{"query":"how long is life cycle of flea","hits":[{"content":"The flea life cycle. Adult fleas spend most of their time on your dog or cat. They can live up to two years and a female will start laying eggs within two days of finding a host. The eggs that are laid by females fall off the cat or dog into the environment along with \u00e2\u0080\u0098flea dirts\u00e2\u0080\u0099 (flea excrement).","qid":264014,"docid":"2420367","rank":1,"score":13.959480285644531},{"content":"How Long Do Fleas Live. Flea Life Span. Fleas can live up to a year and a half when they have a food supply, the optimum temperature (70F to 85F), and ideal humidity (70%). In reality though, most live for an average of 2-3 months.","qid":264014,"docid":"684616","rank":2,"score":13.969805717468262},{"content":"If host animals are treated with a good flea control product that kills all adult fleas within 2 days ofthe flea\/s reaching the host animal, then no flea eggs will be produced (after all, it takes 2 days for adult fleas to create eggs after jumping into a host and feeding on its blood).","qid":264014,"docid":"3577340","rank":3,"score":13.461834907531738},{"content":"1 Fleas pass through a complete life cycle of four stages. made up of 50% eggs, 30% larvae, 15% pupae and only 5% biting adults. 1 Completion of the life cycle from egg to adult varies from two weeks to eight months. Normally the female flea lays about 15 to 20 eggs per day up to 600 in a lifetime.","qid":264014,"docid":"5950722","rank":4,"score":14.499348640441895},{"content":"A female flea will begin laying eggs about 24 hours after enjoying her first blood meal. Fleas pass their time on their host eating, breeding and laying eggs. Usually, an adult flea will live for two or three months. Fleas are more than irritating; they can cause tapeworm as well as flea allergies in pets.","qid":264014,"docid":"5849268","rank":5,"score":13.690389633178711},{"content":"The adult cat flea can survive on the host and maintain some reproduction for 2-4 weeks under most natural conditions, but if not killed prematurely an adult flea may live as long as 4 months. For the full life cycle please see the link. Source(s): http:\/\/www.flea-info.com\/about_fleas\/en\/...","qid":264014,"docid":"5849270","rank":6,"score":13.871343612670898},{"content":"The life cycle of a flea can last anywhere from 20 days to an entire year. It depends on how long the flea remains in the dormant stage (eggs, larvae, pupa). Outside influences, such as weather, affect the flea cycle. A female flea can lay around 20 to 25 eggs in one day.","qid":264014,"docid":"4834547","rank":7,"score":14.85148811340332},{"content":"Fleas go through four life cycle stages of egg, larva, pupa, and imago (adult). Adult fleas must feed on blood before they can become capable of reproduction. Flea populations are distributed with about 50% eggs, 35% larvae, 10% pupae, and 5% adults.","qid":264014,"docid":"1610710","rank":8,"score":13.635965347290039},{"content":"How long is the life span of a flea? 30-90 Days (Average). A flea might live a year and a half under ideal conditions. These include the right temperature, food supply, and humidity. Generally speaking, though, an adult flea only lives for 2 or 3 months. Without a host for food, a flea's life might be as short as a few days. But with ample food supply, the adult flea will often live up to 100 days.","qid":264014,"docid":"528372","rank":9,"score":14.372047424316406},{"content":"The life cycle depends on the humidity and temperature of your house: The eggs hatch in 1-6 days. They will be in the carpet, the furniture and are in highest numbers where she spends most of her time. The eggs hatch to become larvae. They molt and have 3 stages. The total time for this stage is 6-36 days. The pupae is a cocoon that the larvae goes into. The cocoon takes about 7-10 days to develop but then can be dormant for a long time until a host enters the situation (such as a cat). The adult flea is really only on the pet for about 2 weeks. The rest of the time is spent off the pet.","qid":264014,"docid":"3372501","rank":10,"score":13.595000267028809},{"content":"1 Undisturbed and without a blood meal, a flea can live more than 100 days. On average, they live two to three months. Female fleas cannot lay eggs until after their first blood meal and begin to lay eggs within 36-48 hours after that meal.","qid":264014,"docid":"331934","rank":11,"score":13.612594604492188},{"content":"The whole cycle can be as quick as 20 days or can last up to one full year; this is because the flea may be in a dormant stage for a long time. The cycle can be interrupted at any stage, but some flea control methods are more effective than others depending upon the stage the flea is in.","qid":264014,"docid":"96857","rank":12,"score":14.449932098388672},{"content":"Fleas can live for about 100 days during which time the females produce 400-500 offspring. Fleas transport themselves on rodents and other mammals, and usually remain on their hosts at all times. These pests use their powerful legs to jump as high as 8 vertically, which is 150 times their own height. If humans could do this, we would be able to leap over skyscrapers.","qid":264014,"docid":"667686","rank":13,"score":13.782417297363281},{"content":"Flea larvae complete three larval instars (stages) and, depending on their environment, will range in length from about 3-5 mm long. Flea larvae have no eyes and no legs. Their body is maggot-like and whitish, but turns progressively darker as the larvae feeds on feces excreted by the adult fleas.","qid":264014,"docid":"3338819","rank":14,"score":13.77424144744873},{"content":"6 weeks. In 3 weeks, one flea can pass through its entire life cycle and can lay 1000 eggs. In another 3 weeks, those eggs can hatch and lay 1,000 eggs each, so within 6 weeks, it is possible to have a million new fleas.","qid":264014,"docid":"4834548","rank":15,"score":13.61429500579834},{"content":"After about 2 days (range 2-21 days), depending on environmental conditions, the flea egg hatches torelease a first stage flea larva. This flea larva lives in the host's environment(it is part of the environmental stage of the fleas life cycle), where it feeds on fleadroppings (flea dirt) and dander.fter about 2 days (range 2-21 days), depending on environmental conditions, the flea egg hatches torelease a first stage flea larva. This flea larva lives in the host's environment(it is part of the environmental stage of the fleas life cycle), where it feeds on fleadroppings (flea dirt) and dander.","qid":264014,"docid":"5635519","rank":16,"score":13.938962936401367},{"content":"How Long Do Fleas Live? Fleas can live as an adult for more than a year, and they can lay eggs within 30 days, as well. Find out how fleas can survive through the winter in pupae cases with help from a pest control operator in this free video on flea control and extermination. Part of the Video Series: Flea Control.","qid":264014,"docid":"3577341","rank":17,"score":13.884485244750977},{"content":"Adult fleas cannot survive or lay eggs without a blood meal, but may hibernate from two months to one year without feeding. There is often a desperate need for flea control after a family has returned from a long vacation. The house has been empty with no cat or dog around for fleas to feed on.","qid":264014,"docid":"528381","rank":18,"score":13.437431335449219},{"content":"1 Undisturbed and without a blood meal, a flea can live more than 100 days. On average, they live two to three months. 2 Female fleas cannot lay eggs until after their first blood meal and begin to lay eggs within 36-48 hours after that meal. The female flea can lay 2,000 eggs in her lifetime.","qid":264014,"docid":"331931","rank":19,"score":13.59830379486084},{"content":"Life cycle and habitat[edit] Fleas are holometabolous insects, going through the four lifecycle stages of egg, larva, pupa, and imago (adult). Adult fleas must feed on blood before they can become capable of reproduction. Flea populations are distributed with about 50% eggs, 35% larvae, 10% pupae, and 5% adults.","qid":264014,"docid":"5950724","rank":20,"score":14.067041397094727},{"content":"Flea larvae do not take a blood meal directly from a host, unlike adult fleas. The flea\u00e2\u0080\u0099s larval stage is completed within about 4-18 days. One of the last activities of flea larvae is to spin a silken cocoon and then enter the pupal stage.","qid":264014,"docid":"3338821","rank":21,"score":14.149209976196289},{"content":"In homes, flea larvae live for 7-11 days before pupating. In ideal environments, they can fully develop in 4-7 days. In poor conditions, it may take 28-45 days for flea larvae to mature. How quickly they develop depends upon ambient temperature, relative humidity, and food availability.","qid":264014,"docid":"4259227","rank":22,"score":14.303028106689453},{"content":"Author's note: As will be explained later (in sections 2e and 2f), the flea cocoon stage of the fleas life cycle can lay dormant for a long period of time (up to 1 year), waiting for a host animal to come along to trigger it to hatch.","qid":264014,"docid":"3577342","rank":23,"score":14.104293823242188},{"content":"It can take as little as a couple days or as long as a couple weeks for flea eggs to hatch. Upon reaching adulthood, fleas may live a few more weeks, or up to a year or longer \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 depending on numerous external factors.","qid":264014,"docid":"2689662","rank":24,"score":13.378532409667969},{"content":"Fleas: advice and information. Fleas: advice and information Flea facts One flea will lay up to 25 eggs per day (approximately 800 in its life) Fleas develop from egg to larvae to pupae to adults in 18-26 days (depending on temperature) Fleas can only lay eggs after taking blood from the host animal they are living on. Approximately 90-95% of the fleas are cat fleas.","qid":264014,"docid":"4834543","rank":25,"score":13.57943344116211},{"content":"The pupal stage (cocoon) - The cocoon is the crux of flea infestation persistence in the house-hold. It generally hatches in 1-2 weeks, but can last up to a year. The adult flea - Adult fleas can live for some weeks (maximum of about 2 months if no host is present) in ideal, cool, moist conditions.","qid":264014,"docid":"3577345","rank":26,"score":13.882640838623047},{"content":"5. Cancel. A flea can live up to a year, but its general lifespan depends on its living conditions, such as the availability of hosts. Find out how long a flea's life cycle can last with tips from a pet industry specialist in this free video on fleas and pest control.Part of the Video Series: Flea Control.ancel. A flea can live up to a year, but its general lifespan depends on its living conditions, such as the availability of hosts. Find out how long a flea's life cycle can last with tips from a pet industry specialist in this free video on fleas and pest control. Part of the Video Series: Flea Control.","qid":264014,"docid":"5611210","rank":27,"score":13.557348251342773},{"content":"Fleas prefer a warm, humid environment, with temperatures ranging between 70\u00c2\u00b0 and 90\u00c2\u00b0 Fahrenheit and a relative humidity of 75% or more. Under ideal conditions, the cat flea life cycle takes just 18 days, from egg to adult. Adult fleas (both male and female) require a blood meal prior to mating.","qid":264014,"docid":"6105566","rank":28,"score":14.180089950561523},{"content":"PUPA (plural = pupae): The pupa is the last stage before adult. The adult flea can emerge from the cocoon as early as 3 to 5 days, or it can stay in the cocoon for a year or more, waiting for the right time to emerge.","qid":264014,"docid":"3338826","rank":29,"score":13.502739906311035},{"content":"Generally speaking, an adult flea only lives for 2 or 3 months. Without a host for food a flea's life might be as short as a few days. With ample food supply, the adult flea will often live up to 100 days.Newly emerged adult fleas live only about one week if a blood meal is not obtained.enerally speaking, an adult flea only lives for 2 or 3 months. Without a host for food a flea's life might be as short as a few days. With ample food supply, the adult flea will often live up to 100 days.","qid":264014,"docid":"5611214","rank":30,"score":14.098100662231445},{"content":"1 Fleas pass through a complete life cycle of four stages. made up of 50% eggs, 30% larvae, 15% pupae and only 5% biting adults. Completion of the life cycle from egg to adult varies from two weeks to eight months.","qid":264014,"docid":"5950719","rank":31,"score":14.504992485046387},{"content":"They eat the feces of adult fleas (which is mostly dried blood) and other organic debris found in the carpet, bedding, and soil. Depending on the amount of food present and the environmental conditions, the larval stage lasts about 5 to 18 days (longer in some cases) then the larva spins a silken cocoon and pupates.","qid":264014,"docid":"3338822","rank":32,"score":13.899763107299805},{"content":"2) The fleas life cycle discussed - the flea life cycle diagram explained in full. 2a) Fleas life cycle 1 - The adult flea lays her eggs on the host animal. 2b) Fleas life cycle 2 - The egg falls off the animal's skin and into the local environment of the host animal. 2c) Fleas life cycle 3 - The flea egg hatches, releasing a first stage (stage 1) flea larva.","qid":264014,"docid":"96854","rank":33,"score":13.723608016967773},{"content":"When a flea finds an appropriate host, it will begin feeding almost immediately. A female flea will begin laying eggs about 24 hours after enjoying her first blood meal. Fleas pass their time on their host eating, breeding and laying eggs. Usually, an adult flea will live for two or three months.","qid":264014,"docid":"2474340","rank":34,"score":13.708598136901855},{"content":"The so-called \u00e2\u0080\u009csand-flea\u00e2\u0080\u009d is nothing more than a common flea that is breeding outdoors in the soil. Contrary to belief, fleas cannot go through several generations without having a blood meal. The entire life cycle (Figure 5) of a flea can require two weeks to two years. Hot, wet, summer months favor egg laying.","qid":264014,"docid":"935825","rank":35,"score":13.610472679138184},{"content":"How Long Do Fleas Live. Flea Life Span. Fleas can live up to a year and a half when they have a food supply, the optimum temperature (70F to 85F), and ideal humidity (70%). In reality though, most live for an average of 2-3 months. Even if you remove the pets from your house for a time, the fleas can still survive for several months without feeding.","qid":264014,"docid":"6555322","rank":36,"score":13.939977645874023},{"content":"PS \u00e2\u0080\u0094 knowing a fleas life cycle helps in going to battle with them.. The flea lays eggs and the eggs hatch (and look like tiny worms). The worms (called the larval stage) develop a cocoon type barrier (called the pupal stage) where they transform into an adult flea (like a caterpillar becoming a butterfly).","qid":264014,"docid":"8502491","rank":37,"score":13.372570037841797},{"content":"Flea Pupa. The flea larvae spin cocoons around themselves in which they move to the last phase of the flea life cycle and become adult fleas. The larvae can remain in the cocoon anywhere from one week to one year. Temperature is one factor that determines how long it will take for the adult flea to emerge from the cocoon.","qid":264014,"docid":"96852","rank":38,"score":13.824990272521973},{"content":"In 3 weeks, one flea can pass through its entire life cycle and can lay 1000 eggs. In another 3 weeks, those eggs can hatch and lay 1,000 eggs each, so within 6 weeks, it is possible to have a million new fleas.","qid":264014,"docid":"528380","rank":39,"score":13.5377197265625},{"content":"When it comes to eliminating fleas from your pet and from your home, there are some key things to consider. First, it is very important to be familiar with and understand the life cycle of the flea when you are trying to eradicate their presence completely. There are four stages in the life cycle of a flea: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Depending on the environmental temperature and humidity levels, the total life cycle will take anywhere from a couple weeks to many months. Optimal conditions for fleas are between 70-85\u00c2\u00b0F and 70 percent humidity.","qid":264014,"docid":"2223171","rank":40,"score":14.39086627960205},{"content":"Completely developed adult fleas can live for several months without eating, as long as they do not emerge from their cacoons. Newly emerged adult fleas live only about one week if a blood meal is not obtained. Optimum temperatures for the flea's life cycle are 70\u00c2\u00b0F to 85\u00c2\u00b0F and optimum humidity is 70 percent.","qid":264014,"docid":"2474341","rank":41,"score":14.071864128112793},{"content":"There are four stages in a flea's life: egg, larva (maggoty-like-thing), pupa (in a cocoon) and adult. Egg-to-egg life cycle is usually two to four weeks. Under the right conditions this can be a little shorter (12 days), or much longer (8 months).","qid":264014,"docid":"3396076","rank":42,"score":14.295106887817383},{"content":"Generally speaking, an adult flea only lives for 2 or 3 months. Without a host to provide a blood meal, a flea's life can be as short as a few days. Under ideal conditions of temperature, food supply, and humidity, adult fleas can live for up to a year and a half.","qid":264014,"docid":"58386","rank":43,"score":14.059150695800781},{"content":"The flea life cycle has four stages: 1 Egg: An adult female flea can lay up to 40 eggs a day. 2 Larva: When the eggs hats, larvae emerge. 3 Pupa: Once in the cocoon, the larva begins its transformation into the adult flea. Adult flea: A fully-developed flea only emerges from its cocoon when a host is available.","qid":264014,"docid":"3577344","rank":44,"score":13.979933738708496},{"content":"Under ideal conditions, the cat flea life cycle takes just 18 days, from egg to adult. Adult fleas (both male and female) require a blood meal prior to mating. They prefer blood from your pet, but in the absence of a canine or feline host, fleas will bite people.","qid":264014,"docid":"1610706","rank":45,"score":14.33432674407959},{"content":"In appearance, flea larvae can be up to \u00c2\u00bc-inch long and are white (almost see-through) and legless. Larvae make up about 35 percent of the flea population in the average household. If conditions are favorable, the larvae will spin cocoons in about 5-20 days of hatching from their eggs.This leads to the next life stage, called the cocoon or pupae stage.The pupae stage of the flea life cycle accounts for about 10 percent of the flea population in a home.f conditions are favorable, the larvae will spin cocoons in about 5-20 days of hatching from their eggs. This leads to the next life stage, called the cocoon or pupae stage. The pupae stage of the flea life cycle accounts for about 10 percent of the flea population in a home.","qid":264014,"docid":"5635521","rank":46,"score":13.674059867858887},{"content":"6 weeks. In 3 weeks, one flea can pass through its entire life cycle and can lay 1000 eggs. In another 3 weeks, those eggs can hatch and lay 1,000 eggs each, so within 6 weeks, it is possible to have a million new fleas.n a humid environment, over 60% of newly hatched fleas can live without a host for 2 months. In a cool, dry environment, only 10% will live without an immediate host. Humidity is the key to flea survival.","qid":264014,"docid":"5611212","rank":47,"score":13.715730667114258},{"content":"Stickfast flea life history. The complete life cycle of the flea takes about four weeks, varying according to the temperature. The female fleas lay at night while attached to the bird, and the very small eggs fall to the ground. In about four days, small wormlike larvae emerge from the eggs. The larvae feed on organic material, mainly the dried blood excreted by the adult fleas, and shelter in the surface dust and litter on the soil. After several moults, they grow to about 3 mm, cease to feed and burrow down into the soil to a depth of about 15 cm.","qid":264014,"docid":"4687213","rank":48,"score":13.722055435180664},{"content":"Fleas are holometabolous insects, going through the four lifecycle stages of egg, larva, pupa, and imago (adult). Adult fleas must feed on blood before they can become capable of reproduction. Flea populations are distributed with about 50% eggs, 35% larvae, 10% pupae, and 5% adults.enerally speaking, an adult flea only lives for 2 or 3 months. Without a host for food a flea's life might be as short as a few days. With ample food supply, the adult flea will often live up to 100 days.","qid":264014,"docid":"5611218","rank":49,"score":14.566397666931152},{"content":"1 Completion of the life cycle from egg to adult varies from two weeks to eight months. 2 Normally the female flea lays about 15 to 20 eggs per day up to 600 in a lifetime. Usual hosts for fleas are dogs, cats, rats, rabbits, mice, squirrels, chipmunks, raccoons, opossums, foxes, chickens, and humans.","qid":264014,"docid":"5950718","rank":50,"score":14.079730987548828},{"content":"Firstly, a little zoology: fleas live about 50 days and can lay over 2000 eggs in that time[1]. Assume 10% live to adulthood; you\u00e2\u0080\u0099ve got 200 little beasts that can jump several inches through the air. You need to kill off the adults and take care of the larvae to keep you and your pet free of nasty bites.","qid":264014,"docid":"5819145","rank":51,"score":13.359996795654297},{"content":"The flea population is typically. made up of 50% eggs, 30% larvae, 15% pupae and only 5% biting adults. Completion of the life cycle from egg to adult varies from two weeks to eight months. Normally the female flea lays about 15 to 20 eggs per day up to 600 in a lifetime. Usual hosts for fleas are dogs, cats, rats, rabbits, mice, squirrels, chipmunks, raccoons, opossums, foxes, chickens, and humans.","qid":264014,"docid":"96858","rank":52,"score":13.930212020874023},{"content":"Fleas have four main stages in their life cycle: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. The total flea life cycle can range from a couple weeks to several months, depending on environmental conditions. The adult flea is very flat side to side.","qid":264014,"docid":"5328095","rank":53,"score":14.825870513916016},{"content":"However, completely developed adult fleas can live for several months without eating, so long as they do not emerge from their puparia. Optimum temperatures for the flea's life cycle are 21 \u00c2\u00b0C to 30 \u00c2\u00b0C (70 \u00c2\u00b0F to 85 \u00c2\u00b0F) and optimum humidity is 70%.","qid":264014,"docid":"2498165","rank":54,"score":13.846986770629883},{"content":"The time it takes to complete the life cycle from egg to adult varies from two weeks to eight months, depending on the temperature, humidity and the amount of food available. A typical flea population consists of 50 per cent eggs, 35 per cent larvae, ten per cent pupae and only five per cent adults.","qid":264014,"docid":"6791760","rank":55,"score":14.367485046386719},{"content":"Fleas have four life stages, lasting weeks or months, depending on the environment. An adult flea can live up to two weeks without a host. Fleas have four life stages, lasting weeks or months, depending on the environment.","qid":264014,"docid":"7323467","rank":56,"score":14.061603546142578},{"content":"The lifecycle of a flea. 5% of fleas live in the environment as an adult, 95 % of fleas live as eggs, larvae or pupae. For effective flea control it is essential to break the lifecycle in the environment. 1 Adult Fleas-jump onto your dog or cat, feed on its blood and then start laying eggs. One flea broke a record with a four-foot vertical jump. 2 Undisturbed and without a blood meal, a flea can live more than 100 days. 3 On average, they live two to three months. 4 Female fleas cannot lay eggs until after their first blood meal and begin to lay eggs within 36-48 hours after that meal.","qid":264014,"docid":"5611219","rank":57,"score":13.74752140045166},{"content":"It's estimated that with any flea population, 95% of all these parasites are in a sub-adult stage (i.e., eggs, larvae, or pupa). These sub-adult fleas can lie dormant in your home for several months before they hatch and start the cycle all over again. Stages of a Flea's Life.","qid":264014,"docid":"4834545","rank":58,"score":13.671932220458984},{"content":"When it comes to eliminating fleas from your pet and from your home, there are some key things to consider. One of the most important things is life cycle of the flea, which depending on the environmental temperature and humidity levels can take between a couple of week to many months. There are four stages in the life cycle of a flea: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Here we will discuss all four\u00e2\u0080\u00a6.","qid":264014,"docid":"5950723","rank":59,"score":14.301170349121094},{"content":"When you initiated treatment, it can be assumed that eggs were laid earlier that day. It takes around 2 days for those eggs to hatch, 7 days for the larvae to pupate, and another 7 days until the adult stage is reached. In homes, you can expect the full life cycle to complete in 17 to 26 days. While no new fleas should be able to successfully develop past 26 days, one life stage is a problem.","qid":264014,"docid":"8012101","rank":60,"score":13.712366104125977},{"content":"A flea might live a year and a half under ideal conditions. These include the right temperature, food supply, and humidity. Generally speaking, an adult flea only lives for 2 or 3 months. Without a host for food a flea's life might be as short as a few days. With ample food supply, the adult flea will often live up to 100 days. Newly emerged adult fleas live only about one week if a blood meal is not obtained.","qid":264014,"docid":"7326936","rank":61,"score":14.282622337341309},{"content":"Life Cycle (Back to Top). The cat flea life cycle is one of complete metamorphosis, involving the stages of an egg, larva, pupa, and adult. This cycle usually lasts 30 to 75 days, yet may vary due to external factors, such as temperature and humidity.","qid":264014,"docid":"6105572","rank":62,"score":14.763629913330078},{"content":"The total flea life cycle can range from a couple weeks to several months, depending on environmental conditions. ADULT: The adult flea is very flat side to side. There are hair-like bristles on the flea body and legs to aid in their navigation through pet hair.","qid":264014,"docid":"3338827","rank":63,"score":14.594837188720703},{"content":"The fleas you see on your cat are adult fleas, which are only about 5 percent of the flea population in an environment. The other fleas are scattered about as eggs, larvae or pupae. Adult fleas generally live two to four weeks, although in a hospitable environment they may live up to four months.","qid":264014,"docid":"5583424","rank":64,"score":13.671982765197754},{"content":"The pupae stage of the flea life cycle accounts for about 10 percent of the flea population in a home. This cocoon stage is the last developmental stage before the adult flea emerges. The cocoon protects the pupae for several days or weeks before the adult flea emerges.","qid":264014,"docid":"96856","rank":65,"score":13.563448905944824},{"content":"The cat flea\u00e2\u0080\u0099s life cycle is one of complete metamorphosis: an egg stage, larval (grub) stage, pupal (cocoon) stage and adult stage. The cat flea\u00e2\u0080\u0099s life cycle usually lasts from about 1 to 2 \u00c2\u00bd months and depends on the temperature and humidity of their habitat. Adults are the only stage that lives on the host, and the female adult cat flea must have a fresh blood meal in order to produce a new batch of eggs.","qid":264014,"docid":"3338825","rank":66,"score":14.327249526977539},{"content":"Fleas are holometabolous insects, going through the four lifecycle stages of egg, larva, pupa, and imago (adult). Adult fleas must feed on blood before they can become capable of reproduction. Flea populations are distributed with about 50% eggs, 35% larvae, 10% pupae, and 5% adults.","qid":264014,"docid":"6105567","rank":67,"score":13.583110809326172},{"content":"1 Completion of the life cycle from egg to adult varies from two weeks to eight months. Normally the female flea lays about 15 to 20 eggs per day up to 600 in a lifetime.","qid":264014,"docid":"5950721","rank":68,"score":13.943473815917969},{"content":"Female fleas need to keep feeding on blood to ensure their metabolism stays in balance while they are laying eggs. Adults on a host animal can live for 133 days, but if they become dislodged they need to rapidly find a new host, or quickly hop back onto the original host. They die within four days of losing their host.","qid":264014,"docid":"6555321","rank":69,"score":13.464546203613281},{"content":"How long is the life span of a flea? A flea might live a year and a half under ideal conditions. These include the right temperature, food supply, and humidity. Generally speaking, though, an adult flea only lives for 2 or 3 months. Without a host for food, a flea's life might be as short as a few days. But with ample food supply, the adult flea will often live up to 100 days. Cornell Entomology Fact Sheet on Fleas - This fact sheet provides the basics on the flea species, behavior, ecology, life history, and management.","qid":264014,"docid":"7326934","rank":70,"score":14.318777084350586},{"content":"There are four stages in the life cycle of a flea: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Depending on the environmental temperature and humidity levels, the total life cycle will take anywhere from a couple weeks to many months. Optimal conditions for fleas are between 70-85\u00c2\u00b0F and 70 percent humidity.","qid":264014,"docid":"96855","rank":71,"score":14.91964054107666},{"content":"It can take as little as a couple days or as long as a couple weeks for flea eggs to hatch.Upon reaching adulthood, fleas may live a few more weeks, or up to a year or longer depending on numerous external factors.t can take as little as a couple days or as long as a couple weeks for flea eggs to hatch.","qid":264014,"docid":"5635522","rank":72,"score":13.385322570800781},{"content":"Without a host for food a flea's life might be as short as a few days. With ample food supply, the adult flea will often live up to 100 days. Newly emerged adult fleas live only about one week if a blood meal is not obtained.","qid":264014,"docid":"6105571","rank":73,"score":13.75897216796875},{"content":"LIFE CYCLE. Unlike most fleas, adult cat fleas remain on the host where feeding, mating, and egg laying occur. Females lay about 20 to 50 eggs per day. Cat flea eggs are pearly white, oval, and about 1\/32 inch long (Figure 3).","qid":264014,"docid":"6501719","rank":74,"score":13.432083129882812},{"content":"The beginning of the life cycle occurs when an adult female flea lays eggs following a blood meal from the host (e.g., your pet). Blood is necessary for the adult flea to reproduce. These eggs are small, white objects (slightly smaller than a grain of sand) that are laid in the pet\u00e2\u0080\u0099s fur in bunches of about 20.","qid":264014,"docid":"96853","rank":75,"score":13.808351516723633},{"content":"The flea life cycle is fairly complex, and understanding the various stages will make it easier to get rid of them. Answer: Collectively, all of the species of fleas are categorized under the order name of Siphonaptera.","qid":264014,"docid":"3338823","rank":76,"score":13.466236114501953},{"content":"After about 2 days (range 2-21 days), depending on environmental conditions, the flea egg hatches torelease a first stage flea larva. This flea larva lives in the host's environment(it is part of the environmental stage of the fleas life cycle), where it feeds on fleadroppings (flea dirt) and dander.","qid":264014,"docid":"96859","rank":77,"score":14.194948196411133},{"content":"A female flea will begin to lay eggs within 24-48 hours of her first blood meal. She defecates blood from her host that will fall off the host along with the eggs, re-starting the life cycle. Adult fleas can live for about 4-6 weeks depending on the environment.","qid":264014,"docid":"3577347","rank":78,"score":13.614627838134766},{"content":"If you grasp the stages of flea development, it will make it easier to kill them. The life cycle of a flea is comprised of four important stages, namely: The flea eggs stage. The flea larvae stage. The flea pupa stage. The adult fleas stage.","qid":264014,"docid":"2572557","rank":79,"score":13.553339004516602},{"content":"6 weeks. In 3 weeks, one flea can pass through its entire life cycle and can lay 1000 eggs. In another 3 weeks, those eggs can hatch and lay 1,000 eggs each, so within 6 weeks, it is possible to have a million new fleas. weeks. In 3 weeks, one flea can pass through its entire life cycle and can lay 1000 eggs. In another 3 weeks, those eggs can hatch and lay 1,000 eggs each, so within 6 weeks, it is possible to have a million new fleas.","qid":264014,"docid":"4647186","rank":80,"score":13.59823989868164},{"content":"The flea life cycle begins when the female lays after feeding. Eggs are laid in batches of up to 20 or so, usually on the host itself, which means that the eggs can easily roll onto the ground. Because of this, areas where the host rests and sleeps become one of the primary habitats of eggs and developing fleas.","qid":264014,"docid":"5950720","rank":81,"score":13.695480346679688},{"content":"Completely developed adult fleas can live for several months without eating, as long as they do not emerge from their cacoons. Newly emerged adult fleas live only about one week if a blood meal is not obtained. Optimum temperatures for the flea's life cycle are 70\u00c2\u00b0F to 85\u00c2\u00b0F and optimum humidity is 70 percent. Breaking the cycle with an Insect Growth Regulator , not just killing the few adults is the secret to flea control.","qid":264014,"docid":"528379","rank":82,"score":14.155099868774414},{"content":"Generally speaking, an adult flea only lives for 2 or 3 months. Without a host for food a flea's life might be as short as a few days. With ample food supply, the adult flea will often live up to 100 days. Newly emerged adult fleas live only about one week if a blood meal is not obtained.","qid":264014,"docid":"2498169","rank":83,"score":14.172737121582031},{"content":"1 Undisturbed and without a blood meal, a flea can live more than 100 days. 2 On average, they live two to three months. 3 Female fleas cannot lay eggs until after their first blood meal and begin to lay eggs within 36-48 hours after that meal. One flea broke a record with a four-foot vertical jump. 2 Undisturbed and without a blood meal, a flea can live more than 100 days. 3 On average, they live two to three months. 4 Female fleas cannot lay eggs until after their first blood meal and begin to lay eggs within 36-48 hours after that meal.","qid":264014,"docid":"5611211","rank":84,"score":13.497455596923828},{"content":"Here are 10 curious facts about those pesky fleas. 1. Fleas have four life stages: egg, larva, pupa, biting adult. 2. Fleas feed on the blood of their host -- humans, birds, reptiles, and wild and domestic animals.","qid":264014,"docid":"528373","rank":85,"score":13.373159408569336},{"content":"Fleas pass through a complete life cycle of four stages. 30% larvae, 15% pupae and only 5% biting adults. Completion of the life cycle from egg to adult varies from two weeks to eight months. Normally the female flea lays about 15 to 20 eggs per day up to 600 in a lifetime.","qid":264014,"docid":"96851","rank":86,"score":14.775171279907227},{"content":"Stickfast flea life history. The complete life cycle of the flea takes about four weeks, varying according to the temperature. The female fleas lay at night while attached to the bird, and the very small eggs fall to the ground. In about four days, small wormlike larvae emerge from the eggs. The larvae feed on organic material, mainly the dried blood excreted by the adult fleas, and shelter in the surface dust and litter on the soil.","qid":264014,"docid":"447992","rank":87,"score":13.797496795654297},{"content":"Adult fleas prefer to live on the animal and their diet consists of blood meals courtesy of the host animal. The female flea lays white, roundish eggs. The adult female flea can lay up to 50 eggs per day1, 500-600 eggs2 over several months.","qid":264014,"docid":"3338824","rank":88,"score":13.603826522827148},{"content":"Once the flea reaches adulthood, its primary goal is to find blood and then to reproduce. Its total life span can be as long one and one-half years in ideal conditions. Female fleas can lay 5000 or more eggs over their life, allowing for phenomenal growth rates. Average 30\u00e2\u0080\u009390 days.","qid":264014,"docid":"6105569","rank":89,"score":14.40633773803711},{"content":"The flea life cycle has four stages: Egg: An adult female flea can lay up to 40 eggs a day. The eggs are laid on the host \u00e2\u0080\u008bbut will dry and fall off that host into the environment (pet bedding, carpet, etc). Eggs typically hatch within about two days.","qid":264014,"docid":"3577343","rank":90,"score":13.649595260620117},{"content":"The eggs will hatch after 1-2 weeks, and emerge as larva. These larva can live in bedding, carpet, furniture, any place that the host has been. Get this, they live as larva for up to 200 days before they turn into pupae. Pupae can wait dormant for over a year if conditions aren't yet right to become adults. When conditions are right, many generations of fleas can transform into adults leading to a flea infestation. Fleas are bad news.","qid":264014,"docid":"1444286","rank":91,"score":13.502851486206055},{"content":"How long is the life span of a flea? 30-90 Days (Average). A flea might live a year and a half under ideal conditions. These include the right temperature, food supply, and humidity. Generally speaking, though, an adult flea only lives for 2 or 3 months. Without a host for food, a flea's life might be as short as a few days.","qid":264014,"docid":"1804644","rank":92,"score":14.381465911865234},{"content":"30-90 Days (Average). A flea might live a year and a half under ideal conditions. These include the right temperature, food supply, and humidity. Generally speaking, though, an adult flea only lives for 2 or 3 months. Without a host for food, a flea's life might be as short as a few days.","qid":264014,"docid":"1610707","rank":93,"score":14.345422744750977},{"content":"The Flea Life Cycle. Fleas undergo complete metamorphosis with four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Environmental variables influence the length of each developmental stage. Fleas prefer a warm, humid environment, with temperatures ranging between 70\u00c2\u00b0 and 90\u00c2\u00b0 Fahrenheit and a relative humidity of 75% or more.","qid":264014,"docid":"1610711","rank":94,"score":14.16370964050293},{"content":"Completion of the life cycle from egg to adult varies from two weeks to eight months. Normally the female flea lays about 15 to 20 eggs per day up to 600 in a lifetime. Usual hosts for fleas are dogs, cats, rats, rabbits, mice, squirrels, chipmunks, raccoons, opossums, foxes, chickens, and humans.","qid":264014,"docid":"2474346","rank":95,"score":14.130827903747559},{"content":"The flea population is typically. made up of 50% eggs, 1 Completion of the life cycle from egg to adult varies from two weeks to eight months. Normally the female flea lays about 15 to 20 eggs per day up to 600 in a lifetime.","qid":264014,"docid":"5950726","rank":96,"score":14.075300216674805},{"content":"The flea life cycle is such that the fleas that are seen on your pet are only a small proportion of the total flea population. 95% of the problem exists in the pet's environment as flea eggs, larvae and pupae (cocoons).","qid":264014,"docid":"5583426","rank":97,"score":13.412554740905762},{"content":"The life cycle of a flea can last anywhere from 20 days to an entire year. It depends on how long the flea remains in the dormant stage (eggs, larvae, pupa). Outside influences, such as weather, affect the flea cycle. A female flea can lay around 20 to 25 eggs in one day. The flea egg stage is the beginning of the flea cycle. This part of the flea cycle represents a little more than one third of the flea population at any given time. Depending on the temperature and humidity of the environment the egg can take from two to six days to hatch.","qid":264014,"docid":"6641238","rank":98,"score":14.798971176147461},{"content":"Flea eggs hatch into larvae within one to 12 days. Larvae. Flea larvae are approximately 3 to 5.2 mm long and are semitransparent white in color. The larval stage lasts from four to 18 days, after which larvae spin silken cocoons and enter the pupal stage. The pupal stage may be complete within three days, or it can last as long as one year.","qid":264014,"docid":"3338828","rank":99,"score":14.379538536071777},{"content":"1 On average, they live two to three months. 2 Female fleas cannot lay eggs until after their first blood meal and begin to lay eggs within 36-48 hours after that meal. 3 The female flea can lay 2,000 eggs in her lifetime. The female flea consumes 15 times her own body weight in blood daily.","qid":264014,"docid":"331929","rank":100,"score":13.572007179260254}]} {"query":"cost of interior concrete flooring","hits":[{"content":"1 Size of the Floor-Typically, the larger the floor area, the lower the cost per square foot for installation due to the economies of scale. 2 A small residential floor project, for example, is likely to cost more per square foot than a large 50,000-square-foot commercial floor.ideo on the cost of concrete floors. Depending on the level of complexity, concrete floors can cost as little as $2 to $6 a square foot or be as expensive as $15 to $30 a square foot.","qid":104861,"docid":"715676","rank":1,"score":13.259995460510254},{"content":"It is best to contact a contractor in your area for a realistic price estimate. Basic Cost Range ($2.50 to $5.50 per square foot) What You'll Get: 1 An eye-catching, economical upgrade to plain, gray concrete.2 Basic one-coat application of stain with sealer (which includes floor cleaning and masking prior to staining): At this price point, you are comparing against wood flooring ($8-$10 per square foot) and a range of ceramic and quarry tiles ($10-$12 per square foot).","qid":104861,"docid":"6187057","rank":2,"score":13.750984191894531},{"content":"Video on the cost of concrete floors. Depending on the level of complexity, concrete floors can cost as little as $2 to $6 a square foot or be as expensive as $15 to $30 a square foot.","qid":104861,"docid":"1773805","rank":3,"score":13.987590789794922},{"content":"on average getting concrete floors can cost anywhere from as little as $ 2 to as much as $ 17 per square foot an economical option which can just change the tone of the concrete floor will typically cost less than $ 6","qid":104861,"docid":"5138472","rank":4,"score":13.892644882202148},{"content":"1 ConcreteNetwork.com provided an overview on what most concrete flooring jobs would cost. 2 They noted that the average can be anywhere from $2.50 to as much as $30 per square foot.hat are the extra costs? 1 Experts recommend that you install a large baseboard along the flooring. 2 To avoid a wetter look, a silcone-based sealer will be required, which can add another $1 to $2 per square foot to the job. 3 Older concrete that needs to be patched or fixed can cost around $2 to $5 per square foot.","qid":104861,"docid":"6653678","rank":5,"score":13.24234390258789},{"content":"Basic Cost Range ($2.50 to $5.50 per square foot) What You'll Get: An eye-catching, economical upgrade to plain, gray concrete. Basic one-coat application of stain with sealer (which includes floor cleaning prior to staining).","qid":104861,"docid":"3471756","rank":6,"score":13.752525329589844},{"content":"Video on the cost of concrete floors. Depending on the level of complexity, concrete floors can cost as little as $2 to $6 a square foot or be as expensive as $15 to $30 a square foot. Size of the Floor-Typically, the larger the floor area, the lower the cost per square foot for installation due to the economies of scale. 2 A small residential floor project, for example, is likely to cost more per square foot than a large 50,000-square-foot commercial floor.","qid":104861,"docid":"6585554","rank":7,"score":13.772726058959961},{"content":"economical the cost of concrete floors is very low about $ 2 to $ 6 per square foot to polish a plain gray slab giving it a lustrous sheen the concrete s tonal differences subtle cracks and aggregates take on a stonelike natural feelhe cost of concrete floors is very low about $ 2 to $ 6 per square foot to polish a plain gray slab giving it a lustrous sheen the concrete s tonal differences subtle cracks and aggregates take on a stonelike natural feel","qid":104861,"docid":"5688418","rank":8,"score":13.57148551940918},{"content":"the cost of concrete floors is very low about $ 2 to $ 6 per square foot to polish a plain gray slab giving it a lustrous sheen the concrete s tonal differences subtle cracks and aggregates take on a stonelike natural feel","qid":104861,"docid":"5138476","rank":9,"score":13.75223159790039},{"content":"If you are installing a whole new concrete floor as well then expect to pay between $8 and $12 per sq\/ft. Commercial Grade Epoxy Flooring \u00e2\u0080\u0093 If you want the professional long lasting look of a 100% solids epoxy floor then the epoxy product itself costs about $500 or $1 per sq\/ft.","qid":104861,"docid":"5394110","rank":10,"score":13.291361808776855},{"content":"As the chart below shows, the average per-square-foot costs of basic stained or polished concrete floors are competitive with what you would expect to pay to install linoleum, vinyl flooring, ceramic tile and high-quality carpeting. Typically installers put down a series of products including waterproofing, metal lathe, a concrete overlay and then the final finishing and sealing coats. 2 These applications can add another $2 to $3 per square foot to the cost of the floor.","qid":104861,"docid":"5652264","rank":11,"score":13.043292045593262},{"content":"1 At this price point, you are comparing against wood flooring ($8-$10 per square foot) and a range of ceramic and quarry tiles ($10-$12 per square foot). 2 Adding decorative sandblasting or engraving to the advanced stain application. ( 3 $15+ per square foot).","qid":104861,"docid":"3025115","rank":12,"score":13.191486358642578},{"content":"Basic cost for a polished concrete floor that requires only a few levels of grinding, according to Greg Demmert of Demmert & Assoc. in Los Angeles. $3-$8\/ sq ft. For concrete floors requiring more in-depth grinding or including coloring with stains and dyes, according to Demmert. In the Denver area.osts for polished concrete will range depending upon the area of the country and the contractor. Many offer different price points for various levels and designs for polished concrete.","qid":104861,"docid":"5652262","rank":13,"score":13.063992500305176},{"content":"Video on the cost of concrete floors. Depending on the level of complexity, concrete floors can cost as little as $2 to $6 a square foot or be as expensive as $15 to $30 a square foot. These applications can add another $2 to $3 per square foot to the cost of the floor. 2 Moisture-Vapor Transmission-Some floors have a high level of moisture-vapor transmission that will need to be remedied before most decorative coatings, overlays or sealers can be applied.","qid":104861,"docid":"629270","rank":14,"score":13.453919410705566},{"content":"Polished concrete floor cost: $3.00 to $7.00 dollars per square foot. These prices are for polished concrete floor finishes that range from 400 grit to 3000 grit diamond finishes. Any repairing of the concrete floor is extra.","qid":104861,"docid":"2377050","rank":15,"score":13.500419616699219},{"content":"for commercial concrete floors the cost is anywhere from $ 50 $ 1 00 dollar per sq ft more if you re trying to figure what the cost for concrete flooring is in your area i would suggest calling a local redi mix concrete company and asking them for 3 referrals they know who does quality work and who doesn t","qid":104861,"docid":"5138469","rank":16,"score":13.988784790039062},{"content":"Economical. The cost of concrete floors is very low, about $2 to $6 per square foot to polish a plain gray slab, giving it a lustrous sheen. The concrete's tonal differences, subtle cracks and aggregates take on a stonelike, natural feel.irst, getting concrete overlay finish costs about the same as the cost to put in cork or hardwood floors (note you have to use engineered hardwood floating floor if putting over a concrete slab). I paid $10 sq ft. I got quotes for less, but went with the concrete artists that I thought did the best work.","qid":104861,"docid":"629278","rank":17,"score":13.158384323120117},{"content":"The average cost range to install flooring is $1,560 and $4,300, with an average price of $2,853 as reported by homeowners. Consider it as a long-term investment, something you'll touch more than any aspect of your house, and it might just last for the life of your home.","qid":104861,"docid":"1474382","rank":18,"score":13.07808780670166},{"content":"The costs for installing and staining a concrete floor are very reasonable, at about $3 to $15 dollars per square foot, depending on what type of stain and sealant are used, and whether an artisan is used to create patterns or decorative effects on the floor.he costs for installing and staining a concrete floor are very reasonable, at about $3 to $15 dollars per square foot, depending on what type of stain and sealant are used, and whether an artisan is used to create patterns or decorative effects on the floor.","qid":104861,"docid":"629277","rank":19,"score":13.692584991455078},{"content":"Premium grade can run from $930 up to $1,180, while luxury or designer grade concrete tile can cost anywhere from $1,030 up to $1,310. There are several different options when it comes to concrete flooring.","qid":104861,"docid":"4017858","rank":20,"score":14.002798080444336},{"content":"BASIC COST. $2 - $6 per square foot A single stain color on existing concrete MID-RANGE COST. $7 - $14 per square foot Saw cuts, multiple colors, polishing or overlay HIGH-END COST. $15 - $30 per square foot Embeds, divider strips, stencils, epoxy terrazzo","qid":104861,"docid":"3560546","rank":21,"score":13.341812133789062},{"content":"View all concrete floor videos. The cost of stained concrete can vary greatly. For a basic application of a single stain color with sealer and minimal surface prep, most decorative concrete contractors charge between $2 and $4 per square foot. As the complexity of the job rises, so will the price.","qid":104861,"docid":"1977801","rank":22,"score":12.99606990814209},{"content":"for commercial concrete floors the cost is anywhere from $ 50 $ 1 00 dollar per sq ft more if you re trying to figure what the cost for concrete flooring is in your area i would suggest calling a local redi mix concrete company and asking them for 3 referrals","qid":104861,"docid":"5138474","rank":23,"score":14.008020401000977},{"content":"We also do a lot of other decorative concrete applications, you'll be able to find pricing for stamped concrete, stained concrete, and more at the bottom of the page. MY BASIC COST TO POUR AND FINISH A CONCRETE FLOOR IS $2.50 - $3.00 PER SQUARE FOOT.rading of the sub-base-it must be level and compacted. 10. Styrofoam-used a lot for radiant heat floors Those are the basics of what's included and not included in my concrete floor costs. For residential concrete floors my $2.50 - $3.00 dollars per sq. ft. cost will remain consistent throughout the year.","qid":104861,"docid":"6704672","rank":24,"score":13.279975891113281},{"content":"This price is usually for commercial floors and includes staining or scoring the floors, according to John Buteyn of Colorado Hardscapes. $6-$12\/ sq ft. The typical cost for polished concrete in a residential floor because it is more difficult to get a consistent look using a smaller machine, according to Buteyn.asic cost for a polished concrete floor that requires only a few levels of grinding, according to Greg Demmert of Demmert & Assoc. in Los Angeles.","qid":104861,"docid":"146171","rank":25,"score":13.046534538269043},{"content":"The average cost range to install flooring is $1,507 and $4,272, with an average price of $2,858 as reported by homeowners. Consider it as a long-term investment, something you'll touch more than any aspect of your house, and it might just last for the life of your home. Types of flooring, of course, run the gamut in price and quality.","qid":104861,"docid":"7195371","rank":26,"score":12.991020202636719},{"content":"Depending on the level of complexity, concrete floors can cost as little as $2 to $6 a square foot or be as expensive as $15 to $30 a square foot.","qid":104861,"docid":"1773807","rank":27,"score":13.99077320098877},{"content":"Concrete foundations: For a modest sized home, a concrete foundation will cost you easily between $20,000 and $30,000. Factor in a subfloor and finished flooring, you\u00e2\u0080\u0099ll be lucky to stay under $40,000.","qid":104861,"docid":"5776561","rank":28,"score":13.035903930664062},{"content":"1 On average, getting concrete floors can cost anywhere from as little as $2 to as much as $17 per square foot. 2 An economical option, which can just change the tone of the concrete floor, will typically cost less than $6. An economical option, which can just change the tone of the concrete floor, will typically cost less than $6. 2 An elaborate finish, which can come in many various designs and application techniques, can cost upwards of $10 per square foot.","qid":104861,"docid":"1046334","rank":29,"score":13.866724014282227},{"content":"for residential concrete floors my $ 2 50 $ 3 00 dollars per sq ft cost will remain consistent throughout the year for commercial concrete floors the cost is anywhere from $ 50 $ 1 00 dollar per sq ft more","qid":104861,"docid":"5138468","rank":30,"score":13.584510803222656},{"content":"You can\u00e2\u0080\u0099t scratch or dent a concrete floor. It also can make a fashion statement. Added dyes and etching techniques can turn gray, boring concrete into your home\u00e2\u0080\u0099s star attraction. Cost ranges from downright cheap ($2 per square foot) to relatively pricey ($30 per square foot, depending on finishes). Obviously, concrete is heavy. If you\u00e2\u0080\u0099re putting in new concrete floors on grade, the weight won\u00e2\u0080\u0099t be a concern.","qid":104861,"docid":"2916631","rank":31,"score":13.576549530029297},{"content":"Basic cost for a polished concrete floor up to a 800 grit: $3.00 per square foot. Cost for polished concrete floors requiring decorative scoring and\/or staining: Up to $8.00 per square foot. For large commercial floors, may include staining and decorative scoring: From $3.00 - $7.00 per square foot.","qid":104861,"docid":"6467577","rank":32,"score":13.245424270629883},{"content":"Extensive surface preparation, such as grinding, crack repair, and spall repair, can add as much as $2 per square foot to the overall cost of the floor. If a full resurfacing is needed, expect to tack on another $2 to $3 per square foot (for a $4 to $5 per square foot increase). Floors on Grade vs. Above-Grade Installations - Decorative concrete floors installed on raised decks or subfloors will need a cement underlayment installed before the finished floor can be applied.","qid":104861,"docid":"298180","rank":33,"score":13.436372756958008},{"content":"1 On average, getting concrete floors can cost anywhere from as little as $2 to as much as $17 per square foot. 2 An economical option, which can just change the tone of the concrete floor, will typically cost less than $6.hat are the extra costs? 1 Experts recommend that you install a large baseboard along the flooring. 2 To avoid a wetter look, a silcone-based sealer will be required, which can add another $1 to $2 per square foot to the job. 3 Older concrete that needs to be patched or fixed can cost around $2 to $5 per square foot.","qid":104861,"docid":"6653674","rank":34,"score":13.767995834350586},{"content":"Video on the cost of concrete floors. Depending on the level of complexity, concrete floors can cost as little as $2 to $6 a square foot or be as expensive as $15 to $30 a square foot.s the chart below shows, the average per-square-foot costs of basic stained or polished concrete floors are competitive with what you would expect to pay to install linoleum, vinyl flooring, ceramic tile and high-quality carpeting.","qid":104861,"docid":"5248341","rank":35,"score":13.957402229309082},{"content":"depending on the level of complexity concrete floors can cost as little as $ 2 to $ 6 a square foot or be as expensive as $ 15 to $ 30 a square foot","qid":104861,"docid":"5138471","rank":36,"score":13.901208877563477},{"content":"concrete flooring is usually cheaper and can start as low as $ 2 a square foot the price will vary mainly according to the grade higher grades of concrete will change the cost a lot once you get into more complex patterns and premium stains you are looking at approximately $ 15 a square foot","qid":104861,"docid":"5138473","rank":37,"score":13.57148265838623},{"content":"Discounted concrete tiles can cost anywhere from $420 up to $530 for a 500-square-foot area. Premium grade can run from $930 up to $1,180, while luxury or designer grade concrete tile can cost anywhere from $1,030 up to $1,310.","qid":104861,"docid":"4017855","rank":38,"score":13.157140731811523},{"content":"10 styrofoam used a lot for radiant heat floors those are the basics of what s included and not included in my concrete floor costs for residential concrete floors my $ 2 50 $ 3 00 dollars per sq ft cost will remain consistent throughout the yearfor commercial concrete floors the cost is anywhere from $ 50 $ 1 00 dollar per sq ft moreif you re trying to figure what the cost for concrete flooring is in your area i would suggest calling a local redi mix concrete company and asking them for 3 referrals they know who does quality work and who doesn te also do a lot of other decorative concrete applications you ll be able to find pricing for stamped concrete stained concrete and more at the bottom of the page my basic cost to pour and finish a concrete floor is $ 2 50 $ 3 00 per square foot","qid":104861,"docid":"5688415","rank":39,"score":12.983129501342773},{"content":"video on the cost of concrete floors depending on the level of complexity concrete floors can cost as little as $ 2 to $ 6 a square foot or be as expensive as $ 15 to $ 30 a square footypically installers put down a series of products including waterproofing metal lathe a concrete overlay and then the final finishing and sealing coats these applications can add another $ 2 to $ 3 per square foot to the cost of the floor","qid":104861,"docid":"5688416","rank":40,"score":13.004236221313477},{"content":"Basic cost for a polished concrete floor that requires only a few levels of grinding, according to Greg Demmert of Demmert & Assoc. in Los Angeles. $3-$8\/ sq ft. For concrete floors requiring more in-depth grinding or including coloring with stains and dyes, according to Demmert. In the Denver area.","qid":104861,"docid":"6467581","rank":41,"score":13.098026275634766},{"content":"Dyed or water-based stain concrete floor cost: $3.00 dollars per square foot, This includes one stain color, cleaning, and sealing the concrete. Water based stains are easier to work with than acid stains, less labor is involved helping to lower the cost a little.","qid":104861,"docid":"2377051","rank":42,"score":13.062195777893066},{"content":"Video on the cost of concrete floors. Depending on the level of complexity, concrete floors can cost as little as $2 to $6 a square foot or be as expensive as $15 to $30 a square foot. Extensive surface preparation, such as grinding, crack repair, and spall repair, can add as much as $2 per square foot to the overall cost of the floor. 2 If a full resurfacing is needed, expect to tack on another $2 to $3 per square foot (for a $4 to $5 per square foot increase).","qid":104861,"docid":"599604","rank":43,"score":13.848825454711914},{"content":"How much do stained concrete floors cost? The costs of stained concrete floors can vary greatly, all depending upon the surface preparation, the difficulty of the job, size of the job, the sealer being used and your local market. On average, a simple stained concrete job can vary anywhere from $2 to $5 per square foot, but if the job requires saw cut patterns and\/or different colors, then the costs can be $5 to $11 per square foot.","qid":104861,"docid":"1058524","rank":44,"score":13.216190338134766},{"content":"Basic Cost Range ($2.50 to $5.50 per square foot) 1 An eye-catching, economical upgrade to plain, gray concrete. Basic one-coat application of stain with sealer (which includes floor cleaning prior to staining).","qid":104861,"docid":"6056676","rank":45,"score":13.69990348815918},{"content":"Maximum: $850. Concrete tile flooring can be inexpensive and very budget-friendly for most homeowners. The overall cost of materials depends on the quality, shape and quantity of tiles being used. Discounted concrete tiles can cost anywhere from $420 up to $530 for a 500-square-foot area.","qid":104861,"docid":"4017854","rank":46,"score":13.92379093170166},{"content":"Installation is not a time-consuming process, but most homeowners will still be better off leaving it to flooring professionals. Expect to pay roughly $2,344 for 500 square feet of material as well as installation in a single room.","qid":104861,"docid":"6021887","rank":47,"score":12.993584632873535},{"content":"Day's Concrete Floors, Inc is the name of my company. We pour a lot of 3000 psi. concrete for interior concrete floors and 4000 psi concrete for exterior concrete. The concrete cost per yard of concrete is $92.00 for 3000 3\/4 psi concrete and $100.00 for 4000 3\/4 psi concrete. So 10 yards of concrete is approximately $1000.00 dollars U.S. here in Maine.","qid":104861,"docid":"8495099","rank":48,"score":13.017684936523438},{"content":"Stained concrete cost can range from $3.00 to $5.00 per square foot for staining clean concrete floors with little or no prep work needed other than. cleaning the concrete.As the owner of Day's Concrete Floors, Inc., I do a lot of estimates for stained concrete floors throughout the year.hese things could add anywhere from $1.00 to $5.00 dollars per square foot to the cost of staining a concrete floor. I personally go look at. every floor that I give an estimate for to make sure I give the customer an accurate quote. I recommend you get three estimates if you decide to stain your concrete floor.","qid":104861,"docid":"5864689","rank":49,"score":13.265480041503906},{"content":"Economical. The cost of concrete floors is very low, about $2 to $6 per square foot to polish a plain gray slab, giving it a lustrous sheen. The concrete's tonal differences, subtle cracks and aggregates take on a stonelike, natural feel.","qid":104861,"docid":"3443176","rank":50,"score":13.791852951049805},{"content":"Concrete floors can obviously range in price based on a variety of factors such as level of detail, size of the project, prices for materials and labor in your market, etc. But beyond the variance of cost, it is possible to have unique concrete floors no matter what the size of your budget. At this price point, you are comparing against wood flooring ($8-$10 per square foot) and a range of ceramic and quarry tiles ($10-$12 per square foot).","qid":104861,"docid":"6187058","rank":51,"score":13.509347915649414},{"content":"Basic cost for a polished concrete floor that requires only a few levels of grinding, according to Greg Demmert of Demmert & Assoc. in Los Angeles.$3-$8\/ sq ft. For concrete floors requiring more in-depth grinding or including coloring with stains and dyes, according to Demmert. In the Denver area.his price is usually for commercial floors and includes staining or scoring the floors, according to John Buteyn of Colorado Hardscapes. $6-$12\/ sq ft. The typical cost for polished concrete in a residential floor because it is more difficult to get a consistent look using a smaller machine, according to Buteyn.","qid":104861,"docid":"8546158","rank":52,"score":13.206165313720703},{"content":"We also do a lot of other decorative concrete applications, you'll be able to find pricing for stamped concrete, stained concrete, and more at the bottom of the page. MY BASIC COST TO POUR AND FINISH A CONCRETE FLOOR IS $2.50 - $3.00 PER SQUARE FOOT.e also do a lot of other decorative concrete applications, you'll be able to find pricing for stamped concrete, stained concrete, and more at the bottom of the page. MY BASIC COST TO POUR AND FINISH A CONCRETE FLOOR IS $2.50 - $3.00 PER SQUARE FOOT.","qid":104861,"docid":"1313687","rank":53,"score":13.086963653564453},{"content":"1 Extensive surface preparation, such as grinding, crack repair, and spall repair, can add as much as $2 per square foot to the overall cost of the floor. 2 If a full resurfacing is needed, expect to tack on another $2 to $3 per square foot (for a $4 to $5 per square foot increase). Size of the Floor-Typically, the larger the floor area, the lower the cost per square foot for installation due to the economies of scale. 2 A small residential floor project, for example, is likely to cost more per square foot than a large 50,000-square-foot commercial floor.","qid":104861,"docid":"6585562","rank":54,"score":13.09265422821045},{"content":"Video on the cost of concrete floors. Depending on the level of complexity, concrete floors can cost as little as $2 to $6 a square foot or be as expensive as $15 to $30 a square foot. Typically installers put down a series of products including waterproofing, metal lathe, a concrete overlay and then the final finishing and sealing coats. 2 These applications can add another $2 to $3 per square foot to the cost of the floor.","qid":104861,"docid":"146170","rank":55,"score":13.618975639343262},{"content":"This price is usually for commercial floors and includes staining or scoring the floors, according to John Buteyn of Colorado Hardscapes. $6-$12\/ sq ft. The typical cost for polished concrete in a residential floor because it is more difficult to get a consistent look using a smaller machine, according to Buteyn.osts for polished concrete will range depending upon the area of the country and the contractor. Many offer different price points for various levels and designs for polished concrete.","qid":104861,"docid":"5652266","rank":56,"score":13.015667915344238},{"content":"Discounted concrete tiles can cost anywhere from $420 up to $530 for a 500-square-foot area. Premium grade can run from $930 up to $1,180, while luxury or designer grade concrete tile can cost anywhere from $1,030 up to $1,310. There are several different options when it comes to concrete flooring.","qid":104861,"docid":"4017856","rank":57,"score":13.973636627197266},{"content":"Construction on corporate interiors also increased. Building a standard office space interior currently costs between $38 to $46 per square foot, compared to last year\u00e2\u0080\u0099s range of $36 to $42 per square foot. Prices increased even more for upgraded spaces such as executive office spaces, the report said.","qid":104861,"docid":"2305813","rank":58,"score":13.074718475341797},{"content":"Even though each project is unique, interior building finishes for commercial buildings typically fall in an. average cost per square foot range. $5-$10 per square foot for standard flooring, $5-$7 per square foot. for standard ceilings and $1-$5 per square foot for painting and walls finishes.","qid":104861,"docid":"2497738","rank":59,"score":13.47095775604248},{"content":"1 On average, getting concrete floors can cost anywhere from as little as $2 to as much as $17 per square foot. 2 An economical option, which can just change the tone of the concrete floor, will typically cost less than $6.owever, with a pinch of polish and a touch of color, a boring slab of concrete can quickly turn into an eye opener. The cost of concrete floors will depend on the style that you choose for your home, the size of the room and the professional contractor performing the job.","qid":104861,"docid":"629274","rank":60,"score":14.023926734924316},{"content":"It is best to contact a contractor in your area for a realistic price estimate. Basic Cost Range ($2.50 to $5.50 per square foot) What You'll Get: 1 An eye-catching, economical upgrade to plain, gray concrete.2 Basic one-coat application of stain with sealer (which includes floor cleaning and masking prior to staining):t is best to contact a contractor in your area for a realistic price estimate. Basic Cost Range ($2.50 to $5.50 per square foot) What You'll Get: 1 An eye-catching, economical upgrade to plain, gray concrete. 2 Basic one-coat application of stain with sealer (which includes floor cleaning and masking prior to staining):","qid":104861,"docid":"7386496","rank":61,"score":13.272278785705566},{"content":"If you are pouring new concrete, either over a floor covering, or as a micro-topping to a concrete slab, then the process can get rather expensive. In the end you can end up paying as much as $15 - $30 per square foot for a concrete floor, which is more than many premium surface covering products.However this has to be balanced by the fact that concrete flooring in a kitchen can last practically forever if properly cared for.That means that long after you would have paid for a replacement for other materials, concrete will still be solid, strong, and looking the same as the day you first installed it.owever this has to be balanced by the fact that concrete flooring in a kitchen can last practically forever if properly cared for. That means that long after you would have paid for a replacement for other materials, concrete will still be solid, strong, and looking the same as the day you first installed it.","qid":104861,"docid":"629273","rank":62,"score":13.599678039550781},{"content":"Day's Concrete Floors, Inc is the name of my company. We pour a lot of 3000 psi. concrete for interior concrete floors and 4000 psi concrete for exterior concrete. The concrete cost per yard of concrete is $92.00 for 3000 3\/4 psi concrete and $100.00 for 4000 3\/4 psi concrete.","qid":104861,"docid":"5703401","rank":63,"score":13.227866172790527},{"content":"Economical. The cost of concrete floors is very low, about $2 to $6 per square foot to polish a plain gray slab, giving it a lustrous sheen. The concrete's tonal differences, subtle cracks and aggregates take on a stonelike, natural feel.he cost of concrete floors is very low, about $2 to $6 per square foot to polish a plain gray slab, giving it a lustrous sheen. The concrete's tonal differences, subtle cracks and aggregates take on a stonelike, natural feel.","qid":104861,"docid":"146174","rank":64,"score":13.646333694458008},{"content":"Cost for polished concrete floors requiring decorative scoring and\/or staining: Up to $8.00 per square foot. For large commercial floors, may include staining and decorative scoring: From $3.00 - $7.00 per square foot. For polishing residential concrete floors: Cost $5.00 - $12.00 per square foot.","qid":104861,"docid":"6467578","rank":65,"score":13.247278213500977},{"content":"Concrete floors can obviously range in price based on a variety of factors such as level of detail, size of the project, prices for materials and labor in your market, etc. But beyond the variance of cost, it is possible to have unique concrete floors no matter what the size of your budget.t is best to contact a contractor in your area for a realistic price estimate. Basic Cost Range ($2.50 to $5.50 per square foot) What You'll Get: 1 An eye-catching, economical upgrade to plain, gray concrete.","qid":104861,"docid":"2294849","rank":66,"score":13.33311653137207},{"content":"The cost of concrete floors will depend on the style that you choose for your home, the size of the room and the professional contractor performing the job.hat are the extra costs? 1 Experts recommend that you install a large baseboard along the flooring. 2 To avoid a wetter look, a silcone-based sealer will be required, which can add another $1 to $2 per square foot to the job. 3 Older concrete that needs to be patched or fixed can cost around $2 to $5 per square foot.","qid":104861,"docid":"6653679","rank":67,"score":13.327327728271484},{"content":"on average getting concrete floors can cost anywhere from as little as $ 2 to as much as $ 17 per square foot an economical option which can just change the tone of the concrete floor will typically cost less than $ 6an elaborate finish which can come in many various designs and application techniques can cost upwards of $ 10 per square foothe cost of concrete floors will depend on the style that you choose for your home the size of the room and the professional contractor performing the job","qid":104861,"docid":"5688417","rank":68,"score":13.96542739868164},{"content":"So, to the practicalities. Where do we get some, what does it cost, when can we have it? First things first, a polished concrete floor costs anywhere between \u00c2\u00a360 to \u00c2\u00a3400 a sq metre. The difference depends largely on whether it can be levelled by machine or, if the space is too tight, if it must be done by hand. John Reid, of White + Reid says you should expect to pay between \u00c2\u00a3120 and \u00c2\u00a3140 per sq metre.","qid":104861,"docid":"4199743","rank":69,"score":13.060789108276367},{"content":"Video on the cost of concrete floors. Depending on the level of complexity, concrete floors can cost as little as $2 to $6 a square foot or be as expensive as $15 to $30 a square foot.epending on the level of complexity, concrete floors can cost as little as $2 to $6 a square foot or be as expensive as $15 to $30 a square foot.","qid":104861,"docid":"1948963","rank":70,"score":13.792141914367676},{"content":"Time: 02:53. Video on the cost of concrete floors. The cost of a concrete floor is economical, about $2 to $6 per square foot depending on the level of complexity.","qid":104861,"docid":"5836442","rank":71,"score":13.80860424041748},{"content":"1 On average, getting concrete floors can cost anywhere from as little as $2 to as much as $17 per square foot. 2 An economical option, which can just change the tone of the concrete floor, will typically cost less than $6. ConcreteNetwork.com provided an overview on what most concrete flooring jobs would cost. 2 They noted that the average can be anywhere from $2.50 to as much as $30 per square foot.","qid":104861,"docid":"6187055","rank":72,"score":13.884881973266602},{"content":"1 On average, getting concrete floors can cost anywhere from as little as $2 to as much as $17 per square foot. 2 An economical option, which can just change the tone of the concrete floor, will typically cost less than $6.","qid":104861,"docid":"3443173","rank":73,"score":13.980506896972656},{"content":"Maximum: $850. Concrete tile flooring can be inexpensive and very budget-friendly for most homeowners. The overall cost of materials depends on the quality, shape and quantity of tiles being used. Discounted concrete tiles can cost anywhere from $420 up to $530 for a 500-square-foot area. Premium grade can run from $930 up to $1,180, while luxury or designer grade concrete tile can cost anywhere from $1,030 up to $1,310. There are several different options when it comes to concrete flooring.","qid":104861,"docid":"5667475","rank":74,"score":13.922201156616211},{"content":"1 An artistic blend of techniques, patterns, and coloring mediums. 2 Advanced stain application using faux techniques and complex sawcut patterns, stenciling or polishing. 3 At this price point, you are comparing against wood flooring ($8-$10 per square foot) and a range of ceramic and quarry tiles ($10-$12 per square foot).","qid":104861,"docid":"2202687","rank":75,"score":12.999042510986328},{"content":"How much do stained concrete floors cost? 1 For those that want to get acid stained concrete work done outside, a simple stained concrete job can vary anywhere from $2 to $5 per square foot. 2 Interior jobs are slightly more since more work will be required in order to lay concrete in the home.ow much do stained concrete floors cost? 1 For those that want to get acid stained concrete work done outside, a simple stained concrete job can vary anywhere from $2 to $5 per square foot. 2 Interior jobs are slightly more since more work will be required in order to lay concrete in the home.","qid":104861,"docid":"5864693","rank":76,"score":13.215991973876953},{"content":"polishing. Basic cost for a polished concrete floor up to a 800 grit: $3.00 per square foot. Cost for polished concrete floors requiring decorative scoring and\/or staining: Up to $8.00 per square foot. For large commercial floors, may include staining and decorative scoring: From $3.00 - $7.00 per square foot.","qid":104861,"docid":"6467579","rank":77,"score":13.035297393798828},{"content":"1 ConcreteNetwork.com provided an overview on what most concrete flooring jobs would cost. 2 They noted that the average can be anywhere from $2.50 to as much as $30 per square foot.owever, with a pinch of polish and a touch of color, a boring slab of concrete can quickly turn into an eye opener. The cost of concrete floors will depend on the style that you choose for your home, the size of the room and the professional contractor performing the job.","qid":104861,"docid":"629276","rank":78,"score":13.73050308227539},{"content":"Economical. The cost of concrete floors is very low, about $2 to $6 per square foot to polish a plain gray slab, giving it a lustrous sheen. The concrete's tonal differences, subtle cracks and aggregates take on a stonelike, natural feel.. my home near Philadelphia has a concrete slab floor for the entire first floor which makes the entire area very cold from the Fall through to late spring (despite carpeting installed wherever feasible) and has a definite impact on the size of my heating bills.","qid":104861,"docid":"6653675","rank":79,"score":13.402993202209473},{"content":"1 Extensive surface preparation, such as grinding, crack repair, and spall repair, can add as much as $2 per square foot to the overall cost of the floor. 2 If a full resurfacing is needed, expect to tack on another $2 to $3 per square foot (for a $4 to $5 per square foot increase).s the chart below shows, the average per-square-foot costs of basic stained or polished concrete floors are competitive with what you would expect to pay to install linoleum, vinyl flooring, ceramic tile and high-quality carpeting.","qid":104861,"docid":"5248344","rank":80,"score":13.315864562988281},{"content":"Time: 01:56. View all concrete floor videos. The cost of stained concrete can vary greatly. For a basic application of a single stain color with sealer and minimal surface prep, most decorative concrete contractors charge between $2 and $4 per square foot. As the complexity of the job rises, so will the price.","qid":104861,"docid":"1814642","rank":81,"score":12.98347282409668},{"content":"Some things that may add to that cost are: site and sub-base preparation, site access, small floors under 500 sq. ft., and thicker concrete. Integral colored concrete floor cost: $3.75 dollars per square foot, that includes the basic concrete floor package and adding color to the concrete.","qid":104861,"docid":"1017092","rank":82,"score":13.272741317749023},{"content":"Stamped Concrete \u00e2\u0080\u0093 Installing a stamped concrete floor in your garage will cost between $10 and $18 per square foot. The more patterns and coloring effects the more expensive the installation. $10 good, $15 better and $18 best.","qid":104861,"docid":"5394112","rank":83,"score":13.09421157836914},{"content":"On average, a simple stained concrete job can vary anywhere from $2 to $5 per square foot. If the job requires saw cut patterns and different colors, the costs can be between $5 to $11 per square foot. Sawed patterns and multiple colors can cost upwards of $17 per square foot.","qid":104861,"docid":"1058517","rank":84,"score":13.018869400024414},{"content":"1 An economical option, which can just change the tone of the concrete floor, will typically cost less than $6. 2 An elaborate finish, which can come in many various designs and application techniques, can cost upwards of $10 per square foot.hat are the extra costs? 1 Experts recommend that you install a large baseboard along the flooring. 2 To avoid a wetter look, a silcone-based sealer will be required, which can add another $1 to $2 per square foot to the job. 3 Older concrete that needs to be patched or fixed can cost around $2 to $5 per square foot.","qid":104861,"docid":"6653677","rank":85,"score":13.164247512817383},{"content":"How much do stained concrete floors cost? On average, a simple stained concrete job can vary anywhere from $2 to $5 per square foot. If the job requires saw cut patterns and different colors, the costs can be between $5 to $11 per square foot. Sawed patterns and multiple colors can cost upwards of $17 per square foot.","qid":104861,"docid":"4350439","rank":86,"score":13.129499435424805},{"content":"It is best to contact a contractor in your area for a realistic price estimate. Basic Cost Range ($2.50 to $5.50 per square foot) What You'll Get: 1 An eye-catching, economical upgrade to plain, gray concrete. 2 Basic one-coat application of stain with sealer (which includes floor cleaning and masking prior to staining):","qid":104861,"docid":"2202682","rank":87,"score":13.684826850891113},{"content":"Video on the cost of concrete floors. Depending on the level of complexity, concrete floors can cost as little as $2 to $6 a square foot or be as expensive as $15 to $30 a square foot.ideo on the cost of concrete floors. Depending on the level of complexity, concrete floors can cost as little as $2 to $6 a square foot or be as expensive as $15 to $30 a square foot.","qid":104861,"docid":"3925933","rank":88,"score":13.830934524536133},{"content":"Video on the cost of concrete floors. Depending on the level of complexity, concrete floors can cost as little as $2 to $6 a square foot or be as expensive as $15 to $30 a square foot.ven flooring options that are initially cheaper to install than decorative concrete may turn out to be more expensive in the long run. When you amortize the cost of a concrete floor over a lifetime, the price is often comparable or even lower than other flooring materials, especially if you factor in maintenance costs.","qid":104861,"docid":"5801822","rank":89,"score":13.635104179382324},{"content":"Most decorative concrete floor installations are quite cost-effective, especially if you have an existing concrete slab that\u00e2\u0080\u0099s all ready for staining, polishing or application of a decorative coating or overlay. However, a mid-range floor can cost $7 to $14, while a high-end design may run $15 to $30 a square foot.","qid":104861,"docid":"1567102","rank":90,"score":13.822546005249023},{"content":"Extensive surface preparation, such as grinding, crack repair, and spall repair, can add as much as $2 per square foot to the overall cost of the floor. If a full resurfacing is needed, expect to tack on another $2 to $3 per square foot (for a $4 to $5 per square foot increase).","qid":104861,"docid":"1567105","rank":91,"score":13.2598295211792},{"content":"1 Extensive surface preparation, such as grinding, crack repair, and spall repair, can add as much as $2 per square foot to the overall cost of the floor. 2 If a full resurfacing is needed, expect to tack on another $2 to $3 per square foot (for a $4 to $5 per square foot increase). Typically installers put down a series of products including waterproofing, metal lathe, a concrete overlay and then the final finishing and sealing coats. 2 These applications can add another $2 to $3 per square foot to the cost of the floor.","qid":104861,"docid":"146177","rank":92,"score":13.055564880371094},{"content":"1 At this price point, you are comparing against wood flooring ($8-$10 per square foot) and a range of ceramic and quarry tiles ($10-$12 per square foot). 2 Adding decorative sandblasting or engraving to the advanced stain application. ( 3 $15+ per square foot).t is best to contact a contractor in your area for a realistic price estimate. Basic Cost Range ($2.50 to $5.50 per square foot) What You'll Get: 1 An eye-catching, economical upgrade to plain, gray concrete.","qid":104861,"docid":"2294852","rank":93,"score":13.325052261352539},{"content":"At this price point, you are comparing against wood flooring ($8-$10 per square foot) and a range of ceramic and quarry tiles ($10-$12 per square foot). Adding decorative sandblasting or engraving to the advanced stain application ($15+ per square foot).","qid":104861,"docid":"3471751","rank":94,"score":13.218623161315918},{"content":"Other things like decorative scoring and staining will also increase the cost of concrete. polishing. Basic cost for a polished concrete floor up to a 800 grit: $3.00 per square foot. Cost for polished concrete floors requiring decorative scoring and\/or staining: Up to $8.00 per square foot.For large commercial floors, may include staining and decorative scoring: From $3.00 - $7.00 per square foot.For polishing residential concrete floors: Cost $5.00 - $12.00 per square foot.ost for polished concrete floors requiring decorative scoring and\/or staining: Up to $8.00 per square foot. For large commercial floors, may include staining and decorative scoring: From $3.00 - $7.00 per square foot. For polishing residential concrete floors: Cost $5.00 - $12.00 per square foot.","qid":104861,"docid":"5248340","rank":95,"score":13.047933578491211},{"content":"Day's Concrete Floors, Inc is the name of my company. We pour a lot of 3000 psi. concrete for interior concrete floors and 4000 psi concrete for exterior concrete. The concrete cost per yard of concrete is $92.00 for 3000 3\/4 psi concrete and $100.00 for 4000 3\/4 psi concrete.So 10 yards of concrete is approximately $1000.00 dollars U.S. here in Maine.ay's Concrete Floors, Inc is the name of my company. We pour a lot of 3000 psi. concrete for interior concrete floors and 4000 psi concrete for exterior concrete. The concrete cost per yard of concrete is $92.00 for 3000 3\/4 psi concrete and $100.00 for 4000 3\/4 psi concrete.","qid":104861,"docid":"459676","rank":96,"score":12.975225448608398},{"content":"video on the cost of concrete floors depending on the level of complexity concrete floors can cost as little as $ 2 to $ 6 a square foot or be as expensive as $ 15 to $ 30 a square foot","qid":104861,"docid":"5138467","rank":97,"score":13.515002250671387},{"content":"The average cost range to install flooring is $1,531 and $4,369, with an average price of $2,895 as reported by homeowners. Consider it as a long-term investment, something you'll touch more than any aspect of your house, and it might just last for the life of your home. Types of flooring, of course, run the gamut in price and quality.","qid":104861,"docid":"3196563","rank":98,"score":13.014368057250977},{"content":"Basic cost for a polished concrete floor up to a 800 grit: $3.00 per square foot. Cost for polished concrete floors requiring decorative scoring and\/or staining: Up to $8.00 per square foot.","qid":104861,"docid":"6467580","rank":99,"score":13.101966857910156},{"content":"1 ConcreteNetwork.com provided an overview on what most concrete flooring jobs would cost. 2 They noted that the average can be anywhere from $2.50 to as much as $30 per square foot. An economical option, which can just change the tone of the concrete floor, will typically cost less than $6. 2 An elaborate finish, which can come in many various designs and application techniques, can cost upwards of $10 per square foot.","qid":104861,"docid":"1046339","rank":100,"score":13.731983184814453}]} {"query":"definition declaratory judgment","hits":[{"content":"A declaratory statute is one which is passed in order to put an end to a doubt as to what the common law is, and which declares what it is, and has ever been. 2. Remedial statutes are those which are made to supply such defects, and abridge such superfluities in the common law as may have been discovered.ase law has the same legally binding effect as statutory law, but there are important distinctions between statutes and case law. Case law is written by judges, not by elected lawmakers, and it is written in response to a specific case before the court.","qid":130510,"docid":"6229732","rank":1,"score":11.36252212524414},{"content":"2. (Law) a. the decision or verdict pronounced by a court of law. b. an obligation arising as a result of such a decision or verdict, such as a debt. c. the document recording such a decision or verdict. d. (as modifier): a judgment debtor.","qid":130510,"docid":"3922560","rank":2,"score":11.202592849731445},{"content":"Rule 803. The following are not excluded by the rule against hearsay, regardless of whether the declarant is available as a witness: (1) Present Sense Impression. A statement describing or explaining an event or condition, made while or immediately after the declarant perceived it. (2) Excited Utterance.","qid":130510,"docid":"2205991","rank":3,"score":11.372269630432129},{"content":"1. A declaratory statute is one which is passed in order to put an end to a doubt as to what the common law is, and which declares what it is, and has ever been. 2. Remedial statutes are those which are made to supply such defects, and abridge such superfluities in the common law as may have been discovered.. A declaratory statute is one which is passed in order to put an end to a doubt as to what the common law is, and which declares what it is, and has ever been. 2. Remedial statutes are those which are made to supply such defects, and abridge such superfluities in the common law as may have been discovered.","qid":130510,"docid":"6229733","rank":4,"score":12.014795303344727},{"content":"There is one species of interlocutory judgment which establishes nothing but the inadequacy of the defence set up this is the judgment for the plaintiff on demurrer to a plea in abatement, by which it appears that the defendant has mistaken the law on a point which does not affect the merits of his case; and it being but reasonable that he should offer, if he can, a further defence, that judgment is that he do answer over, in technical language, judgment of respondeat ouster.","qid":130510,"docid":"8180117","rank":5,"score":11.36834716796875},{"content":"judgment of conviction, sentence, conviction, condemnation - (criminal law) a final judgment of guilty in a criminal case and the punishment that is imposed; the conviction came as no surprise partial verdict - (criminal law) a finding that the defendant is guilty of some charges but innocent of others","qid":130510,"docid":"2816295","rank":6,"score":11.50214958190918},{"content":"There are four kinds of judgments in civil cases, namely: 1. When the facts are admitted by the parties, but the law is disputed; as in case of judgment upon demurrer; 2. When the law is admitted, but the facts are disputed; as in, case of judgment upon a verdict; 3.","qid":130510,"docid":"203717","rank":7,"score":11.159062385559082},{"content":"9.3 Declaratory Judgment Act. The Declaratory Judgment Act offers a unique mechanism by which advocates may seek to remedy ongoing violations of statutory or constitutional provisions. The Act may authorize broad-based declaratory and injunctive relief without resort to class action procedures.","qid":130510,"docid":"1494935","rank":8,"score":13.195258140563965},{"content":"The Declaratory Act was a measure issued by British Parliament asserting its authority to make laws binding the colonists \u00e2\u0080\u009cin all cases whatsoever\u00e2\u0080\u009d including the right to tax.he Declaratory Act was a reaction of British Parliament to the failure of the Stamp Act as they did not want to give up on the principle of imperial taxation asserting its legal right to tax colonies.","qid":130510,"docid":"5930013","rank":9,"score":11.61604118347168},{"content":"That is especially true in situations where a non-. practicing entity has sent a licensing offer to a potential infringer. Cases Finding Declaratory Judgment Jurisdiction. A patent owner wrote to its licensee alleging that a product sold by the licensee was subject to. a license agreement. The licensee paid the requested royalties under protest and filed a. declaratory judgment suit.","qid":130510,"docid":"1494932","rank":10,"score":11.506368637084961},{"content":"Statutory remedy for the determination of a Justiciable controversy where the plaintiff is in doubt as to his or her legal rights. A binding adjudication of the rights and status of litigants even though no consequential relief is awarded.","qid":130510,"docid":"7501562","rank":11,"score":11.91708755493164},{"content":"Definition: The declarative sentence or declaration, is the most important type. You can, and often will write entire essays or reports using only declarative sentences, and you should always use them far more often than the other four types of sentences (declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory).","qid":130510,"docid":"1972338","rank":12,"score":11.614677429199219},{"content":"The unique feature of the Declaratory Judgment Act is its authorization to \u00e2\u0080\u009cdeclare\u00e2\u0080\u009d the rights and legal relations of the parties to the controversy; such declarations have the force and effect of a final judgment.","qid":130510,"docid":"1494938","rank":13,"score":12.874338150024414},{"content":"JUDGMENT. A court's official decision on the matters before it. The declaration, by a court, of the rights and duties of the parties to a lawsuit which has been submitted to it for decision. Can also include an injunction a specific order to do or not to do something. final decision made by a judge on a material issue during a case is termed a judgment. A judgment can provide all or a portion of the relief sought in a case, including property division, alimony, child support, custody or an injunction.","qid":130510,"docid":"768251","rank":14,"score":11.503400802612305},{"content":"Decisions for the. convenience of the. reader.) The trial court\u00e2\u0080\u0099s order granting plaintiffs\u00e2\u0080\u0099 motion for declaratory relief. stating that the nonsolicitation and noncompetition provisions of his. employment contract with defendant were invalid and unenforceable due.","qid":130510,"docid":"8083814","rank":15,"score":12.067612648010254},{"content":"Related Terms: Evidence, Demurrer. A special intervention at trial occurring on the judge\u00e2\u0080\u0099s initiative or on a party\u00e2\u0080\u0099s motion, once the party with the burden of proof has closed his\/her case, that the case be dismissed based on the allegation that the burden has not been met.","qid":130510,"docid":"8001072","rank":16,"score":11.253580093383789},{"content":"Grinnell Mutual sought declaratory judgment, which would normally indicate that our standard of review depends upon whether the parties brought the case in equity or at law in the district court. Ferguson v.","qid":130510,"docid":"7203252","rank":17,"score":11.163026809692383},{"content":"A demurrer is a pleading (usually filed by a defendant) which objects to the legal sufficiency of the opponent's pleading (usually a complaint) and demands that the court rule immediately about whether the pleading is legally adequate before the party must plead on the merits in response.","qid":130510,"docid":"823953","rank":18,"score":11.224987030029297},{"content":"A declarative sentence is a sentence in the form of a statement (in contrast to a command, a question, or an exclamation). In a declarative sentence, the subject normally precedes the verb.","qid":130510,"docid":"1972341","rank":19,"score":11.248529434204102},{"content":"Confession of judgment is a legal term that refers to a type of contract (or a clause with such a provision) in which a party agrees to let the other party enter a judgment against him or her.","qid":130510,"docid":"956561","rank":20,"score":11.223121643066406},{"content":"In Scotch law. A plea to the Jurisdiction, on the ground that the judge Is interested in the suit.","qid":130510,"docid":"2401035","rank":21,"score":11.349685668945312},{"content":"Rule 57. These rules govern the procedure for obtaining a declaratory judgment under 28 U.S.C. \u00c2\u00a72201. Rules 38 and 39 govern a demand for a jury trial. The existence of another adequate remedy does not preclude a declaratory judgment that is otherwise appropriate. The court may order a speedy hearing of a declaratory-judgment action.","qid":130510,"docid":"7501563","rank":22,"score":13.16473388671875},{"content":"A ruling by a court (or, less commonly, a regulator) that resolves a dispute but does not order an action. That is, a declaratory judgment states a fact. For example, a declaratory judgment may state who owns a patent or a piece of property.","qid":130510,"docid":"8612906","rank":23,"score":14.07889461517334},{"content":"[1] a demurrer. 23. A motion that asks a court to rule that there are no facts in dispute and that the rights of the parties can be determined as a matter of law, on the basis of submitted documents, without the need for a trial is [4] a summary judgment. [4] a summary judgment.","qid":130510,"docid":"4841628","rank":24,"score":11.181682586669922},{"content":"Default judgment. Default judgment is a judgment entered against a party who has failed to defend a claim that has been brought by another party. Where the defendant fails to defend an action, it is reasonable to suppose that the defendant is not disputing the claim or amount.","qid":130510,"docid":"8617103","rank":25,"score":11.205726623535156},{"content":"The Declaratory Act was a gesture of British Parliament reasserting its authority to pass taxes and laws on the colonies, even though they lacked any representation.","qid":130510,"docid":"4528809","rank":26,"score":11.137166976928711},{"content":"Definitions. A normative judgment is one that states some value or evaluative rule as a standard of other judgments, or applies such a value or rule to specific cases. A descriptive judgment makes an assertion that is offered as a statement of the facts that pertain in reality.","qid":130510,"docid":"7997887","rank":27,"score":11.171896934509277},{"content":"The judgement or conviction \u00e2\u0080\u0093 in a \u00e2\u0080\u009cdeferred\u00e2\u0080\u009d judgement (judgement means conviction) \u00e2\u0080\u0093 is deferred for a period of time and never enters against a defendant IF the defendant successfully completes the terms of the agreement for the deferred judgement.","qid":130510,"docid":"510786","rank":28,"score":11.296844482421875},{"content":"Judgment(verb) the act of determining, as in courts of law, what is conformable to law and justice; also, the determination, decision, or sentence of a court, or of a judge; the mandate or sentence of God as the judge of all.","qid":130510,"docid":"6780520","rank":29,"score":11.528190612792969},{"content":"A party against whom a claim, counterclaim, or cross claim is asserted or a declaratory judgment is sought may move with or without supporting affidavits for a summary judgment in such party's favor as to all or any part thereof. (c) Motion and Proceedings.","qid":130510,"docid":"3995677","rank":30,"score":12.001717567443848},{"content":"A declaratory judgment is one which simply declares the rights of the parties, or expresser, the opinion of the court on a. question of law, without ordering anything to be done.","qid":130510,"docid":"8612910","rank":31,"score":14.463197708129883},{"content":"In law, the sentence of doom pronounced in any cause, civil or criminal, by the judge or court by which it is tried. Judgment may be rendered on demurrer, on a verdict, on a confession or default, or on a non-suit. Judgment, though pronounced by the judge or court, is properly the determination or sentence of the law. A pardon may be pleaded in arrest of judgment. 4. The right or power of passing sentence. 5. Determination; decision. Let reason govern us in the formation of our judgment of things proposed to our inquiry.","qid":130510,"docid":"3922562","rank":32,"score":11.397930145263672},{"content":"Legal definition for DECRETAL ORDER: Chancery practice. An order made by the court of chancery, upon a motion or petition, in the nature of a decree. see decree; order.","qid":130510,"docid":"1864987","rank":33,"score":11.49915599822998},{"content":"Definition of judgment for English Language Learners. : an opinion or decision that is based on careful thought. : the act or process of forming an opinion or making a decision after careful thought : the act of judging something or someone.","qid":130510,"docid":"2961567","rank":34,"score":11.191665649414062},{"content":"Declaratory Act 1719. An Act for the better securing the dependency of the Kingdom of Ireland on the Crown of Great Britain (6. Geo. I, c. 5) was a 1719 Act passed by the Parliament of Great Britain which declared that it had the right to pass laws for the Kingdom of Ireland, and that the British House of Lords had appellate jurisdiction for Irish court cases.","qid":130510,"docid":"3913774","rank":35,"score":11.422554016113281},{"content":"Meaning: A judgment rendered by the court prior to a verdict because no material issue of fact exists and one party or the other is entitled to a judgment as a matter of law. Classified under: Nouns denoting acts or actions. Synonyms: judgement on the pleadings; judgment on the pleadings; summary judgement; summary judgment Hypernyms (summary judgment is a kind of...): judgement; judgment; judicial decision ((law) the determination by a court of competent jurisdiction on matters submitted to it)","qid":130510,"docid":"7125241","rank":36,"score":11.12489128112793},{"content":"An action or proceeding is not open to objection on the ground that a declaratory judgment or decree is prayed for. (b) The declaration may be either affirmative or negative in form and effect, and the declaration has the force and effect of a final judgment or decree.","qid":130510,"docid":"7501557","rank":37,"score":12.104710578918457},{"content":"Adj. 1. declaratory-relating to the use of or having the nature of a declaration. asserting, declarative. interrogatory, interrogative-relating to the use of or having the nature of an interrogation. Translations. [d\u00c9\u00aa\u00cb\u0088klaer\u00c9\u0099t\u00c9\u0099r\u00c9\u00aa] d\u00c9\u00aa\u00cb\u0088kl\u00c3\u00a6r\u00c9\u0099t\u00c9\u0099r\u00c9\u00aa (Adj) law declaratory \u00e2\u0086\u0092 judgement\/declamatorio. a","qid":130510,"docid":"8612905","rank":38,"score":13.184793472290039},{"content":"judgement on the pleadings, judgment on the pleadings, summary judgement, summary judgment-a judgment rendered by the court prior to a verdict because no material issue of fact exists and one party or the other is entitled to a judgment as a matter of law.udgement in rem, judgment in rem-a judgment pronounced on the status of some particular subject or property or thing (as opposed to one pronounced on persons). dismissal, judgement of dismissal, judgment of dismissal-a judgment disposing of the matter without a trial.","qid":130510,"docid":"2407061","rank":39,"score":11.296509742736816},{"content":"A judgment is the final part of a court case. A valid judgment resolves all the contested issues and terminates the lawsuit, since it is regarded as the court's official pronouncement of the law on the action that was pending before it.It states who wins the case and what remedies the winner is awarded.4. In actions where the judgment was against the defendant, it was entered at common law, with a misericordia or a capiatur. With a misericordia in actions on contracts, with a capiatur in actions of trespass, or other forcible wrong, alleged to have been committed vi et armis.","qid":130510,"docid":"768250","rank":40,"score":11.174211502075195},{"content":"final decision, final judgment-a judgment disposing of the case before the court; after the judgment (or an appeal from it) is rendered all that remains is to enforce the judgment. murder conviction-conviction for murder. rape conviction-conviction for rape.","qid":130510,"docid":"7513669","rank":41,"score":11.165767669677734},{"content":"Full Definition of JUDGMENT. 1. a: a formal utterance of an authoritative opinion b: an opinion so pronounced. 2. a: a formal decision given by a court b (1) : an obligation (as a debt) created by the decree of a court (2) : a certificate evidencing such a decree.","qid":130510,"docid":"1881833","rank":42,"score":11.576486587524414},{"content":"Pursuant to G.L. 1956 \u00c2\u00a7 9-30-1, Rhode Island\u00e2\u0080\u0099s enactment of the Uniform Declaratory. Judgment Act, the Superior Court has the \u00e2\u0080\u009cpower to declare rights, status, and other legal. relations\u00e2\u0080\u009d upon petition. Town of Barrington v. Williams, 972 A.2d 603, 608 (R.I. 2009).","qid":130510,"docid":"6815300","rank":43,"score":11.33726692199707},{"content":"Co. v. CFMT, Inc. 142 F.2d 1266 (Fed. Cir. 1998) for the proposition that, in the case of a licensee who is sued under a Declaratory Judgment Action, Rule 19(b) should allow the suit to proceed where the interest of the licensee is aligned with the interest of the patent owner.","qid":130510,"docid":"2862515","rank":44,"score":11.275951385498047},{"content":"Thus, the term \u00e2\u0080\u009cdiscretion and independent judgment\u00e2\u0080\u009d does not require that the decisions made by an employee have a finality that goes with unlimited authority and a complete absence of review. The decisions made as a result of the exercise of discretion and independent judgment may consist of recommendations for action rather than the actual taking of action.","qid":130510,"docid":"8625373","rank":45,"score":11.12558364868164},{"content":"Judgement (or judgment) is the evaluation of evidence to make a decision. The term has four distinct uses: 1 Informal \u00e2\u0080\u0093 opinions expressed as facts.udgement (or judgment) is the evaluation of evidence to make a decision. The term has four distinct uses: 1 Informal \u00e2\u0080\u0093 opinions expressed as facts.","qid":130510,"docid":"2407058","rank":46,"score":11.362044334411621},{"content":"One factor which supports the dismissal of a declaratory judgment action is the conduct of the insurer in filing such a declaratory judgment action to pre-empt the insured from having a choice of forum in a first party claim.","qid":130510,"docid":"996740","rank":47,"score":11.961847305297852},{"content":"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. In law, a summary judgment (also judgment as a matter of law) is a judgment entered by a court for one party and against another party summarily, i.e. , without a full trial. Such a judgment may be issued on the merits of an entire case, or on discrete issues in that case.n law, a summary judgment (also judgment as a matter of law) is a judgment entered by a court for one party and against another party summarily, i.e. , without a full trial.","qid":130510,"docid":"6172271","rank":48,"score":11.118326187133789},{"content":"\u00e2\u0080\u009cCase or Controversy\u00e2\u0080\u009d and Jurisdictional Requirements. A party seeking declaratory relief under the statute must present an \u00e2\u0080\u009cactual controversy\u00e2\u0080\u009d in order to satisfy the \u00e2\u0080\u009ccase or controversy\u00e2\u0080\u009d requirement of Article III. The Declaratory Judgment Act was not intended as a device for rendering mere advisory opinions. The case must involve a controversy that is substantial and concrete, must touch the legal relations of parties with adverse interests, and must be subject to specific relief through a decree of conclusive character.","qid":130510,"docid":"1494931","rank":49,"score":11.823963165283203},{"content":"2. (Law). a. the decision or verdict pronounced by a court of law. b. an obligation arising as a result of such a decision or verdict, such as a debt. c. the document recording such a decision or verdict. d. (as modifier): a judgment debtor. 3. the formal decision of one or more judges at a contest or competition. 4. a particular decision or opinion formed in a case in dispute or doubt. 5. an estimation: a good judgment of distance.","qid":130510,"docid":"8354778","rank":50,"score":11.331989288330078},{"content":"A declaratory judgment, sometimes called declaratory relief, is conclusive and legally binding as to the present and future rights of the parties involved. The parties involved in a declaratory judgment may not later seek another court resolution of the same legal issue unless they appeal the judgment.","qid":130510,"docid":"1494936","rank":51,"score":13.924362182617188},{"content":"Motion for Judgment. A judgment is the official decision made by the court at the end of a lawsuit, criminal trial, or other legal proceeding. In certain cases, a party to the proceeding may make a \u00e2\u0080\u009cmotion for judgment, requesting that the court make a decision.","qid":130510,"docid":"1024747","rank":52,"score":11.121126174926758},{"content":"Related to judgment: summary judgment. also judge\u00c2\u00b7ment (j\u00c5\u00adj\u00e2\u0080\u00b2m\u00c9\u0099nt) n. 1. a. The act or process of judging; the formation of an opinion after consideration or deliberation. b. An opinion or estimate formed after consideration or deliberation, especially a formal or authoritative decision: awaited the judgment of the umpire.","qid":130510,"docid":"3922567","rank":53,"score":11.431854248046875},{"content":"The term Judgement is defined as a decision by a court of law or another tribunal that resolves all contested issues on the action before it and determines the rights and obligations of the parties. In a criminal action, it constitutes the final decision of the court and includes the Verdict and the sentence imposed. Thus, unlike a Verdict, a decision made by a judge constitutes a Judgement. A Judgement typically signals the end of a legal action between parties.","qid":130510,"docid":"6542824","rank":54,"score":11.133724212646484},{"content":"A declaratory judgment, also called a declaration, is the legal determination of a court that resolves legal uncertainty for the litigants.","qid":130510,"docid":"8612909","rank":55,"score":14.196065902709961},{"content":"Summary judgment. In law, a summary judgment (also judgment as a matter of law) is a judgment entered by a court for one party and against another party summarily, i.e., without a full trial. Such a judgment may be issued on the merits of an entire case, or on discrete issues in that case.","qid":130510,"docid":"799005","rank":56,"score":11.385419845581055},{"content":"We then divided the cases into two categories\u00e2\u0080\u0094. those situations in which a declaratory judgment action survived a motion to dismiss and those. which did not. We then identified the critical facts upon which each of these decisions rested and. highlighted them in the summary below.","qid":130510,"docid":"1494933","rank":57,"score":11.327218055725098},{"content":"legal Definition of stare decisis : the doctrine under which courts adhere to precedent on questions of law in order to insure certainty, consistency, and stability in the administration of justice with departure from precedent permitted for compelling reasons (as to prevent the perpetuation of injustice)","qid":130510,"docid":"7779655","rank":58,"score":11.184452056884766},{"content":"The same court observed that even if the basic requirements for A Declaratory Judgment Action are met, it is still within the discretion of the district court to decline a Declaratory Judgment Action.. This is in accordance with appellate decisions as well: Declaratory relief is a matter of district court discretion.","qid":130510,"docid":"996732","rank":59,"score":11.782857894897461},{"content":"A consent judgment, or agreed judgment, is a final decision that is entered on agreement of the litigants. It is examined and evaluated by the court, and, if sanctioned by the court, is ordered to be recorded as a binding judgment.","qid":130510,"docid":"3922565","rank":60,"score":11.287601470947266},{"content":"(b) For Defending Party. A party against whom a claim, counterclaim, or cross-claim is asserted or a declaratory judgment is sought may, at any time, move with or without supporting affidavits for a summary judgment in his favor as to all or any part thereof. (c) Motion and Proceedings Thereon.","qid":130510,"docid":"6183638","rank":61,"score":11.91946792602539},{"content":"The Declaratory Act, which was passed by the British Parliament in 1766, stated that Parliament had the right to legislate for the colonies in all cases whatsoever. The purpose of the Act was to reassert Parliament's right of control over the colonies.","qid":130510,"docid":"783664","rank":62,"score":11.225852966308594},{"content":"2. (Law). a. the decision or verdict pronounced by a court of law. b. an obligation arising as a result of such a decision or verdict, such as a debt. c. the document recording such a decision or verdict. d. (as modifier): a judgment debtor.. the decision or verdict pronounced by a court of law. b. an obligation arising as a result of such a decision or verdict, such as a debt. c. the document recording such a decision or verdict. d. (as modifier): a judgment debtor.","qid":130510,"docid":"2407059","rank":63,"score":11.197222709655762},{"content":"Full Definition of JUDGMENT. 1. a: a formal utterance of an authoritative opinion b: an opinion so pronounced. 2. a: a formal decision given by a court b (1) : an obligation (as a debt) created by the decree of a court (2) : a certificate evidencing such a decree. 3.","qid":130510,"docid":"1881837","rank":64,"score":11.272773742675781},{"content":"The declaratory judgment is generally considered a statutory remedy and not an equitable remedy in the United States, and is thus not subject to equitable requirements, though there are analogies that can be found in the remedies granted by courts of equity.","qid":130510,"docid":"8612904","rank":65,"score":13.166011810302734},{"content":"A party against whom a claim, counterclaim, crossclaim, or third-party claim is asserted or a declaratory judgment is sought may move for a summary judgment in that party's favor as to all or any part thereof at any time with or without supporting affidavits. (c) Motion and Proceedings Thereon.","qid":130510,"docid":"6486232","rank":66,"score":11.833076477050781},{"content":"default judgment - a judgment issued by the court, without a hearing, after the tenant has failed to file a response to the landlord's complaint. Demurrer - a legal response that a tenant can file in an unlawful detainer lawsuit to test the legal sufficiency of the charges made in the landlord's complaint. Discovery - the process through which parties to an action are allowed to obtain relevant information known to other parties or non-parties before trial.","qid":130510,"docid":"435588","rank":67,"score":11.340266227722168},{"content":"default judgement; default judgment; judgement by default; judgment by default Hypernyms (default judgement is a kind of...): judgement; judgment; judicial decision ((law) the determination by a court of competent jurisdiction on matters submitted to it)","qid":130510,"docid":"5148420","rank":68,"score":11.233697891235352},{"content":"Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of judgement): dismissal; judgement of dismissal; judgment of dismissal (a judgment disposing of the matter without a trial). judgement on the merits; judgment on the merits (judgment rendered through analysis and adjudication of the factual issues presented).","qid":130510,"docid":"6685202","rank":69,"score":11.128921508789062},{"content":"Full Definition of JUDGMENT. 1. a: a formal utterance of an authoritative opinion b: an opinion so pronounced. 2. a: a formal decision given by a court b (1) : an obligation (as a debt) created by the decree of a court (2) : a certificate evidencing such a decree.3.xamples of JUDGMENT. 1 We have to make a judgment about the value of their services. 2 The judgment of the editors is final. 3 Don't rush to judgment without examining the evidence.","qid":130510,"docid":"2407055","rank":70,"score":11.295804977416992},{"content":"Common law. 1 Consent judgment: a consent judgment is available where the parties agree on the terms of the judgment or order that should be made. 2 Declaratory judgment: a declaratory judgment can be made by the courts regardless of whether a remedy is being claimed.","qid":130510,"docid":"7125239","rank":71,"score":12.349164962768555},{"content":"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. In law, a summary judgment (also judgment as a matter of law) is a judgment entered by a court for one party and against another party summarily, i.e. , without a full trial. Such a judgment may be issued on the merits of an entire case, or on discrete issues in that case.ssuance of summary judgment can be based only upon the court's finding that: 1 there are no disputes of material fact requiring a trial to resolve, and. 2 in applying the law to the undisputed facts, one party is clearly entitled to judgment.","qid":130510,"docid":"6596298","rank":72,"score":11.243476867675781},{"content":"Definition. A declarative sentence is a sentence in the form of a statement (in contrast to a command, a question, or an exclamation). In a declarative sentence, the subject normally precedes the verb. A declarative sentence ends with a period.","qid":130510,"docid":"1972336","rank":73,"score":11.759350776672363},{"content":"The Declaratory Act was a reaction of British Parliament to the failure of the as they did not want to give up on the principle of imperial taxation asserting its legal right to tax colonies. When Parliament it concurrently approved the Declaratory Act to justify its repeal.","qid":130510,"docid":"1799013","rank":74,"score":11.287532806396484},{"content":"A declarative sentence is a sentence in the form of a statement (in contrast to a command, a question, or an exclamation). In a declarative sentence, the subject normally precedes the verb. A declarative sentence ends with a period.","qid":130510,"docid":"1972339","rank":75,"score":11.537320137023926},{"content":"Deferred judgment refers to a sentencing option in a court case in which the defendant pleads no contest or guilty to criminal charges and the civil penalty is deferred in exchange for a plea deal, according to the Iowa State Code. The defendant completes the specified terms of a deferred judgment. Continue Reading.","qid":130510,"docid":"815709","rank":76,"score":11.661197662353516},{"content":"Declamatory definition, pertaining to or characterized by declamation. See more.","qid":130510,"docid":"417583","rank":77,"score":11.269693374633789},{"content":"A Colorado Deferred Judgment and Sentence is a creation of statute. Under Colorado law \u00e2\u0080\u0093 CRS \u00c2\u00a7 16-7-403 \u00e2\u0080\u0093 the parties to a criminal case \u00e2\u0080\u0094 the DA \u00e2\u0080\u0093 the Defendant and the Judge \u00e2\u0080\u0093 may agree to what can be termed a \u00e2\u0080\u009ctemporary plea.\u00e2\u0080\u009d.. or what I call a kind of \u00e2\u0080\u009cslow dismissal \u00e2\u0080\u009d of the case.he judgement or conviction \u00e2\u0080\u0093 in a \u00e2\u0080\u009cdeferred\u00e2\u0080\u009d judgement (judgement means conviction) \u00e2\u0080\u0093 is deferred for a period of time and never enters against a defendant IF the defendant successfully completes the terms of the agreement for the deferred judgement.","qid":130510,"docid":"1534290","rank":78,"score":11.173784255981445},{"content":"Declarative Programming. Definition - What does Declarative Programming mean? Declarative programming is a programming paradigm in which the programmer defines what needs to be accomplished by the program without defining how it needs to be implemented. In other words, the approach focuses on what needs to be achieved instead of instructing how to achieve it.","qid":130510,"docid":"8096483","rank":79,"score":11.429787635803223},{"content":"Nolo's Plain-English Law Dictionary. A court decision in a civil case that tells the parties what their rights and responsibilities are, without awarding damages or ordering them to do anything. Courts are usually reluctant to hear declaratory judgment cases, preferring to wait until there has been a measurable loss. But especially in cases involving important constitutional rights, courts will step in to clarify the legal landscape.","qid":130510,"docid":"7501558","rank":80,"score":14.097053527832031},{"content":"Quick Answer. According to USLegal, a civil judgment is the final decision made by a court in a civil matter. Civil judgments can reward or deny the plaintiff civil remedies, like monetary damages or injunctions. Unlike criminal judgments, civil judgments do not impose criminal sentences on the defendant. Continue Reading.","qid":130510,"docid":"1617455","rank":81,"score":11.130659103393555},{"content":"Definition of judgment. 1 1a : a formal utterance of an authoritative opinionb : an opinion so pronounced. 2 2a : a formal decision given by a courtb (1) : an obligation (such as a debt) created by the decree of a court (2) : a certificate evidencing such a decree.","qid":130510,"docid":"1262133","rank":82,"score":11.160518646240234},{"content":"A declaratory judgment does not provide for any enforcement, however. In other words, it states the court's authoritative opinion regarding the exact nature of the legal matter without requiring the parties to do anything.","qid":130510,"docid":"8612902","rank":83,"score":13.737506866455078},{"content":"Declaratory Act, (1766), declaration by the British Parliament that accompanied the repeal of the Stamp Act. It stated that the British Parliament\u00e2\u0080\u0099s taxing authority was the same in America as in Great Britain. Parliament had directly taxed the colonies for revenue in the Sugar Act (1764) and the Stamp Act (1765).","qid":130510,"docid":"3913776","rank":84,"score":11.19144344329834},{"content":"Instead, the judge, after analyzing the controversy, simply issues an opinion declaring the rights of each of the parties involved. A declaratory judgment may only be granted in justiciable controversies\u00e2\u0080\u0094that is, in actual, rather than hypothetical, controversies that fall within a court's jurisdiction.","qid":130510,"docid":"1494939","rank":85,"score":13.240497589111328},{"content":"Wiktionary (0.00 \/ 0 votes) Rate this definition: declaratory judgment (Noun). A ruling of a court in a civil case which declares the rights, duties, or obligations of each party in a dispute, but does not necessarily award any damages or other relief.","qid":130510,"docid":"8612903","rank":86,"score":14.932031631469727},{"content":"Former Rule 56(a) and (b) referred to summary-judgment motions on or against a claim, counterclaim, or crossclaim, or to obtain a declaratory judgment. The list was incomplete. Rule 56 applies to third-party claimants, intervenors, claimants in interpleader, and others.ormer Rule 56(d) used a variety of different phrases to express the Rule 56(c) standard for summary judgment\u00e2\u0080\u0094that there is no genuine issue as to any material fact.","qid":130510,"docid":"6035035","rank":87,"score":11.12964916229248},{"content":"Declarative programming contrasts with imperative and procedural programming. Declarative programming is a non-imperative style of programming in which programs describe their desired results without explicitly listing commands or steps that must be performed.","qid":130510,"docid":"8096482","rank":88,"score":11.137811660766602},{"content":"Deferred Judgment Law and Legal Definition. A deferred judgment refers to a postponed or delayed judgment. In a deferred judgment, the court gives a defendant an opportunity to complete a probationary period before sentencing and prior to any entry of conviction. If the defendant successfully completes probation at the conclusion of the probationary period the court will review the defendant's file and may dismiss the charges against him\/her.","qid":130510,"docid":"815703","rank":89,"score":11.663570404052734},{"content":"In a hearsay situation, the declarant is, of course, a witness, and neither this rule nor Rule 804 dispenses with the requirement of firsthand knowledge. It may appear from his statement or be inferable from circumstances.","qid":130510,"docid":"2205994","rank":90,"score":11.236496925354004},{"content":"In law, a summary judgment is a judgment entered by a court for one party and against another party summarily, i.e., without a full trial. Such a judgment may be issued on the merits of an entire case, or on discrete issues in that case. In common-law systems, questions about what the law actually is in a particular case are decided by judges; in rare cases jury nullification of the law may act to contravene or complement the instructions or orders of the judge, or other officers of the court. A","qid":130510,"docid":"799002","rank":91,"score":11.211198806762695},{"content":"Declaratory judgments are judgment of a court in a civil case that declares the rights, duties, or obligations of each party in a dispute. However, a declaratory judgment does not order any action or result in any award of damages to any party to the case.","qid":130510,"docid":"799647","rank":92,"score":14.375266075134277},{"content":"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. In law, a summary judgment (also judgment as a matter of law) is a judgment entered by a court for one party and against another party summarily, i.e. , without a full trial. Such a judgment may be issued on the merits of an entire case, or on discrete issues in that case.","qid":130510,"docid":"2689146","rank":93,"score":11.42888069152832},{"content":"A binding judgment from a court defining the legal relationship between parties and their rights in the matter before the court.","qid":130510,"docid":"8612908","rank":94,"score":13.56167984008789},{"content":"Definition. A declarative sentence is a sentence in the form of a statement (in contrast to a command, a question, or an exclamation). In a declarative sentence, the subject normally precedes the verb.","qid":130510,"docid":"1972340","rank":95,"score":11.729172706604004},{"content":"The Declaratory Act was a proclamation that strengthened the lawmaking authority of the parliament over the American colonies. This was created to clarify the rules and po \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 licies in the relationship of Britain and America.","qid":130510,"docid":"4528807","rank":96,"score":11.616474151611328},{"content":"An insurance company, for example, might seek a declaratory judgment as to whether a policy applies to a certain person or event. Declaratory judgments also commonly involve individuals or parties who seek to determine their rights under specific regulatory or criminal laws.","qid":130510,"docid":"1494930","rank":97,"score":12.831785202026367},{"content":"At first glance, learning the definition of a declarative sentence is easy. Declarative sentences are statements made that provide some type of information. These types of sentences are so common that you'll find that they make up the majority of this lesson and a good portion of your everyday conversations too.","qid":130510,"docid":"1972337","rank":98,"score":11.31185531616211},{"content":"The Declaratory Act was a gesture of British Parliament reasserting its authority to pass taxes and laws on the colonies, even though they lacked any representation. The Stamp Act of 1765 had backfired on the British Crown.","qid":130510,"docid":"4528806","rank":99,"score":11.258188247680664},{"content":"Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of judgement): adjudication (the final judgment in a legal proceeding; the act of pronouncing judgment based on the evidence presented). disapproval (the act of disapproving or condemning).","qid":130510,"docid":"6685205","rank":100,"score":11.314676284790039}]} {"query":"what is durable medical equipment consist of","hits":[{"content":"necessary tools or provisions. durable medical equipment nonexpendable articles primarily used for medical purposes in cases of illness or injury; this includes hospital beds, respirators, walkers, and apnea monitors.","qid":1114819,"docid":"988376","rank":1,"score":12.66965103149414},{"content":"Remember that Medicare generally defines durable medical equipment as equipment that: 1 Is reasonable and necessary for the individual patient. 2 Can withstand repeated use. 3 Is primarily used to serve a medical purpose; Is not useful to a person in the absence of illness or 1 injury. Is appropriate for use in the home.","qid":1114819,"docid":"7803435","rank":2,"score":12.510648727416992},{"content":"Description of Procedure or Service. Durable Medical Equipment (DME) is any equipment that provides therapeutic benefits to a patient in. need because of certain medical conditions and\/or illnesses. Durable Medical Equipment (DME) consists of items which:","qid":1114819,"docid":"5521373","rank":3,"score":13.13222599029541},{"content":"Medical equipment (also known as armamentarium) is designed to aid in the diagnosis, monitoring or treatment of medical conditions.here are several basic types: 1 Diagnostic equipment includes medical imaging machines, used to aid in diagnosis. 2 Examples are ultrasound and MRI machines, PET and CT scanners, and x-ray machines. 3 Treatment equipment includes infusion pumps, medical lasers and LASIK surgical machines.","qid":1114819,"docid":"8508254","rank":4,"score":12.416570663452148},{"content":"Durable Medical Equipment (DME) is any equipment that provides therapeutic benefits to a patient in need because of certain medical conditions and\/or illnesses. Durable Medical Equipment (DME) consists of items which: 1 are primarily and customarily used to serve a medical purpose; 2 are not useful to a person in the absence of illness, disability, or injury; 3 are ordered or prescribed by a physician; 4 are reusable; 5 can stand repeated use, and. 6 are appropriate for use in the home.","qid":1114819,"docid":"8022280","rank":5,"score":13.619017601013184},{"content":"Medical equipment is equipment which is primarily and customarily used for medical purposes and is not generally useful in the absence of illness or injury. 1. Equipment presumptively medical","qid":1114819,"docid":"8115442","rank":6,"score":14.25920581817627},{"content":"This article discusses the definitions and types of home medical equipment (HME), also known as durable medical equipment (DME), and durable medical equipment prosthetics and orthotics (DMEPOS).ome equipment, such as oxygen, is FDA regulated and must be prescribed by a physician before purchase whether insurance reimbursed or otherwise. The physician may recommend a supplier for the home medical equipment, or the patient will have to research this on their own.","qid":1114819,"docid":"8508255","rank":7,"score":12.266670227050781},{"content":"(n) The term durable medical equipment - DME - includes, but is not limited to, wheelchairs (manual and electric), hospital beds, traction equipment, canes, crutches, walkers, kidney machines, ventilators, oxygen, monitors, pressure mattresses, lifts, nebulizers, bili blankets and bili lights.","qid":1114819,"docid":"8022276","rank":8,"score":13.566359519958496},{"content":"A durable medical equipment business is a company that sells health care related items intended for use in the home for an extended period. Products such as wheelchairs, hospital beds, glucose monitors and nebulizers are considered durable medical equipment, and are often covered by insurance plans and Medicare provided that the equipment is intended for long-term use.","qid":1114819,"docid":"344350","rank":9,"score":13.184196472167969},{"content":"Assists in resolving medical equipment problems or maintenance. Delivers, sets up and maintains respiratory equipment for patients.... Durable medical equipment:. Responsibilities include the delivery, set-up, and pick-up of DME equipment, respiratory, & supplies to acute, sub-acute, long-term... Durable medical equipment:. Hospice Source is a leading provider of durable medical equipment servicing the hospice industry....","qid":1114819,"docid":"8088111","rank":10,"score":12.81302547454834},{"content":"What are the different types of Hospital Equipment? Medical or hospital equipment also known as armamentarium is designed to aid in the diagnosis, monitoring or treatment of patients in various health care departments.","qid":1114819,"docid":"6900768","rank":11,"score":12.18988037109375},{"content":"HI 00610.200 Definition of Durable Medical Equipment. Durable medical equipment is equipment which can withstand repeated use, see A. below, and is primarily and customarily used to serve a medical purpose, see B. below, and generally is not useful to a person in the absence of an illness or injury, see B. below, and is appropriate for use in the home.","qid":1114819,"docid":"8115435","rank":12,"score":14.286283493041992},{"content":"Special exception items. Specified items of equipment may be covered under certain conditions even though they do not meet the definition of DME because they are not primarily and customarily used to serve a medical purpose and\/or are generally useful in the absence of illness or injury.","qid":1114819,"docid":"694741","rank":13,"score":12.699560165405273},{"content":"1 It must be primarily and customarily used for a medical purpose; and. 2 It must generally not be useful to a person in the absence of illness or injury; and. It must be appropriate for use at home. Under a provision of federal law, a skilled nursing facility is not considered home; and.","qid":1114819,"docid":"1738245","rank":14,"score":12.276277542114258},{"content":"(December 2012). The standard definition of Durable Medical Equipment used by insurance companies is:Durable Medical Equipment (DME) is any equipment that provides therapeutic benefits to a patient in need because of certain medical conditions and\/or illnesses. Durable Medical Equipment (DME) consists of items which: 1 are primarily and customarily used to serve a medical purpose; 2 are not useful to a person in the absence of illness or injury; 3 are ordered or prescribed by a physician; 4 are reusable; 5 can stand repeated use, and. 6 are appropriate for use in the home.","qid":1114819,"docid":"6941478","rank":15,"score":13.537768363952637},{"content":"Durable Medical Equipment. AliMed\u00c2\u00ae manufactures and distributes a wide range of top quality Durable Medical Equipment. This is the one spot you can find all of your Medical Supplies and durable medical equipment ranging from Wheelchairs; Wheelchair Accessories and Walkers to Cushions and Bed Safety Products.","qid":1114819,"docid":"3906952","rank":16,"score":12.847345352172852},{"content":"Durable medical equipment may be covered when the following criteria are met: The equipment provides therapeutic benefit to a patient in need because of a certain medical condition or illness The DME is prescribed by a licensed provider","qid":1114819,"docid":"8115700","rank":17,"score":12.841835021972656},{"content":"PART II. DURABLE MEDICAL EQUIPMENT PROVIDER MANUAL. Updated 11\/09. This is the provider specific section of the manual. This section (Part II) was designed to provide. information and instructions specific to Durable Medical Equipment (DME) providers. It is divided into.","qid":1114819,"docid":"5019830","rank":18,"score":12.406431198120117},{"content":"[e-kwip\u00c2\u00b4ment] necessary tools or provisions. durable medical equipment nonexpendable articles primarily used for medical purposes in cases of illness or injury; this includes hospital beds, respirators, walkers, and apnea monitors.","qid":1114819,"docid":"1315995","rank":19,"score":13.206218719482422},{"content":"Durable Medical Equipment: DME refers to non-expendable articles of equipment, recognized as such by Medicare Part B, that meet all of the following criteria: \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 It is usually designed for and can stand repeated use. \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 It is primarily and customarily used to serve a medical purpose rather than being.","qid":1114819,"docid":"8336230","rank":20,"score":13.253722190856934},{"content":"Prior to a discussion about paying for durable medical equipment, it is helpful to have a clear understanding of what durable medical equipment is and to define some of the related terms and acronyms. Durable Medical Equipment (DME) as well as the terms, Home Medical Equipment (HME) and home healthcare equipment are used interchangeably. They refer to re-usable, long lasting, medical equipment for use in the home that helps individuals to function on a daily basis.","qid":1114819,"docid":"8115440","rank":21,"score":12.863471031188965},{"content":"Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Equipment and supplies ordered by a health care provider for everyday or extended use. Coverage for DME may include: oxygen equipment, wheelchairs, crutches or blood testing strips for diabetics. Back to Glossary Index.","qid":1114819,"docid":"1315996","rank":22,"score":12.957210540771484},{"content":"diversified medical products, inc. Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supplies A supplier of medical equipment such as respirators, wheelchairs, home dialysis systems, or monitoring systems, that are prescribed by a physician for a patient?s use in the home and that are usable for an extended period of time.","qid":1114819,"docid":"1302004","rank":23,"score":12.67351245880127},{"content":"Durable medical equipment. Durable medical equipment used to describe any medical equipment used in the home to aid in a better quality of living. It is a benefit included in most insurances. In some cases certain Medicare benefits, that is, whether Medicare may pay for the item. The item is defined by Title XIX for Medicaid:","qid":1114819,"docid":"8336232","rank":24,"score":13.691372871398926},{"content":"Durable Medical Equipment: A Challenging Practice. US Pharm. 2008;33(6):10-15. Providing durable medical equipment (DME) can develop into a lucrative and rewarding aspect of a pharmacy's total patient care role.","qid":1114819,"docid":"750446","rank":25,"score":12.771979331970215},{"content":"Often abbreviated as \u00e2\u0080\u009cDME\u00e2\u0080\u009d, durable medical equipment includes various types of walking aids, transfer equipment, bath safety and wheelchairs. As the name implies, this category must be manufactured and tested to be \u00e2\u0080\u009cdurable\u00e2\u0080\u009d because patients who use this equipment rely on it to keep them safe and comfort.","qid":1114819,"docid":"6900766","rank":26,"score":12.81916618347168},{"content":"Durable Medical Equipment (DME) is any equipment that provides therapeutic benefits to a patient in need because of certain medical conditions and\/or illnesses. Durable Medical Equipment (DME) consists of items which:","qid":1114819,"docid":"988373","rank":27,"score":13.327775955200195},{"content":"Durable Medical Equipment. Priority Care Solutions offers prompt, reliable and safe delivery of durable medical equipment, electrotherapy products and medical supplies through our national network of licensed and credentialed partners.","qid":1114819,"docid":"5156171","rank":28,"score":12.84604263305664},{"content":"Some durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics and medical supplies (DMEPOS), also known as durable equipment, are a limited benefit. TRICARE defines covered DMEPOS as: Medically necessary and appropriate for the treatment of an illness or injury.","qid":1114819,"docid":"1009500","rank":29,"score":12.206022262573242},{"content":"The costs of drugs, medical supplies, and durable. medical equipment, constitute 20-25% of total. costs, a declining proportion of total costs over. time, driven by a reduction in drug costs. Non-reimbursable services, on average, are a small. proportion of total costs for the typical provider.","qid":1114819,"docid":"1307312","rank":30,"score":12.51223373413086},{"content":"Durable medical equipment is equipment which can withstand repeated use, see A. below, and is primarily and customarily used to serve a medical purpose, see B. below, and generally is not useful to a person in the absence of an illness or injury, see B. below, and is appropriate for use in the home.","qid":1114819,"docid":"694737","rank":31,"score":14.235301971435547},{"content":"Insurance companies will provide coverage for Durable Medical Equipment when it is determined to be medically necessary because the medical criteria and guidelines for its use are met.","qid":1114819,"docid":"8115705","rank":32,"score":12.639286994934082},{"content":"List of Durable Medical Equipment Items. This is a list of items you may need to use to manage your health or the health of a loved one. Many of these items are covered by Medicare. Air Cleaners. Air Conditioners. Air-Fluidized Bed. Alternating Pressure Pads and Mattresses. Audible\/Visible Signal Pacemaker Monitor. Augmentative Communication Device. Bathtub Lifts.","qid":1114819,"docid":"1724525","rank":33,"score":12.800895690917969},{"content":"The table below lists commonly requested durable medical equipment, whether or not it is covered, and if not, Medicare\u00e2\u0080\u0099s reason for denying coverage. This list is by no means exhaustive, rather it is meant to provide the reader with a sense of Medicare\u00e2\u0080\u0099s logic so they may apply that to their own situation.","qid":1114819,"docid":"7132899","rank":34,"score":12.4111328125},{"content":"Durable medical equipment (DME) and disposable medical supplies are a Colorado Medicaid benefit that provides clients with medical equipment and\/or disposable supplies when there is a medical need for the treatment or therapy of an illness or physical condition.","qid":1114819,"docid":"6202321","rank":35,"score":12.58358097076416},{"content":"Durable medical equipment billing and reimbursement . Definitions \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 Durable medical equipment (DME) is any equipment that provides therapeutic benefits to a member because of certain medical conditions and\/or illnesses that can withstand repeated use, is primarily and customarily used to","qid":1114819,"docid":"8096824","rank":36,"score":12.984691619873047},{"content":"Durable Medical Equipment. Most HMSA plans cover durable medical equipment (DME). Examples of covered DME include oxygen equipment, hospital beds, mobility assistive equipment (wheelchairs, walkers, power mobility devices), insulin pumps, and breast pumps. A covered DME item must be prescribed by a provider and must meet all of the following criteria:","qid":1114819,"docid":"988370","rank":37,"score":12.660646438598633},{"content":"\u00e2\u0098 What durable medical equipment is \u00e2\u0098 Which durable medical equipment, prosthetic, and orthotic items are covered in Original Medicare \u00e2\u0098 Where to get help with your questions . Medicare Coverage of Durable Medical Equipment and Other Devices","qid":1114819,"docid":"8754404","rank":38,"score":12.47889232635498},{"content":"Last Review: Description of Procedure or Service. Durable Medical Equipment (DME) is any equipment that provides therapeutic benefits to a patient in. need because of certain medical conditions and\/or illnesses. Durable Medical Equipment (DME) consists of items which:","qid":1114819,"docid":"1315998","rank":39,"score":13.295732498168945},{"content":"Home medical equipment. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article discusses the definitions and types of home medical equipment (HME), also known as durable medical equipment (DME), and durable medical equipment prosthetics and orthotics (DMEPOS). 1 HME \/ DMEPOS.","qid":1114819,"docid":"6900767","rank":40,"score":12.370001792907715},{"content":"Equipment which basically serves comfort or convenience functions or is primarily for the convenience of a person caring for the patient such as elevators, stairway elevators, posture chairs, and cushion lift chairs do not constitute medical equipment.","qid":1114819,"docid":"694734","rank":41,"score":13.125059127807617},{"content":"Medical equipment (also known as armamentarium) is designed to aid in the diagnosis, monitoring or treatment of medical conditions.","qid":1114819,"docid":"2076434","rank":42,"score":12.45730209350586},{"content":"durable medical equipment nonexpendable articles primarily used for medical purposes in cases of illness or injury; this includes hospital beds, respirators, walkers, and apnea monitors. dur\u00c2\u00b7a\u00c2\u00b7ble med\u00c2\u00b7i\u00c2\u00b7cal equip\u00c2\u00b7ment. Rented or purchased medical equipment ordered by a health care provider for use in the home.","qid":1114819,"docid":"1738250","rank":43,"score":13.301275253295898},{"content":"Consumable and Durable Medical. Consumable Medical Supplies are nondurable supplies and items that enable activities of daily living. Durable Medical Equipment include some specified, prescriptive equipment required by the individual. Consumable Medical Supplies Requirements and Service Limitations.","qid":1114819,"docid":"1735443","rank":44,"score":12.30019760131836},{"content":"If benefit coverage for durable medical equipment is available, the following criteria apply. Equipment Coverage Guidelines. Patient lifts (E0630, E0639) Mechanical\/hydraulic patient lifts (non-electric) may be. considered medically necessary durable medical equipment. (DME) when ALL of the following criteria are met:","qid":1114819,"docid":"7803429","rank":45,"score":12.371488571166992},{"content":"TRICARE covers durable medical equipment (DME) when prescribed by a physician. DME is defined as an item that: Can withstand repeated use; Primarily and customarily serves a medical purpose; and. Generally is not useful to an individual in the absence of an injury or illness.","qid":1114819,"docid":"2590454","rank":46,"score":12.743592262268066},{"content":"1 Durable Medical Equipment (DME) is equipment which: \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 Can withstand repeated use. \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 2 Is primarily and customarily used to serve a medical purpose. \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 Generally, is not useful to a person in the absence of illness or injury. \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 Is appropriate for use in a patient\u00e2\u0080\u0099s home, at school or at work.","qid":1114819,"docid":"3906959","rank":47,"score":13.249654769897461},{"content":"This section contains information about Durable Medical Equipment (DME) in the oxygen contents, oxygen equipment, and respiratory equipment group. For general policy information, refer to the Durable Medical Equipment (DME): An Overview section in this manual. Notes: Per Title 22, California Code of Regulations (CCR), Section 51321(g): Authorization for durable medical equipment shall be limited to the lowest cost item that meets the patient\u00e2\u0080\u0099s medical needs.","qid":1114819,"docid":"5718417","rank":48,"score":12.323415756225586},{"content":"Durable medical equipment (DME) coverage. Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance) covers medically necessary durable medical equipment (DME) that your doctor prescribes for use in your home. Only your doctor can prescribe medical equipment for you. DME meets these criteria: 1 Durable (long-lasting) Used for a medical reason.","qid":1114819,"docid":"1419798","rank":49,"score":12.20313549041748},{"content":"List of Durable Medical Equipment Items This is a list of items you may need to use to manage your health or the health of a loved one. Many of these items are covered by Medicare.","qid":1114819,"docid":"1724521","rank":50,"score":13.065185546875},{"content":"4) Durable medical equipment: Wheel chair, commodes and raised toilet sheet, walker and power operated vehicles which improves the quality of living of the patients are known as durable medical equipment. It also includes iron lungs, oxygen tents, nebulizers, catheters and hospital beds.","qid":1114819,"docid":"6900774","rank":51,"score":13.558643341064453},{"content":"(December 2012). The standard definition of Durable Medical Equipment used by insurance companies is:Durable Medical Equipment (DME) is any equipment that provides therapeutic benefits to a patient in need because of certain medical conditions and\/or illnesses.Durable Medical Equipment (DME) consists of items which:1 are primarily and customarily used to serve a medical purpose; 2 are not useful to a person in the absence of illness or injury; 3 are ordered or prescribed by a physician; 4 are reusable; 5 can stand repeated use, and. 6 are appropriate for use in the home.urable Medical Equipment (DME) consists of items which: 1 are primarily and customarily used to serve a medical purpose; 2 are not useful to a person in the absence of illness or injury; 3 are ordered or prescribed by a physician;","qid":1114819,"docid":"785027","rank":52,"score":13.013410568237305},{"content":"durable medical equipment nonexpendable articles primarily used for medical purposes in cases of illness or injury; this includes hospital beds, respirators, walkers, and apnea monitors.urable medical equipment nonexpendable articles primarily used for medical purposes in cases of illness or injury; this includes hospital beds, respirators, walkers, and apnea monitors.","qid":1114819,"docid":"8508263","rank":53,"score":12.65102767944336},{"content":"A QUICK SCREEN TO AID IN IDENTIFYING COVERABLE CASES. Medicare claims for DME (Items that have a medical purpose and repeated use) are suitable for coverage, and appeal if they have been denied, if they meet the following criteria: The equipment has been prescribed as medically necessary by your physician.","qid":1114819,"docid":"1738244","rank":54,"score":12.1509428024292},{"content":"\u00e2\u0080\u00a2 Durable medical equipment (DME) is any equipment that provides therapeutic benefits to a member because of certain medical conditions and\/or illnesses that can withstand repeated use, is primarily and customarily used to serve a medical purpose, and is appropriate for use in the home.","qid":1114819,"docid":"3484458","rank":55,"score":12.981807708740234},{"content":"Patient lifts, suction pumps and traction equipment is also considered to be durable medical equipment. Nebulizers, ventilators, lymphedema pumps are considered to be durable medical equipment, as are transcutaneous electronic nerve stimulators.","qid":1114819,"docid":"1738242","rank":56,"score":12.951728820800781},{"content":"List of Durable Medical Equipment Items Meta description: This is a list of durable medical equipment items you may need to use to manage your health or the health of a loved one. Home What is Durable Medical Equipment? Medicare and DME; List of Durable Medical Equipment Items; Site Map","qid":1114819,"docid":"1724528","rank":57,"score":12.624310493469238},{"content":"Durable medical equipment is defined as reusable medical equipment like wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, hospital beds and more. It also includes home oxygen equipment and power chairs. If you need durable medical equipment, it is very important to understand the rules and regulations your insurance carrier or Medicare uses to govern the acquisition and use of this equipment.","qid":1114819,"docid":"1315993","rank":58,"score":14.392866134643555},{"content":"HI 00610.200 Definition of Durable Medical Equipment Durable medical equipment is equipment which can withstand repeated use, see A. below, and is primarily and customarily used to serve a medical purpose, see B. below, and generally is not useful to a person in the absence of an illness or injury, see B. below, and is appropriate for use in the home.","qid":1114819,"docid":"8115439","rank":59,"score":14.225146293640137},{"content":"For a comprehensive list of items\/equipment paid for by Medicare, see https:\/\/www.medicare.gov\/coverage\/durable-medical-equipment-coverage.html.","qid":1114819,"docid":"2212058","rank":60,"score":12.787652969360352},{"content":"Medical Equipment And Medicare Coverage. A list of medical equipment and supplies that are covered\u00e2\u0080\u0094or not covered\u00e2\u0080\u0094by Medicare. The following list features some general categories of durable medical equipment and supplies, along with notations as to whether or not each item is covered by Medicare. This list is intended as a general reference only.","qid":1114819,"docid":"5628956","rank":61,"score":12.642364501953125},{"content":"How Medicare Covers DME (Durable Medical Equipment) and Oxygen Equipment. Oxygen therapy equipment falls under the category known as \u00e2\u0080\u009cdurable medical equipment\u00e2\u0080\u009d (DME), as do all necessary medical devices covered by medicare. Many other types of medical equipment also fall under this category. Things like hospital beds, wheelchairs, prosthetic equipment, and oxygen concentrators are all considered DME. With Part B, Original Medicare will cover DME when your doctor deems it necessary and provides it for use in your home.","qid":1114819,"docid":"8625086","rank":62,"score":12.253559112548828},{"content":"Durable Medical Equipment (DME): Medical equipment that is ordered by a provider for patient use outside of the facility which can withstand repeated use, is not disposable, is used to serve a medical purpose and is appropriate for the home. Effective Date: See Eligibility Date.","qid":1114819,"docid":"534362","rank":63,"score":13.123623847961426},{"content":"Medical equipment is a necessary part of any medical practice. Whether it is new or used, medical equipment must meet the needs of those who will be using the equipment, function reliably and be easy to maintain.","qid":1114819,"docid":"1816956","rank":64,"score":12.954339981079102},{"content":"Freebase(0.00 \/ 0 votes)Rate this definition: Durable medical equipment used to describe any medical equipment used in the home to aid in a better quality of living. It is a benefit included in most insurances. In some cases certain Medicare benefits, that is, whether Medicare may pay for the item.","qid":1114819,"docid":"8336225","rank":65,"score":13.37369155883789},{"content":"TRICARE covers durable medical equipment (DME) when prescribed by a physician. 1 DME is defined as an item that: 2 Can withstand repeated use; 3 Primarily and customarily serves a medical purpose; and. 4 Generally is not useful to an individual in the absence of an injury or illness. more information...","qid":1114819,"docid":"8027206","rank":66,"score":12.770549774169922},{"content":"Durable Medical Equipment (DME) is covered when medical necessity criteria are met for use as. part of the medical care of a recipient. Equipment and supplies which are payable under. Louisiana Medicaid require prior authorization (PA) by the Prior Authorization Unit (PAU).","qid":1114819,"docid":"5628950","rank":67,"score":12.505060195922852},{"content":"Durable medical equipment (DME) coverage. Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance) covers medically necessary durable medical equipment (DME) that your doctor prescribes for use in your home. Only your doctor can prescribe medical equipment for you. DME meets these criteria: Durable (long-lasting)","qid":1114819,"docid":"1419801","rank":68,"score":12.332968711853027},{"content":"It is best to think of Medicare\u00e2\u0080\u0099s durable medical equipment coverage as having 2 levels: DME that is covered when determined to be medically necessary and DME that is never covered despite being medically necessary.","qid":1114819,"docid":"5628955","rank":69,"score":12.489542007446289},{"content":"1 (Water mattresses, now used for non-medical purposes but originally created for patients, will be coverable if medically necessary.). 2 Iron lungs, oxygen tents, hospital beds, and wheelchairs are included in Medicare's definition of durable medical equipment.","qid":1114819,"docid":"2212059","rank":70,"score":13.150374412536621},{"content":"Durable medical equipment billing and reimbursement. Definitions. \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 Durable medical equipment (DME) is any equipment that provides therapeutic benefits to a member because of. certain medical conditions and\/or illnesses that can withstand repeated use, is primarily and customarily used to.","qid":1114819,"docid":"8480574","rank":71,"score":13.064901351928711},{"content":"Medicare expects a piece of equipment to last 5 years and will not usually pay for like or similar equipment within that time frame; and. It must be primarily and customarily used for a medical purpose; and. It must generally not be useful to a person in the absence of illness or injury; and.","qid":1114819,"docid":"8461287","rank":72,"score":12.133203506469727},{"content":"A list of medical equipment and supplies that are covered\u00e2\u0080\u0094or not covered\u00e2\u0080\u0094by Medicare. The following list features some general categories of durable medical equipment and supplies, along with notations as to whether or not each item is covered by Medicare. This list is intended as a general reference only.","qid":1114819,"docid":"7803436","rank":73,"score":12.539322853088379},{"content":"\u00e2\u0080\u00a2 Ensures that you have access to quality medical equipment, supplies, and. services from suppliers you can trust. \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 Helps limit fraud and abuse in the Medicare Program. If you have Original Medicare, live in one of the competitive bidding areas, and use.","qid":1114819,"docid":"1245294","rank":74,"score":12.38010025024414},{"content":"It is often referred to as durable medical equipment (DME) as it is intended to withstand repeated use by non-professionals or the patient, and is appropriate for use in the home. Medical supplies of an expendable nature, such as bandages, rubber gloves and irrigating kits are not considered by Medicare to be DME.ome equipment, such as oxygen, is FDA regulated and must be prescribed by a physician before purchase whether insurance reimbursed or otherwise. The physician may recommend a supplier for the home medical equipment, or the patient will have to research this on their own.","qid":1114819,"docid":"8508259","rank":75,"score":12.717399597167969},{"content":"Durable Medical Equipment Modifiers for DME Services. Several DME categories and frequently used modifiers are listed below. Chapter 16 of the Jurisdiction D DME Supplier Manual provides HCPCS codes with descriptions and the payment categories.","qid":1114819,"docid":"453325","rank":76,"score":12.280542373657227},{"content":"Written by Nancy McMahon. Durable medical equipment is defined as reusable medical equipment like wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, hospital beds and more. It also includes home oxygen equipment and power chairs.","qid":1114819,"docid":"5521371","rank":77,"score":14.081381797790527},{"content":"Equipment Guide. The information contained in this section will list the top pieces of durable medical equipment that might be needed for a Medicare patient. A description of the equipment, Medicare information about this equipment and other related products will be provided on each page of equipment, where applicable.","qid":1114819,"docid":"6564169","rank":78,"score":12.316171646118164},{"content":"On-site Durable Medical Equipment. During the course of treatment, your physician may prescribe a brace, splint, walker, crutches, or orthotics. Splints, braces, and other equipment may be used after surgery or to improve rehabilitation after an injury. These items are also known as durable medical equipment, or DME.","qid":1114819,"docid":"3906954","rank":79,"score":12.129537582397461},{"content":"What is Durable Medical Equipment? Durable medical equipment (DME) and disposable medical supplies are a Colorado Medicaid benefit that provides clients with medical equipment and\/or disposable supplies when there is a medical need for the treatment or therapy of an illness or physical condition. DME must serve a medical purpose and be able to withstand repeated use. Some examples of equipment that are considered DME include: oxygen, wheelchairs, walkers and bathroom\/bedroom safety equipment. Supplies must also serve a medical purpose, but they are not intended for repeated use. Supply items are items used in active treatment or therapy that are disposable or can be consumed.","qid":1114819,"docid":"5628952","rank":80,"score":13.076322555541992},{"content":"Medicare generally covers Durable Medical Equipment (DME) that: Can stand repeated use; Is primarily and customarily used to serve a medical purpose; Is generally not useful to a person in absence of illness or injury; and. Is appropriate for use in the home.","qid":1114819,"docid":"8736056","rank":81,"score":12.484737396240234},{"content":"Durable Medical Equipment (DME) is any equipment that provides therapeutic benefits to a patient in need because of certain medical conditions and\/or illnesses. Durable Medical Equipment (DME) consists of items which: are primarily and customarily used to serve a medical purpose;","qid":1114819,"docid":"4890560","rank":82,"score":13.374357223510742},{"content":"A durable medical equipment business is a company that sells health care related items intended for use in the home for an extended period. Products such as wheelchairs, hospital beds, glucose ... Local","qid":1114819,"docid":"344351","rank":83,"score":12.75294303894043},{"content":"Durable medical equipment billing and reimbursement. Definitions. \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 Durable medical equipment (DME) is any equipment that provides therapeutic benefits to a member because of. certain medical conditions and\/or illnesses that can withstand repeated use, is primarily and customarily used to. serve a medical purpose , and is appropriate for use in the home.","qid":1114819,"docid":"5165249","rank":84,"score":13.117439270019531},{"content":"This article discusses the definitions and types of home medical equipment (HME), also known as durable medical equipment (DME), and durable medical equipment prosthetics and orthotics (DMEPOS). 1 1 HME \/ DMEPOS. 2 Types of home medical equipment.","qid":1114819,"docid":"6900773","rank":85,"score":12.300372123718262},{"content":"DIVERSIFIED MEDICAL PRODUCTS, INC. Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supplies. A supplier of medical equipment such as respirators, wheelchairs, home dialysis systems, or monitoring systems, that are prescribed by a physician for a patient?s use in the home and that are usable for an extended period of time.","qid":1114819,"docid":"1302007","rank":86,"score":12.424964904785156},{"content":"Durable medical equipment. Durable Medical Equipment (DME) is any equipment that provides therapeutic benefits to a patient in need because of certain medical conditions and\/or illnesses. Durable Medical Equipment (DME) consists of items which: are primarily and customarily used to serve a medical purpose; are not useful to a person in the absence of illness, disability, or injury; are ordered or prescribed by a physician; are reusable; can stand repeated use, and are appropriate for use in the home.","qid":1114819,"docid":"1724520","rank":87,"score":13.720398902893066},{"content":"The durable medical equipment, like power chairs, wheel chairs and oxygen, must be prescribed to be used in your home. You generally aren\u00e2\u0080\u0099t \u00e2\u0080\u009crequired\u00e2\u0080\u009d to have the equipment if it is only to be used when you leave your home.","qid":1114819,"docid":"1738243","rank":88,"score":13.220458984375},{"content":"(Learn how and when to remove these template messages) Durable Medical Equipment (DME) is any equipment that provides therapeutic benefits to a patient in need because of certain medical conditions and\/or illnesses. Durable Medical Equipment (DME) consists of items which: 1 are primarily and customarily used to serve a medical purpose; 2 are not useful to a person in the absence of illness, disability, or injury; 3 are ordered or prescribed by a physician; are 1 reusable; can stand repeated use, 2 and. are appropriate for use in the home.","qid":1114819,"docid":"3781418","rank":89,"score":13.651646614074707},{"content":"Sometimes, when you\u00e2\u0080\u0099re recovering from an operation or an illness, your doctor may order special. equipment, such as a wheelchair or oxygen tank, to maintain your quality of life. These types of. items are called durable medical equipment .","qid":1114819,"docid":"7588045","rank":90,"score":12.545381546020508},{"content":"Durable Medical Equipment and Home Modifications. Home Health Care Plus is the leading provider of quality medical care equipment, supplies and environmental modification. The professionals at Home Health Care Plus can evaluate patient needs and perform home evaluations for adaptive equipment, including: Stair Glides.","qid":1114819,"docid":"2008577","rank":91,"score":12.143540382385254},{"content":"Durable medical equipment may be covered when All of the following criteria are met: 1. The equipment provides therapeutic benefit to a patient in need because of certain medical conditions and\/or illnesses; And; 2. The DME is prescribed by a licensed provider; And; 3. The DME does not serve primarily as a comfort or convenience item; And; 4.","qid":1114819,"docid":"1724526","rank":92,"score":13.284351348876953},{"content":"Medical equipment (often called durable medical equipment) rented or purchased for use in the patient's home. Medicare Part B covers a wide variety of medical equipment for use in a patient's home. Some equipment must be rented, some purchased, and sometimes the patient has a choice. Equipment must be medically necessary and prescribed by a doctor.","qid":1114819,"docid":"2590455","rank":93,"score":12.519754409790039},{"content":"This booklet explains Medicare coverage for durable medical. equipment, prosthetic devices,orthotic items,prostheses and. therapeutic shoes in Original Medicare(sometimes called. fee-for-service) and what you might need to pay. Durable. medical equipment includes things like the following: \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 Home oxygen equipment.","qid":1114819,"docid":"8754397","rank":94,"score":12.557363510131836},{"content":"Durable Medical Equipment and Services are not covered when.. 1 The DME add-ons or upgrades are intended primarily for convenience or upgrades beyond what is necessary to meet the member\u00e2\u0080\u0099s legitimate medical needs. 2 When it does not provide a therapeutic benefit to a patient in need because of certain medical conditions or illnesses; or.","qid":1114819,"docid":"1724523","rank":95,"score":12.637847900390625},{"content":"Types of DME Covered by Medicare. It is best to think of Medicare\u00e2\u0080\u0099s durable medical equipment coverage as having 2 levels: DME that is covered when determined to be medically necessary and DME that is never covered despite being medically necessary.","qid":1114819,"docid":"2590447","rank":96,"score":12.460746765136719},{"content":"Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Legal, Financial, Acronyms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. equipment. necessary tools or provisions. durable medical equipment nonexpendable articles primarily used for medical purposes in cases of illness or injury; this includes hospital beds, respirators, walkers, and apnea monitors. dur\u00c2\u00b7a\u00c2\u00b7ble med\u00c2\u00b7i\u00c2\u00b7cal equip\u00c2\u00b7ment. Rented or purchased medical equipment ordered by a health care provider for use in the home.","qid":1114819,"docid":"8336229","rank":97,"score":13.846519470214844},{"content":"Types of items that are considered to be durable medical equipment include air fluidized beds, canes, commode chairs and crutches. It also includes infusion pumps and some of the medicines used in them. Patient lifts, suction pumps and traction equipment is also considered to be durable medical equipment.","qid":1114819,"docid":"1315994","rank":98,"score":13.81839370727539},{"content":"2. Equipment presumptively nonmedical. Equipment which is primarily and customarily used for a nonmedical purpose may not be considered \u00e2\u0080\u009cmedical\u00e2\u0080\u009d equipment for program payment even though the item has some remote medically related use.","qid":1114819,"docid":"694743","rank":99,"score":12.922538757324219},{"content":"1 It must generally not be useful to a person in the absence of illness or injury; and. 2 It must be appropriate for use at home. Under a provision of federal law, a skilled nursing facility is not considered home; and. The durable medical equipment supplier must be a Medicare-certified provider.","qid":1114819,"docid":"1738246","rank":100,"score":12.184002876281738}]} {"query":"what is wifi vs bluetooth","hits":[{"content":"This bluetooth dongle gives a computer bluetooth capabilities via a USB port. A WiFi dongle provides WiFi functionality to a computer that doesn't have ia built-in. Information on how to create a dongle emulator is typically passed from hacker to hacker.","qid":1110199,"docid":"5218014","rank":1,"score":12.617704391479492},{"content":"Definition: Bluetooth is a radio communication technology that enables low-power, short distance wireless networking between phones, computers and other network devices. The name Bluetooth is borrowed from Harald Bluetooth, a king in Denmark who lived more than 1,000 years ago. Using Bluetooth.","qid":1110199,"docid":"5857923","rank":2,"score":13.258735656738281},{"content":"Bluetooth definition: Bluetooth is defined as a wireless technology for sending and receiving digital voice and data over cell phone headsets as well as wireless keyboards, mice and game controllers. (noun) An example of a Bluetooth device is a cell ph...","qid":1110199,"docid":"3272906","rank":3,"score":12.613917350769043},{"content":"Bluetooth is a short-range wireless technology you can use to connect devices together. For example, you can use Bluetooth to make handsfree calls on a headset or in your car, listen to music on wireless speakers, use a wireless mouse or keyboard, or print a document in another room.","qid":1110199,"docid":"7344201","rank":4,"score":13.134530067443848},{"content":"So what is the difference between WiFi and WLAN? WLAN is the wireless network of devices connected with radio signals based on IEEE 802.11. WiFi (Wi-Fi) is a term used for a family of products that work in WLAN networks.","qid":1110199,"docid":"847931","rank":5,"score":12.809225082397461},{"content":"Cons. 1 Price - WiFi is still expensive. Prices have come down a lot, but because it\u00e2\u0080\u0099s not as standard as Bluetooth, so it costs more. 2 Setup - Setup can be a huge hassle with wifi systems, especially with cheaper systems. Although most nicer systems utilize an app and WPS to connect to your wifi.","qid":1110199,"docid":"8160523","rank":6,"score":13.86385726928711},{"content":"Bluetooth Technology uses the same microwave radiation to transmit data as cell phones do to receive calls. The only difference is the range. A cell phone antenna picks up signals from cell phone towers and satellites, while a Bluetooth headset\/technologies is receiving radiations from a few feet away.","qid":1110199,"docid":"627298","rank":7,"score":12.493051528930664},{"content":"Just like Wi-Fi Direct, Bluetooth 4.0 is promising speedy device-to-device transfers over long distances, and Bluetooth 4.0 devices should also hit the market in the coming months.","qid":1110199,"docid":"1901875","rank":8,"score":13.026241302490234},{"content":"BLE is a massive overhaul of the Bluetooth specifications, aimed at very low power applications. It sacrifices range (50m instead of 100m) and data throughput (0.27 Mbps instead of 0.7-2.1 Mbps) for a significant savings in power consumption.","qid":1110199,"docid":"2925197","rank":9,"score":13.15809440612793},{"content":"Learn the differences between WLAN (Wireless LAN) and a Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) and why knowing the difference between networking protocols is so important, from our expert Tessa Parmenter. How each wireless technology differs: Wi-Fi, WiMax ...","qid":1110199,"docid":"2657987","rank":10,"score":12.766706466674805},{"content":"Bluetooth is a radio system (commonly referred to as a wireless technology) that transmits data between devices using a method called 'frequency-hopping spread spectrum'.The radio frequency range used for Bluetooth transmissions is 2.4 - 2.48 Ghz on the ISM band (Industrial, Scientific and Medical).This is basically a low-power, short-range communication system that is robust enough to resist a moderate amount of interference and is therefore quite reliable.onsumer devices that have Bluetooth built-in typically either come with Class 1 or class 2 radios. This is basically a measure of the signal power and therefore how far it extends between your devices.","qid":1110199,"docid":"5387204","rank":11,"score":12.601255416870117},{"content":"When a device states that it uses 2.4 Ghz Wireless, this typically means it uses a 2.4 Ghz proprietary radio frequency. These devices typically include their own wireless USB dongle. They are similar to Bluetooth, but specific to that particular device.","qid":1110199,"docid":"1454025","rank":12,"score":13.077705383300781},{"content":"Home : Technical Terms : Bluetooth Definition. Bluetooth. This wireless technology enables communication between Bluetooth-compatible devices. It is used for short-range connections between desktop and laptop computers, PDAs (like the Palm Pilot or Handspring Visor), digital cameras, scanners, cellular phones, and printers. Infrared once served the same purpose as Bluetooth, but it had a number of drawbacks.","qid":1110199,"docid":"5857919","rank":13,"score":12.810100555419922},{"content":"Bluetooth is a wireless technology standard for exchanging data over short distances (using short-wavelength UHF radio waves in the ISM band from 2.4 to 2.485 GHz) from fixed and mobile devices, and building personal area networks (PANs).adio Frequency Communications (RFCOMM) is a cable replacement protocol used to generate a virtual serial data stream. RFCOMM provides for binary data transport and emulates EIA-232 (formerly RS-232) control signals over the Bluetooth baseband layer, i.e. it is a serial port emulation.","qid":1110199,"docid":"5387205","rank":14,"score":12.513985633850098},{"content":"Wireless vs Bluetooth Headphones Both these types of headphones are wireless i.e. they do not use wires of any form to connect to a device. But the main difference between wireless and bluetooth headphones is their range. A wireless headset can receive signals from up to a distance of 100 feet (30 meters). On the contrary, Bluetooth headphones are designed for devices at a distance of up to 30 feet (9 meters). Comparison Chart","qid":1110199,"docid":"8160524","rank":15,"score":12.74980640411377},{"content":"Bluetooth is a highly secure wireless protocol that uses radio frequencies to connect Bluetooth-enabled computers and devices to each other. Bluetooth simplifies communications between Bluetooth-enabled computers and devices by creating personal area networks (PANs).","qid":1110199,"docid":"3270584","rank":16,"score":13.146223068237305},{"content":"CNET editor Dong Ngo explains the difference between Wi-Fi and (wireless) internet, and answers frequently asked questions on connectivity matters. Editors' note: This post is part of a series and is regularly updated. For the other parts, check out the related stories below. Wi-Fi and internet are two different things.","qid":1110199,"docid":"7409320","rank":17,"score":12.570430755615234},{"content":"How Bluetooth Operates. Bluetooth networking transmits data via low-power radio waves. It communicates on a frequency of 2.45 gigahertz (actually between 2.402 GHz and 2.480 GHz, to be exact). This frequency band has been set aside by international agreement for the use of industrial, scientific and medical devices (ISM).","qid":1110199,"docid":"2316523","rank":18,"score":12.490976333618164},{"content":"Wi-Fi is the implementation of Wireless LAN. Wireless LAN describes the broader concept of wireless networked communications between machines. Wi-Fi is a trademark that can be used on devices that meet the 802.11 standards. Wi-Fi is used by a variety of devices to allow them to connect to wireless networks and the Internet.","qid":1110199,"docid":"7221487","rank":19,"score":12.775394439697266},{"content":"Both specifications tout security as one of their main benefits. Bluetooth 4.0 uses AES 128-bit encryption to protect your data as it is transmitted between devices. Wi-Fi Direct, on the other hand, uses WPA2 security, and its AES 256-bit encryption.","qid":1110199,"docid":"6368891","rank":20,"score":13.478017807006836},{"content":"Bluetooth is defined as a wireless technology for sending and receiving digital voice and data over cell phone headsets as well as wireless keyboards, mice and game controllers. An example of a Bluetooth device is a cell phone headset. An example of a Bluetooth device is a wireless mouse.","qid":1110199,"docid":"3272914","rank":21,"score":12.638641357421875},{"content":"Bluetooth is the technology for creating a Wireless Personal Area Network to connect up to eight computers or other devices such as mobile phone and PDA (i.e. one device acts as a master with up to 7 active slaves) in an ad-hoc network (piconet).","qid":1110199,"docid":"5641718","rank":22,"score":12.83854866027832},{"content":"Bluetooth is a wireless technology that allows you to connect nearby devices, even if they aren't in direct line of sight. Most newer laptops come with Bluetooth hardware already installed, but the chances are lower if your computer is older, or if you're using a desktop.","qid":1110199,"docid":"712232","rank":23,"score":13.174477577209473},{"content":"Understand how Bluetooth works. Bluetooth is a wireless technology that allows two different devices to connect. Every Bluetooth device has one or more profiles installed. These profiles determine what the device is capable of, such as Hands-Free (mobile headsets) or Human Interface Device (computer mouse).","qid":1110199,"docid":"7344200","rank":24,"score":13.004252433776855},{"content":"Bluetooth is wireless communication standard which allows electronic devices to connect and interact with each other. It can be found in a number of gadgets, from smartphones, to loudspeakers, to laptops and more.","qid":1110199,"docid":"1592475","rank":25,"score":13.174516677856445},{"content":"Bluetooth Technology uses the same microwave radiation to transmit data as cell phones do to receive and send calls. The only difference is the range. A cell phone antenna picks up signals from cell phone towers and satellites, while a Bluetooth headset\/technology is receiving radiations from a few feet away.","qid":1110199,"docid":"4624021","rank":26,"score":12.54617977142334},{"content":"Transfer files via Bluetooth. Bluetooth is a wireless connection which can be used to transfer files between two devices or to establish a connection to other devices, such as a wireless headset or keypad.ransfer files via Bluetooth. Bluetooth is a wireless connection which can be used to transfer files between two devices or to establish a connection to other devices, such as a wireless headset or keypad.","qid":1110199,"docid":"7891044","rank":27,"score":12.605133056640625},{"content":"Wi-Fi is used for creating wireless local area networks, linking devices within about 100 meters of a central wireless access point. Bluetooth has a much smaller range and is used to create personal area networks of devices that are within about 10 meters of each other.","qid":1110199,"docid":"1901878","rank":28,"score":13.819960594177246},{"content":"Bluetooth technology was designed primarily to support networking of portable consumer devices and peripherals that run on batteries. Bluetooth support can be found in a wide range of devices including. cell phones. wireless headsets (including hands-free car kits)","qid":1110199,"docid":"2301111","rank":29,"score":12.72288990020752},{"content":"Bluetooth and WiFi are different standards for wireless communication. Bluetooth technology is useful when transferring information between two or more devices that are near each other when speed is not an issue, such as telephones, printers, modems and headsets.","qid":1110199,"docid":"8160519","rank":30,"score":15.456546783447266},{"content":"Overview. Bluetooth is the technology for creating a Wireless Personal Area Network to connect up to eight computers or other devices such as mobile phone and PDA (i.e. one device acts as a master with up to 7 active slaves) in an ad-hoc network (piconet).","qid":1110199,"docid":"5641717","rank":31,"score":12.900986671447754},{"content":"Bluetooth wireless technology uses radio waves (in the 2.4 GHz range), and is designed to be a secure, low power and inexpensive way of connecting and exchanging information between devices without the need for wires or cables to link devices together.","qid":1110199,"docid":"8404306","rank":32,"score":13.028736114501953},{"content":"Best Answer: Radio.Bluetooth is a high-speed, low-power microwave wireless link technology, designed to connect phones, laptops, PDAs and other portable equipment together with little or no work by the user. Unlike infra-red, Bluetooth does not require line-of-sight positioning of connected units.","qid":1110199,"docid":"2474406","rank":33,"score":12.592814445495605},{"content":"Bluetooth is a wireless technology for exchanging data over short distances. The chip can be plugged into computers, digital cameras and mobile phones. Find out more about Bluetooth in this short guide. Bluetooth is a way of exchanging data wirelessly over short distances, and is an attempt to do away with your computer\u00e2\u0080\u0099s jungle of wiring. Using a special radio frequency to transmit data, it creates a short range network. It is very secure and can connect up to eight devices (items of electronic equipment) at the same time.","qid":1110199,"docid":"5701621","rank":34,"score":13.159865379333496},{"content":"W-Fi and wireless are often used interchangeably, but they're not the same. Wi-Fi is a type of wireless networking protocol that allows devices to communicate without cords or cables. Wi-Fi is technically an industry term that represents a type of wireless local area network (LAN) protocol based on the 802.11 IEEE network standard. It's the most popular means of communicating data wirelessly, within a fixed location, today.","qid":1110199,"docid":"362174","rank":35,"score":12.540781021118164},{"content":"Bluetooth is a short-range wireless technology used to create PANs (Personal Area Networks) among your devices, and with other nearby devices. Bluetooth allows you to leave your phone in your pocket, while talking on your phone with a Bluetooth headset - with no wires. You can also exchange contact or scheduling information with other Bluetooth-enabled phones nearby, or send such information to a nearby Bluetooth-enabled printer.","qid":1110199,"docid":"5857924","rank":36,"score":13.03376579284668},{"content":"Wi-Fi is a form of low-power wireless communication used by many electronic devices such as laptops, systems, smart phones, etc. In a Wi-Fi setup, a wireless router serves as the communication hub.","qid":1110199,"docid":"2094434","rank":37,"score":12.522825241088867},{"content":"Bluetooth is a telecommunications industry specification that describes how mobile devices, computers and other devices can easily communicate with each other using a short-range wireless connection. Download this free guide.","qid":1110199,"docid":"2301113","rank":38,"score":12.812764167785645},{"content":"Bluetooth is a wireless technology for creating personal networks operating in the 2.4 GHz unlicensed band, with a range of 10 meters. Networks are usually formed ad-hoc from portable devices such as cellular phones, handhelds, and laptops.","qid":1110199,"docid":"618109","rank":39,"score":13.294403076171875},{"content":"\u00e2\u0080\u00a2 Bluetooth is, with the infrared, one of the major wireless technologies developed to achieve WPAN. Bluetooth is a wireless LAN technology used to connect devices of different functions such as telephones, computers (laptop or desktop), notebooks, cameras, printers and so on.","qid":1110199,"docid":"4674430","rank":40,"score":13.252318382263184},{"content":"Bluetooth is a wireless technology standard for exchanging data over short distances (using short-wavelength UHF radio waves in the ISM band from 2.4 to 2.485 GHz) from fixed and mobile devices, and building personal area networks (PANs).luetooth uses the microwave radio frequency spectrum in the 2.402 GHz to 2.480 GHz range. Maximum power output from a Bluetooth radio is 100 mW for class 1, 2.5 mW for class 2, and 1 mW for class 3 devices.","qid":1110199,"docid":"4800726","rank":41,"score":12.78756332397461},{"content":"Though many use wireless LAN (WLAN) and Wi-Fi interchangeably, there is a difference between Wi-Fi and WLAN, and here it is fundamentally: Wi-Fi is a certain type of WLAN.","qid":1110199,"docid":"2657991","rank":42,"score":12.502803802490234},{"content":"Share this page. Bluetooth is a wireless technology for exchanging data over short distances. The chip can be plugged into computers, digital cameras and mobile phones. Find out more about Bluetooth in this short guide. Turn on, or enable, Bluetooth. 2 Ensure your device is \u00e2\u0080\u0098 visible \u00e2\u0080\u0099 and not \u00e2\u0080\u0098hidden\u00e2\u0080\u0099, so other nearby devices can pick up the signal. 3 Give your device a name to identify it when connecting to other compatible equipment.","qid":1110199,"docid":"4800729","rank":43,"score":12.985249519348145},{"content":"Bluetooth is defined as being a short-range radio technology (or wireless technology) aimed at simplifying communications among Internet devices and between devices and the Internet.It also aims to simplify data synchronization between Internet devices and other computers.luetooth products -- that is products using Bluetooth technology -- must be qualified and pass interoperability testing by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group prior to release. Bluetooth's founding members include Ericsson, IBM, Intel, Nokia and Toshiba.","qid":1110199,"docid":"4800727","rank":44,"score":12.9044771194458},{"content":"The real standout of Bluetooth v4.0 is Bluetooth low energy (BLE). BLE is a massive overhaul of the Bluetooth specifications, aimed at very low power applications. It sacrifices range (50m instead of 100m) and data throughput (0.27 Mbps instead of 0.7-2.1 Mbps) for a significant savings in power consumption.","qid":1110199,"docid":"7934946","rank":45,"score":12.640339851379395},{"content":"Bluetooth 4.0, on the other hand, is said to have a range of at least 200 feet and it transfers data faster than NFC. NFC and Bluetooth are both ways to wirelessly connect devices.","qid":1110199,"docid":"1592477","rank":46,"score":12.725089073181152},{"content":"Two Methods: Windows Mac OS X. Bluetooth is a wireless technology that allows you to connect nearby devices, even if they aren't in direct line of sight. Most newer laptops come with Bluetooth hardware already installed, but the chances are lower if your computer is older, or if you're using a desktop.","qid":1110199,"docid":"3495022","rank":47,"score":13.17335319519043},{"content":"No brainer here. Wi-Fi Direct offers speeds of up to 250Mbps while Bluetooth 4.0 lags behind at a paltry-seeming 25Mbps. While I\u00e2\u0080\u0099m somewhat skeptical that it\u00e2\u0080\u0099ll come close to the touted maximum speed, there\u00e2\u0080\u0099s no doubt it\u00e2\u0080\u0099s significantly faster than the current Bluetooth High Speed standard.","qid":1110199,"docid":"6368887","rank":48,"score":13.4622220993042},{"content":"Bluetooth Technology & Compatibility Guide . What is Bluetooth? Types of Bluetooth . Types of Bluetooth Devices . What is Bluetooth technology? Bluetooth technology is a wireless communication system. It communicates data securely from one device to another using radio transmissions. The technology was developed by Ericsson in 1994, but is owned by a collaborative group of companies named the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG).","qid":1110199,"docid":"7628031","rank":49,"score":12.508504867553711},{"content":"Li-Fi vs Wi-Fi vs iBeacon (BLE) technology. Search for your favourite topic : The growth of location-based technologies has not escaped anyone\u00e2\u0080\u0099s notice as location continues to revolutionize location-based services, analytics, advertising revenue opportunities and much more.","qid":1110199,"docid":"8160525","rank":50,"score":12.543503761291504},{"content":"Stockbyte\/Stockbyte\/Getty Images. Bluetooth and Wi-Fi are both wireless networking technologies. They transmit information via radio signals broadcast through the air rather than over wires, allowing devices to communicate with each other and share information.","qid":1110199,"docid":"1901876","rank":51,"score":14.585373878479004},{"content":"In addition to decreases in battery usage, Bluetooth 4.0 is fast. I mean, really fast. By using the 802.11ac protocol you can actually transfer data at speeds of up to 24Mbit\/s.","qid":1110199,"docid":"6368890","rank":52,"score":13.254129409790039},{"content":"Bluetooth vs. WiFi - Range: Maximum range for Bluetooth based wireless connections is 30m while for Wi-Fi, it can extend well upto 100m. In Wi-Fi, range depends on the version of Wi-Fi protocol applied and addition of antennas in the communication system while no such concerns of range or extra antenna are much known in Bluetooth. . Bluetooth vs. WiFi - Devices Connected: In Bluetooth, upto 7 devices can be connected to each other (piconet) while in Wi-Fi, the maximum connections depend on Wi-Fi router which can accommodate 1 to several communicating devices at a time.","qid":1110199,"docid":"8160520","rank":53,"score":13.877614974975586},{"content":"Bluetooth is a short-range wireless technology you can use to connect a device to other nearby Bluetooth-capable devices and accessories, such as headsets, speakers, printers, etc.","qid":1110199,"docid":"3519482","rank":54,"score":12.962106704711914},{"content":"Bluetooth is a wireless technology developed by Ericsson that is designed to be a cable replacement. It operates on the 2.4GHz frequency band, like WiFi, and is officially known as IEEE standard 802.15.1.","qid":1110199,"docid":"5857921","rank":55,"score":12.89985179901123},{"content":"The type of networks each standard creates is different as well. Bluetooth has no hub. Any two devices with Bluetooth adapters can connect to each other. A single Bluetooth-enabled device can connect to up to seven devices and each of those devices can connect to up to seven other devices. A Wi-Fi enabled network relies on a hub. All devices on a Wi-Fi network ultimately connect through a single wireless access point, also called a wireless router.","qid":1110199,"docid":"1901882","rank":56,"score":13.59146785736084},{"content":"Bluetooth is a standardized protocol for sending and receiving data via a 2.4GHz wireless link. It\u00e2\u0080\u0099s a secure protocol, and it\u00e2\u0080\u0099s perfect for short-range, low-power, low-cost, wireless transmissions between electronic devices.","qid":1110199,"docid":"3515650","rank":57,"score":13.337320327758789},{"content":"WiFi has a greater range than Bluetooth \u00e2\u0080\u0093 perhaps as much as 120 feet indoors, but the actual range may be less. With some planning, WiFi can cover an entire house. One way to assure maximum coverage is to locate the WiFi router in the center of a house, or where its coverage is most useful.","qid":1110199,"docid":"4511144","rank":58,"score":13.346023559570312},{"content":"Bluetooth 4.0 is compatible with any of the older Bluetooth specifications, and Wi-Fi Direct can connect to any older wireless protocol. Winner: Tie Power Consumption","qid":1110199,"docid":"8160526","rank":59,"score":12.76598072052002},{"content":"1 Bluetooth will go beyond cable replacement in short distances between handheld devices and handheld devices and a kiosk or local server. It will meet the needs of connecting devices at the edge node of a network. Bluetooth and wireless LANs address different wireless connectivity requirements.","qid":1110199,"docid":"2655848","rank":60,"score":12.514692306518555},{"content":"Bluetooth is a wireless connection method that can link your laptop to other devices such as a cell phone, printer or speaker system. If your laptop is Bluetooth compatible you can use the Control Panel to configure and connect to any Bluetooth-friendly product.luetooth is a wireless connection method that can link your laptop to other devices such as a cell phone, printer or speaker system. If your laptop is Bluetooth compatible you can use the Control Panel to configure and connect to any Bluetooth-friendly product.","qid":1110199,"docid":"2719156","rank":61,"score":12.567327499389648},{"content":"uncountable noun. 1 Bluetooth is a technology that allows computers, mobile phones and other devices to communicate with each other without being connected by wires. 2 a short-range radio technology that allows wireless communication between a computer and a keyboard, between mobile phones, etc.","qid":1110199,"docid":"5857926","rank":62,"score":12.749460220336914},{"content":"Using Bluetooth. Bluetooth technology was designed primarily to support networking of portable consumer devices and peripherals that run on batteries. Bluetooth support can be found in a wide range of devices including. cell phones. wireless headsets (including hands-free car kits) wireless keyboards.","qid":1110199,"docid":"6665316","rank":63,"score":12.886655807495117},{"content":"Broadcom Bluetooth Software. Remove Broadcom Bluetooth Software. Bluetooth is a wireless technology standard for exchanging data over short distances (using short-wavelength radio transmissions in the ISM band from 2400\u00e2\u0080\u00932480 MHz) from fixed and mobile devices, creating personal area networks (PANs) with high levels of security.","qid":1110199,"docid":"4496257","rank":64,"score":12.713699340820312},{"content":"Bluetooth is a wireless technology standard for exchanging data over short distances (using short-wavelength UHF radio waves in the ISM band from 2.4 to 2.485 GHz) from fixed and mobile devices, and building personal area networks (PANs).","qid":1110199,"docid":"5479","rank":65,"score":13.004193305969238},{"content":"Originally Answered: What is the difference between a WLAN and WiFi? Technically, WLAN means anywireless local area networkno matter what technology is used and Wi-Fi is a type ofWLAN that follows the IEEE 802.11 standards which most WLANs in use today do, that's why they are commonly used interchangeably.","qid":1110199,"docid":"8157174","rank":66,"score":12.688241958618164},{"content":"Bluetooth or Wi-Fi: what's the difference? Here's the biggest difference: With Bluetooth, you stream music from your phone to a speaker. A Wi-Fi speaker accesses music from the internet, or from a computer on your home network. You can control a Wi-Fi speaker with your smartphone. You just have to stay within range of your Wi-Fi router's signal.","qid":1110199,"docid":"8160518","rank":67,"score":14.473230361938477},{"content":"Bluetooth is a new wireless technology that enables you to transfer files such as music and pictures,from any other bluetooth enabled device. All you need is a computer with bluetooth technology, and an updated cell phone. Most new computers and many cell phones come with this technology.luetooth is a new wireless technology that enables you to transfer files such as music and pictures,from any other bluetooth enabled device. All you need is a computer with bluetooth technology, and an updated cell phone. Most new computers and many cell phones come with this technology.","qid":1110199,"docid":"5049882","rank":68,"score":12.649612426757812},{"content":"Bluetooth 4.0 vs. Wi-Fi Direct: Speed. Wi-Fi Direct promises device-to-device transfer speeds of up to 250Mbps, while Bluetooth 4.0 promises speeds similar to Bluetooth 3.0 of up to 25Mbps. Both Bluetooth 4.0 and Wi-Fi Direct use the 802.11 networking standard to reach their maximum speeds.","qid":1110199,"docid":"1901881","rank":69,"score":13.290716171264648},{"content":"Related Terms. Bluetooth is defined as being a short-range radio technology (or wireless technology) aimed at simplifying communications among Internet devices and between devices and the Internet. It also aims to simplify data synchronization between Internet devices and other computers.","qid":1110199,"docid":"712235","rank":70,"score":13.32795238494873},{"content":"Bluetooth is a wireless technology standard for exchanging data over short distances (using short-wavelength UHF radio waves in the ISM band from 2.4 to 2.485 GHz[4]) from fixed and mobile devices, and building personal area networks (PANs).","qid":1110199,"docid":"986780","rank":71,"score":13.173215866088867},{"content":"Bluetooth wireless technology is a technology that allows computers, phones, headsets, PDA's and other devices to wirelessly communicate over short distances (typically about 33 feet). Bluetooth wireless technology profile is a specification that defines the minimum requirements that the Bluetooth wireless technology enabled device must support in a specific usage scenario. Compatibility and operation between Bluetooth wireless technology enabled devices may vary.","qid":1110199,"docid":"4800728","rank":72,"score":12.514758110046387},{"content":"WebWise Team | 10th October 2012. Bluetooth is a way of exchanging data wirelessly over short distances, and is an attempt to do away with your computer\u00e2\u0080\u0099s jungle of wiring. Using a special radio frequency to transmit data, it creates a short range network. Turn on, or enable, Bluetooth. 2 Ensure your device is \u00e2\u0080\u0098 visible \u00e2\u0080\u0099 and not \u00e2\u0080\u0098hidden\u00e2\u0080\u0099, so other nearby devices can pick up the signal. 3 Give your device a name to identify it when connecting to other compatible equipment.","qid":1110199,"docid":"5387212","rank":73,"score":12.86419677734375},{"content":"WIFI is a wireless network standard certification for wireless networks. Wireless internet is just a slang people use for their wireless home routers. WIFI certification really isn't necessary given that all wireless cards are standards based today. The standards are 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, and 802.11n today.","qid":1110199,"docid":"7409321","rank":74,"score":12.501932144165039},{"content":"Understand how Bluetooth works. Bluetooth is a wireless technology that allows two different devices to connect. Every Bluetooth device has one or more profiles installed. These profiles determine what the device is capable of, such as Hands-Free (mobile headsets) or Human Interface Device (computer mouse).nowing these can help you determine how to connect your devices. 1 Connecting a hands-free headset to a mobile phone. 2 Connecting wireless mice, keyboards, and printers to laptops and other computers. 3 Connecting portable media players and smartphones to speakers and car stereos.","qid":1110199,"docid":"4771351","rank":75,"score":12.605297088623047},{"content":"Bluetooth and Wi-Fi (the brand name for products using IEEE 802.11 standards) have some similar applications: setting up networks, printing, or transferring files. Wi-Fi is intended as a replacement for high speed cabling for general local area network access in work areas.","qid":1110199,"docid":"1901877","rank":76,"score":13.434294700622559},{"content":"Definition - What does Bluetooth mean? Bluetooth is an open wireless technology standard for transmitting fixed and mobile electronic device data over short distances. Bluetooth was introduced in 1994 as a wireless substitute for RS-232 cables. Bluetooth communicates with a variety of electronic devices and creates personal networks operating within the unlicensed 2.4 GHz band.","qid":1110199,"docid":"5857927","rank":77,"score":13.171720504760742},{"content":"Definition: Bluetooth is a radio communication technology that enables low-power, short distance wireless networking between phones, computers and other network devices. The name Bluetooth is borrowed from Harald Bluetooth, a king in Denmark who lived more than 1,000 years ago.","qid":1110199,"docid":"2301117","rank":78,"score":13.250940322875977},{"content":"Bluetooth 4.0 is using AES 128-bit encryption, while Wi-Fi Direct relies on WPA2 security, which uses AES 256-bit encryption. Both forms use key-based encryption and authentication methods, and both offer enough security for the average consumer.","qid":1110199,"docid":"8160521","rank":79,"score":12.949536323547363},{"content":"What is Broadcom Bluetooth Software? Bluetooth is a wireless technology standard for exchanging data over short distances (using short-wavelength radio transmissions in the ISM band from 2400\u00e2\u0080\u00932480 MHz) from fixed and mobile devices, creating personal area networks (PANs) with high levels of security.","qid":1110199,"docid":"4496260","rank":80,"score":12.587569236755371},{"content":"Bluetooth is a wireless technology that allows you to connect nearby devices, even if they aren't in direct line of sight. Most newer laptops come with Bluetooth hardware already installed, but the chances are lower if your computer is older, or if you're using a desktop. See Step 1 below to learn how to determine if your computer is Bluetooth-capable, and what you can do if it isn't. Ad.","qid":1110199,"docid":"433926","rank":81,"score":12.932016372680664},{"content":"For the medieval king of Denmark, see Harald Bluetooth. Bluetooth is a wireless technology standard for exchanging data over short distances (using short-wavelength UHF radio waves in the ISM band from 2.4 to 2.485 GHz) from fixed and mobile devices, and building personal area networks (PANs).","qid":1110199,"docid":"1144987","rank":82,"score":13.027420043945312},{"content":"The choice of Bluetooth or WiFi is clear. Bluetooth is a universal standard and easy to use. But, its range is quite limited and sound quality is restricted. WiFi systems have a wider range and can offer excellent fidelity. But, different systems that use WiFi are incompatible, and setup may be difficult.","qid":1110199,"docid":"4511137","rank":83,"score":13.995716094970703},{"content":"Bluetooth 4.0 vs. Wi-Fi Direct: Speed Wi-Fi Direct promises device-to-device transfer speeds of up to 250Mbps, while Bluetooth 4.0 promises speeds similar to Bluetooth 3.0 of up to 25Mbps. Both Bluetooth 4.0 and Wi-Fi Direct use the 802.11 networking standard to reach their maximum speeds.","qid":1110199,"docid":"8160527","rank":84,"score":13.34306526184082},{"content":"Bluetooth basically does the same thing a USB cable connection does, but it is a wireless connection to your printer, modem, and other peripherals. Bluetooth is a technology that allows voice and data connections between a wide range of mobile and stationary devices through short-range digital two-way radio. 1 Cellphone and PC manufacturers may enhance their Bluetooth product offerings with support for its low-energy wireless technology.","qid":1110199,"docid":"5857925","rank":85,"score":12.83250617980957},{"content":"Both specifications tout security as one of their main benefits. Bluetooth 4.0 uses AES 128-bit encryption to protect your data as it is transmitted between devices. Wi-Fi Direct, on the other hand, uses WPA2 security, and its AES 256-bit encryption. The winner is clear, but it should be stated that even Bluetooth 4.0 is remarkably secure.","qid":1110199,"docid":"5049363","rank":86,"score":13.335580825805664},{"content":"Bluetooth 3.0 + HS (High Speed) establishes the connection via Bluetooth but transfers data over Wi-Fi. Version 4 added Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). Branded as Bluetooth Smart, BLE uses only a quarter of the power at 1 Mbps, and devices can transmit for years on watch batteries (see Bluetooth LE).","qid":1110199,"docid":"3272910","rank":87,"score":12.488091468811035},{"content":"Bluetooth wireless technology is a technology that allows computers, phones, headsets, PDA's and other devices to wirelessly communicate over short distances (typically about 33 feet).","qid":1110199,"docid":"8404307","rank":88,"score":12.639549255371094},{"content":"Bluetooth is a technology that allows users to connect any Bluetooth compatible electronic device wirelessly. Nowadays it is considered a standard for different laptop manufacturers to include Bluetooth.","qid":1110199,"docid":"6462667","rank":89,"score":12.906120300292969},{"content":"Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are to some extent complementary in their applications and usage. Wi-Fi is usually access point-centered, with an asymmetrical client-server connection with all traffic routed through the access point, while Bluetooth is usually symmetrical, between two Bluetooth devices.","qid":1110199,"docid":"1901879","rank":90,"score":14.02197265625},{"content":"Bluetooth is a wireless service that allows voice and or data connectivity between 2 or more devices. It does not connect however between voice or data services of the phone; it is separate. In other words, no it will not use your data plan, unless you are streaming audio or data from an app like iheart radio, pandora, etc.","qid":1110199,"docid":"3270582","rank":91,"score":12.672565460205078},{"content":"What Is Bluetooth. Bluetooth 4.0, is a specific protocol for device to device communication using a radio frequency. Bluetooth is most commonly known as a protocol for hands off phone control. Yet, Bluetooth is used for a lot more than just phone control. Bluetooth devices include keyboards, mice, headphones, gaming controllers, remote controls, printers, and cameras are the most common computer devices using Bluetooth.","qid":1110199,"docid":"1454027","rank":92,"score":13.329946517944336},{"content":"WI-FI means Wireless Fidelity. The term is actually a trademark name used to brand products that belong to a category of WLAN devices. The devices or hardware branded with the WI-FI trademark is based on the standards stated by IEEE 802.11.","qid":1110199,"docid":"5396609","rank":93,"score":12.532291412353516},{"content":"After all, Bluetooth is a form of wireless technology, but not all wireless technology is Bluetooth. Plus the two technologies are close in name (many companies, Goldtouch included, use the term \u00e2\u0080\u009cBluetooth wireless technology\u00e2\u0080\u009d to describe Bluetooth).","qid":1110199,"docid":"1321205","rank":94,"score":13.633052825927734},{"content":"ZigBee is more economical than Wi-Fi while Bluetooth protocol also consumes more energy and has a greater scattering of parameters of conventionally compatible units. This is caused by the fact that Bluetooth does not have a unified data transfer standard.","qid":1110199,"docid":"4057232","rank":95,"score":13.383567810058594},{"content":"Takeaway: Bluetooth and Wi-Fi: Find out what separates these two wireless technologies. Source: Flickr\/Dana Spiegel. Bluetooth and Wi-Fi are both methods that provide wireless communication, but the difference between the two mainly stems from what they are designed to do and how they are used. The main difference is that Bluetooth is primarily used to connect devices without using cables, while Wi-Fi provides high-speed access to the internet. Bluetooth is a wireless technology standard that is used to exchange data over short distances (less than 30 feet), usually between personal mobile devices.","qid":1110199,"docid":"3838638","rank":96,"score":15.133167266845703},{"content":"1 If Bluetooth community would not get offended, 802.11b is the big brother and Bluetooth is the younger brother. We also see emergence of technologies that bring the two together. Bluetooth access points like Red-M's 1050 connect Bluetooth devices to wireless LANs. See Multi Mode Access Point page on our site.","qid":1110199,"docid":"2655849","rank":97,"score":12.651691436767578},{"content":"Bluetooth refers to Bluetooth technologies 1.0, 2.0 or 3.0. Each Bluetooth version is backwards compatible. Your Bluetooth smartphone, tablet, portable media player or laptop must be the same Bluetooth version or higher as the accessory you would like to pair it with. Bluetooth Smart Ready and Bluetooth Smart refer to Bluetooth technology 4.0.","qid":1110199,"docid":"7628036","rank":98,"score":12.838228225708008},{"content":"Bluetooth is a packet-based protocol with a master-slave structure. One master may communicate with up to seven slaves in a piconet. All devices share the master's clock. Packet exchange is based on the basic clock, defined by the master, which ticks at 312.5 \u00c2\u00b5s intervals.","qid":1110199,"docid":"6478163","rank":99,"score":12.51899528503418},{"content":"Also like WiFi, Bluetooth is \u00e2\u0080\u009cfairly\u00e2\u0080\u009d secure. Unlike WiFi, tethering via Bluetooth isn\u00e2\u0080\u0099t all that common. Sure, people do it, but it\u00e2\u0080\u0099s a little more involved to set up than WiFi, and a little more involved every time you want to use Bluetooth tethering. If power consumption is a concern, Bluetooth is probably the way to go, if you\u00e2\u0080\u0099re willing to configure it.","qid":1110199,"docid":"3838645","rank":100,"score":12.671260833740234}]} {"query":"hydrogen is a liquid below what temperature","hits":[{"content":"At room temperature and pressure, hydrogen's density is so low that it contains less than one-three-hundredth the energy in an equivalent volume of gasoline. In order to fit into a reasonably sized storage tank, hydrogen has to be somehow squeezed into a denser form.","qid":1129237,"docid":"931707","rank":1,"score":12.480205535888672},{"content":"No. Liquid metallic hydrogen only forms when hydrogen is subjected to extreme pressure. Hydrogen is present in trace amounts in Earth's atmosphere in gas form, under low p\u00e2\u0080\u00a6ressure. The core is composed primarily of iron. Liquid metallic hydrogen likely exists in the gas giants Jupiter and Saturn.","qid":1129237,"docid":"3227129","rank":2,"score":12.313549041748047},{"content":"One of hydrogen properties is that it has a lower density. In fact, it is a lot less denser than gasoline. This means that it has to be compressed to liquid state and stored the same way at lower temperatures to guarantee its effectiveness and efficiency as an energy source.","qid":1129237,"docid":"6956014","rank":3,"score":12.511236190795898},{"content":"At a normal temperature of about 25 o C it is liquid, but below 0 o C it will freeze and turn to ice. Water can be found in the gaseous state above 100 o C, this is called the boiling point of water, at which water starts to evaporate. The water turns to gas and is then odourless and colourless.","qid":1129237,"docid":"4621198","rank":4,"score":12.369648933410645},{"content":"For example, the element mercury is liquid in the temperature range of -38.9° C to 356.7° C (we'll discuss the Celsius ° C scale later). As a liquid, mercury expands as it gets warmer, its expansion rate is linear and can be accurately calibrated.","qid":1129237,"docid":"1734789","rank":5,"score":12.206339836120605},{"content":"At temperatures below 32\u00c2\u00b0F (0\u00c2\u00b0C), liquid water freezes; 32\u00c2\u00b0F (0\u00c2\u00b0C) is the freezing point of water. At temperatures above 32\u00c2\u00b0F (0\u00c2\u00b0C), pure water ice melts and changes state from a solid to a liquid (water); 32\u00c2\u00b0F (0\u00c2\u00b0C) is the melting point. For most substances, the melting and freezing points are about the same temperature.","qid":1129237,"docid":"4185025","rank":6,"score":12.295854568481445},{"content":"At these pressures, hydrogen might exist as a liquid rather than solid. Liquid metallic hydrogen is thought to be present in large amounts in the gravitationally compressed interiors of Jupiter, Saturn, and in some extrasolar planets.","qid":1129237,"docid":"128986","rank":7,"score":12.228188514709473},{"content":"water freezes into a solid at 32 degrees Fahrenheit and boils into a gas at 212 degrees Fahrenheit. anywhere in between, water is a liquid. water freezes into a solid at 32 degrees Fahrenheit and boils into a gas at 212 degrees Fahrenheit.","qid":1129237,"docid":"461829","rank":8,"score":12.26084041595459},{"content":"Hydrogen is the lightest of the elements with an atomic weight of 1.0. Liquid hydrogen has a density of 0.07 grams per cubic centimeter, whereas water has a density of 1.0 g\/cc and gasoline about 0.75 g\/cc. These facts give hydrogen both advantages and disadvantages.","qid":1129237,"docid":"3905800","rank":9,"score":12.65418815612793},{"content":"The more crowded and jumbled arrangement in liquid water can be sustained only by the greater amount of thermal energy available above the freezing point. [image source]. When ice melts, the more vigorous thermal motion disrupts much of the hydrogen-bonded structure, allowing the molecules to pack more closely. Water is thus one of the very few substances whose solid form has a lower density than the liquid at the freezing point.","qid":1129237,"docid":"4367164","rank":10,"score":12.212520599365234},{"content":"Hydrogen's state of matter is gas at standard conditions of temperature and pressure. Hydrogen condenses into a liquid or freezes solid at extremely cold... Hydrogen's state of matter is gas at standard conditions of temperature and pressure. Hydrogen condenses into a liquid or freezes solid at extremely cold temperatures. Hydrogen's state of matter can change when the temperature changes, becoming a liquid at temperatures between minus 423.18 and minus 434.49 degrees Fahrenheit. It becomes a solid at temperatures below minus 434.49 F.Due to its high flammability, hydrogen gas is commonly used in combustion reactions, such as in rocket and automobile fuels.","qid":1129237,"docid":"2697752","rank":11,"score":13.905664443969727},{"content":"The density of liquid hydrogen is only 70.99 g\/L (at 20 K), a relative density of just 0.07. Although the specific energy is around twice that of other fuels, this gives it a remarkably low volumetric energy density, many fold lower.","qid":1129237,"docid":"3905799","rank":12,"score":13.678443908691406},{"content":"For example water (H 2 0) is a gas (steam) when heated above 100 C, it is a liquid at room temperature and becomes a solid (ice) when its temperature goes below 0 C, in winter for instance.","qid":1129237,"docid":"1160807","rank":13,"score":12.657143592834473},{"content":"Liquid hydrogen is non-corrosive. Special materials of construction are not required to prevent corrosion. However, because of its extremely cold temperature, equipment must be designed and manufactured of material, which is suitable for extremely low temperature operation.","qid":1129237,"docid":"4254813","rank":14,"score":13.099416732788086},{"content":"Only two elements exist as liquids at a normal room temperature of 20\u00c2\u00b0C\u00e2\u0080\u009325\u00c2\u00b0C: mercury and bromine. The upper right portion of the periodic table also includes most of the elements whose binary hydrides are gases. In addition, the binary hydrides of the elements of Groups 14\u00e2\u0080\u009316 are gases.","qid":1129237,"docid":"3016192","rank":15,"score":12.234787940979004},{"content":"Hydrogen Bonding Water is a liquid at room temperature due to the presence of hydrogen bonds between water molecules. The state of a molecule is determined by intermo \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 lecular forces, such as dipole-dipole interactions, Van der Waals forces (also called London dispersion forces), and hydrogen bonds.t 4oC the density is approximately 1000 kg\/m3 (or 1 g\/cm3) - more acurately though the density would be 999.97 kg\/m3 (or \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 0.9997 g\/cm3). Values for the density of pure water (H2O) have been calculated over a wide range of temperatures. At room temperature (22oC) The density of water is 997.77 kg\/m3 (or 0.99777 g\/cm3).","qid":1129237,"docid":"5916672","rank":16,"score":12.311264991760254},{"content":"It depends, liquid hydrogen is safer than H2 gas; H2 gas needed to be stored in pressurized containers, therefore it will be volatile. Liquid hydrogen burns efficiently and would be good to use as petrol-however I think there is a danger of explosion-high temp and pressure inside the engine of the car.he answer to that question is, yes, definitely!!! Hydrogen molecules and Oxygen molecules have a much lower energy state when combined to make the molecule H2O (water) than the total energy when they are separate molecules of hydrogen (H2) and Oxygen (O2).","qid":1129237,"docid":"8596875","rank":17,"score":12.312853813171387},{"content":"Best Answer: Water molecules can change their status from liquid to gas (evaporation) at any temperature over 0 Celsius degrees. Water molecules can change their status from solid to gas (sublimation) at any temperature below 0 Celsius degrees. At sea level water boils 212 Fahrenheit or 100 celsius. When water boils, all its molecules change their status from liquid to gas.","qid":1129237,"docid":"8449111","rank":18,"score":12.296878814697266},{"content":"For Hydrogen, the boiling point is -253 degrees Celsius; for Mercury it is 357 degrees Celsius, and for Iron it is 2,750 degrees Celsius. From these numbers you can see that at room temperature (and indeed for nearly any temperature found on Earth) Hydrogen is a gas, Mercury is a liquid, and Iron is a solid.","qid":1129237,"docid":"5831781","rank":19,"score":12.902732849121094},{"content":"Answer to: Hydrogen is a liquid below what temperature? By signing up, you'll get thousands of step-by-step solutions to your homework questions.... for Teachers for Schools for Companies","qid":1129237,"docid":"8588222","rank":20,"score":14.452194213867188},{"content":"Hydrogen is also prevalent on Earth in the form of chemical compounds such as hydrocarbons and water. Hydrogen has one one proton and one electron; the most common isotope, protium (H), has no neutrons. Hydrogen has a melting point of -259.14 \u00c2\u00b0C and a boiling point of -252.87 \u00c2\u00b0C.","qid":1129237,"docid":"3905055","rank":21,"score":12.71969985961914},{"content":"Hydrogen is certainly not a colorful chemical element. But it has one surpassing feature. The hydrogen atom happens to be the smallest and lightest of all atomic elements. At temperatures above minus 423 degrees Fahrenheit, it boils and becomes the lightest of the gases.ydrogen is certainly not a colorful chemical element. But it has one surpassing feature. The hydrogen atom happens to be the smallest and lightest of all atomic elements. At temperatures above minus 423 degrees Fahrenheit, it boils and becomes the lightest of the gases.","qid":1129237,"docid":"4141012","rank":22,"score":13.437027931213379},{"content":"Generally the science of cryogenics is when the temperature goes below that which we can reach with conventional refrigeration equipment, around 250 degrees (Fahrenheit) below zero. Many gases are liquid at these low temperatures. They can be colder, but the following list is the temperature at which these gases boil. Before their temperature can get any higher all the liquid must boil away and turn back into a gas. On Earth, none of these gases naturally exist as a liquid.","qid":1129237,"docid":"8588223","rank":23,"score":12.474203109741211},{"content":"Is Mercury a gas a solid or a liquid? Known as a liquid but obviously it can be all three. Mercury is a liquid at room temperature, it will solidify if you make cold enough, -40 C and be gas if you make it hot eno\u00e2\u0080\u00a6ugh, +357 C. It expands and contracts easily in this liquid form, which is why old thermometers used it. 4 people found this useful.","qid":1129237,"docid":"7770519","rank":24,"score":12.437411308288574},{"content":"Substances that are normally gases at 20 C and one atmosphere pressure, such as CO2, oxygen, and nitrogen,have much lower freezing points. The temperature of dry ice is around -80 C or 195 K (195 degrees above absolute zero). Oxygen, argon, and nitrogen freeze at around 65 K. Neon and hydrogen freeze at 10 to 20 K. Normal helium, as it turns out, doesn't ever freeze exactly.","qid":1129237,"docid":"6771711","rank":25,"score":12.187173843383789},{"content":"Here are some relevant facts. 1 Hydrogen is the lightest of the elements with an atomic weight of 1.0. Liquid hydrogen has a density of 0.07 grams per cubic centimeter, whereas water has a density of 1.0 g\/cc and gasoline about 0.75 g\/cc. 2 When hydrogen is burned in air the main product is water.","qid":1129237,"docid":"3905804","rank":26,"score":12.206316947937012},{"content":"Mercury is a liquid metal at room temperature. Dorling Kindersley, Getty Images. There are two elements that are liquid at the temperature technically designated 'room temperature' or 298 K (25\u00c2\u00b0 C) and a total of six elements that can be liquids at actual room temperatures and pressures. Liquid at 25\u00c2\u00b0C. 1 Bromine.","qid":1129237,"docid":"1296733","rank":27,"score":12.64591121673584},{"content":"What temperature does liquid water turn into vapor? If there are no additives, liquid water will boil (begin to vaporize) at 100 degrees Celsius or 212 degrees Fahrenheit. Nb. There is no reason to say liquid Water, as solid \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 water is known as ice and vaporised water is known as Steam.","qid":1129237,"docid":"3072439","rank":28,"score":12.289036750793457},{"content":"Confidence votes 11.4K. At STP (standard temperature and pressure) hydrogen is a gas. It cools to a liquid at -423 \u00c2\u00b0F, which is only about 37 degrees above absolute zero. Eleven degrees cooler, at -434 \u00c2\u00b0F, it starts to solidify.","qid":1129237,"docid":"128989","rank":29,"score":13.932130813598633},{"content":"Answer The boiling point of liquid hydrogen is 20.268 K (-252.88 \u00c2\u00b0C or -423.184 \u00c2\u00b0F) The freezing point of hydrogen is 14.025 K (-259.125 \u00c2\u00b0C or -434.","qid":1129237,"docid":"4254815","rank":30,"score":13.579902648925781},{"content":"[\u00e2\u0080\u0093]IsaystoImIsays 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (0 children) The most would probably be liquid hydrogen or something that has no viscosity at absolute zero. The least viscous would be some type of tar or something that people thought was solid, but after years of watching it at a lab, a drop finally fell.","qid":1129237,"docid":"3530438","rank":31,"score":12.186885833740234},{"content":"Hydrogen is a liquid at -253 degree C and it is very near to absolute zero which is known as -273 degree C. Edit. Share to: 1 The Periodic Table of Elements Life is sustained by a number of chemical elements. 2 They are responsible for the birth of planets and the evolution of cells to complex organisms.","qid":1129237,"docid":"4254816","rank":32,"score":14.131402015686035},{"content":"The hydrogen gas that makes up most of the atmosphere slowly changes to liquid with depth as the pressure increases. Below the liquid hydrogen rests the heavier liquid helium. Deep in the depths of the body of Saturn, the hydrogen is then under tremendous pressure, and is transformed to liquid metallic hydrogen.","qid":1129237,"docid":"302210","rank":33,"score":12.228633880615234},{"content":"A: At 32 \u00c2\u00b0F (0 \u00c2\u00b0C), both phases are stable. \u00ef\u0081\u00ae Water has three phases: solid, liquid, and gas. \u00ef\u0081\u00ae Ice has a melting temperature of 32 \u00c2\u00b0F (0 \u00c2\u00b0C) \u00ef\u0081\u00ae below which solid ice is the stable phase, \u00ef\u0081\u00ae above which liquid water is the stable phase, \u00ef\u0081\u00ae at which ice and water can coexist. Water, Steam, and Ice 5. Phases of Matter. \u00ef\u0081\u00ae Ice is solid: fixed volume and fixed shape.","qid":1129237,"docid":"4331388","rank":34,"score":12.39518928527832},{"content":"Hydrogen occurs as a gas that you can\u00e2\u0080\u0099t see and can\u00e2\u0080\u0099t smell. It is about 14 times lighter than air. When you combine two atoms of hydrogen with one atom of oxygen you get a water molecule H 2O. Like nitrogen, hydrogen can also be condensed to a liquid that freezes at \u00e2\u0080\u0093 259\u00c2\u00b0C (-434\u00c2\u00b0F) and boils at -252\u00c2\u00b0C (-423\u00c2\u00b0F). Hydrogen is one of the most common elements in our universe. The sun and many stars are made of hydrogen.","qid":1129237,"docid":"5619502","rank":35,"score":12.488134384155273},{"content":"1. About 10 percent of the weight of living organisms is hydrogen \u00e2\u0080\u0093 mainly in water, proteins and fats. 2. Liquid hydrogen has the lowest density of any liquid. 3. Solid, crystalline hydrogen has the lowest density of any crystalline solid. 4. Hydrogen is the only element that can exist without neutrons.","qid":1129237,"docid":"1020793","rank":36,"score":12.832284927368164},{"content":"Give a reason for the fact that water, the hydride of oxygen, is a liquid at room temperature while the hydride of sulfur (the next member of Group 16) is a gas? (1.) Hydrogen fluoride is a liquid at room temperature and a weak acid but hydrogen chloride is a gas and a strong acid. Explain these facts. (2.) For similar reasons water and ammonia have unexpected properties.","qid":1129237,"docid":"4915547","rank":37,"score":12.671527862548828},{"content":"Generally the science of cryogenics is when the temperature goes below that which we can reach with conventional refrigeration equipment, around 250 degrees (Fahrenheit) below zero. Many gases are liquid at these low temperatures. They can be colder, but the following list is the temperature at which these gases boil.","qid":1129237,"docid":"3808540","rank":38,"score":12.163894653320312},{"content":"Mercury and water are both liquid at room temperature and 1 atmosphere of pressure. You can make water boil, however, by putting it in a vacuum! Boiling is the process of a substance changing from liquid to gas phase.or Hydrogen, the boiling point is -253 degrees Celsius; for Mercury it is 357 degrees Celsius, and for Iron it is 2,750 degrees Celsius. From these numbers you can see that at room temperature (and indeed for nearly any temperature found on Earth) Hydrogen is a gas, Mercury is a liquid, and Iron is a solid.","qid":1129237,"docid":"3683096","rank":39,"score":12.441883087158203},{"content":"That turns out to be a tricky problem to answer. When liquid water is cooled below -42 degrees F, it crystallizes into ice too quickly for scientists to measure the temperature of the liquid.","qid":1129237,"docid":"4746789","rank":40,"score":12.240009307861328},{"content":"At temperatures below 32 \u00c2\u00b0 F (0 \u00c2\u00b0 C), liquid water freezes; 32 \u00c2\u00b0 F (0 \u00c2\u00b0 C) is the freezing point of water. At temperatures above 32 \u00c2\u00b0 F (0 \u00c2\u00b0 C), pure water ice melts and changes state from a solid to a liquid (water); 32 \u00c2\u00b0 F (0 \u00c2\u00b0 C) is the melting point. For most substances, the melting and freezing points are about the same temperature.","qid":1129237,"docid":"2338961","rank":41,"score":12.254561424255371},{"content":"As the temperature is increased they will melt and become liquids. Each element melts at a different temperature, called it's melting point. Hydrogen melts at -259 degrees Celsius. Mercury melts at -39 degrees Celsius. Iron melts at 1,535 degrees Celsius. As the temperature is increased still further, each element will boil and become a gas. Each element boils at a different temperature, called the boiling point.","qid":1129237,"docid":"5831788","rank":42,"score":12.703880310058594},{"content":"Hydrogen is found naturally in the molecular H2 form. To exist as a liquid, H2 must be cooled below hydrogen's critical point of 33 K. However, for hydrogen to be in a fully liquid state without boiling at atmospheric pressure, it needs to be cooled to 20.28 K (\u00e2\u0088\u0092423.17 \u00c2\u00b0F\/\u00e2\u0088\u0092252.87 \u00c2\u00b0C).","qid":1129237,"docid":"3905802","rank":43,"score":14.2843017578125},{"content":"Hydrogen is a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas. Its density is the lowest of any chemical element, 0.08999 grams per liter. By comparison, a liter of air weighs 1.29 grams, 14 times as much as a liter of hydrogen.very molecule of water (H 2 O) contains two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. Hydrogen is also found in many rocks and minerals. Its abundance is estimated to be about 1,500 parts per million. That makes hydrogen the tenth most abundant element in the Earth's crust.","qid":1129237,"docid":"6172874","rank":44,"score":12.368669509887695},{"content":"Liquid water exists based on the molecular structure of the water, and the temperature of those molecules. Liquid water is water, H2O within a temperature range of 0-100 degre\u00e2\u0080\u00a6es celsius. The H20 compounds cling to other H20 compounds due to gravity, and a large amount of H2O compound form molecules of water.","qid":1129237,"docid":"1857133","rank":45,"score":12.691864013671875},{"content":"Helium-4 is a liquid at normal pressure near absolute zero, a consequence of its high zero-point energy (ZPE). The ZPE of protons in a dense state is also high, and a decline in the ordering energy (relative to the ZPE) is expected at high pressures.","qid":1129237,"docid":"128988","rank":46,"score":12.14678955078125},{"content":"Gas. For hydrogen to become a liquid, you need to cool it down to 20.28 K, which is -252.87 degrees Celcius, or -434.45 degrees Fahrenheit if that is more your style. 