example letter sally i do not believe this attachment came through with my previos e - mail . tom - example letter sally risk offsite . doc
alliance info alert ferc acts to remove obstacles to address western energy crisis * * omnibus order mobilizes ferc ' s entire energy pricing and infrastructure authority * * to adopt financial incentives for capacity increases in transmission facilities * * streamlines regulation of wholesale market , energy facilities siting and licensing * * promotes conservation and wholesale side of demand - response bidding * * order doesn ' t address price caps * * meeting with western state regulators / officials set for april 6 , 2001 in boise , idaho ferc moves to bring more economic and reliable energy supplies to the stressed california and western energy markets . ferc proposes to increase bulk power supply in the west by removing barriers and providing incentives that are within its jurisdiction over facility certification , licensing , and the regulation of transmission and wholesale power sales in interstate commerce . ferc quickly wants to increase electric generation and transmission capacity , as well as to streamline the regulation of wholesale power transactions , as well as increase the capacity of the supporting infrastructure of natural gas and oil pipelines . the order , which sets new precedent in its broadness , also proposes actions to reduce electricity demand in the west as well as promoting the necessary wholesale - market portion of demand - response bidding where states wish to implement the retail side . ferc asks for comments on additional actions it may take in the future by march 30 , 2001 . effective immediately , ferc said in a statement , * the commission is streamlining regulatory procedures for wholesale electric power sales , expediting the certification of natural gas pipeline projects into california and the west , including the reallocation of staff resources to more quickly address pending pipeline applications , and urging all licensees to review their ferc - licensed hydroelectric projects in order to assess the potential for increased generating capacity . * among the actions ferc takes are to : 1 ) require the california iso and transmission owners within all 11 states of the western systems coordinating council ( wscc ) to prepare a list of grid enhancements that can be completed in the short term ; 2 ) waive prior notice requirements for any on - site or self - generators that sell at wholesale within the wscc area ; 3 ) grant blanket market - based rate authority for sales on the wholesale market of electric energy that becomes available as a result of demand - response reductions in retail and wholesale loads ; and 4 ) broadening and extending through december 31 , 2001 the temporary waivers of the operating and efficiency standards for qualifying facilities ( qfs ) to increase the availability of generating capacity . ferc seeks comments by march 30 on a series of economic incentives aimed at ensuring timely upgrades to the western transmission grid , including an increased rate of return on equity ( roe ) for projects that significantly increase transmission and can be in service by either june 1 , 2001 , or november 1 , 2001 . other areas that ferc requested comment on include the use of interconnection authority under the federal power act , and to raise the dollar limits on the issuance of blanket certificates authorizing gas pipeline construction . on hydro issues , ferc requested comment on ways to increase operating flexibility at ferc - licensed projects while protecting environmental resources . in its effort to encourage investment in transmission infrastructure , ferc asked for comments - again by march 30 - on a series of economic incentives aimed at ensuring upgrades to the western interconnection , including the increased roe for projects that significantly increase transmission on constrained paths and can be in service by the above dates in 2001 . increased roe , ferc said , will also be given to system upgrades over new transmission paths that can be in service by june 1 , 2002 , or november 1 , 2002 . ferc seeks comment on a proposed 10 - year depreciation period for projects that increase transmission capacity in the short - term and a 15 - year depreciation period for upgrades involving new rights - of - way that can be of service by november 1 , 2002 . in his dissent to the order , commissioner massey argued the order focuses on " quick fixes , " and that the measures will not close the gap between supply in demand in california . the order also " fails to address price relief , " noted massey . massey also called for a full federal power act ( fpa ) section 206 investigation of california issues , which would allow for the possibility of refunds . on transmission incentive provisions , massey lamented that the proposed roe increase to 14 percent appeared arbitrary and inconsistent with ferc policy under order no . 2000 . the financial provisions , he said , appeared to be " just throwing money at the problem . " while generally disappointed with the order , massey did express limited support for many parts of the order . many of the suggestions in the order are the " same actions as authorized last may , " said massey . " they were good ideas then , and they are good ideas now , " he concluded . for his part in comments at the open meeting when the order was adopted , chairman hebert said the order was designed to " squeeze every additional mw of supply available " and to encourage the conservation of mw , and stressed that ferc is " doing all it can in its power to alleviate western problems . " he said the order seeks to eradicate the projected supply shortfall in california , but noted that generation / transmission siting , and conservation are generally state issues . ferc ' s * removing obstacles * order is posted on its web site at : citation : ferc issued is order removing obstacles to increased electric generation and natural gas supply in the western united states and asking for comments was issued on march 14 , 2001 , docket no . elol - 47 - 000 . a detailed analysis and summary of the specific actions taken and proposals made follows : electric transmission infrastructure within 30 days , the california iso and transmission owners in wscc are to prepare and file for information purposes a list of grid enhancement projects that may be underway or may not require initial siting and acquisition of rights of way . ferc proposes a scaled transmission infrastructure incentive under which transmission owners of projects that increase transmission capacity at present constraints and can be in service by july 1 , 2001 would receive a cost - based rate reflecting a 300 basis point premium return on equity and a 10 - year depreciable life . projects in service by november 1 , 2001 , would get a 200 basis point premium and 10 - year depreciable life . ferc would use a uniform baseline return on equity for all jurisdictional transmission providers in wscc of 11 . 5 % , based on the roe ferc approved for southern california edison . system upgrades that involve new rights of way , add significant transfer capability and can be in service by november 1 , 2002 , would get a cost - based rate reflecting 12 . 5 % roe , or al 00 basis point premium , and 15 - year depreciable life . facilities needed to interconnect new supply to the grid , which go into service as required to accommodate the in - service date of the new plant would get a cost - based rate that reflected a 13 . 5 % roe , or a 200 basis point premium , if in service by november 1 , 2001 and 12 . 5 % roe if in service by november 1 , 2002 . for increases in transmission capacity on constrained interfaces that do not involve significant capital investments , for example , installing new technology , ferc proposes to allow transmission owners to increase the revenue requirement of their network service rates to ensure that each additional mw of capacity will generate revenues equal to their current firm point - to - point rate . ferc requests comment on whether to assign the cost of any interconnection or system upgrade to a particular load or supply , or alternatively , to roll these costs into the average system rate . extension of waivers for qfs ferc proposes to extend its temporary waivers of operating and efficiency standards for qfs - applicable throughout wscc - to allow increased generation through december 31 , 2001 . the waivers were to expire on april 30 , 2001 . the proposed waiver would allow qualifying cogenerators to sell their output above the level at which they have historically supplied this output to purchasing utility . the waiver for qualifying small power production facilities in wscc with respect to their fuel use requirements under ferc regulation section 292 . 204 ( b ) , would be extended to december 31 , 2001 . additional capacity from on - site generation ferc will adopt streamlined regulatory procedure to accommodate wholesale sales from such facilities that serve load within wscc . through december 31 , 2001 , owners of generating facilities located at business locations in wscc and used primarily for back - up or self - generation who would become subject to fpa by virtue of sales of such power will be permitted to sell power at wholesale without prior notice under fpa section 205 . ferc also authorizes such power to be sold at market - based rates . ferc waives its prior notice requirement for mutually agreed upon interconnection agreements for interconnections necessary to accomplish these sales . quarterly reporting is required . allows demand response bidding ferc will allow retail customers , as permitted by state law , and wholesale customers to reduce consumption for the purpose of reselling their load reduction at wholesale . ferc is granting blanket authorization , consistent with its prior discussion on sales from on - site generation and requires similar reporting . ferc ' s december 15 order on the california market directed , as a longer - term measure that the iso pursue establishing an integrated day - ahead market in which all demand and supply bids are addressed in one venue . ferc seeks comments on the desirability of accelerating action on this . ferc says it realizes that states play an important role in regulating retail electric service and that allowing retail load to reduce consumption for resale in wholesale markets raises legal , commercial , technical and regulatory issues . safeguards may be needed to protect and enhance retail demand - response bidding programs . intention is not to undermine state programs but to promote the necessary complementary wholesale programs . requests comments on how helpful this action is and how it can be accomplished consistent with state jurisdiction over retail sales . contract modifications for demand - response bidding there may be opportunities for public utilities to make other types of demand - response arrangements with their wholesale customers . as for mutually agreeable qf interconnections , ferc will waive prior notice requirement for any mutually agreeable demand - response related rate schedule amendments that may be required to effectuate these arrangements . clarifies that demand - response program costs should be treated consistently with all other types of incremental and out - of - pocket costs . interconnections fpa section 210 ( d ) allows ferc to issue an order requiring interconnection if it makes a finding that such an order : 1 ) is in the public interest ; 2 ) would encourage overall conservation of energy or capital , optimize the efficiency of use of facilities and resources , or improve the reliability of any electric utility system or federal power marketing agency to which the order applies ; and 3 ) meets the requirements of fpa section 212 . ferc requests comments on whether it can use this authority under fpa section 210 ( d ) to alleviate existing impediments to electricity reaching load . if the exercise of this authority may be warranted , ferc seeks comments on whether it could make some of the required findings generically for the wscc region in order to respond quickly should circumstances arise requiring immediate action . longer term regional solutions ferc believes an rto for the entire western region or the seamless integration of western rtos is the best vehicle for designing and implementing a long - term regional solution . natural gas pipeline capacity ferc has realigned its resources to respond to new applications for gas pipeline capacity and is soliciting comments on ways to expedite the approval of pipeline infrastructure needed to serve california and the west . requests comments on how it might further exercise its authority over new pipeline construction to alleviate the present crisis , including increasing the dollar limit thresholds for blanket certificates to $ 10 million , and for prior notice authorizations to $ 30 million in order to increase the facilities qualifying for automatic authorization ; offering blanket certificates for construction or acquisition of portable compressor stations to enhance pipeline capacity to california ; and offering rate incentives to expedite construction of projects that will make additional capacity available this summer on constrained pipeline systems . hydroelectric power ferc staff will hold a conference to discuss methods to address environmental protection at hydro projects while allowing increased generation . requests comments on ways to allow for greater operating flexibility at commission - licensed hydro projects while protecting environmental resources . comments should consider : 1 ) methods for agency involvement ; 2 ) ways to handle and expedite endangered species act consultations ; 3 ) criteria for modifying licenses ; and 4 ) identification of processes that could be implemented to provide efficiency upgrades . oil pipelines ferc will explore with oil pipelines innovative proposals that could lead to ensuring an adequate flow of petroleum product into the california market . conference with state commissioners ferc will hold a one - day conference with state commissioners and other state representatives from western states to discuss price volatility in the west as well as other ferc - related issues identified by the governors of western states . by notice issued march 16 , this meeting is scheduled for april 6 , 2001 in boise , idaho . [ source : ferc 03 / 14 / 01 order , docket elol - 47 - 000 , and news release . ] - text . htm
for vince j kaminski ' s approval below you will find a copy of a request that is awaiting your approval . please advise us as to your approval or rejection of this request by way of email , since your system does not allow you to open the icon that was submitted by way of a doc link . i thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter . leola barnett information risk management - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by information risk management / hou / ect on 04 / 05 / 2000 03 : 50 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - security resource request system pending vp approval resource request how to find the status of this request . . . general information initials : requestor : jason sokolov / hou / ect phone : ( 713 ) 853 - 6286 requested for : jason sokolov / hou / ect request type : update access rc # : 100038 wo # : company # : 0011 priority : high manager : mike a roberts vp : vince j kaminski location : in the request processing section , see the status column for each requested resource . look at the overall status of the request in the title bar above . the status will display closed when your request is complete . click the " status " button below . comments : request # : jsov - 4 f 8 r 44 submitted : 01 / 04 / 2000 01 : 58 : 37 pm name cost status implementation comments application / database bloomberg $ 1 , 800 . 00 monthly not started request processing path processed by status when comments manager approved 01 / 20 12 : 57 pm vp security implementation editing history ( only the last five ( 5 ) are shown ) edit # past authors edit dates 2 3 4 5 6 jason sokolov jason sokolov jason sokolov jason sokolov mike a roberts 01 / 04 / 2000 01 : 56 : 27 pm 01 / 04 / 2000 01 : 57 : 47 pm 01 / 04 / 2000 01 : 58 : 30 pm 01 / 04 / 2000 01 : 58 : 37 pm 01 / 20 / 2000 12 : 57 : 16 pm
hello , cellphone wont work . . . again : - ( www . bantam . com boost your cell phone reception ! www . newtonian . com responsive 300 % more clarity ! america save 70 % . . . as seen on t . v . ! ultra - thin and transparent e q installs in a second ! v l a power of a 4 ft antenna ! i n no more dropped or interrupted calls h xwork in any place your signal may have been weak ! % random _ char : click here now : www . padre . com . . . it was so easy to install . . . kgkj celtic controvertible
