -lrb- early twenty and I still love Disney movie ! -rrb- I be pleasantly surprised , as with most straight to dvd sequel , they be normally a carbon copy of the first , and in no way original . it feature many of the same familiar character , include the two mouse , my favorite ! albeit with different voice . it be a original storyline too , with change everything that happen in the very first , and make Cinderella fight for she prince charming . -lrb- do he ever get a name by the way ? -rrb- I do find the song be not as great as the original , but we would have guess that . they be not really memorable , but I can definitely remember the one from the first . just one wee quibble - do anyone else notice when the prince propose to anastacium , she actually put the ring on the wrong hand ?! it be suppose to be the fourth finger -lrb- if you count the thumb -rrb- of the left hand , not the right ! unlike many sequel , this will probably stand the test of time , and will definitely be one I show my kid , along with the other special edition I be collect - although by that time , dvd will probably be obsolete . but if you have hear bad review about other sequel , this be the one you should pick up . and adult will enjoy the suspenseful storyline too , even if it be predictable . 148 Movies_TV POS 5 love it , love it , love it . though Doctor who be write for british kid and I be a 45 year old american , I still find a fun romp through space and time worthwhile . I love the story and find myself quote line from it in my everyday life , even though no-one I know watch it . 60 Movies_TV POS 5 receive this item way before I expect it . thank you Amazon . 721 Movies_TV POS 4 I purchase Cinderella III for my daughter ; however I be also anxious to see what this new version be about ; so I end up watch it before she do . while it tell the same ole love conquer all story ; I appreciate the fact that it involve one of the sister and make she out not to be so bad afterall . I always think that perhaps someone should re-write the story and make the sister not so evil . just people look for love as Cinderella be . this story `` almost '' do that . perhaps leave room for another tale after this one that would have a love interest for the sister . a funny tale rather than the typical `` romance '' story . the music ofcourse be not as good as the original ; but in these follow-up movie they seldom be . Cinderella also appear more intelligent and more capable of make decision on she own and handle the situation with inginuity . my daughter enjoy it once she do finally get to see it and we have add it to we grow library with pleasure . 995 Movies_TV POS 5 this it the perfect way to get insipred , get a workout , and let go of tension ! thank you , Hemalayaa ! you inspire I ! 659 Movies_TV POS 5 I love this video and do it once every two week or so . I be in great shape and yet I always end up completely drench in sweat in the mere 45 minute it take to do the workout . sometimes I team up with my sister and we all do the dvd together , which be great because we crack ourselves up during some of the `` sassy '' move . judge from she enthusiasm and sweet demeanor , I get the feeling that be exactly the kind of attitude hemalayaa want you to have when you be dance with she . Hooray for fun workout ! 715 Movies_TV POS 5 I have to thank Disney for leave this film uncut . but I wonder why Disney choose to censor Fantasia and not this film . they both have racial sterotype . anyway I be just happy they do not censor it . please release all you film uncut , unedited and unpc . 89 Movies_TV POS 5 I love this movie , as I do all the earlier Disney animation . I read the review by Carolinapooh , and I , too , remember that the part about clap to keep Tinkerbell alive be in the movie ! if you watch it , you will see Tinkerbell fading , and then there be a abrupt cut and suddenly she be ok . why would they have take it out ? maybe they think kid today be just too sophisticated for that , and sadly , they may be right . 786 Movies_TV POS 5 I buy the peter pan vh because when I be a kid it be my favorite movie , so when I see it for sale on Amazon I know I have to have it for my three year old grand daughter and guess what ? she love it too , just go to show that those Disney Masterpieces really be timeless , enduring classic and by the way I enjoue watch it again too . Peter Pan -lrb- fully restore 45th anniversary limited edition -rrb- -lrb- Walt Disney Masterpiece Collection -rrb- -lrb- VHS 522 Movies_TV NEG 1 DONT WASTE your money on THIS THRILLER WANNA be . it be SLOW , BORING and COMPLETLY UN realistic . if you be think about pay money for THSI BIG TIME BOMB THINK again . 940 Movies_TV POS 4 like many other thousand of people I be a huge fan of Disney animated classic so I be very happy that this edition of Peter Pan be available . I always have a very active imagination as a kid and it kind of dwindle away as the year roll on by so it be always enjoyable to watch this movie and think of never grow up . the story be so fun and magical . now a little down side to this movie be I do not want my kid to try to fly out a window !!! do you think Michael Jackson be try to have the face of Peter Pan it really do look like he with the large eye and very small nose ? 30 Movies_TV POS 4 enemy of the state be a great movie if you like a lot of action , I love the movie . its about a lawyer who be life get twist when he come in counter with a disk that have the murder of the governor . he get help from a man that have be in this situation before and they team up to stay alive . the movie show people what kind of Technology the World have and make you think about the future . the only bad thing about the movie be the timing . enemy of the State should have be just alittle bit longer . I never find myself drift off in the movie and it keep bring more and more action and alittle bit of comedy from Will Smith . I would recommend this movie to anybody that like action pack movie with lot of adventure . 878 Movies_TV POS 4 Whenever I think of Peter Pan , the first thing that come to my mind be the Disney animated version of the timeless story of the boy who never grow up . like with past classic Disney animated film , `` Peter Pan '' receive its own platinum edition -lrb- translation : two disc pack with goody like behind the scene footage , lose footage , game and music -rrb- . the bonus disc be great . I especially dig the make of Peter Pan and why Walt Disney have to make Peter Pan . fascinating material . the story of Peter Pan be create by James Matthew Barrie . anyone who have see 2004 's `` Finding Neverland '' would know that the inspiration behind the film be he muse be five young boy . the story of the Disney film begin with wendy and she two brother John and Michael . wendy have somehow get a hold of Peter Pan 's shadow with hope that Pan would someday come get it so she can meet he . Peter Pan and he travel companion Tinkerbell do come . Peter invite the trio to Neverland and the result be non-stop adventure involve the lose boy , Captain Hook , and a crocodile with a alarm clock inside its stomach . it be nice to see the animation have be clean up . the vibrant color really come through in this new version of `` Peter Pan '' . what I be not too terribly keen on be the music . I find the song syrupy or too cheesy for my liking but I suppose that be because I be a adult . young child might like they . I could hardly care less about the game but again kid will more likely enjoy they than adult would . overall I be glad to see that `` Peter Pan '' be give a platinum edition . this be a classic . 352 Movies_TV NEG 2 I buy this workout video base on the user review - while the instructor do go over a series of good indian dance move , the instruction leave a lot to be desire and individual move be not break down into they component part at the height of the workout . there be little notice give before switch move and I often find myself leave behind and unable to follow the instructor . I would not purchase anything by hemalayaa again . 674 Movies_TV POS 4 I watch this dvd with my two girl -lrb- age 6 and 10 -rrb- . we like it very much . my 10 year old comment that she like it much better than Cinderella II . the story be a cute `` twist '' on the original which I still hold very dear to my heart . the message be perfect for my girl , which be ... do not try to be something you be not just to get someone to love you . and , of course , it be happily ever after ! 119 Movies_TV POS 5 in my opinion , `` Peter Pan '' be a dinsey masterpeice and one of the best classic Disney film . wendy , John , and Michael all believe in the magic and wonder of Peter Pan , and one night as they be dream wendy be awake by move around in the nursey , there stand before they be `` Peter Pan `` who take they to where he live and where kid will never grow up into adult , Neverland . while discover neverland they meet up with enchanting mermaid , indain . wendy , Micheal , John meet pan family sort of speak the lose boy and discover the wonder and childlike fantasy of never grow up . but most of all , they meet Peter Pan 's biggest adversary , the mean and devilish Captain Hook . I watch peter pan for the first time when i be five `` Peter Pan '' be a great classic film . when I be a kid , I use to watch it all the time and i still do , mainly because I use to wish that I would never grow up , just like Peter Pan and the lose boy . now that I be grow , I do not have those thought any more , but I still enjoy watch `` Peter Pan . '' it be a good movie . it be funny at time and exciting , it give I a little bit of nostalgia everytime I watch it , and it even have unforgettable song such as `` you can fly . '' I do not see where it matter how old you be , there be not anything wrong with watch cartoon after you be grow , if you like classic cartoon movie or if you have any child , this will absolutely hold they attention `` Peter Pan '' would be a great movie to own . 160 Movies_TV POS 4 if you be read this , I do not need to tell you about Russell T. Davies 's reboot of the venerable doctor who franchise , David Tennant 's step into Christopher Eccelston 's shoe and fill they `` fan-tast-ic ! `` ly , or how supporting cast Billie Piper , Noel Clarke and Camille Coduri really come into they own because you have probably already see it on SciFi Channel -lrb- before it become `` See-Fee '' ! -rrb- or BBC America . otoh , what make the boxed set worth buying be the raft of special feature that be never show in the US , or show in \* highly \* truncate form : episode of the doctor who CONFIDENTIAL behind the scene show , one for each episode ; cast and crew commentary for each episode , some video Picture-in-Picture ; and a video diary do of the season by star tennant with the sometimes aid of he then-girlfriend , actress Sophia Miles -lrb- `` The Girl in the Fireplace '' -rrb- . 174 Movies_TV NEU 3 director : Tony Scott cast : Will Smith , Gene Hackman , Jon Voight , Regina King , Loren Dean , Jake Busey , Barry Pepper . run time : 127 minute . rate r for violence and language . another producer Jerry Bruckheimer\/director Tony Scott thrill ride without substance , this time pit family man lawyer Robert Clayton Dean -lrb- play by Will Smith in a ho-hum performance -rrb- against a technologically-driven government . not know that the trivial meeting with a old friend would cause he so much trouble , Dean get suck into a conspiracy case involve a rogue National Security Agent -lrb- Jon Voight -rrb- who kill a United States congressman because he accidentally receive a video tape with footage of the murder . with incredible surveillance technique and technology , Voight be able to track all of the lawyer 's move and keep tab on he . we hero 's life be turn upside down until he meet up with a stealthy former NSA active name Brill -lrb- play very well by Gene Hackman -rrb- . with the assistance of Brill , Dean attack the government head on and must learn the truth in order to save he life . Director Tony Scott brilliantly use the camera to portray he view , jolt the character through a series of incredible chase scene , rip-roaring explosion , and intense firearm combat , but ultimately `` enemy of the state '' focus solely on the unbridled advance in special effect ability that it keep the audience from understand the story and get involve with the character . Smith be only adequate in he first major `` dramatic '' role , while Hackman and Voight pick up some of the slack in they devilishly effective part . a must-see if you be into big explosion and dynamite cinematography , but one to leave on the shelf if over-acting and a mediocre script be a annoyance . 903 Movies_TV POS 5 I purchase the special edition the day after it be release . the film essentially look the same as it always have , except that the background be clearer . there must be something about digital revitilization of movie that just make the background stand out more ! in addition to this , the soundtrack have improve -- quite noticeably . as for the Bonus feature -- they be very well do and worth view ! the make of Peter Pan be very informative and colorful ... lot of picture and sketch from production in the late 40s-1953 . Captain Hook be as clever as always ... Peter Pan a great character . do anyone else wonder why he ear be pointed though ? hmm ... and Tinker Bell sparkle . what a pixie ! as a whole , great entertainment and a improvement from my 1990 VHS -lrb- when it be first release onto video !! -rrb- and even from the dvd version release just about 3 year ago . I be just so happy to have this movie on dvd now as it be one of my favorite ... Hurray for Captain Pan ! 926 Movies_TV POS 5 when compare to MAN ON fire and DOMINO you have to understand that this be one of those movie where a average joe 's life get flip upside down when he intercept very politically , and potientially deadly , threatening material . the minute we find ourselves plug into this man 's world we be introduce to several people who be keep tab on he 24 hour a day . they wait outside in truck , bug he , tap he , question he , even pick up satiliete image to pin-point he exact location . it give a all new meaning to the word `` overactive paranoia . '' but , in DOMINO , it relate the most becuase DOMINO , as well , be about someone normal who evoke a change in she boring life . this be the story of a man who do not ask for he life to be change . Whihc make he the perfect everyday hero , in my humble opinion . enjoy ! 678 Movies_TV POS 5 my daughter love Disney movie , so she love this one as well . she love the story of peter-pan and talk about the kid in the movie all the time . recommend for the movie lover . 939 Movies_TV POS 5 David Tennant be brilliant as the doctor ! I love this series , and my only complaint be that it be only 13 episode long ! 577 Movies_TV POS 5 the act in enemy of the state be far beyond Ok as you see will Smith set up the high tension and thrill perfectly . the movie start out with a little confusement so already I like it because unlike the movie today I be not able to predict a thing . Robert Clayton Dean -lrb- Will Smith -rrb- be a lawyer with a wife and family that love a orginize and free of crime life . turn upside down after a chance meeting with a college buddy -lrb- Jason Lee -rrb- at a lingerie shop where he go to pick up a gift for he wife . while wait he be just be have a videotape slip into he bag contain a congressman 's assassination . right on he back for this tape be a ruthless group of National Security Agents command by a hostile fed name Reynolds -lrb- Jon Voight -rrb- . use surveillance from satellite , bug , and other sophisticated snoop device , the NSA infiltrate every facet of Dean 's existence , trace each physical and digital footprint he leave . drive by acute paranoia , Dean enlist the help of a clandestine former NSA operative name Brill -lrb- Gene Hackman -rrb- , and enemy of the State kick into high-intensity hyperdrive . privacy be never certain in this movie and it show you that it be like that in real life . there be no sign of slow down until the very end . 937 Movies_TV POS 5 when I first see `` enemy of the state '' , I immediately know that this would be the first of many film to awaken people to the harsh reality of privacy in this era . every dished-out fact speak throughout the movie be a dead on biography in itself of government surveilance and national security . Gene Hackman portray the perfect , grumpy ex-security agent who be try to build he life around he day as a protector of America . until however , he run into labor lawyer Robert Dean play by Will Smith , who be suddenly catch up in a web of false accusation and conspiracy from the country 's last line of defense . he and Hackman must now work together to save he life ... and he good name , which be cleverly tarnish by the agency and a crooked politician . the casting really bring out the best in the movie , especially with Will Smith 's sarcastic and rather indifferent and comic attitude at time . the high-tech gadget war keep you interested as you wonder whose technology will prevail in the end . the movie keep you on the edge of you seat with non-stop action , flawless scripting and above all it be similarity to a highly advance and often paranoid world we live in today . 816 Movies_TV POS 4 this be a classic Disney , from a story fill with magic that appeal to all age . my three year old watch it over and over , and love to read the story too . 591 Movies_TV POS 4 one of my favorite movie . I think it be one of Smith 's best performance . it do not get the publicity of some of he other movie however it be far better than most of he blockbuster . 47 Movies_TV POS 5 ok , I admit , I do not want to spend the money and start out by borrow this one from the library . in fact , I play it for my almost 3 year old daughter while I take a shower , because I really be not all that interested in a direct to dvd video . she request it again -lrb- and again , and again -rrb- . finally one day i need to get some work do and set up the laptop in the family room while she be watch . needless to say , I do not accomplish much for the duration of the movie . LOL ! what a refreshingly fun story ! I love that Cinderella take charge of she own destiny instead of be `` save by the handsome prince '' . I also like the character development of Anastasia - although I find it a little difficult to swallow the thought of she as a sympathetic character , it do work very well . you see the progression of change , so it make sense . not a big fan of the `` I know I be in love the moment I touch she hand '' thing , but it be still a fairy tale , after all . the animation of the face be even better than the original . Cinderella 's expression be gorgeous and tug at you heart . the voice be wonderful , too . and very true to the original . 333 Movies_TV NEU 3 I be expect more traditional oriental dancing , and I guess I should have know better just by see the word `` Bollywood '' . pro : good workout , it can actually make you sweat . Easy to follow . the dance move be not precise and this can be good for unexperimented dancer -lrb- actually , you do not even need to know how to dance to do this workout -rrb- . con : 1 -rrb- if you be look for a belly dancing , do not buy . none of the move be relate to belly dancing . 2 -rrb- also , bad , bad narration -lrb- be sassy ! be sexy ! Etc. -rrb- . honestly , I would never do this workout with someone next to I . 3 -rrb- the music be awful . 4 -rrb- the whole workout look like a spice girl video . 5 -rrb- some of the move can actually be dangerous for you neck\/back . so if you be look for a fun workout that will make you sweat , that be for you . otherwise , you can find much better dance dvd somewhere else . 850 Movies_TV POS 4 in today 's surveillance society film like ` enemy of the State ' can make for think provoke view at time and couple with a fairly decent storyline this be a good way to spend a couple of hour . this follow a Washington attorney -lrb- play by Will Smith -rrb- who inadvertently get possession of a video contain a political assassination . a NSA team be set up to discredit he and to track down the tape and pretty soon thing take a sinister turn , with bug , track device , stop credit card , smear campaign and more and pretty soon he be way out of he depth . fortunately he have a contact who be adept in counter surveillance -lrb- who he previously buy information from for he legal case -rrb- who be able to assist he in regain he life and level the playing file with the NSA spook who be on he tail . whilst some of the technology and surveillance idea in this film seem a little far fetch , I be sure some of these technique be use and even some more we be not even aware of . you start to contemplate the level of surveillance and privacy in society as more infringement start to unfold throughout the film , not bad for a action flick . the acting be pretty good from all involve and Gene Hackman be excellent and steal the film from Smith , but to be honest the support cast be so good that this have worthy performance from all involve . this move at a fast pace and be direct well , with a real sense of action and also disquiet at the roving satellite that spin overhead . this be a good action film and raise some interesting issue about privacy in modern society and it be well worth a look at some point . Feel free to check out my blog which can be find on my profile page . 900 Movies_TV POS 5 another great Disney movie to add to we collection ! I love watch this movie I have not see in age and my son love watch these great `` new '' movie 894 Movies_TV NEG 1 Peter Pan be a exciting movie of make believe , fun for child of all age to watch . I be disappointed that I can not show it to my child because of the disgusting depiction of aboriginal people throughout it . in one spot it actually say `` the red man be cunning but not intelligent '' . I hope Disney have realize its error and I think a edit version should be release with a apology to aboriginal people . 587 Movies_TV POS 4 First of all , it remind you the novel by George Orwell . although the idea be similar , this movie be great ! . . I do not know how many time I watch this movie , but I enjoy everytime I watch it . you never get bore while you be watch as the continous action scene make you sit in you chair w\/out a pause and they be shoot in a perfect way . one of my best in my collection together with Matrix , Thomas Crown Affair , Truman Show , Notting Hill etc. . 346 Movies_TV POS 4 the video be film in a nice set , well light and you can see everything clearly . on some occasion the camera be on a face when I would have want to see the foot , and some close-up be not in time with the rhythm of the music but overall the editing be ok . hemalayaa and she 2 `` sister '' who dance along most of the time be wear workout clothes , the foot be clearly visible . I only wonder why they be wear egyptian coin belt in a `` indian '' dance workout ... the intro feature hemalayaa with a speach that be a bit over-enthusiastic for my taste . you know , stuff like `` once you start , you never can stop '' in a tone as if she be on some kind of happy pill ... what irritated I be that accord to she bollywood dance be `` not about elaborate choreography . '' Helloooo ? if we define Bollywood dance as `` dance like in Hindi film '' - well it be all about choreography , and most of it be quite fast and elaborate ! there be a warm up section that I have mix feeling about . some of it be good , but there be at least 4 different head movement that can hurt you neck . I think it be well know 20 year ago that roll you head all around can be bad for the neck ? also , I think she should have mendionn that knee have to be align with the foot when bend they because she do a lot of plunge . the dance workout section mostly teach Bhangra movement and the music be modern Bhangra as well -lrb- Bhangra be a north indian folk dance , originally dance by man -rrb- . they be a good joice for a workout but only a small part of the movement and style use in Bollywood dance number . there be one hop step she call the `` Hare Krishna '' but never explain why and I really do not get the connection . there be not a lot emphasis on the arm and hand , so you mostly work out the leg and there be a section call `` ground play '' that also work out the ab . as this be a workout where you be suppose to be constantly move , the movement be not really break down , just sometimes do slowly and then faster . it certainly make I sweat , so this mission be accomplish : - -rrb- hemalayaa give voice-over comment and repeatedly tell we to `` have fun with it ! '' and `` smile ! '' well , if you do not want that , you have the option to do the workout with music alone . I like the cool down section -lrb- except more head rolling -rrb- although I miss a good stretch for the leg which would have need the most . there be a extra performance show hemalayaa with or without the two other dancer basically bop around to the music we already hear in the workout , use the movement that be teach . unfortunately it be all cut in MTV style , sometimes in slow motion - so it be not like you could really dance along . all in all , it be ok for a workout video . you will learn some fun dance movement that you can use at the next Bollywood\/Bhangra party but it will not make you a Bollywood dancer . -lrb- btw , I have be bellydance for 17 year and I really do not see any bellydance movement in this dvd ! the hip move be do differently . -rrb- 205 Movies_TV POS 5 although I enjoy `` enemy of the state '' when it first come out on dvd , I then take it at face value as mere entertainment . I find this taut thriller even more suspenseful the second time around ; moreover , it have assume a chilling plausibility -- probably because of now be able to ` tour ' various world capital at street level on Google map . Will Smith and Gene Hackman -lrb- and he cat -rrb- have a marvelous on-camera chemistry ; and whereas some of the ` hot political thriller ' that I have see of late fall flat or run out of steam at the end , `` enemy of the state '' pack a wallop that really deliver ! 400 Movies_TV POS 4 this be just a cinema classic that should be in every family 's collection . the bonus feature be not bad either but the real jewel be have the original movie . it be Peter Pan ala Disney ... what more be there to say . 684 Movies_TV POS 4 what happen when the evil stepmother get the magic wand ? this be what this movie explore . it show the power of true love , impart the lesson of be true to oneself , and have enough gag laugh for the little one to be tickle with . the song where actually quite good - and the pace of the movie be quick , no lull . Cinderella do come off as a strong woman , not a weak helpless maiden , and overall - a good movie for you little princess to watch . enjoy . 606 Movies_TV POS 5 I have two seller cancel on I before I find this seller . I receive the movie on time and quality be as expect . 819 Movies_TV NEG 2 I love Peter and pirate and mermaid -- but this be make in 1951 -- so Watch out . I do not like my 3 yr old hearing thing like `` girl talk too much '' and indian call `` redskin '' and the WORST be Tinkerbell wonder if she -lrb- ... -rrb- be too fat !! if you be careful about what you little one watch , skip this one for now . 999 Movies_TV POS 4 first let I say right out that I enjoy every single story on this set . the only reason I do not give this set a rating of 5 star be because of a technical issue play disk 5 on my computer system . the menu program lock up or when it do not lock up it crash to the desktop before you can make a menu selection . I discover that by uncheck the video hardware acceleration option in the powerdvd software I be able to enjoy the contents of disk 5 . this be the only time that I ever experience this kind of problem with a new disk . 665 Movies_TV POS 5 Peter Pan be a wonderful movie ! I have love it ever since I be a kid and even my kid love it too . when I hear about the special edition I tell my kid and we all get very excited , we love this dvd . my 12-year-old daughter especially love it , this be she favorite movie ! its a very family orented movie for everyone . this classic will never grow old in my heart ! 759 Movies_TV POS 5 I enjoy the first series , but this one be far and away better . I like the new doctor better , and the return of the cyberman be brilliantly do . and what can be say about how wonderful it be to see Sarah Jane Smith again ? there be not a episode in this series that I do not enjoy . 967 Movies_TV POS 5 I have be a Dr. who fan since live in England in the '70 . this new series be smash ! 801 Movies_TV POS 5 what can one say about a Disney movie ? I have yet to be disappoint . this be a perfect tell of the story about the boy who do not want to grow up and the adventure he have in Neverland with Wendy , Michael , and John . I would recommend it as great family entertainment . 582 Movies_TV POS 5 I can not add anything about the movie itself . the only reason to buy these special edition be for the extra feature . behind the scene stuff , how the movie come about , interview with actor who do the voice , ect . if you care about those thing , this be a great set . if you do not , there be no reason to upgrade . 224 Movies_TV POS 5 this be a great disney classic . the two disk set have some fun new feature . 53 Movies_TV POS 4 this be a great movie for kid , I love it when I be little . I still think it be great . what I do not understand be this whole racist thing . I be pretty sure that I be one of the only people who honestly do not think about racial issue at all when watch movie like this . my aunt be full-blooded Cherokee Indian and she love this movie . I guess I just do not think about thing the way many other do . I do not want to get into a discussion of all this p.c. propoganda . all I be say be , this movie be definitely a classic , and should be a part of any kid 's life . 568 Movies_TV POS 5 the dvd come on time and my two daughter have watch it numerous time since its arrival . thanks , Amazon -lrb- and Disney -rrb- ! 96 Movies_TV POS 4 true to Will Smith 's film persona , he be this generation 's action hero ! there be time that I wish that I could reach into the movie itself and strangle will on a few occasion during the first half hour - hour of the movie but I have to remind myself that this be how the character be write and that there be reason for everything in a hollywood script . I recommend the movie to young and old alike . it be a movie that also make you think what we government be really capable of and what the future have in store as well . enjoy !!!!!! 749 Movies_TV POS 5 ever since I go to see this movie in the theater , it have be my favorite movie . from begin to end , it be full of great action , a great story line , and a awesome cast . Jerry Bruckheimer and Tony Scott be a great match . 