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01/21/09 at 18:57 went outside for a smoke when I spotted this bright light that was slowly moving up and down. It was not a plane or star because other planes were passing by it and the other stars was really high above in the background.. The sky was clear.
I have been watching it about an hour and it is slowing moving away back into the sky.
| 1 | 59,402 |
Multiple UFO sighting flying slowly.
I was coming home from the hospital from visiting a friend at 10:30pm in Germantown, MD. I looked up and saw multiple silver circle shaped objects close together. They were couple thousand feet in the air, so I knew it wasn't drones flying. I knew it was airplanes because they were so many of them and they were close together. I counted 12 of them they were flying very slow and no noise at all. I tried filming this but my iPhone had poor quality. This lasted about 20 minutes, until they disappeared by clouds.
This was my very first UFO sighting! | 1 | 119,753 |
Hockey puck type tumbling objects
my daughter took a video at approx 15.00hrs of 3 grey circular objects, she described as looking like hockey pucks tumbling in the sky. They possibly had lights or could have been the suns reflection.
the only explanation i could find was police drones as were in lockdown due to Covid.
i found another video from the next town to us of one of the same objects posted on twitter, same date and approximate time.
fast forward to yesterday and i found another video posted to twitter dated 5 days ago taken in Wigan, UK (a long way from us) of the exact same objects again tumbling through the sky.
they don’t appear to be drone behaviour in my opinion or that of the other 2 who took their videos. a UFO twitter account looked at them and does not think they are drones and believes they have an aura.
another person has also tweeted today about possibly seeing the same but at night.
this is my daughters video
the other video from the same day locally:
this is the wigan sighting, i believe he saw 8 in total
and this is the possible night sighting
https://twitter.com/sxnshxne2/status/1263442407443529728?s=21 | 0 | 139,052 |
A green fireball appeared suddenly and lit the ground all around the neighborhood, scaring my son and our dogs, then disappeared.
My 20-year-old son was walking the dogs at 1:30 AM before retiring when the ground in our residential neighborhood took on an eerie green glow. The dogs stopped and began to fuss. He looked up and saw a low-flying, moving "fireball with a long tail." He held his arms out in front of him and said the tail, at arm's length, was about 9-10 inches long behind it. He said it was silent and so odd that he came immediately home. He won't say anything more about it other than the dogs were frightened. | 0 | 3,806 |
My dad and I were traveling on I - 4 heading towards Deltona (Where my parents live) when I heard a whistleing noise that was increasing. I looked out the passenger side of the car and saw a saucer shaped U.F.O. flying past the car heading towards the ground. My dad, who was driving, said "look at that". I turned to see hom looking out the top of the windshield of the car and I looked up. There was another U.F.O. flying over the top of the car, heading towards the ground and over the highway. I remember him saying "There's no engine noise". The U.F.O.'s were a bright, but not blinding, white light. The one that flew over the car, I could see the underside, which was dark. But I could see rounded shaped objects, about 3 or 4. Perhaps lights enclosers? The U.F.O.'s then both flew towards the Highway meeting near the ground. Then they BOTH WENT STRAIGHT UP INTO THE DARK SKY, SIDE BY SIDE. They seperated once they got very high into the sky. One went over to the left and the other went towards the right.. There they sat still, real high in the sky. The one on the left, I was able to watch a while, was blinking on and off it's light.
The U.F.O.'s were saucer shaped, and they were of a white light. They whistled when they were traveling at a great speed. It sounded like the front window vent opened of a truck or like the window vents of the older cars of the sixty's. The whistleing became louder as they went past us. The light coming off the U.F.O.'s was bright, but NOT a blinding light. I was amazed, to say the least. My dad to this day will NOT talk about it. The U.F.O. that went over the car was round and dark when I looked up, but as it came down in front of the car, I was able to then see the sides of it. It also was a white lighted, and saucer shaped. The two U.F.O.'s then met each other, VERY close to the Highway, in front of us, ABOUT (Approx.) 200 hundred yards, then they shot STRAIGHT UP, side by side, into the sky. They seperated, once they got very high into the night sky. The one on our left, went to the left and the one on our right went towards the right. I sat there watching the one on the right out the right side of the car for as long as I could see it. It moved around a bit, from side to side, then it sat still. It looked like a star at that point. It was blinking on and off it's light. We were traveling on I-4, heading East towards Deltona, where my parents live. We were out side city limits of Altamonte Springs, Florida. I want to say around Lake Mary, Florida when we saw them. I have read many books of U.F.O.'s since then. My father still will not talk about it when ever I bring it up, which is very frustrating for me. The U.F.O.'s were Approx. 40 feet in Diameter. I was absolutly amazed when they shot straight up. Nothing happened to the car while we observed this. There were other cars on the Highway, besides us. The cars that were heading West, on the other side, looked like they slowed down a bit when the U.F.O.'s were coming down in front of us. I talked to a Mr. ((name deleted)) about my story once, back in about 1994. He claimed that he was a U.F.O. researcher and he knew people that seriously researched U.F.O.'s. I felt really good telling him about it.! I wasn' t met with "yeah right" sort of thing that most people react to. I have NOT told any one else about it exept my husband and of course my mom upon arriving to my parents house. I know that my dad has not told anyone. I have only gotten him to say that he saw "Something". I am now 42 years old. I was 31 years old when we saw the U.F.O.'s in the Fall of 1988. My dad is now in his 70's. I only want to be contacted through my E-mail address, or by my house mail. I do not think my husband would like for me to be doing this. I did not even tell him about my meeting with Mr. ((name deleted)). I wish not to be contacted by my telephone. | 0 | 6,825 |
The craft was apparently not moving with bright white lights on each side and illuminated in the central portion, no red or green lights indicated. It was difficult to tell the altitude and seemed stationary for about a minute then flew south east very quickly and disappeared, nothing like an airplane or helicopter!
| 1 | 119,163 |
Orange spherical pulsating objects descending from sky.
Ate thanksgiving dinner, and went out onto my back porch for a smoke, followed by my two sons, my oldest son (4 years old) points towards the Moon and says, "What's that?" and i look up preparing myself to say "it's the moon" when I noticed two stars zig zagging left to right from each other like so o<------> <----->0 meeting up then going apart this was going on about 4 inches away from the moons right side if you were to use actual inches and pointed it at the sky.
then all of a sudden the dropped rapidly and were now about 100 feet off the ground in formation one behind the other, to which I started yelling at all my guests in the house to come outside quickly, My friend and my wife came out, and we witnessed two spheres glowing orange and pulsating kind of like they were made of flame, the flickering type of light movement and my friend was trying to see if they had the usual plane lights ( red and green) somewhere within these crafts , and they did not.
They just stood there for about 2 minutes then they proceeded to "drift" slowly towards the ocean ( this is all happening on top of Father Cappodano Street right by the beach) the drift was going in an easterly direction parallel to the Verazzano bridge, in other words these spheres were heading towards Brooklyn ( Bay Ridge area).
By the time they reached about waterfront level, the first globe sped away and became a small dot real fast and disappeared then the second one followed suit in the same manner. Absolutely No sound and we made a remark about it because there was a plane flying real high in the sky ( with contrail)and we could hear the plane very well. these spheres were 100 feet off the ground and made no noise, they only slickered in a bizarre way and they were opaque orange kind of like a flame off a campfire, but solid spheres. the most amazing thing i have ever seen in my life, and i pray that there were many witnesses because the Bridge is right there and it was very busy because at around 9 pm the mall opened for a huge sale and people were out and about.
(( | 1 | 111,213 |
Black Triangle object with a Round top or head photographed in the Little Neck area of New York.
I have a VERY interesting photo for someone to look at and investigate. I was by myself enjoying the afternoon (today 5/7/2011) in my backyard taking pictures of the clouds, and when I went back into the house to check out my photo’s. I got a total of (5) really interesting shot’s and I have attached the first one to this report.
This is the original, and I tried all kinds of photo adjustments using PhotoScape hoping it will show me something. All I can say is, it's a black triangle looking thing with a round head, looks like bird wings and appears to be solid, with some kind of haze or light source around it and looks very interesting when adjusting color and other photo enhancements.
I have four more pictures that came right after this one. If anyone is interested, please let me know.
Please feel free to contact me anytime should you have any further questions or want the additional photos.
Additional Photo Information: Photo taken on 5/7/2011 at 12:44pm, using a NIKON D3100, f/22, 1/320sec, ISO-100, Focal Length 55mm, using the 55-200mm VR Lens. | 1 | 72,020 |
Went to take a picture of the scenery when this showed up I lost track of what time it was and it was night time before I started to remember some things but my memory is still quite foggy and I forget things quickly.
| 0 | 128,219 |
Radar sighting, to significant to not report, this should be looked into and verified.
I am an avid weather watcher, and I have been watching this object on radar for a half hour, it does not appear to move, it's extremely large based on what I am looking at.
It's due south of Minot, ND. Clouds around it are moving but it is stationary. There is a possibility of a radar glitch, however; There is also a possibility of it not being a glitch. This is very unusuall, I have been a hobby radar watcher for many years.