re : intern acceptances and declines i agree . i will coordinate with kristin ( for the associates ) and make it happen . once i have a date in mind i will let you know . the latest start date for interns is june 4 , so i will try to schedule it for the last week in june or very early in july . thank you ! lexi from : sally beck @ ect 04 / 04 / 2001 08 : 27 am to : lexi elliott / na / enron @ enron cc : richard causey / corp / enron @ enron subject : re : intern acceptances and declines last summer we hosted a lunch for summer interns right at the end of their assignments with us . we had other ut alums attend the lunch . feedback from the summer interns was favorable . their key comment , though , was that it would have been great to have had that get together earlier in the summer so that the interns could have networked with other enron ut alums throughout the summer . can we plan something for the ut interns earlier this summer ? it would probably work well to include the summer associates as well . i will be glad to help in any way . just let me know . enron north america corp . from : lexi elliott @ enron 04 / 03 / 2001 05 : 10 pm to : richard causey / corp / enron @ enron , mark e lindsey / gpgfin / enron @ enron , sally beck / hou / ect @ ect , craig breslau / hou / ect @ ect , cedric burgher / enron @ enronxgate , rick l carson / enron @ enronxgate , brent a price / enron @ enronxgate , hunter s shively / hou / ect @ ect , stan dowell / hou / ees @ ees , jay boudreaux / enron @ enronxgate , marshall eubank / enron @ enronxgate , mary lynne ruffer / hou / ees @ ees , michael vigeant / hou / ees @ ees , mark confer / hou / ect @ ect , michael howe / hou / ees @ ees , john craig taylor / hou / ect @ ect , jim cole / enron @ enronxgate , sarah goodpastor / enron communications @ enron communications , brandon neff / hou / ees @ ees , christopher coffman / corp / enron @ enron , ilan caplan / enron _ development @ enron _ development , christopher chenoweth / enron @ enronxgate , marcus edmonds / enron @ enronxgate , zeina el - azzi / enron communications @ enron communications , victor guggenheim / hou / ect @ ect , mike deville / hou / ect @ ect , darlene regan / hou / ees @ ees , kreg hall / hou / ect @ ect , mason hamlin / hou / ect @ ect , shilpa mane / lon / ect @ ect , zal masani / enron communications @ enron communications , zachary mccarroll / enron communications @ enron communications , luis mena / na / enron @ enron , christine milliner / enron @ enronxgate , chetan paipanandiker / hou / ect @ ect , catherine pernot / enron @ enronxgate , lauren schlesinger / enron @ enronxgate , susan m scott / hou / ect @ ect , rahul seksaria / enron @ enronxgate , michael simmons / enron communications @ enron communications , millie gautam / hou / ees @ ees , sachin gandhi / na / enron @ enron , bilal bajwa / na / enron @ enron , amanda schultz / na / enron @ enron , rachana iyengar / hou / ees @ ees , travis hansen / hou / ees @ ees , felipe ospina / na / enron @ enron , irina nekrasova / hou / ees @ ees , jeremy lo / hou / ees @ ees cc : jacqueline coleman / na / enron @ enron subject : intern acceptances and declines dear longhorn team : the following ut candidates have accepted their offers for internships : vinay adenwala cathy wang vivek shah kruti patel daniel payne wesley thoman michelle yee rachel ravanzo ainsley gaddis one offer is still outstanding : courtney gibbs three offers were declined : pranav gandi , jessica payne , and ameet rane thank you for all your help in making our spring recruiting such a success ! lexi 3 - 4585
re : tiger team event michele , i have defined the project for the students . it ' s one project that is divided into three sections . feel free to stop by to talk about it . vince from : michele nezi marvin @ enron communications on 01 / 03 / 2001 05 : 33 pm to : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : re : tiger team event i understand that you have been involved with the wharton tiger teams . i am the commerical team lead for wharton recruiting . do you know the 3 projects that the students are working on and who within enron is working with them on the projects ? thanks for helping to facilitate this opportunity for wharton students . michele nezi marvin manager enron broadband services ( 713 ) 853 - 6848 - - - - - forwarded by michele nezi marvin / enron communications on 01 / 03 / 01 05 : 34 pm - - - - - kristin gandy @ enron 01 / 02 / 01 11 : 30 am to : michele nezi marvin / enron communications @ enron communications cc : subject : re : tiger team event i will try to get that information from christie . from : michele nezi marvin @ enron communications on 01 / 01 / 2001 06 : 38 pm to : kristin gandy / na / enron @ enron cc : subject : re : tiger team event i can attend . do you know any of the details of the tiger team project and who they are working with ? also , names of the students would be helpful . so we can see if any are applying for summer positions . michele nezi marvin manager enron broadband services ( 713 ) 853 - 6848 kristin gandy @ enron 12 / 28 / 00 10 : 28 am to : jeffrey a shankman / hou / ect @ ect , william keeney / hou / ect @ ect , catherine clark / hou / ect @ ect , rajesh chettiar / enron _ development @ enron _ development , tom dutta / hou / ect @ ect , jayshree desai / hou / ect @ ect , colin jackson / enron communications @ enron communications , laura howenstine / enron communications @ enron communications , michele nezi marvin / enron communications @ enron communications , jennifer fraser / hou / ect @ ect , natalie halich / enron communications @ enron communications , ranabir dutt / corp / enron @ enron , teresa dyar / na / enron @ enron , jeff golden / hou / ees @ ees , charles ward / corp / enron @ enron , sarah wesner / corp / enron @ enron , li sun / na / enron @ enron , gillian johnson / na / enron @ enron , lisa connolly / na / enron @ enron , michael j popkin / na / enron @ enron , kevin mcgowan / corp / enron @ enron , evan betzer / enron communications @ enron communications , jebong lee / enron communications @ enron communications , chu chu wang / corp / enron @ enron , brad hitch / eu / enron @ enron , betsy bassis / enron communications @ enron communications , matthew goering / hou / ect @ ect , claude tellis / enron @ enronxgate cc : christie patrick / hou / ect @ ect subject : tiger team event hello team , i hope that everyone had a wonderful and restful holiday season . down to business : the university affairs group is putting together a tiger team of students to do a project for enron . those students will be in town on january 18 th and will be having dinner at churrasco ' s that night . i think it would be a great opportunity for some of the wharton alum to come out and meet the participants , talk about enron and eat some good food . : - ) if you are interested in participating please rsvp to me via email or at extension 53214 no later than 1 / 5 / 01 . thank you and hope to see you soon , kristin gandy
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fw : [ fwd : two prayer requests ] please respond to - - - - - original message - - - - - from : dennis dossey [ mailto : top @ treatyoakpress . com ] sent : thursday , march 15 , 2001 12 : 52 am to : sherry casella ; ram tackett ; karen boundary = " - - - - = _ nextpart _ 000 _ 0008 _ 01 coad 2 f . a 3 f 34070 " x - mailer : microsoft outlook cws , build 9 . 0 . 2416 ( 9 . 0 . 2911 . 0 ) x - mimeole : produced by microsoft mimeole v 5 . 50 . 4133 . 2400 dear christian friends , greetings in the name of our lord jesus ! we have two very urgent prayer requests . our dear friend and a brother , david gatewood , the son of late otis gatewood , has been recently diagnosed a pancreas cancer . david and his wife sandy were two of the first people who introduced dragica and me to christ and his church over thirty years ago . in 1969 they came to croatia ( yugoslavia at that time ) , as missionaries , with another couple , bud and beverly pickl . in order to get their resident visas , they enrolled in a croatian language study program . i was their professor at that time , and we became very good and close friends . david and sandy have been connected with the lord ? s work in croatia for all these years . before leaving croatia in 1972 , they adopted a little croatian girl , whom they raised with much love . she is a married woman now , and lives in colorado springs . david and sandy made several trips to croatia during the war , and david taught seminars on post - war traumatic experiences and the value of a family . your prayers will be greatly appreciated by many in croatia who love david dearly . also , please , put me ( mladen ) on your prayer list . for several months now i ? ve been having some prostate problems . ten days ago my doctor requested a biopsy , and i am anxiously waiting to get the results this coming monday . dragica and i believe god listens and hears prayers of his people . please , join the church in croatia with your prayers . yours in his love and mercy , malden and dragica jovanovic
temporary spaces in new building i think it would be a great idea if we could get a few extra spaces for it support in the new building . we would need five spots . two for enpower ( one for risk , and one for volume mangement and confirms ) two for unify ( one for logistics and one for edi ) one for gas risk i won ' t make requests for specific personnel ( yet ) just not the most junior personnel . let me know if you need anything else . thanks bob
bc hydro interview 5 / 21 / 01 sources have conducted the following " off - the - record " interview with a bc hydro executive . executive summary ? bc hydro projected capacity ? bc hydro / liberal government ' s export policy ? bc hydro expanded capacity projects bc hydro capacity the individual stated that bc hydro is convinced it has sufficient capacity to supply british colombia through 2005 , even if faced with increasing demand from business expansion . he stated that bc hydro ' s long - term contracts to supply power to the grid in the western us amounted to only 1 % of bc hydro ' s capacity . therefore , the company likely would continue to be active in the spot market through powerex , the company ' s " main revenue generator . " for example , according to a company report , bc hydro benefited from a revenue increase of $ 2 . 876 billion canadian for the first 9 months of fiscal 2001 , largely due to spot market trading . bc hydro exports bc hydro feels the new liberal government likely will " make a concerted effort to expand capacity " in british colombia . likewise , since the liberal government will be " business - oriented , " the bc hydro official expects the government to promote increased exports of power to the us . however , the individual cautioned that there would likely be a public relations battle on this point , as " people don ' t necessarily favor increasing capacity to produce energy for export . " this is due to broad - based environmental opposition to building more plants . therefore , in the long - term bc hydro ' s new projects will favor " green alternatives " such as dam expansion and biomass , thermal and solar plants over gas - fired plants . the spokesman stated that the liberal party intends to go forward with its campaign promise to remove bc hydro ' s monopoly on power . if and when this happens , relations between the company and the government are expected to " quickly sour . " bc hydro capacity projects bc hydro is pursuing a number of new projects to expand / improve generation capacity , including : ? seven - mile dam - - bc hydro will likely add a 213 mw turbine to the 3 units already in place ? revelstoke dam - - bc hydro is " looking very seriously " at adding a 500 mw unit to the 4 units already in place . there is also the potential to add a 5 th 500 mw unit , though this is not being considered at this time . ? site c dam - - a plan for a 960 mw dam was shelved in the 1980 s due to environmental concerns , but now appears to once again be a " viable option . " though bc hydro reportedly has no definite plans to pursue this option at this time , the individual said that constructing the dam would be more valuable now than it was in the 1980 s , and that resurrecting the plan would be a bc hydro decision . ? burrard thermal plant - bc hydro has invested $ 250 million to upgrade generation systems to reduce emissions . calpine has bought a 240 mw gas - fired co - generation plant called campbell river on vancouver island . this plant is " in the final stages of testing and is already generating . " calpine plans to bring the plant online commercially " in the next few weeks . " bc hydro will buy power from the plant for use on vancouver island . this is part of a plan to make vancouver island self - sufficient in electricity . another " key plank " in this plan is the port alberni plant , a 250 mw , independently - owned plant that is being sold to bc hydro . the plant reportedly will be online in two years and will supply vancouver island .
re : fw : enron credit model docs for the comparative model study - to be sent to professor duffie @ stanford iris , we can mention to ben that the papers will be edited and combined into a coherent review . vince from : iris mack / enron @ enronxgate on 04 / 23 / 2001 01 : 49 pm to : vasant shanbhogue / enron @ enronxgate , vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect , amitava dhar / corp / enron @ enron cc : subject : fw : enron credit model docs for the comparative model study - to be sent to professor duffie @ stanford hi , attached is a bit of feedback from ben regarding the papers listed below . can you help me out here ? thanks , iris - - - - - original message - - - - - from : parsons , ben sent : monday , april 23 , 2001 3 : 05 am to : mack , iris subject : re : enron credit model docs for the comparative model study - to be sent to professor duffie @ stanford hi iris i would not include paper 8 , as paper 7 supersedes it . also how much rewriting of these papers do you envisage ? some of them are not up - to - date , or were written poorly and under time - pressure , so what do you envisage eventually sending to duffie ? thanks ben from : iris mack / enron @ enronxgate on 21 / 04 / 2001 22 : 30 cdt to : ben parsons / lon / ect @ ect cc : vasant shanbhogue @ / o = enron / ou = na / cn = recipients / cn = notesaddr / cn = e 6795104 - 40 ff 9820 - 86256525 - 68 daao @ ex @ enronxgate , vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect , scott salmon / eu / enron @ enron , bryan seyfried / lon / ect @ ect , nigel price / lon / ect @ ect , tomas valnek / lon / ect @ ect , george albanis / lon / ect @ ect , markus fiala / lon / ect @ ect , craig chaney / enron @ enronxgate , kim detiveaux / enron @ enronxgate , amitava dhar / corp / enron @ enron , tanya tamarchenko / hou / ect @ ect , mike mumford / lon / ect @ ect subject : re : enron credit model docs for the comparative model study - to be sent to professor duffie @ stanford hi ben , i think i have read all the papers that are to be used in the comparative model study to be sent to professor duffie at stanford . these documents are all listed below . please let me know if i have omitted any ( however , don ' t get the impression that i am begging for more papers to read ) . now i will try to transform my notes into a draft for professor duffie . thanks , iris list of papers for comparative model study 1 . actively managing corporate credit risk : new methodologies and instruments for non - financial firms by r . buy , v . kaminski , k . pinnamaneni & v . shanbhogue chapter in a risk book entitled credit derivatives : application for risk management , investment and portfolio optimisation 2 . neural network placement model by george albanis , enroncredit ( 12 / 22 / 00 ) 3 . pricing parent companies and their subsidiaries : model description and data requirements by ben parsons and tomas valnek , research group 4 . a survey of contingent - claims approaches to risky debt valuation by j . bohn www . kmv . com / products / privatefirm . html 5 . the kmv edf credit measure and probabilities of default by m . sellers , o . vasicek & a . levinson www . kmv . com / products / privatefirm . html 6 . riskcalc for private companies : moody ' s default model moody ' s investor service : global credit research 7 . discussion document : asset swap model by ben parsons , research group ( 4 / 20 / 01 ) 8 . asset swap calculator : detailed functional implementation specification ( version 1 . 0 ) by ben parsons , research group 9 . discussion document : live libor bootstrapping model by ben parsons , research group ( 4 / 20 / 01 ) 10 . the modelling behind the fair market curves : including country and industry offsets by nigel m . price , enron credit trading group 11 . pricing portfolios of default swaps : synthetic cbos - moody ' s versus the full monte ( carlo ) by nigel m . price , enron credit trading group 12 . placement model vl . 0 : discussion document by ben parsons , research group , 2000 13 . credit pricing methodology - enroncredit . com by ben parsons , research group 14 . correlation : critical measure for calculating profit and loss on synthetic credit portfolios by katherine siig , enron credit group 15 . discussion document : var model for enron credit by ben parsons , research group , ( 1 / 3 / 01 ) 16 . methodology to implement approximate var model for the credit trading portfolio by kirstee hewitt , research group
secrets of zo 0 fils revealed ! new phot 0 s . humans fakking @ nlm @ ls . stallions penetr @ tes human pu - . ssles . syllogism looks like you ' ve come to a real zo 0 here ! yeap ! we have goats , we have horses , sheep , snakes , even dogs ! e have lots of @ nlm @ ls here and we also have lots of glris who just love to have some s . e - x with these creatures ? how do they do it ? http : / / dnabri . dingl 7 . biz / 50015 / ? owaxq how do they sa - ck those coc . k - s ? how do they f @ kk with snakes ? snakes don ' t have coc . k - s ! ! ! guys ! our glris can do it with every creature they want ! they are ready for it ! they are tired from men ! they do realize that wild @ nlm @ ls are f @ kking like no man would ever f @ kk them . cause they are animals and they f @ kk just like everybody did thousands and millions years ago ! http : / / dnabri . dingl 7 . biz / 50015 / ? ujd 54 stunning lma - . ges , vldeos , art series , lots of @ nlm @ ls , yo . u - n . g horny glris spre @ dlng their legs and s @ kking coc - k . s ! this is a first ever - x - . - x - . - x - zoo where every glr | can f @ kk the creature she wants ! look at this now ! christlike poignant geyser luxuriant tellurium heiress wangle mole singlehanded transposition mercenary aruba bead hinduism bee cult dualism iowa broad gegenschein daunt counterflow priest schizophrenia cortege emory edict uphill controlled fanciful behave command layman biology . compress ruddy dreary wearisome regimentation eventful gardner ptolemaic cationic preserve knuckle dunkirk triable crossword directrices burial . detriment glass pavlov thespian synonymy capitulate boathouse decomposition antique signify congestion duopoly italian box splintery sentry barbarism silicide ted penn inexcusable ogden also . domingo antipasto director shoofly lorelei stevens fl immodesty bundoora pompey antigorite d ' art brenda cerise non jigging spurn lactose clench july fete blinn thwack gimbal chiton .