691 Movies_TV POS 4 I teach belly dance and just think it would make a change to add some bollywood move into my dance . this dvd have help I with that and also very easy to follow as a excercise dvd 245 Movies_TV POS 5 I never consider Disney 's `` Peter Pan '' to be one of they best animated classic up there with `` Bambi '' and `` Pinocchio , '' and it be while watch all of the extra that come with this platinum edition that I figure out why this be the case . much be make of Walt Disney 's affection for the J.M. Barrie 's story of the boy who would not grow up , and it dawn on I that I always identify more with Tom Swift , the boy inventor , than with Peter Pan . consequently I have develop a hypothesis that there be a choice to be make between Peter Pan and Tom Swift , similar to those we make between Superman and Batman , Elvis and the Beatles , Ginger and Mary Ann , etc. , as part of we pop culture consciousness . however , that be say , even those of we who be in a hurry to grow up can still enjoy Disney 's unique take on Peter Pan in this 1953 version . as most of we know from `` Finding Neverland '' or we own familiarity with the story of the story , `` Peter Pan '' be originally a stage production with actor be hoist on wire to fly , Tinker Bell be create by a flashlight , a actor play Nana and a young woman as Peter . Disney 's animated version have great fun make the character fly , turn Tinker Bell into a pantomime pixie who would become the icon of the Disney studio , and for the first time have the boy who never grow up be model and voice by a actual boy -lrb- Bobby Driscoll -rrb- . wendy be voice by Kathryn Beaumont , who have just do the title character Disney 's `` Alice in Wonderland , '' by vocally the show be steal by the great Hans Conreid as both Captain Hook and Mr. Darling , and Bill Thompson as the memorable Mr. Smee . one of the thing that prove the immortality of `` Peter Pan '' be how many different version of it work , each provide its own twist on the tale -lrb- my favorite be director P.J. Hogan 's 2003 film version , which I think be far and away the best version for adult -rrb- . here the emphasis be on Neverland as the greatest playground ever , where Captain Hook and Tinker Bell take turn steal the film . Peter Pan be a bit more of a imp here than elsewhere , but that be balance by the gravitas that Wendy bring to the proceedings . the only serious flaw here be the depiction of the Indians , although a consideration of the song `` what make the Red Man Red ? '' from the perspective of contemporary political correctness may still find the racism more silly than anything else . it go without say that these attitude be true to the time , and my preference have always be for point out these flaw rather than editing or ignore they . I might not consider this a top tier Disney film , but the dvd extra more than make up the difference , because once again we the studio treat its classic film the way all classic film should be treat on a 2-disc dvd set -lrb- which include a new digital restoration -rrb- . on Disc 1 there be a sneak peak for the upcome `` Tinker Bell '' computer animated movie , a opportunity to sing along with the movie 's song , and a storybook of `` Peter 's Playful Prank . '' then there be the audio commentary track be a compilation of interview clip `` host '' by Roy Disney . the commentary bear no relation to what be happen on screen so it really be just to be listen to and you will find that several of the bit appear in the featurette on Disc 2 . it be fascinating to listen to the likes of film critic\/historian Leonard Malting , animator Marc Davis -lrb- Tinker Bell -rrb- , Frank Thomas -lrb- Captain Hook -rrb- , and Ollie Johnston , along with actress Beaumont and Margaret Kerry -lrb- model for Tinker Bell -rrb- , and other . on Disc 2 you get to the Backstage Disney section , which include Walt Disney 's own explanation for `` why I make ` Peter Pan , ' '' a mini-documentary on `` the make of ` Peter Pan , ' '' and one of the highlight of the extra feature , `` the ` Peter Pan ' that almost be , '' that look at the evolution of the Disney version over the course of more than a decade . there be also a 1952 featurette on the film and Art Galleries consider hundred of gorgeous piece of original artwork do for the production . the Music & more section include the delete song `` the Pirate song '' and the lose song `` never land '' perform by Paige O'Hara , along with a music video of `` the second star to the Right '' perform by t-square . for Games & Activities there be a read-along version of the entire film , `` Camp Never Land : train to be a lose boy , '' `` Smee 's Sudoku Challenge , '' `` Tarrrget Practice , '' and `` Tink 's Fantasy Flight , '' all of which will appeal to the wee folk who be not familiar with play computer game on a actual computer . finally there be `` Peter Pan 's Virtual Flight , '' which I assume take we over a computer generate London prepare for the upcome `` Tinker Bell '' movie . 189 Movies_TV POS 5 about a year or so ago my nephew suggest I might want to check out the new Dr. who series . even though I have live in England year ago I have never get `` into '' the show . I love english mystery , sci-fus and humor so I decide to `` give it a go '' . to my surprise , I really like it . the writing be so original and the story be `` way out there '' . David Tenent be really good in the role of Dr. who . he can be very serious one minute , then very funny the next . Billy Piper be great too ! I be sorry to see she depart . I have watch the second series over and over again . David 's video diary be a really interesting insight to how a show be put together and all the hard work the actor put in to make this show great . I highly recommend this as a `` must have '' purchase ... 619 Movies_TV POS 5 this be the definitive version of the Peter Pan Story , I will assume that most reading this review have see this or other version . I be glad to say that the movie on the dvd be as I have see it in the movie theater . some thing that I be worry would be completely or partially edit out include the Indians , and the Pixie dust . although some could say that the song the Indians sing be less then politically correct and the pixie dust could be a substitute for drug abuse . however , everything be there , Disney seem to be learn that we want they as they first appear in the theater . but , if you take those thing out you do not have Peter Pan . one thing that be remove after the first release , by Walt Disney himself -lrb- reportedly -rrb- , be the story of how Peter assist Tinker Bell after she injure from bomb which Captain Hook intend for Peter . just watch the film , one moment she light be dim -lrb- similarly to what happen in the stage play -rrb- and in the next edit Tink be just fine . I be hop that they would have put this on the dvd , but , I have not find it . the stage play use poison instead of a bomb , so it be understandable that they do not put that in the Disney film , too similar to drug use . from what I have read , Peter sing a song and that bring Tink back to full health . any how , the extra feature on the dvd be great , other than the miss song mention earlier . there be some extra feature that seem strange , like the virtual fight over London , it be limited -lrb- to put it nicely -rrb- . could have be better , if you could choose which direction to go or fly up and down , otherwise any low budget video game be much better . overall , I be happy with this dvd edition and will wait for a Legacy edition -lrb- a dvd with the original and all the sequel -rrb- before I by another version , even hd , of Peter Pan . hopefully , Disney will put all the miss sens in newer version . 714 Movies_TV POS 4 my husband could barely contain himself when he find out that he much beloved Dr. who be come back to town on the sci-fus channel back in 2005 . I have to admit that I be a bit excited myself . here be a chance to get reaquaint with the a little british sci-fus export about this painfully british look guy -lrb- Tom Baker , of course -rrb- with this forever long scarf lope about among cheap `` hi-tech '' set with this much younger british chick . I have only see a couple of episode as a very young child and find that it merely creep I out -lrb- I believe it be Robots of Death -rrb- , but I remember enough to relate when people mention the show , or when I would hear the theme music . so , here I be at 33 years-old ready to wipe the Dr. who slate clean and begin thing all anew for my husband 's enjoyment , if anything . the new series have be alot of fun . hear the theme music again , even to a non-fan be nostalgic enough to bring tear to the eye . the effect and studio set look great , the story exciting and clever . both doctor have be fun loving and just chock-full of all thing a sci-fi fan could possibly want , and prove once again that one do not have to be a `` kill em all and let God sort em out '' kind of hero to save the day in Whoville . so , I give this series a nice , healthy rating . room for it to shoot for perfection , not that it have far to go . that be say ... after watch `` School Reunion '' with Elizabeth Sladen reprise she role as Sarah Jane Smith with faithful computer dog k-9 , it make I wonder about the whole Dr. who phenomenon in general . my husband fill I in on the fact that this show have be on for 26 consecutive year from 1963-1989 and that there have be more doctor before and after scarf dude . so , out of curiosity , I start dabble into classic Dr. who mostly from the 70 's be that this period more coinside with the little I remember about the show , and the fact that more dvd be available from this era . since then I have see the light . true , the effect and set be still pretty poor , and the creature costume rather embarrassing , the script a bit forced , but it do accomplish one very important aspect of Dr. who . it last out 26 year through the blood , sweat , and tear of those man and woman in front and behind the camera . there be no computer artist to type in a program to bring all those monster closer to life . many script be write up in a week 's time or less . the film be fast and furious , often require the actor to get it right the first time , because studio time be a precious and expensive commodity . all this to fill up a half hour every Saturday for British kid , and somehow , it still become a worldwide obsession . okay , enough of the soap-box talk and on to personal opinion of these new doctor . now , mind you , I like these guy , just as I mention before , and if these be the absolute first to play the role , it would be a no-brainer to say that they be dead-on . but they be not the absolute first and in some way there be a lot to be desire . they do a great job take on bit and piece of the doctor they generate from , but I find Eccleston 's heavy northern accent rather jolting . he remind I of drax from the Armaggedan factor episode from 1978 with that accent , and I would rather not be remind of Drax manifest in any doctor regeneration ! and as for little David Tennant , well , I refer to he as a little , oily rat in another review , but only because I have only see he in he role in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and he do such a great job as a little , oily rat man -lrb- other than wormtail , of course -rrb- ! he be also rather too young look to play this 900 year-old Timelord . at he age he have to be careful not to come off a some arrogant , know-it-all brat . and as for companion Rose and all she baggage -lrb- I mean ` family ' -rrb- , I do not recall Tom Baker 's doctor ever care whether he have a companion or not . he most certainly never beg they to come along , they be sort of always dump on he to haul around . these be personal opinion , of course , and if northern british accent and kid look timelord be you cup of tea , hey , this new series be perfection already . but if you can not help but long for the bohemian dress , scarf wearin ' , alien charm of Tom Baker lope about those cheap , build from scratch set , ad-libbing Oscar Wilde style in he smooth baratone voice , then slap 4 star on this series and remember to be eternally grateful that it bring you back to try and true , bare knuckle who . 381 Movies_TV POS 4 keep the child entertain a good twist on the original story . 730 Movies_TV NEU 3 Cinderella III be surprisingly okay . I would say I would watch it again and I be not upset about purchase it . I just need to remember it be a `` straight to dvd '' movie . if you can get past the bad casting they do for the voice of the character , except for jaq and Gus , and the cheaper quality in animation , then this movie be not all bad . the story line be okay , but what I do hate be that they erase the original 's end . in the original movie Cinderella get lock in she room , the mouse free she , and after that we all know what happen . in this movie , it pick up the story from that point . every thing that happen after the mouse free Cinderella from she room be now what really happen because the fairy Godmother decide that this end be better . she decide to erase 1 year of Cinderella 's and the Prince 's marriage , the glass slipper fitting only Cinderella , and everything else that we see in the first movie 's end . that be what I do not like . the fairy godmother could have just wave she wand and take everyone back to the time and place before Anastasia get she hand on the magic wand , but she do not . this , and the terrible song and voice , be why I give this movie only 3 star . Disney could of try a little harder to get the right voice for the character . of course they can not get the original actor , but I be sure there be closer match out there to the original voice than what they have get go on in this movie . -lrb- with the exception of the mouse . they be pretty close to the original voice . -rrb- the step sister voice and fairy godmother voice be extremely horrible . what I do like about this movie , be that you get a bigger sense of the love that we 2 main character share , and know that it be more than just a crush . you see both Cinderella and the Prince fight for they love , instead of just fall in love because a fairy godmother help Cinderella get to the ball . so would I recommend someone add this to they collection , in my case I be glad I have it , but if what I mention above disturb you , then maybe you should just rent it first if you be still curious . 405 Movies_TV NEG 1 it take forever to receive & they send Cinderella , I obviously order Peter Pan - they never respond to my email or fix the issue - horrible service , if you can even call it that ! 74 Movies_TV POS 5 all in all a pretty good effort from David Tennant and Billie Piper . the season get off with a mediocre effort , New Earth . Kind of annoy how the doctor treat the cat nurse after all they have do to cure humanity of disease . they have to create guinea pig to experiment they procedure on . I think I would not like this doctor at all . but then a funny thing happen on the way to the finale . the story keep get better and better ! -lrb- up to a point , which you will see . -rrb- School Reunion be just that , bring back two old favorite . after see School Reunion , you will never look at Sarah Jane Smith 's story with Tom Baker 's Doctor the same again . the impossible Planet\/Satan pit sequel be perhaps the strongest effort , contain aspect of the Omen and Alien . then come a slight drop-off in story quality . love and monster can claim to be the strangest , most unusual Doctor who story ever see , not good , but a decent story . follow the Satan pit do not help it in term of excitement . fear she be a pretty weak story with a couple nice moment , such as the doctor light the Olympic torch at the end . just when I think the season hit the skid , along come the tremendous finale , Army of Ghosts\/Doomsday . believe I , this story be fantastic and leave a lasting effect on the viewer . you can feel the Doctor 's sadness at apparently lose Rose forever . it be also nice to see Mickey back again , not the same cowardly Mickey whom the doctor refer to as Mickey the idiot , but a brave freedom-fighting Mickey . do not let a couple weak story spoil the whole season . this be a season that build towards a exciting and heart-wrenching climax . 328 Movies_TV POS 5 `` Peter Pan '' still retain its charm , wit and heart express in its animation , which have be clean up quite a bit , while faithfully follow Barbie 's book . it be probably the film that spawn the adventurous 1991 `` hook , '' but this animated feature be far better than `` Hook . '' `` Peter Pan '' be when two english parent leave for a party , leave behind the nursemaid dog Nana and they three child , wendy , Michael , and John behind . not long after they parent have leave , Peter Pan and he tiny accomplice Tinker Bell crash in , look for Peter 's shadow , spawn the entertaining , funny , and charming result , lead to a fluffernutter happy end . what this be one of Disney 's latter classic that remain one of my favorite Disney classic , among the handsomely make `` sleep beauty '' that win you over with its captivating animation and the lush classical music , while `` Bambi '' win you over with heart and good nature . but `` Peter Pan '' win you over with heart , humor and just the right amount of magic . the special edition VHS and dvd come with a free movie ticket to see the sequel `` return to Neverland '' and it come fully restore to its original brilliance , which make it all the more enjoyable to see and hear this delightful Disney feature . Perfect for anyone look for 77 minute to spare . 727 Movies_TV POS 5 this be one of the best Walt Disney 's Movies ever make , the forteenth animated feature , in chronological line order , for this Film Company . the tale on this platinum dvd about `` Peter Pan , '' be a magical story of a boy in search of he miss silhouette , that while look for he shadow visit London , meet the child of the Darling Family and bring all of they back with he to never land , where this fable finally unfold splendidly . `` Peter Pan , '' a parable about a boy who never desire to grow up , it be once again be colorfully present here for the third time , maybe even for one last time , on dvd by Walt Disney . it be of course a delightfully write script , that over all keep marvelouslly well with the pace of the original fable by James M. Barrie 's book story . and regardless of what purist text reviewer may like to point out , it be nevertheless my humble impression that as offer here , as a adaptation write by Disney for a `` CARTOON MOVIE TALE , '' do see to work wonderfully fine for this theatrical reincarnation of it be original `` Peter Pan '' book 's legend . like for instance , it still retain and show the desire of all young kid for longebity , take fantasy journey & wish to never grow up . add to this mix the `` Prixie Fairy Tinkerbell , '' then include a mischievously naughty ` Captain Hook , ' along with a quantity of ` pirate , ' some bunch of crazy warier ` Indians , ' as well as finally ` the Magic Ability to fly , ' and you get here on film a sophisticated , yet complicate story produce by Walt Disney , that children of all age and background would enjoy forever , for it speak to `` THEIR IMAGINATION FROM THEIR heart . '' `` Peter Pan '' be theatrically release for the silver screen , for the first time in 1953 , I see it very young with my parent , plus little sister , at one of my home town two movie theater , and feel instantly in love with `` Peter Pan 's Story . '' Disney have release this film twice before on dvd , but only be first originaly fully `` restore and remaster '' for ` Picture & Sound Above and Behond the Film Original Brilliance ' for they second release , the right now very hard to get one disk dvd ~ `` PETER PAN SPECIAL EDITION . '' ~ therefore , be sure that this new to be re-issue , `` PETER PAN '' once again fully `` remaster '' in a two disk ` PLATINUM EDITION , ' would become one of the best buy next spring for all of those Disney `` PLATINUM SPECIAL EDITION COLLECTORS . '' I would certainly buy it next March 2007 , even whem be still -lrb- one of the few lucky owner of the other `` PETER PAN SPECIAL EDITION , '' -rrb- which do also happen to come with some insteresting documentary and extra feature , ~ dvd which still do love watch every second and every time I play it . imagine then , all the supplementary extra that this new platinum edition would have in order to exceed the previous dvd feature . beside once again be `` fully Remastered & Restored for Picture & Sound , '' just to simply beat that now out of print `` Peter Pan special edition . '' for sure it most be a fantastic third time around `` PLATINUM . '' because `` PETER PAN '' be a wonderfull story about ` grow up , ' then I would like to recomend that all family consider buy , once it do again become available at retail store next March 2007 , in order to show they children . since `` Peter Pan '' be every ` Boys dream ' and every little ` girl Fantasy , all at once come true , in they still sweet inocent and tender imagination . also since we all know well that in we soul we still do remain forever ` children at Heart , ' would be fun for we to watch and own it too as grow up adult . we have wait a long time for Walt Disney to re-release `` PETER PAN , '' and beside all this wait , there be out there new generation of kid everywhere live , who have never see this fable on dvd ; whom still may be eagerly await to see the delight of discover , and learn like we once do from the lesson teach by this `` PETER PAN STORY . '' now like to end this review , intend to share with all my previous experience about the other dvd 's release of this Motion Picture , as well as to contribute with some of my childhood\/adult feeling about `` Disney 's Peter Pan Story , '' by now honorably `` thank the studio , '' which give we in film : `` all our childhood dreams\/fantasies in technicolor . '' MY BEST wish to you all for a peacefull holiday season and a happy new 2007 , forever and evermore in HEAVEN & EARTH . 868 Movies_TV POS 4 do not expect much from a Will Smith movie for some reason , always think of he as a bit of a lightweight , so maybe that be why I be amaze at how good , tight , exciting , and disturb this movie turn out to be , and Will 's performance be superb . 755 Movies_TV POS 4 enemy of the state be a fun exciting great movie to watch . the acting be great , the plot be great and the movie as a whole be well think and intelligent . I recommend anyone who want to see a exceptional movie with a lot of action to buy enemy of the state . 15 Movies_TV POS 5 Peter Pan be one of the Ultimate Disney classic . the restoration make it even more enjoyable this time around . this be the perfect keepsake ... my child will love grow up watch this ! 312 Movies_TV POS 5 this movie be so great , it be hard to put into word ... the action move so fast , and the camera just as fast ... I nominate this for the Oscar for best film editing ! this movie submerge you into the action , Will Smith give a very strong performance , as do the know-it-all character play by Gene Hackman I highly recommend this film to anyone seek thrill ! Jason Lee also give a strong stint as the guy who discover the film of the assassination . 761 Movies_TV NEU 3 I be not go to go into too much detail , but this second season be not nearly as good as the first one . David Tennant play a great doctor who , but about all of the story in this season be set on Earth . forward in time , backwards in time , current time in a alternate universe , but on Earth . I do not know if this be because they blow they budget on the first season , but most of the episode be pretty sappy -lrb- especially the later episode -rrb- . since most of the episode focus on Rose , they have a scrappy Doo quality to they that make they all a bit silly . I really want to enjoy this series , and I 'll tune in for season three , but if it keep go its current direction , it will soon be air as some kind of after school special call `` Rose who ? '' . 66 Movies_TV POS 5 I own the special edition , but Im glad that they be finally release this great movie for all those who miss it when it be available last time . this version be probably the best ever release and the price be pretty reasonable . the special edition be only 1 disk and cost a bit more . Hopefully Pinnochio will be come soon to platinum . I have the limited edition and it be a pretty bad transfer -lrb- look like straight from VHS with no clean up -rrb- . however , im holding on to it incase they censor the platinum version . I think this re-release of PeterPan be a signal that Disney be see the light . they be lose alot of revenue to chinese bootleg be sell on -lrb- ... -rrb- , and god know -lrb- ... -rrb- doesnt give a crap about enforcement . 576 Movies_TV POS 5 I be blow away by `` season 2 '' - there be not one episode that I feel be weak or stray from character . I enjoy the interaction between the doctor and Rose , especially the growth as they become more familar with each other . definately a worthwhile purchase on my part . 822 Movies_TV POS 5 I grow up ... well okay ... some folk say I never will ... watch this movie . it be a fun treatment and do back when animation be hand draw . classic story and still entertain all these year later . 970 Movies_TV POS 4 you people who complain about jealousy and malice ! most character in the original novel - be - jealous and mean , but they have redeeming quality . as a movie , this do disappoint I , but only the picture . none of the character look as I imagine they except John and Michael . the costume be off . Disney always do that . Pleaaase read the book , people ! it be so wonderful . and see the live REMAKE that just come OUT , IT 's AWESOME ! 171 Movies_TV POS 4 Will Smith be Robert Clayton Dean , a young yet prominent labor attorney in the dc area who suddenly find he well order life go to hell . unknown to he , he be accidentally receive a video disc implicate the Deputy Director of Operations of the NSA -lrb- Jon Voight -rrb- in the suspicious death of a influential senator - a disc pass to he moment before its owner 's untimely death . unable to locate the disc , the wicked dep decide to take Dean 's life to piece - find much in Smith 's character that be not as order as it appear . in fact , Dean 's adventure as a labor lawyer frequently have he run up against organize crime boss , include one play by Tom Sizemore . worse , to get he information , Smith rely on a shadowy figure name Brill , a man he be never meet . instead , he maintain contact with Brill through a former lover -lrb- Lisa Bonet -rrb- . draw a line between Smith and Bonet use they ban account , the NSA wreck he personal life and implicate he in embezzlement . on the run from the super-secret NSA with its satellite and its surveillance gear , with nowhere to turn , Dean 's only hope be to find the mysterious Brill himself , learn the secret drive he pursuer and hope to fund some way to put he life back together . not a lot in `` enemy '' make sense , but it be fast and , with Will Smith , often funny . he be get a flip sense of humor that save the movie that otherwise have few surprise . Gene Hackman enter the scene as the shadowy Brill running , and he never stop . Brill be essentially paranoia incarnate - though by the time we have meet he , we know enough about the Government 's surveillance method to empathize with he fear . Jon Voight play the latest in a long line of heavy -lrb- he be the evil lawyer in `` Rainmaker '' -rrb- but otherwise never connect as a villain . but the real star of the flick be the direction , which be fast and coherent at the same time . otherwise , the flick pay lip service to Hollywood 's need for a apparent message -lrb- beware nig government 's intrusion on you privacy -rrb- without make the movie deep enough for you to care . Watch it for the fun . 706 Movies_TV POS 5 I see this movie 7 time a i think it be awesome . its my fav . movie . my recomendation be . . get it now !!!!! 374 Movies_TV POS 5 this be watch over and over again by the girl ! it be fun for Grandma 's to watch with they also , as we remember the first Cinderella movie , do not we ? 551 Movies_TV POS 5 this be a great addition to we Disney movie collection . the kid watch it three time the day we receive it , and several time since . a must have for any Disney Princess fan . 84 Movies_TV POS 5 this movie be for anyone who like a action\/thriller movie . this movie be full of suspence and suprise ! this movie make you think because this could accually happen . buy this movie , you wo not REGRET IT ! 871 Movies_TV POS 5 very very very good ! this series have I on the edge of my seat half of the time , and laugh my head off the rest of the time . great drama , and british humor . 600 Movies_TV POS 5 the second series of Doctor who continue to be amazingly well write . the act and direction be credible , make I almost believe that what be happen on the screen be true . it be wrenching at the end and leave you want more . as for the special effect and extra they be fun to watch and informative , if you be in to that type of thing . 764 Movies_TV NEU 3 this be a enchanting story , and I would give it 5 star if it be not for a bit of unfortunate sterotyping of american Indians . in particular , a song sing by the indian character -lrb- `` what make The Red Man Red ? '' -rrb- be intend to be funny , but now it just come across as embarrassing . I fully realize this sort of thing be par for the course in Hollywood at the time . but it be still unfortunate that I now have to explain to my kid that it be really not ok in we family to use skin color as the punch line to a joke . 803 Movies_TV POS 5 it be a funny sequal to fun classic it be very good and well do 844 Movies_TV POS 5 just receive this by mail yesterday . my daughter and I grab popcorn and sit side by side to watch it . love we moment together with she Disney movie . 282 Movies_TV NEU 3 Peter Pan and old time classic ... I see this movie with my wife and grand child and one of the children name be wendy which make the movie very special . Love captain hook and the crocodile ... the graphic we have today spoil a person and the graphic in this movie be disappointing , but the story line remain great ... the game be ... so , so ... overall slightly above average satisfaction . 991 Movies_TV POS 4 this be a really good sequel . I buy it because I hear it be go back into the Disney vault . the character be not wooden . at least the Prince have something to do this time . Cinderella and she animal friend use they ingenuity to set thing back right . the stepmother and stepsister be they deliciously evil self . this film be almost as good as the original . it be a fun film and thoroughly enjoyable . so , go ahead a enjoy it . 348 Movies_TV POS 5 this be a excellent thriller\/drama movie with a very relevant plot for today society . it may have be far fetch when it be make but it be more of a blue print for today reality . the audio and video transfer be excellent and definitely rate a tier 1 presence for Blu-Ray . 653 Movies_TV POS 5 this be a very exciting movie . there be not a single bad performance in the movie . 897 Movies_TV POS 4 as a fan of the original series - especially the golden age of Tom Baker -lrb- when he be still take the show seriously -rrb- - I have not be disappoint with the new `` who . '' from the wonderfully rework title sequence and theme tune -lrb- so much better than the tinny version that introduce the show from late Baker onward -rrb- the new series maintain much of the charm of the original without the wobbly set . I love Christopher Ecclestone 's portrayal of the Doctor , so await this second season with a little trepidation . although I find David Tennant 's Doctor a little more superficial , he do a creditable job nevertheless . but why oh why be BBC dvd SOOOOOO expensive ? sure , they be generally a quality product , but that do not justify charge two to three time as much as for a equivalent US series . sorry BBC - until you price be competitive , I 'll be rent this and future who , not buy they . 855 Movies_TV POS 5 just watch this again after over six year since my last viewing . this film be a bit ahead of its time , since today we society have a plethora of the personal media and wireless device we all use daily ; today the stage be better set for the paranoid to be right once in a while inasmuch as we have so many more communication gadget . Smith be good , the action better than average , Hackman be excellent , and the spy-van guy be fun -lrb- green , Jack Black , Jamie Kennedy , etc. , -- not approach the x-file ' crew , but still a entertaining garland -rrb- . this movie may have its flaw , but for most it be a good show with lot of thrill and it will not leave you disapoint on a movie night . 268 Movies_TV POS 5 this be one of the only movie heavily portray computer and technology that do not make I gag and cough . sure there be a few flaw here and liberty take there , but overall , it be awesome and frighteningly realistic -- almost too savvy for a general-audience movie . a lot go into this movie and it show . as for the guy who be rag on it and could not believe that kind of monitoring could be go on , all I can say be ignorance be bliss . maybe he have not hear about Echelon . 518 Movies_TV POS 5 my granddaughter age 4.5 have watch this movie daily since we get it . she like it better than the first one . 989 Movies_TV POS 5 incredible movie , great action , fine acting , Hackman at he be 517 Movies_TV POS 4 the movie 's excellent , except for occasional poor composition in the camerawork . once the action start , though , you be too grip by the plot to notice . the video quality be ok , but the disc have the same bug as `` Tron '' -- whenever there be text on the screen , a spurious `` multiple camera angle available '' icon appear . distract and annoy ; obviously Disney have not work out how to author a dvd properly yet . 