6 people found this useful.","qid":1129237,"docid":"128982","rank":47,"score":14.487552642822266},{"content":"Hydrogen is a liquid below what temperature? was asked by Shelly Notetaker on May 31 2017. 426 students have viewed the answer on StudySoup. View the answer on StudySoup. Sign Up Login","qid":1129237,"docid":"8588226","rank":48,"score":14.869872093200684},{"content":"At STP (standard temperature and pressure) hydrogen is a gas. It cools to a liquid at -423 \u00c2\u00b0F, which is only about 37 degrees above absolute zero. Eleven degrees cooler, at \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 -434 \u00c2\u00b0F, it starts to solidify.","qid":1129237,"docid":"4254811","rank":49,"score":13.841890335083008},{"content":"Hydrogen gas has the molecular formula H 2. At room temperature and under standard pressure conditions, hydrogen is a gas that is tasteless, odorless and colorless. Hydrogen can exist as a liquid under high pressure and an extremely low temperature of 20.28 kelvin (\u00e2\u0088\u0092252.87\u00c2\u00b0C, \u00e2\u0088\u0092423.17 \u00c2\u00b0F). Hydrogen is often stored in this way as liquid hydrogen takes up less space than hydrogen in its normal gas form. Liquid hydrogen is also used as a rocket fuel.","qid":1129237,"docid":"128984","rank":50,"score":13.607365608215332},{"content":"Liquid hydrogen or slush hydrogen may be used, as in the Space Shuttle. However liquid hydrogen requires cryogenic storage and boils around 20.268 K (\u00e2\u0088\u0092252.882 \u00c2\u00b0C or \u00e2\u0088\u0092423.188 \u00c2\u00b0F). Hence, its liquefaction imposes a large energy loss (as energy is needed to cool it down to that temperature).","qid":1129237,"docid":"998751","rank":51,"score":13.541751861572266},{"content":"1 Liquid metallic hydrogen: Helium is a liquid at normal pressure and temperatures near absolute zero, a result of its high zero-point energy (ZPE), the lowest possible energy.","qid":1129237,"docid":"3641168","rank":52,"score":13.187028884887695},{"content":"Gas to Liquid: Water change from a gas (water vapor) to a liquid through the process of condensation. The gas cools and loses energy which forces the particles-hydrogen and oxygen in the case of water-to change state from a gas to a liquid.Liquid to Solid: When water as a liquid turns to water as a solid (ice) it goes through the process of freezing. The liquid cools below the freezing point and loses energy.ydrogen and oxygen are elements. What that really means is that when an atom, the fundamental unit that makes up everything, has 1 proton (a positively charged sub-atomic particle) it is a hydrogen atom, and when it has 8 protons, it is an oxygen atom. Hydrogen gas is two hydrogen atoms bonded together, H 2.","qid":1129237,"docid":"3279719","rank":53,"score":12.515716552734375},{"content":"The melting point of ice is 0 \u00c2\u00b0C (32 \u00c2\u00b0F; 273 K) at standard pressure; however, pure liquid water can be supercooled well below that temperature without freezing if the liquid is not mechanically disturbed. It can remain in a fluid state down to its homogeneous nucleation point of about 231 K (\u00e2\u0088\u009242 \u00c2\u00b0C; \u00e2\u0088\u009244 \u00c2\u00b0F).","qid":1129237,"docid":"2156395","rank":54,"score":12.149998664855957},{"content":"For example, the element mercury is liquid in the temperature range of -38.9\u00c2\u00b0 C to 356.7\u00c2\u00b0 C (we'll discuss the Celsius \u00c2\u00b0 C scale later). As a liquid, mercury expands as it gets warmer, its expansion rate is linear and can be accurately calibrated.","qid":1129237,"docid":"4347914","rank":55,"score":12.197798728942871},{"content":"Liquid helium solidifies only under very low temperatures and great pressures. At temperatures below their liquefaction points, both helium-4 and helium-3 undergo transitions to superfluids.","qid":1129237,"docid":"8431277","rank":56,"score":12.152368545532227},{"content":"Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: Hydrogen, like water, can exist in 3 states....Solid, Liquid and Gas Its temperature as a solid is \u00e2\u0088\u0092259.14 \u00c2\u00b0C' Hydrogen melts to liquid at \u00e2\u0088\u0092252.87 \u00c2\u00b0C. It boils and vaporises at -252.125 \u00c2\u00b0C Just cooling or compressing Hydrogen won't liquefy or freeze it.","qid":1129237,"docid":"5906130","rank":57,"score":14.226842880249023},{"content":"At temperatures below 32 \u00c2\u00b0 F (0 \u00c2\u00b0 C), liquid water freezes; 32 \u00c2\u00b0 F (0 \u00c2\u00b0 C) is the freezing point of water. At temperatures above 32 \u00c2\u00b0 F (0 \u00c2\u00b0 C), pure water ice melts and changes state from a solid to a liquid (water); 32 \u00c2\u00b0 F (0 \u00c2\u00b0 C) is the melting point.","qid":1129237,"docid":"4076308","rank":58,"score":12.155920028686523},{"content":"Mercury thermometers do not work below the freezing point of mercury, which is minus 38.83 degrees Celsius or minus 37.89 degrees Fahrenheit. Mercury vapors and physical contact with mercury are very dangerous.","qid":1129237,"docid":"7922570","rank":59,"score":12.157308578491211},{"content":"We are familiar with the three states in which water exists--as ice up to its melting point of 0 \u00c2\u00b0C, as a liquid between 0 and 100 \u00c2\u00b0C, and as a gas (steam) above 100 \u00c2\u00b0C. We also know that any substance can be vaporized if the temperature is high enough.","qid":1129237,"docid":"2801277","rank":60,"score":12.56878662109375},{"content":"1 APPEARANCE: Hydrogen fluoride is a colorless fuming liquid below 67\u00c2\u00b0F (19.4\u00c2\u00b0C), or a colorless gas. 2 When hydrogen fluoride is combined with water it is known as hydrofluoric acid, a colorless liquid, which in low concentrations is visually indistinguishable from water.","qid":1129237,"docid":"1770027","rank":61,"score":12.520668029785156},{"content":"The chemical element helium exists in a liquid form only at the extremely low temperature of \u00e2\u0088\u0092269 \u00c2\u00b0C (about 4 K or \u00e2\u0088\u0092452.2 \u00c2\u00b0F). Its boiling point and critical point depend on which isotope of helium is present: the common isotope helium-4 or the rare isotope helium-3. These are the only two stable isotopes of helium.","qid":1129237,"docid":"8431281","rank":62,"score":12.66833782196045},{"content":"Hydrogen is a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas. Its density is the lowest of any chemical element, 0.08999 grams per liter. By comparison, a liter of air weighs 1.29 grams, 14 times as much as a liter of hydrogen. Hydrogen changes from a gas to a liquid at a temperature of -252.77\u00c2\u00b0C (-422.99\u00c2\u00b0F) and from a liquid to a solid at a temperature of -259.2\u00c2\u00b0C (-434.6\u00c2\u00b0F). It is slightly soluble in water, alcohol, and a few other common liquids.","qid":1129237,"docid":"3905057","rank":63,"score":13.240989685058594},{"content":"Hydrogen can exist as a liquid under high pressure and an extremely low temperature of 20.28 kelvin (\u00e2\u0088\u0092252.87\u00c2\u00b0C, \u00e2\u0088\u0092423.17 \u00c2\u00b0F). Hydrogen is often stored in this way as liquid hydrogen takes up less space than hydrogen in its normal gas form. Liquid hydrogen is also used as a rocket fuel.ydrogen is found in large amounts in giant gas planets and stars, it plays a key role in powering stars through fusion reactions. Hydrogen is one of two important elements found in water (H 2 O). Each molecule of water is made up of two hydrogen atoms bonded to one oxygen atom.","qid":1129237,"docid":"6080460","rank":64,"score":13.826141357421875},{"content":"What is the temperature of the gas turn to liquid? Every gas has a different liquidation temperature based on what element it is. Hydrogen has a liquidation point of 423.17 degrees below zero F.","qid":1129237,"docid":"7911557","rank":65,"score":13.076841354370117},{"content":"All of these are gases and yet have much higher molecular weights than water does. However, none of these can hydrogen bond, and that is why they are gases, whereas water is a liquid. Of course, at high temperatures water is a gas (steam) and at low temperatures water is a solid (ice). See the Web Links for more information about intermolecular forces. Why is water at room temperature a liquid?","qid":1129237,"docid":"461837","rank":66,"score":12.32039737701416},{"content":"a transparent, odorless, tasteless liquid, a compound of hydrogen and oxygen, H 2 O, freezing at 32\u00c2\u00b0F or 0\u00c2\u00b0C and boiling at 212\u00c2\u00b0F or 100\u00c2\u00b0C, that in a more or less impure state constitutes rain, oceans, lakes, rivers, etc.: it contains 11.188 percent hydrogen and 88.812 percent oxygen, by weight.","qid":1129237,"docid":"6640165","rank":67,"score":12.30618667602539},{"content":"Boiling Point Melting Point; Hydrogen: 1.00794: 1: 20.28 Kelvin: 13.81 Kelvin: Helium: 4.0026: 2: 4.216 Kelvin: 0.95 Kelvin: Lithium: 6.941: 3: 1615 Kelvin: 453.7 Kelvin: Beryllium: 9.01218: 4: 3243 Kelvin: 1560 Kelvin: Boron: 10.811: 5: 4275 Kelvin: 2365 Kelvin: Carbon: 12.011: 6: 5100 Kelvin: 3825 Kelvin: Nitrogen: 14.0067: 7: 77.344 Kelvin: 63.15 Kelvin: Oxygen: 15.9994: 8: 90.188 Kelvin: 54.8 Kelvin: Fluorine: 18.9984: 9: 85 Kelvin","qid":1129237,"docid":"4946421","rank":68,"score":12.733293533325195},{"content":"In 1908 he managed to lower the temperature to less than four degrees above absolute zero, to less than \u00e2\u0088\u0092269 \u00c2\u00b0C (4 Kelvin). Only in this exceptionally cold state will helium liquify, the boiling point of helium being at \u00e2\u0088\u0092268.94 \u00c2\u00b0C.","qid":1129237,"docid":"7788682","rank":69,"score":12.274625778198242},{"content":"Hydrogen Bonding Water is a liquid at room temperature due to the presence of hydrogen bonds between water molecules. The state of a molecule is determined by intermo\u00e2\u0080\u00a6lecular forces, such as dipole-dipole interactions, Van der Waals forces (also called London dispersion forces), and hydrogen bonds.","qid":1129237,"docid":"461835","rank":70,"score":12.379566192626953},{"content":"It is because of forces between molecules called hydrogen bonds. The hydrogen atoms of one water molecule are attracted to the lone pairs of electrons on the oxygen atoms of adjoining water molecules.","qid":1129237,"docid":"7377302","rank":71,"score":12.326518058776855},{"content":"Water near the boiling point is about 96% as dense as water at 4 \u00c2\u00b0C. The melting point of ice is 0 \u00c2\u00b0C (32 \u00c2\u00b0F, 273.15 K) at standard pressure, however, pure liquid water can be supercooled well below that temperature without freezing if the liquid is not mechanically disturbed.","qid":1129237,"docid":"5112773","rank":72,"score":12.17441177368164},{"content":"At the temperature and pressure of Jupiter's interior hydrogen is a liquid, not a gas. It is an electrical conductor and the source of Jupiter's magnetic field. This layer probably also contains some helium and traces of various ices .","qid":1129237,"docid":"7050921","rank":73,"score":12.391708374023438},{"content":"When you combine two atoms of hydrogen with one atom of oxygen you get a water molecule H 2O. Like nitrogen, hydrogen can also be condensed to a liquid that freezes at \u00e2\u0080\u0093 259\u00c2\u00b0C (-434\u00c2\u00b0F) and boils at -252\u00c2\u00b0C (-423\u00c2\u00b0F). Hydrogen is one of the most common elements in our universe.","qid":1129237,"docid":"8450766","rank":74,"score":12.774459838867188},{"content":"While below 4 \u00c2\u00b0C the breakage of hydrogen bonds due to heating allows water molecules to pack closer despite the increase in the thermal motion (which tends to expand a liquid), above 4 \u00c2\u00b0C water expands as the temperature increases. Water near the boiling point is about 4% less dense than water at 4 \u00c2\u00b0C (39 \u00c2\u00b0F).","qid":1129237,"docid":"1959030","rank":75,"score":12.634437561035156},{"content":"hydrogen is flammable yes, but not very. because it is the least dense element it disperses very quickly meaning if it were to leak out of something it would disperse before it could ignite. It also burns very fast and has a higher ignition temperature than gasoline (gasoline is between 228 and 500, hydrogen is 550).","qid":1129237,"docid":"767822","rank":76,"score":12.22370719909668},{"content":"User: Hydrogen is a liquid below what temperature? a. 100 degrees C c. -183 degrees C b. -253 degrees C d. 0 degrees C Weegy: Hydrogen is a liquid below 253 degrees C. User: What is the boiling point of oxygen? a. 100 degrees C c. -57 degrees C b. 8 degrees C d. -183 degrees C Weegy: The boiling point of oxygen is -183 degrees C.","qid":1129237,"docid":"8588219","rank":77,"score":15.045989036560059},{"content":"Different substances are completely different. Water is 100 C. A liquid becomes a gas when the heat no longer raises the temperature but uses the heat energy to break apart in\u00e2\u0080\u00a6termolecular forces. So basically there is no single answer for all liquids. However, the name of the temperature is the boiling point.","qid":1129237,"docid":"5127617","rank":78,"score":12.187129974365234},{"content":"As a chemical compound, a water molecule contains one oxygen and two hydrogen atoms that are connected by covalent bonds. Water is a liquid at standard ambient temperature and pressure, but it often co-exists on Earth with its solid state, ice; and gaseous state, steam (water vapor).It also exists as snow, fog, dew and cloud. Water covers 71% of the Earth's surface. It is vital for all known forms of life.ater is a liquid at standard ambient temperature and pressure, but it often co-exists on Earth with its solid state, ice; and gaseous state, steam (water vapor). It also exists as snow, fog, dew and cloud. Water covers 71% of the Earth's surface. It is vital for all known forms of life.","qid":1129237,"docid":"3028649","rank":79,"score":12.178857803344727},{"content":"Credit: Michael Phillips E+ Getty Images. According to Jefferson Labs, mercury's melting and freezing point is -38.8 degrees Celsius; this is far lower than that of water. Its boiling point is 356.7 degrees Celsius, 629.9 Kelvin or 674.1 degrees Fahrenheit, far higher than water. At room temperature, mercury is a liquid. Mercury has an atomic number of 80 on the periodic table and has an atomic weight of 200.59.","qid":1129237,"docid":"6102188","rank":80,"score":12.153289794921875},{"content":"The atoms and molecules don't change, but the way they move about does. Water, for example, is always made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. However, it can take the state of liquid, solid (ice), and gas (steam). Matter changes state when more energy gets added to it. Energy is often added in the form of heat or pressure. Water. Solid water is called ice.","qid":1129237,"docid":"8391279","rank":81,"score":12.258805274963379},{"content":"Known as a liquid but obviously it can be all three. Mercury is a liquid at room temperature, it will solidify if you make cold enough, -40 C and be gas if you make it hot eno\u00e2\u0080\u00a6ugh, +357 C. It expands and contracts easily in this liquid form, which is why old thermometers used it.","qid":1129237,"docid":"1864853","rank":82,"score":12.227312088012695},{"content":"At room temperature hydrogen is a gas. It is a colorless, tasteless and odorless gas. It is the lightest gas. It is insoluble in water. It is highly inflammable and burns with blue flame forming water. Liquefication temperature of hydrogen is -252oC. Bond energy of H-H is 431 Kj\/mole. Electro negativity of hydrogen is 2.1.","qid":1129237,"docid":"998748","rank":83,"score":12.979681968688965},{"content":"The atoms in a liquid have more energy than the atoms in a solid. There is a special temperature for every substance called the melting point. When a solid reaches the temperature of its melting point, it can become a liquid. For water, the temperature needs to be a little over zero degrees Celsius (0 o C) for you to melt.","qid":1129237,"docid":"5072728","rank":84,"score":12.46664810180664},{"content":"The water molecule. Ice is the solid state of water, a normally liquid substance that freezes to the solid state at temperatures of 0 \u00c2\u00b0C (32 \u00c2\u00b0F) or lower and expands to the gaseous state at temperatures of 100 \u00c2\u00b0C (212 \u00c2\u00b0F) or higher.","qid":1129237,"docid":"2817427","rank":85,"score":12.397615432739258},{"content":"A further temperature decrease below the boiling point eventually results in mixtures of liquid and solid hydrogen or slush hydrogen, SLH 2. Slush offers the advantages of a higher density and a prolongation of the storage time of the cryogen as the solid melts and absorbs heat. A safety risk is","qid":1129237,"docid":"8588227","rank":86,"score":12.894170761108398},{"content":"What is neon's state of matter? Full Answer Hydrogen's state of matter can change when the temperature changes, becoming a liquid at temperatures between minus 423.18 and minus 434.49 degrees Fahrenheit. It becomes a solid at temperatures below minus 434.49 F. Due to its high flammability, hydrogen gas is commonly used in combustion reactions, such as in rocket and automobile fuels.","qid":1129237,"docid":"2697746","rank":87,"score":13.438264846801758},{"content":"We are typically used to atmospheric pressure. Therefore, we expect water to be a liquid at room temperature, to freeze to a solid below 32 degrees Fahrenheit (0 deg Celsius), and to boil into the gas phase above 212 deg F (100 deg C).","qid":1129237,"docid":"5831784","rank":88,"score":12.27053451538086},{"content":"Water exists naturally on the planet in all three states. When the temperature of the water is below freezing (32 degrees Fahrenheit), it is a solid. Between the freezing point and the boiling point, it is a liquid. And above the boiling point (212 degrees Fahrenheit), it is a gas. Aside from the three states, water has a number of unique properties.","qid":1129237,"docid":"6366866","rank":89,"score":12.622944831848145},{"content":"The critical point of liquid water is at 650\u00c2\u00b0K (with a much higher pressure than you care to create in space: 22MPa), which is only 450\u00c2\u00b0 above the sublimation temperature. But the water should be cooled by 540\u00c2\u00b0 to provide enough heat to evaporate completely.","qid":1129237,"docid":"3064666","rank":90,"score":12.183977127075195},{"content":"Hydrogen is cold but it won't make zero. Nothing will make the temperature 0 so molecules will always be in motion. The Kinetic Theory should be a law. It will need lots of hydrogen gas. Hydrogen is cold but it won't make zero. Nothing will make the temperature 0 so molecules will always be in motion.","qid":1129237,"docid":"8658472","rank":91,"score":12.42886734008789},{"content":"The main job of the tank is to hold about 535,000 gallons of super cold liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen. The lower portion of the tank holds the liquid hydrogen, which is the fuel for the engines. The second-coldest known chemical, it is stored in the tank at minus 423 degrees Fahrenheit.","qid":1129237,"docid":"5627214","rank":92,"score":12.529348373413086},{"content":"As it is a gas, Hydrogen is neither shiny or dull. It can be liquified at temperatures around 14 degK (about -435 degF) Gaseous Hydrogen will conduct electricity only when ionized, as such it is classed as an insulator. Astrobuf.","qid":1129237,"docid":"2152821","rank":93,"score":12.414798736572266},{"content":"Neon has the narrowest liquid range of any element. It only remains a liquid from 24.55 K to 27.05 K. It is the second lightest noble gas after helium. When neon is in a vacuum discharge tube, it glows with a reddish-orange light.","qid":1129237,"docid":"1373688","rank":94,"score":12.193056106567383},{"content":"There are two elements that are liquid at the temperature technically designated 'room temperature' or 298 K (25\u00c2\u00b0 C) and a total of six elements that can be liquids at actual room temperatures and pressures. Elements That Are Liquid at 25\u00c2\u00b0C. Room temperature is a loosely defined term that can mean anywhere from 20\u00c2\u00b0C to 29\u00c2\u00b0C. For science, it's usually considered to be either 20\u00c2\u00b0C or 25\u00c2\u00b0C. At this temperature and ordinary pressure, only two elements are liquids.","qid":1129237,"docid":"3054739","rank":95,"score":12.57919979095459},{"content":"Mercury only becomes solid at temperatures below 37.89 degrees Fahrenheit. Mercury becomes a liquid at room temperature. Mercury is very weird. It attaches to metal, but bends over plastic. It is poisonous if used wrong. It is used in thermometers.","qid":1129237,"docid":"5831780","rank":96,"score":12.308430671691895},{"content":"Despite criticism and early technical failures, the taming of liquid hydrogen proved to be one of NASA's most significant technical accomplishments. . . . Hydrogen -- a light and extremely powerful rocket propellant -- has the lowest molecular weight of any known substance and burns with extreme intensity (5,500\u00c2\u00b0F).","qid":1129237,"docid":"1080294","rank":97,"score":12.582615852355957},{"content":"The hydrogens are slightly positive. They get this way because of the electronegativity of oxygen. Electronegativity is a measure of how much one atom wants to have electrons, and oxygen wants to have electrons more than hydrogen does. Oxygen has a higher electronegativity.","qid":1129237,"docid":"3098937","rank":98,"score":12.167794227600098},{"content":"Report Abuse. At normal atmospheric pressure and temperature, it is a gas. If you make it very, very cold, or very compressed it would become a liquid. If you managed to make it even colder, it would eventually become a solid. Water is like that too except that it is a liquid at normal atmospheric pressure and temperature.","qid":1129237,"docid":"5906132","rank":99,"score":13.4786376953125},{"content":"The Lower Density of Ice. At cooler temperatures, the hydrogen bonds of water molecules form ice crystals. The hydrogen bonds are more stable and will maintain its crystal-like shape. Ice\u00e2\u0080\u0094the solid form of water\u00e2\u0080\u0094is less dense than water because of the hydrogen bonds being spaced out and being relatively apart.","qid":1129237,"docid":"8698591","rank":100,"score":12.196245193481445}]} {"query":"what are the social determinants of health","hits":[{"content":"Health starts in our homes, schools, workplaces, neighborhoods, and communities. We know that taking care of ourselves by eating well and staying active, not smoking, getting the recommended immunizations and screening tests, and seeing a doctor when we are sick all influence our health.","qid":573724,"docid":"7674856","rank":1,"score":13.755517959594727},{"content":"In the spirit of social justice, the Commission on Social. Determinants of Health was set up by the World Health. Organization (WHO) in 2005 to marshal the evidence. on what can be done to promote health equity, and to. foster a global movement to achieve it. As the Commission has done its work, several.","qid":573724,"docid":"4017883","rank":2,"score":12.405125617980957},{"content":"Social determinants of health. The social determinants of health (SDOH) are the economic and social conditions and their distribution among the population that influence individual and group differences in health status.","qid":573724,"docid":"394136","rank":3,"score":14.48643684387207},{"content":"Social Determinant of Food Choice. Hunger is the main reason for eating but there are other factors that influence our choice of food which isn\u00e2\u0080\u0099t solely determined by physiological or nutritional needs. There are several determinants that affect our food choice, such as: 1 Biological-hunger, appetite, and taste.","qid":573724,"docid":"5516331","rank":4,"score":12.622285842895508},{"content":"All these health determinants interact to create a complex set of health dynamics. But reducing poverty, providing livelihoods, increasing access to education and promoting gender equality are key parts of the puzzle.","qid":573724,"docid":"1509943","rank":5,"score":13.291540145874023},{"content":"Country updates on social determinants of health. WHO and national multidisciplinary teams in Morocco and Nepal are undertaking a review process to improve health programme results, close coverage gaps and better meet population needs.","qid":573724,"docid":"162145","rank":6,"score":12.531599044799805},{"content":"Assess the community to find the social determinants of your issue. The purpose of community assessment is largely to assess the community for needs and assets, but the strategies it proposes are equally useful in searching for social determinants of health and development.","qid":573724,"docid":"5962419","rank":7,"score":12.429676055908203},{"content":"Social Determinants of Health. The complex, integrated, and overlapping social structures and economic systems that are responsible for most health inequities. These social structures and economic systems include the social environment, physical environment, health services, and structural and societal factors.","qid":573724,"docid":"7199673","rank":8,"score":14.789755821228027},{"content":"Key Topics of Study. 1 Social determinants of health (poverty, gender, oppression, caste, and hierarchy) and health equity and social justice. 2 The scourge of malnutrition, failure of the health system, and response of the community. 3 Public health systems in India: traditional, Ayurveda, homeopathy, Unani, and allopathy.","qid":573724,"docid":"5185664","rank":9,"score":13.567323684692383},{"content":"About social determinants of health The social determinants of health are the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work and age. These circumstances are shaped by the distribution of money, power and resources at global, national and local levels. The social determinants of health are mostly responsible for health inequities - the unfair and avoidable differences in health status seen within and between countries. Key concepts","qid":573724,"docid":"7199669","rank":10,"score":14.617286682128906},{"content":"The social determinants of health are linked to the economic and social conditions and their distribution among the population that influence individual and group differences in health status. They are health promoting factors found in one's living and working conditions, rather than individual risk factors that influence the risk for a disease, or vulnerability to disease or injury. According to some viewpoints, the distributions of social determinants are shaped by public policies that reflect","qid":573724,"docid":"394142","rank":11,"score":14.515254974365234},{"content":"The Social Determinants of Health topic area within Healthy People 2020 is designed to identify ways to create social and physical environments that promote good health for all. All Americans deserve an equal opportunity to make the choices that lead to good health.","qid":573724,"docid":"8833199","rank":12,"score":13.305156707763672},{"content":"1 Climate change affects the social and environmental determinants of health \u00e2\u0080\u0093 clean air, safe drinking water, sufficient food and secure shelter.","qid":573724,"docid":"305009","rank":13,"score":13.145992279052734},{"content":"According to the World Health Organization, the main determinants of health include the social and economic environment, the physical environment, and the person's individual characteristics and behaviors.","qid":573724,"docid":"7964601","rank":14,"score":13.467394828796387},{"content":"Social Factors. 1 Social determinants of health reflect the social factors and physical conditions of the environment in which people are born, live, learn, play, work, and age. Also known as social and physical determinants of health, they impact a wide range of health, functioning, and quality-of-life outcomes.","qid":573724,"docid":"5310530","rank":15,"score":14.50197982788086},{"content":"These social structures and economic systems include the social environment, physical environment, health services, and structural and societal factors. Social determinants of health are shaped by the distribution of money, power, and resources throughout local communities, nations, and the world [9].","qid":573724,"docid":"2133806","rank":16,"score":13.677494049072266},{"content":"Social determinants of health are economic and social conditions that influence the health of people and communities [1]. These conditions are shaped by the amount of money, power, and resources that people have, all of which are influenced by policy choices.Social determinants of health affect factors that are related to health outcomes.eterminants of health are factors that contribute to a person's current state of health. These factors may be biological, socioeconomic, psychosocial, behavioral, or social in nature. Scientists generally recognize five determinants of health of a population [2, 3]: 1 Genes and biology: for example, sex and age.","qid":573724,"docid":"3146238","rank":17,"score":14.593902587890625},{"content":"Both access to health services and the quality of health services can impact health. Healthy People 2020 directly addresses access to health services as a topic area and incorporates quality of health services throughout a number of topic areas.","qid":573724,"docid":"1165123","rank":18,"score":12.592649459838867},{"content":"NCHHSTP Social Determinants of Health. Definitions. The National Center for HIV\/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention uses the words below to describe health equity and social determinants of health. These words are also used by the World Health Organization and the Department of Health and Human Service's Healthy People 2020.","qid":573724,"docid":"87409","rank":19,"score":13.066031455993652},{"content":"They are health promoting factors found in one's living and working conditions (such as the distribution of income, wealth, influence, and power), rather than individual risk factors (such as behavioural risk factors or genetics) that influence the risk for a disease, or vulnerability to disease or injury.","qid":573724,"docid":"394135","rank":20,"score":14.457486152648926},{"content":"The social determinants of health (SDOH) are linked to the economic and social conditions and their distribution among the population that influence individual and group differences in health status.","qid":573724,"docid":"394138","rank":21,"score":14.397226333618164},{"content":"Examples of social determinants include: 1 Availability of resources to meet daily needs, such as educational and job opportunities, living wages, or healthful foods. 2 Social norms and attitudes, such as discrimination. Exposure to crime, violence, and social disorder, such as the presence of trash.","qid":573724,"docid":"8441637","rank":22,"score":14.223520278930664},{"content":"Social determinants of health reflect the social factors and physical conditions of the environment in which people are born, live, learn, play, work, and age. Also known as social and physical determinants of health, they impact a wide range of health, functioning, and quality-of-life outcomes. Examples of social determinants include: Availability of resources to meet daily needs, such as educational and job opportunities, living wages, or healthful foods.","qid":573724,"docid":"1165129","rank":23,"score":14.719192504882812},{"content":"Key Topics of Study. Social determinants of health (poverty, gender, oppression, caste, and hierarchy) and health equity and social justice. The scourge of malnutrition, failure of the health system, and response of the community. Public health systems in India: traditional, Ayurveda, homeopathy, Unani, and allopathy.","qid":573724,"docid":"5185671","rank":24,"score":13.863704681396484},{"content":"The social determinants of health are the circumstances in which people are born, grow up, live, work and age, and the systems put in place to deal with illness. These circumstances are in turn shaped by a wider set of forces: economics, social policies, and politics.","qid":573724,"docid":"6776717","rank":25,"score":14.603496551513672},{"content":"Social determinants of health - Commonly accepted determinants. 1 There is no single definition of the social determinants of health, but there are commonalities, and many governmental and non-governmental organizations recognize that there are social factors which impact the health of individuals.","qid":573724,"docid":"394139","rank":26,"score":14.044374465942383},{"content":"The range of personal, social, economic, and environmental factors that influence health status are known as determinants of health. It is the interrelationships among these factors that determine individual and population health.","qid":573724,"docid":"1165128","rank":27,"score":14.064918518066406},{"content":"Determinants of health fall under several broad categories: 1 Policymaking. 2 Social factors. 3 Health services. 4 Individual behavior. 5 Biology and genetics.","qid":573724,"docid":"7104827","rank":28,"score":14.111522674560547},{"content":"Definitions of terms used to describe health equity and social determinants of health Skip directly to search Skip directly to A to Z list Skip directly to navigation Skip directly to page options Skip directly to site content","qid":573724,"docid":"87402","rank":29,"score":12.996052742004395},{"content":"Determinants of Health admin 2013-10-22T06:09:39+00:00. Determinants of health include the range of personal, social, economic and environmental factors which determine the health status of individuals or populations.eterminants of Health admin 2013-10-22T06:09:39+00:00. Determinants of health include the range of personal, social, economic and environmental factors which determine the health status of individuals or populations.","qid":573724,"docid":"7609926","rank":30,"score":13.695870399475098},{"content":"Social determinants of health are economic and social conditions that influence the health of people and communities [1]. These conditions are shaped by the amount of money, power, and resources that people have, all of which are influenced by policy choices.hese social determinants of health also interact with and influence individual behaviors as well. More specifically, social determinants of health refer to the set of factors that contribute to the social patterning of health, disease, and illness.","qid":573724,"docid":"3365638","rank":31,"score":14.754911422729492},{"content":"Our understanding of the social determinants of health remains in its infancy; there is little understanding of many details relating to how health is determined. Social epidemiology is still looking for its Pasteur to explain the processes involved.","qid":573724,"docid":"5962424","rank":32,"score":13.681344985961914},{"content":"Social determinants of health reflect the social factors and physical conditions of the environment in which people are born, live, learn, play, work, and age. Also known as social and physical determinants of health, they impact a wide range of health, functioning, and quality-of-life outcomes.","qid":573724,"docid":"8441642","rank":33,"score":14.720174789428711},{"content":"But much of the responsibility of the social inequity that leads to different health outcomes lies elsewhere. Health is affected by policies in other sectors, such as education, taxation, transport, and agriculture too.","qid":573724,"docid":"8272972","rank":34,"score":12.507036209106445},{"content":"between health and social service agencies. ocial determinants of health (SDOH) are conditions in the environment in which people are born, live, learn, work, play, worship, and age that affect health outcomes and risks, functioning, and quality -of-life.2 These.","qid":573724,"docid":"5721831","rank":35,"score":12.706390380859375},{"content":"Stress is hypothesised to be a major influence in the social determinants of health. There is a relationship between experience of chronic stress and negative health outcomes. There are two ways that this relationship is explained, through both direct and indirect effects of chronic stress on health outcomes.","qid":573724,"docid":"1005335","rank":36,"score":13.721417427062988},{"content":"These conditions are shaped by the amount of money, power, and resources that people have, all of which are influenced by policy choices. Social determinants of health affect factors that are related to health outcomes.Factors related to health outcomes include: 1 How a person develops during the first few years of life (early childhood development). 2 How much education a persons obtains. 3 Being able to get and keep a job.4 What kind of work a person does.hese conditions are shaped by the amount of money, power, and resources that people have, all of which are influenced by policy choices. Social determinants of health affect factors that are related to health outcomes.","qid":573724,"docid":"7609927","rank":37,"score":13.552671432495117},{"content":"Factors that contribute to a person's current state of health. These factors may be biological, socioeconomic, psychosocial, behavioral, or social in nature. Scientists generally recognize five determinants of health of a population: 1 Biology and genetics. 2 Examples: sex and age.3 Individual behavior.hen a person or group of people lack human needs because they cannot afford them. Human needs include clean water, nutrition, health care, education, clothing, and shelter. The U.S. Social Security Administration originally developed the definitions that are used to help calculate and determine poverty.","qid":573724,"docid":"7609932","rank":38,"score":12.945959091186523},{"content":"Physical Determinants of Infant and Child Health. The cognitive and physical development of infants and children is influenced by the health, nutrition, and behaviors of their mothers during pregnancy and early childhood.","qid":573724,"docid":"1293338","rank":39,"score":12.402200698852539},{"content":"These can also be viewed as levers \u00e2\u0080\u0093 points of intervention \u00e2\u0080\u0093 that can be used to address those social determinants and lessen their effects. 1. Differences in exposure. Certain population groups, because of economics, geography, or other factors, may be more likely than others to encounter particular health risks.","qid":573724,"docid":"5962427","rank":40,"score":12.828948974609375},{"content":"Perhaps the broadest social determinant of health is a country's level of social and economic development. This is related to patterns of longevity, health, and disease, but the relationship is dynamic and far from simple, and economic development and health status influence one another.","qid":573724,"docid":"5962428","rank":41,"score":14.297981262207031},{"content":"Determinants of health are factors that contribute to a person's current state of health. These factors may be biological, socioeconomic, psychosocial, behavioral, or social in nature. Scientists generally recognize five determinants of health of a population [2, 3]: 1 Genes and biology: for example, sex and age.hese social determinants of health also interact with and influence individual behaviors as well. More specifically, social determinants of health refer to the set of factors that contribute to the social patterning of health, disease, and illness.","qid":573724,"docid":"3365633","rank":42,"score":14.428003311157227},{"content":"social factors in health toward an increasing focus on understanding social inequalities in health, both because these inequalities are of great social importance and concern and because they provide a conceptual frame for integrating our understanding of social factors in health and applying this understanding toward the improvement of population health.","qid":573724,"docid":"8047172","rank":43,"score":13.390878677368164},{"content":"What are the social 'determinants' of health? The social determinants of health are the circumstances in which people are born, grow up, live, work and age, and the systems put in place to deal with illness. These circumstances are in turn shaped by a wider set of forces: economics, social policies, and politics.","qid":573724,"docid":"5339620","rank":44,"score":14.872187614440918},{"content":"192 Dimensions of performance First, social and economic determinants of health fall outside the health system and beyond the scope of health policy and health care. Second, such an action might require restrictions on the ways in which people choose to live their lives (Mooney 1983).","qid":573724,"docid":"104856","rank":45,"score":13.110799789428711},{"content":"Health and health problems result from a complex interplay of a number of forces. care (both access and quality), all contribute significantly to how long and how well we live. we live, learn, work, and play. social determinants of health can greatly affect the lives of individuals. lectively in our community.","qid":573724,"docid":"1005338","rank":46,"score":12.93530559539795},{"content":"Social relationships\u00e2\u0080\u0094both quantity and quality\u00e2\u0080\u0094affect mental health, health behavior, physical health, and mortality risk. Sociologists have played a central ro...","qid":573724,"docid":"8047170","rank":47,"score":12.833178520202637},{"content":"The addition of the social determinants of health and associated measures to the Healthy People. 2020 Topics and Objectives has brought additional focus on this issue for policy makers. This. aligns with other HHS activities, such as the National Partnership to End Health Disparities and.","qid":573724,"docid":"5962425","rank":48,"score":13.216569900512695},{"content":"Social Determinants of Infant and Child Health. The social determinants that influence maternal health also affect pregnancy outcomes and infant health. Racial and ethnic disparities in infant mortality exist, particularly for African American infants.","qid":573724,"docid":"1293333","rank":49,"score":14.135997772216797},{"content":"Determinants account, in some measure, for the underlying rates of disease in a population, while variations in these rates are explained by risk factors. The social determinants of health include socioeconomic circumstances, social structure and function, and cultural factors.","qid":573724,"docid":"5962423","rank":50,"score":14.517316818237305},{"content":"The determinants of health include: the social and economic environment, the physical environment, and; the person\u00e2\u0080\u0099s individual characteristics and behaviours. The context of people\u00e2\u0080\u0099s lives determine their health, and so blaming individuals for having poor health or crediting them for good health is inappropriate. Individuals are unlikely to be able to directly control many of the determinants of health. These determinants\u00e2\u0080\u0094or things that make people healthy or not\u00e2\u0080\u0094include the above factors, and many others: Income and social status - higher income and social status are linked to better health. 1 The greater the gap between the richest and poorest people, the greater the differences in health. 2 Education \u00e2\u0080\u0093 low education levels are linked with poor health, more stress and lower self-confidence.","qid":573724,"docid":"7384332","rank":51,"score":13.986053466796875},{"content":"The determinants of health. Introduction. Many factors combine together to affect the health of individuals and communities. Whether people are healthy or not, is determined by their circumstances and environment.","qid":573724,"docid":"7384329","rank":52,"score":13.392011642456055},{"content":"Individual social factors included education, poverty, health insurance status, employment status and job stress, social support, racism or discrimination, housing conditions and early childhood stressors.","qid":573724,"docid":"696714","rank":53,"score":12.508148193359375},{"content":"Commonly accepted determinants[edit] There is no single definition of the social determinants of health, but there are commonalities, and many governmental and non-governmental organizations recognize that there are social factors which impact the health of individuals.","qid":573724,"docid":"3617636","rank":54,"score":13.669069290161133},{"content":"Individual behavior also plays a role in health outcomes. For example, if an individual quits smoking, his or her risk of developing heart disease is greatly reduced. Many public health and health care interventions focus on changing individual behaviors such as substance abuse, diet, and physical activity. Positive changes in individual behavior can reduce the rates of chronic disease in this country. Examples of individual behavior determinants of health include: Diet.","qid":573724,"docid":"4360252","rank":55,"score":12.677672386169434},{"content":"Scientists generally recognize five determinants of health of a population: 1 Biology and genetics. Examples: sex and age. 2 Individual behavior. Examples: alcohol use, injection drug use (needles), unprotected sex, and smoking. 3 Social environment. Examples: discrimination, income, and gender. 4 Physical environment.","qid":573724,"docid":"87400","rank":56,"score":13.086566925048828},{"content":"Factors that Determine Good or Poor Health. Health Poverty Action believes that everyone has the right to health. But making that right a reality is about more than ensuring everyone can visit a clinic or doctor. A multitude of different social, economic and cultural factors determine a person\u00e2\u0080\u0099s health.","qid":573724,"docid":"1509937","rank":57,"score":13.211087226867676},{"content":"Health promotion and disease prevention programs often address social determinants of health, which influence modifiable risk behaviors. Social determinants of health are the economic, social, cultural, and political conditions in which people are born, grow, and live that affect health status.","qid":573724,"docid":"5047796","rank":58,"score":13.479997634887695},{"content":"Determinants of Health admin 2017-07-03T08:03:45+00:00 Definition of Determinants of Health Determinants of health include the range of personal, social, economic and environmental factors which determine the health status of individuals or populations. The factors which influence health are multiple and interactive.","qid":573724,"docid":"7199672","rank":59,"score":14.30501937866211},{"content":"Social determinants. 1 Commission on Social Determinants of Health. 2 Socioeconomic Determinants of Health. 3 Social Determinants of Health. Public Health Agency of 1 Canada. Childcare resource and research unit. Inclusive Cities Canada.","qid":573724,"docid":"2417985","rank":60,"score":13.234573364257812},{"content":"Stress is hypothesised to be a major influence in the social determinants of health. There is a relationship between experience of chronic stress and negative health outcomes. There are two ways that this relationship is explained, through both direct and indirect effects of chronic stress on health outcomes.tress is hypothesised to be a major influence in the social determinants of health. There is a relationship between experience of chronic stress and negative health outcomes. There are two ways that this relationship is explained, through both direct and indirect effects of chronic stress on health outcomes.","qid":573724,"docid":"3365640","rank":61,"score":12.92982292175293},{"content":"Social and physical determinants of health impact a wide range of health, functioning, and quality-of-life outcomes. 1 Social and physical determinants of health are often the result of decisions made at the higher levels of society.","qid":573724,"docid":"7199675","rank":62,"score":14.419011116027832},{"content":"The right hand side of the figure indicates that there are many health determinants or factors, such as medical care systems, individual behavior, genetics, the social environment, and the physical environment. Each of these determinants has a biological impact on individual and population health outcomes.","qid":573724,"docid":"4360246","rank":63,"score":13.358972549438477},{"content":"Understanding Social Determinants of Health. Social determinants of health are conditions in the environments in which people are born, live, learn, work, play, worship, and age that affect a wide range of health, functioning, and quality-of-life outcomes and risks.","qid":573724,"docid":"8833192","rank":64,"score":14.983732223510742},{"content":"International, national, and state policymakers are increasingly drawing attention to. the importance of social determinants of health (SDoH), which are the conditions in. which we are born, grow, live, work, and age.1 The Centers for Disease Control and. Prevention (CDC) states that addressing these determinants is a primary approach to.","qid":573724,"docid":"8444728","rank":65,"score":13.348493576049805},{"content":"Since a social determinants of health approach sees the mainsprings of health as being how a society organizes and distributes economic and social resources, it directs attention to ________ and ______ policies as a means of improving it. Economic. Social.","qid":573724,"docid":"5962426","rank":66,"score":13.620412826538086},{"content":"Back to Top. Social determinants of health are conditions in the environments in which people are born, live, learn, work, play, worship, and age that affect a wide range of health, functioning, and quality-of-life outcomes and risks.","qid":573724,"docid":"8833194","rank":67,"score":14.84022331237793},{"content":"Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Social Determinants of Health. Long before we need medical care, our foundation for health begins in our homes, schools and neighborhoods. RWJF supports initiatives that address the highly inter-connected social and economic factors which affect health, and empower communities to take action.","qid":573724,"docid":"8444727","rank":68,"score":12.437746047973633},{"content":"In addition to health care interventions and a person's surroundings, a number of other factors are known to influence the health status of individuals, including their background, lifestyle, and economic, social conditions, and spirituality; these are referred to as determinants of health..","qid":573724,"docid":"6496777","rank":69,"score":13.127628326416016},{"content":"The economic and social conditions \u00e2\u0080\u0093 the social determinants of health \u00e2\u0080\u0093 under which individuals live their lives have a cumulative effect upon the probability of developing any number of diseases, including heart disease and stroke.","qid":573724,"docid":"394141","rank":70,"score":14.238149642944336},{"content":"Social Determinants of Health. The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines the social determinants of health as the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work and age. These circumstances are shaped by the distribution of money, power and resources at global, national and local levels.","qid":573724,"docid":"1509942","rank":71,"score":14.685152053833008},{"content":"Figure 1. Estimates of how each of the five major determinants influence population health [4]. Other factors that could be included are culture, social status, and healthy child development. Figure 1 represents rough estimates of how much each of the five determinants contributes to the health of a population.hese conditions are shaped by the amount of money, power, and resources that people have, all of which are influenced by policy choices. Social determinants of health affect factors that are related to health outcomes.","qid":573724,"docid":"7609930","rank":72,"score":12.959400177001953},{"content":"The determinants of health Introduction. Many factors combine together to affect the health of individuals and communities. Whether people are healthy or not, is determined by their circumstances and environment.","qid":573724,"docid":"7384333","rank":73,"score":13.360496520996094},{"content":"We refer to these factors collectively as the \u00e2\u0080\u009csocial determinants of health.\u00e2\u0080\u009d This report (first in a series) focuses particularly on the \u00e2\u0080\u009csocial environment,\u00e2\u0080\u009d defined as the combination of social and cultural institutions, norms, patterns, beliefs, and processes that influence the life of an individu-al or community.n addition, a series of recommenda-tions introduce ways to move forward in realizing our vision of \u00e2\u0080\u009cHealthy people in healthy communities.\u00e2\u0080\u009d How Do Social Determinants Affect Health Social determinants play a crucial role in the health of each individual in Los Angeles County as well as col-lectively in our community.","qid":573724,"docid":"3146236","rank":74,"score":12.744421005249023},{"content":"Health disparities are caused by a complex interaction of multiple factors including individual, genetic and environmental risk factors (Olden & White, 2005). Pervasive structural inequities and social determinants of health are believed to be the primary cause (OMH, 2011; World Health Organization, 2011).","qid":573724,"docid":"3492364","rank":75,"score":12.70469856262207},{"content":"Figure 1. Estimates of how each of the five major determinants influence population health [4]. Other factors that could be included are culture, social status, and healthy child development. Figure 1 represents rough estimates of how much each of the five determinants contributes to the health of a population.hese social determinants of health also interact with and influence individual behaviors as well. More specifically, social determinants of health refer to the set of factors that contribute to the social patterning of health, disease, and illness.","qid":573724,"docid":"3365631","rank":76,"score":13.497264862060547},{"content":"Individual behavior determinants include choices about lifestyle or habits (either spontaneously or through response to incentives) such as diet, exercise, and substance abuse.Social environment determinants include elements of the social environment such as education, income, occupation, class, social support.ealth care determinants generally include access, cost, quantity, and quality of health care services.","qid":573724,"docid":"3365639","rank":77,"score":13.491805076599121},{"content":"Social Determinants of Health. The complex, integrated, and overlapping social structures and economic systems that are responsible for most health inequities. These social structures and economic systems include the social environment, physical environment, health services, and structural and societal factors. Social determinants of health are shaped by the distribution of money, power, and resources throughout local communities, nations, and the world [9]. Socioeconomic Gradient in Health This term refers to the stepwise fashion health outcomes improve as socioeconomic position improves.","qid":573724,"docid":"87405","rank":78,"score":14.678359985351562},{"content":"\u00c2\u00a9 Zoltan Balogh. The social determinants of health (SDH) are the conditions in which people are born, grow, work, live, and age, and the wider set of forces and systems shaping the conditions of daily life. These forces and systems include economic policies and systems, development agendas, social norms, social policies and political systems.","qid":573724,"docid":"5721829","rank":79,"score":14.230783462524414},{"content":"Research has suggested that the health effects of social relationships may be as important as risk factors such as smoking, physical activity, obesity and high blood pressure. Socially disadvantaged people and socially isolated people continue to be at increased risk for negative health outcomes.ocial inclusion (and exclusion) is one such social determinant. Support from families, friends and communities is associated with better health. The caring and respect that occurs in social relationships, and the resulting sense of satisfaction and well-being, seem to act as a buffer against health problems.","qid":573724,"docid":"3146240","rank":80,"score":12.847541809082031},{"content":"The Determinants of Health. Health Poverty Action believes that everyone has the right to health. But making that right a reality is about more than ensuring everyone can visit a clinic or doctor. A multitude of different social, economic and cultural factors determine a person\u00e2\u0080\u0099s health. This means that people living in the same community, or people of the same age, can have vastly different chances of good health.","qid":573724,"docid":"1509944","rank":81,"score":13.613418579101562},{"content":"Determinants of health are factors that contribute to a person's current state of health. These factors may be biological, socioeconomic, psychosocial, behavioral, or social in nature. Scientists generally recognize five determinants of health of a population [2, 3]: 1 Genes and biology: for example, sex and age.hese conditions are shaped by the amount of money, power, and resources that people have, all of which are influenced by policy choices. Social determinants of health affect factors that are related to health outcomes.","qid":573724,"docid":"7609928","rank":82,"score":14.182107925415039},{"content":"The determinants of health include: 1 the social and economic environment, 2 the physical environment, and. 3 the person\u00e2\u0080\u0099s individual characteristics and behaviours.","qid":573724,"docid":"7384331","rank":83,"score":14.47745132446289},{"content":"Social determinants of health affect factors that are related to health outcomes. Factors related to health outcomes include: 1 How a person develops during the first few years of life (early childhood development). 2 How much education a persons obtains. 3 Being able to get and keep a job.hese social determinants of health also interact with and influence individual behaviors as well. More specifically, social determinants of health refer to the set of factors that contribute to the social patterning of health, disease, and illness.","qid":573724,"docid":"3365636","rank":84,"score":14.492337226867676},{"content":"Social determinants of health are conditions in the environments in which people are born, live, learn, work, play, worship, and age that affect a wide range of health, functioning, and quality-of-life outcomes and risks.","qid":573724,"docid":"7674859","rank":85,"score":14.639901161193848},{"content":"Scientists generally recognize five determinants of health of a population: 1 Biology and genetics. 2 Individual behavior. 3 Social environment. 4 Physical environment. 5 Health services.","qid":573724,"docid":"87404","rank":86,"score":13.203714370727539},{"content":"\u00c2\u00a9 Zoltan Balogh. The social determinants of health (SDH) are the conditions in which people are born, grow, work, live, and age, and the wider set of forces and systems shaping the conditions of daily life.","qid":573724,"docid":"162151","rank":87,"score":13.817370414733887},{"content":"Social Determinants of Health: How Social and Economic Factors Affect Health 5 This chart also illustrates that higher levels of education are not only associated with better health, but that in general, higher educational attainment is correlated with better health at each step along the ladder or continuum, controlling for behaviors.","qid":573724,"docid":"8047166","rank":88,"score":13.740562438964844},{"content":"The social determinants of health (SDH) are the social and economic factors that influence people\u00e2\u0080\u0099s health. These are apparent in the living and working conditions that people experience every day. The SDH influence health in many positive and negative ways.he social gradient not only represents the effects of income on health but also the importance of income as a means of gaining access to other social determinants of health such as education, food, housing, recreational activities, and other societal resources.","qid":573724,"docid":"1816038","rank":89,"score":14.060508728027344},{"content":"Emphasizing an ecological approach to disease prevention and health promotion. An ecological approach focuses on both individual-level and population-level determinants of health and interventions.","qid":573724,"docid":"4360251","rank":90,"score":12.478382110595703},{"content":"These determinants\u00e2\u0080\u0094or things that make people healthy or not\u00e2\u0080\u0094include the above factors, and many others: 1 Income and social status - higher income and social status are linked to better health. Education \u00e2\u0080\u0093 low education levels are linked with poor health, more stress and lower self-confidence.","qid":573724,"docid":"3059593","rank":91,"score":14.04987907409668},{"content":"social determinants of health. A generic term for the social factors which affect the health of an individual\u00e2\u0080\u0094e.g., housing, employment, income, education, family coherency, etc.","qid":573724,"docid":"1509940","rank":92,"score":14.649051666259766},{"content":"The WHO later developed a Commission on Social Determinants of Health, which in 2008 published a report entitled Closing the Gap in a Generation. This report identified two broad areas of social determinants of health that needed to be addressed.","qid":573724,"docid":"7199667","rank":93,"score":13.443984985351562},{"content":"While the social. determinants of health serves as a general. policy construct, the Committee believes that. there are distinct rural considerations that. policymakers must keep in mind when. deciding how to develop and align health and. human service systems such that they are able.","qid":573724,"docid":"5962420","rank":94,"score":12.403854370117188},{"content":"These determinants\u00e2\u0080\u0094or things that make people healthy or not\u00e2\u0080\u0094include the above factors, and many others: Income and social status - higher income and social status are linked to better health. The greater the gap between the richest and poorest people, the greater the differences in health.","qid":573724,"docid":"3059590","rank":95,"score":14.155681610107422},{"content":"Reasons for addressing the social determinants of an issue include: If you want to solve or prevent a problem for the long term, you have to deal with its root causes. If you address the root causes, you\u00e2\u0080\u0099re more likely to successfully address the issue for the short term as well.","qid":573724,"docid":"5962422","rank":96,"score":12.874691009521484},{"content":"The context of people\u00e2\u0080\u0099s lives determine their health, and so blaming individuals for having poor health or crediting them for good health is inappropriate. Individuals are unlikely to be able to directly control many of the determinants of health.These determinants\u00e2\u0080\u0094or things that make people healthy or not\u00e2\u0080\u0094include the above factors, and many others: 1 Income and social status-higher income and social status are linked to better health.2 The greater the gap between the richest and poorest people, the greater the differences in health. Social support networks \u00e2\u0080\u0093 greater support from families, friends and communities is linked to better health. 2 Culture-customs and traditions, and the beliefs of the family and community all affect health.","qid":573724,"docid":"3365632","rank":97,"score":13.30962085723877},{"content":"Healthy People 2020 highlights the importance of addressing the social determinants of health by including \u00e2\u0080\u009cCreate social and physical environments that promote good health for all\u00e2\u0080\u009d as one of the four overarching goals for the decade.1 This emphasis is shared by the World Health Organization, whose Commission on Social Determinants of Health in 2008 ...","qid":573724,"docid":"7674858","rank":98,"score":13.22320556640625},{"content":"The social determinants of health (SDOH) are defined by the idea that health is determined by the social, economic, and physical environments in which people live and work, as well as by individuals\u00e2\u0080\u0099 particular","qid":573724,"docid":"7104825","rank":99,"score":14.058746337890625},{"content":"Factors that contribute to a person's current state of health. These factors may be biological, socioeconomic, psychosocial, behavioral, or social in nature. Scientists generally recognize five determinants of health of a population: 1 Biology and genetics. 2 Examples: sex and age.3 Individual behavior.4 Examples: alcohol use, injection drug use (needles), unprotected sex, and smoking. 5 Social environment. 6 Examples: discrimination, income, and gender.cientists generally recognize five determinants of health of a population: 1 Biology and genetics. 2 Examples: sex and age. 3 Individual behavior. 4 Examples: alcohol use, injection drug use (needles), unprotected sex, and smoking. 5 Social environment. 6 Examples: discrimination, income, and gender.","qid":573724,"docid":"3365635","rank":100,"score":12.861796379089355}]} {"query":"what are the three percenters?","hits":[{"content":"No other segment is nearly as confident. About 49% of millennials think the nation's best years are ahead, the survey found. That's a higher percentage than among baby boomers (44%) and generation X (42%), the generation between boomers and millennials.","qid":1121709,"docid":"898528","rank":1,"score":10.611006736755371},{"content":"Percentage is a value that represents the proportion of one number to another number. 1 percent represents 1\/100 fraction. 100 percent (100%) of a number is the same number: 100% \u00c3\u0097 80 = 100\/100\u00c3\u009780 = 80. 50 percent (50%) of a number is half of the number: 50% \u00c3\u0097 80 = 50\/100\u00c3\u009780 = 40. So 40 is 50% of 80.","qid":1121709,"docid":"6409922","rank":2,"score":10.5716552734375},{"content":"A percentage is a way to express a number as a part of a whole. To calculate a percentage, we look at the whole as equal to 100%. For example, say you have 10 apples (=100%).","qid":1121709,"docid":"3148407","rank":3,"score":10.39507007598877},{"content":"The third quartile is the middle (the median) of the upper half of the data. Three-fourths of the data lies below the third quartile and one-fourth lies above. (the 75th percentile). A quartile is a number, it is not a range of values.","qid":1121709,"docid":"3151648","rank":4,"score":10.768969535827637},{"content":"Many programs serve students in grades six through 12. Thirty-seven percent of TRIO students are White, 35% are African-American, 19% are Hispanic, 4% are Native American, 4% are Asian-American, and 1% are listed as Other, including multiracial students.","qid":1121709,"docid":"5209049","rank":5,"score":10.627821922302246},{"content":"The Three Percenters, formed in late 2008, are a loosely organized movement centered around an obscure, and not particularly accurate, Revolutionary War statistic that claimed that only 3% of the American population during the Revolutionary War participated as combatants in the war.","qid":1121709,"docid":"8049583","rank":6,"score":12.998900413513184},{"content":"Answers. Best Answer: 66 2\/3% = 2\/3 as a fraction it's a common % and fraction so important to know. but if you forget, or have to change ANY percent to a fraction, just remember: % means 1\/100 so.. . 66 2\/3 % = 66 2\/3 X 1\/100 change to improper fraction: 200\/3 X 1\/100 = 200\/300 = 2\/3 that's it! ;).nswers. Best Answer: 66 2\/3% = 2\/3 as a fraction it's a common % and fraction so important to know. but if you forget, or have to change ANY percent to a fraction, just remember: % means 1\/100 so. . . 66 2\/3 % = 66 2\/3 X 1\/100 change to improper fraction: 200\/3 X 1\/100 = 200\/300 = 2\/3 that's it! ;). Source(s):","qid":1121709,"docid":"5014374","rank":7,"score":10.706192970275879},{"content":"Well, 3 quarters is 75%, or 3 out of 4 parts. As for page, do you mean a printed page? I can't think of what else it would be (except for a congressional page, and I don't know how you get 3\/4 of that). So, if it's a printed page, to imagine it, fold it in half, then in half again (folding from top to bottom). The second fold gives you four equal parts, and 3\/4 would be three of those four. T J \u00c2\u00b7 8 years ago.","qid":1121709,"docid":"5798176","rank":8,"score":10.492069244384766},{"content":"Percent is actually per cent, meaning out of a hundred. (It comes from the Latin per centumfor thoroughly hundred.) You can use this out of a hundred meaning, along with the fact that fractions indicate division, to convert between fractions, percents, and decimals.","qid":1121709,"docid":"1525109","rank":9,"score":10.873720169067383},{"content":"1 A percent is the number of parts out of 100 of something. 2 For example, a quarter (25 cents) is 25 percent of a dollar (100 cents). 3 It is the numerator of a fraction whose denominator is 100. 4 So, the fraction 25\/100 is 25. Percent. 2 A percent is the number of parts out of 100 of something. 3 For example, a quarter (25 cents) is 25 percent of a dollar (100 cents). 4 It is the numerator of a fraction whose denominator is 100.","qid":1121709,"docid":"4979448","rank":10,"score":10.54569149017334},{"content":"Converting From Percent to Decimal. Percent means per 100, so 50% means 50 per 100, or simply 50\/100. If you divide 50 by 100 you get 0.5 (a decimal number). So, to convert from percent to decimal: divide by 100, and remove the % sign.","qid":1121709,"docid":"1332618","rank":11,"score":10.534845352172852},{"content":"three\u00e2\u0080\u00b2-quar\u00e2\u0080\u00b2ter. adj. 1. consisting of or involving three quarters of a whole or of the usual length: a three-quarter sleeve. 2. showing the face or an object as seen from in front and somewhat to the side: a three-quarter view.","qid":1121709,"docid":"2046433","rank":12,"score":10.40066146850586},{"content":"Really good question. 66 2\/3% = 66 2\/3 \/\/ 100 \/\/ in this case means divide. 66 2\/3 \/\/100= 200\/3 \/\/ 100 When 200 is divided by 100 you get 2 So the answer really is 2\/3 There are two facts that really help you to understand this.1.All percents really mean divide by 100.eport Abuse. Really good question. 66 2\/3% = 66 2\/3 \/\/ 100 \/\/ in this case means divide. 66 2\/3 \/\/100= 200\/3 \/\/ 100 When 200 is divided by 100 you get 2 So the answer really is 2\/3 There are two facts that really help you to understand this. 1.","qid":1121709,"docid":"5014376","rank":13,"score":10.509841918945312},{"content":"How do you know that you are REALLY a Three Percenter? What does it mean to be a Threeper? Questions often asked, and today I will answer those questions.","qid":1121709,"docid":"8049577","rank":14,"score":12.408773422241211},{"content":"Answer. 32% -- 32 for each 100. If we think of a quantity being divided into one hundred equal parts, that is, into hundredths, then a percent is a number of hundredths. 32% is 32 hundredths. When the percent is less than or equal to 100%, then we can say out of 100. 32% is 32 out of 100.","qid":1121709,"docid":"6526915","rank":15,"score":10.59630298614502},{"content":"Percent vs Percentage. My Dictionary says Percentage is the result obtained by multiplying a quantity by a percent. So 10 percent of 50 apples is 5 apples: the 5 apples is the percentage. But in practice people use both words the same way.","qid":1121709,"docid":"2421090","rank":16,"score":10.569144248962402},{"content":"In mathematics, a percentage is a number or ratio expressed as a fraction of 100. It is often denoted using the percent sign, %, or the abbreviations pct., pct; sometimes the abbreviation pc is also used. A percentage is a dimensionless number (pure number).","qid":1121709,"docid":"6526916","rank":17,"score":10.68293571472168},{"content":"entangledbank Senior Member London. English - South-East England. We do - 'a three-quarters majority' sounds distinctly better to me; but now I'm trying to decide when we might use one and when the other. (There might be overlap.) But always 'one-half' as a modifier: the '-s' is a plural ('half', 'quarter', 'third' are nouns that are being counted by the other number).","qid":1121709,"docid":"2046428","rank":18,"score":10.596020698547363},{"content":"100%, then, represents the whole. When you are trying to figure out what percentage is of something, you simply divide the numerator by the denominator and multiply it by 100. So if the equation was 2\/3=what percent...","qid":1121709,"docid":"2115561","rank":19,"score":10.494644165039062},{"content":"Percents are like fractions and decimals because they count PART of something. Whole numbers (0, 1, 2, 3, ...) count whole things -- like a whole pizza. You can use a percentages to count part of the pizza. Half of a pizza would be 50% of a pizza. One-fourth of a pizza would be 25% of a pizza.","qid":1121709,"docid":"1033160","rank":20,"score":10.640304565429688},{"content":"Know that percentages are just fractions out of 100. All a percentage is a simple way to display a fraction whose bottom number (known as the denominator) is 100. A percentage tells you how many things you would have if you had 100 total. For example, say 25% of your apple harvest is always spoiled. A percentage is a number of parts out of 100. 2 One way to think of a percentage is as a the numerator of a fraction that has a denominator of 100. 3 Converting to percentages is the same as finding an equivalent fraction with a denominator of 100 and then reporting only the numerator with a percent sign (%) after it.","qid":1121709,"docid":"6633660","rank":21,"score":10.604029655456543},{"content":"Percent is an abbreviation for the Latin per centum, which means for each 100. 100% , then, means 100 for each 100, which is all. 100% of 12 is 12. 50% is another way of saying half because 50% means 50 for each 100, which is half.50% of 12 is 6. A percent means how many for each 100. Example 1. Below are 100 small squares, and 32 have been shaded.ercent is an abbreviation for the Latin per centum, which means for each 100. 100% , then, means 100 for each 100, which is all. 100% of 12 is 12. 50% is another way of saying half because 50% means 50 for each 100, which is half.","qid":1121709,"docid":"6956263","rank":22,"score":10.5543794631958},{"content":"Originally Posted by jwpaine Not percent. It is simply 35 Because 70% of 50, is 35. Just like 50% of 100, is 50. OOOOKKKK!,now i get it...thanks i have a test tomorrow over this! and now i can do it without sitting there for like an hour frusterated! thank you soooo much!!!","qid":1121709,"docid":"1244136","rank":23,"score":10.428194046020508},{"content":"News & Analysis 3 Percenter, 3%, III, III Percenter, Oath Keeper, three percent, three percenter Written by David Robertson David holds a Master\u00e2\u0080\u0099s of Science in Leadership.","qid":1121709,"docid":"8049580","rank":24,"score":11.761802673339844},{"content":"Percent can be thought of as the ratio of a number to 100, or the numerator of a fraction in which the denominator is 100. Percents can be represented as fractions and decimals.","qid":1121709,"docid":"904703","rank":25,"score":11.280641555786133},{"content":"In other words, percentage is a ratio whose second term is equal to 100. For example, 1:4 can be written as 25: 100 or 25%, 3: 8 can be written as 37.5: 100 or 37.5%, 3: 2 can be written as 150: 100 or 150%, and so on. IMPORTANT CONCEPTS ASSOCIATED WITH PERCENTAGE. Basic formula of percentage:","qid":1121709,"docid":"8816009","rank":26,"score":10.411992073059082},{"content":"Remember that percent means part of 100 and that percentages can also be expressed as decimals or fractions. For example, you can change 50% into a 'regular number' by making it a decimal or fraction, like 50\/100 or 0.50.","qid":1121709,"docid":"8668852","rank":27,"score":10.398475646972656},{"content":"Percent can be thought of as the ratio of a number to 100, or the numerator of a fraction in which the denominator is 100.Percents can be represented as fractions and decimals. Example: 60% = 60\/100 or 3\/5 or 0.6.40 % = 40\/100 or 2\/5 or 0.4.ercent can be thought of as the ratio of a number to 100, or the numerator of a fraction in which the denominator is 100.","qid":1121709,"docid":"4594306","rank":28,"score":11.011027336120605},{"content":"See also. 1 Percent to fraction conversion. 2 Decimal to fraction conversion. 3 Percent to decimal conversion. 4 Adding fractions calculator. 5 Subtracting fractions calculator. 6 Multiplying fractions calculator. 7 Dividing fractions calculator.","qid":1121709,"docid":"1388222","rank":29,"score":10.471442222595215},{"content":"Percent is an abbreviation for the Latin per centum, which means for each 100. 100% , then, means 100 for each 100, which is all. 100% of 12 is 12. 50% is another way of saying half because 50% means 50 for each 100, which is half.","qid":1121709,"docid":"3275058","rank":30,"score":10.8599853515625},{"content":"So let me see if I can help. In fact, let me provide you with well over 50 ways to tell whether or not you, or someone else, is a Threeper. The part that is often missed on people (and probably the most important part) is who Three Percenters are supposed to be modeled after. It\u00e2\u0080\u0099s one thing to say you will stand up and fight or wave a certain flag (when everyone else does).","qid":1121709,"docid":"3423059","rank":31,"score":12.028166770935059},{"content":"In mathematics, a percentage is a number in the fraction of 100. It is often denoted with the symbol of %, or simply pct or percent. For example, 35% is equivalent to 0.35 or 35\/100. The calculator above can take any two values and calculate the third value. Examples:","qid":1121709,"docid":"606077","rank":32,"score":10.822391510009766},{"content":"To get the percentage of 3\/5, FIRST, divide 100% by the denominator, which is 5, to get 20%. SECOND, multiply 3 by 20%, which would give us 60%. That's it. I hope this helped.","qid":1121709,"docid":"7473134","rank":33,"score":10.756681442260742},{"content":"Eighty-three percent of Democrats, 58 percent of independents, and 44. percent of Republican voters said they support the Paycheck Fairness Act.7. It is past time for Congress to pass the Paycheck Fairness Act.","qid":1121709,"docid":"2805629","rank":34,"score":10.551204681396484},{"content":"Percent, fraction, decimal: Percent-when we read it as ' per ' ' cent ' , per means one and cent means hundred. Percent means something out of one hundred and is denoted by the symbol ' % ' , for example 75% which is nothing but 75 out of 100, it is written as 75 \/ 100 in fraction form and 0.75 in decimal form.Fraction, a fraction is defined as a part of a whole.e can convert 45% to a decimal by just dividing 45 by 100 which equals 0.45. Fractions can be converted to decimal and in turn to percent like this. 4\/5 to decimal we just divide 4 by 5 which equals 0.8, to convert 0.8 to percent multiply 0.8 by 100 and we get 80% .","qid":1121709,"docid":"1280704","rank":35,"score":10.546066284179688},{"content":"Converting decimals to percents is all about moving decimal places. For example, let\u00e2\u0080\u0099s say that you have the decimal number 0.55, and you want to change it to a percent. In order to do this, you are simply going to move the decimal point 2 places to the right.","qid":1121709,"docid":"5038143","rank":36,"score":10.473408699035645},{"content":"three-quarters also three quarters. quantifier. Three-quarters is an amount that is three out of four equal parts of something. Three-quarters of the country's workers took part in the strike. It took him about three-quarters of an hour. Three-quarters is also a pronoun.","qid":1121709,"docid":"2046431","rank":37,"score":10.702409744262695},{"content":"Report Abuse. To get the percentage of 3\/5, FIRST, divide 100% by the denominator, which is 5, to get 20%. SECOND, multiply 3 by 20%, which would give us 60%.","qid":1121709,"docid":"7473137","rank":38,"score":10.749612808227539},{"content":"Percent means per 100, so 50% means 50 per 100, or simply 50\/100. If you divide 50 by 100 you get 0.5 (a decimal number). So, to convert from percent to decimal: divide by 100, and remove the % sign.","qid":1121709,"docid":"5038141","rank":39,"score":10.56289005279541},{"content":"Field goal percentage. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Field goal percentage in basketball is the ratio of field goals made to field goals attempted. Its abbreviation is FG%. Although three-point field goal percentage is often calculated separately, three-point field goals are included in the general field goal percentage. Instead of using scales of 0 to 100%, the scale .000 to 1.000 is commonly used.","qid":1121709,"docid":"5055144","rank":40,"score":10.397499084472656},{"content":"Percentage is per-cent which means parts per hundred. One percent is equal to 1\/100 fraction: 1% = 1\/100 = 0.01. Ten percent is equal to 10\/100 fraction: 10% = 10\/100 = 0.1. Fifty percent is equal to 50\/100 fraction: 50% = 50\/100 = 0.5. One hundred percent is equal to 100\/100 fraction: 100% = 100\/100 = 1.","qid":1121709,"docid":"6409925","rank":41,"score":10.398783683776855},{"content":"In mathematics, a percentage is a number in the fraction of 100. It is often denoted with the symbol of %, or simply pct or percent. For example, 35% is equivalent to 0.35 or 35\/100. The calculator above can take any two values and calculate the third value. Examples: Percentage Formula.","qid":1121709,"docid":"1095843","rank":42,"score":10.774823188781738},{"content":"Convert Percents to Decimals. Just move the decimal point 2 places to the left and remove the % sign! Percent means per 100, so 50% means 50 per 100, or simply 50\/100. If you divide 50 by 100 you get 0.5 (a decimal number). So, to convert from percent to decimal: divide by 100, and remove the % sign. The Easy Way The easy way to divide by 100 is to move the decimal point 2 places to the left, so:","qid":1121709,"docid":"8033394","rank":43,"score":10.46914291381836},{"content":"The third quartile is the place where three fourths of the data lies below it. The median, first quartile and third quartile can all be stated in terms of percentiles. Since half of the data is less than the median, and one half is equal to 50%, we could call the median the 50th percentile. One fourth is equal to 25%, and so the first quartile the 25th percentile.","qid":1121709,"docid":"3165925","rank":44,"score":11.031516075134277},{"content":"32% -- 32 for each 100. If we think of a quantity being divided into one hundred equal parts, that is, into hundredths, then a percent is a number of hundredths. 32% is 32 hundredths. When the percent is less than or equal to 100%, then we can say out of 100. 32% is 32 out of 100.","qid":1121709,"docid":"6526914","rank":45,"score":10.580256462097168},{"content":"Answer: 3\/8 = 37.5%. To convert a percentage to a fraction, first convert to a decimal (divide by 100), then use the steps for converting decimal to fractions (like above).","qid":1121709,"docid":"5614877","rank":46,"score":10.781074523925781},{"content":"Percent can be thought of as the ratio of a number to 100, or the numerator of a fraction in which the denominator is 100. Percents can be represented as fractions and decimals. Example: 60% = 60\/100 or 3\/5 or 0.6.","qid":1121709,"docid":"904704","rank":47,"score":11.297710418701172},{"content":"Percent can be thought of as a ratio with a base of 100. Ratios can be written as fractions. So to convert a percent to a fraction we make the numerator on the top the percent value and make the denominator at the bottom 100. This fraction can often be simplified as shown in the example below. Write 35% as a fraction.","qid":1121709,"docid":"528716","rank":48,"score":10.614648818969727},{"content":"Question from Traci, a parent: Please convert 66 2\/3% into a decimal and a fraction. Traci, I'm going to use 33 1\/3% and let you work with 66 2\/3%. First I divide 3 into 1 to get 1\/3 = 0.333 where the 3 is repeating.Hence 33 1\/3% is But percent means per one-hundred so is. As a fraction that's 1\/3.uestion from Traci, a parent: Please convert 66 2\/3% into a decimal and a fraction. Traci, I'm going to use 33 1\/3% and let you work with 66 2\/3%. First I divide 3 into 1 to get 1\/3 = 0.333 where the 3 is repeating.","qid":1121709,"docid":"5014378","rank":49,"score":10.424694061279297},{"content":"1 A percent is the number of parts out of 100 of something. For example, a quarter (25 cents) is 25 percent of a dollar (100 cents). It is the numerator of a fraction whose denominator is 100. percent, sometimes written as 25%.","qid":1121709,"docid":"8668847","rank":50,"score":10.690410614013672},{"content":"ber of synagogues was Orthodox (40 percent), followed by Reform (26 percent), and Conservative (23 percent). All other denomina-tions and forms of synagogue identification have 3 percent or less of the synagogues: Reconstructionist (3 percent), Sephardi (3 percent), Traditional (1 percent), Humanistic (1 percent),","qid":1121709,"docid":"7573692","rank":51,"score":10.801253318786621},{"content":"Best Answer: Percent means divide by 100. So: 26% = 26\/100 = 13\/50 As a decimal, 26\/100 = .26 .13 = 13\/100 = 13% I'll let you do the third.","qid":1121709,"docid":"2115565","rank":52,"score":10.728361129760742},{"content":"So to convert a percent to a fraction we make the numerator on the top the percent value and make the denominator at the bottom 100. This fraction can often be simplified as shown in the example below. Write 35% as a fraction. The numerator is the percent value and the denominator is 100.","qid":1121709,"docid":"528718","rank":53,"score":10.867630004882812},{"content":"17) 25 % 18) 70 %19) 93 % 20) 58 %21) 50 % 22) 66 .6%23) 20 % 24) 80 %25) 71 % 26) 30 % Write each as a percent. Use repeating decimals when necessary.","qid":1121709,"docid":"1332617","rank":54,"score":10.42729663848877},{"content":"The part that is often missed on people (and probably the most important part) is who Three Percenters are supposed to be modeled after. It\u00e2\u0080\u0099s one thing to say you will stand up and fight or wave a certain flag (when everyone else does).","qid":1121709,"docid":"8049585","rank":55,"score":12.05621337890625},{"content":"32% -- 32 for each 100. If we think of a quantity being divided into one hundred equal parts, that is, into hundredths, then a percent is a number of hundredths. 32% is 32 hundredths. When the percent is less than or equal to 100%, then we can say out of 100. 32% is 32 out of 100.But to say that 200% is 200 out of 100 makes no sense. 200% is 200 for each 100, which is to say, twice as much.200% of 12 is 24. Example 2. 100 people were surveyed, and 65 responded Yes.ercent is an abbreviation for the Latin per centum, which means for each 100. 100% , then, means 100 for each 100, which is all. 100% of 12 is 12. 50% is another way of saying half because 50% means 50 for each 100, which is half.","qid":1121709,"docid":"425277","rank":56,"score":10.525243759155273},{"content":"1 The third quartile, denoted by Q 3, is the median of the upper half of the data set. 2 This means that about 75% of the numbers in the data set lie below Q 3 and about 25% lie above Q 3.","qid":1121709,"docid":"181615","rank":57,"score":10.623414993286133},{"content":"A percent is a ratio whose second term is 100. Percent means parts per hundred and we use the symbol % to represent it. In this lesson, we learned how to convert between ratios, fractions, decimals and percents.","qid":1121709,"docid":"7651440","rank":58,"score":10.849790573120117},{"content":"Sections: Percent to Decimal, Percent to Fraction, Decimal to Fraction, Decimal to Percent, Fraction to Decimal, Fraction to Percent, Tables of Equivalents. Percentages refer to fractions of a whole; that is, whatever you're looking at, the percentage is how much of the whole thing you have.","qid":1121709,"docid":"1525106","rank":59,"score":10.562521934509277},{"content":"Try to understand that being a Three Percenter (Threeper, 3%, 3 Percenter, etc) is more of an idea than anything else, but there are some clues that will help you figure it out. What follows is NOT all encompassing or even an extensive listing of clues. Instead, these are merely just a few of the many indicators.","qid":1121709,"docid":"3423062","rank":60,"score":13.35240364074707},{"content":"Sorry, something has gone wrong. Best Answer: 66 2\/3% = 2\/3 as a fraction it's a common % and fraction so important to know. but if you forget, or have to change ANY percent to a fraction, just remember: % means 1\/100 so.. . 66 2\/3 % = 66 2\/3 X 1\/100 change to improper fraction: 200\/3 X 1\/100 = 200\/300 = 2\/3 that's it! ;).nswers. Best Answer: 66 2\/3% = 2\/3 as a fraction it's a common % and fraction so important to know. but if you forget, or have to change ANY percent to a fraction, just remember: % means 1\/100 so. . . 66 2\/3 % = 66 2\/3 X 1\/100 change to improper fraction: 200\/3 X 1\/100 = 200\/300 = 2\/3 that's it! ;). Source(s):","qid":1121709,"docid":"5014375","rank":61,"score":10.45534610748291},{"content":"\u00c2\u00b7 just now. Report Abuse. To get the percentage of 3\/5, FIRST, divide 100% by the denominator, which is 5, to get 20%. SECOND, multiply 3 by 20%, which would give us 60%.","qid":1121709,"docid":"7473140","rank":62,"score":10.712106704711914},{"content":"Percentages are an important part of our everyday lives. Percentage is a very handy way of writing fractions. Percentages can be compared more easily than fractions. Shops advertise discounts on products. These discounts are percentages. Up to 50% off marked prices Financial institutions quote interest charged to the client on loans, or interest paid for money invested, as a percentage.","qid":1121709,"docid":"7102106","rank":63,"score":10.430797576904297},{"content":"The Oath Keepers and Three Percenters, both part of an anti-government extremist movement that has grown since President Obama took office, promote the idea that the federal government is plotting to take away the rights of American citizens and must be resisted.","qid":1121709,"docid":"8049584","rank":64,"score":11.7845458984375},{"content":"66 2\/3% (66*3+2)\/3 200\/3% (200\/3)*(1\/100) 2\/3 0.66667.6 2\/3% (66*3+2)\/3 200\/3% (200\/3)*(1\/100) 2\/3 0.66667.","qid":1121709,"docid":"5014383","rank":65,"score":10.434919357299805},{"content":"1 It is the numerator of a fraction whose denominator is 100. percent, sometimes written as 25%. If you have a decimal number, like .72 and you want to convert it to a percent, you just multiply it by 100. So the decimal .72 becomes (100 X .72) = 72 percent.","qid":1121709,"docid":"8668850","rank":66,"score":10.61152458190918},{"content":"Definition: A percent is a ratio whose second term is 100. Percent means parts per hundred. The word comes from the Latin phrase per centum, which means per hundred. In mathematics, we use the symbol % for percent.","qid":1121709,"docid":"7651441","rank":67,"score":10.700728416442871},{"content":"A loose affiliation of like minded Americans who vow to refuse to comply with laws that violate the second amendment right to keep (own) and bear (carry) firearms. The name 3 percenter comes from the fact that only 3 percent of colonial British subjects took up arms against the King during the revolutionary war. Three percent of the population was enough to overthrow a government and win independence. We are the 3 percenters, we will not comply, we will not be disarmed.. #second amendment #patriot #revolution #militia #constitution. by 3per October 09, 2013.","qid":1121709,"docid":"3423067","rank":68,"score":12.372998237609863},{"content":"Percent can be thought of as the ratio of a number to 100, or the numerator of a fraction in which the denominator is 100. Percents can be represented as fractions and decimals. Example: 60% = 60\/100 or 3\/5 or 0.6. 40 % = 40\/100 or 2\/5 or 0.4.","qid":1121709,"docid":"904705","rank":69,"score":11.207901000976562},{"content":"A percent is a number expressed with a % sign that represents a fraction with a denominator of 100 (which is the same as a decimal in which the decimal point is moved two plac \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 es to the left). Examples: 45% = 45\/100 45% = 0.45 87% = 87\/100 87% = 0.87 Many people use percent and percentage interchangeably.","qid":1121709,"docid":"5614874","rank":70,"score":10.748736381530762},{"content":"third-person-shooters; third-person-singular; third-person-singulars; third quantum number; third quarter moon; third rail; third-rail; third-rails; third-rate; third-reich","qid":1121709,"docid":"3469590","rank":71,"score":10.479086875915527},{"content":"Again, percents are parts of 100%. (Lesson 15 .) Just as 50% means half \u00e2\u0080\u0094 because 50 is half of 100 \u00e2\u0080\u0094 and 25% means a quarter, because. b) What percent means two thirds? In Section 2, Question 10, we will see a simple way to find a quarter or 25% of a number.","qid":1121709,"docid":"4935799","rank":72,"score":10.798019409179688},{"content":"A few things you should consider... There have been a lot of questions lately in regard to the term \u00e2\u0080\u009cThree Percenter\u00e2\u0080\u009d. The term comes up every once in awhile, especially when perceived injustices are committed by the federal government.","qid":1121709,"docid":"3423065","rank":73,"score":11.78274917602539},{"content":"Answer. 32% -- 32 for each 100. If we think of a quantity being divided into one hundred equal parts, that is, into hundredths, then a percent is a number of hundredths. 32% is 32 hundredths.When the percent is less than or equal to 100%, then we can say out of 100. 32% is 32 out of 100.ercent is an abbreviation for the Latin per centum, which means for each 100. 100% , then, means 100 for each 100, which is all. 100% of 12 is 12. 50% is another way of saying half because 50% means 50 for each 100, which is half.","qid":1121709,"docid":"6956259","rank":74,"score":10.859436988830566},{"content":"In mathematics, a percentage is a number or ratio expressed as a fraction of 100. It is often denoted using the percent sign, %, or the abbreviations pct., pct; sometimes the abbreviation pc is also used. A percentage is a dimensionless number (pure number). For example, 45% (read as forty-five percent) is equal to 45\u00e2\u0081\u0084100, or 0.45.","qid":1121709,"docid":"7651438","rank":75,"score":10.637636184692383},{"content":"A percent is the number of parts out of 100 of something. For example, a quarter (25 cents) is 25 percent of a dollar (100 cents). It is the numerator of a fraction whose denominator is 100. So, the fraction 25\/100 is 25.","qid":1121709,"docid":"8668848","rank":76,"score":10.680225372314453},{"content":"Percentage is a value that represents the proportion of one number to another number. 1 percent represents 1\/100 fraction. 100 percent (100%) of a number is the same number: 100% \u00c3\u0097 80 = 100\/100\u00c3\u009780 = 80.50 percent (50%) of a number is half of the number: 50% \u00c3\u0097 80 = 50\/100\u00c3\u009780 = 40. So 40 is 50% of 80.ercentage is a value that represents the proportion of one number to another number. 1 percent represents 1\/100 fraction. 100 percent (100%) of a number is the same number: 100% \u00c3\u0097 80 = 100\/100\u00c3\u009780 = 80.","qid":1121709,"docid":"8568342","rank":77,"score":10.517592430114746},{"content":"The next step in understanding percent is knowing what it means to say that they are parts of 100%. Since 50% is half of 100%, then 50% means half. Since 25% is a quarter of 100%, 25% means a quarter. 20% means a fifth. And so on: Lesson 15.","qid":1121709,"docid":"3275056","rank":78,"score":10.475356101989746},{"content":"Are You REALLY a Three Percenter? March 1, 2015 December 25, 2017 David Robertson NOTE: This article has been moved to website address below; please update your links.","qid":1121709,"docid":"8049579","rank":79,"score":12.644453048706055},{"content":"It is three times as big as the number 1. However, a % does not use the number 1 for comparison purposes. A % is used to compare a number (any number) to 100 using division. Continuing on with the number 3 compared to the number 1 as an example, the result is: (Note that the quotient must still equal 3.","qid":1121709,"docid":"4661887","rank":80,"score":10.513481140136719},{"content":"Three Percent\/Four Percent \u00e2\u0080\u0093 The missing percent is lost in a mathematical conundrum and entirely irrelevant. The point is that it represents the people who are willing to stand up in defense of the Constitution against any enemy and when everyone else is afraid to do it or simply will not.","qid":1121709,"docid":"3423061","rank":81,"score":11.27224349975586},{"content":"III% Club Merchandise & III% Logo Gear. The Three Percenters Club official merchandise is designed and produced in Nashville, Tn. with great flexibility, supporting our network, awareness, training, expansion, and organization.. The Three Percenters Club is not for profit. It's for purpose..., Support us and help us spread the word. Let's multiply our numbers and influence..","qid":1121709,"docid":"3423063","rank":82,"score":10.740839004516602},{"content":"Percent can be thought of as the ratio of a number to 100, or the numerator of a fraction in which the denominator is 100.","qid":1121709,"docid":"904700","rank":83,"score":10.91250228881836},{"content":"462 Chapter 5 \u00e2\u0080\u0094 Percents Model 3 Convert to a percent: Step 1 Step 2 0.45% = 45% Answer If the denominator of the fraction is a factor of 100, instead of dividing to determine the decimal, build the fraction to have 100 as its denominator. The numerator will be the percent number.aking an error in the shift of the decimal point when converting between decimals and percents Convert 1.5 to a percent. 1.5 = 0.015%Convert 2.27% to a decimal. 2.27% = 227When converting from a decimal to a percent, the resulting THINK percent number will always be 100 times as large as the decimal number.","qid":1121709,"docid":"8835618","rank":84,"score":10.415956497192383},{"content":"To accomplish certain written calculations, however, it is useful to represent a percent by a number. And since a percent is how many for each 100 -- 24% is 24 for each 100 -- a percent is a number of hundredths. 24% is 24 hundredths.0% is another way of saying half because 50% means 50 for each 100, which is half. 50% of 12 is 6. A percent means how many for each 100.","qid":1121709,"docid":"6558180","rank":85,"score":10.415681838989258},{"content":"Quartiles and Percentiles. The median, first quartile and third quartile can all be stated in terms of percentiles. Since half of the data is less than the median, and one half is equal to 50%, we could call the median the 50th percentile.","qid":1121709,"docid":"1282651","rank":86,"score":10.494102478027344},{"content":"See more of The Three Percenter's Club by logging into Facebook. Message this Page, learn about upcoming events and more. If you don't have a Facebook account, you can create one to see more of this Page.","qid":1121709,"docid":"3423066","rank":87,"score":10.882301330566406},{"content":"Instead of the basis of a majority, a supermajority can be specified using any fraction or percentage which is greater than one-half (i.e., 50 percent). It can also be called a qualified majority. Common supermajorities include three fifths (60%); two thirds (66.666.","qid":1121709,"docid":"5266215","rank":88,"score":10.680529594421387},{"content":"There are three parts to a percentage problem: rate, base, and percentage amount. The rate is the percent, the base is the total, and the percentage amount is a fraction of the amount. To find the percentage amount, change the rate to a decimal and multiply by the base.","qid":1121709,"docid":"7313132","rank":89,"score":10.78222370147705},{"content":"Report Abuse. Really good question. 66 2\/3% = 66 2\/3 \/\/ 100 \/\/ in this case means divide. 66 2\/3 \/\/100= 200\/3 \/\/ 100 When 200 is divided by 100 you get 2 So the answer really is 2\/3 There are two facts that really help you to understand this. 1.All percents really mean divide by 100.eport Abuse. Really good question. 66 2\/3% = 66 2\/3 \/\/ 100 \/\/ in this case means divide. 66 2\/3 \/\/100= 200\/3 \/\/ 100 When 200 is divided by 100 you get 2 So the answer really is 2\/3 There are two facts that really help you to understand this. 1.","qid":1121709,"docid":"5014377","rank":90,"score":10.592766761779785},{"content":"Percent to Fraction. Percent-to-fraction conversions aren't too bad. This is where you use the fact that percent means out of a hundred. Convert the percent to a decimal, and then to a fraction.","qid":1121709,"docid":"1525104","rank":91,"score":10.84031867980957},{"content":"A percentage score is the percent of test items answered correctly. These scores can be useful when describing a student's performance on a teacher-made test or on a criterion-referenced test.","qid":1121709,"docid":"3165927","rank":92,"score":10.523178100585938},{"content":"In addition to the Oath Keepers\u00e2\u0080\u0099 patch, the soldier is wearing patches for the Three Percenters; one patch that reads three percent and another with a version of the American flag with the Roman numeral III. At least one supporter has labeled this symbol the group's battle flag.","qid":1121709,"docid":"8049582","rank":93,"score":11.25267219543457},{"content":"Percent vs Percentage. My Dictionary says Percentage is the result obtained by multiplying a quantity by a percent. So 10 percent of 50 apples is 5 apples: the 5 apples is the percentage.","qid":1121709,"docid":"7645283","rank":94,"score":10.46277904510498},{"content":"Percent to fraction. Percent can be thought of as a ratio with a base of 100. Ratios can be written as fractions. So to convert a percent to a fraction we make the numerator on the top the percent value and make the denominator at the bottom 100. This fraction can often be simplified as shown in the example below.Write 35% as a fraction.The numerator is the percent value and the denominator is 100.o to convert a percent to a fraction we make the numerator on the top the percent value and make the denominator at the bottom 100. This fraction can often be simplified as shown in the example below. Write 35% as a fraction. The numerator is the percent value and the denominator is 100.","qid":1121709,"docid":"7789831","rank":95,"score":10.590645790100098},{"content":"Whichever part or parts the percent is of 100%, the percent means that part or those parts. Fifths. Let the circle represent 100%, and let us divide it into fifths, that is, into five equal parts -- into 20's. Each 20% is a fifth of the circle. Two fifths of the circle -- of 100% -- is 40% Three fifths is 60%.Four fifths is 80%.f 9 is divided into Thirds, then it is divided into 3's: 3, 6, 9.). Let us now see how each number is related to 9. 1 is the ninth part -- or one ninth -- of 9. 2 is two ninth parts of 9. (The point again is that each 1 is a ninth part of 9.). 3 is three ninths of 9 -- and also the third part of 9.","qid":1121709,"docid":"5092299","rank":96,"score":11.179109573364258},{"content":"Report Abuse. To get the percentage of 3\/5, FIRST, divide 100% by the denominator, which is 5, to get 20%. SECOND, multiply 3 by 20%, which would give us 60%. That's it.","qid":1121709,"docid":"7473136","rank":97,"score":10.799029350280762},{"content":"In mathematics, a percentage is a number in the fraction of 100. It is often denoted with the symbol of %, or simply pct or percent. For example, 35% is equivalent to 0.35 or 35\/100. The calculator above can take any two values and calculate the third value.","qid":1121709,"docid":"606074","rank":98,"score":10.997824668884277},{"content":"036 6. Rewrite each percent as a decimal. You may choose to first write the percent as a fraction with adenominator of 100.a) 19% b) 3% c) 0.5% d) 109% 7. Rewrite each fraction as a percent.","qid":1121709,"docid":"5234914","rank":99,"score":10.482489585876465},{"content":"But this still doesn\u00e2\u0080\u0099t answer the question. So how do you know if you are a Three Percenter? Try to understand that being a Three Percenter (Threeper, 3%, 3 Percenter, etc) is more of an idea than anything else, but there are some clues that will help you figure it out. What follows is NOT all encompassing or even an extensive listing of clues. Instead, these are merely just a few of the many indicators.","qid":1121709,"docid":"8049578","rank":100,"score":12.909799575805664}]} {"query":"right pelvic pain causes","hits":[{"content":"Possible causes of pelvic pain in both men and women may include: 1 Appendicitis. 2 Bladder disorders. 3 Sexually transmitted diseases. 4 Kidney infection or kidney stones. 5 Intestinal disorders.6 Nerve conditions. 7 Hernia. 8 Pelvis disorder.9 Broken pelvis. 10 Psychogenic pain.ossible causes of pelvic pain in both men and women may include: 1 Appendicitis. 2 Bladder disorders. 3 Sexually transmitted diseases. 4 Kidney infection or kidney stones. 5 Intestinal disorders. 6 Nerve conditions. 7 Hernia. 8 Pelvis disorder. 9 Broken pelvis.","qid":489204,"docid":"6327174","rank":1,"score":13.260489463806152},{"content":"Organs in your pelvis include your bowel, bladder, womb (uterus) and ovaries. Pelvic pain usually means pain that starts from one of these organs. In some cases the pain comes from your pelvic bones that lie next to these organs, or from nearby muscles, nerves, blood vessels or joints. So, there are many causes of pelvic pain. Pelvic pain is more common in women than in men.","qid":489204,"docid":"3744940","rank":2,"score":12.83932876586914},{"content":"Lower right abdominal pain may be due to some of the same causes discussed under upper right abdominal pain. With the lower abdominal regions, the continuation with the pelvic cavity means that pathologies of the pelvic organs or structures may also be a cause of pain.","qid":489204,"docid":"1051498","rank":3,"score":13.2203369140625},{"content":"There are various reasons that cause pain in the right side of the abdomen. These may include appendicitis, problems in the gall bladder, ovarian cysts, etc. Below are some reasons for such pain symptoms: 1 Appendicitis-Pain in the right side of the abdomen is very commonly associated with appendicitis. 2 The appendix is a three and half inch long tube of tissue which is an extension of the large intestine. 3 A blockage in the appendix due to an infection will cause appendicitis.","qid":489204,"docid":"1777014","rank":4,"score":12.812265396118164},{"content":"Causes, Diagnosis And Treatment. Right side abdominal pain is commonly caused by conditions such as appendicitis, gallstones, kidney stones, constipation, ectopic pregnancy, ovarian cyst troubles, endometriosis, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, trapped wind, kidney infection, pulled muscles, hepatitis, and a number of other rarer diseases.","qid":489204,"docid":"533017","rank":5,"score":13.229479789733887},{"content":"Some causes of acute pelvic pain include: 1 An infection of your uterus, fallopian tubes, or ovaries; this condition is called pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). 2 An infection of the urethra, bladder, or kidneys. 3 Ovarian cysts - may go away on their own or may need to be surgically removed. Ectopic pregnancy.","qid":489204,"docid":"855972","rank":6,"score":13.402505874633789},{"content":"Right side abdominal pain is caused by a range of factors. It may be because of an underlying medical condition, foods and drinks that you ingest, trauma, stress, etc. The most common medical conditions that can cause right side abdominal pain are the following: [1] Gallstones. Appendicitis.","qid":489204,"docid":"2915961","rank":7,"score":12.798192977905273},{"content":"In women, pelvic pain may be caused by: 1 Endometriosis, a condition in which the tissue that normally lines the uterus grows on the ovaries, bladder or other organs. 2 Chronic pelvic inflammatory disease, an infection that affects the female reproductive organs. 3 Fibroids, which are noncancerous tumors that grow in the uterus.","qid":489204,"docid":"6542578","rank":8,"score":12.848311424255371},{"content":"Several types of diseases and conditions can cause pelvic pain. Chronic pelvic pain can result from more than one condition. Pelvic pain can arise from your digestive, reproductive or urinary system. Recently, doctors have recognized that some pelvic pain, particularly chronic pelvic pain, can also arise from muscles and connective tissue (ligaments) in the structures of the pelvic floor. Occasionally, pelvic pain might be caused by irritation of nerves in the pelvis.","qid":489204,"docid":"7113153","rank":9,"score":13.290609359741211},{"content":"Some of the less common causes of Pelvic pain may include: 1 Fibroids. 2 Radiculitis. 3 Lyme disease. 4 Abdominal cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome. 5 Tabes dorsalis. 6 Hepatitis.","qid":489204,"docid":"8594271","rank":10,"score":13.227790832519531},{"content":"Pelvic pain that radiates to the abdomen, an abnormal vaginal discharge, and pain during intercourse or urination are common symptoms. Although antibiotics may cure PID, some women may require surgery. If PID is untreated, it can cause infertility, ectopic pregnancy, and chronic pelvic pain.ressure and pain in the pelvic area, the urge to urinate, painful urination, and pain during intercourse also may occur. Although the cause of IC is unknown, there are medications to reduce the symptoms. Like uterine fibroids described previously, IC occurs mainly in women aged 30 to 40, and the cause is unknown.","qid":489204,"docid":"6327178","rank":11,"score":12.876222610473633},{"content":"Disorders that can cause pelvic pain include. 1 Gynecologic disorders\u00e2\u0080\u0094those that affect the reproductive organs (vagina, cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries) 2 Disorders that affect other organs in the pelvis, such as the bladder, rectum, or appendix.","qid":489204,"docid":"8594280","rank":12,"score":13.167081832885742},{"content":"Pelvic pain may be a symptom of infection or may arise from pain in the pelvic bone or in non-reproductive internal organs, such as the bladder or colon.","qid":489204,"docid":"3728441","rank":13,"score":13.074226379394531},{"content":"Pelvic pain usually means pain that starts from one of these organs. In some cases the pain comes from your pelvic bones that lie next to these organs, or from nearby muscles, nerves, blood vessels or joints. So, there are many causes of pelvic pain. Pelvic pain is more common in women than in men.","qid":489204,"docid":"855969","rank":14,"score":12.921391487121582},{"content":"Pelvic pain is pain in the lowest part of your abdomen and pelvis. In women, pelvic pain may refer to symptoms arising from the reproductive or urinary systems or from musculoskeletal sources. Depending on its source, pelvic pain may be dull or sharp; it may be constant or off and on (intermittent); and it may be mild, moderate or severe. Pelvic pain can sometimes radiate to your lower back, buttocks or thighs. Pelvic pain can occur suddenly, sharply and briefly (acute) or over the long term (chronic). Chronic pelvic pain refers to any constant or intermittent pelvic pain that has been present for more than a few months. Sometimes, you may notice pelvic pain only at certain times, such as when you urinate or during sexual activity. 1 Causes.","qid":489204,"docid":"1310103","rank":15,"score":12.790735244750977},{"content":"By Mayo Clinic Staff. Several types of diseases and conditions can cause pelvic pain. Chronic pelvic pain can result from more than one condition. Pelvic pain can arise from your digestive, reproductive or urinary system.","qid":489204,"docid":"4029846","rank":16,"score":13.36614990234375},{"content":"The following conditions often cause lower abdominal pain, sometimes described as pelvic pain: 1 Appendicitis. 2 Cystitis (bladder inflammation) 3 Diverticulitis. Problems with the cervix, such as a cervical infection, inflamed cervix or growths on the cervix.","qid":489204,"docid":"173119","rank":17,"score":12.850116729736328},{"content":"Possible causes of pelvic pain in women only may include: 1 Ectopic pregnancy. 2 Miscarriage. 3 Pelvic inflammatory disease. 4 Ovulation. 5 Menstrual cramps. 6 Ovarian cysts or other ovarian disorders. 7 Fibroids. 8 Endometriosis.","qid":489204,"docid":"152948","rank":18,"score":13.579054832458496},{"content":"Endometriosis is sometimes mistaken for other conditions that can cause pelvic pain, such as pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) or ovarian cysts. It may be confused with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a condition that causes bouts of diarrhea, constipation and abdominal cramping.","qid":489204,"docid":"4430585","rank":19,"score":12.921862602233887},{"content":"Understanding the Cause and Treatment of Pelvic Fluid. It is not uncommon for women to complain of pain in the lower left or right side of the abdomen only to be told that the cause is free pelvic fluid.","qid":489204,"docid":"2163701","rank":20,"score":12.94302749633789},{"content":"Pelvic pain may arise from your digestive, reproductive or urinary system. Recently, doctors have recognized that some pelvic pain, particularly chronic pelvic pain, may also arise from muscles and connective tissue (ligaments) in the structures of the pelvic floor.","qid":489204,"docid":"6652053","rank":21,"score":12.988359451293945},{"content":"Pelvic pain can be a sign that there is a problem with one of the organs in your pelvic area, such as the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, cervix or vagina. It could also be a symptom of infection, or a problem with the urinary tract, lower intestines, rectum, muscle or bone.","qid":489204,"docid":"3665914","rank":22,"score":13.17068099975586},{"content":"Causes. Usually, pelvic pain is not caused by a serious disorder. It is often related to the menstrual cycle. However, several disorders that cause pelvic pain can lead to peritonitis (inflammation and usually infection of the abdominal cavity), which is a serious disorder.sually, pelvic pain is not caused by a serious disorder. It is often related to the menstrual cycle. However, several disorders that cause pelvic pain can lead to peritonitis (inflammation and usually infection of the abdominal cavity), which is a serious disorder.","qid":489204,"docid":"2959687","rank":23,"score":12.979764938354492},{"content":"A common example of chronic pelvic pain is dysmenorrhea or menstrual cramps. Other causes of chronic pelvic pain include endometriosis, adenomyosis, and ovulation pain. Sometimes an illness starts with intermittent pelvic pain that becomes constant over time, this is often a signal that the problem has become worse.","qid":489204,"docid":"4279451","rank":24,"score":13.026674270629883},{"content":"Any malfunction in these organs can lead to sharp pain in the lower right side of the abdomen. Table of Contents. 1 Causes of Sharp Pain In Lower Right Abdomen. 2 Appendicitis. 3 Ovulation pain. 4 Infection of the right kidney. 5 Kidney stones. 6 Right ovarian cysts. 7 Constipation.","qid":489204,"docid":"1430550","rank":25,"score":12.837709426879883},{"content":"Because a number of different conditions can cause chronic pelvic pain, it is sometimes difficult to pinpoint the specific cause. History and physical examination \u00e2\u0080\u0094 A thorough history and a physical examination of the abdomen and pelvis are essential components of the work-up for women with pelvic pain.","qid":489204,"docid":"185675","rank":26,"score":12.906257629394531},{"content":"Many different conditions can cause chronic pelvic pain. You may have one or more of them. All can have similar symptoms, and that often makes it hard to figure out the source of the pain. The main symptom is pain that lasts for more than six months, but there are usually other symptoms, as well.any different conditions can cause chronic pelvic pain. You may have one or more of them. All can have similar symptoms, and that often makes it hard to figure out the source of the pain. The main symptom is pain that lasts for more than six months, but there are usually other symptoms, as well.","qid":489204,"docid":"606204","rank":27,"score":12.821674346923828},{"content":"Some of the possible common medical causes of Pelvic pain may include: 1 Pelvic abscess. 2 Ovarian cyst. 3 Ovarian cancer. 4 Endometriosis. 5 Sequelae of acute PID. 6 Chronis pancreatitis. 7 Renal calculi. 8 Inflammatory bowel disease. 9 Irritable bowel syndrome. 10 Microscopic colitis. 11 Left renal vein entrapment. 12 Muscular infection.","qid":489204,"docid":"8594272","rank":28,"score":13.867101669311523},{"content":"The most common urgent causes of pelvic pain are pelvic inflammatory disease, ruptured ovarian cyst, and appendicitis; however, many other diagnoses in the differential may mimic these conditions, and imaging is often needed.","qid":489204,"docid":"5815957","rank":29,"score":13.511981010437012},{"content":"LOWER Right Abdominal Pain. Lower right abdominal pain may be due to some of the same causes discussed under upper right abdominal pain. With the lower abdominal regions, the continuation with the pelvic cavity means that pathologies of the pelvic organs or structures may also be a cause of pain.","qid":489204,"docid":"1479542","rank":30,"score":13.355362892150879},{"content":"There are various reasons that cause pain in the right side of the abdomen. These may include appendicitis, problems in the gall bladder, ovarian cysts, etc. Below are some reasons for such pain symptoms: Appendicitis - Pain in the right side of the abdomen is very commonly associated with appendicitis.","qid":489204,"docid":"872470","rank":31,"score":12.983904838562012},{"content":"Pelvic inflammatory disease is one of the most common causes of acute pelvic pain in women, and imaging findings vary with the stage of disease. Most cases result from ascending infection, usually caused by a mixture of anaerobic and aerobic organisms.","qid":489204,"docid":"1228655","rank":32,"score":12.880853652954102},{"content":"Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. This is a complication of sexually transmitted diseases. It's the No. 1 preventable cause of infertility in women. It can cause permanent damage to the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes. Belly pain, fever, abnormal vaginal discharge, and pain during sex or urination can be symptoms. Get it treated right away to avoid damage.","qid":489204,"docid":"8395205","rank":33,"score":12.926549911499023},{"content":"Pelvic Pain. Pelvic pain is a common complaint among women and can be caused by a number of pelvic conditions. Its nature and intensity may fluctuate, and its cause is often obscure. In some cases, no disease is evident.","qid":489204,"docid":"8376906","rank":34,"score":12.94416332244873},{"content":"It can cause permanent damage to the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes. Belly pain, fever, abnormal vaginal discharge, and pain during sex or urination can be symptoms. Get it treated right away to avoid damage.","qid":489204,"docid":"7376794","rank":35,"score":12.928850173950195},{"content":"The most common cause of pain in the lower right side of the abdomen can be due to appendicitis, gall stones, urinary tract infection, ovarian cyst and pelvic inflammation in \u00e2\u0080\u00a6women, and inflammatory bowel disease and rarely diverticular disease.","qid":489204,"docid":"4586570","rank":36,"score":12.966800689697266},{"content":"Occasionally, it is caused by a ruptured appendix, tuberculosis, or diverticulitis. It can involve the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes (which link the ovaries and uterus) (figure 1). Chronic changes following pelvic inflammatory disease occur in about one-third of women and causes chronic pelvic pain.","qid":489204,"docid":"185673","rank":37,"score":12.819717407226562},{"content":"If the ectopic pregnancy is on the right fallopian tube, pain in the right side of the body is felt. Dizziness and vaginal bleeding are also manifestations of this problem. Poor posture, poor diet, lack of exercise, injury. Our day-to-day, mundane activities can cause back pains, specifically on the right side. Obesity, poor posture, heavy physical work, improper diet, imbalance of muscles and lack of exercise may lead to painful right back side. Muscle cramps. Not every pain in the right side of the body is cause for alarm. It could just be a minor problem such as muscle cramps caused by lifting of heavy weights or strenuous exercise. If the pain in the right side of the body, however, lasts for days, it is recommended that you seek the help of a doctor.","qid":489204,"docid":"7108296","rank":38,"score":13.022428512573242},{"content":"The most common medical conditions that can cause right side abdominal pain are the following: [1] 1 Gallstones. 2 Appendicitis. 3 Kidney stones. Constipation (See the difference between constipation and 1 obstipation) Pregnancy. Kidney 1 infection. Hepatitis ulcerative disease. Ulcerative colitis.","qid":489204,"docid":"2915963","rank":39,"score":12.812621116638184},{"content":"Since the lower right abdomen comprises the reproductive organs, women may experience pain in the abdomen due to medical conditions associated with the uterus, Fallopian tubes, or ovaries. Ectopic pregnancy could also cause pain in the abdomen.","qid":489204,"docid":"5842847","rank":40,"score":13.075923919677734},{"content":"Causes of Pelvic Pain. Acute pelvic pain is pain that starts over a short period of time anywhere from a few minutes to a few days. This type of pain is often a warning sign that something is wrong and should be evaluated promptly. Pelvic pain can be caused by an infection or inflammation. An infection doesn't have to affect the reproductive organs to cause pelvic pain. Pain caused by the bladder, bowel, or appendix can produce pain in the pelvic region; diverticulitis, irritable bowel syndrome, kidney or bladder stones, as well as muscle spasms or strains are some examples of non-reproductive causes of pelvic or lower abdominal pain.","qid":489204,"docid":"8737051","rank":41,"score":13.642677307128906},{"content":"Causes of Pain on the Right Side of the Waist. Pain along the waist line may be caused by abnormal function of any of the organs in the pelvic region of the body. Depending on the cause of the problem, waist pain might be mild or severe, aching or throbbing. Sitting and sleeping in improper position may lead to the pain located on the right side of the waist.","qid":489204,"docid":"1538587","rank":42,"score":12.802970886230469},{"content":"Pelvic pain is pain in the lowest part of your abdomen and pelvis. In women, pelvic pain may refer to symptoms arising from the reproductive or urinary systems or from musculoskeletal sources.","qid":489204,"docid":"3665912","rank":43,"score":12.78620719909668},{"content":"Pelvic Pain: What's Causing Your Pelvic Pain? There are many causes of pelvic pain in women including uterine fibroids, cysts, PMS, appendicitis, bladder infections, and unusual vulvar pain. Pelvic pain has symptoms that can be uncomfortable, but luckily there are treatments for pelvic pain.","qid":489204,"docid":"973923","rank":44,"score":13.381329536437988},{"content":"Severe pain in my right side (in my waist) KarenlovesKermit 4 years ago 13 Replies. Severe pain in my right side (in my waist) as well as right pelvic pain and lower back pain. Just wondered if any of you lovely ladies have the same pain as I would love to know what's causing the pain in my side.","qid":489204,"docid":"7564977","rank":45,"score":12.866266250610352},{"content":"Chronic pelvic pain has many possible causes, and the symptoms may vary with what's causing the pain. Endometriosis is a condition in which the lining of the uterus (endometrium) grows outside the uterus. The lining can attach to the ovaries, fallopian tubes, intestines or other structures in the pelvis.","qid":489204,"docid":"185679","rank":46,"score":12.858747482299805},{"content":"Causes of Pelvic pain. Pelvic pain has numerous causes, may be mild or severe and include: pelvic inflammatory disease, ovarian cysts\/polycystic ovarian syndrome, endometriosis, adenomyosis, fibroids, ectopic pregnancy, appendicitis, bladder\/kidney infection, irritable bowel syndrome and diverticulitis.1 Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).elvic pain has numerous causes, may be mild or severe and include: pelvic inflammatory disease, ovarian cysts\/polycystic ovarian syndrome, endometriosis, adenomyosis, fibroids, ectopic pregnancy, appendicitis, bladder\/kidney infection, irritable bowel syndrome and diverticulitis. 1 Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).","qid":489204,"docid":"5895917","rank":47,"score":13.962193489074707},{"content":"The following conditions often cause lower right abdominal pain 1 : Appendicitis. 2 Cancer. 3 Cholecystitis (gallbladder inflammation). 4 Diverticulitis. 5 Problems with the cervix, such as a cervical infection, inflamed cervix or growths on the cervix. 6 Endometriosis. 7 Inguinal hernia. 8 Injury. 9 Intestinal obstruction.","qid":489204,"docid":"1225591","rank":48,"score":13.23807144165039},{"content":"Chronic pelvic pain has many possible causes, and the symptoms may vary with what's causing the pain. Endometriosis is a condition in which the lining of the uterus (endometrium) grows outside the uterus. The lining can attach to the ovaries, fallopian tubes, intestines or other structures in the pelvis. Adenomyosis occurs when tissue from the lining of the uterus grows in the muscle of the uterus. Endometriosis may cause pelvic pain, especially during menstruation. Hormones of the menstrual cycle cause the endometriosis to bleed each month. This can be painful and result in the formation of pelvic adhesions, also known as scar tissue. Blood trapped in the ovary can build up into a cyst.","qid":489204,"docid":"1319513","rank":49,"score":12.80570125579834},{"content":"There are various reasons that cause pain in the right side of the abdomen. These may include appendicitis, problems in the gall bladder, ovarian cysts, etc. Appendicitis - Pain in the right side of the abdomen is very commonly associated with appendicitis.","qid":489204,"docid":"872467","rank":50,"score":12.917336463928223},{"content":"Several types of diseases and conditions can cause pelvic pain. Chronic pelvic pain can result from more than one condition. Pelvic pain can arise from your digestive, reproductive or urinary system. Recently, doctors have recognized that some pelvic pain, particularly chronic pelvic pain, can also arise from muscles and connective tissue (ligaments) in the structures of the pelvic floor.","qid":489204,"docid":"4387756","rank":51,"score":13.28399658203125},{"content":"Causes of Pain on the Right Side of the Waist Pain along the waist line may be caused by abnormal function of any of the organs in the pelvic region of the body. Depending on the cause of the problem, waist pain might be mild or severe, aching or throbbing.","qid":489204,"docid":"7116533","rank":52,"score":12.844854354858398},{"content":"By Mayo Clinic Staff. Several types of diseases and conditions can cause pelvic pain. Chronic pelvic pain can result from more than one condition. Pelvic pain can arise from your digestive, reproductive or urinary system. Recently, doctors have recognized that some pelvic pain, particularly chronic pelvic pain, can also arise from muscles and connective tissue (ligaments) in the structures of the pelvic floor. Occasionally, pelvic pain might be caused by irritation of nerves in the pelvis.","qid":489204,"docid":"216492","rank":53,"score":13.308101654052734},{"content":"Acute (or sharp) pain starts suddenly and often has a single cause. This type of pain may be a warning that something is wrong. Some causes of acute pelvic pain include: An infection of your uterus, fallopian tubes, or ovaries; this condition is called pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). An infection of the urethra, bladder, or kidneys.","qid":489204,"docid":"2268652","rank":54,"score":13.416191101074219},{"content":"The most common gynecologic causes of pelvic pain include. 1 Menstrual cramps (dysmenorrhea) 2 Pain in the middle of the menstrual cycle (mittelschmerz), occurring during ovulation. 3 Endometriosis (abnormally located patches of tissue that is normally located only in the lining of the uterus)","qid":489204,"docid":"8594273","rank":55,"score":13.255621910095215},{"content":"Pelvic pain arising from the female reproductive system might be caused by conditions such as: Adenomyosis. Ectopic pregnancy (or other pregnancy-related conditions) Endometriosis. Menstrual cramps (dysmenorrhea) Miscarriage (before the 20th week) or intrauterine fetal death. Mittelschmerz (ovulation pain)","qid":489204,"docid":"3053140","rank":56,"score":13.044747352600098},{"content":"Chronic pelvic pain is a complex condition that can have multiple causes. Sometimes, a single disorder may be identified as the cause. In other cases, however, pain may be the result of several medical conditions. For example, a woman might have endometriosis and interstitial cystitis, both of which contribute to chronic pelvic pain. Some causes of chronic pelvic pain include: Endometriosis.","qid":489204,"docid":"1950273","rank":57,"score":13.0975923538208},{"content":"As the tissue grows, it causes pain which may be restricted to the right side of the body. Ectopic pregnancy-occurs when the fertilized egg fails to move and implant into the uterus. It can get stuck in the fallopian tubes, which can result in severe right side pain. Medical attention is required to safely remove the embryo.","qid":489204,"docid":"7113084","rank":58,"score":12.992826461791992},{"content":"Chronic pelvic pain is almost as difficult to diagnose because the discomfort can often indicate more than one health issue. However, being aware of the most common pelvic pain culprits\u00e2\u0080\u0094for example cysts and endometriosis\u00e2\u0080\u0094can ease worry and help catch the cause in it\u00e2\u0080\u0099s earlier stages.","qid":489204,"docid":"2268658","rank":59,"score":12.789159774780273},{"content":"Right lower abdominal pain is common and may represent serious disease. This kind of pain may originate from the gastrointestinal, urinary, cardiovascular or reproductive system. More specifically, within each of these organ systems, there are common and uncommon conditions that can cause right lower abdominal pain.","qid":489204,"docid":"1051499","rank":60,"score":13.008545875549316},{"content":"The following conditions often cause lower right abdominal pain 1 : Appendicitis. 2 Cancer. 3 Cholecystitis (gallbladder inflammation). 4 Diverticulitis. 5 Problems with the cervix, such as a cervical infection, inflamed cervix or growths on the cervix. 6 Endometriosis. 7 Inguinal hernia. 8 Injury.","qid":489204,"docid":"1231677","rank":61,"score":13.257338523864746},{"content":"Some causes of chronic pelvic pain include: 1 Endometriosis. This is a condition in which tissue from the lining of your womb (uterus) grows outside your uterus. 2 Tension in your pelvic floor muscles. Spasms or tension in the pelvic floor muscles can lead to recurring pelvic pain. 3 Chronic pelvic inflammatory disease.","qid":489204,"docid":"1759354","rank":62,"score":13.131937026977539},{"content":"What Is Pelvic Pain? If you have pain below your belly button and above your legs, it counts as pelvic pain. It can be caused by a lot of things. It may be a harmless sign that you\u00e2\u0080\u0099re fertile, a digestive disorder, or a red flag that you need to go to the hospital.","qid":489204,"docid":"855964","rank":63,"score":12.829609870910645},{"content":"Reviewed by Traci C. Johnson, MD, FACOG. Many different conditions can cause chronic pelvic pain. You may have one or more of them. All can have similar symptoms, and that often makes it hard to figure out the source of the pain. The main symptom is pain that lasts for more than six months, but there are usually other symptoms, as well.","qid":489204,"docid":"6087667","rank":64,"score":13.157990455627441},{"content":"Most of the time the cause of a lower right tummy pain may be due to a mild condition like trapped wind, constipation or food intolerance. It is however important to exclude more serious causes like appendicitis, ectopic pregnancy, or ruptured ovarian cyst.","qid":489204,"docid":"3438216","rank":65,"score":12.895663261413574},{"content":"Possible causes of pelvic pain in both men and women may include: 1 Appendicitis. 2 Bladder disorders. 3 Sexually transmitted diseases. 4 Kidney infection or kidney stones. 5 Intestinal disorders. 6 Nerve conditions. 7 Hernia. 8 Pelvis disorder.","qid":489204,"docid":"3728445","rank":66,"score":13.216694831848145},{"content":"Chronic pelvic pain can be intermittent or constant. Intermittent chronic pelvic pain usually has a specific cause, while constant pelvic pain may be the result of more than one problem. A common example of chronic pelvic pain is dysmenorrhea or menstrual cramps. Other causes of chronic pelvic pain include endometriosis, adenomyosis, and ovulation pain. Sometimes an illness starts with intermittent pelvic pain that becomes constant over time, this is often a signal that the problem has become worse.","qid":489204,"docid":"8737053","rank":67,"score":12.8936185836792},{"content":"Pain caused by the bladder, bowel, or appendix can produce pain in the pelvic region; diverticulitis, irritable bowel syndrome, kidney or bladder stones, as well as muscle spasms or strains are some examples of non-reproductive causes of pelvic or lower abdominal pain.","qid":489204,"docid":"216490","rank":68,"score":13.041202545166016},{"content":"Possible causes of pelvic pain in both men and women may include: 1 Appendicitis. 2 Bladder disorders. 3 Sexually transmitted diseases. 4 Kidney infection or kidney stones. 5 Intestinal disorders. 6 Nerve conditions. 7 Hernia. 8 Pelvis disorder. 9 Broken pelvis. 10 Psychogenic pain.","qid":489204,"docid":"152954","rank":69,"score":13.20695686340332},{"content":"There are many causes of pelvic pain in women including uterine fibroids, cysts, PMS, appendicitis, bladder infections, and unusual vulvar pain. Pelvic pain has symptoms that can be uncomfortable, but luckily there are treatments for pelvic pain.","qid":489204,"docid":"753265","rank":70,"score":13.262747764587402},{"content":"Symptoms: Pain in the lower right abdomen, which can be dull and achy in nature, pain in the pelvis which radiates towards the thigh and lower back. Other symptoms are: Feeling of fullness or heaviness in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting and pressure sensation on the rectum or bladder.","qid":489204,"docid":"320078","rank":71,"score":13.137460708618164},{"content":"It can truly. be life-altering. Possible causes of pelvic pain and dysfunction. are many, and they can be serious. They include. ovarian cysts, prostatitis, ectopic pregnancy, can-. cer, infections, or gastrointestinal inflammations. such as Crohn\u00e2\u0080\u0099s disease or diverticulitis. Thus, illness must be ruled out.","qid":489204,"docid":"185678","rank":72,"score":13.110488891601562},{"content":"In this article. Although pelvic pain often refers to pain in the region of women's internal reproductive organs, pelvic pain can be present in men, too, and can stem from multiple causes. Pelvic pain may be a symptom of infection or may arise from pain in the pelvic bone or in non-reproductive internal organs, such as the bladder or colon.","qid":489204,"docid":"7734612","rank":73,"score":12.820913314819336},{"content":"Many different conditions can cause chronic pelvic pain. You may have one or more of them. All can have similar symptoms, and that often makes it hard to figure out the source of the pain. The main symptom is pain that lasts for more than six months, but there are usually other symptoms, as well.ymptoms you may have: 1 Pain during your period. 2 Feeling of pressure on your bladder or rectum. 3 Heavy periods. 4 Periods that last longer than usual. 5 Spotting between periods.","qid":489204,"docid":"4917996","rank":74,"score":13.079967498779297},{"content":"There are a number of different causes of pain above the right hip. The problem may be with the gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract or female reproductive system. The character and severity of pain can vary depending on the site that is located and the underlying disease that causes it.","qid":489204,"docid":"1778462","rank":75,"score":12.932659149169922},{"content":"Some of the conditions that can lead to chronic pelvic pain, pain that may last for several months or longer, may include: 1 menstrual cramps. 2 endometriosis. 3 uterine fibroids: abnormal growths on or in the uterine wall.","qid":489204,"docid":"8376907","rank":76,"score":13.01423454284668},{"content":"Different Types of Abdominal Pain in the Right Side. There are various reasons that cause pain in the right side of the abdomen. These may include appendicitis, problems in the gall bladder, ovarian cysts, etc. Appendicitis - Pain in the right side of the abdomen is very commonly associated with appendicitis.","qid":489204,"docid":"3923142","rank":77,"score":13.026111602783203},{"content":"This is a complication of sexually transmitted diseases. It's the No. 1 preventable cause of infertility in women. It can cause permanent damage to the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes. Belly pain, fever, abnormal vaginal discharge, and pain during sex or urination can be symptoms. Get it treated right away to avoid damage.","qid":489204,"docid":"6838943","rank":78,"score":12.832008361816406},{"content":"Any of these events can cause adhesions to form, which may later cause chronic pelvic pain. Infection and Inflammation. Bladder, vaginal and yeast infections, and inflammations from chlamydia, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) or endometriosis may also cause chronic pelvic pain. The body\u00e2\u0080\u0099s healing response to all of these conditions is to create adhesions.","qid":489204,"docid":"6665319","rank":79,"score":12.952682495117188},{"content":"Usually, pelvic pain is not caused by a serious disorder. It is often related to the menstrual cycle. However, several disorders that cause pelvic pain can lead to peritonitis (inflammation and usually infection of the abdominal cavity), which is a serious disorder. Often, doctors cannot identify a disorder.","qid":489204,"docid":"8594277","rank":80,"score":13.02145004272461},{"content":"Components of the male and female reproductive system can produce right lower abdominal pain. If you're a woman, ovarian cysts are a common cause. An ovarian cyst is a small, fluid-filled structure that can be found on the surface or within an ovary.","qid":489204,"docid":"1051492","rank":81,"score":12.905677795410156},{"content":"Some of the more common sources of acute pelvic pain, or pain that occurs very suddenly, may include: 1 ectopic pregnancy: a pregnancy that occurs outside the uterus. 2 pelvic inflammatory disease: an infection of the reproductive organs.3 twisted or ruptured ovarian cyst. 4 miscarriage or threatened miscarriage.elvic pain may have multiple causes, including: 1 inflammation or direct irritation of nerves caused by acute or chronic trauma, fibrosis, pressure or intraperitoneal inflammation. 2 muscular contractions or cramps of both smooth and skeletal muscles. 3 psychogenic factors, which can cause or aggravate pain.","qid":489204,"docid":"6327177","rank":82,"score":12.883880615234375},{"content":"Organs in your pelvis include your bowel, bladder, womb (uterus) and ovaries. Pelvic pain usually means pain that starts from one of these organs. In some cases the pain comes from your pelvic bones that lie next to these organs, or from nearby muscles, nerves, blood vessels or joints. So, there are many causes of pelvic pain. Pelvic pain is more common in women than in men. This leaflet will deal with the most common causes of pelvic pain in women. Pelvic pain can be acute or chronic.","qid":489204,"docid":"1418931","rank":83,"score":12.782819747924805},{"content":"Organs in the right lower abdomen that commonly cause pain in women include: 1 Right Ovary. Twisted ovarian cyst, ruptured ovary, ovarian cancer or corpus luteum cyst. 2 Endometriosis. 3 Right Fallopian Tube. Affected by salpingitis or PID, ectopic pregnancy. Right Round 1 Ligament. Part of the Uterus may encroach here 2 too. Bowels.","qid":489204,"docid":"8463820","rank":84,"score":12.998398780822754},{"content":"Causes of Pain on the Right Side of the Waist. Pain along the waist line may be caused by abnormal function of any of the organs in the pelvic region of the body. Depending on the cause of the problem, waist pain might be mild or severe, aching or throbbing.","qid":489204,"docid":"5629373","rank":85,"score":12.863994598388672},{"content":"Chronic pelvic pain has many possible causes, and the symptoms may vary with what's causing the pain. Endometriosis is a condition in which the lining of the uterus (endometrium) grows outside the uterus. The lining can attach to the ovaries, fallopian tubes, intestines or other structures in the pelvis. Adenomyosis occurs when tissue from the lining of the uterus grows in the muscle of the uterus. Endometriosis may cause pelvic pain, especially during menstruation. Hormones of the menstrual cycle cause the endometriosis to bleed each month. This can be painful and result in the formation of pelvic adhesions, also known as scar tissue.","qid":489204,"docid":"1418935","rank":86,"score":12.826062202453613},{"content":"Cause. Female pelvic pain is typically caused by a medical condition involving the reproductive organs, urinary tract, lower gastrointestinal tract, or muscles of the abdominal wall. Some causes are always short-term (acute), and others can become long-lasting (chronic) unless successfully treated.ause. Female pelvic pain is typically caused by a medical condition involving the reproductive organs, urinary tract, lower gastrointestinal tract, or muscles of the abdominal wall. Some causes are always short-term (acute), and others can become long-lasting (chronic) unless successfully treated.","qid":489204,"docid":"6327181","rank":87,"score":13.041236877441406},{"content":"Pelvic pain arising from the female reproductive system might be caused by conditions such as: 1 Adenomyosis. 2 Ectopic pregnancy (or other pregnancy-related conditions) 3 Endometriosis. Menstrual cramps (dysmenorrhea) Miscarriage (before the 20th week) or intrauterine fetal 1 death. Mittelschmerz (ovulation 2 pain) Ovarian cancer. Ovarian cysts.","qid":489204,"docid":"2268651","rank":88,"score":13.110759735107422},{"content":"Structures located in the lower right abdominal region, which can be a source of pain due to some problem in them: 1 Some regions of large intestine (cecum). 2 Appendix. 3 Ascending colon. 4 Some parts of small intestine. 5 Right ovary. 6 Right fallopian tube. 7 Right ureter. 8 Lower pole of the right kidney. 9 A part of the uterus.","qid":489204,"docid":"320077","rank":89,"score":12.781158447265625},{"content":"Pelvic pain may arise from your digestive, reproductive or urinary system. Recently, doctors have recognized that some pelvic pain, particularly chronic pelvic pain, may also arise from muscles and connective tissue (ligaments) in the structures of the pelvic floor.ther causes in women or men Examples of other possible causes of pelvic pain \u00e2\u0080\u0094 in women or men \u00e2\u0080\u0094 include: 1 Appendicitis. 2 Colon cancer. 3 Chronic constipation. 4 Crohn's disease. 5 Diverticulitis.","qid":489204,"docid":"4917998","rank":90,"score":12.982175827026367},{"content":"Female pelvic pain is typically caused by a medical condition involving the reproductive organs, urinary tract, lower gastrointestinal tract, or muscles of the abdominal wall. Some causes are always short-term (acute), and others can become long-lasting (chronic) unless successfully treated.","qid":489204,"docid":"8781574","rank":91,"score":13.149255752563477},{"content":"Pelvic pain may arise from your digestive, reproductive or urinary system. Recently, doctors have recognized that some pelvic pain, particularly chronic pelvic pain, may also arise from muscles and connective tissue (ligaments) in the structures of the pelvic floor. Occasionally, pelvic pain may be caused by irritation of nerves in the pelvis.","qid":489204,"docid":"6087671","rank":92,"score":13.046112060546875},{"content":"Several types of diseases and conditions can cause pelvic pain. Chronic pelvic pain can result from more than one condition. Pelvic pain can arise from your digestive, reproductive or urinary system.","qid":489204,"docid":"855967","rank":93,"score":13.318450927734375},{"content":"This type of pain may be a warning that something is wrong. Some causes of acute pelvic pain include: An infection of your uterus, fallopian tubes, or ovaries; this condition is called pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). An infection of the urethra, bladder, or kidneys.","qid":489204,"docid":"855963","rank":94,"score":13.6925048828125},{"content":"Recently, doctors have recognized that some pelvic pain, particularly chronic pelvic pain, can also arise from muscles and connective tissue (ligaments) in the structures of the pelvic floor. Occasionally, pelvic pain might be caused by irritation of nerves in the pelvis.","qid":489204,"docid":"1759357","rank":95,"score":12.935708045959473},{"content":"Although pelvic pain often refers to pain in the region of women's internal reproductive organs, pelvic pain can be present in men, too, and can stem from multiple causes. Pelvic pain may be a symptom of infection or may arise from pain in the pelvic bone or in non-reproductive internal organs, such as the bladder or colon. In women, however, pelvic pain can very well be an indication that there may be a problem with one of the reproductive organs in the pelvic area (uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, cervix, or vagina). What Causes Pelvic Pain? Possible causes of pelvic pain in both men and women may include: Appendicitis; Bladder disorders; Sexually transmitted diseases","qid":489204,"docid":"678245","rank":96,"score":12.923070907592773},{"content":"Organs in the right lower abdomen that commonly cause pain in women include: 1 Right Ovary. 2 Endometriosis. 3 Right Fallopian Tube. Right Round 1 Ligament. Part of the Uterus may encroach here 2 too. Bowels.","qid":489204,"docid":"8463823","rank":97,"score":12.810113906860352},{"content":"Pudendal Neuralgia and Pelvic Pain. I\u00e2\u0080\u0099m currently at a conference on chronic pelvic pain here in Tacoma, WA. It is amazing how many causes of chronic pelvic pain there are; infection, endometriosis, pelvic muscle imbalances, gastrointestinal causes, joint pathology, etc. There are literally dozens of causes of chronic pain in this region. One of the rarer causes of chronic pelvic and genital pain is a disease called Pudendal Neuralgia. I have treated many patients over the past few years with this diagnosis, and it has been professionally rewarding for me.","qid":489204,"docid":"6661536","rank":98,"score":12.831350326538086},{"content":"Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. This is a complication of sexually transmitted diseases. It's the No. 1 preventable cause of infertility in women. It can cause permanent damage to the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes. Belly pain, fever, abnormal vaginal discharge, and pain during sex or urination can be symptoms.","qid":489204,"docid":"855970","rank":99,"score":12.927350997924805},{"content":"Women who have had surgery or serious illness such as PID, endometriosis, or severe infections sometimes experience chronic pelvic pain as a result of adhesions or scar tissue that forms during the healing process. Adhesions cause the surfaces of organs and structures inside the abdomen to bind to each other.","qid":489204,"docid":"6952550","rank":100,"score":12.815759658813477}]} {"query":"definition of a sigmet","hits":[{"content":"The nanometre (International spelling as used by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures; SI symbol: nm) or nanometer (American spelling) is a unit of length in the metric system, equal to one billionth of a metre (6991100000000000000\u00e2\u0099 0.000000001 m).","qid":131843,"docid":"8494826","rank":1,"score":10.155378341674805},{"content":"sieve. 1 an instrument with a meshed or perforated bottom, used for separating coarse from fine parts of loose matter, for straining liquids, etc., especially one with a circular frame and fine meshes or perforations. 2 a person who cannot keep a secret. 3 to put or force through a sieve; sift.","qid":131843,"docid":"1085424","rank":2,"score":10.309347152709961},{"content":"n. 1 A utensil of wire mesh or closely perforated metal or plastic, used for straining, sifting, ricing, or pur\u00c3\u00a9eing. 2 To pass through a sieve. 3 To use a sieve; sift. 4 a container with a bottom full of very small holes, used to separate liquids from solids or small, fine pieces from larger ones etc.","qid":131843,"docid":"1727815","rank":3,"score":10.123458862304688},{"content":"ABSTRACT AND INTRODUCTION. CALL SYMPUT is a SAS\u00c2\u00ae language routine that assigns a value produced in a DATA step to a macro variable. It is. one of the DATA step interface tools that provides a dynamic link for communication between the SAS language and. the macro facility.","qid":131843,"docid":"5263881","rank":4,"score":10.681236267089844},{"content":"A signature block (often abbreviated as signature, sig block, sig file, .sig, dot sig, siggy, or just sig) is a block of text automatically appended at the bottom of an email message, Usenet article, or forum post. 1 Email and Usenet.","qid":131843,"docid":"3527399","rank":5,"score":10.418943405151367},{"content":"Etymology: L, signare, (sig) to mark. (in pharmacy) a part of a prescription containing instructions to the patient about dosage and manner and frequency of administration.","qid":131843,"docid":"2104939","rank":6,"score":10.358437538146973},{"content":"silicates in Science. Any of a large class of chemical compounds composed of silicon, oxygen, and at least one metal. Most rocks and minerals are silicates. Any mineral containing the group SiO4, either isolated, or joined to other groups in chains, sheets, or three-dimensional groups with metal elements.","qid":131843,"docid":"8388678","rank":7,"score":10.319748878479004},{"content":"Sigmoid, curved in two directions, like the letter S, or the Greek sigma. The Elements of Botany Asa Gray. sigma, sig\u00e2\u0080\u00b2ma, n. the Greek letter corresponding to our s\u00e2\u0080\u0094written \u00cf\u0083 (capital), \u00cf\u0083 (small initial) or \u00cf\u0082 (small final). Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary (part 4 of 4: S-Z and supplements) Various.","qid":131843,"docid":"1429616","rank":8,"score":11.092264175415039},{"content":"SI Base Units The SI (Syst\u00c3\u00a8me International d'Unit\u00c3\u00a9s) is a globally agreed system of units, with seven base units. Formally agreed by the 11th General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM) in 1960, the SI is at the centre of all modern science and technology. The definition and realisation of the base and derived units is an active research topic for metrologists with more precise methods being introduced as they become available.","qid":131843,"docid":"5110889","rank":9,"score":10.488818168640137},{"content":"Wiktionary(0.00 \/ 0 votes)Rate this definition: 1 si(Noun) A syllable used in solfu00E8ge to represent the seventh note of a major scale. 2 Si(ProperNoun) A diminutive of the male given name Simon.","qid":131843,"docid":"557332","rank":10,"score":10.385503768920898},{"content":": making or having a sound like the letters s or sh. sibilant consonants\/whispers. the sibilant hiss of a snake. [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples. sibilant \/\u00cb\u0088s\u00c9\u00aab\u00c9\u0099l\u00c9\u0099nt\/ noun.","qid":131843,"docid":"6358820","rank":11,"score":10.325525283813477},{"content":"Freebase (0.00 \/ 0 votes) Rate this definition: Limpet. Limpet is a common name for a number of different groups of sea snails and freshwater snails. The common name is applied to those snails that have a simple shell which is broadly conical in shape, and either is not spirally coiled, or appears not to be coiled in the adult snail.","qid":131843,"docid":"906759","rank":12,"score":10.126388549804688},{"content":"Billet(noun) a small paper; a note; a short letter. Billet(noun) a ticket from a public officer directing soldiers at what house to lodge; as, a billet of residence. Billet(verb) to direct, by a ticket or note, where to lodge.","qid":131843,"docid":"4855054","rank":13,"score":10.160761833190918},{"content":"A weather advisory concerning convective weather significant to the safety of all aircraft. Convective SIGMETs are issued for tornadoes, lines of thunderstorms, embedded thunderstorms of any intensity level, areas of thunderstorms greater than or equal to VIP level 4 with an area coverage of 4\/10 (40%) or more, and hail 3\/4 inch or greater.","qid":131843,"docid":"8305155","rank":14,"score":11.976116180419922},{"content":"The noun SI has 3 senses: 1 1. a complete metric system of units of measurement for scientists; fundamental quantities are length (meter) and mass (kilogram) and time (second) and electric current (ampere) and temperature (kelvin) and amount of matter (mole) and luminous intensity (candela)","qid":131843,"docid":"557331","rank":15,"score":10.640518188476562},{"content":"Definition of silicate for English Language Learners. : a chemical that contains silicon and that is used in building materials (such as bricks, cement, and glass)","qid":131843,"docid":"779096","rank":16,"score":10.48182487487793},{"content":"A sieve, or sifter, is a device for separating wanted elements from unwanted material or for characterizing the particle size distribution of a sample, typically using a woven screen such as a mesh or net or metal. The word sift derives from sieve. In cooking, a sifter is used to separate and break up clumps in dry ingredients such as flour, as well as to aerate and combine them. A strainer is a form of sieve used to separate solids from liquid.","qid":131843,"docid":"1085431","rank":17,"score":10.492094039916992},{"content":"Medical Definition of SIGMOID COLON. : the contracted and crooked part of the colon immediately above the rectum\u00e2\u0080\u0094called also pelvic colon, sigmoid flexure.efinition of SIGMOID COLON. : the contracted and crooked part of the colon immediately above the rectum \u00e2\u0080\u0094called also sigmoid flexure. ADVERTISEMENT.","qid":131843,"docid":"4440571","rank":18,"score":10.181673049926758},{"content":"Asymp Sig is an abbreviation for asymptotic significance, which means that he significance is ridiculoiusly close to 0 because you're WAY out in the tail of the test! Sig Definition. it means that you have to reject the null hypothesis, and accept the alternative hypothesis.","qid":131843,"docid":"8083953","rank":19,"score":11.00002384185791},{"content":"1. : a silicate containing the anion SiO3\u00e2\u0088\u0092\u00e2\u0088\u0092 or (SiO3)n in which the ratio of silicon to oxygen is 1 to 3.","qid":131843,"docid":"5145706","rank":20,"score":10.158000946044922},{"content":"The millimetre (International spelling as used by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures) or millimeter (American spelling) (SI unit symbol mm) is a unit of length in the metric system, equal to one thousandth of a metre, which is the SI base unit of length.","qid":131843,"docid":"5452722","rank":21,"score":10.132644653320312},{"content":": a notice of potentially hazardous weather conditions (such as turbulence, icing, or low visibility) along a planned flight route that is provided to the pilot of an aircraft before takeoff \u00e2\u0080\u0094 compare sigmet.","qid":131843,"docid":"985991","rank":22,"score":11.725198745727539},{"content":"Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Financial, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. SI unit. (Units) any of the units adopted for international use under the Syst\u00c3\u00a8me International d'Unit\u00c3\u00a9s, now employed for all scientific and most technical purposes.","qid":131843,"docid":"2734439","rank":23,"score":10.218891143798828},{"content":"Definition of GEMOT. : a judicial or legislative assembly in Anglo-Saxon England.efinition of GEMOT. : a judicial or legislative assembly in Anglo-Saxon England.","qid":131843,"docid":"5318362","rank":24,"score":10.200149536132812},{"content":"sig\u00c2\u00b7nal (s\u00c4\u00adg\u00e2\u0080\u00b2n\u00c9\u0099l) n. 1. a. An indicator, such as a gesture or colored light, that serves as a means of communication. See Synonyms at gesture. b. A message communicated by such means. 2. Something that incites action: The peace treaty was the signal for celebration.","qid":131843,"docid":"5103706","rank":25,"score":10.359370231628418},{"content":"The header of the SIGMET message contains the type of the message, issuing country or territory, bulletin. number, creator of the message (generally the FIR where the observation\/forecast is in) and the date\/time. of the dissemination of the message.","qid":131843,"docid":"985990","rank":26,"score":10.850301742553711},{"content":"A lisp, also known as sigmatism, is a speech impediment in which a person misarticulates sibilants ([s], [z], [ts], [dz]), ([\u00ca\u0083], [\u00ca\u0092], [t\u00ca\u0083], [d\u00ca\u0092]). These misarticulations often result in unclear speech.","qid":131843,"docid":"4136087","rank":27,"score":10.419217109680176},{"content":"sigmoid (not comparable) ( 1 geometry) Curved in two directions, like the letter S, or the Greek \u00cf\u0082 (sigma). Having a serpentine shape; resembling S or \u00ca\u0083. ( 2 geometry, archaic) Semi-circular, like the lunar sigma (similar to English C). ( 3 anatomy) Relating to the sigmoid flexure of the large intestine.","qid":131843,"docid":"8456965","rank":28,"score":10.484746932983398},{"content":"For the cryptographic verifiable proof of authorship, see digital signature. A signature block (often abbreviated as signature, sig block, sig file, .sig, dot sig, siggy, or just sig) is a block of text automatically appended at the bottom of an email message, Usenet article, or forum post. 1 1 Email and Usenet. 1.1 Signatures in Usenet postings.","qid":131843,"docid":"3527406","rank":29,"score":10.628072738647461},{"content":"Define silicate. silicate synonyms, silicate pronunciation, silicate translation, English dictionary definition of silicate. n. 1. Any of numerous compounds containing silicon, oxygen, and one or more metals; a salt of silicic acid. 2. Any of a large group of minerals, forming...","qid":131843,"docid":"515424","rank":30,"score":10.474492073059082},{"content":"Signal integrity or SI is a set of measures of the quality of an electrical signal. In digital electronics, a stream of binary values is represented by a voltage (or current) waveform.However, digital signals are fundamentally analog in nature, and all signals are subject to effects such as noise, distortion, and loss.ignal integrity engineering is the task of analyzing and mitigating these effects. It is an important activity at all levels of electronics packaging and assembly, from internal connections of an integrated circuit (IC), through the package, the printed circuit board (PCB), the backplane, and inter-system connections.","qid":131843,"docid":"4636986","rank":31,"score":10.237606048583984},{"content":"sil\u00e2\u0080\u00a2hou\u00e2\u0080\u00a2ette. 1. a two-dimensional representation of the outline of an object, as a person's profile, filled in with black or another color. 2. the outline or general shape of something. 3. a dark image outlined against a lighter background. 4. to show in or as if in a silhouette.","qid":131843,"docid":"7880471","rank":32,"score":10.45817756652832},{"content":"You can look at SIGINT as user-initiated happy termination and SIGQUIT as user-initiated unhappy termination. SIGTERM is the termination signal. The default behavior is to terminate the process, but it also can be caught or ignored. The intention is to kill the process, gracefully or not, but to first allow it a chance to cleanup. SIGKILL is the kill signal. The only behavior is to kill the process, immediately. As the process cannot catch the signal, it cannot cleanup, and thus this is a signal of last resort.","qid":131843,"docid":"8172394","rank":33,"score":10.506482124328613},{"content":"data set; data-set; data set or dataset; data set ready; data-sets; data sharing; data sheet; data shredder; data signal; data silo","qid":131843,"docid":"7223255","rank":34,"score":10.237825393676758},{"content":"can be one of the following items: 1 a character string that is a SAS name, enclosed in quotation marks. For example, to assign the character string testing to macro variable NEW, submit the following statement: call symput('new','testing'); 2 the name of a character variable whose values are SAS names.","qid":131843,"docid":"5263882","rank":35,"score":10.487241744995117},{"content":"SIGMET, or Significant Meteorological Information, is a weather advisory that contains meteorological information concerning the safety of all aircraft. There are two types of SIGMETs - convective and non-convective. The criteria for a non-convective SIGMET to be issued are severe or greater turbulence over a area, severe or greater icing over a area or IMC over a area due to dust, sand, or volcanic ash.","qid":131843,"docid":"8305156","rank":36,"score":13.744174003601074},{"content":"silicate (plural silicates) Any salt of silica or of one of the silicic acids; any mineral composed of silicates; Hypernyms . compound; Hyponyms","qid":131843,"docid":"779089","rank":37,"score":10.821334838867188},{"content":"Metric System - SI is a specific metric system, which is a decimal system of measurement. Examples of two common forms of the metric system are the MKS system (meter, kilogram, second as base units) and CGS system (centimeter, gram, and second as base units).","qid":131843,"docid":"2041429","rank":38,"score":10.172964096069336},{"content":"SIGAINT is a darknet email service that allows you to send and receive email without revealing your location or identity. We provide this service to help journalists and activists combat the dragnet surveillance that exists on the Internet today.","qid":131843,"docid":"6143366","rank":39,"score":10.124092102050781},{"content":"sigmet SIGMET, or Significant Meteorological Information, is a weather advisory that contains meteorological information concerning the safety of all aircraft. There are two types of SIGMETs, convective and non-convective.","qid":131843,"docid":"985994","rank":40,"score":13.113056182861328},{"content":"sieve - separate by passing through a sieve or other straining device to separate out coarser elements; sift the flour sift, strain. separate - divide into components or constituents; Separate the wheat from the chaff rice - sieve so that it becomes the consistency of rice; rice the potatoes resift - sift anew","qid":131843,"docid":"1727810","rank":41,"score":10.210437774658203},{"content":"When significant flight\/weather events are observed or forecast, then a SIGMET is issued by the office responsible (Bracknell for London, Scottish and the Shanwick Oceanic FIR's (Flight Information Regions); Dublin for the Shannon FIR) for such as embedded (EMBD) or frequent (FRQ) cumulonimbus (CB) or thunderstorms (TS); severe icing (SEV ICE) in ...","qid":131843,"docid":"8305154","rank":42,"score":12.812227249145508},{"content":"Dictionary entry overview: What does Si mean? \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 SI (noun) The noun SI has 3 senses: 1. a complete metric system of units of measurement for scientists; fundamental quantities are length (meter) and mass (kilogram) and time (second) and electric current (ampere) and temperature (kelvin) and amount of matter (mole) and luminous intensity (candela)","qid":131843,"docid":"557330","rank":43,"score":10.375066757202148},{"content":"Editors Contribution(0.00 \/ 0 votes)Rate this definition: SI. Abbreviation for the international system of units. The International System of Units (French: Syst\u00c3\u00a8me international d'unit\u00c3\u00a9s abbreviated as SI), is the modern form of the metric system, and is the most widely used system of measurement.","qid":131843,"docid":"557448","rank":44,"score":10.522053718566895},{"content":"(In practice, there is no standard spelling; the CHP Web site uses SIG Alert, SigAlert, and Sigalert, all on the same page.)One of the first major Sigmon traffic alerts was broadcast on January 22, 1956, causing a traffic jam.","qid":131843,"docid":"4634397","rank":45,"score":10.263907432556152},{"content":"Silt is granular material of a size somewhere between sand and clay whose mineral origin is quartz and feldspar.","qid":131843,"docid":"4008415","rank":46,"score":10.520448684692383},{"content":"The first line of the SIGMET message contains the referred area of the observation\/forecast (or where the. observation\/forecast is issued to), the identifier and daily sequence number, the period of validity. (beginning and ending) and the station that made the observation\/forecast which originated the message.","qid":131843,"docid":"985992","rank":47,"score":10.817590713500977},{"content":"SI\/HI; SI\/MA; SI\/MAB; SI\/NT; SI\/Payload Simulator; SI\/PLSIM; SI\/R; SI\/SA; SI\/SAO; SI\/SCI; SI\/T; SI:AS; SI1; Si2; SI3; SI3N4; SI5; SIA; SIA; SIA; SIA; Sia test; Sia, R.H.P. Sia, RHP; SIA-EMFTA; Sia-mox; Sia-mox; SIAA; SIAAB; SIAAD; Siaan K'aan","qid":131843,"docid":"7498810","rank":48,"score":10.165447235107422},{"content":"The SI (Systeme Syst\u00c3\u00a8me international'D) unites unit\u00c3\u00a9s is a globally agreed system, of units with seven. Base units formally agreed by The 11th general Conference on Weights (AND) measures cgpm, in 1960 the si is at the centre of all modern science. and technology","qid":131843,"docid":"2511842","rank":49,"score":10.135863304138184},{"content":"the gathering of political or military intelligence through secret agents. Compare comint, elint, sigint. Origin of humint. 1975-1980. 1975-80; hum(an) int(elligence)","qid":131843,"docid":"6475187","rank":50,"score":10.338077545166016},{"content":"Definition of sift for English Language Learners. : 1 to put (flour, sugar, etc.) through a sifter or sieve. : 2 to separate or remove (something) by using a sifter or sieve. : 3 to go through (something) very carefully in order to find something useful or valuable.","qid":131843,"docid":"5262494","rank":51,"score":10.480676651000977},{"content":"Save. mutt \/\u00cb\u0088m\u00ca\u008ct\/ noun. plural mutts. mutt. \/\u00cb\u0088m\u00ca\u008ct\/. noun. plural mutts. Learner's definition of MUTT. [count] informal. : a dog with parents of different breeds: mongrel \u00e2\u0080\u0094 sometimes used in a disapproving way to refer to a dog of any kind.","qid":131843,"docid":"1195955","rank":52,"score":10.216469764709473},{"content":"\u00ef\u0082\u00b7 SIGMET 1 is the type of the message and the sequential number of the day; \u00ef\u0082\u00b7 VALID 150435\/150835 is the period of validity of the message. It follows the same standard of the. date\/time of the header.","qid":131843,"docid":"985988","rank":53,"score":11.78065299987793},{"content":"Full Definition of CYGNET. : a young swan. See cygnet defined for English-language learners. See cygnet defined for kids. ADVERTISEMENT.","qid":131843,"docid":"1510452","rank":54,"score":10.247722625732422},{"content":"The criteria for a non-convective SIGMET to be issued are severe or greater turbulence over a 3,000-square-mile (7,800 km2) area, or severe or greater icing over a 3,000-square-mile (7,800 km2) area or IMC conditions over a 3,000-square-mile (7,800 km2) area due to dust, sand, or volcanic ash [1].","qid":131843,"docid":"985989","rank":55,"score":10.28692626953125},{"content":"sibilant sib\u00c2\u00b7i\u00c2\u00b7lant (s\u00c4\u00adb'\u00c9\u0099-l\u00c9\u0099nt) adj. Of, characterized by, or producing a hissing sound like that of (s) or (sh).","qid":131843,"docid":"1615280","rank":56,"score":10.209077835083008},{"content":"SI unit. n any of the units adopted for international use under the Syst\u00c3\u00a8me International d'Unit\u00c3\u00a9s, now employed for all scientific and most technical purposes. There are seven fundamental units: the metre, kilogram, second, ampere, kelvin, candela, and mole; and two supplementary units: the radian and the steradian.","qid":131843,"docid":"4118410","rank":57,"score":10.178023338317871},{"content":"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. A Sig Alert is defined by the California Highway Patrol (CHP) as any unplanned event that causes the closing of one lane of traffic for 30 minutes or more. CalTrans uses the term SigAlert, and is defined as any traffic incident that will tie up two or more lanes of a freeway for two or more hours.","qid":131843,"docid":"4634403","rank":58,"score":10.455971717834473},{"content":"Medical Definition of Sigmoid. Sigmoid: In human anatomy, the lower colon (the lower portion of the large bowel). Sigmoid is short for sigmoid colon. From the Greek letter sigma, which is shaped like a C. Sigmoid also means curved in two directions like the letter S. For example, a sigmoid curve is an S-shaped curve. Search MedTerms:","qid":131843,"docid":"8456964","rank":59,"score":10.492643356323242},{"content":"SI system, SI unit, Systeme International, Systeme International d'Unites, International System, SI. metric system - a decimal system of weights and measures based on the meter and the kilogram and the second. Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection.","qid":131843,"docid":"5367079","rank":60,"score":10.250988006591797},{"content":"CALL SYMPUT is a SAS\u00c2\u00ae language routine that assigns a value produced in a DATA step to a macro variable. the macro facility. This paper will discuss the uses of the SYMPUT routine through real world examples. and increasing the understanding of this DATA step interface tool.","qid":131843,"docid":"5263884","rank":61,"score":10.401741981506348},{"content":"Measurement Units The SI (Systeme Syst\u00c3\u00a8me international'D) unites unit\u00c3\u00a9s is a globally agreed system, of units with seven. Base units formally agreed by The 11th general Conference on Weights (AND) measures cgpm, in 1960 the si is at the centre of all modern science. and technology","qid":131843,"docid":"3116935","rank":62,"score":10.157142639160156},{"content":"SIGMET, or Significant Meteorological Information, is a weather advisory that contains meteorological information concerning the safety of all aircraft. There are two types of SIGMETs, convective and non-convective.","qid":131843,"docid":"8305153","rank":63,"score":13.005877494812012},{"content":"noun. The definition of sibilant is a hissing sound, or a consonant that makes such a sound. The ssh sound is an example of something that would be described as a sibilant. Sibilant is a consonant or a speech sound characterized by a hissing sound.","qid":131843,"docid":"6358822","rank":64,"score":10.213401794433594},{"content":"Webster Dictionary(0.00 \/ 0 votes)Rate this definition: Si. a syllable applied, in solmization, to the note B; more recently, to the seventh tone of any major diatonic scale. It was added to Guido's scale by Le Maire about the end of the 17th century.","qid":131843,"docid":"4412743","rank":65,"score":10.789826393127441},{"content":"Sig Alert. A Sig Alert is defined by the California Highway Patrol (CHP) as any unplanned event that causes the closing of one lane of traffic for 30 minutes or more. CalTrans uses the term SigAlert, and is defined as any traffic incident that will tie up two or more lanes of a freeway for two or more hours.","qid":131843,"docid":"5548319","rank":66,"score":10.511967658996582},{"content":"Measurement and Signatures Intelligence (MASINT) Measurement and signature intelligence (MASINT) is the term for forms of information gathered by analysis of signals (SIGINT), imagery (IMINT), or data acquired through human contact (HUMINT).","qid":131843,"docid":"7700453","rank":67,"score":10.77863883972168},{"content":"SigAlert is a term coined in Southern California. It is partially defined by the California Highway Patrol (CHP) as \u00e2\u0080\u009cany unplanned event that causes the closing of one lane of traffic for 30 minutes or more.\u00e2\u0080\u009d The word SigAlert was added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 1993, but the CHP does not recognize a specific spelling of the term.","qid":131843,"docid":"5548327","rank":68,"score":10.547658920288086},{"content":"AIRMETS\/SIGMETS issued by authorities forecasting significant weather events that are potentially hazardous to flights in the area for which they are issued, refreshed every 30 min. Click on an AIRMET\/SIGMET to see the full text.","qid":131843,"docid":"3841396","rank":69,"score":10.855079650878906},{"content":"A signature block (often abbreviated as signature, sig block, sig file,.sig, dot sig, siggy, or just sig) is a block of text automatically appended at the bottom of an email message, Usenet article, or forum post.","qid":131843,"docid":"1412225","rank":70,"score":10.373952865600586},{"content":"In my AI textbook there is this paragraph, without any explanation. The sigmoid function is defined as follows $$\\sigma (x) = \\frac{1}{1+e^{-x}}.$$ This function is easy to differentiate because $$\\frac{d\\sigma (x)}{d(x)} = \\sigma (x)\\cdot (1-\\sigma(x)).$$","qid":131843,"docid":"8598788","rank":71,"score":10.626351356506348},{"content":"A unit of measurement of luminance, or the intensity of visible light, where one nit is equal to one candela per square meter. Nits are used to describe the brightness of computer displays, such as LCD and CRT monitors. PREVIOUS.","qid":131843,"docid":"7512425","rank":72,"score":10.14627456665039},{"content":"International System of Units (SI) 1 international decimal system of weights and measures derived from and extending the metric system of units. Adopted by the 11th General Conference on Weights and Measures in 1960, it is abbreviated SI in all languages.","qid":131843,"docid":"8033253","rank":73,"score":10.206624984741211},{"content":"The International System of Units, universally abbreviated SI (from the French Le Syst\u00c3\u00a8me International d\u00e2\u0080\u0099Unit\u00c3\u00a9s), is the modern metric system of measurement. The SI was established in 1960 by the 11th General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM, Conf\u00c3\u00a9rence G\u00c3\u00a9n\u00c3\u00a9rale des Poids et Mesures).","qid":131843,"docid":"3281882","rank":74,"score":10.170524597167969},{"content":"Wikipedia Dictionaries. English Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia. Measurement and signature intelligence (MASINT) is a technical branch of intelligence gathering, which serves to detect, track, identify or describe the signatures (distinctive characteristics) of fixed or dynamic target sources.","qid":131843,"docid":"7700452","rank":75,"score":10.340808868408203},{"content":"Sigmoid colon. Sigmoid colon, a terminal section of the large intestine that connects the descending colon to the rectum; its function is to store fecal wastes until they are ready to leave the body. The sigmoid colon derives its name from the fact that it is curved in the form of an S (Greek sigma: \u00cf\u0083).","qid":131843,"docid":"3937054","rank":76,"score":10.187582969665527},{"content":"sigmoid (not comparable) ( 1 geometry) Curved in two directions, like the letter S, or the Greek \u00cf\u0082 (sigma). ( 2 geometry, archaic) Semi-circular, like the lunar sigma (similar to English C). ( 3 anatomy) Relating to the sigmoid flexure of the large intestine.","qid":131843,"docid":"8456970","rank":77,"score":10.504934310913086},{"content":"Aviation Glossary :: Convective SIGMET. Welcome to the Dauntless Aviation Glossary! At Dauntless, our editorial staff maintains the web's largest unified glossary of aviation terms. This glossary is built from a combination of official, quasi-official, and proprietary sources (including original material that we develop oursselves).","qid":131843,"docid":"8305151","rank":78,"score":10.533917427062988},{"content":"SIGMET, or Significant Meteorological Information, is a weather advisory that contains meteorological information concerning the safety of all aircraft. There are two types of SIGMETs - convective and non-convective. The criteria for a non-convective SIGMET to be issued are severe or greater turbulence over a 3,000-square-mile (7,800 km2) area, severe or greater icing over a 3,000-square-mile (7,800 km2) area or IMC over a 3,000-square-mile (7,800 km2) area due to dust, sand, or volcanic ash.","qid":131843,"docid":"8305158","rank":79,"score":12.885212898254395},{"content":"A signature block (often abbreviated as signature, sig block, sig file, .sig, dot sig, siggy, or just sig) is a block of text automatically appended at the bottom of an email message, Usenet article, or forum post. 1 1 Email and Usenet. 1.1 Signatures in Usenet postings.","qid":131843,"docid":"4091094","rank":80,"score":10.49317741394043},{"content":"medical Definition of silicate : a salt or ester derived from a silicic acid; especially: any of numerous insoluble often complex metal salts that contain silicon and oxygen in the anion and constitute the largest class of minerals","qid":131843,"docid":"779090","rank":81,"score":10.331804275512695},{"content":"International System of Units (SI), French Syst\u00c3\u00a8me Internationale d\u00e2\u0080\u0099Unit\u00c3\u00a9s, international decimal system of weights and measures derived from and extending the metric system of units. Adopted by the 11th General Conference on Weights and Measures in 1960, it is abbreviated SI in all languages.","qid":131843,"docid":"6197582","rank":82,"score":10.208279609680176},{"content":"Short for Synchronous Optical Network, a standard for connecting fiber-optic transmission systems. SONET was proposed by Bellcore in the middle 1980s and is now an ANSI standard. SONET defines interface standards at the physical layer of the OSI seven-layer model.The standard defines a hierarchy of interface rates that allow data streams at different rates to be multiplexed.SONET establishes Optical Carrier (OC) levels from 51.8 Mbps (OC-1) to 9.95 Gbps (OC-192).he standard defines a hierarchy of interface rates that allow data streams at different rates to be multiplexed. SONET establishes Optical Carrier (OC) levels from 51.8 Mbps (OC-1) to 9.95 Gbps (OC-192).","qid":131843,"docid":"7474093","rank":83,"score":10.344265937805176},{"content":"SI Base Units. The SI (Syst\u00c3\u00a8me International d'Unit\u00c3\u00a9s) is a globally agreed system of units, with seven base units. Formally agreed by the 11th General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM) in 1960, the SI is at the centre of all modern science and technology.","qid":131843,"docid":"4252480","rank":84,"score":10.381803512573242},{"content":"Definition of SIGMET. plural. SIGMETs. also. sigmets. : a notice of significant hazardous weather conditions (such as extreme turbulence, icing, or poor visibility) in a large area that is provided to the pilot of an aircraft before takeoff \u00e2\u0080\u0094 compare airmet.","qid":131843,"docid":"8305152","rank":85,"score":14.037256240844727},{"content":"Sigmoid colon, a terminal section of the large intestine that connects the descending colon to the rectum; its function is to store fecal wastes until they are ready to leave the body. The sigmoid colon derives its name from the fact that it is curved in the form of an S (Greek sigma: \u00cf\u0083).","qid":131843,"docid":"6028399","rank":86,"score":10.157658576965332},{"content":"Signals intelligence (SIGINT) is intelligence-gathering by interception of signals, whether communications between people (communications intelligence\u00e2\u0080\u0094abbreviated to COMINT) or from electronic signals not directly used in communication (electronic intelligence\u00e2\u0080\u0094abbreviated to ELINT).","qid":131843,"docid":"6715415","rank":87,"score":11.246310234069824},{"content":"Definition of silicate. : a salt or ester derived from a silicic acid; especially : any of numerous insoluble often complex metal salts that contain silicon and oxygen in the anion, constitute the largest class of minerals, and are used in building materials (such as cement, bricks, and glass)","qid":131843,"docid":"779091","rank":88,"score":10.23549747467041},{"content":"For the cryptographic verifiable proof of authorship, see digital signature. A signature block (often abbreviated as signature, sig block, sig file, .sig, dot sig, siggy, or just sig) is a block of text automatically appended at the bottom of an email message, Usenet article, or forum post. 1 Email and Usenet.","qid":131843,"docid":"4091085","rank":89,"score":10.645522117614746},{"content":"SONET defines optical signals and a synchronous frame structure for multiplexed digital traffic. It is a set of standards that define the rates and formats for optical networks specified in ANSI T1.105, ANSI T1.106, and ANSI T1.117.","qid":131843,"docid":"2504454","rank":90,"score":10.522195816040039},{"content":"sigmoid (not comparable) (geometry) Curved in two directions, like the letter S, or the Greek \u00cf\u0082 (sigma). Having a serpentine shape; resembling S or \u00ca\u0083. (mathematics) Exhibiting logistic growth; having a graph that accelerates until it reaches a carrying capacity.","qid":131843,"docid":"8456967","rank":91,"score":10.766529083251953},{"content":"Simply put, SYMPUT is a SAS language routine that assigns a value. produced in a DATA step to a macro variable. Conversely, SYMGET is a SAS language function that returns the. value of a macro variable to the DATA step during DATA step execution. Next, let\u00e2\u0080\u0099s get the syntax out of the way.","qid":131843,"docid":"5263887","rank":92,"score":11.16370964050293},{"content":"Current definitions of the SI base units (NIST). The International System of Units (SI), (BIPM, Paris, France). General Tables of Units of Measurement (Office of Weights and Measures, NIST). Guide for the Use of SI Units, (NIST Physics Lab). Metrics the Right Way, at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. ISO | BBC | The International System of Units, by Robert A. Nelson.","qid":131843,"docid":"4795155","rank":93,"score":10.174600601196289},{"content":"A sieve, or sifter, is a device for separating wanted elements from unwanted material or for characterizing the particle size distribution of a sample, typically using a woven screen such as a mesh or net. The word sift derives from sieve. In cooking, a sifter is used to separate and break up clumps in dry ingredients such as flour, as well as to aerate and combine them. A strainer is a form of sieve used to separate solids from liquid.","qid":131843,"docid":"4478811","rank":94,"score":10.516990661621094},{"content":"SI system, SI unit, Systeme International, Systeme International d'Unites, International System, SI metric system - a decimal system of weights and measures based on the meter and the kilogram and the second","qid":131843,"docid":"5367081","rank":95,"score":10.549854278564453},{"content":"Webster Dictionary(0.00 \/ 0 votes)Rate this definition: Billet(noun) a small paper; a note; a short letter. Billet(noun) a ticket from a public officer directing soldiers at what house to lodge; as, a billet of residence. Billet(verb) to direct, by a ticket or note, where to lodge.","qid":131843,"docid":"2825771","rank":96,"score":10.198219299316406},{"content":"SONET is an intelligent system that provides advanced network management and a standard optical interface. Specified in the Broadband ISDN (B-ISDN) standard, SONET backbones are widely used to aggregate T1 and T3 lines.","qid":131843,"docid":"2504453","rank":97,"score":10.550760269165039},{"content":"SIGINT stands for SIGnals INTelligence, which is intelligence-gathering by interception of signals, whether by radio interception or other means. SIGINT is actually a broad discipline under which multiple sub-disciplines fall. There are three major sub-disciplines that fall under SIGINT which are COMmunications INTelligence (COMINT), ELectronic INTelligence (ELINT), and Foreign Instrumentation Signals INTelligence (FISINT).","qid":131843,"docid":"1208161","rank":98,"score":11.086664199829102},{"content":"Computer Graphics Metafile. Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM) is a free and open international standard file format for 2D vector graphics, raster graphics, and text, and is defined by ISO\/IEC 8632. Contents. Overview. All graphical elements can be specified in a textual source file that can be compiled into a binary file or one of two text representations.","qid":131843,"docid":"1676807","rank":99,"score":10.145940780639648},{"content":"For other uses, see Silat (disambiguation). Silat is a collective word for a class of indigenous martial arts from a geo-cultural area of Southeast Asia encompassing most of the Nusantara, the Indonesian Archipelago, the Malay Archipelago and the entirety of the Malay Peninsula.","qid":131843,"docid":"2717140","rank":100,"score":10.201353073120117}]} {"query":"how are some sharks warm blooded","hits":[{"content":"These sharks can raise their temperature about th\u00e2\u0080\u00a6e temperature of the water; they need to have occasional short bursts of speed in hunting Cold blooded although if you've ever seen a Great White Shark hunt sea lions you'd be thinking they would have to be hotblooded. Actually the Salmon Shark is a warm blooded shark.","qid":207786,"docid":"2763917","rank":1,"score":14.2926664352417},{"content":"White sharks have a unique system called a \u00e2\u0080\u009ccounter current heat exchange\u00e2\u0080\u009d, which keeps their body tempreture +\/- 7C above the surrounding water temperature. All sharks have an incredibly unique system on the tip of their nose called the \u00e2\u0080\u009campillae of Lorenzini\u00e2\u0080\u009d. These are small pores filled with a gel that transmits the electrical currents in the water to the shark\u00e2\u0080\u0099s brain so that it can assess its environment.","qid":207786,"docid":"4218707","rank":2,"score":12.827239036560059},{"content":"What characteristics do all fish have in common? A: All fish are cold-blooded, have vertebrae, have fins and breathe through gills. Most fish have skeletons made of bone though sharks and rays have skeletons... Full Answer >","qid":207786,"docid":"8066400","rank":3,"score":12.154083251953125},{"content":"Great White sharks live in almost all coastal waters that have a temperature between 12 to 24 degree Celsius. They are found in large numbers in USA, South Africa, Japan, Aust\u00e2\u0080\u00a6ralia, New Zealand, Chile etc.","qid":207786,"docid":"7401955","rank":4,"score":12.403026580810547},{"content":"Birds and mammals, on the other hand, are warm-blooded, meaning they control their own body temperatures, attempting to keep them at a safe constant -- in the case of humans, at about 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit (37 degrees Celsius).","qid":207786,"docid":"7777863","rank":5,"score":11.862876892089844},{"content":"Sharks have skin covered in millions of tiny teeth-like scales that point to the tail. If you rub along a shark towards the tail, it would feel smooth, but if you rub the other way, it would be rough. Sharks' teeth can be 20 times as big as human teeth and they can grow back if they are lost. Fins","qid":207786,"docid":"860807","rank":6,"score":11.905247688293457},{"content":"Two examples are lizards basking in the sun to warm up, and fish in a lake moving up and down the water column to find a preferred temperature.. Davison said mammals and birds were endotherms (warm blooded), with a high, constant, core temperature fuelled by internal heat sources.","qid":207786,"docid":"4393134","rank":7,"score":12.344062805175781},{"content":"Cold-blooded means that at rest, the animals body temperature \u00e2\u0080\u00a6is the same as that of its surroundings. Cold-blooded animals have to warm themselves up (usually by sunning them selves or by vibrating their muscles) before they become active while warmblooded animals are already warm and ready for action. Also warmblooded animals can operate at temperatures where cold-blooded animals can not (eg polar bears).","qid":207786,"docid":"524451","rank":8,"score":11.950296401977539},{"content":"The term warm blooded refers to the way in which creatures keep their body temperature at a constant level. Unlike cold blooded animals, warm blooded animals tend to fit into all three categories, some only into two. This means that these warm blooded creatures uses many methods to regulate a steady body temperature.","qid":207786,"docid":"4759180","rank":9,"score":12.303226470947266},{"content":"(See picture: New 'Sea Monster' Species Identified.) These [sea reptiles] all came from land reptiles, who we're pretty sure were so-called cold-blooded, and it was probably the same when they started swimming. But over time it looks like homeothermy evolved, and so we need to figure out when that happened and why, he said.","qid":207786,"docid":"1667540","rank":10,"score":12.051738739013672},{"content":"Cold blooded creatures such as the lizard take on the temperature of their surroundings. In other words, they are hot when their environment is hot and cold when their environment is cold.","qid":207786,"docid":"3896745","rank":11,"score":11.911947250366211},{"content":"A question came across SHARK-L concerning makos being considered warm-blooded and various replies touch upon aspects of the topic. There are currently two species of mako recognized, the Longfin (Isurus paucus) and the Shortfin (I. oxyrinchus).","qid":207786,"docid":"8273756","rank":12,"score":12.706731796264648},{"content":"How do dolphins stay warm? Even though dolphins are warm-blooded, and their internal temperature is about 98 degrees, they need to conserve their body heat in colder water. Like most whales, the dolphin's body is surrounded by a thick layer of fat (called blubber) just under the skin that helps keep the dolphin warm.","qid":207786,"docid":"236200","rank":13,"score":12.252077102661133},{"content":"Certain lamnid sharks, tuna and billfishes are also endothermic. In common parlance, endotherms are characterized as warm-blooded .. The opposite of endothermy is ectothermy, although there is no absolute or clear separation between the nature of endotherms and ectotherms in general.","qid":207786,"docid":"7639366","rank":14,"score":12.348367691040039},{"content":"-------------------------------------------------------------- Warm Blooded try to keep the inside of their bodies at a constant temperature. Examples: Birds and Mammals Cold Blooded take on the temperature of their surroundings. Examples: Fish and Reptiles.","qid":207786,"docid":"3322527","rank":15,"score":12.034278869628906},{"content":"Warm and Cold Blooded Animals. With a few exceptions, all mammals and birds are warm-blooded, and all reptiles, insects, arachnids, amphibians and fish are cold-blooded. What does it mean to be warm-blooded or cold-blooded? The temperature of an animal's blood is related to its body temperature.","qid":207786,"docid":"4759179","rank":16,"score":11.831352233886719},{"content":"Meet the Comical Opah, the Only Truly Warm-Blooded Fish. There\u00e2\u0080\u0099s nothing about the opah that says \u00e2\u0080\u009cfast-moving predator\u00e2\u0080\u009d. Tuna, sharks, and swordfish are fast-moving predators and accordingly, their bodies look like streamlined torpedoes. By contrast, the opah looks like a big startled frisbee, with thin red fins stuck on as an afterthought.","qid":207786,"docid":"7124120","rank":17,"score":12.479532241821289},{"content":"Great white sharks live in almost all coastal and offshore waters which have water temperature between 12 and 24 \u00c2\u00b0C (54 and 75 \u00c2\u00b0F), with greater concentrations in the United States (Northeast and California), South Africa, Japan, Oceania, Chile, and the Mediterranean.","qid":207786,"docid":"2253658","rank":18,"score":11.891172409057617},{"content":"To do that they must have had more muscular power and greater endurance than a crocodile-like physiology would have allowed.. It's not the only recent study to suggest that dinosaurs weren't the slow-moving, cold-blooded creatures many scientists once believed them to be.","qid":207786,"docid":"4644093","rank":19,"score":11.930703163146973},{"content":"Warm-blooded is used to describe animals that generate their own heat. Warm-blooded creatures are often called ectotherms. Mammals and birds are warm-blooded; reptiles and amphibians are cold-blooded.","qid":207786,"docid":"4759183","rank":20,"score":12.178359985351562},{"content":"With a few exceptions, all mammals and birds are warm-blooded, and all reptiles, insects, arachnids, amphibians and fish are cold-blooded. What does it mean to be warm-blooded or cold-blooded? The temperature of an animal's blood is related to its body temperature.","qid":207786,"docid":"2440415","rank":21,"score":11.861577987670898},{"content":"What is Warm Blooded?? We are warm blooded animals, so are all other mammals, to a certain extent, and birds. However warm blood is not really the question, many reptiles have blood far warmer than ours, but only on hot days. In fact, blood temperature is merely a reflection of body temperature.","qid":207786,"docid":"5297038","rank":22,"score":12.08635425567627},{"content":"Even though dolphins are warm-blooded, and their internal temperature is about 98 degrees, they need to conserve their body heat in colder water. Like most whales, the dolphin's body is surrounded by a thick layer of fat (called blubber) just under the skin that helps keep the dolphin warm.","qid":207786,"docid":"2113005","rank":23,"score":12.244840621948242},{"content":"Great White sharks live in almost all coastal waters that have a temperature between 12 to 24 degree Celsius. They are found in large numbers in USA, South Africa, Japan, Aust \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ralia, New Zealand, Chile etc.","qid":207786,"docid":"7401959","rank":24,"score":12.390703201293945},{"content":"One is sea surface temperature, which is categorized by ocean regions. The other is ocean depth temperature, which is categorized as shallow, deep or open ocean waters. Sharks can be classified as polar, temperate, or tropical, depending on the surface temperature of the ocean region they inhabit.These temperature regions can be imagined as wide bands drawn over the ocean's surface, showing the range of water temperature within them.lthough large temperate sharks will travel into tropical waters, they will swim only at depths where the temperature is in their preferred range. Smaller sharks are much more affected by heat and cold and stay within their limits. Sandbar sharks like water temperature between about 15\u00c2\u00b0-30\u00c2\u00b0C (59°-86°F).","qid":207786,"docid":"4613061","rank":25,"score":11.963109016418457},{"content":"Sharks have five different kinds of fins. 1 Paired pectoral fins lift the shark as it swims. 2 Paired pelvic fins stabilize the shark. 3 One or two dorsal fins also stabilize the shark. Not all sharks have an anal fin, but 1 it. The caudal or tail fin moves the shark forward.","qid":207786,"docid":"6550464","rank":26,"score":11.869267463684082},{"content":"With a few exceptions, all mammals and birds are warm-blooded, and all reptiles, insects, arachnids, amphibians and fish are cold-blooded. What does it mean to be warm-blooded or cold-blooded? The temperature of an animal's blood is related to its body temperature.hese thermal infrared images of warm-blooded animals, show how birds and mammals maintain body temperatures well above the surrounding, cooler air temperature. Cold-blooded creatures take on the temperature of their surroundings. They are hot when their environment is hot and cold when their environment is cold.","qid":207786,"docid":"493415","rank":27,"score":11.936111450195312},{"content":"Warm-Blooded vs. Cold-Blooded. Warm-blooded creatures, like mammals and birds, try to keep the inside of their bodies at a constant temperature. They do this by generating their own heat when they are in a cooler environment, and by cooling themselves when they are in a hotter environment.","qid":207786,"docid":"7643819","rank":28,"score":11.846965789794922},{"content":"Body Temperature of Lamnoid Sharks. 1. * where - instead of a range of temperatures - only a single value is given, the data represent an average of measured temperatures rather than one absolute measurement. All living things generate waste heat through metabolic processes taking place in their cells.","qid":207786,"docid":"3994100","rank":29,"score":11.934998512268066},{"content":"Tigers, like all mammals, are considered to be warm blooded as they use endothermic methods to keep their body temperature at a near constant rate. This means that they contro\u00e2\u0080\u00a6l their temperature via internal means, such as sweating, shivering and panting. 12 people found this useful.","qid":207786,"docid":"2051023","rank":30,"score":12.36948013305664},{"content":"Also warmblooded animals can operate at temperatures where cold-blooded animals can not (eg polar bears). -------------------------------------------------------------- Warm Blooded try to keep the inside of their bodies at a constant temperature.","qid":207786,"docid":"2051016","rank":31,"score":12.051872253417969},{"content":"Most large sharks are cold-blooded and cruise at a leisurely 1.5 mph. Because most species fare poorly in captivity, the maximum swimming speed of a shark has seldom been measured. The Blue Shark is an open ocean glider, planing on wing-like pectoral fins and flattened belly.","qid":207786,"docid":"8053029","rank":32,"score":12.433168411254883},{"content":"What does it mean to be cold-blooded? Generally, cold-blooded animals don\u00e2\u0080\u0099t use their own energy to warm themselves and maintain their bot temperature. Warm-blooded animals heat themselves with energy from food, so they need to eat more regularly tan cold-blooded animals. They only two warm-blooded groups are mammals and birds. Reptiles, amphibians, fish and invertebrates are cold-blooded.","qid":207786,"docid":"7643816","rank":33,"score":12.148422241210938},{"content":"Cold-blooded creatures take on the temperature of their surroundings. They are hot when their environment is hot and cold when their environment is cold. In hot environments, cold-blooded animals can have blood that is much warmer than warm-blooded animals.","qid":207786,"docid":"2440421","rank":34,"score":11.90487289428711},{"content":"Warm-blooded animal species can maintain a body temperature higher than their environment. In particular, homeothermic species maintain a stable body temperature by regulating metabolic processes. The only known homeotherms are birds and mammals. Other species have various degrees of thermoregulation. Animal body temperature control varies by species, so the terms warm-blooded and cold-blooded give a false idea of there being only two categories of body temperature control, and are no longer used scientifically. The terms are still in everyday use. 1 Terminology.","qid":207786,"docid":"2763921","rank":35,"score":11.813793182373047},{"content":"White sharks are part of the fish family, so they must be 'cold-blooded', right? Actually, white sharks are much more complex than you may think. An animal that is 'cold-blooded' means their inside body temperature is dependent on the environment they are in. For example, a snake is cold blooded, so its body temperature fluctuates with the day or even whether or not they are in the sun.","qid":207786,"docid":"2051020","rank":36,"score":13.358796119689941},{"content":"Cold blooded creatures such as the lizard take on the temperature of their surroundings. In other words, they are hot when their environment is hot and cold when their environment is cold. In hot environments, cold blooded animals can have blood that is much warmer than warm blooded animals.","qid":207786,"docid":"3896738","rank":37,"score":12.147104263305664},{"content":"The predators are also partially endothermic, which means they can generate and retain enough heat to raise their body temperatures to high but stable levels. Most animals thought of as warm-blooded, including mammals and birds, are also both homeothermic and endothermic.","qid":207786,"docid":"1667537","rank":38,"score":12.735774993896484},{"content":"All mammals including all humans are warm-blooded. This means that our body temperature is regulated at least to some extent by our body and not totally by the outside temp. Cold blooded animals can only get heat from the sun or a warm surface.Warm blooded.his means that our body temperature is regulated at least to some extent by our body and not totally by the outside temp. Cold blooded animals can only get heat from the sun or a warm surface.","qid":207786,"docid":"493413","rank":39,"score":11.896848678588867},{"content":"Cold-blooded animals' bodies are the same temperature as the air around them; warm-blooded animals' bodies maintain a regular temperature despite the air temperature. Mammals and birds are warm-blooded; snakes, lizards, other reptiles, fish and insects are cold-blooded.","qid":207786,"docid":"2969232","rank":40,"score":11.875720024108887},{"content":"With a few exceptions all reptiles such as the lizard are cold blooded creatures. The temperature of an animal\u00e2\u0080\u0099s blood (whether an animal is warm blooded or cold blooded) is related to its body temperature. Cold blooded creatures such as the lizard take on the temperature of their surroundings. In other words, they are hot when their environment is hot and cold when their environment is cold. In hot environments, cold blooded animals can have blood that is much warmer than warm blooded animals.","qid":207786,"docid":"6526575","rank":41,"score":11.881528854370117},{"content":"Cold-blooded means that at rest, the animals body temperature \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 is the same as that of its surroundings. Cold-blooded animals have to warm themselves up (usually by sunning them selves or by vibrating their muscles) before they become active while warmblooded animals are already warm and ready for action. Also warmblooded animals can operate at temperatures where cold-blooded animals can not (eg polar bears).","qid":207786,"docid":"6526579","rank":42,"score":11.932889938354492},{"content":"Cold-blooded animals also need to be warm and active to find a mate and reproduce. Being cold-blooded, however, also has its advantages. Cold-blooded animals require much less energy to survive than warm-blooded animals do. Mammals and birds require much more food and energy than do cold-blooded animals of the same weight. This is because in warm-blooded animals, the heat loss from their bodies is proportional to the surface area of their bodies, while the heat created by their bodies is proportional to their mass.","qid":207786,"docid":"8651149","rank":43,"score":11.94471549987793},{"content":"Cold-blooded means that at rest, the animals body temperature \u00e2\u0080\u00a6is the same as that of its surroundings. Cold-blooded animals have to warm themselves up (usually by sunning them selves or by vibrating their muscles) before they become active while warmblooded animals are already warm and ready for action. Also warmblooded animals can operate at temperatures where cold-blooded animals can not (eg polar bears). -------------------------------------------------------------- Warm Blooded try to keep the inside of their bodies at a constant temperature.","qid":207786,"docid":"5989436","rank":44,"score":12.152937889099121},{"content":"The Silver Apollo Shark is a schooling fish that is more passive than both the Red Tail Shark and Bala Shark. It likes slightly acidic water, pH between 6.0 and 6.5 and a standard 66\u00c2\u00b0F to 79\u00c2\u00b0F temperature range. This is a jumping fish. Keep it in a tank with a lid at all times.","qid":207786,"docid":"8185068","rank":45,"score":11.901153564453125},{"content":"\u00e2\u0080\u009cwarm-blooded\u00e2\u0080\u009d describes a mammal, or animal that generates its own body heat internally. For example birds and mammals (including humans) are warm-blooded animals. Reptiles and fish are cold-blooded animals, they get their heat from the environment. All mammals are warm-blooded, and humans are mammals. Warm-blooded species make their own body heat and can maintain a body temperature higher than their environment. Warm-blooded animals \u00e2\u0080\u0094 mammals and birds \u00e2\u0080\u0094 have body temperatures that usually stay roughly the same, even in cold temperatures.","qid":207786,"docid":"4900224","rank":46,"score":12.027726173400879},{"content":"However, most cold-blooded animals will seek out warm environments because it is easier for them to live when they are warmer. So, fishes in warm environments are technically not cold blooded. For this reason, scientists do not use the term cold blooded.","qid":207786,"docid":"7643812","rank":47,"score":12.487968444824219},{"content":"Chinese Hi Fin Sharks are a relatively coldwater species liking temperatures below 70 \u00c2\u00b0F but above 55 \u00c2\u00b0F and a pH between 6.0 and 7.5. They are slow growers and have been known to live in captivity up to 25 years. An omnivore by nature, this fish spends almost its entire life scavenging for food.","qid":207786,"docid":"7331154","rank":48,"score":12.075973510742188},{"content":"The scientists found growth rate to be a good indicator of metabolic rates in living animals, ranging from sharks to birds. In general, warm-blooded mammals that grow about 10 times faster than cold-blooded reptiles also metabolize about 10 times faster. Comparative growth rates in vertebrates. Dinosaurs grew intermediate to endothermic mammals and birds and ectothermic reptiles and fish, but closest to living mesotherms.","qid":207786,"docid":"7777867","rank":49,"score":11.848699569702148},{"content":"Large sharks that living in temperate waters include the great white shark, the shortfin mako shark, and the basking shark. These large temperate sharks can generate their own body heat and are therefore able to travel farther than smaller temperate sharks, which cannot.lthough large temperate sharks will travel into tropical waters, they will swim only at depths where the temperature is in their preferred range. Smaller sharks are much more affected by heat and cold and stay within their limits. Sandbar sharks like water temperature between about 15\u00c2\u00b0-30\u00c2\u00b0C (59°-86°F).","qid":207786,"docid":"4613065","rank":50,"score":12.481029510498047},{"content":"What are some warm-blooded animals? A: A list of warm-blooded animals would include all mammals and birds (with very few exceptions), such as apes, monkeys, whales, elephants, cheetahs, giraffes, dogs, cats, pigs and humans. All reptiles, amphibians, fish and insects are considered cold-blooded. Continue Reading.","qid":207786,"docid":"2051015","rank":51,"score":12.15015983581543},{"content":"In contrast, warm-blooded animals are able to regulate their body temperature by converting the food they eat into energy and thus, create heat. Although most people refer to all types of aquatic animals as fish, there are many exceptions.","qid":207786,"docid":"2763922","rank":52,"score":12.316972732543945},{"content":"Great white sharks are some of the only warm blooded sharks. This allows them to swim in colder waters in addition to warm, tropical waters. Great White sharks can be found as\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 north as Alaska and as south as the southern tip of South America. They exist worldwide, everywhere in-between. 5 people found this useful.","qid":207786,"docid":"7941579","rank":53,"score":13.130901336669922},{"content":"Warm-blooded animal species can maintain a body temperature higher than their environment. In particular, homeothermic species maintain a stable body temperature by regulating metabolic processes. The only known homeotherms are birds and mammals. Other species have various degrees of thermoregulation. Animal body temperature control varies by species, so the terms warm-blooded and cold-blooded (though still in everyday use) suggest a false idea of there being only two categories of body temperature control, and are no longer used scientifically.","qid":207786,"docid":"4759182","rank":54,"score":11.827083587646484},{"content":"Cold-blooded animals can only do this when they are warm enough. A cold-blooded animal's level of activity depends upon the temperature of its surroundings. A reptile, for example, will increase its body temperature before hunting and is better able to escape predators when it is warm.","qid":207786,"docid":"8651148","rank":55,"score":11.857963562011719},{"content":"Call it the latest salvo in the not-so-heated debate over whether dinosaurs were hot- or cold-blooded. A new paper published in the journal PLoS One argues that dinos must have been warm-blooded like birds and mammals--and not cold-blooded like reptiles, as many scientists believed in years past.","qid":207786,"docid":"7327576","rank":56,"score":12.042608261108398},{"content":"For many people, sharks are the epitome of the 'cold-blooded killer'. The warm-bodied mackerel sharks are spectacular reminders that many of our stereotypes are inaccurate. As apex predators, sharks are absolutely essential to the health and vigor of marine ecosystems.","qid":207786,"docid":"8273757","rank":57,"score":12.341636657714844},{"content":"More on Warm-Bodied Sharks. Shortfin Mako (Isurus oxyrinchus) A question came across SHARK-L concerning makos being considered warm-blooded and various replies touch upon aspects of the topic. I responded to the original query and went onto expand upon or correct some of those responses.","qid":207786,"docid":"8273758","rank":58,"score":13.450844764709473},{"content":"Sharks: Body Parts. If you look at a shark, you will see it has a number of special adaptations that allow it to fit into an ocean environment. A shark has fins and a streamlined body that help it swim through water.It has gills, which take in oxygen directly out of the water.Because of its gills, sharks can stay underwater and not have to come to the surface to breathe. shark has fins and a streamlined body that help it swim through water. It has gills, which take in oxygen directly out of the water. Because of its gills, sharks can stay underwater and not have to come to the surface to breathe.","qid":207786,"docid":"4724265","rank":59,"score":12.057234764099121},{"content":"Not So Cold Or Warm\u00e2\u0080\u00a6. Most of us learn that insects, fish, reptiles and amphibians are cold blooded because their body temperature changes along with the external temperature, while birds and mammals are warm blooded because they maintain a high body temperature regardless of the external temperature.","qid":207786,"docid":"524450","rank":60,"score":11.859066009521484},{"content":"Sharks' blood gives them turbo speed. Several species of shark and tuna have something special going on inside their bodies. For a long time, scientists have known that some fish species appear warm-blooded. Salmon sharks can elevate their body temperatures by up to 20 degrees compared to the surrounding water, for example.","qid":207786,"docid":"8273754","rank":61,"score":13.499507904052734},{"content":"usa | world | animals | vocabulary | health | science | math | preschool. Cold-blooded animals, like reptiles, amphibians, and fish, become hotter and colder, depending on the the temperature outside. For example, when the sun sets at night, their bodies are cooler because it is less warm outside.","qid":207786,"docid":"6822432","rank":62,"score":11.923731803894043},{"content":"May 14, 2015. Researchers from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration discovered that the opah, a deepwater predatory fish, is able to keep its body warm through a specially designed set of blood vessels in the fish's gills, which allows the fish to circulate warm blood throughout its entire body. (Science Magazine)","qid":207786,"docid":"7124121","rank":63,"score":12.275129318237305},{"content":"Most sharks are cold-blooded. Some, like the Mako and the Great white shark, are partially warmblooded (they are endotherms). Cold blooded although if you've ever seen a Great White Shark hunt sea lions you'd be thinking they would have to be hotblooded. Actually the Salmon Shark is a warm blooded shark.","qid":207786,"docid":"8273763","rank":64,"score":14.389116287231445},{"content":"Snakes are cold-blooded creatures, just like amphibians. When a certain animal is cold-blooded, it basically means that they are able to adapt their own internal temperature to that of their environment. When a snake is in a cool environment, their body temperature tends to drop rather quickly.","qid":207786,"docid":"6526582","rank":65,"score":12.227537155151367},{"content":"Best Answer: The creatures traditionally regarded as warm-blooded have a larger number of mitochondria per cell which enables them to generate heat by increasing the rate at which they burn fats and sugars.","qid":207786,"docid":"5297036","rank":66,"score":12.450784683227539},{"content":"According to an article in the journal Science, the opah is a rarity: A warm-blooded fish that can swim fast by flapping its fins like water wings as it speeds through the water. The movement speeds the opah's metabolism and heats its blood, leading to better reaction times, according to researchers.","qid":207786,"docid":"1071464","rank":67,"score":12.32540512084961},{"content":"Are White Sharks warm-blooded or cold-blooded? White sharks are part of the fish family, so they must be 'cold-blooded', right? Actually, white sharks are much more complex than you may think. An animal that is 'cold-blooded' means their inside body temperature is dependent on the environment they are in. For example, a snake is cold blooded, so its body temperature fluctuates with the day or even whether or not they are in the sun.","qid":207786,"docid":"8273759","rank":68,"score":13.849437713623047},{"content":"Warm-blooded animals are those that generate their own body heat from food. Birds and mammals are warm-blooded. All other animals, including fish, reptiles, amphibians, and insects, are cold-blooded. Their body temperatures rise and fall with the temperature of their surroundings.","qid":207786,"docid":"6822431","rank":69,"score":12.672719955444336},{"content":"1 Fish have a backbone. 2 They are vertebrates. 3 Fish breathe using gills. 4 They absorb oxygen through the gills. 5 Almost all fish are cold-blooded. 6 Two of the exceptions are the tuna and the Pacific salmon shark, which can raise their body temperature to some degree.","qid":207786,"docid":"817180","rank":70,"score":12.024959564208984},{"content":"Cold-blooded animals, like reptiles, amphibians, and fish, become hotter and colder, depending on the the temperature outside. For example, when the sun sets at night, their bodies are cooler because it is less warm outside.","qid":207786,"docid":"6822429","rank":71,"score":11.911520004272461},{"content":"Reptiles and fish are cold-blooded animals, they get their heat from the environment. All mammals are warm-blooded, and humans are mammals. Warm-blooded species make their own body heat and can maintain a body temperature higher than their environment. Warm-blooded animals \u00e2\u0080\u0094 mammals and birds \u00e2\u0080\u0094 have body temperatures that usually stay roughly the same, even in cold temperatures.","qid":207786,"docid":"4393128","rank":72,"score":12.259307861328125},{"content":"Regardless sharks are cold blooded, they live either in warm, temperate and cold waters. Some species live mainly in cold waters, while some others prefer warmer waters. SHARK MIGRATION. One thing is for sure; sharks migrate to find new sources of food and they can travel up to hundreds of miles to do that. Most species of sharks live in the oceans. However, some of them are known to dwell in bodies of freshwater, like the bull shark which travels up to 4,000 Km up the Amazon River. Sometimes, sharks reach freshwater bodies; this could be the result of the destruction of their habitat by human activities.","qid":207786,"docid":"8185064","rank":73,"score":12.535560607910156},{"content":"Warm-blooded animal species can maintain a body temperature higher than their environment. In particular, homeothermic species maintain a stable body temperature by regulating metabolic processes. The only known homeotherms are birds and mammals. Other species have various degrees of thermoregulation.","qid":207786,"docid":"524445","rank":74,"score":11.815974235534668},{"content":"Shark Teeth. A shark's only real weapon is its mouth. Like its fins and sense organs, the shark's mouth is a highly effective physiological adaptation, perfectly suited to its job. There are two elements that make the mouth so effective: the teeth and the jaws. Shark teeth are something like the teeth of land predators.","qid":207786,"docid":"458701","rank":75,"score":12.282926559448242},{"content":"Warm-blooded means that at rest, the animal keeps its body warm and above the temperature of its surroundings. Cold-blooded means that at rest, the animals body temperature \u00e2\u0080\u00a6is the same as that of its surroundings. Cold-blooded animals have to warm themselves up (usually by sunning them selves or by vibrating their muscles) before they become active while warmblooded animals are already warm and ready for action. Also warmblooded animals can operate at temperatures where cold-blooded animals can not (eg polar bears). -------------------------------------------------------------- Warm Blooded try to keep the inside of their bodies at a constant temperature.","qid":207786,"docid":"2763923","rank":76,"score":12.363412857055664},{"content":"Mammals and birds are warm-blooded, which means that they can make their own body heat even when it is cold outside. Whether it is sunny and hot outside or there is a snowstorm and it is very cold, warm-blooded animals have body temperatures that usually stay the same.","qid":207786,"docid":"2775837","rank":77,"score":11.896078109741211},{"content":"All mammals are warm-blooded. Other answer: Bats are mammals, and most mammals are warm-blooded. But there are some conditions. Bats an \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 d Moles, etc. are all cold-blooded because they have trouble cooling down and warming-up.","qid":207786,"docid":"3753001","rank":78,"score":12.044527053833008},{"content":"When one of these reptiles is in a warm environment, their body temperature rapidly increases. Although being cold-blooded certainly has its benefits for snakes and other creatures, if one of them is exposed to a cold environment for too long of a time, they will like lose consciousness and eventually die.","qid":207786,"docid":"6526576","rank":79,"score":11.977187156677246},{"content":"Warm-blooded creatures, like mammals and birds, try to keep the inside of their bodies at a constant temperature. They do this by generating their own heat when they are in a cooler environment, and by cooling themselves when they are in a hotter environment.","qid":207786,"docid":"1667544","rank":80,"score":11.90500259399414},{"content":"Warm-blooded means that at rest, the animal keeps its body warm and above the temperature of its surroundings. Cold-blooded means that at rest, the animals body temperature \u00e2\u0080\u00a6is the same as that of its surroundings. Cold-blooded animals have to warm themselves up (usually by sunning them selves or by vibrating their muscles) before they become active while warmblooded animals are already warm and ready for action.","qid":207786,"docid":"2051022","rank":81,"score":12.148931503295898},{"content":"White shark stomach temperatures are thought to be on the order of 65 to 70\u00c2\u00b0F, he explained. Maybe even less at great depth in cold water.. That's cooler than the temperature recorded on the tag.","qid":207786,"docid":"4668277","rank":82,"score":11.95145034790039},{"content":"But the advantages of endothermy are costly. To maintain a warm body in cold water, a mackerel shark must burn fuel like a blast furnace. A warm-bodied shark may need more than ten times as much food as a cold-bodied shark of the same size.","qid":207786,"docid":"8273760","rank":83,"score":12.388391494750977},{"content":"Are sharks cold-blooded or warm-blooded? Sharks have a reputation as \u00e2\u0080\u009ccold-blooded killers\u00e2\u0080\u009d and despite how negative that term is, it\u00e2\u0080\u0099s not entirely inaccurate. Sharks are by no means evil, vicious killers like that quote suggests. Nonetheless, sharks are, for the most part anyways, efficient ectothermic predators. Endo vs Ecto.","qid":207786,"docid":"8273755","rank":84,"score":13.480305671691895},{"content":"Nurse sharks prefer water temperatures between 20°-30\u00c2\u00b0C (68°-86° F). Since they are prefer warm temperatures and feed on non-migratory animals such as spiny lobsters, small squid, and mollusks, nurse sharks stay in the same tropical locations all their lives.","qid":207786,"docid":"2457541","rank":85,"score":12.057348251342773},{"content":"Cold-blooded animals have a variable body temperature which reflects the environmental temperature (eg. fish and reptiles). Warm-blooded animals keep their core body tempera\u00e2\u0080\u00a6ture at a nearly consistent level regardless of the temperature of the surrounding environment (eg. birds and mammals).","qid":207786,"docid":"4900217","rank":86,"score":12.03696060180664},{"content":"That makes them a favorite of great whites. A high fat diet is mandatory for the great white to maintain its body temperature and keep its brain warm in cold water. Still, sharks do attack people along U.S. coasts and around the world, even if the nature and number of encounters belie expectations.","qid":207786,"docid":"6474685","rank":87,"score":11.944355964660645},{"content":"All mammals including all humans are warm-blooded. This means that our body temperature is regulated at least to some extent by our body and not totally by the outside tem \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 p. Cold blooded animals can only get heat from the sun or a warm surface. Warm blooded.arm-blooded means that at rest, the animal keeps its body warm and above the temperature of its surroundings. Cold-blooded means that at rest, the animals body temperature \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 is the same as that of its surroundings.","qid":207786,"docid":"493414","rank":88,"score":11.892768859863281},{"content":"Most sharks are cold-blooded. Some, like the Mako and the Great white shark, are partially warmblooded (they are endotherms). These sharks can raise their temperature about the temperature of the water; they need to have occasional short bursts of speed in hunting.","qid":207786,"docid":"8273762","rank":89,"score":14.647581100463867},{"content":"These thermal infrared images of warm-blooded animals, show how birds and mammals maintain body temperatures well above the surrounding, cooler air temperature. Cold-blooded creatures take on the temperature of their surroundings. They are hot when their environment is hot and cold when their environment is cold. In hot environments, cold-blooded animals can have blood that is much warmer than warm-blooded animals. Cold-blooded animals are much more active in warm environments and are very sluggish in cold environments.","qid":207786,"docid":"1667542","rank":90,"score":11.96042251586914},{"content":"Quick Answer. Sharks move through the water with the help of their tail fins. The body of a shark is light as it is made of cartilage and not bones. It has a perfectly streamlined body. Its dorsal fins help it steer through the water.","qid":207786,"docid":"2704919","rank":91,"score":12.069267272949219},{"content":"Some fish are ectothermic such as the Blue shark whereas others are endothermic such as swordfish and Lamnid sharks.ndothermic = warm-blooded Ectothermic = cold-blooded Endotherms are able to maintain their own body temperature, whereas Ectotherms rely on their environment to regulate body \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 temperature.","qid":207786,"docid":"6031630","rank":92,"score":12.672967910766602},{"content":"Although large temperate sharks will travel into tropical waters, they will swim only at depths where the temperature is in their preferred range. Smaller sharks are much more affected by heat and cold and stay within their limits. Sandbar sharks like water temperature between about 15\u00c2\u00b0-30\u00c2\u00b0C (59°-86°F).","qid":207786,"docid":"2457542","rank":93,"score":12.192970275878906},{"content":"Studies have shown that dinosaurs were not warm-blooded or cold-blooded, but had both cold-blooded and warm-blooded features with complex metabolic systems. Bats, mole rats and echidnas are also considered to be neither cold-blooded nor warm-blooded due to their varying temperatures.","qid":207786,"docid":"2051021","rank":94,"score":12.308218955993652},{"content":"Warm blooded animals, like mammals and birds, need a lot of fuel and use that energy to their advantage, including faster movement and boosted brain power. In burning all that food they also maintain a high, stable body temperature. They've taken real, empirical data from living animals and come up with a model.","qid":207786,"docid":"7777862","rank":95,"score":12.196175575256348},{"content":"The Salmon Shark is one of the warmest of the warm-bodied sharks. Measurements of its epaxial (upper back) muscles indicate that this species is able to maintain a body temperature 14 to 20 degrees Fahrenheit (8 to 11 degrees Celsius) above the ambient water temperature.","qid":207786,"docid":"1392585","rank":96,"score":12.81545352935791},{"content":"Call it the latest salvo in the not-so-heated debate over whether dinosaurs were hot-or cold-blooded. A new paper published in the journal PLoS One argues that dinos must have been warm-blooded like birds and mammals--and not cold-blooded like reptiles, as many scientists believed in years past.","qid":207786,"docid":"4644095","rank":97,"score":12.042608261108398},{"content":"These sharks are unique in their ability to elevate and maintain body temperatures as much as 13 C above the ambient water temperature. One striking feature of these warm-bodied sharks is that their flanks and viscera are warm, while the heart and gills are at environmental temperatures.","qid":207786,"docid":"8273761","rank":98,"score":13.846248626708984},{"content":"These marine reptiles were able to maintain a high body temperature independently of the water temperature where they lived, from tropical to cold-temperate oceanic domains, said study co-author Christophe L\u00c3\u00a9cuyer, a paleontologist at Universit\u00c3\u00a9 Claude Bernand Lyon 1 in France.","qid":207786,"docid":"1667539","rank":99,"score":11.939788818359375},{"content":"1 Fish live in water. 2 Fish have a backbone. 3 They are vertebrates. 4 Fish breathe using gills. 5 They absorb oxygen through the gills. 6 Almost all fish are cold-blooded. 