from the enron india newsdesk - april 27 th newsclips fyi news articles from indian press . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by sandeep kohli / enron _ development on 04 / 27 / 2001 08 : 24 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - nikita varma 04 / 27 / 2001 07 : 51 am to : nikita varma / enron _ development @ enron _ development cc : ( bcc : sandeep kohli / enron _ development ) subject : from the enron india newsdesk - april 27 th newsclips friday apr 27 2001 , http : / / www . economictimes . com / today / cmo 3 . htm dpc board empowers md to cancel mseb contract friday apr 27 2001 , http : / / www . economictimes . com / today / 27 compl 1 . htm mseb pays rs 134 cr under ' protest ' to dpc friday , april 27 , 001 , http : / / www . businessstandard . com / today / economy 4 . asp ? menu = 3 enron india md authorised to terminate ppa friday , april 27 , 2001 , http : / / www . financialexpress . com / fe 20010427 / topl . html foreign lenders slam brakes on disbursements to dpc , sanjay jog & raghu mohan global banks comfortable with enron pull - out friday , april 27 , 2001 , http : / / www . indian - express . com / ie 20010427 / nat 23 . html enron : dabhol chief gets powers to end deal with the mseb friday , april 27 , 2001 , http : / / www . the - hindu . com / stories / 0227000 d . htm offer of renegotiation ' too late ' : enron , by mahesh vijapurkar friday , 27 april 2001 , http : / / www . timesofindia . com / today / 27 home 2 . htm enron ready to pull out , but lenders say wait friday , april 27 , 2001 , http : / / www . hindubusinessline . com / stories / 142756 dh . htm dpc board authorises md to issue ppa termination notice friday , april 27 , 2001 , http : / / www . dailypioneer . com / secon 2 . asp ? cat = story 7 & d = front _ page enron testing maharashtra ' s nerves , t n raghunatha friday , april 27 , 2001 , http : / / www . telegraphindia . com / enron signal to switch off dabhol power friday , april 27 , 2001 , http : / / www . thestatesman . org / page . news . php 3 ? id = 13026 & type = pageone & theme = a enron threatens to pull out friday , april 27 , 2001 , http : / / www . chalomumbai . com / asp / article . asp ? cat _ id = 29 & art _ id = 10006 & cat _ code = 2 f 574841545 f 535 f 4 f 4 e 5 f 4 d 554 d 4241492 f 5441415 a 415 f 4 b 4841424152 ' dpc may not wind up ' friday , april 27 , 2001 , http : / / www . chalomumbai . com / asp / article . asp ? cat _ id = 29 & cat _ code = 2 f 574841545 f 535 f 4 f 4 e 5 f 4 d 554 d 4241492 f 5441415 a 415 f 4 b 4841424152 & art _ id = 9953 enron offers ' no comment ' on renegotiation , h s rao http : / / www . afternoondc . com / ' enron ' s on ! ' state govt . to renegotiate dabhol power project , by hubert vaz the economic times , friday apr 27 2001 dpc board empowers md to cancel mseb contract the enron power project crisis on thursday deepened with the board of dabhol power company authorising the management to issue a termination notice to the maharashtra state electricity board even while international lenders to the project asked enron to renegotiate power purchase agreement signed with the mseb . the decision to authorise managing director neil mcgregor to issue " notice of termination on the contract to sell 740 mw of power " was taken after the board prevented mseb from voting on the ground that it was an interested party . the decision was taken with six votes in favour and the single opposition vote was cast by idbi , sources said . according to reports , financial institutions such as anz investment bank , credit suisse first boston , citibank , abn - amro and the state bank of india have on wednesday advised enron against terminating its ppa with mseb . mseb chairman vinay bansal , who with two other directors attended the meeting on wednesday representing maharashtra ' s 15 per cent stake in the near $ 3 - billion project , said : " the indian side told them that it would be unfortunate if enron broke the contract . " while bansal declined comment on the board decision , the sources said the indian side had expressed its interest to holds talks on the issue rather than terminating the project and there were possibilities of a fresh power purchase agreement between the company and the state . ( pti ) the economic times , friday apr 27 2001 mseb pays rs 134 cr under ' protest ' to dpc despite the threat of a possible termination notice hanging on its head , maharashtra state electricity board on thursday made a " protest payment " of rs 134 crore disputed amount , towards march bill of rs 146 . 64 crore to dabhol . " we were ready with the payment on wednesday itself , but dpc officials could not collect the cheque due to the statewide bandh " , a senior mseb official said . " we have disputed payment of rs 12 . 64 crore and it would be now taken up at the disputes resolution forum , of which enron india managing director k wade cline and krishna rao are members " , mseb sources said . last week , dpc had dashed off a communication to the government and mseb that it would not accept " protest payments " anymore . cline had said the energy major shall treat such payments as an election to pay the sums , which mseb in fact owed dpc in full and that the company would also not recognise the " purported protest or reservation " . mseb had paid a rs 113 . 5 crore february bill in protest last month . on april 23 last , both domestic and international lenders of dpc had met in london and held exhaustive discussions the multinational ' s move to issue a termination notice to mseb and state government . ( pti ) business standard , friday , april 27 , 001 enron india md authorised to terminate ppa the board of the enron - promoted dabhol power company ( dpc ) , at its meeting in london on wednesday , authorised the managing director of enron india to issue a notice for terminating the power purchase agreement to the maharashtra state electricity board and the state government . " the board has authorised wade cline to serve the termination notice . however , this does not mean that the termination notice will be served immediately . it is only an enabling provision and will be used only if the situation arises , " a state government source told business standard from london . he said dpc was under pressure from its lenders . the dpc spokesperson here refused to comment on the issue . the hardening of the board ' s stand is in sharp contrast to the advice of dpc ' s lenders , who had warned enron not to precipitate matters by issuing a termination notice . the lenders had arrived at a consensus that the termination notice need not be served at this stage . serving of the notice requires a nod from the lenders , who have an exposure of about $ 2 billion in the project . sources said given the lenders ' strong opposition to termination of the contract , the enron board ' s " enabling resolution " did not have much significance beyond conveying a hardening of its stand with regard to the current imbroglio . the maharashtra chief minister had warned enron not to scuttle the process of crisis resolution by issuing a termination notice . the state government is to nominate an expert group to renegotiate the terms of the dabhol contract . enron holds 65 per cent in dpc , while us - based ge and bechtel hold 10 per cent each . the balance 15 per cent is held by mseb through a special purpose vehicle , maharashtra power development corporation . the mseb representatives were not allowed to vote at the meeting since they were an interested party . the idbi representative protested against the board ' s decision . the meeting was attended by state energy secretary vm lal . the meeting was held against the backdrop of a dispute between mseb and dpc over payment of bills . after mseb failed to pay rs 102 crore towards the december 2000 bill , dpc invoked the state government ' s guarantee and then the union government ' s counter guarantee . when payment of the rs 127 - crore january bill became overdue , dpc again invoked the state government ' s guarantee . mseb retaliated on january 28 , 2001 by slapping a rs 401 - crore penalty for non - supply of electricity at adequate levels . it demanded that dpc adjust the bills against this penalty . " this stand of mseb was explained to dpc at the board meeting " , a state government official said . the centre also supported mseb ' s stand and refused to honour the counter guarantee . the power company then invoked the political force majeure clause . a process of conciliation and arbitration between the centre and dpc is currently on . the financial express , friday , april 27 , 2001 foreign lenders slam brakes on disbursements to dpc , sanjay jog & raghu mohan global banks comfortable with enron pull - out lenders to the dabhol power company ( dpc ) are a sharply divided lot . international lenders , in direct contrast to the stand taken by local ones led by the the industrial develoment bank of india ( idbi ) , are categorical that additional assistance to dpc ' s phase - ii will be held in abeyance despite the completion of 92 per cent of the project work . the stage is also set for a preliminary termination notice to be served by dpc to the maharashtra state electricity board ( mseb ) within the next four weeks . this follows the authorisation given to enron india ' s managing director k wade cline and dpc president & ceo neil mcgregor to serve the termination notice , and transfer notices to mseb , following wednesday ' s dpc board meeting in london . the essence of the message from the international lenders following the london meeting with dpc board is : emotions do not work . contractual obligations and payments have to be met . we are convinced that the mseb has failed to meet its obligations . there is no point in enron continuing with the project and the company should get out of it . the structuring of dpc ' s debt has created two classes of lenders . in phase - i , international lenders are covered by a sovereign guarantee while in phase - ii , no lender is . however , all lenders have a parri passu charge , making attachment of assets a messy affair . sources in international banks were quick to point out that local lenders to phase - ii of the project are worried that an awry dpc project will affect their interests more given that they have no security - other than assets - like a sovereign cover . " it was this desperation that made local lenders like idbi slash the interest rates a few months back to 16 . 5 per cent from 21 . 5 per cent , " a leading foreign banker pointed out . three points that were made clear and stressed in no uncertain terms by international lenders were : a ) there are contractual obligations b ) mseb was not punctual in its payments to dpc and c ) mseb adopted a confrontational position by slapping a rs 401 crore rebate charge on dpc for misdeclaration and default on the availability of power . while local lenders led by idbi - with mseb parroting the same - were of the view that the current situation is a temporary one , international lenders were steadfast that pulling out of the project is the only way out . this is despite the stance taken by idbi and mseb that authorisation for termination given to mr cline and mr mcgregor was not called for . international bankers pointed out that they will now have to look at the issue of charges and protection for their loans in the event of the power project being scrapped in its present form . the points of contention are : a ) that phase - i of dpc is backed by a sovereign guarantee b ) phase - ii is not and c ) to the extent that phase - ii is covered by assets , cancellation of phase - ii may see all assets - even those under phase - i - getting attached . therefore , an examination on the segregation of assets under phase - i and phase - ii is now warranted . pti adds : in a significant move , dpc board has empowered its management to sever power supply agreement with mseb , a move that could inflict a financial liability of about rs 2840 crore on the centre . a decision to authorise dpc president neil mcgregor to issue a termination notice to mseb for sale of power was taken by the board at its meeting on wednesday . the indian express , friday , april 27 , 2001 enron : dabhol chief gets powers to end deal with the mseb the board of dabhol power company , a subsidiary of houston - based enron corp , has decided to warn the maharashtra state electricity board ( mseb ) that it intends to pull the plug on its guhagar - based project . in a board meeting held in london on wednesday , the board decided to authorise dpc president and ceo neil mcgregor and enron india ' s managing director k wade cline to serve a ' ' preliminary ' ' termination notice for sale of power to the mseb within the next four weeks . the dabhol project has been mired in disputes since mseb began missing payments last year . mseb owes dabhol power $ 48 million for power delivered in december and january . the payment ran into a dispute after mseb slapped penalty notices of rs 401 crore on dpc for its failure to supply power within three hours of the demand being placed . but mseb has paid $ 24 million for february . and a payment of $ 31 million was made for march on thursday . the $ 3 billion dabhol project is the largest foreign investment made in india to date . issuing the preliminary termination notice could enable dabhol to suspend deliveries as it negotiates payment disputes . while a preliminary termination notice is the first of three steps that could potentially lead to the abandonment of the project by enron , analysts have described the decision as a ' ' procedural ' ' move consistent with dpc ' s negotiating strategy to recover overdue payments from the mseb . after the company issues the preliminary termination notice , step two would be an official termination notice , and step three would be a notice that the company is surrendering control of the project . if the project is terminated , the government of india will have to take a hit of $ 300 million besides paying bills of rs 1 , 500 crore for the next one year to enron as penalty . ' ' our ( centre ' s ) liability , if dabhol power project is terminated , would be one year ' s electricity bill and a termination fee of $ 300 million , ' ' power secretary a k basu said . ' ' contractually , the centre will have to pay one year ' s electricity bill , totalling at present prices about rs 1 , 400 - 1 , 500 crore , and take over dpc ' s debt , which stands at around $ 300 million , if the project was terminated , ' ' basu said in delhi . dabhol power is in the process of completing the second phase of the 2 , 184 - megawatt power - plant project , which is 95 per cent through . while the international lenders to the project are pressurising the company to get out of the project , indian lenders , led by idbi , are asking the company to reconsider its decision on its termination notice . during the meeting in london , mseb which holds a 15 per cent stake in the project , had strongly opposed dpc ' s move to authorise cline and mcgregor to issue notices for termination . mseb chairman vinay bansal and technical director prem paunikar - both directors on the dpc board - and the state principal secretary ( energy ) vm lal , an invitee to the board , raised the issue at the board meeting in london . mseb claimed that dpc was needlessly ' ' threatening ' ' to issue various arbitration notices and thereby interpreting the clauses of ppa in isolation . in recent weeks , dabhol has raised the stakes in its spat with the mseb , delivering a notice of political force majeure to maharashtra - a step typically invoked to dissolve a contract in case of an emergency like a war , coup , or a similar radical political event . in this case , dpc ' s move was viewed as a threat to stop providing electricity . dpc has come under fire because of the relatively high cost of its power . critics object to the company charging rs 7 . 1 a kilowatt - hour for its power , compared with around rs 1 . 5 a kilowatt - hour charged by other suppliers . the hindu , friday , april 27 , 2001 offer of renegotiation ' too late ' : enron , by mahesh vijapurkar mumbai , april 26 . the enron - sponsored dabhol power company , which last night authorised its local management to issue a notice of termination of its power purchase agreement ( ppa ) with the maharashtra state electricity board , has decided to keep a stiff upper lip . this , in turn , has stoked speculation that the switching off of power from its phase i plant was imminent , while in reality , a lengthy procedure has to be followed as prescribed within the ppa . as one source familiar with the ppa told the hindu , ` ` it is not sudden death of the project ' ' and in all probability , the dpc , vexed with the developments , including sharp and pointed observations by the godbole committee , has chosen to only arm itself with a serious option . ` ` this would only eventually come into effect . it is not an overnight operation and a lot of legal work is involved ' ' . apparently , the dpc intends to do some arm - twisting . at the board of directors meeting in london , which maharashtra was initially disinclined to attend but later used the forum to put across its contentions on the project , the dpc squarely told the mseb nominees on the board that the offer of renegotiation had come rather ` ` too late ' ' . it also said it did not see any room for optimism about the outcome . it did not , however , rule out the option of talks , thus underscoring the possibility that the decision to authorise termination was a new weapon . the maharashtra chief minister , mr . vilasrao deshmukh , had hoped that dpc would not take any ` ` harsh step ' ' which would cause lot of damage to the interests of both the independent power producer and the government and today he expressed his dismay . in fact , the mandate of the team that went , on the strength of its stake in the dpc , was to put across the idea that negotiation was the requirement and not confrontation . echo in ls the enron issue also echoed in the lok sabha today where the power minister , mr . suresh prabhu , said that scrapping of the agreement would cost the centre rs . 