300 Movies_TV POS 5 this be one film which use modern technology in one of the most useful way . the main draw of the film other than the excellent , all-star cast -lrb- will Smith , Gene Hackman , Jon Voight , Gabriel Byrne . . -rrb- be the clever use of editing and camera technology to draw suspense and awe to a viewer . Smith 's paranoid performance be the best of he career -lrb- hate he in id4 and mib -rrb- and Gene Hackman -lrb- good guy finally -rrb- basically reprise he character from the conversation in he best performance of all he seemingly endless action-thriller . I think this be Jerry Bruckheimer 's best film yet . . intelligent , witty , suspenseful , well-acted , well-directed , polished . 747 Movies_TV NEG 2 sorry , Peter , but I grow up . actually , it be more than that . wendy be not exactly a feminist , after all , and the Indians be not in any sense native Americans . the joke about they be not the sort that would be acceptable today . and it be too late for the dream of a boy who never grow up . we have hear about `` the Peter Pan syndrome , '' and I even marry one . that be Husband Number three , actually . there be also the fact that it be very much a boy ' story , and for more reason than the unrealistic depiction of female : wendy , Tinkerbell and Tiger Lily . even as a child , I do not see the point to the fake combat against the Indians and the pirate . and I consider Peter impossibly arrogant ; I still do . I would not recommend this to you child and grandchild , unless you be prepare to do a good bit of explain the difference between 1953 and 2012 . 476 Movies_TV POS 5 I admit to not really like Chris Eccleston 's Doctor . maybe it be because he look like a intergalactic Al Bundy or even a skinhead Tom Baker . anyhow , that be all past , and we now have a actor who have outrank the legendary Tom Baker as favorite doctor . David Tennant be the best thing to come to DOCTOR who in a long time . he be more believable than he predecessor , and he portrayal of we favorite Time Lord be the best I have see in quite some time . Series 2 have preserve the spirit of classic dw while take a bold step into the future -lrb- no pun intend -rrb- , and story arc like ` rise of the Cybermen ' \/ ` age of Steel ' and the season finale will not disappoint . ` the idiot 's Lantern ' could have be from season 24-26 . ` School Reunion ' and ` Tooth and Claw ' be also excellent . simply put , there be not one single story I do not like . my highest recommendation , need to be 10 star ! 288 Movies_TV POS 5 definately worth the price . one of Disney 's best movie , but the lack of musical scene hurt the almost perfect picture . 781 Movies_TV POS 4 give as a gift-no complaint . packaging be fine for a use dvd and they watch it with no problem . both disc be inside . 197 Movies_TV POS 5 this be one of my favorite when I be grow up . I ; m excite that it be now out on dvd . 731 Movies_TV POS 5 I be a long time Doctor who fan , have grow up with Tom Baker . needless to say that I be quite wary when BBC announce the new Doctor who series . like most of the new Doctor who fan , I be blow away by the first new doctor and be quite distraught at the end of the first season to see he leave . how can the writer do that to a new series struggle to gain a foothold in the U.S. ? well , within the first two episode of the second season I barely remember the first doctor ... David Tennant be that good . like a small boy again , I find myself anxiously wait for the next episode to air on Friday night . doctor who be better than ever . beyond the vastly improve special effect , the writing be more mature and clever , and the relationship between the character be deeper and more meaningful , all the while the episode tend to retain the playfulness of the Tom Baker year while inject with a bit of scariness to keep we all on the edge of we seat . I can not wait until the third season ! -lrb- even though I 'll miss Rose , I be not worry anymore . the writer and cast director have prove themselves already . -rrb- 955 Movies_TV NEG 1 my wife and I be shock to rewatch this recently . we could not believe how generation now have feed this racist , sexist garbage to they child . kill the savage Indians , save the helpless , petty girl be just a couple of the fine lesson herein . show this to you kid and do not be surprise how they grow to be close mind racist unable to treat woman with respect . 367 Movies_TV POS 5 I receive it in no time and it be in perfect condition . everything be like the post say it would be . 259 Movies_TV POS 5 the second season of the `` Doctor who '' revival bring with it a new doctor -lrb- David Tennant -rrb- , a return companion -lrb- Billie Piper -rrb- , old friend , new enemy and a couple of old one as well . this dvd set cover all of season two and include the Children in Need special which cover event immediately follow the ninth doctor 's regeneration into the tenth . key story in this second season include `` the Girl in the fireplace , '' the quirky `` Love and Monsters , '' and the wonderfully excessive season finale , `` Army of Ghosts\/Doomsday . '' tennant slide into the role of the doctor seamlessly and appear to really be enjoy himself as he portray he childhood idol . while Eccleston 's doctor be fun , he have a very dark side lurk just beneath the surface . the dark side still live in Tennant , but he humorous and , quite frankly , cocky attitude suppress it for most of the episode in this season . I also see part of Peter Davison and Tom Baker 's portrayal of the doctor present in Tennant 's performance . Tennant 's Doctor have a very appealing demeanor and it be easy to get lose in he vision of the Timelord . Billie Piper reprise she role as Rose , the headstrong , curious companion of the doctor . as expect , hint of a romance be drop throughout the season , and take a humorous turn with the return of Sarah Jane Smith -lrb- the excellent Elisabeth Sladen -rrb- in `` School Reunion . '' Mickey , Jackie Tyler and Rose 's father , Peter , also return and take on bigger role this time around . Old enemy revisit include the always reliable Daleks and a revisioning of the Cybermen . although these new Cybermen be interesting , I miss the old version of the Doctor 's gold-resistant enemy . Cassandra , a new enemy in the new series , also make a return in a interesting story that touch on medical ethic . New enemy include include a extra-terrestrial werewolf in `` Tooth and Claw '' and maybe even the Devil himself in `` the Satan pit . '' in `` the Girl in the fireplace , '' we be introduce to some sinisterly silent clockwork android . `` fear she '' give we a non-enemy in a truly touching story about a child who miss its family . overall , the new enemy be good , especially the werewolf in a legitimately suspenseful tale . special feature include in this set include video diary from Tennant and Piper , as well as run commentary on each episode . once again , we get to look a bit deeper into the production of the show in the `` Doctor who Confidential '' segment . highlight include the `` School Reunion '' Confidential which catch old fan up with Sladen and K-9 , and the `` Girl in the fireplace '' confidential that include a look at the read through of the story . overall , this season of `` Doctor who '' be a excellent addition to the wonderful catalogue of the Doctor 's many adventure . while Peter Davison will always be my favorite , David Tennant 's Doctor will struggle for second place with Patrick Troughton 's doctor until the end of time . if you be not familiar with the old series , have no worry . this set can be watch with no previous knowledge of the original . it might be helpful to watch season one in order to pick up on a few thing but that , too , be not necessary . if you be a fan of intelligent , quirky and sometimes hilarious science fiction , the second season of `` Doctor who '' be just what you need . I highly recommend this set . 355 Movies_TV POS 4 like some of the reviewer below , I agree that the depiction of the native character in this film be pretty off-the-charts insulting -lrb- note that Tiger Lily , the only native character with any kind of actual integration into the plot , be depict as have a much lighter skin tone and be draw in a soft , delicate manner utterly oppose by the gross characterization of the other native design , clearly show that the artist know full well what they be do -rrb- . I too , will not show this to my daughter until she be old enough to understand the historical context of the film . and even though this be one of my personal Disney animated favorite , I do agree that Disney might owe native people a apology -lrb- although the studio be hardly alone in this respect -rrb- , but I do not agree that the film should be edit . Film , like all art , be a window into we past that should never be alter for the sake of contemporary technical or societal notion . it be only in examine and acknowledge these situation that we can track the change -lrb- hopefully for the better -rrb- that society have achieve . 55 Movies_TV POS 5 be a parent who be a fan of the original Dr. who I be look forward to introduce my kid -lrb- 10 and over -rrb- to this series . everyone love it ! it be clever , fast-paced , thought-provoking , funny and emotional ; a great talking point . we love the first series with Christopher Ecclestone but this one with David Tennant have reach new height . some of the episode can be scary so probably not for younger kid but it be all do in such a smart and intelligent way . british native will spot some clever reference that have I chuckle . highly recommend ! 772 Movies_TV NEG 2 this movie remind I of why I do not watch slick , big budget , big star hollywood movie . slick be the operative word here . far too slick . the camera work be disractingly slick . there be far too many convenient coincidence to make it believable . as the movie go on , it steadily diverge more and more from reality . if all of these high tech spy tool exist -lrb- call I naive , but I doubt it -rrb- I doubt they would all have be bring to bear to such a degree on one hapless guy . the NSA geek sure have hard time catch Smith . that be because , despite all they whiz-bang gizmo , they be mostly a bunch of incompetent oaf . lot of gratuitous chase be throw in to wow the audiance . it be hard to get up the mental stamen to follow the plot , since I do not really care about the fate of the good guy . this just be not how you pace a movie to artfully develop real suspense . it be quite a disappointment for I . 744 Movies_TV POS 5 fantastic dvd . it bring back all the thrill of the original series . re-run on tv edit out so much and with this video it be all there again . I especially like the Video Diaries . I feel I be there with they . Bravo ! 70 Movies_TV POS 4 this Disney Classic film be always one of my favorite , and continue to entertain more and more , as my two-year-old son now love to watch Captain Hook and the pirate . he also love to pretend he be fly just like pan and the kid . 203 Movies_TV POS 5 this movie be absolutely one of the best Disney movie ! I love this movie so much I use to tell everyone my name be wendy ! a few year back when this come to dvd I be not aware of it and I do not buy it until a few year later on Amazon.com in the new and used part ! when you order through that you have to be careful with whom you choose to deal with because when I purchase the movie I receive a bootleg version . it look normal until I open the case and it be a fake because of the material use on the dvd . I compair the dvd with my other Disney dvd 's and it be not the same . I spend over $ 25 on a copy ! that really make I mad . if you order from here be aware ! there be so many liar out there ! I learn my lesson to ask question if you have any and if they seem suspicious do not buy from they . thanks I hope I help you ! but truly this be a wonderful movie for all age ! 666 Movies_TV POS 5 I have enjoy all of the Doctor who series . for those like myself who do not get this series on T.V. , this be just great , also no commercial or wait for the next episode . this be just super to have they on dvd . I do like this Dr. who and will miss he when he leave the series . also Billie Piper do a great job play Rose . I think she add zest to the show . 390 Movies_TV POS 4 coolest action movie i ' v see in 2 month . there a lot of action and I think be will smith best movie yet 417 Movies_TV POS 5 Will Smith be a lawyer who get mix up into some trouble when some old college buddy of he run into Will at some woman 's underwear shop with out Will 's knowledge he slip a videotape in Will 's bag that tap have the murder of a congress man . people who want that tape be National Security Agents they be the one 's who cause that murder and they want the evidence to clear so they chase after Will . this movie have some great acting , adverturous , drama , action , and it be not boring just because it be not a sci-fi special affect . it be a dissapointment cause they be no box office hit to it what a rip off . 623 Movies_TV POS 5 THEY WANT to be PIRATES NOW ... ... dont make the mistake of not gift you child or grandchild -lrb- in my case -rrb- the Disney Classic 's . you would be surprised how often bit of they be reference in we adult world . . . `` Peter Pan syndrom '' for one . do you believe in fairy for another . the list go on . get they all . 433 Movies_TV POS 5 I purchase a Disney dvd form this seller with the description that it be in good condition . upon recieve it find that it be ` nt . I leave feedback say so much and this seller contact I thru Amazon and , in a very proffessional and courteous mannor , resolve the issue . I totally will purchase from this seller in the future and recomend other to do so as well . thank you Northwest Discounts ! Sincerly Carole 213 Movies_TV POS 5 enemy of the state be a great move . that be why i give it a 5 star rating . a murder be catch on tape and now a man be run for he life . Will Smith , play a lawyer that be catch in the wrong place at the wrong time . while shop one day for a Christmas present for he wife , he run into a old acquaintance from college . now the tape that the government want be in he hand . he find himself be hunt for something that he do not know he even have . he be help out by a mysterious man name Brill -lrb- play by Gene Hackman -rrb- and now have even the odds against he . this movie have stack of action and load of high intense scene . if you love these type of movie check this one out as soon as possible . 6 Movies_TV POS 5 the prior reviewer need a little schooling in widescreen . the 1st . true widescreen film be the robe in Cinemascope 1953 and follow by how to marry a Millionaire both by 20th Century Fox who own the process . not the King & I. by 1956 widescreen be in full swing with most of the study either use cinemascope or use one of they own . quite possibly disney could give this film a matting since the industry standard in film be not 1.33 and tv be not yet a household item at the time . also , disney do produce 2 film in widescreen Lady & The Tramp and sleep Beauty Cinemascope and Technirama . both beautifully do on dvd and vh . so please get you fact straight when make strong statement about other comment . 735 Movies_TV POS 4 love the show but be not thrill with the newest Dr. Yes , I know that be a huge premise of the show , the way the Dr. change but the new story line and Dr. just do not mesh and flow as well as the Davis tenant year . the underlie humor be fantastic . the only negative be the packaging , if you wish to keep the item as a collector 's item the packaging be terrible . 641 Movies_TV NEG 2 I not only grow up on Cinderella , but it be the ending of my wedding video and when my marriage break up I watch it every day for goodness know how long . I be extremely disappointed . the voice of Cinderella be extremely similar to the original , but the singing be no where near the same talent . only two blue bird and Jacque and Gus gus appear -lrb- forget about any of the other character they never appear -rrb- , and Anestasia get a conscious ? be you kid I ? my child love it , but actually prefer the original -lrb- they have good taste . -rrb- I should have rent it first to decide if it be worth pay over $ 20.00 . in this case absolutely not . find a boot leg . 117 Movies_TV POS 4 if you be a fan of the movie ` the conversation ' then you will love this for novelty value if nothing else . i havent see much with will smith and i be worry this be go to be somekind of man in black thing . it be in fact , very serious though . good act all around , the list of actor be ridicolous : will smith , gene hackman , john voight , seth green , jack black , jamie kennedy , lisa bonet , scott caan , jason robard , jason lee , there more . i recoginz 2 guy from the soprano -lrb- dont know they name -rrb- , one of which be also in goodfella . the story be full of action . its certainly silly at time , the technology use in this wire-tapping drama be just ridicolous but its a lot of fun . gene hackman im convince now be the best actor of all time . the conversation be my favorite movie ever and one which i believe be also highly underrated . the conversation revolve around gene hackman character who be a professional -lrb- also legal and legit -rrb- wire tapper . he play the same role in this movie , and there be other conversation parallel : at one point a file photo of hackman character be show , and immediately i recognize it as a photo from the conversation . he work in a similar area : a unerground\/basement , cage in fortress\/shop . if anything this character be harry caul -lrb- hackman in the conversation -rrb- time 10 : he be even more paranoid as show during smith first exchange with he , he work through about 10 other people and 10 level , never get he hand dirty . but will smith get into such a bunch of trouble that you start to wonder how can possibly bail he out ... hackman of course . its also interesting how hackman isnt even introduce until almost half way thru the movie . then only for a few minute ; he disappear again . then he finally return to really kick ... i think vin diesel be cool , i love fast and the furious and xxx and to I gene hackman be just as much of a untouchable badass , just in a much different -lrb- and probably less hip -rrb- way . tony scott direct this , he be a excellent director know for great film like true romance . funny , there be a similar situation with a similar outcome -lrb- shoot out where everyone die except the main character , will smith in this case -rrb- in this movie . if you love the conversation as i do , you wish there be more to see . this be as close as you go to get and its quite impressive . a huge cast of star , great acting , and fun script and exciting , visual directing . near perfect . 372 Movies_TV POS 5 just watch this for the first time in year and , now on bd , it have jolt my memory on why this have be one of my favorite movie . the Blue-Ray transfer be stunning , both video and audio quality make I take notice and the casting be superb combine with tight direction , fast and well pace , and a fun plot . Gene Hackman , Will Smith and John Voight play they role well -lrb- as always -rrb- and without stereotype . everyone from Bonet , Black , Milicevic , King , Wilson , Dean , Pepper , Busey , Cann , Byrne , LeGros and the rest of this ensemble of great actor capture they role , small or large , with realism and conviction . give this a try if you like well paced action do well . 770 Movies_TV POS 5 my daughter be not a big tv person but the princess movie be rapidly become a favorite 271 Movies_TV POS 5 what can I say that have not be say about this wonderful series . grow up in the late 70 's and 80 's some of my best memory be watch this show on PBS . I love all the crazy alien and cheesy effect and most of all the awesome theme song . now the doctor be back and the show be better than ever . I like CE 's doctor but DT 's be amazing and he hit the character right on the head . the effect be still a bit cheesy but that what make the show timeless and great . the write on the show be some of the best in tv history and the support cast be wonderful as well . I can not wait for season 3 ! best episode in my opinion be the Girl in the Fireplace . 212 Movies_TV POS 4 the animation be as good as any classic Disney . but the story be outdate . this movie be quite tell of its time . some folk who say they love it scare I about as much as the old soviet propaganda I grow up with . it be also `` wholesome '' back then . Bobby Driscoll as Peter Pan perfectly capture the tragedy of a child who have to mature and take on adult responsibility too soon . when in the middle of the final fight with Hook Wendy implore he to fly and he respond that he can not because he `` give he word '' it be just heartbreaking . those of we who grow up in the 70 be just lucky to have that burden lift and have normal prolonged childhood . and while Peter Pan be too adult , Hook in this version seem rather childish . like the most spoil kid you can imagine , Hook be a mean-spirited bully who constantly whine and throw tantrum . the worst punishment for he be the public humiliation of be call a codfish . he even escape the crocodile in the end . Smee be the ultimate Disney sidekick , a stutter moron who can not get anything right , a subservient character bully by all the other pirate . wendy be so proper for the 50s and so out of date today . a girl who know she place and just talk too much to avoid think about that . she can deal with other girl and play a mother to the boy but she know it be a man 's world . what make the red man red ? that be how it be , and that view be definitely outdate as well , but you can not cut a essential part of the movie out . the crocodile be the most wonderful thing in this movie , most adorable . and he swim to a great song too . overall , this be a classic movie worth see , but I would hesitate to show it to small kid . I think pg would be a more appropriate rating , indicate that significant portion of it would require explain to today 's child . but of course it would not occur to the Disney corporation to do a decent thing . or perhaps they really want we to go back to the 50 . some bonus feature on the dvd be quite interesting , feature Disney archive . the read-along story `` Peter 's Playful Prank '' be just horrible . there be so many thing wrong with that story ... just do not go there . 567 Movies_TV POS 5 this movie spark a love for `` Tink '' that my 3 year old be very eager to tell everyone about ! it be a must-have . 679 Movies_TV POS 5 Grand kid love it ! as always , Amazon ROCKS ! free ! shipping , excellent quality ! and BEST price ! it just do not get any better than Amazon ! 856 Movies_TV POS 5 Disney 's Peter Pan require no introduction . however , the `` special edition '' include several asian language in addition to English , but each time you put the dvd in , you have to go to the setting menu and turn off the subtitle if you do not want they to come on automatically . if you be a english speaker and want the regular north american edition , buy the `` limited issue '' . 797 Movies_TV POS 4 Peter Pan have all the element of the classic animated feature : gorgeous artwork , great characterization , wonderful music and a never-ending devotion to top quality . one area where this film come up a bit short however , be in heart - or as Walt himself put it , they never find the warmth . I have to agree with he and put that down as the main reason I keep the film at arm length . the story feel episodic in nature and there be little in the way of character growth . this be a similar problem that cause audience ambivalence to ALICE in WONDERLAND , the studio feature just prior to Peter Pan . now , the folk at Disney have give we yet another release of the film . this third time around we be treat to a 2-disc platinum edition - and it be also the best one yet . the disc include plenty of new activity and extra material in addition to a fascinating audio commentary host by Roy Disney and include many of the original animator , performer and content expert . this be the same audio commentary that be on the `` special edition '' release back in 2002 . what really separate this release from the other be the amazing restoration . frame by frame look like it be do today , the color crisp and vibrant ... the dark be dark and the light be light . it be truly a joy to see this -lrb- and other in the platinum series -rrb- look better than they probably ever do . the sound be not too shabby either , work to utilize you home theater system , although they stray from some of the original sound design ... the low-point of this -lrb- and other recent Disney dvd -rrb- be the inclusion of `` Disney 's FastPlay '' . this be a feature that mean the opposite of what most people would hope . we would want fast play to be a way to quickly start the movie , avoid all the extra stuff that be throw on movie nowadays . actually , fast Play take you into all that stuff , only faster . so , the marketing of other project trump quality a bit here . not so bad since it can still be bypass by go to the main menu . the film of Peter Pan be a super ambitious effort . detail and character business be absolute first-rate . if the film have a little more heart , it would fly even higher . 738 Movies_TV NEG 1 I buy this product after read the review . after watch some amateur do bollywood dancing , I really want to try it out , as it look like a attractive and fun style of dance . I make two attempt at complete this dvd and find that this dance workout do not consist of fun bollywood dance move , but be mostly make up of boring stretch movement . I want to give this product zero star as I do not plan on use it again , which really highlight the fact that I get nothing out of this dvd . however , amazon seem to let I give a minimum of one ! 884 Movies_TV POS 5 this movie will surely make you think twice whether or not you be be watch ! 710 Movies_TV POS 4 despite the fact that we both like Gene Hackman and Will Smith , my wife and I put off see this movie for along time , think that it be probably go to be just another run-of-the mill Jerry Bruckheimer action flick , all of which get to be a bit overblown and `` samey '' after awhile -lrb- IMO Crimson Tide , and the spoof , ConAir , be he best film -rrb- ... but what would otherwise just have be another pretty good action\/suspense film , take on a eerie resonance in the post 9\/11 era -- the legislation that the Jon Voigt character be willing to kill to get pass have more than a faint aroma of `` the Patriot Act '' -- and I be surprised that more reviewer have not mention that . as far as the `` lack of substance '' that some reviewer mention , that be entirely subjective , and I do not agree with it . as far as reviewer who talk about this not be as good as 1974 's the conversation , get a clue that element of this movie be conscious homage to that earlier -lrb- and IMO , badly date , and overrate -rrb- movie -- one of the thing that be fun about Bruckheimer 's movie be that they be full of homage to earlier suspense\/action flick , esp . those that influence he . also , folk , get a clue to the fact that the Will Smith character 's `` dumbness '' and naivety , be part of the point of this movie : he ignorance of technology , and he over-reliance on other people for information , put he at the mercy of the `` heavy '' in this movie , and leave he wide open to the crisis in which he find himself embroil . as a aside , along the line of the eerie resonance of this movie in the wake of 9\/11 , it give my wife and I a bit of a chill down we spine when Gene Hackman 's character reveal by `` hacking '' into the NSA computer that the Jon Voigt character 's birthday be `` 9\/11 '' -- a eerie coincidence three year before 9\/11\/01 . 473 Movies_TV POS 5 the video come in perfect consition . great price for a Disney movie . at least its oneof the few where a animal\/person do not die , which be a good thing 314 Movies_TV POS 5 fear this dvd set , at least if you be press for time . a season full of thoroughly entertaining , enjoyable science fiction tv episode straight from the UK be to be find within , and the temptation to put the next disc in and keep watch be terribly hard to resist . David Tennant certainly have some pretty big shoe to fill -lrb- nine pair of they , actually -rrb- , but he have really do a wonderful job in take on the role of the eccentric space\/time-wandering doctor . he be as delightfully quirky as ever , yet in a more hyperactive manner . full of frenetic humor and yet less distant emotionally , with more warmth and less sarcasm than he immediate predecessor . this make he a bit more likeable but also a bit too human perhaps ; it be easier to forget that he be not of this earth , although trace of # 9 's convincingly alien mean streak remain . and he oddball sense of wonder in the face of the unknown -- even werewolf have a certain `` beauty '' for he . in general , Tennant 's Doctor will prove to be a memorable one , I suspect , faithfully true to the character 's general persona while engagingly eccentric in its own very unique way . the storytelling have thankfully improve very much since the prior season . do not get I wrong , I like `` the complete First Series '' quite a bit , but this second time around the plotline seem less rush and the solution less sudden and out of left field . more of the story be two-parter , which help immensely in this regard . after all , the good old classic `` Doctor who '' tale gradually develop through four episode of about half a hour each ; two hour-long episode back-to-back amount to much the same thing , which may be about the ideal time necessary for a Doctor who plot to unfold . this season have a good mix of story too . many be good solid straight science fiction , and this be especially so of `` rise of the Cybermen '' -lrb- okay , even if the Cybermen 's inventor do seem like a carbon copy of Davros -rrb- , and along the same line the Doomsday battle between two classic Doctor who foe in the season finale be totally and utterly inspire ! I have dream of such a confrontation ever since I be a nerdy teenager watch this show religiously on PBS . more characteristic perhaps of the season as a whole though be story that straddle the boundary between sci-fus and horror in intriguing way , include a face-off with the devil himself . sound corny , but it be actually pull off well , downright scary but with just the right dose of agnostic ambiguity . not every episode be a masterpiece , of course . the masterpiece would not stand out then . and everyone will have they favorite . but overall this be a fine year 's worth of a excellent show in its latest incarnation , the New New New New New New New New New New Doctor who . 699 Movies_TV POS 5 I be so un-naturally obsess with Cinderella I can not express it in word , so I have be await the release of Cinderella III for month . and it be totally worth it . unlike Cinderella 2 there be actaully a plot that be somewhat predictable but not as bad as most people would expect . the song be short but very sweet , and I instantly fall in love with all of they . the soundtrack be amazing and very much like the original . the movie create the same magical , romantic feeling that so many people feel while watch the original . all in all this be a amazing movie , and do not let anybody tell you otherwise . and by the way Cinderella 3 be set one year after the wedding , when Cinderella 2 take place after . there be refrence to Anastasia find true love with the baker during the end credit as a way of conect the two sequl . 898 Movies_TV NEU 3 like all Disney 's classic - and I mean the real classic , not those new movie they call classic - Peter Pan have a lot of what have be call the magic of Disney . of course there be some theme that be very questionable and politically incorrect in these day , like the way indian be depict and Peter 's Pan cruel joke of cut Hook 's hand and feed it to a crocodile . in spite of these , `` Peter Pan '' be a excellent adventure movie for child and also , even as a child , I could appreciate the sexual appeal of the siren and , of course , of Tinkerbell . it be nice they be finally make a movie about Tinkerbell , I just hope they do it right . the big disappointment to I be that this be not a widescreen version of the movie , that be a big let-down . they be announce the come realese of `` the jungle book '' , so I hope they make it widescreen . 211 Movies_TV POS 5 David Tennant pick up where Christopher Eccleston leave off without miss a beat . as the 10th and newest doctor , Tennant 's quirky Doc be refreshing and just funny enough to pull it off . he chemistry with Billie Piper , who play Rose Tyler , be fantastic as the drama intensify to a sad finale between the doctor and Rose . I recommend season 2 as a great buy and the additional extra on the dvd 's be fun to watch with all the behind scene , personal video diary and commentary . enjoy ! 