"""Utilities for generating the C4 dataset.""" |
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function |
import functools |
import gzip |
import hashlib |
import io |
import re |
import threading |
_URL_KEY = "WARC-Target-URI:" |
_URL_DATE = "WARC-Date:" |
_CONTENT_TYPE = "Content-Type:" |
_CONTENT_LEN = "Content-Length:" |
_END_MARKS = (".", "?", "!", '"') |
_ELLIPSIS = "..." |
"terms of use", |
"privacy policy", |
"cookie policy", |
"uses cookies", |
"use of cookies", |
"use cookies", |
] |
def get_counter_inc_fn(namespace): |
import apache_beam as beam |
def counter_inc_fn(counter, amt=1): |
beam.metrics.Metrics.counter(namespace, counter).inc(amt) |
return counter_inc_fn |
def get_hashed_url_filter_fn(predicate_fn): |
import tensorflow.compat.v2 as tf |
def filter_fn(el): |
url, _ = el |
val = int(hashlib.md5(tf.compat.as_text(url).encode("utf-8")).hexdigest(), 16) |
return predicate_fn(val) |
return filter_fn |
def _load_sentence_tokenizer(): |
"""Returns a sentence tokenization function.""" |
with threading.Lock(): |
import nltk |
nltk.download("punkt") |
return nltk.data.load("nltk:tokenizers/punkt/english.pickle") |
def _get_sentences(text): |
import tensorflow.compat.v2 as tf |
_SENTENCE_TOKENIZER = _load_sentence_tokenizer() |
return list(_SENTENCE_TOKENIZER.tokenize(tf.compat.as_text(text))) |
def _get_sentences_by_line(text, lower=False): |
sentences = [] |
for line in text.splitlines(): |
sentences.append([s.lower() if lower else s for s in _get_sentences(line)]) |
return sentences |
def is_language(page, language, min_probability=0.99): |
"""Returns True iff text is in `language` with at least `min_probability`.""" |
unused_url, features = page |
text = features["text"] |
counter_inc_fn = get_counter_inc_fn("detected-lang") |
import langdetect |
langdetect.DetectorFactory.seed = 0 |
try: |
predictions = langdetect.detect_langs(text) |
except langdetect.lang_detect_exception.LangDetectException: |
counter_inc_fn("langdetect-exception") |
return False |
if not predictions: |
counter_inc_fn("page-filtered-nolangpredictions") |
return False |
best_prediction = predictions[0] |
if best_prediction.prob < min_probability: |
counter_inc_fn("page-filtered-lowlangdetectconf") |
return False |
if best_prediction.lang != language: |
counter_inc_fn("page-filtered-ignoredlang") |
counter_inc_fn("page-filtered-ignoredlang-%s" % (best_prediction.lang)) |
return False |
counter_inc_fn("page-emited-%s" % best_prediction.lang) |
return True |
def get_clean_page_fn(badwords=None): |
"""Returns `clean_page` with pre-compiled badword and citation regexes.""" |
citation_regex = re.compile(r"\[\d*\]|\[edit\]|\[citation needed\]") |
if badwords: |
badwords_regex = re.compile("[^a-z]({})[^a-z]".format("|".join(badwords or []))) |
else: |
badwords_regex = None |
return functools.partial(clean_page, citation_regex=citation_regex, badwords_regex=badwords_regex) |
def clean_page( |
url_and_features, |
citation_regex, |
badwords_regex=None, |
counter_inc_fn=None, |
min_words_per_line=_MIN_WORDS_PER_LINE, |
min_num_sentences=_MIN_NUM_SENTENCES, |
max_word_length=_MAX_WORD_LENGTH, |
): |
"""Cleans a CommonCrawl page, yielding nothing if it should be skipped. |
Cleaning removes lines with no end marks or with too few words. After line |
filtering, pages are filtered out if they have too few sentences based on a |
simple count of end marks. |
Args: |
url_and_features: tuple(string, dict), the url and features of the page. |
citation_regex: Regex to use for finding Wikipedia-like citations to filter. |
badwords_regex: Regex to use for finding badwords. Default None, which means |
don't apply badwords filtering. |
counter_inc_fn: function, a function taking the name of a counter to be |
incremented and the (optional) amount. Defaults to a beam Metric counter. |
min_words_per_line: int, the minimum number of words a line needs to not be |
removed. |
min_num_sentences: int, the minimum number of sentences a page needs to not |
be skipped. |
max_word_length: int, the maximum number of characters allowed in a word. |
Lines containing a word with too many characters are removed. |
Yields: |
The url and cleaned text for the page. |
""" |
url, features = url_and_features |
text = features["text"] |
