Alien envoys come to the giant space station in the pilot that launched the five year TV Series. In the earth year 2257, a multitude of humans and non-humans gather deep in neutral space at a new station, Babylon 5. Some of them are members of the station crew, including Commander Jeffrey Sinclair, Lieutenant Commander Laurel Takashima, Security Chief Michael Garibaldi, and Medical Officer Benjamin Kyle. Others are ambassadors from major alien governments: Ambassador G'Kar from the Narn Regime, Ambassador Delenn from the Minbari Federation, and Ambassador Londo Mollari from the Centauri Republic. Still others are refugees, smugglers, businessmen, diplomats, and travelers from a hundred worlds. Babylon 5 is the fifth in a series of space stations dedicated to the dream of a galaxy without war, a dream that species from different worlds might live side-by-side in mutual respect. The dream of peace between the five federations is constantly in danger; the first three Babylon stations were sabotaged and destroyed, while the fourth disappeared without a trace twenty-four hours after it became operational. Significant tensions still exist between the major species, especially between the Earth Alliance and the Minbari Federation, and between the Narn and the Centauri. Babylon 5 represents the universe's last, best hope for peace. It will be the base of operations for an Advisory Council, containing representatives from each of the five major federations, similar to the United Nations on Earth before it was dissolved. Commander Sinclair will represent the Earth Alliance on the Advisory Council, while ambassadors from the four major alien governments will comprise the other four members of the Advisory Council. As the crew awaits the arrival of the fourth and final alien ambassador, Ambassador Kosh from the Vorlon Empire, a transport ship arrives from Earth, bearing Lyta Alexander, a human telepath who joins the station crew, and Del Varner, a civilian. As Lyta is settling in, Commander Sinclair receives a visit from an old flame, Carolyn Sykes. Ambassador Kosh arrives two days ahead of schedule, and is on board the station less than a minute when he suddenly falls ill, apparently from poisoning. Dr. Kyle conducts a medical investigation and seeks to prevent Kosh's death, while Security Chief Garibaldi conducts a security investigation. Ambassador Londo Mollari quickly becomes a suspect in the case, as he had failed to show up at the appointed time with the other ambassadors to welcome Kosh aboard. As a security precaution, Commander Sinclair seals off the station, allowing no one to board or disembark. Worried that, if Kosh dies, the Vorlons will attack and destroy the station, Dr. Kyle and Lt. Cmdr. Takashima persuade Lyta to perform an unauthorized mind scan on the unconscious Kosh. As she conducts the scan, Lyta sees what Kosh saw as he boarded the station: Commander Sinclair welcoming him aboard, shaking his hand--and poisoning him. Lyta accuses Sinclair of attempting to murder the ambassador. Upon receiving word that Sinclair has become the primary suspect in the case, Earth Central removes Sinclair from the Advisory Council, and puts Takashima in his place. The Advisory Council considers a motion made by Ambassador G'Kar to turn Sinclair over to the Vorlon Empire, to stand trial for attempted murder. Lt. Cmdr. Takashima votes no; Ambassador Delenn abstains; Ambassador Mollari votes in favor. Ambassador G'Kar reveals that he has received a proxy vote from the Vorlon Empire--a yes vote, which seals Sinclair's fate. Sinclair is told that he will be deported to the Vorlon Empire in twelve hours. Following various leads, Garibaldi comes to suspect Del Varner might have been involved in Kosh's poisoning. When he enters Varner's quarters, however, he discovers Varner dead in a fish tank. Stumped, Garibaldi begins to doubt that he will ever solve the case. Meanwhile, Dr. Kyle discovers an antidote to the poison, and begins to apply it on Kosh. Later at a bar, Londo apologizes to Garibaldi for voting in favor of Sinclair's deportation and tells him that G'Kar had pressured him to vote as he did, using evidence of his grandfather's activities on the Narn homeworld back when the Centauri occupied it. G'Kar meets with Lyta and tells her that there has been a complication. Lyta heads for the medical lab, where she begins adjusting some of the settings that are keeping Kosh alive; when Dr. Kyle realizes what she's doing, he tries to stop her, and she attacks him. At that moment, a second Lyta enters the room--the real Lyta. Lyta's double manages to escape. Garibaldi leads Sinclair to an area of the station that has been breached by a small ship, and tells Sinclair that another dead body has been found on the station. The person has been dead for sixteen hours, but he was also reported as having been seen, alive, since then. Upon further investigation in Varner's quarters, Garibaldi learns that Varner had been smuggling illegal items between systems, and that he most recently had gone to the Antares sector to acquire a changeling net--a device that can make an individual appear to look like somebody else. The crew realizes that Kosh had not been poisoned by Sinclair when he arrived at the station, but rather that he had been poisoned by someone who was using the changeling net to look like Sinclair. Since the use of such a device would put out a lot of energy, Takashima uses her scanners to pinpoint an area of the station with a high concentration of unidentified energy use. Sinclair and Garibaldi head for that part of the station, just as a Vorlon squadron arrives in the vicinity of the station to pick up Sinclair for his voyage to the Vorlon homeworld. Sinclair and Garibaldi confront the mysterious assailant. Garibaldi is injured in the firefight. Sinclair finds himself fighting against a station technician, then against Del Varner, then against Lyta, then against himself. Finally, the changeling net is disabled, revealing the assailant to be a Minbari assassin. The assassin is a member of the Minbari warrior caste, and wanted to discredit Sinclair as retribution for Sinclair's role in the Earth-Minbari war. Sinclair asks the assassin why he did it; the assassin replies, "There is a hole in your mind." Sinclair, realizing that the assassin has triggered an explosive charge, manages to get away just before an explosion rips a hole in the station's hull, throwing the station off its axis, and beginning to tear the station apart from the inside. Takashima uses the station stabilizers to reestablish the station's axis. The Vorlon delegation, now satisfied that Sinclair is innocent, drops all charges against him. Garibaldi recovers from his injury, Kosh recovers from his poisoning, and the crews sets to repair the breach in the station's hull. Delenn regrets that it was a Minbari who was responsible for Kosh's poisoning. Sinclair confronts G'Kar, whom he now believes to have been connected with the poisoning incident. The plan, Sinclair believes, was that the assassin would have arrived at Babylon 5 on G'Kar's ship, but they missed connections, so the assassin had to find another way in--namely, on the small ship that discretely breached the ship's hull. The assassin killed Varner and took the changeling net. Sinclair tells G'Kar that he is now implanted with a nanotech location tracker that Sinclair had slipped in G'Kar's drink. G'Kar is furious. Sinclair sternly warns him, "What you do here is your own business. But if you ever endanger this station again, my people will find you, and the results will be most unpleasant." Sinclair later reveals to Garibaldi that there really is no location tracker, but since G'Kar thinks there is, he will keep looking, and looking, and never find it. Ambassador Kosh, fully recovered, assumes his position as the Vorlon Ambassador on the station. In the station's garden, Sinclair reveals to Delenn what the Minbari assassin had said about the hole in Sinclair's mind. Delenn says that is just an old Minbari insult. Sinclair, however, tells her that he had fought in the climactic battle of the Earth-Minbari war, and that there is a twenty-four hour period in the climactic battle, just before the Minbari surrendered, that he can't account for. Takashima declares Babylon 5 open for business. The Centauri agricultural colony on Ragesh 3 is attacked by an unknown force exiting hyperspace. On Babylon 5, Lieutenant Commander Susan Ivanova, the new second-in-command of the station after Laurel Takashima was reassigned, is in search of Commander Jeffrey Sinclair in the Zocalo. She finds him in the Observation dome to let him know there is a problem. Ambassador Londo Mollari approaches Garibaldi to ask him for a favor, but is interrupted by his new aide, Vir Cotto, who informs him that Ragesh 3 has been attacked. Minbari Ambassador Delenn and Narn Ambassador G'Kar enter and offer their condolences. Mollari is suspicious that the Narns had something to do with it, but G'Kar adamantly denies his government's involvement. Mollari plans to call a meeting of the Babylon 5 Advisory Council and the League of Non-Aligned Worlds later. A transport ship sends word to the station that they are under attack by Raiders. Ivanova tells Garibaldi, who takes a small Starfury wing to investigate. Commercial telepath Talia Winters steps into C'n'C to report her arrival on the station, per Psi Corps regulations. Ivanova does not want to talk to the new telepath, and leaves to find Sinclair. She finds him listening to the election coverage of the Earth Alliance presidency. They spend time trying to figure out who could have taken part in the attack of Ragesh 3, but do not come up with any clear conclusions. Sinclair explains to Ivanova about his grandfather, who inspired him to join Earthforce and taught him to ignore the propaganda and to focus on what he can see. Mollari soon receives footage of the attack and identifies the vessels as Narn. Mollari storms off to find G'Kar. In deep space, Garibaldi and his wingman find the remains of the attacked transport, stripped bare with no survivors. Mollari finds G'Kar in the Zocalo and threatens retaliation, which G'Kar mocks and then extends his own threats. Mollari has to be physically restrained by station security from assaulting G'Kar. Later, Mollari apologies for the incident with G'Kar and tells Sinclair of a prophetic dream he once had, a vision of his own death were he sees himself and G'Kar, both 20 years older, strangling each other to death. Sinclair tells him things can change in twenty years, but Mollari is convinced it will happen. Sinclair also tells Mollari he is calling Mollari Council and the League, hopeful he can form a coalition against the Narn attack. Mollari explains that to keep his nephew, Carn Mollari, safe from harm, he personally arranged for him to have a higher position -- on Ragesh 3. He may have sealed his fate. Mollari then explains that intergalactic diplomacy is all a game, and that the only thing that matters is blood. He swears that if Carn is dead, if it is the last thing he does he will see war against the Narn. Sinclair goes to visit Vorlon Ambassador Kosh. Kosh agrees to attend the emergency council session Sinclair has called, but declines to help. In C'n'C, Garibaldi suspects that transport routes have been leaked somehow. He investigates to find a link between the transports hit and the supply routes. Mollari soon finds out that the Centauri government has decided to take no action to the attack -- citing the colony is too far, too small, and too unimportant to risk a confrontation. He tells Cotto, that they will not tell the council of this, to see if the other races can take action and thus embarrass the Centauri government into acting. Winters runs into Garibaldi in a transport tube and asks why Ivanova seems so standoffish. Garibaldi recommends she try talking to Ivanova after Ivanova gets off duty. He then invites her back to his quarters to see his second favorite thing in the whole universe. G'Kar encounters Sinclair in the Zen Garden, reflecting quietly before the Council meeting. G'Kar reflects on the Centauri occupation, and about his dream to wipe the Centauri out completely. He also points out that the Narns were one of the few races to supply weapons to Earth during the Earth-Minbari War. Sinclair rebukes G'Kar's assertion that Earth owes the Narn Regime, criticizing the Narn for a cowardly attack on a civilian colony. After leaving the garden, Sinclair is met by Garibaldi, who has discovered that one company that sold transport routes is the common link between all the attacks. They are now fairly convinced of what the Raiders' next attack will be. Sinclair speaks with an Earth Alliance Senator, asking for authorization to vote for military intervention. The Senator is hesitant to authorize action so close to an election, and tells him to abstain from the vote. Ivanova, who has been watching from the doorway, informs him that a flight of Starfuries is ready to intercept some raiders, Garibaldi believing he has discovered the leak. Sinclair comes up with the plan to lead the mission himself. Telling Ivanova that she never heard the conversation, Ivanova is left to chair the council meeting and vote in support of sanctions. During the council meeting, G'Kar's explanation of why the Narn attacked was because a hundred years ago the planet had been a Narn colony. Ambassador Delenn admonishes G'Kar for being willing to invade a colony over blood spilled so long ago. G'Kar rebuffs the allegations of invasion, insisting they were invited to come by the colonists. He introduces a transmission from Ragesh 3, from Carn, who claims that they had asked for Narn assistance. Mollari believes it to be a coerced statement, and not factual, but while the others present suspect he is right, there is no proof. G'Kar motions that the charges be dismissed, and the motion passes. Meanwhile, in deep space, Sinclair and his Starfury wing successfully track down the Raiders in the midst of the latest attack on a transport. Sinclair's fighter wing engages the Raider vessels, easily scattering them and saving the transport. Following the skirmish, Sinclair's wing locates the Raider's command and control vessel. Back on the station, Mollari assembles a hidden weapon to kill G'Kar. On his way to kill him, he crosses paths with Winters, who gets a telepathic vision of what he plans to do. She reports this directly to Garibaldi, who quickly finds Mollari and convinces him not to go through with it. Sinclair approaches G'Kar with his discovery from the raiders' base: a Narn officer, supplied along with weapons sold to the raiders by the Narn. Intercepted transmissions logged on the base also confirm Mollari's assertions that the attack on Ragesh 3 was entirely unprovoked. Sinclair threatens to bring the evidence before the Council unless Narn forces withdraw from Ragesh 3. Ivanova explains why she has been avoiding Winters, that her mother had refused to join the Psi Corps, and opted to take sleepers to suppress her telepathic abilities instead of going to prison. The drugs lead Ivanova's mother into a deep depression, ultimately lead to her suicide. Garibaldi has convinced Ambassador Delenn to come back to his quarters with him, where they share popcorn and a night of watching Duck Dodgers, although the comedy is lost on her. Sinclair watches election returns, showing a victory for the incumbent president Luis Santiago. He's feared by all. And no wonder -- the collector of souls who has slipped aboard the station is a renegade who murders beings instead of waiting for them to die! Dr. Stephen Franklin, the new chief medical officer assigned to Babylon 5, finally arrives to replace Dr. Benjamin Kyle, who has been ordered back to Earth. Commander Sinclair asks Lt. Cmdr. Ivanova to help him get settled. Heading to C'n'C, Sinclair arrives in time to witness a small, unknown alien ship tumble out of hyperspace -- drifting on a collision course with the station. Sinclair quickly suits up and heads out in a Starfury, ordering Ivanova to take over in C'n'C and activate the defense grid. If he cannot grapple the alien ship, he orders her to destroy it before it hits the station. Sinclair manages to snag the ship and brings it into the docking bay. On his way to Medlab, where the sole occupant of the ship has been taken, Sinclair meets Ambassador Delenn, who asks about the ship which was heavily damaged by enemy fire. She asks to accompany him, and he accepts. Dr. Franklin has the occupant in treatment. Delenn is shocked when she sees the unconscious being is a Soul Hunter. She tries to kill him herself, but when Sinclair stops her she begs him to kill the alien before someone dies. Later, Delenn has Sinclair over to her quarters to explain about the Soul Hunters. She apologizes for her violent outburst, explaining that even as children Minbari are taught to fear and be watchful for the Soul Hunters. She goes on to explain that they are immortal beings drawn to death who seek out and steal souls -- a terrible crime for her people's beliefs. She warns that everyone on the station is in danger so long as the Soul Hunter remains. The effect of the Soul Hunter's presence is quickly evident -- many of the aliens stay inside their quarters, and many others leave the station immediately. In Down Below, a hustler cons a few transients out of their money. When he is discovered to be a cheat, he is pursued and attacked. In the Isolab, the Soul Hunter awakes, apparently totally recovered, and announces he can feel an impending death. Even as he does so, the con man is brutally assaulted, left an inch from death. He is rushed to Medlab, but dies soon after arrival from his injuries. The Soul Hunter declares he can see Death come and claim the victim. Afterwards, he enters into a meditative state, chanting in his native language and ignoring Sinclair's initial attempts to get information about his origins or how he knew the con man was about to die. The Soul Hunter only responds when Sinclair accuses him of being a thief of souls, arguing instead they are preservers for the greater good. He acknowledges that, regrettably, the Minbari hate them. He explains their task is to preserve the souls of special ones, great leaders, thinkers, poets, etc. Dr. Franklin dismisses the very idea. Sinclair asks about the Minbari again, and learns that the Soul Hunters harbor a special grudge against the Minbari for preventing them from taking the soul of Dukhat, the greatest leader and pinnacle of Minbari evolution, when he was mortally injured in the human attack that precipitated the Earth-Minbari War. Sinclair expresses his own doubts about the Soul Hunter's claims. He orders that the Soul Hunter must remain in the IsoLab until his ship is repaired, and then he will have to leave immediately. Franklin completes the autopsy of the con man. Afterwards, with his family unable to afford his body being transported back to Earth, he is placed in a coffin and committed to the deepness of space. Franklin ruminates with Ivanova over the shortness of human existence. Meanwhile, Delenn returns to the IsoLab to ask about the Soul Hunter's collection. She declares she will tear apart the Soul Hunter's ship to find any stolen Minbari souls and release them. The Soul Hunter dismisses the Minbari belief of the souls melding together and being reborn. The Soul Hunter recognizes Delenn as being a Satai of the Grey Council, as he remembers her from being present at the death of Dukhat. Delenn, disturbed by his knowledge of her position, leaves immediately. The Soul Hunter escapes right afterwards, taking the firearm of a guard he subdues. The Soul Hunter manages to recover his collection from his ship. He believes he is there to claim the soul of Delenn. Garibaldi quickly begins to try and locate the Soul Hunter. His ship is completely incapacitated, so Garibaldi suggests they start their search in the alien sector. The Soul Hunter goes to N'Grath, one of the few aliens who either does not know what he is or does not care. He sells the Soul Hunter a level 5 security pass, along with a map of the hideaways and little used corridors of the station. A second Soul Hunter ship exits hyperspace, requesting to board and see Commander Sinclair quickly, warning that someone is about to die. Garibaldi goes with Sinclair to meet the new Hunter. Once aboard, the Hunter warns that the first Soul Hunter is deeply disturbed, and will take the life of someone soon. The second Soul Hunter explained that the first Soul Hunter became unbalanced following the failure to preserve Dukhat's soul, as well as the souls of several others after him. He decided that rather than wait for death and risk being too late, when he discovers a worthy candidate he will just kill them -- something the Soul Hunters forbid. The rest of the Order has been pursuing him for some time, as several lives have already been lost. The Soul Hunter kidnaps Delenn, taking her someplace hidden, so that he can murder her and steal her soul. He believes this will finally restore a balance lost when Dukhat was killed. Delenn cries out to be released. The Soul Hunter tells her that to rip the soul from her body would damage it, so instead he will bleed her to death and take the soul at the last instant. As he begins his work, he manages to catch a glimpse of Delenn's soul -- and is shocked by what he sees that she is planning for the future. The second Soul Hunter is able to sense Death coming, and pinpoints a location on the station. Sinclair and Garibaldi bring a security team and split up to search. Sinclair finds him, and injures him in a shootout. The Soul Hunter attacks Sinclair physically, yelling that Delenn "is Satai! They're using you!" Sinclair discovers the Soul Hunter's collection, and the angered souls of the murdered dead rise up against him. Sinclair turns the machine on the Soul Hunter himself, ripping his soul from his body and killing him. Delenn is taken to medlab to recover, with Franklin amazed at her strong constitution. Sinclair goes to Delenn's bedside, and waking for a moment she tells him "we were right about you." Sinclair suspects she will never explain what she means by this. After his shift, Sinclair asks his computer to run a search of the Minbari word Satai, and it identifies its meaning. Sinclair is confused by the result, as it implies Delenn is a member of the ruling body of the Minbari -- which he cannot rationalize with why she would be serving as an ambassador. The second Soul Hunter prepares to leave. Sinclair makes it clear that his kind are not welcome aboard for what they do. The Soul Hunter accepts this, but asks whatever happened to his brother's collection. Sinclair explains it is just one of life's mysteries. In her quarters, now fully recovered, Delenn breaks open the soul globes, allowing the lost souls to be free. Commander Jeffrey Sinclair and Ambassador G'Kar track down Londo Mollari in a strip club, chagrined that he has been avoiding them and putting off negotiations of the Euphrates Treaty. Sinclair and G'Kar temporarily join Mollari, until G'Kar's new attache Ko D'Ath arrives. An annoyed G'Kar shows her to her quarters, while Londo gets lost in watching the latest dancer on stage, a beautiful young Centauri female. Later, when he goes to his quarters, she is waiting for him in his bed. Chief Garibaldi learns of an unauthorized use of Gold Channel the previous night. He alerts Sinclair and tells him he will look into it. Sinclair, meanwhile, is impatiently awaiting Mollari along with G'Kar, Ko D'Ath, and Londo's aide Vir Cotto. Telepath Talia Winters is also there, and she is a bit overwhelmed by the strong anger G'Kar and Ko D'Ath are demonstrating. Sinclair speaks with her outside the room a moment, explaining that the Earth Alliance is very interested in a peaceful settlement of the dispute. Londo, meanwhile, is enjoying a late morning in bed with the dancer, whose name is Adira Tyree. She fawns over him, despite his claim he is nothing more than a washed up old Republican, dreaming of better days. Vir contacts Londo over the communicator, explaining that Londo is over an hour late to the negotiations. Londo tells Vir to convey that he will be there soon. Garibaldi goes to C'n'C to tell Susan Ivanova about the Gold Channel abuse. Ivanova does not seem all that bothered by the apparent security breach. She tells him she will look into it when she can, but in the meantime he should monitor the channel for any more misuse. Londo arrives for the negotiations in a bright and happy mood, apologizing profusely for his tardiness, and eager to begin the negotiations. In her own quarters, Adira is confronted by her alien master Trakis, for whom she belongs as a slave. He asks her why she has not yet stolen Londo's Purple files, and she tries to lie about it being harder than she thought. Trakis explains the importance of the files, and how valuable they are. He mocks her for her status as his slave, and insists she recover the files that night using a mind probe. Trakis taunts a sorrowful Adira that he will grant her freedom as soon as she gets the files -- even as he has the Republic by the throat. Londo arrives at Adira's quarters later that night, bringing with him a bouquet of Star Laces that he had grown specifically for her. He then offers her a gift: a brooch dating back to the original days of the Republic that belonged to a noble matriarch of House Mollari. Adira tries to refuse it, but Londo insists she take it. Adira is shocked when Londo tells her he has made reservations for them at Fresh Air, surprised that he is not ashamed to be seen with her. Londo explains that while status and appearances mean everything to the Centauri, she means more to him than any of it. Back in his office, Garibaldi is alerted when another Gold Channel violation occurs. He attempts to track it, but a countermeasure stops his attempt. Sinclair takes Talia to Fresh Air to reward her for a hard day's work. She tells him Londo's thoughts all day had been intensely erotic. Sinclair points Londo and Adira out across the restaurant, acting like young lovers. Garibaldi heads back up to C'n'C, explaining to Ivanova that the countermeasure came through I.C.E. and the only thing he was able to determine was the destination was somewhere in the Russian Consortium. However, I.C.E. turns up no unauthorized programs or transmissions. Ivanova teases him that it must be a figment of his imagination. Back in his quarters, Adira fixes Londo a drink, slipping in a sedative that causes Londo to pass out. Using the mind probe, she gets him to unconsciously speak the password to his Purple files. She downloads them onto a data crystal and quickly flees, leaving behind the broach he gave her. The following morning, Londo awakens with a severe headache as Vir arrives. Londo is confused as to what happened, especially when he sees the broach. Trying to figure out what happened, he tells Vir he should take over in the negotiations temporarily. He bestows Vir with full ambassadorial authority, saying he has full confidence in him while admonishing him not to give away the homeworld. Trakis contacts Adira. She tells him she has the files and will meet him in the Zocalo to deliver them. Once she sees him there, however, she runs from him. Trakis tries to follow but loses her. Trakis finds Londo looking for Adira at her quarters. Trakis explains that Adira is his slave, and tells her she is secretly a Narn agent. He tells her that she has stolen the files and that as her owner, he can be held responsible. He plants a bug on Mollari, and taunts him about being used by her. Londo, overwhelmed with emotion, asks him to leave immediately. In the negotiations, Vir arrives eager to fulfill his assignment. G'Kar is enraged at the perceived slight, saying he will only return when Mollari is there. In the meantime, he bestows Ko D'Ath with authority to negotiate for the Narn Regime, giving her the same admonition not to give away the homeworld. Sinclair asks Talia to keep them talking while he tracks down Mollari. Londo confirms that his Purple files have been copied and goes out to find Adira. Sinclair confronts Mollari about brushing off the negotiations. Mollari confesses to what has happened, and beseeches him for help. Sinclair agrees to help on the condition Mollari will agree to his compromise in the Treaty. Not wanting to file an official report, Sinclair and Mollari go undercover to the club where Adira works. The club is closed at the moment and they are almost thrown out. Sinclair manages to convince the club owner to let them see the dancers. Londo asks the girls if any of them know about Adira. One of them knows she is hiding in Brown Sector, but the bug on Londo permits Trakis to also know where she is. He goes to N'Grath to hire some thugs to delay Sinclair and Londo until he can reach Adira. In Brown Sector, Londo and Sinclair are attacked by two hired guns. Sinclair and Londo flee the two hired guns, who pursue only briefly, being quickly alerted that Trakis has grabbed Adira. Ivanova contacts Garibaldi in his office, alerting him to the gunfire in Brown 7 and asking him to check it out. Garibaldi instead orders a team to go, and has the computer run a new monitor of Gold Channel. Sinclair tells Londo he can have Trakis arrested, but Londo says that will only mean what has happened would be made public and ruin his career. Trakis could also harm Adira that way, and despite everything that's happened he still cares for her. Garibaldi's computer alerts him to Gold Channel being used again. He manages to pull up the transmission, which is coming form Earth. It is actually Ivanova herself who has been using the channel to monitor her dying father back on Earth. Her father has come out of a coma, but his health if failing rapidly. He speaks to his daughter for the final time, conveying his regret that he was not a more loving father, and apologizing for any hurt or pain he has ever caused her. He tells her he is and always has been proud of her. Susan watches tearfully as he dies. Sinclair tells G'Kar he is going to see to it that G'Kar can purchase the purple files from Trakis. Sinclair and Londo ask Talia to help them out. They set up Trakis to meet with G'Kar and Talia, and she manages to quickly probe his mind and learn where Adira is being held. Trakis, realizing he's been tricked, tries to leave and is knocked down by Londo, who takes back his files. Londo then thanks G'Kar for helping to save both his own career and the honor of the Republic. Realizing he's been used, G'Kar storms off. Garibaldi goes to see Ivanova in C'n'C, telling her that she was right about the Gold Channel abuses really being a computer error, and asking if it will happen again. He offers to buy her a drink, and she tells him she might take him up on it later. Londo meets with Adira in the customs area, as Adira is returning to her home planet. He tells her Sinclair convinced Trakis to free her. When she turns down his offer to stay, Londo gives her the broach again, telling her to wear it proudly as a free woman. She promises to come back to him eventually. Michael Garibaldi explains to Mary Ann Cramer, an ISN reporter recently arrived on the station, that Cmdr. Sinclair is out in a Starfury. Cramer is annoyed that the commander has been avoiding her since she was sent to cover the two year anniversary of Babylon 5 going on line. In Med Lab, Dr. Stephen Franklin is surprised when he is visited by an old professor of his, Vance Hendricks. Dr. Hendricks offers Franklin a great adventure like nothing he has ever had. Meanwhile, in the docking bays, Nelson Drake confronts a worker who suspects Drake is trying to smuggle something on board. When the worker persists, Drake kills him. Cmdr. Sinclair and Garibaldi learn about the death of the crewman, who at first glance seems to have died from a heart attack although Garibaldi is immediately skeptical. Dr. Franklin orders an autopsy. Back in Med Lab, Hendricks introduces Drake as his partner, and shows him artifacts they retrieved from a long dead planet, Ikarra VII. He explains that the dig was sponsored by Interplanetary Expeditions and he retrieved the artifacts from a sealed vault a mile beneath the surface. Despite their age, the artifacts are in mint condition. Hendricks explains that the artifacts are organic in nature, and hopes they will provide the breakthrough to organic technology -- but he needs Dr. Franklin's help. Franklin agrees to help. While the two doctors go to confer elsewhere, Nelson begins unpacking the rest of the items. When he touches one of the artifacts, streams of energy lash out at him, knocking him unconscious against a far wall. Cmdr. Sinclair checks into C'n'C. Garibaldi reports everything is quiet and they have to wait another day to learn about the autopsy. Lt. Cmdr. Ivanova explains to Sinclair that they have been detecting some strange energy fluctuations the past few hours. Sinclair also admits he is not looking forward to the interview he has scheduled the following day with Ms. Cramer. While they work long into the night, Dr. Franklin confronts Hendricks as being more of a scavenger than creator, admitting that he thinks corporations sponsoring digs is too much like grave digging. Hendricks responds that corporations have the funding where universities do not, and that he has seen great wonders throughout his searches. Garibaldi, meanwhile, is meeting again with Mary Ann Cramer. Once she asks him to comment on being fired from his last five jobs, however, he quickly takes off. In MedLab that night, Nelson partially transformed, clasps one of the artifacts to his chest and it bonds to him. Dr. Franklin wanders back to MedLab, finding the place completely dark. Nelson emerges from the shadows, even more transformed. He mutters, protect and fires an energy pulse from his left arm, knocking Franklin unconscious. The next day, Garibaldi and Sinclair go to see Franklin, with Garibaldi explaining how they found him. Franklin is woozy, but otherwise not seriously injured. Franklin explains the weapon he was attacked with was part of the organic devices they were researching, prompting Garibaldi to wonder if they truly were checked through customs. Sinclair and Garibaldi then confront Hendricks about the attack. Vance denies knowing anything about why it attacked Franklin, and insists Nelson had been the one to take care of bringing them aboard. He explains he was able to learn that the devices graft themselves onto host bodies in order to carry out their programming. He offers to help stop the possessed Drake by learning more information from the artifacts. In Downbelow, Nelson's transformation continues. He kills two Lurkers while shouting protect. His weapon discharge is detected in C'n'C -- and it's getting more powerful. Garibaldi updates Sinclair about the attack, explaining he is putting a team together to track down the possessed Drake. Cramer walks into C'n'C asking about the rumours of an attack. Sinclair orders Cramer to leave, but she persists in staying, making Ivanova convince her to leave. Garibaldi's team finds Drake, now almost totally transformed into an Ikarran warrior. They confront him in the Grey Sector, but their weapons are unable to harm it. After firing upon them, it withdraws by burning its way through the walls. The security team advances with C'n'C try to monitor their progress. In Medlab, Franklin and Hendricks unearth a storage device among the artifacts. Franklin also notices a curious device from Nelson's bag, which he pockets without Hendricks seeing. Garibaldi heads to C'n'C to check in. The command staff realizes that every time the weapon fires, it needs time to recharge -- but that the periods of recharge are becoming much smaller while the energy level keeps growing. Fearing the weapon will head to the Central Corridor, where there are the most people, Garibaldi clears the area of civilians while calling in more security officers. Franklin heads up to C'n'C as Sinclair gears up to join the security teams. They've located the weapon and it is heading straight for them. Franklin explains he's learn the history of the Ikarrans. Over the centuries, their world was invaded half a dozen times, with each invasion being more bloody than the last. The Ikarrans eventually developed organic weapons. However, the weapons were designed to not respond to anyone who was not a pure Ikarran. Those who defined that term were religious fanatics and military extremists, who based the term on ideology rather than science. In the next invasion, 11 of the 12 weapons were deployed. They stopped the invaders -- and they wiped out all other life on Ikarra VII, finding no-one pure. Sinclair asks if there is anything sentient inside the weapon to reason with, and Franklin says there is but that the logic of the weapon's program is suppressing it. Sinclair joins the security team, brandishing a PPG rifle. They blast the Weapon with everything they have, but it shrugs off their fire and burns through to the level below. Sinclair decides the only way to stop it is to blow out part of the hull, blowing the weapon out into space. He tells Garibaldi to stand by while he lures it to one of the docking bays. When Garibaldi asks how he plans to do that, he responds by saying he's going to make it mad. Sinclair speaks to the weapon, appealing to the personality that was grafted into the weapon's programming. He mocks it, saying it is a failure and that Ikarra VII is a dead world. He fires upon the weapon and it returns fire, pursuing him through the corridors and through customs, finally reaching a docking bay. The weapon keeps shouting it must protect Ikarra, and Sinclair keeps responding that it failed its mission. Cornered in the docking bay, Sinclair orders the area sealed and prepared to be depressurized -- even if it means his own death. Sinclair keeps speaking to the Weapon, telling it to access the memories of Nelson, who has seen Ikarra VII. The weapon does so - and sees its world has nothing left but a desert, dead for 1000 years. In rage and grief, the device separates itself from Nelson and deactivates. Later, Franklin confronts Hendricks. He explains how he found the device, a tool used for cardiac stimulation that can induce heart attacks. Realizing the device had been used to murder the customs guard, Franklin spoke to Nelson now recovering who confirmed Hendricks knew the devices had not been properly brought onto the station. Vance explains that IPX is a front for a bio-weapon developer. He held back on delivering the artifacts until he could better learn how they worked, hoping to net a huge amount of money from doing so. Hendricks protests that he had no idea Nelson would murder the customs agent, and no idea anyone would be hurt. He then offers to split the money with Franklin if he just agrees not to turn him in. Franklin says it is too late -- he calls in two security guards who take Vance away. While Sinclair enjoys a drink in his own quarters, he receives a visit from Garibaldi. The whole station is talking about how Sinclair risked his life to stop the weapon. Michael criticizes Sinclair for putting his life in danger recklessly, saying he knows many people from the Earth-Minbari War have a need to be the hero, a desire to go out in a blaze of glory. Sinclair realizes he has no answer for his old friend, but promises to work on it. In the Zocalo, Ivanova meets Franklin, who is thinking a lot about the Ikarrans and wondering if something like what happened to them could happen on Earth. Ivanova is unusually optimistic such a thing could never happen -- until two security officers approach Franklin with orders from Earthforce Bio-weapons division to confiscate the artifacts. In his office, Sinclair finally has his interview with Mary Ann Cramer, who asks him if space is worth it. Sinclair responds emphatically yes -- that because the sun will eventually go out, unless mankind goes to the stars, everything they have achieved was for nothing. In customs, Michael Garibaldi explains to a Drazi pilgrim that he will not allow him to bring a ceremonial dagger aboard the station. The Drazi storms off insulted. Garibaldi then speaks to a fellow security officer, bemoaning Earth Central's idea to have Babylon 5 host a weeklong series of festivities demonstrating the dominant religious beliefs of the various races aboard. He notices a woman walking through customs and makes a point for her not to see him, then takes off immediately. In his quarters, G'Kar prepares dinner for himself, singing merrily as he prepares to eat. Just as he sits down, however, his door chimes and a Narn diplomatic courier named Tu'Pari enters with an important message. G'Kar has him leave the message and orders him to leave immediately. G'Kar plays the message, which is a personal recording from an old political rival, Du'Rog, who explains that by the time G'Kar receives the message he will already be dead -- but then shortly thereafter G'Kar will be dead too. Du'Rog's message explains that G'Kar should have seen this coming since G'Kar once ruined Du'Rog's family name and humiliated him before the Kha'Ri. Du'Rog explains he has hired an assassin who will kill G'Kar within 48 hours of receiving the message. The assassin is already close to G'Kar and will strike at the right moment. Just as the message ends, G'Kar's new aide, Na'Toth, arrives and reports for duty. Garibaldi goes to Jeffrey Sinclair's quarters, where the commander is preparing for the Centauri religious ceremony. Garibaldi explains how he saw Catherine Sakai in customs. Sinclair says he does not want to see her, but does ask if she was with anyone. Garibaldi explains she was alone. Londo Mollari and Vir Cotto are the hosts for the Centauri feast, which includes much food and even more drink. The entire command crew is there, in addition to Ambassador Delenn. Vir explains that the feast dates back thousands of years, when the Centauri were engaged in a constant, planet wide warfare with another race on their planet, the Xon. Londo explains that the Xon were eventually all wiped out. Sinclair is noticeably distracted, thinking about Catherine. Ivanova asks Londo about the statues on the table. Thoroughly intoxicated, Londo jumps on the table and explains the statues are idols of their household gods. He then passes out. Sinclair slips away to the customs area, where he finds Catherine. While they both almost walk away, they then approach. Catherine explains she did not know he was the commanding officer until she came aboard. Sinclair tries to play it cool, and they have an awkward moment of catching up. Jeff invites her to dinner to catch up, saying he'd like to show off his station a little. While commenting this is usually how things get started between them, Catherine agrees. G'Kar is suspicious about Na'Toth, especially since his first aide, Ko'Dath, died in an accidental airlock incident only a week before. He asks her if she knew Du'Rog, who sponsored her own patron, Li'Dak, but she says she never met him. He then explains how Du'Rog hired someone to kill him sometime suddenly in the next two days. Na'Toth speculates that maybe Du'Rog just wanted to frighten him. She points out that if he had been serious, he would have gone to the Thenta Makur, an assassin's guild, and they always leave a Black flower near to one of their impending victims so they will know to get their affairs in order. G'Kar happily realizes he has received no such flower. That night, G'Kar awakens from his sleep and screams when he sees a black flower in the bed next to him. The next morning, G'Kar shows the flower to Na'Toth. She asks why he doesn't appeal to the station commander for added security. G'Kar explains that it would require him to tell the whole story about his past with Du'Rog, a story that could affect his position. He says he does not care if the information comes out for his own sake, but it would hamper the Regime's standings in the upcoming negotiations. Na'Toth asks why he is telling her all this if he still suspects her, and he responds that he is merely keeping his eye on her. He then charges her to track down Tu'Pari the courier, and bring him back to him. Meanwhile, he leaves to arrange some protection. In customs, Delenn greets her new aide, Lennier of the Third Fane of Chudomo. She instructs him that he does not have to keep his eyes downcast to her, as is custom. She also instructs him not to use her title Satai nor to mention the Grey Council, as no one on the station is aware of her true rank. Lennier is confused, but swears obedience. Delenn then asks Lennier to help her arrange for a Minbari religious ceremony. In the Alien sector, G'Kar visits N'Grath. After mocking the mighty Narn for needing to come to him, N'Grath offers the services of a bodyguard, which G'Kar accepts. He asks N'Grath to send the bodyguard to the Minbari ceremony in a few hours. Sinclair takes Catherine to dinner at Fresh Air in the Gardens. They reminisce about the cycle they seem locked in -- meeting up every few years, getting together and breaking up. They both admit to missing one another, but resolve they cannot keep going through the same process. Later, Sinclair and the command staff attend the Minbari Rebirth Ceremony, along with Londo, G'Kar, Vir, and many other prominent persons. Part of the ceremony involves eating small pieces of fruit. Sinclair is one of the ones who eats the fruit. Delenn completes the ceremony by looking at Sinclair and remarking, "And so it begins." G'Kar tears into his quarters after the ceremony, yelling at Na'Toth that the bodyguard never showed up at the ceremony. Na'Toth tells him to go into his bedroom. G'Kar finds the bodyguard -- murdered, with a black flower next to him. G'Kar has Garibaldi and a security team investigate the death, but he lies, saying he does not know who the alien was or why he was in his quarters. Garibaldi is skeptical, but concedes that G'Kar does have diplomatic immunity. Na'Toth finds Tu'Pari in customs and orders him to return with her to G'Kar's quarters. G'Kar interrogates Tu'Pari privately, demanding to know who gave him the data crystal he delivered, since Du'Rog would have already been dead. Tu'Pari replies that it was Counselor Shu'Toth, Na'Toth's father, convincing G'Kar she really is the assassin lying in wait. Catherine meets with two of her business associates to discuss a survey she had recently completed. They inform her that the last planet she surveyed had large quantities of Quantium 40, entitling her to a very large commission. She is taken aback by the amount of money. Sinclair rests in his quarters, listening to his favorite poem, when Catherine comes in with a basket of food and a bottle of wine. After teasing him about being stuck on the same Tennyson poem for as long as she can remember, she admits she has never gotten over him. He admits the same and they embrace. G'Kar makes a call to Narn, insisting that Na'Toth be recalled immediately. The Narn he speaks to confirms his request and apologies for the delay in dispatches. She explains that the official courier, Ru'Dak, met with an unfortunate accident the day he was supposed to leave for Babylon 5. Confused, G'Kar turns to Tu'Pari -- who brandishes a weapon and fires on him. Jeffrey and Catherine enjoy the night together, wondering if they are making the same old mistakes, hopeful about the future. G'Kar awakens in a remote corner of the station with pain givers around his neck and wrists. Tu'Pari is nearby and explains his instructions: G'Kar is to know pain, know fear, and then die at the appointed hour. He tortures G'Kar using the pain givers. G'Kar offers to pay him off, but Tu'Pari explains that it would violate the spirit of the Thenta Makur to betray his commission, and the guild would have to kill him for it. Despite the pain, G'Kar refuses to cry out. Na'Toth, finding G'Kar's quarters empty and some sings of struggle, figures out Tu'Pari is the assassin. She manages to track down where he is keeping G'Kar. She tells him that she is really his backup, sent by the assassin's guild to finish the job should he fail. Criticizing his use of pain givers, she proceeds to kick and stomp G'Kar, violently knocking him around. Tu'Pari says he is not so foolish as to trust her. However, Na'Toth's beating of G'Kar was enough to disable the pain givers. G'Kar charges across the room and knocks Tu'Pari unconscious. Tu'Pari awakens to find himself in the customs area with G'Kar and Na'Toth, who tell him they gave him an injection that left him unconscious for 72 hours, well past his deadline. G'Kar then explains he decided to compensate Tu'Pari by transferring a substantial amount of money to his personal account. Tu'Pari realizes this will make it look like he broke the contract for money and the Thenta Makur will come after him. G'Kar confirms that, happily, the commission was Tu'Pari's alone, so no one else will be coming to kill him -- but the guild will not be so dismissive of Tu'Pari. They have arranged for him to leave the station, however, sarcastically wishing him luck. G'Kar and Na'Toth pass Sinclair and Catherine in a corridor -- he is walking her to her ship. She promises she'll be back soon, as she intends to stay with him and work from the station from now on. Jeff tells her he does not know how he will show Earth's dominant belief system, thinking there is no way he can top the Minbari Rebirth Ceremony. Catherine mentions that the Rebirth Ceremony can double as a marriage ceremony, depending on the circumstances. The command staff, the major ambassadors, and their aides are all assembled, awaiting Sinclair's demonstration of Earth's dominant belief system. He takes them to a corridor with a very long line of humans -- each one representing a different Earth religion. Black Omega, a Starfury wing, encounters a transport ship in deep space and orders it to surrender. A pulse of energy emanates from the ship, wiping out the Starfury wing completely. On Babylon 5, Catherine Sakai and Jeffrey Sinclair enjoy a morning together in his quarters. Catherine explains that she has an offer to do some surveying through Universal Terraform. She is meeting with their representatives to discuss the deal in one hour. Jeff discusses how he has a meeting later to discuss budget cuts for the docking bays. The strange transport ship jumps into Babylon 5 space and is given clearance to dock. Talia Winters boards a lift with one of her clients, who asks her about what it's like being a telepath. Michael Garibaldi is aboard the lift. When he hears her explain that "strong emotions are harder to block than casual thoughts," he strongly thinks of something inappropriate, which prompts Talia to elbow him in the stomach before departing. Catherine has her meeting which Talia mediates, where she is told the planet Sigma 957 and initial scans suggest the presence of Quantium 40. They also explain that the planet is in contested space, requiring permission from one of the states disputing the area. Ambassador G'Kar joins them to discuss the situation. A pair of Psi Cops enter the station and are checked in by Garibaldi's Aide, who then leads them to Sinclair. The commander is not amused when they initially communicate telepathically, insisting they speak verbally. They introduce themselves as Bester and Ms. Kelsey, and mention that Psi Cops are given greater latitude than ordinary telepaths. Bester explains they have come looking for a rogue telepath they believe has boarded the station. They insist on meeting with Talia Winters and the senior staff. When Sinclair rebukes them for wanting to disrupt station operations because of a single rogue telepath, Bester explains that this particular rogue is a dangerous individual who threatens all of Earthforce. The rogue in question rents a room aboard the station. He suddenly flinches in pain and as he does so, the entire room shakes. Bester identifies the rogue as Jason Ironheart, a former instructor at the Psi Corps Academy and a teacher to Ms. Winters. Talia and Lt. Cmdr. Ivanova are called into hear Bester's briefing. Ivanova's attitude towards the Psi Cops is anything but friendly. Bester and Kelsey explain that one year earlier, Ironheart was reassigned to a covert and classified operation with Earthforce Special Intelligence. They tell how Ironheart has recently gone rogue and intends to sell highly classified information to alien worlds. Talia insists that cannot be true. She also denies having had contact with him, but the Psi Cops insist on conducting a deep scan on her to determine that for themselves. They conduct the scan and determine she has not seen him. Afterwards, the dismiss Talia from the room. After she leaves, Jason approaches her in a hallway, saying he came looking for her. Talia attempts to walk away, but Jason pleads for her to stay. He acknowledges he knew they would do a deep scan, which is why he had to wait until after it to contact her. He asks her for just a few minutes for him to explain what is happening. Meanwhile, G'Kar has refused permission for Sakai to approach Sigma 957. Catherine angrily confronts him in the Zocalo, asking him if the refusal is merely a means at provoking the commander, or if the Narn Regime wishes to hold onto a world outside their range out of spite. G'Kar denies the allegations, insisting that Sigma 957 is a dangerous place and the refusal is for her own good. He also tells her that whatever Sinclair or anyone else might have told her about him, she should know that no one on Babylon 5 is exactly as they appear. He parts with her reiterating that the threat is genuine, though she warns him she can go over his head. Ironheart explains that the experiments he volunteered for were part of a joint Earthforce-Psi Corps operation to develop stronger telepaths. The operations involved a long series of genetic experimentation that was exhausting and painful. Finally, the experiment succeeded beyond anyone's wildest hopes. Ironheart's abilities were pushed beyond imagining--he could read anyone's mind, cut through anyone's block. In doing so, he learned that the real goal of the experiment was to produce a stable telekinetic. Talia recalls using an old penny for a TK test that she was required to take in her early days with the Academy. Jason explains that because of this goal, he had to flee--even if it meant ultimately letting them kill him. In C'n'C, Michael Garibaldi approaches Sinclair with a lead on Ironheart. He mentions how much he dislikes Psi Cops. Bester walks in, having read Garibaldi's thoughts, and mocks the security chief. Sakai leaves the station aboard her ship at this time, heading for Sigma 957. In his quarters, G'Kar opens a channel to the Narn military headquarters, requesting a wing of Frazi class heavy fighters be sent to Sigma 957 immediately. Jason further explains that he learned Psi Corps wanted telekinetics as silent assassins. Suddenly, he lurches in pain, begging her to quickly leave as the room begins to shake. This disruption is much more intense, tearing the room to pieces. Its effect is felt across the entire station. Sinclair is with Bester and Kelsey, the latter of which identifies the disturbance as a mind quake. Sinclair enters the Zocalo, where Garibaldi informs him about the identified epicenter of the disturbance--but shows him that it is behind some kind of energy field completely enveloping part of Blue 16. The field is impenetrable. They leave to find Bester again and insist on some answers. Sinclair angrily tells them that they withheld information that put the entire station at risk. The Psi Cops coldly remark they did what they thought was best. They relent and give some answers. Bester explains that Ironheart is no longer entirely human. In the ruins of Blue 16, Ironheart meditates, attempting to calm his mind and prevent further outbursts. Meanwhile, Sakai exits hyperspace and heads in on Sigma 957. Bester goes on to explain that during the last of the experiments Ironheart was involved with, he began to exhibit a long list of irrational behaviors, culminating in his murdering of the head researcher and fleeing the facility. At each step along his flight, his abilities have increased exponentially. Bester admits that withholding information was done because they worried if word got out, alien governments might try to seize him before they could. Ivanova angrily tells them off. Kelsey explains that a telepathic safe word was implanted in Ironheart that they can deliver if he is in a line of sight. The safe word will put him to sleep, allowing them to apprehend him. Talia approaches the energy field in an isolated corridor. She calls to Jason, and he allows the field to lapse in that corridor long enough for her to enter. She finds him among the wreckage. He explains that seeing her was necessary to help him keep his power in check, but admits that coming there put her and everyone aboard at risk. He warns her that the Psi Corps is beginning to manipulate EarthGov and other entities on Earth in terrible ways. He tells her that he is becoming something else. Talia approaches Cmdr. Sinclair and admits that she has seen Ironheart. She asks him to come with her alone. As they ride the Core Shuttle, Talia admits that she and Jason were lovers at the Academy. He came to say good-bye, because his abilities are growing beyond control and soon he will be become. She admits that they still love each other. At Sigma 957, Sakai begins to scan the planet. Suddenly, a strange disturbance near the planet begins to develop. Soon a strange, huge alien ship appears for a few minutes and then disappears. Its presence overwhelmed the engines of Catherine's ship, trapping it in the planet's gravity well. Catherine struggles to find a solution to her predicament but her ship has almost no power left. Fortunately, a pair of Narn fighters soon come into orbit. They explain they were dispatched by Ambassador G'Kar to assist her. They relate they will pull her out of her decaying orbit and escort her back to Babylon 5. Sinclair meets with Ironheart. He explains that the Psi Corps is obsessed with control--over everything. He explains that as his powers increased, he gained control over not just matter but energy itself. He admits that it is a power man is not meant to have, and that the Psi Corps will dissect him if they seize him. Sinclair asks why he should trust Ironheart, especially after Ironheart murdered the researcher. Jason admits the deed, but says he did to ensure no one else would become what he is. He pleas with Sinclair, and Talia supports him. Jason asks just for enough time to finish his transformation, promising to be gone forever after that. Sinclair contacts Garibaldi, ordering him to clear a path to a docking bay so that he and Jason can come out safely. As the order is carried out, Bester and Kelsey suspect something is amiss. They stay behind and confront Ironheart as Sinclair and Talia escort him. Ironheart winces in pain. The Psi Cops hit him with the safe word, causing him to become distracted and lose control of his powers. Sinclair knocks Bester down. When Kelsey draws a PPG on Ironheart, he vaporizes her with a thought. Bester recovers and shoots Jason, and he responds by knocking him out with an energy blast. Jason hurries to his ship, where he quickly exits the station. As his ship hovers nearby, suddenly an energy field envelops it. Jason, now a being of pure energy, announces that he has become. He communicates with Talia, saying he wishes to give her a gift. A beam of energy briefly engulfs her. Ironheart then bids Sinclair farewell, promising to see him again in a million years, before disappearing. Sinclair and Garibaldi confer with Bester in Sinclair's office, where they show him the video feed of Jason as an energy being. Sinclair explains about how there will soon by an accident that will erase that file. He suggests something close to the truth, namely that Ironheart's ship exploded after it left the station. He flatly states that if Bester does not go along with it, he will report how Bester lied to them and through his interference Jason not only escaped but was able to kill Kelsey. Sinclair also insists that Talia not be reprimanded for her actions. Bester agrees to the demands. Before leaving, he gives Sinclair a strange salute, remarking be seeing you. Garibaldi asks Sinclair how much of what Ironheart told him will he relate to the Senate. Sinclair replies that with no evidence, it is just a conspiracy theory from someone who was delirious and paranoid from his symptoms. Garibaldi asks about Talia and the two men wonder about the gift Jason said he gave her. Alone in her quarters, Talia places an old U.S. penny on a table. Slowly, she is able to inch it across the table with her mind. Once back aboard Babylon 5, Catherine finds G'Kar and thanks him for his help, admitting she misjudged him. She asks him about the aliens at Sigma 957. He responds that they are ancient beings who, if they are aware of the younger worlds at all, it is no more than humanoids are aware of ants. "We've learned we can either stay out of their way, or be crushed underfoot." Delenn enjoys a drink and some conversation with Shaal Mayan, a Minbari poet and childhood friend of hers, in her quarters late in the evening. Shaal Mayan had come aboard as part of a poetry tour and read some of her work earlier that day. The two reminisce about old times and where their lives have brought them. Mayan soon decides she needs to retire for some rest and leaves. As she walks through the corridor, Mayan hears a strange noise nearby. A shadow passes over her and then a knife is plunged into her stomach. After she falls to the ground, a gloved hand presses a device to her forehead, branding a symbol there. A voice warns her to stay away from Earth. Delenn angrily confronts Cmdr. Sinclair and Michael Garibaldi over the attack. Sinclair promises to apprehend the attacker, though Delenn is too outraged to be easily satisfied. Afterwards, Garibaldi discusses the attack with Sinclair, commenting on how it is the sixth attack on an alien in the last two weeks, all with the same M.O. The brand left on Shaal Mayan is the hallmark of Homeguard, a radical, xenophobic "pro-Earth" group that had recently emerged. Sinclair declares he will not tolerate such groups on Babylon 5. Ambassador G'Kar then confronts Sinclair over the incident, warning Sinclair that should any Narn be attacked in such a way there will be "bloody retribution." Sinclair coldly replies he will not tolerate any disruptions on his station. Garibaldi goes to Medlab to interview Mayan, but she is unable to recall any details about her assailant. Dr. Stephen Franklin offers to remove the brand on her forehead, but she elects to keep it. Lt. Cmdr. Ivanova calls Garibaldi to C'n'C, informing him that a Centauri liner about to dock has a pair of detainees they wish to hand over to a member of the command staff. She asks him to pick them up, but he replies he is too busy with his investigation. When she insists, he suggests he will remove a certain coffee plant he noticed growing in hydroponics, prompting Ivanova to pick up the detainees herself. In customs, Ivanova oversees as a pair of young Centauri citizens are brought aboard in handcuffs. They demand to see "Ambassador Cotto." Ivanova orders them taken to a holding area. Arriving at the same time is Malcolm Biggs, who notices Ivanova, the two having known each other years earlier. Ivanova curtly acknowledges him before returning to duty. The two Centauri, Kiron Maray and Aria Tensus, meet with Vir Cotto, who is Kiron's cousin. They are disappointed to learn he "exaggerated" his position. Sinclair is present and explains to Londo Mollari when he arrives that the two were caught using stolen credit chips. Sinclair agrees to release them into Mollari's custody, though he is hardly thrilled with the prospect. Malcolm tracks down Susan at the end of her shift. They talk about old time, how they used to be lovers. Susan quickly excuses herself, however, insisting they take things slowly. Once in his quarters, Londo questions Aria and Kiron over why they have left Centauri Prime. They explain they have both been arranged to marry other people, but wish to marry each other out of love. Londo explains they are attempting to go against 1000 years of tradition that keeps the Republic together. He points to a picture of his three arranged wives as an example of the "great sacrifice" this often requires. He insists they will have to be sent home and back to their families. Garibaldi questions a suspect named Roberts, who was found with an illegal knife that had blood on it. Roberts denies attacking Mayan or anyone else, but does admit he thinks Homeguard "has the right idea." Garibaldi decides to book him over the illegal possession, warning him of the consequences should the blood match Mayan. Cmdr. Sinclair visits Ambassador Kosh in his quarters. He explains the recent attacks, though Kosh is not very interested. Afterwards, Sinclair goes to C'n'C and talks with Ivanova. He mentions how he was recently thinking about the attempted assassination of Kosh when he first arrived. The assassin administered poison through a patch he placed on Kosh's hand. Sinclair asks how that was really possible since Kosh's hand should have been completely covered by his encounter suit. Ivanova wonders just how much of the suit is necessary and how much is camouflage. Sinclair comments on how the only two people to see inside the suit, Dr. Benjamin Kyle and Lyta Alexander were both recalled to Earth shortly after the incident. Londo yells at Vir in his quarters over the two "love birds." Both their families have been giving him no end of grief about their running off. Vir is sympathetic to them, but Londo is not. He orders Vir to make sure the two of them are on a transport that evening for Centauri Prime before taking off for the Casino. Garibaldi had to release Roberts after his DNA cleared him of the attack on Mayan. Garibaldi hopes that Roberts will generate a real lead. Ivanova has dinner with Malcolm. They catch up on old times, and she affirms that she has no regrets about taking her assignment on Io, even though it did mean leaving him. Malcolm declares that he is shifting his business to Babylon 5, having already acquired quarters and an office on the station. Later that evening, while in the Gardens alone, Kiron and Arion are attacked by shadowy figures. Kiron is seriously injured before the figures withdraw. Vir finds both of the Centauri unconscious a few minutes later. They are rushed to Medlab, where Dr. Franklin is able to stabilize the critically injured Kiron though he slips into a coma. Aria's injuries are superficial. In response to the attack, G'Kar raises a disturbance in the Central Corridor of Brown Sector. He whips up a mob of aliens during a speech, calling for them to take the law into their own hands after suggesting that Sinclair is dragging is feet in the investigation. Sinclair and Garibaldi turn up with a riot team, which shuts down the mob before it turns violent. It is too late, however, to stop a series of anti-human attacks across the station, including a vicious attack on Roberts by two Drazi. Ivanova's date with Malcolm is cut short when Sinclair links her about the near riot. She quickly meets them in Sinclair's office where Garibaldi explains about the attack on Roberts, who was rescued by Security and taken to Medlab. Kiron's condition remains the same, and Ambassador Mollari is unable to persuade Aria to leave his side in Medlab. Shaal Mayan speaks to Mollari, telling him he should not try to impede the love the two Centauri have. Mollari coldly replies that even if Kiron does not die, Aria can learn to live without love. Shaal asks if that is what happened to Mollari, and he does not respond. He later goes to the gardens alone, lamenting over where his life has taken him. Vir confronts him there, angrily insisting that Kiron and Aria should be together. Having taken Mayan's words to heart, Londo no longer needs convincing. Garibaldi contacts Sinclair and shows him a surveillance tape of Malcolm contacting Roberts in Medlab, attempting to recruit him into Homeguard. The two then show Ivanova, who is clearly surprised and upset but determined to do her duty. Sinclair asks her to introduce him to Malcolm, allowing him to go undercover and bust open the Homeguard attacks on the station. The plan goes forward that evening at the diplomatic reception. Malcolm is present and in front of him Sinclair acts coldly to Delenn when she introduces him to Ambassador Mila Shar of the Abbai. Afterward, Sinclair invites Malcolm and Invanova to his quarters, where Sinclair plays up his false anti-alien sentiment. Malcolm is encouraged and begins to spout his anti-alien rhetoric. Malcolm asks the two of them to meet some of his "friends" later, though he makes it clear that Sinclair will need to make a small gesture for their benefit. At a meeting of the Babylon 5 Advisory Council, Sinclair announces that the investigation is over--that the perpetrators have fled the station to Earth. When he refuses to divulge any further details, G'Kar and the rest of the Council are incensed. Meanwhile, Kiron awakens from his coma in Medlab. Londo explains to him and Aria that upon their return to Centauri Prime, they will be met by his second cousin, Andilo Mollari, who will take them back to his estate and adopt them into a "fosterage." At the conclusion of this foster period, Andilo will allow them to marry one another. Grateful, the two young Centauri thank Londo. That night, Sinclair and Ivanova are led by Malcolm to Cargo Bay 5. Several figures "decloak," all wearing black suits from head to toe. One of them, Worth, activates a jamming device which cuts off Garibaldi's monitoring device. Malcolm explains that the suits are black-light camouflage, a technology still under development by EarthForce. Homeguard allies were able to secure some prototypes which were what allowed the attacks on the station. Malcolm further explains that in a few days time, a simultaneous assassination of the four major ambassadors on Babylon 5 will be carried out. This will act as a signal for operatives on Earth to assassinate any alien delegates on the planet. Malcolm requests aid from Sinclair getting into Green Sector and then off the station. Sinclair agrees, but Malcolm insists on a loyalty test. He has Mila Shar brought forward and orders Sinclair to murder her. Before Sinclair can make any response, the operatives are alerted to approaching security forces. Sinclair and Ivanova make their move, saving Shar and capturing Malcolm. Garibaldi and his forces arrive and round up all the Homeguard agents. Delenn, G'Kar, and Shal Mayan watch as the arrested perpetrators are taken through customs, bound for deportation to Earth. The three remark about how the intense hatred for no real reason is almost unfathomable. On his way out, Malcolm angrily accosts Ivanova about her "betrayal." Ivanova stoically responds that many of the aliens she has met are far more human than Malcolm and the rest of his ilk. A man arrives on Babylon 5 and checks into some quarters. He is soon met by a partner who shows an image of Jeffrey Sinclair, stating that he has identified their target. Meanwhile, a security guard is accosted while on duty who angrily remind him that he owes money. He promises to pay them soon. The guard, Frank Benson, arrives in Commander Sinclair's office soon afterward. Sinclair and Security Chief Michael Garibaldi confront Benson about his gambling. Benson insists he is not going over the limits set for station security personnel, but Sinclair orders him off active duty pending Garibaldi's investigation. The two agents continue to set up some equipment in the quarters they are occupying. One of them tells the other that he could not smuggle a power source aboard, so he had to improvise. Benson is then seen entering a secure area. In Medlab, Dr. Stephen Franklin is conducting an examination of Ambassador Delenn. She asks him about what he did during the Earth-Minbari War and he explains how EarthForce tried to get him to use his notes on Minbari physiology in the construction of biogenic weapons. He explains that he destroyed his notes rather than comply. He then asks what Delenn did during the war, but she merely smiles and brushes off the question. Benson meets with the two operatives, handing over a power source for the machine they are building. They tell him that he will be paid well, but he is upset when they renege on a promise to get him transferred off the station. That night, Sinclair has a nightmare about the Battle of the Line. He awakens to find the station seemingly offline: neither his computer nor his link are functioning. He gets dressed and goes to C'n'C, only to find it deserted and the main computer offline. The computer comes back online, but only identifies a sole lifeform aboard. Sinclair heads to the Central Corridor to investigate and is confronted by a voice taunting him. The operative appears. The following morning, Delenn comes to Garibaldi in his office, telling him that she was supposed to meet with Sinclair but that he never showed up and she cannot find him. Garibaldi cannot raise him on the link and immediately sets off to investigate. Knight Two explains that Sinclair is hooked up to a Virtual Reality Cybernet. He warns him, however, that Sinclair is still capable of feeling pain. He then proves this. Garibaldi enters Sinclair's quarters and finds his link. Knowing Sinclair would never leave his link for any reason, he contacts C'n'C to let them know what is happening. Back in the VR reality, Knight Two explains that he is there because he--and the ones he works for--do not believe Sinclair's official story that he "blacked out" during the Battle of the Line while trying to ram a Minbari ship and cannot account for the 24 hours between when it happened and when he awoke following the battle. Knight Two vows he will discover the truth. Sinclair refuses to cooperate. Knight Two conjures up an image of Bill Mitchell, Sinclair's wingman and best friend who died on the Line. Knight Two calls Sinclair a traitor and Sinclair angrily attacks him, briefly disrupting the linkup. Garibaldi coordinates the search with Dr. Franklin and Lt. Commander Ivanova. Garibaldi suggests sending some Maintenance Bots outside the station to look for a body. Delenn finds Ivanova and offers to help if she can. Benson overhears them talking about Sinclair's disappearance. Knight Two takes a break from the linkup, but Knight One alerts him to the search in progress and estimates they only have three or four hours before they are discovered. Knight Two orders the dosage of drugs that are part of the cybernet they have Sinclair hooked to increased. Knight One warns that this could lead to hallucinations and even death, but Knight Two coldly replies, "So be it." In his office, Garibaldi talks with his Jack, his aide, about the search. Jack mentions he has pulled in every available hand to help, even Benson. When Garibaldi questions bringing in Benson, Jack explains that he personally checked out Benson and discovered he not only had no debts but had a surplus in his account. Garibaldi is suspicious, as he had checked the accounts the day before and they had been in the negative. Pulling up the accounts, he notices that Benson made several payments only after a deposit of 15,000 credits. Garibaldi orders Jack to bring Benson in, as the timing of the deposit was just hours before the commander went missing. In the VR world, Sinclair briefly has a memory of being surrounded by gray figures, all with hoods that completely covered their faces. One of them carries a staff and uses it to strike Sinclair with an energy discharge. The scene quickly fades as Sinclair blacks out. Benson returns to the two operatives. Forcing his way in, he discovers what they are doing to Sinclair. Knight One promptly murders him with a PPG. Some time later, Benson's body is discovered outside the station near Red Sector. Garibaldi orders the search teams to concentrate on Red Sector, hoping the body stayed close to where it was jettisoned. Sinclair awakens and Knight Two demands to know what the image of the gray figures was about. Sinclair does not know, and continues to resist. Knight Two insists on learning the truth about the Line. He suggests that the Minbari surrendered because they knew the cost would be too high for a direct assault. He theorizes that Sinclair was taken aboard and convinced to become a Minbari operative so they could take over Earth indirectly. Sinclair rebuffs this, saying how much the deaths of his comrades still haunt him. He also refutes the notion that the Minbari could not have easily conquered Earth by force. Only when Knight Two asks him if anything has ever made him doubt his story about blacking out does something stir within Sinclair. He remembers the words of the Minbari Assassin: "There is a hole in your mind." He decides that he does really want to know what happened. Sinclair is able to recreate what really happened: while trying to ram the Minbari ship, his fighter was disabled and brought aboard. He was bound by the Minbari and confronted by the circle of gray figures. He briefly tried confronting one of them, pulling back the hood and revealing the face of Delenn before he was struck down and blacked out. Sinclair is able to break free from the cybernet. He causes a discharge in the machine that renders Knight Two unconscious. Knight One attacks him but Sinclair is able to knock him out. He stumbles out of the room after taking the operative's PPG. Sinclair wanders into Downbelow, delirious and hallucinating. He takes a shot at a security guard whom he sees as one of the gray Minbari figures. Before the guard can report what happened, she is shot and killed by Knight One. Sinclair wanders into the Zocalo where Knight One engages him in a shootout. Garibaldi arrives and wounds Knight One, but Sinclair starts firing at Garibaldi. Dr. Franklin links Garibaldi from the operative's location, as Security had located the room. He warns that the commander may be under the influence of psychotropic drugs. Delenn comes to the Zocalo and approaches Sinclair. He aims his gun at her, as the memories of her are blurring with reality. He mutters, "I know you," before shooting Knight One who had risen and was trying to shoot him. Some time later in Medlab, Sinclair is fully purged of the drugs used on him. Garibaldi informs him that Knight Two has been ordered back to Earth, as Earthforce believes he is part of an organization that is alleging collusion between Earth officials and the Minbari during the War. Dr. Franklin is skeptical that they will learn anything, as the feedback that occurred when Sinclair broke free of the machine wiped out most of Knight Two's memory. Sinclair tries confronting him before he leaves the station, but Knight Two does not even remember his own name, let alone anything useful about what happened. Sinclair later goes Delenn's quarters to thank her for helping him snap out of his delusions. Delenn asks him if he remembers anything from his experience, but he says he does not. After he leaves, a mysterious Minbari with a triangle on his forehead emerges from the next room. He tells Delenn that if Sinclair ever finds out what happened, he will have to be killed. Delenn says she understands. Back in his own quarters, Sinclair records a personal log entry. He reveals that he remembers everything now: about how he was brought aboard the Minbari cruiser, tortured, and interrogated before what he guesses is the Grey Council. He is determined to find out why. Ambassador Kosh approaches Talia Winters, requesting her services. Winters is surprised but agrees to meet with him later. A Minbari flyer docks at the station. Na'Toth checks on the status of an arriving passenger liner and recognizes an individual checking in through customs. Na'Toth attacks and brutally assaults the individual, shouting "Deathwalker" the entire time. Eventually, the security forces are able to pull Na'Toth away, leaving the alien bleeding and unconscious. Commander Jeffrey Sinclair and Security Chief Michael Garibaldi are walking together and Sinclair asks about the victim. Garibaldi says her name is Gyla Lobos, a freetrader recently arrived from the Minbari Federation though she is definitely not Minbari. Garibaldi mentions what Na'Toth said during the attack, surprising Sinclair. Both men recognize the epithet. They interogate Na'toth, who claims the victim is Jha'Dur, more commonly known as Deathwalker, a notorious mass murderer and diabolical medical researcher who murdered her grandfather, among many others. Na'Toth's family has taken a bloodoath against her grandfather's killer. Sinclair is skeptical that the victim can be the same person, as the Dilgar War (where Deathwalker gained her infamy) was over thirty years earlier--the real Deathwalker would have to be an old woman, not the middle aged woman Na'Toth attacked. Nevertheless, Na'Toth insists she made no error. Ambassador G'Kar arrives then, apologizing for the attack and offering to make reparations to the victim. He also agrees to Sinclair's suggestion of placing Na'Toth under house arrest in G'Kar's quarters pending the outcome of the investigation. Meanwhile, Winters meets Kosh and a strange man named Abbut. Kosh requests Talia scan Abbut, and she is surprised when she can read absolutely no thoughts from the man at all. Pleased, Kosh then begins "negotiations," which consists of a series of idioms and other non sequitor statements from both parties. Sinclair checks on the victim in Medlab. Dr. Franklin reports that she is healing well--and at a remarkable rate. Sinclair recognizes her species as Dilgar, despite the common belief that the entire Dilgar race was wiped out when their sun went nova at the end of the Dilgar War. This fact, coupled with both archival images as well as a Dilgar uniform Garibaldi finds aboard her ship suggest she is in fact Jha'dur, the Deathwalker. Garibaldi also recovers an elixir from the ship, one that Sinclair orders Franklin to investigate. In G'Kar's quarters, Na'Toth apologizes for embarrassing him, but insists she must fulfill her blood oath. G'Kar tells her that she will have to postpone the oath: Jha'dur was coming to the station to meet with an operative of the Narn Regime to discuss a discovery of hers that could greatly benefit their people. The attack has caused the Kha'Ri to alter their plans, leaving G'Kar in charge of getting her to Narn. G'Kar promises that Na'Toth will eventually be able to fulfill her vow. Sinclair is contacted by Senator Hidoshi who asks him about the attack on "Lobos." He insists the woman be sent to Earth as soon as she is able to travel. Sinclair informs him about the evidence they've discovered, but Hidoshi is dismissive of the idea that she could be Deathwalker. He cuts off Sinclair's further attempts to protest, saying all the information on the matter is highly classified. The woman finally awakens in Medlab. She angrily retrieves the elixir from Franklin (calling it her "life's work") and demands to meet with Sinclair. The commander heads for Medlab, downplaying rumors about her identity after Ambassador Londo Mollari approaches him. Once in Medlab, Sinclair speaks to the woman privately. She confirms her identity as Jha'dur "Deathwalker," and mentions that she has spent the last few years being sheltered by the Wind Swords, a Minbari clan of the Warrior Caste. When he asks how she can be so young and vital, she explains that the elixir is an antiagapic, a serum that halts the aging process and makes the user immune to all diseases. She declares that with the help of the Earth Alliance, she will bring it to all corners of the galaxy. Kosh's negotiations end for the day. Winters is confused about her purpose, as Abbut's mind always remained blank and she could not make sense out of their "negotiations." Kosh responds in his typical cryptic manner and tells her they will resume the following day. Abbut is likewise evasive when she asks him about the dealings. For a moment, Winters has a strange vision, but it only last a moment. Sinclair tracks down Lennier, as Ambassador Delenn is currently away from the station. Lennier is familiar with the history of Deathwalker. Sinclair explains how she is aboard the station and that she claimed the Wind Swords sheltered her. Lennier responds by saying that even the ultra militaristic Wind Swords would never harbor such a criminal, but he agrees to investigate the matter for Sinclair. G'Kar meets with Jha'Dur privately, apologizing for the attack and offering to purchase the drug she has developed at three times the price Earth is offering. Jha'Dur says she will accept the offer, provided that G'Kar bring her the head of Na'Toth within the hour. This prompts G'Kar to immediately storm out. Sinclair meets with his staff. Garibaldi is skeptical about her claims, but Franklin believes her. So does Earth, announces Sinclair, and explains that she is to be sent there soon. Garibaldi is angry to think that Earth is willing to ignore justice for the sake of "immortality." When they are alone, Garibaldi more directly confronts Sinclair about going along with what Earth is planning. Sinclair believes her discovery is worth at least delaying justice for her crimes. G'Kar learns that Sinclair plans to move Jha'Dur off the station within the hour. He decides to contact one of the League ambassadors to relay that Jha'Dur is aboard. As she prepares to leave, Jha'Dur is approached by Sinclair, who asks why she would be willing to give Earth such a miracle cure when Earth was responsible for turning the tide of the Dilgar's invasion. Jha'Dur explains that her race is gone and both her name and her people's are cursed throughout the galaxy--but her discovery will ensure that this will not remain their legacy. Sinclair, Garibaldi, and a security team then begin escorting her to her ship, but they are confronted along the way by a coalition of League ambassadors. The ambassadors demand an Assembly to discuss her trial, and insist that Sinclair will have to kill them all before they allow her to be taken off the station. Sinclair relents, agreeing to call an emergency meeting of the Assembly in three hours time. Before the Assembly meeting, Garibaldi apologizes to Sinclair for losing his temper earlier. He wonders if the Assembly will vote for a trial, since both the Narns and the Centauri Republic collaborated with the Dilgar to various extents during the Dilgar invasion. Sinclair believes that he has enough votes (with his own, the Minbari's, and the League's) to get a trial. Delenn is still off the station, but Lennier arrives to vote as her proxy, indicating to Sinclair that he has been given orders how to vote. Kosh, as usual, declines to show up, still conducting his strange deal with Abbut (and continuing to frustrate Winters). When the vote is called, Mollari and G'Kar both vote "No" on the motion regarding a trial (G'Kar after the League refuses his request to hold the trial on Narn). Sinclair votes "Yes," but then to the surprise of everyone Lennier votes "No." The motion thus fails 2-3. The League ambassadors are enraged and storm out of the chamber, refusing to listen to Sinclair's plea for a compromise. Sinclair confronts Lennier about his vote. Lennier explains that the Wind Swords did indeed shelter Jha'Dur, and that when the Federation discovered this, they took steps to cover it up. Soon afterward, a Drazi Sun-Hawk arrives and demands Jha'Dur be extradited--refusal will prompt an attack. In C'n'C, Lt. Commander Ivanova orders the defense grid activated. The Drazi ship is soon joined by a small task force of League ships, all with similar demands. Sinclair orders Ivanova to stall them as best she can. Sinclair then meets with Ambassador Kalika, again hoping a compromise can be reached by explaining about Jha'Dur's findings. He is successful, and the ships stand down. He then holds another meeting with Kalika and other ambassadors. They are convinced that her elixir has promise and Sinclair promises to share the formula with the League--and still hold Jha'Dur for trial after it is developed. The Ambassadors agree to this compromise. Meanwhile, the situation with Winters reaches a turning point. During the negotiations, Winters is suddenly overwhelmed with a terrifying memory. Kosh announces the deal is complete. Abbut removes his hat, revealing he is a type of cyborg, and hands over a data crystal to Kosh. Winters demands to know what is on the crystal, but Kosh once again brushes off her inquiry and leaves. Once again, Jha'Dur prepares to leave the station. She explains the truth about her formula: a key ingredient cannot be synthesized, but must be taken from a living being. In other words, for one person to live forever, another must die. She predicts this will cause humanity and every other race to "fall on one another like wolves," and the genocide that will result will be the true testament to her work. Her legacy will be to turn those who hate the Dilgar into worse criminals than they were. Sinclair later watches with all the Assembly ambassadors as Jha'Dur boards her ship and heads for the jumpgate. They are all surprised when Kosh enters the room. Just before Jha'dur's flier reaches the gate, a Vorlon ship exits the gate and opens fire, obliterating Deathwalker and her ship. When Sinclair asks Kosh why they did this, the Ambassador simply replies that they "are not ready for immortality." Sinclair and Garibaldi meet in the Zocalo after their shift, reflecting on the recent crisis. They are approached by Winters, who tells them about her deal with Kosh. She explains that during the negotiations, she had memories of a scan she did several years earlier. The scan was of a serial killer just before he was mind wiped and his thoughts were the most terrifying she has ever experienced. When she mentions Abbut, Garibaldi recognizes him as a Vicker, a modified being fitted with cybernetic devices in the brain that allow for recording just about everything, including telepathic communication. He theorizes Kosh used him to record the memories--in case he should ever need to use something against her in the future. In Medlab, a young alien boy (Onteen race) named Shon is being monitored by Dr. Stephen Franklin and Dr. Maya Hernandez while his parents, M'Ola and Tharg, watch over him. Dr. Franklin assures the boy that soon he will be healed and grow up to be healthy and strong. Despite this, his parents insist he prepare himself for whatever fate may come. Speaking privately with Dr. Franklin, the parents explain that they could find no cure for him on their home world and are very worried about him. Dr. Franklin explains that while the boy's condition is very serious, it is treatable with a simple operation. As soon as the parents learn that it will require surgery, however, they object on religious grounds, insisting that surgery is strictly forbidden. In C'n'C, Lt. Comm. Ivanova alerts Commander Sinclair that the station has just received a distress call from the Asimov starliner, which has suffered a breakdown in the midst of Raider known space. Sinclair orders Ivanova (after some subtle hinting on her part that she'd like to get "out of the house" for a while) to take a Starfury wing out to the Asimov and escort her back. In Medlab, Dr. Franklin and Dr. Hernandez go over in detail how the procedure will work to Tharg and M'Ola. They understand how it will work, but insist it is forbidden, comparing it to the work done by veterinarians. Dr. Hernandez angrily asks how they could just let their child die. Dr. Franklin steps in, suggesting a non-invasive alternative that while a long-shot may work without the need for surgery. While the parents discuss the matter privately, Franklin and Hernandez each confront the other over their behavior. Hernandez insists that Franklin's alternative will not work, and Franklin explains that he is doing it to buy time until the parents come around. Knowing their son will not survive another trip elsewhere, Tharg and M'Ola agree to the non-invasive procedure. Ivanova and her fighter wing leave the station and enter hyperspace, heading out to the Asimov's location. Dr. Franklin gives Shon a "glopet egg" from the planet "Placebo" (in reality, a glowing piece of industrial goo) to help pass the time. Hernandez chides Franklin later over dinner, telling him that Franklin believes in science the way the family believes in their god. Franklin bets her a steak dinner that he will find a way to save the boy's life, no matter the cost, and encourages her to find an alternative method that is compatible with their belief system if she thinks it is possible. Sinclair meets with Franklin and Michael Garibaldi in Sinclair's office. Sinclair asks him why Franklin wants to import a steak, and Franklin explains it is for "research" (and that either he or Dr. Hernandez will be paying for it). Garibaldi asks him about Shon's case. Franklin explains that the parents still will not operate and the boy will die if he does not. He tells Sinclair that the commander has the authority to order him to save the boy's life. Sinclair says that to do so will establish a precedent he's not comfortable with. Franklin points out that he already did that when he ordered Dr. Benjamin Kyle to save the life of Ambassador Kosh the previous year. Sinclair asks Franklin to find another solution than formally asking him. Ivanova and her wingman jump into local space looking for the Asimov. They are soon able to locate it. Back in Medlab, Shon's condition continues to deteriorate. Franklin tries to comfort him as best he can. The non-invasive procedure has failed to produce any results. Franklin again confronts the parents, this time more direct in insisting they let him operate or the boy will die. Tharg and M'Ola are obstinate, however, explaining that the surgery will cause him to lose his soul, a fate worse than death. Dr. Franklin tells them that he has decided to go to the commander and make an official request to operate, overriding their wishes. They plead with him not to, but he is now as obstinate as they. Tharg and M'Ola go to Sinclair, insisting that he prevent Franklin from operating. Since their people have no ambassador on the station, Sinclair must assume the role of advocate for the parents, but also look into what is best for the health and safety of their son. He thanks them for explaining the situation, and promises to make a ruling within 24 hours. Tharg is certain that Sinclair will side with Franklin, and warns him that if the doctor harms his son than he will kill him. M'Ola and Tharg appeal to each of the four major ambassadors on the station: G'Kar, Londo Mollari, Kosh, and Delenn. Each, in turn, declines their request to step in and intervene on their behalf (each for their own reasons). Ivanova's fighter wing detects a single Raider ship in the vicinity. She orders the Asimov to pour on the speed to get away before they can be attacked. On the station, Garibaldi meets Sinclair in the Zocalo. Sinclair is clearly torn over the decision he has to make. Garibaldi offers some moral support, but has no more advice to give him than anyone else. Afterward, Sinclair goes to Medlab to speak to Shon personally. He talks to the boy, who admits that he wants to live very much but does not want the operation, as he believes he will lose his soul. Sinclair stays with him for a while. Later, back in his office, Sinclair meets with Franklin. The doctor makes one last appeal, dismissing the aliens' belief system and insisting the surgery is the only way to save the boy. Sinclair, reluctantly, refuses to allow the surgery. Sinclair tries to rationalize his decision to Franklin. He explains it is not about what he personally wants, but that the commander of Babylon 5 cannot override the beliefs of aliens who come there just because they conflict with his own personal beliefs. Franklin gets a link from Hernandez, telling him that the boy's condition has