7 Two of the exceptions are the tuna and the Pacific salmon shark, which can raise their body temperature to some degree.","qid":207786,"docid":"817177","rank":100,"score":11.822482109069824}]} {"query":"how to find the midsegment of a trapezoid","hits":[{"content":"A line segment which joins mid points of two leg of trapezoid is called midline or mid segment. Theorem: According to this theorem mid segment of a trapezoid is equal to half of sum of its two parallel sides. Proof of theorem: Proof: let P is middle point of line segment AC. In triangle ABC M is mid point of AB and P is midpoint of AC. so MP is mid segment of triangle ABC.","qid":359349,"docid":"4020477","rank":1,"score":13.019750595092773},{"content":"How To Find the Height of a Trapezoid. Step by step directions for finding the height of a trapezoid. How To Find the area of a trapezoid easily. How To Find the area of a trapezoid. How To Classify a Triangle as an Isosceles Triangle. How To Quickly find the area of a trapezoid. How To Figure out the area of quadrilaterals. How To Find the area of a trapezoid. How To Find the length of a median in a trapezoid.","qid":359349,"docid":"3176541","rank":2,"score":12.04521369934082},{"content":"Finding the height from the area. How to find the height (altitude) of a trapezoid give the two bases and the area. The main area formula above has four variables (area, two bases and height). If we know any three we can always find the fourth.ow to find a base of a trapezoid give the one of the bases, the height, and the area. The main area formula above has four variables (area, two bases and height). If we know any three we can always find the fourth.","qid":359349,"docid":"5773715","rank":3,"score":11.400472640991211},{"content":"To find the perimeter of any two-dimensional geometric shape, you need to add all the outer sides of that shape together. A trapezoid has four sides, so in formula form, the perimeter of a trapezoid is: P = T + B + L + R.","qid":359349,"docid":"5219971","rank":4,"score":12.059364318847656},{"content":"You can calculate the area when you know the median, it is just the median times the height: Area = mh. Trapezium. A trapezium (UK: trapezoid) is a quadrilateral with NO parallel sides. The US and UK have their definitions swapped over, like this:","qid":359349,"docid":"8167113","rank":5,"score":11.42379379272461},{"content":"= 4 in. Summary: To find the area of a trapezoid, take the sum of its bases, multiply the sum by the height of the trapezoid, and then divide the result by 2, The formula for the area of a trapezoid is: or.where. is. , is. , is the height. and \u00c2\u00b7 means multiply.or example, in the diagram to the right, the bases are parallel. To find the area of a trapezoid, take the sum of its bases, multiply the sum by the height of the trapezoid, and then divide the result by 2, The formula for the area of a trapezoid is: or. where. is. , is. , is the height. and \u00c2\u00b7 means multiply.","qid":359349,"docid":"15804","rank":6,"score":11.96820068359375},{"content":"In math, finding the height of a trapezoid can be done by first finding the area and working backwards. Find the height of a trapezoid with tips from a math ... In math, finding the height of a trapezoid can be done by first finding the area and working backwards. Find the height of a trapezoid with tips from a math ... Skip navigation","qid":359349,"docid":"3176548","rank":7,"score":11.90697193145752},{"content":"If any of the two sides of the triangle are connected, midsegment is formed. In this calculator, you can find the midsegment of a triangle based on the length of the side of the triangle. length. length. Code to add this calci to your website.","qid":359349,"docid":"576632","rank":8,"score":11.810442924499512},{"content":"A trapezoid is a quadrilateral (has 4 sides) and has only one pair of sides parallel. How to determine the area of a trapezoid: Add the lengths of the 2 parallel sides divide by 2 to get the average length of the parallel sides.Multiply this by the height (distance between the parallel sides.Calculating the Area of a Trapezoid.ow to determine the area of a trapezoid: Add the lengths of the 2 parallel sides divide by 2 to get the average length of the parallel sides. Multiply this by the height (distance between the parallel sides. Calculating the Area of a Trapezoid.","qid":359349,"docid":"5773716","rank":9,"score":12.065893173217773},{"content":"To find the area of a trapezoid, take the sum of its bases, multiply the sum by the height of the trapezoid, and then divide the result by 2, The formula for the area of a trapezoid is:or. where. is. , is. , is the height. and \u00c2\u00b7 means multiply.or example, in the diagram to the right, the bases are parallel. To find the area of a trapezoid, take the sum of its bases, multiply the sum by the height of the trapezoid, and then divide the result by 2, The formula for the area of a trapezoid is: or. where. is. , is. , is the height. and \u00c2\u00b7 means multiply.","qid":359349,"docid":"15803","rank":10,"score":11.946599960327148},{"content":"trapezoid, closed plane figure bounded by four line segments, or sides, two of which are parallel and two of which are nonparallel. The parallel sides of a trapezoid are called bases and the nonparallel sides legs; in an isosceles trapezoid the legs are of equal length. The median of a trapezoid is the line segment connecting the midpoints of the legs; it is parallel to the bases and equal to half the sum of their lengths.","qid":359349,"docid":"8058873","rank":11,"score":11.570941925048828},{"content":"To find the area of a trapezoid: Multiply half the sum of the two parallel sides by the distance between them. Getting Gold J. C. F. Johnson The second trapezoid is composed of pieces which can be placed in the rectangle, filling it completely.","qid":359349,"docid":"4344099","rank":12,"score":12.176177978515625},{"content":"The top and bottom sides of the trapezoid run parallel to each other, so they are the trapezoid's bases. The other sides of the trapezoid will intersect if extended, so they are the trapezoid's legs. The segment that connects the midpoints of the legs of a trapezoid is called the midsegment.","qid":359349,"docid":"6108721","rank":13,"score":12.022132873535156},{"content":"The midsegment of a trapezoid is referred to as the median or the midline. The length of the midsegment is calculated by finding the average length of each of the parallel sides. The formula for this length is the sum of the length of side A plus the length of side B, divided by two. The midsegment is also used to calculate the area of a trapezoid. Learn more about Shapes.","qid":359349,"docid":"68649","rank":14,"score":14.392698287963867},{"content":"The segment EF, joining midpoints E and F of the lateral sides, is called a midline of a trapezoid. A midline of a trapezoid is equal to a half-sum of bases: and parallel to them: EF || AD and EF || BC. A trapezoid with equal lateral sides ( AB = CD ) is called an isoscelestrapezoid. In an isosceles trapezoid angles by each base, are equal ( A = D, B = C ). A parallelogram can be considered as a particular case of trapezoid. Midline of a triangle is a segment, joining midpoints of lateral sides of a triangle.","qid":359349,"docid":"1394087","rank":15,"score":12.057991981506348},{"content":"A trapezoid is a special quadrilateral (have four sides) having one pair of parallel sides and other pair is non-parallel sides. In American English it is used as trapezoid and in the British English it is used as trapezium.bases are called parallel sides of trapezoid and non parallel sides are called leg..","qid":359349,"docid":"4020473","rank":16,"score":12.856228828430176},{"content":"To find the area of a trapezoid: Multiply half the sum of the two parallel sides by the distance between them. The second trapezoid is composed of pieces which can be placed in the rectangle, filling it completely. Another drawer contains various figures: an oval, an ellipse, a rhombus, and a trapezoid.","qid":359349,"docid":"6440028","rank":17,"score":12.185047149658203},{"content":"First and fore most a Trapezoid is a quadrilateral which is a 4 sided plane shape. 1 It has 4 lines. 2 It is a closed shape. 3 Two of the lines are parallel. It is a simple quadrilateral - meaning the sum of it's angles is 360 1 degrees. A Trapezoid is a Trapezoid and cannot be named anything else.","qid":359349,"docid":"1394091","rank":18,"score":11.414161682128906},{"content":"(Jump to Area of a Trapezoid or Perimeter of a Trapezoid) A trapezoid is a 4-sided flat shape with straight sides that has a pair of opposite sides parallel (marked with arrows below): A trapezoid: is an Isosceles trapezoid when both angles coming from a parallel side are equal, and the sides that aren't parallel are equal in length.","qid":359349,"docid":"576630","rank":19,"score":11.654489517211914},{"content":"The median of a trapezoid is a segment parallel to the bases that connects the midpoints of the non-parallel sides. This line is special because we can determine its length directly from the length of the two bases. No joke.","qid":359349,"docid":"2826512","rank":20,"score":11.950417518615723},{"content":"Related. 1 How To Find the area of a trapezoid easily. 2 How To Find the area of a trapezoid. 3 How To Classify a Triangle as an Isosceles Triangle. 4 How To Quickly find the area of a trapezoid. 5 How To Figure out the area of quadrilaterals. 6 How To Find the area of a trapezoid. 7 How To Find the length of a median in a trapezoid.","qid":359349,"docid":"3176542","rank":21,"score":11.428852081298828},{"content":"The opposite sides of a trapezoid that are parallel to each other are called bases. The remaining sides of the trapezoid, which intersect at some point if extended, are called the legs of the trapezoid. The top and bottom sides of the trapezoid run parallel to each other, so they are the trapezoid's bases. The other sides of the trapezoid will intersect if extended, so they are the trapezoid's legs. The segment that connects the midpoints of the legs of a trapezoid is called the midsegment.","qid":359349,"docid":"457673","rank":22,"score":11.749013900756836},{"content":"Every trapezoid has two legs. Altitude: The altitude of a trapezoid is the perpendicular distance from one base to the other. (One base may need to be extended). Median: The median of a trapezoid is a line joining the midpoints of the two legs. See Trapezoid median: Area: The usual way to calculate the area is the average base length times altitude. See Area of a Trapezoid: Perimeter: The distance a round the trapezoid. The sum of its side lengths. See Perimeter of a Trapezoid","qid":359349,"docid":"8058867","rank":23,"score":11.97292709350586},{"content":"The midsegment of a trapezoid has two special properties: 1 The midsegment of a trapezoid is parallel to each base. 2 The length of the midsegment of a trapezoid is equal to half the sum of the lengths of its bases.","qid":359349,"docid":"576629","rank":24,"score":13.398113250732422},{"content":"Answer the following questions. 1 Find the slope of , and 2 . Plot the three midpoints and connect them to form midsegment triangle, . 3 Using the slopes, find the coordinates of the vertices of 4 . Find using the distance formula. Then, find the length of the sides it is parallel to.","qid":359349,"docid":"576627","rank":25,"score":12.623144149780273},{"content":"Find the length of segment RS if S between R and T, the length of RS is 1\/3 the length of segment RT, RS=3x-3 and ST=2x+6. geometry The lengths of segments PQ and PR are 8 inches and 5 inches, respectively, and they make a 60-degree angle at P. (a) Find the area of triangle PQR. (b) Find the length of the projection of segment PQ onto segment PR. (c) Find the length of segment QR. Math Find the length of segment BC if segment BC is parallel to segment DE and segment DC is a medsegment of triangle ABC. A(-3,4) E(4,3) D(1,1) B and C do not have coordinates math","qid":359349,"docid":"7205610","rank":26,"score":11.490632057189941},{"content":"The AREA of a trapezoid is: (Base1+Base2) X Height Divided\/Over 2. For example: Imagine a trapezoi \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 d. Base 1 (top) measures 6 and Base 2 (bottom) measures 8.","qid":359349,"docid":"6226414","rank":27,"score":11.453981399536133},{"content":"Save. gionnixxx\/iStock\/Getty Images. A trapezoid is a quadrilateral -- a four sided shape -- with two parallel sides, called bases, of unequal length. You can find the area of a trapezoid using the lengths of these two sides, and the distance between the two sides, called the height.If you don't know a trapezoid's height, solve for it using the Pythagorean Theorem and length of the trapezoid's diagonals, the two sides that connect its bases.rea, A, is given by the lengths of the two bases, b1 and b2, divided by 2 and multiplied by the trapezoid's height, h, as follows: A = (b1 + b2) \/ 2 x h. Take a trapezoid whose bases are 4 and 6 inches long and which is 2 inches high.","qid":359349,"docid":"5773713","rank":28,"score":11.95981216430664},{"content":"The trapezoid has an interior height of 9 meters. on one base it measures 5 meters and on the last one measures 77 ... Given a trapezoid where the small base is 6 greater than the height and the larger base is 4 greater then three times the height, find all three dimensions (small base, large ...","qid":359349,"docid":"3176544","rank":29,"score":11.538538932800293},{"content":"Find the length of the line segment by finding the distance between its endpoints (-3, 3) and (-3, -5). Exercise 1. 1. Find the lengths of the line segments whose endpoints are given below. Explain how you determined that the line segments are horizontal or vertical. a) (-3, 4), (-3, 9). b) (2, -2), (-8, -2).","qid":359349,"docid":"336800","rank":30,"score":11.515019416809082},{"content":"5.9 Midsegment Theorem: The segment connecting the midpoints of two sides of a triangle is parallel to the third side and is half as long. 5.10 If one side of a triangle is longer than another side, then the angle opposite the longer side is larger than the angle opposite the shorter side.","qid":359349,"docid":"6412425","rank":31,"score":11.670404434204102},{"content":"A trapezium is a quadrilateral that has only one pair of parallel sides. Consider the area of the following trapezium. To calculate the area of a trapezium, divide it into a rectangle and two triangles as shown below. Now, piece together the triangular ends so that the trapezium is divided into a triangle and rectangle.The base of the triangle is the difference between the lengths of two parallel sides.That is, a b. trapezium is a quadrilateral that has only one pair of parallel sides. Consider the area of the following trapezium. To calculate the area of a trapezium, divide it into a rectangle and two triangles as shown below. Now, piece together the triangular ends so that the trapezium is divided into a triangle and rectangle.","qid":359349,"docid":"6113309","rank":32,"score":11.453298568725586},{"content":"The midsegment (also called the median or midline) of a trapezoid is the segment that joins the midpoints of the legs. It is parallel to the bases. Its length m is equal to the average of the lengths of the bases a and b of the trapezoid,","qid":359349,"docid":"3193824","rank":33,"score":13.176351547241211},{"content":"In order to find the perimeter, you must find the length of the left side. After some deduction \\displaystyle (19ft -13ft), you can find that the base of the triangle is 6 ft. Then using the Pythagorean Theorem, or 3-4-5 right triangles, you can find that the height of the triangle and rectangle is 8 ft.","qid":359349,"docid":"4474868","rank":34,"score":12.171618461608887},{"content":"The formula for the midpoint of a line segment will tell you how to find the middle of any line segment on the x, y plane.","qid":359349,"docid":"7544501","rank":35,"score":11.525760650634766},{"content":"To calculate the area of trapezoids, take the average of bases and multiply by its height. The area of a trapezoid is given by: A = (a + b) \u00e2\u0088\u0099 h \/2 a: the length of the top b: the length of the base h: the height When a = 0 the shape becomes a triangle. Example 1: What is the area of a trapezoid having bases 5cm and 8cm and a height of 6cm? Solution:","qid":359349,"docid":"4344093","rank":36,"score":11.591636657714844},{"content":"Trapezoid. (Jump to Area of a Trapezoid or Perimeter of a Trapezoid). A trapezoid is a 4-sided flat shape with straight sides that has a pair of opposite sides parallel.","qid":359349,"docid":"943235","rank":37,"score":11.498634338378906},{"content":"Midsegment Theorem Proof. The mid segment theorem states that a segment that connects the mid points of any two sides is parallel to the third side and also its measure is half the measure of the third side. That is, DE ll AB and DE = $\\frac{1}{2}$ AB. Therefore, CA = CD + DA = 2 CD.","qid":359349,"docid":"4020475","rank":38,"score":11.681793212890625},{"content":"Use the triangle formed by the height of the trapezoid to find the lengths of the two sides of the trapezoid and the length of : cm. This finds the base of the triangle, which can be added twice to to find : cm.","qid":359349,"docid":"4474866","rank":39,"score":12.415959358215332},{"content":"Triangle Midsegment Calculator. If any of the two sides of the triangle are connected, midsegment is formed. In this calculator, you can find the midsegment of a triangle based on the length of the side of the triangle. Just copy and paste the below code to your webpage where you want to display this calculator.","qid":359349,"docid":"576635","rank":40,"score":12.485462188720703},{"content":"First you find the area of trapezoid h(a+b)\/2 h is the height of the trapezo \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 id, not the height of the prisma is the length of the topb is the length of the bottom Then you find the volume of the trapezoidal prism with this formula H*h(a+b)\/2 H is the height of the prism.Multiply H by the area of the trapezoid that you found in step one.","qid":359349,"docid":"7857634","rank":41,"score":11.639952659606934},{"content":"The midpoint of the red segment pictured on the left is the point (A, 2b). The most important thing to remember is that a midpoint bisects a line (cuts a line into two equal halves). The midsegment of a trapezoid is the segment that joins the midpoints of the nonparallel sides of a trapezoid. In the trapezoid below, the midpoints of the non-parallel sides are points S and V. The midsegment is the red line segment from S to V. The midsegment below can be found by. calculating the lengths of the bases 35-16 = 9 (length of upper base) 45-0 =45 (length of lower base) calculating the sum of the bases 9+45 = 54.","qid":359349,"docid":"576628","rank":42,"score":13.781906127929688},{"content":"This segment's length is always equal to one-half the sum of the trapezoid's bases, or. Consider trapezoid ABCD shown below. The midsegment, EF, which is shown in red, has a length of. The measurement of the midsegment is only dependent on the length of the trapezoid's bases.","qid":359349,"docid":"2293820","rank":43,"score":12.676876068115234},{"content":"The midsegment of a trapezoid is the segment that joins the midpoints of the nonparallel sides of a trapezoid. In the trapezoid below, the midpoints of the non-parallel sides are points S and V. The midsegment is the red line segment from S to V. The midsegment below can be found by. 1 calculating the lengths of the bases. 2 35-16 = 9 (length of upper base). 3 45-0 =45 (length of lower base). 4 calculating the sum of the bases.","qid":359349,"docid":"2826510","rank":44,"score":14.074877738952637},{"content":"(Jump to Area of a Trapezoid or Perimeter of a Trapezoid). A trapezoid is a 4-sided flat shape with straight sides that has a pair of opposite sides parallel.","qid":359349,"docid":"6834175","rank":45,"score":11.478403091430664},{"content":"How to Calculate the Area of a Trapezoid. A trapezoid (also known as a trapezium in British English) is a quadrilateral with two parallel sides of different lengths. This means that both of these sides can be called a base, and that the trapezoid is unique in having two bases. If want to know how to calculate the area of a trapezoid, just follow these steps.","qid":359349,"docid":"5806110","rank":46,"score":11.429726600646973},{"content":"1 Click on hide details and rotated then drag the vertices of the trapezoid around to create an arbitrary size. 2 From the coordinates of the corner points, calculate the area and perimeter of the trapezoid. 3 Then click on show details to check your result.","qid":359349,"docid":"1622455","rank":47,"score":11.847759246826172},{"content":"Area of a Trapezium Calculator. Our online tools will provide quick answers to your calculation and conversion needs. On this page, you can calculate area of a Trapezium. Area of a Trapezium formula = 1\/2 * (a + b) * h, where a and b are the length of the parallel sides and h is the distance between them. side a: side b: distance h:","qid":359349,"docid":"5806109","rank":48,"score":11.539525985717773},{"content":"Median: The median of a trapezoid is a line joining the midpoints of the two legs. See Trapezoid median: Area: The usual way to calculate the area is the average base length times altitude. See Area of a Trapezoid: Perimeter: The distance a round the trapezoid. The sum of its side lengths. See Perimeter of a Trapezoid","qid":359349,"docid":"1830512","rank":49,"score":12.140460968017578},{"content":"The formula for the area of a trapezoid is A = (1\/2)(h)(a + b), where: 1 h = height (This is the perpendicular height, not the length of the legs.) 2 a = the short base. 3 b = the long base.","qid":359349,"docid":"8058868","rank":50,"score":11.691279411315918},{"content":"1 Example: A trapezoid has a 3-cm base, 2-cm top, and two 1-cm slanted sides. 2 T = 2 centimeter (0.8 in), B = 3 centimeter (1.2 in), L = 1 centimeter (0.4 in), R = 1 centimeter (0.4 in). 3 P = T + B + L + R = 2 + 3 + 1 + 1 = 7 centimeter (2.8 in). 4 Final answer: The perimeter of the trapezoid is 7 centimeter (2.8 in).","qid":359349,"docid":"5219977","rank":51,"score":11.83733081817627},{"content":"The triangle midsegment theorem looks at the relationship between a midsegment of a triangle and the triangle's third side. Follow along with this tutorial to learn about the triangle midsegment theorem. triangle.","qid":359349,"docid":"4020476","rank":52,"score":11.6119384765625},{"content":"In geometry, there is an important theorem - triangle mid segment theorem. Midsegment theorem tells us about the relation between the midsegments and the sides of the triangle. Midsegment of a triangle is the line segment that joins the midpoints of any two sides. A triangle can have three midsegments at the most.","qid":359349,"docid":"4020471","rank":53,"score":11.464853286743164},{"content":"In the trapezoid below, the midpoints of the non-parallel sides are points S and V. The midsegment is the red line segment from S to V. The midsegment below can be found by. calculating the lengths of the bases 35-16 = 9 (length of upper base) 45-0 =45 (length of lower base) calculating the sum of the bases 9+45 = 54.","qid":359349,"docid":"3900185","rank":54,"score":13.401653289794922},{"content":"Calculate the length of the oblique side of the following right trapezoid: Find the height of the following isosceles trapezoid: The perimeter of an isosceles trapezoid is 110 m and the bases are 40 and 30 m. Calculate the area of the trapezoid and the length of the non-parallel sides.","qid":359349,"docid":"5615187","rank":55,"score":12.158296585083008},{"content":"Midsegment definition, a line joining the midpoints of two sides of a triangle. See more.","qid":359349,"docid":"1830509","rank":56,"score":11.338055610656738},{"content":"How to Calculate the Area of a Trapezoid. A trapezoid is a quadrilateral with two parallel sides of different lengths. This means that both of these sides can be called a base, and that the trapezoid is unique in having two bases.If want to know how to calculate the area of a trapezoid, just follow these steps.Ad.ivide 147 cm 2 by 2 to get the final answer. 147 cm 2 \/2 = 73.5 cm 2. The area of the trapezoid is 73.5. You have just followed the formula for finding the area of a trapezoid, which is [(b1 + b2) x h]\/2.","qid":359349,"docid":"15799","rank":57,"score":11.808228492736816},{"content":"The midsegment of a triangle is defined as the segment formed by connecting the midpoints of any two sides of a triangle. 2) It is parallel to the base. 3) It forms a smaller triangle that has all the same angle measures as the original triangle.","qid":359349,"docid":"68656","rank":58,"score":12.986915588378906},{"content":"Let's begin studying the area of a trapezoid. The area of a trapezoid is equal to one half the height multiplied by the sum of the lengths of the bases. It is expressed as. where A is the area of the trapezoid, h is the height, and b1 and b2 are the lengths of the two bases. The bases and height of the trapezoid are required in order to determine its area. Let's work on two exercises that will help us apply this area formula to trapezoids. Exercise 1. Find the area of trapezoid ABCD. Solution: This problem appears to be quite simple because we are given the lengths of both bases and the height of the trapezoid.","qid":359349,"docid":"4474872","rank":59,"score":11.486096382141113},{"content":"Area of a trapezium without knowing the height: (a+c) \/ 4(a-c) * \u00e2\u0088\u009a(a+b-c+d)(a-b-c+d)(a+b-c-d)(-a+b+c+d) Where a>c and 'a' is parallel to 'c'. 'b' and 'd' are the 'diagonals'. Therefore, (40+30) \/ 4(40-30) * \u00e2\u0088\u009a(40+14-30+16)(40-14-30+16)(40+14-30-16)(-40+14+30+16) 70 \/ 40 * \u00e2\u0088\u009a(40)(12)(8)(20) 7\/4 * 277.128129... 484.974","qid":359349,"docid":"3176547","rank":60,"score":11.469131469726562},{"content":"Trapezoid. (Jump to Area of a Trapezoid or Perimeter of a Trapezoid). A trapezoid is a 4-sided flat shape with straight sides that has a pair of opposite sides parallel. trapezoid is a 4-sided flat shape with straight sides that has a pair of opposite sides parallel.","qid":359349,"docid":"2259900","rank":61,"score":11.531490325927734},{"content":"The triangle midsegment theorem looks at the relationship between a midsegment of a triangle and the triangle's third side. Follow along with this tutorial to learn about the triangle midsegment theorem. 1 triangle. midsegment.","qid":359349,"docid":"4020472","rank":62,"score":11.575241088867188},{"content":"Median of a Trapezoid The median (also called a midline or midsegment) is a line segment half-way between the two bases. The median's length is the average of the two base lengths: m = a+b2","qid":359349,"docid":"1830517","rank":63,"score":12.883598327636719},{"content":"The midsegment (also called the median or midline) of a trapezoid is the segment that joins the midpoints of the legs. It is parallel to the bases. Its length m is equal to the average of the lengths of the bases a and b of the trapezoid, The midsegment of a trapezoid is one of the two bimedians (the other bimedian divides the trapezoid into equal areas). The height (or altitude) is the perpendicular distance between the bases.","qid":359349,"docid":"943229","rank":64,"score":13.258855819702148},{"content":"Finding the height from the area. How to find the height (altitude) of a trapezoid give the two bases and the area. The main area formula above has four variables (area, two bases and height). If we know any three we can always find the fourth.ow to find the height (altitude) of a trapezoid give the two bases and the area. The main area formula above has four variables (area, two bases and height). If we know any three we can always find the fourth.","qid":359349,"docid":"15806","rank":65,"score":11.416206359863281},{"content":"In order to find the area of an isoceles trapezoid, you must average the bases and multiply by the height. The average of the bases is straight forward: In order to find the height, you must draw an altitude. This creates a right triangle in which one of the legs is also the height of the trapezoid.here is the length of the side opposite the. Beginning with the side, if we were to create a triangle, the length of the base is, and the height is. Creating another triangle on the left, we find the height is, the length of the base is, and the side is. The formula for the area of a trapezoid is:","qid":359349,"docid":"15808","rank":66,"score":11.606876373291016},{"content":"If you have the length of each base and the height, you can use them to find the area. In this tutorial, you'll see how to identify those values and plug them into the formula for the area of a trapezoid.","qid":359349,"docid":"1622457","rank":67,"score":11.339990615844727},{"content":"Use the calculator on the right to calculate the properties of a square. Enter any one value and the other three will be calculated. For example, enter the side length and the area will be calculated. Similarly, if you enter the area, the side length needed to get that area will be calculated.","qid":359349,"docid":"7563189","rank":68,"score":11.395294189453125},{"content":"In math, finding the height of a trapezoid can be done by first finding the area and working backwards. Find the height of a trapezoid with tips from a math teacher in this free video on solving math problems. Expert: Nancy Johnson Bio: Nancy Johnson works for Santa Clara County School District as a high school math teacher. Filmmaker: Bing Hu","qid":359349,"docid":"3176540","rank":69,"score":11.40322494506836},{"content":"The midsegment (also called the median or midline) of a trapezoid is the segment that joins the midpoints of the legs. It is parallel to the bases. Its length m is equal to the average of the lengths of the bases a and b of the trapezoid,n obtuse trapezoid with two pairs of parallel sides is a parallelogram. A parallelogram has central 2-fold rotational symmetry (or point reflection symmetry). There is some disagreement whether parallelograms, which have two pairs of parallel sides, should be regarded as trapezoids.","qid":359349,"docid":"4013723","rank":70,"score":13.199737548828125},{"content":"Remind students that the area of a rectangle is base \u00c3\u0097 height; for the rectangle formed from the original trapezoid, the base is \u00c2\u00bd(b1 + b2) and the height is h, so the area of the rectangle (and, consequently, of the trapezoid) is A = \u00c2\u00bdh(b1 + b2). This is the traditional formula for finding the area of the trapezoid.","qid":359349,"docid":"3215625","rank":71,"score":11.786520957946777},{"content":"The perimeter of a trapezoid is simply the sum of all four sides. Since they have no relationship to each other, there is no formula for it. Simply find the four side lengths and add them up.","qid":359349,"docid":"1622458","rank":72,"score":11.874787330627441},{"content":"Find the midpoint between the given points. (- 1 4, 1) and (6, 7) ( 2 5, -3) and (11, 5) ( 3 0, -2) and (-4, 14) Find the equation of the line between (-2, -3) and (-1, 1 1). Find the equation of the line that is parallel to the line from #4 through (2, - 7).","qid":359349,"docid":"576633","rank":73,"score":12.024700164794922},{"content":"For example, in the diagram to the right, the bases are parallel. To find the area of a trapezoid, take the sum of its bases, multiply the sum by the height of the trapezoid, and then divide the result by 2, The formula for the area of a trapezoid is: or. where. is. , is. , is the height.and \u00c2\u00b7 means multiply.or example, in the diagram to the right, the bases are parallel. To find the area of a trapezoid, take the sum of its bases, multiply the sum by the height of the trapezoid, and then divide the result by 2, The formula for the area of a trapezoid is: or. where. is. , is. , is the height. and \u00c2\u00b7 means multiply.","qid":359349,"docid":"15802","rank":74,"score":11.378902435302734},{"content":"According to this theorem mid segment of a trapezoid is equal to half of sum of its two parallel sides. In triangle ABC M is mid point of AB and P is midpoint of AC. so MP is mid segment of triangle ABC. similarly just apply this rule in triangle ACD the PN is midsegment of triangle ACD.","qid":359349,"docid":"4020470","rank":75,"score":13.20787525177002},{"content":"The parallel sides of a trapezium are 25 cm and 13 cm; its nonparallel sides are equal, each being 10 cm. Find the area of the trapezium. Solution: Let ABCD be the given trapezium in which AB = 25 cm, DC = 13 cm, BC = 10 cm and AD = 10 cm.","qid":359349,"docid":"5806105","rank":76,"score":11.355522155761719},{"content":"Area of a Trapezoid A trapezoid is a quadrilateral that has only one pair of sides that are parallel. To calculate the area of trapezoids, take the average of bases and multiply by its height. The area of a trapezoid is given by: A = (a + b) \u00e2\u0088\u0099 h \/2. a: the length of the top. b: the length of the base.","qid":359349,"docid":"4344101","rank":77,"score":11.746992111206055},{"content":"The segment that connects the midpoints of the legs of a trapezoid is called the midsegment. This segment's length is always equal to one-half the sum of the trapezoid's bases, or. Consider trapezoid ABCD shown below.","qid":359349,"docid":"3223831","rank":78,"score":12.818090438842773},{"content":"The midsegment of a trapezoid is the segment that joins the midpoints of the nonparallel sides of a trapezoid. In the trapezoid below, the midpoints of the non-parallel sides are points S and V. The midsegment is the red line segment from S to V. The midsegment below can be found by. 1 calculating the lengths of the bases. 2 35-16 = 9 (length of upper base). 3 45-0 =45 (length of lower base). 4 calculating the sum of the bases. 5 9+45 = 54.","qid":359349,"docid":"3223833","rank":79,"score":14.091370582580566},{"content":"Similarly, if we want to find the midpoint of a segment in the 3-dimensional space, we can determine the midpoint using: ` x = (x_(1)+ x_2)\/2, y = (y_(1)+ y_2)\/2, z = (z_(1)+ z_2)\/2 `. The figure shown below gives an illustration of the midpoint formula.","qid":359349,"docid":"5414623","rank":80,"score":11.649150848388672},{"content":"If RS is a midsegment of triangle HIT and parallel to side HI, and RS is 2x + 6 and HI is 5x + 9, write and solve an equation to find the lengths of the segments. How do I go about doing this? Geometry (check answer)","qid":359349,"docid":"7277971","rank":81,"score":11.572307586669922},{"content":"The triangle midsegment theorem looks at the relationship between a midsegment of a triangle and the triangle's third side. Follow along with this tutorial to learn about the triangle midsegment theorem. 1 triangle. 2 midsegment. theorem.","qid":359349,"docid":"4020479","rank":82,"score":11.41060733795166},{"content":"The area of a trapezoid is 52 cm 2 and the bases are 11 inches and 15 inches respectively. Find its height. Solution: We know that the area of a trapezoid is given by:","qid":359349,"docid":"4344098","rank":83,"score":11.668387413024902},{"content":"The side of the triangle that the midsegment does not intersect is the base of the triangle. The midsegment of a trapezoid is the segment formed by connecting the midpoints of the two legs of a trapezoid. Although the midsegment of a trapezoid is also useful in mathematics, we will not discuss it here.","qid":359349,"docid":"68653","rank":84,"score":13.15891170501709},{"content":"Add the four sides of the trapezoid together. Following the equation, you need to add the four sides of the trapezoid together in order to find the perimeter. This will give you your final answer. 1 Example: A trapezoid has a 3-cm base, 2-cm top, and two 1-cm slanted sides.","qid":359349,"docid":"5219970","rank":85,"score":11.904657363891602},{"content":"Isosceles Trapezoid An isosceles trapezoid (called an isosceles trapezium by the British; Bronshtein and Semendyayev 1997, p. 174) is trapezoid in which the base angles are equal and therefore the left and right side lengths are also equal. From the Pythagorean theorem, h=sqrt(c^2-1\/4(b-a)^2), (1) so A = 1\/2(a+b)h (2) = 1\/2(a+b)sqrt(c^2-1\/4(b-a)^2).","qid":359349,"docid":"8058871","rank":86,"score":11.497786521911621},{"content":"The Trapezoid Area Calculator will calculate the area of a trapezoid if you enter in the height, the length of the top, and the length of the top of the trapezoid.A trapezoid is a geometric figure with 4 sides that has 2 parallel sides. In British English the trapezoid is called the trapezium.he Trapezoid Area Calculator will calculate the area of a trapezoid if you enter in the height, the length of the top, and the length of the top of the trapezoid.","qid":359349,"docid":"15807","rank":87,"score":11.595312118530273},{"content":"Extended Conjecture: (Trapezoid Midsegment Conjecture): The midsegment of a trapezoid is parallel to the bases and is equal in length to the average of the lengths of the two bases. Explanation: A midsegment of a trapezoid is a segment that connects the midpoints of the two non-parallel sides of a trapezoid. This segment has two special properties. It is parallel to the bases of the trapezoid. The length of the midsegment is the average of the lengths of the two bases. Remember that the bases of a trapezoid are parallel. Key Curriculum Press can provide demo versions of Geometer's Sketch Pad.","qid":359349,"docid":"68647","rank":88,"score":12.875880241394043},{"content":"A trapezoid midsegment connects the midpoints of the two congruent sides of the trapezoid, and is parallel to the pair of parallel sides. The length of the midsegment is the sum of the two bases divided by 2. Remember that the bases of a trapezoid are the two parallel sides. To find angles within a trapezoid, remember that since there are two sides are parallel, the other sides can be seen as transversals, forming corresponding angles and same side interior angles.","qid":359349,"docid":"68648","rank":89,"score":13.67601203918457},{"content":"The triangle midsegment theorem looks at the relationship between a midsegment of a triangle and the triangle's third side. Follow along with this tutorial to learn about the triangle midsegment theorem. 1 triangle. 2 midsegment. 3 theorem. third side.","qid":359349,"docid":"4020478","rank":90,"score":11.604909896850586},{"content":"You can find the perimeter of the trapezoid if you are missing the base measurement but have the measurements of the other three sides and the two inner base angles. You will need to visually split the trapezoid into three parts: a rectangle at the center and two triangles at either end.","qid":359349,"docid":"5219976","rank":91,"score":12.703165054321289},{"content":"A trapezoid is a quadrilateral with at least two sides that run parallel to each other. Its corners can have any angles. Each of the four sides on a trapezoid can be a different length. There are two different ways you can find the area of a trapezoid, depending on which pieces of information you have.","qid":359349,"docid":"8748954","rank":92,"score":11.452442169189453},{"content":"A = ( 1\/2 ) * ( a + b) * d P = s1 + s2 + s3+ s4 Where, A = Area of Trapezium a = Parallel Side1 b = Parallel Side2 d = Distance Between Parallel Sides P =Perimeter of Trapezium s1 = Length of Side1 s2 = Length of Side2 s3 = Length of Side3 s4 = Length of Side4.","qid":359349,"docid":"5806113","rank":93,"score":11.44149398803711},{"content":"1 The midsegment is parallel to the base. 2 The triangle formed by the midsegment and the two half sides have all the same angle measures as the original triangle. The perimeter of the triangle formed by the midsegment and the two half sides is equal to one half the perimeter of the original triangle.","qid":359349,"docid":"68650","rank":94,"score":11.793651580810547},{"content":"How to Calculate the Area of a Trapezoid. A trapezoid is a quadrilateral with two parallel sides of different lengths. This means that both of these sides can be called a base, and that the trapezoid is unique in having two bases. If want to know how to calculate the area of a trapezoid, just follow these steps.Ad.ivide 147 cm 2 by 2 to get the final answer. 147 cm 2 \/2 = 73.5 cm 2. The area of the trapezoid is 73.5. You have just followed the formula for finding the area of a trapezoid, which is [(b1 + b2) x h]\/2.","qid":359349,"docid":"5773714","rank":95,"score":11.8082275390625},{"content":"For example, in the diagram to the right, the bases are parallel. To find the area of a trapezoid, take the sum of its bases, multiply the sum by the height of the trapezoid, and then divide the result by 2, The formula for the area of a trapezoid is: or. where.is. , is. , is the height.and \u00c2\u00b7 means multiply.o find the area of a trapezoid, take the sum of its bases, multiply the sum by the height of the trapezoid, and then divide the result by 2, The formula for the area of a trapezoid is: or. where. is. , is. , is the height. and \u00c2\u00b7 means multiply.","qid":359349,"docid":"6113313","rank":96,"score":11.413599014282227},{"content":"Find the area and perimeter of the trapezoid in the figure above. First press 'reset' and 'show altitude'. In the figure above the trapezoid bases are parallel to the x-axis which makes calculations easy. If you click 'rotated' this will not be the case.","qid":359349,"docid":"1622452","rank":97,"score":11.632308959960938},{"content":"For example, in the diagram to the right, the bases are parallel. To find the area of a trapezoid, take the sum of its bases, multiply the sum by the height of the trapezoid, and then divide the result by 2, The formula for the area of a trapezoid is: or. where.is. , is. , is the height. and \u00c2\u00b7 means multiply.or example, in the diagram to the right, the bases are parallel. To find the area of a trapezoid, take the sum of its bases, multiply the sum by the height of the trapezoid, and then divide the result by 2, The formula for the area of a trapezoid is: or. where. is. , is. , is the height. and \u00c2\u00b7 means multiply.","qid":359349,"docid":"5773719","rank":98,"score":11.378902435302734},{"content":"Every trapezoid has two legs. Altitude: The altitude of a trapezoid is the perpendicular distance from one base to the other. (One base may need to be extended). Median: The median of a trapezoid is a line joining the midpoints of the two legs. See Trapezoid median: Area: The usual way to calculate the area is the average base length times altitude. See Area of a Trapezoid: Perimeter","qid":359349,"docid":"1830516","rank":99,"score":11.90997314453125},{"content":"In the trapezoid below, the midpoints of the non-parallel sides are points S and V. The midsegment is the red line segment from S to V. The midsegment below can be found by. 1 calculating the lengths of the bases. 35-16 = 9 (length of upper base)","qid":359349,"docid":"5615181","rank":100,"score":13.623445510864258}]} {"query":"lps laws definition","hits":[{"content":"A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is a legal tool that allows you to appoint someone to make certain decisions on your behalf. The appointed person can manage your finances for you in the future if you reach a point where you are no longer able to make decisions for yourself.","qid":443396,"docid":"1135755","rank":1,"score":10.539548873901367},{"content":"This paper is a summary of the laws to the relatedLouisiana Procurement Code. (LPC). The summary is presented a series of questions that include references to key as. statutes, Attorney General Opinions and case law to facilitate understanding of . the LPC.","qid":443396,"docid":"3599520","rank":2,"score":10.523740768432617},{"content":"The limited liability partnership (LLP) is a special type of partnership that provides personal liability protection to all the partners. It should not be confused with limited partnerships or limited liability companies, which are different types of business structures.","qid":443396,"docid":"5515423","rank":3,"score":10.467830657958984},{"content":"LPS circuits are those circuits powered by the output of a Limited Power Source. LPS circuits are connected to the load side of a fuse, circuit breaker, PTC, or regulating network. The circuits on the supply side are not powered by LPS, and must be provided with a fire enclosure.","qid":443396,"docid":"456710","rank":4,"score":11.1716947555542},{"content":"res ipsa loquitur - a rule of evidence whereby the negligence of an alleged wrongdoer can be inferred from the fact that the accident happened. rule of evidence - (law) a rule of law whereby any alleged matter of fact that is submitted for investigation at a judicial trial is established or disproved.","qid":443396,"docid":"2009291","rank":5,"score":10.906793594360352},{"content":"one doing business in any other state. -lp must file an application for registration. -new state issues a certificate of registration, allowing the lp to utilize all assets of that state. -- law of the state in which the lp is formed is the law that governs the ops organization, internal affairs, and liability of its limited partners.","qid":443396,"docid":"1465664","rank":6,"score":10.459219932556152},{"content":"A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is a legal tool that allows you to state who you would like to make decisions on your behalf, should you become unable to do so in the future. It lets you choose a person (or people) you trust to act for you.This person is referred to as your attorney.bout LPAs. A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is a legal tool that allows you to state who you would like to make decisions on your behalf, should you become unable to do so in the future. It lets you choose a person (or people) you trust to act for you. This person is referred to as your attorney.","qid":443396,"docid":"6361507","rank":7,"score":10.532966613769531},{"content":"Limited Practice Officers. A limited practice officer, or LPO, is a person certified by the Washington Supreme Court under rule 12 of the Admission to Practice Rules (APR).","qid":443396,"docid":"2638081","rank":8,"score":10.83286190032959},{"content":"Blue Laws. A state or local law that prohibits commercial activities on Sunday.Blue laws have been part of U.S. Legal History since the colonial period. These laws, which today are usually referred to as Sunday closing laws, prohibit certain types of commercial activity on Sundays.","qid":443396,"docid":"6045367","rank":9,"score":10.565118789672852},{"content":"The entity of choice to achieve certain business objectives. Share |. A limited partnership (LP) is much like a general partnership, but with a few significant differences. Management of a limited partnership rests with the general partner, who also bears unlimited liability for the company's debt and obligations.","qid":443396,"docid":"355284","rank":10,"score":10.528017044067383},{"content":"A limited partnership (LP) is a form of partnership similar to a general partnership except that while a general partnership must have at least two general partners (GPs), a limited partnership must have at least one GP and at least one limited partner.","qid":443396,"docid":"4052120","rank":11,"score":11.091772079467773},{"content":"A limited liability limited partnership (LLLP) is a type of partnership that is very similar to a limited liability partnership (LP) in that it has two types of partners, general partners and limited partners. Unlike an LP, however, the general partners in an LLLP have some liability protection....","qid":443396,"docid":"5083543","rank":12,"score":10.499998092651367},{"content":"A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is a legal tool that allows you to state who you would like to make decisions on your behalf, should you become unable to do so in the future. It lets you choose a person (or people) you trust to act for you. This person is referred to as your attorney.","qid":443396,"docid":"1135751","rank":13,"score":10.664106369018555},{"content":"The scope of practice for Licensed Professional Clinical Counselors (LPCCs) is set forth in California Business and Professions Code section 4999.20 and Title 16, California Code of Regulations, Section 1820.5, both of which are available in the Board\u00e2\u0080\u0099s Statutes and Regulations handbook.","qid":443396,"docid":"2256437","rank":14,"score":10.657853126525879},{"content":"A professional limited liability company, or PLLC, is a type of limited liability company that is owned and operated by members of the same profession and can only offer services related to its profession. Lawyers, for example, would be the members of a law firm structured as a PLLC, and a lawyer's PLLC can only offer legal services. Some states require that any lawyers who operate a legal business must form a PLLC.","qid":443396,"docid":"360229","rank":15,"score":10.590715408325195},{"content":"The limited liability partnership (LLP) is a similar business structure but it has no general partners. All of the owners of an LLP have limited personal liability for business debts. In order to better understand LPs and LLPs, it's helpful to compare them to general partnerships.","qid":443396,"docid":"3617224","rank":16,"score":10.457646369934082},{"content":"For the 2014 film, see Limited Partnership (film). A limited partnership (LP) is a form of partnership similar to a general partnership, except that where a general partnership must have at least two general partners (GPs), a limited partnership must have at least one GP and at least one limited partner.","qid":443396,"docid":"2007121","rank":17,"score":11.21217155456543},{"content":"Lost Policy Release (LPR) DEFINITION of 'Lost Policy Release (LPR)'. A statement releasing an insurance company from its liabilities. Loss policy release (LPR) is signed by the insured party and signifies that the policy being referred to has been lost or destroyed, or is being retained.","qid":443396,"docid":"1790274","rank":18,"score":10.78636360168457},{"content":"LLCs and LPs are two of the most popular business entities today with advantages that include limited liability, pass-through taxation, management control and flexibility. Both are treated like general partnerships for tax law purposes, yet have the limited liability of corporations.","qid":443396,"docid":"368001","rank":19,"score":10.831579208374023},{"content":"Legal Process Outsourcing - LPO. Legal Process Outsourcing (LPO) is the industry in which in-house legal departments or organizations outsource legal work from areas where it is costly to perform, such as the United States or Europe to areas where it can be performed at a significantly decreased cost, primarily India.","qid":443396,"docid":"2638080","rank":20,"score":11.003936767578125},{"content":"Third Party Sick Pay Law and Legal Definition. Third party sick pay (3PSP) is a disability insurance benefit that provides employees with partial or full wage benefit payments while on long-term medical leave. The payments are not made through the employer, but through an insurance company, union plan, or a state temporary disability plan.","qid":443396,"docid":"8535271","rank":21,"score":10.629133224487305},{"content":"LPS (Mental Health) conservatorship. Print | E-mail. If the adult you are trying to help is not gravely mentally ill, see the Conservatorship section of this website. If the adult you are trying to help is developmentally disabled, see the Limited Conservatorship section of this website.","qid":443396,"docid":"4205261","rank":22,"score":10.644582748413086},{"content":"Legal Process Outsourcing. Legal process outsourcing or LPO is the exporting of legal services to low-wage markets overseas. An increasing number of companies, large and small, are outsourcing legal work to destinations across the globe. A number of factors have fueled the legal process outsourcing trend, including:","qid":443396,"docid":"2638078","rank":23,"score":10.755430221557617},{"content":"The limited liability partnership (LLP) is a similar business structure but it has no general partners. All of the owners of an LLP have limited personal liability for business debts.imited partnerships (LPs) and limited liability partnerships (LLPs) are both businesses with more than one owner, but unlike general partnerships, limited partnerships and limited liability partnerships offer some of their owners limited personal liability for business debts.","qid":443396,"docid":"1852809","rank":24,"score":10.647380828857422},{"content":"If You couldn't find full form or meaning of lps You were looking for, try these related abbreviations: 1 LPSG. 2 LPSV. 3 LPSH. 4 LPSI. 5 LPSW. 6 LPSL. 7 LPSA. 8 LPSB. 9 LPSC. 10 LPSD. 11 LPSE. 12 LPSF. 13 LPSM. 14 LPSO. 15 LPSP. 16 LPSQ. 17 LPSR. 18 LPSS. 19 LPST. 20 LPSU. 21 LPSN. 22 LPSK.","qid":443396,"docid":"7620279","rank":25,"score":10.640186309814453},{"content":"QuickMBA \/ Business Law \/ Limited Partnership. Limited Partnership. A limited partnership (LP) consists of two or more persons, with at least one general partner and one limited partner. While a general partner in an LP has unlimited personal liability, a limited partner's liability is limited to the amount of his or her investment in the company. LP's are creatures of statute since they must file with the state to form them.","qid":443396,"docid":"2490482","rank":26,"score":10.560582160949707},{"content":"A PLLC is a limited liability company organized to provide professional services. Generally, state laws mandate professions such as doctors, accountants, lawyers, engineers, and architects to hold a license to provide services. Such professions require the formation of a PLLC.","qid":443396,"docid":"6085981","rank":27,"score":10.765527725219727},{"content":"Looking for the definition of LPS? Find out what is the full meaning of LPS on Abbreviations.com! 'LipoPolySaccharide' is one option -- get in to view more @ The Web's largest and most authoritative acronyms and abbreviations resource.","qid":443396,"docid":"8079040","rank":28,"score":10.592216491699219},{"content":"A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is a legal tool that allows you to appoint someone to make certain decisions on your behalf. The appointed person can manage your finances for you in the future if you reach a point where you are no longer able to make decisions for yourself.bout LPAs. A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is a legal tool that allows you to state who you would like to make decisions on your behalf, should you become unable to do so in the future. It lets you choose a person (or people) you trust to act for you. This person is referred to as your attorney.","qid":443396,"docid":"6361505","rank":29,"score":10.452515602111816},{"content":"Corporate law. A limited partnership (LP) is a form of partnership similar to a general partnership, except that where a general partnership must have at least two general partners (GPs), a limited partnership must have at least one GP and at least one limited partner.","qid":443396,"docid":"4052112","rank":30,"score":11.682076454162598},{"content":"LP and LLP mean almost the same thing, with the difference being whether limited partners can participate in management. These kinds of partnerships are generally designed for partners who are engaged in the same type of profession, such as a law firm or an accounting firm.","qid":443396,"docid":"4896251","rank":31,"score":10.480061531066895},{"content":"Corporate law. The limited liability limited partnership (LLLP) is a relatively new modification of the limited partnership, a form of business entity recognized under United States commercial law. An LLLP is a limited partnership and as such consists of one or more general partners and one or more limited partners.","qid":443396,"docid":"6974032","rank":32,"score":10.604864120483398},{"content":"LPS Act. LPS Act. a California law named for sponsors of the legislation (Lanterman, Petris, and Short) that provides for the protection and treatment of persons judged to be gravely disabled and thus unable to provide food, clothing, or shelter for themselves.","qid":443396,"docid":"8536118","rank":33,"score":13.281143188476562},{"content":"How LLCs and LPs Are Similar. 1 Flexibility. Organizers of LLCs and LPs are given flexibility in how they define the rights and responsibilities of the entity's members or partners, as well as how the entity is structured. 2 Pass-through tax treatment.","qid":443396,"docid":"5054292","rank":34,"score":10.513917922973633},{"content":"Moral Law. The rules of behavior an individual or a group may follow out of personal conscience and that are not necessarily part of legislated law in the United States. Moral law is a system of guidelines for behavior. These guidelines may or may not be part of a religion, codified in written form, or legally enforceable. For some people moral law is synonymous with the commands of a divine being. For others, moral law is a set of universal rules that should apply to everyone.","qid":443396,"docid":"8570120","rank":35,"score":10.605649948120117},{"content":"Freebase(0.00 \/ 0 votes)Rate this definition: In the common law of negligence, the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur states that the elements of duty of care and breach can be sometimes inferred from the very nature of an accident or other outcome, even without direct evidence of how any defendant behaved.","qid":443396,"docid":"2009292","rank":36,"score":10.668423652648926},{"content":"1. A lawyer or law firm that provides non-legal services to a person that are not distinct from legal services being provided to that person by the lawyer or law firm is subject to these Disciplinary Rules with respect to the provision of both legal and non-legal services.","qid":443396,"docid":"5389659","rank":37,"score":10.527524948120117},{"content":"Lasting power of attorney. Lasting powers of attorney (LPAs) in English law were created under the Mental Capacity Act 2005, and came into effect on 1 October 2007. The LPA replaced the former enduring powers of attorney (EPA) which were narrower in scope. Their purpose is to meet the needs of those who can see a time ahead when they will not be able \u00e2\u0080\u0093 in the words of the Act, will lack capacity \u00e2\u0080\u0093 to look after their own personal and financial affairs.","qid":443396,"docid":"4041361","rank":38,"score":10.45530891418457},{"content":"Limited partnership. A limited partnership (LP) is a form of partnership similar to a general partnership, except that where a general partnership must have at least two general partners (GPs), a limited partnership must have at least one GP and at least one limited partner.","qid":443396,"docid":"4052118","rank":39,"score":11.214226722717285},{"content":"A Lighting Protection System (LPS) is the system that provides a means by which a lightning discharge may enter or leave earth without passing through and damaging personnel, electrical equipment, and non-conducting structures such as buildings.","qid":443396,"docid":"4526747","rank":40,"score":11.29857063293457},{"content":"conduct of a reasonably prudent and competent LPO performing the same LPO services. (j) Reasonable belief or reasonably believes when used in reference to an LPO denotes. that the LPO believes the matter in question and that the circumstances are such that the belief is. reasonable.","qid":443396,"docid":"7473465","rank":41,"score":10.597461700439453},{"content":"What is a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA)? An LPA is an important legal document that allows you to choose other people to make decisions on your behalf, when you are unable to make them yourself. Setting up an LPA is a significant step to ensure that you and your family have peace of mind and protection in the future.","qid":443396,"docid":"3256974","rank":42,"score":10.561132431030273},{"content":"What is 'Limited Partnership - LP'. A limited partnership (LP) exists when two or more partners unite to jointly conduct a business in which one or more of the partners is liable only to the extent of the amount of money that partner has invested. Limited partners do not receive dividends, but enjoy direct access to the flow of income and expenses.","qid":443396,"docid":"5515426","rank":43,"score":11.448047637939453},{"content":"Limited Liability for Partners. All partners in an LLP enjoy limited liability from business obligations and wrongdoing by the other partners. This is particularly important for professionals so that one professional in the partnership is not held responsible for malpractice committed by another partner.LPs Formed Under State Law. An LLP is a special type of general partnership that you must register with the state. However, states differ in how they treat LLPs. Some states restrict the use of the LLP structure to professionals, such as lawyers and accountants.","qid":443396,"docid":"3103994","rank":44,"score":11.127044677734375},{"content":"The Court will not let you establish an LPS conservatorship unless it finds beyond a reasonable doubt, that the mentally ill person, is gravely disabled. Gravely disabled means that, because of a mental disorder, the person cannot take care of his\/her basic, personal needs for food, clothing, or shelter.","qid":443396,"docid":"1055834","rank":45,"score":10.629005432128906},{"content":"A typical law states, in part, An LP-gas container shall be filled only by the owner or upon the owner's authorization.. NPGA strongly supports state containers laws, and believes that certain misunderstandings about such laws can be resolved.","qid":443396,"docid":"3007982","rank":46,"score":10.468931198120117},{"content":"positive law. noun pos\u00c2\u00b7i\u00c2\u00b7tive law. Legal Definition of positive law. : law established or recognized by governmental authority \u00e2\u0080\u0094 compare natural law.","qid":443396,"docid":"4774862","rank":47,"score":10.548065185546875},{"content":"Limited partnership. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. A limited partnership (LP) is a form of partnership similar to a general partnership, except that where a general partnership must have at least two general partners (GPs), a limited partnership must have at least one GP and at least one limited partner.imited partnership. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. A limited partnership (LP) is a form of partnership similar to a general partnership, except that where a general partnership must have at least two general partners (GPs), a limited partnership must have at least one GP and at least one limited partner.","qid":443396,"docid":"2143842","rank":48,"score":11.23447036743164},{"content":"The LP (from long playing or long play) is an analog sound storage medium, a vinyl record format characterized by a speed of 331\u00e2\u0081\u00843 rpm, a 12 or 10 inch (30 or 25 cm) diameter, and use of the microgroove groove specification.","qid":443396,"docid":"6639382","rank":49,"score":10.583409309387207},{"content":"Limited Liability Limited Partnerships. A limited liability limited partnership (LLLP) is a type of partnership that is very similar to a limited liability partnership (LP) in that it has two types of partners, general partners and limited partners. Unlike an LP, however, the general partners in an LLLP have some liability protection....","qid":443396,"docid":"4896249","rank":50,"score":10.580767631530762},{"content":"In both LPs and LLPs, some or all partners are insulated from personal liabilities, while still enjoying the pass-through taxation and flexibility of a general partnership. LP and LLP mean almost the same thing, with the difference being whether limited partners can participate in management. These kinds of partnerships are generally designed for partners who are engaged in the same type of profession, such as a law firm or an accounting firm.","qid":443396,"docid":"8171402","rank":51,"score":10.878698348999023},{"content":"Delaware Limited Partnership Law. Oral partnership agreements are valid in Delaware. Related Articles. Limited partnerships, or LPs, are governed by the Limited Partnership Act in Delaware. This act authorizes the formation of a partnership with at least one general partner and additional limited partners.","qid":443396,"docid":"5053511","rank":52,"score":11.090460777282715},{"content":"The LPA is a specific form of the more general power of attorney which is widely used in countries which have a common law system. The word attorney in this context is someone (or in some circumstances an organisation such as a company) legally appointed or empowered to act for another person.","qid":443396,"docid":"4041358","rank":53,"score":10.872491836547852},{"content":"The Differences between LLCs and LPs. 1 Structure. A limited partnership is composed of general partners and limited partners. 2 Personal liability. The most important difference between the LLC and LP relates to the personal liability of the participants. 3 Reputation. The Delaware LLC is by far the most popular type of Delaware entity.","qid":443396,"docid":"4236356","rank":54,"score":10.525586128234863},{"content":"The California Mental Health Act (Sections 5000 to 8000 of the Welfare and. Institutions Code), also known as the LPS Act, begins by promoting the. legislative intent: \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 Most important was: to end the inappropriate, indefinite, involuntary.","qid":443396,"docid":"8536122","rank":55,"score":11.320663452148438},{"content":"In addition, general partners are personally responsible for the liabilities of the LP. They are entitled to their share of the profits, which is determined and agreed upon in the partnership agreement. Their role is the same as that of general partners in a general partnership. General partners can be natural persons or legal entities.","qid":443396,"docid":"4774804","rank":56,"score":10.583868026733398},{"content":"Limited partnership. For the 2014 film, see Limited Partnership (film). A limited partnership (LP) is a form of partnership similar to a general partnership, except that where a general partnership must have at least two general partners (GPs), a limited partnership must have at least one GP and at least one limited partner.","qid":443396,"docid":"355277","rank":57,"score":11.223249435424805},{"content":"An LPS conservatorship gives legal authority to one adult (called a conservator) to make certain decisions for a seriously mentally ill person (called a conservatee) who is unable to take care of him\/ herself.","qid":443396,"docid":"4205264","rank":58,"score":11.018536567687988},{"content":"states that limited partnerships must file a certificate of limited partnership with the secretary of state. one doing business in any other state. -- law of the state in which the lp is formed is the law that governs the ops organization, internal affairs, and liability of its limited partners. -it is the last name of a general partner or the business that used the name before the limited partner was admitted to the partnership. If such name is used, the limited partner can become liable as a general partner to parties who don't have actual knowledge.","qid":443396,"docid":"1465667","rank":59,"score":10.725830078125},{"content":"An LPS Conservatorship is a court proceeding to appoint a manager for a person who is alleged to have a mental disability. An LPS Conservatorship is different from a probate conservatorship, which is established for the management of a person\u00e2\u0080\u0099s finances.","qid":443396,"docid":"8793491","rank":60,"score":11.138214111328125},{"content":"The case has now been heard by the Supreme Court, on appeal by Prudential. Legal Professional Privilege (LPP) is an absolute rule entitling the client and lawyer to refuse to disclose documents or answer questions raised by third parties. However, many clients nowadays seek legal advice from professionals who are qualified to give such advice but who are not lawyers.","qid":443396,"docid":"2373504","rank":61,"score":11.183341979980469},{"content":"Limited liability limited partnership. The limited liability limited partnership (LLLP) is a relatively new modification of the limited partnership, a form of business entity recognized under United States commercial law. An LLLP is a limited partnership and as such consists of one or more general partners and one or more limited partners.","qid":443396,"docid":"6974030","rank":62,"score":10.4486665725708},{"content":"A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is a legal tool that allows you to state who you would like to make decisions on your behalf, should you become unable to do so in the future. It lets you choose a person (or people) you trust to act for you.","qid":443396,"docid":"1135750","rank":63,"score":10.586638450622559},{"content":"Lightweight Portable Security (LPS). LPS is an award winning thin (282MB) Linux based OS designed to boot from CD or USB stick. It resides entirely within RAM when run (so no persistent user data is saved), but can write to USB sticks and portable hard drives.","qid":443396,"docid":"5065439","rank":64,"score":11.19172191619873},{"content":"Definition of limited partner LP. Limited partner is a term used to refer to an individual's status within a business. They are either protected from liability or their liability is limited to a determined percentage of the business, usually determined by the number of shares they hold in the company. Limited partner is also used in private equity to describe secondary investors in a private equity fund. The general partner, or GP, sets up the fund and usually makes an investment in it. The GP, who will manage the investment, then seeks limited partners who are usually institutional or high net worth investors.","qid":443396,"docid":"841488","rank":65,"score":10.730093002319336},{"content":"Limited partnerships (LPs) and limited liability partnerships (LLPs) are both businesses with more than one owner, but unlike general partnerships, limited partnerships and limited liability partnerships offer some of their owners limited personal liability for business debts.","qid":443396,"docid":"2490486","rank":66,"score":11.621504783630371},{"content":"Civil Service Law and Legal Definition. Civil servants are public employees hired to provide services to the public by federal, state, county, and municipal governments. The legislature provides the methods by which civil servants are selected and regulations governing the civil service.","qid":443396,"docid":"6028627","rank":67,"score":10.641706466674805},{"content":"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Legal outsourcing, also known as legal process outsourcing (LPO) refers to the practice of a law firm or corporation obtaining legal support services from an outside law firm or legal support services company (LPO provider).","qid":443396,"docid":"5404322","rank":68,"score":10.836820602416992},{"content":"DEFINITION of 'Limited Partnership-LP'. Two or more partners united to conduct a business jointly, and in which one or more of the partners is liable only to the extent of the amount of money that partner has invested. Limited partners do not receive dividends, but enjoy direct access to the flow of income and expenses. This term is also referred to as a limited liability partnership (LLP).","qid":443396,"docid":"6953654","rank":69,"score":11.454790115356445},{"content":"Lightweight Portable Security (LPS) is a Linux-based live CD with a goal of allowing users to work on a computer without the risk of exposing their credentials and private data to malware, key loggers and other Internet-era ills.","qid":443396,"docid":"3323246","rank":70,"score":11.218774795532227},{"content":"In limited partnerships (LPs), at least one of the owners is considered a general partner who makes business decisions and is personally liable for business debts. But LPs also have at least one limited partner who invests money in the business but has minimal control over daily business decisions and operations.","qid":443396,"docid":"3617225","rank":71,"score":11.190244674682617},{"content":"Libertarian Party (United States) The Libertarian Party (LP) is a political party in the United States that promotes civil liberties, non-interventionism, laissez-faire capitalism, and the abolition of the welfare state.","qid":443396,"docid":"4708167","rank":72,"score":10.447820663452148},{"content":"PLLC Law & Legal Definition. PLLC is the abbreviation for a Professional Limited Liability Company. A PLLC is a limited liability company organized to provide professional services.","qid":443396,"docid":"6085987","rank":73,"score":11.061376571655273},{"content":"A limited partnership (LP) is a form of partnership similar to a general partnership, except that where a general partnership must have at least two general partners (GPs), a limited partnership must have at least one GP and at least one limited partner.[1]","qid":443396,"docid":"4052116","rank":74,"score":10.998978614807129},{"content":"Stand Your Ground Laws at a Glance. Stand your ground laws are essentially a revocation of the duty to retreat. Stand your ground laws generally state that, under certain circumstances, individuals can use force to defend themselves without first attempting to retreat from the danger.","qid":443396,"docid":"4975027","rank":75,"score":10.415246963500977},{"content":"The Legislation and Policy Brief (LPB) is the legislative-based legal publication of the Washington College of Law.PB publishes a book twice a year, conducts dynamic panel discussions, and hosts an online blog providing non-partisan legal analysis of current legislation and policy issues before federal and state legislatures.","qid":443396,"docid":"5902981","rank":76,"score":10.953363418579102},{"content":"A limited partnership (LP) is comprised of one or more general partners and one or more limited partners in order to form a separate, legal entity. Very much like a General Partnership, save for the separate, limited status of the limited partners.","qid":443396,"docid":"7251120","rank":77,"score":10.860857963562012},{"content":"Module One: Lanterman-Petris-Short (LPS) Act Historical Framework\u00e2\u0080\u00a6\u00e2\u0080\u00a6\u00e2\u0080\u00a6\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 3. Module Two: Definition of 72-hour hold, who may write, where to write, and when advisement is necessary\u00e2\u0080\u00a6\u00e2\u0080\u00a6\u00e2\u0080\u00a6\u00e2\u0080\u00a6\u00e2\u0080\u00a6\u00e2\u0080\u00a6\u00e2\u0080\u00a6\u00e2\u0080\u00a6\u00e2\u0080\u00a6\u00e2\u0080\u00a6\u00e2\u0080\u00a6\u00e2\u0080\u00a6\u00e2\u0080\u00a6\u00e2\u0080\u00a6\u00e2\u0080\u00a6\u00e2\u0080\u00a6...........","qid":443396,"docid":"8536121","rank":78,"score":10.605520248413086},{"content":"This term is also referred to as a limited liability partnership (LLP). The main advantage to this structure is that the owners are typically not liable for the debts of the company. BREAKING DOWN 'Limited Partnership - LP' Generally, a partnership is a business that is owned by two or more individuals. There are three forms of partnerships: general partnership, joint venture and limited partnership. The three forms differ in various aspects, but they share similar features. Similarities of Limited Partnership With Other Forms of Partnerships","qid":443396,"docid":"8095193","rank":79,"score":10.55308723449707},{"content":"The limited liability partnership (LLP) is a special type of partnership that provides personal liability protection to everyone involved. It should not be confused with limited partnerships or limited liability companies, which are different types of business structures.LPs Formed Under State Law. An LLP is a special type of general partnership that you must register with the state. However, states differ in how they treat LLPs. Some states restrict the use of the LLP structure to professionals, such as lawyers and accountants.","qid":443396,"docid":"3103995","rank":80,"score":11.450767517089844},{"content":"A lasting power of attorney (LPA) is a legal document that lets you (the \u00e2\u0080\u0098donor\u00e2\u0080\u0099) appoint one or more people (known as \u00e2\u0080\u0098attorneys\u00e2\u0080\u0099) to help you make decisions or to make decisions on your behalf. This gives you more control over what happens to you if you have an accident or an illness and can\u00e2\u0080\u0099t make your own decisions (you \u00e2\u0080\u0098lack mental capacity\u00e2\u0080\u0099).","qid":443396,"docid":"3256971","rank":81,"score":10.570995330810547},{"content":"LPS requirements are covered in clause 2.5 of the standard. Interestingly, LPS is not defined in clause 1.2 of the standard, the definitions section, or in clause 2.5, the LPS requirements section. I\u00e2\u0080\u0099ll take a crack at writing a succinct definition for LPS:","qid":443396,"docid":"456708","rank":82,"score":12.403092384338379},{"content":"An LLP is a form of partnership where all the partners enjoy limited liabilities. All partners are allowed to be involved in the management of the LLP. The procedures of operation can be spelled out in detail in the Limited Liability Partnership Agreement. Distribution of profits is also flexible.","qid":443396,"docid":"4774809","rank":83,"score":10.863997459411621},{"content":"T F Any LPS designated facility, private or County T F A hospital out of LA County T F A medical unit in a LPS designated facility (Most medical units share the same designation) T F A facility that treats individuals for chronic alcoholism 4. When persons are taken into custody on a 72-hour hold, they must be told (WIC","qid":443396,"docid":"8079042","rank":84,"score":10.681180953979492},{"content":"(Redirected from Lanterman-Petris-Short Act) The Lanterman\u00e2\u0080\u0093Petris\u00e2\u0080\u0093Short (LPS) Act (Cal. Welf & Inst. Code, sec. 5000 et seq.) concerns the involuntary civil commitment to a mental health institution in the State of California. The act set the precedent for modern mental health commitment procedures in the United States.","qid":443396,"docid":"8536123","rank":85,"score":11.7388916015625},{"content":"DEFINITION of 'Fair Labor Standards Act - FLSA'. A United States law which sets out various labor regulations regarding interstate commerce employment, including minimum wages, requirements for overtime pay and limitations on child labor. In general, the FLSA is intended to protect workers against certain unfair pay practices or work regulations.","qid":443396,"docid":"2899415","rank":86,"score":10.512154579162598},{"content":"About LPAs. A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is a legal tool that allows you to state who you would like to make decisions on your behalf, should you become unable to do so in the future. It lets you choose a person (or people) you trust to act for you. This person is referred to as your attorney.","qid":443396,"docid":"1135757","rank":87,"score":10.859552383422852},{"content":"Wednesday, November 05, 2008 7 Definition of LPP Linear programming deals with the optimization (Maximization or minimization) of a function of variables known as objective function, subject to a set of linear equations and\/or inequalities known as constraint.","qid":443396,"docid":"3340080","rank":88,"score":10.480594635009766},{"content":"The Differences between LLCs and LPs. 1 Structure. A limited partnership is composed of general partners and limited partners. Limited partners can invest in the business and share its profits or loss, but cannot be active participants in the day-to-day operations of the company.","qid":443396,"docid":"5054287","rank":89,"score":10.754759788513184},{"content":"About LPAs. A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is a legal tool that allows you to state who you would like to make decisions on your behalf, should you become unable to do so in the future. It lets you choose a person (or people) you trust to act for you. This person is referred to as your attorney.bout LPAs. A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is a legal tool that allows you to state who you would like to make decisions on your behalf, should you become unable to do so in the future. It lets you choose a person (or people) you trust to act for you. This person is referred to as your attorney.","qid":443396,"docid":"6361506","rank":90,"score":10.568981170654297},{"content":"They are often large organizations and very wealthy private individuals, e.g., state pension funds and university endowment funds. LPAs are Limited Partner Agreements, which are the terms under which LPs agree to invest money into a private equity fund. They can, in this example, constrain the fund from investing in adult-oriented businesses. Private equity funds are all ultimately beholden to the LPs to throw money into the fund.","qid":443396,"docid":"8416862","rank":91,"score":10.697811126708984},{"content":"A limited liability partnership (LLP) is a partnership in which some or all partners (depending on the jurisdiction) have limited liabilities.It therefore exhibits elements of partnerships and corporations. In an LLP, one partner is not responsible or liable for another partner's misconduct or negligence.LP is different from Limited partnership.It operates like a limited partnership, but in llp each member of the is protected from personal liability, except to the extent of their capital contribution in the LLP. 1.","qid":443396,"docid":"3103988","rank":92,"score":10.934003829956055},{"content":"DEFINITION of 'Limited Partnership-LP'. Two or more partners united to conduct a business jointly, and in which one or more of the partners is liable only to the extent of the amount of money that partner has invested.Limited partners do not receive dividends, but enjoy direct access to the flow of income and expenses.EFINITION of 'Limited Partnership-LP'. Two or more partners united to conduct a business jointly, and in which one or more of the partners is liable only to the extent of the amount of money that partner has invested. Limited partners do not receive dividends, but enjoy direct access to the flow of income and expenses.","qid":443396,"docid":"2143847","rank":93,"score":11.218132972717285},{"content":"Definitions for res ipsa loquitur. res ipsa loquitur(noun) a rule of evidence whereby the negligence of an alleged wrongdoer can be inferred from the fact that the accident happened.","qid":443396,"docid":"2009290","rank":94,"score":10.619379043579102},{"content":"Legal outsourcing. Legal outsourcing, also known as legal process outsourcing (LPO) refers to the practice of a law firm or corporation obtaining legal support services from an outside law firm or legal support services company (LPO provider).","qid":443396,"docid":"2638083","rank":95,"score":10.696420669555664},{"content":"PLLC Law and Legal Definition. PLLC is the abbreviation for a Professional Limited Liability Company. A PLLC is a limited liability company organized to provide professional services. Generally, state laws mandate professions such as doctors, accountants, lawyers, engineers, and architects to hold a license to provide services. Such professions require the formation of a PLLC.","qid":443396,"docid":"360232","rank":96,"score":11.028460502624512},{"content":"When can I establish an LPS conservatorship? The Court will not let you establish an LPS conservatorship unless it finds beyond a reasonable doubt, that the mentally ill person, is gravely disabled. Gravely disabled means that, because of a mental disorder, the person cannot take care of his\/her basic, personal needs for food, clothing, or shelter.","qid":443396,"docid":"4792652","rank":97,"score":10.855545997619629},{"content":"State laws vary, but PCs and PLLCs usually share these characteristics: 1 Owners are generally required to be licensed in the same profession. 2 Proof of licensing is often required for state approval. 3 Industry-specific regulations may apply to your company name.","qid":443396,"docid":"7159866","rank":98,"score":10.634971618652344},{"content":"LP and LLP mean almost the same thing, with the difference being whether limited partners can participate in management. These kinds of partnerships are generally designed for partners who are engaged in the same type of profession, such as a law firm or an accounting firm. Limited Partnership (LP) An LP is a form of partnership that has two types of partners: a general partner and limited partners. There has to be at least one general partner and at least one limited partner in every LP. The general partner manages the operation of the LP.","qid":443396,"docid":"4774806","rank":99,"score":10.880130767822266},{"content":"The LP (from long playing or long play) is an analog sound storage medium, a vinyl record format characterized by a speed of 331\u00e2\u0081\u00843 rpm, a 12 or 10 inch (30 or 25 cm) diameter, and use of the microgroove groove specification. Introduced by Columbia in 1948, it was soon adopted as a new standard by the entire record industry.","qid":443396,"docid":"7703621","rank":100,"score":10.488176345825195}]} {"query":"difference between a mcdouble and a double cheeseburger","hits":[{"content":"The McDouble is listed as a slice of American cheese between two 100% beef patties, topped with pickles, onions, ketchup and mustard. mcdonalds.com. The Double Cheeseburger is listed as two slices of golden American cheese with two 100% all beef patties, pickles, onions, ketchup and mustard.","qid":146187,"docid":"8434624","rank":1,"score":13.986730575561523},{"content":"McDonald\u00e2\u0080\u0099s vs KFC. McDonald\u00e2\u0080\u0099s and KFC are two of the most popular fast food chains loved by many around the world. When it comes to hamburgers, McDonald\u00e2\u0080\u0099s is always the top option whereas when it comes to fried chicken, KFC is always the first thing that springs to mind.cDonald\u00e2\u0080\u0099s vs KFC. McDonald\u00e2\u0080\u0099s and KFC are two of the most popular fast food chains loved by many around the world. When it comes to hamburgers, McDonald\u00e2\u0080\u0099s is always the top option whereas when it comes to fried chicken, KFC is always the first thing that springs to mind.","qid":146187,"docid":"7021131","rank":2,"score":11.548812866210938},{"content":"There is a discernible difference between the two burgers, especially in the meat quality. The McDouble contains gristle and carry's a different flavor than the Double Cheeseburger. The double cheeseburger tastes more like beef. The McDouble tastes of whatever meat filler they use to fill the gap.","qid":146187,"docid":"8434623","rank":3,"score":15.09280776977539},{"content":"There are 280 calories in a 1 burger serving of McDonald's Double Cheeseburger (No Bun). Calorie breakdown: 67% fat, 4% carbs, 28% protein.","qid":146187,"docid":"1230566","rank":4,"score":11.997474670410156},{"content":"Double Big Mac\u00c2\u00ae sandwich 268g 680 38 58 16 1 85 120 1310 55 46 15 3 12 8 40 10 2 30 45. Double Cheeseburger 162g 420 20 31 10 0.5 53 70 1050 44 35 12 2 8 7 24 10 2 25 25. Double Filet-O-Fish\u00c2\u00ae 210g 560 29 45 6 0.3 32 75 830 35 53 18 2 8 4 23 4 0 15 20. Double Quarter Pounder with.","qid":146187,"docid":"7405002","rank":5,"score":11.65498161315918},{"content":"The California Classic Double Cheeseburger; Kid's Cheeseburger; Kid's Hamburger ; Big Hamburger; Double Cheeseburger","qid":146187,"docid":"7956019","rank":6,"score":11.665192604064941},{"content":"Review: McDonald's - Triple Cheeseburger. 1 McDonald's Triple Cheeseburger consists of three beef patties, two slices of American cheese, ketchup, mustard, dehydrated diced onions, and pickles on a plain toasted bun. It's only available at select locations. I bought one for $2.49.","qid":146187,"docid":"744171","rank":7,"score":11.141451835632324},{"content":"The Big Mac has 550 calories and 29 grams of fat while the Whopper has 630 calories and 35 grams of fat. Since there's no such thing as a blind taste tests between the two signature burgers, it's hard to say which the people like most.","qid":146187,"docid":"7781280","rank":8,"score":11.153421401977539},{"content":"McDonald's Mighty Kids Meal of Double Cheeseburger, French fries, and chocolate milk. iStockphoto\/Thinkstock. This kids' meal, which is 840 calories of fast food, would take a solid 4 hours and 3 minutes of frisbee-playing to burn it off.","qid":146187,"docid":"2226090","rank":9,"score":11.057751655578613},{"content":"No, The McDonald's McDouble Is Not The 'Greatest Food In Human History'. McDonald's. 800. I may be a little late to this, but it is never too late to point out how stupid it is to argue that the McDonald's McDouble cheeseburger is the greatest food in human history..","qid":146187,"docid":"6430260","rank":10,"score":11.241172790527344},{"content":"Originally Posted by southernstunna1 the mcdoubles have 23 grams of protein and almost as much fat. A regular hamburger has 12 grams of protein and 9 grams of fat. wtf kinda burgers do u eat edit: thought u were talkin bout normal burgers u make at home compared to mcdoulbes.","qid":146187,"docid":"6015027","rank":11,"score":11.814339637756348},{"content":"There are 240 calories in a 1 sandwich serving of Burger King Double Cheeseburger (No Bun). Calorie breakdown: 71% fat, 7% carbs, 22% protein. Related Sandwiches from Burger King:","qid":146187,"docid":"7093334","rank":12,"score":11.376677513122559},{"content":"Best Answer: A Wendy's double cheeseburger is 470 calories, 24 grams of fat, and 35 carbs. A small fry is 330 calories, 16 grams of fat, and 43 carbs. A better choice would be a salad with little\/no dressing. To see how much jump rope you'd have to do, check the Calorie King website.","qid":146187,"docid":"8795490","rank":13,"score":11.188703536987305},{"content":"Double-Double w\/onion (With Mustard & Ketchup instead of Spread) (Bun, 2 100% pure beef patties, lettuce, tomato, mustard & ketchup instead of spread, 2 slices of American cheese, with or without onions)","qid":146187,"docid":"5746033","rank":14,"score":11.449426651000977},{"content":"On this page, we compare McDonalds Big Mac Versus Wendy's Jr. Cheeseburger Deluxe to see which food has fewer calories, less fat, more protein, and more fiber. Other Comparisons Similar to McDonalds Big Mac Vs Wendy's Jr. Cheeseburger Deluxe. McDonalds Big Mac Versus Wendy's Chicken Breast Fillet Sandwich; McDonalds Big Mac Versus Wendy's Jr. Hamburger","qid":146187,"docid":"6483699","rank":15,"score":11.937637329101562},{"content":"What we have with the Daily Double is their ordinary plain bun, 2 beef patties, 1 slice of cheese, a slice of tomato, slivered onions, lettuce and mayonnaise. I take a bite, a second bite, a third.","qid":146187,"docid":"76343","rank":16,"score":11.225281715393066},{"content":"Double Cheeseburger (Dairy Queen) Per 1 burger - Calories: 580kcal | Fat: 34.00g | Carbs: 32.00g | Protein: 37.00g Nutrition Facts - Similar Double Cheeseburger (No Bun) (Dairy Queen) Per 1 cheeseburger - Calories: 480kcal | Fat: 33.00g | Carbs: 4.00g | Protein: 29.00g Nutrition Facts - Similar Deluxe Cheeseburger (Dairy Queen)","qid":146187,"docid":"4921741","rank":17,"score":11.718873977661133},{"content":"Swiss cheese is a generic name for several related varieties of cheese. It is an American version of the Swiss Emmental and is known for being shiny, pale yellow. While it has a firmer texture than baby Swiss, its flavour is mild, sweet and nut-like. It has a savory, but not very sharp taste.Some types of Swiss cheese have a distinctive appearance.t is an American version of the Swiss Emmental and is known for being shiny, pale yellow. While it has a firmer texture than baby Swiss, its flavour is mild, sweet and nut-like. It has a savory, but not very sharp taste.","qid":146187,"docid":"2206201","rank":18,"score":11.101486206054688},{"content":"With the animal style burger, they grill your fresh beef patty in mustard, add extra secret sauce spread, extra grilled onions and pickles. For this adventure I ordered a double double (double meat, double cheese) animal style, so I could compare it with the bacon cheeseburgber (two patties) at Five Guys. I usually go for 3\u00c3\u00973 or a 4 by because the patties at In-N-Out are a bit smaller than other burger joints.","qid":146187,"docid":"7704679","rank":19,"score":11.659149169921875},{"content":"[Photo: Robyn Lee]. The McDonald's classic. It's a smaller sandwich\u00e2\u0080\u0094less calorie-intensive, at 380, and about three-quarters the size of Wendy's. (I think I ate half of it in one bite.) As most of you probably know, the sandwich is a fried fish filet, a slice of American cheese, and tartar sauce on a bun. The bun, again, is a conventional McDonald's bun: spongy, resistant to flattening, and slightly sweet.","qid":146187,"docid":"2880735","rank":20,"score":11.055837631225586},{"content":"Serving: 6.1 oz - 173 g. Nutritional summary of Double Cheeseburger: This food is a good source of protein. On the other hand, it is high in saturated fat and sodium. This food contains a high amount of trans fat.","qid":146187,"docid":"6430259","rank":21,"score":11.755716323852539},{"content":"Meatier and cheesier. Double Cheeseburger. Two 100% pure beef patties with absolutely no fillers, additives or preservatives, seasoned with a pinch of salt and pepper, and topped with tangy pickles, chopped onions, ketchup, mustard and two slices of melty American cheese. *Available at participating restaurants.","qid":146187,"docid":"4214925","rank":22,"score":12.530738830566406},{"content":"Au Cheval's single cheeseburger, left, and Small Cheval's single cheeseburger are like fraternal twins. (Pictured on Tribune test kitchen plates.) Au Cheval's single cheeseburger, left, and Small Cheval's single cheeseburger are like fraternal twins. (Pictured on Tribune test kitchen plates.)","qid":146187,"docid":"7772762","rank":23,"score":12.06980037689209},{"content":"There are 290 calories in a 1 burger serving of McDonald's Bacon McDouble (No Bun). Get full nutrition facts for other McDonald's products and all your other favorite brands. Register | Sign In","qid":146187,"docid":"1841195","rank":24,"score":11.174978256225586},{"content":"Food Nutrition Information for Double cheeseburger (2 patties), plain, on double-decker bun, How many calories in Double cheeseburger (2 patties), plain, on double-decker bun. How many carbs in Double cheeseburger (2 patties), plain, on double-decker bun","qid":146187,"docid":"3963185","rank":25,"score":11.672139167785645},{"content":"It can be very helpful to look at a side-by-side comparison of different foods. By seeing both foods compared, you can make wise choices on what you eat. On this page, we compare McDonalds Big Mac Versus Wendy's Jr. Cheeseburger Deluxe to see which food has fewer calories, less fat, more protein, and more fiber. Other Comparisons Similar to McDonalds Big Mac Vs Wendy's Jr. Cheeseburger Deluxe","qid":146187,"docid":"6483701","rank":26,"score":11.699764251708984},{"content":"In-N-Out Burger has one of the simplest menus that you\u00e2\u0080\u0099ll find in a fast food restaurant. Heck, in just about any restaurant. Foodwise, they offer burgers, cheeseburgers (with double versions of each) and french fries. They also have a secret menu that I can\u00e2\u0080\u0099t tell you about here. It\u00e2\u0080\u0099s so secret, I can only link you to it. As soon as I learned that they had an \u00e2\u0080\u009canimal style\u00e2\u0080\u009d burger on their secret menu, that\u00e2\u0080\u0099s pretty much all I\u00e2\u0080\u0099ve ordered.","qid":146187,"docid":"7704673","rank":27,"score":11.442970275878906},{"content":"It can be very helpful to look at a side-by-side comparison of different foods. By seeing both foods compared, you can make wise choices on what you eat. On this page, we compare McDonalds Big Mac Versus Burger King WHOPPER JR. Sandwich to see which food has fewer calories, less fat, more protein, and more fiber. Other Comparisons Similar to McDonalds Big Mac Vs Burger King WHOPPER JR. Sandwich","qid":146187,"docid":"6483694","rank":28,"score":11.143348693847656},{"content":"Mcdonalds menu includes their famous double patty cheeseburgers known as the \u00e2\u0080\u009cBig Mac\u00e2\u0080\u009d, along with other notable mentions including Hamburgers, Chicken Sandwiches, Cheeseburgers, Soft Drinks, Salads, Wraps, Breakfast items Smoothies and Desserts.","qid":146187,"docid":"1972078","rank":29,"score":11.075428009033203},{"content":"McDonalds Big Mac Versus Burger King WHOPPER JR. Sandwich - Side-by-Side Nutritional Comparison of McDonalds Big Mac and Burger King WHOPPER JR. Sandwich.","qid":146187,"docid":"8350560","rank":30,"score":11.093795776367188},{"content":"Answer by Alamoannie. Confidence votes 2.2K. McDonald's and KFC are alike in that they both are fast food restaurants, they have a drive up window or you can go inside, they sell fried food, and they both contribute to obesity.They are different in that McDonalds sells hamburgers and chicken nuggets, and KFC doesn't sell hamburgers, only chicken.: 1.) The difference between both fast-food franchises hamburglars are that McDonald's hamburgla \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 rs are made, processed, cooled down, packaged, and sent off to all of the McDonald's locations throughout America, Australia, and 167 other countries, and then are cooked.","qid":146187,"docid":"7021123","rank":31,"score":11.323992729187012},{"content":"The Double Cheeseburger is priced at $1.49 and my Triple Cheeseburger was priced at $2.19. I just don\u00e2\u0080\u0099t understand the point of paying 70-cents for an extra burger patty when you can just get two McDoubles for $2.00. Obviously the value of the Triple Cheeseburger makes no sense when you\u00e2\u0080\u0099re comparing menu items.","qid":146187,"docid":"744167","rank":32,"score":12.511309623718262},{"content":"One slice of cheese instead of two. It's twenty cents more to get a double cheeseburger for $1.19. That sounds about right for a slice of cheese fast food style. It costs anywhere from forty to fifty cents to get extra cheese or add cheese at most places. SUUPPERduudee Noob Joined: Feb 20, 2009.","qid":146187,"docid":"8434617","rank":33,"score":12.128171920776367},{"content":"Cheeseburgers. A single-patty cheeseburger contains 5.25 grams of saturated fat, and a double-patty cheeseburger has 10.55 grams. A cheeseburger made with three patties of ground beef contains about 20 grams of saturated fat. Fast food cheeseburgers can contribute upwards of 30 grams of unhealthy saturated fats, depending on how much beef and how many slices of cheese you get with your order.","qid":146187,"docid":"2040185","rank":34,"score":11.059410095214844},{"content":"Twofold the tastiness. Make room for our Double Cheeseburger, two signature flame-grilled beef patties topped with a simple layer of melted American cheese, crinkle cut pickles, yellow mustard, and ketchup on a toasted sesame seed bun. Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Email.","qid":146187,"docid":"3615731","rank":35,"score":11.287532806396484},{"content":"The cheeseburger is a fine option for the kids (if you take them to McDonald\u00e2\u0080\u0099s only occasionally)\u00e2\u0080\u0094but the cheeseburger's tiny, and as an adult, you\u00e2\u0080\u0099ll probably want two. Do that, and suddenly you\u00e2\u0080\u0099ve downed 66 grams of carbs, more than most of the burgers on this list, with none of the veggies for fiber.","qid":146187,"docid":"2444447","rank":36,"score":11.021455764770508},{"content":"At first glance, the double cheeseburger looks a lot like the McDouble, but it is not exactly the same thing. The main difference that you will notice is the amount of cheese that is on this sandwich. There are two slices of cheese on the double cheeseburger instead of just the one slice of cheese that comes on the McDouble. Even though it comes with two slices of cheese, it still has the onions, pickles, ketchup and mustard that come on the other burgers.","qid":146187,"docid":"8434619","rank":37,"score":15.591883659362793},{"content":"There are many items that can be purchased at McDonald's for just $1, really, just check their dollar menu ! Here's a tip that not everyone knows... a McDouble from the McDonalds Dollar menu is the same thing as a Double Cheeseburger-well, minus one piece of cheese (and a lot of cents).","qid":146187,"docid":"4777144","rank":38,"score":12.728580474853516},{"content":"Swiss cheese is a generic name for several related varieties of cheese. It is an American version of the Swiss Emmental and is known for being shiny, pale yellow. While it has a firmer texture than baby Swiss, its flavour is mild, sweet and nut-like. It has a savory, but not very sharp taste.","qid":146187,"docid":"2626246","rank":39,"score":11.035262107849121},{"content":"Cottage Cheese vs Cheddar Cheese. Cottage cheese and Cheddar cheese are two types of cheese that show some sort of difference between them. Cottage cheese is a kind of flavored cheese curd product. On the other hand, Cheddar cheese is a kind of hard yellowish white cheese.","qid":146187,"docid":"64896","rank":40,"score":10.990596771240234},{"content":"McDonald's Daily Double Review. Monday, January 16, 2012 JustJim. Went to McDonalds the other day prepared to order my usual. There are 3 usuals for me there: 1) 20 Piece Chicken Nuggets, Large Fry and about 10 sauces and Coke. 2) Angus Mushroom and Swiss, Large Fry and Coke. 3) 2 Double Cheeseburger, 1 McChicken, 1 Small Fry and water.","qid":146187,"docid":"76342","rank":41,"score":11.248740196228027},{"content":"There are 380 calories in 1 burger of McDonald's McDouble Burger. You'd need to walk 99 minutes to burn 380 calories. Visit CalorieKing to see calorie count and nutrient data for all portion sizes.","qid":146187,"docid":"1841197","rank":42,"score":11.588112831115723},{"content":"Being over $3 for the single-patty version, it is rather expensive given the size of the sandwich. But for just shy of $4, the Double Filet-O-Fish is an amazing deal for lovers of this sandwich. The sandwich sat fairly tall on its double-stacked fish patties.","qid":146187,"docid":"6929051","rank":43,"score":11.009750366210938},{"content":"American vs Swiss cheese. Cheese comes in many varieties, including different flavors and colors. The American and Swiss cheese are two different cheeses that are widely preferred. Though they might have certain similarities, both the American cheese and Swiss cheese are different.","qid":146187,"docid":"7061638","rank":44,"score":11.188169479370117},{"content":"McDonald's Mighty Kids Meal of Double Cheeseburger, French fries, and chocolate milk iStockphoto\/Thinkstock This kids' meal, which is 840 calories of fast food, would take a solid 4 hours and 3 minutes of frisbee-playing to burn it off.","qid":146187,"docid":"2226091","rank":45,"score":11.11091423034668},{"content":"The menu item maintains 440 calories, 25 grams of protein, 22 grams of fat, and 1,050mg of sodium. Similarly, the McDouble, featuring two patties and one slice of cheese, consists of 390 calories, 18 grams of fat, and 850mg of sodium.","qid":146187,"docid":"4741857","rank":46,"score":11.136665344238281},{"content":"Far from what we imagined, McDonald's and Burger King have huge differences. Most people perceive them just as the same fast food restaurant with different names. For this reason, \u00e2\u0080\u009cthey create debates on which one of them is the superior restaurant\u00e2\u0080\u009d (Jeffrey\u00e2\u0080\u0099s blog, 2012, BK vs MC).) Evidence #1: McDonald\u00e2\u0080\u0099s hamburger weighs less than Burger King\u00e2\u0080\u0099s. B) Evidence #2: Burger King\u00e2\u0080\u0099s beef are 100% pure and they flame-boils their burgers, while McDonald\u00e2\u0080\u0099s fries their beef. C) Evidence #3: McDonald\u00e2\u0080\u0099s cost slightly less than Burger King.","qid":146187,"docid":"7021128","rank":47,"score":11.601663589477539},{"content":"Review: Triple Cheeseburger from McDonald\u00e2\u0080\u0099s. When it comes to the various sizes of classic McDonald\u00e2\u0080\u0099s cheeseburgers, the prices might have you scratching your head. The price differences between a McDonald\u00e2\u0080\u0099s Cheeseburger, the beefier McDouble and the cheesier Double Cheeseburger now all fall within 50-cents of one another.","qid":146187,"docid":"744165","rank":48,"score":13.47265625},{"content":"A McFlurry is McDonald's answer to DQ's popular Blizzard, which is to say it is vanilla soft serve blended with a topping (in this case, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups). I paid $1.69 for my Snack Size McFlurry (a full ten cents cheaper than the $1.79 charged at my local McDonald's).","qid":146187,"docid":"1144277","rank":49,"score":10.986837387084961},{"content":"If they are homemade, the calorie content of a double cheeseburger depends on the ingredients used and the quantities. If they are not homemade, here are a couple of examples.\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 In a McDonald's, there are:approximately 440 to 459 calories. In a Burger King, there are: approximately 510 calories.","qid":146187,"docid":"5836454","rank":50,"score":11.991580963134766},{"content":"McDonalds Cheeseburger - Plain (just meat, cheese, bun) Calories in McDonalds Cheeseburger - Plain (just meat, cheese, bun) *Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs. Some of these foods were entered by users and are subject to error.","qid":146187,"docid":"2918498","rank":51,"score":11.187679290771484},{"content":"But I did it for you. With McDonald's recent release of the McDouble, they now have three basic, sub-$2 cheeseburgers: the cheeseburger, McDouble (two patties with one slice of cheese), and double cheeseburger (two patties with two slices of cheese).","qid":146187,"docid":"8434626","rank":52,"score":14.34972095489502},{"content":"A double cheesburger has 2 slices of cheese with 2 meat patties. A mcdouble on the other hand only had 1 slice of cheese, but still 2 pieces of meat. I say had because mcdoubles arent sold in Australia (maybe a few stores but not a regular menu item) anymore. Other countries might be different but that's the difference in Australia.","qid":146187,"docid":"8434625","rank":53,"score":15.324604034423828},{"content":"He maintains that in the US, hamburger refers to the beef and burger refers to the whole cake containing the beef (or other ingredients), while in the UK there is no such thing as a hamburger, but there is burger which means the same as in the US.","qid":146187,"docid":"1505127","rank":54,"score":10.982887268066406},{"content":"McDonald's is rereleasing the Grand Mac and Mac Jr. for a limited time. They're different-sized variations on the chain's iconic Big Mac. The Grand Mac is much larger while the Mac Jr. is a smaller, single-patty sandwich.","qid":146187,"docid":"1246743","rank":55,"score":11.479063034057617},{"content":"You'd have to chow down three traditional McDonald's hamburgers to consume about the same number of calories. A Double Big Mac actually has fewer calories and much less fat, although it does contain slightly more saturated fat. At 1,400 milligrams, the Caesar salad's salt content also beats the burger's.","qid":146187,"docid":"1077549","rank":56,"score":11.461196899414062},{"content":"The difference is that the Mighty Kid's Meal provides more food than what is typically found in a Happy Meal, providing a McDouble (a cheeseburger consisting of two patties and one slice of cheese) instead of a cheeseburger or a hamburger, and more Chicken McNuggets (6 versus 4), plus a larger drink (16oz vs 12oz).","qid":146187,"docid":"2226093","rank":57,"score":12.340742111206055},{"content":"In this essay, I am going to compare and contrast McDonald\u00e2\u0080\u0099s and KFC. McDonald\u00e2\u0080\u0099s fast food is very like KFC fast food.Both of them give nearly the same kind of food and they have many branches in the world.owever, there are some differences, too. The main differences between McDonald\u00e2\u0080\u0099s and KFC is the way they give the food. McDonald give only a sandwich, juice and potatoes, but KFC give this and they have a menu for families, named Family Meal, not only for one person. Let's turn to the next point, which is the delivery.","qid":146187,"docid":"7021129","rank":58,"score":11.449457168579102},{"content":"Although we previously reported that the McDouble would be on the Dollar Menu, in Manhattan the cheeseburger appears on the Dollar Menu while the McDouble is $1.39 and the double cheeseburger is $1.49.","qid":146187,"docid":"8434622","rank":59,"score":14.16556167602539},{"content":"Mcdonald's - Mcdouble (Cheeseburger) *Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.","qid":146187,"docid":"315525","rank":60,"score":11.67796516418457},{"content":"Cottage Cheese vs Cheddar Cheese. Cottage cheese and Cheddar cheese are two types of cheese that show some sort of difference between them. Cottage cheese is a kind of flavored cheese curd product. On the other hand, Cheddar cheese is a kind of hard yellowish white cheese. This is the major difference between the two types of cheese.","qid":146187,"docid":"2533113","rank":61,"score":11.105287551879883},{"content":"There are these cheap a s s double cheeseburgers for only $1 at McDonalds. The wrapper says 25 grams of protein. Seems like a huge amount of protein for 2 shriveled up McDonalds burgers with bread and cheese.","qid":146187,"docid":"6015026","rank":62,"score":11.295741081237793},{"content":"Burger King's Whopper, invented in 1957, is a quarter-pound flame-broiled burger plus fixings. McDonald's Big Mac, invented in 1967, is two 1.1-ounce patties separated by a third bun, plus cheese, fixings, and a special sauce that tastes like mayonnaise plus ketchup. The Big Mac also uses dehydrated onions instead of fresh.","qid":146187,"docid":"7781281","rank":63,"score":11.233020782470703},{"content":"Review: McDonald's - Daily Double. 1 McDonald's Daily Double is a new Extra Value Menu item and McDouble variant featuring two beef patties, a slice of American cheese, slivered onions, a thick slice of tomato, shredded lettuce, and mayo on a plain toasted hamburger bun. It's not nearly a value as the McDouble as it carries a price tag of $1.99.","qid":146187,"docid":"76348","rank":64,"score":12.149845123291016},{"content":"Posted on April 3, 2014 by Taylor Tamblin. The Double Filet-O-Fish is a heftier take on the classic Filet-O-Fish from McDonald\u00e2\u0080\u0099s. The sandwich features the steamed bun, tartar sauce, and slice of pasteurized process American cheese like its smaller counterpart, but this one features an extra fish patty.","qid":146187,"docid":"6929047","rank":65,"score":11.814065933227539},{"content":"Ready to sink your teeth into a sinfully delicious cheese burger? Try Au Cheval\u00e2\u0080\u0099s craveworthy take on this American classic. The Double Cheese Burger features three beef patties (yes, three) topped with cheddar, maple-glazed bacon and homemade \u00e2\u0080\u009cDijonnaise.\u00e2\u0080\u009d You can even add a fried egg.","qid":146187,"docid":"7772761","rank":66,"score":11.102508544921875},{"content":"A Mega Mac burger with a large Coke and fries in Malaysia. 1 The Mega Mac or Double Big Mac \u00e2\u0080\u0093 four 1.6 oz (45.4 g) beef patties and an extra slice of cheese. 2 Big Big Mac \u00e2\u0080\u0093 a Quarter Pounder-like product sold in Europe (Finland, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, and Italy). 3 The Denali Mac \u00e2\u0080\u0093 made with two quarter pound patties.","qid":146187,"docid":"7126360","rank":67,"score":11.346765518188477},{"content":"The Double Cheesburger is now $1.19 instead of a buck. Seriously, $.19\/slice of cheese and a removal from the Dollar Menu. Do I order the Double Cheeseburger at its new full price or do I stick to the Dollar Menu and go with the McDouble. Of course, I go with the McDouble. One piece of McCheese might be better than two pieces of McCheese. I guess McDonalds thinks people like me who bought the Double Cheeseburger for a buck will pony up and pay the extra pennies. Sooner or later they will be charging for extra napkins and ketchup.","qid":146187,"docid":"8434618","rank":68,"score":13.763224601745605},{"content":"A customer wanted a Cheeseburger without cheese. Aka a Hamburger, it is exactly the same recipe but no cheese. Plus hamburgers are cheaper than cheeseburgers in McDonald\u00e2\u0080\u0099s France restaurants.","qid":146187,"docid":"5217815","rank":69,"score":11.435730934143066},{"content":"The cheesy original. Cheeseburger. A juicy, 100% pure beef patty with absolutely no fillers, additives or preservatives, seasoned with a pinch of salt and pepper, and topped with a tangy pickle, chopped onions, ketchup, mustard, and a slice of melty American cheese. REGULAR BUN. 100% BEEF PATTY.","qid":146187,"docid":"315526","rank":70,"score":11.121095657348633},{"content":"Triple Cheeseburger Combo. A towering Triple Cheeseburger with a refreshing medium soft drink, and medium fries. It\u00e2\u0080\u0099s stacked with unforgettable value. Like when you were showing off and almost stacked it off your skateboard in front of a bus stop full of girls. Available between 10:30am and 11pm at participating restaurants for a limited time.","qid":146187,"docid":"744168","rank":71,"score":11.097652435302734},{"content":"It also comes in sandwich form with mayo for the same price. On the burger front, McDo has the Cheeseburger Deluxe (the Mac!) which is a cheeseburger with lettuce, cheese, and mayo at a relatively pricey (in comparison) 52 pesos ($1.17). You can also get the Double Cheeseburger Deluxe for 87 pesos ($1.96!)","qid":146187,"docid":"2257806","rank":72,"score":11.397026062011719},{"content":"Diffen \u00e2\u0080\u00ba Food \u00e2\u0080\u00ba Dairy \u00e2\u0080\u00ba Cheese. Cheddar is a hard English cheese while American cheese is a smooth and creamy processed cheese. Cheddar has more flavor while American cheese, being artificially processed rather than aged naturally, is less expensive.","qid":146187,"docid":"7061635","rank":73,"score":11.008596420288086},{"content":"In comparing the marketing mix of McDonald's and Hungry Jack's, the major difference is that McDonald's tend to promote its product through elements like service, price, people and process. They use the marketing mix more evenly.","qid":146187,"docid":"3609896","rank":74,"score":11.13504695892334},{"content":"Hamburger 101g 240 8 12 3 0.2 16 25 510 21 32 11 2 8 7 12 2 2 10 20. McDouble\u00c2\u00ae sandwich 149g 370 17 26 8 0.5 43 60 860 36 34 11 2 8 7 21 6 2 15 25. Mighty Angus 296g 790 43 66 16 1.5 88 120 1310 55 56 19 3 12 15 42 10 15 15 30.","qid":146187,"docid":"5590508","rank":75,"score":11.286857604980469},{"content":"Originally Posted by southernstunna1 the mcdoubles have 23 grams of protein and almost as much fat. A regular hamburger has 12 grams of protein and 9 grams of fat. regular burgers have around 30grams of fat not including fast food brah edit--atleast here in canada lol.","qid":146187,"docid":"6015024","rank":76,"score":11.702299118041992},{"content":"There are 520 calories in a 1 burger serving of Sonic Jr. Double Cheeseburger. Get full nutrition facts for other Sonic products and all your other favorite brands. Home","qid":146187,"docid":"4216901","rank":77,"score":11.057061195373535},{"content":"One slice of cheese instead of two. It's twenty cents more to get a double cheeseburger for $1.19. That sounds about right for a slice of cheese fast food style. It costs anywhere from forty to fifty cents to get extra cheese or add cheese at most places. One less slice of cheese.","qid":146187,"docid":"8434621","rank":78,"score":14.317752838134766},{"content":"Read More About. Hardee\u00e2\u0080\u0099s, the quick-service restaurant chain known best for its innovative, industry-changing premium burger offerings, Wednesday announced something a bit more classic: the Hardee\u00e2\u0080\u0099s Classic Double Cheeseburger, available now at participating restaurant locations.","qid":146187,"docid":"7782525","rank":79,"score":11.608954429626465},{"content":"McDonald's Daily Double Review. Went to McDonalds the other day prepared to order my usual. There are 3 usuals for me there: 1) 20 Piece Chicken Nuggets, Large Fry and about 10 sauces and Coke. 2) Angus Mushroom and Swiss, Large Fry and Coke. 3) 2 Double Cheeseburger, 1 McChicken, 1 Small Fry and water.","qid":146187,"docid":"76349","rank":80,"score":11.306806564331055},{"content":"There are 290 calories in a 1 burger serving of McDonald's Bacon McDouble (No Bun). Calorie Breakdown: 65% fat, 4% carbs, 31% prot. Related Burgers from McDonald's:","qid":146187,"docid":"1841196","rank":81,"score":11.108530044555664},{"content":"How many calories are in a Wendy's double cheeseburger? How many calories are in a $0.99 Wendy's double cheeseburger and small fries and how much jump rope would I have to do to work it off? Update: Thanks to all the people who gave real answers, instead of being @$$hole pricks like the rest.","qid":146187,"docid":"8795494","rank":82,"score":11.21218490600586},{"content":"The Daily Double is back at Chicago-area McDonald's restuarants for a limited time. It's no Jeopardy! joke: McDonald's has brought back the Daily Double to Chicago-area restaurants for a limited time. The Daily Double appeared on some McDonald's menus in 2011 and 2012. The double cheeseburger's toppings \u00e2\u0080\u0094 lettuce, slivered onions, tomato and mayonnaise \u00e2\u0080\u0094 are a possible driver for its resurgence.","qid":146187,"docid":"76344","rank":83,"score":11.008060455322266},{"content":"BURGER KING\u00c2\u00ae Bacon Cheeseburger Deluxe, Bacon Double Cheeseburger, Bacon Cheeseburger, Double Cheeseburger VALUE Menu","qid":146187,"docid":"1028971","rank":84,"score":11.094781875610352},{"content":"DOUBLE WHOPPER\u00c2\u00ae Sandwich with Cheese 358 930 540 61 22 3 180 1230 50 2 11 48. w\/o Mayo 337 770 390 43 19 2.5 170 1090 50 2 11 47. WHOPPER JR.\u00c2\u00ae Sandwich 134 310 160 18 5 0.5 40 390 27 1 7 13. Double Bacon King 327 1040 630 69 28 2.5 220 1900 48 1 10 57. Homestyle Cheeseburger 212 550 250 27 12 1.5 95 1140 48 2 10 30. Hamburger 93 220 80 8 3 0.5 30 380 26 1 6 11.","qid":146187,"docid":"6417741","rank":85,"score":11.067560195922852},{"content":"McDonalds Big Mac Versus Wendy's Jr. Cheeseburger Deluxe - Side-by-Side Nutritional Comparison of McDonalds Big Mac and Wendy's Jr. Cheeseburger Deluxe. main content Join Now for Free!","qid":146187,"docid":"6483698","rank":86,"score":12.02241325378418},{"content":"4\/5\/2008. Back in the day when I used to eat empty calories just so I could work out after work and not keel over, I would eat at McD's twice a week for lunch. For $3.26, I got a double cheeseburger, McChicken sandwich, and apple pie, and flushed it down with water. The dollar menu was a blessing to my wallet.","qid":146187,"docid":"4306847","rank":87,"score":11.13381290435791},{"content":"On this page, we compare McDonalds Big Mac Versus Burger King WHOPPER JR. Sandwich to see which food has fewer calories, less fat, more protein, and more fiber. Other Comparisons Similar to McDonalds Big Mac Vs Burger King WHOPPER JR. Sandwich. McDonalds Big Mac Versus Burger King WHOPPER Sandwich; McDonalds Big Mac Versus Burger King Cheeseburger","qid":146187,"docid":"8350559","rank":88,"score":11.298288345336914},{"content":"Mcdonald's - Double Quarter Pounder With Cheese - Plain. *Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.","qid":146187,"docid":"6073802","rank":89,"score":11.1556978225708},{"content":"There are 430 calories in a 1 burger serving of McDonald's Daily Double. Calorie breakdown: 47% fat, 32% carbs, 21% protein.","qid":146187,"docid":"76351","rank":90,"score":11.083039283752441},{"content":"Both of these restaurants have been in the business for more than 50 years. When comparing the two, McDonalds is more famous than Burger King, and the former has a wider presence than Burger King. When comparing the two burgers, it can be seen that the McDonalds\u00e2\u0080\u0099 burgers are lighter than Burger King\u00e2\u0080\u0099s.It can also be seen that McDonalds\u00e2\u0080\u0099 burgers weigh 100 gm. whereas Burger King\u00e2\u0080\u0099s weighs about 120 gm. In fat content, Burger King\u00e2\u0080\u0099s has more in content than McDonalds.hen comparing the two burgers, it can be seen that the McDonalds\u00e2\u0080\u0099 burgers are lighter than Burger King\u00e2\u0080\u0099s. It can also be seen that McDonalds\u00e2\u0080\u0099 burgers weigh 100 gm. whereas Burger King\u00e2\u0080\u0099s weighs about 120 gm. In fat content, Burger King\u00e2\u0080\u0099s has more in content than McDonalds.","qid":146187,"docid":"7021127","rank":91,"score":11.378118515014648},{"content":"How much does a McDonald's cheeseburger cost in Australia? A standard cheese burger in Australia costs $2.15 but at the moment their doing their loose change menu, which has a double cheeseburger for $2.00.","qid":146187,"docid":"5929430","rank":92,"score":11.245597839355469},{"content":"BURGER KING Double cheeseburger no bun Good and Bad Points < 200 kcals; saturated fat free; high in saturated fat","qid":146187,"docid":"7093332","rank":93,"score":11.359066009521484},{"content":"There are 280 calories in a 1 burger serving of McDonald's Double Cheeseburger (No Bun). Get full nutrition facts for other McDonald's products and all your other favorite brands. Home","qid":146187,"docid":"3963187","rank":94,"score":12.0844087600708},{"content":"Report Abuse. 1 I can't believe that people believe a hamburger is made from ham! 2 They are not the same. 3 Hamburger Vs Beef Burger. a hamburger is a beefburger inside a 1 bun. I always thought dat they were da same but americans called em hamburgers and every1 else called em beefburgers lol.","qid":146187,"docid":"3557578","rank":95,"score":11.173530578613281},{"content":"The Skinny from CalorieLab. Nutritional summary of Double Cheeseburger: This food is a good source of protein. On the other hand, it is high in saturated fat and sodium. This food contains a high amount of trans fat. Its 3R nutrient density rating is 0.6 (where anything over 1 is relatively good).","qid":146187,"docid":"6430257","rank":96,"score":11.675018310546875},{"content":"There are 440 calories in a 1 cheeseburger serving of McDonald's Double Cheeseburger. Calorie breakdown: 45% fat, 32% carbs, 23% protein.","qid":146187,"docid":"6430258","rank":97,"score":12.387168884277344},{"content":"So whenever the McDouble hit the Dollar Menu and the Double Cheeseburger was thrown into the \u00e2\u0080\u009cBurgers\u00e2\u0080\u009d section at $1.19 or even higher ($1.29 in most places now), the average consumer scratched their head, winced their eyes, and fell over in a wrath of confusion and bewilderment.","qid":146187,"docid":"8434620","rank":98,"score":12.177217483520508},{"content":"Twofold the tastiness. Make room for our Double Cheeseburger, two signature flame-grilled beef patties topped with a simple layer of melted American cheese, crinkle cut pickles, yellow mustard, and ketchup on a toasted sesame seed bun. Calories.","qid":146187,"docid":"4214923","rank":99,"score":11.204813003540039},{"content":"Burgers, Hardee's. Hardee\u00e2\u0080\u0099s, the quick-service restaurant chain known best for its innovative, industry-changing premium burger offerings, Wednesday announced something a bit more classic: the Hardee\u00e2\u0080\u0099s Classic Double Cheeseburger, available now at participating restaurant locations.","qid":146187,"docid":"7782529","rank":100,"score":11.565898895263672}]} {"query":"difference between rn and bsn","hits":[{"content":"The largest difference between the two is the level and length of education they have received. To become an RN, students can earn an Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) from a college or university program or a Diploma of Nursing through a hospital-based nursing program.","qid":148538,"docid":"8283533","rank":1,"score":14.917163848876953},{"content":"What exactly is the difference between an LPN license, an RN license and a BSN degree? If you're looking into a possible career in nursing, you've probably realized that there are several different types of nurses, each of which have their own set of common responsibilities and educational requirements.","qid":148538,"docid":"8814767","rank":2,"score":14.45759391784668},{"content":"The BSN trains nurses for a professional role, along with the coursework in nursing science, leadership, research and nursing informatics. Summary: RN is a Registered Nurse, while BSN is a graduate program in nursing.","qid":148538,"docid":"985494","rank":3,"score":15.874460220336914},{"content":"\u00e2\u0080\u00a2 Categorized under Science | Difference Between Rn and Bsn RN vs BSN RN is a Registered Nurse, and is a health care specialist who uses her learned nursing practices and processes to take care of an ailing person.","qid":148538,"docid":"985488","rank":4,"score":15.975470542907715},{"content":"ASN and BSN Degree Overviews. Aspiring registered nurses can earn a 2-year associate's degree at a community college or nursing school. ASN programs are generally open to those with a high school diploma or GED. Students earn a BSN at a 4-year college or university. Applicants to these programs may need to take prerequisite courses in math and science. Some schools may also require previous experience in the health care field.","qid":148538,"docid":"1516303","rank":5,"score":14.099752426147461},{"content":"NursingLink. First of all, let\u00e2\u0080\u0099s establish what each one stands for. A BSN is a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, while an ADN is an Associates Degree in Nursing. Both degrees lead to getting your RN but there are some differences between the two.The main difference is the length of time and the amount of credits required to complete the program.ursingLink. First of all, let\u00e2\u0080\u0099s establish what each one stands for. A BSN is a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, while an ADN is an Associates Degree in Nursing. Both degrees lead to getting your RN but there are some differences between the two.","qid":148538,"docid":"1969519","rank":6,"score":13.87905502319336},{"content":"0 Help me out here pls. What is the difference between a BSN and an RN. Don't you go through the four year program to get the BSN\/RN. I've noticed that people put a stress on the BSN-route -RN -attained degree. I'm truly confused.","qid":148538,"docid":"8283527","rank":7,"score":14.446277618408203},{"content":"BSN-prepared nurses have completed a bachelor\u00e2\u0080\u0099s degree from an accredited college or university and have received additional training in leadership, management, and administrative roles. Essentially, ADN-prepared and BSN-prepared nurses can care for patients in the same ways.","qid":148538,"docid":"1736917","rank":8,"score":14.455154418945312},{"content":"About a bachelor's degree in nursing. A bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) degree prepares you for a job as a registered nurse. While you can work as an RN with an associate's degree, nurses with a BSN are typically given more responsibility, supervisory roles and higher salaries.here are generally three types of BSN students. 1 An aspiring RN who attends a four-year college or university. 2 An RN looking to get their bachelor's degree and enrolls in an RN-BSN program. 3 A student with a bachelor's degree in another field who enrolls in an accelerated BSN program.","qid":148538,"docid":"615401","rank":9,"score":13.996072769165039},{"content":"An RN degree is sort of like an Associate's degree. The required coursework typically takes about two years to complete; sometimes more if you haven't completed certain basic prerequisites in general education subjects like math and education.A BSN is like a Bachelor's--it's usually a four-year degree.A lot of schools have RN-to-BSN programs that will accept transfer students who already have a two-year nursing degree. As for how long it will take you to get your BSN, that depends on the school's transfer policies.n RN degree is sort of like an Associate's degree. The required coursework typically takes about two years to complete; sometimes more if you haven't completed certain basic prerequisites in general education subjects like math and education.","qid":148538,"docid":"4959633","rank":10,"score":13.859107971191406},{"content":"RN stands for registered nurse BSN for Bachelor of science in nursing. Basically the difference is BSN is a bachelors degree. You can see ore info about RN to BSN on Online RN to BSN Degree Program | Nursing Bachelors Degree | Utica College Online.r, it means a Registered Nurse who became a Registered Nurse by getting her Bachelor's Of Nursing degree. I applaud you for going for your Bachelor's Degree. Especially since you will be going straight from high school to college and since you want to become a NP.","qid":148538,"docid":"6894608","rank":11,"score":14.335870742797852},{"content":"Many nurses choose to not earn their BSN right out of high school. However, in many cases, nurses decide it will greatly benefit their career if they earn their BSN eventually. The good news is that you can earn your BSN after getting your RN diploma, and it often will take no more than two years. These days, there are many RN to BSN online degree programs available, and many of them are online.","qid":148538,"docid":"8283529","rank":12,"score":14.288568496704102},{"content":"BSN-prepared nurses have completed a bachelor\u00e2\u0080\u0099s degree from an accredited college or university and have received additional training in leadership, management, and administrative roles. Essentially, ADN-prepared and BSN-prepared nurses can care for patients in the same ways. However, BSN-prepared nurses have been linked to better patient outcomes, lower mortality, and lower failure to rescue rates, according to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN).","qid":148538,"docid":"1311205","rank":13,"score":14.169683456420898},{"content":"lpn is a licensed practical nurse and rn is a registered nurse the main difference that can be noticed between lpn and rn is in their duties and practice","qid":148538,"docid":"23586","rank":14,"score":14.040098190307617},{"content":"RN vs. BSN: education requirements. The first thing you should know is that becoming an RN means passing the NCLEX exam. There is no way around it. To be eligible to sit for the NCLEX you must first earn either an associate degree in nursing (ADN) or a Bachelor of Science in nursing (BSN). nurse with a BSN may do the same things as an RN, or they may choose to work in public health or be a nurse educator. Public health nurses generally educate communities on health issues, while nurse educators prepare the next generation of LPNs and RNs.","qid":148538,"docid":"4607263","rank":15,"score":13.877019882202148},{"content":"Comparing the RN and BSN: What\u00e2\u0080\u0099s the Difference? Many people are unfamiliar with the different types of nursing credentials. Nurses may hold one of several types of degrees ranging from the licensed practical nurse (LPN) to a Master of Nursing (MSN) or doctorate (DNP). One of the most commonly confused comparisons is that of the Registered Nurse (RN) and the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) prepared nurse.","qid":148538,"docid":"4447601","rank":16,"score":14.959792137145996},{"content":"however, there is a difference between an aa degree and a bsn. these differences would be found by looking at the degree requirements in the college catalogs of the individual schools that offer these degrees and then comparing them. nursing is a major of study within the education institution the person attends.","qid":148538,"docid":"8265463","rank":17,"score":14.267607688903809},{"content":"The BSN Nurse is Prepared for a Broad Role. Unlike graduates of diploma or associate-degree nursing programs, the nurse with a baccalaureate degree is prepared to practice in all health care settings-critical care, outpatient care, public health, and mental health.","qid":148538,"docid":"1736916","rank":18,"score":14.218204498291016},{"content":"Although this PayScale.com data isn\u00e2\u0080\u0099t as expansive as the BLS data, it does give us some idea of the difference between RN and BSN pay. With that said the actual difference between an RN (ADN) and an RN (BSN) might be better measured in the way of professional opportunity and options for upward mobility rather than the actual pay for a position.","qid":148538,"docid":"4539657","rank":19,"score":13.922024726867676},{"content":"A bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) degree prepares you for a job as a registered nurse. While you can work as an RN with an associate's degree, nurses with a BSN are typically given more responsibility, supervisory roles and higher salaries-http:\/\/sn.im\/nursingschools. Diannne \u00c2\u00b7 4 weeks ago.t's a program for RNs with associate's degrees who want to earn a bachelor's. RNs with diplomas moving on to get their BSN degrees. It means they are given some credit for their prior knowledge & work experience. BSN is not a requirement for entry to practice for an RN.","qid":148538,"docid":"6846343","rank":20,"score":13.975440979003906},{"content":"Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) A traditional BSN degree typically takes 4 years to acquire (from time of entry as a freshman to graduation) at most of the universities and colleges that offer these programs. Accelerated programs lessen this time by about 1 year.","qid":148538,"docid":"5077711","rank":21,"score":14.391390800476074},{"content":"In the end, the outcome is the same. The major difference is the path and time commitment required to become an RN. You can go straight to the job market as an RN or you can further your education with a BSN degree.","qid":148538,"docid":"5171603","rank":22,"score":15.25543212890625},{"content":"Help me out here pls. What is the difference between a BSN and an RN. Don't you go through the four year program to get the BSN\/RN. I've noticed that people put a stress on the BSN-route -RN -attained degree. I'm truly confused. Thanks.","qid":148538,"docid":"5077707","rank":23,"score":14.536588668823242},{"content":"Nurses may hold one of several types of degrees ranging from the licensed practical nurse (LPN) to a Master of Nursing (MSN) or doctorate (DNP). One of the most commonly confused comparisons is that of the Registered Nurse (RN) and the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) prepared nurse.","qid":148538,"docid":"2455775","rank":24,"score":14.814568519592285},{"content":"May 05, 2014. Many people are unfamiliar with the different types of nursing credentials. Nurses may hold one of several types of degrees ranging from the licensed practical nurse (LPN) to a Master of Nursing (MSN) or doctorate (DNP).","qid":148538,"docid":"6704660","rank":25,"score":14.247304916381836},{"content":"Difference Between Rn and Bsn. RN vs BSN. RN is a Registered Nurse, and is a health care specialist who uses her learned nursing practices and processes to take care of an ailing person. A Registered Nurse is trained and qualified to treat patients. The Associate degree is two years, but on the other hand, the Bachelors degree takes four years.","qid":148538,"docid":"8283532","rank":26,"score":15.965479850769043},{"content":"RN-BSN. Or, it means a Registered Nurse who became a Registered Nurse by getting her Bachelor's Of Nursing degree. I applaud you for going for your Bachelor's Degree. Especially since you will be going straight from high school to college and since you want to become a NP.","qid":148538,"docid":"986845","rank":27,"score":13.955183029174805},{"content":"RN (Registered Nurses) vs NP (Nurse Practitioners). It is true that both RN and NP are two nursing roles that show some differences between them. RN stands for Registered Nurses whereas NP stands for Nurse Practitioners.hey have to necessarily work in the health care organizations and they are not entitled to prescribe medications. In Brief: - RN stands for Registered Nurses whereas NP stands for Nurse Practitioners. - RNs are health care professionals with 2 to 4 year degree in Bachelor of Science in nursing or nursing science.","qid":148538,"docid":"6311189","rank":28,"score":13.897390365600586},{"content":"BSN stands for Bachelor of Science in nursing whereas RN stands for registered nurse. There are currently two types of registered nursing degrees being offered by colleges and universities in the US. You can gain an associate's degree in nursing or a bachelors of science in nursing.: There are a number of online and on-campus institutes offering RN to BSN of nursing. For online nursing programs, you can look through our website. If you want to enroll in a bachelor of RN to BSN, you will need a diploma or an associate's degree in nursing.","qid":148538,"docid":"3353306","rank":29,"score":14.601318359375},{"content":"A nurse with a BSN may do the same things as an RN, or they may choose to work in public health or be a nurse educator. Public health nurses generally educate communities on health issues, while nurse educators prepare the next generation of LPNs and RNs.","qid":148538,"docid":"1147046","rank":30,"score":14.440289497375488},{"content":"A nurse with a BSN may do the same things as an RN, or they may choose to work in public health or be a nurse educator. Public health nurses generally educate communities on health issues, while nurse educators prepare the next generation of LPNs and RNs.ou can go straight to the job market as an RN or you can further your education with a BSN degree. If you decide on going the ADN route but eventually want to earn the higher academic credential, you can earn a BSN through a completer program in as little as 12 additional months and it can often be done online.","qid":148538,"docid":"2368188","rank":31,"score":14.249909400939941},{"content":"The difference, OP, is that one is an associate's degree while the other is a bachelor's degree. There is no difference from medical perspective. ADN and BSN nurses have the same instruction about pharmacology, diseases... The only difference is that BSN nurses indoctrinated more. For example BSN assigned to read more articles about gays and stuff.","qid":148538,"docid":"5171599","rank":32,"score":14.609671592712402},{"content":"Are you interested in a career in registered nursing? Then you should know that there are several paths to becoming an RN. It basically comes down to deciding between earning an RN diploma or associate\u00e2\u0080\u0099s degree in nursing (ADN) in about 2 or 3 year\u00e2\u0080\u0099s time, or a four-year bachelor of science in nursing (BSN). Let\u00e2\u0080\u0099s take a closer look at the options so you can better decide how you want to start your nursing career.","qid":148538,"docid":"4539661","rank":33,"score":14.18336296081543},{"content":"Bachelor's Degree Programs. According to the BLS, registered nurses with a bachelor's degree often have more career advancement opportunities. A Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) usually takes four years to complete, but students can also find accelerated BSN programs that allow them to finish in less time.","qid":148538,"docid":"1395449","rank":34,"score":13.842662811279297},{"content":"BSN (Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing) A BSN is not technically a different nursing position, but rather a higher-level degree leading to a position as an RN. While you can become a licensed RN after successfully passing NCLEX, you can only earn a BSN at an accredited college or university.","qid":148538,"docid":"231453","rank":35,"score":14.633761405944824},{"content":"NursingLink. First of all, let\u00e2\u0080\u0099s establish what each one stands for. A BSN is a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, while an ADN is an Associates Degree in Nursing. Both degrees lead to getting your RN but there are some differences between the two. The main difference is the length of time and the amount of credits required to complete the program.","qid":148538,"docid":"6697437","rank":36,"score":14.425264358520508},{"content":"About a bachelor's degree in nursing. A bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) degree prepares you for a job as a registered nurse. While you can work as an RN with an associate's degree, nurses with a BSN are typically given more responsibility, supervisory roles and higher salaries.","qid":148538,"docid":"3588269","rank":37,"score":14.38389778137207},{"content":"LPN is a Licensed Practical Nurse and RN is a Registered Nurse. The main difference that can be noticed between LPN and RN is in their duties and practice.A registered nurse is one who has graduated with a 4 year nursing program with a Bachelor of Science degree or a 2-year nursing program with an Associate\u00e2\u0080\u0099s Degree.On the other hand, a Licensed Practical Nurse is a person who has graduated with a one year Practical Nursing program. registered nurse is one who has graduated with a 4 year nursing program with a Bachelor of Science degree or a 2-year nursing program with an Associate\u00e2\u0080\u0099s Degree. On the other hand, a Licensed Practical Nurse is a person who has graduated with a one year Practical Nursing program.","qid":148538,"docid":"6234125","rank":38,"score":13.978555679321289},{"content":"The first thing you should know is that becoming an RN means passing the NCLEX exam. There is no way around it. To be eligible to sit for the NCLEX you must first earn either an associate degree in nursing (ADN) or a Bachelor of Science in nursing (BSN).","qid":148538,"docid":"7055354","rank":39,"score":13.840389251708984},{"content":"Before deciding if an RN to BSN Completion program is the next step for you, it's important to understand the differences. Take a look at the important features of each level of education: Initially, an RN and a nurse with a BSN degree might both receive the same salary for the same nursing position.","qid":148538,"docid":"4185814","rank":40,"score":13.977617263793945},{"content":"RN vs. BSN: education requirements. The first thing you should know is that becoming an RN means passing the NCLEX exam. There is no way around it. To be eligible to sit for the NCLEX you must first earn either an associate degree in nursing (ADN) or a Bachelor of Science in nursing (BSN). The former requires completion of a 21-month program at a career-focused college.","qid":148538,"docid":"5171605","rank":41,"score":13.97581958770752},{"content":"The advantage of the BSN is that more job opportunities in the future are available, just as in reasearch, teaching, management, public health, etc. But the ASN and the BSN RNs start off pretty much doing the same thing. Many people like myself get the ASN and then do a RN to BSN bridge.","qid":148538,"docid":"6704661","rank":42,"score":13.875892639160156},{"content":"LPN is a Licensed Practical Nurse and RN is a Registered Nurse. The main difference that can be noticed between LPN and RN is in their duties and practice.A registered nurse is one who has graduated with a 4 year nursing program with a Bachelor of Science degree or a 2-year nursing program with an Associate\u00e2\u0080\u0099s Degree.he RNS can administer medicines, develop and manage nursing plans, assist physicians in examinations and treatments and take independent decisions. In Hierarchy, the RNs are above the LPNs. Another difference that can be noticed between the LPN and the RN is their salaries. The RNs are paid more than the LPNs.","qid":148538,"docid":"3631449","rank":43,"score":14.141462326049805},{"content":"The BSN is an undergraduate degree program designed to give RNs a foundation in formal education and specialized skills for today\u00e2\u0080\u0099s healthcare environment. In addition, the BSN can give RNs the qualifications to seek advanced nurse specialty or leadership positions.","qid":148538,"docid":"1828171","rank":44,"score":14.040740013122559},{"content":"ASN vs. BSN. The following is a quick and concise comparison between the Associate\u00e2\u0080\u0099s and Bachelor\u00e2\u0080\u0099s nursing degrees. Associate of Science in Nursing (ASN) The ASN degree can be acquired in 2 years at a university, community college, vocational school or even some hospitals. An ASN training program readies nurses to deliver direct patient treatment or carry out other qualified nursing duties and responsibilities inside the field of health care.","qid":148538,"docid":"5077706","rank":45,"score":14.283665657043457},{"content":"The three top nursing degrees include an Associate in Nursing (ADN), Bachelor\u00e2\u0080\u0099s in Nursing (BSN) & Master\u00e2\u0080\u0099s in Nursing (MSN). Different types of nursing jobs will require different levels of education. What exactly is the difference between an LPN license, an RN license and a BSN degree? If you're looking into a possible career in nursing, you've probably realized that there are several different types of nurses, each of which have their own set of common responsibilities and educational requirements.","qid":148538,"docid":"231452","rank":46,"score":14.066019058227539},{"content":"Short version: All BSNs are RNs, but not all RNs are BSNs. RN is registered nurse. You can get there via a diploma program, an associates degree (ADN) program or a bachelors degree (BSN) program. A BSN RN is just an RN with a bachelor's degree--basically, they have the most schooling and it (usually) takes the longest to achieve.","qid":148538,"docid":"8283531","rank":47,"score":15.653474807739258},{"content":"So first of all, you should know RN stands for Registered Nurse. And BSN stands for Bachelors of Science and Nursing. So right off the by, you see there's a difference. The BSN is a degree that you get in a university. It's usually a four year degree. And from there, you can take a state regulated test or the NCLEX.","qid":148538,"docid":"7407812","rank":48,"score":15.692214012145996},{"content":"ADN VS BSN Nursing Degree\u00e2\u0080\u0093What Is the Difference? ADN and BSN degrees are two types of degree programs offered for future registered nurses. The Associates Degree of Nursing, which is known as the ADN, is typically a two year degree certification program (and is often offered by technical nursing schools). The Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree (BSN), is typically a four-year degree program offered by universities and colleges with nursing schools.","qid":148538,"docid":"5077709","rank":49,"score":14.472217559814453},{"content":"rn is the longer of the two and takes 2 years to complete whereas lpn is a one year course there is also a bachelor s degree in rn which takes about 4 years to complete degree of certification of rn is either an associate s or a bachelor s degree of science while that of lpn is a diploma or a certificate","qid":148538,"docid":"23591","rank":50,"score":14.147186279296875},{"content":"An RN is a registered nurse who has either completed a diploma, associates, or bachelors degree from an accredited institution, and has passed the state board of nursing exams \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 , and is now licensed to practice. You do not get a RN (Registered Nurse) degree. To become a RN you earn an associate degree in nursing then take the state nursing exam. If you pass you are then a RN. \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 Answer You can also get a 4 year degree in nursing, which will make you even more marketable.","qid":148538,"docid":"6311399","rank":51,"score":13.948352813720703},{"content":"First of all, let\u00e2\u0080\u0099s establish what each one stands for. A BSN is a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, while an ADN is an Associates Degree in Nursing. Both degrees lead to getting your RN but there are some differences between the two. The main difference is the length of time and the amount of credits required to complete the program.","qid":148538,"docid":"4447598","rank":52,"score":14.6021146774292},{"content":"Traditional vs. Accelerated BSN. A bachelor\u00e2\u0080\u0099s in nursing (BSN) is typically favored and sometimes required for practice as an RN in the areas of case management, military, K-12 schools, certain clinical specialties and travel nursing or working abroad.","qid":148538,"docid":"4553351","rank":53,"score":13.839192390441895},{"content":"A bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) degree prepares you for a job as a registered nurse. While you can work as an RN with an associate's degree, nurses with a BSN are typically given more responsibility, supervisory roles and higher salaries.","qid":148538,"docid":"2033800","rank":54,"score":14.325380325317383},{"content":"About a bachelor's degree in nursing. A bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) degree prepares you for a job as a registered nurse. While you can work as an RN with an associate's degree, nurses with a BSN are typically given more responsibility, supervisory roles and higher salaries.o determine if you're a good fit for a BSN program, you'll first want to consider your background. There are generally three types of BSN students. 1 An aspiring RN who attends a four-year college or university. 2 An RN looking to get their bachelor's degree and enrolls in an RN-BSN program.","qid":148538,"docid":"820313","rank":55,"score":13.924467086791992},{"content":"About a bachelor's degree in nursing. A bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) degree prepares you for a job as a registered nurse. While you can work as an RN with an associate's degree, nurses with a BSN are typically given more responsibility, supervisory roles and higher salaries.ith the nursing shortage in the U.S., RNs with BSNs are in high demand and can benefit from good salaries. In addition to this, holding a BSN puts you one step closer to a master's degree or doctorate if you decide you want to become an advanced practice nurse.","qid":148538,"docid":"6006375","rank":56,"score":14.112728118896484},{"content":"BSN degree nurses are better prepared to meet patient needs. The main difference in study between an ADN and BSN is the emphasis on additional education in leadership and management, wellness, and community nursing.","qid":148538,"docid":"1736918","rank":57,"score":14.637301445007324},{"content":"RN vs BSN. RN is a Registered Nurse, and is a health care specialist who uses her learned nursing practices and processes to take care of an ailing person. A Registered Nurse is trained and qualified to treat patients. The Associate degree is two years, but on the other hand, the Bachelors degree takes four years.","qid":148538,"docid":"985490","rank":58,"score":15.651180267333984},{"content":"Depending on the school, program curriculum may also include liberal arts courses for students looking to transfer to a BSN program. The differences in a bachelor's degree curriculum include additional coursework in statistics, biochemistry and communication.","qid":148538,"docid":"1516300","rank":59,"score":14.267635345458984},{"content":"First of all, let\u00e2\u0080\u0099s establish what each one stands for. A BSN is a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, while an ADN is an Associates Degree in Nursing.Both degrees lead to getting your RN but there are some differences between the two.The main difference is the length of time and the amount of credits required to complete the program.enerally speaking, the starting rate is the same for an ADN or a BSN prepared nurse, but because many advanced positions require a BSN, the BSN prepared nurse does have the potential to earn more money. In 2006 the state of California conducted a survey of registered nurses.","qid":148538,"docid":"332401","rank":60,"score":14.583704948425293},{"content":"First of all, let\u00e2\u0080\u0099s establish what each one stands for. A BSN is a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, while an ADN is an Associates Degree in Nursing. Both degrees lead to getting your RN but there are some differences between the two.The main difference is the length of time and the amount of credits required to complete the program.enerally speaking, the starting rate is the same for an ADN or a BSN prepared nurse, but because many advanced positions require a BSN, the BSN prepared nurse does have the potential to earn more money. In 2006 the state of California conducted a survey of registered nurses.","qid":148538,"docid":"615407","rank":61,"score":14.58370590209961},{"content":"About a bachelor's degree in nursing. A bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) degree prepares you for a job as a registered nurse. While you can work as an RN with an associate's degree, nurses with a BSN are typically given more responsibility, supervisory roles and higher salaries.bout a bachelor's degree in nursing. A bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) degree prepares you for a job as a registered nurse. While you can work as an RN with an associate's degree, nurses with a BSN are typically given more responsibility, supervisory roles and higher salaries.","qid":148538,"docid":"398535","rank":62,"score":14.142767906188965},{"content":"A: It takes 4 years to complete the RN to BSN programs. However, if you have completed your Associate's Degree in Nursing already, your credits for the two year education already achieved will be transferred and you will only have to invest two more years and receive your RN to BSN Degree.: RN is the abbreviation for Registered Nurse and BSN means Bachelor of Science in nursing. At the moment these are the two types of registered nursing degrees offered by colleges in the US. You become an RN by earning associate's degree which roughly takes about two years for completion.","qid":148538,"docid":"4959637","rank":63,"score":14.079797744750977},{"content":"Both ADN-prepared and BSN-prepared nurses can care for patients and perform traditional duties such as assessments, completion of procedures within the scope of practice, and medical charting. But an RN without a bachelor\u00e2\u0080\u0099s degree may not qualify for some nursing jobs that require additional education.","qid":148538,"docid":"2455779","rank":64,"score":14.296222686767578},{"content":"The BSN Nurse is Prepared for a Broad Role. Unlike graduates of diploma or associate-degree nursing programs, the nurse with a baccalaureate degree is prepared to practice in all health care settings - critical care, outpatient care, public health, and mental health.","qid":148538,"docid":"3343092","rank":65,"score":14.218204498291016},{"content":"In the end, the outcome is the same. The major difference is the path and time commitment required to become an RN. You can go straight to the job market as an RN or you can further your education with a BSN degree. If you decide on going the ADN route but eventually want to earn the higher academic credential, you can earn a BSN through a completer program in as little as 12 additional months and it can often be done online.","qid":148538,"docid":"1147038","rank":66,"score":14.515678405761719},{"content":"NursingLink. First of all, let\u00e2\u0080\u0099s establish what each one stands for. A BSN is a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, while an ADN is an Associates Degree in Nursing. Both degrees lead to getting your RN but there are some differences between the two.The main difference is the length of time and the amount of credits required to complete the program.enerally speaking, the starting rate is the same for an ADN or a BSN prepared nurse, but because many advanced positions require a BSN, the BSN prepared nurse does have the potential to earn more money. In 2006 the state of California conducted a survey of registered nurses.","qid":148538,"docid":"332400","rank":67,"score":14.195045471191406},{"content":"First of all, let\u00e2\u0080\u0099s establish what each one stands for. A BSN is a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, while an ADN is an Associates Degree in Nursing.Both degrees lead to getting your RN but there are some differences between the two.The main difference is the length of time and the amount of credits required to complete the program.irst of all, let\u00e2\u0080\u0099s establish what each one stands for. A BSN is a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, while an ADN is an Associates Degree in Nursing.","qid":148538,"docid":"2915323","rank":68,"score":14.08360481262207},{"content":"That additional level of education means that BSNs generally have more opportunities and larger salaries than RNs. Getting your BSN isn\u00e2\u0080\u0099t just something you do for yourself, though. It also benefits your patients. Studies have shown that BSNs have lower patient mortality rates and lower failure to rescue rates.","qid":148538,"docid":"4539659","rank":69,"score":14.564521789550781},{"content":"A registered nurse (RN) is a nurse who has passed the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN) after completing an accredited training program. These programs come in the form of an Associate of Science in Nursing (ASN) or a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN). The degrees differ in the time it takes to complete them and the type of coursework required for graduation.","qid":148538,"docid":"1516299","rank":70,"score":14.976351737976074},{"content":"On the other hand, BSN stands for the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), which is a four year academic degree in the science of nursing. It is awarded by any secondary education university, or any accredited school which provides a similar kind of certification and degree.","qid":148538,"docid":"985487","rank":71,"score":15.04690933227539},{"content":"LPN is a Licensed Practical Nurse and RN is a Registered Nurse. The main difference that can be noticed between LPN and RN is in their duties and practice. A registered nurse is one who has graduated with a 4 year nursing program with a Bachelor of Science degree or a 2-year nursing program with an Associate\u00e2\u0080\u0099s Degree.","qid":148538,"docid":"7858769","rank":72,"score":14.21607780456543},{"content":"RN vs. BSN: education requirements. The first thing you should know is that becoming an RN means passing the NCLEX exam. There is no way around it. To be eligible to sit for the NCLEX you must first earn either an associate degree in nursing (ADN) or a Bachelor of Science in nursing (BSN).","qid":148538,"docid":"1147044","rank":73,"score":14.145065307617188},{"content":"What is the Difference Between RN and LPN. In the hierarchy of the Nursing staff you may think that a nurse is just a nurse but there are a few things that you may need to know if you are considering a degree as a Registered Nurse or a Licensed Practical Nurse. Registered Nurse. A Registered Nurse or R.N. is at the top of the nursing staff.","qid":148538,"docid":"3557945","rank":74,"score":13.8388090133667},{"content":"The RN with a bachelor\u00e2\u0080\u0099s degree can work in a community health setting, which is very different than home care. And very importantly, a BSN degree prepares nurses to assume expanded leadership roles like mid-level administration and chairing hospital committees.","qid":148538,"docid":"753805","rank":75,"score":14.397747039794922},{"content":"You are considered a RN if you have a ASN (Associate of Science in Nursing) or a BSN (Bachelor of Science in Nursing). The difference with ASN and BSN is ASN is a 2 year degree and BSN is a 4 year degree. You will get paid more with a BSN. And I think hospitals are looking more for BSN students.If I were 18, I would go straight thru the 4 years.ut, you're still an RN either way. The best jobs will require the master's degree and have titles like Family Nurse Practitioner or Nurse Anesthetist with salaries nearing $100K per year. They are still an RN-they just have more training than most RNs.","qid":148538,"docid":"3918785","rank":76,"score":14.138225555419922},{"content":"You're an RN regardless of whether you pursue the ADN or the BSN first (as long as you pass the nclex). In most places you start at the same base pay too. The BSN will prepare you for management or future graduate studies. But RN's are RN's, doesnt matter what program they came from! Babs0512 likes this.","qid":148538,"docid":"4264123","rank":77,"score":14.252148628234863},{"content":"About a bachelor's degree in nursing. A bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) degree prepares you for a job as a registered nurse. While you can work as an RN with an associate's degree, nurses with a BSN are typically given more responsibility, supervisory roles and higher salaries.ompleting your schooling generally takes the following amount of time: 1 Bachelor's degree: Three to four years. 2 If you already have received certification as an RN, an RN-BSN can be completed in about two years.","qid":148538,"docid":"3138642","rank":78,"score":13.954938888549805},{"content":"What is the Difference between an Associate Degree and BS in Nursing? From the maternity ward to the nursing home, nurses care for patients in various sectors of the health care industry.","qid":148538,"docid":"8265462","rank":79,"score":14.091954231262207},{"content":"An alternate path involves further education, resulting in a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree. Read on to find out the real difference between becoming an RN versus a BSN.","qid":148538,"docid":"5077704","rank":80,"score":14.05588436126709},{"content":"RN is the longer of the two and takes 2 years to complete whereas LPN is a one year course. There is also a bachelor\u00e2\u0080\u0099s degree in RN which takes about 4 years to complete. Degree of certification of RN is either an associate\u00e2\u0080\u0099s or a bachelor\u00e2\u0080\u0099s degree of science while that of LPN is a diploma or a certificate.PN vs RN. Nursing is considered to be one of the noblest professions in the world that gives one an opportunity to be of help to those who need it most on account of ailments and infirmity. LPN and RN are two different degrees that qualify one as a nurse and pursue a career in healthcare industry as a nurse.","qid":148538,"docid":"3631453","rank":81,"score":13.988725662231445},{"content":"To become an RN, students can earn an Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) from a college or university program or a Diploma of Nursing through a hospital-based nursing program. BSN-prepared nurses have completed a bachelor\u00e2\u0080\u0099s degree from an accredited college or university and have received additional training in leadership, management, and administrative roles.","qid":148538,"docid":"2455777","rank":82,"score":14.436355590820312},{"content":"A registered nurse (RN) is a nurse who has passed the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN) after completing an accredited training program. These programs come in the form of an Associate of Science in Nursing (ASN) or a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN).","qid":148538,"docid":"7055352","rank":83,"score":14.923192977905273},{"content":"On the other hand, BSN is a Bachelors of Science degree in Nursing, for which you need to qualify for the NCLEX-RN exam with either a BSN or ADN. The Bachelor\u00e2\u0080\u0099s degree provides you with more options for progress, and is required if you want to continue as a nursing specialist.","qid":148538,"docid":"985489","rank":84,"score":15.383460998535156},{"content":"RN stands for registered nurse. RNs are very different from LPNs. The amount of schooling and education is longer for an RN. RNs usually go through two to four year programs at community colleges and universities. They graduate with a BSN (Bachelor's of Science In Nursing) or an ADN (Associate's Degree In Nursing).","qid":148538,"docid":"581145","rank":85,"score":14.877378463745117},{"content":"About a bachelor\u00e2\u0080\u0099s degree in nursing. A bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) degree prepares you for a job as a registered nurse. While you can work as an RN with an associate\u00e2\u0080\u0099s degree, nurses with a BSN are typically given more responsibility, supervisory roles and higher salaries.","qid":148538,"docid":"6377902","rank":86,"score":14.026251792907715},{"content":"First, let\u00e2\u0080\u0099s note that nurses who carry the RN title and the BSN title are both RNs. Both have completed the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) \u00e2\u0080\u0094 a national test that\u00e2\u0080\u0099s required for licensing and practice as a nurse in the United States.","qid":148538,"docid":"1311209","rank":87,"score":14.333257675170898},{"content":"The big difference is that a BSN is a degree and an RN is a license. Getting a degree doesn\u00e2\u0080\u0099t mean you have a license, and vice-versa. Related resource: 10 Reasons to Get Your Bachelor\u00e2\u0080\u0099s Degree in Nursing. What is an RN? Registered nurses have been around for over 100 years. In 1901, New Zealand made history with the world\u00e2\u0080\u0099s first RN program.","qid":148538,"docid":"4539654","rank":88,"score":15.292829513549805},{"content":"What Is the Difference Between RN and BSN Degrees? A registered nurse (RN) is a nurse who has passed the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN) after completing an accredited training program. These programs come in the form of an Associate of Science in Nursing (ASN) or a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN).","qid":148538,"docid":"231455","rank":89,"score":15.360612869262695},{"content":"There are many pathways into nursing, but earning a BSN versus an Associates Degree in Nursing (ADN) to become a registered nurse (RN) has many advantages including extra career opportunities and better pay.his is a common question asked by many students who are looking into the medical field to possibly pursue a career as a nurse. BSN is the acronym for a Bachelor of Science in Nursing college degree or (BSN) and is often used in discussion to distinguish the type of nursing program a student is considering.","qid":148538,"docid":"332402","rank":90,"score":14.211675643920898},{"content":"the main difference that can be noticed between lpn and rn is in their duties and practice a registered nurse is one who has graduated with a 4 year nursing program with a bachelor of science degree or a 2 year nursing program with an associate s degree","qid":148538,"docid":"23588","rank":91,"score":14.164327621459961},{"content":"A: RN is the abbreviation for Registered Nurse and BSN means Bachelor of Science in nursing. At the moment these are the two types of registered nursing degrees offered by colleges in the US. You become an RN by earning associate's degree which roughly takes about two years for completion.: RN is the abbreviation for Registered Nurse and BSN means Bachelor of Science in nursing. At the moment these are the two types of registered nursing degrees offered by colleges in the US. You become an RN by earning associate's degree which roughly takes about two years for completion.","qid":148538,"docid":"4959638","rank":92,"score":15.037261009216309},{"content":"NursingLink. First of all, let\u00e2\u0080\u0099s establish what each one stands for. A BSN is a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, while an ADN is an Associates Degree in Nursing. Both degrees lead to getting your RN but there are some differences between the two.The main difference is the length of time and the amount of credits required to complete the program.irst of all, let\u00e2\u0080\u0099s establish what each one stands for. A BSN is a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, while an ADN is an Associates Degree in Nursing.","qid":148538,"docid":"2915322","rank":93,"score":13.951923370361328},{"content":"An RN to BSN Completion program is now offered by many institutions to accommodate registered nurses who already have their associate's degree or a diploma level degree. Before deciding if an RN to BSN Completion program is the next step for you, it's important to understand the differences. Potential Differences in Salary Between an RN and a BSN Degree. Initially, an RN and a nurse with a BSN degree might both receive the same salary for the same nursing position.","qid":148538,"docid":"4185812","rank":94,"score":14.217252731323242},{"content":"A bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) degree prepares you for a job as a registered nurse. While you can work as an RN with an associate's degree, nurses with a BSN are typically given more responsibility, supervisory roles and higher salaries-http:\/\/sn.im\/nursingschools. Diannne \u00c2\u00b7 4 weeks ago.","qid":148538,"docid":"8618875","rank":95,"score":14.227039337158203},{"content":"LPN is a Licensed Practical Nurse and RN is a Registered Nurse. The main difference that can be noticed between LPN and RN is in their duties and practice.A registered nurse is one who has graduated with a 4 year nursing program with a Bachelor of Science degree or a 2-year nursing program with an Associate\u00e2\u0080\u0099s Degree.he RNS can administer medicines, develop and manage nursing plans, assist physicians in examinations and treatments and take independent decisions. In Hierarchy, the RNs are above the LPNs. Another difference that can be noticed between the LPN and the RN is their salaries.","qid":148538,"docid":"4225978","rank":96,"score":14.165667533874512},{"content":"RN vs BSN: Whats the Difference? The RN vs BSN is a common debate. Both allow you to work as a registered nurse, but what is the benefit and difference of getting a BSN versus RN. RN (registered nurse) is a qualification or a job title. You become an RN by taking and passing the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN). That\u00e2\u0080\u0099s the only way to become a registered nurse in the US.","qid":148538,"docid":"985491","rank":97,"score":15.587875366210938},{"content":"Cancel. The difference between an RN and a BSN is that an RN is a title for a registered nurse, while a BSN stands for a Bachelor of Science in nursing. Learn about the differences between degrees and licenses with help from a licensed RN in this free video on nursing jobs and health care.","qid":148538,"docid":"7407803","rank":98,"score":15.787546157836914},{"content":"You might be interested to know that both the ASN graducate and the BSN graduate both get the RN and have the same duties as an RN when they graduate. The advantage of the BSN is that more job opportunities in the future are available, just as in reasearch, teaching, management, public health, etc.","qid":148538,"docid":"1299824","rank":99,"score":13.977531433105469},{"content":"RN to BSN Majors Guide. The RN (Registered Nurse) to BSN (Bachelor of Science in Nursing) degree is designed for registered nurses who wish to obtain a bachelor's degree in nursing. The typical student in an RN to BSN program is a registered nurse employed full or part-time.","qid":148538,"docid":"1311206","rank":100,"score":14.186714172363281}]} {"query":"types of dysarthria from cerebral palsy","hits":[{"content":"1 Developmental verbal dyspraxia also known as childhood apraxia of speech. 2 Dysarthria is a weakness or paralysis of speech muscles caused by damage to the nerves and\/or brain. 3 Dysarthria is often caused by strokes, parkinsons disease, ALS, head or neck injuries, surgical accident, or cerebral palsy.","qid":527433,"docid":"7607669","rank":1,"score":12.589859008789062},{"content":"The causes of dysarthria can be many, including toxic, metabolic, degenerative diseases (such as parkinsonism, ALS, Huntington's disease, Niemann-Pick disease, ataxia etc.), traumatic brain injury, or thrombotic or embolic stroke.ysarthria may affect a single system; however, it is more commonly reflected in multiple motor-speech systems. The etiology, degree of neuropathy, existence of co-morbidities, and the individual's response all play a role in the effect the disorder has on the individual's quality of life.","qid":527433,"docid":"5466812","rank":2,"score":12.431236267089844},{"content":"Infarcts of interior carotid artery and middle and posterior cerebral arteries can cause spastic dysarthria \u00e2\u0080\u0093 but must have bilateral lesions because these arteries are far apart; a single brainstem stroke can cause spastic dysarthria, but a single cerebral hemisphere stroke usually cannot. Spastic Dys.","qid":527433,"docid":"467601","rank":3,"score":12.530427932739258},{"content":"Dysarthria is a feature of many neurological diseases including cerebral palsy, stroke, traumatic brain injury, Parkinson s disease, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and multiple sclerosis. Dysarthria is a relatively common symptom of multiple sclerosis and can take many forms.Episodic paroxysmal dysarthria, which is where the dysarthria lasts for up to a minute or so and recurs several times a day, is particulary common in MS.ysarthria refers to speech problems that are caused by the muscles involved with speaking or the nerves controlling them. Both muscle weakness and incoordination can give rise to dysarthria. Speech problems that result from cognitive dysfunction are not dysarthria.","qid":527433,"docid":"5466810","rank":4,"score":13.036357879638672},{"content":"Dysarthria is a disorder of speech whilst dysphasia is a disorder of language. 1 Speech is the process of articulation and pronunciation. It involves the bulbar muscles and the physical ability to form words. 2 Language is the process in which thoughts and ideas become spoken.","qid":527433,"docid":"1187920","rank":5,"score":12.08800983428955},{"content":"Sensorimotor impairments such as muscle weakness, incoordination, reduced or excessive movement, involuntary muscle activity, and altered tone occur across multiple dysarthria types, so clinicians must identify particular configurations of these abnormalities in order to differentiate among the disorders [3].","qid":527433,"docid":"6398041","rank":6,"score":12.614410400390625},{"content":"Speech-related conditions. 1 dysarthria \u00e2\u0080\u0093 difficulty speaking caused by brain damage, which results in an inability to control the muscles used in speech. 2 dysphagia \u00e2\u0080\u0093 difficulty swallowing, which can be a symptom of dysarthria.","qid":527433,"docid":"3774358","rank":7,"score":12.285531044006348},{"content":"More general medical disease topics related to Stroke-like dysarthria include: 1 Speech and communication conditions. 2 Circulatory system conditions. 3 Brain conditions. Cerebrovascular 1 conditions. Nervous system conditions. Senior health conditions.","qid":527433,"docid":"6214994","rank":8,"score":12.677452087402344},{"content":"Dysarthria is caused by damage to the brain. This may occur at birth, as in cerebral palsy or muscular dystrophy, or may occur later in life due to one of many different conditions that involve the nervous system, including. 1 stroke,","qid":527433,"docid":"1379245","rank":9,"score":13.247526168823242},{"content":"There are several types of cerebral palsy, classified by the kind of movement affected, the body parts affected, and how severe the symptoms are. Some types involve intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDDs) as well as movement problems. Spastic cerebral palsy. This type is the most common form of the disorder.","qid":527433,"docid":"4402992","rank":10,"score":12.229433059692383},{"content":"There are four types of brain damage that cause cerebral palsy. The brain damage that causes motor impairment in cerebral palsy results from one of four types of brain injury or brain malformation.","qid":527433,"docid":"5878263","rank":11,"score":12.373663902282715},{"content":"The key point is that dysarthria is a symptom, and diagnosis of the cause is essential. It may be due to a disorder of the brain (such as following a stroke) or nerve supply to the muscles of speech, which involve the face, the tongue, or the muscles of the throat. There are several types of dysarthria.","qid":527433,"docid":"1664518","rank":12,"score":12.126262664794922},{"content":"Apraxia & Dysarthria are both considered Motor Speech Disorders (notice speech versus aphasia--language) Apraxia: main issue= planning & programming of motor movements. also associated with left hemisphere damage, but associated with motor areas (versus language areas for aphasia).","qid":527433,"docid":"6065683","rank":13,"score":12.275125503540039},{"content":"1 Treatment for dysarthria differs from that employed for language disorders. 2 Dysarthrias result from disruption of muscular control. 3 Due to damage of the CNS or PNS or both. 4 There is some involvement of the basic motor processes used in speech and this results in a movement disorder. Dysarthria refers to a group of disorders rather than a single disorder. 2 It is more appropriate to refer the plural form dysarthrias rather than the singular form dysarthria.","qid":527433,"docid":"3835735","rank":14,"score":12.428794860839844},{"content":"A generic term for any speech disorder caused by an alteration of strength and control of speech muscles due to damage to the brain or nerves. Dysarthria may indicate increased posterior fossa pressure on the brainstem\/medulla oblongata. Difficulty in speaking or forming words.","qid":527433,"docid":"6398047","rank":15,"score":12.485221862792969},{"content":"Definition of dysarthria. : difficulty in articulating words due to disease of the central nervous system.","qid":527433,"docid":"3973288","rank":16,"score":12.181060791015625},{"content":"Dysarthria is a disorder of speech whilst dysphasia is a disorder of language. Speech is the process of articulation and pronunciation. It involves the bulbar muscles and the physical ability to form words. Language is the process in which thoughts and ideas become spoken.","qid":527433,"docid":"7105526","rank":17,"score":12.099952697753906},{"content":"Dysarthria Changes in muscle tone may accompany dysarthria. The movements of the soft palate, lips, tongue and jaw may be impaired not only during speech, but also in the context of vegetative functions. As such, changes may affect the oral and pharyngeal stages of the swallow, dysarthria and dysphagia often co-occur.","qid":527433,"docid":"1379239","rank":18,"score":12.169981956481934},{"content":"The list below shows some of the causes of Dysarthria mentioned in various sources: 1 Aceruloplasminemia - dysarthria. 2 Acquired brain injury. 3 Alcoholic cerebellar degeneration. 4 Alopecia -- hypogonadism -- extrapyramidal disorder - dysarthria. 5 Amyloidosis, oculoleptomeningeal - dysarthria. 6 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.","qid":527433,"docid":"1212787","rank":19,"score":12.69096565246582},{"content":"A generic term for any speech disorder caused by an alteration of strength and control of speech muscles due to damage to the brain or nerves. Dysarthria may indicate increased posterior fossa pressure on the brainstem\/medulla oblongata. Clinical findings. Difficulty in speaking or forming words.","qid":527433,"docid":"6398045","rank":20,"score":12.330121994018555},{"content":"Secondary conditions can include seizures, epilepsy, apraxia, dysarthria or other communication disorders, eating problems, sensory impairments, mental retardation, learning disabilities, and\/or behavioral disorders. Speech and language disorders are common in people with Cerebral Palsy.","qid":527433,"docid":"8617274","rank":21,"score":12.134456634521484},{"content":"Dysarthria is a condition in which you have difficulty saying words because of problems with the muscles that help you talk. In a person with dysarthria, a nerve, brain, or muscle disorder makes it difficult to use or control the muscles of the mouth, tongue, larynx, or vocal cords. The muscles may be weak or completely paralyzed. Or, it may be hard for the muscles to work together.","qid":527433,"docid":"7105531","rank":22,"score":12.199528694152832},{"content":"Other Types of Cerebral Palsy. Symptoms of other types of cerebral palsy may also include floppy muscle tone and lack of muscle coordination. Tremors or an unsteady gait are also common. People who have cerebral palsy may have difficulty with speech, chewing, and swallowing, drooling and irregular breathing.","qid":527433,"docid":"8306449","rank":23,"score":12.915973663330078},{"content":"Dysarthria is a term used for a group of speech disorders caused by weakness, paralysis, rigidity, spasticity, sensory loss, or incoordination of muscle groups responsible for speech. All of the following Speech Disorders are caused by a pathology affecting the nervous system. Most neurogenic speech disorders fit into one of the dysarthria types.","qid":527433,"docid":"6215001","rank":24,"score":13.17855453491211},{"content":"Dysarthria in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: A review barbara tomik1 & roberto j. guiloff2 1Department of Neurology, Jagiellonian University, Medical College, Krakow, Poland, and 2Neuromuscular Unit, West","qid":527433,"docid":"452709","rank":25,"score":13.110179901123047},{"content":"There are three types of cerebral palsy: Spastic cerebral palsy. This is the most common form of cerebral palsy which appears in around 75% of cases. The most notable symptoms of spastic cerebral palsy are rigid limbs although the amount does very from case to case.","qid":527433,"docid":"7514088","rank":26,"score":12.238630294799805},{"content":"Medical Definition of Dysarthria. Dysarthria: Speech that is characteristically slurred, slow, and difficult to understand. A person with dysarthria may also have problems controlling the pitch, loudness, rhythm, and voice qualities of his or her speech. Dysarthria is caused by paralysis, weakness, or inability to coordinate the muscles of the mouth.","qid":527433,"docid":"3973287","rank":27,"score":12.104331970214844},{"content":"Dysarthria in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: A review. BARBARA TOMIK1 & ROBERTO J. GUILOFF2. 1Department of Neurology, Jagiellonian University, Medical College, Krakow, Poland, and 2Neuromuscular Unit, West. London Neurosciences Centre, Charing Cross Hospital and Imperial College School of Medicine, London, UK.","qid":527433,"docid":"635380","rank":28,"score":12.85285758972168},{"content":"Speech problems include: 1 Articulation disorders \u00e2\u0080\u0093 Cerebral palsy patients may experience poor oral-motor control and muscle weakness in the head, neck, face and throat. These conditions interfere with a child\u00e2\u0080\u0099s ability to make sounds, form syllables, and say words.","qid":527433,"docid":"5672170","rank":29,"score":12.218578338623047},{"content":"1 Dysarthria, a physical weakness or paralysis of the speech muscles caused by nerve or brain damage. 2 Dysprosody, characterized by changes in the intensity of volume, timing of words, and rhythm and intonation of words while speaking. 3 Articulation disorders, difficulties with physically learning how to produce sounds.","qid":527433,"docid":"8827925","rank":30,"score":12.22131061553955},{"content":"Neurology A group of speech disorders caused by disturbances in the strength or coordination of speech muscles due to damage to the brain or nerves; dysarthria may indicate \u00e2\u0086\u0091 posterior fossa pressure on the brainstem\/medulla oblongata Clinical Difficulty in speaking or forming words. See Speech pathology.","qid":527433,"docid":"6015375","rank":31,"score":12.235541343688965},{"content":"dysarthria Neurology A group of speech disorders caused by disturbances in the strength or coordination of speech muscles due to damage to the brain or nerves; dysarthria may indicate \u00e2\u0086\u0091 posterior fossa pressure on the brainstem\/medulla oblongata Clinical Difficulty in speaking or forming words. See Speech pathology. dys\u00c2\u00b7ar\u00c2\u00b7thri\u00c2\u00b7a","qid":527433,"docid":"6065674","rank":32,"score":12.3996000289917},{"content":"Dysarthria is a motor speech disorder. It results from impaired movement of the muscles used for speech production, including the lips, tongue, vocal folds, and\/or diaphragm. The type and severity of dysarthria depend on which area of the nervous system is affected. person with dysarthria may demonstrate the following speech characteristics: 1 Slurred, choppy, or mumbled speech that may be difficult to understand. 2 Slow rate of speech. 3 Rapid rate of speech with a mumbling quality. 4 Limited tongue, lip, and jaw movement.","qid":527433,"docid":"3835729","rank":33,"score":12.828298568725586},{"content":"There are four types of brain damage that cause cerebral palsy. The brain damage that causes motor impairment in cerebral palsy results from one of four types of brain injury or brain malformation.erebral palsy is caused by brain injury or brain malformation that occurs before, during, or immediately after birth while the infant\u00e2\u0080\u0099s brain is under development.","qid":527433,"docid":"422236","rank":34,"score":12.142743110656738},{"content":"Dysarthria is a motor speech disorder resulting from neurological injury of the motor component of the motor-speech system and is characterized by poor articulation of phonemes (cf. aphasia: a disorder of the content of language).","qid":527433,"docid":"6015377","rank":35,"score":12.505857467651367},{"content":"Dysarthria is a condition in which you have difficulty saying words because of problems with the muscles that help you talk. In a person with dysarthria, a nerve, brain, or muscle disorder makes it difficult to use or control the muscles of the mouth, tongue, larynx, or vocal cords. The muscles may be weak or completely paralyzed. Or, it may be hard for the muscles to work together. Dysarthria may be the result of brain damage due to:","qid":527433,"docid":"4064455","rank":36,"score":12.242839813232422},{"content":"Types of Cerebral Palsy. Generally speaking, there are four types of cerebral palsy, which are classified by location of brain damage, the type of movement impairment, and other symptoms the condition causes. These four main types of cerebral palsy, which are discussed in detail below include:1 Spastic cerebral palsy.ypes of Cerebral Palsy. Generally speaking, there are four types of cerebral palsy, which are classified by location of brain damage, the type of movement impairment, and other symptoms the condition causes. These four main types of cerebral palsy, which are discussed in detail below include:","qid":527433,"docid":"269423","rank":37,"score":12.300834655761719},{"content":"Dysarthria is a disorder of speech whilst dysphasia is a disorder of language. 1 Speech is the process of articulation and pronunciation. 2 Language is the process in which thoughts and ideas become spoken.","qid":527433,"docid":"6950955","rank":38,"score":12.102836608886719},{"content":"1 Hemiplegia or diplegia: One arm and one leg on the same side of the body (hemiplegia) or both legs (diplegia or paraplegia) are affected. 2 These are the most common types of spastic cerebral palsy. 3 Monoplegia: Only one arm or leg is affected. These are the most common types of spastic cerebral palsy. 2 Monoplegia: Only one arm or leg is affected. 3 Quadriplegia: Both arms and both legs are affected. 4 Usually the trunk and muscles that control the mouth, tongue, and windpipe are affected too. 5 This makes eating and talking difficult.","qid":527433,"docid":"6186395","rank":39,"score":12.162230491638184},{"content":"A person with dysarthria may demonstrate the following speech characteristics: 1 Slurred, choppy, or mumbled speech that may be difficult to understand. 2 Slow rate of speech. 3 Rapid rate of speech with a mumbling quality. 4 Limited tongue, lip, and jaw movement.","qid":527433,"docid":"1379242","rank":40,"score":12.269506454467773},{"content":"Stroke-like dysarthria: Rare Types. Rare types of medical conditions and diseases in related medical categories: Brain & Neurological Disorders: Rare Types: Adult ADHD -- Rare Types. ADHD -- Rare Types. Alzheimer Disease -- Rare Types. Migraine -- Rare Types. Concentration Disorders -- Rare Types.","qid":527433,"docid":"6214995","rank":41,"score":12.665946006774902},{"content":"In dysarthria, you may have difficulty moving the muscles in your mouth, face or upper respiratory system that control speech. Conditions that may result in dysarthria include: 1 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, or Lou Gehrig's disease). 2 Brain injury. 3 Brain tumor. 4 Cerebral palsy. 5 Guillain-Barre syndrome. 6 Head injury.","qid":527433,"docid":"1379240","rank":42,"score":12.87065315246582},{"content":"Causes: 1 Brain tumor. 2 Cerebral palsy. 3 Guillain\u00e2\u0080\u0093Barr\u00c3\u00a9 syndrome. 4 Hypothermia. 5 Lyme disease. 6 Stroke. 7 Intracranial hypertension (formerly known as pseudotumor cerebri) 8 Tay-Sachs, and late onset Tay-Sachs (LOTS), disease.","qid":527433,"docid":"1187916","rank":43,"score":13.243670463562012},{"content":"The three types of Cerebral Palsy classified by the type of permanent disability caused by the permanent brain damage suffered during delivery, the permanent brain damage suffered at birth, or the permanent brain damage suffered shortly after birth are the following:Spastic Cerebral Palsy.or more information about spastic cerebral palsy, Click Here. Athetoid Cerebral Palsy. Children with athetoid cerebral palsy suffer an ever changing level of muscle tone. As a result, children with athetoid cerebral palsy suffer a constant succession of slow, writhing, involuntary movements.","qid":527433,"docid":"269426","rank":44,"score":12.229230880737305},{"content":"Some of the types of speech impairments include: 1 Dysarthria, a physical weakness or paralysis of the speech muscles caused by nerve or brain damage. 2 Dysprosody, characterized by changes in the intensity of volume, timing of words, and rhythm and intonation of words while speaking.","qid":527433,"docid":"8827928","rank":45,"score":12.479217529296875},{"content":"Dysarthria often is characterized by slurred or slow speech that can be difficult to understand. Common causes of dysarthria include nervous system (neurological) disorders such as stroke, brain injury, brain tumors, and conditions that cause facial paralysis or tongue or throat muscle weakness.","qid":527433,"docid":"3774357","rank":46,"score":12.543335914611816},{"content":"Common types of adult speech impairment. There are many different types of speech impairment and speech disorders, including: aphasia, the inability to express and comprehend language. dysarthria, slurred or choppy speech. spasmodic dysphonia, which can cause your voice to be hoarse, airy, and tight.","qid":527433,"docid":"2931558","rank":47,"score":12.255331993103027},{"content":"1 These are the most common types of spastic cerebral palsy. 2 Monoplegia: Only one arm or leg is affected. 3 Quadriplegia: Both arms and both legs are affected. 4 Usually the trunk and muscles that control the mouth, tongue, and windpipe are affected too. 5 This makes eating and talking difficult.","qid":527433,"docid":"8617267","rank":48,"score":12.497152328491211},{"content":"Dysarthria: Dysarthria is a motor speech disorder characterized by difficulty forming and expressing words that is the result of injury to or pathology of the nervous system. See detailed information below for a list of 179 causes of Dysarthria, Symptom Checker, including diseases and drug side effect causes.","qid":527433,"docid":"1212784","rank":49,"score":12.405055046081543},{"content":"Of the 179 causes of Dysarthria that we have listed, we have the following prevalence\/incidence information: 0 causes are very common diseases 3 causes are common diseases","qid":527433,"docid":"1212781","rank":50,"score":12.202329635620117},{"content":"Dysarthria does not include speech disorders from structural abnormalities, such as cleft palate, and must not be confused with apraxia of speech, which refers to problems in the planning and programming aspect of the motor-speech system.","qid":527433,"docid":"5690943","rank":51,"score":12.14570426940918},{"content":"Dysarthria is a motor-speech disorder. It causes the inability to coordinate or control the muscles in the face, mouth, and respiratory system. It usually occurs when a brain injury causes the muscles to become weak or immobile. People with dysarthria can\u00e2\u0080\u0099t... Read more. Dysarthria is a motor-speech disorder. It causes the inability to coordinate or control the muscles in the face, mouth, and respiratory system. It usually occurs when a brain injury causes the muscles to become weak or immobile. People with dysarthria can\u00e2\u0080\u0099t control the muscles used to make normal sounds.","qid":527433,"docid":"6398043","rank":52,"score":12.245936393737793},{"content":"Traumatic brain injury and brain tumors are also causes of dysarthria. Slurred speech is the result of weakened or uncoordinated muscles within the throat or mouth. All of the aforementioned ailments can cause these types of speech impairment and muscular issues, states Mayo Clinic. Neuromuscular diseases, which affect the nervous system and the muscles, are often causes of dysarthria.","qid":527433,"docid":"3224400","rank":53,"score":12.177847862243652},{"content":"Dysarthria is a motor speech disorder. It results from impaired movement of the muscles used for speech production, including the lips, tongue, vocal folds, and\/or diaphragm.The type and severity of dysarthria depend on which area of the nervous system is affected.ysarthria is caused by damage to the brain. This may occur at birth, as in cerebral palsy or muscular dystrophy, or may occur later in life due to one of many different conditions that involve the nervous system, including. 1 stroke,","qid":527433,"docid":"5466807","rank":54,"score":12.681824684143066},{"content":"Signs and symptoms of dysarthria vary, depending on the underlying cause and the type of dysarthria, and may include: 1 Slurred speech. 2 Slow speech. 3 Inability to speak louder than a whisper or speaking too loudly. Rapid speech that is difficult to 1 understand. Nasal, raspy or strained voice. Uneven or abnormal speech 1 rhythm. Uneven speech volume.","qid":527433,"docid":"3973285","rank":55,"score":13.062257766723633},{"content":"Dysarthria is a speech impairment in which the child has difficulty producing sound and articulating words. Loss of speech from dysarthria (difficulty talking), hearing loss, and vision loss can occur.","qid":527433,"docid":"3973286","rank":56,"score":12.570561408996582},{"content":"Motor disability types of CP. Spastic: Spastic cerebral palsy causes movements to be stiff or difficult to execute. In these types of cerebral palsy the muscles may not be able to relax properly. Ataxic: In Ataxic cerebral palsy, balance and coordinated movements are difficult to achieve.","qid":527433,"docid":"2496227","rank":57,"score":12.178583145141602},{"content":"Dysarthria is a motor speech disorder that is due to a paralysis, weakness, altered muscle tone or incoordination of the speech muscles. Speech is slow, weak, efforful, imprecise or uncoordinated. Voice and breathing for speech may also be affected.","qid":527433,"docid":"975967","rank":58,"score":12.912454605102539},{"content":"Dysarthria In dysarthria, errors are consistent and predictable. There are no islands of clear speech; no matter what the speaking task or materials used, the patient will exhibit the same amount and types of errors. Errors are mainly distortions and omissions. Distortions are the most common type of error in dysarthria. Apraxia In apraxia, errors are inconsistent and unpredictable. Different error patterns occur in spontaneous speech versus repetition. Patients' spontaneous speech contains fewer errors than does his\/her speech in repetition tasks.","qid":527433,"docid":"1379238","rank":59,"score":12.785494804382324},{"content":"Dysarthria in children is usually developmental, while dysarthria in adults is often acquired, although both types can affect people of any age. Whether dysarthria will improve with speech and language therapy depends on the cause and the extent of the brain damage or dysfunction.","qid":527433,"docid":"3774360","rank":60,"score":12.662712097167969},{"content":"4\/22\/2014. 3. Dysarthria. Dysarthria is speech disorder resulting from disturbances in. muscular control over the speech mechanism due to damage of. central or peripheral nervous system. Problems in oral communication due to paralysis, weakness, or. incoordination of speech musculature. The Neurological deficit in dysarthria may lead to breakdown in. the motor control of the whole speech system including. respiration, phonation, resonance and articulation. Classification of Dysarthria.","qid":527433,"docid":"2045580","rank":61,"score":12.648021697998047},{"content":"The following medical conditions are some of the possible causes of Dysarthria. There are likely to be other possible causes, so ask your doctor about your symptoms. Cerebral stroke (see Stroke symptoms) Painful oral ulcers. Brainstem infarct (see Stroke symptoms) Cerebellar infarct (see Brain symptoms) Multiple sclerosis.","qid":527433,"docid":"1212783","rank":62,"score":12.492258071899414},{"content":"Dysarthria is a condition in which the muscles you use for speech are weak or you have difficulty controlling them. Dysarthria often is characterized by slurred or slow speech that can be difficult to understand. Common causes of dysarthria include nervous system (neurological) disorders such as stroke, brain injury, brain tumors, and conditions that cause facial paralysis or tongue or throat muscle weakness.","qid":527433,"docid":"3973284","rank":63,"score":12.576897621154785},{"content":"In general, however, dysarthria can be distinguished by: 1 Slurred words and sentences. 2 Excessive slow or rapid speaking patterns. 3 Low or uneven volume, sometimes limited to a whisper. Strained 1 voice. Monotone speech. 2 Drooling. Noticeable difficulty in controlling facial muscles and tongue.","qid":527433,"docid":"3827084","rank":64,"score":12.345979690551758},{"content":"Dysarthria is a disorder of speech whilst dysphasia is a disorder of language. Speech is the process of articulation and pronunciation. It involves the bulbar muscles and the physical ability to form words.","qid":527433,"docid":"6950957","rank":65,"score":12.313645362854004},{"content":"There are four types of brain damage that cause cerebral palsy. The brain damage that causes motor impairment in cerebral palsy results from one of four types of brain injury or brain malformation.ause of Cerebral Palsy. Cerebral palsy is caused by brain injury or brain malformation that occurs before, during, or immediately after birth while the infant\u00e2\u0080\u0099s brain is under development.","qid":527433,"docid":"1317224","rank":66,"score":12.077276229858398},{"content":"Neurology A group of speech disorders caused by disturbances in the strength or coordination of speech muscles due to damage to the brain or nerves; dysarthria may indicate \u00e2\u0086\u0091 posterior fossa pressure on the brainstem\/medulla oblongata Clinical Difficulty in speaking or forming words.","qid":527433,"docid":"6398046","rank":67,"score":12.226510047912598},{"content":"Impairment of speech; Slurred speech; Speech disorders \u00e2\u0080\u0093 dysarthria. Causes, incidence, and risk factors. In a person with dysarthria, a nerve, brain, or muscle disorder makes it difficult to use or control the muscles of the mouth, tongue, larynx, or vocal cords, which make speech.","qid":527433,"docid":"1212778","rank":68,"score":12.226692199707031},{"content":"Dysarthria represents a neuromuscular disorder of speech. That is, it is a problem with speech pronunciation, which arises in relation to disorders of the central or peripheral nervous system that impairs the nerve pathways and muscle movements involved in the production of speech.006). Lesions of the cerebellum, in analogy to limb motor control disruptions, brought about ataxic dysarthria, with a corresponding dysmetric (over and undershooting) movements and dysrhythmic (dysfluent, uneven) flow of speech (Spencer and Slocomb 2007).","qid":527433,"docid":"3835731","rank":69,"score":12.213944435119629},{"content":"Because it involves problems with the transfer of information from the nervous system to the muscles, dysarthria is classified as a neuromotor disorder. Central Nervous System Lesions Damage to the pyramidal tract causes spastic dysarthria.","qid":527433,"docid":"1379236","rank":70,"score":12.752614974975586},{"content":"Dysarthria in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: A review BARBARA TOMIK1 & ROBERTO J. GUILOFF2 1Department of Neurology, Jagiellonian University, Medical College, Krakow, Poland, and 2Neuromuscular Unit, West London Neurosciences Centre, Charing Cross Hospital and Imperial College School of Medicine, London, UK Abstract","qid":527433,"docid":"452707","rank":71,"score":13.063651084899902},{"content":"Symptoms of dysarthria. A child or adult with dysarthria may have: slurred, nasal-sounding or breathy speech. a strained and hoarse voice. excessively loud or quiet speech. problems speaking in a regular rhythm, with frequent hesitations. gurgly-sounding or monotone speech. difficulty with tongue and lip movements.","qid":527433,"docid":"3774355","rank":72,"score":13.017755508422852},{"content":"dysarthria A generic term for any speech disorder caused by an alteration of strength and control of speech muscles due to damage to the brain or nerves. Dysarthria may indicate increased posterior fossa pressure on the brainstem\/medulla oblongata. Clinical findings Difficulty in speaking or forming words. dysarthria","qid":527433,"docid":"6065681","rank":73,"score":12.484807968139648},{"content":"Causes of Similar Symptoms to Dysarthria. Research the causes of these symptoms that are similar to, or related to, the symptom Dysarthria: Joint pain (773 causes) Joint symptoms (1430 causes) Stiff joints (258 causes) Stroke (192 causes) Painful mouth ulcers; Poliomyelitis (5 causes) Myasthenia gravis; Enlarged tongue (29 causes) Friedreich's ataxia","qid":527433,"docid":"1212779","rank":74,"score":12.09875774383545},{"content":"In general, however, dysarthria can be distinguished by: 1 Slurred words and sentences. 2 Excessive slow or rapid speaking patterns. 3 Low or uneven volume, sometimes limited to a whisper. 4 Strained voice. 5 Monotone speech. 6 Drooling. 7 Noticeable difficulty in controlling facial muscles and tongue.","qid":527433,"docid":"3425595","rank":75,"score":12.412233352661133},{"content":"Dysarthria is a motor speech disorder. It results from impaired movement of the muscles used for speech production, including the lips, tongue, vocal folds, and\/or diaphragm. The type and severity of dysarthria depend on which area of the nervous system is affected.","qid":527433,"docid":"1379237","rank":76,"score":12.717665672302246},{"content":"Anarthria is the most severe form of dysarthria, resulting in the loss of clear, articulate speech. Dysarthria is a speech deficit caused by problems controlling the muscles involved in speech production. Anarthria and dysarthria are not caused by problems with language comprehension or with problems thinking or finding the right words.","qid":527433,"docid":"3973290","rank":77,"score":12.099668502807617},{"content":"The term dysarthria does not include speech disorders from structural abnormalities, such as cleft palate, and must not be confused with apraxia of speech, which refers to problems in the planning and programming aspect of the motor-speech system.ysarthria may affect a single system; however, it is more commonly reflected in multiple motor-speech systems. The etiology, degree of neuropathy, existence of co-morbidities, and the individual's response all play a role in the effect the disorder has on the individual's quality of life.","qid":527433,"docid":"3835730","rank":78,"score":12.300539016723633},{"content":"The ability to speak may be impaired as a result of physical, not intellectual, impairment. Non-spastic cerebral palsy is divided into two groups, ataxic and dyskinetic. Together they make up 20% of cerebral palsy cases. Broken down, dyskinetic makes up 15% of all cerebral palsy cases, and ataxic comprises 5%.","qid":527433,"docid":"8617273","rank":79,"score":12.370536804199219},{"content":"1 These are the most common types of spastic cerebral palsy. 2 Monoplegia: Only one arm or leg is affected. Quadriplegia : Both arms and both legs are affected. Usually the trunk and muscles that control the mouth, tongue, and windpipe are affected too. This makes eating and talking difficult.","qid":527433,"docid":"1511548","rank":80,"score":12.407671928405762},{"content":"In this section we will discuss two different types of Speech Sound Disorders: Articulation Disorders and Phonological Processing Disorders. For more information on Dysarthria or Childhood Apraxia of Speech, please see the Motor Speech Disorder section or click here.","qid":527433,"docid":"5295980","rank":81,"score":12.662548065185547},{"content":"Cerebral Palsy has three main types that are classified by the type of permanent disability caused by the permanent brain damage suffered during labor, delivery, shortly after birth.or more information about spastic cerebral palsy, Click Here. Athetoid Cerebral Palsy. Children with athetoid cerebral palsy suffer an ever changing level of muscle tone. As a result, children with athetoid cerebral palsy suffer a constant succession of slow, writhing, involuntary movements.","qid":527433,"docid":"269425","rank":82,"score":12.231911659240723},{"content":"The types of cerebral palsy are: 1 spastic: the most common type of cerebral palsy; reflexes are exaggerated and muscle movement is stiff. 2 dyskinetic: dyskinetic cerebral palsy is divided into two categories.ther Types of Cerebral Palsy. Symptoms of other types of cerebral palsy may also include floppy muscle tone and lack of muscle coordination. Tremors or an unsteady gait are also common.","qid":527433,"docid":"269428","rank":83,"score":12.92802906036377},{"content":"Flaccid dysarthria: Introduction. Flaccid dysarthria: A neurological voice disorder caused by damage or malfunction of the cranial or spinal nerves. May be caused by trauma, surgery, stroke, tumor, infection, degenerative diseases and muscle diseases. More detailed information about the symptoms, causes, and treatments of Flaccid dysarthria is available below.","qid":527433,"docid":"467606","rank":84,"score":12.068878173828125},{"content":"Dysarthria that has progressed to a total loss of speech is referred to as anarthria. Neurological injury due to damage in the central or peripheral nervous system may result in weakness, paralysis, or a lack of coordination of the motor-speech system, producing dysarthria.","qid":527433,"docid":"5690947","rank":85,"score":12.172228813171387},{"content":"Dysarthria often is characterized by slurred or slow speech that can be difficult to understand. Common causes of dysarthria include nervous system (neurological) disorders such as stroke, brain injury, brain tumors, and conditions that cause facial paralysis or tongue or throat muscle weakness.Certain medications also can cause dysarthria.ysarthria treatment is directed at treating the underlying cause of your condition when possible, which may improve your speech. You may have speech therapy to help improve speech. For dysarthria caused by prescription medications, changing or discontinuing the medications may help.","qid":527433,"docid":"5466805","rank":86,"score":12.11849594116211},{"content":"Other Types of Cerebral Palsy. Symptoms of other types of cerebral palsy may also include floppy muscle tone and lack of muscle coordination. Tremors or an unsteady gait are also common.People who have cerebral palsy may have difficulty with speech, chewing, and swallowing, drooling and irregular breathing.ther Types of Cerebral Palsy. Symptoms of other types of cerebral palsy may also include floppy muscle tone and lack of muscle coordination. Tremors or an unsteady gait are also common.","qid":527433,"docid":"269430","rank":87,"score":13.053483009338379},{"content":"Distortions are the most common type of error in dysarthria. Apraxia In apraxia, errors are inconsistent and unpredictable. Different error patterns occur in spontaneous speech versus repetition. Patients' spontaneous speech contains fewer errors than does his\/her speech in repetition tasks.istortions are the most common type of error in dysarthria. Apraxia In apraxia, errors are inconsistent and unpredictable. Different error patterns occur in spontaneous speech versus repetition. Patients' spontaneous speech contains fewer errors than does his\/her speech in repetition tasks.","qid":527433,"docid":"5466809","rank":88,"score":12.384658813476562},{"content":"Spastic (pyramidal) cerebral palsy. Spastic cerebral palsy is the most common type. A person with spastic CP develops tight muscles in some parts of the body that are unable to relax. Affected joints become stiff and hard to move. Usually, a person has problems controlling movements, poor coordination and balance, and difficulty talking and eating.","qid":527433,"docid":"8617276","rank":89,"score":12.149694442749023},{"content":"Hypokinetic Dysarthria: Common Etiologies. 1 Degenerative diseases - Parkinson\u00e2\u0080\u0099s disease, nigrostriatal degeneration, dementing diseases such as Alzheimer\u00e2\u0080\u0099s and Pick\u00e2\u0080\u0099s. 2 Multiple or bilateral strokes affecting basal ganglia. 3 Toxic-metabolic - antipsychotic medications, MPTP, chronic heavy metal exposure, Wilson\u00e2\u0080\u0099s Diseas.","qid":527433,"docid":"286501","rank":90,"score":12.226458549499512},{"content":"The term dysarthria encompasses a group of motor speech disorders caused by a disturbance in the neuromuscular control of speech. These disorders result from central or peripheral nervous system damage and are manifested as weakness, slowness, or incoordination of speech.","qid":527433,"docid":"7357591","rank":91,"score":12.77620792388916},{"content":"dysarthria - impaired articulatory ability resulting from defects in the peripheral motor nerves or in the speech musculature. defect of speech, speech defect, speech disorder - a disorder of oral speech. Translations.","qid":527433,"docid":"3973282","rank":92,"score":12.06937313079834},{"content":"There are three major types of dysarthria in cerebral palsy: spastic, dyskinetic (athetosis) and ataxic. Speech impairments in spastic dysarthria involves four major abnormalities of voluntary movement: spasticity, weakness, limited range of motion and slowness of movement.","qid":527433,"docid":"8617271","rank":93,"score":14.779359817504883},{"content":"The information about dysarthria in ALS is dispersed in physiological, pathological, speech therapy, otorhinolaringo- logical and neurological publications. This review summarizes the current state of knowledge on the clinical features,","qid":527433,"docid":"452712","rank":94,"score":12.433019638061523},{"content":"[edit on Wikidata] Dysarthria is a motor speech disorder resulting from neurological injury of the motor component of the motor-speech system and is characterized by poor articulation of phonemes (cf. aphasia: a disorder of the content of language).","qid":527433,"docid":"5690938","rank":95,"score":12.476536750793457},{"content":"Spastic (pyramidal) cerebral palsy. Spastic cerebral palsy is the most common type. A person with spastic CP develops tight muscles in some parts of the body that are unable to relax. Affected joints become stiff and hard to move.Usually, a person has problems controlling movements, poor coordination and balance, and difficulty talking and eating. These are the most common types of spastic cerebral palsy. 2 Monoplegia: Only one arm or leg is affected. 3 Quadriplegia: Both arms and both legs are affected. 4 Usually the trunk and muscles that control the mouth, tongue, and windpipe are affected too. 5 This makes eating and talking difficult.","qid":527433,"docid":"6186393","rank":96,"score":12.485452651977539},{"content":"The brain injury that causes cerebral palsy affects motor function, the ability to control the body in a desired matter. Two main groupings include spastic and non-spastic. Each has multiple variations and it is possible to have a mixture of both types.Spastic cerebral palsy is characterized by increased muscle tone.he brain injury that causes cerebral palsy affects motor function, the ability to control the body in a desired matter. Two main groupings include spastic and non-spastic. Each has multiple variations and it is possible to have a mixture of both types. Spastic cerebral palsy is characterized by increased muscle tone.","qid":527433,"docid":"5603306","rank":97,"score":12.12145709991455},{"content":"The types of cerebral palsy are: 1 spastic: the most common type of cerebral palsy; reflexes are exaggerated and muscle movement is stiff. 2 dyskinetic: dyskinetic cerebral palsy is divided into two categories.","qid":527433,"docid":"8306451","rank":98,"score":12.533798217773438},{"content":"Types of Cerebral Palsy. Generally speaking, there are four types of cerebral palsy, which are classified by location of brain damage, the type of movement impairment, and other symptoms the condition causes. These four main types of cerebral palsy, which are discussed in detail below include:1 Spastic cerebral palsy.2 Athetoid cerebral palsy. 3 Ataxic cerebral palsy.enerally speaking, there are four types of cerebral palsy, which are classified by location of brain damage, the type of movement impairment, and other symptoms the condition causes. These four main types of cerebral palsy, which are discussed in detail below include: 1 Spastic cerebral palsy. 2 Athetoid cerebral palsy. 3 Ataxic cerebral palsy.","qid":527433,"docid":"6186391","rank":99,"score":12.68083381652832},{"content":"Dysarthria is a term used for a group of speech disorders caused by weakness, paralysis, rigidity, spasticity, sensory loss, or incoordination of muscle groups responsible for speech. Dysarthrias are neurogenic speech disorders that can affect any of the following subsystems necessary to produce speech & language. Respiration. Phonation.","qid":527433,"docid":"6215002","rank":100,"score":13.182257652282715}]} {"query":"who is robert gray","hits":[{"content":"Robert Alan Rob Morrow (born September 21, 1962) is an American actor and director.","qid":1037798,"docid":"3679721","rank":1,"score":9.152289390563965},{"content":"George Gray (born March 11, 1967 in Ballwin, Missouri) is an American Game Show Host, announcer, and comedian. He attended High School in Tucson, Arizona and graduated from the University of Arizona, during which time he played drums with a local band named The Reason Why with two of his friends.","qid":1037798,"docid":"3914692","rank":2,"score":9.23108959197998},{"content":"Gray spent this past spring on the \u00e2\u0080\u009cYTG Tour\u00e2\u0080\u009d of juvenille facilities to help kids at risk. Also in 2015, he appeared on the Billboard Music Awards and \u00e2\u0080\u009cGood Morning America.\u00e2\u0080\u009d. Gray resides in his hometown of Philadelphia.","qid":1037798,"docid":"4055260","rank":3,"score":9.14517593383789},{"content":"Captain Robert Gray, May 1972. Discovering the Columbia River, May 1792 ... The Columbia River was given the name it bears today in May 1792, by American Captain Robert Gray, after his ship, the Columbia Rediviva. On May 11, 1792, Captain Robert Gray entered the mouth of the Columbia River. He explored 20 miles up the river as far as Grays Bay, a bay named for him later in the year by Lieutenant William Broughton of the Vancouver Expedition, who crossed the bar and traveled 100 miles up the Columbia.","qid":1037798,"docid":"3641634","rank":4,"score":9.137197494506836},{"content":"Team Mississippi Robert Gray For Governor Offical Page. Robert Gray never would have made it without God. If God is for you, who can be against you. God does the impossible. God uses the least among us to do his will. Robert is the head and not the tail, he's at the top and never at the bottom. He is bless coming in and bless coming out. All praises and thanks to God.","qid":1037798,"docid":"8760864","rank":5,"score":10.5673246383667},{"content":"George Gray Personal Details. Biography; Other Works; Publicity Listings; Official Sites; Contact Info (IMDbPro)","qid":1037798,"docid":"7604818","rank":6,"score":9.931190490722656},{"content":"Athletics manager Bob Melvin said Sunday that Gray isn't close to resuming a throwing program, which is obviously bad news when there are only seven weeks left in the season. It's been an injury-shortened, awful season for the right-hander, as Gray has put up a 5.74 ERA over 21 starts.","qid":1037798,"docid":"6495169","rank":7,"score":9.434672355651855},{"content":"John Gray biography. John Gray. John Gray Biography. John Gray, Ph.D., is the author of Mars and Venus on a Date, a follow-up to his phenomenal bestselling book Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus, which has sold more than 6 million copies in the United States and millions more in 40 languages around the world.","qid":1037798,"docid":"2258765","rank":8,"score":10.581064224243164},{"content":"Source: Courtney Ann Jackson\/Twitter. JACKSON, MS (Mississippi News Now) -. A surprise came on the Democratic side in the race for Mississippi Governor. Robert Gray, a retired firefighter and truck driver, is the democratic nominee who admitted to the Associated Press that he didn't even vote in Tuesday's election.","qid":1037798,"docid":"8760870","rank":9,"score":10.82486629486084},{"content":"George Gray, who was born in St. Louis and raised in Tucson, got an early start in show business. His mother, a casting director, put him in movies ...","qid":1037798,"docid":"7604811","rank":10,"score":9.666314125061035},{"content":"Atlantic Ocean, United States. Robert Gray, (born May 10, 1755, Tiverton, R.I.\u00e2\u0080\u0094died summer 1806, at sea near eastern U.S. coast) captain of the first U.S. ship to circumnavigate the globe and explorer of the Columbia River.","qid":1037798,"docid":"8760871","rank":11,"score":11.417778015136719},{"content":"Not Now. Amazing Gray is driven by a beautiful boy to connect critically or chronically ill children and help improve their quality of life; as well as, raise money for their medical expenses. 11,636 people like this and 11,182 people follow this.","qid":1037798,"docid":"8426330","rank":12,"score":9.25936508178711},{"content":"The British political philosopher John Gray is one of my favorite writers. He is not a religious believer \u00e2\u0080\u0094 he is what you might consider an atheist contemplative, or what reviewer Simon Critchley identifies as a \u00e2\u0080\u009cpassive nihilist\u00e2\u0080\u009d \u00e2\u0080\u0094 and Gray\u00e2\u0080\u0099s conservatism, such as it is, stands well outside the boundaries of the contemporary Right.","qid":1037798,"docid":"2360251","rank":13,"score":10.380800247192383},{"content":"Bobby Byrd. Biography. Bobby Byrd (Robert Howard Byrd, Toccoa, Georgia, August 15, 1934 \u00e2\u0080\u0093 Loganville, Georgia, September 12, 2007) was an american funk, soul, rhythm & blues, gospel singer, songwriter and record producer. Bobby Byrd was raised in the relative security of a church going family in Toccoa, Georgia.","qid":1037798,"docid":"5310604","rank":14,"score":9.464401245117188},{"content":"Robert Gray. A surprise came on the Democratic side in the race for Mississippi Governor. Robert Gray, a retired firefighter and truck driver, is the democratic nominee who admitted to the Associated Press that he didn't even vote in Tuesday's election.","qid":1037798,"docid":"8760867","rank":15,"score":10.448280334472656},{"content":"Robert Byrd (artist) Robert John Byrd (born January 11, 1942) is an American author and illustrator from Haddonfield, New Jersey. Byrd was born in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Following high school, Byrd joined the U.S. Navy in 1961, leaving in 1962 to attend Trenton Junior College.","qid":1037798,"docid":"1065113","rank":16,"score":9.2554292678833},{"content":"John Gray. Events. John Gray does not have any upcoming events. As an in demand speaker, John has traveled the world sharing the Gospel of the Kingdom in his unique and uncompromising way. John currently serves as an Associate Pastor at Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas under the leadership of Pastor Joel Osteen.","qid":1037798,"docid":"4948770","rank":17,"score":9.599761009216309},{"content":"WASHINGTON \u00e2\u0080\u0094 Sen. Robert Byrd, D-W.V., is an institution. He's the longest serving senator in U.S. history. He's also 88 years old, and if he wins re-election -- he's the clear favorite in his race -- he'll be 95 at the end of his ninth term. But Byrd isn't alone. Also up for re-election is Sen. Daniel Akaka, D-Hawaii, who is 82 and would be 88 at the end of his third term, if re-elected.","qid":1037798,"docid":"4833473","rank":18,"score":9.448983192443848},{"content":"Gray is also the author of the bestselling Mars and Venus in the Bedroom, Mars and Venus Together Forever, Men, Women and Relationships, What Your Mother Couldn't Tell You and Your Father Didn't Know, the recently published Mars and Venus in Love, and the star of a CD-ROM version of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus.","qid":1037798,"docid":"2258762","rank":19,"score":9.640979766845703},{"content":"John Gray (I) John Gray was born in Brooklyn, New York, USA. He is a writer, director and producer, known for Reckless (2014) White Irish Drinkers (2010), Ghost Whisperer (2005), The Hunley (1999) Martin and Lewis, and Helter Skelter. He was the youngest recipient ever of an American Film Institute Independant Filmmaker Grant.","qid":1037798,"docid":"2360247","rank":20,"score":9.642626762390137},{"content":"Robert Green was born in Bolton, Lancashire. On leaving school he was accepted at the Bolton College of Art where he studied graphic design, typography and ... Robert Green's albums. As soon as Robert Green puts the camera down, we may have an album to view. About \u00c2\u00b7 Jobs \u00c2\u00b7 Blog \u00c2\u00b7 Mobile \u00c2\u00b7 Developers \u00c2\u00b7 Guidelines \u00c2\u00b7 Feedback \u00c2\u00b7 Report ... Robert Green. Explore Robert Green's 4012 photos on Flickr! ... Robert Green. Follow.","qid":1037798,"docid":"3150376","rank":21,"score":9.451547622680664},{"content":"Gray is a surname of that can come from a variety of origins but is typically found in Scotland, Ireland and England. In Scotland and Ireland, the surname may have a Gaelic source, but in the former, seems to originate primarily in the Berwickshire and Morayshire areas.","qid":1037798,"docid":"2634469","rank":22,"score":9.68028450012207},{"content":"Bryshere Y. Gray is an actor, known for The New Edition Story (2017), 2015 Billboard Music Awards (2015) and Empire (2015). See full bio \u00c2\u00bb.","qid":1037798,"docid":"6202758","rank":23,"score":9.313587188720703},{"content":"Getty \/ Leland Bobbe. The common Gray surname can have a variety of meanings, including: 1 A nickname for a man with gray hair, or a gray beard, from the Old English graeg, gr\u00c3\u00a6g meaning.. 2 Grey possibly a translation of Various gaelic surnames derived from, riabhach meaning brindled or.. gray","qid":1037798,"docid":"2634471","rank":24,"score":9.19920539855957},{"content":"Leon Gray (November 15, 1951 \u00e2\u0080\u0093 November 11, 2001) was an American football tackle in the National Football League for the New England Patriots, Houston Oilers, and the New Orleans Saints. Gray played college football at Jackson State University.","qid":1037798,"docid":"2868737","rank":25,"score":9.189004898071289},{"content":"Former U.S. Rep. Ken Gray, who represented southern Illinois in Congress and earned the nickname the Prince of Pork for bringing $7 billion in projects to his district, died Saturday at age 89.Parker-Reedy Funeral Home in West Frankfort, Ill., said Sunday that Gray died...","qid":1037798,"docid":"2970890","rank":26,"score":9.110326766967773},{"content":"On 3-2-1943 Robert Bentley (nickname: Robert) was born in Columbiana, Alabama, United States. The son of father (?) and mother(?) is as politician in 2015 famous for 53rd Governor of Alabama. Robert Bentley\u00e2\u0080\u0099s starsign is Aquarius and he is now 72 years of age.","qid":1037798,"docid":"2496739","rank":27,"score":9.097395896911621},{"content":"Jason Gray. Jason Gray's continues to inspire listeners with his latest, With Every Act Of Love, from his new album of the same title (October 22, 2013). God\u00e2\u0080\u0099s redemption plan is already in effect. It\u00e2\u0080\u0099s not for \u00e2\u0080\u0098someday when,\u00e2\u0080\u0099 it\u00e2\u0080\u0099s for right now, in this moment, the singer explains.","qid":1037798,"docid":"6808577","rank":28,"score":9.253186225891113},{"content":"\u00e2\u0080\u009cWe\u00e2\u0080\u0099ve learned all kinds of great stuff from John Gray over the years.\u00e2\u0080\u009d - Oprah Winfrey. \u00e2\u0080\u009cIf anyone on Earth \u00e2\u0080\u0093 or Venus or Mars \u00e2\u0080\u0093 can sort out these complex relationships, John Gray can.\u00e2\u0080\u009d - Harville Hendrix, Ph.D.","qid":1037798,"docid":"2360246","rank":29,"score":9.30156135559082},{"content":"I'm not a politician, said Gray in a Wednesday interview. I'm not a person who really wanted to run for Governor.. Robert Gray is 46-year-old truck driver. That schedule prevented him from campaigning, aside from a couple of small events. He also didn't fundraise at all. So with no money in the campaign bank, a man who admits he usually shies away from attention, clinched the nomination. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to do what needs to be done in the state of Mississippi, explained Gray. Gray wants to see more money brought into the state.","qid":1037798,"docid":"3620983","rank":30,"score":11.254820823669434},{"content":"Ser Robert Strong is a knight acquainted to Qyburn. A giant of a man, eight feet tall, he is to fight for Cersei Lannister in her trial-by-combat. By Qyburn's suggestion, King Tommen Baratheon names him the newest member of the Kingsguard. Ser Robert never shows his face, hiding it constantly under his greathelm.","qid":1037798,"docid":"5937614","rank":31,"score":9.249979019165039},{"content":"Robert L. Harding Attorney At Law. Robert is a shareholder in GrayRobinson\u00e2\u0080\u0099s Orlando office. He concentrates his practice in the areas of health care, including HMO mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures. Robert also serves clients in all phases of real estate transactions, development and commercial dealings. Additional Information About Robert L. Harding.","qid":1037798,"docid":"3247266","rank":32,"score":9.894091606140137},{"content":"Team Mississippi Robert Gray For Governor Offical Page shared a link. Team Mississippi Robert Gray For Governor Offical Page shared a post. Today Nov. 2nd. On this day before the election we invite you to join us in holding a prayer for Robert Gray for Governor of Mississippi and the other Democratic candidates.","qid":1037798,"docid":"8760873","rank":33,"score":9.745121955871582},{"content":"Jason Gray (musician) was born on the 18th of January 1972, which was a Tuesday. Jason Gray (musician) will be turning 46 in only 1 days from today. How old is Jason Gray (musician)? Jason Gray (musician) is 45 years old. To be more precise, the current age as of right now is 16801 days, 6 hours, 11 minutes and 35 seconds. What is Jason Gray (musician)'s zodiac sign? Jason Gray (musician)'s zodiac sign is Capricorn.","qid":1037798,"docid":"6966723","rank":34,"score":9.19259262084961},{"content":"Michael Gray is the son of Polly Gray and cousin of the Shelby siblings. He is the Chief Accountant in the Shelby Company Limited. Michael was taken from Polly when he was five years old by the police. He lived with a foster family until he was 17, when he first met Thomas and became introduced to the Shelby family.","qid":1037798,"docid":"8780806","rank":35,"score":9.196533203125},{"content":"Killing is Court Gentry's business. Now, his business is about to get personal in the second Gray Man novel from #1 New York Times bestselling author Mark Greaney. Four years ago, Court Gentry was betrayed by his handlers in the CIA. To survive, he had to eliminate his own brothers in arms. Now, as a master assassin known as the Gray Man, he makes his living killing other people.","qid":1037798,"docid":"10765","rank":36,"score":9.299240112304688},{"content":"PHOTO: Big smile for the camera! Biography. In April 2011, Gray became the announcer for THE PRICE IS RIGHT. In his most well-known role, Gray was the host of the game show \u00e2\u0080\u009cWeakest Link.