if not counter_inc_fn: |
counter_inc_fn = get_counter_inc_fn("clean-page") |
lines = text.splitlines() |
valid_lines = [] |
num_sentences = 0 |
def line_has_too_long_word(line): |
for word in line.split(): |
if len(word) > max_word_length: |
return True |
return False |
for line in lines: |
line = line.strip() |
if line_has_too_long_word(line): |
counter_inc_fn("lines-with-too-long-word") |
continue |
line = citation_regex.sub("", line) |
if not line.endswith(_END_MARKS) or line.endswith(_ELLIPSIS): |
counter_inc_fn("lines-no-endmark") |
continue |
if len(line.split()) < min_words_per_line: |
counter_inc_fn("lines-too-short") |
continue |
line_lower = line.lower() |
if "lorem ipsum" in line_lower: |
counter_inc_fn("filtered-page-loremipsum") |
return |
if "javascript" in line_lower: |
counter_inc_fn("lines-javascript") |
continue |
if "{" in line: |
counter_inc_fn("filtered-page-squigglybracket") |
return |
if any(p in line_lower for p in _POLICY_SUBSTRINGS): |
counter_inc_fn("lines-policy") |
continue |
if badwords_regex: |
badwords_found = badwords_regex.search(line_lower) |
if badwords_found is not None: |
counter_inc_fn("filtered-page-badword") |
return |
num_sentences += len(_get_sentences(line)) |
valid_lines.append(line) |
counter_inc_fn("lines-valid") |
if num_sentences < min_num_sentences: |
counter_inc_fn("filtered-page-toofewsentences") |
return |
counter_inc_fn("emitted-clean-pages") |
features["text"] = "\n".join(valid_lines).strip() |
yield url, features |
def _hash_line(line): |
import tensorflow.compat.v2 as tf |
m = hashlib.md5() |
m.update(tf.compat.as_text(line).encode("utf-8").strip().lower()) |
return m.hexdigest() |
def _emit_url_to_lines(page): |
"""Emits url to all (lower-cased, hashed) lines.""" |
url, features = page |
text = features["text"] |
for line in text.split("\n"): |
yield _hash_line(line), url |
def _emit_line_to_urls(el, counter_inc_fn): |
"""Emits (hashed) line to all but one url.""" |
import tensorflow.compat.v2 as tf |
line, urls = el |
urls = list(urls) |
skip_url = min(urls, key=lambda x: hashlib.md5(tf.compat.as_text(x).encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()) |
for url in urls: |
if url != skip_url: |
yield url, line |
counter_inc_fn("emitted-line-duplicate", amt=len(urls) - 1) |
def _remove_lines_from_text(el, counter_inc_fn, min_num_sentences=_MIN_NUM_SENTENCES): |
"""Removes matching lines from the page. |
Process the result of a join containing a single value for 'features' and zero |
or more values for 'lines'. Each value in 'lines' is a lower-cased, hashed |
line. |
If a line has fewer sentences than `max_window_size`, the full line is |
compared for a match. |
Args: |
el: `(string, {'features': features_dict, 'lines': [string]})`, |
element containing the result of a join on key with both the page text |
and lower-cased, hashed lines to remove. |
counter_inc_fn: function, a function taking the name of a counter to be |
incremented and the (optional) amount. |
min_num_sentences: int, the minimum number of sentences a page needs to not |
be skipped. |
Yields: |
url: The URL of the page. |
features: The page features with lines removed from text. |
""" |
url, join_values = el |
features = join_values["features"] |
assert len(features) == 1, "Invalid page count (%d) for %s" % (len(features), url) |
features = features[0] |
text = features["text"] |
lines_to_remove = set(join_values["lines"]) |
new_lines = [] |
hashed_lines = set() |
for line in text.split("\n"): |
hashed_line = _hash_line(line) |
if hashed_line in lines_to_remove: |
counter_inc_fn("filtered-lines-duplicate") |
elif hashed_line not in hashed_lines: |
new_lines.append(line) |
hashed_lines.add(hashed_line) |
new_text = "\n".join(new_lines) |
if len(_get_sentences(new_text)) < min_num_sentences: |
counter_inc_fn("filtered-doc-toofewsentences") |
return |
new_features = features.copy() |
new_features["text"] = new_text |
yield (url, new_features) |
def remove_duplicate_text(pages): |
"""Utility to remove duplicate lines across text documents.""" |
import apache_beam as beam |
counter_inc_fn = get_counter_inc_fn("dedupe-lines") |
lines_to_remove = ( |
pages |
| beam.FlatMap(_emit_url_to_lines) |
| "group_sentences" >> beam.GroupByKey() |