worsened. Franklin has the parents come to stay with him for a time. They tell the boy how much they love him, and express how proud they are that he is accepting his fate bravely. As soon as they leave, Franklin asks Hernandez to help prep the boy for surgery--he will perform the operation anyway. Saving the boy is worth more than his career or anything else. Ivanova orders her wingman to continue flying the Asimov back while she goes after the lone Raider before he can call for backup. She manages to take him out, but flies nearly headfirst into an entire squadron of fighters. The surgery goes well and Shon begins to feel better. Franklin calls Tharg and M'Ola to Medlab, expecting them to be grateful. However, when they realize Franklin has operated anyway, they curse Shon as a demon and leave him in tears on the Medlab floor. Sinclair, enraged, confronts Franklin about his behavior. Franklin stands by his actions, no matter the consequences. Franklin and Sinclair are called down to Medlab. Once there, they find a solemn Shon standing by his parents. They explain that they cannot forgive the doctor for what he did, but they understand he only did what he thought was right. They would like the boy discharged to them. Tharg carries a "traveling robe," which they explain is for "great journeys." They leave with Shon (who tells the doctor good-bye), and Franklin cockily feels justified for his actions. That evening, while Franklin and Hernandez prepare to go off duty, Hernandez pulls up the files she had been researching about Shon's people. Franklin looks over it, until he sees the entry on the "traveling robe," which distresses him. He rushes out of Medlab and straight to Shon's quarters. He arrives to find that the parents have taken their son's life in a ritualistic manner, insisting that the boy was "just a shell, and there was nothing left to do but end its pain." Franklin breaks down in tears. Later, in the Garden, Franklin offers his resignation to Sinclair. The commander decides he will not ask for it -- this time. Franklin is tortured by what has happened, but insists he will know better from now on. Meanwhile, the Asimov arrives at Babylon 5. Ivanova returns alive and in one piece (though her fighter is another story). A news broadcast declares that Earth Alliance President Luis Santiago is scheduled to arrive at Babylon 5 in a couple of days. Among other reasons, he will be delivering a new fighter wing to the station. As they ride the Core shuttle to the Cobra Bays, Michael Garibaldi and Susan Ivanova discuss the pros and cons of the impending visit. Among the cons are the fact that the Cobra Bays have to be renovated in a short amount of time by inexperienced crews. Just before they arrive at one of the Bays, an explosion rocks the station. In C'n'C, Commander Sinclair watches an ejected worker tumble out into space. A crewman badly injured in the Cobra bay explosion (Nolan) is taken to Medlab, where Dr. Stephen Franklin tends to him. Garibaldi meets Sinclair in Medlab, but has little definitive proof about what happened. He speculates that it was an accident, but has not ruled out sabotage. Sinclair is contacted by Ivanova, who tells him that a Major Lianna Kemmer, the head of the President's security detail, has just arrived aboard and is insisting on meeting him. Garibaldi mentions that he used to know her when she was a child, that he and her father were close. The two of them arrive in the security office, where she treats Michael coldly and insists on using her own team to conduct the investigation into the Cobra Bay explosion. Garibaldi does not object, but heads down to the Zocalo with Sinclair on his heels. Before he can talk to Garibaldi about the obvious tension between him and Major Kemmer, he is interrupted by Ambassador G'Kar, complaining as usual. While Sinclair deals with him, Garibaldi confronts an alien thief named Dagool--a confrontation which almost turns violent. Sinclair has to physically pull Garibaldi off the thief. Taking him aside, he demands Michael fill him in on what is happening. Garibaldi explains that 17 years earlier, he was working on Europa (a very rough place to work) and drinking heavily to deal with the job. Then he befriended Frank Kemmer, a local shuttle pilot, who helped him deal with the job and who took him in like family. Tragically, Frank was killed in a shuttle bombing set off by enemies Garibaldi had made. The incident was covered up and Garibaldi was reassigned, but not before he had to break the news to Frank's family, which included the very young Kemmer. He admits that he fell off the wagon and stayed that way for a long time afterward. After the story is over, Sinclair gets a link from Dr. Franklin, insisting he come to Medlab. Major Kemmer is preventing Franklin from tending to the injured Nolan. She awakens him to question him about the explosion. Nolan mutters that it was a bombing. Sinclair arrives and forces his way into the room. When Kemmer asks who planted the bomb, Nolan mutters, "Garibaldi" just before he dies. Garibaldi insists that Nolan was lying. Major Kemmer, however, insists Garibaldi be suspended from duty. Despite Sinclair's support of Garibaldi, he has no choice but to allow the suspension and put Kemmer in charge of security. Garibaldi reluctantly hands over his PPG and his link. He heads back to his quarters, but Kemmer arrives there first and has a team searching the place. While the search commences, Michael tries to talk to Kemmer about what happened to her dad. She is not interested in hearing it, however. Her aide, Cutter, emerges from Garibaldi's quarters with blueprints of the Cobra Bays and a bag of Centauri ducats. Kemmer orders Garibaldi placed under arrest, but Michael knocks over Cutter and runs away. In C'n'C, Sinclair cancels the station-wide alert posted for Garibaldi. He accuses Kemmer of having a grudge and orders Ivanova to remove her from C'n'C. He knows she'll get him overruled, but hopes that the time it takes for her to contact Earth Central will allow him to find Garibaldi first. Ivanova manages to slow her down by temporarily tying up all outgoing communications. Garibaldi goes to the casino to confront Londo Mollari. He asks Mollari if he knows anything about the frame up, but Mollari has no knowledge of it, though he suggests G'Kar may be involved. He gives Michael some money to help him out, telling him he sees themselves as kindred spirits. After failing to get Ivanova to free up the com system, Major Kemmer has one of her staff go to their ship and send the transmission from there. She also orders Cutter to step up the search for Garibaldi. Garibaldi makes his way to G'Kar's quarters, who was expecting him (as he has people watching Mollari). G'Kar explains that he is not responsible for what has happened, but offers to help him escape to the Narn Regime to work for them. Garibaldi declines. Zeta Wing, the new wing of Starfuries, arrives ahead of Earthforce One and docks with the station. Ivanova orders them set up in one of the Cobra Bays, ready to launch for a fly by when the President's ship gets there. Garibaldi goes to see N'Grath, trying to secure some means for him to move around the station easier, but N'Grath refuses to deal with the "policeman." After leaving N'Grath's quarters, Michael is almost caught by security, but manages to escape--only to run headfirst into Dagool and a pair of Drazi. The three savagely begin to beat him until Commander Sinclair turns up and helps him fight them off. Sinclair asks Garibaldi to come in and work with him to prove his innocence, but Garibaldi refuses and rushes off again, making his way into Downbelow. Sinclair is contacted by General Netter, who insists that Sinclair give Major Kemmer his full cooperation. Sinclair then confronts Kemmer, again accusing her of having a personal vendetta that is blinding her to the truth about Garibaldi. Garibaldi makes it to a bar in Downbelow and evades security again. Unfortunately, despairing over his current situation, he gives in to temptation and begins drinking heavily. He is thus easily apprehended later, after one of the aliens who recognized him turns him into security. Kemmer is not surprised to find "Uncle Mike" drunk again. She orders him taken to her security office. Cutter offers to check the Cobra Bays one more time, as Earthforce One is due to arrive within the hour. Kemmer questions Garibaldi in her office, demanding he confess. Garibaldi tries to appeal to her, saying he would have gladly given his life for her father's. As they talk, Lou Welch walks in. Per Sinclair's orders, he had been searching Nolan's quarters, where he discovered both Homeguard paraphernalia and a bomb detonator. Garibaldi theorizes Nolan must have been setting up the bomb when it exploded prematurely. Kemmer links to Cutter, checking on the Bays, and Cutter tells her that they are secured. She asks about the evidence found in his quarters, and Michael mentions that Cutter was the one who "found" it. Michael suggests she make a personal inspection of the Cobra Bays, just to be sure. Kemmer decides to follow his advice, even as the station prepares to launch. She and Garibaldi head down to the Bays. Cutter knocks out Kemmer with a Shock stick and then attacks Garibaldi. Michael is able to beat him, then links to Ivanova just in the nick of time to cancel the drop. As Michael is treated in Medlab, Sinclair arrives to tell him they discovered charges set by Cutter on all the bay doors--enough to take out the entire wing of Starfuries and damage half the station. They also found further proof that Cutter had planted the money in Garibaldi's quarters. Michael is glad to be exonerated, but upset with himself for "crawling back into the bottle." As he gives the chief back his PPG and link, Sinclair tells him to stay strong, as he could not run the station without him. The President's trip was successful. As she prepares to leave, Kemmer is met by Garibaldi. The two manage to reconcile, and share a hug before she leaves. From C'n'C, Lieutenant Commander Susan Ivanova deals with a large number of ships all vying to dock at the station at once. Among them is a Narn freighter, the Tal'Quith, which insists on docking immediately, as it is carrying a highly important, perishable item for Ambassador G'Kar. Ivanova links to a dock worker, Eduardo Delvientos, about the Narn ship. Despite being desperately short handed and having equipment problems, Delvientos agrees to take care of the freight immediately. During the docking process, a malfunction prompts another ship to begin launching as the Narn ship enters. The Narn captain panics and fires up his engines. This leads to a collision that destroys the Tal'Quith's cargo hold. Debris flies throughout the interior, severely damaging one of the docking bays. A fire burns in the damaged bay, trapping a number of workers. Rescue teams are let in and pull them out. One of the men, Delvientos' brother Albert, is dead. In his quarters, G'Kar conducts a prayer ritual, but is interrupted by Na'toth. She tells him about the accident with the Tal'Quith, and explains that the loss of its cargo destroyed the G'Quan Eth plant it was transporting. G'Kar meets with Ivanova and Commander Jeffrey Sinclair as they discuss the accident with Neeoma Connoly, the union representative for the Docker's Guild. Connoly insists her workers are not to blame. Michael Garibaldi enters and confirms the accident was caused by equipment failure; cheap microchips blew out, resulting in the malfunction. G'Kar insists that compensation is due to the Narn Regime before quickly leaving to attend another matter. G'Kar goes to the Zocalo to search for another G'Quan Eth. He runs into Londo Mollari, but has no time to exchange insults. Noting G'Kar's distress, Mollari offers his aid, only to be brushed off. Mollari shrugs and departs, as Na'Toth arrives to inform G'Kar that there is no way to have another G'Quan Eth delivered in time. She adds however that there is someone aboard the station who has one, none other than Mollari. G'Kar then hears Mollari calling him out, and turns around just in time to see his enemy mockingly wave at him as he disappears into a transport tube. Senator Hidoshi contacts Sinclair over the commander's latest budget increase requests. He tells him there is currently no more money to be had, telling him that Sinclair is on his own. The Senate is clearly not concerned with the Guild situation, as the workers are bound under a government contract to accept what they agreed to, without the ability to either quit or strike. Ivanova then tells the commander that all docking has ground to a halt because a large percentage of the workers have called in sick, Garibaldi recognizes it immediately: "blue flu." Since the Dock Workers cannot directly strike, they are doing so indirectly by feigning illness. The Dock Workers all gather in one of the bays with Connoly. They suggest a strike, but Connoly insists they hold off on that. Garibaldi arrives to bring Connoly to Sinclair. She chides Garibaldi for not standing on their side, but Garibaldi does not raise to the bait. Connoly agrees to go with him. Sinclair asks Connoly to get the Dockers back to work, warning that if the Senate decides to step in it could involve implementing the Rush Act. Connoly believes this will never happen, as it would guarantee popular sentiment at home and on the station would turn in the Dockers' favor. She refuses to have her people go back to work in what are clearly unsafe conditions. Mollari returns to his quarters to find G'Kar waiting for him. Mollari takes great pleasure in having G'Kar at a disadvantage. He knows G'Kar needs the G'Quan'Eth before the end of the Days of G'Quan to be used in a religious ceremony. Mollari even hints of using the seeds of his G'Quan'Eth plant to spice his drinks; a notion that G'Kar seems to find blasphemous. G'Kar offers to buy it, and Mollari laughingly offers it for an outrageous amount. G'Kar angrily storms out. Senator Hidoshi contacts Sinclair about the illegal strike, worried about the consequences if it continues. He explains that the Senate Labor Committee is sending Orin Zento to negotiate with the Guild. Hidoshi tells Sinclair that he must back up Zento's actions, whatever they are, even if troops are needed. Orin Zento arrives about twelve hours later, arranging with Sinclair to meet with Garibaldi and prepare for the worst. G'Kar, meanwhile, contacts Mollari, having managed to raise the 50,000 credits Mollari demanded for the plant. Mollari, however, tells him that the plant is not for sale at any cost. He reminds him of Ragesh III, telling him that this is his revenge. Privately, G'Kar rages at Na'Toth (who, as she is not a follower of G'Quan, is not as perturbed as he is). G'Kar tells her that he has one last chance to get the plant, but if he should fail he wants her to do something for him. Zento meets with Connoly and the Dockers, insisting that there is no more money (despite the increase in military spending on the station). No one is appeased by anything Zento has to say. Zento insists they are bound by their contract and by budget constraints. Delvientos insists that their equipment will never last the month and that they will not be pushed around. Zento counters by threatening to invoke the Rush Act. Sinclair suggests a recess until the morning, which is accepted by both sides. Sinclair is contacted very early the following morning by Zento. He angrily informs the commander that the dock workers have dropped all pretenses and are fully engaged in a full out strike. Zento again threatens to invoke the Rush Act. Immediately afterward, G'Kar contacts Sinclair and insists on meeting with him immediately. Overwhelmed, Sinclair reluctantly agrees to meet him before the meeting between Zento and Connoly. G'Kar explains at the meeting about the G'Quan Eth plant and how important it is to his religion. As the highest-ranking member of his faith on the station, it is his duty to provide one for the Narn followers. Sinclair agrees to talk to Mollari, but is doubtful that he will be able to change his mind. Sinclair goes directly to Mollari and appeals for him to sell the plant. Mollari obstinately refuses, telling him he would rather burn the plant than hand it over. Sinclair informs G'Kar of the bad news before going off to deal with Zento and Connoly. G'Kar contacts Na'Toth to tell her to "proceed". Sinclair's meeting with Zento and Connoly does not go well, as both sides refuse to give an inch. Zento invokes the Rush Act, certain he will get confirmation of it from the Senate within the hour. He tells Sinclair to have the security forces get ready to arrest Connoly and anyone who stands by her side. Connoly still stands strong, knowing the consequences. Mary Ann Cramer, reporter for ISN, follows Sinclair into C'n'C, hoping to get a comment about the strike. Moments later, Mollari storms in, with G'Kar right behind him. Mollari accuses G'Kar of stealing the statue of one of the Centauri gods from their temple, a charge that G'Kar vehemently denies. Sinclair has Ivanova usher them and Ms. Cramer all out of C'n'C before turning his attention to the strike. Senator Hidoshi contacts Sinclair, confirming that the Rush Act has been implemented, and instructs Sinclair to end the strike immediately. Sinclair reluctantly orders Garibaldi to move his security teams into place (in full riot gear). When word of the Act reaches the Guild, they stand strong when Garibaldi and his teams arrive. Garibaldi announces they are all under arrest, at which point a brief fight erupts. Sinclair soon orders Garibaldi to pull his men back out. He then goes in with Connoly and Zento and announces a solution to the strike: as he has been given full authority to end the strike "by any means necessary," he opts to end it by reallocating money earmarked for the station's military budget to meet the Guild's demands. He also grants a blanket amnesty to all the workers. The workers enthusiastically embrace the deal and immediately go back to work. Sinclair now sets to work at resolving the situation between Mollari and G'Kar. Meeting the two ambassadors, Sinclair orders G'Kar to return the statue and informs Mollari he is confiscating the flower (he learned that it is a controlled substance, giving him the authority). Mollari is annoyed, but agrees not to fight the action, seeing as how the Days of G'Quan are over and thus it is too late for G'Kar to use the plant. After he leaves, Sinclair points out to G'Kar that it may not be too late (the ritual is supposed to occur when the first sunlight comes above the G'Quan Mountains on Narn) Sinclair points out that the ritual light--from ten years ago--has been traveling through space and is just about to reach the station. G'Kar happily accepts this solution and sets off to prepare the ceremony. Back in his quarters, Sinclair gets a final transmission from Senator Hidoshi. He commends Sinclair for what he did, but warns him that he may have made some enemies (in addition to Zento, who has refused to let the matter rest). Sinclair shrugs nonchalantly. Back in his quarters, G'Kar with the G'Quan Eth plant in his possession at last performs the final ceremony of the Days of G'Quan without a hitch thanks to Sinclair. Lieutenant Commander Susan Ivanova groggily awakes early as her alarm goes off. She makes her way to C'n'C, where just after she arrives the station receives a distress signal from a Starfury pilot escorting a freighter who is being attacked by Raiders. Commander Jeffrey Sinclair orders Delta Wing launched, but the Raiders cut down the Starfury before he can barely finish giving the order. A man named Morden arrives on Babylon 5, mentioning to a guard at customs that he had spent the last few years out on the Rim. In Sinclair's office, the commander has a meeting with Ivanova and Michael Garibaldi about the recent Raider attacks. Despite cutting off their supply of heavy weapons, the Raiders have only continued to escalate their attacks, with each one getting closer to the station. The three of them are at a loss to explain how the Raiders are able to jump out of local space as fast as they are seemingly able to do. Sinclair orders Delta Wing to stay on standby with Ivanova ready to command. After the meeting, Sinclair privately asks Michael for a favor. He explains about his experiences with the Battle of the Line and how he has been able to piece together part of what happened to him. He asks Michael to investigate for him, off the record, and Michael agrees. In the casino, Londo Mollari meets with a human named Reno. Mollari is obtaining the Eye, a valuable Centauri artifact lost for over one hundred years (the Centauri Republic having just arranged to buy it back for an exorbitant amount). Mollari explains that the artifact is one of the oldest symbols of the Republic and an invaluable symbol among his people. Watching Mollari from the bar is Morden. After Mollari leaves, he ends up waiting for a transport tube alongside Ambassador G'Kar. The two cannot resist trading insults, which culminate in them both missing the tube and storming off in a huff. Morden meets G'Kar in his quarters, asking him cryptically "What do you want?" G'Kar is confused, but finally responds that all he wants is see the Centauri utterly destroyed. At first Morden seems pleased at this, but when he presses G'Kar further on the matter, the Narn ambassador can come up with nothing beyond that. Evidently not getting the answer he wanted, Morden thanks him and leaves, and G'Kar dismisses the entire visit as utter nonsense. A Centauri liner arrives at the station and Mollari greets those who disembark: Lord Kiro and his entourage, which includes his aunt, the Lady Ladira. The lady is a seer who immediately upon arriving has a powerful vision of the station being destroyed, which causes her to faint. Ladira is taken to Medlab, but is not hurt. Kiro dismisses her vision, saying that she's been wrong before (explaining that on his first birthday she predicted he would be killed by "Shadows"). Kiro is there to retrieve the Eye from Mollari and return it personally to the Emperor. Mollari agrees to show it to Kiro immediately. Morden next meets with Ambassador Delenn, asking her the same question as G'Kar. She is aware of his visit to the Narn ambassador. Before she can answer, she has a moment of fatigue. She senses a dark presence around Morden and demands he leave her immediately. After he leaves, a clearly frightened Delenn mutters, "They're here." Kiro inspects the Eye in Mollari's quarters. He talks to Mollari about the sorry state of the Republic. He questions why he should turn over the Eye to the Emperor when it originally belonged to his family and his House. He asks Mollari what would happen if he returned and claimed the throne for himself, but Mollari warns him that without support he would be dead within a day of trying. Kiro seems to agree with him, and decides to leave the Eye in Mollari's possession until the morning. In space, freighter Achilles headed for Babylon 5 detects Raiders moving in. Babylon 5 launches Delta Wing, Ivanova leading the team, which quickly enters the jumpgate and heads for the freighter. On board the station, a man watching Kiro communicates that the station has "taken the bait." Ambassador Kosh returns to the station. As he heads from his docking bay to his quarters, he almost crosses paths with Morden, but Morden deliberately hides to avoid running into him. Kiro contacts Mollari, telling him he is ready to leave. As Mollari heads out to meet with him, he runs into Morden, who had been coming to see him. Morden asks Mollari, "What do you want?". At first, Mollari tries to brush him off, calling him a lunatic, then says he wishes to be left alone but Morden keeps after him. Finally, wearied down by Morden's persisted question, Mollari emphatically declares that what he wants is for the Centauri Republic to rise again to its former glory, commanding the stars as is its rightful place. After he continues on his way, Morden smiles, clearly pleased with Mollari's response. In C'n'C, Sinclair is informed that Ivanova's team is closing in on the Achilles' last known location. Sinclair is bothered by this attack, as it is almost two sectors farther away than the earlier attacks. He orders a tech to pull up the cargo manifest of the Achilles. After meeting Kiro, Ladira, and their guards, Mollari begins to go with them towards Kiro's shuttle. Suddenly, the man who had been watching Kiro steps forward with several other armed men. They kill Kiro's guards and take the Eye from Mollari. They announce that the three Centauri are to be their hostages to ensure their safe exit of the station. Upon seeing the cargo manifest of the Achilles, Sinclair concludes that the Raiders were staging a diversion to get the fighters away from the station. He orders Delta Wing to return immediately. After going over the list of ships due to depart, the only one that catches his eye is Kiro's ship. After ordering Garibaldi to prepare Alpha Wing for launch, he heads down to customs. Sinclair manages to head off Mollari and the others. The Raider leader holds a PPG to Kiro and demands to be let onto Kiro's ship. Sinclair allows him to board (just the leader, with Kiro) and allows the ship to launch. As soon as they are aboard, he orders Alpha Wing to launch and disable the ship. He also orders C'n'C to program the jumpgate to reject the ship's codes, confidant that so trapped the Raider will turn himself in. Unfortunately, before Alpha Wing can disable the ship, a Raider battlewagon jumps into local space, launching an entire wing of fighters and begin to close in on the station. The Raider Attack on Babylon 5 commences. Alpha Wing is unable to prevent the Centauri ship from boarding the Raider vessel. Aboard the station, as the raid sirens go off, Mollari escorts Ladira to a shelter. She has another flash of her vision, and mentions to Mollari that "the Shadows have come for Lord Kiro." In another part of the station, Morden runs into Kosh, who demands he leave immediately. As the battle continues, Delta Wing returns to supplement the station's defenses. Between the two fighter wings and the station's security grid, the entire wing of Raiders is disabled or destroyed. Unfortunately, the battlewagon manages to open a jump point and escape. Garibaldi goes over the results of the battle: 11 Raider ships were destroyed, 4 more were disabled and captured; two Starfuries were destroyed, but the pilot of one managed to eject in time. The station took minor damage, and Kosh's encounter suit was mysteriously damaged (but he is not explaining how). Sinclair is pleased, but dissatisfied that the battlewagon was able to escape. Mollari and Ladira arrive to discuss what it was that the Raiders were after. The battlewagon jumps into normal space far away from the station. On board, Kiro is told that the plan he made with the Raiders is being "canceled." The Raiders were grateful for Kiro helping them attack local transports, but not grateful enough to try and help him stage a coup. They wanted the Eye, which they intend to ransom back to the Republic--along with Kiro himself, whom they intend to blackmail to conceal his part in what happened. Suddenly, however, an alarm sounds. A strange, alien vessel appears and fires on the ship, blowing it to pieces. On Babylon 5, Ladira instantly senses the death of Lord Kiro. Mollari is convinced that the loss of the Eye will spell the end of his political career. After arriving at his quarters, Morden turns up, handing over a box to Mollari and withdrawing, saying it is a "gift from friends you don't know you have." Mollari is shocked to discover the box contains the Eye. He calls out for Morden, asking how he can find him to thank him. Morden's words echo back, saying "we will find you." Garibaldi talks to Sinclair privately about his investigation into what happened to Sinclair. So far, he was able to turn up one fact: Sinclair was chosen to run the station by the Minbari government, who was the first to sign onto Babylon 5 on the condition that they got to pick to would be in charge. As to why they wanted Sinclair, Garibaldi does not know yet. Sinclair then goes to see Lady Ladira off. She warns him about her vision of the station's destruction, saying that despite the battle being over, the vision remains. She is able to share it with him, and he sees the station blowing up. He asks her if it certain to happen, and she replies that it is merely a possible future--one she hopes he will avoid. A civilian ship arrives at Babylon 5, and among the arrivals are Rabbi Koslov and Walker Smith. In Downbelow, Michael Garibaldi makes an arrest of two smugglers. When he turns his back on one of them, the thug pulls a knife. Fortunately, Walker Smith is there and knocks the man down. He greets Michael, and the two are clearly old friends. Smith had a promising boxing career until something happened--a story Garibaldi wants to hear from Smith personally. The two agree to meet later. Garibaldi and Smith enjoy burgers and reminisce about the "good old days." Smith notices that Michael is no longer drinking. In her quarters, Susan Ivanova is enjoying a good book when Rabbi Koslov arrives. Susan is delighted to see him, as he has been a close friend of the family for a very long time. He tells her that before her father died, he entrusted him with her legacy. He is troubled that she never returned to Earth after his funeral, and that she has declined to sit Shivah. She insists her duties prevented it. They make plans for dinner later that night. After their meal, Smith explains that he was offered a bribe to throw a fight. He refused, and was subsequently framed for taking performance enhancements, destroying his career. He explains that he has come to Babylon 5 to participate in the Mutai, an alien fighting circuit. Smith believes winning the Mutai will allow him to get his career back.Garibaldi is stunned, as the Mutai is a no-holds-barred fighting ring that has resulted in more than a few aliens being either killed or crippled. Before dinner, Rabbi Koslov meets with Commander Jeffrey Sinclair to talk about Ivanova. Sinclair had no idea her father had passed away. Koslov explains how tense things had been between Susan and her father for many years, but he knows she has not fully dealt with his death. He asks Sinclair to grant her time off to sit Shivah, and Sinclair readily agrees. Koslov proceeds to dinner with Ivanova at Fresh Air. Koslov mentions his meeting with Sinclair to Ivanova. This only upsets Ivanova, who runs out of the restaurant in tears. Garibaldi accompanies Smith to the Mutai dojo. The Muta-Do, the being in charge of the Mutai, informs Smith that humans are not allowed to fight in the Mutai. He knocks down the rude Smith and orders him to leave. In the Zocalo, Smith stews over being cast out. Garibaldi chides Smith for not respecting what the Mutai means to the aliens who partake in it. Angry, Smith storms away. He runs into an alien named Caliban, who offers to help Smith fight in the Mutai. Sinclair calls Ivanova into his office, offering his condolences about her father. He offers her indefinite leave to sit Shivah, but she insists that is not necessary. He insists on talking to her about how she is dealing with things. She remains closed up, however. Smith tracks down Michael and apologies for walking out on him. He asks Michael to come with him to check out the championship fight at the Mutai that night. Michael agrees to meet him there. At the fight, Smith and Garibaldi watch the championship fight, which the "Sho-rin," or local champion, easily wins. The Muta-Do asks if there are any challengers who wish to take on the Sho-rin next, and Smith steps forward and declares his challenge (since if the Sho-rin accepts the challenge, there must be a fight). The Muta-Do finds the challenge worthy and the Sho-rin (Gyor) accepts it. The fight is scheduled for three days later. Garibaldi is annoyed with Smith, but not nearly as annoyed as several of the local aliens. One of them, Migo, angrily states that humans have no business getting involved with the Mutai and threatens that he will help protect its integrity. Rabbi Koslov comes to Ivanova's quarters. He delivers her "legacy," a samovar that has been in her family for over three hundred years. He asks her one last time if she will sit Shivah. While she appreciates what he is trying to do, she admits that she has never been able to forgive her father for not showing his love to her, even when he needed her. Koslov realizes that since she cannot forgive, she cannot mourn. Garibaldi accompanies Smith to meet with Caliban. Caliban has agreed to become Smith's "Ka-Tow," or coach, and explains that his last fight was against Gyor. Ivanova accompanies Koslov through the customs area. Before he boards his ship, however, she rushes to him. She decides that she does want to sit Shivah after all and asks her Rabbi to help her. Smith trains with Caliban. Word about his historic fight has spread, and even ISN features a brief story about it. Garibaldi still thinks the fight is a bad idea, but agrees to watch his back at the fight. In C'n'C, Ivanova approaches Sinclair and informs him she would like to take his offer of leave to sit Shivah. He grants it, and tells her that he would like to attend. Rabbi Koslov makes all the arrangements. The Shivah is conducted in Susan's quarters, with Sinclair and a small community of people turning up to provide support and pay their respects. Susan is finally able to forgive, and to mourn. She is thankful for Sinclair's help, and his friendship. The fight at the Mutai begins. During the battle, Migo--standing in the crowd--pulls a dart gun, planning on shooting Smith during the fight. It is never revealed whether the dart would have delivered a tranquiliser or a lethal poison. Luckily, Caliban notices and alerts Garibaldi, who is able to stop him. The fight itself goes back and forth, until neither opponent can stand. The Muta-Do declares the fight a draw and even an impressed Gyor leads the crowd in chanting Smith's name. His victory earns him acceptance among the assembly. The following day, Koslov bids his farewell to Ivanova and Sinclair. At the same time, Garibaldi says his good-byes to Smith. Before leaving the station, Smith is approached by the Muta-Do, who informs him that humans are now accepted into the Mutai. Smith thanks Garibaldi and Caliban before leaving. Delenn (with Lennier) approaches Commander Sinclair and Michael Garibaldi while they enjoy a meal in the Zocalo. Delenn is surprised that Sinclair is not on his way to customs to meet a "distinguished visitor" about to arrive. Sinclair does not know to whom she is referring, but politely agrees to meet the newcomer (along with Garibaldi and an honor guard). In Downbelow, a man named Jinxo is approached by Deuce, someone whom he owes a great deal of money. To prove his point, he shows him a woman, Mirriam Runningdear, bound up nearby. He explains that Runningdear is supposed to testify against him later that day. A tentacle emerges from the shadows and attaches to the woman's forehead--she screams for a moment, then stops with a blank expression. The tentacle withdraws into a Vorlon encounter suit and Deuce introduces Ambassador Kosh. Ombuds Wellington presides over a courtroom on Babylon 5, dealing with a civil suit between a human and a Vree. In the customs area, Aldous Gajic disembarks from his ship. He is the one Delenn was so excited to meet, as he is what Minbari call a "True Seeker." Commander Sinclair formally welcomes him aboard, but is barely able to keep a straight face when Gajic explains he is there seeking the Holy Grail. Privately, Delenn chides Sinclair, telling him that the journey is what is important, not the destination. She suggests that Sinclair himself is a "True Seeker." Gajic, while using an ATM, has his pocket picked by Jinxo, but Garibaldi is nearby and catches him. He places Jinxo under arrest and insists Gajic accompany them to the courtroom to deal with the matter. Afterward, Garibaldi meets with Sinclair in Medlab. Sinclair was being briefed by Dr. Franklin about the latest in a series of bizarre murders, each involving the victim being completely "mind wiped." Garibaldi is upset to learn the victim as Mirriam Runningdeer, aware that she was about to testify against Deuce. In the courtroom, Ombuds Wellington pronounces judgment for Jinxo's crime: he is to leave the station and be barred from returning for five years. The judge further notes that Jinxo is a skilled zero gravity construction worker who could get work on just about any construction project and says that as a gesture toward helping him that court will pay for his passage. Jinxo loudly protests, insisting that he cannot leave the station for any reason. Gajic approaches the bench and offers to take Jinxo into his personal custody. Wellington agrees to this offer. The next case on the docket is Deuce's criminal charge, but with no witness, Wellington reluctantly must dismiss the case. As they leave the courtroom, Gajic asks Jinxo why he believes he cannot leave the station. Jinxo explains he is convinced the station will explode if he leaves, explaining he is "cursed." He warns Gajic that Deuce is coming for him soon. Jinxo explains his "curse." He worked on all five of the Babylon stations. On the first three, each was destroyed during a period when he had taken leave. He took no leave during the building of Babylon 4, but as he departed the completed station, it mysteriously vanished without a trace. Thus, he believes he is the cause for all the misfortunes. Gajic, however, points out that he is actually lucky, having escaped misfortune at each stage along the way. Garibaldi fumes over Deuce getting away. Dr. Franklin and Lt. Comm. Ivanova join Garibaldi and Sinclair, explaining they may have an answer to what is causing the mind wipes: an alien lifeform called a Na'ka'leen Feeder, a quasi-sentient beast kept under quarantine by the Centauri Republic. Armed with this news, Sinclair seeks out Ambassador Londo Mollari in the casino. Mollari is aware of the creatures, and is terrified at the prospect of one of them being aboard. He heads straight back to his quarters, telling Sinclair he will have all the relevant files sent to him. Gajic meets with Delenn and Lennier to discuss the Grail. They have no knowledge of such an artifact, but they promise that the Federation will keep an eye out for it and bring it to him if they ever find it. In Downbelow, Deuce meets with "Kosh," who craves more food and sounds nothing like Kosh. Deuce orders one of his cronies to bring him Jinxo and Wellington. Sinclair, Ivanova, and Garibaldi go over the data supplied by Londo. Dr. Franklin confirms that the victims were affected by a Feeder. Garibaldi, having seen Deuce speaking briefly to Jinxo in the courtroom, decides to track down Jinxo to see if he knows anything important. Gajic and Jinxo patiently await Londo Mollari's attention in his quarters while Londo screams at a Centauri official via a transmission. Londo insists that the quarantine over the Feeders be put back in place. He then impatiently turns to Gajic. Vir Cotto explains what Gajic is looking for and also happily explains that he has already done a thorough review of all Centauri records and there is no knowledge of the Grail. After leaving Mollari's quarters, Jinxo asks Gajic about how he ever started on his quest. Gajic explains how he used to be an accountant with a wife and two children, until a tragic accident on Mars claimed the lives of his family. He was consumed by grief until meeting a dying man who himself had been seeking the Grail. That man had such an impact on Gajic that upon his death, Gajic took up his quest as his own. Wellington heads to his quarters after a long day on the bench, but he is kidnapped upon his arrival. Meanwhile, Deuce's thugs attack Jinxo, but Gajic fights them off. The two proceed on their way into the Alien Sector to meet with Ambassador Kosh. As soon as he sees Kosh, Jinxo panics and runs into Downbelow. Gajic follows him, where Jinxo explains he saw "Kosh" eat someone's mind. Gajic insists he come forward with this information. They are attacked again by Deuce's thugs. Jinxo escapes, but Gajic is captured. Garibaldi links Sinclair, alerting him to Wellington's kidnapping. Gajic is brought to a secluded area in Downbelow. Wellington is there, bound to a chair. "Kosh" approaches slowly. Jinxo finds Sinclair and quickly explains about the "Vorlon." Sinclair links to Garibaldi and has him trace his signal to where Jinxo is taking him. Gajic fearlessly stands between "Kosh" and Wellington. He beckons the Feeder to come out of the suit and face him. The Feeder obliges, emerging from the suit and drawing itself up to its full height. It moves towards Gajic, who offers no resistance. Before it can reach him, Garibaldi and a security team storm the location along with Sinclair and Jinxo. A firefight ensues. Gajic is mortally wounded in the crossfire while the Feeder is killed. Before Gajic dies, he bequeaths all he has to Jinxo, who accepts. Later, Sinclair meets with the real Kosh in his quarters, explaining how Deuce was able to acquire a fake encounter suit. It pleases Kosh that some people find his mysterious nature uncomfortable. Delenn joins Sinclair in the customs area to see the departure of Gajic's body. Jinxo is leaving too, ready to start the search again. Delenn offers him a small token of her admiration of Gajic, to be buried with his body. Both Sinclair and Garibaldi wish Thomas well as he leaves. Garibaldi personally informs Londo and Vir that the Feeder is dead though he still has to have some fun at their expense. In C'n'C, Sinclair, Ivanova, and Garibaldi watch as the shuttle departs. They hold their breath as it enters the jumpgate, but nothing happens. "Not yet," Ivanova says. Lennier stops by to discuss a matter of security with Michael Garibaldi in the Chief's quarters. Michael shows him all the pieces to an old Earth motorcycle that he has gathered and is planning to assemble. Lennier is intrigued and offers to help. Garibaldi is called away by Commander Sinclair. In another part of the station, two men review the personnel files of the senior staff, focusing on Susan Ivanova. Sinclair goes over a report of a recent terrorist bombing on Phobos, possibly by Free Mars, with Garibaldi and Ivanova. Earth Central is concerned that Free Mars and other terrorist organizations may be hoping to acquire weapons on the station. Ivanova points out that trying to prevent this will be difficult, as many of the aliens have trade agreements allowing them to sell weapons. Nevertheless, Sinclair orders them to do what they can. While Lou Welch enjoys his lunch, he is probed about the station and the commander by a man who identifies himself as "Aron Franks". Welch brushes him off, then links to Garibaldi to alert him. In his quarters, Lennier studies the history of the motorcycle, preparing to assist in assembling the one Garibaldi has acquired. Meanwhile, Garibaldi decides to track down "Franks." He alerts Sinclair that Franks has been aboard for three days, along with an associate named Harriman Gray, and the two have been asking a lot of probing questions about Sinclair and the station. Sinclair authorizes Garibaldi to investigate more fully. Garibaldi stops by the quarters Gray and Franks are staying. Franks is not there, so Garibaldi tries to interrogate Gray alone. Franks arrives a few moments later and introduces himself as Colonel Ari Ben Zayn, a member of Earthforce Internal Security. He explains that Gray is a telepath from the Psi Corps and the two of them are there to conduct an investigation into Babylon 5's command staff. Later, the Colonel and Gray meet with Sinclair and his senior staff. Sinclair vouches for the loyalty of his people, but the Colonel is there on orders from the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Ivanova objects to the presence of Gray, citing regulations that prohibit the use of telepaths for such investigations. The Colonel explains that new regulations state that telepathic probes are enforceable and that all officers must submit. He also announces that Garibaldi is being reassigned to his staff for the duration of the investigation over both Garibaldi's and Sinclair's protests. Privately, Ivanova emphatically insists that she will not submit to a telepathic scan. Sinclair promises to prevent it from happening. Garibaldi makes it clear to the Colonel he is not happy about the arrangements. He then runs into Lennier, but unfortunately has little patience for the meek Minbari. Lennier offers to begin working on the motorcycle for Garibaldi, and he reluctantly agrees. Arriving at his office, Garibaldi decides to conduct his own private investigation into Ben Zayn and Gray. Gray comes to C'n'C to talk to Ivanova. He explains how he understands Ivanova's hostility to Psi Corps given the death of her mother and further explains how he had always wanted to serve in Earthforce but being a telepath barred that from being a possibility. Ivanova is not interested in hearing anything he has to say, but is clearly shaken when he insists she will have to submit to a scan. She angrily accuses him of unjustly questioning her honor and her integrity and threatens him should he do so. Ben Zayn questions Garibaldi about numerous decisions made by Sinclair over the past year. Garibaldi stays loyal to his commander, not offering anything. The Colonel schedules a series of interviews for the following day. In C'n'C, Garibaldi warns Sinclair that Ben Zayn is coming after him hard, questioning every decision he has made. Sinclair is not intimidated, believing the record is clear. Garibaldi is not so sure that will matter, and reminds Sinclair about the rumors that Psi Corps is pulling the strings back home, which would mean the normal rules no longer apply. Afterward, Garibaldi heads to his quarters, where he finds that Lennier has been working on the motorcycle all night. Garibaldi asks him to leave, not having slept at all the previous night, though he is impressed with the work Lennier has done. Ivanova, meanwhile, is tormented by a nightmare involving her mother's death. She also sees herself in her mother's place, which causes her to awaken screaming. She immediately gets dressed and heads over to Sinclair's quarters, telling him that she wants to resign immediately, as that seems to be the only way to prevent the telepathic scan Gray has assured her is coming. Sinclair refuses to accept the resignation, assuring her that he has found a means to avoid the scan without violating regulation. Ivanova is relieved, and explains that she absolutely cannot have a telepath invade her mind. Ben Zayn discusses the ongoing investigation with Gray. Though Gray insists he is forbidden from conducting any deep scans, Ben Zayn simply calls him naive. He mentions that "Bester" will appreciate his help in taking down Sinclair, a comment which surprises Gray. Sinclair arrives for his interview, but insists that Gray leave the room. He explains that according to the new Earthforce laws, a telepath may only be used when specific charges have been filed, and no specific charges have been leveled against him or any member of his staff. Gray supports Sinclair's interpretation, much to Ben Zayn's chagrin. The Colonel dismisses Gray for the moment and begins the interview of Sinclair with Garibaldi present as a witness. Gray heads to the Zocalo, where he runs into Ivanova enjoying a bite to eat. He joins her and tries to warm up to her, admitting that he does not like Ben Zayn at all. Gray accidentally scans her when mentioning Psi Corps invokes a strong reaction from her. Ivanova is instantly aware of the scan, and he apologizes profusely, though he is surprised she was aware of it. He speculates that her mother's scanning of her as a child left her sensitive to scans, which only further angers Ivanova. She is called away to C'n'C and stalks off. Ivanova links Sinclair during the interrogation, informing him of a new development in the arms smuggling. When Ben Zayn orders her to deal with it on her own, Sinclair gets fed up and announces he will no longer go along with the interview. Enraged, the Colonel relieves Sinclair of command, assuming control of the station, and lays a charge that Sinclair is "working against the best interests of Earth." Now bringing specific charges, he announces that Sinclair will be scanned by Gray when the interview reconvenes in an hour. He then orders Garibaldi to confine Sinclair to quarters. Garibaldi escorts Sinclair halfway before Sinclair tells him to head to C'n'C to check on Ivanova. Ben Zayn is already there, alerting everyone about his assumption of command. After Garibaldi arrives, the Colonel tells Ivanova that she is to submit to an interview with a scan after Sinclair's is finished. Once Ben Zayn leaves, Ivanova marches out of C'n'C, with Garibaldi on her heels. She tells him that she will be dishonorably discharged rather than submit. She asks to take him up on his offer of buying her a drink, and he agrees to meet her in the casino in ten minutes. In his quarters, Sinclair appeals to an Earthforce general to intervene on his behalf, but to no avail. Garibaldi arrives a few minutes later with information about Ben Zayn. Not only was Ben Zayn one of the officers passed over for command of Babylon 5, but he is also friends with the Psi Cop Bester. Sinclair recalls that Bester threatened to even the score after his previous trip to the station. Garibaldi is then linked about a disturbance in the casino. At the casino, Ivanova had several drinks then is hit on by some unsavory individuals. She does not react well, and starts a fight that turns into a full out brawl. Garibaldi arrives and is able to cover for her, promising that the commander has found a solution. Sinclair arrives in the interrogation room early to talk with Gray alone. He suggests Gray is scanning the wrong people. The Colonel arrives and begins the interview again, this time being recorded. Ivanova and Garibaldi are also present. Sinclair baits Ben Zayn, suggesting that he has a personal vendetta against him. He accuses Ben Zayn of colluding with Bester to get him for personal reasons. Ben Zayn loses his temper, accusing Sinclair of treason. Gray scans the Colonel, picking up on not only his rage and hatred, but also of how he is lying. Angrily, Ben Zayn strikes Gray. He then pulls a PPG, but Gray is able to deliver a telepathic assault that stuns him long enough for Sinclair to take him down. Back in his quarters, Garibaldi finds that Lennier has completed the motorcycle, much to his chagrin. However, he is delighted when he discovers that Lennier has installed a Minbari power source that will allow him to operate the machine. Sinclair and Ivanova discuss the recent events, commenting how nice it is for things to be back to normal--even as Garibaldi and Lennier speed by on the motorcycle down the Central Corridor. Commander Sinclair and Michael Garibaldi stand in C'n'C, awaiting the arrival of a Minbari warcruiser. The expected ship is carrying the body of a great Minbari war leader who died recently and the Minbari are parading his remains back to Minbar, stopping at every port along the way. When the ship jumps in, Sinclair is unnerved to see it, as it reminds him of the Battle of the Line. Down in the Zocalo, a teenage girl attempts to shoplift from a kiosk but is caught in the act. She starts to flee, but then collapses suddenly. Both Susan Ivanova and Talia Winters witness the girl's collapse. Back in C'n'C, one of the techs alerts Sinclair that the ship is coming in with gun ports open. Sinclair orders the defense grid activated while he contacts the Minbari ship, demanding an explanation as to why their gun ports are open. The Minbari captain responds by saying they are on a peaceful mission, but refuses to offer any further explanation. Ambassador Delenn arrives then and explains that the gun ports are open as a symbolic gesture that the ship is carrying a great leader. Sinclair assures her that both he and Garibaldi will be present in customs to greet the body of Shai Alyt Bramner and his former executive officer, Alyt Neroon. In Medlab, Dr. Franklin checks on the young girl while Ivanova and Winters look on. Talia explains that the girl experienced a "mind burst": she is a telepath and her abilities have just manifested, as they sometimes do during around the age of puberty. Talia suggests contacting the Psi Corps right away, but Ivanova emphatically opposes this, citing her theft. Dr. Franklin ushers them both out. Sinclair, Ivanova, Garibaldi and an honor guard join Delenn in welcoming Neroon and his entourage aboard. Bramner's coffin is also brought aboard to lie in state. Delenn thanks Sinclair for his being so accommodating. She mentions that the arrangements about Bramner are unusual, but were insisted upon by his clan, the Star Riders. She also admits that she does not approve. For his part, Sinclair admits to being a little uneasy, as Bramner had fought in the Battle of the Line. Ivanova returns to Medlab. The young girl awakens, but is overwhelmed by the flood of telepathic "noise." Talia is there and helps her block it out. She also gets the girl's name, Alisa Beldon, and pulling up her file Ivanova learns she is an orphan who has been living on her own in Downbelow for over a year. Alisa is afraid and barely able to control her talents which Talia suggests are quite strong in potential. Talia again reiterates she needs to join the Psi Corps, and Ivanova again insists that the girl is not going anywhere. Neroon goes over the security details regarding Bramner's body. It is to lie secluded with only Minbari guards until the viewing ceremony the following day. Sinclair agrees to Neroon's "requests," though he makes it clear he does not care for the Minbari's tone. Delenn intervenes to ensure cooler heads prevail. The next day, the ceremony is interrupted--when Neroon opens the coffin and discovers Bramner's body is missing. Neroon and Delenn are outraged that the Shai Alyt's body is missing. Neroon goes so far as to threaten war if it is not found, though Delenn reminds him that the Star Riders do not set policy for the entire Minbari Federation. Sinclair promises to do everything he can to locate the body. Privately, Ivanova discusses the situation of Alisa Beldon with Sinclair. She wants to find some alternative to sending Alisa to the Psi Corps, and Sinclair agrees to back whatever decision she chooses if she can find a viable alternative. Later, Sinclair meets Delenn in her quarters and discusses Bramner. Delenn explains that Bramner never wanted to be a "great general." He had originally been a member of the Religious Caste, but switched to the Warrior Caste when the Earth-Minbari War broke out. Delenn mentions that there was widespread resentment among the Warrior Caste for how the War ended. Garibaldi commences his investigation. He starts with Na'toth, but she denies the involvement of the Narn Regime. She suggests the carrion eaters living in the alien sector. Ivanova checks back on Alisa, who has been under the watch of Talia. Ivanova asks Talia to leave, then proceeds to tell Alisa about her mother's death. Alisa listens to her, but does not know if she has much of a choice. Ivanova promises to find her another option. Neroon meets with Garibaldi, who had just met with the Llort. One of his guards approaches, having found part of Bramner's burial robes outside the quarters of some Pak'ma'ra (carrion eaters). Garibaldi and Neroon confront the Pak'ma'ra in question, but he denies having any knowledge of the theft of the body. Garibaldi informs him that he and his fellow Pak'ma'ra will have to have their stomachs pumped. Na'Toth meets with Alisa, offering her the option of coming to work for the Narn Regime. Alisa is tempted, but when she scans Na'Toth's mind, she is frightened by what she sees. Dr. Franklin returns the results of the stomach pumps to Garibaldi: no trace of anything resembling a Minbari. Neroon continues to grow more impatient with Garibaldi's results, making more threats to Sinclair. Alisa is confirmed as a P10. Despite the previous experience with Na'toth's mind, Alisa is still considering their offer which only amounts to donating genetic material periodically. Ivanova is against her going to the Narns, explaining that the First Centauri Occupation of Narn left the planet bleak and its people bitter and violent. Talia again is there to pitch the Psi Corps, and this time her exchange with Ivanova becomes rather heated. Ivanova suggests one last option. She takes Alisa to meet Delenn, who explains that Minbari telepaths are greatly honored in her culture. Alisa scans Delenn briefly, witnessing something incriminating about Bramner's missing body. She asks to leave immediately, and once outside she confides in Ivanova about what she saw. That night, Sinclair returns to his quarters, and is attacked the moment he walks through the door. Sinclair fights off his attacker, eventually knocking him down. Pulling up the lights, he sees that it is Neroon. The Minbari declares that he is searching there, since he expects it to be the one place security would never look. Garibaldi arrives and explains that he personally searched them with Delenn at the onset. After Neroon leaves, Garibaldi ushers in Alisa Beldon. The girl explains about her scan, saying that Delenn knows who took the body and where it is. Sinclair and Garibaldi confront Delenn in one of the customs areas. They catch her red handed with Bramner's cremated remains. Delenn divulges the truth: she felt obligated due to a long friendship with Bramner to obey his last wishes. Bramner never wanted an elaborate funeral, as he did not want his death to be a monument to war. She believes she could have explained Bramner's disappearance as a true religious mystery. She is worried that if what she has done becomes general knowledge, it will widen the rift that exists between the Religious and Warrior Castes. With no alternatives, she agrees that Neroon must be told the truth, but insists that she must be the one to explain it to him. Meeting with Neroon privately, Delenn explains what was done. Neroon is incensed, but Delenn chides him for disobeying Bramner's wishes. She warns Neroon that if he persists, the Star Riders Clan will be dishonored and destroyed. She orders him, on the authority of the Grey Council, to not disclose what happened and to go along with her plan. She also orders him to apologize privately to Sinclair. Neroon follows his orders, apologizing to Sinclair for his rash actions. Sinclair respects Neroon's loyalty to the Shai Alyt. Aware that praise from a former enemy is considered a high honor for a fallen warrior, Sinclair agrees to send such a sentiment to Minbar. Neroon is grateful, and impressed by Sinclair. Sinclair meets with Delenn in the gardens. She informs him of how impressed she was by Alisa, and has decided to offer her a place among the Minbari. Alisa has accepted. Delenn hopes that she will be an instrument of peace between their peoples. Before leaving on a Minbari ship, Alisa thanks Ivanova for helping her find her options. She also thanks Talia, who while not exactly happy about her decision, is glad to see she is happy. Talia and Susan both apologize for getting so upset earlier, and agree to sit down for coffee. Just before Alisa leaves, Sinclair finds her and asks if Alisa read anything else in Delenn's mind. Alisa replies that she saw just one word: "chrysalis." An elderly Minbari named Draal arrives at Babylon 5 and asks a customs guard where to he can find Delenn. In C'n'C, Commander Sinclair and Lt. Comm. Ivanova discuss an imminent shuttle launch. The station has been detecting some strange seismic readings from Epsilon III, so they are dispatching a geological team to investigate more closely. Sinclair tells Ivanova to keep him in the loop before heading out. He runs into Talia Winters, who is annoyed with Michael Garibaldi for his ability to always be on the transport tube whenever she wants to get aboard. As the shuttle begins entering the atmosphere of Epsilon III, a strange energy discharge emits from the planet. It damages the ship, causing it to spin out of control. The shuttle is able to stabilize its orbit, but requires assistance to return to the station. Ivanova orders a Starfury wing to recover the shuttle. The crew is eventually brought back, without any answers about what is happening on the planet. Ivanova is unnerved to think that the planet is neither safe nor stable nor uninhabited. Sinclair is in the midst of moderating some negotiations between Delenn and Ambassador Londo Mollari regarding some trade routes between their states. They reach an agreement, and Londo reflects on how happy he is to be dealing with someone other than G'Kar. Delenn holds out hope that G'Kar and the Narn Regime will not always be as angry as they are now, but Londo is dismissive. The planet is now emanating a steady energy pulse, which the station has been able to determine is a beacon of some kind. Sinclair orders Ivanova to stay on top of it. She ask him if he has heard anything at all about Mars, as there has been no word at all about the colony all day. Sinclair has not, but assumes it is nothing of consequence. As she reaches her quarters, Delenn is greeted by Draal, who is one of her former teachers and a close friend. She invites him inside, overjoyed to see him. Later that night, Sinclair is watching an ISN broadcast. A breaking story cuts in of massive rioting on Mars lead by terrorists who had seized some heavy weapons. As Sinclair watches, he suddenly sees the faint image of a strange alien beckoning him for help. The next day, Ivanova discusses the news about Mars with Sinclair over breakfast. She tells him that Michael Garibaldi, a Mars native, is taking the news pretty hard. Delenn and Draal continue to catch up on old times. When Delenn presses Draal about why he has come, he tries to brush aside her questions. He eventually relents: he says that Minbar is changing into something he no longer recognizes, as their whole people seem to have become lost. He has decided to go "to the sea," a revelation that distresses Delenn. His mind is made up, however, and Delenn realizes that it means she will never see him again once he leaves. Garibaldi tries hard to get a signal to Mars, but a communications blackout put in place by Earth Central prevents any signals from getting through. He tracks down Talia, apologizing for bothering her earlier and asking to talk to her, needing her help. He explains that prior to Babylon 5, he was working on Mars and while there he was dating a woman named Lise Hampton. They broke up when he took the assignment to Babylon 5. The break up was ugly, and they have not spoken since, and now he is worried about her given the rioting on Mars. He explains that he is aware of a secret Psi Corps facility on Mars and asks if Talia can get a signal through for him by contacting the facility. Talia agrees to try. Ivanova briefs Dr. Tasaki and his crew about their next mission over Epsilon III. She stresses that they are not to get too close to the planet and reminds them that the Starfuries she is sending as escort will not be able to help them if they enter too deep into the atmosphere. Once in orbit, however, Tasaki decides to disobey Ivanova's orders and drop down into the upper atmosphere. As soon as they do, however, a trio of missiles erupt from the planet's surface. One of the missiles damages the shuttle. As the crew attempts to stay in control, a second trio of missiles begins streaking towards them. Monitoring the situation from C'n'C, Ivanova orders the Starfuries to fire on the missiles. The fighters are able to destroy or distract the missiles long enough for the shuttle to escape orbit and head back to the station. During his debriefing, Dr. Tasaki tells Sinclair and Ivanova that he has been able to pinpoint the origin of the missiles, theorizing that they are left over from an automated defense system. The origin is a canyon five miles deep. Given the seriousness of the threat and the potential for first contact, Sinclair decides he and Ivanova have to go down to the planet to investigate personally. Londo Mollari notices a sad Garibaldi in the Zocalo. He decides to cheer him up by telling him a humorous story about how when he was a young man he went to a strip club and ended up marrying one of the dancers. The story does help cheer up Garibaldi a little bit. Londo then leaves, heading back to his quarters. When he reaches them, he sees the same image Sinclair had seen the night before: the faint, unclear figure of an alien beckoning for help. Sinclair and Ivanova take a shuttle for the canyon detected earlier. They are able to evade the missiles and enter the ravine. Inside the ravine, Sinclair finds an artificial landing bay. They leave the shuttle and begin to explore. Back on the station, Talia gets in contact with someone at the Psi Corps facility on Mars. The administrator refuses to give Garibaldi access, but does agree to try and find if Lise Hampton is listed among the casualties. Deep inside Epsilon III, Sinclair and Ivanova manage to get past some more automated defense systems. They enter a vast chamber, filled with a massive machine, one with components miles long. The Machine is clearly still active. Delenn takes Draal by to see Londo Mollari. He welcomes them cordially, and explains that he was just studying up on Earth cultures. Garibaldi awaits news from Sinclair and Ivanova in C'n'C. Talia finds him there and tells him that the facility will not grant him access. Hampton's name is not listed among the survivors, though the facility was unable access the lists of dead or wounded. Garibaldi thanks Talia as he is called back into C'n'C. Sinclair is signaling the station, alerting them to what he has found. As he talks about it, the station detects an imminent seismic activity. An earthquake rocks the chamber Sinclair and Ivanova are in, forcing them to look for another route back to the shuttle. They both see the image of the alien Sinclair saw before. They follow it and discover the actual being, hooked up to the machine. He awakens and speaks to them, warning them that if they do not help him, they and all their people will die. Sinclair and Ivanova approach and manage to disconnect the alien from the machine. They carry him back to the shuttle, where they are able to launch and head back for Babylon 5 with minimal trouble from the automated defenses. As Garibaldi watches from C'n'C, he is alerted to a large ship about to come through the jumpgate. He is shocked when the gate opens and he sees what it is. The EAS Hyperion, an Earthforce Hyperion-class heavy cruiser, arrives at Babylon 5. Captain Ellis Pierce contacts C'n'C and declares that he is assuming control of the situation. The alien brought back from Epsilon III is taken to Medlab. Dr. Franklin is able to temporarily stabilize him, though he remains unconscious. Sinclair checks on him before meeting with Captain Pierce in his office. Pierce explains that the Office of Planetary Security, having been alerted to Sinclair's find on Epsilon III, ordered his ship to Babylon 5 to ensure no one but the Earth Alliance could stake a claim to the potentially revolutionary technology on the planet. Sinclair is not pleased about the situation, and blames Pierce for stirring up trouble by his show of force. An ISN broadcast explains that President Santiago is stepping up the force required to quell the rioting on Mars. Michael Garibaldi, still distressed about the situation, listens despondently to the broadcast from a cafe in the Zocalo. When a patron begins to disparage Mars, suggesting a nuclear solution to the rioting, Michael loses his cool and physically assaults the man. Sinclair contacts Senator Hidoshi to help him get Pierce back down. Sinclair refuses to share his absolute authority of the sector with Pierce barring any direct order from the President. Hidoshi is unsympathetic, until Sinclair threatens to resign in protest, after which he promises to do what he can. After he hangs up with Hidoshi, he gets a link from Lt. Comm. Ivanova calling him to C'n'C. Once there, Ivanova explains that a wing of Starfuries launched from the Hyperion is heading for Epsilon III. The planet's defense network is escalated from the last attempt and prevents any ships from getting through. Sinclair contacts Pierce and lies about a jamming device he supposedly had to get through the defense grid, hoping it will discourage Pierce from any more efforts to land. Ivanova also tells the commander that as soon as the ships began to approach the planet, the station detected a massive series of artificial disruptions near the planet's core. She warns that if the disruptions continue to grow, they will result in the total destruction of the planet--and Babylon 5. Sinclair meets with Ivanova and Garibaldi to go over the situation. The station's sensors have since confirmed that Epsilon III contains a series of massive fusion reactors that are all moving towards a critical state which will destroy the planet. They discuss evacuation, which would take a minimum of 4-5 days. Ivanova is convinced the reaction is a booby trap to prevent the planet from falling into the wrong hands, but informs the commander that Captain Pierce is still insisting on trying to get a team down. Sinclair decides to wait 12 hours, and if things have not improved then he will have to order the evacuation. Londo Mollari corners Ivanova to inquire about the situation, demanding to be "cut in" on what is happening. Ivanova simply brushes him off. Delenn continues to show her old mentor, Draal, around the station. Suddenly, Draal hears a voice calling his name, and they head off in the direction it came from. Sinclair goes to check on Garibaldi. He heard about the incident on the Zocalo and has come to offer his friend some support. Michael is frustrated about how out of control he is over the situation on Mars and terrified something has happened to Lise. Sinclair promises to call in some favors to try and find something out for him. He also has a favor to ask. If they have to evacuate, clearly not everyone will make it out: Sinclair asks him to make sure Ivanova escapes. Garibaldi promises to get her off, even if he has to knock her out to do it. Delenn and Draal find their way to Medlab and find Varn. Draal insists that Varn is the one who has been calling to him. Dr. Franklin insists that is impossible, as he has never regained consciousness. Just at that moment, however, Varn awakens. Varn warns them that the planet will explode if anyone approaches it, without "another." Arriving in C'n'C, Sinclair is informed that Varn is awake and has confirmed their "booby trap" theory. Despite this, the Hyperion is about to launch another expedition. Sinclair contacts Pierce, insisting he stand down. When Pierce rebuffs him, Sinclair threatens to attack the Hyperion's ships if they approach, arguing that he has nothing to lose. Pierce angrily backs down, canceling the launch. Immediately afterward, a large alien ship comes through the jumpgate and fires a beam at the station and the Hyperion. The energy beam is a scanning technique, one that accesses the communication and language files of the station. The ship's captain, Takarn, an alien of the same race as Varn, contacts the station and the Hyperion. He explains that his people have been searching for Epsilon III for five hundred years and were alerted to the beacon that went off a few days earlier. They insist the planet belongs to them and that they will take it if necessary, killing anyone who stands in their way. They give a 10 hour ultimatum. The Hyperion subsequently contacts the ship, giving them a 9 hour ultimatum to withdraw. Sinclair goes to see Varn in Medlab, who while frail is now fully awake. Varn explains that Takarn and his people were cast out centuries ago. He explains that the Great Machine on the planet was hidden from them, and that he has been the guardian living in the "heart" of the Machine for five hundred years, even while the rest of his people on the planet have died off. He insists the station belongs "to the future" and that the outcasts must not take control of it. He further explains that the planet will destroy itself without a guardian. When Sinclair asks him how to prevent the explosion, however, he passes out again. Dr. Franklin confirms that Varn is dying, and speculates that as he began to die, his control of the Machine wavered, resulting in the original seismic disturbances the station detected. Next, Sinclair meets with Delenn and Draal. Draal confirms that he saw a vision of Varn, much as Sinclair also saw him the night before he went to the planet. After he leaves, Delenn talks to Draal about how he mentioned "another." They both understand what he was asking, and what it means. Just then, they are met by Londo Mollari, who asks to talk to them. Pierce, from his ship, contacts Sinclair. Both the ship and the station are being jammed by Takarn's ship. Pierce suggests launching a preemptive strike on the ship, coordinating the firepower of his ship and the station. Sinclair reluctantly agrees and the two begin to prepare. Londo explains to Delenn and Draal that Varn had appeared to him as well. He agrees to help them, aware that one of them will not be coming back. In C'n'C, Ivanova clears a Centauri shuttle to launch. After it is clear of the station, she is contacted by Garibaldi, who warns her that Varn has been taken by someone from Medlab. The Centauri ship diverts from its course and begins heading for the planet. The shuttle is in fact being piloted by Londo, who has Delenn, Draal, and Varn aboard unknown to anyone else. Takarn contacts the station, enraged over the ship defying him. His ship opens fire on the shuttle, the Hyperion, and the station. Starfures are launched and the Battle for Epsilon III commences. As the battle gets underway with Takarn's ship splitting into three different units, C'n'C monitors Londo's shuttle. This time, the planet's defense systems do not fire, allowing the shuttle to get through. Garibaldi, in a different shuttle, contacts C'n'C and explains that he is going after the first shuttle. Londo manages to pilot his shuttle down into the chasm below, followed a few minutes later by Garibaldi's shuttle. Varn is helped back to the heart of the Machine, where Garibaldi finds them all assembled. Draal explains that he is to take Varn's place as the Guardian. Garibaldi is opposed to the idea, but they insist it is the only way. The battle begins to go badly for Babylon 5, but suddenly a massive energy burst erupts from the planet. Draal appears as a hologram to each of the three combatants. He explains that the planet belongs to none of them. He entrusts the safekeeping to the area to the Babylon 5 Advisory Council, imploring that the planet must be kept isolated and off limits. He further warns that its defenses are now fully active and any ship attempting to land will be destroyed. Takarn's ship ignores this order and begins moving towards the planet. A massive energy beam erupts from the planet, obliterating all three components of the ship. Back on Epsilon III, Delenn says her good-byes. Varn explains that Draal will experience great wonders, as his thoughts will be able to reach out across the universe. The Hyperion is about to move out. Pierce contacts Sinclair one last time, apologizing for exceeding his authority. The ship then jumps out. Sinclair is then informed by Ivanova that they have finally been successful in getting in contact with someone on Mars. Garibaldi is contacted by Sinclair in his quarters. Sinclair explains that they have gotten a hold of Lise Hampton, injured but alive, and that she is standing by to talk to him. Garibaldi is relieved and has her put through. Lise is grateful that Michael was concerned about her, but when Michael suggests coming to see her, she tells him that she has gotten married and that they are expecting a baby in September. Michael is crushed, but congratulates her. Later, Garibaldi is in the Observation Deck, staring off into space. Delenn approaches him. When Garibaldi asks why she did not inform anyone of what she and Draal had learned, she explains that if she had, she knows that Sinclair would have been the one to insist on becoming the new guardian. This she could not allow, as "his destiny lies elsewhere." She is well aware, too, that Londo will eventually call in the favor he gave her. Garibaldi wishes her a good night, and afterward Delenn looks down to the planet and wishes the same to Draal. As Sinclair and Garibaldi are eating breakfast, Ivanova joins them, complaining that C'n'C woke her up early because of some strange readings coming from Sector 14, a location approximately three hours from the station. After they play a prank on her, she goes to C'n'C where Alpha 7 has arrived at Sector 14. At Sector 14, the pilot witnesses something that surprises him, and is then suddenly surrounded by light. Ivanova tries to reach the pilot of Alpha 7, but to no avail. The Starfury is on a trajectory back to the station. Sinclair speculates that the pilot's communication system has failed, probably as a result of the continued tachyon emissions coming from Sector 14. Delenn, alone on a Minbari Flyer, leaves the station and enters the jumpgate. Alpha 7 finally arrives back at Babylon 5, with no life signs detected. The ship is brought aboard. Later, in Sinclair's office, Garibaldi explains that the pilot of Alpha 7 died of a natural cause: old age, despite only being thirty. He apparently programmed the fighter to return on autopilot just before he died. Garibaldi has already ordered his team to begin investigating. A short time later, Garibaldi shows Sinclair and Ivanova the pilot's safety buckle: "B4" is scratched onto the surface. Sinclair mentions that the tachyon emissions from Sector 14 are coming from the exact place Babylon 4 disappeared four years earlier. Just then, C'n'C contacts Sinclair to tell him that they are receiving a distress call -- from Babylon 4. They rush to C'n'C, where after confirming the station's ID code, they receive the call from the Commander of B4, Major Krantz. He tells them that the station is damaged and they need assistance in evacuating the skeleton crew. Then the signal disappears. Ivanova tells Sinclair that the message was time-stamped four years ago -- the time that B4 disappeared. Sinclair orders teams prepared immediately to begin a rescue mission. Sinclair warns the pilots that this is a very dangerous and unpredictable mission, and that it is strictly a volunteer assignment. No one asks to leave. Sinclair and Garibaldi also take a ship to Sector 14 to lead the rescue effort. On the Minbari flyer, Delenn flies into a Minbari Sharlin class warcruiser. Delenn joins the other members of the Grey Council. She is welcomed, and informed that she has been chosen to lead the Minbari, taking Dukhat's place. She is surprised and does not want to leave Babylon 5, citing prophecy. They tell her that "prophecy will attend to itself", and that she will be staying with the Council. As the ships approach Sector 14, Babylon 4 appears in front of them. The first shuttles fly toward Babylon 4, passing through a distortion field, and safely land. Sinclair and Garibaldi enter Babylon 4, telling the other pilots to stay back, until it is shown to be safe. They are fired upon by a raving crewman. He is subdued by Garibaldi, and Major Krantz, assigned to supervise construction of Babylon 4, greets them. Sinclair tells him about Babylon 5, and when Garibaldi tells him that the year is 2258, he is shocked, but not surprised. He warns they must leave immediately. Suddenly there is a flash of light, and Sinclair finds himself in the middle of a firefight on the station, not sure what is going on. He is next to Garibaldi, who IS aware of the situation. This Garibaldi is dressed in riot gear and wielding a machine gun. He tells Sinclair that he has rigged the fusion reactors to explode and yells for Sinclair to leave without him. After another flash, Sinclair is back on Babylon 4. Krantz explains that it is a flash through time: people experience something from either their past or future, and it is different for everyone. He again tells them that they need to leave. Delenn talks to another member of the Council, saying she cannot go back into the Great Hall, because once she enters, she will never leave again. She feels she needs to return to Babylon 5. She demands to reconvene the Council, and he agrees. As the evacuation on B4 continues, Krantz tells Sinclair that the problems started 24 hours after going online. They noticed problems with time track system, then "all hell broke loose." He also shows them Zathras, an alien that they found on the ship, that is being held in Security. Zathras immediately brightens when he sees Sinclair, seemingly recognizing him, but then seems to think better of it and refuses to talk. Krantz tells them that Zathras just showed up in the conference room during a flash. Sinclair asks what he is doing there. When Garibaldi threatens to hurt him, Zathras begins to talk. He explains that he and those with him have come to steal the station, moving it through time to a place where it can serve as a base of operations in a great and terrible war. He mentions that he is following a figure called "the One," a person he would willingly die for. Zathras says the One is hurt and that he must help him. The interrogation is interrupted when a security guard alerts Krantz to a situation. Everyone leaves, including Zathras, who rushes out of the room before the guards can restrain him. In a nearby corridor, a figure in a spacesuit materializes out of thin air. When Zathras sees him, he declares him "the One." The figure in the spacesuit is clearly in pain. Zathras explains that "the One" was willing to endure the pain--it is a consequence of him stopping the station where and when they did to allow the crew to evacuate. Sinclair approaches the figure, and when he touches him, he is thrown across the room. Zathras rushes over to the figure, quickly handing him an object he claims he has fixed. The mysterious figure vanishes. Zathras attempts to run away, but is quickly recaptured. He tells them that they must leave immediately, or else they will be trapped forever. Despite this, Zathras is taken back to the interrogation room. Delenn, now reunited with the Grey Council, tells them that she must return to Babylon 5, because she has not finished her work with the humans. She talks about the humans' need to community, fight, and independence. They warn her that if she leaves, she may never return, may even become an outcast. She insists on staying on Babylon 5, and by a 5-4 vote they withdraw their decision and allow her to return. As Garibaldi struggles to get the panicked mob onto shuttles in an orderly fashion, Sinclair asks Zathras what he gave the figure. He tells Jeff it is a time stabilizer, and that it was his [Zathras'], and that without it, Zathras will die. Sinclair realizes that the time distortions are what killed his pilot. Garibaldi calls Sinclair, and tells him that almost everyone is off, and that they need to leave. Suddenly a time flash happens, and Michael is in a room with Lise Hampton. He is at the moment in time where he was ready to leave her to go to Babylon 5, and experiences her anger at him all over again. The moment passes and Garibaldi is even more resolved to leave immediately. Krantz insists that they take Zathras with them, despite what the alien says. As they are leaving, however, a tremor rocks the station and a column lands on Zathras, pinning him underneath it. Sinclair does not want to leave him, but Zathras insists, telling him that he "has a destiny". Sinclair leaves, and Zathras is soon joined by the space suited figure. Zathras is delighted, telling him that he knew he would not leave him, and that he trusts The One. Sinclair, Garibaldi, and the last of their ships manage to clear the station, just as it disappears. As Babylon 4 moves through time, the mysterious figure takes off his helmet, revealing that he is Sinclair, only much older. Talking to someone off screen he says that he "tried to warn them, but it all happened, just the way I remembered." A woman speaks to him saying, "I know. It's time. We have to go. They're waiting for us." The woman sounds like Delenn. As they are leaving the area, Garibaldi asks Sinclair if he believes the story Zathras told him. He tells Michael that it is, that he hopes Babylon 4 helps them with their cause. Delenn is ready to leave the ship, when her Minbari friend comes to tell her goodbye. She tells him that she realizes she will never see the Inner Chamber of the Grey Council. He hands her a Triluminary, a triangular-shaped object. She objects, but he insists, acknowledging that if she is correct about the prophecies than she will have need of it soon. Back on Babylon 5, Ivanova tells Sinclair she is upset that she missed the excitement. Sinclair reminds her that they do not know when the ship will return. She tells him that if it does return, that "I'm going, and Garibaldi is staying here." Londo Mollari is in contact with a Centauri senator conveying the concerns of both the Emperor and the Centaurum that the ambassador needs to try harder on improving relations with the other races, and establishing allies. Following the conversation, Mollari leaves his quarters and runs into Lennier. Ambassador Delenn is away from the station, Lennier explains, so his duties at the moment are light. When Lennier admits what he knows of other races is from books, Mollari invites the young Minbari to join him for the day, promising to "educate" him with some real world experience. Lennier is uncertain, but Mollari talks him into it. In the courtroom, Ombuds Wellington pronounces a guilty verdict for Karl Mueller. Mueller had been charged with two counts of murder of two civilians and one count of killing of a security guard. Wellington announces that the sentence will be read the following day. Lieutenant Commander Susan Ivanova makes her way to a free clinic in Downbelow. Dr. Stephen Franklin has established the clinic without authorization. Ivanova points this out to Franklin, who insists that he is doing what any good doctor should. Ivanova is more annoyed by him not telling her about it, and tells him that she will not shut it down. Pleased, Franklin invites her to assist him. He is puzzled that the numbers outside the clinic have fallen off. Ombuds Wellington has a meeting to discuss Mueller's sentencing with Commander Jeffrey Sinclair, Michael Garibaldi, and Talia Winters. Garibaldi is convinced Mueller has committed more murders and favors spacing, but that is not a legal option for Mueller. Not able to send him away or keep him confined indefinitely, the only option left is the mindwipe, also known as the "death of personality." For that, they will need the help of a telepath. Winters is the only one available, and though she is strongly against being involved having previous bad experiences, she reluctantly agrees. In Downbelow, Dr. Franklin meets a young woman named Janice Rosen. He is looking for her mother, Laura Rosen, who is rumored to be some kind of "faith healer" treating people. She points him in the right direction, and Dr. Franklin meets Dr. Rosen right after one of her sessions. Franklin is very critical of her methods, which employ the use of a strange alien healing machine. Dr. Rosen admits she does not know much about it, but insists that it is completely legitimate for any number of illnesses or ailments. Janice Rosen enters at this point and defends her mother's work. Franklin, however, dismisses Rosen as a con artist who is interfering with people getting proper treatment. Ombuds Wellington announces Mueller's sentence: the death of personality, to be carried out on the station at midnight following a telepathic scan ordered for that afternoon. After the sentencing, an enraged Mueller has to be dragged from the courtroom. Garibaldi discusses the Mueller case with Franklin. They are at odds over the ethical questions involved with the mind wipe, but Franklin agrees to set up the equipment that will be used. He also asks Garibaldi to investigate Dr. Rosen and find out if she is doing anything illegal. Mollari brings Lennier to one of Mollari's favorite clubs, the "Dark Star". Claiming he has forgotten his credit chit, Mollari asks Lennier to pay for their drinks. Lennier is very uncomfortable with the setting, and most of the aspects of the place, including the striptease acts, are lost on him. When drinks arrive, Lennier cautiously asks if his contains alcohol, explaining even the smallest amount induces homicidal rages in Minbari. Mollari hastily has Lennier's drink replaced with water. Franklin tracks down Janice Rosen at the kiosk where she works, asking to talk to her about her mother. He has learned that her mother used to be a legitimate doctor, until she became addicted to stims. A patient died and she lost her license three years earlier. She set out to find some means to continue healing people, and she has found it. She stands by her mother's device and its abilities. Franklin asks if it really works why they have remained on the station instead of returning to Earth. Janice is somewhat evasive in answering, though she mentions her mother is neither young nor healthy. She flatly tells Franklin to leave them both alone. Back at the Dark Star, Mollari is bored almost to tears by Lennier's stories about his past--like his studies of the 97 dialects and subtongues of his homeworld. Then Lennier mentions that in mathematics he was a master adept at probability. Excited, Mollari ushers Lennier out of the club room, telling him he wants to introduce him to what the "Earthers" call "POK-ah." Hesitantly, Winters prepares herself for what she has to do. She confronts Mueller in custody and performs a deep scan of his mind so she can compare it to his mind in a scan following the mind wipe. Inside his mind, she is horrified by what she finds: Mueller indeed has killed more than the three people he has been convicted of killing, a dozen or even two dozen or more, both humans and aliens. Mueller is clearly insane, taunting Winters about "needing more voices for his choir." Winters quickly finishes the scan and leaves the room as quickly as she can, leaving a sneering Mueller behind. At the free clinic, Dr. Franklin goes over the examinations of the patients recently treated by Dr. Rosen. He is surprised by the results and leaves immediately. In the private room of the Dark Star, Mollari and Lennier are in the midst of a poker game. Again, the subtler points are lost on Lennier though he still manages to win quite a lot. Franklin arrives at Dr. Rosen's during one of her treatments. He scans her as her treatment goes on. Once it is over and the patient has left, Franklin approaches her. He apologies for calling her a fraud. His scanning of her indicates that the device works by transferring "life energy" from one person to another, healing the second person. Rosen explains that the device of unknown origin was originally used as a means of capital punishment: convicted criminals were executed with it and their life energy was used to save others. She has figured out how to use the device, however, on a smaller setting that is not fatal. When Franklin points out that it must be slowly killing her, she informs him that she is dying anyway of Lake's Syndrome. She also explains that she "played dumb" about how the machine works to him because she did not want her daughter to know the truth. She plans to find out exactly how the device works before she dies, and she promises that he can have the device if anything happens to her. Franklin agrees not to intervene, on the condition she come to see him weekly for exams. Franklin runs into Janice as he is leaving and offers to buy her dinner sometime. Garibaldi finds Winters in the Gardens. She is still clearly troubled by what she saw, and confirms to him that Mueller is nothing short of a mass murderer. The poker game continues. Mollari, falling a bit behind, begins to cheat by casually unbuttoning his vest from which emerges a mysterious "tentacle" to secretly steal cards from the deck. At midnight, Garibaldi and some guards begin escorting Mueller on his "last walk." He manages to make a break for it, though Garibaldi gets a shot off and wounds him in the shoulder. Mueller gets aboard a transport tube, knocking out Lou Welch and stealing his PPG. He then escapes into Downbelow. Mollari is caught cheating red handed when one of the other players deposits a jug of cold water on top of his "tentacle" while it is stealing another card. The player attacks him, but Lennier ably defends Mollari. However, they are soon surrounded by a large number of angry thugs. "This is not good," Lennier comments as he takes a defensive stance. Lou Welch recovers in Medlab, telling Dr. Franklin that Mueller was definitely injured. Franklin contacts his assistant at the clinic to warn her that Mueller might show up. He then remembers Rosen, and heads there immediately. Once there, he forces his way in, and finds Mueller there, holding both Rosens at gun point. Mueller and Dr. Rosen are hooked up to the Machine, which Mueller is using to heal himself. After Mueller continues to threaten them all, Dr. Rosen reverses the feed of the Machine--her Lake's Syndrome is transferred to Mueller, and he dies in agony even as she is completely healed. The following day, Ombuds Wellington rules over the death of Mueller. He finds Dr. Rosen acted in self-defense and orders no charges will be filed, though he orders the energy transfer device to be taken into the station's custody. Dr. Rosen is relieved, though she is deeply troubled at having taken a life, despite the assuring words of her daughter and Garibaldi. Ivanova finds Garibaldi as he is leaving the courtroom, having some good news to give him. She has been able to identify two aliens involved in the instigation of a bar fight over at the Dark Star that resulted in over 30 arrests. Garibaldi can hardly believe it when she tells him who the two are. At that same time, Sinclair meets with the culprits at Mollari's, insisting on an explanation for what happened. Mollari says nothing, but then Lennier inexplicably takes all the blame, saying his misunderstanding of the rules of conduct are what prompted the fight. Sinclair is reasonably satisfied, and citing their diplomatic immunity says that the matter will be dropped, provided restitution for the damages in the club is made. After he leaves, Mollari asks Lennier why he covered for him, having been told that Minbari cannot lie. Lennier explains that among his people, it is considered an honorable thing to help another save face. After Mollari thanks him, Lennier asks about the "tentacle" Mollari used to cheat--and is aghast when Mollari explains what it actually is. Mollari emphasizes his explanation by displaying a statue of a Centauri woman with six tentacles coming from her midriff, proudly revealing it as Li, Centauri goddess of passion, and a synthesis of male and female Centauri genitalia. Lennier bids a hasty retreat. Dr. Rosen turns over the alien healing machine to Dr. Franklin. He looks forward to studying the device, hoping it can some day be used properly to heal people when nothing else works. Dr. Rosen explains that she is leaving the station, hoping to find further evidence about the machine's origins. Janice Rosen has decided to stay, and agrees to take Dr. Franklin up on his dinner invitation. The Babylon 5 Advisory Council is in session, with the Narn and the Centauri debating recent Narn aggression against the Centauri in Quadrant 37. Ambassador Mollari argues that the quadrant is neutral by virtue of a treaty between the two races, but Ambassador G'Kar insists that the treaty