\u00e2\u0080\u009d He also hosted \u00e2\u0080\u009cJunkyard Wars,\u00e2\u0080\u009d for which he received a Primetime Emmy Award nomination.","qid":1037798,"docid":"4818124","rank":37,"score":9.364252090454102},{"content":"Librarian Note: There is more than one author in the GoodReads database with this name. See this thread for more information. Robert is one of Leelanau's most popular local authors. His books are consistent best sellers. He has fans amongst locals and visitors alike. Robert is a psychiatrist\/psychoanalyst. He practiced in Bloomfield Hills, MI for 33 yrs, while also Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at Wayne State University School of Medicine and on the faculty of the Michigan Psychoanalytic Institute.","qid":1037798,"docid":"8224670","rank":38,"score":9.102012634277344},{"content":"Robert B. Reich is Chancellor's Professor of Public Policy at the University of California at Berkeley and Senior Fellow at the Blum Center for Developing Economies. He served as Secretary of Labor in the Clinton administration, for which Time Magazine named him one of the ten most effective cabinet secretaries of the twentieth century.","qid":1037798,"docid":"7950015","rank":39,"score":9.170621871948242},{"content":"WASHINGTON \u00e2\u0080\u0094 Sen. Robert Byrd, D-W.V., is an institution. He's the longest serving senator in U.S. history. He's also 88 years old, and if he wins re-election -- he's the clear favorite in his race -- he'll be 95 at the end of his ninth term. But Byrd isn't alone.","qid":1037798,"docid":"2376557","rank":40,"score":9.715716361999512},{"content":"Since 2006 he is signed to Centricity Music releasing more albums under the name Jason Gray with them. When is Jason Gray (musician)'s birthday? Jason Gray (musician) was born on the 18th of January 1972, which was a Tuesday. Jason Gray (musician) will be turning 46 in only 143 days from today. Jason Gray (musician) is 45 years old. To be more precise, the current age as of right now is 16659 days, 2 hours, 7 minutes and 50 seconds. Jason Gray (musician)'s zodiac sign is Capricorn.","qid":1037798,"docid":"6966722","rank":41,"score":9.10098648071289},{"content":"For other people named Robert Byrd, see Robert Byrd (disambiguation). Robert Carlyle Bob Byrd (born Cornelius Calvin Sale Jr.; November 20, 1917 \u00e2\u0080\u0093 June 28, 2010) was a United States Senator from West Virginia. A member of the Democratic Party, Byrd served as a U.S. Representative from 1953 until 1959 and as a U.S. Senator from 1959 to 2010. He was the longest-serving Senator in United States history.","qid":1037798,"docid":"5927423","rank":42,"score":9.138861656188965},{"content":"Who is Robert Shields? Biography, gossip, facts? Robert Shields VC (1827 - 23 December 1864) was a Welsh recipient of the Victoria Cross the highest and most prestigious award for gallantry in the face of the enemy that can be awarded to British and Commonwealth forces. He was born in Cardiff Wales in 1827 and died in Bombay India in 1864.","qid":1037798,"docid":"4109217","rank":43,"score":9.123127937316895},{"content":"Host, Announcer. George Gray (born March 11, 1967 in Ballwin, Missouri) is an American Game Show Host, announcer, and comedian. He attended High School in Tucson, Arizona and graduated from the University of...","qid":1037798,"docid":"7604812","rank":44,"score":9.346481323242188},{"content":"Yes, as far as we know, Robert Shields is still alive. We don't have any current information about Robert Shields's health. However, being younger than 50, we hope that everything is ok. Robert Shields has won the following award: Victoria Cross.","qid":1037798,"docid":"4109218","rank":45,"score":9.16044807434082},{"content":"Robert Michael Bob Parr (born June 25, 1957) is an Emmy Award-winning English-born New Zealander, television personality, private security contractor, counter-terrorism expert and former UK Special Forces operator best known for his role as Team Leader and Executive Producer of Shadow Force on the History Channel.","qid":1037798,"docid":"3986292","rank":46,"score":9.161392211914062},{"content":"Robert Elderton (b. 1948) joined the Royal Mint in 1964 as an apprentice engraver, spending the firtyear full time at Central School of Art and thereafter one day a week at London\u00e2\u0080\u0099s Sir John Cass School of Arts and Crafts until summer 1971. He remained at the Royal Mint until 2002, where he designed numerous coins and medals.","qid":1037798,"docid":"5872069","rank":47,"score":9.09144115447998},{"content":"Robert Smith (musician) Robert James Smith (born 21 April 1959) is an English singer, songwriter and musician. He is the lead singer, guitarist, lyricist and principal songwriter of the rock band the Cure. He is the band's only constant member since its formation in 1976.","qid":1037798,"docid":"7610103","rank":48,"score":9.427814483642578},{"content":"Robert Goddard (novelist) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For the US professor and scientist, see Robert H. Goddard. Robert William Goddard (born 13 November 1954 in Fareham, Hampshire) is an English novelist.","qid":1037798,"docid":"5175256","rank":49,"score":9.278244018554688},{"content":"In April 2011, Gray became the announcer for THE PRICE IS RIGHT. In his most well-known role, Gray was the host of the game show \u00e2\u0080\u009cWeakest Link.\u00e2\u0080\u009d He also hosted \u00e2\u0080\u009cJunkyard Wars,\u00e2\u0080\u009d for which he received a Primetime Emmy Award nomination. Additional television hosting credits include \u00e2\u0080\u009cMan Land,\u00e2\u0080\u009d where he traveled\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","qid":1037798,"docid":"7208741","rank":50,"score":9.470340728759766},{"content":"Confidence votes 92.5K. Robert Stack was born on January 13, 1919 and died on May 14, 2003. Robert Stack would have been 84 years old at the time of death or 96 years old today. 2 people found this useful.","qid":1037798,"docid":"5864788","rank":51,"score":9.122669219970703},{"content":"Watch videos & listen free to Bobby Byrd. Bobby Byrd (Robert Howard Byrd, Toccoa, Georgia, August 15, 1934 \u00e2\u0080\u0093 Loganville, Georgia, September 12, 2007) was an american funk, soul, rhythm & blues, gospel singer, songwriter and record producer. Bobby Byrd was raised in the relative security of a church going family in Toccoa, Georgia.","qid":1037798,"docid":"5310599","rank":52,"score":9.391011238098145},{"content":"PHOTO: Big smile for the camera! In April 2011, Gray became the announcer for THE PRICE IS RIGHT. In his most well-known role, Gray was the host of the game show \u00e2\u0080\u009cWeakest Link.\u00e2\u0080\u009d He also hosted \u00e2\u0080\u009cJunkyard Wars,\u00e2\u0080\u009d for which he received a Primetime Emmy Award nomination.","qid":1037798,"docid":"4818129","rank":53,"score":9.327942848205566},{"content":"Kenneth J. Gray. Kenneth James Gray (November 14, 1924 \u00e2\u0080\u0093 July 12, 2014) was an American businessman and politician. He was a veteran of World War II, and represented Illinois in the United States House of Representatives from 1955 to 1974, and again from 1985 to 1989. Contents.","qid":1037798,"docid":"2970891","rank":54,"score":9.258359909057617},{"content":"That's the easiest and fastest way to do it.. He would also like to see more jobs created and attention given to infrastructure and education needs. He had never visited the State Capitol until Wednesday. Soon after, Democratic Party Chairman Rickey Cole had his first in-depth conversation with him.","qid":1037798,"docid":"3620985","rank":55,"score":10.64041519165039},{"content":"The Gray Group. A Tradition of Excellence. A Commitment to Innovation. The Gray Group combines a tradition of commitment and unparalleled responsiveness to provide the latest innovations in benefits, cost containment, and employee well being. Our clients depend on us for creative, practical solutions that not only protect and engage employees but also provide value for the employer.","qid":1037798,"docid":"1978023","rank":56,"score":9.098490715026855},{"content":"Grayling man awaits pending court ruling in Crawford County open murder case A Grayling man bludgeoned a 46-year-old woman, who he had lived with and had children with, using a can of yams in early December, causing her death, according to police. John Robert O\u00e2\u0080\u0099Connor, 55, appeared in Crawford County District Court for a daylong preliminary examination on Friday, Feb. 9....","qid":1037798,"docid":"8142043","rank":57,"score":9.277656555175781},{"content":"SENS is a proposed panel of therapies designed to repair this damage. De Grey is an international adjunct professor of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, a fellow of the Gerontological Society of America, the American Aging Association, and the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies.","qid":1037798,"docid":"2475408","rank":58,"score":9.334577560424805},{"content":"Science has no prejudices \u00e2\u0080\u0094 though scientists often do. Elisha Gray (2 August 1835 \u00e2\u0080\u0093 21 January 1901) was an American electrical engineer who co-founded the Western Electric Manufacturing Company. Gray is best known for his development of a telephone prototype in 1876 in Highland Park, Illinois. He is considered by some to be the true inventor of the variable resistance telephone, despite losing out to Alexander Graham Bell for the telephone patent.","qid":1037798,"docid":"2781960","rank":59,"score":9.177309036254883},{"content":"Nick Grey (born 12 July 1968) is the British designer and inventor who founded Grey Technology. He was born in Bromsgrove and attended Aston Fields Middle School. The Grey family spent three years in Roscommon, Ireland, before resettling in Worcestershire in 1979. Grey studied at Ludlow College.","qid":1037798,"docid":"3881172","rank":60,"score":9.399125099182129},{"content":"Former U.S. Rep. Ken Gray, who represented southern Illinois in Congress and earned the nickname the Prince of Pork for bringing $7 billion in projects to his district, died Saturday at age 89. Parker-Reedy Funeral Home in West Frankfort, Ill., said Sunday that Gray died at a hospital in Herrin after a long illness.","qid":1037798,"docid":"2970894","rank":61,"score":9.11233901977539},{"content":"Aubrey David Nicholas Jasper de Grey (\/d\u00c9\u0099\u00cb\u0088\u00c9\u00a1re\u00c9\u00aa\/; born 20 April 1963) is an English author and biomedical gerontologist, currently the Chief Science Officer of the SENS Research Foundation.","qid":1037798,"docid":"2475414","rank":62,"score":10.284082412719727},{"content":"In 1982 received his doctorate in psychology and human sexuality from Columbia Pacific University. John Gray is a popular speaker on the national lecture circuit and makes frequent appearances on television and radio programs to discuss his work.","qid":1037798,"docid":"2258763","rank":63,"score":9.923625946044922},{"content":"Original.Baker & TaylorWhen legendary covert agent and assassin Court Gentry, aka the The Gray Man, is no longer considered useful, he must discover who is trying to kill him while fighting to stay alive.Courtland Gentry is a good man. But he's a great assassin...To those who lurk in the shadows, he's known as the Gray Man.","qid":1037798,"docid":"10770","rank":64,"score":9.22511100769043},{"content":"Robert S Mueller III, 73, is a former FBI director who was appointed by George W Bush and held over by Barack Obama beyond his 10-year term. The term extension required special congressional action which the Senate approved 100-0.","qid":1037798,"docid":"7903772","rank":65,"score":9.117457389831543},{"content":"About. 1 The Book of John Gray is a dramedy docu-follow hybrid about the life of John Gray and his uniquely humorous way of helping people. John, who is an associate pastor at Houston's Lakewood Church under Pastor Joel Osteen, is just beginning to achieve success.","qid":1037798,"docid":"4948777","rank":66,"score":9.469671249389648},{"content":"Courtland Gentry is a good man. But hes a great assassin. To those who lurk in the shadows, hes known as the Gray Man. He is a legend in the covert realm, moving silently from job to job, accomplishing the impossible and then fading away. And he always hits his target. Always. But there are forces more lethal than Gentry in the world. Forces like money.","qid":1037798,"docid":"10773","rank":67,"score":9.891164779663086},{"content":"Robert Frost. Robert Lee Frost (March 26, 1874 \u00e2\u0080\u0093 January 29, 1963) was an American poet. He is highly regarded for his realistic depictions of rural life and his command of American colloquial speech. His work frequently employed settings from rural life in New England in the early twentieth century, using them to examine complex social and philosophical themes.","qid":1037798,"docid":"2457175","rank":68,"score":9.20428466796875},{"content":"Bryshere Y. Gray is an actor, known for The New Edition Story (2017), 2015 Billboard Music Awards (2015) and Empire (2015). Quick Links.","qid":1037798,"docid":"6202756","rank":69,"score":9.372827529907227},{"content":"Welcome to Robert G. Crow, PC. Robert\u00e2\u0080\u0099s practice is based on developing a personal relationship with you and your case. Robert strives to keep his clients informed and is available to answer any questions or address any concerns you may have in a timely manner.","qid":1037798,"docid":"806743","rank":70,"score":9.646469116210938},{"content":"For other people with the same name, see Robert Frost (disambiguation). Robert Lee Frost (March 26, 1874 \u00e2\u0080\u0093 January 29, 1963) was an American poet. His work was initially published in England before it was published in America. He is highly regarded for his realistic depictions of rural life and his command of American colloquial speech.","qid":1037798,"docid":"4114281","rank":71,"score":9.188899993896484},{"content":"Bryshere Y. Gray. Bryshere Y. Gray is an actor, known for The New Edition Story (2017), 2015 Billboard Music Awards (2015) and Empire (2015).","qid":1037798,"docid":"3592912","rank":72,"score":9.143014907836914},{"content":"Gray, Louisiana. Gray is a census-designated place (CDP) in Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana, United States. The population was 7,958 at the 2000 census. It is part of the Houma\u00e2\u0080\u0093Bayou Cane\u00e2\u0080\u0093Thibodaux Metropolitan Statistical Area. Gray is the residence of the District 51 state representative, Republican Beryl Amedee.","qid":1037798,"docid":"3531480","rank":73,"score":9.09579086303711},{"content":"Grays (or Grays Thurrock) is the largest town in the borough and unitary authority of Thurrock in Essex and one of the Thurrock's traditional (Church of England) parishes.rays railway station runs through the centre of the built-up core and is served by c2c and runs between Fenchurch Street station in the City of London to the west and Shoeburyness to the east. Also Grays bus station by the station above is a hub for most bus services in Thurrock.","qid":1037798,"docid":"2232392","rank":74,"score":9.225364685058594},{"content":"Robert Gray was the Democratic candidate for governor of Mississippi in the 2015 elections. Gray won the Democratic primary on August 4, 2015, and was defeated by incumbent Governor Phil Bryant (R) in the general election on November 3, 2015. Gray is a truck driver and former firefighter. He gained national attention for admitting that he did not vote in the August 4, 2015, primary, saying, I was in Jackson and had to do a lot of stuff and just lost track of time, to tell you the truth.. Gray made the following statement about his primary victory:","qid":1037798,"docid":"8760866","rank":75,"score":10.34762954711914},{"content":"Jump to: Overview (1) | Mini Bio (1) | Trivia (7) | Personal Quotes (1) George Gray, who was born in St. Louis and raised in Tucson, got an early start in show business. His mother, a casting director, put him in movies as an extra when he asked. His pay: $35 and a day off school.","qid":1037798,"docid":"7604814","rank":76,"score":9.099124908447266},{"content":"Robert Paul Rob Green (born 18 January 1980) is an English footballer who plays for Queens Park Rangers as a goalkeeper.","qid":1037798,"docid":"3150375","rank":77,"score":9.386970520019531},{"content":"John Gray does not have any upcoming events. Bio. As an in demand speaker, John has traveled the world sharing the Gospel of the Kingdom in his unique and uncompromising way. John currently serves as an Associate Pastor at Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas under the leadership of Pastor Joel Osteen.","qid":1037798,"docid":"4948775","rank":78,"score":9.490364074707031},{"content":"In April 2011, Gray became the announcer for THE PRICE IS RIGHT. In his most well-known role, Gray was the host of the game show \u00e2\u0080\u009cWeakest Link.\u00e2\u0080\u009d He also hosted \u00e2\u0080\u009cJunkyard Wars,\u00e2\u0080\u009d for which he received a Primetime Emmy Award nomination. Additional television hosting credits include \u00e2\u0080\u009cMan Land,\u00e2\u0080\u009d where he traveled\u00e2\u0080\u00a6.","qid":1037798,"docid":"3055262","rank":79,"score":9.376383781433105},{"content":"In April 2011, Gray became the announcer for THE PRICE IS RIGHT. In his most well-known role, Gray was the host of the game show \u00e2\u0080\u009cWeakest Link.\u00e2\u0080\u009d He also hosted \u00e2\u0080\u009cJunkyard Wars,\u00e2\u0080\u009d for which he received a Primetime Emmy Award nomination.","qid":1037798,"docid":"5006521","rank":80,"score":9.394468307495117},{"content":"Robert Graves. For other people named Robert Graves, see Robert Graves (disambiguation). Robert von Ranke Graves (also known as Robert Ranke Graves and most commonly Robert Graves; 24 July 1895 \u00e2\u0080\u0093 7 December 1985) was an English poet, novelist, critic and classicist.","qid":1037798,"docid":"4114288","rank":81,"score":9.318556785583496},{"content":"John Gray (philosopher) John Nicholas Gray (born 17 April 1948) is an English political philosopher with interests in analytic philosophy and the history of ideas. He retired in 2008 as School Professor of European Thought at the London School of Economics and Political Science.","qid":1037798,"docid":"2360245","rank":82,"score":10.315996170043945},{"content":"Gray is the color of intellect, knowledge, and wisdom. It is perceived as long-lasting, classic, and often as sleek or refined. It is a color that is dignified, conservative, and carries authority. Gray is controlled and inconspicuous and is considered a color of compromise, perhaps because it sits between the extremes of black and white. Gray is a perfect neutral, which is why designers often use it as a background color. HOW THE COLOR GRAY AFFECTS US PHYSICALLY. Unsettles.","qid":1037798,"docid":"6543295","rank":83,"score":9.209123611450195},{"content":"To all DIS supporters who vote in Georgia\u00e2\u0080\u0099s Sixth District: The Dustin Inman Society\u00e2\u0080\u0099s favorite candidate for the special election to replace Dr. Tom Price in congress \u00e2\u0080\u0093 Georgia\u00e2\u0080\u0099s 6th District \u00e2\u0080\u0093 is Mr. Bob Gray.","qid":1037798,"docid":"5333537","rank":84,"score":9.096006393432617},{"content":"Robert Lee Frost was an American poet. He is highly regarded for his realistic depictions of rural life and his command of American colloquial speech. His work frequently employed settings from rural life in New England in the early twentieth century, using them to examine complex social and philosophical themes.","qid":1037798,"docid":"2457178","rank":85,"score":9.175681114196777},{"content":"Mutineers, Gray's 10th studio album and his first in four years, was recorded at The Church Studios in London and produced by Andy Barlow (Lamb). It was released on 17 June 2014.e later attended the Liverpool School of Art. Gray's first two albums A Century Ends and Flesh were issued in 1993 and 1994 respectively and led to Gray becoming popular in folk-rock circles, but both failed in terms of commercial sales.","qid":1037798,"docid":"6792687","rank":86,"score":9.109603881835938},{"content":"Jason Gray Jason was born and raised in Boise, Idaho. He has five brothers and no sisters, which depending on perspective, can be considered a blessing or a curse.","qid":1037798,"docid":"6966720","rank":87,"score":9.467584609985352},{"content":"Grey started exploring African drumming and devoted his time to organic agriculture, running a small farm in The Midlands, England. He rejoined Wire in 2000, dropping his Robert Gotobed alias and using his birthname Robert Grey.","qid":1037798,"docid":"3620991","rank":88,"score":10.11555004119873},{"content":"Robert Mueller. For the former airport in Austin, Texas, see Robert Mueller Municipal Airport. For other people with this name and similar spellings, see Robert Muller (disambiguation). Robert Swan Mueller III (born August 7, 1944) is an American lawyer. He served as the sixth Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).","qid":1037798,"docid":"3464855","rank":89,"score":9.292171478271484},{"content":"Who is Henry Gray? Henry Gray is an African-American blues piano player and singer. He has been playing for more than seven decades, and has played with a multitude of artists including Robert Lockwood, Jr., Billy Boy Arnold, Morris Pejoe, the Rolling Stones, Muddy Waters and Howlin' Wolf among many others.","qid":1037798,"docid":"2787508","rank":90,"score":10.312521934509277},{"content":"Michael Gray (II) Michael Gray was born on September 2, 1951 in Chicago, Illinois, USA. He is an actor, known for Shazam! (1974), Bobby Jo and the Good Time Band (1972) and Our Time (1974). He has been married to Stacy Benon since 1994. See full bio \u00c2\u00bb.","qid":1037798,"docid":"8780809","rank":91,"score":9.352624893188477},{"content":"\u00e2\u0080\u009cJudge Gray has been rumored to be a likely candidate for the Libertarian Party 2016 Presidential or VP nomination.\u00e2\u0080\u009d. Maybe Judge Gray should recruit Robert Milnes to run as his VP candidate and the two could bill themselves as the Teddy Roosevelt Libertarians.eorge Whitfield : I suggest that Judge Gray read \u00e2\u0080\u009cTheodore and Woodrow: How Two American Presidents Destroyed Constitutional Freedom\u00e2\u0080\u009d by Judge Andrew Napolitano for a more libertarian perspective of Theodore Roosevelt.","qid":1037798,"docid":"5099520","rank":92,"score":9.112554550170898},{"content":"For the former airport in Austin, Texas, see Robert Mueller Municipal Airport. For other people with this name and similar spellings, see Robert Muller (disambiguation). Robert Swan Mueller III (born August 7, 1944) is an American lawyer. He served as the sixth Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).","qid":1037798,"docid":"5316205","rank":93,"score":9.273147583007812},{"content":"Robert Goddard. 841 likes. Welcome to the official Facebook page for author Robert Goddard. This page is maintained by Robert's UK publishers, Transworld.","qid":1037798,"docid":"4140940","rank":94,"score":9.152738571166992},{"content":"John Gray (U.S. author) John Gray (born December 28, 1951) is an American relationship counselor, lecturer and author. In 1969, he began a nine-year association with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi before beginning his career as an author and personal relationship counselor.","qid":1037798,"docid":"2360252","rank":95,"score":9.703523635864258},{"content":"David Gray is a British singer-songwriter born on June 13, 1968 in Sale, United Kingdom. He released his first studio album in 1993 and received worldwide attention after the release of White Ladder six years later in 1999.Gray moved to Wales at age 9 and later returned to the north-west of England to attend the University of Liverpool.His musical career got early support from a dedicated Irish fan base.ray moved to Wales at age 9 and later returned to the north-west of England to attend the University of Liverpool. His musical career got early support from a dedicated Irish fan base.","qid":1037798,"docid":"6792682","rank":96,"score":9.38711929321289},{"content":"Robert Grey (born 21 April 1951 in Marefield, Leicestershire) is an English musician best known as the drummer for Wire. In 1973, Grey joined his first band, an R&B group called the Snakes, as vocalist. The Snakes released one single: Teenage Head.. After the group folded, Grey began teaching himself to drum. He has been Wire 's regular drummer since their start in 1976, using the stage name 'Robert Gotobed'.","qid":1037798,"docid":"3620986","rank":97,"score":10.884475708007812},{"content":"Michael Gray was born on September 2, 1951 in Chicago, Illinois, USA. He is an actor, known for Shazam! (1974), Bobby Jo and the Good Time Band (1972) and Our Time (1974). He has been married to Stacy Benon since 1994. Owned a florist shop with his wife that catered to numerous celebrities.","qid":1037798,"docid":"8780810","rank":98,"score":9.317033767700195},{"content":"The Dustin Inman Society picks Bob Gray in the Georgia Sixth District special election \u00e2\u0080\u0093 April 18. The Dustin Inman Society\u00e2\u0080\u0099s favorite candidate for the special election to replace Dr. Tom Price in congress \u00e2\u0080\u0093 Georgia\u00e2\u0080\u0099s 6th District \u00e2\u0080\u0093 is Mr. Bob Gray.","qid":1037798,"docid":"5333542","rank":99,"score":10.001026153564453},{"content":"Posted: August 11, 2011 in Ph.D.? Where did John Gray get his Ph.D.?, Who is John Gray? In early February 1996, an amazing thing happened on one of John Gray\u00e2\u0080\u0099s (now defunct) WWW site chat pages. A woman known only as Barbara posed a question to the group concerning Gray\u00e2\u0080\u0099s educational background.","qid":1037798,"docid":"2360248","rank":100,"score":9.41771125793457}]} {"query":"rsa definition key","hits":[{"content":"An encryption system in which the sender and receiver of a message share a single, common key that is used to encrypt and decrypt the message. Contrast this with public-key cryptology, which utilizes two keys-a public key to encrypt messages and a private key to decrypt them.","qid":490595,"docid":"5975542","rank":1,"score":11.731903076171875},{"content":"RSA is a cryptosystem for public-key encryption, and is widely used for securing sensitive data, particularly when being sent over an insecure network such as the Internet. Download this guide to become a Web App Security superhero.ou also agree that your personal information may be transferred and processed in the United States, and that you have read and agree to the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy. RSA was first described in 1977 by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir and Leonard Adleman of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.","qid":490595,"docid":"3833407","rank":2,"score":12.343048095703125},{"content":"of important data, using a public encryption key, into a form that cannot be read without a private key. OCR GCSE \u00e2\u0080 Computer Science OCR GCSE \u00e2\u0080 Computer Science OCR GCSE \u00e2\u0080 Computer Science OCR GCSE \u00e2\u0080 Computer Science OCR GCSE \u00e2\u0080 Computer Science","qid":490595,"docid":"8151432","rank":3,"score":11.736488342285156},{"content":"The RSA cryptosystem is the most widely-used public key cryptography algorithm in the world. It can be used to encrypt a message without the need to exchange a secret key separately. The RSA algorithm can be used for both public key encryption and digital signatures.Its security is based on the difficulty of factoring large integers. Party A can send an encrypted message to party B without any prior exchange of secret keys.he RSA cryptosystem is the most widely-used public key cryptography algorithm in the world. It can be used to encrypt a message without the need to exchange a secret key separately. The RSA algorithm can be used for both public key encryption and digital signatures.","qid":490595,"docid":"4737065","rank":4,"score":12.112995147705078},{"content":"1 .key This is a PEM formatted file containing just the private-key of a specific certificate and is merely a conventional name and not a standardized one. 2 In Apache installs, this frequently resides in \/etc\/ssl\/private.","qid":490595,"docid":"661209","rank":5,"score":11.773402214050293},{"content":"THE CRYPTOGRAPHY GUIDE: RSA. RSA RSA is a public key algorithm invented by Rivest, Shamir and Adleman. The key used for encryption is different from (but related to) the key used for decryption.The algorithm is based on modular exponentiation.hen talking of key lengths in connection with RSA, what is meant is the modulus length. An algorithm that uses different keys for encryption and decryption is said to be asymmetric. Anybody knowing the public key can use it to create encrypted messages, but only the owner of the secret key can decrypt them.","qid":490595,"docid":"4737060","rank":6,"score":12.772259712219238},{"content":"general-keys Generate a general purpose RSA key pair for signing and encryption. label Provide a label. modulus Provide number of modulus bits on the command line. on create key on specified device.","qid":490595,"docid":"7839903","rank":7,"score":12.097755432128906},{"content":"RSA (cryptosystem) RSA is one of the first practical public-key cryptosystems and is widely used for secure data transmission. In such a cryptosystem, the encryption key is public and different from the decryption key which is kept secret (private).","qid":490595,"docid":"805046","rank":8,"score":12.531137466430664},{"content":"RSA (algorithm) RSA is an algorithm used by modern computers to encrypt and decrypt messages. It is an asymmetric cryptographic algorithm. Asymmetric means that there are two different keys. This is also called public key cryptography, because one of them can be given to everyone. The other key must be kept private.","qid":490595,"docid":"4842889","rank":9,"score":13.586725234985352},{"content":"The RSA problem is defined as the task of taking e th roots modulo a composite n: recovering a value m such that c \u00e2\u0089\u00a1 m (mod n) , where (n, e) is an RSA public key and c is an RSA ciphertext. Currently the most promising approach to solving the RSA problem is to factor the modulus n.","qid":490595,"docid":"5359213","rank":10,"score":12.563414573669434},{"content":"In cryptography, a private or secret key is an encryption\/decryption key known only to the party or parties that exchange secret messages. In traditional secret key cryptography, a key would be shared by the communicators so that each could encrypt and decrypt messages.","qid":490595,"docid":"5975544","rank":11,"score":12.777456283569336},{"content":"8 GovernmentOnline Public Key Cryptography Public key cryptography uses two electronic keys: a public key and a private key. The public key can be known by anyone while the private key is kept secret by its owner. As long as there is strong binding between the owner and the owner\u00e2\u0080\u0099s public key, the identity of the origin of a message or transaction can be traced to the owner of the private key.","qid":490595,"docid":"6907839","rank":12,"score":12.042912483215332},{"content":"RSA involves a public key and a private key. The public key can be known by everyone and is used for encrypting messages. Messages encrypted with the public key can only be decrypted in a reasonable amount of time using the private key.n such a cryptosystem, the encryption key is public and differs from the decryption key which is kept secret. In RSA, this asymmetry is based on the practical difficulty of factoring the product of two large prime numbers, the factoring problem.","qid":490595,"docid":"4737063","rank":13,"score":12.455020904541016},{"content":"The keys for the RSA algorithm are generated the following way: 1 Choose two distinct prime numbers p and q. 2 Compute n = pq. 3 Compute \u00ce\u00bb(n) = lcm(\u00ce\u00bb(p), \u00ce\u00bb(q)) = lcm(p \u00e2\u0088\u0092 1, q \u00e2\u0088\u0092 1), where \u00ce\u00bb is Carmichael's totient function. 4 Choose an integer e such that 1 < e < \u00ce\u00bb(n) and gcd(e, \u00ce\u00bb(n)) = 1; i.e., e and \u00ce\u00bb(n) are coprime.","qid":490595,"docid":"805050","rank":14,"score":12.078153610229492},{"content":"RSA is a public-key encryption algorithm and the standard for encrypting data sent over the internet. It also happens to be one of the methods used in our PGP and GPG programs. Unlike Triple DES, RSA is considered an asymmetric algorithm due to its use of a pair of keys.","qid":490595,"docid":"1160847","rank":15,"score":12.604520797729492},{"content":"Hence using an RSA key for both encryption and signature means that you have to give up much of the scientific progress on RSA an go back to a situation, where your only argument for security is the lack of known attacks. Of course, the text in the article may need some clarification and better citation.hough, authors sometimes use the the terms public key and secret key for the two keys in a key pair of a public key cryptosystem, for example when they also use symbols such as to refer to the two keys. (talk) 21:41, 14 March 2009 (UTC).","qid":490595,"docid":"3833409","rank":16,"score":11.776875495910645},{"content":"Definition of KEY. 1. a: a usually metal instrument by which the bolt of a lock is turned b: any of various devices having the form or function of such a key. 2. a: a means of gaining or preventing entrance, possession, or control b: an instrumental or deciding factor.","qid":490595,"docid":"6246501","rank":17,"score":11.730852127075195},{"content":"The algorithm is RSA. The exponent e is 65537 and the modulus n is a 128-byte behemoth. What you see here is the hexadecimal representation of a 1,024-bit number. There's no further encoding here; this is the number n used by the RSA algorithm.","qid":490595,"docid":"7340533","rank":18,"score":11.913580894470215},{"content":"1 RSA has the property that the product of two ciphertexts is equal to the encryption of the product of the respective plaintexts. 2 That is m1 m2 \u00e2\u0089\u00a1 (m1m2) (mod n) . 3 Because of this multiplicative property a chosen-ciphertext attack is possible.","qid":490595,"docid":"5247994","rank":19,"score":12.34054183959961},{"content":"This is also called public key cryptography, because one of them can be given to everyone. The other key must be kept private. It is based on the fact that finding the factors of a integer is hard (the factoring problem). RSA stands for Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir and Leonard Adleman, who first publicly described it in 1978.","qid":490595,"docid":"3937203","rank":20,"score":11.951231002807617},{"content":"A key is a unique value that is used to authenticate the server and the client in establishing an SSL connection. A public key and a private key form an SSL key pair.The World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW service) on your Web server uses this key pair to negotiate an encrypted connection with the client browser. key is a unique value that is used to authenticate the server and the client in establishing an SSL connection. A public key and a private key form an SSL key pair.","qid":490595,"docid":"7600745","rank":21,"score":12.409381866455078},{"content":"Key and Key ID. When you package a file, you use a key. A key is a piece of data used in the encryption algorithms that protect the content. There are two parts to each key: a license key seed and a key ID (often abbreviated as KID). The key ID is public, and is stored in the file header as a way to identify the key required to decrypt the file.","qid":490595,"docid":"3462698","rank":22,"score":11.936918258666992},{"content":"Asymmetric Cryptography. Public-key cryptography; A modern branch of cryptography in which the algorithms employ a pair of keys (a public key and a private key) and use a different component of the pair for different steps of the algorithm.","qid":490595,"docid":"7423231","rank":23,"score":12.736900329589844},{"content":"DER encoded RSA private key; PEM; Identification . A key file is plain text, with base64-encoded payload data. It contains a line that reads -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----. Examples . To view the contents of a key, using OpenSSL: openssl rsa -noout -text -in example.key (This mostly just prints out opaque numbers, but note that the modulus can be used to determine whether the key corresponds to a particular certificate.) To generate a new private key:","qid":490595,"docid":"1288943","rank":24,"score":12.756012916564941},{"content":"Definition - What does RSA Encryption mean? RSA encryption is a public-key encryption technology developed by RSA Data Security. The RSA algorithm is based on the difficulty in factoring very large numbers. Based on this principle, the RSA encryption algorithm uses prime factorization as the trap door for encryption. Deducing an RSA key, therefore, takes a huge amount of time and processing power. RSA is the standard encryption method for important data, especially data that's transmitted over the Internet.","qid":490595,"docid":"1929910","rank":25,"score":13.309563636779785},{"content":"RSA involves a public key and private key. The public key can be known to everyone, it is used to encrypt messages. Messages encrypted using the public key can only be decrypted with the private key. The keys for the RSA algorithm are generated the following way: 1 Choose two different large random prime numbers and.","qid":490595,"docid":"3937197","rank":26,"score":13.106707572937012},{"content":"RSA is an algorithm used by modern computers to encrypt and decrypt messages. It is an asymmetric cryptographic algorithm.","qid":490595,"docid":"3937195","rank":27,"score":13.378172874450684},{"content":"The RSA problem is defined as the task of taking eth roots modulo a composite n: recovering a value m such that c \u00e2\u0089\u00a1 m e (mod n), where (n, e) is an RSA public key and c is an RSA ciphertext. Currently the most promising approach to solving the RSA problem is to factor the modulus n.","qid":490595,"docid":"549466","rank":28,"score":12.568309783935547},{"content":"PEM encoded RSA private key. PEM encoded RSA private key is a format that stores an RSA private key, for use with cryptographic systems such as SSL. A public key can be derived from the private key, and the public key may be associated with one or more certificate files.","qid":490595,"docid":"1288938","rank":29,"score":13.289535522460938},{"content":"RSA (cryptosystem), the Rivest-Shamir-Adleman cryptosystem, a cryptosystem for public-key encryption RSA Conference, an annual cryptography convention. RSA Factoring Challenge, a computational number theory challenge aimed at factorizing a given set of semi-prime numbers. RSA numbers, a set of numbers that have as factors two prime numbers (semi-prime keys) RSA Security, a U.S. network security provider, a subsidiary of Dell Technologies.","qid":490595,"docid":"4842896","rank":30,"score":13.146605491638184},{"content":"The public and the private key-generation algorithm is the most complex part of RSA cryptography. Two large prime numbers, p and q, are generated using the Rabin-Miller primality test algorithm. A modulus n is calculated by multiplying p and q.","qid":490595,"docid":"3937201","rank":31,"score":11.862667083740234},{"content":"Definition of skeleton key. : a key with a large part of the bit filed away to enable it to open low quality locks as a master key.","qid":490595,"docid":"7982709","rank":32,"score":11.708913803100586},{"content":"RSA encryption is based on use of a public and a private key. Typically a key fob (such as an RSA SecurID security token) is used by employees in security-sensitive companies.The token generates a public key that changes every minute.SA encryption is based on use of a public and a private key. Typically a key fob (such as an RSA SecurID security token) is used by employees in security-sensitive companies.","qid":490595,"docid":"4737067","rank":33,"score":12.148273468017578},{"content":"The Key interface is the top-level interface for all keys. 1 It defines the functionality shared by all key objects. All keys have three characteristics: 2 An Algorithm This is the key algorithm for that key. The key algorithm is usually an encryption or asymmetric operation algorithm (such as DSA or RSA), which will work with those algorithms and with related algorithms (such as MD5 with RSA, SHA-1 with RSA, Raw DSA, etc.) The name of the algorithm of a key is obtained using the getAlgorithm method. An Encoded Form This is an external encoded form for the key used when a standard representation of the key is needed outside the Java Virtual Machine, as when transmitting the key to some other party.","qid":490595,"docid":"1620438","rank":34,"score":11.704512596130371},{"content":"RSA is a cryptosystem for public-key encryption, and is widely used for securing sensitive data, particularly when being sent over an insecure network such as the Internet. Download this guide to become a Web App Security superhero.","qid":490595,"docid":"3937196","rank":35,"score":12.828536987304688},{"content":"Generating public\/private rsa key pair. Enter file in which to save the key (\/home\/b\/.ssh\/id_rsa): Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): Enter same passphrase again: Your identification has been saved in \/home\/b\/.ssh\/id_rsa. Your public key has been saved in \/home\/b\/.ssh\/id_rsa.pub.","qid":490595,"docid":"4604269","rank":36,"score":11.841486930847168},{"content":"Definition - What does Public Key Cryptography (PKC) mean? Public key cryptography (PKC) is an encryption technique that uses a paired public and private key (or asymmetric key) algorithm for secure data communication. A message sender uses a recipient's public key to encrypt a message. To decrypt the sender's message, only the recipient's private key may be used. The two types of PKC algorithms are RSA, which is an acronym related to this algorithm's inventors: Rivest, Shamir and Adelman and Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA).","qid":490595,"docid":"7698193","rank":37,"score":12.074102401733398},{"content":"What is an RSA key used for? RSA key is a private key based on RSA algorithm. Private Key is used for authentication and a symmetric key exchange during establishment of an SSL\/TLS session. It is a part of the public key infrastructure that is generally used in case of SSL certificates.","qid":490595,"docid":"4842897","rank":38,"score":13.409027099609375},{"content":"RSA (cryptosystem) For other uses, see RSA (disambiguation). RSA is one of the first practical public-key cryptosystems and is widely used for secure data transmission. In such a cryptosystem, the encryption key is public and differs from the decryption key which is kept secret. In RSA, this asymmetry is based on the practical difficulty of factoring the product of two large prime numbers, the factoring problem.","qid":490595,"docid":"8485139","rank":39,"score":12.658329010009766},{"content":"RSA-SHA1 Signature Suite-Version 1.0. RSA is a public-key cryptosystem for both encryption and authentication. This signature suite specifies how it is used with the SHA1 hash function to sign a PICS label per the DSig 1.0 Specification.","qid":490595,"docid":"7340532","rank":40,"score":11.937976837158203},{"content":"Techopedia explains RSA Encryption. RSA encryption is a public key encryption technology developed by RSA Data Security, which licenses the algorithm technologies and also sells the development kits. RSA is built into many common software products, including Microsoft's Internet Explorer.","qid":490595,"docid":"1929911","rank":41,"score":12.587745666503906},{"content":"RSA is one of the first public-key cryptosystems and is widely used for secure data transmission. In such a cryptosystem, the encryption key is public and it is different from the decryption key which is kept secret. In RSA, this asymmetry is based on the practical difficulty of the factorization of the product of two large prime numbers, the factoring problem. The acronym RSA is made of the initial letters of the surnames of Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman, who first publicly desc","qid":490595,"docid":"549465","rank":42,"score":11.934966087341309},{"content":"Unlike their corresponding public keys, private keys must be protected. Therefore, all files in the RSA folder are automatically encrypted with a random, symmetric key called the user's master key. The user's master key is generated by the RC4 algorithm in the Base or Enhanced CSP.","qid":490595,"docid":"5128293","rank":43,"score":12.07913875579834},{"content":"Private key is a symmetric encryption method that uses the secret same key to encrypt and decrypt data. Public key is an asymmetric encryption method with an encryption (encoding) key that can be used by all authorized network users and a decryption (decoding) key that is kept secret.","qid":490595,"docid":"2241763","rank":44,"score":12.484066009521484},{"content":"I have this RSA public key from which I want to get Modulus and exponent part but not able to get the format in which it is encoded. Can someone please tell how to decode it? -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY...","qid":490595,"docid":"1288945","rank":45,"score":11.770740509033203},{"content":"Related Terms. A public-key encryption technology developed by RSA Data Security, Inc. The acronym stands for Rivest, Shamir, and Adelman, the inventors of the technique. The RSA algorithm is based on the fact that there is no efficient way to factor very large numbers. Deducing an RSA key, therefore, requires an extraordinary amount of computer processing power and time.","qid":490595,"docid":"4842891","rank":46,"score":12.010292053222656},{"content":"Secure Shell (SSH) may generate an additional RSA key pair if you generate a key pair on a router having no RSA keys. The additional key pair is used only by SSH and will have a name such as { router_FQDN }.server.","qid":490595,"docid":"7839907","rank":47,"score":12.010747909545898},{"content":"A key is usually intended to operate one specific lock or a small number of locks that are keyed alike, so each lock requires a unique key. The key serves as a security token for access to the locked area; only persons having the correct key can open the lock and gain access.","qid":490595,"docid":"1665207","rank":48,"score":11.761017799377441},{"content":"Definition - What does Encryption Key mean? An encryption key is a random string of bits created explicitly for scrambling and unscrambling data. Encryption keys are designed with algorithms intended to ensure that every key is unpredictable and unique. The longer the key built in this manner, the harder it is to crack the encryption code.","qid":490595,"docid":"3948079","rank":49,"score":12.663005828857422},{"content":"A cryptographic system that uses two keys -- a public key known to everyone and a private or secret key known only to the recipient of the message. When John wants to send a secure message to Jane, he uses Jane's public key to encrypt the message.","qid":490595,"docid":"5975541","rank":50,"score":11.993545532226562},{"content":"An encryption key is a random string of bits created explicitly for scrambling and unscrambling data. Encryption keys are designed with algorithms intended to ensure that every key is unpredictable and unique. The longer the key built in this manner, the harder it is to crack the encryption code.","qid":490595,"docid":"8535120","rank":51,"score":12.63349723815918},{"content":"In cryptography, a key is a variable value that is applied using an algorithm<\/term> to a string or block<\/term> of unencrypted text to produce encrypted< In a database context, a key is a field<\/term> that is selected for sorting. In cryptography, a key is a variable value that is applied using an algorithm<\/term> to a string or block<\/term> of unencrypted text to produce encrypted<","qid":490595,"docid":"1870962","rank":52,"score":12.439109802246094},{"content":"You are of course right, using two terms that refer to the same thing is confusing. Though, authors sometimes use the the terms public key and secret key for the two keys in a key pair of a public key cryptosystem, for example when they also use symbols such as to refer to the two keys. (talk) 21:41, 14 March 2009 (UTC). I don't see the problem.hough, authors sometimes use the the terms public key and secret key for the two keys in a key pair of a public key cryptosystem, for example when they also use symbols such as to refer to the two keys. (talk) 21:41, 14 March 2009 (UTC).","qid":490595,"docid":"3833411","rank":53,"score":11.968074798583984},{"content":"Symmetric-key algorithms are algorithms for cryptography that use the same cryptographic keys for both encryption of plaintext and decryption of ciphertext. The keys may be identical or there may be a simple transformation to go between the two keys.","qid":490595,"docid":"1888150","rank":54,"score":11.739471435546875},{"content":"Definition of 'key'. key. A key is a specially shaped piece of metal that you place in a lock and turn in order to open or lock a door, or to start or stop the engine of a vehicle. They put the key in the door and entered. [+ in] She reached for her coat and car keys.","qid":490595,"docid":"1845424","rank":55,"score":12.236444473266602},{"content":"RSA is one of the first practical public-key cryptosystems and is widely used for secure data transmission. In such a cryptosystem, the encryption key is public and differs from the decryption key which is kept secret. In RSA, this asymmetry is based on the practical difficulty of factoring the product of two large prime numbers, the factoring problem.","qid":490595,"docid":"5247999","rank":56,"score":12.36488151550293},{"content":"Public key certificate. In cryptography, a public key certificate (also known as a digital certificate or identity certificate) is an electronic document used to prove the ownership of a public key.","qid":490595,"docid":"1236786","rank":57,"score":11.896453857421875},{"content":"RSA (Rivest\u00e2\u0080\u0093Shamir\u00e2\u0080\u0093Adleman) is one of the first public-key cryptosystems and is widely used for secure data transmission. In such a cryptosystem, the encryption key is public and it is different from the decryption key which is kept secret (private). In RSA, this asymmetry is based on the practical difficulty of the factorization of the product of two large prime numbers, the factoring problem.","qid":490595,"docid":"805051","rank":58,"score":12.613636016845703},{"content":"To generate Rivest, Shamir, and Adelman (RSA) key pairs, use the crypto key generate rsa command in global configuration mode.","qid":490595,"docid":"7839906","rank":59,"score":11.766548156738281},{"content":"RSA makes the public key infrastructure (PKI) encryption standards by which much of the Internet\u00e2\u0080\u0099s secure communication are run. Other RSA products include hardware token s, software tokens, SecurID, Besafe and enVision. RSA encryption is based on use of a public and a private key. Typically a key fob (such as an RSA SecurID security token) is used by employees in security-sensitive companies. The token generates a public key that changes every minute.","qid":490595,"docid":"3937200","rank":60,"score":11.965139389038086},{"content":"What is RSA? RSA is a public-key cryptosystem for both encryption and authentication; it was invented in 1977 by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman [RSA78]. It works as follows: take two large primes, p and q, and find their product n = pq ; n is called the modulus.","qid":490595,"docid":"4842890","rank":61,"score":12.3236083984375},{"content":"The RSA system is the most commonly used encryption and authentication algorithm, and is included as a part of Cisco IOS. To use the RSA system, a network host generates a pair of keys. One is called the public key, and the other is called the private key. The Public key is given to anyone who wants to send encrypted data to the host. The Private key is never shared.","qid":490595,"docid":"6742119","rank":62,"score":11.981857299804688},{"content":"Wiktionary (0.00 \/ 0 votes) Rate this definition: skeleton key (Noun). A very simple design of key that usually has a cylindrical shaft (sometimes called a shank) and a single, minimal flat, rectangular tooth or bit. skeleton key (Noun). A key that has parts filed away so that it will open a range of locks.","qid":490595,"docid":"3143815","rank":63,"score":11.765451431274414},{"content":"2. RSA is a public-key encryption algorithm and the standard for encrypting data sent over the internet. It also happens to be one of the methods used in our PGP and GPG programs. Unlike Triple DES, RSA is considered an asymmetric algorithm due to its use of a pair of keys.","qid":490595,"docid":"1652460","rank":64,"score":12.25340461730957},{"content":"In cryptography, a private or secret key is an encryption\/decryption key known only to the party or parties that exchange secret messages.","qid":490595,"docid":"5975548","rank":65,"score":12.70733642578125},{"content":"In cryptography, a public key certificate (also known as a digital certificate or identity certificate) is an electronic document used to prove ownership of a public key.","qid":490595,"docid":"636816","rank":66,"score":11.714676856994629},{"content":"Public key certificate. In cryptography, a public key certificate, also known as a digital certificate or identity certificate, is an electronic document used to prove the ownership of a public key.","qid":490595,"docid":"4129945","rank":67,"score":11.901753425598145},{"content":"RSA encryption is based on use of a public and a private key. Typically a key fob (such as an RSA SecurID security token) is used by employees in security-sensitive companies. The token generates a public key that changes every minute.","qid":490595,"docid":"4842894","rank":68,"score":12.696786880493164},{"content":"This is sometimes referred to as certificate authentication, but certificates are just one of many ways to use public key technology. One of the core decisions in this field is the key size. Most people have heard that 1024 bit RSA keys have been cracked and are not used any more for web sites or PGP. The next most fashionable number after 1024 appears to be 2048, but a lot of people have also been skipping that and moving to 4096 bit keys.","qid":490595,"docid":"1554695","rank":69,"score":12.509908676147461},{"content":"Public Key Cryptography (PKC) Public key cryptography (PKC) is an encryption technique that uses a paired public and private key (or asymmetric key) algorithm for secure data communication. A message sender uses a recipient's public key to encrypt a message. To decrypt the sender's message, only the recipient's private key may be used. The two types of PKC algorithms are RSA, which is an acronym related to this algorithm's inventors: Rivest, Shamir and Adelman and Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA).","qid":490595,"docid":"7704029","rank":70,"score":11.829769134521484},{"content":"Re: crypto key generate rsa command. Great question. Not all key pairs are created equal. They the keys used for a self signed certificate (https) are not the same key-pair used for SSH. Different keys, different rules about what needs to be in place before they are created.","qid":490595,"docid":"7839911","rank":71,"score":11.831253051757812},{"content":"RSA Algorithm is christened after its joint inventors, Ron Rivset, Adi Shamir and Leonard Adleman who invented it during 1977. This algorithm is the first of its kind that can be used for public key encryption as well as digital signatures. The RSA Algorithm is extremely secure due to long keys and up-to-date implementations. It is widely used in e-commerce protocols.","qid":490595,"docid":"4763066","rank":72,"score":11.921075820922852},{"content":"There you go. I used these commands on a fairly regular Linux system. Note that your file is weird. A RSA public key consists in two integers, the modulus (n) and the public exponent (e). It is normally encoded as an ASN.1 structure that is a SEQUENCE of two INTEGER values.","qid":490595,"docid":"1288942","rank":73,"score":12.819891929626465},{"content":"What is the format of an RSA public key? up vote 3 down vote favorite I have this RSA public key from which I want to get Modulus and exponent part but not able to get the format in which it is encoded. Can someone please tell how to decode it? -----begin public key...","qid":490595,"docid":"1288940","rank":74,"score":11.875764846801758},{"content":"RSA involves a public key and a private key. The public key can be known by everyone and is used for encrypting messages. The intention is that messages encrypted with the public key can only be decrypted in a reasonable amount of time using the private key.","qid":490595,"docid":"805048","rank":75,"score":13.125554084777832},{"content":"public-key encryption. Related Terms. A cryptographic system that uses two keys -- a public key known to everyone and a private or secret key known only to the recipient of the message. When John wants to send a secure message to Jane, he uses Jane's public key to encrypt the message. Jane then uses her private key to decryptit.","qid":490595,"docid":"2850746","rank":76,"score":12.320425033569336},{"content":"RSA involves a public key and a private key. The public key can be known by everyone and is used for encrypting messages. Messages encrypted with the public key can only be decrypted in a reasonable amount of time using the private key.","qid":490595,"docid":"5247992","rank":77,"score":13.202251434326172},{"content":"When we say a 1024-bit RSA key, we mean that the modulus has length 1024 bits, i.e. is an integer greater than 21023 but lower than 21024. Such an integer could be encoded as a sequence of 1024 bits, i.e. 128 bytes.he length of a key in bits nothing more than a specification of its size. A 128 bit key takes up 16 bytes of space -- just the raw bits that the processor uses. There is nothing special, no translation.","qid":490595,"docid":"3833414","rank":78,"score":11.864559173583984},{"content":"Definition of KEY. 1. a: a usually metal instrument by which the bolt of a lock is turned b: any of various devices having the form or function of such a key.","qid":490595,"docid":"6246500","rank":79,"score":11.706815719604492},{"content":"crypto key generate rsa command. Hi all, I just want to find out that what's the difference between signature, encryption, general purpose key, etc. I would like to know about the difference in usage.","qid":490595,"docid":"7839905","rank":80,"score":12.080389022827148},{"content":"I.e. they used (n,e) as the public key and (n,d) as the private key. (n,e) is sufficient to encrypt and (n,d) is sufficient to decrypt. There is no need to use the factors of n. For didactic purposes the primary question should be, how hard it is to invert RSA.hough, authors sometimes use the the terms public key and secret key for the two keys in a key pair of a public key cryptosystem, for example when they also use symbols such as to refer to the two keys. (talk) 21:41, 14 March 2009 (UTC).","qid":490595,"docid":"3833410","rank":81,"score":12.14694595336914},{"content":"The keys for the RSA algorithm are generated the following way: 1 Choose two distinct prime numbers p and q. For security purposes, the integers p and q should be chosen at random, and should be similar in magnitude but 'differ in length by a few digits' to make factoring harder. 2 Compute n = pq.","qid":490595,"docid":"805047","rank":82,"score":12.430887222290039},{"content":"In computer cryptography, a key is a long sequence of bits used by encryption and decryption algorithms. An encryption algorithm takes the original un-encrypted message, and a key like the above, and alters the original message mathematically based on the key's bits to create a new encrypted message.","qid":490595,"docid":"48492","rank":83,"score":12.182336807250977},{"content":"Use this command to generate RSA key pairs for your Cisco device (such as a router). RSA keys are generated in pairs--one public RSA key and one private RSA key. If your router already has RSA keys when you issue this command, you will be warned and prompted to replace the existing keys with new keys.","qid":490595,"docid":"7839904","rank":84,"score":12.201358795166016},{"content":"Host Key. A host key is a cryptographic key used for authenticating computers in the SSH protocol. Host keys are key pairs, typically using the RSA, DSA, or ECDSA algorithms. Public host keys are stored on and\/or distributed to SSH clients, and private keys are stored on SSH servers. Host Keys Should Be Unique.","qid":490595,"docid":"3845163","rank":85,"score":12.685216903686523},{"content":"A JSON Web Key (JWK) is a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) data structure that represents a cryptographic key. This specification also defines a JWK Set JSON data structure that represents a set of JWKs.","qid":490595,"docid":"2671679","rank":86,"score":11.8583984375},{"content":"A cryptographic system that uses two keys -- a public key known to everyone and a private or secret key known only to the recipient of the message. When John wants to send a secure message to Jane, he uses Jane's public key to encrypt the message. Jane then uses her private key to decrypt it.","qid":490595,"docid":"5975540","rank":87,"score":11.949859619140625},{"content":"RSA is one of the first practical public-key cryptosystems and is widely used for secure data transmission. In such a cryptosystem, the encryption key is public and differs from the decryption key which is kept secret.In RSA, this asymmetry is based on the practical difficulty of factoring the product of two large prime numbers, the factoring problem.n such a cryptosystem, the encryption key is public and differs from the decryption key which is kept secret. In RSA, this asymmetry is based on the practical difficulty of factoring the product of two large prime numbers, the factoring problem.","qid":490595,"docid":"4737059","rank":88,"score":11.946353912353516},{"content":"RSA: read the definition of RSA and 8,000+ other financial and investing terms in the NASDAQ.com Financial Glossary. Hot Topics: ETFs | Smart Portfolio | Currencies | Online Broker Center","qid":490595,"docid":"805049","rank":89,"score":11.759357452392578},{"content":"Network Security Key. A network security key usually refers to the password or alphanumeric key that end users enter to access a local area network. In common use, the network security key differs from other network keys used to determine network addresses, etc. A security key is a resource for a specific security protocol that helps secure the local network.","qid":490595,"docid":"2578667","rank":90,"score":12.06505298614502},{"content":"Learner's definition of KEY. [count]. 1. a: a device that is used to open a lock or start an automobile \u00e2\u0097\u008a The usual type of key is a small metal object that you insert into a narrow opening and turn.","qid":490595,"docid":"6246505","rank":91,"score":11.756485939025879},{"content":"RSA scrambles data based on the product of two prime numbers, each of which is 100 digits long. RSA is known as a public key encryption system, meaning that many people can use it to encode information, but only the person who holds the key (or knows the value of the two prime numbers) can decode it again.","qid":490595,"docid":"1473259","rank":92,"score":12.523950576782227},{"content":"RSA is a cryptosystem for public-key encryption, and is widely used for securing sensitive data, particularly when being sent over an insecure network such as the Internet.","qid":490595,"docid":"8485141","rank":93,"score":13.259382247924805},{"content":"1) In cryptography, a key is a variable value that is applied using an algorithm to a string or block of unencrypted text to produce encrypted text, or to decrypt encrypted text. The length of the key is a factor in considering how difficult it will be to decrypt the text in a given message.","qid":490595,"docid":"1845423","rank":94,"score":12.662620544433594},{"content":"A JSON Web Key (JWK) is a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) [RFC7159] data structure that represents a cryptographic key. This specification also defines a JWK Set JSON data structure that represents a set of JWKs.","qid":490595,"docid":"2671681","rank":95,"score":11.785388946533203},{"content":"1 Because RSA encryption is a deterministic encryption algorithm (i.e., has no random component) an attacker can successfully launch a chosen plaintext attack against the cryptosystem, by encrypting likely plaintexts under the public key and test if they are equal to the ciphertext.","qid":490595,"docid":"805052","rank":96,"score":11.962728500366211},{"content":"-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIEpQIBAAKCAQEA3Tz2mr7SZiAMfQyuvBjM9Oi..Z1BjP5CE\/Wm\/Rr500P RK+Lh9x5eJPo5CAZ3\/ANBE0sTK0ZsDGMak2m1g7..3VHqIxFTz0Ta1d+NAj wnLe4nOb7\/eEJbDPkk05ShhBrJGBKKxb8n104o\/..PdzbFMIyNjJzBM2o5y 5A13wiLitEO7nco2WfyYkQzaxCw0AwzlkVHiIyC..71pSzkv6sv+4IDMbT\/ XpCo8L6wTarzrywnQsh+etLD6FtTjYbbrvZ8RQM..Hg2qxraAV++HNBYmNW s0duEdjUbJK+ZarypXI9TtnS4o1Ckj7POfljiQI..IBAFyidxtqRQyv5KrD kbJ+q+rsJxQlaipn2M4lGuQJEfIxELFDyd3XpxP..Un\/82NZNXlPmRIopXs 2T91jiLZEUKQw+n73j26adTbteuEaPGSrTZxBLR ...","qid":490595,"docid":"1288939","rank":97,"score":12.990278244018555},{"content":"Symmetric-key algorithms are algorithms for cryptography that use the same cryptographic keys for both encryption of plaintext and decryption of ciphertext.","qid":490595,"docid":"1888156","rank":98,"score":11.748876571655273},{"content":"RSA Algorithm is christened after its joint inventors, Ron Rivset, Adi Shamir and Leonard Adleman who invented it during 1977. This algorithm is the first of its kind that can be used for public key encryption as well as digital signatures.The RSA Algorithm is extremely secure due to long keys and up-to-date implementations. It is widely used in e-commerce protocols.rivate Key is used to decrypt the messages that are encrypted using the public key. The message or the data is encrypted using the public key. Encryption involves converting the message into a coded format. The public key is accessible to everyone and anyone can encrypt the message.","qid":490595,"docid":"4737061","rank":99,"score":12.273073196411133},{"content":"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. In cryptography, a key is a piece of information (a parameter) that determines the functional output of a cryptographic algorithm. For encryption algorithms, a key specifies the transformation of plaintext into ciphertext, and vice versa for decryption algorithms.","qid":490595,"docid":"4918909","rank":100,"score":12.814237594604492}]} {"query":"medicare's definition of mechanical ventilation","hits":[{"content":"The Bird VIP Infant ventilator. A medical ventilator (or simply ventilator in context) is a mechanical ventilator, a machine designed to move breathable air into and out of the lungs, to provide breathing for a patient who is physically unable to breathe, or breathing insufficiently.","qid":451602,"docid":"8621776","rank":1,"score":12.294453620910645},{"content":"Assist\/control (A\/C). All breaths delivered by the ventilator will control either volume or pressure. The ventilator delivers the same measured breath every time, whether the breath is patient initiated or ventilator initiated, based on the rate setting. Continuous positive airway pressure ventilation (CPAP). All breathing is initiated and sustained by the patient.","qid":451602,"docid":"7428020","rank":2,"score":11.698287963867188},{"content":"The Medicare Hospice Benefit was established in 1983 to provide Medicare beneficiaries. with access to high-quality end-of-life care. Considered the model for quality care for. people facing a life-limiting illness, hospice is a patient-centered, cost-effective. philosophy of care that utilizes an interdisciplinary team of professionals to provide.","qid":451602,"docid":"3724242","rank":3,"score":11.331771850585938},{"content":"Mechanical Ventilation is an integral part of HVAC. It is the movement of air from one space to other as well as supply of fresh air into the air conditioned space. Mechanical ventilation assists in controlling the humidity, contaminants, air borne particles, and general air quality. slide 1 of 8.","qid":451602,"docid":"1277294","rank":4,"score":11.715224266052246},{"content":"with such a room would be covered extended care services and paid as part of inpatient. SNF PPS. 50.8.2 - Respiratory Therapy (Rev. 1, 10-01-03) A3-3133.9.B, SNF-230.10.C See the Medicare Benefit Policy Manual, Chapter 1, \u00e2\u0080\u009cInpatient Hospital Services,\u00e2\u0080\u009d \u00c2\u00a7100.","qid":451602,"docid":"2073306","rank":5,"score":11.608879089355469},{"content":"This article reviews the common modes of mechanical. ventilation, new technologies, and speci\u00ef\u00ac\u0081c ventilator strategies that have. been shown to be bene\u00ef\u00ac\u0081cial. Indications for mechanical ventilation, ventila-. tor associated pneumonia (VAP) and liberation from mechanical ventilation. are beyond the scope of this article. Perhaps one of the most confusing aspects of mechanical ventilation is. the plethora of terms and acronyms that are used. However, this subject.","qid":451602,"docid":"1277289","rank":6,"score":11.769264221191406},{"content":"For 14 of the 377 selected claims, Medicare payments to hospitals were correct; the beneficiaries. For example, for one beneficiary, the documentation (e.g., time log for the mechanical. ventilation) showed that the beneficiary had received 73 hours of mechanical. ventilation.","qid":451602,"docid":"2176450","rank":7,"score":12.278667449951172},{"content":"Also referred to as peak flow or inspiratory flow; usually describes a ventilator setting but can be respiratory status the ventilator tracks as the patient breathes. Controls or limits on breathing volume, pressure or time.","qid":451602,"docid":"7428021","rank":8,"score":11.436057090759277},{"content":"The Bird VIP Infant ventilator. A medical ventilator (or simply ventilator in context) is a machine designed to mechanically move breathable air into and out of the lungs, to provide the mechanism of breathing for a patient who is physically unable to breathe, or breathing insufficiently.he Bird VIP Infant ventilator. A medical ventilator (or simply ventilator in context) is a machine designed to mechanically move breathable air into and out of the lungs, to provide the mechanism of breathing for a patient who is physically unable to breathe, or breathing insufficiently.","qid":451602,"docid":"6286981","rank":9,"score":11.758683204650879},{"content":"The basics of settings and modes of mechanical ventilation set-up that involve nurses. PEEP, Vt, SIMV, AC, CMV, etc... Created by UTA AP BSN nursing student JB.","qid":451602,"docid":"6618755","rank":10,"score":11.370929718017578},{"content":"Also referred to as mechanical breaths, describes breaths initiated by the ventilator delivered according to a consistent volume or pressure. Lung compliance and airway resistance. Lung compliance refers to the elasticity, stretch or ease with which the lung expands to receive volume.","qid":451602,"docid":"4453606","rank":11,"score":11.803828239440918},{"content":"Freebase (0.00 \/ 0 votes) Rate this definition: Tachypnea. Tachypnea is the condition of rapid breathing. In adult humans at rest, any rate between 12-20 breaths per minute is normal and tachypnea is indicated by a ventilatory rate greater than 20 breaths per minute.","qid":451602,"docid":"776522","rank":12,"score":11.401287078857422},{"content":"-Mean hospital costs were $34,257 dollars (+\/- $40,559 dollars) with lower average costs in rural and small hospitals. Discontinuing mechanical ventilation continues to be one of the most challenging events in ICU management, and a significant portion of time spent on the ventilator (40%) is dedicated to weaning..In hospital mortality of ventilated patients was 34.5% and only 30.8% of patients were discharged home from the hospital. -A total of 44.6% had at least one major co-morbid condition; the most common co-morbidities included diabetes (13.2 %) and pulmonary disease (13.2%).","qid":451602,"docid":"4205648","rank":13,"score":11.51365852355957},{"content":"Ventilator-associated pneumonia. Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is a type of lung infection that occurs in people who are on breathing machines in hospitals. As such, VAP typically affects critically ill persons that are in an intensive care unit (ICU). VAP is a major source of increased illness and death.","qid":451602,"docid":"705852","rank":14,"score":11.392057418823242},{"content":"Mechanical ventilation is often a life-saving intervention, but carries many potential complications including pneumothorax, airway injury, alveolar damage, and ventilator-associated pneumonia.. In many healthcare systems prolonged ventilation as part of intensive care is a limited resource (in that there are only","qid":451602,"docid":"8214451","rank":15,"score":11.874929428100586},{"content":"The volume of gas\/air delivered with each breath. This alerts the ventilator when to recognize the start of a patient\u00e2\u0080\u0099s spontaneous breath (or breathing effort). When the ventilator recognizes the patient\u00e2\u0080\u0099s effort, it triggers a response, either to provide a mechanical breath or to support a spontaneous one.","qid":451602,"docid":"4874644","rank":16,"score":11.572174072265625},{"content":"Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance) covers skilled nursing care provided in a skilled nursing facility (SNF) under certain conditions for a limited time. Medicare-covered services include, but aren't limited to: Semi-private room (a room you share with other patients) Meals. Skilled nursing care.","qid":451602,"docid":"4739898","rank":17,"score":11.333137512207031},{"content":"What Is Mechanical Ventilation? Mechanical ventilation, in the healthcare setting or home, helps patients breathe by assisting the inhalation of oxygen into the lungs and the exhalation of carbon dioxide. Depending on the patient\u00e2\u0080\u0099s condition, mechanical ventilation can help support or completely control breathing.","qid":451602,"docid":"1277290","rank":18,"score":12.540996551513672},{"content":"Mechanical ventilation. Assisted ventilation could be defined as the movement of gas into and out of lungs by an external source connected directly to the patient. The external source could be the resuscitation bag, continuous distending pressure device or a mechanical ventilator.","qid":451602,"docid":"5538938","rank":19,"score":11.353075981140137},{"content":"-In hospital mortality of ventilated patients was 34.5% and only 30.8% of patients were discharged home from the hospital. -A total of 44.6% had at least one major co-morbid condition; the most common co-morbidities included diabetes (13.2 %) and pulmonary disease (13.2%). -Daily incremental cost of mechanical ventilation for ICU patients is estimated at between $600 and $1500 per day.","qid":451602,"docid":"5589658","rank":20,"score":11.399786949157715},{"content":"More than half of the patients in the ICU are ventilated the first 24 hours after ICU admission; comprised of individuals who have acute respiratory failure, compromised lung function, difficulty in breathing, or failure to protect their airway.","qid":451602,"docid":"3870925","rank":21,"score":11.459022521972656},{"content":"For 363 of the selected claims, Medicare payments to hospitals were incorrect. For example, for one beneficiary, the documentation (e.g., time log for the mechanical. ventilation) showed that the beneficiary had received 73 hours of mechanical. ventilation.","qid":451602,"docid":"2176453","rank":22,"score":12.192609786987305},{"content":"Nasotracheal intubation In medicine, mechanical ventilation is a method to mechanically assist or replace spontaneous breathing. Mechanical ventilation is typically used after an invasive intubation, a procedure wherein an endotracheal or tracheostomy tube is inserted into the airway.","qid":451602,"docid":"8214452","rank":23,"score":12.108047485351562},{"content":"The ventilator can limit or control the inspiratory pressure, volume or time during breath delivery. Measured or mandatory breaths. Also referred to as mechanical breaths, describes breaths initiated by the ventilator delivered according to a consistent volume or pressure. Lung compliance and airway resistance.","qid":451602,"docid":"5475312","rank":24,"score":11.71200942993164},{"content":"-A total of 44.6% had at least one major co-morbid condition; the most common co-morbidities included diabetes (13.2 %) and pulmonary disease (13.2%). -Daily incremental cost of mechanical ventilation for ICU patients is estimated at between $600 and $1500 per day.","qid":451602,"docid":"3870926","rank":25,"score":11.424585342407227},{"content":"Mechanical ventilation is indicated when the patient's spontaneous ventilation is inadequate to maintain life. It is also indicated as prophylaxis for imminent collapse of other physiologic functions, or ineffective gas exchange in the lungs.his may involve a machine called a ventilator or the breathing may be assisted by a registered nurse, physician, physician assistant, respiratory therapist, paramedic, or other suitable person compressing a bag or set of bellows.","qid":451602,"docid":"6286975","rank":26,"score":12.608454704284668},{"content":"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Modes of mechanical ventilation are one of the most important aspects of the usage of mechanical ventilation. The mode refers to the method of inspiratory support.","qid":451602,"docid":"8383465","rank":27,"score":11.78829574584961},{"content":"There are two main modes of mechanical ventilation within the two divisions: positive pressure ventilation, where air (or another gas mix) is pushed into the trachea, and negative pressure ventilation, where air is, in essence, sucked into the lungs.echanical ventilation is indicated when the patient's spontaneous ventilation is inadequate to maintain life. It is also indicated as prophylaxis for imminent collapse of other physiologic functions, or ineffective gas exchange in the lungs.","qid":451602,"docid":"3090667","rank":28,"score":11.499969482421875},{"content":"A type of ventilation in which there are pre-set tidal volumes and rates and the ventilator takes over the work of breathing. The machine is able to respond to the client's inspiratory effort so it allows the client to set the rate.","qid":451602,"docid":"6719253","rank":29,"score":11.892656326293945},{"content":"Summary Mechanical ventilation, applied either invasively through a tracheotomy tube or noninvasively via a mask, is increasingly used for long-term management of many forms of severe chronic respiratory failure in the home setting.","qid":451602,"docid":"96222","rank":30,"score":11.825672149658203},{"content":"positive pressure ventilation any of numerous types of mechanical ventilation in which gas is delivered into the airways and lungs under positive pressure, producing positive airway pressure during inspiration; it may be done via either an endotracheal tube or a nasal mask.See also ventilator.dministration of oxygen under pressure, usually by use of an anesthetic bag or mechanical ventilator. See also continuous positive airway pressure, positive end-expiratory pressure. spontaneous ventilation. breathing without the assistance of any ventilator or mechanical device.","qid":451602,"docid":"6286974","rank":31,"score":11.654516220092773},{"content":"Medical Definition of Mechanical ventilation. Mechanical ventilation: Use of a machine called a ventilator or respirator to improve the exchange of air between the lungs and the atmosphere. Last Editorial Review: 5\/13\/2016.","qid":451602,"docid":"5179251","rank":32,"score":13.15165901184082},{"content":"1 Volume controlled continuous mandatory ventilation, or. 2 Volume controlled intermittent mandatory ventilation. 3 Mechanical ventilation. 4 Modes of mechanical ventilation. Respiratory therapy.","qid":451602,"docid":"8540468","rank":33,"score":11.383749008178711},{"content":"The flow of gas\/air (flow rate) used to deliver each mechanical breath to the patient. Inspiratory and expiratory times. The total time required for one complete respiratory cycle. Typically, patients are comfortable with an expiratory time two to three times longer than the inspiratory time.","qid":451602,"docid":"7428024","rank":34,"score":11.860235214233398},{"content":"Medicare. a program of the Social Security Administration which provides funding for medical care to the aged and to certain others. \/Med\u00c2\u00b7i\u00c2\u00b7care\/ (med\u00c2\u00b4\u00c4\u00ad-k\u00c4\u0081r) a program of the Social Security Administration which provides medical care to the aged.edicare. a program of the Social Security Administration which provides funding for medical care to the aged and to certain others. \/Med\u00c2\u00b7i\u00c2\u00b7care\/ (med\u00c2\u00b4\u00c4\u00ad-k\u00c4\u0081r) a program of the Social Security Administration which provides medical care to the aged.","qid":451602,"docid":"3767017","rank":35,"score":11.823177337646484},{"content":"How often is it covered? Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance) covers nebulizers (and some medicines used in nebulizers if considered reasonable and necessary). These are covered as durable medical equipment (DME) that your doctor prescribes for use in your home. All people with Part B are covered.","qid":451602,"docid":"236347","rank":36,"score":11.350268363952637},{"content":"Medicare and Hospice Respite. What It Is. Inpatient respite care for a hospice patient who's otherwise cared for at home, in order to provide a break for the usual family or other primary caregiver. Respite care can be provided in a hospice facility, nursing facility, or hospital.","qid":451602,"docid":"1378922","rank":37,"score":11.512601852416992},{"content":"Mechanical ventilation is indicated when the patient's spontaneous ventilation is inadequate to maintain life. It is also indicated as prophylaxis for imminent collapse of other physiologic functions, or ineffective gas exchange in the lungs.","qid":451602,"docid":"8390525","rank":38,"score":12.726340293884277},{"content":"Mechanical ventilation is a life support treatment. A mechanical. ventilator is a machine that helps people breathe when they are not. able to breathe enough on their own. The mechanical ventilator is. also called a ventilator, respirator, or breathing machine. Most. patients who need support from a ventilator because of a severe. illness are cared for in a hospital\u00e2\u0080\u0099s intensive care unit (ICU).","qid":451602,"docid":"4874640","rank":39,"score":12.522140502929688},{"content":"Mechanical ventilation, in the healthcare setting or home, helps patients breathe by assisting the inhalation of oxygen into the lungs and the exhalation of carbon dioxide. Depending on the patient\u00e2\u0080\u0099s condition, mechanical ventilation can help support or completely control breathing.","qid":451602,"docid":"4453605","rank":40,"score":12.483871459960938},{"content":"What Is Mechanical Ventilation? Mechanical ventilation, in the healthcare setting or home, helps patients breathe by assisting the inhalation of oxygen into the lungs and the exhalation of carbon dioxide.Depending on the patient\u00e2\u0080\u0099s condition, mechanical ventilation can help support or completely control breathing.oncerns how much inspiratory or \u00e2\u0080\u009ctrigger\u00e2\u0080\u009d effort is required from the ventilator to recognize that the patient is trying to inhale; this can refer to a ventilator setting, but can also be used to describe the ventilator\u00e2\u0080\u0099s responsiveness to the patient\u00e2\u0080\u0099s breathing effort. Flow of breaths.","qid":451602,"docid":"6286977","rank":41,"score":12.027766227722168},{"content":"Definition of Skilled Nursing. Skilled nursing is a Medicare covered service and is health care that is provided when skilled nursing or rehabilitative services are needed to manage, observe and evaluate the care an individual receives. Medicare skilled services are provided for a short period of time (e.g. 100 days or less).","qid":451602,"docid":"6427547","rank":42,"score":11.43328857421875},{"content":"-Mean hospital costs were $34,257 dollars (+\/- $40,559 dollars) with lower average costs in rural and small hospitals. Discontinuing mechanical ventilation continues to be one of the most challenging events in ICU management, and a significant portion of time spent on the ventilator (40%) is dedicated to weaning..","qid":451602,"docid":"4388771","rank":43,"score":11.439693450927734},{"content":"Assist-Control Ventilation (ACV) Also known as continuous mandatory ventilation (CMV). Each breath is either an assist or control breath, but they are all of the same volume. The larger the volume, the more expiratory time required. If the I:E ratio is less than 1:2, progressive hyperinflation may result.","qid":451602,"docid":"2486933","rank":44,"score":11.574835777282715},{"content":"Perhaps one of the most confusing aspects of mechanical ventilation is. the plethora of terms and acronyms that are used. However, this subject. can be simpli\u00ef\u00ac\u0081ed by keeping in mind some key questions.","qid":451602,"docid":"2486935","rank":45,"score":11.369264602661133},{"content":"negative pressure ventilation mechanical ventilation in which negative pressure is generated on the outside of the patient's chest and transmitted to the interior to expand the lungs and allow air to flow in; used with weak or paralyzed patients.ressure support ventilation positive pressure ventilation in which the patient breathes spontaneously and breathing is augmented with air at a preset amount of pressure, with tidal volume not being fixed.","qid":451602,"docid":"6286976","rank":46,"score":11.656905174255371},{"content":"A type of health care given when you need skilled nursing or rehabilitation staff to manage, observe, and evaluate your care. Nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy are considered skilled care by Medicare.","qid":451602,"docid":"6236667","rank":47,"score":11.354506492614746},{"content":"Numerous decisions need to be made once it is determined that a patient requires mechanical ventilation, including the mode of mechanical ventilation. The mode refers to the method of inspiratory support.","qid":451602,"docid":"2084909","rank":48,"score":11.356534004211426},{"content":"Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance (HI)) program that pays for hospitalization, care in a skilled nursing facility, home health care and hospice care. \u00ee\u0081\u0081 \u00ee\u0081\u0082 \u00ee\u0082\u0096. program that pays for physician services, outpatient hospital services, durable medical equipment, and other services and supplies.","qid":451602,"docid":"8505797","rank":49,"score":11.470498085021973},{"content":"Mechanical ventilation is termed invasive if it involves any instrument penetrating through the mouth (such as an endo tracheal tube) or the skin (such as a tracheostomy tube).his may involve a machine called a ventilator or the breathing may be assisted by a registered nurse, physician, physician assistant, respiratory therapist, paramedic, or other suitable person compressing a bag or set of bellows.","qid":451602,"docid":"6286978","rank":50,"score":12.013755798339844},{"content":"-A total of 44.6% had at least one major co-morbid condition; the most common co-morbidities included diabetes (13.2 %) and pulmonary disease (13.2%). -Daily incremental cost of mechanical ventilation for ICU patients is estimated at between $600 and $1500 per day.Mean hospital costs were $34,257 dollars (+\/- $40,559 dollars) with lower average costs in rural and small hospitals. Discontinuing mechanical ventilation continues to be one of the most challenging events in ICU management, and a significant portion of time spent on the ventilator (40%) is dedicated to weaning..","qid":451602,"docid":"4488693","rank":51,"score":11.431642532348633},{"content":"A ventilator (VEN-til-a-tor) is a machine that supports breathing. These machines mainly are used in hospitals. Ventilators: Get oxygen into the lungs. Remove carbon dioxide from the body. (Carbon dioxide is a waste gas that can be toxic.)","qid":451602,"docid":"4233757","rank":52,"score":11.41215705871582},{"content":"Mechanical ventilation is the use of a mechanical device (machine) to inflate and deflate the lungs. Mechanical ventilation provides the force needed to deliver air to the lungs in a patient whose own ventilatory abilities are diminished or lost. Breathing requires the movement of air into and out of the lungs. This is normally accomplished by the diaphragm and chest muscles. A variety of medical conditions can impair the ability of these muscles to accomplish this task, including: muscular dystrophies.","qid":451602,"docid":"8383461","rank":53,"score":12.609640121459961},{"content":"Mechanical ventilation is among the most common interventions in the intensive care unit (ICU). Over the last two decades, numerous studies have investigated methods to improve outcomes of patients receiving mechanical ventilation.","qid":451602,"docid":"8485136","rank":54,"score":11.929242134094238},{"content":"Mechanical ventilation is the medical term for artificial ventilation where mechanical means is used to assist or replace spontaneous breathing.","qid":451602,"docid":"8390518","rank":55,"score":13.036491394042969},{"content":"A form of mechanical ventilation in which the peak inspiratory flow rate, fraction of inspired oxygen, positive end-expiratory pressure, respiratory rate, and tidal volume are preset and delivered to the patient.ressure support ventilation positive pressure ventilation in which the patient breathes spontaneously and breathing is augmented with air at a preset amount of pressure, with tidal volume not being fixed.","qid":451602,"docid":"6286980","rank":56,"score":12.02298355102539},{"content":"Definition of Skilled Nursing. To be certified by Medicare or Medicaid, skilled nursing facilities are regulated by the Department of Health and must meet strict criteria: 1 Must have a transfer agreement in place with hospitals in case a resident\/patient requires emergency care, restorative, or rehabilitation care.","qid":451602,"docid":"4987209","rank":57,"score":11.907632827758789},{"content":"CPT 99305 (Initial nursing facility care, per day, for the evaluation and management of a patient) and used for new patient visits. It cannot be used ventilator management.","qid":451602,"docid":"8695419","rank":58,"score":11.593656539916992},{"content":"Indications for mechanical ventilation, ventila-tor associated pneumonia (VAP) and liberation from mechanical ventilationare beyond the scope of this article.Perhaps one of the most confusing aspects of mechanical ventilation isthe plethora of terms and acronyms that are used.","qid":451602,"docid":"1626653","rank":59,"score":12.209781646728516},{"content":"a type of mechanical ventilation in which the ventilator is set to deliver a prescribed tidal volume at specified intervals and a high-flow gas system permits the patient to breathe spontaneously between cycles.ressure support ventilation positive pressure ventilation in which the patient breathes spontaneously and breathing is augmented with air at a preset amount of pressure, with tidal volume not being fixed.","qid":451602,"docid":"6286979","rank":60,"score":11.534994125366211},{"content":"Mechanical ventilation may be defined as the use of a mechanical device to provide. ventilator support for patients. There are 2 types of mechanical ventilation: positive and. negative pressure ventilation. Positive pressure ventilation delivers a positive pressure to. inflate the lungs. Expiration is passive.","qid":451602,"docid":"3177691","rank":61,"score":12.600931167602539},{"content":"Ventilators are medical devices that provide mechanical ventilation to assist with or replace patients\u00e2\u0080\u0099 spontaneous breathing. Mechanical ventilation is often categorized based on the interface used, such as a tracheostomy tube for invasive ventilation, or a mask for non-invasive ventilation.","qid":451602,"docid":"2176455","rank":62,"score":11.928918838500977},{"content":"A signature page including all physicians, respiratory care staff and necessary. administrative individuals should be included to demonstrate approval and support of the. protocol by the primary group involved in the management of adult patients requiring. invasive mechanical ventilation within any institution.","qid":451602,"docid":"8295162","rank":63,"score":11.4041166305542},{"content":"Medical Definition of ventilation. 1 1: the act or process of ventilating. 2 2: the circulation and exchange of gases in the lungs or gills that is basic to respiration.","qid":451602,"docid":"5179245","rank":64,"score":12.141258239746094},{"content":"-Mean hospital costs were $34,257 dollars (+\/- $40,559 dollars) with lower average costs in rural and small hospitals. Discontinuing mechanical ventilation continues to be one of the most challenging events in ICU management, and a significant portion of time spent on the ventilator (40%) is dedicated to weaning..A total of 44.6% had at least one major co-morbid condition; the most common co-morbidities included diabetes (13.2 %) and pulmonary disease (13.2%). -Daily incremental cost of mechanical ventilation for ICU patients is estimated at between $600 and $1500 per day.","qid":451602,"docid":"6164536","rank":65,"score":11.334989547729492},{"content":"home \/ medterms medical dictionary a-z list \/ ventilation definition Medical Definition of Ventilation Ventilation: The exchange of air between the lungs and the atmosphere so that oxygen can be exchanged for carbon dioxide in the alveoli (the tiny air sacs in the lungs). What Kind of Doctor Do I Need?","qid":451602,"docid":"2244874","rank":66,"score":11.869508743286133},{"content":"Medicare does not pay for all medical expenses, and usually must be supplemented with private insurance (medigap) or consumers can enroll in an HMO plan that contracts with Medicare. After 3 days of prior hospitalization, Medicare will pay up to 100% for the first 20 days of skilled nursing care.edi-Cal is a combined federal and California State program designed to help pay for medical care for public assistance recipients and other low-income persons. Although Medi-Cal recipients may receive Medicare, the Medi-Cal program is not related to the Medicare program.","qid":451602,"docid":"1651526","rank":67,"score":11.404666900634766},{"content":"Indications for mechanical ventilation, ventila-. tor associated pneumonia (VAP) and liberation from mechanical ventilation. are beyond the scope of this article. Perhaps one of the most confusing aspects of mechanical ventilation is. the plethora of terms and acronyms that are used.","qid":451602,"docid":"4487185","rank":68,"score":12.386894226074219},{"content":"Normal ventilation means the patient receives a normal pressure or volume of gas while inspiring and also while expiring.Minute ventilation means the ventilator makes sure that the patient inspires and expires the particular minute volume set for the patient. For example if it is a 70kg patient.ormal ventilation means the patient receives a normal pressure or volume of gas while inspiring and also while expiring.","qid":451602,"docid":"1314125","rank":69,"score":11.3846435546875},{"content":"A form of mechanical ventilation in which the peak inspiratory flow rate, fraction of inspired oxygen, positive end-expiratory pressure, respiratory rate, and tidal volume are preset and delivered to the patient. Synonym: volume-cycled ventilation; volume-limited ventilation.","qid":451602,"docid":"8540473","rank":70,"score":12.197881698608398},{"content":"Strategies for assisted mechanical ventilation are about. tailoring care to the needs of the patient. One factor. important in selecting the appropriate ventilator mode, from a critical care view, is determining the current. respiratory status and whether the patient can maintain. that level of ventilation.","qid":451602,"docid":"6618763","rank":71,"score":11.485310554504395},{"content":"1. Continuous mandatory ventilation. 2. A mode of mechanical respiration in which all breaths are mandatory and are either patient or machine triggered, and machine cycled; a minimum breathing rate is set but the patient can trigger breaths at a faster pace.","qid":451602,"docid":"5538942","rank":72,"score":12.253267288208008},{"content":"Pressure control ventilation (PCV or PC) This is a type of mandatory breath that can be used in either A\/C or SIMV modes and targets a specific pressure during inspiration. The delivered flow rate varies according to the patient\u00e2\u0080\u0099s demand and own lung characteristics, such as lung compliance and airway resistance.","qid":451602,"docid":"1277292","rank":73,"score":11.46778678894043},{"content":"The delivery of the mechanical breaths is synchronized with the patient effort. When the time arrives for a mandatory breath, the ventilator will wait briefly for a patient effort (flow or pressure trigger).","qid":451602,"docid":"4543268","rank":74,"score":11.365619659423828},{"content":"Rarely are there black and white answers about whether mechanical ventilation is appropriate. The decision depends on many factors including the patient's basic state of health, chances of recovery, will to live, and the benefits and burdens of further treatment.","qid":451602,"docid":"8390526","rank":75,"score":11.515256881713867},{"content":"Mechanical ventilation. For the use in architecture and climate control, see Ventilation (architecture). Mechanical ventilation is the medical term for artificial ventilation where mechanical means is used to assist or replace spontaneous breathing.","qid":451602,"docid":"5475308","rank":76,"score":12.581106185913086},{"content":"Mechanical ventilation is indicated when the patient's spontaneous ventilation is inadequate to sustain life. In addition, it is indicated as a measure to control ventilation in critically ill patients and as prophylaxis for impending collapse of other physiologic functions. second possible advantage of this mode of mechanical ventilation is that cycling the ventilator into the inspiratory phase maintains normal ventilatory activity and, therefore, prevents atrophy of the respiratory muscles.","qid":451602,"docid":"6286982","rank":77,"score":11.88917350769043},{"content":"Advance Directives (Mechanical ventilation enables the client to breathe and prolongs survival, but it will not alter progression of the disease. For this reason, many clients elect not to be placed on a mechanical ventilator, according to their wishes or advance directives).","qid":451602,"docid":"5211036","rank":78,"score":12.183631896972656},{"content":"There is a set rate and tidal volume. BUT, the patient is able to initiate an extra breath. The extra breath is delivered by the machine, NOT performed by the patient. The delivered breath is a full-tidal volume breath (may be more than the patient needed).","qid":451602,"docid":"6618759","rank":79,"score":11.426603317260742},{"content":"Skilled Care in a Skilled Nursing Facility. Medicare provides 100 percent of expenses for the first 20 days of skilled nursing care after three consecutive days of hospitalization - not including the day of discharge. This nursing care must be physician-prescribed to be covered by Medicare.","qid":451602,"docid":"6091174","rank":80,"score":11.951290130615234},{"content":"assist-control ventilation. A type of mechanical ventilation with a minimum frequency of respirations determined by ventilator settings. It also permits the patient to initiate ventilation at the same tidal volume or pressure as set on the ventilator. See also: ventilation.","qid":451602,"docid":"5538936","rank":81,"score":12.050539016723633},{"content":"Mechanical ventilation is the movement of air through the workspace caused by an electrical device, such as a portable fan or permanently mounted fan in the ceiling or wall. The minimum flow rate shall be 2,000 cfm per welder, except where local exhaust hoods and booths or airline respirators are provided and used.","qid":451602,"docid":"8019873","rank":82,"score":11.589884757995605},{"content":"intermittent positive-pressure ventilation (IPPV) the provision of mechanical ventilation by a machine designed to deliver breathing gas until equilibrium is established between the patient's lungs and the ventilator. IPPV machines are positive-pressure, pressure-cycled, assister-controller (pneumatic) devices.","qid":451602,"docid":"2756872","rank":83,"score":11.480897903442383},{"content":"Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is a complication in as many as 28% of patients who receive mechanical ventilation. The incidence of VAP increases with the duration of mechanical ventilation.","qid":451602,"docid":"7403454","rank":84,"score":11.512529373168945},{"content":"assisted ventilation. Definition: application of mechanically or manually generated positive pressure to gas(es) in or about the airway during inhalation as a means of augmenting the movement of gases into the lungs. Synonym(s): assisted respiration. Search Stedman's Medical Dictionary.","qid":451602,"docid":"5538937","rank":85,"score":11.658788681030273},{"content":"Medical Definition of Ventilation. Ventilation: The exchange of air between the lungs and the atmosphere so that oxygen can be exchanged for carbon dioxide in the alveoli (the tiny air sacs in the lungs). Last Editorial Review: 5\/13\/2016.","qid":451602,"docid":"5179250","rank":86,"score":11.850042343139648},{"content":"Modes of mechanical ventilation are one of the most important aspects of the usage of mechanical ventilation. The mode refers to the method of inspiratory support. In general, mode selection is based on clinician familiarity and institutional preferences, since there is a paucity of evidence indicating that the mode affects clinical outcome.","qid":451602,"docid":"5053852","rank":87,"score":11.518798828125},{"content":"ICU patients often require mechanical ventilation if they have lost the ability to breathe normally. An intensive care unit (ICU), also known as an intensive therapy unit or intensive treatment unit (ITU) or critical care unit (CCU), is a special department of a hospital or health care facility that provides intensive treatment medicine.","qid":451602,"docid":"998695","rank":88,"score":11.560403823852539},{"content":"My Dad is in a nursing home and is on a ventilator. Medicaid is paying for his nursing home care and therapy. He is, however, over 200 miles from home and family. There is no facility close to home that will take him on a ventilator.","qid":451602,"docid":"96225","rank":89,"score":11.438947677612305},{"content":"Mechanical Ventilation. Mechanical ventilation is a method of forced or induced ventilation by using mechanical air handling systems, commonly called HVAC systems. Mechanical ventilation is more controllable than natural ventilation. In Mechanical Ventilation blowers, fans, filters, and ducts are used for transporting and removing air from a space.There are two types of fans used for the transmission of air. When the air enters the impellers axially and is discharged radially from the impeller, it is called a centrifugal or radial flow fan.t is the movement of air from one space to other as well as supply of fresh air into the air conditioned space. Mechanical ventilation assists in controlling the humidity, contaminants, air borne particles, and general air quality.","qid":451602,"docid":"3090666","rank":90,"score":11.384218215942383},{"content":"CPT 99305 (Initial nursing facility care, per day, for the evaluation and management of a patient) and used for new patient visits. It cannot be used ventilator management. You need to used 94002 (Ventilation assist and management, initiation of pressure or volume mechanical ventilation for.","qid":451602,"docid":"8695415","rank":91,"score":11.687803268432617},{"content":"Apr 3, 2014 \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 Ventilators are covered by Medicare for the treatment of neuromuscular \u00e2\u0080\u00a6. 1 The. rates listed are based on the Medicare 2015 DMEPOS National Fee Schedule.","qid":451602,"docid":"2312864","rank":92,"score":11.971784591674805},{"content":"Common indications for mechanical ventilation include the following: 1 Bradypnea or apnea with respiratory arrest. 2 Acute lung injury and the acute respiratory distress syndrome. 3 Tachypnea (respiratory rate >30 breaths per minute) Vital capacity less than 15 mL\/ 1 kg. Minute ventilation greater than 10 L\/ min.","qid":451602,"docid":"3177694","rank":93,"score":11.517411231994629},{"content":"positive pressure ventilation any of numerous types of mechanical ventilation in which gas is delivered into the airways and lungs under positive pressure, producing positive airway pressure during inspiration; it may be done via either an endotracheal tube or a nasal mask. See also ventilator.","qid":451602,"docid":"2618829","rank":94,"score":11.804611206054688},{"content":"Mechanical ventilation, applied either invasively through a tracheotomy tube or non-invasively via a mask, is increasingly used for the long-term management of many forms of severe chronic respiratory failure in the home setting [1\u00e2\u0080\u00933].","qid":451602,"docid":"96229","rank":95,"score":11.895666122436523},{"content":"intermittent mandatory ventilation (IMV). see intermittent mandatory ventilation. intermittent positive-pressure breathing (IPPB). a form of respiratory therapy utilizing a ventilator for the treatment of patients with inadequate breathing.","qid":451602,"docid":"5897795","rank":96,"score":11.474750518798828},{"content":"Medicare is a Federal health insurance program that pays for hospital and medical care for elderly and certain disabled Americans. The program consists of two main parts for hospital and medical insurance (Part A and Part B) and two additional parts that provide flexibility and prescription drugs (Part C and Part D).","qid":451602,"docid":"1205095","rank":97,"score":11.903491973876953},{"content":"Portable Oxygen and Medicare\/Insurance. Portable Oxygen Concentrators are a medically-necessary device that require a little more paperwork than your average internet purchase. There are some special considerations in regard to prescriptions and Medicare\/Insurance billing. The following information answers some frequently asked questions.","qid":451602,"docid":"8625093","rank":98,"score":11.5352201461792},{"content":"Definition of Medicare. Medicare: The US government's national health insurance program for people aged 65 and older who have worked for at least 10 years in Medicare-covered employment, and who are citizens or permanent residents of the US.efinition of Medicare. Medicare: The US government's national health insurance program for people aged 65 and older who have worked for at least 10 years in Medicare-covered employment, and who are citizens or permanent residents of the US.","qid":451602,"docid":"3767019","rank":99,"score":11.339282035827637},{"content":"High frequency ventilation is a type of mechanical ventilation which utilizes a respiratory rate greater than 4 times the normal value. (>150 (Vf) breaths per minute) and very small tidal volumes.","qid":451602,"docid":"7792100","rank":100,"score":11.33555793762207}]} {"query":"example of monotonic function","hits":[{"content":"The input and output of a function can be expressed as an ordered pair, ordered so that the first element is the input (or tuple of inputs, if the function takes more than one input), and the second is the output. In the example above, f (x) = x 2, we have the ordered pair (\u00e2\u0088\u00923, 9).","qid":182539,"docid":"2945194","rank":1,"score":10.861309051513672},{"content":"Sketch the graph of y = 1\/f(x). Since f(0) = 0, the function y = 1\/f(x) is undefined when x = 0. There is a vertical asymptote at x = 0. In this example there is only one zero (x-intercept) so there is only 1 vertical asymptote. See diagram in the Solution.","qid":182539,"docid":"5529384","rank":2,"score":10.933830261230469},{"content":"Example 4.20. Introducing lambda Functions. >>> def f(x): ... return x*2 ... >>> f(3) 6 >>> g = lambda x: x*2 >>> g(3) 6 >>> (lambda x: x*2)(3) 6. To generalize, a lambda function is a function that takes any number of arguments (including optional arguments) and returns the value of a single expression. lambda functions can not contain commands, and they can not contain more than one expression.","qid":182539,"docid":"3727535","rank":3,"score":10.869928359985352},{"content":"Note that just monotonic transformation of a concave function isnot necessarily concave: consider, for example f (x) = x and g (z) = z 3 .Thus the concavity of a function is not ordinal, it is cardinal property.Economic ExampleSuppose production function f (x) is concave and the cost function c (x) is convex.ote that just monotonic transformation of a concave function isnot necessarily concave: consider, for example f (x) = x and g (z) = z 3 .Thus the concavity of a function is not ordinal, it is cardinal property.Economic ExampleSuppose production function f (x) is concave and the cost function c (x) is convex.","qid":182539,"docid":"3760957","rank":4,"score":11.867124557495117},{"content":"And we usually see what a function does with the input: f(x) = x2 shows us that function f takes x and squares it. Example: with f(x) = x2 1 : an input of 4. 2 becomes an output of 16.","qid":182539,"docid":"2783592","rank":5,"score":10.827438354492188},{"content":"The package contains several simple examples of functions just to get to know the basics. These functions won\u00e2\u0080\u0099t be discussed in more detail but few things could be pointed out. Even though some of the functions are just short \u00e2\u0080\u0098aliases\u00e2\u0080\u0099 to native Oracle functions, I wanted to create a bit more intuitive versions. Most of the functions are defined as DETERMINISTIC meaning that the function always produces the same result if the input values are the same.","qid":182539,"docid":"3448160","rank":6,"score":10.80461311340332},{"content":"Likewise, a function is called monotonically decreasing (also decreasing or non-increasing) if, whenever x \u00e2\u0089\u00a4 y, then f (x) \u00e2\u0089\u00a5 f (y), so it reverses the order (see Figure 2). If the order \u00e2\u0089\u00a4 in the definition of Monotonicity is replaced by the strict order strictly increasing.","qid":182539,"docid":"7371257","rank":7,"score":11.844768524169922},{"content":"Definition of a Linear Function. A linear function is any function that graphs to a straight line. What this means mathematically is that the function has either one or two variables with no exponents or powers. If the function has more variables, the variables must be constants or known variables for the function to remain a linear function.","qid":182539,"docid":"1011048","rank":8,"score":10.842707633972168},{"content":"Two examples are shown on the screen. In example a. , common mistakes include not distributing the negative and\/or not reversing the inequality when dividing by a negative. The answer is shown on the screen. For example b, the solution is shown. Students can select any ordered pair in the shaded region.","qid":182539,"docid":"4746172","rank":9,"score":10.956620216369629},{"content":"For example, Rudin, in his Principles of Mathematical Analysis (Definition 3.13), defines a sequence $\\{s_n\\}$ of real numbers to be: (a) monotonically increasing if $s_n \\leq s_{n+1}, (n = 1, 2, 3, \\cdots)$ [i.e., non-decreasing].o. $x(0)=0, x(1)=0, x(2)=1$ is non-decreasing, but not monotonically increasing. It is monotonically increasing if $x(1)=0.5$ instead, for example.","qid":182539,"docid":"3883081","rank":10,"score":11.541112899780273},{"content":"Figure 1. A monotonically increasing function (it is strictly increasing on the left and right while just non-decreasing in the middle.). Figure 2. A monotonically decreasing function. In calculus, a function f defined on a subset of the real numbers with real values is called monotonic (also monotonically increasing, increasing or non-decreasing), if for all x and y such that x \u00e2\u0089\u00a4 y one has f (x) \u00e2\u0089\u00a4 f (y), so f preserves the order (see Figure 1).","qid":182539,"docid":"7371255","rank":11,"score":12.314701080322266},{"content":"Examples of the following types of functions are shown in this gallery: 1 linear. 2 quadratic. 3 power. polynomial. 4 rational. exponential. 5 logarithmic. sinusoidal.","qid":182539,"docid":"1956775","rank":12,"score":11.527514457702637},{"content":"The term monotonic may also be used to describe set functions which map subsets of the domain to non-decreasing values of the codomain. In particular, if is a set function from a collection of sets to an ordered set , then is said to be monotone if whenever as elements of , .","qid":182539,"docid":"8757179","rank":13,"score":12.795665740966797},{"content":"Quite similarly, a function is termed as monotonically decreasing or a decreasing function if Y axis values do decrease as the X axis values are decreasing. The nature of increasing or decreasing function is to either increase or decrease throughout the function.","qid":182539,"docid":"5567732","rank":14,"score":11.65134048461914},{"content":"A function is a special relationship where each input has a single output. It is often written as f(x) where x is the input value.Example: f(x) = x\/2 (f of x is x divided by 2) is a function, because each input x has a single output x\/2: \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 f(2) = 1 \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 f(16) = 8 \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 f(\u00e2\u0088\u009210) = \u00e2\u0088\u00925. What is a Function. function is a special relationship where each input has a single output. It is often written as f(x) where x is the input value.","qid":182539,"docid":"1200024","rank":15,"score":10.881601333618164},{"content":"page 1 of 3. First, let's establish some definitions: f is said to be increasing on an interval I if for all x in I, whenever. f is said to be decreasing on an interval I if for all x in I, whenever. A function is monotonic on an interval I if it is only increasing or only decreasing on I. The derivative can help us determine whether a function is increasing or decreasing on an interval. This knowledge will later allow us to sketch rough graphs of functions. Let f be continuous on [a, b] and differentiable on (a, b) . If for all x on (a, b) , then f is increasing on [a, b] . If for all x on (a, b) , then f is decreasing on [a, b] . This should make intuitive sense. In the graph below, wherever the slope of the tangent is positive, the function seems to be increasing.","qid":182539,"docid":"8299668","rank":16,"score":10.922361373901367},{"content":"The MONOTONIC function is often presented as a means of adding sequence numbers to table rows. Several papers present it as a solution to this programming problem. If the MONOTONIC function is used in an SQL procedure that aggregates data then the function may return non-sequential or missing results.","qid":182539,"docid":"1638690","rank":17,"score":12.330717086791992},{"content":"Example of Inequality. 5 < d=>< 7,= x= \u00e2\u0089\u00a5= -= 1,=>2 \u00e2\u0089\u00a4 b, - 12 > - 13 are few examples of inequalities.","qid":182539,"docid":"805325","rank":18,"score":11.241113662719727},{"content":"The first derivative test examines a function's monotonic properties (where the function is increasing or decreasing) focusing on a particular point in its domain. If the function switches from increasing to decreasing at the point, then the function will achieve a highest value at that point.","qid":182539,"docid":"4730803","rank":19,"score":10.919705390930176},{"content":"Likewise, a function is called monotonically decreasing (also decreasing or nonincreasing) if, whenever, then, so it reverses the order (see Figure 2). If the order in the definition of monotonicity is replaced by the strict order, then one obtains a stronger requirement.","qid":182539,"docid":"7371261","rank":20,"score":11.9087495803833},{"content":"monotonic function. Monotonic Function. (or monotone function), a function whose increments \u00ce\u0094f(x) = f(x\u00e2\u0080\u00b2) \u00e2\u0088\u0092 f(x) do not change sign when \u00ce\u0094x = x\u00e2\u0080\u00b2 \u00e2\u0088\u0092 x > 0; that is, the increments are either always nonnegative or always nonpositive. Somewhat inaccurately, a monotonic function can be defined as a function that always varies in the same direction.","qid":182539,"docid":"8757181","rank":21,"score":13.623903274536133},{"content":"Where a function equals the value zero (0). Example: -2 and 2 are the zeros of the function x2 - 4. Also called root. See: Root.","qid":182539,"docid":"5077914","rank":22,"score":10.89220142364502},{"content":"By showing several graphs on one plot you will be able to see their common features. Examples of the following types of functions are shown in this gallery: In each case the argument (input) of the function is called x and the value (output) of the function is called y. Linear functions.","qid":182539,"docid":"1798209","rank":23,"score":10.840764999389648},{"content":"Thus, y=0 is a horizontal asymptote for the function y=1\/x. Here is another example, y=(4x+2)\/(x^2+1): As you can see in the above graph, the equation approaches zero eventually. This happens because on the top of the fraction 4x+2 will always be positive, but the denominator, x^2+1, will be far larger.","qid":182539,"docid":"6561477","rank":24,"score":11.046618461608887},{"content":"To solidify our understanding of what a monotonic function is, let's consider what a non-monotonic function is. A non-monotonic function is a function that is increasing and decreasing on different intervals of its domain. For example, consider our initial example f(x) equals x 2.","qid":182539,"docid":"57444","rank":25,"score":13.744449615478516},{"content":"This is a form of triangle inequality, with n, n', and the goal Gn closest to n. Because every monotonic heuristic is also admissible, monotonicity is a stricter requirement than admissibility. In some heuristic algorithms, such as A*, the algorithm can be considered optimal if it is monotonic.","qid":182539,"docid":"7579347","rank":26,"score":11.58404541015625},{"content":"Function examples. A function is a mapping from a set of inputs (the domain) to a set of possible outputs (the codomain). The definition of a function is based on a set of ordered pairs, where the first element in each pair is from the domain and the second is from the codomain.o, if we simply refer to the $f(x)=x^2+1$, we probably mean the function $f: \\R \\to \\R$ where $f(x)=x^2+1$. Since $f(x) \\ge 1$, the codomain is the subset of real numbers that are 1 or larger. We could define a different function $g: \\mathbf{Z} \\to \\mathbf{Z}$ by $g(x)=x^2+1$, where $\\mathbf{Z}$ is the set of integers.","qid":182539,"docid":"6282906","rank":27,"score":11.092111587524414},{"content":"In calculus, a function defined on a subset of the real numbers with real values is called monotonic if and only if it is either entirely increasing or decreasing. It is called monotonically increasing (also increasing or nondecreasing), if for all and such that one has, so preserves the order (see Figure 1). Likewise, a function is called monotonically decreasing (also decreasing or nonincreasing) if, whenever, then, so it reverses the order (see Figure 2).","qid":182539,"docid":"8299659","rank":28,"score":12.711870193481445},{"content":"In calculus, a function defined on a subset of the real numbers with real values is called monotonic if and only if it is either entirely increasing or decreasing. It is called monotonically increasing (also increasing or nondecreasing), if for all and such that one has, so preserves the order (see Figure 1).","qid":182539,"docid":"7371259","rank":29,"score":12.822320938110352},{"content":"\u00e2\u0080\u00a2 MONOTONE (adjective). The adjective MONOTONE has 2 senses: 1. of a sequence or function; consistently increasing and never decreasing or consistently decreasing and never increasing in value. 2. sounded or spoken in a tone unvarying in pitch.","qid":182539,"docid":"6816573","rank":30,"score":10.787158966064453},{"content":"Two facts about these functions are: 1 if is a monotonic function defined on an interval, then is differentiable almost everywhere on, i.e. the set of numbers in such that is not differentiable in has Lebesgue measure zero. 2 if is a monotonic function defined on an interval, then is Riemann integrable.","qid":182539,"docid":"8299665","rank":31,"score":11.935298919677734},{"content":"Monotonicity criterion. This article is about a voting system criterion. For the mathematical notion of an order preserving mapping, see monotonic function. The monotonicity criterion is a voting system criterion used to evaluate both single and multiple winner ranked voting systems.","qid":182539,"docid":"57450","rank":32,"score":11.450172424316406},{"content":"Definition of MONOTONIC. 1. : characterized by the use of or uttered in a monotone. 2. : having the property either of never increasing or of never decreasing as the values of the independent variable or the subscripts of the terms increase. \u00e2\u0080\u0094 mono\u00c2\u00b7ton\u00c2\u00b7i\u00c2\u00b7cal\u00c2\u00b7ly \\-ni-k(\u00c9\u0099-)l\u00c4\u0093\\ adverb.","qid":182539,"docid":"6816574","rank":33,"score":12.255837440490723},{"content":"also a monotonically decreasing function with h(0) = k\u00ce\u00b2\/(1\u00e2\u0088\u0092p) and h(\u00e2\u0088\u009e) = k\u00ce\u00b2. An exponential-negative binomial distribution 195. Figure 1 illustrates possible shapes of (1.8) for selected parameter values. Figure 2 illustrates possible shapes of (1.9) for selected parameter values.","qid":182539,"docid":"6783449","rank":34,"score":11.090696334838867},{"content":"And, a function is known as decreasing if y-value decreases when x is increases and denoted as if x 1 2 $\\Rightarrow$ f(x 1 2). A function that either increases or decreases everywhere in an Interval is called monotonic on the Interval.","qid":182539,"docid":"5567729","rank":35,"score":11.926424026489258},{"content":"Lambda Function. There are a number of functions in mathematics commonly denoted with a Greek letter lambda. Examples of one-variable functions denoted with a lower case lambda include the Carmichael functions, Dirichlet lambda function, elliptic lambda function, and Liouville function.","qid":182539,"docid":"875886","rank":36,"score":10.892668724060059},{"content":"There are sequences which are convergent without being monotonic. For example, the sequences (-1 , 1\/2 , -1\/3 , 1\/4 , ... ) and (1\/2 , 1\/22 , 1\/3 , 1\/32 , ... ) both converge to 0. For sequences given by recurrence relations it is sometimes easy to see what their limits are.","qid":182539,"docid":"8757183","rank":37,"score":12.067501068115234},{"content":"And, a function is known as decreasing if y-value decreases when x is increases and denoted as if x 1 2 $\\Rightarrow$ f(x 1 2). A function that either increases or decreases everywhere in an Interval is called monotonic on the Interval.hen the function is increasing, the graph of the function rises from left to right. On the other hand, while the function is decreasing, its graph falls from left to right. The function y = x 2 is decreasing in the interval (-$\\infty$,0) and is increasing in the interval (0, $\\infty$).","qid":182539,"docid":"7583024","rank":38,"score":12.018598556518555},{"content":"In mathematics, a function is a relation between a set of inputs and a set of permissible outputs with the property that each input is related to exactly one output. An example is the function that relates each real number x to its square x 2. The output of a function f corresponding to an input x is denoted by f (x) (read f of x ). In this example, if the input is \u00e2\u0088\u00923, then the output is 9, and we may write f (\u00e2\u0088\u00923) = 9.","qid":182539,"docid":"8470381","rank":39,"score":10.788726806640625},{"content":"Introduction and Definition of Continuous Functions. We first start with graphs of several continuous functions. The functions whose graphs are shown below are said to be continuous since these graphs have no breaks, gaps or holes. We now present examples of discontinuous functions. These graphs have: breaks, gaps or points at which they are undefined. In the graphs below, the function is undefined at x = 2.","qid":182539,"docid":"6125592","rank":40,"score":10.984783172607422},{"content":"1. The initial example shows a constant function f (x) = k (which is a power function with n = 0). Initially k is set to 1. The function is a horizontal line and is hiding behind the red tangent line. Move the x slider and watch the cross hair move. constant function. The initial example shows a constant function f (x) = k (which is a power function with n = 0). Initially k is set to 1. The function is a horizontal line and is hiding behind the red tangent line.","qid":182539,"docid":"6807899","rank":41,"score":10.998821258544922},{"content":"I've never heard of monotonic being used for two (input) variables, but I suppose it would mean that, for each fixed value of y, u is a monotonic function of x, and for each fixed value of x, u is a monotonic function of y (and I expect they'd need to be either both monotonic increasing or both monotonic decreasing).","qid":182539,"docid":"57448","rank":42,"score":12.663042068481445},{"content":"Every survival function S (t) is monotonically decreasing, i.e. for all. The time, t = 0, represents some origin, typically the beginning of a study or the start of operation of some system. S (0) is commonly unity but can be less to represent the probability that the system fails immediately upon operation.","qid":182539,"docid":"7527837","rank":43,"score":10.785552978515625},{"content":"Definition and Examples. A function f is linear if it can be expressed in the form. f ( x) =mx +b. where m and b are constants and x is an arbitrary member of the domain of f. Often the. relationship between two variables x and y is a linear function expressed as an. equation y =mx +b. Examples:","qid":182539,"docid":"4118762","rank":44,"score":10.929939270019531},{"content":"A constant function. The initial example shows a constant function f (x) = k (which is a power function with n = 0). Initially k is set to 1. The function is a horizontal line and is hiding behind the red tangent line.Move the x slider and watch the cross hair move. constant function. The initial example shows a constant function f (x) = k (which is a power function with n = 0). Initially k is set to 1. The function is a horizontal line and is hiding behind the red tangent line.","qid":182539,"docid":"6807900","rank":45,"score":10.966148376464844},{"content":"Similar to the addition function in the previous example, this example defines a subtract function, that simply returns the difference between its two parameters. This time, main calls this function several times, demonstrating more possible ways in which a function can be called.","qid":182539,"docid":"1642204","rank":46,"score":10.85603141784668},{"content":"In mathematics, a monotonic function (or monotone function) is a function between ordered sets that preserves or reverses the given order. This concept first arose in calculus, and was later generalized to the more abstract setting of order theory. 1 Monotonicity in calculus and analysis.","qid":182539,"docid":"2909960","rank":47,"score":13.281689643859863},{"content":"Key Questions. What is an example of a linear equation written in function notation? We can do more than giving an example of a linear equation: we can give the expression of every possible linear function. A function is said to be linear if the dipendent and the indipendent variable grow with constant ratio.","qid":182539,"docid":"4468608","rank":48,"score":10.912004470825195},{"content":"In mathematics, a function is a relation between a set of inputs and a set of permissible outputs with the property that each input is related to exactly one output. An example is the function that relates each real number x to its square x 2.he input and output of a function can be expressed as an ordered pair, ordered so that the first element is the input (or tuple of inputs, if the function takes more than one input), and the second is the output. In the example above, f (x) = x 2, we have the ordered pair (\u00e2\u0088\u00923, 9).","qid":182539,"docid":"1924241","rank":49,"score":10.98500919342041},{"content":"piecewise_monotony := PIECEWISE (constant_piece_definition | functional_piece_definition) The pieces can be defined either by a set of constants or by another monotonic function, in which the pieces are defined by distinct values of the piece-defining function.","qid":182539,"docid":"1307234","rank":50,"score":11.231185913085938},{"content":"Example. A very simple numerical example: suppose we are to find the critical points of the function $$f(x)=x^{5\/2}(x-1)^{4\/3}$$ Implicitly, we have to find the critical points first.","qid":182539,"docid":"4788676","rank":51,"score":10.916265487670898},{"content":"Increasing Functions. A function is increasing when the y-value increases as the x-value increases, like this: It is easy to see that y=f(x) tends to go up as it goes along.","qid":182539,"docid":"762792","rank":52,"score":10.85047721862793},{"content":"monotonic increasing \u00e2\u0080\u008e(not comparable) (mathematics, of a function) always increasing or remaining constant, and never decreasing; contrast this with strictly increasing.","qid":182539,"docid":"8757180","rank":53,"score":11.831850051879883},{"content":"An example is the function that relates each real number x to its square x 2. The output of a function f corresponding to an input x is denoted by f (x) (read f of x ). In this example, if the input is \u00e2\u0088\u00923, then the output is 9, and we may write f (\u00e2\u0088\u00923) = 9.","qid":182539,"docid":"6097108","rank":54,"score":11.181801795959473},{"content":"For example, (1, 2) is on the graph of f (x) , (1, 4) is on the graph of f (x) + 2, and (1, 0) is on the graph of f (x) - 2. Graphs of f (x) , f (x) + 2, and f (x) - 2. While adding to the input increases the function in the y direction, adding to the input decreases the function in the x direction.","qid":182539,"docid":"6926339","rank":55,"score":10.785469055175781},{"content":"understand exponential functions and how they work. Exponential functions are function where the variable x is in the exponent . Some examples of exponential functions are f(x) = 2 x , f(x) = 5 x \u00e2\u0080\u0093 2 , or f(x) = 9 2x + 1 . In each of the three examples the variable x is in the exponent, which makes each of the examples exponential functions. To begin graphing exponential functions we will start with two examples. exponential functions by making a table of values and plotting the points. examples we will take a look at the s imilarities and differences between the two graphs.","qid":182539,"docid":"7088372","rank":56,"score":10.824399948120117},{"content":"Here's the definition of the monotonic function from Wikipedia: In calculus, a function f defined on a subset of the real numbers with real values is called monotonic (also monotonically increasing, increasing or non-decreasing), if for all x and y such that x \u00e2\u0089\u00a4 y one has f(x) \u00e2\u0089\u00a4 f(y), so f preserves the order.","qid":182539,"docid":"1307235","rank":57,"score":12.67994499206543},{"content":"This is also an example of a piecewise function. A piecewise function is nothing more than a function that is broken into pieces and which piece you use depends upon value of x. So, in the absolute value example we will use the top piece if x is positive or zero and we will use the bottom piece if x is negative.","qid":182539,"docid":"7203204","rank":58,"score":11.202795028686523},{"content":"The limit of f(x) as x approaches 1 from the left, equals 1. In this example, notice that the right and left limits do not agree. Also note that the limit of a function doesn t have to be equal to the actual value (if any) of the function at the limit point. In this last example, the function was defined with f(1)=2.","qid":182539,"docid":"1728783","rank":59,"score":11.01759147644043},{"content":"Two facts about these functions are: 1 if is a monotonic function defined on an interval, then is differentiable almost everywhere on, i.e. the set of numbers in such that is not differentiable in has Lebesgue measure zero. 2 In addition, this result cannot be improved to countable: see Cantor function.","qid":182539,"docid":"8299661","rank":60,"score":12.002656936645508},{"content":"Example of Function. f(x) = x + 4, , f(s) = 7s are few examples of function. Solved Example on Function. Ques: Brad sells a vacuum cleaner and earns $4 as commission for each vacuum cleaner he sells. The owner pays him depending on how many vacuum cleaners he sells.","qid":182539,"docid":"2009617","rank":61,"score":11.544775009155273},{"content":"Two facts about these functions are: 1 if is a monotonic function defined on an interval, then is differentiable almost everywhere on, i.e. the set of numbers in such that is not differentiable in has Lebesgue measure zero.2 In addition, this result cannot be improved to countable: see Cantor function.f the order in the definition of monotonicity is replaced by the strict order, then one obtains a stronger requirement. A function with this property is called strictly increasing. Again, by inverting the order symbol, one finds a corresponding concept called strictly decreasing.","qid":182539,"docid":"6037973","rank":62,"score":11.983348846435547},{"content":"Last updated: Tue Apr 11 2017. There are a number of functions in mathematics commonly denoted with a Greek letter lambda. Examples of one-variable functions denoted with a lower case lambda include the Carmichael functions, Dirichlet lambda function, elliptic lambda function, and Liouville function.","qid":182539,"docid":"875888","rank":63,"score":10.808650970458984},{"content":"An important application of monotonic functions is in probability theory. If is a random variable, its cumulative distribution function is a monotonically increasing function. A function is unimodal if it is monotonically increasing up to some point (the mode) and then monotonically decreasing. When is a strictly monotonic function, then is injective on its domain, and if is the range of, then there is an inverse function on for.","qid":182539,"docid":"7371262","rank":64,"score":12.221851348876953},{"content":"We now want to investigate what the Completeness axiom tells us about the convergence of sequences. Unfortunately, the example of the sequence (1, 0, 1, 0, ... ) shows that bounded sequences do not necessarily have limits.","qid":182539,"docid":"8757176","rank":65,"score":11.195581436157227},{"content":"In calculus, a function defined on a subset of the real numbers with real values is called monotonic if and only if it is either entirely increasing or decreasing. It is called monotonically increasing (also increasing or nondecreasing), if for all and such that one has, so preserves the order (see Figure 1).Likewise, a function is called monotonically decreasing (also decreasing or nonincreasing) if, whenever, then, so it reverses the order (see Figure 2).If the order in the definition of monotonicity is replaced by the strict order, then one obtains a stronger requirement.A function with this property is called strictly increasing. Again, by inverting the order symbol, one finds a corresponding concept called strictly decreasing.wo facts about these functions are: 1 if is a monotonic function defined on an interval, then is differentiable almost everywhere on, i.e. the set of numbers in such that is not differentiable in has Lebesgue measure zero.","qid":182539,"docid":"3883077","rank":66,"score":12.459001541137695},{"content":"In this case, the answer is no. The input value of 1 goes with two output values, 2 and -2. It only takes one input value to associate with more than one output value to be invalid as a function. So, this relation would not be an example of a function.","qid":182539,"docid":"4386578","rank":67,"score":10.819604873657227},{"content":"Demand functions. An example in microeconomics is the constant elasticity demand function, in which p is the price of a product and D(p) is the resulting quantity demanded by consumers.","qid":182539,"docid":"1138302","rank":68,"score":11.164398193359375},{"content":"1 For example, the function C = 2 * pi * r is a linear function because only the C and r are real variables, with the pi being a constant. The second item is that none of the variables can have an exponent or power to them. They cannot be squared, cubed, or anything else. All variables must be in the numerator.","qid":182539,"docid":"2384732","rank":69,"score":10.848200798034668},{"content":"Example: The function g(x) = |x| with Domain (0,+\u00e2\u0088\u009e) The domain is from but not including 0 onwards (all positive values). Which IS differentiable. And I am absolutely positive about that :) So the function g(x) = |x| with Domain (0,+\u00e2\u0088\u009e) is differentiable.","qid":182539,"docid":"4438902","rank":70,"score":10.81608772277832},{"content":"A function is a special relationship where each input has a single output. It is often written as f(x) where x is the input value. Example: f(x) = x\/2 (f of x is x divided by 2) is a function, because each input x has a single output x\/2: \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 f(2) = 1 \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 f(16) = 8 \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 f(\u00e2\u0088\u009210) = \u00e2\u0088\u00925","qid":182539,"docid":"8180622","rank":71,"score":10.868693351745605},{"content":"Note that the limit in this example is a little different from the previous example. In the previous example the function did not settle down to a single number as we moved in towards . In this example however, the function does settle down to a single number as on either side.","qid":182539,"docid":"6361405","rank":72,"score":11.585476875305176},{"content":"Note that this example fails to be continuous (away from (0, 0)) along two entire curves. This example can be easily improved. One can modify the de\u00ef\u00ac\u0081nition of f to obtain an example h(x,y) so as to have h be continuous at all points except for (0, 0) and to have the limit of h equal zero as (x,y) approaches (0, 0) along any curve y = mxn (n a positive integer).","qid":182539,"docid":"8687805","rank":73,"score":11.098541259765625},{"content":"In the previous graph, there is no value of x for which y = 0 (\u00e2\u0089 0), but as x gets very large or very small, y comes close to 0. Thus, f (x) = has a horizontal asymptote at y = 0. The graph of a function may have several vertical asymptotes. f (x) = has vertical asymptotes of x = 2 and x = - 3, and f (x) = has vertical asymptotes of x = - 4 and x = .","qid":182539,"docid":"3293872","rank":74,"score":10.869735717773438},{"content":"Montonic Function. When a function is increasing on its entire domain or decreasing on its entire domain, we say that the function is strictly monotonic, and we call it a monotonic function. For example, consider the function g(x) equals x 3: Notice the graph of g is increasing everywhere. Therefore, this is a monotonic function.","qid":182539,"docid":"57447","rank":75,"score":13.118074417114258},{"content":"Given any sequence we have the following. 1 We call the sequence increasing if for every n. 2 We call the sequence decreasing if for every n. 3 If is an increasing sequence or is a decreasing sequence we call it monotonic. If there exists a number m such that for every n we say the sequence is bounded below.","qid":182539,"docid":"57452","rank":76,"score":10.939002990722656},{"content":"Examples of Range of a Function. The table shows some of the input and the corresponding output values of the function y = x + 1. The range of the function is the set of all real numbers {. . . 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, . . . .}.","qid":182539,"docid":"4867568","rank":77,"score":11.091361999511719},{"content":"Monotonic Function. A monotonic function is a function which is either entirely nonincreasing or nondecreasing. A function is monotonic if its first derivative (which need not be continuous) does not change sign.","qid":182539,"docid":"8757178","rank":78,"score":13.704750061035156},{"content":"For example, the binary function has two arguments, and, in an ordered pair. The hypergeometric function is an example of a four-argument function. The number of arguments that a function takes is called the arity of the function. The argument of a circular function is an angle. The argument of a hyperbolic function is a hyperbolic angle.","qid":182539,"docid":"1243171","rank":79,"score":10.908517837524414},{"content":"202 G. CONCAVE AND CONVEX FUNCTIONS G. Concave and Convex Functions 0 (x) u 0 (x+) u(y) u(y+). If u(y) is strictly concave then u 0 0 1 (u(y) u(y h)) is increasing in hand bounded frombelow by (z y) 1 (u(z) u(y)).Thus the derivative u 0 (y) from the left exists.Analogously, the derivative from the right u 0 (y+) exists.f u(y) is strictly concave then u 0 0 1 (u(y) u(y h)) is increasing in hand bounded frombelow by (z y) 1 (u(z) u(y)). Thus the derivative u 0 (y) from the left exists.Analogously, the derivative from the right u 0 (y+) exists.","qid":182539,"docid":"3760961","rank":80,"score":10.85969352722168},{"content":"1 The initial example shows a constant function f (x) = k (which is a power function with n = 0). 2 Initially k is set to 1. 3 The function is a horizontal line and is hiding behind the red tangent line. 4 Move the x slider and watch the cross hair move.ry the following: 1 The initial example shows a constant function f (x) = k (which is a power function with n = 0). 2 Initially k is set to 1. 3 The function is a horizontal line and is hiding behind the red tangent line. 4 Move the x slider and watch the cross hair move.","qid":182539,"docid":"6807903","rank":81,"score":10.92209243774414},{"content":"domain: vertical asymptotes: x = 2 horizontal asymptote: none slant asymptote: y = x + 1. When you go to graph the function in this last example, you can draw the line right on the slant asymptote, but you will need to leave a nice open dot where x = 2, to indicate that this point is not actually included in the graph.hen the full answer is: domain: vertical asymptotes: x = 3\/2 horizontal asymptote: y = 1\/4 slant asymptote: none. A given rational function may or may not have a vertical asymptote (depending upon whether the denominator ever equals zero), but it will always have either a horizontal or else a slant asymptote.","qid":182539,"docid":"6869560","rank":82,"score":10.909801483154297},{"content":"Creating and Using an Output Function. The following is a simple example of an output function that plots the points generated by an optimization function. function stop = outfun(x, optimValues, state) stop = false; hold on; plot(x(1),x(2),'.'); drawnow.","qid":182539,"docid":"5418437","rank":83,"score":10.838726043701172},{"content":"The MONOTONIC function is an undocumented SAS function. It needs no input parameters and if any input parameters are provided, these are ingnored. The function counts the number of times it is called and returns an ascending sequence of integers, starting at 1.","qid":182539,"docid":"1638687","rank":84,"score":12.785808563232422},{"content":"To show that it does indeed have a limit, we'll prove that it is monotonic decreasing and bounded below. Since the terms of the sequence are positive, the sequence is clearly bounded below by 0. To show monotonicity: an+1- an= \u00e2\u0088\u009a(2an- 1) - \u00e2\u0088\u009a(2an-1- 1) and if we now use the fact that \u00e2\u0088\u009ax - \u00e2\u0088\u009ay = (x - y)\/(\u00e2\u0088\u009ax + \u00e2\u0088\u009ay)","qid":182539,"docid":"8757184","rank":85,"score":11.105381965637207},{"content":"Odd Function. A univariate function is said to be odd provided that . Geometrically, such functions are symmetric about the origin. Examples of odd functions include , , the sine , hyperbolic sine , tangent , hyperbolic tangent , error function erf , inverse erf , and the Fresnel integrals , and .","qid":182539,"docid":"1956769","rank":86,"score":10.915959358215332},{"content":"In calculus, a function f {\\displaystyle f} defined on a subset of the real numbers with real values is called monotonic if and only if it is either entirely increasing or decreasing.","qid":182539,"docid":"2909961","rank":87,"score":12.709670066833496},{"content":"f(x) = (x - 1)^2, x is greater than or equal to 3. This function behaves differently if the input is less than 3 or greater than or equal to 3. The most common piecewise function is the absolute value function. It works differently if the input is less than 0 than it does if the input is greater than 0.","qid":182539,"docid":"8811476","rank":88,"score":10.834421157836914},{"content":"Example: Is (1, 2) a solution to the inequality. Example: Graph the inequality. Videolesson: Graph the linear inequality. 1 Pre-Algebra. 2 Algebra 1. 3 Algebra 2. 4 Geometry. 5 Sat. 6 Act.","qid":182539,"docid":"7077043","rank":89,"score":10.840927124023438},{"content":"The MONOTONIC function is often presented as a means of adding sequence numbers to table rows. Several papers present it as a solution to this programming problem. However, the function is undocumented and has some limitations, including:","qid":182539,"docid":"1638689","rank":90,"score":11.9658203125},{"content":"Below are some examples of these types of functions: y = 2x + 1 y = 3x2 - 5x + 3 y = Sin(x) x2 + y2 = 4 y2 = x3 - Tan(x). These algebraic functions are all different and have different properties. It is often useful to have a visual way to look at these functions. Graphs provide such a tool.","qid":182539,"docid":"330179","rank":91,"score":11.005444526672363},{"content":"Remember that an asymptote is a line that the graph of a function approaches but never touches. Rational functions contain asymptotes, as seen in this example: In this example, there is a vertical asymptote at x = 3 and a horizontal asymptote at y = 1. The curves approach these asymptotes but never cross them. The method used to find the horizontal asymptote changes depending on how the degrees of the polynomials in the numerator and denominator of the function compare.","qid":182539,"docid":"2402583","rank":92,"score":10.89063835144043},{"content":"The textbook says it's a way of transforming a set of numbers into another set that preserves the order. But I don't understand what that means. Here are a few examples. The question was: do these functions represent a monotonic transformation. u = 2v - 13 (yes) u = -1\/v2 (no) u = ln(v) (yes) u = v2 (no)","qid":182539,"docid":"57449","rank":93,"score":11.674721717834473},{"content":"The most common example of function notation is f(x)=x+7. g(x) and h(x) are also common, although any letter will actually work. If you have any equation that has y=whatever, you can replace the y with f(x) to make function notation.","qid":182539,"docid":"4468612","rank":94,"score":11.160566329956055},{"content":"Example: The inequality 5-x> 4 has the same solutions as the inequality 4 < 5 - x. (We have switched sides and turned the ``>'' into a ``<''). Last, but not least, the operation which is at the source of all the trouble with inequalities:","qid":182539,"docid":"805319","rank":95,"score":10.868010520935059},{"content":"Monotonic Function. Monotonic functions are the functions which maintained the order of functions value. As we all know that the variation in independent value also make the variation in functions value. A suitable example for this is monotonic functions or linear polynomials. The monotonic functions maintains the straight line in linear programming graph. This is also called the monotonic nature over the domain and real numbers. A monotonic function increases and decreases over the interval.","qid":182539,"docid":"57443","rank":96,"score":13.836356163024902},{"content":"When this is the case, y = 0 is a horizontal asymptote. The example given is the function we looked at when we found our vertical asymptotes, h(x) = x \/ (x 2 - 4). In this function, the degree of the numerator is 1, and the degree of the denominator is 2. Since 1<2, y = 0 is a horizontal asymptote of this function.","qid":182539,"docid":"2402585","rank":97,"score":11.003936767578125},{"content":"Examples of the following types of functions are shown in this gallery: 1 linear. 2 quadratic. 3 power. 4 polynomial. 5 rational. 6 exponential. 7 logarithmic. 8 sinusoidal.","qid":182539,"docid":"1798203","rank":98,"score":11.496942520141602},{"content":"If the order \u00e2\u0089\u00a4 {\\displaystyle \\leq } in the definition of monotonicity is replaced by the strict order < {\\displaystyle <} , then one obtains a stronger requirement. A function with this property is called strictly increasing.","qid":182539,"docid":"2909954","rank":99,"score":12.068387031555176},{"content":"Definition of a Linear Function. A linear function is any function that graphs to a straight line. What this means mathematically is that the function has either one or two variables with no exponents or powers.If the function has more variables, the variables must be constants or known variables for the function to remain a linear function.ook how nicely all the points line up on the line. And look what kind of line it is; it is a straight line! If you are given a linear function, there are two ways to work with it. You can use algebra and calculate your answers or you can graph the function and use the graph to get your answer.","qid":182539,"docid":"2545315","rank":100,"score":10.82016658782959}]} {"query":"causes of military suicide","hits":[{"content":"DoD: Military suicide rate declining. By Patricia Kime, Staff Writer 4:01 p.m. EST January 16, 2015. The 2013 Defense Department Suicide Event Report shows the suicide rate for troops on active duty in 2013 was 18.7 percent, down 18 percent from the 2012 rate of 22.7 per 100,000.(Photo: Defense Department).he 2013 Defense Department Suicide Event Report shows the suicide rate for troops on active duty in 2013 was 18.7 percent, down 18 percent from the 2012 rate of 22.7 per 100,000.","qid":87452,"docid":"6018161","rank":1,"score":11.584526062011719},{"content":"Most of the 22 military veteran suicides that occur each day do not involve\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 (Rick Loomis \/ Los Angeles\u00e2\u0080\u00a6) In most discussions of suicide and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan \u00e2\u0080\u0094 including the online buzz that followed publication of a Times analysis on how young California veterans die \u00e2\u0080\u0094 one statistic gets repeated most: 22 veterans kill themselves each day.","qid":87452,"docid":"5851095","rank":2,"score":11.538338661193848},{"content":"Military Suicides: One U.S. Veteran Dies Every 65 Minutes 3.8k WASHINGTON, Feb 1 (Reuters) - The most extensive study yet by the U.S. government on suicide among military veterans shows more veterans are killing themselves than previously thought, with 22 deaths a day - or one every 65 minutes, on average.","qid":87452,"docid":"8436576","rank":3,"score":11.884798049926758},{"content":"The United States military veteran suicide epidemic is an ongoing phenomenon regarding a reported high rate of suicide among U.S. military veterans, in comparison to the general public.n 2012, 177 active-duty soldiers committed suicide, conversely 176 soldiers were killed in combat. In other words, more soldiers committed suicide compared to being killed in action. In 2012, the study concluded that Army had the highest number of suicides compared to any other service branch.","qid":87452,"docid":"6018163","rank":4,"score":11.97212028503418},{"content":"Many times, people who die by suicide have an alcohol or substance abuse problem. Often they have that problem in combination with other mental disorders. Adverse or traumatic life events in combination with other risk factors, such as clinical depression, may lead to suicide.But suicide and suicidal behavior are never normal responses to stress. Clinical depression -- deep sadness, loss of interest, trouble sleeping and eating -- that gets worse. 2 Having a death wish, tempting fate by taking risks that could lead to death, such as driving fast or running red lights.","qid":87452,"docid":"5219889","rank":5,"score":11.331750869750977},{"content":"Mental Illness as a Cause of Teen Suicide. While all the above are driving factors of teen suicide, often the underlying issue is one of a mental illness. Most teens who attempt suicide do so because of depression, bipolar disorder or borderline personality disorder.","qid":87452,"docid":"3809020","rank":6,"score":11.815377235412598},{"content":"Suicide surpassed war as the military's leading cause of death. War was the leading cause of death in the military nearly every year between 2004 and 2011 until suicides became the top means of dying for troops in 2012 and 2013, according to a bar chart published this week in a monthly Pentagon medical statistical analysis journal.","qid":87452,"docid":"8819116","rank":7,"score":13.380352020263672},{"content":"MSRC's David Rudd Predicts Suicide Rate May Continue Increasing - 2012 military suicides hit a record high of 349. By ROBERT BURNS, Associated Press.","qid":87452,"docid":"7843982","rank":8,"score":11.702451705932617},{"content":"Suicide and suicidal behaviors usually occur in people with one or more of the following: 1 Bipolar disorder. 2 Borderline personality disorder. 3 Depression. Drug or alcohol dependence. 4 Schizophrenia. Stressful life issues, such as serious financial or relationship problems.","qid":87452,"docid":"2931473","rank":9,"score":11.411972999572754},{"content":"The data was then compared with a previous investigation \u00e2\u0080\u0093 primarily an estimation \u00e2\u0080\u0093 that had been conducted over the same time period, and had found a suicide rate of 18 per day. Many of these suicides involve older veterans; 69 percent of the suicides recorded were by veterans age 50 and older. But another way to look at this is that 31 percent of these suicides were by veterans 49 and younger. In other words,by men in the prime of life. And then there are the shockingly common active duty suicides. Just two weeks ago, the military released data showing that suicides among those on active duty hit a record high in 2012. There were 349 suicides among active duty personnel \u00e2\u0080\u0093 almost one a day. That means there are now more suicides among active duty soldiers than there are combat deaths.","qid":87452,"docid":"8436571","rank":10,"score":11.345198631286621},{"content":"Suicide is the act of intentionally causing one's own death. Risk factors include mental disorders such as depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, personality disorders, and substance abuse, including alcoholism and use of benzodiazepines.","qid":87452,"docid":"7261524","rank":11,"score":12.040278434753418},{"content":"The largest study to date of a rising suicide rate among military personnel, published Wednesday in JAMA Psychiatry, found no connection between suicide and deployment overseas in support of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.he study found that the suicide rate for troops who left the military before completing a four-year enlistment was nearly twice that of troops who stayed. The rate for troops who were involuntarily discharged under less-than-honorable conditions for disciplinary infractions was nearly three times higher.","qid":87452,"docid":"6018160","rank":12,"score":12.399967193603516},{"content":"New report on 2013 U.S. military suicides finds rate dropped among active duty by 18 percent.he 2013 Defense Department Suicide Event Report shows the suicide rate for troops on active duty in 2013 was 18.7 percent, down 18 percent from the 2012 rate of 22.7 per 100,000.","qid":87452,"docid":"6018167","rank":13,"score":11.724620819091797},{"content":"Abuse and Bullying. Teenage bullying is one of the leading causes of teenage suicide. It is the third leading cause of death in young children according to a report by the CDC. Abuse brings feelings of low self-esteem, shame and guilt that can quickly escalate to the desire to end one\u00e2\u0080\u0099s life. Without the proper care and attention, a teenager will attempt suicide.","qid":87452,"docid":"2026774","rank":14,"score":12.010007858276367},{"content":"1 Suicide is the 10 th leading cause of death in the U.S., 20 the 3 rd leading cause of death for people aged 10\u00e2\u0080\u009324 21 and the 2 nd leading cause of death for people aged 15 \u00e2\u0080\u009324.22. 2 More than 90% of children who die by suicide have a mental health condition. 23. 3 Each day an estimated 18-22 veterans die by suicide.","qid":87452,"docid":"994547","rank":15,"score":11.548910140991211},{"content":"When researchers asked 72 soldiers at Fort Carson, Colo., why they tried to kill themselves, out of the 33 reasons they had to choose from, all of the soldiers included one in particular \u00e2\u0080\u0094 a desire to end intense emotional distress.","qid":87452,"docid":"8333916","rank":16,"score":11.470906257629395},{"content":"The analysis of records from 48 states found that the suicide rate for veterans increased an average of 2.6% a year from 2005 to 2011 -- more than double the rate of increase for civilian suicide.","qid":87452,"docid":"4008487","rank":17,"score":11.374862670898438},{"content":"Factors that affect the risk of suicide include mental disorders, drug misuse, psychological states, cultural, family and social situations, and genetics. Mental disorders and substance misuse frequently co-exist.","qid":87452,"docid":"7261521","rank":18,"score":11.333198547363281},{"content":"The number of suicide deaths in the U.S. military surged to a record 349 last year \u00e2\u0080\u0094 more than the 295 Americans who died fighting in Afghanistan in 2012. The numbers were first reported by the AP; NPR has confirmed them.","qid":87452,"docid":"2205470","rank":19,"score":12.035684585571289},{"content":"1 The death of a loved one, the loss of a job, a serious illness (especially involving chronic pain), bullying, and other highly stressful life events can act as triggers for suicide and put someone at greater risk. Of particular concern is whether a person has tried to commit suicide before.","qid":87452,"docid":"6159692","rank":20,"score":11.38174819946289},{"content":"Most teens who attempt suicide do so because of depression, bipolar disorder or borderline personality disorder. These disorders amplify the pain a teen may feel. It is because of this that any suicidal teen should be treated by a medical professional.","qid":87452,"docid":"3809022","rank":21,"score":11.405584335327148},{"content":"The number of suicide deaths in the U.S. military surged to a record 349 last year \u00e2\u0080\u0094 more than the 295 Americans who died fighting in Afghanistan in 2012. The numbers were first reported by the AP; NPR has confirmed them. The new figures show that the number of military suicides rose from 2011, when 301 such deaths were reported.","qid":87452,"docid":"8436579","rank":22,"score":12.272041320800781},{"content":"Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a lack of support on the home front, and a growing drug and substance abuse problem among troops were major problems for American troops during the Vietnam War, leading many to suffer from mental illness and even commit suicide years later.","qid":87452,"docid":"8680815","rank":23,"score":11.553577423095703},{"content":"In general, people try to kill themselves for six reasons: 1. They\u00e2\u0080\u0099re depressed. This is without question the most common reason people commit suicide. Severe depression is always accompanied by a pervasive sense of suffering as well as the belief that escape from it is hopeless. The pain of existence often becomes too much for severely depressed people to bear.","qid":87452,"docid":"7166748","rank":24,"score":11.451708793640137},{"content":"Alan ZaremboContact Reporter. Suicide rate among recent veterans 50% higher than non-military civilians. Recent veterans have committed suicide at a much higher rate than people who never served in the military, according to a new analysis that provides the most thorough accounting so far of the problem.","qid":87452,"docid":"8152222","rank":25,"score":11.467901229858398},{"content":"Among key findings: while suicide rates for soldiers who served in Iraq and Afghanistan more than doubled from 2004 to 2009 to more than 30-per-100,000, the trend among those who never deployed nearly tripled to between 25- and 30-per-100,000.501 CONNECT 216 TWEET 15 LINKEDIN 16 COMMENT EMAIL MORE. Suicide rates soared among soldiers who went to war in Iraq and Afghanistan and those who never left the United States, according to the largest study ever conducted on suicide in the military.","qid":87452,"docid":"6018164","rank":26,"score":11.519582748413086},{"content":"Conditions such as unipolar depression and bipolar depression can cause suicidal thoughts if they are untreated. In fact, 15 percent of people who have unipolar depression die by suicide, and 25 to 50 percent of those with bipolar disorder attempt suicide at least once.","qid":87452,"docid":"2026780","rank":27,"score":11.788228988647461},{"content":"Suicide is detrimental to the readiness of the Army and is a personal tragedy for all those affected. Therefore, suicide has no place in our professional force! 2. We all realize the inherent stress and burdens placed upon our soldiers, civilians and their family members.","qid":87452,"docid":"4307936","rank":28,"score":12.148056030273438},{"content":"Top 10 amazing movie makeup transformations. The most common causes of teenage suicide include depression, substance abuse, and social isolation. Teen suicide risk factors include psychological disorders, feelings of worthlessness, a family history of suicide, bullying, and physical and sexual abuse.","qid":87452,"docid":"7166746","rank":29,"score":11.600350379943848},{"content":"Among full-time soldiers, the suicide rate soared to 29.7 deaths per 100,000 in 2012, well above a 25.1-per-100,000 rate for civilians of a similar age group during 2010, the latest year available, according to a Pentagon report. Among male soldiers, the rate was 31.8-per-100,000.","qid":87452,"docid":"1395631","rank":30,"score":12.197124481201172},{"content":"Most suicides happen among troops who have not seen combat.. But what about post-traumatic stress disorder? The study authors looked at PTSD as a factor but found that only nine of the 83 people who committed suicide -- about 10% -- had been diagnosed with PTSD or reported experiencing symptoms of PTSD.","qid":87452,"docid":"8333917","rank":31,"score":12.763755798339844},{"content":"The suicide rate among recent veterans was 50% higher than for nonmilitary civilians, a new detailed analysis has found. (Rick Loomis \/ Los Angeles Times) Recent veterans have committed suicide at a much higher rate than people who never served in the military, according to a new analysis that provides the most thorough accounting so far of the problem.","qid":87452,"docid":"8152220","rank":32,"score":11.683095932006836},{"content":"At least 22 veterans commit suicide every day and young male veterans under the age of 30 are three times more likely to commit suicide when compared to civilian males in the same age bracket, according to a new briefing released Thursday by the Department of Veteran Affairs.","qid":87452,"docid":"4634903","rank":33,"score":11.370471954345703},{"content":"In 2006, the army stopped letting soldiers take their service weapons home on weekends. The suicide rate fell there, too, by 40 percent. The high rate of gun suicides in the United States is not a new problem. Even in the 1980s and 1990s, when violent crime rates were much higher, gun suicides were still a more common cause of death than gun murders.","qid":87452,"docid":"1890452","rank":34,"score":11.494194030761719},{"content":"Depression and desperation over debt have been the cause of many suicides over the course of history, especially during times of economic upheaval. Any of the aforementioned negative emotional responses to debt may be serious enough to require medical or psychological intervention.","qid":87452,"docid":"5886293","rank":35,"score":11.385339736938477},{"content":"A misunderstood statistic: 22 military veteran suicides a day. In most discussions of suicide and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan \u00e2\u0080\u0094 including the online buzz that followed publication of a Times analysis on how young California veterans die \u00e2\u0080\u0094 one statistic gets repeated most: 22 veterans kill themselves each day.","qid":87452,"docid":"5851090","rank":36,"score":11.426870346069336},{"content":"This contributes to the overall well-being of the force and readiness. of the Army. Therefore, we must remain cognizant of potential triggers and warning. signs of suicide so that we can raise awareness and increase vigilance for recognizing. those whom might be at risk for suicidal behaviors.","qid":87452,"docid":"4307932","rank":37,"score":12.098210334777832},{"content":"That equates to an annual suicide rate of 29.5 per 100,000 veterans, or roughly 50% higher than the rate among other civilians with similar demographic characteristics. Advertisement The issue of veteran suicide has become a political cause for activists and legislators.","qid":87452,"docid":"8152226","rank":38,"score":11.692968368530273},{"content":"The suicide rate for men in the Army National Guard was 34.2-per-100,000,Pentagon data shows. For full-time troops across the U.S. military, the suicide rate peaked at 22.7-per-100,000 in 2012 and fell to 19.1-per-100,000 last year, according to the Pentagon.","qid":87452,"docid":"1395625","rank":39,"score":11.9818696975708},{"content":"The Top 5 Causes of Death in the United States Military. Sources: Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center: Medical Surveillance Monthly Report, October, 2014. Volume 21, Number 10. List Notes: Data is top 5 causes of death in the United States military for the year 2012-2013. Data is latest available as of February 1st, 2015. Since the year 2001 4,486 U.S. troops have died in Iraq, 1,950 have died in Afghanistan, and 2,676 have died by suicide as of June 10th, 2012.","qid":87452,"docid":"8819113","rank":40,"score":12.443078994750977},{"content":"Suicide surpassed war as the military's leading cause of death. War was the leading cause of death in the military nearly every year between 2004 and 2011 until suicides became the top means dying for in 2012 and 2013, according to a bar chart published this week in a. Post to Facebook.","qid":87452,"docid":"8333919","rank":41,"score":13.377975463867188},{"content":"The cohesion and camaraderie of a military unit can induce intense feelings of belonging for many service members. Time away from the unit, however, may result in a reduced or thwarted sense of belonging, as individuals no longer have the daily support of their units and feel separate and different from civilians.","qid":87452,"docid":"8333915","rank":42,"score":11.412618637084961},{"content":"But the military will have to change the way it handles soldiers with mental illness if we expect to see the number of suicides decline, according to the author of a related editorial published in the journal. VA boss: 'No veteran should have to wait for claims'.","qid":87452,"docid":"8333913","rank":43,"score":12.250099182128906},{"content":"Although historically, the suicide death rates in the U.S. Army have been below the civilian rate, the suicide rate in the U.S. Army began climbing in the early 2000s, and by 2008, it exceeded the demographically-matched civilian rate (20.2 suicide deaths per 100,000 vs. 19.2).ecruitment interviews revealed that 13.9 percent of soldiers considered suicide at some point in their lifetime, 5.3 percent made a suicide plan, and 2.4 percent attempted suicide, with between 47 to 60 percent of these outcomes first occurring prior to joining the Army.","qid":87452,"docid":"6018162","rank":44,"score":12.232366561889648},{"content":"The new arithmetic shows that from 2006 forward \u00e2\u0080\u0094 during the fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan \u00e2\u0080\u0094 the true suicide rate across the U.S. military was actually several tenths of a percent to 1% or more higher than what was being reported.","qid":87452,"docid":"1395633","rank":45,"score":11.342375755310059},{"content":"About 2\/3 of people who complete suicide are depressed at the time of their deaths. Depression that is untreated, undiagnosed, or ineffectively treated is the number 1 cause of suicide. There is 1 suicide for every 25 attempted suicides. Males make up 79% of all suicides, while women are more prone to having suicidal thoughts. 1 in 65,000 children ages 10 to 14 commit suicide each year. There are 2 times as many deaths due to suicide than HIV\/AIDS. Over 50% of all suicides are completed with a firearm.","qid":87452,"docid":"4496461","rank":46,"score":11.460199356079102},{"content":"Soldiers in Crisis. The suicide rate for troops deployed in support of the fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, the study found, was only slightly higher than for troops who did not deploy to that area or remained stateside \u00e2\u0080\u0094 18.86 deaths versus 17.78 deaths per 100,000.The national average is about 13 deaths per 100,000.he study found that the suicide rate for troops who left the military before completing a four-year enlistment was nearly twice that of troops who stayed. The rate for troops who were involuntarily discharged under less-than-honorable conditions for disciplinary infractions was nearly three times higher.","qid":87452,"docid":"6018165","rank":47,"score":12.049003601074219},{"content":"They're not as intuitive as most think. In general, people try to kill themselves for six reasons: They're depressed. This is without question the most common reason people commit suicide. Severe depression is always accompanied by a pervasive sense of suffering as well as the belief that escape from it is hopeless.","qid":87452,"docid":"7959816","rank":48,"score":11.379812240600586},{"content":"Figures on the third quarters of 2015 and 2014 showed suicides in the active duty Navy increased to 11 from seven; in the active duty Air Force to 16 from 13; and in the active duty Army to 32 from 31. Through all of 2014, the number of suicides recorded for the active duty military was 273, and for the reserves it was 170, for a total of 443. Through the first three quarters of 2015, the number of suicides for active duty was 202 and the number for the reserves was 161, for a total of 363.","qid":87452,"docid":"8436575","rank":49,"score":11.889408111572266},{"content":"The suicide rate among recent veterans was 50% higher than for nonmilitary civilians, a new detailed analysis has found. The suicide rate among recent veterans was 50% higher than for nonmilitary civilians, a new detailed analysis has found.","qid":87452,"docid":"4634896","rank":50,"score":11.50765323638916},{"content":"The number of suicides in the United States rose 11 percent from 2007 to 2010, the VA said. The VA did not provide raw data and acknowledged its national figures were still estimates. The new study was based on data collected from 21 states in which military status is reported on the death certificate.","qid":87452,"docid":"8436573","rank":51,"score":11.557718276977539},{"content":"Suicide and suicidal behaviors usually occur in people with one or more of the following: 1 Bipolar disorder. 2 Borderline personality disorder. 3 Depression. 4 Drug or alcohol dependence. 5 Schizophrenia.","qid":87452,"docid":"2127131","rank":52,"score":11.301321029663086},{"content":"Suicide is the act of taking one\u00e2\u0080\u0099s own life. It is one of the top causes of death in America. According to the latest statistics published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), suicide was the tenth leading cause of death in 2009 (CDC, 2009). Depression is not the only risk factor for suicide. Several risk factors contribute to thoughts of suicide, attempted suicide, and actual suicide. They include: 1 previous suicide attempts. 2 depression. 3 substance abuse (often accompanying an underlying mental disorder). 4 mental disorders. 5 incarceration.","qid":87452,"docid":"5746165","rank":53,"score":11.723154067993164},{"content":"\u00ef\u00bb\u00bfThe Problem of Suicide. Suicide is the second leading cause of death in young people. Each year in the U.S., approximately five thousand individuals between the ages of 15 and 24 take their own life. A major cause of suicide is mental illness, very commonly depression.","qid":87452,"docid":"2127122","rank":54,"score":11.47092342376709},{"content":"One of the main causes of suicide in the socio-cultural category is the feeling of being isolated or not being accepted by others. Feelings of isolation can be caused by sexual orientation, religious beliefs, and gender identity. Other possible suicide catalysts from this category include: 1 difficulty seeking help.","qid":87452,"docid":"5746167","rank":55,"score":11.417520523071289},{"content":"U.S. Military's Suicide Rate Surpassed Combat Deaths In 2012 : The Two-Way The number of deaths by suicide in the U.S. military surged to a record 349 last year \u00e2\u0080\u0094 more than the 295 Americans who died fighting in Afghanistan in 2012. The numbers were first reported by the AP; NPR has confirmed them.","qid":87452,"docid":"8436578","rank":56,"score":12.142610549926758},{"content":"10 most extreme places on Earth. The most common causes of teenage suicide include depression, substance abuse, and social isolation. Teen suicide risk factors include psychological disorders, feelings of worthlessness, a family history of suicide, bullying, and physical and sexual abuse.","qid":87452,"docid":"7166751","rank":57,"score":12.017610549926758},{"content":"The new arithmetic shows that from 2006 forward \u00e2\u0080\u0094 during the fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan \u00e2\u0080\u0094 the true suicide rate across the U.S. military was actually several tenths of a percent to 1% or more higher than what was being reported.Photo: Charles Dharapak, AP). Rates of suicide in the military were slightly worse during the war years than what the Pentagon previously reported, according to new calculations released by Defense Department officials Friday.","qid":87452,"docid":"6018166","rank":58,"score":11.776137351989746},{"content":"1 19. 2 Suicide is the 10 th leading cause of death in the U.S., 20 the 3 rd leading cause of death for people aged 10\u00e2\u0080\u009324 21 and the 2 nd leading cause of death for people aged 15 \u00e2\u0080\u009324.22. 3 More than 90% of children who die by suicide have a mental health condition. 23. 4 Each day an estimated 18-22 veterans die by suicide.","qid":87452,"docid":"1528487","rank":59,"score":11.377569198608398},{"content":"6,500 former military personnel killed themselves in 2012. More veterans succumbed to suicide than were killed in Iraq. In 2012, 177 active-duty soldiers committed suicide, conversely 176 soldiers were killed in combat. In other words, more soldiers committed suicide compared to being killed in action. In 2012, the study concluded that Army had the highest number of suicides compared to any other service branch.","qid":87452,"docid":"4872055","rank":60,"score":11.828239440917969},{"content":"Suicide surpassed war as the military's leading cause of death. War was the leading cause of death in the military nearly every year between 2004 and 2011 until suicides became the top means dying for in 2012 and 2013, according to a bar chart published this week in a.","qid":87452,"docid":"8819111","rank":61,"score":13.344511032104492},{"content":"We suggest that moral injury is likely one of the most important factors in military suicide rates. Moral injury is not PTSD. The latter is a dysfunction of brain areas that suppress fear and integrate feeling with coherent memory; symptoms include flashbacks, nightmares, dissociative episodes and hyper-vigilance. PTSD is an immediate injury of trauma.","qid":87452,"docid":"2624886","rank":62,"score":11.84118366241455},{"content":"Much work still needs to be done on coming up with more effective ways to help individuals that struggle with suicidal thinking as up to 1,000,000 people die every year from suicide. Listed below are some of the most common causes of suicide throughout the world. 15 Common Causes of Suicide: A List of Possibilities","qid":87452,"docid":"8055167","rank":63,"score":11.56263256072998},{"content":"But on the whole, suicide rates for veterans in their first few years out of the military were lower than in the general population, according to research. The elevated rate today could reflect differences in who served, the study's authors speculate.","qid":87452,"docid":"8152225","rank":64,"score":11.720314025878906},{"content":"The most lethal effects of combat now appear to be mental illness, opioid abuse, and suicide, another reason why Memorial Day should be about both giving American soldiers our thanks \u00e2\u0080\u0094 and recognizing how much we owe them when it comes to proper care and treatment. 1 Comment. 2 Share. 3 Tweet. 4 Share. 5 E-mail.","qid":87452,"docid":"8680816","rank":65,"score":11.458991050720215},{"content":"\u00c2\u00a7 In 2014, the rate of suicide among all Veterans was 35.3 per 100,000. \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 Since 2001, the age-adjusted rate of suicide among U.S. Veterans has increased by 32.2%.","qid":87452,"docid":"8152227","rank":66,"score":11.45472526550293},{"content":"Top 10 facts about the world. The most common causes of teenage suicide include depression, substance abuse, and social isolation. Teen suicide risk factors include psychological disorders, feelings of worthlessness, a family history of suicide, bullying, and physical and sexual abuse.","qid":87452,"docid":"7166743","rank":67,"score":12.005651473999023},{"content":"People are most driven to suicide when they view their current situation as being completely hopeless and feel as if they have no way to change things for the better. Common causes of suicide include: depression, drug abuse, financial problems, as well as difficulties with relationships. Although there are crisis hotlines that have been developed to help people feeling suicidal, the jury is out as to whether they even help.","qid":87452,"docid":"8055174","rank":68,"score":12.59864616394043},{"content":"The military says that its suicide rate remains lower than that of America's civilian population. The AP cites the Pentagon as saying the civilian suicide rate for males aged 17-60 was 25 per 100,000 in 2010, the latest year for which such statistics are available.","qid":87452,"docid":"8436572","rank":69,"score":12.250017166137695},{"content":"War was the leading cause of death in the military nearly every year between 2004 and 2011 until suicides became the top means of dying for troops in 2012 and 2013, according to a bar chart published this week in a monthly Pentagon medical statistical analysis journal.","qid":87452,"docid":"8333920","rank":70,"score":13.10602855682373},{"content":"Groups most at risk Suicide A number of risk factors of suicide are known , these include: social isolation; certain mental health issues; bereavement; loss of employment; substance misuse; and deprivation.","qid":87452,"docid":"8213484","rank":71,"score":11.383277893066406},{"content":"Suicide Causes by Kevin Caruso Over 90 percent of people who die by suicide have a mental illness at the time of their death. And the most common mental illness is depression. Untreated depression is the number one cause for suicide.ome of the negative life experiences that may cause depression, and some other causes for depression, include: 1 The death of a loved one. 2 A divorce, separation, or breakup of a relationship.","qid":87452,"docid":"5219890","rank":72,"score":12.232232093811035},{"content":"View. comments. The number of suicides among America's troops, averaging nearly one a day this year, has become the second leading cause of death among the military at the fastest pace in the nation's decade of war.","qid":87452,"docid":"186931","rank":73,"score":13.204235076904297},{"content":"Mental health problems in the Military. The United States Defense Department\u00e2\u0080\u0099s Medical Surveillance report states that the most common reason for male military personnel to visit the hospital is a mental health issue. In women, it is the second most common cause. Post-traumatic stress disorder, major depression, bipolar disorder, alcohol dependence and substance abuse are highly prevalent among former and active military personnel.","qid":87452,"docid":"7965005","rank":74,"score":12.182975769042969},{"content":"In general, people try to kill themselves for six reasons: 1 They're depressed. 2 This is without question the most common reason people commit suicide. 3 Severe depression is always accompanied by a pervasive sense of suffering as well as the belief that escape from it is hopeless.","qid":87452,"docid":"2127123","rank":75,"score":11.534045219421387},{"content":"Causes. Suicidal thoughts have many causes. Most often, suicidal thoughts are the result of feeling like you can't cope when you're faced with what seems to be an overwhelming life situation. If you don't have hope for the future, you may mistakenly think suicide is a solution.","qid":87452,"docid":"3673990","rank":76,"score":11.730393409729004},{"content":"List Notes: Data is top 5 causes of death in the United States military for the year 2012-2013. Data is latest available as of February 1st, 2015. Share on Social Media: Since the year 2001 4,486 U.S. troops have died in Iraq, 1,950 have died in Afghanistan, and 2,676 have died by suicide as of June 10th, 2012.","qid":87452,"docid":"8819114","rank":77,"score":11.699033737182617},{"content":"Combat Fatalities not the Most Common Cause of Military Deaths. Suicide was the third leading cause of Canadian military deaths after motor vehicle accidents and cancerin a newly published study of 25 years of death records. Even though the jury is out on whether suicide prevention programs work, Lt.-Col.","qid":87452,"docid":"186939","rank":78,"score":12.592289924621582},{"content":"Then, as the two stood just steps apart, Michael saluted, raised a gun to his head and pulled the trigger. Suicide Is Now the Leading Cause of Death Amongst Active-Duty Soldiers. In 2010, for the second year in a row, more American soldiers killed themselves than died in combat. Military officials knew they had an epidemic on their hands, but they didn't know how to mitigate the hyper-complex problem.","qid":87452,"docid":"8819112","rank":79,"score":12.760101318359375},{"content":"Suicide rates in the military were traditionally lower than among civilians in the same age range, but in 2004 the suicide rate in the U.S. Army began to climb, surpassing the civilian rate in 2008. Substance use is involved in many of these suicides. The 2010 report of the Army Suicide Prevention Task Force found that 29 percent of active duty Army suicides from fiscal year (FY) 2005 to FY 2009 involved alcohol or drug use; and in 2009, prescription drugs were involved in almost one third of them.","qid":87452,"docid":"5286924","rank":80,"score":11.848618507385254},{"content":"Suicide itself is not a mental disorder, but one of the most important causes of suicide is mental illness \u00e2\u0080\u0093 most often Depression, Bipolar Disorder (Manic Depression), Schizophrenia, and Substance Use Disorders. In Canada approximately 200 youth between the ages of 15 and 24 years die by suicide (Statistics Canada, CANISM, table 102-0551).","qid":87452,"docid":"8126315","rank":81,"score":11.661865234375},{"content":"6,500 former military personnel killed themselves in 2012. More veterans succumbed to suicide than were killed in Iraq. In 2012, 177 active-duty soldiers committed suicide, conversely 176 soldiers were killed in combat.In other words, more soldiers committed suicide compared to being killed in action.In 2012, the study concluded that Army had the highest number of suicides compared to any other service branch.n 2012, 177 active-duty soldiers committed suicide, conversely 176 soldiers were killed in combat. In other words, more soldiers committed suicide compared to being killed in action. In 2012, the study concluded that Army had the highest number of suicides compared to any other service branch.","qid":87452,"docid":"6018169","rank":82,"score":11.437052726745605},{"content":"What leads to suicide? There\u00e2\u0080\u0099s no single cause for suicide. Suicide most often occurs when stressors exceed current coping abilities of someone suffering from a mental health condition. Depression is the most common condition associated with suicide, and it is often undiagnosed or untreated.","qid":87452,"docid":"4993648","rank":83,"score":11.758140563964844},{"content":"Of the deaths, 83 were suicides -- just less than 13%. Mental health in the military: Share your story. Those who had committed suicide generally had been deployed for fewer days in a row than other study participants; being deployed for longer than a year was actually associated with a lower risk of suicide.","qid":87452,"docid":"8333912","rank":84,"score":13.078763961791992},{"content":"SAMHSA provides suicide prevention information and other helpful resources to behavioral health professionals, the general public, and people at risk. Suicide is a serious public health problem that causes immeasurable pain, suffering, and loss to individuals, families, and communities nationwide. The causes of suicide are complex and determined by multiple combinations of factors, such as mental illness, substance abuse, painful losses, exposure to violence, and social isolation.","qid":87452,"docid":"4866237","rank":85,"score":11.37486743927002},{"content":"In 2013, the United States Department of Veterans Affairs released a study that covered suicides from 1999 to 2010, which showed that roughly 22 veterans were committing suicide per day, or one every 65 minutes.","qid":87452,"docid":"4634900","rank":86,"score":11.76583480834961},{"content":"For other uses, see Suicide (disambiguation). Suicide is the act of intentionally causing one's own death. Risk factors include mental disorders such as depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, personality disorders, alcoholism, or substance misuse. Others are impulsive acts due to stress such as from financial difficulties, troubles with relationships, or from bullying.","qid":87452,"docid":"4866238","rank":87,"score":11.661394119262695},{"content":"\u00e2\u0080\u00a2 Friendly fire. \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 Deaths of civilians, particularly women and children. \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 Discharged from the military. It is not the fear and the terror that service members endure in the battlefield that inflicts most psychological damage, Nash has concluded, but feelings of shame and guilt related to the moral injuries they suffer.","qid":87452,"docid":"8333918","rank":88,"score":12.152132987976074},{"content":"Suicide Prevention. According to the January 2014 Veterans Health Administration report (PDF | 855 KB), the suicide rate among male and female veterans and military service members exceeds the national rate for the general population. Veterans comprise 20% of national suicides, with approximately 22 veterans dying by suicide every day.","qid":87452,"docid":"7965011","rank":89,"score":11.682807922363281},{"content":"Alan Zarembo Contact Reporter. Suicide rate among recent veterans 50% higher than non-military civilians. Recent veterans have committed suicide at a much higher rate than people who never served in the military, according to a new analysis that provides the most thorough accounting so far of the problem.","qid":87452,"docid":"4634899","rank":90,"score":11.43720817565918},{"content":"Washington (CNN) \u00e2\u0080\u0094 Mental problems send more men in the U.S. military to the hospital than any other cause, according to a new Pentagon report. And they are the second highest reason for hospitalization of women military personnel, behind conditions related to pregnancy.","qid":87452,"docid":"7965008","rank":91,"score":11.600727081298828},{"content":"The causes of suicide are numerous and harder and harder to detect as time goes by. Understanding the causes of suicide is the first step in dealing with what causes suicide and how to deal suicide caused by bullying before it is too late. The truth is there are too many suicides caused by bullying that go unnoticed.","qid":87452,"docid":"2026777","rank":92,"score":11.819982528686523},{"content":"In contrast, the experience of living in a garrison environment (for active component personnel) or returning to a civilian job (for Guardsmen, Reservists and veterans) or, worse, unemployment, can introduce feelings of uselessness. 3.","qid":87452,"docid":"8333914","rank":93,"score":11.306591033935547},{"content":"Among deployed and non-deployed active duty Veterans who served during the Iraq or Afghanistan wars between 2001 and 2007, the rate of suicide was greatest the first three years after leaving service, according to a recent study.","qid":87452,"docid":"4008486","rank":94,"score":11.403473854064941},{"content":"Meanwhile, a new Pentagon analysis released Tuesday shows that suicide rates in the military were highest among people divorced or separated \u00e2\u0080\u0094 with a rate of 19 per 100,000 \u00e2\u0080\u0094 24% higher than troops who are single.","qid":87452,"docid":"8333921","rank":95,"score":11.314861297607422},{"content":"The findings are the latest in a series of studies prompted by a military suicide rate that has nearly doubled since 2005. The study\u00e2\u0080\u0099s authors and others cautioned, however, that the findings do not rule out combat exposure as a reason for the increase in suicides, adding that more information was needed.he study found that the suicide rate for troops who left the military before completing a four-year enlistment was nearly twice that of troops who stayed. The rate for troops who were involuntarily discharged under less-than-honorable conditions for disciplinary infractions was nearly three times higher.","qid":87452,"docid":"6018168","rank":96,"score":12.465725898742676},{"content":"A total of 1889 individuals died during the study period, and a cause of death was identified for 1710 cases (91%). Traumatic injuries caused 57% of deaths, and medical disease was responsible for 43%. The four leading specific causes of death were motor-vehicle crashes (384 deaths, 22%); neoplasms (374 deaths, 22%); suicide (289 deaths, 17%); and cardiovascular disease (285 deaths, 17%).","qid":87452,"docid":"186934","rank":97,"score":12.347990036010742},{"content":"Adorable animal families that will make you aww. The most common causes of teenage suicide include depression, substance abuse, and social isolation. Teen suicide risk factors include psychological disorders, feelings of worthlessness, a family history of suicide, bullying, and physical and sexual abuse.","qid":87452,"docid":"7166749","rank":98,"score":11.799306869506836},{"content":"MSRC's David Rudd Predicts Suicide Rate May Continue Increasing - 2012 military suicides hit a record high of 349. WASHINGTON (AP) \u00e2\u0080\u0094 Suicides in the U.S. military surged to a record 349 last year, far exceeding American combat deaths in Afghanistan, and some private experts are predicting the dark trend will grow worse this year.","qid":87452,"docid":"7843984","rank":99,"score":11.840692520141602},{"content":"A recent study found U.S. veteran suicide rates to be as high as 8,000 a year. See suicide statistics (below and bottom of Suicide Prevention page). Summary of Veterans Statistics for PTSD, TBI, Depression and Suicide.","qid":87452,"docid":"2357235","rank":100,"score":11.480469703674316}]} {"query":"do goldfish grow","hits":[{"content":"Commercial goldfish food provides the vitamins, minerals, fats, carbohydrates and proteins goldfish need, but feeding them other foods adds interest and variety to their diets. Goldfish are omnivores, and eat a wide range of plant food and food from animals, including live food. Overfeeding goldfish is bad for their health and the water quality in their aquariums. Feed goldfish different foods in place of their usual diet, and not as an extra treat.","qid":156493,"docid":"5009748","rank":1,"score":12.414249420166016},{"content":"A large tank gives your goldfish plenty of room to grow to their full potential. In a small 5-gallon aquarium, your goldfish will still grow. But growth will become stunted, and your goldfish won\u00e2\u0080\u0099t be able to develop properly. In such an environment, goldfish usually don\u00e2\u0080\u0099t last any more than a couple of years.","qid":156493,"docid":"2259183","rank":2,"score":13.136476516723633},{"content":"Goldfish Size and Life Expectancy. If kept in a suitable environment, single tail goldfish normally grow to 10 inches (25cm) and can sometimes reach 12 inches (30cm). Fancy goldfish normally grow to 8 inches (20cm). The normal life expectancy of a single tail goldfish is about 20 years.f kept in a suitable environment, single tail goldfish normally grow to 10 inches (25cm) and can sometimes reach 12 inches (30cm). Fancy goldfish normally grow to 8 inches (20cm). The normal life expectancy of a single tail goldfish is about 20 years.","qid":156493,"docid":"2411918","rank":3,"score":12.595817565917969},{"content":"One goldfish was reported to have lived to 45 years old! That\u00e2\u0080\u0099s a long time even for a goldfish, but with proper care, many goldfish live into their teens and twenties.","qid":156493,"docid":"627306","rank":4,"score":12.412635803222656},{"content":"The bigger the fishtank, the bigger the fish will grow.Not only does it matter how big your tank\/pond is but it also depends greatly on what the fish is fed, the variety of the fish, and the fishes genetics. Many goldfish can grow over a foot long-here is a list of standard sizes to expect a goldfish to grow:","qid":156493,"docid":"349638","rank":5,"score":13.247663497924805},{"content":"It depends on how big your tank is. The bigger the fishtank, the bigger the fish will grow.Not only does it matter how big your tank\/pond is but it also depends greatly on what the fish is fed, the variety of the fish, and the fishes genetics.","qid":156493,"docid":"349642","rank":6,"score":12.828142166137695},{"content":"Baby goldfish, called fry, go through several phases of development before they look like adult fish. Each phase requires different foods and different types of care. Goldfish take about a year to reach maturity, though they may change somewhat after that.","qid":156493,"docid":"911795","rank":7,"score":12.989431381225586},{"content":"Report Abuse. 1 How Big Can Goldfish Get. 2 Goldfish can get VERY big. 3 Fancy goldfish get about 6-8 inches long but can get longer. This Site Might Help 1 You. I've introduced small goldfish into my tanks with my big ones several times. I just measured one of my comet goldfish, 14 inches 1 long. goldfish get really big.","qid":156493,"docid":"95513","rank":8,"score":12.726730346679688},{"content":"Goldfish ponds need to provide clean, well oxygenated water for its inhabitants to grow up happy and healthy. A goldfish can grow up to 12 inches(30cm) plus. The minimum size pond is 8 feet X 6 feet and 3 feet deep(2.5m X 2m X 1m).","qid":156493,"docid":"2598786","rank":9,"score":12.708755493164062},{"content":"The rate at which your goldfish grows will depend on several factors and the size of his tank does come into play here. If you keep your goldfish in a small tank and you limit his feeding, he will grow fairly slowly and may not grow to more than 3 or 4 inches before he succumbs to poor health and dies.","qid":156493,"docid":"8182160","rank":10,"score":13.764100074768066},{"content":"Goldfish are very large compared to many tropical fish species. Most fancy goldfish varieties grow up to 6 or 7 inches long (15 or 18 centimeters), while common and comet goldfish can grow to a foot long (30 centimeters) and even more. Though there are exceptions, tropical fish tend to stay small.","qid":156493,"docid":"7371077","rank":11,"score":13.228866577148438},{"content":"The genetics (DNA) of the goldfish parents passed on to their offspring. How fast do goldfish grow is really a tough question to answer really. As mentioned above these factors will influence the growth potential of your goldfish. For example the how clean your water is impacts how fast they will grow. If the water is too clear then lacks algae and food to feed on.","qid":156493,"docid":"2612492","rank":12,"score":13.092226028442383},{"content":"A: Goldfish are a warm water fish. They can live in tropical or cold water for short periods of time but prefer a temperature around 65oF. Unless you live in a very cold climate that has a prolonged period of cold weather (3 months under freezing), your goldfish don\u00e2\u0080\u0099t need a heater.","qid":156493,"docid":"1939298","rank":13,"score":12.796737670898438},{"content":"Goldfish Only Grow to the Size of Their Enclosure. There is an element of truth to this, but it is not as innocent as it sounds and is related more to water quality than tank size. When properly cared for, goldfish will not stop growing. Most fishes are in fact what are known as indeterminate growers.","qid":156493,"docid":"2928707","rank":14,"score":13.867446899414062},{"content":"Goldfish get big (usually around 20cm, but fancy varieties normally get to a smaller size like 15cm) and can live 15-30 years. Sadly, millions die each year due to improper care and myths (goldfish bowls, etc). Be kind to your fish and your fish will live a long, long time.","qid":156493,"docid":"6139387","rank":15,"score":12.615589141845703},{"content":"Goldfish can live up to be 20 years old or older but the above mentioned goldfish tips need to be carried out if you want your pet to live a good life. Most goldfish I would say don\u00e2\u0080\u0099t live to be 20 years old as they are just too many factors to consider.","qid":156493,"docid":"2616514","rank":16,"score":12.509799003601074},{"content":"Goldfish are diverse, and they differ widely in terms of appearance. Some of them can be as big as two feet long, while others are only around two inches long. A lot of factors can help to determine their size, including living environment.","qid":156493,"docid":"8725855","rank":17,"score":12.613168716430664},{"content":"Fancy goldfish don\u00e2\u0080\u0099t grow as large as Common goldfish. A good size would be around 5 inches body length for most fancy varieties, 8 inches for Comets and 12 inches for Common Goldfish. These sizes are usually only attained by pond grown fish.","qid":156493,"docid":"1277723","rank":18,"score":12.860050201416016},{"content":"A more common size would be about 12 inches for a common and about 8 to 10 inches for a fancy. They will grow faster, but not necessarily ultimately larger, in large ponds than in aquaria. People who say they get to be three feet long probably have goldfish confused with koi or other carp.","qid":156493,"docid":"95517","rank":19,"score":12.489204406738281},{"content":"Goldfish Only Grow to the Size of Their Enclosure. There is an element of truth to this, but it is not as innocent as it sounds and is related more to water quality than tank size. When properly cared for, goldfish will not stop growing.","qid":156493,"docid":"1960257","rank":20,"score":14.040961265563965},{"content":"The bigger the fishtank, the bigger the fish will grow.Not only does it matter how big your tank\/pond is but it also depends greatly on what the fish is fed, the variety of the fish, and the fishes genetics. Many goldfish can grow over a foot long- here is a list of standard sizes to expect a goldfish to grow:","qid":156493,"docid":"8273019","rank":21,"score":13.24766731262207},{"content":"Goldfish Size and Life Expectancy. If kept in a suitable environment, single tail goldfish normally grow to 10 inches (25cm) and can sometimes reach 12 inches (30cm). Fancy goldfish normally grow to 8 inches (20cm). The normal life expectancy of a single tail goldfish is about 20 years. Fancy goldfish have a life expectancy of about 12 years.","qid":156493,"docid":"2317807","rank":22,"score":12.687017440795898},{"content":"How big your goldfish will grow is determined by the animal's genetics, not by the size of his environment. If your goldfish doesn't have enough space to grow to his full size, he will likely die before you notice that the environment is not large enough.","qid":156493,"docid":"95515","rank":23,"score":13.527956008911133},{"content":"A Goldfish will grow quicker if you increase its metabolism slightly. This can be done by keeping the water at summer temperatures of around 65F to 70F. Goldfish kept at this higher temp will also need added space (2 gals per inch of fish), air bubbles and a really good filtration system.","qid":156493,"docid":"3288595","rank":24,"score":13.235921859741211},{"content":"A: The conditions goldfish are kept in plus their diet determine how large they will grow. I have seen goldfish grow ridiculously large in very small containers when their water was changed frequently. Goldfish will not grow if water conditions are poor. Fancy goldfish don\u00e2\u0080\u0099t grow as large as Common goldfish. A good size would be around 5 inches body length for most fancy varieties, 8 inches for Comets and 12 inches for Common Goldfish. These sizes are usually only attained by pond grown fish.","qid":156493,"docid":"6139386","rank":25,"score":13.689151763916016},{"content":"If the tank is not large enough to allow the goldfish to grow, it's growth will be stunted and this can cause the fish to become unhealthy and die. The fancy goldfish do not get as large as the common\/comet\/shubunkin\/feeder goldfish. The more room you can give your goldfish, the faster it will grow.","qid":156493,"docid":"3288596","rank":26,"score":13.192838668823242},{"content":"You want a goldfish tank that your fish can comfortably live in. Goldfish can live for 15 to 20 years, and some have even surpassed the 20-year mark. But to ensure your goldfish reach adulthood, it\u00e2\u0080\u0099s important that you choose goldfish tank your fish will thrive in.","qid":156493,"docid":"2259184","rank":27,"score":12.372614860534668},{"content":"Goldfish (Carassius auratus) are a species of domesticated fish. Goldfish belong to the carp family and were domesticated in China in the Tang Dynasty. They can reach up to 59 cm in size, and 3 kg in weight. However, most goldfish grow to only half that size.","qid":156493,"docid":"5530082","rank":28,"score":12.516010284423828},{"content":"'Goldfish usually grow with their environment so if they are in a large space and are fed enough, they do sometimes just keep growing. 'If you went and checked the lakes and ponds across the country you could probably find a goldfish about Bob's size, but having one in a tank like this is most unusual and I have not heard of one.","qid":156493,"docid":"8182159","rank":29,"score":13.266798973083496},{"content":"What we feed our goldfish, how big their aquarium is, having proper equipment such as filters and air pumps and not overcrowding their tank can increase how long goldfish live. By doing the following can drastically reduce the chance of goldfish diseases occurring as well as increase the years that your goldfish live.","qid":156493,"docid":"6524741","rank":30,"score":12.457098007202148},{"content":"Fancy Goldfish (Ryukins, orandas, fan tail, bubble eyes) - Grow about 6 inches. Ranchus, Lion heads, Pearl Scales-grow about 3 - 4 inches. Common Goldfish (comets) - They can reach lengths of 2 feet or more. Koi-grow about 12 - 24 inches, sometimes more.","qid":156493,"docid":"1277725","rank":31,"score":13.177754402160645},{"content":"A goldfish can grow up to 12 inches(30cm) plus. The minimum size pond is 8 feet X 6 feet and 3 feet deep(2.5m X 2m X 1m). The larger the pond the better for your goldfish. Being tempted to economise, some people end up building 2 or 3 ponds to get to the desired size.","qid":156493,"docid":"2598787","rank":32,"score":12.908628463745117},{"content":"In such an environment, goldfish usually don\u00e2\u0080\u0099t last any more than a couple of years. Sadly, many goldfish never live long enough to even grow the 8 inches, 10 inches, or even 20 inches long their body was destined to be. Water changes can be very stressful in a small goldfish tank. Goldfish prefer water that maintains a constant temperature.","qid":156493,"docid":"7371079","rank":33,"score":12.912363052368164},{"content":"Depending on his type and his environment, goldfish have the capacity to grow anywhere from around 6 to 15 inches within a very short period of time. If they are kept in tiny aquariums or little bowls, they will still grow, but much more slowly. Those conditions are somewhat cramped for the fish and that will show in ...","qid":156493,"docid":"8182162","rank":34,"score":13.946425437927246},{"content":"A: While goldfish can grow up to 18 inches in length and can weigh more than six pounds, most never attain such large size. Goldfish occur in a number of different varieties, and some grow larger than others. The most common goldfish in state fairs and pet shops is the \u00e2\u0080\u009ccommon goldfish.\u00e2\u0080\u009d","qid":156493,"docid":"8182161","rank":35,"score":13.896278381347656},{"content":"In the wild, goldfish eat crustaceans, plants, insects and will sometimes even eat smaller fish. While you obviously can\u00e2\u0080\u0099t match their natural diet exactly, you should try to feed your goldfish food that is similar to what they would eat in the wild.","qid":156493,"docid":"1172279","rank":36,"score":12.661750793457031},{"content":"Ensuring that Your Fish Reaches Maturity. 1 1. Consider where you purchased your fish. If you bought your fish from a pet store, it is likely to be small and young. 2 2. Provide plenty of space for the fish to grow. Your goldfish\u00e2\u0080\u0099s growth may be stunted if it does not have a proper tank. 3 3. Keep the tank water clean and warm.","qid":156493,"docid":"3603923","rank":37,"score":12.359373092651367},{"content":"All goldfish fry have the same physical characteristics for the first 5 weeks, so the growth rate is similar for all varieties up to that age. After 5 weeks the deep bodied varieties start to take their adult shape, so growth rates slow when compared to the slim bodied varieties such as Comets.","qid":156493,"docid":"2612486","rank":38,"score":12.547021865844727},{"content":"It is important to never allow any goldfish to live in tropical aquariums, as they strongly prefer cooler waters. With proper living circumstances and diets, goldfish that are kept as pets often survive for around 10 years -- and sometimes even longer.","qid":156493,"docid":"8725861","rank":39,"score":12.583298683166504},{"content":"Report Abuse. Fish do not grow to the size of their tank, that is a wrong. Goldfish grow until they are at their mature size, but being in a small tank for them to grow can cause stunting. This is the idea that they grow to the size of their tank comes from.","qid":156493,"docid":"1960260","rank":40,"score":13.085219383239746},{"content":"Goldfish bowls really shouldn't exist, to be honest. Goldfish can grow very large and some have lived up to 30 years! The recommendation is that you give a goldfish 10 gallons for every inch it is. So if your goldfish is 2 inches long, ideally it would have 20 gallons. While that seems a little excessive for most people, a ten gallon tank with a filter would be a great place to start. As other people have mentioned, goldfish are considered dirty fish.","qid":156493,"docid":"7371078","rank":41,"score":12.66543197631836},{"content":"So to really answer the question, \u00e2\u0080\u009cHow Fast Do Goldfish Grow\u00e2\u0080\u009d really has too many factors to really answer. Also genetics plays a part in this as well. If you look at some people today some are skinny, some are large, medium, petite, tall and short. Everyone grows differently and the same goes for goldfish.","qid":156493,"docid":"2612490","rank":42,"score":13.107864379882812},{"content":"Goldfish can live for many years if properly cared for, a bowl is not large enough. My goldfish lived 10 years in a 27 gallon tank but may have lived longer in a pond. 1 liter won't be enough - goldfish can grow to 10 inches long or even larger than that. Thanks guys I was so worried but not anymore.","qid":156493,"docid":"1101607","rank":43,"score":12.747859954833984},{"content":"Goldfish grow much more slowly than some other fish. Many species are not able to breed until they are 1 year old, and most goldfish are not considered adults until they are about 2 or 3. Fish fry gradually change color over the first year of life, and most fish will be orange or gold by the time they are 1.","qid":156493,"docid":"6775071","rank":44,"score":13.104161262512207},{"content":"There are many breeds of goldfish; here's a lionhead. Goldfish can breed at 1 year of age, but before and after they reach mating stage they will pass other developmental milestones on their way to full maturity. Each phase of their lives has different care requirements.","qid":156493,"docid":"349640","rank":45,"score":12.438142776489258},{"content":"Keep your common goldfish in a pond, as they are supposed to grow to a size of almost 12 inch (30 cm). Commons come in many different color varieties, including orange, yellow, \u00e2\u0080\u009cwild\u00e2\u0080\u009d color (brownish) and white. Their patterns can range from an even color to all kinds of color combinations and spots.","qid":156493,"docid":"994486","rank":46,"score":12.632898330688477},{"content":"Large aquariums are a definite requirement for their long-term care and survival, as goldfish can grow quite large, depending on the breed. The common goldfish, so popular on fairgrounds, are among the largest, and they are capable of reaching over 18 inches and 10 pounds. Even the smallest breeds can reach between 4 and 7 inches, making them more suitable for a 20-gallon or larger aquarium than a bowl.","qid":156493,"docid":"95512","rank":47,"score":12.441984176635742},{"content":"The Common Goldfish is an omnivourus goldfish species.It is very docile and is often fed vegetable food.The Common Goldfish can grow up to be 40 inches long!The Common Goldfish is the longest living goldfish, and the hardiest also!The Common Goldfish can live up to be 45 years old!It's color is orange.The Common Goldfish has a slim, long body and a ...","qid":156493,"docid":"4940228","rank":48,"score":12.43636417388916},{"content":"How fast do goldfish grow is really a tough question to answer really. As mentioned above these factors will influence the growth potential of your goldfish. For example the how clean your water is impacts how fast they will grow. If the water is too clear then lacks algae and food to feed on.","qid":156493,"docid":"3288598","rank":49,"score":13.445842742919922},{"content":"The cleanliness of your pet's environment, the kinds of food, and your feeding protocols are all factors. Genetics are the predetermined factor in how big your fish will grow. Goldfish sold as tank suitable will grow to about 10 inches while those sold as pond suitable will reach a maximum of about 18 inches.","qid":156493,"docid":"95518","rank":50,"score":13.096973419189453},{"content":"Goldfish are a temperate fish found in cool streams, lakes, and ponds throughout Asia and part of eastern Europe, though all the specimens found in the hobby today are captive bred. Goldfish can be easy to care for, however, they do require some care. Given proper care and a good, healthy environment, goldfish can sometimes live nearly 50 years! Goldfish Equipment & Maintenance: To keep a goldfish healthy, remember to provide them with plenty of clean, cool water. Your goldfish's temperature should never rise above 74\u00c2\u00b0 Fahrenheit (about 23.5\u00c2\u00b0 Celsius), and ideally should remain between 65\u00c2\u00b0 and 68\u00c2\u00b0 F (18\u00c2\u00b0 and 20\u00c2\u00b0 C) so you will need a thermometer.","qid":156493,"docid":"7371081","rank":51,"score":12.540437698364258},{"content":"Common Goldfish can grow over 90 centimeters and take more than 2 years to max out. I've been told that they don't stop growing, but I don't know how true that is. Fancy Goldfish can grow to about 20 centimeters ant take about 2 years to max out I hope the Goldfish aren't Fancy, Koi can get very nasty.","qid":156493,"docid":"1277727","rank":52,"score":13.573914527893066},{"content":"Large aquariums are a definite requirement for their long-term care and survival, as goldfish can grow quite large, depending on the breed. The common goldfish, so popular on fairgrounds, are among the largest, and they are capable of reaching over 18 inches and 10 pounds.","qid":156493,"docid":"2928702","rank":53,"score":12.596295356750488},{"content":"In clean, uncrowded conditions in tanks or ponds, goldfish grow fast. They can grow to a few inches (1 to 4 inches) within the first year. It really depends on their genetics and living situation. It may take a year or two before they change color from brown to gold or whatever color their parents were.","qid":156493,"docid":"2612493","rank":54,"score":13.749792098999023},{"content":"1 Sadly, many goldfish never live long enough to even grow the 8 inches, 10 inches, or even 20 inches long their body was destined to be. Water changes can be very stressful in a small goldfish tank. Goldfish prefer water that maintains a constant temperature. A small aquarium just can\u00e2\u0080\u0099t hold enough water mass.","qid":156493,"docid":"2259179","rank":55,"score":12.741254806518555},{"content":"Goldfish growth rates can be massive for their first few weeks after hatching in a perfect growing environment, as much as a 50% or more increase in body length in a week. Goldfish growth rates are totally dependent on the conditions they are kept in, and the amount of high quality food they receive.","qid":156493,"docid":"2612491","rank":56,"score":13.444253921508789},{"content":"Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: Goldfish do not grow to the size of their tank, that is a myth. Goldfish grow until they are at their mature size, but being in a tank too small for them to grow properly can cause stunting. This is where the idea that they grow to the size of their tank comes from.","qid":156493,"docid":"1960255","rank":57,"score":13.105896949768066},{"content":"Fancy goldfish typically grow to 8 inches, while single tail goldfish grow to 10 and sometimes up to 12 inches in length. It's rare for domestic goldfish to achieve the monstrous sizes recorded in the Netherlands and Michigan; these fish were exceptions to the norm.","qid":156493,"docid":"95514","rank":58,"score":13.314569473266602},{"content":"They vary in their fin configuration, coloration and in their body size, which is directly influenced by their environment. When they are kept as pets in small fish tanks and aquariums, goldfish tend to stay about 1-2 inches long and never grow larger than 6 inches (15 centimeters), according to the DEC. However, in the wild, goldfish often reach 12 to 14 inches (30 to 35 cm) in length.","qid":156493,"docid":"2717163","rank":59,"score":13.508670806884766},{"content":"Size. The size of your tank should be based on the size the fish will be when he is completely grown. The length of your tank should be at least seven times that of the adult fish's size. This means that if you have a tank suitable goldfish, your tank should be about 70 inches long. The height of the tank should be double the height of your fish. If your goldfish doesn't have enough room to move around, he can develop stress-related illnesses.","qid":156493,"docid":"1960254","rank":60,"score":12.893782615661621},{"content":"Goldfish are very BIG, high maintenance fish and they cannot live in these conditions very well or for very long. The lifespan of a properly taken care of goldfish is 20+ years. In this kind of setup, it's impressive if they live even one.","qid":156493,"docid":"7371075","rank":61,"score":12.554492950439453},{"content":"Goldfish may grow to a maximum length of 23 inches (59 cm) and a maximum weight of 9.9 pounds (4.5 kg), although this is rare; most individual goldfish grow to under half this size. In optimal conditions, goldfish may live more than 20 years (the world record is 49 years); however, most household goldfish generally only live six to eight years.","qid":156493,"docid":"8182165","rank":62,"score":13.414203643798828},{"content":"Myth. How big your goldfish will grow is determined by the animal's genetics, not by the size of his environment. If your goldfish doesn't have enough space to grow to his full size, he will likely die before you notice that the environment is not large enough.","qid":156493,"docid":"1960261","rank":63,"score":13.597492218017578},{"content":"How big do goldfish grow? Are Koi considered big gold fish? I saw a photo of a goldfish that LOOKED like a goldfish, found in a lake. It was like 2-1\/2 feet long. Can a goldfish actually grow that big? My 20 gallon tank has 3 goldfish about 1-1\/2" long. The pet store sales rep said that they could grow up to 4-6"...","qid":156493,"docid":"8182166","rank":64,"score":13.376327514648438},{"content":"I read somewhere totally scientific that goldfish will grow to a size commensurate with the size of their environment. So what if I filled a swimming pool with fresh water and all the bells and whistles they need to survive: filters, feeders, temperature regulators, aerators and what not, would I end up with dog-sized goldfish?","qid":156493,"docid":"2928705","rank":65,"score":13.081707000732422},{"content":"Goldfish commonly grow to over 12 inches. The size of your tank would indicate that it is not really large enough for keeping goldfish in. The basic rule of fishkeeping \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 is 1 Inch of fish needs a minimum of 1 gallon of water.","qid":156493,"docid":"349643","rank":66,"score":13.417282104492188},{"content":"If you want to get some baby goldfish, the most fascinating way of obtaining them is of course to breed goldfish in your own aquarium or pond. A goldfish becomes sexually mature when it is around one year old, but will not reach their prime until two years later.","qid":156493,"docid":"2403231","rank":67,"score":12.571279525756836},{"content":"Goldfish commonly grow to over 12 inches. The size of your tank would indicate that it is not really large enough for keeping goldfish in. The basic rule of fishkeeping \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 is 1 Inch of fish needs a minimum of 1 gallon of water. Goldfish should really be kept in a pond.","qid":156493,"docid":"1277726","rank":68,"score":13.502429962158203},{"content":"When goldfish are in a tiny bowl, they still grow, but much more slowly. It's best to provide at least one gallon of water per full grown fish. This gives goldfish room to swim and explore their home. Plan the aquarium space according to how big the fish can become, not how big he is at the time of purchase.","qid":156493,"docid":"3288603","rank":69,"score":13.68583869934082},{"content":"If kept in a suitable environment, single tail goldfish normally grow to 10 inches (25cm) and can sometimes reach 12 inches (30cm). Fancy goldfish normally grow to 8 inches (20cm). The normal life expectancy of a single tail goldfish is about 20 years.","qid":156493,"docid":"2949802","rank":70,"score":12.641364097595215},{"content":"People are usually surprised at both the normal life expectancy and size that goldfish reach. Goldfish Size and Life Expectancy. If kept in a suitable environment, single tail goldfish normally grow to 10 inches (25cm) and can sometimes reach 12 inches (30cm). Fancy goldfish normally grow to 8 inches (20cm). The normal life expectancy of a single tail goldfish is about 20 years. Fancy goldfish have a life expectancy of about 12 years.","qid":156493,"docid":"885944","rank":71,"score":12.731396675109863},{"content":"A relatively small member of the carp family (which also includes the koi carp and the crucian carp), the goldfish is a domesticated version of a less-colourful carp (Carassius auratus) native to east Asia.","qid":156493,"docid":"6139385","rank":72,"score":12.591004371643066},{"content":"The best way to get goldfish to grow the fastest is you give them as much room as you can then you give them growth food from the store. You can find it at almost any store that sells fish food. This will ensure that it will grow fast and big. blackheart_21 \u00c2\u00b7 7 years ago.","qid":156493,"docid":"8273011","rank":73,"score":13.27800464630127},{"content":"Fry are too small to eat the same food as adult goldfish. After 48 hours, you can start to feed them liquid food, especially designed for them. The protein in cooked yolk of hard-boiled eggs will help them grow. At two months, they will be able to manage larger food.","qid":156493,"docid":"2612488","rank":74,"score":12.396474838256836},{"content":"1 If you have a cat make sure the tank is NOT open top. 2 Common, comet, shunbunkin, and some fancy goldfish can grow to be over 12 inches (30.5 cm) long if put in tanks or ponds that are large enough! 3 However, contrary to popular belief, fish do not stay the size of their tank.","qid":156493,"docid":"4369922","rank":75,"score":12.535104751586914},{"content":"1 Common, comet, shunbunkin, and some fancy goldfish can grow to be over 12 inches (30.5 cm) long if put in tanks or ponds that are large enough! 