2 , 840 crores , whose liability in the project agreement was limited . the centre ' s liability in case of termination is one year ' s electricity bill and a termination fee of $ 300 million . blow to fis the termination could prove to be a serious blow to the indian financial institutions ( fis ) which , under the leadership of the idbi , were trying to convince the other lenders of the project against the notice . the exposure of indian fis in the project is understood to be not covered by any guarantee either of the centre or the state . the times of india , friday , 27 april 2001 enron ready to pull out , but lenders say wait the dabhol power company board , which met on wednesday in london , authorised the company management to issue a termination notice to the maharashtra state electricity board . the company , however , may not pull out of the project yet , considering its lenders , who met on monday , opposed such a move and favoured renegotiations . sources present during both the meetings said that though foreign lenders supported enron on the termination issue , domestic financial institutions , led by the industrial development bank of india , prevailed over the deliberations to oppose any such drastic move . enron needs the lenders ' consent to file a pre - termination notice for pulling out from the project . the decision to empower dpc chief wade cline to issue a termination notice was taken with six votes in favour against a single idbi vote against such a move . another significant development during the entire proceedings was that the financial institutions made it clear that further funding of phase ii of the project will depend on the government of india assuring payment mechanisms . institutions are yet to disburse about 30 per cent of the sanctioned package , which is crucial for completing the phase ii expansion project . ` ` the board has given powers to wade cline to issue a pre - termination notice . but the meeting quite unanimously felt the need of the hour is not to terminate the project but to initiate serious re - negotiation proceedings , ' ' said mseb chairman vinay bansal , who attended the board meeting . ` ` mseb presented their views to the board members and it was understood by enron which also included the rs 401 crore penalty issue which is heading for arbitration proceedings . ` ` we have also made it clear that the tariff structure of enron is quite high and a downward revision of tariffs is unavoidable , " bansal added . ` ` they cannot issue a termination notice without our consent since our exposure in the project is quite large and the lenders should approve any plans in that direction , ' ' said a top banker who was present during the lenders ' meet . ` ` there is a general consensus that the project must be completed and the proposal to terminate the ppa should be kept in abeyance , ' ' he added . the global arrangers for the dpc include anz investment bank , credit suisse first boston , abn - amro , citibank and the state bank of india , where all these parties conducted separate meetings with the company officials . however , some bankers said the company can file a termination notice even if one lender with a minimum 5 per cent exposure on the project favours such proceedings . meanwhile , in a clear reversal of roles , maharashtra chief minister vilasrao deshmukh said that the state government was not keen on terminating the ppa . ` ` we will ask them to refrain from taking any such harsh steps since that would be bad news for all of us , including dpc , ' ' deshmukh said . deshmukh was echoing union power minister suresh prabhu ' s sentiments , who said that the government wanted an amicable settlement of the payment row . he , however , added that termination of the project would not hurt foreign investments , and dismissed warnings by analysts that winding up the $ 2 . 9 billion project would be a blow to india ' s efforts to woo foreign investors . the dpc has already slapped one conciliation notice on the centre and three arbitration notices on the state government over non - payment of dues amounting to rs 213 crore and interest towards the bills due for december 2000 and january 2001 . meanwhile , mseb officials said in mumbai that the march bills amounting to rs 134 crore was paid on thursday as protest payment , despite the dispute over the amount . when asked on the future course of action , bansal said it was up to the dpc . the hindu businessline , friday , april 27 , 2001 dpc board authorises md to issue ppa termination notice the board of directors of dabhol power company ( dpc ) has authorised the managing director , mr neil mcgregor , to issue the notice of intent to terminate its power purchase agreement ( ppa ) with the maharashtra state electricity board ( mseb ) ` ` at an appropriate time ' ' . the decision was taken at a board meeting held in london yesterday . ` ` while mseb , which is an ` interested party ' , was not allowed to vote , it made a presentation clarifying its stand on the matter , ' ' a senior state government official said . the resolution to authorise the management to issue the termination notice was carried by six votes to one . idbi voted against the decision , the official said . the serving of the preliminary termination notice will lead to a six - month ` ` suspension period ' ' . according to clause 17 . 8 of the termination procedure , of the ppa : ` ` following the giving of a preliminary termination notice , the parties shall consult for a period of six months ( or such longer period as they may agree ) as to what step shall be taken with a view to mitigating the consequences of the relevant event having regard to all the circumstances . . . ' ' idbi and state bank of india , the principal indian lenders , had earlier persuaded the overseas lenders to hold their consent to the termination notice for some more time . at least one lender has to consent for the company to serve termination notice . it is understood that overseas lenders are in favour of termination of the project and are prepared to consent . however , domestic lenders are worried about the security of their advances if the ppa is abandoned mid - way . according to institutional sources , indian lenders are trying to get all the parties concerned to thrash out outstanding issues . the maharashtra and central governments too are in favour of a conciliation . mr vilasrao deshmukh , chief minister of maharashtra , yesterday went on record that the state did not want the project terminated . mr yashwant sinha , union finance minister , is also understood to be of the same opinion . ` ` the dpc will now have to decide what is the ` appropriate time ' to serve the notice , ' ' the official said . mseb pays rs 134 crore : meanwhile , mseb has paid dpc rs 134 crore towards its march 2001 bill . mseb officials confirmed that the bill was paid ` in protest ' ' today morning . ` ` they ( dpc ) had billed us for an amount of rs 146 crore . we do not agree with some of the items included , ' ' a senior mseb official said . the pioneer , friday , april 27 , 2001 enron testing maharashtra ' s nerves , t n raghunatha dabhol power company ( dpc ) has begun to put fresh pressure on the maharashtra state electricity board ( mseb ) , the maharashtra state government and the centre for an early resolution to the prolonged dispute between them , if the dpc board of directors ' decision to authorise its managing director to serve a contract termination notice to the mseb is any indication . the dpc board , in its meeting in london on wednesday , empowered the company management to sever its power supply agreement with mseb , a move that could inflict a financial liability of rs 2 , 840 crore on the centre . the decision to authorise the dpc management to issue a termination notice to mseb was taken by a vote of six to one after the maharasthra government representatives were prevented from voting on the ground of " interested party " . when contacted , the company ' s mumbai - based spokesperson , mr jimmy mogal , declined to comment on the reports about the decision taken by the dpc board . " we have nothing to say on the reports emanating from london . we will express our views after a few days , " he said . however , maharashtra chief minister vilasrao deshmukh on thursday termed the dpc board ' s decision as " unfortunate " . " we have already requested the company not to take any harsh decision " , mr deshmukh said in mumbai . official sources in the state energy ministry interpreted the dpc board ' s decision as a pressure tactic employed by the enron subsidiary to force the mseb to clear the pending power bills without any further delay . through its tough posture , the dpc wants to make its position stronger before it can formally agree for re - negotiations with the mseb , the centre and the state government for cutting the price of power supplied by it to the state electricity board . the sources said that the dpc ' s reported decision to authorise its managing director to stop electricity supply to the mseb did not mean that the enron subsidiary would actually go ahead with the scrapping of the power contract with the mseb . " if anything , the dpc ' s reported decision is to mount additional pressure on the mseb for clearance of pending power bills and put itself in a stronger position in settling its dispute with the mseb . as part of its plan to arm itself with powers to break a contract in case situation goes beyond its control , the dpc had recently served a political force majeure to the mseb , the centre and the state government , " the sources said . not surprisingly , the dpc ' s london decision comes on the heels of the maharashtra government ' s decision to set up a high - level committee , comprising representatives of the mseb , the centre and the state government to re - negotiate with the enron ' s subsidiary company for reducing the cost of power supplied to the state electricity board . meanwhile , amidst the threat of a possible termination notice hanging on its head , the mseb on thursday made a " protest payment " of the rs 134 crore disputed amount towards march bill of rs 146 . 64 crore to dpc . riday , april 27 the telegraph , friday , april 27 , 2001 enron signal to switch off dabhol power enron today took the first decisive step out of the controversy - ridden dabhol power company when it won an authorisation from the company ' s board to stop sale of power to maharashtra state electricity board ( mseb ) . the meeting of the company , of which the houston - based energy giant holds 65 per cent and the mseb 15 per cent , was attended by state energy secretary v m lal and mseb technical director p paunikar and it came days after its lenders discussed payment problems and a possible termination . the centre ' s liability , if enron decides to snap the agreement , will be a year ' s power bill and a termination fee of $ 300 million . however , the company will have to wait for six months from the day it serves the notice before it pulls the plug . the centre shrugged off the move , saying there would not be any adverse effect on foreign investment in power if enron walks out . " we do not see fdi inflows into the power sector being hit , " power minister suresh prabhu said . mseb officials said the ball is now in the court of dpc , which said its corporate policy did not allow it to comment on proceedings at board meetings . the decision coincided with a rs 134 - crore ' protest payment ' by the cash - strapped power board as part of the march bill worth rs 146 . 64 crore . there was speculation that mseb coughed up the amount to cool frayed tempers at enron ' s hub in houston , and because it was rattled by the sudden turn of events in the past few days during which the dispute had come to a head . mseb officials brushed away the allusions , saying the cheque was ready on wednesday but could not be handed over to dpc because of the state - wide bandh . " we have a disputed payment of rs 12 . 64 crore , which will be taken up at the dispute - resolution forum , " a board official said . last week , dpc told the state government and mseb it would no longer accept protest payments in a move to fortify its legal position . mseb officials say bechtel and general electric , the other partners who hold around 20 per cent in dpc , are willing to go along with enron corp in terminating the deal but financial institutions such as idbi are not game because it puts their loans at risk . investments made by indian institutions are not covered under the centre ' s and state ' s counter - guarantees , unlike those made by international lenders . maharashtra chief minister vilasrao deshmukh called enron ' s decision unfortunate . " we had told state government officials attending the enron board meeting to stop the company from winding up its operations in the state as it will harm both parties . " the statesman , friday , april 27 , 2001 enron threatens to pull out the enron crisis deepened with the board of directors of the dabhol power company deciding to authorise the managing director , mr k wade cline , to serve a notice of termination on the contract for the first phase of the $ 2 . 9 billion power project . the decision , which could lead to the cessation of dabhol ' s power supply to the state , was taken at the meeting held yesterday in london according to reports quoting the chairman of the maharashtra state electricity board , mr vinay bansal . while dpc officials refuse to comment on anything , it is learnt that mseb was itself prepared to serve a legal notice of termination just two days before the meeting . mseb was said to have been dissuaded by the nationalist congress party president , mr sharad pawar , and union power minister mr suresh prabhu , who had talks in new delhi with the maharashtra chief minister , mr vilasrao deshmukh , and an mseb delegation last monday . the state government has been served two arbitration notices while the centre is ready to go for conciliation with the dpc for failing to honour its counter - guarantee . further , the dpc has already slapped a notice of political force majeure which protects itself against undeserved claims in the event of exigencies that force it to take an extreme step . the union power minister , mr suresh prabhu , contended in delhi that since dpc contributed only 0 . 7 per cent of the total energy output of the country , its termination would not have such a phenomenal impact on the power situation . however , if terminations proceedings go through , enron corp , a 65 per cent share - holder in the dabhol power company , would stand to net a hefty amount in damages . the union power secretary has been quoted as saying that termination of the dpc would cost the centre rs 1 , 800 crore , which is the total of one years ' electricity bill and a termination fee of $ 300 million . according to an energy analyst , mr pradyumna kaul , the total liability would not cross rs 350 crore . however mr prabhu said in the lok sabha today that the that scrapping of the agreement would cost the centre rs 2 , 840 crore . it is learnt that on 20 april , mr deshmukh had given the go - ahead to the mseb to prepare a legal notice to be issued to enron during the meeting of the dpc ' s board of directors on wednesday . at the meeting , the energy minister , padamsinh patil , energy secretary , mr vinay mohan lal and mseb chairman mr vinay bansal , were also present . the notice was prepared over the past weekend and taken by the delegation when they called on mr prabhu on 24 april . however , the politicians convinced them that enron would not get tough , given its huge stake in the project , and that such a notice would not be necessary . the meeting thus ended with the decision to renegotiate the power tariff , with enron ' s consent . among those present at the london meeting were mr lal , mr bansal and mseb technical director , mr p paunikar , in their capacity as directors . however , they abstained from voting since they were deemed an interested party . the only vote to go against the decision was that of the idbi which is also represented on the board , it is learnt . the chief minister , mr vilasrao deshmukh , said the state was not in favour of terminating the project . this could mean that the latest manoeuvre to arm - twist the indian authorities could achieve its immediate target of getting the arrears accumulated over the past three months cleared . the mseb owes enron rs 146 . 