was signed under duress and is therefore not binding on the Narn Regime, giving the entire quadrant to the Narn. When Londo begins to threaten G'Kar, the Narn ambassador takes exception and leaves, declaring he will return to the council when they are ready to discuss things in a "civilized fashion." Meanwhile, elsewhere on the station, a man named Stephen Petrov, bleeding from a severe wound in his chest, collapses as he finds Michael Garibaldi. He warns that "they're going to kill him," but falls unconscious before he can tell Garibaldi who would be killed. As Petrov undergoes surgery in Medlab, Garibaldi explains to Commander Sinclair and Lt. Comm. Ivanova that he was a former petty criminal whom Garibaldi helped out of a bind. To repay the favor, Petrov agreed to try and deliver information to Garibaldi about activities in Downbelow. Dr. Franklin emerges from surgery, announcing that Petrov is dead. Garibaldi is determined find out who Petrov was talking about before he died. That evening, Sinclair watches a news broadcast about a goodwill tour President Santiago is engaged upon. He is watching it in his quarters with Catherine Sakai, who asks him about his plans for New Year's Eve. He tells her he has nothing planned, so she tells him that she has a surprise planned for him. He has a surprise for her as well--he nervously proposes to her, and she happily accepts. In his quarters, a depressed Londo goes over the sorry state of the Centauri Republic with Vir. He has been informed that the Republic is prepared to concede Quadrant 37 to the Narn Regime. As Londo laments where his life has ended up, he receives a communication from Morden. Londo remembers him from when Morden helped him out earlier in the year and agrees to meet with him in one hour's time. Delenn completes a project in her quarters, and as she does she asks Lennier if he had relayed a certain message to Ambassador Kosh. Lennier affirms that he has, and tells her that Kosh's reply was just one word: "Yes." Anxious about this answer, Delenn leaves immediately, ordering Lennier to wait for her there. Garibaldi heads into Downbelow, looking for information about what happened to Petrov. He meets a Lurker who knew him. The Lurker explains that sometimes people come down there to hire people to unload cargo and the previous week, he and Petrov were hired by one such person, a man named Devereaux. The Lurker knew better than to ask questions, sensing something illegitimate about the cargo, but Petrov decided to poke around. He warns Garibaldi that whatever Petrov found scared him half to death. Londo meets Morden in the Hedge Maze. Morden explains that his "associates" have taken an interest in Londo and want to help him get out of the rut he has become lodged in. Londo is incredulous, believing nothing can be changed. Morden offers that they can "fix" the problem of Quadrant 37 for the Republic, and tells Londo to inform his government that he [Londo] will personally take care of the problem. Londo is even more incredulous at first, but sees that Morden is absolutely serious. Morden insists it is a free gift, one for which they want no credit for receiving. Delenn confronts Kosh in his quarters. She confesses her doubts to Kosh, and insists on "seeing with her own eyes." Kosh responds by opening his encounter suit, revealing himself to her. Once she sees him, she agrees to keep a "promise" and bids him farewell, assuring him that he will not see her again "as she is now." December 31, 2258 Early on New Year's Eve, Garibaldi tracks down Devereaux and two of his associates in the casino. When Devereaux refuses to talk to him, Garibaldi orders all three of them to come with him to security. They comply, but Devereaux warns him that he should not get involved. Londo meets with Vir in his quarters. He tells Vir to relay the message Morden told him to the Centauri government. Vir is shocked, but does as he is told. Commander Sinclair goes to visit G'Kar, hoping to appeal to him about the Quadrant 37 crisis. As far as G'Kar is concerned, it is a dead issue--the Regime must continue to expand. Sinclair compares the Regime to abused children, overcompensating for the Centauri occupation. Sinclair warns him that he has been haunted by a feeling that all of them are standing at a crossroads. He asks that G'Kar think hard about the path he takes. G'Kar genuinely seems touched by Sinclair's words, but asks him to leave. That evening, Michael and Susan go to dinner with Jeff and Catherine at Fresh Air. The happy couple break the news about their engagement, and ask Michael and Susan to be best man and maid-of-honor, both of whom are deeply honored and happily agree. Their meal is interrupted when Jack, Garibaldi's Aide, links him to inform him that Devereaux and his cronies are missing from lockup. Garibaldi is unnerved by this, explaining that the PPG he lifted off Devereaux had no serial number. As serial numbers are impossible to remove from PPGs, Garibaldi concludes it never had one--yet the only unmarked PPGs are supposed to belong to special agents in Earthforce Security. At the Narn outpost in Quadrant 37, a number of strange, black alien ships suddenly appear and attack. The entire outpost, three heavy cruisers, and a fighter complement are wiped out in minutes. The ships also bombard the nearby planet, leveling every structure, before disappearing again. Ivanova returns to duty in C'n'C. She watches an ISN broadcast that states Vice President Morgan Clark has disembarked Earthforce One, citing a case of flu, though hoping to rejoin the tour when it returned from the transfer station at Io. Garibaldi investigates one last piece of cargo that belonged to Devereaux, one that never made it off the station. He is met by his aide, Jack, who observes as Garibaldi goes over the cargo container. Garibaldi finds a primitive jamming device, designed to transmit enough static to completely flood the Gold Channel frequency for Earthforce One near the Io transfer point. Horrified at this realization, Garibaldi links Sinclair, insisting he meet him in person immediately. As he races off, Jack links someone himself. Garibaldi runs into Devereaux and his thugs while he is on his way. He draws his PPG and orders them all to surrender to him. Suddenly, he is shot in the back and collapses. Jack stands with his gun drawn, smirking at Devereaux. He removes Garibaldi's link and his sidearm and leaves him for dead. Sinclair cannot locate Garibaldi. He links Ivanova, and she too has been unable to locate him. He goes to his quarters, hoping Michael will show up there. Instead Delenn arrives. She shows him a Triluminary and asks if he is familiar with it. Recognizing it from when he was taken at the Battle of the Line, Sinclair says that he does. Delenn suggests they go to her quarters to talk. Sinclair says it will have to wait, explaining that Garibaldi is missing. She understands, but suggests he come to her as soon as possible. Na'Toth comes to G'Kar, informing him about the attack on Quadrant 37 outpost. The entire outpost has been annihilated, with all 10,000 Narns stationed there dead. The Regime is at a loss as to who committed the attack. Rationalizing that neither the Centauri nor any of the other existing powers have either the will or the ability to carry out the attack, G'Kar concludes that it must have been done by an unknown race. Garibaldi, severely injured, manages to crawl to the transport tube and get aboard. The tube opens at the Zócalo just as the countdown to midnight reaches zero. Garibaldi is found unconscious in the tube. In her quarters, Lennier is concerned about Delenn's course of action, as if she is wrong it will mean her death. Delenn believes she is fulfilling prophecy. She places the Triluminary in the device she had been building, which activates it. Garibaldi is rushed to Medlab where Franklin begins prepping him for surgery. Flitting in an out of consciousness, Garibaldi recognizes Sinclair in Medlab. He warns him that someone is planning on killing the President at the transfer point on Io. Sinclair immediately warns C'n'C to warn the President, but all channels are being jammed. Sinclair arrives in C'n'C just in time to watch Earthforce One explode on a live broadcast of ISN. January 1, 2259 As surgery commences on Garibaldi, Sinclair orders Jack to track down Devereaux and to post 24 hour security on Garibaldi in Medlab. G'Kar and Na'Toth encounter Ivanova in the Core shuttle. Both parties offer their condolences over their respective tragedies. Londo meets with Morden in the Maze again. He is appalled over the destruction of Quadrant 37, never imagining it as Morden's solution. Morden chides him, pointing out "they're only Narns." He points out that Londo is receiving a lot of recognition and praise from the upper echelons of the Republic for his solution to the problem. Morden explains that that was the point, to make Londo a "hero." He promises to be in touch. Sinclair goes over Garibaldi's findings with a Senator from Earth. The Senator explains that the destruction of Earthforce One is officially being labeled an accident. She dismisses the very idea that Garibaldi could stumble across a massive conspiracy at the very last minute. She insists that he remain silent about the issue. Jack calls in several other security guards. Devereaux and his thugs are all dead, allegedly in a firefight with Jack. Although one of the other guards is skeptical, he accepts Jack's explanation. Sinclair watches an ISN feed of Vice President Clark being sworn in as President from a cafe in the Zócalo. As he watches, he is approached by Kosh, who points out that Sinclair has forgotten something. Remembering Delenn, Sinclair rushes immediately to her quarters. He is too late, however, and finds a tearful Lennier standing vigil. Delenn has entered a "chrysalis," a strange cocoon, where Lennier explains she is will undergo a change. A change into what, however, he does not know. Na'Toth goes to G'Kar's quarters, but finds G'Kar is not there. He has left a message for her, informing her that he has left the station to pursue certain suspicions he has regarding the attack on Quadrant 37. He tells her that she will not be able to get in touch with him for some time. He also asks her to inform Sinclair that he was right when he said they were standing at a crossroads and that there is no going back. Londo and Ivanova both stand watch over Garibaldi in Medlab, as Garibaldi's surgery drags on and on. In his own quarters, Morden converses with two barely visible, non-humanoid figures. He assures them that Mollari is perfect for their needs and will do exactly what they need him to do in time. While Catherine comforts a thoughtful Jeff in in quarters, he remarks how "Nothing's the same anymore." Meanwhile, Lennier continues to stand vigil over Delenn in her chrysalis, waiting for the future. Aboard the EAS Agamemnon, Captain John Sheridan receives a communication from General William Hague of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Hague informs him that a rogue Minbari warship, the Tragati, has been sighted numerous times over the past few days, each time in closer proximity to Babylon 5. Though the Minbari have dispatched a warship to hunt for it, Hague wants Sheridan at Babylon 5 in case the Tragati arrives with hostile intentions. Hague explains, however, that he does not simply want Sheridan to command the Agamemnon in conjunction with B5--the President has other instructions in mind. On Babylon 5, Lt. Comm. Susan Ivanova records a log entry, detailing how she has been left in charge of the station ever since Commander Sinclair was recalled to Earth five days previously. Security Chief Michael Garibaldi remains in critical condition in Medlab, and Ambassador Delenn remains inside a chrysalis. General Hague contacts her on Gold Channel to deliver some surprising news: Commander Sinclair will not be returning, as he has been permanently reassigned. General Hague explains that Sinclair has been reassigned as the new Earth ambassador to Minbar, having been personally requested by the Minbari. He informs Ivanova that Captain Sheridan will be the new station commander. Ivanova is surprised, though having served under Sheridan before she is familiar with him. A Minbari named Hedronn, a member of the Grey Council, arrives at Delenn's quarters, and sees for himself what she has undertaken. He explains to Lennier, still praying vigilantly nearby, that the Tragati has been sighted in the sector. He orders Lennier to go to the humans and tell them what he has been told should the Trigati turn up. Captain Sheridan arrives unexpectedly ahead of schedule. Ivanova hastily greets him at customs and turns over command of the station to him. She then begins giving a tour of the station and explaining about some of the more serious or just outright strange events going on, such as Garibaldi and Delenn's respective conditions, and how Ambassador G'Kar has vanished. Sheridan is enthusiastic about his new assignment. A Minbari warrior arrives on the station and pulls up a map of the station. When he sees Green Sector, he immediately sets out for it. Ivanova shows Sheridan his quarters. She takes the opportunity to ask why he of all people was assigned to replace Sinclair. Sheridan explains that he was the late President's first choice to replace Sinclair should anything happen. While commanding the Agamemnon, he had the opportunity to work with numerous members of the League of Non-Aligned Worlds, in addition to the Narn and the Centauri. Ivanova asks about the Minbari, aware that Sheridan is still disfavored among them. Sheridan hopes they will be more or less over it after twelve years. Ivanova also explains how stressed out she has been the past week with everything going on and how happy she is that he is there. Before she leaves, he mentions to her he plans on giving his "good luck speech" in C'n'C, the same speech he always gives when taking a new assignment. Hedronn notices the Minbari warrior and recognizes him as Kalain. He confronts Kalain, and the warrior threatens Hedronn: he is aware that Sheridan "Star Killer" has been assigned to the station, which he calls an obscenity. He warns Hedronn to leave the station immediately if he values his life. As part of what has become a regular routine, Ivanova goes to Medlab to check on Garibaldi. Dr. Franklin has no update: Garibaldi remains stable but comatose. Sheridan arrives in C'n'C and begins to deliver his good luck speech. He expresses his confidence in the crew during the speech. He is interrupted by a link from Security, informing the captain that a Minbari is demanding to speak to him about a matter concerning the safety of the station. Kalain saunters into Green Sector, but is stopped by a security guard who asks to see his Identicard. Kalain knocks the guard out and continues on his way. Hedronn meets with Sheridan and Ivanova in Sheridan's office. He explains how he has seen Kalain, who was second-in-command aboard a Minbari cruiser during the Earth-Minbari War and who has not been seen since the end of the war. Sheridan correctly assumes that the cruiser in question was the Tragati. They explain to Ivanova that the Tragati's captain, Sineval, committed suicide rather than comply with the surrender order. Kalain assumed command and the ship went rogue, believing they had been betrayed by the Grey Council, and have existed the last twelve years in self imposed exile. When Sheridan asks how Hedronn was able to recognize Kalain, Hedronn mentions that he does not recognize Sheridan's authority. Sheridan defends his appointment, saying that the President felt the Minbari had previously had too much influence over an Earth station. Hedronn makes it clear that his people have not forgotten about the Black Star and stalks off. Ivanova asks him about how he destroyed the Black Star. Sheridan explains how during the War, the Minbari had a kind of stealth technology that prevented conventional weapons lock. So he came up with the idea of mining an asteroid belt with fusion bombs, which succeeded in taking out the Black Star and three other heavy cruisers. Just then, it occurs to Sheridan that if Kalain feels his world has betrayed him, he might be aboard to go after the representative of that world: Delenn. Kalain, inside Delenn's quarters, orders Lennier to move aside. Lennier stands his ground, even when Kalain draws a PPG on him. Sheridan and a security team arrives moments later, and Kalain peacefully surrenders to them. Sheridan introduces himself to Lennier, who explains that Delenn is currently "indisposed." Sheridan personally decides to interrogate Kalain about his presence on the station. He finds it odd that Kalain did not kill Lennier and Delenn when he easily had the chance. Kalain does not offer any answers, though he accuses Sheridan of being the real problem. After the interrogation, Lennier approaches Sheridan and asks to talk to him about a number of sensitive issues--including why the Minbari surrendered at the Battle of the Line. In Sheridan's office, Lennier divulges the truth to Sheridan and Ivanova. The Grey Council had come to oversee the final victory. Delenn ordered a Starfury captured so its pilot could be interrogated. The fighter that was captured turned out to belong to Sinclair. He was brought aboard, beaten, and during the course of his interrogation, they discovered something terrible: Sinclair had a Minbari soul. They brought aboard other humans and confirmed that other humans also had Minbari souls. This lead them to believe that Minbari souls are being reborn in human bodies, and so the War was ended to prevent further destruction of Minbari souls. However, understanding the sensitive nature of this discovery, the Grey Council kept this information hidden from their own people. Lennier explains that he has been instructed to tell them because "changes are coming." At that moment, the Tragati comes through the jump gate--and its weapons ports are open. Lt. Warren Keffer is enjoying a holo-letter from home when he is alerted to the presence of the Minbari cruiser. Sheridan and Ivanova head to C'n'C and sound a Red Alert, scrambling Starfury wings. They manage to hail the Tragati. Deeron of the Tragati demands Kalain be released to them. She launches a fighter wing of her own. Sheridan warns that an attack on the station will be considered an act of war, but she simply replies that the only thing left is "honor and death." Sheridan worries what this could mean and links to Security. They confirm that Kalain is dead, having committed suicide in his cell: obviously the Tragati is trying to provoke them to attack. Sheridan orders the station's fighters to engage the incoming fighters. However, when he realizes that the Minbari are not implementing their stealth technology, he orders the Starfuries to hold position. He then sends a narrow band transmission through the jump gate. The Minbari fighters pass right by the Starfuries without firing a shot. They loop back and return to the Tragati. As they do, a second Minbari war cruiser enters local space. Sheridan explains that he was aware of the Minbari government sending a ship out to search for the Tragati. He correctly assumed that the ship was waiting in hyperspace until it heard of an attack, so that was why he sent a transmission through the gate. The 'Tragati is ordered to surrender, but refuses. Before it can escape, the second ship destroys its engines. The Tragati then self-destructs with all hands. The captain of the war cruiser contacts Sheridan, and assures him that his involvement will not be forgotten. Later in his quarters, Sheridan is visited by Ivanova. He confesses doubts about being assigned to the station. He mentions that he has spoken to the President, who is also aware of the Minbari's "soul transfer" explanation. Sheridan does not believe the story, but clearly understands that the Minbari believe it which explains why they wanted Sinclair. Ivanova reassures him, telling him he should not second guess himself. Lennier returns to his vigil, talking aloud to the cocoon. He expresses his regret that he could not tell Sheridan the whole truth: that a great enemy is returning and that the "two halves of our spirit must unite or be destroyed." After he leaves, the chrysalis begins to crack. Ivanova, Franklin, and Keffer enjoy a few drinks late that evening. Sheridan is supposed to meet them, but first he has one last thing to do: he delivers his "good luck speech," though given the time C'n'C is empty. Londo Mollari is frustrated during a session of the Babylon 5 Advisory Council: Ambassador Delenn remains in a cocoon, and Ambassador G'Kar is still missing. Their aides, Lennier and Na'Toth, are filling for them. Londo moves that the Council remand both missing ambassadors and that they should be replaced by their respective government. The motion does not carry, and Captain John Sheridan orders a recess until the following morning. Afterward, Londo asks Na'Toth if she has any idea where G'Kar is. Na'Toth only knows that G'Kar left to investigate the recent attack on Quadrant 37. G'Kar is in fact piloting a Frazi class heavy fighter, part of a three fighter wing, over a planet near the Rim. They are being attacked by strange, alien fighters. The two other ships choose to remain, buying G'Kar time to escape through a local jump gate. After his shift, Sheridan is met at Earhart's by Dr. Stephen Franklin. Dr. Franklin explains that there has still been no change in Michael Garibaldi's condition (he remains in a coma). He suggests using the energy transfer device confiscated a few months earlier. Sheridan agrees to let Franklin try it, though he is concerned when Franklin says that he himself will be hooking himself up to the machine. A short time later, Sheridan meets his sister, Elizabeth, in the customs area. Elizabeth has come for a visit and John is anxious to show her around the station. Londo, meanwhile, meets with Mr. Morden in the Zen Garden. He is concerned that he might be somehow connected to the attack on the Narn base in Quadrant 37. Morden assures him that it cannot, and promises that the "demonstration" will lead to many opportunities to Londo. When Londo asks what will happen if he is asked for another demonstration, Morden replies that his associates will provide it ("Just pick a target"). When Londo jokingly suggests Morden eliminate the entire Narn Homeworld, Morden coolly replies, "One thing at a time." Before leaving, Morden asks Londo to keep him informed about any news or rumors he hears regarding activity along the Rim. Sheridan treats his sister to dinner at Fresh Air. He is excited about his new assignment, but Elizabeth senses that he is covering for how he really feels. He admits that he is still upset over the loss of his wife, Anna, who passed away two years earlier. Elizabeth consoles him, but argues that he needs to sort out his grief instead of just burying it the way he has been. John does not want to discuss the matter, however, and gets her to agree to table it (temporarily). After dinner, Sheridan goes alone to Medlab. He finds Dr. Franklin hooking Garibaldi up to the alien healing machine and insists on helping out. Franklin agrees to let him help out. Na'Toth goes to G'Kar's quarters and unexpectedly finds him there waiting for her. G'Kar is visibly affected by his recent excursion. He explains that the only conclusion he could form about the attack on Quadrant 37 was that it was caused by either a new race, or an old race--a very old race. Citing the Book of G'Quan, G'Kar references an ancient war long ago against an enemy so terrible that it nearly overwhelmed the stars themselves. G'Quan mentioned that the ancient enemy lived on a planet at the Rim of known space. G'Kar searched many ancient, dead worlds along the Rim over the past couple of weeks. He detected evidence of "something stirring, gathering its forces quietly." He is convinced that after 1,000 years, "the darkness has come again" and tells Na'Toth they must warn the others. In Medlab, Garibaldi awakens from his long coma. Franklin links Lt. Comm. Ivanova and has her collect Sheridan and come down to Medlab. The link is overheard by Jack, Garibaldi's Aide who also comes down to Medlab. Ivanova and Franklin explain that President Santiago is dead and that Commander Sinclair has been reassigned. Captain Sheridan introduces himself to Garibaldi. Ivanova asks if Michael can remember who shot him, but he cannot recall clearly. Jack visibly relaxes when he hears this information. Londo runs into G'Kar in Green Sector. G'Kar hints at what he found, a danger that threatens all of them (except possibly the Vorlons). Londo explains to G'Kar what has happened to Delenn. Lennier goes to check on the chrysalis and finds that it has opened. Delenn is nearby, covered in a robe and apparently in pain. Lennier is shocked when he sees her face. He immediately links Dr. Franklin and asks him to come immediately. Franklin complies, arriving a few minutes later. Gasping, Delenn appeals to Franklin for his help. Her skin is covered by bluish, hard scales. In his quarters, Sheridan has another conversation with his sister. She again presses him about his wife's death, and he admits that he blames himself for it. He explains that he was supposed to go on leave and join her for a vacation on their anniversary, but he canceled at the last minute, prompting her to take a job aboard a deep space exploration vessel as a science officer. The ship was lost on assignment. John misses her more than he can put into words Dr. Franklin continues to examine Delenn, who is still being caused pain by her change. The scales begin to crack, however, and break off. During a meeting of the B5 Advisory Council, G'Kar explains about what he has found and announces his conclusion about the ancient enemy. Sheridan is skeptical and Londo is incredulous. Sheridan insists they need proof. G'Kar explains that despite the reservations of the Kha'Ri, he has convinced them to send a single ship to the heart of the enemy's ancient domain, a dead planet called Z'ha'dum. The ship is due to arrive in twelve hours: it will jump into local space, scan the planet, and withdraw quickly. G'Kar warns that if they confirm life on the planet, it could mean extinction for all of their races. During the recess of the Council, Londo finds Morden and tells him about the Narn expedition. Morden is familiar with the planet and asks Londo for more details. In Medlab, Garibaldi has Lou Welch bring him Talia Winters to scan him, hoping it will uncover some clues about who shot him. Talia agrees to help. During the scan, she is able to focus on the part of Garibaldi's memory when he is shot. For an instant, Jack's face is visible in a reflection. His memory jogged, Garibaldi can remember seeing it clearly. Lou Welch and some other security guards promptly arrest Jack for his attack. He is taken into custody and placed under maximum security. Despite Dr. Franklin's judgment, Garibaldi insists on leaving Medlab and interrogating Jack personally. During the interrogation, Garibaldi angrily accosts his former second-in-command for what he did. He demands an explanation, but Jack is elusive. He only talks about a "new order" about to take charge on Earth and that he is going to be part of it. He dismisses Garibaldi's suggestion of Homeguard, but gives Garibaldi a strange salute and says, "Be seeing you." Garibaldi warns Jack that he is facing spacing for his actions. President Clark contacts Sheridan about Jack's arrest. Wondering if Jack could possibly be involved in a conspiracy to murder Santiago, he insists that Jack be put on a shuttle and sent back to Earth immediately. Sheridan is reluctant to send him back, but follows the President's orders. A G'Quan class heavy cruiser jumps into the local space at Z'ha'dum. As soon as it does, it is attacked by an alien ship and completely destroyed. Soon thereafter, Na'Toth delivers the news to G'Kar and the rest of the B5 Advisory Council. However, the report indicates that the ship was destroyed in an accident, as it apparently happened the moment it jumped out of hyperspace. G'Kar refuses to except this explanation, saying the ship could have been attacked at that very moment. He realizes, however, that the only way for an attack like that to occur is if the enemy had prior warning. He looks at Londo, clearly suspecting him, but without proof is at a loss. At that moment, Lennier enters the chamber and announces Delenn's return. The Minbari Ambassador enters and reveals her new form: her once-bare scalp now adorned with long brown hair. She explains that she has undergone this transformation to become a bridge between Earth and Minbar, just as Jeffrey Sinclair's reassignment to Minbar serves as a bridge between their races. At the end of the day, John has another dinner with Elizabeth. After telling her about the day's events, Elizabeth hands him a data crystal that contained a message from Anna right before she left. In the message, Anna explains how John canceled on her but also expresses relief, as she was about to cancel on him, wanting to take the science job. After hearing this, John feels more at peace over her death. Back in Medlab, Garibaldi thanks Talia for her help and asks her to excuse him while he talks to Ivanova and Franklin. He talks about the salute Jack gave him and recalls that it is similar to one Bester gave Sinclair last year. Garibaldi points out the scandal that had erupted the previous year when the Psi Corps endorsed then Vice President Clark. Garibaldi speculates the Corps might be involved--he also questions Clark's departure of Earthforce One just before it exploded. Sheridan sees his sister off at the customs area, thanking her for the help and promising to write. G'Kar speaks to Na'Toth about the challenges ahead, quoting to her from an Earth poet, William Butler Yeats. Ivanova calls Sheridan up to C'n'C. She explains that on a hunch, she just checked on the ship transporting Jack back to Earth. He was apparently transferred to another ship en route, one that had all the right codes but does not match any ship's known registry--in other words, Jack has mysteriously disappeared. Both officers are clearly unnerved by what this bodes for the future. Michael Garibaldi receives a follow up examination in Medlab, conducted by Dr. Stephen Franklin. Franklin approves him for returning to active duty within another day, but Garibaldi is unsure if he wants to go back. He is worried that he has lost his edge (having been shot in the back by his own second-in-command) and does not know if he can trust the new captain. Londo Mollari meets with Lord Refa, a powerful, influential figure in the Centauri Republic. Refa praises Mollari for earning the Republic a great victory regarding the destruction of the Narn outpost in Quadrant 37. He then explains to Londo that the death of the Emperor is not far off, and that he and his allies are maneuvering into a position to fill the void that will be left when he dies. He asks Londo to join him, and Londo agrees. In the Zocalo, two different groups of Drazi (one wearing green sashes, the other purple) begin a violent altercation with each other. Londo Mollari and Vir Cotto escort Lord Refa to the customs area. After Refa boards his ship, Londo notices a trio of new arrivals that he recognizes as techno-mage: mysterious figures who use highly advanced science to create the illusion of magic. He explains to Vir that seeing even one is rare, and to see three can only be a sign for the worse. Captain John Sheridan discusses the Drazi situation with Lt. Comm. Susan Ivanova: every five Drazi years, the entire Drazi people splits into two factions and begins to fight one another for the dominant place in their society. The fights so far have not been lethal, but they are highly disruptive. Sheridan assigns Ivanova the task of finding a peaceful resolution to the conflict on the station. He also informs her that she has been promoted to full commander, and congratulates her on her achievement, which leaves Ivonova awe-struck. Vir tracks down Londo in the Zocalo, reminding him about an appointment with the Abbai. Londo is distant, talking about fate and wondering what it means for him. He recalls that the very first Emperor received a blessing from three techno-mages upon taking the throne. Londo believes that if he could get a similar blessing from the techno-mage aboard the station it will be a powerful symbol to everyone back home. He orders Vir to arrange a meeting as soon as possible. Captain Sheridan goes to see Garbibaldi in his quarters. Garibaldi is depressed, and not particularly anxious to talk to Sheridan. He admits that he has doubts about returning to work. Sheridan tells him that he believes he can be a powerful asset to him and tells him he will hold his job open as long as he can. Newly promoted Commander Ivanova gathers the leaders of the two Drazi factions in the Babylon 5 Council chamber. She appeals to them to help her work out their conflict peacefully, asking what their point of contention is. The Drazi explain that the only difference between the factions is the color of the sash they wear, and who gets put in what faction is completely random (even the leaders of the factions are chosen by chance). When Ivanova presses them on this point, a fight breaks out between the two sides, during the course of which she is violently knocked down, breaking her leg. Vir tracks down the part of Downbelow where the techno-mage have gathered, though they are all hidden from view. He calls out to them who he is and who he represents. His response comes in the form of a large, monstrous creature coming around the corner and heading straight at him. Vir holds his ground as the monster comes right up to him. He repeats his identity and purpose over and over. Eventually, a voice calls out and the monster disappears. The voice belongs to Elric, a techno-mage, who asks Vir what he wants. When Vir explains that Londo requests an audience, Elric tells him that neither he nor any of the other mages are interested, regardless of anything Londo can promise them. He warns Vir to leave them alone. In Medlab, Dr. Franklin treats Ivanova for her injuries. Her leg was broken in multiple places, and while he was able to heal the worst of them, the smaller of them will require time, meaning Ivanova will have to have a cast and crutches for a while. Sheridan joins her, asking her if she wants to be relieved of the Drazi assignment. She insists that she can finish the job. Vir delivers the message to Londo, who is frustrated but not about to give up. He decides to take an alternative approach to getting the techno-mages' blessing. Lou Welch tracks down Garibaldi and asks him when the Chief is coming back to work. Garibaldi tells him he will be back to work soon. Londo goes to see Sheridan in his office. He explains about the presence of the techno-mages (though Sheridan is aware that they are aboard), but says that they can be problematic troublemakers. He offers to help Sheridan deal with them. As Earthforce wants more information about the techno-mage migration, he agrees to set up a meeting. As Ivanova makes her way to the Council chamber, she receives a link from C'n'C, informing her that the green faction of Drazi have begun killing the purple, not just knocking them out. She rushes (as best she can) to the chamber, where she finds a host of dead purple Drazi. Elric meets with Sheridan, insisting that the techno-mages pose no threat to the station and assuring him that they will be on their way in another day or so. Londo then enters and secretly sets a small camera near the door. Elric explains to Sheridan that Londo has been seeking an audience with him ever since he arrived. Londo brushes this off, and offers "the hands of friendship." Elric accepts, but tells Londo not to use the gesture as an endorsement. Londo says he will not, but Elric is aware of the recording device. He promptly destroys it with a gesture and warns Londo that he will pay for his actions. Sheridan, angry at being manipulated, orders Londo out of his office. Sheridan and Elric continue their discussion into the Zocalo. After discussing the great depth of their knowledge, Elric admits that a "storm is coming, a black and terrible storm." He explains that his people do not wish their collective knowledge to be lost or used for evil purposes, thus they are leaving that part of space forever. He appeals to Sheridan not to stop them, asking for his trust. Ivanova tracks down the stronghold of the green Drazi faction. They invite her inside and offer a "solution" to the current fighting. They suggest she gather all the purple Drazi into one place (Brown 29), then flush them out into space by opening an airlock. Ivanova is appalled at their plan to murder 2,000 of their own people. When she refuses to help, they explain that they already sent a message in her name to the purple faction. They insist she stay with them until their plan is carried out, removing her link and holding her at knife point. Garibaldi runs into Welch and a number of security guards and asks where they are headed. Welch mentions that they got an uplink from Ivanova ordering them to clear out Brown 29 for the Drazi. Garibaldi is suspicious when Welch tells him that it was an uplink, not a personal message, and also that the uplink mentioned she would be going offline for a while. Garibaldi asks where she was when the uplink went out and Welch tells him Brown 2. In the green Drazi stronghold, Ivanova is unable to convince her captors to let her go. Garibaldi arrives, and upon discovering Ivanova is there, he overpowers the captors and frees her. Vir goes to see Londo and finds his quarters in a state of total chaos. Londo explains that Elric has unleashed a holo-demon, wreaking havoc with Londo's personal files and finances (as well as blaring Narn opera - which he abhors - loudly in his quarters). Vir suggests Londo try apologizing, and while Londo is angry at the very notion, he reluctantly realizes he has no other choice. Garibaldi and Ivanova confront the leaders of the green Drazi. They explain that all the purple Drazi are gathered as the green planned, but they will not let them be spaced. Garibaldi suggests that they will keep all the purple Drazi contained there for the rest of the week, until the conflict is scheduled to end. The Drazi laugh, explaining that the conflict is not due to end until the end of their year, over one Earth year away. Ivanova angrily accosts them for the irrationality of what they are doing, tearing the sash off the top Drazi leader. The Drazi then all stand at attention, explaining that anyone who takes the leader sash instantly becomes leader. Realizing this makes her the new leader, Ivanova quickly devises an end to the conflict. Those Drazi not facing time in the brig for assaulting her are ordered to switch to purple. Londo heads down to the techno-mages' lair. Though he does not see any, he calls out his apology to them. He is met by silence, but takes this as acceptance. He turns to leave, oblivious to the three, tiny, demon-like beings clinging to his back. Sheridan, Ivanova, and Franklin all enjoy a round of drinks with Garibaldi, congratulating him on his decision to return to duty. When Ivanova asks him what prompted him to come back, he explains that he realized he still has his edge when he figured out that Ivanova would never send just an uplink to security, nor would she ever be offline. Sheridan excuses himself when he receives a link about the techno-mage ship preparing to depart. Londo meets Elric in the customs as Elric is preparing to depart. He "thanks" Elric for the prank involving the three creatures and asks if the torment will ever end. Elric tells him that he has withdrawn the spell, but warns Londo that he is "touched by darkness, a blemish that will grow with time." He also gives Londo a prophecy of sorts: In C'n'C, Sheridan watches as the techno-mage ship departs. He wonders if their kind will ever be seen again, with part of him sure that they most certainly will. Captain Jack Maynard, commanding officer of the EAS Cortez, orders a message sent to Babylon 5. In C'n'C, Commander Ivanova informs Captain Sheridan that the Cortez is about to arrive for resupplying, and relays a personal message from Maynard, one of Sheridan's oldest friends. The Explorer class ship arrives minutes later, and Sheridan invites the crew to take a good look, as seeing an Explorer ship is a rare treat, as it appears to be about the same length as Babylon 5 itself. Once on board the station, Captain Maynard and Captain Sheridan reminisce about their respective commands. They run into Delenn, who asks Sheridan for a Council meeting later in the week. Sheridan is very proud of his station. In Medlab, Dr. Franklin insists Michael Garibaldi go on a diet to help further his recovery. Garibaldi argues that it is almost time for him to fix a special meal, Bagna Cauda. Franklin flatly tells him he cannot have it, insisting he stick to his diet (or "food plan"). He tells Michael that he will be watching him. In Sheridan's quarters, the two captains continue to go over Sheridan's new assignment. Maynard is surprised that Sheridan was chosen for the job, believing Sheridan was always made to be out in space, not tied to a desk. Maynard's words seem to strike a chord with Sheridan. Later, when Garibaldi talks to him about a string of shoplifting incidents, Sheridan gruffly tells him that such petty concerns are not important enough for him to take notice. Later still, Maynard has dinner with Sheridan, Ivanova, Warren Keffer, and Ray Galus. When asked if his ship has noticed anything strange out near the Rim, Maynard admits that they have: something stranger than they can imagine. After dinner, Sheridan privately follows up on what Maynard said. Maynard explains that he and his nav officer were out in one of their scout ships in deep space when he saw something strange: some type of black ship, monstrous and huge, but he only saw it for a moment. Sheridan tells him that he is the second person in a month to report something unusual along the Rim. Maynard says that whatever it is, it gives him chills to think about. Captain Sheridan receives his exam in Medlab, and Dr. Franklin also insists that Sheridan go on a diet to lose some weight. Sheridan grumbles at the prospect. Delenn is met by a Minbari named Teronn, who expresses concerns among the Minbari on the station regarding Delenn's transformation. Delenn is evasive in explaining the transformation, but insists that she is still Minbari and that they must obey her. Teronn explains that whether she is still Minbari at all is exactly what the concern is about, and thus they cannot all blindly follow. She does not object when he asks to send a representative to the Grey Council. Commander Ivanova is next in line for a checkup from Dr. Franklin. He also insists she go on a diet, citing deficiencies of several vitamins and minerals. Ivanova objects, saying it will cause her to gain weight, but Franklin insists it will help her let heal faster. The Cortez finishes it resupply and prepares for departure. Sheridan sees Maynard off to his ship, more than a little jealous regarding Maynard's assignment. He goes to C'n'C and watches as the Explorer ship leaves through the jump gate. Afterward, he goes over a mountain of paperwork and minor diplomatic nuisances with Ivanova. He admits that seeing Maynard has made him have some regrets about being commander of Babylon 5, as commanding starships is what he was trained to do, not command "cities in space." He also cannot help but feel like he's been "beached," despite the high profile of the station, and wonders if President Clark was wrong in assuming he could handle the responsibility. Deep in hyperspace, an explosion suddenly goes off on the bridge of the Cortez. Badly damaged, the Cortez drifts off the hyperspace beacon, and with its equipment damaged it will not be able to find it again. In the Zocalo, Sheridan, Ivanova, and Garibaldi have lunch, though none of them are enjoying it because they are all stuck to their respective "food plans." The Cortez continues to drift farther off the beacon. Captain Maynard orders a distress signal sent out. The signal reaches Babylon 5, informing the station that the ship is lost in hyperspace. Sheridan immediately orders all Starfury wings assembled for a rescue mission. Ivanova reminds him that no ship lost in hyperspace has ever been found. Delenn endures the next of Dr. Franklin's examinations (in her case, he is examining the effects of her transformation). She mentions overhearing Garibaldi talking about the arrival of "bagna cauda." Sheridan briefs the Starfury wings about their rescue missions. He alerts them to the danger, but suggests a "lifeline" method: each fighter will fly out successfully farther, forming a chain that will keep them in contact with the beacon and hopefully allow them to find the Cortez. The Starfury wings launch and enter hyperspace. The Cortez picks up on Babylon 5's signal and manages to remain in contact. Sheridan assures them that help is on the way. In hyperspace, Zeta Wing Leader Ray Galus struggles to keep his wing focused on the Cortez's signal. In C'n'C, Sheridan nervously awaits for any word. He explains to Ivanova that Maynard was his first commanding officer, the man who taught him everything he knows. Galus and Keffer form the last links in the chain. Keffer is able to locate the Cortez and heads for it. However, a Shadow Vessel suddenly streaks by, colliding with the two Starfuries. The impact destroys Galus's ship and badly damages Keffer's, disrupting his communications and engines. By firing his weapons in one direction, he is able to indicate to the Cortez the right direction to take. The Cortez picks up on the message and heads in the right direction, reluctantly leaving Keffer behind. The Cortez finds the other Starfuries and they are able to lead it back to Babylon 5 safe and sound. In the customs area, Garibaldi meets with Orwell, who has managed to secure him the ingredients for bagna cauda. Garibaldi appeals to Franklin, saying that his birthday is coming up and he always fixes it on his birthday to honor his deceased father, as his dad always used to fix it for him. Franklin tells him to make the meal for two. Delenn meets Sheridan in the Zen Garden, and offers him some comfort over the loss of his two pilots. She also assures him that he is in the right place, exactly where he needs to be. Back in hyperspace, Keffer manages to get his ship under control, but has lost all contact with the hyperspace beacon. Suddenly, he sees the Shadow ship again. He orders the computer to compare the ship's course to that of its first trip. Back on Babylon 5, a gloomy Sheridan suddenly reacts joyfully as the jumpgate opens and Keffer emerges. A wake is held for Galus. Keffer explains that he was able to use the unknown ship's trajectory as a reference to orient himself and determine the direction back to the jumpgate. He explains he wants to find out what it is and where it comes from. Ivanova informs him that he is being put in command of Zeta Wing. In Garibaldi's quarters, Franklin enjoys the bagna cauda with the Chief. Ivanova tracks down Sheridan in his office, hard at work, and much more optimistic about his assignment after his conversation with Delenn. An ancient ship tumbles out of deep space, heading toward Babylon 5. The ship is broadcasting an automated message, identifying itself as the USS Copernicus. In Downbelow, a human Lurker begins to rant and rave, seemingly sensing something nearby. He looks out a porthole and sees the ancient ship approaching the station. This causes him to rave even more, desperately failing to recite the lord's prayer, and he runs down the corridor screaming. The Lurker, Amis, ends up in the Zocalo, shouting about "armies of darkness" and "soldiers of the devil." He accosts both Londo Mollari and G'Kar before Security Chief Michael Garibaldi quietly takes him into custody. In C'n'C, Captain John Sheridan and Commander Susan Ivanova observe as maintenance bots are dispatched to the old ship. They are joined by Garibaldi a few moments later. Sheridan recognizes the design and writing of the ship. It is an old Earth sleeper ship, used for deep space exploration before they acquired jump gate technology: over 100 years ago. A single life sign is detected on the ship. Sheridan orders the ship brought into the station and links Dr. Franklin to join them in the docking bay. Once on the station, Sheridan, Ivanova, Franklin, and Garibaldi come aboard. They find two cryostasis tubes. One of them contains a corpse, but the other contains a living woman. They open the tube and the woman is rushed quickly to Medlab. Along the way, she goes into cardiac arrest. Back in security, Garibaldi checks on Amis, who is sleeping in a cell. Judging from the nightmares he is apparently having, Michael correctly assumes the Amis fought in the Earth-Minbari War. He mentions to one of the guards that he has had the same dream more than once. Ivanova remains aboard the Copernicus. She is able to start up its computers. While aboard, she thinks she hears something. Amis eventually wakes up in his cell. He cannot remember the earlier incident, so Garibaldi tells him what happened. Amis is embarrassed to admit it is not the first time. Garibaldi asks him about his service in the War, mentioning that he was a GROPO himself. He lets Amis leave, offering to put him touch with a counselor if he wants. Dr. Franklin manages to revive the woman in Medlab. Ivanova, meanwhile, completes a diagnostic check and finds no malfunction of the second tube--its passenger should still be alive, meaning he was murdered. Dr. Franklin performs an autopsy on the corpse, concluding that the victim died of organ failure: they are missing, with no trace of them aboard the ship. Garibaldi wants to immediately interrogate the living patient, but Franklin asks for some time to help her adjust. He goes to see her himself. She introduces herself as Mariah Cirrus, and explains that the other passenger is Will Cirrus, her husband, and that they volunteered for the exploration mission. Dr. Franklin informs her that she was stasis for over 100 years and that her husband is dead. Mariah is distraught, blaming herself for his death. Amis wanders into the docking bay, seeing the Copernicus and seemingly recognizing it. He is chased away by security. Dr. Franklin escorts Mariah around the station, filling her in on some of the bigger events in Earth history. They bump into G'Kar, who suggests Mariah would be better off going back to when she came. Mariah suffers a vision, seeing herself in her tube with a strange, hostile force peering down at her. When it clears, she finds that she had blacked out. Dr. Franklin took her to his quarters, which were nearby. He explains that she seemed to be having a dream, a frightening one, as she cried out as though being attacked. He tells her that they suspect her husband was murdered. This upsets her greatly, but Dr. Franklin assures her she is not alone in all this. She tries to kiss him, but he pulls away. He tells her she needs rest, and she lies down on his couch. Amis again races into the Zocalo rambling and screaming. Garibaldi is again on hand and confronts him. Amis mentions that the Copernicus brought a "Soldier of Darkness" to the station, a terrible entity he once faced during the War. In Downbelow, an alien Lurker screams as he is suddenly attacked. The Lurker's body is brought to Medlab, where Dr. Franklin confirms he died in the same manner as Will Cirrus. Garibaldi tells Franklin and Sheridan about Amis. He explains that Amis was one of forty-seven men stationed to a small moon during the War, and that all the other members of his unit were slaughtered. Amis clearly believes that whatever wiped out his unit is now aboard. Tracing the ship's path, Garibaldi was able to confirm that the ship passed within the gravitational pull of exactly the same moon. Dr. Franklin is skeptical, and insists that Mariah could not have been involved in any case, as she spent the night at his quarters (on the couch). Nevertheless, Sheridan orders a 24 hour watch put on her. He mentions that word of the attack has leaked out and that a Council meeting has been called for. Sheridan convenes a session of the Babylon 5 Advisory Council (though Delenn and Kosh are absent) and the League of Non-Aligned Worlds. The Markab Ambassador insists that Mariah has brought a Soldier of Darkness aboard the station. Londo is dismissive, but G'Kar is very interested. The Markab explains that a "great darkness" was defeated long ago, and when it happened it hid its agents throughout the galaxy: but now it is recalling them. Sheridan is not convinced, but agrees to do whatever he can to learn the truth--and stop whatever may be aboard. Later that night, Garibaldi awakens suddenly. He decides to go to Amis and use him to try and track down whatever is aboard. Amis takes him into Downbelow, but is unable to pinpoint the monster. He talks to Garibaldi about his experience in the War, explaining that the Monster allowed him to live, as it had been feeding on him as a kind of snack. He is convinced it is aboard, and runs off alone to try and find it before Garibaldi can stop him. Franklin finds Mariah aboard the Copernicus, reflecting on what has happened. She admits that she and Will were having problems, but wants to find justice for his killer. She explains that in her dreams, she is not alone in the cryo tube. She believes that whatever it was used her for food until it could find more--now it has an entire station to feed on. Garibaldi meets with Sheridan and Ivanova, going over Amis' account of what happened (despite the official records blaming the Minbari for the massacre). As Amis mentioned that the monster left a link to him, Garibaldi speculates that the same link may exist with Mariah. Garibaldi approaches Mariah in Medlab. He asks her if she can help him find the monster. She admits the she can feel its presence and agrees to help him track it down. Franklin insists on going along. In C'n'C, a report comes up about weapons fire in Brown Sector. Sheridan orders a full tactical team to meet him down there. Arriving in Brown Sector, they find Franklin treating an injured guard whom Garibaldi pulled out of a closed off sector. He then went back in alone. Sheridan and Ivanova lead the tactical team inside where they find Garibaldi (moments after he cornered the creature assaulting Amis). The Monster is almost completely invisible, and shrugs off PPG shots. Sheridan speculates that enough PPG blasts might be enough. Amis lures the monster out into the open, where it is killed by a massive crossfire from the tactical teams. Amis is treated for minor injuries in Medlab. Mariah comes there, thanking Franklin for all his help. She has decided to return to Earth, needing time to heal and to grieve. She kisses him good-bye before leaving. In C'n'C, Ivanova informs Sheridan that according to the Copernicus logs, the Soldier apparently was able to chart a course once it came aboard--the ship had been heading for Z'ha'dum before it detected Babylon 5 and automatically came there instead. Sheridan cannot believe this is merely a coincidence, and neither can Ivanova. In his quarters, G'Kar opens the Book of G'Quan to a particular passage, one that depicts the very Soldier of Darkness. Captain Sheridan goes over some of the day's events, delegating much of them to Commander Ivanova. Talia Winters meets an old friend, Taro Isogi, and a representative of the Mars Provisional Government, Amanda Carter. Isogi is there to help expand FutureCorp in a plan that will help lead to an independent Mars. Talia is there to moderate the negotiations between Isogi and Carter. Beneath the San Diego Wastelands, a woman oversees the commencement of a certain operation. On Babylon 5, in a secluded cargo bay, a large cargo container suddenly springs open--and a human hand reaches out. Captain Sheridan is contacted by Senator Elise Voudreau, who tells Sheridan about the meeting between Isogi and Carter. Voudreau suspects that FutureCorp may be planning to finance another armed rebellion, as Carter is an outspoken advocate of Martian independence. Sheridan insists there is nothing he can do without proof, as his jurisdiction does not include to civilian negotiations. Voudreau encourages him to keep an eye open nonetheless. The negotiations progress well. Isgoi's plan is for Mars to become fully independent within 10 years by reaching out to alien worlds to build up their infrastructure. He explains that Babylon 5 contains representatives from all the future partners they could get. The meeting recesses until the following day. Afterward, Talia confesses she has doubts about the plan as well, and Isogi suggests she share them with him over dinner. Sheridan joins Ivanova for a bite to eat in the Officers' Mess Hall. They discuss the negotiations he has been conducting with the Tikar. He tells her the story about how he was the first one to make contact with the Tikar. That evening, as Talia escorts Isogi through Red Sector, they are approached by a blond human. After declaring "Free Mars!" he grabs Isogi by the throat. A violent electrical discharge ensues, killing Isogi. The assassin then turns to Talia. She sees a telepathic flash which stuns the assassin momentarily. He then walks off without harming her. Talia discusses what happened with Captain Sheridan and Michael Garibaldi. She explains that when she scanned the attacker, she did not sense any emotion at all, just one single image that she could not clearly make out. She denies any suggestion that Isogi was involved with any violent action on Mars in any way. Garibaldi escorts Talia back to her quarters. Along the way, Garibaldi tries to cheer her up. Initially she dismisses him as simply trying to hit on her again, but eventually relents when she realizes he is just trying to be a friend. Garibaldi promises they will find Taro's killer. The assassin access a Babcom terminal in the Zocalo, contacting "Control." Revealing a cybernetic hand, he uplinks with the terminal, replaying a video of Isogi's death. The video includes footage of Talia's presence. Control identifies Ms. Winters and orders the assassin to eliminate her before proceeding to the next phase. Sheridan discusses Talia Winters with Ivanova, though her response surprises him. She tells him Talia can be trusted, but warns that she is very loyal to Psi Corps. Sheridan then goes to meet Amanda Carter about her meeting with Isogi. He informs her about Isogi's murder and about the mention of "Free Mars." Carter is shocked and confused about this. She promises to help Sheridan, saying that Isogi was Mars' best hope. The Captain then goes to see Garibaldi, who discusses Isogi's autopsy. The report indicates that Isogi was hit by a massive electrical charge via a humanoid hand, but something way more powerful than a Slaver's glove. Garibaldi concludes this is way more advanced than anything Free Mars could have, but is puzzled about how something requiring such a huge amount of energy could have gotten aboard the station undetected. Sheridan has his own suspicions, but decides to keep them to himself for the moment. Talia is being escorted by a security guard when the assassin suddenly appears. He kills the guard and chases her down, holding her against a wall. He reaches for her with his cybernetic right hand, again shouting "Free Mars!" Talia again is able to scan him, this time seeing the memory more clearly: she sees an Omega class destroyer firing on him. The scan stuns the assassin momentarily, allowing her to run away. He seems confused, wondering what has been done to him, then wanders off in the opposite direction. Talia goes over the attack with Captain Sheridan. She explains the memory and insists that it was the memory of his own death--the killer seems to be reliving the moment of his death as the only memory he has. Garibaldi enters with good news: Talia was able to pull some hair off the killer, enough for them to identify him. The killer is Abel Horn, one of the leaders of Free Mars, but according to Earthforce records he was killed when his ship was fired upon by the EAS Pournelle. Talia realizes that is the image she saw (him being fired upon). Sheridan orders her put into protective custody immediately. Abel Horn surprises Carter in her quarters. She clearly recognizes him, and is familiar with how he is supposed to be dead. He explains that after his ship was destroyed, he was found by another member of Free Mars and patched up by an alien doctor. He denies killing Isogi, saying that he came to the station to see her. He asks her to help him get back to Mars. She refuses, saying it cannot be found out that she was once a member of Free Mars. Horn reveals his prosthetic cybernetic hand, but then suddenly begins to have violent spasms. He begs her to help him, asking her to get Talia Winters, believing she knows what happened to him. Garibaldi goes over Talia's security precautions. She invites him to join her for some tea. They talk about their lives growing up. Garibaldi explains that he learned everything he knows about security from his father. Talia talks about growing up in the Corps since the age of five. Garibaldi is eventually called away to meet Sheridan in his quarters. After he arrives, Sheridan shows him some information about a "Project Lazarus," an experimental cybernetic program dating back to the 2230s. Sheridan explains that project used corpses, recently deceased individuals, hardwired with cybernetic implants. He believes that Horn could be the product of such a program. If it's true, Sheridan believes they will be able to locate him. Carter watches Horn sleep in her quarters. She decides to contact Talia. Carter invites Talia to join her in her quarters. Talia agrees to meet her. After Carter hangs up, Horn awakens and knocks her out. Sheridan explains his plan for tracking down Horn: according to the files, the power source operating Horn would be emitting a low level radiation they should be able to track. He leaves Sheridan to it, going to escort Talia to Carter's (along with Zack Allan and a team of guards). They do not go inside with her. Talia enters and finds Carter unconscious, and then is seized from behind by Horn. He demands her to tell him what he is, to tell him what the memories in his head mean. She scans him again, and this time she sees more than just his own death. She sees him being operated on, turned into what he is. Present at the operation is a female Psi Cop. Sheridan completes the scan and pinpoints Horn's location. He links Garibaldi and tells him to get inside, but orders Horn is to be taken alive. Garibaldi and his team storm the place. Horn holds Talia as a shield and gets the guards to put down their guns. He picks up Garibaldi's PPG. Sheridan arrives, beckoning Horn to work with them. He lets Talia go, but enraged about what has been done to him, he takes a shot at Garibaldi (but misses). Sheridan draws down and shoots Horn. Upon scanning Horn's body, Allan detects some kind of energy build up. They all evacuate and moments later the body explodes, obliterating all traces. Carter is treated for minor injuries in Medlab. She apologizes to Talia for what happened. She confesses that she used to belong to Free Mars, and that she was lovers with Horn back before the organization was a terrorist group. She left when they became violent and did not see Horn before now. Sheridan agrees not to say anything about her connection to Free Mars (thus preserving her political career) if Carter agrees to continue on with Isogi's plan. Privately, Garibaldi chides Sheridan for this, believing Carter an accessory to attempted murder. Talia insists however that Horn was not trying to kill her. She tells them about the memory she saw in Horn's mind, but specifically denies seeing anything she recognized. Garibaldi goes to see Sheridan in his office. He asks Sheridan how he knew about the Lazarus Project. Sheridan explains that as a hobby (of sorts), he collects "secrets." He suspects that Horn was part of a black bag outfit: rumors of a such a secret organization operating illegally within EarthGov have been circulating for years, an organization called Bureau 13. He believes that this organization planned for Horn to infiltrate Free Mars as a double agent. Beneath the San Diego Wastelands, the Psi Cop whom Talia saw converses with the unseen "Control," who states that the mission was only partially successful and that Horn was destroyed. She orders "Control" to follow up and ensure that Bureau 13 is not in jeopardy. In her quarters, Talia pulls up the identity of the Psi Cop--who is listed as deceased. Michael Garibaldi runs into Vir Cotto in the customs area. Cotto is there to pick up Londo Mollari's three wives as soon as they arrive. The first of them, Timov, arrives minutes later and insists on being taken to Mollari's quarters immediately, despite Cotto's instructions from her husband to wait for all three. As they leave, Garibaldi oversees a human trader being yelled at by a merchant, only for the mood to radically change and the merchant to start apologizing to the trader. Garibaldi is curious and decides to investigate who the man is. Later, Garibaldi mentions the incident to Captain John Sheridan, having identified the trader as Matthew Stoner. He explains that he just has a gut feeling there is something not right about him. Talia Winters arrives during their conversation and recognizes the name--she explains that she used to be married to him. Timov impatiently awaits Mollari in his quarters, nagging Cotto about the Ambassador's absence. Just then, Mollari's second wife, Daggair arrives. The two women are clearly not friends, despite both being married to Mollari. Commander Susan Ivanova arrives at Delenn's quarters, having been called. Delenn is literally having a "bad hair day," not familiar with how to care for her new human hair. She appeals to Ivanova for help, and Ivanova reluctantly agrees to help her. Sheridan tracks down Winters in a museum. He sensed that she was upset about Stoner's presence and came to talk to her about it. At first she flatly explains she does not want to talk about it, but Sheridan convinces her to open up. She explains that Stoner was originally one of her trainers in the Psi Corps, a charming figure who helped her. Their marriage was arranged by the Psi Corps, and immediately after it begun Winters regretted it. He left the Corps soon afterward and the Corps got the marriage annulled. When Sheridan questions how Stoner was able to leave the Corps, she admits she does not know for sure. Ambassador G'Kar bumps into Captain Sheridan, asking how he is getting along in his new assignment. While they are talking, an extremely happy Mollari runs into them and asks Sheridan the same question. He is even friendly to G'Kar, mystifying both Sheridan and the Narn. Timov is nearly out of patience waiting for Mollari when he finally arrives. Daggair fawns on him, but Timov insists on knowing why Mollari has summoned them. She refuses to wait for Mollari's third wife, Mariel, pointing out to him that he has jeopardized the success of their marriage, namely in their lack of communication. Mollari reminds her and Daggair that the following day is the thirtieth anniversary of his Day of Ascension. With his recent rise in prestige, he had a personal meeting with the Emperor, who promised him any one wish within his power to grant. Mollari wished for a divorce from his three wives. The Emperor compromised by asking Mollari to keep one of the three in only for important events. Mollari explains that by the end of the following day, he will announce which one he is keeping and which two will be put out without title or privilege. Mollari enjoys the grief his news causes. Mariel, his youngest wife, arrives at that moment to join them. Matthew Stoner tries to sell some artifacts on the station. One of the artifacts is a small Centauri sculpture which he successfully sells to a merchant. As the deal is going on, Stoner is approached by Garibaldi, who insists on bringing Stoner in for a chat. Lennier arrives at Delenn's (while Ivanova is doing her hair) to inform her about an invitation to Mollari's Ascension Day Party. She tells Lennier that they will accept. In Security, Garibaldi questions Stoner. He explains that he is friends with Winters, which prompts Stoner to start mocking the Chief. Garibaldi warns Stoner to keep clear of Winters, but Stoner is clearly not intimidated in the slightest. Mariel runs into Captain Sheridan in the Zocalo, having gotten separated from Mollari's tour. Mollari sees them, and quickly pulls Sheridan aside, warning him that Mariel is attracted to men of power the way Earth moths are attracted to flames--only it is the men who get burned. Stoner approaches Winters in the Eclipse Cafe. She does not want to talk to him, but he persists in talking to her anyway. He tempts her with the idea of being able to leave the Psi Corps: he explains that anyone can if they just lose their telepathy. He says that this is what happened to him, and now the Corps has no hold on him. He offers to arrange it for her. Later, Garibaldi approaches Winters to tell her that he warned Stoner to steer clear of her. Winters is not happy to hear this, however, and tells him to mind his own business. That night, both Mariel and Daggair continue to fawn over Mollari--even offering to join him in a ménage à trois--but Timov puts up absolutely no pretense of affection. As Timov and Mollari argue, she eventually slaps him. The next day, Winters goes to visit Garibaldi. She apologies for being rude, and explains that she will likely be leaving with Stoner, as he has promised her a way to take away her telepathy. Stoner apparently had this happen to him following some experimentation on him by the Corps. Winters is anxious for a way that would let her leave the Corps. The Centauri artifact sold by Stoner is purchased by Mariel. Ivanova finishes a daily report with Sheridan by explaining how they have been invited to Mollari's party: all guests must be barefoot as part of the Centauri custom concerning Ascension Day celebrations. At the Party, G'Kar almost causes a scene by showing up wearing boots instead of going barefoot like the other guests. Mollari however baffles G'Kar by refusing to take offense, and by greeting his rival as his "Narn friend." Delenn talks to Garibaldi, noticing he seems distant. Their conversation is interrupted by Mollari opening his presents. One of his gifts is the statue acquired by Mariel. As Mollari is examining it, two small darts fire from the eyes and strike him in the forehead, causing him to collapse. In Medlab, Dr. Franklin goes over Mollari's condition with Sheridan. He explains that Mollari needs a blood transfusion to survive, but unfortunately they do not have enough of his type on hand and they have never been able to synthesize Centauri blood. Mariel seems upset, swearing she did not know the gift was booby trapped. Totally unsympathetic, Daggair mentions to Timov that because he has not announced his divorce decree, if Mollari dies their futures would be secure. Garibaldi hauls Stoner back into security to question him about the artifact. Stoner claims to be ignorant about the artifact. He explains he recovered it from an abandoned Centauri colony in Sector 127, a colony the Centauri were forced to abandon because of Narn aggression. Garibaldi speculates that the Narns booby trapped the device and set it to respond to Centauri DNA. Despite threats about charges from both Garibaldi and Sheridan, Stoner is completely unimpressed. He mocks Garibaldi while keeping perfectly cool. Both Sheridan and Garibaldi realize this means Stoner must have an ace up his sleeve. In Medlab, Timov goes to see Dr. Franklin alone. She explains that she has the same blood type as Mollari. She agrees to a blood transfusion on the condition that Franklin never disclose she did it for him. Franklin agrees and they begin the treatment. It is successful, and Mollari awakens a few hours later with all three of his "nightmares" hovering over him. Mollari comments he is uncertain if he is in Medlab or Hell; strongly suspecting the latter. Mariel and Daggair pretend to be relieved that Mollari is going to live, but Timov says nothing, even though her husband invites her to comment. After the wives depart, Mollari badmouths them all to Franklin, especially Timov. Bound to honor his promise to Timov, a disgusted Franklin nonetheless tells Mollari off and storms out, leaving the Centauri diplomat confused. Lou Welch goes over a background check of Stoner with Garibaldi. When Welch mentions that Stoner is eating, Garibaldi asks why he was given a meal at an unscheduled time. Welch does not have an answer, aside from simply saying that something about Stoner makes people want to like him. Winters visits Stoner in his holding cell. She tells him that she has changed her mind and will not be leaving with him. Stoner tells her that she will be coming, and immediately Winters changes her mind and agrees to come along. Stoner then tells the guard to let them go, and the guard immediately opens the door and starts to lead them away. Garibaldi surprises Stoner in the corridor, knocking him out cold. Winters and the guard both blink and shake off whatever Stoner had done to them. G'Kar discusses the attack on Mollari with his lover--Mariel. G'Kar correctly guesses that Mariel knew exactly what the artifact was, but assures her he will not say a word to anyone. He warns her, however, that if he can figure it out then Mollari can too. Sheridan, Garibaldi, and Winters confront Stoner. Sheridan discusses how the moment he was charged with a crime, the Psi Corps stepped in and insisted he be turned over to them. Sheridan deduces that the experiments on Stoner turned him into an empath, someone capable of compelling others to do what he wanted. Psi Corps retained him unofficially, and sent him to Babylon 5 to bring back Winters (one way or another) hoping to use them to breed more empaths. Stoner appeals to Winters to come with him, in spite of everything, promising again that he does know of a cure. She turns him down flat. Mollari and Cotto escort the three ladies to the customs area. With obvious pleasure at seeing the back of the trio, Cotto presents Timov with a schedule of events, explaining which she will be expected to attend and which she can pass on. It is clear Mollari has made his choice: he is keeping Timov and divorcing the other wives, whom he assures of an alimony settlement, albeit a modest one. Timov privately asks why he chose her, utterly astounded at his decision. Mollari explains he did it because with her, he will always know where he stands. With that, Mollari reverently kisses her hand and departs, leaving Timov secretly charmed at his respect for her honesty. Delenn finds Commander Ivanova and thanks her for helping her with the recent crisis. She also asks Ivanova if she knows why she has recently started having unusual cramps. Commander Ivanova is in a meeting with Captain Sheridan. Since the station has been experiencing a drop in revenue recently, Earthforce has decided that Sheridan and Ivanova do not require as large of quarters as they currently have--they must either move or start paying 30 credits a week. Sheridan is outraged and flatly refuses to pay the rent or move. He insists that Ivanova refuse as well. On Mars, Psi Cop Bester brutally interrogates a rogue telepath, asking for details about an "underground railroad" helping rogue telepaths. When the man refuses to divulge where the "clearing house" for the railroad is, Bester takes it via deep scan. The scan kills the man, but before he dies Bester learned the location: Babylon 5. Sheridan discusses the rent situation with Dr. Franklin while at Earhart's. He is adamant about standing his ground, though Franklin bets that he loses in the end. After they leave, Sheridan is approached by Delenn, who invites him to dinner, hoping it will help her understand humans better. Sheridan is surprised, but graciously accepts. Bester arrives on the station soon thereafter. He meets with Sheridan, Ivanova, Michael Garibaldi, and Talia Winters and explains about the existence of the underground railroad, which he insists is operating through the station. Sheridan asks Bester and Winters to step out while he discusses the situation with his staff. No one is upset at the idea of telepaths fleeing the Psi Corps, but Garibaldi points out that the rogues are breaking the law and they have a duty to help Bester uphold it. Sheridan orders Garibaldi to give Bester whatever help he needs. While leaving, Ivanova suggests to Sheridan that he should check the files of last year regarding Besters visits, particularly the incident with Jason Ironheart. Meanwhile, Bester and Talia discuss the situation as they go for a walk in the Zocalo. While they talk, Bester hears some telepathic "echos," calling out "murderer." This confirms to Bester that his lead was correct about the railroad. In Downbelow, a group of Lurkers gather. They discuss the presence of Bester on the station and what it will mean. They agree that they will have to kill him to prevent him from stopping them. Delenn joins Captain Sheridan for dinner at Fresh Air, "turning a few heads" by wearing an attractive human dress. Garibaldi tracks down Ivanova in Earharts, asking her point blank if she is part of the railroad (as the operation could only be pulled off by help from someone in the command staff). Ivanova truthfully informs him that she is not part of it. Garibaldi also has some news to tell her about her quarters. Sheridan and Delenn have a good time at dinner, staying until late into the night getting to know one another (they are the last two to leave). Bester contacts Talia via Babcom, inviting her to breakfast the following the morning, hoping to get to know her better. Talia agrees. After she hangs up, she remembers Bester's previous visit, the last time she saw Ironheart. She remembers what happened to him, and the gift he gave her. She looks down at an old Earth penny on the counter. She moves it telekinetically, propelling it with such force that it embeds itself into the wall. She is sure that Bester scanned her twice that day and wonders how he did not pick up on this new gift. She wonders if that shielding is part of what Ironheart gave her. Sheridan returns to his quarters at last--only to find they will not open for him. Ivanova approaches, explaining that they have both been locked out for failing to pay the required rent. He stands on his principles, refusing to allow her to pay the rent or rent somewhere else. Back in Downbelow, the rogue telepaths begin assembling weapons. Their leader has them repeat the song "Mary Had a Little Lamb" over and over, cautioning them to keep the song in their head to prevent being scanned. Sheridan and Ivanova go to the captain's office to spend the night (his "solution" to the rent situation, at least for the night). He is still in a good mood from his date from earlier. The following morning, while Bester has breakfast with Talia at the Eclipse Cafe, he senses an impending attack. He gets the warning just in time, as a pair of rogues open fire on him. While Talia flees the scene (along with all the other bystanders), Bester stands his ground, PPG drawn. He easily kills two of the rogues shooting at him. As Talia flees, she is seized by one of the rogues. Bester goes over the attack with the command staff. Bester is ambivalent to Talia's disappearance, upsetting Garibaldi. Talia awakens in Downbelow in the midst of the rogues. Frightened, she encourages them to let her go and return to the Psi Corps. One of the leaders tells her he wants her to understand why they have fled. Dr. Franklin meets with Sheridan privately. He tells the captain that he was just contacted by the leader of the railroad who wants to meet with Sheridan alone. He assures him no harm will come to Talia if he refuses. Franklin assures the captain he can trust them, and Sheridan agrees. Several telepaths discuss their histories with Talia. One of them explains that his brother was a telepath who took the sleepers but remained an outspoken critic of the Psi Corps--so they murdered him. Talia cannot accept this, but the lead telepath starts to talk to her about Ironheart. Garibaldi calls Bester to his office. Bester tries to assure Garibaldi that he is not the enemy, nor is he a monster. He explains that he has a wife and daughter on Mars. Garibaldi brushes off this talk, preferring to get down to business. He has managed to identify the two rogues who attacked them and learn where they were staying. He explains that he is assembling a team that will hit the location (hoping the other rogues are there as well) in an hour. He insists Bester go in with the team, and Bester agrees. Another telepath (a P11) gives her story to Talia: after refusing to submit to an "arranged marriage," she was raped and impregnated by the Corps. The baby was taken the day she gave birth and she fled the Corps immediately afterward. Again the lead telepath appeals to Talia to help them. Talia is upset, shaken to the core about everything she believes in. The telepath explains that he was friends with Ironheart and underwent the same experiments. He was modified to at least a P12, but was no where near the level that Ironheart reached. The two of them escaped together. Sheridan comes to Downbelow alone. He unexpectedly runs into Dr. Franklin, who explains he in fact is the one running the underground railroad. They are approached by the rogues--and Talia, who assures the captain that he should listen to what Franklin and the telepaths have to say. Dr. Franklin explains that back on Earth, he heard lots of rumors about the terrible human rights abuses being committed against telepaths. A group of doctors had began the railroad, first by identifying latent telepaths and covering for them, then by quietly reshuffling rogues as best they could. Needing to get them away from Earth, the group began to arrange for rogues to come to Babylon 5 on business visas. Franklin explains that the free clinic he set up in Downbelow the previous year was a cover to help him funnel the rogues through the station. Sheridan is sympathetic, but finds himself in an impossible situation: if he turns Franklin in, it could cause irreparable damage to the station. Talia suggests there is an alternative, and the rogue telepath suddenly senses Bester is on the way. Bester arrives a few minutes later, finding Talia standing side-by-side with all the rogues (with Sheridan and Franklin not presence). The rogues all join hands and engage in a telepathic assault on Bester. The assault does not seem to work, however, and the lead telepath realizes it is because Talia is fighting them. She breaks away and draws a PPG. She and Bester then shoot down every single telepath. Bester commends Talia, confident that the "example" just set will destroy the railroad. He tells her to leave quickly and deny any knowledge of the massacre. After he is gone, Sheridan and Franklin reenter the room: where Talia and the rogues (all alive) are still standing holding hands. He explains that all he saw was Bester enter, stand very still for a few minutes, then smile and leave. Talia explains that they created a powerful false memory in Bester. Despite Bester's powerful P12 rating, their collective power was enough to create the projection. Talia cautions Sheridan to avoid Bester before he leaves, as if he suspects something is amiss he could scan Sheridan and learn the truth. Franklin assures Sheridan that the railroad will be shut down on the station (as it has become too hot to continue). This is good enough for the captain. Before she leaves, the lead telepath warns Talia about meeting Bester again. She is confident that she can keep him out if he tries to scan her casually. He is convinced that their trick only worked because she was present: he tells her that she is the future. Ivanova comes to see Sheridan that night, complaining that his stand is not going to force EarthGov to change its mind. Sheridan informs her that he has come up with a solution: diverting 60 credits a week from the station's military budget to pay the rent. Talia escorts Bester to the customs area. He confesses he is disappointed in Sheridan's lackluster cooperation and asks Talia to keep an eye on him. He then leaves, pausing for a moment to look back at Talia, but then continues on his way. Talia goes to see Ivanova in her quarters. She brings a bottle of wine and confesses that Susan was right all along about the Corps. She explains that she needs someone to talk to. Susan agrees, though she asks Talia to remove her Psi Corps badge before they get started. On Centauri Prime, the aged Emperor of the Centauri Republic discusses an impending trip with his Prime Minister. The Emperor insists the Prime Minister stay behind in case a crisis arises. The Prime Minister is not pleased about this, nor is he happy about the trip itself, as the Emperor's health is delicate at best. The Emperor is adamant, however, but thanks the Minister for being a loyal friend and servant. On Babylon 5, Ambassador G'Kar formally protests the upcoming visit of the Centauri Emperor with Captain Sheridan. He insists that the Emperor is a monster and a war criminal because of his family's role in the First Centauri Occupation of Narn (despite the fact, as Sheridan points out, the Emperor himself was not directly involved in any way). Sheridan is not completely unsympathetic for how G'Kar feels, but welcomes the Emperor's arrival. He encourages G'Kar to use this trip as an opportunity to open a dialogue. G'Kar dismisses this suggestion and storms off in anger, warning Sheridan about what might come of this. A human arrives on Babylon 5 and takes notice of Michael Garibaldi. In his quarters, Londo Mollari discusses the impending arrival of the Emperor with Lord Refa. Refa hands Londo a prepared speech he wants Londo to deliver publicly following the Emperor's own speech. The speech criticizes the current government and "predicts" a few minor crises in the months to come, crises that Refa and his people plan to put into effect. This will have the effect of making the Emperor look weak and shortsighted all the while increasing their own political influence. Londo does not object, but points out that delivering the speech will put him out of favor with the Royal Court. Refa acknowledges this, but points out that the Emperor is not expected to live much longer, given his failing health. After he leaves, Londo admits to Vir (who was present for the meeting) that he is as every bit as uncomfortable with the conversation as Vir is. The Emperor's flagship and its escort arrive at the station. The Emperor comes aboard and is welcomed by Captain Sheridan, his senior staff, and a full honor guard. The Emperor thanks all of them for all the hard work they have done promoting the peace. He takes Dr. Franklin aside and asks if he has seen much of Ambassador Kosh, explaining that he has never seen a Vorlon but has always been intrigued by the strange stories about them. In his quarters, G'Kar discusses a plan with a member of the Kha'Ri, Kha'Mak, via StellarCom: G'Kar plans to assassinate the Emperor at the reception before he can deliver his speech. The Emperor has a private conversation with Captain Sheridan in the Observation Dome. They talk about their respective paths, with the Emperor explaining that his long life has been one of making no choices but just doing what had been expected of him. He says that his life is nothing but regrets, but that he means to seize upon one last opportunity to make a real difference. Garibaldi goes over the security precautions with his staff in the Zocalo. As he walks by, the human who recently arrived continues to watch him. In his quarters, G'Kar composes a final message, claiming that he is acting alone without the knowledge or consent of his government. He requests his body be sent back to his family and that his copy of the Book of G'Quan be given to Na'Toth in the hope of her eventual enlightenment. The reception gathers for the Emperor. In addition to Sheridan and his staff, all of the other Ambassadors and some other VIPs gather awaiting him to arrive and deliver his speech. They are disappointed Kosh did not come out, and outright shocked when G'Kar walks in. Sheridan approaches G'Kar and commends him on making the right choice. G'Kar coldly says that he will listen to the what the Emperor has to say. The mysterious stranger continues to follow Garibaldi through the station. Garibaldi is aware of it, however, and confronts him. The man claims he needs to talk to Garibaldi, but will not say about what when others are present. Garibaldi orders him locked up in a cell until after the reception. Before the Emperor can reach the reception hall, he suddenly collapses. Dr. Franklin is alerted immediately. Because the Emperor always travels with a pair of telepaths who are permanently linked to another pair on the Homeworld, Prime Minister Malachi is immediately aware of what has happened. In Medlab, Dr. Franklin discusses the Emperor's condition with him. He insists the Emperor tell his people that he cannot be moved. The Emperor insists on giving Franklin a message, however, a message he wants delivered for him that is of the utmost importance. Lord Refa meets with Londo and Vir in private. He explains that their competitors are already assembling, preparing to fill the void that will open as soon as the Emperor dies. He tells Londo that before that happens, their faction must act in some unparalleled manner. Londo suggests taking a Narn colony on the border of Centauri space, Quadrant 14. Refa says they could not pull it off without a major assault, but Londo assures him that he will personally take care of it--all Refa needs to do is send what ships he can gather to the planet. Refa is skeptical, but agrees to make it happen. After he leaves, Londo tells Vir to find Morden and bring him to Londo. Vir begs him not to do it, but Londo is adamant. He understands what his actions will mean: open war with the Narn. G'Kar is furious over missing his opportunity to assassinate the Emperor. Dr. Franklin then arrives, delivering the message the Emperor wanted him to deliver: an apology. The Emperor came to Babylon 5 because he wanted to personally apologize to the Narn Regime for the crimes committed by the Republic, and specifically by his family. G'Kar is completely overwhelmed by this news--it is the last thing in the universe he expected to hear. That evening, Londo falls asleep on his quarters. He has a vision of many things: one is of a "great hand, reaching out of a star;" another is himself, standing outdoors and looking up as Shadow vessels streak overhead in the sky; next he sees himself being crowned Emperor. In the final part of the vision, he sees himself as an old man on the throne. An aged, one-eyed G'Kar begins strangling him to death. He tries to fight, but G'Kar clearly kills him. Londo awakens from the dreams with a start. He checks the time and with a shudder remarks that the attack has begun. At Quadrant 14, several Shadow ships appear and open fire on the base in orbit. Within just minutes, they completely overrun the colony's defenses, obliterating all ships in orbit, eliminating the outpost, and firing on the planet itself. They then disappear as quickly as they appeared. In the Zocalo, Londo confirms to Refa that the attack has been carried out. Refa acknowledges that he will order their ships in immediately, and also suggests there is one other matter that needs to be taken care of (one which is better if Londo knows nothing about it. After Refa leaves, Londo runs into G'Kar. He is surprised when G'Kar is elated to see him, insisting on sharing a drink with him. G'Kar claims to have had a revelation and believes a new page is about to be turned between them. He toasts to the Emperor's health, and to Londo's own. Londo is stunned, fully aware of what is happening even then. At Quadrant 14, a Centauri task force jumps into local space. Mere minutes later, a squadron of Narn fighters come through the local jump gate. They see the devastation wrought--and then they see the Centauri ships. The two sides engage each other. Meanwhile, on Centauri Prime, the Prime Minister is stabbed to death in the throne room. Zack Allan goes to the Chief's office, telling him that the prisoner (the man who had been following him) is asking to speak with him. Garibaldi has him brought it. Once alone, the man hands over a Data crystal, explaining that he was tasked with personally delivering it to Garibaldi. The Chief inserts it into his console and it begins playing a message: from Jeffrey Sinclair. Sinclair's message explains that his job on Minbar is more than simply playing ambassador: he has taken on the role of leader of the Rangers, a small but growing army of Humans and Minbari. The courier of the message is one such Ranger. Garibaldi interrupts the broadcast at this point to ask the Ranger if they are moving weapons through the station. The Ranger replies they are not, but that they do have friends there. The message resumes: Sinclair warns Garibaldi about a "great darkness coming," one anticipated by some Minbari for a very long time. He asks Michael to give them every ounce of courtesy and cooperation. He also encourages him to stay close to Kosh and to "watch out for Shadows." In C'n'C, Commander Ivanova informs Captain Sheridan that they have received a preliminary report that the Centauri have launched a full scale assault against a Narn colony. Via StellarCom, G'Kar is informed of the attack on Quadrant 14 by Kha'Mak. The Narn explains that the first reports of an attack on the colony were confused, but the fighters sent in afterward confirmed it was Centauri ships that attacked. He is at a loss as to how the Centauri could have overrun their defenses so quickly and is worried about the 250,000 Narns living on the colony. After he hangs up, G'Kar succumbs to a fit of rage, angry at not only the attack but Londo's personal betrayal. After Garibaldi finishes Sinclair's message, he gets a link from Zack alerting him to a red alert in the ambassadorial wing. The message is cut off. In Green Sector, G'Kar--still fully enraged--bats aside a pair of security guards, making his way for Londo's quarters. He is confronted en route by Sheridan and five armed security guards. Sheridan insists he stand down, as proceeding will accomplish nothing. Realizing Sheridan is right, G'Kar returns to his quarters where he breaks down, weeping at what has happened. In Medlab, the Emperor's condition steadily continues to decline. He admits to Franklin that he would have liked very much to have seen a Vorlon. His wish almost immediately comes true, as Kosh appears at his side. He asks Kosh, "How will this end?" The Vorlon replies simply, "In fire." Garibaldi meets with Sheridan and Ivanova. He does not disclose anything about Sinclair or the Rangers, but he does divulge that sources have told him that the rumors that have been swirling around all year about a new race "on the prowl" are true. He explains and that there may be a link between them and the Centauri, which might explain how they were able to pull off the attack. Realizing it is not much, Sheridan nevertheless decides to use this knowledge to his advantage, believing that the Centauri would want to keep the presence of such an alliance a secret. Lord Refa and Londo visit the Emperor in Medlab. Refa explains to the Emperor about the successful attack on the Narn colony and asks for the Emperor's blessing. The Emperor calls Londo to him, whispering something in his ear. Immediately afterward, he passes away. Londo says that the Emperor told him, "Continue, take my people back to the stars." However, once they are alone, Londo