This hits numbers on my list of weird. I would report this as a significant odd radar sighting.
Found in this location using this radar, have screen captures.
| 1 | 80,027 |
Small star moved slowly the faded away.
I was talking on the phone, looking up in the sky at the Orion grou, and on the lower left, I thought at first it was the lower left star. It started slowly moving and then slowly faded away and was gone. It lasted about 45 seconds.
| 0 | 104,760 |
It was really loud and i first thought it was a helicopter or something like that but when i checked my app Flightradar24 there was no sign of helicopter and it was a helicopter behind the unknown object but it had 3 blue dots horizontally and the helicopter was behind it and they were both going at the same speed and fast | 1 | 141,452 |
saucer shaped craft at extreme close distance
My wife and I witnessed a saucer shaped craft at an extremely close distance,about 70 yards,on our way to pay a bill off of Jefferson ave in Newport news Va. The object was around 25 to 30 ft long and standing at perfect stationary position over tree's.I remember saying "what the hell" and turning to see if my wife had seen the object, she said nothing but looked at me, on the way out from paying the bill, we started talking about what we had seen. We decided not to tell anyone about the incident.We are not "ufo" type people or sci fi type people. I don't know what made me decide to send this email tonight, its kinda driving me crazy thinking about this. thanks S.McDaniel
| 0 | 54,808 |
there was a unusual energy electrical force coming into my body, and the holiday in had a reddish green lite doing weird flashing on the top floor that was not normal. now guys we been playing this stupid game since april 2001. i figured you out that the military is in fact connected to the ufo. you have bee sending everything but the kitchen sink at us. i have electromagnetic sensitivity and can see, feel, and sense things no one else can, i have phychic ability. you have had listening devices in place at where we live at. you have had my manager and her husband the maintenance man listening to everything we have been saying.bob and sandy cayton. you have tried electronic pulses, etc. so kiss my ass i will win this one | 0 | 16,387 |
Rectangular object in the direction of HighWay 52 south, no sound, not moving, 2 amber colored lights
I was coming home from the store in Pinnacle, driving down Spainhour Mill Rd, when I looked up, and a rectangular shaped object was floating to my left, in the Hwy 52 South direction. I watched it for quite a while, it may have been up to 5 minutes.
It had two stationary lights on the front, and had a clearly defined outline. It was probably grey/black in color. The lights were an Amber orange color. They were not moving The craft was not moving, and made no sound, I know this because I turned the car radio off, rolled the windows down, and slowed the car way down. I lost sight of it after a few miles, and tried to see it from my yard with my husband, but could not | 0 | 48,359 |
NOT a ufo report. This is an abduction.
this is not a craft report. It is an abduction report I don't know who to write to submit so I chose you. I was 2 years old and I believe I was abducted. I have the same description as most, levitating, bright lights coming from windows. I was not afraid, I felt calm, I just remember floating from my Hydabed in the front room and I turned vertical. I look around around my body,only to find no one carring me. I levitated south through the front room into the kitchen and it was dark then. when I got to the back door in the kitchen i just "blacked out" thats about it. I'm really serious about this, even being 2 years old my memory is so vivid. I remember telling my friends in daycare, and throughout. I would like you to send this account to anybody willing to listen.
| 1 | 44,565 |
I know airplanes dont stop in mid air!
I was driving my boyfriend home. It was really weird because we were at the moment talking about aliens, he belived strongly in them, and i was skeptical. I said, sarcasticly, Maybe thats a UFO. And hes said "no" then I said " Wait its not moving" it actually stopped in mid air. Then it was going slow and then fast, we watching it from 10-15 minutes. It at the moment was just a blinking light. Thats not even tho most amazing part. I brought him home, i was really freaking out. On the way back the same way i came, i was driving alone, and I saw the same thing again, I thought, im being silly, but if it changes direction again in the sky im going to freak out. And thats exactly what it did. It was pretty far away at the time. As far away as a plane would be, but it STOPPED, and went the other way in mid air, now i know airplanes can not do that. So I kept watching it, mind you I was driving and swirving all over the place but i was so fasiniated, So then It started to circle me, not me specificly but I would see it to my right then i wouldnt see it and it would be to my left. And it got closer, and closer, until i could actually make out the shape, it was only lastnight, and i dont compeletly remeber how close it got, but I know it was shaped like a boomerang and it had flashing green and orange lights. It was sooooo strange that I saw it while my boyfriend and I were talking about it. It was the coolest thing I have ever seen.
| 0 | 25,053 |
Every evening around 7:30, we go outside to look at Nibiru, and to catch a glimpse of anything strange in the sky today was no different looking Northwest about 8:20 We Saw II orb or spherical shaped craft., they were pulsating kind of morphing and changing shape and dancing around each other a huge thunderstorm was rolling in as I believe they were using the energy from the thunderstorm to recharge or something we both watched in amazement for about 4 or 5 minutes trading in the binoculars back and forth in amazement as what we were witnessing. Then almost as soon as it began the either enable their cloaking devices or opened up a portal to another dimension. | 0 | 114,479 |
The object appeared from the right to left directly in front, then stopped mid-air. Was low enough to see shape and lights underneath.
I was stationary at the traffic lights on the corner of Monterey Ave and Highway 111 (in between the Mall and Walgreens) at the front on the line, left hand side (there are two left turning lanes), waiting to make a turn onto Hwy 111. The sky was dark and I noticed movement in the sky from the right to the left, so that the object was almost directly in front of me, but up high. There are always planes in the area due to the airport and I didn’t think anything at first glance, but the object stopped in the air and that’s when it caught my attention. As I focused my attention more on the object (trying to figure out what it was, like a helicopter), it moved enough towards my direction so that I could see from underneath that it was triangular / boomerang shaped and there were round, green lights. I think there were 3 green lights on each of the arms of the “boomerang”. The object was still quite high in the sky. I was trying to grab my phone to take a picture but the traffic lights changed and I couldn’t get to it in time and had to make the left hand turn. The time would have been between 7.19 - 7.23 pm on Sunday 17th March, 2024. I was in the car alone, but there was a car beside me on the right, also waiting to make a left hand turn so there may be another sighting at the same location. If I had to guess the location of the object relative to the ground, I would estimate it was in alignment with the Living Desert Zoo, but on the right hand side of Hwy 74, over the housing area there. | 0 | 160,111 |
Silent fast large object in the A.M. Arizona sky
An object, that brightly lit up the cloud cover it traveled through, flew silently, at tremendous speed, from East to West over Arizona City, AZ at approximately 4:50 am 08/21/2022. It slightly changed direction south about midway through the sighting. It covered the viewable distance horizon to horizon in approximately 15 to 20 seconds.
I did not see the object directly as it was traveling in the cloud cover. It appeared to be a single object capable of quiet, very fast travel and maneuverability. | 0 | 150,952 |
Driving down the road and stopped at a stop sign and noticed a stationary bright red light over the tree line once we turned it lowered and was hovering right beind the car for 30 seconds following us at the same speed and then veered 90 degress to the left and dissapeared | 0 | 131,736 |
UFO over nuclear reactor- 14 helicopters around it
4 people, driving north on Route 9, saw a large rotating circle of lights, flying over the area of Indian Point Nuclear Reactor (restricted airspace) on the Hudson River. I counted 14 helicopters flying around it. Cars were stopped all along the road to watch the incident, but we didn't stop, for some reason. This definitely happened in August of 1988, but I can't remember the exact date or time (evening).
| 0 | 26,245 |
Sudden lights east of Vegas
My husband and I were leaving Las Vegas, when my husband saw a bright light just appear in the sky, like a lightswitch was just turned on. He told me to try to get a picture of it and when we got the film back there was definately something on the picture that we don't recognize.
It has a creepy look to it, maybe someone know what it is. | 0 | 35,720 |
flashing light seen and vidoe taped over Titusvlle florida for approximately 45 minutes
My wife came home from work at 21:03 hrs eastern and told me there was a stationary light flashing between red, electric blue, purple and bright white flashes.
When I stepped on my porch and looked I could see the light while facing east south east looking toward the Kennedy space center I thought perhaps it was a helicopter or a plane or possibly a satellite.
At approximately 21:25it started taking a more westerly movement with a more noticeable movement.
I am not sure what I watched but I was able to shoot approximately 4-6 minutes of video before my battery failed. I do have it saved on super 8 film.
| 0 | 58,789 |
I saw a very eerie flying rectangle, moving smoothly and silently.
I walked out of a restaurant. A thunderstorm with possible tornado activity was heading our way, so I looked up at the clouds. I clearly saw a rectangular craft, about 800 feet up. It was moving towards me from east to west. It crossed hwy 280 then turned abruptly left (south) and paralleled hwy heading south. The craft appeared to be about 20 feet in length and about ten feet wide. Might have been a hover craft or alien drone. Completely silent made a sharp left turn more like an abrupt change of direction. Craft was moving.slowly. Oddly i seemed to have a mottled coloring almost like camouflage.
I had an uneasy feeling as i observed it. A mild sense of dread.