2 However, contrary to popular belief, fish do not stay the size of their tank.","qid":156493,"docid":"6524746","rank":76,"score":12.906183242797852},{"content":"Small tanks provide poorer water quality than large ones, and will stunt growth in goldfish, often preventing them from reaching their average size of between 8 and 12 inches. But give a goldfish good quality water and lots of space and you\u00e2\u0080\u0099ll give him every chance of growing to a good size.","qid":156493,"docid":"95521","rank":77,"score":12.625238418579102},{"content":"Goldfish usually live 5 years in a small aquarium, and can live up to 20 in a small pond. My pond (with a waterfall pouring from the top section to the bottom, is about 1,500 sq feet. Most of my fish are between 10 to 15 years old.","qid":156493,"docid":"1101603","rank":78,"score":12.39596939086914},{"content":"This completely depends on the species of fish. Goldfish will live 20-30 years and grow to be a foot long, if you let them. Most die within a few years because people don't look after them well. Fish need bigger tanks as they grow; it is a common misconception that fish only grow to the size of their container.","qid":156493,"docid":"4583221","rank":79,"score":12.726037979125977},{"content":"A new tank need time to cycle before you add large number of fish or even just one large fish. Goldfish can get to be very large & need a large tank. Most goldfish get to be over 30 years old & grow to about 12 inches long. So you should be keeping them in a tank that is at least 50 gallons for the two of them.If you are not keeping them in that big of a tank I would plan on moving them to larger tank as soon as possible. As for their not moving around much now. That is not that uncommon of a thing when you get new fish.When they are moved to new location they become very stress by the move.f you are not keeping them in that big of a tank I would plan on moving them to larger tank as soon as possible. As for their not moving around much now. That is not that uncommon of a thing when you get new fish. When they are moved to new location they become very stress by the move.","qid":156493,"docid":"5555919","rank":80,"score":12.528482437133789},{"content":"pond goldfish like comets, shubunkins, and wakins can grow well over 12inches. fancier varieties like ranchus,lionhead,and orandas can grow over 10 inches. other fancy varieties like ryukins,black moors, fantails, etc. can grow over 6-7 inches. The largest goldfish recorded is over 16 inches.","qid":156493,"docid":"8273017","rank":81,"score":13.003493309020996},{"content":"Well this goldfish question \u00e2\u0080\u009cHow Long Do Goldfish Live\u00e2\u0080\u009d is one I\u00e2\u0080\u0099ve been asked many many times. The lifespan of a goldfish differs greatly as it all depends on how well people take care of their goldfish. If people provide proper goldfish care they should live a long healthy life. The true fact of the matter is that we are the ones truly responsible for how long goldfish live for.","qid":156493,"docid":"6524745","rank":82,"score":12.408793449401855},{"content":"A goldfish will grow to the depth of the water it is kept in. If the tank is not large enough to allow the goldfish to grow, it's growth will be stunted and this can cause the fish to become unhealthy and die. The fancy goldfish do not get as large as the common\/comet\/shubunkin\/feeder goldfish.","qid":156493,"docid":"3288600","rank":83,"score":13.655595779418945},{"content":"Buying a goldfish tank that is large enough and designed to house the number of goldfish you plan to keep is the first step to raising healthy fish that thrive. The type of aquarium you choose can determine whether your goldfish flourish or just barely survive. You want a goldfish tank that your fish can comfortably live in.","qid":156493,"docid":"4940235","rank":84,"score":12.369783401489258},{"content":"Buying a goldfish tank that is large enough and designed to house the number of goldfish you plan to keep is the first step to raising healthy fish that thrive.The type of aquarium you choose can determine whether your goldfish flourish or just barely survive.You want a goldfish tank that your fish can comfortably live in. Goldfish can live for 15 to 20 years, and some have even surpassed the 20-year mark.uying a goldfish tank that is large enough and designed to house the number of goldfish you plan to keep is the first step to raising healthy fish that thrive.","qid":156493,"docid":"2708309","rank":85,"score":12.508338928222656},{"content":"Full Color. While goldfish are sexually mature at one year old, they may take up to two years to develop their adult coloration. Often, goldfish fry start out a brownish silver color and only later develop into their trademark gold color. Some drabber goldfish retain this darker silver coloration.","qid":156493,"docid":"911790","rank":86,"score":12.777518272399902},{"content":"This Site Might Help You. RE: How big do goldfish get? OK so I know a lot of people say a fancy one will grow to 12'' but I think that's kind of ridiculous. A lot of these "huge goldfish" myths seem to only take place on the internet.","qid":156493,"docid":"95519","rank":87,"score":12.617202758789062},{"content":"Goldfish Size and Life Expectancy. If kept in a suitable environment, single tail goldfish normally grow to 10 inches (25cm) and can sometimes reach 12 inches (30cm). Fancy goldfish normally grow to 8 inches (20cm). The normal life expectancy of a single tail goldfish is about 20 years.","qid":156493,"docid":"2949801","rank":88,"score":12.666167259216309},{"content":"It depends on how big your tank is. The bigger the fishtank, the bigger the fish will grow.Not only does it matter how big your tank\/pond is but it also depends greatly on w \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 hat the fish is fed, the variety of the fish, and the fishes genetics.","qid":156493,"docid":"349646","rank":89,"score":12.805686950683594},{"content":"Genetics are the predetermined factor in how big your fish will grow. Goldfish sold as tank suitable will grow to about 10 inches while those sold as pond suitable will reach a maximum of about 18 inches.","qid":156493,"docid":"1960259","rank":90,"score":13.012264251708984},{"content":"You will see your goldfish grow fast. The goldfish food that you feed them plays a part in their growth as well. If you want your goldfish to grow fast consider feeding them a wide variety of food. Also high growth food will help as well maximizing the growth of your goldfish.","qid":156493,"docid":"3288597","rank":91,"score":13.659689903259277},{"content":"A goldfish will grow to the depth of the water it is kept in. If the tank is not large enough to allow the goldfish to grow, it's growth will be stunted and this can cause the fish to become unhealthy and die.","qid":156493,"docid":"3288601","rank":92,"score":13.587825775146484},{"content":"Goldfish eat GOLDFISH FOOD! Such as Pellets, Flakes, Veggie Flakes and they also eat treats like plankton, bloodworms baby shrimp etc. Do not feed them tropical fish food ot a\u00e2\u0080\u00a6ffects there growth FYI: Fancy Goldfish do better with sinking food such as Sinking Granueles and Sticks.","qid":156493,"docid":"278176","rank":93,"score":12.552821159362793},{"content":"The goldfish food that you feed them plays a part in their growth as well. If you want your goldfish to grow fast consider feeding them a wide variety of food. Also high growth food will help as well maximizing the growth of your goldfish.","qid":156493,"docid":"3288599","rank":94,"score":13.454936981201172},{"content":"Goldfish are able to live in a wide range of temperatures, so some overlap does exist. Many tropical fish can live in the mid 70s without any kind of problem, and this is also true of goldfish. It is, however, important to keep goldfish with species that require similar habitats and conditions.","qid":156493,"docid":"8725859","rank":95,"score":12.361907958984375},{"content":"Their size is limited in the tank, but when you release it into the wild, that doesn't exist anymore, Wilson told The Post. Like other species of carp, the domestic goldfish Carassius auratus will basically keep growing as long as water temperatures and food resources support it.","qid":156493,"docid":"8820526","rank":96,"score":12.693892478942871},{"content":"Even at the same age, they vary a lot in length. They grow rapidly during the first year, but the growth rate varies a lot even for fish from the same spawn, so the size of year old goldfish varies widely. Almost all of the goldfish you see in the big box pet stores are well under a year in age.","qid":156493,"docid":"3603922","rank":97,"score":12.872729301452637},{"content":"Goldfish ponds need to provide clean, well oxygenated water for its inhabitants to grow up happy and healthy. A goldfish can grow up to 12 inches(30cm) plus. The minimum size pond is 8 feet X 6 feet and 3 feet deep(2.5m X 2m X 1m).The larger the pond the better for your goldfish. Being tempted to economise, some people end up building 2 or 3 ponds to get to the desired size.tep #3: If your pond is 8 feet X 6 feet X 4 feed deep, the liner would have to be 17 feet long and 15 feet wide. Double of the width and length + add 1 foot as excess on the side.","qid":156493,"docid":"5346660","rank":98,"score":12.59356689453125},{"content":"Observe its size. If kept in proper tank or pond conditions, a common goldfish will be around 5 inches (12.7 cm) after a year and 9 inches (22.9 cm) after two years. You can eye your goldfish to see how large it has become. If you keep your goldfish in a small bowl, you may find that its growth is stunted.","qid":156493,"docid":"3603920","rank":99,"score":12.612192153930664},{"content":"One Month to One Year. At one month old, baby goldfish can eat regular fish food, ground up for their size. At four months, they no longer require ground-up food. Again, you want to siphon out anything they haven't eaten after the first 20 minutes to keep from polluting the water.","qid":156493,"docid":"911793","rank":100,"score":12.889678955078125}]} {"query":"what types of food can you cook sous vide","hits":[{"content":"Sous-vide\u00e2\u0080\u0094French for \u00e2\u0080\u009cunder-vacuum\u00e2\u0080\u009d\u00e2\u0080\u0094is an innovative cooking technique in which food is vacuum sealed and slow-cooked in water at constant low temperatures until it\u00e2\u0080\u0099s perfectly cooked through.","qid":915593,"docid":"8402968","rank":1,"score":12.058069229125977},{"content":"Sous-vide cooking involves cooking food in sealed plastic bags immersed in hot water for long periods of time. Depending on the cut, type, and thickness of the meat or the type of food in question, cooking sous-vide for several hours is not out of the ordinary. The key is managing the temperature of the water so it stays hot enough to cook the food thoroughly and evenly, and long enough to kill any food-borne pathogens that may be in the bag along with the food.","qid":915593,"docid":"8178998","rank":2,"score":13.230246543884277},{"content":"Sous-vide (\/su\u00cb\u0090\u00cb\u0088vi\u00cb\u0090d\/; French for under vacuum)[1] is a method of cooking in which food is vacuum-sealed in a plastic pouch and then placed in a water bath or steam environment for longer than normal cooking times (usually 1 to 7 hours, up to 48 or more in some cases) at an accurately regulated temperature much lower than normally used for cooking ...","qid":915593,"docid":"6761341","rank":3,"score":12.331254959106445},{"content":"#1 \u00e2\u0080\u0093 Anova Culinary WiFi\/Bluetooth Precision Cooker. This is by far the BEST sous vide machine! If you prefer the versatility of using your own stock pots for cooking sous vide, then the Anova immersion circulator with Bluetooth capability is a very good choice.","qid":915593,"docid":"6923050","rank":4,"score":12.307037353515625},{"content":"To cook sous vide, first prepare your food of choice \u00e2\u0080\u0094 it can be anything from a steak or a chicken breast to corn on the cob \u00e2\u0080\u0094 then place it in a plastic vacuum-sealed or zipper lock bag. Attach your immersion circulator to a pot of water and set the desired time and temperature.","qid":915593,"docid":"8402971","rank":5,"score":13.444560050964355},{"content":"This was the most tender & juicy slice of tenderloin I have ever had. Sous Vide is a method of cooking foods to perfection in a temperature controlled water bath. This application is being used in restaurants all over the world.","qid":915593,"docid":"8002852","rank":6,"score":12.332019805908203},{"content":"This means that the fruit is cooked but still holds its shape. All fruit can be cooked sous vide but the cooking time and temperature need to be adjusted depending on the firmness of the fruit, for example, pineapple will take much longer to cook than peach. It is also important to bear in mind that fruit cooking times will vary according to the ripeness of the fruit.","qid":915593,"docid":"3538168","rank":7,"score":12.952491760253906},{"content":"One of the greatest benefits of sous vide is flexibility. Yes, you have to start this process two hours in advance, but guess what? All you do is put some eggs and some ingredients for hollandaise into a pot of preheated water, and then you\u00e2\u0080\u0099re free to prep your muffins, drink some mimosas, and hang out with your friends until just before go time.","qid":915593,"docid":"1396702","rank":8,"score":12.499995231628418},{"content":"Some folks prefer a thicker sear, while others prefer the thin sear achieved after sous vide cooking. It often requires more equipment. Cooking sous vide requires a precision cooker and a plastic bag or vacuum sealer, in addition to all the tools required for more traditional methods.","qid":915593,"docid":"8103068","rank":9,"score":12.820611953735352},{"content":"We have had little choice in the 'doneness' of sirloin tip roast, as braising and stewing require high temperature cooking over a long period of time. With the availability of sous vide, we can take advantage of persistent, accurate low temperature cooking to achieve unique results.","qid":915593,"docid":"8029531","rank":10,"score":12.01830768585205},{"content":"Become the Taylor Swift of perfectly cooked food by enrolling in our recipe-jammed classes: Cooking Sous Vide: Getting Started and Cooking Sous Vide: Beyond the Basics. And check out the tips and techniques below to start preparing dishes beyond your wildest dreams.","qid":915593,"docid":"82111","rank":11,"score":12.488130569458008},{"content":"For the best quality sous vide cooking bag, we recommend using only the SousVide Supreme Vacuum Sealer bags. However, our system will also work with some other bags, such as those by Food Saver. Any bag used for sous vide cooking, however, should always be made of food grade plastic and approved for cooking.","qid":915593,"docid":"3538162","rank":12,"score":12.252213478088379},{"content":"You just grab a large, cheap cut at the butcher and use sous vide to slowly cook down that meat at a low temperature so that after you chill it, cut it into individual steaks, and sear it, it takes on an incredible juicy texture that rivals that of a premium steak or pork chop at a pricey restaurant.","qid":915593,"docid":"7709320","rank":13,"score":12.08104133605957},{"content":"In the photo above, both salmon fillets were cooked to the same internal temperature of 48\u00c2\u00b0C \/ 118\u00c2\u00b0F. The fillet on the left was cooked sous vide (instructions below) while the fillet on the right was cooked in an oven.","qid":915593,"docid":"3485337","rank":14,"score":12.459156036376953},{"content":"Sous vide cooking is made even easier with the Anova recipes app \u00e2\u0080\u0094 simply choose your recipe, prepare your ingredients, and hit \u00e2\u0080\u009cconnect\u00e2\u0080\u009d on the app. It\u00e2\u0080\u0099ll set the time and temperature settings for you! The key to sous vide cooking is the \u00e2\u0080\u009csous vide\u00e2\u0080\u009d (or \u00e2\u0080\u009cunder vacuum\u00e2\u0080\u009d) part of the equation.","qid":915593,"docid":"7837084","rank":15,"score":12.611156463623047},{"content":"The cooking medium is boiling water\u00e2\u0080\u0094not low temperature. Yet, because there is a vacuum process involved, it is sous-vide. That said, sous-vide is very effective for low-temp cooking because food inside the bags neither dries out nor loses flavor during prolonged cooking if proper temperature is maintained.","qid":915593,"docid":"4691129","rank":16,"score":12.383260726928711},{"content":"Beef Index Beef Pork Poultry Fish Misc. Beef is highly recommended for Sous Vide. You can produce some astonishing results with chewy and tough cuts like for instance brisket. Beef must not exceed 60 degrees c. This will result in meat that is gray, chewy and in general bland.","qid":915593,"docid":"8029527","rank":17,"score":13.494828224182129},{"content":"A slow cooker sous vide is rather similar to a slow cooker in truth, but better. When you use a slow cooker to cook your food, the way it heats up is a lot different. Using a crockpot, your home will fill with an amazing aroma, and when you go to eat, you\u00e2\u0080\u0099ll often find that the flavor is lacking.","qid":915593,"docid":"6923054","rank":18,"score":12.241912841796875},{"content":"That's about the extent of what you need to start cooking sous vide. If you want to make cooking more convenient, there are a few other items you might consider. Check out my gift guide for aspiring sous vide cooks to get some ideas for other items to round out your collection.","qid":915593,"docid":"8455301","rank":19,"score":12.540053367614746},{"content":"The World's Leading Brand of Sous Vide for Home Cooks. The sous vide technique has been the secret of great chefs for decades, giving them the consistency and precision they need to meet their high standards.","qid":915593,"docid":"3538165","rank":20,"score":12.10941219329834},{"content":"Sous vide info. From the French for \u00e2\u0080\u0098under vacuum\u00e2\u0080\u0099, sous vide is a method of cooking where ingredients are sealed in an airtight bag and submerged in a water bath. This method not only ensures a constant cooking temperature, but allows the food to cook for long periods of time without losing any of its flavour or moisture.","qid":915593,"docid":"3538166","rank":21,"score":13.125117301940918},{"content":"This is why food cooked sous vide is safe, even though it is cooked at a comparatively low temperature. For example, surface bacteria will be destroyed it you cook at. \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 60\u00c2\u00b0C for a minimum of 45 minutes \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 65\u00c2\u00b0C for a minimum of 10 minutes \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 70\u00c2\u00b0C for a minimum of 2 minutes.","qid":915593,"docid":"3143377","rank":22,"score":12.742300987243652},{"content":"Sous vide can be used or just knowing and monitoring the temp and you can get very sweet potatoes without adding sugar. Conversely, you can cook fast and keep them more on the savory side. Whatever you do, they need to be cooked, eventually, over 180F, which is the temperature pectin breaks down in order to be tender.","qid":915593,"docid":"1972028","rank":23,"score":12.210948944091797},{"content":"In Episode 2 of the Sous Vide Cooking Series, MasterChef's Sharone Hakman demonstrates how to sous vide a perfect sirloin steak in your home kitchen using simple ingredients like garlic and fresh herbs.","qid":915593,"docid":"8029533","rank":24,"score":12.37420654296875},{"content":"Steak is one of the most popular foods to cook for first-time sous-vide enthusiasts, and with good reason. Cooking steak in a skillet or on the grill the traditional way leaves lots of room for error and an over- or undercooked steak is a big mistake to make when there's a Prime-grade dry-aged ribeye on the line.","qid":915593,"docid":"4998398","rank":25,"score":13.34943675994873},{"content":"Top Posts & Pages. 1 5 Common Misconceptions About Sous Vide Cooking. 2 Eight Things to Do With Simple Syrup. 3 10 Foods You Didn't Know You Could Cook Sous Vide. 4 Midnight Snack Video: Turbot with Zucchini Flower from Daniel Humm of Eleven Madison Park. 5 Make a Three-, Five-, or Seven-Course Version of our Tasting Menu!","qid":915593,"docid":"8178996","rank":26,"score":12.871198654174805},{"content":"sous vide means cooking under a vacuum. You vacuum bag it, and then you stick it in an Thermal Immersion Circulator to precisely control the temperature. All the juices are sealed in the bag and the food should cook perfectly.","qid":915593,"docid":"2210595","rank":27,"score":13.178306579589844},{"content":"Cook 30 minutes for a 1\u00e2\u0080\u009d thick fillet, or until the core temperature of the fish reaches to 47\u00c2\u00b0C \/ 117\u00c2\u00b0F (one degree below the bath temperature). Remove the salmon from the bag. Plate, and season with high-quality olive oil, flaky sea salt or any other sauces or garnishes you prefer.","qid":915593,"docid":"3485339","rank":28,"score":12.674677848815918},{"content":"Here's a simple, no-nonsense guide to the tools you'll need and some basic foods and techniques that should be at the top of any first-time sous vide cook's list. These are the dishes that will show you results beyond anything you've ever been able to achieve through more traditional cooking methods.","qid":915593,"docid":"8455304","rank":29,"score":13.067532539367676},{"content":"Here\u00e2\u0080\u0099s our answer: Water used to cook food sous vide is still clean and sanitary (provided your bag doesn\u00e2\u0080\u0099t break or leak), so you can use it to wash dishes, water your plants, hydrate your dog, bathe your baby, or fill your swimming pool. You can also use that water to cook sous vide several times, if you have the space to keep it.","qid":915593,"docid":"82109","rank":30,"score":12.642919540405273},{"content":"The earn our top stop for the best prepared meals and the best meal delivery services. Home Bistro prepared meals are all sous vide, a French cooking technique meaning they are prepared in vacuum sealed bags, submersed in warm water, and cooked for long periods of time.","qid":915593,"docid":"5931553","rank":31,"score":12.334733009338379},{"content":"The costs associated with sous vide cooking are not trivial\u00e2\u0080\u0094depending on the type of water oven you get, you can spend hundreds of dollars on the oven, and then a good bit more on a vacuum-sealer and the appropriate FDA-approved polyethylene bags you'll need to put your food in before it goes into the water oven.","qid":915593,"docid":"8179003","rank":32,"score":12.629305839538574},{"content":"All kinds! Any type of meat\u00e2\u0080\u0094such as beef, pork, lamb, game, or poultry\u00e2\u0080\u0094is ideal for sous vide. It works especially well with fish and seafood, ensuring that these delicate foods are not overcooked. Almost any vegetable can also be cooked sous vide with delicious results, as can eggs and many fruits. You can even use it to make custard-style ice cream base, b\u00c3\u00a9arnaise sauce, cr\u00c3\u00a8me Anglaise, custards, cheese, yogurt, and even cakes.","qid":915593,"docid":"3538160","rank":33,"score":14.328840255737305},{"content":"Foods cooked sous vide need to be finished via a higher-heat method if browning and crispness are what you're after. For chicken, that means putting it in a skillet with hot oil or on top of a grill. Check out the step-by-step directions above for more details.","qid":915593,"docid":"4834226","rank":34,"score":12.77032470703125},{"content":"We used both ziplock-style bags and sous vide bags, you can use the water displacement method and clip them to the top of the bath with the opening outside of the water). We also do recipes in mason jars. Also, check out our forum, where you can chat with our community members about sous vide and safety.","qid":915593,"docid":"8178997","rank":35,"score":12.164323806762695},{"content":"Sous vide is a unique process of cooking, the food must be packaged in a vacuum sealed bag, and then cooked at a low and consistent temperature in a water bath. The process started in France and has been growing in popularity; used by chefs on \u00e2\u0080\u009cTop Chef\u00e2\u0080\u009d and \u00e2\u0080\u009cThe Taste\u00e2\u0080\u009d, as well as restaurants all over.","qid":915593,"docid":"8402969","rank":36,"score":12.936073303222656},{"content":"(2) Sous vide \u00e2\u0080\u009chard boiled\u00e2\u0080\u009d eggs: For a hard boiled egg cooked sous vide style, I love 160 degrees Fahrenheit (71 degrees Celsius), cooked for 60 minutes.At this temperature, eggs are a bit softer and creamier than the traditional hard boiled egg, making them more moist, but still capable of being cut into slices.2) Sous vide \u00e2\u0080\u009chard boiled\u00e2\u0080\u009d eggs: For a hard boiled egg cooked sous vide style, I love 160 degrees Fahrenheit (71 degrees Celsius), cooked for 60 minutes.","qid":915593,"docid":"2923497","rank":37,"score":12.102758407592773},{"content":"Sous vide recipes. Sous vide recipes. From the French for \u00e2\u0080\u0098under vacuum\u00e2\u0080\u0099, sous vide is a method of cooking where ingredients are sealed in an airtight bag and submerged in a water bath. This method not only ensures a constant cooking temperature, but allows the food to cook for long periods of time without losing any of its flavour or moisture.","qid":915593,"docid":"3538164","rank":38,"score":13.433156967163086},{"content":"Sous vide cooking has been called revolutionary. It's been named the best thing for cooking since the microwave. It's also been accused of being wasteful, unnatural, and just plain weird.imply put, sous vide cooking is the process of vacuum-sealing raw food in plastic pouches and cooking it slowly in a temperature-controlled water bath.","qid":915593,"docid":"4566823","rank":39,"score":12.887069702148438},{"content":"Cooking Tests: Dining Out: Equipment & Gear: Kitchen Notes: Off Topic: Recipe File: Sous Vide: Test Recipes","qid":915593,"docid":"2637186","rank":40,"score":12.219722747802734},{"content":"What kind of foods can you cook sous vide? Sous vide is traditionally seen as an alternative method for cooking meats. However, the technique is extremely versatile, meaning all manner of ingredients can be cooked such as: Pork, Lamb, Beef, Chicken, Duck, Turkey, Quail.","qid":915593,"docid":"82107","rank":41,"score":14.919992446899414},{"content":"Low-temperature cooking methods include sous vide cooking, slow cooking using a slow cooker, cooking in a normal oven which has a minimal setting of 70 \u00c2\u00b0C (158 \u00c2\u00b0F), and using a combi steamer providing exact temperature control.","qid":915593,"docid":"924855","rank":42,"score":12.1610746383667},{"content":"Cook them sous vide. With the precision of sous vide cooking, you can ensure that the juices and flavor stay packed inside that pork chop, right where they belong. Here's a tip: If you're cooking for two, instead of two skinny pork chops, get yourself one big, fat, double-cut chop and split it at the table.","qid":915593,"docid":"8103067","rank":43,"score":12.591702461242676},{"content":"Sous-vide (\/su\u00cb\u0090\u00cb\u0088vi\u00cb\u0090d\/; French for \u00e2\u0080\u009cunder vacuum\u00e2\u0080\u009d)[1] is a method of cooking food sealed in airtight plastic bags in a water bath for a long time\u00e2\u0080\u009472 hours is not unusual\u00e2\u0080\u0094at an accurately determined temperature much lower than normally used for cooking, typically around 60 \u00c2\u00b0C or 140 \u00c2\u00b0F.","qid":915593,"docid":"2210590","rank":44,"score":12.147307395935059},{"content":"The food is amazing, tender, and moist, every time. The Anova Precision Cooker is a sous-vide cooker that is an evolution over the company\u00e2\u0080\u0099s older model. The new device comes with a more compact and streamlined interface. The new hardware is not the only improvement Anova has made to this device.","qid":915593,"docid":"3581431","rank":45,"score":12.039692878723145},{"content":"More tender chicken may sound like a good thing, but it's not the right kind of softness. Instead of tasting tender, overcooked sous-vide chicken just tastes...mushy. To test the limit of how long you can cook chicken this way, I put identical chicken breasts in 145\u00c2\u00b0F water for one, two, four, eight, 12, and 24 hours.ust like any overcooked chicken, once you get to around the 155\u00c2\u00b0F mark, sous-vide chicken starts to take on an unpleasant chalky, tacky texture (though, again, far less than with conventional cooking methods).","qid":915593,"docid":"7861747","rank":46,"score":12.30192756652832},{"content":"The kind of down-to-the-degree control that only sous-vide cooking can get you. If there's one dish that most dramatically shows the differences between this and traditional cooking methods, it's chicken breast.ust like any overcooked chicken, once you get to around the 155\u00c2\u00b0F mark, sous-vide chicken starts to take on an unpleasant chalky, tacky texture (though, again, far less than with conventional cooking methods).","qid":915593,"docid":"7861751","rank":47,"score":12.690971374511719},{"content":"Slow and low is the name of the game here. Some times cooking food sous vide means hours, sometimes it means entire days. Food safety is a concern, but doesn't generally an issue as long as you stick to the temperature and cooking time specified for the food you're cooking.imply put, sous vide cooking is the process of vacuum-sealing raw food in plastic pouches and cooking it slowly in a temperature-controlled water bath.","qid":915593,"docid":"4566819","rank":48,"score":12.397933959960938},{"content":"If hard-boiled is how you like your eggs, then a 165\u00c2\u00b0F sous-vide egg should do you well. This is the ideal temperature for an egg salad that has distinct chunks of tender, non-rubbery egg. Loose white: Opaque and firm, but still tender. Tight white: Opaque and firm, but still tender.","qid":915593,"docid":"210384","rank":49,"score":12.045171737670898},{"content":"The app\u00e2\u0080\u0099s got your back. From raw to ready, the app coaches you through the whole process, so cooking sous vide is tr\u00c3\u00a9s simple. Just pick what you want to cook, and we\u00e2\u0080\u0099ll show you how it\u00e2\u0080\u0099ll turn out before you even open the fridge.","qid":915593,"docid":"8455302","rank":50,"score":12.55518913269043},{"content":"Let\u00e2\u0080\u0099s get this out of the way: Cooking sous vide (say \u00e2\u0080\u009csoo-veed\u00e2\u0080\u009d) is not about cooking with plastic. Cooking sous vide is about heating food just enough to make it taste really freaking great. It\u00e2\u0080\u0099s about predictable results, and it\u00e2\u0080\u0099s about achieving success after success, easily and cleanly, with little fuss.","qid":915593,"docid":"82105","rank":51,"score":13.532440185546875},{"content":"Basic Sous Vide Salmon Recipe. A little olive oil, a zip-top bag, and a 48\u00c2\u00b0C \/ 118\u00c2\u00b0F bath are all you need to cook a salmon fillet. Here\u00e2\u0080\u0099s how: Attach the Sansaire to the container of your choice, and preheat the sous vide bath to 48\u00c2\u00b0C \/ 118\u00c2\u00b0F (see below for doneness preference).","qid":915593,"docid":"3485338","rank":52,"score":12.94820499420166},{"content":"TAKE 1. Method: Eggs cooked sous vide at 62.5 C for 60 minutes. Result: Delicious yolks the consistency of runny honey but unattractively semi-set, semi-opaque white with an alarming tendency to separate from the yolk and disappear under the spinach leaves.HE VERDICT. 1. Cooking an egg sous vide is not a substitute for soft-boiling or poaching. You will get delicious results (with a little perseverance!); you will get intriguing results \u00e2\u0080\u0093 but you will not replicate the effects of conventional cooking. 2.","qid":915593,"docid":"2923501","rank":53,"score":12.23716926574707},{"content":"ZIPLOCK-STYLE BAGS. What they are: Inexpensive and easy to find, ziplock-style bags are the easiest way to start cooking sous vide tonight, but you\u00e2\u0080\u0099ll want a high-quality, sturdy product. The gallon-sized sacks are large enough that you can cook several servings of food in the same bag.","qid":915593,"docid":"82114","rank":54,"score":12.134015083312988},{"content":"We can\u00e2\u0080\u0099t, however, guarantee you that there\u00e2\u0080\u0099s not some small health risk involved in cooking food in sous-vide or ziplock-style bags. We read the research closely, we understand the science involved, and we believe the risk in cooking food at low temperatures in high-quality plastic bags is small.","qid":915593,"docid":"8179005","rank":55,"score":12.15582275390625},{"content":"Often, however, when you prepare food sous vide you\u00e2\u0080\u0099re packaging the food in plastic. (Often but not always. Eggs come in their own wrappers\u00e2\u0080\u0094their shells\u00e2\u0080\u0094and we can sous vide foods that set as they cook, like custard, yogurt, and chicken liver p\u00c3\u00a2t\u00c3\u00a9, in glass canning jars.)","qid":915593,"docid":"82113","rank":56,"score":12.853080749511719},{"content":"Cooking the ingredients sous vide means you can throw everything in a blender right before breakfast, and your hollandaise will come out velvety smooth. 5 Add eggs to the same pot","qid":915593,"docid":"1396705","rank":57,"score":12.82528305053711},{"content":"Sous-vide is a method of cooking in which food is vacuum-sealed in a plastic pouch or a glass jar and then placed in a water bath or steam environment for longer than normal cooking times at an accurately regulated temperature. The temperature is much lower than normally used for cooking, typically around 55 to 60 \u00c2\u00b0C for meat, higher for vegetables. The intent is to cook the item evenly, ensuring that the inside is properly cooked without overcooking the outside, and to retain moisture.","qid":915593,"docid":"6761344","rank":58,"score":12.920270919799805},{"content":"Cooking sous vide is easier than its fancy name might suggest. You simply seal the ingredients in a plastic bag (you can also use a canning jar) and place them in a water bath, a combi oven, or any other cooker that can set and hold a target temperature to within a degree or two.","qid":915593,"docid":"6761348","rank":59,"score":13.47530746459961},{"content":"Sous vide is traditionally seen as an alternative method for cooking meats. However, the technique is extremely versatile, meaning all manner of ingredients can be cooked such as: Meat: Pork, Lamb, Beef, Chicken, Duck, Turkey, Quail","qid":915593,"docid":"82108","rank":60,"score":14.801717758178711},{"content":"The other steak was cooked sous vide to the same temperature and then seared with a blowtorch to yield a juicier steak that is done to perfection from edge to edge. Similarly, beef short ribs braised at 58 \u00c2\u00b0C \/ 136 \u00c2\u00b0F for 72 hours are melt-in-your-mouth tender, yet pink and juicy.","qid":915593,"docid":"6761347","rank":61,"score":12.12132740020752},{"content":"Sous-vide is a method of cooking food sealed in airtight plastic bags in a water bath for longer than normal cooking times\u00e2\u0080\u009472 hours in some cases\u00e2\u0080\u0094at an accurately regulated temperature much lower than normally used for cooking, typically around 55 \u00c2\u00b0C to 60 \u00c2\u00b0C for meats and higher for vegetables.","qid":915593,"docid":"2210592","rank":62,"score":13.010231971740723},{"content":"Butane Gas. Butane burns cooler than the other gases and is often used in the smaller kitchen or cooking torches. Proper Sous Vide Torch Technique. The type of gas used is not nearly as important as the technique used to perform the sear.","qid":915593,"docid":"1772927","rank":63,"score":12.484046936035156},{"content":"Sous Vide Steak Safety. The FDA states that beef is safe when it is held at 130\u00c2\u00b0F for over 112 minutes, or 140\u00c2\u00b0F for over 12 minutes. This is very easy to do with sous vide and the main reason we recommend cooking most beef cuts medium-rare since beef is most tender at that temperature.","qid":915593,"docid":"275728","rank":64,"score":12.120072364807129},{"content":"The term sous vide (pronounced soo\u00e2\u0080\u0093veed) is a French term, meaning under vacuum. Sous vide is a culinary technique in which vacuum-sealed food is immersed in a water bath and cooked at a very precise, consistent temperature.This cooking technique typically involves cooking food for longer periods of time at a lower temperature.he term sous vide (pronounced soo\u00e2\u0080\u0093veed) is a French term, meaning under vacuum. The term s ous vide (pronounced soo\u00e2\u0080\u0093veed) is a French term, meaning under vacuum.","qid":915593,"docid":"4566816","rank":65,"score":12.154776573181152},{"content":"Here are some favorites but feel free to experiment as you like: 1 Classic Sous Vide Short Ribs: Salt, pepper, garlic powder, olive oil. 2 Sous Vide BBQ Short Ribs: Your favorite BBQ sauce. 3 Asian Short Ribs: Asian 5 spice powder, sesame oil, soy sauce. Chipotle Short Ribs Sous Vide: chipotles in adobo, honey, garlic.","qid":915593,"docid":"5931262","rank":66,"score":12.343542098999023},{"content":"Roasts: Sear briefly on a hot cast iron skillet, vacuum pack and submerge in waterbath. When the given time is up, unpack and cut in appropriate pieces, and serve. Notes and pictures of Sous Vide prepared food.: Bow Burger Chopped steak sirloin Rost Brisket Beer cooler Sous Vide Notes: 2 pcs. Hamburger 180 g.","qid":915593,"docid":"8029524","rank":67,"score":12.294864654541016},{"content":"sous vide means cooking under a vacuum You vacuum bag it, and then you stick it in an Thermal Immersion Circulator to precisely control the temperature.","qid":915593,"docid":"2210596","rank":68,"score":12.925603866577148},{"content":"Although sous vide literally means under vacuum in French, the defining feature of the sous vide method is not packaging or vacuum sealing; it is accurate temperature control.","qid":915593,"docid":"2210598","rank":69,"score":12.13741683959961},{"content":"Sous vide is a culinary technique in which vacuum-sealed food is immersed in a water bath and cooked at a very precise, consistent temperature. This cooking technique typically involves cooking food for longer periods of time at a lower temperature.","qid":915593,"docid":"8402970","rank":70,"score":12.654091835021973},{"content":"One of the easiest ways to cook sous vide is using a self-contained water oven, such as the SousVide Supreme, which allows you to set the temperature and let it do the cooking for you with no monitoring required.","qid":915593,"docid":"3538159","rank":71,"score":12.98862075805664},{"content":"Food safety is a function of both time and temperature; a temperature usually considered insufficient to render food safe may be perfectly safe if maintained for long enough. Some sous-vide fish recipes, for example, are cooked below 55 \u00c2\u00b0C (131 \u00c2\u00b0F).","qid":915593,"docid":"8455303","rank":72,"score":12.166964530944824},{"content":"And every last one of your steaks will have been cooked in a tub of water. Advertisement-Continue Reading Below. The method is sous vide (soo-veed), in which you cook vacuum-sealed foods for longer than usual times at lower than usual temps (think 120\u00c2\u00b0F-160\u00c2\u00b0F) in a constantly regulating body of water.","qid":915593,"docid":"8029525","rank":73,"score":12.524471282958984},{"content":"You can cook it by thickness, using a sous vide thickness ruler, just long enough to bring it up to temperature. You can also cook it for up to 8 hours because of the amount of fat in the steak. One of my favorite ways is to sous vide it for several hours then chill it in a 1\/2 ice - 1\/2 water bath.","qid":915593,"docid":"275732","rank":74,"score":12.571743965148926},{"content":"Before we get into some of the more common untruths surrounding sous vide, let\u00e2\u0080\u0099s clear something up: sous vide does not mean boiling food in a bag. Common boil-in-a-bag foods, like packaged rice and ready-made Indian dishes, involve bringing water to a boil and then placing the vacuum-packed food in the water to heat it.","qid":915593,"docid":"8178999","rank":75,"score":12.71539306640625},{"content":"Fruit cooked sous vide can be enhanced by the addition of flavour to the bag. Most simply, add stock syrup for added sweetness. You could also add alcohol such as white or red wine or even gin or try adding star anise, fennel seeds, lavender, thyme or rosemary.","qid":915593,"docid":"3538161","rank":76,"score":13.451765060424805},{"content":"What is sous vide? It\u00e2\u0080\u0099s the easiest, most consistent way to get delicious results in the kitchen, from succulent steaks to flavor-packed veggies and fork-tender salmon. To prepare food sous vide (say: sue veed), we pick our desired doneness, then set a water bath to the appropriate time-and-temperature settings.","qid":915593,"docid":"8402972","rank":77,"score":13.15684700012207},{"content":"1 Cook from thawed or frozen in the SousVide Supreme at the ideal (desired) cooking temperature, adding extra minutes (about10 to 15 minutes for fish and about 30 minutes for steaks, chops, or pieces of poultry) to the cooking time to allow for thawing in the water bath, if cooking from frozen.acuum\/seal individual servings of steaks, chicken breasts, chicken leg quarters, filets of fish. Cook immediately or label with the contents and date and store in refrigerator for up to 48 hours or in the freezer for up to 6 weeks. Let the sous vide process make tough, inexpensive cuts of meat meltingly tender.","qid":915593,"docid":"7861755","rank":78,"score":12.056835174560547},{"content":"sous vide means cooking under a vacuum You vacuum bag it, and then you stick it in an Thermal Immersion Circulator to precisely control the temperature. All the \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 juices are sealed in the bag and the food should cook perfectly.","qid":915593,"docid":"2210594","rank":79,"score":12.828579902648926},{"content":"How to sous vide watermelon. How to cook fruit sous vide. How to make rhubarb pur\u00c3\u00a9e. How to make rhubarb granita. How to make rhubarb compote. How to make rhubarb jelly. How to roast rhubarb. How to cook rhubarb sous vide. How to poach rhubarb.","qid":915593,"docid":"3538167","rank":80,"score":12.474777221679688},{"content":"What is sous vide? It\u00e2\u0080\u0099s the easiest, most consistent way to get delicious results in the kitchen, from succulent steaks to flavor-packed veggies and fork-tender salmon.To prepare food sous vide (say: sue veed), we pick our desired doneness, then set a water bath to the appropriate time-and-temperature settings.hat is sous vide? It\u00e2\u0080\u0099s the easiest, most consistent way to get delicious results in the kitchen, from succulent steaks to flavor-packed veggies and fork-tender salmon.","qid":915593,"docid":"4566818","rank":81,"score":12.770672798156738},{"content":"Sous-Vide Glazed Carrots \u00c2\u00bb. I'm the first to admit that sous-vide is not the best way to cook everything, and that goes for the majority of my favorite vegetables. Peas, asparagus, ramps\u00e2\u0080\u0094all those delicious, fresh spring flavors do better with a quick blanch or a saut\u00c3\u00a9. That said, there are some vegetables for which sous-vide cooking can't be beat. For me, carrots top that list. When cooked in a sealed bag with a little bit of butter, sugar, and salt, the natural flavor of the carrot intensifies into a sweeter, stronger, and downright tastier version of itself.","qid":915593,"docid":"3538163","rank":82,"score":13.123283386230469},{"content":"When you fry a piece of fish, the flesh is most succulent and tender within a very narrow temperature range. Because the cooking temperature of the pan is at least 200 \u00c2\u00b0C \/ 392 \u00c2\u00b0F hotter than the ideal core temperature of the fish, the edges will inevitably be far more cooked than the center when pan-fried.","qid":915593,"docid":"275733","rank":83,"score":12.016175270080566},{"content":"Confidence votes 10. sous vide means cooking under a vacuum. You vacuum bag it, and then you stick it in an Thermal Immersion Circulator to precisely control the temperature. All the juices are sealed in the bag and the food should cook perfectly.","qid":915593,"docid":"2210597","rank":84,"score":12.841899871826172},{"content":"1. Fill and preheat your sous vide container or stock pot with water (according to specifications) to your preferred temperature. My preference for whole tenderloin is 131\u00c2\u00b0F but below is a good listing is for general temperatures: Rare: 120\u00c2\u00b0F \/ 49\u00c2\u00b0C.","qid":915593,"docid":"8002851","rank":85,"score":12.05837631225586},{"content":"Cooking sous vide is easier than its fancy name might suggest. You simply seal the ingredients in a plastic bag (you can also use a canning jar) and place them in a water bath, a combi oven, or any other cooker that can set and hold a target temperature to within a degree or two.he other steak was cooked sous vide to the same temperature and then seared with a blowtorch to yield a juicier steak that is done to perfection from edge to edge.","qid":915593,"docid":"4566822","rank":86,"score":13.141510009765625},{"content":"Definition of SOUS VIDE. : relating to or denoting a method of cooking food slowly in a vacuum-sealed pouch at a low temperature so as to retain most of the juice and aroma.","qid":915593,"docid":"8402974","rank":87,"score":12.285829544067383},{"content":"The term sous vide (pronounced soo\u00e2\u0080\u0093veed) is a French term, meaning under vacuum. Sous vide is a culinary technique in which vacuum-sealed food is immersed in a water bath and cooked at a very precise, consistent temperature.","qid":915593,"docid":"2210591","rank":88,"score":12.334151268005371},{"content":"With the Anova, sous vide cooking is simple. All you need to get started is a pot or large container to hold water, heavy duty bags, a few clips, and your Anova Precision Cooker, of course! One of the best parts of sous vide cooking is that you don\u00e2\u0080\u0099t need to do much to your food before cooking.","qid":915593,"docid":"7837086","rank":89,"score":12.603620529174805},{"content":"With a sous vide cooker, you can cook your eggs anywhere from just-set-enough-that-they-break-when-you-touch-them, to a rich, fudge-like consistency, to hard-boiled with no hint of chalkiness in the yolk. Cooking eggs sous vide also allows you to make flawlessly egg-shaped poached eggs time after time.","qid":915593,"docid":"8103065","rank":90,"score":13.078706741333008},{"content":"Slow-cooked eggs would be a more apt description. Very, very slow-cooked eggs even better. It's only through association with the equipment used to cook sous-vide (vacuum-sealed) foods that the term sous-vide eggs has stuck, despite the fact that there is no vacuum involved in their preparation.","qid":915593,"docid":"210379","rank":91,"score":12.542524337768555},{"content":"Once you get really into the sous vide thing, you can step up to a vacuum sealer, which is one of the more kickass cooking gadgets you can own. It's like firing up a Corvette on your damn kitchen counter, plus it allows you to store bacon and other foods for a lot longer than plastic bags and Chinese soup containers.","qid":915593,"docid":"8029532","rank":92,"score":12.631060600280762},{"content":"Low-temperature cooking methods include sous vide cooking, slow cooking using a slow cooker, cooking in a normal oven which has a minimal setting of 70 \u00c2\u00b0C (158 \u00c2\u00b0F), and using a combi steamer providing exact temperature control. 1 History.","qid":915593,"docid":"3037805","rank":93,"score":12.057955741882324},{"content":"It's still possible to overcook meat in a sous-vide cooker, but it's much, much more difficult. Just as bacteria reduction is a function of temperature and time, the breakdown of proteins within the chicken breast is also dependent on temperature and time.","qid":915593,"docid":"4834224","rank":94,"score":12.067940711975098},{"content":"This is why food cooked sous vide is safe, even though it is cooked at a comparatively low temperature. For example, surface bacteria will be destroyed it you cook at. \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 60\u00c2\u00b0C for a minimum of 45 minutes \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 65\u00c2\u00b0C for a minimum of 10 minutes \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 70\u00c2\u00b0C for a minimum of 2 minutes. Note that this applies to steaks and whole cuts only.","qid":915593,"docid":"3991910","rank":95,"score":12.673986434936523},{"content":"What is a Sous Vide Cooker? We said it before and we\u00e2\u0080\u0099ll say it again: a sous vide machine is a better way to cook. When you use a sous vide at home, you\u00e2\u0080\u0099ll be cooking with water. It\u00e2\u0080\u0099s not at all what you\u00e2\u0080\u0099re thinking. Your steak and chicken \u00e2\u0080\u0093 any food really \u00e2\u0080\u0093 will be placed in BPA-free, sturdy plastic bags and cooked.","qid":915593,"docid":"6923052","rank":96,"score":13.043451309204102},{"content":"Here are five ways to sous vide food in a cooler, plus how you can also use your cooler to make corn on the cob and keep baked potatoes warm. How To Cook Steak In A Cooler - Place seasoned steak in a plastic bag. Remove as much air as possible before sealing bag.","qid":915593,"docid":"2588143","rank":97,"score":12.170960426330566},{"content":"Share to: sous vide means cooking under a vacuum You vacuum bag it, and then you stick it in an Thermal Immersion Circulator to precisely control the temperature.","qid":915593,"docid":"2210599","rank":98,"score":12.635244369506836},{"content":"Sous-vide. Sous-vide is a method of cooking food sealed in airtight plastic bags in a water bath for longer than normal cooking times\u00e2\u0080\u009472 hours in some cases\u00e2\u0080\u0094at an accurately regulated temperature much lower than normally used for cooking, typically around 55 \u00c2\u00b0C to 60 \u00c2\u00b0C for meats and higher for vegetables.","qid":915593,"docid":"2210593","rank":99,"score":12.912300109863281},{"content":"How to Cook Using Sous Vide. Sous-vide, which is French for \u00e2\u0080\u009cunder vacuum\u00e2\u0080\u009d, also called cryovacing, is a method of cooking that is intended to maintain the integrity of ingredients by heating them for an extended period of time at relatively low temperatures. It was developed by Georges Pralus in the mid-1970s.","qid":915593,"docid":"3573479","rank":100,"score":12.447235107421875}]} {"query":"anthropological definition of environment","hits":[{"content":"Environment. The term environment refers to an organization s natural and human surroundings. An organization s environment extends from within the organization itself to the global system, and includes air, water, land, flora, and fauna (including people), and natural resources of all kinds.","qid":19335,"docid":"2250973","rank":1,"score":12.854080200195312},{"content":"environment. 1 the aggregate of surrounding things, conditions, or influences; surroundings; milieu. 2 Ecology. the air, water, minerals, organisms, and all other external factors surrounding and affecting a given organism at any time. 3 the social and cultural forces that shape the life of a person or a population.","qid":19335,"docid":"211275","rank":2,"score":13.636387825012207},{"content":"Environmental biology \u00e2\u0080\u0093 the study of the natural world, as a whole or in a particular area, especially as affected by human activity; Evolutionary biology \u00e2\u0080\u0093 the study of the origin and descent of species over time; Genetics \u00e2\u0080\u0093 the study of genes and heredity.","qid":19335,"docid":"4924820","rank":3,"score":12.42032241821289},{"content":"Environment. The environment is the world in which the organization operates, and includes conditions that influence the organization such as economic, social-cultural, legal-political, technological, and natural environment conditions. Environments are often described as either stable or dynamic.","qid":19335,"docid":"8828697","rank":4,"score":12.605365753173828},{"content":"Definitions for environmental. environmental(adj) of or relating to the external conditions or surroundings. environmental factors. environmental(adj) concerned with the ecological effects of altering the environment. environmental pollution.","qid":19335,"docid":"1720391","rank":5,"score":13.04901123046875},{"content":"If our environment cools, then messages from the skin alert the body's thermostat. ...the maintenance of a safe environment for marine mammals. habitat, home, surroundings, territory, terrain, locality, natural home","qid":19335,"docid":"211274","rank":6,"score":12.584003448486328},{"content":"the science that deals with the origins, physical and cultural development, biological characteristics, and social customs and beliefs of humankind. 2. the study of human beings' similarity to and divergence from other animals. 3. the science of humans and their works.","qid":19335,"docid":"527693","rank":7,"score":12.287070274353027},{"content":"Learner's definition of ENVIRONMENT. 1. : the conditions that surround someone or something : the conditions and influences that affect the growth, health, progress, etc., of someone or something. [count] He grew up in a loving environment. an informal office environment. We're trying to create a better business\/learning environment.","qid":19335,"docid":"1720388","rank":8,"score":13.001385688781738},{"content":"Anthropology can be defined as the study of human nature, human society, and the human past. It is a scholarly discipline that aims to describe in the broadest possible sense what it means to be human. Anthropologists are interested in comparison.","qid":19335,"docid":"1905037","rank":9,"score":12.61733627319336},{"content":"environment. The sum total of all surroundings of a living organism, including natural forces and other living things, which provide conditions for development and growth as well as of danger and damage.","qid":19335,"docid":"1143050","rank":10,"score":12.970272064208984},{"content":"environment. the sum total of all the conditions and elements that make up the surroundings and influence the development of an animal.","qid":19335,"docid":"2459780","rank":11,"score":12.903045654296875},{"content":"Definitions for natural environment. Natural environment. The natural environment encompasses all living and non-living things occurring naturally on Earth or some region thereof. It is an environment that encompasses the interaction of all living species.","qid":19335,"docid":"4480943","rank":12,"score":12.643667221069336},{"content":"environment in Medicine. environment en\u00c2\u00b7vi\u00c2\u00b7ron\u00c2\u00b7ment (\u00c4\u009bn-v\u00c4\u00ab'r\u00c9\u0099n-m\u00c9\u0099nt, -v\u00c4\u00ab'\u00c9\u0099rn-) n. The totality of circumstances surrounding an organism or group of organisms, especially the combination of external physical conditions that affect and influence the growth, development, and survival of organisms.","qid":19335,"docid":"6902384","rank":13,"score":12.857398986816406},{"content":"Definition of environment: The sum total of all surroundings of a living organism, including natural forces and other living things, which provide conditions for development and growth as well as of danger and damage. See also environmental factors.","qid":19335,"docid":"7122355","rank":14,"score":13.314729690551758},{"content":"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Ecological anthropology is a sub-field of anthropology and is defined as the \u00e2\u0080\u009cstudy of cultural adaptations to environments\u00e2\u0080\u009d. The sub-field is also defined as, the study of relationships between a population of humans and their biophysical environment .he first ecological anthropologists explored the idea that humans as ecological populations should be the unit of analysis, and culture became the means by which that population alters and adapts to the environment.","qid":19335,"docid":"8412681","rank":15,"score":13.0693359375},{"content":"Learn More about environment. Dictionary: Definition of environment Medical Dictionary: Definition of environment Spanish Central: Translation of environment Nglish: Translation of environment for Spanish speakers Britannica English: Translation of environment for Arabic speakers.","qid":19335,"docid":"5078867","rank":16,"score":12.287327766418457},{"content":"Environment is everything that is around. It can be living or non-living things. It includes physical, chemical and other natural forces. Living things live in their environment. They constantly interact with it and change in response to conditions in their environment.","qid":19335,"docid":"772227","rank":17,"score":12.57394790649414},{"content":"Environmental Sociology. Environmental sociology is typically defined as the sociological study of societal-environmental interactions, although this definition immediately presents the perhaps insolvable problem of separating human cultures from the rest of the environment.","qid":19335,"docid":"584350","rank":18,"score":12.538629531860352},{"content":"2 n-count Your environment consists of the particular natural surroundings in which you live or exist, considered in relation to their physical characteristics or weather conditions. usu sing, with supp. ...the maintenance of a safe environment for marine mammals.","qid":19335,"docid":"5711212","rank":19,"score":12.359797477722168},{"content":"Definitions for natural environment. Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word natural environment. Freebase(3.00 \/ 4 votes)Rate this definition: Natural environment. The natural environment encompasses all living and non-living things occurring naturally on Earth or some region thereof. It is an environment that encompasses the interaction of all living species.","qid":19335,"docid":"7778619","rank":20,"score":12.562627792358398},{"content":"Definition of Environment. Environment: The sum of the total of the elements, factors and conditions in the surroundings which may have an impact on the development, action or survival of an organism or group of organisms. Last Editorial Review: 6\/9\/2016.","qid":19335,"docid":"1720389","rank":21,"score":13.213403701782227},{"content":"1 Meaning of environment. Environment means everything around to a living being. Especially the circumstances of life of people or society in their life conditions. It comprises the set of natural, social and cultural values existing in a place and at a particular time, that influence in the life of the human being and in the generations to come.","qid":19335,"docid":"6512137","rank":22,"score":13.031253814697266},{"content":"Freebase(0.00 \/ 0 votes)Rate this definition: Environmental health is that branch of public health that is concerned with all aspects of the natural and built environment that may affect human health. Other phrases that concern or refer to the discipline of environmental health include environmental public health, and environmental protection.","qid":19335,"docid":"3851607","rank":23,"score":12.288397789001465},{"content":"Freebase(0.00 \/ 0 votes)Rate this definition: Environmental health. Environmental health is that branch of public health that is concerned with all aspects of the natural and built environment that may affect human health.","qid":19335,"docid":"3851613","rank":24,"score":12.291136741638184},{"content":"Anthropology is the discipline that studies races, cultures, languages, and the evolution of the human species. It is. broad in scope, incorporating the archeologist surveying. Inca ruins, the cultural anthropologist collecting folklore. in Appalachia, and the biological anthropologist map-. ping the gene sequences of lemurs.","qid":19335,"docid":"7915861","rank":25,"score":12.46135139465332},{"content":"Definition of anthropology. 1 1 : the science of human beings; especially : the study of human beings and their ancestors through time and space and in relation to physical character, environmental and social relations, and culture. 2 2 : theology dealing with the origin, nature, and destiny of human beings.","qid":19335,"docid":"527697","rank":26,"score":13.300676345825195},{"content":"cultural anthropology. noun. Medical Definition of cultural anthropology. : anthropology that deals with human culture especially with respect to social structure, language, law, politics, religion, magic, art, and technology\u00e2\u0080\u0094compare physical anthropology.","qid":19335,"docid":"6999135","rank":27,"score":12.286139488220215},{"content":"A human environment is the area that a human lives in. They are varied from there, even more so by Humans ability to adapt the environment to us and us to the environment. Written Aug 10, 2015 \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 View Upvotes.","qid":19335,"docid":"1720393","rank":28,"score":12.69585132598877},{"content":"Definition of environment: The sum total of all surroundings of a living organism, including natural forces and other living things, which provide conditions for development and growth as well as of danger and damage. See ...","qid":19335,"docid":"772234","rank":29,"score":13.15913200378418},{"content":"The noun ANTHROPOLOGY has 1 sense: 1. the social science that studies the origins and social relationships of human beings. Familiarity information: ANTHROPOLOGY used as a noun is very rare.hysical anthropology (the branch of anthropology dealing with the genesis and variation of human beings). cultural anthropology; social anthropology (the branch of anthropology that deals with human culture and society).","qid":19335,"docid":"1568085","rank":30,"score":12.317686080932617},{"content":"the aggregate of surrounding things, conditions, or influences; surroundings; milieu. 2. Ecology. the air, water, minerals, organisms, and all other external factors surrounding and affecting a given organism at any time. 3. the social and cultural forces that shape the life of a person or a population.","qid":19335,"docid":"1717006","rank":31,"score":13.05735969543457},{"content":"Environmental geography is the type of geography that is specialized in addressing the relationship between human beings and the environment, in particular, the natural resources.","qid":19335,"docid":"2054991","rank":32,"score":12.45892333984375},{"content":"Word Origin & History. environment c.1600, state of being environed (see environs); sense of nature, conditions in which a person or thing lives first recorded 1827 (used by Carlyle to render Ger. Umgebung); specialized ecology sense first recorded 1956.","qid":19335,"docid":"677305","rank":33,"score":12.341370582580566},{"content":"The actual definition of environment is the influences and resources in a system. The environment is your surroundings, your house, your garden, your town, your shops, the hi \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 lls and rivers, the ocean, the air and so on Environment is your surroundings and whats around you. know lots of people wonder what can we about the environment. The simple things you can do is recycle, drive less, use energy saving light bulbs and turn off things you don' \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 t need to have to use or need on.","qid":19335,"docid":"8231218","rank":34,"score":13.246628761291504},{"content":"An environment is the combination of all of the physical, chemical, and biological factors acting upon an organism or an ecological community. The interaction of these factors determines the form and survival of living things and of the environment itself.","qid":19335,"docid":"6902386","rank":35,"score":12.48890495300293},{"content":"1. ( 1 sometimes lowercase) Anthropology. of, relating to, or characteristic of the last phase of the Stone Age, marked by the domestication of animals, the development of agriculture, and the manufacture of pottery and textiles: commonly thought to have begun c9000\u00e2\u0080\u00938000 b.c. in the Middle East.","qid":19335,"docid":"1396142","rank":36,"score":12.54698657989502},{"content":"3 n-sing The environment is the natural world of land, sea, air, plants, and animals. the N ...persuading people to respect the environment.","qid":19335,"docid":"5711219","rank":37,"score":12.899408340454102},{"content":"3 Concept of environment. The environment is a system consisting of natural and artificial elements that are interrelated and which are modified by human action. It's the environment that affects the way of life of the society, including natural, social and cultural values that exist in a place and time.","qid":19335,"docid":"6512144","rank":38,"score":12.577312469482422},{"content":"Wiktionary(3.00 \/ 1 vote)Rate this definition: 1 environment(Noun) The surroundings of, and influences on, a particular item of interest. 2 environment(Noun) The natural world or ecosystem. 3 environment(Noun) All the elements over which a designer has no control and that affect a system or its inputs and outputs.","qid":19335,"docid":"2874503","rank":39,"score":13.195340156555176},{"content":"It helps us for establishing standard, Definition of Environment 1. 2 \/\/ Environment and Ecology for safe, clean and healthy natural ecosystem. It also deals with important issues like safe andclean drinking water, hygienic living conditions and clean and fresh air, fertility of land, healthyfood and development.","qid":19335,"docid":"39115","rank":40,"score":12.294833183288574},{"content":"All living and non-living things that occur naturally on a particular region. A natural environment is one in which human impact is kept under a certain limited level. Word origin: environment < Middle English envirounen, from Old French environner, from environ, round about. Compare: built environment. See also: environment.","qid":19335,"docid":"4480945","rank":41,"score":12.606517791748047},{"content":"environment noun (SURROUNDINGS). B2 [C] the \u00e2\u0080\u008bconditions that you \u00e2\u0080\u008blive or \u00e2\u0080\u008bwork in and the way that they \u00e2\u0080\u008binfluence how you \u00e2\u0080\u008bfeel or how \u00e2\u0080\u008beffectively you can \u00e2\u0080\u008bwork: The \u00e2\u0080\u008boffice is \u00e2\u0080\u008bquite \u00e2\u0080\u008bbright and \u00e2\u0080\u008bairy-it's a \u00e2\u0080\u008bpleasant \u00e2\u0080\u008bworking environment. As a \u00e2\u0080\u008bparent you \u00e2\u0080\u008btry to \u00e2\u0080\u008bcreate a \u00e2\u0080\u008bstable \u00e2\u0080\u008bhome environment. More examples.","qid":19335,"docid":"1504747","rank":42,"score":12.99609088897705},{"content":"Definition of environmental studies? Environmental Studies is the interdisciplinary study of how humans interact with their environment. This field examines all aspects of the natural environment, social en\u00e2\u0080\u00a6vironments, politics, ecology, etc., and how they all work together.","qid":19335,"docid":"3058990","rank":43,"score":12.308069229125977},{"content":"Medical Definition of anthropology. plural. anthropologies. : the science of humans; especially : the study of humans in relation to distribution, origin, classification, and relationship of races, physical character, environmental and social relations, and culture.","qid":19335,"docid":"527690","rank":44,"score":12.961155891418457},{"content":"Environmental anthropology is a sub-specialty within the field of anthropology that takes an active role in examining the relationships between humans and their environment across space and time.pplied anthropology utilizes these understandings to work with people on a local basis as well as trying to satisfy share holders working to gain a resolution for problems related to health, education, social welfare, development and environmental protection.","qid":19335,"docid":"8412682","rank":45,"score":13.580781936645508},{"content":"Definition of Environment. Environment: The sum of the total of the elements, factors and conditions in the surroundings which may have an impact on the development, action or survival of an organism or group of organisms. Search MedTerms:","qid":19335,"docid":"1720395","rank":46,"score":13.211729049682617},{"content":"environment(Noun) The surroundings of, and influences on, a particular item of interest. environment(Noun) The natural world or ecosystem. environment(Noun) All the elements over which a designer has no control and that affect a system or its inputs and outputs.","qid":19335,"docid":"2874497","rank":47,"score":13.287834167480469},{"content":"1. concerned with the ecological effects of altering the environment. 2. of or relating to the external conditions or surroundings. Familiarity information: ENVIRONMENTAL used as an adjective is rare.","qid":19335,"docid":"1169915","rank":48,"score":12.703503608703613},{"content":"Freebase(3.00 \/ 4 votes)Rate this definition: Natural environment. The natural environment encompasses all living and non-living things occurring naturally on Earth or some region thereof. It is an environment that encompasses the interaction of all living species.","qid":19335,"docid":"4480942","rank":49,"score":12.843192100524902},{"content":"1 Environment (biophysical), the physical and biological factors along with their chemical interactions that affect an organism or a group of organisms. Environmental epidemiology.","qid":19335,"docid":"3615079","rank":50,"score":12.439855575561523},{"content":"environment noun (NATURE). \u00e2\u0080\u00ba earth science [U] the \u00e2\u0080\u008bair, \u00e2\u0080\u008bwater, and \u00e2\u0080\u008bland in or on which \u00e2\u0080\u008bpeople, \u00e2\u0080\u008banimals, and \u00e2\u0080\u008bplants \u00e2\u0080\u008blive: We\u00e2\u0080\u0099re \u00e2\u0080\u008btrying to \u00e2\u0080\u008bprotect the environment from \u00e2\u0080\u008bpollution.","qid":19335,"docid":"1504746","rank":51,"score":13.171817779541016},{"content":"Usage Notes: 1 Plural: anthropolgies. 2 According to the American Anthropological Association, the definition of anthropology is \u00e2\u0080\u009cthe study of humans past and present.\u00e2\u0080\u009d. 3 A type of social science. Types: archaeology. cultural anthropology.","qid":19335,"docid":"527698","rank":52,"score":12.343567848205566},{"content":"Full Definition of ANTHROPOLOGY. 1. : the science of human beings; especially: the study of human beings and their ancestors through time and space and in relation to physical character, environmental and social relations, and culture. the science of humans; especially: the study of humans in relation to distribution, origin, classification, and relationship of races, physical character, environmental and social relations, and culture. \u00e2\u0080\u0094 an\u00c2\u00b7thro\u00c2\u00b7po\u00c2\u00b7log\u00c2\u00b7i\u00c2\u00b7cal \\-p\u00c9\u0099-\u00cb\u0088laej-\u00cb\u0088l\u00c3\u00a4j-i\\ k\u00c9\u0099l. adjective","qid":19335,"docid":"3045567","rank":53,"score":13.241806030273438},{"content":"1 Environment (systems), the surroundings of a physical system that may interact with the system by exchanging mass, energy, or other properties. Natural environment or physical environment, in ecology, consisting of all living and non-living things.","qid":19335,"docid":"3615083","rank":54,"score":13.025333404541016},{"content":"The environment is the surroundings of an organism including the physical and chemical environment, and other organisms with which it comes into contact. This term is most frequently used in a human context, often referring to factors affecting our quality of life.","qid":19335,"docid":"161606","rank":55,"score":12.468482971191406},{"content":"Definition of environment for English Language Learners. : the conditions that surround someone or something : the conditions and influences that affect the growth, health, progress, etc., of someone or something.","qid":19335,"docid":"3559593","rank":56,"score":12.618865966796875},{"content":"Ecological Anthropology. Ecological anthropology attempts to understand the relative influence of environment on human societies and how it is used by different societies.cological Anthropology. Ecological anthropology attempts to understand the relative influence of environment on human societies and how it is used by different societies.","qid":19335,"docid":"8412684","rank":57,"score":12.322691917419434},{"content":"Definition: Environment literally means surrounding and everything that affect an organism. during its lifetime is collectively known as its environment. In another words \u00e2\u0080\u009cEnvironment is sum total of water, air and land interrelationships. among themselves and also with the human being, other living organisms and property\u00e2\u0080\u009d. It includes all the physical and biological surrounding and their interactions.","qid":19335,"docid":"1720387","rank":58,"score":12.694052696228027},{"content":"Anthro - Of or relating to humans. Anthropology - The study of human beings, including their behavior, biology, linguistics, and social and cultural variations. In the United States, anthropology is divided into four sub-disciplines: archaeology, biological\/physical anthropology, cultural anthropology, and linguistics.","qid":19335,"docid":"8649613","rank":59,"score":12.301822662353516},{"content":"Noun. 1. anthropology-the social science that studies the origins and social relationships of human beings. ethos - (anthropology) the distinctive spirit of a culture or an era; the Greek ethos.eidos - (anthropology) the distinctive expression of the cognitive or intellectual character of a culture or a social group.. a subdivision of an ancient Greek tribe or phyle. 2. a clan or other unit of a primitive tribe. physical anthropology. the branch of anthropology that studies, describes, and interprets the evolutionary changes in man\u00e2\u0080\u0099s bodily structure and the classification of modern races.","qid":19335,"docid":"1568083","rank":60,"score":12.390707969665527},{"content":"Medical Definition of ANTHROPOLOGY. : the science of humans; especially: the study of humans in relation to distribution, origin, classification, and relationship of races, physical character, environmental and social relations, and culture. \u00e2\u0080\u0094 an\u00c2\u00b7thro\u00c2\u00b7po\u00c2\u00b7log\u00c2\u00b7i\u00c2\u00b7cal \\-p\u00c9\u0099-\u00cb\u0088laej-\u00cb\u0088l\u00c3\u00a4j-i\\ k\u00c9\u0099l. adjective the science of humans; especially: the study of humans in relation to distribution, origin, classification, and relationship of races, physical character, environmental and social relations, and culture. \u00e2\u0080\u0094 an\u00c2\u00b7thro\u00c2\u00b7po\u00c2\u00b7log\u00c2\u00b7i\u00c2\u00b7cal \\-p\u00c9\u0099-\u00cb\u0088laej-\u00cb\u0088l\u00c3\u00a4j-i\\ k\u00c9\u0099l. adjective","qid":19335,"docid":"3045565","rank":61,"score":13.225780487060547},{"content":"1 Environment (systems), the surroundings of a physical system that may interact with the system by exchanging mass, energy, or other properties. 2 Natural environment or physical environment, in ecology, consisting of all living and non-living things. Environmental art.","qid":19335,"docid":"3615078","rank":62,"score":12.929328918457031},{"content":"1 Environment (systems), the surroundings of a physical system that may interact with the system by exchanging mass, energy, or other properties. 2 Natural environment or physical environment, in ecology, consisting of all living and non-living things. 3 Environmental art. Environmental determinism.","qid":19335,"docid":"3615080","rank":63,"score":12.840173721313477},{"content":"Definition of environment - the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates, the natural world, as a whole or in a partic Definition of environment - the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates, the natural world, as a whole or in a partic dictionary thesaurus","qid":19335,"docid":"2304005","rank":64,"score":13.291059494018555},{"content":"processes by which organisms cope with environmental forces and stresses, such as those posed by climate Anthropology the study of the human species and its immediate ancestors","qid":19335,"docid":"5508123","rank":65,"score":12.95517635345459},{"content":"Definition of environment for English Language Learners. : 1 the conditions that surround someone or something : the conditions and influences that affect the growth, health, progress, etc., of someone or something. 2 the environment : the natural world.","qid":19335,"docid":"3559596","rank":66,"score":12.897966384887695},{"content":"The sum total of all surroundings of a living organism, including natural forces and other living things, which provide conditions for development and growth as well as of danger and damage. Use 'environment' in a Sentence.","qid":19335,"docid":"7122361","rank":67,"score":12.437182426452637},{"content":"The definition of environment is the influences and resources in a system. The environment is your surroundings, your house, your garden, your town, your shops, the \u00e2\u0080\u00a6hills and rivers, the ocean, the air and so on.","qid":19335,"docid":"5078863","rank":68,"score":13.497533798217773},{"content":"the aggregate of surrounding things, conditions, or influences; surroundings; milieu. 2. Ecology. the air, water, minerals, organisms, and all other external factors surrounding and affecting a given organism at any time.","qid":19335,"docid":"6902385","rank":69,"score":12.812300682067871},{"content":"ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE : DEFINITION, SCOPE AND IMPORTANCE 3. Element of Environment. Environment is constituted by the interacting systems of physical, biological and cultural. elements inter-related in various ways, individually as well as collectively.","qid":19335,"docid":"6510257","rank":70,"score":12.6057767868042},{"content":"Medical Definition of ANTHROPOLOGY. : the science of humans; especially: the study of humans in relation to distribution, origin, classification, and relationship of races, physical character, environmental and social relations, and culture. \u00e2\u0080\u0094 an\u00c2\u00b7thro\u00c2\u00b7po\u00c2\u00b7log\u00c2\u00b7i\u00c2\u00b7cal \\-p\u00c9\u0099-\u00cb\u0088laej-\u00cb\u0088l\u00c3\u00a4j-i\\ k\u00c9\u0099l. adjectiveull Definition of ANTHROPOLOGY. 1. : the science of human beings; especially: the study of human beings and their ancestors through time and space and in relation to physical character, environmental and social relations, and culture.","qid":19335,"docid":"6452949","rank":71,"score":13.178759574890137},{"content":"Concept of environment. In the general theory of systems, an environment is a complex of external factors that Act on a system and determine their course and their way of existence. An environment could be considered a superset in which the given system is a subset.","qid":19335,"docid":"6512138","rank":72,"score":12.283038139343262},{"content":"environment (env\u00c4\u00ab\u00c2\u00b4r\u00c9\u0099nment, en-v\u00c4\u00ab\u00c2\u00b4urnment) , n the aggregate of all the external conditions and influences affecting the life and development of an organism. environment, extracellular, n the external, or interstitial, environment provided and maintained for the tissue cells.","qid":19335,"docid":"2459779","rank":73,"score":12.656556129455566},{"content":"Definition of anthropology. 1 : the science of human beings; especially : the study of human beings and their ancestors through time and space and in relation to physical character, environmental and social relations, and culture.","qid":19335,"docid":"527692","rank":74,"score":13.536985397338867},{"content":"Noun. 1. physical anthropology-the branch of anthropology dealing with the genesis and variation of human beings. anthropology-the social science that studies the origins and social relationships of human beings.","qid":19335,"docid":"4692187","rank":75,"score":12.283929824829102},{"content":"Definition of physical environment. : the part of the human environment that includes purely physical factors (as soil, climate, water supply)","qid":19335,"docid":"354219","rank":76,"score":12.333744049072266},{"content":"syn: environment, milieu, ambiance, setting refer to the objects, conditions, or circumstances that influence the life of an individual or community. environment may refer to physical or to social and cultural surroundings: an environment of grinding poverty.","qid":19335,"docid":"93557","rank":77,"score":12.443941116333008},{"content":"Define anthropological. anthropological synonyms, anthropological pronunciation, anthropological translation, English dictionary definition of anthropological. n. 1. The scientific study of the origin, the behavior, and the physical, social, and cultural development of humans. 2. That part of Christian theology...","qid":19335,"docid":"7267248","rank":78,"score":12.546344757080078},{"content":"The study of anthropology is the study of human beings: their culture, their behavior, their beliefs, their ways of surviving. Anthropology Definitions. Anthropology is less a subject matter than a bond between subject matters.","qid":19335,"docid":"527689","rank":79,"score":12.481269836425781},{"content":"Archaeology, which studies past human cultures through investigation of physical evidence, is thought of as a branch of anthropology in the United States, although in Europe, it is viewed as a discipline in its own right, or related to other disciplines.nvironmental anthropology is a sub-specialty within the field of anthropology that takes an active role in examining the relationships between humans and their environment across space and time.","qid":19335,"docid":"3175484","rank":80,"score":12.27503776550293},{"content":"Anthropology is a social science that deals with the origins, physical and cultural development, biological characteristics, social customs, and beliefs of humankind. It has origins in the humanities, the natural sciences, and the social sciences.","qid":19335,"docid":"7273446","rank":81,"score":12.536861419677734},{"content":"Definition of environment for Students. 1 1 : a person's physical surroundings He lives in a comfortable rural environment. 2 2 : the surrounding conditions or forces (as soil, climate, and living things) that influence a plant's or animal's characteristics and ability to survive.","qid":19335,"docid":"2304004","rank":82,"score":12.754085540771484},{"content":"The environment is the world in which the organization operates, and includes conditions that influence the organization such as economic, social-cultural, legal-political, technological, and natural environment conditions. Environments are often described as either stable or dynamic.","qid":19335,"docid":"8828698","rank":83,"score":12.435020446777344},{"content":"Ecological anthropology is defined as the study of cultural adaptations to environments. The sub-field is also defined as, the study of relationships between a population of humans and their biophysical environment .he abstract noun anthropology is first attested in reference to history. Its present use first appeared in Renaissance Germany in the works of Magnus Hundt and Otto Casmann. Their New Latin anthropologia derived from the combining forms of the Greek words anthr\u00c5\u008dpos (\u00c3\u00a1nthr\u00c5\u008dpos, \u00e1\u00bc\u0084\u00ce\u00bd\u00ce\u00b8\u00cf\u0081\u00cf\u0089\u00cf\u0080\u00ce\u00bf\u00cf\u0082 ) human and (logos, l\u00c3\u00b3gos ). \u00ce\u00bb\u00cf\u008c\u00ce\u00b3\u00ce\u00bf\u00cf\u0082 study","qid":19335,"docid":"8412683","rank":84,"score":12.81852912902832},{"content":"Anthropology is the study of humans, early hominids and primates, such as chimpanzees. Anthropologists study human language, culture, societies, biological and material remains, the biology and behavior of primates, and even our own buying habits. It\u00e2\u0080\u0099s a broad discipline that constantly incorporates new technologies and ideas.","qid":19335,"docid":"8040066","rank":85,"score":12.295984268188477},{"content":"Anthropology is the study of humans. Anthropology is a broad and unique field, that examines humankind both scientifically and humanistically. Anthropology looks at the human experience from a holistic, cross-cultural perspective, and encompasses several different approaches.","qid":19335,"docid":"6306222","rank":86,"score":12.618289947509766},{"content":"A physical and natural environment and the relation of the people with said environment. This includes physical, biological, cultural, social and economical factors in said environment.","qid":19335,"docid":"1720394","rank":87,"score":13.060836791992188},{"content":"The definition of anthropology is the study of various elements of humans, including biology and culture, in order to understand human origin and the evolution of various beliefs and social customs. An example of someone who studies anthropology is Ruth Benedict. anthropology. anthropology.","qid":19335,"docid":"527695","rank":88,"score":12.78802490234375},{"content":"Anthropology is most simply defined as the study of humans across time and space. In studying a human culture, an anthropologist studies the material culture of the people in question as well as the people themselves and their interactions with others.","qid":19335,"docid":"7763208","rank":89,"score":12.405915260314941},{"content":"LINK \/ CITE ADD TO WORD LIST. noun. The definition of anthropology is the study of various elements of humans, including biology and culture, in order to understand human origin and the evolution of various beliefs and social customs. An example of someone who studies anthropology is Ruth Benedict.","qid":19335,"docid":"7367411","rank":90,"score":12.766277313232422},{"content":"Environmental science definition, the branch of science concerned with the physical, chemical, and biological conditions of the environment and their effect on organisms. See more. Dictionary.com","qid":19335,"docid":"2594897","rank":91,"score":12.27219009399414},{"content":"The environment is the surroundings of an organism including the physical and chemical environment, and other organisms with which it comes into contact. This term is most frequently used in a human context, often referring to factors affecting our quality of life. Natural Resources.","qid":19335,"docid":"7050803","rank":92,"score":12.511343002319336},{"content":"Definition of cultural anthropology. : anthropology that deals with human culture especially with respect to social structure, language, law, politics, religion, magic, art, and technology \u00e2\u0080\u0094 compare physical anthropology.","qid":19335,"docid":"6999143","rank":93,"score":12.414246559143066},{"content":"environment. 1 n-var Someone's environment is all the circumstances, people, things, and events around them that influence their life. Pupils in our schools are taught in a safe, secure environment..., The moral characters of men are formed not by heredity but by environment...","qid":19335,"docid":"5711211","rank":94,"score":13.067159652709961},{"content":"en\u00c2\u00b7vi\u00c2\u00b7ron\u00c2\u00b7men\u00c2\u00b7tal. adj. 1. Relating to or associated with the environment. 2. Relating to or concerned with the impact of human activities on the natural environment: the environmental movement.","qid":19335,"docid":"284841","rank":95,"score":12.563190460205078},{"content":"Environment is defined as the. physical environment, its surroundings, and a specific setting (Vickerius & Sandberg, 2006). The physical environment will vary depending on the age and number of children in the. classroom, as well as the goals of programs and specific activities in the classroom. The infant.","qid":19335,"docid":"7454464","rank":96,"score":12.504137992858887},{"content":"It helps us for establishing standard, Definition of Environment. 1. 2 \/\/ Environment and Ecology. for safe, clean and healthy natural ecosystem. It also deals with important issues like safe and. clean drinking water, hygienic living conditions and clean and fresh air, fertility of land, healthy. food and development.","qid":19335,"docid":"1720396","rank":97,"score":12.562504768371582},{"content":"Anthropology is the scientific study of human beings as social organisms interacting with each other in their environment, and cultural aspects of life. It is a scholarly discipline that aims to describe in the broadest possible sense what it means to be human. Anthropologists are interested in comparison.","qid":19335,"docid":"342431","rank":98,"score":12.762123107910156},{"content":"2. adjective [ADJECTIVE noun] Ecological groups, movements, and people are concerned with preserving the environment and natural resources, so that they can be used in a sensible way, rather than being wasted. Ecological groups say that nothing is being done to tackle the problem.","qid":19335,"docid":"6401789","rank":99,"score":12.289673805236816},{"content":"processes by which organisms cope with environmental forces and stresses, such as those posed by climate. Anthropology. the study of the human species and its immediate ancestors.","qid":19335,"docid":"5508122","rank":100,"score":13.108638763427734}]} {"query":"axon terminals or synaptic knob definition","hits":[{"content":"The axon is a single process extending from the axon hillock,sometimes covered by a fatty layer called a myelin sheath thatconducts nerve impulses away from the cell body of t\u00e2\u0080\u00a6he neuron. Distal tips of axons are telodendria, each of which terminates in a synaptic knob.","qid":47923,"docid":"3348838","rank":1,"score":12.35321044921875},{"content":"b) an axon and a dendrite of another neuron (axo-dendritic synapse), c) between the axon terminals (telodendria) of a neuron and the terminal regions of another neuron (axo-axonic synapses). Synapses are essential for homeostasis as they can either transmit or inhibit impulses.) A nerve impulse reaches the axon terminal of a presynaptic neuron; the membrane is depolarised by an action potential. 2) Depolarisation of the axon terminal during the action potential causes voltage sensitive calcium ion channels to open in the terminal knob.","qid":47923,"docid":"5147526","rank":2,"score":12.424428939819336},{"content":"An axon (from Greek \u00e1\u00bc\u0084\u00ce\u00be\u00cf\u0089\u00ce\u00bd ax\u00c5\u008dn, \u00c3\u00a1x\u00c5\u008dn), axis is a, long slender projection of a nerve, cell or, neuron that typically conducts electrical impulses away from the'neuron s cell. bodyt has also been discovered through research that if the axons of a neuron were damaged, as long as the soma (the cell body of a neuron) is not damaged, the axons would regenerate and remake the synaptic connections with neurons with the help of guidepost cells.","qid":47923,"docid":"951595","rank":3,"score":12.318704605102539},{"content":"April 7, 2013. refers to the end of an axon or an axon branch, which forms a synapse on a neuron or other target. See also terminal button. AXON TERMINAL: The axon terminal of a neuron is most commonly located at the end of the axon, nearest to the synaptic cleft..","qid":47923,"docid":"1681331","rank":4,"score":13.163890838623047},{"content":"Cell Body. The bulbous end of a neuron, containing the cell nucleus. Dendrites. A long, branching outgrowth or extension from a neuron, that carries electrical signals from synapses to the cell body. Interneurons. Most generally any neurons which are not motor or sensory.ensory Neurons. Sensory neurons carry information from the sense organs (such as the eyes and ears) to the brain. Synapses. The space between the end of a nerve cell and another cell.","qid":47923,"docid":"2220826","rank":5,"score":12.522856712341309},{"content":"Noun. 1. axon-long nerve fiber that conducts away from the cell body of the neuron. axone. nerve fiber, nerve fibre-a threadlike extension of a nerve cell.nerve cell, neuron-a cell that is specialized to conduct nerve impulses.nerve end, nerve ending-the terminal structure of an axon that does not end at a synapse.erve cell, neuron-a cell that is specialized to conduct nerve impulses. nerve end, nerve ending-the terminal structure of an axon that does not end at a synapse.","qid":47923,"docid":"1767240","rank":6,"score":12.310590744018555},{"content":"An axon terminal is the structure of a neuron (a single cell of the central or peripheral nervous system) at the end of it's axon that forms a synapse with another neuron. Ge \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 nerally, the axon terminal is the point at which a neuron passes information to the neurons with which it is connected.","qid":47923,"docid":"8418686","rank":7,"score":13.159265518188477},{"content":"See also terminal button. AXON TERMINAL: The axon terminal of a neuron is most commonly located at the end of the axon, nearest to the synaptic cleft. Related Psychology Terms terminal button","qid":47923,"docid":"1681337","rank":8,"score":12.709240913391113},{"content":"Answered by The Community. Making the world better, one answer at a time. When a nerve impulse reaches the synaptic knob at the end of an axon, synaptic vesicles release a neurotransmitter that diffuses across the synaptic cleft and binds to specific receptors on the postsyanptic membrane. Above From:Hole's essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology (tenth edition).","qid":47923,"docid":"8418678","rank":9,"score":13.615243911743164},{"content":"postsynaptic neuron. Definitions: 1. a neuron to the cell body or dendrite of which an electrical impulse is transmitted across a synaptic cleft by the release of a chemical neurotransmitter from the axon terminal of a presynaptic neuron.The definition information for postsynaptic neuron is provided by Stedman's.You can search our medical dictionary here.he definition information for postsynaptic neuron is provided by Stedman's. You can search our medical dictionary here.","qid":47923,"docid":"8625734","rank":10,"score":12.48469352722168},{"content":"The outgoing signal to other neurons flows along its axon. A neuron may have many thousands of dendrites, but it will have only one axon. The fourth distinct part of a neuron lies at the end of the axon, the axon terminals. These are the structures that contain neurotransmitters.","qid":47923,"docid":"1669816","rank":11,"score":12.284516334533691},{"content":"What is the structure at the end of an axon that produces neurotransmitters? The axon is a single process extending from the axon hillock,sometimes covered by a fatty layer called a myelin sheath thatconducts nerve impulses away from the cell body of t \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 he neuron. Distal tips of axons are telodendria, each of which terminates in a synaptic knob.","qid":47923,"docid":"3348834","rank":12,"score":12.233575820922852},{"content":"1 Each axon terminal is swollen forming a synaptic knob. 2 The synaptic knob is filled with membrane-enclosed vesicles containing a neurotransmitter. 3 Arrival of an action potential at the synaptic knob opens Ca 2+ channels in the plasma membrane. The synaptic knob is filled with membrane-enclosed vesicles containing a neurotransmitter. 2 Arrival of an action potential at the synaptic knob opens Ca 2+ channels in the plasma membrane. 3 The influx of Ca 2+ triggers the exocytosis of some of the vesicles.","qid":47923,"docid":"6643066","rank":13,"score":12.540794372558594},{"content":"axon. the process of a nerve cell along which impulses travel away from the cell body. It branches at its termination, forming synapses at other nerve cells or effector organs.","qid":47923,"docid":"6241155","rank":14,"score":13.140076637268066},{"content":"The plasma membrane of postsynaptic cell has receptors for the neurotransmitters in the vesicles of the synaptic knob. When an action potential is generated, it travels (propagates) the length an axon to the synapatic knobs, where it signals the synaptic vesicles to release some of the stored neurotransmitters.","qid":47923,"docid":"5032364","rank":15,"score":12.264863967895508},{"content":"April 29, 2013. the terminal part of an axon from which a neural signal is rendered, via dispersion of a neurotransmitter, across a synapse to a nearby neuron. TERMINAL BUTTON: The terminal button is commonly referred to as the synaptic button, end button, button terminal, terminal bulb, and synaptic knob..","qid":47923,"docid":"1681332","rank":16,"score":13.177387237548828},{"content":"noun, singular: axon terminal. Button-like endings of axons through which axons make synaptic contacts with other nerve cells or with effector cells. Supplement. Axon terminals refer to the axon endings that are somewhat enlarged and often club-or button-shaped.","qid":47923,"docid":"6241147","rank":17,"score":13.726029396057129},{"content":"An axon terminal is the structure of a neuron (a single cell of the central or peripheral nervous system) at the end of it's axon that forms a synapse with another neuron. Generally, the axon terminal is the point at which a neuron passes information to the neurons with which it is connected.","qid":47923,"docid":"6241148","rank":18,"score":13.312047958374023},{"content":"An axon terminal is the structure of a neuron (a single cell of the central or peripheral nervous system) at the end of it's axon that forms a synapse with another neuron. Ge\u00e2\u0080\u00a6nerally, the axon terminal is the point at which a neuron passes information to the neurons with which it is connected.","qid":47923,"docid":"913042","rank":19,"score":13.297664642333984},{"content":"The axon is wrapped in myelin, which ensheathes some sections but leaves sections of the axon bare between the sheathed portions. At its far end, the axon splits up into many axon terminal. Each forms a synapse with a dendrite or cell body of another neuron. The cell to which the axon terminal belongs (sending cell) is called the presynaptic cell, while the cell to which the dendrite or cell body belongs (receiving cell) is called the postsynaptic cell. There is a space between the two cells, across which they communicate.","qid":47923,"docid":"8110289","rank":20,"score":12.337021827697754},{"content":"These signals are transmitted electrically across the soma and down a major extension from the soma known as the axon, which ends at multiple terminal buttons. The terminal buttons contain synaptic vesicles that house neurotransmitters, the chemical messengers of the nervous system.","qid":47923,"docid":"5137400","rank":21,"score":12.243309020996094},{"content":"An axon (from Greek \u00e1\u00bc\u0084\u00ce\u00be\u00cf\u0089\u00ce\u00bd ax\u00c5\u008dn, \u00c3\u00a1x\u00c5\u008dn), axis is a, long slender projection of a nerve, cell or, neuron that typically conducts electrical impulses away from the'neuron s cell. bodyn axon is one of two types of protoplasmic protrusions that extrude from the cell body of a neuron, the other type being dendrites.","qid":47923,"docid":"385679","rank":22,"score":12.432648658752441},{"content":"Noun. 1. axon-long nerve fiber that conducts away from the cell body of the neuron. axone. nerve fiber, nerve fibre-a threadlike extension of a nerve cell.nerve cell, neuron-a cell that is specialized to conduct nerve impulses. nerve end, nerve ending-the terminal structure of an axon that does not end at a synapse.oun. 1. axon-long nerve fiber that conducts away from the cell body of the neuron. axone. nerve fiber, nerve fibre-a threadlike extension of a nerve cell.","qid":47923,"docid":"820644","rank":23,"score":12.228913307189941},{"content":"a neuron from the axon terminal of which an electrical impulse is transmitted across a synaptic cleft to the cell body or one or more dendrites of a postsynaptic neuron by the release of a chemical neurotransmitter. neuron from the axon terminal of which an electrical impulse is transmitted across a synaptic cleft to the cell body or one or more dendrites of a postsynaptic neuron by the release of a chemical neurotransmitter.","qid":47923,"docid":"1488918","rank":24,"score":12.490077018737793},{"content":"synapse. n. 1. (Physiology) the point at which a nerve impulse is relayed from the terminal portion of an axon to the dendrites of an adjacent neuron. (\u00cb\u0088s\u00c9\u00aan aeps, \u00c3\u00a6ps). s\u00c9\u00aa\u00cb\u0088naeps., s\u00c9\u00aa\u00cb\u0088n\u00c3\u00a6ps. -n, -v\u00e2\u0080\u00a2apsed. aps inghe junction across which a nerve impulse passes from an axon terminal to a neuron, muscle cell, or gland cell. intr.v. syn\u00c2\u00b7apsed, syn\u00c2\u00b7aps\u00c2\u00b7ing, syn\u00c2\u00b7aps\u00c2\u00b7es. 1. To form a synapse. 2.","qid":47923,"docid":"4064327","rank":25,"score":12.616840362548828},{"content":"At the terminal end of the axon is a branched structure with ends called synaptic knobs. From this structure chemical signals can be sent to neighboring neurons. Transmission of nerve impulse along the axon","qid":47923,"docid":"6191","rank":26,"score":13.229948997497559},{"content":"related psychology terms. synaptic vesicle; neuromuscular junction; excitatory synapse; synapse; release zone; terminal button; axo-axonal synapse; axon terminal; postsynaptic potential (psp) neurotransmission","qid":47923,"docid":"766019","rank":27,"score":12.777779579162598},{"content":"Axons often have thousands of terminal branches, each ending as a bulbous enlargement, the synaptic knob or synaptic terminal. At the synaptic knob, the action potential is converted into a chemical message which, in turn, interacts with the recipient neuron or effector. This process is synaptic transmission.","qid":47923,"docid":"8418681","rank":28,"score":13.537306785583496},{"content":"Psychology Definition of TERMINAL BUTTON: the terminal part of an axon from which a neural signal is rendered, via dispersion of a neurotransmitter, across a synapse to a nearby neuron Sign in a","qid":47923,"docid":"1681333","rank":29,"score":12.455558776855469},{"content":"Presynaptic Knob Definition of Presynaptic Knob :An area at the end of an axon that contains neurotransmitters in synaptic vesicles. Presynaptic Knob is part of the Chemical Synapse Component group.","qid":47923,"docid":"8418683","rank":30,"score":13.917440414428711},{"content":"the junction between the processes of two neurons or between a neuron and an effector organ, where neural impulses are transmitted by chemical means. The impulse causes the release of a neurotransmitter (e.g., acetylcholine or norepinephrine) from the presynaptic membrane of the axon terminal.","qid":47923,"docid":"6725366","rank":31,"score":12.394949913024902},{"content":"Neurotransmitters are packaged into synaptic vesicles that cluster beneath the axon terminal membrane on the presynaptic side of a synapse. The axonal terminals are specialized to release the electrical impulse of the presynaptic cell.","qid":47923,"docid":"8418679","rank":32,"score":12.599400520324707},{"content":"Synapses. The point at which an impulse is transmitted from one neuron to another is called a synapse. The transmission is chemical in nature; that is, there is no direct contact between the axon of one neuron and the dendrites of another.","qid":47923,"docid":"6566640","rank":33,"score":12.423849105834961},{"content":"The junction between the axon terminals of a neuron and the receiving cell is called a synapse. (Synapses at muscle fibers are also called neuromuscular junctions or myoneural junctions 1 .). Action potentials travel down the axon of the neuron to its end(s), the axon terminal(s).he neurotransmitter at excitatory synapses depolarizes the postsynaptic membrane (of a neuron in this diagram). 1 Binding of acetylcholine to its receptors on the postsynaptic cell opens up ligand-gated sodium channels. 2 These allow an influx of Na + ions, reducing the membrane potential.","qid":47923,"docid":"6272906","rank":34,"score":12.219306945800781},{"content":"Activity at an axon terminal: Neuron A is transmitting a signal at the axon terminal to neuron B (receiving). Features: 1. Mitochondrion. 2. Synaptic vesicle with neurotransmitters. 3. Autoreceptor. 4. Synapse with neurotransmitter released (serotonin). 5.","qid":47923,"docid":"8418684","rank":35,"score":12.31318187713623},{"content":"The synapse is the chemical junction between the axon terminals of one neuron and the dendrites of the next. It is a gap where specialized chemical interactions can occur, rather than an actual structure.","qid":47923,"docid":"3630935","rank":36,"score":12.710898399353027},{"content":"synapse. the junction between the processes of two neurons or between a neuron and an effector organ, where neural impulses are transmitted by chemical means. The impulse causes the release of a neurotransmitter (e.g. acetylcholine or norepinephrine) from the presynaptic membrane of the axon terminal.","qid":47923,"docid":"6111296","rank":37,"score":12.719890594482422},{"content":"The junction between the axon terminals of a neuron and the receiving cell is called a synapse. (Synapses at muscle fibers are also called neuromuscular junctions or myoneural junctions 1 .). Action potentials travel down the axon of the neuron to its end(s), the axon terminal(s).","qid":47923,"docid":"1346412","rank":38,"score":12.287729263305664},{"content":"Axon terminals (also called synaptic boutons) are distal terminations of the branches of an axon. An axon nerve fiber is a long, slender projection of a nerve cell, or neuron, that conducts electrical impulses (called action potentials) away from the neuron's cell body, or soma, in order to transmit those impulses to other neurons.","qid":47923,"docid":"618556","rank":39,"score":13.506868362426758},{"content":"What is the term used to describe the rounded areas on the ends of the axon terminals? a) synaptic vesicles Incorrect. Synaptic vesicles are structures within the synaptic knobs. b) axons c) dendrites d) synaptic knobs Correct. Synaptic knobs are located at the tip of each axon terminal.","qid":47923,"docid":"5032362","rank":40,"score":13.901118278503418},{"content":"Synapse: Meeting Point Between Neurons. Since neurons form a network of electrical activities, they somehow have to be interconnected. When a nerve signal, or impulse, reaches the ends of its axon, it has traveled as an action potential, or a pulse of electricity.","qid":47923,"docid":"4846090","rank":41,"score":12.335134506225586},{"content":"refers to the end of an axon or an axon branch, which forms a synapse on a neuron or other target. See also terminal button. AXON TERMINAL: The axon terminal of a neuron is most commonly located at the end of the axon, nearest to the synaptic cleft..","qid":47923,"docid":"6241153","rank":42,"score":13.350569725036621},{"content":"axon definition. The part of a nerve cell or neuron that transfers a nerve impulse from the nerve cell body to a synapse with another cell. (See action potential.) Depending on the location of the cell, the length of an axon can vary widely. In some cases (such as the axons that form the spinal cord), they may be several feet long.","qid":47923,"docid":"5854800","rank":43,"score":12.267034530639648},{"content":"bouton terminal (ter-m\u00c4\u00ad-nahl\u00c2\u00b4) pl. boutons\u00c2\u00b4 terminaux\u00c2\u00b4 a buttonlike terminal enlargement of an axon that ends in relation to another neuron at a synapse. bouton [bo\u00cc o\u00cc t\u00c3\u00b4N\u00e2\u0080\u00b2, bo\u00cc o\u00cc \u00e2\u0080\u00b2ton]","qid":47923,"docid":"1681340","rank":44,"score":12.604419708251953},{"content":"Dendrites are the tree-like structures in neurons that extend away from the cell body to receive messages from other neurons at synapses; not all neurons have dendrites. Synapses enable the dendrites from a single neuron to interact and receive signals from many other neurons. Axons are tube-like structures that send signals to other neurons, muscles, or organs; not all neurons have axons. Neurons are divided into four major types: unipolar, bipolar, multipolar, and pseudounipolar.","qid":47923,"docid":"2306555","rank":45,"score":12.26544189453125},{"content":"Definition. noun, singular: axon terminal. Button-like endings of axons through which axons make synaptic contacts with other nerve cells or with effector cells. Supplement.","qid":47923,"docid":"6241151","rank":46,"score":13.871505737304688},{"content":"axodendrosomatic synapse. one between the axon of one neuron and the dendrites and body of another. axosomatic synapse. see axosomatic. cholinergic synapse. the neurotransmitter is acetylcholine. See also cholinergic. dendrodendritic synapse. one from a dendrite of one cell to a dendrite of another.xoaxonic synapse one between the axon of one neuron and the axon of another neuron. axodendritic synapse one between the axon of one neuron and the dendrites of another. axodendrosomatic synapse one between the axon of one neuron and the dendrites and body of another.","qid":47923,"docid":"829489","rank":47,"score":12.408403396606445},{"content":"An axon (from Greek \u00e1\u00bc\u0084\u00ce\u00be\u00cf\u0089\u00ce\u00bd ax\u00c5\u008dn, \u00c3\u00a1x\u00c5\u008dn), axis is a, long slender projection of a nerve, cell or, neuron that typically conducts electrical impulses away from the'neuron s cell. Body myelinated axons are known as nerve. fibershen an action potential reaches a presynaptic terminal, it activates the synaptic transmission process. The first step is rapid opening of calcium ion channels in the membrane of the axon, allowing calcium ions to flow inward across the membrane.","qid":47923,"docid":"5417581","rank":48,"score":12.312026977539062},{"content":"What is an axon terminal? An axon terminal is the structure of a neuron (a single cell of the central or peripheral nervous system) at the end of it's axon that forms a synapse with another neuron. Ge\u00e2\u0080\u00a6nerally, the axon terminal is the point at which a neuron passes information to the neurons with which it is connected.","qid":47923,"docid":"986177","rank":49,"score":13.209352493286133},{"content":"synapse. (s\u00c4\u00adn`\u00c4\u0083ps) , junction between various signal-transmitter cells, either between two neurons or between a neuron and a muscle or gland. A nerve impulse reaches the synapse through the axon, or transmitting end, of a nerve cell, or neuron.xcitatory or inhibitory effects in a synapse with a chemical reaction are produced by a series of processes. The nerve impulse, upon arriving at a presynaptic ending, depolarizes the presynaptic membrane, whose permeability to calcium ions is increased.","qid":47923,"docid":"2831048","rank":50,"score":12.250166893005371},{"content":"The synapse is the membrane on the nerve of the presynaptic terminal. The synapse is the space between the presynaptic neuron and the postsynaptic neuron. Synapse is a term used to define the total transmission of the impulse from the presynaptic neuron to the postsynaptic neuron.","qid":47923,"docid":"6075605","rank":51,"score":12.23558235168457},{"content":"Synapse. As an electrical impulse travels down the tail of the cell, called the axon and arrives at its terminal, it triggers vesicles containing a neurotransmitter to move toward the terminal membrane. The vesicles fuse with the terminal membrane to release their contents. Once inside the synaptic cleft (the space between the 2 neurons) the neurotransmitter can bind to receptors (specific proteins) on the membrane of a neighboring neuron.","qid":47923,"docid":"5595916","rank":52,"score":12.42989730834961},{"content":"The function of the axon terminal is to transmit a neurotransmitter from one neuron to another. The neurotransmitter is released from the end of the axon of one neuron and binds to the dendrites of the target neuron.","qid":47923,"docid":"618554","rank":53,"score":12.500852584838867},{"content":"synapse. the junction between the processes of two neurons or between a neuron and an effector organ, where neural impulses are transmitted by chemical means. The impulse causes the release of a neurotransmitter (e.g. acetylcholine or norepinephrine) from the presynaptic membrane of the axon terminal.xoaxonic synapse one between the axon of one neuron and the axon of another neuron. axodendritic synapse one between the axon of one neuron and the dendrites of another. axodendrosomatic synapse one between the axon of one neuron and the dendrites and body of another.","qid":47923,"docid":"829484","rank":54,"score":12.513299942016602},{"content":"Electrical signal that travels along the axon and causes release of chemicals from the terminal buttons. When the action potential reaches the end of the axon, synaptic vesicles open and release neurotransmitters which are picked up by the receiving dendrites. Action potentials=all or none (either fires or not)","qid":47923,"docid":"3348832","rank":55,"score":12.367575645446777},{"content":"An axon (from Greek \u00e1\u00bc\u0084\u00ce\u00be\u00cf\u0089\u00ce\u00bd ax\u00c5\u008dn, \u00c3\u00a1x\u00c5\u008dn), axis is a, long slender projection of a nerve, cell or, neuron that typically conducts electrical impulses away from the'neuron s cell. bodyhen an action potential reaches a presynaptic terminal, it activates the synaptic transmission process. The first step is rapid opening of calcium ion channels in the membrane of the axon, allowing calcium ions to flow inward across the membrane.","qid":47923,"docid":"5417578","rank":56,"score":12.664813995361328},{"content":"The synapse is located at the end of each axonal end branch. Here the end branch forms a small button-like knob, referred to as the synaptic knob. This knob is adjacent to a tiny cleft or synapse. When a nerve impulse reaches this knob, a drug called a neurotransmitter is released from vesicles into the synapse. The neurotransmitter diffuses across the gap and binds to receptors on the membrane of the adjacent neuron or muscle cell.","qid":47923,"docid":"8641106","rank":57,"score":12.902220726013184},{"content":"An axon (from Greek \u00e1\u00bc\u0084\u00ce\u00be\u00cf\u0089\u00ce\u00bd ax\u00c5\u008dn, \u00c3\u00a1x\u00c5\u008dn), axis is a, long slender projection of a nerve, cell or, neuron that typically conducts electrical impulses away from the'neuron s cell. bodyome types of neurons have no axon and transmit signals from their dendrites. No neuron ever has more than one axon; however in invertebrates such as insects or leeches the axon sometimes consists of several regions that function more or less independently of each other.","qid":47923,"docid":"459890","rank":58,"score":12.277130126953125},{"content":"Neurotransmitters are packaged into synaptic vesicles that cluster beneath the axon terminal membrane on the presynaptic side of a synapse. The axonal terminals are specialized to release the electrical impulse of the presynaptic cell.ctivity at an axon terminal: Neuron A is transmitting a signal at the axon terminal to neuron B (receiving). Features: 1. Mitochondrion.","qid":47923,"docid":"5417584","rank":59,"score":12.756203651428223},{"content":"Axons usually have thousands of terminal branches that each end as a bulbous enlargement called a synaptic knob or synaptic terminal. Synaptic knobs contain several membrane-bounded synaptic vesicles that are 40 to 100 nanometers in diameter.","qid":47923,"docid":"8641107","rank":60,"score":13.965362548828125},{"content":"Axon terminals refer to the axon endings that are somewhat enlarged and often club-or button-shaped. Axon terminals are that part of a nerve cell that make synaptic connections with another nerve cell or with an effector cell (e.g. muscle cell or gland cell).","qid":47923,"docid":"6241150","rank":61,"score":13.59125804901123},{"content":"The terminal button of the presynaptic neuron\u00e2\u0080\u0099s axon contains mitochondria as well as microtubules that transport the neurotransmitters from the cell body (where they are produced) to the tip of the axon. (click on 2. Axonal Transport) This terminal button also contains spherical vesicles filled with neurotransmitters.","qid":47923,"docid":"7685162","rank":62,"score":12.561507225036621},{"content":"Structures of the neuron. \u00e2\u0097\u008fAxon terminals \u00e2\u0080\u0093 fine branches of an axon that lead to. the synaptic end bulb. \u00e2\u0097\u008fSynaptic end bulb - contains neurotransmitters to be. released. \u00e2\u0097\u008fMyelin sheath \u00e2\u0080\u0093 electrically insulates the axon of a. neuron and speeds the conduction of action potentials.","qid":47923,"docid":"1960681","rank":63,"score":12.656468391418457},{"content":"presynaptic neuron. Definitions: 1. a neuron from the axon terminal of which an electrical impulse is transmitted across a synaptic cleft to the cell body or one or more dendrites of a postsynaptic neuron by the release of a chemical neurotransmitter.The definition information for presynaptic neuron is provided by Stedman's.You can search our medical dictionary here. Stedman's, part of Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, provides a comprehensive line of health-science publications for healthcare professionals and medical students.he definition information for presynaptic neuron is provided by Stedman's. You can search our medical dictionary here. Stedman's, part of Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, provides a comprehensive line of health-science publications for healthcare professionals and medical students.","qid":47923,"docid":"1488915","rank":64,"score":12.324748992919922},{"content":"postsynaptic neuron. Definitions: 1. a neuron to the cell body or dendrite of which an electrical impulse is transmitted across a synaptic cleft by the release of a chemical neurotransmitter from the axon terminal of a presynaptic neuron.The definition information for postsynaptic neuron is provided by Stedman's.. a neuron to the cell body or dendrite of which an electrical impulse is transmitted across a synaptic cleft by the release of a chemical neurotransmitter from the axon terminal of a presynaptic neuron.","qid":47923,"docid":"1488916","rank":65,"score":12.437472343444824},{"content":"Structurally chemical synapses consist of a. Definition. synaptic knob, a synaptic cleft, and a postsynaptic membrane which will be the cell membrane of the dendrite or cell body. Term. is a space between the synaptic knob and the postsynaptic membrane.","qid":47923,"docid":"2135499","rank":66,"score":12.656668663024902},{"content":"The dendrites don\u00e2\u0080\u0099t have terminating knobs at the end of it. The axons are what conduct action potentials away from the cell body. The axon is not an axon because it\u00e2\u0080\u0099s long, it\u00e2\u0080\u0099s an axon because of the existence of synaptic knobs at the axon terminals. When the axon conducts action potentials away from the cell body and the signal goes to the synaptic knob, it\u00e2\u0080\u0099s going to release a neurotransmitter in response to the electrical signal.","qid":47923,"docid":"1868437","rank":67,"score":12.529766082763672},{"content":"Axon terminals are that part of a nerve cell that make synaptic connections with another nerve cell or with an effector cell (e.g. muscle cell or gland cell). Axon terminals contain various neurotransmitters and release them at the synapse.","qid":47923,"docid":"6241152","rank":68,"score":13.506000518798828},{"content":"The axon terminals of all neurons end at another structure that they stimulate (or inhibit). The connection between the two is called a synapse. Depending on the neuron, the synapse may be with another neuron (for sensory and interneurons) or a muscle fiber or a gland cell (for motor neurons).","qid":47923,"docid":"5282403","rank":69,"score":12.380105972290039},{"content":"Psychology Definition of TERMINAL BUTTON: the terminal part of an axon from which a neural signal is rendered, via dispersion of a neurotransmitter, across a synapse to a nearby neuron TERMINAL BUTTON: The terminal button is commonly referred to as the synaptic button, end button, button terminal, terminal bulb, and synaptic knob. Related Psychology Terms axon terminal","qid":47923,"docid":"1681334","rank":70,"score":12.877420425415039},{"content":"The portion of the neuron that sends signals. Axons are long tail-like extensions protruding from the cell body. The axon terminal is the knob-like structure at the far end of the axon.","qid":47923,"docid":"4652795","rank":71,"score":12.883612632751465},{"content":"a neuron to the cell body or dendrite of which an electrical impulse is transmitted across a synaptic cleft by the release of a chemical neurotransmitter from the axon terminal of a presynaptic neuron. neuron to the cell body or dendrite of which an electrical impulse is transmitted across a synaptic cleft by the release of a chemical neurotransmitter from the axon terminal of a presynaptic neuron.","qid":47923,"docid":"1488919","rank":72,"score":12.408365249633789},{"content":"noun, singular: axon terminal. Button-like endings of axons through which axons make synaptic contacts with other nerve cells or with effector cells. Supplement. Axon terminals refer to the axon endings that are somewhat enlarged and often club-or button-shaped.Axon terminals are that part of a nerve cell that make synaptic connections with another nerve cell or with an effector cell (e.g. muscle cell or gland cell).Axon terminals contain various neurotransmitters and release them at the synapse.oun, singular: axon terminal. Button-like endings of axons through which axons make synaptic contacts with other nerve cells or with effector cells. Supplement. Axon terminals refer to the axon endings that are somewhat enlarged and often club-or button-shaped.","qid":47923,"docid":"5417582","rank":73,"score":13.626766204833984},{"content":"An Axon Terminal is the very end of a branch of a nerve's axon, a long slender nerve fiber that conducts electrical signals to a nerve synapse (the gap between nerve cells).","qid":47923,"docid":"8327407","rank":74,"score":12.860006332397461},{"content":"Quick Answer. The function of a synaptic knob is to change the action potential that is carried by axons into a chemical message. The chemical message then interacts with the recipient neuron or effector. This process is called synaptic transmission.","qid":47923,"docid":"473807","rank":75,"score":12.862113952636719},{"content":"The axon is a single long tube that extends from the soma with multiple branchings at the end of it. The main function of the axon is to carry a message from the soma to the terminal buttons, which are the structures at the end of the axon that release the neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft.The dendrites are the smaller tree-like branchings that project from the soma.he axon is a single long tube that extends from the soma with multiple branchings at the end of it. The main function of the axon is to carry a message from the soma to the terminal buttons, which are the structures at the end of the axon that release the neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft.","qid":47923,"docid":"7071695","rank":76,"score":12.354013442993164},{"content":"Button-like endings of axons through which axons make synaptic contacts with other nerve cells or with effector cells Supplement Axon terminals refer to the axon endings that are somewhat enlarged and often club- or button-shaped. Axon terminals are that part of a nerve cell that make synaptic connections with another nerve cell or with an effector cell (e.g. muscle cell or gland cell). Axon terminals contain various neurotransmitters and release them at the synapse.","qid":47923,"docid":"1681336","rank":77,"score":13.470510482788086},{"content":"synapse. SYNAPSE: Axon terminal synapse. The space between the junction of two neurons in a neural pathway, where the termination of the axon of one neuron comes into close proximity with the cell body or dendrites of another.","qid":47923,"docid":"8421421","rank":78,"score":13.278447151184082},{"content":"Noun. 1. axon-long nerve fiber that conducts away from the cell body of the neuron. axone. nerve fiber, nerve fibre-a threadlike extension of a nerve cell.nerve cell, neuron-a cell that is specialized to conduct nerve impulses.nerve end, nerve ending-the terminal structure of an axon that does not end at a synapse.. axon-long nerve fiber that conducts away from the cell body of the neuron. axone. nerve fiber, nerve fibre-a threadlike extension of a nerve cell. nerve cell, neuron-a cell that is specialized to conduct nerve impulses. nerve end, nerve ending-the terminal structure of an axon that does not end at a synapse.","qid":47923,"docid":"1767243","rank":79,"score":12.320377349853516},{"content":"axon. (\u00c4\u0083k\u00e2\u0080\u00b2s\u00c5\u008fn\u00e2\u0080\u00b2) also ax\u00c2\u00b7one (-s\u00c5\u008dn\u00e2\u0080\u00b2). n. The usually long process of a nerve fiber that generally conducts impulses away from the body of the nerve cell.erve cell, neuron-a cell that is specialized to conduct nerve impulses. nerve end, nerve ending-the terminal structure of an axon that does not end at a synapse.","qid":47923,"docid":"1767245","rank":80,"score":12.384267807006836},{"content":"synapse. the junction between the processes of two neurons or between a neuron and an effector organ, where neural impulses are transmitted by chemical means. The impulse causes the release of a neurotransmitter (e.g. acetylcholine or norepinephrine) from the presynaptic membrane of the axon terminal.ynapse. SYNAPSE: Axon terminal synapse. The space between the junction of two neurons in a neural pathway, where the termination of the axon of one neuron comes into close proximity with the cell body or dendrites of another.","qid":47923,"docid":"5966643","rank":81,"score":12.760153770446777},{"content":"The tip of a neuron's axon culminates in several endings call terminal buttons. When an action potential is conducted down the axon, this is where it goes.","qid":47923,"docid":"3348831","rank":82,"score":12.400508880615234},{"content":"\u00e2\u0080\u0093Axon terminal \u00e2\u0080\u0093branches at the end of axon. \u00e2\u0080\u0093Synaptic bulb (knob) \u00e2\u0080\u0093rounded area on the end of the axon terminal. \u00e2\u0080\u0093Synaptic cleft (gap)\u00e2\u0080\u0093space between bulb of one cell and the dendrite of another. \u00e2\u0080\u0093Receptor sites- holes is surface of dendrite; shaped to receive certain neurotransmitters.","qid":47923,"docid":"6919836","rank":83,"score":13.007345199584961},{"content":"The function of a synaptic knob is to change the action potential that is carried by axons into a chemical message. The chemical message then interacts with the recipient neuron or effector. This process is called synaptic transmission. Continue Reading.","qid":47923,"docid":"8641104","rank":84,"score":12.890508651733398},{"content":"The terminal, then, is the final point of stimulation in the axon before the charge is delivered. Lesson Summary. The axon is an extended region of the neuron cell membrane and the portion of the cell responsible for delivering cell-to-cell communication. Neurons are the cells that communicate and the axons are merely a smaller part of the larger story.","qid":47923,"docid":"1508659","rank":85,"score":12.43478775024414},{"content":"a neuron from the axon terminal of which an electrical impulse is transmitted across a synaptic cleft to the cell body or one or more dendrites of a postsynaptic neuron by the release of a chemical neurotransmitter.","qid":47923,"docid":"5898846","rank":86,"score":12.803192138671875},{"content":"View Full Document. Neuron - A specialized cell that conducts impulses through the nervous system. Dendrites \u00e2\u0080\u0093 In a neuron, the branch-like extensions of the cell body that receive signals from other neurons. Synapse \u00e2\u0080\u0093 The junction where the axon terminal of a sending neuron communicates with a receiving neuron across the synaptic cleft.","qid":47923,"docid":"778272","rank":87,"score":12.313143730163574},{"content":"a neuron to the cell body or dendrite of which an electrical impulse is transmitted across a synaptic cleft by the release of a chemical neurotransmitter from the axon terminal of a presynaptic neuron.","qid":47923,"docid":"5898845","rank":88,"score":12.494542121887207},{"content":"A presynaptic neuron has several specialized structures that distinguish it from a postsynaptic neuron. The terminal button of the presynaptic neuron\u00e2\u0080\u0099s axon contains mitochondria as well as microtubules that transport the neurotransmitters from the cell body (where they are produced) to the tip of the axon.","qid":47923,"docid":"4525877","rank":89,"score":12.247270584106445},{"content":"Psychology Definition of AXON TERMINAL: refers to the end of an axon or an axon branch, which forms a synapse on a neuron or other target. See also terminal button. Sign in","qid":47923,"docid":"1681339","rank":90,"score":13.521318435668945},{"content":"The junction between the axon terminals of a neuron and the receiving cell is called a synapse. (Synapses at muscle fibers are also called neuromuscular junctions or myoneural junctions 1 .). Action potentials travel down the axon of the neuron to its end(s), the axon terminal(s).2 Each axon terminal is swollen forming a synaptic knob.Synapses at muscle fibers are also called neuromuscular junctions or myoneural junctions 1 .). Action potentials travel down the axon of the neuron to its end(s), the axon terminal(s). 2 Each axon terminal is swollen forming a synaptic knob.","qid":47923,"docid":"8348762","rank":91,"score":12.726439476013184},{"content":"axon terminal = synaptic end bulb - The swollen or knob-like distal endings to the terminal branches of axons (and axon collaterals) which house the secretory components of the neuron; the site of synthesis, packaging, storage and release of neurotransmitter molecules.","qid":47923,"docid":"4297620","rank":92,"score":13.674928665161133},{"content":"Synapse. As an electrical impulse travels down the tail of the cell, called the axon and arrives at its terminal, it triggers vesicles containing a neurotransmitter to move toward the terminal membrane. The vesicles fuse with the terminal membrane to release their contents.","qid":47923,"docid":"3520777","rank":93,"score":12.725875854492188},{"content":"An axon terminal is the structure of a neuron (a single cell of the central or peripheral nervous system) at the end of it's axon that forms a synapse with another neuron.","qid":47923,"docid":"6241154","rank":94,"score":13.26861572265625},{"content":"The axon is a single long tube that extends from the soma with multiple branchings at the end of it. The main function of the axon is to carry a message from the soma to the terminal buttons, which are the structures at the end of the axon that release the neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft.","qid":47923,"docid":"7936847","rank":95,"score":12.642694473266602},{"content":"a region where nerve impulses are transmitted and received, encompassing the axon terminal of a neuron that releases neurotransmitters in response to an impulse, an extremely small gap across which the neurotransmitters travel, and the adjacent membrane of an axon, dendrite, or muscle or gland cell with the appropriate receptor molecules for picking ...","qid":47923,"docid":"129217","rank":96,"score":12.546381950378418},{"content":"The terminals release transmitter substances into a gap called the synaptic cleft between the terminals and the dendrites of the next neuron. The information is received by the dendrite receptors of the postsynaptic cell that are connected to it.ctivity at an axon terminal: Neuron A is transmitting a signal at the axon terminal to neuron B (receiving). Features: 1. Mitochondrion.","qid":47923,"docid":"5147529","rank":97,"score":12.59573745727539},{"content":"THE SYNAPSE. Impulse conduction in a single axon is fascinating to behold but, taken by itself, functionally limited. The full potential of the impulse is appreciated only by the functional changes it produces in a postsynaptic cell.","qid":47923,"docid":"4944013","rank":98,"score":12.395488739013672},{"content":"Synapses is the junction between terminal part of one axon and the dendrite of the adjacent neuron .It helps in the transmission of impulses from neuron to neuron.he location of synaptic cleft depends on the types of synapses: axo-dendritic synapse: between axons \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 and dendritesaxo-somatic synapse: between axons and cell bodiesaxo-axonic synapse: between axons and axonsdendro-denritic syanpse: between dendrites and dendrites. 3 people found this useful.","qid":47923,"docid":"4257344","rank":99,"score":12.300056457519531},{"content":"axon. The threadlike process of a neuron which conducts nerve impulses from the cell body to the neuron's ending (bouton) where it is transmitted via a synapse to another neuron, muscle or gland. Syn.nerve fibre (when it is sheathed).See neuron; synapse.he threadlike process of a neuron which conducts nerve impulses from the cell body to the neuron's ending (bouton) where it is transmitted via a synapse to another neuron, muscle or gland. Syn. nerve fibre (when it is sheathed). See neuron; synapse.","qid":47923,"docid":"6960369","rank":100,"score":12.370864868164062}]} {"query":"exons definition biology","hits":[{"content":"Premessenger RNA has a base sequence identical to the DNA coding strand. Genes consist of sequences encoding mRNA (exons) that are interrupted by non-coding sequences of variable length, called introns. Introns are removed and exons joined together before translation begins in a process called mRNA splicing.he process by which DNA achieves its control of cell life and function through protein synthesis is called gene expression. A gene is a DNA sequence that contains genetic information for one functional protein. Proteins are essential for the modulation and maintenance of cellular activities.","qid":183378,"docid":"3888461","rank":1,"score":12.252476692199707},{"content":"What happens to the introns and the exons during transcription? introns-are cut out of the resulting mRNA strand before it is sent out of the nucleus for protein synthesis.","qid":183378,"docid":"5824064","rank":2,"score":12.418277740478516},{"content":"Exons and introns are part of the mRNA. During transcription inside the nucleus, introns are removed from the mRNA because they are not coded to make a protein. Exons are then \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 joined together because that is the part required for translation.efore the RNA leaves the nucleus, the introns are removed and the exons are joined together, producing an mRNA molecule with a continuous coding sequence. This process is cal \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 led RNA splicing.","qid":183378,"docid":"3093218","rank":3,"score":12.687394142150879},{"content":"Answer by Shelbyray2014. Confidence votes 91. Exons are the DNA sequences that code for proteins. Introns are involved however they dont carry the genetic information that exons carry, the variation provides for revolutionary flexibility allowing cells to shuffle exons between genes to make new ones.nswer by Shelbyray2014. Confidence votes 91. Exons are the DNA sequences that code for proteins. Introns are involved however they dont carry the genetic information that exons carry, the variation provides for revolutionary flexibility allowing cells to shuffle exons between genes to make new ones.","qid":183378,"docid":"4493916","rank":4,"score":13.356475830078125},{"content":"An intron is any nucleotide sequence within a gene that is removed by RNA splicing during maturation of the final RNA product. The term intron refers to both the DNA sequence within a gene and the corresponding sequence in RNA transcripts.","qid":183378,"docid":"3389583","rank":5,"score":12.30534553527832},{"content":"a. codon. b. anticodon. c. amino acid. d. transcript. e. template.","qid":183378,"docid":"734415","rank":6,"score":12.400062561035156},{"content":"(\u00c4\u00adn'tr\u00c5\u008fn) A segment of a gene situated between exons that does not function in coding for protein synthesis. After transcription of a gene to messenger RNA, the transcriptions of introns are removed, and the exons are spliced together by enzymes before translation and assembly of amino acids into proteins. Compare exon.","qid":183378,"docid":"8794303","rank":7,"score":13.276643753051758},{"content":"Exons vs Introns. Exons and introns are related to genes. An exon is termed as a nucleic acid sequence which is represented in the RNA molecule. Introns, on the other hand, are termed as nucleotide sequences seen within the genes which are removed through RNA splicing for generating a mature RNA molecule.","qid":183378,"docid":"3389579","rank":8,"score":13.301779747009277},{"content":"In most eukaryotic genes, coding regions (exons) are interrupted by noncoding regions (introns). During transcription, the entire gene is copied into a pre-mRNA, which includes exons and introns. \u00e2\u0080\u008b. Views \u00c2\u00b7 View Upvotes.","qid":183378,"docid":"7449743","rank":9,"score":12.32176685333252},{"content":"codon. A codon is a sequence of three DNA or RNA nucleotides that corresponds with a specific amino acid or stop signal during protein synthesis. DNA and RNA molecules are written in a language of four nucleotides; meanwhile, the language of proteins includes 20 amino acids. Codons provide the key that allows these two languages to be translated into each other.","qid":183378,"docid":"7848725","rank":10,"score":12.28619384765625},{"content":"In most eukaryotic genes, coding regions (exons) are interrupted by noncoding regions (introns). During transcription, the entire gene is copied into a pre-mRNA, which includes exons and introns. \u00e2\u0080\u008b. Written Mar 30, 2015 \u00c2\u00b7 View Upvotes.","qid":183378,"docid":"4727416","rank":11,"score":12.326068878173828},{"content":"ex\u00c2\u00b7on. A portion of DNA that codes for a section of the mature messenger RNA obtained from that DNA, and is therefore expressed (translated into protein) at the ribosome. [ex- + on]. \/ex\u00c2\u00b7on\/ (ek\u00c2\u00b4son) the coding region in a gene.","qid":183378,"docid":"1289490","rank":12,"score":12.358447074890137},{"content":"1 The base sequences that appear in eukaryotic DNA and are used to make mRNA for a specific protein are the exons of a gene.","qid":183378,"docid":"1289493","rank":13,"score":13.196003913879395},{"content":"Representation of intron and exons within a simple gene containing a single intron. An intron is any nucleotide sequence within a gene that is removed by RNA splicing during maturation of the final RNA product. The term intron refers to both the DNA sequence within a gene and the corresponding sequence in RNA transcripts. Sequences that are joined together in the final mature RNA after RNA splicing are exons.","qid":183378,"docid":"5534710","rank":14,"score":12.853232383728027},{"content":"A portion of DNA that codes for a section of the mature messenger RNA obtained from that DNA, and is therefore expressed (translated into protein) at the ribosome. [ex- + on]. \/ex\u00c2\u00b7on\/ (ek\u00c2\u00b4son) the coding region in a gene.","qid":183378,"docid":"1289492","rank":15,"score":13.456398010253906},{"content":"Definition of exon. : a polynucleotide sequence in a nucleic acid that codes information for protein synthesis and that is copied and spliced together with other such sequences to form messenger RNA \u00e2\u0080\u0094 compare intron.","qid":183378,"docid":"7449744","rank":16,"score":14.569971084594727},{"content":"DNA is composed of sections known as exons and introns. The exons are the portions that eventually exit the nucleus in the form of mRNA and are used in translation. The introns are removed from the mRNA shortly after transcription.There are a number of hypotheses about the function of introns.One hypothesis is that alternative splicing may allow a single gene to code for more than one version of a protein. In other words a piece of the gene may be an intron in one case and an exon in another case.Another possible explanation is that each exon codes for a module of a protein.ne hypothesis is that alternative splicing may allow a single gene to code for more than one version of a protein. In other words a piece of the gene may be an intron in one case and an exon in another case. Another possible explanation is that each exon codes for a module of a protein.","qid":183378,"docid":"327908","rank":17,"score":12.766212463378906},{"content":"For the album by LCD Soundsystem, see Introns (album) . Representation of intron and exons within a simple gene containing a single intron. An intron is any nucleotide sequence within a gene that is removed by RNA splicing during maturation of the final RNA product. The term intron refers to both the DNA sequence within a gene and the corresponding sequence in RNA transcripts.","qid":183378,"docid":"2533262","rank":18,"score":12.97425651550293},{"content":"MRNA. Definition. noun. Abbreviated form for messenger ribonucleic acid, the type of RNA that codes for the chemical blueprint for a protein (during protein synthesis). Supplement. In prokaryotes, mRNA is produced by splicing a large primary transcript from a DNA sequence. The mRNAs of prokaryotes are usually very short lived (from seconds to more than an hour) and protein synthesis starts even while the mRNA is still being synthesized.","qid":183378,"docid":"4203758","rank":19,"score":12.355657577514648},{"content":"Medical Definition of CODON. : a specific sequence of three consecutive nucleotides that is part of the genetic code and that specifies a particular amino acid in a protein or starts or stops protein synthesis\u00e2\u0080\u0094called also triplet. a specific sequence of three consecutive nucleotides that is part of the genetic code and that specifies a particular amino acid in a protein or starts or stops protein synthesis \u00e2\u0080\u0094called also triplet.","qid":183378,"docid":"1390628","rank":20,"score":12.28182315826416},{"content":"Exons are expressing sequences within a pre-mRNA molecule that are spliced together once introns are removed to form mature mRNA molecules that are translated into proteins. Alternative splicing allows for the production of various protein isoforms from one single gene coding.","qid":183378,"docid":"3185611","rank":21,"score":13.261022567749023},{"content":"Exon (disambiguation). may refer to: Exon, a region of DNA that is represented in the mature form of RNA | Exoniensis or Exon., the Post-Nominal Letters for alumni \/ degrees from the University of Exeter | Exon can also refer to the signature of the Bishop of Exeter | J... en\u00e2\u0080\u008b.wikipedia\u00e2\u0080\u008b.org\u00e2\u0080\u008b\/wiki\u00e2\u0080\u008b\/Exon (disambiguation).","qid":183378,"docid":"1289495","rank":22,"score":13.876995086669922},{"content":"DNA is composed of sections known as exons and introns. The exons are the portions that eventually exit the nucleus in the form of mRNA and are used in translation. The introns are removed from the mRNA shortly after transcription.There are a number of hypotheses about the function of introns.NA is composed of sections known as exons and introns. The exons are the portions that eventually exit the nucleus in the form of mRNA and are used in translation. The introns are removed from the mRNA shortly after transcription. There are a number of hypotheses about the function of introns.","qid":183378,"docid":"8570261","rank":23,"score":12.802989959716797},{"content":"Intron. Definition. noun, plural: introns. (molecular biology) A noncoding, intervening sequence of DNA within a gene that is transcribed into mRNA but is removed from the primary gene transcript and rapidly degraded during maturation of the RNA product. Supplement. An intron is a nucleotide sequence within a gene.It is a noncoding sequence.ntron. Definition. noun, plural: introns. (molecular biology) A noncoding, intervening sequence of DNA within a gene that is transcribed into mRNA but is removed from the primary gene transcript and rapidly degraded during maturation of the RNA product. Supplement. An intron is a nucleotide sequence within a gene.","qid":183378,"docid":"8570259","rank":24,"score":12.958187103271484},{"content":"Definition. noun, plural: introns. (molecular biology) A noncoding, intervening sequence of DNA within a gene that is transcribed into mRNA but is removed from the primary gene transcript and rapidly degraded during maturation of the RNA product. Supplement. An intron is a nucleotide sequence within a gene.","qid":183378,"docid":"1865315","rank":25,"score":12.900203704833984},{"content":"The sum total of the exons in a genome, which comprise about 1% of human DNA. The exome is regarded as the most functionally relevant DNA, as it encodes proteins and gene products.","qid":183378,"docid":"5460941","rank":26,"score":12.627038955688477},{"content":"For other uses, see Exon (disambiguation) . An exon is any part of a gene that codes for a part of the final mature RNA product of that gene after introns have been removed by RNA splicing. The term exon refers to both the DNA sequence within a gene and to the corresponding sequence in RNA transcripts.In RNA splicing, introns are removed and exons are covalently joined to one another as part of generating the mature messenger RNA.n exon is any part of a gene that codes for a part of the final mature RNA product of that gene after introns have been removed by RNA splicing.","qid":183378,"docid":"4803847","rank":27,"score":14.513161659240723},{"content":"Introns and exons are parts of genes. exons code for proteins, whereas introns do not. Exons are parts of DNA that are converted into mature messenger RNA . The process by which DNA is used as a template to create mRNA is called transcription. This mRNA then undergoes a further process called translation where the mRNA is used to synthesize proteins, via another type of molecule called transfer RNA.","qid":183378,"docid":"4727417","rank":28,"score":13.559669494628906},{"content":"intron in\u00c2\u00b7tron (\u00c4\u00adn'tr\u00c5\u008fn) n. A segment of a gene situated between exons that does not function in coding for protein synthesis. After transcription of a gene to messenger RNA, the transcriptions of introns are removed, and the exons are spliced together by enzymes before translation and assembly of amino acids into proteins. Compare exon.","qid":183378,"docid":"8121377","rank":29,"score":13.128087043762207},{"content":"The human genome consists of 3 billion nucleotides or \u00e2\u0080\u009cletters\u00e2\u0080\u009d of DNA. But only a small percentage \u00e2\u0080\u0094 1.5 percent \u00e2\u0080\u0094 of those letters are actually translated into proteins, the functional players in the body. The \u00e2\u0080\u009cexome\u00e2\u0080\u009d consists of all the genome\u00e2\u0080\u0099s exons, which are the coding portions of genes. The term exon was derived from \u00e2\u0080\u009cEXpressed regiON,\u00e2\u0080\u009d since these are the regions that get translated, or expressed as proteins, as opposed to the intron, or \u00e2\u0080\u009cINTRagenic regiON\u00e2\u0080\u009d which is not represented in the final protein.","qid":183378,"docid":"5460939","rank":30,"score":12.330879211425781},{"content":"Definition of CODON. : a specific sequence of three consecutive nucleotides that is part of the genetic code and that specifies a particular amino acid in a protein or starts or stops protein synthesis \u00e2\u0080\u0094called also triplet.ADVERTISEMENT.1code + 2-on. a specific sequence of three consecutive nucleotides that is part of the genetic code and that specifies a particular amino acid in a protein or starts or stops protein synthesis \u00e2\u0080\u0094called also triplet.","qid":183378,"docid":"1390629","rank":31,"score":12.470610618591309},{"content":"An exon is any part of a gene that will encode a part of the final mature RNA produced by that gene after introns have been removed by RNA splicing. The term exon refers to both the DNA sequence within a gene and to the corresponding sequence in RNA transcripts. In RNA splicing, introns are removed and exons are covalently joined to one another as part of generating the mature messenger RNA.","qid":183378,"docid":"7449748","rank":32,"score":14.553754806518555},{"content":"The exome of the human genome consists of roughly 180,000 exons constituting about 1% of the total genome, or about 30 megabases of DNA. Though comprising a very small fraction of the genome, mutations in the exome are thought to harbor 85% of mutations that have a large effect on disease.","qid":183378,"docid":"5460937","rank":33,"score":12.340434074401855},{"content":"An exon is any part of a gene that codes for a part of the final mature RNA product of that gene after introns have been removed by RNA splicing.The term exon refers to both the DNA sequence within a gene and to the corresponding sequence in RNA transcripts.In RNA splicing, introns are removed and exons are covalently joined to one another as part of generating the mature messenger RNA.he term exon refers to both the DNA sequence within a gene and to the corresponding sequence in RNA transcripts.","qid":183378,"docid":"8570258","rank":34,"score":14.530078887939453},{"content":"Intron-RNA sequences between exons that are removed by splicing. Introns have been found in eukaryotic mRNA, tRNA and rRNA, as well as chloroplast, mitochondrial and a phage of E. coli.","qid":183378,"docid":"1678836","rank":35,"score":12.265946388244629},{"content":"1. Exons are coding areas whereas introns are non-coding areas. 2. An exon is termed as a nucleic acid sequence which is represented in the RNA molecule. Introns, on the other hand, are termed as nucleotide sequences seen within the genes which are removed through RNA splicing for generating a mature RNA molecule. 3.. Exons can be termed as DNA bases which are translated into mRNA. Introns are also DNA bases that are found in between exons. 6. Introns are very much common in the genome of higher vertebrates such as human beings and mice but unlikely to be seen in the genome of certain varieties of eukaryotic micro-organisms.","qid":183378,"docid":"4493914","rank":36,"score":13.107086181640625},{"content":"What is the difference between exons and introns? Quick Answer. An intron is a nucleotide sequence found within the genes and is removed via RNA splicing when a mature RNA molecule is being generated; on the other hand, an exon is a nucleic acid sequence present in a mature messenger RNA molecule.","qid":183378,"docid":"8794306","rank":37,"score":13.254730224609375},{"content":"Gene expression: The translation of information encoded in a gene into protein or RNA structures that are present and operating in the cell.","qid":183378,"docid":"4611128","rank":38,"score":12.44721508026123},{"content":"For other uses, see Exon (disambiguation). An exon is any part of a gene that will become a part of the final mature RNA produced by that gene after introns have been removed by RNA splicing. The term exon refers to both the DNA sequence within a gene and to the corresponding sequence in RNA transcripts. In RNA splicing, introns are removed and exons are covalently joined to one another as part of generating the mature messenger RNA.","qid":183378,"docid":"5534707","rank":39,"score":14.51999282836914},{"content":"Report Abuse. B. Exons mRNA is created from DNA during transcription and during translation mRNA is translated by tRNA and it yields a protein (protein synthesis). I forgot what rRNA does but it stands for ribosomal RNA and ribosomes are used in the production of proteins.Your Knight In Shining Armor \u00c2\u00b7 8 years ago. Thumbs up.est Answer: An exon exon is a nucleic acid sequence that is represented in the mature form of an RNA molecule, not transcribed from DNA.","qid":183378,"docid":"2352713","rank":40,"score":12.92957878112793},{"content":"Gene Distributions and Chromosome size. The average number of exons in human genes is about 8-10 and the mean value of 8.8 exons per gene. Exon lengths are distributed much more tightly (S.D.=192.23 - 396.79) than introns on each chromosome (see below).The average exon length is about 170bp.tarting with 26,564 genes, we filtered out 233,785 exons and 207,344 introns from the human genome. The results of exon (exons in the coding region) and intron (introns between the coding exons) distributions were tabulated for further analysis.","qid":183378,"docid":"4803850","rank":41,"score":12.567352294921875},{"content":"Introns and exons are parts of genes. exons code for proteins, whereas introns do not. Exons are parts of DNA that are converted into mature messenger RNA . The process by which DNA is used as a template to create mRNA is called transcription.","qid":183378,"docid":"7449751","rank":42,"score":13.68171501159668},{"content":"Such stretches of DNA, which get transcribed into RNA but not translated into protein, are called introns. Those stretches of DNA that do code for amino acids in the protein are called exons. Examples: 1 The gene for one type of collagen found in chickens is split into 52 separate exons. Step-by-step removal of introns present in the pre-mRNA and splicing of the remaining exons. 2 This step takes place as the pre-mRNA continues to emerge from Pol II. 3 Synthesis of the poly(A) tail. 4 This is a stretch of adenine (A) nucleotides.","qid":183378,"docid":"3093217","rank":43,"score":12.262985229492188},{"content":"intron. n. 1. (Genetics) biochem a stretch of DNA that interrupts a gene and does not contribute to the specification of a protein. Compare exon 2.","qid":183378,"docid":"1289494","rank":44,"score":12.880725860595703},{"content":"Exons vs Introns. Exons and introns are related to genes. An exon is termed as a nucleic acid sequence which is represented in the RNA molecule. Introns, on the other hand, are termed as nucleotide sequences seen within the genes which are removed through RNA splicing for generating a mature RNA molecule.. Exons are coding areas whereas introns are non-coding areas. 2. An exon is termed as a nucleic acid sequence which is represented in the RNA molecule. Introns, on the other hand, are termed as nucleotide sequences seen within the genes which are removed through RNA splicing for generating a mature RNA molecule. 3.","qid":183378,"docid":"8570260","rank":45,"score":13.143312454223633},{"content":"For the album by LCD Soundsystem, see Introns (album) . Representation of intron and exons within a simple gene containing a single intron. An intron is any nucleotide sequence within a gene that is removed by RNA splicing during maturation of the final RNA product.The term intron refers to both the DNA sequence within a gene and the corresponding sequence in RNA transcripts.Sequences that are joined together in the final mature RNA after RNA splicing are exons.or the album by LCD Soundsystem, see Introns (album) . Representation of intron and exons within a simple gene containing a single intron. An intron is any nucleotide sequence within a gene that is removed by RNA splicing during maturation of the final RNA product.","qid":183378,"docid":"8570255","rank":46,"score":12.720314025878906},{"content":"Exons, Introns, Codons, & their equivalents. Three common technical terms in molecular genetics, exon, intron, and codon, have specific technical definitions, but are often miss-used in hurried or short-hand presentations. The main thing to remember is that exon and introns are features of DNA, whereas codons are features of RNA.","qid":183378,"docid":"8794302","rank":47,"score":13.261129379272461},{"content":"Codons. Codon. (Science: molecular biology) The coding unit of dna that specifies the function of the corresponding messenger rna. a triplet of bases recognised by anticodons on transfer rna and hence specifying an amino acid to be incorporated into a protein sequence. The code is degenerate, i.e. Each amino acid has more than one codon. The stop codon determines the end of a polypeptide. Please contribute to this project, if you have more information about this term feel free to edit this page. This page was last modified on 3 October 2005, at 21:16.This page has been accessed 6,126 times.","qid":183378,"docid":"2085786","rank":48,"score":12.386784553527832},{"content":"An intron is a nucleotide sequence within a gene. It is a noncoding sequence. During the final maturation of the RNA product, the RNA removes it by splicing. 1 The term intron pertains to the DNA sequence within a gene as well as the corresponding sequence in the RNA transcripts. 2 It is used in contrast to the nucleotide sequences joined together in a mature RNA after splicing called exons.","qid":183378,"docid":"3867601","rank":49,"score":12.414666175842285},{"content":"1 Exons are expressing sequences within a pre-mRNA molecule that are spliced together once introns are removed to form mature mRNA molecules that are translated into proteins. Alternative splicing allows for the production of various protein isoforms from one single gene coding.","qid":183378,"docid":"6109461","rank":50,"score":12.929943084716797},{"content":"Best Answer: exons-DNA sequence that codes for either an RNA or a protein. introns-bits of 'noncoding' sequence that are within exons. Introns are transcribed, but then spiced out before the final mRNA is released.coding: any DNA sequence that is transcribed into a protein or functional RNA. non-coding: stretches of DNA that appear to have no function. this does not mean it's junk sequence, it just means that we don't know of the function.ntrons are transcribed, but then spiced out before the final mRNA is released. coding: any DNA sequence that is transcribed into a protein or functional RNA. non-coding: stretches of DNA that appear to have no function. this does not mean it's junk sequence, it just means that we don't know of the function.","qid":183378,"docid":"4493917","rank":51,"score":13.214548110961914},{"content":"Exon. any nucleotide sequence encoded by a gene that remains present within the final mature RNA product of that gene after introns have been removed by RNA splicing. The term exon refers to both the DNA sequence within a gene and to the corresponding... en\u00e2\u0080\u008b.wikipedia\u00e2\u0080\u008b.org\u00e2\u0080\u008b\/wiki\u00e2\u0080\u008b\/Exon.","qid":183378,"docid":"1289489","rank":52,"score":14.280616760253906},{"content":"Transcrition\/translation-Exons and introns. Description: In most eukaryotic genes, coding regions (exons) are interrupted by noncoding regions (introns). During transcription, the entire gene is copied into a pre-mRNA, which includes exons and introns.During the process of RNA splicing, introns are removed and exons joined to form a contiguous coding sequence.This mature mRNA is ready for translation.ranscrition\/translation-Exons and introns. Description: In most eukaryotic genes, coding regions (exons) are interrupted by noncoding regions (introns). During transcription, the entire gene is copied into a pre-mRNA, which includes exons and introns.","qid":183378,"docid":"3093215","rank":53,"score":12.510931968688965},{"content":"An exon is any part of a gene that codes for a part of the final mature RNA product of that gene after introns have been removed by RNA splicing.The term exon refers to both the DNA sequence within a gene and to the corresponding sequence in RNA transcripts.In RNA splicing, introns are removed and exons are covalently joined to one another as part of generating the mature messenger RNA.n exon is any part of a gene that codes for a part of the final mature RNA product of that gene after introns have been removed by RNA splicing.","qid":183378,"docid":"4803848","rank":54,"score":14.41593074798584},{"content":"Introns. Introns are sequences of nucleotides present in the genes between exons. These nucleotide sequences do not code for proteins, and that means introns are not immediately important for the process of protein synthesis. Exons are found at the two ends of a gene while introns are always found inside the gene. \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 When mutations take place, introns sometimes contribute nucleotides but usually not the other way around. \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 Both DNA and RNA contain introns and exons, but mature RNA only contain exons and not the introns.","qid":183378,"docid":"4493919","rank":55,"score":12.812387466430664},{"content":"Genes contain exons which are regions coding for proteins and which are interrupted by the unused sequences called introns. Exons have been found to include both sequences coding for amino acids and untranslated sequences. The introns are removed and the exons are joined together to form the final functional mRNA.","qid":183378,"docid":"7449750","rank":56,"score":13.583017349243164},{"content":"How Spliceosomes Process RNA. What is the purpose of introns? DNA is composed of sections known as exons and introns. The exons are the portions that eventually exit the nucleus in the form of mRNA and are used in translation. The introns are removed from the mRNA shortly after transcription. There are a number of hypotheses about the function of introns.","qid":183378,"docid":"7448291","rank":57,"score":12.717012405395508},{"content":"(molecular biology) A noncoding, intervening sequence of DNA within a gene that is transcribed into mRNA but is removed from the primary gene transcript and rapidly degraded during maturation of the RNA product. Supplement. An intron is a nucleotide sequence within a gene. It is a noncoding sequence.","qid":183378,"docid":"1865313","rank":58,"score":12.32748794555664},{"content":"Introns and exons are parts of genes. Exons code for proteins, whereas introns do not. A great way to remember this is by considering introns as intervening sequences and exons as expressed sequences. (1) According to researchers, there are an average of 8.8 exons and 7.8 introns per human gene.","qid":183378,"docid":"5534703","rank":59,"score":13.54288387298584},{"content":"Molecular Biology & DNA. Q: A: An intron is a nucleotide sequence found within the genes and is removed via RNA splicing when a mature RNA molecule is being generated; on the other hand, an exon is a nucleic acid sequence present in a mature messenger RNA molecule.","qid":183378,"docid":"8794304","rank":60,"score":12.796545028686523},{"content":"1. Exons are coding areas whereas introns are non-coding areas. 2. An exon is termed as a nucleic acid sequence which is represented in the RNA molecule. Introns, on the other hand, are termed as nucleotide sequences seen within the genes which are removed through RNA splicing for generating a mature RNA molecule. 3.","qid":183378,"docid":"3389581","rank":61,"score":13.042807579040527},{"content":"Many thousands of proteins may have arisen form only a few thousand exons because. -one gene can code for hundreds of different proteins. -an exon does not actually code of any meaningful information. -an exon may be used by many different genes.","qid":183378,"docid":"6548235","rank":62,"score":12.566258430480957},{"content":"Eukaryotic genes are split up into parts that are expressed as RNA products and parts that are not. The parts that are expressed are called exons. They appear in short sequences scattered throughout the gene. Exons are the parts of a eukaryotic gene that are expressed through transcription and translation.","qid":183378,"docid":"5817927","rank":63,"score":12.959280014038086},{"content":"In some genes, not all of the DNA sequence is used to make protein. Introns are noncoding sections of an RNA transcript, or the DNA encoding it, that are spliced out before the RNA molecule is translated into a protein. The sections of DNA (or RNA) that code for proteins are called exons.","qid":183378,"docid":"3389584","rank":64,"score":12.660229682922363},{"content":"A mRNA codon is a 3 base pair long part of the mRNA that codes for a specific amino acid in the ribosomes of a cell. Explanation: Cells make protein for many different reasons.","qid":183378,"docid":"931569","rank":65,"score":12.308343887329102},{"content":"Making the world better, one answer at a time. The difference between exons and introns is that exons are codes of proteins, while introns are not involved with the coding for proteins.aking the world better, one answer at a time. The difference between exons and introns is that exons are codes of proteins, while introns are not involved with the coding for proteins.","qid":183378,"docid":"4493921","rank":66,"score":13.409074783325195},{"content":"Intron. Definition. noun, plural: introns. (molecular biology) A noncoding, intervening sequence of DNA within a gene that is transcribed into mRNA but is removed from the primary gene transcript and rapidly degraded during maturation of the RNA product. Supplement. An intron is a nucleotide sequence within a gene.","qid":183378,"docid":"1865316","rank":67,"score":13.07654094696045},{"content":"Exon - RNA sequences in the primary transcript that are found in the mRNA. Intron - RNA sequences between exons that are removed by splicing. Introns have been found in eukaryotic mRNA, tRNA and rRNA, as well as chloroplast, mitochondrial and a phage of E. coli. Eubacteria are the only species in which introns have not been found.","qid":183378,"docid":"7449747","rank":68,"score":12.788880348205566},{"content":"Exons are the DNA sequences that code for proteins. Introns are involved however they dont carry the genetic information that exons carry, the variation provides for revolutio \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 nary flexibility allowing cells to shuffle exons between genes to make new ones.aking the world better, one answer at a time. The difference between exons and introns is that exons are codes of proteins, while introns are not involved with the coding for proteins.","qid":183378,"docid":"4493920","rank":69,"score":13.564020156860352},{"content":"Medical Definition of exon. : a polynucleotide sequence in a nucleic acid that codes information for protein synthesis and that is copied and spliced together with other such sequences to form messenger RNA\u00e2\u0080\u0094compare intron.","qid":183378,"docid":"7449752","rank":70,"score":14.43399429321289},{"content":"The 26,564 annotated genes in the human genome (build October, 2003) contain 233,785 exons and 207,344 introns. On average, there are 8.8 exons and 7.8 introns per gene. About 80% of the exons on each chromosome are r = 0.95 and r = 0.97, respectively. These results suggest their implication in genome design.tarting with 26,564 genes, we filtered out 233,785 exons and 207,344 introns from the human genome. The results of exon (exons in the coding region) and intron (introns between the coding exons) distributions were tabulated for further analysis.","qid":183378,"docid":"4803856","rank":71,"score":12.374889373779297},{"content":"5. Exons can be termed as DNA bases which are translated into mRNA. Introns are also DNA bases that are found in between exons. 6. Introns are very much common in the genome of higher vertebrates such as human beings and mice but unlikely to be seen in the genome of certain varieties of eukaryotic micro-organisms.. Exons can be termed as DNA bases which are translated into mRNA. Introns are also DNA bases that are found in between exons. 6. Introns are very much common in the genome of higher vertebrates such as human beings and mice but unlikely to be seen in the genome of certain varieties of eukaryotic micro-organisms.","qid":183378,"docid":"4493922","rank":72,"score":12.941829681396484},{"content":"Transcrition\/translation - Exons and introns. In most eukaryotic genes, coding regions (exons) are interrupted by noncoding regions (introns). During transcription, the entire gene is copied into a pre-mRNA, which includes exons and introns. During the process of RNA splicing, introns are removed and exons joined to form a contiguous coding sequence. This mature mRNA is ready for translation.","qid":183378,"docid":"4727418","rank":73,"score":12.365372657775879},{"content":"For other uses, see Exon (disambiguation) . An exon is any part of a gene that codes for a part of the final mature RNA product of that gene after introns have been removed by RNA splicing. The term exon refers to both the DNA sequence within a gene and to the corresponding sequence in RNA transcripts.In RNA splicing, introns are removed and exons are covalently joined to one another as part of generating the mature messenger RNA.he term exon refers to both the DNA sequence within a gene and to the corresponding sequence in RNA transcripts.","qid":183378,"docid":"8570257","rank":74,"score":14.576844215393066},{"content":"By the traditional definition, a gene is 'transcribed' into mRNA which is then 'translated' into a protein, which will produce the desired effect in an organism's cell. Some genes may contain instructions for the production of RNA that is not translated into a protein, such as tRNA, rRNA, miRNA and siRNA.","qid":183378,"docid":"2300823","rank":75,"score":12.422161102294922},{"content":"By the traditional definition, a gene is 'transcribed' into mRNA which is then 'translated' into a protein, which will produce the desired effect in an organism's cell. Some genes may contain instructions for the production of RNA that is not translated into a protein, such as tRNA, rRNA, miRNA and siRNA. Conclusion In essence, a gene is a section of a DNA molecule that has a unique and specific biological function.","qid":183378,"docid":"5712315","rank":76,"score":12.418607711791992},{"content":"Exons and introns are part of the mRNA. During transcription inside the nucleus, introns are removed from the mRNA because they are not coded to make a protein. Exons are then \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 joined together because that is the part required for translation.","qid":183378,"docid":"3389582","rank":77,"score":13.089317321777344},{"content":"Definition noun, plural: introns (molecular biology) A noncoding, intervening sequence of DNA within a gene that is transcribed into mRNA but is removed from the primary gene transcript and rapidly degraded during maturation of the RNA product","qid":183378,"docid":"3867603","rank":78,"score":13.003686904907227},{"content":"Description: In most eukaryotic genes, coding regions (exons) are interrupted by noncoding regions (introns). During transcription, the entire gene is copied into a pre-mRNA, which includes exons and introns. During the process of RNA splicing, introns are removed and exons joined to form a contiguous coding sequence.","qid":183378,"docid":"3389580","rank":79,"score":13.159613609313965},{"content":"Representation of intron and exons within a simple gene containing a single intron. An intron is any nucleotide sequence within a gene that is removed by RNA splicing during maturation of the final RNA product. The term intron refers to both the DNA sequence within a gene and the corresponding sequence in RNA transcripts.","qid":183378,"docid":"7952868","rank":80,"score":12.796955108642578},{"content":"intron noun A segment of a gene situated between exons that is removed before translation of messenger RNA and does not function in coding for protein synthesis.","qid":183378,"docid":"3867604","rank":81,"score":13.204118728637695},{"content":"Exons and introns are related to genes. An exon is termed as a nucleic acid sequence which is represented in the RNA molecule. Introns, on the other hand, are termed as nucleotide sequences seen within the genes which are removed through RNA splicing for generating a mature RNA molecule.","qid":183378,"docid":"3389578","rank":82,"score":12.916494369506836},{"content":"-an exon does not actually code of any meaningful information-an exon may be used by many different genes-there really is no difference between one protein and another","qid":183378,"docid":"6548233","rank":83,"score":13.173154830932617},{"content":"For other uses, see Exon (disambiguation) . An exon is any part of a gene that codes for a part of the final mature RNA product of that gene after introns have been removed by RNA splicing. The term exon refers to both the DNA sequence within a gene and to the corresponding sequence in RNA transcripts. In RNA splicing, introns are removed and exons are covalently joined to one another as part of generating the mature messenger RNA.","qid":183378,"docid":"1289497","rank":84,"score":14.680692672729492},{"content":"Exons (expressed sequences) contain the coding regions of the protein. Introns (interspersed sequences) are removed after transcription. In vertebrates usually only 5% of the gene is made up of exons. Below is pictured what the gene structure of a gene looks like on the NCBI website.","qid":183378,"docid":"3185607","rank":85,"score":13.197929382324219},{"content":"codon. A codon is a sequence of three DNA or RNA nucleotides that corresponds with a specific amino acid or stop signal during protein synthesis. DNA and RNA molecules are written in a language of four nucleotides; meanwhile, the language of proteins includes 20 amino acids.","qid":183378,"docid":"2455736","rank":86,"score":12.301153182983398},{"content":"cytosine, C - a base found in DNA and RNA and derived from pyrimidine; pairs with guanine. coding DNA, exon - sequence of a gene's DNA that transcribes into protein structures; exons are interspersed with introns. intron, noncoding DNA - sequence of a eukaryotic gene's DNA that is not translated into a protein.","qid":183378,"docid":"7678696","rank":87,"score":12.764033317565918},{"content":"Introns and exons are parts of genes. Exons code for proteins, whereas introns do not. A great way to remember this is by considering introns as intervening sequences and exons as expressed sequences. According to researchers, there are an average of 8.8 exons and 7.8 introns per human gene.","qid":183378,"docid":"5534711","rank":88,"score":13.554916381835938},{"content":"Exons. Exons are the nucleotide sequences of genes that are expressed, and those are found at either sides of an intron. In simple terms, it could be stated that exons really hit the ground in the expression of genes or in the protein synthesis.The polypeptide strand is formed based on the nucleotide sequence in exons. Exons are found at the two ends of a gene while introns are always found inside the gene. \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 When mutations take place, introns sometimes contribute nucleotides but usually not the other way around. \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 Both DNA and RNA contain introns and exons, but mature RNA only contain exons and not the introns.","qid":183378,"docid":"4493915","rank":89,"score":13.315563201904297},{"content":"By definition, exons and introns are sequences in a protein-coding gene region of a double-stranded DNA molecule (dsDNA) that are expressed as proteins, or intervening sequences not so expressed. The exon and intron sequences are typicallly visualized as the Sense Strand of the dsDNA, written 5'-3', left to right.","qid":183378,"docid":"8794308","rank":90,"score":13.733646392822266},{"content":"MRNA. Definition. noun. Abbreviated form for messenger ribonucleic acid, the type of RNA that codes for the chemical blueprint for a protein (during protein synthesis). Supplement. In prokaryotes, mRNA is produced by splicing a large primary transcript from a DNA sequence.","qid":183378,"docid":"4750469","rank":91,"score":12.343074798583984},{"content":"intron definition: an intervening sequence in the eukaryote genetic code, interrupting protein formationOrigin of introncoined (1978) by W. Gilbert, United States molecular biologist from intra- (because within the gene) + -on, as in operon...","qid":183378,"docid":"3867602","rank":92,"score":12.281719207763672},{"content":"The nucleic acid sequence in the DNA, or RNA transcript following genetic splicing. Supplement. Genes contain exons which are regions coding for proteins and which are interrupted by the unused sequences called introns. Exons have been found to include both sequences coding for amino acids and untranslated sequences. The introns are removed and the exons are joined together to form the final functional mRNA. Related forms: exonic (adjective). Compare: intron. See also: DNA, RNA, translation, mRNA, protein synthesis.","qid":183378,"docid":"1289496","rank":93,"score":13.740169525146484},{"content":"A: An intron is a nucleotide sequence found within the genes and is removed via RNA splicing when a mature RNA molecule is being generated; on the other hand, an exon is a nucleic acid sequence present in a mature messenger RNA molecule.","qid":183378,"docid":"8121375","rank":94,"score":13.014598846435547},{"content":"Transcrition\/translation - Exons and introns. Description: In most eukaryotic genes, coding regions (exons) are interrupted by noncoding regions (introns). During transcription, the entire gene is copied into a pre-mRNA, which includes exons and introns.","qid":183378,"docid":"4727412","rank":95,"score":12.681489944458008},{"content":"noun, plural: introns. (molecular biology) A noncoding, intervening sequence of DNA within a gene that is transcribed into mRNA but is removed from the primary gene transcript and rapidly degraded during maturation of the RNA product. Supplement. An intron is a nucleotide sequence within a gene.","qid":183378,"docid":"1865314","rank":96,"score":12.84677791595459},{"content":"Always happy to ask and answer questions. Exons are the coding regions which bear codons, each codon representing one amino acid. Thus exons are directly responsible for the amino acid sequence of the proteins. Introns are intervening sequences and bear no coding regions and cannot influence the protein sequence.efore the RNA leaves the nucleus, the introns are removed and the exons are joined together, producing an mRNA molecule with a continuous coding sequence. This process is cal \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 led RNA splicing.","qid":183378,"docid":"3093214","rank":97,"score":12.887199401855469},{"content":"The term \u00e2\u0080\u0098intron\u00e2\u0080\u0099 was derived from \u00e2\u0080\u0098intragenic region,\u00e2\u0080\u0099 a region inside a gene. Introns are also sometimes termed as intervening sequences. \u00e2\u0080\u0098Exon\u00e2\u0080\u0099 is a term that is derived from \u00e2\u0080\u0098expressed region.\u00e2\u0080\u0099 Walter Gilbert, an American biochemist, coined the term.. Exons can be termed as DNA bases which are translated into mRNA. Introns are also DNA bases that are found in between exons. 6. Introns are very much common in the genome of higher vertebrates such as human beings and mice but unlikely to be seen in the genome of certain varieties of eukaryotic micro-organisms.","qid":183378,"docid":"4493918","rank":98,"score":12.366090774536133},{"content":"Home \u00c2\u00bb Executor \u00c2\u00bb Exercise bone \u00c2\u00bb Exhibitions \u00c2\u00bb Exit domain \u00c2\u00bb Exons. coding regions of messenger rna included in the genetic transcript which survive the processing of rna in cell nuclei to become part of a spliced messenger of structural rna in the cytoplasm. They include joining and diversity of immunoglobulin genes.","qid":183378,"docid":"8794307","rank":99,"score":12.391977310180664},{"content":"Exons vs Introns. Exons and introns are related to genes. An exon is termed as a nucleic acid sequence which is represented in the RNA molecule. Introns, on the other hand, are termed as nucleotide sequences seen within the genes which are removed through RNA splicing for generating a mature RNA molecule.. Exons can be termed as DNA bases which are translated into mRNA. Introns are also DNA bases that are found in between exons. 6. Introns are very much common in the genome of higher vertebrates such as human beings and mice but unlikely to be seen in the genome of certain varieties of eukaryotic micro-organisms.","qid":183378,"docid":"4493913","rank":100,"score":13.320294380187988}]} {"query":"causes of left ventricular hypertrophy","hits":[{"content":"The last common cause of right ventricular hypertrophy is the ventricular septal defect. This is a disease affecting the ventricular septum. The ventricular septum, on the other hand, is the wall that divides the right and left ventricles of the heart. Symptoms of Right Ventricular Hypertrophy","qid":87181,"docid":"47210","rank":1,"score":13.339679718017578},{"content":"Treatment of Right Ventricular Hypertrophy The doctors of the patients with right ventricular hypertrophy addresses all the underlying causes of the disease to eventually treat it. The list of causes includes hypertension, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, hemochromatosis, and pulmonary blood clots, to name a few.","qid":87181,"docid":"47206","rank":2,"score":13.064964294433594},{"content":"(Page 2) The most common causes of right ventricle hypertrophy (RVH) are diseases that damage the lung like emphysema and cystic fibrosis. These diseases destroy blood vessels in the lung, causing increased pressure in the remaining vessels.","qid":87181,"docid":"7504775","rank":3,"score":13.036825180053711},{"content":"Patients who present with a thickened left ventricle are likely suffering from left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH). There are a few different causes of LVH. It is a strong indicator of potential coronary complications, and there is a strong correlation between certain types of LVH and morbidity and mortality.","qid":87181,"docid":"3216315","rank":4,"score":13.119043350219727},{"content":"The right ventricle is responsible for pumping blood towards the lungs. In the lungs, blood is mixed with oxygen and then pumped back to the left ventricle to be eventually distributed to the brain and to other parts of the body. There are several possible causes of hypertrophy in the right ventricular.","qid":87181,"docid":"2556149","rank":5,"score":12.53502082824707},{"content":"Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is thickening of the heart muscle of the left ventricle of the heart, that is, left-sided ventricular hypertrophy.","qid":87181,"docid":"2556144","rank":6,"score":13.101840019226074},{"content":"Often, the cause of the cardiomyopathy is unknown. In some people, however, doctors are able to identify some contributing factors. Possible causes of cardiomyopathy include: 1 Genetic conditions. 2 Long-term high blood pressure. 3 Heart tissue damage from a previous heart attack. 4 Chronic rapid heart rate. 5 Heart valve problems. 6 Metabolic disorders, such as obesity, thyroid disease or diabetes.","qid":87181,"docid":"4669118","rank":7,"score":12.764312744140625},{"content":"Left ventricular hypertrophy: Related Topics. These medical condition or symptom topics may be relevant to medical information for Left ventricular hypertrophy: 1 Ventricular hypertrophy. 2 Left. 3 Ventricular. 4 Hypertrophy. 5 Enlargement. 6 Ventricle. 7 Heart. 8 Heart symptoms (2927 causes). 9 Heart disease (106 causes). 10 Heart disorder.","qid":87181,"docid":"7666831","rank":8,"score":13.623122215270996},{"content":"The ventricles are the chambers in the heart responsible for pumping blood either to the lungs (right ventricle) or to the rest of the body (left ventricle). Ventricular hypertrophy may be divided into two categories: concentric (maladaptive) hypertrophy and eccentric (adaptive) hypertrophy.","qid":87181,"docid":"47208","rank":9,"score":12.838882446289062},{"content":"High blood pressure can cause the left ventricle to enlarge, causing the heart muscle eventually to weaken. High blood pressure may also enlarge the upper chambers of your heart (atria). 1 Heart valve disease.","qid":87181,"docid":"2528292","rank":10,"score":12.600250244140625},{"content":"However, high blood pressure, or hypertension, is the most common cause by far. Higher pressures within blood vessels put a strain on the ventricle, making it difficult to satisfy the body's needs. Also, narrowing of the aortic valve, or stenosis, obstructs blood flow from the left ventricle. In patients with HCM, the ventricle can become thick and stiff, which adds extra strain on the heart.","qid":87181,"docid":"3216319","rank":11,"score":12.523039817810059},{"content":"The cause of cardiomyopathy, a thickening or enlarging of the heart muscle, may depend on the type: 1 Dilated cardiomyopathy. 2 The cause of this most common type of cardiomyopathy often is unknown. 3 It may be caused by reduced blood flow to the heart (ischemic heart disease), infections, toxins and certain drugs.","qid":87181,"docid":"2134019","rank":12,"score":12.564435005187988},{"content":"In the other types, the muscular left ventricle becomes very thick. High blood pressure may cause your left ventricle to enlarge (a type known as hypertrophy). The thickening (which doctors call hypertrophic cardiomyopathy) can also be inherited. An enlarged heart keeps more of its pumping ability when it's thick rather than thin. Causes","qid":87181,"docid":"8165401","rank":13,"score":13.292691230773926},{"content":"Left ventricular hypertrophy that is caused by aortic valve stenosis might require surgery to repair the narrow valve or to replace it with an artificial or tissue valve. Request an Appointment at Mayo Clinic","qid":87181,"docid":"8151926","rank":14,"score":12.539628982543945},{"content":"The cause is frequently unknown. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is often and dilated cardiomyopathy in a third of cases, is inherited from a person's parents. Dilated cardiomyopathy may also result from alcohol, heavy metals, coronary heart disease, cocaine use, and viral infections.","qid":87181,"docid":"76523","rank":15,"score":12.768526077270508},{"content":"Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy may occur when heart muscle becomes thick. Diseases that may affect the pulmonary, aortic, tricuspid, and mitral valves of the heart may include stenosis and poor valve function. Smoking and drinking in excess may increase a person's risk of heart disease.","qid":87181,"docid":"8636305","rank":16,"score":12.565950393676758},{"content":"See the Mayo Clinic webpage Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH). It\u00e2\u0080\u0099s the thickening of the muscle of the left ventricle, usually because pumping against a higher resistance (hypertension, aortic valve defects) or as part of a hereditary heart muscle disease (hypertrophic cardiomyopathy). It\u00e2\u0080\u0099s correlated with more heart failure, more heart attacks, more deaths.","qid":87181,"docid":"8534130","rank":17,"score":13.181354522705078},{"content":"Left ventricular hypertrophy usually develops gradually. You may experience no signs or symptoms, especially during the early stages of the condition. As left ventricular hypertrophy progresses, you may experience: 1 Shortness of breath. 2 Fatigue. 3 Chest pain, often after exercising. 4 Sensation of rapid, fluttering or pounding heartbeats (palpitations). 5 Dizziness or fainting.","qid":87181,"docid":"7666828","rank":18,"score":12.668540000915527},{"content":"Left ventricular hypertrophy is thought to be the leading cause of sudden cardiac death in the adult population. This is most commonly the result of longstanding high blood pressure which has caused secondary damage to the wall of the main pumping chamber of the heart, the left ventricle.","qid":87181,"docid":"8565420","rank":19,"score":13.357211112976074},{"content":"Heart-Healthy Living. Subscribe to our Heart-Healthy Living e-newsletter to stay up to date on heart-health topics. Left ventricular hypertrophy is enlargement and thickening (hypertrophy) of the walls of your heart's main pumping chamber (left ventricle).","qid":87181,"docid":"4689524","rank":20,"score":13.00698184967041},{"content":"The underlying commonality in these disease states is an increase in pressures that the ventricles experience. For example, in tetralogy of Fallot, the right ventricle is exposed to the high pressures of the left heart due to a defect in the septum; as a result the right ventricle undergoes hypertrophy to compensate for these increased pressures.","qid":87181,"docid":"47204","rank":21,"score":12.612496376037598},{"content":"Over time, this can cause the heart muscle to thicken. As the heart pumps against elevated pressure in the blood vessels, the left ventricle becomes enlarged and the amount of blood pumped by the heart each minute (cardiac output) goes down, a condition called left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH). Without treatment, this can lead to heart failure.","qid":87181,"docid":"5469038","rank":22,"score":12.752647399902344},{"content":"asymmetric septal hypertrophy. Also called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, asymmetric septal hypertrophy is a condition that occurs when heart muscles cells enlarge, causing the walls of the lower heart chambers (typically the left ventricle) to become thick and stiff.symmetric septal hypertrophy. Also called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, asymmetric septal hypertrophy is a condition that occurs when heart muscles cells enlarge, causing the walls of the lower heart chambers (typically the left ventricle) to become thick and stiff.","qid":87181,"docid":"5103077","rank":23,"score":12.578577995300293},{"content":"Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy usually is inherited. It\u00e2\u0080\u0099s caused by a mutation or change in some of the genes in heart muscle proteins. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy also can develop over time because of high blood pressure, aging, or other diseases, such as diabetes or thyroid disease. Sometimes the cause of the disease isn\u00e2\u0080\u0099t known.","qid":87181,"docid":"172170","rank":24,"score":12.892341613769531},{"content":"In this condition, the walls of the left and\/or right ventricles of the heart become thin and stretched. The result is an enlarged heart. In the other types of cardiomegaly, the heart's large muscular left ventricle becomes abnormally thick. Hypertrophy is usually what causes left ventricular enlargement.","qid":87181,"docid":"7057928","rank":25,"score":13.044187545776367},{"content":"An enlarged left ventricle is usually due to either cardiomyopathy (a weakening of the heart muscle) or valvular heart disease. Valve disease is usually treated by correcting the underlying valve problem (initially with medicines, often later with surgery). The most common cause of an enlarged left ventricle is cardiomyopathy. Initial treatment is with medications, such as diuretics, digitalis, vasodilators (ACE inhibitors and\/or ARB inhibitors), and beta blockers, such as carvedilol (Coreg) or metoprolol (Lopressor, Toprol XL).","qid":87181,"docid":"3363613","rank":26,"score":12.635126113891602},{"content":"MI, heart failure, renal failure,strokes, impaired vision, hypertrophy of left ventricle. Hypertension can result from increases in cardiac output or peripheral resistance. increases in cardiac output are often related to expansion of blood volume. suggested causes of hypertension.","qid":87181,"docid":"5758954","rank":27,"score":12.668547630310059},{"content":"In this condition, the walls of both the left and right side of the heart (ventricles) become thin and stretched. The result is an enlarged heart. In the other types of cardiomegaly, the heart's large muscular left ventricle becomes abnormally thick. Hypertrophy is usually what causes left ventricular enlargement.","qid":87181,"docid":"8522403","rank":28,"score":12.878561019897461},{"content":"Left ventricular hypertrophy may cause or facilitate many cardiac complications of hypertension, including congestive heart failure, ventricular arrhythmias, myocardial ischemia, and sudden death. Left ventricular diastolic dysfunction, which may present with all of the symptoms and signs of congestive heart failure, is common in patients with long-standing hypertension.","qid":87181,"docid":"2530252","rank":29,"score":12.975765228271484},{"content":"The enlarged left ventricle can: Weaken; Stiffen and lose elasticity, preventing the chamber from filling properly and increasing pressure in the heart; Compress the chamber's blood vessels (coronary arteries) and restrict its supply of blood; As a result of these changes, complications of left ventricular hypertrophy include:","qid":87181,"docid":"8165404","rank":30,"score":13.009364128112793},{"content":"The cause of cardiomyopathy, a thickening or enlarging of the heart muscle, may depend on the type: Dilated cardiomyopathy. The cause of this most common type of cardiomyopathy often is unknown. It may be caused by reduced blood flow to the heart (ischemic heart disease), infections, toxins and certain drugs. It also may be inherited from a parent. It usually enlarges (dilates) the left ventricle.","qid":87181,"docid":"229431","rank":31,"score":12.591257095336914},{"content":"Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy happens when the heart muscle enlarges and thickens without an obvious cause. Usually the ventricles, the lower chambers of the heart, and septum (the wall that separates the left and right side of the heart) thicken.","qid":87181,"docid":"1401430","rank":32,"score":13.032732009887695},{"content":"Left ventricular hypertrophy is a thickening of the wall of the heart's main pumping chamber. This thickening may result in elevation of pressure within the heart and sometimes poor pumping action. The most common cause is high blood pressure.","qid":87181,"docid":"6484576","rank":33,"score":14.106487274169922},{"content":"Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, the second most common form of cardiomyopathy, causes a thickening of the heart's walls. Most often, it is an inherited disease, but sometimes the cause is not clear. It can affect people of all ages.","qid":87181,"docid":"1904338","rank":34,"score":12.764239311218262},{"content":"Left Ventricular Hypertrophy or LVH is a term for a heart?s left pumping chamber that has thickened and may not be pumping efficiently. Learn symptoms and more.","qid":87181,"docid":"1766470","rank":35,"score":12.807506561279297},{"content":"Left ventricular hypertrophy is enlargement and thickening (hypertrophy) of the walls of your heart's main pumping chamber (left ventricle). Left ventricular hypertrophy can develop in response to some factor \u00e2\u0080\u0094 such as high blood pressure or a heart condition \u00e2\u0080\u0094 that causes the left ventricle to work harder. As the workload increases, the muscle tissue in the chamber wall thickens, and sometimes the size of the chamber itself also increases.","qid":87181,"docid":"6484575","rank":36,"score":13.813604354858398},{"content":"Ventricular hypertrophy is thickening of the walls of a ventricle of the heart. Although left ventricular hypertrophy is more common, right ventricular hypertrophy, as well as concurrent hypertrophy of both ventricles can also occur. Ventricular hypertrophy can result from a variety of conditions, both adaptive and maladaptive. For example, it occurs in what is regarded as a physiologic, adaptive process in pregnancy in response to increased blood volume; but can also occur as a consequence of v","qid":87181,"docid":"47207","rank":37,"score":12.567386627197266},{"content":"Ventricular hypertrophy can be part of various syndromes caused by any of various underlying diseases. For example, it can be a part of ventricular remodeling in consequence of ischemic heart disease or a component of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in the absence of ischemia.","qid":87181,"docid":"6484577","rank":38,"score":13.536951065063477},{"content":"Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a complex type of heart disease that affects the heart muscle. It causes thickening of the heart muscle (especially the ventricles, or lower heart chambers), left ventricular stiffness, mitral valve changes and cellular changes.tiffness in the left ventricle occurs as a result of cellular changes that occur in the heart muscle when it thickens. The left ventricle is unable to relax normally and fill with blood. Since there is less blood at the end of filling, there is less oxygen-rich blood pumped to the organs and muscles.","qid":87181,"docid":"8037179","rank":39,"score":12.71927261352539},{"content":"Often, the cause of the cardiomyopathy is unknown. In some people, however, doctors are able to identify some contributing factors. Possible causes of cardiomyopathy include: 1 Genetic conditions. 2 Long-term high blood pressure. Heart tissue damage from a previous heart attack.","qid":87181,"docid":"2308252","rank":40,"score":12.771480560302734},{"content":"Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is a condition in which the muscle wall of heart\u00e2\u0080\u0099s left pumping chamber (ventricle) becomes thickened (hypertrophy). Learn more about symptoms, diagnosing and treatment options from the experts at Cleveland Clinic.","qid":87181,"docid":"8664069","rank":41,"score":13.011913299560547},{"content":"Left ventricular hypertrophy is more common in people who have uncontrolled high blood pressure. But no matter what your blood pressure is, developing left ventricular hypertrophy puts you at higher risk for a heart attack and stroke. Treating high blood pressure can help ease your symptoms and may reverse left ventricular hypertrophy.","qid":87181,"docid":"4689525","rank":42,"score":13.179764747619629},{"content":"Ventricular hypertrophy (VH) is thickening of the walls of a ventricle (lower chamber) of the heart. Although left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is more common, right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH), as well as concurrent hypertrophy of both ventricles can also occur.","qid":87181,"docid":"47211","rank":43,"score":12.998943328857422},{"content":"The cause of hypertensive heart disease is chronically elevated blood pressure (BP); however, the causes of elevated BP are diverse. Essential hypertension accounts for 90% of cases of hypertension in adults. Secondary causes of hypertension account for the remaining 10% of cases of chronically elevated BP.","qid":87181,"docid":"1129073","rank":44,"score":12.51723861694336},{"content":"Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. This type involves abnormal thickening of your heart muscle, particularly affecting the muscle of your heart's main pumping chamber (left ventricle).The thickened heart muscle can make it harder for the heart to pump blood. Iron buildup in your heart muscle (hemochromatosis). 2 A condition that causes inflammation and can cause lumps of cells to grow in the heart and other organs (sarcoidosis). 3 A disorder that causes the buildup of abnormal proteins (amyloidosis).","qid":87181,"docid":"8037180","rank":45,"score":12.563645362854004},{"content":"Causes of Right Ventricular Hypertrophy. There are four usual causes of right ventricular hypertrophy. The first one is pulmonary hypertension. As stated earlier, pulmonary hypertension is a condition wherein the blood pressure increases in the pulmonary artery. And this can lead to shortness of breath, dizziness and fainting.","qid":87181,"docid":"47203","rank":46,"score":13.547239303588867},{"content":"Often, the cause of the cardiomyopathy is unknown. In some people, however, doctors are able to identify some contributing factors. Possible causes of cardiomyopathy include: Genetic conditions. Long-term high blood pressure. Heart tissue damage from a previous heart attack. Chronic rapid heart rate. Heart valve problems.","qid":87181,"docid":"8364626","rank":47,"score":12.68240737915039},{"content":"High blood pressure can cause the left ventricle to enlarge, causing the heart muscle eventually to weaken. High blood pressure may also enlarge the upper chambers of your heart (atria).","qid":87181,"docid":"2528295","rank":48,"score":12.507198333740234},{"content":"Right ventricular hypertrophy. Description, Causes and Risk Factors: Abbreviation: RVH. Right ventricular hypertrophy is the increase or the enlargement in the size of the right ventricle of the heart. The right ventricle is responsible for pumping blood towards the lungs. In the lungs, blood is mixed with oxygen and then pumped back to the left ventricle to be eventually distributed to the brain and to other parts of the body. There are several possible causes of right ventricular hypertrophy.","qid":87181,"docid":"5197130","rank":49,"score":12.71651840209961},{"content":"Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy usually is inherited. It\u00e2\u0080\u0099s caused by a mutation or change in some of the genes in heart muscle proteins. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy also can develop over time because of high blood pressure, aging, or other diseases, such as diabetes or thyroid disease.","qid":87181,"docid":"2026711","rank":50,"score":12.792454719543457},{"content":"Heart hypertrophy is a condition where the muscular wall of the heart becomes thickened. The heart wall is a muscle. It can thicken as a result of high blood pressure do to the heart having to pump against a higher blood pressure or it can thicken due to valvular problems especially when the aortic valve is narrowed.","qid":87181,"docid":"1950524","rank":51,"score":12.698710441589355},{"content":"Left ventricular hypertrophy can develop in response to some factor \u00e2\u0080\u0094 such as high blood pressure or a heart condition \u00e2\u0080\u0094 that causes the left ventricle to work harder. As the workload increases, the muscle tissue in the chamber wall thickens, and sometimes the size of the chamber itself also increases.","qid":87181,"docid":"4689523","rank":52,"score":13.534919738769531},{"content":"Description of Right ventricular hypertrophy. Right ventricular hypertrophy: Enlargement of the right ventricle of the heart. This increase in ventricular mass is often attributed to pulmonary hypertension and is a contributor to cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Source: Diseases Database.","qid":87181,"docid":"5197136","rank":53,"score":12.588913917541504},{"content":"Ventricular hypertrophy is the thickening of the ventricular walls (lower chambers) in the heart. Although left ventricular hypertrophy is more common, enlargement can also occur in the right ventricle, or both ventricles. 1 Physiology.","qid":87181,"docid":"8332551","rank":54,"score":13.209775924682617},{"content":"A. there are several explanations for the enlargement of the heart that occurs due to Aortic stenosis. the most reasonable is that the mechanical power that the heart uses makes it bigger. this is called Left Ventricular Hypertrophy or LVH in abbreviations. this is a classic LVH E.C.G.","qid":87181,"docid":"7586365","rank":55,"score":12.823009490966797},{"content":"Some of the main causes of Cardiomegaly are. 1 High Blood Pressure. 2 Congestive Heart Failure. 3 Hypertensive Heart Disease. 4 Connective Tissue Disease.","qid":87181,"docid":"1961305","rank":56,"score":12.526958465576172},{"content":"A , Cardiology (Cardiovascular Disease), answered. Heart hypertrophy, also known as cardiac hypertrophy or a thickened heart, means that the muscle of the heart has thickened. One common cause is high blood pressure, which forces the heart to pump harder. This causes the heart muscle to become thicker and stiffer. Dr. Oz explains heart hypertrophy in this video.","qid":87181,"docid":"1950531","rank":57,"score":13.05296516418457},{"content":"Unhealthy cardiac hypertrophy (pathological hypertrophy) is the response to stress or disease such as hypertension, heart muscle injury (myocardial infarction), heart failure or neurohormones. Valvular heart disease is another cause of pathological hypertrophy.","qid":87181,"docid":"8332550","rank":58,"score":12.959486961364746},{"content":"If there is true LVH, causes can be from highly trained exercise, from obstruction of the outflow of the left side of the heart, or from a disease called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, a genetic abnormality of the heart muscle. If he is otherwise normal, the likelihood of true LVH is low. Discussion is closed.","qid":87181,"docid":"8534129","rank":59,"score":12.989148139953613},{"content":"Definition and Etiology. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is defined as hypertrophy of the myocardium more than 1.5 cm, without an identifiable cause (Figure 1). Other causes of left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy, such as long-standing hypertension, amyloidosis, and aortic stenosis must first be excluded before HCM can be diagnosed.","qid":87181,"docid":"4786305","rank":60,"score":13.151912689208984},{"content":"While ventricular hypertrophy occurs naturally as a reaction to aerobic exercise and strength training, it is most frequently referred to as a pathological reaction to cardiovascular disease, or high blood pressure. It is one aspect of ventricular remodeling.","qid":87181,"docid":"6521367","rank":61,"score":13.34746265411377},{"content":"By Mayo Clinic Staff. Left ventricular hypertrophy can occur when some factor makes your heart work harder than normal to pump blood to your body. Factors that can cause your heart to work harder include: High blood pressure (hypertension). This is the most common cause of left ventricular hypertrophy. More than one-third of people show evidence of left ventricular hypertrophy at the time of their diagnosis with hypertension.","qid":87181,"docid":"8332546","rank":62,"score":14.186774253845215},{"content":"Often, the cause of the cardiomyopathy is unknown. In some people, however, doctors are able to identify some contributing factors. Possible causes of cardiomyopathy include: Genetic conditions. Long-term high blood pressure. Heart tissue damage from a previous heart attack. Chronic rapid heart rate.","qid":87181,"docid":"1211183","rank":63,"score":12.667497634887695},{"content":"Overview. The cause of hypertensive heart disease is chronically elevated blood pressure (BP); however, the causes of elevated BP are diverse. Essential hypertension accounts for 90% of cases of hypertension in adults. Secondary causes of hypertension account for the remaining 10% of cases of chronically elevated BP.tiology. The etiology of hypertensive heart disease is a complex interplay of various hemodynamic, structural, neuroendocrine, cellular, and molecular factors. These factors play integral roles in the development of hypertension and its complications; however, elevated BP itself can modulate these factors.","qid":87181,"docid":"1179098","rank":64,"score":12.523778915405273},{"content":"Left ventricular hypertrophy can occur as an inborn disease in infants and children, due to an underlying condition known as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy or HCM is a hereditary disease that involves an inborn abnormality of the cardiac muscles.","qid":87181,"docid":"8683183","rank":65,"score":13.154016494750977},{"content":"Left ventricular hypertrophy that is caused by aortic valve stenosis might require surgery to repair the narrow valve or to replace it with an artificial or tissue valve. 1 Tests and diagnosis. 2 Lifestyle and home remedies.","qid":87181,"docid":"2556151","rank":66,"score":13.480483055114746},{"content":"The most common causes of an enlarged heart are blockages in the heart's blood supply (coronary artery disease) and high blood pressure. An enlarged heart can have many other causes, including: Viral infection of the heart.","qid":87181,"docid":"8683182","rank":67,"score":12.518449783325195},{"content":"While ventricular hypertrophy occurs naturally as a reaction to aerobic exercise and strength training, it is most frequently referred to as a pathological reaction to cardiovascular disease, or high blood pressure. It is one aspect of ventricular remodeling. While LVH itself is not a disease, it is usually a marker for disease involving the heart.","qid":87181,"docid":"2556153","rank":68,"score":13.259729385375977},{"content":"The last common cause of right ventricular hypertrophy is the ventricular septal defect. This is a disease affecting the ventricular septum. The ventricular septum, on the other hand, is the wall that divides the right and left ventricles of the heart.","qid":87181,"docid":"5197133","rank":69,"score":13.528586387634277},{"content":"The cause of cardiomyopathy, a thickening or enlarging of the heart muscle, may depend on the type: 1 Dilated cardiomyopathy. 2 The cause of this most common type of cardiomyopathy often is unknown. 3 It may be caused by reduced blood flow to the heart (ischemic heart disease), infections, toxins and certain drugs. The cause of this most common type of cardiomyopathy often is unknown. 2 It may be caused by reduced blood flow to the heart (ischemic heart disease), infections, toxins and certain drugs. 3 It also may be inherited from a parent. 4 It usually enlarges (dilates) the left ventricle.","qid":87181,"docid":"8340669","rank":70,"score":12.540426254272461},{"content":"Often, the cause of the cardiomyopathy is unknown. In some people, however, doctors are able to identify some contributing factors. Possible causes of cardiomyopathy include: 1 Genetic conditions. 2 Long-term high blood pressure. 3 Heart tissue damage from a previous heart attack.4 Chronic rapid heart rate.5 Heart valve problems. 6 Metabolic disorders, such as obesity, thyroid disease or diabetes.n some people, however, doctors are able to identify some contributing factors. Possible causes of cardiomyopathy include: 1 Genetic conditions. 2 Long-term high blood pressure. 3 Heart tissue damage from a previous heart attack. 4 Chronic rapid heart rate.","qid":87181,"docid":"1054969","rank":71,"score":12.600236892700195},{"content":"The cause of hypertensive heart disease is chronically elevated blood pressure (BP); however, the causes of elevated BP are diverse. Essential hypertension accounts for 90% of cases of hypertension in adults.Secondary causes of hypertension account for the remaining 10% of cases of chronically elevated BP.tiology. The etiology of hypertensive heart disease is a complex interplay of various hemodynamic, structural, neuroendocrine, cellular, and molecular factors. These factors play integral roles in the development of hypertension and its complications; however, elevated BP itself can modulate these factors.","qid":87181,"docid":"1179099","rank":72,"score":12.550187110900879},{"content":"Chamber Hypertrophy and Enlargment. In hypertrophy the heart muscle becomes thicker. This can have different causes. Left ventricular hypertrophy results from an increase in left ventricular workload, e.g., during hypertension or aortic valve stenosis. Right ventricular hypertrophy results from an increase in right ventricular workload, e.g., emphysema or pulmonary embolization. These causes are fundamentally different from hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (HCM), which is a congenital misalignment of cardiomyocytes, resulting in hypertrophy.","qid":87181,"docid":"2986227","rank":73,"score":13.624659538269043},{"content":"Hypertensive heart disease is the No. 1 cause of death associated with high blood pressure. It refers to a group of disorders that includes heart failure, ischemic heart disease, hypertensive heart disease, and left ventricular hypertrophy (excessive thickening of the heart muscle).ypertensive heart disease is the No. 1 cause of death associated with high blood pressure. It refers to a group of disorders that includes heart failure, ischemic heart disease, hypertensive heart disease, and left ventricular hypertrophy (excessive thickening of the heart muscle).","qid":87181,"docid":"6262331","rank":74,"score":12.529754638671875},{"content":"Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is usually caused by abnormal genes (gene mutations) that cause the heart muscle to grow abnormally thick. People with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy also have an abnormal arrangement of heart muscle cells, a condition known as myofiber disarray.ymptoms. Signs and symptoms of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy may include one or more of the following: 1 Shortness of breath, especially during exercise. 2 Chest pain, especially during exercise.","qid":87181,"docid":"6222597","rank":75,"score":12.634061813354492},{"content":"Symptoms. Left ventricular hypertrophy usually develops gradually. You may experience no signs or symptoms, especially during the early stages of the condition. As left ventricular hypertrophy progresses, you may experience: Shortness of breath; Fatigue; Chest pain, often after exercising; Sensation of rapid, fluttering or pounding heartbeats (palpitations)","qid":87181,"docid":"8165403","rank":76,"score":12.81637954711914},{"content":"Lifestyle changes can help lower your blood pressure and improve left ventricular hypertrophy signs. Consider: Weight loss. Left ventricular hypertrophy is often found in obese people regardless of blood pressure. Losing weight has been shown to reverse left ventricular hypertrophy. Limiting salt in your diet.","qid":87181,"docid":"8151921","rank":77,"score":12.905258178710938},{"content":"Ventricular hypertrophy. Ventricular hypertrophy (VH) is thickening of the walls of a ventricle (lower chamber) of the heart. Although left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is more common, right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH) can also occur, as can hypertrophy of both ventricles, that is, biventricular hypertrophy (BVH).","qid":87181,"docid":"6484578","rank":78,"score":12.916585922241211},{"content":"As was described above, left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is abnormal thickening of the heart muscle. However, it is important to put this in context of the rest of the history and examination, and why the ECG was obtained in the first place; the ECG result should not be taken by itself.","qid":87181,"docid":"8534133","rank":79,"score":12.859477996826172},{"content":"The treatment for left ventricular hypertrophy depends on the cause of the condition. Doctors will aim to eliminate the cause of the heart\u00e2\u0080\u0099s enlargement in order to normalize the heart\u00e2\u0080\u0099s efforts and prevent incapacitation of the heart muscles.","qid":87181,"docid":"8683178","rank":80,"score":13.433097839355469},{"content":"Hypertrophic heart disease is the abnormal thickening of the walls of the left ventricle. This can be congenital, related to valvular heart disease, autoimmune, or, most commonly, related to elevated blood pressure. The hypertrophy initially causes diastolic abnormalities. Because the thickened heart muscle is not as compliant as normal, the pressure inside the left ventricle may become elevated, and blood can back-up in the lungs.","qid":87181,"docid":"1950532","rank":81,"score":13.212638854980469},{"content":"Ventricular hypertrophy. Ventricular hypertrophy (VH) is thickening of the walls of a ventricle (lower chamber) of the heart.[1][2] Although left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is more common, right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH), as well as concurrent hypertrophy of both ventricles can also occur.","qid":87181,"docid":"47212","rank":82,"score":12.876590728759766},{"content":"In this condition, the walls of both the left and right side of the heart (ventricles) become thin and stretched. The result is an enlarged heart. In the other types of cardiomegaly, the heart's large muscular left ventricle becomes abnormally thick. Hypertrophy is the usually what causes left ventricular enlargement. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is typically an inherited condition.","qid":87181,"docid":"2307979","rank":83,"score":13.037698745727539},{"content":"Several underlying conditions can contribute to or influence the enlargement of the heart muscle in the left ventricle. Hypertension is the most common cause, setting the stage for left ventricular hypertrophy once a person\u00e2\u0080\u0099s blood pressure exceeds the normal level of 140\/90 mm Hg. Aside from hypertension, the condition known as aortic valve stenosis is also a common cause of the hypertrophic changes in the heart.","qid":87181,"docid":"8683185","rank":84,"score":14.087886810302734},{"content":"Often, the cause of the cardiomyopathy is unknown. In some people, however, doctors are able to identify some contributing factors. Possible causes of cardiomyopathy include: 1 Genetic conditions. 2 Long-term high blood pressure. 3 Heart tissue damage from a previous heart attack. 4 Chronic rapid heart rate.","qid":87181,"docid":"2011004","rank":85,"score":12.772333145141602},{"content":"Hypertensive heart disease refers to heart conditions caused by high blood pressure. The heart working under increased pressure causes some different heart disorders. Hypertensive heart disease includes heart failure, thickening of the heart muscle, coronary artery disease, and other conditions.","qid":87181,"docid":"6764783","rank":86,"score":12.542603492736816},{"content":"Examples include muscle hypertrophy due to lifting weights, ventricular hypertrophy (enlargement of a ventricle of the heart) due to high blood pressure or other heart disorders, or prostatic hypertrophy (enlargement of a man's prostate gland). ...Read more. Dr. Jeffrey Webber Dr. Webber.","qid":87181,"docid":"5197137","rank":87,"score":13.671579360961914},{"content":"The diagram shows a healthy heart (left) and one suffering from ventricular hypertrophy (right). The ventricles are the chambers in the heart responsible for pumping blood either to the lungs (right ventricle) or to the rest of the body (left ventricle).","qid":87181,"docid":"8332554","rank":88,"score":12.692456245422363},{"content":"What is Left Ventricular Hypertrophy? Left ventricular hypertrophy is a disorder of the heart involving the enlargement or thickening of the wall of cardiac muscle situated in the chamber of the heart known as the left ventricle.","qid":87181,"docid":"8683181","rank":89,"score":13.649825096130371},{"content":"Patient Information. Left Ventricular Hypertrophy on ECG. Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) means that the muscle of the left pumping chamber of the heart (left ventricle) is thickened. The left ventricle's job is to pump blood to the body, and conditions that increase the work the left ventricle has to do can lead to thickening of the muscle.","qid":87181,"docid":"8534135","rank":90,"score":12.981210708618164},{"content":"For French schools abbreviated LVH, see Lyc\u00c3\u00a9e Victor Hugo. Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is thickening of the heart muscle of the left ventricle of the heart, that is, left-sided ventricular hypertrophy.","qid":87181,"docid":"6521360","rank":91,"score":12.844696044921875},{"content":"Glossary of Terms. Cardiac Hypertrophy. Cardiac hypertrophy is a thickening of the heart muscle (myocardium) which results in a decrease in size of the chamber of the heart, including the left and right ventricles. A common cause of cardiac hypertrophy is high blood pressure (hypertension) and heart valve stenosis.","qid":87181,"docid":"4639455","rank":92,"score":13.848323822021484},{"content":"Factors that can cause your heart to work harder include: 1 High blood pressure (hypertension). This is the most common cause of left ventricular hypertrophy. More than one-third of people show evidence of left ventricular hypertrophy at the time of their diagnosis with hypertension. Aortic valve stenosis.","qid":87181,"docid":"8332547","rank":93,"score":13.63930606842041},{"content":"Medical conditions that can cause the left ventricle to become weak and eventually fail include: 1 Coronary artery disease. 2 Cardiomyopathy. 3 Heart valve problems. High blood pressure (hypertension).","qid":87181,"docid":"7898244","rank":94,"score":12.637646675109863},{"content":"In the other types of cardiomegaly, the heart's large muscular left ventricle becomes abnormally thick. Hypertrophy is usually what causes left ventricular enlargement. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is typically an inherited condition. There are many techniques and tests used to diagnose an enlarged heart.","qid":87181,"docid":"6969187","rank":95,"score":13.165151596069336},{"content":"Left ventricular hypertrophy can occur when some factor makes your heart work harder than normal to pump blood to your body. Factors that can cause your heart to work harder include: High blood pressure (hypertension). This is the most common cause of left ventricular hypertrophy. More than one-third of people show evidence of left ventricular hypertrophy at the time of their diagnosis with hypertension. Aortic valve stenosis.","qid":87181,"docid":"6521366","rank":96,"score":14.286815643310547},{"content":"Ventricular hypertrophy. Ventricular hypertrophy (VH) is thickening of the walls of a ventricle (lower chamber) of the heart. Although left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is more common, right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH) can also occur, as can hypertrophy of both ventricles, that is, biventricular hypertrophy (BVH). Ventricular hypertrophy can be part of various syndromes caused by any of various underlying diseases.","qid":87181,"docid":"5197135","rank":97,"score":13.0880126953125},{"content":"Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy usually is inherited. It\u00e2\u0080\u0099s caused by a mutation or change in some of the genes in heart muscle proteins. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy also can develop over time because of high blood pressure, aging, or other diseases, such as diabetes or thyroid disease. Sometimes the cause of the disease isn\u00e2\u0080\u0099t known.","qid":87181,"docid":"4786312","rank":98,"score":12.882062911987305},{"content":"Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) occurs when the muscle tissue in the heart\u00e2\u0080\u0099s main pumping chamber becomes enlarged. LVH is often caused by high blood pressure or other heart problems and can lead to serious complications, such as heart disease, heart attack and heart failure.","qid":87181,"docid":"8534134","rank":99,"score":14.145174026489258},{"content":"The cause of cardiomyopathy, a thickening or enlarging of the heart muscle, may depend on the type: 1 Dilated cardiomyopathy. 2 The cause of this most common type of cardiomyopathy often is unknown. 3 It may be caused by reduced blood flow to the heart (ischemic heart disease), infections, toxins and certain drugs. Dilated cardiomyopathy. 2 The cause of this most common type of cardiomyopathy often is unknown. 3 It may be caused by reduced blood flow to the heart (ischemic heart disease), infections, toxins and certain drugs. 4 It also may be inherited from a parent. 5 It usually enlarges (dilates) the left ventricle.","qid":87181,"docid":"1852403","rank":100,"score":12.531137466430664}]} {"query":"how is the weather in jamaica","hits":[{"content":"The coolest times in Jamaica are the winter months of December to February. The average temperature at this time is 75 \u00c2\u00b0F. Winter temperatures vary with the summer temperatures by 10 \u00c2\u00b0F to 23 \u00c2\u00b0F. Remember our climate is cool and not cold.","qid":1133167,"docid":"8415743","rank":1,"score":14.217573165893555},{"content":"Storm in Jamaica. Storms in Jamaica should be taken as serious as a hurricane. Storm season is the same period as hurricane season. If you plan on spending most of your time outdoors, the first and the last month during the storm season is usually the calmest. August, September, and October are the months that tropical storm usually arrives.","qid":1133167,"docid":"2276677","rank":2,"score":13.24988079071045},{"content":"There also is a reasonable chance of completely gray, wet and windy days. However, Jamaica doesnt really have a real rainy season with rain for days on end. Most of the rain falls during the months of May-June and September-November. The amount of precipitation depends on the location and the altitude you are in.","qid":1133167,"docid":"4498475","rank":3,"score":13.229280471801758},{"content":"One of the reasons that people go to Jamaica in the first place is to take advantage of the year-round warm Caribbean climate. Temperatures fluctuate little over the course of the year. The hottest months are July and August, with an average high of 90 (32) degrees and lows in the lower 70s (23 C). This differs little, however, from the coldest months of January through March, when highs hover around 86 (30 C) degrees, and lows are in the upper 60s (20 C).","qid":1133167,"docid":"4550244","rank":4,"score":13.448616027832031},{"content":"Typical Weather in May. Temperatures in Jamaica during May generally vary between an average high during the day of 86.0 degrees and an average low at night of 75.0 degrees. On any given day during May in Jamaica, you can expect early morning temperatures to be around 78.4 degrees. Temperatures in Jamaica typically rise during the day, to an average of 85.4 degrees in the early afternoon. The temperature in Jamaica will typically decline by early evening, to approximately 80.2 degrees. Overall, temperatures in Jamaica during May average around 80.3 degrees.","qid":1133167,"docid":"190805","rank":5,"score":13.725552558898926},{"content":"The number-one reason for the \u00e2\u0080\u009ccool\u00e2\u0080\u009d weather in Ocho Rios Jamaica is the Caribbean Sea. The winter months will see an average of 81 \u00c2\u00b0F of sea temperature. If you are trying to avoid the rainy season in winter, then Ocho Rios is just for you.","qid":1133167,"docid":"4494104","rank":6,"score":13.409855842590332},{"content":"During the winter Jamaica has a dry period with at least 1 month with less than 60 millimeters of precipitation (long time record). According to the K ppen climate classification this is an Aw-climate. Jamaica officially knows no tropical climate (Af-climate).","qid":1133167,"docid":"2070087","rank":7,"score":13.458723068237305},{"content":"Nevertheless, you should be prepared for winter in Jamaica to be slightly cooler, especially at the higher altitudes. In the mountains, the thermometer can dip to 40 degrees Fahrenheit (4 degrees Celsius). The rainiest weather in Jamaica occurs in May and June and again in October and November and can sometimes extend into December. While the average annual rainfall is 50.7 inches, accumulation varies dramatically across the island.","qid":1133167,"docid":"1824484","rank":8,"score":14.05328369140625},{"content":"Note: March is the ideal time to book a flight to Jamaica. Kingston, Montego Bay, Negril and all the islands smaller towns are in festival mode during March as this is a key carnival month in Jamaica. Climate and Weather in the Jamaica in April. Average temperature in Jamaica in April: 23 to 30\u00c2\u00b0C, 73 to 86\u00c2\u00b0F","qid":1133167,"docid":"7218016","rank":9,"score":13.671794891357422},{"content":"So the best time to visit is.... Based on the information above, the best time to visit Jamaica is anywhere from December to April (otherwise known as the dry season). During this time, the weather is at its best, and it allows you to have the best Jamaican vacation.","qid":1133167,"docid":"3391436","rank":10,"score":13.245326042175293},{"content":"Climate and Weather in the Jamaica in April. Average temperature in Jamaica in April: 23 to 30\u00c2\u00b0C, 73 to 86\u00c2\u00b0F. Sea temperature in Jamaica in April: 26\u00c2\u00b0C, 79\u00c2\u00b0F. Average rainfall in April: 37mm, 1.5in. Note: April is generally the month of Easter; Jamaicans celebrate this holiday with festivities and parties.","qid":1133167,"docid":"8033647","rank":11,"score":13.611207962036133},{"content":"Regardless of when you visit, the tropical climate and warm temperatures of Jamaica essentially guarantee beautiful weather during your vacation. Average temperatures in Jamaica range between 80 degrees Fahrenheit and 90 degrees Fahrenheit, with July and August being the hottest months and February the coolest.Temperatures in Jamaica generally vary approximately 10 degrees from summer to winter.verage temperatures in Jamaica range between 80 degrees Fahrenheit and 90 degrees Fahrenheit, with July and August being the hottest months and February the coolest.","qid":1133167,"docid":"6112590","rank":12,"score":14.33145809173584},{"content":"It's pretty nice. We've gone the first week of December and the second week of December, and the weather was great (low to mid 80s during the day), the water was great, and it felt less humid. Both trips it only rained about 30 minutes on one of the days (and even that, that was just sprinkles).","qid":1133167,"docid":"4443373","rank":13,"score":13.534374237060547},{"content":"It is always important to know what the weather in Jamaica will be like before you plan and take your vacation. For the most part, the average temperature in Jamaica is between 80 \u00c2\u00b0F and 90 \u00c2\u00b0F (27 \u00c2\u00b0FCelsius-29 \u00c2\u00b0Celsius). Luckily, the weather in Jamaica is always vacation friendly.","qid":1133167,"docid":"2276678","rank":14,"score":14.93289566040039},{"content":"Guide to Jamaica weather in February The average maximum daytime temperature in Jamaica in February is a warm 29\u00c2\u00b0C (84\u00c2\u00b0F) with moderate heat & humidity. The average night-time temperature is usually a comfortable 20\u00c2\u00b0C (68\u00c2\u00b0F).","qid":1133167,"docid":"6467517","rank":15,"score":13.426553726196289},{"content":"The climate in Jamaica is tropical, with hot and humid weather, although higher inland regions are more temperate. Some regions on the south coast, such as the Liguanea Plain and the Pedro Plains, are relatively dry rain-shadow areas.","qid":1133167,"docid":"8033644","rank":16,"score":14.165081024169922},{"content":"Jamaica's average annual temperature is 80\u00c2\u00b0F \/ 27\u00c2\u00b0C. The average yearly temperature range is between 78-85\u00c2\u00b0F. Extreme temperatures range from a low of 65\u00c2\u00b0F to a high of 95\u00c2\u00b0F. The rainiest weather in Jamaica occurs in May and June and again in October and November and can sometimes extend into December. Official hurricane season runs from June through November, with August and September being the peak months.","qid":1133167,"docid":"4973626","rank":17,"score":14.381986618041992},{"content":"Jamaica's hurricane season begins on June 1st and ends on November 1st. The island is very weather friendly, and we have only had a few direct hurricane hits in the past ninety (90) years. Jamaica has felt the effects of direct hits by hurricanes, mainly in August (Gustav in 2008, Charley in 2004) and early September (Ivan in 2004 and Gilbert in 1988).","qid":1133167,"docid":"2276675","rank":18,"score":13.269058227539062},{"content":"Average temperatures in Jamaica range between 80 degrees Fahrenheit and 90 degrees Fahrenheit, with July and August being the hottest months and February the coolest. Temperatures in Jamaica generally vary approximately 10 degrees from summer to winter.","qid":1133167,"docid":"2613296","rank":19,"score":14.488645553588867},{"content":"Ocho Rios Jamaica Weather - Winter ( December, January And February) The winters in this town are usually colder when compared to other parts of the island. The average temperature for December, January and February are 81 \u00c2\u00b0F and 79 \u00c2\u00b0F respectively. All three months usually have a high temperature of 84 \u00c2\u00b0F.","qid":1133167,"docid":"6140","rank":20,"score":13.389854431152344},{"content":"Regardless of when you visit, the tropical climate and warm temperatures of Jamaica essentially guarantee beautiful weather during your vacation. Average temperatures in Jamaica range between 80 degrees Fahrenheit and 90 degrees Fahrenheit, with July and August being the hottest months and February the coolest. Temperatures in Jamaica generally vary approximately 10 degrees from summer to winter.","qid":1133167,"docid":"3074599","rank":21,"score":14.442344665527344},{"content":"Regardless of when you visit, the tropical climate and warm temperatures of Jamaica essentially guarantee beautiful weather during your vacation. Average temperatures in Jamaica range between 80 degrees Fahrenheit and 90 degrees Fahrenheit, with July and August being the hottest months and February the coolest. Temperatures in Jamaica generally vary approximately 10 degrees from summer to winter. Nevertheless, you should be prepared for winter in Jamaica to be slightly cooler, especially at the higher altitudes. In the mountains, the thermometer can dip to 40 degrees Fahrenheit (4 degrees Celsius).","qid":1133167,"docid":"4550240","rank":22,"score":14.343957901000977},{"content":"Jamaica Weather: Month-by-Month. Here's a month-by-month idea of weather in Jamaica. The weather is perfect most of the year. This month-by-month Jamaica weather forecast will help you in deciding when is the best time to visit Jamaica. December Weather in Jamaica: It's high season, and a cool time of year. January Weather: Middle of the high season. February Weather: Still middle of the high season. We're getting warmer. March Weather: The high season is over. April Weather: The beginning of the low season. It's getting hotter. May Weather: It's hot, and it may rain. June Weather: Simple getting hotter. July ...","qid":1133167,"docid":"7093509","rank":23,"score":13.397974014282227},{"content":"The climate in Jamaica is tropical and humid with warm to hot temperatures all year round. The average temperature in Jamaica is between 80 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Jamaican nights are considerably cooler than the days, and the mountain areas are cooler than the lower land throughout the year. Continue Reading.","qid":1133167,"docid":"434125","rank":24,"score":14.391469955444336},{"content":"Weather in Jamaica. The weather in Jamaica affords this island the reputation of being a tropical island paradise. Jamaica is situated in the heart of the Caribbean Sea, south of Cuba and West of Haiti. Jamaica is one of the Greater Antilles islands.","qid":1133167,"docid":"4443375","rank":25,"score":14.09872055053711},{"content":"Weather in Jamaica. The weather patterns you'll encounter in Jamaica can vary dramatically around the island. Photo credit: \u00c2\u00a9 Dennis Sabo | Dreamstime.com. Regardless of when you visit, the tropical climate and warm temperatures of Jamaica essentially guarantee beautiful weather during your vacation. Average temperatures in Jamaica range between 80 degrees Fahrenheit and 90 degrees Fahrenheit, with July and August being the hottest months and February the coolest.","qid":1133167,"docid":"6467518","rank":26,"score":14.46546459197998},{"content":"Typical Weather in December. Temperatures in Jamaica during December generally vary between an average high during the day of 83.0 degrees and an average low at night of 73.0 degrees. During the early morning hours of an average December day in Jamaica, you can expect the temperature will be in the vicinity of 74.7 degrees.","qid":1133167,"docid":"7793411","rank":27,"score":13.222860336303711},{"content":"Jamaica weather in August is just as hot as in July... ...but usually with much more showers. The high humidity and the heat combine to produce frequent afternoon thunderstorms. If you're visiting Jamaica in August prepare to sweat a lot! Be sure to bring a hat, your sunglasses and lots of sunscreen! Jamaica Weather in August. Average High in August: 91\u00c2\u00b0F \/ 32\u00c2\u00b0F. Average Low in August: 75\u00c2\u00b0F \/ 24\u00c2\u00b0F. Average Rain in August: 5.2 \/ 132mm. We're almost in the middle of the Atlantic hurricane season. If you're travelling to the Caribbean at this time of the year, you'll want to keep a close eye on the weather.","qid":1133167,"docid":"3074598","rank":28,"score":13.57635498046875},{"content":"Average temperatures are between the mid-70s and high 80s, but the weather can be a little rainy. Given the mist, the golf courses and beaches are relatively quiet, and hotels offer incentives to visit in spring.","qid":1133167,"docid":"4557440","rank":29,"score":13.600950241088867},{"content":"Weather in Jamaica in September. The average maximum daytime temperature in Jamaica in September is a hot 31\u00c2\u00b0C (88\u00c2\u00b0F) with high heat & humidity. There are usually 7 hours of bright sunshine each day, which represents 54% of the 12 hours of daylight. The average sea temperature in and around Jamaica in September is 29\u00c2\u00b0C (84\u00c2\u00b0F). Expect 229mm (9.0 inches) of rainfall across the whole of September with 14 days with some rain falling. Maximum UV levels will be extreme (11+ UV index) at midday when the skies are clear.","qid":1133167,"docid":"7486600","rank":30,"score":13.239423751831055},{"content":"Jamaica has a tropical climate with hot and humid weather at sea level. The higher inland regions have a more temperate climate. (Bring a light jacket just in case you travel to the mountains where temperatures can be 10 degrees cooler or in case you go on a windy boat ride).","qid":1133167,"docid":"1883273","rank":31,"score":14.197722434997559},{"content":"The coolest season of the year in Jamaica is winter when the average daily temperature is approximately 82 degrees Fahrenheit. During the spring and summer months, the average temperature is between 88 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit.","qid":1133167,"docid":"4498476","rank":32,"score":14.257822036743164},{"content":"Thanks to its position in the warm Caribbean Sea, Jamaica enjoys generally pleasant weather year round. While October may not be the peak time to visit this tiny yet world-renowned tourist destination, any month is a fine month to travel to Jamaica. While you'll see some rain showers, you'll still enjoy plenty of warm and beach-friendly weather.","qid":1133167,"docid":"7218012","rank":33,"score":13.645146369934082},{"content":"Before I tell you when is the best time to visit Jamaica based on weather conditions, let us take a look at the monthly climate of Jamaica. Here is a brief summary of the weather in Jamaica for each month. January. January has an average high temperature of 82.3 \u00c2\u00b0F and a low of 74 \u00c2\u00b0F. You can expect to experience rain about ten days of the month.","qid":1133167,"docid":"823272","rank":34,"score":14.383429527282715},{"content":"Typical Weather in July. July temperatures in Jamaica range from an average low of 77.0 degrees to an average high of 88.0 degrees. On any given day during July in Jamaica, you can expect early morning temperatures to be around 79.4 degrees. Temperatures in Jamaica typically rise during the day, to an average of 87.7 degrees in the early afternoon. The temperature in Jamaica will typically decline by early evening, to approximately 82.0 degrees. Temperatures in Jamaica average around 82.0 degrees during July.","qid":1133167,"docid":"823277","rank":35,"score":13.794342041015625},{"content":"Weather in Jamaica in December. Weather in Jamaica in December. One of the coolest and driest months of the year, December is when the high-season begins for vacationing in Jamaica. However, there's no worry for travelers who want warm weather for their vacation during the winter - temperatures are still tropical throughout December.","qid":1133167,"docid":"7793414","rank":36,"score":13.430924415588379},{"content":"Typical Weather in May. Temperatures in Jamaica during May generally vary between an average high during the day of 86.0 degrees and an average low at night of 75.0 degrees. On any given day during May in Jamaica, you can expect early morning temperatures to be around 78.4 degrees. Temperatures in Jamaica typically rise during the day, to an average of 85.4 degrees in the early afternoon. The temperature in Jamaica will typically decline by early evening, to approximately 80.2 degrees.","qid":1133167,"docid":"1824487","rank":37,"score":13.761223793029785},{"content":"(Bring a light jacket just in case you travel to the mountains where temperatures can be 10 degrees cooler or in case you go on a windy boat ride). Our average annual temperature is between 80-86\u00c2\u00b0F (27-30\u00c2\u00b0C). The coolest months are January and February and the temperature starts going back up in March.","qid":1133167,"docid":"6999443","rank":38,"score":13.964856147766113},{"content":"It is always important to know what the weather in Jamaica will be like before you plan and take your vacation. For the most part, the average temperature in Jamaica is between 80 \u00c2\u00b0F and 90 \u00c2\u00b0F (27 \u00c2\u00b0FCelsius-29 \u00c2\u00b0Celsius). Luckily, the weather in Jamaica is always vacation friendly. You will hardly experience long periods of rain fall, and you will become accustomed to weeks upon weeks of sunny weather.","qid":1133167,"docid":"190806","rank":39,"score":14.978235244750977},{"content":"The weather in Ocho Rios Jamaica is always welcoming. After all, the weather here is the number-one reason why so many persons choose this north coast destination for their home while on the island. One of the best things about this region is that for the majority of the day, you can expect sunshine that will make your days warm and nice, which will be perfect for any outdoor activity.","qid":1133167,"docid":"4494101","rank":40,"score":13.320487976074219},{"content":"Climate - Jamaica. Temperature, rainfall, prevailing weather conditions, when to go, what to pack. In Jamaica the climate is tropical, hot all year round, with little difference between winter and summer (just a few degrees). Even in winter, the maximum temperatures are around 27\/30 \u00c2\u00b0C, and minimum temperatures around 20\/23 \u00c2\u00b0C.","qid":1133167,"docid":"3023123","rank":41,"score":14.336368560791016},{"content":"Find the best month to visit Jamaica based on the weather. Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Expect 29\u00c2\u00b0C daytime maximum temperatures in the shade with on average 8 hours of sunshine per day in Jamaica in February.","qid":1133167,"docid":"6467524","rank":42,"score":13.444503784179688},{"content":"While it does not snow during the winter months in Jamaica, the climate is cooler due to the winter activity in the mountains. March and April are Jamaica's windy months, and the high winds often prevent travelers from participating in water sports such as scuba diving and para-sailing.","qid":1133167,"docid":"4498477","rank":43,"score":13.394585609436035},{"content":"A: The climate in Jamaica is tropical and humid with warm to hot temperatures all year round. The average temperature in Jamaica is between 80 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Jamaican nights are considerably cooler than the days, and the mountain areas are cooler than the lower land throughout the year.","qid":1133167,"docid":"1824479","rank":44,"score":14.410480499267578},{"content":"Temperatures in Jamaica average between 20 and 35 degrees Celsius (68 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit) throughout year. The summer months of May, June, July, August, September and October are slightly warmer than the winter months.ea temperature in Jamaica in December: 26\u00c2\u00b0C, 79\u00c2\u00b0F. Average rainfall in December: 25mm, 0.9in. Events: The town of Negril and its famous Seven Mile Beach is host to the annual Reggae Marathon, where Usain Bolts and regular holidaymakers jog along the beautiful beaches of Jamaica to the beat of reggae tunes.","qid":1133167,"docid":"8003301","rank":45,"score":14.099812507629395},{"content":"Guide to Jamaica weather in October The average maximum daytime temperature in Jamaica in October is a hot 31\u00c2\u00b0C (88\u00c2\u00b0F) with high heat & humidity. The average night-time temperature is usually a warm 23\u00c2\u00b0C (73\u00c2\u00b0F). There are usually 6 hours of bright sunshine each day, which represents 54% of the 12 hours of daylight.","qid":1133167,"docid":"7218015","rank":46,"score":13.541849136352539},{"content":"Whereas, December weather has daily highs of 84\u00c2\u00b0 F. Visitors to Jamaica choose the best time of year that fits their schedule and their budget. Because the average weather in Jamaica ranges between mid-70s to mid-80s, even during the hurricane season, Jamaica weather is beautiful. Jamaica is the third","qid":1133167,"docid":"5674623","rank":47,"score":14.073775291442871},{"content":"Weather in Jamaica in January. Jamaica in January still offers temperatures that are warm and balmy, and the winter season means dry days and nights on this island, making it one of the best times of the year to visit, especially if you are visiting from the north.","qid":1133167,"docid":"7793416","rank":48,"score":13.652280807495117},{"content":"Jamaica has a tropical climate with hot and humid weather at sea level. The higher inland regions have a more temperate climate. (Bring a light jacket just in case you travel to the mountains where temperatures can be 10 degrees cooler or in case you go on a windy boat ride). Our average annual temperature is between 80-86\u00c2\u00b0F (27-30\u00c2\u00b0C).","qid":1133167,"docid":"190803","rank":49,"score":14.65263557434082},{"content":"You will find the mountainous area cooler than the lower lying land right throughout the year. It is always important to know what the weather in Jamaica will be like before you plan and take your vacation. For the most part, the average temperature in Jamaica is between 80 \u00c2\u00b0F and 90 \u00c2\u00b0F (27 \u00c2\u00b0FCelsius-29 \u00c2\u00b0Celsius). Luckily, the weather in Jamaica is always vacation friendly. You will hardly experience long periods of rain fall, and you will become accustomed to weeks upon weeks of sunny weather.","qid":1133167,"docid":"4498479","rank":50,"score":14.812764167785645},{"content":"The weather in Jamaica in December is usually warm and sunny. On average, December temperatures in Montego Bay sit at a high of 87 degrees Fahrenheit and a low of 69 degrees Fahrenheit. The length of each day in December is almost exactly 11 hours long, and the skies are mostly clear with cloud cover averaging at 38 percent for the month.","qid":1133167,"docid":"190808","rank":51,"score":13.725345611572266},{"content":"During the winter Jamaica has a dry period with at least 1 month with less than 60 millimeters of precipitation (long time record). According to the Kppen climate classification this is an Aw-climate. Jamaica officially knows no tropical climate (Af-climate).","qid":1133167,"docid":"4498473","rank":52,"score":13.400713920593262},{"content":"What is the average summer temperature in Jamaica? The average temperatures in Jamaica for the summer months of June, July, and August can range between 77 and 88 degrees Fahrenheit. Jamaica is a tropical island that has p\u00e2\u0080\u00a6leasant weather. The winter months of December, January, and February can have temperatures around 82 degrees Fahrenheit.","qid":1133167,"docid":"3355083","rank":53,"score":13.858893394470215},{"content":"The climate in Jamaica is tropical and humid with warm to hot temperatures all year round. The average temperature in Jamaica is between 80 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Jamaican nights are considerably...","qid":1133167,"docid":"1824486","rank":54,"score":14.285577774047852},{"content":"June also experiences a lot of rainfall, with an average of 13 days... The average temperature in Jamaica during June has highs of around 88 degrees Fahrenheit and lows of around 77 degrees Fahrenheit. June also experiences a lot of rainfall, with an average of 13 days...","qid":1133167,"docid":"7093513","rank":55,"score":13.457452774047852},{"content":"Weather & climate. Best time to visit : Consistently warm tropical weather ensures Jamaica is a popular destination year-round. On the coast, temperatures range from 22\u00c2\u00b0C (72\u00c2\u00b0F) and 31\u00c2\u00b0C (88\u00c2\u00b0F) with chilly mornings and evenings denoting winter. Peak season runs roughly from mid-December to mid-April when crowds swell and prices rise.","qid":1133167,"docid":"4926197","rank":56,"score":14.714408874511719},{"content":"The climate of Jamaica. The island of Jamaica has a tropical savannah climate or a savannah climate with many sunny days. However, there is a reasonable chance of (very heavy) rainstorms or thunderstorms. During the day temperatures are around 24-25 degrees Celsius on average.","qid":1133167,"docid":"190802","rank":57,"score":14.439942359924316},{"content":"Weather in Jamaica in October. October is the first full month of fall, but Jamaica still experiences warm weather. Though cooler than the summer months, high temperatures are still in the mid-80s. Vacationers should keep an eye out as severe tropical weather is particularly common during this month, but that doesn't mean that Jamaica will experience any weather troubles during the month of October.","qid":1133167,"docid":"1883280","rank":58,"score":13.446680068969727},{"content":"Climate for Jamaica. At just 10 metres above sea level, the land temperature in Jamaica is warm throughout the entire year. You can expect temperatures to be lowest in January through February, with an average of 72F or 22C which is still warm enough for shorts and t-shirts.","qid":1133167,"docid":"7217705","rank":59,"score":13.793641090393066},{"content":"Jamaica's popularity as a year-round vacation destination is partially because of its consistent and pleasant weather. Beach temperatures average nearly 28\u00c2\u00b0C (82\u00c2\u00b0F) year-round. Certainly as one moves inland into the mountainous regions the temperatures wane a bit, but not dramatically. Rainfall varies across the island and at times can be heavy. However, much like southern Florida in the U.S. the rain is often brief and followed by warm and sunny beach weather. Like most of the Caribbean islands, Jamaica is subject to potential hurricane damage from July through mid-November, but don't let that stop you from traveling to this wonderful island as hurricane warnings are often posted a week in advance. Current Weather Conditions: In these selected cities...","qid":1133167,"docid":"8033650","rank":60,"score":14.11720085144043},{"content":"Learn About the Weather of Jamaica The weather patterns you'll encounter in Jamaica can vary dramatically around the island Regardless of when you visit, the tropical climate and warm temperatures of Jamaica essentially guarantee beautiful weather during your vacation. Average temperatures in Jamaica range between 80 degrees Fahrenheit and 90 degrees Fahrenheit, with July and August being the hottest months and February the coolest.","qid":1133167,"docid":"1824488","rank":61,"score":14.642269134521484},{"content":"Jamaica Weather in July: Hot, Hot, Hot! Jamaica weather in July is hot! Temperatures in July are higher than in June... ...and the possibility of afternoon thunderstorms is a part of daily life. Schools are out and spending time at the beach is a favourite activity (especially on weekends).","qid":1133167,"docid":"823275","rank":62,"score":13.389847755432129},{"content":"Although December is mostly sunny and warm in Jamaica, the area is prone to a bit of precipitation during this month. It rains 42 percent of the time on Dec. 1 and 37 percent of the time on Dec. 31, and the average precipitation for the rest of the month is between these two numbers.","qid":1133167,"docid":"4443371","rank":63,"score":13.683048248291016},{"content":"Typical Weather in May. Temperatures in Jamaica during May generally vary between an average high during the day of 86.0 degrees and an average low at night of 75.0 degrees. On any given day during May in Jamaica, you can expect early morning temperatures to be around 78.4 degrees.","qid":1133167,"docid":"7762240","rank":64,"score":13.646441459655762},{"content":"The climate in Jamaica is tropical and humid with warm to hot temperatures all year round. The average temperature in Jamaica is between 80 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Jamaican nights are considerably cooler than the days, and the mountain areas are cooler than the lower land throughout the year.","qid":1133167,"docid":"4498474","rank":65,"score":14.443083763122559},{"content":"By highlighting all the exotic & exciting travel opportunities, we\u00e2\u0080\u0099ll show you why winter is the best time to travel to Jamaica and submerse yourself in the vivacious culture! Jamaica delivers the exotic, warm weather of the Caribbean year round, with temperatures averaging between 71\u00c2\u00b0-88\u00c2\u00b0.","qid":1133167,"docid":"4712279","rank":66,"score":13.867731094360352},{"content":"Jamaica\u00e2\u0080\u0099s winter months are November, December, January, February, March and April. Temperatures range from 20 to 31 degrees Celsius (68 to 89 degrees Fahrenheit) and the island nation experiences less rainfall. The winter months are the perfect time to visit Jamaica and enjoy the island\u00e2\u0080\u0099s tropical maritime climate.he leeward side of Jamaica experiences less rain and less humidity. The Blue Mountains tend to be much cooler than Jamaica's beach towns. Temperatures in Jamaica average between 20 and 35 degrees Celsius (68 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit) throughout year.","qid":1133167,"docid":"6112587","rank":67,"score":14.233691215515137},{"content":"The coolest times in Jamaica are the winter months of December to February. The average temperature at this time is 75 \u00c2\u00b0F. Winter temperatures vary with the summer temperatures by 10 \u00c2\u00b0F to 23 \u00c2\u00b0F. Remember our climate is cool and not cold. That\u00e2\u0080\u0099s because Jamaica does not have a \u00e2\u0080\u009ccold\u00e2\u0080\u009d weather; in fact, our winter is relatively warm when compared to New York, Miami, England and Canada.","qid":1133167,"docid":"3391439","rank":68,"score":14.167505264282227},{"content":"Jamaica is an overall sunny climate with minimal periods of extended rainfall outside of its rainy season. When it does rain in Jamaica, it typically rains for short periods of time, and the rainfall is light. It is what is known as a tropical marine climate in which the winds swiftly carry the marine air to the lower land. The coolest season of the year in Jamaica is winter when the average daily temperature is approximately 82 degrees Fahrenheit.","qid":1133167,"docid":"1824485","rank":69,"score":14.168539047241211},{"content":"N.A. On any given day during May in Jamaica, you can expect early morning temperatures to be around 78.4 degrees. Temperatures in Jamaica typically rise during the day, to an average of 85.4 degrees in the early afternoon. The temperature in Jamaica will typically decline by early evening, to approximately 80.2 degrees.Overall, temperatures in Jamaica during May average around 80.3 degrees.emperatures in Jamaica typically rise during the day, to an average of 85.4 degrees in the early afternoon. The temperature in Jamaica will typically decline by early evening, to approximately 80.2 degrees. Overall, temperatures in Jamaica during May average around 80.3 degrees.","qid":1133167,"docid":"3421906","rank":70,"score":13.73112678527832},{"content":"Quick Answer. The climate in Jamaica is tropical and humid with warm to hot temperatures all year round. The average temperature in Jamaica is between 80 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Jamaican nights are considerably cooler than the days, and the mountain areas are cooler than the lower land throughout the year.","qid":1133167,"docid":"1824480","rank":71,"score":14.361251831054688},{"content":"Here's a month-by-month idea of weather in Jamaica. The weather is perfect most of the year. This month-by-month Jamaica weather forecast will help you in deciding when is the best time to visit Jamaica. December Weather in Jamaica: It's high season, and a cool time of year. January Weather: Middle of the high season. February Weather: Still middle of the high season.","qid":1133167,"docid":"3953805","rank":72,"score":13.267757415771484},{"content":"Jamaica stays pleasant year round. Related Articles. Thanks to its position in the warm Caribbean Sea, Jamaica enjoys generally pleasant weather year round. While October may not be the peak time to visit this tiny yet world-renowned tourist destination, any month is a fine month to travel to Jamaica.","qid":1133167,"docid":"434124","rank":73,"score":13.442171096801758},{"content":"Montego Bay Weather and When to Go. Montego Bay weather essentials. One of the reasons that people go to Jamaica in the first place is to take advantage of the year-round warm Caribbean climate. Temperatures fluctuate little over the course of the year. The hottest months are July and August, with an average high of 90 (32) degrees and lows in the lower 70s (23 C).","qid":1133167,"docid":"6299576","rank":74,"score":13.271525382995605},{"content":"Weather Averages and Climate in Jamaica. Jamaica is an island in the West Indies, 90 mi (145 km) south of Cuba and 100 mi (161 km) west of Haiti. The island is made up of coastal lowlands, a limestone plateau, and the Blue Mountains, a group of volcanic hills, in the east. Jamaica's resources include coffee, papaya, bauxite, gypsum, limestone and sugar cane. The climate in Jamaica is tropical, with hot and humid weather, although higher inland regions are more temperate.","qid":1133167,"docid":"8033645","rank":75,"score":13.309025764465332},{"content":"Weekly Weather Report for Montego Bay, Jamaica. Looking at the weather in Montego Bay, Jamaica over the next 7 days, the maximum temperature will be 33\u00e2\u0084\u0083 (or 91\u00e2\u0084\u0089) on Monday 3rd April at around 1 pm. In the same week the minimum temperature will be 23\u00e2\u0084\u0083 (or 73\u00e2\u0084\u0089) on Saturday 8th April at around 4 am.","qid":1133167,"docid":"8484849","rank":76,"score":13.217146873474121},{"content":"Quick Answer. The climate in Jamaica is tropical and humid with warm to hot temperatures all year round. The average temperature in Jamaica is between 80 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Jamaican nights are considerably cooler than the days, and the mountain areas are cooler than the lower land throughout the year. Continue Reading.","qid":1133167,"docid":"190804","rank":77,"score":14.498540878295898},{"content":"Typical Weather in January. January temperatures in Jamaica range from an average low of 72.0 degrees to an average high of 82.0 degrees. On any given day during January in Jamaica, you can expect early morning temperatures to be around 73.3 degrees. In January, temperatures typically rise to around 81.6 degrees by early afternoon. By early evening, temperatures in Jamaica generally decline to around 76.8 degrees.","qid":1133167,"docid":"7793408","rank":78,"score":13.642535209655762},{"content":"Map from Google - Jamaica. 1 In Jamaica the climate is tropical, hot all year round, with little difference between winter and summer (just a few degrees). Even in winter, the maximum temperatures are around 27\/30 \u00c2\u00b0C (81\/86 \u00c2\u00b0F), and minimum temperatures around 20\/23 \u00c2\u00b0C (68\/73 \u00c2\u00b0F).","qid":1133167,"docid":"434119","rank":79,"score":14.354124069213867},{"content":"The climate in Jamaica is tropical, with hot and humid weather, although higher inland regions are more temperate. Some regions on the south coast are relatively dry rain-shadow areas. Jamaica lies in the hurricane belt of the Atlantic Ocean; as a result, the island sometimes experiences significant storm damage.","qid":1133167,"docid":"5787117","rank":80,"score":13.328875541687012},{"content":"See also the US version (\u00c2\u00b0F - inches - feet) In Jamaica the climate is tropical, hot all year round, with little difference between winter and summer (just a few degrees). Even in winter, the maximum temperatures are around 27\/30 \u00c2\u00b0C, and minimum temperatures around 20\/23 \u00c2\u00b0C.","qid":1133167,"docid":"3023120","rank":81,"score":14.21064281463623},{"content":"Weather. Jamaica averages about 80 degrees year-round, so climate is less a factor in booking travel than other destinations. The days are warm and the nights are cool. Rain usually falls for short periods in the late afternoon, with sunshine the rest of the day.","qid":1133167,"docid":"4922619","rank":82,"score":14.175268173217773},{"content":"The sun is also getting warmer this time of year, and vacationers who like their weather more than just a little warm may find May to be an appealing option. Typical Weather in May Temperatures in Jamaica during May generally vary between an average high during the day of 86.0 degrees and an average low at night of 75.0 degrees Jamaica in May: Key Facts","qid":1133167,"docid":"1824481","rank":83,"score":13.632558822631836},{"content":"Quick Answer. The average temperature in Jamaica during June has highs of around 88 degrees Fahrenheit and lows of around 77 degrees Fahrenheit. June also experiences a lot of rainfall, with an average of 13 days of the month seeing some rain. Jamaica has a tropical climate, and June usually has around 97 mm of rainfall.","qid":1133167,"docid":"7093511","rank":84,"score":13.48063850402832},{"content":"And it's absolutely true. This is Jamaica weather! Most of our days are filled with warmth and sunshine, even during the rainy season. Jamaica has a tropical climate with hot and humid weather at sea level. The higher inland regions have a more temperate climate. (Bring a light jacket just in case you travel to the mountains where temperatures can be 10 degrees cooler or in case you go on a windy boat ride).","qid":1133167,"docid":"8255706","rank":85,"score":14.330111503601074},{"content":"Here's some information regarding Jamaica weather. Rainy season' begins in May or June and extends through November or December, with the heaviest rains in September and October, Rain can fall at any time of the year, however, and normally comes in short heavy showers, often followed by sun.","qid":1133167,"docid":"1883272","rank":86,"score":13.264745712280273},{"content":"In the mountains, the thermometer can dip to 40 degrees Fahrenheit (4 degrees Celsius). The rainiest weather in Jamaica occurs in May and June and again in October and November and can sometimes extend into December. While the average annual rainfall is 50.7 inches, accumulation varies dramatically across the island.","qid":1133167,"docid":"2613291","rank":87,"score":14.063356399536133},{"content":"The coolest times in Jamaica are the winter months of December to February. The average temperature at this time is 75 \u00c2\u00b0F. Winter temperatures vary with the summer temperatures by 10 \u00c2\u00b0F to 23 \u00c2\u00b0F.Remember our climate is cool and not cold.or the most part, the average temperature in Jamaica is between 80 \u00c2\u00b0F and 90 \u00c2\u00b0F (27 \u00c2\u00b0FCelsius-29 \u00c2\u00b0Celsius). Luckily, the weather in Jamaica is always vacation friendly. You will hardly experience long periods of rain fall, and you will become accustomed to weeks upon weeks of sunny weather.","qid":1133167,"docid":"6112586","rank":88,"score":14.35051155090332},{"content":"The rainiest weather in Jamaica occurs in May and June and again in October and November and can sometimes extend into December. While the average annual rainfall is 50.7 inches, accumulation varies dramatically across the island.","qid":1133167,"docid":"4550243","rank":89,"score":13.70984172821045},{"content":"Rainy season gets underway in May on the island of Jamaica, but that doesn't mean vacationers should stay away. Most days are sunny until early afternoon. The sun is also getting warmer this time of year, and vacationers who like their weather more than just a little warm may find May to be an appealing option.","qid":1133167,"docid":"7762241","rank":90,"score":13.700922012329102},{"content":"Average temperature in Jamaica in February: 22 to 29\u00c2\u00b0C, 72 to 84\u00c2\u00b0F. Sea temperature in Jamaica in February: 26\u00c2\u00b0C, 79\u00c2\u00b0F. Average rainfall in February: 18mm, 0.7in. Events: To many, Jamaica is synonymous with reggae and Bob Marley; visitors to Jamaica in February can enjoy both at the Bob Marley festival in Kingston.he leeward side of Jamaica experiences less rain and less humidity. The Blue Mountains tend to be much cooler than Jamaica's beach towns. Temperatures in Jamaica average between 20 and 35 degrees Celsius (68 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit) throughout year.","qid":1133167,"docid":"6112585","rank":91,"score":13.282297134399414},{"content":"Jamaica averages about 80 degrees year-round, so climate is less a factor in booking travel than other destinations. The days are warm and the nights are cool. Rain usually falls for short periods in the late afternoon, with sunshine the rest of the day. May through December gets the most rain--September and October in particular.","qid":1133167,"docid":"434120","rank":92,"score":13.995948791503906},{"content":"The eastern coast of Jamaica is the windward coast and receives the most rain on the island. (This is where Port Antonio is located.) Generally, the weather in Jamaica is characterized by a cool, caressing sea breeze by day and a gentle breeze from the mountains by night. April is usually the windiest month.","qid":1133167,"docid":"8160243","rank":93,"score":13.516227722167969},{"content":"Guide to Jamaica weather in January The average maximum daytime temperature in Jamaica in January is a warm 29\u00c2\u00b0C (84\u00c2\u00b0F) with moderate heat & humidity. The average night-time temperature is usually a comfortable 20\u00c2\u00b0C (68\u00c2\u00b0F).","qid":1133167,"docid":"8160224","rank":94,"score":13.748052597045898},{"content":"The weather is perfect most of the year. This month-by-month Jamaica weather forecast will help you in deciding when is the best time to visit Jamaica. December Weather in Jamaica: It's high season, and a cool time of year. January Weather: Middle of the high season.February Weather: Still middle of the high season.We're getting warmer.rom all the above it would seem as if the best time to visit Jamaica is during the months of December to early April (also known as the dry season). As a matter of fact, the winter tourist season (high season) in Jamaica lasts from December 15 to April 14.","qid":1133167,"docid":"3421900","rank":95,"score":13.35806941986084},{"content":"The Weather in Jamaica is probably warm and cozy because the Bahamas is close to Jamaica so can can infer that is probably war in cozy in Jamaica Like it is in the Bahamas... From, Peace Pat.","qid":1133167,"docid":"434126","rank":96,"score":13.3939790725708},{"content":"The hottest months are the summer months of July and August. The average temperature for the summer is 88 \u00c2\u00b0F. It\u00e2\u0080\u0099s also the best time in Jamaica to just relax on the beach, play beach volley ball, get a tan, or just go on a few excursions.","qid":1133167,"docid":"823280","rank":97,"score":13.824771881103516},{"content":"Temperature, rainfall, prevailing weather conditions, when to go, what to pack. In Jamaica the climate is tropical, hot all year round, with little difference between winter and summer (just a few degrees). Even in winter, the maximum temperatures are around 27\/30 \u00c2\u00b0C (81\/86 \u00c2\u00b0F), and minimum temperatures around 20\/23 \u00c2\u00b0C (68\/73 \u00c2\u00b0F).","qid":1133167,"docid":"434121","rank":98,"score":14.589622497558594},{"content":"The temperature in Jamaica remains fairly constant year round, and the area generally doesn't experience drastic temperature changes. In October, the island enjoys an average temperature of 89 degrees Fahrenheit, though the temperature may vary slightly by region.","qid":1133167,"docid":"434123","rank":99,"score":13.579710006713867},{"content":"By early evening, temperatures in Jamaica generally decline to around 80.5 degrees. Temperatures in Jamaica average around 81.3 degrees during September. Rain. Rain is most likely to occur around 4:00 PM during the month of September, and it is least likely to occur around 7:00 AM.","qid":1133167,"docid":"190810","rank":100,"score":13.44915771484375}]} {"query":"what is theraderm used for","hits":[{"content":"Text Resize RSS Print. Scottrade offers Over-the-Counter (OTC) stocks for just $7 a trade, plus 0.5% principal for stocks trading under $1. Our on-demand research and advanced screening tools equip you with the information you need to determine if OTC securities fit your investing strategy.","qid":855410,"docid":"923039","rank":1,"score":10.215703010559082},{"content":"(Definition of \u00e2\u0080\u009ctrader\u00e2\u0080\u009d from the Cambridge Advanced Learner\u00e2\u0080\u0099s Dictionary & Thesaurus \u00c2\u00a9 Cambridge University Press) trader in American English See all translations","qid":855410,"docid":"8026809","rank":2,"score":10.449136734008789},{"content":"buspirone - oral, Buspar. Take the Panic Attacks Quiz! The display and use of drug information on this site is subject to express terms of use. By continuing to view the drug information, you agree to abide by such terms of use.","qid":855410,"docid":"5323759","rank":3,"score":10.381597518920898},{"content":"Pradaxa. DABIGATRAN is an anticoagulant (blood thinner). It is used to lower the chance of stroke in people with a medical condition called atrial fibrillation. It is also used to treat or prevent blood clots in the lungs or in the veins.abigatran is also used to treat and prevent blood clots (eg, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism) from occurring again in patients who already have received other medicines. It works by preventing harmful clots from forming in the blood vessels. This medicine is available only with your doctor's prescription.","qid":855410,"docid":"6294609","rank":4,"score":10.085376739501953},{"content":"With Transaction Express you get an array of recurring payment tools, including a \u00e2\u0080\u009cwallet\u00e2\u0080\u009d that stores customer payment information for future use.he Transaction Express saves me hours a week with the ease of transactions and the up-to-date reporting. The service team is knowledgeable and eager to help. The best part, though, is the savings. Patrick made it so easy to switch merchant accounts.","qid":855410,"docid":"6870105","rank":5,"score":10.067205429077148},{"content":"Best to start with the vendor.... when one buys except from a local vendor shipping is just a part of the process...","qid":855410,"docid":"5427378","rank":6,"score":10.18719482421875},{"content":"Grayslake, Ill.-based Therabill focuses on PM software for physical and occupational therapists, speech-language pathologists and behavioral health specialists. WebPT officials say the acquisition is a huge step toward its aim of developing a comprehensive suite of rehab therapy technologies.","qid":855410,"docid":"17992","rank":7,"score":10.176630020141602},{"content":"1 FASTRADE is a powerful real time trading solution which allows the user to watch market prices and execute orders in multiple exchanges and markets instantaneously by real time price streaming. Only OMS to be empanelled with ALL EXCHANGE (BSE\/USE\/NSE\/MCX\/NCDEX) SEGMENTS \u00e2\u0080\u0093(Equity\/Derivative\/Commodity\/Currency)","qid":855410,"docid":"6865901","rank":8,"score":10.16627025604248},{"content":"1 FASTRADE is a powerful real time trading solution which allows the user to watch market prices and execute orders in multiple exchanges and markets instantaneously by real time price streaming. Data privacy over internet using SSL.","qid":855410,"docid":"6865904","rank":9,"score":10.349742889404297},{"content":"A Thera-Band Flexbar is a physiotherapy tool that is used to improve grip strength and as a remedial device for treating painful wrist or elbow injuries.","qid":855410,"docid":"2117102","rank":10,"score":10.567371368408203},{"content":"WebPT acquires Therabill to bolster EHR. A single tool for documentation, scheduling, reporting and billing. WebPT, which develops online electronic health records for rehab therapists, announced this week its acquisition of Therabill, maker of Web-based practice management tools. Terms of the deal were not disclosed.","qid":855410,"docid":"17987","rank":11,"score":10.244379043579102},{"content":"TD Ameritrade is the leader in mobile trading** with powerful mobile offerings for investors and traders that want: 1 A choice of device-optimized mobile apps, now including Apple Watch\u00e2\u0084\u00a2. 2 The ability to manage investments, seize opportunities, and more. 3 Access to the #1 trading app in the App Store\u00e2\u0080 .","qid":855410,"docid":"2974273","rank":12,"score":10.18077564239502},{"content":"Thermage is a non-invasive skin rejuvenation procedure that uses pulses of radio waves to tighten and re-contour loose, wrinkled skin. It\u00e2\u0080\u0099s most often used to treat the face and neck (including sagging \u00e2\u0080\u009cturkey neck\u00e2\u0080\u009d skin under the chin), but it can also help tighten skin on the abdomen, thighs, arms, and hands.ou\u00e2\u0080\u0099ll notice that your skin is tighter right after the procedure, but most results will emerge gradually, over several weeks, as new collagen forms. Generic pricing information is almost always inaccurate and can range from $100-$2000.","qid":855410,"docid":"5465915","rank":13,"score":10.195247650146484},{"content":"However, thermage, a technique used to tighten skin non-invasively, has been gaining more popularity over the last several years. Thermage is a treatment of the skin that uses radiofrequency energy to stimulate collagen, and can dramatically reduce the signs of aging. The idea behind thermage is actually pretty simple.","qid":855410,"docid":"4235942","rank":14,"score":10.368414878845215},{"content":"Thermistors are useful for measuring temperature and gas flow or wind vel\u00e2\u0080\u00a6ocity. A thermistor can also be called a thermal resistor. It is a semiconductor device made of materials whose resistance varies as a function of temperature.","qid":855410,"docid":"2751087","rank":15,"score":10.31566047668457},{"content":"Remote Desktop Connection Broker (RD Connection Broker), formerly Terminal Services Session Broker (TS Session Broker), is a role service that provides the following functionality: 1 Allows users to reconnect to their existing sessions in a load-balanced RD Session Host server farm.","qid":855410,"docid":"891813","rank":16,"score":10.057914733886719},{"content":"ThermiRF delivers the in-between solution for frown lines, laxity and other cosmetic concerns. ThermiRF is a new micro invasive technology that uses radiofrequency (RF) energy to target tissue below the skin instead of above the skin. A tiny probe in inserted through a needle hole. The probe has an electrode at the tip that emits tiny burst of radiofrequency energy, heating the tissue to a desired temperature.","qid":855410,"docid":"8776516","rank":17,"score":10.513068199157715},{"content":"It is used for many over-the-counter (OTC) equity securities that are not listed on the NASDAQ or a national stock exchange. Broker-dealers who subscribe to the system, which is not electronic, can use the OTCBB to enter orders for OTC securities that qualify to be quoted.","qid":855410,"docid":"1542028","rank":18,"score":10.12453842163086},{"content":"SafeTrader provides a safe way to buy & sell. SafeTrader should be used for Trade Me transactions once you have arrived at a price, and need a safe way to conduct the exchange of goods and money. Pricing starts at $4.95 per transaction.afeTrader provides a safe way to buy & sell. SafeTrader should be used for Trade Me transactions once you have arrived at a price, and need a safe way to conduct the exchange of goods and money. Pricing starts at $4.95 per transaction.","qid":855410,"docid":"4065331","rank":19,"score":10.540509223937988},{"content":"Thermi-Gen\u00e2\u0084\u00a2 is a non-surgical procedure that uses Radiofrequency (RF) energy to stimulate collagen for tightening and smoothing the skin of the face and neck. This procedure provides tighter, smoother, more youthful looking skin for all skin types (safe for light and dark complexions).hermi-Gen\u00e2\u0084\u00a2 technology is more effective because it has an internal probe that enables the doctor to apply the treating energy BELOW the skin surface \u00e2\u0080\u0093 directly to the targeted collagen layer. Another unique feature of Thermi-Gen\u00e2\u0084\u00a2 is its continuous temperature monitor located on the internal probe.","qid":855410,"docid":"3723411","rank":20,"score":10.09077262878418},{"content":"A thermistor is a type of resistor whose resistance is dependent on temperature, more so than in standard resistors. The word is a portmanteau of thermal and resistor. Thermistors are widely used as inrush current limiter, temperature sensors (Negative Temperature Coefficient or NTC type typically), self-resetting overcurrent protectors, and self-regulating heating elements. (Positive Temperature Coefficient or PTC type typically).","qid":855410,"docid":"271880","rank":21,"score":10.179879188537598},{"content":"WebPT, EMR for Rehab Therapists, Makes Second Acquisition. WebPT, the leading web-based electronic medical record (EMR) solution for rehab therapists, today announced its acquisition of Therabill, a web-based practice management software for physical and occupational therapists, speech-language pathologists and behavioral health specialists.","qid":855410,"docid":"17990","rank":22,"score":10.073556900024414},{"content":"Curaderm BEC5 Eggplant Extract cream known as Curaderm for the alternate treatment of skin cancers such as Basal Cell Carcinoma, Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Curaderm is the Eggplant Skin Cancer Treatment By Dr Bill Cham for non-melanoma skin cancers and Actinic Keratosis.","qid":855410,"docid":"2890365","rank":23,"score":10.148175239562988},{"content":"TETRA\u00e2\u0080\u0094security anywhere at anytime. TETRA is the modern digital trunking system used for the private and public mobile radio. communication (transport agencies, airports, energy companies) and for security agencies (police, fire brigades, rescue services, army). Users in security areas especially have high requirements on. the overall system.","qid":855410,"docid":"39103","rank":24,"score":10.096653938293457},{"content":"Article Summary:Trendlines are a staple for technical Forex traders that can be used on any currency pair and on any time frame. Follow these 3 easy steps to drawing trend lines which is a powerful tool to time entries and exits of a trade. A trendline is probably the most basic tool in the technical trader\u00e2\u0080\u0099s toolbox. They are easy to understand and can be used in combination with any other tools you might already be using.","qid":855410,"docid":"3730652","rank":25,"score":10.116019248962402},{"content":"A thermistor is a temperature sensitive resistor, they are often used as a temperature sensor. The term thermistor is a contraction of the words \u00e2\u0080\u009cthermal\u00e2\u0080\u009d and \u00e2\u0080\u009cresistor\u00e2\u0080\u009d. All resistors have some dependency on temperature, which is described by their temperature coefficient.","qid":855410,"docid":"2751088","rank":26,"score":10.415000915527344},{"content":"Thermage for Skin Tightening. NA. Thermage\u00c2\u00ae is a non-invasive treatment that tightens skin, restores facial contours, and builds healthier collagen; it has often been referred to as the non-surgical facelift. Thermage is not a laser or light based system.","qid":855410,"docid":"6167258","rank":27,"score":10.107630729675293},{"content":"Thera Band being utilized for push ups exercises. What exercises can you do with thera band (theraband) What exercises can you do with thera band (theraband). THERA BAND. Thera Band being utilized for push ups exercises.","qid":855410,"docid":"2117100","rank":28,"score":10.198136329650879},{"content":"The main ingredient in this Theraderm cream is lanolin, which is a chemical obtained from sheep\u00e2\u0080\u0099s wool. Lanolin is often used in skin care products because of its ability to boost the natural moisture barrier, as well as the ability to draw moisture to the application site.","qid":855410,"docid":"8651771","rank":29,"score":11.061014175415039},{"content":"It is written for. scientists unfamiliar with TGA. The Thermogravimetric Analyzer (TGA) is an essential laboratory tool used for material. characterization. TGA is used as a technique to characterize materials used in various. environmental, food, pharmaceutical, and petrochemical applications.","qid":855410,"docid":"8754907","rank":30,"score":10.094127655029297},{"content":"A thermistor is a type of resistor whose resistance is dependent on temperature, more so than in standard resistors.The word is a portmanteau of thermal and resistor.Thermistors are widely used as inrush current limiter, temperature sensors (NTC type typically), self-resetting overcurrent protectors, and self-regulating heating elements.f is positive, the resistance increases with increasing temperature, and the device is called a positive temperature coefficient (PTC) thermistor, or posistor. If is negative, the resistance decreases with increasing temperature, and the device is called a negative temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistor.","qid":855410,"docid":"3923748","rank":31,"score":10.07517147064209},{"content":"Trading Platforms; MetaTrader 4; MetaTrader 5; Mobile Trading; Web Terminal MetaTrader 4","qid":855410,"docid":"512771","rank":32,"score":10.316793441772461},{"content":"Updated: March 9, 2010. Applies To: Windows Server 2008 R2. Remote Desktop Connection Broker (RD Connection Broker), formerly Terminal Services Session Broker (TS Session Broker), is used to provide users with access to RemoteApp and Desktop Connection.","qid":855410,"docid":"3731717","rank":33,"score":10.255582809448242},{"content":"When I first set eyes on the Thera Cane, I thought it was a gardening tool left lying around by my roommates. The product is a thin, cane looking object with random knobs and stumps coming out at various points, and probably one of the last things you would think would be used for muscle therapy!","qid":855410,"docid":"8635284","rank":34,"score":10.40919303894043},{"content":"A thermistor is a type of resistor whose resistance is dependent on temperature, more so than in standard resistors. The word is a portmanteau of thermal and resistor.Thermistors are widely used as inrush current limiter, temperature sensors (NTC type typically), self-resetting overcurrent protectors, and self-regulating heating elements.ver small changes in temperature, if the right semiconductor is used, the resistance of the material is linearly proportional to the temperature. There are many different semiconducting thermistors with a range from about 0.01 kelvin to 2,000 kelvins (\u00e2\u0088\u0092273.14 \u00c2\u00b0C to 1,700 \u00c2\u00b0C) .","qid":855410,"docid":"534597","rank":35,"score":10.067134857177734},{"content":"Uses of Remeron. Remeron is used for the treatment of major depressive disorder and sleep disorder. It is also used sometimes to treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety disorder, panic disorder and chronic fatigue. It is often prescribed in drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers for dual diagnosis treatment.","qid":855410,"docid":"4112314","rank":36,"score":10.059473037719727},{"content":"Click http:\/\/amzn.to\/1xJKTtM to buy a Thera Cane. A Thera Cane is a great way to release myofascial trigger points and restricted tissue and perform a self-massage. It is especially easy to reach the top of the shoulders, neck, legs and low back.","qid":855410,"docid":"8635281","rank":37,"score":10.221753120422363},{"content":"What is Sporanox? Sporanox (itraconazole) is an antifungal medication that fights infections caused by fungus. Sporanox is used to treat infections caused by fungus, which can invade any part of the body including the lungs, mouth or throat, toenails, or fingernails. Sporanox may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.","qid":855410,"docid":"2637676","rank":38,"score":10.231491088867188},{"content":"At Scottrade, we offer a valuable array of products and services to help you meet your financial goals, many of which are provided at no cost. Our trading fees and commissions are intentionally straightforward and clear, and we don\u00e2\u0080\u0099t charge our clients fees for account maintenance or inactivity. Stocks & ETFs. Options.","qid":855410,"docid":"5120596","rank":39,"score":10.336080551147461},{"content":"Trading Platform; CRM; Spot+; CFDs; Multiplatform. Web-Based; Mobile; MT4 PLUG-IN; WeChat","qid":855410,"docid":"8103161","rank":40,"score":10.27641487121582},{"content":"\u00e2\u0080\u00a2 \u00e2\u0080\u009cOn Guard: On Guard is a blend of d\u00c5\u008dTERRA oils and it has been lab tested to decrease symptoms of the flu. Some of the primary uses of On Guard include antiviral, cold sores, colds, flu . . . infection, lupus, MRSA, pneumonia . . . and warts.\u00e2\u0080\u009d.","qid":855410,"docid":"2607099","rank":41,"score":10.288516998291016},{"content":"For other uses, see ATRA (disambiguation). Tretinoin, also known as all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA), is medication used for the treatment of acne and acute promyelocytic leukemia. For acne it is applied to the skin as a cream or ointment. For leukemia it is taken by mouth for up to three months.","qid":855410,"docid":"8200788","rank":42,"score":10.181318283081055},{"content":"Theraderm Skin Renewal System. Theraderm Skin Renewal System is described as a total skincare system that may produce younger looking skin. This 5-product system is said to reduce fine lines, take care of rough skin and address sun damage. However, this system has received some low scores on consumer-driven websites that rate anti-aging products, which makes us wonder if this system does not live up to expectations.","qid":855410,"docid":"8651775","rank":43,"score":11.84335708618164},{"content":"Some medications are used to decrease inflammation, while others are used to decrease calcium deposits in muscle and tendon tissue. If your physical therapist decides to use iontophoresis, it is important that you understand the goals of treatment and the type of medication that is being used. Below is a list of common iontophoresis medications and their uses in physical therapy.","qid":855410,"docid":"4022478","rank":44,"score":10.091203689575195},{"content":"Use thermowells from Grainger to help protect temperature sensors installed in industrial processes. A thermowell is a hollow tube that can be permanently placed into pipes, tanks or sumps, into which a temperature probe can be inserted to measure the content\u00e2\u0080\u0099s temperature. Find a variety of thermowells at Grainger. Shop today.","qid":855410,"docid":"8458402","rank":45,"score":10.213299751281738},{"content":"Theravent is The Easy Way My Husband Stopped Snoring. While there are a variety of snoring products that are less expensive than an anti-snoring bed, what has really worked for my family so far is Theravent Nightly Snore Therapy.","qid":855410,"docid":"3062879","rank":46,"score":10.304220199584961},{"content":"In business and marketing, \u00e2\u0080\u009ctrade\u00e2\u0080\u009d refers to the relationship between manufacturers and retailers. Trade Promotion refers to marketing activities that are executed in retail between these two partners. Trade Promotion is a marketing technique aimed at increasing demand for products in retail stores based on special pricing, display fixtures, demonstrations, value-added bonuses, no-obligation gifts, and more. Trade Promotions can offer several benefits to businesses.","qid":855410,"docid":"8719624","rank":47,"score":10.20303726196289},{"content":"Not sure () *Worth It ratings only factor in Worth It and Not worth it ratings. They do not include Not sure.. *Does not include Not sure. ThermiTight is a non-surgical, minimally invasive skin tightening treatment that uses a tiny probe to deliver radio frequency energy just beneath the surface of the skin. It's primarily used to tighten sagging skin on the face, but it can also be used on the neck, tummy, and thighs. LEARN MORE \u00e2\u0080\u00ba. Average Price: $3,000.","qid":855410,"docid":"681984","rank":48,"score":10.081239700317383},{"content":"ZoneAlarm is absolutely safe. Millions use it. To access port settings, the paid version of ZoneAlarm can do that. The free edition can't, though. ZoneAlarm keeps people from accessing your computer that you don't want. You have lots of programs on your computer that communicate with the internet on a daily basis.","qid":855410,"docid":"6919975","rank":49,"score":10.166419982910156},{"content":"OTC Stocks. Scottrade offers Over-the-Counter (OTC) stocks for just $6.95 a trade, plus 0.5% principal for stocks trading under $1. Our on-demand research and advanced screening tools equip you with the information you need to determine if OTC securities fit your investing strategy. Buying OTC Stocks.","qid":855410,"docid":"83093","rank":50,"score":10.24340534210205},{"content":"In the case of Theraderm, this is taken even further, as the brand was founded by a plastic surgeon, Dr. James Beckman. However, even though this brand was created by a doctor, it doesn\u00e2\u0080\u0099t mean that the products are the right choice for everyone.","qid":855410,"docid":"8651776","rank":51,"score":11.339406967163086},{"content":"Regranex is used for: Healing skin ulcers of the lower legs or feet caused by diabetes. It is used in combination with proper wound care. Regranex is a wound-healing agent. It works by helping the body to form cells involved in wound healing and tissue growth.","qid":855410,"docid":"6360768","rank":52,"score":10.129021644592285},{"content":"Thermage is a non-invasive skin rejuvenation procedure that uses pulses of radio waves to tighten and re-contour loose, wrinkled skin. It\u00e2\u0080\u0099s most often used to treat the face and neck (including sagging \u00e2\u0080\u009cturkey neck\u00e2\u0080\u009d skin under the chin), but it can also help tighten skin on the abdomen, thighs, arms, and hands.","qid":855410,"docid":"6167255","rank":53,"score":10.081857681274414},{"content":"You can trade INR to get Ethereum's native token, Ether, to buy gas - the fuel for the computing power of the Ethereum network. Ethereum can be used to run secure smart contracts, free from fraud and third party intervention. Read our handy guides to find out more about ethereum. To trade for low commissions, with tight spreads and tick sizes of just 1 Ether and 1 Rupee create a new account","qid":855410,"docid":"252186","rank":54,"score":10.107732772827148},{"content":"Stock Reports. 1 TheStreet Ratings is a leading provider of stock reports and in-depth market analysis reporting. We provide our members with the latest in mutual fund report overviews, up-to-the-minute stock reports on ETFs, Currencies, Commodities, Energy, Options, IPOs and much more.","qid":855410,"docid":"8471957","rank":55,"score":10.487554550170898},{"content":"Buying OTC Stocks. Real-time quotes and advanced stock screeners along with market news, commentary and analyst reports are all tools of OTC trading. With Scottrade, you have access to these tools and more to help you make well-informed trading decisions.","qid":855410,"docid":"923042","rank":56,"score":10.156734466552734},{"content":"Report Abuse. ZoneAlarm is absolutely safe. Millions use it. To access port settings, the paid version of ZoneAlarm can do that. The free edition can't, though. ZoneAlarm keeps people from accessing your computer that you don't want.","qid":855410,"docid":"6919977","rank":57,"score":10.143668174743652},{"content":"A revolutionary treatment for aging skin, Thermage\u00c2\u00ae uses focused radio-frequency energy to strengthen collagen in your skin for a smooth, sleek look that can help you feel years younger. Thermage\u00c2\u00ae remodels the collagen in that pesky wrinkled skin. A technologically advanced, non-invasive treatment, powerful Thermage radiofrequency energy gives you a smoother, sleeker look in just one treatment.","qid":855410,"docid":"8157624","rank":58,"score":10.12342357635498},{"content":"ZoneAlarm is absolutely safe. Millions use it. To access port settings, the paid version of ZoneAlarm can do that. The free edition can't, though.","qid":855410,"docid":"6919978","rank":59,"score":10.139601707458496},{"content":"Trendlines have a number of purposes in regards to trading. They can be used to manage trades, time trade entry and exit, and as a style of trading. The two trading styles I will focus on are... 1 Trendline Breaks (aka Breakouts).","qid":855410,"docid":"3378618","rank":60,"score":10.46578598022461},{"content":"Everolimus. Everolimus, also known as Afinitor, is a biologic immunosuppressant therapy that was first used to prevent the body from rejecting organ transplants. It has been repurposed as an oncology therapy that helps estrogen-blocking cancer drugs, such as exemestane, to sustain their estrogen-blocking mechanism for longer periods of time. Benefits in Combining Exemestane and Everolimus","qid":855410,"docid":"578959","rank":61,"score":10.239398956298828},{"content":"terms of use Strategen Consulting LLC (\u00e2\u0080\u009cStrategen\u00e2\u0080\u009d) provides its content on strategen.com (the \u00e2\u0080\u009cSite\u00e2\u0080\u009d) subject to the following terms of use (the \u00e2\u0080\u009cTerms\u00e2\u0080\u009d). please read these terms carefully before using this site.","qid":855410,"docid":"3659798","rank":62,"score":10.067991256713867},{"content":"TradeMiner is a specialized research tool designed to scan the historical database of the Stocks, Futures, & Forex Markets, and find recurring trends and market cycles that have historically proven to be profitable 80%, 90% or even 100% of the time, between two specific dates, over the past 10, 20, 30, or more years!\u00e2\u0080\u009d*.radeMiner is a specialized research tool designed to scan the historical database of the Stocks, Futures, & Forex Markets, and find recurring trends and market cycles that have historically proven to be profitable 80%, 90% or even 100% of the time, between two specific dates, over the past 10, 20, 30, or more years!\u00e2\u0080\u009d*.","qid":855410,"docid":"7727614","rank":63,"score":10.760540008544922},{"content":"A thermistor is a type of resistor whose resistance is dependent on temperature, more so than in standard resistors.The word is a portmanteau of thermal and resistor.Thermistors are widely used as inrush current limiter, temperature sensors (NTC type typically), self-resetting overcurrent protectors, and self-regulating heating elements. thermistor is a type of resistor whose resistance is dependent on temperature, more so than in standard resistors.","qid":855410,"docid":"463329","rank":64,"score":10.192363739013672},{"content":"Theraderm is a manufacturer of clinical-grade skin care products, including anti-aging creams and moisturizers, as well as an acne system under an alternate brand: Reversion. The company was founded in 1996 by James Beckman, M.D., and is headquartered in Springdale, Arkansas.","qid":855410,"docid":"8651770","rank":65,"score":12.096830368041992},{"content":"Use The Thera-Band FlexBar. A Thera-Band Flexbar is a physiotherapy tool that is used to improve grip strength and as a remedial device for treating painful wrist or elbow injuries.","qid":855410,"docid":"2117098","rank":66,"score":10.857377052307129},{"content":"Thera-Derm topical. Uses. This medication is used as a moisturizer to treat or prevent dry, rough, scaly, itchy skin and minor skin irritations (e.g., diaper rash, skin burns from radiation therapy). Emollients are substances that soften and moisturize the skin and decrease itching and flaking. Some products (e.g., zinc oxide, white petrolatum) are used mostly to protect the skin against irritation (e.g., from wetness). Dry skin is caused by a loss of water in the upper layer of the skin.","qid":855410,"docid":"8651773","rank":67,"score":10.745258331298828},{"content":"A theraband is a latex resistance band or tube that is used for physical therapy and light strength training exercise. They are also commonly used by athletes, specifically dancers, to strengthen and stretch the feet.","qid":855410,"docid":"2117094","rank":68,"score":11.25064468383789},{"content":"Important ThermiSmooth Face Safety Considerations. Thermi Radiofrequency products should not be used on patients who are pregnant, have fever or skin infection in or around the the area of application. Treating physicians should perform required testing to confirm patient is negative for infection or pregnancy. Patient should be awake and monitored during the procedure for any unexpected symptoms.","qid":855410,"docid":"8776520","rank":69,"score":10.139626502990723},{"content":"Use The Thera-Band FlexBar. A Thera-Band Flexbar is a physiotherapy tool that is used to improve grip strength and as a remedial device for treating painful wrist or elbow injuries. The FlexBar is made from dry natural rubber and is 12\u00e2\u0080\u009dlong with ridges along its surface so that it can be gripped securely.","qid":855410,"docid":"2117096","rank":70,"score":10.773529052734375},{"content":"Bosentan is a dual endothelin receptor antagonist used in the treatment of pulmonary artery hypertension (PAH). It is licensed in the United States, the European Union and other countries by Actelion Pharmaceuticals for the management of PAH under the trade name Tracleer. 1 Medical uses.","qid":855410,"docid":"6912267","rank":71,"score":10.125917434692383},{"content":"ASC 805 states: \u00e2\u0080\u009cTrademarks are words, names, symbols, or other devices used in trade to indicate the source of a product and to distinguish it from the products of others.\u00e2\u0080\u009d2. Generally the relief from royalty method is used to determine the fair value of a trademark or trade name.","qid":855410,"docid":"5697578","rank":72,"score":10.362595558166504},{"content":"An extended trading session (on a matched order basis) for the NYSE and the AMEX. It lasts from 4:15 PM until 5:00 PM ET and uses the closing price of a security at the conclusion of the regular trading day to determine the transaction price of the matched orders.","qid":855410,"docid":"7918488","rank":73,"score":10.112907409667969},{"content":"Autism therapies. Autism therapies are interventions that attempt to lessen the deficits and problem behaviours associated with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in order to increase the quality of life and functional independence of autistic individuals. Treatment is typically catered to person's needs.","qid":855410,"docid":"3060960","rank":74,"score":10.137091636657715},{"content":"It has excellent resistance to water, water vapor and temperature change. 310 Thermomastic is used in the refrigeration industry to increase the heat transfer area between refrigerator coils and refrigerated liner walls. 310 Thermomastic is easy to apply with hand tools, caulking guns or suitable pumping systems.","qid":855410,"docid":"3899594","rank":75,"score":10.409934997558594},{"content":"1 Bomgar\u00e2\u0080\u0099s remote support solution enables you to remotely access and fix nearly any device, running any platform, located anywhere in the world. 2 Control multiple systems, chat with multiple end-users, and collaborate with other reps to fix problems faster.pgrades to the box are prepared by the mother-ship and sent down so that customers can apply it in accordance to their own schedules, so as not to flood the infrastructure. Bomgar is a niche remote support offering complementing what the big ITSM players offer.","qid":855410,"docid":"5718797","rank":76,"score":10.119041442871094},{"content":"Forex Expert Adviser. Add-on software used with a MetaTrader currency trading platform. A Forex EA is used to automatically generate trading signals on the forex trader's behalf. Some software also allows for automatic trades under given conditions, and may include trailing stops so that currency traders can maximize on trends and not lose out on profit making opportunities.","qid":855410,"docid":"4177796","rank":77,"score":10.219274520874023},{"content":"Powerful Tools for Your Option Strategies. Scottrade provides robust option trading tools and comprehensive online education to support your experience level and trading goals. You can trade options from any of our platforms.","qid":855410,"docid":"6014482","rank":78,"score":10.37009048461914},{"content":"Theramine\u00e2\u0084\u00a2 is a Medical Food formulated by practicing physicians to be used for the management and relief of pain and inflammation. Theramine\u00e2\u0084\u00a2 is designed to influence the neurotransmitters that inhibit neuronal firing and reduce inflammation.Serotonin, GABA, and acetylcholine inhibit neuronal firing. Serine inhibits certain g-proteins of the opioid receptor resulting in activation of the opioid receptor.heramine\u00e2\u0084\u00a2 is designed to influence the neurotransmitters that inhibit neuronal firing and reduce inflammation. Serotonin, GABA, and acetylcholine inhibit neuronal firing. Serine inhibits certain g-proteins of the opioid receptor resulting in activation of the opioid receptor.","qid":855410,"docid":"5321529","rank":79,"score":10.177787780761719},{"content":"Last reviewed on RxList 4\/28\/2015. Sporanox (itraconazole) is an antifungal agent used to treat infections caused by fungus, which can invade any part of the body including the lungs, mouth or throat, toenails, or fingernails.","qid":855410,"docid":"2961776","rank":80,"score":10.111339569091797},{"content":"If you are not able to protect your account with a Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator, a hold will temporarily be placed on items moving away from your account. Trade and market holds protect items if a user's account is compromised. These holds also give users a way to recover items before they are lost.","qid":855410,"docid":"1784333","rank":81,"score":10.158734321594238},{"content":"1 FASTRADE is a powerful real time trading solution which allows the user to watch market prices and execute orders in multiple exchanges and markets instantaneously by real time price streaming. 2 Data privacy over internet using SSL. Charts with multiple charting techniques.","qid":855410,"docid":"6865905","rank":82,"score":10.299057960510254},{"content":"ApplicationXtender (AX) ApplicationXtender is one of the easiest and most cost-effective document management software platforms on the market, which makes it ideal for use at the department level for accounts payable, HR, legal, purchasing, shipping\/receiving, accounts receivable, and engineering\u00e2\u0080\u0094as well as on an enterprise-wide basis.","qid":855410,"docid":"1319482","rank":83,"score":10.22802734375},{"content":"These Terms of Use apply to your use of the Services or other websites, mobile applications, or electronic services on which these Terms of Use (\u00e2\u0080\u009cTerms\u00e2\u0080\u009d) are posted. PLEASE READ THESE TERMS CAREFULLY BEFORE USING ANY SERVICES.","qid":855410,"docid":"2835453","rank":84,"score":10.06334400177002},{"content":"The word \u00e2\u0080\u009cTransducer\u00e2\u0080\u009d is the collective term used for both Sensors which can be used to sense a wide range of different energy forms such as movement, electrical signals, radiant energy, thermal or magnetic energy etc, and Actuators which can be used to switch voltages or currents.","qid":855410,"docid":"3014841","rank":85,"score":10.157818794250488},{"content":"Electronic trading, sometimes called etrading, is a method of trading securities (such as stocks, and bonds), foreign exchange or financial derivatives electronically. Information technology is used to bring together buyers and sellers through an electronic trading platform and network to create virtual market places.","qid":855410,"docid":"764092","rank":86,"score":10.302268981933594},{"content":"Autism therapies are therapies that attempt to lessen the deficits and behaviours associated with autism and other autism spectrum disorders (ASD), and to increase the quality of life and functional independence of autistic individuals, especially children.Treatment is typically catered to the child's needs.utism therapies are therapies that attempt to lessen the deficits and behaviours associated with autism and other autism spectrum disorders (ASD), and to increase the quality of life and functional independence of autistic individuals, especially children.","qid":855410,"docid":"4326433","rank":87,"score":10.12741470336914},{"content":"BuSpar Uses. While BuSpar uses are primarily focused on the treatment of anxiety symptoms, the medication can also be used off-label for treating other conditions. For example, using the drug to improve aggressive behavior and hyperactivity in children with autism is considered an off-label use.","qid":855410,"docid":"7217066","rank":88,"score":10.206269264221191},{"content":"Atarax is an antihistamine used to relieve the symptoms of common anxiety and tension and, in combination with other medications, to treat anxiety that results from physical illness. It also relieves itching from allergic reactions and can be used as a sedative before and after general anesthesia.","qid":855410,"docid":"5976366","rank":89,"score":10.305946350097656},{"content":"What is Tracleer (bosentan)? Bosentan lowers blood pressure in your lungs, helping your heart pump blood more efficiently. Bosentan is used to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). It improves your ability to exercise and prevents your condition from getting worse. Bosentan is available only under a special program from a certified pharmacy.","qid":855410,"docid":"6912265","rank":90,"score":10.22868537902832},{"content":"Buspar (buspirone) Buspar is used to treat anxiety and for the short term treatment of anxiety disorder. It has a direct effect on the neurotransmitters in the brain making it effective in treating mood disorders associated with addiction.","qid":855410,"docid":"1299551","rank":91,"score":10.349546432495117},{"content":"Tenex is used for: Treating high blood pressure. It may be used alone or with other medicines. It may also be used for other conditions as determined by your doctor. Tenex is an alpha agonist. It works by relaxing (dilating) blood vessels and decreasing heart rate, which lowers blood pressure.","qid":855410,"docid":"2622122","rank":92,"score":10.396055221557617},{"content":"Thermage for Skin Tightening. NA. Thermage\u00c2\u00ae is a non-invasive treatment that tightens skin, restores facial contours, and builds healthier collagen; it has often been referred to as the non-surgical facelift. Thermage is not a laser or light based system. Thermage treatments use a powerful radio frequency (RF) technology named ThermaCoolTM.","qid":855410,"docid":"4235940","rank":93,"score":10.252777099609375},{"content":"\u00e2\u0080\u009cExtended-hours trading\u00e2\u0080\u009d means trading outside of \u00e2\u0080\u009cregular. trading hours.\u00e2\u0080\u009d \u00e2\u0080\u009cRegular trading hours\u00e2\u0080\u009d general means the time between 9:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 Risk of Lower Liquidity. Liquidity refers to the ability of market participants to buy and sell securities.","qid":855410,"docid":"3857638","rank":94,"score":10.191390991210938},{"content":"Thermistors are used in : microwaves,,Toasters,,kettler,,Thermistats and some electrical grils.","qid":855410,"docid":"2751096","rank":95,"score":10.069147109985352},{"content":"Your PT may use e-stim called iontophoresis to administer medication. nano\/Getty Images Dexamethasone is a common anti-inflammatory medication used during iontophoresis treatments in many physical therapy clinics. It is helpful in decreasing localized inflammation that occurs in musculoskeletal conditions such as tendonitis or bursitis. Inflammation causes pain, decreased tissue mobility, and swelling.","qid":855410,"docid":"4022474","rank":96,"score":10.063912391662598},{"content":"TM vs SM What is the difference between the \u00e2\u0080\u009cTM\u00e2\u0080\u009d and \u00e2\u0080\u009cSM\u00e2\u0080\u009d designations? The \u00e2\u0080\u009cTM\u00e2\u0080\u009d symbol stands for \u00e2\u0080\u009ctrademark\u00e2\u0080\u009d and is used in conjunction with marks that identify products.","qid":855410,"docid":"2082728","rank":97,"score":10.124781608581543},{"content":"Indications and Usage for BuSpar. BuSpar is indicated for the management of anxiety disorders or the short-term relief of the symptoms of anxiety. Anxiety or tension associated with the stress of everyday life usually does not require treatment with an anxiolytic.","qid":855410,"docid":"4248950","rank":98,"score":10.136848449707031},{"content":"The thermistor. Thermistors are used as temperature sensors, for example, in fire alarms. Their resistance decreases as the temperature increases: Thermistor symbol. 1 At low temperatures, the resistance of a thermistor is high, and little current can flow through them.he thermistor. Thermistors are used as temperature sensors, for example, in fire alarms. Their resistance decreases as the temperature increases: Thermistor symbol. 1 At low temperatures, the resistance of a thermistor is high, and little current can flow through them.","qid":855410,"docid":"463336","rank":99,"score":10.29299259185791},{"content":"Nowadays there are many skin care brands, like Theraderm, which are actively promoted by doctors and dermatologists. This is an interesting approach, because it boosts the image of the products through the associated skin care expertise of a doctor.","qid":855410,"docid":"8651772","rank":100,"score":11.761760711669922}]} {"query":"what is an aml surveillance analyst","hits":[{"content":"Corporate surveillance is the monitoring of a person or group's behavior by a corporation. The data collected is most often used for marketing purposes or sold to other corporations, but is also regularly shared with government agencies.","qid":1115776,"docid":"3972606","rank":1,"score":10.278722763061523},{"content":"1 Adult acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a type of cancer in which the bone marrow makes abnormal myeloblasts (a type of white blood cell), red blood cells, or platelets. 2 Leukemia may affect red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. 3 There are different subtypes of AML.","qid":1115776,"docid":"1403191","rank":2,"score":10.540035247802734},{"content":"Final Stages of AML in the Elderly. Symptoms. Acute Myeloid Leukemia, or AML, is a rapidly progressing disease specific to elderly people. AML attacks the DNA of red blood cells while they are forming in the bone marrow. The body is then unable to produce enough red blood cells and platelets to sustain life. Early symptoms of AML are also symptoms of aging.","qid":1115776,"docid":"4984390","rank":3,"score":10.364509582519531},{"content":"Financial Crimes Compliance Analyst \u00e2\u0080\u0093Due Diligence, reporting to the Due Diligence Manager, will be responsible for conducting Due Diligence as it pertains to Anti-Money Laundering (AML), Fraud, and the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) compliance.","qid":1115776,"docid":"5264931","rank":4,"score":10.60716438293457},{"content":"The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network ( FinCEN ) , the U.S. agency tasked with issuing anti-money laundering ( AML ) regulations , recently finalized long-pending regulations that would require that banking organizations , securities broker-dealers , mutual funds , futures commission merchants and introducing brokers in commodities ( \u00e2\u0080\u009c covered ...","qid":1115776,"docid":"1269409","rank":5,"score":10.478253364562988},{"content":"Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a type of blood cancer. It usually begins in cells that would turn into white blood cells. Sometimes, though, AML can start in other types of blood-forming cells. Although there\u00e2\u0080\u0099s no cure, there are treatments that can make a big difference.","qid":1115776,"docid":"838943","rank":6,"score":10.35016918182373},{"content":"AML Analysts are responsible for detecting and monitoring suspicious transactions in an effort to prevent money laundering. A typical AML Analyst resume usually describes duties such as implementing anti money laundering procedures, assessing daily financial activity, and preparing regular reports to AML Compliance Officers.","qid":1115776,"docid":"8106321","rank":7,"score":13.626657485961914},{"content":"Symptoms. Acute Myeloid Leukemia, or AML, is a rapidly progressing disease specific to elderly people. AML attacks the DNA of red blood cells while they are forming in the bone marrow.The body is then unable to produce enough red blood cells and platelets to sustain life. Early symptoms of AML are also symptoms of aging.Early symptoms include lethargy, bruising easily and shortness of breath.ML attacks the DNA of red blood cells while they are forming in the bone marrow. The body is then unable to produce enough red blood cells and platelets to sustain life. Early symptoms of AML are also symptoms of aging. Early symptoms include lethargy, bruising easily and shortness of breath.","qid":1115776,"docid":"1809762","rank":8,"score":10.464662551879883},{"content":"A professional designation given by the CFA Institute (formerly AIMR) that measures the competence and integrity of financial analysts. Candidates are required to pass three levels of exams covering areas such as accounting, economics, ethics, money management and security analysis.","qid":1115776,"docid":"3641822","rank":9,"score":10.415338516235352},{"content":"Definition of security analyst. : one that studies elements of value and factors affecting future value of securities to appraise their worth in relation to their price.","qid":1115776,"docid":"8177313","rank":10,"score":10.31545352935791},{"content":"The FAB is the one most commonly used. To classify AML using this system, doctors will look at the leukemia cells they obtain during the bone marrow biopsy. Beyond determining what stage of development the cells are at, they will also determine what kind of cell they were supposed to become when mature.","qid":1115776,"docid":"3208048","rank":11,"score":10.528854370117188},{"content":"Its roots are in AML[2], a programming language originally developed for use in a re-. search robot system[3] and subsequently made available as the. programming language of the IBM 7565 Manufacturing System. AML also saw use as the base language for AML\/V, an indus-.","qid":1115776,"docid":"6989199","rank":12,"score":10.303305625915527},{"content":"Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) is a type of cancer that affects the blood and bone marrow. AML is characterised by an overproduction of immature white blood cells, called myeloblasts or leukaemic blasts. These cells crowd the bone marrow, preventing it from making normal blood cells. They can also spill out into the blood stream and circulate around the body.","qid":1115776,"docid":"1856137","rank":13,"score":10.751813888549805},{"content":"1 Identify current issues in the field of AML treatment. 2 Review treatment options and their benefits and limitations. 3 Describe risk stratification and assessment to determine therapy for patients with AML. Discuss treatment options available to improve outcomes for patients with AML.","qid":1115776,"docid":"1440028","rank":14,"score":10.484834671020508},{"content":"Anti money laundering (AML) is a term mainly used in the financial and legal industries to describe the legal controls that require financial institutions and other regulated \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 entities to prevent or report money laundering activities.nti money laundering (AML) is a term mainly used in the financial and legal industries to describe the legal controls that require financial institutions and other regulated \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 entities to prevent or report money laundering activities.","qid":1115776,"docid":"1729572","rank":15,"score":11.211320877075195},{"content":"In this article. Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a type of blood cancer. AML usually develops from cells that would turn into white blood cells (other than lymphocytes). Sometimes, though, it can develop from other types of blood-forming cells.","qid":1115776,"docid":"3063308","rank":16,"score":10.421663284301758},{"content":"BSA and Related Regulations The Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) is the primary U.S. anti-money laundering (AML) law and has been amended to include certain provisions of Title III of the USA PATRIOT Act to detect, deter and disrupt terrorist financing networks. Bank Secrecy Act - 31 USC 5311 - 5330.","qid":1115776,"docid":"8025991","rank":17,"score":10.309680938720703},{"content":"What is AMLS. Additional Info. NAEMT\u00e2\u0080\u0099s Advanced Medical Life Support (AMLS) course is the first EMS education program that fully addresses how to best assess and manage the most common medical crises in patients, offering a think outside the box methodology.","qid":1115776,"docid":"8757348","rank":18,"score":10.85661506652832},{"content":"Increased knowledge on AML escape routes from NK cell immune surveillance will further aid in the design of novel NK cell-based immunotherapy approaches for the treatment of AML.Leukemia accepted article preview online, 26 March 2012; doi:10.1038\/leu.2012.87.","qid":1115776,"docid":"5605160","rank":19,"score":10.282234191894531},{"content":"A research analyst is a professional who is responsible for reviewing, collecting, and reporting on a variety of data sets and information sources.","qid":1115776,"docid":"6995984","rank":20,"score":10.424398422241211},{"content":"Job Classification: Contract An Anti-Money Laundering Analyst job is newly available in Phoenix, AZ. If you have two (2) plus years\u00e2\u0080\u0099 of experience as an AML Analyst then this may be the next perfect position for you. This opportunity will require strong p...","qid":1115776,"docid":"4314169","rank":21,"score":11.129222869873047},{"content":"BSA and Related Regulations. The Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) is the primary U.S. anti-money laundering (AML) law and has been amended to include certain provisions of Title III of the USA PATRIOT Act to detect, deter and disrupt terrorist financing networks. Bank Secrecy Act - 31 USC 5311 - 5330.","qid":1115776,"docid":"1774968","rank":22,"score":10.371260643005371},{"content":"AML Awareness - Three stages of money laundering. Money laundering has one purpose - to turn the proceeds of crime into cash or property that looks legitimate and can be used without suspicion. Here are some of the most common ways this is achieved. There are usually two or three phases to the laundering: Placement.","qid":1115776,"docid":"8048541","rank":23,"score":10.721197128295898},{"content":"BREAKING DOWN 'Anti Money Laundering - AML'. AML laws and regulations target activities that include market manipulation, trade of illegal goods, corruption of public funds and evasion of tax, as well as all activities that aim to conceal these deeds.","qid":1115776,"docid":"8495256","rank":24,"score":10.643364906311035},{"content":"Heredity or Genetic Factors. Familial AML is a rare type of inherited leukemia which is transmitted by a non-sex chromosome in a dominant fashion. Certain genetic conditions can increase the risk for AML. It is very likely that identical twins who develop AML in the first year of life will both develop the disease.","qid":1115776,"docid":"8355028","rank":25,"score":10.317472457885742},{"content":"Acute myeloid leukemia (AML), also known as acute nonlymphocytic leukemia, represents a group of clonal hematopoietic stem cell disorders in which both a block in differentiation and unchecked proliferation result in the accumulation of myeloblasts at the expense of normal hematopoietic precursors.","qid":1115776,"docid":"3296853","rank":26,"score":10.635848999023438},{"content":"Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) Is a cancer of the bone marrow and the blood Progresses rapidly without treatment Affects mostly cells that aren't fully developed-these cells can't carry out their normal functions Can be a difficult disease to treat.","qid":1115776,"docid":"3203998","rank":27,"score":10.533243179321289},{"content":"The following topics are addressed in this guide: 1 The Bank Secrecy Act. 2 The USA PATRIOT Act. 3 AML Programs. 4 Customer Identification Programs. 5 Correspondent Accounts: Prohibition on Foreign Shell Banks and Due Diligence Programs. 6 Due Diligence Programs for Private Banking Accounts. 7 Suspicious Activity Monitoring and Reporting. 8 Other BSA Reports.","qid":1115776,"docid":"1036907","rank":28,"score":11.2953462600708},{"content":"Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a type of blood cancer. AML usually develops from cells that would turn into white blood cells (other than lymphocytes). Sometimes, though, it can develop from other types of blood-forming cells.","qid":1115776,"docid":"3063307","rank":29,"score":10.3173246383667},{"content":"However, it should be noted that CPOs, CTAs, SDs, MSPs, and RFEDs have certain AML-related reporting obligations under the existing currency transactions reporting regulations, foreign bank and financial account reporting regulations and international transportation of currency or monetary instrument regulations.","qid":1115776,"docid":"3907358","rank":30,"score":10.292736053466797},{"content":"Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Source Tool for Broker-Dealers. This research guide, or \u00e2\u0080\u009csource tool,\u00e2\u0080\u009d is a compilation of key AML laws, rules, orders, and guidance applicable to broker-dealers. Several statutory and regulatory provisions, and related rules of the securities self-regulatory organizations (SROs), impose AML obligations on broker-dealers.","qid":1115776,"docid":"1036904","rank":31,"score":11.30916976928711},{"content":"The Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) is the primary U.S. anti-money laundering (AML) law and has been amended to include certain provisions of Title III of the USA PATRIOT Act to detect, deter and disrupt terrorist financing networks. 1 Bank Secrecy Act - 31 USC 5311 - 5330. Foreign Assets Control Regulations (OFAC) 12 CFR 500.","qid":1115776,"docid":"1774964","rank":32,"score":10.629097938537598},{"content":"Date: January 11, 2017. This research guide, or \u00e2\u0080\u009csource tool,\u00e2\u0080\u009d is a compilation of key AML laws, rules, orders, and guidance applicable to broker-dealers. Several statutory and regulatory provisions, and related rules of the securities self-regulatory organizations (SROs), impose AML obligations on broker-dealers.","qid":1115776,"docid":"1036899","rank":33,"score":10.74305534362793},{"content":"FINRA provides an Anti-Money Laundering Template to assist Small Firms in establishing the AML compliance program required by the Bank Secrecy Act, its implementing regulations, and FINRA Rule 3310. The template provides text examples, instructions, relevant rules and Web sites, and other resources.","qid":1115776,"docid":"2364279","rank":34,"score":10.78701400756836},{"content":"Whether or not an AML compliance officer is registered with, or an employee of, the firm, an AML compliance officer is an associated person of the firm. (See FINRA Rule 3310; NASD Notice to Members 02-80, fn.5; NASD Notice to Members 06-07.)","qid":1115776,"docid":"3203281","rank":35,"score":11.188060760498047},{"content":"There are 2 staging systems that are commonly used during diagnosis of acute myeloid leukemia (AML). The French-American-British (FAB) classification system is based on morphology to define specific immunotypes. The World Health Organization (WHO) classification reviews chromosome translocations and evidence of dysplasia.","qid":1115776,"docid":"7840015","rank":36,"score":10.286020278930664},{"content":"One of the tools provided under the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) as a way of monitoring suspicious activities that would not ordinarily be flagged under other reports (such as the currency transaction report.) Suspicious activity reports can cover almost any activity that is out of the ordinary, if that activity gives rise to a suspicion that the account ...","qid":1115776,"docid":"7588334","rank":37,"score":10.306550979614258},{"content":"ACAMS is the largest international membership organization dedicated to enhancing the knowledge and skills of AML and financial crime professionals from a wide range of industries with extensive resources designed to develop and sharpen the skills required for superior job performance and career advancement.","qid":1115776,"docid":"7129179","rank":38,"score":10.815147399902344},{"content":"Financial analyst. A financial analyst, securities analyst, research analyst, equity analyst, investment analyst, or rating analyst is a person who performs financial analysis for external or internal financial clients as a core part of the job. Contents.","qid":1115776,"docid":"791578","rank":39,"score":10.424861907958984},{"content":"Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a cancer that occurs in your blood and in the marrow of your bones. Marrow is a sponge-like material inside your bones that produces blood cells. AML specifically affects the white blood cells of your body, causing them to form abnormally. The number of abnormal cells grows rapidly.","qid":1115776,"docid":"838944","rank":40,"score":10.482011795043945},{"content":"If you have two (2) plus years\u00e2\u0080\u0099 of experience as an AML Analyst then this may be the next perfect position for you. Two plus years of AML Compliance or fraud related experience. www.specialcounsel.com","qid":1115776,"docid":"4314178","rank":41,"score":10.375889778137207},{"content":"AML is the native programming language of the ArcInfo Workstation GIS software. AML is most commonly used in the 7x versions of ArcInfo. AML Basics PDF file on the basics of AML. Make sure you have Adobe\u00e2\u0080\u0099s (www.adobe.com) free Adobe Reader installed on your machine in order to sucessfully open up this URL. ArcScripts","qid":1115776,"docid":"8108818","rank":42,"score":11.29400634765625},{"content":"Upon completion of this activity, participants will be able to: 1 Identify current issues in the field of AML treatment. 2 Review treatment options and their benefits and limitations. Describe risk stratification and assessment to determine therapy for patients with AML.","qid":1115776,"docid":"1440032","rank":43,"score":10.285765647888184},{"content":"What is 'Anti Money Laundering - AML'. Anti-money laundering (AML) refers to a set of procedures, laws or regulations designed to stop the practice of generating income through illegal actions. In most cases, money launderers hide their actions through a series of steps that make it look like money that came from illegal or unethical sources was earned legitimately.","qid":1115776,"docid":"6989198","rank":44,"score":11.865666389465332},{"content":"JOB SUMMARY A Senior BSA\/AML Analyst is responsible for maintaining certain aspects of the Bank's BSA\/AML compliance program and assists in meeting and maintaining BSA\/AML compliance requirements of the Bank.","qid":1115776,"docid":"4314175","rank":45,"score":12.039863586425781},{"content":"Review red flags of potential suspicious activity related to money laundering. 1 Summarize related laws, regulations, sanctions and penalties. 2 Identify the minimum requirements for an AML Program. 3 Discuss case studies. 21st Annual ECI 1 Conference. 21st Annual ECI Conference.","qid":1115776,"docid":"2364284","rank":46,"score":10.400696754455566},{"content":"Credit\/kyc Analyst. 1 Managed the business group's Know Your Client process (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering process (AML) in strict compliance with the US PATRIOT Act of 2001 Section 326 CIP. 2 Developed and implemented a streamlined process of KYC and AML data collection, reporting and tracking for the Chicago unit.","qid":1115776,"docid":"4314172","rank":47,"score":10.734125137329102},{"content":"Those persons responsible for conducting an objective independent evaluation of the written BSA\/AML compliance program should perform testing for specific compliance with the BSA, and evaluate pertinent management information systems (MIS).","qid":1115776,"docid":"3330844","rank":48,"score":10.358379364013672},{"content":"Acute myeloid leukemia (AML), also known as acute myelogenous leukemia or acute nonlymphocytic leukemia (ANLL), is a cancer of the myeloid line of blood cells, characterized by the rapid growth of abnormal white blood cells that accumulate in the bone marrow and interfere with the production of normal blood cells.","qid":1115776,"docid":"2514462","rank":49,"score":10.598714828491211},{"content":"Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a blood cancer. It happens when young abnormal white blood cells called blasts (leukemia cells), begin to fill up the bone marrow, preventing normal blood production. Doctors diagnose AML when 20 out of every 100 white blood cells in the bone marrow is a blast cell. AML is the most common acute leukemia affecting adults, with about 20,000 new cases diagnosed each year. When people have AML, blasts make copies of themselves quickly. This slows the production of red blood cells and platelets, causing tiredness from anemia and a risk of bleeding from a low platelet count.","qid":1115776,"docid":"6616844","rank":50,"score":10.609783172607422},{"content":"TEMENOS. Anti-money laundering (AML) software is a type of computer program used by financial institutions to analyze customer data and detect suspicious transactions.Download this guide to become a Web App Security superhero.nti-money laundering (AML) software is a type of computer program used by financial institutions to analyze customer data and detect suspicious transactions. Download this guide to become a Web App Security superhero.","qid":1115776,"docid":"1729576","rank":51,"score":11.540558815002441},{"content":"After detecting suspicious activities, known security issues and malicious attacks in near real-time, Advanced Threat Analytics provides clear, functional, actionable information on a simple attack timeline.","qid":1115776,"docid":"6326329","rank":52,"score":10.561403274536133},{"content":"Of greater value is flow cytometry as a fast and reliable method to distinguish between AML and ALL, which is an important decision. Moreover, flow cytometry can help defining the subtype to the acute leukemia, primarily in cases of ALL, to a lesser extent also in cases of AML.","qid":1115776,"docid":"1856144","rank":53,"score":10.278018951416016},{"content":"1 Adult acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a type of cancer in which the bone marrow makes abnormal myeloblasts (a type of white blood cell), red blood cells, or platelets.2 Leukemia may affect red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. 3 There are different subtypes of AML.he extent or spread of cancer is usually described as stages. In adult acute myeloid leukemia (AML), the subtype of AML and whether the leukemia has spread outside the blood and bone marrow are used instead of the stage to plan treatment.","qid":1115776,"docid":"2230475","rank":54,"score":10.482466697692871},{"content":"Neither the Bank Secrecy Act nor FINRA Rule 3310 requires AML compliance persons to register either as representatives or principals. Nevertheless, our general registration requirements state that persons who engage in the investment banking or securities business for a member need to register.","qid":1115776,"docid":"3203278","rank":55,"score":10.301092147827148},{"content":"The basic tenets of an AML compliance program under FINRA 3310 include the following. 1 The program has to be approved in writing by a senior manager. It must be reasonably designed to ensure the firm detects and reports suspicious activity.","qid":1115776,"docid":"4487938","rank":56,"score":10.354782104492188},{"content":"Acute myeloid leukemia (AML), one of the most aggressive types of leukemia, is characterized by the accumulation of large numbers of abnormal myeloid cells that do not differentiate into functional granulocytes or monocytes during the hematopoiesis process. The goal of this project","qid":1115776,"docid":"407823","rank":57,"score":10.614925384521484},{"content":"Be the first to see new Aml Surveillance Analyst jobs My email: Also get an email with jobs recommended just for me Anti Money Laundering Analyst salaries in United States","qid":1115776,"docid":"8106324","rank":58,"score":10.841972351074219},{"content":"The Bank Secrecy Act, among other things, requires financial institutions, including broker-dealers, to develop and implement AML compliance programs. Members are also governed by the anti-money laundering rule in FINRA Rule 3310. FINRA Rule 3310 sets forth minimum standards for broker-dealers' AML compliance programs.","qid":1115776,"docid":"3203276","rank":59,"score":10.521381378173828},{"content":"Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a form of cancer that is characterized by infiltration of the bone marrow, blood, and other tissues by proliferative, clonal, abnormally differentiated, and occasionally poorly differentiated cells of the hematopoietic system.","qid":1115776,"docid":"7847335","rank":60,"score":10.523714065551758},{"content":"The symptoms of AML are caused by replacement of normal bone marrow with leukemic cells, which causes a drop in red blood cells, platelets, and normal white blood cells. These symptoms include fatigue, shortness of breath, easy bruising and bleeding, and increased risk of infection.he symptoms of AML are caused by replacement of normal bone marrow with leukemic cells, which causes a drop in red blood cells, platelets, and normal white blood cells. These symptoms include fatigue, shortness of breath, easy bruising and bleeding, and increased risk of infection.","qid":1115776,"docid":"2230482","rank":61,"score":10.430635452270508},{"content":"Provide leadership and guidance of daily processes and act as the go to person for daily issues. Specific responsibilities include but are not limited to: Reporting to the Scenario Review Manager, the Senior Analyst will be conducting all analytical activities related to AML transaction monitoring systems....","qid":1115776,"docid":"3469357","rank":62,"score":11.278901100158691},{"content":"Acute myeloid leukemia. Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a cancer of the myeloid line of blood cells, characterized by the rapid growth of abnormal white blood cells that build up in the bone marrow and interfere with the production of normal blood cells. AML is the most common acute leukemia affecting adults, and its incidence increases with age.","qid":1115776,"docid":"7007569","rank":63,"score":10.66711139678955},{"content":"The Senior BSA Analyst is responsible for monitoring the group\u00e2\u0080\u0099s internal policies, procedures, and controls to assure compliance with anti-money laundering regulations and rules. Will also provide some oversight of the surveillance of accounts for money...","qid":1115776,"docid":"4314173","rank":64,"score":11.10137939453125},{"content":"A wealth of related AML guidance materials is also available. To aid research efforts into AML requirements and to assist broker-dealers with AML compliance, this source tool organizes key AML compliance materials and provides related source information. When using this research \u00e2\u0080\u009ctool\u00e2\u0080\u009d or guide, you should keep the following in mind:","qid":1115776,"docid":"5232955","rank":65,"score":10.64187240600586},{"content":"(e) management of the BSA\/AML program by a qualified compliance officer, who is supported by adequate staffing levels and resources, and who is responsible for. overseeing and monitoring compliance by the New York Branch with all applicable BSA\/AML. requirements and the institution\u00e2\u0080\u0099s internal policies and procedures.","qid":1115776,"docid":"4049233","rank":66,"score":10.360825538635254},{"content":"Determining the type of acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) someone has is much like staging other cancers, like lung or breast cancer. In solid tumor cancers like these, staging is important to determine the extent of the disease, and to help plan treatment.","qid":1115776,"docid":"3208046","rank":67,"score":10.539190292358398},{"content":"An AML Compliance Services anti-money laundering audit review typically includes the following: \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 A full review of your company's AML compliance program documents. \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 Testing of your AML policies and procedures. \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 Customer Identification Procedures (CIP) review. \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 Transactional testing and evaluation.","qid":1115776,"docid":"480800","rank":68,"score":11.139836311340332},{"content":"AML\/X is a modern general purpose high level program-. ming language, aimed at applications in manufacturing and. computer aided design. It includes features for both conven-. tional and cPbject-oriented programming. The AML\/X inter-.","qid":1115776,"docid":"6989201","rank":69,"score":10.805695533752441},{"content":"Team Lead AML Analyst. 1 Promoted to team leader responsible for training new AML hires on complying with company\u00e2\u0080\u0099s due diligence procedures and regulatory mandates. 2 Initiated, processed, closed, and documented investigations per Know Your Customer, USA PATRIOT Act, Section 326, Bank Secrecy Act.","qid":1115776,"docid":"8106320","rank":70,"score":12.411415100097656},{"content":"Published July 2015. This document is provided \u00e2\u0080\u009cas-is\u00e2\u0080\u009d. Information and views expressed in this document, including URL and internet web site references, may change. without notice. This document does not provide you with any legal rights to any intellectual property in any Microsoft product. Behavioral analysis for advanced threat detection Microsoft Advanced Threat Analytics is an on-premises software product designed to help you protect your enterprise from advanced targeted attacks by automatically analyzing, learning, and identifying normal and abnormal entity (user, devices, and resources) behavior. The sophisticated analytics detect suspicious user","qid":1115776,"docid":"4875858","rank":71,"score":10.634688377380371},{"content":"This research guide, or \u00e2\u0080\u009csource tool,\u00e2\u0080\u009d is a compilation of key AML laws, rules, orders, and guidance applicable to broker-dealers. Several statutory and regulatory provisions, and related rules of the securities self-regulatory organizations (SROs), impose AML obligations on broker-dealers.","qid":1115776,"docid":"5232962","rank":72,"score":10.942008972167969},{"content":"The primary purpose of this position is to review and analyze account activity for possible money laundering, terrorist financing and fraud using various methods, such as (but not limited to) an automated AML monitoring system, analytic reports, notification from other banking personnel and transactional testing.","qid":1115776,"docid":"8106317","rank":73,"score":11.943060874938965},{"content":"Career Information At a Glance. Medical records analysts ensure the accuracy and compliance of medical records and reimbursement information, and they also produce reports for physicians' offices, hospitals and other health care facilities.","qid":1115776,"docid":"2653710","rank":74,"score":10.34498405456543},{"content":"Adult acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a type of cancer in which the bone marrow makes abnormal myeloblasts (a type of white blood cell), red blood cells, or platelets. Adult acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a cancer of the blood and bone marrow.","qid":1115776,"docid":"1403195","rank":75,"score":10.407301902770996},{"content":"AML Awareness - Three stages of money laundering. Money laundering has one purpose - to turn the proceeds of crime into cash or property that looks legitimate and can be used without suspicion. Here are some of the most common ways this is achieved. There are usually two or three phases to the laundering: Placement. Layering. Integration \/ Extraction.","qid":1115776,"docid":"3758868","rank":76,"score":10.69162368774414},{"content":"The BSA\/AML Analyst II is responsible for assisting with anti-money laundering and compliance initiatives. Three (3) to five (5) years of BSA related experience is required. southeastapply.com","qid":1115776,"docid":"4314174","rank":77,"score":11.351123809814453},{"content":"Automated, real-time sanctions screening solution. Money laundering, cyber crime and terrorist activities are growing threats to financial institutions. Sanctioned entities continue to deploy more sophisticated strategies to avoid detection, organized financial crime continues to rise, and the volume of transactions is increasing relentlessly.","qid":1115776,"docid":"1766488","rank":78,"score":10.326216697692871},{"content":"1 Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) represents a group of clonal hematopoietic stem-cell disorders. 2 The incidence rate of AML increases with age. 3 A diagnosis of AML requires 20% or more leukemic myeloid blasts.4 Pretreatment cytogenetics are useful in determining prognosis and appropriate treatment. Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) represents a group of clonal hematopoietic stem-cell disorders. 2 The incidence rate of AML increases with age. 3 A diagnosis of AML requires 20% or more leukemic myeloid blasts.","qid":1115776,"docid":"1826911","rank":79,"score":10.702349662780762},{"content":"Second, AML laws, rules, and orders are subject to change and may change quickly. Statutes that include AML-related provisions may be amended from time to time, and new statutes may be enacted which include AML-related provisions. The information summarized in this guide is current as of May 1, 2012.","qid":1115776,"docid":"5232963","rank":80,"score":10.280424118041992},{"content":"Anti-Money Laundering Template for Small Firms. FINRA provides an Anti-Money Laundering Template to assist Small Firms in establishing the AML compliance program required by the Bank Secrecy Act, its implementing regulations, and FINRA Rule 3310. The template provides text examples, instructions, relevant rules and Web sites, and other resources.","qid":1115776,"docid":"4487939","rank":81,"score":10.315650939941406},{"content":"First, securities firms are responsible for complying with all AML requirements to which they are subject. Although this research guide summarizes some of the key AML obligations that are applicable to broker-dealers, it is not comprehensive.","qid":1115776,"docid":"5232959","rank":82,"score":10.79379940032959},{"content":"Adult acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a type of cancer in which the bone marrow makes abnormal myeloblasts (a type of white blood cell), red blood cells, or platelets. Leukemia may affect red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. There are different subtypes of AML.","qid":1115776,"docid":"838949","rank":83,"score":10.766831398010254},{"content":"What is 'Anti Money Laundering - AML'. Anti-money laundering (AML) refers to a set of procedures, laws or regulations designed to stop the practice of generating income through illegal actions.","qid":1115776,"docid":"8495250","rank":84,"score":11.906824111938477},{"content":"1 Adult acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a type of cancer in which the bone marrow makes abnormal myeloblasts (a type of white blood cell), red blood cells, or platelets.","qid":1115776,"docid":"1403193","rank":85,"score":10.420005798339844},{"content":"Firms must comply with the Bank Secrecy Act and its implementing regulations (Anti-Money Laundering rules). The purpose of the AML rules is to help detect and report suspicious activity including the predicate offenses to money laundering and terrorist financing, such as securities fraud and market manipulation.","qid":1115776,"docid":"4487937","rank":86,"score":11.306045532226562},{"content":"Financial analyst. A financial analyst, securities analyst, research analyst, equity analyst, investment analyst, or rating analyst is a person who performs financial analysis for external or internal financial clients as a core part of the job.","qid":1115776,"docid":"7318317","rank":87,"score":10.387228012084961},{"content":"The BSA and related regulations require futures commission merchants (FCMs) and introducing brokers (IBs) to establish anti-money laundering (AML) programs, report suspicious activity, verify the identity of customers and apply enhanced due diligence to certain types of accounts involving foreign persons.","qid":1115776,"docid":"3907355","rank":88,"score":10.624055862426758},{"content":"Management should structure the bank\u00e2\u0080\u0099s BSA\/AML compliance program to adequately address its risk profile, as identified by the risk assessment. Management should understand the bank\u00e2\u0080\u0099s BSA\/AML risk exposure and develop the appropriate policies, procedures, and processes to monitor and control BSA\/AML risks.valuating the BSA\/AML risk assessment should be part of scoping and planning the examination, and the inclusion of a section on risk assessment in the manual does not mean the two processes are separate.","qid":1115776,"docid":"1540838","rank":89,"score":10.327986717224121},{"content":"AML is a language unique to the CS1K. The release prior to AACC introduced a second language for communicating with the phone system-Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). SIP is an open language that many phone systems can use. SIP integration with the CS1K was necessary to enable the func-tionality of Presence.","qid":1115776,"docid":"6692795","rank":90,"score":10.505436897277832},{"content":"Section 5318(h). BSA regulations state that this AML program must provide for independent review to monitor and maintain an adequate program. 31 CFR Section 103.125(d)(4).","qid":1115776,"docid":"480796","rank":91,"score":10.428016662597656},{"content":"AML is the native programming language of the ArcInfo Workstation GIS software. AML is most commonly used in the 7x versions of ArcInfo. AML Basics. PDF file on the basics of AML. Make sure you have Adobe\u00e2\u0080\u0099s (www.adobe.com) free Adobe Reader installed on your machine in order to sucessfully open up this URL.","qid":1115776,"docid":"8108815","rank":92,"score":11.33053970336914},{"content":"Anti-Money Laundering. Firms must comply with the Bank Secrecy Act and its implementing regulations (Anti-Money Laundering rules). The purpose of the AML rules is to help detect and report suspicious activity including the predicate offenses to money laundering and terrorist financing, such as securities fraud and market manipulation.","qid":1115776,"docid":"2364285","rank":93,"score":11.061513900756836},{"content":"Acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) is a cancer of the blood and bone marrow \u00e2\u0080\u0094 the spongy tissue inside bones where blood cells are made. The word acute in acute myelogenous leukemia denotes the disease's rapid progression.","qid":1115776,"docid":"3063310","rank":94,"score":10.308660507202148},{"content":"The BSA \/ AML Analyst is responsible for monitoring and investigating customer transactions under applicable anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing laws.","qid":1115776,"docid":"4314176","rank":95,"score":12.80143928527832},{"content":"The BSA is sometimes referred to as an anti-money laundering law (AML) or jointly as BSA\/AML. Several anti-money laundering acts, including provisions in title III of the USA PATRIOT Act, have been enacted up to the present to amend the BSA.","qid":1115776,"docid":"3025463","rank":96,"score":10.334287643432617},{"content":"Anti-money laundering (AML) is a term mainly used in the financial and legal industries to describe the legal controls that require financial institutions and other regulated entities to prevent, detect, and report money laundering activities.","qid":1115776,"docid":"4131485","rank":97,"score":11.680923461914062},{"content":"Adult acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a type of cancer in which the bone marrow makes abnormal myeloblasts (a type of white blood cell), red blood cells, or platelets. Adult acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a cancer of the blood and bone marrow. This type of cancer usually gets worse quickly if it is not treated.","qid":1115776,"docid":"838942","rank":98,"score":10.473688125610352},{"content":"Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is generally divided into prognostic subgroups based primarily on cytogenetic alterations, with further refinement based on a small group of molecular markers, and the presence of morphologically identifiable residual disease after treatment.1 Half of AML cases in young adult patients fall into the standard-risk subgroup ...","qid":1115776,"docid":"7315361","rank":99,"score":10.40386962890625},{"content":"Article. Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a form of cancer that is characterized by infiltration of the bone marrow, blood, and other tissues by proliferative, clonal, abnormally differentiated, and occasionally poorly differentiated cells of the hematopoietic system.","qid":1115776,"docid":"7840018","rank":100,"score":10.556899070739746}]} {"query":"tracheids are part of _____.","hits":[{"content":"The trachea extends from the cricoid cartilage of the larynx to its bifurcation into two main bronchi (Fig. 6-27). The trachea is divided into a cervical part situated in the ventral region of the neck, and a thoracic part inside the thorax.","qid":1124210,"docid":"1383617","rank":1,"score":11.490623474121094},{"content":"The wall of the trachea consists of, from inside to outside, respiratory epithelium, a lamina propria of fibroelastic connective tissue and, at the anterior end of the trachea, glands, the hyaline cartilages covered by perichondrium and connected by smooth muscle, and a connective tissue adventitia.","qid":1124210,"docid":"6661564","rank":2,"score":11.576946258544922},{"content":"In most plants, pitted tracheids function as the primary transport cells. The other type of tracheary element, besides the tracheid, is the vessel element. Vessel elements are joined by perforations into vessels. In vessels, water travels by bulk flow, as in a pipe, rather than by diffusion through cell membranes.n most plants, pitted tracheids function as the primary transport cells. The other type of tracheary element, besides the tracheid, is the vessel element. Vessel elements are joined by perforations into vessels. In vessels, water travels by bulk flow, as in a pipe, rather than by diffusion through cell membranes.","qid":1124210,"docid":"6541866","rank":3,"score":11.483592987060547},{"content":"The trachea serves as passage for air, moistens and warms it while it passes into the lungs, and protects the respiratory surface from an accumulation of foreign particles. The trachea is lined with a moist mucous-membrane layer composed of cells containing small hairlike projections called cilia. The cilia project into the channel (lumen) of the trachea to trap particles. There are also cells and ducts in the mucous membrane that secrete mucus droplets and water molecules.","qid":1124210,"docid":"5938407","rank":4,"score":11.47745132446289},{"content":"Darkfield Digital Image Gallery Insect Spiracles Spiracles, specialized structures featured in the class Insecta, provide the breath of life. While the tracheae constitute the respiratory system of the adult insect, spiracles are the external apertures or openings through which gases are exchanged with the environment.","qid":1124210,"docid":"6058282","rank":5,"score":11.463737487792969},{"content":"carotid. relating to the carotid artery, the principal artery of the neck. See Table 9. carotid body. a small neurovascular structure lying in the bifurcation of the common carotid arteries, containing chemoreceptors that monitor oxygen content in blood and help to regulate respiration.","qid":1124210,"docid":"5616606","rank":6,"score":11.455472946166992},{"content":"Tracheid of oak shows pits along the walls. It is longer than a vessel element and has no perforation plates. Tracheids are elongated cells in the xylem of vascular plants that serve in the transport of water and mineral salts.Tracheids are one of two types of tracheary elements, vessel elements being the other. Tracheids, unlike vessel elements, do not have perforation plates.racheids provide most of the structural support in softwoods, where they are the major cell type. Because tracheids have a much higher surface to volume ratio compared to vessel elements, they serve to hold water against gravity (by adhesion) when transpiration is not occurring.","qid":1124210,"docid":"2258591","rank":7,"score":12.348213195800781},{"content":"The trachea is an important structure within your respiratory system, which is the organ system that delivers oxygen to your bloodstream. The trachea is a rigid tube that conducts air from your larynx to your bronchi.The trachea's rigidity is maintained by a series of cartilaginous rings arranged along its length called C-shaped cartilage rings.he trachea is an important structure within your respiratory system, which is the organ system that delivers oxygen to your bloodstream. The trachea is a rigid tube that conducts air from your larynx to your bronchi.","qid":1124210,"docid":"1027213","rank":8,"score":11.685526847839355},{"content":"The trachea is made up of the following tissues: 1. mucosa-inner layer made up of Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium 2. submucosa-middle layer which has zero muc \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 us glands and it is made up of connective tissue 3. adventila-outer layer made up of hyaline cartilage.23 people found this useful.he trachea is made of cartilage. The trachea, or windpipe, is the bony tube that connects the nose and mouth to the lungs, and is an important part of the vertebrate respiratory system. + 66 others found this useful. Annette Pacheco. Alexander Rowan.","qid":1124210,"docid":"1702004","rank":9,"score":11.79129695892334},{"content":"Relevance. Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: Trachea is the respiratory system supported by a rings of cartilage.. in animal, CO2 is considered as the gas released by the body cell and need to be exhaled out from the respitary system just like the human.. Source(s): Lollipop_mun \u00c2\u00b7 8 years ago.","qid":1124210,"docid":"5423855","rank":10,"score":11.470654487609863},{"content":"The trachea, colloquially called the windpipe, is a cartilaginous tube that connects the pharynx and larynx to the lungs, allowing the passage of air, and so is present in almost all air-breathing animals with lungs. The trachea extends from the larynx and branches into the two primary bronchi. At the top of the trachea the cricoid cartilage attaches it to the larynx. This is the only complete tracheal ring, the others being incomplete rings of reinforcing cartilage. The trachealis muscle joins","qid":1124210,"docid":"1383624","rank":11,"score":11.679459571838379},{"content":"Tracheids allow for efficient transport of ____ over longer distances. Stomata allow for ___ ____ between the plant and the atmosphere. Without ____ land plant would not have been to able to grow more than just a meter or so tall. Tracheids transport ____ and ____ around the plant body. Cuticle layers ____ gas exchange. Desiccation is a much more common problem in ____ environments.","qid":1124210,"docid":"931162","rank":12,"score":12.004875183105469},{"content":"trachea. lined by ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium lamina propria and submucosa are not clearly demarcated, both contain serous glands incomplete (dorsally) rings of cartilage support the wall birds have complete rings of cartilage connective tissue adventitia completes the wall of the trachea.","qid":1124210,"docid":"4266454","rank":13,"score":11.560937881469727},{"content":"In insects, a few land arachnids, and myriapods, the trachea is an elaborate system of small, branching tubes that carry oxygen to individual body cells; in most land vertebrates, the trachea is the windpipe, which conveys air from the larynx to the two main bronchi, with the lungs and their air sacs as the ultimate destination.","qid":1124210,"docid":"555792","rank":14,"score":11.86507511138916},{"content":"The trachea or windpipe (Fig. 961) is a cartilaginous and membranous tube, extending from the lower part of the larynx, on a level with the sixth cervical vertebra, to the upper border of the fifth thoracic vertebra, where it divides into the two bronchi, one for each lung.61) is a cartilaginous and membranous tube, extending from the lower part of the larynx, on a level with the sixth cervical vertebra, to the upper border of the fifth thoracic vertebra, where it divides into the two bronchi, one for each lung.","qid":1124210,"docid":"6263923","rank":15,"score":11.478589057922363},{"content":"Lesson Summary. The trachea is an important structure within your respiratory system, which is the organ system that delivers oxygen to your bloodstream. The trachea is a rigid tube that conducts air from your larynx to your bronchi.","qid":1124210,"docid":"5011612","rank":16,"score":11.653898239135742},{"content":"The trachea is made of smooth MUSCLE tissue along the back wall with 16 to 20 C-shaped bands of CARTILAGE running along its length. The cartilage rings give the trachea stability and resistance against the pressure of air flow into and out of the lungs.","qid":1124210,"docid":"3046384","rank":17,"score":11.744561195373535},{"content":"The trachea is an important structure within your respiratory system, which is the organ system that delivers oxygen to your bloodstream. The trachea is a rigid tube that conducts air from your larynx to your bronchi.he trachea is an important structure within your respiratory system, which is the organ system that delivers oxygen to your bloodstream. The trachea is a rigid tube that conducts air from your larynx to your bronchi.","qid":1124210,"docid":"4425463","rank":18,"score":11.587492942810059},{"content":"Tracheids and vessel members are referred to as tracheary elements. Phloem vascular tissue contains parenchyma and has two types of cells that assist in the transport of food: sieve-tube members and sieve cells. Sieve-tube members are more specialized and are present in advanced flowering seed plants. Learn more about Human Anatomy","qid":1124210,"docid":"2089544","rank":19,"score":12.039284706115723},{"content":"The trachea is made of cartilage. The trachea, or windpipe, is the bony tube that connects the nose and mouth to the lungs, and is an important part of the vertebrate respiratory system.+ 66 others found this useful. Annette Pacheco.Alexander Rowan.he trachea is made of cartilage. The trachea, or windpipe, is the bony tube that connects the nose and mouth to the lungs, and is an important part of the vertebrate respiratory system. + 66 others found this useful. Annette Pacheco. Alexander Rowan.","qid":1124210,"docid":"1702008","rank":20,"score":11.564839363098145},{"content":"The trachea is lined with a moist mucous-membrane layer composed of cells containing small hairlike projections called cilia. The cilia project into the channel (lumen) of the trachea to trap particles. There are also cells and ducts in the mucous membrane that secrete mucus droplets and water molecules.","qid":1124210,"docid":"555787","rank":21,"score":11.49338150024414},{"content":"The trachea extends from the cricoid cartilage of the larynx to the bifurcation, or carina, where it divides into right and left main-stem (primary) bronchi. The characteristic feature of the trachea is the relatively regular sequence of C-shaped plates of hyaline cartilage interconnected by annular ligaments.","qid":1124210,"docid":"7208694","rank":22,"score":11.485847473144531},{"content":"The trachea or windpipe (Fig. 961) is a cartilaginous and membranous tube, extending from the lower part of the larynx, on a level with the sixth cervical vertebra, to the upper border of the fifth thoracic vertebra, where it divides into the two bronchi, one for each lung. << PREVIOUSNEXT >>. Human Body > XI.","qid":1124210,"docid":"3446170","rank":23,"score":11.590799331665039},{"content":"The respiratory system is composed of the trachea (windpipe), a set of lungs and its blood vessels and bronchioles (smaller airways). Sometimes, an infection can invade the respiratory system.","qid":1124210,"docid":"6253806","rank":24,"score":11.535879135131836},{"content":"While tracheids are found in all vascular plants, vessels are found only in angiosperms. Phloem is composed mostly of cells called sieve-tube cells and companion cells. These cells assist in the transport of sugar and nutrients produced during photosynthesis from the leaves to other parts of the plant.While tracheid cells are nonliving, sieve-tube and companion cells of the phloem are living.ylem and phloem throughout the plant make up the vascular tissue system. They allow water and other nutrients to be transported throughout the plant. Xylem is consists of two types of cells known as tracheids and vessel elements.","qid":1124210,"docid":"8492305","rank":25,"score":11.52808952331543},{"content":"The thin-walled, cartilaginous tubes, the first branches (right and left) of the trachea, which carry air to the lungs; their walls consist of a pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium, a loose fibrous connective tissue submucosa with submucosal glands, O-shaped hyaline cartilage rings, and smooth muscle.","qid":1124210,"docid":"6278958","rank":26,"score":11.492973327636719},{"content":"The trachea is made of smooth MUSCLE tissue along the back wall with 16 to 20 C-shaped bands of CARTILAGE running along its length. The cartilage rings give the trachea stability and resistance against the pressure of air flow into and out of the lungs.he trachea is made of smooth MUSCLE tissue along the back wall with 16 to 20 C-shaped bands of CARTILAGE running along its length. The cartilage rings give the trachea stability and resistance against the pressure of air flow into and out of the lungs.","qid":1124210,"docid":"3520556","rank":27,"score":11.58722972869873},{"content":"The trachea is an important structure within your respiratory system, which is the organ system that delivers oxygen to your bloodstream. The trachea is a rigid tube that conducts air from your larynx to your bronchi. The trachea's rigidity is maintained by a series of cartilaginous rings arranged along its length called C-shaped cartilage rings.","qid":1124210,"docid":"1251133","rank":28,"score":11.779447555541992},{"content":"Trachea. The trachea is a wide flexible tube, the lumen of which is kept open by 20 tracheal cartilages, which are C-shaped rings of hyaline cartilage. The gaps between the rings of cartilage are filled by the trachealis muscle-a bundle of smooth muscle, and fibroelastic tissue.","qid":1124210,"docid":"2754117","rank":29,"score":11.508845329284668},{"content":"Xylem tracheids are pointed, elongated xylem cells, the simplest of which have continuous primary cell walls and lignified secondary wall thickenings in the form of rings, hoops, or reticulate networks.","qid":1124210,"docid":"131190","rank":30,"score":11.555745124816895},{"content":"Trachea. The trachea is a wide flexible tube, the lumen of which is kept open by 20 tracheal cartilages, which are C-shaped rings of hyaline cartilage. The gaps between the rings of cartilage are filled by the trachealis muscle-a bundle of smooth muscle, and fibroelastic tissue.espiratory | Trachea, bronchioles and bronchi. The conducting portion is made up of: nasal cavities, nasopharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchii and bronchioles. The trachea branches to give rise to two primary (main) bronchii.","qid":1124210,"docid":"4958358","rank":31,"score":11.55086898803711},{"content":"Xylem consists of three different types of cells: Xylem parenchyma cells and xylem fiber cells, which simply provide structural support for the most important xylem cells, the tracheary elements (TE). The TE are completely dead at maturity, and act like pipes to allow water and dissolved minterals to flow through them. There are two types of tracheary elements: vessel elements and tracheids. Though they have some structural differences, these two types function in the same manner.","qid":1124210,"docid":"5032711","rank":32,"score":11.541592597961426},{"content":"The trachea is a flexible tube that extends from the larynx into the thorax. Its main function is to act as a conduit for air, but it also helps condition the inspired air. The trachea consists of four layers: a mucosa (epithelium and lamina propria), a submucosa, a fibrocartilage layer and an adventitia.","qid":1124210,"docid":"3031380","rank":33,"score":11.52316665649414},{"content":"Trachea Definition, Functions and Parts. Concerning trachea definition, it is an important anatomical structure that is an integral part of respiratory system in humans and other higher animals.","qid":1124210,"docid":"4241350","rank":34,"score":11.706014633178711},{"content":"Trachea Definition, Functions and Parts. Concerning trachea definition, it is an important anatomical structure that is an integral part of respiratory system in humans and other higher animals. Allowing the passage of air (respiratory gases) it connects larynx (voice box) and pharynx with lungs.","qid":1124210,"docid":"5366909","rank":35,"score":11.650376319885254},{"content":"The trachea, colloquially called the windpipe, is a tube that connects the pharynx and larynx to the lungs, allowing the passage of air, and so is present in almost all air-breathing animals with lungs.he trachea is lined with a layer of pseudostratified columnar epithelium, a type of epithelium. The epithelium contains goblet cells, which are glandular, modified simple columnar epithelial cells that produce mucins, the main component of mucus. Mucus helps to moisten and protect the airways.","qid":1124210,"docid":"5281846","rank":36,"score":11.737677574157715},{"content":"While parenchyma cells do occur within what is commonly termed the xylem the more identifiable cells, tracheids and vessel elements, tend to stain red with Safranin-O. Tracheids are the more primitive of the two cell types, occurring in the earliest vascular plants.Tracheids are long and tapered, with angled end-plates that connect cell to cell. Vessel elements are shorter, much wider, and lack end plates.hile parenchyma cells do occur within what is commonly termed the xylem the more identifiable cells, tracheids and vessel elements, tend to stain red with Safranin-O. Tracheids are the more primitive of the two cell types, occurring in the earliest vascular plants.","qid":1124210,"docid":"2258598","rank":37,"score":11.511177062988281},{"content":"Confidence votes 261K. Trachea contain cartilage rings, and is the long tube that goes to the lungs. The bronchi contain cartilage plates and are the branching tubes that go to the lungs.Structure of the trachea The trachea is lined by cartilage and divided into two branches. These two branches are called the bronchi.","qid":1124210,"docid":"5645045","rank":38,"score":11.71565055847168},{"content":"Its major components include xylem parenchyma, xylem fibers, tracheids, and xylem vessels. Tracheids are one of the two types of tracheary elements of vascular plants. (The other being the vessel elements). A tracheid cell loses its protoplast at maturity. Thus, at maturity, it becomes one of the non-living components of the xylem.","qid":1124210,"docid":"8026737","rank":39,"score":12.956710815429688},{"content":"Trachea. The trachea is a cartilage tube and represents the initial part of the lower respiratory tract. It connects the pharynx and larynx to the lungs and allows normal passage of the air to and from the lungs.","qid":1124210,"docid":"3680801","rank":40,"score":11.454744338989258},{"content":"Tracheids and vessel elements form tube-shaped structures that provide pathways for water and minerals to travel from the roots to the leaves. While tracheids are found in all vascular plants, vessels are found only in angiosperms. Phloem is composed mostly of cells called sieve-tube cells and companion cells. These cells assist in the transport of sugar and nutrients produced during photosynthesis from the leaves to other parts of the plant. While tracheid cells are nonliving, sieve-tube and companion cells of the phloem are living.","qid":1124210,"docid":"2494577","rank":41,"score":11.969156265258789},{"content":"The xylem tracheary elements consist of cells known as tracheids and vessel members, both of which are typically narrow, hollow, and elongated. Tracheids are less specialized than the vessel members and are the only type of water-conducting cells in most gymnosperms and seedless vascular plants.","qid":1124210,"docid":"2728448","rank":42,"score":12.015037536621094},{"content":"The trachea is simply an air-transportation tube made up of rings of cartilage. It is lined with small hairs called cilia which further filter any impurities from the air. When the cilia are irritated by a foreign object, they trigger the dog to begin coughing to bring up the object.","qid":1124210,"docid":"7404637","rank":43,"score":11.704851150512695},{"content":"The trachea is made up of the following tissues: 1. mucosa- inner layer made up of Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium 2. submucosa- middle layer which has zero muc\u00e2\u0080\u00a6us glands and it is made up of connective tissue 3. adventila- outer layer made up of hyaline cartilage. 24 people found this useful.","qid":1124210,"docid":"4023900","rank":44,"score":11.879298210144043},{"content":"13. The main cells of xylem are tracheids and vessel elements (these are only in found in angiosperms). Tracheids and vessel elements are dead cells that have lost their cytoplasm. Only their cell wall impregnated with lignin (an impermeable biopolymer) remains.3. The main cells of xylem are tracheids and vessel elements (these are only in found in angiosperms). Tracheids and vessel elements are dead cells that have lost their cytoplasm. Only their cell wall impregnated with lignin (an impermeable biopolymer) remains.","qid":1124210,"docid":"2258594","rank":45,"score":11.63077163696289},{"content":"Answers.com\u00c2\u00ae is making the world better one answer at a time. Pseudostratified columnar cells line the inside of the trachea and simple squamous cells make up the alveoli. Maame Amma Dickson.","qid":1124210,"docid":"4955077","rank":46,"score":11.520243644714355},{"content":"Several types of cells make up xylem tissue, including parenchyma as well as the tracheids and vessel members, two cell types that specialize in transferring water and minerals. Tracheids and vessel members are referred to as tracheary elements. Phloem vascular tissue contains parenchyma and has two types of cells that assist in the transport of food: sieve-tube members and sieve cells. Sieve-tube members are more specialized and are present in advanced flowering seed plants.","qid":1124210,"docid":"7695217","rank":47,"score":11.523321151733398},{"content":"Structure of the trachea The trachea is lined by cartilage and divided into two branches. These two branches are called the bronchi. The left bronchus enters the left lung and the right bronchus enters the right lung. Each bronchus is further divided into around 25 smaller branches.","qid":1124210,"docid":"7756778","rank":48,"score":11.612297058105469},{"content":"The trachea, or windpipe, is a 5-inch long tube made of C-shaped hyaline cartilage rings lined with pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium. The trachea connects the larynx to the bronchi and allows air to pass through the neck and into the thorax. The rings of cartilage making up the trachea allow it to remain open to air at all times.","qid":1124210,"docid":"7234570","rank":49,"score":11.578948974609375},{"content":"Trachea, in vertebrates and invertebrates, a tube or system of tubes that carries air.","qid":1124210,"docid":"555785","rank":50,"score":11.857378005981445},{"content":"The most distinctive xylem cells are the long tracheary elements that transport water. Tracheids and vessel elements are distinguished by their shape; vessel elements are shorter, and are connected together into long tubes that are called vessels. Xylem also contains two other cell types: parenchyma and fibers.","qid":1124210,"docid":"181175","rank":51,"score":11.450485229492188},{"content":"The most distinctive cells found in xylem are the tracheary elements, that is tracheids and vessel elements. However, the xylem is a complex tissue of plants, which means that \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 it includes more than one type of cell. This is why it is a tissue not a cell.","qid":1124210,"docid":"2433604","rank":52,"score":11.4547119140625},{"content":"Trachea. The trachea is a wide flexible tube, the lumen of which is kept open by 20 tracheal cartilages, which are C-shaped rings of hyaline cartilage. The gaps between the rings of cartilage are filled by the trachealis muscle-a bundle of smooth muscle, and fibroelastic tissue.ucosa and sub-mucosa of Trachea. The respiratory mucosa is made up of the epithelium and supporting lamina propria). The epithelium is tall columnar pseudostratified with cilia and goblet cells.","qid":1124210,"docid":"1702010","rank":53,"score":11.532336235046387},{"content":"The trachea is lined with mucous membrane covered with small hairlike processes called cilia that continuously sweep foreign material out of the breathing passages toward the mouth, a process retarded by cold but speeded by heat.","qid":1124210,"docid":"7492990","rank":54,"score":11.566156387329102},{"content":"The trachea is an important structure within your respiratory system, which is the organ system that delivers oxygen to your bloodstream. The trachea is a rigid tube that conducts air from your larynx to your bronchi.The trachea's rigidity is maintained by a series of cartilaginous rings arranged along its length called C-shaped cartilage rings.hese cartilage rings are C-shaped to provide room for your esophagus, which lies along the backside of your trachea. The gaps between the cartilage rings are bridged by a tough elastic membrane. The trachea is very resistant to compression, but it is capable of stretching lengthwise.","qid":1124210,"docid":"3520550","rank":55,"score":11.690747261047363},{"content":"1 The xylem tracheary elements consist of cells known as tracheids and vessel members, both of which are typically narrow, hollow, and elongated. Tracheids are less specialized than the vessel members and are the only type of water-conducting cells in most gymnosperms and seedless vascular plants.","qid":1124210,"docid":"7443586","rank":56,"score":11.788833618164062},{"content":"Trachea-Support ; Digestion. Anal Gland Health ; Bowel Health ; Stomach Upset ; Digestive Liquid Herbs ; Ears, Eyes, Nose, Mouth. Ears Herbal Formulas ; Eyes ; Mouth ; Nose ; Ears, Nose, Throat Liquid Herbs ; Emotions. Spirit Calming ; Endocrine. Adrenals ; Thyroid ; Fleas - Parasites. Fleas ; Parasites ; Immunity. Immunity ; Immunity Liquid Herbs ; Internal Organs. Heart-Support ; Kidney-Support","qid":1124210,"docid":"1706900","rank":57,"score":11.710847854614258},{"content":"I just want to get a feel for what your education is like because it sounds like your homework is EASY (lukky!) we're studying metalloids, non metals, metals, ionic structure, neutrons, electrons, and protons, and lots of other blah blah blah...(im 13 btw not some 47 year old creeper...","qid":1124210,"docid":"6055133","rank":58,"score":11.47824478149414},{"content":"While tracheids are found in all vascular plants, vessels are found only in angiosperms. Phloem is composed mostly of cells called sieve-tube cells and companion cells. These cells assist in the transport of sugar and nutrients produced during photosynthesis from the leaves to other parts of the plant. While tracheid cells are nonliving, sieve-tube and companion cells of the phloem are living.","qid":1124210,"docid":"3162331","rank":59,"score":11.709080696105957},{"content":"The trachea, colloquially called the windpipe, is a cartilaginous tube that connects the pharynx and larynx to the lungs, allowing the passage of air, and so is present in almost all air-breathing animals with lungs. The trachea extends from the larynx and branches into the two primary bronchi.","qid":1124210,"docid":"3607859","rank":60,"score":11.49360466003418},{"content":"Summary: Vessels have perforations at the end plates while tracheids do not have end plates. Tracheids are derived from single individual cells while vessels are derived from a pile of cells. Tracheids are present in all vascular plants whereas vessels are confined to angiosperms.Tracheids are thin whereas vessel elements are wide. Tracheids have a much higher surface-to-volume ratio as compared to vessel elements.Vessels are broader than tracheids with which they are associated.Morphology of the perforation plate is different from that in tracheids.racheids are thin whereas vessel elements are wide. Tracheids have a much higher surface-to-volume ratio as compared to vessel elements. Vessels are broader than tracheids with which they are associated. Morphology of the perforation plate is different from that in tracheids.","qid":1124210,"docid":"2258595","rank":61,"score":12.074238777160645},{"content":"Woody angiosperms have also vessels. The mature tracheids form a column of superposed, cylindrical dead cells whose end walls have been perforated, resulting in a continuous tube called vessel (trachea) . Tracheids are found in all vascular plants and are the only conducting elements in gymnosperms and ferns.Tracheids have Pits on their end walls. Pits are not nearly as efficient for water translocation as Perforation Plates found in vessel elements.oody angiosperms have also vessels. The mature tracheids form a column of superposed, cylindrical dead cells whose end walls have been perforated, resulting in a continuous tube called vessel (trachea) . Tracheids are found in all vascular plants and are the only conducting elements in gymnosperms and ferns.","qid":1124210,"docid":"2258596","rank":62,"score":11.947790145874023},{"content":"Structure of the trachea The trachea is lined by cartilage and divided into two branches. These two branches are called the bronchi. The left bronchus enters the left lung and the right bronchus enters the right lung. Each bronchus is further divided into around 25 smaller branches. These smaller divisions of bronchi are known as the bronchioles.","qid":1124210,"docid":"7756779","rank":63,"score":11.498132705688477},{"content":"The respiratory system is composed of the trachea (windpipe), a set of lungs and its blood vessels and bronchioles (smaller airways). Sometimes, an infection can invade the respiratory system. In some cases, an anatomical problem is to blame for respiratory difficulties.","qid":1124210,"docid":"6253804","rank":64,"score":11.459837913513184},{"content":"Includes the nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli, lungs, pleura and mediastinum.","qid":1124210,"docid":"4977882","rank":65,"score":11.643324851989746},{"content":"The trachea or windpipe (Fig. 961) is a cartilaginous and membranous tube, extending from the lower part of the larynx, on a level with the sixth cervical vertebra, to the upper border of the fifth thoracic vertebra, where it divides into the two bronchi, one for each lung.he trachea or windpipe (Fig. 961) is a cartilaginous and membranous tube, extending from the lower part of the larynx, on a level with the sixth cervical vertebra, to the upper border of the fifth thoracic vertebra, where it divides into the two bronchi, one for each lung.","qid":1124210,"docid":"502337","rank":66,"score":11.446844100952148},{"content":"Structure of the trachea The trachea is lined by cartilage and divided into two branches. These two branches are called the bronchi.","qid":1124210,"docid":"7756784","rank":67,"score":11.79299545288086},{"content":"The most distinctive cells found in xylem are the tracheary elements, that is tracheids and vessel elements. However, the xylem is a complex tissue of plants, which means that it includes more than one type of cell. This is why it is a tissue not a cell.","qid":1124210,"docid":"2433601","rank":68,"score":11.499319076538086},{"content":"Respiratory | Trachea, bronchioles and bronchi. The conducting portion is made up of: nasal cavities, nasopharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchii and bronchioles. The trachea branches to give rise to two primary (main) bronchii.","qid":1124210,"docid":"3031379","rank":69,"score":11.571832656860352},{"content":"In most plants, pitted tracheids function as the primary transport cells. The other type of tracheary element, besides the tracheid, is the vessel element. Vessel elements are joined by perforations into vessels. In vessels, water travels by bulk flow, as in a pipe, rather than by diffusion through cell membranes.","qid":1124210,"docid":"181177","rank":70,"score":11.76696491241455},{"content":"Respiratory | Trachea, bronchioles and bronchi. The conducting portion is made up of: nasal cavities, nasopharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchii and bronchioles. The trachea branches to give rise to two primary (main) bronchii. These then branch successively to give rise in turn to secondary and tertiary bronchii.","qid":1124210,"docid":"3031377","rank":71,"score":11.511934280395508},{"content":"The trachea is composed of about 20 rings of tough cartilage. The back part of each ring is made of muscle and connective tissue. Moist, smooth tissue called mucosa lines the inside of the trachea. The trachea widens and lengthens slightly with each breath in, returning to its resting size with each breath out.","qid":1124210,"docid":"546155","rank":72,"score":11.69015121459961},{"content":"The trachea is a cartilage tube and represents the initial part of the lower respiratory tract. It connects the pharynx and larynx to the lungs and allows normal passage of the air to and from the lungs.","qid":1124210,"docid":"3680798","rank":73,"score":11.458847045898438},{"content":"The trachea is made up of the following tissues: 1. mucosa-inner layer made up of Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium. 2. submucosa-middle layer which has zero mucus glands and it is made up of connective tissue.3. adventila-outer layer made up of hyaline cartilage.. mucosa-inner layer made up of Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium. 2. submucosa-middle layer which has zero mucus glands and it is made up of connective tissue. 3. adventila-outer layer made up of hyaline cartilage.","qid":1124210,"docid":"1702003","rank":74,"score":11.933664321899414},{"content":"The cartilage in the trachea is in the form of incomplete rings whose free ends are attached to a muscle that when contracting, causes a reduction in tracheal diameter. These rings of hyaline cartilage. 3 General Structure of the trachea 4 Trachea, Longitudinal section .","qid":1124210,"docid":"7746536","rank":75,"score":11.486685752868652},{"content":"Multiple Choice Quiz. The nose, pharynx, and associated structures are all part of the ____________________.","qid":1124210,"docid":"3446166","rank":76,"score":11.461030006408691},{"content":"Find out more about the respiratory portion. The trachea is a wide flexible tube, the lumen of which is kept open by 20 tracheal cartilages, which are C-shaped rings of hyaline cartilage. The gaps between the rings of cartilage are filled by the trachealis muscle - a bundle of smooth muscle, and fibroelastic tissue.","qid":1124210,"docid":"7746535","rank":77,"score":11.649650573730469},{"content":"Tracheid. a dead lignified plant cell that functions in water conduction. Tracheids are found in the xylem of all higher plants except certain angiosperms, such as cereals and sedges, in which the water-conducting function is performed by vessels, or tracheae.Tracheids are usually polygonal in cross section; their walls have annular, spiral, or scalene thickenings or rimmed pores.racheids are found in the xylem of all higher plants except certain angiosperms, such as cereals and sedges, in which the water-conducting function is performed by vessels, or tracheae. Tracheids are usually polygonal in cross section; their walls have annular, spiral, or scalene thickenings or rimmed pores.","qid":1124210,"docid":"2258592","rank":78,"score":12.393301963806152},{"content":"The trachea is lined with a layer of pseudostratified columnar epithelium, a type of epithelium. The epithelium contains goblet cells, which are glandular, modified simple columnar epithelial cells that produce mucins, the main component of mucus. Mucus helps to moisten and protect the airways.he trachea is lined with a layer of pseudostratified columnar epithelium, a type of epithelium. The epithelium contains goblet cells, which are glandular, modified simple columnar epithelial cells that produce mucins, the main component of mucus. Mucus helps to moisten and protect the airways.","qid":1124210,"docid":"5281853","rank":79,"score":11.570096969604492},{"content":"a nearly cylindric tube in the neck, composed of C-shaped cartilage and membrane and trachealis muscle, that extends from the larynx at the level of the sixth cervical vertebra to the fifth thoracic vertebra, where it divides into two bronchi. The trachea conveys air to the lungs. It is about 11 cm long and 2 cm wide.","qid":1124210,"docid":"7492988","rank":80,"score":11.59121322631836},{"content":"The TRACHEA (windpipe) is the passage leading from your pharynx to the lungs. The RIBS are bones supporting and protecting your chest cavity. They move a small amount and help the lungs to expand and contract. The trachea divides into the two main BRONCHI (tubes), one for each lung.","qid":1124210,"docid":"1135570","rank":81,"score":11.478649139404297},{"content":"The tracheal rings, (tracheal cartilages or C-shaped cartilaginous rings) vary from sixteen to twenty in number.","qid":1124210,"docid":"702618","rank":82,"score":11.491622924804688},{"content":"Structure of trachea? Structure of the trachea The trachea is lined by cartilage and divided into two branches. These two branches are called the bronchi. The left bronchus enters the l\u00e2\u0080\u00a6eft lung and the right bronchus enters the right lung. Each bronchus is further divided into around 25 smaller branches. These smaller divisions of bronchi are known as the bronchioles. The bronchioles carry air into the alveoli.","qid":1124210,"docid":"7404631","rank":83,"score":11.473417282104492},{"content":"Darkfield Digital Image Gallery Insect Spiracles Spiracles, specialized structures featured in the class Insecta, provide the breath of life.While the tracheae constitute the respiratory system of the adult insect, spiracles are the external apertures or openings through which gases are exchanged with the environment.arkfield Digital Image Gallery Insect Spiracles Spiracles, specialized structures featured in the class Insecta, provide the breath of life.","qid":1124210,"docid":"2423024","rank":84,"score":11.499198913574219},{"content":"The components of the respiratory system are the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs.he lungs, trachea, bronchi, bronchial tubes, ribs, diaphrahm, nasal cavity, esophagus, pharnx, aveoli, nose and the mouth. The windpipe and the bronchial tubes are parts of the respiratory system.","qid":1124210,"docid":"5993283","rank":85,"score":11.58186149597168},{"content":"Mixture of large vessels and tracheids. The vascular cambium is the darker layer of cells indicated by the arrow. This meristematic. layer of cells divides inwardly to form new xylem, and outwardly to produce new phloem.","qid":1124210,"docid":"1280828","rank":86,"score":11.454225540161133},{"content":"Difference Between Tracheids and Vessels In plants xylem and phloem are the complex tissues which are the components parts of conductive system. In higher plants xylem contains tracheids, vessels (tracheae), xylem fibres(wood fibres) and xylem parenchyma (wood parenchyma).","qid":1124210,"docid":"8026735","rank":87,"score":12.145480155944824},{"content":"The trachea is a wide flexible tube, the lumen of which is kept open by 20 tracheal cartilages, which are C-shaped rings of hyaline cartilage. The gaps between the rings of cartilage are filled by the trachealis muscle-a bundle of smooth muscle, and fibroelastic tissue.","qid":1124210,"docid":"3750818","rank":88,"score":11.446016311645508},{"content":"Trachea Definition, Functions and Parts Concerning trachea definition, it is an important anatomical structure that is an integral part of respiratory system in humans and other higher animals. Allowing the passage of air (respiratory gases) it connects larynx (voice box) and pharynx with lungs.","qid":1124210,"docid":"5366913","rank":89,"score":11.562360763549805},{"content":"Noun. 1. trachea-membranous tube with cartilaginous rings that conveys inhaled air from the larynx to the bronchi. windpipe. epiglottis-a flap of cartilage that covers the windpipe while swallowing. upper respiratory tract-the nose and throat and trachea. cartilaginous tube-a duct with cartilaginous walls.","qid":1124210,"docid":"5056103","rank":90,"score":11.520072937011719},{"content":"1b. The Trachea and Bronchi. The trachea or windpipe (Fig. 961) is a cartilaginous and membranous tube, extending from the lower part of the larynx, on a level with the sixth cervical vertebra, to the upper border of the fifth thoracic vertebra, where it divides into the two bronchi, one for each lung.","qid":1124210,"docid":"7835796","rank":91,"score":11.456100463867188},{"content":"Xylem consists of three different types of cells: Xylem parenchyma cells and xylem fiber cells, which simply provide structural support for the most important xylem cells, the tracheary elements (TE).The TE are completely dead at maturity, and act like pipes to allow water and dissolved minterals to flow through them.There are two types of tracheary elements: vessel elements and tracheids. Though they have some structural differences, these two types function in the same manner.he TE are completely dead at maturity, and act like pipes to allow water and dissolved minterals to flow through them. There are two types of tracheary elements: vessel elements and tracheids. Though they have some structural differences, these two types function in the same manner.","qid":1124210,"docid":"3466956","rank":92,"score":11.498275756835938},{"content":"Trachea. The trachea is a longer section of the respiratory tract, shaped like a tube and approximately 5 inches in length. It has several C-shaped hyaline cartilage rings which are lined with pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium.n fact, the system is composed of the following biological structures: nose and nasal cavity, mouth, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and bronchioles, lungs and the muscles of respiration. (1). A properly functioning respiratory system is a vital part of our good health.","qid":1124210,"docid":"3546600","rank":93,"score":11.544100761413574},{"content":"The trachea, colloquially called the windpipe, is a cartilaginous tube that connects the pharynx and larynx to the lungs, allowing the passage of air, and so is present in almost all air-breathing animals with lungs. The trachea extends from the larynx and branches into the two primary bronchi. At the top of the trachea the cricoid cartilage attaches it to the larynx. This is the only complete ring, the others being incomplete rings of reinforcing cartilage.","qid":1124210,"docid":"4794725","rank":94,"score":11.552005767822266},{"content":"Tracheal Breathing. Insects, and some other invertebrates, exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide between their tissues and the air by a system of air-filled tubes called tracheae. Tracheae open to the outside through small holes called spiracles.his photomicrograph show how the walls of the tracheal tubes are stiffened with bands of chitin. Even so, there is a limit to the pressure they can withstand without collapsing. This may be one reason why insects are relatively small.","qid":1124210,"docid":"1712985","rank":95,"score":11.741368293762207},{"content":"Thank you... In plants xylem and phloem are the complex tissues which are the components parts of conductive system. In higher plants xylem contains tracheids, vessels (tracheae), xylem fibres(wood fibres) and xylem parenchyma (wood parenchyma).Tracheids These are elongated narrow tube like cells with hard thick and lignified walls with large cell cavity.hank you... In plants xylem and phloem are the complex tissues which are the components parts of conductive system. In higher plants xylem contains tracheids, vessels (tracheae), xylem fibres(wood fibres) and xylem parenchyma (wood parenchyma).","qid":1124210,"docid":"2258597","rank":96,"score":11.901435852050781},{"content":"Best Answer: The answer is A: The mediastinum. Since you did not include the lungs then it rules out D. Since you included the heart it rules out B and C.","qid":1124210,"docid":"1512499","rank":97,"score":11.845196723937988},{"content":"At the bifurcation (division) of each common carotid artery there is a structure called the _______ that contains _______.","qid":1124210,"docid":"2753139","rank":98,"score":11.87293529510498},{"content":"The trachea is an important structure within your respiratory system, which is the organ system that delivers oxygen to your bloodstream. The trachea is a rigid tube that conducts air from your larynx to your bronchi.","qid":1124210,"docid":"6293322","rank":99,"score":11.666340827941895},{"content":"The lungs, trachea, bronchi, bronchial tubes, ribs, diaphrahm, nasal cavity, esophagus, pharnx, aveoli, nose and the mouth. The windpipe and the bronchial tubes are parts of the respiratory system. The air enters and exits through the nose and mouth.he components of the respiratory system are the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs.","qid":1124210,"docid":"7027697","rank":100,"score":11.450065612792969}]} {"query":"when was the salvation army founded","hits":[{"content":"The British Red Cross Society was founded in 1870 and the American National Red Cross Society in the US goes back to 1881. The First World War dramatically increased the need for the organisation and the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to the International Red Cross Committee in 1917.","qid":962179,"docid":"65095","rank":1,"score":10.988059043884277},{"content":"The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian. church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God.","qid":962179,"docid":"3422319","rank":2,"score":11.669254302978516},{"content":"Wallace of Campsie House 30 East Campbell Street Glasgow G1 5DT Gallowgate, Dennistoun","qid":962179,"docid":"8032265","rank":3,"score":10.949039459228516},{"content":"History of the Salvation Army. William Booth embarked upon his ministerial career in 1852, desiring to win the lost multitudes of England to Christ. He walked the streets of London to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to the poor, the homeless, the hungry, and the destitute.","qid":962179,"docid":"2978871","rank":4,"score":12.286005020141602},{"content":"In spite of violence and persecution, some 250,000 people were converted under the ministry of The Salvation Army between 1881 and 1885. Meanwhile, the Army was gaining a foothold in the United States.","qid":962179,"docid":"7733810","rank":5,"score":12.316971778869629},{"content":"Search this Site. The Salvation Army provides a multi-dimensional group of services designed to assist people who may be faced with the challenges living at or near poverty level. Services are first geared toward meeting immediate\/crisis needs, then focusing on developing longer-term solutions.","qid":962179,"docid":"931126","rank":6,"score":11.069915771484375},{"content":"The Freedmen's Bureau was established by Congress as the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands on March 3, 1865, to aid and protect former slaves after the end of the war. Its original charter was for one year.","qid":962179,"docid":"6320164","rank":7,"score":10.952747344970703},{"content":"Founded by William Booth over 130 years ago, it is dedicated to fighting against sin and despair. The programs in the Salvation army are designed to assist children, women, elderly men, families and those who are battling or who have battled addiction.","qid":962179,"docid":"534563","rank":8,"score":12.006930351257324},{"content":"The Salvation Army Northern Division has been serving people in need in Minnesota and North Dakota for more than 125 years. We provide basic needs assistance, housing, youth services, rehabilitation, disaster relief, counseling and more. Read More. The Northern Division is part of The Salvation Army International organization, which is dedicated to serving in Christ's name without discrimination. Whether you need help or want to make a difference for others, let us be your starting point.","qid":962179,"docid":"6904859","rank":9,"score":11.269104957580566},{"content":"The Salvation Army was founded in London's East End in 1865 by one-time Methodist Reform Church minister William Booth and his wife Catherine. Originally, Booth named the organisation the East London Christian Mission.","qid":962179,"docid":"5653659","rank":10,"score":13.285329818725586},{"content":"Since The Salvation Army was born on the streets of the East End of London in 1865, we have gone from strength to strength \u00e2\u0080\u0093 carrying on the commitment of our founders to serve God and to serve suffering humanity by fighting against social injustice.","qid":962179,"docid":"4606386","rank":11,"score":12.716604232788086},{"content":"Current General Andr\u00c3\u00a9 Cox, with headquarters in London, is the international leader of The Salvation Army. In the United States, the functions of The Salvation Army are coordinated by the national commander, whose office is at the national headquarters in Alexandria, Virginia.","qid":962179,"docid":"931124","rank":12,"score":11.145842552185059},{"content":"Operations of The Salvation Army are supervised by trained, commissioned officers. They proclaim the gospel and serve as administrators, teachers, social workers, counselors, youth leaders, and musicians. These men and women have dedicated their lives, skills, and service completely to God.","qid":962179,"docid":"4168112","rank":13,"score":11.214899063110352},{"content":"The Salvation Army is part of the religious umbrella that receives faith-based governmental funding. Given the Salvation Army's mission of serving others through biblical principles grounded in Jesus Christ, lawsuits arise over the funding. Salvation Army clients have the option when receiving Salvation Army assistance to participate in services that critics claim force religion on a government-provided service.","qid":962179,"docid":"5653652","rank":14,"score":11.271129608154297},{"content":"The International Congress of The Salvation Army is normally held every 10 years as a conference for all Salvationists from around the world to meet. The first such conference took place in London, UK, from 28 May to 4 June 1886, and subsequent Congressional meetings were held sporadically until 1904 and then 1990.","qid":962179,"docid":"6898293","rank":15,"score":13.202672958374023},{"content":"The Salvation Army's social work is funded by donations, grants and public funding. There are regular public appeals throughout the year, but members of the public can donate at any time through our free phone 0800 53 00 00 or online.","qid":962179,"docid":"1645088","rank":16,"score":11.784847259521484},{"content":"The Salvation Army is serving more people than ever before, assisting Americans seeking the basic necessities of life - food, shelter, and warmth. The Salvation Army is serving more people than ever before, assisting Americans seeking the basic necessities of life - food, shelter, and warmth.","qid":962179,"docid":"7126017","rank":17,"score":11.162214279174805},{"content":"Today in Canada The Salvation Army has 877active officers (clergy), more than 18,000 soldiers (church members) and close to 44,000 adherents; that is, people who claim the Army as their church home, but who are not formal members.","qid":962179,"docid":"2978862","rank":18,"score":11.281740188598633},{"content":"The Salvation Army is a Christian church and international charitable organisation structured in a quasi-military fashion. The organisation reports a worldwide membership of over 1.5 million, consisting of soldiers, officers and adherents known as Salvationists.","qid":962179,"docid":"5653656","rank":19,"score":11.545333862304688},{"content":"Self-made: Nigel Hanger has the Salvation Army to thank for his designer suits, country mansion and Ascot-winning racehorse. When William Booth founded the Salvation Army in 1865, he had the poor and needy in mind. The Methodist minister probably wouldn\u00e2\u0080\u0099t have included Nigel Hanger and his \u00c2\u00a35million fortune in that category. But Mr Hanger has the Sally Army to thank for his designer suits, country mansion and Ascot-winning racehorse. The 56-year-old has made millions from selling on the clothes and shoes which thousands of us donate to the Christian charity each week.","qid":962179,"docid":"4606387","rank":20,"score":11.41805648803711},{"content":"WORSHIP. Most Salvation Army centres hold weekly worship services, usually on a Sunday. These meetings have a relaxed atmosphere and can include hymn singing, Bible readings, members of the congregation talking about their Christian experiences, and presentations by worship or drama groups.","qid":962179,"docid":"536179","rank":21,"score":11.358613014221191},{"content":"The Army\u00e2\u0080\u0099s principal legal entity is The Governing Council of The Salvation Army in Canada, a non-profit corporation established by federal statute. It is the corporate trustee body set up to hold assets and perform contracting for The Salvation Army in Canada.","qid":962179,"docid":"5653655","rank":22,"score":11.172285079956055},{"content":"The movement, founded in 1865 by William Booth, has spread from London, England, to many parts of the world. The rapid deployment of the first Salvationists was aided by the adoption of a quasi-military command structure in 1878 when the title, \u00e2\u0080\u0098The Salvation Army\u00e2\u0080\u0099, was brought into use. A similarly practical organisation today enables resources to be equally flexible.","qid":962179,"docid":"536176","rank":23,"score":12.820265769958496},{"content":"1 Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination. The Salvation Army is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.","qid":962179,"docid":"6904860","rank":24,"score":11.27049446105957},{"content":"the salvation army s social work is funded by donations grants and public funding there are regular public appeals throughout the year but members of the public can donate at any time through our free phone 0800 53 00 00 or online salvation army church activities are funded by the local church community","qid":962179,"docid":"1645086","rank":25,"score":11.498120307922363},{"content":"1 Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination. The Salvation Army is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.","qid":962179,"docid":"6904861","rank":26,"score":11.623558044433594},{"content":"The men\u00e2\u0080\u0099s social work began in 1890 with a Prison Gate Home in Toronto. The same year a Children\u00e2\u0080\u0099s Shelter was opened. The first Maternity home was opened in Saint John, N.B. in 1898, precursor to the Salvation Army Grace Hospitals.","qid":962179,"docid":"2978863","rank":27,"score":10.987588882446289},{"content":"Thus, the Salvation Army was born as a church to take these people in and to nurture them with the Word of God. The Army is a world-wide church today. In addressing drunkenness, Booth thought that those who sought deliverance should be gotten out of the city and taken to the country.","qid":962179,"docid":"4257872","rank":28,"score":11.332229614257812},{"content":"Salvation Army Officers. Operations of The Salvation Army are supervised by trained, commissioned officers. They proclaim the gospel and serve as administrators, teachers, social workers, counselors, youth leaders, and musicians. These men and women have dedicated their lives, skills, and service completely to God.","qid":962179,"docid":"1006861","rank":29,"score":11.001890182495117},{"content":"Meanwhile the Red Cross movement had flourished. Its work began to extend from the military sphere to a far broader range of peacetime disasters and needs. The British Red Cross Society was founded in 1870 and the American National Red Cross Society in the US goes back to 1881.","qid":962179,"docid":"65093","rank":30,"score":10.961275100708008},{"content":"Help us in our mission to 'meet human needs without discrimination.'. Welcome to The Salvation Army in Greater Cincinnati, whose history dates back to 1865 when a dynamic Methodist minister took to London's slums to champion the poor and neglected.","qid":962179,"docid":"5919342","rank":31,"score":12.494564056396484},{"content":"The Salvation Army began its work in Canada in 1882, just fifteen years after Confederation, and quickly began giving hope to those in need in this country and around the world. The first open-air \u00e2\u0080\u0098meetings\u00e2\u0080\u0099, or worship services, were held in Toronto in January, 1882, and in London, Ontario, five months later.","qid":962179,"docid":"2978869","rank":32,"score":13.674638748168945},{"content":"History of the Salvation Army. William Booth embarked upon his ministerial career in 1852, desiring to win the lost multitudes of England to Christ. He walked the streets of London to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to the poor, the homeless, the hungry, and the destitute.n 1865, William Booth was invited to hold a series of evangelistic meetings in the East End of London. He set up a tent in a Quaker graveyard, and his services became an instant success. This proved to be the end of his wanderings as an independent traveling evangelist.","qid":962179,"docid":"2329701","rank":33,"score":12.068314552307129},{"content":"The Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Center in Norwood will open a fifth Family Thrift Store in Delhi Township, at 5048 Delhi Pike. The grand opening for the Delhi store will be Saturday, March 29, with the ribbon-cutting ceremony at 9 a.m.","qid":962179,"docid":"5919337","rank":34,"score":11.258642196655273},{"content":"For more than 135 years, The Salvation Army has worked tirelessly to improve the quality of life for people in need in Northeast Ohio. The Salvation Army works every day to elevate men, women and children up from despair to provide hope and assistance through programs that work. In teaching life skills, The Salvation Army provides individuals with an opportunity to maximize their physical, emotional and spiritual being to effect permanent change. Throughout the year, the demand for services is great.","qid":962179,"docid":"302861","rank":35,"score":11.613347053527832},{"content":"The Salvation Army is an evangelical part of the universal Christian church that provides opportunity for spiritual growth and development. Our services are designed for the entire family and there is always a friendly welcome.","qid":962179,"docid":"302867","rank":36,"score":11.855955123901367},{"content":"1 Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination. The Salvation Army is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.","qid":962179,"docid":"6904862","rank":37,"score":11.249138832092285},{"content":"On This Day: Alcoholics Anonymous Founded. On June 10, 1935, Bill Wilson and his friend Dr. Robert Smith set out to find the best way to reform alcoholics, and Alcoholics Anonymous was born.","qid":962179,"docid":"5207243","rank":38,"score":10.947818756103516},{"content":"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The Freedmen\u00e2\u0080\u0099s Aid Society was founded in 1861 during the American Civil War by the American Missionary Association (AMA), a group supported chiefly by the Congregational, Presbyterian and Methodist churches in the North.ducation for freedmen was seen as a top priority among both blacks and whites. The Society was supported by a variety of religious groups and denominations, and it began work in the South three months after organizing. By the end of the first year, it had recruited 52 instructors.","qid":962179,"docid":"4610583","rank":39,"score":11.87392807006836},{"content":"To learn more, visit our community involvement page. The Salvation Army in Wooster Ohio. The Salvation Army in Wooster is dedicated to serving the men, women, and children who are at-risk and in need of financial, social service, and spiritual support.","qid":962179,"docid":"302868","rank":40,"score":11.081716537475586},{"content":"This was the first recognition from the White House and would be followed by similar receptions from succeeding presidents. The Salvation Army movement expanded rapidly to Canada, Australia, France, Switzerland, India, South Africa, Iceland, and local neighborhood units. The Salvation Army is active in virtually every corner of the world. General Booth's death in 1912 was a great loss to The Salvation Army.","qid":962179,"docid":"8785368","rank":41,"score":11.445148468017578},{"content":"Shield Your Identity Seminar October 21 Tree of Lights Red Kettle Campaign Kick-Off November 13 The Salvation Army in Omaha, Nebraska, is a part of The Salvation Army Western Division, serving Nebraska, South Dakota and Western & Central Iowa. Visit The Salvation Army Western Division website.","qid":962179,"docid":"3173623","rank":42,"score":11.012117385864258},{"content":"We are a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization, and contributions are deductible for Federal Income Tax Purposes to the extent permitted under Section 170(b)(2) for corporations. Our mission: The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination.","qid":962179,"docid":"220191","rank":43,"score":11.7841215133667},{"content":"The Salvation Army celebrated the first Doughnut Day here in 1938 to honor the organization\u00e2\u0080\u0099s volunteers who supplied American soldiers with complimentary doughnuts and coffee on the battlefields of France during World War I, according to the organization's website.","qid":962179,"docid":"2697161","rank":44,"score":11.794465065002441},{"content":"The earliest recorded emigration occurred as early as 1882, when the Salvation Army participated in recruitment of women emigrants for Australia. Then, in 1885, a regular series of notices appeared in the Army's magazines advertising emigration to Australia, South Africa, and Canada.","qid":962179,"docid":"8785372","rank":45,"score":11.185783386230469},{"content":"By the end of the century, the Salvation Army established its posts in several European countries, India, South Africa, and South America. In the 1890s, the Salvation Army had some 45,00 officers in Britain and 10,000 worldwide.","qid":962179,"docid":"8785373","rank":46,"score":12.51755142211914},{"content":"For other people named William Booth, see William Booth (disambiguation) . William Booth (10 April 1829 \u00e2\u0080\u0093 20 August 1912) was a British Methodist preacher who founded The Salvation Army and became its first General (1878\u00e2\u0080\u00931912).he name The Salvation Army developed from an incident in May 1878. William Booth was dictating a letter to his secretary George Scott Railton and said, We are a volunteer army.. Bramwell Booth heard his father and said, Volunteer, I'm no volunteer, I'm a regular!.","qid":962179,"docid":"2329697","rank":47,"score":12.456110000610352},{"content":"THE SALVATION ARMY. The Salvation Army is an integral part of the Christian Church, although distinctive in government and practice. The Army's doctrine follows the mainstream of Christian belief and its articles of faith emphasise God's saving purposes.","qid":962179,"docid":"536178","rank":48,"score":11.538223266601562},{"content":"The history of the Salvation Army began in 1865, when William Booth established an evangelical and philanthropic organisation to preach salvation from sins and propagate purity of life among the poor and destitute people of London's East End.","qid":962179,"docid":"8785371","rank":49,"score":14.085610389709473},{"content":"Welcome to The Salvation Army in Greater Cincinnati, whose history dates back to 1865 when a dynamic Methodist minister took to London's slums to champion the poor and neglected. The organization's founder, William Booth, began a movement that outlasted his lifetime and changed the face of philanthropy.","qid":962179,"docid":"5919340","rank":50,"score":13.219100952148438},{"content":"Crossing out the words volunteer army, he penned in Salvation Army.. From those words came the basis of the foundation deed of The Salvation Army. From that point, converts became soldiers of Christ and were known then, as now, as Salvationists.","qid":962179,"docid":"2978870","rank":51,"score":11.881856918334961},{"content":"The Salvation Army Northern Division has been serving people in need in Minnesota and North Dakota for more than 125 years. We provide basic needs assistance, housing, youth services, rehabilitation, disaster relief, counseling and more.","qid":962179,"docid":"931123","rank":52,"score":11.530794143676758},{"content":"Inevitably, the military spirit of the movement meant that The Salvation Army soon spread abroad. By the time Booth was 'promoted to Glory' in 1912 the Army was at work in 58 countries.","qid":962179,"docid":"8785375","rank":53,"score":12.257003784179688},{"content":"1 The Salvation Army is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law. The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination.","qid":962179,"docid":"6904863","rank":54,"score":11.25493049621582},{"content":"William Booth (1829 \u00e2\u0080\u0093 1912) founded the Salvation Army \u00e2\u0080\u0093 a quasi military religious organisation dedicated to offering humanitarian aid and tackling the material and spiritual poverty of the Victorian age.William Booth converted to Methodism as a young adult and was a fervent believer in evangelical Christianity.hort Bio William Booth. William Booth was born in Sneinton, Nottingham, England in 1829. Although his family were relatively prosperous, his father later lost his money and was declared bankrupt. William grew up in a situation of poverty. Aged only 13, Booth was apprenticed to a pawnbroker to earn a living.","qid":962179,"docid":"2329696","rank":55,"score":11.99326229095459},{"content":"Back to Top \u00e2\u0096\u00b2. The Boy Scouts of America, Cradle of Liberty Council was created on January 1, 1996 through the consolidation of the former Philadelphia and Valley Forge Councils. It serves more than 69,000 youth in over 1,000 units, making it one of the largest councils in the nation.","qid":962179,"docid":"5572991","rank":56,"score":10.9378662109375},{"content":"Each Salvation Army member has a specific uniform in which they must wear. The uniforms originate back to the War Congress in August of 1878. These uniforms show that the person wearing it is a Salvationist and a Christian. In recent times, the uniform is said to symbolize the fight against sins and pain, as well as","qid":962179,"docid":"6675264","rank":57,"score":11.62264633178711},{"content":"There is no evidence to suggest there was any close or distant family connection between William Booth and John Wilkes Booth. The founder of the Salvation Army was born on 10 \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 April 1829 in Sneinton, Nottingham, England.","qid":962179,"docid":"4257871","rank":58,"score":11.266622543334961},{"content":"Lieutenant Eliza Shirley had left England to join her parents, who had migrated to America earlier in search for work. In 1879, she held the first meeting of The Salvation Army in America, in Philadelphia. The Salvationists were received enthusiastically. Shirley wrote to General Booth, begging for reinforcements. None were available at first.","qid":962179,"docid":"7733807","rank":59,"score":11.768766403198242},{"content":"The Salvation Army was founded in London\u00e2\u0080\u0099s East End in 1865 by one-time Methodist minister William Booth and his wife Catherine. Originally, Booth named the organization the East London Christian Mission.","qid":962179,"docid":"2978866","rank":60,"score":13.642080307006836},{"content":"78th Annual National Donut Day Fun Facts: The Salvation Army started National Donut Day during the Great Depression as a way to raise funds and bring awareness to The Salvation Army\u00e2\u0080\u0099s social service programs.","qid":962179,"docid":"8768354","rank":61,"score":11.696601867675781},{"content":"The Salvation Army. Wallace Of Campsie House, 30 East Campbell Street, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, G1 5DT. The Salvation Army is a Protestant Christian charity which offers support to people who are homeless, friendless and in need. The Salvation Army is based in East Campbell Street, 30 East Campbell Street - see map for location of East Campbell Street.","qid":962179,"docid":"8032264","rank":62,"score":11.643705368041992},{"content":"In the new millennium, The Salvation Army in the United Kingdom created a sub-brand of itself for the youth, called Alove, the Salvation Army for a new generation. Its purpose is to free the youth of the church and their communities to express themselves and their faith in their own ways.","qid":962179,"docid":"5653657","rank":63,"score":11.282245635986328},{"content":"Salvation Army Stores. The Salvation Army, an evangelical part of the universal Christian church established in 1865, has been supporting those in need in His name without discrimination for 130 years in the United States.","qid":962179,"docid":"6980697","rank":64,"score":11.551764488220215},{"content":"A competitor paid its workers just two pennies a gross, while The Salvation Army paid their employees twice that amount. The Army also began to be involved in relief work, assisting in times of emergency, and disaster. This included the effects of war, with The Salvation Army Naval and Military League starting in 1894.","qid":962179,"docid":"4606388","rank":65,"score":11.836639404296875},{"content":"In Summary\u00e2\u0080\u00a6. The Salvation Army, an evangelical part of the universal Christian church established in 1865, has been supporting those in need in His name without discrimination for 130 years in the United States.","qid":962179,"docid":"2978864","rank":66,"score":12.6964111328125},{"content":"The Salvation Army is an integral part of the Christian Church, although distinctive in government and practice. The Army\u00e2\u0080\u0099s doctrine follows the mainstream of Christian belief and its articles of faith emphasise God\u00e2\u0080\u0099s saving purposes. The movement, founded in 1865 by William Booth, has spread from London, England, to many parts of the world.","qid":962179,"docid":"4511499","rank":67,"score":12.862713813781738},{"content":"\u00e2\u0080\u0093 In Short. The Salvation Army is an evangelical Christian organization that devotes billions of dollars and thousands of volunteer hours each year to disaster relief, social services and other charitable causes worldwide.","qid":962179,"docid":"536177","rank":68,"score":11.548442840576172},{"content":"The Salvation Army, an evangelical part of the universal Christian church established in 1865, has been supporting those in need in His name without discrimination for 130 years in the United States.","qid":962179,"docid":"6898289","rank":69,"score":13.387786865234375},{"content":"Dunant\u00e2\u0080\u0099s idea led to the creation of the International Committee of the Red Cross in 1863 and the first Geneva Convention in 1864. Countries across Europe began forming their own Red Cross National Societies.he founding of the British Red Cross. We were founded on 4 August 1870, at a time when Europe was suffering war after bloody war. Our original mission was to help the wounded and sick in wartime, but as the nature of conflict changed our services have expanded to help civilians in peacetime as well.","qid":962179,"docid":"1238004","rank":70,"score":10.94483757019043},{"content":"The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination.","qid":962179,"docid":"2131895","rank":71,"score":11.523792266845703},{"content":"Find Salvation Army - Charities & Volunteer Organizations in Glasgow, G1 5DT - 118118.com UK Local Directory. Find the business you are looking for in your city. Got your Back!","qid":962179,"docid":"8032267","rank":72,"score":11.335683822631836},{"content":"Started by the Salvation Army in Chicago in 1938, the day honors the group's donut lassies, who served treats and provided assistance to soldiers on the front lines during World War I. (And this isn't to be confused with National Doughnut Day, which is in November and celebrates the actual food.)","qid":962179,"docid":"2589902","rank":73,"score":11.281550407409668},{"content":"The Salvation Army movement expanded rapidly to Canada, Australia, France, Switzerland, India, South Africa, Iceland, and local neighborhood units. The Salvation Army is active in virtually every corner of the world. General Booth's death in 1912 was a great loss to The Salvation Army. However, he had laid a firm foundation' even his death could not deter the ministry's onward march. His eldest son, Bramwell Booth, succeeded him.","qid":962179,"docid":"4257873","rank":74,"score":11.52490234375},{"content":"The Salvation Army Mission Statement The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church. Its message is based on the Bible.","qid":962179,"docid":"7126025","rank":75,"score":11.363723754882812},{"content":"Milwaukee, WI. About The Salvation Army: Milwaukee, WI. For over 100 years The Salvation Army\u00e2\u0080\u0099s Adult Rehabilitation Centers have provided spiritual, social, and emotional assistance for men and women who have lost the ability to cope with their problems and provide for themselves. Centers offers residential housing, work, and group and individual therapy, all in a clean, wholesome environment.","qid":962179,"docid":"4511500","rank":76,"score":11.447900772094727},{"content":"The Salvation Army, founded by William and Catherine Booth, aimed to continue the tradition of socially committed evangelicalism which dated back to John Wesley's Methodism and American revivalism propagated by James Caughey.","qid":962179,"docid":"8785374","rank":77,"score":12.942951202392578},{"content":"National Doughnut Day was launched in 1938 by the Chicago branch of the Salvation Army, in part as a way to raise funds for, and awareness of, the organization\u00e2\u0080\u0099s work in the community. But the spirit behind the day was the recognition of these women\u00e2\u0080\u0099s contribution to the war effort.","qid":962179,"docid":"2589904","rank":78,"score":11.538490295410156},{"content":"The Salvation Army has its own crest. The orginal design was produced by Captain William Ebdon in 1878, and appeared on the Salvation Army letterhead by 1879. It is similar to the crest still in use today. Each part of the crest has a different meaning: The sun in the centre represents the light and fire of the Holy Spirit. The letter \u00e2\u0080\u0098S\u00e2\u0080\u0099 behind the cross stands for Salvation.","qid":962179,"docid":"6675262","rank":79,"score":11.51383113861084},{"content":"1 The Methodist Church, was founded by John & Charles Wesley in England in 1774. 2 The Unitarian Church was founded by Theophilus Lindley in London in 1774. 3 The Mormon Church (Latter Day Saints) was founded by Joseph Smith in 1829. 4 The Salvation Army was founded by William Booth in London in 1888.","qid":962179,"docid":"3705165","rank":80,"score":12.315954208374023},{"content":"William Booth. William Booth (April 10, 1829 \u00e2\u0080\u0093 August 20,1912) was the founder and first General (1878-1912) of The Salvation Army. Originally a Methodist lay preacher, William Booth saw tremendous need not being fulfilled by mainstream churches in Victorian England.n his honor, Vachel Lindsay wrote the poem General William Booth Enters Heaven, and Charles Ives, who had been Booth's neighbor, set it to music. William Booth was succeeded by his son, Bramwell Booth, who became the second General of the Salvation Army, serving from 1912 to 1929.","qid":962179,"docid":"2329692","rank":81,"score":11.803400993347168},{"content":"Metal shields were worn as badges by Salvationists from the early 1880s. Today the shield is the Salvation Army\u00e2\u0080\u0099s highly recognisable logo, used across the world. Uniform. By 1878, when the Christian Mission became the Salvation Army, military terms and symbols had become standard across the movement.","qid":962179,"docid":"6675259","rank":82,"score":11.852213859558105},{"content":"The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God.","qid":962179,"docid":"2978867","rank":83,"score":11.738687515258789},{"content":"Our History - A Brief History of the YMCA Movement. 1 The Young Men's Christian Association was founded in London, England, on June 6, 1844, in response to unhealthy social conditions arising in the big cities at the end of the Industrial Revolution (roughly 1750 to 1850).","qid":962179,"docid":"2582008","rank":84,"score":11.185206413269043},{"content":"In 1879, she held the first meeting of The Salvation Army in America, in Philadelphia. The Salvationists were received enthusiastically. Shirley wrote to General Booth, begging for reinforcements. None were available at first.","qid":962179,"docid":"2978865","rank":85,"score":12.42862319946289},{"content":"Leadership and control of the Freedmen's Aid Society has been attributed to both the Congregational and the Methodist Episcopal churches. The Methodist version of the Society's history states that it was founded in 1866.ducation for freedmen was seen as a top priority among both blacks and whites. The Society was supported by a variety of religious groups and denominations, and it began work in the South three months after organizing. By the end of the first year, it had recruited 52 instructors.","qid":962179,"docid":"4610588","rank":86,"score":11.348991394042969},{"content":"The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination.","qid":962179,"docid":"3173625","rank":87,"score":11.523792266845703},{"content":"exists and is an alternate of . The salvation army was set up about 100 years ago to aid the poor people on the streets of London, this is a charitable foundation and you can contribute to this charity. This is not an army so do not be mistaken. It is simply a charity that help people in need.","qid":962179,"docid":"8785369","rank":88,"score":13.163705825805664},{"content":"The rapid deployment of the first Salvationists was aided by the adoption of a quasi-military command structure in 1878 when the title, \u00e2\u0080\u0098The Salvation Army\u00e2\u0080\u0099, was brought into use.","qid":962179,"docid":"4511503","rank":89,"score":11.744277954101562},{"content":"The Salvation Army is active in virtually every corner of the world. General Booth's death in 1912 was a great loss to The Salvation Army. However, he had laid a firm foundation' even his death could not deter the ministry's onward march. His eldest son, Bramwell Booth, succeeded him.","qid":962179,"docid":"2978868","rank":90,"score":11.468846321105957},{"content":"The Salvation Army is one of the world's largest Christian social welfare organisations with more than 1,650,000 members working in over 127 countries. We have been in Australia for over 130 years. Currently we have more than 8,500 active officers and staff delivering in excess of 1000 specifically designed social programs across Australia.","qid":962179,"docid":"7428149","rank":91,"score":11.932761192321777},{"content":"rent and housing assistance the salvation army is focused on preventing homelessness in communities they serve housing challenges are not predictable or limited to a certain type of person and it could happen to anyone some causes may be unemployment or a medical emergency","qid":962179,"docid":"1645083","rank":92,"score":10.990861892700195},{"content":"William Booth (April 10, 1829 \u00e2\u0080\u0093 August 20,1912) was the founder and first General (1878-1912) of The Salvation Army.Originally a Methodist lay preacher, William Booth saw tremendous need not being fulfilled by mainstream churches in Victorian England.n his honor, Vachel Lindsay wrote the poem General William Booth Enters Heaven, and Charles Ives, who had been Booth's neighbor, set it to music. William Booth was succeeded by his son, Bramwell Booth, who became the second General of the Salvation Army, serving from 1912 to 1929.","qid":962179,"docid":"2329693","rank":93,"score":11.419841766357422},{"content":"Moynier had died that same year. Meanwhile the Red Cross movement had flourished. Its work began to extend from the military sphere to a far broader range of peacetime disasters and needs. The British Red Cross Society was founded in 1870 and the American National Red Cross Society in the US goes back to 1881.","qid":962179,"docid":"65092","rank":94,"score":10.975955963134766},{"content":"History. The Salvation Army began in 1865 when William Booth, a London minister, gave up the comfort of his pulpit and decided to take his message into the streets where it would reach the poor, the homeless, the hungry and the destitute.istory. The Salvation Army began in 1865 when William Booth, a London minister, gave up the comfort of his pulpit and decided to take his message into the streets where it would reach the poor, the homeless, the hungry and the destitute.","qid":962179,"docid":"2329699","rank":95,"score":13.557347297668457},{"content":"The Salvation Army offers opportunities to provide worship and Christian service. All are welcome. Programs & Services Meeting Basic Needs of All Who Come Seeking Help. With 'heart to God and hand to man', The Salvation Army strives to meet the basic needs of all who come seeking help.","qid":962179,"docid":"302864","rank":96,"score":11.27178955078125},{"content":"As a result, he withdrew from the church and traveled throughout England, conducting evangelistic meetings. His wife, Catherine, could accurately be called a cofounder of The Salvation Army. In 1865, William Booth was invited to hold a series of evangelistic meetings in the East End of London. He set up a tent in a Quaker graveyard, and his services became an instant success.","qid":962179,"docid":"8785367","rank":97,"score":11.02540397644043},{"content":"martin so tell us about how the salvation army started prof winston the salvation army was the brainchild of william booth who was a british evangelist and in the 1860s and 70s he tried several different missions to reach the un churched poor in london but none were very successful so one day he was brainstorming with his top command well i call it a command in retrospect but with his top men and they said what we need is an army a salvation army and he loved the name he was sort of autocratic to start with and so they had a great time making this into a living metaphor","qid":962179,"docid":"1645080","rank":98,"score":12.04609489440918},{"content":"Founder of the Salvation Army. William Booth was born in Nottingham, England. He was converted to Christ through the efforts of a Methodist minister, and soon became interested in working with the outcasts and the poor people of Nottingham.illiam Booth was born of Church of England parents and was baptized when he was two days old. His mother was a devout Christian. His father, Samuel, even though he brought in considerable income, had the misfortune to lose money.","qid":962179,"docid":"2329700","rank":99,"score":11.28044319152832},{"content":"Waukegan, IL. About The Salvation Army: Waukegan, IL. For over 100 years The Salvation Army\u00e2\u0080\u0099s Adult Rehabilitation Centers have provided spiritual, social, and emotional assistance for men and women who have lost the ability to cope with their problems and provide for themselves. Centers offers residential housing, work, and group and individual therapy, all in a clean, wholesome environment.","qid":962179,"docid":"4511502","rank":100,"score":11.264781951904297}]} {"query":"what is the most popular food in switzerland","hits":[{"content":"Switzerland Dishes. Swiss Dishes. 1 Zuercher Z\u00c3\u00bcrcher-Eintopf zurich style hot. 2 Pot vegetables and meat are served all in the same. 3 Pot-Fondue this is a Famous swiss food made of melted. 4 Cheese bread pieces or potato pieces are dipped in. cheeseood of Switzerland. Traditional Food in Switzerland. There are many different dishes in Switzerland that are regional. Italian food is very common in modern Switzerland including pasta and pizza. Swiss cheese includes Emmental cheese, Vacherin and Appenzeller.","qid":833860,"docid":"6230222","rank":1,"score":13.381668090820312},{"content":"Fondue. Fondue in Switzerland may seem cliched, clich\u00c3\u00a9d but it is indelibly woven into the\u00e2\u0080\u0099country s. Fabric for, Centuries swiss living in the mountains relied on fondue as a way to use bread and cheese during colder. Months, today it is a-must have for any local or visitor to the country from autumn to. springosti, Valaisanne-style. Thinly grated potatoes, pan-fried until crisp and golden, rosti is one of Switzerland\u00e2\u0080\u0099s iconic national dishes. Though no one knows when the first rosti was cooked-up, farmers in the canton of Bern would traditionally eat it for breakfast.","qid":833860,"docid":"6230223","rank":2,"score":12.500038146972656},{"content":"Switzerland. The food of the Swiss is unusual in that it has so many regional influences from the cuisine of its neighbors. This includes the French, German and Italians. Historically, Switzerland was a farming country, and the most popular crops and foods include cheese and potatoes as well as chocolate.he food in Europe can be characterized by four categories: meats, sugar, cereals, and fats. Meats include tripe, fish, blood sausages, and wild game. Brought from India and the New World, cane sugar became a necessary ingredient in European recipes and foods.","qid":833860,"docid":"8344031","rank":3,"score":13.219550132751465},{"content":"Food, ingredients and the way to prepare it varies greatly all over the country. Generally speaking, basic food items include a huge selection of bread (white, whole wheat etc.), dairy products such as milk, yogurt, butter and - of course - a great variety of the world famous Swiss cheese. Also important are vegetables including beans, carrots, cauliflower, potatoes, spinach etc.","qid":833860,"docid":"3087479","rank":4,"score":13.0723295211792},{"content":"Italian cuisine is popular in contemporary Switzerland, particularly pasta and pizza. Foods often associated with Switzerland include cheese and chocolate. Swiss cheeses, in particular Emmental cheese, Gruyere, Gruy\u00c3\u00a8re, vacherin And, appenzeller are Famous swiss. Products the most popular cheese dishes are fondue And. racletten the Italian-speaking part of Switzerland, the Ticino area, one will find a type of restaurant unique to the region. The Grotto is a rustic eatery, offering traditional food ranging from pasta to homemade meat specialties. Popular dishes are Luganighe and Luganighetta, a type of artisan sausages.","qid":833860,"docid":"6230226","rank":5,"score":13.768756866455078},{"content":"Bread. Introduced in the 18th century by Austrian-born Marie Antoinette, the flaky, buttery croissant frequents most breakfast tables in France. The most popular bread in France, the baguette, finds a home at any meal. Among the many styles of bread, baguette de campagne is a white bread with a thick crust. Most boulangeries, or bakeries, close for lunch, so if you're in France, prepare for your picnic accordingly.","qid":833860,"docid":"1300055","rank":6,"score":11.432144165039062},{"content":"Top 10 most popular foods in the world. According to a survey published by charity Oxfam, pasta takes the crown as the world's most popular food. When faced with the question of what's your favorite food, nine countries' people voted pasta as one of their favorite foods due to inexpensive prices and versatility.","qid":833860,"docid":"456068","rank":7,"score":11.793642044067383},{"content":"Typical Swiss dishes. It is hard to name typical national dishes since the majority of Swiss recipes is formed by the numerous regional specialties. Switzerland is known for its famous national dish called roesti (r\u00c3\u00b6sti once a regional dish): too chopped grated. potato","qid":833860,"docid":"8833509","rank":8,"score":12.366530418395996},{"content":"Many tourists consider Lucerne (Luzern) and its mountainous surroundings one of Switzerland's most beautiful places to visit. Its lakeside setting is among the best in Switzerland and views of the water are a staple of many of the town's restaurants - so take advantage.","qid":833860,"docid":"1229019","rank":9,"score":11.476794242858887},{"content":"Switzerland is well-known for the cuisine it produces, in particular cheese and chocolate. The country's food is diverse and seasonal, carrying influences from Italy, France and Germany. Traditional Swiss food is rich, in both flavor and calories, and rarely uses herbs and spices.heese and fondue go hand in hand, but Swiss cuisine has several fondue variations. Swiss cheese, made up of raw milk, is perhaps the most famous cheese to come out of the country. Other famous cheeses are still produced by hand and include Gruyere, Gruy\u00c3\u00a8re, Emmentaler tete T\u00c3\u00aate, De moine Sbrinz. and vacherin","qid":833860,"docid":"2206194","rank":10,"score":13.23755168914795},{"content":"Here are just a few of the more popular. Brie - This famous French food is perhaps even more popular outside of France. It is named after the area in which it is produced, not far outside of Paris. Camembert - Along with the baguette, one of the most popular foods in France.","qid":833860,"docid":"1913651","rank":11,"score":11.703880310058594},{"content":"Swiss food is influenced by French, German and north Italian cuisine with lots of regional dishes, many of which are based on cheese and potatoes, the ingredients readily available to the Alpine farmers of old.One thing's for sure, you won't go hungry in Switzerland. Cheese fondue.wiss food is influenced by French, German and north Italian cuisine with lots of regional dishes, many of which are based on cheese and potatoes, the ingredients readily available to the Alpine farmers of old.","qid":833860,"docid":"6230228","rank":12,"score":12.57071590423584},{"content":"Generally Popular Cheeses around the World. In our opinion here are some of the most popular cheeses across the globe: Parmigiano Reggiano (Parmesan) English Cheddar; Roquefort; Brie; Gruyere ; Feta; Mozzarella; Manchego ; Gorgonzola; Epoisses; Why Not Try Our Different Types of Cheese! Try Our Cheese Today! Fancy having a look around our shop?","qid":833860,"docid":"8312449","rank":13,"score":11.289823532104492},{"content":"1 Pastetli-This is a popular food in Switzerland. 2 It is a meat pie with different fillings which include meat and mushrooms with cream sauce. 3 Zurcher Geschnetzeltes-This dish is Zurich style cut meat. 4 It is often served with hashed potatoes but could be served with mashed potatoes, pasta or rice.ood of Switzerland. Traditional Food in Switzerland. There are many different dishes in Switzerland that are regional. Italian food is very common in modern Switzerland including pasta and pizza. Swiss cheese includes Emmental cheese, Vacherin and Appenzeller.","qid":833860,"docid":"6230227","rank":14,"score":13.679874420166016},{"content":"Read more on local and traditional foods in other countries: 1 Top 10 foods in Germany with recipes. 2 Top 10 foods in Belgium \u00e2\u0080\u0093 with recipes. 3 Top 10 foods in France \u00e2\u0080\u0093 with recipes. 4 Top 10 foods in Spain \u00e2\u0080\u0093 with recipes. 5 Top 10 foods in Switzerland \u00e2\u0080\u0093 with recipes. 6 Top 10 foods in the Netherlands \u00e2\u0080\u0093 with recipes. 7 Top 10 British foods with recipes.","qid":833860,"docid":"8025159","rank":15,"score":11.799728393554688},{"content":"Lucerne, located in the German-speaking section of Switzerland, is a city that has it all: city life, a lake and mountains. Considered one of the world\u00e2\u0080\u0099s prettiest cities, Lucerne is most famous for its 14th century Chapel Bridge and Water Tower, which is said to be the most photographed monument in Switzerland. Another famous monument is the Dying Lion, which was carved out of rock to honor Swiss mercenaries who died in France in 1792.","qid":833860,"docid":"1229013","rank":16,"score":11.38642692565918},{"content":"With a modern raclette grill, you melt the cheese on one layer and can scrape it over the grilled vegetables and meats. Make your own: 1 Try this traditional Swiss recipe; 2 or this one, which pairs the rich cheese with carrot and celeriac salads; 3 here's a Swiss recipe (in German) for a raclette with chicken.","qid":833860,"docid":"8833503","rank":17,"score":11.44456958770752},{"content":"Swiss is another strong cheese that's good for you. What we call Swiss cheese is often Swiss Emmentaler (or Emmental), though other cheeses with a similar taste and hole-studded texture are sometimes lumped in as well. Swiss is a popular cheese, and Caine-Bish likes it specifically for that reason.","qid":833860,"docid":"767542","rank":18,"score":11.670392990112305},{"content":"3) Swiss Cheese. This beautiful country is world famous for producing a large variety of cheese. \u00e2\u0080\u0098Cheese with wine\u00e2\u0080\u0099 is a favourite among the Swiss people with different type of cheese for white and red wine.Fondue is the most famous Swiss cheese variety which is generally enjoyed in winter.) Swiss Cheese. This beautiful country is world famous for producing a large variety of cheese. \u00e2\u0080\u0098Cheese with wine\u00e2\u0080\u0099 is a favourite among the Swiss people with different type of cheese for white and red wine.","qid":833860,"docid":"2206195","rank":19,"score":13.006643295288086},{"content":"Best Answer: Regional French Food of Burgandy The French regional food of Burgundy is known for being substantial and served in particularly large portions. The most famous regional food from Burgundy in Boeuf Bourguignon, which is beef marinated with mushrooms, onions and carrots.Similar to French regional food from Normandy, many recipes from Burgundy make substantial use of cream based sauces.he food of Perigord is famous for its truffles and poultry. A special food that is particularly popular in Perigord is goose liver pate served with many main dishes in this region in France.","qid":833860,"docid":"8441995","rank":20,"score":11.514949798583984},{"content":"It is not only the natural beauty for what Switzerland is known. There are numerous things related to Switzerland that attract people like Swiss watches, music festivals, cheese and chocolates to name some.witzerland is home to a large number of small and large lakes. There is a scenic beauty in Switzerland with all the lakes, mountain ranges and meadows. One can easily fall in love with the beauty of Lake Geneva, Lake Zurich and Lake Neuchatel. These crystal clear mountain lakes make the world\u00e2\u0080\u0099s best Lake views.","qid":833860,"docid":"5167511","rank":21,"score":11.593464851379395},{"content":"Gnocchi and spaetzle sp\u00c3\u00a4tzle are sometimes considered; pasta they are both traditional in parts Of. Italy as with, pizza pasta is the core part of the recipe but can be combined with many different types of food such as various, meats, cheeses herbs and. sauces very popular Italian dish is the minestrone soup. This soup makes excellent use of one of the most popular ingredients in Italian food \u00e2\u0080\u0093 beans. Beans are widely used in Italian food and are the feature ingredient in many soups, not just the minestrone. Together with beans, nuts are another popular ingredient.","qid":833860,"docid":"1290165","rank":22,"score":11.316917419433594},{"content":"The company is in existence since 1887 and is the most sold chocolate in switzerland since 1985. The best products are : The 125 years special chocolates, The Frey Tourist, the Frey pralinor, The Swiss Army chocolate and the M-Budget chocolate. Picture 3: A military ration of chocolate.","qid":833860,"docid":"596153","rank":23,"score":11.351993560791016},{"content":"Food, ingredients and the way to prepare it varies greatly all over the country. Generally speaking, basic food items include a huge selection of bread (white, whole wheat etc.), dairy products such as milk, yogurt, butter and-of course-a great variety of the world famous Swiss cheese.Also important are vegetables including beans, carrots, cauliflower, potatoes, spinach etc.ood is quite expensive in Switzerland, at least compared to most European countries and especially compared to the U.S. If you go to a fast food place, you may easily spend up to CHF 10 for a burger, a soft drink and a coffee.","qid":833860,"docid":"6230224","rank":24,"score":12.937171936035156},{"content":"Around 65% of Switzerland is covered by Alps, one of the most beautiful mountain ranges. No doubt, Switzerland is the place where one can find the highest peaks and glaciers. Skiing and hiking are way of Swiss life. Some of the famous Alpine Mountains in Switzerland are the Matterhorn, the Eiger and the Jungfrau.","qid":833860,"docid":"4046123","rank":25,"score":12.053827285766602},{"content":"Top 12 Things Switzerland is Famous for. Amidst the lakes, rivers, mountains and the aesthetic beauty of nature is situated Europe\u00e2\u0080\u0099s most beautiful country, Switzerland. The country is bound by the diversity of language and religions. Switzerland is the only country with four national languages- German, French, Italian and Rumantsch. This is one of those countries where one can go in any season and enjoy to the best. It is not only the natural beauty for what Switzerland is known.","qid":833860,"docid":"4046129","rank":26,"score":12.218382835388184},{"content":"There are generally considered to be three types of Swiss cheese \u00e2\u0080\u0094 the American Swiss, Emmental and Gruy\u00c3\u00a9re. American Swiss is the most popular Swiss cheese type in the United States. The vast majority of American Swiss cheese produced in America comes from Brewster Cheese.","qid":833860,"docid":"7061642","rank":27,"score":11.55178451538086},{"content":"Switzerland is well-known for the cuisine it produces, in particular cheese and chocolate. The country's food is diverse and seasonal, carrying influences from Italy, France and Germany. Traditional Swiss food is rich, in both flavor and calories, and rarely uses herbs and spices.ondue and Cheese. Cheese and fondue go hand in hand, but Swiss cuisine has several fondue variations. Swiss cheese, made up of raw milk, is perhaps the most famous cheese to come out of the country. Other famous cheeses are still produced by hand and include Gruyere, Gruy\u00c3\u00a8re, Emmentaler tete T\u00c3\u00aate, De moine Sbrinz. and vacherin","qid":833860,"docid":"5167510","rank":28,"score":13.110732078552246},{"content":"Austria. Austrian food is rich in texture and has a unique flavor. Austrian cuisine was influenced by the countries surrounding it. These countries are Germany, Hungary, and Italy. The most consumed meats in Austria are chicken, beef, and pork. Pastries, sweets, jams, and cakes are also Austrian favorites.","qid":833860,"docid":"6209972","rank":29,"score":11.65101432800293},{"content":"Cheese is another food for which Switzerland is known, especially since Switzerland has been producing cheese for many centuries. Whether at home or abroad, the best known cheeses are Emmental (also known as Swiss cheese), Gruy\u00c3\u00a8re, Sbrinz, Appenzell and T\u00c3\u00aate de Moine.","qid":833860,"docid":"4881965","rank":30,"score":13.434475898742676},{"content":"Swiss cheese being stored in a cellar in a small cheese dairy near St. Gallen. Switzerland is home to about 450 varieties of cheese. Cow 's milk is used in about 99 percent of the cheeses produced.The remaining share is made up of sheep milk and goat milk.witzerland is home to about 450 varieties of cheese. Cow 's milk is used in about 99 percent of the cheeses produced. The remaining share is made up of sheep milk and goat milk.","qid":833860,"docid":"8494105","rank":31,"score":11.562616348266602},{"content":"Alps-. Swiss Alps, also known as Central Alps, is the region of Alpine mountain ranges that lie in Switzerland. Around 65% of Switzerland is covered by Alps, one of the most beautiful mountain ranges. No doubt, Switzerland is the place where one can find the highest peaks and glaciers.witzerland is home to a large number of small and large lakes. There is a scenic beauty in Switzerland with all the lakes, mountain ranges and meadows. One can easily fall in love with the beauty of Lake Geneva, Lake Zurich and Lake Neuchatel. These crystal clear mountain lakes make the world\u00e2\u0080\u0099s best Lake views.","qid":833860,"docid":"5167515","rank":32,"score":11.312326431274414},{"content":"What To Eat In Switzerland: 5 Foods Beyond Fondue. By on March 22, 2013 in Switzerland. Switzerland does dairy well \u00e2\u0080\u0093 the molten variety in particular. There\u00e2\u0080\u0099s something rather brilliant about eating hot bubbling cheese or chocolate while you sit nestled among the snowy Alps and this a scene the Swiss have nailed.","qid":833860,"docid":"3437285","rank":33,"score":12.070603370666504},{"content":"1 Chocolate-Switzerland may always have a rivalry with Belgium for the world's best chocolate, but there's no doubting that the Swiss variety is amazingly good. 2 Switzerland is also home to the huge Nestle nestl\u00c3\u00a9 food. companyhe French version of La Suisse Romande \/ La Romandie ([41] , the French-speaking Switzerland), Swiss French [42] , is essentially standard French with some differences. It is spoken more slowly, with more of a drawl. The numbers are not the same.","qid":833860,"docid":"7944293","rank":34,"score":12.2133207321167},{"content":"the most popular food is arepa it is made of corn and agrdente is Ron it is very popular very body drinks it and something that pretty much is in every kitchen is rice ,beans, \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 and arepa.","qid":833860,"docid":"5417403","rank":35,"score":11.356606483459473},{"content":"Food, ingredients and the way to prepare it varies greatly all over the country. Generally speaking, basic food items include a huge selection of bread (white, whole wheat etc.), dairy products such as milk, yogurt, butter and-of course-a great variety of the world famous Swiss cheese. Also important are vegetables including beans, carrots, cauliflower, potatoes, spinach etc.","qid":833860,"docid":"8833507","rank":36,"score":13.072328567504883},{"content":"Enjoyed by residents and tourists alike, the most popular type of food in Italy is pasta. Popular pasta dishes in Italy include Rigatoni alla Carbonara, Spaghetti con le vongole, Fettucine Alfredo and Penne alla Bolognese.","qid":833860,"docid":"1026568","rank":37,"score":12.009965896606445},{"content":"The little European jewel of Switzerland is known for its watches, chocolates, impossibly steep ski slopes and castles. What makes castles the most visited tourist destinations in Switzerland is what makes this country unique--a zeal for precision, preservation and an artist's keen eye for beauty. Chillon is not only Switzerland's most popular castle, but it is the most popular historical monument in the country. The setting, between the shores of Lake Geneva and the Alps, is powerful.","qid":833860,"docid":"115142","rank":38,"score":11.458669662475586},{"content":"WHFoods Recommendations. Swiss chard is not only one of the most popular vegetables along the Mediterranean but it is one of the most nutritious vegetables around and ranks second only to spinach following our analysis of the total nutrient-richness of the World's Healthiest vegetables.utritional Profile. Swiss chard is an excellent source of vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin C, magnesium, copper, manganese, potassium, vitamin E, and iron. It is a very good source of dietary fiber, choline, vitamin B2, calcium, vitamin B6, phosphorus, and protein.","qid":833860,"docid":"5652528","rank":39,"score":11.551525115966797},{"content":"Traditionally of course Fondue and Raclette and cheese in general and chocolate. The things Switzerland is most famous for internationally. (Is said has the best chocolate in the world (invented milk chocolate like we know it today) and some of the best cheeses).","qid":833860,"docid":"3437281","rank":40,"score":13.404284477233887},{"content":"SWISS CHALET is all about real food made fresh by real people. That's why we've been a Canadian favourite since our doors first opened way back in 1954. Always so good for so little.","qid":833860,"docid":"8650076","rank":41,"score":11.461507797241211},{"content":"Spaghetti is the most common and popular in Germany. *Different provinces in Germany enjoy different foods. In the north Gruehnkohl is very popular.If you go to the southern region in Bavaria, they are not very familiar with Gruehnkohl. In Bavaria Weisswurst is very popular-it is a type of sausage.n the north Gruehnkohl is very popular. If you go to the southern region in Bavaria, they are not very familiar with Gruehnkohl. In Bavaria Weisswurst is very popular-it is a type of sausage.","qid":833860,"docid":"5897836","rank":42,"score":12.054494857788086},{"content":"Some other well known Swiss dishes are: 1 Geschnetzeltes: sliced pieces of meat (pork, veal, chicken) served with a sauce and often r\u00c3\u00b6sti; 2 Cheese fondue: various kinds of Swiss cheese melted in a pot. 3 Raclette: various kinds of food (bread, mushrooms, meat, potatoes) covered in molten or scalloped cheese.","qid":833860,"docid":"3437284","rank":43,"score":12.922481536865234},{"content":"There are many types of bread in Switzerland but one of the most popular and delicious is a soft white loaf called zopf. You'll be able to recognise it easily because it's a plaited loaf (the word zopf means \u00e2\u0080\u0098braid'), with a golden crust, very much like the Jewish bread called challah.","qid":833860,"docid":"8833502","rank":44,"score":13.1689453125},{"content":"There are 4 official languages in Switzerland: German, French, Italian and Romansh. Different languages are spoken in different parts of the country.","qid":833860,"docid":"6124117","rank":45,"score":11.286710739135742},{"content":"Read more on local and traditional foods in Europe: 1 Top 10 foods in Belgium \u00e2\u0080\u0093 with recipes. 2 Top 10 foods in France \u00e2\u0080\u0093 with recipes. 3 Top 10 foods in Spain \u00e2\u0080\u0093 with recipes. 4 Top 10 foods in Switzerland \u00e2\u0080\u0093 with recipes. 5 Top 10 foods in the Netherlands \u00e2\u0080\u0093 with recipes. 6 Top 10 foods in Russia \u00e2\u0080\u0093 with recipes.","qid":833860,"docid":"5417402","rank":46,"score":11.602180480957031},{"content":"This most desirable city in the world is pride of Switzerland. According to some surveys it is the city with best quality of life in the world and the wealthiest city of Europe. This city is well known for luxurious shopping, lodging and cuisine. Founded by the Romans, Zurich lies in north central part of the country.","qid":833860,"docid":"4881963","rank":47,"score":12.01880168914795},{"content":"Generally Popular Cheeses around the World. In our opinion here are some of the most popular cheeses across the globe: Parmigiano Reggiano (Parmesan) English Cheddar. Roquefort. Brie. Gruyere. Feta. Mozzarella.","qid":833860,"docid":"8312451","rank":48,"score":11.29024600982666},{"content":"For example, Switzerland is famous for its notorious bank that stocks all the black money in the world! If you look at this country from a non-tourist perspective, you can find many interesting Swiss things here. That is why, Boldsky has put together a list of seven things that Switzerland is famous for.Things That Switzerland Is Famous For: Swiss Chocolate. Swiss chocolate is a term in itself. When you have a piece of chocolate and say, 'it seems Swiss', it basically means that it really tastes, good.hat is why, Boldsky has put together a list of seven things that Switzerland is famous for. Things That Switzerland Is Famous For: Swiss Chocolate. Swiss chocolate is a term in itself. When you have a piece of chocolate and say, 'it seems Swiss', it basically means that it really tastes, good.","qid":833860,"docid":"5167512","rank":49,"score":11.645513534545898},{"content":"Fondue. Fondue in Switzerland may seem cliched, clich\u00c3\u00a9d but it is indelibly woven into the\u00e2\u0080\u0099country s. Fabric for, Centuries swiss living in the mountains relied on fondue as a way to use bread and cheese during colder. monthsosti, Valaisanne-style. Thinly grated potatoes, pan-fried until crisp and golden, rosti is one of Switzerland\u00e2\u0080\u0099s iconic national dishes. Though no one knows when the first rosti was cooked-up, farmers in the canton of Bern would traditionally eat it for breakfast.","qid":833860,"docid":"6230225","rank":50,"score":12.163792610168457},{"content":"Emmentaler and Swiss-Style Cheese. Cheese is among the most ancient manufactured foods. More than a thousand cheese varieties are known throughout the world. This astounding diversity stems from a number of factors, including the type of milk used (cow, ewe, goat, caribou, buffalo, yak), the manufacturing process and local preferences.","qid":833860,"docid":"3320119","rank":51,"score":11.6013822555542},{"content":"Alps-. Swiss Alps, also known as Central Alps, is the region of Alpine mountain ranges that lie in Switzerland. Around 65% of Switzerland is covered by Alps, one of the most beautiful mountain ranges. No doubt, Switzerland is the place where one can find the highest peaks and glaciers.Skiing and hiking are way of Swiss life.. Swiss Chocolate-. If you tell me you don\u00e2\u0080\u0099t like Swiss chocolate, I would seriously believe you haven\u00e2\u0080\u0099t tasted it yet. Switzerland is famous for the art of chocolate making. They have world\u00e2\u0080\u0099s best milk chocolate made of finest milk and cream.","qid":833860,"docid":"2206198","rank":52,"score":12.10387134552002},{"content":"What To Eat In Switzerland. Traditionally a country of farmers, simple foods reign supreme in this region, but don\u00e2\u0080\u0099t be fooled \u00e2\u0080\u0093 there are still a wealth of fine dining establishments. In fact, Schloss Schauenstein was ranked 30 in the list of the World\u00e2\u0080\u0099s Best restaurants last year and boasts the rather grand setting of a castle.","qid":833860,"docid":"3437283","rank":53,"score":12.708683013916016},{"content":"Food is quite expensive in Switzerland, at least compared to most European countries and especially compared to the U.S. If you go to a fast food place, you may easily spend up to CHF 10 for a burger, a soft drink and a coffee.","qid":833860,"docid":"3087477","rank":54,"score":12.134857177734375},{"content":"The highest point in Switzerland is the Dufourspitze of Monte Rosa at 4,634 m (15,203 ft); the lowest is the shore of Lake Maggiore at less than 195 m (640 ft). The second-highest and most celebrated of the Swiss Alps is the Matterhorn (4,478 m\/14,692 ft), long a challenge to mountaineers and first scaled in 1865.","qid":833860,"docid":"4875955","rank":55,"score":11.350189208984375},{"content":"Street food is the cheapest way to go and will save you the most money. Expect to spend 3-5 CHF for cheap snacks and about 11 CHF for something more filling. Cook \u00e2\u0080\u0094 With sit-down restaurants costing around 40 CHF per meal per person, eating out in Switzerland can be very costly, so buy your groceries. A week\u00e2\u0080\u0099s worth of food (bread, pasta, rice, eggs, vegetables, cheese, deli meats for sandwiches, and some assorted fruit) will cost you 75-100 CHF. The major supermarkets are Migros, COOP, and Spar. COOP is the most expensive.","qid":833860,"docid":"3087483","rank":56,"score":12.089173316955566},{"content":"Cheese and fondue go hand in hand, but Swiss cuisine has several fondue variations. Swiss cheese, made up of raw milk, is perhaps the most famous cheese to come out of the country. Other famous cheeses are still produced by hand and include Gruyere, Gruy\u00c3\u00a8re, Emmentaler tete T\u00c3\u00aate, De moine Sbrinz. and vacherinheese and fondue go hand in hand, but Swiss cuisine has several fondue variations. Swiss cheese, made up of raw milk, is perhaps the most famous cheese to come out of the country. Other famous cheeses are still produced by hand and include Gruyere, Gruy\u00c3\u00a8re, Emmentaler tete T\u00c3\u00aate, De moine Sbrinz. and vacherin","qid":833860,"docid":"2206196","rank":57,"score":12.317510604858398},{"content":"Swiss cheese is the most attractive and delicious looking cheese I have ever seen. With holes all over them, Swiss cheeses are very distinctive in their appearance. The holes are known as the eyes of the cheese. So Swiss cheese without holes is called 'blind'. It has a sweet nut-like flavor. Apparently the larger the holes are, the better is the taste. Baby Swiss and Lacy Swiss are the two types of popular Swiss cheeses found in the U.S.","qid":833860,"docid":"1501736","rank":58,"score":11.310811042785645},{"content":"GENEVA \u00e2\u0080\u0094 When you think of Swiss food, chocolate and cheese quickly come to mind. But now a novel food is creating a buzz in this Alpine nation. Burgers and meatballs made from insects will hit grocery shelves Monday at the Coop supermarket chain. It marks the first wide distribution of bug bites in Europe.","qid":833860,"docid":"1187661","rank":59,"score":11.396132469177246},{"content":"Swiss cheeses from Switzerland, like the famous Emmental and Gruyere, are typically crafted of unpasteurized, raw milk. Swiss cheeses produced in the United States, like Aged, Baby, and Lacy or Lorraine Swiss, are made from pasteurized cow\u00e2\u0080\u0099s milk. Aged Swiss is a strong, sharply flavored cheese.","qid":833860,"docid":"6943598","rank":60,"score":11.351982116699219},{"content":"Food of Switzerland. Traditional Food in Switzerland. There are many different dishes in Switzerland that are regional. Italian food is very common in modern Switzerland including pasta and pizza. Swiss cheese includes Emmental cheese, Vacherin and Appenzeller.ood of Switzerland. Traditional Food in Switzerland. There are many different dishes in Switzerland that are regional. Italian food is very common in modern Switzerland including pasta and pizza. Swiss cheese includes Emmental cheese, Vacherin and Appenzeller.","qid":833860,"docid":"6230229","rank":61,"score":13.035398483276367},{"content":"Switzerland is well-known for the cuisine it produces, in particular cheese and chocolate. The country's food is diverse and seasonal, carrying influences from Italy, France and Germany. Traditional Swiss food is rich, in both flavor and calories, and rarely uses herbs and spices.","qid":833860,"docid":"6218032","rank":62,"score":13.340194702148438},{"content":"The term \u00e2\u0080\u0098fondue' has come to describe other dishes where food is dipped into a pot of hot liquid, such as fonduebourguignonne (beef cooked in hot oil) and chocolate fondue. Make your own: 1 Here's the classic fondue recipe \u00e2\u0080\u0093 from Switzerland. 2 Jamie Oliver has this easy cheese fondue recipe.","qid":833860,"docid":"8833505","rank":63,"score":11.368345260620117},{"content":"Swiss Chard is Our Food of the Week. This week we celebrate Swiss chard as our Food of the Week. Swiss chard has long been a very popular and healthy addition to the Mediterranean Diet, which has been recognized as a great way to promote health and longevity.wiss Chard is Our Food of the Week. This week we celebrate Swiss chard as our Food of the Week. Swiss chard has long been a very popular and healthy addition to the Mediterranean Diet, which has been recognized as a great way to promote health and longevity.","qid":833860,"docid":"2037474","rank":64,"score":11.442302703857422},{"content":"This most desirable city in the world is pride of Switzerland. According to some surveys it is the city with best quality of life in the world and the wealthiest city of Europe. This city is well known for luxurious shopping, lodging and cuisine.","qid":833860,"docid":"6218034","rank":65,"score":12.086796760559082},{"content":"Switzerland is the only country with four national languages-German, French, Italian and Rumantsch. This is one of those countries where one can go in any season and enjoy to the best. It is not only the natural beauty for what Switzerland is known.","qid":833860,"docid":"6218039","rank":66,"score":12.042198181152344},{"content":"They are German, French, Italian and Romansch. Of the four languages, German is most widely spoken throughout Switzerland (around 75%); while French is regularly spoken by around 20% of the population, and Italian, 6.5%; and Romansch is spoken by a minority (less than 1%).","qid":833860,"docid":"8767220","rank":67,"score":11.39523696899414},{"content":"Switzerland Dishes. Swiss Dishes. 1 Zuercher Z\u00c3\u00bcrcher-Eintopf zurich style hot. 2 Pot vegetables and meat are served all in the same. 3 Pot-Fondue this is a Famous swiss food made of melted. 4 Cheese bread pieces or potato pieces are dipped in. 5 Cheese-Rosti this is a common swiss dish made from grated potatoes that are raw or. cookedood of Switzerland. Traditional Food in Switzerland. There are many different dishes in Switzerland that are regional. Italian food is very common in modern Switzerland including pasta and pizza. Swiss cheese includes Emmental cheese, Vacherin and Appenzeller.","qid":833860,"docid":"6230220","rank":68,"score":13.108742713928223},{"content":"The food of the Swiss is unusual in that it has so many regional influences from the cuisine of its neighbors. This includes the French, German and Italians. Historically, Switzerland was a farming country, and the most popular crops and foods include cheese and potatoes as well as chocolate.witzerland Dishes. Swiss Dishes. 