confesses to Refa that he really said that they are both damned. Refa laughs at this, joking that it is a small enough price to pay for immortality. Sheridan visits G'Kar in his quarters, though the Narn hardly acknowledges his presence. Sheridan explains that he has called a Council meeting and asks G'Kar to come. G'Kar agrees to attend and thanks Sheridan for stopping him earlier. At the meeting of the Babylon 5 Advisory Council and the League of Non-Aligned Worlds, Sheridan asks what the Centauri intend to do about the 250,000 Narn civilians at Quadrant 14. He explains that Earth has given him permission to send observers to the colony to assess the situation, interview survivors, and report on how the colony was conquered so quickly. This news compels Londo to state that he will convince his government to allow the Narn civilians to leave unhindered for Narn. G'Kar is then asked to speak. Softly, he tells them all that the Narn Regime has declared war against the Centauri Republic. Refa meets with Londo and Vir one last time. He explains that the death of the Prime Minister in conjunction with the other recent events have provided the means for their faction to move ahead of their rivals ("neutralizing" several competing families) and ensure that the Emperor's nephew--someone in their own camp--will succeed him on the throne. After Refa leaves, Vir confesses that he is surprised Londo did not ask to be named to the Royal Court as that would have put him in a position to ascend the throne himself one day. Recalling his dream, Londo explains that he has no desire to be Emperor. Garibaldi thanks the Ranger for his help, and asks if anyone else aboard knows about their presence. The Ranger admits that there is one other person. In her quarters, Delenn plays a message from Sinclair. Commander Ivanova enjoys a quiet shift in C'n'C--only to have her peaceful day shattered with the sudden arrival of the EAS Schwarzkopf (J) at the lead of an Earthforce task force. The task force is commanded by General Richard Franklin who comes aboard and is greeted by Captain Sheridan. General Franklin orders the captain to find billeting for his troops--all 25,000 of them, as they will be staying for several days. Sheridan asks if he is related to Dr. Stephen Franklin, and the General confirms that Stephen is his son. He tells Sheridan that he will get in touch with Stephen only after he's overseen the unloading of his men onto the station. The Marines march onto the station checking in and being assigned their quarters under the firm direction of Sgt. Major Plug. Commander Ivanova and Security Chief Michael Garibaldi are overwhelmed trying to oversee the transition. Finding space for all the troops proves extra challenging, and Garibaldi worries about how colorful things will get once the Marines find their ways to the more lively portions of the station. At 0900, General Franklin briefs Sheridan, Ivanova, and Garibaldi about the classified mission that has brought his army there. Within a few days, they will be leaving for nearby Akdor to assist the Sh'lassen Triumvirate in suppressing a rebellion. Until EarthGov makes the news of the aid official, the mission is to be kept a secret. Franklin explains that part of the reason why they are on Babylon 5 is so he may confer with Sheridan over his battle strategy, as Sheridan had previously been to Akdor. He also announces that his task force has brought with him equipment to upgrade the station's defense grid, making it far more powerful. Sheridan and the rest of his staff are uneasy about what this situation bodes for the future. Warren Keffer returns to his quarters, only to find two Marines crashing in his quarters (Large and Yang). Keffer is not happy about the arrangements, and there is a bit of tough talk, but Large eventually becomes much more friendly when he sees Keffer willing to stand his ground. General Franklin visits with his son in his quarters. They discuss the family, though the atmosphere is somewhat tense. The elder Franklin cannot disclose the mission to his son. They begin sniping at each other when General Franklin suggests his son could be better spending his time focusing his efforts on humans, claiming that aliens categorically pose a threat to humanity. This upsets Stephen, who suggests his father spend less time trying to "murder" aliens and more time trying to understand them. His father storms off at these words. Commander Ivanova escorts a group of Marines to Medlab, where she explains to Dr. Franklin that due to the space shortage some of the Marines will need to stay in Medlab. Franklin angrily objects. Ivanova insists, and asks Franklin why he is so on edge. Franklin admits that it's because of his father: he admits that despite how much he loves his father, he always ends up angry at him. Ivanova is sympathetic, but is interrupted before she can talk to him further. She invites him to meet him after shift at the Eclipse Cafe to talk some more. They meet up later as scheduled, and Franklin vents about the problems he's always had with his father. He tells Susan that the General always made a better soldier than a father. Stephen explains that it was even harder because of all the dangerous missions his father went on, with the family worried during every operation that they would never see him again. Susan encourages him to talk to his father, no matter how painful it might be, since once he is gone it will be too late. Her tone is enough for Stephen to pick up on the idea that the Marines are not simply heading for Io as reported. Ambassador Delenn expresses her dislike for the large number of soldiers aboard the peaceful space station to Garibaldi. He informs her it will only be for a few days, then leaves to deal with a disturbance. Delenn is then confronted by a trio of drunken Marines, lead by Kleist, who harass her about her appearance. The harassment quickly threatens to turn violent as they crowd around her. Another Marine, P.F.C. Elizabeth Durman, steps in and yells for the others to back off from Delenn. When they refuse, she stands her ground, allowing Delenn to flee. A physical altercation erupts between the Marines. Delenn finds Garibaldi and he immediately rushes to the scene. He arrives right after Plug who, having successfully corralled the brawling Marines is busy shouting at them. Garibaldi asks the sergeant major to drop the matter and he agrees. The Chief introduces himself to Durman, who goes by the nickname "Dodger." Dodger thanks Garibaldi for making sure she got off the hook and is surprised to learn she'd just kept Kleist from assaulting an ambassador. They exchange a few pleasantries before he's called away to another disturbance. As he leaves, Dodger shows interest in him. Sheridan discusses Operation Sudden Death with General Franklin. Sheridan insists that the Sh'lassen government has lied about the sheer strength of the rebel fortress and encourages him to find another way than fighting. The General insists that he must carry out his orders, orders which state the fortress must be captured. They are interrupted by Stephen, who tries to talk to his father, only to be rebuffed. Stephen gets upset again and leaves. The General admits to Sheridan about how different he and his son are. Sheridan defends the doctor, saying he is a man of principle and the utmost integrity. Sheridan encourages him to keep talking to his son. Dodger tracks down Garibaldi in the Zócalo and invites him to show her around. Garibaldi agrees. Soon afterward they are at his place, passionately making out. Garibaldi stops them, however, before they have sex, saying they are moving too quickly, a problem he has always made in his relationships. Dodger gets angry and embarrassed, telling him that her job does not allow for relationships and she only was looking for a one night stand. She storms out, leaving Garibaldi at a loss for words. In C'n'C, Ivanova discusses the upgrades to the defense grid with Sheridan, admitting how impressed she is at how much more powerful they are. General Franklin goes to see his son. Curtly, he apologies for dismissing his son earlier and for not being around as often as he would have liked when Stephen was growing up, but nevertheless expresses his outrage at how Stephen called him a "murderer." Stephen confesses how frustrating their relationship is, how they cannot talk and how much more terrifying it gets whenever his father is called out into a war zone and he does not know if he will see him again. Both men soften their tones, discussing how despite their differences they retain a deep love and respect for each other. They eventually embrace. Keffer enjoys some more stories from his temporary roommates in the Casino. Large is a cool hand, having served for thirty years, but Yang is a rookie and admits he is nervous about the idea of first going into battle. Meanwhile, Garibaldi finds Dodger in the casino. She apologies for blowing up on him, and admits that she has a feeling the army is not really headed for Io. Garibaldi cannot confirm this, but Dodger picks up on it, though does not press the matter. As they talk, Keffer accidentally knocks over Kleist's drink. This prompts a scuffle that soon turns into an all out brawl. Garibaldi links for reinforcements before joining in the fight alongside Dodger. The brawl is only broken up when Sgt. Major Plug, General Franklin and Captain Sheridan arrive. Franklin orders all the Marines out, announcing they are about to embark on their mission. The troops quickly board their ships. Sheridan wishes the General the best of luck. Before he leaves, he shares a last parting moment with his son. Meanwhile, Garibaldi finds Dodger and says good-bye. She promises to come back and visit and they share one last passionate kiss. Some time later, a crowd gathers in the Zócalo to watch ISN where Tonia Wallace is reporting live from Akdor on the fighting at Matok. Some previously taped footage of the battle is shown followed by a live interview with General Franklin, where he announces the operation a success, though admits the victory comes with a high cost. A wounded but still able Sgt. Major Plug calls the General away and the interview is terminated. Stephen is relieved to see his father alive and well. Lou Welch delivers a casualty report to Garibaldi and Keffer. Both men look over the list and fall silent, obviously saddened by what they read. On Akdor, Dodger, Large, Kleist, and Yang are shown dead on the ground--all killed in action. Delenn explains to Lennier that she has been asked to appear before the Grey Council. A new leader has been chosen for the Council and they wish to discuss her current role: both as a member of the Council and as ambassador to Babylon 5. She admits to Lennier that she is afraid she might not be coming back, as her transformation has obviously caused division. In C'n'C, Commander Ivanova briefs Captain Sheridan regarding some recent ships going missing within their sector. Neither believes it is the work of raiders and agree someone should investigate. Sheridan decides that he will take a Starfury wing out. Ivanova is not happy with the decision, but Sheridan insists it is hardly a clear and present danger he's flying into. In deep space, a Narn Frazi class heavy fighter is attacked by an unknown alien vessel. The pilot ejects as his ship is destroyed and his pod is picked up by the attacking ship. Lennier informs Delenn that her Minbari flyer is ready for her. He then tells her that he has borrowed a flyer for his own use, wishing to accompany her on her journey. Delenn is opposed to this, as she does not want any disfavor the Council has for her to imprint onto him. Lennier is not concerned about this, however, and insists on going along. Delenn does appreciate the company. As Sheridan prepares for his mission, Ivanova links him with a message that General William Hague will be arriving ahead of schedule. Ivanova is stunned that the Captain did not inform her that a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff was coming, but Sheridan insists it is merely an informal, cordial visit. He also assures her that he will be back from his patrol well before the General arrives. In the Zocalo, Stephen Franklin and Michael Garibaldi discuss the upcoming baseball playoffs with a pilot, Carlos Ramirez. Ramirez is called away to serve on Sheridan's wing. They launch soon afterward, and Sheridan is delighted to be in a fighter again. Delenn and Lennier arrive at the Grey Council's ship. Lennier waits in the hallway while Delenn proceeds to the Grey Council Chamber. In another part of space, Sheridan's wing arrive through the local jump gate and scan for any signs of the missing ships. A strange alien ship suddenly jumps into local space and attacks them. Sheridan's ship is badly damaged and he has to eject. All ships in his wing are destroyed save for Ramirez, though his fighter is badly damaged. The alien ship picks up Sheridan's cockpit and jumps back into hyperspace. Ramirez struggles to get his damaged fighter back online. The ship reports a radiation leak in the reactor and that the communication systems are offline. Knowing the only hope the captain has for rescue is for him to get back, he enters the jumpgate and heads back to the station (despite the radiation level already being at terminal levels). General Hague arrives on Babylon 5 and is greeted by Commander Ivanova. He is worried that Sheridan is not present, insisting that Sheridan would never keep him waiting. Sheridan awakens aboard the alien vessel, strapped to a table. A series of automated instruments descends from the ceiling, moving towards him. Delenn appears in the Grey Council Chamber. Hedronn is there alone. He informs her that the Council will not appear, as she has been summoned to receive judgment. Her fate has already been decided, and for her act of defiance (undergoing her transformation) she has been stripped of her position in the Council. Delenn asks about her role as Ambassador, and Hedronn says the Council is still debating. He offers to allow her to speak before the Council on the matter and she eagerly accepts. Ramirez makes it back to Babylon 5. Ivanova detects the critical condition of the fighter and the pilot from C'n'C. After being experimented upon, Sheridan is released from his bindings. A metal rod is dropped to his side and he is attacked by a Drazi wielding a similar weapon. The Drazi has a device on his head that seems to be compelling his attack. Sheridan defends himself, pleading to the Drazi to fight the control. Suddenly, the Drazi killed by a third prisoner: a Narn wielding a sword who also has one of the control devices on him. The Narn prisoner attacks Sheridan. The Captain is just barely able to defend himself. As they fight, the Narn begs Sheridan to kill him. Sheridan refuses, but does knock him out. Dr. Franklin frantically tries to treat Ramirez, but the pilot dies from the radiation poisoning. Ivanova discusses the captain's kidnapping with Garibaldi, though as being completely alien they do not know where to start looking for it. Delenn pleads her case before the Grey Council, asking them to allow her to continue her mission at Babylon 5. Her replacement reveals himself, and she is both shocked and angered to see that it is Neroon, a member of the Warrior Caste. This means the Council now has 4 members from the Warrior Caste and only 2 from the Religious Caste, tipping the balance. Neroon angrily confronts Delenn, calling her transformation obscene and insisting that the Warrior Caste has the right to lead given all their sacrifices. He also declares that if the prophecies Delenn believes in are indeed about to come true--that a great war is coming--then the Warrior Caste has all the more right to lead. He states that she should remain on Babylon 5, as she no longer belongs among the Minbari. The Narn prisoner awakens, still injured from the fight. Sheridan has disabled the device that was controlling him. The Narn believes they were picked up as part of a scouting mission for potential invasion. Sheridan asks the Narn why he asked him to kill him, and the Narn replies that there is no escape--better to die. He then passes out again. Delenn emerges from the Council Chamber. She explains what happened to Lennier (though leaves out how ugly it got). She offers him a chance to leave her service, but he does not need a moment to consider the offer. He will stand by her side, no matter what the future brings, and she is grateful for it. General Hague discusses the alien ship with Ivanova. She confirms that the ship has been sighted a few more times, but they still have not been able to identify it. The EAS Agamemnon arrives, Hague having called it there to help in the search. Sheridan falls asleep aboard the alien ship. He experiences a strange dream, filled with cryptic message: Ivanova asking "Do you know who I am?" and telling him "You are the hand"; Garibaldi telling him "The Man in between is searching for you"; and even the image of Sheridan himself wearing a Psi Cop uniform. Finally, he sees Kosh, who tells him that "this is the first time your mind has been quiet enough to hear me." Sheridan asks, "Why am I here?" and Kosh replies, "You have always been here." Sheridan awakens, noticing that part of the wall nearby has shifted upward a couple of inches. He decides to use the metal weapon he was given as a lever. Delenn and Lennier head back to Babylon 5. On the way, Delenn is alerted to the captain's kidnapping. After they send her the information, she contacts Ivanova with some valuable information: the alien race is known as the Streib, and they once tried playing their game with the Minbari, who taught them the depth of their mistake. She sends the coordinates of the Streib homeworld to the station. Sheridan continues trying to pry open the door. The Narn awakens and begins to help him. The ship shudders suddenly, and Sheridan guesses they have just jumped into normal space. The ship shudders again a moment later, this time more violently--clearly the ship is under attack. The EAS Agamemnon and a Babylon 5 fighter squadron (led by Ivanova) attack the Streib vessel in orbit over their homeworld. Delenn has come along in her flyer. She sends a signal to the Streib, demanding they release their prisoners. Sheridan and the Narn escape their cell. Together they find an escape pod and enter it. Ivanova watches helplessly as the Streib ships launches its prisoners into space. Horrified, she orders the Agamemnon to take the ship down. The Agamemnon complies and the Streib ship is completely destroyed. Ivanova detects a life pod, but realizes the signal emanating from it is morse code and concludes it has Sheridan aboard. Back on the station, Sheridan and the Narn are treated in Medlab. Franklin gives Sheridan the bad news about Ramirez. After the captain leaves Medlab, he sees Kosh, who tells him simply "You have always been here." Later, Sheridan is met by General Hague in his quarters. Hague activates a jamming device in case the room is bugged. Sheridan explains how frustrated he is, having been on his assignment six months without anyone coming out to debrief him. Sheridan reports that the officers are all loyal to Earth and he is not happy about having had to spy on them all year. Hague explains that it was necessary, given the rumors regarding the death of President Santiago, since if it was a coup then the conspirators would have had to have help from within the military. Both men speculate that Psi Corps might have been involved. Hague believes Sheridan can operate free from close scrutiny by President Clark, being a valuable asset to Hague's cause. He is determined to start uncovering the truth about what is happening at home, and asks Sheridan to stand with him. After Hague departs the station, Sheridan has Ivanova, Garibaldi, and Franklin over for a late night discussion. He asks them to help him and his allies to start quietly investigating what is happening to their government and their home. All three of them agree to stand him, wherever it leads. Above a Narn colony a battle is underway between a Centauri task force and Narn ships. The Centauri are clearly winning the battle. A G'Quan class heavy cruiser prepares to jump, but delays when it detects a civilian cruiser being attacked by the Centauri ships. The war cruiser shields the civilian transport as it jumps away--at the cost of its own destruction minutes later. On Babylon 5, G'Kar reviews footage of the attack with Captain Sheridan and his senior staff. He explains that the Centauri attacked the colony, a civilian outpost, without warning and had the Narn fleet not arrived in time to see civilians evacuate the Centauri would have killed everyone. Commander Ivanova relays a message from Ambassador Mollari: the Centauri are claiming the transport ships had weapons, not civilians, and accuses the Narn of using civilians as shields. G'Kar denies these claims and appeals to them for help. Sheridan cannot promise any help will come of it, but does promise to appeal to his government to support the Regime. G'Kar thanks him, confident that if the Earth Alliance takes sides then others will follow. Soon afterward, a Lumati ship arrives at the station. Sheridan discusses the Lumati with Ivanova. He is leaving her with the task of either securing the Lumati as a direct ally of the Alliance or getting them to join the League of Non-Aligned Worlds. He insists she does whatever she has to in order to make this happen. G'Kar discusses the recent battle with Delenn in her quarters, appealing to her as he did to Sheridan for aid. He insists that if the Minbari intervene it could help save lives and maybe even end the war before it begins. Delenn admits she is distressed at the attacks on civilians, but points out that G'Kar's actions have always aimed for one thing: the utter destruction of the Centauri. She explains to him that it is difficult for anyone to trust the Narn Regime given their recent history. G'Kar offers to beg her for help if it will help. Delenn tells him that after the Earth-Minbari War, her people are tired of war. She tells him that the Babylon 5 Advisory Council can still act, but G'Kar insists it is too late for that--one side will destroy the other unless others intervene. In the casino, a group of Centauri brag about the recent victories in the War, prompting some Narns to throw a bottle in their direction. Zack Allan and some other security officers are on scene, however, and move them along before anything can happen. Ivanova greets the two Lumati when they come aboard. They are Correlimurzon, the delegate, and his servitor, Taq. Correlimurzon shares a telepathic link with Taq and speaks "through" him, as it would constitute a loss of face among his people if he communicates directly with an inferior race. Part of his visit is to determine whether humans are in fact inferior. Ivanova is a little put off, but is nonetheless accommodating. Londo has a meeting with a Centauri merchant who is asking him for certain favors. Londo is annoyed, but agrees to do what he can. After the merchant leaves, Londo complains to Vir about how much his status has changed: from being a disrespected, barely known person with little further career prospects, he is now a "wishing well with legs," someone whom everyone wants to befriend because of his new found influence. Londo finds this role very unsatisfying. The Centauri from the casino attack one of the Narns who threw the bottle. Zack steps in again, and when the Narn refuses to drop his weapon and lunges his way, Zack has no choice but to shoot him. Sheridan and G'Kar get into a heated argument about the shooting. Ultimately, Sheridan insists that G'Kar keep his people in line, as such incidents make his appeal to aid the Regime all the harder. He insists that the station not be turned into a war zone and demands G'Kar make it so. Ivanova leads the Lumati to Medlab and introduces them to Dr. Franklin. The Lumati are indignant to the idea of Medlab treating "inferior" races, disrupting natural evolution by allowing the sick and weak to survive. Dr. Franklin finds this idea repugnant, but the Lumati simply happily tell him how mistaken he is before leaving. In the casino, Londo spots Michael Garibaldi walking by. He invites Garibaldi to join him for a drink and even hands him a bag of money, payback for all the times Garibaldi loaned him cash. Garibaldi is insensitive, telling Londo he does not know who he is anymore. Londo begs him to stay, saying that for the first time in his life everything is going his way, but he has no real friends to enjoy the moment with. Garibaldi offers to meet back with him later after he is off duty, if he is able. G'Kar discusses the situation on the station with an assembly of the Narns on the station. He implores them not to resort to violence on the station, saying it will destroy any chance they have of recruiting allies. The Narn, lead by a rebellious younger Narn, agree to follow his orders. However, once he leaves, they pull out the leader of the Centauri from earlier and stab him to death. They are planning an attack in six hours time--an attack that will culminate in the deaths of all Centauri aboard the station. Sheridan and Garibaldi watch as Dr. Franklin goes over a preliminary autopsy of the dead Centauri. There is no conclusive proof regarding an attacker, but circumstantial evidence pointing to the Narn. Sheridan insists Garibaldi wait before alerting Londo, worried that telling him will ignite violence all over the station. Londo waits for Garibaldi in the casino until closing, but Garibaldi does not turn up. Londo sadly leaves. The Lumati come to Ivanova's quarters, ready to resume their tour. As they snoop around her quarters, they ask if she is shielding them from the more unpleasant parts of the station. She counters by offering to show them any part of the station they want to see. Sheridan discusses his request with an Earthforce officer over StellarCom. The officer informs Sheridan that EarthGov is denying his appeals, telling him that the Narns will have to fend for themselves. After he hangs up, Sheridan sends a message to Delenn. Na'Toth observes the rebellious Narn buying Drazi Blades, becoming aware of their plot. She goes straight to G'Kar to warn him about the impending attack. G'Kar insists on handling it personally, as if he does not then it will only result in greater violence later on. Na'Toth insists on coming with him to watch his back. Ivanova leads the Lumati into Downbelow, as they are curious about the Lurkers. Ivanova explains about their presence. The Lumati misunderstand her, believing that the station intentionally isolated the "undesirables" of their own species. This is enough to convince Correlimurzon that Humans are worthy of direct communication, so he begins speaking by himself. He assures Ivanova that before he leaves there will be an alliance. G'Kar and Na'Toth confront the Narns. G'Kar challenges the leader to a one-on-one fight. Na'Toth stops another Narn from shooting the ambassador in the back while he fights. G'Kar is able to defeat his opponent, which is enough to reassert his authority over the others. They agree to abandon their plan and follow his instructions. The defeated Narn, however, tries to stab G'Kar in the back as he is leaving. G'Kar is only grazed, though the blade was poisoned. Na'Toth helps him walk out. Sheridan discusses a plan with Delenn to help evacuate some of the Narn civilians from the war zone. Part of the plan also includes smuggling left over food and medicine from the station into Narn territory aboard Minbari ships to help those who cannot be gotten out. Delenn agrees to the plan. Correlimurzon meets with Ivanova to conclude the deal. He informs her that before the deal can be finalized, it is necessary for them to have sex. Flabbergasted, Ivanova makes an excuse and leaves quickly. Na'Toth turns the Narn leader over to security. She explains that the Narn was the one who murdered the Centauri citizen and that he will confess given a trial. Garibaldi has the Narn taken into custody, though he worries about the repercussions it will have once Londo finds out. Ivanova discusses the "diplomatic problem" she faces with the Lumati to Franklin. She flat out refuses to have sex with him, but does not know how else to resolve the situation. She gets an idea when Franklin suggests that Correlimurzon knows nothing about human physiology and rushes out. Na'Toth visits G'Kar (who has just finished treating his injury and the poison) and tells him that Sheridan and Delenn are asking to see him. G'Kar is excited over what this could mean. At the meeting, however, he is greatly disappointed that all they can offer is indirect, secret aid to civilians. He is gracious for the help all the same, happy that it will save lives, but is at the same time crushed realizing that many more Narn lives, and perhaps the entire Narn empire, will be lost without outside intervention. Ivanova invites the Lumati back to her quarters. She agrees to have sex, but insists they do "the Human way," which she claims is superior to the Lumati way. Correlimurzon agrees, and is disappointed when the "sex" ends 10 seconds later and consists entirely of Ivanova dancing around him. He agrees to keep his word, however, in finalizing the treaty. Sheridan and Garibaldi discuss the situation of the murdered Centauri with Londo, asking if the trial can be delayed to prevent an explosive situation. Londo decides to help them out by not making a public fuss, but merely insisting that the Narn be deported after having all his belongings seized and auctioned (with the proceeds going to the Centauri war fund). Sheridan and Garibaldi are surprised, but grateful. Sheridan meets up with Ivanova at the officer's mess later. He congratulates Ivanova on securing the treaty and also delivers her a gift left by Correlimurzon (with a note that reads "Next time, my way"). Garibaldi meets Londo in the casino, joining him for a drink. He thanks Londo for helping them out, and Londo is happy to have been able to help his friend. Michael Garibaldi enters C'n'C looking for Captain Sheridan and Commander Ivanova. David Corwin explains that Sheridan had Ivanova take him to Bay 13, which surprises Garibaldi. Bay 13 is reserved exclusively for Ambassador Kosh's transport ship. Sheridan inspects the ship with Ivanova, marveling at how advanced the Vorlons must be. When he steps too close, he is warned away by the ship's security system. Ivanova explains that they had to cordon off the bay to everyone because the maintenance workers who used to be assigned to the Bay kept claiming that the ship "talked to them" in their sleep. Sheridan decides the time has come to learn more about Kosh and the Vorlon Empire. They are interrupted by Garibaldi, who asks to speak to them (privately, and away from the ship). After they leave, Kosh emerges from a hiding place nearby and communicates something with the ship. In Sheridan's office, Garibaldi explains that Dr. Everett Jacobs, the personal physician to the President, is allegedly on the run, having stolen top secret data with the intention of defecting to an alien power. Garibaldi explains that Earthforce has just alerted him that the doctor is supposedly on the station--and their orders are shoot to kill. Derek Cranston, of Earthforce Special Intelligence, soon arrives with a small detachment to help coordinate the search for Jacobs. Cranston warns that the information Jacobs stole could shake the very foundations of the Earth Alliance. Sheridan agrees to fully cooperate with the search. Garibaldi starts his own search with Dr. Franklin, aware that Franklin studied under Jacobs at Harvard University. Franklin flat out refuses to believe Jacobs is guilty of treason, espionage, or any other charge. In a market in Downbelow, Jacobs approaches a Merchant, hoping to acquire an Identicard. The merchant becomes alarmed at how eager Jacobs wants it and refuses to deal with him, leaving a distraught Jacobs to wander away. He is noticed by a man nearby. Sheridan passes Kosh in the hallways and decides to approach him. He offers to spend some time with Kosh, hoping to "build some bridges." Sheridan also confronts Kosh about entering his dreams while he was captured by the Streib. Kosh only says that he entered Sheridan's mind seeking understanding. Cranston briefs Security on the search. Zack Allan speaks up, pointing out that a full search of the station could take months. Cranston explains that Dr. Jacobs, like all high ranking personnel of EarthGov, has been "tagged" by an electronic device that emits a low level signal. The signal has a short range, but should help them cut down the search time by the use of hand scanners. As Garibaldi and Sheridan walk through the station, discussing the search, Sheridan suddenly notices a ribbon tied to a bulkhead. He quickly excuses himself and heads for a secluded area nearby. There he meets Sarah, someone sent by General William Hague, who warns Sheridan that he is in great danger. Sarah explains that Jacobs is no traitor, but rather a direct threat to President Clark. As Earthforce Special Intelligence is under the President's direct control, he is using that organ to try and eliminate the threat. Sarah explains that Clark disembarked Earthforce One 24 hours before it exploded (killing President Luis Santiago) alleging he was sick. Dr. Jacobs, as the attending physician, has proof otherwise--which implies Clark knew the ship would explode. Sarah explains that her people helped Jacobs escaped Earth, but their plans went awry and now he's trapped on the station. She insists he help Jacobs escape by any means possible. Sheridan immediately links Garibaldi and tells him to meet him in his quarters. In Medlab, Dr. Franklin gets a coded message from Garibaldi telling him to meet him at his place in civilian dress as soon as possible. In Downbelow, Dr. Jacobs takes some Stims and records a message to his wife, though he has to cut it short when security guards close in. He is able to evade them, however. Garibaldi explains that the two of them will go into Downbelow undercover looking for Jacobs. He wants Franklin to come along since Franklin knows the doctor better than anyone on the station and will hopefully be able to help track him down. Dr. Jacobs is confronted by two underworld thugs, Max and Chase, who have noticed how much Jacobs obviously stands out in Downbelow. Believing him to be valuable (one way or another), Max draws a knife and insists the doctor "will pay." Max and Chase hold Jacobs in a secured spot nearby. Max searches the doctor's coat and finds a Data crystal which he pockets. He also finds an antique watch engraved with the seal of the Earth Alliance President. Max orders Chase to watch the doctor while he goes to investigate who the doctor is. Cranston discusses the course of the investigation with Sheridan and Ivanova, explaining that he believes Jacobs is somewhere in Downbelow. Sheridan suggests he might actually be "downtown," a part of between Blue Sector and Grey Sector between the hull and the water reclamation systems. Cranston jumps on this suggestion, ordering his teams to investigate it immediately. After he leaves, Ivanova states how amused she is by the captain's diversion, as the place he has sent the search team contains no less than 47 pressure doors, each welded shut, not including the two big ones on either side of the waste treatment facility. As they talk, Sheridan is informed that Kosh has just requested his presence in his quarters. Both Sheridan and Ivanova are shocked, as Kosh has never asked to see anyone before, and Sheridan quickly decides to make the meeting. Garibaldi and Franklin continue their exhausting search through Downbelow. They pause to rest and eat some food. While they eat, Franklin discusses how he knew Jacobs back in school, back in the time shortly after the Dilgar War when Humans were a lot more optimistic about space. Suddenly, Franklin notices a merchant trying to sell Jacobs' antique watch. They lean on the merchant, asking where he got the watch. Max contacts Cranston via the Babcom. Max implies that he has Jacobs, but asks for a finder's fee of 10,000 credits. Cranston agrees, and Max explains that he will contact him again when he is ready to make the exchange. Sheridan visits Kosh in his quarters. He mentions that "everyone" would like to see what Kosh looks like beneath his Encounter suit, but Kosh replies that "they are not ready; they would not understand." He also says that Sheridan is not ready, not even understanding himself. The Vorlon seems to get frustrated by Sheridan and asks him to leave. Sheridan angrily confronts him about his behavior: he says he thinks Kosh has been watching him ever since he arrived, and again asks about how Kosh touched his mind when he was captured. When he finally asks, "What do you want?" Kosh angrily tells him to never ask that question. Finally, Kosh agrees to "teach" Sheridan, until he is ready "to fight legends." Garibaldi and Franklin storm the area that Chase is holding Jacobs. The thug stabs Garibaldi in the arm, but they are able to knock him out and free Jacobs. The doctor explains that Max stole his data crystal, which contains copies of all his examinations of the President. Garibaldi orders Franklin to hide nearby with Jacobs while he gets the crystal back from Max. Max returns soon afterward and finds Chase tied up and Garibaldi waiting for him. After Garibaldi fires a few warning shots, Max timidly hands over the data crystal. Cranston confronts Sheridan about failing to disclose that they can use the station's scanners to search for Jacob's signal. Ivanova interrupts, calling away Sheridan on an emergency. She remains with Cranston, explaining that it will take a couple of hours to get the station wide scanner aligned for the search. Sheridan meets with Franklin, Garibaldi, and Jacobs. Franklin treats Garibaldi's injury while Jacobs explains about the data crystal containing proof the President was not sick. Garibaldi explains that they will also take a sworn statement from the doctor in case anything else happens to him. Sheridan then explains that Cranston has figured out how to use the station's scanners to search for him--but he has a plan to hide Jacobs. Hours later, Cranston, Sheridan, and Ivanova are in C'n'C, preparing to fire up the scanners. They get a request from Ambassador Kosh to disembark from the station, which they grant. The scanner fails to find a trace of the doctor on board. As Kosh's ship heads for the jumpgate, Cranston insists the station scan it for any life signs. One life sign is detected, but it is not human. The ship jumps through the gate. Cranston accepts that Jacobs is not on the station and prepares to leave. After Cranston and his team are gone, the Vorlon ship returns to the station. Sheridan and his senior staff meet it in Bay 13. Sheridan explains that their scanners detecting "one lifeform" were detecting the ship itself: the ship is the product of organic technology. The ship then suddenly withdraws from itself the unconscious form of Dr. Jacobs and deposits him gently on the ground. Dr. Franklin then wakes him up, remarking that putting him in an artificially induced coma was the only way Kosh would agree to their plan. After he wakes up, Dr. Jacobs mentions that the ship "sang to him" while he was asleep. Later, Sheridan turns over all the evidence he has to Sarah. While it is not enough to go public, it is a good start. Captain Sheridan briefs Commander Ivanova about a new gift shop opening in the Zocalo--one that will sell Babylon 5 themed merchandise. Ivanova is indignant regarding the very idea, which is precisely why Sheridan informs her that he is putting her in charge of overseeing it. He then leaves to meet Ambassador Kosh for another "lesson" from the Vorlon. On the way to the Zocalo, someone bumps into Sheridan and palms his Link. When Sheridan realizes it is gone, he begins chasing the man, only to run into a Minbari who attacks him. He is knocked to the ground and sees a PPG lying nearby. Drawing it on the Minbari, Sheridan orders him to stand down, but the Minbari replies, "Death first." When the Minbari then begins reaching for something, Sheridan shoots him. As the Minbari falls dead down a stairwell, Sheridan sees a second Minbari standing nearby, watching the event. The second Minbari quickly runs away. Sheridan discusses the incident with Michael Garibaldi and Ambassador Delenn, pleading self-defense. Delenn explains that the deceased, Lavell, came from a highly respected family and his death will cause shock waves back home. Sheridan apologizes, but insists he had no choice. However, no weapon was found on Lavell's body. Delenn informs him that she has been asked to investigate the shooting independently of the Garibaldi's investigation. Sheridan orders Garibaldi to track down the Minbari witness. Vir Cotto receives a message for Londo Mollari from Centauri Prime. Garibaldi is quickly sand bagged in his investigation. Every time he goes to speak to a Minbari, Lennier is either just arriving or just leaving. He discusses the problem with Sheridan, and also discusses the captain's missing Link. Garibaldi theorizes that the thief took it because it was the one thing he knew would prompt the captain to chase after him. They arrive in Medlab as Dr. Franklin finished the autopsy on Lavell. The reports are inconclusive, unable to either support or undermine the Captain's story. Garibaldi wonders why there was a PPG on the deck for the captain to find: an Earth made PPG would never have belonged to the Minbari, and the convenience of it being there is highly suspicious to the Chief. Talia Winters bumps into a clearly inebriated Vir Cotto who spills a drink on her as he wanders from one bar to another. Lennier produces Ashan, the Minbari witness, bringing him to Delenn for questioning. Ashan is a member of the Third Fane of Chudomo, the same clan as Lennier. He refuses to speak to Delenn, however, calling her a "freak." Insulted, Delenn leaves the room to let Lennier question him. Delenn and Lennier meet with Sheridan and Garibaldi in the Captain's office to discuss Ashan's statement. Lennier states that according to Ashan, Sheridan attacked Lavell without warning and then shot him after Lavell attempted to surrender. Sheridan accuses Ashan of lying. Lennier explains that "Minbari do not lie," period. Delenn warns Sheridan that it would be perilous to make such an accusation. Sheridan calmly states that Ashan must be mistaken then and he asks to speak to him personally. The Minbari comply, leaving to fetch Ashan. Ivanova, meanwhile, checks out the Babylon 5 Emporium, though she is not exactly impressed by it. Zack Allan is approached by a woman recently arrived on the station who demands he take her to see the captain. Sheridan tries to talk to Ashan (in the presence of Delenn and Lennier), but the Minbari is indignant, calling Sheridan "Star Killer" and standing by his story. Zack arrives with the woman, Guinevere Corey, who introduces herself as Sheridan's lawyer. She requests to speak to Sheridan privately. Once they leave, Delenn and Lennier both express their concern over the situation, believing Ashan's words to be "dubious." Corey discusses the situation with her client. She explains that she has been assigned to him by Earth Dome. After reviewing the facts, EarthGov has decided to proceed with an indictment to avoid allegations of collusion or a cover up. Corey warns Sheridan that if the case does go to trial, the captain will have to permanently step down as commander of Babylon 5. Off duty, Sheridan discusses the grim situation with Ivanova, who offers him some words of encouragement. She assures him that she has not lost any respect for him, no matter what happens. After she leaves, Kosh arrives, insisting that they carry out the lesson that Sheridan missed earlier. Despite his reservations, Sheridan agrees to accompany him for the lesson. In his office, Garibaldi gives Zack orders to follow Ashan and report his activities to him. Kosh leads Sheridan into Downbelow. They arrive at a secluded location and Kosh insists the captain enter it without him. Inside, Sheridan meets some strange, hooded monks. After handing over his stat bar as an offering, the monks share "one moment of perfect beauty." Ambassador Mollari finds a still inebriated Vir in the Zocalo and he asks what is bothering him. Vir explains that his family sent him on this job because it was a joke to them. Now that the job has become more important, he has received word that Centauri Prime is replacing him. Vir is upset, feeling trapped by his role as keeping Londo's secrets but not having anything to go home to either. He then apologizes and rushes off. Londo starts to go after him, but stops when he sees some Centauri women playing a with a doll made in his likeness. Delenn calls Lennier into her quarters. She explains that she was going over Lavell's background when she discovered something distressing. Sheridan thanks Kosh for the lesson as they ride a transport tube. Sheridan meets Ivanova after Kosh leaves, discussing the lesson. Afterward, as they head for his office, they are confronted by Londo, who is very put out over the Londo Mollari doll. Zack follows Ashan into Downbelow. He oversees Ashan speaking to a Human, but before he can learn anything he is knocked unconscious by Lennier. As the Human runs off, Lennier confronts Ashan about what he is doing. Lennier is aware that the Human was the thief who stole the Captain's link. Lennier insists Ashan come clean before whatever he is involved in is discovered. Londo discusses the doll situation in the captain's office. He insists that the doll is a mockery and an insult--especially since it lacks any "attributes". It takes a moment for Sheridan and Ivanova to realize that Centauri expect figures of themselves to be complete down to the genitalia. Sheridan agrees to have all the dolls removed. As they talk, Londo mentions that Minbari are known to lie--lying to help another save face (preserve honor) is acceptable. After Londo leaves, Sheridan gets a communication from the Minbari representative on Earth. Afterward, Sheridan finds Delenn in the Zen Garden. He explains that the Minbari government are insisting Ashan be sent back to Minbar. Without the primary witness against him, there can be no trial. Without any concrete answers, doubts will always remain and his credibility and reputation will be ruined. Sheridan appeals to Delenn for help. She explains that she is having doubts about her own capabilities. She also explains that for the Minbari, service to one's clan is more important than anything, even one's life. Sheridan replies that Humans also understand the concept of honor and have themselves at times gone to great lengths to protect it, but greater ideals can't stand without the lesser ones. He again appeals to her for help, and she agrees. Ashan is called to Lennier's quarters to receive parting instructions. Lennier explains that after Ashan leaves, he will go to the Captain and announce his complicity in the death of Lavell. He reasons that as he is of the same clan as Ashan, he bears some culpability. Ashan begs him not to do so, as it will bring dishonor upon their entire clan. Ashan admits that what has happened was orchestrated by the leader of their clan. They resent Sheridan's assignment to the station. Lavell, as a member of their Clan, was willing to give his life to the cause. After his confession, Delenn, Sheridan, Garibaldi, and Corey emerge from the next room. Sheridan explains that Delenn correctly concluded Ashan was lying when she learned that Lavell and he were of the same clan--saving the honor of the Clan was the one thing that could compel him to lie. They reveal they have recorded his confession and Garibaldi has Ashan taken away. Sheridan, grateful to Lennier, decides to compromise by not forcing the whole truth out (which would disgrace Lennier and his entire Clan). As long as Ashan agrees to release a public statement about the attack (thus proving Sheridan acted in self-defense), the motives behind the attack can remain a secret. Vir, nursing a hangover in Londo's quarters, is surprised when the Ambassador informs him that he has insisted to Homeworld Vir remain as his attache. He assured Homeworld (and Vir's family) that he has never had a more capable assistant--and Londo explains that he meant every word of it. He also explains that he invited Vir's family to come for a month long stay. Ivanova shows the captain the latest piece from the gift shop--a "Bab-bear-lon 5 John Sheridan" teddy bear. Sheridan immediately orders the gift shop shut down as soon as possible. He takes the bear with him. Some time later, Warren Keffer is out on patrol in a Starfury, looking for an "unidentified object," when he runs right into the teddy bear. On the ISN network host Cynthia Torqueman introduces a special segment entitled "36 Hours on Babylon 5." She rehashes the recent history of the station, calling attention to the difficulties and dire projections associated with its launch. The first vid clip of the news team's approach to Babylon 5 sets the report's dramatic tone. An altercation between Narn and Centauri transport ships ends with the Narn transport firing upon and destroying the Centauri transport. In Bay 1, Cynthia explains the situation to the viewers while around her emergency teams work to save the wounded Centauri crew members. She attempts to spot interview Dr. Franklin and Captain Sheridan, who both respond with different forms of "no comment." In following interviews Ambassador Mollari claims the Narn are attempting to bring the conflict into neutral zones in order to strike at the Centauri unprovoked, while Ambassador G'Kar claims Mollari is lying and the attack was justified. Several slice-of-life interviews with various passengers and crew members follow. G'Kar issues an official statement by the Narn Regime: the Centauri ship which was attacked was carrying weapons of mass destruction intended for the front lines of their war with the Narn. He threatens that if the Centauri continue to use Babylon 5 as a relay for their weapon transport, the Narn will attempt to shut the station down by any means necessary. As the news segment continues, Cynthia asks Senator Quantrell whether Babylon 5, with its excessive interest in non-human issues, is worth the investment. He gives the station very hesitant praise, citing its necessity after the Earth-Minbari War.  Senator Quantrell says that Earth-Alliance has rebuilt it's military vastly superior to what it was during the Earth-Minbari War, and if the war where to occur again "today" that the war would go very differently, hinting that the Earth-Alliance would be capable of now defeating the Minbari. ISN reporter Cynthia agrees with Senator Quantreel and says that due to the vastly improved power of Earth forces, the greater use of Babylon 5 lies in its economic benefits, a position hotly refuted by Capt. Sheridan. An interview with Cmdr. Ivanova shows that HAZMAT teams are investigating the debris of the Centauri transport in order to verify G'Kar's claims. Cynthia's subsequent interview with Garibaldi is interrupted by a call from Ivanova about the HAZMAT report: "We've got a problem." Cynthia attempts an interview with Ambassador Kosh, but is given the cold shoulder. A following interview with Ambassador Delenn begins friendly enough with questions of Minbar and their languages. However, the questions become increasingly personal and uncomfortable: Delenn's new appearance, and how humans--particularly those who lost family and friends during the war--would view her transformation into a Human/Minbari hybrid, a question which upsets Delenn. The interview ends with a call to a session of the Advisory Council. The results of the investigation reveals that the destroyed transport was indeed carrying weapons supplies. G'Kar calls for the remaining Centauri transports to be searched and their weapon cargoes to be impounded, to which Mollari angrily declares that the ships will defend themselves against any such attempts. Suddenly, the room lights momentarily dim and muffled detonations are heard. Ivanova links in to report the Narn and Centauri ships have opened fire on one another outside the station, shown on external viewers. Inside the station, beings are directed to the station’s shelters while outside, the Narn and Centauri forces continue to trade shots, beginning to attack the Earth forces as well. Disregarding the threats of war from both ambassadors Captain Sheridan has the Earth forces open fire on the Narn and Centauri with the aim to disable. Within seconds EarthForce disables both the Narn and Centauri ships, with the remaining Narn and Centauri forces surrendering to the Earth Alliance. Cynthia interviews G’Kar and Londo on the source of the conflict between their peoples. Both argue the historical perspective of their races. In C'n'C, Ivanova oversees the searches of the transports before being interrupted by the arrival of a Centauri Cruiser. Londo links in to C'n'C to issue an ultimatum: if the Centauri transports and crews are not released un-searched, the cruiser will blockade Babylon 5. Any ships entering or leaving the station's area will be fired upon and detained. A public service announcement of the Psi Corps follows. The Centauri cruiser holds station on the outside perimeter of Babylon 5 while the debate between the two sides continues in the council chambers. Senator Quantrell comments on how the presence of Babylon 5 may be drawing Earth into alien conflicts. EarthGov refuses the demands of the Centauri cruiser. Capt. Sheridan prepares to bluff the Centauri by sending an auto-piloted transport past the cruiser, threatening retaliation for any aggressive actions. The transport passes by the cruiser unharmed and the Centauri link in to talk. The celebrations in C'n'C are cut short by the arrival of a Narn Heavy Cruiser which immediately proceeds to engage the Centauri craft. In the resulting fight the Centauri cruiser is destroyed and the Narn cruiser is heavily damaged. The Narn craft attempts to escape through a jump point before succumbing to the damage. Torqueman concludes the segment of "36 Hours" by stating that, while Babylon 5 is definitely a dangerous place and will continue to be a source of controversy and conflict, it should also be given more time to fulfill the dreams of its founders. At incoming, Zack Allen and Security Chief Garibaldi discuss the issue of the incoming wounded refugees from Narn and the space they are taking up. In the Zocalo, Mr. Morden meets with Vir to make a delivery for an absent Ambassador Mollari. Annoyed by Vir’s evident dislike of him Morden asks him what he wants. Vir responds by expressing an interest of viewing Mr. Morden following the event of his execution. Meeting with Captain John Sheridan to discuss the Narn refugees, Garibaldi finds him going through the effects of is late wife Anna Sheridan, a crewmember of the ill-fated Icarus. While scrolling through the crew records of the Icarus, Garibaldi catches sight of a familiar face: Mr. Morden. Garibaldi checks station records and finds that Morden is still on the station. Visibly agitated, Capt Sheridan orders him to find and detain Morden for questioning. Talia Winters is visited in her quarters by Pierce Macabee, the regional director of the newly formed Ministry of Peace. He is at Babylon 5 ostensibly to round up support for several programs in the interests of "peace". He invites her to attend several lectures he is hosting. She agrees. In Medlab, Doctor Steven Franklin, still taking stims to get himself through the day, is drifting off while overseeing the care of the Narn refugees. Commander Ivanova enters and orders him point-blank to go and rest over his objections. Mr. Morden attempts to leave Babylon 5 and is detained by Zack’s security team. Escorted in to see Capt. Sheridan, Morden points out that legally, he cannot be detained without being formally charged. Sheridan confronts him with a picture of Anna, but Morden denies knowledge. Confronted with video of the Icarus, Morden tells a story of being found by a passing ship suffering from amnesia. Sheriden directly calls him a liar. When again Morden attempts to leave, Sheridan aggressively tells him he won’t leave until he tells the truth. When Morden points out the illegal detainment, Sheridan argues that while Morden is legally dead, he has no legal recourse. He intends to hold Morden indefinitely until he is told the truth about the Icarus. Susan forces Stephen to stop and eat. He tells her about dreaming about seeing lives he couldn't save. Lately, he's been seeing a lot of Narns pass on. They discuss their belief in God, and their religions. He's a Foundationist. Sheridan continues drilling Morden about his rescue, looking for one verifiable lie. The Ministry of Peace meeting preaches on the danger of subversive thoughts. Thus they created the Nightwatch, a paid volunteer group to make the public start thinking about peace. Essentially, they're an information gathering group, and by information, they mean rumors. "We must protect society against its own worst instincts". Garibaldi then calls Sheridan on his illegal holding of Mr. Morden. He understands why he's doing it, but he cannot allow such a violation of "the regs". When John won't back down, Garibaldi quits. With Garibaldi no longer head of security, Sheridan puts Zack in charge. He gets a message from Vir about Mr. Morden. He orders Zack to find Talia. Meeting with Vir, Sheridan receives a request from Londo for Morden's release. Morden's been granted diplomatic immunity, which inflames Sheridan's curiosity. John says he's being held in protective custody, so diplomatic immunity doesn't apply. He's undecided as to what Morden's begin protected from, however. Susan then confronts Sheridan about Morden. She notes he's being irrational, and warns that she's going to have to report this behavior if he doesn't quit. Sheridan's desperate to find out what happened to his departed wife, Anna, and knowing that Morden was also in the Icarus, he cannot let this go without learning the truth. Nothing else matters. Talia refuses to scan Morden, even after Sheridan argues that he is officially dead. So Sheridan tricks her, ordering Zack to move Morden to another cell, and then escort Talia back to her quarters. This is done in such a way that they will pass one another in the hall. Talia senses darkness surrounding Morden, hears Shadow voices, and collapses in pain. Morden utters a very quiet "wait" at the same moment to the Shadows, indicating that they should not act and in doing so reveal themselves. In MedLab, she's recovering from it, explaining what she sensed, when Sheridan walks in. She slaps him, justifiably, and then storms off. Stephen says he hopes it was worth it. Taking her reaction as proof that there was something off about Morden, he's more determined than ever to press on. As he's leaving MedLab, Sheridan is confronted by Delenn and Kosh. They also urge him to release Morden. He won't, until he gets answers, so they agree to give him answers though once he knows, he'll never sleep well again. Delenn explains to Sheridan about the First Ones - beings millions of years older than either of their races. Some moved on, but not all. A few remain, waiting until they're needed, when the Shadows come again. She tells him about the last great war, and then how the Shadows began to return 1000 years ago. They were defeated by the few remaining First Ones and the Minbari, and now there's still one race of First Ones left: the Vorlons. For centuries, they stood alone, watching and waiting. She tells him how last year, she sent Kosh a message: "Have the Shadows returned to Z'ha'dum?". He sent back the answer, "Yes" via Lennier. He recognizes the world from G'Kar's warning. Then Kosh projects images into his mind. He sees the Icarus, which went to Z'ha'dum. There, they woke the Shadows. The crew either chose to serve the Shadows, as Morden did, or they were killed. After, Sheridan swoons from the power of the projected vision. Sheridan desperately hopes that his wife, Anna, is still alive. Delenn urges for Morden to be released, because if he pushes the man for information, he will break. Right now, their only advantage is the Shadows do no realize how much they know. Last time, they moved too quickly, so this time the Shadows are moving slowly, carefully. The Light needs that time to prepare their own forces. She also informs him that Morden is never alone. In the security office later, Sheridan talks to Zack. He compares his need to let Morden go, to keep information from the Shadows, with World War II and the cracking of Germany's ENIGMA code. The British kept the secret, and the city of Coventry was sacrificed to keep the Germans from learning that ENIGMA had been cracked. He greatly identifies with Churchill at that moment, seeing the parallels with his own situation. Zack asks, "How many lives is a secret worth?" Then they hear a sound. Recalling that Delenn said Morden is never alone, he has Zack adjust the monitor in Morden's cell to see on different wavelengths. Then, just for a moment, he sees the Shadows with him. That leads to him cutting Morden loose, so that he can keep his own secret safe. Sheridan returns Garibaldi's link and PPG, informing him that he cut Morden loose. He says that Michael was right, and he was wrong. He also claims that there "won't be a next time" for that kind of situation. Zack joined the Nightwatch, and is wearing their armband, just so he can get an extra 50 credits a week to do what he does anyway. This will later come back to haunt him. Sheridan goes to Kosh, and tells him he let Morden go. In return, he wants to learn how to fight and beat the Shadows. Sooner or later, he says he will go to Z'ha'dum. Kosh replies that if he goes there, he will die. Sheridan is not deterred. Kosh agrees to teach him. Capt. Sheridan is winding down from a marathon session with the League of Non-Aligned Worlds with batting practice on the station's baseball field. Security Chief Garibaldi joins him and mentions his rough day in Grey Sector: nicknamed "The Triangle" for the strange events that occur there, Maintenance is noticing strange energy readings there. The story piques Sheridan's curiosity, and he decides to investigate. Meanwhile, Londo is discussing Centauri opera with Vir, which leads them to singing a duet when the ambassador is suddenly grabbed from behind by a threatening hooded figure. When the hooded figure addresses Londo as "Paso Leati," Londo suddenly realizes with relief and delight that his "assailant" is in fact Vocator Urza Jaddo, a much-regarded veteran Centauri war hero as well as an old friend from Londo's days in a dueling society known as the Couro Prido ("Proud Knives"). Londo invites Urza to his quarters for Brivari. Urza has matters to attend but promises to stop by later to explain the reason for his visit. Sheridan walks into Grey 10 and starts poking around. He eventually comes across a Markab corpse, its head bashed in. Before he can report into Garibaldi, however, his Link cuts off. Suddenly, the corpse grabs at Sheridan's face. A strange white glow passes from the corpse to him, then the corpse drops motionless again. Later, in Medlab, Dr. Stephen Franklin reports Sheridan is just a little shocked. As they discuss what to do about the Markab, Sheridan's vision suddenly turns eerily white. He decides to take the doctor's advice and rest for a while. As Londo happily prepares for Urza's visit, getting out his best Brivari, he tells Vir that while he and the Vocator have been friends since childhood, House Mollari and House Jaddo have had a long-standing alliance. He explains the concept of fighting names among members of the Couro Prido, and that he gained the name "Paso Leati" for his style of fighting like a crazed leati. Urza's fighting name was "Skal Tura" (The Silent Beast), and although Londo was no mean fighter in his day, he could never outfight Urza. As Mollari continues to comment on the "good old days", Vir suggests that he dwells too much on the past, and Londo counters that Vir is too negative. Then Urza arrives. With Vir serving, Urza and Londo greet each other formally, give a Centauri toast, and start drinking. Sheridan is having trouble sleeping. He keeps hearing noises and gets the feeling some beast is stalking him. Suddenly, he looks at his bed and notices a dangerous alien creature hovering over it. The creature dives for Sheridan. He ducks under it and eventually gets to his PPG. However, his shots pass through the creature. The creature soon disappears, then Security rushes into his quarters, alerted by the gunfire. They can't find any trace of the creature (which Sheridan identified as a grylor) that supposedly attacked Sheridan. Sheridan seems confounded by this, and Garibaldi hints that Sheridan may be hallucinating. He also reports that the Markab committed suicide: he had literally bashed his own skull in. Sheridan decides to go on to C'n'C while Garibaldi keeps investigating. With the edibles mostly eaten and Vir dismissed, Londo and Urza contentedly continue drinking as they talk over old times. When the Vocator mentions being still happily married to his wife Marilya, Mollari is sadly reminded of his lost love Adira Tyree. However, after commenting that Londo seems to be regaining prestige in the royal court and the Centauri Republic is on the rise again, Urza reveals a shocking surprise: he knows the Narn didn't start the war with the Centauri, but were forced into it by a Centauri faction which he also knows has assassinated Prime Minister Malachi, making it appear a suicide, and contributed to the rise of Emperor Cartagia. Troubled, Londo asks about the official account and Urza explains that there are many stories floating around. Pressed for an explanation, Urza finally gets to his real motives: his House of which he is the head is being accused of treason in a resolution being brought before the Centaurum, which has been developing a witch hunt attitude, and he is seeking Londo's support. Londo agrees to investigate and an assured Urza leaves, inviting him to a banquet he is holding on the station the following evening. In C'n'C, Cmdr. Ivanova reports nothing of note. As a scheduled ship arrives, Sheridan's vision goes white again. Then he sees a ship just outside the viewport. It's the Icarus, the ship that his late wife Anna was in, which then explodes in front of him. Ivanova grows concerned at his orders to scan something that isn't there. Sheridan then realizes that it's just like with the grylor: another hallucination. He excuses himself to go to Medlab. Franklin tries to hypothesize the reason for the visions: a new virus, maybe stress coming from the change of roles. He orders Sheridan off duty for a few days so he can try to relax. As Vir looks on, Londo contacts Lord Refa and asks for an explanation concerning Urza Jaddo. But Refa explains that Urza is a traitor and that supporting him could have grave consequences, hinting that Londo's own status may be at risk. Londo realizes that he needs to get more information from his agents back home on Centauri Prime. Sheridan is practising again on the baseball field. Garibaldi again walks in and notes that Sheridan has been at it for three straight hours. Sheridan decides to stop for a bit while Garibaldi fills in one more detail on the dead Markab: he passed through Sector 14 en route to Babylon 5. Sheridan knows the sector is off limits, and Garibaldi knows why and tells him of the story of Babylon 4's sudden reappearance last year, offering him a copy of the records supposedly confiscated by Earthforce. At the reception hall Urza has booked, Londo observes to Vir that the Vocator's banquet is opulent as always, and finds himself acknowledged by noble Centauri who until recently would have ignored him. The event turns sour when Urza announces that the resolution against him and House Jaddo appears likely to pass, and grows more somber when Londo mentions his alliance with Lord Refa, whom Urza reveals as the one who brought forth the resolution. Urza goes on to say that like the late Emperor Turhan, he has grown disillusioned with conquest, and asks Londo why he has to stay on his current course. Londo replies that he has a destiny to fulfill, and Urza then offers him a gift: the coutari he used during his most famous battle, the Battle of Gorash. When Londo refuses, a deadly serious Urza challenges him to the Morago: a duel to the death. Londo accepts both the sword and the challenge to preserve his honor, and Urza bids him to make his peace with their gods and return in two hours. Sheridan studies Garibaldi's footage. Seeing a similar eerie white in the viewscreen makes Sheridan realize there is a connection. Suddenly, the strange energy throbs in his head. Sheridan demands to know what it wants. Then he sees his parents for a moment before they disappear in a brilliant flash, just like the one that preceded Babylon 4's disappearance. Sheridan gets an idea and quickly leaves his quarters, forgetting to take his Link, even as Franklin tries to contact him. Vir is very upset at Londo's decision in accepting Urza's challenge, but Londo replies that honor is at stake: something which to him is more important than life. Indeed, in times of insanity, Londo says, it's best to ride the insanity and let it fire you. Franklin reports to Garibaldi that Sheridan is missing. By the time Garibaldi issues a general alert, Delta 1 launches with Sheridan inside. Ivanova demands to know what's going in, but Sheridan (almost coyly) replies that's he's just taking a stroll. Back at the banquet hall, Londo asks one more time if Urza intends to go through with the Morago. When Urza answers yes, Londo himself prepares to duel. Garibaldi boards Delta 2 and eventually catches up to Sheridan as he heads towards Sector 14. Sheridan explains that he's following a hunch and thinks he's leading someone home. An elderly Centauri noble serving as referee announces the Morago. The two combatants ceremonially draw their swords, bow ritualistically, then begin the duel, their swords clashing. Urza draws first blood, cutting Londo's left arm. Sheridan arrives in Sector 14. Just then, a time portal emerges, and with a scream, the mysterious white energy pours out of Sheridan and through the portal. The shock knocks Sheridan unconscious, and it is only a quick grapple by Garibaldi that keeps Sheridan from following the energy through the portal. Still holding tight, he brings both ships home. Meanwhile, the Morago continues until Urza, when he seems to be winning, suddenly leaves himself vulnerable for a final thrust by Londo. With his dying breath, Urza explains that he did all this to spare his family the disgrace. Now he will die and the disgrace will be meaningless, and Londo promises to see to his family even as Urza dies in his arms, calling him "old friend" one last time. Sheridan finally explains what had happened. The Markab had been carrying an alien being that somehow wandered from Sector 14. It apparently drove the Markab to suicide. When Sheridan happened upon it, it jumped to him and tried to communicate with it with images of fear (the grylor), loss (the Icarus), and home (his parents). He pieced together that the being was scared, lost, and wanted to go home, so he accommodated by returning it to Sector 14. When asked by Franklin if he could contact it again, Sheridan refuses, preferring to be "only slightly insane." A despondent Londo is pouring out a drink in his quarters as Vir returns from having arranged for Urza's body to be transported back to Centauri Prime. When Vir tries to comfort him, pointing out he only killed Urza in self defence, Mollari replies that the Vocator deliberately set himself up to be killed to save his family for, by the laws of the Morago, Londo as victor must now assume responsibility for them. They are now of House Mollari, and therefore immune to Refa's resolution. Vir again tries to dissuade Londo from the course he is taking, but Londo admits that though he now regrets his choices, his hands are too bloodied to turn back, and he must see it through to the end. Capt. Sheridan is in C'n'C, signing for something when Cmdr. Ivanova interrupts. The Markab transport ship Kar'ti is ten hours overdue. Fearing a mishap, she wants to send a Starfury squadron to find the ship. During the conversation, the subject of Lt. Keffer's off-duty flights is brought up; Sheridan firmly bars him from any further flights. Meanwhile, Dr. Franklin is examining a dead Markab. Markab Doctor Lazarenn is a little annoyed at Franklin's presence, but he explains that it is standard protocol to verify any deaths on board. Still, the fourth death in three days "of natural causes" is arousing his suspicions. Ivanova briefs Zeta Squadron on their search and rescue mission. Afterward, she speaks directly to Lt. Keffer, relaying Sheridan's order: no more off-duty flights, or he would be removed from the squadron. Ambassador Delenn has invited Sheridan to her quarters for a Minbari meal, to reciprocate Sheridan inviting Delenn to a human meal. She explains that Lennier had been preparing the meal for the last two days under very strict sacred guidelines. She also notes that the meal itself follows a sacred procedure: notably, lots of meditation. Zeta Squadron arrives at the Kar'ti's last known position and discovers the vessel adrift. Keffer's Starfury reports some 200 lifeforms, but nothing in the way of life signs: all 203 aboard are dead. In Medlab 1, Dr. Franklin notices something very strange during his autopsy of the last Markab to die. Suspecting a connection, he orders Medlab 2 to hold the bodies of the other three Markab so they may be autopsied as well. Zeta Squadron returns to the station through the Jumpgate: the Kar'ti in tow. Reporting in, Keffer tells Ivanova to get a full medical team ready to inspect the ship and to inform Sheridan there may be a problem. The lengthy meditation had caused Sheridan to fall asleep. Then his Link beeps: Ivanova relaying the news from Keffer. He has to leave to go to Docking Bay 14. As he leaves, Lennier speaks a few choice words in Minbari as all his effort goes to waste. But as Sheridan arrives in Bay 14, he finds the way barred by Lazarenn. He claims the ship is Markab property and demands they be left alone in their privacy, but then Franklin arrives and reveals that he knows the reason for the death certificates…and why Lazarenn doesn't want them to board the Kar'ti. All four Markab died of a plague, and it's very likely that the Kar'ti suffered similarly. He demands to know the nature of the infection, and Lazarenn grimly informs Franklin and Sheridan that the disease is 100% fatal and 100% contagious. Numerous dead Markab are being unloaded from the Kar'ti while Franklin loudly criticizes Lazarenn for hiding the disease. Reluctantly, Lazarenn explains the history of the Drafa Plague and tells Franklin that the plague, having wiped out a sinful civilization in the past, had become a dark legend among his people: a divine punishment for immorality. Its very mention (except to scare children straight) was practically taboo. Because of this, families who contracted this new plague hid it from others and continued to live and travel. These carriers would spread the disease among the population while the silence brought about by the taboo hid its presence. The topic was so frightening that the Markab government had barred Lazarenn from revealing the plague: for fear of destabilizing the government. As for the Kar'ti, it was one of many vessels full of Markab trying to flee the homeworld for fear of catching the disease. Instead, they were spreading the plague to every corner of the Markab civilization. So he and the few doctors who know the truth have been struggling to research the disease without help. Franklin gets to the point. He needs to know if the plague can cross into other species. At this point, no one knows. In the Zocalo, a young Markab girl searches and finds her father and begs him to come to dinner. But when she tugs on him, he falls limp. He's dead: another victim of the plague. At that moment, Delenn arrives on the scene, and she tries to comfort the Markab girl as best she can as she begins to suspect something dreadful is befalling the station. Franklin calls a meeting of station staff so as to inform them what to expect and to coordinate efforts concerning research and possible courses of action. He wants the Markab screened so as to determine the spread of the disease. Furthermore, he needs an early onset case so the plague can be studied in enough detail to learn how it works. Sheridan issues a quarantine order for the station until they can manage the plague. The subject of isolation is brought up, but Franklin refuses. Isolation would only raise suspicions. Furthermore, the disease could be airborne, and given the self-contained and recirculated atmosphere inside Babylon 5, an airborne disease will inevitably spread among the population. But Security Chief Garibaldi points out that once word of the plague spreads, Markab will be persecuted and targeted for violence. Sheridan orders security to go on full alert to help curb those instances. The situation grows tense. People on the station do not react well to the quarantine, demanding they be released to leave the station. However, security is firm and the docking bays are barred. Meanwhile, all the Markab on board are brought to Medlab for "some tests". These tests involve drawing blood samples. And more dead Markab are turning up. Eventually, Markab Ambassador Fashar confronts Sheridan about his actions. He misinterprets their acts of caution as veiled accusations of impurity. Therefore, he intends to gather all his people into a self-imposed isolation on the station, believing that doing so will keep his people safe from the plague. Just then, Franklin reports in from Brown 17. A dead pak'ma'ra had been found there…and given the lack of signs of violence--and the confirmation that the plague is airborne, and therefore all over the station--the possibility of the plague jumping species has just become that much more likely. The Markab isolation proceeds quickly. Fashar is urging his people towards the vault wherein they will be sealed. Meanwhile, Franklin is having trouble getting someone to go into the Isolab to perform the autopsy on the pak'ma'ra. They fear the plague will jump to them next. Just before Franklin goes in himself, Lazarenn appears and volunteers to enter the Isolab. He gives three reasons: he wants to atone for his earlier silence, he has expertise on the disease, and should he contract the plague, Franklin will get the much-needed early onset research. Lazarenn steps through the airlock into the Isolab, fully knowing he will not be able to leave it alive, and he and Franklin set to work. Ivanova is talking to Sheridan in his quarters through BabCom, reporting on recent attacks against Markab and hints on possible extreme measures. Sheridan tells her to redirect some of the security personnel towards controlling the violence. Just as Ivanova ends transmission, Delenn enters his quarters with a request: for her and Lennier to be sealed inside with the Markab. Sheridan is strongly against it, but Delenn had been moved by the tragedy befalling them and wants to comfort them when no one else will. And she is ready to accept her fate should the plague take her; she promises that should that happen, they will meet again "in the place where no shadows fall." He finally agrees to let them in, but as she leaves, he asks that the next time they see each other, "Call me John?" Violence against the Markab continues to increase as people blame them for supposedly dooming them. Garibaldi himself breaks up one such incident. The Markab reaches up to him, and in contrast to the muggers, Garibaldi firmly takes it and helps him back to his feet. Delenn and Lennier are the last to arrive at the isolation vault. After they step inside, the vault door is closed, sealing everyone inside. Back in Medlab, Franklin is trying to fight off fatigue and has been heavy in his use of stims, despire Lazarenn's words of caution. But Franklin believes the matter is too urgent to put off. The two of them talk for a while and note the similarities between the Drafa plague and the Humans' Black Death back in the 14th century. Not only with the scapegoating but also with the bumbling attempts to control it. Just then, Lazarenn stumbles and complains of dizziness. Franklin quickly realizes that Lazarenn is beginning to show plague symptoms and quickly sets up tests. In the isolation zone, Delenn and Lennier counsel the Markab and try to comfort them. Then, Delenn encounters the Markab girl she met in the Zocalo. She has lost track of her mother and is scared. Delenn asks Lennier to locate the girl's mother. Lennier seems puzzled as to how to find one Markab among many, especially since the girl doesn't even know her mother's name. All they have at this point is faith they will find her. Testing and monitoring of Lazarenn's early onset of plague is producing significant data about its pathology. They also record his remarks about various symptoms he experiences to see if there are relations. Franklin is intent on finding the answer, but Lazarenn provides an interesting thought: "Sometimes, the test is not to find the answer but see how you react when you realize there is no answer." Just then, the results of the pak'ma'ra autopsy arrive: it was the Drafa plague. Almost everyone in Medlab is suddenly scared of the prospect of them being next, but Franklin stands firm, seeing the confirmation as just another piece of the puzzle. Why the pak'ma'ra and not another race? He directs everyone to find correlations between the two races to see if there is a common link that the plague attacks. Meanwhile, Delenn tries to comfort the Markab girl with the story of when she herself was separated from her parents in a city before eventually being found again. Just then, Lennier brings the girl's mother, and the two are reunited. But at that very moment of joy, the girl begins to collapse. Delenn realizes that the plague is within the vault. Franklin is growing increasinly frustrated as test after test comes out negative. Just as he requests a comparison of Markab yellow cells with pak'ma'ra green cells, Lazarenn urges Franklin to the window. His time is running out. He tries to say a last request but dies before saying to whom it is to be given. Franklin's frustration boils over, and he has a brief tantrum. As he is about to give up in despair, the Medlab computer reports on the results of his last request: "Match Found." He soon reports to the command staff on the breakthrough. Markab and pak'ma'ra have specialized cells (yellow cells and green cells, respectively) that produce the neurochemicals necessary for their brains to function. The plague specifically targets those cells, which is why they were affected. Based on that, he has produced a treatment regimen that stimulates production of those cells, allowing them to build resistance to the plague. They hurry to the isolation zone. Not getting a reply from inside, Sheridan orders the vault opened. The sight within stuns them silent: every last Markab in the vault is dead. The only ones left alive are Delenn and Lennier., both quite shaken from the experience. Delenn in particular stops in front of Sheridan, quietly says, "John" and then breaks down in tears. Later, Delenn congratulates the crew for discovering a way to stop the plague. Sheridan says the praise should be directed to Dr. Franklin. She also says they should take from this experience a greater sense of faith, compassion, and charity. Sheridan can only reply, "I hope so." Franklin's view isn't as optimistic. ISN reports that the worst appears to have happened. The entire Markab civilization has been wiped out by the Drafa plague. As various people, including a Zocalo barkeep, offer outlandish reasons for the devastation, Franklin remarks, "Nothing changes." Captain Sheridan runs into Delenn at the Universe Today kiosk. She mentions that she subscribes to the "Eye On Minbari" because not only would it benefit her to know how Minbari is perceived by humans but she occasionally gets some information faster than be told "what she needs to know, and not more". Meanwhile on Mars, a seriously injured man, Lee, stumbles through the sewers and runs into another man, Derek. Derek offers to take Lee to a hospital, but turns it down. With his last breath, Lee passes a data crystal to Derek, asking him to take it to Babylon 5 and warn them to tell them it's not safe. Ivanova is having a jovial meal with Talia Winters when she gets a notification that a ship has just come in through the jumpgate, but isn't moving. Before they adjourn, Winters tells Ivanova that her suite has problems, and accepts Ivanova's offer to stay at her place for the night. The arriving ship has failed to respond to hailing calls, and is subsequently towed to a hangar. Garibaldi and Franklin find a single unconscious survivor. They recognise her as Lyta Alexander (the station's first commercial telepath), and Garibaldi briefs Sheridan on her history with Kosh. Lyta recovers in sickbay, but as soon as she puts her feet down, she aggressively demands to see Captain Sheridan, claiming that she knows that one of them is a traitor. The command staff hear a calmed Lyta in a meeting. She reveals that she had joined the revolutionary meeting on Mars but one of her best intelligence agent had been murdered because he uncovered a secret Psi Corps 'sleeper' programme - a latent, unconscious personality which transmitted information after being planted in government positions. The latent personality could only be activated telepathically and takes over permanently. Lyta claims that she has received the telepathic password and proposes to telepathically send the activation password to all command staff. Sheridan tells her that he will consider it. Later, Sheridan confides privately with Delenn in hydroponics, complaining that there's never a dull moment. He notices that she places her hand over his to comfort him, but he is quickly called away to his duties. Garibaldi reports that Lyta's story checks out and believes that she is telling the truth. Meanwhile, Winters has made herself at home in Ivanova's quarters and Ivanova asks her if she knows Lyta. She says that they met in school but it was a long time ago. At the same time, Garibaldi orders Zack to transfer Lyta from the interrogation chamber to a cell, but, as Lyta walks to her new cell, suddenly the lights in the corridor cut out. The unseen attacker kills both her guards, but Lyta manages to disappear unharmed. Sheridan berates Ivanova and Garibaldi and wants the missing Lyta found. He is seriously considering to accept Lyta's proposal, but Ivanova vehemently objects. Lyta sends an anomymous call to Delenn asking to meet up in an hour. Ivanova confides in Talia. Delenn, after meeting Lyta, confronts Sheridan with the message from Lyta that she will only meet with all of them present. Sheridan accepts the offer to meet whereever she wants. Back in Sheridan's quarters he is surprised to find a worried Ivanova waiting for him. She reveals to him that she has been vehement against letting a telepath into her mind because she is a latent telepath. Sheridan assures Ivanova that he is on her side, but is pulled into an old memory of Ivanova with a raven sitting on her shoulder, asking him if he knew who she was. They are interrupted by an urgent meeting request from Delenn. She brings Lyta to the command staff meeting. Sheridan offers to go first, and is clean. Franklin and Garibaldi also prove clean, but Sheridan asks Lyta to hold off on Ivanova. They then call in the rest of the second-rated officers officers one by one on pretenses, but with no luck. As patience runs thin, the senior staff clash over Ivanova's insistence but she eventually relents. Lyta notices that Ivanova is blocking her, but eventually the password is transmitted with no reaction. Talia Winters walks in casually, without noticing what was going on in the room, so Lyta takes the opportunity to send the password to her. There is a violent reaction, and Winters attempts to shoot Lyta but is foiled by Garibaldi. Sheridan, Garibaldi and Franklin discuss the day's events and what to do with Psi Corp's sleeper programme. Garibaldi is reminded of her strange interactions with Kosh. Ivanova confronts Winters in house arrest, hoping to see what is left of her friendship but only a sinister personality remains. Lyta visits Kosh in his atmospheric quarters, which tells Kosh that she had never told anyone, and kept their memories hidden. She asks Kosh if she can see their true form before she leaves Babylon 5, which Kosh grants without a word. Lord Refa has summoned Londo Mollari to Centauri Prime. Mollari is still cross over having lost a friend through Refa's schemes, but Refa waves it off as the cost of progress. He then reveals the reason for Mollari's summons: the Republic is about to strike a final blow on the Narn Regime and end the Narn-Centauri War, and Mollari will be key to this master stroke. Delenn is meditating in her quarters when she senses the presence of an old friend, whom she greets very warmly. Meanwhile, Lt. Corwin, on station, detects energy surges coming from Epsilon III and informs Commander Susan Ivanova. Ivanova tries to relay the message to Captain John Sheridan, but he is interrupted by a new presence who wishes to have a conversation: Draal. Since Sheridan is not too familiar with him, Draal introduces himself first. Sheridan, however, is aware of the fact he is the Minbari who now resides on Epsilon III. Draal invites Sheridan down planetside. He cryptically notes that one other will accompany him. G'Kar is given sobering news from G'Sten, his uncle and a Narn Warleader. The Narns are losing the war, badly, and the Kha'Ri have been trying to cover up the truth in hopes of preventing panic. They also have a desperate plan: to commit the bulk of their forces to attack the main Centauri supply depot at Gorash VII. If they take the outpost, they can force the Centauri to withdraw, buying the Narns time to regroup themselves and possibly turn the war into another war of attrition: giving an advantage back to the Narns. But there's a risk: if something should go wrong, the Narn homeworld would be essentially helpless. But G'Sten feels they are out of options; it is a risk they have to take. As Sheridan makes his way to a shuttle, he is joined by Delenn, who quickly makes him realize that she is the one who must accompany him planetside. Lord Refa tells Mollari they have intercepted the very plan G'Sten mentioned earlier. That is where Mollari is to bring in his secret allies. If they can hold off the Narns at Gorash, the main Centauri force can commit to a direct assault on the Narn homeworld and strike the killing blow. Mollari is stunned at Refa's audacity, since any force trying to attack the Narns on their homeworld would likely incur massive casualties. Then Refa stuns him again with his plan to bombard the planet using mass drivers, fully aware that such devices are against all civilized law and behavior yet uncaring because it would be a true master stroke: saving the Centauri significant amounts of both time and lives. Mollari feels the whole campaign is rushing headlong at breakneck speed, but Refa points out that is exactly what they want. All they need is Mollari's cooperation. Mollari finally agrees to do it, but says this will be the last time he will enlist their help. In Sheridan's office, Security Chief Michael Garibaldi has concerns that Draal's message is not real. After all, last year, Draal had demonstrated that the planet's defense grid was online and lethally efffective and that he was not to be disturbed. But Ivanova ends the argument by confirming the origin of the message to be within the planet. Sheridan does not want to keep Draal waiting, so he and Delenn set out. Meanwhile, G'Kar enters Medlab and sees it crowded with wounded Narns. He had been summoned by Dr. Franklin, who wanted to relay something significant he had heard from the incoming refugees. The Centauri seem to be changing their strategy, skipping various worlds instead of methodically neutralizing them as was their usual strategy. All signs point to them going straight for the Narn homeworld. G'Kar tries not to show it, but knowing his uncle's plan, this news alarms him. He tries to tell G'Sten to abort the assault, but it is too late; they are already committed. Sheridan and Delenn arrive at the Great Machine and are greeted by Draal, who has spent the last year studying the machine's capabilities. In that time, he ha also been studying Sheridan carefully and having done so believes Sheridan to be just and trustworthy. Draal is now ready to offer his services to them for the struggles ahead: the first of many alliances that will help to secure Babylon 5 as a beacon in the chaos. G'Sten's forces jump out of hyperspace near Gorash VII, about to attack. Almost immediately, however, several Shadow battlecrabs phase into normal space to block them. The battlecrabs launch fighters and engage the cruisers directly with devastating effect. Deep in prayer, G'Kar can apparently sense the impending doom as the Shadows lay waste to the Narn forces, destroying them to the last ship, denying them even retreat as they fire disruptors to collapse their jump points. G'Sten's ship is itself destroyed by such a collapse. Then, just as quickly as they appeared, the Shadow vessels vanish into hyperspace again. Draal soon senses these same events through the Great Machine and bids Sheridan and Delenn return to the station, but not before telling Delenn to introduce Sheridan to "the others." News soon reaches the station that the assault on the Narn homeworld has begun. Ivanova informs Garibaldi so they can discuss riot control. They agree that, as soon as the news is public, the station will be locked down. Cross-level traffic will be closed off, groups dispersed, and people urged to remain in their quarters. As Ivanova predicts, the moment news reaches ISN, the Narns and Centauri in the Zocalo break out in fights. The situation quickly degenerates into a general riot. Sharidan and Delenn arrive on station just as the riots break out. Meanwhile, aboard the Centauri cruiser Valerius, Mollari personally witnesses the crumbling of the Narn homeworld as impact after impact from the mass drivers reduce their cities to rubble. Three days later, the station remains on lockdown. The Zocalo stands empty of everyone except heavily-armed station security. ISN continues to report on the assault, summing the destruction as total, complete, and catastrophic. Yet the Narn refuse to surrender even as continued bombardment threatens to wipe out Narn civilization as anyone knows it. G'Kar receives the same information from his homeworld. It will only be a matter of time before they are forced to surrender. He is then given one final instruction relayed from the Kha'Ri, a very difficult one. Minutes later, a much-humbled G'Kar walks into Sheridan's office. The once-proud Narn has trouble getting the words out, but he eventually carries out the Kha'Ri's final order: seek sanctuary. A short time later, Mollari returns to Babylon 5 and calls for a meeting of the Advisory Council and League of Non-Aligned Worlds. There, Mollari announces the formal surrender of the Narn Regime and the end of the Narn-Centauri War. He lists the terms of surrender: Sheridan requests that Earth send observers to monitor these activities but is firmly rebuffed. Then Mollari makes one final demand: that G'Kar, as a member of the Kha'Ri, be surrendered to him. But at this point, Sheridan intervenes and announces that, prior to this meeting, G'Kar had requested sanctuary, and as military governor, Sheridan had the power