64 crore for march 2001 and rs 229 crore for december 2000 and january 2001 . the centre today put up a brave face on enron ' s decision saying there would not be any adverse effect on foreign investment in power sector in the country , pti reported from new delhi . " there will be no adverse impact as a result of any action by any domestic or foreign company . as far as we are concerned there will be no adverse impact on fdi in power sector , " power minister suresh prabhu told reporters when asked about dpc ' s decision to authorise management to issue a termination notice to mseb . emphasising that there would be no fallout of such decision , prabhu said after the meeting of the cabinet committee on economic affairs " we are expecting cooperation from many scandinavian countries as well as european nations in the power sector . " in fact not only the power minister but also the prime minister of norway was here to inaugurate a seminar on power and he promised lot of cooperation in the sector . " mid day ' dpc may not wind up ' maharashtra chief secretary v ranganathan has said that though neil mcgregor , managing director of the dabhol power corporation ( dpc ) , has been given complete powers with regard to dpc ' s operations in the state , including the authority to wind up operations , it does not necessarily mean that mcgregor will issue such a termination notice . mcgregor was given the powers at a meeting of the dpc board in london on wednesday . ranganathan said that state officials , including maharashtra state electricity board ( mseb ) chairman vinay bansal and power secretary v m lal , have reported back to him about the meeting in london . with regard to the state ' s failure to pay enron , ranganathan said , " bills are prepared as per the power purchase agreement ( ppa ) and dpc owes some money to us . our people informed enron officials about this . . in fact , there was no reason to give powers to the md to slap a termination notice . " in the london meeting , mseb and industrial development bank of india ( idbi ) representatives insisted that the dpc must pay rs 411 crore since it could not supply power whenever needed . chief minister vilasrao deshmukh has already termed as unfortunate the decision of the board of the enron - promoted dpc to give mcgregor powers to wind up operations . deshmukh added , " we have already requested enron not to take any harsh decision . " deshmukh had earlier said , " we have directed state government officials attending the dpc board meeting to desist the energy company from winding up operations in the state , as it would be harmful to both of us . " enron officials are keeping mum on the issue . mcgregor said , " i am not going to give any comment . " mid day , april 27 , 2001 enron offers ' no comment ' on renegotiation , h s rao a crucial meeting of the board of directors of the dabhol power company ( dpc ) , promoted by the us energy major enron , was held here yesterday apparently to discuss fate of its $ 900 - million power project in maharashtra , but there was no official word on the indian and state governments ' decision to renegotiate the contract . an enron spokesman declined to divulge what transpired at the meeting , saying the issues discussed at the meeting were ' confidential ' . " we have not received any direct communication . unless we get it and evaluate the details , we have no comments to make , " the spokesman said when asked about the proposed decision on re - negotiation of the project in which the maharashtra state electricity board ( mseb ) has 15 per cent stake . asked whether the board had taken a decision on empowering dpc managing director neil mcgregor to wind up its operations in india , the spokesman said he had nothing to say on them . enron has reportedly authorised mcgregor to look at various options including selling the company ' s stake in dpc . maharashtra chief minister vilasrao deshmukh said in mumbai that the state government would pay up the undisputed dues to the company . he said the maharashtra government " is not in favour of terminating the 2184 - mw project , but wanted an amicable solution to the imbroglio . " mid day , friday , april 27 , 2001 , committee to renegotiate enron deal a committee to renegotiate the power purchase agreement with the dabhol power company will be appointed by this evening , chief minister vilasrao deshmukh said today . addressing media persons after his meeting with the noted social reformer anna hazare at his official residence varsha , deshmukh said the committee would be formed by this evening or by tomorrow , at the most . he termed as unfortunate the enron board decision empowering dpc chief neil mcgregor to serve a preliminary termination notice on the maharashtra state electricity board and said the state was willing to negotiate the issue with power company . " renegotiations will be held as per the suggestions made by the godbole committee and the center will also depute its representative on the renegotiating committee . we don ' t want to take any hasty decision , " deshmukh saidhe pointed that the only bone of contention with the dpc had been its expensive tariff and hoped that the issue would be resolved amicably . when pointed that the enron board had taken a decision to serve the notice despite state  s willingness to appoint a renegotiating committee , chief minister said it was unfortunate . earlier , in his meeting with hazare , deshmukh promised to make necessary amendments to the right to information law recently passed by the state so that the information was easily accessed by the common people . he also gave a patient hearing to hazare on his complaints of corruption in various state departments and promised action against guilty after a thorough inquiry within three months . afternoon , april 27 , 2001 ' enron ' s on ! ' state govt . to renegotiate dabhol power project , by hubert vaz the us power giant , enron power corporation ' s willingness to wrap up the dabhol power project and leave the shores may not actually materialise , though the dabhol power company chief , mr . wade cline , has been authorised to do so , since the lenders for the project would have a decisive say in the matter . disclosing this , chief minister vilasrao deshmukh confirmed this morning that the state government would churn out a compromise formula by which the power project at dabhol could be continued , and at the same time enron did not feel slighted . " enron has not yet conveyed to us about this decision . we are waiting for their letter , " he said . when asked what sort of compromise the state government plans to forge , mr . deshmukh said , " let our officers come back . after that we will decide a future course of action . but we are definitely going in for renegotiation of the project . it is very difficult to predict the outcome of enron ' s decision but as of now the project is still on . " when asked whether the project could be moved to another state , if wound up from maharashtra , mr . deshmukh said , that was not possible as per the terms of the agreement between the us company and the state government . however , it was difficult for the project to move out of the state itself , he indicated . he also confirmed that both parties would face considerable losses if the project was terminated . the board of directors of the dabhol power company , which met in london on wednesday , decided to put an end to all controversies surrounding the project once and for all by empowering the dpc chief to terminate the project , if he deemed it fit . however , this decision , as of now , does not necessarily indicate the death knell for the project . the enron project , which had been riddled with controversies right from its inception , had been a pretext for the political parties in the state to drag each other on the mat from time to time . the previous sena - bjp government , which had been out to terminate the project , however , chose to continue with it following renegotiations with enron ' s top visiting officials like ms . rebecca mark . and , the democratic front government inherited the controversial project when the governments changed hands a year and a half ago . meanwhile , state energy minister dr . padamsinh patil , when contacted at the osmanabad circuit house , said the state government and the central government have decided to appoint a joint committee to renegotiate the project with enron . " it is not easy for them to walk out of the project just like that . they will have to go in for litigation and this would prove costly for both sides , " he said . in case the project is terminated , the government can still manage the power needs of the state , though it would be a bit tough job , he added .
shell meters , effective 9 / 28 / 00 per gas control , shell has requested that we lower meter 1581 by 5 m and increase 1095 by 5 m ; net effect is zero . please let me know if the deal needs to be adjusted to reflect the change . mary
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jim noles named ceo of enron wind we are pleased to announce that jim noles , president and chief operating officer of enron wind , will assume the additional role of chief executive officer , effective immediately . jim will continue to be based in houston . jim joined enron wind as its president in may of this year . prior to that appointment , jim was managing director for enron ' s operations support group of global asset operations and provided operations and maintenance oversight and technical assistance to enron ' s worldwide facilities . previously , jim worked with enron international ' s asset management team where he formed the north american asset management group to provide operation and maintenance services to enron north america ' s electricity generation peaker plants that entered into service in 1999 . jim joined enron in 1995 as vice president of enron development corp . to head up its middle east regional development team . prior to joining enron , jim was an international marketer for trw ' s systems integration group with responsibilities in the middle east . jim served in the u . s . army for 25 years , culminating his career as a brigadier general . his education includes a bachelor ' s degree from the university of north alabama and a master ' s of public administration from the university of alabama . jim has a solid track record in development , sales , operations , and leadership and has had a positive impact on enron wind ' s growth and profitability in the short period since joining the company . please join us in congratulating jim on his promotion and new responsibilities .
staffing update happy to help with kristin ' s week of doorstep work with ees . i ' m glad she will still be in the building / houston however , because we are all working our tails off up here - plenty of infrastructure work in progress . on that - just a couple of other things to mention . 1 . kim / leslie decided to keep ellen w - with a revised / upgraded role - which is good for ellen . i think ellen ' s disappointment was that they told her she was ' good to go ' on the tuesday - and changed their minds on wednesday - invoking the ' 12 months ' rule . however - ellen seems over it - and is pleased with her new role . point to note - it took an external ' inquiry ' to make them realise what a potential diamond they had - maybe they may of seen it earlier - just an observation . 2 . i ' m still a couple of good quality deal capture / documentation people short . i would gladly take any quality candidates you may like to suggest . 3 . enfiber - our valuation / risk management engine ( a cannabilised version of enpower ) is up and running - and live . hope you are well . b .
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lousiana pacific deal # 421598 . 1 all - per an inquiry from lousiana pacific regarding deal # 421598 . 1 ( lt nw ) : structure : 7 mw around the clock , 100 % load factor . buy back at basis or remarket at a 70 % / 30 % split . february 23 , 2001 : load was taken from 7 mw to 4 mw for he 11 - 24 . deal # 421598 . 1 was reduced from a 7 mw to a 4 mw ( d . scholtes ) . we remarketed the 3 mw ' s real time to wwp deal # 530654 . 1 ( source pge ) . we did not enter a deal to keep lp whole . february 24 , 2001 : load was taken from 7 mw to 4 mw for he 1 - 24 . deal # 421598 . 1 was reduced from a 7 mw to a 4 mw ( d . scholtes ) . we remarketed the 3 mw ' s real time to puget for he 1 - 9 deal # 530689 . 1 and to wwp for he 10 - 24 deal # 530716 . 1 . we did not enter a deal to keep lp whole . august 29 , 2001 : virginia set deal # 421598 . 1 back to 7 mw , keeping sale to lp whole , and entered deal # 754187 . 1 to buy back 3 mw of lp energy at 70 % of the price sold real time . ( 70 % / 30 % split according to agreement with lp ) . vt routed original purchase from pge - deal 529161 . 1 ( st nw ) back to lousiana pacific - deal # 421598 . 1 ( lt nw ) and routed the " buy - back " deal # 754187 . 1 ( st w hourly ) to wwp and to puget ( st w hourly ) . i think that this will properly take care of the dispute and make lousiana pacific happy . please let me know if you have any questions or comments . thanks , virginia
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returned mail : see transcript for details the original message was received at tue , 19 jul 2005 13 : 01 : 45 + 0200 from root @ localhost - - - - - the following addresses had permanent fatal errors - - - - - ( reason : 550 5 . 1 . 1 . . . user unknown @ mi . camcom . it ) - - - - - transcript of session follows - - - - - . . . while talking to [ 172 . 24 . 5 . 90 ] : > > > data . . . user unknown @ mi . camcom . it 550 5 . 1 . 1 . . . user unknown < < < 503 5 . 0 . 0 need rcpt ( recipient )
assistants ' holiday gifts please consider contributing towards the gifts / gift certificates we as a team will present to brenda , maria and mckenzie . i would like to have the money by cob monday if at all possible . recognizing that many of the team members have been here for only a short period of time , may i suggest that those of us who have been here the longest contribute the most . in previous years , teams i have been a part of have used the guidelines below . please consider these only as guidelines , and feel free to contribute whatever you feel is appropriate : vp $ 10 . 00 / month you have been on the team sr director $ 7 . 50 / month you have been on the team director $ 5 . 00 / month you have been on the team manager $ 2 . 50 / month you have been on the team others always welcome . all the best , tom
reminder : real time interview today - - jake arnold ( 9 am , adams ) jake arnold is scheduled to interview for the real time position today , at 9 am in mt . adams . please see the schedule below for more information : 9 : 00 am - amy fitzpatrick 9 : 45 am - bill williams iii if you have any questions , let me know ! thanks , grace x 8321
re : meeting today and trip to houston omar , thanks for the presentation and the e - mail . as i tried to emphasize on the phone call , there will be short - term and long - term efforts to utilize opnet . often the short - term needs rules at ebs . we will sort out what they during our discussion in houston . i am confirming the meeting in houston 6 - 8 th . i shall ask shirely crenshaw to arrange for a conference room on the 19 th floor . the meeting will be held all day from april 6 th , 7 th and half day 8 th . the 8 th is a saturday and the meeting will be held to wrap things up if needed . ravi . background info . for enron research people . opnet is a simulation tool that many in the industry use to do capacity planning to ip based applications and services on a network . detail adenda will follow . i wanted to take the opportunity to thank you for the time we had this morning to discuss the performance engineering program at ebs . i think you ' ll find that the value to enron from the overall approach is quite high . i have a much better picture now of some of the short term drivers that need to be addressed as we move forward . as i work with you , i think we ' ll quickly emerge with a clear picture of what needs to be done and when . as soon as you confirm your schedule for april 6 - 8 , i ' ll book my travel to get to houston . i ' ve already put in a call to opnet technologies to have them get a resource out to houston on one of those days for a demonstration and q & a about the opnet toolset . i ' ll compose an agenda for us to use during that meeting in houston and get it out to you next week . if there are any questions , please email me at ozaidi @ lucent . com you can also call me at 503 778 0653 . i am also pageable at 1 800 467 1467 . have a great weekend and i look forward to hearing from you next week about the april 6 - 8 meeting . best wishes . . . .