I'm a veteran with much experience with military craft. We have nothing like this. | 0 | 114,821 |
objects moved very fast& then very slow at each other, & kept stopping for long periods of time, then vanished
saw one object pass by my chimney got up to find again, found it heading southeast, then it stopped,was joined by another, which was far behind, it circled the first one , i thought they were going to crash in to each other. then it headed due east a good distance, & came back .at this time wife came out with binoculars & i got to see that they were large objects,[ not balloons floating in the wind ] finally a third object came into the area, & stopped. i asked my wife if she could still see them ,no she said, i looked in my binoculars, & that fast they were gone.the weather was very clear, no clouds blue sky. these objects were white in color against the blue background....
| 0 | 31,779 |
seen over McMinnville Oregon.
Driving out by the airport,the sky was dark but clear. I looked out the passenger window and couldn't explain what I saw.
There was a plume of smoke with a bright large (maybe 10ft a cross ,it was difficult to gage how far into the distance it was ,or how high in the sky it was.) It looked like a giant flash light was shining down. I thought it was a meteor, but it didn't seem to be moving, nor did it look like what I'd expect a meteor ,or astroid ,or what have you. There was no tail, it was more compact.....stumpy.
The man driving decided to pull over so he could get a better look, but just as he said it the light blinked a couple times and the just went out. Right when it went out, there seemed to be a little piece of something that was burning. It shot off to the upper left and immediately it burnt out. And that was it. All that was left was a poor of smoke. I was stunned, and I thought for sure with its size and the 15 seconds that I saw it, (let alone the actual filtration of time it was present) I was SURE somebody, somewhere had caught it with their cell phone, or camera. But, nothing. I heard nothing about it.
I don't know what I saw, but I know it was something extraordinary.
Finding this site helped me see that maybe I saw something even more unusual. | 1 | 101,728 |
I was traveling on sr-264 east heading to Gallup, NM. My husband was driving. I was watching a plane in the distance and I looked over to a group of houses.
Above the light poles were 3 green lights, with 2 red strobing lights on one craft. It was hovering and the lights looked circular around the craft.
I was scared and stared at it for a while. I informed my husband who turned around on the highway.
By the time we circled around it was gone. It wasn't very large but I was quite a distance away from it. We had no lost time.
This is my first sighting of a craft. | 1 | 100,553 |
ULOS (Unidentified Light Objects)
I found a way to take photographs of another dimension. The images are beautifully colored and amazing. I believe they are communication signals from another dimension, maybe trying to let us know that we are not alone. At first I was afraid of what I was looking at. Then I was amazed, looking thru the beautiful rays of color and images that appeared.
| 0 | 62,446 |
MADAR Node 113
| 1 | 147,789 |
On my way to work I witnessed two low flying, triangular shaped craft moving in complete silence along baltimore washington parkway
I deliver the Washington Post Newspaper every morning. On Monday, 09/02/2013 between 2:30 and 2:45 AM as I took an exit off Greenbelt, Rd to merge onto Baltimore Washington Parkway traveling south towards Washington DC., I noticed two cars pulled on the shoulder with their hazard lights on. Then as soon as I fully merged onto the parkway, myself and passengers in five or so other vehicles witnessed two very low flying, triangular shaped craft move somewhat slowly along the Parkway and in complete silence. Both craft looked exactly alike, triangular in shape with three white lights, one on each angle, one red light in the middle and two small green lights towards the back. The craft was coming toward me as I traveled south on Baltimore Washington Parkway, then turned right running parallel to Interstate 495. It was foggy that night and we eventually lost sight of the two craft. I was only able to see the two green lights once they turned revealing the back, underside of the craft.
Right before the event, I noticed many police vehicles on Greenbelt Road with cars pulled over as well as two cars pulled on the shoulder of Baltimore Washington Parkway with their hazard lights on apparently also witnessing the two craft. I have never seen anything like what I saw that night and will never forget it.
I am 100% positive whatever I saw was not constructed by man. I found this sight trying to see if anyone else posted anything from that night as I am sure other people witnessed the aircraft as well. | 1 | 91,104 |
Large dark triangle with alternating blue and red lights flying over Miami
I was lying in my bed when all of the sudden i hear a what sounds to be a helicopter, but it was different, a very strange noise.
I jumped out of bed and looked out of my window pointing southwest. I saw a dark triangle shaped craft with red and blue alternating lights on the sides, moving at a very fast speed. The craft was not too
High off the ground about 300-400 feet. 1-2 minutes later I heard another plane noise but this time it looked to me like a fighter jet.
As i am typing this I can here one more craft above me, this time it was a large twin-rotor helicopter.
Both the jet and the helicopter are following this craft.
| 1 | 73,211 |
Several formations of lights flying high in the sky at night over California. They looked to be traveling at the same speed that you ca
On my porch in Tracy California looking to the West over the ultimate hills towards the East Bay. Started seeing several lights In the distant night sky flying past a really bright star in the Western sky. They were following one another at a 45゚ angle to the North. After about 30 seconds of watching this formation another group of 3 to 4 also started flying up in the night sky above this star and to the North. After standing there for at least a minute or 2, Another group have at least 4 to 5 lights went flying up into the night sky pass the star in the West to the North. I then called my wife to the front porch where she also sat there with me for several minutes and watched 2 more groups of 2 to 3 lights go off up into the night sky in the West past the star headed North. I am prior military and know what jets flying high look like. I also know what missiles that have been launched into the sky look like. I have never seen anything like this in my ! life.
| 0 | 137,131 |
This was no satellite.
I was outside the house at approximately 09:45-47 it was kind of bright but getting dark really soon as I could tell as the sun sets westward,I was looking North East. As I on a regular basis see satellites travelling overhead,from the back garden,I know them,ie speed etc,but upon looking up into the sky,and that it was to bright for a satellite to be travelling I became more attentive to it ,I was saying to myself,this is not normal. So as I kept observing it,it suddenly stopped and took off at a speed undescribable to me,in a reverse angle, meaning it was heading North East and then suddenly Southward.
The object was far to bright to be a satellite, definitely was not a conventional aircraft,and most certainly was Not Military,this object was so fast that when I turned my head to try following it,it vanished.
I'm shocked at this, really. I'm a guy if 60yrs never had any indisgressions in my life , worked hard etc,etc . I watch documentaries on UAPs the US Navy,the congressional hearings,Lynda Moulton Howe,George Knapp,and Louis Elisandro amongst others,but living here in tiny little Athy Co Kildare,never did I think I'd ever see this kind of phenoma. | 0 | 161,832 |
I was watching the stars and caught a light flashing it wasn’t anything I had ever seen bf
Caught on video a light gliding flashing in the sky after I took the video I watched it back there were 2uap and the shape was round and it flashed and it looked like was so strange the movement and when it would light up it looked huge like a hunny comb floating thru the air. The movement was totally different from what it looked like in real time so strange makes me want to know exactly what I was seeing but I do not know. | 0 | 150,342 |
Driving east on Rt. 2 just at the Rt.2/190 split in Leominster and saw three egg shaped lights hovering in the sky.
I was driving east on Rt. 2 just at the Rt.2/190 split in Leominster when I noticed three egg shaped lights fairly close together but hovering independently in the sky ahead of me. They seemed to be a medium brightness flame color. They appeared to be pretty high but very close, as it took over a minute for me to drive directly beneath them, which is about a mile or two. I did not notice any shape outside of the flame colored lights with the star lit sky as the background as I was passing beneath them. Unfortunately, since I was in my car I did not hear anything. A minute or two later I pulled over at an eye doctors office in that area but did not see the lights again. I waited for 15 minutes and witnessed a few planes fly overhead, none of which resembled what I had seen earlier. I also dialed 911 to report the sighting and was transferred to state police, who stated that I was the only caller regarding the issue. It’s hard to believe since there is! a nearby shopping center with a perfect view of the sky above the highway.
| 1 | 76,606 |
objec seen leaving the sea at 30 degrees leaving a contrail of water
I was watching a replay of a golfer taking some lessons near the coast.
The PGA instructor noticed something cross the screen in less than a split second and when viewed repeatadly, beyond the wall where the golfer was taking his shot from was the sea, then there it was a flat/circular object obviously leaving the sea at speed. When he first played the movie to me, I said jokingly it was a big fly. But when the movie was slowed down the object is leaving the sea at about 30 degress and when zoomed in you are able to notice that the object is shedding water.
To give you a rough Idea of how fast the object is moving : The golfer was just starting his back swing and by the time club head had left the back of the ball and was inline with his left foot the object appeared and then disapeaed from view, If you have played golf before you wil know that the time taken from ball to left foot will be somthing like 100th of a second.
The Movie has been sent to scientists and came back that the sighting was defenately a UFO
| 0 | 30,199 |
Two unidentified aircrafts in Belgium making cirle-like symbols.
on the evening of the 2nd of March, me and my roommate were smoking a cigarette out of our room. it was already dark so you could see the citylights below (we live in a high appartment). We were silent and watching the sky looking for falling stars, when my roommate noticed a big light high in the shy north of us. First we thought: a comet or something. But suddenly that one bright light became to less bright lights, and they were fast moving troughout the sky, they made a cirle-kind shape. suddenly they stopped and the light vanished. we could see them clearly now. It were two very smooth airlined silver aircrafts, and i mean silver,shiny metal. you could see the light of town ond the bellow of the ships. and then as suddenly as they appeared, they disappeared with a bright trail, probably the engines. The first few moments we didn't believe what we just saw, i am (was) not realy a believer, but this thing we have seen was definatly something.
| 0 | 21,989 |
lights in Milky Way, changed directions, very low very bright, no night noises, only a hum very bright light ran away...