435 Movies_TV POS 5 very interesting , love every minute , up until the end . guess all good thing must come to a end . what a shame . other wise love the dialogue . love the character and how the actor present the character . Worth the $ 69.99 + shipping . 943 Movies_TV POS 5 I be a little late in write a review . great experience with this seller . receive item promptly and in great condition . 604 Movies_TV POS 5 note : as of this moment , the Two-Disc platinum edition of Peter Pan be in limited distribution -lrb- I have see it -rrb- and most of the review that appear now refer to a earlier version . the Two-Disc platinum edition version can be pre-order from Amazon and Borders and offer new special feature which include a restore original theatrical soundtrack all-new digital restoration with enhance picture and sound , `` Camp Never Land : explore never land '' with all-new multi-level game , delete song , a feature during which Walt Disney explain `` why I make Peter Pan , '' `` the Peter Pan Story : 1952 '' featurette , a sneak peek of the all-new Tinker Bell movie , another feature `` you can fly : the make of Peter Pan , '' a t-squad music video : `` the second star to the Right , '' a Peter Pan virtual flight , Peter 's Playful Prank dvd storybook , and a never-before-seen alternate opening . over the year , I have see various version of this delightful film and enjoy it at least as much now as I do when it be first release in 1953 . on several occasion , I have also visit Disneyland and vividly recall the excitement of the ride when my companion and I depart the child 's bedroom and fly above London at night en route to Neverland . the so-called `` magic kingdom '' be more a state-of-mind than a location because the genius of Walt Disney and he associate be that , in way and to a extent no one else ever have , they activate and engage imagination . this be especially true of this film that , unlike most of the other animation feature , involve a journey by air as well as by land . literally , one 's imagination soar above and beyond human concern , at least for 77 minute . unlike other Disney villain -lrb- e.g. honest John and Stromboli in Pinocchio , the Queen\/Witch in Snow White and the seven dwarf -rrb- , Captain Hook be at least as amusing as he be threaten . the fate of the darling child be never really in doubt . we know that eventually , theirs will be a safe return to they home and family . -lrb- I have no such confidence - as a child -- when first view Dumbo , Pinocchio , and Snow White and the seven dwarf . -rrb- although for most of we , `` there be no place like home , '' we enjoy and appreciate opportunity to travel far and wide - at least in we imagination - and become involve in adventure of various kind , as the darling child do . those who already have a earlier version of Peter Pan can continue to enjoy it , of course , but at least some of they will welcome this Two-Disc platinum edition because of all of its special feature , previously unavailable . I only wish other dvd offer special feature of comparable variety , quality , and entertainment value . 858 Movies_TV NEG 2 I watch the second series , and it be decent , but so much of it be just flashy special effect and endless running . go be the thoughful writing of the past Doctor who series . I guess if this be what people want , then fine , it will sell . but to I it be all rather hollow and anti-climatic . `` oh , another freaky monster ... any minute now , they 'll start run again '' , etc. . . I do not know ... it just seem like with the earlier doctor , the writing be so much more substantial . the acting be also a ton better . plus what be the deal with the Daleks oversaturate the eccleston\/tennant series ? ah well , my two cent . 185 Movies_TV POS 5 Disney , Disney , Disney how do you change a classic ? upgrade to dvd . 815 Movies_TV POS 5 I have see this movie before but have forget about it . it be on sale at Amazon so I buy it . I be glad I do because it be a really great Will Smith movie . lot of action and although not a really realistic plot a good one for people to pay attention to -lrb- not that it could not happen -rrb- . that one powerful person could ruin a life so extensively in such a short period of time be a streach . at any rate it emphasize something that should be a real matter of concern to all Americans that govenment be in way too much of we business . all the actor do a great job even if I can not remember all they name . well worth the cost of the movie . 195 Movies_TV POS 4 my 2 1\/2 year old do not get too scared or think that it be creepy ... which be good . but , she always get bored half way through . : -lrb- I guess she be to young for it . my husband and I think it be neat though . great family movie if you have a little older child because the parent will like it too : -rrb- 914 Movies_TV POS 5 purchase this for my grown daughter - VHS just do not cut it - by the time a new format come out - she 'll have to buy she own 608 Movies_TV POS 5 well 1st I 'll start out by say what a huge Doctor who fan I be . I mean they sure have come along way since the show begin , but I guess what I really want to say be the character of the show be so unique they just make the show that much more enjoyable . and you gotta love all the spinoff from the show like Torchwood and some of the other . so all in all I ` de say it be something any Doctor who fan should not be without . 975 Movies_TV POS 4 I find this movie to be a interesting counterpart to the original - which I love as a child and still as a adult . I find the story line interesting - Cinderella do not rely on or even think about contact the Fairy God Mother to get she out of the situation . with the help of she friend -lrb- grant they be mouse & bird -rrb- she figure out how to resolve ` the problem ' present to she via she step-mother . the movie plant a good seed that we female should not rely on ` other ' -lrb- i.e. the knight in shin armor or the prince -rrb- to save we -- we need to be able to save ourselves for ourselves - that we have the inner strength to do so at we disposal . do so , we become a stronger person and more of a partner to the male we choose to love when we become adult . 143 Movies_TV POS 5 this be the best collection of Doctor who adventure . the episode with Rose and the David Tennant Doctor be the very best . no other doctor or companion can compare ! 487 Movies_TV POS 5 Director Tony Scott 's ENEMY of the state be a engaging thriller . this film cover territory frequently traverse by Alfred Hitchcock , namely that of `` the wrong man '' be place in jeopardy without any plausible explanation . brilliantly play , Will Smith be that man . this film run at a breakneck pace as the NSA pursue Smith for something he unwittingly have be hand . Smith eventually become team with Gene Hackman who play former NSA operative on the lamb . Hackman 's character here seem base on he character from Francis Ford Coppola 's the conversation . Gene Hackman be very good at what he do and he steal this film in the process . the pace be frenetic with the latest high tech surveillance devise include satellite gp system track Smith and Hackman 's every move . the climax be riveting . this be a good one . 685 Movies_TV POS 4 I think the net be better than this , this be a exact copy cat , not exactly , but really close . it be only problem be it be predictable . well , not really , but it be good and you know what the end will be . but , what else be new . there be a killing of a mayor , and a guy get it on tape . then , he hand it to he old friend , which of course , he friend -lrb- will Smith -rrb- do not know that he do . half of the FBI be bad guy chase after Robert Dean -lrb- Will Smith -rrb- , after Robert 's friend die . the other half be good guy who have nothing to do with this . then , Robert lose all he clothes , except one suit which be bug . he whole house be bug , with tracer . they can hear everything he do . one day , he run into a guy name Brill -lrb- Gene Hackman -rrb- who help Robert , in a rather unkind way . the story build up like that , and it be really good , I recommend this , but I recommend the net even more ! 165 Movies_TV POS 5 when I get this , I think it would be a fun , easy workout for my lazy day . boy be I surprise when my leg start burn halfway through the dvd . the best workout be the one where you can have fun , and not feel as though you be work out wait for a repetition to be finish . she encourage you to move at you own pace throughout and for once you do not feel like you be slack if you modify it a bit . I thoroughly enjoy this and will add it to my routine . it be the perfect workout to lift you mood , especially on lazy day . highly recommend it . 291 Movies_TV POS 5 Director Tony Scott 's ENEMY of the state be a engaging thriller . this film cover territory frequently traverse by Alfred Hitchcock , namely that of `` the wrong man '' be place in jeopardy without any plausible explanation . brilliantly play , Will Smith be that man . this film run at a breakneck pace as the NSA pursue Smith for something he unwittingly have be hand . Smith eventually become team with Gene Hackman who play a former NSA operative on the lamb . Hackman 's character here seem base on he character from Francis Ford Coppola 's the conversation . Gene Hackman be very good at what he do and he steal this film in the process . the pace be frenetic with the latest high tech surveillance devise include satellite gp system track Smith and Hackman 's every move . the climax be riveting with NSA bad guy Jon Voight and mob boss Tom Sizemore buck head . composer Trevor Rabin 's contribution to the score be very effective . Gabriel Byrne have a brief but pivotal scene . this be a good one . 107 Movies_TV POS 5 a earlier will Smith movie but the first that allow he out of he `` fresh prince '' role . love it when first release and love it now , essential if one be keep Will Smith movie . nice blu ray transfer . 562 Movies_TV NEU 3 this be still by far and way my one of my top 3 favorite Disney film of all time . my only issue with the dvd be that there be no widescreen version -lrb- which be available on mulan -rrb- . and second on the last VHS release there be a nice making of Documentary why be that not accach . who Know . on this one you may want to save you money and see if you can find it on VHS . 610 Movies_TV POS 5 I like this movie alot . it do not just start you off from somewhere you would not be able to tell what be go on . it give you the blow by blow and tell you how thing like this can happen . will Smith be a lawyer who get involve in something by accident . he friend from school drop something into he bag without tell Smith that it be a important government tape that could get he kill . the friend meet he demise and Smith be stick with the tape . the plot ensue that the government be out to get the tape back and Smith do not know . it be interesting to see how something like this could happen today . anyone with a spy cam could get any info about you . imagine what the government can do . 46 Movies_TV POS 5 a brilliant season that combine outstanding write with charismatic performance . David Tennant and Billie Piper be a incrdible pair of actor surround by a wonderful support cast . the total effect be that you care about the character deeply . keep a full box of tissue on hand for the final episode . 90 Movies_TV POS 4 I be go to be honest with you . when this movie be release and I see the trailer , I do not want to see it . maybe it be because I think it be a team of Will Smith and Gene Hackman and I could not imagine the chemistry for the two as actor but I do not watch it . after watch it , here be a few word and sentence that describe my feeling of this movie : simply awesome ! as you can see , I really enjoy this movie . it be very good ! from start to beginning , you attention will be focus on this movie ! Tech people and those who wonder about privacy issue will definitely love this movie . it be all good ! & # 63728 ; Will Smith be truly wonderful in this film . the ending be very well do . Gene Hackman do a wonderful job as well . the chemistry as actor between the two work well . it be also nice to see Lisa Bonet in this film . I have not see she since the Cosby Show and show during that time . John Voight play a very well do evil political figure . the video of this film be very good . the audio be very good as well ! it be one of the thing that keep my attention be the sound and to hear my subwoofer go boom quite frequently ! as for the extra 's , you get a few of they . it be pretty cool to see the featurette , the trailer and trailer for other movie . the only thing be the featurette be too short and for a movie this big ... there have to be delete scene right ? anyway , I wish they include the delete scene and much more to the extra 's but nevertheless , they do include really cool featurette . again , this movie be brilliant ! so , you read the review ... buy it ! highly recommend ! 295 Movies_TV POS 5 if season 1 be a bit slow to start only to finish on a high note , season 2 pick up quality-wise where season 1 stop , and get better along the way . the script be definitely better write and less fill with hole and short cut . David Tennant as the new doctor be very different from Christopher Eccleston -lrb- more London , less northern -rrb- , and I think I prefer Eccleston , but that be not to say that Tennant 's performance be not great , and very enjoyable . a hugely entertaining series . 734 Movies_TV NEG 1 absolutely no sweat and no fun . this video be not a good dance workout or even a good dance intructional video . I will never buy a dance workout again . 251 Movies_TV POS 5 this be one of my favorite and I be grandma ! I have always love this story . we be take we two granddaughter to Disney World for Christmas and Peter Pan will be a staple for the dvd player in the car . delivery be prompt with no complaint . 867 Movies_TV POS 4 I rent this expect it to be totally mediocre , but at least worth a 3 $ rental . I be pleasantly surprise to find this very watchable , thrilling , and something I 'll probably rent again . Will Smith be great and easy on the eye . all the acting be very good , though Jon Voight have pop up in so many movie lately I be start to get tired of he . I do not figure out how it be go to end , and the final showdown , plus how the main character outwit the bad guy be great . Tom Sizemore I do not recognize at first since he be put on so much weight , but he be fantastic . I give the writer extra point for not go for the cheap shot and have the bad guy kill Gene Hackman 's kitty -lrb- if they have , I would have only give this movie one star , and probably not watch the rest -rrb- . I think that they do kind of beat you over the head with the `` SURVEILLANCE be BAD '' message . after the first half hour it be like , ok , I get the idea guy . the various fictional super-sophisticated tracking device be cool , and Tony and Ridley Scott always shoot they film beautifully . oh , and the woman who play Will Smith 's wife kick a $ $ ! 302 Movies_TV POS 5 we have to wait a while to get this set , but it be worth the wait ! Great act , story line , and special effect ! 118 Movies_TV POS 5 I think that this movie be a great Jerry Bruckheimer production . I like how most of the stunt be pull off in the entire movie . Will Smith should be congradulate for be in this great movie from Jerry Bruckheimer . -lrb- who also do `` the Rock '' and `` Armageddon '' -rrb- Gene Hackman 's part as Brill be very interesting , as well with Jon voight . in total , this movie should be a must see and a must buy movie to own and watch . 24 Movies_TV POS 5 this movie have it all . twist , action , drama , comedy . very good . whole family can watch together . this be one of my favorite Will Smith Movies . 489 Movies_TV POS 5 2010 be suppose to be the year I dance to take my fitness to the next level , however , plain old dance fitness do not keep I interested . I need something a bit more worldly and cultural and unique ... thus I find it ! in the Bollywood dance , I feel transport to a cultural event as Bollywood dance . . I feel like a interesting experience be take place for the next 45 minute . it take I forever to get through something bland like treadmill , but once I pop in this dvd , the 45 minute fly by . this be a good workout which to I be fun ! 642 Movies_TV POS 4 I buy this so I could share it with my 2 year old grandson . we enjoy watch it together . 588 Movies_TV POS 5 ANOTHER FUN one ! do it several time a week and I guarantee you will lose weight . 601 Movies_TV POS 5 everyone should have this dvd and watch with paren t , grandkid !!!! it 2wa a Easter gift to one grandchild and to my husband -lrb- 80 year young -rrb- just great 657 Movies_TV POS 5 this dvd be easy to follow and entertaining for my 3 yr old girl and she 4 yr old brother . she actually prefer it to the original ; I think its easier for she to follow and more engaging than the original , for little kid . if you child be a Cinderella fan , this be a great dvd . 199 Movies_TV POS 5 my three year old grandson talk about Peter Pan , and I go to my local dvd source and be tell it be no longer in print . I be pleased tobe able to give this to he , and watch it with he . I see it when it first come out and enjoy it as a boy . it be great to see a little one see it now . 702 Movies_TV POS 5 the little one love it over and over again !!! so much more vibrance than the VHS version !!! which we have too . Amazon ship very quickly ... thanks !!! 998 Movies_TV POS 5 I do not really think the quality could be improve on a older film like this , but this dvd be amazing . its like a brand new movie . Crisp picture and beautiful sound . 632 Movies_TV POS 5 borrow this movie from a friend and my toddler be very sad once we return it . have to buy it use . find it in great condition through from a authorized dealer on amazon . some of the content be iffy -lrb- bratty language -rrb- but the music be wonderful . 329 Movies_TV POS 5 I like the Peter Pan ! just not the new special edition dvd ! it be very boring extra and the movie be not really remaster at all ! I find my VHS tape that be a classic version to be better than the one on the dvd ! however , I get this because I collect all the animated film from the Disney Studios ! I wish I work there , I would really help the Disney Company bring back the magic ! I will one day ! thank you ! : -rrb- 242 Movies_TV POS 5 I enjoy this too . we could not wait to own this . he have almost all of the old doctor series . now we have the new one to . what a great way to pass a eveing when tv stink . 756 Movies_TV POS 5 excellent movie . love the technology and the constant move plot . Gene Hackman and Will Smith rock in this movie . look even better in Blue-Ray . fun scene , the blender theft . if you like this movie you may also like Deja vu with denzial Washington . 156 Movies_TV POS 4 I do not usually like do video workout , but this one really be fun . it be a bit silly and corny , but I do work up a sweat and have a great time do it . 534 Movies_TV POS 5 excellent premise of Washington high tech crime in the national security community . Will Smith be better in this than in WWW . he be a good choice for this part . put he with Gene Hackman and you get explosive scene . excellent action footage and the cut room work be excellent . 965 Movies_TV NEG 1 while this video do provide a fun workout , toward the middle it start to get weird . it seem as though a adult film director be dabble in dance video . the movement get racier , lady look longingly into the camera , voice be strain , and the music say it all : `` bow chika wow wow ! '' of course this all happen when my boyfriend walk in and we just start laugh ! = 0 the video make I feel dirty , violate , and insult . there be no choreography , and the suppose `` performance '' at the end be just cut of `` dancing '' like some kind of modest indian Sports Illustrated suggestive fantasy . if you be into Kama Sutra and Bollywood , this video be for you . I would pay someone just to take it from I so no one ever discover it among my collection and I do not die of embarrassment . I would give this video a zero star rating , except that option do not exist , so I have to give it one star just to post this review . for the record , I have study many form bellydance for a decade , and take a few Bhangra class , and this video come no where near either . the much older & simpler `` can not stop the Bhangra '' Masala Bhangra Workout video with Sarina Jain Masala Bhangra Workout , Vol . 1 : Funky Style I highly recommend it and can not stop watch it . Sarina be respect by the bhangra community . 664 Movies_TV POS 4 that be how some of we see it early and it be great ! my three year old loved it ! 335 Movies_TV POS 4 I try my best to watch all of the Disney sequel , and have certainly be disappoint a few time , but this movie be proof to I that , sometimes , they do a good job ! my daughter certainly love it and have already watch it a number of time . while watch this I notice that there be quite a change in the main character . First and foremost , Disney have a new powerhouse princess . break the mold of the original 1950 `` Cinderella '' -- the weepy , submissive , helpless maiden who require the help of talk animal and fairy magic to save she life -- this Cinderella -lrb- voice by Jennifer Hale -rrb- take she world by the fist and will stop at nothing to reclaim she man . Smart , resourceful , fearless , and agile , she quickly leap to the head of the pack -- step aside Ariel , Jasmine , and Belle -- and may well be able to take out both Meg -lrb- Hercules -rrb- and Mulan in a princess battle royale . she be the Sydney Bristow of the Disney universe and a fantastic new role model for young lady of the 21st century . second and more interesting , Lady Tremaine -lrb- Susanne Blaskeslee -rrb- elevate herself to the upper echelon of Disney villain . infuse a already unholy personality with the power of black magic , tremaine stand toe to toe with maleficent , Ursula , and the wicked queen in estrogen soaked evil . keep in mind , this be all accomplish on the fly with little or no practice . imagine the destruction Tremaine could cause , if she actually have the knowledge and experience of she contemporary . finally , we get to know the real Anastasia -lrb- Tress MacNeille -rrb- . far from a carbon copy of she idiotic sister , she be a kind soul who have spend too many year as the whipping girl for she mother . when put in a position to do the right thing , Anastasia do so without hesitation . she be yet another great role model for girl , especially those who might be mistakenly label or view as troublemaker . Family dynamics be tough and we often live down to the perception and expectation of those around we . however , give the inspiration and opportunity , Anastasia prove we can easily rise above those misperception and become the person we be mean to be . I do have a couple of fault with this sequel . this movie lack artistic depth , which betray the great character and story element at work within . it be a shame , really . the opening number , `` perfectly Perfect , '' be force and hokey , a water down version of Belle 's entrance in `` Beauty and the beast , '' and Anastasia 's `` two simple word '' be a generic Disney mini-love ballad . the only musical bright spot be Jaq and Gus-Gus 's `` at the Ball , '' deliver in true Timon and Pumbaa style . truth be , you will not have any of these song run through you head , even after 50 plus viewing by the kid . the biggest character misstep be Prince and King No-Name . these two be pull from the `` Stock secondary character '' drawer in the Disney vault . the Prince be a two-dimensional Ken Doll whose personality be even less interesting than he physical characteristic . the producer go so far as to enlist the voice of Christopher Daniel Barnes -lrb- Ariel 's Prince Eric -rrb- but it do not help . in term of bonus feature , it be pretty much promotional filler . there be a Hayden Panettiere -lrb- Claire from Heroes -rrb- music video for the film 's end credit tune , `` I still Believe '' ; a interactive game , bibbidi-bobbidi-choose , that will occupy kid for about 15 minute ; a behind the scene look at the stage musical twice charm ; a sneak preview at the new line of Princess tale come this fall ; and dvd rom feature which Mac user have to install a interactual player to access . I believe those who enjoy suspense and good fun in a Disney movie , will mildly enjoy this movie . 432 Movies_TV NEU 3 this be a enchanting story , and I would give it 5 star if it be not for a bit of unfortunate sterotyping of american Indians . in particular , a song sing by the indian character -lrb- `` what make The Red Man Red ? '' -rrb- be intend to be funny , but now it just come across as embarrassing . I fully realize this sort of thing be par for the course in Hollywood at the time . but it be still unfortunate that I now have to explain to my kid that it be really not ok in we family to use skin color as the punch line to a joke . 807 Movies_TV POS 5 in my opinion , `` Peter Pan '' be one of the most classic and one of the best of the classic Disney film . wendy , John , and Michael all believe in Peter Pan , and one night they finally get lucky . `` Peter Pan '' take they to where he live and where kid will never grow up into adult , Neverland . while there , wendy , John , and Michael meet other kid and discover the wonder and childlike fantasy of never grow up . but most of all , they meet Peter Pan 's biggest adversary , Captain Hook . `` Peter Pan '' be a great classic film . when I be a kid , I use to like it a lot , mainly because I use to wish that I would never grow up , just like Peter Pan and some of the other kid . now that I be grow , I do not have those thought any more , but I still enjoy watch `` Peter Pan . '' it be a good movie . part of it be funny , it give I a little bit of nostalgia everytime I watch it , and it even have some good song that be unforgettable , such as `` you can fly . '' I do not see where it matter how old you be , there be not anything wrong with watch cartoon after you be grow , unlike what my dad think . if you like classic cartoon movie or if you have any kid , `` Peter Pan '' would be a great movie to get . 713 Movies_TV POS 5 this movie be spectacular . the storyline be good , and it be much better than Cinderella 2 , which be okay , but not very interesting . I recommend it for all Disney fan , Cinderella fan , Disney Princess fan , and anyone who like fairy tale . a twist in Time be , as you probably already know , about what happen when Cinderella 's step get they hand on the fairy godmother 's wand . they use it to reverse time and make the Prince think that Anastasia be the girl he dance with at the ball . so , how will thing end up happily ever after ? 264 Movies_TV POS 5 great movie ! we son be 3 and love to pretend to fly . plus , TinkerBell 's extreme emotion have give we a great oppotunity to talk about how we exercise self-control and how we express we feeling . great entertainment and easy `` teachable moment . '' 742 Movies_TV POS 5 do anyone else get a bad copy of this movie ? the one that I order from Amazon be miss the part where they video tape the Senator mess around . some of my freind say that they notice it on rent copy also . otherwise it be a awsome movie . it really make you wonder what big brother really know about we . 350 Movies_TV POS 5 spoiler alert : as a baby boomer , Cinderella have be one of my all time favorite story and Disney animated feature . the only thing that irk I be the fact that Prince Charming be such a passive character . he passivity be again highlight in Cinderella II . however , as I watch Cinderella III with my 8-year-old daughter , I be thrill to tear to find he alive , well , and willing to risk great personal injury to find he true love , black magic notwithstanding . the stepmother be evil through and through ; she still creep I out . Anastasia come through in the end to help Cinderella and we know she will soon find true love with the village baker . thank you Disney !! 456 Movies_TV NEU 3 `` the Disney version '' of `` Peter Pan '' clearly demonstrate what be so wrong with `` The Disney version '' of too many classic story . it turn Barrie 's play into a simple adventure tale , in which the dramatic and -lrb- dare I say it ? -rrb- psycho-sexual element at the center of Barrie 's fantasy be discard wholesale . there be defensible reason for this , I suppose . drama require talk , but character who stand around gab bring a animated film to a dead stop . I also suspect that Disney simply do not understand the story in the first place . it be not until the Ashman\/Menken era that Disney film finally develop any dramatic focus . it be unfortunate , because `` Peter Pan '' start off well enough . the late Sammy Fain 's `` second star from the Right , '' play over the title card , have one of the most-ravishing melody in the history of american popular music . -lrb- look for the album `` Bibbidi Bobbidi Bach '' and `` Heigh-Ho ! Mozart '' for superb `` classical '' arrangement of Disney tune . -rrb- the `` you can fly '' sequence be inspire -lrb- and can you name any other pop song with a accelerando passage ? -rrb- . but everything quickly bog down thereafter , with Captain Hook 's machination provide the only fun . there just be not enough good thing in the Disney `` Peter Pan '' to make up for its failure to treat the source material in a honest and serious fashion . 924 Movies_TV POS 5 i buy this movie for my soon to be 3 year old niece for she bday on April 28 and i get the item within 5 day of order . the quality of the movie be great . the only thing be that the disc be slide around in the case but no harm be do . i be amaze with how short of time it take to recieve it . thank you so much for the movie . i couldnt find it anywhere else but here . i know she will have a huge smile on she face when she see it . thank you so much ! 792 Movies_TV POS 5 I buy this movie in 2007 and have since buy the bluray verion of the movie . downright murder through dirty politics precede the infidelity , illegal surveillance , crime , and payback that make up this thrill-packed action movie . this movie can so easily be overlook -lrb- at one 's loss and peril -rrb- but it pitch up there with some of Will Smith 's best movie . if you like Tommy Lee Jones , Robert Downey Jr. and Wesley Snipes 's US Marshalls -lrb- 1998 -rrb- then you will love this movie . a great buy . 931 Movies_TV POS 5 no need to get any popcorn because you want have time to put it in you mouth , a great movie ! Will Smith & Gene Hackman be a super team together ! buy this one for you collection , it be worth it !! 468 Movies_TV POS 5 when someone ask `` what be you favorite Disney movie '' I usually reply , `` beauty and the beast '' or `` the Lion King '' , as do most people . there be one Disney movie , which almost everyone love , yet always seem to forget , `` Peter Pan '' . this be one of Disney 's most wonderfully brilliant and magical movie ever . it combine the joy of childhood with the seriousness of grow up . I remember watch it so often that I wear out my video . anyone of any age can enjoy this film ... and will . 971 Movies_TV NEU 3 as a Dr. who newbie , it be difficult to compare this incarnation of the Dr. with other , although I do find David Tennant 's act engaging , just a bit ` over the top ' which seem to fit the persona . my main complaint be that one of the six disk send in my product be unreadable by two different dvd player . look at it , it seem as if nothing have be write on the disk . it look ` blank ' , compare to the other . my warning be that you check you disk as soon as you receive the package and request a new set before any `` grace '' period expire . I be also a bit surprise that there be only two or three episode per disk , when many tv dvd edition have four episode on a disk . 495 Movies_TV POS 5 this be a great movie ... my daughter watch it when it arrive for a week straight ... I thoroughly enjoy it myself ... the clarity and the animation and effect be fantastic . I highly recommend this movie ... my daughter be a huge princess fan of all of the princess . I be look forward to the release of Cinderalla II . 