and granted it, and since Babylon 5 is officially Earth-controlled space, and Earth is not signatory to the surrender, Mollari has no power to force G'Kar to leave or surrender so long as he remains on Babylon 5. Sheridan's decision has Delenn's support, which means Mollari cannot force the issue without drawing antagonism from both the Earth Alliance and the Minbari Federation. However, Mollari can force G'Kar to relinquish his seat on the Advisory Council. G'Kar reluctantly stands to leave, but not before delivering a stirring speech warning Mollari that, no matter how long it takes, Narn will regain its freedom. Mollari watches ISN as it reports the victory celebrations on Centauri Prime. He also learns of the Centauri's intention to absorb several smaller worlds just beyond the edges of Narn space into the Republic and spends some time in serious thought. Meanwhile, Sheridan apologizes to G'Kar for recent events and promises to devote what resources he can to help free the Narns. G'Kar is reluctant but accepts the offer as the first step to taking back his homeworld. Just outside G'Kar's quarters, Sheridan is summoned by Delenn to the conference room. Inside, Sheridan sees a large group of people besides Delenn that is mostly human and Minbari; interestingly, the group also includes Garibaldi and Vorlon ambassador Kosh Naranek. Garibaldi tells him that the people in the room are Rangers, a covert force established to help fight the coming darkness. He also comes clean about his knowledge of them, which he had kept secret by request until just now. Delenn informs him that she is their leader, but now, she offers him joint leadership to help defend Babylon 5. Sheridan agrees and announces that Babylon 5 will stand as the light in the coming darkness. G'Kar is trying to warn people on the station that the Centauri will not rein in their aggression now that they've conquered the Narns. A fellow Narn steps in and begs him to come away; there is a matter to discuss among the Narns on the station. Unknown to them, Vir Cotto has been observing with a strange look on his face. Meanwhile, Ambassador Delenn has been summoned to see Ambassador Kosh in an empty hallway. Kosh explains that he has summoned an inquisitor: to make sure she is acting for the right reasons. She is also warned this test will place her life in danger. Delenn and Lennier explain the situation to Captain John Sheridan. The Vorlons believe that people who lead for the wrong reasons corrupt and ultimately destroy that which they lead. The inquisitor is coming to make sure she is leading the Rangers aboard Babylon 5 for all the right reasons. G'Kar is meeting with a black market arms dealer to try to provide arms for a resistance on his homeworld. However, with hostility on the rise, the price is steep. G'Kar reluctantly agrees but firmly warns the dealer to deliver or face a gruesome fate. Commander Ivanova steps into C'n'C just as Lt. Corwin reports a ship exiting the local Jumpgate. It's revealed to be a Vorlon ship, which piques her curiosity since the only Vorlon ship to regularly come and go from the station was Kosh's ship. Ivanova relays the news to Sheridan. Sheridan goes into the docking bay and relieves the security officer on duty. As per Delenn's request, he is seeing to this new arrival personally and with all due expediency. The inquisitor emerges into view: a human, wearing clothes appropriate for late 19th-century England, and using a cane. As they walk down the corridors, the inquisitor notes "corruption, immorality, chaos" among the people he sees below. His unusual attitudes makes Sheridan more than a little concerned. Finally, after some prodding, he tells Sheridan a few salient facts about himself. The man introduces himself as Sebastian, and he did live in London in the late 19th century until the Vorlons took him in and showed him things that made him the way he is now. He has been brought out of stasis by the Vorlons so he can perform a test uniquely suited to him. He then demands to get to work. Security Chief Garibaldi confronts G'Kar, pointing out that he's getting word about his contact with the black market. Despite what's been going on, that kind of activity is against station policy and would contribute to increasing chaos and instability aboard the station. But since G'Kar is honest and even a bit frank about what he's doing, Garibaldi offers help in his own way; he gives G'Kar info on alternate supply lines to keep his activities away from the station. Sheridan contacts Delenn, informing her that the inquisitor has arrived. He tells her to go to Grey 19, where he is waiting and where they will be alone. Once she is sealed within the section, Sebastian gets straight to work. He makes her don a pair of manacles. She must keep them on for the entire session or she will be judged unfit: implying the manacles will affect her in some way during the test. Only when she dons them does Sebastian step forward to begin the inquisition. His questions seem simple but he expects unusual answers. He is cold, unyielding, even mocking of Delenn's words. His words have common themes: disdain of self-importance, of higher callings. He also reminds her that she could even die here. Whether she lives or not depends on her actions here. Elsewhere, Vir is being harassed by a Centauri seeking audience with Ambassador Mollari. Deflecting him, he steps into a transport tube, not realizing that G'Kar is already inside. Vir is now in an extremely awkward situation as he feels he has to justify his presence before the Narn. However his people had acted in the previous nine months, Vir was personally against their actions but lacked the influence to change things. The only thing Vir can think of saying to G'Kar in that moment is apologize for his race. As the tube door opens and G'kar steps out, he draws a knife, but he then cuts his own hand and lets the drops of blood serve as a message. Since Vir's apology cannot reach the Narns who died, G'Kar cannot accept it. Sebastian's inquisition of Delenn continues. His admonitions turn to the subjects of glory and destiny, and he continues to belittle Delenn. He pointedly challenges Delenn to "call out to the universe" and see if it will respond. It is at this point that he activates the manacles. Electrical energy makes her cry out in pain: confirming them to be a torture implement. After a brief session, he challenges that supposition, challenging her to wonder if she really does exist for a reason. Suppose the universe refuses to acknowledge her? Delenn then admits that she could be wrong. For showing that glimmer of humility, Sebastian stops the inquisition for ten minutes. G'Kar gathers the Narns on the station to help organize a resistance. But the other Narn are reluctant to trust him with their sacrifices. They need some reassurance. Most of all, they need word from home: word had been cut off since the Centauri conquest. G'Kar is in a bind because he lacks that kind of resources, but they make it clear that if he can't bring messages from home, they can't trust him to reliably deliver weapons to their homeworld. So G'Kar forges an agreement: their trust in exchange for messages from home, and if he cannot deliver within 24 hours, he will step aside. Back in Grey 19, Sebastian distills Delenn's problem to an overinflated ego: a sense of being more than she really is. But now, Delenn fires back. She calls out Sebastian as a bully: one who relishes in administering pain and suffering. She sees a man whose dreams have been shattered and has no other option left but to lash out in retaliation. In other words, she realizes Sebastian is one of those found "unfit". In response, Sebastian increases the intensity. The inquisition becomes even more severe. G'Kar goes to Captain Sheridan with a request. Can he find a way to get some kind of message from the Narn homeworld? Sheridan points out that G'Kar is asking a lot, especially given the urgency of the request, but he promises to do what he can. After G'Kar leaves, Sheridan reveals this is an excellent job for the Rangers. They need to start getting involved, and this scouting mission will be just the thing to start forging them into a greater force. G'Kar wouldn't be making this request if his leadership wasn't in question. If they succeed, G'Kar would maintain his stabilizing influence over the Narns on the station. Lennier walks into Grey 19 to find Delenn lying on the floor, barely conscious. Delenn begs Lennier to leave before Sebastian returns. But she explains the situation: "How can I pass the test if I do not understand the rules?" At her insistence, Lennier leaves as the tap of Sebastian's cane can be heard. Lennier immediately goes to Sheridan, begging him to defy Kosh and stop the inquisition before Delenn is killed. After a lengthy torture, Sebastian points out that Delenn has no control over her fate. At this point, Sebastian notes the arrival of Sheridan: "the final player in our little drama". Sheridan enters, his PPG drawn, demanding Delenn be released. When Sebastian asks him some questions, he deflects them with defiance. Suddenly, with a tap of his cane, a flame erups from the floor, and Sheridan is thrown back against the wall. Sebastian then reveals that it now Sheridan's turn to endure his inquisition. He is secured to a lattice in the room, and Sebastian sadistically points out that just because he won't answer his questions doesn't mean he can't watch his continued session with Delenn. He then asks a very interesting question, "Are you wililng to die friendless, alone, deserted by everyone?" Sheridan still refuses to answer, but Sebastian keeps pressing. Would he sacrifice his friends? His family? His gods? As he keeps asking questions, he tortures Sheridan until Delenn stands up and demands he stop. She is the one to be tested, not he. Sheridan tells Delenn to leave, but Sebastian responds that any move will mean Sheridan or she dies. But Delenn stands defiant. Would she trade her life for his, despite her supposed destiny? She responds that should she fall, another will take up her cause, for as long as it is needed to complete the task. Her cause is life itself. So Sebastian asks if she is willing to give her life to save Sheridan. Is she willing to die unloved, unseen, unknown, unsung, for the sake of this one man? She answers that his words and action will not change her mind. Sebastian raises his cane as if to strike the life out of Delenn; but a moment later, he vanishes. Sheridan is unbound. The two embrace reassuringly as the door to the room opens. Sebastian awaits them at the exit and says, "You can go. You've passed--both of you." He reveals that the test involved both of them. Each proved willing to fade into obscurity and die alone in the dark just for the sake of another. Neither sought glory nor fame: only what is right, and that is the right reason the Vorlons had wanted to see. For the first time, Sebastian seems relieved, as he believes his task is finished at long last while theirs is just beginning. Later, in C'n'C, Sheridan ponder what had just happened. Ivanova walks up and reports that Sebastian's ship is about to leave. He then asks her to consult the station's history files about an address: the same one Sebastian told him when he first arrived on the station. The Narns on Babylon 5 gather around a screen which is displaying recorded messages from Narns back on the homeworld. The collective message is reassuring for everyone; everyone is still fighting. The Narns on the station now regard G'Kar with respect and admiration. G'Kar kept his word, and now they will keep theirs. They will place their trust in him. As Sebastian is about to depart, Sheridan confronts him. The address he was given earlier turned up a very interesting fact. Sebastian did indeed live in London in the late 19th century. In fact, he disappeared mysteriously on November 11, 1888. At the same time, a string of murders in London's East End abruptly came to an end. Sebastian does not deny it. He explains that he had seen corruption in the city and had been endeavoring to wipe it clean. On that day, the Vorlons came to him and revealed that he had been acting for the wrong reasons. For the last 400 years he had been serving the Vorlons in his unique capacity: namely weeding out the unfit. Now, given that he has finally found people worthy of their cause, maybe the Vorlons will finally end his pathetic existence: "Remembered not as a messenger, remembered not as a reformer, not as a prophet, not as a hero, not even as Sebastian remembered only as Jack." Captain Sheridan oversees a Zeta Squadron Starfury training run, admonishing human pilots that some non-humans can withstand g-forces better than humans and it is worth it to get out of the line of fire if alien craft get a better bead on them. On Babylon 5, Lennier has quick words with Vir at a bar, both commiserating at the unreasonableness of their superiors and revealing that this is a regular affair despite its brevity and political uncorrectness. After the training run, Captain Sheridan entertains a joint audience of Drahzi and Pahkmara representatives seeking help from Centauri occupation as they occupy planets at the fringes of Narn space. Sheridan confronts Ambassador Londo over the aggressive actions of Centauri "presence" but Londo pushes back that his authority ends at Babylon 5. Sheridan seeks Garibaldi's advice as he is his 'closest friend'. They are interrupted by the arrival of Frederick Lantze from the Ministry of Peace. Sheridan and Ivanova greets Lantz who is here to investigate the Centauri. Lantz also introduces Welles, his co-director in charge of the Night Watch. Meanwhile, Starfury pilots suiting down from off-station activity discuss the occurence of "the ghost", a spidery form in space. Lt Keffer approaches a vet pilot, Mitch, to question him about the ghost -- saying that he saw it too, and that it killed Commander Galus. Ivanova comes to pick up Lantze at his quarters, who regales her of tales of Earth and family. In C'n'C, a Narn Heavy Cruiser is detected to arrive. Sheridan hails them, and they reply, revealing that they had been in deep space patrol when the Centauri invasion of the Narn Homeworld begun, and had been on the run since. They request for sanctuary on Babylon 5. Welles visits Ivanova in her quarters. He praises her record, and attempts to establish cooperation from her for the Night Watch for her own command. She rejects him in the name of loyalty and the ideals of the Earth alliance. He leaves, but the offer still stands. In the C'n'C, G'Kar is delighted to learn from Sheridan that assistance is being extended to the heavy cruiser and Sheridan is likely to extend sanctuary to them. Welles meets members of the Night Watch onboard "informally", but singles out Zack Allan for not sending in any reports. He hints that any thought could be seditious and it was up to the administration to decide what is seditious or not. Allan confesses that the shopkeeper has been openly critising the government. Mitch Harvey returns to Keffer with a data crystal of sensor recordings of the ghost, hinting that it gives away a neutrino emission signature but wants nothing else to do with this. Ivanova and Lantze complete speaking to the representatives of non-aligned worlds when G'Kar finds them in the corridors. G'Kar seeks an audience, but Lantze shrugs him off. In C'n'C, Sheridan assures the Narn cruiser that they will protect them when they take their engines off-line. Welles enters C'n'C, asking Sheridan to stop conducting fighter exercises against Centauri models. Ivanova is surprised at this line, and asks his real purpose. He reveals that he was investigating the situation in order to sign a non-aggression treaty with the Centauri -- and build a Human-Centauri alliance before he leaves. A younger officer approaches Welles with some new information. Ivanova visits Sheridan in his quarters, and presents him with a Christmas gift, a piece of shrapnel from the Black Star. They are interrupted by a call from Ambassador Londo, who has learned of the Narn heavy cruiser and demands its surrender to Centauri authority. Ivanova thinks that Welles might have something to do with it. They rush to C'n'C to inform the Narn cruiser that the Centauri are now aware of their presence. A Centauri battle cruiser jumps in, and Sheridan orders Zeta squadron to surround the Narn Cruiser. Lantze barges in to berate the captain for jeopardising the incipient Human-Centauri non-aggression pact, but Sheridan asks him to be escorted out of C'n'C. Sheridan warns Ambassador Londo that he has extended shelter to the Narn cruiser and will be escorting it out of Babylon 5 space. A copy of his call with Londo is sent to the Centauri cruiser and the Babylon 5 battle grid is activated. The Centauri open fire and an assault is commenced, but Zeta Squadron and Babylon 5 return fire, giving time for the Narn ship to escape through the jumpgate. The heavily-damaged Centauri heavy cruiser breaks apart before Sheridan can render them any assistance. Lantze confronts Sheridan for destroying a Centauri ship, who defends his orders citing General Order 47 to assist any vessel not in direct conflict with Earthforce. Lantze counters that his actions provoked the Centauri to accuse Babylon 5 of moving to a pro-Narn position. Welles intervenes saying that the joint chiefs support his act, but points out that they Centauri were not informed directly. Lantze says that the Centauri are willing to accept an apology, but Sheridan opposes it. Welles threatens to replace him if he doesn't do it in a meeting with various ambassadors due in an hour. Sheridan changes to his formal uniform and practices his apology speech but relishes the thought of admitting his pride in his actions. Meanwhile at the Ambassadorial meeting in Hydroponics, Ivanova spots a hiding G'Kar who wishes to publicly express his support for Sheridan. Lt Keffer is in space looking for the ghost and its neutrino emissions. He sights the Shadow Fighter. He fires a homing beacon at it but not before Shadow Fighter notices him and destroys his vessel. While on the public shuttle to the meeting, Sheridan spots a bomb on the train. He is quick enough to activate an emergency override on the doors to jump out over hydroponics. The ambassadors watch in horror overhead, and Delenn begs Kosh to act. Kosh exits from his encounter suit, emerges as a glowing angel, catches the falling Sheridan and safely returns him to ground. Sheridan is recovering in his quarters when Delenn checks up on him. He expresses that everyone has been talking about the incident but saw Kosh as a different being of light. Delenn reveals that the Vorlons have been guiding the various younger races as angels but warns that Kosh's actions may have gained the attention of the Shadows. Elsewhere at the bar, a Drahzi asks Ambassador Mollari what he saw, to which he replies nothing and walks away. A few days later, the Earth-Centauri Alliance is announced, and the Centauri further expand their "presence" to more Non-Aligned Worlds. Zack Allan witnesses the shopkeeper being arrested for sedition and their shopfront closed by ministry decree. Finally, Keffer's homing beacon is found by ISN and the first images of a Shadow Fighter is broadcast publicly. Captain Sheridan oversees a Zeta Squadron Starfury training run, admonishing human pilots that some non-humans can withstand g-forces better than humans and it is worth it to get out of the line of fire if alien craft get a better bead on them. On Babylon 5, Lennier has quick words with Vir at a bar, both commiserating at the unreasonableness of their superiors and revealing that this is a regular affair despite its brevity and political uncorrectness. After the training run, Captain Sheridan entertains a joint audience of Drahzi and Pahkmara representatives seeking help from Centauri occupation as they occupy planets at the fringes of Narn space. Sheridan confronts Ambassador Londo over the aggressive actions of Centauri presence but Londo pushes back that his authority ends at Babylon 5. Sheridan seeks Garibaldi's advice as he is his 'closest friend'. They are interrupted by the arrival of Frederick Lantze from the Ministry of Peace. Sheridan and Ivanova greets Lantz who is here to investigate the Centauri. Lantz also introduces Welles, his co-director in charge of the Night Watch. Meanwhile, Starfury pilots suiting down from off-station activity discuss the occurence of the ghost, a spidery form in space. Lt Keffer approaches a vet pilot, Mitch, to question him about the ghost -- saying that he saw it too, and that it killed Commander Galus. Ivanova comes to pick up Lantze at his quarters, who regales her of tales of Earth and family. In C'n'C, a Narn Heavy Cruiser is detected to arrive. Sheridan hails them, and they reply, revealing that they had been in deep space patrol when the Centauri invasion of the Narn Homeworld begun, and had been on the run since. They request for sanctuary on Babylon 5. Welles visits Ivanova in her quarters. He praises her record, and attempts to establish cooperation from her for the Night Watch for her own command. She rejects him in the name of loyalty and the ideals of the Earth alliance. He leaves, but the offer still stands. In the C'n'C, G'Kar is delighted to learn from Sheridan that assistance is being extended to the heavy cruiser and Sheridan is likely to extend sanctuary to them. Welles meets members of the Night Watch onboard informally, but singles out Zack Allan for not sending in any reports. He hints that any thought could be seditious and it was up to the administration to decide what is seditious or not. Allan confesses that the shopkeeper has been openly critising the government. Mitch Harvey returns to Keffer with a data crystal of sensor recordings of the ghost, hinting that it gives away a neutrino emission signature but wants nothing else to do with this. Ivanova and Lantze complete speaking to the representatives of non-aligned worlds when G'Kar finds them in the corridors. G'Kar seeks an audience, but Lantze shrugs him off. In C'n'C, Sheridan assures the Narn cruiser that they will protect them when they take their engines off-line. Welles enters C'n'C, asking Sheridan to stop conducting fighter exercises against Centauri models. Ivanova is surprised at this line, and asks his real purpose. He reveals that he was investigating the situation in order to sign a non-aggression treaty with the Centauri -- and build a Human-Centauri alliance before he leaves. A younger officer approaches Welles with some new information. Ivanova visits Sheridan in his quarters, and presents him with a Christmas gift, a piece of shrapnel from the Black Star. They are interrupted by a call from Ambassador Londo, who has learned of the Narn heavy cruiser and demands its surrender to Centauri authority. Ivanova thinks that Welles might have something to do with it. They rush to C'n'C to inform the Narn cruiser that the Centauri are now aware of their presence. A Centauri battle cruiser jumps in, and Sheridan orders Zeta squadron to surround the Narn Cruiser. Lantze barges in to berate the captain for jeopardising the incipient Human-Centauri non-aggression pact, but Sheridan asks him to be escorted out of C'n'C. Sheridan warns Ambassador Londo that he has extended shelter to the Narn cruiser and will be escorting it out of Babylon 5 space. A copy of his call with Londo is sent to the Centauri cruiser and the Babylon 5 battle grid is activated. The Centauri open fire and an assault is commenced, but Zeta Squadron and Babylon 5 return fire, giving time for the Narn ship to escape through the jumpgate. The heavily-damaged Centauri heavy cruiser breaks apart before Sheridan can render them any assistance. Lantze confronts Sheridan for destroying a Centauri ship, who defends his orders citing General Order 47 to assist any vessel not in direct conflict with Earthforce. Lantze counters that his actions provoked the Centauri to accuse Babylon 5 of moving to a pro-Narn position. Welles intervenes saying that the joint chiefs support his act, but points out that they Centauri were not informed directly. Lantze says that the Centauri are willing to accept an apology, but Sheridan opposes it. Welles threatens to replace him if he doesn't do it in a meeting with various ambassadors due in an hour. Sheridan changes to his formal uniform and practices his apology speech but relishes the thought of admitting his pride in his actions. Meanwhile at the Ambassadorial meeting in Hydroponics, Ivanova spots a hiding G'Kar who wishes to publicly express his support for Sheridan. Lt Keffer is in space looking for the ghost and its neutrino emissions. He sights the Shadow Fighter. He fires a homing beacon at it but not before Shadow Fighter notices him and destroys his vessel. While on the public shuttle to the meeting, Sheridan spots a bomb on the train. He is quick enough to activate an emergency override on the doors to jump out over hydroponics. The ambassadors watch in horror overhead, and Delenn begs Kosh to act. Kosh exits from his encounter suit, emerges as a glowing angel, catches the falling Sheridan and safely returns him to ground. Sheridan is recovering in his quarters when Delenn checks up on him. He expresses that everyone has been talking about the incident but saw Kosh as a different being of light. Delenn reveals that the Vorlons have been guiding the various younger races as angels but warns that Kosh's actions may have gained the attention of the Shadows. Elsewhere at the bar, a Drahzi asks Ambassador Mollari what he saw, to which he replies nothing and walks away. A few days later, the Earth-Centauri Alliance is announced, and the Centauri further expand their presence to more Non-Aligned Worlds. Zack Allan witnesses the shopkeeper being arrested for sedition and their shopfront closed by ministry decree. Finally, Keffer's homing beacon is found by ISN and the first images of a Shadow Fighter is broadcast publicly. Captain Sheridan and Brother Theo are playing chess in the Zen Garden as Commander Ivanova and Brother Edward watch. Ivanova offers a wager to Edward on the outcome, but Edward declines saying "if you're going to sin you may as well go for one of the really big ones." Sheridan is confident he has Theo trapped on the board. Theo pontificates on the subject of faith, but Sheridan insists he stop stalling and make a move. (If you look closely at the board, Theo's King is not as threatened as Sheridan's Queen). Theo quotes Ambassador Delenn: "Faith Manages" and puts Sheridan's King into checkmate in a single move of his Knight. Ivanova receives a link that Ambassador Kosh's ship is arriving and wishes to meet her in Bay 13. Theo encourages Edward to show Sheridan his craftwork, a crystal figurine. Edward says he is doubly blessed in the making and then in the giving. He offers it to Sheridan once it is completed. Ivanova arrives at Bay 13 as Kosh's ship pulls along side. Instead of exiting the ship, he approaches Ivanova from behind. He says she should be informed. He looks at his ship and says Returning. Lyta Alexander exits the ship, reminding Ivanova "I said I'd be back." Lyta explains to Sheridan, Ivanova, Garibaldi, and Franlkin that she found a ship to take her to the border of Vorlon space. After three days of beaming a signal into their space with no reply, she asked to be left in a lifepod. Five days later, as her air was about to run out, a Vorlon ship picked her up and took her to the Vorlon Homeworld. She is not permitted to disclose what she saw there. Brother Edward negotiates an agreement with a corporate representative to do data transfer work at a cheap rate. After the negotiations, a black rose falls out of his bag, though he doesn't remember putting it there. Delenn finds Garibaldi in the security office and asks him for security help with a Minbari delegation arriving the next week. He agrees. The news talks about a convicted murderer who will suffer the punishment of death of personality, where his memories are erased and he is released back into society to serve the community. Garibaldi then explains that the system replaced execution as a form of punishment. Dr. Franklin examines Lyta in Medlab and discovers that she is in essentially perfect health, with many of her previous medical issues having mysteriously been resolved. Brother Edward walks into his quarters, turns on the light, and sees a message apparently handwritten in blood on his wall: "Death walks among you." Brother Edward brings Garibaldi to his quarters, where there is no message. Garibaldi says he would have his people look into it, while Brother Edward is moved to new quarters. Ambassador Molari runs into Lyta. He welcomes her back then attempts to bribe her to tell him what she saw on the Vorlon homeworld. After she refuses, he threatens to let Psi Corps know she returns, and she counter-threatens to implant in him nightmares for the remainder of his life. After she leaves, he mutters to himself that even with nightmares, life wouldn't be any different. Brother Edward enters Delenn's quarters with her and Lennier and asks about their belief system. They explain that they believe the Universe is manifesting itself in each person in an effort to find meaning and understanding. As such, no one is really a soul. Delenn asks Brother Edward about his religious emotional experience, and he recounts the story of Jesus Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane. Brother Edward points out that Christ could have fled before the soldiers arrested him, but he chose to stay to finish his work. Brother Edward says he's always wondered if he would have had the courage to stay. Brother Edward emerges in Brown sector and runs into a Centauri. Brother Edward then sees the message again on the wall of the corridor and hears voices. He starts to see images in his mind of water, and a dead woman with a black rose in her mouth. He later is in his quarters reflecting on the images when Brother Theo comes in to check on him. After a brief discussion, Brother Theo leaves and Brother Edward begins a computer search to correlate the images he saw. Brother Theo meets Sheridan in the arboretum and explains Brother Edwards nightmares. Brother Theo also explains that he fears Brother Edward may be someone who suffered death of personality, thought Brother Theo wants to help Brother Edward however he can. Brother Theo asks Sheridan to do some digging and find the truth before Brother Edward does. Brother Edward is in the corridor where he saw the image. Garibaldi arrives and explains that there was no trace of blood on the wall. Brother Edward simply asks for help finding his bag, and Garibaldi says he'd put out a notice for it. Brother Edward is back in his quarters praying when the computer identifies a match with the search parameters. Several years ago a serial killer on Earth Colony 3 in the Orion system was apprehended. Known as the Black Rose Killer, the person--Charles Dexter--received death of personality. Video image shows him--Brother Edward. Via videolink, Garibaldi tells Sheridan that Brother Edward was Charles Dexter. After the operation and being transported to Earth, the facility he was at burned. Assumed dead, he actually found his way to a monastery, acting on his new personality to serve society. They also discover that Brother Edward has discovered the truth. Brother Theo is looking for Brother Edward and finds him. Brother Theo tries to convince him to return and work with him for forgiveness, but Brother Edward doesn't accept that and goes to try to serve justice to himself. Garibaldi comes into Sheridan's office with Brother Edward's bag. Reviewing the audio recording device, they discover that sounds were actually piped into the corridor where Brother Edward saw the message on the wall, and that there was a chemical used to write the message in Brother Edward's quarters, a chemical that would disappear after a short time. Discussing how the mind wipe could have been broken, they deduce that the Centuari that bumped into Brother Edward in the corridor was a telepath and broke the mind wipe. They being searching the station records. Brother Edward is praying in the monastery when a group comes in. Asked if he recognizes them, Brother Edward says he assumes they are the families of his victims. One of them confirms this and says the others were "too weak" to finish the job (torturing and executing Brother Edward) as revenge, but he would do it. The Centauri who bumped into Brother Edward is in Sheridan's office being questioned. He refused to divulge the information, so Garibaldi puts a bag over his head and holds him. Lyta comes in and telepathically extracts the information on Brother Edward's location (Brown 42) from the Centauri before he becomes unconscious. A security team goes to Brown 42 and begins searching for Brother Edward. Brother Theo, with them, finds Brother Edward in a crucifix position, having been tortured. Sheridan, Garibaldi, and Brother Theo help get him down. Zac Allen comes and gets Sheridan and take him to a man trying to escape the area. The man has blood on his hands and readily confesses to being the culprit. He is taken to holding. Sheridan returns to Brother Edward, who tells Brother Theo that he finally learned he did have the courage to stay in Gethsemane. As Brother Edward dies, Brother Theo prays that God would receive him into his glory and invokes the authority of the Apostolic See to forgive Brother Edward of his sins. Ivanova welcomes Lyta back from a short trip. Lyta is grateful that the embarkation area is clear of personnel. In the arboretum, Brother Theo gives Sheridan the unfinished crystaline figure that Brother Edward was working on for Sheridan. Sheridan then says that forgiveness is a difficult thing. At that point, a new monk, Brother Malcom, enters the arboretum. Sheridan recognizes him as Brother Edward's killer. Brother Theo explains that he specifically asked that the new Brother Malcom join the order and go to a monastery. Brother Theo helps Sheridan start the process of forgiving Brother Malcom for the murder. In Kosh's quarters, Kosh's environmental suit is open and light is coming from it. Lyta stands in front of it, and beams of light come from her eyes and mouth and go into the suit. Michael Garibaldi and Zack Allan discuss weekly meetings and the fit of Zack's uniform. As they prepare to enter a transport tube, Garibaldi receives a call from Ivanova, for a "Code 7R." Garibaldi leaves, leaving Zack wondering what a Code 7R is. The Code 7R is a meeting of the War Council. At the meeting, Delenn broaches the subject of contacting the First Ones. Captain Sheridan advocates contacting the First Ones, while Marcus Cole expresses caution. Delenn then brings Draal to assist with this task. Sheridan gets an unwelcome visitor in the form of a political officer. Ivanova works with Draal to find first ones. Important evidence is uncovered. Sheridan and Delenn have made a decision. They need more help against the Shadows and the First Ones fought the Shadows. Although it is risky, they have decided to go find First Ones. Draal shows up, willing to help in this search. Sheridan agrees to go down to Epsilon 3 later. Unfortunately, before he can leave, Sheridan finds out he has a new Political Officer -- Julie Musante. He isn’t very happy about this. Not only does he disagree with her stance on things -- redefining everything so there are no problems to him doesn’t help solve problems -- but she seems very bent on frankly seducing him. So Ivanova gets saddled with going to look for First Ones. She amuses Draal, which is probably just as well. Sheridan has dinner with Musante, who gives a very insightful, read-through-the-lines summary of what the current situation is on Earth. Ivanova reaches out through Draal's machine and finds signs of First Ones at Sigma 957. She also senses that they will return there soon. Then she almost gets pulled in by the Shadows. She also sees the destruction of Earth Force One, and Clark receiving news from Mr. Morden of the pending assassination. She gets Draal to copy Clark’s conversation. After dinner, Sheridan and Musante return to Sheridan's quarters because Musante is "locked out" of hers. She takes off her dress (her back is seen without clothes), and tries to seduce Sheridan. Ivanova appears using the holoprojection system. To prevent Musante from seeing Ivanova, Sheridan embraces Musante in a passionate kiss. Ivanova disappears, then Sheridan breaks off. He goes into his bedroom and recloses the doors. Ivanova reappears and tells Sheridan that they have to move or they may miss the First Ones returning to Sigma 957. Sheridan can’t move with the Political Officer breathing down his neck, so he has Ivanova go without him. G'Kar finds Garibaldi and asks where Ivanova is. G'Kar tries to find out what is going on but Garibaldi evades answering questions. Zach Allen finds Musante the next morning and asks how her time was with Sheridan. She was frustruated that Sheridan had evaded her advances and avoided a sexual encounter. She tells Allen to show up to a Nightwatch meeting in three hours. Ivanova boards the White Star and learns that Marcus will be accompanying her as translator. They depart for Sigma 957. In the Nightwatch meeting, Musante announces new powers for Nightwatch and new prohibitions on speaking out against the government. When some members object to the extreme measures, she says that the rights of free speech and association will be temporarily abridged until the "crisis" has passed, and that all loyal citizens are needed to see that Earth remains safe and ideologically pure. Aboard the White Star, Ivanova and Marcus watch as some First Ones return to Sigma 957. Aboard the White Star, a strange wooden facemask appears. Ivanova asks for their help in fighting the Shadows. At the mention of the Vorlons, the face reacts but is not understandable. The face withdraws as the First Ones consider the request. In Sheridan's quarters, Garibaldi shows him the recording of Mr. Morden's conversation with Clark. Sheridan decides to get the recording to General Hague. Aboard the White Star, the facemask reappears and utters a single word--zaugg--then disappears. As the First Ones move away, Ivanova realizes they have denied the request for help. She puts in a call to the Vorlons. In the meantime, she sends a signal to the departing First Ones and accuses them of cowardice. The facemask reappears and instructs Ivanova that, when it is time, she may return and call for the aid of the First Ones. They then depart. In Garibaldi's office, security staff watch a news report that evidence has been uncovered that implicates Clark in the death of President Santiago as an assassination. Zach Allen remains after the staff is dismissed, and he and Garibaldi have a falling out. Ivanova tells Sheridan that the Walkers of Sigma 957 will help when the time comes. Allen escorts Musante to the docking area and asks her about a Code 7R. She doesn't know what he is talking about. She vows to find and permanently punish whoever started the accusation about Clark. G'Kar awakens Garibaldi in his quarters and gives him a book of G'Qan, saying it will help in whatever war Garibaldi is preparing for. Londo Mollari reviews Vir Cotto's report on the Minbari, rewriting it to make it "acceptable" for the Centauri Royal Court. Vir objects to his revisions, eventually becoming so frustrated that he decides to get some sleep. Londo receives a call from Lord Trego informing him that Lady Morella has agreed to his request for a visit. When Londo steps out of his quarters to begin making preparations, he is caught off-guard by the flurry of activity due to President Clark's martial law order. Sheridan and Ivanova are in conversation with an Earthforce general over the situation. The general reveals that Clark signed an executive order dissolving the senate, with many senators arrested or on the run and trying to curry military support against martial law. General Hague has gone missing since the declaration. While talking, the Elite Guard opens fire on the senate building. Before leaving, the general delivers Hague's last message for Sheridan: "Everything's gone to hell, John. God help us all. You're on your own." Sheridan and Ivanova update C'n'C on the situation. While other colonies have been ordered to follow through with the martial law order, Babylon 5 has not yet been addressed. Sheridan asks the command staff to continue as normal, with one squadron in space at all times. Garibaldi meets Sheridan and Ivanova in the hall, revealing that a multi-system alert is out for General Hague. The Nightwatch liaison tells Zack Allan to come to a meeting at 1100 hours. He cautions him against putting the information out over the link, and especially against telling Garibaldi. He also advises Zack to bring extra caps for his PPG. Garibaldi releases G'Kar from his cell, commuting his 60-day sentence because he needs his guards out in the station rather than guarding him. G'Kar states that he might have something for him when the time is right. Meanwhile, Londo and Vir wait for Morella to arrive. Londo must tell Vir about Lady Morella, that she is a prophetess and seer. Morella arrives, inquiring as to why the Earth officials are not present, Londo and Vir indicate that they are "distracted" by recent events, and take Morella to her quarters. Sheridan receives a transmission from General Smits, who informs Sheridan that the Political Office has decided to give off-world security responsibility exclusively to NightWatch personnel. He also tells him to "respect the chain of command" regarding any orders. At the same time, Nightwatch personnel are being briefed with the same information. When Sheridan objects, the general tells him to remember where the order comes from. As G'Kar makes his way back to his quarters, he is surprised to see Ta'Lon standing watch by the door. He had been waiting for G'Kar's return since the latter's imprisonment, anticipating a way to repay his debt. G'Kar replies that Ta'Lon will get that opportunity, as he is about to make a significant decision: one which may call on Ta'Lon's assistance. Allan and the liaison start calling roll of security personnel, demanding that they either join Nightwatch or leave security. Garibaldi is not pleased with this turn of events, but Sheridan advises against going down there since it would provide Nightwatch a justification to arrest him. But since it represents the undoing of years of effort and trust, Garibaldi goes down anyway. Lady Morella is preparing to follow Londo on a tour of the station. As she finishes, she notes that her late husband, Emperor Turhan, had been trying to stem a growing tide of madness, which she feels the current Earth-Centauri Alliance represents. Morella comments how greatness rarely gets truly appreciated in life. She finally insists Londo get to the point, and Londo reveals the true reason for her visit: he needs her psychic vision for guidance since he doesn't know if the path ahead of him is one to embrace or to flee. Morella agrees since she agrees Londo's path ahead will be significant to the Republic. Back in Security, Zack tries to intercept Garibaldi, but Garibaldi says to stay out of the way. The two of them argue: Zack insisting that Garibaldi play along to keep down suspicion, but Garibaldi will have none of it, telling Zack that this is no game. He bursts into the room and starts overturning tables and trying to appeal to his relationships with his officers. When the liaison demands to know Garibaldi's stance, Garibaldi chews him out concerning this supposed loyalty. Finally, the liaison relieves Garibaldi of duty, and Zack takes him away, but not before getting some stinging words regarding his "promotion". In his quarters, G'Kar explains his thinking. While incarcerated, he had been meditating on the revelations he experienced during his attack on Ambassador Mollari, and those meditations had radically altered his world view. He had been committing his thoughts into a book, which he has brought back with him. In essence, G'Kar explains that for the Narns to save themselves they must be able to make sacrifices and commit themselves to a greater good, giving up the pride and enmity which has driven them for so long before it drives them to oblivion. And to begin that journey, they must help the humans. Ivanonva walks into Sheridan's office just in time to get the bad news: the martial law order has just come in, to be enacted immediately (or rather, as soon as Sheridan can tolerate getting the words out). Meanwhile, Nightwatch begins to disperse crowds in the Zocalo. At that moment, Londo, Vir, and Morella arrive as well as part of Londo's tour. Morella can sense growing tension which reaches a fever pitch when an ISN Special Report airs, showing footage of General Hague's ship, the EAS Alexander, successfully escaping an attack from Clark-loyal ships at the Transfer Point on Io. Nightwatch tries to disperse the viewing crowd, but several of them start fighting back, and the scene degenerates into a riot. During the chaos, A bottle breaks on Vir's head, injuring him. While the riot continues (with Zack trying his best not to get involved), Sheridan appears on the monitors to officially declare martial law, but everyone's too wrapped up in the riot to pay attention (accentuated when one of the monitors is broken by a thrown chair). Back in his office, Sheridan throws away the executive order in disgust. Just then, Dr. Franklin walks in, and while the two discuss how to deal with the Clark-loyal Nightwatch watching the entire station, Franklin brings up the subject of the chain of command. Suddenly, Sheridan realizes that Gen. Smits had earler been covertly hinting at Sheridan how to proceed (the hints had to be covert because it was an open channel). He tells Franklin to find Garibaldi (in person since Nightwatch controls the comm channels). Meanwhile, using his Link, Sheridan plays back the communique, focusing on several key words: "the chain of command", "the Political Office", and "opportunity". G'Kar walks into C'n'C. When Ivanova approaches him, G'Kar exlains that he has "an idea". Later, Zack returns to his quarters. To his surprise, he opens the door to discover that Ivanova, Garibaldi, and G'Kar are waiting for him inside. Just then, Sheridan approaches him from behind and firmly tells him, "Get in." Morella tends to the cuts on Vir's head, though Londo chides her for the supposed coddling. While taking a towel, Morella touches Londo's hand, and she experiences a series of visions: the same visions that have been haunting Londo recently and have driven him to seek her guidance. Zack returns to security and reports in to the Nightwatch liaison. It seems the conversation he had earlier concerned a solution to the station's Nightwatch problem. A ship of Narns is due to arrive at the station overnight. These Narns are intended to replace the security force. Zack confesses that he couldn't play along, which is why he's telling the liaison now. The liaison is thrilled; at last, they have the evidence they need to take Sheridan right out of command. G'Kar convenes a meeting of the station's Narns and makes his case. He is going to need their help more than ever. At 0230, the station's computer delivers a wake-up call to a very-much-awake Sheridan. On both sides, forces muster. The liaison calls up every able hand in Nightwatch to round up the incoming Narns while the command staff gather to make their way to the docking bay. The Nightwatch personnel swarm into Docking Bay 8. Zack soon joins the liaison, confirming that every able and willing hand is on the way in. As Zack checks the bay entrance, everyone else charges up their PPGs. Just then, Zack activates his Link and relays a single word: "Now!" Suddenly, the doors of the docking bay close on the Nightwatch, with Zack making a last-second escape through the entrance. Just then, the command staff arrive, and Garibaldi is soon there to pick him up. With profound relief, Zack removes his Nightwatch armband and declares, "They're all yours, Captain," revealing he'd been on the command staff's side the whole time, leading Nightwatch into a trap. Sheridan uses the docking bay's PA to announce that all of Nightwatch is now under arrest for conspiracy to mutiny and failure to obey the chain of command. He then reveals the clues left by Gen. Smits. Earthforce has a distinct chain of command starting from the President, going through the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and continuing down through the ranks. The Political Office is not part of this hierarchy and therefore cannot give military orders. So everyone now has to await proper orders (which given the communications difficulties will take several days). In the meantime, they can either sit it out there (where they can't use their weapons to break out) or turn in their arms, relieve themselves of duty, and spend the interim confined to quarters. Ivanova points out that Clark will simply respond with a direct order which would have military legality, but still the move will buy them time to make another move. Franklin then points out that the arrest means they don't have many security personnel on duty. Garibaldi responds by bringing in G'Kar, with a number of Narns following. Sheridan reveals that the plan to replace Nightwatch was half-true. Yes, Narns would be replacing the Nightwatch; no, there was no ship, as G'Kar had managed to recruit the local population for the job. Before proceeding with her vision, Lady Morella insists that her words stay between her, Londo, and Vir. She then reveals her vision. She tells Londo of three chances to avoid the dire fate in Londo's vision: to save the eye that does not see, to not kill the one who is already dead, or at the last, to submit to his fear, knowing it will destroy him. Then she drops a bombshell. Both Londo and Vir will be Emperor someday, though in turn: one will take the throne upon the other's death. One by one, the Nightwatch personnel turn in their Links, Identicards, and weapons. Meanwhile, Lady Morella follows a Centauri guard to a transport tube bound for the docking bays. The tube happens to have a Narn already in it, wearing the patch of station security. The two exchange looks but not words. Sheridan thanks G'Kar for his help in enlisting the Narns. But now G'Kar insists on a favor in return. He wants in on the Conspiracy of Light. G'Kar reveals that he already knows much about Sheridan's activities in that end, and he wants to be involved as well. Sheridan agrees to discuss it with the others, but G'Kar points out that time may favor him rather than Sheridan. Londo and Vir stare at each other nervously. Ever since Morella's last stunning revelation, they've been forced to see each other in a totally different and very uncomfortable way. Londo points out that Vir is due to return to his ambassadorial duties on Minbar. They try to break their mutual anxiety, but it keeps returning. It's hard for either to trust the other. Ivanova reports to Sheridan. Ambassador Delenn has just returned. Also, she relays news from ISN that most of the ships that had defected with Gen. Hague have been shot down. Only Hague's ship, the Alexander, remains free. The situation is rapidly coming to a head, and Babylon 5 will likely be the next target. Ambassador Londo Mollari is returning to Babylon 5, complaining all the while on the chaos that has grown since Earth forces have begun rebelling against President Morgan Clark. As a result, there is a lengthy line at the customs check-in. He comments that part of the problem is the Narns that are replacing the Nightwatch in security detail. The Narn performing Identicard checks overhears this. Once Londo arrives at him, the Narn notes that his Identicard isn't working properly and needs to be confirmed, a process that he coyly notes will delay Londo's entry into the station for a few hours. All this does is make Londo complain even more. "This never would've happened if the humans hadn't started fighting one another!" Elsewhere, the EAS Alexander, now commanded by Major Ed Ryan, is trying to hold off an attack by the Clark-loyal cruiser EAS Clarkstown. The battle is intense and both ships are heavily damaged. Finally, while extremely reluctant to do so, Maj. Ryan orders an attack the destroys the Clarkstown. Ryan morbidly comments on the fact that humans are killing humans and wondering how he will ever explain this to the widows and orphans (particularly those of his late commander, Gen. William Hague). Faced with a desperate need for repairs, he realizes there is only one place where the Alexander can get help: Babylon 5. Sheridan calls a meeting of the command staff, informing them of the Alexander's imminent arrival. The problem is dealing with Clark loyalists on the station. They decide to kill almost all comm channels (except one private channel and ISN) once it arrives. Lennier leads Dr. Stephen Franklin to a secluded corner of the docking bays. There is Ambassador Delenn, caring for a wounded Minbari Ranger. He carries urgent news which has resulted in multiple attempts on his life. He needs to be taken to Medlab but without being seen since bounty hunters may try to attack him again. Just then, G'Kar appears, revealing he'd overheard. He offers to take the wounded Ranger through covert routes he knows. Sheridan watches the latest ISN reports, revealing that the Mars Provisional Government has defied the martial law order. Ivanova reports that all preparations are in place. Just then, Lt. David Corwin reports a ship coming through the Jumpgate. Sheridan tells Security Chief Garibaldi to enact the comm cutoff. He addresses the personnel in C'n'C, revealing that, yes, that is the Alexander, and yes, there are orders to capture the ship: orders which he will not obey as they go against the spirit of the Earth Alliance. He offers anyone not willing to go along to leave the deck. No one takes him up. Sheridan then rallies them, revealing that they are about to be thrown into momentous events and he needs every able hand to stand up for what is right. In Medlab, the Ranger desperately relays a message to Delenn. Various races of the League of Non-Aligned Worlds are aligning themselves with the Shadows, fearing that if they don't, the Centauri would conquer them. But in doing so, these races have become more aggressive, becoming themselves conquerors and turning on other races. Realizing this Shadow strategy can easily undo the uneasy alliance already in place, she asks how the Grey Council is responding. To her shock, she learns that the Council is not getting involved, saying, "The problems of others are not our concern." Maj. Ryan reports to Capt. Sheridan, reporting that Gen. Hague fell during the battle with the Clarkstown and that he has assumed command. He relays news from Earth concerning President Clark's martial law coup. Some Earth Senators have gone into hiding, but shock troops are everywhere, making everyone too scared to speak out. Even ISN is staying quiet to avoid being stormed. President Clark had been preparing for this move for the last year, inserting loyalists throughout the Earth Alliance government and Earthforce military to make sure that any dissent is quickly quelled. But Mars is fighting the martial law order. However, even as he says this, he gets a message from the Alexander. Clark-loyal Starfuries are even now bombing the domes on Mars. Delenn is about to depart for Minbar, as she needs to speak to the Grey Council about their apathy. She leaves Lennier to act in her place in her absence. Before leaving, she thanks G'Kar for his help and comments on how much he's changed since the two first met. As her transport leaves through the Jumpgate, a Jump Point opens nearby, and another Earthforce destroyer emerges. It is the EAS Churchill, commanded by Capt. Sandra Hiroshi. She's on their side, here with urgent news for Ryan and Sheridan. Meanwhile, an ISN reporter continues to report on the Mars attacks. Just then, she is interrupted by another reporter who quickly announces that Orion VII and Proxima III have seceded from the Earth Alliance in response to the Mars attacks. He is going out over the air with the news now because Earthforce troops are in the process of storming the ISN News Center in Geneva. He tries to inform the public about Clark's covert actions, but an explosion starts collapsing the set. Then ISN goes off the air. Capt. Hiroshi comes aboard the station to relay the news. In response to the secessions, Clark is sending elite loyalist forces to seize control of all other Alliance colonies. As part of this, a task force led by the EAS Agrippa is en route to Babylon 5. Their orders are to capture the station and the Alexander. When Maj. Ryan offers to leave to draw away attention, Hiroshi reveals that the orders came before his arrival. Clark wants to seize the station anyway because of Sheridan's actions against Nightwatch. Ryan and Hiroshi leave to return to their ships, and the command staff have a decision to make. It's clear Clark wants them gone: one way or the other. But they have the station's quarter-million residents to consider as well as the people being repressed by Clark and his promise to Delenn to make the station the light in the darkness. So Sheridan takes a vote: surrender or fight? The vote is unanimous: fight. With the loyalists just hours away, rapid preparations are being made. Sheridan orders all security personnel on alert: including the Narns, who G'Kar has assured will stay loyal. He orders two squadrons on rotation and the rest ready to drop on a moment's notice. He tells Dr. Franklin to clear Medlab of low-priority cases to make room for incoming casualties. Before leaving to make a call, he also tells Ivanova to contact Draal on Epsilon III so he can employ the Great Machine's holographic system for an impending announcement. Aboard the Valen'Tha, an acolyte bars Delenn's path into the Grey Council's chamber. Delenn responds by declaring that the Grey Council will listen to a former Satai and the chosen of the late Dukhat whether they want to or not, and nothing will get in her way. The acolyte steps aside. Delenn steps into the light and addresses the Grey Council. In a scathing speech, she denounces the Grey Council as impotent, caring more about their own affairs than the greater goal they had sworn to hold back the darkness represented by the Shadows. Therefore, if the covenant they had made with Valen is no more, then the Council itself is no more, and to emphasize this, she takes the staff of leadership and breaks it with her bare hands. She then appeals to the Council to join her so as to join the fight against the Shadows. Her speech has the desired effect, as five Council members - presumably the five members from the religious and worker castes - leave with her. After some time, StellarCom completes a connection to Earth. Sheridan is calling his father, David Sheridan, for reassurance and advice, and because it will be last time they will be able to talk for the foreseeable future. Father reassures son and reminds him of what he'd been taught: "Never start a fight, but always finish it." Meanwhile, Sheridan's orders to arm for battle ripple through the station. All security personnel, human and Narn alike, don riot gear and PPG rifles while Starfury squadrons begin patrol flybys of the station. Now with more confidence, Sheridan reports to C'n'C. Ivanova reports that the holographic system is online and waiting to scan him. Once scanned, his image appears before everyone on the station as he makes his announcement: In response to the impending attack on the station and the acts against Mars and other Earth civilians in clear violation of the Earth Alliance Constitution, Babylon 5 is seceding from the Earth Alliance and declaring independence until Clark is deposed. He then urges all non-essential people to their quarters before the battle begins and offers anyone who wishes to leave safe passage out once the battle is over. He then asks once again if anyone in C'n'C doesn't want to get involved in the battle. Only one person takes it up. Ivanova than requests that she take flight in a Starfury, responding to Sheridan's protests by noting that in a human-vs-human battle like this, someone on the command staff needs to be there to help steady the pilots. Sheridan finally agrees then goes to his station. He links up with Ryan and Hiroshi and tells everyone to stand by. After a lengthy pause, Lt. Corwin's station reports the Jumpgate opening; the loyalists have arrived. Capt. Dexter Smith of the Agrippa delivers the order to surrender. The Alexander and Churchill launch fighters in response while Sheridan replies that the orders are unconstitutional and that they've seceded as a result. He warns that they will defend themselves, which results in the channel closing. It is clear they intend to fight. He orders all squadrons to not engage until fired upon, repeating the words told by his father. As the fighters close, he finally orders the station itself locked down, the blast doors closed, and the Defense Grid armed. Soon, the loyalists open fire, and the battle begins. Ships and Starfuries engage each other. Loyalist fighters begin targeting the station, and Sheridan responds with the Defense Grid. The Alexander, taking damage, decides to approach the loyalists point-blank. Then a breaching pod is reported approaching the Brown Sector hull. Garibaldi quickly responds by deploying security to Brown 95. While Garibaldi tries to organize security at a chokepoint, the Narns, unfamiliar with human tactics, charge ahead, forcing Garibaldi to do the same. Soon, the breaching pod penetrates the hull, and a company of Earthforce Marines engages security. It is an intense firefight with casualties on both sides. Meanwhile, an attack by several Starfuries penetrates defenses and damages C'n'C. Sheridan responds by redirecting the Defense Grid towards the loyalist destroyers. Meanwhile, the Churchill is mortally wounded. Unwilling to go down without a fight, Capt. Hiroshi orders ramming speed on the Roanoke, destroying both ships in a kamikaze attack. Observing the spectacle, Ivanova is distracted and collides with another fighter, forcing her to eject. Meanwhile, the Alexander and Babylon 5 concentrate on the Agrippa and cripple it, but it explodes before it can respond to Sheridan's demand to surrender. The immediate danger over, Sheridan asks for a damage assessment. Corwin reports damage to all sectors and the marines still fighting security in Brown Sector. Just then, his Jumpgate alarm goes off as they realize, to their dismay, that loyalist reinforcements are coming in. A few seconds later, however, Corwin reports four Jump Points forming over them. From these emerge three Minbari Sharlin-class warcruisers and the White Star, with Delenn in command. She orders the Earth ships to withdraw, coldly pointing out that the only Earth captain to ever win an engagement with a Minbari ship, Sheridan, is now under their protection. The Earth ships turn around and jump out of Babylon 5 space. With profound relief, everyone realizes the worst is over. Sheridan gives the recall order. About an hour later, despite the intense fight, Security manages to defeat the Marines, capturing all remaining who weren't killed. Garibaldi, with an injured ankle, is helped by Zack Allan. The Battle for B5 Independence is over; the station has held. After the Battle, Sheridan and Ryan discuss what happened, and where they will go from here. Ryan decides to seek out other Alliance personnel willing to fight Clark. Due to the loss of the Churchill, Sheridan agrees to take on many of its Starfuries to reinforce the squadrons they lost in the fight. Ryan notes that Sheridan is no longer wearing his Earthforce uniform. After today, Sheridan replies, he can't wear it with a clear conscience any more. Arriving in the docking bays, Garibaldi shows Sheridan the line of people leaving: mostly Nightwatch and those wishing to return to Earth. They agree they'll have to keep an eye for other Nightwatch still on the station in hiding. Then, Ambassador Delenn arrives on the station, and Sheridan thanks her immensely for the effort she made to get assistance from the Minbari. Delenn responds that they're in this together; she did what she had to do, and in a gesture of human understanding, she offers her hand to shake. Surprised, Sheridan shakes it, but then he kisses it as well. Just then, the rest of the command staff appear and (after exchanging a knowing glance) offer to take the two of them to the Zócalo. When they arrive, everyone in the Zócalo gives a standing ovation, thanking them for defending the station and standing up to President Clark's tyranny. Cmdr. Susan Ivanova is in C'n'C overseeing the departure of the laat of the shuttles containing known Nightwatch personnel. Capt. John Sheridan enters and Ivanova relays that fact, although Security Chief Garibaldi is still seeking out hidden agents. Also on the shuttles are other civilians not wishing to stay on the station. Gaibaldi walks in, his arm in a sling, claiming it was additional injuries he received during the previous battle. Garibaldi reports that the station is eerily quiet. Everyone is still stunned at the present turn of events: Clark's forces attacking the station, Babylon 5 declaring independence, etc. The primary complaint, however, is the continuing lockdown of comm channels. Sheridan has kept the channels down to prevent Earth Central from trying to hack into the station's computers. Garibaldi then reveals that he has kept copies of the master access codes, meaning they can reset the system themselves. Garibaldi then notes that Sheridan is out of uniform; Sheridan says he won't wear the Earthforce uniform because it represents the very thing they are fighting right now: the Clark regime. However, he does concede he will be in full dress uniform later, but for the last time. Sheridan decides to make rounds. Garibaldi is against it since any Clark-loyalist in hiding would see Sheridan as a high-value target, but Sheridan counters that the presence of the station's CO is needed to help reassure the people on the station. Ambassador Delenn is meeting with certain members of the Sharlin-class warcruisers that had accompanied her to Babylon 5 to defend the station. She expresses her thanks and tells them that their actions would be remembered with reverence. As they leave, Lennier relays a request. Fleet Captain Lennan wishes to tour the station personally. She agrees to perform the tour herself. Then she asks Lennier how he personallty feels about the dramatic action she has taken in the preceding days. Lennier continues to defer to prophecy, but Delenn counters that, "prohpecy is a poor guide to the future" since one doesn't know the real meaning of it until it has already happened and since not all prohecies are good ones. The road ahead will be treacherous with no guarantee they'll survive it. As Sheridan walks through the Zocalo, someone else observes him with keen interest through a telescopic sight. Before the marksman can take the shot, however, he is stopped by another man. The markmsman claims a clear shot but the other retorts that the timing is wrong. Killing Sheridan now would only martyr him and give rise to another. They need to do this the right way. Marcus Cole returns to the station, greeting Delenn and Lennier. When she points out that Earth will be reluctant to attack Babylon 5 now that it has Minbari protection, Marcus counters that he's not loyal to Earth: who he saw as nothing more than a parasite. Still, this breaking away from Earth has given Delenn an idea. She wants to call for the Nafak'cha: the Rebirth Ceremony. Marcus notes that now wouldn't be a good time, as the people on the station had their own affairs to attend. One of those affairs is the military funeral service for the soldiers lost in the battle for the station. Sheridan (as he agreed, in full dress uniform) along with the rest of the command staff, solemnly salute their names and their sacrifices as, escorted by Starfuries, spaceborne coffins carrying each of the fallen depart the station to be committed to Epsilon Eridani. Lord Refa finds Ambassador Londo Mollari waiting for him in the Zocalo. Londo offers a drink as Refa sits down and testily asks the reason for being summoned. Londo starts by noting the many different frontlines (emphasis on the plural) the Centauri currently seem to be engaged. While Refa points out the Centauri are bristling to expand, Londo counters that two fronts is bad enough; twelve is sheer insanity. Refa coyly counters they can handle it, but Londo sees through the bravado. He knows Refa things that with the Morden and the Shadows backing him, they can't lose. And to prove he knows about Refa's association, he plays back part of a conversation Morden had with him. Londo expresses his deep concern for Morden's allies. He fears they'll turn on Centauri Prime one day, especially with Centauri forces as disorganized as they are now. He insists that Refa break off from Morden immediately. When Refa demands to know why he should remove himself from such powreful allies, Londo gives three reasons: propriety, patriotism, and poison. Refa's drink was laced with the first part of a bipartite poison. Now in his system, it can lay dormant for years, meaning at any time, Londo can deliver the other part of the poison and kill him. Londo promises to do that unless Refa breaks off from Morden, coyly pointing out that his little treachery was a nod back to the "good old days" the Republic seems to be drawing itself as well as a way to steal the march on Refa, who he felt would've done the same to him given the chance. At his station, Garibaldi inputs the master access codes and waits for Sheridan and Ivanova, Commanding and First Officers, to give their passwords. Garibaldi, as Chief Security Officer, adds his password and then requests a fresh set of security passwords and a full system restart. Just then, Delenn walks in and asks for Sheridan. Since the essentials were already complete, he leaves with her. As he laves, Ivanova pokes fun at Garibaldi for using "peekaboo" as a password, but he counters, "Would you have guessed it?" In the hall, Delenn explains the Rebirth Ceremony. She feels a ceremony or renewal would be just the thing to encourage the people on board. She intends to invite the command staff and many of the ambassadors on board, including Londo and G'Kar (who she points out need the ceremony more than anyone else, in hopes of burying past grudges). In an unknown part of the station, the remaining members of Nightwatch convene to listen to orders from Earth concerning how to proceed. The plan is to use Delenn to force the Minbari escorts to withdraw, opening the way for Clark loyalists to retake the station. Though one of them (the marksman from earlier) points out that killing her would not be advised (since a similar death triggered the tragic Earth-Minbari War, which Earth barely survived), but the idea is to pin the blame on Sheridan. The marksman starts recounting how he tortured Minbari to death. It is clear he still holds a grudge against them and sees the plan as a measure of revenge. Delenn is in a Downbelow dive, seeking Marcus. She wants to invite Marcus to the Rebirth Ceremony, but he claims to be too busy and excuses himself before she can press further. Back in Security, Garibaldi resets the main computer. There is a tense pause as the system reboots, but what happens next puzzles him and Ivanova. The computer doesn't resspond in it usuall climical efficiency. Instead, a personality appears to inhabit the computer: a sassy and snappy one that doesn't always obey. Garibaldi then recalls that the computer had an AI installed prior to going online, but it had been turned off because, like now, it talked back. The reboot had unintentionally restarted the AI. Delenn seems to be having more trouble getting people to attend the Rebirth Ceremony. While Londo asks for more detail from Delenn, he realizes the ceremony is not like how Centauri like to celebrate religion (which usually involves drinking and debauchery). He also feels offended about others looking into his personal affairs: affairs he would much rather attend himself. As for G'Kar, he appears to be too busy organizing the Narns who are now part of station security. Marcus notes that his sentiment about the ceremony is not isolated, but Delenn stands firm. Then Lennier reminds her about Lennan. She insists on having Marcus accompany her rather than Lennier The reason is shown as they proceed to the docking bay. She keeps pressing Marcus about why he doesn't like the Rebirth Ceremony. Marcus notes that the ceremony involves giving something up, and he has very little left to give. His home is gone, and all his worldly possessions are on his person. He also blames himself for the loss of everything he had since he didin't heed his brother's warnings about the Shadows. Indeed, it was in memory of his brother that he joined the Rangers. Then Delenn points out he does have something to give up: the memories he has for the loss of the Arisia Mining Colony. If he doesn't let go, they can prove dangerous, even tragic. But Marcus doesn't see it as a chain, and he walks away. The Minbari shuttle arrives. Delenn proceeds to greet Lennan, and it is at this point that Nightwatch strikes, taking both Delenn and Lennan hostage. Back in Security, Garibaldi continues to try to remove the talkative and condescending AI. Just then, Ivanova reports in on the kidnapping of Delenn and Lennan. He immediarely realizes it's Nightwatch. In addition to Delenn and Lennan, one of Lennan's officers is in the secret Nightwatch base, injured. The marksman is completely unconcerned about his health, but even as he trains his PPG on her, Delenn claims she is unafraid as well. Soon, the leader returns to report the word of Delenn's capture is public. He also checks to see if a comm line is being scrambled on schedule. Because he announces it's time to go public. In Sheridan's office, Marcus blames himself for leaving Delenn in her moment of vulnerability. Just then, Lt. Corwin reports in with someone on another channel. Patching it through, the leader of the Nightwatch cell is revealed. Garibaldi recognizes the man as Boggs. Boggs keeps it straightforward. Return Babylon 5 to human control in six hours or the Minbaris die. And since they can monitor Security and the comm channels, they can't coordinate any attacks without them knowing. And just to show how serious they are, they kill the third Minbari. Marcus storms off, and Sheridan lets him go, knowing that he is heading Downbelow where he can seek the lines of contact they can't reach. Meanwhile, Sheridan wants the call itself analyzed for clues that scrambling can't hide. Downbelow, Marcus jumps in on the syndicate's card game and gets right to the point. He wants to know anything about Delenn's whereabouts. He points out that if he doesn't get what he wants in five minutes, he'll be the only one at the table still standing. Five minutes after that, he'll be the only one at the bar still standing. Everyone just laughs then stands. Delenn and Lennan try to communicate between themselves; unfortunately, the gunman can understand their speaking in Minbari and counters their actions. He points out that both are dying regardless of the outcome. Delenn then expresses pity over a man whose morality has been ground out of him. The gunman reacts angrily and attempts to shoot Delenn, but Lennan jumps in and knocks him down, diverting the shot. He tries to fight back, but the gunman shoots him, then is about to shoot Delenn before being stopped by Boggs, who reminds him they need to be alive until the deal is finished. About ten minutes later, Marcus makes good on his threat but now has a problem: no one's conscious enough to tell him anything. Just then, someone approaches him from behind. Marcus motions to strike but stops when he realizes it's Lennier. Lennier comments on the violence but Marcus notes that it helped him vent some long-repressed aggression. Strangely, though, Lennier has come as part of the Rebirth Ceremony. Part of the ceremony requires that one confess a hidden secret to another. In this case, Lennier is confessing his love for Delenn For once, Marcus is intrigued. Lennier continues his confession, explaining that his is a love that is hard to place into words since it is not the kind of love humans normally associate. And it is a love that recognizes that Delenn's destiny falls with another. Just then, someone wakes up, and Marcus quickly grills him, and he finally gets the needed information. Back in Sheridan's office, Ivanova reports that an analysis of the audio signal picked up a recurring noise in the background. Garibaldi recognizes the noise as coming from the reactor coolant systems, meaning the room is in Grey Sector. Just then, Marcus appears revealing that his contacts had supplied parts to individuals trying to get it to a Level 14. Ivanova puts them together and calls up a map of Grey 14. They discover that part of the level is secured: supposedly by Garibaldi. They realize that's the room, but they have a problem. With only one way in or out, they can't barge in. They need another way. Garibaldi decides to assemble a small team of trustworthy Security personnel, and Marcus gives info on the Security guard interested in Grey 14. Sheridan formulates a plan to surrender. In the room, Boggs wonder if Sheridan will accede to the demand as time runs out, but then a Nightwatch contact calls in to relay an image: the Minbari cruisers leaving. Boggs is thrilled: he gives the order to send a coded signal to Earth, who are waiting to storm the station. Just then, there is the sound of an explosion and the lights dim for a moment. There is a commotion outside. When Boggs investigates, he learns that the reactor coolant system is leaking. The level is no longer safe, so they're forced to leave: taking Delenn and Lennan with them. As they enter a corridor, they are suddenly assailed with PPG fire from various angles as Security ambushes them. Several members of Security are shot down, but a shot from Ivanova takes out Boggs. Garibaldi shoots down another gunman, and Sheridan wounds Boggs' triggerman. Well-aimed shots take out the Nightwatch holding Delenn and Lennan. As Sheridan checks on the downed Nightwatch, the triggerman draws a knife and tries to attack Sheridan. Delenn rushes to him and takes the thrown knife in the back. Enraged, Sheridan pursues him down a hallway and finally catches up to him, tackling him and then punching him mercilessly: his rage at Nightwatch boiling over until one final punch knocks the triggerman unconscious. Later, Lennier reports that the knife get caught on her ribs, missing any vital organs. She will recover, but not in time for the Rebirth Ceremony. Meanwhile, Garibaldi is getting fed up with the AI. Removal won't be complete until midnight, so he continues to endure its condescending voice. Finally, in a fit of frustration, he shoots out a speaker with his PPG. In Medlab, Delenn requests Lennier to rest, but he won't until the time is right. Just then, Sheridan appears, carrying his uniform. He's come to the decision that if the Rebirth Ceremony must take place in a certain time, why not here and now. Learning from Lennier about the need to sacrifice something precious and confess a deep secret, Sheridan offers his Earthforce uniform (and everything it symbolizes) and for the first time openly confesses his love for her. One by one, others of the command staff enter, each one offering their Earthforce uniform and a secret. Garibaldi admits his fear of losing control of his emotions. Ivanova admits, despite her distrust of Psi Corps, she had developed feelings for telepath Talia Winters until Psi Corps reprogrammed her. And Franklin confesses his stims problem. As they leave, Lennier reveals that their actions had been somewhat anticipated and that they would find something waiting for them in their quarters. Later, the people in C'n'C look up in surprise as the command staff enter with the gifts Delenn had provided: brand new uniforms to signify their independence. Sheridan notes that now they and the station are reborn and back in business. Commander Susan Ivanova walks into C'n'C, ready to start another watch. However, all eyes are fixated on her. As she wonders what is going on, she then realizes that she is naked. Ivanova awakens with a scream from her nightmare, even as the station's computer delivers a wake-up call. This isn't the first time she's had this nightmare. Vir Cotto is on Centauri Prime. Having delivered his reports concerning events on Minbar, he is admiring the Imperial Throne when a minister runs into him. Cotto is scared the minister is going to ask why he is eyeing the throne, but all the man wants to do is comment on his reports and pass on a new joke he heard: "What is more dangerous than a locked room full of angry Narns? One angry Narn with the key!" Cotto seems relieved, but it is short-lived as he reaches his room. The joke actually has some significance for him, as it is literally a room full of angry-looking Narns, one of whom evidently has the key. Ivanova talk about her nightmares with Captain John Sheridan without going into too much detail. Sheridan thinks it is a sign of mental turmoil caused by station's transition to independence and suggests giving it time to settle. Though his note of having a nightmare of going to work naked unsettles Ivanova. Ambassador Londo Mollari has a problem. A roach is plaguing his quarters. After several attempts to swat it, he tries throwing things at it and stomping it: to no effect. He tries to request B5 Maintenance to address the problem, but they are backlogged and will not be there for some time. Desperate, Mollari finally resorts to drawing a coutari from the wall. After a few strikes, he finally manages to impale the roach on its tip. But then he looks at it up close and believes it to be smaller than the one he saw earlier; he then rages that more of them are in his quarters. Just then, his doorbell rings. When he opens the door, a beautiful young Centauri woman enters, and instantly his mood changes. Cotto arrives back on Babylon 5. He is surprised Mollari is not there to greet him at the arrivals area. Sheridan and Delenn walk together and talk of affairs. With Clark too busy dealing with dissent back hom on Earth, and with the Resistance using the time to gather forces and develop strategies, Babylon 5 is being overlooked for the moment, and Sheridan welcomes the reprieve. Indeed, this gives him an opportunity to ask Delenn out to dinner, before matters of state separate them again. She accepts the offer. Just as he closes his bedroom, Mollari's doorbell rings. He opens the door, and Cotto enters. They engage in a little small talk about affairs back home, though Cotto does still show some small annoyance at Mollari's break with custom. Before things deteriorate further, Mollari proceeds to introduce Cotto to the young woman who arrived earlier. Her name is Lyndisty Drusella, and there is an arrangement for Cotto to marry her. Cotto is having trouble wrapping his brain around the idea of an arranged marriage, especially to him. Mollari tries to relieve some of the tension, but then he tries to respond to the encroachment of another roach, asking Cotto and Drusella to help him seek it out so he can eliminate it "before it develops language skills." Zack Allan walks into C'n'C, rather nervously as he normally does not visit the Command Deck. After a quick look-around, he explains the reason for his visit. There has been an increase in the number of Narns transiting through the station. While Ivanova welcome that news (since it means more Narns are fleeing Centauri control), Allan presents her with copies of their transit papers. It's the name of the authorizing individual that jumps out at Allan and now at Ivanova: "Abrahamo Lincolni". And then Ivanova notices the name of the office from which the papers came. She gapes; he nods. Cotto and Drusella walk through the garden. Cotto tries to learn just how much about him she knows. Drusella appears sincere, but Cotto is still nervous about the whole affair and wants to delay the marriage. She tries to make her case by kissing him, and Cotto admits it was one to remember. Cotto goes to Ivanova. He is here to confess of his use of a fake official, but Ivanova cuts him off, revealing they already know. The transit papers came through his position as Centauri Ambassador to Minbar, and only he with his extensive Human contact would know enough about Earth history to use an Earth name as the basis for a fake Centauri bureaucrat. Cotto explains that he's trying to shuttle Narns off the homeworld to Centauri work camps: not ideal, but better than their current situations. He's faking the details because the general Centauri attitude is that Narns deserve whatever brutality they get. In other words, Cotto is operating an underground railroad under the respective nose of his own government. In his quarters, Sheridan is making an honest attempt at making Delenn a home-cooked meal. The result is a mess in his kitchen, but Delenn appreciates his effort. Meanwhile, Drusella finds Cotto in the halls of Green 2. Just then, a Narn approaches them, drawing a knife, and declaring he has found "the murderer." Cotto stands in defense of her. The Narn charges, but Cotto grabs the knife arm and holds him off. Security relays the alarm of the assault, and this reaches Sheridan in his quarters, one level above. Meanwhile, the Narn kicks Cotto away. Then, Sheridan charges the Narn, knocking him down. The Narn fights back, cutting his arm with the knife, and the two trade blows before Allan and Security arrive, PPGs drawn. The Narn declares, "Shon'kar" and raises his knife, forcing them to shoot him dead. Ivanova in C'n'C talks with Sheridan, in Medlab getting his arm bandaged. He reports that Cotto doesn't know any motivation for the attack. He notes the Narn's use of "Shon'kar": a blood oath. This meant the Narn was out for revenge. He asks Ivanova to investigate the Narn to see of any possible connections. Drusella sees to Cotto's injuries, and she shows genuine admiration for him. Cotto promises to protect her. But later, Ivanova relays some bad news to Cotto. He's at risk of another attack, as the pouch brother of the dead Narn is aboard as well, and by Narn tradition, the Shon'kar now falls to that brother. The only other thing Cotto can think about is his arranged marriage to Drusella. While on the subject, Cotto tries to ask for romantic advice, given that he has a complete novice on the matter, but Centauri sexual practices leave her at a loss. Besides, her own past troubles with relationships make her a bad woman to give advice. She offers some advice, though, and Cotto seems genuinely overwhelmed with it. Delenn laters checks up on Sheridan. The cut on his arm is not too serious, and it will heal in due time. However, Delenn shows concern about him jumping into these dangerous situations. But Sheridan feels obligated to help when the situation was happening so close to him. The station seems awash in feelings of romance, and Delenn feels the same way. But before things can get more intimate, Ivanova interrupts. She's found a connection between Cotto and the dead Narn. Sheridan and Ivanova talk with Mollari and Cotto in their quarters. Ivanova reveals Cotto's involvement in the underground railroad. The trouble is that all the Narns listed in the record have been declared dead. The dead Narn was related to some of those Narns. Meanwhile, the other Narn approaches Drusella. When pressed on the atrocities, Cotto reveals there was no atrocity: the deaths are all fake. The Narns on that list were all children, women, and cultural leaders largely ignored by the Centauri but in desperate need of medical treatment. He'd faked their deaths to the Centauri would ignore their disappearance as they were taken to other worlds for medical care and then sent elsewhere. Mollari points out that Cotto has abused his position, and now he has to cover it up before the scandal threatens both of them. But that leaves the issue of the Narn who attacked Cotto. In the garden, Cotto contemplates his actions when Drusella appears. As they talk, her stance on Narns becomes clearer, and Cotto realizes that she has a strong bigotry towards Narns. Then, she offers him something to cheer him up. It turns out to be the other Narn. She had needed no help in capturing him, as it turns out she's a trained fighter who has her fair share of Narn kills under her belt. She had been particilatping in Narn culls and had killed the Narn's kin; the Shon'kar the Narn had declared had been against her. And now she offers Cotto the Narn's life and a knife with which to finish the job as a testimony of their marriage. Back in his quarters, Mollari explains all the favors he had to call in to cover up Cotto's transgressions. It is not the first time it has happened, so Mollari is able to deflect some of the blame to Minbari cultural influences. The whole incident is never to be spoken again. As it stands, he is being relieved of his ambassadorial position and recalled to B5. As for his arranged marriage, it is being postponed in light of Cotto's minor loss of prestige (which is all they know of the affair). The hope is that Cotto will recover from his misstep, allowing the marriage to go ahead. Sheridan walks into C'n'C to discover Ivanova at his station, and using a picture of him doctored to make him look like a Centauri. It turns out she is fleshing out the identity of "Abrahamo Lincolni." While Mollari knows of Cotto's faking deaths to get injured Narns off-world, he does not know of Lincolni, and this gives B5 a valuable tool to funnel Narns away from Centauri control. Even if they can get a few off, it would still be a moral victory. More importantly, it gives Ivanova purpose again, allowing her to put her nightmares to rest. Sheridan jokingly assigns her the role of "sneak-in-residence." Cotto apologizes to Drusella as she is about to leave. She kisses him again before leaving, and Cotto admits to himself that relationships are bound to get rocky at times. The Earth transport liner Asimov arrives through the Babylon 5 Jumpgate. It is the first transport liner to come to the station in months. With all official ties from Earth severed, each ship (and its associated docking fees) is much welcomed. Meanwhile, even though the station is under Minbari protection, both Captain John Sheridan and Commander Susan Ivanova realize they need a broader base of support from the alien worlds. Chief Michael Garibaldi is mad. The Earthforce Postal Service is insisting on charging 100 credits for a package due him. The Post Office explains that transportation costs have risen due to B5's independence, and they have to pass the costs along. The clerk won't release the package without payment, and Garibaldi, headstrong as ever, won't pay. Aboard the liner, there is a man having a nightmare about doors in a corridor, explosions, and a sword. Dr. Stephen Franklin is Downbelow. Marcus Cole brought him down because of illness spreading among the Lurkers. Franklin confirms the problem as an outbreak of Banta Flu. He orders the level quarantined and the two most serious cases takan to the Isolab to keep them from spreading the flu until past the contagious stage. Franklin is surprised Marcus caught on to the flu so quickly, but Marcus knows it's normally the result of eating rotten human and alien food mixed together, and he had seen people eating such food waste before the outbreak. They start talking about the Lurkers: about how some people feel they deserve what they get, but then Marcus notes that he prefers the chaotic nature of the universe to the thought that every bad thing inflicted upon you comes because you deserve it. As the transport liner's shuttle docks at Babylon 5, Franklin checks on his patients in Medlab then comments on Marcus' Ranger pin. Marcus describes the different symbolisms: the Human figure on one side, the Minbari on the other, joining together in the center in the unity of fighting the common enemy. The stone in the center is called Isil'zha, which in Minbari means "the future". Continuing with the Minbari language, Marcus notes it took him a year to learn the fundamentals and that Minbari put an emphasis on language, believing war is as much about concept as it is about action. He also notes he was taught a lot about terror, but he refuses to go into specifics. As passengers pass through customs, Security stops one man. He has a weapon, but he refuses to give it up. Instead, he draws it. Security draw their PPGs. The man seems very annoyed at how he's being addressed, thinking they have no respect before Arthur Pendragon, King of the Britons, and his sword, Excalibur. Just then, Marcus and Franklin arrive and notice the commotion. Before things deteriorate further, Marcus (himself of British descent) offers to intercede. To everyone's astonishment, he kneels before the man and addresses him as if he was King Arthur. He eventually manages to convince the man to sheath his weapon for he is in friendly lands and to let Dr. Franklin look at him lest they get in trouble for disobeying orders. Back in Medlab, Franklin and the doctors try to identify him. Unfortunately, he has no papers that would give clue to his real identity. Franklin then suggest a DNA and fingerprint scan in case he has records on file. Franklin tries to converse with the man, but all his memories place him in the middle of the Arthurian legends. He has no memories that would correspond to reality as Franklin knows it. He still believes he has returned from Avalon in a time of need. Marcus tries to refresh the command staff on the Arthurian legends. Garibaldi is a skeptic as usual, but Franklin notes that history indicates at least some truth to the story. Still, the idea that he could be the real King Arthur is rather far-fetched, so Sheridan wants to concentrate on the matter of the other alien worlds. However, Marcus notes that the Vorlons could've taken him and suspended him (as they did with Mr. Sebastian, last year). So they keep arguing. Franklin notes that Arthur doesn't speak in Old English, so the likely possibility is self-delusion, so he has to ask, "What made him tip over?" There is nothing physically wrong with him, which points the finger at mental trauma. Then Franklin's Link beeps. Arthur has escaped Medlab. Downbelow, Arthur notes some of the Lurkers lying on the floor, living in destitution. He questions an old woman, who claims to have had something stolen from her: a photo of her late husband. He offers to help. Not far away, G'Kar is talking with a human who offers him a data crystal and assurances he will relay messages to and from the Narn homeworld. Just then, there is a commotion, and G'Kar goes to investigate. Several Lurkers (apparently loan sharks) are beating up another for not paying up. Suddenly, there is the sound of a sword being drawn, and a defiant cry. It is Arthur, demanding the man be released. The Lurkers are puzzled to see a man holding a sword before them, but they stand ready to fight. Arthur will not back down, either, and they soon clash. Arthur proves a skilled fighter with his fists and his sword, and he beats down the four Lurkers. He demands they yield, but he refuses. Even now, more Lurkers approach, ready to fight. Seeing this, G'Kar jumps to Arthur's aid, saying Arthur has friends as well. Arthur and G'kar return to the old woman, who is asleep. Without disturbing her, he places the picture in her hand. G'Kar looks on with a smile. Garibaldi orders a search for Arthur as he leaves to take care of another matter. His main concern is him leaving the station. Marcus notices Security in their search and leaves. In a Downbelow bar, G'Kar talks fondly with Arthur, noting it's the first time