About 15 years ago, I lived in a small country town Called "Rosedale" which is just north of Bundaberg in central Queensland Australia. I was still at school in those days, my best mate and I used to find any excuse to get out of a night time and go up behind his place (It was a nature reserve.) We just sat in a cleariing and smoked a packet of cigaretes, shining our high powered torches all over the place. The whole idea was just to have a smoke, (as if our parents couldn't smell it on us when we went home) any how, this one night, we were smoking, and talking about nothing when we looked up to see what looked like a few satalites moving across the "milky way". This was nothing out of the ordinary as it is very clear at night. All of a sudden, the satalites changed direction and went shooting all over the place at high speed. Big tough 15 year old boys that we were, we both said something to the effect of "It would be great if it were UFO's and we got to meet an alien." So wee started shining our torches in the direction of these lights in the sky. It was at this time, we realised the lights were getting larger, and the sound of the night crickets and other sounds were gone. At the same time, We saw a very bright light come out from the right side above the trees, it took up most of the sky. The only noise to be heard was a hum . It was more felt than heard though. Like a big sub woofer for the Hi Fi systme. This light went over tthe trees and as it went out of sight over to the left of the clearing the light and sound were gone aswell. Like big tough men, we turned to each other and said something less than pleasant. Turned again and ran a good mile in what seemed like only seconds. As we got tho the house, we saw the dog jumping over the fence to go the way we came. We called it to stop but it never took direction very well and ignored us completely. Within a few minutes, we heard the dog yelp in pain, we thought about going to see if it was OK but chickened out. The next day, th! e dog came home but was sluggish for a couple of days before it came back to its old self. It had no visable marks or anything and wee can only guess as to why it yelped. I don't know if anyone else has experienced anything similar, but this is the first time I have told this story to anyone other than Family in almost 15 years, It is as clear today as it was then. Please feel free to email me at ((deleted))@hotmail.com | 0 | 5,639 |
Very distant light blinking on and off at eight second intervals. Appeared to be as far away as the stars.
At 2:20 in the morning, while letting my dogs out, I saw a light in the South East sky, at approximately 60 degrees. The light, which appeared to be at the distance and approximate brightness of a surrounding star, would blink on, for a duration of less than a second, and then blink off. The light blinked on and off at eight to nine second intervals. After approximately 10 -12 flashes, the light started moving slightly. When the light would blink on, still at the same intervals, it was in a slightly different location, in the same area of the sky. The light was bright and appeared to be very far away. After about five minutes, the light turned off and never appeared again to me.
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large black triangle 1 round light in each corner moving silently across evening sky
On 110814 I was vacationing with family (wife and child) in La Quinta Ca. After spending the day hours in downtown Palm Springs we returned to our rental in La Quinta, Ca. We changed and headed for the pool. We rode our bikes from our home to a pool located near the main gate of the community. We swam in the pool and then moved to the hot tub.
While in the hot tub, we relaxed and stargazed, as we often do while we are there. I began looking west towards the Santa Rosa Mountains admiring the numerous stars in the night sky. We talked about how dark it was compared with home for same time of evening, it was around 1815 to 1840 hours. We chatted about how many stars were visible and how pleasant it was out.
A movement in the sky next to a 2 palm trees which line the interior SW corner of the pool landscaping caught my eye. I thought at first it must be the shadow of a large bird flapping its wings. It took a second for me to realize it was not bird in flight. The object was not just behind the palm tree but in the sky beyond it. It occupied the airspace between my location and the mountain. As it moved across the sky from behind the palm tree I saw it was large. Its size made it difficult to judge its actual dimensions (I would guess as large as a commercial airliner) or its altitude in the sky. Frankly, its appearance confused me so could only base my observations by comparing it to the mountain and palm trees. From my vantage point it was as large as the top of the palm tree fronds (not its actual size but the object was in the distance and still looked about the size palm tree top) This palm tree is about 40 feet tall and the object was about the same size in the sky. Its altitude seemed to be no more than the height of the mountain that runs adjacent to the community on the far west side.
When I first noticed the object it seemed blurry. (I use the term blurry only because I can not properly describe what was happened to the surface on the triangle for the first moments until it became clear/focused). It moved into a clearing passed the palm trees at an angle just in front and above me. There were no obstructions between myself and the object. It was literally right in front of me.
The night sky was my backdrop as it moved across the sky. It was a large equilateral triangle. Its height was far less in comparison to its length of its sides. (I could not see the top and saw nothing protruding above it) The outside of it was darker than the night sky but it blended into the sky above it. The object itself was black and seemed shiny when it was at its most focused point (meaning the shape was blurry and then came into focus). I could make out the outer edges of the triangle and also the whole body as it blocked the stars in the sky it passed in front of. I could not make out any surface details.
Each corner of the triangle housed a round light. The lights were not small beacon lights but quite large. The round lights were not extremely bright and seemed a muted yellow even dim. The lights did not pulsate or flash like airplane beacons either. It also appeared clearer to me the more directly in front of me it was. It continued across the sky until it was NE of me. It passed behind more palm trees at which point I lost it in the sky and could no longer locate it. The object made no noise and seemed completely silent.
The aircraft moved from the SW towards the NE across the sky. It moved slowly but never stopped, slower than a C130 at an airshow slow. The entire aircraft slowly rotated on its axis. I believe it rotated counter clockwise. It did not change direction or altitude. Its movement across the sky seemed effortless. It seemed to float in the air like a raft would float on the water but light like cottonwood seed fuzz. A smooth movement like a ball bearing rolling across a glass top table. Its movement was very different than any plane, helicopter or balloon I have ever seen. Smooth, slow, light and effortless.
During the time I was watching the object, I attempted to point it out to my wife and young son. Neither were able to see it and they told me I was quite excited while pointing toward it and not making much sense to them. I described to them what I saw; "a large triangle with three round lights in the corners slowly rotating as it moved across the sky." Important things about this siting. This was a calm night with little to no breeze. This particular community proximity to mountain makes flying a plane, helicopter too dangerous/not possible especially at night without lights. The community has only ground lighting. The community is far away from city lights. The community is flanked by the Santa Rosa Mountains to the west blocking all light pollution from the west. The community is also far away from urban areas and is quite quiet, especially in the evenings. The object was much lower than any plane I have witnessed above the property. Most planes I have seen are flying at cruising altitudes far above the mountains. The helicopters I have seen are military and also fly well above the mountains. I believe we had a full moon on the 8th but the moon starts low at the horizon line until it moves upwards into the sky later in the evening. Also reported to MUFON. | 1 | 103,253 |
Three craft in two photos which change size, shape, brightness and height. What are they?
These three craft can be viewed on the upper left side of two photos taken at Beaver Lake. The photos were actualy of my friend with the fish he caught and the craft were noticed by my wife in the e-mail photos that he sent to me. The ofjects seemed to change position, brightness and shape from one photo to the next. No one on the fishing trip noticed the crafts or what apears to be crafts. My friend poo-pooed me with his thoughts on the subject but I think they are typical of the crafts that I have seen many times on TV. It would be nice to have some one look at these and give me an expert opinion.
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MADAR Node 07 | 1 | 128,110 |
Three bright lights in the form of a triangle with pin point lights emitted at corners.
Three extremely bright lights clustered in the shape of a triangle noted in the distant sky. I observed the object over a period of 12 minutes. The object exhibited a bouncing motion at times. Occasionally there where pin point lights that flashed at an extended distance from the three point configuration. There were no stars in the sky at the time of this sighted. You could however see the moon. I watched closely for 12 minutes and then laid back down. I couldn't sleep so I looked out the window again and the triangle formation was much further in the distance.
This is the second time that I have winessed this type of object in the sky. The first time was approximately 10 years ago. At that time the object appeared to be a greater distance from the earth and did not have the pin point lights extending from a distance. At that time I was with a friend and we thought it might possibly be a satillite but had never seen anything like it in the sky before.
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iam very hurt and the rudeness of your staff . iam 50 and disabled . due to my health idont drink or do drugs even if i had a disire . what ive seen for ten years nightly is scary and disturbing and maybe you ought to talk to nasa or showlow airport or that secret military installation behind the sanitary district the one that send ten mps with asrult riffles and points them at small children camping on the 4th of july with their parents . maybe stop being communist nazis . remember travis walton , that was real too .