463 Movies_TV POS 5 i like this movie because it have lot of action and also i like because the producer be will smith and he be one of my best actor in the world and also i like other movie about he like bad boy or wild wild west those be good movie too . but enemy of the state be better than these that i just mention above . 621 Movies_TV POS 5 I have not recicvy my package yet but it will be deliver tomorrow I know cause I track the package and its here but I cant wait to have it as my own I adore this Peter pan movie as a child . Haha and I cant wait to see it again I have not see this movie since I be 5 and I be a freak freshman ! I cant wait to get it I be so excited haha -lrb- : 110 Movies_TV POS 5 Will Smith and Gene Hackman be brilliant in this movie ! Will Smith prove that he can be just as good of a actor when it come to action movie as he can in comedy movie . Mr. Dean -lrb- Will Smith -rrb- do not know it at first , but he have become the prime target for a politician and he group of thug when he accidentally obtain major evidence of a politically motivated crime . soon , he life be gonna do more than fall apart . the only way he can possibly even have half a chance to get he life back be with the help of a expert name Brill -lrb- Gene Hackman -rrb- . `` enemy of the state '' be one of the best all around movie I have ever see . it have some of the most intense suspense ever see in a movie . it be think provoke and it be jam full of non-stop action and suspense . I recommend anybody who like action or suspense movie to pick up a copy of `` enemy of the state '' right now . 154 Movies_TV POS 5 this be a excellently make movie . a edge of you seat thriller . also the \* make of \* part be incredibly informative . 93 Movies_TV POS 5 First Will Smith rock all-round . the movie really make you think about the lack of privacy in we world today . and make you wonder about the government and what role they play or do not play in we society . it be well write and act out . full of drama and suspense . scary , in a way because you do not know how far someone will go to get what they want . a must see , and worth every penny you spend . 357 Movies_TV POS 5 who do not LOVE PETER PAN , who do not want to fly ?? 50 Movies_TV POS 4 I know alot of people hate the `` sequel '' Disney movie simply because they feel they creation `` desecrate '' the memory of the original . ah but do remember , these be never `` original '' Disney property to begin with , they be softer retelling of fairy tale or other classic novel . Cinderella III be a entertaining movie . it be animation be quite fluid , with a few mistake here and there , it be still a bright , vibrant movie with consistent character design . the storyline be a `` alternative '' storyboard , where the character be force back in time and down different path for the sake of the storyboard . this make thing interesting , and even the comedic bit be either slapstick , or subtle intelligent and amusing . the bottom line be that this be one of the best thing Disney have release in recent year ... they non-pixar cg movie have be terrible -lrb- `` Chicken Little '' almost unwatchable it be so bad -rrb- and not much else have come from the studio . anyone that love fairy tale , Cinderella , alternate timeline -lrb- a popular device in Sci Fi and fantasy -rrb- etc will enjoy this movie . my daughter be three and this be by far she favorite film right now -lrb- yes , even over `` classic '' like `` Cinderella one '' as she call it , etc -rrb- . 929 Movies_TV NEG 2 I truly can not . first of all , will smith be not a good actor . in the movie he be suppose to play a lloyer but he never once in the entire movie show the face of a lloyer . a thing that really piss I off be every time that guy be go in to see jon voight at he office , they always have to show that guy 's thumb gee press into that i.d. checker . if they be try to show the security of the office , sure , okay , show the thumb once or twice but not four or five freak time . the only reason that they make the camera look at the thumb so many time be so they can make time cause the movie have nothing . i would also like to say at this time that the person who play will 's wife -lrb- bacon lip be what i 'll call she -rrb- look so ridiculous in that lingerie . i like the end though , i think it be a very smart end but that be it . i would also like to say with ease that there be no such thing as a building that can moniter everyone in the planet , i mean , do you know how much money it will cost for the government to know that you be be at this moment reading this review . 547 Movies_TV POS 5 I purchase last year when it come out the 2 disc version . I never rate it . great quality and clear picture ! 448 Movies_TV POS 5 I buy this delightful dvd for my 4 year old grandaughter . she be so excite when she receive it for Valentine 's day . it be a great story and yes , it do have a twist that make it much different from other Cinderella movie . I would recommend this movie for any child but , especially little girl who think they be princess ! 1 Movies_TV NEU 3 on my disk the last scene of episode 2 : New Earth be miss . instead the disk cut to a gory scene from what appear to be `` the Texas Chainsaw Massacure '' . look at the dvd menue I see that the last scene be title `` Time to die '' . I can only guess that the manufacturer of the dvd insert a simularly title scene from another movie . parent be warn , the scene in question be NOT for child . 35 Movies_TV POS 5 seldom do a sequel live up to the original , but this one do come close . I be a self-proclaimed Disney Fanatic , and when Cinderella III come out , I have want to see it , but be hesitant to buy it because of its predecessor -lrb- the only part of that which I actually like be Anastasia find she happily-ever-after ... -rrb- . wander around the local movie store one night , lo and behold there Cinderella III be on the shelf , give I the perfect opportunity to watch it before I buy it . so I check it out , take it home and watch it . and be more than happy with what Disney create . grant its not the original , but this be still a great story with good animation . so I buy it and now own the movie . this be one that I would love to share with my child in the future . five Stars Disney ! 424 Movies_TV POS 5 this movie totally kick ! a excellent high tech movie for all viewer ! Watch this movie ! and remember ! BIG BROTHER be WATCHING !!! 100 Movies_TV POS 5 we grandson love this dvd and want more . he say he love old movie , and this be a really good one . 450 Movies_TV POS 5 Will Smith be dynamic as usual . Gene Hackman have not lose he appeal as one of the good guy . they need to come together and do another smokin ' sequel . 571 Movies_TV NEG 1 I be sorry , I be a Doctor who fan of old , and this new stuff just be not it . the old Doctor who of the 1960 and '70 may have have cheesy set and lousy acting , BUT the story be good ! most of these new story be weak ; `` Love and Monsters '' be one of the worst show I have ever see , in any series , much less Doctor who . I would have utterly embarassed , if I be BBC , to put that show on the air . this teary , sappy , emotional stuff just do not work , it be not Doctor who . and why so many episode on earth ? that be not Doctor who , either . this guy travel , he Tardis take he where he do not know where , not to London in different time period . David Tennant be ok as a Dcotor who ; Billie Piper can not do anything well but cry . this soap opera stuff have get to go . if you be a old Doctor who fan and have not try these new series yet , you 'll be disappoint if you do . this stuff reek , just bad story , that be all there be to it . 168 Movies_TV POS 5 do they ever make a part 2 to this movie ? I see 1 and 3 but no 2 ... what go on ? 717 Movies_TV POS 4 I find enemy of the State a well-written , well-acted movie . my family constantly discuss the casting , the plot , and the `` could this happen in we ` real ' life '' situation . this video stimulate we discussion about the influence of technology and government and the impact of technology in the hand of governmental department . it be a timely viewing consider the privacy bill that be now be discuss in Congress . this be a recommend video to watch with older child -lrb- 16 or older -rrb- . 875 Movies_TV POS 4 if you be interested in Conspiracy Theory style movie this be a very good choice . in a interesting twist Hollywood actually make the Senator with a conscious a Republican . can the apocalypse be far behind ? still this be probabbly Wil Smith 's best act to date , if for no other reason than he do not get to rely on he smart mouth . it be refresh to see that Wil Smith can effectively play with aplomb a character who be not constantly mouth off to everyone and show he wit . gene Hackman do a admirable job . all tell a very good movie . the dvd be pretty basic , but all right all in all . 396 Movies_TV POS 5 great just as I hope it would be . Rose make this dr who the best of all the Dr who series . 550 Movies_TV POS 5 hey bro , this movie be ill stuff , I suggest you buy it now , the action be great , the story be great , the technology in this movie be iller then ever ! 893 Movies_TV POS 5 this film be great from all side & will smith be great the cinema need that kind of film 927 Movies_TV POS 4 some people think the stuff with the video camera and the tracker be not true but they realy be . every thing with the satelite and the phone taping and all of the other stuff be all true . i think this be a great movie . i would reccomend buy this one . i get it at best buy for only 11.99 553 Movies_TV NEG 1 the dvd peter pan which i purchase for my daughter for christmas id defective . it do not play , the dvd come up say it be defective how do i return and get a new dvd thx jame m laverty 973 Movies_TV POS 5 I buy this for my grand daughter . it be a little confusing for she because of the different story line . but it be well put together . 138 Movies_TV NEU 3 two of the disk be scratch and unplayable . try three time to exchange , but a glitch prevent Amazon from acknowlede my order , though it seem to go through and print out the mail stuff , and my `` return window '' close today . guess i 'll have to shell out another $ 70 and try again ! thanks , Amazon ! 409 Movies_TV NEG 1 I despise Disney sequel because there be no need for these movie . why can not they make something original . I have see a few good disney sequel -lrb- emphasis on few -rrb- ! if they be gonna remake any movie it should be the `` black cauldron '' . that movie be not very good to begin with . I recommend Narnia the Lion the witch and the wardrobe over this movie . this movie be just the original Cinderella in reverse . geez this be reminisent of the little mermaid ii return to the sea . come on , Cinderella III a twist in time geez where do they get they story from a fanfiction site . do happily ever after mean anything to you people at Disney . 471 Movies_TV POS 5 when you hear the name `` Will Smith '' you think comedy . well in this film he prove he be much much more . probably the highest pay black actor and with very good reason . with extreme talent he play he role in the film very nicely . Jean Hackman be also brilliant . get the film ! 689 Movies_TV POS 5 I be a little concerned about add `` the Bollywood Workout '' to my aerobic workout . for one thing , I think it might only be for girl . also , indian dancing be barefoot , and the move be impossible in gym shoe . I like dancing without shoe , the human foot be mean for this , but injured myself when do aerobic workout without run shoe . I decide to give it a try because in Bollywood film , the guy dance just as crazily as the girl , try to impress they I would suppose . as to the shoe issue , the only impact movement in this workout be the two and three hop Hare Krishna move and hemalayaa be very conscientious about tell you to bend the knee to absorb the stress . the other foot move be characteristic of indian dance and art : rather than be \* en pointe \* or a continual \* jete \* into space -lrb- with stress on landing -rrb- indian dance stay root to the earth and get its strength building from variant of \* plie \* , if you 'll pardon my french ! this I find a very rewarding workout that unlike Jane Fonda 's -lrb- which I also like -rrb- seem to last far less than fifty minute , because there be more variety . the lady look like real woman and not Barbie doll but be `` eye candy '' all the same . you do need to be careful in the head whip move if you have any history of neck or back trouble . but do they slowly and ramp up may -lrb- in my nonmedical opinion -rrb- help to clear these very problem up . of course , as a introduction to the vast dance tradition of India , this be like play Louie-Louie on the \* sitar \* and purist may be offend . but Bollywood itself play around , respectfully , with India 's tradition and this workout introduce the Westerner to many unvisited bodily zone , for example , when Hemalayaa invite you to breathe into a specific area . more advanced dancer will of course laugh at these gal , but those of we fight depression and advance age with Siva 's dance applaud Hemalayaa 's effort to bring this important practice to ordinary gymnosophistical slob such as yours truly . 982 Movies_TV POS 5 dvd arrive well , play perfectly ... as a movie ??? my 3 year old absolutely love `` Peanut butter pan '' but strange to see some of the Disney spin . . like female jealousy from Tinker and the mermaid , wendy for the indian maid . . weird white male humor with the `` Redskins '' ? little kid only see scary croc , adventure and fun ... we have watch it together about 37 time so I be get to see a lot of nuance I suppose ... 896 Movies_TV POS 4 I could not give this movie 5 star simply because I think it might be a bit too scary for young child . it be well make , however , and the animation definitely match that of the original Disney Cinderella so the character be very familiar . so , if you child do not become easily frightened , please consider this as a 5-star review with a caveat ! 63 Movies_TV POS 5 wonderful dvd . I receive the dvd within a week and and kid love it - perfect for Christmas - thank you ! 510 Movies_TV POS 5 I order this a a Christmas gift for my brother . he be so thrill when he open it and see what it be . it arrive quite quick , and be a definite hit . I order season 2 as a birthday gift since he be so thrill with season 1 . 615 Movies_TV NEG 2 I be sorry to say that the ` new ' version of Peter Pan do not leave out the terribly racist scene depict Indians as redman unable to speak in complete sentence , willing to make anyone a member of they tribe and hand out eagle feather to anyone who come around . I be surprise this fly now a day , but apparently people be not bother by racism when those offend be fewer in number . it would be interesting to see what the backlash would be if this be another minority group . if you wish to raise tolerant child , pick another movie . 996 Movies_TV POS 4 Will Smith can do no wrong and he prove it once again in this movie . it make one wonder about the `` eye '' in the sky and make you go , `` Hmmm '' . the video transfer be excellent and the 5.1 audio really work to completement it . 531 Movies_TV NEG 1 it be hard to put into word how bad this movie really be . normally , I have never have any issue with Disney sequel , like some people do ; in fact , I like they . I love Cinderella II because it play with the idea of the ` what happen after happily ever after ' ? Cinderella II be entertaining , for I , and it do not alter anything of the original story . this movie however be a disaster ; both of my girl be extremely disappoint by this movie . like someone else say it be a insult to the first movie and I would say the second one too . it seem that the producer , or writer , who make this movie could not think of any good story line , and end up only repeat the same thing over and over again . worst of all , it look like they do not bother to do any story continuance with Cinderella II . in that movie , Anastasia have already meet someone she love -lrb- the baker -rrb- and apparently she even have go to the palace to dance with he . in this story that start in Cinderella 's first wedding anniversary -lrb- which have the kid assume that Anastasia 's story already happen -rrb- we go back to Anastasia hate Cinderella and there be no mention of the baker . Anastasia be look for true love , but the problem be that if you follow the movie she be suppose to have find it already . the producer annul the first two movie so they could tell again a story that do not need fix . now it do need fix , because annul two wonderful movie so they can give we a mediocre sequel be quite a achievement . the movie be so absolutely horrendous that even the song be hard to listen too . the movie have nothing good to entertaining you with , but have plenty to leave you fume for hour if you be a Disney or Cinderella fan . to make thing worst , they deliver a mortal blow at the end of the movie when Cinderella and Prince charming first year of marriage it be erase and they start all over again . so Cinderella 's first wedding never exist and we instead get that less than satisfy end . what be that for ? be they plan another sequel ? I hope that this be not the case ; because I be go to stick this movie very far down in a closet and pretend it be never make . it make I weep for what they have do to Walt Disney 's creation . 277 Movies_TV POS 5 my daughter love the movie and still watch it every week . ship be a breeze as well . arrive at my home be less than the project time . 536 Movies_TV NEG 1 after buy this workout dvd base on such high review i be very disappointed ! I be hope for a little more `` bollywood '' action in the move , as I have take many bollywood class . this dvd do not compare to a actual bollywood workout . the cool down period be the best part of the dvd . if you be look for a intense workout , skip this dvd ! 752 Movies_TV POS 4 I find it to be charming , and the `` twist '' in the story , while not original , quite please to the overall story and make Cinderella III more connect to the first Disney 's Cinderella than be the second film . 246 Movies_TV POS 5 the doctor as play by David Tennant be so charming and funny , and so genuinely geeky , when he get excite about anything science - or technology-related , that he be always a pleasure to watch . 688 Movies_TV POS 5 the movie that you want to have for you kid and for yourself !!!! my daughter watch it over and over and it be always magical . 506 Movies_TV NEU 3 we get this movie for my 5-year-old daughter for Valentine 's day , and she love it . I must admit - I enjoy it as well , but I notice one major plot hole : when time be reverse , where be the Fairy Godmother ? be she outside of time , and so remain a statue while everything be happen in the past ? I do not mean to over-analyze this movie - obviously , I be not part of Disney 's target audience , but it seem to I to be a huge flaw to the plot . 398 Movies_TV POS 5 it be a Will Smith action movie . need I say more ? Tony Scott -lrb- Crimson Tide , the fan -rrb- brilliantly direct this adrenaline ride feature two legendary actor : Gene Hackman and Jon Voight . the action scene be heart-stopping . they be just awesome . this movie be highly recommend . those high tech device be scary ! 161 Movies_TV POS 5 I be not sure I would like David Tennant , but he style be completely different than Chris Eccleston , and he grow in to the role quite well . 947 Movies_TV NEU 3 do I miss something in watch this version ? I seem to recall that when Tinker Bell 's light be fading the audience be ask to repeat that `` I believe in fairy '' or something to that effect . however , in this version , that portion have be edit out . Peter locate Tinker Bell as she light be fading and we know she be seriously injured and then it simply cut to the pirate ship and then Peter and Tinker show up just fine with no explanation of how she survive . what give ? political correctness of a anti-belief in fairy type ? 413 Movies_TV POS 5 David Tennant be the best doctor since Tom Baker . if you be a Doctor who fan , you should buy this dvd set immediately . if you be not a Doctor who fan , buy this and you will be ! 457 Movies_TV NEU 3 so yeah , I have not see this movie . I probably will and it probably will not be terribly stupid as some sequel be , but this pain I . greatly . Cinderella two be not the greatest disney sequel . the little mermaid 2 and mulan 2 be both better . so why be it that this one get 's a 3 ? why should any of they get a 3 ? if anyone from disney read this -- PICK ANOTHER FAIRY TALE !!! there be lot out there that have not be disneytize . Rapunzel , Rumpelstiltzkin , and then there be the one from other coutnry that western europe and Grimm and stuff . China -- like Mulan -- good movie . Make something new and original again . please !!! parent , babysitter , and teacher who have to watch these thing beg you !! 963 Movies_TV POS 5 purchase a number of the classic Disney video for my grandson and as you would expect they be great . 80 Movies_TV POS 5 have not receive it yet , so how can I review it ? but it be a great bargain , and I be so look forward to it ! 247 Movies_TV POS 5 I always like Dr. who . it be alway a great character to watch on t.v for many year since the 70 's . Tom Baker be my favorite actor to play Dr. who . now the new doc be just fine , I be glad they back for the new CENTURY . the special effect be great now , and the female buddy be fun to watch during the show . the TARDIS be much better than the 70 's version of the TARDIS . I alway get the dvd of the old series of dr. who because I still love the program . for those who love sci-fus , fantasy , and adventure this be the show for you . so buy all the dvd 's you can because after all Dr. who be the best sci-fus hereo there be . 326 Movies_TV POS 4 Peter Pan may not be as beautifully craft as Snow White or Pinocchio , and the music may not reach the same height , but even four-star Disney be pretty darned fine entertainment . like those earlier masterpiece , Disney 's Peter Pan be better than the original -lrb- worried that the Disney version be not politically correct ? - try Barrie 's story and suffer apoplexy -rrb- . Saw Peter Pan when I be three year old and enjoy it thoroughly again 37 and now 51 year later . it may not be highly refine , but it be irresistible nonetheless , and mile ahead of anything Disney have make in the past 30 year . to those who want Disney to edit out the knife and gun , cast the Indians and female in they modern p.c. stereotype , and give Peter a monologue about save the environment in Never Land , keep in mind that when the studio get finish please not just you but everybody else with a gripe , there would be nothing left of the movie-or of much else write before the current age of political correctness . give I Hamlet and Paradise lose exactly as they be create . Peter Pan , too . 338 Movies_TV POS 5 this be one of my favorite movie as a child , and what better gift can you give than something you truly believe someone else would enjoy as well ? probably the best Disney movie out there ! 43 Movies_TV POS 5 I love Chris E 's doctor . I think , `` no ! they can not take my doctor away from I after only one season ! '' I be distraught . I start to watch the new season with a air of `` how can they ever come back from this , '' and `` sure , the series have to go on ... '' , but then , then I slowly feel in love . David Tenant have a way of look into Billie Piper 's eye and make you feel like this terribly intelligent and easily bore demi-god be completely bind to she , and at the same time , be self-assured and full of life enough to make a complete arse of himself with she . it look like , from they chemistry on the show , that they be have a party every day on the set . and again with the snarky humor . David deliver it spot on . why oh why be there only 12 episode in a year ? what torture wait for the next season . 728 Movies_TV POS 5 a great movie for both kid and adult . a big fan of Disney , this be one of my favorite !! 556 Movies_TV POS 5 this be a great Walt Disney movie . my kid already own every one available and this one be a perfect addition to they collection . 4 Movies_TV POS 5 I really hope sci-fi never take off the doctor . this be the best show on tv !!!!! I will be buy this once I can afford it ! I could watch they over and over ! Rose be awesome !! once again BBC win . 921 Movies_TV POS 5 Hemalayaa be very energetic and she dvd be fun . this one I think need maybe a bit more instruction , but it be still very good . if you keep move to the beat and get as much of the routine as you can then you can still get you heart rate up . 444 Movies_TV POS 5 it be not often that one can rave about a direct-to-video dvd release , not even a Disney one . in fact , a large number of fan absolutely detest they , especially when they be sequel , and even more-so when they be sequel to classic . yet , Disney prove excellence in direct-to-video be possible with such a film once before with `` Bambi 2 , '' and now , they have do it again with the highly enjoyable `` Cinderella 3 : a twist in Time ! '' `` Cinderella 3 '' pick up one year after Cinderella and the prince be marry . in fact , it open as they be make they way to a intimate , outdoor anniversary party be throw for they by the Fairy Godmother and Cinderella 's animal friend . admittedly , this open to the film make the viewer wary . it be extremely happy , giggly , sweet , and direct-to-video corny , in true Disney Princess merchandising machine tradition , to the point of be nauseating , and inflate by the fact that this Cinderella sequel be a Disney Renaissance style musical -lrb- like `` the little mermaid '' and `` Beauty and the beast '' -rrb- . but , fear not , the overly happy and sweet opening be there with a purpose , for only moment later will Cinderella 's perfect life be steal away from she by she wicked stepmother and selfish stepsister . see , the less evil of Cinderella 's step-sibling , Anastasia -lrb- she be establish as the less evil one in Cinderella 2 , and that be carry over here -rrb- , have notice the perfect pair ride across the countryside to they anniversary party , and she curiosity and desire for a romance of she own persuade she to follow . when she witness the Fairy Godmother work she magic for Cinderella and she prince , she realize that this be how the two come to find each other . want a love of she own , Anastasia swipe Fairy Godmother 's magic wand when no one be look and quickly take it home to she mother and sister . after suffer for a full year from have to take care of themselves for a change , Lady Tremaine and she daughter be eager for some revenge on they former housemate . use the magic wand , Tremaine cast a spell to turn back time and `` unravel Cinderella 's happily ever after ! '' this time , the baddy use magic to fix it so that the slipper fit Anastasia before Cinderella make it down from the tower . the tremaine be whisk off to the palace , and Cinderella be leave behind with order from she stepmother to keep away from the prince and he home . Cinderella fear all be lose , but she friend Jaq and Gus remind she that the prince should know the difference between she and Anastasia . they plot to get Cindy into the castle under the guise of royal mouse catcher , but while the prince initially do know the difference , cause a funny and awkward moment with the Tremaines , he be soon put under a spell to believe Anastasia really be the girl he have dance with at the ball . the odds be stack against Cinderella , and a adversary with a magic wand be not easy to beat , but Cinderella keep faith that she do not need magic to make she dream of true love and happiness come true . `` Cinderella 3 : a twist in Time '' be a exciting , emotional , magical , and even action-packed movie that be a worthy sequel to the classic Disney film . be the final film from Disney 's australian animation house , the artist and filmmaker have put they all into this one , and it show . if only this much effort have be put into all of Disney 's other direct-to-video release ! sure , there be a few thing one can complain about , and I have to keep Bambi 2 a notch higher than Cinderella 3 due to the fact that Bambi 2 be nearly flawless , but both film would have easily be at home on the big screen -lrb- and be far more worthy of such a release than jungle book 2 or even return to Neverland -rrb- . no , I will not say Cinderella 3 surpass the original Cinderella either , but a sequel do not really have to top the original , it just need to be loyal to the first and have its own interesting and well execute story . Cinderella 3 have this , and despite a couple of minor quibble , be still worthy of a 5 star ranking . unlike the much malign `` Cinderella 2 : dream come true , '' the art , voice work , and animation in `` Cinderella 3 : a twist in Time '' be superbly do to match the classic as much as possible . one only miss Mary Blair 's artistic touch . Cinderella be as gorgeous as ever , and see she have a couple of action scene this time around make she all the more attractive . she be voice beautifully as well -lrb- by accomplished voice actress Jennifer Hale , who I can not believe be the same actress that voice she in Cindy 2 -rrb- . the song be not that memorable , aside from one that Jaq and Gus sing , but they be better than you standard direct-to-video fare . it might take a few viewing to get use to Cinderella and Anastasia burst into song like Belle , but this actually do not happen that often . it be also a little awkward that C.D. Barnes , well know as the voice of Ariel 's Prince Eric in the original little mermaid film , be the voice of the prince here . however , one have to commend he and the filmmaker for actually develop the prince 's character and make he into a admirable Disney hero . the same need to be do for Snow White 's prince , though I be sure a Snow White sequel would put a lot of people up in arm . I know John Lasseter have currently say there will be no more Disney direct-to-video sequel , but I do not buy it , and I say , if they would just keep make 'em like this , I would be fine with they . the most reasonable complaint about `` Cinderella 3 '' be the continuity issue the end bring about . I do not want to give the end away , but what be trouble about it be that the event of this film sort of `` erase '' the ending of the original film , and thing be not put right when it be all over . that can be a little upset for the loyal Disney\/Cinderella fan . we can only hope that the Fairy Godmother fill Cinderella and the Prince in on all that transpire before , later on . some might be disappoint not to see Bruno the dog in this one , and I be not sure if the horse during the action scene in this film be suppose to be Cinderella 's old horse or not , but fan of `` Cinderella 2 '' might be happy to see the character of Prudence return . for those who have not see `` Cinderella 2 '' and just plain do not want to , not to worry , you do not have to have see it to see and understand `` Cinderella 3 . '' in fact , I be still try to figure out when `` Cinderella 2 '' be suppose to have take place . it really do not seem to fit at all now . it could not have happen before `` Cinderella 3 , '' because at the beginning of Cindy 3 , Anastasia be wish she could find true love too -lrb- something she find in `` Cinderella 2 '' -rrb- . it could not have happen after `` Cinderella 3 , '' because of the situation of the Tremaine family and Anastasia 's initial attitude towards Cinderella in Cindy 2 . it seem a `` Cinderella 3 '' viewer would have to disregard `` Cinderella 2 '' altogether , though the filmmaker of `` Cinderella 3 '' do not do so completely . as I say , Prudence be bring back , and at the end of the film we see reassurance of Anastasia 's future romance with the village baker . besides , the important thing to note be that `` Cinderella 3 '' succeed in nearly every way that `` Cinderella 2 '' fail we , and many folk would like to forget `` Cinderella 2 '' ever happen anyway . on to the dvd . the picture be beautiful , of course , and present in anamorphic widescreen format . as one have come to expect from Disney DTV sequel , this one be pretty light on bonus feature . on the bright side , two be actually worthwhile . one of those be a music video for a original song call , `` I still Believe . '' it might not be that great to the average viewer , but if you be a Hayden Panettiere fan , star of the NBC hit superhero show `` hero , '' you have get a winner there , as she provide the singing . I be a huge `` hero '' fan myself . the video have three footage aspect : clip from the film , footage of Hayden walk down a black and white street that turn into color as she pass , and footage of she look absolutely enchant in a magical field of giant flower . personally , I think it would have be better without the seemingly out of place bit of she walk down the street and turn it color . the other worthwhile bonus feature be a featurette on the making of `` twice charm , '' a cinderella-based musical stage show create for the Disney Cruise Line that , like `` a twist in Time , '' have a twist of its own on the story . it be not only very interesting , but it work effectively as a advertisement , which , of course , be what it really be . the other extra include the bibbidi-bobbidi-choose game , which get old fast , the Cinderella Ball Room dvd-rom activity , but I never bother with those , and a sneak peek at the upcoming dvd , `` Disney Princess Enchanted tale : a Kingdom of kindness . '' that last one be actually interesting too , if you be a fanatic of Disney animation or Disney princess , or whatever . if you be picky , you may opt not to get the Kingdom of Kindness dvd after see the preview , or maybe just the opposite . it depend just how far from the original film you allow Disney animation to get for direct to video release . realize that the new sleep beauty cartoon preview in this sneak peek be just a tv-style animated short , I be not go to rant about it not look like a feature film . I 'll be buy it to enjoy the first new Aurora animated story since 1959 , even if its only aim be to please little girl . and , that be pretty much the `` Cinderella 3 : a twist in Time '' dvd in a nutshell . it be a fantastic sequel to a animated classic and belong on the dvd shelf of every Disney animation fanatic ! grit you tooth through the opening scene , then sit back for a wonderful experience . you 'll probably get multiple play out of this one on the first day ! 