he's had a good honest fight since he can remember. The simple reality of the situation, you vs. them, good vs. evil, had been most satisfying in contrast to the constant shades of grey he has to negotiate everyday. Arthur again talks about Arthurian legend: this time about the Round Table and the idea of a rule of law rather than of arms. This was why he fled Medlab: to continue his mission of justice. Surprisingly, he sees a lot about G'Kar: a fierce warrior but also one with sophistication. So he takes his sword and actually dubs him a knight of the New Round Table. Garibaldi's other matter is the package still in the Post Office's possession. He and another guard are breaking in to retrieve it: over the strong objections of the subordinate, who Garibaldi notes fears the Post Office more than Earthforce. The guard's concerns are justified, however, when the Postmaster appears before them blocking their way; he had anticipated Garibaldi's actions. Back in the bar, deeper in their cups, and G'Kar asks Arthur why he took the fight so personally. Arthur refers to Camlan field, seeing his knights slain on the field and watching looters rummage among them for their valuables. The loan sharks had struck a similar nerve in him. Just then, his nightmare flashes into his memory, and G'Kar tries to get his attention. He then tells the story of Camlan field, about the truce Arthur tried to strike with Mordred, but the truce was broken in a tragic accident when a knight attacked a snake that threatened him, and the result was the tragic battle. Just then, Marcus locates Arthur. He asks Arthur to return, noting again that trouble will arise if he doesn't. He eventually agrees, noting he is tired. G'Kar tries to leave too, but drunkenness overtakes him and he collapses. Arthur notes Sir Gawain had a siimilar problem with drink. In the Council Chamber, Sheridan makes his case to the League of Non-Aligned Worlds. Despite the recent upheavals, Babylon 5 still stands as a hub of commerce and negotiation. Babylon 5 remains a valuable resource. But now, they need to show support for the station. Ivanova issues copies of a new Babylon Treaty, offering the station's services in exchange for a contribution of defense. Marcus reports to Franklin in Medlab that he's located Arthur. He's also appeased Garibaldi by noting Arthur had not broken the law during his escape. But Franklin surprises Marcus when he reveals that he now has Arthur's real identity. He was an Earthforce soldier, and when Marcus reads the profile, he's adamant: Arthur cannot know the truth, as it was this that tipped him over. Franklin argues with Marcus that he needs to know the truth to break his delusions, but Marcus explains that the delusion is the only thing keeping him alive. However, Stephen is similarly adamant: he must reveal the truth or Arthur will never heal. In a bed, Arthur continues to have the nightmares. This time, we see through the open door. There are images of Minbari ships. Franklin talks with Arthur. He asks if Arthur recognizes the man on the screen. It is him. His real name is David McIntyre, age 52. He was a survivor of the Battle of the Line, but more importantly, he was a gunnery sergeant aboard the Earthforce destroyer EAS Prometheus exactly 15 years ago, the date of the tragic first contact with the Minbari: the Grey Council's ship, the Valen'Tha. The captain of the Prometheus had misinterpreted the Valen'tha's open gun ports, a traditional Minbari sign of respect, as a sign of aggression, fearing they were about to fire. He ordered the Prometheus to fire first. McIntyre had been on station when he fired his guns, essentially starting the Earth-Minbari War. McIntyre denies his involvement, but the reasons for his constant thoughts of Camlan field are clear: it was the same scenario, misunderstanding leading to tragic loss of life. Franklin continues; McIntyre had been cleared of wrongdoing since he was following orders and had no foreknowledge of the consequences. He had been battling depression but was continually deployed during the war due to a need for able bodies. He eventually volunteered for the Battle of the Line, probably hoping to die, but instead he was one of the few who survived. And now McIntyre reveals his feelings. He believes the lives lost in the war are his responsibility, since he had fired the first shot. The memories of the encounter overwhelm him. Almost unable to stand in his grief, he takes up the sword he called Excalibur and said he must return the sword to the Lady of the Lake. He calls out his grief for misunderstanding, then draws the sword. In his mind, a knight stabs him from behind. He cries out in pain. And then, he just sits there. Franklin tries to talk to him, but he is completely unresponsive. In C'n'C, Sheridan asks Ivanova how the session fared. Ivanova reports that many in the League agreed to the treaty: more than enough to ensure defensive support. But after this good news, Ivanova reports the bad news about David McIntyre. Franklin doesn't give Marcus a chance to deliver any kind of "I told you so" when he arrives. Franklin realizes this had been exactly what Marcus feared would happen to McIntyre. The truth and the pain it carried was too much for his mind to take, so it's now sealed itself from the outside to prevent seeing the truth again. But Marcus now wonders why McIntyre came to Babylon 5. It has to do with the attack on the Valen'Tha. They talk about Excalibur: particularly as it relates to the legend of Sir Bedivere and Camlan field (Franklin in this case being an analogue to Sir Bedivere). In this case, the sword was a burden, much like the pain in McIntyre's mind.. Arthur could not go to Avalon and heal until he returned Excalibur to the Lady of the Lake, bringing the legend of the sword full circle. Then they put it together. McIntyre is seeking the same release as King Arthur: to come full circle and find release from his pain. To do that, he must offer his pain to his "Lady of the Lake". The question is: who is the Lady? They figure out the answer together. Delenn comes to visit McIntyre, still lying comatose. Having learned of his story, she realizes what she needs to do. As she stands beside him, his mind shows him still in the corridor of his nightmare. But now, a hand reaches out. At long last, the Lady of the Lake has come. In Medlab, McIntyre raises the sword and offers it to Delenn. It is a symbolic gesture of apology. Delenn takes Excalibur, offering forgiveness for what had truly been a misunderstanding. McIntyre awakens and takes her hand, offering silent thanks. The following day, at the Post Office, the clerk is much happier. Garibaldi is finally offering to pay the 100 credits for his package. The clerk presents a broken, mutilated package, to Garibaldi's annoyance. But the clerk reveals it was a joke and replaces it with the real, intact package. Just then, Garibaldi reveals a surprise. Since B5 has severed ties with Earth, who normally provides for the Post Office, the Post Office actually owes the station rent: a rent of 101 credits. Gaibaldi is able to get the last laugh. Franklin and G'Kar walk McIntyre to the docking bay. G'Kar has offered to take him to Narn space, where he will help with the Narn Resistance. The ideals of the Round Table would ring well with the Resistance, and it will help give McIntyre purpose in aiding the oppressed, which is why he agreed to it. Now that a Minbari has forgiven him, he feels ready to move on. As he leaves, Marcus joins Franklin, not being a man who likes goodbyes. Then they notice Kosh passing by, and Marcus wonders if Kosh represented Merlin in the legends. If one believed the legend that the wizard Merlin gained his knowledge because he aged in reverse, perhaps B5 was the inspiration for the Round Table. Franklin could represent Sir Percival, Marcus Sir Galahad, Sheridan King Arthur, and perhaps Ivanova Sir Gawain. But then he wonders who would represent Morgana le Faye. ISN is back on the air with a new anchor, but it has been transformed into a mouthpiece of the Clark dictatorship. Sheridan tries out the new Starfuries, which can operate inside an atmosphere, when he is informed of a signal from an Earth vessel within B5 space. He decides to investigate himself. The ship turns out to be a Black Omega starfury carrying Bester. Bester tells Sheridan that he knows of a Shadow transport carrying weapons. Bester's motive is that he dislikes the Shadows' influence over Psi Corps. G'Kar confronts Ivanova, reminding her that he was promised membership in Sheridan's new anti-Shadow alliance, the "War Council." Sheridan takes a White Star with Bester on board to track the Shadow vessel in hyperspace. Delenn confesses to G'Kar that the Grey Council knew of the Shadows' alliance with the Centauri but said nothing, thus allowing the Centauri to attack the Narn homeworld; they were trying to keep the Shadows ignorant of the Alliance's knowledge of the Shadows' return. G'Kar says he understands but that he does not forgive her. The Shadow vessel crew commits suicide rather than be captured, but the White Star succeeds in claiming its "weapons" cargo: 100 telepaths in cryonic suspension. When Dr. Franklin sees the cyberweb implants on a telepath, he takes the ID bracelet to Bester who identifies the telepath as a blip - then Bester sees the name on the bracelet: Carolyn Sanderson. She gets loose and starts taking over Medlab due to the Shadows programmed commands in her brain. Before she is sedated and re-frozen, she says to Bester: "Al, what have they done to me?" and shows him what the Shadows' servants did to her. Garibaldi figures out that the reason the Shadows killed all Narn telepaths a thousand years ago was because telepaths are a danger to the Shadows; apparently, this was before the Shadows developed those cyberweb implants to control telepaths. The Shadows are now openly attacked planets in Brakiri space. Commander Susan Ivanova records in her diary. She describes how the Shadows have stopped engaging in their usual covert maneuvers and have instead begun overt and open warfare: starting with races along the Rim of the galaxy. The attacks have come randomly and suddenly. Because of this, the atmosphere aboard Babylon 5 has become even tenser. She noted that the station has hired on additional security, but without Earth resources, they can't properly vet the new hires, and the fear is that things will slip through. As the entry is voiced over, one of these new guards makes contact behind the scenes with Morden. He passes along to Morden a vial containing some pills. Ivanova's entry continues, noting how the command staff seem to be coping with the additional stress. This time, we see Dr. Franklin in his quarters, seemingly trying to get the last dose out of a bottle of stims, but he slams a lamp in frustration. Ivanova continues, noting the conspicuous absence of Ambassador Kosh. As she puts it, "When the Vorlon goes to ground, I worry." Finally, she notes that Londo seems his usual self. His attaché Vir enters his quarters even as he talks with a tailor. Londo wants Vir to rent the biggest suite on the station and to have it prepared with luxurious amenities. He reveals that Adira Tyree is coming back to the station, and he intends to splurge on her when she arrives. Finally, we see Morden walking away. The guard seen earlier is dead. He proceeds to some quarters, where he stands waiting. Three Shadows appear in the room with him. The Brakiri make the point abundantly clear: they are overmatched. Shadow technology is well above anything they or the rest of the League of Non-Aligned Worlds can muster. Sheridan points out that, having recently declared independence, Babylon 5 cannot call upon the Earth Alliance for assistance. Like them, they are on their own, and with all the civil unrest having strained resources, they are ill-prepared. The situation is so grim that no one wants to band together: fearing they would just become cannon fodder in the face of the Shadows. The Gaim, like the others, won't contribute without something substantial to support them in turn, and Sheridan can't promise something of that magnitude. The result is that everyone is still on their own. In Medlab, Dr. Hobbs walks out of the Isolab adamant that Dr. Franklin is doing the wrong thing. Franklin, however, is adamant and orders a procecure. Hobbs continues to protest. Even as Michael Garibaldi rushes in with an injured guard, the other doctors in the Isolab report that the patient is dying. There is confused shouting all around until Franklin shouts corrected directions, stabilizing the patient. Hobbs continues to argue with Franklin about his mistakes, and he decides to leave in a huff. Londo reminisces about the time he spent with Adira two years ago. Vir phones in through BabCom to let him know the suite is rented out and ready for his inspection. As he leaves and heads down the hall, the lights in the corridor suddenly dim. At the end of the hall, Morden greets him and says there is a score to settle. Morden seems a bit annoyed, as Londo has somehow managed to get Lord Refa to distance himself from the Shadows and to rein in the unfocused Centauri aggression. Morden points out they had a deal, and Londo doesn't deny it: each to his own half of the galaxy. What happens on the Centauri side is their own affair. Morden says the Shadows want the Centauri to resume their hostilities. But Londo is savvy and knows that what the Shadows really want is a diversion so as to give them free reign. Morden then points out they still want an associate within the Centauri Royal Court. Morden makes it simple. Let Lord Refa resume his previous activities or else. Londo is defiant, saying, "There is nothing you can do to me, Mr. Morden, that has not already been done." He then hears a strange high-pitched warble and looks around in alarm. He realizes that he is actually hearing Morden's "associates" and chooses that moment to leave. The Shadow makes itself visible and converses with Morden. Morden notes they still need Londo alive, but he has another plan ready for him. Garibaldi enters Franklin's quarters even as he emerges from the shower. Garibaldi speaks casually at first, but Franklin asks that he make it quick. He's just on a quick break between shifts: he's pulling a double. So Garibaldi says Frankling can't handle the load. He points out how he went ballistic earlier in Medlab. Franklin isn't willing to hear it. Garibaldi presses him, but he continues to deny it. Garibaldi continues, noting that he's been like this for the last six months, and he thinks he knows why: stims. So he makes it clear: come clean before he comes forward in an official capacity. Franklin blows him off, so he basically says he had his chance. Delenn walks into the War Room. She's concerned for Sheridan, who hasn't been resting. Sheridan is up to his ears in reports of Shadow attacks. The MO is the same each time; they jump in, blow everything up, then jump out again: hit-and-run lightning raids. Delenn notes that it is the same pattern they used during the last war. Its chief advantage is its unpredictability: never knowing where the next strike will come. But to what end, Sheridan asks. Delenn can't answer. Sheridan notes that he can't get the League to sign on until he can make them put aside their mutual animosity. But he can't do that unless he can show they stand a chance against the Shadows, and right now he's as helpless as they. He needs one big victory to use as a rallying point. Delenn then says he should go and score that victory. As she leaves, a perplexed Sheridan notes that Delenn is starting to talk more like Kosh and then he gets an idea. Garibaldi sits down with Dr. Hobbs in the Zocalo. She engaged more in paperwork than in eating. He wants to talk to her about Franklin. He notes that people like Franklin who work around aliens submit to regular blood screenings. But Hobbs notes that Franklin himself gets the samples as Chief of Staff. But Garibaldi notes that she would know the locations of these test results and could pull them up covertly. He wants Franklin's records for the last year. At this, Hobbs balks, saying it's a serious breach of both protocol and trust. Garibaldi notes he can go through channels to obtain them but is trying to avoid making it a matter of public record for Franklin's sake, but Hobbs insists he play by the book. If he wants the records, he'll need to obtain permission officially. However, she does provide the location of the records for when he does get that permission. Dr. Franklin walks in in time to notice Garibaldi get up and leave. Vir is placing the order for the amenities that will be sent to the suite: Brivari, hot Jala, and Star Laces. When the shopping list moves to clothes, particularly to intimates, Vir has trouble keeping up with the conversation. But as he leaves, Vir notices Morden in the halls. He tries to take another route to avoid him, but he suddenly appears in front of Vir. He tries to ask what is going on, but Vir basically tells him to die and leaves anyway. Morden then goes to the merchant to whom Vir was talking earlier. Claiming to know Vir and to have just missed him, he asks the merchant for information on what they were talking about earlier. Garibaldi goes into Medlab. He uses his security clearance to begin an override of the computer. He begins to read the file numbers Hobbs had written down, but even as Franklin walks in, he hesitates. Finally, he calls off the request without asking for anything. It's only then that he notices Franklin. Franklin asks why Garibaldi didin't open the files; he replies that Franklin probably already knows it and that he just needed to admit it for once. Franklin finally admits it; he'd run another test on himself and learned his stim concentrations are at addictive levels. As Garibaldi had mentioned, he had trouble admitting this to himself but is now forced into it. So now Franklin asks Garibaldi what he'll do. Garibaldi basically gives him one more chance to come clean on his own terms; otherwise, he'll do it. Sheridan and Kosh walk out of the Alien Sector. Sheridan is describing the problem. Currently, no one believes they have a chance against the Shadows. Someone needs to show them the Shadows can be beaten, and only a race at a comparable level of advancement (like the Vorlons) can do that. Kosh keeps saying no; they are still few in number. Finally, Sheridan starts getting angry. He starts accusing the Vorlons of being manipulators: pulling the strings behind the scenes while avoiding direct involvement. But Sheridan is onto them now. For the first time, Kosh shows signs of anger himself, as an energy buildup becomes detectable in C'n'C. Kosh brushes him off as impudent, but Sheridan presses, saying if impudence is what it takes to get their attention, then they'll get it in spades. After all, Sheridan's supposed to be fighting legends; Kosh is a legend, too. Kosh finally lashes out, projecting a telekinetic pulse that shoves Sheridan against a wall. His voice strained, Kosh begs Sheridan to leave, but Sheridan continues to stand defiant. Kosh strikes again telepathically, this time inflicing a cut on his cheek. Still Sheridan stands firm. He starts taunting, saying he's now seeing the real Kosh. Loud and defiant, Sheridan tells Kosh that right now he's against the wall. The Shadows are advancing relentlessly and even his own government wants to kill him. How's he supposed to fight a war like this? How many innocent lives must die before the Vorlons finally get involved?! Kosh finally telekinetically grabs him by the neck and pushes him against the wall, slowly choking him. Even now, Sheridan refuses to back down, telling Kosh that if his death will get them involved, so be it. Finally, Kosh releases him. In very reluctant tones, he accedes to Sheridan's request but there will be a price for this: Kosh will not be able to help Sheridan when he eventually goes to Z'ha'dum. Kosh had already told Sheridan that if he goes, he will die; he now grimly confirms that will be his fate as a result of this request. Sheridan waits tensely in the War Room as Ivanova reports another Shadow attack in progress in Brakiri space. Finally, some startling news emerges: A fleet of Vorlon ships are engaging the Shadows and winning! Within minutes, the Shadow attack is thwarted. At the arrivals area, Londo and Vir wait in breathless anticipation for Adira's arrival. Strangely, though, Adira does not emerge. Puzzled, the two venture into the docking bays. Soon, however, a covered guerney is wheeled out of the shuttle, the occupant obviously dead. Londo asks Dr. Hobbs about the deceased and his moment of giddy anticipation ends quite abruptly when she reveals the deceased to be Adira. There were no signs of violence, so Londo's mind races and quickly locks onto the time when Londo had persuaded Lord Refa by means of poison. He quickly tells Hobbs to check for poison. Vir tries to console Londo, but he refuses. Morden pays an individual in diamonds: apparently payment for some deed. The man furtively walks away before another approaches, whispering something in Morden's ear. Whatever the news, it makes Morden frown in concern. Ivanova informs Sheridan that the alien races are now rallying behind him: he who could even get the Vorlons to intervene on their behalf. Sheridan wants to thank Kosh for the intervention, but Ivanova tells him that it's past 2AM; he should sleep first, so Sheridan decides to turn in. Meanwhile, Morden makes his way into the Alien Sector. He heads directly for Kosh's quarters. Using a hacking tool, he gains access. It is soon apparent the news that had concerned him was the Vorlon intervention; he has come to retaliate, and as Kosh turns to face him, he reveals he is not alone. Sheridan dreams. In his dream, he sees his father, David Sheridan, in his home. As the Shadows begin assailing him, Kosh (though the dream image of David) tries to place Sheridan at ease for what's happening. He had been right; breaking the Shadows' image of invincibility had been the right motivation. It's just that he had known what would happen as a result, and for someone who has lived as long as he, facing that inevitability invokes a unique kind of fear. He also wishes he could've taught Sheridan more in preparation for his going it alone, but now it is too late. But he does give a reassurance: "It's time you began fighting this war your way." As Sheridan begs for him not to go, Kosh leaves some cryptic last words: "As long as you're here, I'll always be here.". The Shadows strike the final blow. A blinding pulse of light emerges. As this pulse races down the length of the station, Sheridan sits bolt upright in his bed, suddenly cognizant of who had been talking to him in his dreams and suddenly cognizant of what had just happened. Morden quietly leaves Kosh's quarters, leaving only a ruined encounter suit in his wake. Garibaldi reports on Kosh's assassination. There are no traces with which to link to a suspect. His quarters are so damaged, it's as if "it's been through a war". There is no corpse, but Delenn informs him none will be found. However, both the Vorlon Empire and Sheridan himself know that Kosh is dead. Delenn relays some instructions given to her by the Vorlon government. First, say nothing about Kosh's death. The new alliance is fragile; news of Kosh's death could easily unravel it. Given Kosh's eccentric and isolated nature, the several weeks it would take to send a new ambassador could easily be overlooked by the other races. Sheridan comments on what had to have been running through Kosh's mind when he had acceeded to Sheridan's request. At the time, he thought Kosh had been angry, but he realized Kosh had known the Shadows would retaliate like this. He had never realized that Kosh was actually afraid for his life. And that was why he said he wouldn't be able to help Sheridan at Z'ha'dum: because he'd be dead. Delenn relays one more instruction from the Vorlons. All of Kosh's remaining belongings, including the remains of his encounter suit, are to be given to his ship. In his quarters, Londo reads the autopsy report. They confirm his worst fears: death by poison. Morden, in the room with him, tells Londo how upset Refa had been. Understandable, given how Londo had tried to poison him; this would make the obvious retaliation. He doesn't know the details because Refa stopped talking to him at Londo's own urging. Hearing this, Londo informs Morden that he now requests his services again. This time, there is no political motive involved. This time, it's personal. His last trace of happiness is gone forever, so all he wants is revenge and the safety of his people. To everything else, he grimly says, "Let the rest of the galaxy burn. I don't care anymore." Sheridan walks into an empty Medlab at Dr. Franklin's request. Franklin confesses his stims addiction and turns in his resignation as Chief of Staff, effective immediately. He intends to take time to himself for once and see if he can get his life back in order. Otherwise, he cannot consider himself fit for duty. When Kosh's ship receives its late owner's effects, it begins a ritual of its own. As Delenn describes, Kosh's ship was built specifically for him: unable to continue without him and, in very curious ways, alive. The ship will grieve like everyone else for its late master and then, in his memory, perform its last solemn duty: to commit Kosh's remains, and itself, into Epsilon Eridani. On Minbar, a Minbari named Rathenn catches the attention of a hooded figure, telling him that on this day, he is to open a box that has been sealed for 900 years. Once opened, it contains an envelope addressed to "Jeffrey David Sinclair." The figure pulls back his hood, revealing it is Sinclair. Ivanova gets a distress call from Sector 14. Oddly enough, the distress call is from Ivanova . . . who seems to be describing the destruction of Babylon 5. On Minbar, Sinclair reads the note addressed to him. Rathenn asks what is in the letter. Sinclair refuses to tell him, saying that it is for him only, and after thanking Rathenn and telling him to continue their work in building the Rangers, leaves. When approached by the Vorlon Ulkesh, Rathenn says that he does not think he will ever see Sinclair again. Ulkesh replies, "He is the closed circle. He is returning to the beginning." "The beginning of what?" is the unanswered reply. Sheridan, Garibaldi, and Ivanova listen to the distress call. Tests confirm it's her voice, but Garibaldi points out that it could be from the future. It came from Sector 14, where Babylon 4 vanished, and time has been unstable there ever since. He asks to investigate Sector 14, and Sheridan agrees. Zack Allan is admitting visitors and is surprised to meet Sinclair as he comes on board. When asked if he'll be staying long, Sinclair replies, "That is a much more interesting question than you might think." Meanwhile, Ivanova sees Garibaldi off. Lennier walks into Delenn's quarters, but it's dark. He's here to tell Delenn that "he" is here, but she already knows. Delenn tells him that he is her friend and wishes she had more time, but she must press on. We then see a letter written in the same handwriting as Sinclair's, addressed to her. Sheridan and Marcus discuss strategy in the war room when Delenn and then Sinclair enter. Garibaldi contacts them, and tells them that the time rift is twice as big as before. It's being expanded by a powerful tachyon field…coming from Epsilon III. On Epsilon III, two of the Great Machine's caretakers - Spragg and Zathras - discusss the energy spike. Spragg wants to tell Draal, but Zathras counters that Draal is doing all that he can to control the Great Machine and can't afford to be distracted. Meanwhile, Delenn tells Sheridan that they must leave now for Sector 14, because "now is the time that we need to go." As Sinclair, Sheridan, Ivanova, and Marcus leave Babylon 5 to rendezvous with the White Star, Sinclair tells Sheridan that he is just as surprised to be here as Sheridan is. When Sheridan tries to figure out how Delenn knew of Sinclair's arrival, Marcus points out that no one's been able to get a straight answer out of Sinclair ever since he took leadership of the Rangers. In Sector 14, Garibaldi is now in front of the time rift. With a little power redirection, he manages to get a clear video of the distress signal apparently sent by Ivanova. It's being transmitted from a wrecked C'n'C. She reports that the captain's dead, the Defense Grid is down, and Garibaldi has rigged the fusion reactor. Several Shadow Vessels and hundreds of Shadow Fighters appear on the screen before she screams and the signal cuts off, implying the station's destruction. Once aboard the White Star, Delenn asks Sheridan to trust her in what she's about to do. She explains that she is now revealing facts about the First Shadow War, 1,000 years ago, that had been sealed by the Grey Council ever since then. She shows them a video from the Shadow War, explaining that towards the end of the war, the Shadows had destroyed their base of operations, leaving them vulnerable. Suddenly, Babylon 4 pops into view. The humans are stunned. They knew that Babylon 4's fate was to become a new base in some other time, but they had assumed it would be the future, not the past. She tells them that Draal sent her another video from six years ago. It shows Shadow ships attempting to destroy Babylon 4 as it comes online, but another ship intercepts the attempt…the White Star. Everyone is shocked that they will be stealing Babylon 4, but Delenn states clearly that if they don't, Babylon 5 will be destroyed. Marcus asks how saving Babylon 4 saves Babylon 5. Delenn explains that most of the Shadows were destroyed thanks to Babylon 4. Without Babylon 4's presence in the past, the Shadow presence in the present will be three times as strong: enough to overrun Babylon 5. Sinclair confirms this, saying it comes from a "very reliable source". Sheridan calls Garibaldi, who tells him that he keeps seeing the same video over and over again. They realize what he's seeing is the potential future; if they don't steal Babylon 4, Babylon 5 will be destroyed by the Shadows in eight days. Sheridan decides to do it and sends Garibaldi back to Babylon 5. Lennier contacts Delenn, telling them that a ship from Epsilon III is on course to intercept them. She says that she is expecting it; Draal is sending one of his aides with necessary supplies. Zathras appears and runs to Sinclair. He says that he is honored to meet him. Sinclair, recognizing him from two years ago, tells him that they have met before, but Zathras has not met him yet. Sinclair warns him not to tell past-Sinclair about this. Zathras also tells Sheridan that he is honored to meet him, but for a different reason. When Sheridan asks why, Zathras refuses to say. As they head out of the corridor, Sinclair asks Sheridan for a favor. Sheridan contacts Garibaldi as the White Star passes, and tells him to continue on back to Babylon 5, citing a need to keep some of the command staff there. He then tells Sinclair that he did as he had asked (which was to make sure he went back and say nothing about Sinclair's presence), but wouldn't Sinclair like to talk to Garibaldi? Sinclair replies, "More than you'll ever know." He then remembers the flashback he had while on Babylon 4, saying, "No. It won't happen. I won't let it happen." Zathras gives each of them a time stabilizer, telling them it is an anchor that will keep them from becoming displaced in time. Sheridan then orders the White Star into the rift. The ship shakes as they enter the rift, and Sheridan and Delenn hold hands. Sinclair notices this and smiles. On Babylon 5, Garibaldi is greeted by Zack and learns that Sinclair was on the station, but left soon after. This bothers him. The White Star finally stabilizes in Sector 14 in 2254: six years in the past, and they notice a fusion bomb being carried by the Shadows. They surmise it's meant to destroy the reactor and make Babylon 4's destruction look like an accident. They set an intercept course. Garibaldi goes to his room, and is told that Sinclair left a message, but it is protected by a password. The Shadow fighters notice the White Star and engage. As they're hit by fighter fire, Lennier says that they sustained only minor damage, as the ship is based on Vorlon technology, which adapts. Garibaldi finally figures out the password: Sinclair's usual greeting to him, "Hello, old friend." Sinclair's image displays, and he apologizes for not meeting him in person, but he is not coming back, and if Garibaldi had left with him, he wouldn't be returning either. The White Star successfully intercepts and detonates the fusion bomb, but the force of the blast nearly destroys the ship. A white streak of light attacks Sheridan, and he disappears. Zathras reports that Sheridan's stabilizer was damaged; he is now adrift: jumping randomly through time. Delenn and the others insist on rescuing him, but Sinclair refuses, telling them that Babylon 4 is their priority. Besides, the electromagnetic pulse from the bomb will have blinded Babylon 4, giving them a window which they can use to get aboard unnoticed. Sinclair assumes command and they resume course for Babylon 4. Meanwhile, Sheridan appears is in the future on Centauri Prime, and he is held by Londo's guards. An aged Emperor Londo tells him, "Welcome back from the abyss. Your timing, as always, is quite exceptional. Just in time to die." Those in the White Star decide to burn into the station while it's still blinded. Delenn is worried about John, but Sinclair reassures her and tells her that his once-shrouded path is now completely clear. In the future, Londo says that he's going to put Sheridan out of Londo's misery, revealing that he blames Sheridan for the fall of Centauri Prime. According to him, aliens who formerly served the Shadows were the cause of the destruction, and Sheridan, by inaction, is also responsible. Through a window, Sheridan can see the city spread out below, engulfed in flames. The White Star latches on and burns through into Babylon 4. As they board, they plan how to get the equipment into place since they need to avoid being seen, and Ivanova has an idea, and Marcus accompanies her. Sinclair sends Zathras to carry equipment, and he and Delenn head off. On Centauri Prime in the future, John Sheridan is still trying to figure out what time he is in, and Emperor Londo Mollari finally tells him it is seventeen years since he began his war with the Shadows, revealing the year to be 2278. Clearly ailing, he orders Sheridan to be taken to a cell before his execution. In 2254, Babylon 4 is trying to repair the damage from the electromagnetic pulse caused by the destruction of the Shadows' fusion bomb earlier. They are aware of the possibility of someone trying to sneak in while they're blind. Elsewhere, Susan Ivanova is explaining to Marcus Cole they need to locate an access panel. Since the station is just coming online, some of them should not be sealed yet. But just as she notices that she is alone, two members of B4 Security confront her. Ivanova, in her Army of Light uniform, is not recognized. She hears the opening of Cole's Denn'bok and realizes he's waiting. She attacks and knocks out one of the guards, and Cole drops from the ceiling to subdue the other. Cole, not believing in luck, had worked on a hunch that it was the worst time to be discovered and thus hid out of prudence. Just then, his pike happens to hit the wall and knock open an unsealed access panel. Ivanova sets to work. In 2278, Sheridan is in a cell when he is once again thrown through time. In 2254, Zathras notices Sheridan fade in and out. Elsewhere, Sinclair and Delenn find their progress blocked by the presence of engineers. But by this time, Ivanova is at the access panel and can create a diversion. Just as she begins, Delenn gets a strange sensation, "as if someone had just walked over my grave." In 2278 Sheridan reappears just as the cell doors open and someone is placed in the cell with him: the future Delenn. The two embrace and kiss fiercely, and he learns from her that they have a son. In 2254, Ivanova makes the final connections and creates a fake hull breach alert on their level. She and Cole leave to rendezvous with Sinclair and Delenn while the engineers react to the alert and evacuate. Pressure doors soon drop, cutting off the level from the rest of the station and giving the B5 crew the privacy they need to proceed. In 2278, Sheridan reveals that he is from the past. The future Delenn, cognizant of the events of 2260, makes the connection. She hints that Sheridan's future will be very troubled. They will forge something that will endure, but at great personal sacrifice. He asks if there is a way to prevent this, and she tells him not without paying the greater price of surrender to the Shadows. Then guards arrive to take them, they assume, to their deaths. Instead of being taken to their execution, Sheridan and Delenn are brought back to the throne room where to their surprise they find Emperor Mollari very drunk. But then he reveals the shocking reason: fastened upon his neck is a tentacled one-eyed parasitic creature he calls a Keeper, which Mollari says is overseeing him for the Shadow servants. Normally it is invisible, but "it cannot hold its liquor"; Mollari's drinking has knocked it out (and revealed its presence) long enough for him to admit the truth to Sheridan and Delenn. He offers them an opportunity to escape by following one of his guards to where he has a getaway ship planted; in return he pleads that they and their allies will work to free his people. After they leave, an older G'Kar enters with a patch over one eye, as envisioned in Mollari's dreams. Addressing G'Kar as his "old friend," Mollari asks the Narn to finish him now before his Keeper can raise an alarm, bitterly quipping he is as tired of his life as G'Kar must be. Just as G'Kar proceeds to strangle Mollari, his Keeper awakens, forcing him to strangle G'Kar back. Meanwhile, as he and Delenn follow the guard down a corridor, Sheridan feels himself being drawn back in time. Before he disappears, Delenn gives him a warning: "Do not go to Z'ha'dum." Back in the throne room, a lone figure arrives to find Mollari and G'Kar lifeless upon the floor alongside the imperial medallion which has snapped off Mollari's neck. The figure, who turns out to be Vir Cotto, sadly picks up the medallion, fulfilling Lady Morella's prophecy concerning him and Mollari. While Ivanova and Cole unload equipment, Zathras labors by a spacesuit. He reveals that he briefly saw Sheridan and is working on using the suit to temporarily stabilize Sheridan while Zathras works on more permanent repairs. After finishing the work, he joins Ivanova and Cole in unloading. As they continue unloading, the suit sparks with energy and begins to fill up. They soon notice and realize Zathras' jury-rig worked. They open the helmet and reveal Sheridan inside. Sinclair soon joins them, wearing an identical spacesuit. In the spacesuits, Sheridan and Sinclair take the last components of the time system to Babylon 4's central power core. Aboard the White Star, Zathras cautions that the equipment is very delicate. Ivanova reports that she will create a fake fusion overload that should trigger an evacuation of the station. On B4, however, the crew notices a drop in fusion power and decide to increase power to compensate. When they do so, the power surge flows into the attached time system, causing the station to be caught in a time rift. Aboard the White Star, Zathras figures out what happened: the power surge caused the time system to trigger prematurely. He stabilizes it and they emerge back in normal space, but in the interim Sheridan disappears again. Zathras reports they jumped ahead four years, and Cole immediately makes the connection: it is 2258, the exact time the station appeared by Babylon 5. But now the time system is unstable and needs to be recalibrated. Ivanova tries to page Sheridan, but Sinclair reports he has disappeared again. Meanwhile, Ivanova's fake fusion overload finally reaches B4 C'n'C, and they make plans to evacuate. Another tachyon burst envelops the station, and Delenn experiences a vision. She sees herself observing Sheridan asleep in bed on B5, when someone walks into the room, causing her to drop a snow globe. When she reappears on B4. Zathras explains that she experienced a "time flash": a glimpse in this case of her future caused by the unstable time system. Just then, Sinclair rejoins them, and everyone is shocked. He appears considerably older. Sinclair explains that this is why he did not want Michael Garibaldi with him. Since he had been through the unstable time field two years ago, without protection, re-exposure is now aging him. The same thing would've happened to Garibaldi. At this point, not even Zathras knows if Sinclair will keep aging. Sinclair insists they press on. Since Zathras is lacking equipment to fix Sheridan's time stabilizer, Ivanova decides to lead him to a work area where he can find the necessary equipment. Sinclair decides to return to the power core to retune the time system, and the others return to the White Star to help him with readings. While Zathras rummages through the work room, Lennier reports of incoming ships. Sinclair immediately knows who they are: himself, Garibaldi, and the rest of the evacuation crew from B5. Zathras finally finds the right tool and sets to work on the stabilizer. Just as he finishes repairs, B4 Security confronts him. The Security officers take Zathras away, and Ivanova reports the fact. Cole relays that repairs to the time system will take another two hours, so Ivanova decides to speed things up by sneaking into C'n'C and adjusting the power grid there. She hides as Major Krantz and the past Sinclair and Garibaldi pass en route to Zathras' cell. Back at the breaching point, Delenn notices Sheridan's suit fade in again. Zathras meets past Sinclair and remembers the warning from earlier, telling him he is, "not The One." Meanwhile, C'n'C is evacuated, and Ivanova slips into the abandoned observation dome soon after. She starts adjusting the power while Zathras tells about the mission to take B4 through time, just as Sinclair heard it two years ago. Just then, other B4 personnel see a spacesuit fade in and out, and word reaches Krantz and past Sinclair. Zathras follows with Security in pursuit. They come upon the fading suit. As before, past Sinclair tries to approach and is knocked back. Zathras then rushes to it with the repaired stabilizer, and the suit takes it and disappears again. Just then, Ivanova starts feeding power to the time system. Zathras senses the system is stabilizing and urges everyone else to leave. Back at the breach point, Cole is startled to discover Sheridan nearby, without his spacesuit. Then they notice that the stabilizer attached to him is intact, meaning someone swapped theirs for his broken one, leaving Cole to ask, "Then who's running around out there in a blue suit?" Meanwhile, events transpire as before, with Zathras being pinned by falling debris and him urging Sinclair to go, explaining that he has a destiny. Meanwhile, outside, as the evacuation convoy leaves, present Sinclair tries to send a message to Garibaldi: "Watch your back." However, by now he's out of range. He proceeds through an airlock back into the station. Meanwhile, as before, the spacesuit returns to help Zathras, and he happily acknowledges the suit as "The One." Then the suit opens its helmet, revealing Delenn inside as Babylon 4 is drawn into the now-stable time rift. Later, Sinclair removes his helmet, despondent that he could not change the near future. Delenn tells him it is time and leads him to C'n'C. Ivanova has finished rerouting the time system controls to C'n'C so the rest of the trip can be controlled from B4. Sinclair then orders everyone else to return to the White Star, saying he'll start the system up and rejoin them later. Cole then confronts him, revealing that he suspects something Sinclair isn't telling them. Someone has to steer B4 all the way to the past, and once there, there's no going back. Whoever this is will become trapped in the past. Pressed by Sheridan, Sinclair confirms Cole' assumption, and Cole volunteers to go, but then Sinclair explains that he has to do it; that he's done it already. He reveals what brought him here: the letter from the box sealed 900 years ago, addressed to him. It's in his handwriting. Delenn then tells them of her letter in the same handwriting. Ivanova protests, but Sinclair insists. He knows what he has to do. He then asks Cole and Ivanova to leave, leaving him, Delenn, Sheridan, and Zathras in the dome. He then asks Zathras about "The One" and why he referred to both him and Delenn by that title. Zathras explains in detail the Minbari belief in three: the three languages, the three castes, the Nine of the Grey Council (three times three). This belief in three extends to time as well: past, present, and future combining into a whole: "The One." He then describes how each of them fits: Sinclair is "The One who was," Delenn is "The One who is", and Sheridan is "The One who will be." Together, they form the beginning, middle, and end of a "great story" in history. Zathras urges Delenn and Sheridan to go and continue the story; his place will be with Sinclair to help begin the story. Sheridan and Delenn bid their silent farewells. They reboard the White Star, and with a heavy heart, Sheridan orders the ship to detach from Babylon 4 and set course back to 2260. The White Star emerges from the time rift back in 2260. As they exit, the time rift closes and all temporal distortions in Sector 14 cease: its role finished at last. Delenn reveals that this is not the only circle that is closing. She reminds him of the fact that Human and Minbari souls began crossing one thousand years ago. Her transformation into a part-human hybrid was part of an effort to correct this imbalance, but now she reveals an insight into what started it. The Triluminary that brought about her transformation also came from one thousand years ago. Someone had to present the station to the Minbari in the past, and they wouldn't have trusted a human. A stunned Cole realizes the implication: "a Minbari not born of Minbari." Within Babylon 4, Sinclair assembles the Chrysalis Device as he recalls the hints from the past: the Soul Hunter claiming he was being used, Delenn's hint that the Minbari were right about him, and Neroon noting he talked like a Minbari. He knows what lays before him because has already done it. He is soon enveloped in the chrysalis and waits. When the station emerges in 1260, two Minbari wander through it until Zathras finds them and leads them elsewhere. There, they discover two Vorlons outside their encounter suits . . . and another Minbari. "I welcome you and present this place to you as a gift," Sinclair tells them. "I am called Valen, and we have much work ahead of us." Commander Susan Ivanova records a personal log about recent events. Ever since Captain Sheridan figured out that the Shadows could be disrupted by telepaths, he's been recruiting every telepath he could find and sending them off to various resistance camps and ships of the League of Non-Aligned Worlds. It's hoped their influence will reduce the Shadows' ability to wreak havoc. Sheridan himself has rarely left the War Room; he is tired, but he keeps pushing himself. Meanwhile, Dr. Franklin, still on his Walkabout, has not been seen in over a week. Ivanova hopes he resolves his issues and returns to duty soon. She also notes that, while not a Christian, she appreciates the presence of Brother Theo's monastic order. They have provided a calming influence for the people on the station (as she states this in voiceover, a monk relays a message to Brother Theo who reacts to the letter with some reluctance.). Finally, she notes that Brother Theo's personality bears similarity to someone else she knows. As the voiceover concludes, we see G'Kar pleading to allow the telepaths to be given Narn bodyguards on a one-to-one basis. Ivanova explains that their security is already being guaranteed, but G'Kar counters that the Narns would be willing to go into danger with the telepaths so as to protect them from Shadow agents. Meanwhile, Vir Cotto is preparing a meal in Londo Mollari's quarters. As he does so, Mollari comes to the conclusion that he has to deal with G'Kar once and for all, and soon. Cotto is reluctant, noting there are more immediate concerns, but Mollari insists on dealing with G'Kar before he becomes an immediate concern. Cotto points out that G'Kar has sanctuary while he's on Babylon 5, but Mollari knows this; his plan is to lure G'Kar back to Narn where he can be caught and executed. And to his surprise, Cotto is informed he will be instrumental to the plan. Ivanova waits in the arrivals area when Brother Theo joins her. He notes that the next few minutes will be notably aggravating for him. As he speaks, a boisterous voice calls out to him. Theo and the new arrival trade verbal barbs for a while before Ivanova asks for introductions. The new arrival is Reverend William A. Dexter, a Southern Baptist. With him are Mr. Chong, a Bhuddist monk, Rashid Abdul, a Muslim cleric, and Jewish Rabbi Leo Mayers. As Ivanova shows them to temporary quarters, a few more notables arrive at the station: Lord Refa and Minister Virini, a high official of the Centauri emperor. Delenn enters the War Room. Sheridan, as usual, is poring over his notes about the Shadow attacks. Even as Delenn tries to tell Sheridan that he's become rather hard to approach, Sheridan remarks that while the Shadows are tactically brutally efficient, their gross strategy seems almost random, leading him to believe there is a greater logic behind them. Finally, Delenn insists that Sheridan take a rest, and he finally admits that, for the most part, he can't. Ever since Kosh was killed, his sleep has been troubled, full of nightmares. Delenn then informs him that some people he'd invited to the station have arrived and are waiting for him. Sheridan tries to say he doesn't have time, but Delenn points out she already made the arrangements, and since Minbari aren't supposed to lie (except to save face), her honor is at stake. Dinner will be in two hours. Cotto returns to Mollari's quarters to inform him of the arrival of Refa and Virini, but Mollari already knows and is preparing to see them. Meanwhile, he tells Cotto how he will draw G'kar to Narn. G'Kar's attaché, Na'Toth, has not been seen since the end of the Narn-Centauri War, and is assumed dead, a casualty of the bombing. Cotto is to go to G'Kar and tell him that Centauri forces have located her and are holding her in one of the dungeon cells below the building once used by the Kha'Ri. The idea is that G'Kar, the only member of the Kha'Ri still free, would be among the few people who could navigate the maze-like caverns there. Since he and Na'Toth were quite close, he will somehow smuggle himself to Narn . . . where Mollari's guards will be waiting. Cotto does not want to go through with it, but Mollari insists. Cotto is the only Centauri G'Kar will have any reason to believe. When Cotto's conscience keeps him from agreeing, Mollari threatens to reveal his involvement in the Narn underground railroad which would humiliate - and ultimately destroy - his family and his House. Refa sees Virini to his quarters. Both seem a bit demeaning of the accommodations and the Humans in general, but then Virini gets to the point. Refa and Mollari appear to be in the midst of a feud, and Emperor Cartagia wants the matter settled, giving Virini the authority to see to it. It will not be easy. Mollari has plenty of wealth and influence, but Refa has plenty of allies in the Centaurum. Indeed, Refa's purpose in inviting Virini to the station is to influence him over to his side. Mollari arrives just as Refa leaves. Cotto arrives at G'Kar's quarters and relays the message as told to him by Mollari. Virini tells Mollari the same thing he told Refa: the feud must be settled. Cotto joins them. Mollari then promises to prove House Mollari's loyalties by deeds rather than by words - starting with removing a certain "embarrassment" that has plagued the Royal Court for some time - before leaving with Vir. Outside, Cotto is getting angry. He thinks Mollari sent him on his demeaning errand just so he could curry favor in the Royal Court. But Mollari points out that Cotto is too young to understand that this is how Centauri politics works. Some time later, Sheridan and Delenn have dinner with their guests: Reverend Dexter and his companions along with Brother Theo. Sheridan reveals that the invitation wasn't merely social. With their ties to Earth severed and with ISN now a propaganda machine, it has been difficult to get the real news from back home. Dexter reveals that Brother Theo, despite their constant bickering, has been working on the problem. Dexter opens his Bible to reveal a cutout compartment. Inside are data crystals. In them are various intercepts from all throughout Earth; each had gathered information from their various spheres of influence. The big news is that the Earth Resistance is still very much in operation, as much as President Clark would like the people to think otherwise. He's been trying to paint Babylon 5 as a renegade outpost working with aliens to subvert Earth. G'Kar goes to Security Chief Michael Garibaldi. He needs to get to the Narn homeworld in secret. Garibaldi points out that leaving means he can be pursued by the Centauri, but G'Kar insists. He just needs a craft able to drop him off just outside the capital and then pick him up again in a few hours. And he needs it immediately. A despondent Cotto goes into a transport tube. Already in the tube is a Centauri guard. Upon seeing Cotto, he presses a button: apparently some kind of signal. When Cotto steps out again, several people grab him and drag him back into the transport tube. They take him into a darkened room and shut the door. A spotlight then reveals Lord Refa, who reveals that he intends Cotto to tell him Mollari's plan to depose Refa, or die. After dinner, Reverend Dexter talks with Sheridan and has an idea. Before leaving, he hopes to hold an open church in the station's chapel, figuring the energetic style of a Southern Baptist sermon might be more to the station's liking. Brother Theo appears less than enthused at the idea but agrees to go along with it. Cotto is sitting on a stool. Another empty stool is beside him. Refa sits down upon it and beseeches Cotto to tell him what Mollari has planned. Despite the death threats, Cotto steadfastly refuses to talk, so Refa decides to cut to the chase. Another Centauri appears in the light: a telepath. In spite of Cotto's resistance, the telepath scans Cotto and manages to learn of the plan to draw G'Kar to Narn. Satisfied, Refa leaves Cotto in the darkened room so that he cannot tell Mollari. That night, Dexter finds Sheridan sitting in his office. He walks in and offers some advice. He tells a story and uses it to note that, in his eagerness to work, Sheridan has been pushing away people close to him, and that could be unhealthy. Sheridan doesn't take kindly to the sermon at first but then realizes Dexter has a point: the same point Delenn had been trying to make earlier. Z Minus 13 Days G'Kar arrives on the Narn homeworld where he confers with G'Dan, a member of the local Narn Resistance. G'Dan tells G'Kar that the cosmic winter effect from the planetary bombardment (dust, constant wind, and colder days) will probably persist for several years at least. G'Dan also acknowledges the message G'Kar sent earlier, though he notes the task is very risky. Elsewhere on the planet, Refa talks with Drigo, another noble who is part of the local Centauri administration. They have been busy setting up an abandoned building to resemble the Centauri Royal Palace at the suggestion of Minister Virini, so that Cartagia would have a suitable place to stay should he visit. Refa then asks Drigo for a favor: a number of loyal guards to accompany him on a mission - to capture G'Kar. Once he has G'Kar, he'll be able to kill Mollari safely and present both to Cartagia in tribute. Taking up Dexter's advice, Sheridan invites Delenn into the War Room. Together, they pore over the Shadow attacks. Like Sheridan, Delenn can't make sense of the pattern at first. But Sheridan appreciates the company at least. They decide to present the attacks in a three-dimensional grid again. This time, however, Sheridan notices something, and Delenn agrees. There's a gap in the attack pattern: a quiet zone where no attacks have taken place. A nagging suspicion dawns on Sheridan. What if the quiet zone is being used as a lure, to draw victims and refugees into one concentrated spot, so that they can just surround the spot and hit them all at once? Human history is full of these kinds of trap strategies: Dresden, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, San Diego. Such a move, done successfully, would be both devastating and demoralizing. Sheridan realizes that this could be the Shadows' strategy: to instill terror in everyone, not just by hitting them with devastating firepower but also by destroying any hope they may have of refuge. It is a known strategy and one he could devise himself. Upon hearing that, Delenn stops him. This "thinking like the enemy," while not unheard of in humans, scares Delenn. She drags Sheridan away from the War Room before he starts thinking too much like a Shadow. Back on Narn, G'Kar leads G'Dan and some other Narns into the caverns under the Kha'Ri's old building. Back on Babylon 5, someone rings the doorbell in the room where Cotto is being held. The telepath answers the door, and is promptly knocked out with a punch. In walks Mollari, who complains about how hard the telepath's head had been. Cotto tells Mollari that Refa knows of the plan. On Narn, G'Kar discovers Lord Refa and a number of Centauri guards waiting for him. In the B5 chapel, Reverend Dexter leads a sermon about "the enemy." It is not the alien, not the non-believer. The real enemies are fear, ignorance, and those who say to hate that which is different, because that hate can be turned against the hater. Refa orders G'Kar taken alive and the other Narns killed. But the guards don't move. When Refa asks why, G'Kar in response activates a holographic message from Mollari to Refa. In it, Mollari reveals the whole ploy had been an elaborate ruse meant to lure Refa away from the safety of Centauri Prime. The guards are loyal to Mollari and will no longer obey Refa. This was Mollari's plan to end the feud, and to extract revenge for the inconvenience and deaths Refa's actions have caused and a way to rein in the Centauri's reckless warfare. G'Kar is in on the plan as well, though for simpler reasons. Not only is this revenge for the mass bombardments and culls carried out under Refa's orders, but in exchange for his involvement, 2,000 imprisoned Narns are to be released. Mollari concludes by informing Refa that in the manner he will be killed, his House will cease to be a threat. After the message ends, the guards abandon Refa, and G'Kar reveals the final part of Mollari's plan. He stuffs a data crystal in Refa's clothes. He then orders Refa's head left intact for identification but says the rest is fair game. As the congregation in the B5 chapel joins in singing No Hiding Place Down Here, Refa tries to flee for his life, but even as the song describes, there is nowhere to hide. Narn soon catch Refa, drag him back, and start beating him mercilessly as G'Kar walks away. Some time later, Mollari presents the data crystal to Minister Virini. It contains information that would've been of great value to the Narn Resistance. From appearances, it seemed Refa was trying to bribe the Narns into helping him: as the humans would say, "play both sides against the middle." Given the condition of his body, the answer was quite emphatically negative. Virini is a little surprised at this news, but Mollari points out that Refa had always been ruthlessly ambitious: out for no one but himself. The plan might have been to undermine the Royal Court so his sycophants could work their way into positions of power: taking Refa up with them. Given his questioning of Refa's authority, even Virini was a potential target. Regardless, Refa's death and apparent treason put a rather firm close to the matter of the feud. Despite some lingering doubt, Virini declares he will return to Centauri Prime and report to Emperor Cartagia, assuring Mollari he will be recommended for his service. Mollari expresses his gratitude. Outside, Mollari finds Cotto angrier than ever. It is quite clear Mollari had been using him in more ways than one. Mollari patiently explains that he knew Refa had brought a telepath with him and had been expecting them to take Cotto hostage. His actions were meant to make sure they wouldn't suspect a trap, and it worked. Cotto points out they could have killed him, and when Mollari counters he was not important enough, Cotto counters he was important enough for Mollari to lie to him. Cotto finally vents his anger saying that he thought he knew Mollari; not anymore, and storms off, leaving Mollari to ponder this. The White Star is in hyperspace, traveling to parts unknown. Sheridan keeps pushing Delenn to say where they're going, but she says it's a surprise. But she does point out that, now that they know what the Shadows are planning, for the first time, they have the advantage. It is time to put all their forces into play. When they finally emerge back into normal space, Sheridan looks out and is awestruck. Delenn explains, "White Star was never intended to be one of a kind. It was only the first." Before them stands the First White Star Fleet: finally complete and ready for action. The Rangers will take command of the ships, under their joint command. For the first time in the war, they have, as humans would say, "a fighting chance." Sheridan is completely at a loss for words, so Delenn offers something that does not require words: a long, passionate kiss. Z Minus 10 Days With Michael Garibaldi's resignation, Zack Allan has been promoted to chief of station security. So the Minbari are fitting him for an Army of Light uniform. Unfortunately, the fitting process is irritating Allan's sensitive skin, and he keeps complaining. The tailors respond by occasionally pricking him with their needles. Lennier, while urging him to be patient, secretly enjoys Allan's schadenfreude and (in Minbari) hints the tailors on how to keep aggravating him. Allan later confesses his reluctance to wear the uniform since it's a tacit admittance that Garibaldi isn't returning to the job. Meanwhile, a Minbari cruiser arrives in Babylon 5 space and sends a shuttle into the station. Delenn is expecting it. Callenn, representing her clan, the Tenth Fane of Elleya, approaches. The clan has summoned her back home, but Delenn asks for one more day to make preparations. Callenn agrees but urges she make the time worthwhile, since there is a chance she will not be returning to Babylon 5. Commander Ivanova is paged by C'n'C. Maintenance wants to meet with her about equipment shortages, but she replies it'll have to wait. She has already been invited to a supposedly-boisterous Drazi religious festival. She passes by Medlab. Inside, Dr. Stephen Franklin is installing a prosthetic eye in G'Kar. G'Kar experiences a brief burning sensation as the initial activation burns some neural relays into place, but is eventually able to experience stereoscopic vision again. Franklin explains some of the nuances of prosthetic eyes. The eye cavity has been cleaned and sealed so it can no longer be infected. The eye must be recharged nightly, but it is designed to be removed and replaced. It should be turned off when removed to prevent disorientation. And it is a human eye color rather than a Narn one due to Franklin's lack of supplies; he will recolor the eye at a later date. G'Kar takes in the facts patiently, then eventually starts reveling in some of its more novel traits. Meanwhile, Sheridan contacts Franklin and asks him and Marcus Cole to meet in his office in about an hour. A short time later, Sheridan passes by a transport tube when it opens to reveal Ivanova shoving away a semi-conscious Drazi as she stumbles outside while supporting herself with a cane, and both are covered in garland. Sheridan tries to ask what happened to her, but Ivanova firmly interrupts and tells him not to bother. He continues onward and rings the doorbell of Delenn's quarters. She lets him in. She eventually appears in a very uncharacteristic black dress. Sheridan is both puzzled and intrigued at this. Delenn invites him to dinner. She reminds him of the Minbari tradition: a couple that is to marry must spend at least three nights together so that the woman can observe the man in his sleep and learn his true face. They've already spent two nights (one aboard the White Star, and one just before he went to Z'ha'dum) but still need the third. Sheridan notes that he's busy but senses her urgency. She confesses that she is to leave for Minbar tomorrow, for an indefinite period, so she wants to complete the ritual. Sheridan gets the feeling Delenn isn't being completely forthcoming, but he promises to meet her tonight; he just needs to settle some other matters first. One is his meeting Dr. Franklin and Marcus. Now that President Clark has stepped up his propaganda campaign, the station is losing credibility. So Sheridan is forced to take action sooner than he planned. He has an urgent yet very secret mission for them. The first thing they need to do is get around Earth's blockade, so they are to travel discretely to Mars and link up with the Mars Resistance. It's a very important mission and one he'd prefer to undertake himself, but he's too recognizable. Which is why he chose Franklin. Someone from the command staff has to go to show credibility, and of the command staff, he as Medlab Chief of Staff is the least conspicuous. Marcus is going as bodyguard, and he notes that the mission will take some time since they have to plot a discrete and roundabout course. They are to leave immediately, and they are to tell no one else. Before leaving, Franklin asks if Sheridan wants him to learn of the whereabouts of his father, David. Sheridan refuses; the risk of being spotted is too great, and if Clark had him, they'd find a way to let him know. That night, Delenn observes Sheridan as he sleeps for the third night. She watches him very reverently, as it may be the last time she will see it. She eventually leaves her quarters, leaving him to sleep. She proceeds to the docking bay, but is surprised to see Lennier waiting for her. She had planned to leave alone, but, as ever, he is committed to following her wherever she goes. This time, however, Delenn warns Lennier that what she is about to undergo could reveal things about her that could alter his opinions about her. Lennier does not care; he will not break his pledge, and if what she says is true, then he will only learn to understand her better. Delenn warns that, in her case, understanding can be dangerous. Nevertheless, she appreciates his company. The two of them travel to Minbar where, in white robes, Delenn appears before her clan. Callenn questions whether Delenn is truly doing the right thing in choosing to marry a human in Sheridan. No Minbari has ever married an alien, and she agreed to this without the advice and consent of her clan. And there is the matter of her use of the Triluminary to become a part-human hybrid. Delenn claims it is the calling of her heart that drives her decisions, but the clan isn't so sure. The clan elders must decide on the matter, and if they decide against it, she as a member of the clan must abide and stay away. To help draw out all the motivations and reasons behind her actions, she is to undergo an ordeal known as the Dreaming. Lennier volunteers to enter the Whisper Gallery with her as protector and guide. The Whisper Gallery is very cold, and Delenn and Lennier each drink a very cold liquid before entering. As the effects of the Dreaming begin to take hold, Lennier senses Delenn's familiarity with the ritual; this is not her first time. Delenn admits this. Once before, she had entered the Dreaming as protector and guide for another: none other than Dukhat, the most enlightened of their race. Back then, the experience had terrified the young, naive acolyte. As she speaks, her memories appear before them, the Dreaming drawing them out to see. In this recollection, Dukhat is in the Whisper Gallery, patiently meditating. Delenn is nervous, wondering what is going on. Dukhat explains that the Dreaming does not bring fear unless one brings fear with them. Then, suddenly, she sees the attack on the Valen'Tha, and Dukhat's tragic death. In the Dreaming, Delenn screams. Delenn lies on a bench. One in the Dreaming can become overwhelmed by fears like these. Lennier as second promises to stay with her and steady her regardless as more of Delenn's memories are revealed. Her memories proceed to a time when she (still an acolyte) and Duhkat were aboard the Valen'Tha, the ship of the Grey Council. He invites Delenn into a debate he and the rest of the Council had been discussing: the matter of first contact with the Humans. Compared to them, the Humans are raw, savage, and potentially dangerous. The Nine have differing reasons for resisting the idea: the Worker Caste fears being weakened by more sources of food and artifacts, the Religious Caste fears alien beliefs being introduced to their race, and the Warrior Caste want nothing to do with primitives. Urged on by Dukhat, Delenn introduces her opinion. The Humans are out there waiting for them: an unknown, a mystery. Since the greatest threat is the unknown, wouldn't the most prudent course of action be to remove the veil of mystery and learn more about them? Dukhat leaps on that notion, but to her favor. Clinging to their petty concerns and smug sense of superiority, the Grey Council have overlooked some of their most basic traits: like simple curiosity. Later, He reveals that he won't make contact with the humans yet. Too many Minbari are against the idea, and one should not wield authority like a club. However, it's always best to advise someone when they're doing something stupid; at the very least, they'll know they're doing something stupid. Drawing Delenn into the discussion has probably made the Council dislike her, but things like this will happen, especially now that he has chosen her to be his aide and pupil. He also gives her an important piece of advice: look up and never be ashamed of who you are. The Dreaming advances again, to the day Delenn became Satai: herself one of the Nine. Dukhat congratulates her on becoming Satai, but Delenn notes some uneasiness in him. When Dukhat had presented the Triluminary, it glowed slightly in her presence. Dukhat explains that it was confirmation of something he suspected about her, something that drew him to select her and train her to be where she is now. But before he can continue, there is an alarm. A group of alien ships has come into sensor range of the Valen'Tha, and Delenn identifies them as Human ships. By coincidence, the Humans have already initiated first contact. However, the Minbari cannot translate their language. The Valen'Tha is approaching in the traditional stance of respect: with gun ports open but unarmed. But then Delenn notices a new group of ships in the distance: Soul Hunters. The Minbari know Soul Hunters only come when death is imminent. Dukhat suddenly realizes the Humans will misinterpret their actions and orders the gun ports closed. Too late. Misinterpreting the open gun ports as aggressive and fearing they were about to be shot at, the Earthforce ships fire on the Valen'Tha. What happens immediately afterward is well known: Dukhat tragaically dies in Delenn's arms, mouthing words no one can understand. But then Delenn's memories reveal something no one else had known before. The Nine stood divided on how to react to this: four want to withdraw, four want to retaliate. In her grief and outrage, Delenn casts the pivotal vote: to retaliate totally and completely. With the vengeful words, "No mercy!", Delenn essentially declared the Earth-Minbari War. Delenn explains her feelings then: her fury at the loss of such a great man, and for seemingly no reason at all. In that moment, a rage she didin't know she possessed overtook her. Lennier wonders if this was that Delenn feared he would see. Lennier tries to comfort her. She had been swept up by events beyond her control, but Delenn is adamant. She let her rage overtake her and in doing so, tremendous suffering followed. Even later, as her reason returned to her, she found that this same rage has spread throughout her race. They can't stop the war even if they wanted to not until nothing remained of the human race. Another of the Nine, regrettably in hindsight, admits they should've made the first contact: not the humans. Delenn realizes she has spent the last ten years trying to atone for that one mistake: a mistake which echoed into history. Was her desire to marry Sheridan another gesture of atonement? Lennier doesn't think so, but the clan will, and they will not see it in a very positive way. Delenn wonders why the Dreaming showed her this tragic incident. But then, the doors to the Whisper Gallery open and Callenn declares the Dreaming ended. That night, Delenn ponders the visions she had in the Dreaming. Her thoughts focus to Dukhat's words about her heritage and to his dying moments. In her grief, she hadn't paid attention to Dukhat's last words, but they were spoken nonetheless. They were in her memories. If only she could recall them. Delenn leaves her chambers, a puzzled Lennier following. She is returning to the Whisper Gallery. She needs to enter the Dreaming again. Callenn appears and asks what is happening, but she bids him drink as well and join her in the Dreaming. The truth await them. They just need to pay attention this time. She focuses her memories to that moment just before Dukhat died. She urges everyone to listen as intently as possible. And there, finally, Dukhat's final words can be heard: "You are a Child of Valen." Later, Lennier returns from the Grey Council archives having been forced to subdue the guards protecting them. The scroll he hands to Delenn helps to support the case the Dreaming was showing her. It is a genealogy record. Delenn is a Child of Valen: one of the innumerable Minbari descended from Valen. But now they know Valen wasn't wholly Minbari, since he had originally been the human Jeffrey Sinclair: transformed by the original Triluminary and sent to the past to become Valen. After Valen helped to win the First Shadow War and reformed Minbari society, he married and have children, but persecution forced them into seclution. After his death, Valen's children rejoined the Minbari population, taking their heritage with them. The Triluminary had confirmed Delenn carried that heritage since it was programmed to react to Sinclair's DNA. The crux of the matter is that Children of Valen are not pure Minbari. Each one of them carries some small piece of Sinclair's original human DNA passed down through the centuries. That's why human and Minbari souls had begun crossing. Lennier realizes Callenn knew of this secret. Callenn explains that he's been trying to maintain the image of their race's purity; the knowledge that Valen was once human shatters this long-standing belief. Once again, emotion had overtaken reason. Since Delenn was never pure Minbari, even before her hybridization, what loss is there in her marriage to a human? Why not let her go away so as not to "taint" their race further? Callenn pleads for her not to reveal the secret; it would destabilize Minbari society. He then contrives a way to save face and keep the secret. Given that they did surrender to the humans at the Battle of the Line, tradition from before the time of Valen provides a solution: when a clan war ended, each side would offer one of their clan in marriage to the other. The marriage represented both reconciliation and renewal. Delenn considers the proposal as she leaves. A much-relieved Delenn is surprised to see Sheridan waiting for her in the arrivals area. It seems Sheridan was as anxious as she was during their separation. He's as relieved as she is to be back together. Lennier leaves the two of them alone so they can talk. Delenn confides that her affairs back home are settled, though she will not elaborate on what she was doing there. Sheridan reports that Franklin and Marcus are still en route to Mars. Contact has been sporadic, but it was to be expected. He wonders if they're making a vacation out of it. Aboard some unremarkable ship, Marcus sits in an alcove, opening and closing his Denn'bok. The sound is beginning to aggravate Franklin, sitting across from him. The accommodations (a zero-gravity cargo ship) aren't helping matters. After Franklin threatens guns, Marcus offers to sing instead. To Franklin's continued aggravation, Marcus chooses The Major General's Song. Commander Ivanova reports to Captain Sheridan in his office. The timing is excellent, as he was about to call her himself. He wants to talk to her about how they can work around the Earthforce embargo and start bringing in necessary supplies to the station again. The station only has about 2--3 months before their reserves start running dry. Ivanova notes they can employ the black market if necessary, but Sheridan notes that even the underground is getting leery of the station because any human ship caught breaking the embargo risks serious prison time. Ivanova immediately replies that she'll begin making all the necessary arrangements as she has already been working on the problem so as to allow Sheridan deniability in case something goes wrong. In fact, given that Sheridan hasn't taken personal time off in over nine months (during which time Sheridan had died, come back to life, and ended the Shadow War), she is now officially reliving Sheridan of command for the sake of his health. She insists he take time off before the Earth Alliance Civil War heats up again. She also notes that Dr. Franklin and Marcus have yet to make contact, though they're not supposed to make contact again until after meeting the Mars Resistance, which they probably won't be able to do for a few days yet. Aboard a human transport liner, Marcus tries to kill time by playing I Spy. Franklin is not the least bit interested in joining in. He really likes Marcus, but the entire trip has been a continual aggravation. Suddenly he looks around to see Marcus gone. A few seconds later, however, Marcus returns dragging another human with him. Marcus suspects him of being a spy. Franklin starts interrogating the stranger. He replies that he's the brother of the liner's pilot, so he gets to hitch rides. Franklin still doesn't buy it. Why weren't they told of him? "Probably forgot," he replies. Franklin motions Marcus to let him go. The man introduces himself as John Demeter, aka Captain Jack. Marcus volunteers nothing that would give him or Franklin away and insists he keep his distance from them. Captain Jack agrees and offers to share dinner. Marcus shows they already have meal bars, but Jack offers better fare: Insta-Heats. Franklin's tempted, but Marcus wordlessly refuses, so Jack retreats elsewhere. Sheridan flips through the channels, but as usual the only channel available on the station is ISN, and it continues to run propaganda stories. Their most recent story covers an interview with Michael Garibaldi, recently resigned from his post as Chief of Security. The way he talks about Sheridan, Delenn, and the others troubles Sheridan deeply. He soon confronts Garibaldi in the halls, and Garibaldi immediately realizes the visit concerns the interview. He gets right to the point and pulls no punches. He knows he challenged Sheridan's authority with the interview. Tough, he replies; that's freedom of speech. But Sheridan goes in another direction. Why the sudden animosity? He changed his mind, he replies. Sheridan tries to get him to reconsider; President Clark is smearing them badly enough as it is without him helping it along. But Garibaldi says he doesn't have time. He has a client to meet soon, and he's not the type that respects authority. Sheridan then lays down the law: everyone's entitled to an opinion, yes, but if you don't like the station right now, keep it to yourself. Garibaldi refuses to back down. As a crowd gathers around them, Sheridan and Garibaldi continue to trade barbs. Garibaldi insists Sheridan deflate his ego some, and Sheridan insists Garibaldi not risk the station on a grudge. Then Sheridan leaves. In the distance, three strangers eye Garibaldi with interest. Back on the liner, Franklin resents Marcus turning down the Insta-Heat, seeing as the meal bar's taste, texture, and enjoyment factor pale in comparison. Marcus points out they're supposed to avoid contact. Then Captain Jack starts reciting a curious rhyme: They instantly react, as the rhyme is a code phrase. Captain Jack is in fact their forward contact with the Mars Resistance. But he'd been as hesitant as they in revealing himself, for the same reasons. Now that trust has been established, Jack once again offers the Insta-Heats and begins to rummage for a few necessities for their arrival. Eventually, he gets out the Identicards they will be using on Mars. To Franklin and Marcus' mutual chagrin, the only cards available for the two of them (out of what the Resistance could steal from the Transit Bureau) are Jim Fennerman and Daniel Lane: a gay couple out on their honeymoon. Some time later, Garibaldi is met in a quiet hallway by the same men who had eyed him earlier. They'd seen what he did and point out he's not the only one who thinks that way. If he wants to help the cause, perhaps Sheridan needs help himself. They can provide it. Before he leaves, they caution that it's best to act soon, before it's too late. As they take a tube shuttle to where they will meet the rest of the Mars Resistance, Captain Jack tells Franklin and Marcus some of the more outlandish stories being spread about Babylon 5: fleets of aliens swooping in to take over the whole planet, all of Mars being written off and left to fend for themselves. Marcus explains that Sheridan has never forgotten or forsaken Mars. There had just been more pressing matters. Captain Jack is puzzled when Marcus mentions a war, and they realize just how isolated Mars has been to have never picked up news about the Shadow War. Franklin continues to rant about Marcus' banter. Some time later, a shuttle arrives with some cargo Ivanova has been expecting: a group of underground merchants. She invites them into Sheridan's office and makes them an offer. In exchange for helping the station with needed supplies, their ships will be maintained by the B5 crew and escorted by Starfuries. In addition, various charges of trespassing, smuggling, drug trafficking, and so on will be forgiven. She imposes only one restriction: legal cargo only--no side business. As he leads them through some old mining tunnels, Captain Jack lays out how things will proceed. Once they've been vetted, the rest of the Mars Resistance will be summoned to hear their case. He gets lost for a moment, but he eventually finds the way. But then, guards from the Resistance bar their way, PPGs drawn. The guards order Franklin and Marcus against the wall, and they're searched. They eye Marcus' Denn'bok with interest, and one of them, the Resistance's Number Two, recognizes the weapon. Eventually, they're led down another tunnel and told there's word of a hit squad being sent to take out the head of the Resistance, and they were supposedly from the outer sectors. Since the two of them also came from that way, there's a chance they're the hit squad. Thus the overabundance of caution. They did pick up that someone was coming from Babylon 5, but the message was incomplete. So he asks for their real Identicards. They can check the DNA record against blood samples and their security clearance against Babylon 5 to check their identities. Reluctantly, Franklin and Marcus offer them up to Captain Jack who then hands them to Number Two. He tells Captain Jack to stay put, as the check can take a few hours, and he warns the guards to shoot if they do anything suspicious. Back on Babylon 5, Delenn walks through the Zen Garden and finds Sheridan deep in thought. Sheridan explains he's contemplating his behavior around Garibaldi. He explains that Garibaldi seems so different. He keeps hoping Garibaldi will come around again. Delenn believes both of them have to bridge the divide, each in his own way. Sheridan changes the subject, and Delenn notes that he has the day off. She wants to undergo another ritual in preparation for their marriage. Sheridan is getting exasperated with the tedium, but to Delenn the tedium is a way to maintain order; they help to make sure things are not taken lightly. Tonight, she wants to undertake Shan-Fall. To Sheridan's surprise, it involves the two of them discovering one another's centers of pleasure. Back on Mars, Franklin complains about the heat, but Jack seems comfortable in spite of wearing a very thick coat. Marcus stands so Jack can sit next to Franklin and show him something: a picture of his daughter Elysha. On the back is her address. Marcus asks if Jack had met Number One before, and he replies they've met numerous times. He'd wanted to bring back something from Deneb IV but came back empty-handed, as usual. Suddenly, the guards surround Franklin and Marcus. The Identicard check came back negative. Just then, a woman joins them. Number Two says she shouldn't be involved, but she insists. She is Number One. As they talk, Franklin notices Jack getting nervous; so does Marcus. Suddenly, there is the sound of a PPG charging, but Jack's hand is shaking, hesitant. Marcus and Franklin quickly knock out the guards. Franklin urges the woman to get down as Jack finally shoots at her prior position. Marcus shoots with another PPG and hits Jack in the shoulder. Surprisingly, an alien is blasted off that shoulder. It quickly slithers away. The guards try to run after it. In the chaos, a wounded Jack disappears into the tunnels. They eventually kill the alien and bring it to Franklin for an examination. Number Two returns with their actual Identicards; Jack had swapped them in the exchange earlier. Number One is puzzled as to why Jack would turn on them like this, but Franklin offers an explanation. The alien is crawling with tiny fibers that can bond to the nervous system. In other words, it's a kind of body-controlling parasite. Jack probably wasn't acting of his own free will. It was also preventing him from revealing the fact to them, but Jack was working around it in ways it couldn't detect: wearing a coat in the heat, mentioning not getting anything at Deneb IV when it's one of the biggest market colonies in that area. And giving his daughter's address was a way to notify next of kin. Guards soon return and report he boarded a tube shuttle. They also report he took a Thermal Grenade. Since he apparently still had his resistance comset, Number One tries to contact him. In the tube shuttle, Jack says that he cannot return. He explains how aliens came to him one night without warning and planted the parasite on him. He also explains that it wasn't the first time it had been knocked off him. The trouble is that it is able to regenerate from the parts still embedded in him, so there is only way to be sure. Commenting on how he'd always wondered how strong the shuttle tubes were, he detonates the grenade and blows himself, the alien parasite, and the shuttle car. The tube is able to contain the blast. Sheridan comes back to Garibaldi and offers to try to talk to him more civilly, but then an alien walks up to him and speaks to him reverently, to his chagrin. Garibaldi grabs her and tries to tell her Sheridan is just a human. Sheridan demands he let her go; he's hurting her. He keeps talking, so Sheridan tries to grab his shoulder. Garibaldi responds by punching him, knocking him to the floor. Security are about to arrest Garibaldi, but Sheridan insists on letting it go, but he warns Garibaldi, "Because of everything we've been through before, you get that one free. Next one, I take your head off." And he walks away. That night, he grudgingly heads to Delenn's quarters. He finds there are numerous Minbari inside with her, including Lennier. To his chagrin, he learns that one thing about the ritual of Shan-Fall she neglected to mention was that it involved witnesses. Sheridan finally says no. Exploring and learning each other he can understand, but an audience? Nonetheless, Delenn draws him into the bedroom and closes the door. The following morning, a rather confused Sheridan leaves Delenn's quarters and enters a transport tube with Lennier. In a very awkward moment, Lennier tries to break the tension by doing something human. However, the way he says, Woo-hoo only makes the situation more awkward. On Mars, Number One reports that the other Resistance leaders are coming, but it will be a couple days before they arrive, so she's made arrangements for them to stay at a hotel that doesn't ask questions. She then invites Franklin to join her for dinner. They'll meet at the Red Planet Hotel in the honeymoon suite. The gentlemen who had confronted Garibaldi yesterday meet him in a bar that is opening up. He called them to let them know he's now interested in their offer. He's willing to undermine Sheridan but he will not hurt him in so doing. They promise not to hurt him, only to take Sheridan when the time is right and see that he gets help. With that, Garibaldi signs on with them. At his station in C'n'C, Captain Sheridan watches more ISN propaganda. Commander Ivanova chides him for watching blatant lies that are winding him up, but Sheridan says it motivates him. Also, it clues him in on how they'll proceed. At this point, Earth may be motivated to attack Babylon 5, this time as liberators. Just then, a very weak signal comes in from Dr. Franklin on Mars. Using a portable transmitter station, Franklin cryptically reports progress on Mars so far. They have made contact, and the rest of the Mars Resistance is gathering to hear their case. Everything is going to plan and he and Marcus should return soon. Number One compliments Franklin on his furtiveness. The transmission is one way, so no one can figure out the intended recipient, his cryptic words cover up the exact action he's undertaking, and the brevity of the transmission reduces the chance of it being traced to the Mars Resistance. The last thing either of them want is President Clark sniffing out that someone from Babylon 5 was in the Sol system. Just then, Marcus bursts in, reporting an explosion at the Red Planet Hotel where they'd been staying. It was a terrorist action claimed by the Mars Resistance. The blast killed an Earth security force and ten civilians. Hearing this, Number One storms off to confront the perpetrator. Back on Babylon 5, Delenn receives a grim report from another Minbari: Forell. There has been an increase in raids along the border of Minbari space. They've been careful not to target the Minbari directly but instead target smaller allied worlds. Races like the Norsai are taking it hard, and with the Grey Council dissolved, friction is building among the Castes. The Warrior Caste is showing no interest in an alliance forged by the Religious Caste. As they talk, another border raid occurs. Delenn goes to Sheridan on station in C'n'C. She regrets not being able to accept Sheridan's invitation to dinner. She explains about the attacks on the edge of Minbari space. Sheridan notes a coincidence; the pak'ma'ra are being similarly harassed. He surmises that with the Shadow War over, ambitious races are trying to take advantage of races weakened by the war. Delenn intends to take a flight of White Star class ships to investigate and, if necessary, intervene. Number One roughly berates Phillipe for the unauthorized bombing. Phillipe claims Donovan authorized it, but Number One points out that Donovan only represents Earth. She is his immediate superior, not he. Phillipe then notes it was an attack of opportunity; the security force was vulnerable for only a short time, but then Number One coldly notes his blast killed ten civilians and likely struck a blow to the Resistance's credibility. As she storms past, Marcus notes that she's scary when she's angry. Meanwhile, it's about midnight on Babylon 5. Sheridan watches some more ISN propaganda when he suddenly switches it off; he has an idea. Ivanova is asleep in her bed when the doorbell rings repeatedly. When she finally orders the door opened, Apparently unaware or uncaring that he'd just roused Ivanova, Sheridan walks in, the idea racing through his mind. If Clark's intent on filling the airwaves with his stories, then two can play that game. Ivanova finally gets his attention about the fact he had basically stormed into her room unannounced, and he gives her time to change into uniform. They walk into the old War Room. Sheridan actually has Ivanova to thank for the idea. During the Shadow War, she had used BabCom to relay news about attacks, shelters, evacuations, and so on. Ivanova hated it, but she has a natural talent. He notes that with all the lies spreading throughout space, truth has become exceedingly rare. Taking an idea from World War II, his idea is to turn B5 into the Voice of the Resistance: a nexus where true actual news can circulate. And he wants her to be the Voice. Ivanova sighs as she realizes she doesn't really have much say in the matter. He's the Captain, after all. Delenn is herself having trouble sleeping, as Forell notes. She is herself deep in thought about the news she received concerning the Warrior Caste. She's realizing that she hasn't been paying much attention to matters back home on Minbar when perhaps she should've given it more thought. Forell notes that with the dissolution of the Grey Council, animosity between the castes has been growing steadily. Ever aggressive, the Warrior Caste is looking to establish its own governing council. There are rumors of the Warriror Caste driving the Religious Caste out of the cities. This deeply troubles Delenn. Back on Mars, Franklin convenes the meeting of the heads of the Mars Resistance. He starts by relaying several messages from Sheridan. First, B5 shares their outrage over your mistreatment. But Phillipe notes that B5 declared independence when it was about to be attacked anyway, making the gesture rather hollow. Also, Number One notes that Sheidan was part of the task force sent to put down the Mars Food Riots, so some animosity exists concerning Sheridan. Marcus recognizes this and says that Sheridan is willing to put the past aside and focus on more immediate concerns. Franklin's next message is that Mars and Proxima III have not been forgotten. They are even now preparing a campaign to liberate them, but Franklin reminds them the target is Clark the person, not the position of President. Many in the group resent this stance, and Marcus sympathizes (the Arisia Mining Colony was exploited similarly). But he also notes that open aggression like this will cause the rest of the Alliance to distance itself from them. To that, Franklin insists there be no more terrorist bombings; they're only hurting the cause at this point. When Number One asks where they've been, Marcus notes that they'd been busy with the Shadow War, and to further the point, he cites the alien found on Captain Jack: proof that aliens are interested in Earth affairs whether they like it or not. Franklin continues. He wants to be sure they'll carry out Sheridan's instructions as directed; in other words, he needs their trust. And then he delivers Sheridan's final message. In return for their assistance, Sheridan