(( | 0 | 125,468 |
in 1995 9months later I saw the exact same craft on an episode of unsolved mysteries except the dome on this craft was dark not illuminated 2 friends drove into the woods so i could camp alone ((deleted)) noticed it got light all of a sudden from pitch darkness he noticed a light in the clouds I was preoccupied with other things I didn't believe in ufo's so I tried to explain it away but the clouds kept moving an the object became unobstructed perfect saucer shape while backing up to turn around on a raised dirt road tracy shined his headlights on the object and it startetd to rise higher no sound at all ((name deleted)) later told me it followed us down the road out of the woods I didn't notice because he was driving extremely fast and I was more concerned with him crashing into a tree weird thing his dog was crying and terrified by crying I mean tears dogs too stupid to be scared of anything | 0 | 6,054 |
3 backpackers see very strange lights appear in the wilderness while hiking the Trinity Alps, followed by a missing time event.
On the night of 4th of July 2020, my two other buddies and I (all of us friends for 20+ years since high school) were backpacking in the trinity Alps north of Weaverville, Ca. We had been backpacking 9 miles on the Caribou lake trail into deep wilderness that day. It was a perfectly clear night, 10:30pm. We all were talking, sitting by a fire when I saw a bright white light appear over a nearby mountain ridge, stationary, hovering at Upper Caribou Lake. It hovered for roughly 3 minutes. It took me by surprise as I thought (at first) it was a planet but it started to slowly move upward, very slowly. I yelled OMG, UFO. My two other friends jumped up and by the time we all reached the edge of the lake (away from the treeline) it was gone. I was the only one that saw this first sighting.
Later that night around 11:30pm as we stayed up and moved away from the fire and sat at the lakes edge, one of my friends was alarmed at a series of odd blinking lights straight above are heads. We all looked up and the lights continued to blink in a random pattern far away from each other, too far apart to be a passing plane. Weird colors amber, red, then bright white. At one point we saw a streak of light continue into more blinking lights that seemed unattached to any know plane or craft of known origin. All three of us confirmed the sighting as it happened. I remember the last set of blinking lights being very intense with a super bright amber light flashing quickly a fair distance away from the other flashing lights we had just witnessed. This second sighting of the night lasted about two minutes and crossed half way over the visible sky from are vantage point. We've seen many planes flying at night and this string of flashing lights didn't match up to anything we've ever seen.
I will note there was no bangs, or typical sounds related to any fireworks. Plus, we were in the deep wilderness far away from any nearby town.
Lastly, about 30 minutes after the blinking light event, I was standing near one of my friends while the third friend was walking behind us (again near the lakes edge) The friend closest to me and I felt a strange since of missing time as it felt our third friend had vanished or was suddenly placed sitting on a nearby rock. The friend sitting on the rock said he was sitting there the whole time. Granted it was late and we all were very tired at this point, but the fact my buddy closest to me and I felt the same experience caught us by surprise. We both immediately confirmed the experience and talked about it.
These events were odd, as my two friends and I have been backpacking many times in the wilderness and have witnessed several times over the years odd lights in the sky. But, only when all three of us are together on these hiking trips. We feel there is some kind of pull towards us being more receptive to these experiences. Very strange.
I could go into more detail about our other sightings over the years but I will keep this short as to be more relevant with this current sighting.
Thank you for reading this count. I'm an illustrator/ digital artist and could illustrate the light event if needed for more documentation.
Best to you! | 1 | 139,894 |
The circle was moving onto my right
i've seen flashing lights around the circle and
I'm sorry, but i forgot to make a image | 0 | 151,405 |
Reached for phone after viewing object for over a minute <half mile from me, I took enclosed picture a few seconds after.
At 1:02pm MDT May 17, 2017 just south of Hugo CO I was getting ready to turn to my driveway onto my property to the west while driving south on Lincoln CR 32 approximately 1 mile southwest of Hugo CO when I saw something I can’t explain. I noticed an object hovering about 30’ over my neighbors place to the south about a quarter mile away. It hovered there maybe 10 seconds then drifted east slowly to the south of me to just east of CR32 about a half mile away from the road, where it stopped 20’ or so above the ground, still approximately a quarter mile from me. At that time it ‘swirled’ straight up slowly to maybe 70-100’ feet above the ground & drifted slowly east & rose some more, maybe to 150-200’ going away from the road maybe a mile. Next the object stopped, came back towards the neighbors house at a little lower altitude, maybe 100’, was over their place briefly before slowly starting to drift east once again. That’s when I thought of my phone & that this would make a great picture so I turned from the object & reached for my phone, got it in camera mode which only took 6-7 seconds. I snapped a picture where the object was seconds earlier. I was parked in my driveway at the time after viewing the object a minute or more from that location. The object was visible for probably 2 minutes & was no longer visible to my naked eye as I snapped the picture in the direction I saw it seconds earlier. When I looked at the picture you have to zoom into the top of the electrical pole just to the right of the big ‘T’ cross pole in the foreground. When you look just to the right of the insulators on the pole you can see the object between the electric wires, it appears to be shining some on the top sunny side of the ‘sphere’. Also had to accelerate at a great speed to get so far away from being directly in front of me & a quarter mile away when I reached for my phone to get to where it was maybe 7 seconds later, the time I snapped the picture. Wished I had a picture of it when it was closer, was spectacular oval/spherical shaped object. Not totally sure on object size, appeared to be 10’-20’ or more maybe a hair less on width, not quite oval but a little oval configuration from my vantage point. Hopefully you can enlarge the picture enough to get an idea what it was that I witnessed on Friday May 17, 2024 & maybe even be able to do an acceleration calculation based on photo & my info. Let me know if I can be of any further help, if possible text ahead if you want a phone conversation with me. I do not answer phone #’s I do not recognize, thanks. | 0 | 160,805 |
Red near ground 1 beam light seperate into 4 which rotated and the tops rotated of the beams
we were driving from wausau to greenbay on HWY 29 at 12:30 am we left wausau about 1 hour later we saw something hovering over the ground to our north it was glowing red and from it a beam of light shot out and from that 1 beam 4 beams shot out into a circle and they rotated then went back to one beam and the process continued. it was like the beams were signaling something also the object was very low to the ground also note there is no major airports in this area as indicated on a WI map. there were dead animals along side of the road also in a box shape much like the lights were. i looked on the web and there is no spotlights that are like that after we got past greenbay it faded but it seemed to follow us for 2 hrs before then also both me and my wife were wide awake when we left wausau but after we saw that we both became extremly tired
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Large object 200 yards away hovering above the trees
Driving interstate 5 marysville wa this object had a lot of ultra white bright lights covering the whole craft in the front I seen s large pillers grayisg black coller creating a point this craft was not moving it was really clost to the trees there were about 8-10 trees under it I passed it up turned around a 1/4 mile away went back it wad gone I turned back around heading back south spotted what I think was this object way off in the distance this was brighter than a plane it turned west very fast faster than any airplane I have seem in the same area I see planes all the time this was not a plane | 0 | 159,100 |
Bright white light. Not plane, planet or star
On the way to work this morning with my husband I noticed a very bright light just below the moon. The light was stationary and we were traveling east at about 30mph. At first I thought that it was a star or planet, but it was just too large and very bright. I also thought that perhaps it was a plane, there is an airport about 5 miles from where we were, but it was too high to be in the flight pattern,on an inbound, or just after takeoff. There where no beacon lights so I honestly didn't believe it to be a plane, I looked at it for moment and thought to look and see if the sun was coming up and possibly causing some sorta reflection. The sun was still low in the horizon. This took took perhaps a split second, when I looked back at the moon again the light was gone. My husband pulled over to the side of the road to see if it had traveled over the top of the jeep we were riding in. It was gone. If it was a plane, there is no way that it could of landed that quickly from such a high altitude. I have looked around the internet to try to find an explaination to this, but the closest that I can come up with is the star Sirius, but from what I can tell, it is not near the moon at this time. I have never seen a ufo (not saying this was one)and am not a person that sits around looking for them. I just thought that this was just a very strange occurance. Any thoughts? | 0 | 18,350 |
Fast moving light spotted from commercial jet.
We were flying home from a trip to New York City and I looked out the window and I saw a very fast moving light with a trail of black smoke coming out the back of it. We watches it move up and down for about 5 to 10 mins and then it went down into the clowds and we lost sight of it but about 20 mins later we saw it come back up through the clowds and increes in speed untell we lost sight of it.
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Organized human-alien abduction
Im not sure if this is the correct place to explain what happened to me when i was ten years old back in the mid seventies..but it wont hurt to tell my story. It was a week of my life that kinda haunts me to this day. I havent discussed this to anyone before..because..it does sound kinda crazy..but the older i have become and the more ive learned about alien life forms..the more creepier i felt about what happened to me back then. Ill start off first by stating what i believe...I believe through my learning and hearing about how aliens basically make their own humans..by impregnating women....in lack of better terminology..using humans..human Dna whatever..they have the technology..like we almost do..to make their own humans. Who knows....that couldhave been the way Mary got impregnated with Jesus....CRAZY? Yeah some people think so..but ??? Anyways...i was ten or eleven years old and i signed up for this soccer camp one summer. The soccer camp was more than a soccer camp..cause it bused all the kids who joined way up into the mountains to camp and play soccer and fish etc...It was alot of fun. West Valley Soccer camp was the name of the "oganization".A couple of really weird things happened to me that week...and at the time i just shrugged them off, and didnt pay to much thought to any of it....but the events are still with me today more than ever..and im 37 years old now.