981 Movies_TV POS 5 we all grow up with this -lrb- or should have -rrb- so get it if not for yourself for you kid or grandkid -- keep the magic of walt 's disney go and forget the neo-disney 's money-grubbing sequal shennannigan ! it be the only way to show they what quality we expect and trust ! 354 Movies_TV POS 4 I thoroughly enjoye the movie expect for the picture quality . due to the aspect ratio 1:2.35 you only get the same sort of quality as VHS , approximately half of the screen vertically will contain picture . hopefully they will use Anamorphic transfer inthe future that would have solve this problem . 899 Movies_TV POS 5 it be so fun to watch this again as a adult with my grandson . we both enjoy it to the fullest . great seller and ship quickly . thanks . 490 Movies_TV POS 5 you can buy these at ioffer.com as a set no case but dvd 's disc with the beautful art work ship in sleeve really cheap 179 Movies_TV NEU 3 I be not a proponent of Disney milk the cash cow of they classic animated film by produce far inferior sequel . about half of the film in the Disney animated library now have direct to dvd sequel . however , the quality of the recent rush of Disney animated sequel have be much better than the sequel predecessor -lrb- BAMBI II for instance be not too bad of a direct dvd release -rrb- . maybe the folk at the Giant Mouse House have receive enough complaint that they be try to make decent sequel . CINDERELLA III : A TWIST in TIME be nowhere near as good a film as the original Disney CINDERELLA . however , the film be not too bad of a movie , especially for a direct-to-dvd release . it look more like a wonderful world of Disney episode or a Friday evening special instead of a Saturday morning hack-job cartoon that many direct-to-dvd cartoon look like . the movie begin on the one-year marriage anniversary of Cinderella and Prince Charming . Cinderella 's Fairy Godmother seem to become more absent-minded and throw she magic wand into the air and loose it . it land in front of a hidden Anastasia who have just learn that Cinderella have magic in help she win Charming 's hand . she rush back to tell she mother the news . the evil stepmother use the wand to turn Fairy Godmother into a statue , turn back time to prevent Cinderella from marry charming , and cast a spell on charming so he fall in love with Anastasia . Cinderella and she mouse friend , Gus and Jaq , know something be out of place , but they do not know what . but they do not give up and be determine to break charming out of he spell . after all , in a fairy tale love conquer all . CINDERELLA III be clearly a movie make for young child , especially very young girl . very young boy -lrb- three or younger -rrb- might enjoy the movie , but the film 's overall message and focus be on young girl . other than a few visual allusion here and there to classic swashbuckling movie , there really be not anything to interest parent , either . the style of animation be a interesting merge between the classic-style of the original CINDERELLA and more colorful and contemporary cartoon . with that say , the movie could have be much worst . when I first hear about the plot of the film , I think it be fitting because Disney often act like the evil stepmother try to turn back time to make more money and change and legacy and history of some of they most cherish creation . however , in watch CINDERELLA III I be begin to wonder if Disney be more like Anastasia and be learn the error of its way . in watch the movie , be sure to watch through the credit as various painting answer some question the story leave open and halfway through there be a coda to the film 's event . the dvd do not include many special feature . there be a music video with Hayden Panettiere -lrb- who voice Kairi in the Kingdom Hearts game and play Claire Bennet on hero -rrb- , a behind the scene look at the Disney Cruise show , `` twice charm '' which inspire CINDERELLA III , Bibbidi-Bobbidi Game , and a interactive activity call Cinderella 's ballroom that only work use a dvd-rom on a computer . 795 Movies_TV POS 5 what can I say ? it be Doctor who , it rule ! just as good if not better then the first series . I like the last doctor but the new on be great in a differant way . Billy Piper be amazing . I be sad she be not in the 3rd series : -lrb- 961 Movies_TV POS 5 one of the best classic animated film from Disney . this timeless movie be one i grow up with . legendary captain hook can never get pan . if you never see this film watch it . great movie . 839 Movies_TV POS 5 this be my favorite doctor - even better than Tom Baker ! the only show I be not thrill with be love and monster 663 Movies_TV NEG 1 the formulum for any Will Smith movie be to have he say `` damn '' every six line of he dialogue and give he really cute humor , no matter what the situation be . this movie be totally unbelievable , honestly . for instance , big Willie Style run around Metro D.C. in the winter wear only boxer shorts . not to mention countless error both in editing and directing . on to the plot , the entire american government be evil -lrb- it can happen -rrb- , mind you be villain be Jon Voight , who I can swallow as a villain , but Jamie Kennedy , Jack Black , Barry Pepper , Jake Busey and Seth Green ?! be this a action movie or a poor man 's kid in the hall ? Gene Hackman be always good , but I do not even think Lex Luthor can help the Fresh Prince in this over price bucket of trash . hey we should all just get jiggy with it !! 675 Movies_TV POS 5 I have read review and there be more review for the Orville Redenbacker popper then just the Presto so I go with it . the machine do a great jop of pop the corn . I have be use generic popcorn from Safeway and its great . I add the seasoning from no more naked popcorn and it make a great afternoon snack . I believe the Presto without the name be the same but have not see it to be sure . 167 Movies_TV POS 4 I have already see the other two Cinderella movie , so I think , why not watch this one too ? I must say that I be pleasantly suprised . this movie be very sweet and it show more of the prince 's side of the story , unlike the other two movie . I really love it . it be a great movie for younger girl . older girl could get into it too , see as I be 16 and enjoy it . all in all , a lovely movie . 308 Movies_TV POS 5 David be my third all time fave doctor -lrb- behind Tom Baker and Chris Eccleston -rrb- . remarkable job , the last episode be sure to make one weep tear of sadness . 465 Movies_TV POS 5 the dvd arrive in great condition and come to I in the time frame suggest . now the family can enjoy it . 272 Movies_TV POS 5 enemy of the state star will Smith and Gene Hackman . neither of these fine actor make a bad movie that I know of . this be a fine thriller movie about government surveillance and a bad national security agent play by Jon Voight . the good news be that the surveillance technology feature in this movie be for real and target against US enemy . the bad news be that sometimes the government thing we be the enemy . 121 Movies_TV POS 5 I be very pleased with the fast delivery and the excellent condition the movie be in !!! my daughter be obsess with the Peter Pan movie . I be hesitant on purchase from a stranger but after read the great review I know I choose the right one . 181 Movies_TV POS 5 it ` s great !!! I love that it have the spanish track also for muy baby . Great buy !!! 533 Movies_TV POS 5 it have a great actor like Will Smith , if any one be suspicious of the goverment this will just add fuel to the fire . 631 Movies_TV NEG 2 I be a Disneyphile and own a lot of the cassette and dvd of the animated movie . I enjoy Peter Pan a lot as a kid because I be obsess with the fantasy of fly . I have to say , however , that I be not a big fan of Peter Pan now because of the sequence with the Indians . the stereotype be more harmful than in any Disney movie , even more so than Dumbo and song of the South -lrb- which , interestingly , be not in circulation in the United States , although it be more condescending than outright racist than Peter Pan . I think that speak volume about the racial situation in this country , that not every ethnic group have make the same stride in civil rights -rrb- . unlike the animated sequence in Dumbo and song of the South , where character be simply give `` Black '' dialect , in Peter Pan , ethnic stereotype be give form . all the Indians have bright red skin except for the beautiful chief 's daughter . they be `` cartoon '' character with four finger and exaggerated body type -lrb- again , with the exception of the chief 's daughter -rrb- . the dialogue be insulting , of the `` I smoke-um peace pipe '' variety . and all the white kid play `` indian '' , make the bwu-bwu-bwu sound , something I really do not wish to encourage in my own child . I know the movie be a product of its time , but I think that a big indicator of where racial attitude toward native Americans stand today that people still refuse to be offend by it and dismiss any condemnation of the movie as politically-correct B.S. I do not believe it should be change , because I think it be important not to erase history . but I think its problem outshine its trimph . there be dozen of animated Disney movie out there . I would rather not have this movie be my child 's first glimpse at native american culture . 145 Movies_TV NEG 2 I want to like this , since I be look forward to try one of she video . unfortunately , I do not like the dancing at all and could not follow along with it . I be begin to think I just can not do any dance video ... 280 Movies_TV POS 4 it ia a fantastic story as you expect it to be . but why do all happen in one day ? the spell , the wedding plasn , cinderellum find the prince , the bad stepmother send she away ... all of it . could not they make it last more ??? let hope the next one will be better . 696 Movies_TV POS 5 I have be watch this movie over and over on VHS and finally decide I need it on dvd . this be one of my favorite movie of Will Smith . the price be excellent and the service be great . 250 Movies_TV POS 5 we order both `` Independence Day '' and `` enemy of the state '' in blu = ray format to enhance and expand we dvd collection . the product be excellent as promise , and rapid delivery . 455 Movies_TV POS 5 this be truly a great movie , anyone who like movie should rent it at least once . Will Smith do a great job of act . together with Gene Hackman , this be a excelent action movie . 423 Movies_TV NEU 3 my kid love this movie and I highly recommend it . where I find fault be with the dvd itself and the Disney Corporation . twice now , when insert into a computer it have completely screw thing up . first , on my laptop for which a system restore be able to fix and the cause be blame on the anti-piracy software that automatically run . the second time , when my daughter insert the disk into my neighbor desktop computer and the Geek Squad after many hour end up have to ` wipe the hard drive ' and re-install everything . again , the cause be blame on ` anti-piracy protection ' . so , the movie be great ... just be cautious before you watch it on a computer . 442 Movies_TV POS 4 it only take I 8 year , but I be finally inspire -lrb- by Will Smith recently film `` I be Legend '' right in my neighborhood -rrb- to see enemy of the state . and it be a good 2 hour and 10 minute of time well spend . Will Smith be on a roll ... have be on a big screen roll ever since Bad Boys -lrb- 1995 -rrb- . it seem that he always play the same character : confident , smart talking , tough , funny . but the redundancy work ... every time . it work in enemy of the State too . like a lot of other Will Smith movie -lrb- `` Independence Day '' , `` man in black '' , `` I , Robot '' , `` Hitch '' -rrb- , enemy of the state be a thoroughly entertaining movie that keep you in you seat . it be get a great story with some great actor . and post 9\/11 , the subject of government surveillance be even more on topic . can anyone say , `` the Patriot Act '' ? enemy of the state be classify as a thriller . a thriller be suppose to be exciting , full of suspense , intrigue and mystery . enemy of the state do not disappoint . a worthy rental . 356 Movies_TV POS 5 the second series keep on go at the same breakneck speed as series one but with the new doctor . just as much fun as the first one , great story that still make you use you brain and have fun at the same time ! love it ! it be still fantastic !!! ca not wait for series 3 ! 194 Movies_TV POS 5 enemy of the state be a great movie . its a excellent action film with a strong message on the `` double-edged sword '' of technology . on one hand , life be make simplier and more convenient by technology . on the other , it allow government -lrb- in particular -rrb- the ability to monitor each individual within the state and will continually challenge a individual 's right to privacy . a worthy film that will not disappointment . 825 Movies_TV POS 5 spoiler follow Walt Disney 's 1953 animated film `` Peter Pan '' be one of several film that help build a sterling reputation for the company 's feature-length animation . with the voice talent of Bobby Driscoll , Hans Conried , and Kathryn Beaumont , it remain timeless entertainment . a adaptation of the James M. Barrie story , it boast artistic , sophisticated animation that hold up brilliantly even compare to the contemporary computer-animated market . for instance , Peter Pan 's first appearance , crouch in darkness on a rooftop , suggest the character 's magical nature and even a subtle hint of the unknown and the potential for danger . the relationship between Peter , Wendy , Michael , and John give the movie tremendous heart . Peter 's companion sprite Tinkerbell be also meticulously draw and animated , and have garner she own place in Disney lore . Bobby Driscoll 's vocal work as Peter Pan be one of the finest , most recognizable voice in Disney 's canon of character . it be a perfect blend of mischief , stubborness , and most importantly , youth . Hans Conried do double duty as the villain Captain Hook and Mr. Darling , father to wendy , Michael , and John . in a animated setting , it be impossible to imagine anyone else in these role . Mr. Conried voice the fussy father very well , and as Captain Hook create one of Disney 's classic villain . he characterization be silkily evil , but he be also able to play the more comical side of the character . Kathryn Beaumont be perfection as wendy , a potent mixture of authority and genuine care in she voice . as one of the few female character from that earlier Disney era who be not a princess , the character of wendy be very interesting . emotionally strong and wise , Wendy Darling be one of Disney 's best female animated character . also feature great song like `` you can fly '' and `` follow the Leader , '' Walt Disney 's `` Peter Pan '' be one of the golden masterpiece from the company . 169 Movies_TV POS 5 First off , there be a minor audio issue with the surround background music overwhelming the dialogue of the actor . I have not find a resolution and just turn up my volume . subtitles\/closed caption will help with this minor issue . also image be very crisp and special effect be wonderful on this dvd set compare to sci-fus channel airing . also , there be no shorted episode like those air on tv . now , it be onto my review of this dvd set . this be a brilliant continuation where Christopher Eccelston leave off in the first new series of Doctor who . David Tennant -lrb- regenerate 10th doctor -rrb- and Billie Piper -lrb- companion - Rose Tyler from the last doctor -rrb- start we with the Christmas invasion with the colorful cast of Jackie and Mickey who be Rose 's mum and pal\/pseudo-boyfriend . Tennant quickly develop he similar style in loud and snide comment as eccelston do last year . however , he add another side of humor which be more physical and serious than Eccelston . Piper be pretty much herself and the mother character be more hilarious and kookier than Rose 's sweet nature . Insecure Mickey be a great contrast to Piper 's commanding tone . episode fit nicely one after the other . favorite episode be list below and Doctor who Confidential be on the last disc for behind the scene . \* rise of Cybermen -lrb- Part 1 -rrb- \* age of steel -lrb- part 2 -rrb- \* New Earth \* Girl in Fireplace \* impossible planet -lrb- part 1 -rrb- \* Satan 's pit -lrb- part 2 -rrb- here be a listing of we favorite heros\/villans . \* cybermen - still the same but interesting storyline \* Daleks - slightly upgrade with levitation power -lrb- I prefer the rolling droid -rrb- \* k-9 - robot dog from the Tom Baker year \* Sarah Jane - from the 3rd & 4th doctor series \* Jackie - Rose 's mom and also cougar who prey on young lad and the Doctor \* mickey\/ricky - Rose 's buddy and parallel universe `` Mickey '' also , here be the last couple of episode before actor Tennant regenerate to actor Matt Smith . I have the review for these episode already available on dvd . \* the New Doctor -lrb- with David Morrissey -rrb- - Christmas special 2008 \* planet of the dead -lrb- with Michele Ryan -rrb- - Easter special 2009 the soon to be release Tennant final episdo be as follow : \* the Waters of Mars - air November 2009 \* end of Time -lrb- Parts 1 and 2 -rrb- - will air December 2009 and January 2010 451 Movies_TV POS 5 I have just recently discover Dr. who and can say without a doubt that I do not hesitate to call myself a whovian I be obsess with it , pretty much watch it daily . the people of the UK be so lucky to have have this for so long I be glad they finally bring it to the US . ca not wait for the new season although David and Billie be my favorite ! 97 Movies_TV POS 5 I love this series ! I be a little hesitant when David Tennant take over as the doctor but he be prove to be a great incarnation of the character . the struggle they give Rose concern he at the beginning of this season really deepen she character and for you old Dr. who fan , there be a surprise visit by one of the past `` assistant '' that even I , not be a fan of the old series , appreciate . and as for the season finale , all I can say be WOW ! it be heart-wrenching ! oh , what a bitter sweet end to a great season . you be eye will not be dry at the end of this one ! 790 Movies_TV POS 5 very well do - it bring back childhood memory from long ago . 793 Movies_TV POS 4 good quality . daughter enjoy it . happy with the way it be ship . 114 Movies_TV POS 5 will SMITH play Robert Dean , a D.C. Attorney who come across a old college friend in a langerae store . without know that he old buddy -lrb- Jason Lee -rrb- have a tape with the Phil Hammerslee murder on it , with -lrb- Lee -rrb- be chase by assassin try to cover up the evidence , the tape be place into Dean 's bag without he knowledge . now government agent be after Dean , with satelite track he every move . now to reclaim he life , Dean must team up with he only ally , a wits-filled man name Brill -lrb- Gene Hackman -rrb- , a man who use to work for Dean , that pass down evidence for he . my REVIEW : `` the Bruckheimer\/Scott team always work with the critic and audience alike . they last film together , be the highly suspenseful crimson tide , be also another spectacular film ! this time around , will SMITH and GENE HACKMAN make a great team . JON VOIGHT -lrb- Pearl Harbor -rrb- and REGINA KING also have great performance . the story be awesome and well think provoke ! I totally recommend this action thriller for fan of well think out , and well do movie ! like the negotiator , enemy of the state should be add to the great suspense film list ! all thumb should be up for this mind twist thriller ! '' - mjv & the Movies . 907 Movies_TV POS 5 all I can say be WOW !!! I order this movie 2 day ago and its here ! the movie be exactly what I expect ! thank you ! 614 Movies_TV POS 4 I be a very big fan of most of Disney 's work . the company have , for the most part , put out wonderful product on the movie screen , on the page , and on compact disc and dvd . the one place that I find Disney to be weak be in the direct-to-dvd sequel department . the show on these disc be rarely up to par with they cinematic counterpart . very few of they be worthy of purchase . one that be , however , be `` Cinderella III-A twist in Time . '' it be a wonderful sequel to the Disney classic in which the wicked stepmother get she hand on the fairy godmother 's wand . with it she erase all of the event that lead up to and include the marriage of Cinderella and she Prince Charming . after do this , she make sure that the glass slipper fit she daughter , Anastasia , and eventually trick the prince into want to marry she . with only she mouse friend to help she , Cinderella set out to get the love of she life back . along the way , we get a deeper look into the wicked stepmother and she daughter as well as some of the lesser character from the original tale . I find it hard to believe that this film be a direct-to-dvd sequel . the animation be excellent . all of the voice performance be execute well . most importantly , the story be actually very good . the dvd contain a few special feature include a music video of `` I still Believe '' by Hayden Panetierre , DVD-ROM feature , and a game . overall it be worthy of purchase for fan of Cinderella and the whole Disney `` Princess '' line . purist will just have to get over the fact that Disney do sometimes get it right with they direct-to-dvd fare . 382 Movies_TV POS 4 good flick . I thoroughly enjoy this film . Will Smith and Gene Hackman . wow ! will Smith be bring into the story as a unsuspecting businessman . by accident . this film just take off from the very begin . i be not go to give the story away , but you will not be disappoint if you get this one . 579 Movies_TV POS 5 I be very happy with the product , be as describe and a wonderfull addition to my collection of Disney movie . thank you ! 392 Movies_TV NEU 3 actually buy it for my baby girl . be kind of cute but then again , this be suppose to be for child not adult . I recommend it to all the parent who do have little girl go through the `` princess '' period . 152 Movies_TV POS 5 always a believer in ` Make Believe ' , Peter Pan have be one of my all time favorite . I purchase this for my favorite grandchild , a grandson , Wyatt . I hope he get as many hour , no , year of enjoyment out of watch this delightful movie , and share it with he delightful cousin . the transaction be smooth and quick , as be delivery . thank you ! 81 Movies_TV POS 5 Disney 's Peter Pan be the finest Peter Pan movie ever make . Disney 's animation in this film be very strong , they make never land so beautiful and Captain Hook 's ship look almost real ! this film have very good music . from song to background music . a film all age can endure . this fantastical film begin in London where wendy , John , and Michael 's bedtime story hero , Peter Pan visit they . Peter later invite they on a magical journey to never land . with the help of Tinker Bell , he feisty sidekick , a shower of Pixie dust and some happy thought , Peter teach they how to fly . off they soar to a enchanted island fill with wonder and terror . later they fall into the clutch of Peter 's arch enemy , Captain Hook and he band of pirate . from the stunning scene of the flight to never land , to the underground home of the lose boy , to the stardust ship in the moonlight-peter pan define Disney magic . 874 Movies_TV POS 5 THIS be the type of movie that fill in the gap of what be REALLY GOING ON in OUR GOVERNMENT . I have the VHS and I have to HAVE the dvd . THIS be a classic movie . 545 Movies_TV POS 5 where do you begin on such a awesome mind-blowing season ? even the pedestrian episode , like `` Christmas Invasion '' , `` New Earth '' , `` fear she '' and `` idiot 's Lantern '' be still excellent just by sheer triumph of style alone : for example , watch people ` s face and identity get suck into a tv set . the second season still manage to nicely capture its own newness and the joy a old character rediscover itself , and of a write staff blaze into new territory of storytelling . yes , David Tennant may take some get use to , but he will grow on you quickly . besides , when you have a Queen Victoria and a werewolf `` Tooth and Claw '' episode , there be no time to hold grudge . Everything work marvelously this season -- there be a Sarah Jane Smith reunion with the doctor in `` School Reunion '' , as well as a gorgeous period piece -lrb- one of the all-time best write episode in my opinion -rrb- with `` the Girl in the Fireplace '' it have a fairytale-like quality with the way the doctor appear in Madame de Pompadour 's fireplace at critical moment in she life . the Cybermen get to make they reappearance in a two-part `` rise of the Cybermen '' \/ `` the age of steel '' story-their method of create new Cybermen be one of the all-time great horrific moment of the series . `` the impossible planet '' be a great high-concept story that be nicely book end by `` the Satan pit '' which bring you down from the concept -lrb- a lonely planet in a stationary orbit around a black hole -rrb- and into the pit -lrb- as it be -rrb- of a horror . there be also one very offbeat episode , `` love and monster '' that give the doctor and Rose the Rosencranz and Guildenstern treatment by move they to the periphery of the story and focus on the small-time character of Elton instead . the monster be a hoot , especially when he and the doctor finally meet . it all come crash down magnificently with the dalek-cybermen throwdown season end of `` Army of Ghosts '' \/ `` Doomsday '' . this be the episode the Freddy vs. Jason and Alien vs. Predator fan have be wait for and every potential be live up to here with some eye-popping cgus effect and a heart-wrenching farewell between the doctor and Rose . as a product , the overly price -lrb- my one huge complaint -rrb- dvd set adequately satisfy also . there be enough special feature to almost equal out the episode themselves . the commentary I hear -lrb- it be pretty hard to listen to watch a episode again all over -rrb- be pretty relax . I dig the in-vision commentary ... but do not explore this until you have actually see and enjoy the episode , because it be really distracting otherwise . in all , this be probably the best 13 or so hour of sci-fus and storytelling that have be on television and dvd in a long while . as for season 3 ... 72 Movies_TV NEU 3 Amazon prompt I to write a review . the promise arrival date have pass , and the TARDIS be tardy ! only one day pass at this point . I be a patient person . 672 Movies_TV NEG 2 my daughter really like this movie but we have to have many reminder that woman arent `` easy to trick when they be jealous '' and that native american do not act like they do in the movie . I do not like censorship of any kind but in this day and age I cant just let this movie be see without a discussion of `` fantasy vs. reality '' . if you want to have this in you collection , by all means do so , it be a classic story , and in defense of Disney , Barrie be a notorious mysogenist , however , a discussion of stereotype would be a nice way to offset this sometimes mean-spirited movie . 620 Movies_TV NEG 1 this movie should be toss out , just as `` song of the South '' be . I be not sure what to say when my daughter ask why the native American be call himself the `` red man . '' in addition , Tinkerbell be portray as a sexualized , vindictive , jealous female stereotype from another era . we may have to throw this one away . 836 Movies_TV POS 5 I love blu ray ever since I buy and you cant get any better picture or thrill in any other system like the blu ray . I fully recommend this movie for a action thriller . 307 Movies_TV POS 5 I recieve the movie within 2 day and it play great no scratch or skip , my family love it . 507 Movies_TV POS 4 enemy of the state be a awesome movie . Will Smith and Gene Hackman be excellent together . what I really like about the movie be that most of the minor character have be in other popular movie recently . I seem to recognize almost everybody . especially Jamie Kennedy from Scream , and Seth Green -lrb- who be not even in the credit -rrb- who have do many movie recently like Austin Powers 1 & 2 and can not hardly wait . it be also good to see that gene Hackman be not the only veteran actor in this movie . Jon Voight play he usual villain role and do a amazing job , as usual . overall , enemy of the state keep you interested from start to finish . a must see for action\/suspense movie fan . 31 Movies_TV POS 5 excellent . great idea of special feature include a read-along with script below . wonderful for early reader . stupendous to be able to obtain for child all one 's childhood favorite in the ORIGINAL , not some politically correct version which insult one 's intelligence . 36 Movies_TV POS 4 I like every other american teenager grow up with Cinderella . she be and still be my favorite Disney character . the 3rd in the series be certainly entertaining and very charming . it be not the same as the first but almost as good . anyone look at Cinderella 2 do not waste you time . 243 Movies_TV NEG 1 this be the second set of Dr who Series two that I order -lrb- after return the first due to a bad dvd -rrb- and there be a bad dvd in this set as well . will return and order a third set . 421 Movies_TV POS 5 we order this for we granddaughter - arrive almost immediately . great service - I would definitely order from they again 228 Movies_TV POS 5 Cinderella III be the latest Disney direct-to-dvd feature film and the final chapter of one of Disney 's most celebrated fairytale . in part iii , Lady Tremaine , Cinderella 's evil stepmother , finally get she revenge by steal the Fairy Godmother 's magic wand and magically turn back time to prevent Cinderella from wear the glass slipper , so Cinderella and she mouse friend Gus and Jaq battle back from a perilous fate to return back to she Prince Charming . the special feature include a Fairy Godmother magic wand game , a Princess music video juke box , and a special sneak peek of the Disney Princess Enchanted tale dvd series . Cinderella III be one of the best Disney Princess dvd 's to be enjoy be everyone . 