assures them Mars will be granted independence when the war is over. This stunning news makes everyone ask if Sheridan can keep such a promise; Franklin replies that he trusts Sheridan completely. He repeats the offer: organize and help Sheridan and you'll be fighting for your freedom; otherwise, you'll face inevitable isolation and eventual execution. The White Star task force arrives at the area where most of the attacks have occurred. They are in time to pick up a distress signal from a pak'ma'ra military transport. They move to intercept but are too late to save the ship. However, they do see the attackers. They are unknown, so they cannot identify them. Lennier advises caution, as there may have been other motives. Delenn reminds him she is aware of first contact protocols. She decides to parlay first. After soem brief accommodation, the ships' occupants identify themselves as Drakh. But Lennier notes something important. They are not being translated in Interlac but are actually speaking in Minbari. Delenn agrees to Lennier's concern. Then it dawns on her; this isn't the first time the Drakh have made contact with the Minbari. She turns to Forell, who then raises a gun at her. Too late, Delenn realizes she had been set up. Delenn notes that Minbari do not kill other Minbari, but Forell counters that he can persuade through pain instead. He reveals that he doesn't want her acting against them until she hears out the Drakh. That was the deal. They agree to that extent. The White Stars follow the Drakh ships. After a tense wait, Number One reports on the vote. Most of them are willing to go along, though various things have to be cleared up first. But Number One calls out Franklin as a liar. How did he know about terrorist bombings prior to coming here. Franklin admits that he'd ad-libbed it, but in doing so he supported Number One (who wasn't too happy about them, either), so she thanks him. After she leaves, Marcus notes that Number One seems to be getting friendly with Franklin. Franklin calls Marcus a romantic to be looking for such hints everywhere he goes. But now Marcus notes that they're involved in a second kind of war: a war of trust, more difficult than a simple war of arms. In such a war, relationships are rare. Just then, Number One returns.Since the Red Planet Hotel was bombed, they're out a place to stay. She offers Franklin to join her for dinner and then asks Marcus to help out in guard duty. This reinforces Marcus's assumptions. After some banter, Marcus makes a serious suggestion: take it up while you can; you'll never know when it'll come again. After some distance, Forell orders the fleet to halt. They are within sight of the Drakh's fleet's mothership. The mothership sends out a life pod. Forell describes the Drakh as friends and insists the life-pod be allowed to board. Inside is an emissary. His movements are ghostly and indistinct. Other Minbari keep their distance. He eventually reaches the bridge and begins conversing with Delenn through a translator. Forell now reveals new facts: all the rumors are true. The Warrior Caste has already formed an independent council, and members of the Religious Caste really have been driven out of the cities to succumb to the cold of the polar latitudes. So in a way, the Warrior Caste have already started an indrect war with the Religious Caste, evading the prohibition of killing by simply leaving them in inhospitable conditions. Minbar is returning to the days before Valen: the days of the Caste Wars. But many in the Religious Caste can't see this, which is why Forell took this drastic action: to gain outside support before the Warrior Caste gains overreaching dominance. The Drakh offer help in exchange for some deserted territory along their border. An argument ensues. Minbari will not condone thievery, but the Drakh only act when acted upon. Forell insists the Drakh seek peaceful relations. They want a home because they have just lost their home. Forell says the Drakh had been forced to evacuate because of a natural disaster. Delenn and Lennier's mind begin to race. This is sounding very familiar. Delenn asks some questions, but the emissary's answers are evasive. Forell asks that Delenn take the Drakh offer to the rest of the Religious Caste. They will respect her. Finally, Delenn steps forward and says they will consider the offer. Return in seven days for an answer. The emissary answers, "They know." and leaves. Delenn seems shocked at this. But as soon as Forell calls Delenn by name, the emissary pauses. Mental alarms go off in Delenn's mind. As soon as the emissary leaves the bridge, she confronts Forell. He didin't tell them who he was bringing. Delenn reveals the pieces of the puzzle. The home they had lost was Z'ha'dum, and they know Delenn because she led the Army of Light against the Shadows. The Drakh are one of the former allies of the Shadows. As soon as the life-pod returns to the mothership, the Drakh will want revenge and to take their own place of prominence. They quickly go over tactics. The Drakh ships can destroy the White Stars before they pick up enough speed to outrun them. However, they are close to the mothership, which is why the Drakh aren't attacking yet, so Delenn asks if Lennier is familiar with the Warrior Caste technique of skin dancing: hugging the hull of an enemy ship to deter fire. Lennier notes he lacks the training; however, he can program the technique into the White Stars' computers. So Delenn engineers a feint. They will move as if to begin heading for home and then, at the last second, ride along the hull of the motehrship to build up speed. The maneuvering is intense, and the Drakh struggle to get a safe angle on them. One ship loses control and collides with the mothership. By the time they're clear, they have the speed to outrun them and begin to jump into hyperspace. The Drakh ships desperately attack in this brief window of vulnerability. White Star 16 is destroyed, and Delenn's ship is severely damaged. Beams falls onto the bridge, one of them striking Forell, but it and the other ships complete the jump. As self-repair systems begin working, Delenn sees to Forell. He apologizes for bringing her into such great danger. He really hadn't known. As he dies, he repeats that he did it to help his people. Delenn apologizes herself for not paying attention to their hardship, so now she will make amends. Lennier begins to plot a course back to Babylon 5, but Delenn says no. They're going back in. They destroyed league ships and now a White Star; now it's payback time. The fleet comes about and jumps back out again, guns firing. Delen focuses on the mothership, engaging in a strafing run to destroy many of the still-docked Drakh ships. Then they notice the mothership starting to break away. They realize it's heading for the local Jumpgate. Delenn orders her ship to get in front of it. The ship speeds down the length of the mothership, heavily damaging it as it passes. Once ahead of the mothership and between it and the Jumpgate, Delenn grimly orders, "End this." A concentrated burst finishes off the Drakh mothership. Once the battle is over, Lennier notes that there appears to be problems back home on Minbar. Delenn agrees. She orders the fleet back to Babylon 5. Delenn returns to Babylon 5 to find Sheridan inside a partially-torn-down War Room. She notes how humans and Minbari differ. Minbari build cities so they stand for centuries, even millennia, but humans seem to live on change: taking things down and putting new things in their place. Sheridan admits it was his idea. He describes the Voice of the Resistance. He also notes the trouble Delenn experienced in her mission. Her information correlates with a lot of the reports Babylon 5 has been receiving. It would appear the Drakh are emerging as a wild card in the aftermath of the Shadow War. His grandfather had warned about this, saying the duration always outlasts the war. But now Delenn reports that this attack highlighted the fact that Minbar is descending into civil war. Since she was instrumental in the events that led up to this, it's her responsibility to make things right. Besides, some time apart would be to their benefit. Sheridan has been trying to act as if nothing had changed since he went to Z'ha'dum, even though Lorien had said that he only has 20 years to live. And now he's focused on his own civil war, fighting with Garibaldi. That alone means things can't be as they were, so perhaps the best course of action is to enforce more change with her absence. Focus on the war at home, she insists, as she will with hers. Because destruction is the easy part; it's rebuilding that's hard, but humans are renowned among all other races for their ability to form communities, and Sheridan carries this strength better than most. So Sheridan invites her to dinner before she leaves. Delenn asks about Marcus and Franklin. Marcus, seemingly as nervous as ever, opens and closes his denn'bok, even as voices in tbe background indicate Franklin is sleeping with Number One. As Michael Garibaldi is talking with a client, another bursts in, rather annoyed. Garibaldi dismisses his original client and turns to the newcomer. He quickly relieves the man's tension by revealing the object of his request has been found: his daughter, safe and sound, though temporarily unable to talk due to exposure to Morph Gas. The man is instantly grateful; this joy grows when Garibaldi produces a bill only a third that was anticipated. He explains that he didn't want to gouge a man who had gone to great lengths to reunite with his daughter. As the happy duo leave, a familiar man looks on: Wade, the man who recruited Garibaldi into a campaign to help remove Capt. Sheridan from power some time back. He notes to an accomplice that Garibaldi is present. They intend to give Garibaldi his first mission once things quiet down. The mission is implied to be dangerous: perfect to test how he handles himself in a crunch. Security Chief Zack Allan walks into Sheridan's darkened office. After a pause, Sheridan gets to the point. Garibaldi has resigned from station security, but he hasn't turned in his weapon or security credentials. He orders Allan to retrieve them at once. Allan asks why the rush, and Sheridan notes that he's keeping some bad company. Dr. Franklin walks into the War Room, having finally returned from a successful mission recruiting the Mars Resistance. Ivanova fills him in on the plans for the Voice of the Resistance. She has a problem, though: power. ISN is able to tap into a tachyon network to transmit through Earth Alliance space, but they lack something of that level of power. Franklin immediately suggests Epsilon III, which has power to spare. Ivanova chides herself for not thinking about that and immediately sets out. Allan confronts Garibaldi in the Zocalo and relays the Captain's orders. Garibaldi gratefully returns his Link but refuses to turn in his PPG. Allan insists the gun is still military issue; he's free to get one through civilian channels. Garibaldi reluctantly turns in the gun and Identicard. After Allan insists, he also turns in the spare gun he was trying to keep as a holdout. Later, as Ivanova takes a shuttle planetside, Garibaldi tries to lighten his mood with dinner and Looney Tunes. Someone rings his doorbell and he opens the door. Wade comes in and announces a mission for him: a rather secret misson not meant for normal business hours. He is being hired as bodyguard and expediter. He asks who will be his charge. Wade notes it will be someone from Earth who wants to avoid any record of being on the station while he or she conducts special business. The business may get rough. Garibaldi gets to the point: get someone through tracelessly and safely. It's a talent he as former Chief of Security would be most suited. Having been freshly stung by the loss of his weapons, Garibaldi agrees to the mission. Ivanova goes to the planet and runs into a Zathras. She's surprised since she knows the one she's familiar with was sent to the past. It doesn't help that this all of them share the same name, but eventually she realizes this is just another (of ten, to hear him) who share the appearance and name. She asks for help in transmitting the Voice of the Resistance, and Zathras immediately realizes she needs more power. He offers to help, though he (like the one before him) seems to keep complaining. A shuttle arrives at the station. Garibaldi leads Wade through a dark corridor, noting he's trying to avoid the official ways into the docking bays. He reveals a spare Identicard he'd been keeping for a situation such as this. He uses this to open a back door. He learns from Wade that the contact is now sending his wife in his place as a way to hone her in business affairs should she need to take over operations. They eventually reach the corridor where arrivals are filing through. Wade points out the contact, and Garibaldi is shocked. He knows her: Lise. He recalls the last time they met: before he left for Babylon 5. The meeting and parting had been far from cordial. He also recalls that Lise is now married. But Wade reveals her current name: Lise Hampton-Edgars. In his quarters, Garibaldi confronts Lise. What happened to Franz? And her baby? She explains she found Franz cheating but he divorced her first; Franz was Earth-born so got the favor of the Earth-appointed judges on Mars, leaving Lise destitute and childless. She admits that she became distraught with herself and didn't want to mess up his life, which at the time was well on its way to getting back in shape. Six months ago, she met her current husband, Bill. Garibaldi is savvy, though; he realizes Bill Edgars is really William Edgars, owners of Edgars Industries. This means she's married one of the wealthiest people on Mars. He decides there to end the personal conversation and from here out keep things strictly business. Then Wade comes in, revealing he's set up the meeting. In his office, Sheridan meets with Ambassadors Londo Mollari and G'Kar. G'Kar is reluctant to be in the same room as Londo, but Sheridan insists. He explains that he wants to talk about the raids along the borders of the Non-Aligned Worlds. Resources are low because of the war, and in the power vacuum other races are trying to jockey for power. But when Sheridan mentions the Drakh, Londo reacts in surprise. He's heard of them before in legends: a ruthless and cunning--and therefore very dangerous--race. Sheridan reports they were working for the Shadows and are now trying to step into their shoes--with their technology. G'Kar admits this is a serious problem. Sheridan wants the Rangers to patrol the borders and keep the peace. G'Kar immediately notes the potential implication: the Non-Aligned Worlds may think Babylon 5 may itself be trying to expand its influence. Londo agrees, for once. Thus why they're here. If two formerly hostile races such as they can vouch for this by allowing the White Starts to police the borders between the Centauri Republic and the Narn Regime, then the Non-Aligned Worlds will be more inclined to cooperate. Otherwise, more innocent people will die. Reluctantly, Londo agrees that their lives are at stake. Allan goes to his station and asks for a security report. To his surprise, the security computer notes an unauthorized entry made by Michael Garibaldi. Allan fumes as he realizes Garibaldi had outwitted him; he had two Identicards. Grimly, he orders a security override and invalidates any and all security clearances belonging to Garibaldi. Garibaldi, Lise, and Wade, head to a noisy Downbelow bar. The contact soon meets them at a table, sits down, and presents an object in a clear cube. Garibaldi recognizes the block (which Lise identifies as a molecular isoblock) as very high-grade security: the kind used in restricted biotech. Lise explains that Edgars Industries is investigating a possible genetic flaw in telepaths. Inside the block is genetic information intended to research a counteragent. The transfer is being made covertly since the genetic flaw could result in an epidemic; news of this could incite panic. Plus there are people interested in the research, not all for good reasons. As the contact talks, Garibaldi notes some new people walk into the bar. He immediately suspects trouble and advises everyone leave quietly. As they try to leave, however, one of the arrivals addresses them. But Garibaldi also sees the other one raise a PPG. They dodge as he fires. As Lise and Wade start running, Garibaldi downs one of them and takes his gun. He catches up with Lise and Wade just as another PPG shot kills the contact. Garibaldi fires back and downs the gunman even as he directs Lise and Wade in another direction. They make it to a bulkhead, which Garibaldi closes and bars. But as he tries to open another door, he realizes his clearances have been cancelled. Just then, there is a commotion as the assailants try to break down the bulkhead. Quickly, Garibaldi looks around and finds a ceiling grate. He shoots the grate down with his PPG and sets up nearby boxes so that Lise, Wade, and himself can climb up into it. As he does, the assailants use concentrated fire to finally break down the bulkhead. By the time they enter, however, Garibaldi and company are nowhere in sight. Then one notes the open grate. In the vent, Garibaldi stays back and notices one of them peeking inside. He takes a good look at Garibaldi and then ducks away again. Suddenly, Garibaldi realizes what happened. He orders Lise and Wade in another direction even as PPG fire perforates the ventilation duct. Quickly, he sends them in another direction, saying they're heading for Docking Bay 3. He drills that location and insists they keep the thought in their heads as he leads them. When they emerge a few minutes later, however, they're nowhere near the Docking Bays. Garibaldi reveals that he realized they were being chased by telepaths. By making them think Docking Bay 3 over and over, they broadcast the thought to them, drowned out Garibaldi's thinking, and led them off course. He then finds a guard and tells them they'll find two gunmen in Docking Bay 3. He then directs Wade to Brown 14 where someone he knows will whip them up fake Identicards. He heads for Docking Bay 3. In Docking Bay 3, the two gunmen are cornered by Allan and Security. However, the two gunmen simply announce, "To the future" and down hidden cyanide caps, collapsing and quickly dying. Ivanova returns to the station and reports the power transfer hookup is ready planetside, but Franklin advises not to approach the captain right now. This is because he's confronting Garibaldi about the three dead men. Garibaldi openly says they were coming for his client. Why, he doesn't know. Sheridan notes his activities are drawing violence to the station; he counters his lack of security clearances nearly killed him. Sheridan notes the crimes he committed; Garibaldi counters they're minor crimes: not worth the time, but Sheridan firmly notes that if he creates any more situations like this, he'll revoke Garibaldi's business license. While a power collector is installed on the station, Garibaldi finds a message waiting for him in his quarters. Even though the message is specifically from Lise Hampton, Garibaldi deletes the message without hearing it. As far as he's concerned, they're through. The following morning, there is a new call for Garibaldi. It turns out to be William Edgars himself (though he does not reveal his face on the screen). He reports the safe arrival of his wife. This success despite a number of adversities has drawn his interest, and after some digging around, he has decided to hire Garibaldi on retainer. But it would mean returning to Mars, although having resigned from Earthforce there isn't much keeping him there anymore. Garibaldi accepts the offer. The Voice of the Resistance goes on the air. For their first transmission, Commander Ivanova introduces the Voice to all of space (including Earth, if anyone there wishes to listen). She also declares its mission: to tell the truth, no matter how much others may try to prevent it. After all the lies and propaganda Clark has been broadcasting, the truth is back in business. Captain John Sheridan is in the mess hall, feet raised, deep in thought. Commander Ivanova, Chief of Security Zack Allan, Dr. Stephen Franklin, and Marcus Cole walk in and greet him, but he doesn't reply. Allan tries to start a conversation by noting his success in convincing Londo Mollari and G'Kar to let White Star ships patrol the edges of their territories to prevent flareups. Again, Sheridan doesn't acknowledge them. Then Allan notes the next obstacle: convincing the League of Non-Aligned Worlds to do the same thing. Ivanova and Franklin agree, noting their tendency to suspect ulterior motives and distrust of each other. Sheridan finally starts to chuckle but refuses to elaborate. The conversation continues. Part of the problem is that most of the League worlds don't see things like Raiders and the Drakh as their problem: they've mostly been left alone. Sheridan chuckles again. Finally, Ivanova directly asks Sheridan what he's thinking. Again, he refuses to elaborate. Finally, out of the blue, Sheridan slams his table and shouts, "That's it! I got it!" He then joins the others and points out that everything they said so far is correct. There's no way they'll be able to convince the League into signing on so he'll try another way: not convincing them. He tells Marcus to set out in three White Stars to Sector 87 and await further orders. After he leaves, Ivanova decides to inspect Sheridan's coffee in case there was something in it. Fraklin notes that if Sheidan is like this after three days apart from Delenn, he hates to think what'll he be like after another week. In hyperspace, Delenn and a flight of White Stars are en route to Minbar. After recent events, Delenn has realized she needs to return home and stop the fighting between the castes. Lennier reports the situation is foreboding. The primary beacon is offline, so anything he's learned has come from local orbital relays. Fighting is erupting in the capital; the civil war Delenn had feared is starting, and it threatens to spread. Lennier locates Delenn in a viewing chamber. She's recalling the beautiful cities she remembers back on Minbar, how they stood ageless and eternal, and how the Grey Council was revered among the people with great awe. But now, with the Grey Council dissolved and the eternal cities under threat, she's filled with a considerable sense of regret. Did she do the right thing when she broke the Council? Lennier tries to invoke the words of Valen, but since they know the truth about Valen, his words carry a caveat. Jeffrey Sinclair left them late last year; everything they are experiencing now, he could not have foreseen. She had made the mistake that the rigors of Minbari society would have momentum: allowing it to keep moving in spite of the Council's absence. Lennier points out that the Council kept the peace by suppressing all the grudges and insults. When it dissolved, that safety valve disappeared. Then he gives the real reason for coming: the Takari has received their signal and is awaiting their arrival in approximately one hour. He's also contacted Neroon, though whether or not he'll heed her message, he doesn't know. Sheridan is talking with Ambassador Mollari in his quarters, and it seems Mollari is a bit annoyed. Sheridan wants him to deny that a defense agreement is in place. He's asked G'Kar to do the same. Mollari, understandably, asks what he is trying to do. But once again, Sheridan deflects the question and just says, "Trust me." The White Stars rendezvous with the Takari, and Neroon awaits their arrival along with several members of the Warrior Caste. There is noticeable tension as several Religious Caste members stare down the corridor at them. Fortunately, the tension remains quiet until Delenn appears. Neroon explains that he was tempted to ignore Delenn's message, but he was curious. Also, things got a little tense as the White Stars approached as it looked like they were preparing to shoot the Takari. Delenn wishes to talk matters with him one on one. Neroon asks why she'd place her trust in one of the Warrior Caste, and Delenn replies she'll reveal her motive when they're alone. There is a brief standoff when the Warrior Caste members don't step aside for her, but they eventually let her pass, and she and Neroon depart to have their conversation. Lennier leads the Religious Caste members away, but they resent Delenn's treating them with respect. They've heard the rumors of them starting hostilities and of the Religious Caste planning to step aside for them. Once alone, Delenn explains her reasoning. Neroon notes that there is some animosity between them since he was chosen to replace her on the Grey Council, creating the imbalance that ultimately led to its dissolution. But Delenn does not blame Neroon for that. Despite being Warrior Caste, his motivation is justice, not power. She realizes that in this civil war, a winner means everyone loses as the resentment will boil over and tear their civilization apart. Neroon points out her breaking the Council was key to this civil war. Delenn replies that they need to look forward, not backward. As for why she's talking to him, better an honest enemy than a servile ally. Neroon then confides that he feels the war won't end so quickly. There is a millennium of resentment fueling it, and they are two against a world gone mad, so Delenn says they need to get their attention, and for that she needs his help. Each realizes doing this was risky, as their Castes could turn against them. Understanding this, Neroon agrees to listen. The Drazi ambassador tries to talk to Sheridan in the Zocalo. Apparently, they've seen White Stars at the edge of Centauri space and want to know more about it. Sheridan plays a careful verbal game of neither confirm nor deny to deflect the Drazi's inquiries and eventually leaves without giving any useful information. Sheridan reports to C'n'C where Ivanova reports Marcus is in position. Marcus's current position has nothing but asteroids. Sheridan orders him to destroy several of these asteroids and return to B5. Again, Sheridan refuses to go into details: "You have your orders". The Drazi ambassador next contacts Ambassador Mollari, hoping to get more information, but Mollari heeds Sheridan's request and denies they requested the White Stars. The ambassador leaves, more suspicious than ever. Down the hall, he meets up with assorted League ambassadors and conveys his suspicions. It's clear they're hiding something. Just then, Dr. Franklin appears, saying he'd been looking for them. He's requesting additional blood supplies from them: as much as they can spare. He points out there may be a crisis or an attack. On the word attack, the Drazi grows more suspicious, but Franklin leaves before he can answer any more questions. Back at the Takari, the Religious Caste members start fuming. Delenn's conversation with Neroon plays into their suspicions of a surrender plan. Aware of the death and suffering the Warrior Caste have inflicted on them, they decide to retaliate. But since a direct attack would mean breaking Delenn's word and turning her against them, they decide on an indirect method: one that'll mean putting down their lives for the cause. They must make sure the Takari never reaches Minbar. As the Takari travels through hyperspace, the dissenters begin their plan. One of their number had retrieved a quantity of toxic gasses from the fuel system. If they release the gas into the air system, the entire ship should become lethally toxic within minutes. With no one left alive, the ship will drift and be lost in hyperspace. Another takes the canister to install it and await his signal, saying that eternal sleep is preferable to knowing one of their own was a traitor. Back on B5, Ivanova is about to transmit the Voice of the Resistance. Before she goes on the air, though, he asks her to add a quick story to the report. But when she hears the request (that nothing happened in Sector 83 by 9 by 12), Ivanova pauses. Is he trying to pull a propaganda lie the way Clark does? No, he replies. It's true; nothing's happened there. Just emphasize that point. But she has little time to think it further as they're about to go on the air. All the same, once she does go on the air, she complies with Sheridan's weird request and notes nothing happening in Sector 83 by 9 by 12. Hearing this, the League ambassadors grow even more suspicious. Is there some unknown enemy about to attack them? The White Star class is built with Vorlon technology making it one of the last ships in the galaxy with that level of capability. If Babylon 5 is protecting the Centauri but are denying the same to the League, then they're being discriminated in a dangerous way. The Drazi ambassador storms off while the Brakiri ambassador spells out all the hints: invisible enemies, a strange denial. They could be anywhere. They could be under threat right now! Neroon stands alone in an observation room, apparently deep in thought. A fellow Warrior appears to inform him they're almost home. Neroon wonders if Delenn knows what she is doing. He requests her presence, but instead of retrieving her, the warrior draws his Denn'bok and strikes him. An alarm sounds throughout the ship. The dissenters wonder if the alarm concerns them, but it doesn't seem that way. In any event, the timer is set to go off. Soon, it will be beyond anyone's ability to stop. Eventually, the source of the alarm is revealed when an injured Neroon is found along with his attacker. Delenn orders Neroon to sick bay to recover from his wound. She then orders the attacker confined to a cell and left a copy of the Sacred Scrolls to contemplate upon. It surprises the dissenters that one of the Warrior Caste would turn on Neroon, but Delenn explains that what she is planning has placed both him and herself in danger. Each Caste has members, however, who feel the plan is to have one of the castes surrender and feel they're being betrayed. What Delenn and Neroon are trying to forge instead is a mutual truce: a way to back away from the violence with each Caste still standing as equals. To their shock, the Religious dissenters realize they'd misunderstood Delenn. Tragically, they found out too late, as the timer has gone off by now. Soon they will all be dead. But unknown to them, Lennier is already heading towards the canister. He quickly closes it, but he still breathes some of the deadly fumes. He emerges coughing from the access duct. As the dissenters arrive, he challenges, "Have we fallen so far that we cannot even trust ourselves?" before fainting. Neroon reports to Delenn on Lennier's condition. As far as they could tell, he inhaled some residue from the fuel system. Neroon notes Delenn's deep concern for him. Delenn admits she's been seeking to train him as Dukhat had trained her. In return, Lennier has always deferred to her, guided her, and protected her, never asking for anything in return except to continue his journey with her. Neroon notes that he would not normally extend a hand to a Religious Caste, but courtesy demanded it. While they may not have spoken on friendly terms in the past, he's come to realize that Delenn is not an extremist. She is like he: someone seeking a greater good. He begins to see why Dukhat would've chosen her. He should at least respect that wisdom. The League convenes in the Council Chamber impatiently awaiting Sheridan. The Drazi want to lay the facts bare for him, but the Gaim ambassador advises silence. The Brakiri ambassador agrees, realizing they could reveal too much. They need to play this carefully. The Drazi then wonder what kind of pretext they could use to get the station's protection. Just then, Sheridan enters, apologizing for being late. The League ambassadors note rumors of an increase of clashes with Raiders and Drakh, which Sheridan dismisses. The League notes that their fleets are still weak after the Shadow War and they could use help to keep things from getting out of hand. Sheridan notes they're requesting help from the White Stars, but they're busy. The Drazi gets to the point: "Doing what?" Sheridan refuses to say, which the Drazi notes means it's very important. The League stand united and demand Babylon 5 protect them. Sheridan notes he'll need their authority, and the League quickly reply he will have it. And if the White Stars are called in for a greater purpose, then they will lend their support as well. Mutual support, and since the League stand united on this, Sheridan lacks the capacity to say no. Sheridan meekly acknowledges this and informs him the necessary paperwork will be passed to each them by day's end. Satisfied, the League dismisses Sheridan. He continues his subdued demeanor until he reaches a transport tube, where he can't contain a resounding, "YES!" before it closes. Lennier is recuperating in the sick bay. Delenn and the Religious Caste come to him. Delenn noted this is the second time she's seen him near death; this is getting to be a bad habit. Lennier replies that although Temple was safer, is was also much less interesting. His exposure to the fuel residues required an operation to remove part of his lung. But when she asks him what happened, he only says he passed by a maintenance tube and noticed a fuel leak that required immediate attention. The others present realize he's actually lying to Delenn to save their honor. Delenn wonders if it was sabotage by the Warrior Caste, but Lennier firmly denies the Warrior Caste were involved. Delenn leaves, but Lennier asks the others to stay so he can explain himself to them. He lied not to save their honor but to protect Delenn's idealism. She presents a vision of their world he would much like to see: a world where Minbari don't resort to treachery or violence. The Voice of the Resistance goes on the air again. This time, Ivanova has some genuinely pleasant news. The League of Non-Aligned Worlds has agreed on a mutual defense pact with Babylon 5, patrolling the edges of their territories to prevent outside attacks. She also reports news about the fighting on Minbar and requests any info if possible. This concerns Sheridan. While everyone else slept, Neroon slips away in the middle of the night and heads for a fighter. Lennier happens to notice this and quickly informs Delenn. In the fighter, Neroon reports to his leader, Shakiri, that the mission was a success. He's managed to obtain plans by the Religious Caste to counterattack the capital, meaning they can now be stopped easily. Within a week, the war will be over and the Warrior Caste triumphant. Michael Garibaldi is roused at a very early hour by a message from William Edgars. He wants Garibaldi to get a package through the station without drawing attention. Garibaldi complains but Edgars notes it is part of the job. He also notes the packages are highly-sensitive medical biotech that would draw the attention of rival companies: thus the need for secrecy. Garibaldi gets to the point. When can they meet face to face? Edgars is evasive. Captain John Sheridan is having a restless night, worrying about his fiancé, Delenn. All he can get from C'n'C is that fighting was ongoing on the home planet, Minbar. On Minbar, Delenn and Lennier observe wounded members of the Religious Caste. Conditions are grim, and the Warrior Caste has them surrounded. If they do not surrender by tomorrow, they will destroy the city and all within. Lyta Alexander is in a dilemma. With the Vorlons gone, she lacks a source of income to stay on the station. However, since she is considered a rogue by the Psi Corps, no one wants to hire her as a commercial telepath. Aboard a warcruiser, Neroon meets with Shakiri, current leader of the Warrior Caste. Shakiri notes how much the Religious Caste hates Neroon for his apparent double-cross. It is their naivete that has brought the Minbari into so much trouble, so now it is time for their strong, directed leadership. And if cities and people fall, so be it. The cities can be rebuilt and the lost people reincarnated. Death, Shakiri notes, "is simply a release from our obligation." Security Chief Zack Allan is working hard at customs check-in when he notes Garibaldi with a package. Before he can pursue, though, a guard brings Alfred Bester. They exchange sarcastic barbs before Bester explains he is on official Psi Corps business which does not involve anyone on the Babylon 5 staff. Allan finally catches up to Garibaldi in the Zocalo, but he denies ever having a package. He also deflects Allan's concerns about working for Edgars. On Minbar, Delenn summons Lennier to deliver a message. After careful consideration, the Religious Caste have agreed to surrender. The Warrior Caste may select the time and place. Lennier notes the heaviness of Delenn's words; he realizes the decision had not been easy. Commander Susan Ivanova continues to broadcast news of defections from the Voice of the Resistance. Alexander is watching this news when Bester approaches. He reveals that he has come for her. He realizes she is vulnerable now that the Vorlons are gone, but he has not come to capture her. Knowing she carried potential genetic secrets from the Vorlons, he proposes an offer instead: rejoin the Psi Corps as a deep cover agent with none of the normal rigors and rules. This would allow her to rejoin the Corps in the most tenuous sense, but just enough to regain legitimacy. In exchange, upon natural death, she would submit her body to the Corps for further study. He provides the necessary forms for her and then leaves to let her consider. Having received the notice of surrender, Neroon proposes the surrender take place planetside at the Temple of Varenni, an important focal point in the days before Valen. Shakiri approves, noting both the vast symbolism and the fact the temple also contains equipment capable of broadcasting throughout the planet. They will hold the surrender as soon as they arrive. However, Shakiri then notes that Delenn will need to be discretely killed after the surrender, to prevent another uprising. Allan comes in to see Alexander. Has come to inform her she needs to move to smaller quarters. She protests but appreciates the news coming from someone familiar in Allan. He then offers a discrete job: scan Garibaldi. Alexander refuses on privacy concerns. Allan realizes her morals matter more than money, so he drops it. She eventually goes to Garibaldi herself. She tries to get him to hire her since he seems less interested in clean backgrounds. He notes he could use a lookout and it would annoy Bester at the same time. But then, Bester himself appears, stopping the conversation. The situation deteriorates rapidly after Alexander catches Bester scanning Garibaldi. He chases and causes a scene that gets him taken away by security. Alexander passes a knowing glare at Bester as she leaves. At the Temple of Varenni, Delenn hands Lennier a scroll containing instructions should she not survive the day. Then, she steps into the center of the temple and officially declares the surrender of the Religious Caste. But then, she reveals a surprise. She also knows about the history of the temple. The surrender was merely to end the open warfare. Instead, they will settle their war the way the Castes did before Valen came. Here, before all witnessing and all those watching through the broadcasts, she invokes the laws of the Ancients. From the temple's ceiling, the Starfire Wheel, the method used to determine leadership before Valen, activates. Delenn steps into the Wheel's beam of energy and insists Shakiri join her inside. Shakiri refuses at first but then Neroon notes he is acting like a coward. Urged by both of them, Shakiri joins Delenn in the Starfire Wheel. As the beam intensifies, however, Shakiri soon flees. Neroon then reveals to Lennier that this had been his and Delenn's plan all along: to reveal Shakiri as a coward and shame the Warrior Caste. However, contrary to the plan, Delenn was not leaving the Starfire Wheel after Shakiri. Lennier reveals she intends to sacrifice herself as proof of her devotion. Shocked, Neroon enters the wheel, lifts the barely-conscious Delenn, and passes her to Lennier. Still inside the beam, Neroon then reveals the calling of his heart: his heart belongs to the Religious Caste. He asks his people listen to Delenn just before the Starfire Wheel incinerates him. Back on Babylon 5, Garibaldi gets another overnight call from Edgars. He firmly tells Garibaldi not to take on Alexander. He does not want telepaths in his employ: not even indrectly. Meanwhile, Bester records a personal log, noting things moving as planned with Garibaldi. He is growing increasingly distant from his former friends on Babylon 5. He also notes that he received a bonus out of the deal: Alexander back in the fold. Despite the burns she received from the Starfire Wheel, Delenn insists on conducting business on the Valen'Tha as soon as possible. She needs to direct her people before more uncertainty unfolds. With broadcasters set to transmit all across the planet, Delenn steps into the Grey Council's chamber and announces the process of rebuilding will begin today with the reforming of the Grey Council. But as she summons the Nine, she introduces a significant change. Where the Council once had three of each Caste as a sign of balance, the new Council has two Warriors, two Religious, and five Workers. In a remarkable gesture, she is ceding power to the Worker Caste, noting that in the continual disagreements between the Warrior and Religious Castes, the Worker Caste had been caught in the middle. Now, with majority rule, the humble Worker Caste can do what they do best: to build and shape the future, with the Warrior and Religious Castes still present to lend their voices and advice. She then steps out of the light in the center of the chamber, declaring it vacant in memory of Neroon and reserved for one who is to come. She bids the new Council to judge wisely and well before leaving. Sheridan answers the door to his quarters only for Ivanova to storm in fuming and cursing. She eventually reveals the source of her rage: a data crystal containing video footage from a ship near the Proxima III jumpgate. Without warning or provocation, two Earthforce Omega class destroyers opened fire and destroyed a convoy containing ten thousand refugees from the planet. Sheridan understands her fury and quietly rages himself. This is the last straw; the atrocities must be answered. He orders Ivanova to rally all available forces. It's time to assume the offensive and take the fight to President Morgan Clark, "and God help anybody who gets in our way." As the White Star fleet assembles outside Babylon 5, the station once again assumes a wartime footing. The war room, currently hosting the Voice of the Resistance, now prepares for a new campaign. In the Cobra Bays, Starfury squadrons are being prepared and launched by Lieutenant David Corwin. Captain Sheridan and Commander Susan Ivanova call an emergency meeting of the Babylon 5 Advisory Council and League of Non-Aligned Worlds, to the grumbling of officials like Ambassador Londo Mollari. Sheridan apologizes for the earliness of the meeting, but says the matter is urgent. He is now imposing a price for the continued patrolling of the White Star fleet around their borders, which has seriously curtailed raids and border clashes. Each race must contribute a destroyer to the defense of Babylon 5. They must also sever all ties with the Earth Alliance except for humanitarian reasons. This is because B5 is about to take the offensive in response to President Clark's atrocities. "From now on, Earth stands alone. We're taking back Proxima III, we're taking back Mars, and then we're going to take back our home, or die trying." A shuttle brings in Marcus Cole, who rushes to the War Room with hot intelligence from Proxima III. The colony is rapidly running out of time; they need help soon. The colony is currently blockaded by six Omega class destroyers, including the Heracles and Pollux: the two destroyers responsible for the civilian deaths. Apart from these known hostiles, there is little intel on the stance of the other destroyers. Sheridan proposes hitting the colony in a multiple-wave assault: surrounding the hostile forces and convincing the rest to withdraw or defect. But this will mean fully committing to the campaign to the very end: "No surrender, no retreat." The doorbell at the Centauri Embassy awakens Vir Cotto, still having nightmares about assassinating Cartagia. When he opens the door, Michael Garibaldi stands outside, asking for Mollari. Cotto initially answers that he is absent, but then lets slip that he is going to see G'Kar. Cotto also comments on Sheridan's new offensive. Garibaldi seems hostile about Sheridan's actions, and says he will pursue a different avenue. The station is now on high alert. Starfuries are on constant patrol, and even communications between them is being kept under tight security to prevent false orders. As Ivanova notes, the operational phrase is, "Trust Ivanova, trust yourself. Anybody else, shoot him." Sheridan reports to the War Room. He has Ivanova send three White Stars to Earth space, two by Mars and one to Earth. Their mission is diversionary: to distract Clark with the flybys, which will cause him to call in his forces and pull them away from the Proxima System, while the main force gathers in hyperspace away from the Proxima beacon, so as not to be detected. Meanwhile, Marcus communicates with the Proxima Resistance. They are being hit hard by Clark-loyal reinforcements, but they relay information on which destroyers are holding back. Mollari visits G'Kar in his quarters. Ever since their return to Babylon 5, they have been falling back into their usual pattern of trading barbs, G'Kar's especially bitter regarding his imprisonment. Mollari however tells G'Kar he wishes to end the cycle and to make amends, belatedly thanking the Narn for his help in saving Centauri Prime. G'Kar coldly dismisses the gesture. Undeterred, Mollari presents an astonishing proposal: a statement of mutual support between their governments towards the Earth Alliance Resistance, in the hope that the other races may follow suit. Mollari offers to seal the deal in pouring G'Kar a drink, reminding him of the occasion when the Narn offered him a drink just before the Narn-Centauri War. G'Kar refuses to participate, pouring his drink back into the bottle. Mollari leaves, deeply disappointed. Sheridan briefs the Starfury pilots about the incoming mission, noting this will be one of their hardest missions: initiating combat against fellow Humans, an action Sheridan would not have condoned if there were any alternative. As Ivanova assumes command of the Station, Sheridan leads the combined fleet into hyperspace in the White Star 2, which he has painted with the B5 logo. Marcus transfers to the White Star 2 when it arrives near Proxima. Sheridan then initiates his battle plan. The first wave will be three White Stars jumping out on the far side of the planet. Aboard the Heracles, Captain Trevor Hall, a Clark loyalist; learns of unknown contacts and sends the Pollux and Nemesis after them. Sheridan figures the loyalists are splitting up to keep watch on the rest, so he proceeds with phase two: a squadron jumping on the near side. This time, Hall realizes that it is Sheridan he is facing. He prepares for a fight as a signal is received. To his shock, it is coming from the local jumpgate as the main fleet appears behind him. Commanding the Vesta, Captain Edward MacDougan tries to convince Sheridan to withdraw, but instead Sheridan notes Mackie is about to engage in support of illegal orders. Hall orders the Heracles to open fire, beginning the Battle of Proxima III. Sheridan's forces initially concentrate on the known hostiles, the Heracles and Pollux, while Sheridan tries to figure out where the other ships stand. He is relieved to learn most of the other ships do not wish to fight. The Furies does not respond to a flyby, the Juno withdraws without engaging, and MacDougan heeds Sheridan's call and refuses to fire. Hall angrily orders MacDougan's first officer to take command, but the crew eventually subdues him, allowing MacDougan to stand down as well. Nevertheless, there are losses, including a White Star that comes under heavy fire from and crashes into the Pollux, destroying both ships. Meanwhile, the Nemesis surrenders only after taking severe damage. Soon, only the Heracles is remaining, and Hall knows he is dead either way and intends to go down fighting. However, his first officer, Commander Sandra Levitt, refuses to let the rest of the crew go down with him. She assumes command of the Heracles and orders the crew to relieve him of command and then complies with Sheridan's order to surrender. The battle is over; Proxima III is free, but at a heavy price. Sheridan requests the captains of the remaining ships to meet aboard White Star 2 in one hour to determine their stance. Sheridan meets with Captains MacDougan, Eckland, and Kawagawa, and Commander Levitt to discuss what they will do from here. They can withdraw from the theater, stay to defend Proxima from retaliation, or join Sheridan. The Earthforce skippers, understandably have questions about Sheridan's motives, but Sheridan notes that Clark is taking the Alliance in the direction of dictatorship and that their oaths are to the people, not to the government. His goal is simply to remove the Clark regime; he intends to let the people decide if it was justified, once they regain their rightful say. Most importantly, he wants human support: without that support, the fight will simply look like aliens attempting to attack and conquer Earth. The captains eventually ask for some time alone to discuss the issue among themselves. Back on B5, as a depressed Mollari sits alone nursing a drink in the Zocalo, to his surprise G'Kar joins him. G'Kar gets to the point: he has agreed to co-sign the joint statement of support for the Resistance but not on the same page. Much relieved, Mollari accepts, and G'Kar takes a drink and leaves. MacDougan reports to Sheridan on their decisions. Levitt will withdraw from the theater and take the Heracles to Beta IX for repairs, and keep Captain Hall under arrest, thus removing the Heracles from the war. Eckland will remain at Proxima with the Furies. He and Kawagawa will join Sheridan. Pleased, Sheridan shakes Mackie's hand. Ivanova anchors a transmission of the Voice of the Resistance, announcing the liberation of Proxima III and using this as a rallying cry for any Earthforce ships to defect and join Sheridan. She also announces the joint statement by the Centauri and the Narns. As the news airs, Garibaldi enters the docking bay. He is leaving the station for Mars, apparently never to return. As Capt. John Sheridan's forces approach Earth, the fighting grows more fierce. Out-gunned and unable to flee, President Clark's remaining ships still refuse to surrender. Meanwhile, Dr. Stephen Franklin and Lyta Alexander find themselves on Mars again with their disturbing cargo. Michael Garibaldi matter-of-factly informs Edgars that John Sheridan's trap has been baited with his father. Pleased, Edgars again promises Garibaldi the elusive reward of the whole truth. "I think the last guy got thirty pieces of silver for the same job," Garibaldi remarks with distaste as he leaves. Sheridan orders the opposing vessels to stand down again. One captain finally breaks silence saying that Sheridan is only going to execute them if they surrender. Sheridan's new ally MacDougan convinces the young captain that it is safe to stand down just as a new ship jumps into the melee. To Sheridan's relief it is his old ship, the Agamemnon, come to join his fleet. Number One is livid to discover that Franklin has brought a teep (telepath) into her facility without even thinking of consulting her. The dozens of frozen telepaths he brings are equally unwelcome. Sheridan and the Agamemnon's crew share a fond reunion when he goes on board. He is still there when Garibaldi's transmission catches up with him. In it, Garibaldi explains that Clark's people have captured Sheridan's father, and says he has a rescue plan which requires his presence. Against everyone's advice, Sheridan decides to go to Mars alone, and the Agamemnon agrees to transport him there. The hostility towards Lyta is not limited to Number One. Franklin is baffled, until Lyta explains the Bloodhound program. Anyone suspected of being in the Resistance is simply picked up and scanned, without any due process of law. Quietly Lyta begins to explain the other things Psi Cops have done. One serial killer of telepaths now lives in an institution, screaming all the time at the "things we planted in his mind." When that happened she left Psi Cops for commercial work, but from then she became afraid of what telepaths are capable of. "Someday there's going to be a war between telepaths and mundanes, Stephen," she predicts direly. Within the series the term mundane is used by telepaths when referring to normal humans without their abilities, much like the use of teeps toward telepaths. Susan Ivanova leaves the station to take command of the fleet in Sheridan's absence, and Delenn agrees to keep watch over B5 until she returns. Sheridan pilots a fighter down to the surface of Mars, where Garibaldi is waiting in a bar. Shortly after as the Captain sits and begins their conversation, Garibaldi slaps a tranquilizer patch on his hand. Furiously Sheridan stands and attempts to escape, but the men who have come for him are too many and too strong. Garibaldi just sits in his place and watches impassively as his former friend and CO gets beaten and taken into custody. ISN's gloating over the capture begins almost immediately. Ivanova and Marcus Cole watch in stunned silence. Garibaldi returns to his boss, furiously demanding to be finally told the truth. Edgars and Wade reveal that they have genetically engineered a virus that attacks only telepaths. They have also developed an antidote that needs to be administered to infected telepaths every two weeks. Turning telepaths into a virtual slave race is the only way they see to counter the threat of the death of human liberty and human thought. As a side-effect, by removing Clark's power base in the Psi Corps, they will be free to overturn his government easily. Garibaldi affirms that he is still on board and Edgars informs him that now that Clark is distracted by the capture of Sheridan, he can begin the process of releasing the virus. "The telepath prob--" he utters and stops. Hearing the Holocaustic parallel in his own words, he continues in a broken voice, "The telepath problem will finally be over." Unbeknownst to them all, a horrified Lise has heard everything from her hiding place behind a column. When they have left the room Garibaldi sits quietly and pops a cap off his tooth revealing a minuscule transmitter. Lise finds him later waiting stony faced in a tube, where she begs him to help stop her husband. With eerily muted urgency Garibaldi only tells her to go home. Moments later a new passenger joins him and the car leaves the station. Without hesitation, Bester enters into Garibaldi's mind and extracts Edgars' nefarious plan. Even the normally imperturbable Psi Cop is stunned by the extent of this final solution. Having finished what he came for, Bester muses about what to do with Garibaldi next. "I can feel you, you know, the real you, beating at the inside of your skull, screaming to get out." Should he let Garibaldi free? Should he keep him penned up forever? He explains to Garbaldi what happened when he was captured by the Shadows. Bester got control of Garibaldi during the Shadows' attempt to adjust him and managed to handle the procedure on his own terms. That way he could thwart his enemies the Shadows (the virus of Edgars' was likely Shadow technology after all), take revenge on the officers of Babylon 5, and use Garibaldi as a weapon against his other enemies, all in one move. Accentuating his naturally rebellious and suspicious instincts, Bester states, would turn Garibaldi into the perfect tool for digging to the possible anti-telepath conspiracies. The odd messages Garibaldi received from time to time tuned his conditioning until his real personality was completely buried under the new one. And now Bester wonders what to do. Toying for an instant with a gun in Garibaldi's face, Bester comments that now that Garibaldi's friends know he betrayed Sheridan, he can't go home again. Deciding to let the real Garibaldi free, Bester exits the car and the train leaves the station. Garibaldi sits impassively on the bench. A flash of reality slams his mind. He shakes his head. Then another. And then again. He screams in rage and whacks his head into the wall of the train. When Marcus informs Ivanova that Garibaldi has attempted to contact them, she orders that if he shows up on the station he be shot on sight. In the interim, with Sheridan captured and the fleet in limbo, she vows to finish the job her Captain began. Garibaldi frantically searches Edgars' home for Lise but only finds Edgars dead, the virus removed and Wade, Edgar's assistant, mortally injured on the floor. Wade manages to whisper that Lise hadn't been there when they were attacked. The ISN anchor reports the assassination of William Edgars apparently by Free Mars terrorists. She also proudly congratulates former Chief Warrant Officer Michael Garibaldi for turning in the renegade EarthForce Captain John Sheridan. While Sheridan continues to be pummeled by his captors, she reports that now that he has been freed of alien influences, being well cared for, and has expressed regret for his actions against his home world. Dr. Stephen Franklin is talking with Capt. Sheridan in his quarters, seemingly much relieved of his return to Babylon 5 after his time being tortured on Mars. Franklin asks how Sheridan escaped captivity. Sheridan mentions the Mars Resistance, but Franklin starts asking for specifics. Sheridan hesitates. In reality, Sheridan is still on Mars. Having failed with intimidation, his interrogators are now using induced hallucinations to try to make him confess. But strict secrecy combined with just enough mental acuity result in Sheridan saying nothing of value. One of the interrogators suggests threatening Sheridan's father, David, but the head (who Sheridan perceives to be Franklin) notes they'd lose either way; either he gains resolve by targeting David's killers or he'll perceive them as spineless. It's not cooperation they need but conversion, and to do that, they need to make him submit. Only then can they undermine the Earth Alliance Resistance. The head adds a drug to a cup of coffee and convinces Sheridan to drink it. Elsewhere on Mars, Michael Garibaldi wanders through an industrial area. As footsteps approach, he draws a PPG. The man turns out to be a member of the Mars Resistance whom he'd sent to tell them he wants a meeting to try to clear his name. Suddenly, other members of the Resistance surround him and knock him out. Garibaldi is brought before the rest of the Resistance, his face covered by a hood. Number One appraches along with Franklin and Lyta Alexander. Number One offers a PPG to Franklin since it was his man Michael betrayed. Instead, Franklin insists on hearing Michael's side of the story first. Removing the hood, Franklin tells Michael to start talking. He immediately mentions Alfred Bester, telling as much of the story as he could recall: how Psi Corps and Bester stole him from the Shadows and then programmed him to be a mole so as to infiltrate an anti-telepath conspiracy. Trouble is, he has no proof. He offers to take them to where Sheridan is being held, but no one believes him. Then he notices Lyta and immediately asks her to scan him. Lyta explains the Resistance only tolerates her as a person; they don't like telepaths. Still, Franklin admits the idea amounts to something; it would clarify the story and give him that one chance to clear his name. But Number One tries to shoot him instead. Franklin shoves her hand and deflects the shot while Lyta uses a PPG rifle to get everyone else to stop. Garibaldi insists she scan as deep as it takes to get to the truth. Finally, deep down, Lyta uncovers the memories. She tells everyone Michael is right: he was strung up, and to prove it, she projects both those and some of her own nastiest memories into Number One. She finally relents. Meanwhile, in the vicinity of Beta IX, Cmdr. Ivanova, now at Fleet Command aboard White Star 2, continues with the advance of the Earth Alliance Resistance. They have cornered two loyalist destroyers: the Damocles and the Orion, and she delivers their now-standard ultimatum: surrender and answer for fheir crimes or be destroyed. The destroyers decide to turn and fight. Ivanova insists they stick with Sheridan's MO and let the enemy strike first. Once that happens, the fleet responds swiftly: the White Star fleet quickly outmaneuvering the destroyers so as to target their engines and weapons. Soon, both ships are crippled and heavily damaged and Marcus notes evacuation orders being given. He also wonders why Ivanova wants to take the time to pick up the survivors, and she explains they have to be thorough. Once Clark is deposed, his supporters will disappear into the population. They need to send the message that people who use the law to commit atrocities must answer for their crimes. Furthermore, each engagement usually results in defectors who swell their ranks. Using some old contacts from his old Mars days and his loyalist publicity, Garibaldi locates Sheridan's prison: Fort Walters in Solis Planna. But anything beyond that they'll have to improvise. Number One notes they've set up some ways in, but once they're inside, Garibaldi, Alexander, and Franklin will be on their own. Back on Babylon 5, Lennier locates Delenn whom he has been urgently searching for to deliver some very disturbing news. The Advisory Council and League of Non-Aligned Worlds have convened without her knowledge. Immediately she heads for the Council Chamber, only to learn that Londo has just raised a motion. Extremely cross, Delenn insists on knowing why no Human or Minbari was told of this vote: a serious breach of B5 diplomatic protocol. Londo, however, was expecting this. Her presence satisfies the protocol, allowing him to call a vote; it passes unanimously. Before Delenn can react in rage at this, Londo, G'Kar, and Vir explain that the motion was in response to Sheridan's capture. Everyone in chambers felt this called for a response and a show of support, so they've voted to assemble a fleet to support the Earth Alliance Resistance. They didn't want Delenn to know about the vote so as to keep any personal feelings she may have out of it: keeping the vote neutral. Finally understanding, Delenn stands in silent gratitude. Michael, Stephen, and Lyta are led through an underground tunnel by a Resistance fighter. It's nervous business. The area they're travling is under shoot-on-sight protocols, and continued excavation by EarthGov is increasing the instances of Marsquakes in the area, raising the risk of a cave-in. Despite Lyta's doubts, Michael is confident Sheridan is still alive; he has to be alive if the loyalists want to deconstruct him. The Resistance fighter leaves them a short distance later as they reach the edge of Fort Walters. Aboard White Star 2, Marcus and another Ranger bring in an officer from the Damocles: Duty Officer David Eisensen. He reveals that some of the defectors they have been receiving are in fact spies for the Clark regime. Because of this, Clark knows their next major target will be Mars, and most of the defected Earth destroyers will be gathering in Sector 300. Clark intends to ambush them there, and he's not taking chances. He's deploying new, advanced destroyers: never seen before and totally loyal to Clark. Outside, Susan and Marcus discuss their options. If they go around the ambush, the defectors will be wiped out, destroying the vital apperance of Earth liberating itself. Their only option is to spring the ambush themselves. Whatever this unknown force may be, the White Stars would be most capable ships against them. Michael, Stephen, and Lyta try to sneak their way into the compound, but two guards soon corner them and they're forced into a fight. Although the guards are killed, Garibaldi takes a knife to the back. Stephen quickly performs field surgery on Michael's stab wound. The knife missed vital organs but still left a bleeding mess. Once Lyta hides the bodies and Stephen closes the wound, they press on, using their old Earthforce uniforms. Ivanova informs Capt. James aboard the Agamemnon of the plan. He protests the plan as dangerous, but Ivanova insists it's the only way. The Earth ships are more important now becuase they represent Earth. James acknowledges the plan and agrees to wait. Marcus suggests now would be a good time to get some rest. She's been working herself to exhaustion lately, and she needs to be fresh when the battle begins. After Marcus threatens to nag her about it, she acquieses. Michael and company finally reach the prison cells. Michael manages to use his notoriety and a little fast talking to get past the checkpoint. The guards at the cell, however, are much more stubborn, and they have to use a combination of telepathic pain from Lyta and some punches to subdue them. Choice words during the exchange allow Lyta to obtain the passcode for the cell. They open the cell and find Sheridan, half-conscious and heavily drugged. They quickly work to free him while Garibaldi tries to relax a bit as his stab wound is bleeding through his uniform. Despite her known discomfort when it comes to Minbari beds, Ivanova is roused by Marcus having managed to sleep for four hours. Sector 300 is 45 minutes away. Before she heads for the bridge, though, she calls him to task on something. He had once said something to her in Minbari as she slept. She remembered it and learned enough Minbari to translate it, hinting that she no longer believes what he said to her was just a greeting. Michael and company emerge from the cells with Sheridan, and before the checkpoint can sound an alarm, he and Stephen gun them down. Sheridan, despite his daze, picks up a PPG from one of the guards and unloads nine shots into another one struggling to get back up: finally able to vent some of his frustration. The White Star fleet arrives at Sector 300. They can't pick up anything but figure the only way to spring the trap is to jump out of hyperspace. Sure enough, soon after they emerge, a number of Earthforce destroyers jump out in response. The appearance of these Advanced Omega class destroyers fill Ivanova with dread. Their hulls appear covered with a creepy, rippling, and very familiar pattern. Marcus confirms her fears. The hulls are semi-organic: grafted with Shadow technology. Ivanova is amazed Earth had been able to adapt Shadow technology so quickly after securing a Shadow vessel. It also raises the stakes since Shadow technology can be a match for a White Star. Captain Jake Thompson soon hails them. Grimly, Ivanova decides to announce her intentions to him very clearly. Very elaborately identifying herself, declaring herself death incarnate, she opens fire and begins the Battle of Sector 300. The destroyers launch Starfuries and defend themselves. Ivanova notes the White Stars hold a speed advantage over the destroyers, so she decides to mob them. Groups of several White Stars single out loyalist ships: destroying them and then moving to the next one before too much fire can be focused on them. But with the Shadow augmentation, their cannons are very powerful, and damage is mounting. Finally, as the remaining destroyers try to surround them, the fleet outraces them and then turns around and fires on them en masse. Despite the risk of a collison, and with White Stars falling one by one, she insists the fleet be destroyed to the last to prevent reinforcements. The White Stars ultimately succeed and destroy the entire loyalist fleet, but even as the last one is hunted down, debris from the destroyers collides with White Star 2's bridge. Despite the danger, Marcus clambers out from the massive debris, extrricates Ivanova from under several beams, and carries her to a shuttle. They escape just before White Star 2 explodes. A ships jumps out of hyperspace and links up with a Sharlin. There, Sheridan is finally reunited with Delenn. The joy of the reunion is short-lived, however, as he knows what happened to Ivaonva. In the medical wing, Ivanova is gravely wounded: her neck held in a brace. At Marcus' insistence, her bed is level. Hearing Sheridan, Ivanova opens her eyes. She realizes she likely doesn't have a lot of time, but she can be satisfied he is free and that, in spite of the odds against her, she cleared the way for him. Clark's trump card is gone, and only Mars and Earth are left now. Under these circumstances, she tells Sheridan not to hold any regrets for her. She knew and accepted the risks and will accept her life as the price for this important victory. Before Sheridan goes, however, she conveys one last request. For the first time in nearly three years, Sheridan returns aboard the Agamemnon. At Ivanova's request, and with permission from Capt. James, Sheridan will lead the final leg of the liberation campaign from his old command. In hyperspace, the combined fleet of the Earth Alliance Resistance and its alien supporters gathers in preparation for the push to Mars. Aboard a Minbari ship, a mortally-wounded Susan Ivanova lies comatose, watched over as always by Marcus Cole. Delenn enters the room and informs him a transport has arrived to take her to Babylon 5, as there is no chance to treat her without its resources. Though reluctant to leave, he eventually leaves to assume his post. Delenn hesitates in leaving, as she too feels the shock of probably losing such a close friend as Ivanova. On Mars, Dr. Stephen Franklin records: He and Lyta Alexander have been coordinating with Number One and the Mars Resistance in their part of the upcoming battle. Among one of the more unusual things being done is the transport of some 30 coffin-sized cases. With the help of an insider named Kelley, they're being transported into the Clark-loyal Earthforce ships: one to each. Kelley (and Number One) are puzzled as to why they're transporting people in cryo units, and Franklin explains they're a way around the loyalists detecting weapons and that their effectiveness will be revealed soon. A little later, on the Martian surface, they link up with Michael Garibaldi who was scouting ahead. Using code names based upon Snow White, he orders strike teams to advance on three ground stations surrounding the spaceport while his group advances on a fourth. Meanwhile, shuttles commence delivering final provisions (including the cryo pods) to the loyalists in orbit. At Ground Station Alpha, Earthforce soldiers keep a cautious watch. They know something is coming and are figuring the Mars Resistance to play a role. The station commander tries to contact Station Bravo but doesn't get a reply. Before he can wonder what's happening, one of the officers puts on a breather and draws a PPG on him. At the same instant, the exterior door bursts open. After a brief fistfight, Garibaldi and his strike team subdue the remaining officers, give them breathers, throw them outside, and secure the door behind them. The insider compliments Garibaldi on their efficiency. With luck, the other teams achieved similar success, meaning they effectively control the spaceport perimeter and the base itself doesn't know. Once the base repressurizes and the door controls removed to prevent enemy re-entry, everyone removes their breathers.Garibaldi observes the last of the shuttles depart the spaceport, meaning they'll deliver their cargos to the destroyers in 45 minutes. With a timeframe established, Franklin and Lyta make preparations. Franklin removes a strange piece of headgear and puts it on Lyta. Aboard his old (and now current) flagship, the EAS Agamemnon, Captain John Sheridan enters the bridge and announces that the final battle to liberate the Earth Alliance is imminent. He contacts the rest of the fleet and relays the battle plan. The first objective is to neutralize Mars so as not to be flanked. Then they'll move for Earth. To maintain the clean fight, the White Star fleet (all with human COs) and the Resistance destroyers will carry out the fighting. The alien supporters will maintain a support role: acting only defensively. After ordering the fleet to await further orders, he disconnects everyone but Marcus. He will lead the advance strike as soon as Garibaldi relays some necessary information. In Mars orbit, the last of the Clark loyalist fleet assemble for a last stand and receive shipments from planetside. The fleet flagship is the EAS Apollo, commanded by General Robert Lefcourt, an old instructor of Sheridan's and a firm believer in the supreme authority of the law, no matter who is in charge. All the loyalist ships have had their IFF systems updated to recognize Resistance destroyers as foes, and deadly force is authorized. The force of 35 destroyers assembles, waiting for the battle to begin. The headpiece Franklin is applying on Lyta is a psionic amplifier. She is about to engage in a very long-range telepathic scan, and even with help from the amplifier, she needs to be outside to get enough reach. Meanwhile, Garibaldi uploads some data to Snow White. Even as he awaits the order to begin, Marcus can't stop thinking about Ivanova. Altough the others like Lennier appear to be consigned to fate, Marcus can't help but think there's soemthing they haven't thought about. Just then, the data from Garibaldi comes in as well as the go-ahead. At Station Alpha, Garibaldi orders everyone to take cover. It's then that he reveals that what he'd given Marcus was planetary coordinates accurate to within feet: the kind of data one needs to successfully pull off a jump into atmosphere. Even as Number One and the others listen in disbelief, the jump vortex appears and the atmosphere rumbles with the turbulence. Marcus in his White Star emerges and strafes the spaceport. Noticing one turret still active, Number One orders the station's guns destroy that turret before it can fire on Marcus. In space, Captain Mitchell reports on the attack, but Lefcourt orders no action. He assumes it to be a feint meant to draw some of the ships away from the main line. He's patient and wonders what Sheridan's next move will be: in particular, what kind of ace in the hole he will employ. Even as explosions rock the spaceport, Sheridan relays a message to Lyta: "Do it." Lyta stands and looks out into space. Her eyes begin to turn black from the intense psychic exertion. Franklin explains what is happening right now. She is reaching out to the cryo units sent to the destroyers. She is touching each of them, awakening them. Inside each unit is a telepath that had been altered by the Shadows: reprogrammed to become the central core of a Shadow vessel. As part of that programming, they instinctively get up and move towards a computer interface so as to merge with it and take control. The insider is shocked at the callous way Franklin describes such horror, but Franklin is only this way because he has surrendered to the inevitable. Without the technology available back home on Earth, there is no hope of removing the Shadow implants, meaning they're as good as dead. By employing them in this way, they can serve in the most humane way possible. By taking over the computers, they can disable up to 30 destroyers without having to kill the crew and perhaps open the way to free their comrades from their enslavement. 30 lives to save over 30,000. Sheridan receives word that Lyta's activated the telepaths. He gives the go-ahead for the main assault. Lefcourt looks on as a swarm of jump vortices herald the arrival of Sheridan's fleet as predicted. Suddenly, the Apollo's computer goes dead. Word reaches him that the same thing's happening to most of the fleet. Before Lefcourt can order any able destroyer to advance, communications go dead. Lefcourt suddenly realizes this was what the feint had covered up: a sneak attack brought aboard with their last supply run. Aboard a Sharlin, Delenn reports on the enemy's status. To Sheridan's relief, she reports that the telepaths did their job. 20 of the destroyers are disabled and 5 more are losing control, leaving 10 active destroyers to fight. Using the chaos to his best advantage, he orders the White Stars to concentrate on the remaining destroyers, crippling them before they can take action. Meanwhile, destroyer security forces begin to encounter the telepaths. Though the telepaths fight back with arcs of electricity, one by one, the security forces take down the telepaths. However, the damage is done. Within minutes, the loyalist fleet is neutralized with few casualties. Tha Battle of Mars, such as it is, is over. The way is now clear to move to Earth. Sheridan orders Delenn and the alien forces to remain at Mars to assist any vessels whose condition deteriorates further. As Marcus's White Star leaves Mars and rejoins the main fleet Marcus himself leaves the bridge to see to personal matters. In another room, Marcus accesses the Babylon 5 archives, seeking out any references to treating mortal injuries. Once the fleet is assembled, Sheridan sets the jump target: Earth Beacon 11629. Marcus's search request completes, and he eventually comes across Franklin's log of healing Garibaldi with the Alien Healing Machine. In spite of Franklin's recorded warnings about its life-transferring nature, Marcus orders a shuttle prepared. Mitchell reports the killing of the telepath, but they're still dead in space and without external communications. Angrily, Lefcourt orders repairs completed with all possible speed. To her surprise, Lennier reports to Delenn's Sharlin, claiming to be answering a summons from her. Before either can realize what just happened, Marcus turns his White Star around and leaves the fleet. Lennier begins to suspect what happened. Delenn tells Sheridan that Marcus went AWOL and has gone back to Babylon 5. Sheridan fumes, but as he continues the conversation in private on an earpiece, he realizes Marcus has learned about the machine, but Sheridan can't send anyone to pursue him. Time is critical at this point and the final push must proceed. Regretfully, he orders the final jump. As the Earth Alliance Resistance jumps into Earth orbit, Sheridan begins a transmission to all Earth frequencies: As he speaks, President Morgan Clark writes on his desk and the Planetary Defense Grid begins to turn to the fleet. Sheridan continues: Emboldened by the declaration, the Earth Resistance finally takes action. An Earthforce squad led by Senator Crosby marches on the President's Office. As the resistance forces approach, Clark finishes his writing and arms the defense grid. Soon a salvo of missiles launches from the platforms. Sheridan orders evasive action and the Starfury squadrons launched to intercept the missiles. He then orders the destroyers to target the platforms. Back on Earth, Clark draws a PPG from his desk, aiming it at his head. Just as the Resistance breaks through, he fires. As the battle in orbit continues, Crosby notices the writing on the desk. Clark had written the line, "The Ascencion of the Ordinary Man" again and again on the sheet, except that some of the letters had been circled. Captain James relays the news that Sheridan is wanted planetside as soon as possible. Delenn will join him later, but Dr. Franklin has already left Earth, hoping to keep Marcus from committing a terrible mistake. ISN, the real ISN, returns to the air for the first time in over a year. Still choked with emotion, reporter Jane begins by speaking on behalf of the rest of the ISN crew, describing the improsionment, torture, and sometimes death they endured. All that came to an end this morning. She then reports the breaking news: that of Sheridan's successful liberation of Earth. She goes on to keep the civilians on Earth calm, telling them that EarthGov is still working to compile the list of casualties. The Earth Alliance Civil War is now over, and it now time for humans to come back together and begin the process of healing and rebuilding. Aboard a White Star, Franklin frantically tries to contact Babylon 5 without success. In between, he replays the log entry that sent Marcus on his mad dash. But back on Babylon 5, Marcus's mad dash comes to its grim conclusion. Even as the Alien Healing Machine drains the life force out of him to resuscitate Ivanova, Marcus, in his final words, declares his love for her. ISN continues its reporting on the events transpiring since the end of the Earth Alliance Civil War. It reports on the suicide of President Morgan Clark, showing footage from his office, where his shrouded body, still in its chair, has a sign Traitor to Earth hung on it. An investigator also displays the Scorched Earth note. Sheridan, meanwhile, has surrendered to Earthforce and is now in a closed session with them to determine how he will answer for his actions. Following Clark's death, Susanna Luchenko of the Russian Consortium has assumed acting Presidency and answers questions from reporters. Her key statement is that Earth Dome will investigate the Clark coup carefully so as to separate willing conspirators from those merely coerced into action; allow time for justice to be meted out properly. The reporter then asks and offers well wishes for Susan Ivanova, who had been critically wounded back in the Battle of Sector 300. Dr. Stephen Franklin races to Babylon 5 in a White Star, hoping against hope that he can stop a foolhardy sacrifice, but it is too late. Several members of Medlab walk into Ivanova's room to discover Marcus Cole lying comatose against Ivanova, the Alien Healing Machine having transferred his life energy into Ivanova. By the time Franklin arrives, the orderly reports that Cole is all but dead. Meanwhile, Ivanova has recovered miraculously and has actually regained consciousness. In fact, she has learned everything. Franklin cautiously approaches Ivanova, sitting on the floor against a wall. She is in a state of considerable grief having learned that Cole sacrificed himself to save her, even though she had actually been prepared to die at that point, accepting her sacrifice for the greater victory. Franklin himself admits he did not realize Cole would go to such lengths to save her. Learning about the Alien Healing Machine had required breaking though all sorts of encryptions and protections. Ivanova laments how her bad luck with men had struck again: how she never realized how much Cole loved her. At the very least, she wished she had (to play on his English accent) boffed him just once so he would not die a virgin. After echoing one last sour sentiment, "All love is unrequited," Franklin helps to console her. G'Kar chides Londo Mollari for arriving late, but Mollari counters that G'Kar was actually early. When G'Kar says he is never premature, Mollari twists the word around, wondering about the rumor that Narns are quick in bed, whereas Centauri are well-known for drawing it out for hours. Then Vir Cotto arrives with an urgent message for Mollari. Realizing that it is a matter of state, G'Kar leaves, allowing Mollari to verbally prod him one more time and then muse at how their strange relationship has been developing. Cotto finally reveals that Regent Virini is in failing health and that the Royal Court has chosen Mollari to become Emperor upon his death. Mollari hears the news with unexpected trepidation but then urges Cotto to come along as he departs. Back at Earth Dome, Sheridan is in the uncomfortable position of waiting while deliberations continue outside his notice. Just then, Alfred Bester enters the room. They engage in a thorny conversation full of threats and insults. But Sheridan is fully aware of how to play political chess and does not back down against Bester. Then Bester gets to the point. In the Battle of Mars, Sheridan employed 30 of the Shadow-altered telepaths to disable the loyalist ships. They were ultimately killed as the crews fought to regain control. Was Carolyn Sanderson among them? Sheridan starts a lengthy tear down of Bester's attitude, calling him out as a heartless man who would use other people not just because it advances the Psi Corps but because he enjoys having power over people. He reveals that using the telepaths had been one of the toughest decisions he had ever made, and he took great pains to only select telepaths with no known kin: no one to grieve their deaths. For once, Bester is nervous, as Sanderson had no kin. Then Sheridan reveals he made sure she wasn't chosen. She and all the remaining telepaths are on B5 and will be transferred to Earth once things settle down. Before Bester leaves, however, Sheridan makes one thing clear: he knows Bester's agenda to advance homo superior any way he can. Sheridan knows he'll make another move in the future; he will be waiting. So will Michael Garibaldi, for that matter, who has a personal score to settle with Bester. Garibaldi roughs up Max, a man known on Mars for underworld accounting. Apparently, Lise Hampton-Edgars, having avoided the Psi Corps strike that killed her husband, tried to flee the planet by turning to the underworld, but instead of producing new credentials, the Martian crime syndicate is now holding her for ransom. Since such a ransom would have to go through him to be laundered, Max would know where she is held. Max counters he will die if he tells, so Garibaldi counters that death would be preferable to living after he's through with Max. Mollari and G'kar join Delenn aboard a White Star. To his chagrin, Mollari learns Delenn already knows about his becoming the successor to the throne. But then, she gets down to business. She presents each of them with a copy of a new treaty. Soon they will be joined by the League of Non-Aligned Worlds who will be presented with the same document. G'Kar asks, "Are you sure you want to do this?" Mollari starts laughing but explains that he is laughing not because her idea is a joke; on the contrary, the proposal is so revolutionary it is leaving him lightheaded in anticipation. When the League ambassadors join them, Mollari is first to warn them Delenn's proposal may leave them wanting a change of underwear. Finally, an important Earthforce administrator, General Foote arrives and announces that a decision has been made concerning Sheridan's fate. Next to enter the room is President Luchenko herself. Sheridan stands at attention as she enters. She explains the difficulty his actions have caused: doing the wrong thing even if for all the right reasons. She makes a proposal. If he takes responsibility and resigns from Earthforce, she'll give amnesty to everyone else. His resignation in Earthforce however will allow him to retain the pension he has accumulated in his career. Before he agrees, Sheridan insists the amnesty be put in writing. In a nondescript warehouse in one of the Mars domes, someone knocks a door. A man is admitted: one who has informed Hampton-Edgars' family of the ransom. Just then, the door is knocked again. This time, the only thing outside is a strange multi-colored box with a button on it. Curious, someone presses the button. After it plays a Porky Pig "Th-th-th-that's all, folks!" the box exploides, revealing itself to be a flash-bang. At that same moment, Garibaldi and a group of Rangers descend from the ceiling and burst through the door. The mobsters are quickly subdued. Garibaldi then searches the warehouse. He soon finds Hampton-Edgars, breaks the lock with his PPG, and rescues her. Delenn's White Star jumps into Earth orbit. Lennier walks into the conference room, and Delenn announces that her proposal was approved: a proposal that will likely be remembered for many years to come. Lennier wished Cole were still here to witness this day, but Delenn believes Cole's spirit also joins them in this great step forward. She also recalls how much Cole had hated himself for letting people die because of his inability to listen or to heed warning. Seen that way, preventing the same thing happening to Ivanova was probably the only way he could end his internal torment. Lennier then notes Ivanova's quote that all love is unrequited. Delenn disagrees. Delenn, G'Kar and Mollari arrive at Earth Dome in time for a press conference, which ISN covers live. President Luchenko speaks first, honoring those who fought to end the Clark regime and recognizing the difficult decision they had to make. On that note, she turns the podium over to Sheridan. In his full Earthforce dress uniform, Sheridan speaks carefully, acknowledging that what he and the Resistance had done was choose being right over being lawful. He agrees that what he did in leading this Resistance was controversial. And he recognizes that this controversy could easily continue long into the future, so he announces that in hopes of easing these tensions, he will accept the responsibility and the consequences, formally announcing his resignation from Earthforce. As he finishes, Luchenko once again assumes the podium, next introducing Ambassador G'Kar. In his usual eloquence, G'kar tells of the humans' unique strength when it comes to bridging people together and forming communities. The events of the Shadow War and now the Earth Alliance Civil War have given the alien worlds belief in the value of joining together. Then G'kar reveals that the proposal agreed aboard the White Star is to dissolve the League of Non-Aligned Worlds. Those worlds will now unite, along with the Minbari, Centauri, and Narn, in a new Interstellar Alliance born of the philosophies of mutual cooperation and respect. He then allows Delenn to speak. Delenn speaks in further detail about the new Alliance: about the missions to improve lesser races, encourage free trade, and improve interspecies relations. On that last end, she publicly introduces the peacekeeping force of the new Alliance: the Rangers. As she speaks, the White Star fleet flies over Earth Dome. Delenn declares their role: to come in peace, stay only where invited, secure borders, control unlawful elements, and do so equally to all races. Their mission will be to create the peace. They will not intervene in matters between Alliance worlds, though they will freely exchange information so as to help settle them. The Interstellar Alliance will be an economic and political alliance: not a military one. Alliance members will be required to adhere to a code of a conduct in order to gain the benefits of membership. In return, the Alliance is opening the ranks of the Rangers to all member races so they will maintain a fair say. Finally, she invites the Earth Alliance to join the Alliance. President Luchenko meets with Delenn, Mollari, and G'Kar. Their proposal has caught her by surprise, and she is taking the time to let all the facts sink in. Mollari is candid enough to express his own misgivings, but he also notes that the Centauri have had enough of war. Luchenko stays frank and notes she's going to need to know what kinds of benefits Earth could stand to gain. Knowing this was coming, Delenn offers one key technology humans could really use: artificial gravity. It's the one technology common to aliens that humans have yet to crack. Luchenko admits it's a tempting offer. Then she asks to whom should she negotiate. There is little in the way of an executive structure in the nascent Alliance at present. The only position that is firmly established at this time is that of the President. General Foote accuses Sheridan of knowing of the forming of the Alliance and demands the certificate of amnesty. However, Sheridan counters by noting that copies have already been given to the press; the original is safe elsewhere. His main goal with the plea bargain was to protect everyone else; he took the fall for them as a true leader should. As he puts back on his Army of Light uniform, Sheridan admits knowing Delenn was planning something of the sort, as most of the structure and impetus had come in the aftermath of the Shadow War, but he hadn't completely banked on it being pulled off. He would've been happy to just retire, but as it stands, he now has another job offer. Delenn joins Sheridan in the hall, and she has brought someone with her: Sheridan's father, David Sheridan. He had spent a short time in captivity, but was quickly released after Sheridan was rescued: his captors realizing keeping him had become a liability. Sheridan's mother evaded capture and is safe in Minneapolis. David Sheridan is then formally introduced to Delenn, his future daughter-in-law. He is quite happy for them, and Delenn genuinely appreciates being accepted so openly. Just then, General Foote returns, explaining that President Luchenko wishes to speak to the new President of the Interstellar Alliance. ISN coverage continues. At another press conference, Sheridan is formally revealed to be the new President of the Interstellar Alliance. Luchenko has agreed to seek admission into the Alliance, although per the Constitution the Senate must confirm this. Then, Sheridan announces one more condition of Alliance membership: recognition of colonial sovereignty. If a colony world wishes to assume independence, it must be honored. In particular, this means that Earth must recognize the independence of Mars: fulfilling Sheridan's promise to the Mars Resistance. Garibaldi and Hampton-Edgars watch this news from a bedroom on Mars. Hampton-Edgars asks when he will have to return to Babylon 5. Garibaldi answers he can wait. Hampton-Edgars then notes she could use someone to help her run Edgars Industries, which she now owns as Edgars' widow. ISN continues with more news. One of Sheridan's last acts in Earthforce was to promote Susan Ivanova to full captain. Ivanova has in turn chosen to leave Babylon 5 and take command of a new Warlock-class destroyer for a shakedown cruise, citing personal reasons for leaving the station. She is quoted as saying, "I need to decide where my heart belongs before the rest of me can follow." Finally, ISN reports that Sheridan and Delenn were married in a private ceremony aboard a White Star en route to Babylon 5, which will be the temporary headquarters of the Interstellar Alliance until a permanent facility is built on Minbar. Aboard this same ship, Mollari turns off the news and talks with G'Kar about making history. G'Kar counters one survives history. They then muse about human marriage customs as G'Kar munches some rice. Mollari wistfully wishes he could peek in on the happy couple. Suddenly, Mollari realizes G'Kar is keeping his left eye closed, the one which normally houses his prosthetic eye. John Sheridan, President of the new Interstellar Alliance, returns to Babylon 5 together with his new wife, Delenn. As the two enter the station, they are greeted to loud applause and much jubiliation. Sheridan takes Michael Garibaldi and Stephen Franklin to task for setting it up since they know he hates pomp and circumstance. However, Garibaldi counters it can't be helped. Morgan Clark is dead, Earth is returned to its proper government, the ISA has been established, and now he and Delenn are married; there's more than enough reason to have one hell of a party. Londo then enters with G'Kar and muses how Centauri celebrations contrast to those of humans. Centauri state weddings are somber affairs whereas this level of celebration they reserve for state funerals. Indeed, Londo goes on to comment that his people consider it a bad omen for a wedding to be celebrated with such enthusiasm, which causes the others to walk away without reply much to his puzzlement. In private, Delenn herself has misgivings about all this celebration, but Sheridan assures her the excitement will pass soon. The big things is what they've done for the future of galaxy: a legacy that will endure for years to come, even if they themselves aren't remembered. ISN cameras display footage of them passing as part of a newsfeed, but the feed suddenly breaks up. Strangely, the view reports the breakup the result of a temporal distortion, revealing the footage to actually be the result of a time-based video recall system. A computer system resets to correct the error, and an unseen user resumes the current program: retrieving video records for the time period of 2262 to 3262. Accessing Historical Database -- Date of Record: 2 January 2262 The first record retrieved is an edition of ISN NIghtside, a late-night newscast that explores topics in depth. Tonight's topic is the transition to the new Intersteller Alliance. News anchor Derek Mitchell recalls how swiftly events have occurred in the last few weeks and dedicates tonight's newscast to taking time to pause and consider everything that's led up to the present day. From Babylon 5, correspondent Jim Bitterbane goes into a brief history of John Sheridan, describing his origins as the son of diplomat David Sheridan and his generally modest upbringing before going into his early Earthforce career which began shortly after the Dilgar War: nothing his distinctions during the Earth-Minbari War and the Mars Food Riots. Bitterbane then goes on to recognize that the Interstellar Alliance will be his greatest challenge yet as he will face the challenge of cementing an alliance of such disparate and sometimes hostile races. Returning to the studio, Mitchell now convenes a panel of experts to debate the issue: Senator Elizabeth Metarie from Earthdome, Leif Tanner from Mars, and political commentator Henry Ellis. Ellis is critical of Sheridan, thinking the Alliance to be doomed from the start, while Tanner stands generally neutral and says to allow time to judge Sheridan and the Alliance. Meanwhile, Metarie notes that Ellis was once a supporter for the Clark regime: a position that may be biasing his perceptions. Going to the question of whether or not the Alliance will make a difference, Tanner immediately cites a difference being made with his homeworld. Metarie is more reserved, noting the Sheridan has a lot to handle but past experience indicates his willingness and capability to handle the challenge. Ellis then makes a final note, and this time he has a serious criticism: how will an economic alliance be able to defend itself without a show of force--a show of force that could actually antagonize the member worlds? The video record ends and proceeds to another video record, and we see the face of the person viewing these records. Accessing Historical Database -- Date of Record: 2 January 2362 The second record retrieved is dated 100 years later. It is another newscast: this time a pure discussion. The previous record, from when the Alliance had just formed, raised points more about its future. In this one, with a century of experience behind it, the discussion delves more into the past. In particular, the discussion turns to the legacy of Sheridan and Delenn, as one of the panelists asks if their accomplishments are being overrated. One event in particular springs to the mind: a decision to house a group of rogue telepaths on the station. This resulted in unrest that eventually turned violent. They then display footage back from 2262, showing Medlab damaged, with sporadic fires, and housing a hostage: Garibaldi. He pleads with them to end the apparent crisis and try to negotiate. On a screen next to him, President Sheridan appears to announce that the ISA will not negotiate with hostage takers. From off-screen, someone raises a PPG, but the footage cuts out just as the trigger is pulled. Returning to the studio, the criticism of Sheridan continues, this time going into his mastery of public relations: at how he was able to make even his death a seeming spectacle to help cement support. As they then discuss Delenn, however, there is a surprise as someone else enters the studio: Delenn herself, well over a century old but still able to challenge the panelists with choice words, stating that perhaps they are the ones who are overrating themselves. The record ends with her last word, Goodbye. Accessing Historical Database -- Date of Record: 2 January 2762 This record is from 500 years in the future. With this much passage of time, Earth, as expected, has changed somewhat, if not always for the better. The record is taking place in a holographic studio being used to recreate the Conference Room aboard Babylon 5 as it appeared in 2262. The man's manner of speaking (reminiscent of Newspeak) hints that Earth is under the rule of an Orwellian regime that feels overly burdened by the conditions imposed by the Interstellar Alliance. The purpose of this session is to try to break Earth support for the Interstellar Alliance by deconstructing the key figures of that Alliance. He creates holographic replicas of Sheridan, Delenn, Garibaldi, and Franklin as they appeared in 2262. Wanting to proceed with this deconstruction gradually, he begins by programming the holograms with personalities consistent with the time frame on display. They are then animated, and he begins to converse with them. Having established they are stable, he begins to gradually modify their behavior so as to facilitate their deconstruction. But a problem emerges. The replica of Garibaldi is still programmed with his original personality: a very suspicious personality that can't help but snoop. As it turns out, the replica has figured out the truth: he and the others are holograms and are supposed to be manipulated so as to deconstruct them. The other replicas hear this and piece things together from memories inserted into them through the program. The Earth Alliance is facing an internal struggle over resources, and the ISA is becoming a point of friction, dividing the population into two practically equal sides. While the regime opposes the ISA, just as many - particularly among the Earth colonies - support it. This supposed recording session is intended as a propaganda weapon to be aired prior to an invasion by the regime. The man resets to the scene to a nondescript outer corridor, with various soldiers lined on either side. This time, he reprograms the Sheridan replica by force and makes them speak like a warmonger. Next, he recreates Medlab and reprograms the Franklin replica to act like he conducts genetic experimentation. But then, the Garibaldi replica starts acting on his own. He reveals that he knows the man's identity as Daniel and that he's aware this propaganda program is indeed meant to be the prelude to a surprise attack. Also, his AI programming has just broken free of the regime's programming, meaning he can't be turned off. In fact, he's managed to make contact with the ISA-loyal side and hinted at their plans. As a result, they've launched a counterattack. While the regime may be heartless enough to target civilians, this strike is only against military targets. As it so happens, though, the studio on which they stand is on a military installation. Daniel panics and flees, while Garibaldi bids his holographic friends, "Rest easy, friends." There is a massive explosion and the record ends. Accessing Historical Database -- Date of Record: 2 January 3262 This record, set 1,000 from when the search began, appears to be very strange. It begins with what appears to be a monk adjusting a video camera (identified by the Roman numeral II). The room he is in is anachronistic: more like something out of the year 1262 than 3262. The monk begins recording but then has to answer the door. In steps an acolyte. As he moves, a system switches cameras accordingly (each one briefly identified again by a Roman numeral). The newcomer, Brother Micheal, has some question for the monk who he identifies as Brother Alwyn. Brother Michael appears to be having trouble because this particular monastery isn't being accepted by Rome. It seems this particular one is tasking itself with record-keeping, as the Great Burn destroyed most of the technological and historical record on Earth (the Great Burn apparently being the aftermath of the Second Earth Alliance Civil War that started at the end of the previous record). Brother Michael has trouble accepting the words he is reading: words which apparently recount Sheridan and company in a manner similar to the Bible. This is particularly problematic for him as his task as a scribe is to copy these words. Most worrying for him is the prophecy that the Rangers will one day come to restore Earth's lost knowledge. Brother Alwyn tries to reassure Brother Michael by pointing out that one needs both reason and faith to survive. Also, given that people distrust science because of the Great Burn, perhaps the Rangers are walking among them in secret: waiting for the day when the people can once again trust science. His faith restored, Brother Michael leaves. Once alone, Brother Alwyn walks up camera II and reveals himself to be Ranger Alwyn Macomber: walking among the people just as described. He makes a report on the current situation and briefly opens his wardrobe where he keeps his Ranger uniform. Ever since the Great Burn, the Rangers have been working to rehabilitate Earth civilization. It has been a very slow and tedious process (Brother Alwyn hints that now may be a good time time to reintroduce gasoline) intended to help re-acclimate the people still on Earth to contact with space again: only with a more accepting mindset. He also notes to keep Brother Michael under watch with regards for potential recruitment.  