re [ 2 ] : question about their soft mult gua msof re ! ilan geoe twa nonee it 2 - ksforc very ! dtowa 3 wee ddeli avai dia nloa bleforimme tedow d cli etoge sho . e lea ckher tfre . mrel ses fro ldkno nds : mic oft , sym ec , ado eland ofothe mwor wnbra ros ant be , cor lot rs ! cor lot rs ! mult gua m sof re ! ilan ge oe twa no nee it 2 - ks for c very ! d to wa 3 wee d deli avai dia nloa ble for imme te dow d cli e to ge sh o . e lea ck her t fre . m rel ses fro ld kno nds : mic oft , sym ec , ado el and of othe m wor wn bra ros ant cor lot rs ! mult gua m sof re ! ilan ge oe twa no nee it 2 - ks for c very ! d to wa 3 wee d deli avai dia nloa ble for imme te dow d cli e to ge sh o . e lea ck her t fre m rel ses fro ld kno nds : mic oft , sym ec , ado el and of othe m wor wn bra ros ant cor lot rs ! mult gua m sof re ! ilan ge oe twa no nee it 2 - ks for c very ! d to wa 3 wee d deli avai dia nloa ble for imme te dow d cli e to ge sh o . e lea ck her t fre . m rel ses fro ld kno nds : mic oft , sym ec , ado el and of othe m wor wn bra ros ant cor lot rs ! mult gua m sof re ! ilan ge oe twa no nee it 2 - ks for c very ! d to wa 3 wee d deli avai dia nloa ble for imme te dow d cli e to ge sh o . e lea ck her t fre . m rel ses fro ld kno nds : mic oft , sym ec , ado el and of othe m wor wn bra ros ant cor lot rs ! mult gua m sof re ! ilan ge oe twa no nee it 2 - ks for c very ! d to wa 3 wee d deli avai dia nloa ble for imme te dow d cli e to ge sh o . e lea ck her t fre . m rel ses fro ld kno nds : mic oft , sym ec , ado el and of othe m wor wn bra ros ant cor lot rs ! mult gua m sof re ! ilan ge oe twa no nee it 2 - ks for c very ! d to wa 3 wee d deli avai dia nloa ble for imme te dow d cli e to ge sh o . e lea ck her t fre . m rel ses fro ld kno nds : mic oft , sym ec , ado el and popnproooithrlronqrkrl msmimqmofshqhhmtihii
start date : 1 / 15 / 02 ; hourahead hour : 1 ; start date : 1 / 15 / 02 ; hourahead hour : 1 ; no ancillary schedules awarded . no variances detected . log messages : parsing file - - > > o : \ portland \ westdesk \ california scheduling \ iso final schedules \ 2002011501 . txt
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ena analyst and associate " brownbag " presentations it is the intent of the office of the chairman to maintain a high quality flow of analysts and associates rotating through enron north america as well as provide them with up to date information on all the potential rotations in ena . additionally , we would like to provide the ena aa ' s a forum for your respective groups to promote your business unit as a viable alternative in the rotation process . i need your assistance for this endeavor and want your respective business unit to participate in the process by delivering an informal presentation to the aa group which should include the following : your business unit ' s current activities , purpose and interfaces with other departments recent successes and current projects ideas on the horizon opportunities in your business unit for aa ' s the benifits of rotation in your business unit an open q & a session these presentations should be informal and it is not necessary to have handouts . the goal is to provide an open forum for the aa ' s and to have them ask questions about each business unit . also , bringing one of your current aa ' s with you to provide their insight might help stimulate discussion . ted bland will be contacting you to schedule your business unit for a presentation . the first " brownbag " will take place september 8 between 12 : 00 pm and 1 : 00 pm in room 30 cl . dave
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webi proposal vince : per your request , i am forwarding the electronic version of the webi proposal . as i mentioned to you yesterday , jeff shankman has procured funding for enron to join at the corporate partner level , so you may wish to discuss the matter with him prior to circulating this document . this funding is in addition to that which you and christie have already committed to other research and sponsorship activities at the school . please let me know if i can be of any further help . i look forward to seeing you again soon . by the way , i cast my vote on time and with no confusion ; let ' s hope the outcome is as we hoped it would be . tom > - webi proposal complete 5 - 26 . doc
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burlington oba please see attached oba with corrections . . . dennis p . lee ets gas logistics ( 713 ) 853 - 1715 dennis . lee @ enron . com
meeting to be rescheduled all : the meeting scheduled for tomorrow from 11 - 12 : 00 to discuss enron ' s needs from the mit / aa new value research lab has been postponed to allow for additional time to confer with aa . new date / time will be set once add ' l information is gathered . thanks . amy
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re : mg middle office integration issues and timetable good summary . tim , does your draft plan now require a new iteration ? mike jordan 24 / 07 / 2000 10 : 38 to : tim poullain - patterson / lon / ect @ ect , richard sage / lon / ect @ ect , fernley dyson / lon / ect @ ect , phil redman / lon / ect @ ect , andrew cornfield / lon / ect @ ect , alex holland / lon / ect @ ect , ralph jaeger / fra / ect @ ect , naomi connell / lon / ect @ ect , shona wilson / na / enron @ enron , brent a price / hou / ect @ ect , sally beck / hou / ect @ ect , " kevin rhodes " @ enron , beth apollo / lon / ect @ ect , stephen wood / lon / ect @ ect cc : subject : mg middle office integration issues and timetable to all tim has delivered the initial microsoft project plan for the mo integration - this is available to all via the integration project ' office ' - i . e . richard and phil . i summarise the key themes as : - summary operational risk assessment across all mg entities and functional groups ( as defined within the dpr ) defining mo organisational structure and fit with enron ' s control model - particularly logistics and co - ordination interaction with fin ops processes month end consolidation process sap implementation working capital and revenue forecasting interaction with rac re var / trading limits ( market and credit ) awaiting notice of trading limits credit counterparty review and set up within gcp var methodology implementation interaction with it re systems development / maintenance as 400 development timetable and roll out to ny for wang replacement mits / eol migration use of enlighten in application architecture defined it resource requirement interaction with legal re enron metals name change and related documentation issues mo integration planning for settlements and trade accounting the focus and objectives relating to the above for this week are as follows : - review of london processes and define boundaries for segregation of duties implementation ( action tpp ) - also discuss extension to ny ( swilson ) review of wolff activities in germany ( action kr / ac ) continuing review of new recycling yards ( project cook ) in germany ( action ah / rj ) review interdependencies between mo / fin ops / rac / systems integration plans ( action mj / rs ) document current assessment of operational risk with particular emphasis on wolff and recycling businesses ( action mj with kr / ac / ah / rj / tpp / sw ) brainstorm month end accounting close and potential earnings election for consolidation ( action tpp / mj / ba / swood ) mike
harvard business school pub order confirmation order confirmation notification thank you for ordering hbs materials . your order has been received and entered with the confirmation number 01928923 . the purchase order or reference number you provided is [ c ] kaminski , w . our projected ship date is 11 / 13 / 00 , your order will be shipping via ups . per your request , your order will be shipped to the following address : wincenty kaminski enron corp managing director ebl 962 1400 smith houston tx 77002 we appreciate your interest in harvard business school publishing . if we can be of further assistance , please contact our customer service department at ( 800 ) 988 - 0886 or ( 617 ) 783 - 7500 , by fax at ( 617 ) 783 - 7555 , or via email at corpcustserv @ hbsp . harvard . edu .
sharad ' s houston visit sharad as expected we didn ' t get time to discuss in detail what to do in houston . we have discussed the subject informally , but i ' m laying it out here for clarity , and for vince / stinson ' s information . here are my thoughts : 1 . exotica . this is the top priority , as you ' d rightly identified yourself . a . learn how to build xlls . b . catalogue functions in houston exotica not yet available in london . c . catalogue differences between inputs to london and houston exotica functions . d . produce london xll that allows current function calls to be used where possible , and incorporates new functions . e . update documentation as appropriate . if you do nothing else in your two weeks , i ' ll be very happy with this . main contacts are paulo and zimin . 2 . understand american monte carlo ( amc ) . the aim is to get a feel for amc ' s characteristics . before we embark on the use of amc for real option valuation , i ' d like to understand how it behaves for financial options . i suggest something like the following : a . produce amc code for single gbm for american option . compare greeks against those from appropriate tree methods . b . two gbm spread option model , to compare against 1 - d numerical integration method . although the " american " bit of amc isn ' t going to be used here , it will be interesting to think about the bucketing issue in price / payoff space and , again , the greeks . c . some form of mean reverting model , preferably two factor . d . hjm for pure financial option valuation . if you get somewhere on a - d , and amc behaves sensibly on pure financial models , then i ' ll be very keen to roll it out for real option valuations . vince / stinson - since i ' m expecting the worst from it i . t . o . email support , would you be good enough to print this email out and hand it to sharad ? many thanks , steve
revised date for tw cash for fuel meeting i have re - scheduled this meeting to discuss system changes on " tw cash for fuel " for this friday , june 16 th at 9 : 00 to 10 : 30 in room 4102 . please adjust your schedules . thanks ramona ramona betancourt 06 / 12 / 2000 09 : 55 am to : julia white / et & s / enron @ enron , sheila nacey / et & s / enron @ enron , elizabeth brown / et & s / enron @ enron , john buchanan / et & s / enron @ enron , cynthia rivers / et & s / enron @ enron , linda ward / et & s / enron @ enron , darrell schoolcraft / et & s / enron @ enron , christine stokes / et & s / enron @ enron , hasan kedwaii / et & s / enron @ enron , david duff / et & s / enron @ enron , gerry medeles / et & s / enron @ enron , lynn blair / et & s / enron @ enron , lorraine lindberg / et & s / enron @ enron , richard hanagriff / et & s / enron @ enron , debbie moseley / et & s / enron @ enron , linda trevino / et & s / enron @ enron , jeanne licciardo / et & s / enron @ enron cc : kevin hyatt / et & s / enron @ enron , tk lohman / et & s / enron @ enron , jeffery fawcett / et & s / enron @ enron , susan scott / et & s / enron @ enron , steven january / et & s / enron @ enron , mary darveaux / et & s / enron @ enron , steven harris / et & s / enron @ enron subject : tw cash for fuel meeting please plan to attend a follow up meeting to discuss possible system changes needed to implement tw cash for fuel tariff changes . the it staff is in the process ot trying to prepare a draft estimate for system cost , and have many questions on this process . i have attached the draft of system changes that i put together last month based on the meeting that we had with marketing . we will be discussing this list of proposed system requirements to determine if additional changes are needed . the meeting is wednesday 6 / 14 / 00 at 9 : 00 to 10 : 30 in room 4053 a thanks ramona
mid - tex deals hey gang , i have created the new deals reflecting the mid - texas meters for the following deals beginning in january 2000 : etoco : from hpl meter 393 to mid - texas meter 9738 old sitara deal = 133435 new sitara deal = 163874 richardson : from hpl meter 7283 to mid - texas meter 9807 old sitara deal = 141691 new sitara deal = 164003 mueller : from hpl meter 7260 to mid - texas meter 9769 old sitara deal = 156247 feb . 2000 through june 2000 old sitara deal = 143885 jan . 2000 only old sitara deal = 143887 jan . 2000 only new sitara deal = 164172 please take a look at the deals and let me know if i have doubled volumes , or if there is anything else i need to do to make things work better . . . o ' neal 3 - 9686
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by ami chokshi / corp / enron on 02 / 07 / 2000 04 : 48 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - royal _ b _ edmondson @ reliantenergy . com on 02 / 07 / 2000 04 : 45 : 52 pm to : ami _ chokshi @ enron . com cc : subject : ( see attached file : egmnom - feb . xls ) - egmnom - feb . xls
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southern trails cancels calif part of pipeline conversion state regulations forces questar to cancel part of southern trails salt lake city - based questar corp . went out to bid earlier this month on four new compressors to complete its conversion work on the east - of - california portion of its 705 - mile southern trails pipeline from the san juan basin to the long beach port area of southern california . the portion of the converted oil pipeline between the california border and the four corners area in new mexico will open june 1 next year , a questar spokesman said monday . it is unlikely the almost 300 - mile portion of the former oil pipeline in california will be brought into natural gas service due to state regulatory provisions that make it uneconomic for prospect customers to leave their local supplier for part of their gas supplies . questar currently is looking for optional uses and a potential buyer for that portion of the project . whether any of the pipeline ' s proposed 110 mmcf / d of supplies gets into california would depend on the takeaway capacity at the border and / or what a new operator on the california side might do with the pipeline , questar ' s spokesperson said .