| beam.FlatMap(_emit_line_to_urls, counter_inc_fn=counter_inc_fn) |
) |
final_docs = ( |
{"features": pages, "lines": lines_to_remove} |
| "group_features_and_lines_by_url" >> beam.CoGroupByKey() |
| beam.FlatMap(_remove_lines_from_text, counter_inc_fn=counter_inc_fn) |
) |
return final_docs |
def split_wet_file(wet_file_path, counter_inc_fn=None): |
"""Split a WET file into separate pages.""" |
from absl import logging |
logging.info("Splitting file: %s", wet_file_path) |
if not counter_inc_fn: |
counter_inc_fn = get_counter_inc_fn("split-wet-file") |
counter_inc_fn("wet-file") |
import apache_beam as beam |
with beam.io.filesystems.FileSystems.open(wet_file_path) as f, gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=f) as g: |
url = None |
content = None |
content_len = None |
content_type = None |
timestamp = None |
def _maybe_get_page(): |
"""Generate a (url, {features}) page.""" |
if not url and url is not None: |
counter_inc_fn("page-filtered-nourl") |
if not content and content is not None: |
counter_inc_fn("page-filtered-nocontent") |
if not content_type and content_type is not None: |
counter_inc_fn("page-nocontenttype") |
if not content_len and content_len is not None: |
counter_inc_fn("page-nocontentlen") |
if not timestamp and timestamp is not None: |
counter_inc_fn("page-notimestamp") |
if content and url: |
counter_inc_fn("page-emitted") |
return ( |
url, |
{ |
"text": "\n".join(content), |
"content-type": content_type, |
"content-length": content_len, |
"timestamp": timestamp, |
"url": url, |
}, |
) |
return None |
for line in io.TextIOWrapper(g, encoding="utf-8"): |
line = line.strip() |
if not line: |
continue |
if line == _PAGE_DELIMITER: |
page = _maybe_get_page() |
if page: |
yield page |
url = "" |
content = [] |
content_len = "" |
content_type = "" |
timestamp = "" |
if line.startswith(_URL_KEY): |
url = line[len(_URL_KEY) :].strip() |
if line.startswith(_URL_DATE): |
timestamp = line[len(_URL_DATE) :].strip() |
if line.startswith(_CONTENT_TYPE): |
content_type = line[len(_CONTENT_TYPE) :].strip() |
if line.startswith(_CONTENT_LEN): |
content_len = line[len(_CONTENT_LEN) :].strip() |
if line.startswith(_METADATA_PREFIXES): |
continue |
content.append(line) |
page = _maybe_get_page() |
if page: |
yield page |
def dedupe_urls(el): |
"""Returns the first value for a given URL.""" |
counter_inc_fn = get_counter_inc_fn("dedupe-urls") |
url, vals = el |
cnt = 0 |
v = None |
for v in vals: |
cnt += 1 |
counter_inc_fn("filtered-url-duplicate", cnt - 1) |
counter_inc_fn("unique-url") |
return url, v |
def is_valid_length(el, max_length=1.9e5): |
"""Returns False iff page's text is too long.""" |
counter_inc_fn = get_counter_inc_fn("is-valid-length") |
_, page = el |
if len(page["text"]) > max_length: |
counter_inc_fn("filtered-page-contenttoolong") |
return False |
counter_inc_fn("valid-length") |
return True |
def is_realnews_domain(el, realnews_domains): |
"""Returns False iff page's (sub)domain is not allowed.""" |
import tldextract |
counter_inc_fn = get_counter_inc_fn("is-realnews-domain") |
url, _ = el |
ext = tldextract.extract(url) |
main_domain = ext.domain + "." + ext.suffix |
if main_domain not in realnews_domains: |
counter_inc_fn("filtered-url-invaliddomain") |
return False |
allowed_subdomains = realnews_domains[main_domain] |
if isinstance(allowed_subdomains, list) and ext.subdomain not in allowed_subdomains: |
counter_inc_fn("filtered-url-invalidsubdomain") |
return False |
counter_inc_fn("realnews-domain") |
return True |
def filter_by_webtextlike(el): |
"""Yields only pages with a matching WebText-like URL.""" |
counter_inc_fn = get_counter_inc_fn("filter-by-webtextlike") |
url, join_values = el |
text = join_values["text"] |
webtextlike = join_values["webtextlike_urls"] |
if not webtextlike: |
counter_inc_fn("filtered-url-notwebtextlike") |
return |
if not text: |
counter_inc_fn("missing-webtextlike") |
return |
assert len(text) == 1 |
counter_inc_fn("found-webtextlike") |
yield url, text[0] |
def normalize_url(el): |
import tensorflow.compat.v2 as tf |
url, val = el |
url = tf.compat.as_text(url) |
url = re.sub(r"https?:\/\/(www\.)?", "", url) |
url = re.sub(r"\?(utm_|ref|feed).*", "", url) |
url = url.rstrip("/") |
return url, val |