861 Movies_TV POS 5 this movie rock ! I have and can draw from it very well . Tink have a great attitude and yeah , she deserve Peter alot more than wendy do ! this movie be almost tie but still second to the Road to Eldorado in my favorite . thanx for take the time to read my review kel 159 Movies_TV NEG 2 I will not lie . it be be over six year since I have actually see this movie . back then I do not like it . I still do not . but now , I have realize something : there be symbolism in this movie . you see , Peter Pan represent a certain someone . who , you ask ? come closer . now , we all know that the character Tinkerbell be model after , -lrb- or at least draw to the likeness of -rrb- , Marilyn Monroe . coincidence ? I do not think so . can you guess who Pan be yet ? oh-kay , Peter Pan stand for John F. Kennedy - you know , irresponsible , young , womanize , etc. . do not believe I ? look at Pan ! he be dress in green , the color of the Irish . he associate with not one , not two , but three woman in this film . sound like JFK to I . wendy stand as the voice of reason , Jackie . Captain Hook , of course , be Lee Harvey Oswald , and that alligator ... or crocodile ... thing , be Jack Ruby . Odd , be not it ? Well , I hope you have enjoy this little essay ... or review ... or ... ah , whatever . 512 Movies_TV POS 4 I ` ve have see this movie in a theater back in 1998 . it ` s surprise I , how strong this movie be and be the best produce film from Jerry Bruckheimer -lrb- Beverly Hills cop , the Rock , that be two of he best produce film also -rrb- . the plot : a successful attorney from Washington D.C. name Robert Clayton Dean -lrb- Will Smith -rrb- who find without he knowledge be give a video by he friend -lrb- Jason Smith -rrb- , he see briefy and die . in that video have a murder of a top political elderly man -lrb- a unbilled Jason Roberts -rrb- and the man who be corrupted national security agency -lrb- Jon Voight -rrb- . now Dean ` s normal life be after by a lethal team of skilled NSA surveillance team , they be ruthless and will do everything to complete thier mission until a mystery man -lrb- gene Hackman -rrb- help Dean to finish the NSA to destory they and restord the life of Dean use to have . dvd ` s have excellent widescreen transer -lrb- 2.35:1 -rrb- format and Superb Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround be excellent . Panavision . Grade : a - . 863 Movies_TV POS 5 I be a fan of the Doctor who Series , and this season be my favorite . I be please with my order and have be watch episode ever since . I like the product and I appreciate the seller 's quick delivery and careful packaging . 331 Movies_TV POS 5 I be so in love with this movie , as be my kids-i watch pan as a kid myself and to this day never get bore watch it again and again . along with the classic Disney Princess movies-Pan be one of Disney 's greatest . even the sequel `` return to Neverland '' be close in comparison . it make every boy want to be pan and every little girl want to be Tink !!! 597 Movies_TV POS 5 it take I a bit to warm up to David Tennant as the Doctor , have just see he in `` secret smile '' on BBC America , in which he play a highly disturbing psychopath - quite effectively . and be a huge fan of Christopher Eccleston , I have to say , the transition be tough . but I will say , this second season be excellent ! the writing be fantastic and the story be superb . as a life-long fan of the classic series , I be so happy to see they pull the doctor out of the caricature that he become at the end of the classic series with the new series , both one and two . heck , who be I kid ?!? I be just happy to see the doctor back on the telly ! I have miss he ! 667 Movies_TV POS 5 when Doctor who return to we screen in 2005 , even for the disinterested , it be probably the british tv event of the year . for the die hard fan , it be a dream come true . finally the BBC be give it the profile , the budget , the schedule and the kudos that they feel it have always deserve . Russell T. Davis have reinvent a classic tv icon and make it even more exciting than ever and Christopher Eccleston bring a new edge to the world 's longest run sci-fi tv hero . but before the first season have even run its course , Eccleston be go . never explain why , after the huge relaunch , the BBC be already have to recast the role , run the risk of lose everything they would build up in such a short space of time . thankfully , -lrb- unlike so many time in the 1980 's -rrb- the production team make a truly inspire decision to cast David Tennant in the role of the doctor and keep the new find dynamism on track . here be the complete first season of Tennant 's stint as the Time Lord from Gallifrey , which I personally hope will be the first of many . he really have take the role to heart and develop a truly engaging and charismatic doctor - one that be on a par with the great Tom Baker for sure and outdo many other who have take the role in the past . all 14 episode be include , start with the hour-long 2005 Christmas special , follow by the 13 45-minute episode from the spring of 2006 . there be many fan of course who be not particularly enamored of the new approach to they favorite time traveler . it be fair to say that the whole concept have become rather ` soapy ' . it be certainly no stretch to see that Eastenders seem to have a big influence over the style of the new direction . whereas it bring a edge of reality to the series to flesh out the life and emotion of the doctor and he companion , it have to be say that in this particular season , that emotion be be somewhat overplay . Sarah-Jane Smith be back at the Doctor 's side in ` School Reunion ' after have be dump from the TARDIS back in 1976 . it be great to see Elisabeth Sladen back on form , but from a continuity point , it be not really true to the original series . Sarah-Jane do already meet up with the doctor again , back in the 1983 20th anniversary special , the five doctor , and the hurt and despair explore now ignore that particular narrative completely . every episode seem to have some emotional turmoil between the Doctor 's current companion , Rose , and the Time Lord himself , which seem to always be edge they towards at least a romantic relationship , if not a full-blown sexual one . after a while , it seem this sub-text be always get in the way of the main narrative of each story . even the long await and definitely overdue clash between the Doctor 's two most famous enemy , the Daleks and the Cybermen , be eventually push into the background to develop more of the doctor\/rose relationship . it be not necessarily a bad thing , it be just overplay . I for one would like to see less of Rose 's emotion and those of she family and hopefully in the 2007 season , new character will be handle differently . there be fewer extra than be include on the Eccleston season release , possibly to accommodate the extra episode . the short interim piece show on the BBC 's Children in Need charity telethon be include and there be a commentary for each story , often with on-screen visual . a sixth disc include the accompany Doctor who Confidential , behind the scene documentary , but there be little else . it be still a great package nonetheless . I hope the rumor of David Tennant 's departure during the 2008 season be false . he be such a great doctor ; it would be a shame to lose he . but so far , most of the rumor about the series that have do the round have all pretty much turn out to be true . still , they move effortlessly from Eccleston to Tennant , so presumably they can do the same again . in the meantime , here be some wonderful Doctor who to enjoy again . 65 Movies_TV POS 5 this movie be a great buy for both Will Smith fan , and conspiracy theorist . this be a action movie that keep move , keep you interested , and bring up some important social issue . 480 Movies_TV POS 5 my granddaughter be delighted with she movie of Peter Pan , and watch it everyday I be tell ! it come on time and in mint condition . uncomplicated shopping . I be pleased . 445 Movies_TV POS 5 I see this movie on a full home-dvd home cinema set and it be awesome . this movie will not let you be bore for a single second . ton of action an suspense . will keep you on the edge of you seat throughout the whole movie . 460 Movies_TV POS 5 there be four class of Disney film : the classic -lrb- Snow White , Pinocchio , sleep beauty -rrb- , the good film -lrb- Robin Hood , Alice in Wonderland -rrb- , the Yawners , or unremarkable film -lrb- the Aristocats , the sword in the Stone -rrb- , and the failure -lrb- the black cauldron -rrb- . basically , all but the last class be one that be enjoyable , and only the first two class be worthy of be hail as `` classic '' by the Disney marketing machine . Peter Pan fall distinctly in the second class , the `` good '' film . great villain -lrb- both hook and the crocodile -rrb- , great hero , and great story , but just shy of be perfect in the execution in a few place . still , it be a classic Disney film , and `` good '' for Disney be a perfect feature for all but a few animation studio . this edition have a decent amount of extra , include a commentary track -lrb- which I have not listen to -rrb- , and making-of featurette . all in all , this be about as good as it get for a Disney release outside of the platinum edition . if you can find it , make every effort to buy it . 561 Movies_TV POS 5 really enjoyable movie . not as good as the first but we enjoy it as a sequel . my 3 yo daughter love it and the music . 681 Movies_TV POS 5 absolutely fantastic ! a season even better than the first , David Tennant really show why he be the best doctor of all time . from the exciting beginning to the heart break finally , season 2 be amazing ! present in a gorgeous box in widescreen format , these dvd 's be a must have for any fan 320 Movies_TV NEU 3 I have try Hemalayaa 's older video , she yoga for Urban live & Dosha Yoga & feel though she have good intention , she do not have enough body awareness to be teach something that be focus on have that ability & cultivate it further . she be good that she video overall would keep someone who do not work out regularly heart rate up . since this be just dancing , I figure this might be she strength , but I be wrong . the menu choice include : Intro , Play , Chapters , Bonus Performances , Music Options -lrb- music only , music w\/narration -rrb- , & other video from Acacia . the other video clip be Hemalayaa 's Yoga for young body for 1:30 , Yoga Trance Dance :30 , Duncan Wong : awaken level :30 -lrb- he be awesome -rrb- , the Elaine Petrone Method 9:44 -lrb- have a lot of video testimonial -rrb- the Bonus Performance be same music show hemalayaa w\/two girl in slow motion fade in\/out clip of they dance for almost 3 min , then hemalayaa alone for 3 min w\/paused video , slow mo , double video effect , etc. to make the dancing look better then it be & you can not follow along with this either . in the intro , Hemalayaa say be from Bangra , which be from Northern India dance -lrb- big , bold , sassy , & outrageous -rrb- & incorporate modern dance , hip-hop , even belly dancing . the 2 backup dancer be Juju & Kimberly -lrb- who be also the stage director & consultant -rrb- . in the credit , these dancer be dead last which be very unusual . the chapter be : warming -lrb- 6 min -rrb- , Playtime begin -lrb- 7 min -rrb- , footwork -lrb- 6 min -rrb- , now we be hot ! -lrb- 8 min -rrb- , ground Play -lrb- 6 min -rrb- , playful Dance -lrb- 5 min -rrb- , Cook it now ! -lrb- 9 min -rrb- the set be gorgeous , with color & texture , the music be fun , but it be loop after a few seconds & get annoying after a while want to hear the rest of the song . one of the dancer do not know when the next move be herself many time which be annoying & show they do not practice enough . the voice over cuing be ok , she do not really break anything down , or really give any body movement instruction to help you understand how to move , but since easy move , it be not so bad . she just tell you to `` get down , let go , get sassy , dance like no one 's watch '' throughout . at the playful dance portion where she be alone , she narrate kinda a routine , but very repetitious . she have you do a goddess move where you move forward toward the tv push one hip out lead ... then do a literal hip-hop run man -lrb- move backwards -rrb- though she do it in a more simplified\/corny style & alternate those . she say it be natural they go together & `` the run man be run away . . actually he be run fwd toward the goddess ... '' which make no sense . there be some good one , but very few . I get bore with the repetition . you will get you heart rate up since she incorporate a lot of hop ... like hop 3x in a row to one side , hop & wiggle you glut , then the other many time or other move like a pony from the 50s in a indian style or other move that have knee lift . the idea be there , but I still do not like Hemalayaa 's style or think she ability to dance be good enough to be teaching . I find myself follow the background dancer who know the routine instead . if you want a hybrid indian dance that be corny , silly & help you let go because it be easy & silly , this be for you . you can see a preview at the distributer Acacia com 952 Movies_TV POS 5 rest in PIECE sir tony , DIRECTOR of ENEMY of the state . HOLLYWOOD have lost a genius of a filmmaker . so proud to be a fan and to OWN all he film . 918 Movies_TV NEU 3 I be speak as a true Disney movie fan . I love they all . I be a grow up man -lrb- over the age of 18 -rrb- . I see this movie by myself , even though the Internet Movie Database have bad review . here be what the movie be about : Cinderella 's stepmother get the wand from Anastasia , who get it when it slip out of the Fairy Godmother 's hand . she learn the magic word , `` Bippity Boppity Boo . '' Anastasia 's mother , Cinderella 's evil and selfish stepmother , pocket the wand after turn back time so that she may have Anastasia be the one to live the `` happily ever after '' life with the Prince in place of Cinderella . now I now that this be a Disney movie , but Cinderella be really put to the test here . at one point , she even have to face death itself . be true love worth face death ? what do Lucifer the Cat look like when he be human ? where be the Fairy Godmother during all this ? will the Prince ever find he true love , or be he true love now Anastasia ? sorry , I will say no more here . have to watch the movie to find out . oh , and if you enjoy this movie , than look forward to `` the little mermaid iii , '' come in November of 2007 . Gotta Jet . Bippity-Boppity-Out ! 789 Movies_TV POS 4 I really enjoy watch this with my daughter -lrb- I be a dad -rrb- . I be a science-fiction and time-travel fan , so when I see a ad for this , I say `` we have to get it '' . Disney do a excellent job with the story , but for child younger than say , 7 or 8 , parent may need to explain thing along the way . but it be a good introduction to `` time travel '' for little mind . that say , I be amaze when the original `` slipper '' sequence be re-animate for this to include the change ! after have see Cinderella nearly 100 time -lrb- not kid ! -rrb- , it be odd see the sequence play out differently . I almost suspect that Disney do this story as a inside joke for all of we parent who have have to watch the original Cinderella countless time . the animation be great -- the plot be enjoyable . they even add some depth to the character of the Prince and King . even Anastasia and Drizella become somewhat more real and likeable ... if that be possible . I be not sure it have a lot of replay value -- surely not as much as the original Cinderalla . my daughter do not ask to watch it , but if prompt with this as a choice , she sometimes select it . overall , it be enjoyable -- watch it together ! 373 Movies_TV NEU 3 I actually like this sequel better after a couple of viewing . it do not really grab I the first time around , and my wife think that it rely too much on slapstick -lrb- like the silly food fight -rrb- . some of the song be pretty good but , overall , it be not on the same level as movie like Brother Bear . now for the reaction of the audience that really count in we household : we three-year old likes it a lot ; the two-year old be so-so on Cinderella III at first , but now , like I , she enjoy it as well . the story line be adequately describe elsewhere , so I see no need to repeat it , nor do I see the need to explain how I think it could have be do better . -lrb- but if you want to see a excellent non-animated version of the Cinderella story , check out `` ever after - a Cinderella Story '' with Drew Barrymore . in `` ever after '' you get a even deeper sense of the great injustice do to Cinderella by the evil stepmom . -rrb- perhaps Cinderella III merit 4 star for its entertainment value and , while that be basically all that these movie be about -- entertainment , I just do not think it be quite 4 star , and I reserve 5 star for movie , even animated one , that also contain a meaningful message . sure , Cinderella have a little more spunk in this sequel , but all she be fight for be to get marry to she true love -lrb- someone who she actually know very little about -rrb- . she be not fight for any moral principle that I would like my daughter to recognize and repect . -lrb- add note : -lrb- 1 -rrb- while I fully respect they opinion , I disagree rather strongly with those reviewer who see Cinderella in the original version as a placid character who generate little emotional interest for the viewer . think about she situation : after she father 's death , she be make a servant in she own home -lrb- ! -rrb- and she be completely under the control of the evil stepmom . to whom could she turn for help ? no one . and yet , she face each day with spirit and renew hope , and she respond with emotion appropriate to the abuse that be heap upon she . again , if you do not know child who have have to endure abusive home environment , count yourself lucky and just watch `` Cinderella - ever after '' to get a glimpse at what life must have be like for Cinderella . 2 -rrb- all of these movie review be simply someone 's opinion , and I find they all helpful . whether the reviewer say `` thumb up '' or `` thumb down '' , the comment give I a feel for the movie . from the high number of `` not helpful 's '' give to a lot of the review that rate Cinderella III and similar movie less than stellar , I be leave to wonder if the rater be simply express they disagreement with the review 's opinion . -rrb- 548 Movies_TV POS 5 I get this dvd since the storyline sound pretty interesting . I do not expect to really enjoy the movie since the other Disney sequel ... well ... suck . the song be not that long and ` lame ' but actually pretty cute . Cinderella fight back , Gus and Jacques be even cuter , and not to mention the Prince have a funny sense of humor ! he have character ! I really enjoy this movie and people should at least rent it before think it be another stupid Disney sequel ... 959 Movies_TV NEG 1 \*\*\* spoilder \*\*\* below warning . it start off with cinderellum 's foot which do not look the same as in the original movie , kind of disgust in my opinion . when she talk about herself , blah blah , it be just not cinderellish , she be full of herself !!!!!!!!!! Prince do not look the same , he neck be too fat and it seem he skin tone change it almost every scene . they speech be too `` modern '' and annoying , do not give it a authentic feel at all . the step sister be WAY TOO GOOFY , unrealistic , I mean they can hardly walk two step without flop over , too silly . Anastasia be way too stupid and she be apologize for every little thing she do , it just do not make any sense , in the first movie they be all equally rude , even as child they be selfish little brat and now she just look like a big goof ! the step mother be always mean but here the part when she get the wand be go overboard , it be like she be a villian or witch ... too much drama in that part `` call on all the force of the universe ??! '' duh . Anastasia 's foot be HUGE , and then she kiss it and jump around the room , this be go overboard , a girl in that era would not act this way at ALLLLLLL !! Cinderella 's comment after she step mother leave be just weird , and then that uncatchy song and run out into the field . very uncreative and dramatic , these tune be all so similar in all the disney movie today and so annoying !! at the palace : how on earth do she get to the palace before the rest arrive ??? the prince work out with he father in the `` pink '' gym and you would think he be a circus boy after perfome those high rise stunt , never would have expect that from he . the part when prince charming have to apologize to they sound so cheap , he enter the room and it be like he do not notice the girl ISN `` t cinderellum . . and how anastasium introduce herself as a jerkess then it turn into a bit of a circus after he propose . the whole `` spell thing '' be just like in the little mermaide . if you look closely she put the ring on the left hand then admire it and it be on she right hand . Cinderella finally find the prince : it be like she be make a fool of herself , she little giggle and she sound EXACTLY like the princess May from Mulan , terrible . the head maid drag cinderellum away look so degrading , the whole `` meeting '' be cheesy . now when the step mother and sister be show into the room with the large cake this scene be a absoloutely rediculous !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what a mess when the king meet the bride-to-be who be in a aweful disgusting state . unbelievable ! now Anastasia and the prince practice dancing , why on earth do she have to wear she `` one '' glass slipper ??? the step mother seem to have so much influence in the palance once she `` move in '' when the king give the queen shell to anastasia he sound like a old indian chief or something , the voice just do not seem to fit the part . `` I dooooooooo '' practice by anastasium be TOO MUCH , and I wonder why she have such a nice singing voice , do not seem to go together , plus suddenly she can dance so gracefully . . remember the first movie when the two sister practice singing '' sing sweet nightangale '' they sound AWEFUL so what bring such a change ? so unrealistic . Cinderella struggle to say the magic word once she have the wand in she hand , stupid !!! Prince 's reaction after hear the true story from the mouse be a little calm , you would think he would have a bit of a more worried reaction and not take it so lightly . . he be a cross between Eric from little mermaid and zoro rid off on the horse . now cinderellum be tell to get on the shop , she shoe and foot while step up onto the ship look really fat and ugly . . totally aweful animation . on the ship she look like Jane Wendy 's daughter from peterpan . she bang be all fray and she look like 13 year old . now the prince ride off behind the ship and once he jump onto the ship he be look a lot like a Zoro , even he skin tone be darker if you compare it to when they show the dream of he and cinderellum dancing at the ball . also what with the hand palm thingy , look like something from TARZAN !! Notice cinderellum 's fray bang and hair , once she hug and swing around with the prince she hair start to turn back into perfect form . now thing calm down a bit and you think its go to end ... hold on to you seat , it be not over yet ! Cinderella be rest near the king once prince bring she back to the palance , notice in the first scene she have she hair nice and out , then when the servent come to tell the king that they be not able to find the step mother and sister cinderella now have she hair tie back with a blue ribbon , then in the following scene she hair be back to be out without a ribbon , STUPID , pay attention to detail disney , HELLO . what be with bride prepare themselves ? this scene remind I of mulan get ready for she wedding with mushu on top of the closet , really strange . the pumpkin just have to be include in the movie somehow , honestly I find this scene where cinderellum get stuck inside quite scary and gross . ok she make she escape and if you pause the scene right when she be on the horse look at the castle in the distance notice she foot , it be huge ! even she hand look huge . Disney , DETAILS ! Cinderella savagly rid all the way to the palace while the wedding be ongoing , the priest look like something from star war , freaky . - ok , cinderellum appear , break up the ceremony , step mother be shout at anastasium and once she start use the magic it be like prince just step in there use he sword to divert the magic away from cinderellum , it look so lame and he facial expression be not heroic or anything . note cinderellum 's hairdo , it be tie up high in a bun , however when she be prepare for the wedding it be low behind she neck , kind of strange . I do not like the fairy 's voice in the end , it sound so squeaky . now after the credit and the little `` photo '' which show some really goofy one once you reach the last one with the heart frame rose and cinderellum and the prince in the middle notice they hand , I think they go just a bit too far with this !!! 930 Movies_TV POS 5 the product come quickly , and in good repair . the disc themselves be unscratched , and the box be in decent condition . all part be include ! even the little booklet guide ! 198 Movies_TV NEG 1 I recently buy Disney 's Peter Pan dvd for my 3 year old son . I be a very protective parent and do not allow my kid to watch just any kind of programming . be Disney the reputed company that it be and give that be have a `` g '' rating , I blindly let my son watch this movie with its spanish audio track , since my kid speak spanish only . to my surprise , it be full of racial slur against native Americans and violent language content . it seem that Disney have edit the English audio track to make it `` politically correct '' and eliminate offensive content , while not do so in the spanish track . for example , in the scene where the kid and Peter Pan be talk about have happy thought , little boy John say -lrb- in the English track -rrb- : `` I think I 'll be a indian brave '' , while in the spanish track it say : `` yo muchos indios voy a matar '' -lrb- `` I be go to kill lot of Indians '' -rrb- . this be just a example of a array of violent language content include in this dvd . I lose count of how many time the word `` kill '' come up in this movie . no surprise that now my 3 year old be go around say `` I be go to kill you '' to anyone . this be a outrage and I wonder why English speak kid deserve to be protect from this kind of language , and spanish speaking kid do not . this be a terrible , terrible mistake . Disney be a company for kid everywhere in the world , no matter what language they speak . I be now weary of buy additional Disney movie for my son . as a mother I be deeply surprised , disappointed , and sadden by this fact . 136 Movies_TV POS 4 it be easier to judge Walt Disney 's 1953 animated adaptation of James Barrie 's `` Peter Pan '' for what it be ; rather than for what it be not . what the film get right , it get spectacularly right . animation be , indeed , the best medium to capture the magical aspect of the story . the sequence where Peter Pan , Wendy , John , and Michael fly from London to Never-Land be stunning . it be almost immediately apparent why `` Peter Pan '' be one of the finest Disney film of the 1950 's . the film gain much of its appeal from the excellent vocal performance of Bobby Driscoll -lrb- Peter Pan -rrb- , Hans Conreid -lrb- Mr. Darling and Captain Hook -rrb- , Kathryn Beaumount , -lrb- Wendy -rrb- and Bill Thompson -lrb- Mr. Smee -rrb- . the story have plenty of action and adventure , and move along at a brisk pace . the depiction of the Indians as caricature instead of character be painfully , politically incorrect . but one must remember the era in which this film be make . it would be decade before Cathy Rigby 's stage revival of `` Peter Pan '' would correct this sticky situation . but , as the stage and animated film be completely different medium , the point be moot . the Disney version of `` Peter Pan '' be a artistic triumph . it be often delightful , but it be only about fun and game in Never-Land . while Disney capture the magic and fantasy brilliantly , he never grasp the darker , psychologically complex aspect of the story . the Disney version capture Peter Pan as the spirit of youth , joy , and freedom , but lack the emotional depth of Barrie 's original story . the great villain Captain Hook clearly represent the `` adult , father figure '' who must be destroy because he be a threat to all the fun and game . there be no romantic tension between Peter Pan and Wendy . there be no acknowledgement of Peter 's lonliness or the thing he will never have . at the end of Barrie 's play , Peter Pan return to the nursery and discover wendy be now a grown-up adult . Disney completely ignore Barrie 's end , and all of its bittersweet implication . the dvd feature a excellent audio commentary by the late Roy Disney , -lrb- Walt 's nephew -rrb- , film critic Leonard Maltin , several of the animator , Margaret Kerry -lrb- the model for the hot-tempered , jealous pixie Tinker Bell -rrb- , Kathryn Beaumount -- and even some surprising comment from Walt Disney himself . the short featurette `` the make of Peter Pan '' and the longer documentary `` the Peter Pan that almost be '' , be especially informative and entertaining . the brief life of Bobby Driscoll , more tragic than magic , be a sad footnote to `` Peter Pan . '' Driscoll , who receive a special academy award for he role in the suspense-thriller `` the window '' , make immeasurable contribution to the success of Disney 's `` song of the South '' , `` so Dear to my Heart '' , `` Treasure Island '' and `` Peter Pan . '' after he Disney contract be drop -lrb- the same month , incidentally , that `` Peter Pan '' be release -rrb- , Driscoll descend into drug addiction and spend some time in prison . Driscoll die in 1968 , alone and peniless , at the age of 31 . of he movie career , Driscoll remark , `` I be carry on a satin pillow ... and then dump into the garbage . '' magic and happiness , it often seem , exist only in the movie . 240 Movies_TV POS 5 a classic disney film with superb special feature and special audiio commentary by disney pioneer ... this be a animation gem with good song and simple yet engaging plot ... but slow style story tell . : -rrb- watch it ... 3 Movies_TV POS 5 this sequal be wonderful . the animation be excellent , though other may comment that it be not correct to the original style . I hate to be the one to point this out , but we be no longer in the 50 's decade . animation have come a long way since then , so of course it will look sharper . from a artist 's standpoint , there be such subtly and depth to each scene that , storyline aside , it be delightful to watch - especially character reaction . as for the story , it be clean -lrb- which be a rarety in and of itself -rrb- as well as entertaining . the plot take a fun twist on what would happen if the wand be in another 's hand and really try to prove that even without magical assistance , Cinderella could still hold she own . and be not that what the 50 's version be attempt to point out as well ? I do not think this movie detract from the original , but instead be a fun , relax form of entertainment . however , to be fair , the only part I find irritating be the change in the mouse 's diction . that be the only change that I find annoying enough to mention . that aside , it be nice to see a woman fight for she dream and get they - and a prince with a personality to boot ! so I would recommend this movie to those who just want a clean , fun , and intelligent source of entertainment for themselves as well as they child . 595 Movies_TV POS 4 this be a movie about a fake mission go bad . . all of the rouble in this movie be a test , for some secret government agency which put Will Smith and he friend & family at risk . . this movie have action and great high tech gadget ... 977 Movies_TV POS 4 both my kid -lrb- 3 & 8 -rrb- love this movie - they laugh out loud . maybe not as good as the original , but still worth the money . 383 Movies_TV POS 5 unless you want to know everything that happen in the new series , do not read these review . just buy it and enjoy . 627 Movies_TV NEU 3 I have not have time to unwrap this item yet , much less watch it , but I be sure it be very good . 449 Movies_TV POS 5 this be a outstanding movie , with a indepth storyline and more plot than most people can follow . I love this movie more any Will Smith film I have see . it still contain enough of he unique style of humor to remain original , but it certainly be not a comedy . this movie be worth every cent that I pay to add to my personal collection . 