With a final Ranger salute, the record ends. The computer reports that all records that could be retrieved for a period of 1 million years have been gathered and archived. The watcher instructs the computer to carry these records to New Earth, where he will also be proceeding shortly. The computer reminds him to hurry as the Sun won't remain stable for long. Before he leaves, the watcher comments on how Earth will end swallowed in fire but not in darkness, remarking about how the human race has managed to create the world they believe their ancestors would've wanted for their descendants; and now is about to leave their ancestral home, forever, but will always remember it. As he finishes, he morphs into an energy form and enters an encounter suit: revealing the human race has evolved to a non-corporeal form similar to the Vorlons. His ship,which bears the symbol of the Anla'shok, leaves the system as the Sun finally destabilizes and goes nova: consuming the humans' ancestral home in its flames. The scene changes to Sheridan and Delenn's bedroom, back in 2262. A restless Sheridan muses about what kind of legacy they will leave behind. Will they be remembered in 100 years? Or 1,000 years? Delenn replies it doesn't matter. They did what they did because it was the right thing to do. History itself will be the ultimate judge. Delenn is awoken by a message from Minbar. It is Ruell, a member of the Minbari bureaucracy who asks, due to a message she sent, if there has been a problem and would like a replacement assistant sent as quickly as possible. Delenn is confused. She has sent no message and demanded no replacement. She then learns that Lennier has made arrangements to return to Minbar in her name. His return is indefinite. Meanwhile, Londo Mollari yells at Zack Allan in a cargo-bay for holding up a shipment of bottles of Brivari. Vir Cotto tries to talk Mollari down, to no avail. Allan declares that there has been an infestation recently, so there will have to be a three-day impound on the beverage. Mollari is outraged, pointing out that Brivari has such a delicate flavor it will be ruined if not immediately stored in proper temperature. Cotto persuades his superior to let him handle it, but while he tries to reason with Allan, Mollari sneaks a drink from one of the bottles, then promptly drops it and falls to the floor. Cotto and Allan rush to his side, Allan calling Medlab on his Link. Mollari is rushed to Medlab on a gurney, Cotto following. Franklin meets them and asks Cotto about the circumstances of Mollari's poisoning. Security has taken the bottles for chemical analysis. Franklin rushes to Mollari, helping the other medical staff stabilize the ambassador. Cotto looks on, afraid. Lennier arrives in Delenn's quarters, delivering her schedule. She interrupts, wanting to know when he was going to tell her of his departure, then demanding a reason for his leaving. Lennier no longer feels needed in Delenn's life, stating that Sheridan is now her other half and he is simply in the way, blaming neither of them. He has decided to join the Rangers. The loss of Marcus has filled him with a need to join the Anla'shok. At the Zocalo, Garibaldi informs Cotto that Mollari is in critical condition. Cotto starts to cause a scene, but Garibaldi calmly assures him that it was not poison after all. It was a heart attack (specifically his left). Elsewhere, Franklin tells Sheridan that in Centauri the left heart cleanses the blood and, because of its structure, is very hard to operate on. Franklin is concerned that if Mollari does not revive in the next twenty-four hours, he may not survive at all. In Medlab, Delenn watches over Mollari. Sheridan arrives, asking if there have been any changes. There have not. Sheridan and Delenn both remark that this is the most quiet Mollari has ever been. In spite of herself, Delenn feels saddened at his weakness. Sheridan brings up Lennier, but Delenn says that Lennier must go his own way. Sheridan and Delenn then leave to sleep, Delenn wishing the still-unconscious Mollari luck. In Mollari's mind, he dreams of wandering through Brown Sector as he hears Delenn's words and searches for her. He finds a veiled woman at a table who sounds like Delenn and sits with her. She reads his past in tarot cards. The deck of cards begins to bleed, the woman telling him that he is dying. Mollari remarks that it might be better this way, remembering the vision of himself and G'Kar strangling each other on Centauri Prime in the future, and thinking of the fact that no one back home would care if he lived or died. The woman asks again: does he want to live. Mollari says yes, but she tells him it is not enough. She gives him a bloodied card and tells him that a word will save him, but does not reveal what that word is. Mollari sees a pulsating red grate and opens it, revealing a red material inside that beats like a heart. In the Zocalo, Lennier and Cotto meet, Cotto commenting on how neither of them can sleep. They discuss what Vir is drinking: what the Earthers call a Shirley Temple, confusing the drink with a non-existent temple. Cotto says goodbye to Lennier, each wishing the other a safe journey and hugging. Cotto wanders through the Zocalo and corridors of Babylon 5 alone. Mollari, in his dream-world, moves through the station as well, now in Red Sector. He finds the Zocalo empty with empty bottles at the bar and sardonically comments on the obvious symbolism. He talks to Sheridan (dressed in his old Earthforce uniform) about being dead. Sheridan says he was not dead long, but he does not have a taste for it. Mollari tells the story of his first wife, the dancer, and how he was dead to his family when he told them about her. How dead he felt inside when he had to leave her. He laments at the empty bottles at the bar. Sheridan (now only in the white shirt beneath the Earthforce jacket) and Mollari walk through the empty Zocalo, Mollari noting Sheridan's twenty-year limit. Sheridan (in the black Minbari Rebirth uniform) says it is about what he does with that time. Mollari laments that he is wasted his time. Sheridan (in the Ranger One robes) that Mollari merely has to turn around if he wants to live. Mollari is afraid, knowing without turning around that G'Kar is behind him. Sheridan (now in a white, hooded robe) leaves Mollari, turning into an orb of light. In Medlab, Mollari detereorates as Franklin decides to shock his system to try to stabilize him. It causes Mollari pain, but keeps him alive. His condition is still worsening. Franklin sits beside Mollari's bed and waits. Cotto joins him in what he calls the death watch. In his dream, Mollari begs to the Great Maker. He does not want to die. Cotto joins him, saying that he is afraid. Mollari says he does not have any choice in the matter, his vital signs weakening. Alarms go off in Medlab. Mollari still refuses to turn around. G'Kar waits. Mollari still fears his dream. In Medlab, Mollari begins to seize. Franklin calls the staff for help as Cotto watches anxiously through a window. Then to his surprise G'Kar joins him, looking on without comment as Mollari convulses on the bed. In the dream, Cotto tells Mollari he would miss him if he dies. Mollari admits he would miss himself as well, and finally turns around to face G'Kar. G'Kar speaks, telling Mollari that it is time. Now they end this. Mollari is dying in the Medlab. In Mollari's dream, G'Kar confronts him in the emperor's throne room on Centauri Prime, telling him that he fears power. Mollari remembers the invasion of the Narn homeworld. G'Kar confronts Mollari about the invasion and how he stood by and said nothing. Mollari turns to G'Kar and finds himself in the room where G'Kar was tortured by electro-whip. There too, G'Kar points out, Mollari said nothing. Only one word is required for Mollari to live. Mollari sees himself chained to a whipping post now, G'Kar (dressed as Cartagia) watching as he is tortured by electro-whip. In Medlab, Franklin desperately tries to save Mollari. Mollari, in the dream, cries out at the thirty-ninth stroke as G'Kar had done. Mollari cries that he does not want to die. G'Kar laughs at him, telling Mollari that he is not sorry for what he did, he is sorry for getting caught. G'Kar demands the word. Mollari says he has never apologized in his life. Mollari sees the pulsing red material in the floor again, covered in glass. Mollari pounds on it, shouting that he is sorry, and the glass shatters. His heart stabilizes. Mollari awakens to find G'Kar at the window alongside Cotto watching him. He tearfully says to the Narn that he is sorry. G'Kar smiles and leaves. Cotto looks at Mollari in shock. In Medlab afterwards, Mollari is in good spirits again, sitting up in his bed and complaining to a visiting Cotto about the hospital food. Cotto tells Mollari that he will have to follow Dr. Franklin's orders to improve his diet and avoid stress if he wishes to fully recover. Mollari switches the subject and discusses with Cotto on certain Centauri legends he has been been reading about lately. Cotto, who has also heard the stories, tells about how a great and noble spirit trapped in the body of a monster can attempt to cause the death of that body in order to escape. Cotto quickly adds that if the person subjected to the spirit's trial manages to survive, the experience may change him forever, at least according to the folklore. Mollari ponders the implications. Lennier leaves the station, telling Delenn that he could never say goodbye. He is Delenn's forever; heart, body, and soul. He hopes to come back a better person, but Delenn tells him that it is impossible, calling him a dear friend. Lennier departs. Sheridan joins Delenn and they depart together. Lennier's shuttle leaves the station to one of the White Stars. In a meeting of the burgeoning ISA, several of the former Non-Aligned Worlds, led by the Drazi ambassador, refuse to sign the Declaration of Principles, demanding technological advances immediately. Later, Garibaldi meets Sheridan and they discuss how things are not going well. G'Kar is taking the refusal personally, as he wrote the Declaration himself. Garibaldi says that they need to get the attention of the Non-Aligned Worlds with a show of force. Morality will just have to take care of itself. Meanwhile, an alien world is under attack by Raiders. A Ranger arrives, promising to take the story of their struggle back to Babylon 5. Garibaldi watches as Sheridan, Delenn, G'Kar, and Mollari try to figure out aid distribution to various worlds in order to get them to sign the Declaration. G'Kar is distracted, trying to rephrase sections of the Declaration to appease different species, while Mollari calls for a drink. Sheridan is skeptical about the power of a rewrite. An exasperated Mollari tells them to offer his body, which G'Kar seconds, but then the Narn is hit with an inspiration from his muse. Sheridan asks Garibaldi what he thinks and he says that they should have telepaths gather covert intelligence, using the rogues hidden on Babylon 5. Sheridan agrees to let Garibaldi ask. Garibaldi searches for Byron downbelow. None of the telepaths there want to talk to him, but he persuades them to let him speak to Byron. Byron's already sensed Garibaldi's proposal and says no, rather pointedly at that. Byron then lectures Garibaldi on the hardships of being a telepath and sends him on his way. White Star 90 arrives through the jump gate, needing emergency medical assistance. It is the Ranger from the alien world, badly hurt. In Medlab, Franklin tells Delenn that the Ranger is severely hurt and will only survive a few hours at best. They have no idea why he came or who did this to them. Delenn says that they need a telepath to scan him, and quickly. Lyta scans the Ranger and discovers the plight of the aliens from the Raiders. The aliens have decided to fight back and it is not going well for them. They wish to join the Alliance, offering to share stores of knowledge that they posess. Lyta then sees the Ranger and talks to him. He worries that he's dying and tells Lyta that the people on the alien world are good people and that he wants his death to be good, to have meaning. Lyta sees him enter a white jumpgate in one of the Medlab doors and he dies. Delenn tells Sheridan about the aliens, who are called the Enphili. The situation requires the show of force that Garibaldi predicted. The Alliance are obligated, because of the Declaration, to interfere. Sheridan's worried because the Raiders trashed White Star 90, implying superior firepower, and wonders how many ships to send. Delenn says that they should make a show of it and send every White Star they can spare. Sheridan calls for the White Stars, who assemble to pick a fight. Sheridan speaks to the Drazi Ambassador about the Enphili to get his government's permission to aid the Enphili. The Drazi Ambassador leaves, followed by Byron. Garibaldi finds Lyta in a restaurant, telling her that he has a job for her. Lyta is still thinking of what she saw in the Ranger's mind when he died, saying that she's not supposed to know what he saw, no one is supposed to know. She describes it to Garibaldi, saying that a piece of her soul went with the Ranger when he died. She feels like she's partially empty now for what she saw, something she's only ever seen twice. Other Telepaths she knew who had seen it multiple times were never the same. That's how Bester became the way he is. Garibaldi tries to get Lyta to convince Byron to help with the intelligence effort, but she is less than interested. Garibaldi promises that it'll be the last favor he'll ever ask of her (until the next one), and she agrees to help. G'Kar leaves the now-dark Alliance meeting room, still seemingly unsatisfied with the Declaration. Sheridan, in bed, cannot sleep. He moves to a chair, but someone at the door interrupts him. There is a package outside, which Sheridan opens. It's a scroll. Delenn joins him and they discuss how difficult the Enphili situation is going to be. The scroll is the opening of the Declaration, which Sheridan begins to read. As G'Kar's voice take over the reading (as narration), White Stars amass for the attack, the Enphili sit and wait at a campfire, and Franklin composes a letter to the dead Ranger's family. Sheridan finishes the reading of the scroll as Lyta finds Byron. Byron confronts Lyta about keeping out all of the telepaths. She asks about Garibaldi's proposal. He begins lecturing her on how she takes orders and that she deserves better. He tells her that the telepaths must help each other by caring for one another, demanding to know if it matters to Lyta if he helps Garibaldi. She does and he agrees to aid Garibaldi's intelligence gathering force. Before Lyta can leave, Byron tells her that the Drazi are setting a trap for the White Stars. Lyta tells Sheridan and Garibaldi that the Drazi were behind the attacks on the Enphili in the first place, aiding and equipping the Raiders from the start. She warns them of the trap being set and that the Enphili homeworld is going to be attacked in retaliation. Sheridan tells Garibaldi to get the White Stars there first at top speed. Sheridan thanks Lyta, which she takes to heart. As Raider ships moves towards the Enphili camp, the Enphili watch as dozens of jump points open, White Stars coming to their rescue. Sheridan makes a public display to all of the worlds showing the rescue of the Enphili, making a point of shaming the Drazi ambassador, telling him that they are planning to blast the enemy fleet out of the sky, knowing it is the Drazi who will arrive. The Drazi ambassador pleads with the Alliance, saying that they fought together during the Shadow War. Sheridan says that it is up to the other worlds to decide. They allow the Drazi ambassador to warn his people. Sheridan makes it a point towards signing the Declaration and demands that they sign it. The ambassadors agree and the signing begins as Lyta watches on. Sheridan sits, holding the Declaration, looking unhappy. Delenn joins him, remarking at the pile of signed Declarations in front of him. She laments that his celebration is so somber. Sheridan is unhappy that both of their problems were solved by telepaths and that Garibaldi might be right. G'Kar arrives, saying that they have to sign it again. The Declaration has undergone a new revision and is better. Skeptical at first, Sheridan and Delenn take a brief glance at it and have to agree. G'Kar runs off, the scrolls in tow. Delenn tells Sheridan that he was going to talk to Garibaldi about the telepath situation and Sheridan worries about it. Back in Brown Sector, Lyta returns to Byron and they talk about his ideas some more, Lyta intrigued. She follows him to one of their meetings. A satellite floats through hyperspace. It is destroyed by passing ships. On Babylon 5, Lochley is awakened by her Link. Corwin calls her about the destroyed probe. She joins him on the Command Deck. She informs the crew that the attackers are looking for vulnerable worlds. They have to convince then that B5 isn't vulnerable. She tells Corwin to set aside a lifepod for Sheridan and Delenn, saying that she'll shove him in there personally if it's necessary. Several of the Starfury wings launch for standby alert. Meanwhile, two maintenance technicians lament that it's always them who clean up the messes and go about their business. The maintenance men watch as Lochley and Sheridan argue about their staying on the station. Lochley convinces Sheridan to ready himself to prepare to enter the lifepod. The men (Bo and Mack) talk about how they admire Sheridan for being in the trenches like a real person. They agree that he's a good man. Then they decide to grab some lunch. They discuss their lunches. Bo has procured salami, while Mack eats a spoo sandwich. They trade a half of each. Bo finds the spoo revolting. A warning comes over the speakers and their lunch is interrupted. Franklin tells the Medlab staff to clear space for patients. Bo repairs a console in Medlab, which leads to a discussion about why Franklin would want to save one of their potential enemies. Franklin tells the story of why he became a doctor instead of the life of a career soldier that his whole family expected of him. Franklin told the story of how his father was saved by a doctor and knew that he wanted to be like that doctor, a man who saves life. Mack is sent to command to repair a faulty secondary targeting console. The attacking ships arrive and, while Mack keeps fixing the computer, the battle begins. The battle continues. Corwin and Lochley scramble the station codes to prevent hacking. Mack repairs the secondary weapons in time to destroy the last of the invaders. It's revealed that the problem was an alien bug. Lochley tells Corwin that the rest of the attackers will be on their way. Lochley decides to have a talk with Garibaldi. Mack meets up with Bo and they talk about Lochley. Mack talks about how tough she is, but Bo doesn't trust her because she was on the Clark side of the Earth Civil War. Mack defends her. They remark about Ivanova's departure. They head to Brown 9. Lochley and Garibaldi enter the elevator and they argue about the attackers. Bo and Mack watch them leave. In hyperspace, the attack fleet moves towards the station. Bo and Mack talk about how impossible it is to heat up the jumpgate, so it's impossible to shut it down during attacks. They're then called to the Sanctuary as Lochley issues a message warning that the attack has begun on the station. Bo and Mack finish work on the Sanctuary as the fight rages outside. They rest and watch as the ships fight and talk about the pilots fighting out there. A White Star arrives to help the fighting. A breaching pod moves towards the station. An alarm goes out, warning of an impending boarding party. The men end up trapped in a tube, which opens onto the fight between security and the attackers. They help in the fight, but Zack tells them to get out of there. They oblige, getting cover fire from the security chief. They end up with Byron and his telepaths. He tells Bo and Mack that they are safe. Byron discusses the energy released when a person dies as the telepaths pass the helmet of one of the attackers around, feeling his hopes and fears and expectations. One of the attackers arrives, but the telepaths use their powers to make him leave. There's an explosion that rocks the station and Mack worries about a breach. Bo says that he wishes he could be out there with one of the pilots. Byron uses his powers to send Bo out into the fight, showing him a pilot's-eye view of the action. Bo and Mack leave. They find themselves in a shelter, where they witness Londo Mollari and G'Kar bicker about the lack of White Stars and the Universe's hatred of Londo. G'Kar notes that the shelter (with the sound of explosions) is the closest thing he has to a home due to childhood memories of the Centauri occupation of his world. Londo admits he never had a childhood, trapped in duty and form and protocol. G'Kar laments that Londo is carrying his shelter with him. Londo leaves and G'Kar joins him. Mack muses how the two sound like a married couple. The second wave of ships comes through the gate. The station takes heavy damage and Bo and Mack are called in to help deal with a fire in Red Sector. They walk past Sheridan and Delenn. Sheridan tells them to escort Delenn to the first available lifepod. Sheridan leaves to help deal with the situation. Bo calls to Delenn, leading her away. As they walk, Delenn asks Mack his name. Mack is surprised and they discuss their history working on the station. She admires them, calling them Worker Caste and they agree. Delenn persuades them (describing how she would sabotage the lifepod should Babylon 5 fall) to allow her to leave on her own way. She leaves and they hear a sound. A fleet of White Stars arrive to aid the station, driving back the attackers. Bo and Mack celebrate. Bo says that Babylon 5 is bigger than him, it's bigger than anyone. Mack agrees. They discuss God and mothers and the purpose of Babylon 5 and what it takes to survive there. It sounds like the fighting has stopped, so Bo and Mack get up and go back on their rounds. At a shelter, they complain about all of the work they have coming up in the wake of the fighting but walk past Franklin in a room of dead people. He's checking each body one last time, making sure they really are dead. Sobered, Bo remarks that they don't have to clean up all the mess. Meanwhile, the camera zooms in on one dead pilot, who is discovered to be the one that Byron sent Bo in. Corwin reports to Lochley that progress on repairs is steady and that the attackers won't be back as none of them survived. Mack arrives, telling Lochley that "she's okay in his book." Lochley seems to take this to heart. They walk past Sheridan and Delenn. Delenn remembers their names, smiling to them as she and Sheridan walk off. Mack says he's in love and they walk off together, remarking about the rise in cost of spoo. Delenn summons two of the Anla'Shok's elders to Babylon 5, while a new arrival in Down Below attempts to consolidate control of the underworld. A new underworld boss tries to take control of Down Below. When Tannier, a Ranger trainee, interferes with the criminals' plans to assassinate Zack, he is gravely wounded. Delenn refuses to allow station security to pursue the attackers - as part of his training, Tannier himself must confront them, and learn the use of terror. Garibaldi's suspicions about Lochley continue to grow. Meanwhile, Garibaldi wants more information on Lochley's background and so does Delenn, who suspects that there may be more to Lochley's relationship with Sheridan than anyone is letting on. In response to the attack on Tannier, several Rangers come to the station and locate the underworld boss and his group. They take out the group and leave Tannier, partially recovered, to face the boss alone. The Rangers watch, with the two elders providing instructions to the other Ranger apprentices during the battle. Tannier defeats the boss, who is taken into custody by security. The episode ends with Sheridan revealing to Delenn about his relationship with Lochley, though what that relationship is remains unsaid on screen. Delenn encounters Lochley and informs the captain that Sheridan told her about Sheridan and Lochley's relationship. Garibaldi overhears the exchange, but as the exact nature of the relationship was unspoken, he is still in the dark. Alfred Bester arrives on the station with telepath bloodhounds, special Psi Corps telepaths designed to hunt down rogue telepaths. Garibaldi barges into the captain's office, where Bester and Lochley are having a discussion. After attempting to assault Bester, Lochley has Garibaldi confined to the brig. Bester then proceeds to hunt the rogue telepaths. Despite Lyta's attempt to protect the colony, and with the reluctant assistance of station security, the bloodhounds track down and round up all of the telepaths. Meanwhile, Delenn and G'Kar ask Franklin to serve as the Interstellar Alliance's leading doctor on interspecies contamination and invite him to produce texts on the subject. Meanwhile, in the brig, Lochley reveals to Garibaldi that she was chosen to command Babylon 5 because Sheridan trusted her and she trusted Sheridan. This trust developed because they were married briefly, many years before. Lochley is able to prevent Bester from taking the rogue telepaths using an obscure medical policy requiring individuals who had been in unknown space to remain in quarantine for 60 days prior to entering Earth space. Delenn invites G'Kar to serve as Londo's personal bodyguard as Londo prepares to return to Centauri Prime. G'Kar and Londo reluctantly agree to the proposal. Lyta enters the room where the telepaths are after their emanicpation, listens to them singing about home and freedom, then takes off her Psi Corps badge and joins them. More rogue telepaths arrive on the station. Zack talks with Lyta about it, raising a warning about Byron. Lyta tells Zach that she would follow Byron into hell, smiling if he asked her to because she believes in him and his cause, and he has helped her feel cared for. Non-telepaths accost Byron, who does not resist and the accosters back down. Later, the same accosters attack a lone telepath, nearly killing him. In response, some of the rogue telepaths find one of the men and project images of fire into his mind until he passes out. Byron tries to stop them, but fails. Zach takes Byron into custody as a result. While Byron is in custody some of the telepaths find the lead accoster and kill him. Meanwhile, Franklin convinces the Hyach to provide him with medical information as part of his ongoing project to create a genetic compilation of all Alliance members. He discovers that the Hyach have erased or buried all history prior to 800 years ago. After some research, he discovers that the Hyach had simultaneously evolved on their planet with another intelligent species, the Hyach-Doh. The two species lived in harmony for millennia, but then 1,200 years ago the Hyach decided to begin an extermination program. The Hyach-Doh were eventually eradicated, but it wasn't until several centuries later that the Hyach discovered that the Hyach-Doh were essential to the survival of the Hyach. As a result, the Hyach are a dying people. Franklin refuses to help them find a solution due to the sins of the ancestors but consents to a multiplanetary research group when the Hyach agree to disclose their past. After Byron is released from the brig, he and Lyta return to his quarters. There, they make love to each other. As part of the process, Byron discovers that the telepaths were created by the Vorlons for use in the war against the Shadows. Byron then gathers the rogue telepaths together and shares what he learned. He vows to make the members of the Alliance pay for what the Vorlons had done by making the Alliance members give the rogue telepaths their own homeworld. Lochley agrees to sell part of Babylon 5 to the Brakiri for a night. This is for their Day of the Dead ceremony, which happens only once every two hundred years. G'Kar warns Lochley against the transaction, saying that strange things are rumored to have happened, but she ignores him. A comedic troop, Reno and Zooty, come to Babylon 5 and are hosted by Sheridan and Delenn. During the Day of the Dead, Garibaldi sees Dodger (from the season 2 episode GROPOS). They talk about life, Lise, and other things generally. Lochley sees Zoe (someone from Lochley's past). They talk about Zoey's death, what Lochley did after, and Zoey gives Lochley a message for Sheridan. Londo sees Adira. Lennier sees Mr. Morden, who tells Lennier that he will betray the Rangers. After the Day of the Dead, Lochley and Sheridan are trying to figure out what happened, and Lochley says she doesn't know and is fine with a little mystery. She then says she has a message for Sheridan from Kosh. Garibaldi provides a report to Sheridan and Delenn that cargo transports are being destroyed by an unknown force. Byron's followers lurk near alien ambassadors and learn secrets from them. Londo and G'Kar return to Centauri Prime. While there, Lord Jaro warns Londo of strange happenings with ships and other Centauri supplies, as well as the mysterious absence of the Regent. Later that night, Jaro sees the Regent, who appears delusional. Something attacks Jaro. Jaro is found dead in what appears to be a suicide, but neither Londo nor G'Kar believe it. Byron presents an ultimatum to the Alliance: give the telepaths a homeworld or the telepaths would reveal all the secrets gathered from the alien ambassadors. Londo is nearly assasinated, but the blade's course is altered midair and returns back to the assassin. A dark figure with large red eyes disappears behind a door. A telepath is accosted, and a few fellow telepaths go to his rescue, beating up his accosters. Londo meets with the Regent, who warns him that darkness is coming. Zack asks Sheridan for permission to arrest all of the telepaths; Sheridan agrees. Some of the telepaths choose to go and fight, leaving Byron behind with the rest of the telepaths. Londo decides to return to Babylon 5 immediately. Byron and Lyta share a night in bed. The telepath conflict escalates with the ones outside of Brown Sector taking hostages in Medlab. Garibaldi confronts Bester and threatens to kill him unless he confesses to telepathically reprogramming him to betray Sheridan and Edgars. Bester refuses and explains that he has placed a mental block prohibiting Garibaldi from actually harming him. Byron sneaks out of Brown sector and ends the hostage situation in Medlab. He offers to surrender, along with all the telepaths who engaged in violence, provided that the rest be allowed safe passage off the station. Sheridan agrees, but Bester refuses to accept the situation and bursts in as they are surrendering, provoking a confrontation which ends with Byron and those who took up arms committing suicide. Lyta arranges for the remaining telepaths to leave the station safely and go underground. Garibaldi takes up drinking again. Delenn is having a sleepless night. Just then, a device on the bedstand beside her begins to glow and beep. She quietly silences it and rises to leave. Sheridan feels her getting up and asks what's heppening. She says she is restless in anticipation of the meeting tomorrow and wishes to double-check on some things. This satisfies Sheridan and he goes back to sleep, leaving Delenn alone to carry out a covert task. She goes to a noisy nightclub. A man tries to solicit her and refuses to take no for an answer until she casually breaks his finger. He tries to chase her, but another hooded figure fights and subdues him. It is Lennier. Delenn has summoned him. Lennier asks why the covert meeting, and Delenn explains that she is attempting utmost secrecy for fear of a leak. She isn't even telling her husband because the mission will be dangerous, and Sheridan would be reluctant to send him. Given the recent evidence that the Centauri Republic are attacking Interstellar Alliance transports, she is reassigning Lennier to a training session aboard White Star 27 near the edge of Centauri space. Lennier knows Centauri better than other Anla'shok, so he would be better able to detect warning signs of an attack. He needs to gather concrete evidence of Centauri involvement so they can confront the Republic. Lennier prepares to leave at once, in spite of Delenn's requests to stay for a while. He then tells her of Morden's visit during the Day of the Dead and the revelation that he would betray them someday. Vir Cotto returns to Londo's quarters overloaded with bags from a huge shopping trip. Londo is curious why Vir was shopping now when Vir could've bought food for himself while Londo was away. Vir then confesses that he ate at McBari's. Londo admonishes Vir for eating junk food, which Centauri physiology can't even tolerate, but Vir notes that while it may come back up, it still tastes so good going down. Just then, an alarm beeps in the quarters. It's Londo's bug detector. A probe reveals a bug attached to a bag from a Drazi fruit merchant. Londo spreads a little misinformation in reprise before breaking it. Then he notes Vir will have to be more careful if he wishes to be worthy of his new job as Centauri Ambassador to Babylon 5. Lennier reports to White Star 27, known more personally as Maria by its captain, Enrique Montoya. Lennier also meets Findell, a fellow trainee who notes that Montoya is a good teacher if a little unconventional. Maria sets out for the edge of Centauri space. Meanwhile, G'Kar is beaming to learn that his permanent prosthetic eye has finally arrived. He can't help but talk about so, so Sheridan decides to proceed with due speed. The Drazi ambassador reports of another attack on their shipping lines, and they have developed a hypothesis on the culprit. Sheridan advises against vigilante action, but the ambassador counters their hypothesis points to someone close to them: someone they might be willing to cover. Sheridan acknowledges the ambassador's candor and re-iterates no stone will be left unturned, but they need proof, not conjecture. Just then, Londo enters and tells everyone in the room about the bug while discretely calling out the Drazi for planting it. As the Drazi ambassador leaves, G'Kar discretely motions to keep an eye on him; Sheridan nods as he realizes the Drazi are reaching the same conclusions as they. Findell locates Lennier. Captain Montoya wishes the two of them to scout around in fighters once they jump out of hyperspace. Findell notes Montoya's reticence, and he and Lennier start a discussion about the differences between Human and Minbari thinking. Dr. Franklin replaces G'Kar's prosthetic eye. For the first time in over a year, G'Kar can look in a mirror and see two nice red Narn eyes look back. As he operates, Franklin notes he's been trying to read G'Kar's book; as a Foundationist, any new viewpoints on religion and philosophy interest him. He asks to look in on one of his discussions, and G'Kar agrees. Maria jumps back into normal space, and Lennier and Findell leave to scout the area. Shortly thereafter, however, Maria jumps back into hyperspace. Worse, their air supply is only good for another hour, and they're days from civilization. Findell begins to show signs of panic, but Lennier suspects they'd been called away on an emergency. Lennier suggests staying put for their return and meditating to conserve air. Unfortunately, Findell never got the technique down. Franklin attends G'Kar's next session with keen interest. G'Kar talks about the search for God and uses the metaphor of a shining lamp, using it to describe how people perceive themselves, God, and so on, and how they may come to false conclusions depending on where they stand or look in relation to that light. However, some of the Narns in attendance don't seem to get the lesson. After nearly an hour, Findell is nearly out of air and is on the verge of panic when Maria returns. In debriefing, Montoya explains that a situation such as theirs can happen in a battle. He also compliments Lennier for his prudent course of action: conserve resources and maintain position for easier retrieval. Vir confronts the Drazi fruit merchant in the Zocalo. However, the Drazi starts belittling Vir. After all, he'd historically been known as very timid and submissive. Unable to respond to that, Vir leaves to return to Londo's quarters and take Londo's coutari from the wall, to Londo's astonishment, which he then uses to hack the fruit stand to pieces and hold the Drazi at swordpoint, demanding an apology. Sufficiently cowed, the Drazi complies and gets a face full of grapes in reply. Security soon surrounds him, and chief Zack Allan asks a grinning Londo what happened. Londo proudly proclaims, "Now he is ready to be the Ambassador for the Centauri!" The next morning, aboard Maria, Montoya summons Lennier, Findell, and two other trainees to the bridge. Their next training session is an "Easter egg hunt": a test of their maneuvering skills in tight, unpredictable quarters. They are each to take a fighter into a nearby asteroid belt and seek out and destroy 10 short-range beacons scattered among the fast-moving and highly-dangerous chunks of ice and rock. However, to promote competition, there are only 39 beacons total; someone will fail the mission. After the briefing, Findel confesses that he didn't want to be a Ranger but felt compelled because two of his family, both Rangers, fell during the Shadow War; it fell to him to take up their legacies. Lennier cautions that Rangers should only join because they want to join. The exercise begins. Lennier takes an early lead, but then Findell runs into trouble. He can't score a hit; when Findell doesn't respond Lennier and Montoya quickly realize he's snapping: contemplating suicide. On a private channel, Lennier tries to talk Findell out of it. When that doesn't work, Lennier is forced to override the friend-or-foe system and manually target Findell's fighter, knocking it off its suicide course. Later, Montoya berates Lennier for the friendly fire incident and fails Lennier for the mission; he also gives Findell a neutral grade due to the interference. In light of events, Montoya decides to reassign Findell to recruiting duties. His new job will be to screen candidates to make sure they want to join the Rangers. After Findell leaves, Montoya secretly thanks Lennier for saving Findell and points out that a White Star can listen in on any fighter in its complement: even the private channel. Over dinner in Sheridan and Delenn's quarters, Zack recounts the story of Vir's outburst. After the incident, Security took him in and questioned him but didn't bother to put him in the brig. The event had been sparked by a diplomatic incident, after all, and the Drazi didn't want word of their bugging Londo's quarters getting out. Sheridan, Delenn, and Franklin laugh at the story and at how proud Londo had been at Vir's coming of age: his ability to actually respond like a proper Centauri to intimidation. Sheridan then muses that he had half-hoped the Drazi had bugged Londo's quarters in the hopes of learning more about the connection between the Centauri and the raiders. But Delenn notes that Londo's not involved. Franklin then deduces that whatever is happening is going around him: the Prime Minister. That means the Royal Court is involved: most likely the Regent. Sheridan notes that time is against them. The other worlds will only wait for so long: a month tops. If they go vigilante, the Alliance will unravel into another war. Everyone then notes the absence of Michael Garibaldi. As it turns out, Garibaldi is succumbing to the stress of his job. He's crawled right back into the bottle, lying on the floor in a drunken stupor. A shuttle brings Ambassador G'Kar, now alone, back to Babylon 5. Captain Elizabeth Lochley is there to greet him on his arrival, figuring a friendly face would be a welcome sight for him. G'Kar admits, for the first time in his life, he has grown to show considerable pity for new Emperor Londo Mollari. In particular, he agrees with Mollari's earlier sentiment that power is like a chain: the more one has, the less freedom one has to do as one desires. Then the talk goes towards his own affairs. G'Kar is wondering whether his people's adulation of him before his going to Centuri Prime will have abated, considering his voluntary action in serving the hated Mollari as his bodyguard. At this, Lochley is evasive. She mentions a few Narns are waiting in Customs. A few turns out to be around fifty, all of whom raise banners and chant G'Kar's name upon his arrival. When G'Kar begins to speak, they all kneel in anticipation. It would appear that the Narns' worship of G'Kar has grown in his absence. Doctor Stephen Franklin tries to summon Michael Garibaldi to a meeting. Problem is, Garibaldi has been drinking again and has lost track of time. He eventually arrives, but it becomes quite obvious to everyone present that he is in no condition to work. Everyone else steps outside but President John Sheridan asks Michael to wait inside. The discussion outside takes a long time: the closeness of their relationship clashing with the extent of his descent. Finally, Sheridan walks back inside alone. Garibaldi comes clean and admits he's a mess, but Sheridan replies they haven't decided to fire him yet. Sheridan notes that everyone else had suspected he'd been back in the bottle for some time and, partly to their detriment, had hoped they were wrong. So instead, he relieves Michael of his duties and suspends him until further notice. They want Michael to sober up again, and this time he doesn't have to do it alone. Franklin walks down a hallway full of Narns. One offers him a figurine. Franklin declines at first, but the Narn insists, so he takes it to end the argument. He continues to G'Kar's quarters. G'Kar loudly refuses to open the door until he realizes it's Franklin. Finally able to talk to someone rational, G'Kar vents his frustration. Franklin is actually here at the behest of the Kha'Ri. Apparently, G'Kar had been refusing all contact from other Narns: including from his own government. It turns out that this idol worship has spread all the way to the Narn Homeworld. They want him back, immediately. Half ot the population want him to take over; the other half want him to bless them so they can rule on his behalf. G'Kar still can't believe everyone is rapt with this idea that he has become some messianic figure; his presence on Centauri Prime (until recently the home of their hated oppressors) and his surviving the attack there has only added to his fame. G'Kar had never wanted power, making the matter even worse as people feel they want to thrust it upon him. The situation is deteriorating rapidly. Either Babylon 5 will become overrun with Narn pilgrims or he'll be worshipped like the idol Franklin got earlier. G'Kar starts asking why the universe puts people into these dilemmas. Franklin, noting the philosophical turn, decides to propose an idea. He quotes an old question: "Can God create a rock so big that even He can't lift it?" Perhaps what they represent is a puzzle so complex that God Himself is lost in confusion. Seen that way, perhaps these dilemmas are payback for the confusion they leave Him. Chief Zack Allan walks into Lochley's office. An emergency transmission is on hold from Earth Security Headquarters. He wanted Lochley to join the conversation so he patches the transmission through to the office. The investigator explains she is calling because her current case involves a string of attacks on Psi Corps facilities. The attacks are crude but backed by a lot of money. Furthermore, each attack left a calling card Remember Byron, and the money trail leads straight to Babylon 5. Lochley and Allan immediately realize these clues lead to only one person: Lyta Alexander. The investigator issues orders to arrest Lyta. Michael's doorbell rings. When he opens the door, Lochley steps in. Michael starts with sour words, figuring she's happy he's off duty as the two had never gotten along. Lochley is tempted to just leave him there, but she then comes clean that she's here to help. Michael claims she wouldn't know what he's going through, but she counters she knows exactly what he's going through. She fully understands the frustration and the control freakery and the need to let go because her father was an alcoholic, and an angry one at that. On top of that, he was career military which meant he couldn't act like that in public, making all the lashings at home even worse. At the time (her youth) she thought it was her fault, and this caused her to run away. Not wanting to hear more, Michael tries to leave, but Lochley follows, continuing the story. She eventually learned the source of her father's anger; he had really wanted to paint but had been dragooned into Earthforce by a family that had been career military for generations. But by then it was too late. She then reveals a secret that stuns Michael. Lochley is herself a recovering alcoholic. She explains that children of alcoholics tend to either become bleeding hearts or alcoholics themselves. After running away, she became the latter: experimenting like mad on any drink or drug she could get her hands on. Ultimately, it had taken the death of a close friend of hers to snap her back into reality. She's been fighting to stay out of the bottle ever since. Perhaps that's why they can't get along: they're more alike than they realize, and likes repel. Lochley later joins Allan overlooking the Zocalo. Below, Lyta is talking with an arms dealer. Lochley notes her audacity and realizes this level of boldness only comes when one isn't afraid of anyone. As they approach her, they soon learn why. As she starts tapping her fingers on the table, everyone else in the room starts mimicing her. Lochley soon realizes she's telepathically influencing the bystanders. Lyta explains that she's had enough of being pushed around. Now she'll do the pushing, and since she has been genetically augmented by the Vorlons, no one has the power to stop her. Suddenly, a PPG is trained on her head. Lyta had forgotten that Sheridan has also been touched by the Vorlons, meaning he can resist her. Under threat of death, Lyta finally releases the bystanders, but she notes Sheridan can't watch her all the time. Lochley responds by punching her unconscious, and guards take her away. Lochley notes this had been close, but given what she demonstrated, where will they go from here? Michael runs into Lochley again. The two note that with Lyta as powerful as she is now, their options are few. For one thing, extradition to Earth would result in a bloodbath. As they approach the arrivals area, though, Lochley tries to change the subject. Michael first apologizes for earlier, but then Lochley reveals she has a surprise for him. At that point, Lise Hampton-Edgars walks in, happy to see Michael again. Eventually, he figures out Lochley sent her a message, in his name, asking her to come. She explains that close relations help in a situation such as his. In his office, Sheridan talks with Franklin about Lyta. They're trying as hard as possible to keep her away from other humans: placing her in the most distant cell and using automated maintenance systems. Franklin notes that, given everything she's been through, she has plenty of reason to be pissed. Sheridan just wishes she knew what is triggering this spike in psychic power. He's frankly so fed up with this rash of irrationality that he's tempted to shoot himself. At that instant, Delenn bursts into the room in an uncharacteristic huff. To see more rage is one thing, but from the stoic and serene Delenn? Eventually, Delenn explains that the Kha'Ri is threatening to boycott the Alliance because they won't release G'Kar to them. In reply to the claim that G'Kar is avoiding them of his own volition, they say G'Kar is staying out of a sense of obligation and is waiting for them to order hm to go home. But as she voices her own frustrations. She suddenly faints. Michael explains his situation to Lise. Lise notes that perhaps it's for the best, as she wants him to return with her to Mars. She could really use his help running Edgars Industries. Michael feels uncertain, and he doesn't want to mess her up the way he's messed himself up, but Lise points out no one's perfect. There's no such things as normal, but she's here to help. After all, that's what couples do. And more than ever, they need each other. Michael finally accepts her proposal. But before they can get passionate, Michael has an idea. He quickly leaves, explaining he's out to kill two teeps with one stone. In Medlab, Franklin is a bit evasive about what happened to Delenn. Basically, her body chemistry is undergoing drastic, perhaps unrecedented changes and her uncharactistic bout of frustration probably caused her body to shut down as a safety measure. Sheridan insists he get to the point, and he ultimately answers: She's pregnant. Sheridan is amazed at that announcement. He didn't even think it was possible for a the two of them to produce a child in spite of her hybridization. Even Franklin admits this to be a 100-to-1 shot. However, Sheridan is willing to let this proceed as long as Delenn agrees. Michael goes into Lyta's cell. He starts by pointing out that, in her current situation, she's at a disadvantage. They could always drug her or give her sleepers before extradition, and once she's back on Earth, the Psi Corps will--literally--tear her to pieces. On that end, he offers a proposal. After Lyta knocks out the security camera, he spells it out. As he's about to become co-owner of one of the biggest firms on Mars, perhaps he can use that clout to create a shadow account for her so she can continue funding her activities against Psi Corps. He has as much reason to hate them as she does because of Alfred Bester. Thanks to his Asimov neural block, he can't strike at him directly. If she can remove the Asimov, he'll help cover her tracks. Lyta turns to him and asks how much this offer is really worth to him. As G'Kar approaches Lochley's office, he overhears Michael explaining the situation to Lochley. He proposes the proceeds from Lyta's deal of telepeath DNA to the Narns can be transferred to a trust fund used to legitmately help telepaths. This would be an open account with full audits, so no more dirty deeds. In return, he chooses an administratior and calls in a favor from a Senator with ties to Edgars Industries. They help drop the case against her, and they avoid a bloodbath, but where does she go from here? It's then that G'Kar enters, offering a solution. He shows them the figurine as a prime example of his problem: he's become an icon, a distortion of his ideals. He's actually become a hindrance to his race's advancement, leaving him in the same position as Lyta: caught between the rock and the hard place, unable to go home yet unable to stay either. His itme on Centauri Prime had been a learning experience and the inspiration for his solution: leave civilization and explore the galaxy, and he can take Lyta with him, solving both their problems. Lise is surprised to see Michael back in his quarters. He explains that he's made all the deals he needed. He then notes that he's not the only one planning to leave, noting that just about everyone else he cares about is planning to leave soon. It seems like the place won't be the same anymore. Lise notes that's as it should be. She also compliments him on the deal he made. At that, Michael thinks long and hard for in truth, Lyta had made a counteroffer, one he couldn't refuse. She proposes he set up two accounts: one for show, and one for the real dough. The first account was what he eventually proposed to Lochley, intended to act as a decoy. The real action would take place in the second account: the shadow account. She proposes a two-year time limit. If he has everything ready by then, she'll remove the Asimov. Michael then starts talking more frankly, wondering what happened to her. Lyta explains her own theory: that when she returned to Vorlon space, the Vorlons augmented her. In any war, you tend to have small weapons, medium weapons, and big weapons: weapons of last resort. With profound shock, Michael realizes Lyta has been made into one of those big weapons: the telepathic equivalent of a doomsday weapon. Her eyes glowing with energy, Lyta turns to him and calmly confirms his suspicions. In that context, Michael has to wonder if the deal he struck really was as good as everyone believes it to be. In bed, Sheridan and Delenn muse about Londo, wondering what he's doing now. Emperor Londo sits alone on his throne, seemingly submitted to whatever fate awaits him. There is a small commotion at Babylon 5 customs. A woman is having trouble getting through because her passport is not recognized by Security Chief Zack Allan. The woman, Tessa Holloran, patiently explains that the passport is Mars-issue; as an independent planet, Mars is entitled to produce its own credentials. Just then, Dr. Franklin happens upon them. He recognizes the woman as former Number One of the Mars Resistance and vouches for her. Zack lets her through at his word. Franklin comments that he never knew her name back then so didn't know she was coming. Tessa explains that she's come looking for Michael Garibaldi. Garibaldi is retching and complaining, as he typically does when he's trying to dry out from alcoholism. Lise answers the door and is pleased to see Franklin. Tessa gets straight to the point. There is a contract out for their lives. Tessa elaborates. When Mars declared independence, various firms with ties to Earth scrambled to cover up their corruption for fear of falling under the scrutiny of an independent Mars government eager to investigate their exploitation. Michael and Lise become involved because Lise is the legal owner of Edgars Industries, one of those firms with ties to Earth. While Lise was not privy to her late husband's shady business, she would be interested in sweeping them clean. Since Michael would be the kind of person who could help with that, he's targeted, too. The hit is to be done by a currently-unknown assailant before the two depart for Mars. At this, Franklin asks Michael what's going on. The Narn idol worship of G'Kar continues to increase along with his aggravation. He can't help but look at the crowd with a combination of disgust and regret. His current destination is Lyta Alexander's cell. He has come to make an offer; both of them have a need for isolation: she because her telepath powers are too dangerous for her to keep company, he because of his presence only fuels the idol worship. He offers to take her with him on a journey of exploration, far away from any Narn or Human. But when Lyta brings up the fact she was offering the Narns telepath DNA, G'Kar realizes she's still suspicious of everyone around her: reinforcing the fact she needs time away from humans. As he leaves, he bids her consider the mental obstacles she keeps in her mind. In his office, President Sheridan confers with Zack and Franklin, and Zack comes up with an idea. Michael and Lise will be covertly moved to temporary quarters. Since G'Kar intends to leave in a few days, he decides to use that time to hold a going-away rally for all of them: forcing the hitman into a known window of opportunity where security will be ready for him. Garibaldi is mildly impressed at Zack's thoroughness, and Sheridan compliments Michael for teaching him so well. Now Sheridan pops the question about him leaving Babylon 5. Michael comes clean; he knows he can't be placed in a position of trust within the Alliance anymore, so instead he's going to marry the woman he's known on and off for 15 years and instead go into the private sector running Edgars Industries with Lise. Sheridan doesn't push it and instead tells Michael to let them take care of him for once. A man joins a guard in a transport tube. Alone inside, the man suddenly knifes and kills the guard, taking his Link and replacing it with a replica. The dead guard is found later, and Franklin has it taken to Medlab for an autopsy. He and Zack discuss motive. As the act was done cleanly and quickly, Zack suspects a professional, but as the guard was new with a clean record, a reason for his death escapes them. In his quarters, the hitman disassembles the Link and tries to bypass its security protocols, but Links are built to resist such efforts; he can't access the security channels yet. Sheridan greets Tessa in his office, and she reveals the other reason for her visit. Earth has been engaged in stalling tactics for the past year: withholding accounts, limiting supplies, delaying recognition, and so on. The incident at customs was just the latest example of the red tape Mars has to fight as it tries to establish its sovereignty. Tessa fears Earth is doing this on purpose: trying to stir civil unrest so as to make Mars beseech Earth for assistance. Sheridan says the Alliance can help in this matter; he offers to set up a diplomatic office for them at the new ISA headquarters on Minbar. There, they'll be able to establish accounts and contacts that don't involve going through Earth, allowing them to truly act independently. His only condition is that she wait for a few days. He has an idea. The hitman finally bypasses the security locks and accesses the security channels. He routes the audio feed to an earpiece. As G'Kar looks on the preparations for his going-away rally with mild disgust, another Narn approaches, asking why he's leaving. G'Kar explains that he does not wish to lead, and Narn attitudes prevent them from heeding his wisdom. The idol worship is causing Narns to do stupid things, so he is going to go away until the fervor dies down. Then the Narn reveals that he's the one who's been making the statuettes of G'Kar. G'Kar seethes and breaks the figure, telling the Narn in no uncertain terms to go home. Zack meets Franklin in Medlab and is going through the dead guard's personal effects when something makes him pause. The guard's Link is stuck to the box. Since Links use a genetically-coded adhesive, it shouldn't stick like that. Suddenly, Zack understands the motive; the killer took the Guard's Link so as to hack it and eavesdrop on security channels. It must be the hitman sent for Michael and Lise. He quickly leaves for the Station House. As the rally is about to begin, the hitman checks his earpiece and, confirming it is still receiving the security channels, leaves to commence his job. Hundreds of Narns gather for G'Kar's going-away rally. Zack and the hitman pass each other without recognition, but Zack is aware the hitman is present. Sheridan takes the time to offers praise and well wishes to both Michael amd G'Kar. As he talks, Zack signals the Station House through a secure channel. He knows the hitman is using the dead guard's Link, so he sets up a little surprise. The Station House transmits a loud sound to that one Link. The hitman grunts in pain and has trouble taking aim with his PPG. In time, guards spot the hitman and arrest him. But at the same moment, the Narn who approached G'Kar earlier declared that G'Kar has abandoned his people. He raises his own gun. Zack notices and shoves G'Kar out of the way. The Narn's shot misses G'Kar but hits Lise in the shoulder. Franklin treats Lise's PPG burns in Medlab. G'Kar regrets not being able to help beyond his assurances that the Narn assailant will be vigorously prosecuted, but Michael explains about the hitman; the accident was just an unfortunate coincidence. As Franklin reports that Lise is stable but now has to recover on her own, Michael wonders what he can do in the meantime and then realizes something. Outside, Zack catches up with Michael wanting to talk about the Narn. Michael instead wants to talk about the hitman. He wants five minutes alone with him; Zack knows it's against regs and begs him to reconsider. He takes the hitman to see Lyta. The hitman is familiar with anti-scanning techniques, but Lyta eventually slips through and learns his client: the EI Board of Directors. Michael thanks Lyta, and she reminds him of their deal: set up a shadow account in two years, and she'll break Bester's mind block; otherwise, what happened to the hitman will happen to him. As G'Kar packs his belongings, Sheridan comes to see him. He'd been hoping G'Kar would stay at least until Delenn returned, but after what happened earlier, G'Kar realizes he should leave sooner rather than later. He'd already acquired a gently-used long-range survey ship: ideal for a sojourn among the stars. So instead, the two reminisce, and Sheridan says he'll miss G'Kar, but then G'Kar notes that even as people go, a part of them stays behind. He suggests someday to go to a quiet part of the station to hear the echoes of all that passed through it. Then G'Kar admits that he, too, will miss Babylon 5. They warmly shake hands one last time and exchange final partings. It is at this point that G'Kar calls Sheridan by his first name John, surprising him before he leaves. G'Kar then goes to the BabCom station to dictate a message. Michael is stirred awake as Lise regains consciousness. It is an encouraging sign that Lise is recovering. He offers to get doctors to help with her pain some more and then leaves to find a minister; not for Last Rites, he assures her, but so they can get married there and now. As G'Kar waits at the docks, guards bring Lyta to him. He insists she be released from her shackles, but Lyta obliges on her own. The guards quickly leave, and Lyta admits that she could've taken the shackles off at any time. She didn't not only because it kept the guards quiet but also because wearing them for so long made her start to feel a little kinky. G'Kar admits he looks forward to facing the unknown. He sees adventure; she sees another book. As Zack quietly watches, G'Kar and Lyta board their ship and set out for the frontier. Back on Mars, the Board of Directors of Edgars Industries learn there is a call for them; it's Michael. He reports that Lise is recovering and that he knows they sent the hitman meant to kill both of them. Mr. Paretti notes that Chief of Security Gregory Fitch had claimed responsibility for that hit in a suicide note. Michael doesn't buy it and starts noting how each of the remaining five Directors has some dirty little secret they wouldn't want revealed to the world. After all, digging out these kinds of secrets was the reason he was to be killed, he notes. Paretti demands to know how he came to know this. He reveals his replacement as head of ISA Covert Intelligence: Tessa Holloran. The board is stunned to learn the infamous Number One is now in a position that will leave them, as she puts it, skinned alive. As she leaves, Michael reveals that was only part one: intended to get them out of the company. To ensure they don't attempt any sort of revenge, he reveals a check for 500,000 credits drawn from the company account (which he can access now that he's married Lise) to be deposited tomorrow morning in an undisclosed account; if he or Lise die of anything other than natural causes, the money will be used to take out hits on each of them; 100,000 credits a head is well over the going black market rate, so the board knows there will be takers. Michael expects their resignations on his desk by the time they arrive on Mars or else. Franklin and Tessa talk over dinner in the Zocalo. Each is rather surprised at the sudden turn of events. With Tessa now head of Covert Intelligence, she can actually do more good for Mars by uncovering all the corruption. It seems ironic that Tessa will be moving here just as Franklin is about to leave to take up his new post on Earth. The two of them talk about what happened between them on Mars and come to the mutual conclusion that what happened there can stay there. Much as they like each other, they both know they're workaholics and otherwise lousy when it comes to relationships. Understanding that, neither of them can hold regrets or hard feelings. They wish each other the best of luck and part ways amicably. Delenn returns from Minbar, reporting that the compound will be ready within a week. Hearing that makes Sheridan start to reminisce. The old guard is starting to leave. Delenn asks if Michael had left yet, but as it turns out she'd arrived just in time to say goodbye. Lise goes ahead so Michael can spend a final moment in private. Michael thanks Sheridan and Delenn for supporting him for the last four years; with his real family dead, they and the others were the closest thing he had had to a family for a long time. He also recalls his rather sour prediction he'd end up face-down somewhere in Brown Sector. For the first time, he's glad that didn't happen. He actually looks forward to the future and a family he can call his own. He hugs Delenn and gives Sheridan a warm handshake and hug. They exchange best wishes as Michael boards the shuttle for Mars. Now Delenn admits that she too can feel the growing emptiness, and they will be next. So she makes a suggestion. Why don't they take a final walk down the entire five-mile length of the station? It is a restless night aboard Babylon 5. Very soon, President John Sheridan and Delenn will leave the station for Tuzanor, Minbar, the new seat of the Interstellar Alliance. Sheridan walks into C'n'C to find Captain Lochley on station, just as restless as he. Lochley comments on just how quickly her first year in command has gone, asking where the time goes. Sheridan suggests the Rim, and beyond that the truth. At this point, Sheridan makes a request: when he and Delenn leave for Minbar, dispense with the pomp and circumstance. Lochley thanks Sheridan for choosing her to command Babylon 5, noting that despite her earlier misgiving, the place kind of grows on you. Sheridan agrees, which is why he's so reluctant to leave. Lochley is about to leave for a quick breakfast before the station opens for traffic when Sheridan decides to thank her for keeping the place running; he feels he's left the station in good hands. Vir Cotto is walking down the ambassadorial wing when he notices Ta'Lon ringing the doorbell to G'Kar's quarters. Vir advises Ta'Lon that G'Kar has already left never to return. Ta'Lon is confused since G'Kar had summoned him here. So he decides to hack his way into the quarters. Upon entering, he discovers that his entrance was expected. The BabCom unit recognizes him and informs him of a message waiting for him from G'Kar. Playing it, he sees G'Kar greeting Ta'Lon, apologizing for his absence since he had decided to leave sooner than expected, and declaring that he has summoned Ta'Lon to take his place as Ambassador for the Narn Regime. G'Kar's message continues. He explains that over the last year, he's become a magnet for trouble. Their people's perception of him has become distorted, so he feels it is best to distance himself from them. Narn needs equal doses of strength and spirit, and he's frankly become too much of the latter. It's time for a dose of strength to even the scales. He notes Ta'Lon as being sensible, level-headed, and practical, not to mention very loyal to and very sensitive to the needs of Narns. This makes him an ideal candidate for the post at a time when Narn needs to rebuild itself and strengthen its ties with the Interstellar Alliance. G'Kar also reassures Ta'Lon that while he may not feel ready for the job, there was a time when G'Kar was himself raw and unpolished at the job as well; give it time, he suggests, and he'll get the hang of it. Upon completion of the message, a copy will be relayed to Sheridan and company; Ta'Lon will be received as they would G'Kar. He ends by wishing Ta'Lon the best. Dr. Franklin sits down with his fellow Dr. Hobbs in the Zocalo. Here, Franklin announces that he has chosen her to be the station's new Chief of Staff. Hobbs wonders why she was chosen, as there are many more senior doctors on staff while she has been bounced between Medlabs. Franklin explains her roving provides just the reason. Most of the senior staff are specialists; Hobbs has a broader base of medical knowledge, making her better suited to lead the team. Hobbs appreciates the compliment and notes Franklin's speeding things along. He explains that the new appointment is effective today; he intends to leave tonight for Earth and his new position as head of Xenobiology Research. As he notes Sheridan step out of a transport tube, he gets up to tell the news to him next. Hobbs looks on as Sheridan listens and then embraces Franklin, wishing him well. The two then walk together down the hall. In her quarters, Delenn finishes packing the last of her and Sheridan's belongings when the doorbell rings. To her surprise, it is Lennier, on a brief break from his Anla'Shok training and here on a working holiday to help load their boxes. Delenn is pleased to be able to take a short break and hear of news from home. As she prepares a drink, Lennier looks at a framed picture of Sheridan and Delenn, taken shortly after their marriage. In his office, new head of ISA Covert Intelligence Tessa Holloran reports that, apart from a minor flareup between the Drazi and Brakiri over a seedy layover planet on their border, the situation is relatively quiet, meaning he can make the transition to Minbar without any ongoing trouble. As Tessa leaves, Lochley notes she is staying at Babylon 5. Sheridan explains that the station remains a focal point for information; she'll be better informed by staying. That's one reason Michael Garibaldi chose to resign: so he would be free to move to Mars with his new wife Lise. Chief Zack Allan wonders what he's doing now. What he's doing now is introducing himself to the new Board of Directors at Edgars Industries. He is now in charge of day-to-day operations, and he explains why he chose his new board; all of them are firebrands, mid-level workers with a history of being troublemakers. Basically, they can't help but be frank when there's a problem, so he's shaking things up, giving them a chance to prove themselves. His rules are simple: if something is wrong, tell him. If they're right, they'll earn a bonus. If not, he'll have them for lunch. Franklin walks into the docking bay for the last time. He takes one last look back at the station before boarding a shuttle from which he will begin the trip back to Earth. ISN, to Sheridan's chagrin, has been quick to pick up on the importance of a White Star class ship arriving at Babylon 5. It is obviously here to take Sheridan and Delenn to Minbar. Sheridan hates it since it means they can't leave quietly. When the doorbell rings, Sheridan opens the door. In steps Lennier, informing them that packing is complete and that they can leave as soon as they board. Delenn asks to take a last look through the room in case she missed anything. Left alone, Sheridan thanks Lennier for coming. As they talk, Lennier informs him that he must return to training soon after arriving on Minbar. Sheridan invites him to come over at any time. Hesitantly, Lennier accepts the invitation. Delenn returns to report nothing missing. So, taking her arm, Sheridan begins the walk to the docking bay. But upon reaching the Zocalo, he is further chagrined to see Lochley and a sizable number of people waiting for them. They'd seen the ISN report as well. Finding himself unable to say anything, Sheridan defers to Delenn, who does have a few words. She tells of the time when she first came to Babylon 5, learning how to speak the alien languages: particularly the human language that was the standard on board. She notes there is one Human word for which there is no Minbari equivalent: goodbye, as the Minbari mindset always allows for the possibility of meeting again, somehow. Even now, as she prepares to leave Babylon 5, she will not say it now, instead essentially saying, "Until we meet again." Zack awaits them at the docking bay. He was a bit late due to a dustup in Brown Sector, but he still wanted to see them off. Sheridan notes it's nice that not everyone is leaving. Zack quips he'll probably still be on B5 when they turn off the lights. Lochley joins Zack as Sheridan, Delann, and Lennier head for the shuttle. Delenn is surprised to see the ship without a captain. Lennier informs them that the captain is staying so that Sheridan and Delenn can command the flight. Sheridan appreciates the symbolism. As he looks out the front window, Sheridan orders the ship to match rotation with the station. The ship's front window aligns with the C'n'C window. Looking out across the emptiness, he sees faces new and old looking back at him: David Corwin, remaining at his post; Tessa Holloran, new head of Covert Intelligence; Vir Cotto, new Centauri Ambassador; Elizabeth Lochley, standing CO; Zack Allan, standing Chief of Security; Ta'Lon, new Narn Ambassador; and Dr. Hobbs, new Medlab Chief of Staff. In a final sendoff, Lochley steps forward and delivers the Earthforce salute, which Sheridan returns from the White Star. Upon finishing, he orders the ship away. En route, Delenn notes Sheridan to be rather restless, in spite of his saying otherwise. She suggests taking a walk. After some reluctance, he decides to do so. Meanwhile, a Ranger on board notices something wrong. There is a hissing sound and some smoke emitting from an opening. The Ranger quickly warns of a coolant leak in the weapons systems as he begins efforts to stop the leak. It is as the alarm rings through the ship that Sheridan notices the commotion and rushes in, unaware of the ongoing problem. Just as the Ranger warns of the danger, the door automatically seals off: an automatic safety measure due to the increasing contamination. Sheridan is now trapped inside. Just then, Lennier happens upon the scene. Sheridan asks Lennier to override the lock from the outside, but he hesitates. In spite of Sheridan's pleas, he backs away, leaving him behind. Sheridan realizes that Lennier is not going to help him, so he decides to take action himself. He rummages through the now-unconscious Ranger and finds his fighting pike. He opens it and tries to bash the door down. Meanwhile, Lennier pauses in a hallway, as if reconsidering his actions. Sheridan then hits upon an idea. Closing the pike, he wedges it between the door and a wall and opens it again. The action causes the pike to break through the glass. Lennier finally decides to double back, but by this time Sheridan has already carried the unconscious Ranger out of the room. Other Rangers and crew soon enter the scene as well. As Sheridan stares at him, Lennier realizes that he has just committed a very shameful act. Delenn then enters and asks what happened. Lennier's panic grows as he realizes he must now answer to her as well. But he cannot; how can he admit his shame before her? He runs away instead, taking a fighter and abandoning the ship. Delenn tries to contact Lennier. She tells him she knows what happened, but that they're willing to talk about it. Lennier cuts off the transmission and disappears into hyperspace. Later, Delenn talks to Sheridan about the ongoing investigation. In Lennier's quarters on Tuzanor was his diary. In it was evidence that his love for Delenn was even stronger than he had admitted. More importantly, it showed he did not approve of her marriage to Sheridan. Although the diary noted that he intended no real harm to him, it's obvious Lennier succumbed to a moment of hate and tried to leave Sheridan to die. It's also obvious that Lennier now regrets that moment and has fled in shame. Sheridan is angry at this and wants Lennier to be held accountable for that fact, but in spite of his own misgivings, he's willing to at least try to make amends. Sheridan is coughing from his exposure to the coolant gases, and Delenn recommends they delay their arrival, but Sheridan insists they arrive on time. They have an image to uphold. He'll just say he caught a cold. As for what happened with Lennier, he'll keep it secret. Not only will it help maintain their image again, but it will allow Lennier time to come to terms and return on his own. Delenn appreciates Sheridan's capacity to forgive him. The White Star arrives on Minbar and lands on the space port in Tuzanor. To their surprise, Sheridan and Delenn find someone waiting for them upon their arrival at the presidential suite: Emperor Londo Mollari. Londo joins Sheridan and Delenn for dinner that night, and he talks about some of the benefits of being in power: such as seeing the dismay on the faces of your enemies. Delenn then notes that his demeanor the last time they met (on Centauri Prime, just after it was attacked) was far from civil or cordial to them. Londo says his words were directed towards his people, not them. He had been firing them up for the task of rebuilding their capital. Outside of his people, he can return to his more-friendly words. And upon hearing of their moving to Minbar, he decided to pay a state visit to convey his well wishes. Although he finds it disappointing there is no alcohol to be had (owing to the Minbari's sensitivity to it). His status prevents him from keeping his own stash. Delenn then senses something very strange as if something else was watching her in secret. Londo then turns to them and presents to them a gift: an antique urn. He also knows that Delenn is with child, and the gift is meant for their future child. He claims that it is a Centauri custom to present this to the heir to the throne when he comes of age. He adds that he doesn't expect to he have any children of his own, and that the Centauri may be abolishing the office of Emperor after his death, so he feels it best to pass on the tradition to the Alliance. Just then, a Minbari summons Delenn on a matter of some urgency, and she excuses herself from the room. Londo continues to explain the tradition to Sheridan. It is to be turned over when their child turns 16. Sheridan notes the bottom of the urn is sealed. Londo says it contains water from the time of the first Centauri palace 2000 years ago. The urgent matter for Delenn is a message from Lennier. She is taking it in private so they may speak freely. Lennier explains that he cannot talk long and that he cannot be traced. Delenn tries to explain that he can return, but refuses. His shame is too great. All he can do at this point is apologize and stay away. Before he can seek their forgiveness, he must find redemption. He does make one promise, the same one Minbari imply when they part ways: "We will meet again, Delenn." Soon, Londo has to return to Centauri Prime. Before he goes, he admits that they are still his friends, and that this visit means more to him than they realize. Sheridan and Delenn note that his way of leaving seemed odd, as if he doesn't expect to ever see them again. Sheridan then asks about Delenn's mysterious caller. He realizes that it has been Lennier, and Delenn says she will explain later when they're alone. Aboard the Centauri cruiser, Emperor Londo hears the voice of the Drakh through his Keeper, praising him for a job well done. For this service, the Drakh allow him an hour's respite from them. He accepts a drink and asks what happens now. The Drakh explain that now they wait. Their plan will take nearly two decades to bear fruit, but they are patient. Inside the urn they have given Sheridan and Delenn through Mollari is another Keeper: one intended for the unsuspecting couple's child. It sleeps, waiting. Later that night, Sheridan can't sleep. He gets up and goes to another room. There, he begins to record a message. It is a time capsule message meant for his unborn child to hear in the future. If the lease on life given to him by Lorien holds, he won't live to see his child come of age in human terms (21 years); he only has 19 years left. So instead, he will leave this message. He promises to give his child the same love he has given Delenn for as long as he can. And then, he proceeds to give what wisdom he can pass on. He says to trust Delenn; she is a pillar of both courage and compassion. He says to expect missteps and mistakes, just as Garibaldi did; just learn from them like he did and you can grow from the experience. He says there may be times when you'll take a great journey, like Franklin on his way to Earth. But it's your passion that tells you you're home. He talks about gaining and losing friends; they're all part of the learning process. Change is a part of life; if the time comes to part ways, don't fight it. Everyone has his or her own journey to make. Finally, he conveys his greatest belief: that sooner or later, things will work themselves out. The journey may be long and hard, but you'll get there in the end. Stand for what you believe. He then conveys the wisdom of his father David. "Never start a fight, but always finish it," Delenn volunteers. As he ends the recording, Delenn bids him return to bed. He finally feels ready to sleep, so he follows her. Twenty years have passed since the end of the Shadow War and John Sheridan's death at Z'ha'dum. After several nights of the same dream, wherein he sees Lorien explaining that he can only extend Sheridan's life for 20 years, but no longer, Sheridan realizes that his life is approaching its end. Hoping to enjoy the company of his old friends one last time, Sheridan dispatches Rangers with messages. Michael Garibaldi is still the head of the Edgars Industries, which is still growing under his leadership. Dr. Stephen Franklin has been the head of xenobiological research on Earth for nineteen years, Susan Ivanova is now a decorated general with Earthforce, and Vir Cotto is emperor of the Centauri Republic. As each receives his or her invitation to dinner, none needs to ask why. They all knew this day would come. The group arrives on Minbar, and they have one last meal together as they laugh and reminisce about their experiences. Garibaldi in particular tells an amusing story surrounding a drunk pak'ma'ra, a data crystal, and a dead cat. No one at this point shows any concern at each other's words since they realize that it is normal behavior for human friends to poke fun at each other. Then Cotto recounts the story of when Londo Mollari was moved to tears by a rare occurrence: pak'ma'ra singing. Recalling Mollari like this, Cotto admits that he still misses him. Sheridan gives a toast to all those who have died: "To absent friends--in memory still bright." Garibaldi remembers G'Kar, Cotto remembers Mollari, Delenn remembers Lennier, and Dr. Franklin and Ivanova remember Marcus Cole. They later spend the evening together in the garden. Ivanova finds she is unable to stay, and leaves to go to bed by herself. Delenn follows her, and Ivanova confesses she is dissatisfied with her role in Earthforce, feeling that she is little more than an old war horse, trotted out after a parade so all the kids can point at it. Delenn realizes this and in her capacity as President of the Interstellar Alliance asks Ivanova to assume the leadership of the Rangers after Sheridan dies. Realizing it would mean an escape from Earth's bureaucracy and a chance to continue serving with distinction, Ivanova says she will consider the offer. Sheridan and Delenn spend one final night together. Sheridan decides to leave Minbar, and as the next day is Sunday on the Earth calendar, to go for a Sunday drive in space. He does not want to die on Minbar, but in space and feels that doing so would be an important symbol to the Alliance. The next morning, Sheridan dresses in his old Army of Light uniform and prepares to depart Minbar before anyone else awakes, but runs into a formally dressed Delenn. She tells him that it's a beautiful day, the perfect day for a Sunday drive and, barely holding back emotion, tells him that if he is going to leave he must do so now. They tearfully embrace one final time and say their farewells, and Sheridan departs Minbar for the last time. Sheridan first goes to Babylon 5. He discovers the station deserted with only a skeleton crew. There he learns from Commander William Nils that the Earth Alliance is preparing to shut down and scuttle the station since the avenues of trade and diplomacy have largely bypassed the aging, off-the-beaten-path station. Walking into the remains of the Zocalo, remembering parting words from G'Kar, he hears the voices of the station echoing through history and remembers the momentous events the station experienced in its quarter-century of existence. Zack Allan interrupts his reminiscing by noting he is not the only one who remembers. Zack came out of retirement six months ago to serve on Babylon 5 until the shut-down. Sheridan's happy to see him since Allan's sudden return to the station caused him to miss his invitation to Minbar. Sheridan notes that he and Babylon 5 are inextricably linked even now, and begins to feel his body shutting down. He tells Allan that he will not be able to stay for the decommissioning ceremony, and announces that he will visit the Coriana system, thus fulfilling the request relayed to him from Vorlon Ambassador Kosh during the Day of the Dead: "When the long night comes, return to the end of the beginning." When Sheridan arrives at the Coriana system, he is very tired, and he knows the end is near. The computer warns him that his life signs are fading, and Sheridan tells the computer to shut down. As the ship shuts down, Lorien appears to Sheridan and tells him that the First Ones have not forgotten him, and that they have been waiting for him beyond the rim of the galaxy. Sheridan asks if he can come back, but Lorien tells him that his old life is over and that it is time to start a new journey. The cabin of the ship fills with light. The ship is found a few days later, but the airlocks are sealed and there is no trace of Sheridan. Ivanova, Garibaldi, Franklin, Delenn, Cotto, and Allan attend the decommissioning ceremony, taking one last look around the station before departing on the final shuttle against an honor guard of ships from member worlds of the Alliance. The final shutdowns are completed and the fusion reactors are set to overload, ending Babylon 5's existence--and the Babylon Project--once and for all: in fire, as foretold, but willingly, its mission to bridge races and build peace accomplished. Garibaldi returns to his life on Mars, Franklin to his on Earth, Zack Allan becomes advisor and counsellor to Cotto on Centauri Prime, and Ivanova accepts Delenn's offer and becomes Ranger One. Every morning for the remainder of her life, Delenn watches the sunrise in her late husband's place.