Now this could be just innocent weird things that happened that have nothing at all to do with other life forms..but who knows maybe someone else might have had something like this happen to them too. Well..all the kids in the camp slept in bunk beds in lil cabins. One morning,,all the kids awoke..and wheni woke up..from the top bunk..immedaitely the kids that in the cabin strting asking me what happened to me that night. Did i fall out of the bunk?? Why did they see a couple of the older counselers carrying me and putting me back in bunk in the middle of the night??? Now i had no recollection or memory of any of this happening to me. That in itself is really bizarrre because..if i would have fallen out of bed i would have remembered. Well..one more event took place...they had a big 7 mile hike they called it..where the counselours and kids would all hike somewhere for 7 miles and camp out for the night and the next day hike back. Well yeah..it waqs at least 7 miles..and when we came to the place where everyone was going to camp for the night...it was a public lil campground or something but the oddest thing that didnt trip me out then but does now..was that all over this lil camp ground..posted on the trees...and taped to the port a pottys..was these papers stating that campers should be aware of some kind of bubonic plague or something that was out of control in the wild animal population in the area. Were these signs there..to scare away people and make this area ideal for the "Soccer camp counselors"?. I dont know...but i do know one thing.,..i woke up in the middle of the night..a hundred yards away from the other campers who were asleep...just .. i guess"walking in my sleep"???? In that week two things happened to me that never before or after happened to me ...it was just all too weird.
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looked out bedroom window, saw a rectangular shape that was colored like fire
My husband woke me up at 4:30 am Wednesday September 2. He said, "Honey, look out the window, do you see what I see?"
I looked, a little blurry eyed at first, but I saw a rectangular shape, over the mountains, behind our house. It was colored like fire.
After a few seconds it started to dim, and disappeared.
Then I saw some light flashes and then a round globe, smoke colored object sort of bounced through the sky.
We discussed the fact that no one would believe us. | 0 | 63,225 |
Witnessed 18 to 20 fireball orange round orbs
We saw approximately eight groups of two to four very bright orange fireball round shape orbs. They were flying one group after the other. They started out very bright going east, then veered to the south and then they faded out. There was no sound and they were flying at a fairly slow speed but not slow enough to be considered hoovering. They were all flying at a very simular altitude. This occurred at about 7:40 pm CST. I do not know if there were more prior to me going outside. The fireballs did not blink or flash. | 1 | 83,389 |
caught on my ring camera. 30 seconds in. It isnt a straight line, it does move around then dissappears. | 0 | 147,457 |
flurscent green fireball the approx size of a half moon coming from sky over ocean over highway to mountains on otherside of us.very brite and strong to the eyes at fast speed
2 truck drivers heading south on 101 coming from santa barbra and santa maria area sawl object flying at great speed it was the most britest flurencent green we have ever seen.it came from over the ocean heading east over us but in front of us.it seemed to have hit on the other side of the mountain or on the top of the mountain. we were about 1/2 mile from the exit of seacliff exit when this happened.the size was about half of a moon falling and landing within seconds.it either landed high on the mountain or just on the other side of it the mountain.this was at 1:11 am we thought we sawl a glow of the mountain horizon after seeing it hit or land somewhere on that mountain. it diffently hit or landed somewhere up there.the object was round as far as we could tell but the brite flurscent green was so brite it was hard to tell if it was a different shape other then looking like a fireball but it was like looking at green fire thats the only way we can try to tell you and it was flurscent very flurscent!!!!!!!!! | 0 | 8,681 |
flashes of light, quickly dissapeared afterwards
i was walking home from the pharmacy when i saw a quick flash of light, it only lasted for a few seconds and then it was gone, i was blinded for a second and when i looked around everyone was staring at the sky. i asked them what happened but no one knew
| 0 | 16,668 |
| 0 | 36,130 |
Dots over Clifton, NJ
I took this pictures and video the night of 06/19/11 around 8:15pm. We were having a BBQ when I look up and saw this little plate moving from north-east to south east, very slow. It was difficult to see, because the distance. The object stop and if you look in the video, you can see an aircraft flying over the UFO. Moments later the object just vanished.
Im sending the original pictures. In order to see the object you need to zoom in around the center. I know is not the best pictures but is proved that we saw something that night. | 0 | 73,392 |
30-50 White lights in a perfect line.
Objects were medium bright lights traveling in a perfectly straight line NW to SE. All were white, no strobes or red/green aircraft lights evident. As they approached Davenport IA they appeared to gain altitude and disappear. Space between was random except for the final three, which maintained a close formation as though attached.
| 0 | 138,307 |
It was rainbow shaped in the front that was being propelled forward causing a rippling effect.
I live near central Phoenix. At 2:10 am I was looking south and saw something in the sky moving from West to East. It looked like it was near South Mountain. It was at the altitude a plane would fly. It was like a red, orange, and silver energy field propelling something forward. The front had a rainbow shape and every few seconds it would propel something forward and make a little ripple effect. I didn't see a definitive aircraft only this strange energy field. That's the best way to describe it. It didn't fade out, it just kept going. I didn't see any kind of fire, just this sparkly like energy field propelling something forward. My view was obstructed by a building so I didn't see it for long. It was big. It had to have been caught on camera. I'm surprised the news didn't report it, but they're controlled by the government so I understand. This was like nothing I have ever seen, and I've seen a lot living in Phoenix. This was not a human aircraft. It was not fireworks or a bomb or a meteor. This had to be some type of alien craft. Thank you for listening. Please contact me if you would like to speak to me. | 0 | 157,232 |
We saw four saucers with bright lights .
We saw four saucer shaped objects in the sky in a circular formation. Each one had different colored lights on them . They spun in a circle and then one by one they dissapeared in a flash of multi colored light.
| 0 | 13,116 |
Witnessed bright object high in sky that changed colors randomly.
On several occasions on different nights not in sequence,witnessed slow moving/hovering & spinning object with a bright white outline and interchanging colors, in different locations on several nights not in sequence, that swayed slightly back & forth. | 0 | 146,587 |
Blue/Green Object Flying North
I was traveling north on the NJ parkway around exit 122. The object appeared for 2 seconds or a little less.
It was blue/Green in the middle and had a bright ring around it with a teardrop end to it.
The sky was clear that night.
The object traveled from high to far then disappeared. It was amazing cause I know it was'nt normal. My chin was stuck over the steering wheel for a while as I kept driving. I almost drove off the road a few times looking up at the sky.
I was travling @ 70 MPH at the time, My speed was no match. This would be the second time in my life the chills ran high. | 0 | 40,354 |
Flashing red and blue lights.
Looking north towards Seattle wa. From Enumclaw, to the east slightly, up high in the sky above mountain side. Craft stayed in one spot for three night in a row. I have a video to share. Air craft has passed underneath several times. you will need to zoom in to see. | 0 | 156,724 |
Driving at night near the Northern California Coast - six orange orbs in the sky
Witness one - I was in the passenger seat of a car when I saw six orange orbs in the sky. They appeared to be floating slowly. Before the driver could pull over, four appeared to get further away (into space) and changed their color to blue, looking like any other star in the sky.
Witness two - I was driving when witness one alerted me to the orange lights in the sky. By the time I was able to safely pull over and look, only two lights remained. The seemed to be moving slowly or they were a far distance away. One seemed to grow bigger as it got "closer." Suddenly one disappeared (like the other four), then one reappeared shortly after quite far from where the other disappeared. The remaining orb of the first two looked as if it was disappearing, but then it just changed to a bluish color that matched the night sky and made it look like a star. The other orb moved slowly and then shortly disappeared after the other one.
| 1 | 80,728 |
First spotted a bright light on the WNW horizon - not moving - very bright white light and lightly flickering. After maybe 20 seconds, raced to directly overhead - that took an additional 15-25 seconds.
Once overhead, it split into two equal shapes, but not identical. Both were very bright and moving very slowly in a tight formation overhead for maybe 20 additional seconds. Then, in a flash, they both streaked right into the southern horizon. Before heading south they moved in a hurky jerky fashion making 90 degree turns quickly and easily. There was no sound associated with the sighting.
I am a retired pilot 66 years old with many years flying various draft in the Canadian North and Arctic. My friend and I were on a rooftop, were both speechless for a long time. I don't know about my friend but I have never told anyone about this....don't really know why.
Thanks! | 1 | 119,552 |
On November 24th, 2019 I and another person witnessed over 100 ufo’s glowing lights that were in a line that went across the sky and it took about 5 minutes for all of them to cross.
| 0 | 134,237 |
Bright, very red, light flies south to west near Silver City, NM.
Saw a bright, very red light approaching from the south, heading northwest toward the west - as if coming from Deming or Las Cruces and heading to Phoenix.
It appeared to fly at about helicopter height and helicopter speed, but it made no noise and appeared only as a very bright, very red, unblinking light. The orangey-red or red color was pure with no other colors noted.
It was at least twice the size that Venus appears, possibly more.
It was visible for 90 seconds or more.
The two witnesses are unsure whether it flew in a perfectly straight line, or whether it flew first toward the city in a more northerly direction, and then arced westward when it approached, or was over Boston Hill south of Silver City.