1 Zuercher Z\u00c3\u00bcrcher-Eintopf zurich style hot. 2 Pot vegetables and meat are served all in the same. 3 Pot-Fondue this is a Famous swiss food made of melted. 4 Cheese bread pieces or potato pieces are dipped in. 5 Cheese-Rosti this is a common swiss dish made from grated potatoes that are raw or. cooked","qid":833860,"docid":"5167513","rank":69,"score":13.30902099609375},{"content":"Food in Germany is important to its culture. The most popular meats in Germany are pork, veal, and beef. Germans love to smoke or pickle meat since it gives a great flavor to the food. Germans typically eat breads, sausages, meats, vegetables, and cheeses.he food of the Swiss is unusual in that it has so many regional influences from the cuisine of its neighbors. This includes the French, German and Italians. Historically, Switzerland was a farming country, and the most popular crops and foods include cheese and potatoes as well as chocolate.","qid":833860,"docid":"2702357","rank":70,"score":12.213887214660645},{"content":"What is the most common animal in Switzerland? cows are special in Switzerland,because they make great milk, which makes great chocolate and cheese. Also bears are common,Ibex blue butterfly's, black faced sheep, bouquet i\u00e2\u0080\u00a6n, chamois, and of course, house pets like cats and dogs.","qid":833860,"docid":"8697642","rank":71,"score":12.672723770141602},{"content":"Common ingredients are bacon, onions, cheese and mushrooms. Some other well known Swiss dishes are: Geschnetzeltes: sliced pieces of meat (pork, veal, chicken) served with a sauce and often r\u00c3\u00b6sti; Cheese fondue: various kinds of Swiss cheese melted in a pot. Pieces of bread will be dipped into the cheese using a long fork; Raclette: various kinds of food (bread, mushrooms, meat, potatoes) covered in molten or scalloped cheese.","qid":833860,"docid":"3437286","rank":72,"score":12.592513084411621},{"content":"Finally, there are a lot of sweets, including the second type of food that Switzerland is world famous for: Swiss chocolate. In Switzerland, breakfast typically includes bread, butter or margarine, marmalade or honey, maybe some cheese or cereals, plus milk, cold or hot chocolate, tea or coffee.","qid":833860,"docid":"3087481","rank":73,"score":13.872133255004883},{"content":"Spaghetti is the most common and popular in Germany. *Different provinces in Germany enjoy different foods. In the north Gruehnkohl is very popular. If you go to the southern region in Bavaria, they are not very familiar with Gruehnkohl. In Bavaria Weisswurst is very popular - it is a type of sausage.","qid":833860,"docid":"1733841","rank":74,"score":11.996932029724121},{"content":"the most popular food is arepa it is made of corn and agrdente is Ron it is very popular very body drinks it and something that pretty much is in every kitchen is rice ,beans,\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 and arepa.","qid":833860,"docid":"1799624","rank":75,"score":11.356605529785156},{"content":"The second most widely spoken language of Switzerland is French. It is spoken and written practically the same way as French in France, with the exception of a few minor Swiss expressions that are easily understood by everyone.rench is exclusively spoken in the cantons Geneva, Jura, Vaud and Neuchatel; neuch\u00c3\u00a2tel bilingual cantons Are\/Fribourg, Freiburg\/Berne, Bern\/Valais wallis and parts Of\/Basel. bale b\u00c3\u00a2le","qid":833860,"docid":"5097141","rank":76,"score":11.447546005249023},{"content":"It starts with fast food, such as burger, fish and chips etc., continues with self service restaurants and what people in the U.S. use to call a family restaurant where you get all the regular menus and ends with spectacular (and very expensive) restaurants, where to eat is supposed to be an experience.","qid":833860,"docid":"8833508","rank":77,"score":11.670900344848633},{"content":"Common ingredients are bacon, onions, cheese and mushrooms. Some other well known Swiss dishes are: 1 Geschnetzeltes: sliced pieces of meat (pork, veal, chicken) served with a sauce and often roesti; 2 R\u00c3\u00b6sti cheese: fondue various kinds Of swiss cheese melted in a. pot","qid":833860,"docid":"8833506","rank":78,"score":12.701150894165039},{"content":"Fondue is a traditional Swiss meal, dating back to the eighteenth century. Both wine and cheese are important industries in Switzerland. Most Swiss families usually have the ingredients to make fondue in their homes.","qid":833860,"docid":"5832657","rank":79,"score":11.437667846679688},{"content":"Food, ingredients and the way to prepare it varies greatly all over the country. Generally speaking, basic food items include a huge selection of bread (white, whole wheat etc.), dairy products such as milk, yogurt, butter and-of course-a great variety of the world famous Swiss cheese.Also important are vegetables including beans, carrots, cauliflower, potatoes, spinach etc.inally, there are a lot of sweets, including the second type of food that Switzerland is world famous for: Swiss chocolate. In Switzerland, breakfast typically includes bread, butter or margarine, marmalade or honey, maybe some cheese or cereals, plus milk, cold or hot chocolate, tea or coffee.","qid":833860,"docid":"2206197","rank":80,"score":13.544421195983887},{"content":"Enjoyed by residents and tourists alike, the most popular type of food in Italy is pasta. Popular pasta dishes in Italy include Rigatoni alla Carbonara, Spaghetti con le vongole, Fettucine Alfredo and Penne alla Bolognese. Continue Reading.","qid":833860,"docid":"3990989","rank":81,"score":11.978033065795898},{"content":"In the Italian-speaking part of Switzerland, the Ticino area, one will find a type of restaurant unique to the region. The Grotto is a rustic eatery, offering traditional food ranging from pasta to homemade meat specialties. Popular dishes are Luganighe and Luganighetta, a type of artisan sausages.","qid":833860,"docid":"3437289","rank":82,"score":11.717462539672852},{"content":"Swiss cheeses from Switzerland, like the famous Emmental and Gruyere, are typically crafted of unpasteurized, raw milk. Swiss cheeses produced in the United States, like Aged, Baby, and Lacy or Lorraine Swiss, are made from pasteurized cow\u00e2\u0080\u0099s milk.","qid":833860,"docid":"6943600","rank":83,"score":11.396148681640625},{"content":"Enjoyed by residents and tourists alike, the most popular type of food in Italy is pasta. Popular pasta dishes in Italy include Rigatoni alla Carbonara, Spaghetti con le vongole, Fettucine Alfredo and Penne alla Bolognese. Keep Learning.","qid":833860,"docid":"3990988","rank":84,"score":11.387011528015137},{"content":"A cart displaying food produced in Switzerland. There are many regional dishes in Switzerland. One example is Z\u00c3\u00bcrcher Geschnetzeltes, thin strips of veal with mushrooms in a cream sauce served with R\u00c3\u00b6sti. Italian cuisine is popular in contemporary Switzerland, particularly pasta and pizza. Foods often associated with Switzerland include cheese and chocolate.","qid":833860,"docid":"3437288","rank":85,"score":12.769290924072266},{"content":"These are the most popular girls' names in Switzerland (French) for 2012. 1 Emma. 2 Lea. 3 Chloe. Zoe. 4 Lara. 5 Eva. Charlotte. Clara.","qid":833860,"docid":"1524399","rank":86,"score":11.407830238342285},{"content":"Share |. According to a survey published by charity Oxfam, pasta takes the crown as the world's most popular food. When faced with the question of what's your favorite food, nine countries' people voted pasta as one of their favorite foods due to inexpensive prices and versatility.","qid":833860,"docid":"4460348","rank":87,"score":11.842866897583008},{"content":"Fondue and Cheese. Cheese and fondue go hand in hand, but Swiss cuisine has several fondue variations. Swiss cheese, made up of raw milk, is perhaps the most famous cheese to come out of the country. Other famous cheeses are still produced by hand and include Gruyere, Gruy\u00c3\u00a8re, Emmentaler tete T\u00c3\u00aate, De moine Sbrinz. and vacherinondue and Cheese. Cheese and fondue go hand in hand, but Swiss cuisine has several fondue variations. Swiss cheese, made up of raw milk, is perhaps the most famous cheese to come out of the country. Other famous cheeses are still produced by hand and include Gruyere, Gruy\u00c3\u00a8re, Emmentaler tete T\u00c3\u00aate, De moine Sbrinz. and vacherin","qid":833860,"docid":"5167518","rank":88,"score":12.53489875793457},{"content":"This is one of those countries where one can go in any season and enjoy to the best. It is not only the natural beauty for what Switzerland is known. There are numerous things related to Switzerland that attract people like Swiss watches, music festivals, cheese and chocolates to name some.","qid":833860,"docid":"6218040","rank":89,"score":11.659337043762207},{"content":"The process of Swiss cheese making is designed in a way that no rind forms on the cheese. It can be eaten with fruits such as apples, pears, grapes and thinly-sliced prosciutto ham and salami.","qid":833860,"docid":"756921","rank":90,"score":11.757020950317383},{"content":"There are numerous things related to Switzerland that attract people like Swiss watches, music festivals, cheese and chocolates to name some. Switzerland has interesting history and is also known for world welfare organizations that mostly either started in Switzerland or have their Headquarters there.","qid":833860,"docid":"4046122","rank":91,"score":11.484542846679688},{"content":"What To Eat In Switzerland: 5 Foods Beyond Fondue. R\u00c3\u00b6sti. Forget hash browns \u00e2\u0080\u0093 the proper crisp potato goods you should be heaping on your breakfast place are rosti and the Swiss are big fans. Eat with eggs and cheese on top for breakfast, or serve as a side to mop up creamy sauces with at dinner time.","qid":833860,"docid":"3437290","rank":92,"score":12.078106880187988},{"content":"1 Zuercher Z\u00c3\u00bcrcher-Eintopf zurich style hot. 2 Pot vegetables and meat are served all in the same. 3 Pot-Fondue this is a Famous swiss food made of melted. 4 Cheese bread pieces or potato pieces are dipped in. 5 Cheese-Rosti this is a common swiss dish made from grated potatoes that are raw or. cookedood of Switzerland. Traditional Food in Switzerland. There are many different dishes in Switzerland that are regional. Italian food is very common in modern Switzerland including pasta and pizza. Swiss cheese includes Emmental cheese, Vacherin and Appenzeller.","qid":833860,"docid":"6230221","rank":93,"score":12.838421821594238},{"content":"Cost for Food and Drinks. The expense of food in Switzerland is quite expensive. For a month, you can spend around $350 to $400 per week including groceries and food. Eating out will add to the total since it costs more.A typical meal at a restaurant costs around 20 to 40 CHF depending on where you eat.Dairy products are practically cheaper in Switzerland.ost for Food and Drinks. The expense of food in Switzerland is quite expensive. For a month, you can spend around $350 to $400 per week including groceries and food. Eating out will add to the total since it costs more.","qid":833860,"docid":"2192806","rank":94,"score":11.496956825256348},{"content":"Swiss food is influenced by French, German and north Italian cuisine with lots of regional dishes, many of which are based on cheese and potatoes, the ingredients readily available to the Alpine farmers of old. One thing's for sure, you won't go hungry in Switzerland. Cheese fondue.","qid":833860,"docid":"8833504","rank":95,"score":12.776725769042969},{"content":"Austria. Austrian food is rich in texture and has a unique flavor. Austrian cuisine was influenced by the countries surrounding it. These countries are Germany, Hungary, and Italy. The most consumed meats in Austria are chicken, beef, and pork.","qid":833860,"docid":"1863879","rank":96,"score":11.560869216918945},{"content":"Did you know that when you loose your piece of bread in the cheese, you. have to pay for the next bottle. of wine, sing a song or do something embarrassing. Did you know the other very popular Swiss cheese dish, called Raclette, where cheese is melted and. scrapped directly from the wheel of cheese.id you know that Gruyere is not just the name of the world famous. cheese, but also the name of a. wonderful town and a beautiful region close to the mountains and on the. border of the French-and. German-speaking parts of Switzerland.","qid":833860,"docid":"7706738","rank":97,"score":12.42009162902832},{"content":"Swiss Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Switzerland (German) These are the most popular girls' names in Switzerland (German) for 2014.","qid":833860,"docid":"1524406","rank":98,"score":11.315984725952148},{"content":"A: The food people in Switzerland eat ranges from chocolates and cheese to regional specialties such as Bernerplatte and rosti. Rosti is a hash brown-like dish where grated potatoes are fried and often served with bacon, cheese and eggs.","qid":833860,"docid":"1889863","rank":99,"score":12.78140640258789},{"content":"1 Surrounded by the Jungfrau, Eiger, and Mnch, some of the most impressive peaks in Switzerland, Interlaken is a great base for touring the Alps. In addition, this is one of the most idyllic areas of the country. Interlaken may be one of the best regions of the country to shop for something Swiss.","qid":833860,"docid":"1229016","rank":100,"score":11.3714599609375}]} {"query":"what is famvir prescribed for","hits":[{"content":"OSELTAMIVIR (os el TAM i vir) is an antiviral medicine. It is used to prevent and to treat some kinds of influenza or the flu. It will not work for colds or other viral infections.","qid":1114646,"docid":"6586072","rank":1,"score":11.197402954101562},{"content":"View All. Antiretroviral drugs are organized into five classes based on the stage of the HIV life cycle they block. Today, there are 27 individual agents (called drug molecules) and 12 fixed dosed combination (FDC) drugs comprised of two or more of different molecules. Seven of the FDCs, in fact, can be used as a single-pill, once-daily therapy, ensuring greater treatment adherence and ease of use. Antiretroviral therapy is typically prescribed using three different drug molecules, a strategy that was popularly known as HAART (highly active antiretroviral therapy).","qid":1114646,"docid":"4490112","rank":2,"score":11.148344039916992},{"content":"Famciclovir (Famvir\u00c2\u00ae) is a prescription antiviral medication used to treat the following conditions: Herpes simplex infections (including cold sores and genital herpes) in people with HIV or other conditions that weaken the immune system.","qid":1114646,"docid":"8117090","rank":3,"score":13.185108184814453},{"content":"Famotidine is used to treat stomach ulcers (gastric and duodenal), erosive esophagitis (heartburn or acid indigestion), and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). GERD is a condition where the acid in the stomach washes back up into the esophagus.","qid":1114646,"docid":"1919864","rank":4,"score":11.135671615600586},{"content":"Most cold sores respond best to oral or topical prescription treatments (some cases require both at the same time), but there are over-the-counter alternatives, too. Oral prescription drugs used to treat cold sores are Zovirax (acyclovir), Famvir (famciclovir), and Valtrex (valacyclovir).All of these work by interrupting virus replication in the first few days of an outbreak.ost cold sores respond best to oral or topical prescription treatments (some cases require both at the same time), but there are over-the-counter alternatives, too. Oral prescription drugs used to treat cold sores are Zovirax (acyclovir), Famvir (famciclovir), and Valtrex (valacyclovir).","qid":1114646,"docid":"6711103","rank":5,"score":11.214223861694336},{"content":"It slows the growth and spread of the herpes virus so that the body can fight off the infection. Famciclovir will not cure herpes, but it can lessen the symptoms of the infections. Famciclovir is used to treat infections caused by herpes viruses, including genital herpes, cold sores, and shingles. There is no cure for herpes and famciclovir will not prevent you from developing symptoms in the future. Famciclovir may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.","qid":1114646,"docid":"444374","rank":6,"score":12.139625549316406},{"content":"Famotidine is approved to treat conditions affecting the esophagus, stomach, and intestines (such as heartburn and ulcers). Famotidine (Pepcid\u00c2\u00ae) is a medication that is available in both prescription and over-the-counter forms. It is used to treat several conditions related to the esophagus, stomach, and intestines. Famotidine is part of a class of drugs known as H2 blockers. As with any medicine, side effects are possible with famotidine.","qid":1114646,"docid":"1826121","rank":7,"score":11.627243041992188},{"content":"Tamiflu (oseltamivir) is an antiviral medication that blocks the actions of influenza virus types A and B in your body. Tamiflu is used to treat influenza in people 2 weeks of age and older who have had flu symptoms for 2 days or less. Oseltamivir may also be given to prevent influenza in people who are at least 1 year old, who may be exposed but do not yet have symptoms. Tamiflu will not treat the common cold.","qid":1114646,"docid":"7070269","rank":8,"score":11.32063102722168},{"content":"Watch the video. Tamiflu is a prescription medicine used to treat the flu (influenza) in people 2 weeks of age and older who have had flu symptoms for no more than 2 days.","qid":1114646,"docid":"3480747","rank":9,"score":11.271087646484375},{"content":"Etravirine is a prescription medicine approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of HIV infection in adults and children 6 years of age and older. Etravirine belongs to a class (group) of HIV drugs called non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs).","qid":1114646,"docid":"1320856","rank":10,"score":11.610639572143555},{"content":"Common Questions and Answers about Famvir no prescription famvir My doctor gave me a prescription for famvir, which I was able to start taking approx 30 hours after being infected...already had a significant patch of little white dots. It was the first one had every had (I know because I became very ill with a fever and night sweats etc a couple of days later).","qid":1114646,"docid":"8117087","rank":11,"score":12.550256729125977},{"content":"Efavirenz\/emtricitabine\/tenofovir disoproxil (brand name Atripla) \u00e2\u0080\u0094 a fixed-dose triple combination of tenofovir, emtricitabine, and efavirenz, was approved by the FDA on 12 July 2006 and is now available, providing a single daily dose for the treatment of HIV.","qid":1114646,"docid":"2280540","rank":12,"score":11.474967002868652},{"content":"Generic Name: Efavirenz. Generic for Sustiva* (Efavirenz) is an antiviral medication used to treat HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) infection. Efavirenz prevents the multiplication of HIV cells in your body. It belongs to a class of drugs known as non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs).","qid":1114646,"docid":"6124144","rank":13,"score":11.630669593811035},{"content":"Oseltamivir is indicated for the treatment of uncomplicated acute illness due to influenza infection in patients aged 1 year and older, who have been symptomatic for no more than 2 days. The recommended duration of treatment with oseltamivir is 5 days (but may be longer in severe H5N1 infection).","qid":1114646,"docid":"687522","rank":14,"score":11.201801300048828},{"content":"Famciclovir is commonly prescribed to treat cold sores, genital herpes, and shingles. The antiviral medication is typically used at the first signs of an outbreak to help reduce symptoms and prevent outbreaks from occurring again. Depending on the condition being treated, the tablets can be taken every day, for just one day, or for a week.","qid":1114646,"docid":"8117089","rank":15,"score":12.194616317749023},{"content":"If acyclovir is your drug of choice ( famvir is a 1 time dose, valtrex is a 2x\/day for 1 day dose ), try 800mg 3x\/day for 2 days. it works best if started at the very first tingle \/sign of a potential cold sore.","qid":1114646,"docid":"5640856","rank":16,"score":11.472089767456055},{"content":"[famot\u00e2\u0080\u00b2id\u00c4\u0093n] an oral and parenteral antiulcer drug; an H2-receptor antagonist. indications It is prescribed in treatment of duodenal ulcer and pathological hypersecretory conditions, and for stress-ulcer prophylaxis. contraindications Famotidine should be used with caution in patients with impaired kidney function. adverse effects Among adverse effects reported are headache, dizziness, constipation, diarrhea, and temporary irritation of the injection site.","qid":1114646,"docid":"2245938","rank":17,"score":11.237091064453125},{"content":"Find Urgent Care. Tamiflu is a prescription medicine used to treat the flu (influenza) in people 2 weeks of age and older who have had flu symptoms for no more than 2 days.","qid":1114646,"docid":"5934545","rank":18,"score":11.354700088500977},{"content":"FAMOTIDINE is a type of antihistamine that blocks the release of stomach acid. It is used to treat stomach or intestinal ulcers. It can also relieve heartburn from acid reflux. Compare histamine-2 antagonists.","qid":1114646,"docid":"3949103","rank":19,"score":11.501543998718262},{"content":"Diflucan (fluconazole) is an antifungal medication prescribed to treat Candida fungal infections of the mouth, vagina, esophagus, lungs, urinary tract, abdomen, and other organs.","qid":1114646,"docid":"8746426","rank":20,"score":11.607694625854492},{"content":"Efavirenz is a prescription medicine approved by the U.S. (FDA) for the treatment of HIV in adults and in children 3 months of age and older who weigh at least 7 pounds 12 ounces (3.5 kilograms). Efavirenz is always used in combination with other HIV medicines.","qid":1114646,"docid":"2695584","rank":21,"score":12.822388648986816},{"content":"Uses. Famciclovir is used to treat infections caused by certain types of viruses. It treats shingles caused by herpes zoster. It also treats outbreaks of herpes simplex that cause cold sores around the mouth, sores around the anus, and genital herpes. In people with frequent outbreaks of genital herpes, famciclovir is used to help reduce the number of future episodes. Famciclovir is an antiviral drug. However, it is not a cure for these infections. The viruses that cause these infections continue to live in the body even between outbreaks.","qid":1114646,"docid":"444380","rank":22,"score":11.328646659851074},{"content":"Tamiflu is a prescription medicine used to treat the flu (influenza) in people 2 weeks of age and older who have had flu symptoms for no more than 2 days. Tamiflu can also reduce the chance of getting the flu in people 1 year and older. Tamiflu does not prevent bacterial infections that may happen with the flu. Tamiflu is not recommended for people with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) who are not receiving dialysis.","qid":1114646,"docid":"8375075","rank":23,"score":11.170204162597656},{"content":"Oseltamivir is used to treat some types of influenza infection ('flu') in adults, children, and infants (older than 2 weeks of age) who have had symptoms of the flu for no longer than 2 days.","qid":1114646,"docid":"3480746","rank":24,"score":11.180900573730469},{"content":"Famotidine also is used for treating heartburn and in healing ulceration and inflammation of the esophagus (esophagitis) resulting from acid (gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD). High doses are used for treating conditions in which there are marked increases in acid secretion such as Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.","qid":1114646,"docid":"1826116","rank":25,"score":11.18248462677002},{"content":"Atripla Formulation. Atripla is a co-formulated tablet comprised of 300mg tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, 200mg emtricitabine, and 600mg of efavirenz. The pink, oblong tablet is film coated and embossed on one side with the number 123..","qid":1114646,"docid":"6886645","rank":26,"score":11.186050415039062},{"content":"Efavirenz\/emtricitabine\/tenofovir, sold under the trade name Atripla among others, is a medication used to treat HIV\/AIDS. It is a fixed-dose combination of efavirenz, emtricitabine, and tenofovir disoproxil. It can be used by itself or together with other antiretroviral medications. It is taken by mouth once a day.","qid":1114646,"docid":"6886644","rank":27,"score":11.353570938110352},{"content":"Hello. I have recurrent cold sores and have a Famvir prescription for this. Two weeks ago, I felt and saw redness, lumpiness and then a whitish sore that I associate with cold sores and hurriedly bolted down 1500mg of Famvir. But the sore\/lesion seems to have been on the inside of my lip (the moist inner mouth), and not on my skin.","qid":1114646,"docid":"8117092","rank":28,"score":11.774285316467285},{"content":"I asked for a prescription on famvir and if he could give me more capsule count and he wouldnt work with me at all. Instead after this he wrote me a prescription for 10 capsules 250 mg which was less than the last time which he game me 12 capsules 500mg.","qid":1114646,"docid":"8117088","rank":29,"score":11.524602890014648},{"content":"The treatment dose for famvir is 1000 mg twice a day for one day for genital herpes, and for cold sores, take a single dose of three 500-mg tablets at the first sign or symptom of an outbreak (within 1 hour). After that, you could go right into the suppression dose, which is 250 mg twice a day.","qid":1114646,"docid":"5640859","rank":30,"score":12.3961181640625},{"content":"Treatment with HIV medicines is called antiretroviral therapy (ART). ART is recommended for everyone with HIV. People on ART take a combination of HIV medicines (called an HIV regimen) every day. A person's initial HIV regimen generally includes three HIV medicines from at least two different drug classes.","qid":1114646,"docid":"7240723","rank":31,"score":11.170419692993164},{"content":"Prescription famotidine is used to treat ulcers ( sores on the lining of the stomach or small intestine ) ; gastroesophageal reflux disease ( GERD , a condition in which backward flow of acid from the stomach causes heartburn and injury of the esophagus [ tube that connects the mouth and stomach ] ) ; and conditions where the stomach produces too ...","qid":1114646,"docid":"2245935","rank":32,"score":11.731754302978516},{"content":"Also, I'm not sure what famvir is, but maybe it is stronger than Valtrex and will help you. You might just not respond to the one and that is why they are trying another. It seems your doctor is pretty sure you have HSV. But because it is the mouth, it is extremely unlikely that HSV-2 is the cause.","qid":1114646,"docid":"2911040","rank":33,"score":11.354785919189453},{"content":"Brand Names: Viread. Viread (tenofovir) is an antiviral medicine that prevents human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or hepatitis B from multiplying in your body. Tenofovir is used to treat HIV, the virus that can cause acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Viread is not a cure for HIV or AIDS.","qid":1114646,"docid":"2280542","rank":34,"score":11.774670600891113},{"content":"Oseltamivir, sold under the brand name Tamiflu, is an antiviral medication used to treat and prevent influenza A and influenza B. Many medical organizations recommend it in people who have complications or are at high risk of complications within 48 hours of first symptoms of infection. They recommend it to prevent infection in those at high-risk, but not the general population. The CDC recommends that clinicians use their discretion to treat those at lower risk who present within 48 hours of fi","qid":1114646,"docid":"7675374","rank":35,"score":11.197176933288574},{"content":"Uses of Famotidine. Back to Top. Famotidine is a medication used to treat conditions of the stomach, esophagus, and intestines. The over-the-counter form is used to treat and prevent heartburn, acid indigestion, and sour or upset stomach.ack to Top. Famotidine is a medication used to treat conditions of the stomach, esophagus, and intestines. The over-the-counter form is used to treat and prevent heartburn, acid indigestion, and sour or upset stomach.","qid":1114646,"docid":"8814039","rank":36,"score":11.346242904663086},{"content":"What is Tamiflu? Tamiflu (oseltamivir) is an antiviral medication that blocks the actions of influenza virus types A and B in your body. Tamiflu is used to treat influenza in people 2 weeks of age and older who have had flu symptoms for 2 days or less. Oseltamivir may also be given to prevent influenza in people who are at least 1 year old, who may be exposed but do not yet have symptoms.","qid":1114646,"docid":"8762032","rank":37,"score":11.160734176635742},{"content":"Tenofovir is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines, the most important medications needed in a basic health system.It is marketed by Gilead Sciences under the trade name Viread (as the fumarate, TDF).tripla, a fixed-dose triple combination of tenofovir, emtricitabine, and efavirenz, was approved by the FDA on 12 July 2006 and is now available, providing a single daily dose for the treatment of HIV.","qid":1114646,"docid":"7762604","rank":38,"score":11.417718887329102},{"content":"Why is Diflucan (fluconazole) prescribed to patients? Diflucan is used for treating vaginal, oral, and esophageal fungal infections caused by Candida. Diflucan also may be effective in treating urinary tract infections, peritonitis, pneumonia and disseminated infections caused by Candida. Diflucanis used for treating cryptococcal meningitis, and prevention of Candida infections in patients treated with chemotherapy or radiation after bone marrow transplantation.","qid":1114646,"docid":"8746428","rank":39,"score":11.299980163574219},{"content":"DRUG DESCRIPTION. The active ingredient in FAMVIR tablets is famciclovir, an orally administered prodrug of the antiviral agent penciclovir. Chemically, famciclovir is known as 2-[2-(2-amino-9H-purin-9-yl)ethyl]-1,3-propanediol diacetate. Its molecular formula is C 14 H 19 N 5 O 4; its molecular weight is 321.3.","qid":1114646,"docid":"444375","rank":40,"score":12.413822174072266},{"content":"Oseltamivir, sold under the brand name Tamiflu, is an antiviral medication used to treat and prevent influenza A and influenza B. Many medical organizations recommend it in people who have complications or are at high risk of complications within 48 hours of first symptoms of infection. They recommend it to prevent infection in those at high risk, but not the general population. The CDC recommends that clinicians use their discretion to treat those at lower risk who present within 48 hours of fi","qid":1114646,"docid":"7234440","rank":41,"score":11.20098876953125},{"content":"Ask for Price. Tenvir EM Cipla is indicated in combination with other antiretroviral agents (such as non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors or protease inhibitors) for the treatment of HIV-1 infection in adults.","qid":1114646,"docid":"5675572","rank":42,"score":11.152881622314453},{"content":"Famotidine (Pepcid\u00c2\u00ae) is a medication that is available both in prescription and over-the-counter forms. It is used to treat conditions related to the esophagus, stomach, and intestines. Pathological hypersecretory conditions (which occur when too much stomach acid is produced), such as Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.","qid":1114646,"docid":"7158990","rank":43,"score":11.240714073181152},{"content":"Famotidine (Pepcid\u00c2\u00ae) is a medication that is available both in prescription and over-the-counter forms. It is used to treat conditions related to the esophagus, stomach, and intestines. Some specific famotidine uses include the treatment or prevention of the following conditions: Duodenal ulcers.","qid":1114646,"docid":"8697543","rank":44,"score":11.366395950317383},{"content":"Atripla was licensed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on June 12, 2012 and was the first once-daily, three-in-one drug approved for use in the treatment of HIV for adults and children ages 12 years and older.","qid":1114646,"docid":"6886636","rank":45,"score":11.375850677490234},{"content":"Preferred treatment for: 1 Persons living with HIV. 2 Children aged 2-11. 3 Pregnant Women (with pyridoxine\/vitamin B6 supplements)","qid":1114646,"docid":"8020467","rank":46,"score":11.277542114257812},{"content":"Famotidine is used to treat conditions related to the esophagus, stomach, and intestines. Famotidine (Pepcid\u00c2\u00ae) is a medication that is available both in prescription and over-the-counter forms. It is used to treat conditions related to the esophagus, stomach, and intestines. Some specific famotidine uses include the treatment or prevention of the following conditions: Duodenal ulcers.","qid":1114646,"docid":"7158992","rank":47,"score":11.350494384765625},{"content":"What is Lexiva? Lexiva (fosamprenavir) is an antiviral medicine that prevents human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) from multiplying in your body. Lexiva is used to treat HIV, the virus that can cause acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Lexiva is for use in adults and children who are at least 4 weeks old.","qid":1114646,"docid":"2931850","rank":48,"score":11.130111694335938},{"content":"Valtrex, (valacyclovir) famvir: If you have sever or frequently recurrent fever blisters it is vest to treat with oral antiviral for a week to lower the viral count. If recurrences are frequent a preventive dies of medication one to two pills a day will prevent recurrences.","qid":1114646,"docid":"5041692","rank":49,"score":11.329109191894531},{"content":"A: Pepcid (famotidine) is a medication that is used to treat acid reflux and other conditions of the stomach and esophagus. It is in the group of medications called histamine blockers that work by blocking histamine in the stomach, which decreases the amount of acid produced, and relieves your symptoms.","qid":1114646,"docid":"227083","rank":50,"score":11.249780654907227},{"content":"looks like might be herpes, prescribed Famvir=no changes after completion of prescription. -10\/10\/12=gyn appt, swab culture for herpes, pap=both negative -10\/14\/12 Herpes ! Read More the topicals for cold sores don't do much at all. give the doc a call and ask for a prescription for herpes antivirals to keep on hand for future cold sores. she can use either 1 day famvir, 1 day valtrex or 2 day acyclovir to treat cold sores. acyclovir is the cheapest option - 800mg 3x\/day for 2 days.","qid":1114646,"docid":"8117094","rank":51,"score":11.905567169189453},{"content":"What Is Famotidine? Famotidine (Pepcid\u00c2\u00ae) is a medication that is available in both prescription and over-the-counter forms. It is used to treat several conditions related to the esophagus, stomach, and intestines. Famotidine is part of a class of drugs known as H2 blockers. As with any medicine, side effects are possible with famotidine.","qid":1114646,"docid":"8697541","rank":52,"score":11.321966171264648},{"content":"Fosamprenavir is a prescription medicine approved by the U.S. (FDA) for the treatment of HIV in adults and children 4 weeks of age and older. Fosamprenavir is always used in combination with other HIV medicines. Fosamprenavir belongs to a class (group) of HIV drugs called inhibitors (PIs).","qid":1114646,"docid":"2931848","rank":53,"score":12.484627723693848},{"content":"PRESCRIBED FOR: Fluconazole is used for treating vaginal, oral, and esophageal fungal infections caused by Candida. It may also be effective in treating urinary tract infections, peritonitis, pneumonia and disseminated infections caused by Candida.","qid":1114646,"docid":"3288151","rank":54,"score":11.275308609008789},{"content":"The best treatments for cold sores are prescription antiviral agents such as Zovirax (acyclovir), Valtrex (valacyclovir) and Famvir (famciclovir) taken orally, says Rao.","qid":1114646,"docid":"2676807","rank":55,"score":11.180094718933105},{"content":"Tamiflu is the brand name of the prescription drug oseltamivir, used to treat influenza A and B in people who have flu symptoms. They may also prescribe it to prevent flu in those who have been exposed to it but don't yet have symptoms.","qid":1114646,"docid":"3480743","rank":56,"score":11.129568099975586},{"content":"Tamiflu (oseltamivir) is an antiviral medication that blocks the actions of influenza virus types A and B in your body. Tamiflu is used to treat influenza in people 2 weeks of age and older who have had flu symptoms for 2 days or less. Oseltamivir may also be given to prevent influenza in people who are at least 1 year old, who may be exposed but do not yet have symptoms. Tamiflu will not treat the common cold. Tamiflu may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.","qid":1114646,"docid":"5439737","rank":57,"score":11.269063949584961},{"content":"Prescription famotidine is used to treat ulcers (sores on the lining of the stomach or small intestine); gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD, a condition in which backward flow of acid from the stomach causes heartburn and injury of the esophagus [tube that connects the mouth and stomach]); and conditions where the stomach produces too much acid, ...","qid":1114646,"docid":"8329774","rank":58,"score":11.655529022216797},{"content":"Efavirenz (EFV) has been recommended as the preferred option for a non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor in optimized first-line antiretroviral regimens.","qid":1114646,"docid":"2695583","rank":59,"score":11.885590553283691},{"content":"Zidovudine is a prescription medicine approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the following uses: 1 Treatment of HIV infection in adults and children 4 weeks of age and older. When zidovudine is used to treat HIV infection, the medicine is always used in combination with other HIV medicines. Prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV.","qid":1114646,"docid":"2596912","rank":60,"score":11.179764747619629},{"content":"Famciclovir (Famvir) is a drug used for the treatment of genital herpes, cold sores, shingles, and chickenpox. Side effects, drug interactions, warnings and precautions, and pregnancy information should be reviewed prior to taking this medication.","qid":1114646,"docid":"5279567","rank":61,"score":12.648801803588867},{"content":"Tenofovir disoproxil is an antiretroviral medication used to prevent and treat HIV\/AIDS and to treat chronic hepatitis B. The active substance is tenofovir, while tenofovir disoproxil is a prodrug that is used because of its better absorption in the gut.","qid":1114646,"docid":"2280539","rank":62,"score":11.280517578125},{"content":"Be the first to review this Drug. Efavirenz is an antiviral medication that prevents human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) cells from multiplying in your body. Efavirenz is used to treat HIV, which causes the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Efavirenz is not a cure for HIV or AIDS.Efavirenz may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide. Do not take efavirenz together with Atripla (combination efavirenz, emtricitabine, and tenofovir), unless your doctor tells you to.ome medicines can cause unwanted or dangerous effects when used with efavirenz. Your doctor may need to change your treatment plan if you use any of the following drugs: 1 midazolam, pimozide, St. John's wort; or. 2 ergot medicine--dihydroergotamine, ergotamine, ergonovine, methylergonovine.","qid":1114646,"docid":"482778","rank":63,"score":11.754324913024902},{"content":"[famot\u00e2\u0080\u00b2id\u00c4\u0093n]. an oral and parenteral antiulcer drug; an H 2 -receptor antagonist. indications It is prescribed in treatment of duodenal ulcer and pathologic hypersecretory conditions, and for stress-ulcer prophylaxis. contraindications Famotidine should be used with caution in patients with impaired kidney function.","qid":1114646,"docid":"4919404","rank":64,"score":11.486017227172852},{"content":"If you have a prescription for famvir - then take the 1 day outbreak dose of that when you start to feel an ob coming on. On average hsv2 recurrences are 4-6 a year though that can differ from person to person.","qid":1114646,"docid":"8117095","rank":65,"score":12.027061462402344},{"content":"Tamiflu (oseltamivir phosphate) is an oral anti-viral drug approved for the treatment of acute, uncomplicated influenza in patients 2 weeks of age and older whose flu symptoms have not lasted more than two days.","qid":1114646,"docid":"1533515","rank":66,"score":11.287175178527832},{"content":"Famvir is now generic but still pricey. You have to take it twice a day. Some doc's prefer it but it's really not worth the price and twice a day effort unless you don't seem to be getting good results from valtrex\/acyclovir. Acyclovir is the original oral herpes antiviral and is available as a cheap generic.","qid":1114646,"docid":"2911035","rank":67,"score":11.546356201171875},{"content":"Tamiflu. OSELTAMIVIR is an antiviral medicine. It is used to prevent and to treat some kinds of influenza or the flu. It will not work for colds or other viral infections.amiflu. OSELTAMIVIR is an antiviral medicine. It is used to prevent and to treat some kinds of influenza or the flu. It will not work for colds or other viral infections.","qid":1114646,"docid":"4969104","rank":68,"score":11.145923614501953},{"content":"Famvir (Famciclovir) is approved by the FDA for the treatment of cold sores. If started at the first sign of symptoms, taking a single high dose of Famvir can shorten the herpes infection by two days. Valtrex (Valacyclovir) is also approved by the FDA to treat cold sores.","qid":1114646,"docid":"6704400","rank":69,"score":12.570756912231445},{"content":"Nevirapine is a prescription medicine approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of HIV infection in adults and children. Nevirapine is always used in combination with other HIV medicines.","qid":1114646,"docid":"8338389","rank":70,"score":11.215087890625},{"content":"But some antiviral medicines (such as acyclovir or famciclovir) when taken orally (tablets) may be helpful in reducing the frequency and severity of attacks of cold sores. Doctors may prescribe oral antiviral medicines that can be taken daily to prevent future outbreaks of cold sores.","qid":1114646,"docid":"5640861","rank":71,"score":11.343256950378418},{"content":"Famotidine is used to help reduce the amount of stomach acid produced. It aids in the treatment of stomach ulcers that are present and helps prevent ulcer formation. Famotidine can also be used to treat gastritis, esophagitis, and gastric or esophageal reflux as well as prevent stomach or duodenal ulcers in animals with kidney failure.","qid":1114646,"docid":"1826124","rank":72,"score":11.232362747192383},{"content":"Fluconazole is an antifungal prescription medicine approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of esophageal candidiasis, oropharyngeal candidiasis, vaginal candidiasis, and cryptococcal meningitis.","qid":1114646,"docid":"3112368","rank":73,"score":11.471811294555664},{"content":"Tamiflu is an antiviral medication used to treat flu symptoms caused by influenza. Learn about side effects, interactions and indications.","qid":1114646,"docid":"1880637","rank":74,"score":11.208402633666992},{"content":"TRUVADA (emtricitabine 200 mg and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate 300 mg) is a prescription medicine used with other HIV-1 medicines to treat HIV-1 infection in people who weigh at least 35 kg (77 lbs). TRUVADA does not cure HIV-1 infection or AIDS.","qid":1114646,"docid":"3996009","rank":75,"score":11.214248657226562},{"content":"Efavirenz (EFV), sold under the brand names Sustiva among others, is an antiretroviral medication used to treat and prevent HIV\/AIDS. It is generally recommended for use with other antiretrovirals. It may be used for prevention after a needlestick injury or other potential exposure. It is sold both by itself and in combination as efavirenz\/emtricitabine\/tenofovir.","qid":1114646,"docid":"2524143","rank":76,"score":11.911625862121582},{"content":"Tamiflu is a prescription antiviral medication that can be used both to treat and prevent influenza infections (the flu) in children and adults. Tamiflu is a prescription antiviral medication that can be used both to treat and prevent influenza infections (the flu) in children and adults.","qid":1114646,"docid":"7961851","rank":77,"score":11.243539810180664},{"content":"Tamiflu is a prescription medicine used to treat the flu (influenza) in people 2 weeks of age and older who have had flu symptoms for no more than 2 days. Tamiflu can also reduce the chance of getting the flu in people 1 year and older.","qid":1114646,"docid":"1069577","rank":78,"score":11.228879928588867},{"content":"Report Abuse. It's not exactly a substitute but it's antiviral medication that is also used to help heal out breaks of herpes and viruses related to it like shingles. Also some people don't react well to acyclovir so Famvir can be used instead. LINDSEY S \u00c2\u00b7 5 years ago.","qid":1114646,"docid":"266552","rank":79,"score":11.253019332885742},{"content":"Uses. Famotidine is used to help reduce the amount of stomach acid produced. It aids in the treatment of stomach ulcers that are present and helps prevent ulcer formation.f a dose of Famotidine is missed, signs may recur but give the dose as soon as possible. If it is almost time for the next dose, skip the missed dose and continue your regular schedule. Do not give two doses at one time.","qid":1114646,"docid":"3986537","rank":80,"score":11.140555381774902},{"content":"Indications: zanamivir is indicated for the treatment of uncomplicated acute illness due to influenza A and B viruses in adults and paediatric patients (EU: 12 years or older; US: 7 years and older) who have been symptomatic for no more than 2 days.osage. The recommended dose of zanamivir for the treatment of influenza in adults and paediatric patients aged 7 years and older is 10 mg bid (= twice daily 2 consecutive inhalations of one 5-mg blister) for 5 days. On the first day of treatment, two doses should be taken at least 2 hours apart.","qid":1114646,"docid":"5127886","rank":81,"score":11.275474548339844},{"content":"Over-the-counter famotidine is used to prevent and treat heartburn due to acid indigestion and sour stomach caused by eating or drinking certain foods or drinks. Famotidine is in a class of medications called H2blockers. It works by decreasing the amount of acid made in the stomach.","qid":1114646,"docid":"2245934","rank":82,"score":11.149840354919434},{"content":"The recommended dose of raltegravir for treating adults with HIV or AIDS is raltegravir 400 mg twice daily. For people taking rifampin (Rifadin\u00c2\u00ae), the recommended dosage for raltegravir is 800 mg twice daily since rifampin decreases the level of raltegravir in the blood.","qid":1114646,"docid":"937370","rank":83,"score":11.444271087646484},{"content":"Efavirenz was combined with the HIV medications tenofovir and emtricitabine, all of which are reverse transcriptase inhibitors. This combination of three medications under the brand name Atripla, provides HAART in a single tablet taken once a day. Efavirenz was discovered at Merck Research Laboratories.","qid":1114646,"docid":"7450004","rank":84,"score":11.232748985290527},{"content":"When famciclovir is used for shingles treatment, it will help the shingles rash heal more quickly. Famciclovir is not a cure for shingles, as the virus will always remain in your body and may become active again.","qid":1114646,"docid":"444377","rank":85,"score":11.16208267211914},{"content":"Famotidine is used to treat conditions related to the esophagus, stomach, and intestines. Some of these conditions include GERD, ulcers, and pathological hypersecretory conditions. The medicine blocks the action of specific histamine receptors in the stomach.","qid":1114646,"docid":"8697542","rank":86,"score":11.445727348327637},{"content":"Famciclovir (Famvir) is sometimes used to treat the herpes virus that causes cold sores and genital herpes (as well as the virus that causes shingles). This medicine is available only by prescription and is taken orally in tablet form.","qid":1114646,"docid":"2647994","rank":87,"score":12.585892677307129},{"content":"What is Generic for Sustiva* used for? Generic for Sustiva* (Efavirenz) is an antiviral medication used to treat HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) infection. Efavirenz prevents the multiplication of HIV cells in your body. It belongs to a class of drugs known as non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs).","qid":1114646,"docid":"6124145","rank":88,"score":11.439698219299316},{"content":"I tried a generic valtrex after improving on famvir, i did this at the time as valtrex was cheaper. It didnt work and i went backwords but i dont think it was the fault of valtrex but the viruses i had ebv and cmv. Valtrex is good for ebv but if u have the others i think u need famvir to get results.","qid":1114646,"docid":"7196961","rank":89,"score":11.541107177734375},{"content":"Famciclovir (Famvir\u00c2\u00ae) is a prescription antiviral medication used to treat the following conditions: Shingles in people with normal immune systems. Recurring genital herpes in people with normal immune systems. Recurring cold sores in people with normal immune systems.","qid":1114646,"docid":"8117091","rank":90,"score":12.61917781829834},{"content":"Indications. Tamiflu is a prescription medicine used to treat the flu (influenza) in people 2 weeks of age and older who have had flu symptoms for no more than 2 days.","qid":1114646,"docid":"1069582","rank":91,"score":11.214423179626465},{"content":"The Effect of Famciclovir on Cold Sores. Famvir (Famciclovir) is approved by the FDA for the treatment of cold sores. If started at the first sign of symptoms, taking a single high dose of Famvir can shorten the herpes infection by two days. Valtrex Is a Well-Known Treatment for Cold Sores. Valtrex (Valacyclovir) is also approved by the FDA to treat cold sores. If started at the first sign of symptoms, taking Valtrex twice a day for one day can shorten the duration of herpes infection. Suppressive Therapy for Cold Sores.","qid":1114646,"docid":"6704401","rank":92,"score":12.244088172912598},{"content":"Famciclovir is an antiviral medication used for treating shingles, genital herpes, and cold sores. This eMedTV article offers dosing information for the medication, explains how it works, describes its clinical effects for various conditions, and more.","qid":1114646,"docid":"8117096","rank":93,"score":11.725446701049805},{"content":"Famotidine injection is used in people who are hospitalized to treat certain conditions in which the stomach produces too much acid or to treat ulcers (sores in the lining of the stomach or intestine) that were not successfully treated with other medications. to treat ulcers,","qid":1114646,"docid":"1919865","rank":94,"score":11.133452415466309},{"content":"Exclusive of the antiretroviral agents used in HIV (AIDS) therapy, there are currently only 11 antiviral drugs available, covering four types of virus. Acyclovir (Zovirax), famciclovir (Famvir), and valacyclovir (Valtrex) are effective against herpesvirus, including herpes zoster and herpes genitalis.","qid":1114646,"docid":"2201127","rank":95,"score":11.277551651000977},{"content":"famotidine pepcid is a medication that is available in both prescription and over the counter forms it is used to treat several conditions related to the esophagus stomach and intestinesfamotidine is part of a class of drugs known as h2 blockersamotidine pepcid is a medication that is available in both prescription and over the counter forms it is used to treat several conditions related to the esophagus stomach and intestines","qid":1114646,"docid":"8580421","rank":96,"score":11.158012390136719},{"content":"FAMVIR tablets contain 125 mg, 250 mg, or 500 mg of famciclovir, together with the following inactive ingredients: hydroxypropyl cellulose, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, lactose, magnesium stearate, polyethylene glycols, sodium starch glycolate and titanium dioxide.","qid":1114646,"docid":"444382","rank":97,"score":11.296012878417969},{"content":"1 This indication is based on analyses of plasma HIV-1 RNA levels and CD4 cell counts in controlled studies of tenofovir in treatment-naive and treatment-experienced adults. 2 Tenofovir is indicated for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B in adults and pediatric patients 12 years of age and older.tripla, a fixed-dose triple combination of tenofovir, emtricitabine, and efavirenz, was approved by the FDA on 12 July 2006 and is now available, providing a single daily dose for the treatment of HIV.","qid":1114646,"docid":"7762608","rank":98,"score":11.266550064086914},{"content":"Meals that contain a lot of fat increase efavirenz levels by about 60%. Efavirenz should not be take until at least two houf after food that contains a lot of fat. Taking efavirenz before bedtime means you are hopefully sleeping during the side effects. It is up to you how long you want to give this before trying another drug. Although your clinic might suggest giving it more time, some people change within a week if they are badly affected.","qid":1114646,"docid":"8268814","rank":99,"score":11.1651029586792},{"content":"Indications and Important Safety Information. Tamiflu is a prescription medicine used to treat the flu (influenza) in people 2 weeks of age and older who have had flu symptoms for no more than 2 days. Tamiflu can also reduce the chance of getting the flu in people 1 year and older.","qid":1114646,"docid":"8812933","rank":100,"score":11.298023223876953}]} {"query":"what is physical description of spruce","hits":[{"content":"exists and is an alternate of . Making the world better, one answer at a time. One of the best and easiest ways to tell the difference between a true spruce and fir tree is to look at the tree's cones. When mature, the cones on a fir tree stand straight up (point towards the sky) while the mature cones on a spruce grow down towards the ground from the bottom side of the branch.","qid":1113437,"docid":"7377274","rank":1,"score":11.995976448059082},{"content":"Seeds. The white spruce is a large coniferous evergreen tree which grows normally to 15 to 30 metres (49 to 98 ft) tall, but can grow up to 40 m (130 ft) tall with a trunk diameter of up to 1 m (3.3 ft). The bark is thin and scaly, flaking off in small circular plates 5 to 10 centimetres (2.0 to 3.9 in) across.he bark of mature white spruce is scaly or flaky, gray-brown (Brayshaw 1960) or ash-brown (Harlow and Harrar 1950), but silvery when freshly exposed. Resin blisters are normally lacking, but the Porsild spruce Picea glauca var.","qid":1113437,"docid":"5938425","rank":2,"score":12.353946685791016},{"content":"Picea abies. Picea abies, the Norway spruce, is a species of spruce native to Northern, Central and Eastern Europe. It has branchlets that typically hang downwards, and the largest cones of any spruce, 9\u00e2\u0080\u009317 cm (31\u00e2\u0081\u00842\u00e2\u0080\u009363\u00e2\u0081\u00844 in) long.","qid":1113437,"docid":"6593841","rank":3,"score":11.671529769897461},{"content":"The white spruce is a large coniferous evergreen tree which grows normally to 15 to 30 m (50 to 100 ft) tall, but can grow up to 40 m (130 ft) tall with a trunk diameter of up to 1 m (3.3 ft). The bark is thin and scaly, flaking off in small circular plates 5 to 10 cm (2 to 4 in) across.","qid":1113437,"docid":"5514586","rank":4,"score":12.338790893554688},{"content":"The spruce trees of North America include seven different species, all of them growing north of Mexico, mostly in cool climate locations. Spruce trees are important producers of lumber and are also useful in an ornamental capacity. The spruces all have evergreen needles, most are tall and they have a conical shape.","qid":1113437,"docid":"8503446","rank":5,"score":11.845758438110352},{"content":"spruce. 1 1a : any of a genus (Picea) of evergreen trees of the pine family with a conical head of dense foliage, flat or 4-sided needles, pendulous cones, and soft light woodb : any of several coniferous trees (as Douglas fir) of similar habit. 2 2 : the wood of a spruce.","qid":1113437,"docid":"1768727","rank":6,"score":12.713632583618164},{"content":"1. (Plants) any coniferous tree of the N temperate genus Picea, cultivated for timber and for ornament: family Pinaceae. They grow in a pyramidal shape and have needle-like leaves and light-coloured wood. See also Norway spruce, blue spruce, white spruce, black spruce. 2. (Forestry) the wood of any of these trees.","qid":1113437,"docid":"4016938","rank":7,"score":12.19993782043457},{"content":"Uses: 1 The wood of white spruce is light, soft, and straight grained. Its primary uses have been for pulpwood, lumber, furniture, and boxes and crates. More elegant uses include sounding boards for pianos and violins. The tough, pliable roots were once used by Indians to lace birchbark canoes and to make woven baskets.","qid":1113437,"docid":"8128792","rank":8,"score":11.953981399536133},{"content":"Members of the Picea Genus. Spruce trees and shrubs are classified in the genus Picea, which includes 35 species. It is considered to be part of the Pinaceae family, which also includes pine trees, fir trees, cedars, hemlocks, larches and a few other species.n fact, you should be able to identify a spruce tree just by looking at its needles. Anoher notable characteristic for identification is that unlike the fascicles of pine trees, each pulvinus only holds one spruce needle. The pulvini are arranged in a whorl around the branch.","qid":1113437,"docid":"5188747","rank":9,"score":11.804250717163086},{"content":"Spruce and fir trees have their needles attached individually to the branches. To tell spruce and fir trees apart, it helps to know that spruce needles are sharply pointed, square and easy to roll between your fingers. Fir needles, on the other hand, are softer, flat and cannot be rolled between your fingers. Spruce needles are attached to small, stalk-like woody projections. When needles are shed, these projections remain. As a result, the branches of spruce trees feel rough.","qid":1113437,"docid":"5546288","rank":10,"score":12.43105697631836},{"content":"Method 1 of 2: Distinguishing Spruces From Pines or Firs. 1. Look at the needles to identify spruce trees. 1 The needles of fir and spruce trees are attached to the branches individually, rather than in clusters. 2 Spruce needles are sharp, stiff and square, so they can be easily rolled between your fingers.","qid":1113437,"docid":"1681785","rank":11,"score":11.921185493469238},{"content":"Picture of a Norway Spruce Tree. Spruce trees are all coniferous evergreen trees of the genus Picea. There are about 35 species of Spruce known in the northern temperate and boreal (taiga) regions of earth. Some species are used for Christmas Trees, such as Norway Spruce, (Picea abies).","qid":1113437,"docid":"8503450","rank":12,"score":11.671121597290039},{"content":"Spruces are large trees, from about 20\u00e2\u0080\u009360 metres (about 60\u00e2\u0080\u0093200 feet) tall when mature, and can be distinguished by their whorled branches and conical form. The needles, or leaves, of spruce trees are attached singly to the branches in a spiral fashion, each needle on a small peg-like structure.","qid":1113437,"docid":"1280568","rank":13,"score":13.192605018615723},{"content":"The White Spruce is a medium to fast growing (2ft plus) evergreen that has a light green or even bluish colored needles that are about 1 inch long. It has a strong evergreen smell when crushed and is one way to tell it from other spruce. It never drops its needles and can stay on for as long as 20 years.","qid":1113437,"docid":"4367832","rank":14,"score":12.256628036499023},{"content":"Generally, they do, but look closer. Feel the needles. Spruces have stiff, prickly needles, while Douglas-firs and true firs have soft, flexible needles. Each spruce needle springs from a tiny, woody peg; in fact, this peg is one of the best ways to identify a spruce. Spruce cones hang down from the branches like those of Douglas-fir while true fir cones stand up, but spruce cones do not have Douglas-fir's pitchfork bracts. The scales of most spruce cones are papery thin--yet another difference. And spruce bark is scaly--Douglas-fir and the true firs have smooth or ridged bark. There are approximately 40 different species of spruce in the world, but only 3 are native to the Pacific Northwest--and only 2 of those are common. Location is probably the best clue to their identity. : grows only along the Pacific coast, from northern California through southeastern Alaska, and only near sea level.","qid":1113437,"docid":"742044","rank":15,"score":12.202007293701172},{"content":"Picture four shows a cone from a spruce tree, a genus (Picea) in the larger pine family. The thin, papery scales of spruce cones distinguish them from other pine species. Picture five shows a Douglas Fir cone, a predominantly Western pine genus (Pseudotsuga).Second only to the coastal redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) in size, Douglas Firs can reach heights of three hundred feet or more.he thin, papery scales of spruce cones distinguish them from other pine species. Picture five shows a Douglas Fir cone, a predominantly Western pine genus (Pseudotsuga). Second only to the coastal redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) in size, Douglas Firs can reach heights of three hundred feet or more.","qid":1113437,"docid":"8566591","rank":16,"score":11.651443481445312},{"content":"Spruce Pine is an evergreen tree with a medium-fine texture and a medium to fast growth rate. Needles are dark green, two per fascicle, spirally twisted, and 2 to 4 inches long. Cones are brown, up to 3.75 inches long, with minute prickles on the scales. They may persist two to four years on the plant.","qid":1113437,"docid":"3880944","rank":17,"score":12.280784606933594},{"content":"In the wild, Picea pungens grows to about 23 m (75 ft), but when planted in parks and gardens it seldom exceeds 15 m (49 ft) tall by 5 m (16 ft) wide. It is a columnar or conical evergreen conifer with densely growing horizontal branches. It has scaly grey bark on the trunk with yellowish-brown branches.","qid":1113437,"docid":"6017937","rank":18,"score":11.819197654724121},{"content":"The noun PICEA PUNGENS has 1 sense: 1. tall spruce with blue-green needles and dense conic crown; older trees become columnar with lower branches sweeping downward. Familiarity information: PICEA PUNGENS used as a noun is very rare.he noun PICEA PUNGENS has 1 sense: 1. tall spruce with blue-green needles and dense conic crown; older trees become columnar with lower branches sweeping downward. Familiarity information: PICEA PUNGENS used as a noun is very rare.","qid":1113437,"docid":"5938423","rank":19,"score":12.257936477661133},{"content":"One of the best and easiest ways to tell the difference between a true spruce and fir tree is to look at the tree's cones. When mature, the cones on a fir tree stand straight up (point towards the sky) while the mature cones on a spruce grow down towards the ground from the bottom side of the branch. The way that I remember which grows up and which grows down is that I remember the s in spruce means that the cones spray the ground.","qid":1113437,"docid":"5546286","rank":20,"score":12.170166969299316},{"content":"he physical properties of a wood species are those that affect its appearance, weight, feel, and smell. Most craftsmen arent especially concerned about feel and smell, since these change considerably when you apply a finish.","qid":1113437,"docid":"8442327","rank":21,"score":12.13525676727295},{"content":"Firs are often distinguished from their spruce cousins through the characteristics of their needles. Those of spruce trees are rather firm and rectangular when cut in cross section, while fir-tree needles are softer, flatter, and two-sided. The cones of fir trees are erect and have scales that fall off in autumn.","qid":1113437,"docid":"7377278","rank":22,"score":12.402229309082031},{"content":"any evergreen, coniferous tree of the genus Picea, of the pine family, having short, angular, needle-shaped leaves attached singly around twigs and bearing hanging cones with persistent scales. 2. any of various allied trees, as the Douglas fir and the hemlock spruce.","qid":1113437,"docid":"1280565","rank":23,"score":12.257658004760742},{"content":"Spruce trees are both evergreens, meaning that they stay green all year, and conifers, meaning that they bear cones. There are about 40 species of spruce trees worldwide, all of which grow in the northern latitudes.","qid":1113437,"docid":"8503453","rank":24,"score":11.688328742980957},{"content":"A spruce is a tree of the genus Picea \/pa\u00c9\u00aa\u00cb\u0088si\u00cb\u0090\u00c9\u0099\/, a genus of about 35 species of coniferous evergreen trees in the family Pinaceae, found in the northern temperate and boreal regions of the Earth. Spruces are large trees, from about 20\u00e2\u0080\u009360 m tall when mature, and can be distinguished by their whorled branches and conical form. The needles, or leaves, of spruces are attached singly to the branches in a spiral fashion, each needle on a small, peg-like structure. The needles are shed when ...","qid":1113437,"docid":"631949","rank":25,"score":12.411117553710938},{"content":"Pine scales are noticeably thick, rigid and tough. Spruce bark typically feels rough when you run your hand across it, with a thin and scaly look that grows more furrowed as the tree ages. Pine bark in general is smooth when the tree is young but with age often develops a reddish-brown color and starts to flake.","qid":1113437,"docid":"7377271","rank":26,"score":11.714421272277832},{"content":"Spruce is easy to split, and catches fire easily. Spruce is a softwood, which means it seasons more quickly than hardwoods. Spruce does not produce high amounts of heat, but does produce a number of sparks, which is a safety concern. Spruce contains large amounts of sap, which can get on your skin and clothes, and is difficult to clean up.","qid":1113437,"docid":"4216336","rank":27,"score":12.788366317749023},{"content":"For other uses, see Spruce (disambiguation) . A spruce is a tree of the genus Picea \/pa\u00c9\u00aa\u00cb\u0088si\u00cb\u0090\u00c9\u0099\/ , a genus of about 35 species of coniferous evergreen trees in the Family Pinaceae, found in the northern temperate and boreal (taiga) regions of the earth.hey are also used by the larvae of gall adelgids (Adelges species). In the mountains of western Sweden scientists have found a Norway spruce tree, nicknamed Old Tjikko, which by reproducing through layering has reached an age of 9,550 years and is claimed to be the world's oldest known living tree.","qid":1113437,"docid":"5938418","rank":28,"score":12.469423294067383},{"content":"The noun SPRUCE has 2 senses: 1. light soft moderately strong wood of spruce trees; used especially for timbers and millwork. 2. any coniferous tree of the genus Picea. Familiarity information: SPRUCE used as a noun is rare. \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 SPRUCE (adjective) The adjective SPRUCE has 1 sense: 1. marked by up-to-dateness in dress and manners. Familiarity information: SPRUCE used as an adjective is very rare.","qid":1113437,"docid":"4016930","rank":29,"score":13.011953353881836},{"content":"Overview. Alberta spruce trees (Picea glauca Conica) are small dwarf trees that are characterized by their vibrant green, tight, dense foliage, which gives the trees a slightly fuzzy appearance. They are evergreen conifers that grow to a maximum of 4 to 6 feet in height.Alberta spruce trees can be grown in many regions of the United States (between USDA hardiness zones 2 and 8). They are very popular landscape trees.verview. Alberta spruce trees (Picea glauca Conica) are small dwarf trees that are characterized by their vibrant green, tight, dense foliage, which gives the trees a slightly fuzzy appearance. They are evergreen conifers that grow to a maximum of 4 to 6 feet in height.","qid":1113437,"docid":"1454814","rank":30,"score":11.864158630371094},{"content":"1. a: any of a genus (Picea) of evergreen trees of the pine family with a conical head of dense foliage, flat or 4-sided needles, pendulous cones, and soft light wood b: any of several coniferous trees (as Douglas fir) of similar habit. 2. : the wood of a spruce.","qid":1113437,"docid":"2001936","rank":31,"score":11.801733016967773},{"content":"a: any of a genus (Picea) of evergreen trees of the pine family with a conical head of dense foliage, flat or 4-sided needles, pendulous cones, and soft light wood b: any of several coniferous trees (as Douglas fir) of similar habit. 2. : the wood of a spruce. See spruce defined for English-language learners.","qid":1113437,"docid":"2001933","rank":32,"score":12.549785614013672},{"content":"The cones are pendulous, slender cylindrical, 6\u00e2\u0080\u009310 cm (2.4\u00e2\u0080\u00933.9 in) long and 2 cm broad when closed, opening to 3 cm broad. They have thin, flexible scales 15\u00e2\u0080\u009320 mm long; the bracts just above the scales are the longest of any spruce, occasionally just exserted and visible on the closed cones.","qid":1113437,"docid":"3026984","rank":33,"score":11.904657363891602},{"content":"Scientific Name: Picea pungens var. glauca. Summary Foliage: Evergreen needles Height: 90 to 135 feet Spread: 20 to 30 feet Shape: Upright . The needle-like evergreen foliage of the Colorado Blue Spruce has a very stiff appearance. Its foliage color varies from blue-green to silver. Plant Needs Zone: 3 to 8 Light: Partial shade to full sun","qid":1113437,"docid":"742040","rank":34,"score":11.721235275268555},{"content":"The leaf of the spruce is not flat, but is three-sided or nearly so. Ontario Teachers' Manuals: Nature Study Ontario Ministry of Education. I was making my way painfully through a spruce thicket when I heard a loud crash and crackling of dead branches.","qid":1113437,"docid":"1280570","rank":35,"score":11.884222984313965},{"content":"Definition of spruce. spruced. ; sprucing. transitive verb. : to make spruce \u00e2\u0080\u0094often used with up. intransitive verb.","qid":1113437,"docid":"1768729","rank":36,"score":11.918846130371094},{"content":"The white spruce is a large coniferous evergreen tree which grows normally to 15 to 30 metres (49 to 98 ft) tall, but can grow up to 40 m (130 ft) tall with a trunk diameter of up to 1 m (3.3 ft).The bark is thin and scaly, flaking off in small circular plates 5 to 10 centimetres (2.0 to 3.9 in) across.he cones are pendulous, slender, cylindrical, 3 to 7 cm (1.2 to 2.8 in) long and 1.5 cm (0.59 in) wide when closed, opening to 2.5 cm (0.98 in) broad. They have thin, flexible scales 15 mm (0.59 in) long, with a smoothly rounded margin. They are green or reddish, maturing to pale brown 4 to 8 months after pollination.","qid":1113437,"docid":"4473157","rank":37,"score":12.545252799987793},{"content":"Definition of PICEA. : a genus of temperate and arctic evergreen trees (family Pinaceae) having acicular leaves that are keeled on both surfaces and borne individually on persistent peg-shaped bases and cones that become pendulous and have reflexed scales \u00e2\u0080\u0094 see spruce.ew Latin, from Latin, pitch pine, from pic-, pix pitch. This word doesn't usually appear in our free dictionary, but the definition from our premium Unabridged Dictionary is offered here on a limited basis. Note that some information is displayed differently in the Unabridged.","qid":1113437,"docid":"5938424","rank":38,"score":11.640838623046875},{"content":"The White Spruce is a medium to fast growing (2ft plus) evergreen that has a light green or even bluish colored needles that are about 1 inch long. It has a strong evergreen smell when crushed and is one way to tell it from other spruce.","qid":1113437,"docid":"6021902","rank":39,"score":12.345934867858887},{"content":"spruce - any coniferous tree of the genus Picea. genus Picea, Picea - a genus of temperate and Arctic evergreen trees (see spruce) spruce - light soft moderately strong wood of spruce trees; used especially for timbers and millwork.","qid":1113437,"docid":"4016937","rank":40,"score":13.109058380126953},{"content":"The properties we look at are shape, mass, and volume. Mass is the amount of matter an object has, and volume is the amount ofspace the matter takes up.Solids are easy to recognize. They have definite shape, mass, andvolume. Trees are solids.","qid":1113437,"docid":"4648169","rank":41,"score":11.709663391113281},{"content":"Examine the cones. The cones of a spruce tree are also a good way to identify the tree. Cones grow from tree branches and contain the seeds of a tree. Spruces, pines and firs all contain cones, as do other conifers like cedars and hemlock trees. Spruce cones have smooth, thin scales, and are quite flexible and easy to bend.","qid":1113437,"docid":"5514592","rank":42,"score":11.676959991455078},{"content":"Spruce and pine are virtually the same weight. In appearance, pine is amber to reddish brown, alternating with yellow and white, with occasional bold grain, or streaks of brown. Spruce is cream to white in color, with fine, consistently straight grain lines.","qid":1113437,"docid":"8729219","rank":43,"score":12.046503067016602},{"content":"The cones of a spruce tree are also a good way to identify the tree. Cones grow from tree branches and contain the seeds of a tree. Spruces, pines and firs all contain cones, as do other conifers like cedars and hemlock trees. Spruce cones have smooth, thin scales, and are quite flexible and easy to bend. Pine cones have scales that are thick, rough and woody, which makes the cones inflexible.","qid":1113437,"docid":"3687620","rank":44,"score":12.009052276611328},{"content":"Generally, they do, but look closer. Feel the needles. Spruces have stiff, prickly needles, while Douglas-firs and true firs have soft, flexible needles. Each spruce needle springs from a tiny, woody peg; in fact, this peg is one of the best ways to identify a spruce.","qid":1113437,"docid":"7385222","rank":45,"score":11.996562957763672},{"content":"A conifer is a tree belonging to the cone bearing order Coniferales. These trees have needles or scale-like leaves and are very different from hardwood trees which have broad, flat leaves and usually without cones. You can easily identify a conifer from a hardwood. Also called evergreens, conifers normally keep foliage or needles through the entire year. The notable exceptions are baldcypress and tamarack which shed needles annually. These softwood trees usually bear cones and include the pines, spruces, firs, and cedars. Wood hardness varies among the conifer species, and some are actually harder than some hardwoods. Most of the common conifers are of major economic importance for lumber and paper production.","qid":1113437,"docid":"6581673","rank":46,"score":11.82499885559082},{"content":"Seeds. The white spruce is a large coniferous evergreen tree which grows normally to 15 to 30 metres (49 to 98 ft) tall, but can grow up to 40 m (130 ft) tall with a trunk diameter of up to 1 m (3.3 ft). The bark is thin and scaly, flaking off in small circular plates 5 to 10 centimetres (2.0 to 3.9 in) across.he cones are pendulous, slender, cylindrical, 3 to 7 cm (1.2 to 2.8 in) long and 1.5 cm (0.59 in) wide when closed, opening to 2.5 cm (0.98 in) broad. They have thin, flexible scales 15 mm (0.59 in) long, with a smoothly rounded margin. They are green or reddish, maturing to pale brown 4 to 8 months after pollination.","qid":1113437,"docid":"4473156","rank":47,"score":12.380261421203613},{"content":"spruce. Any of the evergreen coniferous trees and shrubs of the genus Picea (family Piceaceae), widely found in the Northern Hemisphere. Known side effects of exposure to spruce dusts (e.g., in sawmill workers) include an increased incidence of reactive airways diseases such as asthma.pruce. Any of the evergreen coniferous trees and shrubs of the genus Picea (family Piceaceae), widely found in the Northern Hemisphere. Known side effects of exposure to spruce dusts (e.g., in sawmill workers) include an increased incidence of reactive airways diseases such as asthma.","qid":1113437,"docid":"5938421","rank":48,"score":11.95628547668457},{"content":"Common Name: Blue Spruce, Colorado Spruce. Picea abies Common Name: Norway Spruce . About the Spruce Tree . Spruce trees are coniferous (needle-leafed) evergreens. There are about 35 species in the genus Picea, native to the northern hemisphere. The name spruce is from the Latin pix, meaning pitch. These trees often live to a very old age. The oldest spruce on record is a Picea engelmannii that reached 852 years and is still thriving.","qid":1113437,"docid":"8128793","rank":49,"score":11.85608959197998},{"content":"conifer; coniferous tree (any gymnospermous tree or shrub bearing cones) Meronyms (substance of spruce): spruce (light soft moderately strong wood of spruce trees; used especially for timbers and millwork) Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of spruce): Picea obovata; Siberian spruce (tall spruce of northern Europe and Asia; resembles Norway spruce)","qid":1113437,"docid":"4016934","rank":50,"score":12.481927871704102},{"content":"Spruce trees are all coniferous evergreen trees of the genus Picea. There are about 35 species of Spruce known in the northern temperate and boreal (taiga) regions of earth.","qid":1113437,"docid":"8503455","rank":51,"score":11.888473510742188},{"content":"Spruce trees belong to the genus Picea and can grow up to heights that exceed 100 feet tall. Leaves: Spruce trees feature stiff needles which range in color from silvery-green to blue-green depending on the type of specimen. The needles often curve inward and measure about three quarters of an inch long.","qid":1113437,"docid":"6174328","rank":52,"score":12.461845397949219},{"content":"A conifer is a tree belonging to the cone bearing order Coniferales. These trees have needles or scale-like leaves and are very different from hardwood trees which have broad, flat leaves and usually without cones. You can easily identify a conifer from a hardwood. conifer is a tree belonging to the cone bearing order Coniferales. These trees have needles or scale-like leaves and are very different from hardwood trees which have broad, flat leaves and usually without cones. You can easily identify a conifer from a hardwood.","qid":1113437,"docid":"200777","rank":53,"score":11.804664611816406},{"content":"Conifers are members of the gymnosperm family, or trees with seeds not enclosed within a fruit. Conifers are typically evergreen and have needles instead of leaves, which can help to classify them. For example, the needles of a juniper conifer, a unique species of conifers, are flat and scaly. There are more than 500 different kinds of conifers; the most common types include spruces, firs, pines, and cedars.","qid":1113437,"docid":"3685674","rank":54,"score":11.720233917236328},{"content":"The way that I remember which grows up and which grows down is that I remember the s in spruce means that the cones spray the ground. One of the best and easiest ways to tell the difference between a true spruce and fir tree is to look at the tree's cones. When mature, the cones on a fir tree stand straight up (point towards the sky) while the mature cones on a spruce grow down towards the ground from the bottom side of the branch. The way that I remember which grows up and which grows down is that I remember the s in spruce means that the cones spray the ground.","qid":1113437,"docid":"7377272","rank":55,"score":12.022151947021484},{"content":"Spruce trees are all coniferous evergreen trees of the genus Picea. There are about 35 species of Spruce known in the northern temperate and boreal (taiga) regions of earth. Some species are used for Christmas Trees, such as Norway Spruce, (Picea abies).","qid":1113437,"docid":"8503447","rank":56,"score":11.85926628112793},{"content":"The physical properties of matter are texture, appearance, odor, color, boiling point, melting point, solubility, density, polarity and others. Physical properties describe the observations of the three states of matter. The three states of matter are gases, liquids and solids. Continue Reading.","qid":1113437,"docid":"4854580","rank":57,"score":11.800756454467773},{"content":"White Spruce Picea glauca \u00e2\u0080\u0093 native from Alaska to Montana, Minnesota and New York, often found at the arctic tree line. Short blue needles covered with a waxy substance that rubs off, small 1-2\u00e2\u0080\u009d cones. Tough plant withstands heat, cold, drought and crowding. Mature trees are 80\u00e2\u0080\u0099 tall x 15-20\u00e2\u0080\u0099 wide.","qid":1113437,"docid":"2884191","rank":58,"score":11.708834648132324},{"content":"One of the easiest ways to tell the difference between a spruce tree and a pine tree is by looking closely at their needles. While spruce needles tend to be shorter than those of pines -- roughly 1-inch long -- it's their notable stiffness that really gives them away.","qid":1113437,"docid":"7377270","rank":59,"score":12.296550750732422},{"content":"Like fir trees, spruces have single needles connected to the stems. However, spruce tree needles are sharp and square-shaped. On a real tree, spruce needles easily break apart if you bend them. As a whole, spruce trees sport the traditional full Christmas tree shape, thanks to their upturned branches.","qid":1113437,"docid":"3125154","rank":60,"score":12.301319122314453},{"content":"This article is about the tree. For other uses, see Spruce (disambiguation). A spruce is a tree of the genus Picea \/pa\u00c9\u00aa\u00cb\u0088si\u00cb\u0090\u00c9\u0099\/, a genus of about 35 species of coniferous evergreen trees in the family Pinaceae, found in the northern temperate and boreal (taiga) regions of the earth.","qid":1113437,"docid":"7385219","rank":61,"score":12.702404022216797},{"content":"Norway spruce is a large, fast-growing evergreen coniferous tree growing 35\u00e2\u0080\u009355 m (115\u00e2\u0080\u0093180 ft) tall and with a trunk diameter of 1 to 1.5 m (39 to 59 in). It can grow fast when young, up to 1 m (3 ft) per year for the first 25 years under good conditions, but becomes slower once over 20 m (65 ft) tall.","qid":1113437,"docid":"1896943","rank":62,"score":11.772882461547852},{"content":"Common Name(s): Spruce Pine. Scientific Name: Pinus glabra. Distribution: Southeastern United States (coastal plain) Tree Size: 65-100 ft (20-30 m) tall, 2-3 ft (.6-1 m) trunk diameter. Average Dried Weight: 33 lbs\/ft3 (525 kg\/m3) Specific Gravity (Basic, 12% MC): .42, .52. Janka Hardness: 700 lbf (3,110 N)","qid":1113437,"docid":"742042","rank":63,"score":11.895000457763672},{"content":"The white spruce is a large coniferous evergreen tree which grows normally to 15 to 30 metres (49 to 98 ft) tall, but can grow up to 40 m (130 ft) tall with a trunk diameter of up to 1 m (3.3 ft).The bark is thin and scaly, flaking off in small circular plates 5 to 10 centimetres (2.0 to 3.9 in) across.he bark of mature white spruce is scaly or flaky, gray-brown (Brayshaw 1960) or ash-brown (Harlow and Harrar 1950), but silvery when freshly exposed. Resin blisters are normally lacking, but the Porsild spruce Picea glauca var.","qid":1113437,"docid":"2354947","rank":64,"score":12.512104988098145},{"content":"Spruces are large trees, from about 20\u00e2\u0080\u009360 metres (about 60\u00e2\u0080\u0093200 feet) tall when mature, and can be distinguished by their whorled branches and conical form. The needles, or leaves, of spruce trees are attached singly to the branches in a spiral fashion, each needle on a small peg-like structure called a pulvinus.","qid":1113437,"docid":"2226349","rank":65,"score":13.169984817504883},{"content":"Spruce Trees. 1 Spruce Tree Pictures Gallery contains many photos of spruce trees. You will find useful info about spruce trees, spruce wood, types of spruce trees and facts on the spruce tree species. 2 Enlarge each Spruce tree picture just click on the tree image you like to full size the spruce tree photo.","qid":1113437,"docid":"7385216","rank":66,"score":11.709206581115723},{"content":"About 35; see text. A spruce is a tree of the genus Picea \/pa\u00c9\u00aa\u00cb\u0088si\u00cb\u0090\u00c9\u0099\/, a genus of about 35 species of coniferous evergreen trees in the Family Pinaceae, found in the northern temperate and boreal (taiga) regions of the earth.","qid":1113437,"docid":"1280569","rank":67,"score":12.569798469543457},{"content":"Spruces are large trees, from about 20\u00e2\u0080\u009360 metres (about 60\u00e2\u0080\u0093200 feet) tall when mature, and can be distinguished by their whorled branches and conical form. The needles, or leaves, of spruce trees are attached singly to the branches in a spiral fashion, each needle on a small peg-like structure called a pulvinus.hey are also used by the larvae of gall adelgids (Adelges species). In the mountains of western Sweden scientists have found a Norway spruce tree, nicknamed Old Tjikko, which by reproducing through layering has reached an age of 9,550 years and is claimed to be the world's oldest known living tree.","qid":1113437,"docid":"4498867","rank":68,"score":12.961517333984375},{"content":"Full Definition of SPRUCE. 1. a: any of a genus (Picea) of evergreen trees of the pine family with a conical head of dense foliage, flat or 4-sided needles, pendulous cones, and soft light wood b: any of several coniferous trees (as Douglas fir) of similar habit. 2. : the wood of a spruce.","qid":1113437,"docid":"2001934","rank":69,"score":12.857437133789062},{"content":"White Spruce Picea glauca (Moench) Voss Description: White spruce is a medium-sized conifer found in northeastern United States and throughout Canada. It is the state tree of South Dakota. White spruce has a cone-shaped crown, and when grown in the open develops a conical crown which extends nearly to the ground. This habit along with the spreading branches give it a nice appearance for use as an ornamental. Trees often reach 80-140 feet in height and 1.5 to 3 feet in diameter. The oldest white spruce may reach 300 years of age.","qid":1113437,"docid":"8128794","rank":70,"score":11.815898895263672},{"content":"A large, cone-bearing tree with a straight trunk and pyramid-shaped crown of spreading branches, growing to an average height of 24 m. Distinguishing Features - Needles: shiny dark green with whitish lines, 1.2-2.5 cm long; stiff, 4-angled, sharp-pointed; spreading on all sides of twig from very short leafstalks.","qid":1113437,"docid":"1066533","rank":71,"score":11.678557395935059},{"content":"pine, fir, spruce - Pine, fir, and spruce are quite different from each other, though they are all conifers; pine has clusters of long, needle-shaped leaves, spruce is a type of fir, and the only scientific difference between the two is that spruces have rectangular needles while firs have flat, needle-shaped leaves.","qid":1113437,"docid":"4016933","rank":72,"score":12.49017333984375},{"content":"Wood may be described as an orthotropic material; that is, it. has unique and independent mechanical properties in the. directions of three mutually perpendicular axes: longitudinal, radial, and tangential. The longitudinal axis L is parallel to. the fiber (grain); the radial axis R is normal to the growth.","qid":1113437,"docid":"3250819","rank":73,"score":11.8309965133667},{"content":"1. (Plants) any pyramidal coniferous tree of the N temperate genus Abies, having single needle-like leaves and erect cones: family Pinaceae. See also red fir, silver fir, balsam fir. 2. (Plants) any of various other trees of the family Pinaceae, such as the Douglas fir. 3. (Plants) the wood of any of these trees.","qid":1113437,"docid":"6248720","rank":74,"score":12.039203643798828},{"content":"1 SPRUCE spruce-fir, a coniferous tree belonging to the genus Picea, of which there are several species, such as the Norway spruce, Picea excelsa; the black spruce, Picea nigra, &c. ( 2 see FIR). 3 ARAUCARIA, a genus of coniferous trees included in the tribe Araucarineae.","qid":1113437,"docid":"3089474","rank":75,"score":12.206558227539062},{"content":"39 Species with 604 Trinomials. Picea a genus of about 35 species of coniferous evergreen trees in the family Pinaceae, found in the northern temperate and boreal regions of the earth.Spruces are large trees, from 20\u00e2\u0080\u009360 metres (66\u00e2\u0080\u0093200 ft) tall when mature, and can be distinguished by their whorled branches and conical form.or the same reason, some (particularly Picea abies and Picea omorika) are also extensively used as Christmas trees. The word \u00e2\u0080\u009cspruce\u00e2\u0080\u009d entered the English language from Old French Pruce, the name of Prussia.","qid":1113437,"docid":"5938420","rank":76,"score":11.680610656738281},{"content":"Fir needles, on the other hand, are softer, flat and cannot be rolled between your fingers. Spruce needles are attached to small, stalk-like woody projections. When needles are shed, these projections remain. As a result, the branches of spruce trees feel rough.","qid":1113437,"docid":"6688843","rank":77,"score":12.245494842529297},{"content":"Spruce, black: Picea mariana: 0.428: 26.72: 7.24: 1069. Spruce, red: Picea rubra or Picea rubens: 0.413: 25.78: 7.15: 1071. Spruce, white: Picea glauca: 0.431: 26.91: 6.38: 1001. Sycamore: Platanus occidentalis: 0.539: 33.65: 7.12: 1002. Tamarack: Larix laricina or Larix americana: 0.558: 34.84: 8.23: 1154. Teak (India) Tectona grandis *0.5892: 36.33: 9.04: 1195. Walnut, black: Juglans nigra: 0.562: 35.09: 10.42: 1185.","qid":1113437,"docid":"8128799","rank":78,"score":11.86568832397461},{"content":"Blue spruce. The blue spruce, green spruce, white spruce, Colorado spruce, or Colorado blue spruce, with the scientific name Picea pungens, is a species of spruce tree. It is native to the Rocky Mountains of the United States.","qid":1113437,"docid":"8162984","rank":79,"score":11.77103042602539},{"content":"The leaves of conifers are of course their needles. On true pine trees, the needles are arranged and attached to the branches in clusters of two (red pine group), three (yellow pine group), or five (white pine group) needles per cluster. Spruce and fir trees have their needles attached individually to the branches. To tell spruce and fir trees apart, it helps to know that spruce needles are sharply pointed, square and easy to roll between your fingers. Fir needles, on the other hand, are softer, flat and cannot be rolled between your fingers. Spruce needles are attached to small, stalk-like woody projections. When needles are shed, these projections remain. As a result, the branches of spruce trees feel rough.","qid":1113437,"docid":"7377277","rank":80,"score":11.924922943115234},{"content":"Differences Between Spruce & Fir Trees. Spruce and fir trees are biologically close cousins that belong to the family of evergreens known as conifers, or cone-bearing trees. Both species inhabit northern or high-altitude regions where the weather is typically cold during winter. At one time both species were referred to as fir trees.","qid":1113437,"docid":"7377275","rank":81,"score":12.337191581726074},{"content":"Spruce Tree Scientific Name, Picea. Spruce trees are cone bearing trees and can therefore be classified as coniferous. Other coniferous trees include pine trees, Douglas Fir trees, redwood trees and cedar trees. Spruce Tree Types: List of Different Type of Spruce. Bird's Nest Spruce, dwarf variety of Norway Spruce.","qid":1113437,"docid":"7385217","rank":82,"score":11.976908683776855},{"content":"The scales of most spruce cones are papery thin--yet another difference. And spruce bark is scaly--Douglas-fir and the true firs have smooth or ridged bark. There are approximately 40 different species of spruce in the world, but only 3 are native to the Pacific Northwest--and only 2 of those are common. Location is probably the best clue to their identity. : grows only along the Pacific coast, from northern California through southeastern Alaska, and only near sea level.","qid":1113437,"docid":"7385221","rank":83,"score":11.848466873168945},{"content":"Spruces (Picea) 1 Spruce needles are generally stiff and sharp; about 1 long. 2 Each spruce needle springs from a tiny, woody peg. 3 Most spruce cones have papery thin scales. 4 Most spruce bark is thin and flaky.","qid":1113437,"docid":"742037","rank":84,"score":12.716554641723633},{"content":"Switch to new thesaurus. fir tree, true fir, fir - any of various evergreen trees of the genus Abies; chiefly of upland areas. douglas fir - strong durable timber of a douglas fir. wood - the hard fibrous lignified substance under the bark of trees.","qid":1113437,"docid":"6248722","rank":85,"score":12.01637077331543},{"content":"Spruce. Picea. Holding their dense branches aloft, spruce trees grow into perfectly shaped pyramids that become the grace note of any landscape. Most spruces thrive in cold-winter climates and their thick boughs provide a habitat for winter birds.","qid":1113437,"docid":"8729216","rank":86,"score":11.712611198425293},{"content":"Spruce:-. Spruce of the family \u00e2\u0080\u009cPinaceae\u00e2\u0080\u009d is traditionally used in the construction of the Violin Front, Bass-Bar, Sound-Post, Corner\/Top\/ Bottom Blocks, & Linings. European Spruce \u00e2\u0080\u009cPicea Abies\u00e2\u0080\u009d and Sitka Spruce \u00e2\u0080\u009cPicea Stichensis\u00e2\u0080\u009d are commonly used to make the violin Front, Bass-Bar, and Sound-Post .","qid":1113437,"docid":"6148219","rank":87,"score":11.746315002441406},{"content":"Description: 1 White spruce is a medium-sized conifer found in northeastern United States and throughout Canada. It is the state tree of South Dakota. White spruce has a cone-shaped crown, and when grown in the open develops a conical crown which extends nearly to the ground.","qid":1113437,"docid":"8128796","rank":88,"score":11.677310943603516},{"content":"For other uses, see Spruce (disambiguation). A spruce is a tree of the genus Picea \/pa\u00c9\u00aa\u00cb\u0088si\u00cb\u0090\u00c9\u0099\/, a genus of about 35 species of coniferous evergreen trees in the family Pinaceae, found in the northern temperate and boreal (taiga) regions of the earth.","qid":1113437,"docid":"4751839","rank":89,"score":12.611017227172852},{"content":"Spruces are large trees, from about 20\u00e2\u0080\u009360 m (about 60\u00e2\u0080\u0093200 ft) tall when mature, and can be distinguished by their whorled branches and conical form. The needles, or leaves, of spruce trees are attached singly to the branches in a spiral fashion, each needle on a small, peg-like structure.","qid":1113437,"docid":"4751835","rank":90,"score":13.304311752319336},{"content":"The Siberian Spruce. The siberian spruce is a spruce tree that is abundant in the russia region of the taiga. It too is a tall tree that can reach up to 30 meters high. Some of its adaptations are branches that are shaped as a pyramid. This shape promotes the snow to slide of the branches to prevent branches being broken from the weight.","qid":1113437,"docid":"4412230","rank":91,"score":11.813538551330566},{"content":"Common Name(s): Spruce Pine Scientific Name: Pinus glabra. Distribution: Southeastern United States (coastal plain) Tree Size: 65-100 ft (20-30 m) tall, 2-3 ft (.6-1 m) trunk diameter. Average Dried Weight: 33 lbs\/ft 3 (525 kg\/m 3) Specific Gravity (Basic, 12% MC):.42, .52. Janka Hardness: 700 lb f (3,110 N) Modulus of Rupture: 10,300 lb f \/in 2 (71.0 MPa)","qid":1113437,"docid":"742045","rank":92,"score":12.099123001098633},{"content":"Needles are the major point of differentiation between fir and pine trees. The needles of a fir tree are soft and flat on two sides. The needles of pine trees are also soft, but also glossy and thin like a thread. The needles of fir trees are shorter in length, often less than 2 inches long.","qid":1113437,"docid":"5546283","rank":93,"score":11.879947662353516},{"content":"White SprucePicea glauca. This tree has often been heralded as a beautiful tree, whether lining the banks of a North Country river or gracing someone\u00e2\u0080\u0099s front yard. But the white spruce is more than just a pretty face. Commercially it, it is a mainstay of the pulp and paper industry and well-used for construction lumber. In landscape, it is a lovely specimen tree or grouping, a sturdy option for windbreaks and buffer strips, and serves as a great visual screen. price Pricing Information.","qid":1113437,"docid":"1066534","rank":94,"score":11.900362968444824},{"content":"Picea pungens, commonly called Colorado spruce (also blue spruce), is a medium to large, narrow, pyramidal conifer with horizontal branching to the ground. It typically grows 30-60\u00e2\u0080\u0099 tall in cultivation, but may reach 100\u00e2\u0080\u0099 or more where it grows naturally.","qid":1113437,"docid":"5996691","rank":95,"score":12.004903793334961},{"content":"of 14. Members of the Picea Genus Spruce trees and shrubs are classified in the genus Picea, which includes 35 species. It is considered to be part of the Pinaceae family, which also includes pine trees, fir trees, cedars, hemlocks, larches and a few other species. Characteristics of Spruce Trees and Shrubs.","qid":1113437,"docid":"6688848","rank":96,"score":11.708930969238281},{"content":"Noteworthy Characteristics. Picea abies, commonly called Norway spruce, is a large pyramidal evergreen conifer that is native to the mountains of northern and central Europe east to the Urals. In its native European habitat, it typically matures to 100-150' (occasionally to 200') tall.","qid":1113437,"docid":"1066538","rank":97,"score":12.217537879943848},{"content":"Sometimes a spruce can be mistaken for a fir, but you can the difference by looking closely at the needles. If the needle is flat, then it is a fir because spruce needles have four sides. Fir tree cones are much softer than pine cones. Pines and firs both are often used for landscaping purposes and shade.","qid":1113437,"docid":"3125155","rank":98,"score":11.672323226928711},{"content":"Spruce is the standard material used in soundboards for many musical instruments, including guitars, mandolins, cellos, violins, and the soundboard at the heart of a piano and the harp. Wood used for this purpose is referred to as tonewood.","qid":1113437,"docid":"1280567","rank":99,"score":11.86190414428711},{"content":"Norway Spruce. \u00c2\u00ad. Color\/Appearance: Norway Spruce is typically a creamy white, with a hint of yellow and\/or red. Grain\/Texture: Norway Spruce has a fine, even texture, and a consistently straight grain.Rot Resistance: Heartwood is rated as being slightly resistant to non-resistant to decay.orway Spruce. \u00c2\u00ad. Color\/Appearance: Norway Spruce is typically a creamy white, with a hint of yellow and\/or red. Grain\/Texture: Norway Spruce has a fine, even texture, and a consistently straight grain.","qid":1113437,"docid":"4498864","rank":100,"score":11.962068557739258}]} {"query":"what is a active margin","hits":[{"content":"The margin is the difference between the market value of a stock and the loan a broker makes. Related: Security deposit (initial). In the context of hedging and futures contracts, the cash collateral deposited with a trader or exchanged as insurance against default.","qid":1117099,"docid":"6579664","rank":1,"score":11.121904373168945},{"content":"More On Margin. Margin is one of the components used to calculate the interest rate for an adjustable rate mortgage (ARM). The other is called the index. The margin is an amount (expressed as a percentage) that a mortgage lender adds to a published index to calculate an ARM rate.","qid":1117099,"docid":"6940558","rank":2,"score":11.070898056030273},{"content":"A diagram displaying equal margins of width 25mm on an A4 page. In typography, a margin is the area between the main content of a page and the page edges. The margin helps to define where a line of text begins and ends. When a page is justified the text is spread out to be flush with the left and right margins.","qid":1117099,"docid":"1986011","rank":3,"score":11.073360443115234},{"content":"All three margins are seismically active, with volcanic activity at constructive and destructive margins. Some plate margins exhibit features of more than one of the three main types and are known as combined plate margins. See PLATE TECTONICS; and SEA-FLOOR SPREADING.","qid":1117099,"docid":"334615","rank":4,"score":11.17907428741455},{"content":"Operating Margin Ratio. The operating margin ratio, also known as the operating profit margin, is a profitability ratio that measures what percentage of total revenues is made up by operating income. In other words, the operating margin ratio demonstrates how much revenues are left over after all the variable or operating costs have been paid.","qid":1117099,"docid":"1692846","rank":5,"score":11.260017395019531},{"content":"The margin is the client's equity in the value of the portfolio or trading position. The client's trading limit is set at a multiple of the margin deposit. Margins can be in the form of cash and\/or shares. However, margin shares must be on our list of marginable stocks.","qid":1117099,"docid":"1542026","rank":6,"score":10.972064971923828},{"content":"In general, the continental shelves bordering active margins are narrower than those along passive margins. The trench marks the deepest seaward termination of the active continental margin. It coincides with the surface trace of the subduction fault marking the boundary between the converging plates.","qid":1117099,"docid":"8446504","rank":7,"score":11.03152847290039},{"content":"An active continental margin is found on the leading edge of the continent where it is crashing into an oceanic plate. An excellent example is the west coast of South America. Active margins are commonly the sites of tectonic activity: earthquakes, volcanoes, mountain building, and the formation of new igneous rock.","qid":1117099,"docid":"8446501","rank":8,"score":12.297866821289062},{"content":"Merchandise Margin. Merchandise margin is the amount or percentage of the profits earned after covering production costs. Production costs include the materials, labor and equipment used, but does not include other costs, such as administrative, marketing or leasing costs for equipment or space. These costs fall under a business' operating margin.","qid":1117099,"docid":"1570994","rank":9,"score":11.212030410766602},{"content":"While there are a few different kinds of profit margins, including \u00e2\u0080\u009c gross profit margin ,\u00e2\u0080\u009d \u00e2\u0080\u009c operating margin ,\u00e2\u0080\u009d (or operating profit margin) \u00e2\u0080\u009c pretax profit margin \u00e2\u0080\u009d and \u00e2\u0080\u009c net margin \u00e2\u0080\u009d (or net profit margin) the term \u00e2\u0080\u009cprofit margin\u00e2\u0080\u009d is also often used simply to refer to net margin.","qid":1117099,"docid":"2867224","rank":10,"score":11.0264892578125},{"content":"Although they are the trailing edge of the continents, passive continental margins currently exist in the middle of plates, not at plate boundaries. Erosion is the primary force acting on them, having continually deposited sediment from dry land since their formation.","qid":1117099,"docid":"4458511","rank":11,"score":11.07546615600586},{"content":"Operating margin is expressed as a percentage, and the formula for calculating operating margin can be represented in the following way: Operating margin is also often known as \u00e2\u0080\u009coperating profit margin,\u00e2\u0080\u009d \u00e2\u0080\u009coperating income margin,\u00e2\u0080\u009d \u00e2\u0080\u009creturn on sales\u00e2\u0080\u009d or as \u00e2\u0080\u009cnet profit margin.\u00e2\u0080\u009d","qid":1117099,"docid":"7610601","rank":12,"score":10.973539352416992},{"content":"What is a 'Margin'. Margin is the difference between a product or service's selling price and its cost of production or to the ratio between a company's revenues and expenses. It also refers to the amount of equity contributed by an investor as a percentage of the current market value of securities held in a margin account. Margin is the portion of the interest rate on an adjustable-rate mortgage added to the adjustment-index rate.","qid":1117099,"docid":"514314","rank":13,"score":11.625770568847656},{"content":"What It Is. Profit margin usually refers to the percentage of revenue remaining after all costs, depreciation, interest, taxes, and other expenses have been deducted. The formula is: Note that preferred stock dividends are typically included in the calculation, but common stock dividends are not.","qid":1117099,"docid":"1632952","rank":14,"score":10.960254669189453},{"content":"Operating margin. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. In business, operating margin \u00e2\u0080\u0094 also known as operating income margin, operating profit margin and return on sales (ROS) \u00e2\u0080\u0094 is the ratio of operating income (operating profit in the UK) divided by net sales, usually presented in percent......","qid":1117099,"docid":"2073965","rank":15,"score":11.30393123626709},{"content":"Types of margin requirements. 1 The current liquidating margin is the value of a security's position if the position were liquidated now. 2 The variation margin or mark to market is not collateral, but a daily payment of profits and losses. 3 The seller of an option has the obligation to deliver the underlying of the option if it is exercised.","qid":1117099,"docid":"8072929","rank":16,"score":11.178733825683594},{"content":"Operating margin indicates what proportion of a company's revenue (income) remains after variable production costs are paid, such as workers' wages and raw materials. If your company makes a product that costs $10 to produce and it sells for $15, the operating margin is $5. The difference between operating margin and gross manufacturing margin is that the operating margin presents a picture of how much your business makes on every dollar of sale before tax and interest.","qid":1117099,"docid":"5795851","rank":17,"score":11.148677825927734},{"content":"Active continental margin: A continental margin that has a very narrow, or even nonexistent, continental shelf and a narrow and steep continental slope that ends in a deep trench instead of a continental rise; it is marked by earthquake and volcanic activity.","qid":1117099,"docid":"8093934","rank":18,"score":12.463600158691406},{"content":"Best Answer: A profit margin refers to a measure of profitability. It is calculated by finding the net profit as a percentage of the revenue. Where as the operating margin, is the ratio of operating income divided by net sales, usually presented in percent. The profit margin is an indicator of a company's pricing policies and its ability to control costs.","qid":1117099,"docid":"4001648","rank":19,"score":11.080869674682617},{"content":"Operating margin. In business, operating margin \u00e2\u0080\u0094 also known as operating income margin, operating profit margin and return on sales (ROS) \u00e2\u0080\u0094 is the ratio of operating income (operating profit in the UK) divided by net sales, usually presented in percent. Net profit measures the profitability of ventures after accounting for all costs.","qid":1117099,"docid":"3128115","rank":20,"score":11.187067031860352},{"content":"Margin is the difference between a product or service's selling price and its cost of production or to the ratio between a company's revenues and expenses. It also refers to the amount of equity contributed by an investor as a percentage of the current market value of securities held in a margin account. Margin is the portion of the interest rate on an adjustable-rate mortgage added to the adjustment-index rate. Next Up.","qid":1117099,"docid":"6940557","rank":21,"score":11.661759376525879},{"content":"What is 'Gross Margin' Gross margin is a company's total sales revenue minus its cost of goods sold (COGS), divided by total sales revenue, expressed as a percentage. The gross margin represents the percent of total sales revenue that the company retains after incurring the direct costs associated with producing the goods and services it sells. The higher the percentage, the more the company retains on each dollar of sales, to service its other costs and debt obligations.","qid":1117099,"docid":"8598522","rank":22,"score":10.983010292053223},{"content":"A Margin is a procedure allowing investors to borrow against their existing holdings to buy more securities. Usually the loan value is 100% of the account value. Thus the margin requirement, the amount needed in the account to keep it open is 50% of the value. In other words one can buy $20,000 worth of stock for $10,000.","qid":1117099,"docid":"8019446","rank":23,"score":11.51905345916748},{"content":"Confidence votes 1.6K. Aspiring tech guru and lover of the English word. In retail, a front margin, sometimes referred to as a gross margin, is the difference between the invoice price and the final retail price, or Gross Sales-Cost of Goods Sold.A back margin is other income for a business that comes in later on a monthly basis.onfidence votes 1.6K. Aspiring tech guru and lover of the English word. In retail, a front margin, sometimes referred to as a gross margin, is the difference between the invoice price and the final retail price, or Gross Sales-Cost of Goods Sold.","qid":1117099,"docid":"6000387","rank":24,"score":11.013785362243652},{"content":"Passive margin. A passive margin is the transition between oceanic and continental lithosphere that is not an active plate margin. A passive margin forms by sedimentation above an ancient rift, now marked by transitional lithosphere. Continental rifting creates new ocean basins.","qid":1117099,"docid":"1445087","rank":25,"score":11.99321460723877},{"content":"The margin property defines the outermost portion of the box model, creating space around an element, outside of any defined borders. Margins are set using lengths, percentages, or the keyword auto and can have negative values. Here's an example: .box { margin: 0 3em 0 3em; }.","qid":1117099,"docid":"3128109","rank":26,"score":11.129613876342773},{"content":"Active Trading. Share. DEFINITION of 'Active Trading'. The buying and selling of securities with the intention of holding the securities for a short duration, typically for no more than one day.","qid":1117099,"docid":"5941240","rank":27,"score":11.000216484069824},{"content":"What it is: Operating margin is a measure of profitability. It indicates how much of each dollar of revenues is left over after both costs of goods sold and operating expenses are considered. The formula is for calculating operating margin is: Operating Margin = Operating Earnings \/ Revenue.","qid":1117099,"docid":"6178371","rank":28,"score":11.378302574157715},{"content":"Margin is the minimum amount of collateral -- in either cash or securities -- you must have in your margin account to buy on margin, sell short, or invest in certain derivatives. The initial margin requirement is set by federal law and varies from product to product.","qid":1117099,"docid":"3104266","rank":29,"score":11.299783706665039},{"content":"A margin account is a loan account by a share trader with a broker which can be used for share trading.n finance, a margin is collateral that the holder of a financial instrument has to deposit to cover some or all of the credit risk of their counterparty (most often their broker or an exchange).","qid":1117099,"docid":"5979211","rank":30,"score":10.97693920135498},{"content":"rating newest oldest best answer an active continental margin is found on the leading edge of the continent where it is crashing into an oceanic plate an excellent example is the west coast of south americaactive margins are commonly the sites of tectonic activity earthquakes volcanoes mountain building and the formation of new igneous rockn excellent example is the west coast of south america active margins are commonly the sites of tectonic activity earthquakes volcanoes mountain building and the formation of new igneous rock","qid":1117099,"docid":"5286538","rank":31,"score":12.181404113769531},{"content":"passive continental margins currently exist in the middle of plates, not at plate boundaries. active continental margins form primarily along the boundaries of plates that are actively converging and where one plate is sinking beneath the other. Elizabeth H \u00c2\u00b7 6 years ago. Thumbs up.","qid":1117099,"docid":"6122724","rank":32,"score":11.586383819580078},{"content":"An active plate margin is an actual plate boundary, where oceanic crust and continental crust crash into each other. Active plate margins are often the site of earthquakes and volcanoes. Oceanic crust created by seafloor spreading in the East Pacific Rise, for instance, may become part of the Ring of Fire, the horseshoe-shaped pattern of volcanoes and earthquake zones around the Pacific ocean basin.","qid":1117099,"docid":"3543106","rank":33,"score":11.153833389282227},{"content":"Operating margin is the percentage of revenue that a company generates that can be used to pay the company's investors (both equity investors and debt investors) and the tax man. It is a key measure in analyzing a stock's value. Other things being equal, the higher the operating margin, the better. Using a percentage figure is also very useful for comparing companies against or analyzing the operating results of one company over various revenue scenarios.","qid":1117099,"docid":"8515441","rank":34,"score":10.955127716064453},{"content":"ACTIVE Advantage is the premium membership program of ACTIVE, designed to support and encourage your active lifestyle by providing exclusive discounts on thousands of activities on ACTIVE. No matter what your passions are, it is our mission to make it cheaper and easier for you to pursue the activities you love.","qid":1117099,"docid":"1718725","rank":35,"score":10.956929206848145},{"content":"A continental margin that has a broad continental shelf, a gentle continental slope, and a pronounced continental rise is known as a passive continental margin. This type of margin experiences little, if any, volcanic or earthquake activity. The build-up of sediment is the primary activity affecting a passive margin.","qid":1117099,"docid":"4458506","rank":36,"score":11.145893096923828},{"content":"A: Operating margin and profit margin both measure the efficiency of a firm by comparing profits against costs at three different spots on an income statement. On their own, these margins do not tell much of a story, but they are very useful when compared to past periods or to competitor firms in the same industry.","qid":1117099,"docid":"4001643","rank":37,"score":11.271896362304688},{"content":"The differences between profit margin and operating margin can be telling and can help a firm identify potential areas of waste. Profit Margin. There are two types of profit margin: gross profit margin and net profit margin. Gross profit margin reflects the relationship between gross sales revenue and cost of goods sold, ignoring other variables that may have less to do with selling merchandise.","qid":1117099,"docid":"4001647","rank":38,"score":10.95986557006836},{"content":"1. Borrowed money that is used to purchase securities. This practice is referred to as buying on margin. 2. The amount of equity contributed by a customer as a percentage of the current market value of the securities held in a margin account. 3. In a general business context, the difference between a product's (or service's) selling price and the cost of production. 4.","qid":1117099,"docid":"2157567","rank":39,"score":11.226348876953125},{"content":"Operating margin indicates what proportion of a company's revenue (income) remains after variable production costs are paid, such as workers' wages and raw materials. If your company makes a product that costs $10 to produce and it sells for $15, the operating margin is $5.","qid":1117099,"docid":"7970962","rank":40,"score":11.161670684814453},{"content":"A continental margin that has a broad continental shelf, a gentle continental slope, and a pronounced continental rise is known as a passive continental margin. This type of margin experiences little, if any, volcanic or earthquake activity. The build-up of sediment is the primary activity affecting a passive margin.he continental shelf is the region that extends seaward from the shoreline to a sharp drop-off that marks the beginning of the continental slope. That drop-off is known as the continental shelf break. Continental shelves vary in width from 3 to 930 miles (5 to 1,500 kilometers).","qid":1117099,"docid":"8714087","rank":41,"score":11.057971954345703},{"content":"The operating margin (also called the operating profit margin or return on sales) is a ratio that shines a light on how much money a company is actually making in profit. It is found by dividing operating income by revenue, where operating income is revenue minus operating expenses .","qid":1117099,"docid":"700497","rank":42,"score":11.044634819030762},{"content":"The contribution margin, sometimes used as a ratio, is the difference between a company's total sales revenue and variable costs. In other words, the contribution margin equals the amount that sales exceed variable costs. This is the sales amount that can be used to, or contributed to, pay off fixed costs.","qid":1117099,"docid":"874210","rank":43,"score":11.014455795288086},{"content":"The term margin is used in business, finance, and investing in at least three different ways: As a general term in business and commerce, margin refers to the difference between selling price and the seller's costs for the goods or services being sold, expressed as a percentage of selling price.","qid":1117099,"docid":"4759497","rank":44,"score":10.946285247802734},{"content":"The overall rate may be extremely slow (one to ten centimeters per year), but the long term effect is a continual re-shaping of the surface of our planet. An active continental margin is found on the leading edge of the continent where it is crashing into an oceanic plate. An excellent example is the west coast of South America. Active margins are commonly the sites of tectonic activity: earthquakes, volcanoes, mountain building, and the formation of new igneous rock.","qid":1117099,"docid":"4458509","rank":45,"score":11.548693656921387},{"content":"In business and finance there are many types of margin. It simply means the distance between one financial point and another financial point; usually the higher the margin, the better. The most common type of margin revolves around profit and is known as the 'margin of safety' or simply 'profit margin'. In a business you have direct and indirect costs.","qid":1117099,"docid":"8019448","rank":46,"score":11.477909088134766},{"content":"An active continental margin refers to the submerged edge of a continent overriding an oceanic lithosphere at a convergent plate boundary by opposition with a passive continental margin which is the remaining scar at the edge of a continent following continental break-up.","qid":1117099,"docid":"8446505","rank":47,"score":12.919575691223145},{"content":"Operating margin or operating profit margin measures what proportion of a company's revenue is left over, after deducting direct costs and overhead and before taxes and other indirect costs such as interest. Operating margin is used to measure company's pricing strategy and operating efficiency.","qid":1117099,"docid":"700495","rank":48,"score":11.2410888671875},{"content":"Both passive and active continental margins are located near coastlines. The main difference is that active margins are the main sites where tectonic activity takes place (lik \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 e earthquakes). This is because the continental shelf of active continental margins collide with an oceanic plate, creating subduction.","qid":1117099,"docid":"6122720","rank":49,"score":12.302206993103027},{"content":"Operating margin gives analysts an idea of how much a company makes (before interest and taxes) on each dollar of sales. Generally speaking, the higher a company\u00e2\u0080\u0099s operating margin is, the better off the company is. If a company's margin is increasing, it is earning more per dollar of sales.","qid":1117099,"docid":"7610596","rank":50,"score":10.952682495117188},{"content":"Segment Margin. Share. DEFINITION of 'Segment Margin'. The amount of profit or loss produced by one component of a business. With large companies, just knowing the gross margin for the entire business is not always enough.","qid":1117099,"docid":"7408206","rank":51,"score":11.010015487670898},{"content":"But in order to sell it, you may have to discount it, promote it or mark it down for clearance at the end of the season. Gross margin is the profit you actually earn when you sell it after any discounting or markdowns; it is frequently called maintained margin. This spread will be specific to your business, depending upon your level of promotional and clearance activity. Margin erosion will naturally occur unless you actively manage your markup percentages. Several factors can cause overall margins to erode, including: competitive price pressures forcing below-standard markups; vendor price increases pushing retail prices up against natural price points; and unanticipated shifts in sales mix toward lower-priced and lower-margin merchandise.","qid":1117099,"docid":"5643723","rank":52,"score":11.103816032409668},{"content":"The contribution margin, sometimes used as a ratio, is the difference between a company's total sales revenue and variable costs. In other words, the contribution margin equals the amount that sales exceed variable costs. This is the sales amount that can be used to, or contributed to, pay off fixed costs. The concept of this equation relies on the difference between fixed and variable costs.","qid":1117099,"docid":"6398916","rank":53,"score":10.981101989746094},{"content":"Active continental margins form primarily along the boundaries of plates that are actively converging and where one plate is sinking beneath the other. Active margins mark the continents that border the Pacific Ocean where oceanic plates are subducting beneath continental plates.assive continental margin: A continental margin that has a broad continental shelf, a gentle continental slope, and a pronounced continental rise; it is marked by a lack of earthquake and volcanic activity. Plates: Large sections of Earth's lithosphere separated by deep fault zones.","qid":1117099,"docid":"4441325","rank":54,"score":12.146374702453613},{"content":"To margin means to use borrowed money to purchase securities. What Does Margin Mean in Investing? To margin, also called buying on margin, refers to the practice of buying an asset where the buyer pays only a percentage of the asset's value and borrows the rest from the bank or broker.","qid":1117099,"docid":"297115","rank":55,"score":11.064270973205566},{"content":"Margin Trading. Margin trading is essentially trading with borrowed funds instead of your own. When you place a margin order, all of the money you are using is borrowed from other users offering their funds as peer-to-peer loans. The funds in your margin account are used only as collateral for these loans and to settle debts to lenders.","qid":1117099,"docid":"8327299","rank":56,"score":11.044572830200195},{"content":"What is 'Contribution Margin'. Contribution margin is a cost accounting concept that allows a company to determine the profitability of individual products. The phrase contribution margin can also refer to a per unit measure of a product's gross operating margin calculated simply as the product's price minus its total variable costs.","qid":1117099,"docid":"1721190","rank":57,"score":10.970788955688477},{"content":"While there are a few different kinds of profit margins, including \u00e2\u0080\u009c gross profit margin ,\u00e2\u0080\u009d \u00e2\u0080\u009c operating margin ,\u00e2\u0080\u009d (or operating profit margin) \u00e2\u0080\u009c pretax profit margin \u00e2\u0080\u009d and \u00e2\u0080\u009c net margin \u00e2\u0080\u009d (or net profit margin) the term \u00e2\u0080\u009cprofit margin\u00e2\u0080\u009d is also often used simply to refer to net margin.f a company with a low profit margin experiences a decline in sales, its profit margin will decline even further, leading to a very low, neutral or even negative profit margin. Low profit margins may also reveal certain things about the industry in which a company operates or about broader economic conditions.","qid":1117099,"docid":"3019333","rank":58,"score":11.080839157104492},{"content":"the continental margin is the submerged outer edge of a continent it is generally divided into two sections the continental shelf and the continental slope the continental shelf is the region that extends seaward from the shoreline to a sharp drop off that marks the beginning of the continental slope continental margin that has a broad continental shelf a gentle continental slope and a pronounced continental rise is known as a passive continental margin this type of margin experiences little if any volcanic or earthquake activity the build up of sediment is the primary activity affecting a passive margin","qid":1117099,"docid":"5286540","rank":59,"score":11.081732749938965},{"content":"Active Trading. DEFINITION of 'Active Trading'. The buying and selling of securities with the intention of holding the securities for a short duration, typically for no more than one day.","qid":1117099,"docid":"5941241","rank":60,"score":11.066112518310547},{"content":"Margin of safety (financial) Margin of safety (safety margin) is the difference between the intrinsic value of a stock and its market price. Another definition: In Break even analysis (accounting), margin of safety is how much output or sales level can fall before a business reaches its breakeven point. 1 History.","qid":1117099,"docid":"5602216","rank":61,"score":11.049688339233398},{"content":"The continental margins along India and Antarctica are other examples of passive margins. A continental margin that has a very narrow, or even nonexistent, continental shelf and a narrow and steep continental slope is known as an active continental margin. Instead of ending in a continental rise, the continental slope of this type of margin often plunges into a deep-ocean trench, which may be filled with sediment.","qid":1117099,"docid":"8093932","rank":62,"score":11.181723594665527},{"content":"Active continental margins, i.e., when an oceanic plate subducts beneath a continent, represent about two-thirds of the modern convergent margins. Their cumulated length has been estimated to 45,000 km (Lallemand et al.,","qid":1117099,"docid":"8446506","rank":63,"score":11.575021743774414},{"content":"Operating margin or operating profit margin measures what proportion of a company's revenue is left over, after deducting direct costs and overhead and before taxes and other indirect costs such as interest. Operating margin formula is:","qid":1117099,"docid":"700500","rank":64,"score":11.131994247436523},{"content":"Margin in business is expressed as a ratio of the difference between what it costs to produce a good or service and the amount of payment received for that good or service. Operating margin illustrates a company's operating efficiency in relation to its net sales.","qid":1117099,"docid":"5795852","rank":65,"score":11.412031173706055},{"content":"Gross Margin is a type of profit margin, specifically a form of profit divided by net revenue: for example, gross (profit) margin; operating (profit) margin; net (profit) margin; etc.","qid":1117099,"docid":"3186369","rank":66,"score":11.0634765625},{"content":"Operating margin is the proportion of revenues remaining after paying the costs of operating the business, such as labor costs (wages), raw materials, overhead, depreciation and amortization, selling, general, and administrative expenses, advertising, etc.","qid":1117099,"docid":"5377585","rank":67,"score":11.332769393920898},{"content":"The term margin is used in business, finance, and investing in at least three different ways: First Meaning: Margins in Business Commerce. As a general term in business and commerce, margin refers to the difference between selling price and the seller's costs for the goods or services being sold, expressed as a percentage of selling price.","qid":1117099,"docid":"4759491","rank":68,"score":11.199344635009766},{"content":"Making the world better, one answer at a time. Passive continental margins are not areas of convergence. There is little volcanic and earthquake activity on passive margins. Active margins are areas of convergence where one plate is descending beneath another. They are associated with volcanic and earthquake activity.","qid":1117099,"docid":"6122723","rank":69,"score":12.337411880493164},{"content":"Contribution Margin. Contribution margin is a product\u00e2\u0080\u0099s price minus all associated variable costs, resulting in the incremental profit earned for each unit sold. The total contribution margin generated by an entity represents the total earnings available to pay for fixed expenses and to generate a profit. The contribution margin concept is useful for deciding whether to allow a lower price in special pricing situations.","qid":1117099,"docid":"6398915","rank":70,"score":11.213399887084961},{"content":"What is 'Active Investing'. Active investing is an investment strategy involving ongoing buying and selling actions by the investor. Active investors purchase investments and continuously monitor their activity in order to exploit profitable conditions. BREAKING DOWN 'Active Investing'.","qid":1117099,"docid":"5941242","rank":71,"score":11.026830673217773},{"content":"Passive plate margins endure very little constructive or destructive movement. Active plate margins describe subduction zones and other boundaries where movement is regular and common. Cause of earthquakes.","qid":1117099,"docid":"6122721","rank":72,"score":11.871744155883789},{"content":"The difference between Gross Profit Margin and Operating Profit Margin is that the gross profit margin accounts for only Cost of Goods sold, but the Operating Profit Margin ac \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 counts for both Cost of Goods sold and Administration\/Selling expenses.onfidence votes 1.6K. Aspiring tech guru and lover of the English word. In retail, a front margin, sometimes referred to as a gross margin, is the difference between the invoice price and the final retail price, or Gross Sales-Cost of Goods Sold.","qid":1117099,"docid":"6000394","rank":73,"score":11.225038528442383},{"content":"Related Links. Provide feedback on this mini-lesson. Volcanoes, earthquakes, and topography reveal whether a continental margin is active or passive. In this activity, students use the GeoMapApp tool to work with earthquake, volcano, and topographic data to identify active and passive margins. 1 Utilize earthquake data to locate subducting slabs.","qid":1117099,"docid":"5258462","rank":74,"score":11.263781547546387},{"content":"A contribution margin is the marginal profit per unit sale, and is the sum of a company\u00e2\u0080\u0099s turnover less their direct costs. Keeping track of sales and expenses has never been easier with Debitoor accounting software. Try it free for 7 days.","qid":1117099,"docid":"606635","rank":75,"score":11.001663208007812},{"content":"Passive continental margin: A continental margin that has a broad continental shelf, a gentle continental slope, and a pronounced continental rise; it is marked by a lack of earthquake and volcanic activity. Plates: Large sections of Earth's lithosphere separated by deep fault zones.","qid":1117099,"docid":"4458507","rank":76,"score":11.185466766357422},{"content":"Active Margins. occur where oceanic lithosphere is being subducted beneath the edge of the continent. the result is a relatively narrow margin that consists of highly deformed sediment that was scraped from the decending lithospheric slab and plastered against the margin of the overriding continent.ame thing as oceanic ridge. Long well developed divergent plate boundary, sea floor is elevated forming a broad line swell called the ocean ridge. knowledge of the ridge comes from soundings of the ocean floor and floor samples from deep sea drilling, visual inspections from deep submersibles.","qid":1117099,"docid":"6534818","rank":77,"score":11.120160102844238},{"content":"The profit margin is a measure of the amount of profit accruing to a firm from the sale of a product or service. It also provides an indication of efficiency in that it captures the amount of surplus generated per unit of the product or service sold.","qid":1117099,"docid":"4268798","rank":78,"score":10.96615982055664},{"content":"The contribution margin is the amount of profit or loss that is above or below the break-even point on a per unit basis. This formula is usually used to show the amount of profit the company has after the break-even point has been passed. In the BEQ Equation, P-VC is the contribution margin.","qid":1117099,"docid":"2113599","rank":79,"score":11.14012336730957},{"content":"What is 'Gross Margin'. Gross margin is a company's total sales revenue minus its cost of goods sold (COGS), divided by total sales revenue, expressed as a percentage. The gross margin represents the percent of total sales revenue that the company retains after incurring the direct costs associated with producing the goods and services it sells.","qid":1117099,"docid":"5431686","rank":80,"score":11.024375915527344},{"content":"What is a 'Margin'. Margin is the difference between a product or service's selling price and its cost of production or to the ratio between a company's revenues and expenses. It also refers to the amount of equity contributed by an investor as a percentage of the current market value of securities held in a margin account. Margin is the portion of the interest rate on an adjustable-rate mortgage added to the adjustment-index rate. Next Up.","qid":1117099,"docid":"1123494","rank":81,"score":11.621258735656738},{"content":"What is an 'Operating Margin' Operating margin is a margin ratio used to measure a company's pricing strategy and operating efficiency. Operating margin is a measurement of what proportion of a company's revenue is left over after paying for variable costs of production such as wages, raw materials, etc.","qid":1117099,"docid":"7610604","rank":82,"score":11.584451675415039},{"content":"Active Margins. occur where oceanic lithosphere is being subducted beneath the edge of the continent. the result is a relatively narrow margin that consists of highly deformed sediment that was scraped from the decending lithospheric slab and plastered against the margin of the overriding continent.","qid":1117099,"docid":"3349612","rank":83,"score":11.709760665893555},{"content":"What is a 'Margin'. Margin is the difference between a product or service's selling price and its cost of production or to the ratio between a company's revenues and expenses. It also refers to the amount of equity contributed by an investor as a percentage of the current market value of securities held in a margin account.","qid":1117099,"docid":"3104260","rank":84,"score":11.754692077636719},{"content":"Active Learning. Active learning is any activity that allows students to engage the course materials during instruction so that the teacher and the student can ascertain the students' mastery of the materials and adjust the instruction to facilitate further learning.","qid":1117099,"docid":"1693693","rank":85,"score":10.968429565429688},{"content":"What is 'Gross Margin' Gross margin is a company's total sales revenue minus its cost of goods sold (COGS), divided by total sales revenue, expressed as a percentage. The gross margin represents the percent of total sales revenue that the company retains after incurring the direct costs associated with producing the goods and services it sells.","qid":1117099,"docid":"464297","rank":86,"score":10.962032318115234},{"content":"DEFINITION of 'Active Risk'. A type of risk that a fund or managed portfolio creates as it attempts to beat the returns of the benchmark against which it is compared. In theory, to generate a higher return than the benchmark, the manager is required to take on more risk. This risk is referred to as active risk. Next Up.","qid":1117099,"docid":"6917898","rank":87,"score":10.95934009552002},{"content":"First meaning: Margins in business commerce. As a general term in business and commerce, margin refers to the difference between selling price and the seller's costs for the goods or services being sold, expressed as a percentage of selling price.","qid":1117099,"docid":"4759493","rank":88,"score":11.124570846557617},{"content":"Two types of continental margins exist: active margins and passive margins. Active margins form primarily along the boundaries of plates that are actively converging. Passive margins currently exist in the middle of plates, not at plate boundaries.","qid":1117099,"docid":"8093931","rank":89,"score":11.571434020996094},{"content":"In typography, a margin is the area between the main content of a page and the page edges. The margin helps to define where a line of text begins and ends. When a page is justified the text is spread out to be flush with the left and right margins.","qid":1117099,"docid":"7313639","rank":90,"score":11.007993698120117},{"content":"Cases of continental margins that are on or very close to a plate margin. Most continental margins around the Pacific are active. Key characteristics of active continental margins include the activity of volcanoes and earthquakes, narrow continental shelves, large coastal mountains, and much more.","qid":1117099,"docid":"4458512","rank":91,"score":11.331948280334473},{"content":"Gross manufacturing margin, also called gross profit margin or the gross margin, represents the total amount of income your company keeps after paying the direct costs related to the manufacturing of products sold. It is critical for a company to have a generous operating margin to pay its fixed costs, such as the interest payments on debt.","qid":1117099,"docid":"5795855","rank":92,"score":11.163227081298828},{"content":"Margin Trading. Trading on margin allows you to leverage securities you already own to purchase additional securities, sell securities short, protect your account from overdraft, or access a convenient line of credit.argin Trading. Trading on margin allows you to leverage securities you already own to purchase additional securities, sell securities short, protect your account from overdraft, or access a convenient line of credit.","qid":1117099,"docid":"5979214","rank":93,"score":11.091743469238281},{"content":"To margin, also called buying on margin, refers to the practice of buying an asset where the buyer pays only a percentage of the asset's value and borrows the rest from the bank or broker. The broker acts as a lender, and he uses the funds in the securities account as collateral on the loan's balance.","qid":1117099,"docid":"1123496","rank":94,"score":11.531704902648926},{"content":"Buying on margin is borrowing money from a broker to purchase stock. You can think of it as a loan from your brokerage. Margin trading allows you to buy more stock than you'd be able to normally. To trade on margin, you need a margin account. This is different from a regular cash account, in which you trade using the money in the account. By law, your broker is required to obtain your signature to open a margin account.","qid":1117099,"docid":"1620746","rank":95,"score":10.987081527709961},{"content":"DEFINITION of 'Maintenance Margin'. Maintenance margin is the minimum amount of equity that must be maintained in a margin account.","qid":1117099,"docid":"2109699","rank":96,"score":11.011241912841797},{"content":"Best Answer: An active margin is a tectonic plate boundary, a passive margin is a compositional transition within a tectonic plate. As you probably know the theory of plate tectonics posits the outer layer of the Earth consist of plates which move relative to each other driven by convection in the Mantle.","qid":1117099,"docid":"6122722","rank":97,"score":12.655895233154297},{"content":"While there are a few different kinds of profit margins, including \u00e2\u0080\u009cgross profit margin,\u00e2\u0080\u009d \u00e2\u0080\u009coperating margin,\u00e2\u0080\u009d (or operating profit margin) \u00e2\u0080\u009cpretax profit margin\u00e2\u0080\u009d and \u00e2\u0080\u009cnet margin\u00e2\u0080\u009d (or net profit margin) the term \u00e2\u0080\u009cprofit margin\u00e2\u0080\u009d is also often used simply to refer to net margin.","qid":1117099,"docid":"3973316","rank":98,"score":11.027774810791016},{"content":"Margin is the difference between a product's sales price and the business\u00e2\u0080\u0099s cost of acquiring and maintaining the product prior to sale. Without having an adequate gross profit margin, a business cannot pay its expenses and retain earnings for future growth. A high profit margin indicates that a company operates efficiently.","qid":1117099,"docid":"6776508","rank":99,"score":11.050378799438477},{"content":"best answer an active continental margin is found on the leading edge of the continent where it is crashing into an oceanic platean excellent example is the west coast of south americaactive margins are commonly the sites of tectonic activity earthquakes volcanoes mountain building and the formation of new igneous rockn excellent example is the west coast of south america active margins are commonly the sites of tectonic activity earthquakes volcanoes mountain building and the formation of new igneous rock","qid":1117099,"docid":"5286539","rank":100,"score":12.131610870361328}]} {"query":"what can contour plowing reduce","hits":[{"content":"They can also reduce the need for mowing. turf on small or odd-shaped areas or on difficult banks or. mounds. Because ground covers differ in the amount of. foot traffic they tolerate without injury, they can direct.","qid":1121402,"docid":"1275439","rank":1,"score":10.816575050354004},{"content":"This page provides all possible meanings and translations of the word Contour plowing. Freebase(0.00 \/ 0 votes)Rate this definition: Contour ploughing or contour farming is the farming practice of ploughing and\/or planting across a slope following its elevation contour lines.","qid":1121402,"docid":"188211","rank":2,"score":12.383437156677246},{"content":"Commercial Parking Lot Plowing Cost. The cost of plowing your commercial parking lot will depend upon a number of factors; however, on average, the cost of commercial parking lot plowing is $138.75 per hour (low = $40.00 and high = $237.50). Take a look at our Snow Removal Cost Report which will provide you some estimated prices in your local area.","qid":1121402,"docid":"1471445","rank":3,"score":10.92568588256836},{"content":"Start by angling your blade. If your blade is angled to the left, then you should start plowing on the right side of the driveway and then made passes to your left. Very seldom will you set your blade so it it straight\/flat.","qid":1121402,"docid":"3785304","rank":4,"score":10.995696067810059},{"content":"What does Contour plowing mean? Definitions for Contour plowing Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word Contour plowing.","qid":1121402,"docid":"182370","rank":5,"score":11.892858505249023},{"content":"Definition of Contour plowing in the Definitions.net dictionary. Meaning of Contour plowing. What does Contour plowing mean? Information and translations of Contour plowing in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.","qid":1121402,"docid":"182373","rank":6,"score":11.24566650390625},{"content":"\u00c2\u00b7 just now. 1 The distinction between plowing and furrowing must be that furrowing by some convention excludes furrowing on the contour. But in areas with drifting dry soil, furrowing across the direction of the wind can bring that wind erosion under control long enough for a crop to emerge and keep the soil there.","qid":1121402,"docid":"7125982","rank":7,"score":11.721445083618164},{"content":"Safeopedia explains Contour Plowing. Contour farming is done in hilly and sloped areas. Farmers who practice contour farming start by cutting levels into the hill or contoured area. This creates a series of steps on the hill on which crops are grown.","qid":1121402,"docid":"188216","rank":8,"score":12.829233169555664},{"content":"Contour plowing, Pennsylvania, 1938. Contour bunding, Catalonia, 2007. Contour ploughing or contour farming or Contour bunding is the farming practice of plowing and\/or planting across a slope following its elevation contour lines.","qid":1121402,"docid":"188215","rank":9,"score":12.221206665039062},{"content":"Contour farming, Minimum-tillage farming (Conservation tillage), No-till farming, Terracing, Strip cropping, Cover crops, Alley cropping (agroforestry), Grassed waterways & gully control, Planting perennial crops, Using drip irrigation vs conventional irrigation, Windbreaks, Shelterbelts, Land classifications that establish what lands are farmable due to slope, Stubble mulching, Snow management.","qid":1121402,"docid":"1902388","rank":10,"score":10.922321319580078},{"content":"Reduces mowing to once a month or less. Chokes out weeds & replaces other grasses. Cuts costs and chemicals & naturally resists insects. Plugs are excellent for slopes & grow incredibly thick like a carpet, ideal for play and high traffic areas.","qid":1121402,"docid":"2516420","rank":11,"score":10.998926162719727},{"content":"Contour plowing. Contour plowing or contour farming or Contour bunding is the farming practice of plowing and\/or planting across a slope following its elevation contour lines. These contour lines create a water break which reduces the formation of rills and gullies during times of heavy water run-off; which is a major cause of soil erosion.","qid":1121402,"docid":"5189913","rank":12,"score":13.134284973144531},{"content":"Tilling the field at right angles to the natural slope after drawing up the elevation contour lines is called contour ploughing in soil, prevents and reduces soil erosion. Terrace Farming In terracing, wide steps are cut around the slopes of hills to prevent soil erosion. Contour ploughing follows the \u00e2\u0080\u009cnatural shape\u00e2\u0080\u009d of the slope without altering it. Terrace farming alters the shape of the slope to produce flat areas that provide a catchment for water.","qid":1121402,"docid":"7125987","rank":13,"score":12.551422119140625},{"content":"As the plough is drawn through the soil it creates long trenches of fertile soil called furrows. In modern use, a ploughed field is typically left to dry out, and is then harrowed before planting. Ploughing and cultivating a soil homogenises and modifies the upper 12 to 25 cm of the soil to form a plough layer.","qid":1121402,"docid":"5189914","rank":14,"score":10.851844787597656},{"content":"The chisel plough is a common tool to get deep tillage (prepared land) with limited soil disruption. The main function of this plough is to loosen and aerate the soils while leaving crop residue at the top of the soil. This plough can be used to reduce the effects of compaction and to help break up ploughpan and hardpan.","qid":1121402,"docid":"8832490","rank":15,"score":11.3297700881958},{"content":"Using farming methods such as no-till (seeds are planted without plowing the soil), crop rotation (legumes are alternated with high-nitrogen demand crops), and planting or conserving tree cover near croplands we can reduce the effect of wind and rain erosion of cropland.sing farming methods such as no-till (seeds are planted without plowing the soil), crop rotation (legumes are alternated with high-nitrogen demand crops), and planting or conserving tree cover near croplands we can reduce the effect of wind and rain erosion of cropland.","qid":1121402,"docid":"3511795","rank":16,"score":10.884682655334473},{"content":"For prevention of rain-driven erosion, it is important to anchor the dirt down, such as with grass, or prevent water from collecting and picking up dirt as it flows down slope. A common way to prevent this is contour ploughing. images with permission by Dr. J. Floor Anthoni. What is...","qid":1121402,"docid":"182367","rank":17,"score":12.2124662399292},{"content":"Contour farming is most effective when used with other soil conservation methods like strip cropping, terrace (agriculture) farming, and the use of a cover crop. The proper combination of such farming methods can be determined by various climatic and soil conditions of that given area.","qid":1121402,"docid":"3785307","rank":18,"score":13.080545425415039},{"content":"The plow clutch, used on trailed plows, and the hydraulic cylinder, used on semimounted ones, are used for changing the plow to a transport position. A mounted plow is raised and lowered by the tractor\u00e2\u0080\u0099s hydraulic system.","qid":1121402,"docid":"2070709","rank":19,"score":10.925329208374023},{"content":"Plow definition, an agricultural implement used for cutting, lifting, turning over, and partly pulverizing soil. See more.","qid":1121402,"docid":"2070714","rank":20,"score":11.322425842285156},{"content":"Definition of subsoil plow. : a plow without a moldboard that is used for stirring without turning over the deeper soil usually beneath previously plowed furrows.","qid":1121402,"docid":"8288704","rank":21,"score":10.801084518432617},{"content":"With a one-bottom plow you'll make one furrow at a time, with a two-bottom plow two at a time, and so on. Since a two-bottom plow will cut the number of passes you have to make up and down the field by 50 percent, it's well worth getting if you can. But again, don't buy a bigger plow than your tractor can handle.low. You may find your first major tractor attachment, the plow, comes with the tractor. This is because of the two major types, trailer plows and mounted plows ... the latter, as its name implies, comes mounted on the tractor. If they don't come as a combination, you'll probably have to get a trailer plow.","qid":1121402,"docid":"5662150","rank":22,"score":11.102348327636719},{"content":"One of the earliest methods of conservation tillage came to be known as contour plowing, or plowing on the contour. Tilling the soil along the gentle slopes of a piece of cropland, instead of up and down the gradient, prevents fertile topsoil from being carried downhill by flowing rainwater.","qid":1121402,"docid":"7125981","rank":23,"score":12.576139450073242},{"content":"Ploughing the soil only releases nitrogen that was already present in an unavailable form. This happens naturally over longer periods of time. By plowing you are in effect mining the soil of its nutrients. The organic matter that breaks down the easiest is the first to be mined\/oxidized. Think of it like a fire. Plowing adds oxygen to the soil making the fire burn hotter releasing most of the nitrogen to the air and some to the plants. IT DOES NOT ADD NITROGEN TO THE SOIL. That nitrogen was already there in a stable state to be used later. Now you lost much of it to denitrification (the air).","qid":1121402,"docid":"2681041","rank":24,"score":11.005502700805664},{"content":"Plowing adds oxygen to the soil making the fire burn hotter releasing most of the nitrogen to the air and some to the plants. it does not add nitrogen to the soil. That nitrogen was already there in a stable state to be used later.","qid":1121402,"docid":"2681046","rank":25,"score":11.097530364990234},{"content":"Some conservation tillage methods forego traditional tillage entirely and leave 70% residue or more. Conservation tillage is especially suitable for erosion-prone cropland. In some agricultural regions it has become more common than traditional moldboard plowing. Conservation tillage methods include no-till, strip-till, ridge-till and mulch-till. Each method requires different types of specialized or modified equipment and adaptations in management. No-till and strip-till involve planting crops directly into residue that either hasn't been tilled at all (no-till) or has been tilled only in narrow strips with the rest of the field left untilled (strip-till).","qid":1121402,"docid":"18281","rank":26,"score":11.147066116333008},{"content":"But it's faster to use a plow. The simplest kind of plow is a digging stick with a handle on it crossways. You push it along through the dirt, so it makes a groove, and then somebody else goes along behind you dropping the seeds in here and there, and using her foot to cover up the seeds again loosely.","qid":1121402,"docid":"7774690","rank":27,"score":11.399992942810059},{"content":"Definition of contour plowing in US English - plowing along the contours of the land in order to minimize soil erosion. Definition of contour plowing in US English - plowing along the contours of the land in order to minimize soil erosion.","qid":1121402,"docid":"182368","rank":28,"score":12.810060501098633},{"content":"Tillage and planting practices that reduce erosion include contour cultivation and strip-cropping. Contour cultivation is cultivation that follows the contours of a field, producing furrows that run perpendicular or at angles to the slope-line of a field.heet erosion is caused by raindrops. Sheet erosion is defined as the uniform removal of soil in thin layers from sloping land. This, of course, is nearly impossible; in reality the loose soil merely runs off with the rain.","qid":1121402,"docid":"3511789","rank":29,"score":11.822383880615234},{"content":"Crop rotation, strip farming, terracing and contour plowing became tools for better land and water resource management. Develop practices sustainable management of soils with the use of green roofs, paths, contour plowing and incorporation of natural barriers and minimum tillage. Sustainable management of natural resources Soil, water and biodiversity (Manejo sustentable de los recursos naturales Suelo, agua y biodiversidad ) This may include a good system of farmer extension services, better nutrient management, contour plowing, improved seed varieties or simple irrigation.","qid":1121402,"docid":"188209","rank":30,"score":11.317524909973145},{"content":"Plowing and planting across the changing slope of land, rather than in straight lines, to help retain water and reduce soil erosion. Method for reducing soil erosion; plant stalks are left in the field after harvesting and the next year's crop is planted within the stalks without plowing.","qid":1121402,"docid":"7142994","rank":31,"score":11.509313583374023},{"content":"Freebase(0.00 \/ 0 votes)Rate this definition: Contour plowing. Contour ploughing or contour farming is the farming practice of ploughing and\/or planting across a slope following its elevation contour lines.","qid":1121402,"docid":"188214","rank":32,"score":12.256269454956055},{"content":"General-purpose plows are used for the primary plowing of soil to a depth of 20\u00e2\u0080\u009330 cm. For inthrow and outthrow plowing, plow bottoms that turn the soil to the right are mounted on the plow frames. Flat plowing is done with reversible, pickup, and shuttle plows.","qid":1121402,"docid":"4893520","rank":33,"score":11.792339324951172},{"content":"Find the center of the field in the front center and back, mark off the center with stakes or sticks if you want to just run them over. Eye up the last stake with the first two just to give yourself a straight line. line up the tractor on the stakes and plow as straight as you can.urn around at the end and plow back up the field with the first bottom completely over lapping so that the middle hill is higher than the rest again as straight as you can.When you get to the top again line up the wheel in the ditch(furrow) so that the first bottom is covering up the furrow.","qid":1121402,"docid":"5662145","rank":34,"score":10.781982421875},{"content":"Surface cover and runoff. Surface cover is a major factor to control erosion because it reduces the impact of raindrops falling on bare soils and wind removing soil particles. It also reduces the speed of water flowing over the land.Erosion risk is significantly reduced when there is more than 30% soil cover.oil erosion can be avoided by using land within its capability. The land\u00e2\u0080\u0099s position, soil type and slope determine how vulnerable it will be to erosion. It may not be suitable for agriculture, or suitable only for an activity which limits erosion.","qid":1121402,"docid":"3511794","rank":35,"score":10.934778213500977},{"content":"Best Answer: The benefits of plowing are primarily weed control, turning under crop residues so that it breaks down faster, and preparing a good clean area for planting seed. These same benefits of the plow have been shown over the years to have a negative effect on the soil environment. The plow is quickly becoming an implement of the past.","qid":1121402,"docid":"1429447","rank":36,"score":12.402351379394531},{"content":"Ploughing. The influence of the plough on the soil is relatively slight. It is not necessary to lower the groundwater table when this method is used. This procedure is therefore extremely environmentally friendly, due not least of all to the only slight ground damage caused.he influence of the plough on the soil is relatively slight. It is not necessary to lower the groundwater table when this method is used. This procedure is therefore extremely environmentally friendly, due not least of all to the only slight ground damage caused.","qid":1121402,"docid":"7489488","rank":37,"score":11.312098503112793},{"content":"rates.Conservationtillage,reducedsoildisturbance,and reducingthenumberoftripsacrossafieldnecessaryto produceacrophelpleavecontinuousporespacesintact andminimizetheopportunityforsoilcompaction. Conservationpracticesresultingininfiltrationrates favorabletosoilfunctioninclude: \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 ConservationCropRotation \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 CoverCrop \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 PrescribedGrazing","qid":1121402,"docid":"7017644","rank":38,"score":10.766390800476074},{"content":"Plowing allows water and air to enter the soil, it also allows humus (organic matter) to be plowed into the soil so that earthworms can have access to.","qid":1121402,"docid":"2681048","rank":39,"score":11.676337242126465},{"content":"A disk plow uses large disks set on a single, stub axle, and their angle of attack is approximate to that of a moldboard, as is the action of the soil-it turns depths 4 and greater and used as a breakingplow.'ve had several e-mail me offline of the Stak and visit regarding the need or usage of disk plows. While that is what my family used during the steam era, as well as all of our neighbors, I remember Dad saying, A moldboard plow would plow too deep ruining the ground..","qid":1121402,"docid":"53696","rank":40,"score":11.016464233398438},{"content":"1 Root crop harvesting can cause more tillage erosion than plowing. 2 The majority of soil moved by tillage is only moved 6 to 12 inches (15 to 30 centimetres), but some soil will be dragged as far as 6 to 10 feet (2 to 3 metres) and greater distances when tilling down slope.","qid":1121402,"docid":"7922814","rank":41,"score":11.02461051940918},{"content":"Contour plowing is the act of farming on a hill or a contoured area. The plow follows the contours of the land horizontally helping to reduce runoff of water. This practice helps to prevent soil erosion in hilly and contoured areas by capturing the water runoff using water breaks to keep water contained. Contour plowing is also known as contour farming, and is a sustainable form of agriculture.","qid":1121402,"docid":"188213","rank":42,"score":13.400177001953125},{"content":"Contour plowing was a method of plowing furrows that follow the curves of the land rather than straight up and down slopes. Furrows that run up and down a slope form a channel that can quickly carry away seeds and topsoil. Contour plowing forms ridges, slows the water flow and helps save precious topsoil. LeRoy Hoffman rented farmland for his entire farming career and remembers when the government urged farmers to change their plowing methods.","qid":1121402,"docid":"8052621","rank":43,"score":13.576507568359375},{"content":"\u00e2\u0080\u0098Educators need the equivalent of the tractor, contour plowing, and hybridization.\u00e2\u0080\u0099 \u00e2\u0080\u0098Crop rotation, contour plowing, and the careful use of fertilizers and pest controls increased productivity, but the same techniques made it easier for bigger farms to become even more productive.\u00e2\u0080\u0099","qid":1121402,"docid":"182365","rank":44,"score":11.181207656860352},{"content":"Yields are generally at least as good with no-till agriculture as they are with plow techniques. Though the soil does stay cooler until a little later in the spring because of the insulating layer of residue, the day\/night soil temperature fluctuations are smaller.","qid":1121402,"docid":"1902386","rank":45,"score":10.747785568237305},{"content":"In many agricultural regions it can reduce or eliminate soil erosion. It increases the amount and variety of life in and on the soil, including disease-causing organisms and disease suppression organisms. The most powerful benefit of no-tillage is improvement in soil biological fertility, making soils more resilient.","qid":1121402,"docid":"4620824","rank":46,"score":10.823314666748047},{"content":"plowing methods\/ techniques. Anyone have any special method they use for plowing. Were suppose to get some real snow to nite so i just want to know. Not that i have never plowed snow before.","qid":1121402,"docid":"3785306","rank":47,"score":11.433730125427246},{"content":"The most effective way to prevent erosion is to protect soil from rain and wind by covering it with plants and\/or decaying organic matter. While industrial farms lose tons of soil because of intensive tillage (plowing), sustainable farmers have successfully reduced erosion by adopting conservation tillage techniques.","qid":1121402,"docid":"2633464","rank":48,"score":11.563911437988281},{"content":"Surface cover and runoff. Surface cover is a major factor to control erosion because it reduces the impact of raindrops falling on bare soils and wind removing soil particles. It also reduces the speed of water flowing over the land. Erosion risk is significantly reduced when there is more than 30% soil cover.","qid":1121402,"docid":"993565","rank":49,"score":10.798725128173828},{"content":"Contour plowing. Contour ploughing or contour farming is the farming practice of ploughing and\/or planting across a slope following its elevation contour lines. These contour lines create a water break which reduces the formation of rills and gullies during times of heavy water run-off; which is a major cause of top soil loss and soil erosion.","qid":1121402,"docid":"182372","rank":50,"score":13.017477989196777},{"content":"A: The most effective soil erosion reduction methods include the use of diversions and terraces, mulch, and surface cover; however, the most sustainable method of preventing soil erosion is by using the land responsibly according to its capability. Soil type, slope and the land's position may determine its vulnerability to soil erosion.","qid":1121402,"docid":"7011511","rank":51,"score":11.351999282836914},{"content":"In this report, we identify various practices used to reduce wind erosion. and we describe their advantages and limits. Because of the tremendous. variation in soils, climate, and crops across the USA, no single erosion con-. trol technique will be applicable to all areas.","qid":1121402,"docid":"2214347","rank":52,"score":11.006574630737305},{"content":"Develop practices sustainable management of soils with the use of green roofs, paths, contour plowing and incorporation of natural barriers and minimum tillage. This may include a good system of farmer extension services, better nutrient management, contour plowing, improved seed varieties or simple irrigation.","qid":1121402,"docid":"188210","rank":53,"score":11.25600814819336},{"content":"Use of the plough has decreased in some areas, often those significantly threatened by soil damage and erosion, in favour of shallower ploughing and other less invasive conservation tillage techniques.se of the plough has decreased in some areas, often those significantly threatened by soil damage and erosion, in favour of shallower ploughing and other less invasive conservation tillage techniques.","qid":1121402,"docid":"7489487","rank":54,"score":11.221481323242188},{"content":"Definitions for Contour plowing. Contour plowing. Contour ploughing or contour farming is the farming practice of ploughing and\/or planting across a slope following its elevation contour lines.","qid":1121402,"docid":"188217","rank":55,"score":12.881858825683594},{"content":"Using implements that do not move very much soil will help minimize the effects of tillage erosion. Direction. Tillage implements like a plow or disc throw soil either up or down slope, depending on the direction of tillage.","qid":1121402,"docid":"1323048","rank":56,"score":11.851080894470215},{"content":"The plough represents one of the major advances in agriculture. The primary purpose of ploughing is to turn over the upper layer of the soil, bringing fresh nutrients to the surface, while burying weeds and the remains of previous crops and allowing them to break down.As the plough is drawn through the soil it creates long trenches of fertile soil called furrows.In modern use, a ploughed field is typically left to dry out, and is then harrowed before planting.se of the plough has decreased in some areas, often those significantly threatened by soil damage and erosion, in favour of shallower ploughing and other less invasive conservation tillage techniques.","qid":1121402,"docid":"7489486","rank":57,"score":11.062004089355469},{"content":"Plowing fields can also turn organic matter into soil to increase decomposition and add nutrients from the organic matter to the soil. Many farmers spread manure from cattle and swine onto their fields. This manure is rich in nitrogen which is essential for plant growth.","qid":1121402,"docid":"5189916","rank":58,"score":11.146977424621582},{"content":"Use of the plough has decreased in some areas, often those significantly threatened by soil damage and erosion, in favour of shallower ploughing and other less invasive conservation tillage techniques.","qid":1121402,"docid":"3674187","rank":59,"score":11.017155647277832},{"content":"Definitions for Contour plowing. Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word Contour plowing. Freebase(3.00 \/ 2 votes)Rate this definition: Contour ploughing or contour farming is the farming practice of ploughing and\/or planting across a slope following its elevation contour lines.","qid":1121402,"docid":"182364","rank":60,"score":12.444048881530762},{"content":"Farmers can reduce soil erosion by___. A. increasing irrigation.. . B. contour plowing.. . C. grazing cattle on the land.. . D. plowing up roots. - 1851268","qid":1121402,"docid":"8052622","rank":61,"score":12.007041931152344},{"content":"However, when the compacted layer is tilled with a moldboard or chisel plow, the resulting rough, cloddy surface can decrease runoff and erosion. While it sounds contradictory, both effects are possible, depending on the soil and soil conditions encountered.","qid":1121402,"docid":"2042119","rank":62,"score":12.060136795043945},{"content":"Make sure you have adequate oil, coolant, fuel etc. In your tractor. Also, check your tyre pressures \u00e2\u0080\u0093 this should all be obvious! Ensure that the field to be ploughed is free of plant material that could clog up the plough \u00e2\u0080\u0093 it should be mowed close to the ground and the cuttings allowed to dry, reducing their bulk.Don\u00e2\u0080\u0099t plough on wet ground or allow your wheels to spin as this will damage the soil structure.nsure that the field to be ploughed is free of plant material that could clog up the plough \u00e2\u0080\u0093 it should be mowed close to the ground and the cuttings allowed to dry, reducing their bulk. Don\u00e2\u0080\u0099t plough on wet ground or allow your wheels to spin as this will damage the soil structure.","qid":1121402,"docid":"5662146","rank":63,"score":10.778393745422363},{"content":"Contour bunding, Catalonia, 2007. Contour plowing (or contour ploughing) or contour farming is the farming practice of plowing across a slope following its elevation contour lines. The rows form slow water run-off during rainstorms to prevent soil erosion and allow the water time to settle into the soil.","qid":1121402,"docid":"7125983","rank":64,"score":12.937591552734375},{"content":"Clearing snow can be a profitable winter job. Snow piling up is great if you\u00e2\u0080\u0099re a skier or snowboarder, or if you\u00e2\u0080\u0099re a kid who wants to build a snowman. Snow piling up in your driveway or parking lot has far fewer fans. And not everyone is equipped to remove his own snow.","qid":1121402,"docid":"1270547","rank":65,"score":10.996919631958008},{"content":"Contour plowing Contour ploughing or contour farming is the farming practice of ploughing and\/or planting across a slope following its elevation contour lines. These contour lines create a water break which reduces the formation of rills and gullies during times of heavy water run-off; which is a major cause of top soil loss and soil erosion.","qid":1121402,"docid":"182369","rank":66,"score":12.983451843261719},{"content":"Tractor field plowing. Find the center of the field in the front center and back, mark off the center with stakes or sticks if you want to just run them over.Eye up the last stake with the first two just to give yourself a straight line. Line up the tractor on the stakes and plow as straight as you can.ind the center of the field in the front center and back, mark off the center with stakes or sticks if you want to just run them over. Eye up the last stake with the first two just to give yourself a straight line.","qid":1121402,"docid":"5662144","rank":67,"score":11.016133308410645},{"content":"a plowing disk is sometimes called a disk plow. If that is what you are talking about 6 foot is all that hp will handle and that is pulling it. If you mean the older one way disk plows with larger blades of 24 or more, then you are talking about the same disks as the tractor is rated to plow with a moldboard.My dad had an old disk plow for an H and it was great in sprouts back in the day. 06-04-2009, 01:01 PM #4.Elite Member.n other words if you see an eight ft disc with the blades and spacing you want and needs 80 hp to pull it then a your using about 10 hp per ft of width. Just transpose the numbers to get the info you want. Disk plows are not a bad idea, if you are making multiple passes the ridges should be cancelled out.","qid":1121402,"docid":"53692","rank":68,"score":11.303199768066406},{"content":"When it comes to plow shape, manufacturers have three basic options: straight, V and box. 1 Straight Plows: A straight blade is just what it sounds like. This option is great for small-scale applications that don\u00e2\u0080\u0099t involve a ton of snow. 2 V-Plows: V-plows are great for making initial breaks in dense or high snow.","qid":1121402,"docid":"465100","rank":69,"score":11.585701942443848},{"content":"In contour plowing, the land is plowed across the slopes and along the contour lines. This will also reduce soil erosion and make rainwater infiltrate into the soil more than on land plowed along the slope. Terraces are more effective than contour plowing alone in minimizing soil erosion and facilitating infiltration f rainfall into the soil.","qid":1121402,"docid":"8052624","rank":70,"score":13.225975036621094},{"content":"Different plow bottoms have been designed to break different types of land. Before purchasing plowing equipment, determine which type of blade will work best for your purpose. b. touchstone hardaway This type of walking plow, called a middlebreaker, is shaped to distribute freshly plowed soil evenly on both sides of a furrow. illustration: b. touchstone hardaway The bottom of a plow is constructed to support the plowshare, guide the blade and turn and aerate the soil.","qid":1121402,"docid":"465109","rank":71,"score":10.889178276062012},{"content":"Using implements that do not move very much soil will help minimize the effects of tillage erosion. Direction Tillage implements like a plow or disc throw soil either up or down slope, depending on the direction of tillage.","qid":1121402,"docid":"1323047","rank":72,"score":11.900089263916016},{"content":"Contour plowing is also promoted in countries with similar rainfall patterns to the United States such as western Canada and Australia. The practice is effective only on slopes with between 2% and 10% gradient and when rainfall does not exceed a certain amount within a certain period.","qid":1121402,"docid":"3785309","rank":73,"score":12.6892728805542},{"content":"The correct concavity and angling eliminates the deep furrows. The disc harrow, like the plow, must have a range of varied depths, or it would be of little value. The disc blade is to the harrow what the plow bottom is to the moldboard plow \u00e2\u0080\u0094 it is the business or working end of the tool. Frames, bolts, spools, hitch and proper weight are needed and they do their share to cause good cutting.","qid":1121402,"docid":"8376430","rank":74,"score":11.401839256286621},{"content":"Contour ploughing or contour farming or Contour bunding is the farming practice of plowing and\/or planting across a slope following its elevation contour lines.","qid":1121402,"docid":"3785310","rank":75,"score":12.487241744995117},{"content":"Contour Plowing & Terraces The Soil Erosion Service was one of the federal programs started in the 1930s to save the land that had been destroyed by years of wind erosion, over plowing, and over grazing. The commission taught farmers how to use terracing and contour plowing techniques to preserve the soil.","qid":1121402,"docid":"8052619","rank":76,"score":11.909324645996094},{"content":"Lawn edging: 1 Gives you a cleaner mowing and trimming line. 2 Saves trimming and weeding time. 3 Keeps mulch where it belongs. Provides a root barrier to prevent invasive lawn grasses from entering flower 1 beds. Adds value to your landscape without necessarily spending a lot of money. Shows off your flowers and shrubs.","qid":1121402,"docid":"2956981","rank":77,"score":10.816814422607422},{"content":"By combining two or more. control techniques, however, wind erosion can be reduced to tolerable levels. in most areas. 24-1 CONTROL METHODS. 24-1.1 Surf ace Residues. The basic method of reducing wind erosion is to keep the soil protected. with surface residues. While applicable to all areas, surface residues are. more widely accepted in cropping areas where they do not cause planting or. harvesting problems.","qid":1121402,"docid":"2214353","rank":78,"score":11.069253921508789},{"content":"The basic principle behind preventing any erosion is find a way to lessen the impact of the cause, such as rain and wind. For prevention of rain-driven erosion, it is important to anchor the dirt down, such as with grass, or prevent water from collecting and picking up dirt as it flows down slope. A common way to prevent this is contour ploughing. What is... Making slopes into steps so that rain cannot run down a hill carrying soil off. When building terraces, it is important to stabilize the slope. -The easiest way to do this is to plant grass. If there is enough rock around it may be possible to construct a wall out of them. Contour Ploughing- Similar to terracing, except that it follows the contours of a hill more closely than terracing, possibly even encircling a hill top The contours are not wide like terraces.","qid":1121402,"docid":"182366","rank":79,"score":11.562581062316895},{"content":"The deep plow is used for working soil to a depth of 40 cm in vineyards, orchards, and forest stands. The orchard disk plow is used for plowing the soil between the rows in orchards and is equipped with a device that enables it to be shifted to the side. This makes it possible to work the soil beneath mature trees.","qid":1121402,"docid":"4893517","rank":80,"score":11.137389183044434},{"content":"Tilling the field at right angles to the natural slope after drawing up the elevation contour lines is called contour ploughing in soil, prevents and reduces soil erosion. Terrace Farming In terracing, wide steps are cut around the slopes of hills to prevent soil erosion.","qid":1121402,"docid":"8052623","rank":81,"score":12.533044815063477},{"content":"Mulch is not dug in-it stays on top of the soil. Using mulch conserves water by reducing surface evaporation; mulch also greatly reduces the need for weeding, the bane of the gardener. Do not use landscape cloth or plastic sheeting beneath mulch.","qid":1121402,"docid":"847062","rank":82,"score":10.912826538085938},{"content":"Both contour plowing and terrace farming are suitable for cultivating lands on sloping hills. Both are used to reduce soil erosion from tilled fields on slopes. In terrace farming, physical barriers (trenches, stone bunds, live hedges, or natural strips) are created along the contours to retain rain water and make it infiltrate into the soil and to minimize soil erosion.","qid":1121402,"docid":"8052617","rank":83,"score":12.584012031555176},{"content":"A: Contour plowing conserves soil by following the lay of the land and creating ridges that form a water break to prevent soil erosion. Furrows that do not follow the lay of the land cause rapid runoff during rainfall by forming a convenient channel for the water to flow downhill.","qid":1121402,"docid":"7125980","rank":84,"score":13.442583084106445},{"content":"In contour ploughing, the ruts made by the plow run perpendicular rather than parallel to slopes, generally resulting in furrows that curve around the land and are level. This method is also known for preventing tillage erosion. Tillage erosion is the soil movement and erosion by tilling a given plot of land. A similar practice is contour bunding where stones are placed around the contours of slopes.","qid":1121402,"docid":"3785308","rank":85,"score":12.724344253540039},{"content":"This page provides all possible meanings and translations of the word Contour plowing. Contour plowing. Contour ploughing or contour farming is the farming practice of ploughing and\/or planting across a slope following its elevation contour lines.","qid":1121402,"docid":"188218","rank":86,"score":12.451265335083008},{"content":"Works with both straight and V-blade plows. Not for use on 10ft. plow blades and smaller UTV\/sport duty plows with 3in. electric DC motor.","qid":1121402,"docid":"1903031","rank":87,"score":10.90601634979248},{"content":"Enhanced Canola Helps Farmers Conserve Soil and Save Fuel. Thanks to new canola varieties improved through biotechnology, farmers can more frequently practice conservation tillage \u00e2\u0080\u0094 a method of weed control that reduces their need to plow. Less plowing means less erosion, less run-off and fewer trips across the field.","qid":1121402,"docid":"43770","rank":88,"score":10.90344524383545},{"content":"Conservation tillage can be an economical option for farmers, plus provides a number of potential environmental benefits: 1 Reduced plowing makes cropland much less vulnerable to soil erosion: conservation tillage reduces soil erosion by as much as 90 percent, compared to systems using intensive tillage.","qid":1121402,"docid":"1249687","rank":89,"score":11.758618354797363},{"content":"an agricultural implement used for cutting, lifting, turning over, and partly pulverizing soil. 2. any of various implements resembling or suggesting this, as a kind of plane for cutting grooves or a contrivance for clearing away snow from a road or track. 3. Type Founding.","qid":1121402,"docid":"6717341","rank":90,"score":10.77157211303711},{"content":"Control of Soil Erosion. Methods farmers use to slow-down or stop run-a-way soil: Some farmers plant trees along the borders of their fields to cut down on wind erosion. This method is most often practiced in flat areas, but is useful in hilly regions as well. Another method to stop soil erosion is to plant crops that will grow during the most erosive fall and spring months.","qid":1121402,"docid":"2214348","rank":91,"score":10.966267585754395},{"content":"Deep, frequent tillage creates a layer of compact soil vulnerable to water erosion, topped by loose soil easily removed by wind. Consider a zero-tillage approach using a coulter or other deep planting device. If this is not feasible, try a ridge-till or mulch-till system that leaves the lower soil levels untouched.","qid":1121402,"docid":"1917419","rank":92,"score":10.949967384338379},{"content":"a) Plow fields along contour lines. b) Leave plowed fields barren every second year. c) Use irrigation water throughout the year. d) Cut down any forested areas near the farm. 6) Freshwater is usually considered a renewable resource.","qid":1121402,"docid":"4449258","rank":93,"score":11.237944602966309},{"content":"Contour plowing and terracing are both types of farming techniques.Contour plowing follows the natural shape of the land form withoutchanging it whereas terracing changes the shape of the slope todevelop flat areas for crop growth.","qid":1121402,"docid":"7125985","rank":94,"score":12.768758773803711},{"content":"2. Use terrace farming. This type of farming uses the topography of the land to slow water flow through a series of terraces. This manipulation of the water flow prevents it from gathering speed and washing soil away from farmlands. 3. Practice contour farming. Contour farming replicates the effects of terrace farming, but on a smaller scale.","qid":1121402,"docid":"6001847","rank":95,"score":11.288858413696289},{"content":"Contour plowing and terracing are both types of farming techniques. Contour plowing follows the natural shape of the land form without changing it whereas terracing changes the shape of the slope to develop flat areas for crop growth. Contour plowing and terracing are both types of farming techniques.","qid":1121402,"docid":"7125978","rank":96,"score":12.866989135742188},{"content":"exists and is an alternate of . Plowing allows water and air to enter the soil, it also allows humus (organic matter) to be plowed into the soil so that earthworms can have access to it and improve soil quality. Plowing does disturb the soil and can make it susceptible to erosion due to wind taking loose soil or water erosion when it rains. Leaving soil exposed without a crop in it means that erosion can occur.","qid":1121402,"docid":"2681045","rank":97,"score":12.044977188110352},{"content":"2016-09-28T08:13:26-04:00. Farmers can reduce soil erosion by contour plowing. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the second option or option B. The other choices given in the question are incorrect and can be neglected. I hope that this is the answer that has actually come to your desired help.","qid":1121402,"docid":"8052620","rank":98,"score":12.995870590209961},{"content":"If your problem is in your fields, and you do not have any major contour ploughing will probably best. It is a very effective and common method of farming on hills. Terracing will be a good method for large operations if you are able to afford the costs. Remember to grass the backs of each terrace to prevent erosion here.","qid":1121402,"docid":"182371","rank":99,"score":12.051786422729492},{"content":"A plough (UK) or plow (US; both \/\u00cb\u0088pla\u00ca\u008a\/) is a tool (or machine) used in farming for initial cultivation of soil in preparation for sowing seed or planting to loosen or turn the soil.se of the plough has decreased in some areas, often those significantly threatened by soil damage and erosion, in favour of shallower ploughing and other less invasive conservation tillage techniques.","qid":1121402,"docid":"7489485","rank":100,"score":10.800680160522461}]} {"query":"does legionella pneumophila cause pneumonia","hits":[{"content":"Legionnaires' disease is a form of atypical pneumonia caused by any type of Legionella bacteria. Signs and symptoms include cough, shortness of breath, high fever, muscle pains, and headaches. Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may also occur. This often begins two to ten days after being exposed.","qid":168216,"docid":"7595684","rank":1,"score":13.705718994140625},{"content":"The bacterium legionella causes Legionnaires' disease, a lung infection which is a severe form of pneumonia. The disease spreads by inhaling the bacteria or through contact with a person suffering from the disease. Legionella also cause a flu-like illness called Pontiac fever.Yaws disease is a relatively lesser known disease caused by the bacteria Treponema pertenue. It affects the skin, bones, and cartilage, and spreads through skin contact.he disease spreads by inhaling the bacteria or through contact with a person suffering from the disease. Legionella also cause a flu-like illness called Pontiac fever. Yaws disease is a relatively lesser known disease caused by the bacteria Treponema pertenue.","qid":168216,"docid":"1860843","rank":2,"score":13.300447463989258},{"content":"Legionnaires' disease is a severe form of pneumonia \u00e2\u0080\u0094 lung inflammation usually caused by infection. Legionnaires' disease is caused by a bacterium known as legionella. You can't catch Legionnaires' disease from person-to-person contact. Instead, most people get Legionnaires' disease from inhaling the bacteria.","qid":168216,"docid":"1301473","rank":3,"score":13.72356128692627},{"content":"Legionellosis is a common name for one of the several illnesses caused by Legionnaires' disease bacteria (LDB). Legionnaires' disease is an infection of the lungs that is a form of pneumonia.","qid":168216,"docid":"6219121","rank":4,"score":13.19192123413086},{"content":"Legionellosis, or Legionnaire's disease, is a type of pneumonia caused by Legionella bacteria. Legionnaires' disease is not contagious, and you cannot catch it from another person. The bacteria are common and grow in water.","qid":168216,"docid":"4245218","rank":5,"score":13.733552932739258},{"content":"Background. Legionnaires disease (LD) is the pneumonia caused by Legionella pneumophila. LD also refers to a more benign, self-limited, acute febrile illness known as Pontiac fever, which has been linked serologically to L pneumophila, although it presents without pneumonia.","qid":168216,"docid":"1301472","rank":6,"score":13.529399871826172},{"content":"Pneumonia due to mycoplasma and chlamydophila bacteria is usually mild. 1 Pneumonia due to Legionella pneumophila gets worse during the first 4 - 6 days, and then improves over 4 - 5 days. 2 Even though symptoms will improve, it may take a while for them to go away completely.neumonia due to mycoplasma and chlamydophila bacteria is usually mild. 1 Pneumonia due to Legionella pneumophila gets worse during the first 4 - 6 days, and then improves over 4 - 5 days. 2 Even though symptoms will improve, it may take a while for them to go away completely.","qid":168216,"docid":"6282567","rank":7,"score":13.195476531982422},{"content":"Legionellosis, or Legionnaire's disease, is a type of pneumonia caused by Legionella bacteria. Legionnaires' disease is not contagious, and you cannot catch it from another person. The bacteria are common and grow in water.People often receive low-level exposure in the environment without getting sick.egionellosis, or Legionnaire's disease, is a type of pneumonia caused by Legionella bacteria. Legionnaires' disease is not contagious, and you cannot catch it from another person. The bacteria are common and grow in water. People often receive low-level exposure in the environment without getting sick.","qid":168216,"docid":"6264735","rank":8,"score":13.28905963897705},{"content":"legionnaires disease is a serious type of lung infection or pneumonia it is caused by bacteria called legionella the bacteria and the disease were named following an outbreak of the infection at a philadelphia convention of the american legion in 1976the bacteria usually grow best in warm wateregionnaires disease is a serious type of lung infection or pneumonia it is caused by bacteria called legionella the bacteria and the disease were named following an outbreak of the infection at a philadelphia convention of the american legion in 1976","qid":168216,"docid":"6426633","rank":9,"score":13.514657974243164},{"content":"Pneumonia caused by Legionella may occur with abdominal pain, diarrhea, or confusion, while pneumonia caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae is associated with rusty colored sputum, and pneumonia caused by Klebsiella may have bloody sputum often described as currant jelly.","qid":168216,"docid":"5114458","rank":10,"score":13.09684944152832},{"content":"legionnaires disease is caused by an infection with bacteria called legionella the bacteria invade the lungs and lead to pneumonia legionella usually live in warm freshwater they are believed to be distributed worldwidecommon locations include hot tubswhirlpool spas swimming poolsegionnaires disease is a serious type of lung infection or pneumonia it is caused by bacteria called legionella the bacteria and the disease were named following an outbreak of the infection at a philadelphia convention of the american legion in 1976","qid":168216,"docid":"6426631","rank":11,"score":13.16873550415039},{"content":"Also called: Legionellosis. Legionnaires' disease is a type of pneumonia caused by bacteria. You usually get it by breathing in mist from water that contains the bacteria. The mist may come from hot tubs, showers, or air-conditioning units for large buildings. The bacteria don't spread from person to person.","qid":168216,"docid":"4324490","rank":12,"score":13.309917449951172},{"content":"Much of the research done on Legionella pneumophila is related to ecology and how it relates to the environment. Some studies compare L. pneumophila to other microorganisms. Other studies look at the cases of Legionellosis and investigate the causes of the outbreaks.","qid":168216,"docid":"3344832","rank":13,"score":13.094268798828125},{"content":"About the Disease. Legionnaires' disease is a severe, often lethal, form of pneumonia. It's caused by the bacterium Legionella pneumophila found in both potable and nonpotable water systems.Each year, an estimated 10,000 to 18,000 people are infected with the Legionella bacteria in the United States.It is not uncommon for patients with Legionnaires' disease to be admitted to the intensive care unit. study of outbreak survivors showed persistence of fatigue (75%), neurologic symptoms (66%) and neuromuscular symptoms (63%) in months after an outbreak. See Share Your Story for a first-hand account of the severity of this disease.","qid":168216,"docid":"2210775","rank":14,"score":13.587228775024414},{"content":"The bacterium Legionella pneumophila is responsible for most cases of Legionnaires' disease. Outdoors, legionella bacteria survive in soil and water, but rarely cause infections.","qid":168216,"docid":"1301466","rank":15,"score":13.492513656616211},{"content":"Legionnaires' disease is a type of pneumonia caused by Legionella bacteria. The bacterial species responsible for Legionnaires' disease is L. pneumophila. Major symptoms include fever, chills, muscle aches, and a cough that is initially nonproductive.","qid":168216,"docid":"8185131","rank":16,"score":14.452330589294434},{"content":"Pneumonia due to mycoplasma and chlamydophila bacteria is usually mild. 1 Pneumonia due to Legionella pneumophila gets worse during the first 4 to 6 days, and then improves over 4 to 5 days. 2 Even though symptoms will improve, it may take a while for them to go away completely.","qid":168216,"docid":"6249512","rank":17,"score":13.695921897888184},{"content":"Legionnaires' disease, also known as legionellosis or Legion fever, is a form of atypical pneumonia caused by any type of Legionella bacteria.Over 90% of cases of Legionnaires' disease are caused by Legionella pneumophila.Other causative species include L. longbeachae, L. feeleii, L. micdadei, and L. anisa.egionnaires' disease, also known as legionellosis or Legion fever, is a form of atypical pneumonia caused by any type of Legionella bacteria. Over 90% of cases of Legionnaires' disease are caused by Legionella pneumophila. Other causative species include L. longbeachae, L. feeleii, L. micdadei, and L. anisa.","qid":168216,"docid":"3399715","rank":18,"score":13.597745895385742},{"content":"legionnaires disease is a type of pneumonia it is caused by bacteria called legionella pneumophila the bacteria got its name in 1976 when a group of people attending an american legion convention became infectedegionnaires disease is a type of pneumonia it is caused by bacteria called legionella pneumophila the bacteria got its name in 1976 when a group of people attending an american legion convention became infected","qid":168216,"docid":"6426638","rank":19,"score":13.24734115600586},{"content":"Most patients with pneumonia due to mycoplasma or chlamydophila get better with the right antibiotics. Legionella pneumonia can be severe. It can lead to problems, especially in patients with kidney failure, diabetes, COPD, or a weak immune system.","qid":168216,"docid":"6584042","rank":20,"score":13.145727157592773},{"content":"Legionnaire disease is an infection of the lungs and airways. It is caused by Legionella bacteria. The bacteria that cause Legionnaire disease have been found in water delivery systems. They can survive in the warm, moist air conditioning systems of large buildings, including hospitals. Most cases are caused by the bacteria Legionella pneumophila. The rest of the cases are caused by other Legionella species.","qid":168216,"docid":"4324487","rank":21,"score":13.245805740356445},{"content":"Legionnaires' disease (Legionellosis) is a serious and sometimes fatal form of pneumonia caused by the bacteria Legionella. Although not all cases of Legionnaires' disease are severe, up to ten per cent of cases can be fatal. There are over forty strains of Legionella bacteria but only a few cause disease in humans.The strains that are most commonly associated with human disease are pneumophila and longbeachae.lthough not all cases of Legionnaires' disease are severe, up to ten per cent of cases can be fatal. There are over forty strains of Legionella bacteria but only a few cause disease in humans. The strains that are most commonly associated with human disease are pneumophila and longbeachae.","qid":168216,"docid":"3399712","rank":22,"score":13.392635345458984},{"content":"Legionnaires' Disease. Legionnaires' disease is a serious lung infection (pneumonia) with chills, high temperature (fever) and muscle pains. You get the infection by breathing in droplets of water which contain legionella germs (bacteria) from contaminated water systems.","qid":168216,"docid":"4493882","rank":23,"score":13.267845153808594},{"content":"legionnaires disease legionellosis is a serious and sometimes fatal form of pneumonia caused by the bacteria legionella although not all cases of legionnaires disease are severe up to ten per cent of cases can be fatal there are over forty strains of legionella bacteria but only a few cause disease in humansthe strains that are most commonly associated with human disease are pneumophila and longbeachaelthough not all cases of legionnaires disease are severe up to ten per cent of cases can be fatal there are over forty strains of legionella bacteria but only a few cause disease in humans the strains that are most commonly associated with human disease are pneumophila and longbeachae","qid":168216,"docid":"6061722","rank":24,"score":13.472761154174805},{"content":"The genus Legionella is a pathogenic group of Gram-negative bacteria that includes the species L. pneumophila, causing legionellosis (all illnesses caused by Legionella) including a pneumonia-type illness called Legionnaires' disease and a mild flu-like illness called Pontiac fever.","qid":168216,"docid":"7492755","rank":25,"score":13.268680572509766},{"content":"Legionnaires\u00e2\u0080\u0099 disease, or Legionellosis, is a severe infection caused by Legionella species, primarily L. pneumophila. In fact, L. pneumophila is responsible for 90% of infections.","qid":168216,"docid":"1301471","rank":26,"score":13.258337020874023},{"content":"LEGIONELLA PNEUMOPHILA. Like C. pneumoniae, Legionella species are intracellular organisms. Legionella pneumophila is the most pathogenic species, and several serotypes have been identified. Serotype 1 has been associated with most reported human cases of pneumonia caused by L. pneumonphila.11.","qid":168216,"docid":"3344828","rank":27,"score":13.860803604125977},{"content":"Legionnaires disease (LD) is the pneumonia caused by Legionella pneumophila. LD also refers to a more benign, self-limited, acute febrile illness known as Pontiac fever, which has been linked serologically to L pneumophila, although it presents without pneumonia. (See Pathophysiology and Etiology.).","qid":168216,"docid":"1301469","rank":28,"score":13.555428504943848},{"content":"Legionnaires' disease is a severe type of pneumonia and causes headache, chills, high fever, a cough, and more.","qid":168216,"docid":"183192","rank":29,"score":13.47416877746582},{"content":"Legionnaires' disease is a serious lung disease (pneumonia) with chills, high temperature (fever) and muscle pains. You get the infection by breathing in droplets of water which contain legionella germs (bacteria) from contaminated water systems.","qid":168216,"docid":"6219117","rank":30,"score":13.348470687866211},{"content":"About the Disease. Legionnaires' disease is a severe, often lethal, form of pneumonia. It's caused by the bacterium Legionella pneumophila found in both potable and nonpotable water systems.Each year, an estimated 10,000 to 18,000 people are infected with the Legionella bacteria in the United States.It is not uncommon for patients with Legionnaires' disease to be admitted to the intensive care unit.t's caused by the bacterium Legionella pneumophila found in both potable and nonpotable water systems. Each year, an estimated 10,000 to 18,000 people are infected with the Legionella bacteria in the United States. It is not uncommon for patients with Legionnaires' disease to be admitted to the intensive care unit.","qid":168216,"docid":"3399713","rank":31,"score":13.474252700805664},{"content":"Legionnaires' disease is a severe form of pneumonia \u00e2\u0080\u0094 lung inflammation usually caused by infection. Legionnaires' disease is caused by a bacterium known as legionella.","qid":168216,"docid":"4600607","rank":32,"score":13.872673988342285},{"content":"Also called: Legionellosis. Legionnaires' disease is a type of pneumonia caused by bacteria. You usually get it by breathing in mist from water that contains the bacteria. The mist may come from hot tubs, showers, or air-conditioning units for large buildings. The bacteria don't spread from person to person. Symptoms of Legionnaires' disease include high fever, chills, a cough, and sometimes muscle aches and headaches. Other types of pneumonia have similar symptoms. You will probably need a chest x-ray to diagnose the pneumonia.","qid":168216,"docid":"5024313","rank":33,"score":13.392463684082031},{"content":"Causes. The bacterium Legionella pneumophila is responsible for most cases of Legionnaires' disease. Outdoors, legionella bacteria survive in soil and water, but rarely cause infections.auses. The bacterium Legionella pneumophila is responsible for most cases of Legionnaires' disease. Outdoors, legionella bacteria survive in soil and water, but rarely cause infections.","qid":168216,"docid":"3198680","rank":34,"score":13.491960525512695},{"content":"Legionnaires\u00e2\u0080\u0099 disease, or Legionellosis, is a severe infection caused by Legionella species, primarily L. pneumophila. In fact, L. pneumophila is responsible for 90% of infections. The disease typically presents as pneumonia and symptoms may include a high fever, chills, cough, muscle aches, headaches, and diarrhea.","qid":168216,"docid":"1301465","rank":35,"score":13.814872741699219},{"content":"Legionnaires' disease is a type of pneumonia. It is caused by bacteria called Legionella pneumophila. The bacteria got its name in 1976, when a group of people attending an American Legion convention became infected.egionnaires' disease is a type of pneumonia. It is caused by bacteria called Legionella pneumophila. The bacteria got its name in 1976, when a group of people attending an American Legion convention became infected.","qid":168216,"docid":"3908776","rank":36,"score":13.422050476074219},{"content":"Legionnaires' disease is a severe, often lethal, form of pneumonia. It's caused by the bacterium Legionella pneumophila found in both potable and nonpotable water systems. Each year, an estimated 10,000 to 18,000 people are infected with the Legionella bacteria in the United States.","qid":168216,"docid":"1301467","rank":37,"score":13.77686595916748},{"content":"Also known as Legionellosis, it is a form of pneumonia. Legionellosis is an infection caused by the bacterium Legionella pneumophila. The disease has two distinct forms: Legionnaires' disease, the more severe form of infection which includes pneumonia, and Pontiac fever, a milder illness.lso known as Legionellosis, it is a form of pneumonia. Legionellosis is an infection caused by the bacterium Legionella pneumophila. The disease has two distinct forms: Legionnaires' disease, the more severe form of infection which includes pneumonia, and Pontiac fever, a milder illness.","qid":168216,"docid":"2790904","rank":38,"score":13.762187957763672},{"content":"Legionellosis (LEE-juh-nuh-low-sis) is a respiratory disease caused by Legionella bacteria. Sometimes the bacteria cause a serious type of pneumonia (lung infection) called Legionnaires' disease. The bacteria can also cause a less serious infection called Pontiac fever that has symptoms similar to a mild case of the flu.","qid":168216,"docid":"3681100","rank":39,"score":13.655872344970703},{"content":"Although several other species of the genus Legionella were subsequently identified, L pneumophila is the most frequent cause of human legionellosis and a relatively common cause of community-acquired and nosocomial pneumonia in adults.","qid":168216,"docid":"8731623","rank":40,"score":13.402575492858887},{"content":"About the Disease. Legionnaires' disease is a severe, often lethal, form of pneumonia. It's caused by the bacterium Legionella pneumophila found in both potable and nonpotable water systems. Each year, an estimated 10,000 to 18,000 people are infected with the Legionella bacteria in the United States.bout the Disease. Legionnaires' disease is a severe, often lethal, form of pneumonia. It's caused by the bacterium Legionella pneumophila found in both potable and nonpotable water systems. Each year, an estimated 10,000 to 18,000 people are infected with the Legionella bacteria in the United States.","qid":168216,"docid":"3198689","rank":41,"score":13.343091011047363},{"content":"Legionnaires' disease is a type of pneumonia caused by bacteria. You usually get it by breathing in mist from water that contains the bacteria. The mist may come from hot tubs, showers, or air-conditioning units for large buildings.","qid":168216,"docid":"6219124","rank":42,"score":13.274255752563477},{"content":"Within the species L. pneumophila, human infection is caused primarily (but not exclusively) by a limited number of serogroups\u00e2\u0080\u0094serogroups 1, 4, and 6. L. pneumophila is the most frequent cause of human legionellosis, better known as Legionnaire\u00e2\u0080\u0099s disease in the Legionellaceae family. It is also a relatively common cause of community-acquired and nosocomial pneumonia in adults. (1) And L. pneumophila serogroup 1 alone is responsible for 70-90% of cases.","qid":168216,"docid":"8731622","rank":43,"score":13.73944091796875},{"content":"Origins of Legionnaires' Disease. Infection by Legionella bacteria causes Legionnaires\u00e2\u0080\u0099 Disease which is a potentially fatal form of pneumonia and typically affects men more than women.rigins of Legionnaires' Disease. Infection by Legionella bacteria causes Legionnaires\u00e2\u0080\u0099 Disease which is a potentially fatal form of pneumonia and typically affects men more than women.","qid":168216,"docid":"3198686","rank":44,"score":13.766469955444336},{"content":"However, the number of infections is probably higher because many infections aren\u00e2\u0080\u0099t diagnosed or reported. Some cases are so mild that affected individuals never seek treatment. The symptoms of Legionnaires\u00e2\u0080\u0099 disease are similar to those of other types pneumonia. These symptoms may include fever, chills, and a cough. Many people who are exposed to Legionella don\u00e2\u0080\u0099t become sick. When illness does occur, however, it\u00e2\u0080\u0099s important to see a doctor right away.","qid":168216,"docid":"8319215","rank":45,"score":13.191625595092773},{"content":"What Is Legionnaires' Disease. Legionnaires\u00e2\u0080\u0099 disease, or Legionellosis, is a severe infection caused by Legionella species, primarily L. pneumophila. In fact, L. pneumophila is responsible for 90% of infections.The disease typically presents as pneumonia and symptoms may include a high fever, chills, cough, muscle aches, headaches, and diarrhea.bout the Disease. Legionnaires' disease is a severe, often lethal, form of pneumonia. It's caused by the bacterium Legionella pneumophila found in both potable and nonpotable water systems.","qid":168216,"docid":"3908774","rank":46,"score":13.773484230041504},{"content":"Definition. Legionnaires' disease is a severe form of pneumonia \u00e2\u0080\u0094 lung inflammation usually caused by infection. Legionnaires' disease is caused by a bacterium known as legionella. You can't catch Legionnaires' disease from person-to-person contact.","qid":168216,"docid":"4600610","rank":47,"score":13.398411750793457},{"content":"Legionnaires' disease is a serious lung disease (pneumonia) with chills, high temperature (fever) and muscle pains. You get the infection by breathing in droplets of water which contain legionella germs (bacteria) from contaminated water systems.egionnaires' disease is a serious lung disease (pneumonia) with chills, high temperature (fever) and muscle pains. You get the infection by breathing in droplets of water which contain legionella germs (bacteria) from contaminated water systems.","qid":168216,"docid":"3399717","rank":48,"score":13.227434158325195},{"content":"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Legionella pneumophila is a thin, aerobic, pleomorphic, flagellated, nonspore-forming, Gram-negative bacterium of the genus Legionella. L. pneumophila is the primary human pathogenic bacterium in this group and is the causative agent of Legionnaires' disease, also known as legionellosis. 1 Characterization.","qid":168216,"docid":"8731624","rank":49,"score":13.661046028137207},{"content":"The genus Legionella is a pathogenic group of Gram-negative bacteria that includes the species L. pneumophila, causing legionellosis (all illnesses caused by Legionella) including a pneumonia-type illness called Legionnaires' disease and a mild flu-like illness called Pontiac fever.he genus Legionella is a pathogenic group of Gram-negative bacteria that includes the species L. pneumophila, causing legionellosis (all illnesses caused by Legionella) including a pneumonia-type illness called Legionnaires' disease and a mild flu-like illness called Pontiac fever.","qid":168216,"docid":"6213325","rank":50,"score":13.173803329467773},{"content":"About the Disease. Legionnaires' disease is a severe, often lethal, form of pneumonia. It's caused by the bacterium Legionella pneumophila found in both potable and nonpotable water systems. Each year, an estimated 10,000 to 18,000 people are infected with the Legionella bacteria in the United States.","qid":168216,"docid":"2036279","rank":51,"score":13.564277648925781},{"content":"Legionnaires' disease - acute (sometimes fatal) lobar pneumonia caused by bacteria of a kind first recognized after an outbreak of the disease at an American Legion convention in Philadelphia in 1976; characterized by fever and muscle and chest pain and headache and chills and a dry cough.","qid":168216,"docid":"7337516","rank":52,"score":13.114076614379883},{"content":"Legionella is a type of bacteria that can cause a serious form of pneumonia called Legionnaires disease. Legionella testing detects the presence of the bacteria to help diagnose the cause of a person's pneumonia. legionella infection affects the lower respiratory tract, often requires hospitalization, and has a significant mortality rate. In addition to pneumonia, Legionella bacteria can also cause Pontiac fever, a milder and self-limiting illness with flu-like symptoms.","qid":168216,"docid":"6264731","rank":53,"score":14.045069694519043},{"content":"introduction legionnaires disease is a serious lung infection caused by legionella bacteria initial symptoms usually include flu like symptoms such as mild headaches muscle pain high temperature fever usually 38c 100 4f or above chills tirednesschanges to your mental state such as confusionntroduction legionnaires disease is a serious lung infection caused by legionella bacteria initial symptoms usually include flu like symptoms such as mild headaches muscle pain high temperature fever usually 38c 100 4f or above chills tiredness","qid":168216,"docid":"6426636","rank":54,"score":13.138128280639648},{"content":"A legionella infection affects the lower respiratory tract, often requires hospitalization, and has a significant mortality rate. In addition to pneumonia, Legionella bacteria can also cause Pontiac fever, a milder and self-limiting illness with flu-like symptoms.Together, Legionnaires disease and Pontiac fever are referred to as legionellosis. Legionella bacteria are found naturally throughout the environment. legionella infection affects the lower respiratory tract, often requires hospitalization, and has a significant mortality rate. In addition to pneumonia, Legionella bacteria can also cause Pontiac fever, a milder and self-limiting illness with flu-like symptoms.","qid":168216,"docid":"6264734","rank":55,"score":13.330615997314453},{"content":"About the Disease. Legionnaires' disease is a severe, often lethal, form of pneumonia. It's caused by the bacterium Legionella pneumophila found in both potable and nonpotable water systems.Each year, an estimated 10,000 to 18,000 people are infected with the Legionella bacteria in the United States.bout the Disease. Legionnaires' disease is a severe, often lethal, form of pneumonia. It's caused by the bacterium Legionella pneumophila found in both potable and nonpotable water systems.","qid":168216,"docid":"3908777","rank":56,"score":13.529605865478516},{"content":"The Test Sample. Legionella is a type of bacteria that can cause a serious form of pneumonia called Legionnaires disease. Legionella testing detects the presence of the bacteria to help diagnose the cause of a person's pneumonia.","qid":168216,"docid":"3463556","rank":57,"score":13.87372875213623},{"content":"Legionnaires' disease, also known as legionellosis or Legion fever, is a form of atypical pneumonia caused by any type of Legionella bacteria. Over 90% of cases of Legionnaires' disease are caused by Legionella pneumophila.Other causative species include L. longbeachae, L. feeleii, L. micdadei, and L. anisa.egionnaires' disease, also known as legionellosis or Legion fever, is a form of atypical pneumonia caused by any type of Legionella bacteria. Over 90% of cases of Legionnaires' disease are caused by Legionella pneumophila.","qid":168216,"docid":"3908773","rank":58,"score":13.611867904663086},{"content":"Legionellosis is an infection that is caused by the bacterium Legionella pneumophila. Legionnaires' disease is the more severe form of the infection, which may involve pneumonia. The onset of this form of the disease is usually two to 10 days after infection but can occur up to 16 days later.","qid":168216,"docid":"4324492","rank":59,"score":13.894384384155273},{"content":"PATHOGENICITY\/TOXICITY: L. pneumophila infection can cause Legionnaires' disease, a severe form of pneumonia, . The symptoms of Legionnaire's disease include confusion, headache, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, fever, chills, and myalgia as well as a non-productive cough. Mortality rate is reported to be 15-25% , .ontiac fever has an incubation period of 30 to 90 hours (with 24-48 hours being most common) . COMMUNICABILITY: No person-to-person transfer has been documented. No documentation of zoonotic (animal-to-human) or animal-to-animal transmission cases described.","qid":168216,"docid":"2210780","rank":60,"score":13.55573558807373},{"content":"Streptococcus pneumoniae, a type of bacteria, is the most common cause of pneumonia. Legionella pneumophila is the bacterial type that causes the pneumonia known as Legionnaires' disease.","qid":168216,"docid":"1735360","rank":61,"score":13.326265335083008},{"content":"Legionnaires' disease can have symptoms similar to pneumonia (lung infection), therefore it can be hard to diagnose at first. Signs of Legionnaires' disease can include cough, shortness of breath, high fever, muscle aches, and headaches. These symptoms usually begin 2 to 10 days after being exposed to the bacteria.","qid":168216,"docid":"5024314","rank":62,"score":13.13427448272705},{"content":"Causes. The bacterium Legionella pneumophila is responsible for most cases of Legionnaires' disease. Outdoors, legionella bacteria survive in soil and water, but rarely cause infections.","qid":168216,"docid":"1301468","rank":63,"score":13.330490112304688},{"content":"An acute, sometimes fatal respiratory disease caused by a bacterium of the genus Legionella, especially L. pneumophila, and characterized by severe pneumonia, headache, and a dry cough.","qid":168216,"docid":"7337513","rank":64,"score":13.119013786315918},{"content":"Legionellosis can be a mild respiratory illness or it can be severe enough to cause death. From 10 to 40 percent of healthy adults have antibodies showing previous exposure to the organism, but only a small percentage have a history of previous pneumonia.","qid":168216,"docid":"8319213","rank":65,"score":13.171234130859375},{"content":"Over 90% of cases of Legionnaires' disease are caused by the bacteria Legionella pneumophila. Other types include L. longbeachae, L. feeleii, L. micdadei, and L. anisa. Transmission. Legionnaires' disease is usually spread by the breathing in of aerosolized water and\/or soil contaminated with the Legionella bacteria. Experts have stated that Legionnaires' disease is not transmitted from person to person.","qid":168216,"docid":"8185134","rank":66,"score":13.18946361541748},{"content":"Legionellosis is an infection that is caused by the bacterium Legionella pneumophila. The disease has two distinct forms: Legionnaires' disease is the more severe form of the infection, which may involve pneumonia.","qid":168216,"docid":"4324491","rank":67,"score":13.997593879699707},{"content":"Legionnaires\u00e2\u0080\u0099 disease is a severe type of pneumonia, or lung infection. Bacteria called Legionella cause this infection. The bacteria were discovered after an outbreak at a Philadelphia convention of the American Legion in 1976. Those who were affected developed a form of pneumonia that eventually became known as Legionnaires\u00e2\u0080\u0099 disease. Legionella bacteria usually thrive in warm water.","qid":168216,"docid":"5024311","rank":68,"score":13.833209991455078},{"content":"legionnaires disease also known as legionellosis or legion fever is a form of atypical pneumonia caused by any type of legionella bacteria over 90 % of cases of legionnaires disease are caused by legionella pneumophilaother causative species include l longbeachae l feeleii l micdadei and l anisaegionnaires disease also known as legionellosis or legion fever is a form of atypical pneumonia caused by any type of legionella bacteria over 90 % of cases of legionnaires disease are caused by legionella pneumophila","qid":168216,"docid":"6426634","rank":69,"score":13.583576202392578},{"content":"Legionnaires' disease, also known as legionellosis or Legion fever, is a form of atypical pneumonia caused by any type of Legionella bacteria. Over 90% of cases of Legionnaires' disease are caused by Legionella pneumophila.Other causative species include L. longbeachae, L. feeleii, L. micdadei, and L. anisa.egionnaires' disease, also known as legionellosis or Legion fever, is a form of atypical pneumonia caused by any type of Legionella bacteria. Over 90% of cases of Legionnaires' disease are caused by Legionella pneumophila. Other causative species include L. longbeachae, L. feeleii, L. micdadei, and L. anisa.","qid":168216,"docid":"3198687","rank":70,"score":13.753213882446289},{"content":"What Is Legionnaires' Disease. Legionnaires\u00e2\u0080\u0099 disease, or Legionellosis, is a severe infection caused by Legionella species, primarily L. pneumophila. In fact, L. pneumophila is responsible for 90% of infections. The disease typically presents as pneumonia and symptoms may include a high fever, chills, cough, muscle aches, headaches, and diarrhea.","qid":168216,"docid":"3681095","rank":71,"score":13.886540412902832},{"content":"The bacterium legionella causes Legionnaires' disease, a lung infection which is a severe form of pneumonia. The disease spreads by inhaling the bacteria or through contact with a person suffering from the disease. Legionella also cause a flu-like illness called Pontiac fever.Yaws disease is a relatively lesser known disease caused by the bacteria Treponema pertenue. It affects the skin, bones, and cartilage, and spreads through skin contact.he bacterium legionella causes Legionnaires' disease, a lung infection which is a severe form of pneumonia. The disease spreads by inhaling the bacteria or through contact with a person suffering from the disease. Legionella also cause a flu-like illness called Pontiac fever.","qid":168216,"docid":"6012600","rank":72,"score":13.336446762084961},{"content":"Legionellosis, or Legionnaire's disease, is a type of pneumonia caused by Legionella bacteria. Legionnaires' disease is not contagious, and you cannot catch it from another person. The bacteria are common and grow in water.People often receive low-level exposure in the environment without getting sick. Unlike Legionnaires disease, which can be a serious and deadly form of pneumonia, Pontiac fever produces flu-like symptoms that may include fever, headache, tiredness, loss of appetite, muscle and joint pain, chills, nausea, and a dry cough. 2 Full recovery occurs in 2 to 5 days without antibiotics.","qid":168216,"docid":"3399718","rank":73,"score":13.445296287536621},{"content":"legionnaires disease is a lung infection pneumonia that is caused by the legionella pneumophila commonly referred to as legionella bacteriumit is named after the first recorded outbreak at the 1976 american legions convention in philadelphia which led to 34 deathsegionnaires disease is caused when legionella bacteria enters the lungs through microscopic water droplets transmission usually happens though the nose inhalation and less often the oral cavity aspiration for example when coughing reroutes some ingested fluid down the respiratory tract","qid":168216,"docid":"6426632","rank":74,"score":13.646241188049316},{"content":"legionella are bacteria that live in water that can cause two types of illness in humans legionnaires disease and pontiac feverlegionnaires disease is a serious respiratory illness that results in pneumoniaegionella are bacteria that live in water that can cause two types of illness in humans legionnaires disease and pontiac fever","qid":168216,"docid":"6061719","rank":75,"score":13.320568084716797},{"content":"Legionnaires' disease, also known as legionellosis or Legion fever, is a form of atypical pneumonia caused by any type of Legionella bacteria. Over 90% of cases of Legionnaires' disease are caused by Legionella pneumophila. Other causative species include L. longbeachae, L. feeleii, L. micdadei, and L. anisa.","qid":168216,"docid":"5935476","rank":76,"score":13.672480583190918},{"content":"Legionnaires' disease is a severe form of pneumonia \u00e2\u0080\u0094 lung inflammation usually caused by infection. Legionnaires' disease is caused by a bacterium known as legionella. You can't catch legionnaires' disease from person-to-person contact. Instead, most people get legionnaires' disease from inhaling the bacteria.","qid":168216,"docid":"1090089","rank":77,"score":13.806398391723633},{"content":"Legionnaires' disease is a severe form of pneumonia \u00e2\u0080\u0094 lung inflammation usually caused by infection. Legionnaires' disease is caused by a bacterium known as legionella.You can't catch Legionnaires' disease from person-to-person contact. Instead, most people get Legionnaires' disease from inhaling the bacteria.efinition. Legionnaires' disease is a severe form of pneumonia \u00e2\u0080\u0094 lung inflammation usually caused by infection. Legionnaires' disease is caused by a bacterium known as legionella. You can't catch Legionnaires' disease from person-to-person contact.","qid":168216,"docid":"6213323","rank":78,"score":13.532179832458496},{"content":"Legionellosis is an infection that is caused by the bacterium Legionella pneumophila. The disease has two distinct forms: 1 Legionnaires' disease is the more severe form of the infection, which may involve pneumonia. 2 Pontiac fever is a milder illness that develops from hours to two days after initial infection and resolves spontaneously.","qid":168216,"docid":"5935474","rank":79,"score":13.476343154907227},{"content":"Legionella are bacteria that live in water that can cause two types of illness in humans: Legionnaires\u00e2\u0080\u0099 disease and Pontiac fever.Legionnaires\u00e2\u0080\u0099 disease is a serious respiratory illness that results in pneumonia.egionella are bacteria that live in water that can cause two types of illness in humans: Legionnaires\u00e2\u0080\u0099 disease and Pontiac fever.","qid":168216,"docid":"6264729","rank":80,"score":13.17035961151123},{"content":"causes the bacterium legionella pneumophila is responsible for most cases of legionnaires disease outdoors legionella bacteria survive in soil and water but rarely cause infectionsauses the bacterium legionella pneumophila is responsible for most cases of legionnaires disease outdoors legionella bacteria survive in soil and water but rarely cause infections","qid":168216,"docid":"6061726","rank":81,"score":13.514931678771973},{"content":"Legionella pneumophila is the bacterial type that causes the pneumonia known as Legionnaires' disease. Other bacteria types that can cause pneumonia include the bacteria that cause so-called atypical pneumonia, Legionella pneumophila, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, and Chlamydophila pneumonia. The most common cause of viral pneumonia in adults is the influenza virus.","qid":168216,"docid":"3830857","rank":82,"score":14.605968475341797},{"content":"Pneumonia due to mycoplasma and chlamydophila bacteria is usually mild. 1 Pneumonia due to Legionella pneumophila gets worse during the first 4 to 6 days, and then improves over 4 to 5 days. Even though symptoms will improve, it may take a while for them to go away completely.","qid":168216,"docid":"4792583","rank":83,"score":13.223052024841309},{"content":"Legionnaires' disease, also known as legionellosis or Legion fever, is a form of atypical pneumonia caused by any type of Legionella bacteria.Over 90% of cases of Legionnaires' disease are caused by Legionella pneumophila. Other causative species include L. longbeachae, L. feeleii, L. micdadei, and L. anisa.he length of time between exposure to the bacteria and the appearance of symptoms is generally two to 10 days, but can rarely extend to as much as 20 days. For the general population, among those exposed between 0.1 to 5% develop disease, while among those in hospital between 0.4 to 14% develop disease.","qid":168216,"docid":"6264732","rank":84,"score":13.50146484375},{"content":"Knowledge center. With the current outbreak of Legionnaires' disease in south Wales, here are some facts about the illness. Legionnaires' disease, also called Legionellosis is a lung infection, a form of pneumonia which can be fatal, caused by the legionella bacterium.s Legionnaires' disease signs and symptoms are often mild, it is likely that the real number of infections is considerably higher than the reported ones. Legionnaires' disease may be hard to diagnose at first because its signs and symptoms may be very similar to other forms of pneumonia.","qid":168216,"docid":"3198683","rank":85,"score":13.138978004455566},{"content":"Legionnaires' disease (Legionellosis) is a serious and sometimes fatal form of pneumonia caused by the bacteria Legionella. Although not all cases of Legionnaires' disease are severe, up to ten per cent of cases can be fatal. There are over forty strains of Legionella bacteria but only a few cause disease in humans.","qid":168216,"docid":"6219118","rank":86,"score":13.647111892700195},{"content":"Lastly, legionellosis is the infection caused by L. pneumophila and can cause either: Legionnaires' disease, which is characterized by fever, myalgia, cough, pneumonia, or Pontiac fever, a milder illness without pneumonia.","qid":168216,"docid":"8731617","rank":87,"score":14.160888671875},{"content":"Definition. Legionnaires' disease is a severe form of pneumonia \u00e2\u0080\u0094 lung inflammation usually caused by infection. Legionnaires' disease is caused by a bacterium known as legionella. You can't catch Legionnaires' disease from person-to-person contact.Instead, most people get Legionnaires' disease from inhaling the bacteria.efinition. Legionnaires' disease is a severe form of pneumonia \u00e2\u0080\u0094 lung inflammation usually caused by infection. Legionnaires' disease is caused by a bacterium known as legionella. You can't catch Legionnaires' disease from person-to-person contact.","qid":168216,"docid":"3198681","rank":88,"score":13.458881378173828},{"content":"Legionella pneumophila is the bacterial type that causes the pneumonia known as Legionnaires' disease. Other bacteria types that can cause pneumonia include the bacteria that cause so-called atypical pneumonia, Legionella pneumophila, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, and Chlamydophila pneumonia. Haemophilus influenzae is a type of bacteria that can cause pneumonia.","qid":168216,"docid":"1381477","rank":89,"score":14.804380416870117},{"content":"Streptococcus pneumoniae, a type of bacteria, is the most common cause of pneumonia. Legionella pneumophila is the bacterial type that causes the pneumonia known as Legionnaires' disease. Other bacteria types that can cause pneumonia include the bacteria that cause so-called atypical pneumonia, Legionella pneumophila, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, and Chlamydophila pneumonia. The most common cause of viral pneumonia in adults is the influenza virus. A number of different respiratory viruses cause pneumonia in children, such as respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).","qid":168216,"docid":"13499","rank":90,"score":13.745100975036621},{"content":"Legionnaire disease can cause a massive pneumonia associated with collapse of the respiratory function. It can be an overwhelming and sometimes fatal illness. The disease was first identified as a sequel of the 1976 convention of the American Legion in some of the Legionnaires who had attended the convention.","qid":168216,"docid":"1090095","rank":91,"score":13.101289749145508},{"content":"Legionnaires disease (LD) is the pneumonia caused by Legionella pneumophila. LD also refers to a more benign, self-limited, acute febrile illness known as Pontiac fever, which has been linked serologically to L pneumophila, although it presents without pneumonia. (See Pathophysiology and Etiology.)","qid":168216,"docid":"8731621","rank":92,"score":13.305211067199707},{"content":"Legionnaires' disease. Legionnaires' disease is a form of atypical pneumonia caused by any type of Legionella bacteria. Signs and symptoms include cough, shortness of breath, high fever, muscle pains, and headaches. Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may also occur. This often begins two to ten days after being exposed.","qid":168216,"docid":"3681097","rank":93,"score":13.681739807128906},{"content":"A common cause of bacterial pneumonia is Streptococcus pneumoniae. Other bacteria can cause pneumonia, including Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydophila (Chlamydia) pneumoniae, Chlamydophila (Chlamydia) psittaci, and Legionella pneumophila. This illness, caused by Chlamydophila (or Chlamydia) pneumoniae, is most common in school-aged children and usually develops into mild pneumonia or bronchitis\u00e2\u0080\u00a6. 2 Legionnaires\u00e2\u0080\u0099 Disease. 3 Legionella pneumophila causes more than 90% of outbreaks of Legionnaires\u00e2\u0080\u0099 disease, a severe form of pneumonia\u00e2\u0080\u00a6.","qid":168216,"docid":"2265769","rank":94,"score":13.33517074584961},{"content":"Legionnaires' Disease. Summary. Legionnaires' disease is a type of pneumonia caused by bacteria. You usually get it by breathing in mist from water that contains the bacteria. The mist may come from hot tubs, showers, or air-conditioning units for large buildings. The bacteria don't spread from person to person.","qid":168216,"docid":"3681093","rank":95,"score":13.259759902954102},{"content":"Legionnaires' disease is a type of pneumonia. It is caused by bacteria called Legionella pneumophila. The bacteria got its name in 1976, when a group of people attending an American Legion convention became infected.","qid":168216,"docid":"1301474","rank":96,"score":13.488865852355957},{"content":"Legionnaires' disease: Introduction. Legionnaires' disease: Legionnaires' disease, which is also known as Legionellosis, is a form of pneumonia. It is often called Legionnaires' disease because the first ... more about Legionnaires' disease. Legionnaires' disease: A severe respiratory disease which is caused by the Legionella pneumophila bacteria. The condition can result in pneumonia and can be life-threatening. More detailed information about the symptoms, causes, and treatments of Legionnaires' disease is available below.","qid":168216,"docid":"5024307","rank":97,"score":13.376825332641602},{"content":"What Is Legionnaires' Disease. Legionnaires\u00e2\u0080\u0099 disease, or Legionellosis, is a severe infection caused by Legionella species, primarily L. pneumophila. In fact, L. pneumophila is responsible for 90% of infections.The disease typically presents as pneumonia and symptoms may include a high fever, chills, cough, muscle aches, headaches, and diarrhea.bout the Disease. Legionnaires' disease is a severe, often lethal, form of pneumonia. It's caused by the bacterium Legionella pneumophila found in both potable and nonpotable water systems. Each year, an estimated 10,000 to 18,000 people are infected with the Legionella bacteria in the United States.","qid":168216,"docid":"6213322","rank":98,"score":13.623218536376953},{"content":"legionnaires disease is a serious lung infection caused by legionella bacteria initial symptoms usually include flu like symptoms such as mild headaches muscle pain high temperature fever usually 38c 100 4f or above chillstiredness changes to your mental state such as confusionntroduction legionnaires disease is a serious lung infection caused by legionella bacteria initial symptoms usually include flu like symptoms such as mild headaches muscle pain high temperature fever usually 38c 100 4f or above chills tiredness","qid":168216,"docid":"6426635","rank":99,"score":13.23853874206543},{"content":"definition legionnaires disease is a severe form of pneumonia lung inflammation usually caused by infection legionnaires disease is caused by a bacterium known as legionella you can t catch legionnaires disease from person to person contactinstead most people get legionnaires disease from inhaling the bacteriaefinition legionnaires disease is a severe form of pneumonia lung inflammation usually caused by infection legionnaires disease is caused by a bacterium known as legionella you can t catch legionnaires disease from person to person contact","qid":168216,"docid":"6426637","rank":100,"score":13.121225357055664}]} {"query":"what is the daily life of thai people","hits":[{"content":"Thai Malays represent 3% of the population, with the remainder consisting of Mons, Khmers and various hill tribes . The country's official language is Thai and the primary religion is Theravada Buddhism, which is practised by around 95% of the population.he north of the country is the mountainous area of the Thai highlands, with the highest point being Doi Inthanon in the Thanon Thong Chai Range at 2,565 metres (8,415 ft) above sea level. The northeast, Isan, consists of the Khorat Plateau, bordered to the east by the Mekong River.","qid":1112341,"docid":"4416075","rank":1,"score":10.95062255859375},{"content":"It can. I think a budget of around $50 USD per day would be perfect for a short vacation to Thailand. You don\u00e2\u0080\u0099t need to spend as much as I did. I spent a lot of money going out, using the Internet for work, and seeing a doctor. If I cut out those expenses, my average drops to 1,421.16 Baht or $47.31 USD per day.ote: $1 USD = 30 Baht. For Thailand, that\u00e2\u0080\u0099s a lot of money. I tell people that backpacking around Thailand costs $30\u00e2\u0080\u009335 USD per day, depending on how much alcohol you consume and how many days you spend on the islands, where costs are higher. Most of the time, I spend less than that.","qid":1112341,"docid":"6422795","rank":2,"score":10.854978561401367},{"content":"The Kingdom of Thailand is the official, modern name for Thailand. It was formerly known as Siam until the king changed it in 1939. 2 people found this useful.","qid":1112341,"docid":"6564219","rank":3,"score":10.768838882446289},{"content":"Thailand Population Density. Thailand is the 51st largest country on earth in terms of total area, but 20th in terms of population. Thailand is 88th in terms of population density, with 132.1 people per square kilometer (342\/square mile), based on the 2011 population figures.he life expectancy for an average Thai citizen is also growing but there are many threats to the population. It\u00e2\u0080\u0099s widely accepted that AIDS has reached epidemic proportions in this country and in the present day, 700,000 Thais are HIV positive or have AIDS.","qid":1112341,"docid":"8442177","rank":4,"score":11.350080490112305},{"content":"Find work in Thailand. If you want to live in Thailand, you'll need a source of income. Some people who work exclusively online or for themselves manage to find ways of living in Thailand without finding a job located there. Most likely, you'll want to find employment in the country.f you plan to live and work in Thailand, having a bank account will be helpful for navigating everyday life. This is one of those activities that you really can only do, once you\u00e2\u0080\u0099ve made the move. 1 There are international bank locations located in Thailand you can use, if you decide to keep your original bank.","qid":1112341,"docid":"8326588","rank":5,"score":10.993921279907227},{"content":"Public holidays in Thailand. Public holidays in Thailand are regulated by the government, and most are observed by both the public and private sectors. There are usually sixteen public holidays in a year, but more may be declared by the cabinet.","qid":1112341,"docid":"2925766","rank":6,"score":10.84516716003418},{"content":"1 Thailand: Land and People-Land and People Thailand has a tropical, monsoonal climate. 2 The heart of the country, the fertile ...hile 75% of the people are ethnically Thai, the country has a large Chinese minority, accounting for almost 15% of the population. Local trade is chiefly in the hands of the Chinese, and as a consequence there has been substantial tension between Thais and Chinese.","qid":1112341,"docid":"3795896","rank":7,"score":11.451765060424805},{"content":"THAI GOVERNMENTAL STRUCTURE (Under Thailand's 1997 [B.E. 2540] Constitution). The Role of the King: Thailand is a constitutional monarchy, under which form of government the King serves the People of Thailand as HEAD OF STATE, under the terms of the Constitution of Thailand.","qid":1112341,"docid":"2626926","rank":8,"score":11.025091171264648},{"content":"The Cost of Food and Drink in Thailand. In one full month in Thailand, I spent THB7,392 on food, or about $204. This works out to a daily average of $6.50, or $2.20 per meal! Many people in western countries will spend $50 on food per day from eating out; on average, I spent $46 per week! This number does not reflect the price of alcohol, except for the occasional beer with dinner.","qid":1112341,"docid":"1450347","rank":9,"score":11.161458969116211},{"content":"The following concepts are part of Thai everyday life: \u00e0\u00b9\u0083\u00e0\u00b8\u0088\u00e0\u00b9\u0080\u00e0\u00b8\u00a2\u00e0\u00b9\u0087\u00e0\u00b8\u0099 or JAI YEN is more a way of life, it is to keep your temper whatever the situation.","qid":1112341,"docid":"8139257","rank":10,"score":11.261667251586914},{"content":"Top 10 Thai Dishes You Just Have to Eat. Thai cuisine is one of the most renowned in the world. It is well known for the diversity of ingredients, outstanding spiciness and ample medicinal properties. Most of Thai food is cooked and refined with more than two types of herbs or spices which are beneficial to health. The (mostly unconscious) principle Thai food is the balance of five flavors which are spicy, salty, sweet, sour and bitter.","qid":1112341,"docid":"7597738","rank":11,"score":11.007661819458008},{"content":"Thailand is also home for more than 200,000 foreigners either as retirees, extended tourists, and workers, from for example, Europe (specifically United Kingdom) and North America. Asians tend to be guest or technical workers in Thailand.ven though Thailand has one of the best social security systems in Asia, the increasing population of elderly people is a challenge for the country. Life expectancy has risen, a positive reflection of Thailand's efforts in executing effective public health policies.","qid":1112341,"docid":"8442180","rank":12,"score":11.24422550201416},{"content":"At nicer places, a portion of food can cost up to 100 baht or even more. Generally, single portions are not ordered but multiple dishes that are shared between friends. A typical bill for four people might be around 500 baht at a moderate restaurant, not including drinks.our power bills could be as low as 1000 Baht per month, or 4000 baht and up if you have a larger place and use your aircon a lot. Mobile phones are big business in Thailand and many people don't bother with landlines.","qid":1112341,"docid":"8700912","rank":13,"score":10.7767333984375},{"content":"In Thailand, curry is usually a soupy dish consisting of coconut milk or water, curry paste and meat. Thai curries tend to be more soup-like compared to their thicker Indian cousins. Curries are the richest dish of Thai cuisine, being based on spicy herb and spice pastes, i.e. curry pastes.","qid":1112341,"docid":"94296","rank":14,"score":10.894009590148926},{"content":"The population of Thailand is approximately 67.5 million people, with an annual growth rate of about 0.3 percent. In addition to Thai, it includes ethnic Chinese, Malay, Lao,Burma, Cambodia, and Indians, among others.ven though Thailand has one of the best social security systems in Asia, the increasing population of elderly people is a challenge for the country. Life expectancy has risen, a positive reflection of Thailand's efforts in executing effective public health policies.","qid":1112341,"docid":"8442178","rank":15,"score":11.580729484558105},{"content":"Thailand functions as an anchor economy for the neighbouring developing economies of Laos, Myanmar, and Cambodia. In the third quarter of 2014, the unemployment rate in Thailand stood at 0.84% according to Thailand's National Economic and Social Development Board (NESDB).hai Malays represent 3% of the population, with the remainder consisting of Mons, Khmers and various hill tribes . The country's official language is Thai and the primary religion is Theravada Buddhism, which is practised by around 95% of the population.","qid":1112341,"docid":"6681382","rank":16,"score":11.195377349853516},{"content":"Everyday life. Everyday life, daily life or routine life comprises the ways in which people typically act, think, and feel on a daily basis. Everyday life may be described as mundane, routine, natural, habitual, or normal. Human diurnality means most people sleep at least part of the night and are active in daytime. Most eat two or three meals in a day. Working time mostly involves a daily schedule, beginning in the morning. This produces the daily rush hours experienced by many millions, and the drive time fo","qid":1112341,"docid":"550571","rank":17,"score":11.385969161987305},{"content":"The Luk Thep dolls have since become a large part of peoples\u00e2\u0080\u0099 lives in Thailand and a world-wide sensation. In January 2016, the media almost lost its mind learning that Thai Smile Airways would now permit the purchasing of a seat for a Luk Thep doll.","qid":1112341,"docid":"8139254","rank":18,"score":10.75202751159668},{"content":"Thailand experienced rapid economic growth between 1985 and 1996, becoming a newly industrialised country and a major exporter. Manufacturing, agriculture, and tourism are leading sectors of the economy. Among the ten ASEAN countries, Thailand ranks third in quality of life. and the country's HDI is rated as high.he signature of King Mongkut (r. 1851 \u00e2\u0080\u0093 1868) reads SPPM (Somdet Phra Poramenthra Maha) Mongkut King of Siam, giving it official status until 23 June 1939 when it was changed to Thailand. Thailand was renamed Siam from 1945 to 11 May 1949, after which it again reverted to Thailand.","qid":1112341,"docid":"3795889","rank":19,"score":10.876106262207031},{"content":"Daily life and social customs. There are distinct differences in the pattern of daily life for Peruvians, depending on their social class and whether they live in rural or urban settings. Most people who live in rural areas are very dependent on the agricultural cycle.","qid":1112341,"docid":"7242813","rank":20,"score":11.241443634033203},{"content":"The Daily Life of a Thai Monk The Sangha World in Thailand consists of about 200,000 monks and 85,000 novices at most times of the year. However, these numbers increase during the Buddhist lent to 300,000 and 100,000 novices.his is the last solid food they are allowed to consume until sunrise the following morning. 1.00 pm-Classes in Buddhist teaching begin. Some monks may attend school outside the temple. 6.00 pm-A two-hour session of meditation and prayer begins. 8.00 pm-The monks retire to do homework.","qid":1112341,"docid":"8606160","rank":21,"score":12.32823371887207},{"content":"1 Citizens from most countries can enter and stay in Thailand for 30 consecutive days with a valid passport. 2 Your time in Thailand can be extended for up to 90 days. 3 After the 90 day period, you must apply for a visa to remain in the country. Your time in Thailand can be extended for up to 90 days. 2 After the 90 day period, you must apply for a visa to remain in the country. 3 Some foreigners use this loophole to avoid getting a visa.","qid":1112341,"docid":"5209406","rank":22,"score":10.955293655395508},{"content":"This works out to a daily average of $7.50, or $2.50 per meal ! Many people in western countries can spend $50 on food per day from eating out; on average, I spent $52.50 per week! This number does not reflect the price of alcohol, except for the occasional beer with dinner.","qid":1112341,"docid":"3951052","rank":23,"score":11.238661766052246},{"content":"Thai is a tonal language - that is the tone used to pronounce a word can change its meaning. Thai has five tones -- low, middle, high, rising and falling. For example, the word 'mai' in a falling tone means 'not' but at the end of a sentence with a high tone it indicates a question.","qid":1112341,"docid":"478771","rank":24,"score":10.82896614074707},{"content":"Thai cuisine is essentially a marriage of centuries-old Eastern and Western influences harmoniously combined into something uniquely Thai. Characteristics of Thai food depend on who cooks it, for whom it is cooked, for what occasion, and where it is cooked. Dishes can be refined and adjusted to suit all palates. Originally, Thai cooking reflected the characteristics of a waterborne lifestyle. Aquatic animals, plant and herbs were major ingredients.","qid":1112341,"docid":"3524227","rank":25,"score":10.885541915893555},{"content":"GDP of 7.88 billion baht and the average income per head is 109,696 baht. Education system in Thailand holds to the principle of lifelong education. in which the formal education refers to basic education with six years of primary level, three years of lower secondary level and three years of upper secondary level. The.","qid":1112341,"docid":"8474289","rank":26,"score":10.988203048706055},{"content":"In 1960, the population growth was at its height with figures of around 3.1% but this has fallen to around 0.4% today. The life expectancy for an average Thai citizen is also growing but there are many threats to the population.","qid":1112341,"docid":"5043407","rank":27,"score":11.389760971069336},{"content":"This article is about Thailand's ethnic majority. For other Tai ethnic groups, which Thais are part of, see Tai peoples. For the population of Thailand in general, see Demographics of Thailand. The Thai people or Thais (Thai: \u00e0\u00b9\u0084\u00e0\u00b8\u0097\u00e0\u00b8\u00a2\u00e0\u00b8\u00aa\u00e0\u00b8\u00a2\u00e0\u00b8\u00b2\u00e0\u00b8\u00a1), formerly known also as Siamese, are a nation and Tai ethnic group native to Southeast Asia, primarily Thailand.","qid":1112341,"docid":"6726346","rank":28,"score":11.8767671585083},{"content":"Thailand is an emerging economy and is considered a newly industrialised country. Thailand had a 2013 GDP of US$673 billion (on a purchasing power parity [PPP] basis). Thailand is the 2nd largest economy in Southeast Asia after Indonesia.Thailand ranks midway in the wealth spread in Southeast Asia as it is the 4th richest nation according to GDP per capita, after Singapore, Brunei, and Malaysia.ourism in Thailand makes up about 6% of the economy. Thailand was the most visited country in Southeast Asia in 2013, according to the World Tourism Organisation. Prostitution in Thailand and sex tourism also form a de facto part of the economy.","qid":1112341,"docid":"545689","rank":29,"score":10.852136611938477},{"content":"An important thing in everyday life is SANUK. Thai people love to have fun together. SANUK can represent many things : eat together, to be with friends and chat, to go out with friends. For Thai people SANUK happens with several persons.","qid":1112341,"docid":"8139255","rank":30,"score":11.943050384521484},{"content":"Thailand. The average income in Thailand for more educated employees and jobs in the biggest cities is from around 300,000 BHT per year to around 600,000 BHT per year, while wages for not educated workers can be much lower.IT salaries in Thailand.As ZdNet Asia survey shows the average salary for IT's in Thailand is around 600,000 BHT per year. IT Project Manager earn around 1,000,000 BHT per year.hailand. The average income in Thailand for more educated employees and jobs in the biggest cities is from around 300,000 BHT per year to around 600,000 BHT per year, while wages for not educated workers can be much lower.","qid":1112341,"docid":"6903057","rank":31,"score":10.78756332397461},{"content":"If you're eating three staple meals in a backpacker style restaurant, you'll be spending more like 250-400B a day. If you're eating dinner at proper restaurants, then you could easily be spending 300B or more a meal. Water. Thailand is hot and you'll need to be drinking a lot of water. At least two to three litres of water a day -- that will cost around 40-60B a day.","qid":1112341,"docid":"1087926","rank":32,"score":11.098763465881348},{"content":"In Thailand, curry is usually a soupy dish consisting of coconut milk or water, curry paste and meat. Thai curries tend to be more soup-like compared to their thicker Indian cousins. Curries are the richest dish of Thai cuisine, being based on spicy herb and spice pastes, i.e. curry pastes. There are dozens of different types of curries in Thailand varying by the use of various types of curry pastes, the addition of coconut or water and different combinations of meats, herbs, vegetables and fruits.","qid":1112341,"docid":"7674326","rank":33,"score":10.936476707458496},{"content":"The average income for the average Thai person is around 10 000Baht\\\\mth for a full time job, girls working inn bars, maybe average around 40 000baht\\\\mth. 9 people found this useful. Edit.","qid":1112341,"docid":"6342847","rank":34,"score":10.947783470153809},{"content":"Also the food is not an enemy to be avoided but a good excuse to spend time with friends, family and co-workers. They don\u00e2\u0080\u0099t use the knife \u00e2\u0080\u0093 when it comes to table etiquette Thais use the spoon that goes in the right hand and the fork in the left one. This is not a big issue since the local food is usually finely cut.","qid":1112341,"docid":"6726345","rank":35,"score":11.260988235473633},{"content":"Report Abuse. Thai people speak Thai-central Thai is the kingdom's official country and is taught at all public schools around the country. Thailand also has dialects that in vocabulary, but not in grammatical structure or in or alphabet, is different from Central Thai.","qid":1112341,"docid":"2735219","rank":36,"score":11.289437294006348},{"content":"Thai Culture and Buddhist Traditions. 1 Thai culture is Buddhist. 2 Accordingly the culture is one where individuals are taught to think for themselves and not be subjugated by religious authorities as is the case with Christain, Jewish or Muslim religions. In Thai society Thai culture is such that people do not mix self delusion in their thoughts and conversation. 2 This is seen as foolish. 3 Good examples of self delusion include arrogance, superiority beliefs, social status etc. 4 Some cultures do not make the distinction.","qid":1112341,"docid":"2694636","rank":37,"score":10.990373611450195},{"content":"Thai is the official language of Thailand, spoken by over 20 million people (2000), Standard Thai is based on the register of the educated classes of Bangkok. In addition to Central Thai, Thailand is home to other related Tai languages.","qid":1112341,"docid":"2596432","rank":38,"score":11.49094295501709},{"content":"How much does it cost to travel to Thailand? How much money will you need in Thailand? \u00e0\u00b8\u00bf2,179 ($70) is the average daily price for traveling in Thailand. The average price of food for one day is \u00e0\u00b8\u00bf479 ($15). The average price of a hotel for a couple is \u00e0\u00b8\u00bf2,093 ($67). Additional pricing is in the table below. These average travel prices have been collected from other travelers to help you plan your own travel budget.","qid":1112341,"docid":"4833309","rank":39,"score":10.933210372924805},{"content":"The Cost of Food and Drink in Thailand. In one full month in Thailand, I spent THB7,392 on food, or about $204. This works out to a daily average of $6.50, or $2.20 per meal! Many people in western countries will spend $50 on food per day from eating out; on average, I spent $46 per week!","qid":1112341,"docid":"1087928","rank":40,"score":11.163948059082031},{"content":"\u00e2\u0097\u0084 browse the website \u00e2\u0096\u00ba. I am a 71 year old Australian living in Thailand for 6 months of each year. Any old age pensioner who does not have a drinking habit, or any other similar habit, can live very well in Thailand and be respected and treated like a person who is worthy of having many friendships.f you are not a Thai citizen there are rules as to how long you can stay in the country. These rules vary according to the type of visa you have. If you live near a border you simply go across the border and back again every 2 weeks or in some cases every 6 or 12 weeks.","qid":1112341,"docid":"2663365","rank":41,"score":11.168488502502441},{"content":"Thai cuisine (Thai: \u00e0\u00b8\u00ad\u00e0\u00b8\u00b2\u00e0\u00b8\u00ab\u00e0\u00b8\u00b2\u00e0\u00b8\u00a3\u00e0\u00b9\u0084\u00e0\u00b8\u0097\u00e0\u00b8\u00a2, rtgs: Ahan Thai, pronounced [\u00ca\u0094\u00c4\u0081\u00cb\u0090.h\u00c7\u008e\u00cb\u0090n t\u00ca\u00b0\u00c4\u0081j]) is the national cuisine of Thailand. Balance, detail, and variety are of paramount significance to Thai chefs. Thai cooking places emphasis on lightly prepared dishes with strong aromatic components and a spicy edge.","qid":1112341,"docid":"508019","rank":42,"score":10.8648042678833},{"content":"The official language of Thailand is Thai, a Siamese language closely related to Lao, Shan in Burma, and numerous smaller languages of southern China and northern Vietnam. It is the principal language of education and government and is spoken throughout the country.","qid":1112341,"docid":"2735220","rank":43,"score":10.864715576171875},{"content":"The King and Queen of Thailand \u00c2\u00a9 google images. Thailand is one of the most fascinating countries to visit on earth. Culturally there are many practices and beliefs that are very different to those from Western societies.Here\u00e2\u0080\u0099s a few to whet your appetite to learn more, and to practice respectfully while you travel throughout Thailand.he King and Queen of Thailand \u00c2\u00a9 google images. Thailand is one of the most fascinating countries to visit on earth. Culturally there are many practices and beliefs that are very different to those from Western societies.","qid":1112341,"docid":"6311798","rank":44,"score":10.83000373840332},{"content":"While the country's population is spread fairly well, a substantial amount of people live in Bangkok and the surrounding Bangkok Metropolitan Region. Bangkok, located in Central Thailand, has a population of more than 8 million, or close to 13% of the country's population.More than 14 million (or 22.2% of the total population) live in the Bangkok Metropolitan Region. This means Bangkok is much larger than any other urban areas in Thailand.he life expectancy for an average Thai citizen is also growing but there are many threats to the population. It\u00e2\u0080\u0099s widely accepted that AIDS has reached epidemic proportions in this country and in the present day, 700,000 Thais are HIV positive or have AIDS.","qid":1112341,"docid":"8442174","rank":45,"score":11.092058181762695},{"content":"Thailand experienced rapid economic growth between 1985 and 1996, becoming a newly industrialised country and a major exporter. Manufacturing, agriculture, and tourism are leading sectors of the economy. Among the ten ASEAN countries, Thailand ranks third in quality of life. and the country's HDI is rated as high.hailand had a 2013 GDP of US$673 billion (on a purchasing power parity [PPP] basis). Thailand is the 2nd largest economy in Southeast Asia after Indonesia. Thailand ranks midway in the wealth spread in Southeast Asia as it is the 4th richest nation according to GDP per capita, after Singapore, Brunei, and Malaysia.","qid":1112341,"docid":"6227266","rank":46,"score":10.75150203704834},{"content":"There are loads of options for traveling around the country of Thailand. Buses are easy and efficient and there is a big range of transportation classes. Motorbikes are available for rent all over Thailand for around 200 THB ($6.62) per day. Overall Thailand trip cost \u00e2\u0080\u0093 To have a good time and travel freely, the cost of travel in Thailand is anywhere from $15 \u00e2\u0080\u0093 $35 per day, highly varying on where you go and what activities you choose to do.","qid":1112341,"docid":"4833308","rank":47,"score":11.008575439453125},{"content":"15 days\/year. Employees are entitled to 40 days of annual paid leave: 10 days for personal leave; 10 days for vacation and 30 days for sick leave. There are at least 13 national and religious holidays per year. Most Thai people tend to take vacation at least twice a year to join their children's semester breaks.3 days\/year. There are 13 public holidays per year. In Chile, some holidays that fall on working days are moved to the following Monday, which allows employees to enjoy a 3-day \u00e2\u0080\u009cweekend\u00e2\u0080\u009d. This law was approved partly because the government considers that longer weekends favour tourism.","qid":1112341,"docid":"3321419","rank":48,"score":10.810001373291016},{"content":"The politics of Thailand are currently conducted within the framework of a constitutional. democratic monarchy, whereby the Prime Minister is the head of government and a hereditary. monarch is head of state.","qid":1112341,"docid":"2603919","rank":49,"score":10.75396728515625},{"content":"Thailand is a constitutional monarchy, under which form of government the King serves the People of Thailand as HEAD OF STATE, under the terms of the Constitution of Thailand.","qid":1112341,"docid":"4867303","rank":50,"score":10.888040542602539},{"content":"Thai cuisine is one of the most popular cuisines in the world. In 2011, seven of Thailand's popular dishes appeared on the list of the World's 50 Most Delicious Foods (Readers' Pick)\u00e2\u0080\u0094 a worldwide online poll of 35,000 people by CNN Travel. Thailand had more dishes on the list than any other country.","qid":1112341,"docid":"508020","rank":51,"score":10.96786117553711},{"content":"Budget travelers can often get by in Thailand for $20 to $30 per day, while others with higher budgets and less time can spend that much on one meal in an upscale place! Note: All prices are US dollars rounded from Thai baht.udget travelers can often get by in Thailand for $20 to $30 per day, while others with higher budgets and less time can spend that much on one meal in an upscale place! Note: All prices are US dollars rounded from Thai baht.","qid":1112341,"docid":"5491786","rank":52,"score":11.11227035522461},{"content":"About 75 percent of the inhabitants of Thailand are Thai. The largest minority group consists of the Chinese, who make up about 14 percent of the total population, and most are Thai nationals. Other minority groups include the Malay-speaking Muslims in the south, the hill tribes in the north, and Cambodian (Khmer) and Vietnamese refugees in the east. The population of Thailand is about 75 percent rural. Most Booked Hotels. (Phuket)","qid":1112341,"docid":"2173822","rank":53,"score":11.301406860351562},{"content":"In the evening, the Thai style of eating often includes a variety of dishes including a combination of flavors and textures (for example, a stir fried dish, a vegetable dish, a soup and fish) served family-style with each person scooping up a little food to put in their own bowls of steamed rice.","qid":1112341,"docid":"7079776","rank":54,"score":10.825824737548828},{"content":"In Thailand, food forms a central part of any social occasions\u00e2\u0080\u0094and vice versa. That is, food often becomes the social occasion in itself, or reason to celebrate. This is partly due to the friendly, social nature of Thai people, but also because of the way in which food is ordered and eaten in Thailand.he formal presentation of food is another important aspect of Thai culture. Developed primarily in the palace to please the King of Siam, Thai food presentation is among the most exquisite in the world.","qid":1112341,"docid":"6311795","rank":55,"score":10.780264854431152},{"content":"Thailand's History from the early kingdoms until today, plus links to additional information about the history of Thailand. Language The official language of Thailand is the Thai language, it is a Tai-Kadai language, closely related to the Lao language and the Shan language in Burma (Myanmar), and numerous smaller languages spoken in the area from Hainan and Yunnan south to the Malaysian border.","qid":1112341,"docid":"2095995","rank":56,"score":10.778675079345703},{"content":"The population of Thailand will be increased by 1 053 persons daily in 2015. During 2015 Thailand population is estimated to be increased by 384 458 people and reach 68 309 899 in the beginning of 2016. The natural increase is expected to be positive, as the number of births will exceed the number of deaths by 384 458.","qid":1112341,"docid":"5043405","rank":57,"score":11.0896577835083},{"content":"15 Things Not to Do in Thailand. Thailand is often called the \u00e2\u0080\u009cland of smiles\u00e2\u0080\u009d, and the Thai people are known to be some of the most welcoming and hospitable people in the world. However, that does not mean that you shouldn\u00e2\u0080\u0099t be versed in some of the local customs and proper etiquette before visiting. There are a number of things NOT to do in Thailand to avoid disrespecting the local culture. Read on to become an informed and sensitive traveler.","qid":1112341,"docid":"7615752","rank":58,"score":10.999046325683594},{"content":"Cost of Living in Thailand. Cost of living in Thailand is 40.10% lower than in United States (aggregate data for all cities, rent is not taken into account). Rent in Thailand is 61.34% lower than in United States (average data for all cities).","qid":1112341,"docid":"6459594","rank":59,"score":11.283819198608398},{"content":"Thailand (\/ \u00cb\u0088 t a\u00c9\u00aa l \u00c3\u00a6 n d \/ TY-land), officially the Kingdom of Thailand and formerly known as Siam, is a country at the centre of the Indochinese peninsula in Southeast Asia. With a total area of approximately 513,000 km 2 (198,000 sq mi), Thailand is the world's 50th-largest country.","qid":1112341,"docid":"67027","rank":60,"score":11.234396934509277},{"content":"Many people in western countries can spend $50 on food per day from eating out; on average, I spent $52.50 per week! This number does not reflect the price of alcohol, except for the occasional beer with dinner.","qid":1112341,"docid":"3951053","rank":61,"score":10.939803123474121},{"content":"Written by Karl Dahlfred on. . Thailand is a constitutional monarchy. The King of Thailand has a significant moral influence over the country but the day-to-day affairs are handled by a prime minister and Parliament. Tags: Thai Politics Thailand.","qid":1112341,"docid":"7922432","rank":62,"score":10.852145195007324},{"content":"The majority of Thailand is tropical and humid throughout the year. However, Thailand generally experiences two distinct climate zones: the area north of Bangkok typically has three seasons, and the southern peninsular region typically has two. Tourists in Thailand should be prepared for hot, humid weather on average.","qid":1112341,"docid":"4254335","rank":63,"score":10.759401321411133},{"content":"Today, the traditional Buddhist lunisolar calendar is used mainly for Theravada Buddhist festivals, and no longer has the official calendar status anywhere. The Thai Buddhist Era, a renumbered Gregorian calendar, is the official calendar in Thailand.he Thai Buddhist Era was further realigned to the Gregorian calendar on 6 September 1940 when Prime Minister Phibunsongkhram decreed 1 January 1941 as the start of the year 2484 BE. As a result, the Year 2483 was only 9 months long, and the Thai Buddhist Era equals that of the Common Era plus 543 years.","qid":1112341,"docid":"4609623","rank":64,"score":10.803933143615723},{"content":"T he following concepts are part of Thai everyday life: \u00e0\u00b9\u0083\u00e0\u00b8\u0088\u00e0\u00b9\u0080\u00e0\u00b8\u00a2\u00e0\u00b9\u0087\u00e0\u00b8\u0099 or JAI YEN is more a way of life, it is to keep your temper whatever the situation. T hai people are educated in the family and in school to keep frustration inside. Instead of showing their anger toward a problem or situation, Thai people show JAI YEN, i.e. calm or patience.","qid":1112341,"docid":"8139258","rank":65,"score":11.903425216674805},{"content":"Thai people often translate the Thai time into English language but without any English background. So when a Thai person says four o'clock, it is better to check if it is four o'clock in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening or the night.","qid":1112341,"docid":"8139251","rank":66,"score":10.825260162353516},{"content":"The story of a farang man who lives like a rural Thai. Not everybody views themselves as rich because they have a lot of money. Some people view being rich in terms of happiness.he story of a farang man who lives like a rural Thai. Not everybody views themselves as rich because they have a lot of money. Some people view being rich in terms of happiness.","qid":1112341,"docid":"8326587","rank":67,"score":11.138837814331055},{"content":"Thai (\u00e0\u00b8 \u00e0\u00b8\u00b2\u00e0\u00b8\u00a9\u00e0\u00b8\u00b2\u00e0\u00b9\u0084\u00e0\u00b8\u0097\u00e0\u00b8\u00a2 phaas\u00c7\u008ea Thai) is the official language of Thailand and the native language of the Thai people around the world. Thai is member of the Tai-Kadai language family, just like Lao, with which the language is closely related.","qid":1112341,"docid":"4977768","rank":68,"score":11.671152114868164},{"content":"Updated February 09, 2017. The current king of Thailand, Bhumibol Adulyadej, is the longest-reigning monarch in the world today, as well as Thailand's longest-reigning king ever. The beloved king's common name is pronounced POO-mee-pohn uh-DOON-ja-deht; his throne name is Rama IX.","qid":1112341,"docid":"2624437","rank":69,"score":10.838968276977539},{"content":"Thailand is nearly 94%-95% Theravada Buddhist (which includes the Thai Forest Tradition and the Dhammayuttika Nikaya and Santi Asoke sects), with minorities of Muslims (5-6%), Christians (1%), Mahayana Buddhists, and other religions.mportant holidays in Thai culture include Thai New Year, or Songkran, which is officially observed from 13\u00e2\u0080\u009315 April each year. Falling at the end of the dry season and during the hot season in Thailand, the celebrations notoriously feature boisterous water throwing.","qid":1112341,"docid":"2694635","rank":70,"score":10.987320899963379},{"content":"Thailand is an emerging economy and is considered a newly industrialised country. Thailand had a 2013 GDP of US$673 billion (on a purchasing power parity [PPP] basis). Thailand is the 2nd largest economy in Southeast Asia after Indonesia.Thailand ranks midway in the wealth spread in Southeast Asia as it is the 4th richest nation according to GDP per capita, after Singapore, Brunei, and Malaysia.he signature of King Mongkut (r. 1851 \u00e2\u0080\u0093 1868) reads SPPM (Somdet Phra Poramenthra Maha) Mongkut King of Siam, giving it official status until 23 June 1939 when it was changed to Thailand. Thailand was renamed Siam from 1945 to 11 May 1949, after which it again reverted to Thailand.","qid":1112341,"docid":"3795895","rank":71,"score":10.843729019165039},{"content":"Land and People. Thailand has a tropical, monsoonal climate. The heart of the country, the fertile and thickly populated central plain, is dotted with numerous rice paddies, entirely flat and rarely more than a few feet above sea level.hile 75% of the people are ethnically Thai, the country has a large Chinese minority, accounting for almost 15% of the population. Local trade is chiefly in the hands of the Chinese, and as a consequence there has been substantial tension between Thais and Chinese.","qid":1112341,"docid":"3795887","rank":72,"score":11.757129669189453},{"content":"A n important thing in everyday life is SANUK. Thai people love to have fun together. SANUK can represent many things : eat together, to be with friends and chat, to go out with friends. For Thai people SANUK happens with several persons. When coming back from business, Thai people often ask was it fun ?","qid":1112341,"docid":"8139256","rank":73,"score":12.028454780578613},{"content":"Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: Kingdomwide, the average Thai salary is around $3000USD per year. Construction workers make an average of $4.00 a day and work 6 days a week, 9-10 hours a day.More skilled positions can obviously make more. A Thai Hotel \/ Apartment General Manager can make the rare wages of between $500 and $750 a month.hailand has a daily minimum wage of about 180 baht per day but laws mean little here and many people work for less than that. People make due by working overtime 6 days a week and living together to share the costs.","qid":1112341,"docid":"6164791","rank":74,"score":11.738662719726562},{"content":"Pay someone for a months work here and they will take 6-7 days off during that month. Pay them by the day and for a days work and they will show up every day without fail. So what does the average Thai person make per month? Their salary may differ by industry and occupation and where they live in the country. I've heard people talk about GDP and that the average Thai person will earn 25,000 per month which is so not true, maybe as a mean but certainly not for the regular joe.","qid":1112341,"docid":"4022846","rank":75,"score":10.753362655639648},{"content":"And if you live upcountry away from big cities even if you have a degree depending on your job your unlikely to make more than 10,000 baht per month. My previous post on how to live in Thailand on 300 baht a day will show you how these people can get by on so little. What is the average thai salary.","qid":1112341,"docid":"4022849","rank":76,"score":10.862548828125},{"content":"History of Thailand. Thai people, who originally lived in southwestern China, migrated into mainland Southeast Asia over a period of many centuries. The oldest known mention of their existence in the region by the exonym Siamese is in a 12th-century inscription at the Khmer temple complex of Angkor Wat in Cambodia, which refers to syam, or dark brown, people. Siam may have originated from the Sanskrit \u00c5\u009by\u00c4\u0081ma dark, referring to the relative skin colour of its native people.","qid":1112341,"docid":"2095998","rank":77,"score":10.864639282226562},{"content":"Thai Time is divided in five sections 1 : \u00e0\u00b9\u0080\u00e0\u00b8\u008a\u00e0\u00b9\u0089\u00e0\u00b8\u00b2 or CHAO, the morning, from 6 AM to 11 AM. 2 \u00e0\u00b8\u009a\u00e0\u00b9\u0088\u00e0\u00b8\u00b2\u00e0\u00b8\u00a2 or BAI, the afternoon, from 1 PM to 3 PM. 3 \u00e0\u00b9\u0080\u00e0\u00b8\u00a2\u00e0\u00b9\u0087\u00e0\u00b8\u0099 or YEN, the beginning of evening, from 4 PM to 6 PM. 4 \u00e0\u00b8\u0097\u00e0\u00b8\u00b8\u00e0\u00b9\u0088\u00e0\u00b8\u00a1 or THUM, the evening, from 7 PM to 11 PM. 5 \u00e0\u00b8\u0095\u00e0\u00b8\u00b5 or TI, the night, from 1 AM to 6 AM. 6 \u00e0\u00b9\u0080\u00e0\u00b8\u0097\u00e0\u00b8\u00b5\u00e0\u00b9\u0088\u00e0\u00b8\u00b5\u00e0\u00b8\u00a2\u00e0\u00b8\u0087 or THIENG means midday.","qid":1112341,"docid":"8139253","rank":78,"score":11.71668529510498},{"content":"In one full month in Thailand, I spent THB7,392 on food, or about $235. This works out to a daily average of $7.50, or $2.50 per meal ! Many people in western countries can spend $50 on food per day from eating out; on average, I spent $52.50 per week!This number does not reflect the price of alcohol, except for the occasional beer with dinner.any people in western countries can spend $50 on food per day from eating out; on average, I spent $52.50 per week! This number does not reflect the price of alcohol, except for the occasional beer with dinner.","qid":1112341,"docid":"4703755","rank":79,"score":11.035896301269531},{"content":"Thailand is largely tropical, so it's hot and humid all year around with temperatures in the 28-35\u00c2\u00b0C range (82-95\u00c2\u00b0F), a degree of relief provided only in the mountains in the far north of Thailand.","qid":1112341,"docid":"7625066","rank":80,"score":10.76213550567627},{"content":"The population of Thailand is about 69,122,234 (2010 estimate). This represents an overall population density of about 114 persons per sq km (about 294 per sq mi). The population is unevenly distributed, however, with the greatest concentration of people in the central region.","qid":1112341,"docid":"2173818","rank":81,"score":11.298354148864746},{"content":"Thai Malays represent 3% of the population, with the remainder consisting of Mons, Khmers and various hill tribes . The country's official language is Thai and the primary religion is Theravada Buddhism, which is practised by around 95% of the population.hai Malays represent 3% of the population, with the remainder consisting of Mons, Khmers and various hill tribes . The country's official language is Thai and the primary religion is Theravada Buddhism, which is practised by around 95% of the population.","qid":1112341,"docid":"6681385","rank":82,"score":11.526979446411133},{"content":"Definition of Thai for English Language Learners. : 1 a person born, raised, or living in Thailand. : 2 a person whose family is from Thailand. : 3 the language of Thailand.","qid":1112341,"docid":"4390804","rank":83,"score":11.266237258911133},{"content":"There are over 29,000 temples in Thailand and the daily routine of the monks in all of them is pretty much the same. 4.00 am-The monks wake up and meditate for one hour, followed by one hour of chanting.6.00 am-The monks walk barefoot around the neighbourhood while the local people make merit by offering them food.his is the last solid food they are allowed to consume until sunrise the following morning. 1.00 pm-Classes in Buddhist teaching begin. Some monks may attend school outside the temple. 6.00 pm-A two-hour session of meditation and prayer begins. 8.00 pm-The monks retire to do homework.","qid":1112341,"docid":"8606161","rank":84,"score":11.839509963989258},{"content":"Thais must be the cleanest people in the world. For anyone who hasn\u00e2\u0080\u0099t spent much time in Thailand or isn\u00e2\u0080\u0099t familiar with the culture, here\u00e2\u0080\u0099s what you need to know. Every Thai will shower at least once a day and the vast majority shower two, three or even four times a day. Every day.","qid":1112341,"docid":"6726344","rank":85,"score":12.039926528930664},{"content":"History of the Thai language. Thai is the national language of Thailand, spoken by around eighty percent of the sixty million residents of the South-East Asian country. Linguists consider it an uninflected, primarily monosyllabic, tonal language in the Ka-Tai group..","qid":1112341,"docid":"6947368","rank":86,"score":11.576911926269531},{"content":"Even if you don\u00e2\u0080\u0099t speak Thai at all you can still add it to anything you say \u00e2\u0080\u0093 thank you ka, one coconut ka, good morning ka, f*** off ka.. They show respect to the Royal family \u00e2\u0080\u0093 Thais love the King and the Royal family. In honour of the King\u00e2\u0080\u0099s birthday millions of locals wear yellow shirts, t-shirts and polos.","qid":1112341,"docid":"6726342","rank":87,"score":11.519878387451172},{"content":"Thai, also known precisely as Siamese or Central Thai, is the national and official language of Thailand and the native language of the Thai people and the vast majority of Thai Chinese. Thai is a member of the Tai group of the Tai\u00e2\u0080\u0093Kadai language family.","qid":1112341,"docid":"2596431","rank":88,"score":11.583587646484375},{"content":": a person born, raised, or living in Thailand. : a person whose family is from Thailand. : the language of Thailand. See words that rhyme with Thai Spanish Central: Translation of Thai Nglish: Translation of Thai for Spanish speakers Britannica English: Translation of Thai for Arabic speakers.","qid":1112341,"docid":"4390797","rank":89,"score":10.964644432067871},{"content":"Thai, also known as Siamese or Central Thai, is the national and official language of Thailand and the native language of the Thai people and the vast majority of Thai Chinese. Thai is a member of the Tai group of the Tai\u00e2\u0080\u0093Kadai language family. Over half of the words in Thai are borrowed from Pali, Sanskrit and Old Khmer. It is a tonal and analytic language. Thai also has a complex orthography and relational markers.","qid":1112341,"docid":"1373648","rank":90,"score":11.649964332580566},{"content":"Thailand is a truly fascinating place. Few places in the world have such friendly people, diverse natural beauty, and complex culture. So many facets of Thai culture can take a lifetime to understand \u00e2\u0080\u0093 the moment you think you get it is the moment you discover just how much there is to learn.","qid":1112341,"docid":"6726337","rank":91,"score":11.251863479614258},{"content":"Daily Life. Although Native American peoples of today live in a very different world from that of their ancestors, contemporary traditionalists try to live according to the traditions of those who came before them. Historically, Native life was dictated by the seasons, the weather, and the Creator.","qid":1112341,"docid":"6509496","rank":92,"score":10.872901916503906},{"content":"Thai culture has been shaped by many influences, including Indian, Lao, Burmese, Cambodian, and Chinese. Its traditions incorporate a great deal of influence from India, China, Cambodia, and the rest of Southeast Asia. Thailand's national religion, Theravada Buddhism, is central to modern Thai identity.","qid":1112341,"docid":"7708623","rank":93,"score":10.871004104614258},{"content":"Thailand is famous for its beaches, but the one thing tourists love about this nation are its people. Thai people are among the friendliest in the world, with many locals going out of the way to help others, especially tourists! So if you decide to head there next time, know there\u00e2\u0080\u0099s always help around the corner! Tuk \u00e2\u0080\u0093tuk","qid":1112341,"docid":"8134792","rank":94,"score":10.972704887390137},{"content":"That type of consistent showering makes for a people who are incredibly clean. You will also notice during any time you spend in Thailand that few Thai people smell. You rarely come across the rank B.O., horrendous cigarette-smoke-clinging-to-body or bad breath that you often do in the west. It barely seems to exist in Thailand.","qid":1112341,"docid":"6726341","rank":95,"score":11.000370025634766},{"content":"Several things that relate to Thai people. The last two are worth copying right away. They eat all the time \u00e2\u0080\u0093 this is easily understandable considering the fact that white rice and noodles are not exactly known for filling you up.","qid":1112341,"docid":"6726340","rank":96,"score":11.99013614654541},{"content":"For the rapcore band, see Every Day Life. Everyday life or Daily life or Routine life is a phrase used to refer to the ways in which people typically act, think, and feel on a daily basis. Everyday life may be described as considered mundane, routine, natural or habitual. Sometimes it is called normality.","qid":1112341,"docid":"6478665","rank":97,"score":11.384177207946777},{"content":"The official language of Thailand is Thai, a Tai\u00e2\u0080\u0093Kadai language closely related to Lao, Shan in Myanmar, and numerous smaller languages spoken in an arc from Hainan and Yunnan south to the Chinese border.It is the principal language of education and government and spoken throughout the country.hai Malays represent 3% of the population, with the remainder consisting of Mons, Khmers and various hill tribes . The country's official language is Thai and the primary religion is Theravada Buddhism, which is practised by around 95% of the population.","qid":1112341,"docid":"6681384","rank":98,"score":11.243051528930664},{"content":"Thailand (\/\u00cb\u0088ta\u00c9\u00aal\u00c3\u00a6nd\/ TY-land), officially the Kingdom of Thailand and formerly known as Siam, is a country at the centre of the Indochinese peninsula in Southeast Asia. With a total area of approximately 513,000 km2 (198,000 sq mi), Thailand is the world's 50th-largest country.","qid":1112341,"docid":"7708630","rank":99,"score":11.19168472290039},{"content":"Thailand Overview. Thailand, with the full name of the Kingdom of Thailand, is a country in Southeast Asia. It lies in the middle of Indo-China Peninsula with the total area of 513,115 square meters. Thailand faces Gulf of Thailand in the southeast and Andaman Sea in the southwest. It borders Burma on the northwest, Malaysia the southwest, Laos on the northeast and Cambodia on the southeast. The population of Thailand is mostly ethnically Thai.","qid":1112341,"docid":"7447080","rank":100,"score":10.822001457214355}]} {"query":"why did the us volunterilay enter ww1","hits":[{"content":"American entry into World War I. The American entry into World War I came in April 1917, after more than two and a half years of efforts by President Woodrow Wilson to keep the United States out of the war.","qid":1063750,"docid":"4802036","rank":1,"score":12.653397560119629},{"content":"While there was significant opposition to the war in the United States, the official position was that the nation could not tolerate such an imposition on its rights as a sovereign nation, to say nothing of the effect of the Zimmerman telegram. American entry into the war broke what had been a bloody stalemate.","qid":1063750,"docid":"2569815","rank":2,"score":12.422285079956055},{"content":"54 Answers. The United States entered the war because of the Germans' decision to resume the policy of unrestricted submarine warfare, and the so-called Zimmerman telegram, intercepted by the British, in which Germany floated the idea of an alliance with Mexico.","qid":1063750,"docid":"1866486","rank":3,"score":12.312459945678711},{"content":"U.S. enters World War I. On April 6, 1917, two days after the U.S. Senate votes 82 to 6 to declare war against Germany, the U.S. House of Representatives endorses the decision by a vote of 373 to 50, and the United States formally enters the First World War.","qid":1063750,"docid":"3134994","rank":4,"score":12.28986930847168},{"content":"Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: The answer lies into external reason and internal reason. Internal reason: The United States of America is located far from the rest of the world (on another continent), so the war never had a chance to occurred in the States.","qid":1063750,"docid":"3078269","rank":5,"score":12.257390975952148},{"content":"Why did the United States enter World War One. The industrial era had many effects, not the least of which was plunging the world into world war. One must consider the relationship between eras and events as a student of history. The industrial era created a perceived need in America for raw materials and markets for goods.","qid":1063750,"docid":"3477418","rank":6,"score":13.059560775756836},{"content":"The German's naval policy was the major reason why the United States declared war on Germany. The sinking of the Lusitania was the biggest influence of American in WWI. It was so much of an influence that it was said without the sinking of the Lusitania, the United States most likely would not of entered the war.ne of the reasons was the British interception of the Zimmerman Note or Zimmerman Telegram. This was when Arthur Zimmerman telegraphed the Germany ambassador in Mexico to tel \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 l Mexico to be Germany's Ally.","qid":1063750,"docid":"7952969","rank":7,"score":12.298925399780273},{"content":"The House concurred two days later. The United States later declared war on Austria-Hungary on December 7, 1917. Germany\u00e2\u0080\u0099s resumption of submarine attacks on passenger and merchant ships in 1917 was the primary motivation behind Wilson\u00e2\u0080\u0099s decision to lead the United States into World War I.ilson cited Germany\u00e2\u0080\u0099s violation of its pledge to suspend unrestricted submarine warfare in the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean, and its attempts to entice Mexico into an alliance against the United States, as his reasons for declaring war.","qid":1063750,"docid":"6347205","rank":8,"score":12.890344619750977},{"content":"Why did the United States enter World War One. The industrial era had many effects, not the least of which was plunging the world into world war. One must consider the relationship between eras and events as a student of history.n June 28th 1914, Franz Ferdinand, the Austrian archduke, and his wife were murdered by a Bosnian revolutionary named Gavrilo Princip. This assassination triggered declarations of war. Firstly, this gave Austria a reason to attack Serbia.","qid":1063750,"docid":"3327052","rank":9,"score":12.727872848510742},{"content":"On April 6 of that year, a century ago this Thursday, the U.S. declared war on Germany and thus officially entered into the conflict that would come to be known as World War I. Get your history fix in one place: sign up for the weekly TIME History newsletter.","qid":1063750,"docid":"3503273","rank":10,"score":12.545083999633789},{"content":"Answer to 1 ) Which was a major cause for the entry of the U.S. into World War I? A) Germany's invasion of Belgium B) the desire to collect reparations C) Russia's decision to leave the war D) Germany's decision to resume unrestricted submarine warfare","qid":1063750,"docid":"118643","rank":11,"score":12.329715728759766},{"content":"The U.S entered WW1 for several reasons. The U.S entered for two main reasons: one was that the Germans had declared unlimited German submarine warfare and the Zimmermann note.The German had totally disregarded the international laws protecting neutral nation's ships by sinking neutral ships.his note was the last straw, causing Wilson to join the war. The Zimmermann note and unlimited German submarine warfare were two of the biggest cause for the U.S to join the Allies and go to war with Germany. During the war Germany did...","qid":1063750,"docid":"7952971","rank":12,"score":13.857240676879883},{"content":"United States in WWI. Although World War I began in 1914, the United States did not join the war until 1917. The impact of the United States joining the war was significant. The additional firepower, resources, and soldiers of the U.S. helped to tip the balance of the war in favor of the Allies. Remaining Neutral.","qid":1063750,"docid":"6127385","rank":13,"score":12.498669624328613},{"content":"In April 1917, the United States entered World War I on the side of the Allies. Previously angered by the sinking of Lusitania, President Woodrow Wilson led the nation to war after learning of the Zimmermann Telegram and Germany's resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare.","qid":1063750,"docid":"3259889","rank":14,"score":12.218914985656738},{"content":"The US declared war on April 6, 1917. However, it took time to mobilize soldiers for the army, and US forces were not fully engaged in France until the Spring offensive of 1918. This allowed the US forces to be engaged to the greatest effect along many of the lines of battle.","qid":1063750,"docid":"3477417","rank":15,"score":12.426031112670898},{"content":"Since the beginning of World War I in 1914, the United States, under President Woodrow Wilson, had maintained strict neutrality, other than providing material assistance to the Allies.he United States entered World War I because of a boat and a note. The boat was the Lusitania, which was sunk by German U-boats. This angered the Americans, but that was not what led them into the war.","qid":1063750,"docid":"7952966","rank":16,"score":12.69127082824707},{"content":"WORLD WAR I. The United States did not enter World War I until April 1917, although the conflict had begun in August 1914. After an intense period of military buildup and imperial competition, war broke out in Europe between Germany and Austria-Hungary (the Central Powers) and Britain, France, and Russia (the Allies).he western front was in France, where Germany was opposed by France, Great Britain, and eventually the United States. The eastern front was in Russia, where Germany and Austria-Hungary opposed Russia. The southern front was in Serbia and involved Austria-Hungary and Serbia.","qid":1063750,"docid":"1580964","rank":17,"score":12.560956001281738},{"content":"American Entry into World War I, 1917 On April 2, 1917, President Woodrow Wilson went before a joint session of Congress to request a declaration of war against Germany. Wilson cited Germany's violation of its pledge to suspend unrestricted submarine warfare in the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean, and its attempts to entice Mexico into an alliance against the United States, as his reasons for declaring war. On April 4, 1917, the U.S. Senate voted in support of the measure to declare war on Germany.","qid":1063750,"docid":"2220585","rank":18,"score":12.230823516845703},{"content":"In 1918, an arm of the American government in order to assure continued public support for the war effort published the Reasons why American chose to enter the World War. Since this was done by a U.S. Government funded and supervised organization, these carried the weight of official pronouncements.","qid":1063750,"docid":"4337530","rank":19,"score":12.6926908493042},{"content":"The first primary cause leading to the entry of the United States into World War I was the loss of American lives and goods through the sinking of American ships by German \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 submarines.he war was originally started as a result of a few events: Originally the war was between Serbia and Austria-Hungry. Germany (Ally of Austria-Hungry) and Russia (Ally of Serbia) later joined, bringing their allies into the war. This was sparked by the assassination of Franz Ferdinand.","qid":1063750,"docid":"5956106","rank":20,"score":12.61872386932373},{"content":"Germany's resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare in the spring of 1917 provided the final straw for US politicians, and America declared war. The first and foremost answer would be the sinking of the Lusitania, an British cruise\/transport ship, bound for Britain from New York.","qid":1063750,"docid":"3259890","rank":21,"score":12.399765014648438},{"content":"Here are some summaries of explanations. There were unauthorized German submarines along the US East coast. Germany's resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare... {text:bookmark-start} Why the United States Entered World War I {text:bookmark-end} The US ...n June 28th 1914, Franz Ferdinand, the Austrian archduke, and his wife were murdered by a Bosnian revolutionary named Gavrilo Princip. This assassination triggered declarations of war. Firstly, this gave Austria a reason to attack Serbia.","qid":1063750,"docid":"3327047","rank":22,"score":13.055673599243164},{"content":"Report Abuse. If the United states hadn't entered ww1 more than likely the war would have landed onto our shores. However little known bit history stated that willson told the Brits to give up their territory back to the Jews and Churchill agreed.The United States sent over the documents,for the Brits to sign and went to war.eport Abuse. If the United states hadn't entered ww1 more than likely the war would have landed onto our shores. However little known bit history stated that willson told the Brits to give up their territory back to the Jews and Churchill agreed.","qid":1063750,"docid":"3327051","rank":23,"score":12.53117561340332},{"content":"(Answer #1). The US entered World War I largely because of the German practice of submarine warfare. The entry of the US broke the stalemate that had existed for most of the war and led to the Allied victory.The US did not like the fact that Germany was using submarines to sink ships headed for England.he effects of the US entry are likely even harder to pin down as the Allies already had quite an advantage over the beleaguered German and Austrian forces and they were likely to sue for peace before much longer though there is some support for the idea that the American entry into the war helped to shorten it.","qid":1063750,"docid":"5956099","rank":24,"score":13.348615646362305},{"content":"Confidence votes 171. The US declared war on April 6, 1917. However, it took time to mobilize soldiers for the army, and US forces were not fully engaged in France until the Spring offensive of 1918. This allowed the US forces to be engaged to the greatest effect along many of the lines of battle.t was the assassination of Archduke Franz Firdinand that started World War I. The Americans were brought into WWI for that fact that the Germans sank some American ships, and \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 that they wanted to protect there European Investments.","qid":1063750,"docid":"3327054","rank":25,"score":12.90031623840332},{"content":"53 Answers | Add Yours. The United States entered the war because of the Germans' decision to resume the policy of unrestricted submarine warfare, and the so-called Zimmerman telegram, intercepted by the British, in which Germany floated the idea of an alliance with Mexico.","qid":1063750,"docid":"2768123","rank":26,"score":13.12502384185791},{"content":"Actually the Lusitania was not the reason America entered the war, it was a big impact but America entered the war in 1917, the Lusitania sunk in 1916, it would not take America a year to enter the war, it would maybe take a month. skyler \u00c2\u00b7 1 year ago.","qid":1063750,"docid":"4718159","rank":27,"score":12.794471740722656},{"content":"The United States entered World War I because of a boat and a note. The boat was the Lusitania, which was sunk by German U-boats. This angered the Americans, but that was not what led them into the war.he United States declared war on Germany for many reasons. One of them was the sinking on neutral ships and the lusitania which killed about 148 Americans. This was not the immediate cause, another is propaganda which persuaded public opinion.","qid":1063750,"docid":"4834969","rank":28,"score":12.72673225402832},{"content":"The United States got involved in World War 1 because of a Zimmerman telegram sent to Mexico detailing German plans against the U.S in which Mexico was conquered by the U.S loosing Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. The note was sent on April 2 1917 and 4 days later the U.S declared war against Germany. Answer.","qid":1063750,"docid":"4718161","rank":29,"score":13.270376205444336},{"content":"The United States later declared war on German ally Austria-Hungary on December 7, 1917. Germany\u00e2\u0080\u0099s resumption of submarine attacks on passenger and merchant ships in 1917 became the primary motivation behind Wilson\u00e2\u0080\u0099s decision to lead the United States into World War I. Following the sinking of an unarmed French boat, the Sussex, in the English Channel in March 1916, Wilson threatened to sever diplomatic relations with Germany unless the German Government refrained from attacking all passenger ships and allowed the crews of enemy merchant vessels to abandon their ships prior ...","qid":1063750,"docid":"2569813","rank":30,"score":12.685819625854492},{"content":"(Answer #1). The US entered World War I largely because of the German practice of submarine warfare. The entry of the US broke the stalemate that had existed for most of the war and led to the Allied victory. The US did not like the fact that Germany was using submarines to sink ships headed for England.","qid":1063750,"docid":"8239877","rank":31,"score":13.491101264953613},{"content":"Within days, Congress passed the resolution that Wilson had requested. On April 6 of that year, a century ago this Thursday, the U.S. declared war on Germany and thus officially entered into the conflict that would come to be known as World War I. Here are the basics of what changed, in one minute.","qid":1063750,"docid":"3503271","rank":32,"score":12.568157196044922},{"content":"The United States entered World War I because of a boat and a note. The boat was the Lusitania, which was sunk by German U-boats. This angered the Americans, but that was not what led them into the war.he United States entered World War I because of a boat and a note. The boat was the Lusitania, which was sunk by German U-boats. This angered the Americans, but that was not what led them into the war.","qid":1063750,"docid":"7952967","rank":33,"score":12.63790512084961},{"content":"We warned the Germans one too many times and they did not take us seriously so in 1917 we finally had enough and we joined the war. The Germans had decided that they would sink any ship they wanted without warning even if it was a merchant ship.","qid":1063750,"docid":"5442714","rank":34,"score":13.03036880493164},{"content":"America Joins The War. America was a reluctant to participate in World War 1, infact in august 1914 when the war broke out in Europe; President Woodrow Wilson issued a declaration of neutrality.","qid":1063750,"docid":"8384978","rank":35,"score":12.578125},{"content":"The United States entered World War I for numerous reasons. A German victory would have upset the established balance of power.Should England and her fleet fall into the hands of Germany, the United States would have been in extreme peril to further German expansion.he United States entered World War I for numerous reasons. A German victory would have upset the established balance of power.","qid":1063750,"docid":"8821735","rank":36,"score":13.490442276000977},{"content":"U.S. Entered World War I. April 6, 1917. On April 6, 1917, the U.S. joined its allies--Britain, France, and Russia--to fight in World War I. Under the command of Major General John J. Pershing, more than 2 million U.S. soldiers fought on battlefields in France. Many Americans were not in favor of the U.S. entering the war and wanted to remain neutral. However, the U.S. eventually did enter the war. Do you know how the war began and why the U.S. became a part of it? page 1 of 3","qid":1063750,"docid":"819283","rank":37,"score":12.904935836791992},{"content":"On April 4, 1917, the U.S. Senate voted in support of the measure to declare war on Germany. The House concurred two days later. The United States later declared war on German ally Austria-Hungary on December 7, 1917.World War I Trenches in France. Germany\u00e2\u0080\u0099s resumption of submarine attacks on passenger and merchant ships in 1917 became the primary motivation behind Wilson\u00e2\u0080\u0099s decision to lead the United States into World War I.he United States later declared war on German ally Austria-Hungary on December 7, 1917. World War I Trenches in France. Germany\u00e2\u0080\u0099s resumption of submarine attacks on passenger and merchant ships in 1917 became the primary motivation behind Wilson\u00e2\u0080\u0099s decision to lead the United States into World War I.","qid":1063750,"docid":"4712119","rank":38,"score":12.560054779052734},{"content":"Young American men found themselves soldiers in France in WWI. U.S. Entered World War I. On April 6, 1917, the U.S. joined its allies--Britain, France, and Russia--to fight in World War I. Under the command of Major General John J. Pershing, more than 2 million U.S. soldiers fought on battlefields in France. Many Americans were not in favor of the U.S. entering the war and wanted to remain neutral.","qid":1063750,"docid":"4158202","rank":39,"score":12.458379745483398},{"content":"When war erupted in 1914, the United States attempted to remain neutral and was a proponent for the rights of neutral states.n all practicality, it is impossible to pinpoint the entry of the United States to a number of certain events and it was most definitely a combination of many factors. The most important of these events are discussed above, explaining why the United States entered World War I.","qid":1063750,"docid":"2230091","rank":40,"score":12.944414138793945},{"content":"The House concurred two days later. The United States later declared war on German ally Austria-Hungary on December 7, 1917. Germany\u00e2\u0080\u0099s resumption of submarine attacks on passenger and merchant ships in 1917 became the primary motivation behind Wilson\u00e2\u0080\u0099s decision to lead the United States into World War I.","qid":1063750,"docid":"8722081","rank":41,"score":12.528312683105469},{"content":"April 6, 1917. The US entered World War One on April 6, 1917. This was a declaration of war by the US Senate. US declaired war against Germany on April 6, 1917 and later the same year against Austria - Hungary, December 7, 1917. The war came to an end on November 11, 1918 [armistice].","qid":1063750,"docid":"3477421","rank":42,"score":12.426753997802734},{"content":"Actually the Lusitania was not the reason America entered the war, it was a big impact but America entered the war in 1917, the Lusitania sunk in 1916, it would not take America a year to enter the war, it would maybe take a month.","qid":1063750,"docid":"7247263","rank":43,"score":12.68294620513916},{"content":"The United States later declared war on German ally Austria-Hungary on December 7, 1917. World War I Trenches in France Germany\u00e2\u0080\u0099s resumption of submarine attacks on passenger and merchant ships in 1917 became the primary motivation behind Wilson\u00e2\u0080\u0099s decision to lead the United States into World War I.","qid":1063750,"docid":"1866482","rank":44,"score":12.720766067504883},{"content":"The United States entered World War I for numerous reasons. A German victory would have upset the established balance of power. Should England and her fleet fall into the hands of Germany, the United States would have been in extreme peril to further German expansion.","qid":1063750,"docid":"7837936","rank":45,"score":13.399258613586426},{"content":"Isolationist foreign policy was encouraged by Congress's apprehensions about giving other countries a political door into US policies and the cultural melting pot of the United States' population. In spite of these factors, the United States did enter World War I, as a result of several events.In an attempt by both the allied and the central powers to involve the Americans, the US was heavily saturated with propaganda.n all practicality, it is impossible to pinpoint the entry of the United States to a number of certain events and it was most definitely a combination of many factors. The most important of these events are discussed above, explaining why the United States entered World War I.","qid":1063750,"docid":"2230090","rank":46,"score":12.518726348876953},{"content":"April 6, 1917. The US entered World War One on April 6, 1917. This was a declaration of war by the US Senate. US declaired war against Germany on April 6, 1917 and later the same year against Austria - Hungary, December 7, 1917.","qid":1063750,"docid":"6127382","rank":47,"score":12.408992767333984},{"content":"United States in WWI. Although World War I began in 1914, the United States did not join the war until 1917. The impact of the United States joining the war was significant. The additional firepower, resources, and soldiers of the U.S. helped to tip the balance of the war in favor of the Allies. Remaining Neutral","qid":1063750,"docid":"1922590","rank":48,"score":12.282535552978516},{"content":"(Answer #69). The United States entered World War 1 when they had a note given to them from the British that was from Germany. It was a note to Mexico, called the Zimmerman Note. Germany promised Mexico the land that America took from them earlier (like Texas and Arizona) if they helped Germany win the war.ince the beginning of World War I in 1914, the United States, under President Woodrow Wilson, had maintained strict neutrality, other than providing material assistance to the Allies.","qid":1063750,"docid":"8821736","rank":49,"score":12.460321426391602},{"content":"In the beginning of World war I, The U.S should have not been involved with the war in the first place. It was not needed for the U.S to interfere with Germany, Russia, and Britain during the war. The reason being, the Russians were beating the German army rapidly. They did not need any help at the time.","qid":1063750,"docid":"8640240","rank":50,"score":12.256999969482422},{"content":"(Answer #69). The United States entered World War 1 when they had a note given to them from the British that was from Germany. It was a note to Mexico, called the Zimmerman Note. Germany promised Mexico the land that America took from them earlier (like Texas and Arizona) if they helped Germany win the war.he United States declared war on Germany for many reasons. One of them was the sinking on neutral ships and the lusitania which killed about 148 Americans. This was not the immediate cause, another is propaganda which persuaded public opinion.","qid":1063750,"docid":"4834974","rank":51,"score":12.553805351257324},{"content":"The main reason the United States entered World War I in 1917 was the unrestricted attacks German submarines were making on American ships and ships containing American passengers. Additionally, Americans were enraged at a telegram British intelligence intercepted in which Germany sought an alliance with Mexico.","qid":1063750,"docid":"6127389","rank":52,"score":13.409652709960938},{"content":"The US entered WWI because of M.A.I.N. ' 1 M'ilitarism-Being strong enough to protect the citizens of the country. ' 2 A'lliance System-Helping out the alliances when and where needed. ' 3 I'mperialism-New trading markets and raw materials from other areas. ' 4 N'ationalism-Pride in one's country.","qid":1063750,"docid":"1923500","rank":53,"score":12.570411682128906},{"content":"Woodrow Wilson did not want to go to war but when Teddy Roosevelt decided to run for another term, Wilson felt threatened and announced that there would be a preparedness program and possibly that the country would go to war. By entering the war, the US got to flex its muscles on the world stage and establish itself as a world power.","qid":1063750,"docid":"8170639","rank":54,"score":12.288660049438477},{"content":"He was to offer Mexico material aid in exchange of the territories lost during the Mexican-American War, specifically the American states of Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. However, it was intercepted by British intelligence and forwarded to the US government. This contributed to the US entering the war.","qid":1063750,"docid":"6516774","rank":55,"score":12.317232131958008},{"content":"The 4 reasons that the US entered WWI: 1. The Sinking of the Lusitania 2. German U-Boats sinking US cruise ships and cargo ships 3. The Zimmerman Telegra \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 m 4. The Russian Revolution As an aside, the Russian revolutions did not cause the US to enter WW 1.","qid":1063750,"docid":"4337532","rank":56,"score":13.003801345825195},{"content":"The U.S entered WW1 for several reasons. The U.S entered for two main reasons: one was that the Germans had declared unlimited German submarine warfare and the Zimmermann note.","qid":1063750,"docid":"4337527","rank":57,"score":14.081103324890137},{"content":"Why Did the US Enter the Vietnam War. Troops during the Vietnam warThe reason behind the us entering the Vietnam War was a general attempt to prevent Communism. Communism although good in theory particular for the masses, doesn\u00e2\u0080\u0099t always work.","qid":1063750,"docid":"5256198","rank":58,"score":12.385201454162598},{"content":"The United States later declared war on German ally Austria-Hungary on December 7, 1917. World War I Trenches in France. Germany\u00e2\u0080\u0099s resumption of submarine attacks on passenger and merchant ships in 1917 became the primary motivation behind Wilson\u00e2\u0080\u0099s decision to lead the United States into World War I.ermany\u00e2\u0080\u0099s resumption of submarine attacks on passenger and merchant ships in 1917 became the primary motivation behind Wilson\u00e2\u0080\u0099s decision to lead the United States into World War I.","qid":1063750,"docid":"3327049","rank":59,"score":12.779474258422852},{"content":"The U.S entered WW1 for several reasons. The U.S entered for two main reasons: one was that the Germans had declared unlimited German submarine warfare and the Zimmermann note. The German had totally disregarded the international laws protecting neutral nation's ships by sinking neutral ships.","qid":1063750,"docid":"4337526","rank":60,"score":14.041093826293945},{"content":"In the general public, there was little support for entering the war on the side of Germany. The great majority of German Americans, as well as Scandinavian Americans, wanted the United States to remain neutral; however, at the outbreak of war thousands of US citizens had tried to enlist in the German army.lthough the United States entered the war in 1917, there had been very little planning, or even recognition of the problems that the British and other Allies had to solve on their home fronts. As a result, the level of confusion was high in the first 12 months, then efficiency took control.","qid":1063750,"docid":"2997842","rank":61,"score":12.456594467163086},{"content":"YES, the US should enter WWI because of German actions made during this time. The US made the right call by entering WWI. After the Lusitania was sunk, and thousands of American lives were lost, America had no other choice. Then the Germans sent the Zimmer telegram which told Mexico to attack the US.","qid":1063750,"docid":"8640242","rank":62,"score":12.699749946594238},{"content":"Confidence votes 39. The United States entered World War I for numerous reasons. A German victory would have upset the established balance of power. Should England and her fleet fall into the hands of Germany, the United States would have been in extreme peril to further German expansion.he United States entered World War I for numerous reasons. A German victory would have upset the established balance of power.","qid":1063750,"docid":"8821734","rank":63,"score":13.21855354309082},{"content":"The United States enter the War - The First World War - 1917. What year did the United States join World War I On April 6, 1917, the U.S. joined its allies--Britain, France, and Russia--to... When did the United States join WWI? Germany's resumption of submarine warfare in the spring of 1917 was the final... What was the year the United States joined World War One? The U.S. entered World War one on April 6th 1917. What made the United States join the WWll? The United States got involved in WW2 because the United States got attacked in... See All Questions","qid":1063750,"docid":"8183810","rank":64,"score":12.320793151855469},{"content":"For everyone that's saying it was because a German U-boat sunk the Luisitania, you're wrong. We didn't enter the war until 2 years later. Two of the biggest reasons US entered WWI was because... 1.) The Sussex Plead was violated by Germans. The Sussex pledge was the post fixation after they sunk the Lusitania. 2.) US heard the Zimmerman note in 1917 The Zimmerman note was basically Germans asking Mexico to invade the US to keep the US occupied.","qid":1063750,"docid":"5442711","rank":65,"score":13.34698486328125},{"content":"Confidence votes 39. The United States entered World War I for numerous reasons. A German victory would have upset the established balance of power. Should England and her fleet fall into the hands of Germany, the United States would have been in extreme peril to further German expansion.","qid":1063750,"docid":"7837938","rank":66,"score":13.649290084838867},{"content":"(Answer #69). The United States entered World War 1 when they had a note given to them from the British that was from Germany. It was a note to Mexico, called the Zimmerman Note. Germany promised Mexico the land that America took from them earlier (like Texas and Arizona) if they helped Germany win the war.he United States entered the war because of the Germans' decision to resume the policy of unrestricted submarine warfare, and the so-called Zimmerman telegram, intercepted by the British, in which Germany floated the idea of an alliance with Mexico.","qid":1063750,"docid":"7778354","rank":67,"score":12.492908477783203},{"content":"The US declared war on April 6, 1917. However, it took time to mobilize soldiers for the army, and US forces were not fully engaged in France until the Spring offensive of 1918.This allowed the US forces to be engaged to the greatest effect along many of the lines of battle.t was the assassination of Archduke Franz Firdinand that started World War I. The Americans were brought into WWI for that fact that the Germans sank some American ships, and \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 that they wanted to protect there European Investments.","qid":1063750,"docid":"3327053","rank":68,"score":12.383161544799805},{"content":"What did the US do in World War 1? The United States entered late into the war because their nuetrality was short lived. After entering the war, the United States fought along side of the Entrente and aga\u00e2\u0080\u00a6inst the Central Powers being a driving force behind Britain, France, and Russia.","qid":1063750,"docid":"8384971","rank":69,"score":12.696649551391602},{"content":"Introduction. In 1917 America entered World War one. By doing this America played a grave role in conquering Germany and ushering peace to Europe. However, the Great War also meant that the US would change dramatically through historical issues and changes which resulted in American society.n this essay I am going to discuss how world war one altered the american society. As it is impossible to and superficial to focus and examine all the transformations in US society, I have decided to focus on two particular areas that display how American society altered after WWI.","qid":1063750,"docid":"7781459","rank":70,"score":12.46666431427002},{"content":"U.S. Entered World War I April 6, 1917 On April 6, 1917, the U.S. joined its allies--Britain, France, and Russia--to fight in World War I. Under the command of Major General John J. Pershing, more than 2 million U.S. soldiers fought on battlefields in France. Many Americans were not in favor of the U.S. entering the war and wanted to remain neutral. However, the U.S. eventually did enter the war. Do you know how the war began and why the U.S. became a part of it?","qid":1063750,"docid":"819284","rank":71,"score":12.916675567626953},{"content":"The United States entered the war because of the Germans' decision to resume the policy of unrestricted submarine warfare, and the so-called Zimmerman telegram, intercepted by the British, in which Germany floated the idea of an alliance with Mexico.he United States entered World War I because of a boat and a note. The boat was the Lusitania, which was sunk by German U-boats. This angered the Americans, but that was not what led them into the war.","qid":1063750,"docid":"7952965","rank":72,"score":13.038619041442871},{"content":"U.S. enters World War I. On April 6, 1917, two days after the U.S. Senate votes 82 to 6 to declare war against Germany, the U.S. House of Representatives endorses the decision by a vote of 373 to 50, and the United States formally enters the First World War. When World War I erupted in 1914,...","qid":1063750,"docid":"3134992","rank":73,"score":12.346799850463867},{"content":"The American entry into World War I came in April 1917, after two and a half years of efforts by President Woodrow Wilson to keep the United States neutral during the war. Apart from an Anglophile element supporting the British, American public opinion went along with neutrality at first.","qid":1063750,"docid":"4158205","rank":74,"score":12.421770095825195},{"content":"The sinking of the Lusitania helped to turn American opinion against Germany, but it is certainly not the only reason for US involvement. It is far too remote. Most historians agree that it was not a single influence that provoked the US to declare war; rather, it was a confluence of many factors.","qid":1063750,"docid":"3654235","rank":75,"score":12.401763916015625},{"content":"The U.S entered for two main reasons: one was that the Germans had declared unlimited German submarine warfare and the Zimmermann note. The German had totally disregarded the international laws protecting neutral nation's ships by sinking neutral ships.","qid":1063750,"docid":"4337529","rank":76,"score":13.828825950622559},{"content":"Americans entered the war in 1917 by declaring war on Germany. This was due to the attack on Lusitania, the unrestricted submarine warfare on American ships heading to Britain, and Germany encouraging Mexico to attack the USA. Lusitania. A British passenger ship that was sunk by a German U-Boat on May 7, 1915.","qid":1063750,"docid":"309313","rank":77,"score":12.386451721191406},{"content":"On April 4, 1917, the U.S. Senate voted in support of the measure to declare war on Germany. The House concurred two days later. The United States later declared war on German ally Austria-Hungary on December 7, 1917. World War I Trenches in France. Germany\u00e2\u0080\u0099s resumption of submarine attacks on passenger and merchant ships in 1917 became the primary motivation behind Wilson\u00e2\u0080\u0099s decision to lead the United States into World War I.","qid":1063750,"docid":"2728074","rank":78,"score":12.36198616027832},{"content":"(Answer #69). The United States entered World War 1 when they had a note given to them from the British that was from Germany. It was a note to Mexico, called the Zimmerman Note. Germany promised Mexico the land that America took from them earlier (like Texas and Arizona) if they helped Germany win the war.he United States entered World War I because of a boat and a note. The boat was the Lusitania, which was sunk by German U-boats. This angered the Americans, but that was not what led them into the war.","qid":1063750,"docid":"7952964","rank":79,"score":12.694995880126953},{"content":"(we're pretended it's 1917). i am on the side that is 'for' the US entering the war and need some really good points, reasons, statistics, comebacks, photos, etc. to make my point. anything is... show more For my history class we are having a debate on whether the united states should enter world war one or not.","qid":1063750,"docid":"4337533","rank":80,"score":12.41627311706543},{"content":"AMERICA AND THE GREAT WAR FOCUS QUESTION: How did the United States get involved in World War I? A. War broke out in Europe in 1914 1. The war dealt a severe blow to the optimism and self-confidence of Western civilization B. Neutrality and Preparedness 1.","qid":1063750,"docid":"8418269","rank":81,"score":12.303901672363281},{"content":"On April 4, 1917, the U.S. Senate voted in support of the measure to declare war on Germany. The House concurred two days later. The United States later declared war on German ally Austria-Hungary on December 7, 1917.World War I Trenches in France. Germany\u00e2\u0080\u0099s resumption of submarine attacks on passenger and merchant ships in 1917 became the primary motivation behind Wilson\u00e2\u0080\u0099s decision to lead the United States into World War I.owever, by 1917, the continued submarine attacks on U.S. merchant and passenger ships, and the \u00e2\u0080\u009cZimmerman Telegram\u00e2\u0080\u0099s\u00e2\u0080\u009d implied threat of a German attack on the United States, swayed U.S. public opinion in support of a declaration of war.","qid":1063750,"docid":"2391455","rank":82,"score":12.377552032470703},{"content":"The United States entered World War I because of a boat and a note. The boat was the Lusitania, which was sunk by German U-boats. This angered the Americans, but that was not what led them into the war.","qid":1063750,"docid":"4337528","rank":83,"score":12.962631225585938},{"content":"There will never be a clear answer to this question, but Woodrow Wilson's idealism, the growth of U.S. nationalism, and the Zimmerman note all played a role in compelling the United States to enter World War I.","qid":1063750,"docid":"8170640","rank":84,"score":12.241622924804688},{"content":"Although World War I began in 1914, the United States did not join the war until 1917. The impact of the United States joining the war was significant. The additional firepower, resources, and soldiers of the U.S. helped to tip the balance of the war in favor of the Allies.","qid":1063750,"docid":"5423928","rank":85,"score":12.60019302368164},{"content":"In 1917 America entered World War one. By doing this America played a grave role in conquering Germany and ushering peace to Europe.However, the Great War also meant that the US would change dramatically through historical issues and changes which resulted in American society.n this essay I am going to discuss how world war one altered the american society. As it is impossible to and superficial to focus and examine all the transformations in US society, I have decided to focus on two particular areas that display how American society altered after WWI.","qid":1063750,"docid":"7781460","rank":86,"score":12.420671463012695},{"content":"The United States entered the war because of the Germans' decision to resume the policy of unrestricted submarine warfare, and the so-called Zimmerman telegram, intercepted by the British, in which Germany floated the idea of an alliance with Mexico.","qid":1063750,"docid":"1923506","rank":87,"score":12.87890625},{"content":"(Answer #1). The US entered World War I largely because of the German practice of submarine warfare. The entry of the US broke the stalemate that had existed for most of the war and led to the Allied victory.The US did not like the fact that Germany was using submarines to sink ships headed for England.The US had a huge amount of trade with England and did not like having this disrupted.he entry of the US broke the stalemate that had existed for most of the war and led to the Allied victory. The US did not like the fact that Germany was using submarines to sink ships headed for England. The US had a huge amount of trade with England and did not like having this disrupted.","qid":1063750,"docid":"7571423","rank":88,"score":13.43478012084961},{"content":"The immediate cause of the United States\u00e2\u0080\u0099 entry into World War I in April 1917 was the German announcement of unrestricted submarine warfare and the subsequent sinking of ships with U.S. citizens on board. But President Woodrow Wilson\u00e2\u0080\u0099s war aims went beyond the defense of U.S. maritime interests.","qid":1063750,"docid":"1074552","rank":89,"score":12.430192947387695},{"content":"The Germans had sent the Zimmermann note to the German ambassador in Mexico but was intercepted and decoded by the British. It was then sent to the U.S and given to Wilson. This note helped the U.S enter the war.","qid":1063750,"docid":"5442713","rank":90,"score":12.74894905090332},{"content":"The House concurred two days later. The United States later declared war on Austria-Hungary on December 7, 1917. Germany's resumption of submarine attacks on passenger and merchant ships in 1917 was the primary motivation behind Wilson's decision to lead the United States into World War I.ilson cited Germany's violation of its pledge to suspend unrestricted submarine warfare in the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean, and its attempts to entice Mexico into an alliance against the United States, as his reasons for declaring war.","qid":1063750,"docid":"5956102","rank":91,"score":12.827630043029785},{"content":"Although the United States entered the war in 1917, there had been very little planning, or even recognition of the problems that the British and other Allies had to solve on their home fronts. As a result, the level of confusion was high in the first 12 months, then efficiency took control.n the general public, there was little support for entering the war on the side of Germany. The great majority of German Americans, as well as Scandinavian Americans, wanted the United States to remain neutral; however, at the outbreak of war thousands of US citizens had tried to enlist in the German army.","qid":1063750,"docid":"1098175","rank":92,"score":12.34981918334961},{"content":"The Germans had sent the Zimmermann note to the German ambassador in Mexico but was intercepted and decoded by the British. It was then sent to the U.S and given to Wilson. This note helped the U.S enter the war.his note was the last straw, causing Wilson to join the war. The Zimmermann note and unlimited German submarine warfare were two of the biggest cause for the U.S to join the Allies and go to war with Germany. During the war Germany did...","qid":1063750,"docid":"8821738","rank":93,"score":12.802885055541992},{"content":"The US entered World War I largely because of the German practice of submarine warfare. The entry of the US broke the stalemate that had existed for most of the war and led to the Allied victory. The US did not like the fact that Germany was using submarines to sink ships headed for England.","qid":1063750,"docid":"8239876","rank":94,"score":13.342348098754883},{"content":"The United States entered World War I because of a boat and a note. The boat was the Lusitania, which was sunk by German U-boats. This angered the Americans, but that was not what led them into the war.he United States entered World War 1 when they had a note given to them from the British that was from Germany. It was a note to Mexico, called the Zimmerman Note. Germany promised Mexico the land that America took from them earlier (like Texas and Arizona) if they helped Germany win the war.","qid":1063750,"docid":"2230089","rank":95,"score":13.009164810180664},{"content":"Report Abuse. If the United states hadn't entered ww1 more than likely the war would have landed onto our shores. However little known bit history stated that willson told the Brits to give up their territory back to the Jews and Churchill agreed.","qid":1063750,"docid":"5442717","rank":96,"score":12.834687232971191},{"content":"On April 4, 1917, the U.S. Senate voted in support of the measure to declare war on Germany. The House concurred two days later. The United States later declared war on German ally Austria-Hungary on December 7, 1917.World War I Trenches in France. Germany\u00e2\u0080\u0099s resumption of submarine attacks on passenger and merchant ships in 1917 became the primary motivation behind Wilson\u00e2\u0080\u0099s decision to lead the United States into World War I.hese reasons all contributed to President Wilson\u00e2\u0080\u0099s decision to ask Congress for a declaration of war against Germany. They also encouraged Congress to grant Wilson\u00e2\u0080\u0099s request and formally declare war on Germany.","qid":1063750,"docid":"1098172","rank":97,"score":12.419382095336914},{"content":"April 6, 2017. One hundred years ago this week, the United States entered World War I after President Woodrow Wilson asked Congress for a declaration of war against Germany to \u00e2\u0080\u009cmake the word safe for democracy.\u00e2\u0080\u009d Unlike Europe, America did not enter the war for survival.","qid":1063750,"docid":"3973418","rank":98,"score":12.660615921020508},{"content":"History >> World War I. Although World War I began in 1914, the United States did not join the war until 1917. The impact of the United States joining the war was significant. The additional firepower, resources, and soldiers of the U.S. helped to tip the balance of the war in favor of the Allies.","qid":1063750,"docid":"6127387","rank":99,"score":12.432098388671875},{"content":"The United States did not want to enter World War I. It eventually entered the war in 1917 for two reasons. One was that a ship carrying Americans called the Lusitania was blown up by the Germans.","qid":1063750,"docid":"2470328","rank":100,"score":12.500728607177734}]} {"query":"is cdg airport in main paris","hits":[{"content":"Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (November 2009) CDGVAL (Charles de Gaulle V\u00c3\u00a9hicule Automatique L\u00c3\u00a9ger) is a free automatic shuttle rail service at Paris-Charles de Gaulle Airport consisting of two lines: a first line which opened on 4 April 2007 and a second on 27 June 2007.","qid":405717,"docid":"6654658","rank":1,"score":11.049171447753906},{"content":"Aerogare a\u00c3\u00a9rogare 2 is the main train station AT Cdg, airport serving BOTH Rer Line b suburban trains To, paris AND SNCF tgv intercity trains to all parts Of france and to Neighboring european. countries","qid":405717,"docid":"2747492","rank":2,"score":12.27464771270752},{"content":"You can take the RER Line B suburban train from Paris-Charles de Gaulle (CDG) Airport to central Paris in as little as 35 minutes for 10\u00e2\u0082\u00ac . (You can also use it to return to the airport, but read this important note .).","qid":405717,"docid":"2747486","rank":3,"score":12.271509170532227},{"content":"FIRST SHUTTLE™ PARIS offers the Private shuttle service for all your transfers to Disneyland from Airport Roissy Charles de Gaulle (CDG), Orly, BVA, Paris center, Station Paris, Disneyland or any other destination at a reasonable price and fixed. The shuttle will be reserved entirely for you.","qid":405717,"docid":"5690237","rank":4,"score":11.177976608276367},{"content":"Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport Airline Information. Please contact airport enquiries on +33(0) 1 70 36 39 50 where airline contact details are not available. The following airlines operate from Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport (CDG): 1 Adria Airways - +33 1 47 429 500. Aegean Aviation SA - +33 1 0626 1000.","qid":405717,"docid":"3986308","rank":5,"score":11.725996017456055},{"content":"Charles de Gaulle Airport is located within portions of several communes 25 km (16 mi) to the northeast of Paris. The airport serves as the principal hub for Air France as well as a European hub for fellow SkyTeam alliance partner Delta Air Lines.","qid":405717,"docid":"6654653","rank":6,"score":10.819528579711914},{"content":"This topic has been closed to new posts due to inactivity. We hope you'll join the conversation by posting to an open topic or starting a new one. We remove posts that do not follow our posting guidelines, and we reserve the right to remove any post for any reason. Booked a spontaneous flight to Paris for 4 days!","qid":405717,"docid":"5168794","rank":7,"score":11.255118370056152},{"content":"Wellington, New... My husband and I will be arriving in Paris at CDG direct from San Francisco on the 1st of October. It will be our first ever time in Europe so I am a little nervous and want to make sure everything runs smoothly.","qid":405717,"docid":"2365664","rank":8,"score":11.974017143249512},{"content":"The nearest major airport is Paris Charles De Gaulle Airport (CDG \/ LFPG). This airport has international and domestic flights from Paris, France and is 40 km from the center of Disneyland Paris.","qid":405717,"docid":"7896211","rank":9,"score":11.899825096130371},{"content":"Charles De Gaulle International Airport (IATA code = CDG), also known as ROISSY is the busiest French airport. It is located the jsust north of Paris. The second-largest French airport, located just south of Paris, is ORLY (IATA Code = ORY). Paris also hosts the A\u00c3\u00a9roport du BOURGET, famous for Lindbergh's landing, which is now used mainly for private flights.","qid":405717,"docid":"4704975","rank":10,"score":11.737981796264648},{"content":"The Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport is color-coded for easy access. Terminals are marked with white or red bands and connected by moving walkways. 1 Distance from City Center: 14 miles (23km) SW. 2 Ground Transportation Options: RER\/TGV Train Roissybusopens in a new window. 3 Average Bus\/Train Fare to City Center: EUR 8.00.","qid":405717,"docid":"2879963","rank":11,"score":11.001117706298828},{"content":"Airport Transfer cost from Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport to Paris City hotels is \u00e2\u0082\u00ac 59. Private Airport Transfer cost from Paris Orly Airport to Paris City hotels is \u00e2\u0082\u00ac 59. The taxi-fare for a private taxi from Paris City Center to Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport is \u00e2\u0082\u00ac 59.","qid":405717,"docid":"5690238","rank":12,"score":10.838201522827148},{"content":"Register now. This statistic shows the size of the world's largest airports, as of 2015. Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris covered an area of 3,200 hectares, ranking it in fifth place in terms of land mass, however when considering the passenger volumes of airports worldwide, CDG fell somewhat lower down the list. Saudi Arabia's King Fahr International airport covered by far the largest land area.","qid":405717,"docid":"2768521","rank":13,"score":11.03414249420166},{"content":"Distance Between Charles de Gaulle International Airport (CDG) and Dijon is. 262.71 kilometers. 163.24 miles. Flying time between Charles de Gaulle International Airport (CDG) and Dijon can take around 0 hours 28 minutes under avarage conditions.","qid":405717,"docid":"7201359","rank":14,"score":11.143880844116211},{"content":"The last RER B train leaving airport CDG for Paris departs at 11:56pm just before midnight (update: see warning below), arriving at Paris Gare du Nord at 12:26am. This train schedule from CDG to Paris is the same every day of the week, including holidays. (For a complete timetable, see the schedule of RER B trains). For normal first and last train times see this timetable of first\/last Paris Metro and RER A and RER B trains.","qid":405717,"docid":"758581","rank":15,"score":12.218138694763184},{"content":"Register now. This statistic shows the size of the world's largest airports, as of 2015. Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris covered an area of 3,200 hectares, ranking it in fifth place in terms of land mass, however when considering the passenger volumes of airports worldwide, CDG fell somewhat lower down the list.","qid":405717,"docid":"3274918","rank":16,"score":11.250333786010742},{"content":"The first RER train departs Airport CDG for Paris at 04:58 and the last train leaves at 23:58. Using the Metro-Going to Charles de Gaulle airport, you must take the Metro to station Gare du Nord and then board the RER line B, direction Roissy\/CDG.he line 140 stops at airport Terminals 1, 2F and 3 and arrives in Paris at the Gare du Nord and Gare de L'Est train stations, two other lines serve the Paris suburbs. Travel time from the airport to Paris is approximately 50 minutes and the fare is 7.20\u00e2\u0082\u00ac (Navigo Pass zones 1-5 is also accepted).","qid":405717,"docid":"7589975","rank":17,"score":11.75377082824707},{"content":": 1,27 euros \/ km. Rate C; which is the rate for sundays from 00:00 AM to 07:00 AM in paris and all the time for long. distances, and night and holidays out of city of paris: 1,54 euros \/km. is applied in city of paris between 10:00 AM and 05:00 PM in week days and saturdays.","qid":405717,"docid":"3889134","rank":18,"score":10.914804458618164},{"content":"Charles de Gaulle Airport-also known as Paris Roissy-has three modern terminals offering travellers quality facilities and services. Please find here below the cost of transfer from CDG to Paris city center, suburbs, another airport or Disneyland. Metered Taxis are waiting in front each arrival terminals (1, 2 or 3).","qid":405717,"docid":"758586","rank":19,"score":12.439435958862305},{"content":"You can get to Nice Ville Train Station from Paris CDG Airport, Avignon and Geneva. Best price and travel duration below. Nice\u00e2\u0080\u0099s main train station, Nice Ville train station, is found in the town centre. The Nice Ville train station is the major terminus for regional and national train connections. The tourist information office in the train station can be helpful if you are visiting Nice for the first time.","qid":405717,"docid":"2616168","rank":20,"score":11.438502311706543},{"content":"Driving distance from CDG to Lisieux, France. The total driving distance from CDG to Lisieux, France is 141 miles or 227 kilometers. Your trip begins at Paris Charles De Gaulle Airport in Paris, France. It ends in Lisieux, France.","qid":405717,"docid":"6442862","rank":21,"score":10.738845825195312},{"content":"Transport between Orly and Roissy-CDG airports: To get to Orly Airport from CDG Airport, take the RER-B (direction Massy Palaiseau or Saint-Remy-r\u00c3\u00a9my-Les) l\u00c3\u00a8s Chevreuse to, antony station and then Take. the orlyvalo get to Orly Airport from CDG Airport, take the RER-B (direction Massy Palaiseau or Saint-Remy-r\u00c3\u00a9my-Les) l\u00c3\u00a8s Chevreuse to, antony station and then Take. The orlyval Traveling from ORLY, to cdg Take the Orlyval to, antony station THEN-The rer B To aeroport A\u00c3\u00a9roport. charles de gaulle","qid":405717,"docid":"28372","rank":22,"score":10.842645645141602},{"content":"Orly or CDG - Paris Forum. Orly or CDG. I'm considering flying from London, Heathrow to Paris the morning of Feb.3 with my husband. We are considering flying as we will be staying at a London Heathrow hotel the night before. We will be returning to London for a few nights on the 7th & believe we will take the Eurostar back.","qid":405717,"docid":"7170625","rank":23,"score":10.946521759033203},{"content":"Paris Airport Arrivals\/Departures. Paris Airport, otherwise known as Orly Airport, is located 14Km South of Paris centre. The second largest airport at Paris and closest to the city centre. Orly airport has it's own train station giving direct access to Paris (station is 10 minute shuttle ride from terminals). Trains run every 20 minutes with a journey time into Paris of 25 minutes.","qid":405717,"docid":"5428445","rank":24,"score":10.919475555419922},{"content":"From CDG Airport, it takes about 45 minutes to get to the centre of Paris, 10 minutes to Disney World and an hour to Brussels and Lille. There are three terminals at Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport-also known as Paris Roissy-which are connected by free shuttle buses.","qid":405717,"docid":"2702423","rank":25,"score":12.042181015014648},{"content":"Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport IATA: CDG, ICAO: LFPG also known as Roissy Airport (name of the local district), is the largest international airport in France. It is named after Charles de Gaulle (1890\u00e2\u0080\u00931970), leader of the Free French Forces during the Second World War, founder of the French Fifth Republic and President of France from 1959 to 1969. Charles de Gaulle Airport is located within portions of several communes 25 km (16 mi) to the northeast of Paris.","qid":405717,"docid":"7728831","rank":26,"score":12.073673248291016},{"content":"CDG PARIS AIRPORT SHUTTLE. Do not lose your time on your arrival to CDG Paris. Airport-Shuttle offers automobiles with drivers specialized in the door-to-door transport of passengers between Paris airports (CDG, ORY and BVA) and Paris hotels.","qid":405717,"docid":"6654655","rank":27,"score":12.268820762634277},{"content":"Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport Flight Terminals. There are nine terminals at Paris Charles de Gaulle (CDG) airport \u00e2\u0080\u0093 1, 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 2E, 2F, 2G and 3. The CDGVAL service and the free airport shuttle service connects them all and each has shops, restaurants and services. The following airlines serve Terminal 1:","qid":405717,"docid":"3986309","rank":28,"score":12.10097885131836},{"content":"ion about the architect of the terminal building 2E of Paris \/ Charles De Gaulle Int. ernational Airport (CDG), as well as an overview of some of his previous works. We also describe and comment the very unique structure of the architectural firm.","qid":405717,"docid":"8433856","rank":29,"score":10.998404502868652},{"content":"Charles de Gaulle Airport is located within portions of several communes 25 km (16 mi) to the northeast of Paris. Charles de Gaulle Airport serves as the principal hub for Air France as well as a focus city for low-cost carriers Vueling and Norwegian Air Shuttle.","qid":405717,"docid":"7288990","rank":30,"score":10.770164489746094},{"content":"The distance from Orly to central Paris (75001) is roughly 19 km or 12 miles (consult travel times for each arrondissement, or neighborhood). From Orly to Roissy-CDG is approximately 41 km (26 miles), and Orly to Disneyland is about 49 km (30 miles).There are a number of options for transferring from the airport to the City of Paris (postal codes 75001-75020), or to Roissy-CDG for connections with international flights.A couple of these will also offer transport to certain suburbs and\/or Disneyland area hotels.o get to Orly Airport from CDG Airport, take the RER-B (direction Massy Palaiseau or Saint-Remy-r\u00c3\u00a9my-Les) l\u00c3\u00a8s Chevreuse to, antony station and then Take. The orlyval Traveling from ORLY, to cdg Take the Orlyval to, antony station THEN-The rer B To aeroport A\u00c3\u00a9roport. charles de gaulle","qid":405717,"docid":"28368","rank":31,"score":10.962484359741211},{"content":"The taxi-fare for a private taxi from Paris City Center to Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport is \u00e2\u0082\u00ac 59. The price for a transfer from Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport to Disneyland is \u00e2\u0082\u00ac 69.","qid":405717,"docid":"5690236","rank":32,"score":10.843935012817383},{"content":"Find Deals on Flights from Paris Charles de Gaulle to Charlotte Douglas (CDG - CLT) The price shown for each flight will be the average for all passengers including any infants.","qid":405717,"docid":"6426483","rank":33,"score":11.10004711151123},{"content":"There isn't all that much shopping at Paris CDG Airport - most of it is at Roissyp\u00c3\u00b4le, a shopping centre at the outskirts of the airport. It has the airline offices and and a Hilton hotel too. A free rail shuttle links the three airport terminals, the SNCF (RER and TGV) train stations and the car parks.","qid":405717,"docid":"3033904","rank":34,"score":12.812322616577148},{"content":"Charles de Gaulle International Airport. 1 Paris, France. 2 IATA airport code CDG. 3 ICAO airport code LFPG. Charles de Gaulle International Airport (CDG)","qid":405717,"docid":"4704978","rank":35,"score":11.852869033813477},{"content":"CDG Terminal 1 to Paris If you\u00e2\u0080\u0099re arriving at CDG Terminal 1, you\u00e2\u0080\u0099ll first need to take the CDGVAL shuttle train to Terminal 3\/Roissypole (center of map) to catch the RER B train to Paris.","qid":405717,"docid":"4776928","rank":36,"score":11.816536903381348},{"content":"Copyright \u00c2\u00ae 2005-2011 airport-paris.com-Independent Information website dedicated to Paris Airport either CDG Roissy Airport, Orly Airport or Beauvais Airport-This page is dedicated to Taxi transfer in Paris-Cost of transportation and stations.sual cost of transfer for Taxi between CDG airport-Orly Airport-Beauvais and Paris Downtown. The cost of transfer may vary a lot due to trafic conditions and exact final destination.","qid":405717,"docid":"5638740","rank":37,"score":11.623132705688477},{"content":"Which airport is CDG? CDG is officially named Roissy Charles de Gaulle, and is located in the city of Paris. Over 115 airline carriers fly approximately 1,306 flights per week. Which airline flies the most flights to CDG? The top airline carrier flying out of Roissy Charles de Gaulle is and they fly over 3,045 flights every month. How busy is the CDG airport? Roissy Charles de Gaulle (CDG) has 10,290 flights every month.","qid":405717,"docid":"7170626","rank":38,"score":12.015792846679688},{"content":"Looking at the weather in cdg, Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport, Paris, France over the next 7 days, the maximum temperature will be 17\u00e2\u0084\u0083 (or 63\u00e2\u0084\u0089) on Saturday 22nd April at around 4 pm. In the same week the minimum temperature will be 2\u00e2\u0084\u0083 (or 36\u00e2\u0084\u0089) on Wednesday 19th April at around 7 am.","qid":405717,"docid":"7447943","rank":39,"score":11.47498893737793},{"content":"Station \/ Airport guide. Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport (Roissy) is located 23 km north of Paris and eases your journey in France and beyond with its own transport hub which provides fast and frequent train services.","qid":405717,"docid":"702391","rank":40,"score":10.759756088256836},{"content":"About the RER B Train. The quickest & least expensive way from Roissy-Charles de Gaulle (CDG) Airport to Paris is by taking the RER B city train leaving from either CDG Terminal 2 or Roissypole (RER trains for CDG Terminal 1 and CDG Terminal 3).","qid":405717,"docid":"758582","rank":41,"score":11.774065017700195},{"content":"The quickest & least expensive way from Roissy-Charles de Gaulle (CDG) Airport to Paris is by taking the RER B city train leaving from either CDG Terminal 2 or Roissypole (RER trains for CDG Terminal 1 and CDG Terminal 3).","qid":405717,"docid":"2747485","rank":42,"score":11.81651496887207},{"content":"Information on how to get to and from the airport by shuttle, taxi or train. More Information on arriving at Paris Charles de Gaulle CDG Airport. Get up-to-date information on all flights arriving at the airport. Details of all the shops and restaurants at the airport. Maps of each terminal within the airport.","qid":405717,"docid":"4489661","rank":43,"score":11.590003967285156},{"content":"Charles de Gaulle Airport (CDG) to Paris by Train. This is an overview of how to travel from Charles de Gaulle-CDG Airport to Central Paris by city train (RER B). For instructions in the opposite direction see Paris to Airport CDG by Train. For step-by-step photo instructions see Terminal 2 to Paris by train or Terminal 1 to Paris by train.","qid":405717,"docid":"8433858","rank":44,"score":12.643049240112305},{"content":"The regular RER trains will make about 9 stops in between CDG Airport and Gare du Nord. You\u00e2\u0080\u0099ll save roughly 12 minutes by taking one of the express trains, but even the non-express RER B will get you to Paris (Gare du Nord) in about 34 minutes. Enjoy your visit!","qid":405717,"docid":"758585","rank":45,"score":11.858526229858398},{"content":"Your starting point France, Charles de Gaulle International Airport (CDG) is located at (49.0127983093, 2.54999995232). Total distance from Charles de Gaulle International Airport (CDG) to Dijon is 262.71 kms. 262.71 kms equals to 163.24 miles and 141.76 nautical miles. 1 Distance information is flight distance as a line. Flight time between Charles de Gaulle International Airport (CDG) to Dijon can change depending on many different conditions.","qid":405717,"docid":"7201361","rank":46,"score":11.423454284667969},{"content":"About This Statistic. This statistic shows the size of the world's largest airports, as of 2015. Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris covered an area of 3,200 hectares, ranking it in fifth place in terms of land mass, however when considering the passenger volumes of airports worldwide, CDG fell somewhat lower down the list.","qid":405717,"docid":"3274915","rank":47,"score":11.681137084960938},{"content":"Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport. If you\u00e2\u0080\u0099re flying from or into Paris Charles de Gaulle airport or simply collecting someone from their flight to Paris Charles de Gaulle, discover all the latest information you need from Paris Charles de Gaulle airport.","qid":405717,"docid":"3033907","rank":48,"score":11.027859687805176},{"content":"Paris Airport Transfer - Orly \/ Charles de Gaulle. You will most likely arrive at one of the two international airports that serve Paris. Roissy \/ Charles de Gaulle (CDG) is located 23km (16 miles) north-east of Paris, and the smaller Orly (ORY) airport is slightly closer to the city and located 13km (8 miles) to the South.","qid":405717,"docid":"7288996","rank":49,"score":12.064780235290527},{"content":"The cost is about the same to fly into either CDG or Orly (\u00c2\u00a363 or \u00c2\u00a365) with British Airways. Wondering what the pros or cons would be for getting into Paris from either airport. Orly does look closer. Not sure where we are staying yet but considering Hotel Saint Germain. Any help in deciding which airport to fly into would be greatly appreciated!","qid":405717,"docid":"7170624","rank":50,"score":11.282032012939453},{"content":"International airports near Disneyland Paris. 40 km: Paris, France (CDG \/ LFPG) Paris Charles De Gaulle Airport. 47 km: Paris, France (ORY \/ LFPO) Paris Orly Airport. 81 km: Beauvais, France (BVA \/ LFOB) Beauvais-Tille Till\u00c3\u00a9. airport","qid":405717,"docid":"7896212","rank":51,"score":11.070415496826172},{"content":"Local attractions. GOLDEN TULIP PARIS CDG AIRPORT VILLEPINTE. The GOLDEN TULIP HOTEL is situated in the heart of the Airport platform CDG - ROISSY CHARLES DE GAULLE. This hotel is an ideal place for your meeting events and leisure, near the Exhibitions Park of VILLEPINTE, LE BOURGET, and around 15 km of the city centre of PARIS.","qid":405717,"docid":"1849743","rank":52,"score":11.39406967163086},{"content":"FIRST SHUTTLE™ PARIS offers the Private shuttle service for all your transfers to Disneyland from Airport Roissy Charles de Gaulle (CDG), Orly, BVA, Paris center, Station Paris, Disneyland or any other destination at a reasonable price and fixed.","qid":405717,"docid":"5690233","rank":53,"score":11.019867897033691},{"content":"There are nine terminals at Paris Charles de Gaulle (CDG) airport \u00e2\u0080\u0093 1, 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 2E, 2F, 2G and 3. The CDGVAL service and the free airport shuttle service connects them all and each has shops, restaurants and services.","qid":405717,"docid":"2879960","rank":54,"score":12.269594192504883},{"content":"cdg, Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport, Paris, France weather text for Thu 20th April. The cdg, Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport, Paris, France weather is going to be sunny. cdg, Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport, Paris, France visibility is going to be around 20 km i.e. 12 miles and an atmospheric pressure of 1035 mb.","qid":405717,"docid":"7447941","rank":55,"score":12.204912185668945},{"content":"Roissy Charles de Gaulle, also known by IATA (International Air Transport Association) code CDG and ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) code LFPG, offers flights from multiple airline carriers to many popular global destinations.","qid":405717,"docid":"3033905","rank":56,"score":10.856793403625488},{"content":"Private Airport Transfer cost from Paris Orly Airport to Paris City hotels is \u00e2\u0082\u00ac 59. The taxi-fare for a private taxi from Paris City Center to Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport is \u00e2\u0082\u00ac 59. The price for a transfer from Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport to Disneyland is \u00e2\u0082\u00ac 69.","qid":405717,"docid":"5690240","rank":57,"score":10.736028671264648},{"content":"Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport (CDG) is one of the busiest passenger airports in Europe and is the larger of Paris' two airports... Charles de Gaulle Airport is 14 miles (23 kilometers) northeast of Paris and has extensive road and rail links to the capital city and beyond. Getting to Paris from Charles de Gaulle is easy with RATP buses, taxis and limousines all operating from Paris CDG.","qid":405717,"docid":"2702419","rank":58,"score":12.890975952148438},{"content":"When you have a flight from Roissy Charles de Gaulle (CDG), take advantage of the various transportation options available. If you\u00e2\u0080\u0099ve bribed your friend to drive you the airport, use the convenient curbside drop-off or the short-term parking at CDG.","qid":405717,"docid":"7170631","rank":59,"score":11.475279808044434},{"content":"CDG may refer to: 1 Caisse de d\u00c3\u00a9p\u00c3\u00b4t et de gestion, Moroccan pension fund. 2 Charles de Gaulle, French general and politician. IATA code for Charles de Gaulle Airport, in Paris, France.","qid":405717,"docid":"2125641","rank":60,"score":11.587064743041992},{"content":"Charles de Gaulle Airport. Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport (French: A\u00c3\u00a9roport de Paris-Charles-de-Gaulle, IATA: CDG, ICAO: LFPG), also known as Roissy Airport (name of the local district), is the largest international airport in France.","qid":405717,"docid":"5079482","rank":61,"score":12.651784896850586},{"content":"Most flights to Paris land at Charles de Gaulle Airport (CDG), which is commonly known as Roissy Airport. When ranked by passenger traffic, it is the sixth busiest airport in the world and the second busiest airport in Europe. Roissy is a hub for major airlines such as Air France, Delta Air Lines and easyJet. Paris flights may also land at Orly Airport (ORY), located south of Paris in the communes of Orly and Villeneuve-le-Roi. Although Orly is nowhere near the size of Roissy, it is the second busiest airport in France when ranked by passenger traffic.","qid":405717,"docid":"8156519","rank":62,"score":11.115152359008789},{"content":"Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport Flight Terminals. There are nine terminals at Paris Charles de Gaulle (CDG) airport \u00e2\u0080\u0093 1, 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 2E, 2F, 2G and 3. The CDGVAL service and the free airport shuttle service connects them all and each has shops, restaurants and services.","qid":405717,"docid":"4489666","rank":63,"score":12.33158016204834},{"content":"CDG Ground Transportation: The cheapest way to travel from Charles de Gaulle airport to central Paris would be by purchasing a Paris Metro Pass for 6 Zones and take the RER train directly. The RER takes approximately 40 minutes to reach central Paris.","qid":405717,"docid":"702383","rank":64,"score":11.999263763427734},{"content":"For train schedules, train ticket prices, maps and other details see the Overview CDG to Paris by Train article. For Terminal 2 instructions see CDG Terminal 2 to Paris Train. * Alert! RER B construction works will affect last train departure times from CDG in 2015.","qid":405717,"docid":"4776926","rank":65,"score":11.298591613769531},{"content":"Aeroport A\u00c3\u00a9roport-Roissy charles De (gaulle airport CODE). Cdg located 30 km northeast Of paris in the suburb Of, roissy this Is\u00e2\u0080\u0099 paris largest airport and has three, terminals which are used by both international and domestic. carriers","qid":405717,"docid":"2642838","rank":66,"score":12.304408073425293},{"content":"Bus: The Roissybus is one of the most popular buses to take from Charles de Gaulle Airport to the centre of Paris. The bus leaves from all three terminals and runs from 06:00 to 23:00 every day. They run every 15 minutes until 20:45, and then every 20 minutes until 23:00.","qid":405717,"docid":"758587","rank":67,"score":11.119421005249023},{"content":"Forget queuing, forget expensive taxis and capricious. FIRST SHUTTLE™ PARIS offers the Private shuttle service for all your transfers to Disneyland from Airport Roissy Charles de Gaulle (CDG), Orly, BVA, Paris center, Station Paris, Disneyland or any other destination at a reasonable price and fixed.","qid":405717,"docid":"5690234","rank":68,"score":10.954446792602539},{"content":"From Aeroport Charles De Gaulle 2 Tgv train to Paris St-Michel\/Notre Dame, train to Paris Champ de Mars\/TourEiffel, then walk to Eiffel Tower. 1 h 17\u00e2\u0082\u00ac. From Airport CDG T2 line 2 bus to Porte Maillot, walk to Andre Maurois, line 82 bus to Champ De Mars, then walk to Eiffel Tower. 1 h 8 min 19\u00e2\u0082\u00ac. From Paris CDG Airport (CDG) taxi to Eiffel Tower. 30 min 62\u00e2\u0082\u00ac. From Paris CDG Airport (CDG) drive to Eiffel Tower. 30 min 5\u00e2\u0082\u00ac. From Paris CDG Airport (CDG) Uber to Eiffel Tower. 30 min 46\u00e2\u0082\u00ac.","qid":405717,"docid":"2365660","rank":69,"score":11.621068000793457},{"content":"Report Abuse. 1 Hi! I've been to Paris many, many times and used both Orly and Charles de Gaulle Airport. 2 Distance wise, Orly is the nearest ! By trains and undergrand, from CDG to Eiffel Tower, you need to get into RER B and then RER C lines (after a change at Notre-Dame St-Michel Station) : 16.90 Euros.","qid":405717,"docid":"2365662","rank":70,"score":10.730138778686523},{"content":"The nearest major airport is Paris Orly Airport (ORY \/ LFPO). This airport has international and domestic flights from Paris, France and is 19 km from the center of Eiffel Tower. Another major airport is Paris Charles De Gaulle Airport (CDG \/ LFPG), which has international and domestic flights from Paris, France and is 32 km from Eiffel Tower. Beauvais-Till\u00c3\u00a9 Airport (BVA \/ LFOB) has international and domestic flights from Beauvais, France and is 87 km from Eiffel Tower.","qid":405717,"docid":"2365659","rank":71,"score":11.582771301269531},{"content":"Air France KLM airline's main hub is at the Paris-Charles de Gaulle Airport, and Qantas Airlines calls the Sydney Airport in Australia its main location. The Honolulu International Airport in Hawaii, for instance, is the major hub for Hawaiian Airlines.","qid":405717,"docid":"506336","rank":72,"score":10.812256813049316},{"content":"Located next to Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport, this citizenM hotel is just a 3-minute walk from Roissypole Station in CDG. There is a 24-hour reception, luggage storage and air-conditioned rooms. citizenM Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport 4-star hotel.","qid":405717,"docid":"3514259","rank":73,"score":11.552709579467773},{"content":"Paris Three Day Weather Forecast. Loading... Please note: The term Paris Charles De Gaulle Airport CDG as well as all associated graphics, logos, and\/or other trademarks, tradenames or copyrights are the property of the Paris Airport authority and are used herein for factual descriptive purposes only.","qid":405717,"docid":"7447942","rank":74,"score":11.471078872680664},{"content":"A-1: The Eiffel Tower is about 26 miles (42 kms) from the CDG airport There is a metro (rer) from the airport but you will have to make some connections. Best way would be a taxi. Taxis are on meters and should run round trip about 100 --140 euros, The eiffel tower has a nightly light show.","qid":405717,"docid":"7288991","rank":75,"score":11.592927932739258},{"content":"You can take the RER Line B suburban train from Paris-Charles de Gaulle (CDG) Airport to central Paris in as little as 35 minutes for 10\u00e2\u0082\u00ac . (You can also use it to return to the airport, but read this important note .). CDG Airport has two train stations, Aerogare a\u00c3\u00a9rogare 1 And aerogare. a\u00c3\u00a9rogare 2","qid":405717,"docid":"2747484","rank":76,"score":12.631567001342773},{"content":"Roissy - Charles de Gaulle airport (CDG) is the main international airport for Paris, and the second busiest airport in Europe after London Heathrow. The two main terminals are Terminal 1, used by most foreign airlines, and Terminal 2, used by Air France, its partners, and some other European flights including Easyjet.","qid":405717,"docid":"8433854","rank":77,"score":13.396635055541992},{"content":"Apr 26, 2013, 9:21 AM. ORY is the closest airport to central Paris by a good margin, about 20 to 30 minutes by taxi. CDG is about 45 minutes by taxi. BVA is way out of Paris and any transportation into Paris, other than the special bus to Port Maillot, could easily cost you double what you might otherwise pay for ground transportation.","qid":405717,"docid":"4704973","rank":78,"score":12.302812576293945},{"content":"Charles de Gaulle Airport (CDG) to Eiffel Tower - Paris. I have 2 questions about Pairs and need some suggestions. This summer, I will arrive the Charles De Gaulle Airport in the morning about 9:00 and will transit to Budapest at 18:00 on the same day. I believe that I will have enough time to go to the Eiffel Tower.","qid":405717,"docid":"2365665","rank":79,"score":11.927376747131348},{"content":"2 thoughts on \u00e2\u0080\u009c Paris to London Train \u00e2\u0080\u0093 Eurostar \u00e2\u0080\u009d. Pingback: Gare du Nord Exit, TGV, RER, Bus, Metro Sign | Paris by Train. Pingback: Charles de Gaulle Airport (CDG) to Eurostar Station | Paris by Train. Comments are closed.","qid":405717,"docid":"4577231","rank":80,"score":10.764564514160156},{"content":"Average journey time between Paris-Gare du Nord and CDG airport is 35 minutes. Preferred express (direct) train, local trains stop at suburban stations on their way into the city\/the airport. Trains run every 6 to 15 minutes. You can purchase tickets at any metro, RER station (airport included).","qid":405717,"docid":"2747491","rank":81,"score":12.359725952148438},{"content":"These are the least expensive transportation options between Paris and CDG airport. The RER trains from CDG Terminals 1 and 2 require approximately 25-30 minutes to reach the first major train station in Paris: Gare du Nord.","qid":405717,"docid":"702386","rank":82,"score":11.933448791503906},{"content":"Frequently Asked Questions about Roissy Charles de Gaulle - CDG Which airport is CDG? CDG is officially named Roissy Charles de Gaulle, and is located in the city of Paris. Over 123 airline carriers fly approximately 1,388 flights per week. Which airline flies the most flights to CDG?The top airline carrier flying out of Roissy Charles de Gaulle is and they fly over 2,738 flights every month.","qid":405717,"docid":"7170630","rank":83,"score":12.0185546875},{"content":"Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport Airline Information. Please contact airport enquiries on +33(0) 1 70 36 39 50 where airline contact details are not available. The following airlines operate from Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport (CDG): 1 Adria Airways - +33 1 47 429 500. 2 Aegean Aviation SA - +33 1 0626 1000. Aerlingus - +33 8 2123 0267.","qid":405717,"docid":"3986307","rank":84,"score":11.925633430480957},{"content":"Paris Paris CDG Airport Terminal 1 F. Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport is a vast airport northeast of Paris. It's big - really big - with 60 million passengers a year, and the dominant of the three Paris airports: indeed it is the world's sixth busiest airport and only eclipsed in Europe by Heathrow.","qid":405717,"docid":"3033900","rank":85,"score":12.928455352783203},{"content":"Re: Orly or CDG Dec 31, 2012, 12:11 AM Forgot to say we were thinking of taking a train into Paris so wondering if we can get direct without having to transfer from either airport.","qid":405717,"docid":"7170629","rank":86,"score":11.457817077636719},{"content":"Distance wise, Orly is the nearest ! By trains and undergrand, from CDG to Eiffel Tower, you need to get into RER B and then RER C lines (after a change at Notre-Dame St-Michel Station) : 16.90 Euros.","qid":405717,"docid":"2514110","rank":87,"score":10.736345291137695},{"content":"\u00c3\u0089glise Saint-Sulpice... CDGVal Airport Shuttle train is the name of the free computer-controlled airport shuttle train that whisks passengers among Charles de Gaulle Airport's Terminals 1, 2, 3, the Roissyp\u00c3\u00b4le office and hotel area, the airport's parking garages, bus station and two train stations. The CDGVal line has five stations:","qid":405717,"docid":"6654660","rank":88,"score":10.81906795501709},{"content":"If you prefer to fly, you can get a low-cost flight from CDG in Paris to Biarritz, get a taxi from the airport to Bayonne station and then take a train to St. Jean Pied de Port. Whether you take a train or fly, if money is not an issue you can even hire a taxi from Biarritz or Bayonne to take you to St. Jean.","qid":405717,"docid":"4232833","rank":89,"score":10.85550308227539},{"content":"Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport Flight Terminals. There are nine terminals at Paris Charles de Gaulle (CDG) airport \u00e2\u0080\u0093 1, 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 2E, 2F, 2G and 3. The CDGVAL service and the free airport shuttle service connects them all and each has shops, restaurants and services. Terminal 1.","qid":405717,"docid":"3986303","rank":90,"score":12.32951545715332},{"content":"Official CDG Website. Charles de Gaulle, also known by IATA (International Air Transport Association) code CDG and ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) code LFPG, offers flights from multiple airline carriers to many popular global destinations.","qid":405717,"docid":"2879964","rank":91,"score":10.934656143188477},{"content":"The last RER B train leaving airport CDG for Paris departs at 11:56pm just before midnight (update: see warning below), arriving at Paris Gare du Nord at 12:26am. This train schedule from CDG to Paris is the same every day of the week, including holidays. (For a complete timetable, see the schedule of RER B trains).","qid":405717,"docid":"2747489","rank":92,"score":12.19660758972168},{"content":"Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport Airline Information. Please contact airport enquiries on +33(0) 1 70 36 39 50 where airline contact details are not available. The following airlines operate from Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport (CDG): Adria Airways - +33 1 47 429 500.","qid":405717,"docid":"3986305","rank":93,"score":11.771560668945312},{"content":"Transportation and Parking at CDG. When you have a flight from Roissy Charles de Gaulle (CDG), take advantage of the various transportation options available. If you\u00e2\u0080\u0099ve bribed your friend to drive you the airport, use the convenient curbside drop-off or the short-term parking at CDG.","qid":405717,"docid":"3033903","rank":94,"score":11.7379789352417},{"content":"Getting from CDG airport to hotel near Eiffel Tower. Feb 02, 2013, 1:07 AM. My husband and I will be arriving in Paris at CDG direct from San Francisco on the 1st of October. It will be our first ever time in Europe so I am a little nervous and want to make sure everything runs smoothly.","qid":405717,"docid":"2365663","rank":95,"score":11.964454650878906},{"content":"- Charles De Gaulle International Airport (CDG) in Paris. CDG is the IATA code for the airport, LFPG is the ICAO code. Airlines and flights can be found on en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Charles_de_Gaulle_International_Airport.","qid":405717,"docid":"4828118","rank":96,"score":12.348746299743652},{"content":"The taxi-fare for a private taxi from Paris City Center to Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport is \u00e2\u0082\u00ac 59. The price for a transfer from Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport to Disneyland is \u00e2\u0082\u00ac 69. The price for a taxi from Paris Orly Airport to Disneyland is \u00e2\u0082\u00ac 85.","qid":405717,"docid":"5690239","rank":97,"score":10.747491836547852},{"content":"Hello Everybody, I have 2 questions about Pairs and need some suggestions. This summer, I will arrive the Charles De Gaulle Airport in the morning about 9:00 and will transit to Budapest at 18:00 on the same day. I believe that I will have enough time to go to the Eiffel Tower.","qid":405717,"docid":"2365667","rank":98,"score":11.745656967163086},{"content":"You can take the RER Line B suburban train from Paris-Charles de Gaulle (CDG) Airport to central Paris in as little as 35 minutes for 10\u00e2\u0082\u00ac .","qid":405717,"docid":"2747488","rank":99,"score":12.23229694366455},{"content":"Home>Airports>Charles De Gaulle Airport (CDG)>Terminal Maps. The Charles De Gaulle Airport map provides information about airport parking, ground transportation and airport trams. The Charles De Gaulle Airport map displays Terminals 1 through 3. Click on the terminal names for detailed maps that show locations of gates, bathrooms and more. Adria Airways.","qid":405717,"docid":"3986306","rank":100,"score":11.271507263183594}]} {"query":"who formed the commonwealth of independent states","hits":[{"content":"Australia became an independent nation on 1 January 1901 when the British Parliament passed legislation allowing the six Australian colonies to govern in their own right as part of the Commonwealth of Australia.","qid":1103812,"docid":"292717","rank":1,"score":11.219894409179688},{"content":"Under Joseph Stalin the USSR re-annexed the Baltic countries in 1940. The independence the Baltic states had enjoyed since the collapse of the Tsarist empire was over.","qid":1103812,"docid":"2828690","rank":2,"score":11.427728652954102},{"content":"The Assembly was established in March 1995 by the leaders of Supreme Soviets (parliaments) of the Commonwealth countries as a consultative institution to discuss problems of parliamentary cooperation and develop proposals by the parliaments of the CIS states.","qid":1103812,"docid":"8220084","rank":3,"score":12.128793716430664},{"content":"When was the Soviet Union formed? The Soviet Union was formed on December 28, 1922 with the signing of the Treaty of the Soviet Union by Russia, the Ukraine, Belorussia and the Transcaucasus Federation, a unio \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 n of the republics of Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan.2 people found this useful.he Soviet Union was formed on December 28, 1922 with the signing of the Treaty of the Soviet Union by Russia, the Ukraine, Belorussia and the Transcaucasus Federation, a unio \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 n of the republics of Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan. 2 people found this useful.","qid":1103812,"docid":"1614309","rank":4,"score":11.284457206726074},{"content":"Australia achieved dominion status when its states united as the Commonwealth of Australia in 1901. New Zealand followed in 1907, South Africa in 1910, and the Irish Free State in 1921. The five dominions and India had their own representation in the League of Nations, the forerunner of the UN.","qid":1103812,"docid":"5372063","rank":5,"score":11.79988956451416},{"content":"\u00e2\u0080\u00a2 COMMONWEALTH OF NATIONS (noun). The noun COMMONWEALTH OF NATIONS has 1 sense: 1. an association of nations consisting of the United Kingdom and its dependencies and many former British colonies that are now sovereign states but owe allegiance to the British Crown.Familiarity information: COMMONWEALTH OF NATIONS used as a noun is very rare.Dictionary entry details.n association of nations consisting of the United Kingdom and its dependencies and many former British colonies that are now sovereign states but owe allegiance to the British Crown. Classified under:","qid":1103812,"docid":"8224176","rank":6,"score":11.290654182434082},{"content":"Ukraine gained independence after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. In February 2014, President Victor Yanukovych was ousted by pro-Euro\u00e2\u0080\u0093Atlantic members of parliament after he used security forces to crack down on popular protests against his attempt to tighten ties with Russia.","qid":1103812,"docid":"1076375","rank":7,"score":11.222594261169434},{"content":"Britain, France and Russia formed the Triple Entente. Before this in 1904, Britain and France had signed the Entente Cordial and in 1907, Britain and Russia signed the Anglo \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 -Russian.9 people found this useful.ritain, France and Russia formed the Triple Entente. Before this in 1904, Britain and France had signed the Entente Cordial and in 1907, Britain and Russia signed the Anglo \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 -Russian. 9 people found this useful.","qid":1103812,"docid":"4512865","rank":8,"score":11.426772117614746},{"content":"Australia became a nation on 1 January 1901 when six British colonies\u00e2\u0080\u0094New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia and Tasmania\u00e2\u0080\u0094united to form the Commonwealth of Australia.","qid":1103812,"docid":"292721","rank":9,"score":11.466571807861328},{"content":"\u00e2\u0080\u00a6Belarus, and Russia formed the Commonwealth of Independent States, which was then joined by eight other former republics of the defunct Soviet Union.","qid":1103812,"docid":"8220086","rank":10,"score":13.196914672851562},{"content":"But it is still a member of the British Commonwealth, also called the Commonwealth of Nations, which is made up of the United Kingdom and several countries that used to be part of the British Empire.","qid":1103812,"docid":"1783587","rank":11,"score":11.651384353637695},{"content":"Home >Member countries. Fifty-three countries are members of the Commonwealth. Our countries span Africa, Asia, the Americas, Europe and the Pacific and are diverse \u00e2\u0080\u0093 they are amongst the world\u00e2\u0080\u0099s largest, smallest, richest and poorest countries.","qid":1103812,"docid":"7430765","rank":12,"score":11.311262130737305},{"content":"A commonwealth is, essentially, a grouping of states, cities, or other such entities for the common good. See the Wikipedia article link below for further information. Examples are the Commonwealths of Australia, New Zealand and Virginia in the US.The Commonwealth of Nations is a block of nations most of whom, but not all of whom, were once part of the British Empire.The Commonwealth of Independent States was an association of former Soviet Republics, created as the Soviet Union began to disintegrate. commonwealth is, essentially, a grouping of states, cities, or other such entities for the common good. See the Wikipedia article link below for further information. Examples are the Commonwealths of Australia, New Zealand and Virginia in the US.","qid":1103812,"docid":"8224183","rank":13,"score":11.987203598022461},{"content":"The FIRST of the former republics of the Soviet Union to be recognized as completely independent were the Baltic state of The people of Russia looked to Boris Yeltsin for leadership instead of Mikhail Gorbachev in late 1991 bc","qid":1103812,"docid":"2750951","rank":14,"score":11.370163917541504},{"content":"In 1944, a Soviet-backed Polish provisional government was formed which, after a falsified referendum in 1947 took control of the country and Poland became a satellite state of the Soviet Union, as People's Republic of Poland.","qid":1103812,"docid":"3981272","rank":15,"score":11.289188385009766},{"content":"In the adopted Declaration the participants of the Commonwealth declared their interaction on the basis of sovereign equality. At present the CIS unites: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Ukraine.","qid":1103812,"docid":"3843269","rank":16,"score":12.186945915222168},{"content":"Summary. At the height of its power, the Commonwealth of Poland included Lithuania, Belarus, and much of Ukraine. It developed a unique form of government in which the nobility elected the king and a single dissenting vote (the liberum veto) stopped any legislation.","qid":1103812,"docid":"3981270","rank":17,"score":11.769758224487305},{"content":"Commonwealth of Independent States; putative successor to the USSR, except that the Baltic Republics of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania never joined. Contrary to another definition of CIS at the Urban Dictionary, the CIS does not stand for Communist Independent States.. Moreover, that definition has the CIS existing BEFORE 1991, and includes Kazakhstan as not officially part of the Soviet Union.. Kazakhstan was, in fact, one of the 15 republics of the USSR until 1991.","qid":1103812,"docid":"4292848","rank":18,"score":12.115821838378906},{"content":"Russia was an a empire until 1917 when a socialist union of republics was formed. It was named the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR).Russia issued its first stamp in 1857, and when the USSR was formed the socialist republics of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Ukraine were allow to issued their own stamps.In 1991 the USSR brokeup and 11 former Soviet Republics created the Commonwealth of Independent States.ussia issued its first stamp in 1857, and when the USSR was formed the socialist republics of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Ukraine were allow to issued their own stamps. In 1991 the USSR brokeup and 11 former Soviet Republics created the Commonwealth of Independent States.","qid":1103812,"docid":"4401695","rank":19,"score":11.816534042358398},{"content":"1945-1946: Creation of Eastern European People's Republics. Between November 1945 and December 1946, a number of the coalition governments established in the Eastern European countries occupied by Soviet troops during the war transformed into Communist People's Republics with strong ties to the Soviet Union.","qid":1103812,"docid":"4417979","rank":20,"score":11.218873977661133},{"content":"In 1995, members Belarus and Russia created the Commonwealth of Sovereign Republics (CSR). The August 2008 war between Georgia and Russia was unique in being a direct war between CIS member states, although there have been others waged by proxy.","qid":1103812,"docid":"2945095","rank":21,"score":12.507719039916992},{"content":"The Commonwealth of Australia is a federal constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary democracy. The Commonwealth of Australia was formed in 1901 when the six self-governing British colonies, agreed to join together as one nation.These colonies became the six states of Australia.he Commonwealth of Australia is a federal constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary democracy. The Commonwealth of Australia was formed in 1901 when the six self-governing British colonies, agreed to join together as one nation.","qid":1103812,"docid":"6103245","rank":22,"score":11.531837463378906},{"content":"On 28 December 1922, a conference of plenipotentiary delegations from the Russian SFSR, the Transcaucasian SFSR, the Ukrainian SSR and the Byelorussian SSR approved the Treaty on the Creation of the USSR and the Declaration of the Creation of the USSR, forming the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.","qid":1103812,"docid":"8178","rank":23,"score":11.523966789245605},{"content":"At the same time, the struggle for self-government in India (then also including Bangladesh and Pakistan) was growing. India and Pakistan achieved independence \u00e2\u0080\u0093 as dominions and members of the Commonwealth \u00e2\u0080\u0093 in 1947, and Sri Lanka followed in 1948.","qid":1103812,"docid":"5372065","rank":24,"score":12.091226577758789},{"content":"Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Alliance of 12 of the former republics of the Soviet Union (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan).","qid":1103812,"docid":"8220081","rank":25,"score":12.63253402709961},{"content":"On 11 March 1990, Lithuania became the first of the Soviet republics to declare its independence, but this proclamation was not generally recognized until September of 1991 (following the abortive coup in Moscow).","qid":1103812,"docid":"5106508","rank":26,"score":11.401132583618164},{"content":"The Treaty of Berlin was the final act of the Congress of Berlin (13 June \u00e2\u0080\u0093 13 July 1878), by which the United Kingdom, Austria-Hungary, France, Germany, Italy, Russia and the Ottoman Empire under Sultan Abdul Hamid II revised the Treaty of San Stefano signed on 3 March the same year.he three newly independent states subsequently proclaimed themselves kingdoms: Romania in 1881, Serbia in 1882 and Montenegro in 1910, while Bulgaria proclaimed full independence in 1908 after uniting with Eastern Rumelia in 1885. Austria-Hungary annexed Bosnia in 1908, sparking a major European crisis.","qid":1103812,"docid":"4472291","rank":27,"score":11.199769973754883},{"content":"Commonwealth of Nations. An association comprising the United Kingdom, its dependencies, and many former British colonies that are now sovereign states, including Canada, Australia, India, and many West Indian and African countries.ommonwealth of Nations-an association of nations consisting of the United Kingdom and several former British colonies that are now sovereign states but still pay allegiance to the British Crown.","qid":1103812,"docid":"8224177","rank":28,"score":11.601387023925781},{"content":"When the Polish Commonwealth was carved up by the three greedy powers, Prussia, Russia, and Austria, the new Austrian rulers reverted to the ancient name and created the two provinces, Galicia and the eastern section, Bukovina, formerly Volhynia.","qid":1103812,"docid":"3996037","rank":29,"score":11.608381271362305},{"content":"The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) is the international organization, or alliance of countries that used to form the Soviet Union. On December 8 1991, leaders of Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine met at the nature reserve called Belovezhskaya Pushcha in Belarus. They discussed the creation of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). They reached an agreement about many points and signed a document creating the CIS. One of these points stated that the alliance would be open to all the republics of the Soviet Union.","qid":1103812,"docid":"8220085","rank":30,"score":13.133119583129883},{"content":"The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS; Russian: \u00d1\u0081\u00d0\u00be\u00d0\u00b4\u00d1\u0080\u00d1\u0083\u00d0\u00b6\u00d0\u00b5\u00d1\u0081\u00d1\u0082\u00d0\u00b2\u00d0\u00be \u00d0\u00bd\u00d0\u00b5\u00d0\u00b7\u00d0\u00b0\u00d0\u00b2\u00d0\u00b8\u00d1\u0081\u00d0\u00b8\u00d0\u00bc\u00d1\u008b\u00d1 \u00d0\u00b3\u00d0\u00be\u00d1\u0081\u00d1\u0083\u00d0\u00b4\u00d0\u00b0\u00d1\u0080\u00d1\u0081\u00d1\u0082\u00d0\u00b2, \u00d1\u0081\u00d0\u00bd\u00d0\u00b3, tr. Sodruzhestvo Nezavisimykh Gosudarstv, SNG), also called the Russian Commonwealth (to distinguish it from the British Commonwealth of Nations), is a regional organization formed during the dissolution of the Soviet Union.","qid":1103812,"docid":"3843267","rank":31,"score":12.89484691619873},{"content":"For a short time in the 1990s, at the founding of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the name of the current Republic of Moldova was also spelled Moldavia. After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the country began to use the Romanian name, Moldova.","qid":1103812,"docid":"3708772","rank":32,"score":11.356710433959961},{"content":"The Commonwealth of Nations (formerly the British Commonwealth), also known as simply the Commonwealth, is an intergovernmental organisation of 53 member states that are mostly former territories of the British Empire.","qid":1103812,"docid":"7280664","rank":33,"score":12.301475524902344},{"content":"Trinidad and Tobago and the Commonwealth Trinidad and Tobago joined the Commonwealth on independence in 1962. It has hosted several Commonwealth Meetings and has provided members for several Commonwealth Observer Groups (COGs).","qid":1103812,"docid":"3425644","rank":34,"score":11.357848167419434},{"content":"The Soviet Union was formed on December 28, 1922 with the signing of the Treaty of the Soviet Union by the republics of the Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic, Ukrain \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 e, Belorussia and Transcaucasus (a federation of Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan).he Soviet Union was formed on December 28, 1922 with the signing of the Treaty of the Soviet Union by Russia, the Ukraine, Belorussia and the Transcaucasus Federation, a unio \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 n of the republics of Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan. 2 people found this useful.","qid":1103812,"docid":"1614308","rank":35,"score":11.232736587524414},{"content":"Commonwealths of the United States (Twilight of a New Era) The Commonwealths are self-governing and unincorporated territories of the United States. They are administered directly by the federal government of the United States and they are not part of any US state. This relationship can be compared to the one of a protectorate. Territories gained by US after the conclusion of the Spanish-American War (1899). This includes the Philippines and Puerto Rico.","qid":1103812,"docid":"7430769","rank":36,"score":11.319491386413574},{"content":"This name is stated in the Ukrainian Declaration of Independence and Constitution. Before independence in 1991, Ukraine was a republic of the Soviet Union known as the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.","qid":1103812,"docid":"4306208","rank":37,"score":11.339231491088867},{"content":"Signing of the agreement to establish the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), 8 December 1991. In March 1991, Mikhail Gorbachev, the president of the Soviet Union, proposed a federation by holding a referendum to preserve the Union as the Union of Sovereign States.","qid":1103812,"docid":"8220087","rank":38,"score":12.489748001098633},{"content":"England was declared a republican Commonwealth and Free State in May 1649. During the early 1650s, attempts were made to incorporate Scotland and Ireland into the Commonwealth with England so that the three nations were ruled by a central government for the first time in British history.","qid":1103812,"docid":"7280672","rank":39,"score":11.626191139221191},{"content":"The Czech Republic became an independent state in January 1993 after Czechoslovakia split into its two constituent parts. Before World War II, Czechoslovakia was one of the 10 most industrialised states in the world, and the only central European country to remain a democracy until 1938.","qid":1103812,"docid":"3741564","rank":40,"score":11.305845260620117},{"content":"In December, 1922, the RSFSR entered into the Treaty of the Soviet Union with the republics of Ukraine, Belorussia and the Trancaucasus Federation (Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan). This union of four separate republics is what became known as the Soviet Union.he USSR was formed on 30 December 1922 with the signing of the Treaty on the Creation of the USSR. This Treaty legalized the creation of a union of several Soviet Republics into the USSR. The signatories to this treaty were Russia SFSR, Ukraine SSR, Byelorussian (Belarus) SSR and Transcaucasian SFSR.","qid":1103812,"docid":"2919994","rank":41,"score":11.39262580871582},{"content":"Commonwealth of Independent States an alliance made up of states that had been Soviet Socialist Republics in the Soviet Union prior to its dissolution in Dec 1991. A) Events of the Cold War. B) Actions of the United Nations. C) Causes of World War II.","qid":1103812,"docid":"3940091","rank":42,"score":11.731225967407227},{"content":"In a final step signifying the dismemberment of the Soviet Union, 11 of the 12 Soviet republics declare that they are forming the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). Just a few days later, Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev announced he was stepping down from his position. The Soviet Union ceased to exist.","qid":1103812,"docid":"8220088","rank":43,"score":13.112754821777344},{"content":"Malaya (later incorporated into Malaysia) also achieved independence in 1957, followed by Nigeria and Cyprus (1960), Sierra Leone and Tanzania (1961), Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, and Uganda (1962), and so on. The vast majority of countries coming to independence chose to join the Commonwealth.","qid":1103812,"docid":"5372066","rank":44,"score":11.86275863647461},{"content":"Turmoil in the Soviet Union continued, as there were several attempts at overthrowing Gorbachev. On December 8, 1991, the Soviet Union ceased to exist. Boris Yeltsin, president of the Russian Republic, formed the Commonwealth of Independent States (C.I.S.). After 45 years, the Cold War was over.","qid":1103812,"docid":"2332189","rank":45,"score":11.298102378845215},{"content":"In this way, Kenya became an independent country under the Kenya Independence Act 1963 which established the Dominion of Kenya, with Queen Elizabeth II as head of state. Mzee Jomo Kenyatta was the first prime minister.","qid":1103812,"docid":"7291855","rank":46,"score":11.346473693847656},{"content":"On 29 June 1945, a treaty was signed between Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union, ceding Carpatho-Ukraine to the USSR. From 1948 to 1990 Czechoslovakia was part of the Marxist\u00e2\u0080\u0093Leninist Warsaw Pact, which was formed in May 1955, and had a command or planned economy.he Bohemian Kingdom officially ceased to exist in 1918 by transformation into Czechoslovakia. Czechoslovakia was founded in October 1918, as one of the successor states of Austro-Hungarian Empire at the end of World War I and as part of the Treaty of St. Germain.","qid":1103812,"docid":"4733150","rank":47,"score":11.228590965270996},{"content":"Commonwealth of Independent States; putative successor to the USSR, except that the Baltic Republics of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania never joined. Contrary to another definition of CIS at the Urban Dictionary, the CIS does not stand for Communist Independent States..","qid":1103812,"docid":"8293805","rank":48,"score":12.206872940063477},{"content":"In the wake of the insurrection of 1794, Russia, Prussia, and Austria carried out the third and final partition of Poland-Lithuania in 1795, erasing the Commonwealth of Two Nations from the map and pledging never to let it return.","qid":1103812,"docid":"6128491","rank":49,"score":11.685478210449219},{"content":"This map is color\u00e2\u0080\u0093coded to show the territories taken by Russia, Prussia, and Austria in the First Partition of 1772, Russia and Prussia in the Second Partition of 1793, and Russia, Prussia, and Austria in the Third Partition of 1795, which eliminated the commonwealth altogether.","qid":1103812,"docid":"153735","rank":50,"score":11.77853012084961},{"content":"On January 1, 1901, a federation of colonies took shape after years of discussions and planning. The Commonwealth of Australia was created as a Dominion of the British Empire, and a new nation was born. Western Australia, granted self-government in 1889 by the British, was the most reluctant participant in this new Commonwealth of Australia, but joined nevertheless.","qid":1103812,"docid":"1294072","rank":51,"score":11.575271606445312},{"content":"On the 6th of July 1992 the Agreement on the status of the Economic Court of the Commonwealth of Independent States was signed, and its inherent part was the Provision on the Economic Court of the Commonwealth of Independent States. This Provision is a legal basis of the Court\u00e2\u0080\u0099s activity.","qid":1103812,"docid":"3843263","rank":52,"score":11.243876457214355},{"content":"After the Russian Revolution, Ukraine declared its independence from Russia on Jan. 28, 1918, and several years of warfare ensued with several groups. The Red Army finally was victorious over Kiev, and in 1920 Ukraine became a Soviet republic.","qid":1103812,"docid":"4954646","rank":53,"score":11.196578979492188},{"content":"In 1917, as an anti-imperialist, Lenin said that oppressed peoples had the unconditional right to secede from the Russian Empire; however, at end of the Civil War, the USSR annexed Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan.o promote world revolution, Lenin supported the creation of the Communist International. In 1921 Lenin proposed the New Economic Policy, a mixed economic system of state capitalism that started the process of industrialisation and recovery from the Civil War.","qid":1103812,"docid":"8762614","rank":54,"score":11.316956520080566},{"content":"The Soviet Union was officially created in December 1922 as the union of the Russian (also known as Bolshevist Russia), Ukrainian, Belarusian, and Transcaucasian Soviet republics ruled by the communist Bolshevik parties.t was a union of fourteen Soviet Socialist Republics and one Soviet Federated Socialist Republic (Russia).","qid":1103812,"docid":"442566","rank":55,"score":11.374494552612305},{"content":"The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (also known as the USSR or Soviet Union for short) consisted of Russia and surrounding countries that today make up Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.f the fifteen constituent republics of the USSR, three of these countries declared and were granted independence a few months preceding the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. The remaining twelve did not become independent until the USSR fell completely on December 26, 1991.","qid":1103812,"docid":"2919990","rank":56,"score":11.879530906677246},{"content":"She is Head of the Commonwealth and Queen of 12 countries that have become independent since her accession: Jamaica, Barbados, the Bahamas, Grenada, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Belize, Antigua and Barbuda, and Saint Kitts and Nevis.","qid":1103812,"docid":"868008","rank":57,"score":11.437807083129883},{"content":"After breaking away from the Republic of Georgia in the early 1990s with Russian help, the self-proclaimed Republic of South Ossetia established its own KGB (keeping this unreformed name).","qid":1103812,"docid":"7845649","rank":58,"score":11.19284439086914},{"content":"In 1922 Moscow proclaimed the creation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, composed of Russia, Belorussia (now Belarus), Ukraine, and the Transcaucasian Federation. (The first U.S.S.R. constitution was formally adopted in January 1924. In 1925 the All-Union Communist Party, later the Communist Party of the Soviet Union [CPSU], was formed.)","qid":1103812,"docid":"7218307","rank":59,"score":11.72130012512207},{"content":"A commonwealth refers to any group of people organized under a single government, particularly a republic. If you live in the United States of America, you live in a commonwealth. Comprised of the roots common, meaning belonging to all, and wealth, meaning happiness or riches, the word commonwealth originally referred to the government of England from 1649 to 1660.","qid":1103812,"docid":"476179","rank":60,"score":11.218523025512695},{"content":"In this way, Kenya became an independent country under the Kenya Independence Act 1963 which established the Dominion of Kenya, with Queen Elizabeth II as head of state.Mzee Jomo Kenyatta was the first prime minister.n this way, Kenya became an independent country under the Kenya Independence Act 1963 which established the Dominion of Kenya, with Queen Elizabeth II as head of state.","qid":1103812,"docid":"5253922","rank":61,"score":11.20898151397705},{"content":"wealth of Independent States: A Legal Pro\u00ef\u00ac\u0081le, 2 PARKER SCH. J. E. EUR. L. 583 (1995). 5. 1 Bulleten mezhdunarodnykh dogovorov [Bulletin of International Treaties] 4 (1994). For an English translation, see The Commonwealth of Independ-ent States Treaty on Creation of an Economic Union, Sept. 24, 1993, 34 I.L.M. 1298 (1995).","qid":1103812,"docid":"8220080","rank":62,"score":11.277345657348633},{"content":"Formerly Communist countries (by current name): 1 Formerly part of the Soviet Union: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.","qid":1103812,"docid":"2969376","rank":63,"score":11.225457191467285},{"content":"The Commonwealth of Australia was created on January 1, 1901 - Federation Day - when six. former British colonies - now the six States of Australia - agreed to form a union. The Australian. Constitution, which took effect on January 1, 1901, lays down the framework for the Australian. system of government.","qid":1103812,"docid":"8755009","rank":64,"score":11.438344955444336},{"content":"The Baltic states gained independence after World War I, but were occupied by the Soviet Union during World War II, regaining independence in the early 1990s. All three countries are members of the European Union, NATO and the Eurozone.","qid":1103812,"docid":"4087886","rank":65,"score":11.56882381439209},{"content":"Commonwealth is a nomenclature used by four of the constituent states of the United States of America in their official, full state names.These states are Kentucky, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.The four were among the original 15 states to join the Union.he same term is also used by the U.S. Commonwealths of Puerto Rico and the Northern Mariana Islands, which are not states where it has a distinct legal meaning.","qid":1103812,"docid":"3672737","rank":66,"score":11.209620475769043},{"content":"The Commonwealth of Nations, or the Commonwealth (formerly the British Commonwealth), is an intergovernmental organisation of 53 member states that were mostly territories of the former British Empire.","qid":1103812,"docid":"7430771","rank":67,"score":12.333163261413574},{"content":"Integration of the countries in the framework of the Commonwealth of Independent States is executed through its coordinating institutions (charter bodies, executive bodies and the bodies of branch cooperation of the CIS). Charter Bodies of the CIS: Council of the Heads of States. Council of the Heads of Governments.","qid":1103812,"docid":"3843271","rank":68,"score":12.105957984924316},{"content":"What is the Commonwealth? The Commonwealth, or The Commonwealth of Nations, is a group of 53 states, all of which (except for two) were formerly part of the British Empire. As nations began the process of succeeding from the British Empire in the early part of the 1900s, it was created, largely, to ease the process of British decolonization.","qid":1103812,"docid":"2703108","rank":69,"score":12.594449043273926},{"content":"On August 15, 1947, India officially became a dominion within the Commonwealth and Jawaharlal Nehru was named India's Prime Minister. India's first constitution was written shortly thereafter on January 26, 1950 and at that time, it officially became a member of the British Commonwealth.n August 15, 1947, India officially became a dominion within the Commonwealth and Jawaharlal Nehru was named India's Prime Minister. India's first constitution was written shortly thereafter on January 26, 1950 and at that time, it officially became a member of the British Commonwealth.","qid":1103812,"docid":"4973431","rank":70,"score":11.724851608276367},{"content":"Prior to the territorial partitions by Prussia, Russia, and the Habsburg Austrians, the area was known as the Polish\u00e2\u0080\u0093Lithuanian Commonwealth formed by the union of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and included West Pomerrelia, Ermeland, Courland, Samogitia, Podlersia, Podlachia, Masovia, and Volhynia.","qid":1103812,"docid":"153734","rank":71,"score":11.808342933654785},{"content":"In the aftermath of the 1917 Russian Revolution, Belarus declared independence as the Belarusian People's Republic, which was conquered by Soviet Russia.","qid":1103812,"docid":"660291","rank":72,"score":11.30475902557373},{"content":"In post-revolutionary Russia, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) is established, comprising a confederation of Russia, Belorussia, Ukraine, and the Transcaucasian Federation (divided in 1936 into the Georgian, Azerbaijan, and Armenian republics).","qid":1103812,"docid":"2485977","rank":73,"score":11.400872230529785},{"content":"With the collapse of Soviet authority in 1989, Czechoslovakia regained its freedom through a peaceful Velvet Revolution and became a sovereign state. On 1 January 1993, the country underwent a velvet divorce into its two national components, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. In 1999 the Czech Republic became a member of the NATO and in 2004 a member of the European Union. related countries: Russian Federation.","qid":1103812,"docid":"2657743","rank":74,"score":11.423797607421875},{"content":"The Soviet Union was officially established in December 1922 with the union of the Russian, Ukrainian, Byelorussian, and Transcaucasian Soviet republics, each ruled by local Bolshevik parties.he Space Race heated up, and the USSR took an early lead with the first ever satellite and world's first human spaceflight. In the 1970s, there was, briefly, a detente d\u00c3\u00a9tente of relations with The United, states but tensions resumed when The Soviet union deployed troops In afghanistan in. 1979","qid":1103812,"docid":"5290799","rank":75,"score":11.230895042419434},{"content":"The Commonwealth of Nations, commonly known as the Commonwealth (formerly the British Commonwealth), is an intergovernmental organisation of 53 member states that were mostly territories of the former British Empire.he Commonwealth dates back to the mid 20th century with the decolonisation of the British Empire through increased self-governance of its territories. It was formally constituted by the London Declaration in 1949, which established the member states as free and equal.","qid":1103812,"docid":"8224175","rank":76,"score":12.818216323852539},{"content":"The partitions were conducted by the Russian Empire, the Kingdom of Prussia and Habsburg Austria, which divided up the Commonwealth lands among themselves progressively in the process of territorial seizures. The First Partition of Poland was decided on August 5, 1772.","qid":1103812,"docid":"6825517","rank":77,"score":11.405845642089844},{"content":"By the terms of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, Russia recognized the independence of Ukraine, Georgia and Finland; gave up Poland and the Baltic states of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia to Germany and Austria-Hungary; and ceded Kars, Ardahan and Batum to Turkey.ublisher. A+E Networks. On March 3, 1918, in the city of Brest-Litovsk, located in modern-day Belarus near the Polish border, Russia signs a treaty with the Central Powers ending its participation in World War I.","qid":1103812,"docid":"6828499","rank":78,"score":11.205230712890625},{"content":"For other uses, see Commonwealth. A map of the United States of America, showing the four states that refer to themselves as a commonwealth in red. Commonwealth is a nomenclature used by four of the constituent states of the United States of America in their official, full state names.These states are Kentucky, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. The four were among the original 15 states to join the Union.assachusetts is officially named The Commonwealth of Massachusetts by its constitution. The name State of Massachusetts Bay was used in all acts and resolves up to 1780 and the first draft of the constitution.","qid":1103812,"docid":"3591090","rank":79,"score":11.271732330322266},{"content":"Executive Bodies of the CIS: 1 Economic Council. 2 Council of Permanent Plenipotentiary Representatives of the States-Participants of the Commonwealth under Charter. 3 Executive Committee. 4 Anti -Terrorist Center. 5 Interstate Bank. 6 Interstate Statistical Committee. 7 Interstate Council on Standardization Metrology and Certification.","qid":1103812,"docid":"8220083","rank":80,"score":11.491714477539062},{"content":"CIS. Commonwealth of Independent States; putative successor to the USSR, except that the Baltic Republics of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania never joined. Contrary to another definition of CIS at the Urban Dictionary, the CIS does not stand for Communist Independent States..","qid":1103812,"docid":"2945096","rank":81,"score":11.517850875854492},{"content":"Our history. The Commonwealth is one of the world\u00e2\u0080\u0099s oldest political association of states. Its roots go back to the British Empire when some countries were ruled directly or indirectly by Britain. Some of these countries became self-governing while retaining Britain\u00e2\u0080\u0099s monarch as Head of State.","qid":1103812,"docid":"2586283","rank":82,"score":11.955709457397461},{"content":"Although the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia came into effect at Federation, this did not mean that Australia was now independent of British rule. When the UK approved colonial federation, it simply meant that the six self-governing states of Australia allocated some functions to a federal authority.ence, Australia belonged to the British Empire. Although the British Empire no longer exists, many of its former countries are members of the Commonwealth of Nations. Australia was claimed by Captain James Cook in 1770 for the British and the settling of convicts at Sydney Cove in 1788 served several purposes.","qid":1103812,"docid":"3990418","rank":83,"score":11.48106861114502},{"content":"By the late 1800s, India began working toward independence from Britain but it did not come until the 1940s however when Indian citizens began to unite and British Labor Prime Minister Clement Attlee began to push for India's independence.n August 15, 1947, India officially became a dominion within the Commonwealth and Jawaharlal Nehru was named India's Prime Minister. India's first constitution was written shortly thereafter on January 26, 1950 and at that time, it officially became a member of the British Commonwealth.","qid":1103812,"docid":"4973425","rank":84,"score":11.327914237976074},{"content":"Frustration with the bad economy combined with Gorbachev\u00e2\u0080\u0099s hands-off approach to Soviet satellites to inspire a series of independence movements in the republics on the USSR\u00e2\u0080\u0099s fringes. One by one, the Baltic states (Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia) declared their independence from Moscow.","qid":1103812,"docid":"5220449","rank":85,"score":11.267684936523438},{"content":"Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, twelve independent republics emerged from the USSR: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and the Baltic states regained independence: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania; the Russian SFSR reconstituted itself as the Russian Federation and is recognized as the continuing legal personality and sole successor state of the Soviet Union.","qid":1103812,"docid":"8049013","rank":86,"score":12.368145942687988},{"content":"On 8 December the presidents of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus founded the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) leaving Gorbachev with no choice but to agree with Yeltsin to dissolve the Soviet Union.On 25 December 1991, in a live TV address to the nation, Mikhail Gorbachev stepped down from power.he man who brought the ideas of Glasnost and Perestroika to the Soviet Union and the only President of the USSR, Mikhail Gorbachev tried to beat widespread alcoholism in the country and breathe new life into the staggering Soviet economy.","qid":1103812,"docid":"1614303","rank":87,"score":11.730003356933594},{"content":"A few days earlier, representatives from 11 Soviet republics (Ukraine, the Russian Federation, Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan) met in the Kazakh city of Alma-Ata and announced that they would no longer be part of the Soviet Union.he Origins and Evolution of the Soviet State. The Soviet state was born in 1917. That year, the revolutionary Bolsheviks overthrew the Russian czar and established a socialist state in the territory that had once belonged to the Russian empire.","qid":1103812,"docid":"1614305","rank":88,"score":11.240398406982422},{"content":"Australia became an independent nation on 1 January 1901 when the British Parliament passed legislation allowing the six Australian colonies to govern in their own right as part of the Commonwealth of Australia. The Commonwealth of Australia was established as a constitutional monarchy. 'Constitutional' because the Commonwealth of Australia was established with a written constitution, and 'monarchy' because Australia's head of state was Queen Victoria. The Constitution, the monarch and the Governor-General","qid":1103812,"docid":"7242599","rank":89,"score":11.388716697692871},{"content":"The Kingdom of Poland was founded in 1025, and in 1569 it cemented a longstanding political association with the Grand Duchy of Lithuania by signing the Union of Lublin. This union formed the Polish\u00e2\u0080\u0093Lithuanian Commonwealth, one of the largest and most populous countries of 16th and 17th century Europe.","qid":1103812,"docid":"4148174","rank":90,"score":11.215941429138184},{"content":"The Soviet Union formally came into being under the treaty of union in December 1922, which was signed by Russia and three other union republics--Belorussia (now Belarus), Ukraine, and what was then the Transcaucasian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic (an entity including Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia).","qid":1103812,"docid":"5096997","rank":91,"score":11.478315353393555},{"content":"Federation to 1945: The Commonwealth of Australia was established on January 1, 1901. After approval of a draft constitution by Australian voters, the British Parliament had passed legislation in 1900 to enable the commonwealth to come into existence.","qid":1103812,"docid":"7246728","rank":92,"score":11.651382446289062},{"content":"Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, fifteen independent republics emerged from the USSR: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Estonia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan; the Russian SFSR reconstituted itself as the Russian Federation and is recognized as the ...","qid":1103812,"docid":"1315739","rank":93,"score":12.298440933227539},{"content":"Kyrgyzstan is a member of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Eurasian Economic Union, the Collective Security Treaty Organization, the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, the Turkic Council, the T\u00c3\u00bcRKSOY community and the United Nations.","qid":1103812,"docid":"4271423","rank":94,"score":11.39725112915039},{"content":"After discussion about the creation of a common economic space between the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) countries of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan, agreement in principle about the creation of this space was announced after a meeting in the Moscow suburb of Novo-Ogarevo on 23 February 2003.","qid":1103812,"docid":"3843266","rank":95,"score":12.388988494873047},{"content":"Nowadays, a commonwealth has come to mean any government in which all people involved have a say, or a loose formation of nations with a shared loyalty. It is also the official designation of a few states including, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Virginia and some U.S. territories.","qid":1103812,"docid":"476183","rank":96,"score":11.66535758972168},{"content":") was a sovereign state in Central Europe that existed from October 1918, when it declared its independence from the Austro-Hungarian Empire, until its peaceful dissolution into the Czech Republic and Slovakia on 1 January 1993.he Bohemian Kingdom officially ceased to exist in 1918 by transformation into Czechoslovakia. Czechoslovakia was founded in October 1918, as one of the successor states of Austro-Hungarian Empire at the end of World War I and as part of the Treaty of St. Germain.","qid":1103812,"docid":"4167777","rank":97,"score":11.270174026489258},{"content":"The Commonwealth of Australia came into existence with the federation of the Australian states on 1 January 1901.The creation of the Commonwealth of Australia would be the fi \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 rst step towards self-government in Australia.The goldrushes had made Australia a wealthy nation, and many were pushing for Australia to be independent of Britain's laws, which simply were not relevant for Australian conditions.ustralia joined the Commonwealth in 1931.This was when its independence was officially recognized under the Statute of Westminster. Australia was one of the founding memb \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ers of the Commonwealth.","qid":1103812,"docid":"5974245","rank":98,"score":11.991596221923828},{"content":"The Agreement on the status of the Economic Court of the Commonwealth of Independent States came into force in 1992 for Belarus, Russian Federation, Uzbekistan, in 1993 \u00e2\u0080\u0093 for Armenia, in 1994 \u00e2\u0080\u0093 for Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, in 1995 \u00e2\u0080\u0093 for Moldova. In 2006 Armenia quit the Agreement.","qid":1103812,"docid":"3843270","rank":99,"score":11.843294143676758},{"content":"commonwealth of independent states The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) was established on December 8, 1991, in the Belovezh Accords, which also brought an end to the Soviet Union.","qid":1103812,"docid":"8220089","rank":100,"score":12.974916458129883}]} {"query":"define visceral?","hits":[{"content":"Definition of visceral for English Language Learners. : 1 coming from strong emotions and not from logic or reason. 2 medical : of or relating to the viscera.","qid":1106007,"docid":"1334330","rank":1,"score":14.685449600219727},{"content":"the inner layer of an enveloping sac or bursa that lines the outer surface of the enveloped structure, as opposed to the parietal layer that lines the walls of the occupied space or cavity.he visceral layer is usually thin, delicate, and not apparent as being separate, but rather appears to be the outer surface of the structure itself. Synonym(s): lamina visceralis [TA] .","qid":1106007,"docid":"2464374","rank":2,"score":12.255849838256836},{"content":"Visceral fat is a specific type of fat that is found on the stomach, and goes by many other names 'your beer belly', 'spare tyre' or 'muffin top'.","qid":1106007,"docid":"5571606","rank":3,"score":11.994691848754883},{"content":"abdominal viscera, the internal organs enclosed within the abdominal cavity, including the stomach, liver, intestines, spleen, pancreas, and parts of the urinary and reproductive tracts.bdominal enlargement. may result from fluid effusions (transudate, exudate or blood), enlargement of viscera (neoplasia, dilatation, engorgement or physiological phenomena, e.g. pregnancy), intra-abdominal masses or fat. Weakness of the abdominal wall usually results in a pendulous rather than enlarged abdomen.","qid":1106007,"docid":"5204543","rank":4,"score":11.922109603881836},{"content":"In anatomy, a viscus \/\u00cb\u0088v\u00c9\u00aask\u00c9\u0099s\/ is an internal organ, and viscera is the plural form. Organs are composed of main tissue, parenchyma, and sporadic tissues, stroma. hollow organ is a visceral organ that forms a hollow tube or pouch, such as the stomach or intestine, or that includes a cavity, like the heart or urinary bladder.","qid":1106007,"docid":"5204540","rank":5,"score":11.64419174194336},{"content":"visceral \u00e2\u0080\u008e(comparative more visceral, superlative most visceral) ( 1 anatomy) Of or relating to the viscera\u00e2\u0080\u0094internal organs of the body; splanchnic. 1875, Charles Darwin, Insectivorous Plants, ch. 6: Some areolar tissue free from elastic tissue was next procured from the visceral cavity of a toad.","qid":1106007,"docid":"7685383","rank":6,"score":14.078990936279297},{"content":"Some of the examples of visceral pain consist of: Chronic chest pain, appendicitis, diverticulitis, gallstones and pelvic pain. Know the symptoms and treatment of visceral pain and the difference between deep and superficial or visceral pain.","qid":1106007,"docid":"8141088","rank":7,"score":11.698737144470215},{"content":"Visceral pain is pain that originates from an organ within the body. The organs in the body lack other types of receptors for the different stimuli like touch and heat. This allows the organs to continue with various involuntary activities without the person being aware of it.","qid":1106007,"docid":"899465","rank":8,"score":11.769426345825195},{"content":"visceral muscle noun [C]. \u00e2\u0080\u00ba biology any of the muscles that \u00e2\u0080\u008bwork \u00e2\u0080\u008bautomatically and are \u00e2\u0080\u008bfound in the \u00e2\u0080\u008borgans of the \u00e2\u0080\u008bbody such as the \u00e2\u0080\u008bstomach and \u00e2\u0080\u008blungs. (Definition of visceral muscle from the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary \u00c2\u00a9 Cambridge University Press).See all translations. biology any of the muscles that \u00e2\u0080\u008bwork \u00e2\u0080\u008bautomatically and are \u00e2\u0080\u008bfound in the \u00e2\u0080\u008borgans of the \u00e2\u0080\u008bbody such as the \u00e2\u0080\u008bstomach and \u00e2\u0080\u008blungs. (Definition of visceral muscle from the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary \u00c2\u00a9 Cambridge University Press). See all translations.","qid":1106007,"docid":"5279704","rank":9,"score":13.321452140808105},{"content":"Viscera redirects here. For other uses, see Viscera (disambiguation). In biology, an organ or viscus is a collection of tissues joined in a structural unit to serve a common function. In anatomy, a viscus (\/\u00cb\u0088v\u00c9\u00aask\u00c9\u0099s\/) is an internal organ, and viscera (\/\u00cb\u0088v\u00c9\u00aas\u00c9\u0099r\u00c9\u0099\/) is the plural form. Organs are composed of main tissue, parenchyma, and sporadic tissues, stroma.","qid":1106007,"docid":"551007","rank":10,"score":11.848686218261719},{"content":"Visceral fat is a specific type of fat that is found on the stomach, and goes by many other names 'your beer belly', 'spare tyre' or 'muffin top'. Whatever you call it though, it is one of the biggest banes for those trying to lose weight and is often the area where people most want to shift some weight.","qid":1106007,"docid":"5571602","rank":11,"score":11.987762451171875},{"content":"Definition of visceral. 1 : felt in or as if in the internal organs of the body : deep a visceral conviction. 2 : not intellectual : instinctive, unreasoning visceral drives. 3 : dealing with crude or elemental emotions : earthy a visceral novel.","qid":1106007,"docid":"1334336","rank":12,"score":15.358735084533691},{"content":"The viscera are the internal organs of the body-especially those located in the large cavity of the trunk (e.g., the heart, liver, and intestines). The word viscera comes from Latin, in which it has essentially the same meaning. Something visceral has to do with the viscera. In a more figurative sense, something visceral is felt deep down.. Even in the early years of its use, visceral often referred to things emotional rather than physiological.","qid":1106007,"docid":"1334334","rank":13,"score":13.62939739227295},{"content":"vis\u00e2\u0080\u00a2cer\u00e2\u0080\u00a2al. 1. of, pertaining to, or affecting the viscera. 2. characterized by or proceeding from instinct rather than intellect: a visceral reaction. 3. characterized by or dealing with coarse or base emotions; earthy. vis\u00e2\u0080\u00b2cer\u00e2\u0080\u00a2al\u00e2\u0080\u00a2ly, adv.","qid":1106007,"docid":"2672601","rank":14,"score":13.384307861328125},{"content":"The word viscera refers to all internal organs in the chest, abdomen, and pelvis. A list of organs would include the heart, kidneys, uterus, and bladder, among others. The term is the plural of viscus, which is a Latin word meaning an organ of the body.nternal human organs are also called viscera. Viscera refers to the internal organs in the chest, abdomen, and pelvis. Cooked offal, which is called viscera when inside the body.","qid":1106007,"docid":"2866634","rank":15,"score":12.650561332702637},{"content":"The visceral layer is usually thin, delicate, and not apparently separate, but instead seems to be the outer surface of the structure itself. Synonyms: lamina visceralis. The definition information for visceral layer is provided by Stedman's.You can search our medical dictionary here.he visceral layer is usually thin, delicate, and not apparently separate, but instead seems to be the outer surface of the structure itself. Synonyms: lamina visceralis. The definition information for visceral layer is provided by Stedman's.","qid":1106007,"docid":"2464378","rank":16,"score":11.787759780883789},{"content":"Example Sentences for visceral. 1 Inside each of the visceral processes on either side a cartilaginous rod develops. 2 The look of visceral satisfaction on his face was unmistakable. 3 In the region of the head it exhibits on each side a slight bulging outwards, the rudiment of the first visceral cleft.","qid":1106007,"docid":"8204464","rank":17,"score":11.743562698364258},{"content":"(anatomy) Of or relating to the viscera\u00e2\u0080\u0094internal organs of the body; splanchnic. 1875, Charles Darwin, Insectivorous Plants, ch. 6: Some areolar tissue free from elastic tissue was next procured from the visceral cavity of a toad. 1914, Arthur B. Reeve, The Dream Doctor, ch.","qid":1106007,"docid":"7685381","rank":18,"score":12.28359317779541},{"content":"The visceral layer is usually thin, delicate, and not apparently separate, but instead seems to be the outer surface of the structure itself. See also: serosa.","qid":1106007,"docid":"4781863","rank":19,"score":11.9048490524292},{"content":"visceral muscle noun [C]. \u00e2\u0080\u00ba any of the \u00e2\u0080\u008bmuscles that \u00e2\u0080\u008bwork \u00e2\u0080\u008bautomatically and are \u00e2\u0080\u008bfound in the \u00e2\u0080\u008borgans of the \u00e2\u0080\u008bbody such as the \u00e2\u0080\u008bstomach and \u00e2\u0080\u008blungs. (Definition of visceral muscle from the Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary & Thesaurus \u00c2\u00a9 Cambridge University Press).Browse. biology any of the muscles that \u00e2\u0080\u008bwork \u00e2\u0080\u008bautomatically and are \u00e2\u0080\u008bfound in the \u00e2\u0080\u008borgans of the \u00e2\u0080\u008bbody such as the \u00e2\u0080\u008bstomach and \u00e2\u0080\u008blungs. (Definition of visceral muscle from the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary \u00c2\u00a9 Cambridge University Press). See all translations.","qid":1106007,"docid":"5279702","rank":20,"score":13.153894424438477},{"content":"visceral \u00e2\u0080\u008e(comparative more visceral, superlative most visceral) ( 1 anatomy) Of or relating to the viscera\u00e2\u0080\u0094internal organs of the body; splanchnic. 1875, Charles Darwin, Insectivorous Plants, ch. 2 Having to do with the response of the body as opposed to the intellect, as in the distinction between feeling and thinking.","qid":1106007,"docid":"7685385","rank":21,"score":14.448591232299805},{"content":"The word viscera refers to all internal organs in the chest, abdomen, and pelvis. A list of organs would include the heart, kidneys, uterus, and bladder, among others. The term is the plural of viscus, which is a Latin word meaning an organ of the body.iscera refers to the internal organs in the chest, abdomen, and pelvis. Cooked offal, which is called viscera when inside the body. The term visceral reaction refers to something that is felt emotionally. View slideshow of images above.","qid":1106007,"docid":"5204536","rank":22,"score":12.633251190185547},{"content":"Other difference between visceral pain and superficial pain is that visceral pain tends to radiate to other parts of the body, which makes the pain diffuse and very unpleasant. The primary reason for the difference in the timing and location of visceral pain when compared to somatic pain is the less number of sensory receptors present in the internal organs or the viscera.","qid":1106007,"docid":"8141086","rank":23,"score":11.638936996459961},{"content":"pertaining to the viscera or internal organs. Hence visceral afferents the components of the peripheral nervous system that carry information from the organs. The outgoing nerves to the viscera are the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves of the autonomic nervous system but are not usually known as visceral efferents.","qid":1106007,"docid":"7685386","rank":24,"score":12.364936828613281},{"content":"visceral adjective (EMOTIONAL) \u00e2\u0080\u00ba literary based on deep feeling and emotional reactions rather than on reason or thought: visceral hatred\/excitement. His approach to acting is visceral rather than intellectual. Thesaurus: synonyms and related words.","qid":1106007,"docid":"7685380","rank":25,"score":14.846723556518555},{"content":"Visceral Fat (Abdominal Fat) is the fat that surrounds the vital organs on the trunk \/ stomach area of the body. For a quick easy explanation-try tensing your tummy muscles, then pinch the fat by your belly button. What you can pinch is subcutaneous fat (under the skin) it is not visceral fat.Visceral fat is the fat you can't pinch-it is on the inside of your muscle wall. Typically this type of fat is most often found in high levels in middle aged men (often mistakenly referred to as a beer belly).or a quick easy explanation-try tensing your tummy muscles, then pinch the fat by your belly button. What you can pinch is subcutaneous fat (under the skin) it is not visceral fat. Visceral fat is the fat you can't pinch-it is on the inside of your muscle wall.","qid":1106007,"docid":"2384065","rank":26,"score":11.843631744384766},{"content":"Visceral pain is pain that results from the activation of nociceptors of the thoracic, pelvic, or abdominal viscera (organs). Visceral structures are highly sensitive to distension (stretch), ischemia and inflammation, but relatively insensitive to other stimuli that normally evoke pain such as cutting or burning. Visceral pain is diffuse, difficult to localize and often referred to a distant, usually superficial, structure. It may be accompanied by symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, changes in vital signs as well as emotional manifestations. The pain may be described as sickening, deep, squeezing, and dull.","qid":1106007,"docid":"2513606","rank":27,"score":12.929862976074219},{"content":"In my opinion the best way to distinguish between these terms is to recognize that visceral reactions IS a type of deep emotional reaction, the other variant being a deep cerebral emotional reaction. I do not agree with the notion that emotional responses are always non-intellectual. This is a misleading notion.p vote 2 down vote. I think that visceral sometimes doesn't relate to what we normally describe as feelings. It seems that a visceral reaction to something may often also connect with a strong emotional response to the same moment or stimulus.","qid":1106007,"docid":"7500587","rank":28,"score":11.658525466918945},{"content":"Visceral pain is pain that results from the activation of nociceptors of the thoracic, pelvic, or abdominal viscera (organs). Visceral structures are highly sensitive to distension (stretch), ischemia and inflammation, but relatively insensitive to other stimuli that normally evoke pain such as cutting or burning.s visceral pain changes in nature as it progresses. Pain from a specific organ can be experienced, or \u00e2\u0080\u009creferred\u00e2\u0080\u009d to different sites of the body. There is no pathology or no cause for pain at these referred somatic sites however the pain will be experienced at this location, often with significant intensity.","qid":1106007,"docid":"6182968","rank":29,"score":12.54565715789795},{"content":"Example Sentences for visceral. Inside each of the visceral processes on either side a cartilaginous rod develops. The look of visceral satisfaction on his face was unmistakable. In the region of the head it exhibits on each side a slight bulging outwards, the rudiment of the first visceral cleft. I gathered from your previous testimony that your feeling, visceral feeling, related both to Mrs. Paine and to Mr. Paine.","qid":1106007,"docid":"4004166","rank":30,"score":11.718080520629883},{"content":"Tweet. photo: euskalanato. Visceral manipulation is the practice of an experienced therapist using his or her hands to move and release fascial restrictions in your abdomen and pelvis to encourage the normal movement and function of your internal organs.weet. photo: euskalanato. Visceral manipulation is the practice of an experienced therapist using his or her hands to move and release fascial restrictions in your abdomen and pelvis to encourage the normal movement and function of your internal organs.","qid":1106007,"docid":"2866633","rank":31,"score":12.20656967163086},{"content":"Definition of Visceral. Visceral: Referring to the viscera, the internal organs of the body, specifically those within the chest (as the heart or lungs) or abdomen (as the liver, pancreas or intestines). In a figurative sense, something visceral is felt deep down.. It is a gut feeling..","qid":1106007,"docid":"2960563","rank":32,"score":15.116483688354492},{"content":"The reason is that there are two different kinds of fat in your belly and visceral fat is only one of them. In a health setting, the word visceral means in or near your vital organs (your viscera). These are the organs deep in your gut, like your stomach and your intestines. Visceral muscles are found in the walls of your visceral organs. Visceral fat surrounds those organs. Since your vital organs are located in your midsection, visceral fat accumulates in the area around your belly. But not all belly fat is visceral fat. There is another kind of fat called subcutaneous fat. Subcutaneous fat is located underneath the skin.","qid":1106007,"docid":"7685384","rank":33,"score":12.167939186096191},{"content":"vis\u00c2\u00b7cer\u00c2\u00b7al. adj. 1. Relating to, situated in, or affecting the viscera. 2. Being or arising from impulse or sudden emotion rather than from thought or deliberation: The scientific approach to life is not really appropriate to states of visceral anguish (Anthony Burgess). See Synonyms at instinctive. vis\u00e2\u0080\u00b2cer\u00c2\u00b7al\u00c2\u00b7ly adv.","qid":1106007,"docid":"2672608","rank":34,"score":13.32064437866211},{"content":"Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word entrails. Princeton's WordNet(0.00 \/ 0 votes)Rate this definition: viscera, entrails, innards(noun) internal organs collectively (especially those in the abdominal cavity) `viscera' is the plural form of `viscus'.","qid":1106007,"docid":"1628793","rank":35,"score":12.09710693359375},{"content":"Heartburn and chest pain are manifestations of visceral pain. Visceral pain by definition means that it originates from the organs of the thorax, abdomen, and pelvis. Visceral pain is distinguished from somatic pain in that it is often diffuse and poorly localized.","qid":1106007,"docid":"3390428","rank":36,"score":12.190505027770996},{"content":"Raj PP. Visceral pain, which originates from organ tissues of the thorax, abdomen or pelvis, is generally perceived as a deep, dull and vague sensation; in most cases it cannot even be clearly described, being a sense of discomfort, malaise or oppression rather than real pain.aj PP. Visceral pain, which originates from organ tissues of the thorax, abdomen or pelvis, is generally perceived as a deep, dull and vague sensation; in most cases it cannot even be clearly described, being a sense of discomfort, malaise or oppression rather than real pain.","qid":1106007,"docid":"2798883","rank":37,"score":11.775424003601074},{"content":"Visceral: Referring to the viscera, the internal organs of the body, specifically those within the chest (as the heart or lungs) or abdomen (as the liver, pancreas or intestines). In a figurative sense, something visceral is felt deep down.. It is a gut feeling..","qid":1106007,"docid":"8521673","rank":38,"score":14.483070373535156},{"content":"Visceral pain. Visceral pain is pain that results from the activation of nociceptors of the thoracic, pelvic, or abdominal viscera (organs). Visceral structures are highly sensitive to distension (stretch), ischemia and inflammation, but relatively insensitive to other stimuli that normally evoke pain such as cutting or burning.","qid":1106007,"docid":"899467","rank":39,"score":12.83329963684082},{"content":"Define visceral: felt in or as if in the internal organs of the body : deep; not intellectual : instinctive, unreasoning \u00e2\u0080\u0094 visceral in a sentence","qid":1106007,"docid":"1334335","rank":40,"score":15.041669845581055},{"content":"Viscera definition, Anatomy, Zoology. the organs in the cavities of the body, especially those in the abdominal cavity. See more.","qid":1106007,"docid":"8199519","rank":41,"score":13.341991424560547},{"content":"Visceral pain comes from the organs or the blood vessels, which are not as extensively innervated, or supplied by, sensory nerves. Unlike somatic pain, visceral pain may feel dull and vague, and may be harder to pinpoint. Some common types of visceral pain include: Irritable bowel syndrome.","qid":1106007,"docid":"4382102","rank":42,"score":11.712547302246094},{"content":"visceral layer. Definitions: 1. the inner layer of an enveloping sac or bursa that lines the outer surface of the enveloped structure, as opposed to the parietal layer that lines the walls of the occupied space or cavity.he visceral layer is usually thin, delicate, and not apparently separate, but instead seems to be the outer surface of the structure itself. Synonyms: lamina visceralis. The definition information for visceral layer is provided by Stedman's.","qid":1106007,"docid":"2464373","rank":43,"score":12.925592422485352},{"content":"pertaining to the viscera or internal organs. Hence visceral afferents the components of the peripheral nervous system that carry information from the organs.The outgoing nerves to the viscera are the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves of the autonomic nervous system but are not usually known as visceral efferents.ence visceral afferents the components of the peripheral nervous system that carry information from the organs.","qid":1106007,"docid":"2866627","rank":44,"score":11.837308883666992},{"content":"Abdominal Viscera. The viscera of the abdomen proper include the stomach, intestine, liver and biliary system, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, ureters, and suprarenal glands.","qid":1106007,"docid":"3307286","rank":45,"score":11.63145923614502},{"content":"Internal human organs are also called viscera. Viscera refers to the internal organs in the chest, abdomen, and pelvis. Cooked offal, which is called viscera when inside the body.The term visceral reaction refers to something that is felt emotionally.View slideshow of images above.nternal human organs are also called viscera. Viscera refers to the internal organs in the chest, abdomen, and pelvis. Cooked offal, which is called viscera when inside the body.","qid":1106007,"docid":"2866630","rank":46,"score":12.238414764404297},{"content":"Viscera is defined as the internal human organs, particularly the intestines. An example of a viscera is the large intestine. the internal organs of the body, esp. of the thorax and abdomen, as the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, intestines, etc. 2 popularly the intestines.","qid":1106007,"docid":"5204539","rank":47,"score":12.041410446166992},{"content":"Definition of visceral. 1 1 : felt in or as if in the internal organs of the body : deep a visceral conviction. 2 2 : not intellectual : instinctive, unreasoning visceral drives. 3 3 : dealing with crude or elemental emotions : earthy a visceral novel. 4 : of, relating to, or located on or among the viscera : splanchnic visceral organs.","qid":1106007,"docid":"4173709","rank":48,"score":14.990715980529785},{"content":"Visceral pain is pain that results from the activation of nociceptors of the thoracic, pelvic, or abdominal viscera (organs). Visceral structures are highly sensitive to distension (stretch), ischemia and inflammation, but relatively insensitive to other stimuli that normally evoke pain such as cutting or burning.he phenomenon of referred pain is secondary to the convergence of visceral afferent (sensory) nerve fibers entering the spinal cord at the same level as the superficial, somatic structures experiencing the pain.","qid":1106007,"docid":"2798876","rank":49,"score":12.601604461669922},{"content":"Hence visceral afferents the components of the peripheral nervous system that carry information from the organs. The outgoing nerves to the viscera are the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves of the autonomic nervous system but are not usually known as visceral efferents.","qid":1106007,"docid":"5774817","rank":50,"score":11.92883586883545},{"content":"The word viscera comes from Latin, in which it has essentially the same meaning. Something visceral has to do with the viscera. In a more figurative sense, something visceral is felt deep down. Even in the early years of its use, visceral often referred to things emotional rather than physiological.","qid":1106007,"docid":"1334331","rank":51,"score":13.196593284606934},{"content":"Word Origin and History for visceral Expand. adj. 1570s, affecting inward feelings, from Middle French visc\u00c3\u00a9ral, from Medieval Latin visceralis internal, from Latin viscera, plural of viscus internal organ, of unknown origin. The bowels were regarded as the seat of emotion. The figurative sense vanished after 1640 and the literal sense is first recorded in 1794.","qid":1106007,"docid":"2960564","rank":52,"score":12.50616455078125},{"content":"Best Answer: It has two meanings. It can mean relating to the internal organs of your body (the visceral organs), or it can mean relating to deep emotional feelings that are separate from intellect. Visceral means, roughly, in the guts. The viscera are your internal organs. The word is Latin. So, if you have a visceral feeling, it means a feeling on the inside, in your internal organs; and usually this is referring to the guts (intestines). For instance, you have a gut feeling, something you feel inside you.","qid":1106007,"docid":"2960566","rank":53,"score":13.557876586914062},{"content":"Medical Definition of VISCERAL MUSCLE. : smooth muscle especially in visceral structures.edical Definition of VISCERAL MUSCLE. : smooth muscle especially in visceral structures.","qid":1106007,"docid":"5279699","rank":54,"score":13.400620460510254},{"content":"Visceral pleura Definition. It is a thin serous membrane tissue layer that sticks to the lung surface. It is the innermost of the two pleural membrane layers investing the lungs. It is also known by the name Pulmonary pleura.","qid":1106007,"docid":"420111","rank":55,"score":11.71092414855957},{"content":"A hollow organ is a visceral organ that forms a hollow tube, or pouch such as the stomach, intestine, or bladder. In the study of anatomy, the term viscus is used to refer to an internal organ, and viscera is the plural form. Seventy-nine organs have been scientifically validated in the human body. [medical citation needed","qid":1106007,"docid":"8199523","rank":56,"score":11.712886810302734},{"content":"Edited by Maria Adele Giamberardino. Visceral pain, or pain in the internal organs, is often quite difficult for the clinician to recognize promptly as its characteristics are often atypical and vary with time.","qid":1106007,"docid":"3530025","rank":57,"score":12.941255569458008},{"content":"In human anatomy, the term viscera means internal organs. It follows that visceral fat means fatty tissue around your internal organs. This is adipose tissue specifically located inside your peritoneal cavity (where your tummy is located), and around your internal organs (liver, intestines, stomach, etc).","qid":1106007,"docid":"2777111","rank":58,"score":11.91848087310791},{"content":"viscera (vis\u00cb\u0091\u00c2\u00b7er\u00c2\u00b7), n internal organs enclosed within the cavity of the body, such as the thoracic, abdominal, endocrine, and pelvic organs.","qid":1106007,"docid":"4004169","rank":59,"score":13.415739059448242},{"content":"Medical Definition of Visceral. Visceral: Referring to the viscera, the internal organs of the body, specifically those within the chest (as the heart or lungs) or abdomen (as the liver, pancreas or intestines). In a figurative sense, something visceral is felt deep down.. It is a gut feeling..","qid":1106007,"docid":"4173712","rank":60,"score":14.796272277832031},{"content":"visceral adjective (EMOTIONAL) \u00e2\u0080\u00ba 1 literary based on deep feeling and emotional reactions rather than on reason or thought: \u00e2\u0080\u00ba 2 specialized relating to the large organs inside the body, including the heart, stomach, lungs, and intestines. \u00e2\u0080\u00ba 3 based on emotional reactions rather than on reason or thought:","qid":1106007,"docid":"7685388","rank":61,"score":14.299750328063965},{"content":"Internal human organs are also called viscera. Viscera refers to the internal organs in the chest, abdomen, and pelvis. Cooked offal, which is called viscera when inside the body.The term visceral reaction refers to something that is felt emotionally.View slideshow of images above.iscera refers to the internal organs in the chest, abdomen, and pelvis. Cooked offal, which is called viscera when inside the body. The term visceral reaction refers to something that is felt emotionally. View slideshow of images above.","qid":1106007,"docid":"5204538","rank":62,"score":12.252703666687012},{"content":"Visceral fat (or \u00e2\u0080\u0098hidden fat\u00e2\u0080\u0099 as it is often referred to), is a different type of fat from other body fat. Also known as intra-abdominal fat, this fat lies deeper beneath the skin, and surrounds the body\u00e2\u0080\u0099s internal organs.isceral fat is more dangerous than normal body fat. The soft surface fat that shows in ripples and cellulite on your thighs, buttocks, and hips (the pear shape) may make you look bad in your swimsuit or shorts, but it is actually a lot less dangerous than deep visceral fat.","qid":1106007,"docid":"2384067","rank":63,"score":12.030516624450684},{"content":"The visceral layer is usually thin, delicate, and not apparent as being separate, but rather appears to be the outer surface of the structure itself. Synonym(s): lamina visceralis [TA] .he visceral layer is usually thin, delicate, and not apparent as being separate, but rather appears to be the outer surface of the structure itself. Synonym(s): lamina visceralis [TA] .","qid":1106007,"docid":"2464382","rank":64,"score":11.64041519165039},{"content":"Visceral fat is a specific type of fat that is found on the stomach, and goes by many other names 'your beer belly', 'spare tyre' or 'muffin top'.Whatever you call it though, it is one of the biggest banes for those trying to lose weight and is often the area where people most want to shift some weight.his is because visceral fat is the fat that is located inside the abdominal cavity packed between organs rather than underneath the skin (subcutaneous fat) and this fat will release acids that are metabolized by the liver and which can cause insulin resistance in the liver.","qid":1106007,"docid":"701605","rank":65,"score":11.713272094726562},{"content":"As compared to somatic pain, visceral pain is dull and poorly localized. And it is referred to mid line. As compared to somatic where muscle tenderness is observes, in visceral pain reflex sweating, salivation, nausea, vomiting and increased heart rate may be observed. Colic is one form of visceral pain that could be due to intestinal obstruction, passage of gallstones in biliary ducts, or passage of stone in the ureter.","qid":1106007,"docid":"8141084","rank":66,"score":11.713010787963867},{"content":"Visceral Pain. Visceral pain is the pain we feel when our internal organs are damaged or injured and is by far the most common form of pain. Viscera refers to the internal areas of the body that are enclosed in a cavity. Visceral pain is caused by the activation of pain receptors in the chest, abdomen or pelvic areas.t is much more subjective and not easily described as acute pain. The three pain types can be felt at the same time or singly and at different times. The different types of pain respond differently to the various pain medications. Somatic and visceral pain are easier to treat than neuropathic pain.","qid":1106007,"docid":"6282108","rank":67,"score":12.633350372314453},{"content":"Visceral pain is a type of nociceptive pain that comes from the internal organs. As with somatic pain, pain receptors called nociceptors send signals to the spinal cord and brain when damage is detected. Unlike somatic pain, however, visceral pain is harder to pinpoint in terms of location within the body. Some types of pelvic pain and abdominal pain, such as those caused by bladder disorders or irritable bowel syndrome, are considered to be visceral pain disorders.","qid":1106007,"docid":"899468","rank":68,"score":12.649194717407227},{"content":"Visceral pain is often described as generalized aching or squeezing. It is caused by compression in and around the organs, or by stretching of the abdominal cavity. Sometimes visceral pain may radiate to other areas in the body, making it even harder to pinpoint its exact location.","qid":1106007,"docid":"899461","rank":69,"score":12.579339981079102},{"content":"Definition of Visceral. Visceral: Referring to the viscera, the internal organs of the body, specifically those within the chest (as the heart or lungs) or abdomen (as the liver, pancreas or intestines). Search MedTerms:","qid":1106007,"docid":"2960558","rank":70,"score":15.072999954223633},{"content":"\u00e2\u0080\u0098Alternatively cerebral and visceral, it's not easy listening, but is posesssed of a restless, elemental energy.\u00e2\u0080\u0099 \u00e2\u0080\u0098The film illustrates this shift in consciousness with a visceral ferocity.\u00e2\u0080\u0099 \u00e2\u0080\u0098Were you ever tempted to beef things up to create a visceral, rather than emotional reaction?\u00e2\u0080\u0099","qid":1106007,"docid":"8199524","rank":71,"score":12.429874420166016},{"content":"The term visceral is contrasted with the term parietal, meaning of or relating to the wall of a body part, organ or cavity. The two terms are often used in describing a membrane or piece of connective tissue, referring to the opposing sides.","qid":1106007,"docid":"4004173","rank":72,"score":12.790481567382812},{"content":"Visceral Muscle Tissue. Visceral muscle tissue, or smooth muscle, is tissue associated with the internal organs of the body, especially those in the abdominal cavity.There are three types of muscle in the body: skeletal, smooth, and cardiac.s with any muscle, the smooth, involuntary muscles of the visceral muscle tissue (which lines the blood vessels, stomach, digestive tract, and other internal organs) are composed of bundles of specialized cells capable of contraction and relaxation to create movement. If one...","qid":1106007,"docid":"5279697","rank":73,"score":11.72342300415039},{"content":"Definition of 'visceral'. visceral (v\u00c9\u00aas\u00c9\u0099r\u00c9\u0099l ) Visceral feelings are feelings that you feel very deeply and find it difficult to control or ignore, and that are not the result of thought. I never overcame a visceral antipathy for the monarchy. ...the sheer visceral joy of being alive.","qid":1106007,"docid":"8204457","rank":74,"score":14.86932373046875},{"content":"When something's visceral, you feel it in your guts. A visceral feeling is intuitive \u00e2\u0080\u0094 there might not be a rational explanation, but you feel that you know what's best, like your visceral reaction against egg salad. Your hatred of mice may not be rational, but it is visceral, and every time you see one, you feel like you're going to faint.","qid":1106007,"docid":"2960561","rank":75,"score":12.925973892211914},{"content":"Visceral pain is the pain, which occurs in the region of the trunk of the body that includes the lungs, heart, abdominal and pelvic organs. Some of the examples of visceral pain consist of: Chronic chest pain, appendicitis, diverticulitis, gallstones and pelvic pain. About 25% of the total population suffers from visceral pain. Visceral pain when compared to somatic pain is harder to pinpoint in regards to its location in the body.","qid":1106007,"docid":"8141089","rank":76,"score":12.597356796264648},{"content":"vis\u00c2\u00b7cer\u00c2\u00b7al lay\u00c2\u00b7er. The inner layer of an enveloping sac or bursa, which covers the outer surface of the enveloped structure, as opposed to the parietal layer, which lines the walls of the occupied space or cavity.he visceral layer is usually thin, delicate, and not apparent as being separate, but rather appears to be the outer surface of the structure itself. Synonym(s): lamina visceralis [TA] .","qid":1106007,"docid":"2464376","rank":77,"score":12.343915939331055},{"content":"Definition of abdomen. 1 : the part of the body between the thorax and the pelvis; also : the cavity of this part of the trunk containing the chief viscera.","qid":1106007,"docid":"610299","rank":78,"score":11.741440773010254},{"content":": the temperature deep within a living body (as in the viscera).","qid":1106007,"docid":"1771176","rank":79,"score":11.763629913330078},{"content":"In my opinion the best way to distinguish between these terms is to recognize that visceral reactions IS a type of deep emotional reaction, the other variant being a deep cerebral emotional reaction. I do not agree with the notion that emotional responses are always non-intellectual. This is a misleading notion.","qid":1106007,"docid":"5780391","rank":80,"score":11.722829818725586},{"content":"Anatomy, Zoology. the organs in the cavities of the body, especially those in the abdominal cavity. 2. (not used scientifically) the intestines; bowels. Origin of viscera. 1645-1655. 1645-55; < Latin: internal organs, plural of viscus flesh.","qid":1106007,"docid":"550999","rank":81,"score":11.784080505371094},{"content":"Top definition. visceral. Lotus Exige. Of, relating to, or arising from one's mental or spiritual being: inner, interior, internal, intimate, inward. Slang gut. See body. Derived from or prompted by a natural tendency or impulse: instinctive, instinctual, intuitive. Riding in the Lotus Exige can only be described as a Visceral experiance.","qid":1106007,"docid":"7685382","rank":82,"score":13.510183334350586},{"content":"visceral 1570s, affecting inward feelings, from M.Fr. visc\u00c3\u00a9ral, from M.L. visceralis internal, from L. viscera, pl. of viscus internal organ, of unknown origin. The bowels were regarded as the seat of emotion. The figurative sense vanished after 1640 and the literal sense is first recorded in 1794.","qid":1106007,"docid":"4004170","rank":83,"score":12.338274002075195},{"content":"Visceral pain is pain that results from the activation of nociceptors of the thoracic, pelvic, or abdominal viscera (organs). Visceral structures are highly sensitive to distension (stretch), ischemia and inflammation, but relatively insensitive to other stimuli that normally evoke pain such as cutting or burning.Visceral pain is diffuse, difficult to localize and often referred to a distant, usually superficial, structure.It may be accompanied by symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, changes in vital signs as well as emotional manifestations. The pain may be described as sickening, deep, squeezing, and dull.isceral structures are highly sensitive to distension (stretch), ischemia and inflammation, but relatively insensitive to other stimuli that normally evoke pain such as cutting or burning. Visceral pain is diffuse, difficult to localize and often referred to a distant, usually superficial, structure.","qid":1106007,"docid":"6282110","rank":84,"score":12.776870727539062},{"content":"Viscera: The internal organs of the body, specifically those within the chest (as the heart or lungs) or abdomen (as the liver, pancreas or intestines).The singular of viscera is viscus meaning in Latin an organ of the body..iscera: The internal organs of the body, specifically those within the chest (as the heart or lungs) or abdomen (as the liver, pancreas or intestines).","qid":1106007,"docid":"5204537","rank":85,"score":13.342240333557129},{"content":"Definition of visceral. 1 1 : felt in or as if in the internal organs of the body : deep a visceral conviction. 2 2 : not intellectual : instinctive, unreasoning visceral drives. 3 3 : dealing with crude or elemental emotions : earthy a visceral novel. 4 4 : of, relating to, or located on or among the viscera : splanchnic visceral organs.","qid":1106007,"docid":"1334328","rank":86,"score":14.991025924682617},{"content":"Visceral fat is technically excess intra-abdominal adipose tissue accumulation. In other words, it\u00e2\u0080\u0099s known as a \u00e2\u0080\u009cdeep\u00e2\u0080\u009d fat that\u00e2\u0080\u0099s stored further underneath the skin than \u00e2\u0080\u009csubcutaneous\u00e2\u0080\u009d belly fat. It\u00e2\u0080\u0099s a form of gel-like fat that\u00e2\u0080\u0099s actually wrapped around major organs, including the liver, pancreas and kidneys.","qid":1106007,"docid":"4173707","rank":87,"score":12.135671615600586},{"content":"By Justin Williamson | Weight Loss | Rating: Visceral fat is a specific type of fat that is found on the stomach, and goes by many other names 'your beer belly', 'spare tyre' or 'muffin top'.Whatever you call it though, it is one of the biggest banes for those trying to lose weight and is often the area where people most want to shift some weight.his is because visceral fat is the fat that is located inside the abdominal cavity packed between organs rather than underneath the skin (subcutaneous fat) and this fat will release acids that are metabolized by the liver and which can cause insulin resistance in the liver.","qid":1106007,"docid":"2384068","rank":88,"score":11.799919128417969},{"content":"The visceral layer is usually thin, delicate, and not apparent as being separate, but rather appears to be the outer surface of the structure itself. Synonym(s): lamina visceralis [TA] .","qid":1106007,"docid":"4781867","rank":89,"score":11.869226455688477},{"content":"visceral nervous system, the visceral part of the peripheral nervous system that comprises the whole complex of nerves, fibers, ganglia, and plexuses by which impulses travel from the central nervous system to the viscera and from the viscera to the central nervous system.","qid":1106007,"docid":"2513609","rank":90,"score":12.06572151184082},{"content":"Visceral artery disease. Description. Visceral artery disease is the narrowing of the arteries that supply blood to the intestines, spleen and liver. The narrowing, caused by atherosclerosis, results in a reduction in blood-flow to these organs. Atherosclerosis is the hardening of the arteries due to the build-up of plaque, fatty deposits that adhere to the artery wall.","qid":1106007,"docid":"4173704","rank":91,"score":11.751731872558594},{"content":"They are definitely in the same semantic wheelhouse. Visceral is related to the word viscera meaning the inner guts of your body. So it pertains to something that comes from your gut, your body, your physical inner parts.","qid":1106007,"docid":"5780388","rank":92,"score":12.348163604736328},{"content":"A viscero-visceral reflex is a reflex in which stimulation of visceral receptors results in activation of visceral motor phenomena.","qid":1106007,"docid":"4089153","rank":93,"score":12.80453109741211},{"content":"Medical Definition of Viscus. Viscus: An internal organ of the body, specifically one within the chest (as the heart or lungs) or abdomen (as the liver, pancreas or intestines). Viscus is the Latin word for an organ of the body.. The plural of viscus is viscera..","qid":1106007,"docid":"1294320","rank":94,"score":12.294720649719238},{"content":"visceral pertaining to the viscera or internal organs. Hence visceral afferents the components of the peripheral nervous system that carry information from the organs. The outgoing nerves to the viscera are the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves of the autonomic nervous system but are not usually known as visceral efferents. visceral pertaining to a viscus.","qid":1106007,"docid":"8199521","rank":95,"score":12.571663856506348},{"content":"The visceral layer is usually thin, delicate, and not apparently separate, but instead seems to be the outer surface of the structure itself. See also: serosa.he visceral layer is usually thin, delicate, and not apparent as being separate, but rather appears to be the outer surface of the structure itself. Synonym(s): lamina visceralis [TA] .","qid":1106007,"docid":"2464379","rank":96,"score":11.924417495727539},{"content":"The term visceral is contrasted with the term parietal , meaning of or relating to the wall of a body part, organ or cavity. The two terms are often used in describing a membrane or piece of connective tissue, referring to the opposing sides. hollow organ is a visceral organ that forms a hollow tube or pouch, such as the stomach or intestine, or that includes a cavity, like the heart or urinary bladder.","qid":1106007,"docid":"5204544","rank":97,"score":12.74185848236084},{"content":"1. Relating to, situated in, or affecting the viscera. 2. Being or arising from impulse or sudden emotion rather than from thought or deliberation: The scientific approach to life is not really appropriate to states of visceral anguish (Anthony Burgess).","qid":1106007,"docid":"5774818","rank":98,"score":14.348367691040039},{"content":"vis\u00c2\u00b7cer\u00c2\u00b7al lay\u00c2\u00b7er. The inner layer of an enveloping sac or bursa, which covers the outer surface of the enveloped structure, as opposed to the parietal layer, which lines the walls of the occupied space or cavity.","qid":1106007,"docid":"4781861","rank":99,"score":11.870721817016602},{"content":"Visceral: Referring to the viscera, the internal organs of the body, specifically those within the chest (as the heart or lungs) or abdomen (as the liver, pancreas or intestines).In a figurative sense, something visceral is felt deep down.. It is a gut feeling..isceral: Referring to the viscera, the internal organs of the body, specifically those within the chest (as the heart or lungs) or abdomen (as the liver, pancreas or intestines).","qid":1106007,"docid":"2464375","rank":100,"score":14.323171615600586}]}