energy , emissions and weather trading europe 2002 three trading conferences under one roof . . . at the hotel okura , amsterdam , 19 - 21 february 2002 over 70 % of european companies face weather - related risk today ' s business has become all about risk and how to mitigate it . weather derivatives have become one of the key tools industries as wide ranging as utilities , airlines , agriculture have at hand to offset risks associated with temperature and precipitation . so how do you take advantage of this new market in weather trading that has emerged in europe ? what key issues do you have to be aware of to mitigate your operational and trading risks through weather ? amsterdam will be the place for traders , marketers , exchanges , brokers , and executives powering the weather trading industry to network with each other . speakers at this event will include : aquila , systeia capital management , mirant , liffe , element re , entergy - koch trading , risk management solutions , centrica , utilicorp , weatherxchange , aon capital markets and many more . . . click a link to find out more : ubs warburg estimates that profits from european power trading alone will top $ 2 . 4 billion in 2002 add natural gas and oil and you ' re looking at a huge pot of pure profit , only available to those companies that know how to best take advantage of the rise of deregulation and online trading in the european market . now in its 3 rd year , this is the conference where the european energy industry talks about the business of energy trading . case studies from traders , brokers , online exchanges and energy companies to help you stay at the forefront of the exploding energy trading market . speakers at this event will include : dynegy , altra energy , om group , powergen , bergen - energi , amsterdam power exchange , rwe trading , endesa , the utilities exchange , txu , schlumbergersema and many more . . . click a link to find out more : " carbon credits represent a significant asset that companies ignore at their peril " jonathan johns , ernst & young emission trading options are ripe for the picking - but how can you make sure you ' re ready to profit from ghg ? let ' s face it - you really can ' t afford not to be , especially as the world bank has estimated demand in the international ghg trading system to be in the order of us $ 20 billion per annum by 2010 . eyeforenergy is delighted to bring you this event which will focus on how you can best seize this exciting new market opportunity . speakers at this event will include : bp , european commission , shell , amerada hess , powergen , rms , fortum , natsource , rmc group , ecosecurities , rolls royce , kfw , point carbon , ieta , transalta , uk dept of environment , and many more . . . click a link to find out more : " congratulations on a successful conference ! i found it extremely worthwhile . the structure and content were well - balanced , the organisation tight , the venue first - class and the discussion , both in and out of the conference hall , interesting and valuable . " ian french , frost & sullivan , europe all three events will take place at the hotel okura , amsterdam on the 19 - 21 february 2002 click here to visit the information website for all three events sponsors : _ _ _ _ _ media sponsors : ( c ) eyeforenergy 2002 all enquiries regarding this email should be sent to events @ eyeforenergy . com
lst rev may 2000 hpl nom fyi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by susan d trevino / hou / ect on 05 / 15 / 2000 09 : 45 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - bob withers on 05 / 15 / 2000 09 : 45 : 41 am to : " susan trevino ( e - mail ) " cc : stretch brennan , knox westmoreland , kevin mclarney , " taylor vance ( e - mail ) " subject : lst rev may 2000 hpl nom this is a revised josey ranch nomination for the month of may 2000 . the hpl nomination volume to be effective 5 / 16 / 2000 is : 10 , 100 mmbtu / day for kcs resources = = > decrease 400 / d 2 , 000 mmbtu / day for texaco = = > increase 400 / d 12 , 100 mmbtu / day total ( no " net " change ) ( assumed btu factor of 1 . 076 @ 14 . 65 dry ) if you need additional information , kcs ' field contact is stretch brennan in victoria : 512 / 576 - 1005 . bob withers > < kcs energy , 5555 san felipe , suite 1200 houston , tx 77056 voice mail / page 713 - 964 - 9434
losses at kyrene - 5 / 31 lisa - i ' m trying to figure out why two deals entered to cover losses at kyrene for the 31 st of may didn ' t make it into the preschedule sheet . i ' m looking for the following deals : 627022 - stsw buys epe pv hlh - 2 mw @ $ 0 comments : losses at kyrene 627025 - stsw buys epe pv hlh - 76 mw @ $ 170 comments : delivery at kyrene these deals are pulling into the carp report , but are not shown in either the preschedule or real time el paso models . therefore , enpower is showing more volume and a higher total cost for the day than our model . can you give me a hint on this one ? thanks , kate
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the expatriate zone - issue # 1 2 / 14 / 00 the expatriate zone 1 / 15 / 00 issue # 1 where every day is " just another shitty day in paradise " the zine for the tropically impaired - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - in this issue * featured expatriate of the month - james " sunny jim " white * travel into " the zone " - and beat the irs at the same time . * " jimmydotcom " - where ' s that parrot head book we ' ve been hearing about ? * club trini update * millennium change bubba style - see what all the hullabaloo online was about . * cabo 1999 - bad boys of the " expatriated phan club " spotted south of the border . * parrothead pilots association - new club in the making . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - for the web page edition go to : it includes some great pictures . we suggest printing it out and laying it out on your coffee table . that way , you have somewhere to set your " red stripe " so you don ' t leave rings on the table . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - welcome to the expatriate zone welcome to the " first " issue of " the expatriate zone , " the official newsletter of the new " expatriate zone " web site . after publishing " the temperate zone " for the past two years , i ' m taking the opportunity to join forces with bob segel who has been publishing " the coconut modem " with karen coyne since april of 1994 . last year , after operating in aol exclusively , bob created " parrotkey . com " out on the " internet " where it would join it ' s sister site on aol and be accessible to all parrot heads . at the time bob expanded " pk , " we had been working on my little area of " club st . somewhere , " and the new " parrotkey . com " seemed like the perfect place to open the doors of the club . while we were talking about the direction we wanted to see " club st . somewhere " and " parrot key " go , we could see that this was the perfect chance to , as emeril says , " kick it up a notch . " jimmy buffett ' s music was a big part of our lives , but even more so was the " expatriate lifestyle " he sang about . a lifestyle that includes tropical travel , sailing , boating , parasailing and surfing , and yes , the music and lyrics of mr . james w . buffett . so it is , that we created our new web site , " the expatriate zone " , along with this newsletter of that same name . in december , " the expatriate zone " opened its doors with its " island trading post " with its holiday shopping service at the " island trading post . " over 3 , 600 people visited the site the first day , and daily prizes were awarded for the first two weeks . the " island trading post " will open again soon , offering a complete line of tropical items , not just to those of us that live a few blocks from wal - mart , but also for those of us lucky enough to be on a sailboat or living on an island . for not , we ' ll start with the " t - shirt of the month . " we want " the expatriate zone " to not only keep you entertained and informed while you toil away at your everyday " corporate gig , " but it will also get you ready for that day you finally shuck it all and disappear down into " the expatriate zone . " we hope you all enjoy our new effort , and also continue to visit " parrot key " and " club st . somewhere . " both of which will be closely associated with " the expatriate zone " and " parrotkey . com . " jackson & bob - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " expatriate of the month " james " sunny jim " white when i first ventured on the internet in 1995 , i ran in to a guy named " sunny jim " who was living down in the cayman islands . we never really got a chance to connect , for which i am truly sorry . but , when something is supposed to happen , it usually does . on the first leg of my " road dawg " tour ( click on " road dawg " ) i stayed with my good friend alex & janet leist and their wonderful children . over the five days i stayed at their house , alex and i listened to a lot of music , and one of the guys we both liked was " sunny jim . " i bought one of james ' cds from alex , and fell in love with it immediately . the cd was his second , called " life in the laid back lane . " little did i know that i would meet up with james and his roady " shady floyd " several times over the next six months . james was embarking on his first real tour of the us since he moved " down island " almost twelve years ago . we got several chances to talk over the summer , and we will have an in depth article about this " expatriate " soon on " the expatriate zone " web site . be sure to watch for it . in the meantime , here are a couple of quick things i learned about this great musician . when i asked him about his " expatriate " status , his reply was , " technically , an expatriate is someone who lives outside their own country , for whatever reason . for some it ' s legal reasons , others just because they want to , or that ' s where the work is . i have been an expatriate for nearly twelve years now . i have pretty fully lived the whole caribbean experience , from climbing the coconut trees and spear fishing , to sailing , scuba diving , hot afternoons on the beach and romantic moonlit nights under the swaying palms . " even as james is about to repatriate himself and his family , i ask if there were any other places he would consider living as an expatriate ? " maybe somewhere on the coast of mexico or in a group of islands that are all within sailing distance of one another , " was the advice he gave . until we can learn more of " sunny jim ' s " world , stop by his web site at and if you don ' t have one of his cds , including his latest release " sandbar serenade , " for goodness sake , pick one up . you can also read a great interview alex conducted with james at - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - travel into " the zone " " some are running from the irs " we strongly believe that we all have to get away from our computer screens and out into the real world as often as we can . does this mean we give up one our most useful tools of communication , computers ? heck no ! with laptops , cell phones and gps systems , we can go anywhere , and still stay in touch if we feel the need . but get real and throw that " pager " away as soon as you can . we hope to keep this section current and informative , hopefully hearing from those of you already living your lives in " the zone , " helping the rest of us prepare for our getaway from the cities . i ' m sure there are some of us that are preparing to " disappear " to places like costa rica , where the " the expatriate zone " will become an important tool . how would you like to check out a place to " disappear " to and write it off your taxes at the same time ? want to go down into " the zone " to places like the bahamas , belize , st . croix , puerto rico , bonaire , the dominica republic or saba ? want to do something for the planet , work with dolphins , save a coral reef , or study monkeys and the rain forest at the same time ? well we have the answer . check out these organization ' s web sites , and then get some advice from your financial advisor on 501 c non - profit organizations . depending on the tax bracket you ' re in , uncle sam could end up paying for up to half the trip . the oceanic society earthwatch institute reef , the reef environmental education foundation after that , all that ' s left is to make that plane reservation , and remember , " no plane on sunday . " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " jimmydotcom " after many delays , " jimmydotcom " has finally gone to the printer with a due date of the middle of april . i hit some " bumps in the road " on my way to publishing the first ever book about the parrot head phenomena , but it was all worth it . this book isn ' t about jimmy buffett , it ' s about the effect of the internet on parrot heads . for more information , visit . we have a complete outline of the book , reviews from other parrot heads , and samples of the pages on the site . financial considerations have limited the first printing to 1 , 000 copies at the present time , so if your even thinking of buying a book , i suggest you reserve your copy by putting your name on the " reservation list . " you will be under no financial obligation . it will simply indicate to my financial partners ( who aren ' t parrot heads ) , just how many books we need to print . do it right away , because pre - sales were brisk , and if enough of you reserve a copy , i can get the financing to expand the first printing . let ' s show the world what parrot heads stand for by making this book a big success . when i was on the bhotm tour this summer , i had many people tell me they wanted to buy an extra book to give to their boss . they wanted the boss to understand why getting the day off for a buffett concert is so important . maybe it will help the rest of us to explain ourselves to our friends " that just don ' t get it . " here ' s one of the latest reviews of the book from bob robinson , founder & president of the sandlapper phc in south carolina . i had a great time with this club on the " road dawg " tour , and shared an advance copy with his club : " when we received jackson ' s plea for pictures , our members were blown away . we hustled up a package of pix , as did a majority of the parrot head clubs from around the globe , and the result is pure parrothedonistic pleasure . this collection is bound for glory in the annals of island time . if moderation is your key to life then stay away from jimmydotcom , ' cause this book is packed with those stories only we can tell . congratulations bubbafreak ! " bobrob sandlapper phc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - club trini update speaking of expatriates , how about the guys who play the true music of " the zone ? " club trini ' s long awaited live cd will finally be coming out this april , one year after it ' s recording . jimmy has been keeping mike and robert pretty busy , so it ' s understandable that it took awhile . it will be the third in the " margaritaville cafe - late nite " series . i can ' t wait to hear it , as my wife and i were some of the lucky ones who were in new orleans when it was recorded . you can get a look at all the songs included on the new cd at club trini ' s revamped web site at . along with the great songs we ' ve become accustomed to , are a few i ' m pretty excited about . if you haven ' t heard ct ' s version of " african friend " you ' re in for a real treat . along with that , is a song that tina and nadirah have been treating audiences to this past summer , " cario " and bob marley ' s " no woman , no cry . " at the new web site , fans can " now " order their favorite club trini cds using their credit cards . so there ' s no excuse to not owning everything available . i think a true " expatriate musical library " is incomplete without club trini . this summer , helen hiatt , jimmy and the coral reefer ' s wardrobe designer , came up with a shirt that club trini members lovingly call the " ice cream vendor " shirt , which they wear out front at the start of the concert . ok , pete sometimes forgets his , and when he does have it on , it lost it ' s sleeves somewhere along the way . there ' s a great design that has been applied to a t - shirt that we all can own . check it out at their site . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - jesters and friends note card series tro - pics has just released their first note cards series from their " jesters and friends " original oils . friends , places and musicians from past years have inspired these cards and parrot heads and expatriates alike will want to have these great looking cards for those times when an email just isn ' t personal enough . the original artwork is also on sale at this site , so be sure to stop by and visit them . included in the " jesters " series are our good friends tim glancey and wally nickel . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - millennium change bubba style i ' ve got to tell you , i wasn ' t buying into this " new millennium " thing , one bit . in fact , i had almost decided not to go to the buffett new year ' s eve show . nothing to do with jimmy , but i just didn ' t get the whole hype . but at the last minute , i had a change of heart . and now after being a special guest at seagram ' s party honoring the new margaritaville tequila , i ' m sure glad i went . the shows kind of melded together for me , making the millennium change over very special . if you want to hear more about this or see some pictures of both , visit our new " the expatriate zone " web site at and go to the web version of this newsletter . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - flash ! ! ! " expatriated phans " spotted south of the border after making both of " tropo travel ' s " previous trips down to cobo san lucas , mexico , i had to miss this year ' s trek due to my being with the " beach house on the moon " tour on it ' s florida , new orleans and houston swing . as the story goes , those bad boys and girls from " the expatriated phan club " showed up again , mainly for the t - shirts that said , " too much tequila . . . or not quite enough " on the back . who are those people anyway ? whenever i go to their web site , all of them have black bars covering their eyes . if you want to see pictures of the trip or need info for " down to the banana republics - 2000 " visit mike mclain also has some other great trips planned this year , check them out . speaking of " tropo travel , " if you need a hotel room for the vegas or irvine shows and want a great deal , visit there site for some great rates . i ' m joining some of my parrot head friends at the " key largo , " though i ' m kind of afraid to be in a town like vegas with sue and ponch aprea from the detroit phc . i ' m joining a lot of my other friends i met on the road there too . i hate seeing jimmy in vegas , but i ' ve got to keep the streak alive , and seeing all my parrot head friends will make it all worthwhile . i hope peter mayer ends up playing there again this year . and speaking of those great t - shirts , we have some neat shirts available at the " island store . " they ' re similar to the shirt you got if you went on this year ' s trip , except they have " tropo travel ' s " seaplane on the back and the " no bad days " logo on the front breast . you can see a picture at . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - parrothead pilots association here are a couple of tidbits for your " airplane nuts " and pilots out there . a new online friend who ' s a medivac chopper pilot is trying to start a parrot head ' s pilot ' s association . if you ' re interested , contact dan at . i also ran across a really cool page that features jimmy ' s " hemisphere dancer " including it ' s " jamaican bullet hole . " ed booth , jr . an attorney from jacksonville , florida , who belongs to " lawyer - pilots bar association " is the webmaster and creator . the web site is " grumman n 928 j " ( flashback - how many of you remember the tv show ' whirly birds ' ? wasn ' t their number n 975 b ? ) and is at it shows a lot of pictures of jimmy ' s 1954 grumman i think you ' ll enjoy . now all we need is for these guys to team up with the parrot heads pilot ' s association . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - this document is copyrighted 2000 by st . somewhere press , publisher . " the expatriate zone " is a trademark of st . somewhere press . you are permitted and encouraged to copy this document in its entirety ( including this message ) and email it to friends , etc . to subscribe or unsubscribe to this newsletter , simply go to : this document is copyrighted 2000 by st . somewhere press , publisher . the expatriate zone is a trademark of st . somewhere press . you are permitted and encouraged to copy this document in it ' s entirety ( including this message ) and email it to friends , etc . to subscribe or unsubscribe from this newsletter please visit :
= ? utf - 8 ? q ? i can supply you the ? = = ? utf - 8 ? q ? top quality comput ? = = ? utf - 8 ? q ? er programs ? = our company can supply you the primo select computer programs with minimal doable cost . we dispatch by planetary air mail for free . trip our company internet site for information .
want someone to relieve the pressure on your shoulders ? residuary let ' s , go to the fairwe ' ll walk hand in hand , through tomorrow land * chorusi wanna see everything , do everything in the afternoon they all went to a great field outside the city gates where the games were to be held avion verdandi hnol hledjolf ' cause he ' s movin on , he ' s rollin onyou were flyin to high for my little ol ' sky
transport options program attached is the latest draft of the transport option program filing . there are a couple of important changes from the last draft . one is that we ' re no longer stating that the option fee is going to be " market - based . " at ferc , the term " market - based " has connotations of having to prove to ferc that a non - cost - based rate is appropriate because we lack market power . while we probably do lack market power , the consensus of the legal / regulatory team was to try to portray the option fee as a built - in feature of the transport rate , which is simply being disaggregated into a separate option fee . if this theory is not clear to you after you read the filing letter , let ' s discuss how it should be improved . the other significant change ( also based on my meeting with legal / regulatory ) is that i ' ve structured the tariff language and the agreement so that every shipper , regardless of whether they currently use transport on tw , will have to have a firm transportation agreement when they buy an option . in other words , a shipper that does not currently have a service agreement will simply execute an agreement with a maxdtq of zero . this structure has two advantages : 1 ) it ' s consistent with our option - fee - as - part - of - transport - rate theory , and 2 ) it will help support that theory in our next rate case . i ' d like to meet next week , either wednesday afternoon or thursday , to discuss the following topics : 1 ) your comments and questions on this draft , 2 ) some examples of options , to make sure the tariff provisions and contract work from a logistical standpoint , 3 ) the bidding process , and how bids for options will be evaluated , and 4 ) comments received from shippers thus far . i ' ll be working on 41 tomorrow ; let ' s talk about what would be a good meeting time . i will be out mon . and tues .