Video was taken, but was hand-held and not very useful. | 1 | 101,498 |
Unkown amber pulsating light
Bright amber pulsating light came into view from the south very fast then slowed down to almost a hover, it then turned to the northwest right over my house and went into some cumulus clouds and disappeared! No sound was heard and no normal navigation lights were observed! | 0 | 114,811 |
Light in the sky
I was riding my bike up the hill to the university UCSC. I stopped to take a rest in the grass and was watching the lights over the bay and noticed a bright white light moving in my direction. The light continued towards me it was right over me and at that point I noticed that it was a very large black craft. There was no noise no sound of any kind was huge and seamed to be headed towards Moffet field / NASA. I have been wanting to report this for years. | 1 | 147,928 |
large yellow object seen
while walking down Bleecker St. I was confronted by a 12-foot long craft that apparantly hovered a foot or two off the road. It was a bright yellow and had what appeared to be a pilot and passenger. After about 30 seconds it shot ahead at a very high rate of speed and was quickly out of site. Oh, wait a minute, that might have been a taxi waiting for the traffic light to turn green. Never mind | 0 | 9,514 |
I was looking at sky westbound and noticed an object in the sky with a tail of white behind it with another cigar shaped object following the first object. I saw them go into the clouds only to disappear and never resurface. The clouds broke up but the objects never reappeared. | 0 | 126,497 |
A gray object hovers in mid air and vanishes.
There was only one gray UFO it hovered for a moment then it just moved to the right as it moved to the right it went behind one tree I looked to see if it would come out the other side, but it was gone. | 0 | 18,084 |
A slow red moving object, going about 3 miles per hours, leaving Springfield going towards Tyndall.
It was very silent,it seem to notice us and come back to us we then got back in the car and didnt look back.
| 0 | 51,647 |
A fire ball shot across the sky and disapeard in thin air,
I was at the fair on a ride when i saw probly 5 or 6 people pointing up into the sky. I looked up and saw a bright solid white light with a short tail.
I got off the ride and watched it fly across the sky at a constant speed and altitude seemingly too fast for a plane and too slow for a shooting star. I pointed it out to my friends and we watched along with others as it flew across the sky behind the trees. We moved to a clearing to watch it more but moments after watching it, it disapeard even though it was compleatly out in the open.
| 1 | 60,126 |
Dark triangle craft spotted (no lights) hovering in the sky, silently.
During the summer of 1997 (exact date is unknown), while walking home from a friends home (0.1 miles distance from my destination) at approximately 2:30 - 3:30 AM I was on sidewalk directly across the street from my family's home, when I looked up to notice a large, fairly low, silent, black triangle (the corners were possibly slightly round, not a sharp point) hovering in the sky almost directly above my position. I was 12 years old at the time, on summer vacation from school.
I seemed to enter an area void of sound, and stopped in my tracks, this startled and confused me, and caused me to look around, and then up. I seem to recall a feeling of being watched at the time. I noticed that all insect noises (crickets), and other ambient noises seemed to fade away completely. When I looked up (almost directly above me), I noticed a dark triangle shape against the stars, which are very visible due to low light pollution, as this sighting took place on the southern edge of the small city of Waseca, MN.
I would approximate the width of the triangle shape to be approximately 500 to 700 ft. I would approximate the height of the object at maybe 200 - 300 feet. The object was large enough and close enough to take up a large portion of my total vision of the sky (about 1/4th). It had no lights, and no discernible structure, as it was not lit. It was either completely static, or possibly moving at a very slow speed (Less than 5 MPH ground speed). I heard no sound at all.
I do not recall how long I looked at the object, but was shocked at first, and then slightly afraid. I ran unto my home, and woke my sleeping mother to explain what I had seen, but do to the time and my age, I was waived off and told to go to sleep. I did not return outside to see if the object was still there. I had difficulty falling asleep. I do not believe I was missing any period of time, but also had no way to tell for sure. | 1 | 159,305 |
hovering 25' up, middle section rotating clockwise and containing red, yellow and (green?) lighted sections, shot away fast, no sound.
1972, July 4th fireworks had just ended and there were a lot of cars slowly driving away from the event, "stuck in traffic".  I was a young girl, with my sister, mother & father in one of these cars - a silver metallic saucer hovered - no sound- about 25' in the air over the cars about 5 or 6 cars ahead of us, we had a very clear view.  There were three horizontal parts - the middle horizontal part of the craft rotated slowly, with red, yellow, and other colored rectangular lighted sections with rounded corners all about the same size in this rotating section, which rotated clockwise from our perspective.  Top and bottom parts were not rotating.  After a few minutes, the craft shot up and away at a high speed at about a 45 degree angle, again no sound or vibrations. 
| 1 | 87,681 |
Curved-triangular shape, flying in sky in London, UK
There was one black/grey, curved-triangular shaped vehicle in the sky. It was going around 4x faster than your average airplane. It had two white lights either horizontally and two smaller ones in the middle, vertically.
It's a very dark night (it was 2:09am) and was 100% not a plane nor star, I am 100% confident this was in fact a UFO sighting.
Unfortunately, I didn't have time to take a photo, but this is exactly the same as what I saw:
http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_iq2vQY1Jeaw/S8oxSaZ5CXI/AAAAAAAATLE/1F9IyGhY6mw/s1600/DomRepUFO_425x275.JPG. | 1 | 82,307 |
Light buld like candle - Goverment?
I was outside with my friends younger brother and he saw something when we were in my back yard. He says hey look at that. I looked and it almost looked like to me a shadow like u.f.o but it was a balloon. 20 minutes later he goes whats that in the sky and it looked like a candle like light bulb going as fast as a balloon floating in the sky we saw ealier and was very,very high in the sky. I like what is that, I was looking trying to get what ever it was attention saying stop and trees were blocking the view when my camera phone was focusing. Tree ending up blocking my view. So could not take picture. All the sudden my friend said it's only a plane and I was looking I am like thats no plane I started scream stop,come over here, and then tree blocked the view and then I went in my front yard and I was like holy cow it was still moving I still had my cellphone and tried to take another picture and it was a open view no trees this time to block the view. Then it looked like it slightly bursted when it hit a light shaded cloud. My friend was like did you see that I never saw anything like that. Then I siad lets wait here it might be back. Then my friend said forget about it it's gone. I reported stuff I saw in the past. What I think what this stuff is are goverment experiments or Holograms. If it was really a U.F.O. I think it was following the balloon like it was studying it. I took a picture of the cloud it hit. Like as if maybe there a vortex to bring the light back to the dimmension it came from. I think it noticed that I was gonna try to take a picture of it so it burst once it hit cloud. I saw a shadowman with snake tongue in the past. I saw a 1950's type U.F.O. before. I saw liquid moving all around the sky. I am sick of seeing this stuff. Everyone I tell don't beleive what i saw. I saw other minor stuff also. When the goverment gonna stop with this. I know I am not crazy. I am just gonna blame it on the goverment. Lots of people report this stuff all the time. I was scared a little t! hinking once that light burst like that is that they went to land somewhere. I saw a movie called Night skies 4 weeks ago what gave me that idea.
| 0 | 48,834 |
Multiple blue, orange, red, purple, flashing beams occurred on the north -north east skyline of Atlanta.
First sight occurred north of Atlanta, towards Dunwoody. It was a bright blue flash, almost as if something had exploded. Then multiple of flashes, varying in colors from Blue, Orange, Purple, Red, were caught towards the north east skyline. Some flashes were bigger than others. These flashes were seen in the skyline above the tree line. As if the flashes emanated from the ground going up into the sky project bright lights. Some flashes occurred purely in the sky, but most seemed to stem from the ground up. This was all captured from the 19th floor of my high rise apartment building. I turned off all lights in my apartment to better view the sky. In the background you can see a few buildings, but mostly tree lines. In the span of 15 minutes, I would say there was about 20 of these bright flashes of light. The size of the flashes varied, from upside down triangle shapes, to spherical shapes, to cylinder type shapes. I have more videos but was only able to upload 4. | 0 | 160,400 |
My friends and I witnessed 3 different flying objects/lights over Lake Lowell in Nampa, Idaho, last night. They were saucer shaped with altering lights (changed colors and brightness simultaneously) and would never tilt even when change of direction (up down side to side).
The object beamed VERY BRIGHT lights down towards the ground. It would disappear also but when it lit up is when you could see the definite saucer shape. They would fly abnormally over the lake and when they got closer to us there was a whirring or humming sound that was present. The thing that caught my attention was that they each attached themselves to each other and detached. | 1 | 107,533 |
Orb looking object at high altitude, with bright flashing white light.