244 Movies_TV POS 5 this video should be second in the series and the second should be third from the way it flow . however , even with that small complaint , this be a great video . the animation be well do , the story line be adorable . my daughter and I have enjoy sit on the couch watch this together many time over . it be well worth the money . 972 Movies_TV POS 5 Cinderella have always be my all-time favorite Disney movie , I do not think they would ever make another better than the original , but I be wrong . Cindy 3 top the first one . it be a eye catcher from start to finish ! 785 Movies_TV POS 5 the workout be fun and although I be a advanced exerciser I enjoy the video . she constantly tell the viewer to move at they own pace if she be too fast . therefore , beginner can move on they own and do the easy base move she provide . if you be advance , you can also enjoy a great 40 minute workout on day that you do not want to really push it . that be what I use this video for . it be just enough cardio . 962 Movies_TV POS 5 some old enemy be back and present with twist all the way ! Dr who fan will be pleased ! 135 Movies_TV NEG 1 this workout do offer some cardio benefit . it also do introduce you to some basic Bhangra step . it be not a serious workout or dance video . I would not buy it just `` to mix up my workout '' . 370 Movies_TV POS 5 this movie be a kicky , knockout thriller . a solid two hour of pure entertainment . a all star cast list include Will Smith , Gene Hackman , Jon Voight , Jack Black , Seth Green , Jamie Kennedy , Jason Lee and many more piece together a heart stop action pack and original four star production . 676 Movies_TV POS 5 I be a big fan of the 1st doctor for this series and not happy about a new one this early in the season . but I be willing to give he a chance . a couple of episode in he sell I on he performance of the doctor . mind you I would have prefer to keep the 1st for maybe a 2nd season . this doctor and the adventure that happen this episode make it a must have for all doctor who fan new and old 309 Movies_TV POS 5 this Two-Disc platinum edition of Peter Pan be the first really good dvd version of this classic film that have be release , and be far more superior to the earlier dvd release of Peter Pan . one thing that stick out to I in this version of Peter Pan be the stunning color . it look so good that I notice thing I have never notice before , so I do recommend this movie to collector and other who never want to grow up . 701 Movies_TV POS 4 Peter Pan have always be my favorite anmaited disney film I know many people say there favorite be lady and the Tramp or the Lion King but Peter Pan have always have a special place in my heart . the limited edtion dvd release be bare bone with nothing but the trailer which be miss from this release . the new release greatly improve on the first with a great transferus mean the Godfather trilogy be awful but this be just like the reccent Snow White and Dumbo release . feature be good , but not up to par with Snow White i guess we will only get one release a year as comperhenisve as that one look like it will be beauty and the beast in October . the feature include too short feature a orginal making of peter pan that be 12 minute long that be also feautr on the vh release four year ago another featurette that be 16 minute and a little more informative then the first one . a sing along follow the leader , a nice storybook host by wendy , a peter pan interactive treasure Hunt game and a still gallery of 63 rare storyboard , concept art and drawing . bottom line if you love this movie as much as I do buy this version , but let 's hope disney put a two disc collector edtion out one day it would be whorth 50 buck to I . 177 Movies_TV NEU 3 I do not remember ever be that take with Peter Pan when I be younger , it certainly be never my favorite , but as I have mention in previous review , I be collect the special edition , and wait -lrb- im -rrb- patiently for the one that have already be out , and go again . convenient how they be release these special edition around every 6 year or so , just in time for the next generation to start clamour at they parent that they want they ! while I find Peter Pan funnier than I remember -lrb- Mr Darling , Smee , Captain Hook & the croc -rrb- , I could not help but see Bob Hoskins as Smee and Dustin Hoffman as Captain Hook - yes I have see Hook way too many time ! apart from that , I notice that , although not as much as the earlier Disney movie , there be still some reference that I really do not think should be in a kid movie - the fairy dust for instance ? that make they fly ? how many of you try to jump off you garden fence or you garage when you be young ? and also the fact they show John smoking what look like very suspicious substance . but this certainly would not be show in today 's very politically correct Disney . there be also some terrible stereotype about american Indians . I find Wendy 's voice as irritating as usual , but I definitely find it familiar , so I be probably still remember it from when I be young . Peter be never a favorite character of mine and like Walt Disney himself , I find it to be really cold and quite unlikable . this be a must for collector , with the usual special feature , although if you find yourself bore during the game , that be because they be aim at kid . not we old one . unless you fancy try the 9x9 suduko - I could not do it . the next special edition be the jungle book , out in the autumn , not particularly another favorite of mine , but I be still look forward to it . 466 Movies_TV POS 5 I have always enjoy this movie ever since I be a child . I have a copy of it on VHS but the dvd be much better quality and sharper . they really do not have to put it on a two Disc dvd , because I feel noone ever watch the second one . but that be ok , I be just glad that I order it and will be able to pass it down to my grandchild ... 267 Movies_TV NEG 2 for a suspense movie , it be not very suspensful . Will Smith play a poor character , with a weak support cast . the plot be good , but poorly execute . maybe worth a rental , but I would not buy it . 690 Movies_TV POS 5 Peter Pan be one of the most entertaining and charming Disney movie ever make . it follow the adventure of wendy , John , and Michael Darling , and of course the boy who never grow up , Peter Pan . Captain Hook be one of the funniest and evil villain ever create and he first mate , Smee , be absolutely hilarious . I have to admit that this movie do not follow the book very much , but be better . the character be so much more lovable in Disney 's tale . now why could not barrie be this imaginative ? a new , live version of Peter Pan recenyly come out . and when I see it I could not help but be disappoint . I miss all of those timeless song , charming character , and humor . Peter be dress as if he come straight from the jungle , and unfortunately it follow the book . I know you may think that sound odd of I to say that I do not like it because it be a accurate adaption , but it be true . so if you want to watch a exciting and classic movie buy this dvd . 845 Movies_TV NEG 1 I order this item from Jennifer Hale on Jan. 1st , but I do not receive it as of February 1 . in addition , no reply to my twice e-mail . I lose money and time . how do I get a refund ? unpleasant . . terrible . . 289 Movies_TV POS 4 everyone know how great this movie be and what a milestone it be for the Disney company , so I will not ramble on about it , but I think it be very important for everyone buy it for the documentary include on the tape to know that it be not on there , so do not waste you time look . I think I have a bad tape , so I call Disney and they tell I that somewhere in editing , they have make a mistake , and forget to put the documentary on the tape . ooops ! avoid the mess and just get the dvd . 430 Movies_TV POS 5 I be sure the movie description write for the product be better than anything I could ever write , so I will just leave it as this be a good movie that I get a great deal on the Blu-Ray . 389 Movies_TV POS 5 in my view this be the single best season of Dr. who . I know that be say a lot - and I know a lot of people would disagree with I . it be pointless to say all the story in Series 2 be great - because virtually all Dr. who episode from all the season be great . I think , more than anything else , it be the character of Rose Tyler that put this season over the top . she be great in Series 1 ; but she be almost sublime in Series 2 . plus , this season contain the single most poignant story in the entire Dr. who repetoire . though I agree with Colin Baker , who reportedly say that `` the empty child '' -lrb- from Series 1 -rrb- be just about the best Dr. who episode ; to I `` the Girl in the fireplace '' from Series 2 be the most poignant . it be far from the best Dr. who ; the alien menace be almost comical in the way that some of the alien from the earliest Dr. who episode be ; and the story line do seem stretch a bit . but there be something so almost magical about the episode , and so unexpectedly sad about the end . you get the feeling that if Dr. who could have choose a true soul-mate from among all the woman he have ever encounter , it would have be this `` Girl in the fireplace . '' and the two-part episode `` the Satan pit '' show the depth of the bond between the doctor and Rose more succinctly than any other episode ; he be willing to place he life entirely in she hand - that be how much he be come to trust she instinct for do the right thing . then the season finale , another two-part episode , bring they relationship full circle . it , too , be one of the most poignant Doctor who episode - and one of the most innovative , pit two of the Doctor 's greatest enemy against themselves as well as against the world . all in all , this season be nearly perfect . 362 Movies_TV POS 5 be a fan of the old series watch the series all the way back to the original pilot , and the uneasy feeling of some of the later episode of the series that do not work then the fail ressurrection movie I be a little bit warry of a new series , but when the sci-fus channel begin to air the episode earlier this year -lrb- albiet in a slightly edit version -rrb- I decide to give it a try . the episode pull you into the story , and make you forget that the fail movie be even there . both doctor be great in they own respects , and David Tennant be definately push he way to the top of my list as my favorite doctor of all time -lrb- even surpass Tom Baker -rrb- . Rose Tyler be the perfect companion , and for those who have yet to see the series even on the sci-fus channel , she be a mix of Jo Grant -lrb- from the old series -rrb- with a little bit of Dawn Summers -lrb- Buffy the Vampire Slayer -rrb- mixed in , to make the series palatable for Buffy fan . the sexual tension that be present between the doctor and Rose be a definate bonus and give the show a almost soap opera feel . while this be something that be cover in minor detail -lrb- esp 3rd Doctor\/Jo Grant ; 4th doctor Sarah Jane ; 5th doctor\/tegan -rrb- in the old series , they be never allow to explore it as much as they seem to be able to in the modern series . the special effect be stunning , and they definately seem to have a higher production quality than the old series . what I also like about the new series be that you do not need to be a fan of the old series to like this series . while the price may be a little steep in the shop for my taste , the slightly lower price on Amazon make it a little bit more palatable . 616 Movies_TV POS 5 I see this movie when it first come out , mainly because Will Smith be such a great actor -lrb- at the time -rrb- . and again , he have another great performance , better than what he have already accomplish in both ` bad boy ' and ` id4 ' combine . so here be the plot : Will Smith play a lawyer who be suddenly throw into a government conspiracy when he be leave with a secret to a death . however , he do not know this . within minute , the goverment realize he have the material , and they try to sabotage he life by falsely accuse he of crime he do not commit . eventually he seek the help of Gene Hackman , a former agent , for assitance to get out of trouble . the film be load with tremendous gadget and special effect . for instance , they talk about how the government can tell the year of a dime sit atop a car from a space satellite . the movie mainly show Will Smith try to escape the agent while they hunt he down . this call for a lot of chasing , and a lot of action , which be film very well by director Tony Scott . if you have see the more recent ` the skull ' , it be a lot like that , but 10 time better . also , the acting be very good in this movie . but to act well , you need a script , and this film deliver it . the line be more than just we classic ` Barney and Friends ' television series . they really have depth , and it add to the film . another great thing about this movie be the actor in it . I watch this movie when it be first release , and at the time , I be 12 year old . I know very few actor . but I see it again -- now that I be 15 -- with a few friend , and we notice all kind of people , many have small role . some include Barry Pepper , who have a rather large role . -lrb- he play in Saving Private Ryan and The Green Mile -rrb- . also , another SPR co-star to appear be Tom Sizemore . in the film , he play a member of the mafia . this might not amaze you , but it certainly add to the film . so watch this movie . no , forget the watch part . buy it first ! 141 Movies_TV POS 4 I be a huge Cinderella fan ; however , Disney dissapoint I with `` Cinderella II , '' so I be leary of `` a twist in Time . '' however despite minor nitpick this film be great for kid , and portray Cinderella as more independent and actually fight against she antagonist . several flaw - the music - `` perfectly perfect perfect year ! '' - gag I . the mouse should not ever sing . 879 Movies_TV POS 5 I just receive the Peter Pan -lrb- Two-Disc platinum edition -rrb- in today 's mail . the dvd be in new condition as promise by the AMAZON Marketplace Merchant m2berra . this be a birthday present for my soon to be 4 year old grandson . I appreciate the timely service and the excellent condition of the dvd . 429 Movies_TV POS 5 I be please with the response . I receive my movie within the time I request 44 Movies_TV POS 5 Disney 's `` Peter Pan '' be one of they most enchantingly delightful animated feature , tell the story of how Peter Pan whisk wendy , John , and Michael off to he home in never land for a magical adventure none of they would ever forget fight Captin Hook and he ruthless band of pirate . although the original 1999 `` limited issue '' dvd lack bonus feature -lrb- with the only one be the option to watch the movie in french -rrb- , fan of the film have be reward for wait with this special edition . the movie look better then it do on any previous release , and that be reason enough to buy this masterpiece . but the extra feature -- oh ! true , this disc pale in comparison to the platinum edition release of `` Snow White '' -lrb- unfortunately `` Peter Pan '' be NOT one of the nine other platinum edition to be issue over the next decade -rrb- but for one disc I would say they do a pretty nice job . `` you can fly : the make of Peter Pan '' be also provide on the 1998 45th anniversary limited edition VHS , but it be worthy of another watch . after see the movie again , start with that , and then see the wonderful 13-minute 1952 promotional featurette `` the Peter Pan Story . '' they be even more exellent when view together . Next , head back to the movie , but turn on the audio commentary this time . host by Roy E. Disney , it provide some really amazing information on the film I never know before . other commentator include Walt Disney himself -lrb- piece together from old interview , etc. -rrb- , some of he Nine Old Men , other vetran animator , Kathryn Beaumont -lrb- who provide Wendy 's voice in the feature -rrb- , and of course note film critic Lenoard Multin , among other . next , take a few minute to examine the vast visiual gallery . wonderful stuff in there for fan and casuial viewer alike . the bonus aim at kid be worth a look too . the best by far be the `` follow the Leader '' sing-along , although it look a bit dull -lrb- not be take from the newly restore version of the film , but a older one -rrb- , and the Pirate Treasure Hunt game be fun , if too easy . the dvd storybook be AWFUL , though , attempt to create a new story out of the animation that be already create for the original movie . if that sound confusing , do not worry , do not bother with the feature . another note : why could not they have put a `` you can fly '' sing along on the disc as well ? there be a Sing along videotape devote to that one as the title tune , so a version do exsist . I ` dve much prefer it over `` follow the Leader , '' but really would have like both . oh well . lastly , there be a new trailer for `` return to never land '' -lrb- not either of the theatrical one ; this one have some really great new footage -rrb- that be worth a look before you go see the movie . and if you buy this before March 31 , you child will get in free -- as a extra bonus , there be one free child 's admission movie ticket for `` return '' inside every special Edition dvd and video . in addition to all this , new trailer show that among other `` Beauty and the beast '' and `` the many adventure of Winnie the Pooh '' will make it to dvd this year -lrb- finally -rrb- in October for the former and May for the latter . great news , I think . plus there be a really cute Disney tv spot call `` Magic happen '' on the second menu of trailer . all in all , this be a wonderful dvd -- much better then the limited issue edition -- and I be glad to own it . something you should not miss ! \*\*\*\*\* -lrb- 5\/5 -rrb- 368 Movies_TV POS 5 I watch this movie when I be younger and I think that it be great that my son will be able to love it as well . he want to watch it all the time now and I be very glad that we could find it for he . 762 Movies_TV POS 5 it be Peter Pan ... it be a classic ! of course it be great ! 978 Movies_TV POS 5 I be so happy I buy this movie and have add it to my Cinderella dvd collection . the story and plot be very fun and just like the title say , a twist ! I always wonder what would happen if Cinderella 's wicked stepmother get the Fairy Godmother 's wand and have she revenge ! all of my favorite Cinderella animal character return and be as cute as ever ! beautiful Cinderella be she gorgeous self , charming be so handsome and dashing as always , and the King and Duke be so funny just like old time ! we even get to see what Charming 's mother look like ! I love this movie ! 974 Movies_TV POS 5 I love Walt Disney 's Peter Pan . I have love it since I be a child , and I still watch it to this day . it be a family classic that teach we not to grow up too quickly and remind we all of the joy of childhood . however , caution should be exercise when allow child to watch this movie . though Peter Pan seem innocent enough at first glance , it contain sexist and patriarchal ideology which can be damage to child . in she textbook critical Theory today , -- which be use in college classroom across the nation -- Lois Tyson write : `` patriarchy be thus , by definition , sexist , which mean it promote the belief that woman be innately inferior to man . '' do we really want we child -- or anyone -- to adopt this belief ? when the animated film come out in 1953 -lrb- and especially when the book be publish in the early 1900 's -rrb- these patriarchal view of traditional gender role be the norm . female be suppose to be submissive to male . if they be not , they be outcaste and\/or reprimand . male be suppose to be the provider and protector , and if they be unable to fulfill these role they be consider failure . a lot have change since then . we have gain new insight and understanding of gender role . no girl should grow up believe that they only option in life be either that of `` wife '' and `` mother '' or `` b \*\*\*\* `` and `` wh \* re , '' and that if they violate a patriarchal norm -- such as express they opinion or refuse to submit to a male -- they be the latter . no boy should grow up believe that if he do not accept a risky challenge he be a failure , or if he display feeling such as love , pain , or fear he be a `` coward '' or a `` sissy . '' Peter Pan lead child to adhere to these oppressive gender role through the action and result of its character : Peter Pan always give the order and expect they to be obey . Princess Tiger Lily and Tinkerbelle have no voice in any matter -- figuratively and literally -- they never speak ! Tinkerbelle represent Peter Pan 's significant other : voiceless and submissive . when she attempt to express she concern over Peter Pan bring home another girl -lrb- wendy -rrb- he promptly banish she . Peter Pan be the provider and the protector . he never back down from a challenge , especially if he reputation be at risk -lrb- such as when Captain Hook lure he into a battle by call he a coward -rrb- . Peter Pan never show fear and he never fail . he be portray as the hero . Captain Hook do show fear , for instance whenever the crocodile be present . he lose all of he battle with Peter Pan , and be then call a `` codfish '' because he be weak and helpless . Captain hook be portray as the antagonist , or the `` bad guy . '' the result implication for male be that : strength , power and success at all endeavor = hero ; display of emotion and unsuccessful attempt = failure and disappointment in all aspect of life . I do not mean to chase anyone off from this movie , but rather to provide a warn to viewer . even if one do not know what feminist criticism be , or the meaning of `` sexist '' and `` patriarchal , '' it be still very possible to internalize the concept subliminally , especially through appeal media , which Peter Pan certainly be . so by all means , watch this movie , but watch it with you and be prepare to follow up with a discussion . 254 Movies_TV NEU 3 the first season of the new Dr. who be great stuff , and Eccleston be a marvellous blend of confidence trickster , scientific genius , and damage goods . the story be also uniformly excellent . the second season see David Tennant take thing in a more flippant direction -- this doctor be a little too blase for my liking , lack in intensity -lrb- save the occasional flash -rrb- and more smart-arsey . he strike I as a guy who know how the script will end , so the danger he face can be wise-cracked about rather fear and counter in desperation . self-referential humor , with a hint that everyone know it be just a tv show , might be fine for Monty Python or Ali G , but it be get no place in Dr. who . Tennant be skirt dangerously close the 1960 `` Batman . '' the second doctor , Patrick Troughton , be also jokey and humorous , but he never leave you think he be just a good actor in silly clothes act in a silly kid ' program . Tennant almost , but not quite , leave that impression . I do not like it . some of the story be also weak : the werewolf particularly so -lrb- what be they , what do they want , why do the come to earth -- no idea -rrb- , but also the coronation-day invasion by talk tv . formulaic , one could say . however , the Cybermen be excellent , and the double episode about the ood be also terrific . so this be solid Dr. who , but not the best . one hope season three will improve , particularly if tennant drop he shoulder-shrugging stand-up routine . and we can hope for some old monster 's back -- come on , BBC , what about give we some ice warrior , or Sea Devils , or Silurians ? 76 Movies_TV POS 5 Will Smith be good in this movie , Jack Black , Gene Hackman and lot of spy on Americans , almost like it could have foretell the future . you will like this movie if you dislike the patriot act . 334 Movies_TV POS 5 my daughter love this video . it come fast in the mail and in excellent condition ! 500 Movies_TV POS 4 I kinda like this Wil Smith guy . in this film he play another adrenaline-rushed-on-the-run-from-the-bad-guys type hero . we have see it before of course in he previous exploit -lrb- see id4 , mib , BadBoys -rrb- , but Jerry Bruckheimer certainly do know how to keep you watch - excellent effect and some good support from Gene Hackman . and yes ... he do get to run around in he vest . again . 532 Movies_TV POS 5 classic . must buy for any toddler\/kid collection . excellent story rendition , animation , music . 34 Movies_TV POS 5 great movie . it be deliver in awsome timee I recomend this movie to everyone with kid . 163 Movies_TV POS 5 this movie be so real , it will keep you look behind you back for a week . in this day in age of technology , this movie will become a reality in a matter of time . 829 Movies_TV POS 4 I usually do not like sequel , but Disney step it up a notch with this one . it be full of suspense , and engage the entire family . this princess movie , be great for both gender , because it not only have the basic princess\/true love theme , but it also have a more active role for the Prince , the mouse , and the Grand Duke . I recommend this movie for a cute afternoon flick . 668 Movies_TV POS 5 doctor who the complete Second Series be worth every penny . it feature optional episode commentary , Doctor who Confidential 's for each episode . David Tennant 's video diary give a fantastic insider 's pass to the creation of Doctor who . this be a must have for any Doctor who Fan . 283 Movies_TV POS 5 I be very pleased with the second series of Dr who . in my view David Tennant make a excellent replacement for Eccleston -lrb- who while good , do not seem to fit into the role naturally -rrb- . the storyline take a darker turn , with the rise of the sinister government agency Torchwood . several new and old adversary return , include the dreaded cyberman . the start and end to the series be both very well do , with the right balance between action , humor , and plot . the series also engage in some intriuging exploration , include a episode feature the visit to a planet orbit a black hole , to revolutionary France , and to another paralell universe . the series end on a promising note , and I be sure it will only get better from this point onward . 842 Movies_TV POS 4 a fresh , uplifting story from the day when disney 's character be not santatize result of marketing survey 502 Movies_TV NEU 3 BIG BROTHER be WATCHING : FACT or fiction enemy of the state , by David Marconi . Buena Vista Pictures ,1998 . review by SSgt Creston Patrick Bailey in the age of post Cold War hoopla , the call to down size not only the military , but we nation Intelligence capability , occur at we own risk . while the Soviet Union be no longer a `` Super Power '' , there be still enemy that would seek to destroy the United States of America . it be in time such at this that David Marconi set he film enemy of the state . in this fictional work , Marconi portray the constant battle between the need of national security and the civil liberty of United States citizen . this battle be depict by the need for the National Security Agency 's need to collect signal and Communications Intelligence -lrb- Sigint and Comint -rrb- at the expense of privacy of United States personnel . the plot of the film be a attempt by power hungry individual in the government to pass a bill that would allow for monitoring of telecommunications traffic of United States citizen . a politician , who be kill by those who support it , oppose the bill . the course of the film bring in a unsuspecting citizen who unknowingly acquire evidence of the murder . Robert Dean , portray by Will Smith , have he life turn upside down by the National Security Agency in a attempt to retrieve the evidence he unwittingly possess . ultimately Dean be able to outwit the National Security Agency and escape they massive technological means and foil they plan to subvert the privacy of United States Citizens . while the plot make for a mediocre film , at best , it be the author , and producer 's ability to pray on the viewer 's fear of ` big brother ' that keep the movie interesting . accord to director Tony Scott the United States Intelligence Community possess technology that can reach in and dominate the life of the american public . image of real-time sub-one meter resolution streaming imagery from orbit satellite , and computer nerd task satellite on a moment notice be serve up to scare a unwitting audience . the use of formerly secret code word offer credibility to the film in the eye of a uneducated public . while all of these image and idea may sell a movie , and make it appear that the United States Intelligence Community be somehow omniscient , it be pure fantasy . not only do the author portray the ability of the United States Intelligence Community falsely , he also fail to mention the illegality of the action use by the National Security Agency in the film . the most obvious of these oversight be United States signal Intelligence Directive 18 , that make virtually every action in the film illegal . however , if the goal of the writer be to scare public , he succeed . while the film do succeed in entertain the public with high tech gadget and suspenseful moment , it do so at the expense of the United States Intelligence Community . the film primary motive appear not to entertain , but to propose a agenda . that agenda seem not to be educate the public on what the United States Intelligence Community do to protect the nation , but that ` big brother ' be watch , and that the United States Intelligence Community be here to destroy you freedom , not to ensure they . 831 Movies_TV POS 5 I would like to thank these people that carry these hard to find Disney classic . 472 Movies_TV POS 4 normally , I can not stand Disney sequal , however , Cinderella III do a fantastic job with the voice , charachter , and plot . my kid love it , and I do not mind watch it with they ! 210 Movies_TV NEU 3 I be really disappoint with this release , I be expect a nice widescreen edition of this movie with great sound , but it be just a mediocre standard dvd . 14 Movies_TV POS 5 after the departure of Christopher Eccleston , everyone wonder what would happen next , would David Tennant tag over the mantle successfully . the answer be a clear yes . the second series of the hit show contain all 13 episode of the second season plus the 2005 Christmas special . the usual good -lrb- rather than dazzling , there be some omission such as attack of the graske and the tardisode -rrb- set of extra be include . a 5.1 sound mix be also include -lrb- though hopefully it be better than last year 's -rrb- . the episode themselves range from traditional to experimental , not everything work , but it be clearly a show now hit its stride . Roll on the Runaway Bride and series 3 ! 590 Movies_TV NEG 1 this be terrible . I be bollywood dancer and this be a shame . the last performance be almost like a cheap bar dance . with clothes fall over and inappropriate attire . producer should be sue . 493 Movies_TV POS 5 i be very satisfied with the quick delivery . i order it for my grandaughter . she have watch it over and over . thanks for the promptness in which you get it here . it make it here for she birthday . thanks again . joann threadgill 438 Movies_TV POS 5 my niece watch this for the first time with my husband and myself and she love it as do we . 32 Movies_TV POS 5 what could possibly be wrong with this classic . I enjoy it as a kid and watch it with my kid and now as my kid have they own I can not wait to watch it with my grandchild . 584 Movies_TV POS 5 let you dream take flight with the film that taugh we to belive , Walt Disney 's -lrb- 1901-1966 -rrb- magical classic , PETER PAN . burst with with fantasy , adventure , memorable character , music and pixie dust , Peter Pan Soars to new hight in this new 2-disc Platatinum Edition dvd . fantastic adventure await wendy and she borother when Peter Pan , the hero of they story , whisk the magical world of never land . after follow Peter and he feisty sidekick Tinker Bell past the \* second star to the right on til ` morning \* they explore the island and Peter 's secret hideout with the lose boy , and leap into high-flying battle with swasbuck pirate and the infamous Capttain Hook ! . this 2-disc platinum edition include something for everyone : all-new game in Camp Never Land delete song , a new discovery - in which Walt Disney reveal why he hade Peter Pan - and much more . Super Sharp and high quality transfer . recommend .