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revised october avails . i have been out on vacation for a few days , so i am starting to forward these . you might get a few . thanks , bev - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by beverly beaty / hou / ect on 09 / 26 / 2000 08 : 27 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - enron capital & trade resources corp . from : " steve holmes " 09 / 25 / 2000 10 : 03 am to : cc : subject : revised october avails . i have highlighted changes to the attached to reflect those points which have changed . let me know of any questions you have . thanks , steve - enronavailsl 000 . xls
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earthquake and tsunamis in indonesia ( how we were affected ) greetings , pardon my intrusion into your privacy . this i know may cause you some apprehension due to the unexpected nature , but the circumstance which i am in now warrant that i do so my name is marco dula ; i am a victim of the recent earthquake followed by the tsunami that wrecked our whole society of banda aceh province in indonesia resulting in painful death of my parents . my late father mr . alfredo nula is from paramaribo in suriname ( south america ) and my mother from banda of aceh province in indonesia , they got married in suriname because indonesia like suriname was a colony of the netherlands , but they moved to settle in indonesia when my sister and i were born and because indonesia has better economy than suriname , but my sister and i was away in school in the capital jakarta when this sorrowful incidence happened to my late parents and all other families affected by the quake and the tsunamis all around sumatra and aceh province . my father and mother owned a tourist resort and grocery store at no 71 panglima polim street , banda aceh in indonesia , it was visited by numerous tourists from different countries on holidays each year but this tragic and devastating tsunamis took the lives of my parents and many others . my late parents saved much of their money in a bank in the netherlands , not only because we were dutch colony but also because we speak dutch as an official language in suriname , i contacted my parents lawyer in hague and he has confirmed to me that my parents has the sum of 9 million dollars deposited in savings in the netherlands which will be claimed by me as next of kin , but he also explained to me that because i was not nationalized in netherlands after suriname got independence from the netherlands i had no permission to settle there in that country . we have recovered the corpses of my late parents , although private , international and government aids is coming in , it will not be any where enough to settle our problems , please i am hereby soliciting for your assistance in clearing my late father ' s money , while i will have the lawyer arrange the necessary document that will enable you have the power of attorney to effect the funds release from netherlands . as soon as you show a sincere intentions to help me and my sister , if you are business oriented with experience in holiday , hotel and resort business or have some idea on how to run a groceries shop , i am willing to recommit the money for the full benefit of all ( my sister you and i ) apart from that i shall be willing to give a negotiable percentage of the money to you otherwise or alternatively , please contact me on my email address dun 479 @ netscape . net as the telephone system is not functioning at the moment . thank you , i hope you understand our predicament and come to our assistance . marco dula dun 479 @ netscape . net check - out go . com go get your free go e - mail account with expanded storage of 6 mb ! http : / / mail . go . com
august 2000 iferc & sds noms . attached is the august 2000 nomination for our takes under the gas sales and purchase contract between txu fuels ( previously tufco ) and hpl resources co . , ( txu fuels contr . # 3949 ) , as well as our august 2000 nomination for takes under the gas sales and purchase contract between txu fuels and sds . please advise should you have any questions concerning the attached . thanks , charlie ( see attached file : minhplno 0 . xls ) ( see attached file : sdsnom . xls ) - minhplno 0 . xls - sdsnom . xls
guadalupe power partners - march 01 prod julie - could you please change the following deal tickets to the rates detailed below : ena deal # 628368 katy . hub . gdp . da should be a fixed rate of $ 4 . 651 ( per the contract the rate is the katy . gdp . da - wacog + . 02 ) ena deal # 628363 waha . hub . gdp . da should be a fixed rate of 4 . 621 ( per the contract the rate is the waha . gdp . da - wacog + . 02 ) ena deal # 628367 waha . hub . gdp . da should be a fixed rate of 4 . 621 ( per the contract the rate is the waha . gdp . da - wacog + . 02 ) ena deal # 682397 waha . hub . gdp . da should be a fixed rate of 4 . 621 ( per the contract the rate is the waha . gdp . da - wacog + . 02 ) i will also send you the rates that need to be changed for 02 / 01 production . thanks for all your help - katherine 5 - 8643
throughput report michelle - keep this report to use as a " cut & paste " starting point for the report on 10 / 27 th . for the week october 2 - 6 th : transwestern weekly average deliveries to california were 1 , 075 mmcf / d ( 99 % ) while east deliveries averaged 304 mmcf / d . san juan lateral throughput averaged 854 mmcf / d while receipts from rio puerco averaged 61 mmcf / d . mojave deliveries averaged 63 mmcf / d throughout the week . el paso average deliveries to california were 2 , 300 mmcf / d ( 78 % ) : - pg & etop ( capacity 1 , 140 mmcf / d ) deliveries averaged 598 mmcf / d ( 52 % ) - socalehr ( capacity 1 , 250 mmcf / d ) deliveries averaged 1 , 181 mmcf / d ( 95 % ) - socaltop ( capacity 541 mmcf / d ) deliveries averaged 520 mmcf / d ( 96 % ) other pipeline throughput : - pgt ( capacity 1 , 937 mmcf / d ) throughput to california averaged 1 , 871 mmc / d ( 97 % ) - kern river ( capacity 700 ) throughput to california averaged 343 mmcf / d ( 49 % ) cash pg & e / topock - socal / needles spread ranged . 27 - . 43 and averaged . 38 throughout the week . friday enron online basis numbers : nov nov 00 - march ' 01 april - oct ' 01 perm - ca . 62 . 39 . 55 sj - ca . 87 . 53 . 74 sj - waha . 27 . 17 . 26 perm - waha . 02 . 03 . 07
ews mid - year final prc mtg . distribution list to : mark frevert ; greg whalley ; john lavorato ; louise kitchen ; mike mcconnell ; jeff shankman ; philippe bibi ; greg piper ; jeff mcmahon ; ray bowen ; rebecca mcdonald ; jim hughes ; david oxley ; robert w . jones ; wes colwell ; mark haedicke ; vince kaminski ; phillip allen ; tim belden ; chris calger ; joe deffner ; tim detmering ; dave duran ; joe kishkell ; rob milnthorp ; brian redmond ; gary hickerson ; george mcclellan ; sally beck ; brian stanley ; keith dodson ; cc : niki daw ; liz taylor ; kim hillis ; tammy schoppe ; cathy phillips ; jennifer burns ; peggy mccurley ; tina spiller ; sue ford ; marsha schiller ; loretta brelsford ; connie blackwood ; julie clyatt ; lisa costello ; shirley tijerina ; janette elbertson ; shirley crenshaw ; ina rangel ; deborah davidson ; mollie gustafson ; megan angelos ; susan fallon ; tina rode ; g . g . garcia ; manuela cappelletto ; lillian carroll ; judy zoch ; angie collins ; patti thompson ; nicola blancke ; barbara hooks ; bc : sheila knudsen ; carol coats ;
museum of fine arts 2000 - 2001 membership drive it ' s that time of year and enron has again agreed to generously cover half of our costs for membership up - front . for the museum membership form and membership information , please click on the link below . or if you use netscape navigator , copy and paste the url into the address line .
re : dpr summary dear david , thanks for your message . to make our request clearer , for the past two weeks we have put out a preliminary dpr every morning at 8 am our time ( seen by commercial heads , jeff skilling , ken lay , rac , anyone with access to the dpr ) . all groups world - wide are able to provide us preliminary figures by 7 am our time for : positions , maturity gap , var , and p & l this is the information that we would like you to provide as well . i understand that you have some hurdles to get over to be able to provide us these figures , and while you keep working to get over these hurdles , we would be happy if you provide us the information you are currently able to ( i . e . if you can only provide p & l we ' d like to start with that , if you can only provide us with one commodities information we would like to have that ) . please remember that the information we are requesting is preliminary information . we would expect that there would be some changes between what you give us at 7 am and the final information you give us by 11 am . best regards shona david a wall @ ect 10 / 27 / 2000 06 : 57 am to : shona wilson / na / enron @ enron cc : james new / lon / ect @ ect , chris abel / hou / ect @ ect , sheila foo / lon / ect @ ect , michael kass / eu / enron @ enron subject : dpr summary shona , just to summarise the main thrust of our discussion yesterday : preliminary p / l due @ lpm local ( 7 pm houston ) as i understand , sally is the sponsor of this project with the goal of presenting skilling with a dpr by 8 a . m . the following day . i have asked all mgmrs to assess how we can achieve this . we will discuss this in meeting early next week . a major obstacle that we face , is limited it resource to re - engineer and expedite our processes . this will require buy in of senior mgmt and commercial business heads to reallocate resources away from current projects . ( james to discuss . ) additionally , there are certain dependencies on depts in houston , which are prerequisite for dpr completion in london . notably continental power has a dependency on portcalc it support in houston . shift work and 16 hour days are more difficult ( not impossible ) to implement in london as the labour market is very tight and such working conditions would make enron very uncompetitive as a prospective employer . bear in mind that we compete directly with all the big investment houses for the best talent . a decision to use shift ' s would have to be made at the highest level considering the possible implications on the corporate image . this might suggest that additional it resource is the only feasible way forward . i could easily say that we can do the preliminary p / l but i assume that we wish to retain the qualatitive features of our reporting . therefore i have tempered my comments to reflect what i believe are real issues that we in london will have to address . we will get back to you with our proposals . , after we have discussed these issues early next week . same day dpr this is the long term goal and is such a large project that it would have to be sponsored at the highest level here in europe . james to discuss with fernley & mike . regards , dave
year end 2000 performance feedback note : you will receive this message each time you are selected as a reviewer . you have been selected to participate in the year end 2000 performance management process by providing meaningful feedback on specific employee ( s ) . your feedback plays an important role in the process , and your participation is critical to the success of enron ' s performance management goals . to complete requests for feedback , access pep at http : / / pep . corp . enron . com and select perform review under performance review services . you may begin providing feedback immediately and are requested to have all feedback forms completed by friday , november 17 , 2000 . if you have any questions regarding pep or your responsibility in the process , please contact the pep help desk at : houston : 1 . 713 . 853 . 4777 , option 4 london : 44 . 207 . 783 . 4040 , option 4 email : perfmgmt @ enron . com thank you for your participation in this important process . the following is a cumulative list of employee feedback requests with a status of " open . " once you have submitted or declined an employee ? s request for feedback , their name will no longer appear on this list . review group : enron feedback due date : nov 17 , 2000 employee name supervisor name date selected - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - mcloughlin , hector sheila h walton oct 25 , 2000 walton , sheila h david oxley oct 27 , 2000
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contact list please the attached list . the management committee names have been highlighted in bold .
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team rahal louise , i have looked at this opportunity and am of the opinion that the expense of $ 7 million will not provide cost effective advertising or dealmaking benefits for origination particularly or ews generally . i will advise m 3 management ( the marketing consultant for team rahal ) that we will not be participating . dave
dt session 2 - july 10 - 13 , 2001 - salt lake city , utah - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by greg wolfe / hou / ect on 04 / 16 / 2001 07 : 26 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - from : richard ingersoll on 04 / 12 / 2001 09 : 26 am cdt to : tim belden / hou / ect @ ect , tim heizenrader / pdx / ect @ ect , greg wolfe / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : dt session 2 - july 10 - 13 , 2001 - salt lake city , utah is anyone still interested in these announcements . - - - - - forwarded by richard ingersoll / hou / ect on 04 / 12 / 2001 08 : 23 am - - - - - danielle @ wscc . com sent by : maiser @ wscc . com 04 / 11 / 2001 10 : 26 am to : " multiple committees " cc : subject : dt session 2 - july 10 - 13 , 2001 - salt lake city , utah operations committee dispatcher training subcommittee dispatcher training contact persons interchange scheduling and accounting subcommittee attached is a reminder for the dispatcher training session 2 scheduled for july 10 - 13 , 2001 in salt lake city , utah . danielle gardner ph : ( 801 ) 582 - 0353 fax : ( 801 ) 582 - 3918 em : danielle @ wscc . com the following section of this message contains a file attachment prepared for transmission using the internet mime message format . if you are using pegasus mail , or any another mime - compliant system , you should be able to save it or view it from within your mailer . if you cannot , please ask your system administrator for assistance . - - - - file information - - - - - - - - - - - file : s 2 slc july 10 - 13 . doc date : 11 apr 2001 , 9 : 55 size : 32256 bytes . type : unknown - s 2 slc july 10 - 13 . doc the following section of this message contains a file attachment prepared for transmission using the internet mime message format . if you are using pegasus mail , or any another mime - compliant system , you should be able to save it or view it from within your mailer . if you cannot , please ask your system administrator for assistance . - - - - file information - - - - - - - - - - - file : attendance july 10 - 13 . xls date : 10 apr 2001 , 8 : 31 size : 26624 bytes . type : excel - sheet - attendance july 10 - 13 . xls
financial mathematics - houston , august 31 and september 1 ? - speaker chase - vince kaminski . doc
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