Thanks for taking the time to look into this. I was compelled to report this because of the unusual nature of the experience. This was seen on the roof of a residential building on 2nd Ave in East Village, Manhattan. The video shows a point of view looking at Queens/Brooklyn. The roof is about 15-16 floors in height. I was looking towards the east sky and noticed a bright flashing white light which appeared to be at a very high altitude and moving fast. The object was not moving like a typical airplane or helicopter. It appeared to be in the direction of and directly above LaGuardia airport. There were planes in the sky flying towards LaGuardia that are not shown in the pictures or videos because by the time I got my phone out to record they were out of view. The object moved looked like it was moving very fast and able to stop and stay stationary in the air at times, and it was emitting a flashing bright white light not familiar to me to be a typical aircraft. I have included a picture with a drawn red circle, where when you zoom in you can see the shape of this object. I could not tell if it was changing shape while in motion. | 0 | 155,265 |
When I had gone outside to watch the dog eat his bowel movement, Donald Trump's penis flew overhead. It smelled like June's rotten pussy.
| 0 | 118,205 |
12 noon sunny sky 500ft hovering over grass Flew away at incredible speed at 45 degree angle
On vacation from NY driving car going from south to north, saw sign that said "Del Rio" when we saw gold color slowly spinning disc to the right close to ground. This disc was a about 500 feet from our car. We stopped car to look at it. It flew off at an incredible speed at a 45 degree angle. | 0 | 157,384 |
blueish and white orb
I walked out of my house with my dog, I was waiting on her to use the bathroom and I was looking up in the sky as I always do checking out the winter sky. I saw something that looked like Venus. you know kindof whiteish and blueish meshing together so you couldn't tell what the true color was. it looked like a planet, until I noticed that it was moving very slowly. It took about three or four minutes to move across the sky. Later that week I said something to a friend and she said she saw the same thing and she lives 35 miles away. no loss of time or anything like that but it was strange to see something in the sky with no markings, no lights flashing, nothing to id this light in the sky
| 0 | 42,700 |
Moving and still circular object in the sky, multiple pictures.
| 0 | 106,791 |
Possible ufo sighting over licking county
Evening of March 19th, time exactly I would say 11:12 pm est, was haveing a smoke at my patio door very dark night mostly cloudy to cloudy conditions low cloud bank between 10 to 15 thousand feet the object I saw and in question I saw was moving slowly west stopped shot back to the east then west looked yellowish green in color to me being it was cloudy there were no stars or planets visible at the time caught a 20 second video of the object in question watched the video in the video u can see it in the video when it moved back west it was fast the went straight up in the low clouds first thought was a flare or a firework was not the case no noise do not believe it was a plane or helicopter to cloudy to see so it was not a satellite or the iss but clearly caught something in the 20 second video u can decide looking for yourself thought it was worth report to for your attention on this subject!!
| 0 | 124,734 |
Event occurred at around 23:30 June 12, 2009.
While sitting at the lake edge, watching planes and satellites pass overhead, I had seen one shooting star earlier. I was facing approximately SE and my brother was NE toward me. A bright white light, coming from the north, first caught my attention out of my peripheral vision as it passed by, approximately straight out over the lake, or at about 12 o'clock. It was at maybe 40 degrees above the horizon, or two to three times the height of the hills across the lake. Initially I thought it was a meteor, as I saw two successive flashes, as sometimes meteors will do if they break up of “pop”.
But then, as the light proceeded south at roughly the speed of a fast moving shooting star, it continued to pulse in a very constant and rhythmic manner: pulse-pulse...pause...pulse-pulse...pause...pulse-pulse, etc. I called it to my brothers attention and finally got him to turn around and look to the south just in time to see it (thank you!).
Total time of incident was about 10 seconds, and maybe 6-8 two-pulse sets. The object went from about a 12 o'clock position to just above the southern horizon in that time. There was no sound heard during or after. Object appeared to be moving in a straight line; however, just before disappearing it seemed to wander some, erratically and laterally. Upon thinking about this a bit, it seems likely that this apparent lateral movement was most likely a visual effect of now looking at the fast receding object straight from behind, and that its path was not perfectly straight. The lateral movement was only a degree or two at most.
I have been a practicing geologist of 30 years and my brother is a university professional. In all my years of star gazing, I have never seen anything of this nature. In my mind this was clearly not any type of natural phenomenon. Impossible to be a satellite by nature of its extreme speed. It left no visible ionized trail as a meteor does and the rhythmic pulsing was dead constant like a strobe. Would it be possible for a meteor to skip across the outer atmosphere, like a skipping stone on a pond and cause the observed effect? I think that the rhythmic pattern of flashes eliminates this possibility and it went too far and for too long. I have no ready and reasonable explanation what we saw. | 1 | 61,767 |
| 0 | 58,923 |
Large tube shaped object hovering above HE Thomas Parkway and 46A.
At about 12:30 AM on April 18th, 2020 (last night), I saw what at first looked like lights from a plane very low at H.E. Thomas Parkway and 46A just near and above the 7-11. Then I realized it was hovering. There was nobody on the road so I slowed down and stopped for a quick second to look up at it a little closer. It was a quick look so I will describe just what I saw as I saw it.
When I looked at it, I thought I saw a shape similar to a fuselage of a plane but the way it hovered was not like that. I am not totally sure what the full shape was because it was covered by a thin veil of clouds. Because I first thought it was a plane/tube shape, I marked Cigar but again, it was cloudy and it could have had more characteristics than that. The object was either fairly close to the ground or very large. There were different white and red lights on the object.
The object hovered just above some very low lying clouds for the duration that I drove past the area (Maybe a minute or two). It looked too large to be any drone I have seen before.
I was googling sightings in the area to see if I was completely crazy and came across a video posted from the same are in February with very similar looking lights hovering in the same area.
Here is a link to the video that looks similar.
https://youtu.be/KcBPLRBbg8U | 1 | 137,977 |
Dark three curved shaped object at Clovis, CA
The craft was shaped like three circular objects in a triangular shape. One side appeared red and switched sides every distance to each sphere. It traveled unusually fast headed NE to S. Dark in color. No sound, at first I thought of it as balloons but then it continued traveling fast from low to higher in altitude until disappearing to the distance. | 1 | 88,023 |
For about the past year I have seen 3 slightly faint orange lights in the sky, and they don't move around. They stay there for like 5 to 10 minutes then fade out for 15 minutes, But then come back for 15 minutes then repeats the process until it wont appear. I have noticed cause I see it all the time at work when I go for a smoke, and that it only is out some weeks for a couple times over 2 months. Then you wont see it for like 1 month or 2.
This is in Niagara Falls, Ontario Canada mostly visible on Clifton Hill, because I think the lights from all the business places lights up that part of the city.
It is in a line form, but the one in the middle is off the line closer to the oneside, and forward a bit. When the strobe lights from the beer garden (on clifton hill) hit it only the middle one will reflect the light, and the others are just visible without the strobe lights like a orange hole in the sky (The one on the left when facing north is more visible but not bright, If u know what I mean?). It will stay there for like 3 hours straight above your head until it fades away, and doesn't come back. Sometimes it's like 6:00 p.m, 7:30 p.m, 10:00 p.m, and maybe 11:00 p.m when it first came out.
The channel 4 news did a story on it from the videos that got from on youtube (under Niagara Falls ufo) , from like 5-10 different people +.They said it was frozen ice particles creating the delay flash back resulting in a reflection, But why would u beable to see the other two with no light reflecting off it. It's like a 1/4 the size of the moon (so not a star) , and is not a sattelite visible at night time. They also suggested the balloon incident from the states for publicity, but why do they stay up there perfectly still. No planes crash into wires when flying under them, plus the objects are way to high up to be seen. They must be extremely big for me to see them that high up, and so big in sight.
Last sight was a week or 2 ago in beginning of september 2010.
If u could email me back with your thoughts or comment on this that would be GREAT.
I have been curious to what this is for like a year, because when seen with your eyes all explainable conclusions are not there.
Thank you for your time.
| 0 | 68,905 |
I observed a round lighted object start overhead, then race extremely fast to the northern horizon. Object was much too quick to be conventional aircraft. As fast as it was flying, I expected to see a crashing light or explosion. Yet, nothing.
I have never seen an object move this quickly. There were (guessing) half a dozen bright lights on the object. I have never reported/seen a UFO in the past. | 1 | 124,584 |
I was driving down the NC 41 between White Lake and Tomahawk, North Carolina and I saw a bright green light strike the ground. It came down from left to right traveling at a high rate of speed (Probably west to East). The light turned red before striking the ground. I saw an explosion and the Earth move, but as soon as the light hit the ground everything was completely black. No residual fire or such.
| 0 | 60,666 |
I and six friends were outside shooting fireworks when we noticed an bright orange orb like object over the treeline to our west. It appeared to have flames on it.
The object moved west to east very slowly and made no sound, it took about 5 minutes to cross the entire sky.
| 1 | 67,602 |
Aliens don't like fat gluttons.
I was outside of a Wendy's waiting for them to complete my order of 4 bacon double cheeseburgers and a side of butter, when I saw a pale yellow object appear on the horizon. At first I thought it was a big mac, but I soon became skeptical when I failed to see the sesame seed bun. I became concerned when I was telepathically contacted by the beings aboard the craft who told me I should forget about my cheeseburgers because of more important issues. I, however, cannot ever forget a cheeseburger. They came down from the craft and attempted to sexually stimulate me, but as soon as they saw my ugly face, they burst into flames. I cried myself to sleep that night.
| 0 | 36,125 |
Subsets and Splits